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 Average list price per subscription article

Average list price per subscription article Indexed weighted average of list prices for 2021 subscription year versus articles published in 2021 taking Elsevier as baseline (Source: Publisher websites, Scopus data)

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Do you double dip, i.e., charge for the same article twice?

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If more authors are publishing gold open access, why don’t you reduce your subscription fees?

Subscription fees are based on a range of factors, including the volume of subscription articles, the quality of a journal, journal usage and market and competitive considerations. When calculating subscription prices, we only take into account subscription articles; the number of articles published gold open access has no bearing on the way we set subscription fees.

We publish more articles and at higher quality relative to other major publishers, yet our average list price per subscription article remains lower (by 2-3 times) than that of others. Since 2010, the number of articles submitted to Elsevier journals grew by 11%, and the volume of subscription articles published increased by 5% (compound average growth rate 2010-2021). Our average list price per subscription article grew by just 0.2% over that time (2011-2021) across our entire portfolio.

See here for more information on Elsevier article volumes, value and quality.

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Adjustments in Elsevier’s APCs are under regular review and are subject to change. We set APCs based on the following criteria which are applied to open access articles only:

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A small percentage of titles may support more than one APC, for example when a journal supports one or more article types that require different APCs.

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We grant waivers in cases of genuine need, therefore we automatically apply APC waivers or discounts to those articles in gold open access journals for which all author groups are based in a country eligible for the  Research4Life program   opens in new tab/window . When publishing in fully open access journals, we fully waive all APCs for authors from 69 countries ( Group A   opens in new tab/window ) and give a 50% discount for authors from 57 countries ( Group B   opens in new tab/window ).

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No double dipping

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Concerns around double dipping are often premised on the expectation that open access articles are replacing the number of subscription articles being published and therefore that prices should be changing to correspond to this. See here for the latest  data on Elsevier article volume growth, value and quality   opens in new tab/window .

List prices for journals that publish both open access and subscription articles

Adjustments in individual journal subscription list prices will be based only on criteria applied to  subscription articles . Open access articles will not be considered in the individual journal list price. Similarly, the APC per journal will only be determined based on the criteria applied to  open access articles .


As with journal list prices, collection prices reflect subscription articles only; they are linked to the prices of individual titles in a collection, which do not count open access articles when setting prices.

Retrospective open access

To ensure we uphold our no double dipping policy and separate calculations regarding list prices from open access articles, we do not offer authors the option to make a subscription article gold open access retrospectively after publication as a general rule.

However, we appreciate that there are sometimes exceptional circumstances and we want to assist authors where possible. In such instances, authors can make a subscription article, published in a hybrid journal, gold open access up until 31 January of the following year. For example, if the article is published in March 2022, the author can make it open access up until the 31 January 2023. This cut-off date is necessary to accurately assess the open access uptake in each individual hybrid journal for the previous year which ensures we do not charge subscribers for open access content. Please contact us to request retrospective open access or for further details   opens in new tab/window .

Geographical Pricing for Open Access (GPOA) Pilot details

Elsevier is piloting a program from January 2024 to set APC prices for 143 gold open access journals according to the income level of the country of the corresponding author.

For these pilot journals we will waive the APC for corresponding authors who are based in low-income countries as classified by the World Bank as of July 2024. 

For articles whose corresponding authors are based in lower-middle-countries the geo-price will be 20 percent of the APC global list price. 

Corresponding authors based in upper-middle-income countries and where R&D intensity (domestic expenditure on R&D expressed as a percentage of GDP according to OECD) is below two percent are defined in three different groups based on GNI per capita and will see a different APC geo-price based on the GNI per capita of the country ranging from 45 percent to 90 percent of the APC list price.

GNI Per Capita

Country Group



APC Price




0% of list price




20% of list price

Upper-Middle-Income: Group 1



45% of list price

Upper-Middle-Income: Group 2



65% of list price

Upper-Middle-Income: Group 3



90% of list price

*Based on World Bank - 01 July 2024

Elsevier will use GNI per Capita ( Atlas Method)   opens in new tab/window as the key indicator for determining the APC pricing tier. This is a widely used economic indicator provided by the World Bank and has proved to be a useful, easily available and annually updated indicator that is closely correlated with other, nonmonetary measures of the quality of life. The  Atlas  method, with three-year average exchange rates adjusted for inflation, lessens the effect of exchange rate fluctuations and abrupt changes.

The GPOA pilot methodology calculates discounts on the list APC as a percentage of the list price differently for each group of countries. To do this, we use the middle point of each group as a reference. This middle point is determined by comparing it to the starting threshold set for high-income countries by the World Bank.

Elsevier may grant additional waivers to countries where full waiver policies are currently in place for specific reasons, or in cases where Elsevier is unable to receive payments due to trade sanctions ( read more ). The article publishing charge that applies is automatically calculated as part of the submission process and will take this into consideration.  If you have any further questions, please contact researcher support.

Country Groups


Korea, North

South Sudan

Burkina Faso





Syrian Arab Republic

Central African Republic






Congo, Democratic Republic








Sierra Leone








Sao Tome and Principe






State of Palestine



Solomon Islands

Cabo Verde

Lao People's Democratic Republic of

Sri Lanka



Tanzania, the United Republic of










Côte d'Ivoire








Viet nam








Papua New Guinea









North Macedonia









South Africa










El Salvador



Equatorial Guinea






Bosnia and Herzegovina





Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Marshall Islands




Dominican Republic





Costa Rica


Saint Lucia

Based on the most recent GDP per capita available (up to 2023) and the World Bank Country Groups for FY 2025, valid from the 1st of July 2024

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  • v.19(1); 2021 Jan

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Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine: How to Choose a Journal?

Zahra bahadoran.

1 Nutrition and Endocrine Research Center, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Parvin Mirmiran

2 Department of Clinical Nutrition and Human Dietetics, Faculty of Nutrition Sciences and Food Technology, National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Khosrow Kashfi

3 Department of Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, City University of New York School of Medicine, New York, USA

Asghar Ghasemi

4 Endocrine Physiology Research Center, Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Publishing in peer-reviewed high-quality journals is a gold standard method for disseminating scientific work. Choosing the right journal is one of the most important and difficult aspects of publishing research results. Submitting to an inappropriate journal is one of the most common reasons for fast rejection of manuscripts, resulting in time wasted by the authors and journals’ editors. Here, we discuss important factors that should be considered for choosing the right journal to get your work published successfully and effectively. The most important factors for journal targeting are: (1) The journal’s characteristics, including its scientific prestige, performance, publishing model, acceptance possibility, and specialty; (2) the manuscript’s characteristics, including its relevance to the journal’s aim and scope, its intrinsic value, meaning the novelty of the research, soundness of the methodology, potential impact in the field, and its implication; and (3) authors’ priorities and limitations.

The Merriam Webster dictionary has defined the word “publish” as “to make generally known”, “to disseminate to the public” and, “to produce or release for distribution”. Research that fails to reach others is of little value and a research project may be considered complete if it is published, read, understood, and believed by others ( 1 ). Publishing makes research findings publicly available, and allows the rest of the academic audience to use that information and evaluate its quality ( 2 ). Publishing in international journals is now a prerequisite for academicians, bringing with it attention to the researchers and their institutions ( 3 , 4 ). Moreover, scientific publishing in biomedicine has been an essential tool for medical progress ( 5 ).

According to the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM) Publishers ( 6 ), around 42,500 scientific peer-reviewed English and non-English language journals actively contribute to publish scientific works; considering such a huge number of journals, choosing the right one to submit a manuscript is not easy ( 4 ). Choosing the wrong journal may lead to fast rejection, delayed publication, and waste of time/resources ( 7 , 8 ). Targeting the best journal has no clear-cut criteria or a practical model; it is a complex issue, compounded by the increasing numbers of journals and the emerging changes in the publishing landscape ( 8 , 9 ).

In the present study, we discussed important factors that should be considered for choosing the right journal, which facilitates achieving a successful and effective publication.

2. Factors Affecting Journal Targeting

The story of selecting a right journal may be narrated from three main points of view: (1) The journal’s characteristics, which includes scientific prestige, performance, publishing models, acceptance rate, and specialty and audience; (2) characteristics of the manuscript, including its novelty, soundness of methodology, potential impact and its alignment with the journal’s aims and scope; and (3) the authors’ priorities and limitations. Box 1 summarizes the most important factors that need to be considered when choosing a journal before submitting a manuscript.

Indexing by established bibliographic databases
Having peer-review process
Citation-based metrics (e.g. impact factor)
Reputation of publisher
Reputation of editorial board
Adopting publication ethics (e.g. COPE, STM, ICMJE)
Journal’s longevity
Expert’s opinion
Publication periodicity
Timelines, quality and models of peer-review process
Author-friendly options of journal
Publication charge
Ethics in publishing process (confidentiality, considering ethics guidelines)
Open access vs. subscription journals
Print vs. online journals
Rate of acceptance
Authors’ country and affiliations
A well-known co-author
Past communication experience with editors and reviewers
Topic relevance
Type relevance
Soundness of research method
Potential impact
Potential implication
Push of rapid publication
Push (desire) for publication in prestigious journals with high impact factor
Institutional policies
Regulations of research funding agencies

2.1. The Journal’s Characteristics

2.1.1. the journal’s quality and prestige.

The quality and prestige of the target journal is a critical factor affecting the authors’ choices, because it directly influences the author’s evaluation as a faculty member ( 9 , 10 ). Publishing in prestigious journals has its rewards, including successful grant application opportunities and invitations from other journals to publish more ( 11 ). Publishing in high-impact and prestigious journals is also considered as a quality signal in hiring, promotion and funding decisions ( 12 ).

The words “quality” and “prestige” are not defined clearly and accurately ( 9 , 13 ); as discussed by Suber ( 13 ), if quality is considered as real excellence, then prestige is reputed excellence. The “objective” quality indicators are often used as basis for the “subjective” rating of journal’s prestige ( 9 , 13 ). Ranking a journal as high-quality is not straightforward due to lack of clarity on the issue ( 9 , 14 ); indexing in the well-established databases, having peer-review, high-impact factor, high visibility with wide distribution, well-known editor(s) and robust editorial board members, and affiliation with a prestigious organization or well-established societies have been proposed as important quality indicators ( 9 ). Journal’s longevity (i.e. years in print) and “experts opinion” or “being included on a core list of journals compiled by experts” make a journal more prestigious ( 15 ). Indexing

High-quality and reputed journals are well-indexed and have widespread coverage in the established bibliographic databases; on the other hand, indexing by the major citation databases makes the journal more visible ( 16 ). The most important international platforms for medical journals include PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Web of Science (ISI); journals that are indexed in these databases have rigorous review or selection criteria ( 17 ). Although indexing in well-known database is an important quality indicator ( 14 , 17 ), it’s not a criterion for confirming the validity of the journal per se, because there are examples of poor quality journals that are indexed in the well-established databases ( 16 ). Peer-Review Process

The peer review process ensures the quality of biomedical publications. It is an indicator of the journal’s quality, which is useful for assessing validity and adds to the scientific veracity of the submitted manuscript ( 18 , 19 ). It is the best available practice of pre-publication scrutiny ( 20 ), acts as a foundation ( 21 ) and integral part of publishing in the sciences ( 22 ). Citation-Based Metrics

While several objective metrics (e.g. absolute citation frequency, immediacy index, cited half-life, Eigen-factor score, and article influence score) are proposed for ranking journals ( 23 ), the impact factor (IF) is the most commonly used quantitative tool for ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing journals ( 24 ). IF reflects the annual mean number of citations of published articles of a journal during the past two years, and is annually released by the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) ( 24 ). Journals with high IF are more likely to be considered as prestigious journals ( 25 ). Although IF has some shortcomings including limitations regarding inter-field comparisons, and misuse and incorrect use ( 26 , 27 ), it is the most commonly used indicator of the subjective ranking of journals ( 12 ). The journal IF also serves as a surrogate for citation statistics of the papers ( 28 ).

To cover inter-field incomparability of journals’ IF, field-normalized IF, i.e. IF quartiles has been developed; quartile 1 (Q1) indicates that a journal’s IF is within the top 25% of the IF distribution of a specific field, and quartile 4 (Q4) means it is within the lowest 25% ( 29 , 30 ). Journals can also be categorized within the quartiles based on other quality indicators ( 30 ).

A new citation metric developed by Elsevier in 2016 is CiteScore, which is calculated using 22,800 journals indexed in Scopus ( 31 ). In the last modified version in 2019, the “CiteScore counts the citations received in 2016 - 2019 to articles, reviews, conference papers, book chapters and data papers published in 2016 - 2019, and divides this by the number of publications published in 2016-2019” (see Reputation of Publisher

Publishing by an established publisher or recognized professional society is one of the most important quality indicators of a journal ( 32 , 33 ). For example, publication history of a journal with a reputable medical publisher (i.e. Elsevier, Wolters Kluwer, Springer Nature, John Wiley and Sons, Informa) may be considered as a quality indicator for a medical journal. Reputation of Editorial Board

The prestige and standing of a journal depends on the reputation of the editor-in-chief and its editorial board ( 34 ). A fulltime, well-known Editor-in-Chief who may be a pioneer in a specific field, as well as the reputation, internationally and geographically diversity of editorial board increases the journal’s prestige ( 16 ). The authors are advised to look at the list of the editorial board members to evaluate their reputation and familiarity with the submitted work ( 34 ). Membership of Ethics Organizations

Membership in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Association of STM publishers, and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) may be considered by the authors as an indicator of journal’s quality.

2.2. Journal’s Performance

2.2.1. publication periodicity.

Authors are advised to consider journal’s publication years (i.e. number of volumes), frequency of publication (e.g. annual, semiannual, triannual, quarterly, bimonthly, monthly, semimonthly, and means publishing 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24 issue(s) per year, respectively), and the number of articles published per year. The higher the number of issues published per year, may increase the chances of publication of the submitted manuscript ( 33 ).

The authors should be aware that some journals do not precisely follow the publication frequency (named as irregular); for example, a journal may be listed as a monthly journal, but publishes ten issues per year. Hence, checking the last available issue is necessary to ensure the publication frequency.

2.2.2. Timelines, Quality and Models of the Peer-Review Process

Timelines of peer-review and publication process is one of the important criteria for selecting a journal; the authors should check the average number of days it takes to receive the editorial review process, the average time for external peer-review, and the average time from acceptance to publication ( 35 ). A significant negative correlation observed between the peer-review cycle time and the journal’s IF, which indicates that high-quality journals are more professionally organized and handled by editors and editorial offices ( 36 ).

Beyond the timely peer-review process and fast editorial decision, providing a fair, high-quality and rigorous peer-review, is an important criteria for targeting a journal ( 32 , 33 ). High-quality and evidence-based peer-review in biomedical journals, critically contributes to medical progress and improves health outcomes. Inviting knowledgeable and outstanding reviewers, providing strict rules and guidelines for the review process, quality control of the peer-review, encouraging transparency, and the handling speed of the manuscript make the journal’s peer-review process more credible ( 19 , 37 ).

Some journals [e.g. PeerJ (, F1000research (, ScienceOpen (] use a “Post-Publication Peer-Review model”, which is a new platform for the peer review process combining open access (OA), open peer-review and pre-print model leading to a more rapid and robust publication.

2.2.3. Author-Friendly Options of Journals

Several factors including providing an online submission system, facilitated online tracking system enabling authors to follow every stage of a manuscript’s process, and offering additional services for improvement of the manuscript (e.g. language editing for non-native English speakers) are among the most important author-friendly options ( 32 ). Furthermore, providing online extensive guidance and templates for different types of manuscripts, tables and figures, abbreviations, referencing styles, reference template availability within reference management software products, templates for conflict of interest declaration, and examples of funding acknowledgement, are good options that allow the authors to easily prepare their manuscript according to the journal’s style.

Other author-friendly options that may motivate the authors to submit their manuscripts to a particular journal include, the possibility of editor and reviewer suggestion (i.e. preferred and non-preferred reviewers), providing annual awards, invitations and call for papers, providing good peer-review feedbacks, free hard copies of the issues, and providing an official acceptance letter ( 16 ). Likelihood of press attention and widespread circulation of the journal may also be considered as an author-friendly option of a journal ( 38 ).

2.2.4. Publication Charge

Beyond OA journals that usually charge the authors for article processing charges (APC), a number of journals may have structured fees till final publication; for example, established journals published by Mary Ann Liebert. These charges may include pre-publication processing fees, charges for exceeding word count limits, prescribed per page print charges, and charges for colored figures ( 32 ). Submission fees typically range $50 - $125 and must be paid by the authors at the time of submission to help with the peer-review process; however, the authors may be charged a higher submission fee of ~$350 - $400 by some, e.g. Journal of Financial Intermediation. It should be noted that submission fees are non-refundable and the manuscript may be rejected by the editors; without entering the formal review process. Per page print charges usually range $100 - $250, while fees for color figures can be $150 - $1000 per figure. The authors are advised to carefully read the fee requirements when choosing a journal. Some journals offer a discount or full-waiver options upon author’s request (e.g. for low-income countries, unfunded research or junior investigators) prior to submission ( 32 ).

2.2.5. Ethics in Publishing Process

Considering ethical issues during the publication process and providing practical guidance in ethics to editors, reviewers and authors is an important factor that should be considered when evaluating the target journal’s performance ( 16 ). The journal should provide a clear description of ethical principles; this should help the authors during their submission process. These include clear guidelines for submission, questions about probable duplicate submission, approval statement of co-authors or responsible authorities at the institute or organization where the work has been carried out, Ethical Committee approval and conflict of interest statement ( 16 ). The journal may also follow the COPE guidelines on ethical issues that covers data fabrication/falsification, duplicate submission/publication, redundant publication or “salami publishing”, plagiarism, and authorship issues ( 39 , 40 ). The journals should also keep the manuscripts, associated material and information strictly confidential, and follow rules of confidentiality as provided by ICMJE ( 41 ).

2.3. Publishing Models

2.3.1. open access vs. subscription journals.

From the economic point of view, journals are categorized as traditional or OA ( 42 ). Traditional journals are primarily funded through institutional subscriptions, authors render the copyright to the journal publisher, and are not required to pay any processing fee (APC) ( 43 ). In 2019, more than 12,000 OA journals were registered by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and over 10,000 OA journals were reported by the Cabell’s Blacklist, a subscription-based blacklist of predatory OA journals ( 44 ).

OA journals remove barriers of sharing scientific knowledge by expanding access free-of-charge to published papers and allowing digital journal content to be freely available to all readers regardless of institutional subscription ( 45 ). Although the OA publishing model does not necessarily mean that the authors must pay an APC, the vast majority of OA journals do charge the authors €500 - €2000, compensating for the reader/institution subscription fees ( 4 ).

Surveys indicate that ISI- or Scopus-indexed OA journals are approaching the same scientific impact and quality as subscription journals, especially in the biomedicine field ( 42 ). Some suggest that “there is no reason for authors not to choose to publish in OA journals just because of the OA label” ( 42 ); however, this remains somewhat controversial. Box 2 summarizes the pros and cons of publishing with OA journals.

Pros and Cons
No financial or copyright barriers for readers
Free access to scientific works, new idea and research methods
Shorter peer-review and publication times
Increased visibility and impact of the work
Author processing charges (APC)
Higher rate of predatory journals
Relatively lower impact factor
Potential low quality of peer-review
Lower established reputation and prestige compared to traditional journals

2.3.2. Print vs. Online Journals

Checking the availability of electronic and/or print formats of the journals can also be helpful when authors are seeking a journal. Most journals are published in both formats, however, having a printed version brings additional prestige (for both the journal and authors), whereas online access increase availability of the published papers ( 32 ). On the other hand, online journals usually have a shorter publishing processing time, with little or no backlog of finalized, accepted articles awaiting publication ( 9 ).

2.4. Acceptance Possibility

In general, since the number of submitted manuscripts are growing at a faster pace than the available journal spaces, getting a manuscript accepted is highly competitive ( 46 ). Thus this becomes one of the most important determinants affecting the author’s choices for submission ( 38 ). Several factors needs to be considered by the authors to estimate potential acceptance; these include, journal’s periodicity (numbers of published papers and issues per year), history of the journal in publishing papers from authors’ country and affiliations of the authors, inclusion of well-known co-authors on the manuscript, past communications experience with editors and reviewers, and the acceptance/rejection rate ( 16 ). Being affiliated with a less prestigious institution, or submission from specific countries may have negative impact on acceptance rate, especially for prestigious journals ( 47 , 48 ). Some evidence also indicates that there is an acceptance-bias favoring authors from English-speaking countries and prestigious institutions ( 49 ); in some cases, reviewers are more likely to accept manuscripts from famous authors and high-ranked institutions ( 50 ). Past experiences of authors and their colleagues with a journal (i.e. editor’s and reviewers’ feedbacks and handling process of the manuscript) enable authors to have a good estimation about their chance for publishing. A practical way to be informed about the chance of acceptance may be therefore “relying on word of mouth from colleagues” ( 35 ).

2.4.1. Rate of Acceptance

The acceptance rate, defined as the percentage of formally submitted manuscripts that are accepted and published, is an important factor influencing a journal’s choice ( 43 ). The acceptance rates vary widely within the journals; according to Thomson Reuters database, a mean acceptance rate of 37% (ranged 35% - 40%) is estimated for reputable journals published by established publishers and ISI or Scopus-indexed journals ( 51 ). However, the acceptance rate of top-quality journals may be as low as ~5% ( 51 ). Although medical scientists would desire to publish with prestigious medical journals e.g. The New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, The Journal of the American Medical Association, or British Medical Journal, they should keep in mind that getting acceptance from these are extremely difficult. Therefore, considering candidate journals with a realistic acceptance rate is crucial for a successful submission ( 35 ).

A limited number of journals openly display their acceptance rate, however, it is very difficult to find such data systematically ( 35 ). Some journals provide statistics which include number of manuscripts received, accepted and rejected annually; some publishers e.g. Elsevier provides the acceptance rate of their own journals (See Box 3).

Elsevier journal finder (
Springer Journal Suggester (
Wiley (
Ednaz journal selector (
NLM catalog (
Web of Science Master Journal List (
Elsevier journal list (
Beall list (
Cabell’s Blacklist (
Elsevier (
MedSci (
SCImago (

Although not always true, the acceptance rates of OA journals are significantly higher than non-open access journals ( 52 ). The average acceptance rates of different tiers of OA journals is quite variable, it can be as low as 15% in high-quality journals (e.g. eLife, Nature communications, PLoS biology, PLoS medicine), ~50% in mega journals (e.g. PLoS one, Nature research reports, Sage open) to more than 80% in predatory publisher journals ( 51 ).

2.5. The Journal’s Specialty and Potential Audience

When the authors start the journal’s selection, they initially should think about the audience and potential readers ( 53 ). If the authors’ work is a multidisciplinary research area that has broad implications, a journal that covers a wide range of research topics is the best target; in contrast, if the scientific work includes a specific method or may be of interest to researchers of a specific field, the authors should target specialized journals as their work would be acknowledged by editorials and will reach the target audience directly. Some publishers and journals databases (see Box 3), list journals with their subject categories (i.e. general subject, primary and secondary subjects, etc.), this can be helpful.

2.6. The Characteristics of the Manuscript

2.6.1. the relevance.

The first and important factor for choosing the right journal is “the goodness of fit” of a manuscript for the journal ( 54 , 55 ). This is not an easy task and needs considerable skills; the authors “should be familiar with the field and should be up-to-date on what has and has not been published already” ( 5 ). The manuscript needs to be relevant and fit within the “Aims and Scope” of the journal. Not falling within the scope of the journal (~11%) and irrelevant topic to the journal mission (~37%) are some of the most common reasons for a fast rejection in the field of medicine ( 7 , 56 ). Prior to submission, authors are therefore encouraged to carefully read the journal’s mission/vision statement and be familiar with the topics and types of manuscripts published by the journal ( 56 ). These include, original vs. review, qualitative vs. quantitative, case report, and evidence-based practice manuscript ( 57 ). Checking the guide for authors and looking at the latest list of published papers in the target journal would help to shed light on these factors.

2.6.2. The Quality of the Manuscript

The authors should be honest about the quality of their work ( 4 ); they are supposed to assess the work for its novelty, priority, soundness of the research methods, impact, and the potential implications ( 5 ). If the material is absolutely original, innovative, and contains outstanding methodology, the authors may think about high-ranking journals ( 58 ).

2.7. Author’s Priorities and Limitations

Keeping the balance with the desire to publish with a top-quality prestigious journal and the need for a rapid publication is a key factor for successful publishing ( 4 ); for example, a PhD student or a junior investigator seeking an academic position by a particular date, is most likely to consider a rapid publication rather than IF or a specific target audience. Researchers may also have particularly tight timeframes for publication if the data or subject matter is of greatest significance for a limited time ( 9 ). Authors also need to follow their institutional policies and regulations outlined by the funding agencies ( 59 ).

3. Steps Toward Choosing the Right Journal

Selection of a target journal when starting to write a manuscript, is a practical advice given by the experts in writing and editing. This helps the authors in preparing their manuscript for the intended audience and present it in a general style and length preferred by that journal ( 59 , 60 ). Overall, the fit of the manuscript can be enhanced during the writing process when the target journal is initially considered. In contrast, some believe that journal targeting should be postponed until the manuscript is prepared, since this approach results in free writing ( 16 ). Here we suggest a stepwise process to be followed in order to reach a right decision regarding the target journal choice ( Figure 1 ).

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3.1. Listing Potential Journals

A list of targeted journals should be developed before the right one can be selected. To building such a list, authors may consider their previous experiences, consult with their colleagues, seek the reference list of their own manuscript for related journals, or search the indexing databases (Web of knowledge, MEDLINE, PubMed). If the authors have no idea about where/how to start the search process for a suitable journal, they can try using a publisher’s journal finder (See Box 3); these online tools generate a list of journals that match the topic of the manuscript (based on the title, abstract and keywords) with potential journals. They are useful for the manuscript with intermediate field of research subjects or junior researchers who are at the early stages of their research career. The authors are also advised to seek the relevant literature to get an idea about the potential target journals ( 4 ).

When journal searching, authors should be aware regarding “fake” publishers and predatory journals. The term “predatory publisher” was initially coined by Jeffrey Beall in 2010, where he described a number of publishers and journals who “often fail to properly manage peer-review process, allowing pseudo-science to be published and dressed up as authentic science” ( 61 ). Diagnostic criteria and dangers of predatory journals and publishers are well described by Beall (See Box 3) ( 61 , 62 ). If the desire is to publish in an OA journal, then one should check DOAJ (, which provides a list of indexed, high-quality, and peer-reviewed journals.

3.2. Prioritizing Potential Journals: Focusing on Author’s Work and Desires

After compiling a list of potential journals, authors should prioritize them according to the work’s characteristics and their desires. First, take-home message should be summarized in 2 - 3 sentences, target audience is considered ( 32 ); second, authors need to focus on their priorities (e.g. publishing in a prestige of journal, rapid publishing process, openness of the published paper, and payment of publication charges); third, they should balance their desires, be honest about the quality of the manuscript and draw up a prioritized list of 3 - 5 journals ( 4 ). Finally, the authors should carefully read the journal’s “guide for authors” and check whether the journal is an invitation-only, since some journals only accept manuscript upon editorial invitation.

4. Conclusions

Choosing the right journal for a manuscript is a crucial decision affecting not only the pre-publication process but also the post-publication success of the paper i.e. paper’s visibility, effectiveness of the research findings and getting more citation. Journal’s characteristics, intrinsic value of the manuscript, and authors’ priorities and limitations are the most important factors that need to be considered for journal targeting.

Authors' Contribution: Study concept and design: Zahra Bahadoran and Asghar Ghasemi. Drafting of the manuscript: Zahra Bahadoran, Parvin Mirmiran, and Asghar Ghasemi. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Khosrow Kashfi and Parvin Mirmiran.

Conflict of Interests: The authors have no conflict of interest.

Funding/Support: This study was supported by the Research Institute for Endocrine Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.

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Editorial policies, Peer Review Process and Guidelines for Authors

Editorial policies, e mbj publishes original papers, reviews and clinical case reports on topics of medicine, biomedicine, biotechnology, motor sciences, medical psychology and general interest topics in medicine. , manuscripts should conform to the “uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals ( ).  the process ensures that this journal complies with the international committee of medical journal editors (icmje) recommendations and the principles of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing., manuscripts must be in english.  the first article by each young doctor (or group of young doctors) will be published free of charge, while for successive articles by the same author accepted for publication during the same solar year, a publication fee of 50 euros will be paid., peer review process and guidelines for authors, the journal editors (editor in chief, deputy editor and executive editors) manage all the submitted papers selecting the reviewers (at least two, in blind, for each manuscript submitted), evaluating their reports and managing the final decision. the journal editors also handle cases requiring corrections, retractions, and editorial expressions of concern., all manuscripts must be prepared in agreement with the following rules. manuscripts have to be submitted by email to the following addresses:, [email protected], manuscripts should be in .rtf or .doc format, and pictures in .jpg or .tif format., submission of a manuscript to embj implies that the content has not been published previously and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while the manuscript is under review.  , authors that publish their papers on embj have to declare, in the submitted manuscript, their conflict(s) of interest, if any. previous publication of a particular figure may not prevent subsequent publication in embj if that figure is essential to the submitted paper and does not constitute the major contribution. previously published portions of a paper must be accompanied by a permission release from the copyright holder and must be cited., embj endorses the recommendations concerning human research that are contained in the declaration of helsinki. the editors reserve the right to reject any manuscript containing studies that do not conform to these recommendations. all manuscripts reporting human research must contain a statement in the text that the institutional review board for human studies approved the protocols and written consent was obtained from the subjects or their surrogates if required by the institutional review board., use of animals in research should be compliant with all subsequent revisions of the international guiding principles for biomedical research involving animals (who). animal experiments are to be undertaken only with the goal of advancing scientific knowledge. obtainment of informed consent has also to be indicated in the published article., together with submission of a manuscript to embj, the authors have to send a declaration letter that certifies that: (a) should the submitted manuscript be published, the copyright will be transferred to the editorial board; (b) the material is original, has not been published except in abstract form, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, including publicly accessible websites or e-print servers; (c) all authors have read the manuscript and approve its submission; (d) all the research has been conducted adhering to the recommendations contained in the declaration of helsinki and it complies with the international guiding principle that regulate research on animals., by submitting a manuscript to embj, the authors agree to subject it to the confidential peer-review process.    editors and reviewers are informed that the manuscript must be considered confidential., the editors reserve the right to modify the manuscript before publication with the consent of the author(s). embj operates a single-blind confidential peer-review process. manuscripts are normally reviewed by two independent experts in the relevant area. editors and reviewers handle the manuscripts confidentially. all correspondence between an author, editor, and peer reviewer remain in confidence unless explicit consent has been given by all parties, including the journal, or unless there are exceptional ethical or legal circumstances that require identities or details of the correspondence to be revealed.   should the authors need to revise the manuscript, the revised version must be submitted to the editors following the procedures outlined in these guidelines., submission type:, review : is a balanced and scholarly survey of recent developments in a research field. the requirement for balance need not prevent authors from proposing a specific viewpoint, but if there are controversies in the field, the authors must treat them in an even-handed way. reviews can contain a maximum of 7500 words, and illustrations are strongly encouraged. references are limited to 60, with exceptions possible in special cases. citations should be selective. the scope of a review should be broad enough that it is not dominated by the work of a single laboratory, and particularly not by the authors’ own work., article : is a substantial novel research study, with a complex story often involving several techniques or approaches. the main text (excluding abstract, methods, references and figure legends) is 5,000 words maximum. the abstract is 150 words maximum, unreferenced. articles have a maximum of 6 display items (figures and/or tables). an introduction (without heading) is followed by sections headed methods, results and discussion. the methods and results should be divided by topical subheadings; the discussion does not contain subheadings. if statistical testing was used to analyze the data, the methods section must contain a subsection on statistical analysis. references are limited to 30., brief communications : only 1500 words and 10 references at maximum in the following formats are accepted., technical reports, therapy reports, novel technologies, letters to the editor or correspondence, commentaries, case report, only 1500 words and 10 references at maximum in the following formats are accepted., manuscript preparation, manuscripts should be typed in times new roman or arial 12-point type with margins of 2.5 centimeters (1 inch). double spacing should be used throughout. all papers should be organized to include: title page, abstract with keywords, text, acknowledgments,references, table legends, tables (each table in a separate page) and figure legends. figures should be submitted as separate files. each of the preceding elements should begin on a separate page. while the introduction should begin on a separate page, it is not necessary for the methods, results, and discussion section to begin on a separate page; instead, they should follow after the introduction, with two spaces separating each section. pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page., 1. title, which should be limited to 100 characters (count letters and spaces, use no abbreviations). 2. first name, middle initial, and last name of each author. 3. name of department(s) and/or institution(s) to which the work should be attributed linked to each author with a corresponding number. 4. name and address of the author to whom requests for reprints should be addressed. 5. corresponding author’s e-mail address, fax number, and phone number. 6. all source(s) of support in the form of grants, gifts, equipment, and/or drugs. 7. acknowledgements., the second page should carry an abstract of not more than 150 words. avoid a long introductory section. a clear conclusion is imperative. the abstract should be written in a format that can be understood by both researchers and clinicians. at the bottom of the page, and list 3 to 6 key words for use as indexing terms. these terms should not include words in the title of the manuscript. key words are best expressed as mesh (medical subject headings) terms, the controlled vocabulary used by scopus., the text of articles should usually, but not necessarily, be divided into the following sections: introduction, methods, results, and discussion. long articles may require subheadings within some sections to clarify the contents, especially the results and discussion sections., generic names of drugs should be used instead of trade names. the location (city, state, country) of a manufacturer listed in the text should be provided after the first reference to the manufacturer., units of measurement should conform to current scientific usage and can be abbreviated when they follow a number (e.g., cm, nm, ml, g, mg, nmol) but not otherwise. unusual units should be defined., statistical methods must be described and the program used for data analysis, and its source, should be stated. summary statistics should define whether standard deviation (± sd), variability of the sample, or standard error of the mean (± sem), uncertainty aboutthe average, is being used., the embj editorial board unanimously has established in 2020 a policy for self-referencing, accepting for peer reviews only manuscript with a number of self-citations no exceeding 25% of total references amount., please ensure that your references include the most current articles and information. references should be typed double-spaced beginning on a separate sheet and numbered in the order that they appear in the text and follow the “vancouver reference style”. , all authors’ names (do not use “et al.”), complete article titles, and inclusive page numbers should be cited. the titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in index medicus., examples of reference style: , journal articles: gravante g, pomara f, russo g, amato g, cappello f, ridola c. plantar pressure distribution analysis in normal weight young womenand men with normal and claw feet: a cross-sectional study. clin anat. 2005 apr; (18):245-250., books: cappello f, bucchieri f, zummo g. role of immunohistochemical expression of pcna and p53 in prostate carcinoma. in:immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization of human carcinomas, edited by m.a. hayat,vol. 2: molecular pathology of colorectalcarcinoma and prostate carcinoma, cap. 8, elsevier, life sciences, 2004., websites: world health organization. immunization, vaccines and biologicals. influenza position paper. available online from: [last accessed: 25th of march 2019], each table should constitute a single unit of communication, completely informative in itself and be presented as a separate page in the same document of the text. it should be possible to understand the information in a table without reading the text. the informationin a very small table can be presented more economically as one or two sentences of text. do not submit tables as separate files, i.e. as photographs or figures. tables should be numbered consecutively, have a brief title, and be cited in text. all non-standardabbreviations used in each table should be explained in footnotes. legends have to be included in the text of the manuscript just before the references section (see above)., figures drawings, graphs, photographs etc. must be submitted in .jpg or .tif format. histological photographs must include magnification ratios,bars and staining method. legends have to be included in the text of the manuscript just before the references section (see above)., icons for each manuscript, please include a small .jpeg file (50kb max) representing the manuscript..

biomedical research journal publication fee

Impact Factor : 0.548

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  • OCoLC: 999826537
  • LCCN: 2017202541

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International Conference on Medicine and Medical Science

Timings: March 1 st - 2 nd , 2019

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Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)

Best theme you will best theme you will, author guidelines.

  • BJSTR is a motivated and novel journal that is engaged for publication of original research works along with all the Reviews, Cases, Opinions, Perspective Articles, videos, etc. including the results that supports and strengthens the quality of papers like figures, tables, videos, statistical graphs, X-rays, Scanned images in all major disciplines of in-depth medical and clinical sciences. Doctors are encouraged and invited specially to contribute interesting case reports that they handle in their day to day life.
  • Manuscripts received are processed by the management, with the commitment from the authors that they are not published or are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The journal considers manuscripts for Open access publication that are merely prepared in accordance with the guidelines framed by BJSTR Team for the uniform requirements of manuscripts submissions.

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Plagiarism Analysis

All the articles must contain a minimum of 75% unique content (should not be copied from any other web sources). In the Results and Conclusion part of text the uniqueness must be 100%. The articles having below 75% are returned to the authors for revision and asked for resubmissions with adequate uniqueness.

Assets of Biomedical Journal

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  • Publication in 3 weeks
  • Experienced Editorial Board
  • Low article processing charges
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Preparation of Manuscripts

  • 1. Cover Letter: Authors are requested to submit a cover letter mentioning all the authors and co-author’s information with Department, University, Address, Correspondence details, Country, Email, Contact details.
  • 2. Main Manuscript: Submit as a single file or Zip folder (in case exceeds the size limit) either in MS Word or PDF with all Abstract, Keywords, Abbreviations, Figures, Tables, Appendices, References, inserted at appropriate places in the text of the article.
  • 3. Supporting Information: If authors are interested to add any supporting information like acknowledgements, conflicts of interests, author’s contributions, Funding availability, Dedications, Thank Notes etc. they can add at the end of the manuscript itself.

Main Manuscripts should be framed in accordance with the type of the article, that includes various types:

Eg. Research Papers:


Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results/Observations, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures and Legends

All manuscripts should be written in English and number all the pages consecutively beginning with the title page.

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Article Processing Charges

Type of Countries Research Review Case Report Mini-Review Short Communication
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Middle Income Countries $1599 $1399 $1199 $1099 $999
Low Income Countires $1199 $999 $899 $799 $699

Reprints are produced only on the special request and prior discussion with the authors through mails and are charged based on the article size, page limit, postal address, number of copies etc. of the individual articles. The reprints are issued when the article is published with the paid APC’s.

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Internation Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER)

Current issue, revitalising economics education through curriculum assessment for enhancing sustainable economic development of the nation, roles of economics educators in achieving sustainable development in nigeria, implementation of entrepreneurial education related contents in secondary school economics curriculum in owerri education zone 1, imo state, competency needs of economic educators for equipping students with entrepreneurial skills for the economic development of nigeria, impact of educational attainment on the income level of civil servants in keffi local government area of nasarawa state, effects of corruption on educational development in nigeria: an empirical analysis, impact of funding on human capital development in nasarawa state public universities: implication for sustainable economic development in nigeria., factors influencing low performance of economics education students in econometrics in federal university of kashere, gombe state, impact of teachers on the job training courses on academic performance of secondary school students of economics in gindiri, mangu lga, plateau state, correlates of on-the-job training of principals’ effectiveness as secondary school administrators in orlu education zone 1&2 under the present economic austerity, digital literacy: a catalyst for inclusive economic empowerment of marginalized communities, evaluation of demonstration and guided discovery methods of teaching secondary school students’ performance in accounting in bauchi local government area of bauchi state, mass economic literacy as a veritable tool for sustainable economic growth in nigeria, roles of entrepreneurship education in enhancing employment and employment generation in nigeria, tertiary education trust fund and the funding of tertiary education in oyo areas of oyo state, nigeria, remodeling economics education through the use of technology-based teaching and quality of nigerian tertiary education, nigerian currency swap economic policy: implications for the sustainable management of microbusinesses in nigerian universities, treffinger learning model on senior secondary students’ achievement and self-efficacy in economics in plateau state, the study examined the socio-economic analysis of nsukka yellow pepper farmers in nsukka agricultural zone of enugu state, nigeria for global competitiveness. the study collected data from 120 nsukka yellow pepper farmers by the use of purposive and sampl, revitalising the education sector for enhancing sustainable economic development: implication for school administrators.

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International Journal of Economics Education Research is a peer-reviewed yearly online and print journal for research in Economics Education and related fields. IJEER is the first official journal of the International Association for Economics Educators. For Enquiries contact:  [email protected]

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ISSN (ONLINE): 2635-3512

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  1. Biomedical Research Journal

    Biomedical Research Journal. 8(1):14-19, Jan-Jun 2021. Abstract. Favorite; PDF; Permissions Open. Case Report A Case of COVID-19 Triggered Rhino-Orbital Pulmonary Mucormycosis in Central India. Singh Rathore, Chandra Pratap; Ansari, Shirin; Bajpai, Trupti. Biomedical Research Journal. 8(1):25-28 ...

  2. Fees and funding

    Journal Impact Factor: 9.0 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 10.7 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.014 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.606. Speed 2023 Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 14 Submission to acceptance (median days): 107. Usage 2023 Downloads: 1,698,723 Altmetric mentions: 3,813

  3. Biomedical Research Journal

    A peer-reviewed, open access journal in biomedical research, pharmacology, biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology. ... There are no publication fees ... Expect on average 16 weeks from submission to publication. Best practice. This journal began publishing in open access ...

  4. Fees and funding

    Journal Impact Factor: 7.0 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 8.7 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.000 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.711 Speed 2023 Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 6 Submission to acceptance (median days): 145 Usage 2023 Downloads: 6,375,113 Altmetric mentions: 24,228

  5. Journal pricing

    Elsevier's APCs are set on a per journal basis, fees range between approximately $200 and $10,400 US Dollars, excluding tax, with prices clearly displayed on our APC price list and on journal homepages. Adjustments in Elsevier's APCs are under regular review and are subject to change. We set APCs based on the following criteria which are ...

  6. Publication costs

    Publication costs. All articles published in our journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes provision of online tools for editors and authors, article production and hosting ...

  7. Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine: How to Choose a Journal?

    The peer review process ensures the quality of biomedical publications. ... (APC), a number of journals may have structured fees till final publication; for example, established journals published by Mary Ann Liebert. ... a journal that covers a wide range of research topics is the best target; in contrast, if the scientific work includes a ...

  8. Article processing charges

    Article processing charges. All articles published in our journals are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the range of publishing services we provide. This includes provision of online tools for editors and authors, article production and ...

  9. Article Processing Fee

    The Biomedical Journal requests authors who wish to publish their papers to pay publication fee. Time: 9:00am-6:00pm; Email: [email protected]; Submit Your Paper ... Our aim is to support researchers and ensure that financial constraints do not hinder the dissemination of valuable research. All payments should be made via PayPal. Creative ...

  10. Guide for authors

    Reference to a journal publication: [1] Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA. The art of writing a scientific article. J Sci Commun 2010;163:51-9. Reference to a journal publication with an article number: [2] Van der Geer J, Hanraads JAJ, Lupton RA. The art of writing a scientific article. Heliyon. 2018;19:e00205. Reference to a book:

  11. Fees and funding

    Journal Impact Factor: 4.3 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 6.6 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.354 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.300 Speed 2023 Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 22 Submission to acceptance (median days): 155 Usage 2023 Downloads: 489,080 Altmetric mentions: 731

  12. Conditions of publication

    Journal Impact Factor: 9.0 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 10.7 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.014 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.606. Speed 2023 Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 14 Submission to acceptance (median days): 107. Usage 2023 Downloads: 1,698,723 Altmetric mentions: 3,813

  13. Author Guidelines

    The journal will consider the following article types: Research articles. Research articles should present the results of an original research study. These manuscripts should describe how the research project was conducted and provide a thorough analysis of the results of the project. Systematic reviews may be submitted as research articles ...

  14. Fees and funding

    The publication costs for BMC Methods are covered by Springer Nature until 30 November 2024. Authors whose articles are accepted for publication before that date will not pay an article processing charge - see submission guidelines. ... Visit Springer Nature's open access funding & support services for information about research funders and ...

  15. Reducing open access publication costs for biomedical researchers in

    Open access publication policies for biomedical journals are generally driven by research funding agencies. Papers containing research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health must be free to read no later than one year following publication [9]. ... Universities currently pay journal subscription fees on behalf of their research ...

  16. Publication charges

    Publication charges. BMJ journals levy an Article Processing Charge (APC) in order to make your work open access. APCs vary by journal so please refer to the individual journal website for more details. Publish in The BMJ. The BMJ, our flagship journal, charges an APC on acceptance of your research paper. Visit The BMJ' s open access page for ...

  17. Advanced Biomedical Research

    Indications and Effectiveness of ICD for Primary and Secondary Prevention in Patients Admitted in Ahvaz Imam Khomeini Hospital since 2017. Kiarsi, Mohamadreza; Pooyanfar, Maryam; Payami, Babak; More. Advanced Biomedical Research. 12 (1):233, October 2023. Abstract.

  18. Editorial policies, Peer Review Process and Guidelines for Authors

    Manuscripts should conform to the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ... a publication fee of 50 Euros will be paid. Peer Review Process and Guidelines for Authors The Journal Editors (Editor in Chief, Deputy Editor and Executive Editors) manage all the submitted papers selecting the reviewers (at least two ...

  19. BioMed Research International

    BioMed Research International is an open access journal publishing original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies covering a wide range of subjects within the biomedical sciences. As part of Wiley's Forward Series, this journal offers a streamlined, faster publication experience with a strong emphasis on integrity.

  20. Publications Fee

    Authors have the right to withdraw the manuscript after submission or during the peer review process. If the author wishes to withdraw the paper after the article has been accepted or has given a PDF or DOI number, the withdrawal fee must be paid (35 percent of the Original publication charges).

  21. Instructions For Author| Open Access Publishers & Journals

    BJSTR is a motivated and novel journal that is engaged for publication of original research works along with all the Reviews, Cases, Opinions, Perspective Articles, videos, etc. including the results that supports and strengthens the quality of papers like figures, tables, videos, statistical graphs, X-rays, Scanned images in all major disciplines of in-depth medical and clinical sciences.


    Biomedpress will cover publication fees, therefore all accepted manuscripts will be published free of charge (without publication fees). About Us. About Us. Contact Us. Focus & Scope. Publication frequency. Policies. Peer Review Process. Open Access Policy.

  23. Publication Fees & Advantages

    Discounts & Fee Support. Journal of Biomedical Research & Environmental Sciences, fee support policy ensures that all articles worthy of publication can benefit from open dissemination, regardless of the authors funding situation and we actively work with research communities, institutions and funders to offer a range of discounts and support.

  24. Internation Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER)

    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): June Publication Published: 04-10-2024 Articles REVITALISING ECONOMICS EDUCATION THROUGH CURRICULUM ASSESSMENT FOR ENHANCING SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATION ... International Journal of Economics Education Research is a peer-reviewed yearly online and print journal for research in Economics Education and ...

  25. Induction chemotherapy followed by standard chemoradiotherapy versus

    The INTERLACE trial was a multicentre, randomised phase 3 trial done at 32 medical centres in Brazil, India, Italy, Mexico, and the UK. Adults (aged ≥18 years) with locally advanced cervical cancer (FIGO 2008 stage IB1 disease with nodal involvement, or stage IB2, IIA, IIB, IIIB, or IVA disease) were randomly assigned (1:1), by minimisation, using a central electronic system, to standard ...