18 US market research companies for leading consumer insights


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When it comes to understanding modern American consumers, guesswork just won’t cut it. With transformative changes affecting the way we shop, behave, and consume media, it’s no secret that in-depth consumer research should be at the heart of every strategic marketing, product, or business decision you make. 

There are a myriad of US market research companies out there armed with customer insight platforms, smart research tools, and AI-powered features that give you the answers you need. But which is best for reaching your US target audiences? Whose data can you trust? With so much choice, it can be tough to figure out which market research company is the right fit for your business needs. 

To help you make that decision (‘cause we’re nice like that), we’ve put together a no-nonsense rundown of the best market research companies for US consumer insights right now, outlining the specialist areas and key use cases you might consider them for. Grab a hot drink and settle in. 

Oh – and if you’re interested in the best market research companies in the UK , we’ve got a shortlist of those worth skimming through too. 

How to choose the right US market research company

It sounds obvious, but every US market research company is different. The type of consumer data they collect, and how they deliver it to you really varies. So before you commit to a research partner, think carefully about the kind of support you need – and crucially, how quickly you need it. Start by asking these six questions:

  • Do they know about your audience? 
  • Do they have expertise in your industry/category, with a proven track record of success?
  • Do they conduct the right kind of research to answer your questions, with a sound and trusted methodology? 
  • Are they transparent about how they collect and analyze data to ensure quality?
  • Do they have the capacity to provide fast results, with regular client communication?
  • Most importantly, will they understand your long-term goals and add value to your business?

If you can answer “yes” to each of these questions, you’re on the right track to finding the perfect partner. But if you want more guidance on how to drive research forward, here’s our list of the leading US market research companies worth considering, in no particular order. Well, except for us – obviously.

Top 18 US market research companies worth considering

It would be crazy if we put together a comparison piece on US market research companies and didn’t mention our very own AI-enhanced, on-demand consumer research platform . So let’s start there.

GWI is modernized consumer research, with an intuitive platform that instantly puts high-impact US consumer research at your fingertips.

Location: New York, USA (with additional offices in the UK, Greece, Czech Republic, and Singapore)

Specialisms: Every business has questions about its audiences; GWI has the answers. Get a window into your target audience’s world, on demand, with our easy-to-use consumer research platform. Our GWI USA data set covers an 80K+ annual sample, representing the views, behaviors, and interests of 250 million US consumers in all 50 States. Need to go beyond the US? Delve into our global flagship survey representing nearly 3 billion consumers in 50+ markets worldwide.

Understand today’s diverse Americans in seconds, with deep psychographic consumer insight spanning key topics like social media, mental health, DE&I, and attitudes toward brands. And if you need fast answers on something really specific? Ask your US audiences any question you like with our custom research solutions.

Use cases include: 

  • Marketing strategy ( ad targeting , brand health tracking, content marketing, and media planning)
  • Revenue growth (media ad sales, winning pitches and retaining key clients)
  • Product development (product expansion, improvements, and partnership and collaboration opportunities)
  • Competitive advantage (market differentiation, market sizing/expansion, and sponsorship opportunities)

If time’s of the essence, why not try our free interactive demo right now?

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2. MRI-Simmons

A long-standing provider of US consumer insights, collected through address-based probabilistic sampling, and online and in-person interviews.

Location: New York, USA

Specialisms: MRI-Simmons offers a complete view of the American consumer – providing consumer research via a national study, print studies into magazine ad readership, and focus studies for deeper insight into emerging tech and cultural trends. Data is based on a representative sample of over 50K+ US consumers in 48 states (excluding Alaska and Hawaii), with surveys conducted twice a year. 

Use cases include:

  • Audience profiling
  • Market sizing
  • Media planning

An integrated, AI-driven enterprise platform combining “quant, qual, and high quality audiences” into a connected research cloud.

Specialisms: Using AI to drive research, Suzy has three main product offerings – Suzy Insights, Suzy Live, and Suzy Audiences – and offers real-time customer insights delivered with “agency-quality rigor”. Pulling data from an active, engaged community (via surveys, interviews, and focus groups), its platform helps teams understand US consumers, explore purchase journeys, validate ideas, optimize marketing assets, and more.

Use cases include:  

  • Concept testing
  • Product development

AI-powered market intelligence that solves critical questions in the decision-making process, and helps drive sustainable growth.

Location: Nuremberg, Germany (with additional global offices)

Specialisms : GfK “drives growth from knowledge” by providing a holistic view of US consumers’ buying behavior and the dynamics impacting markets, brands, and media trends. With particular expertise in consumer and shopper intelligence, Gfk’s research methods include surveys, point-of-sale data analysis, and wider market monitoring. It also offers strategic consultancy to help businesses make great decisions.

  • Competitive advantage
  • Market segmentation

A global media leader specializing in TV, video, and radio audience and data analytics.

Location: New York, USA (with additional global offices)

Specialisms: Nielsen is a powerhouse of market intelligence, “connecting clients to audiences, growth and new opportunities”. It explores nuanced consumer behavior, preferences, and market dynamics to give media brands an edge. You may be familiar with Nielsen ratings – its renowned audience measurement system for TV viewership – which have been a deciding factor in many shows being renewed or canceled over the years.

And in case you didn’t know – GWI has an ongoing Fusion partnership with Nielsen that delivers advanced media insights and analytics to our customers. A pretty solid choice of market research partner, if you ask us.

  • Ad targeting
  • Media planning 

A business intelligence and market research company that helps clients “drive data-backed business decisions that enhance customers’ lives.”

Location: Virginia, USA

Specialisms: Bixa gives businesses a springboard to sustainable growth by helping them “build meaningful connections” with customers. It shares targeted business intelligence for a deeper understanding of US audiences, market dynamics, and emerging trends. Ultimately, it helps businesses with strategic decision-making. Data derives from diverse sources including surveys, consumer feedback, and in-depth industry analysis. 

  • Brand health tracking
  • Market expansion

7. Morning Consult

A real-time “decision intelligence” and custom research tool, powered by consumer opinion polling.

Location: Washington, D.C., USA

Specialisms: Morning Consult provides timely consumer opinions and market insights, alongside current economic data and political trends.  Daily surveys and insights give businesses the agility they need to pivot strategies quickly and effectively. Analyzing niche audiences and underserved buyers in 100+ countries (including the US), it’s also useful for identifying new market opportunities.

  • Political risk analysis

Equipping clients with market intelligence tools to help them make “smarter decisions, faster and more consistently across markets”.

Specialisms: Ipsos is a global market research company that sources consumer data from surveys, behavioral analysis, and social listening. With specialist insight into the lifestyles, media habits, and purchase behavior of financially-successful Americans (via its Affluent Survey), it also pays particular attention to public opinion. This helps brands tune in to changing market trends and benchmark how well they’re received by consumers.

  • Digital marketing strategy
  • Sentiment tracking

An AI-driven “knowledge management” tool that helps enterprises keep pace and make fast decisions through predictive analytics.

Location: Minnesota, USA

Specialisms: Putting AI at the heart of market research, Lucy “exists to amaze, delight, and empower people with knowledge”. Generating US insights via machine learning algorithms, it rapidly analyzes a blend of large data sets, social media interactions, and consumer behaviors. Lucy is trusted by 18+ Fortune 1000 companies to deliver advanced analysis at speed – saving time while boosting organizational productivity. 

  • Trend forecasting

10. Comscore

Leading digital audience insights and media performance analysis, that helps businesses generate more ROI from their advertising.

Location: Virginia, USA (with additional global offices)

Specialisms: Sharing real-time US consumer insights on media consumption, Comscore provides effective digital marketing and advertising solutions across several veins (including TV and advertising). Using its robust, reliable suite of tools, clients can explore demographics to understand American audiences, then optimize ad targeting and wider marketing strategies for better engagement and return on investment.

11. Kantar Marketplace

A market research company offering relevant, robust data about global and local audiences in an increasingly connected world.

Locations: New York, USA (with additional global offices)

Specialisms: Kantar serves industry-leading consumer insights across TV, radio, print, and digital – all unpacked in its Target Group Index (TGI) survey. Based on a representative 700K+ sample across 50 markets, data is collected online and through offline consumer panels. Analyzing attitudes, behaviors, media consumption, and brand/product use, Kantar promises “decision-quality insights in as little as a few hours.” 

12. 1+1 Research

A full-service fieldwork company supplying tailored market research solutions to companies across the globe.

Specialisms:   1+1 Research provides bespoke market research services for its clients, such as consumer opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Depending on a company’s needs, US consumer data can be collected through focus groups, online surveys, industry analysis, and CATI (computer-assisted phone interviews) among other methodologies – ideal for those with unique industry requirements who need a bit more flexibility.

  • Brand strategy
  • Custom research

13. Gartner

Expert market research company that delivers practical solutions for fast, informed decision-making and measurable impact.

Location: Connecticut, USA (with additional global offices)

Specialisms : Gartner is a global name in market research for good reason. Its on-demand diagnostics, insights, frameworks, rankings, and benchmarking tools help businesses work smarter, not harder to get ahead of modern Americans in the digital world. Valuable insights are sourced from a mix of market analysis, surveys, and expert consultations, and outline the impact of new technology on US businesses and consumers alike. 

Use cases: 

  • Customer experience

A real-time consumer intelligence platform that helps clients figure out what matters to their online audiences, fast.

Specialisms: Subscription-based Toluna Start offers automated solutions that put market research into its clients’ hands. Collating US survey data from a global community of engaged consumers, its platform users get a dynamic view of digital preferences and behaviors to help them validate their strategies and implement feedback in a real-world environment.

  • Marketing strategy

15. Statista

A global data and business intelligence platform aggregating statistics, market research reports, and key insights on over 80,000 topics.

Specialisms: Statista is a household name for timely US market and consumer insights, designed to “empower people with data” on key topics such as the economy, military, and population. Solutions include analysis of behavior and media usage (via Consumer Insights) and trend forecasting (via Market Insights). Data coverage also extends globally, with a representative 1.7M+ sample across 56 countries.

  • Content marketing
  • Winning pitches and retaining clients

16. SIS International Research

A full-service consulting firm supplying market intelligence and consumer research solutions to businesses worldwide.

Specialisms: SIS is a US market research company with specialist experience across various industries, including B2B, supply chain, and healthcare market research. It sources data and strategic insights from a global network of field researchers, alongside consumer surveys and interviews. SIS helps businesses benchmark against competitors and create tailored strategies for success – even as market dynamics change.

17.  Forrester Research

A US market research company that helps global organizations excel with technology and deliver on consumers’ changing demands.

Location: Massachusetts, USA

Specialisms: Combining traditional, in-house market research with a modern, tech-driven mindset, Forrester Research offers deep consumer insights along with recommendations for tech adoption strategies. It takes data from consumer surveys and expert market assessments, with findings analyzed by its team of experts. Clients benefit from clear results and a deeper understanding of nuanced consumer behavior in their industry.

  • Market differentiation

18. Resonate

US market research and consumer intelligence experts, offering AI-powered consumer data and predictive insights. 

Specialisms: Resonate operates through “rAI”, its unique AI consumer intelligence model that gives clients a holistic view of their US audiences. Blending online behavioral data with surveys, psychographics, and real-time consumer interactions, it takes an in-depth look at what makes Americans unique, and the “why” behind what they do. Ideal for crafting highly targeted, effective marketing strategies backed by granular insight.

[H2] Those are our top market research recommendations, now it’s over to you

Nineteen US market research companies, with nineteen different ways to tackle US consumer research. Hopefully you’ve come away from this blog with a clearer idea of exactly what you need from a research partner, and who you can trust to get the job done. We’ll leave you to digest.

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20 Top Market Research Companies (2024)

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Self-serve market research are helpful when you need answers fast.

But a market research company can be a great asset when you need data on a more personalized or granular level.

The data collected by a top market research firm can help you optimize your product marketing, communications strategy, customer experience, online user experience, and more.

From completely bespoke services to expert reporting on the topics that matter most to your audience, these are 20 of the best consumer and B2B market research companies.

Ipsos is a market research company that connects businesses with online communities.


When you work with Ipsos, you'll be matched with a community of people that share traits with your ideal customers. These similarities help you figure out what your ideal customer or user may respond to.

Ipsos’ wide range of services covers multiple industries, including retail, healthcare, transportation, politics, and automotive.

With Ipsos, you can do things such as:

  • Assemble custom panels of consumers
  • Record interviews and mystery shopper journeys that document retail experiences
  • View reports about key consumer insights and demographics
  • Run brand, packaging, and product testing
  • Conduct message testing for public affairs projects
  • Develop studies measuring the quality of healthcare and patient satisfaction
  • Engage in public opinion polling

You can also work with an Ipsos strategist to get further insights about your market.

Ipsos recruits its panel and community members through a variety of advertising channels, and participants aren’t paid for their involvement. Instead, members receive points they can later redeem for prizes.

Because Ipsos services are so customizable, you’ll need to get in touch with their sales team to discuss your needs and receive a price quote.

2. Edelman DXI

Edelman Data & Intelligence (DXI) provides its customers with insights related to their target markets, customer behaviors, and broader economic trends .


The company is part of the Edelman global communications firm. By working with their DXI unit, you can get help with:

  • Social listening and analysis
  • Competitive market analysis
  • Content auditing
  • Paid media planning
  • Risk forecasting
  • Workforce analytics

Edelman DXI has offices throughout the world, so they can provide insights across a wide variety of global markets and audiences.

Because Edelman DXI services will be unique to each client, you’ll need to get in touch with the company to learn more about how much it will cost to become a client.

3. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics is an alternative to traditional market research firms.


Rather than relying on a small panel sample or audience group selected by a firm, you can glean insights from what might be the world’s largest repository of consumer wants, needs, and insights: the internet.

First, we use artificial intelligence (AI) to listen to conversations happening across:

  • News outlets
  • Social networks

Next, our data analysis experts use this information to help identify the top market trends, topics, brands, and technologies that interest consumers and businesses today.

We enter these findings into our searchable database—and use it as the basis for insightful, actionable reports that break down the top trends you need to know about right now.

Our data stretches back 15 years and covers over 40 industries. Plus, it’s updated every day—so you always have fresh insights to work with.

Whether you rely on our reports or prefer to search the database yourself, you can use Exploding Topics data to support your:

  • Entry into new markets
  • Product development
  • New marketing strategies
  • Startup investing
  • Competitor acquisition
  • New business formation

You can access some of our trend data and reports for free right now. For complete access to every Exploding Topics data point and report—including our Meta Trends feature that shows how trends intersect—you’ll need a paid Exploding Topics Pro plan.

It’s just $1 for the first two weeks of your Exploding Topics Pro membership, and as little as $39 per month (billed annually) after that.

Gartner ’s market research services overlap with those offered by Ipsos, but cover a few additional industries including education, energy, and finance.


As a Gartner customer, you can:

  • Review prepared reports
  • Engage in personalized consulting services
  • Attend industry events

The data gleaned from these reports and activities can help your company enhance its internal business operations as well as improve consumer-facing products or campaigns. Gartner’s information can be useful for:

  • Understanding how to best position your brand
  • Improving project strategy development and decisions
  • Estimating tech lifecycles and improving corporate purchasing
  • Evaluating your top market competitors
  • Developing a more sustainable business strategy
  • Determining how AI may impact your business
  • Preparing for economic changes
  • Improving your company’s market share

Some of Gartner’s reports are available for free on their website. That way, you can get a taste of what the company offers. If it seems like the right fit for your needs, you’ll need to get in touch with the Gartner team to get a price quote.

5. IMS Marketing

IMS is a full-service marketing agency—but they offer a market research arm to help B2B clients better understand how to position their brand and products.


Their customized services can help with:

  • Understanding customer feedback
  • Testing the feasibility of a new product or market
  • Analyzing the competitor landscape
  • Creating market segments
  • Researching new audience groups
  • Identifying and improving brand perception
  • Pinpointing gaps in existing or prior research attempts

IMS Marketing is like Edelman DXI in that its services are entirely bespoke—the company doesn’t offer prepared reports like Gartner or Exploding Topics.

You can only become an IMS client after meeting with the company and allowing them to get a full understanding of your business, market, and objectives. 

6. Forrester

Forrester is a market research firm that provides insights for business, government, and technology operations.


While B2C businesses can use Forrester, a lot of the firm's data is especially valuable for B2B markets.

You can use Forrester insights to:

  • Explore what business customers need and want
  • Develop your tech stack to keep pace with competitors
  • Prepare for supply chain and development challenges
  • Review prepared sales strategy templates
  • Discover competitor weaknesses

Forrester offers advisory services and access to data-rich reports, so you can choose whether you’d like to take a more self-directed approach or have hands-on help.

A single Forrester report may cost $1,000 or more, and advisory services are custom quoted based on your needs. Anyone interested in working with Forrester directly will need to get in touch with their sales team to discuss options.

Kantar offers market research services for a range of B2C industries, including consumer packaged goods (CPG), fashion, hospitality, retail, and technology.


Kantar’s research solutions include:

  • Collection of qualitative consumer data in over 80 global markets
  • Customized research surveys with panels prepared from a network of over 150 million respondents
  • The development of healthcare professional and patient panels
  • Expert survey design

The company also offers Kantar Marketplace, a do-it-yourself market research platform that lets users guide their own data collection and analysis efforts.

Marketplace access is available on either a pay-per-use plan or with an annual commitment starting at $50,000.

You can’t sign up on the Kantar website, though—for access to Marketplace as well as bespoke Kantar research services, you’ll need to get in touch with their sales team.

8. Bellomy Market Intelligence

Bellomy Market Intelligence is a consulting firm that works with retail, healthcare, financial, technology, energy, and consumer goods businesses.


Like several of the other market research firms on this list, Bellomy offers its clients access to panels of consumers that meet relevant B2B or B2C audience criteria.

You can then use these panels to:

  • Run quick polls with rapid response times
  • Host open-ended discussions to collect feedback
  • Create ongoing focus forums for asynchronous discussions
  • Watch as a Bellomy moderator leads members of your panel in an online chat
  • Conduct one-on-one, in-depth interviews
  • Track consumer behaviors and motivations with repeated daily online surveys
  • Host in-person focus groups and retail events to collect data

Bellomy then uses AI tools to help its clients glean insights from qualitative and quantitative research results.

As with many other market research groups, you’ll need to get in touch with Bellomy to learn more about its available services and prices.

Campos is a market research firm focused on branding, product development, and customer experience data.


Campos works with corporations and public institutions seeking a rebrand. Its services overlap with those provided by IMS and Bellomy, and include:

  • Product pricing research
  • Consumer segmentation and analysis
  • Demand forecasting
  • Focus group creation
  • In-depth interviews for customer journey mapping
  • In-store observations

Unlike many research firms that conduct most of their analysis online—such as through video interviews and web-based simulations—Campos specializes in face-to-face analysis.

The company maintains a research center in Pittsburgh, where they're able to:

  • Assemble and interview large panels
  • Host software usability testing sessions
  • Create model stores and homes for interaction testing
  • Run mock jury simulations

Campos clients may watch the studies in action through two-way mirrors or view a live stream of research activities. The firm can also arrange for similar in-person experiences at partner locations around the U.S.

Campos services are based on scope and need, so you'll need to get in touch with the firm if you're interested in working with them.

10. Matrix Sciences

Matrix Sciences is a research and testing firm for agriculture and food brands.


The company's research arm conducts studies to discover consumer opinions around food products. They deliver a mix of quantitative and qualitative data through processes like:

  • In-home product usage analysis
  • Whole-household evaluations and interviews
  • Panel discussions and interviews about food products or ideas
  • Studies around how product packaging stands out in stores

Matrix Sciences also maintains a panel of expert sensory researchers who provide research and feedback around how a food item may be perceived. This process considers a product's:

  • Visual appearance

Like Campos, much of Matrix Science's research happens in-person. The firm maintains 14 testing locations in the U.S. and Canada.

Prospective customers must get in touch with the company to discuss tests, options, and pricing.

Knit is an AI-powered research platform that quickly delivers panel data and analysis to clients.


You can use the tool to conduct qualitative and quantitative research. Tell Knit what you need, and the platform will assemble a panel from their database of over five million consumers.

Knit panelists range from 13 to 65 years old and are verified as real through a process involving both video and AI-generated questions.

Panelists can answer questions via video or survey form, depending on how the Knit study is set up.

You won't have to watch hours and hours of video, though. Knit uses GPT-4 to analyze these recordings and create:

  • Video summaries
  • Quick takeaways
  • Key theme summaries
  • Highlight reels

The platform also includes an AI research assistant that can answer questions about the data you get from Knit.

YouGov is a public opinion polling service.


The company offers opinion polling data for free on its website. These free data sets cover public opinion on topics related to:

  • Business and economy
  • Digital technology and media
  • Entertainment, arts, and culture
  • Health and science
  • International affairs
  • Politics and current affairs
  • Travel and transport

You can dig down into each area of interest to learn about people's thoughts on specific people, brands, events, and more.

YouGov also provides data about survey respondents' habits. For example, they provide data on Americans' typical hours of sleep per night:

[ss of " How many hours of sleep do Americans actually get in a night?" chart from https://business.yougov.com/content/48919-52-of-americans-say-they-sleep-7-hours-a-night-but-many-want-even-more-time-in-bed ]

The ability to sift through all of YouGov's collected polling data may be enough for some users. If not, the company offers self-serve surveys, prepared surveys, and even custom research solutions for paying customers.

By working with YouGov, you can survey 26 million panelists living in 55 markets.

Because the company offers several bespoke solutions in addition to its free data, you'll need to set up a call with YouGov to learn more about options and pricing.

13. Fieldwork

Fieldwork is a qualitative market research firm offering solutions for focus groups.


You can engage Fieldwork to run a consumer focus group at their facilities throughout the U.S., your office, or another location around the world. Online focus groups are also an option for Fieldwork customers.

Fieldwork's support for medical and legal testing sets them apart from some other market research firms on this list. The company maintains permanent and portable medical simulation labs, and can also support:

  • Medical device testing for FDA approval
  • Medical device usability testing
  • Mock jury research
  • Trial simulations

If you're interested in working with Fieldwork to run a focus group, you'll need to submit a request for proposal through the company's website.

14. Kadence

Kadence is an international marketing and scientific research firm.


The company offers research services that can help you:

  • Better understand customer preferences
  • Improve market segmentation
  • Plan the best way to enter a key market
  • Streamline retail shopping experiences
  • Evaluate how well marketing assets resonate with customers
  • Assess brand metrics
  • Find new market opportunities

Kadence conducts their research in several ways, including through:

  • In-person focus groups
  • Phone interviews
  • Online communities
  • In-person testing

They even offer sensory research and testing that's guided by neuroscience. This includes measuring eye movements and brain states when evaluating the reaction to a marketing campaign.

Kadence maintains offices in 13 countries. If you're interested in working with the Kadence team, you'll need to get in touch to request a price quote.

15. Second to None

Second to None provides mystery shopping services and conducts customer experience research.


You can work with the firm to conduct primary market research campaigns. These include:

  • Customer surveys
  • Brand reputation research
  • Online community feedback
  • Online and in-person mystery shopping

Second to None offers solutions for both B2C and B2B brands in a variety of industries including:

  • Foodservice
  • Financial service
  • Consumer products and services
  • Retail sales

Like many of its competitors, Second to None doesn't publish its pricing online. If you think the company's services are the right fit for your brand, you'll need to request an initial consultation with the firm.

16. Civicom

Civicom is a market research services group offering online and offline options.


The company can facilitate a variety of market research projects, including:

  • Online focus groups
  • Recorded in-person panels
  • Mock jury trials
  • Usability testing
  • Hybrid online and in-person focus groups

Civicom also offers its own AI-powered report generation tool called Quillit . Civicom's clients can use Quillit to create summaries, produce research reports, and format documents. The tool is GDPR and HIPAA compliant, too.

The company's ability to conduct hybrid focus group sessions is notable—if you aren't sure what kind of market research work you need, Civicom is a good place to start.

You'll need to call, email, or chat with Civicom team members online to learn more about options and pricing.

17. Cascade Insights

Cascade Insights is a custom market research firm for B2B technology companies.


Cascade Insights works with companies that produce a product or service related to:

  • Generative AI
  • Cybersecurity
  • Internet of Things (IoT) devices
  • Computer hardware
  • IT infrastructure

You can work with Cascade Insights to learn more about your ideal B2B customer through several types of market research services including:

  • Customer experience research
  • Product research
  • B2B marketing and sales enablement research

Unlike some of its competitors, Cascade Insights continues to support its customers beyond the handoff of research findings. Every report comes with a plan for implementing the firm's findings.

The company also provides additional optional consulting and support services including strategy mentorship, marketing audits, and done-for-you marketing content.

If you're interested in working with Cascade Insights, you'll need to get in touch with the company to request a consultation and price quote based on your market research goals.

18. C+R Research

C+R Research is a qualitative and quantitative market firm delivering customer insights.


The firm serves a variety of consumer companies, including those focused on:

  • Food and beverage
  • Consumer packaged goods (CPG)
  • Consumer equipment
  • Financial services
  • Media and telecom

The company provides support for their clients through qualitative, quantitative, and agile research services including:

  • Advertising tests
  • Package tests
  • Pricing analysis
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Research panels and focus groups
  • Online discussions
  • In-depth interviews

C+R Research can also provide support for audience segmentation, customer journey mapping, and workshop facilitation.

If you're part of a consumer-focused brand and are interested in C+R Research services, you'll need to contact the firm to schedule a consultation.

Radius is a data science company focused on consumer research.


The company conducts more than one million quantitative surveys and 3,000 qualitative research sessions every year across 60+ countries. Radius conducts different types of research, including:

  • Choice-based analysis
  • Targetable segmentation
  • Perceptual mind mapping
  • Maximum difference scaling (MaxDiff)

The company applies these different techniques to research activities like:

  • Retail shopping analysis
  • Virtual and augmented reality experiences
  • Ideation workshops
  • Consumer chats
  • Immersive insight sessions

Radius also says that it develops projects using a customized mix of non-traditional approaches—so if you've found it difficult to get the right research for your brand, Radius is worth a closer look.

To learn more about the company's techniques and methods, you'll need to contact the Radius team and schedule an initial meeting.

20. Corona Insights

Corona Insights is a bespoke market research services firm.


Like Cascade Insights, Corona works with its clients to develop a complete plan of action. This may entail:

  • Identification of research needs
  • Development of a research plan
  • Execution of market research activities
  • Review of findings
  • Development of action plans

The company's primary and secondary data research services are broad, and include:

  • Scientific surveys
  • Online and in-person focus groups
  • Statistical analysis
  • Observational research
  • Journey mapping
  • Literature reviews
  • User experience (UX) testing
  • Econometrics

The company offers multilingual research, too. Coupled with the breadth of options, this makes Corona Insights a good fit for many companies across different industries and regions.

Potential clients must contact Corona Insights via their website to learn more about market research costs and services.

If you want a custom research solution, it's best to explore working with a market research consulting firm like Ipsos, Kantar, Corona Insights, or Radius.

For more self-directed or self-paced market analysis , tools like Exploding Topics and Knit might be a better fit.

Make sure that the tool you choose has the industry data, panelist profiles, or research approach you need to get the most accurate data for your company. With insights from the right market research agency, you'll be able to accurately and effectively improve strategy, product development, and more.

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SIS International Market Research

Consumer Market Research

International Consumer Research SIS

These are exciting times to do business. Why? Times are changing, and so are the rules. Companies that sense emerging trends and adapt to the evolving mindset of today’s consumers will not only survive but thrive in the years ahead.

In today’s fast-paced world, where businesses compete fiercely for a share of consumers’ wallets: How can a business truly understand its consumers and their needs? This is where consumer market research comes in. It’s more than just a set of data points; it’s the heartbeat of successful businesses… But, what exactly is consumer market research, and why should it matter to any business? Let’s find out!

What Is Consumer Market Research?

Consumer market research aims to analyze companies’ target consumers. It’s the art and science of understanding consumers’ preferences, motivations, behaviors, and buying patterns. This research often employs qualitative methods (like focus groups or one-on-one interviews) and quantitative methods (like surveys or data analytics).

At its core, it offers insights into what consumers think about a product or service, their experience with it, and how they perceive its value. It also delves into their lifestyle, cultural influences, and even psychological triggers that influence their purchase decisions. Without this in-depth understanding, businesses might be shooting in the dark, hoping their products or campaigns resonate with an audience they don’t fully comprehend.

Moreover, consumer market research is not static. Consumer preferences evolve, new trends emerge, and market dynamics shift. To keep pace, businesses must continuously update their understanding of the market landscape.

Why Is Consumer Market Research Important?

Consumer market research is vital for businesses aiming to understand and meet their target audience’s evolving needs and preferences. It provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, purchasing patterns, and trends, allowing businesses to tailor their products and services accordingly. By leveraging consumer market research, companies can develop more effective marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, in a competitive marketplace, staying ahead requires a deep understanding of the target market. Consumer market research helps businesses identify emerging trends and opportunities, enabling them to innovate and differentiate their offerings. This proactive approach to understanding the market landscape can increase market share and revenue growth.

Additionally, with consumer expectations constantly changing, businesses must adapt to stay relevant. Consumer market research provides businesses with the necessary data to make informed product development and positioning decisions. By aligning their offerings with consumer preferences, companies can build brand loyalty and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Consumer Market Research SIS

Who Uses Consumer Market Research

Companies across industries rely on consumer market research to identify market opportunities, assess the competitive landscape, and refine their product offerings to better meet consumer needs and preferences.

Marketing teams within these companies use consumer market research to segment their target market, develop targeted messaging, and determine the most effective channels to reach their audience. By understanding consumer preferences and behaviors, marketing teams can create campaigns that resonate with their target market, driving engagement and sales.

Product development teams leverage consumer market research to identify gaps in the market, gather feedback on existing products, and develop new products that address consumer needs. By analyzing consumer insights, product development teams can ensure that their products are well-received in the market and meet consumer expectations.

Sales teams use consumer market research to understand consumer buying behavior, identify potential customers, and tailor their sales approach to meet the needs of different consumer segments. By leveraging consumer insights, sales teams can improve their sales pitch, overcome objections, and ultimately, close more deals.

Retailers rely on consumer market research to understand consumer shopping habits, preferences, and trends. This enables them to optimize their product assortment, pricing strategy, and store layout. Retailers can create a more personalized shopping experience by analyzing consumer data, driving customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Investors use consumer market research to assess market trends, evaluate the potential success of new ventures, and make informed investment decisions. By understanding consumer preferences and market dynamics, investors can identify lucrative investment opportunities and mitigate risks.

Critical Success Factors for a Successful Consumer Market Research

Achieving meaningful results from consumer market research requires careful planning and execution. Here are some critical success factors to consider:

  • Quality Data Collection:  The quality of data collected significantly impacts the validity and reliability of research findings. Employing rigorous data collection methods, such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups, and ensuring representative sample sizes are critical for obtaining accurate insights into consumer behaviors and attitudes.
  • Effective Analysis:  Analyzing research data effectively requires robust analytical techniques and tools. Whether it’s quantitative analysis using statistical methods or qualitative analysis using thematic coding, applying appropriate analytical approaches helps uncover meaningful patterns, trends, and correlations in the data.
  • Actionable Insights:  The ultimate goal of consumer market research is to generate actionable insights that drive business decisions. Presenting research findings in a clear, concise, and actionable manner, accompanied by recommendations and implications for decision-making, empowers stakeholders to take informed actions based on research insights.
  • Continuous Learning:  Consumer preferences and market dynamics evolve over time, requiring businesses to continuously monitor and adapt their research strategies. Embracing a culture of continuous learning and iteration, and leveraging feedback from research findings to refine strategies and approaches, ensures research efforts remain relevant and impactful in an ever-changing market environment.

Expected Results from SIS International’s Consumer Market Research Services

SIS delivers actionable insights and tangible results to businesses seeking to understand their target audience and market dynamics. Here are the expected results businesses can anticipate from SIS International’s consumer market research services:

  • Comprehensive Insights:  SIS International conducts in-depth research to provide businesses with extensive insights into consumer preferences, behaviors, and trends. We deliver a holistic understanding of the target market and key drivers influencing consumer decisions.
  • Strategic Recommendations:  SIS offers strategic recommendations tailored to the business’s objectives and market context. We provide actionable insights that inform strategic decision-making and drive business success.
  • Competitive Intelligence:  We help businesses gain a competitive edge by providing insights into competitor activities, market positioning, and emerging trends. By conducting competitive analysis and benchmarking studies, SIS International equips businesses with the knowledge and insights needed to stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on market opportunities.
  • Market Validation:  Prior to launching new products or entering new markets, businesses can rely on SIS International’s market validation services to assess market demand, viability, and potential barriers to entry. By testing product concepts, pricing strategies, and go-to-market approaches with target audiences, businesses can make informed decisions and mitigate risks associated with market expansion.
  • Customer Segmentation:  SIS International helps businesses segment their target audience based on demographic, psychographic, and behavioral attributes. By identifying distinct customer segments and understanding their unique needs and preferences, businesses can tailor marketing messages, product offerings, and customer experiences to effectively engage and satisfy different customer segments.
  • Measurable Impact:  Our experts are committed to delivering measurable impact and tangible outcomes for its clients. Through rigorous performance tracking, monitoring, and evaluation, SIS International ensures that its consumer market research services drive value in terms of revenue growth, market share expansion, and competitive differentiation.

Consumer Food Purchasing Market Research

Consumer Market Research Solutions

Consumer Market Research can help these businesses by uncovering the needs of a prospective target market. Companies can use market research to test opinions, attitudes, usage and behaviors. They can also use it to gain insight into the competition or new opportunities. Market research helps firms to gauge the thought processes of the consumer. Analysts use several methods, including the following:

  • Focus Groups:  Researchers can use focus groups as a type of qualitative research. They must first gather a group of people. The researcher then asks them about their attitudes toward a product, concept, or idea. The focus group format has several advantages. It’s a low-cost method, and candidates are more likely to be forthright. It is handy for project evaluation and needs assessment purposes.
  • In-depth or one-on-one interviews:  Market researchers use this tool to collect data from consumers of rival products. They also use it in circumstances where their client needs an expert opinion. They use it when gauging high-level executives, business owners, and critical opinion influencers. They also use it for community leaders, specialists, and technicians. In-depth interviews are helpful for gaining insights from experts on any delicate topic.
  • Online Video Interviews:  Researchers can now use FaceTime, Skype, and similar platforms to interview participants. Video interviewing offers a real-time connection. It is cost-effective, thus researchers can increase the variety of samples. Online interviews work well as a complement to face-to-face interviews.
  • Telephone Interviews:  Researchers carry out telephone interviews, as their name suggests, over the phone. They can use them as depth interviews, using a topic guide. Researchers also use telephone interviews for quantitative research. They can conduct the interviews via a CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing) system. This method allows the researcher to upload responses right away for analysis.
  • Online Surveys:  Researchers favor this method for many reasons. It’s easy to profile prospective respondents to ensure that they’re right for the survey. It’s also a cost-effective method. Researchers can cross-link the information received with qualitative data. Online surveys also make it easy to interview hard-to-reach respondents.

Since 1984, we’ve specialized in essential areas of consumer products, electronics, energy, cosmetics, pharma, automotive, travel, and more. Through advanced Global Market Research, our business is allowing companies to connect with and retain their target customers.

We understand that navigating the contemporary business landscape is complex. Our sophisticated research methodologies, data and intelligence analysis, and unparalleled insight into ever-changing markets, cultures, and consumer mindsets, can make a difference for your company and position you well to succeed in this new and challenging era.

Technological advancements and changing customer demands have required businesses around the globe to instantaneously evolve in order to keep pace and remain relevant. SIS is ever-vigilant to changing trends and times. The next generation has its own ideas and requirements which must be addressed by companies that are serious about survival in this millennium. Allow SIS International Research to be your bridge to better business in this time of incredible opportunity.

Consumer Market Research Global

SIS Covers A Wide Range Of Industries For Consumer Research

The Online Focus Group is a method in which respondents and the moderator discuss topics via audio, video, or chat. Clients can also observe in real-time. B2B professionals are busy, and this method can be more convenient.

Another advantage of the online focus group is that it can assemble respondents over vast geographies, which can be particularly helpful in specialized, niche industries. Online Groups can be a cost-effective, convenient, and efficient way to generate qualitative insight.


  • In-depth interviews of executives who purchase advertising in Asia, Latin America, and Europe, evaluating how they spend their advertising budgets and their media needs.
  • Quantitative study on apparel in the UK and Germany
  • Market study in the US for women’s apparel
  • Market study in the US for infant wear
  • Market study in the US for swimwear
  • Market study in the US for menswear
  • Market study in the US for fabrics
  • Market study for upscale women’s apparel and accessories
  • Market study for sneakers in Japan
  • Intercept study on mid-level apparel stores in France, Spain, and South Korea
  • Global qualitative study of automobile drivers and consumers in Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway,
  • Puerto Rico, Singapore, Thailand, and the UK.
  • US survey of consumers to determine their attitudes about using premium gasoline
  • Conducted focus groups with consumers who have purchased high-end cars

Beverage – Non Alcoholic

  • Analysis of the market for Japanese coffee makers
  • Organized a discussion panel of mothers and single people for a juice manufacturer
  • Conducted focus groups for global beverage company
  • Market intelligence survey to determine the market size, potential, and optimum distribution of a drink product from Mexico into India

Beverages – Alcoholic

  • Conducted focus groups for a new beer can in the US
  • Quantitative study for a new product concept for beer in the US
  • Conducted focus groups for vodka in the US

Credit Cards

  • Conducted a global quantitative study of consumer credit card usage in Europe, South Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America

Consumer Preference Studies

  • A quantitative study that determined consumer preferences for imaging equipment
  • Interviewed affluent women to study their spending habits
  • Conducted a study to determine whether or not a particular brand’s store conforms to its overall brand identity Consumer Readership Studies
  • Evaluation of reading trends for publications in Latin America, determining who read selected magazines and their attitudes and level of usage Competitive Intelligence Studies
  • A quantitative study covering the US, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic to determine what competitive products are produced in those countries and how they are promoted
  • Business intelligence study about the competitive environment of the cutlery market in Europe and Latin America
  • Field research to locate and purchase competitive coffee maker products in the UK, Spain, and Germany
  • Evaluation of competitive air filtering systems for consumers in Italy, France, Germany, the UK, and Spain
  • Competitive evaluation of air treatment products and filtering systems
  • Competitor profiles of major consumer products firms: their global strategy, globalization of key products, global branding successes, and failures
  • Competitive analysis of the R&D departments of large consumer products firms
  • Market intelligence study covering apparel and infant wear offerings of mass merchandisers in the retail industry
  • Created a competitor profile for a major consumer products firm
  • Global strategy competitive assessment for consumer goods and packaged foods supplier
  • Analysis of the reorganization of a major player in the consumer products industry and its implications for the firm
  • In-store interviews with business owners in Chinatown, New York
  • Competitive Intelligence Study on the Contact Lens and Contact Solutions Markets in the US
  • Conducted a competitor analysis on the aroma care and insect killer markets in the US
Need more information about Consumer Market Research? Contact us now

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    Radius is a data science company focused on consumer research. The company conducts more than one million quantitative surveys and 3,000 qualitative research sessions every year across 60+ countries. Radius conducts different types of research, including: Choice-based analysis; Targetable segmentation; Perceptual mind mapping

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  6. Consumer Market Research

    Consumer Market Research can help these businesses by uncovering the needs of a prospective target market. Companies can use market research to test opinions, attitudes, usage and behaviors. They can also use it to gain insight into the competition or new opportunities. Market research helps firms to gauge the thought processes of the consumer.

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