Writing the Personal Statement for Pharmacy School: A 5 Step Checklist

You’ve likely written a personal statement at some point in your life. Perhaps while applying to your undergraduate program, some of your schools required you to include an essay describing your achievements, yourself, and what you hope to accomplish in your time at their university. Similarly, many pharmacy programs will require you to write a personal statement for their application. 

This, however, is different. You will be able to highlight your relevant accomplishments and address why you want to become a pharmacist to stand out truly . With so many applicants during each cycle, admissions officers use this personal statement to gauge whom they wish to speak with for an in-person interview.

At this phase of the application journey, you've narrowed down the pharmacy schools you’re applying to. Your transcripts are in, letters of recommendation are ready, and it’s time for your pharmacy personal statement. The good news is that, unlike undergraduate applications that sometimes have different prompts, you must answer for various schools; your one pharmacy school personal statement will be sent to every program through your PharmCAS application . That also leaves an exciting challenge: Even if you have a favorite, you must consider how you want to write this personal statement, as it shouldn’t be tailored toward one specific school. 

1) Determining the Narrative

When writing a pharmacy school personal statement, the most common pitfall students experience is the need for more effort placed into their writing. While your grades may be exceptional, and your letters of recommendation prove that your student-teacher relationships are healthy and you are a pleasure to have in class, having a generic pharmacy personal statement doesn’t differentiate you from other qualified applicants. If all applicants have already covered the first two things, the personal statement may be the shining piece of the application. For most students, writing this statement will be the most challenging part of the application process. 

Begin to formulate your narrative. Lay out the structure and the different sections. There’s no specific format that pharmacy schools are looking for, so make this personal statement unique to yourself. As mentioned, the “cookie cutter” approach to this part of the application is where most students stumble. Use your time wisely and start early . Additionally, you can easily find a sample personal statement on various websites to help structure your thoughts. However, remember that these should be used only as samples and that you shouldn’t rely on them to format your statement.

2)Crafting a Unique Story

Each pharmacy school program wants students who demonstrate tenacity, which will help them succeed in their respective programs. One way to approach writing your pharmacy school personal statement is from the point of view of the admissions committee. Anyone charged with reading thousands of applications will focus on specific questions that signal a level of quality about the rest of the personal statement.

First, what's the reason that this student is choosing pharmacy as their career? Are they doing this for income or a genuine interest in providing the best care for patients? Does the applicant demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of their strengths and weaknesses? Do their ideals align with the mission statement of the school of pharmacy? Each reviewer may concentrate on different questions, but they want to see you feel a personal drive for a career as a pharmacist . Place yourself into the seat of an application reviewer and formulate different questions you could ask students. Try answering these questions and see how genuine your answers are. How you answer may decide if you want to continue to pursue this pharmacy school path.

3) Focus on Your Opening

One universal method many writing courses teach you is always to have a solid opening statement. I'd like you to please use this as an opportunity, to begin with a personal story about why you decided that pharmacy is the right career for you or maybe an inspiring quote that has always resonated with you. The reviewer may have reviewed several applications, so your first few sentences should stand out. You want to be able to make an impression from the beginning while showing an earnest drive to spend a career as a pharmacist.

Once you’ve effectively engaged the reviewer, it’s time for the “meat” of the personal statement. What do pharmacy application committees genuinely want to hear? 

4) Getting to Know You

They want to learn more about you before meeting in a live interview. Tell your own story succinctly but without cutting corners. Briefly describe how you learned to overcome obstacles like that to better yourself and those around you. Sure, you can write about your most relevant academic accomplishments. But go beyond that.

Discuss how certain clubs and organizations have helped you progress through your undergraduate experience and how those organizations may have led you to pursue the path of pharmacy school. Highlight the leadership positions you may have held in college that have helped mold you into the leader you see yourself as today. After setting those up, discuss the skills you’ve acquired to help you in pharmacy school and how they’d make you a better pharmacist.

When you mention your relevant academic studies, please keep repeating the pharmacy college admission test (PCAT) scores or the 4.0 GPA you achieved. The committee has this information before them as they read; they don’t need to be reminded.

Talk in detail about your relevant work experiences, such as research or a part-time job in a pharmacy. Discuss how these different work experiences furthered your commitment to the profession. Identify what aspects of the pharmacy setting may have attracted you and what you have learned from these experiences. Some students come into this part of the application process without work experience. That’s okay. You can highlight any volunteer work related to healthcare or pharmacy. 

5) Close with Confidence

Finally—and we can’t stress this enough—keep your writing professional. You’re making an impression on a professional committee, and as much as you want to make your statement sound lighthearted, remember that the reviewers’ time is at a premium for reviewing the essays and interviews in the next round.

Be succinct, direct, and human.

Remember to keep our advice top of mind:

The goal of your personal statement is to showcase why you would be the ideal pharmacy student and why your traits/qualities reflect those of a pharmacist.

Be as authentic as possible when detailing why you want to be part of the PharmD program. 

GPA and PCAT scores can only get you so far. Your personal statement is a chance for you to stand out in front of the other applicants who apply to the same pharmacy program as you. 

Remember, perfecting the personal statement takes time and your admission may depend on how much effort you ultimately put into your writing.

portrait of Hong Chen

Hong Chen, PharmD

My name is Hong Kui Chen and I am a graduate of The Ohio State University Pharmacy Class of 2022. I am currently working as a clinical research associate at Medpace, Inc, a contract research organization based in Cincinnati, Ohio. My work mainly consists of traveling to various sites around the country and providing protocol training on new clinical trials or monitoring data. While I enjoyed the traditional pharmacy role of working in retail or hospital, I wanted to expand and pursue this non-traditional role to see how clinical trials operate. I have a passion for being able to impact patients in a grand scale and even though I don’t have the 1-on-1 patient interaction, the work that I do can have long lasting contributions to overall patient health. 

Opinions and information published by the author here on PharmDDegree.com are of my own and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of my employer.

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The College Application

The Pharmacy Personal Statement Guide w/Prompts & Examples

Image of a Pharmacist with a customer at a Pharmacy store

The Importance of Writing a Great Pharmacy Personal Statement

To become a pharmacist anywhere in the UK, you’ll need to be registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and have, at minimum, a master’s degree from an accredited university. This requires you to enter into a graduate-level programme for pharmacology. When applying to these types of programmes, it’s very important that you have a strong pharmacy personal statement.

When it comes to applying to a pharmacy programme at the graduate level, there are many requirements to meet. Many of these come in the form of prerequisites you need before you can be considered for grad school.

Pharmacy Programme Prerequisites

The  common prerequisites  for applying to university for pharmacology mostly involve classes you should’ve taken before applying to the programme. These classes include three (3) A-levels in the following subjects:

  • and various Maths

You must receive a grade of B or higher in each of these for it to meet the prerequisite.

You must also take five (5) General Certificates of Secondary Education, otherwise known as GCSEs, in the following subjects:

  • Various Maths
  • English/Language

For these courses, you must have received a grade of C or higher.

There are a few alternate routes you can take if you don’t meet the above listed prerequisites. These include having a foundational degree in the field of pharmacy, having an HNC, HND or BTEC with a science focus, having earned the equivalent qualifications at an Irish or Scottish university and a few others. Having work or internship experience with a pharmacist also helps.

Depending on the particular Uni you plan on attending, you may have some additional institutional requirements. These will be listed on the university’s website and/or in the admissions packet for the school.

Steps to Obtaining Admission

Once you’ve covered all your prerequisite courses, it’s time to start the actual process of admissions. Do your research first; find the best Uni for you and check the website to see what types of admissions requirements they have in place. Some universities require you to take the PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test) and earn a certain score before they’ll consider you for admission.

If you’ve not already taken the PCAT, though, check the admissions requirements for your particular Uni to see if you need to do so. Several universities across the country are eliminating the PCAT requirement, and there’s no reason to take it if it isn’t a requirement for your specific school. The next step is to fill out and submit an application to the school.

Applications require a lot of personal information, including your name, contact information, educational history, professional resume, personal and professional references, and a pharmacy personal statement, which is one of the most important parts of the application packet. Some universities require you to pay a fee or provide them with a fee waiver when submitting your application.

After you’ve submitted your application, it’ll be reviewed by the university’s admissions team. At this point, they may call you in for  an interview . After that, you should be ready to enter the pharmacy programme.

But how do you make sure you get to the interview stage? Aside from having good grades and an impressive personal resume, writing an exceptional and memorable pharmacy personal statement is the best way to make sure you’re called in for that final step.

What is a Pharmacy Personal Statement?

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

A pharmacy personal statement is a personal essay you write about yourself. Many unis will give you a specific prompt to help guide your writing. For those few that don’t, there are  several things you’ll want to include , such as why you want to pursue pharmacology, what about that particular university’s programme appeals to you, any achievements or awards you’ve received, any relevant internship or work experience and why you’d make a good candidate.

There are also  attributes about yourself  you’ll want to mention in your personal statement. These are things you can’t simply write out in sentences. Instead, you’ll want to discuss relevant topics and tell personal stories that show that you have these qualities without you directly saying, “ I work well with others and have good communication skills. “

These important attributes include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Excellent people skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Good communication skills
  • The ability to work on a team
  • Leadership skills
  • Strong organisational skills
  • Highly motivated to succeed
  • A strong sense of responsibility and professionalism

All of these qualities make you a good candidate for a pharmacy programme. The more of these you can show you have, the more likely you’ll be called for an interview.

What is a Prompt, and Why Should You Follow It?

If your specific university provides you with a prompt, they’re simply giving you a question to help focus what you write about in your personal statement. There are several different prompts unis use, and we’ll discuss some of the most common of those later.

No matter what the prompt is, it’s important you answer it completely. Most universities use prompts relative to your interest in pharmacology, your educational history, or attributes that would make you a good candidate for their programme. There will occasionally be a prompt that surprises you though. In those cases, still, answer the prompt.

Be as honest and as thorough as you can, and remember, even if the prompt is something strange or unusual, there are usually still ways to work in stories that show you in your best light. You may just have to be a little more creative.

Below, you’ll find a few of the most common prompts for writing your pharmacy personal statement on your admissions applications.

Pharmacy Personal Statement Prompts

Prompt 1: tell us about yourself (kings university london).

Many universities use a very vague prompt that just instructs you to talk about yourself. As Kingston University London puts it, “You are the main topic of this essay.”

This is a great, easy prompt to get. Don’t be afraid to be honest and really talk yourself up in this kind of statement.

For this particular prompt, you’ll want to cover everything we mentioned above, particularly why you’re interested in pursuing a career in Pharmacy, what education you’ve had that qualifies you for the programme, any relevant work or leadership experience that would make you a good candidate and anything that showcases the attributes we listed above.

Again, be honest and as thorough as possible. Remember, the goal of this statement is to make you memorable and desirable. As a result, talking about all the great accomplishments or achievements you have isn’t bragging or boasting. It’s what’s required if you want to stand out from the other applicants.

Prompt 2: Demonstrate your commitment to pursuing a career in Pharmacy, and tell us why you’re better suited to the programme than other applicants (King’s College London).

This prompt is quite similar to the above “Tell us about yourself” prompt. In it, you’ll cover much of the same things, especially when you start talking about why you should be chosen for the programme over other applicants.

Just remember that there’s a direct question about why you want to work in pharmacology. Because it’s being asked directly, you want to spend a bit of time giving a complete answer. You can talk about why you became interested in pharmaceuticals in the first place. Was there a specific event in your childhood that inspired you to want to help take care of sick people? Have you had a strong love of chemistry for as long as you can remember? What inspired you to choose this field over all the over available career fields?

This prompt also allows you to talk about your career goals. What do you want to do with your MPharm once you get it? How is this degree going to help you in those goals, and how are you going to use your skills and your degree to make the world better once you do get a job? It would also benefit you to talk about the classes you’ve already taken and the work you’ve already done to work towards your goals.

Prompt 3: What benefits do you expect to gain from admission into our programme? (Cardiff University)

For this prompt, you can still talk a little about why you chose pharmacology and what you hope to do with your degree once you’ve earned it. More importantly, though, you’ll want to answer the actual question the prompt asks. What are you hoping to gain from this particular programme that sets it apart from all the other pharmacy programmes you could have chosen instead?

Talk about specific courses or labs for which this programme is well-known. This is a great way to showcase that you’ve done your research and really looked into what this university has to offer. By highlighting particular aspects of the programme, you prove to the admissions team you didn’t just pick this university on a whim or because it was the closest one to your flat. Instead, you did some reading and compared the programme to those at other schools and decided this one was the best fit for you because…  You fill in the blanks!

Proving to a school that you know something about the school and that you hope to gain the actual knowledge and skills they’re famous for providing to students is a huge point in your favour. This specific prompt allows you to do that.

Prompt 4: Tell us about any work experience, internships, leadership positions you’ve held or outside activities that would support your application for admission (The University of Manchester).

This prompt is another one that’s similar to the “ Tell us about yourself ” prompt. In answering this prompt, you’ll be able to talk about yourself, your history, your past accomplishments, your interest in pharmacy, and more. You’ll want to put your largest focus, though, on the actual work you’ve done to prepare you for entrance into this programme.

This could include any of the following:

  • Working in an actual pharmacy or closely related field
  • Internships, volunteer experience or other placements within a pharmacy or related field
  • Any work experience you’ve had where you were part of a team or, even better, the leader of a team
  • Educational experience that would prepare you for the programme
  • Any honours you’ve received that show you to be exceptional in any relevant field

These are only a few examples of things you could discuss in response to this prompt.

Standard Pharmacy Personal Statement Format

No matter the specific prompt you’re given, there’s a general format you’ll use for most personal statements. Occasionally, a university will provide you with specific formatting instructions. If they do, you always want to follow those instructions exactly. If you aren’t provided with instructions, this is the general format preferred for most UK unis and their US counterparts for essays and/or personal statements:

  • MLA formatting guidelines
  • One-inch margins on each side of the page
  • (For the UK) Any professional font as long as the italics are noticeably different – most students use Times New Roman, Arial or Courier
  • (For the US) Times New Roman or Arial font
  • Font size – 12 pt.
  • Double-space, but add no extra lines between paragraphs
  • Indent the first line of each paragraph

Additionally, you’ll use the standard Intro-Body-Conclusion format that most MLA essays utilise.

Step 1. Introduction

Depending on the specific prompts people are given, each introductory paragraph will be a little different for each student. Generally, though, this is where you’ll introduce yourself and talk a little about why you’re interested in studying pharmacology in general and why you’re interested in studying at that university specifically. You’ll also want to catch the reader’s attention immediately, in the opening line if possible, but without using gimmicks or something overly dramatic.

According to a how-to guide on the  Birmingham City University website , “The most effective opening sentences are simple, to the point and personal to you.”

You’ll also want to  avoid writing in cliches  or using overused phrasing that everyone else uses. Be original. Be specific. Really help the admissions team understand your drive and passion for pharmacology.

Step 2. Body Paragraphs

Your body paragraphs are where you’ll put the majority of your information. These are the paragraphs where you’ll really dive into answering the question(s) the prompt asks. Unless you’re asked to write an abbreviated personal statement of just a couple hundred words, you should never have less than two body paragraphs, and it’s better to have between three and six.

You want to be comprehensive in your writing; include everything the admissions team might need to hear to sway them in your favour. This generally takes more than a couple of short paragraphs. Remember to indent the first line of each paragraph, and make sure they’re written in an order that makes sense. Don’t jump around from paragraph to paragraph. Make sure each transitions smoothly into the other.

Step 3. Conclusion

In the conclusion of your pharmacy personal statement, you’ll want to bring your entire essay to a smooth, sensible close. Don’t use your conclusion to restate everything you’ve already written. Instead, use it as a place to briefly touch on how entrance into the programme will help you succeed in your future goals.

Also, if it feels appropriate and doesn’t detract from the overall feel of your personal statement, take the time to thank the admissions team for reading it and considering you for application into their school’s pharmacy programme. Be aware that this isn’t always appropriate. If, after adding in the thank you, it seems forced or like it was written just to add more words to an essay that was a little too short, take it out.

Examples of Pharmacy Personal Statements

Example personal statement 1.

“I have gained valuable knowledge studying Chemistry, Biology and Maths which will be beneficial for the Pharmacy course. In Chemistry, I have done a series of experiments which require analytical and evaluative skills such as accurate reading when using burettes. I find the organic Chemistry module rather interesting as I enjoy studying the different reactions of aldehydes and ketones and how these reactions and organic products differ due to the different functional groups present in each compound. Another aspect of chemistry I enjoy is the purification of organic compounds.”

– Read the rest  here

This is the second paragraph of a pharmacy personal statement, and it’s a great example of how to answer a prompt that wants you to discuss any relevant experience you’ve had that could help you in the programme.

This student mentions many of the different science and mathematics courses she’s taken in pursuit of her pharmacy degree, but she doesn’t just list them. She goes into great detail about some of the things she’s done in those classes.

This is excellent for a few reasons. First of all, it’s evident in her writing that she greatly enjoyed the classes she took. This shows that she has a passion for the work she’ll have to do to obtain her MPharm. Universities much prefer to have students on campus who are truly invested in and enjoying the work they’re doing.

Additionally, she uses specific terms – “ketones,” “burettes,” “aldehydes” and more – which shows she has actual knowledge and understanding of the field. We can tell that she’s a knowledgeable, hard-working student who has, thus far, retained the information she learned in her undergraduate courses. Everything about this personal statement was done well.

Our Verdict:

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Example Personal Statement 2

“I am interested in the Masters of Pharmacy (MPharm) Programme because I am interested in the modules on which it is based. I want to do the MPharm programme so as to extend my knowledge in Medicines. I would like to get a deeper understanding of how to formulate and administer drugs safely.

I would qualify for the Mpharm programme because I have recently completed BSc in pharmaceutical Science which has given me good understanding of how drugs work. The modules I have undertaken In my BSc Pharmaceutical Science will help me navigate successfully in the MPharm programme.”

This personal statement is a little less impressive than the first one. First of all, there’s not really an opening line. When writing a pharmacy personal statement – or a personal statement of any kind, for that matter – you want to have a nice first sentence that breaks the ice and starts the statement off in a fluid manner. This student just jumps right in and answers the question being asked. There’s no lead-in, no story being told.

The grammar in this particular sample isn’t great either. There are randomly capitalised words (“undertaken In my BSc”) and missing words (“given me good understanding”) and a few other problems that could have been addressed by good editing. This is a testament to why you should always  proofread and edit  your papers before submitting them. It’s even better to give them to a new set of eyes to edit for you if possible.

The two most bothersome things about this sample, though, is that it’s vague, and the sentences are choppy. The student mentions things he’s done (“ recently completed BSc in pharmaceutical Science “) and why he wants to be in the programme (“ because I am interested in the modules on which it is based “), but he gives absolutely no specifics.

He doesn’t talk about anything he learned in his BSc courses that furthered his love of pharmacology, and while he says he’s interested in the programme’s modules, he doesn’t mention a single specific module or why it interests him. We’re just given the bare minimum with no detail – the burger without the cheese and veggies. It’s boring.

Image of a burger joke saying "Be honest. Is this too much Lettuce?"

Finally, his sentences are horribly choppy. With the exception of one single sentence, each of his sentences starts with the word “I” – “I am,” “I want,” “I would.” There is no variation at all to his writing. It’s boring and makes the reader lose interest. You’ll want to change up the flow and style of your sentences regularly. It adds a little flair and makes your personal statement less monotonous.

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Example Personal Statement 3

“Pharmacy has the ability to change people’s lives. Whether it is at the level of the community pharmacist offering the best advice possible to common illnesses, to high-level research into drugs that could cure a range of chronic or life-threatening diseases, the role of the pharmacist cannot be overestimated. As a motivated and hardworking individual, with a desire to understand the fascinating human body along with a joy of helping other people, I strongly believe that studying pharmacy will give me one of the final and most important step towards a rewarding career in the developing field of pharmacy.”

This is another stellar example of what a pharmacy personal statement should be. The writer begins strong with a unique and memorable opening sentence. He tells us, right from the first sentence, one of the reasons he wants to work in the field of pharmacology, but he does so without monotonously and obviously saying, “ I want to be a pharmacist because I think pharmacy can change people lives .” Instead, he simply and concisely says, “ Pharmacy has the ability to change people’s lives. “

It’s a great opening line, and it gives us insight into his reasons for going into the pharmacy field as well. He follows that up with a sentence that shows he’s knowledgeable about different career opportunities in the field of pharmacology.

Then he smoothly transitions into why he, himself, would do well in this field. He tells us he’s hardworking and motivated, but he does so in a way that doesn’t just state those facts outright without context.

He then once again tells us about his interest in the field and also shows us he is someone who enjoys working with and helping others. Finally, he sums up his introduction by leading into what he hopes to gain from the programme.

Although the next paragraph isn’t listed here, it, too, is a smooth transition into the educational and work experiences he’s had that prepared him to do well in the programme. Everything about this personal statement is well-organised, with each paragraph flowing smoothly into the next, and the whole thing covering everything that should be covered in a personal statement.

Image of a star-struck grinning emoji

Example Personal Statement 4

“I am interested in studying chemistry and biology because I would like a career that plays crucial role in public’s health.

I was previously working as a retail assistant and the experience has led me to deal and understand different kind of people. I learnt to keep myself calm, whilst working under pressure environments.

This job has also taught me to work in a fast-paced environment to meet the customer`s demands. This skill will be useful to meet the deadlines while doing my course and working as a pharmacist will enable me to provide good customer services.”

This personal statement is another example of  what not to do  when writing your own statement for admission into the pharmacy programme.

First of all, the introduction paragraph, shown here in its entirety, is much too short. You have to be an excellent writer to turn one sentence into a paragraph and make it work, and this writer didn’t do that. Your introduction should never be only one sentence. It needs to be fleshed out and thoroughly written. There are some glaring grammatical errors as well.

The next problem with this statement is that the work experience the student writes about isn’t really relevant to the programme she’s trying to enter into. She does an admirable job of trying to make it relevant, by talking about how it helped her learn to work with a multitude of different people and taught her to work quickly, but it doesn’t really work.

Most unis want to know that you have relevant work experience. If you don’t, it’s better to mention placement experiences or internships you’ve had that are relevant as opposed to irrelevant work experience. Even if you only worked in a pharmacy for a day as part of a class project, that’s okay. You can learn a lot in a day, and you can make that work in your writing.

Unless you’re really good at making non-relevant experience seem like it has actual relevance to the programme, it’s better to leave it out altogether. That’s not to say you can’t mention having retail or fast food experience, but you have to make sure that you meticulously explain how that experience is relevant to the pharmacology field.

Image of face with rolling eyes emoji

Example Personal Statement 5

“The enthusiasm I have for the sciences – specifically Chemistry – encouraged me to think about my future career and how a chemistry-related degree could be a possibility for me. I have always enjoyed maths and science throughout my education and I have recognised that I can combine both in a career in pharmacy. I believe pharmacy to be a fast-developing profession and recognise that pharmacists are heavily involved in the introduction of new medicines for all kinds of illnesses, and I find the prospect of working in this field inspiring.”

While this isn’t the best example of a personal statement, it’s far from being the worst. This is considered an average statement. The writer does a good job hitting all the points he should cover in his introduction – why he became interested in the field of pharmacy, a basic knowledge of the job description of a pharmacist and why he wants to work in the field in the future – but doesn’t do it in a way that’s incredibly memorable.

It isn’t the strongest introduction paragraph to a personal statement, but at the same time, it’s fair; it isn’t bad. It’s well-organised; the grammar is mostly as it should be, and the subject of why he wants to enter the programme is well covered. It doesn’t grab our attention and make us want to read more though. In short, this is an introductory paragraph that could go either way.

Although not shown here, the rest of this statement turned out pretty good. The writer found his flow and dived into the subject with an appropriate amount of detail, good grammar and a few memorable points. The strength of his body paragraphs and conclusion made up for his less-than-exceptional introduction, and that’s okay.

We included this sample to show that sometimes you get off to a bit of a slow start and can still finish well. It’s better to start strong, but introductions can be tough. As long as the intro isn’t bad and you make up for the average intro in your body paragraphs and conclusion, you’ll usually be okay.

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A Few Final Notes

hile it’s certainly true that grades and work experience are important when applying to uni to work on your MPharm, your pharmacy personal statement is equally important. Universities get huge volumes of applications for their pharmacy programmes. They get so many applications that many of them have a “Due to the large volume of applications we receive…” disclaimer on their websites.

Your personal statement is where you can be creative and ensure your essay stands out from the rest. Be sure you check out the formatting requirements ahead of time and stick to them exactly.

Also, make sure you read the personal statement prompt well and understand it before you start writing. Finally, make sure you edit your paper several times before submitting it.

Have a friend, loved one, mentor or former professor look over it as well. Where possible, get a  reputable online personal statement review service to help ( me shamelessly plugging in our services page lol )  Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes can find mistakes your own eyes can’t.

Be honest and thorough in your response to the prompt, and never try to plagiarise someone else’s work. It never works. It helps to  run a plagiarism checker  on your final draft- just to be sure!

Finally, be sure you stick to the length requirements. If the statement is supposed to be between 500 and 750 words, make sure that’s what it is. Don’t stop at 490 words and assume it will be enough, and don’t go over an extra 50 words and assume the admissions team will be okay with it. These people read a lot of personal statements; they set a maximum word count for a reason.

Most importantly, do your best, and fill your personal statement with passion. If an admissions team can tell that you’re passionate about your education and your subsequent career in pharmacy, you’ve already won half the battle.

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Tips for Writing a Pharmacy School Personal Statement

Like in any other field of education, a pharmacy statement is a way of selling yourself to the admission tutors by showing them why you are a great pharmacy candidate. A personal statement is an opportunity to detail your skills, strengths, and career objectives in pharmacy. A personal pharmacy statement allows you a maximum of 4000 characters. It would be best to discuss why you are interested in pursuing a pharmacy degree in as few words as possible while ensuring you stand out from the crowd of prospective students. 

  • 1 Why is a personal statement important?
  • 2 What makes a good personal statement?
  • 3 Common mistakes to avoid
  • 4 What to include in your statement 
  • 5.1 1. Preparation
  • 5.2 2. Proper grammar
  • 5.3 3. Proper structure
  • 5.4 4. Connect with your reader
  • 5.5 5. Include only Pharmacy relevant achievements
  • 5.6 6. Avoid plagiarism
  • 5.7 7. Avoid controversial topics
  • 5.8 8. Proofread your work

Why is a personal statement important?

Statistics show that at least 50% of pharmacy school applications get rejected. These applications are not always denied because of poor scores. These students typically have scored just as good as their accepted counterparts. A personal statement is essential because it is what makes or breaks your application. This is because admission tutors are keen to welcome candidates who are genuinely passionate about and dedicated to the profession. 

What makes a good personal statement?

An excellent personal statement uses evidence. Support all your claims. It would be best if you remembered that the admission tutors already know you are trying to convince them that you are a suitable match, as are all the contenders. Sure, you can go on and on about how willing you are to learn, but it would be more effective if you backed such claims with real-life examples. 

Please use a personal statement writer service to get professional custom help in writing a good pharmacy personal statement. As a matter of fact, CustomWritings is considered to be one of the most reliable services on the market currently.

Common mistakes to avoid

It is important to remember that the perfect pharmacy personal statement does not have to follow a specific format. Remember that the admission tutors will only review your pharmacy statement for 10-30 minutes, no matter how much time you spend on it. This is not to say that you should rush through it but focus on capturing and maintaining the tutors’ interests. The tutors will review your statement from different angles, meaning you cannot afford to leave room for misinterpretation. 

Please resist the urge to follow a predetermined formula you acquired online or from your friends, regardless of how they scored on it. You may easily be tempted to borrow ideas from successful pharmacy students, but this will compromise your authenticity. The admissions tutors have likely seen numerous personal statements so do not embarrass yourself by submitting a copied statement. Besides, you want to show how passionate you are about pharmacy, don’t you?

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What to include in your statement 

  • Pick a specific pharmacy area you are most interested in and explain why you are interested in that area. Show that you are passionate about that subject (it helps if you are passionate about the area you choose to write about). 
  • Highlight your motivations for studying pharmacy. When did you realize you wanted to pursue pharmacy? Why? Are you able to support this with evidence from your life?
  • Describe your hobbies and extracurricular activities (especially if they are related to pharmacy). The goal is to highlight the skills you have gained from these activities and how they will benefit you in your studies as a pharmacist. 
  • Include any work experience placements in related fields such as nursing or medicine. Talk about what you learned from these experiences. 
  • Talk about your traits and qualities that you feel make you a good pharmacy student. 
  • Please demonstrate that you are a good reader by talking about recent related reads and how they have shaped your thinking. Feel free to respectfully share any views and opinions, always remembering to support them with solid evidence. 

How to Write a Good Pharmacy School Personal Statement

Below are a few tips to make sure your statement makes your application stand out and increase your chances of getting accepted into your program of choice:

1. Preparation

Preparation is key. Start early so that you do not end up rushing and producing a mediocre statement. Start planning early as you don’t want to be pressed for time.

2. Proper grammar

Use proper grammar and punctuation. Poor grammar makes for a wrong first impression. Polish your basics on grammar and avoid submitting a statement riddled with error.

3. Proper structure

Structure your statement correctly. Ensure the first statement captures your reader’s attention and then has a few supporting paragraphs. You have a tiny window of grabbing your reader’s attention, so use it wisely. Finally, have a conclusion that ties it all together. 

4. Connect with your reader

Connect with your reader, even if it means sharing a few personal stories. The goal here is to make sure you communicate who you are. A personal statement is a monologue to the admission committee, and if they can connect with you, they will like you.

Show the admission tutors that you are aware of the challenges that await you and that you are committed regardless. Talk about how rewarding you think this path will be for you, your family, your community, your patients, and the pharmacy practice itself. 

5. Include only Pharmacy relevant achievements

If you have lofty achievements outside the pharmaceutical field, do not include them in your statement. Include only pharmacy-related experiences.

6. Avoid plagiarism

Committee members can always see through plagiarized works, so avoid this at all costs. This will only destroy your credibility in the field.

7. Avoid controversial topics

The personal statement is not a discussion ground for questionable topics. Do not alleviate issues that disagree with the overall subject in question.

8. Proofread your work

Sometimes people miss tiny mistakes by not proofreading their work. Have friends and family check your work and act on the comments. Inadequate proofreading can be catastrophic, so ensure you correctly use your language before sending the statement to the admission committee.

As now you are well acquainted with the components of writing an impeccable pharmacy personal statement , you should have no trouble in getting admitted into Pharmacy school. Pharmacy school is about honor and prestige, and you need the best of luck in this noble endeavor.

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Pharmacy Personal Statement Example

Find this Pharmacy Personal Statement Example as an inspiration to write your own and make it perfect for the University admission board. Don’t forget to apply via the UCAS Application website.

Science, challenge, and making a difference in people’s lives are all aspects of pharmacy that I look for in my career. Providing better health and well-being to communities is one of the most important roles of pharmaceuticals in society. As an academically accomplished student, with work experience, skills, and a passion for science, I am a strong candidate to study Pharmacy .

Work experience in local pharmacies has confirmed my vocation as a pharmacist. I have gained a better understanding of how pharmacies work through my placement in a community pharmacy. I gained trust and responsibility in dealing with customers because of my commitment and enthusiasm. Before giving the morning-after pill to an under-sixteen girl, I had to complete a mini-questionnaire. Pharmacy ethics require pharmacists to provide patients’ treatment and medication in a confidential manner, without judgement. In regular customer interactions, I demonstrated empathy, active listening, and confidence by demonstrating excellent communication skills. For patient well-being, it is important to build positive relationships with customers, where emotions, capacities, and complications may vary.

The current work experience I have in another local pharmacy gives me a unique insight into how a busy pharmacy operates. Working with a large group of healthcare professionals, where the team is focused on providing high-quality, comprehensive care while also allowing for patient autonomy, is one of my favourite aspects of my job. Having worked with a variety of healthcare professionals, I understand that there will be ideas that are consistent and alternative to one’s own. During my studies and in my future career, my ability to rationalize, consider other opinions, and learn from them will be beneficial.

For pharmacists to stay abreast of the dynamic field of pharmaceuticals , self-directed learning is essential. During my experience at a Medical Leech Biopharm, I worked with scientists who provided leeches to hospitals and clinics around the world. As a result of this experience, I learned that natural treatments can sometimes be a better alternative to some drugs. A workshop on arthritis was provided by the Departments of Infection, Immunity, and Biochemistry. Having completed the Silvery Pre-Healthcare Diploma, I have a solid understanding of the effects of current medical and scientific affairs on everyday life, including asthma, diabetes, and hypertension.

Throughout these experiences, I have gained a greater understanding of over-the-counter and prescription medications, treatments, relief, and side effects. For a pharmacy and customer relationship to be productive, cohesive, and successful, effective communication skills, attention to detail, and problem-solving are essential.

By participating in Model United Nations Conferences and hosting the Cultural Event at college, I have developed leadership and presentation skills. The British Red Cross course I completed demonstrates my interest in the human body, medicine, and recovery. My philanthropic endeavours include volunteering for Oxfam, where I enjoy taking part in charitable projects.

During my free time, I enjoy boxing and football because both are physically demanding, allowing me to maintain a good level of fitness and participate in competitive games. In order to maintain a healthy body and mind, regular exercise is essential for better study and work performance. At university, I hope to continue these sports.

A strong foundation for a career in pharmacy is my enthusiasm, motivation, and commitment along with my passion for pharmacy. In order to become an effective and successful healthcare professional, I wish to develop my pharmacological knowledge, practical experience, and research skills.

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  • UCAS Personal Statement: A Writing Guide And Tips For Success
  • Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for the University
  • UCAS Reference Letter: Ultimate Writing Guide
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  • Pharmacist Independent Prescriber Course
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Nonmedical prescribing personal statement examples

  • Non-Medical Prescribing

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

Competition. That is precisely what you are up against. That is because these days, everyone wants to become a prescribing pharmacist. Consequently, because of the demand, it is also challenging to be accepted on a course.

Moreover, the majority of pharmacists should be prescribers by 2025, according to plans outlined by Health Education England.

Rejected. Declined. Unsuccessful. These are terms that you may be familiar with if you’re struggling to be accepted on a prescribing course –  it took me three years to finally get on a course.  In hindsight, my unsuccessful application was not all my fault.

But there were certain aspects of my application that could have been improved. Continue reading, and I’ll explain.

What is nonmedical prescribing?

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

Nonmedical prescribing refers to the prescribing of medications by trained professionals who are not physicians. This can include nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals.

Nonmedical prescribing is becoming more common as it is recognized as a way to improve patient care. Nurses, and pharmacists, in particular, are well-suited to prescribe medications, as they often have close relationships with their patients and are familiar with their medical history.

There are many reasons why a patient might see a nonmedical prescriber instead of a physician. In some cases, the nonmedical prescriber may be more convenient or accessible. In other cases, the patient may prefer to see a healthcare professional who is not a doctor, or the nonmedical prescriber may be more knowledgeable about a particular condition.

Pharmacist nonmedical prescribing is regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC). In order to prescribe medications, a pharmacist must have completed an accredited pharmacy program and passed the national licensing exam. Once licensed, a pharmacist can complete additional training to become certified in nonmedical prescribing.

Which universities provide accredited nonmedical prescribing courses

The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPHC) is the governing body that regulates pharmacist nonmedical prescribing. There are many universities that offer accredited courses in nonmedical prescribing.

Check out the list of accredited universities that offer nonmedical prescribing courses.

  • University of Manchester
  • King’s College London
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • Cardiff University
  • University of Nottingham

For more Information about the GPHC and nonmedical prescribing, visit their website.

The Nonmedical prescribing application form

Before you consider applying to university, you must ensure; that (1) you meet the General Pharmaceutical Criteria; and (2) have access to a designated prescribing practitioner. I shall discuss these in more depth in future articles.

Most application forms are divided into the following sections; (1) personal, professional and academic qualifications; (2) personal statement; (3) suitability to apply for the course.

Let us explore each section in depth.

GPHC nonmedical prescribing criteria

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

GPHC prescribing course criteria are: that all participants be registered pharmacists with at least two years post-registration experience, that the course is delivered by experienced and accredited educators, and that the syllabus covers all key areas of safe and effective prescribing that the assessment is rigorous and includes a practical component.

The GPHC criteria to undertake the qualification can be found on their website. And universities seem to be requiring evidence for is;  demonstrating you have clinical or therapeutic experience in which to develop your prescribing practice .

Before we discuss how to address the above requirement, you must understand the following; the independent prescribing course is not designed to teach you clinical skills. Moreover, it is designed for students who have experience in assessing, diagnosing and treating patients.

At this point, you may be wondering how to demonstrate this. Well, evidence could include; (1) evidence of training in your defined scope of practice; (2) a diploma in pharmacy practice or equivalent within your scope; (3) evidence of training in history taking and physical examination skills; (4) attendance of continued education events linked to your scope; (5) submission of CPD or re-validation records linked to your intended scope; lastly (6) you may be required to attend an interview with a member of the admission team.

If you are still unsure at this point to demonstrate the above criteria, then try answering the following questions; (1) What is your scope of practice?- in-depth Information is provided below.

To summarise, ensure your scope of practice is well defined. For example, the following scope of practice would be too broad; treating hypertension. Instead, the following would be more appropriate; hypertension stages 1 & 2 in 30-60 years old with no signs of end-organ damage. (2) What experience do you have in your intended scope of practice?- taking the example of hypertension- you could mention the following; undertaking blood pressure checks, assistance with treatment choices and recommendations to the doctor and offering health and lifestyle advice to patients.

Nonmedical prescribing scope of practice

Choose an area that you are passionate about and develop your skills in this area before you attempt to gain your prescribing qualification.

For example, you may want to develop your skills in diagnosing and treating a single minor illness such as tonsillitis or acne if you are in a community pharmacy. Similarly, in a G.P. practice, you may decide on developing your skills in the diagnosis and management of a single chronic disease such as hypertension or asthma.

However, there is a caveat: you need to have sufficient experience – I’ll discuss in more depth below – within your scope of practice before undertaking your prescribing qualification.

Developing sufficient experience and continued professional development for undertaking the nonmedical prescribing course

Right. Pay attention now because this is important.

Let’s say you are a community pharmacist and you have a passion for helping people reduce their risk of a stroke and so decide to embark on a journey to diagnose and treat hypertension.

Well, the first step will be to develop your theoretical skills regarding the condition itself. This involves you having an in-depth understanding of the disease state, ie. Its causes, diagnosis, and management. Once you have this underpinning knowledge, you need to practice managing these patients in a safe environment.

And finally, once you have been exposed to many patients and feel comfortable managing these patients, albeit under the supervision of an experienced colleague, you are ready to undertake your prescribing qualification.

Selecting your scope of practice

I am hoping from the above, you have realized that selecting your scope of practise isn’t necessarily as simple as following your passion. You will need to consider the following; (1) do you have the underlying theoretical knowledge about the disease state? If not, are you willing to learn?; (2) are there clear guidelines that can help support you as you develop your skills? ; (3) do you have access to patients to whom you can apply your knowledge under the supervision of an experienced colleague?

If you think about it, the above is no different from when we as pharmacists undertook our pre-registration training, and that is; (1) you gained the theoretical skills at university and (2) you applied them under supervision during your pre-reg year.

The similarity exists because that is how you learn. Remember how you gained your driving license? The theory first and then practise under supervision and then exam. It’s no different here.

Factors to consider

Initially, I would suggest you begin to develop your skills and gain experience in areas that meet the following; (1) you’re passionate about that particular area; (2) there are clear, well-defined guidelines to support your decision-making and practice ; (3) you have access to patients and a mentor to support you and ; (4) there a demand for it.

Examples of well-defined scope of practice

Hypertension stages 1, 2, and 3 with no comorbidities. Notice how the scope of practice is narrow, and there are clear guidelines.

An example of a broad scope of practice would simply be stating you were comfortable managing all types of hypertension, including but not limited to patients with evidence of end-organ damage or those who have other pre-existing conditions such as diabetes.

What about asthma? Can you think of defining a narrow scope of practice? If you think about classifying asthma as mild, moderate, or severe, then you are on the right track. But what about a patient who has mild asthma but presents with symptoms of an exacerbation? Do you have the skills to treat this? It might be that you define your scope of practice as mild to moderate well-controlled asthma with no signs of an exacerbation?

Scope of practice and your I.P. course

I wanted to include this section because your scope of practice is not one that can not be expanded as you learn and gain experience.

For example, you may start out by mastering – if such a thing is possible – mild to moderate well-controlled asthma, and during your prescribing course, stick to this area.

But, as you gain more experience and become confident, you may decide to expand your scope of practice to include the management of acute exacerbations, or you may even start to develop your skills in a different area, such as the management of hypertension – again, make sure it’s narrow and then expand – or minor illnesses, etc.

A well-defined scope of practice is not just to satisfy a university but is intended to keep you safe and assist you in developing your skills in an environment that is also safe for patients.

Designated prescribing practitioner details

The following details are usually required regarding the designated prescribing practitioner.

  • GMC or professional body registration number
  • Evidence of having experience in teaching and providing education to other healthcare professionals
  • Scope of practice
  • A confirmatory experience that the DMP/DPP is able to provide ninety hours’ worth of training and supervision

Your background, qualifications and continued professional development

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

This section isn’t too difficult. However, some universities require a brief description of your current role- and this is where you may slip up. I’d recommend you focus on the patient-facing aspects of your role and how you engage as part of a multidisciplinary, i.e. (1) explain how you assist patients with their minor ailments, such as diagnosing and treating their conditions or referral to an appropriate clinician; and (2) mention the services you currently offer to patients such as vaccinations, blood pressure testing, aesthetic treatments etc.

Remember, the university wants to establish more than just your general experience as a pharmacist. Although it is recommended that you provide an overview of your current role (e.g. managing staff, responsible for the Pharmacy, recruiting staff etc.) – but do not forget to explain how you manage and diagnose diseases of your patients. This is because the university expects upon gaining your qualification, it will be used within a patient-facing role.

Supporting organization

Fairly straightforward. However, it may not be applicable to all applicants- please do check with the university. Here your place of work – usually the line manager- would need to; (1) provide a written reference in support of your application- the exact wording to be used is usually provided by the application and (2) verify your suitability to undertake the course- again this is a deceleration.

Personal statement

This section can vary depending on the university you apply to. The following question is commonly asked; (1) why do you want to undertake the course? – talk about your personal development and career progression but also how the role of the pharmacist is evolving and thus gaining the qualification is in line with the agenda of the NHS ; (2) how do you plan to use your prescribing qualification? Your response will vary depending on your place of work, e.g. within a community pharmacy; you may consider offering more advanced services like a minor illness clinic, aesthetics clinic, or prescribing for patients referred by the doctor. In contrast, within the general practice, you could use your prescribing qualification to diagnose, manage and treat disease – thus, relieving pressures on the G.P.

Joining Pharmacy was an important milestone, and, as a person with a sense of respect & love for human life, I embraced the field of Pharmacy. I am passionate about Pharmacy and am encouraged by the direction pharmacy as a profession is heading.

Pharmacy has dramatically evolved over the last three decades from a predominantly product focus to a patient-orientated profession. With the advent of Pharmacy prescribing, community pharmacy will become the most influential sector of the pharmacy profession.

With current and future shortfall in G.P. and nurse numbers, pharmacists who develop their prescribing practice are ideally placed to support their fellow professionals and improve the quality of care for patients. 

I feel as medication experts; pharmacist independent prescribing can be a vital source of clinical care. Below are examples of the benefit to patients and the NHS: 

  • Pharmacist Independent prescribing can provide personalized, timely, flexible access to treatment for patients requiring urgent or critical care, rather than delayed treatment or referral to other services. 
  • Independent prescribers can optimize the management of long-term conditions rather than waiting for treatment adjustments required from the G.P., i.e. pharmacist-led hypertension clinic. 
  • Independent prescribers can prescribe timely, effective treatments for patients with special health needs without requiring a separate appointment with the doctor, with the associated potential delay. 

As an independent prescriber, I believe It could contribute hugely to the care of patients and support the medicine’s optimization agenda, thus supporting adherence and improvement in health outcomes. 

I would like to develop my prescribing skill in the screening and management of uncomplicated hypertension stages 1,2 and 3 in adults aged between 40-79 because; hypertension is a major cause of 

mortality in the U.K. and diseases caused by high blood pressure cost the NHS over £ 2 billion every year. 

Successful hypertension management depends on good patient education, rational prescribing of antihypertensive medicines and sufficient fo low-up to assess the efficacy of the chosen regimen and address patient adherence issues. As such, this is an ideal opportunity for input from an independent pharmacist prescriber. Furthermore, by contributing and working towards reducing the blood pressure of the nation as a whole, £850 million of NHS and social ca spend could be avoided over ten years. 

I am already accredited to undertake Medicine Use reviews, New medication reviews and trained to vaccinate. Independent prescribing is the next stage which will further my career and allow me to develop my diagnosis, clinical and communication s 

I would prefer to join your school on account of its excellent research facilities combined with distinguished and dedicated faculty. My admission into your esteemed institution is of paramount importance for my career. With my theoretic knowledge and practical skills coupled with my dedication and sincerity, I am well equipped to meet your expectations. I am confident that if admitted, I would surely satisfy your expectations. 

I would eagerly look forward to being amongst your distinguished academic community. I take this opportunity to thank the university faculty for the patient perusal of my application.

Evidence of relevant ‘patient-oriented practice’ for pharmacist independent prescribing and nonmedical prescribing professionals

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

With the pharmacy profession being the third-largest professional group in the NHS, the pharmacy profession plays a significant and unique role in the healthcare of patients by delivering patient-centred care. It is clear that Pharmacy makes an important contribution to improving public health and reducing health inequalities.

My role as a pharmacist at Ahmeys pharmacy involves the provision of patient-centred professional services. Below are examples of pharmacy-based healthcare services/clinics provided at Ahmeys pharmacy, for which I am responsible.

1. Consultations on healthy lifestyle advice: services offered include;

  • Ahmeys pharmacy stop smoking clinic: A private service offered throughout the week with advance bookings of clients. The clinic offers a one-to-one support service and Advice for those who want to give up smoking and, where appropriate, initiate drug therapy via PGS *Champix etc.) or nicotine replacement therapy. As part of continued professional development, all pharmacists are given training on “behavioural change methods”, as studies show pharmacists who are not given training are more likely to just respond to smokers’ requests for Advice without proactively initiating conversations about smoking.
  • Healthy eating, obesity advice and weight reduction programmes: A weight reduction programme has been set up at the Pharmacy (i.e. lipotrim) and offered to those patients who want to lose weight and to those who may benefit from weight loss. As part of the service, patients are given Advice on ;
  • Health eating; Increase daily fruit, oily fish and vegetable consumption. In addition, a reduction in the proportion of total fat and salt intake is also advised. 
  • Increased physical activity and
  • Reduction (where appropriate) in alcohol consumption.
  • Screening services an example of a service offered at the Pharmacy which is directly relevant to my scope of intended prescribing (hypertension) is Ahmeys pharmacy “Healthy heart Clinic”;
  • This clinic involves the screening and management of secondary prevention of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Studies show individuals with symptoms of coronary heart disease, stroke, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), peripheral vascular disease (PVD), or multiple risk factors for heart disease are typically three to five times more likely to die, suffer a heart attack or other major vascular event, than people without such conditions and risk factors. The clinic was set up in line with the vision of the NHS on medicine optimization and the effectiveness of a pharmacist’s role in public health. The result of studies shows simple treatments and important lifestyle changes can reduce people’s risks substantially and perhaps even reverse the progression of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, when used appropriately, these interventions can be more cost-effective than any other treatments s currently provided by the NHS.

Clients are identified as at risk of developing CHD by reviewing patient medical records or during medication use reviews and invited to the clinic. At the clinic, a holistic approach to the management of CHD is adopted, which includes:

  • Development of pharmaceutical care plans in partnership with the patient;
  • The pharmaceutical care plans identify medication needs and patient goals for their desired outcomes. Furthermore, treatment details of treatment for minor health problems are also recorded in the care plans. At Ahmeys pharmacy, a patient-centred approach is used, which has a significant impact on patient care by increasing patient safety and patient experience.
  • Stop smoking advice
  • Information about other modifiable risk factors and personalized Advice about how they can be reduced, i.e. Advice on physical activity, diet, alcohol consumption, weight and diabetes.
  • Advice and treatment to maintain blood pressure below 140/85 mm hg, which include;
  • Daily low-dose aspirin (75mgs)
  • Statins and dietary Advice to lower serum, i.e. reduce saturated fat intake, increase monounsaturated fat intake and total intake of fruits and vegetables while monitoring simple carbohydrate intake. 
  • Evidence-based prescribing (Medication review ) to the following ensure;
  • Patients with left ventricular dysfunction are prescribed an Ace inhibitor
  • Patients who also have myocardial infarction are prescribed a beta-blocker
  • Warfarin, aspirin or other new agents (i.e. Apixaban etc.) for people over 60 years old who also have atrial fibrillation and meticulous control of blood pressure and glucose in patients with diabetes.

Description of ongoing continued professional Development for personal statement 

All registered pharmacists have a professional obligation to maintain a record of their continued professional development (CPD) and are liable to be responsible for their actions and accountability for keeping their skills and knowledge up to date to fulfil their professional role. 

The reflection part of the continued professional development cycle involves identifying learning needs through various methods, which include but are not limited to appraisals, critical incidents, review of experiences, feedback from others, reading publications, attending workshops, and completing a personal development plan to help identify carer goals etc.

Below is an example of how I have made use of critical thinking to reflect on my own performance;

I had been invited to attend a meeting with the local G.P. practice, which identified they were lacking in meeting their hypertension QOF targets. Upon discussion and critical thinking, it was identified that by developing a pharmacy-led “healthy heart clinic” with a focus on hypertension, improvements could be made to patient health outcomes and, therefore, the surgery QOF targets. Furthermore, it was explained to the local practice this initiative is in line with the government’s agenda of medicine optimization and pharmacist playing a greater role in the health of patients.

As a result of the meeting, I suggested the development of a pharmacy-led hypertension clinic. The idea was greeted with a mixed response from those in favour of and those against the development of the clinic.

 As part of the development of the clinic, I identified a set of learning outcomes and objectives to form part of my learning and professional development to ensure a safe and patient-orientated service was to be offered by the Pharmacy in line with clinical governance.

Below is a summary of the learning needs which would need to be undertaken :

  • I must be able to define hypertension and how it is diagnosed.
  • I must be able to differentiate primary hypertension from secondary hypertension.
  • I must understand the rationale for treating hypertension and recommended B.P. goals.
  • I should feel confident in recommending lifestyle modifications to patients.
  • I must have updated to-date clinical knowledge with regards to the management and prevention of secondary coronary heart disease with a focus on hypertension. 
  • I should be able to recognize hypertensive urgency and emergency and refer as appropriate.
  • I should be aware of regulations surrounding patient consent and CQC registration.
  • Requirements for audit

As a result of my learning, I was able to update my knowledge and develop the clinic. An audit was carried out to see the effectiveness of the clinic and its impact on patient health outcomes. The results were positive and shared with colleagues and the local practice. Upon further reflection, it was identified there could be a case for the development of nonmedical prescribing within this scope of practice which would further improve patient health outcomes, reduce the burden of G.P.s and improve patient accessibility. 

By reflecting on my own performance providing patient-orientated services, I was able to learn as a product of the situation I have found myself and in doing so, I was able to create new knowledge, enhance my skills and challenge established beliefs and attitudes.

Development of your prescribing network

personal statement for clinical pharmacist

Networking involves the process of making meaningful connections and building mutually beneficial relationships, which is crucial for future success. The benefits of networking include acquiring career information, Advice, and other opportunities. In addition, regular networking can increase confidence, encourage reflection on practice, gather feedback from others, review what others are putting into practice etc.   

Below are a few examples of strategies I would adopt to network including but are not limited to;

1. Social media I.e Linkden. This source of networking allows one to connect with peers, colleagues and other individuals with similar clinical backgrounds or future interests.

2. Attending pharmacy conferences and relevant training courses. This source of networking would encourage regular updates of my knowledge and allow networking with other health professionals (i.e. non, medical prescribes). This, allow opportunities to review what other prescribers are putting into practice, gather feedback in order to disseminate to other colleagues and an opportunity to share good practice

Setting up plans to meet with other healthcare professionals at local forums with similar clinical backgrounds and work. This form of networking would allow peer review of prescribing decisions and the sharing of good practices, especially for policy and protocol development.

Nonmedical prescribing course reference example

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Author:  Faheem Ahmed

Pharmacist Prescriber, 2x Award-Winning Pharmacist, Pharmacy and Clinic Owner, Founder of MEDLRN and loves sharing his experience with pharmacists.

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personal statement for clinical pharmacist

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Pharmacy personal statements

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These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ideas and inspiration for your own personal statement. 

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Postgraduate pharmacy personal statement example.

I am interested in the Masters of Pharmacy (MPharm) Programme because I am interested in the modules on which it is based. I want to do the MPharm programme so as to extend my knowledge in Medicines. I would like to get a deeper understanding of how to formulate and administer drugs safely.

There is need to continually find new leads to innovative medicines to help combat diseases more efficiently, advancement in drug discovery and finding new technologies to improve drug delivery systems is something that interests me immensely and I would like to advance my education in that direction.

An Mpharm programme would be a rewarding course for me to undertake both personally and professionally. An MPharm programme would give me a wide range of opportunities and carrier options. It would give me professional independence where I can work with autonomy.

I would qualify for the Mpharm programme because I have recently completed BSc in pharmaceutical Science which has given me good understanding of how drugs work. The modules I have undertaken In my BSc Pharmaceutical Science will help me navigate successfully in the MPharm programme.

Modules such as Bioanalytical techniques gave me grounding for analytical techniques. I developed an understanding of the principles and terminology which is used in qualitative and quantitative, absolute and empirical methods, sampling, sample treatments, standards and calibration techniques.

I learnt a range of techniques for determining the amount of an element or compound in a specified sample, describe the theoretical background and instrumental requirements of these techniques.

These techniques included spectroscopic methods such as solution spectroscopy, Mass spectroscopy and the fragmentation for molecular analysis, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy and UV/VIS spectroscopy. Separation methods such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography, gel filtration, thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography.

Eletroanalytical techniques such as ion –sensitive electrodes, membrane systems, enzyme sensors and pH electrodes. I gained a better understanding of immunoassays such as radio immunoassays, enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique and ELISA and their application in urine drug tests.

I developed the practical skills needed for sample preparation, instrument calibration and gained experience in handling analytical results. The Bioanalytical techniques modules helped me understand and select the application of appropriate analytical techniques and making valid interpretations of analyses.

Drug delivery systems helped me gain knowledge of the principles which describe and control the effective delivery of drugs from their delivery systems to target sites.

It gave me the understanding of the physicochemical properties- factors involved in the stabilisation of pharmaceuticals such as the kinetics of decomposition and the solubility in polar and non-polar solvents. I gained an appreciation of manufacturing processes and the stability of formulations in the overall development of new products.

How drugs exert their pharmacologic effects, how they get to the site of action and the properties they need to have for them to exert their effects. The drug design strategies that are employed to improve the physiochemical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties of the drugs through chemical transformations.

The ethical issues surrounding drug development and delivery mechanisms. Combination of principles of pharmacology, systems pharmacology gave me prescriptive knowledge into the drugs. They also gave me an understanding of drug actions through chemical mediators on specified organ systems and at cellular and molecular level. They gave me an understanding of drug toxicity and the side-effects the drugs may have on other organs.

Medicinal chemistry I have learnt about the relationships between the structure and the activity of drugs as well as assess critically the methodologies and strategies that govern whether or not a synthetic compound would be a good drug candidate for mass production. I learnt how to assess if differences between research methods and development of organic compounds looking at the whether the processes are economically and environmentally viable for scaling up.

Organic chemistry I have come to understand the interpretation of organic reactions in terms of generic mechanisms neutral, nucleoophilic and electrophilic and the different outcomes which are addition, elimination, substitution and rearrangement. This enabled me to be able to predict the outcomes of complex mechanistic processes making comparisons of the factors influencing one pathway from another.

I also learnt to interpret Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectral data. In my biochemistry modules such metabolic biochemistry and clinical biochemistry module I gained an appreciation of the diversity and the interconnection of metabolic pathways, the use of different metabolites to screen diagnose and monitor diseases.

My project and practical work in my final year gave me valuable practice on how to behave in a laboratory including key areas such as health and safety and a basis for good laboratory practice. I gained valuable practice in advanced synthetic and purification techniques such as fractional, vacuum distillation and solvent extraction.

I also earned some valuable practice in High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Mass spectrum, Gas chromatography. I am able to use and read out different spectra which include UV Visible and NMR.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by ekkasonde1 for application in 2010.

ekkasonde1's university choices University of East Anglia Keele University University of Hertfordshire Kingston University University of Portsmouth De Montfort University

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

Degree pharmacy at University of East Anglia

ekkasonde1's Comments

My personal statement shows what i have learnt in the past three years and how the BSc pharmceutical Science has increased my interest in medicines. I would like to enhance my knowledge and an MPharm would give me that opportunity. It shows the modules i have completed and shows that i am well equipped and qualified to undertake the MPharm programme

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

I was reading it and it.

Sat, 26/06/2010 - 20:41

I was reading it and it sounded extremely boring. You are rambling alot and saying stuff which the admissions tutors already know about. Even though I don't know you this statement does not sound genuine because all you are talking about is experience. I can't judge what kind of a character you are or what you like/dislike from this.

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2024 Preceptor Appreciation Day

Celebrating preceptor excellence.

Preceptor Appreciation Day recognizes the contributions of Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences' preceptors. These individuals nurture the clinical and personal competencies of each outstanding pharmacy student.

The event is an opportunity for preceptors to enhance their mentoring skills, discover reference resources, discuss best precepting practices, and receive essential continuing education updates. The event will offer 5 hours of live, ACPE-accredited CE over five sessions.

Date and Location

September 19, 2024 | 8 a.m. - 3:35 p.m. Crowne Plaza Boston-Woburn, Woburn, MA

Admission to this event is complimentary for MCPHS preceptors, staff and faculty.


Registration by Thursday, September 12 is required. Register now .

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] .

Insights and Updates from the Office of Experiential Education

September 19, 2024 8:40-9:40 AM

This presentation will provide preceptors with a summary of the roles and responsibilities of experiential faculty and staff to enhance communication among students, preceptors and the Office of Experiential Education.

Best practices for disability-related accommodations will also be discussed.

At the completion of this activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the MCPHS Experiential team-Boston/Worcester/Manchester, including faculty and staff
  • Identify how preceptors can communicate with the Office of Experiential Education
  • Discuss disability-related accommodations in the experiential setting

Kara Bonaceto, PharmD, BCPS, RPh, is Director of the Office of Experiential Education for the MCPHS Worcester/Manchester program. Kara received her PharmD from the University of Rhode Island. She has been Board Certified in Pharmacotherapy since 2007. Kara joined MCPHS as an Experiential faculty Coordinator in 2010. Prior to joining MCPHS, Kara was a hospital pharmacist and precepted students on an Internal Medicine rotation. Kara is a member of the American Association of College of Pharmacy (AACP) and Massachusetts Pharmacists Association (MPhA).

Nicole Carace, PharmD, MHA, RPh , is a graduate of MCPHS and has been a faculty coordinator in the Office of Experiential Education since 2011. Prior to that, Nicole was a clinical pharmacist and director of pharmacy services in a hospital setting. Nicole also has her Masters in Healthcare Administration from New England College and is a member of AACP.

Andrew Szumita , PharmD, BS, RPh, is the Director of the Office of Experiential Education for the MCPHS Boston campus. Andrew received his PharmD from the University of Rhode Island. Andrew joined MCPHS as an Experiential Faculty Coordinator in 2012. Prior to joining MCPHS, Andrew worked primarily in long-term care, specializing in sterile compounding and management. He precepted students on IPPE and APPE Institutional rotations. Andrew is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)

Activity Number: 0026-0000-24-020-L99-P | Knowledge-based Topic Designator: Additional Topic Areas Contact Hours: 1.0

The Role of Context in Experiential Learning

September 19, 2024 9:50-10:50 AM

The purpose of this presentation is to explore learning through the social construction of new knowledge by pharmacy students engaged in experiential learning in a post-pandemic world that is now heavily reliant on remote learning.

Academic leaders and practitioners are responding to calls for the redesign of experiential education that will better prepare future pharmacists for practice. This has broad implications for educational programs and health care delivery. Situated learning theory will help frame the discussion around context, while focusing on our understanding of how students construct knowledge in a social setting.

The presentation will discuss the five factors that provide insights into the students' knowledge-construction process. They are (1) personal identity, (2) participation, (3) practitioners, (4) context, and (5) content. This discussion can guide preceptors in designing more effective rotations. For the profession of pharmacy, a well-developed experiential program will enable new pharmacists to meet the many challenges of providing high-quality patient-centered care and of navigating a complex health care delivery system.

  • Identify the components of context-based, situational learning, and its application during rotation
  • Integrate personal and professional real-world experiences into clinical teaching to enhance contextual learning
  • Share examples of storytelling with students to increase their ability to better provide patient care
  • Involve students on rotation with that community of practice to help increase their knowledge, skills, and affect.
  • Develop a teaching approach that considers the socio-cultural aspects of the learner

Paul DiFrancesco, EdD, BS, MPA, RPh has practiced as a pharmacist for over 40 years, working as a pharmacy director, then in academics as a Dean and member of faculty. He received his PharmD from Northeastern University, Master's in public administration from Suffolk University, and then a doctorate in educational administration from the University of Massachusetts. He currently serves at MCPHS as the Associate Dean of Pharmacy Experiential Education for all three campuses. As a faculty member, his main focus is on student learning, development, and success.

Activity Number: 0026-0000-24-021-L99-P | Knowledge-based Topic Designator: Additional Topic Areas Contact Hours: 1.0

Understanding Learning Differences

September 19, 2024 1:20 PM-2:20 PM

Learning differences are the individual and unique ways in which some people process new information. In this presentation, participants will learn best practices building for a culturally inclusive environment that supports students through cultural awareness and empathy. This in turn enables preceptors to avoid misunderstandings and allows for cross-cultural learning.

  • Understand the concept of cultural awareness
  • Define cultural competence
  • Identify different styles of learning
  • Utilize strategies to support college students with learning differences

Clara Reynolds is the Chief Inclusion Officer at MCPHS. She is a highly accomplished attorney and DEI professional with two decades of experience. She has significant expertise in Leadership, Human Resources, Diversity Management, Employee Relations, Contracts, Compliance, Criminal Law, Employment and Labor Negotiations.

Madeleine E. López is the Assistant Director of the Office of Inclusion at MCPHS. She has over 15 years of experience as a director, administrator and educator on issues related to diversity and social justice. She is a writer, professional presenter, curriculum designer and trainer on issues of race, ethnicity and social equality.

Activity Number: 0026-0000-24-024-L99-P | Knowledge-based Topic Designator: Additional Topic Areas Contact Hours: 1.0

Pharmacy Law Review for the Pharmacist Preceptor 2024

September 19, 2024 11:05 AM-12:05 PM

This presentation will provide a discussion on where pharmacy preceptors can find new proposed regulations on both the federal and Massachusetts state level. In addition, the CE will discuss the scope of practice for pharmacists, pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians. The session will conclude by looking at selected topics in the area of new policies and regulations impacting the practice of pharmacy.

  • Identify where a pharmacy preceptor can find a proposed new regulation relating to pharmacy law.
  • Compare the scope of practice of pharmacists, pharmacy interns and pharmacy technicians in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • List at least five pharmacy law related regulations or policies that pharmacy preceptors can review with their interns

Frederick Frankhauser, JD, MBA, RPh is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Business and Administrative Sciences at MCPHS University. Fred earned his JD from Western New England University, MBA from Fitchburg State University and his BS in Pharmacy from MCPHS University. He works directly with leaders in the Life Sciences Industry on workforce development Regulatory Affairs and Health Policy matters. Fred has taught courses in Pharmacy Law, Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Research Coordination, Health Care Delivery and Health Policy.

Activity Number: 0026-0000-24-022-L03-P | Knowledge-based Topic Designator: Law Contact Hours: 1.0

Precision Medicine 101

September 19, 2024 2:30 PM-3:30 PM

This continuing education presentation will review the definition and goals of precision medicine and pharmacogenomics, as well as associated terminology. It will cover the benefits and limitations of pharmacogenomic testing, which is important to set both provider and patient expectations.

The bulk of the presentation will focus on the application of pharmacogenomic test results, including how to interpret them in the context of a prodrug versus an active drug, resources that are available for pharmacogenomics interpretation and dosing recommendations, and how pharmacogenomics can be leveraged in a clinical setting.

  • Define precision medicine
  • Explain how genetic testing, including pharmacogenomic testing, can benefit patients
  • Describe key resources for evidence-based clinical pharmacogenomics information

Roseann S. Donnelly, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, is an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Boston. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from MCPHS. Her post-graduate training included a specialty residency in Clinical Pharmacogenetics at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Donnelly is a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, and a nationally recognized expert in the field of pharmacogenomics. She is the co-founder and lead clinical pharmacist for the Pharmacogenomics Clinic at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston

Samantha Frear, PharmD, is an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Boston. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from University of the Sciences – Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, PA. Her post-graduate training included a specialty residency in Clinical Pharmacogenetics at Sanford Imagenetics in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Dr. Frear serves as a clinical pharmacist for the Pharmacogenomics Clinic at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston

Activity Number: 0026-0000-24-023-L01-P | Knowledge-based Topic Designator: Disease State Management/Drug Therapy Contact Hours: 1.0


  • Andrew Szumita, PharmD, BS, RPh, Director, Office of Experiential Education, MCPHS-Boston
  • Kara Bonaceto, PharmD, BCPS, RPh, Director, Office of Experiential Education, MCPHS-Worcester/Manchester
  • Nicole Carace, PharmD, MHA, RPh, Faculty Coordinator, Office of Experiential Education MCPHS-Worcester/Manchester
  • Paul DiFrancesco, EdD, BS, MPA, RPh, Associate Dean of Pharmacy Experiential Education, MCPHS
  • Fred Frankhauser, JD, MBA, RPh, Professor of Pharmaceutical Business & Administrative Sciences, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
  • Clara Reynolds, Chief Inclusion Officer, MCPHS
  • Madeleine Lopez, Assistant Director of the Office of Inclusion, MCPHS
  • Roseann Donnelly, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, MCPHS-Boston
  • Samantha Frear, PharmD, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, MCPHSBoston

Location and Directions

Crowne Plaza Boston-Woburn 15 Middlesex Canal Park Road Woburn, MA 01801

Parking is complimentary.

Get directions . 


Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Logo

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. Participants of the 2024 Preceptor Appreciation Day will receive 5 contact hours (0.5 CEU), including one hour of pharmacy law.

Statement of Credit

In order to receive credit, the participant must be present the entirety of each presentation and complete post-tests, and evaluation forms for each session on mcphsce.org. Upon completion, participant credit will be reported to CPE Monitor. Transcripts may be printed from CPE Monitor.

Statement of Disclosure

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences adheres to the ACPE Standards for Integrity and Independence in Continuing Education. It is the policy of MCPHS that the speakers and planning committee members disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies within the last 24 months, and that relevant conflicts of interest are mitigated. Speakers will disclose any off-label/unapproved use of drugs or devices during their presentation.


Andrew Szumita has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Kara Bonaceto has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Nicole Carace has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Paul DiFrancesco has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Fred Frankhauser has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Clara Reynolds has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Madeleine Lopez has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Roseann Donnelly has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose. Samantha Frear has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose.

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Continuing Education staff members hold no financial relationships with ineligible companies, related to the content of this presentation.

No funding from industry provided for this event. No exhibitors will be present.

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IT outage 'causing disruption in majority of GP practices' in England

Thousands of doctors' surgeries have been affected after the widely-used EMIS appointment and patient record system went down, sparking patient safety fears.

Friday 19 July 2024 14:55, UK

An NHS warning about the IT outage. Pic: PA

Most GP practices in England have suffered disruption as a result of the major global IT outage, causing problems with booking appointments and issuing prescriptions.

But NHS England said there was currently no known impact on 999 or emergency services as a result of the mass computer failure , blamed on a defective Windows update.

Thousands of doctors' surgeries have been affected after the widely-used EMIS appointment and patient record system went down.

Global IT outage: Follow live

Pharmacies have also reported issues with accessing prescriptions from GP surgeries and said this would affect the delivery of medicines to patients.

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A spokeswoman for NHS England said: "The NHS is aware of a global IT outage and an issue with EMIS, an appointment and patient record system, which is causing disruption in the majority of GP practices.

"The NHS has long-standing measures in place to manage the disruption, including using paper patient records and handwritten prescriptions, and the usual phone systems to contact your GP.

"There is currently no known impact on 999 or emergency services, so people should use these services as they usually would.

"Patients should attend appointments unless told otherwise. Only contact your GP if it's urgent, and otherwise please use 111 online or call 111."

EMIS Web enables GP practices to book appointments, examine records and includes a clinical decision support tool as well as helping with admin.

Read more: Source of IT outage 'identified' and 'fix deployed' What has been impacted by the global IT outage and where?

Professor Kamila Hawthorne, chairwoman of the Royal College of GPs, said: "Any form of disruption to our digital systems is a serious concern for GPs as it directly impacts on the care we can give to our patients.

"Outages like this affect our access to important clinical information about our patients, as well as our ability to book tests, make referrals, and inform the most appropriate treatment plan."

Urging patients to "bear with" GPs, she added: "We really hope that the problems can be resolved quickly and that services are restored to normal as soon as possible."

Numerous passengers wait in front of a black display board at the capital's Berlin Brandenburg Airport, in Schönefeld, Germany, Friday July 19, 2024. Air traffic has been suspended at BER Airport. A widespread Microsoft outage was disrupting flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world on Friday. (Christoph Soeder/dpa via AP)

A spokesman for the National Pharmacy Association said: "We're aware that due to global IT outages that services in community pharmacies, including the accessing of prescriptions from GPs and medicine deliveries, are disrupted today.

"We urge patients to be patient whilst visiting their pharmacy.

"We're urgently raising this issue with the NHS England."

Dr Farah Jameel, a GP in central London working at Museum Practice, said she was unable to access patient notes, imaging results, medication history and blood tests.

'This is unsafe'

She said: "I think we need to underline the clinical impact of this IT disruption on how significantly it has interrupted clinical care.

"This is unsafe."

She added: "At present, we cannot access any patient notes and are trying to assess patients on a case-by-case basis.

"We are unable to access blood test results, imaging results, clinical history and anticipate that the clinical documentation work will accumulate through the course of the day.

"Patient care pathways will be interrupted as we are unable to organise simple management plans like organising tests, and issuing regular medications.

"We are operating a clinical triage system so that we can ensure safety of our patients and see those with the greatest clinical need. Deferring all others that can safely wait to another day."

Dr Farah Jameel, a GP in central London working at Museum Practice

The Wilmslow Health Centre in Cheshire wrote on X that practices "using the NHS commissioned GP computer system EMIS are currently without access to their IT systems".

It added: "This is beyond the control of GP surgeries. Please bear with us until we have our IT systems back online."

Solihull Healthcare Partnership in the West Midlands said on X: "Unfortunately there is a national issue with EMIS Web - our clinical computer system.

"This will affect our ability to book/consult with patients this morning.

"We will update patients when we can. We apologise for the disruption."

Windrush Medical Practice in Witney, Oxfordshire, said it is continuing as normal but urged patients with "routine concerns" to wait until Monday.

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Central Lakes Medical Group in Ambleside wrote: "We're impacted by the IT outage.

"This will have a big effect on us, so apologies in advance for the inconvenience caused, and delays on the phone."

Cancellation warning

Another post by Pocklington Group Practice in the East Riding of Yorkshire said: "Due to ongoing Windows issues affecting IT worldwide, the practice is currently unable to function as normal.

"This may result in appointments needing to be cancelled and rearranged. Updates will follow when available."

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personal statement for clinical pharmacist

Salisbury District Hospital also confirmed in a post on social media that it had been impacted.

It said: "We are suffering some delays at our hospital with our administrative services due to the global IT outage.

"We ask patients and visitors to please bear with us as we use alternative methods."

Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust said the outage "has affected some of our systems which is impacting some clinical services".

Meanwhile, the NHS Blood and Transplant service has urged donors to book and keep appointments.

A spokesperson said: "Blood donation systems are not affected and we currently have a high number of appointments available at our donor centres in major towns and cities, including London, Manchester, Bristol and Birmingham.

"Blood is needed 24/7, 365 days a year so we urgently need people to keep filling appointments in coming days, weeks and months."

Related Topics

  • Global IT outage

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Response to global IT outage

  • Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
  • Patient care

An NHS spokesperson said : “The NHS is aware of a global IT outage and an issue with EMIS, an appointment and patient record system, which is causing disruption in the majority of GP practices.

“The NHS has long standing measures in place to manage the disruption, including using paper patient records and handwritten prescriptions, and the usual phone systems to contact your GP.

“There is currently no known impact on 999 so people should use these services as they usually would in emergency situations.

“There are also some issues with administrative systems in hospitals that mean staff are having to work manually from paper to manage certain tasks but in the majority of hospitals, care is continuing as normal.

“Patients should attend appointments unless told otherwise. You can contact your GP on the phone if it’s urgent, and otherwise please use your local pharmacy, NHS 111 online or call 111 for urgent health advice as normal”.


What to Know About Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service Director

She has spent more than 20 years with the agency and provided security for President Bill Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney and other leaders.

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Two men in police uniforms flank a woman in a navy suit jacket.

By Tim Balk

  • Published July 18, 2024 Updated July 23, 2024

Kimberly A. Cheatle, the Secret Service director who has come under intense scrutiny after the assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump, is an agency veteran who helped protect President Bill Clinton and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Ms. Cheatle joined the Secret Service in 1995 and spent more than two decades there before leaving in 2021 to lead the North American security operations for PepsiCo. She returned to the agency in 2022 after President Biden asked her to serve as its director .

In her 22 months as director, the ranks of the Secret Service have grown, prompting claims from some employees that a focus on hiring more people with diverse backgrounds has hampered the agency.

Ms. Cheatle, 53, is the second woman to lead the Secret Service. Former colleagues have described her as capable and career-focused.

While working for PepsiCo, she told Security Magazine that she enjoyed doing home renovations in her spare time. “Burnout is real,” she told the magazine. “This industry can be difficult, and it’s important to discover yourself.”

Growing up in Illinois, Ms. Cheatle studied at a Catholic high school in Danville, Ill., about 130 miles south of Chicago, and at Eastern Illinois University, which she graduated from in 1992.

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Pharmacy (MPharm)

As I have long been drawn to pursuing a career involving healthcare a...

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Pharmacy is an ever changing profession, under constant development a...

Submitted by Thomas

MPharm Pharmacy B230

Throughout my school life, I have particularly enjoyed the sciences. ...

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  1. How to write a pharmacist personal statement (with example)

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  2. How to Write a Pharmacist Personal Statement (With Sample)

    A pharmacist personal statement is a document that complements your resume and application materials for a pharmacy degree program or a job in the health care field. It's a chance for you to show your qualities and strengths that can make you effective in a pharmacist role. ... My combination of clinical experience, pharmacy knowledge, and ...

  3. Pharmacy Personal Statement Examples

    Pharmacology Personal Statement Example 1. I am of Haitian descent and my country is one known for its harsh living conditions. There is a constant struggle for survival and poverty is an endemic burden. Despite numerous advances in technology, Haiti has remained the least-developed country in the Western Hemisphere...

  4. Writing the Personal Statement for Pharmacy School: A 5 Step Checklist

    1) Determining the Narrative. When writing a pharmacy school personal statement, the most common pitfall students experience is the need for more effort placed into their writing. While your grades may be exceptional, and your letters of recommendation prove that your student-teacher relationships are healthy and you are a pleasure to have in ...

  5. Pharmacy School Personal Statement Examples

    Check Out Top 4 Sample Statements! Pharmacy school personal statement examples demonstrate that pharmacy school applications require many different documents to adequately assess you as a potential candidate. In addition to looking at your CV, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and any other required materials, most pharmacy programs ask ...

  6. How to Write a Compelling Pharmacy School Personal Statement

    As part of your brainstorming, look at successful personal statements. Websites like Studential and ApplyToUni can give you a good idea of what spelled success for past applicants. Or, if you know anyone who went to pharmacy school already, you can ask them for their best tips. 2. Outline and Draft.

  7. The Trusted Pharmacy Personal Statement Guide w/Examples

    Pharmacy Personal Statement Prompts. Prompt 1: Tell us about yourself (Kings University London) Many universities use a very vague prompt that just instructs you to talk about yourself. As Kingston University London puts it, "You are the main topic of this essay.". This is a great, easy prompt to get.

  8. Pharmacy Personal Statement Examples

    2. Community Pharmacist: Community pharmacists work in retail pharmacies, providing medication and health advice to customers. 3. Pharmaceutical Sales Representative: Pharmaceutical sales representatives work for pharmaceutical companies, promoting and selling their products to healthcare professionals. 4.

  9. Pharmacy Personal Statement Examples

    Browse our range of Pharmacy personal statement examples. Gain inspiration & make sure you're on the right track when writing your own personal statement. Order Prospectus

  10. Tips for Writing a Pharmacy School Personal Statement

    Include only pharmacy-related experiences. 6. Avoid plagiarism. Committee members can always see through plagiarized works, so avoid this at all costs. This will only destroy your credibility in the field. 7. Avoid controversial topics. The personal statement is not a discussion ground for questionable topics.

  11. Pharmacy Personal Statement Example for UCAS Application

    11 Nov,2022 Alan Whitworth. Find this Pharmacy Personal Statement Example as an inspiration to write your own and make it perfect for the University admission board. Don't forget to apply via the UCAS Application website. Science, challenge, and making a difference in people's lives are all aspects of pharmacy that I look for in my career.

  12. Pharmacy Personal Statement

    Use your statement to reflect on: your perceptions of what the profession is about, and where you can see yourself within it. the skills and qualities that will be required, both to study pharmacy and to practice it as a profession. evidence of situations or activities where you've displayed some of these skills and qualities yourself.

  13. Pharmacy Personal Statement 8

    Pharmacy Personal Statement Submitted by Erin From the science behind the design and production of medicines to the practical role of working with patients, medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies, it is this variety that attracts me to a career in pharmacy.

  14. Writing the Perfect Pharmacy Personal Statement: Expert Tips

    Take note of any word limits or formatting guidelines to tailor your statement accordingly. 2. Showcase Your Genuine Interest in Pharmacy. Start your personal statement by showcasing your authentic passion for pharmacy. Explain why you want to become a pharmacist and how this career aligns with your personal goals and values.

  15. Nonmedical prescribing personal statement examples

    Nonmedical prescribing personal statement examples. Joining Pharmacy was an important milestone, and, as a person with a sense of respect & love for human life, I embraced the field of Pharmacy. ... of my learning and professional development to ensure a safe and patient-orientated service was to be offered by the Pharmacy in line with clinical ...

  16. Example Pharmacy Postgraduate Personal Statement

    Reading clinical and analytical pharmacy journals and magazines allows me to review current practices and methods. Diligent, responsible, high attention to detail and extremely motivated to succeed, are qualities which I believe make me an ideal candidate for this course. ... This example Pharmacy Postgraduate Personal Statement is intended to ...

  17. Pharmacy personal statements

    Personal Statement:Pharmacy 5. Personal Statement:Pharmacy 6. Personal Statement:Pharmacy 7. Personal Statement:Pharmacy 8. Personal Statement:Pharmacy 9. Personal Statement:Pharmacy 13 - The Student Room. Pharmacy degree personal statement example (1w) - volunteering experience.

  18. Postgraduate Pharmacy Personal Statement Example

    My personal statement shows what i have learnt in the past three years and how the BSc pharmceutical Science has increased my interest in medicines. I would like to enhance my knowledge and an MPharm would give me that opportunity. It shows the modules i have completed and shows that i am well equipped and qualified to undertake the MPharm ...

  19. Pharmacy MPharm Personal Statement

    Find the ideal university course for you in minutes by taking our degree matchmaker quiz today. Take Quick Quiz Take Full Quiz. Inspire your Pharmacy MPharm personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university.

  20. Clinical Pharmacist Personal Statement

    Clinical Pharmacist Personal Statement. Satisfactory Essays. 484 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. My Butler University academic training and intern experience has positioned me to recognize and appreciate the essential role performed by the clinical pharmacist. Although sometimes transparent, it is the clinical pharmacist that is central to a ...

  21. Preceptor Appreciation Day

    These individuals nurture the clinical and personal competencies of each outstanding pharmacy student. ... Dr. Frear serves as a clinical pharmacist for the Pharmacogenomics Clinic at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Activity Number: 0026-0000-24-023-L01-P | Knowledge-based ... Statement of Disclosure.

  22. Pharmacy (Masters) Personal Statement

    Pharmacy Personal Statement . I am interested in pursuing a career in Pharmacy as I have a passion for helping people and a desire to ma... Submitted by Imaan. Pharmacy MPharm Personal Statement . My experience of shadowing a community pharmacist was a watershed in which I realised the full extent of r...

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    Pharmacists selected to make a change in medication in 92.1% of cases compared with internists in 82% of cases (odds ratio [OR] 3.02 95 CI [1.50-6.06], p = 0.002). Additionally, pharmacists elected to make a change at a higher rate than cardiologists, though there was not a significant difference between the groups (92.1 vs. 91.8%).

  24. IT outage 'causing disruption in majority of GP practices' in England

    A spokesman for the National Pharmacy Association said: "We're aware that due to global IT outages that services in community pharmacies, including the accessing of prescriptions from GPs and ...

  25. NHS England » Response to global IT outage

    An NHS spokesperson said: "The NHS is aware of a global IT outage and an issue with EMIS, an appointment and patient record system, which is causing disruption in the majority of GP practices. "The NHS has long standing measures in place to manage the disruption, including using paper patient records and handwritten prescriptions, and the usual phone systems to contact your GP.

  26. Pharmacy Personal Statement 7

    Biochemistry. I've always had one goal in life, to help others and better the world. Although as a child I was never sure how I could do this. As I grew and went to school I quickly found that the sciences were my favourite subjects. I was always so amazed by how we knew so much about the smallest things in the world such as atoms and their ...

  27. What to Know About Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service Director

    A spokesman for the Secret Service, Anthony Guglielmi, said in a statement on Thursday that continuity in the leadership of the agency "is paramount during a critical incident" and that Ms ...

  28. Pharmacy Personal Statement Examples

    Pharmacy Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare. Taken from 131,500+ data points from students attending university to help future generations. Find out more. Discover university rankings devised from data collected from current students. Find out more. Accounting Biology Business Studies Computer Science Economics Engineering English ...