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Action research proposal
Bsed mathematics (bm 2016), surigao state college of technology.
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Enhancing students performance in, grade seven mathematics through, game-based activities, an action research proposal as an entry for the mathematics, skills challenge 2019, boyonas, lisa lorena j., estobo, virginia d., palero, may-ann g., san francisco national high school.
Rationale The delivery of curriculum content is changing rapidly within education. Undeniably, 21st-century high school students are somewhat different from those of the preceding decades, even as those differed from earlier students. Tomlinson (2001) claims that instruction today is challenging because it does not begin on the first page of the curriculum guide, but rather where students are in regards to their ability. Mathematics is the key to opportunity, for students it opens doors, enables informed decisions, and provides knowledge to compete in a technological economy (National Research Council, 1989). However, mathematics for many students seems to be difficult because they cannot see the connections of mathematics in their daily lives. Mathematics seven (7) is one of the subjects offered by the Department of Education under the K-12 program to Grade 7 students that aim to give basic concepts and skills in dealing with sets, measurements, algebra, and statistics. It is the pre-requisite subject to better understand the higher level in mathematics. Effective math instruction allows children to develop positive attitudes toward math instead of negative ones (Clements, Sarama, & Dibiase, 2004). Darling-Hammond (1993) believed that the job of instruction is to enable diverse learners to construct their own knowledge and to cultivate talents in an effective manner. In the recent studies, many methods of learning have been designed and applied to see its impact in different learning situations. But its appropriateness can only be judge through research, keeping each activity instructional and nurturing effects in view. Dean (2008) wrote an article on using non-traditional activities which helped teachers in reaching a variety of learners in the classroom. He wrote that these activities also increased students’ abilities to apply their mathematical knowledge to different applications. He also believed that having students explain their reasoning during non-traditional activities improved their communications skills, both orally and in writing. Moyer (2001) added that the finding of much research has shown that students who use manipulative during mathematics instruction outperform students who do not. In incorporating the use of game-based activities to the teaching-learning process hopes to make connections to every student. Within these activities, students were required to communicate, both written and orally, while solving different applications of mathematics. Clayton (2011) supports the idea that when teachers and administrators focus on things they can control, such as instructional strategies, opposed to things outside of their control, such as socioeconomic status and demographic factors, students perform better. Game-based activities are modern teaching aids that are most preferred by students. It can be successfully used to improve both learning and teaching. Games will help the teachers work with the students. Games are used to help people learn for three major reasons: motivation, content mastery, as well as higher order thinking and social skills. Games make learning more fun and students are well motivated. Competition and teamwork are also motivating for students that enable them to figure out how to succeed. Malone (1981) maintained that games motivate players with elements of challenge, fantasy and curiosity. His study contributes to what makes games fun rather than what makes them educational. Quinn
This type of intervention is excellent combination of learning while performing. Various types of games that can enhance the students’ performance in various examples presented and better understand it in their own way. The lesson transcripts are prepared keeping in mind various objectives. All the examples and applications in the topic are properly analyzed and their relations are established.
Although this can be very challenging and time consuming, interactive, collaborative and competitive games tend to motivate and encourage student participation in the learning process. According to McLester (2005), nearly eighty percent of students in the classroom learn best actively and visually through games. He also added that there are many potential benefits of active learning through games in the classroom. MacKenty (2006) also believed that both formats of gaming activities tend to show learning benefits because of the active learning components that are present in each.
Regardless of the format of the game, students can simultaneously build their problem solving skills while having fun throughout the process if an instructional game is well-designed (MacKenty, 2006, Harris, 2009). Milczynski (2009) concluded that there are many gaming formats that educators can choose from. There are many factors to consider including:
which game best integrates into the existing curriculum, (Harris, 2006, p)
which game meets the objectives of the topics being taught, (MacKenty, 2006, p) and
what are the instructor’s personal beliefs on teaching pedagogy (Van De Bogart, 2009).
Depending on the type of game that is played, there are clear benefits to supplementing games as active learning components in the classroom. According to Franklin, Peat & Lewis (2003), when students work cooperatively on a gaming activity, “games foster group cooperation and typically create a high level of student involvement that makes them useful tools for effective teaching” (p. 82).
From the effectiveness of game inside the classroom in various studies as cited, the researchers will apply the designed intervention to find out the effectiveness of game-based activities in enhancing the students’ performance in Grade 7 mathematics.
Scope and Limitations This study will focus on grade seven (7) mathematics classes in San Francisco National High School. The assessment is multiple choice, open ended questions would allow students a change to elaborate or explain their answers.
Research Design
Data Collection
Ethical Issues
Data Analysis
List of References ANNEXES Work Plan Cost Estimates Action Plan
Deliverables (First Tranche)
Timeline Unit of Measures/Performanc e Indicator
Financial Requirements
Persons Involved
ANALYSIS PHASE October 2019 Identification of the Researchers
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014). Principles to action: Ensuring mathematical success for all. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Pannese, L. & Carlesi, M. (2007). Games and learning come together to maximize effectiveness: The challenge of bridging the gap. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(3), 438-454.
- Multiple Choice
Course : BSED Mathematics (BM 2016)
University : surigao state college of technology.
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