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UChicago Supplemental Essays 2024-25 – Prompts and Advice

July 8, 2024

UChicago has long been known for its “provocative” essay prompts, viewing them as a chance for “students to talk about themselves, their tastes, and their ambitions.” The University of Chicago admissions committee invites you to approach the UChicago supplemental essays with “utter seriousness, complete fancy, or something in between.” While writing this “uncommon essay” sounds like a real lark, we have to keep in mind the sobering facts that UChicago admits just 4% of applicants, and the mid-50% SAT range of those who enroll is 1510-1560. This level of competition places the UChicago essay prompts squarely in the spotlight.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into UChicago? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into the University of Chicago: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

When applying to an institution like the University of Chicago that rejects 19 of every 20 applicants, you’ll need to put maximum effort into every area of the application, including the two UChicago supplemental essays. Below are UChicago’s supplemental prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle along with our advice for composing a winning essay.

UChicago Essay Prompts – Question 1  (Required)

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

For the absurd level of uniqueness in the prompt choices in Question #2, Question #1 is as common as they come—the good ol’ “Why Us?” essay, Chicago style!

How to write a winning “Why University of Chicago?” essay

  • Specify how you will take advantage of UChicago’s endless resources, both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Cite specific academic programs, professors, research opportunities, internship/externship programs, study abroad programs, student-run organizations, etc.
  • Show evidence of how your past/current endeavors will carry over onto the University’s campus community.
  • Lastly, note any special talents and passions that you bring to the University of Chicago.

Examples of items to include in a “Why UChicago?” essay

Examples of items that quality “Why UChicago?” essays may touch upon include:

  • Two-thirds of UChicago professors live in Hyde Park, making for a particularly cohesive campus.
  • 80% of undergrads elect to participate in undergraduate research .
  • Additionally, the quarter system allows students to explore a greater number of courses each year in a more in-depth manner.
  • 85% of UChicago classes enroll fewer than 25 students.
  • The school has 160+ research centers, institutes, and committees.

UChicago Supplemental Essays (Continued)

  • Many students win Rhodes, Marshall, and Fulbright Scholarships after graduation.
  • The Jeff Metcalf Internship Program also offers 3,500 paid internships.
  • UChicago has 450 student organizations .
  • The university sponsors 66 study abroad programs in 31 cities ; many include chances to study with UChicago professors around the globe.

Of course, these are just a small sampling of the thousands of possible features that could be part of a successful essay, but we hope this helps your brainstorming session take flight!

Question 2: Extended Essay (Required; Choose one)

Before offering a few words about how one might address each of the following prompts, we want to stress to future UChicago applicants that there is no right way to talk about color-infused expressions, demoted planets, or Fermi estimation problems. What matters is that your response to any of the following prompts demonstrates your excellence and creativity as a writer. If the first five prompts don’t appeal to you, there is no downside in constructing your own via option #6.

University of Chicago Supplemental Essays

Essay option 1.

We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents.

An applicant can quite easily take this in a very serious or seriously humorous direction. Our only suggestion is that your rule doesn’t include the phrase, “If it’s yellow, let it mellow.” Or, it can. This is the UChicago supplemental section. Anything goes. Get weird.

Essay Option 2

“Ah, but I was so much older then / I’m younger than that now” – Bob Dylan. In what ways do we become younger as we get older?

As with all UChicago questions, you can take this in a serious or off-the-wall direction. For example, as we get older, many of us need additional physical and/or mental support, similar to young children. Alternatively, we may adopt a “younger” attitude as we get older, perhaps not caring as much about what others think about us, or vowing to live life more spontaneously. Or, you could get a little wild and talk about how the version of yourself in any given photograph will seem younger and younger the older you get. Overall, if ruminating on Bob Dylan lyrics appeals to you, knock yourself out. If not, keep moving down the list of prompts…

Essay Option 3

Pluto, the demoted planet. Ophiuchus, the thirteenth Zodiac. Andy Murray, the fourth to tennis’s Big Three. Every grouping has something that doesn’t quite fit in. Tell us about a group and its unofficial member, why (or why not) should it be excluded?

A few years back, UChicago offered a prompt for imagining that the moon was made of cheese or Neptune from soap. To that prompt, we advised that it didn’t matter if you wrote about a quasar made of Jergens Enriching Shea Butter or Jupiter’s moons constructed from Bored Ape NFTs—your imagination and writing ability are what matters here. The latter half of that advice remains applicable to this prompt. There are an endless number of interesting groups that may be worth unpacking, so if you happen to have one in mind, go wild. The explanation will be far more important than the group itself.

Essay Option 4

“Daddy-o”, “Far Out”, “Gnarly”: the list of slang terms goes on and on. Sadly, most of these aren’t so “fly” anymore – “as if!” Name an outdated slang from any decade or language that you’d bring back and explain why you totally “dig it.”

If you, as a ridiculously busy applicant, have time to spare, this is a pretty fun prompt to ponder. The only downside is that—since this is so specific— you may not be able to reuse your composition for any other college to which you are applying. That said, if you’ve always felt called to muse about the near-constant use of “Booyah” in the ’90s or reflect on a Spanish slang word from the 70s that your grandmother still says on a regular basis, your day has come.

Essay Option 5

How many piano tuners are there in Chicago? What is the total length of chalk used by UChicago professors in a year? How many pages of books are in the Regenstein Library? These questions are among a class of estimation problems named after University of Chicago physicist Enrico Fermi. Create your own Fermi estimation problem, give it your best answer, and show us how you got there.

This essay affords applicants a chance to flex their intellectual muscles and show off a talent for navigating complex answers. As illustrated in the built-in examples, the estimation problems may be straightforward (number of book pages in a library) or zany (total length of chalk used in a year). Your explanation of how you arrived at your answer is where the real creativity comes in.

Essay Option 6

And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!

If you elect to go with an archived prompt, you can locate some past entries around the internet such as here and here . There are also a number of past prompts listed directly on the UChicago admissions website . A good number of applicants we have worked with avail themselves of the flexibility offered by this restriction-free offering.

How important are the UChicago essay prompts?

The University of Chicago lists six factors as being “very important” to the admissions committee and the essays are among them. In addition to the essays, UChicago most heavily weighs the rigor of your secondary school record, recommendations, extracurricular activities, talent/ability, and character/personal qualities. Clearly, the Common App and supplemental essays are among the most important considerations for the University of Chicago in its decision-making process.

UChicago Supplemental Essays – Personalized Assistance

Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your UChicago supplemental essays, we encourage you to get a quote  today.

Ready to start working on your essays? You might consider checking out the following:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 25 Inspiring College Essay Topics
  • “Why This College?” Essay Examples
  • How to Write the Community Essay
  • College Essay

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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University of Chicago 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Early Action/Decision: Nov 1

Regular Decision Deadline: Jan 2

University of Chicago 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations

The Requirements: 2 essays of 1-2 pages each

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why , Oddball

This is it, the infamous UChicago supplemental application. These quirky prompts have been a rite of passage for generations of applicants, so before you dive in, just remember: if they could do it, so can you! Your goal in writing your UChicago extended essay should be the same as ever: to reveal something new to admissions. It might even help to have a few ideas in mind before reading through your options. These prompts are so specific and strange that, in the end, the key is just to follow your instincts. What speaks to you right away? What inspires you?

Question 1 ( Required )

How does the university of chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to uchicago..

Think of this run-of-the-mill Why Essay as the overture to your magnum opus (i.e. the Extended Essay). Chicago wants you to cover all the bases—“learning, community, and future”—so as with any Why Essay, you’d best buckle down and do your homework. The more specific details you can incorporate into your essay, the more sincere and personal it will feel (and be!). Explore both academic and extracurricular opportunities. How will you pursue your interest in oceanography? With a major in Biology and a semester in Australia? What research opportunities will you pursue? Will joining the Club Crew team help you feel more connected to aquatic life despite your midwest location? One thing you won’t find on the school website, though, is that third piece, that “future” thing. Think about where you’d like to be five or ten years from now—your career or the impact you’d like to have or even just a geographic location. How will a UChicago education help you get there? How will your scholarly and social pursuits help you grow? Show admissions how UChicago is the bridge between the person you are and the person you hope to be.

Question 2: Extended Essay ( Required; Choose one )

Essay option 1, we’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed” or “tickled orange” give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents., – inspired by ramsey bottorff, class of 2026.

This is a great question for artists, those of you with synesthesia, or anyone who’s been down the rabbit hole of seasonal color theory on social media. If you have strong associations with different colors or are language-obsessed, then this is a great chance to combine logical and creative thinking to breathe new life into these old sayings. Look at a rainbow or color wheel and see if any feelings or ideas jump out to you. Maybe you feel a certain calm when you see fuchsia, so “out of the fuchsia” might mean a solution that came from deep meditation, a practice introduced to you by your late grandfather. Perhaps you associate sky blue with familial love, and “a blue thumb” would mean someone who is very in tune with their family, culture, and traditions. Ultimately, your argument will (hopefully) show admissions how your brain works and pepper in a few insights as to the kinds of things you hold dear along the way.

Essay Option 2

“ah, but i was so much older then / i’m younger than that now” – bob dylan. in what ways do we become younger as we get older, – inspired by joshua harris, class of 2016.

This prompt will surely appeal to the philosophers among you, as it invites you to consider the trajectory of a person’s lifetime. With such a broad field to choose from, your answers can vary from the biological (some of our blood cells regenerate every four months , so they are always younger than the rest of us) to the comedic ( embracing cartoons that you used to pretend you were too old for ) to the profound (dementia patients reverting to childhood). As you brainstorm, make a list of all possible examples of this phenomenon and choose the ones that get you excited and that you can weave together into an essay that reveals what matters to you. Remember, admissions wants to see both creative thinking and strong analytical capabilities while learning what makes you tick. If anyone else could put their name at the top of your essay, you haven’t identified the right topic yet.

Essay Option 3

Pluto, the demoted planet. ophiuchus, the thirteenth zodiac. andy murray, the fourth to tennis’s big three. every grouping has something that doesn’t quite fit in. tell us about a group and its unofficial member, why (or why not) should it be excluded, – inspired by veronica chang, class of 2022.

If you love finding patterns, solving puzzles, or identifying what holds groups together, this is the prompt for you! As you go through your daily life, start observing and jotting down instances of “the odd man out.” As your list increases, see which ones jump out to you. Maybe you have the perfect explanation for why Washington, DC can’t become a state. Perhaps you’re ready to defend the tomato’s inclusion as a vegetable even though it’s technically a fruit. As with the other prompts, your choice can be as serious or frivolous as you like, as long as it is well reasoned and creative! 

Essay Option 4

“daddy-o”, “far out”, “gnarly”: the list of slang terms goes on and on. sadly, most of these aren’t so “fly” anymore – “as if” name an outdated slang from any decade or language that you’d bring back and explain why you totally “dig it.”, – inspired by napat sakdibhornssup, class of 2028.

As language nerds, we at CEA love this prompt, which is perfect for pop culture buffs, linguistics fans, or those of you whose parents think their generation’s slang is “da bomb!” You can approach this either by choosing an old slang term you like and expounding upon it or by identifying gaps in our current English language use and finding a term to fit; what ideas or emotions are we leaving unexpressed without some crucial piece of missing slang? Sure, we can say something is “all that,” but do we need to indicate it’s “all that and a bag of chips ”? Maybe! Note that the prompt also allows you to choose slang from other languages, so those of you with multicultural backgrounds can highlight that through your choice of phrase. Bonus points if you weave in multiple examples as the prompt does so effortlessly!

Essay Option 5

How many piano tuners are there in chicago what is the total length of chalk used by uchicago professors in a year how many pages of books are in the regenstein library these questions are among a class of estimation problems named after university of chicago physicist enrico fermi. create your own fermi estimation problem, give it your best answer, and show us how you got there., – inspired by malhar manek, class of 2028.

Finally, a prompt for the mathematically inclined! The key here is to think of an estimate that is aligned with your interests. If you’re an electrical engineering nerd, maybe you want to estimate the number of circuits in UChicago’s Physics Building. If you love anime, maybe you’ll estimate the number of pen strokes in an episode of your favorite show. If you’re into fashion, perhaps you’ll estimate the number of stitches sewn into Janelle Monáe’s Met Gala gown. As with many questions on your math tests, this prompt asks you to show your work, so be sure to share every step you took to arrive at your answer. Remember, the goal is not necessarily to get the answer right, but rather to learn more about you and how your brain works. Don’t be afraid to get weird!

Essay Option 6

And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option in the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). be original, creative, thought provoking. draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the university of chicago; take a little risk, and have fun.

We love all the prompts from the past —there are so many quirky ones! If this year’s questions aren’t inspiring you, don’t be afraid to peruse the archives to find one that stands out to you. If you belong at UChicago, there is no doubt you will find a prompt that sparks a story within you. 

We’d also like to note that this is a great opportunity for recycling essays. If you wrote a strong longform essay for another school, see if any of the old prompts work in your favor, or make up your own question custom-built for your essay. Good luck! 😊

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2024-25 Secondary Essays

At the university of chicago, in an atmosphere of interdisciplinary scholarship and discovery, the pritzker school of medicine is dedicated to inspiring diverse students of exceptional promise to become leaders and innovators in science and medicine for the betterment of humanity..

Our mission statement is an expression of our core purpose and educational philosophy. In particular, it highlights the value we place on diversity, the creation of new knowledge, service, and leadership. We look forward to learning more about you and your alignment with our mission through the following questions.

Essay Question 1 (S uggested Word Limit: 450)

Students at the Pritzker School of Medicine complete the majority of their clinical training at UChicago Medicine (UCM). UCM is one of the  top ten most racially inclusive hospitals in the United States  with a  primary service area  of 12 South Side zip codes where poverty is over double the state level. Additionally, our students lead  six free clinics  in diverse neighborhoods throughout the city of Chicago.

Please share with us the personal and professional experiences that have best prepared you to work in this diverse clinical environment.

Essay Question 2 - MD Only Applicants ( S uggested Word Limit: 450)  

All MD students participate in our longitudinal  Scholarship & Discovery  research program, which offers protected curricular time, mentoring, and funding for students to pursue their scholarly interests. Please describe your research interests and share how our research opportunities will help you advance your career goals.

Essay Question 3 (Suggested Word Limit: 450)

Share with us a difficult or challenging situation you have encountered and how you dealt with it. In your response, identify both the coping skills you called upon to resolve the dilemma, and the support person(s) from whom you sought advice.

Optional Additional Information

Please feel free to use this space to convey any additional information that you might wish the Committee to know. For example, if you are not currently completing a degree, please share your planned or current activities for this application cycle. We suggest that you limit your text to about 300 words.

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How to Write the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2024-2025

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The University of Chicago supplemental essays are designed to test your creativity, reveal your curiosities, and highlight your unique spark. Known as the quirkiest prompts on the college essay circuit, the UChicago essays strike fear into the hearts of many aspiring Chicagoans. But in reality, the UChicago supplemental essays are one of the few places in a college essay where your personality can truly shine.

UChicago campus on a fall day

There are two UChicago supplemental essays . For the first essay, you’ll select from a series of prompts created by current students or create your own. For the second essay, you’ll explain why you want to attend UChicago and feel that it’s the right school for you. This blog post will guide you through answering each prompt so that you can approach your UChicago essays with confidence.

UChicago’s 2024-2025 Prompts

Essay questions (1-2 pages).

  •  We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed”? Or “tickled orange”? Give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – Inspired by Ramsey Bottorff, Class of 2026

“Ah, but I was so much older then / I’m younger than that now” – Bob Dylan. In what ways do we become younger as we get older? – Inspired by Joshua Harris, Class of 2016

Pluto, the demoted planet. ophiuchus, the thirteenth zodiac. andy murray, the fourth to tennis’s big three. every grouping has something that doesn’t quite fit in. tell us about a group and its unofficial member, why (or why not) should it be excluded – inspired by veronica chang, class of 2022, “daddy-o”, “far out”, “gnarly”: the list of slang terms goes on and on. sadly, most of these aren’t so “fly” anymore – “as if” name an outdated slang from any decade or language that you’d bring back and explain why you totally “dig it.” – inspired by napat sakdibhornssup, class of 2028, how many piano tuners are there in chicago what is the total length of chalk used by uchicago professors in a year how many pages of books are in the regenstein library these questions are among a class of estimation problems named after university of chicago physicist enrico fermi. create your own fermi estimation problem, give it your best answer, and show us how you got there. – inspired by malhar manek, class of 2028, and, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option in the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). be original, creative, thought provoking. draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the university of chicago; take a little risk, and have fun, “why uchicago” essay (1-2 pages), how does the university of chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to uchicago..

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General Tips

We need to address the elephant in the room. The UChicago supplemental essays do not have a word limit. Instead, you need to upload a document for each question with a 1-2 page answer. This raises a lot of questions for students. Is the page double- or single-spaced? Or 1.5-spaced? Times New Roman font or Comic Sans? How big should the margins be?

Relax. Unless formatting is essential to your essay in some way, just keep your margins, spacing, and font standard. Double-spaced is generally advised. Again, unless your formatting is part of the essay itself, you’ll want to make it so ordinary that it isn’t noticed.

Essay Questions

We’re all familiar with green-eyed envy or feeling blue, but what about being “caught purple-handed” or “tickled orange” give an old color-infused expression a new hue and tell us what it represents. – inspired by ramsey bottorff, class of 2026.

This prompt gives you the opportunity to flex your creative muscles and write about something meaningful to you. If you’re looking to bring out your imagination in your supplemental essays, then this prompt might be the right one for you.

Consider the topics that you might generally want to write about in your UChicago supplemental essays, and then think about how those topics could fit into this prompt. Because the prompt is open-ended, you could likely take your re-interpretation of an expression in any direction that feels important to you. Feel free to get personal in this essay, discuss your values, and/or infuse your unique sense of humor.

Here are some expressions you could put your own spin on:

  • black and blue
  • black and white
  • have a green thumb
  • out of the blue
  • rose-tinted glasses
  • whitewashed
  • the grass is always greener

If none of these examples inspire you, keep researching! This is by no means an exhaustive list.

This seemingly oxymoronic phrase has poignant implications about maturity, self-awareness, worldviews, and more. In this essay, you can write broadly and philosophically, but you might be more successful grounding your ideas in personal experiences and concrete details. Although this prompt doesn’t ask about your personal experiences, it can be difficult to generalize about “our” experiences with aging. In other words, because everyone has a different relationship with aging, you risk making too many assumptions about others’ lives if you don’t focus this essay on your own, or the life experiences of people you’re close with, such as your parents or grandparents.

Consider the ways you’ve embraced your inner child as you’ve grown older. Did you reject toys at age 10 in order to seem less like a child, only to enter into a LEGO phase at 17? Have you been rocking out to the Wiggles lately, or found that you’re most joyful when watching YouTube with your five-year-old brother? Identifying the ways you’re currently in touch with your youthful energy can help you work backward to describe the experiences that have brought you to where you are today.

And, of course, if you wish to focus this essay on someone else or on a group of people, you can use the same strategies outlined above to write about their experiences. Just be sure you have their consent and insights before embarking on this essay.

This prompt gives you the opportunity to dive into a unique interest of yours, and/or explore a personal experience you’ve had. For instance, if you’re a politics buff, maybe you’d like to write about how Switzerland is an unofficial member of the European Union. If you love music, maybe you’ve been thinking about how the Rolling Stones should really just call Darryl Jones an official member by now. Whatever interests you have, you can likely find an unofficial member to write about. Just remember to clarify any context that your reader, who doesn’t necessarily share your interest, will need to follow along with your argument.

Alternatively, you can write about your personal experiences. Perhaps you were the unofficial member of a sports team or social clique, and this affected your self-esteem or social status at school. Writing about these experiences requires vulnerability, but you have a chance to share your unique personality and background with the reader. If you choose to go this route, just remember to use specific details. Doing so will help your essay feel vivid and personal to the reader.

Language is a playground for meaning and ideas. This essay prompt gives you the opportunity to explore whatever linguistic ideas and meanings that speak to you. When you select your slang term of choice, be sure to consider its cultural and historical implications. Who originated this term, and why? What was the context of the term’s origins and usage? And, if applicable, how did the term’s meaning or impact change? Even if these details don’t make it into the essay, they will be helpful for you as you frame your the story you want to tell.

A key part of this essay will be your explanation of why you think this language should come back into fashion. Although you can make a light-hearted argument here, your essay may benefit from some more serious reasons as well. What does this term add to language? Consider how communication might change if this term were reintroduced. And remember, the slang term that you choose need not be in English!

This question may speak to mathematically minded applicants, or students with very active imaginations. That said, if you are not mathematically minded, you can still choose this prompt if the challenge of it attracts you. Just do your research thoroughly, ask your math teacher for help if you need to, and you’ll be fine! Note that the prompt says “give it your best answer.” That doesn’t mean the “right” or “definitive” answer. Revealing your willingness to challenge yourself, even if you can’t succeed, is admirable.

When the admissions team asks this question, they are hoping to see you as an applicant in a new or more nuanced light than is permitted by the rest of your application materials. Thus, think about the strengths you possess that the rest of your application doesn’t express. Do you have an analytical mind, a creative spirit, or an expansive imagination? Consider the topics that you are especially interested in. Are there mathematical questions underpinning aspects of this topic? In other words, you can use this prompt as an opportunity to dive more deeply into an existing interest of yours as well as share that interest with the admissions team at UChicago.

Like the open-ended Common App essay question , this prompt presents both opportunities and challenges. Unlike the rest of the UChicago supplemental essays, this prompt doesn’t require you to discuss anything in particular. That said, like the rest of the prompts, you can and should still focus on yourself, your interests, your background, your worldviews, your opinions, and so on. Remember, your college application is the opportunity to show who you are to an admissions team so that they’ll fall in love with you as a thinker and human being, and then admit you to their prestigious academic institution. Thus, your supplemental essays should ultimately function in service of that goal.

Note that this prompt gives you the opportunity to dive into past UChicago supplemental essays , if any of those speak to you. Therefore, if none of the prompts officially set for this year’s applicants feel fitting for you, but you’d still like a bit of structure when approaching this essay, you can read through past prompts to see if you can find inspiration in one of them instead.

Regardless of what approach you take when writing this essay, remember to keep things organized. The hardest part about writing an essay without a prompt is staying on topic. Pick your topic, identify the message you’d like to communicate to the reader, and/or outline your intentions for the essay. It’s essential that either before or after you draft this essay, you organize it. The essay can be about anything you like, but it must say something specific and meaningful, and it should be cohesive. But don’t afraid to be bold!

“Why UChicago?” Essay

Like many colleges and universities, UChicago’s admissions officers want to know why you specifically want to attend UChicago. What programs, courses, professors, clubs, or opportunities are available to you only at UChicago? What aspects of the campus culture speak to you? Why do you see yourself as a part of UChicago’s community?

Note that prompt’s emphasis on specificity. Use concrete details and sentences which could apply to no other institution than UChicago. Indicate how your unique future plans would be best served by learning and studying at UChicago. If you’re stuck, read through their website, watch videos about UChicago, and visit the campus if you’re able. Good luck!

If you need help polishing up your UChicago supplemental essays, check out our College Essay Review service. You can receive detailed feedback from Ivy League consultants in as little as 24 hours.

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August 9, 2023

2023-2024 University of Chicago Supplemental Essay Prompts

Chicago Essays, UChicago Essays, Chicago Admissions Essays

Previously Published on July 10, 2015:

The University of Chicago has released its supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-2024 college admissions cycles . Applicants to UChicago’s Class of 2028 will be asked to answer two essays in addition to The Common Application’s Personal Statement. Each essay should be one to two pages in length and, as is tradition at the University of Chicago, the essay options for one of the two prompts are as weird as can be. So what are this year’s UChicago essay prompts? Let’s check them out!

2023-2024 UChicago Essay Topics and Questions

The weird essay prompt.

For the first essay prompt, which applicants should address in one to two pages, applicants are asked to choose one of the seven essay options, which are as follows:

1. Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary.

— Inspired by Emmett Cho, Class of 2027

2. “Where have all the flowers gone?” – Pete Seeger. Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer. 

— Inspired by Ryan Murphy, AB’21

3. “Vlog,” “Labradoodle,” and “Fauxmage.” Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match). 

— Inspired by Garrett Chalfin, Class of 2027

4. A jellyfish is not a fish. Cat burglars don’t burgle cats. Rhode Island is not an island. Write an essay about some other misnomer, and either come up with and defend a new name for it or explain why its inaccurate name should be kept. 

— Inspired by Sonia Chang, Class of 2025, and Mirabella Blair, Class of 2027

5. Despite their origins in the Gupta Empire of India or Ancient Egypt, games like chess or bowling remain widely enjoyed today. What modern game do you believe will withstand the test of time, and why?

— Inspired by Adam Heiba, Class of 2027

6. There are unwritten rules that everyone follows or has heard at least once in their life. But of course, some rules should be broken or updated. What is an unwritten rule that you wish didn’t exist? (Our custom is to have five new prompts each year, but this year we decided to break with tradition. Enjoy!) 

— Inspired by Maryam Abdella, Class of 2026

7. And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!

How to Approach the Weird Essay Prompt at UChicago

Irrespective of which essay prompt an applicant chooses among the first six, they should strive to showcase how they think and aim to be memorable. Not every essay in college admissions offers students such a unique opportunity to stand out, but this essay prompt gives students that opening.

As such, while all of Ivy Coach ’s students’ essays are always weird, this prompt typically allows our students to showcase their weird sides more than any other. But their answers are not just weird for weird’s sake. Through their compelling narratives, they showcase — through their singular hook rather than well-roundedness — how they’re going to change the world in one super specific way.

Oh, and notice we didn’t suggest a student answer the “choose your own adventure prompt.” It’s because we would always prefer a student demonstrate that they wrote the essay just for UChicago. The other six prompts are so specific that it’s doubtful an applicant could repurpose the essay for another school, whereas a “choose your own adventure” answer can easily be used for other institutions. Thus, the act of choosing one of the first six prompts is itself a way of demonstrating interest to UChicago.

The Why Chicago Essay Prompt

UChicago’s second required essay should also be answered in one to two pages. For this prompt, students must answer the following question:

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

This prompt is a straight-up-the-middle Why College essay that should be filled with specific reference after specific reference of how a student will contribute their singular hook to the school’s enduring programs and institutes, traditions, and activities. Notice we didn’t mention professors or classes. Professors leave and classes change. Besides, UChicago’s admissions officers weren’t born yesterday. They know students can cut and paste the names of professors and class names from one school to the next like a game of Mad Libs. They want to see a student wrote this essay just for them. They want to feel special!

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with UChicago Essays

If you need assistance optimizing your case for admission to the University of Chicago by submitting wonderfully weird essays that wow admissions officers, fill out our free consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline Ivy Coach ’s college admissions counseling services for seniors.

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uchicago essay questions 2024

A Guide to the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

August 8, 2023

uchicago essay questions 2024

As you prepare to apply to the University of Chicago, we all know that admission is far from guaranteed, with an acceptance rate of approximately 5%. However, the challenge doesn't stop there. The essays required for UChicago are anything but ordinary. While i t's clear that UChicago's unique essay prompts deviate from the norm, their underlying goal remains the same as any other university: to gain insight into your perspective, understand your goals, and determine if your values align with what UChicago seeks in its students. To guide you through each of the prompts, I have outlined the questions, how to go about tackling them, and more tips to help you write the UChicago supplemental essays 2023-2024 .

The UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

UChicago prides itself on its thought-provoking supplemental essay prompts. Use these as an opportunity to introduce yourself, what you’re passionate about, and your ambitions and goals. Although there is no set word limit for any of the prompts, InGenius Prep counselor Natalia Ostrowski, who worked as the Assistant Director of Admissions at UChicago, recommends that you limit the first essay (“Why UChicago”) to a page (double-spaced in 12-point font). The second essay—the more unusual one of the two—should be about two pages, double spaced, and in 12-point font. 

Natalia also adds, “Remember, this is not the time to write another personal statement or about your extracurricular activity, research, or summer experience. Regardless of the question you choose to address, this is a chance for you to show the reader how you think. They want to see how your brain works, how you explore and connect ideas and concepts.” 

Question 1 (Required)

How does the university of chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to uchicago..

Although there is no strict word limit on this “why UChicago” essay, don’t go overboard with what you like about the university. Admissions officers already know it’s a great school. When reading your response to this question, admissions officers are looking for whether you’ve done your homework on UChicago to determine how much you’d fit into the college. Below are a few questions that Natalia suggests you ask yourself to brainstorm for this essay:

  • Why is the Core important to you? (And don’t just copy/paste what you wrote for Columbia and vice versa—they’ll know) 
  • What specific majors are you interested in and why? 
  • Has it always been your dream to work with [ insert professor here ] or study abroad in [ insert location here ]? Why? 
  • Which activities are you excited to contribute to? Why do you want to be a Maroon (yes, UChicago has sports!)?

Emphasize the community aspect —how do you hope to find your people on campus? Is it the opportunity to participate in student organizations such as Humor Magazine or the intramural wiffleball team that call out to you? Or are you keen to explore Chicago’s Revival Community Improv Theater within walking distance of the college? You might want to continue your community involvement work from high school by participating in the Neighborhood Schools Program, The Civic Knowledge Project, or one of the college’s several organizations that help give back to the greater Chicago community. 

Since you have space, you can provide context on who you are, your passions, and the kind of values you hope to bring to UChicago. Whatever you choose to write about, make sure you prioritize what you’re looking for from your college experience and how UChicago is the ideal place to explore these interests or goals. Show admissions officers that you have done your research and can convincingly argue for your place at the school, clearly outlining the parts of campus you wish to commit to.

Question 2: Extended Essay (Required; Choose One)

Now we get to the more peculiar essays. But where do you even start? Natalia affirms that “Admissions officers want to see how your brain works. It doesn’t matter what you write about or which question you answer—your ideas and how you write about those ideas is what matters.” She also adds that from your essay, “Admissions officers will be able to have a glimpse of who you might be in the classroom, or when you’re deep in discussion in the dining halls or dorms, or walking through the snowy Harper Quad on your way to get some hot chocolate at Hallowed Grounds.”

The takeaway for admissions officers reading your UChicago supplemental essays should be to understand what makes you tick and how you are going to contribute to the community. This is the goal you should keep in mind throughout your writing process.

Essay Option 1

Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary. – inspired by emmett cho, class of 2027.

There are two key words in this prompt: undo and necessary. When we undo something, we reverse or negate its effects, essentially returning it to its original state or erasing its impact. On the other hand, the term necessary refers to something that is essential, required, or crucial for a particular purpose or outcome.

In the context of this prompt, it is crucial to recognize that in each pairing of things that undo each other, something must first be created or established before it can be undone. This raises two essential questions that need to be addressed: 1. Why is it necessary for the first thing to exist at all? In other words, what purpose or function does the first thing serve that makes it indispensable? For example, consider the use of pencils. Pencils are essential tools for writing, drawing, and expressing ideas. The existence of pencils enables us to visually communicate, create art, or simply jot down our thoughts. Without pencils, the act of writing or drawing would be significantly hindered, limiting our ability to convey information and express ourselves effectively.

2. Why is it necessary to have the ability to undo this creation with the second thing? Once the first thing is created, there is a need for its potential reversal or correction. This is where the second thing comes into play. Taking the example of pencils and erasers, erasers are essential tools that allow us to correct mistakes or make adjustments to our writing or artwork. Mistakes are an inherent part of the creative process, and having the ability to undo or erase them gives us the freedom to refine our work, improve accuracy, and strive for perfection. Without erasers, the permanence of mistakes would hinder our progress and limit our creative freedom.

When selecting two "things" to discuss in response to this prompt, it is important to choose items that offer ample room for exploration and analysis. The chosen "things" should be able to be examined from multiple perspectives and angles, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of their significance and the necessity for their existence and subsequent undoing. 

Essay Option 2

“where have all the flowers gone” – pete seeger. pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer. – inspired by ryan murphy, ab’21.

Aside from potentially sharing your taste in music, this prompt invites you to pick a question that you really want to answer! There is no right or wrong song to pick (and no wrong or right answer to the question), but you should find a song that allows you to play with different ideas -- “play” being the key word here!

When selecting a question from a song title or lyric, consider the themes and messages conveyed in the song. Is there a question that stands out to you, one that raises intriguing possibilities or challenges conventional wisdom? Perhaps it's a question about identity, societal norms, or the human condition. Whatever question you choose, make sure it ignites your passion and allows you to think outside the box.

Then, approach the question from various angles, drawing on different disciplines to provide a well-rounded analysis. Consider the historical context, philosophical implications, psychological interpretations, or even scientific theories that relate to the question. By incorporating different perspectives, you can showcase your interdisciplinary thinking skills and demonstrate your ability to connect ideas from various fields.

Essay Option 3

“vlog,” “labradoodle,” and “fauxmage.” language is filled with portmanteaus. create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match). – inspired by garrett chalfin, class of 2027.

This prompt is an opportunity for you to showcase your ability to think outside the box and make unique connections between two seemingly unrelated concepts. However, the true essence of this prompt lies in the explanation of why these two things are the "patch." This is where you can truly demonstrate your thoughtfulness and analytical skills.

Start by carefully considering the characteristics and qualities of the two things you have chosen. Think about how they complement each other or how they can be combined to create something new and meaningful. This is your chance to show admissions officers that you have a deep understanding of the concepts you have chosen and can articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. Use imaginative language and creative metaphors to bring your ideas to life. Consider incorporating anecdotes, personal experiences, or examples from literature, history, or popular culture to make your essay more relatable and memorable.

To take your essay to the next level, consider including your thoughts on language and communication. Connect your portmanteau back to the broader themes of language and how it shapes our understanding of the world. Discuss the power of language to bridge gaps, convey emotions, or challenge conventional thinking. By demonstrating your awareness of the significance of language, you show UChicago that you are not only a creative thinker but also someone who appreciates the complexities of communication.

Essay Option 4

A jellyfish is not a fish. cat burglars don’t burgle cats. rhode island is not an island. write an essay about some other misnomer, and either come up with and defend a new name for it or explain why its inaccurate name should be kept. – inspired by sonia chang, class of 2025, and mirabella blair, class of 2027.

Choose your own adventure here, but be ready to defend it! This defense should be multifaceted, considering historical, philosophical, scientific, and other perspectives. For example, if you choose to write about the misnomer "peanut butter," you could argue that despite its misleading name, it has become an iconic and beloved food product that holds a special place in culinary history. You could delve into the origins of peanut butter, discussing how it has evolved over time and become a staple in many households. By considering various lenses, you can construct a persuasive argument for why this misnomer should be kept. On the other hand, if you choose to create your own misnomer, it's essential to explain your creation thoroughly. This means providing a clear definition and rationale for why this new term is more accurate or fitting than the existing one. Let's say you come up with the term "moonflower" to describe a nocturnal plant that blooms under the moonlight. In your essay, you would need to explain why "moonflower" is a more appropriate name than the current term used for such plants. You might discuss the visual imagery and the poetic connection between the plant and the moon, emphasizing how this new term captures the essence of the plant's behavior and adds a touch of mystique.

Whether you choose to defend an existing misnomer or create your own, it's crucial to present a well-reasoned argument. Consider the implications and consequences of your choice, and anticipate potential counterarguments. This prompt offers an opportunity to showcase your critical thinking skills and your ability to construct persuasive arguments.

Essay Option 5

Despite their origins in the gupta empire of india or ancient egypt, games like chess or bowling remain widely enjoyed today. what modern game do you believe will withstand the test of time, and why – inspired by adam heiba, class of 2027.

This is a great question to explore your sociological and anthropological interests! When considering the game that you believe will withstand the test of time, consider its significance to a particular group and its individuals. By analyzing the game's importance from a sociological perspective, you can uncover the underlying reasons why it holds such value and why it is likely to endure. Take, for example, the game of soccer. Soccer is a sport that is deeply woven into the fabric of many cultures around the world. It transcends language barriers and unites people from diverse backgrounds in a shared passion. The significance of soccer goes beyond the physical act of playing the game; it represents teamwork, perseverance, and the ability to overcome challenges. These values make soccer an important part of many communities, providing a sense of identity and belonging. Furthermore, soccer has a rich history that spans centuries. From its early origins in ancient civilizations to its modern-day global popularity, soccer has stood the test of time. It has evolved and adapted, but its core essence remains the same. The simplicity of the game, with its basic rules and minimal equipment requirements, allows it to be played anywhere, from professional stadiums to makeshift fields in remote villages. This accessibility and universality contribute to its enduring appeal.

Think about games that have proven their enduring appeal through their universal nature, rich histories, and the values they represent. What games provide a sense of belonging, intellectual stimulation, and cultural identity, making them likely candidates for continued enjoyment in the future? By addressing the concept of timelessness and exploring the sociological and anthropological aspects of the game, you can present a compelling argument for why it will endure.

Essay Option 6

There are unwritten rules that everyone follows or has heard at least once in their life. but of course, some rules should be broken or updated. what is an unwritten rule that you wish didn’t exist (our custom is to have five new prompts each year, but this year we decided to break with tradition. enjoy) – inspired by maryam abdella, class of 2026.

The specific rule you choose is not as crucial as your analysis of the rule itself. A possible start is exploring the ideas of "good," "bad," relevance, and more. Or you could c hoose a rule that resonates with you personally. Rather than opting for a generic cliché like "don't judge a book by its cover," strive for advice that is specific to your interests and goals. This unique advice will allow you to exemplify it with anecdotes from your own life, providing a deeper understanding of who you are as a student and why you would be a valuable addition to the University of Chicago.

You might also want to consider exploring the concept of "unwritten" rules in your response. Let's say you choose to tackle the unwritten rule of "always follow the traditional path to success." In your analysis, you could explore the idea that this rule may not be as relevant in today's rapidly changing world. You could discuss how traditional paths to success, such as attending a prestigious university or pursuing a conventional career, may no longer guarantee fulfillment or happiness. By providing examples from your own life, such as pursuing an unconventional passion or taking a gap year to explore different interests, you can illustrate the importance of breaking this rule and forging your own unique path.

Alternatively, you might choose to examine the unwritten rule of "never show vulnerability." In your analysis, you could delve into the idea that vulnerability is not a weakness but rather a strength that fosters connection and growth. You could share personal stories of how embracing vulnerability has allowed you to form deeper relationships, learn from your mistakes, and develop resilience. By challenging the notion that vulnerability is something to be avoided, you can demonstrate your willingness to confront uncomfortable truths and embrace personal growth.

Ultimately, the more specific and personal you are in your explanation, the better the admissions officers will understand who you are and why you would thrive as a future UChicago student.

Essay Option 7

And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option in the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). be original, creative, thought provoking. draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the university of chicago; take a little risk, and have fun.

If you don’t like any of the other options, take a look at 30 of the previous years’ questions that UChicago has provided to inspire you! The question “What can actually be divided by zero?” might appeal to you more than any of the new prompts for UChicago supplemental essays 2023-2024 -- a nd that is perfectly okay!

Note that UChicago is giving you an incredible amount of choice here by providing access to their past prompts. If you decide to go the alternative route and come up with your own question, it HAS to be good enough. It wouldn’t be the wisest decision to go with your own silly prompt with the plethora of options in your arsenal. Take the time to consider your topic and answer – but most importantly, Natalia adds, “don’t use an essay you used for school!”

While UChicago doesn’t prefer that you answer questions 1-5 rather than 6, carefully weigh your options before you decide to pick number 6. Is there nothing you might have to say for the first five essay questions? If that is indeed the case, and you’re willing to take the risk (and UChicago appreciates risk-takers) put your unique spin on a previous—or completely original—question!

Additional Tips for Writing the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

Now that you’ve taken a look at the prompts for the UChicago supplemental essays , here are a few tips to help your brainstorming process: 

  • Standout essays for standout prompts : The prompts for the UChicago supplemental essays 2023-2024 are without a doubt, highly unique. It’s okay to feel intimidated, and you might choose a prompt that asks for a more academic-leaning response if you’re not a creative writer. While it’s fine to find an option that’s tailored towards your assets, note that other applicants will be writing all sorts of weird and highly imaginative essays. So you need to come up with something memorable and original to stand out from the competition. 
  • Don’t let the prompts discourage you from applying to the school : While the prompts set by the University of Chicago are definitely unusual and undoubtedly tricky, they are not impossible to answer. The school has set a standard for similarly quirky questions and hundreds of students still get in every year. So the minute you see these on the Common App, don’t be tempted to run away and remove UChicago from your school list. It’s a great school, and if you have a strong application to compete with other top students, don’t miss out on the chance just because the supplemental essays seem a little intimidating!

The UChicago supplemental essays 2023-2024 can add depth to your application and help admissions officers understand who you are and what you’re looking for from your college experience. Whichever prompt you choose, it is crucial to present a well-reasoned argument. By exploring various lenses and providing a thorough explanation, you can impress the admissions officers with your creativity and persuasive abilities. The task at hand might seem like a tough uphill battle, but it’s definitely not impossible. Good luck!

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UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

uchicago essay questions 2024

By Eric Eng

Writing an essay on a table.

Known for their distinct and imaginative prompts, UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024 offer a platform unlike any other. These essays are a canvas for your intellectual creativity and personal insights.

In this article, we delve deep into what makes UChicago’s supplemental essays a critical component of your application, guiding you through their purpose history and how to approach them confidently and with originality.

How Many Supplemental Essays Does UChicago Have?

As you navigate the intricate process of applying to the University of Chicago , a key question arises: How many supplemental essays are required? For the 2023-2024 application cycle, UChicago requires applicants to submit two supplemental essays .

This requirement is a significant aspect of the application, as it allows you to demonstrate your writing skills, creativity, and intellectual versatility. UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024 are not just about answering questions but about showcasing your ability to engage with unique prompts meaningfully. The number of essays, though seemingly modest, is designed to challenge you to think deeply and express yourself clearly.

lady in green sweater looking outside with laptop and mug

As you prepare to write these essays, remember that each one serves a distinct purpose in painting a comprehensive picture of you as a student and individual. The opportunity to write two essays is an invitation to explore different facets of your personality and intellectual interests, giving the admissions committee a well-rounded view of your candidacy.

Breakdown of the Essay Requirements

Understanding the specific requirements of each essay is crucial in crafting compelling responses. The first of the two supplemental essays for UChicago has a word limit of 500 words. This essay typically asks you to reflect on your academic interests or a specific aspect of your intellectual curiosity. It’s an opportunity to explore what excites you academically and how it aligns with UChicago’s educational philosophy.

The second essay, with a word limit of 650 words, offers a choice of seven unique prompts. These prompts are known for their creativity and often require thinking outside the box. They might ask you to imagine new scenarios, reflect on unconventional ideas, or even create something original. This essay is your chance to showcase your creativity, wit, and ability to engage with unconventional ideas.

What are the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024?

The University of Chicago has become well-known for its thought-provoking essay prompts . These prompts allow students to express themselves and showcase their interests and aspirations, allowing them to approach the prompts in any tone they prefer.

  • How does the University of Chicago , as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago. (Required, 250-500 words)
  • Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary.
  • “Where have all the flowers gone?” – Pete Seeger. Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer.
  • “Vlog,” “Labradoodle,” and “Fauxmage.” Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match).
  • A jellyfish is not a fish. Cat burglars don’t burgle cats. Rhode Island is not an island. Write an essay about some other misnomer, and either come up with and defend a new name for it or explain why its inaccurate name should be kept.
  • Despite their origins in the Gupta Empire of India or Ancient Egypt, games like chess or bowling remain widely enjoyed today. What modern game do you believe will withstand the test of time, and why?
  • There are unwritten rules that everyone follows or has heard at least once in their life. But of course, some rules should be broken or updated. What is an unwritten rule that you wish didn’t exist? (Our custom is to have five new prompts each year, but this year we decided to break with tradition. Enjoy!)
  • Choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!

How to Write the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024?

Writing UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024 is a unique opportunity to showcase your intellectual curiosity and fit the university’s ethos. These essays are your chance to demonstrate your writing ability and your creative and critical thinking capacity.

UChicago banner

When approaching these essays, it’s essential to understand that UChicago values originality and authenticity. Your responses should reflect your genuine interests and perspectives rather than what you think the admissions committee wants to hear.

UChicago Question 1

Question 1 of UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024 asks: “How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.”

This prompt seeks to understand your reasons for choosing UChicago and how you see yourself fitting into its unique academic and social environment. It’s an invitation to articulate your educational aspirations and how UChicago’s specific offerings align with them. This question is about praising the university, reflecting on your academic journey and future ambitions, and how UChicago plays a role in that narrative.

Understanding Question 1

To effectively address Question 1, you must deeply understand what UChicago offers and how it aligns with your academic and personal goals. This question is twofold: it asks about your desires for learning and community and how they connect with UChicago.

Start by researching UChicago’s academic programs, teaching philosophy, campus culture, extracurricular activities, and anything else that resonates with your interests. Understand the university’s approach to education – how it encourages inquiry, discussion, and innovation.

View of UChicago campus.

Reflect on how these aspects satisfy your thirst for knowledge and personal growth. The key is to be specific: avoid general statements and focus on particular elements of UChicago that excite you and match your educational aspirations.

Brainstorming Your Response to Question 1

  • Identify Your Academic Interests : List the subjects or fields you are passionate about and how UChicago’s programs or faculty can help you explore these areas further.
  • Reflect on Learning Style : Consider how UChicago’s unique educational approach complements your learning style. Are you drawn to their seminar-style classes, interdisciplinary studies, or research opportunities?
  • Community and Extracurriculars : Think about the community you want to be a part of. What clubs, organizations, or community projects at UChicago appeal to you
  • Career Aspirations : How do UChicago’s resources and alums network align with your career goals? List specific programs, internships, or mentorship opportunities that interest you.
  • Campus Culture : Reflect on aspects of UChicago’s campus life that resonate with you. This could include traditions, diversity initiatives, or even the architectural vibe of the campus.
  • Personal Growth : Consider how being a part of the UChicago community will contribute to your personal development. Are there specific experiences or challenges at UChicago that you believe will shape you?

Structuring Your Answer to Question 1

When structuring your response to Question 1 of UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024, start with a clear introduction that outlines your main interests and how they align with UChicago’s offerings. In the body of your essay, delve into specifics: discuss particular programs, courses, professors, or extracurricular activities at UChicago that excite you, and explain why. Use personal anecdotes or reflections to illustrate your points and to show a deep understanding of how UChicago fits into your academic and personal journey.

In conclusion, tie your points together and reiterate how UChicago stands out as the ideal place for you to grow, learn, and achieve your future goals. Remember, clarity and specificity are essential – your goal is to paint a vivid picture of why UChicago is the perfect fit for you.

UChicago Question 2

For the second of UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024, applicants are presented with diverse prompts, each requiring a unique approach and a deep well of creativity.

With a generous word limit of 650, this essay invites you to engage in various intellectual exercises, from exploring paradoxes and portmanteaus to addressing cultural phenomena and unwritten societal rules.

The variety in these prompts is a testament to UChicago’s commitment to intellectual diversity and creative thinking. Whether you’re dissecting language, pondering over historical continuities, or challenging societal norms, this essay is your platform to demonstrate your capacity for innovative thought and your ability to engage with ideas profoundly and meaningfully.

Understanding Question 2

To effectively respond to Question 2, it’s crucial first to understand the prompt you choose. Each option requires a different style of thinking and writing.

uchicago essay questions 2024

For instance, discussing two things that undo each other requires understanding those concepts and exploring their necessity and interdependence. Similarly, answering a question from a song lyric demands both creative interpretation and personal reflection. The portmanteau prompt invites linguistic creativity, while the misnomer question requires a blend of critical thinking and wit. Discussing a modern game that will stand the test of time involves cultural analysis and foresight, and challenging an unwritten rule calls for introspection and societal critique. The open-ended prompt is the most challenging, as it offers complete freedom and thus demands high originality and thoughtfulness.

Your prompt choice should align with your strengths and interests, allowing you to showcase your intellectual curiosity and creative thinking skills.

Brainstorming Your Response to Question 2

  • Identify Your Interests and Strengths : Choose a prompt that resonates with your interests, whether it’s language, history, culture, or societal norms.
  • Research and Reflect : Do some research for prompts that require specific knowledge, like the one about games or societal rules. Reflect on your personal experiences and opinions.
  • Creative Thinking : Let your imagination run wild for prompts that demand creativity, like creating a portmanteau or discussing a misnomer. Think outside the box and play with ideas.
  • Personal Connection : Find a unique angle or story to connect to the prompt. This will make your essay more engaging and authentic.
  • Drafting Ideas : Write down all your ideas, no matter how rough. This will help you see which concepts have the most potential to develop into an entire essay.

Structuring Your Answer for Question 2

To start your essay captivatingly, create an introduction that effectively sets up the context for your response. Additionally, ensure that your writing is free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

If you’re discussing a paradox, start by briefly explaining the concepts. You might start with why you chose that particular question for a song lyric. In the body of your essay, delve into your analysis or narrative, ensuring that you address the prompt thoroughly and thoughtfully. Use examples, anecdotes, or hypothetical scenarios to illustrate your points. Be sure to maintain a clear and logical flow of ideas.

In your conclusion, tie together your main points and reflect on your response about you as a thinker and a potential member of the UChicago community. Remember, clarity, creativity, and depth are essential in crafting a compelling reaction to UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024.

Ready to Elevate Your College Application Journey? Join AdmissionSight!

Are you seeking a spot at a prestigious university like the University of Chicago? Navigating the complex world of college admissions can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone.

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Our team of experienced consultants at AdmissionSight is dedicated to helping you craft compelling and authentic essays that resonate with admissions committees. We understand the nuances of UChicago’s supplemental essays 2023-2024 and can provide you with the insights and support you need to create responses that stand out. From brainstorming sessions to detailed feedback, we’re here to elevate your essays from good to exceptional.

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At AdmissionSight, we’re committed to helping you achieve your college admissions goals. Whether you’re just starting your application or looking for that final polish on your essays, we’re here to assist you. Take advantage of the opportunity to make your application stand out in a highly competitive pool.

Ready to take your college application to the next level? Contact us at AdmissionSight and schedule your initial consultation. Let’s work together to turn your college aspirations into reality!


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How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Chicago Supplemental Essay Prompts

Cece Gilmore

Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

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Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Photo of the campus of University of Chicago, where students complete the UChicago supplemental essays

Chicago isn’t only known for its deep dish pizza. It is also famous for being home to the prestigious University of Chicago, which has an acceptance rate in the 6% range. So, let’s learn how to make your UChicago supplemental essay question responses stand out! Applicants must complete two UChicago supplemental essays. To make your responses perfect, complete some research before! Figure out what it is about UChicago (besides deep dish goodness) that makes you want to attend their school! 

The University of Chicago is also famous for having some…unique supplemental essay questions. So, put on your creative cap and get ready to have some fun while responding to UChicago’s supplemental essay questions. Here’s our guide for how to ace these creative UChicago supplemental essays!

Also see: How to write an essay about yourself

Essay question #1 

“How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.”

This is your typical “Why us” essay. However, do not make your response boring or universal! Make it specific to UChicago. Use this space to really detail why this school is the perfect fit for you. 

Explore both the academic and extracurricular aspects of the university that stand out from others. Maybe you are extremely passionate about majoring in biology to soon become a doctor one day. Therefore, discuss what courses, research, and study abroad opportunities UChicago has to offer that will make this goal attainable. It is important to touch upon what you want your future to look like and how UChicago will get you to reach all of your goals. It is also important to touch upon the aspects of their school that makes them unique. What makes UChicago stand out from all of the other schools you are considering? 

Overall, an admissions officer reading your essay should have a good sense of what you are looking to get out of UChicago. In addition, they should easily be able to see how much research you have done and how serious you are about attending their university. 

Questions to consider

  • What makes UChicago unique from other colleges? 
  • Why are you excited to attend UChicago? 
  • Why did you choose to apply to UChicago? 

Also see: How to write a 500 word essay

Essay question #2: The extended essay

For the extended essay portion of your application, UChicago provides applicants with seven unorthodox essay options. Each of these choices were created by UChicago alumni and students, which means these questions were made with you in mind. They also emphasize creativity and unique ideas when responding to these prompts, so try to have fun with them! 

“Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary. -Inspired by Emmett Cho, Class of 2027” 

This is a question that requires your thinking hat to be on to answer it! To begin, just brainstorm! Try to come up with some ideas of 2 things that undo each other, bonus points if you can come up with something that has significance in your life such as something you use on a daily basis or something you are passionate about. For example, if you want to major in chemistry at the University of Chicago, discussing beta decay and electron capture could reveal your passion for the subject. However, no pressure if you can only think of something logistical rather than meaningful to you! Once you are satisfied with your idea, you should describe how these 2 things undo each other and why both are necessary. Ultimately, this question is trying to hint at how balance is important! You should try to use this prompt as a way to dig deeper into your life and reveal some aspects of your personality and thought-process. Below are some examples of things that undo each other in case you are completely stuck! 

Some examples of things that undo each other: 

  • Typos and autocorrect
  • Wetness and a towel
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Lock and key
  • Sewing and unthreading
  • Stains and laundry 
  • Photosynthesis and cellular respiration

Questions to consider:

  • What 2 things do you use in your daily life that undo one another? 
  • Do you believe that balance is necessary in life? 
  • Why do you think so many things in our lives undo each other? 
“”Where have all the flowers gone?” -Pete Seeger. Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer -Inspired by Ryan Murphy, AB’21”

If you love music this is the perfect option for you! Think of your favorite singer, song or band and find a title or lyric that asks a question. The creativity with this prompt is endless, you can select a deep philosophical question or just an easy-to-answer funny question. Ultimately, what matters is that you answer the question in a creative and meaningful way. You want your unique personality to shine through throughout this response so be sure to be yourself in your writing. Below are a few examples of questions found in song titles or lyrics! But, feel free to select a question from a song that means a lot to you. The choice of lyric and singer can reveal a lot about your personality. 

Example of questions from song titles or lyrics:

  • “Should I stay or should I go?” -The Clash
  • “What would you do if you weren’t doin’ this?” -Luke Combs
  • “Wouldn’t it be nice?” -The Beach Boys
  • “Do you believe in magic?” -The Lovin’ Spoonful
  • “If the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?” -Taylor Swift
  • “What if I’m someone I don’t want around?” -Harry Styles
  • “What’s love got to do with It?” -Tina Turner
  • “Should I give up or should I just keep chasin’ pavements even if it leads nowhere?” -Adele

Question to consider:

  • What is your favorite song title or lyric that asks a question?
“Vlog, Labradoodle and Fauxmage. Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match). -Inspired by Garrett Chaflin, Class of 2027”

Language is fun due to the unique creative word mashups that can be made. So, put on your creativity hat and think about two words that just need to be combined! This question is specifically asking for a “new portmanteau” so do not use a common portmanteau! Rather, try to be extremely creative in coming up with your patch (perfect match)! However, try not to forget that this is an essay to help you become admitted to the University of Chicago! Therefore, try to take it one step further and create a portmanteau that uses 2 words that describe you or one of your passions. Using words that are aspects of your identity can reveal so much about yourself which is all the University of Chicago wants from your response! 

For example, maybe you choose the words “runner” and “scientist” to make “runnitist” to describe yourself because you love to run but love to focus on the science behind running and training to avoid injury and be the best runner you can be! This can also lead you to discuss how you want to become a physical therapist and that is why you want to attend the University of Chicago! See full circle! Or should we say furcle?

Examples of common portmanteaus:

  • Smog (smoke and fog)
  • Brunch (breakfast and lunch) 
  • Spork (spoon and fork)
  • Motel (motor and hotel)
  • What are 2 words used to describe yourself? 
  • Why do you think these 2 words fit so well together? 
“A jellyfish is not a fish. Cat burglars don’t burgle cats. Rhode Island is not an island. Write an essay about some other misnomer, and either come up with and defend a new name for it or explain why its inaccurate name should be kept -Inspired by Sonia Chang, Class of 2025, and Mirabella Blair, Class of 2027”

Misnomers are a fun (or confusing) part of language. Therefore, spend some time researching and brainstorming some misnomers. Once you find one that you love (or hate) you should begin crafting your response. Ultimately, it does not matter if you decide to change the name or keep it, rather your argument should be prioritized. Your argument will show admissions how your brain works and disclose what you are passionate about. Therefore, focus on crafting a strong and persuasive argument that supports your reasoning, no matter how ridiculous this argument may seem! 

Examples of misnomers:

  • Koala bears = they are marsupials not bears
  • Light-year = a measure of distance not time
  • Silkworm = they are caterpillars not worms
  • Black boxes = they are bright orange not black
  • Centipedes = they do not have 100 legs rather it varies from 30 to 354
  • Should your selected misnomer name be kept? Why or why not?
  • Are misnomers confusing? 
“Despite their origins in the Gupta Empire of India or Ancient Egypt, games like chess or bowling remain widely enjoyed today. What modern game do you believe will withstand the test of time, and why? -Inspired by Adam Heiba, Class of 2027”

If you love game nights this is the prompt for you! Try to brainstorm some modern games which are games that are not considered classics such as checkers. Rather think of some recent games that have swept the newer generations such as mobile phone games or beach games such as Spikeball. Once you have decided on the perfect game that you believe will withstand the test of time, write about it! However, it is important to remember that the University of Chicago wants to know about you- not about a game! Therefore, try to limit your time explaining the game’s rules and intricacies! Rather, focus on how the game makes you feel or why you think games are important to society. Ultimately, be sure you are revealing unique qualities you demonstrate throughout your response!

Examples of modern games:

  • Candy Crush
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  •  What is a modern game you feel will withstand the test of time?
  • Why do you enjoy playing this game? Do you like that it’s a single player game? Teamwork game? Strategy game? 
  • Why is playing games important for society? What benefits does gameplay have? 
  • Has this game taught you anything? Any important life lessons? Any new skills? 
“There are unwritten rules that everyone follows or has heard at least once in their life. But of course, some rules should be broken or updated. What is an unwritten rule that you wish didn’t exist? (Our custom is to have five new prompts each year, but this year we decided to break with tradition. Enjoy!) -Inspired by Maryam Abdella, Class of 2026”

If you have ever been curious about some quirks of human life then this is the prompt for you! Try to think about an unwritten rule that has bugged you for a while. Why does this rule bother you? Why do you think people follow this rule even though it is unwritten? After you explain the rule and your side you should focus on shifting your response to reveal more information about your interests, goals and character.

Examples of unwritten rules:

  • Saying hello to fellow hikers on a trail
  • Asking people at tourist locations where they are from
  • Knock on the door before entering
  • Offering guests to your home a beverage or food
  • Don’t swipe on someone’s phone when they show you a picture
  • If someone is treating you to lunch, do not order the most expensive menu item
  • What is an unspoken rule that has always confused you? 
  • How does this rule make you feel? 
  • Why do you think this rule has been unspokenly accepted? 
“And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!”

This prompt is your chance to create something completely new and unlike any other application UChicago has ever received. Use your creativity to the fullest extent and figure out your own way to showcase your personality. However, make sure you don’t go too overboard and stay focused on your goal of getting into UChicago. 

Try not to make your essay revolve around your academic achievements. Instead, tell a story of how you’ve grown and what led you to UChicago’s doorstep, or describe an old proverb and how it relates to your life. Either way, your options are unlimited and making your own prompt demonstrates your interest in attending this university. 

  • What story do you want to tell the admissions office?
  • How can I best showcase your knowledge or skills?
  • What are some of the older UChicago prompts that caught your eye?

Next steps after applying to UChicago

Now that the fun is over, and you have completed your UChicago supplemental essays – it is time to celebrate! Treat yourself to some deep dish pizza because you are one step closer to the Windy City!

Now, continue to show that you are interested in the university! You can do this by following their social media accounts, scheduling a tour, and reaching out to their admissions officers. Doing any of these will prove you are willing to take the next step with UChicago. 

After you have proven your interest in the school, time to sit back and relax! All the hard work is over. Soon enough, you will be relaxing in a dorm that overlooks the city skyline of Chicago. 

Additional resources

We know that being a student applying for colleges is not easy. There are a lot of tough choices that need to be made when it comes down to selecting a college. Once you start hearing back from colleges you should use our college comparison spreadsheet to help you. You can also check out our guide to how many schools to apply to in order to ensure you’ve got yourself covered.

In addition, be sure to check out our free scholarship search tool to help you choose a financially smart educational institution! It is always important to consider finances when selecting a college. Good luck on your college journey! Remember you will always end up where you need to be! 

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Additional colleges to consider

  • Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)
  • University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA)
  • Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA)
  • New York University (New York, NY)
  • Columbia University (New York, NY)

Frequently asked questions about the University of Chicago supplemental essay prompts

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Unique UChicago essay questions spark students’ creativity

August 20, 2021

By Lily Levine

AB'22, Writer, College Editorial Team

Whether it is finding where Waldo really is, considering who Sally sells her seashells to or exploring what can actually be divided by zero, every University of Chicago undergraduate since the 1980s has written an essay as part of the College admissions process. 

While the first supplemental essay on the UChicago application essentially asks “Why UChicago?”, the Extended Essay encourages creative liberty and provides a window into a prospective student’s personality and passions.

The legendary UChicago Extended Essay dates back to at least 1984, when a prompt invited applicants to imagine themselves as astronauts on Mars and asked them whether they would prefer to be teleported molecule-to-molecule back to earth, or to be the person running the teleporting machine. Prompts were initially developed by College Admissions staff, but in 2000, the practice of inviting admitted students to contribute questions first began. 

According to Peter Wilson, AB’10, MBA’17, assistant vice president of enrollment and student advancement and director of undergraduate admissions, the essay gives prospective students an opportunity to demonstrate how they utilize critical thinking and rigorous inquiry to confront unfamiliar situations. 

“When students come to the College, they will invariably be met with a situation or problem they have never encountered before, be it academics-related or otherwise” Wilson said. “This prompt gives Admissions counselors a way to evaluate how students will navigate those situations once they are at UChicago.”

John W. Boyer, the dean of the College, said the fundamental idea behind the Extended Essay is to invite prospective students to be creative in a serious but intellectually playful way in response to an open-ended challenge. 

“These essays not only reveal much about the qualities of mind of our students, but they also show our students something of the intellectually dynamic culture they will be joining if they matriculate here as members of our community,” Boyer said.

Each year, applicants choose from six essay options—five are prompts selected for that application cycle, and the sixth allows applicants to choose a prompt from past years or create one of their own. 

“We offer a number of options because we understand students are different—they have different interests and backgrounds, a wide variety of experiences and views, and they engage different parts of their brains," Wilson said. "We are interested in diversity in all its forms, and a wide variety of questions allows for a wide variety of ideas to be represented."

Selecting new prompts every year begins with soliciting members of the UChicago community, both past and present, and asking them to submit ideas. Those interested in sending in their ideas for the 2022-23 application cycle can expect to see a call-for-submissions email next May.

By engaging current students and alumni in the process, the Extended Essay connects prospective students with the UChicago community. After receiving an average of nearly 1,000 essay prompt submissions each year, a small group of Admissions counselors then meet to review and finalize the year’s list. 

Grace Chapin James, AB’11, is very familiar with the process, having served as the chair of the essay committee for eight of the 10 years that she worked in the Office of College Admissions. 

“When we give people these creative questions, the goal is to open up their minds and see if they have a level of creativity or flexibility and exploration that will lend itself well to being in a UChicago classroom,” said James, who is now director of student recruitment and admissions at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. 

Overall, Wilson says the essay shows prospective students that the University is interested in getting a sense for how they think before they step foot on campus. 

“It also signals to prospective students that we are an institution that values and celebrates novel ways of thinking and solving problems,” he added.

Below, view two of the 2021-2022 essay prompts for prospective students and the thought process behind their creation. The rest of the prompts can be found here .

Applications for the Class of 2026 are open through the Coalition and Common Applications. For more information, visit .

In Homer’s Iliad, Helen had a “face that launched a thousand ships.” A millihelen, then, measures the beauty needed to launch one ship. The Sagan unit is used to denote any large quantity (in place of “billions and billions”). A New York Minute measures the period of time between a traffic light turning green and the cab behind you honking. Invent a new unit of measurement. How is it derived? How is it used? What are its equivalents?

—Inspired by Carina Kane, Class of 2024, and Ishaan Goel, Class of 2025

The first thing that rising second-year Carina Kane, a pre-medical student and anthropology major, learned about UChicago as a prospective student was that it had unusual essay prompts. Because of this, she decided to apply.

“I really liked the freedom [of the essay], because I could pretty much choose anything and then weave whatever story or anecdote into it and make it my own question. And I definitely knew when I was answering the question that I wanted to include something that I was interested in, but I wanted to mostly talk about something that would give some indication about who I am.” 

At the end of her first year on campus, inspired by past prompts, Kane submitted her own with the goal of giving students freedom to present their stories. From chemistry to economics to architecture, nearly every field includes a unit of measurement, and Kane hopes applicants will apply their knowledge in their subject of expertise. 

“I hope students will choose something that they're really interested in, and take that freedom that comes with the question and extend their knowledge in that subject to a fantastical realm. Everything's rigid when you're working with certain subjects, and I'd hope that they could take that and turn it into something invented and imagined.”

"There is no such thing as a new idea" - Mark Twain. Are any pieces of art, literature, philosophy, or technology truly original, or just a different combination of old ideas? Pick something, anything (besides yourself), and explain why it is, or is not, original.

—Inspired by Haina Lu, Class of 2022

Haina Lu, a rising fourth-year majoring in economics and public policy, chose to submit a prompt because the Extended Essay was one of her favorite parts of the College application process. 

Her idea was partly inspired by the “ship of Theseus” paradox, which asks whether an object that has had its components entirely replaced fundamentally remains the same object. It was also inspired by late-night conversations with her housemates in Cathey Dining Hall. 

“The Extended Essay makes the overall undergraduate body more creative and colorful,” she said. “Having an Extended Essay prompt allows students to present their ideas in a more freeform way, which contributes to making a more curious and eccentric—in the best way— student body.” 

—This article also appears on the UChicago News website.


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The 7 UChicago Essay Prompts: How to Write Stellar Responses

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College Essays


The University of Chicago is famous for its unique essay topics. They're some of the most creative and off-the-wall essay prompts you'll see when applying to colleges, and it can sometimes be confusing to know how to tackle them.

What should you write about in your UChicago essays? How can you show that you're intelligent, creative, and worthy of a place at their school? As someone who spent a long time on my UChicago essays (and who got into the school), I've figured out exactly what UChicago is looking for in these essays.

 Read on to learn all about the UChicago essays, what the admissions team expects to see in your responses, what topics you should write about, and which topics you should avoid. In this guide, we also suggest sample essay ideas for each of the 2022/2023 UChicago supplement essay prompts and analyze past University of Chicago essay samples so you can see what a great UChicago essay looks like.

What Are the UChicago Essays?

Before you can begin figuring out how you'll write your UChicago essays, you should know which prompts you'll be seeing and the rules for each one. You'll need to write two essays, and the UChicago essay prompts you must answer are commonly referred to as Question 1 and Question 2.

Question 1: Why UChicago?

The Question 1 prompt is the only UChicago supplement essay that stays the same each year, and it's also the only prompt that all applicants must answer (for Question 2 you'll have multiple prompts to choose from).

For this question, you'll need to write an essay that explains why you want to attend the University of Chicago and why you think the school is a good fit for you and your goals. UChicago doesn't have strict word limits for essays, but they suggest a response of 1-2 pages.

Here's the prompt:

How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

The nice part about this prompt is that it's a pretty standard "why this school" essay . And luckily for you, we have a complete guide that walks you through how to knock this type of essay out of the park.

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Question 2: Extended Essay

For Question 2, you have a choice of six essay prompts, and you'll choose the one you want to respond to. The essay prompts for this question change every year, and while there are always around six prompts, some years there may be one more or one less to choose from.

These are the more unique and offbeat essay prompts that UChicago is known for. Many of them were created by UChicago alumni and current students. Again, UChicago asks you submit a response 1-2 pages long.

Below are the essay prompts for the 2022/2023 school year.

Essay Option 2: “Where have all the flowers gone?” – Pete Seeger. Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer.

Essay Option 3: “Vlog,” “Labradoodle,” and “Fauxmage.” Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match).

Essay Option 4: A jellyfish is not a fish. Cat burglars don’t burgle cats. Rhode Island is not an island. Write an essay about some other misnomer, and either come up with and defend a new name for it or explain why its inaccurate name should be kept.

Essay Option 5: Despite their origins in the Gupta Empire of India or Ancient Egypt, games like chess or bowling remain widely enjoyed today. What modern game do you believe will withstand the test of time, and why?

Essay Option 6: And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!


The world is your oyster when it comes to answering UChicago essay prompts.

How to Answer the University of Chicago Essay Prompts

In this section, we explain what UChicago wants to see in your essays, give ideas for topics to write about for each of the essays, and discuss topics you are better off avoiding.

For this University of Chicago supplement essay, UChicago wants to know why you want to attend their school, what you hope to get out of attending, and how University of Chicago will help you achieve their goals. Basically, they want to know why you think their school is a better fit for you than all the other schools out there. For more analysis of this essay, check out our in-depth guide to the Why UChicago essay .

What Do They Want to See in Your Response?

The "why our school?" is probably the most common essay prompt you'll see on college applications. Why do schools, including UChicago, ask this question?

UChicago wants to first see that you really want to go to their school. Students who love a school are more likely to accept an offer of admission and attend it, and they are more likely to be committed to their studies, participate in extracurriculars, and give back after they graduate. Your passion for UChicago should be shining through in this essay.

Next, UChicago wants to see that you've done your research on their school and have an idea of what opportunities you want to take advantage of while there. You can do this by mentioning specific things you like about UChicago or that you plan to take advantage of as a student there. Potential things to discuss include professors you admire or are interested in working with, specific classes you want to take, and extracurriculars you want to participate in.

Finally, UChicago wants to see that you are a good match for their school. Your essay should explain how you'll make the best use of what UChicago offers, how your strengths match the opportunities they provide, and how UChicago will help you reach your goals for the future.

Potential Topics to Write About

There are many ways you could approach this essay prompt; although since UChicago is best known for its academics (as opposed to killer sports teams, for example), most people will discuss the academic side for at least part of their response. Below is a list of possible topics; most people will discuss one to three topics in their essay.

  • Majors or classes you're especially interested in
  • UChicago's core curriculum
  • Professors whose work you admire and whom you'd like to study with or conduct research with
  • Unique events like Scav and Kuviasungnerk/Kangeiko
  • Research opportunities you'd like to have
  • University of Chicago students you've met who you admire
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Financial aid opportunities UChicago offers that make it possible for you to attend

Topics to Avoid

The key here is to avoid generic topics that could apply to practically any school or any student. You want it to be clear in your response what opportunities the University of Chicago offers you that no other school does and how you're going to make use of them. Topics that won't show this include discussing:

  • How pretty the campus is
  • Chicago weather
  • The food on campus
  • Where UChicago places on college ranking lists
  • Your future major and career path without connecting it back to what UChicago offers
  • Bashing other schools

The extended essay is when you can get especially creative. These prompts require you to move outside your comfort zone of typical essay topics and answer in a way that gives readers insight into who you are and what you care about. Remember: Question 2 is required, but you have six different prompts to choose from for this essay response.

Your response to Question 1 is meant to show what you like about UChicago and how you’re going to make the most of the opportunities it offers. Question 2 is less about UChicago and more about you. The admissions team wants to see who you are and what's important to you. Three main things they'd like to see in your essay response are:

  • Your personality
  • Your thirst for knowledge

Who are you? What have been the important events in your life? What kind of person are you? What do you love learning about? These are the questions UChicago wants you to answer. They want to know what's important to you, what events from your past shaped you, what kind of person you are now, and what you want to accomplish in the future. 

UChicago is particularly interested in students who love learning and have a lot of interests in different fields and topics. A mathematician who also does ballet? A creative writing major who started her own business? Bring it on! Make sure to show your love for learning in your essay.

Your passions and goals don't always need to be lofty though; in the second example essay below you can see how the writer took a quirky interest and managed to connect it to larger ideas. If you can connect one of your pet passions to an essay topic, do so!

The great thing about these UChicago essay prompts is you can write about almost anything you want to since they're so different from each other and give you lots of chances to be creative. And you can tackle it from any angle you want. On their website , UChicago states that "[This essay] can be approached with utter seriousness, complete fancy, or something in between." Just remember, you want this essay to give UChicago a good idea of the type of person you are and what's important to you.

Essay Option 1

Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary.

You're allowed to let your imagination run wild with this prompt. You should try to find a pair of objects that the admissions panel didn’t think of, something wholly original that only you would think of. For this prompt, they want to see how imaginative you can be, but the most important part of this essay is justifying why your pairing makes sense and why it matters . The pair you choose will show off your personality, creativity, and cultural experiences. 

Make your response as wacky and original as you like, but remember to tie it back to yourself and your interests a nd/or potential major. For instance, say you go with the idea of an art conservator and the passage of time. You could discuss how time degrades the materials of a work of art, and then an art conservationist revitalizes the work, only to have the passage of time wear it down again. This would be an excellent segue into writing about your interest in history, creative writing, or U Chicago’s Department of Art History Conservation Science Teaching Program . 

You could also write about how you developed an interest in these subjects, and what other interests you have could be applicable . Weaving your story into your essay will show UChicago that you’re creative and intellectually curious. This can include your niche interests, quirky hobbies, or pet projects.

Essay Option 2

“Where have all the flowers gone?” – Pete Seeger. Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer.

This is a classic UChicago question that allows you to answer the question literally...or not. (The year I applied, the version of this question was "Describe your table.") So, if this exemple were your actual song lyric, you address, where have all the flowers gone? You could answer this literally and describe how, for instance, flowers are changing colors in response to climate change . Perhaps you could then discuss your interest in horticulture and what led you to pursue that field.

Or (as always with UChicago essays), you can take it in a totally unexpected direction. This prompt is a chance to put your interpretive and reasoning skills into action. In fact, you could almost think of it like a riddle, except that the answer is anything that you can come up with and justify:

“Where Do Broken Hearts Go?” A valid question in a world where loneliness has been declared a public health emergency and social isolation can increase the likelihood of heart disease by as much as 29% ! 

“Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio?” Likely not, considering radio listening has been trending downward for years, especially amongst young listeners and Rock Music is at the lowest point in its popularity since about 1960 . Where does this leave you, a young would-be guitar player with an interest in U Chicago’s ethnomusicology program ?

“Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” Perhaps you do, considering recent studies show a decline in empathy and corresponding rise in narcissism .

You get the idea. Whatever question you choose, don’t worry too much about having a great answer for it; the idea is to find a context for the question that is meaningful to you and relates to your interests , which will give UChicago insight into your values and personality, two things they want to see in these essays!

Essay Option 3

“Vlog,” “Labradoodle,” and “Fauxmage.” Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a “patch” (perfect match).

This prompt is a bit sillier, but you still have the chance to show U Chicago your personality and unique worldview. This prompt gives you a chance to play with language and create something that expresses a meaning that we don’t have a word for. The best way to go about this is to think of two areas that are important to you and find a pair of rhyming words related to each and combine them.

So, for instance, if you’re math-oriented but somewhat spiritual, you could take words from both mathematics and spirituality, and come up with something like “stamystics” (statistics+mystics). You could talk about how you became interested in math and how it relates to your spirituality, and so forth.

If you are more interested in sports than spirituality, you could come up with something like “mathleticism.” You could write about how you had to train your mind in order to grasp difficult or advanced mathematical concepts and, inversely, how your understanding of math deepens your appreciation of sports.

What U Chicago is looking for here is how you can connect two seemingly unrelated concepts and find a bridge between them. They’re looking for problem-solving in addition to insight into your personality.

Essay Option 4

A jellyfish is not a fish. Cat burglars don’t burgle cats. Rhode Island is not an island. Write an essay about some other misnomer, and either come up with and defend a new name for it or explain why its inaccurate name should be kept.

This prompt gives you an opportunity to think about familiar things in a new way. We probably don’t think much about peanuts not being nuts, but it’s obvious once you think about it that they are legumes. But, on the other hand, they are also closely related to peas–so the name has some validity. Even though they’re not actually nuts, they do taste like nuts…so is it wrong to call them nuts? Think about other examples that exist in your fields of interest.

And of course, be sure to let your experiences, interests, and values shape the way you rename or defend your misnomer . That way, UChicago will get a good idea of who you are and what’s meaningful to you!

Essay Option 5

Despite their origins in the Gupta Empire of India or Ancient Egypt, games like chess or bowling remain widely enjoyed today. What modern game do you believe will withstand the test of time, and why?

This prompt is your chance to be more overtly academic in your response . In writing about how this game will remain relevant in the future, you’ll be able to show your knowledge of history, culture, politics, economics, religion, scientific discovery…and so on! Choose a game that interests you in some way that you can tie into your personal history and academic interests. 

While brainstorming possible games will be really fun, the most important part of this essay is justifying why you think something that’s relevant today will continue to be relevant in the future. Think about what cultural, social, and political changes could be possible and what the implications of that could be for people today. As long as you’re creative, descriptive, and thorough, your response can range from serious to silly and meet the requirements for this prompt.

Essay Option 6

And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!

If you aren't feeling any of the other five optional prompts, you can respond to this one, which asks you to choose and respond to a past UChicago optional essay prompt, or write and respond to your own prompt. With either option, you'll want to consider your identity, interests, strengths, and goals, and let those factors inform which prompt you choose, how you write your own prompt, and how you craft your response.

You may not feel up to the task of writing your own prompt, but you might like the idea of tracking down an old prompt that catches your eye. Read through the past prompts and consider which one will allow you to play to your strengths . If there's a particular experience or skill that you want to showcase in your response, select a prompt that is conducive to that.

Alternatively, if there's a specific experience you want to write about, you can write your own prompt and respond to it. To write your prompt, use the tone and structure of the existing UChicago prompts as a guide. It'll probably come as no surprise that your original prompt should fit right in with the ones provided on the application. This means you might have to be a little goofy, cryptic, or risky...and that's a good thing!

Though this option allows you to write your own prompt if you so choose, it's important to remember that your response to the prompt should still focus on showcasing who you are , what strengths you will bring to UChicago as a student, and why UChicago is the perfect place for you. Don't get too carried away trying to impress admissions with punny phrases or cryptic logic; be authentic, be bold, and be you.

Some people shy away from this prompt because they feel like it's "cheating" or less impressive to not follow one of the specific prompts that UChicago gives. However, this isn't true! As long as you write a compelling essay that gives readers a better insight into who you are, your essay will strengthen your application. For what it's worth, when I applied to UChicago, this is the prompt I chose, and I was still accepted to the school.

UChicago wants you to be creative here, so there aren't many topics that are off limits. However, you're trying to convince them that you'd be a great and interesting student to add to their school, so make sure you use your essay to show who you are and why UChicago would want to admit you.

This means you should avoid responses that don't give readers a good idea of who you are. For example, if you choose essay option 1, don't just state that “taco cat” is funny because it reminds you of your favorite meme. Instead, tie it back to yourself and your life by explaining its relevance, like making tacos with your abuela and fending off the family cat’s attempts to steal tacos. 

Because these prompts are creative, it can be easy to run away with them, but always remember to answer the prompt completely and give UChicago better insight into who you are.

Additionally, don't feel that certain University of Chicago essay prompts are "better" or more impressive than others . UChicago wouldn't have chosen these essay topics if they didn't think applicants could write outstanding responses to them, so please choose the prompt that you feel you can write the best essay for.


University of Chicago Essay Examples

In this section are two University of Chicago essay examples, each written by an accepted applicant.

Below each UChicago supplement essay we discuss what makes the essay work so well.

Dear University of Chicago,

And now you inquire as to my wishes? They're simple, accept me for who I am! Why can't you just love and not ask why? Not ask about my assets or my past? I'm living in the now, I'm waiting for you to catch up, but you're too caught up in my past, I offer us a future together, not a past to dwell upon. Whenever I'm around you, I just get that tingle deep inside me that tells me you're the one; you have that air of brilliance and ingenuity that I crave in a person, you're so mature and sophisticated, originality is really your strongest and most admirable trait. I wish we could be together, I still think in my heart of hearts we were meant to be, but you have to meet me halfway, dear. I'm on one knee here with tears welling up in my eyes, the fireworks are timed and ready to light up the night sky for you, just say 'I'

Why Does This Essay Work?

  • Creative take on a standard prompt: The writer chose a very unique angle for this essay: comparing the University of Chicago to a lover. He's probably the first applicant to answer the essay prompt this way, which definitely makes this a memorable essay. In fact, UChicago loved this essay so much that they mailed it out to thousands of potential applicants (which actually got them a bit of backlash ). You absolutely don't have to take as unique an approach to this essay as the above writer did, but doing so can definitely help your essay stand out.
  • It answers the entire prompt: Even though this is an unusual essay, the writer still manages to answer everything the prompt asks for. He mentions his goal for the future (to become a lawyer), mentions varied interests he has (the Gothic era, the philosopher Kierkegaard), and explains what he likes about UChicago (the brilliance, ingenuity, and originality the school offers). He even manages to mention that he visited campus three times, which shows a serious interest in the school. If you choose to write an especially offbeat essay, it's key to do what this essay did and still answer the prompt while being creative.

This essay is from several years ago, so it doesn't use a current prompt, but it's still helpful to read and analyze.

Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own.

Now let's take a look at the successful essay:

The Illuminati changed my life. Three years ago, I found my first ambigram in one of my favorite novels, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I turned the page, and there it was: the word "Illuminati" printed into the exact center of the book. It was styled like a newspaper masthead, exquisite and complex, yet oddly symmetric. Curious, I rotated the book upside-down.

Impossibly, the inverted word was still "Illuminati." Gazing closer, I realized that the letters, I-L-L-U-M, actually shaped into a flipped I-N-A-T-I. Suddenly, I was reading it in both directions. My eyes waltzed along the broad curves and sharp twists of the calligraphy, striking poses in a glamorous font against a sheet of creamy whiteness, sliding between the dense vertical strokes, peering at the edge of the defined serif as it angled away, then bent boldly toward me. Every line was deliberate, every flourish smiling with purpose, and the whole word balanced on the delicate cord that joined two letters into one. It was unforgettable.

Ambigrams are words that can be read from different directions. Actually, "ambigram" is an umbrella term that encompasses dozens of distinct types of visual wordplay. The most popular ones are rotational, mirror image, and-my personal favorites-symbiotic ambigrams, which can spell two different things when viewed normally and upside-down.

Compelled by the striking art, I could not help but try my own hand at designing ambigrams, and slowly I felt the pitiful stick-figure artist inside me shrink away as my inner energetic graphic designer sprang up. Before early volleyball tournaments, I work myself up by filling up pages and pages of experimental letter combinations, gleefully satisfied at the way that a rounded lowercase "a" was a perfect upside-down lowercase "e." In my AP Literature class, I drew "She's a witch!" which revealed, when flipped, "Communist" to reflect Arthur Miller's contemporary motives for writing The Crucible. On a challenge from a friend, I even drew an ambigram of "Jay-Z" and "Beyonce" on a bumpy bus ride back from a leadership retreat.

In the last few months, I have also practiced drawing ambigrams as fast as I can. I dream about the day when I can effortlessly write out a message saying "Hi, how are you today?" normally and "The password is cherry268" upside-down, without pausing or rotating the paper. I imagine a world in which everyone had this ability, and could literally write two things at once. How would that change communication? Encryption? Trust? My legs swing comfortably from this innovative edge, excited to take a stab at the answers.

The best part about the ambigram is that it refuses to define itself as just one thing. It is a linguistic passion, a cryptographic endeavor, an artistic design, and an ironic illusion. I relish the fact that ambigrams force both the artist and the audience to reject first glances and embrace secret identities.

This may just be a nerdy obsession, but ambigrams have taught me far more than how to sketch fancy words. Their multidimensional truth implies that my hobbies of both writing Italian sonnets and solving logical riddles are not opposing functions of my left and right brains, but rather, a perfect conglomeration of my passion for creating and solving puzzles. The beauty of the most surprising combinations reminds me to take bold risks in both my life and my designs.

Above all else, ambigrams have taught me that I can create the impossible. I can make true and false the same word depending on something as simple as a 180-degree head turn. Victory can be defeat. Open can be closed. Am amateur piano player with an obsession for cryptology can learn how to program iPhone apps and get the game-winning kill at the varsity volleyball championship. A girl with divorced parents can make time for both families, and an inspired teenager from California can write her name into world history--both normally and upside-down.

- Samantha M.

Why This Essay Works

  • Shows passion: This essay focuses on a pretty unusual and specific topic: ambigrams. While many people may not even know what an ambigram is, the writer is clearly passionate about them. She discusses how much time she spends trying to create different ambigrams, what her goals for ambigram creating are, and some of her favorite ambigrams she's created. UChicago loves people who are passionate about something, even if it's an unusual or offbeat interest. It makes UChicago believe those students will bring that passion with them onto campus.
  • Gives insight into the writer's personality: The majority of this essay is about the author's interest in ambigrams, but she also manages to cleverly slip in multiple other references to her personality and interests. From her essay, we learn that she's a volleyball player, writes Italian sonnets, and loves solving puzzles. Adding these details gives UChicago a fuller look at what makes her tick.
  • Connects it to a bigger picture: The writer chose to write about a very specific topic—ambigrams—but was still able to connect that to bigger concepts, such as communication, truth, and how she's able to balance her different interests. She's able to take a quirky topic and show how it influences her worldview.


Final Advice: UChicago Essays

When answering the University of Chicago essay prompts, keep in mind that the main reason UChicago is reading these essays is to find out who you are as a person and if you'd be a good fit at their school.

The University of Chicago wants students who are passionate about learning, creative, are excited to make the most of their time on campus, and have big dreams for themselves, and the UChicago supplement questions are designed to help you show these sides of yourself to the school.

For the "Why UChicago?" prompt, you'll want to show the school why you want to go there, why you think you're a good fit for the school, and how UChicago will help you achieve your goals during college and beyond.

For the extended essay, you can (and should) be more creative. These UChicago essays are more "out there," and in your response, you should show your personality and passion for learning.

For both University of Chicago essays, remember to show who you are and what you're passionate about, include details about yourself and the school to help you stand out from other essays, and mention your plans and goals for the future.

What's Next?

If you want a more in-depth look how to write about Question 1, check out our guide to the Why UChicago Essay , which includes an additional sample essay along with analysis of how to answer this prompt.

Are you working on the Common App essay ? Read our breakdown of the Common App prompts and our guide to picking the best prompt for you.

If you're planning to take the SAT or ACT one last time , try out some of our famous test prep guides, like "How to Get a Perfect Score on the SAT" and "15 Key ACT Test Day Tips."

Want to write the perfect college application essay?   We can help.   Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will help you craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay to proudly submit to colleges.   Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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First-Year Applicants

First-year applicants apply into our undergraduate College at UChicago, which includes all of our majors, minors, and programs of study. First-year applicants include QuestBridge Applicants, Home-Schooled Applicants, and International Applicants, and may apply for entrance in the Autumn Quarter only.

The University of Chicago offers first-year applicants a choice of four application plans. Learn more about your choice of application plans and their respective deadlines.

2024-2025 Timelines

  Early Action  Early Decision I Early Decision II Regular Decision 
Application Due Date November 1 November 1 January 6 January 6
Admission Decision Release Date Mid-December Mid-December Mid-February Late March
Student Reply Due Date May 1 Mid-January Early March May 1

Application Materials

The application materials below are those required for all first-year students, which include QuestBridge applicants, home-schooled applicants, and veterans. First-year international students can find a list of relevant required application materials on the international applicants  page. With the exception of prospective students-at-large, applicants may apply for entrance in the Autumn Quarter only.

Required Materials

Application for admission and supplement essays.

Applicants should submit their choice of Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir  or the Common Application , both of which include the  University of Chicago Supplement . Applicants will also be be prompted to create a  UChicago Account , where they can submit information and view their admissions decision.

Select One of Two Applications

There are several online application platforms accepted by many colleges and universities. Through the online application platform, you submit basic information about your background, academic profile, and extracurricular activities, as well as an essay, and that information can be easily shared with multiple colleges you decide to apply to. If you apply to the University of Chicago, you will also submit two supplemental essays, which will not be seen by other institutions.

UChicago accepts Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir  or the Common Application . We treat both equally in the admissions process. You'll want to pick a single application platform to use, whichever you feel works best for you.

Questions about technical matters related to using one of the consortium applications should be directed, respectively, to the folks at the  Common Application  or  Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir . Questions about our own requirements should be  directed to us .

Extracurricular Activities

In your list of extracurricular activities, you should include whatever it is that you spend your time doing outside of class.  This could be an official club, team, or competition; a hobby you pursue on your own; a part-time job; a family responsibility; or anything else you do with your time outside of class. Colleges ask for this information not because they have any specific expectation or preference for how you spend your time, but to see what's meaningful, worthwhile, or interesting to you. We do not require certificates proving participation in activities. If the space provided on the Coalition or Common Application to list all extracurricular and work experiences is not sufficient, you may share further details in the Additional Information section of the application.

Personal Statement

Your personal statement is your chance to present yourself and your ideas in your own words. Through the Common or Coalition Application, your personal statement will be sent to all of the schools you are applying to. As a result, it should not be specific to any one school. Your personal statement should be appropriate for a wide array of audiences and should put your best foot forward. Be sure to proofread and edit your essay, and have someone you trust like a friend, family member, or counselor read it over before submitting it.

UChicago Supplement

The University of Chicago Supplement  requires one extended essay of your choice from our list of several prompts and one short essay on why you would like to attend the University of Chicago. The Supplement is available through Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir  or the Common Application .

Your UChicago Account

Students may create a UChicago Account before or after beginning the Coalition or Common Application. To create a UChicago Account before you begin working on either application, please visit . If you begin by working on the Coalition or Common Application, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up your UChicago Account. When you  sign in to your UChicago Account , you will be able to complete and update your profile, apply for financial aid, upload some materials, and view your admissions decision.

Application Fee or Automatic Fee Waiver

The University of Chicago does not charge an application fee for students applying for need-based financial aid. For students not applying for need-based financial aid, our application fee is $75 and can be submitted through Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir or the Common Application .

Credit Card

Please follow the instructions on Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir or the Common Application for submitting the application fee online.

Check or Money Order

Please include a note with the check or money order with the applicant's full name and address, and mail it to the College Admissions Office by the appropriate application deadline. Checks should be made payable to the University of Chicago.

The Office of College Admissions Attn. Matt Cowell 1101 E. 58th St. Rosenwald 005 Chicago, IL 60637

Secondary School Report and Transcript

Ask your secondary school counselor to complete the Secondary School Report and to submit it along with an official transcript. If you do not have a secondary school counselor, a teacher or school administrator may submit the Secondary School Report and transcript instead. Students may also self-submit transcripts.

Secondary School Report

The Secondary School Report provides us with an overview of your high school academic record. All secondary school counselors have the option of submitting letters of recommendation and school forms online via Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir or the Common Application . High school counselors should follow the instructions on  Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir or the  Common Applications for submitting these forms. Counselors may print out and submit these forms on paper even if you submit your application online.

High School Transcript

An official transcript detailing your coursework and grades over your entire high school career should be sent from your high school. In reading your application, your transcript will serve as a roadmap of your academic path in high school. We will be looking at your academic record across all four years of high school, primarily to see that you have challenged yourself productively in your course selection and done well in those courses. 

Your transcript is considered in the context of your high school. Course offerings and opportunities can look very different from one high school to the next, and we want to see how you took advantage of what was available to you at your high school. You would never be at a disadvantage in the admissions process for not having pursued an opportunity that was not available to you. A School Profile is usually included with your transcript that tells us about the environment at your school, course offerings, curriculum, and educational outcomes. We do not require complete syllabi.

If you have taken courses at a school other than your current high school, such as a previous high school or a local college, please be sure to have those grades sent as well. They may be reported either on your current high school transcript or in a separate transcript from the original institution.

Transcripts written in a language other than English should be accompanied by a certified translation and a grading scale.

Self-Submitted Transcripts

UChicago will review the applications of students using either self-submitted or official transcripts and midyear transcripts. We realize that there can be costs associated with ordering transcripts. If students have a hard copy or digital copy of their transcript, they may fax, mail, or upload through their UChicago Account. Students will not be required to submit official transcripts unless they are admitted and choose to enroll.

Two Teacher Evaluations

We require two recommendations from teachers who have taught you in an academic subject: high school teachers for first-year applicants and college instructors for transfer applicants. Academic subjects, as defined for the purposes of letters of recommendation, include mathematics, social studies, history, science, English or literature, foreign language, and other courses in which you are doing substantial amounts of reading, writing, or class discussion. If you have questions about whether a particular course is a good choice, feel free to  contact your regional Admissions Counselor .

Ask for recommendations from teachers who know you well and can speak specifically and positively about your contributions in the classroom, academic interest, and interactions with classmates. This does not necessarily need to be the teacher who gave you the best grades, but instead someone who best knows your academic personality and thinks highly of you. Plan to have a brief conversation with your recommender to give them context on your educational plans, as this can be helpful in writing a more detailed letter.

As teachers are often writing letters of recommendation on their own time and are therefore not getting paid to do it, we also strongly encourage students to write their recommenders a thank you note.

Submitting Letters of Recommendation

All school counselors and teachers have the option of submitting letters of recommendation and school forms online via Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir  or the  Common Application . They should follow the instructions on the relevant application for submitting these forms. Teachers and counselors may print out and submit these forms on paper even if you submit your application online. Letters of recommendation must come directly from the recommender and should not be sent by the applicant. Letters of recommendation can be added to your application after the application deadline, so you do not need to ask your recommender to submit their letter before or at the same time as you have submitted your application.

If your recommenders are most comfortable writing in a language other than English, they may. Have them submit the original letter accompanied by a translation.

Supplemental Recommendations

If you feel that we won't be able get a full picture of who you are without a third letter of recommendation from another teacher, an employer, role model, youth leader, or friend, you may submit one additional letter. Submitting a supplemental letter of recommendation is not an expectation, and please be considerate of the significant time commitment writing a good letter of recommendation takes before asking a potential recommender.

Midyear Report

Please have your high school counselor submit a midyear report with grades or a transcript for your first semester or first trimester by February 1 of the year you have applied, or as soon as possible thereafter. We are aware that schools may issue midyear grades at a later time, and students will not be penalized for submitting the report after this date. Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir and the  Common Application provide a Midyear Grade Report form, or you may use your own school’s midyear report. You are also welcome to make updates to your application by logging into your  UChicago Account  and clicking “Update Your Application." Students may choose to self-submit their midyear transcript.

No Harm Testing Policy

Submitting an SAT or ACT is optional and not required for admission. In addition to being test-optional, UChicago practices a “No Harm” policy for application review when considering SAT or ACT scores. Any SAT or ACT score submitted will only be used in review if it will positively affect an applicant’s chance of admission. Test scores that may negatively impact an admission decision will not be considered in review. All applicants, including domestic students, international students, and transfer students will be reviewed under this policy.

Reporting Scores

Students submitting SAT or ACT scores may share either official or self-reported scores. Students sharing self-reported scores will not be required to submit official score reports unless they are admitted and choose to enroll. You are able to self-report test scores through Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir or the Common Application . You will not need to superscore your own results or recalculate your scores in any way; send your scores exactly as you receive them. To be considered official, scores can be sent by a school official, listed on a transcript, or sent to the University of Chicago directly from the testing agency. UChicago’s SAT code is 1832; the ACT code is 1152.

Testing Deadlines

While we would, if possible, like to receive your scores before the appropriate deadline, we will accept October ACT and November SAT scores for Early Action and Early Decision I, December SAT and ACT scores for Early Decision II, and January SAT and February ACT scores for Regular Decision. For transfer applicants, we will accept scores from the February ACT or March SAT.

Optional Components

Financial aid application, u.s. citizens and permanent residents.

Applicants to the College are not required to submit an application for financial aid to be considered for admission. If you do intend to apply for need-based financial aid, however, you should do so at the same time you apply for admission so that you can factor your financial aid package into your college decision process. Learn more about  applying for financial aid .

Once a student is admitted, regardless of that student’s country of origin, the University of Chicago will meet 100% of their demonstrated financial need throughout their four years in the College with a grant-based financial aid package. UChicago financial aid packages do not include a loan expectation.

Domestic Financial Aid Application Materials

  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Prior-prior year's tax returns (including all schedules and W-2 forms)
  • UChicago-Specific Financial Aid Worksheet (can substitute College Board's CSS Profile)

International Applicants 

UChicago will meet 100% of international students’ demonstrated need. International applicants go through the same contextual review process as domestic applicants, with the only difference being that international students are required to submit a financial aid application prior to admission if they think they may require need-based aid at any time while enrolled at UChicago. Learn more about  applying for financial aid  as an international applicant.

International Financial Aid Application Materials

  • The International Financial Aid Worksheet
  • Supporting documentation of family’s income and asset information

Transfer Applicants 

Based on the nature of financial aid funds for transfer students, the admissions process is need-aware for transfer applicants. Transfer applications go through the same holistic review process as first-year applicants, and an application for need-based financial aid will be taken into consideration at the end of that process. International transfer applicants are not eligible to apply for need-based financial aid. Learn more about  applying for financial aid  as a Transfer student.

Recommended Video Profile

If you would like to add your voice to your application, you have the option to submit a two-minute video introduction in lieu of the traditional college interview, which is not part of our application process. Your recording does not need to be extensively rehearsed or polished, and the video does not need to be edited.

You may record your video introduction using the platform of your choice, and then upload either a file of or link to the introduction into your UChicago Account. If there is any important information relevant to your candidacy you were unable to address elsewhere in the application, please share that information here.

Supplemental Materials: Optional Art, Creative, Research, or Other Supplements

Students may submit supplemental material representing a significant talent, passion, or achievement by self-upload through their UChicago Account. These materials include, but are not limited to, creative writing projects, highlights from music/dance/visual art/theater performance, school capstone projects such as AP Capstone or the equivalent, research projects, business plans, or other work of note.

Students may also elect to submit results of AP exams, or predicted IB or A-Level scores on an optional and self-reported basis. Statistics or Calculus Mastery Certification

Students are welcome to submit certification to their application. Once you’ve completed certification in a specific subject area, you’ll be able to download a PDF document verifying your completion. You can upload this PDF to your UChicago Account. Learn more and view FAQs at .

UChicago Essay Examples (And Why They Worked)

The following essay examples were written by several different authors who were admitted to University of Chicago and are intended to provide examples of successful UChicago application essays. All names have been redacted for anonymity. Please note that has shared these essays with admissions officers at University of Chicago in order to deter potential plagiarism.

For more help with your UChicago supplemental essays, check out our UChicago Essay Guide ! For more guidance on personal essays and the college application process in general, sign up for a monthly plan to work with an admissions coach 1-on-1.

Question 1 (Required; Choose one) How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.

When I visited UChicago, a friend invited me to step into her Comparative Literature class: Monstrosity and the Monstrous. Desperate for refuge from the cold (as a Bay Area resident, I hadn’t packed for the Chicago winter), I quickly obliged. I expected to silently observe, but when I mentioned that I’d read Antigone , her professor was thrilled–he immediately invited me into the discussion. For an hour and a half, we weighed the pros and cons of civil disobedience: did Antigone’s actions permanently destabilize Thebes, and in the modern day, when does protesting against a government cross the line? Was Antigone justified in interpreting the will of the gods? And, if so, would Sophocles support pardoning well-intentioned criminals? Beyond the enthralling analysis of the play, I was captivated by the spirit of UChicago: a campus that invites everyone (including a loitering high school student) to contribute and develop their ideas.

Now, it’s surreal to imagine taking “The Economics of Crime” from someone as renowned as Professor Levitt (I’ve been a fan since reading Freakonomics ) and staying after class to clarify the finer points of the latest Freakonomics podcast (I particularly enjoyed “Speak Softly and Carry Big Data,” on using data analysis to perfect foreign policy decisions). I hope to add to UChicago’s legacy of pushing the boundaries of our economic understanding by participating in undergraduate research, and perhaps put my findings to use through crafting social policy for the Harris School’s Public Policy Practicum. Prior to graduating, I’ll sample tastes of future careers through the Fried Public Policy and Service Program or the Trott Business Program. Simultaneously, as someone who enjoys conversing and respectfully challenging ideas, I look forward to immersing myself in the Core Curriculum and obtaining a strong foundation of knowledge. Above all, I appreciate that UChicago teaches students how to think, encourages dialogue, and prompts students to question norms.

Beyond an unparalleled education, UChicago boasts an incredible student body. Whether it’s over $1 milkshakes, at a desk beneath the stunning glass dome of the Mansueto library, or over a game of pick-up basketball, students at UChicago have a reputation for cultivating the most interesting conversations, both miscellaneous and profound. I hope that culture will only intensify within groups like the student government, Muslim Student Association, or the (undefeated) Model United Nations team. Though I look forward to Scav, the prospect of another scavenger hunt is even more enticing; over the next four years, my peers and I will discover the impact we intend to have on the world. Whether I end up delving into politics, finance, or the nonprofit sector, I know UChicago will guide me through that process–more importantly, as a member of a campus of visionaries, I hope to learn how I’ll change any field I enter. I look forward to four life-changing years–this time, with a warm winter coat.

Why this UChicago essay worked, from an ex-admissions officer

The author of this essay did a great job highlighting their familiarity with the faculty’s research and the university’s traditions. In doing so, admissions officers know that this student conducted the necessary research and is not solely interested in the university based on its rankings and reputation but rather the intangibles- the things that set UChicago apart, from other colleges/universities.

A few days ago, I had the pleasure of visiting UChicago’s campus. What I found was exactly what I’d hoped for: an absurdly specific and drawn-out debate over which poem was better, The Iliad, or The Odyssey.

It happened in a dorm. After my official tour, a good friend of mine, Lizzie, who I’d met two summers ago on a writer’s retreat offered to show me around campus. The insider tour: coveted by many, enjoyed by few. As we were leaving the common space on her floor in Max P., we were discussing our respective class schedules. We came to find that we were doing similar coursework with regard to Classical studies, and with a simple groan at my mention of the adventures of Achilles in Ilion, the battle began.

Quickly, I found myself drawing my spear—the initial jab: “The portrayal of Odysseus in The Odyssey is lackluster and inconsistent with prior descriptions at best.”

She dodged, “Maybe, but The Iliad is just a bunch of gore. I want a real story.” The phalanxes were starting to form; war cries echoing, bouncing off doors which held the empty beds of students wintering at Mansueto, I stopped.

“Listen,” I said, with a ring reminiscent of a sword being gloriously drawn from its sheath. “Homer may not have even been the mind behind much of The Odyssey . On top of that, how do you reconcile Odysseus’ supposed military genius spanning ten years with his seemingly cavalier attitude towards his men’s safety on the voyage home?” In turn, she threw her arms up with a sigh of exasperation—a shield, a deflection.

“Maybe, but Achilles’ melodramatic fits aren’t worth reading. If I wanted to witness overwrought pouting, I’d go find a four-year-old. Besides, an inconsistency doesn’t damn a story to the pits of inadequacy.”

Round and round we went, like Achilles and Hector around the city of Ilion, neither of us gaining an inch, and neither of us drawing nearer escape. But then, for us, escape wasn’t the point, was it? It was the chase. The Iliad would have been far less exciting had Achilles settled for glory, fought for Agamemnon, and killed Hector immediately. Likewise, The Odyssey is nothing but a story of a journey, and therefore wouldn’t have a leg to stand on without the chase. From my point of view, this is what UChicago is all about—the chase; the journey—the questions asked and examined, not only those answered. Lizzie and I never came to a conclusion about which poem is better (thankfully we could agree that The Aeneid was objectively well written, and well told), but we had a riveting, impassioned conversation on a dime. My favorite part of this? It happened on the way to her Physics discussion.

That’s why I love UChicago; this is what I crave. The perpetual hall pass to unapologetically geek out with fellow cats whom curiosity didn’t kill, but strengthened. To walk by the chapel, and hear the bells playing Kiss the Girl, to sit in the Reading Room and write, to marvel at the marketing genius behind the naming of Grounds of Being ; to have conversations with poetry nerds, language lovers, people who can rant about the beauty of the C7 chord or the curvature of a parabolic function. I can only see myself in a place that emphasizes interdisciplinary studies, that offers a slew of majors, minors, and career courses—that not just allows, but encourages exploration—that finds its students discussing Homer on the way to a physics class. I would not be able to function without the camaraderie that comes with the $1 shake, or the friendships born of mutual vitriol at the notion of their disappearance. This community is not tied, but melded together—one that challenges, one that nips stagnancy in the bud. So, paint me maroon and point me towards Axelrod; I’m ready to join this Odyssey-loving, manhole-cover-thieving, Royal Tenenbaum-esque family.

In this essay, the writer connected her seemingly random conversation with a friend to the interdisciplinary focus of the university and the ways in which, others challenge her views. Oftentimes, when we think of a college education- there is so much focus on the rankings, reputation, and major, career opportunities, return on investments, and salary– all of which, are very important; however, one could argue that that true purpose of college is to challenge yourself, to step outside of your comfort zone, meet new people and challenge others as well. This writer understands those values are paramount to an education at UChicago. The admissions officer reading this essay, knows this student will thrive at UChicago, but most importantly, this student will leave UChicago in a better place than where they found it by challenging those around them.

Question 2: Extended Essay (Required; Choose one)

Editor’s Note: The UChicago supplemental essays change each year, as the University is known to reach out to newly admitted and current students for essay prompts. These are examples of previous successful approaches to essay prompts.

2017-2018 UChicago Essay Prompt

What’s your armor.

I won’t knock on wood for luck if the wood isn’t demonstrably pure as the waters of the Piscine Molitor. When I say I won’t, I don’t mean that I will knock on a table, or a bench occasionally through gritted teeth if I’m in dire need of cosmic intervention, no, I mean I will not, under any circumstance, on a train, a plane, or even in Spain, knock on anything other than natural, uncoated in any way, wood. I recognize the scientific irrationality, not just of superstitions, but of being picking nits within a particular superstition. I have my reasons.

Two years ago, while scrolling through my Instagram feed, I stumbled across a disconcerting “fact” that probably wasn’t a fact . The post asserted that more than ninety-percent of all wooden tables, benches, chairs, etc are not, in fact, strictly wooden. Rather, they are a mix of synthetic materials and wood. Granted, in most cases, the synthetic is likely just a coat of protective varnish, but you see, that tarnishes the product for the superstitious. It was a moment of earth-shattering ramifications. In a matter of three seconds, I questioned every bit of trust I’d ever placed in the universe. It all seemed futile, meaningless. Now, I’m not knocking on wood, I’m knocking on wood that has been coated once, twice, ninety-six times with preservative varnish. At that point, it’s just a synthetic graveyard with a foundation of wood. There is no luck to be found in an ungodly cemetery of bones like that. I might as well knock on glass, or grass, or a plastic container. It surpasses trivial in the scheme of things, but imagine I were to have something especially important looming, something that has the potential to frame the context of the rest of my life, something like college applications. Why would I take a chance on something that merely resembles pure wood for luck? I wouldn’t. I’d run straight outside, find the nearest tree (the only real guarantee), and knock until my knuckles resembled shredded calf-liver. It’s really not worth the risk.

Why does it even matter, though? Who, and/or what enforces frivolous matters like outdated pseudo-religious compulsions? I like to imagine that there is a being in charge of each superstition, both the common and obscure. The Being of Repetition would oversee all attempts to cheat one’s destiny by uttering a word thirty-seven times, the Being of Self-Induced Discomfort would superintend those who hold their breath while they cross bridges or drive past cemeteries, and the Being of Sylvan Knocks would assure that not a single soul who bops their knuckles on a tarnished, synthetic-wood abomination receives their prize of favor. This being watches and keeps tabs on those foolish enough to put their faith in the preternatural equivalent of fool’s gold, and shames them by leaving their worlds deservedly unaltered. However, those who are devoted enough to search out the nearest tree and give it a few raps for good measure, will find magnificent rewards from their generous karmic sugar daddy. Call me a purist, call me ridiculous, but I’m convinced that this is the indisputable truth.

So convinced, in fact, that those closest to me have picked up on my idiosyncratic neurosis. I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy the friendship of observant souls, one of whom, named Jack, happens to be a skilled woodworker. Upon confessing to him my cognitive dissonance of being vehemently non-superstitious, while also controlled like a marionette by this irrational belief, he took it upon himself to, at the very least, ease the inconvenience of finding a tree in my panic. He gave me a teardrop-shaped, knuckle-sized piece of pure wood. Not just that, but he put a small hole in it so that it would fit on my keychain. I carry it everywhere. I give it a little knock every now and then just for the extra luck. Knowing that no matter the place, no matter the scenario, I’m always in the good graces of the Being of Sylvan Knocks means that I never again have to add “find a tree” to my mental to-do list. It means release—means freedom.

Maybe one day I’ll get over my manneristic malady, but until that day comes, I’ll keep carrying my teardrop everywhere I go, and hope that Jack never tells me that my charm is anything less than Piscine pure, unadulterated luck. Knock on wood, right?

2013-2014 UChicago Essay Prompt:

The mantis shrimp can perceive both polarized light and multispectral images; they have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. human eyes have color receptors for three colors (red, green, and blue); the mantis shrimp has receptors for sixteen types of color, enabling them to see a spectrum far beyond the capacity of the human brain. seriously, how cool is the mantis shrimp: . what might they be able to see that we cannot what are we missing.

The red and purple hues of the sunset warm the chilly summer evening; the soft pastels blend perfectly under my fingers to emanate the photograph; each Van Gogh and Renoir mesmerize me as I creep through the brightly lit museum. Photographs and paintings capture the beauty that we see with our eyes. Our almighty sense of sight allows us to be immersed by the extraordinary, but at the same time, it hinders us.

Although breath-taking to witness, the mantis shrimp, majestic as a unicorn or narwhal from the outside, relates more closely to a soul-sucking dementor. Its mighty claws enable it to chomp nearby prey instantaneously. Is it possible that the violent behavior of a mantis shrimp is related in someway to its heightened abilities of sight?

Segregation, discrimination, isolation; so many “tion”s can be attributed to our sense of vision. In elementary school, the concept of being popular is already engrained in our minds. As a first grader, I got my first glimpse of this when a girl was forced to tell her best friend that they couldn’t hang out anymore because she “wasn’t cool enough.” And what deems someone to be popular? Of course, attitude and self-confidence are key, but popularity is equally derived from having the newest backpack and sparkly shoes that light up with each step. In the 1940s, having “the look” meant blonde hair and blue eyes with the emanating threat of concentration camps and execution. America, the land of the free, cannot forget its very own history of segregation that nearly split the nation in two. People were belittled and harassed due to the color of their skin. Throughout history, mankind has associated superiority with skin color and race. Our sense of sight has limited us oftentimes to fixate on seeing instead of understanding.

The kaleidoscopic exoskeleton of the mantis shrimp indicates its very own evolutionary emphasis on beauty. Why else would one attempt to look so radiant if not to mate and produce heirs? I would probably be pretty picky too if I had such a powerful pair of eyes—fixating on each segment, each tentacle, each antenna. Over the centuries, the selectivity of the mantis shrimp possibly eliminated less attractive members from the gene pool. It never thought “Oh well, maybe she has a nice personality and a good sense of humor.” In a world of plastic Barbie dolls and glossy magazine covers, I would hate to see an even greater emphasis on aesthetics.

As a child, I read A Wrinkle in Time and journeyed to the planet Ixchel where Madeline L’Engle’s fictional character Meg tries to explain the concept of seeing to a creature with no eyes. In response the beast states, “We do not know what things look like, as you say… We know what things are like. It must be a very limiting thing, this seeing.” As a child, I pondered the difficultly of explaining sight to someone incapable of it and all the words that a person wouldn’t understand—light, dark, colors, shades. When I initially read this prompt about the mantis shrimp, I was reminded of this passage. The difficulty of imagining all that the mantis shrimp can see is possibly just as difficult as it is for someone who is blind to imagine the red of a robin’s belly, the illustrious light blue sky, or the shades of skin tones. I was originally perplexed by the idea that seeing can be “a very limiting thing.” Over half a decade later, as I reread Madeline L’Engle’s words, I find the truth in this phrase. We do not need sight. It is convenient being able to color coordinate files and match shoes with shirts, but the ability to see can often overpower our other senses. We judge and make first impressions by the way a person dresses, often neglecting what that person says or thinks or knows.

Perhaps the mantis shrimp’s eyes allow it to see further than our color spectrum, into infrared, ultraviolet, or radio waves. Maybe this allows it to see its predators inching closer before they devise an attack. The shrimp’s vision could possibly replace its sense of feeling and hearing—observing sound waves in the wavy, salty sea or having thermal imaging abilities. However, the extent to its abilities is far greater than we can perceive. It would be impossible to imagine the full capabilities of the mantis shrimp without having a “Freaky Friday” moment and switching brains. As humans, we have become too accustomed to our perception of superiority that it is difficult to imagine abilities greater than our own. What we lack, we attempt to compensate for with technology and scientific advancements. We have escaped the mentality of our cavemen and cavewomen ancestors—scavenging for food and hiding from predators. Machine guns and others weapons of mass destruction have given humans the mindset that we are on the top of the food chain.

The short novel Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott was enforced upon my Geometry class over spring break. Although initially a lesson about the multiple dimensions, Flatland also explores the challenge of explaining higher realms to those who cannot experience it. The king of Pointland is so narrow-minded and insular that he refuses to believe that there are objects larger than he is. When confronted with a square, all he sees is another point. As humans, our abilities are limited as well. We do not have the innate skills of the mantis shrimp with its sixteen receptors; however, centuries of innovation have made us inept to fully perceive the skills we are incapable of.

The mantis shrimp can see a greater spectrum of rays and waves and possibly some great unknown, but perhaps, it is better that its abilities remain a mystery. At this time, we are probably not ready for such visual capabilities; our current ones have already proven to be overbearing. Maybe the best things in life are not meant to be seen because they must be felt or understood.

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Hey everyone! I'm applying to UChicago soon, and I know they have some unique essay prompts. Can anyone share what kinds of essay questions they have seen or written previously for UChicago applications? I'm curious about the level of creativity they're looking for. Thanks!

Hello! UChicago certainly has a reputation for unique and quirky essay prompts that encourage creativity and outside-the-box thinking. While the specific prompts vary from year to year, I can give you an idea of the types of questions they've asked in the past to help you understand the level of creativity they're looking for. Keep in mind that you should always check the current year's prompts when working on your application.

Here are a few examples of past UChicago essay prompts:

1. "Find x." — This open-ended question allows you to take the concept of 'x' in any direction you choose, whether it's mathematical, philosophical, or metaphorical.

2. "If you could choose to be raised by robots, dinosaurs, or aliens, who would you pick? Why?" — This playful prompt encourages you to think about your upbringing and values while considering unconventional "parents."

3. "What is square one, and can you truly go back?" — This philosophical question pushes students to think about the concept of starting over and whether it's possible.

4. "A hot dog might be a sandwich, and cereal might be a soup, but is a a ?" — Fill in the blanks and argue your case.

5. "Alice falls down the rabbit hole. Milo drives through the tollbooth. Dorothy is swept up in the tornado. Neo takes the red pill. Don't tell us about another world you've imagined, heard about, or created. Rather, tell us about its portal. Sure, some people think of the University of Chicago as a portal to their future, but please choose another portal to write about."

These prompts encourage you to think creatively, and there's no "correct" answer or approach. What UChicago is looking for is how well you can develop your thoughts and express them in writing. It's the perfect opportunity to showcase your personality, interests, and writing skills. Don't be afraid to think outside the box, and most importantly, have fun with it!

For some in-depth advice on tackling the UChicago prompts, check out this CollegeVine article:

Good luck with your UChicago application!

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uchicago essay questions 2024

2 Great UChicago Essay Examples

UChicago is famous —or shall we say infamous—for their highly-quirky essay prompts. In previous years, students have been tasked with mind-boggling questions like “Find X,” or “A hot dog might be a sandwich, and cereal might be a soup, but is a __ a __?”

These essays may seem silly, but they invite students to share their personalities and perspectives as fully as they wish. UChicago is looking for creative thinkers, and these essays help them distinguish the “kind” of applicant they want. After all, most applicants will have stellar grades and test scores, so these essays are your chance to stand out and beat the odds of the very low acceptance rate.

UChicago requires two essays—one that is a typical “ Why This College? ” prompt, and the other, your choice among seven zany prompts. The seventh option actually allows you to make your own prompt, or pick one from previous years.

In this post, we’ll go over some strong UChicago essay examples from real applicants and share what they did well and what could be improved.

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our UChicago essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts. 

Essay Example #1

Prompt: “There is no such thing as a new idea” – Mark Twain. Are any pieces of art, literature, philosophy, or technology truly original, or just a different combination of old ideas? Pick something, anything (besides yourself), and explain why it is, or is not, original.

As I entered the bare-walled room, I could see the sky was painted blue through the tinted windows. It was my first day in my new high school where I’d have to spend the next two years. I wanted to make new friends.

I started walking towards a boy, introduced myself and exchanged pleasantries. After a few minutes of conversation, the topic of music came up and I introduced him to my love for the iconic classical ambient hit ‘Clair de Lune’. He put on my headphones, the song started playing, and he was amazed by the music’s ethereal, mellow, and serene chords. Or so I thought.

You know that awkward feeling when you show a funny video to your friends and nobody laughs? It was equivalent to that.

As days passed, I started noticing everyone was only listening to the loud pounds of the bass, the buzz saw synths, the crispy hi-hats, and every other element found in Electronic Dance Music, also known as EDM. Realizing that people in my school didn’t like Clair de Lune because they were emotionally invested in only the EDM genre, I had an idea– “What if I create an EDM remix of Clair de Lune to reach out to the audience of both genres?”

I tried to understand what the composer was trying to express through his composition and attempted to create an impression of the classical piece. The main challenge was to add musical elements from relatively two of the most unconventional music genres– Classical and EDM. Incorporating the rich and sometimes heart-wrenching chord structure of Clair de Lune to the multiple layers of EDM saw synths, I adjusted the volume of my instruments to the intensities with which the notes needed to be played and panned the sound in different directions to set the appropriate ambiance.

A few weeks later, I uploaded my work to the various Discord music servers that I am a part of with shaky hands. Nervous of what people might interpret my work to be, I awaited the replies I would receive. The server was filled with users from North America, and since I was in India, I realized that most people weren’t active at midnight when I uploaded my mix. I called it a night and went to sleep. When I woke up, my inbox was flooded with a mix of appreciations and suggestions. The users from the server really liked my idea and it went on to become a weekly competition where everyone would try to incorporate multiple genres into one song. I also made my classmates listen to the mix and later made friends who were interested in music production.

Music has constantly been transcending and bridging different identities cross-culturally through the fusion of genres. The key lies in capturing the emotions and the structure linked to the song, but most importantly, working to understand diverse cultures.

This raises a critical question– are the genres we listen to now truly unique on their own or just a complex amalgam of countless genres throughout history? The answer is that it depends on how experienced an artist is at the art of impression. Honoring instead of degrading, studying instead of skimming, crediting instead of plagiarizing, and transforming instead of imitating will lead an artist to a remix instead of a rip-off. As an artist keeps repeating this process, they’ll make unique decisions– maybe they’ll add an inimitable form of reverb on the synth or include a cymbal crash in their alien music structure. Regardless, those small changes and preferences– in the long run– will amount to a magnitude of alteration in style and develop a completely new identity for an artist. This is when the art practically becomes original while bearing into itself countless unoriginal remixes and impressions of different songs, artists, and genres.

What This Essay Did Well

This essay is a great example of taking a prompt that seemingly has nothing to do with the student on the surface and turning it into an exposé of the student’s personality and interests. The point of every college essay is to reveal who you are, so even when the prompt asks for something unrelated like a piece of art or technology, the ability to tie that back to you is key.

The reader is taken on a journey from seeing the defeat this student felt when no one liked their music taste, to their determination to produce a remix, to the success and positive impact caused by their creativity. Having a well-defined beginning, middle, and end creates a good pace and makes it easy to follow.

Another positive aspect of this essay is the way the student describes music and their process. When you write about your hobbies or interests in an essay, your passion, as well as your expertise, should shine through. The reader can clearly tell this student cares about musical motifs and sound mixing through their description of classical and EDM music, but they also demonstrate their knowledge in this area by explaining the steps they took to produce a remix.

What Could Be Improved

While this student did a great job of turning this prompt into a story about themselves, a definitive answer to the prompt fell through the cracks. After an entire essay focused on them, the student generalized in the last paragraph in an attempt to answer the prompt. The result was an essay that ended on a good note, but didn’t leave the reader with a final impression of the student.

To make sure the ending was as strong as other parts of the essay and that there was a concrete answer to the prompt, this student should have tied the lessons they learned through their experience into their perspective on originality.

For example, they could have decided there’s no such thing as originality because even when they were developing their remix they relied on known aspects of music to recreate genres. On the flip side, they could have concluded that of course there are new ideas because even though they had influences, the comments on the Discord server said they had created something no one had ever seen before. 

It’s okay to take a stance in a prompt like this one. You aren’t being evaluated on whether you picked the “right” answer because there is no right answer. The important part is to connect the answer back to the rest of the essay, and thus emphasize how the answer relates to you.

Essay Example #2

Prompt: Due to a series of clerical errors, there is exactly one typo (an extra letter, a removed letter, or an altered letter) in the name of every department at the University of Chicago. Oops! Describe your new intended major. Why are you interested in it and what courses or areas of focus within it might you want to explore? Potential options include Commuter Science, Bromance Languages and Literatures, Pundamentals: Issues and Texts, Ant History… a full list of unmodified majors ready for your editor’s eye is available here. —Inspired by Josh Kaufman, AB’18 

When I shared the video of me eating fried insects in Thailand, my friends were seriously offended. Some stopped talking to me, while the rest thought I had lost my mind and recommended me the names of a few psychologists. 

A major in Gastrophysics at UChicago is not for the faint hearted. You have to have a stomach for it! I do hope I am accepted to it as it is the only University in the U.S. with this unique major. My passion for trying unique food such as fish eye has made me want to understand the complexities of how it affects our digestive system. I understand that Gastrophysics started with a big pang of food, which quickly expanded to famish. Bite years are used to measure the amount of food ingested. I look forward to asking, “How many bite years can the stomach hold?” and “How do different enzymes react with the farticles?” 

Gastrophysics truly unravels the physics of food. At UChicago I will understand the intricacies of what time to eat, how to eat and how food will be digested. Do we need to take antiparticle acid if we feel acidity is becoming a matter of concern? At what angle should the mouth be, for the best possible tasting experience? When I tried crocodile meat, I found that at a 0 degree tilt, it tasted like fish and chicken at the same time. But the same tasted more like fish at a negative angle and like chicken at a positive angle. I want to unravel these mysteries in a class by Professor Daniel Holz in gravitational gastrophysics, understanding the unseen strong and weak forces at play which attract food to our stomachs. 

I find that Gastrophysics is also important for fastronomy. I want to learn the physics of fasting. How should we fast? Hubble bubble is a good chewing gum; an appetite suppressant in case you feel pangs of hunger. I have read how the UChicago Fastronauts are stepping up to test uncharted territories. Intermittent fasting is a new method being researched, and UChicago offers the opportunity for furthering this research. Which is better: fasting for 16 hours and eating for 8, or fasting for 24 hours twice a week? It is just one of the problems that UChicago offers a chance to solve. 

I can also study the new branch it offers that uses farticle physics. It is the science of tracking farticles and how they interact with each other and chemicals in the stomach space. It could give rise to supernovae explosions, turning people into gas giants. It would also teach about the best ways to expel gas and clean the system and prevent stomach space expansion. 

I want to take Fluid dynamics 101, another important course in Gastrophysics; teaching about the importance of water and other fluids in the body, and the most important question: what happens if you try to drink superfluids? 

I hope to do interdisciplinary courses with observational gastrophysicists and work with environmental science majors to track how much methane is given by the human and animal gastrointestinal tract in the atmosphere and how much it contributes to the global climate change. I believe, with the help of courses in date science, they have been able to keep a track of how much methane is entering each day, and they found that during Dec 24-Jan 3 period, a spike in the methane and ethane levels could be seen. Accordingly, algorithms are being programmed to predict the changes all year round. I would love to use my strong mathematical background to explore these algorithms. 

These courses are specially designed by the distinguished faculty of UChicago. Doing interdisciplinary research in collaboration with biological science students to determine what aliens may eat, with fart historians to know more about the intestinal structure of medieval Italians, Japanese, Chinese, Swedish and French people to better their lives is what I look forward to. The Paris study abroad program is an immersion course into fastronomy, where I will have the opportunity to test my self-control with all the amazing French food and desserts around! 

My stomach rumbles now, so I am going out to try out new food – hopefully it will be in Chicago a few months later. 

What the Essay Did Well

This is a fun essay! This student’s voice is present and their goofy personality is especially evident. Not only did they change the name of their major, but this student incorporated word play throughout the essay to showcase their imagination. Phrases like “the big pang of food”, “bite years”, “fastronauts”, and “farticle physics” keep the tone lighthearted and amusing. 

Beyond the humor and creativity that makes the reader chuckle—always a great way to stand out—this student still manages to incorporate aspects of their real intended major that fascinate them. While it might take a little extra connecting the dots to get from gastrophysic to astrophysics courses, the reader still understands what this student wants to study at UChicago and how they might use this knowledge.

While this essay definitely takes some risks, it’s safe to say that they paid off. They are able to delve into their love for astrophysics all while maintaining vivid, engaging language. The writing style is simultaneously playful and mad-scientist-esque. Truly “geeking out” about their interests makes for a great essay.

Even extremely creative essays like this one can always be made stronger. In this case, it would have been nice to get more background on what drew this student to astrophysics (not gastrophysics). We get a sense for their love of trying new foods, but the essay is lacking an explanation that relates to astrophysics. 

Obviously, in an essay about gastrophysics, astrophysics would be out of place. But given this student’s level of creativity, they could have found a punny way to tie their interest in space into the essay. It doesn’t need to be too extensive, but since this effectively serves as UChicago’s “Why This Major?” essay, a strong essay should include more background on why the student wants to pursue their actual major (not the fake one).

Where to Get Your UChicago Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your UChicago essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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UChicago Essay Prompts are out...

Here are the 2020-2021 University of Chicago essay prompts:

Who does Sally sell her seashells to? How much wood can a woodchuck really chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Pick a favorite tongue twister (either originally in English or translated from another language) and consider a resolution to its conundrum using the method of your choice. Math, philosophy, linguistics... it's all up to you (or your woodchuck). Inspired by Blessing Nnate, Class of 2024

What can actually be divided by zero? Inspired by Mai Vu, Class of 2024

The seven liberal arts in antiquity consisted of the Quadrivium — astronomy, mathematics, geometry, and music — and the Trivium — rhetoric, grammar, and logic. Describe your own take on the Quadrivium or the Trivium. What do you think is essential for everyone to know? Inspired by Peter Wang, Class of 2022

Subway maps, evolutionary trees, Lewis diagrams. Each of these schematics tells the relationships and stories of their component parts. Reimagine a map, diagram, or chart. If your work is largely or exclusively visual, please include a cartographer's key of at least 300 words to help us best understand your creation. Inspired by Maximilian Site, Class of 2020

"Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?" - Eleanor Roosevelt. Misattribute a famous quote and explore the implications of doing so. Inspired by Chris Davey, AB’13

Engineer George de Mestral got frustrated with burrs stuck to his dog’s fur and applied the same mechanic to create Velcro. Scientist Percy Lebaron Spencer found a melted chocolate bar in his magnetron lab and discovered microwave cooking. Dye-works owner Jean Baptiste Jolly found his tablecloth clean after a kerosene lamp was knocked over on it, consequently shaping the future of dry cleaning. Describe a creative or interesting solution, and then find the problem that it solves. Inspired by Steve Berkowitz, AB’19, and Neeharika Venuturupalli, Class of 2024

In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose your own question or choose one of our past prompts. Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun.

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Election 2024

Find uchicago experts on the 2024 election, chicago hosts the democratic national convention.

William G. Howell

William G. Howell

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The influence of social movements and protest in political change

Politics, Polarization and Voter Engagement

Cathy Cohen

Cathy Cohen

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Robert Pape

Robert A. Pape

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Faculty Spotlight with Susan L. Burns, Summer 2024

Susan L. Burns and the covers of her two books, Before the Nation: Kokugaku and the Imagining of Community in Early Modern Japan and Kingdom of the Sick: A History of Leprosy and Japan

To begin, I’d like to learn more about how you came to the study of Japan in the long nineteenth century.  

The nineteenth century was an important period in Japanese history that saw the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate and the establishment of a new government ostensibly under the Meiji emperor that transformed Japan into a modern nation-state and empire. In the historiography I encountered as a student, 1868, the year of Meiji "restoration," was treated as a decisive break when everything changed. My work has centered around rethinking this claim. I have sought to understand the complicated process of change as well as explore what continued and why.

Over the course of your career, an initial focus on intellectual history of the Tokugawa era ( Before the Nation: Kokugaku and the Imagining of Community in Early Modern Japan , Duke, 2003) has come to include gender studies ( Gender and Law in the Japanese Imperium , Hawaii, 2014) as well as medicine in early modern Japan and its intersections with domestic and foreign policy ( Kingdom of the Sick: A History of Leprosy in Japan, University of Hawaii Press, 2019). What led to these developments and how do your current projects either grow out of your previous work or reshape it?  

I was interested in kokugaku  (sometimes translated as "nativism" or "national learning"), an intellectual movement that began in the late eighteenth century, because it has been understood as contributing to the formation of Japanese nationalism in the second half of the nineteenth century. In my first book, I sought to explore the nature of the movement itself by looking beyond the canonical figures celebrated by ideologues associated with the state in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. My conclusion was that the relationship between Kokugaku and modern nationalism was by no means a linear one of development or evolution. Rather, modern intellectuals were instrumental in constructing this narrative and rendering Kokugaku a kind of "prehistory" of nationalism to contest the notion that Japanese nationalism was inspired by (or derivative of) Western concepts of the nation.

The turn towards gender, law, and medicine after the publication of my first book was motivated by several factors. I believe that each research project should be distinctive, and having explored nationalism, I wanted to look at other deep structures that organize our lives. I also began to question the applicability of an intellectual history approach to explore historical change. There was also a personal dimension to this shift: in my 30s, I married, had a child, and divorced. In addition, during this period several family members dealt with medical crises. I was thinking then of the impact that gender norms, family law in particular, and medicine play in modern life and that prompted me to explore these topics in my research.

In Kingdom of the Sick: A History of Leprosy in Japan , you argue that leprosy was deeply stigmatized in Japan from the late nineteenth century through the post-war period. Consequently, the state imposed quarantine measures on those suffering from the disease and confined them to public sanitoria. What were these sanatoria like and what impact did they have both on Japanese society and on those who were housed in them?  

When Japan's leprosy policies emerged as a human rights issue in the late 1990s, prompted by former patient activism and the belated repeal of the law requiring quarantine, some charged that the sanitaria were akin to Nazi concentration camps. I found this kind of rhetoric deeply disturbing because it diminished the horror of the concentration camps. The leprosy sanitaria were certainly complicated places but medical care, housing, food, and the like were provided to people who suffered from a highly stigmatized disease that often led to their exclusion from their families and communities. The sanitaria evolved over time, and patient activism eventually led to the establishment of limited patient self-government. They were also sites of cultural production: the leprosaria sponsored coterie journals that published patients' poetry, prose essays, and fiction. Outside the leprosaria, the institutions were celebrated as ideal communities where people lived and worked cooperatively, bound by affective ties. That said, the institutions were often underfunded and crowded, and the patients' civil rights (even as defined at the time) were routinely violated.

Intersecting with the work above is your exploration of the complex relationships among women, medicine, the law, and the state in nineteenth century Japan. During this period of rapid change, modernization appears to have had a significant impact on the way women and their bodies were understood and how the state chose to intervene. For example you explore cases of sexual assault, abortion and contraception, and commercialization of medicinal products for women. All of these intersect in some capacity with female reproduction. What are some of the key developments you explored and how does contemporary reproductive health and rights in Japan reflect the history of both?

My interest in reproductive issues and sexual assault has been driven by the contemporary situations in both the US and Japan. In contrast to the US, abortion was legalized in Japan in 1948 and is largely treated as morally unproblematic. Meanwhile, the official figures for arrests and adjudication of cases of rape are absurdly low, giving the mistaken impression that Japan is safe. In the US, we see that women are more likely to report a sexual assault. I wanted to understand these divergent patterns, so (of course) I went to the nineteenth century.

In Japan, both abortion and infanticide were widely deployed in the early modern period by women and families to deal with unwanted pregnancies, but in 1873 abortion was criminalized and infanticide rendered a form of murder, and significant numbers of women, their sexual partners, and the midwives and doctors who aided them were prosecuted. I was interested in the experience of those who lived through this legal transition and the dynamic encounter between ordinary people and new legal system that sought to intervene in these intimate decisions. I used court dossiers to examine how such cases were adjudicated and argued that prosecutors and judges (there were no jury trials) typically distinguished between married women and unmarried women. While the law treated abortion as an act of individual "choice," judges rightfully recognized the complex dynamics within families where husbands and in-laws played an important role in reproductive decisions, with the result that married women, particularly those living in poverty, often received suspended sentences even when convicted. In contrast, unmarried women who ended a pregnancy were regarded as promiscuous and both they and their sexual partners were punished severely.

While I was working on the issue of abortion and infanticide, I also discovered a number of legal cases that dealt with the prosecution of rape, and this prompted me to explore this issue as well. Interestingly, while there were harsh penalties for rape before 1868, few prosecutions occurred. Instead sexual assault was dealt with informally, often through the payment of compensation money to the family of the girl or woman who was attacked, or in agricultural villages, via community imposed sanctions. In contrast, after the promulgation of the 1870 legal codes, women began to report cases of assault to the new police force, and there were many prosecutions and convictions in the 1870s and 80s. By the turn of the century, however, we see a dramatic decline in the number of reports, prosecutions, and convictions and by the 1920s people were again negotiating private settlements. I argue that this reflects the rise of forensic medicine and the new requirement that assault be proved by medical evidence, most notably physical signs of active resistance. While many contemporary journalists and others noted that often women were too frightened to resist when attacked, the courts embraced this new standard, and it seems that women and their families became increasingly reluctant to report cases.

In my final question on your research, I’m interested in learning more about your work with digital history. You have noted that you are interested in text mining and ArcGIS. How do the tools supplement the written components of your work?

I was trained as an intellectual historian and the close reading of texts is still an important part of all my projects, but I enjoy experimenting with new research methods. Text mining offers the opportunity to deal with larger bodies of texts and to both guide and check my close reading approach. I became deeply interested in GIS analysis while working on my recent book project, Cartographies of Care: Medicine, Public Health, and the Making of Modern Tokyo .  I use mapping to explore the relationship between illness, public health policy, and the cityscape of Tokyo. GIS allows me to visualize the changes in the organization and built environment of the city, but it was also an important research tool, allowing me to discern changes that might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

You carry these same themes as well as an emphasis on urban history through to your teaching in courses like “Epidemics, Public Health, and Cities,” “Edo/Tokyo: Society and the City in Japan,” and “Medicine and Culture in Modern East Asia.” How do you see the relationship between teaching and your research?

One of the great things about UChicago is the opportunity to teach thematic courses that are driven by my own research interests. I sometimes assign my own articles or book chapters, and the students are astute readers and critics. I think we benefit mutually from these kinds of encounters.

What do you find the most rewarding about teaching and do you have any favorite courses or topics to cover?

I love guiding students through the research process, so my history colloquium “Epidemics, Public Health, and Cities" is one of my favorites.  We explore different kinds of sources together, from public health statistics to oral history projects, and students are encouraged to work on a city that they know well. Finally, you have spent most of your career at UChicago. What do you most appreciate about your time at the university? Conversely, what would you like to see developed?

I was here as a graduate student in the late 80s and early 90s and then returned in 2002 after spending ten years teaching at the University of Texas at Austin.  My stint at a public university made me aware of just how privileged we are here, with great resources, wonderful students, and a collegial environment. I do regret the recent contraction of our graduate program although I greatly enjoy my interactions with students in the College.

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At the Forefront - UChicago Medicine

4 things to know about UChicago Medicine’s New Emergency Department in Crown Point

view of the entrance of UChicago Medicine Crown Point at dusk

In an emergency, every second counts. The new emergency department (ED) at UChicago Medicine Crown Point  is here to help Northwest Indiana residents get world-class treatment quickly — and closer to home.

The 24/7 ED at the multispecialty care center, which opened in May , is staffed with the same faculty physicians who deliver excellence at the University of Chicago Medicine’s main campus in Hyde Park.

“We are so very proud to be here to serve this community” said Michael Kurz, MD , Professor of Medicine and Chief of the Section of Emergency Medicine at UChicago Medicine.

Kurz shared four ways the ED at UChicago Medicine Crown Point benefits Northwest Indiana residents with its round-the-clock care.

1) An experienced emergency care team in Northwest Indiana

Staffed with fellowship-trained doctors, many with decades of experience in emergency medicine, and nurses with a combined 300 years of experience, the ED team at UChicago Medicine Crown Point is ready for anything that comes through the doors.

“These clinicians provide an additional level of expertise you're just not going to find in Northwest Indiana,” Kurz said.

Patients also have access to UChicago Medicine and UChicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital experts — including those in oncology, digestive diseases, heart and vascular, neuroscience and orthopaedic surgery.

2) State-of-the-art screening tools and experts who collaborate

Breaks and sprains, as well as chest and stomach pain, are common reasons to visit an ED. At UChicago Medicine Crown Point, patients will find cutting-edge imaging tools, experienced radiologists and emergency medicine doctors skilled at reading those images. This helps reduce delays in results and treatment.

“Even we see rare cases. If necessary, we can consult with Hyde Park,” Kurz said. “I recently had a case with a very complicated chest CT and, while sure of the very rare diagnosis, I was able to call Hyde Park and ask, ‘Will you review these images with me?'”

The team confirmed Kurz’s correct diagnosis.

3) Improved check-in process to get emergency care faster

Nobody wants to wait to receive medical care. The ED team at UChicago Medicine Crown Point has taken steps to make the admission process more efficient, cutting the time from registration to receiving a bed. This, in turn, has reduced wait times for patients.

“As we bring you back, I've already placed your labs and imaging orders,” Kurz said. “Before you’ve even been placed in your bed, your workup has started.”

The staff, he said, has seen high patient satisfaction as a result.

4) Area ambulances can be directed to UChicago Medicine Crown Point

Patients needing an ambulance can request to be taken to UChicago Medicine Crown Point’s ED as they talk with paramedics. Although an EMS provider has the final decision on the destination, they do consider a patient’s preferences, Kurz said.

If a patient needs to be admitted directly from the ED for additional care, Crown Point features an eight-bed, fully-equipped inpatient unit with a highly experienced physician staff and medicine subspecialty consultants.

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Is India a Safe Place for Women? Another Brutal Killing Raises the Question.

The rape and murder of a trainee doctor at her own hospital has brought up, once again, uncomfortable truths about a country that wants to be a global leader.

Young women protesting with raised fists and holding a banner saying “we want justice”

By Anupreeta Das and Sameer Yasir

In December 2012, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student boarded a bus in New Delhi a little after 9 p.m., expecting it would take her home. Instead, she was gang-raped and assaulted so viciously with an iron rod that her intestines were damaged. She died days later as India erupted in rage.

Nearly 12 years later, the nation is convulsing with anger once again — this time, over the ghastly rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor in a Kolkata hospital, as she rested in a seminar room after a late-night shift. Since the Aug 9. killing, thousands of doctors have gone on strike to demand a safer work environment and thousands more people have taken to the streets to demand justice.

For a country desperate to be seen as a global leader, repeated high-profile cases of brutal sexual assaults highlight an uncomfortable truth: India, by many measures , remains one of the world’s most unsafe places for women. Rape and domestic violence are relatively common, and conviction rates are low.

This week, the Supreme Court of India took up the Kolkata case as one of fundamental rights and safety, questioning how hospital administrators and police officers had handled it and saying new protective measures were needed. “The nation cannot wait for another rape and murder for real changes on the ground,” Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud said.

Gender-related violence is hardly unique to India. But even as millions of Indian women have joined the urban work force in the past decade, securing their financial independence and helping to fuel the country’s rapid growth, they are still often left to bear the burden of their own safety.

Longstanding customs that both repress women and in many cases confine them to the home have made their safety in public spaces an afterthought. It can be dangerous for a woman to use public transportation, especially at night, and sexual harassment occurs frequently on the streets and in offices. Mothers tell their daughters to be watchful. Brothers and husbands drop their sisters and wives off at work.

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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Fall 2024: important dates and deadlines for students.

As a student at the University of Iowa in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, please be mindful of these key dates and deadlines for the fall 2024 semester. 

Here are a few tips for staying ahead of important dates: 

  • Create a calendar  or planner and mark down all the important dates and deadlines for your semester. 
  • Set reminders  for yourself on your phone or computer marking upcoming deadlines. 
  • Be aware of your course assignments to avoid the stress of missing a deadline. 
  • Talk to your academic advisor  if you have any questions about important dates and deadlines.  

Four key dates and deadlines to keep in mind: 

Census date Monday, Sept. 9, 2024

The census date is the date for enrollment in a certain number of credits to be eligible for some scholarships and financial aid. If you do not meet the census requirement, you may have to pay more tuition or lose financial aid. Be sure to check with student financial aid for more information about your specific situation if you are changing your schedule. 

Tip: Keep track of your credit hours throughout the semester so that you do not accidentally fall below the requirement. 

Add or drop deadlines Several dates

Add/drop deadlines allow you to add or drop classes without penalty. After the first add/drop deadline, you will only be able to drop classes with a W grade, which will not affect your GPA. 

Tip : If your course does not meet for the full semester, the deadlines will vary. Be sure to check your  specific course deadline .

  • Last day to drop without a W (full semester-length courses only): Monday, Sept. 9, 2024
  • Last day to add without collegiate approval: Monday, Sept. 9, 2024
  • Last day to drop (full semester-length courses only): Monday, Nov. 18, 2024
  • Last day to withdraw from the entire spring 2024 semester: Monday, Nov. 18, 2024

Winter and spring registration  Nov. 11-Dec. 6.

It’s important to register for next semester’s classes as soon as you are eligible to ensure you get the classes you need for graduation.

Tip : Schedule an appointment with your advisor about a month before registration to plan your schedule. If you get notified about a registration hold, clear it as soon as possible.

  • Meet with your academic advisor to be cleared for registration, if necessary 
  • Spring 2025 schedule builder open: Monday, Sept. 30, 2024
  • Early registration for winter begins: Monday, Nov. 11-Friday, Dec. 6, 2024
  • Early registration for spring begins: Monday, Nov. 11-Friday, Dec. 6, 2024

Final exams  Dec. 16-20, 2024

Final exams are held at the end of each semester. They are typically not during your normal course meeting time. Be sure to check your syllabus.

Tip : Start studying for your final exams early! This will help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed during finals week.

  • Last day of class before final exams: Friday, Dec. 13, 2024
  • Final Exam Week: Dec. 16-20, 2024

Other important deadlines

Tip : Start working on your scholarship and graduate school applications early. This will give you plenty of time to gather all of the required materials and proofread your essays.

  • Deadline to apply for Fall 2024 graduation: Friday, Oct. 4, 2024
  • Midterm reports: Friday, Oct. 25, 2024
  • Fall break: Nov. 25-29, 2024
  • CLAS Commencement: Sunday, Dec. 22, 2024
  • Fall grades posted: Monday, Dec. 30, 2024

In addition to these general university and college deadlines, there are other important dates and deadlines specific to your classes or program of study. Be sure to check your syllabi and keep an eye on your uiowa e-mail.


  1. 2023-2024 UChicago Essay Prompts

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  1. UChicago Supplemental Essay Questions

    2024-2025 UChicago Essay Prompts - Hand Crafted for You! The University of Chicago has long been renowned for our provocative essay questions. We think of them as an opportunity for students to tell us about themselves, their tastes, and their ambitions. They can be approached with utter seriousness, complete fancy, or something in between.

  2. UChicago Supplemental Essays 2024-25

    When applying to an institution like the University of Chicago that rejects 19 of every 20 applicants, you'll need to put maximum effort into every area of the application, including the two UChicago supplemental essays. Below are UChicago's supplemental prompts for the 2024-25 admissions cycle along with our advice for composing a winning ...

  3. How to Write the University of Chicago Essays 2023-2024

    Choose one of the six extended essay options and upload a one- or two-page response. Please include the prompt at the top of the page. Prompt 2, Option A. Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary.

  4. 2024-25 University of Chicago Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    University of Chicago 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: 2 essays of 1-2 pages each. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Why, Oddball. This is it, the infamous UChicago supplemental application. These quirky prompts have been a rite of passage for generations of applicants, so before you dive in, just remember: if they ...

  5. 2024-25 Secondary Essays

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  6. How to Write the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2024-2025

    For the second essay, you'll explain why you want to attend UChicago and feel that it's the right school for you. This blog post will guide you through answering each prompt so that you can approach your UChicago essays with confidence. UChicago's 2024-2025 Prompts Essay Questions (1-2 pages) We're all familiar with green-eyed envy or ...

  7. 2023-2024 University of Chicago Supplemental Essay Prompts

    2023-2024 UChicago Essay Topics and Questions The Weird Essay Prompt. For the first essay prompt, which applicants should address in one to two pages, applicants are asked to choose one of the seven essay options, which are as follows: 1. Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture.

  8. A Guide to the UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    The UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024. UChicago prides itself on its thought-provoking supplemental essay prompts. Use these as an opportunity to introduce yourself, what you're passionate about, and your ambitions and goals. Although there is no set word limit for any of the prompts, InGenius Prep counselor Natalia Ostrowski, who worked ...

  9. UChicago Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    UChicago Question 2. For the second of UChicago's supplemental essays 2023-2024, applicants are presented with diverse prompts, each requiring a unique approach and a deep well of creativity. Exponents and square roots, pencils and erasers, beta decay and electron capture. Name two things that undo each other and explain why both are necessary.

  10. How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Chicago Supplemental

    Updated: November 2nd, 2023. Chicago isn't only known for its deep dish pizza. It is also famous for being home to the prestigious University of Chicago, which has an acceptance rate in the 6% range. So, let's learn how to make your UChicago supplemental essay question responses stand out! Applicants must complete two UChicago supplemental ...

  11. Unique UChicago essay questions spark students' creativity

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  12. How to Write the University of Chicago Supplemental Essays

    Step #1: Do your research. Spend 1 hr+ researching 10+ reasons why UChicago might be a great fit for you (ideally 3-5 of the reasons will be unique to UChicago and connect back to you). Step #2: Use this chart to map out your research. Step #3: Decide on your approach.

  13. 2024

    The University of Chicago has long been renowned for our provocative essay questions. We think of them as an opportunity for students to tell us about themse...

  14. Frequently Asked Questions

    Please note any word limits for Coalition or Common Application essays; however, there are no strict word limits on the UChicago supplemental essays. In general 500-700 words for the extended essay and 300-600 words for the "Why UChicago?" essay are good benchmarks, but these are rough guidelines and by no means requirements.

  15. The 7 UChicago Essay Prompts: How to Write Stellar Responses

    Pick a question from a song title or lyric and give it your best answer. Essay Option 3: "Vlog," "Labradoodle," and "Fauxmage.". Language is filled with portmanteaus. Create a new portmanteau and explain why those two things are a "patch" (perfect match). Essay Option 4: A jellyfish is not a fish.

  16. How to Get into the University of Chicago: Essays and Strategies That

    Learn the UChicago acceptance rate and admissions requirements, plus strategies for UChicago supplemental essays. ... UChicago tuition and scholarships. The 2024-2025 cost of attendance (i.e. tuition, room, board, and fees) at UChicago is $93,633. ... UChicago is famous for its wacky and provocative essay questions, which are designed to ...

  17. UChicago Essay Prompts

    To see exactly what the UChicago essay questions will look like on the Common App, check out their essay question resource. ... So, now that you've read the many fun UChicago prompts from 2023-2024, you might be a little intimidated. You're probably wondering how on earth to approach writing the University of Chicago supplemental essays.

  18. First-Year Applicants

    Apply. First-Year Applicants. First-year applicants apply into our undergraduate College at UChicago, which includes all of our majors, minors, and programs of study. First-year applicants include QuestBridge Applicants, Home-Schooled Applicants, and International Applicants, and may apply for entrance in the Autumn Quarter only.

  19. UChicago Essay Examples (And Why They Worked)

    2013-2014 UChicago Essay Prompt: The mantis shrimp can perceive both polarized light and multispectral images; they have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. Human eyes have color receptors for three colors (red, green, and blue); the mantis shrimp has receptors for sixteen types of color, enabling them to see a spectrum far beyond the ...

  20. UChicago essay questions

    Hello! UChicago certainly has a reputation for unique and quirky essay prompts that encourage creativity and outside-the-box thinking. While the specific prompts vary from year to year, I can give you an idea of the types of questions they've asked in the past to help you understand the level of creativity they're looking for. Keep in mind that you should always check the current year's ...

  21. 2 Great UChicago Essay Examples

    2 Great UChicago Essay Examples. UChicago is famous —or shall we say infamous—for their highly-quirky essay prompts. In previous years, students have been tasked with mind-boggling questions like "Find X," or "A hot dog might be a sandwich, and cereal might be a soup, but is a __ a __?". These essays may seem silly, but they invite ...

  22. UChicago Essay Prompts are out... : r/ApplyingToCollege

    In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose your own question or choose one of our past prompts. Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun. 14. 14 Share.

  23. Election 2024 Experts for Journalists

    As the Democratic National Convention arrives in Chicago, University of Chicago experts are available to connect with media to discuss the unprecedented twists and turns of the 2024 election cycle. Search the Academic Communicators Network for media-ready experts on topics in the news. Journalists ...

  24. Declining senses can impact mental health and ...

    The UChicago researchers analyzed data on sensory function (vision, hearing and sense of smell) and self-reported mental health from nearly 4,000 older adults, collected over 10 years of follow-up as part of the National Social Life, Health & Aging Project. They found that people who had multiple senses impaired experienced more loneliness and ...

  25. UChicago Medicine's Latino Transplant Program gives Northwest Indiana

    UChicago Medicine nurse practitioner Flor Cerda and lung transplant surgeon Pablo Sanchez, MD, pose with Ben Guajardo and his wife, Juanita. In May 2024, Ben underwent a double lung transplant with the hospital's Latino Transplant Program. "There's a certain amount of relief when we can communicate directly in their native language.

  26. Clinical trial for lung cancer gives UChicago ...

    August 20, 2024. Written By Tamara L ... Topics. Hematology and Oncology (Cancer) Lung Cancer; Patient Care; Research and Discoveries; Call Us At 1-888-824-0200. ... S.C. UChicago Medicine Medical Group providers are not employees or agents of The University of Chicago Medical Center, UChicago Medicine Comer Children's Hospital, The ...

  27. Faculty Spotlight with Susan L. Burns, Summer 2024

    After graduating from the University of Chicago with her PhD in 1994 in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Susan L. Burns taught at the University of Texas - Austin before returning to UChicago in 2002. Her work concentrates on the history of the "long nineteenth century" in Japan.

  28. 4 Things to Know About UChicago Medicine's Crown Point Emergency

    In an emergency, every second counts. The new emergency department (ED) at UChicago Medicine Crown Point is here to help Northwest Indiana residents get world-class treatment quickly — and closer to home.. The 24/7 ED at the multispecialty care center, which opened in May, is staffed with the same faculty physicians who deliver excellence at the University of Chicago Medicine's main campus ...

  29. After Kolkata Rape Case, India Asks Why It Can't Protect Women

    Aug. 22, 2024 阅读简体中文版 閱讀繁體中文版 In December 2012, a 23-year-old physiotherapy student boarded a bus in New Delhi a little after 9 p.m., expecting it would take her home.

  30. Fall 2024: Important dates and deadlines for students

    Talk to your academic advisor if you have any questions about important dates and deadlines. Four key dates and deadlines to keep in mind: Census date Monday, Sept. 9, 2024. The census date is the date for enrollment in a certain number of credits to be eligible for some scholarships and financial aid.