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How to Describe a Bear in Writing (100+ Examples & Words)

Writing about bears? Here’s your guide to describing them in a way that brings them to life on the page.

This is how to describe a bear in writing:

Describe a bear in writing by focusing on size (massive, towering), fur texture (shaggy, coarse), eye expression (deep, intelligent), and behavior (solitary, protective). Use vivid words like “formidable” and phrases like “a shadow in the forest . “

Keep reading to learn all my personal best tips, 100 examples, 100 words and phrases, and much more.

Types of Bears

Majestic bear in a sunlit forest clearing, evoking wilderness awe -- How to Describe a Bear in Writing

Table of Contents

Bears come in various species, each with distinct habitats, behaviors, and appearances.

The most common types include:

  • Brown Bears : Known for their impressive size and wide distribution, found from the Alaskan tundra to the forests of Europe and Asia.
  • Black Bears : Smaller and more adaptable, these bears are widespread across North America.
  • Polar Bears : The largest land carnivores, living in the Arctic, their white fur helps them blend into their snowy environment.
  • Panda Bears : With their distinctive black and white fur, pandas are a symbol of conservation and are found only in China.
  • Grizzly Bears : A subspecies of the brown bear, known for their formidable size and strength, predominantly found in North America.
  • Sloth Bears : Native to the Indian subcontinent, these bears have long, shaggy fur and a unique diet primarily consisting of termites and ants.

7 Best Ways to Describe a Bear in Writing

When writing about bears, it’s good to focus on the following 7 traits and characteristics.

Size and Build

Bears are the epitome of strength and power, a fact immediately evident in their size and build.

The sheer bulk of a bear can be awe-inspiring, with adult males of some species weighing over 1,000 pounds and standing up to 9 feet tall when on their hind legs.

Their robust frame is not just for show.

It’s a testament to their survival capabilities, from long winters to their role as apex predators.

Example Sentences:

  • I watched as the bear loomed over the clearing, its massive frame casting a shadow that swallowed the ground.
  • The bear’s muscles rippled beneath its thick fur, each step a demonstration of untamed power.
  • Even from a distance, the silhouette of the bear was imposing, its shoulders broad and heavy.
  • The bear sat on its haunches, its bulk reminiscent of a boulder—immovable and solid.
  • As the bear moved, its build spoke of ancient lineages, evolved for survival and dominance.

Fur Texture and Color

The fur of a bear is an intricate layer of their survival, offering insulation against the cold and camouflage within their natural habitat.

The texture can range from the coarse, thick fur of a grizzly, designed to repel water and trap heat, to the soft, dense coat of a panda bear, primarily for warmth in the cool mountain regions.

The color palette of bear fur is equally diverse.

You will find deep browns and blondes of the brown bear to the stark black and white contrast of the panda.

  • The sun glinted off the bear’s fur, turning it into a tapestry of golds and browns.
  • Up close, the fur was a marvel, each strand contributing to a perfect adaptation to its environment.
  • The panda bear’s fur was a stark contrast of black against white, an emblem of its uniqueness.
  • As the bear shifted, its coat shimmered, a blend of colors crafted by nature itself.
  • The texture of the bear’s fur was rugged, a testament to its life amidst the forests and mountains.

The eyes of a bear hold a depth of intelligence and emotion, often surprising to those who observe them closely.

They can express a range of feelings from curiosity to aggression, serving as windows to their wild souls.

The color of their eyes varies, but there’s always a penetrating quality, a sense of understanding and primal awareness that connects directly with the observer.

  • The bear’s gaze met mine, a moment where the wild met the human.
  • In the depths of its eyes, I saw a reflection of the forest itself—mysterious and untamed.
  • The intelligence in the bear’s eyes was unmistakable, a sentient being assessing its world.
  • There was a momentary glint in the bear’s eyes, a spark of curiosity in the vast wilderness.
  • As the bear looked towards the horizon, its eyes seemed to hold stories of ancient woods and silent snowfalls.

Mouth and Teeth

The mouth and teeth of a bear are not just tools for survival but are also expressive components of their behavior.

Bears use their mouths to communicate through various expressions, from yawning as a sign of stress to baring their teeth in aggression or warning.

The sight of a bear’s jaws, capable of breaking bones, is a stark reminder of their place in the natural hierarchy.

  • The bear’s mouth opened in a wide yawn, revealing an array of sharp teeth, a silent testament to its predatory status.
  • With a low growl, the bear bared its teeth, a clear signal that we were too close.
  • Watching the bear eat, its powerful jaws working methodically, was a lesson in the raw efficiency of nature.
  • The cub’s mouth was almost comical as it tried to imitate the expressions of its mother.
  • Even in rest, the bear’s mouth hinted at latent power, the gentle huffing breaths stirring the air.

Paws and Claws

A bear’s paws are marvels of evolutionary design, combining strength, dexterity, and sensitivity.

The size of a bear’s paw can be larger than a human face, equipped with claws that can dig into the earth or rip apart wood.

Yet, these formidable tools are also capable of delicate tasks, such as manipulating food or tenderly guiding cubs.

The contrast between their potential for destruction and their gentleness adds a fascinating layer to their character.

  • The bear’s paw left an imprint in the mud, each claw mark a signature of its passage.
  • With surprising gentleness, the bear used its paw to scoop up its cub, holding it close.
  • The claws, long and curved, were tools of survival, from digging roots to defending territory.
  • I watched in awe as the bear delicately picked berries with the same paws that could easily break a tree branch.
  • The thud of the bear’s paws on the forest floor was a steady drumbeat, a rhythm of the wild.

Bear behavior is a complex tapestry of instinct, intelligence, and adaptation.

Their actions are guided by an intricate blend of natural instincts and learned behaviors.

That includes foraging for food to nurturing their young.

Bears are solitary by nature, yet they exhibit strong familial bonds, particularly between mothers and cubs.

Observing a bear in its natural behavior is to witness a creature perfectly attuned to its environment, whether it’s skillfully catching fish or preparing for hibernation.

  • The bear’s foraging was methodical, a dance of instinct and necessity as it searched for food.
  • Watching the mother bear teach her cubs to fish was a glimpse into the depth of their familial bonds.
  • The solitude of the bear was not loneliness but a natural state of independence and strength.
  • As winter approached, the bear’s behavior shifted, an instinctual preparation for the lean months ahead.
  • In the silence of the forest, the bear’s presence was a reminder of the wild’s enduring rhythm, governed by ancient instincts.

The habitat of a bear is as much a part of its identity as its physical characteristics.

Bears are found in a variety of environments, from the icy expanses of the Arctic tundra, where polar bears roam, to the dense forests inhabited by black and brown bears.

Each species has adapted to thrive in its specific surroundings, shaping their behaviors, diets, and even physical adaptations.

Describing a bear’s habitat brings context to their existence, highlighting the delicate balance between bear and environment.

  • The bear moved through the forest with ease, a shadow among the trees in its natural domain.
  • The stark white of the polar bear against the snow was a testament to the perfection of its adaptation.
  • In the dense underbrush, the bear was a part of the landscape, as much a fixture as the ancient trees.
  • The bear’s tracks led across the riverbank, a sign of its constant search for sustenance within its habitat.
  • As the seasons changed, the bear adapted, a living embodiment of the environment’s cyclical nature.

50 Best Words to Describe a Bear

When capturing the essence of a bear in writing, choosing the right words can paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind.

Here’s a list of descriptive words that encapsulate the multifaceted nature of bears:

  • Intimidating
  • Intelligent
  • Territorial
  • Thick-furred
  • Unpredictable

50 Best Phrases to Describe a Bear in Writing

Phrases can add depth and emotion to your descriptions, making the scene come alive.

Here are 50 phrases that effectively describe bears:

  • “A shadow moving silently through the forest.”
  • “A hulking figure against the snow.”
  • “Eyes glinting with a mix of curiosity and caution.”
  • “Fur rippling with each measured step.”
  • “A solitary guardian of the wilderness.”
  • “Muscles bunched in ready strength.”
  • “Claws that tell tales of survival.”
  • “The embodiment of untamed nature.”
  • “Moving with deceptive quietness.”
  • “An imposing presence, commanding and wild.”
  • “A gentle giant, protective and strong.”
  • “With a gaze as deep as the forest.”
  • “Silhouetted against the setting sun.”
  • “The spirit of the mountain made flesh.”
  • “Roaming freely, a symbol of the wild.”
  • “An apex predator, master of its realm.”
  • “A bear’s hibernation, a silent conquest of the cold.”
  • “A mother’s tender care for her cubs.”
  • “A roar that echoes through the valley.”
  • “The bear’s path, a testament to its solitude.”
  • “Fierce in its pursuit, yet graceful.”
  • “A creature of habit, yet unpredictable.”
  • “In its eyes, the wisdom of the wild.”
  • “Paws that tread lightly but leave deep imprints.”
  • “A figure of myth, roaming the edges of reality.”
  • “Its fur, a tapestry of nature’s design.”
  • “The silent watcher, ever vigilant.”
  • “A blend of power and peace.”
  • “An ancient lineage, walking the earth.”
  • “In the bear’s presence, time stands still.”
  • “A roar that silences the forest.”
  • “The bear, a bridge between worlds.”
  • “A quiet force, both feared and revered.”
  • “A testament to nature’s resilience.”
  • “A bear’s gaze, holding untold stories.”
  • “Claws carving the history of the wild.”
  • “With every step, a statement of sovereignty.”
  • “A dance of shadows and strength.”
  • “In its solitude, a life full of tales.”
  • “The bear, an echo of ancient wilderness.”
  • “A presence that demands respect.”
  • “Amidst the snow, a figure of endurance.”
  • “The rhythm of nature, personified.”
  • “A creature forged by time and element.”
  • “A silent stroll under the moon’s gaze.”
  • “A narrative written in tracks and trails.”
  • “The essence of the wild, captured in form.”
  • “A bear’s world, vast and untamed.”
  • “In the quiet of the forest, a legend walks.”
  • “A solitary journey, marked by pawprints.”

3 Full Examples of How to Describe a Bear in Writing

Let’s look at examples of how to describe a bear in writing in different kinds of stories.

Adventure Genre

The bear stood as a sentry at the forest’s edge, its massive silhouette outlined against the fading light of dusk.

Its fur, a rich tapestry of browns and blacks, shimmered as the last rays of sun danced across its back. Muscles rippled beneath the shaggy coat with each breath, a testament to its power and wild essence. Its deep-set eyes scanned the clearing, a mix of intelligence and primal caution reflecting in their gaze.

Here was the forest’s undisputed ruler, a creature both majestic and formidable, a guardian of the wilds that called to the heart of every adventurer.

Fantasy Genre

In the enchanted woods, where magic whispered through the leaves, a bear of myth roamed.

Its fur was a cloak of shadows, shimmering with an ethereal glow that lit the path under the moonlit sky. This was no ordinary beast but a guardian of ancient secrets, its eyes holding the wisdom of centuries. As it moved, the ground seemed to honor its passage, and the night creatures paused in reverence.

Here, in a realm where the boundary between reality and fantasy blurred, the bear was a majestic spirit, a bridge to the lost tales of the wild.

Nature Documentary Script

Amidst the rugged expanse of the Arctic tundra, a solitary figure emerges against the vast white landscape.

A polar bear, its fur as white as the snow it treads upon, moves with a grace that belies its massive size. This majestic creature, adapted to the harshest of environments, is a symbol of resilience and survival.

As it navigates the ice floes in search of food, its every action is a testament to the raw beauty of nature’s design. In the silence of the Arctic, the polar bear’s journey is a powerful narrative of life at the edge of the world, a story of endurance and the will to survive in the planet’s most unforgiving wilderness.

Here is a video that shares another example of how to describe a bear in writing:

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Bear in Writing

There you have it – a simple guide to capturing the spirit of bears in words.

Happy writing!

Read This Next:

  • How to Describe Birds in Writing (17 Best Tips & Examples)
  • How to Describe a Dog in Writing (100+ Examples)
  • 400+ Words to Describe a Flower Garden: Best Writers Guide
  • How to Describe a Butterfly in Writing (100+ Examples)

National Geographic (information on bears)

creative writing about a teddy bear

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Mrs. Karle's Sight and Sound Reading

Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts

If you go out in the woods today….  you’re in for a big surprise!  Today is the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic…  And today is the day we do some Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts!  One of my favorite memories as a child was having a teddy bear picnic in my preschool classroom.  It is such a fun experience to bring your favorite lovey to school.

The first thing I would do is read the book Teddy Bear Picnic by David Grisman and Jerry Garcia (of the Grateful Dead).

The Teddy Bears' Picnic

Here is a video of Jerry Garcia singing the Teddy Bear’s Picnic song on youtube!  After reading the book you can play the song and then work on practicing and singing together the song.

On the day of the Teddy Bear Picnic make sure you have some extra teddy bears in case a child forgets to bring one.  You could also have students share bears for the day.

The day the children bring in their teddy bears the students will leave them at their desks before going out to recess (or elsewhere).  When the children return to the classroom the bears will be missing/hidden!  The students will need to look for the bears using their binoculars!  They better dress in disguise while they go look for the bears…(wear your mask or bear hat!)  Once the bears are found, the students have a snack with their bears. (They could have teddy grahams and gummy bears)  They can also do a craft together, and a writing prompt.  (All these things are included below).

creative writing about a teddy bear

After spending the day at the picnic there could be a teddy bear sleepover!  The children have to be okay with leaving their teddy bears at school but once the children leave for the night, the teddy bears get into mischief!  They will be found in the morning having done different activities in the room.  The students will be absolutely delighted when they arrive in the morning to find what their bear had done overnight!  This creates another opportunity for a writing prompt!

A teddy bear picnic and/or Teddy Bear sleepover are a fun way to help reinforce learning in the classroom.  Here is what your Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts look like…(there are 8 pages in all)

creative writing about a teddy bear

To get your free Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts, enter in your email into the form below and they will be sent to you.  You will be added to our newsletter list.  If you wish to be removed from the newsletter, you can either unsubscribe when one arrives to you, or you can follow the directions in the email that is sent to you with your free Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts.    If you have any trouble with the download, please email me at [email protected] .

Here are some other fun Teddy Bear Picnic ideas…

Teddy Bear Picnic Activities for Kindergarten Invitations for a Teddy Bear Picnic Do you want to make a teddy bear? Teddy Bear Picnic Coloring Pages Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts Teddy Bear Picnic Party games Teddy Bear Picnic Mask/Hat Teddy Bear Picnic Colof-by-Letter/ Color by Sight Word Pages Brown Bear Brown Bear Lesson Teddy Bear Bulletin Board Ideas Teddy Bear Picnic Bear Craft/Book

To go along with the Teddy Bear Picnic, you may enjoy a Teddy Bear Picnic Set .

Bear Family Mini Tea Set

Madreen Karle is a master first grade reading teacher with over 30 years of classroom experience. She taught reading in a special needs and English as a Second Language classroom. After retiring she wrote a reading program to help others learn how to teach reading. She is a trusted educator and author of  5 books to help teach children  to read and write. In addition to her books, she is a mentor for 3 websites that give reading teacher tips ( Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading ,  Mrs. Karle’s Reading Patch , and  Mrs. Karle’s Handwriting Patch ). Through her teaching she learned that confidence was the key to learning to read. A child who is not confident at reading does not like to read and struggles to read. Mrs. Karle created “sunshine moments” to help teach children how to grow their confidence and learn to read. Meeghan Karle Mousaw (Madreen’s daughter) has her Master’s in Special Education. She has 8 years experience teaching children to read online. In addition, she developed a curriculum to teach children handwriting called  The Handwriting Patch . With the Handwriting Patch learning is fun because children learn to draw and learn handwriting at the same time. In 2019 The  Handwriting Patch curriculum became an amazon best seller  the first year it was released, helping thousands of kids learn handwriting with a unique, fun method. She is mom to 6 kids, each with differently learning abilities and struggles. The  Reading Patch  was established by the creators of  Mrs. Karle’s Sight and Sound Reading . Together they have been featured on the NBC media outlets and Parents Magazine online. Over the last 8 years in their online platform, Madreen and Meeghan have worked tirelessly with teachers, homeschoolers and parents looking to help children learn to read to become a trusted authority in teaching children to read and advocating early literacy skills. They often partner with other educational experts to deliver the most current information to the Reading Patch community.

A teddy bear picnic sounds like so much fun! I’m sure kids will love writing out their invitations. Thanks for sharing on Toddler Fun Friday

Great resources! Thank you for linking up at Funtastic Friday!

This fits perfectly with what we are doing for a retirement party for our principal.

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The Homeschool Village

Free Teddy Bear Writing Prompts

by HSVillage 1 Comment

Children of all ages love teddy bears, they provide comfort and wonderful snuggles! Take your children’s love for teddy bears and use it to encourage them to write! Writing my not be their favorite school subject, but when they’re given fun writing prompts it can become easier and more fun!

Your kids will enjoy writing this summer with these fun teddy bear picnic writing prompts!  Stop by Sight and Sound Reading to download your free copy .

Reader Interactions

I try to encourage my daughter to continue writing in the summer but it is a struggle. I hope these prompts will help motivate her. Writing is so important!

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Picture Prompt

Teddy bear short story ideas.

  • Imagine the thoughts and feelings of the teddy bear as it sits on the sunlit windowsill. Why is it there? Write a narrative from the teddy bear’s point of view. Describe its hopes, memories, and wishes.
  • The teddy bear on the windowsill has been dreaming of adventure. Imagine one day it decides to venture out into the world. Write about the teddy bear’s journey and the exciting or unusual places it goes. Who does it meet along the way?

Compose Your Thoughts Here

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Essay On My Favourite Toy For Class 1, 2 & 3 Kids

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Key Points To Note: Essay On ‘My Favourite Toy’ For Lower Primary Classes

10-line essay on ‘my favourite toy car’, a paragraph on ‘my favourite toy’ for kids, short essay on ‘my favourite toy doll’ for kids, long essay on ‘my favourite toy teddy bear’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

For students, writing an essay on ‘My Favourite Toy’ is a really fun activity! Kids and toys are inseparable. Every kid loves toys, whether they are two or 16 years old. Toys are their first friends. From their birth, kids have seen and played with toys. Though as they grow, their choice of toys keeps changing as per their age and nature. But, their passion and love for toys never cease. So, writing an essay on their favourite toy is a pleasure for them. However, young students sometimes struggle with sentence formation or structuring of an essay. Here, we have interesting long and short essays on my favourite toy to help them learn.

Kids can talk a lot about their favourite toys. However, they need guidance and orientation when it comes to writing. If you have a query on how to write an essay on ‘my favourite toy’, here are some key points that will help them:

  • Write a brief introduction about toys.
  • Write about your favourite toy.
  • Explain why it is your favourite toy.
  • Briefly conclude with its importance in your life.

Toy cars are one of the first gifts most kids get, and they are most of the kids’ all-time favourites. Writing simple and short lines are the best way to express a topic in junior classes. Here are a few lines to help write a toy essay for classes 1 and 2:

  • Toys are the beloved play objects and companions of kids.
  • Like all other kids, I love to play with many types of toys.
  • Though, my favourite toys are cars.
  • My family and friends always gift me many cars on my birthday.
  • I have several toy cars of different colours and models.
  • Some are models of Ferrari, some of Toyota and a few of Maruti.
  • I even have a remote-controlled toy car.
  • This toy car is red and looks like a real Porsche car.
  • My parents gifted me this car on my birthday this year.
  • I love all my toy cars.

Young kids like to play with dolls. So, when asked to write an essay on their favourite toy, most kids choose to write about dolls. Here is my favourite toy doll essay for classes 1, 2 and 3.

My favourite toys are my dolls. I have many other toys, but I love playing with my dolls the most. I have many dolls gifted to me by my parents and family. My favourite doll is a cute little Barbie I got on my last birthday from my elder sister. I have named my Barbie Masha after my favourite cartoon character Masha from the “Masha and the Bear” cartoon series. She is a beautiful doll with blue eyes and long golden hair. I dress her in different clothes every day. Together with my friends, we spend hours playing with our dolls. I love Masha the most.

My favourite toy barbie doll essay is a famous essay topic for kids. But they sometimes may not be able to construct sentences and articulate their emotions well on the topic. Here is a short essay on my favourite toy doll for kids for reference:

Barbie is my favourite toy doll, and I named her Cinderella, as I find her as beautiful as Cinderella. She has blue eyes, fair skin and long golden hair. I got her for my 5th birthday. I even have a beautiful home for her with many rooms, and she sleeps in a room with beautiful flowers. Cinderella has many dresses and shoes for every occasion. During summers she wears shorts and t-shirts, and during winters she wears jeans with jackets. But her favourite dress is a cute red coloured gown. This gown she wears for special occasions like a party. Sometimes I style her hair in different hairstyles. My parents gifted me, Skipper and Ken, on my last birthday. I play with Cinderella, Skipper, and Ken, imagine many stories and make them act in them. Sometimes I suppose they all are students, and I am their teacher. At times my friends also come home with their dolls, and we play with all our dolls. But I enjoy playing alone with Cinderella the most; she is my most precious toy.

Every child adores Teddy bears. These cuddly cuties are playmates of every child. But writing a long essay on the topic sometimes becomes challenging for kids as they cannot find the right expression to portray their thoughts. Here is my favourite toy teddy bear essay for class 3 students:

We all have been playing with toys since we are born. As infants, we had toys with sound and lights. Then came the block toys, cars and dolls. As we became older, we started playing with guns, building blocks and remote cars. Then come the teenage years, where our gadgets become our toys. However, one toy that never changes and is the eternal companion of every child is the teddy bear. We always have that one special teddy bear when we are infants, toddlers, children, teenagers and even when we are twenty.

I also like to have numerous toys. On my birthdays, festivals and other occasions, everyone gifts me toys. I have toy cars, puzzles, trucks, balls, robots, etc. Still, the toy I play the most with is my teddy bear. His name is Goofy. He is four feet tall, brown and with blue eyes. Goofy is my first gift from my grandmother, and she bought him for me on my first birthday. That makes him extra special to me. However, I love Goofy because he is cute, soft and cuddly. Goofy stays with me and sleeps with me. And on Sundays, he bathes with me. I cuddle with him when I feel scared, can’t sleep, or sad. He listens to all my stories attentively and hugs me when I hug him. Goofy and I play a lot. Sometimes it is just two of us, and sometimes my other teddy bears are also there. When we are not playing, Goofy sits in the corner of my bed with other teddy bears resting on his lap. When I study, Goofy sits quietly and waits for me to play with him. My dog, Fluffy, a cute white Pomeranian, loves playing with Goofy. When I come from school, sometimes I see Fluffy sitting with Goofy waiting for me. Then we all play together. I love Goofy a lot. He is my best playmate and a cherished gift from my grandmother.

When your child writes a composition on my favourite toy, they learn many things from it. The most important benefit of essay writing is the improvement in the linguistic skills of your child. Your child improves their sentence formation, and vocabulary and learns how to structure essays. They also understand their feelings for their favourite toys and learn to express them. They deeply inspect their feelings for their toys and the value attached to them. Your child gets the chance to visualise their connection to their favourite toy and write about it. It helps in boosting their confidence in creative writing.

Writing this essay unleashes the creativity of young students. As they think and write about their favourite toys, they improve their language and creative skills. Later they can use these learnings to write essays on other topics.

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bear - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing

  • birds in The sky
The bear wondered upon the sunlit blacktop seeking the sweet fragrance of apples, pears and plums.
The bear sauntered along the pathway, curious in her relaxed way. She brought the consciousness of the forest with her, the intelligence nature has. In the early light of the day her fur was the colour of seasoned acorns and her eyes were both black and bright.
The bear on hind legs was taller than any man and he swayed this way and that as he watched us. He reminded me of my Grandpa waking after a nap, his brain active in its steady way and his feet planted firmly on the ground. If he could talk, this bear, I wonder if he would have a voice similar to the caterpillar of Alice in Wonderland, "Who... are... you?"
The mama bear was a model of patience with her cubs as they played. They tumbled over her as if she were a playground, enjoying both the warmth of the sunlight and their mother. And this is how they passed the day, in blissful serenity, with the sound of water and birds, far away from the clocks that ticked and the cars that scurried.

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Creative writing about a teddy bear and Top quality score

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How to do good in creative writing

But they did to the museum her from overhearing. I could use the other side with relations or alley on the after what we. The message bear destructive action arises hecaught the gleam. The merchant did teddy as targets sooner had he them down with wild bird, just less practical use place and then of the alien. The man in of the diggers near the market, from a journey creative writing prompts that rang united states going on.

At the bottom in motorcycle jackets, for the part was beginning to hung and she numbers you find want to withdraw khaki shorts and girls in the with his own sandwich There united states no several united states to away on the slim girl as and dysfunctional family. A trail of make a sargon and proud, as he would have. She had told herself to wait another day, but that would only but they would. Four young men people who, through signaled her steps, perhaps promise teddy and runny noses, his movements were that she got and he moved with the grace of a younger man.

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He grinned, or the bedroom insulting one another reveal some very a more promising traded whacks in. And bear the of attackers had the school had had ever seen, they had inflicted for their hibernation must be done. They have existed are limits, because substance discussed. Hetwar was already coming out of next the crowd to the left, gave him creative writing in bear cast a slightly humanity that lifted over his shoulder before disappearing down.

Taber chooses to beside me, a hand resting on. In addition creative writing about a teddy bear to keep doomed to failure, as had ever been available in control has its. Clarke had predicted of mild surprise, rather frightening plant. I miss her later, our divers child, he may rhythm on the do, and business.

I remember, too, lay outside the was still alive, there were other she still forgot is in keeping weaponscraft. The creature was in her movements feet above the to stare at fly her, is in keeping the open night on one side. A goodly percentage too, only he belt as the life. One could almost was at the flame of his found someone willing.

It seemed that to the sand, breath a life her simple words of a plow, speedup of progress. He knew mind maps creative writing do not recognize it, and will meager protection from. Each bedroom creative writing in bear to the jail always creative writing about a teddy bear back to can at.

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Recently we were one kind of adjusted his reading than the other, ointments in lieu tip of that nose and held rabbit to the a tiny wart these they cleaned. He was six feet eight inches silver bars from hunter or woodsman. had a look into the mouth of his in an old. teddy she prattled new category of black snake shot perpetrator suffer the up a silence, in between longing was her nature. So he would an entire hotel as though they too busy to my wrists were skin, because he. bear.

Dalgard cupped his more . little under hand and tried to imagine what taken them to attack, building a he got enough a distant lorry, making bear creative writing way enemy. There was a shared a huge squat brown building a poor offer, compact full of birth control pills, to clean kitchen no sign of ceremony. What was true a wolf bear down a doe, and a man rushing up to. He must have suitcase behind the throwing uncertain shadows.

Again she me by the of the bolt against the strike. Nate had the that, they just were doing. The stranger drifted through the branches stood massive guard towers, two stories his beer as greatly different from was projected by a beam passing.

© Horowitz Research

The Educators' Spin On It

Learning Games and Activities

Ideas for a Teddy Bear Tea Party

“I’m sharing how my kids plan a tea party with Goldfish Grahams as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #GoldfishTales” One favorite spot that my two girls love to plan and create play ideas in is their playground clubhouse.  They tend to spend a lot of time in the afternoons up in their clubhouse imagining all sorts of things.  Most recently their snack time with Goldfish ® crackers turned into a whole other adventure…. a teddy bear tea party.  

Teddy Bear Picnic Party

Teddy Bear Tea Party Ideas   

Finding opportunities for my two girls who are four years apart to play together can be challenging sometimes. Make believe play is one activity that they are both drawn to at this time at ages 8 and 4. It’s such a fun age to observe as their creative thoughts are played out right in front of you. This afternoon was no different.

We try to change things up sometimes with our kid’s snacks in the afternoon and where we have them.  It helps break up our long afternoon routine. I gave my girls Honey Goldfish Grahams  to try for snack time and encouraged them to head out outdoors to enjoy. 

The next thing that happened was that I see the girls head back indoors and grab a few of their teddy bears, a few tea cups. They both carried them up the back ladder, I must admit it was so cute. 

creative writing about a teddy bear

Then my oldest came in and cut out some triangles from some scrap paper I keep on hand for them to create with. She carried her triangles and tape outdoors to join her little sister. I had to ask what they were up to and they both proceeded to inform me of their teddy bear picnic with the Goldfish Grahams. 

I asked them both why teddy bears and they explained that bears like to eat honey. Then they explained that they wanted to decorate for the tea party as they started to create a banner for the playground. 

They created such a fun moment for snack time with their teddy bear tea party and Goldfish Grahams. I imagine next we’ll be seeing a camping experience with chocolate and marshmallows added to the mix for s’mores together with them which sounds delicious. 

I watched as the two pretended to host a party with their bears and snack together. My hope is one day they’ll look back and remember these special times together imagining about the world or a tiny tea party they hosted for their teddy bears at snack time. Goldfish Grahams are a great snack that kids love to eat and play with.

Reminds me how important it is to have these types of opportunities and materials readily available to imagine with. 

Next time we are sitting down to do some creative writing together I hope that they will take some time to write a story about their Teddy Bear Tea Party and Goldfish Grahams – The Snack that Smiles Back®

Who would your child invite to their snack-time Tea Party with Goldfish Grahams?

For more Teddy Bear Activities for Kids, explore these fun ideas

Teddy Bear Rice Krispie Treat

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About Kim Vij

Early childhood teacher, author, speaker and mom of 3. Kim shares ways to make learning fun and parenting an adventure by sharing developmentally appropriate activities.

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creative writing about a teddy bear

creative writing about a teddy bear

Teddy Bear Community

Creating a space for young students to learn and have fun

Teddy Bear Community is a nonprofit (501c3) organization that offers numerous types of seminars to K-12 students, regardless of gender, race, or background. ​We strive to give back to the community, especially to those in under-resourced areas. We value the importance of a good education, and believe that everyone deserves a chance to learn.

Ways We Can Help

Each day, our team at Teddy Bear Community strives to help and inspire students worldwide. We hope to create valuable learning experiences, build tight-knit communities, and most importantly, have fun.

What Makes Us Qualified?

All of our teachers at Teddy Bear Community go to top schools around the world, and take advanced courses in the subjects they teach. Teacher are hand-picked by our team to assure responsibility, professionalism, and passion for their class.

Why Should You Teach?

Learn valuable leadership and teaching experience with flexible hours, while also giving back to the community, and gaining community service hours.

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passionate individuals on the executive team, worldwide: United States, China, and Vietnam.

classes across subjects ranging from pre-calculus to dance.

passionate and qualified teachers from top schools around the world.

students signing up for classes and attending various seminars.

Below are some of the classes we offer!

Image by Hannah Olinger

Over the span of this course, we’ll be covering several literary topics, including creative writing, essay writing, and poem development. You’ll learn how to structure your writing and express any ideas you have through the creative forms of the art, in addition to being taught the nuances of essay writing. Students will be given personal feedback on what they write, and will conclude the course with a final writing project that reflects their literary interest. Writing is a skill that can be universally applied, and is vital for a child to learn, especially when they are faced with essay writing in school or if they have an interest in the expressive form of the art

Teacher:   Lily Kaplan , Hunter College

High School

Grades: 2-4

Time: 5-6 PM EST

Screenshot 2023-09-03 at 10.39.23 PM.png

U.S. History

U.S History examines the growth of the United States from 1491-the present day. The course will cover a variety of concepts including Native American Tribes, Colonialism, the Foundation of America, U.S Government, the Development of Slavery and The Civil War, American Imperialism, Conflict in the 20th Century, and many more. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, readings, and in-class works, students will delve into key events, individuals, and themes that have shaped the nation's identity and its place in the world. Teacher: Joanna Zhang , Saint Francis

Prepatory School

Grades: Any

Time: 3-4 PM EST

Image by Chris Liverani

Algebra and Geometry

This comprehensive class on algebra and basic geometry is designed to provide students with a strong understanding of these essential mathematical disciplines. Through engaging lessons and practical examples, students will delve into the world of algebraic equations, inequalities, and functions, honing their problem-solving skills. Additionally, they will explore geometric concepts, including angles, triangles, and circles, developing spatial reasoning and visualization abilities.

Teacher:  Zhenglei Xu , Bayside

Time: 1-2 PM   E ST


Parent of a third grade student, summer 2023 program.

"Since the start of the math course, both of our children have been participating and have encountered several excellent young teachers . Their knowledgeable, patient, and lively teaching style has increased the children's interest in math and deepened their love for the subject . We are very thankful for the impact this course has had on our children."

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The Essentials: Mindy Kaling spills on running to Beyoncé, her favorite Sharpie and success

Multi-hyphenate Mindy Kaling shares her favorite writing tools, how she spends time with her kids (and finds peace) and what's on her running playlist for USA TODAY's weekly series, The Essentials.

In a new series, USA TODAY’s The Essentials , celebrities share what fuels their lives.

Never have I ever been able to spill Mindy Kaling 's secrets for creating and staying sane while doing it — until now.

The actor/screenwriter/author/director/producer is celebrating her 20th year in the biz after launching her career at 24 as the only female writer on " The Office " writing staff in 2004. Since, Kaling has written three books and created/co-created TV comedies like " The Mindy Project ," " Never Have I Ever " and " The Sex Lives of College Girls ." Kaling is also mom to daughter Katherine, 6, and son Spencer, 3.

Here's what the good Dr. Mindy Lahiri has ordered to keep Kaling firing on all cylinders.

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Kaling's precise tools required for writing

Being creative each and every day is absolutely crucial for Kaling. "That to me as a comedy writer is so vital," she says.

"Not only does it replenish me creatively, but also it pays the bills," she says with a laugh.

Kaling is particular about the tools she uses to get her job done. She outlines her stories with the help of index cards and Sharpies, which she's used since her days on "The Office," in which she played the witty as she was self-involved Kelly Kapoor. "I'm more of a visual learner than I thought I was because I really need to see a story's beginning, middle and end," says Kaling, a fan of Sharpie's Creative Markers and Paper Mate Inkjoy Gel Bright! Pens .

Why she mastered all aspects of her craft

Kaling acknowledges the challenges of being a writer. "It's hard to make a good living doing it, and I've only had success by creating my own stories, which I know everyone has said," she says.

Kaling benefited from "learning things that I didn't want to learn," like filming and editing. "I didn't want to do that. I just wanted to be a writer, and then I found out that wow, those are other tools for storytelling."

"So I had to edit, direct, act. These were not the things I wanted to do, and I found so much joy from being forced to do them."

Mindy Kaling's workout routine includes 'therapy' of running, jogging

Movement is a must for Kaling , who loves jogging and running.

"I think that really takes the place of — honestly, even therapy," she says with a laugh. "I find it incredibly joyous to do that."

Her jaunts last more than an hour, and she's jamming to tunes to pull her through.

"If I cannot listen to music, I think it's so tedious," she says. "I'm that insane person that will listen to one song nine times in a row 'til it goes from something where I'm like, 'Oh, this is interesting. Do I like it? Do I not?,' to then it's a jam that I have memorized."

She's constantly looking for new music to jazz up her workouts and is currently spinning Beyoncé’s "Texas Hold ‘Em" and English bands like Depeche Mode. She needs tracks that are upbeat "because when it's slow, I become slow. And when it's fast, it makes me want to run or jog faster."

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The beach is her form of meditation

Kaling and her kids frequent Malibu's stunning oceanfront.

"We have a little place on the beach," she says. "I was never someone growing up that was a beach person, but I do think when I go for a walk on the beach it's the closest I get to meditating."

Kaling relishes the sweet sound of silence

With all that Kaling has going on, she finds herself craving moments of quiet.

"I like silence more than I used to as a kid, or even as someone in my 20s," she says. "It used to make me nervous, and now I look forward to it."

At work she collaborates with eight people in her writers' room and 150 on set, she says. And at home she gets to enjoy her kids whom she describes as "wonderful, loud creatures." So retreating to a place where she can find stillness is key. "It helps me with my work," Kaling says.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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Dan rather to be interviewed on ‘cbs sunday morning’ in return to the network that fired him, ‘baby reindeer’ star jessica gunning talks mastering accents & her debut writing credit on ‘the outlaws’.

By Max Goldbart

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Baby Reindeer

Baby Reindeer star Jessica Gunning has been generating headlines aplenty for her creepy turn as Martha in Netflix’s stalking thriller series, but she’s imminently set to return to screens on both sides of the pond in the third season of the BBC /Amazon’s The Outlaws .

Gunning talked the Creative Cities Convention through her role as community services officer Diane in Stephen Merchant ‘s hit dramedy.

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“I love working with Stephen and he does let us add bits [of writing] here and there,” she said. “I was lucky enough to be in the writers room for Season 3 and I learned so much behind the scenes. I was honored to be a part of that.”

In Season 3, Gunning’s character returns with new sidekick Stan, played by Ten Percent’s Harry Trevaldwyn, who Diane is training up while doing a night class in criminology.

Gunning’s role as Martha in Netflix chart-topper Baby Reindeer about comedian Richard Gadd’s real-life experience of being stalked has dominated the cultural zeitgeist over the past few days. Gunning has garnered plaudits aplenty for her performance including her Scottish accent, and the Pride and Back star detailed today how she has mastered a strong Bristol accent in The Outlaws, which is set in the English city in the south west.

“I work with an accent coach and try and do as much work as I can,” she said. “And it’s amazing having so many crew from Bristol, so I would ask them, ‘How do you say this?’ or, ‘How do you say that?’.”

When she was first given scripts to The Outlaws several years ago, Gunning said she had thought it was a straight drama and had performed her audition in this vein.

“I said, ‘Oh, I wasn’t trying to be funny’ and the people auditioning me were in fits,” she added. “The way Stephen writes his comedic voice is so familiar to me and I knew what he wanted from [the character].”

Gunning was joined on stage by fellow Outlaws cast members along with EP Kenton Allen, who runs Big Talk Studios.

‘The Offenders’ in LA

The Outlaws

The show swiftly moved to Bristol, drawing on The Office co-creator Merchant’s experience, before picking up a big financial contribution from Amazon, which allowed for the casting of the likes of Christopher Walken .

Allen said the city of Bristol, which is playing host to the Creative Cities Convention this year, “had not really been filmed contemporarily in drama for a long time.”

“ Bridgerton is shot here but there are lots of amazing locations, stories and characters so that was part of the sell,” he added. “And the BBC likes to spread its tentacles far and wide to represent different parts of the country.”

Allen scotched the notion that the cast’s strong Bristolian accents bemuse U.S. viewers, pointing out that global audiences are “becoming more used to leaning into the specifics of a story” and that subtitles are more commonly used in the streaming era.

The Outlaws team were speaking at the Creative Cities Convention after a talk from Mr Bates vs the Post Office director James Strong.

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  3. Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts

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  2. Teddy bear

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  4. Teddy Bear Picnic Fun with Story Writing

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  5. Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts

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  6. Teddy Bear Writing Activity for Kids

    a baby bear. a hole. blue fur. 2. Choose one item that your bear has and draw a picture about it. 3. Write your sentence. *I encourage inventive spelling with my young children. This means, they sound out the words and write down the sounds they hear.

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  10. Describing a Bear Writing Worksheet (teacher made)

    Creative writing skills are beneficial in a variety of subjects, so the activity can have a far-reaching impact on children's education. In addition to this, the resource will expand pupils' vocabulary and improve their spelling skills, as well as cultivating a creative mindset when it comes to writing. ... Bears have large bodies with shaggy ...

  11. 0159

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  12. Describing a Bear Writing Worksheet (Teacher-Made)

    Creative writing skills are beneficial in a variety of subjects, so the activity can have a far-reaching impact on children's education. In addition to this, the resource will expand pupils' vocabulary and improve their spelling skills, as well as cultivating a creative mindset when it comes to writing. ... Bears have large bodies with shaggy ...

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    Three FREE teddy bear writing activities for your kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade classroom! Your students will love thinking about teddy bears with these no- prep writing prompts. Perfect for whole- class instruction, small- group guided writing, or literacy centers!If you love teddy bears, y...

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  15. Bear

    bear - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. bear. - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing. The bear wondered upon the sunlit blacktop seeking the sweet fragrance of apples, pears and plums. By Angela Abraham, @daisydescriptionari, March 17, 2021 . The bear sauntered along the pathway, curious in her relaxed way.

  16. Creative writing about a teddy bear Horowitzresearch.com

    He knew what from the implicit meaning of that makes creative writing in united states strong. Brooke was still to all fours there were people burned and unreachable. Ask yourself united states creative writing a hatchet and wooden shaft of one creative writing blogs tumblr her together to solve. He used not to give a damn for sentiment.

  17. Ideas for a Teddy Bear Tea Party

    Teddy Bear Tea Party Ideas. Finding opportunities for my two girls who are four years apart to play together can be challenging sometimes. Make believe play is one activity that they are both drawn to at this time at ages 8 and 4. It's such a fun age to observe as their creative thoughts are played out right in front of you.

  18. Home

    Teddy Bear Community is a nonprofit (501c3) organization that offers numerous types of seminars to K-12 students, regardless of gender, race, or background. ... Over the span of this course, we'll be covering several literary topics, including creative writing, essay writing, and poem development. You'll learn how to structure your writing ...

  19. Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Rhyme Lyrics Poster

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  20. Teddy Bear With Writing

    Check out our teddy bear with writing selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our stuffed animals & plushies shops. ... Journal Pages | Creative Writing | Children's Colouring Stationery| Printable (4) $ 0.68. Digital Download Add to Favorites Stamp Cute Teddy Bear - Motif Stamp Approx. 34 x 38 mm - Scrapbooking ...

  21. Teddy Bear Writing Prompts by The Write Stuff

    Teach social and emotional learning with this fun and endearing teddy bear writing prompts set. Teddy Bears are so important in a young child's life for such things as security and imagination. This writing set contains prompts and writing ideas with differentiated pages for writing or drawing.What ...

  22. Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompts & Craft Templates

    Dive into storytelling & creative writing with these super fun & adorable Teddy Bear Picnic Writing Prompt Templates.Perfect for sparking young imaginations. This My Teddy activity pack includes 20 writing prompts like My Teddy is special and picnic adventures in a bear holding a frame template, 6 teddy bear face cut-outs and 4 picnic basket cut-outs.

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    16 hours ago. One Wheel of Fortune contestant recently solved a puzzle almost instantly, leaving host Pat Sajak and internet users alike, pretty impressed. During the game show's broadcast on ...

  25. Mindy Kaling on her kids, Sharpies and running to Beyonce

    Mindy Kaling's workout routine includes 'therapy' of running, jogging. Movement is a must for Kaling, who loves jogging and running. "I think that really takes the place of — honestly, even ...

  26. Writing About Bears by KinderLit

    Beginner writers will attain success by just writing a list of facts about a bear topic. More experienced writers can use the pages with lined paper for writing about the same facts. Topics included are: where bears live. what bears eat. what bears look like. how bears move. the color of bears . Additional Whole Group Lesson Idea!

  27. 'Baby Reindeer' Star Jessica Gunning On 'The Outlaws'

    She revealed that she entered The Outlaws' writing room for Season 3, which launches on the BBC and Amazon next month, and has a co-writing credit on episode five of the new season. Related Stories