
Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

Students are often asked to write an essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time


Free time is when you can indulge in activities that you love. It’s a time to relax, explore, and grow.

Reading Books

I love reading books in my free time. They take me to different worlds and help me learn new things.

Playing Sports

Playing sports is another activity I enjoy. It keeps me fit and teaches me teamwork.

Free time is precious. It’s important to spend it on activities that make you happy and help you grow as a person.

250 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

Reading and learning.

One of the ways I spend my free time is through reading. Books offer a wealth of knowledge, insights, and perspectives that can be transformative. They serve as a window to different cultures, philosophies, and scientific advancements, fostering intellectual growth.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is another essential aspect of my leisure time. Engaging in regular exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or a gym workout, helps maintain physical health and boosts mental well-being. It’s a great way to de-stress and rejuvenate.

Creative Pursuits

Creativity also plays a significant role in my free time. Whether it’s painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument, these activities provide an outlet for self-expression and innovation. They can be therapeutic, fulfilling, and contribute to personal development.

Social Engagement

Lastly, I value social interactions. Spending quality time with family and friends, participating in community activities, or volunteering for a cause can foster a sense of belonging, enhance interpersonal skills, and contribute to societal well-being.

In conclusion, the manner in which we spend our free time can greatly influence our overall quality of life. For me, a balance between intellectual stimulation, physical activity, creative expression, and social engagement serves as an ideal way to utilize this precious time.

500 Words Essay on What Do You Do in Your Free Time

The power of reading.

One of my favorite pastimes is reading. Whether it’s a classic novel, a scientific paper, or a thought-provoking article, reading is an activity that stimulates my mind and broadens my understanding of the world. It is an escape from the routine and a journey into the minds of others. Reading allows me to explore different perspectives, improving my empathy and understanding of diverse cultures and ideologies.

Engaging in Physical Activities

Physical activity is another essential component of my leisure time. Whether it’s jogging in the park, participating in a yoga class, or playing a game of soccer with friends, physical activity provides a much-needed break from the sedentary nature of academic life. It not only keeps me physically fit but also improves my mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. Physical activity is a form of active relaxation that allows me to rejuvenate and prepare for the next bout of focused work.

Volunteering and Social Engagement

Volunteering is another activity that occupies my free time. By helping others, I not only contribute to my community but also gain a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Whether it’s tutoring underprivileged children, participating in a neighborhood cleanup, or supporting a local charity, volunteering fosters a sense of community and interconnectedness.

In conclusion, free time is a valuable resource that offers a respite from the demands of academic life. It provides an opportunity to engage in activities that enrich our lives, broaden our perspectives, and contribute to our well-being. Whether it’s reading, physical activity, creative pursuits, or volunteering, what we do in our free time shapes our identity, values, and character. It’s important to use this time wisely, pursuing activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and personal growth.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Free time essay

Free time essay 7 models

Free time essay  contains many important information about how to use leisure time and the importance of time and things that we can accomplish in leisure time to get the most out of it. All that information you’ll find here in free time essay.

Free time essay

There is no doubt that everyone has a free time daily, weekly or monthly, but we must use this time to develop ourselves and do not waste it in vain. All this will be found here in free time essay .

Leisure time

D uring life, man needs to spend many times in carrying out the necessary tasks required of him to implement them. After completing these works, he has leisure time, ranging from one person to another depending on the different situations and actions that people do in their day and night.

Leisure is a real blessing for those who use it well.  It is a vengeance for those who live in a messy life, filled with illiteracy, a life that destroys the man and makes him live into misery.

The first step in investing leisure time in the right way is to define a goal or a set of clearly defined goals that a person seeks to achieve during his life.

These goals are the main motive that drives the person to set priorities to build his character, organize his time, exploit his abilities, and so on, Which ultimately makes it possible to view leisure as a blessing, not just a time to be filled with any activity.

Man must also use his free time to practice his hobbies and set a schedule for these hobbies at this time. The hobbies keep people away from bad companions, and the different kinds of deviations that may destroy the human, and hinder him from completing his life, and wasting his time in vain.

Taking care of the spiritual aspects, and trying to use leisure time to develop these aspects is the best way to exploit leisure time.

Attention to these aspects helps the human to rise and achieve the highest human grades. It is also necessary to pay attention in leisure time to the social aspects that need to be followed, especially that man is a social being by nature.

Free Time Essay in English

I like to use my spare time to do the work and the planned goals. I always use the method of writing, whether for my future desires, or the goals I expect to achieve. This helps me a lot in progressing and getting good results, whether in personal life or in studies.

When I set plans and goals, I cannot be easily distracted, and all that is required is to see my goals and strive to achieve them, according to the time period required to achieve this goal. I can say that I plan my free time in three stages.

The first stage

Setting quick goals, such as cleaning my room, buying clothes, going to the library, in the first stage I put everything that is simple and requires a short time such as hours or only one day.

The second stage

In the second stage, I set goals that require me more time, such as participating in a competition that requires work for a week or a month, or participating in a social activity that requires a long time.

The third stage

In the third stage I set my big goals such as saving money to buy a car, working to save money first, looking for opportunities for self-development and self-improvement such as learning a new foreign language, participating in hobbies that require continuous work such as theater art, or playing an instrument.

Therefore, I always spend my free time as planned and rarely improvise and deviate from the system that I love to live through.

My free time essay

Of course, my free time at this age has become more important, and I am organizing my time, setting goals and plans, and making a short, medium and long study of how to spend my free time, so that I can enjoy beside learning some new things.

So that I can return to study stronger and more experienced. I have an ambition to become a doctor, and in order to achieve this dream, I must strive and struggle and organize my spare time, whether to learn some new lessons or to learn some manual skills that may benefit me in the future.

So I put in my short goals to visit relatives, go out for a walk and do some sports to release negative energy. And in the medium goals I put going to the library at the end of the week to retrieve a book and get a new book, participate in a one-month educational course, learn a new language or focus on learning some quick skills

In long missions, I put training in the use of sensitive and precise tools, such as sharp tools used in surgeries. I like to practice using the scalpel in slicing the thin layer on the grapes. This helps me a lot in practicing the accuracy of my hand.

Of course, this dream did not come true, and I will not become a doctor now, but any dream begins with believing in it. So I devote my free time to benefit from it and learn useful things that may benefit me in the future.

Essay about free time

Leisure time is a favorite of many people, and it can be said that each person has his own nature to spend free time as he likes.

There are those who like to go out and celebrate or share some activities with their friends, or sit at home and sleep or do some quiet and simple things.

After long days of effort in studying, each person needs some requirements that make him regain his energy and feel better.

Activities I do in my spare time

1- Take a little walk alone in the early morning, jog a little, sit in the garden and watch the birds and the life that goes by and walks around me.

2- Touring the shops and seeing some new goods that I might want to buy.

3- Walking around in the evening with my friends, eating meals and soft drinks, talking and having a little fun.

In the event that any volunteer work appears in the area, I would very much like to participate in it and get to know some new people and talk to them, such as simple work cleaning gardens, cleaning the neighborhood in which we live, going to a nursing home for the elderly, going to the children’s hospital.

Such activities I like to do very much beside my normal life that I live so that I can appreciate life and know the blessings that I have and appreciate them and thank God for them.

Free time and hobbies essay

Free time is one of the favorite times for all students and they love to spend happy times and do some hobbies, whether sports or entertainment. Where the free time in the holidays comes after a long semester, it requires them to focus and diligence, prepare a lot of homework, and undergo many tests that stress and make them anxious for a long time.

Therefore, the student’s free time represents the opportunity to rejuvenate his activity, charge his body with energy, and release all the negative energy inside him. It is a good opportunity to relax and spend some time practicing hobbies.

Personally, I like to jog and play soccer. All the games that require long-distance running and the release of great energy. This helps me release the negative energy inside me and renews my activity and vitality.

I also like to go out in the evening, take a walk, and play electronic games with my friends, in order to relieve myself a little and feel a little relaxation that takes me away from stress and tension.

This is how I spend my free time and this helps me a lot. There may be other people who prefer different types of mathematics, but this is my favorite and I like to practice it a lot.

Free time paragraph in English

It is wonderful that there is free time away from study and constant mental effort. I often feel that the holidays and the free time I spend playing sports, or playing some electronic games have come in their time, and that I need to relax and stop thinking, even for a little bit.

It also allows us to return to society, mingle and learn some things away from constant study, go out for a walk and smell some fresh air, make friends, and live normally for some time before returning to study and strive for self-realization in this aspect.

So I enjoy a lot when my free time comes, whether in sports or outing and making new friends, or just playing electronic games, that’s how I spend my free time.

What do you do in your free time essay

In my spare time, I like to organize my day from morning to evening. In the morning, after waking up and having breakfast with my family members, I like to sit a little in the living room with my family members and watch any series or morning program, and talk to each other a little bit until the afternoon period comes.

Then, I get ready to go out to play football, I like to play this sport a lot with my team and friends, we keep playing and training until the early evening.

After that I go home and sit for a little while until 8 in the evening and then I go out for a walk with my friends. I am very happy with that because I learn from them many things that help me increase my confidence in myself, and I also learn things that help define my identity.

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Hobbies Essay: 80 Topics, 2 Examples, & My Hobby Essay Outline

The picture provides introductory information about a hobby essay.

Do you need to write a perfect leisure time essay?

It is an exciting topic – you can write about the things you are genuinely interested in! Try to think about what makes you feel inspired and share it with your readers. We will show you how to prepare a worthy paper in this article. You will find a hobbies essay writing guide, some topics on hobbies, and essay samples in the end.

  • 🗂️ Hobby Essay Writing Guide

🧙 80 Hobby Essay Topics

✅ my hobby essay outline, 📔 hobby essay examples, 🗂️ hobby essay: 3 writing rules.

Here we will give some advice and discuss common mistakes in a “My hobbies” essay.

Follow these rules to prepare your paper wisely.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#1 Choose the Topic

First of all, you need to ensure that the hobby essay title you chose is appropriate to your paper’s length. If it is a short 100-word or 150-word essay, you can pick a simple topic. The longer the paper, the more complex issue you need. It also depends on your level of studies: high school and college paper topics have different requirements.

Your paper might also require some scientific research. In this case, look for a topic on which you can find enough information. Don’t be afraid to change or adjust the focus if you can’t find sufficient materials.

Use our amazing free essay topic generator to get the best topic!

If your instructor gave a list of topics, choose the one that interests you the most. You can also make a shortlist before you pick the most suitable title.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#2 Plan before Writing

Create a list of the essential points of your hobbies essay. Planning is vital as every paper needs a structure. Otherwise, you just might end up worshiping your hobby. This is the number one mistake.

Your outline should consist of three main parts:

  • Introduction. You need to state your topic and describe what the paper is about.
  • Body. Develop your arguments or narrative and provide evidence if necessary.
  • Conclusion. Summarize the information you provided in the previous paragraphs.

Find rare aspects of your hobby. They can include equipment, locations, your achievements, and inspiration, etc.

If your hobby is rather popular, share a unique story connected with it.

Essay on Hobbies Rule#3 Filter What You Say

The first thing you should remember: be as objective as possible. No matter how much you love your hobbies, you better stick to the facts. All the information you provide should be unbiased and reliable.

How can you do it?

  • Make references. Statistics, facts, and all other data will support your statements.
  • Pay attention to vocabulary. You can use jargon and specific terminology as long as it has explanations. Avoid emotional words such as “very,” “terrible,” “awesome.”
  • Don’t use reductions. As for academic writing, it is better to choose full forms.
  • Show opposing points of view. To stay objective, indicate that your ideas have counterarguments.
  • Check English grammar and spelling . Literacy is a must-have for any academic paper.

The picture contains 5 key rules of writing an essay about hobbies.

You can discuss one of these essay topics in your paper:

  • What is the hobby you dream of taking up?
  • Are active or passive hobbies better for children to develop properly?
  • Woodstock: An important event for those who have music as their hobby.
  • How much time do you devote to your hobbies and interests?
  • Reading as a family hobby.
  • Should a hobby be affordable or require extra spending?
  • Hobbies in ancient Rome: The importance of games and baths.
  • Who or what inspired you to take up a new hobby?
  • What equipment do you need for your hobby?
  • Art as a hobby in the UK: Why it is worth supporting.
  • Is it essential for a person to have a hobby?
  • Is there a childhood hobby that you gave up?
  • Sociology of music: What music means in our life.
  • How many hobbies can a person have?
  • What is your favorite hobby that you genuinely enjoy?
  • Did your parents force you to choose your leisure time activities?
  • What hobbies should you include in your resume?
  • Folk music as a hobby.
  • What is the right age to take up drawing?
  • Gambling as a controversial hobby.
  • Is it possible for a person not to have any hobbies?
  • Sports as a hobby: Fan habits and behaviors on a game day.
  • What is the most important lesson your hobby has taught you?
  • Japanese manga and anime: A popular hobby worldwide.
  • Which hobbies can you take up with a low budget?
  • Rock music as a hobby.
  • What hobby is the most popular in the United States?
  • How can you define the word “hobby”?
  • Game of Thrones: A proof of why watching TV can be a legitimate hobby.
  • Can singing be your hobby if you are not talented?
  • When can you say that activity became your hobby?
  • Music as a hobby: Its influence on the mind.
  • Who has the most exciting hobby in your family?
  • Why do people choose extreme or dangerous hobbies?
  • What are the benefits of reading books?
  • How to help a kid to pick their hobby?
  • Yoga as a stress-reducing hobby.
  • What should you do if you are no longer interested in your hobby?
  • Is it essential to achieve something in your hobby?
  • Music technology: Effects on professional and amateur musicians.
  • Can your hobby become a profession?
  • How can you define that a hobby is not suitable for you?
  • Graffiti as a hobby and an art form.
  • How to choose your hobby if you are interested in too many things?
  • Is gardening a hobby or a duty?
  • Teenage gaming: Balancing between an innocent hobby and addiction.
  • What free time activities are the most common among high school students?
  • What is your favorite family free time activity?
  • Video games: Are they an appropriate hobby for children?
  • Why do people lose interest in their hobbies over time?
  • What are the differences between sports as a profession and as a hobby?
  • What are the benefits of team sports such as basketball?
  • What hobbies have you already tried?
  • Do you prefer participating in your hobbies alone or with other people?
  • Is gaming an appropriate hobby for the elderly?
  • What hobbies, in your opinion, are the most expensive?
  • Violent video games: A hobby causing behavior problems.
  • Did you enjoy your hobby when you first tried it?
  • Music, media, and culture: Influence on behavior.
  • How can a hobby be helpful in your career?
  • Video games as a hobby producing cognitive benefits.
  • Is volunteering an unpaid job or a hobby?
  • Music as a hobby: Personality traits and music preferences.
  • Have your hobbies ever interfered with your studies?
  • Toys and games as important activities for children’s gender socialization.
  • What hobbies are harmful to human health?
  • Online games: Are they a suitable hobby for children or adults?
  • Is taking up a new hobby stressful for you?
  • The importance of music as a hobby.
  • How much money do you spend on your hobby?
  • Video games: A hobby with controversial effects.
  • Do you want to devote more time to your hobby?
  • Hip hop music as a hobby.
  • Have you ever inspired anyone to take up your hobby?
  • Music as a popular hoppy among Americans.
  • How do your hobbies help you in life?
  • Heavy metal music as a hobby: Gender differences.
  • Who is your role model in your hobby?
  • Leisure satisfaction in school teachers in Taiwan.
  • Does sharing a hobby make people better friends?

Writing an essay about your hobby is so exciting! If you don’t know where to start or how to organize your ideas, consider the following outline we’ve prepared to guide you.

Start your essay with an intriguing hook in the form of an anecdote or a question related to your hobby. Then, briefly introduce your hobby and include a thesis statement indicating its significance in your life.
. Describe how you got into this activity, what drew you to it, and how you progressed in this hobby. . Dwell on how this hobby benefits you physically, mentally, emotionally, or socially. . Focus on the difficulties you have faced in your hobby and the actions you have taken to overcome them. . Explain how your hobby has influenced your personality, worldview, and relationships with people.
In the end, restate the thesis about the significance of the hobby and add a closing statement to make a good final impression.

And here are some short hobby essay examples for you. Read them to find inspiration. Pay attention to the structure and use them as a reference to your paper.

Let’s start!

Free Time Activities Essay

Each person needs to change their activities. If you have a sedentary job or study a lot, it is great to do some sports. If you move too much, you can enjoy reading a book in a quiet place. People need free time activities to make their lifestyle more enjoyable, healthy and get to know themselves better. First of all, having a hobby creates new experiences for you. Any kind of free time activity develops new skills and teaches you something new. It is excellent to know that you do something for yourself just for pleasure and new emotions. You can also find new friends, visit new places, and participate in events just because you have a hobby. For example, you like running. You can do it alone or join a local community. There are also plenty of amateur competitions that take place in different locations. Hobbies are beneficial for both your mental and physical health. They help you to keep your life in balance. Lacking movement in your daily life means you can compensate for it with sports. If you work from home and don’t communicate with people, you can sign up for group classes. Also, hobbies that require effort make your character more vigorous and more resistant to difficulties. When you spend your free time the way you like it, you become more self-aware. Knowing yourself means that you discover your strengths and weaknesses and understand your preferences better. You know what you are capable of now and what you need to learn to do. It is great to have a hobby to participate in different activities and enrich your life experience with new skills, places, and people. Hobbies also keep you healthy. Free-time activities are crucial for understanding your self-worth, motivations, and strong and weak spots.

My Favorite Hobby Essay

As for a high school student, my hobby might seem untypical. I design custom clothes for my family and peers. I am a seventeen-year-old boy who knows how to sew an evening dress for my mother or to create a tailored suit for any event. I chose this hobby as I was always interested in fashion, I am good at drawing and sketching, and my progress motivates me. It was always curious looking at people on the street when I was a kid. I noticed patterns, silhouettes, and various combinations. I knew some were good, some didn’t suit people, and some were just outdated. That was the moment when I started to notice the difference between fashion and style. Later, I watched fashion shows and educational YouTube videos. It is my dream to own a fashion brand, so I also paid attention to the business part of the process. Sketching clothes is the first step to their creation. I am a good drawer, so there is no problem showing all of my design ideas on paper. You just need a lot of practice. I needed to hone my skills to make proportions and colors seem as natural as possible. I also try to memorize how people look and draw them when I have an opportunity. I own more than twenty sketchbooks full of ideas and inspiration. The more ideas I generate, the easier it becomes. When I see my old sketches or pieces of clothing that I created, I can notice how much I’ve improved. Hard work and knowledge can make your goals achievable. If I don’t know something, I just search for it on the Internet and try it. Maybe you will need to try more than once, but eventually, I can see the result I want. Fashion is one of my greatest passions. That is why I never hesitate to spend some extra money or effort to create something new. I never regretted choosing fashion over any other hobbies because I always knew I was doing what was suitable for me. I know I developed my taste, drawing skills, and persistence because of this hobby. I hope one day it becomes a profession. My dream is to use all my skills and knowledge to create something people will like to wear.
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A- Study the following paragraph writing examples

Activities i do when i feel bored.

There are a lot of activities I do when I feel bored. Firstly, I like to practice sports. Sometimes, I play football with my friends outside. At other times, I just stay home playing table tennis with my two brothers. Secondly, when I don’t want to practice anything, I just turn on my laptop and watch some episodes of my favourite series. Thirdly, I sometimes like to read different kinds of books. To sum up, I rarely feel bored at home, but when I do, I have so many options to kill my boredom.

My Free Time Activities

When I have some free time I usually love entertaining myself. I love watching TV, but what I love most is watching movies. In fact, I like almost all kinds of movies such as action, comedy, and romance. Also, I enjoy watching shows and series such as Games of Thrones and Breaking Bad. In addition, I enjoy listening to music because it makes me feel comfortable and relaxed. Sometimes, I enjoy listening to rock music and at other times classic music. Yet, I am really a big fan of Michael Jackson and Eminem. Finally, what I like to do in my spare time is go on picnics. There are many beautiful places in my country to visit, such as mountains, forests, and beaches. All in all, these are the activities I prefer to do for leisure.

Important Synonyms:

  • Free time:   leisure;  spare time;
  • kinds  :   types;  
  • I am big fan of Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson is my favourite singer.
  • kill my boredom : get rid of my boredom
  • such as : like;
  • relaxed  : calm

Following the examples above and using the given synonyms, develop the following topic sentences to write complete paragraphs

I usually enjoy my free time with different activities. First, ………………………………………

Suggested ideas :

  • Check my social media accounts
  • Hang out with my friends.
  • Play video games
  • Surf on the net

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Free Time Activities for Children should be Decided and Organized by Parents - IELTS Essay

Free Time Activities for Children should be Decided and Organized by Parents - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

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Model Essay 1

The discourse surrounding whether parents should orchestrate their children's leisure pursuits or leave them to their own devices straddles the fine line between supervision and freedom. Advocating for a nuanced stance, this essay will delve into the merits of parental planning for comprehensive growth and the significance of autonomy in fostering creativity and independence in children.

Proponents of parental involvement argue that structured activities are crucial for the holistic development of a child. By selecting and organizing their children's free time, parents can introduce them to a diverse array of interests, ensuring they gain exposure to both educational and physical activities. For instance, enrolling a child in music lessons or sports not only cultivates their talents but also instills discipline and teamwork. This structured approach guarantees that children engage in beneficial pastimes, rather than defaulting to passive entertainment such as screen time, which is often criticized for hampering social skills and physical health.

Conversely, allowing children the liberty to choose their free-time activities is championed for nurturing their decision-making skills and personal interests. When children are free to explore activities of their choosing, they develop a sense of independence and self-awareness. This autonomy in play is linked to enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills, as children learn to entertain themselves and navigate their preferences without direct oversight. Such unstructured playtime can lead to the discovery of passions and talents that structured activities might overlook, highlighting the significance of personal choice in childhood development.

In conclusion, the merits of parental involvement and the value of self-directed play are both pivotal, advocating for a balanced approach. This ensures children develop holistically, blending structured activities with the freedom to explore, thus fostering a well-rounded and independent character.

Model Essay 2

Debating whether children's leisure time should be orchestrated by parents or left to their own volition highlights a crucial balance between supervision and freedom. This essay aims to dissect the merits of guided parental involvement and the significant growth stemming from unstructured play, proposing a synthesis that cultivates both structured development and personal autonomy.

Structured activities curated by parents ensure that children's time is spent in a manner that is both productive and conducive to their developmental needs, fostering skills not just for today but for future endeavors. For example, enrolling a child in a chess club can sharpen their strategic thinking and patience, virtues not easily cultivated through free play. This perspective underscores the belief that parental intervention is essential in molding well-rounded individuals capable of thriving in a structured society. Moreover, such activities can provide a safe and supportive environment for learning new skills, offering a scaffolded approach to tackling life's challenges, while also instilling a sense of discipline and focus that are invaluable in academic and personal growth.

On the flip side, the freedom for children to select their own activities is invaluable for fostering self-reliance and creativity, crucial traits for the innovators and leaders of tomorrow. When left to their own devices, children often engage in imaginative play, a critical component of cognitive development. This type of play allows children to experiment with different roles and scenarios, thereby enhancing their problem-solving skills and adaptability. For instance, a group of children building a fort from scratch negotiates, collaborates, and improvises, skills highly prized in adult life. Such unstructured play not only bolsters social interactions among peers but also encourages a healthy sense of independence, enabling children to explore their personal interests and passions in a supportive, unrestricted environment.

In summary, while parental guidance in organizing children's free time provides a structured approach to development, the liberation found in self-chosen activities cultivates creativity and autonomy. An optimal balance between these approaches, recognizing the benefits of each, is crucial for fostering a generation of individuals who are not only well-adjusted but also innovative and self-directed.

Model Essay 3

Navigating the debate between parental management versus child autonomy in leisure activities unveils fundamental contrasts in nurturing responsibility and fostering creativity. Advocating a middle ground, this discourse will explore the developmental benefits of guided activities and the vital role of self-chosen play in fostering innovation and independence.

Parent-led scheduling of leisure pursuits ensures children are exposed to a variety of experiences, fostering a well-rounded growth. Structured activities, like language classes or team sports, not only develop specific skill sets but also teach valuable life lessons such as perseverance, teamwork, and time management. For instance, a child encouraged to take part in debate clubs may hone their public speaking skills and critical thinking, benefits that random leisure activities may not provide. This controlled environment allows parents to steer their children towards constructive engagements, potentially laying the groundwork for future academic and extracurricular achievements.

However, the essence of childhood lies in exploration and the freedom to make choices, including how to spend one's leisure time. Allowing children the space to choose their activities fosters a sense of identity and independence, crucial components of personal development. It encourages children to follow their curiosity, leading to self-discovery and intrinsic motivation. An illustrative example is the child who stumbles upon a passion for painting purely through unstructured exploration, which might have remained undiscovered under a regimen of strictly parent-selected activities.

In conclusion, the intersection of structured activities and free choice forms the cornerstone of a child's development, blending discipline with creativity. Adopting a balanced approach ensures children emerge well-prepared for life's challenges, embodying a mix of autonomy and the ability to collaborate. This harmonious strategy fosters well-rounded individuals, adept at navigating both structured environments and their own innovative paths.

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Ielts essay # 1497 - free time activities for children should be decided by parents, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people say free time activities for children should be decided and organized by parents. others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time., discuss both views and give your opinion.  .

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essay on free time activities

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Free Time: IELTS Discussion Essay Model Answer.

Students often ask if the questions are repeated year after year and the answer is no, but the topics are. There are so many questions written each year, you may find your practice answering various questions on different topics. For example, you could write essays to answer questions about education or the environment, which benefits you because you learn vocabulary associated with those topics and develop ideas that can help you in your writing test. Practising writing IELTS task 2 essays on a range of topics is a great way to learn new vocabulary for those topics, but also to practice your essay structures. You begin to develop your ideas around those topics, thinking of examples and giving your opinions.

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Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. whereas others think that it is a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Take a look at the model answer.

On the other hand, there is quite a number of people who enjoy being spontaneous. The enjoyment of living in the moment without thinking about anything is appealing to many. Sometimes planned activities get cancelled because of problems that may arise along the way and this is the reason why someone would take the chance and do things without any hesitations. For example, a survey by the University of the Philippines in 2015 revealed that 89% of the student correspondents would choose to experience an unplanned vacation rather than a planned one for they believe that it’s more exciting and less stressful.

In conclusion, planning provides benefits. We should plan ahead because it can give us enough time to think of other strategies if our plan encounters problems.

Instructor Feedback on IELTS Discussion Essay: Free Time

Task Achievement  – The essay provides an answer to the question asked, supported by relevant examples.

Coherence and Cohesion  – The answer has been divided into clear logical paragraphs and each main body paragraph only has one main idea. There are cohesive links between the main body paragraphs .

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IELTS Essay: Activities for Leisure Time

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 3 Comments

IELTS Essay: Activities for Leisure Time

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the general training exam on the topic of planning your activities for your leisure time.

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Some people think that one should plan in detail activities for their leisure time, while others disagree with this view.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Many feel that it is important to plan out their free time activities, while others opt to live more spontaneously. In my opinion, planning can be useful but over time it will devalue the activities themselves.

Arranging one’s leisure activities ahead of time is a natural impulse to ease tension and ensure their usefulness. Some psychologists have termed humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an inborn tendency arising from a calming need for security. To the person doing the planning, this serves the secondary purpose of ensuring they are not wasting their time. For example, if a motivated individual plans their day they might set out to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. These are productive tasks that will lead to a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day.

However, this drive causes undue pressure and hinders enjoyment of a given activity. The human propensity to plan is also an underlying cause of stress and keeps individuals from being fully present in the moment. This can result in a situation where pre-planned activities become joyless. For instance, the person described above who maps out their day might feel they are simply ticking items off a to-do list and not enjoy the activity in itself. Contrast this with a more spontaneous lifestyle that still entails productivity but does not set a purposeful goal for every action. This person will accomplish just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be fully invested in the moment and act.

In conclusion, the useful aspects of planning do not outweigh the worth derived from spontaneous action. Individuals must naturally strike a balance but be mindful they are not subordinating an activity to its utilitarian value.

1. Many feel that it is important to plan out their free time activities, while others opt to live more spontaneously. 2. In my opinion, planning can be useful but over time it will devalue the activities themselves.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Arranging one’s leisure activities ahead of time is a natural impulse to ease tension and ensure their usefulness. 2. Some psychologists have termed humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an inborn tendency arising from a calming need for security. 3. To the person doing the planning, this serves the secondary purpose of ensuring they are not wasting their time. 4. For example, if a motivated individual plans their day they might set out to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. 5. These are productive tasks that will lead to a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day.

  • Write a clear topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Continue to develop it.
  • Use a hypothetical or real example.
  • State the results of the example.

1. However, this drive causes undue pressure and hinders enjoyment of a given activity. 2. The human propensity to plan is also an underlying cause of stress and keeps individuals from being fully present in the moment. 3. This can result in a situation where pre-planned activities become joyless. 4. For instance, the person described above who maps out their day might feel they are simply ticking items off a to-do list and not enjoy the activity in itself. 5. Contrast this with a more spontaneous lifestyle that still entails productivity but does not set a purposeful goal for every action. 6. This person will accomplish just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be fully invested in the moment and act.

  • Write another topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain it.
  • Use an example or counter-example.
  • Contrast your example.
  • State the final results.

1. In conclusion, the useful aspects of planning do not outweigh the worth derived from spontaneous action. 2. Individuals must naturally strike a balance but be mindful they are not subordinating an activity to its utilitarian value.

  • Summarise both main ideas and add a final thought.
  • Include a final thought/detail. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

Many feel that it is important to plan out their free time activities, while others opt to live more spontaneously . In my opinion, planning can be useful but over time it will devalue the activities themselves.

Arranging one’s leisure activities ahead of time is a natural impulse to ease tension and ensure their usefulness . Some psychologists have termed humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an inborn tendency arising from a calming need for security . To the person doing the planning, this serves the secondary purpose of ensuring they are not wasting their time. For example, if a motivated individual plans their day they might set out to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. These are productive tasks that will lead to a feeling of fulfillment at the end of the day .

However, this drive causes undue pressure and hinders enjoyment of a given activity . The human propensity to plan is also an underlying cause of stress and keeps individuals from being fully present in the moment . This can result in a situation where pre-planned activities become joyless . For instance, the person described above who maps out their day might feel they are simply ticking items off a to-do list and not enjoy the activity in itself . Contrast this with a more spontaneous lifestyle that still entails productivity but does not set a purposeful goal for every action. This person will accomplish just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be fully invested in the moment and act.

In conclusion, the useful aspects of planning do not outweigh the worth derived from spontaneous action . Individuals must naturally strike a balance but be mindful they are not subordinating an activity to its utilitarian value .

plan out think about for the future

spontaneously without thinking ahead of time

useful has a purpose

over time in the longterm

devalue make unimportant

arranging planning

ahead of time before

natural impulse human instinct

ease tension decrease anxiety

ensure make sure

usefulness has a purpose

psychologists people who study the human brain

termed called

inborn tendency natural impulse

arising comes from

calming need relaxing desire

security safety

serves works to

secondary purpose second reason

ensuring making sure

motivated individual committed person

set out intend to

productive tasks worthwhile activities

lead to result in

feeling of fulfillment feeling of accomplishment

end of the day finally

undue pressure unnecessary stress

hinders enjoyment holds back joy

given activity activity in question

human propensity natural desire

underlying cause fundamental source

fully present in the moment not thinking ahead

result in lead to

pre-planned activities thought of ahead of time

joyless without joy

maps out plans

ticking items off a to-do list crossing off activities to do

in itself not for another purpose

contrast this with compare with

spontaneous lifestyle not planning ahead way of living

entails productivity includes doing it for a reason

set a purposeful goal have a clear aim

accomplish get done

fully invested totally committed

useful aspects utilitarian value

outweigh stronger than

worth derived value from

spontaneous action not planned out

naturally human

strike a balance find a middle ground

mindful careful of

subordinating making less important

utilitarian value use


plæn aʊt   ɒpt   spɒnˈteɪniəsli ˈjuːsfʊl   ˈəʊvə taɪm   ˌdiːˈvæljuː   əˈreɪnʤɪŋ   əˈhɛd ɒv taɪm   ˈnæʧrəl ˈɪmpʌls   iːz ˈtɛnʃən   ɪnˈʃʊə   ˈjuːsfʊlnəs saɪˈkɒləʤɪsts   tɜːmd   ˌɪnˈbɔːn ˈtɛndənsi   əˈraɪzɪŋ   ˈkɑːmɪŋ niːd   sɪˈkjʊərɪti sɜːvz   ˈsɛkəndəri ˈpɜːpəs   ɪnˈʃʊərɪŋ   ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl   sɛt aʊt   prəˈdʌktɪv tɑːsks   liːd tuː   ˈfiːlɪŋ ɒv fʊlˈfɪlmənt   ɛnd ɒv ðə deɪ ʌnˈdjuː ˈprɛʃə   ˈhaɪndəz ɪnˈʤɔɪmənt   ˈgɪvn ækˈtɪvɪti ˈhjuːmən prəˈpɛnsɪti   ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ kɔːz   ˈfʊli ˈprɛznt ɪn ðə ˈməʊmənt rɪˈzʌlt ɪn   priː-plænd ækˈtɪvɪtiz   ˈʤɔɪlɪs mæps aʊt   ˈtɪkɪŋ ˈaɪtəmz ɒf ə təˈduː lɪst   ɪn ɪtˈsɛlf ˈkɒntrɑːst ðɪs wɪð   spɒnˈteɪniəs ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl   ɪnˈteɪlz ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti   sɛt ə ˈpɜːpəsfʊl gəʊl   əˈkɒmplɪʃ   ˈfʊli ɪnˈvɛstɪd ˈjuːsfʊl ˈæspɛkts   aʊtˈweɪ   wɜːθ dɪˈraɪvd   spɒnˈteɪniəs ˈækʃ(ə)n ˈnæʧrəli   straɪk ə ˈbæləns   ˈmaɪndfʊl   səˈbɔːdɪneɪtɪŋ   ˌjuːtɪlɪˈteərɪən ˈvæljuː

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Many feel that it is important to p_________t their free time activities, while others o__t to live more s___________________y . In my opinion, planning can be u________l but o___________e it will d________e the activities themselves.

A_____________g one’s leisure activities a_______________e is a n______________e to e_______________n and e________e their u______________s . Some p______________s have t___________d humans the ‘planning animal’ because of an i__________________y a__________g from a c_____________d for s___________y . To the person doing the planning, this s_________s the s________________________e of e___________g they are not wasting their time. For example, if a m_______________________l plans their day they might s__________t to do some exercise, read a book, finish some work at home, and cook a meal. These are p________________s that will l________o a f__________________________t at the e__________________y .

However, this drive causes u__________________e and h_________________t of a g__________________y . The h___________________y to plan is also an u___________________e of stress and keeps individuals from being f______________________________t . This can r____________n a situation where p_________________________s become j___________s . For instance, the person described above who m____________t their day might feel they are simply t_______________________________t and not enjoy the activity i_____________f . C____________________h a more s_________________________e that still e__________________________y but does not s_____________________l for every action. This person will a_____________h just as much but enjoy it much more since they can be f_________________d in the moment and act.

In conclusion, the u________________s of planning do not o____________h the w_______________d from s___________________n . Individuals must n_______________y s_____________________e but be m____________l they are not s____________________g an activity to its u______________________e .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic and use these ideas to improve your listening :

Reading Practice

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Speaking Practice

Practice with the following questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

Taking Breaks

  • Do you take breaks from your work?
  • Do you prefer several short breaks or one long break?
  • Did you take a lot of breaks when you were younger?
  • Is it common for people in your country to take breaks?

Writing Practice

Write about the following topic and then check with my sample answer:

Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activities in many countries for young adults.

Why is this?

Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

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Thanks, Mary!


Many are of the opinion that it is of paramount importance to plan out their free time activities in advance, while others choose a more spontaneous way of living. Although planning can be of enormous use for individuals, I am strongly convinced that it may both add undue stress and make their daily activities appear monotonous. The arrangement for recreational activities beforehand brings about exceptional benefits. This is because individuals can plan to partake in or perform activities that possibly add values to their lives such as reading books, doing exercise, cooking a healthy meal, or merely addressing certain incomplete tasks at work. These productive tasks, if performed according to the plans, are likely to instill in them a sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. Furthermore, knowing what individuals should do in detail in their free time can avoid them immersing themselves excessively in leisure activities, thus encroaching on time spent on other priorities such as working or studying. Therefore, it is understandable why many place a strong emphasis on planning recreational activities ahead of time. Nonetheless, I claim that making plans about what individuals should do in their free time is likely to impose unnecessary stress and hinder their enjoyment of these activities. First, the truth is that not everything can go according to the plans as unexpected situations may arise. Therefore, if individuals are unable to tick off all boxes on their to-do lists due to unforeseeable circumstances such as illnesses or accidents, it is possible that they may feel stressed or even depressed because of not being productive enough, which possibly wreaks havoc on their mental health. Second, planning may lead to recreational activities both less predictable and appealing, potentially depriving individuals of their enjoyment which is the primary purpose of leisure activities in the first place. In conclusion, I opine that despite enabling individuals to be more productive in their spare time, arranging free time activities in advance may do more harm than good. Therefore, a balance between enjoying recreational activities and their utilitarian values is necessary. 

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How I Spend My Free Time (Essay Sample) 2023

Table of Contents


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What do you do in your free time? Some people produce beautiful flowers, some watch soap operas, and others play computer games.

This custom essay on how you spend your free time focuses on painting as a hobby. Read on and find out how the author discovered her love for painting and what her creative process looks like.

What do you do when you have too much leisure time and want to make it count? To produce your own essay on this topic, get An Essay Writing Service to match you with a writer who can help you out.

What Do You Do In Your Free Time Essay Example

I remember my father painting landscapes when I was a kid. We used to go out for walks with him when he needed inspiration. He once gave me a beautiful portrait that I found meaningful, and to this day I still have it. Because of my dad, I enjoy painting as a hobby.

As a student, I am always busy with my school work on weekdays. Thankfully, I have plenty of free time on weekends, so I get to paint then. I’ve tried a variety of painting formats. But right now, I love doing my friends’ portraits. Sometimes, they even ask me to go and paint their bedrooms with a design of my choosing.

I love painting indoors because sometimes the weather gets too chilly. Painting is a great way to portray my perception of reality or even showcase a figment of my imagination. I get to imagine all kinds of things and paint them. I’ve done astonishing houses in heaven, hills, clouds, and peoples’ faces. Sometimes I even visit exhibitions in our town and check out other artists’ works for inspiration and for pure pleasure. Even though I am still young, I still get a lot of compliments about my art, and this motivates me a lot.

Essay Writing

Memorable Paintings I’ve Done in My Leisure Time

I have one particular portrait of my mother, which I painted during the last summer holiday. I think it’s the best piece I’ve ever done. It’s also meaningful as my mother has been my greatest inspiration, and she encourages me to keep honing my craft.

Another favorite piece of art that I made was when my art teacher told me to draw a landscape of our school at the end of term. This experience was so special because the end result was attractive and unique.

I have many other memorable artworks, and each one of them has a significant memory attached to it. I hope that one day I can put up my own exhibit and show people some of the paintings that I’ve done over the years.

My Creative Process

My painting work is primarily done at home. I have an art room where I keep my brushes, paintings, and other materials.

Before I start, I try to visualize in my mind the vision I have for the piece. For instance, I did an elephant portrait once. It took me an entire day just to finish the sketch as I had to spend time visualizing the outlines on its head. Getting a technical grasp of the object of my study is so important, and it should never be skipped.

After attaining clarity on my vision, I identify the specific hues that I will need to get started. Sometimes I build on this, as the vision can sometimes evolve when I start painting. I then focus all my time filling in the outline and perfecting all the details. I don’t stop until I have a piece of art that I am proud to call my own.

Room for Growth in My Free Time

To be honest, I have so much room for improvement. Thankfully, I have a lot of free windows on weekends to keep working on my weaknesses.

One thing that I have realized is that painting is different from writing, though both are creative endeavors. I love how the end result of painting is a primarily visual experience. It’s so fun and exciting. It’s a good way to cheer me up after a long week of studies. Painting is also a relatively affordable hobby and a good outlet for creative people like myself, even if it requires a lot of practice and dedication. There’s never a dull moment.

I would love to spend more time painting. Another reason why it is so important to me is because of the connection it has to my father. He was my first inspiration. While I am self-taught, I diligently apply all the things I have learned from art books. More than just getting better at my technique, I have found a good outlet for expressing myself emotionally without having to say it in words.

How Do I Spend My Free Time Essay

What activities do you pursue in your spare time? There are “academic” hobbyists who try to learn a foreign language, and other more kinaesthetic learners who engage themselves in various sports activities.

I personally like to paint portraits in my free moments, whether I’m on summer vacation or just taking a break for the weekend. It all started when I was young, when I watched my father paint and get inspiration from the most random things in nature. Since then, I’ve been trying to deepen my technical knowledge of this type of art. I’m a self-taught painter, so I rely on art books, artist interviews, and painting workshops to get better at my craft.

While I appreciate different kinds of painting, I am especially captivated by portraits. As such, this is the style of painting I prefer doing. I have done pieces for my friends over the years and I would volunteer as a portrait artist for different types of social activities.

When it comes to leisure, it’s important to know how to spend your free time wisely. Make those moments count, as you may never get them back again.

What are popular free time activities you enjoy?

You may opt to write about a variety of different hobbies or pursuits, such as collecting stamps, finding and filling little treasure chests, watching plants grow, trying physical activities, playing games, cultivating a garden, reading novels, and other exciting things. As you write about these activities, keep in mind to write about the things that get you excited.

What are the ways to spend your free time wisely?

In this very busy and fast-paced world, free time can be very hard to come by, so it’s important to maximize the free moments you have. Use your spare time investing in yourself. It doesn’t mean that you have to do something expensive or difficult, especially if it will only cause you even more stress. Do especially exciting things that personally matter to you. You know it’s worth doing if you feel refreshed and recharged at the end of the day. It may still require some physical exertion, but the satisfaction you get from doing it should weigh more heavily.

You don’t even have to stick to just one thing. If your free time comes in a regular series of time bursts, you can actually make a bucket list of the things you want to do. It could be pursuing hobbies that you’re already familiar with, or it could be finding a new interest and learning how to do it well. Whatever it is, it should be something that will enrich your life.

essay on free time activities

Leisure Time: The Types of Activities Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Leisure time freedom, discipline during leisure time, extreme leisure activities.

Leisure time refers to the time in one’s life when one is free from the demands of his/her duties or studies. During this time, one is free to spend his/her time as he wills or as he deems right. Many people opt to spend this time having fun in different ways as a way of relieving the physical and mental stress accumulated during working hours. To some, this is an opportunity to visit friends and family. Whatever activity one chooses depends on one’s interest and the idea of having fun (Bull, et al., 2003).

Leisure time may however be confused for freedom to do anything during one’s free time. There are limits to which one can exercise during his free time. For instance, when one’s way of spending leisure interferes with someone else’s freedom, then there is definitely a limit.

The freedom that people have during their leisure time may be controlled in some cases depending on the level of engagement. Although leisure time refers to free time that one can spend in whatever way he/she wills, some form of control usually exists. For instance, teenagers’ leisure time has some form of control that comes in different ways. There are reasons why some people tend to have an inclination towards extreme sports. This paper covers these issues in detail and gives examples in relevant sections.

Freedom during leisure time refers to the ability to undertake any event for whatever length of time without any form of restrictions. This form of leisure time does not usually exist since there is always some form of control during leisure time. Though leisure time looks like a time when one can do what he/she wills for whatever length of time, this does not in practice exist. Some form of control usually exists for different individuals depending on age, cultural inclination, and length of time available (Harris, 2005).

Teenagers’ leisure times are always controlled lest they engage in destructive activities. Rules are set by parents in the type of activities they may engage and those that they may not engage in lest they get grounded. Teenagers are controlled from engaging in activities such as some very extreme sports, joining peer groups that are destructive and engaging in drugs and alcoholism. Parents on the other hand are limited by other activities which curtail the length of time they engage in leisure activities. For example, it is not possible for a couple to go fishing the whole day leaving their young children unattended.

There is always a compulsion to get back home and take care of the kids among other chores. Leisure time may be one’s free time but it is always controlled by other activities in terms of extent and time that it may continue (Bull, et al., 2003).

It is very important to have some form of control during leisure time. This applies to both the young and the old since discipline makes leisure time more enjoyable in the long run. Discipline ensures consistency during leisure activities while helping an individual maintain a healthy physique. Lack of discipline or some form of control can only lead to destructive engagement which may not be productive in the long run. Parents use some form of restrictive discipline on their children by setting limits that the children may extend as they enjoy their leisure time. On the other hand, parents exercise discipline and control during their free time to ensure that they set a good example for their children.

Discipline helps in controlling freedom as earlier discussed. Without discipline, people would tend to misuse the freedom they have during their free time. For example, lack of discipline when engaging in some extreme sports such as skateboarding may be very lethal and it is important for one to learn the rules of engaging in such sports (Harris, 2005).

Extreme sports are considered to be more lethal compared to other forms of spending leisure. There are many extreme sports today and it is advisable for one to be very careful when engaging in any of them. Enough practice is very necessary before engaging in any extreme sport. Usually, extreme sports that some people engage in, involve the public exhibitions of dangerous stunts as a way of spending leisure. For instance, skateboarding and mountain biking are two extreme sports that people engage in to get thrilled and for excitement.

People engage in extreme sports for different reasons during leisure time. The biggest contributor towards engaging in this type of extreme sports especially among teenagers is the influence of television and video games. Teenagers would always wish to practice what they watch. Others engage in this type of sport simply because they believe that it is the best way of relieving stress. When a person engages in extreme sports, more adrenaline is released which presents one of the best ways of getting rid of stress (Tamara, 2010). People, therefore, tend to engage in some extreme sports which they believe are more relaxing than ordinary leisure activities such as reading or watching.

Leisure time is very important to any individual. This is a time when a person is able to relieve him/herself of day stress accumulated during work or studies. People are always allowed to spend their leisure time in whatever way they want so long as they do not break the set ground rules which in a way curtail the freedom that some people may want to enjoy. It is important to have some form of control or discipline during leisure time. This applies especially when engaging in extreme sports which some people engage in for excitement and thrill.

Bull, C. Hoose, J. & Weed, M., 2003. An Introduction to Leisure Studies. London: Prentice Hall.

Harris, D., 2005. Key Concepts in Leisure Studies . London: Sage.

Tamara, K., 2010. The discipline of leisure. Social Identities , 4(1), pp. 45-64.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 21). Leisure Time: The Types of Activities. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leisure-time-the-types-of-activities/

"Leisure Time: The Types of Activities." IvyPanda , 21 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/leisure-time-the-types-of-activities/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Leisure Time: The Types of Activities'. 21 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Leisure Time: The Types of Activities." December 21, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leisure-time-the-types-of-activities/.

1. IvyPanda . "Leisure Time: The Types of Activities." December 21, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leisure-time-the-types-of-activities/.


IvyPanda . "Leisure Time: The Types of Activities." December 21, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leisure-time-the-types-of-activities/.

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Leisure & Free Time Essay Titles

Practice essay questions for the topic of leisure and free time.

Shopping is the favorite pastime for most of the young people. Why do you think is that? Do you think they should be encouraged to do some other useful activities? (Reported 2017)
Having more money and less free time is better than earning less money and having more free time. Discuss both views and state your opinion. (Reported 2017, GT Test)

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30 Productive Things to do With Your Free Time

30 Productive Things to do With Your Free Time

Free time in this day and age is often hard to come by. With everything from work to appointments constantly demanding your time, it can often feel like it’s been months since you were able to stop and take a breather.

Then if you do get the chance to stop and take a deep breath, it’s not long before your phone starts ringing or emails start pouring in.

Being busy has become the norm, and if you do have any free time it doesn’t last long and gets filled up before you know it.

With a world full of people that think having any amount of free time is a bad thing and that every moment needs to be filled with something , we find ourselves getting busier and busier, but losing productivity as we go along.

Hold on, if I’m busy, doesn’t that mean I’m being productive and getting stuff done, too?

Not necessarily.

You can be busy without being productive. Jamming every moment of your day full of stuff just because you have time, doesn’t mean that’s necessarily the right thing to do. It is possible to spend an entire day being busy , yet getting nothing significant or important done.

That’s why I believe that free time is so important. I believe we should take a step back, maybe that means not volunteering this weekend or turning down that shift at work. That may mean bumping your coffee date to next week and taking a day this week to spend some time doing nothing .

Rejuvenating and re-energizing your body is important, and it doesn’t happen if we’re constantly busy.

Taking a day to just focus on yourself and your family is a great way to free up some time, and doing some small, productive things with that time can help you grow closer as a family and help everyone in the family enter tomorrow with a renewed sense of energy.

Rather than using your free time to veg out on the couch all day (though sometimes that’s definitely needed), you can fill it up with the things on the list below to help keep your days and free time from becoming too busy, but still being productive.

If you’re on the other end of the spectrum and you find yourself having too much free time, for whatever reason that may be, you can use this following list to fill your free time with productive things that will help you keep your free time from getting filled up, but also help you be productive with that time.

Whether you have a lot or just a little spare time in your day, there are a few things you can do to be more productive, happier, and healthier.

Put your spare time to work for you

I’ll admit, some days you do need to just sit your butt down on the couch and veg out. There’s nothing wrong with that. But, if you find you have enough spare time, it’s a good idea to use that time to do something productive with your day.

Here’s the catch:

Just because we filled our spare time with something, doesn’t mean we’re being productive. Like mentioned earlier, you can be busy without being productive. Our goal here is not to be busy , but rather to take our free time and do something productive with it. Even if that means spending just 5 minutes of our 1 hour of free time doing something productive.

30 easy and productive things to do with your free time

1. Read a book

Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, picking up a good book and spending some time reading it is a great way to spend your free time in a productive way. If your whole family has a bit of spare time, rather than sitting down to watch TV challenge everyone to pick a book and spend a certain amount of time reading it.

Not convinced that reading is productive?

Reading reduces stress, stimulates the brain, provides you with knowledge, improves your memory, helps improve focus and concentration, creates better writing skills, and of course offers free entertainment for however long you choose.

2. Exercise

You knew this one was going to be on the list… you were just really hoping it wouldn’t be. I was hoping it wouldn’t, anyway.

Exercising, even if it’s just a quick 5-minute walk down the road, is a fantastic way to use your free time. After you exercise you will feel so much more energized, healthy, and ready to face the rest of the day, rather than when you sit on the couch in front of the TV and end up feeling sluggish and lazy for the rest of the day.

Not only are you be being productive with your spare time when you exercise, but you will also be reaping the many, many benefits that come with exercising, including:

  • Feeling happier
  • Staying fit
  • Increasing your energy
  • Sleep better at night
  • Increase brain health
  • Healthier skin

If that’s not enough to get you out the door and on a brisk walk down the road, do it just because it will make you feel much better overall.

3. Do a bit of home organization

I have a very strong love/dislike relationship with home organization. I love having an organized home, but I don’t always love getting it to an organized state, especially when I have let my cleaning and organization duties go for too long and I’m faced with an extra messy house.

Nonetheless, even if you only have 10 minutes you can still use that small amount of time to do a quick tidy-up of your home.

Set a timer and make it a challenge for everyone in the house, the one with the cleanest room, or the one that has picked up and put away (in the correct spots) the most stuff by the time the timer goes off, is the winner.

Or just take everyone out for ice cream afterward, that’s always a good idea.

If your house is in dire need of a major cleaning and reorganizing, check out The Organized Home.   This eCourse is taught by Hilary, who knows exactly what it feels like to be trapped in a home that is far from perfect.

Hilary doesn’t try to say she’s going to help you create the perfect home, because we all know the perfect home only lives in our dreams. But what Hilary does help you go through this course is create an organized life while keeping it a bit crazy and a whole lot of fun. If you’re interested, you can learn more here.

4. Pay bills

This definitely isn’t the most fun option on the list, but it’s something that has to be done from time to time, and if you’ve been falling behind lately use these couple minutes of free time that you have to catch up on some much-needed bill paying.

Paying late fees is one of the easiest ways to keep yourself from becoming debt free, and paying late fees all starts with forgetting, or putting off, paying your bills. Don’t let that happen, and don’t waste your hard-earned money on late fees.

Then, to treat yourself, take that money that you saved and go out and get yourself something small and affordable (like a coffee or donut).

Are you interested in learning more ways to manage your money? Find my top frugal living and money tips here.

5. Create free online accounts to get cash back

While we’re on the topic of finances, take a few minutes to set up some free online accounts that will end up earning you cash back over the next few months.

A few of my favorite sites to use to earn cash back are:

  • Ebates. Ebates is an online shopping site that gives you a certain percentage of cash back on any items you buy online. You can shop through Ebates on sites like Amazon, JCPenney, eBay, Macey’s, Old Navy, and many more stores. (They offer over 2,000 online retailers). If you do any amount of online shopping, you should definitely be using Ebates. It is free to sign up for and completely free to use, then once you start buying through Ebates and you reach the threshold for cash back money, they will send you a nice cheque in the mail and it will feel like it’s Christmas. (I use Ebates and the days that I get my cheques are happy days!). You can learn more about Ebates here.
  • Checkout 51.  Checkout 51 is an app that you download onto your phone that offers cash back on certain grocery and household purchases. Though the cashback doesn’t seem to add up as quickly as it does with Ebates, I love using Checkout 51 because it allows me to get cash back on the things that I don’t buy online. You can view the offers of the week on the app, then once you’re home from the grocery store you can scan your receipt and select the offers that you want to redeem. The app will then see which offers you have selected, and check your receipt to be sure you purchased the item, then it will credit your account with the appropriate amount of cash back. Checkout 51 is also completely free to sign up for and use. Learn more about Checkout 51 here.
  • Ibotta. I have never personally used Ibotta, but I have heard good things about them from other people. Like Checkout 51, they offer cash back on certain grocery purchases. Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about Ibotta to give you a review of what they offer as I have never used them, but if you’re interested in checking them out, you can do so here.

6. Take surveys

Taking online surveys is another productive thing that you can do with your spare time. Taking online surveys is a great way to use your spare time to earn some extra cash.

Sites like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks offer money (or gift cards) in exchange for you completing surveys on their sites.

They are free to use, and you can create an account and do a few surveys, wait until you have more spare time, and do some more surveys.

You can learn more about Survey Junkie here. Or, click here to learn more about Swagbucks.

7. Learn a new hobby

Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet have never had time to. Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn how to ballroom dance (Youtube is a great teacher), or maybe you’ve wanted to learn a new card game or trick.

Use this free time to pick up a new hobby, even if it’s something you’ve always wanted to try but will probably never try again after today. Go ahead and do that one thing you’ve always wanted to do.

8. Get crafty

Get crafty by picking up a paintbrush, pencil, sewing needle, or crochet hook and spend some time doing something you enjoy.

Does it feel like you haven’t done something for yourself that you enjoy in a really long time? Go ahead and give yourself permission to do that thing now.

Don’t feel bad for taking some you time. You’ve been busy, you deserve some you time.

9. Cook or bake

Go ahead and pick up your trusty old cookbook, or find a new recipe online and bake or cook something new (or old).

This is a great way to waste time in a productive way, and you’ll end up with a delicious treat to munch on when you’re finished.

Even if you’ve never been much of a baker or cooker, try your hand at it and see if it’s something you enjoy. If you don’t end up enjoying it, you don’t have to do it again, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

10. Play cards

Even if you’re by yourself you can learn a new card game to play. Solitaire is just one of the many card games that you can play by yourself.

Playing cards won’t just help you pass the time, it also exercises your brain to keep it sharp and help you concentrate.

11. Plan a coffee date with an old or new friend

Do you have that one person that you always say “we should really go out for lunch sometime!” but never go out with?

Or, maybe you met someone new this week and thought to yourself that you’d like to get to know them better – what better time to reach out to them than now?

You don’t have to have them over for coffee right now if you want to use your free time to just relax, but you can take this time to call them and set a coffee date for a couple days from now.

12. Learn more about something that interests you

It may be just a hobby, or maybe it’s something that you just learned about and it piqued your interest. Take some time now to research it, find books at the library on it, and find articles online to learn more about something that interests you.

13. Write a letter

When’s the last time you picked up a pencil and paper and wrote an old-fashioned letter?

Pick someone in your family or a friend who you know would love to get something in the mail, then write them a letter.

If it’s been a while since you’ve talked to this person take time to recap what has been happening in your life since you last talked to each other, then put it in an envelope with a stamp and mail it off.

14. Sort your paper clutter

Paper clutter can easily become overwhelming when it gets left undealt with for long periods of time.

It doesn’t take long for our paper clutter to get out of control – if I just leave the mail sitting on the table for anything over two days it seems to become a mountain of papers and flyers.

The same goes for bills, receipts, and other paper in our house.

If the paper clutter in your house is a bit out of control, use your spare time to sort through your papers and create a way to keep these papers organized.

15. Set goals

If you’re someone who likes to set and achieve goals, grab a notebook and set a few goals. Set easy goals and goals that seem next to impossible.

Set both long term and short-term goals. Goals you would like to achieve within the next week and month, and goals that you would like to achieve within the next 1 – 5 years.

After you set those goals, write down the action steps that you need to take to work towards achieving those goals.

16. Scrapbook

Scrapbooking can be extremely expensive if you buy all the bells and whistles that come along with scrapbooking (like ready-made scrapbooks where all you have to do is insert pictures). To make scrapbooking more affordable, do it yourself.

Use stuff like construction paper and other crafting supplies that you have at home to make your scrapbooking decorations, rather than spending a fortune on them at the store.

You can also cut pictures out of a magazine or find printable pictures online for your scrapbook.

17. Learn paper mache

After you sort through all the paper clutter in your house, you’re likely going to have a lot of papers and flyers to throw out. Rather than tossing them in the garbage, learn some simple paper mache on Youtube to recycle all that old paper that you were just going to throw away and make something creative out of it.

18. Take an online course

If you want to increase your knowledge in a particular area, but don’t feel like leaving the house to do so, do a quick Google search of online courses on the particular subject you want to learn more about.

You may even be able to find a few free online courses to get you started.

19. Learn how to meal plan and prep

Meal planning and prepping probably isn’t something that you get excited about (I do!), but it can save you so much time and money over time that it is worth learning, even if you really don’t want to.

Who knows, if you give it a try you might realize that it really isn’t as bad as you once thought it was. Then, when you go grocery shopping and realize how much money you saved, there’s a good chance you’ll be hooked.

I love meal planning and am a huge advocate of it. If you’re interested in meal planning you can learn more here.

20. Return phone calls

Do you have a list of people you need to call back, but haven’t been able to find time to lately? Grab your list along with a pen and paper, to write down any important notes, and return some phone calls.

21. Clean up your inbox

Use this spare time to do a thorough sweep of your inbox. Emails inboxes can become cluttered with an overwhelming amount of sale emails and newsletters over time.

Create folders and sort all your emails into the appropriate folders, then unsubscribe from any emails that you no longer wish to receive.

Our online lives can become so cluttered, doing this will help you create a bit of order in your online presence.

22. Put important dates on the calendar

Maybe someone recently got married but you haven’t had a chance to put their anniversary on your calendar yet, or maybe there’s a new member of your family and you haven’t gotten a chance to put their birthday on the calendar just yet.

This is also a good time to go through your entire calendar. Whiteout any dates or notes that you no longer need, add any important birthdays, anniversaries, and other events that you need to keep track of, too.

23. Weed the garden

I find weeding the garden such a relaxing way to clear my head. If you have a garden, head outside for some time by yourself and get all those pesky weeds out of your garden.

If you don’t have a garden yet but want one, you can use this time to create a garden plot or plan where you want your future garden to go, how big it will be, if you will make it in raised beds or on the ground, and what kind of stuff you will plant in your garden.

24. Spend some “you” time

Spend your spare time doing something you enjoy, whether that be an at-home spa day that you give to yourself, watching a movie you’ve been wanting to watch for some time, or just sitting and relaxing.

Whatever it is that you enjoy doing and you find relaxing, do that, and don’t worry about the other pressing demands of the day for now.

25. Take out the recycling

If you have a big pile of recycling in your house or garage, you could use these few minutes to bring it in to the bottle depot and earn some money.

Then, you could go out for a quick coffee with that money you just made from the recycling, or save it for a rainy day.

26. Learn origami

Years ago I tried my hand at some origami, and I loved it. Though I’m not the most crafty or artsy person around, I still enjoyed getting my origami on.

If you want to learn how to do origami you don’t have to go out and buy some expensive kit from the get-go. Instead, do a quick Google or Youtube search on learning how to do origami and get started with paper that you have laying around the house.

27. Start a challenge

Starting a challenge is a great way to be productive with your spare time, but keep in mind that you’re going to have to find ways to fit that challenge into your everyday life from today on out until you’re finished the challenge.

You could choose something like a decluttering challenge ( like this one )  to do over the span of a few days, or you could choose a reading challenge or any other type of challenge that fits your personality.

28. Start dinner prep

Whatever time of day it is, if you are wondering what to do with your free time, starting dinner prep is always a good use of your time.

Even if you had plans of just making frozen pizza for dinner tonight, do a quick search on Pinterest or Google for some simple homemade dinner recipes and make a nice homemade dinner.

Even if you won’t have a whole lot of time at suppertime to make supper, you can still make a homemade dinner by starting the meal prep now . Prep everything you can right now – cook the meat, chop the veggies and make the salad, make the garlic bread, then when suppertime comes around all you have left to do is throw everything together and warm it up.

29. Declutter your house

I get that decluttering isn’t for everyone, and some people may think you need to set aside a solid week to declutter, but that’s not always the case.

If you wanted to do a thorough declutter of your house chances are that, yes, you would need to set aside a lot more time than just 10 minutes. But, if 10 minutes is all you have right now and you see a particular room or area in your house that needs tending to, take that time and work as fast as you can to get everything back in its correct place.

How to Declutter Your House in One Day

Make sure you have a “donate” bin with you at all times. Chances are, you’re going to come across at least a few things that you no longer need and could give away.

30. Start a blog

Of course I had to add this one to the list, since my blog got started while I had some spare time, and ended up growing to my full-time job from there.

Starting a blog, whether for a hobby or with intentions of making an income from it, can be an awesome way to use up your free time throughout the next while.

Who knows – you might start your blog and decide you want to give it your all and make it your main stream of income so you can work from home, or you may just want to start a blog for fun – either way, blogging is a great way to spend your time being productive.

You can start a blog for free on sites like Blogger and WordPress.com, but, if you want something that you can eventually make money off of with more customization options, you can use a site like SiteGround to start a blog (you can get hosting for less than $4 a month). There are many other hosting sites like SiteGround that you can certainly look into and compare prices – but  SiteGround is the one I use and highly recommend.

Learn how to start a blog here.

Related: 7 Decluttering Tips For Hoarders (and people who like to collect stuff) 9 Ways to Clean Your House Fast (in less than 30 minutes) 4 Unique Ways to Make Your House Smell Good All the Time

30 Productive Things to do With Your Spare Time

What are some things you like to fill your spare time with? I’d love to hear from you!

About the author, deliberately here.

Amy is a full-time wife, mother, business owner, and homemaker. Amy truly believes that homemaking is a ministry, and she has a passion for helping other moms who are overwhelmed with the day-to-day find peace and joy in even the most mundane tasks.

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Meet Amy of Deliberately Here

Welcome, I’m Amy.

A recovering perfectionist learning how to create a beautiful home that isn’t perfect (and also how to not panic when that same load of laundry has been sitting on the couch for a week because… life)

30 Productive Things to do With Your Spare Time

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Leisure Time: Stimulate or Relax the Mind? essay

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Describe a Time you Enjoyed your Free Time- IELTS Cue Card

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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Describe a time you enjoyed your free time

You should say:

  • When was it?
  • Where were you?
  • What did you do?
  • And how did you feel about it?

I take life as it comes and never misses a chance to jubilate the moments of my life. I am quite experimental as well, hence having a hackneyed lifestyle is not what I prefer. I love doing different activities and if I get to learn something in the process, even better. Talking about the time when I enjoyed the moments as I didn’t have anything to do in particular was last weekend. I had a plan to go out for a movie with my friends and was mirth for it would have been after a long time. Alas! My friend backed out at the last moment. Since I didn’t have anything to do, I was surfing through hordes of youtube videos. It was then that I bumped into an insightful documentary about our culture. For one, it could be quite vapid to see a documentary, however, for me, it was relishing and informative.

I sat on my armchair and was so entranced in that documentary of seven hours that I didn’t realize when the time flew. It covered our heritage, our culture, and our traditions; some of them were even recognized by UNESCO. I got to know about our diverse and rich culture and how it kept on evolving over the years. It was one of the epitome refreshments that I felt so far. Art and culture are often seen as a subject of antiquated trends, however little do we realize that it lays the whole foundation of our evolution as a civilization.

Unarguably, if I Had gone out for a movie with my friend it would have been great. However, I would like to thank him for repealing the plan as I was able to see this masterpiece.

Meaning: Happily celebrate Eg.: They jubilated their moments with a grand party.

Meaning: Boring Eg.: Such a hackneyed lifestyle he had!

Meaning: Happy and excited Eg.: The little boy was mirth upon knowing that he had topped.

Meaning: An expression of disappointment Eg.: Alas! It rained again.

Meaning: Enjoying Eg.: We were relishing among ourselves that day.

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  • Describe a Place you Visited on Vacation
  • Describe Something That you Have Shared With Others
  • Describe a Polite Person Whom you Know

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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How To Tackle The Weirdest Supplemental Essay Prompts For This Application Cycle

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Writing the college essay

How do you write a letter to a friend that shows you’re a good candidate for the University of Pennsylvania? What reading list will help the Columbia University admissions committee understand your interdisciplinary interests? How can you convey your desire to attend Yale by inventing a course description for a topic you’re interested in studying?

These are the challenges students must overcome when writing their supplemental essays . Supplemental essays are a critical component of college applications—like the personal statement, they provide students with the opportunity to showcase their authentic voice and perspective beyond the quantitative elements of their applications. However, unlike the personal essay, supplemental essays allow colleges to read students’ responses to targeted prompts and evaluate their candidacy for their specific institution. For this reason, supplemental essay prompts are often abstract, requiring students to get creative, read between the lines, and ditch the traditional essay-writing format when crafting their responses.

While many schools simply want to know “why do you want to attend our school?” others break the mold, inviting students to think outside of the box and answer prompts that are original, head-scratching, or downright weird. This year, the following five colleges pushed students to get creative—if you’re struggling to rise to the challenge, here are some tips for tackling their unique prompts:

University of Chicago

Prompt: We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

What Makes it Unique: No discussion of unique supplemental essay prompts would be complete without mentioning the University of Chicago, a school notorious for its puzzling and original prompts (perhaps the most well-known of these has been the recurring prompt “Find x”). This prompt challenges you to invent a new color-based expression, encouraging both linguistic creativity and a deep dive into the emotional or cultural connotations of color. It’s a prompt that allows you to play with language, think abstractly, and show off your ability to forge connections between concepts that aren’t typically linked—all qualities that likewise demonstrate your preparedness for UChicago’s unique academic environment.

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How to Answer it: While it may be easy to get distracted by the open-ended nature of the prompt, remember that both the substance and structure of your response should give some insight into your personality, perspective, and characteristics. With this in mind, begin by considering the emotions, experiences, or ideas that most resonate with you. Then, use your imagination to consider how a specific color could represent that feeling or concept. Remember that the prompt is ultimately an opportunity to showcase your creativity and original way of looking at the world, so your explanation does not need to be unnecessarily deep or complex—if you have a playful personality, convey your playfulness in your response; if you are known for your sarcasm, consider how you can weave in your biting wit; if you are an amateur poet, consider how you might take inspiration from poetry as you write, or offer a response in the form of a poem.

The goal is to take a familiar concept and turn it into something new and meaningful through a creative lens. Use this essay to showcase your ability to think inventively and to draw surprising connections between language and life.

Harvard University

Prompt: Top 3 things your roommates might like to know about you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in both form and substance—first, you only have 150 words to write about all 3 things. Consider using a form other than a traditional essay or short answer response, such as a bullet list or short letter. Additionally, note that the things your roommate might like to learn about you do not necessarily overlap with the things you would traditionally share with an admissions committee. The aim of the prompt is to get to know your quirks and foibles—who are you as a person and a friend? What distinguishes you outside of academics and accolades?

How to Answer it: First and foremost, feel free to get creative with your response to this prompt. While you are producing a supplemental essay and thus a professional piece of writing, the prompt invites you to share more personal qualities, and you should aim to demonstrate your unique characteristics in your own voice. Consider things such as: How would your friends describe you? What funny stories do your parents and siblings share that encapsulate your personality? Or, consider what someone might want to know about living with you: do you snore? Do you have a collection of vintage posters? Are you particularly fastidious? While these may seem like trivial things to mention, the true creativity is in how you connect these qualities to deeper truths about yourself—perhaps your sleepwalking is consistent with your reputation for being the first to raise your hand in class or speak up about a cause you’re passionate about. Perhaps your living conditions are a metaphor for how your brain works—though it looks like a mess to everyone else, you have a place for everything and know exactly where to find it. Whatever qualities you choose, embrace the opportunity to think outside of the box and showcase something that admissions officers won’t learn about anywhere else on your application.

University of Pennsylvania

Prompt: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge.

What Makes it Unique: Breaking from the traditional essay format, this supplement invites you to write directly to a third party in the form of a 150-200 word long letter. The challenge in answering this distinct prompt is to remember that your letter should say as much about you, your unique qualities and what you value as it does about the recipient—all while not seeming overly boastful or contrived.

How to Answer it: As you select a recipient, consider the relationships that have been most formative in your high school experience—writing to someone who has played a large part in your story will allow the admissions committee some insight into your development and the meaningful relationships that guided you on your journey. Once you’ve identified the person, craft a thank-you note that is specific and heartfelt—unlike other essays, this prompt invites you to be sentimental and emotional, as long as doing so would authentically convey your feelings of gratitude. Describe the impact they’ve had on you, what you’ve learned from them, and how their influence has shaped your path. For example, if you’re thanking a teacher, don’t just say they helped you become a better student—explain how their encouragement gave you the confidence to pursue your passions. Keep the tone sincere and personal, avoid clichés and focus on the unique role this person has played in your life.

University of Notre Dame

Prompt: What compliment are you most proud of receiving, and why does it mean so much to you?

What Makes it Unique: This prompt is unique in that it invites students to share something about themselves by reflecting on someone else’s words in 50-100 words.

How to Answer it: The key to answering this prompt is to avoid focusing too much on the complement itself and instead focus on your response to receiving it and why it was so important to you. Note that this prompt is not an opportunity to brag about your achievements, but instead to showcase what truly matters to you. Select a compliment that truly speaks to who you are and what you value. It could be related to your character, work ethic, kindness, creativity, or any other quality that you hold in high regard. The compliment doesn’t have to be grand or come from someone with authority—it could be something small but significant that left a lasting impression on you, or it could have particular meaning for you because it came from someone you didn’t expect it to come from. Be brief in setting the stage and explaining the context of the compliment—what is most important is your reflection on its significance and how it shaped your understanding of yourself.

Stanford University

Prompt: List five things that are important to you.

What Makes it Unique: This prompt’s simplicity is what makes it so challenging. Stanford asks for a list, not an essay, which means you have very limited space (50 words) to convey something meaningful about yourself. Additionally, the prompt does not specify what these “things” must be—they could be a physical item, an idea, a concept, or even a pastime. Whatever you choose, these five items should add depth to your identity, values, and priorities.

How to Answer it: Start by brainstorming what matters most to you—these could be values, activities, people, places, or even abstract concepts. The key is to choose items or concepts that, when considered together, provide a comprehensive snapshot of who you are. For example, you might select something tangible and specific such as “an antique telescope gifted by my grandfather” alongside something conceptual such as “the willingness to admit when you’re wrong.” The beauty of this prompt is that it doesn’t require complex sentences or elaborate explanations—just a clear and honest reflection of what you hold dear. Be thoughtful in your selections, and use this prompt to showcase your creativity and core values.

While the supplemental essays should convey something meaningful about you, your values, and your unique qualifications for the university to which you are applying, the best essays are those that are playful, original, and unexpected. By starting early and taking the time to draft and revise their ideas, students can showcase their authentic personalities and distinguish themselves from other applicants through their supplemental essays.

Christopher Rim

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Donald J. Trump, wearing a blue suit and a red tie, walks down from an airplane with a large American flag painted onto its tail.

Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

Donald J. Trump intends to bring independent regulatory agencies under direct presidential control. Credit... Doug Mills/The New York Times

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Jonathan Swan

By Jonathan Swan Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman

  • Published July 17, 2023 Updated July 18, 2023

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

He wants to revive the practice of “impounding” funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn’t like — a tactic that lawmakers banned under President Richard Nixon.

He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda. And he plans to scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified as “the sick political class that hates our country.”

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