100 Good Skills to Put on a Resume [Complete Guide]

Jeff Gillis 0 Comments

what to write for skills on a resume

By Jeff Gillis

Updated 6/4/2022.

what to write for skills on a resume

When you’re adding skills to a resume, you don’t just want to focus on what you’re good at. Instead, relevancy has to be part of the equation. After all, every job you’re trying to land requires a very specific skill set, one that you need to show that you have.

Choosing the skills to put on a resume when you’re applying to a role isn’t something you should do haphazardly. Instead, you want to use the job description, company mission, and company values as a guide, creating a sense of alignment.

Additionally, it never hurts to have a handy list of skills by your side, making it easier to explore your options. So, if you’re on the hunt for good skills to put on a resume, here’s what you need to know.

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

There are two basic types of skillsets that a job seeker can have and include on their resume: hard skills or soft skills.

Hard skills are the skills or abilities for a resume that are easily quantifiable…that can be learned through classroom work, apprenticeships, or other forms of learning. These include things like operating tools, computer programming, speaking foreign languages, or different kinds of technical prowess.

Soft skills are more subjective and harder to quantify and are often grouped together by what we know as “people skills.” Some examples of soft skills include communication, relationship building, self-awareness, and patience.

Which Skills Are More Important?

The debate rages on about which of these two types of skills is more important.

According to executive consultant and Forbes contributor Naz Beheshti , “…There is an ongoing debate about the relative importance of soft and hard skills that imply a competition between the two. However, they are both necessary and complementary to one another.”

On the one hand, job seekers with proficiency in a specific hard skill may get hired more quickly. Many employers want to hire people that can deliver value with fewer resources (ex., the need for training, etc.), making hard skills their priority.

However, we are also seeing that many hiring managers are choosing to hire candidates with highly developed soft skills.

In the end, as Indeed puts it, “soft skills are necessary to create a positive and functional work environment.” Plus, hiring managers feel that they can always train the candidate in the hard skill that is required to complete the job, but soft skills are often skills that cannot necessarily be taught.

So, what does this mean for you? Mainly that you can’t simply just pick one or the other and cross your fingers. Instead, the best strategy is to take a balanced approach and make sure that your resume contains both hard and soft skills.

How Do You Choose the Skills to List on a Resume?

Here’s the deal; there’s a good chance you know what you’re good at in a professional sense. Often, you can use your experience, duties, training, and education as a guide, giving you a strong foundation. Then, it’s about diving a bit deeper, looking at traits that could help you stand out, and comparing it all to the job description.

By using a simple process, you can make progress faster. Here’s a quick way to get started.

1. Make a List of the Skills You Know You Have

As mentioned above, the easiest way to get a grip on your current skills is to reflect on your academic and professional experiences. Consider the tasks you’ve taken on, the training you’ve completed, and the courses you had in school. In most cases, that’ll give you some solid ideas about your hard skills.

After that, it’s time for soft skills. Here, you want to think of traits or capabilities that help you engage with others and navigate professional relationships. Often, these are reflections of your personality, so use that as a jumping-off point.

2. “Mine” the Job Descriptions for Must-Have Skills

The next step is to take a look at the job description for the position you are applying for and make a list of the required skills it includes. Then, compare it to your capabilities. Are any of the skills on both of the lists you just created? If so, these are must-haves for your resume.

Now, notice if there are any skills on the job description that you don’t have. If there aren’t any, great!

But if there are…don’t panic. There are things you can do, which we’ll dig into shortly.

If you’re dealing with a vague job description, you aren’t stuck either. Here is a link to a ton of job descriptions that can give you an idea of the skills needed.

3. Tailor Your Skills to the Company/Position

As you may have read in our other blog articles, it is always very important to “tailor” your resume to the company and position you want to land. For an in-depth look into how to make that happen, check out our Tailoring Method article. 

If you want a quick overview, the idea is to focus on capabilities the company wants to find. Every job requires a unique skill set, and you want to show you have it. As a result, it is absolutely essential that skills from the job description make an appearance on your resume.

However, you also want to dig deeper. Spend some more time researching the company, including going through all of their various web properties, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.

Why? Because they will leave clues about the types of people they hire. That gives you more ideas about the best skills to put on a resume to land a job there, particularly when it comes to soft skills you may not find in a job description.

100 Resume Skills Examples

If you’re struggling with coming up with a list of skills based on your past experience, it can be easier if you have existing resume skills lists to work with. You don’t have to think up every possible skill; you can simply review the list and find the matches.

Here is a list of resume skills examples, divided into hard skills and soft skills, that you can use when applying for a job.

Hard Skills for a Resume

  • Advanced Bookkeeping
  • Appointment Setting
  • Automotive Repair
  • Cold Calling
  • Computer Programming
  • Conversion Testing
  • Copywriting
  • Customer Engagement
  • Customer Service
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital Marketing
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Cleanup
  • Forklift Operating
  • Graphic Design
  • Heavy Machinery Operation
  • Installation
  • Landscaping
  • Mathematics
  • Medical Coding
  • Paid Online Traffic
  • Patient Care
  • Photo Editing
  • Picking and Packing
  • Project Management
  • Schedule Management
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Server Maintenance
  • Social Media
  • Spanish Fluency
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Systems Analysis
  • Technical Support
  • Telecommunications Systems
  • Travel Booking
  • Video Editing
  • Website Design
  • Word Processing

Soft Skills for a Resume

  • Accountability
  • Active Listening
  • Adaptability
  • Brainstorming
  • Business Etiquette
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Contextualizing
  • Critical Thinking
  • Decision Making
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Goal-Setting
  • Handling Pressure
  • Influencing
  • Insightfulness
  • Interpreting
  • Negotiation
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Organization
  • Prioritization
  • Problem Solving
  • Relationship Building
  • Reliability
  • Resource Management
  • Responsibility
  • Self-Confidence
  • Strategical Thinking
  • Strong Work Ethic
  • Time Management

What If I Don’t Have the Required Skill?

Whether you need to possess a specific skill depends on the job and the skill in question. Usually, here’s where you have to be honest with yourself. If the skills required are part of the core competencies of doing the job, you may want to reconsider your application.

For example, if a golf course posts a job posting for a golf pro, you probably shouldn’t apply if you’ve never swung a golf club.

However, you will come across situations where what you bring to the table is close. In this case, moving forward might be okay.

You need to be able to demonstrate, using examples from your past, that you are capable of doing the required skill, even if you haven’t specially done it. So, go over your work history with a fine-tooth comb and try to come up with a few examples of you doing something in the right ballpark.

They are going to ask about it in your interview, so don’t think you can just wing it, and everything will be fine.

Also, many job descriptions have “nice-to-have” skills on the list. If you happen to possess them, great. But if not, don’t assume you shouldn’t apply if you have the must-have skills. In the end, those capabilities aren’t outright requirements, so don’t screen yourself out based on them.

How To List Skills on a Resume

There are a few different schools of thought when it comes to deciding where to put (or how to list) the skills on your resume.

According to our friends over at online resume-builder Zety.com , “…skills are so very, very important that they should show up all over your resume. Not just in the resume skills section.” In other words, it is imperative that there are elements of your skills throughout your resume, including your resume objective/summary and experience sections.

In addition, there isn’t one right answer for where to include your skill section because that depends on the industry, company, and position you’re trying to land. For example, for a job where technical competencies are of the utmost importance, it is often beneficial to list the skills closer to the top of the resume, right underneath the resume objective or resume summary statement.

However, if through your research you determine that the hiring manager will put more weight into your experience, you may want to lead with your experience. Then, put the skills section further down your resume.

At the end of the day, the selection of the skills themselves is the most important thing. After all, most hiring managers will easily find your skill section regardless of where it is on your resume.

What About Skills for My Job Application?

When you’re looking for skills to put on a job application, you do have to treat it a little differently than skills for a resume. Usually, you’re working with a finite amount of space on an application, not just in an overall sense but in each applicable section.

Since that’s the case, you need to lean heavily on the job description. Look for any capabilities that are listed as must-haves or that are repeated through the job ad. Then, make sure those skills are featured prominently in several areas, including in work history descriptions and skills areas.

If you have to answer essay questions, discuss those skills there, too, whenever possible. Use any other relevant capability as a supplement, treating it as supporting information instead of the primary point you’re sharing.

However, if an essay question asks about a skill that’s not in the job description, feel free to dig in a bit. It’s a capability that’s clearly on the hiring manager’s mind, so touch on it occasionally to show you shine in that area.

Putting It All Together

If you were wondering, “What are some good skills to put on a resume?” you should now have a solid answer. The most important thing to remember is to select skills that are relevant to the position you are interviewing for and, more important than that, skills that your company puts a tremendous amount of value in.

Once you get your skills straightened out, you should make sure that the rest of your resume is congruent with the skills you just selected, namely, that your experience shows that you both used those skills in a work environment and developed the skill with on-the-job tasks.

what to write for skills on a resume

Co-founder and CTO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Jeff gillis.

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Co-founder and CTO of TheInterviewGuys.com. Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site , with his work being featured in top publications such as INC , ZDnet , MSN and more. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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what to write for skills on a resume

101 Essential Skills to Put on a Resume in 2024 [For Most Jobs]

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Skills make a huge chunk of a potential employer’s decision to hire you. 

You might think this section of your resume is easy - you just list your skills and you’re good to go.

But listing your skills the right way is a bit trickier.

How do you know if you’re mentioning the necessary skills for the job or if you’re just giving the hiring manager irrelevant information? 

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through the process of putting skills on your resume from start to finish.

You’re going to learn:

What Are the Different Types of Skills?

  • Why Should You List Your Skills on Your Resume?
  • How to List Skills on a Resume
  • 12 Best Skills to Put on Any Resume 
  • 400+ Skills to Put on a Resume for Different Professions

Let’s dive in!

Skills are the various abilities and attributes that you bring to the table when you’re applying for a job.

Your skills can be your ability to do a specific task or solve a problem with some level of proficiency, and they’re typically divided into hard skills and soft skills.

If you want to create an effective resume that catches the hiring manager’s attention, you need to mention both hard and soft skills.

Let’s break down what each means:

Hard Skills

Hard skills involve the technical knowledge or know-how one can gain through experience, training, or education. 

While hard skills are essential for completing tasks in just about any job, they’re also teachable and easily measurable. 

For example: 

  • Machinery skills. Some fields require operating specialized machinery or equipment. (E.g., operating a road roller, pallet-stalker, forklift, or others.)
  • Software skills. Depending on the field, you need to know how to use different software, such as the Adobe Creative Suite for designers or the Ableton Live Suite if you’re a DJ.
  • Tools. If you’re a digital marketer , you’ll need to know how to use tools like Stethoscope, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Ahrefs, and SEMrush.
  • Languages. Being able to communicate in more than one language is an extremely useful skill. The more customers or teams you can communicate with, the more valuable you are as an employee. Some of the most sought-after languages today include German, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic.
  • Computer skills. Most jobs will require that you have at least some basic computer knowledge in MS Office and G-Suite, emailing, and presentations. If you’re a web developer , your hard skills will likely include more specialized software knowledge or proficiency in coding languages such as Python, C++, or PHP.
  • Techniques. Different specialized techniques you’ve learned can be listed as individual skills. (E.g.: frequency analysis, crystallization, gamification, or even CPR and first aid.)
  • Mathematics. A lot of professions, such as accounting and finance, require mathematical skills. If you’re applying for a position in a field that uses advanced mathematics, such as a research assistant , you should be more specific with the types of mathematical skills you have. (E.g.: statistics, trigonometry, calculus, algebra, etc.)
  • Data analysis. Businesses are always looking for professionals who can gather and analyze data for various stakeholders and help make strategic decisions, making different types of data analysis a very in-demand hard skill.

…so, just about any field-specific skill is a hard skill you can list on your resume.

Soft Skills

The attributes and habits that describe how you work individually or with others are known as soft skills .

Generally speaking, soft skills aren’t job-specific, so they’re transferable skills that indirectly help you adapt to the work environment and company culture. 

Some examples of the most in-demand soft skills include: 

  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Conflict resolution
  • Stress management
  • Critical thinking
  • Organization

Soft skills are essential for just about any job out there.

While some soft skills can be critical to doing your job well, such as communication with a customer support representative , others ensure that you get along with your coworkers and foster a positive work environment.

Like hard skills, you can also learn how to develop soft skills, but it’s significantly harder. 

While you can acquire computer skills through a technical course, you’ll need to put in a lot more effort to develop your communication skills. 

For example, you would need to practice active listening in the workplace, learn how to notice nonverbal cues and practice your oral communication skills as much as possible to improve.

best soft skills

What’s the Difference Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills?

There are three main differences between hard skills and soft skills.

  • How you obtain them. You can obtain hard skills through work experience , education, training, and certifications. Soft skills, on the other hand, can be gained through life experience, both in and out of work.
  • How you use them. While you apply hard skills directly to the job, soft skills usually come into play indirectly and may often complement your hard skills. For example, you may be a communicative marketer or an office manager with great leadership qualities.
  • How you list them. Hard skills and soft skills should be listed separately on your resume, but unlike soft skills, hard skills can include your level of proficiency. You can say you’re an advanced user of Adobe Photoshop, but you can’t measure how creative you are in the same way.

When it comes to your employability, both sets of skills are crucial for your resume.

If a hiring manager is on the fence about two candidates with the same hard skills, it’s the soft skills that are going to tip the scales in someone’s favor.

Why Should You List Skills on Your Resume?

The skills section is one of the two most important resume sections , with the other being your work experience.

In fact, 41% of hiring managers notice skills on your resume first.

Let’s look at an example of a well-written skill section:

skills section in a resume

At first glance, listing some skills on your resume looks easy.

In reality, though, putting skills on your resume the right way is a bit more nuanced than that, and here’s why:

Most companies nowadays use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to help them go through the hundreds and thousands of resumes they receive every day.

ats skills in a resume

This software scans your resume for keywords relevant to the job you’re applying for, and if it doesn’t find them, the ATS automatically rejects your resume.

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a job as a software engineer , and the job requires an expert level of proficiency in Javascript.

If you focus on other programming languages and don’t mention Java as a skill on your resume, the ATS will probably discard it immediately.

Resume statistics show that nearly 75% of resumes are rejected at this first screening stage, and they never make it to a hiring manager .

But let’s assume the company doesn’t use an ATS, and your resume ends up on a hiring manager’s desk.

There’s a good chance the hiring manager is only going to skim through your resume in less than six seconds , looking for the right set of skills.

So, regardless of whether you’ll need to breeze past the ATS or the hiring manager, you have to mention the right skills.

How to List Skills on a Resume (And Stand Out)

Now that you have a clear understanding of how important skills are, let’s talk about how you should list them on your resume.

We’ve divided the process into a step-by-step guide you can follow, starting with:

#1. Tailor Your Skills to the Job

The key to an effective skills section is making sure the skills you list are relevant to the job.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a backend developer, the customer service skills you gained working as a server during college don’t belong on your resume.

So, only list skills that are useful for the job you are applying for.

Start by thoroughly reading the job advertisement to find out what skills to include on your resume.

Job ads usually list a set of requirements or skills they expect from candidates. Take note of which skills and experiences you have, and remember to write them down on your resume.

Let’s look at an example of a job ad for a line cook position in a restaurant:

At Restaurant X, we are dedicated to delivering an exceptional dining experience that reflects the heart of French cuisine. We are currently seeking a skilled Line Cook to join our team for the summer season. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a fast-paced, prestigious environment under the mentorship of our acclaimed chef.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Efficiently prep ingredients for service, ensuring high standards of quality and freshness.
  • Execute recipes to exact standards, contributing to the creation of signature dishes that delight our guests.
  • Maintain meticulous attention to detail in the plating and presentation of each dish.
  • Uphold the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation in the kitchen before, during, and after service.


  • Proven experience as a line cook in a fast-paced kitchen environment.
  • A passion for French cuisine and a strong desire to learn and grow within the culinary field.
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills, with the ability to work effectively under pressure.
  • Knowledge of best practices for food handling, safety, and sanitation.

From this job description, we can see that the restaurant is looking for someone who:

  • Is committed to excellence and is highly professional
  • Works well under supervision and as part of a team
  • Has experience working in a fast-paced kitchen environment
  • Pays great attention to detail when it comes to cooking and presentation

Based on this, some of the skills you should definitely mention in your resume include:

  • Culinary Expertise
  • Food Preparation
  • Knife Skills
  • Plating Techniques
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Safety and Sanitation
  • Stress Management

Don’t mention skills that aren’t directly related to the job. For example, a line cook doesn’t need to list computer skills on their resume, even if those skills are relevant for most other jobs.

#2. Create a Skills Section

Once you’ve identified all the right skills to add to your resume, create a dedicated “Skills” section to list them under.

A dedicated section will help you pass the ATS, and it makes it easier for hiring managers to find the skills they’re looking for.

Here’s an example of what a skills section can look like on a resume:

skills section in a resume template

We recommend keeping your resume skills section somewhere near the top of the page so that the hiring manager can see it quickly. Usually, they should go either next to or after the work experience section, depending on your resume layout .

Next, here are a few tips you should keep in mind when listing your skills:

  • Be specific. “Verbal and written communication” sounds significantly better than just “communication.” 
  • Sort your skills by relevance. Order your skills based on how crucial they are for the role. The more important skills should go at the top, and the nice-to-have ones should go after them.
  • Format skills accordingly. Not everyone has dozens of skills they can show off on their resume, and that’s okay. If you don’t have a lot of skills, you can list both your hard and soft skills in a single section, just like the example we used above.
  • Don’t lie or exaggerate. If you don’t have one of the required skills for the role or you’re not very experienced, just be honest. It goes without saying that you should never lie about what you can do. The employer will find out you lied eventually, your professional reputation will bear the consequences, and you could even lose your job.

#3. Match Each Skill With Your Proficiency Level

While some skills are hard to measure, others can be put on a proficiency scale .

We recommend only using a proficiency scale for some hard skills, such as specific tools or software programs. Soft skills are difficult to measure objectively, so there’s no point in putting them on a scale.

Here’s how to show your proficiency level:

Match Each Skill With Your Proficiency Level

  • Beginner. You are just starting to learn this skill, or you haven’t practiced the skill through experience. This usually applies to students with no experience who only understand concepts through theories or classroom experience.
  • Intermediate. You have applied this skill in practice, and you rarely need help with it, but you still have room to grow.
  • Advanced. At this level, you know your stuff. You don’t need help with this skill anymore, and you can teach beginners how to use it.
  • Expert. You’re a recognized authority when it comes to this skill, and you’re the go-to person if anyone has any questions.

#4. Back-Up Your Skills in Other Resume Sections

Only listing your skills in their dedicated section will get you so far. After all, everyone else is doing the exact same thing. 

If you want to take your resume from good to great, you need your most critical skills to make an impression from the get-go.

This is where the resume headline and work experience sections come in.

Resume Headline

Your resume headline can be either a resume summary or a resume objective.

The resume summary is a short, two to four-sentence-long paragraph that summarizes your resume. When done right, it shows the hiring manager your strongest selling points as a candidate right from the start.

Here’s an example in action:

skills in the resume summary

But if you don’t have a lot of experience, you can use a resume objective instead.

The resume objective is a two to three-sentence statement of your career intent that goes at the top of your resume. It can include a snapshot of your professional experience, skills, achievements, and professional goals.

Here’s what it looks like:

skills in resume objective

Both the resume summary and resume objective go at the top of your resume, either before or after your contact information section .

Regardless of which resume headline you go for, the goal of this section is to pique the hiring manager’s curiosity and make them want to read your whole resume. You should always add one or two of the most necessary skills from the job description here.

Work Experience

Once you’ve mentioned some of your top skills in your resume headline, you have to prove you actually have them.

The best way to do that is by listing some impressive achievements in your work experience section and explaining how your skills helped you.

Let’s look at what the work experience section could look like for the data entry specialist from our resume summary example:

  • Achieve a 99% accuracy rate, surpassing departmental accuracy goals by 15%.
  • Leveraged advanced organizational abilities to streamline data entry processes, reducing task completion times by 20%.
  • Employed superior communication and interpersonal skills to resolve 95% of customer inquiries on the first contact, earning an Employee of the Month award.
  • Managed and maintained a complex database of over 10,000 records, ensuring data integrity and accuracy through effective office management practices.

Hobbies and Interests

Another section where you can back up your skills is your hobbies and interests section .

If you have leftover space on your resume, you can use this optional section to list a couple of hobbies or areas of interest that relate to your skills.

For example, let’s say you’re applying for a job as a writer, and the ad says you need to be creative, collaborative, and familiar with pop culture.

In that case, if one of your hobbies is playing a popular tabletop role-playing game with your friends, like Dungeons and Dragons, make sure to list it.

A hobby like that shows that you are genuinely creative, like writing for fun, and are capable of organizing with multiple people for a mutual goal.

#5. Put Transferable Skills to Use 

If you’re looking for your first job or if you’re making a career change , transferable skills are something you should make use of.

Transferable skills are skills that aren’t directly related to the job you are applying for, but they’re still useful and likely relevant for most jobs.

For example, if you're writing a career change resume and you’re going from a role as a sales associate to a copywriter, there are several transferable skills you can list on your resume.

Some of them include:

  • Written communication. Both roles involve communicating through text. A salesperson needs to send cold outreach emails, while a copywriter has to write newsletter emails.
  • Persuasion. A copywriter needs to create copy that drives sales, while a salesperson needs to be persuasive in person.
  • Computer skills. Both jobs require some degree of computer literacy. For a salesperson, that might mean using Customer Management Software, while for a copywriter, that’s publishing content online.

12 Best Skills to Put on Any Resume

Now that you know how to put skills on your resume, it’s time to talk about which skills you should add.

Every profession requires some role-specific hard skills. For example, a photographer needs to know how to use photo editing software like Photoshop. 

But when it comes to soft skills, a lot of them are universal across different industries.

Soft skills are the skills that define your approach to work, how well you cooperate with others, and if you can fit into a company’s culture.

And while the right soft skills for a job may be harder to point out, they’re just as essential in today’s job market. In fact, 93% of employers say that soft skills play a critical role in the hiring decision.

There are very few, if any, jobs out there that don’t require at least some level of communication skills .

So, let’s look at some of the most highly valued skills for any resume:

#1. Communication skills

Whether you’re a writer who needs to communicate a message to your readers, a marketing specialist who needs to communicate an advertising campaign to your client, or an employee who needs to communicate with a coworker to complete a task, communication skills are vital. 

Communication is a multi-faceted skill that includes several skills, such as: 

  • Oral and written communication
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Active Listening
  • Presentation
  • Public-speaking
  • Negotiation

#2. Problem-Solving

Problem-solving means you’re able to identify problems, find the root cause behind them, and come up with creative solutions.

Considering there isn’t a single job where you won’t face problems in one way or another, problem-solving skills are a great asset to have.

Throughout your career, you might have to troubleshoot technical glitches, resolve customer complaints, streamline processes, or drive strategic initiatives. In any of these cases, strong problem-solving skills will be crucial to your success. 

But problem-solving is a broad set of skills that can include:

  • Analytical thinking
  • Root cause analysis
  • Data gathering and evaluation
  • Creative thinking
  • Decision making
  • Strategic planning
  • Risk assessment and management

Whether you’re an IT professional debugging code or a manager implementing operational improvements, problem-solving skills let you tackle challenges head-on.

#3. Conflict Resolution

When working with diverse groups, disagreements are bound to happen. So, having the skills to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner is extremely valuable in any organization.

Conflict resolution skills are essential for managers addressing performance issues, HR professionals mediating workplace disputes, sales teams negotiating contracts, or coworkers with clashing personalities.

This multifaceted skill involves:

  • Impartiality and objectivity
  • Assertive communication
  • Creative problem-solving
  • Persuasion and influence
  • Patience and composure

#4. Computer Literacy

Over 70% of jobs require medium-to-high-level digital skills.  

This means that computer and technical skills are priceless assets, even if your job isn’t centered around technology. So, computer skills are almost always a great addition to any resume.

Here are some valuable computer skills for every professional: 

  • Office suites (MS Office, iWork)
  • Social media
  • Database management
  • Web (Internet savviness, basic HTML, CMS)
  • Troubleshooting
  • Equipment installation and configuration
  • Fast Typing

#5. Research

Effective research abilities are essential for making informed decisions and driving successful outcomes across any industry.

Whether you’re conducting market research to identify consumer needs, gathering data to explore a scientific hypothesis, or investigating to build a legal case, strong research skills are invaluable.

Some research skills include:

  • Finding credible sources
  • Evaluating information objectively
  • Organizing data
  • Identifying patterns
  • Documenting and reporting findings

#6. Teamwork

Teamwork skills enable you to work effectively with others towards a common goal.

Since teams tend to drive most major projects and workplace initiatives, learning how to work well with others is essential to most jobs. You might be part of a project team, a committee, or just coordinate across departments someday.

What you need for strong teamwork skills is:

  • Active listening
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Motivating others

#7. Project Management

Project management skills are usually associated with dedicated project manager roles, but in reality, that's not usually the case. Any type of professional can benefit from strong project management skills.

In a nutshell, project management skills involve being able to effectively handle resources, timelines, deliverables, and processes for driving projects to successful completion.

Here are some of the most in-demand project management skills:

  • Resource allocation and management
  • Project planning and scheduling
  • Risk identification and mitigation
  • Logistics and coordination
  • Action planning
  • Task planning and prioritization
  • Stakeholder management

#8. Leadership

Leadership includes both the ability to manage and inspire others. Managers are not always great leaders, but leaders almost always make good managers. 

People who are good at leading are emotionally intelligent, good communicators, and natural-born influencers. They can motivate others to reach their full potential and work together towards common goals. This makes leadership another great skill to have for many professions out there. 

Some important soft skills related to leadership include:

  • Relationship-building
  • Strategic thinking

#9. Organization

Organizational skills are a set of soft skills that help you keep track of information, materials, and even your time in such a way that you can tackle short and long-term tasks efficiently.

Organizational skills are among the top skills recruiters are looking for in 2022, primarily because they help employees be more productive, save companies time and money, and facilitate a more positive work environment. 

Here is what organizational skills consist of: 

  • Physical organization
  • Prioritization
  • Goal setting

#10. Time Management

Time management is the ability to effectively prioritize and organize your tasks and responsibilities.

Needless to say, it’s a crucial skill in nearly every job, since being able to manage your time well allows you to increase productivity, meet deadlines, and maintain a healthy work-life balance .

Time management includes:

  • Task prioritization and planning
  • Task delegation
  • Avoiding and Ignoring distractions
  • Adapting to changing priorities

#11. Customer Service

A lot of the jobs out there involve dealing with customers. 

From customer support representatives to cashiers, customer service skills are a great asset to have in 2024. Particularly, that’s because it encompasses a number of other valuable skills, such as:

  • Persuasion skills
  • Product knowledge

#12. Networking

Networking skills refer to how well you can build professional relationships and connections.

It goes without saying that they're extremely useful for roles like sales, business development, or entrepreneurship, as a lot of the work involves meeting and engaging new people.

However, these skills are also useful for roles where you don't expect to rely on professional networking as much.

Take, for example, project managers. To be really effective, they need to:

  • Understand the needs of stakeholders
  • Collaborate with various teams across the organization
  • Build rapport with people at all levels

Just like most other skills on our list, networking skills are multi-faceted. They include:

400 Must-Have Skills for Different Professions

Still not sure which skills to mention in your resume? We’ve got you covered.

We compiled a list of some of the most relevant skills on the market in 2024, for all sorts of different fields!

If you happen to possess some of these skills, make sure to mention them in your resume. If not, it’s never too late to learn something new!

#1. Retail and Sales Skills

Retail and sales are at the heart of successful business interactions.

Despite the rise of technology, the essence of sales hasn’t changed much . People still need contact with each other, and even with channels of communication becoming digital, communication skills and empathy still take top priority in this industry.

So, here’s a list of must-have skills for salespeople and retail workers :

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Cold-calling
  • Merchandising
  • Product demonstration
  • Public speaking
  • Inventory management
  • Lead generation
  • Buyer-Responsive selling
  • Buyer engagement
  • Point of Sale (POS) proficiency
  • Effective communication and sociability
  • Social media and digital communication
  • Listening skills
  • Personalized selling
  • Service-based selling
  • Follow-up techniques
  • Up-selling and cross-selling
  • Knowledge of return and exchange policies
  • Organizational skills
  • Multitasking capabilities

#2. Customer Service Skills

Customer service requires a specialized skill set centered around excellent communication and problem-solving. Success in this field relies on effectively managing various communication platforms and maintaining customer satisfaction through attentive service.

Some skills crucial for any customer service representative include:

  • Telephone etiquette
  • Data entry proficiency
  • Customer needs assessment
  • Crisis management
  • Multitasking
  • Ticket tracking systems
  • Scripted responses
  • Technical troubleshooting
  • Complaint resolution
  • Record-keeping
  • Team collaboration
  • Understanding of privacy and confidentiality
  • Customer education techniques
  • Feedback collection
  • Call center operations
  • Email Etiquette
  • Live chat management
  • Help desk support
  • Client retention strategies
  • Cultural sensitivity

#3. Hospitality Skills

Hospitality is all about making guests feel welcome and appreciated, no matter the setting - whether it’s a bustling hotel, a serene resort, or a cruise ship. Professionals in this field need to create memorable experiences for guests by providing impeccable service and making sure their every need is met with a smile.

Some of the most sought-after hospitality skills are:

  • Customer service excellence
  • Effective communication
  • Foreign languages
  • Reservation management
  • Event planning
  • Specialized software proficiency
  • Front desk operations
  • Tour and activity coordination
  • Guest Relations
  • Guest information management
  • Concierge services
  • Personalized guest experiences
  • Safety and security protocols
  • Marketing and upselling
  • Health and hygiene standards
  • Loyalty programs management
  • Quality control
  • Emergency response handling
  • Environmental sustainability practices
  • Check-in and check-out procedures

#4. Food and Beverage Skills

The food and beverage industry is one of the most dynamic and fast-paced environments you can work in. Here, professionals have to continually adapt to customers’ changing preferences, stay updated on culinary trends, and provide exceptional service.

Here are some skills that would look great on any food and beverage worker's resume:

  • Menu planning and design
  • Recipe development
  • Food safety and hygiene
  • Culinary arts
  • Plate presentation
  • Portion control
  • Cost control and budgeting
  • Wine pairing
  • Beverage service
  • Detailed menu knowledge
  • Order taking and processing
  • Table setting and arrangement
  • Food preparation techniques
  • Dietary restrictions and allergen awareness
  • Staff training
  • Quality assurance
  • Health and safety regulations compliance
  • Event catering management
  • Customer feedback management
  • Upselling techniques
  • Point of sale (POS) system operation
  • Kitchen equipment operation and maintenance
  • Communication skills

Looking for more skills? Check out our server resume example here.

#5. Marketing and Advertising Skills

With new technologies developing faster than ever, it’s essential to move beyond the basics of traditional marketing and advertising to succeed in the industry. New skills keep popping up, and even the biggest marketing executives out there need to stay up to date on the latest developments.

So, here are some  of the most important marketing and advertising skills for any level:

  • Data analysis
  • Web analytics 
  • Email marketing
  • Web scraping
  • CRO and A/B testing
  • Data visualization
  • Pattern-finding through critical thinking
  • Project/campaign management
  • Social media and mobile marketing 
  • Paid social media advertisements
  • B2B Marketing
  • The four P-s of Marketing
  • Consumer Behavior Drivers
  • Brand management
  • Copywriting
  • Storytelling
  • Digital advertising
  • Multichannel marketing
  • Public relations
  • Content strategy
  • Market research
  • Budget management
  • Compliance and legal considerations
  • Affiliate marketing

#6. Administrative Skills

If you work in an office setting, there are some skills you should know, regardless of your job. Whether you’re a secretary, office manager, or executive assistant , you can put these skills on your resume.

Some basic administrative skills include:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Suite
  • Filing and paper management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Research and data analysis
  • Office management
  • Technical writing
  • Cloud networking and file sharing
  • Prioritization and task management
  • Customer service skills
  • Meeting planning and coordination
  • Event management
  • Travel management
  • Document preparation
  • Confidentiality and data protection
  • Minute taking
  • Report generation
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Calendar management
  • Expense reports
  • Reception duties
  • Correspondence handling
  • Presentation skills
  • Project management skills

#7. Human Resources Skills

Human Resources is a field that needs a strategic blend of soft and hard skills.

HR specialists are essential for managing diverse workforce needs and enhancing employee and company productivity in the long run.

Here are some examples of HR skills that always come in handy:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Motivation techniques
  • Technological savviness
  • People management
  • Business development
  • Strategic management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Recruitment and selection
  • Training and development
  • Performance management
  • Knowledge of compensation and benefits
  • Employee relations
  • Labor law compliance
  • Succession planning
  • HR analytics
  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives
  • Change management
  • Employee engagement strategies
  • Workplace safety
  • Talent acquisition strategies
  • Policy formulation and implementation
  • Employee counseling and support
  • HR information systems (HRIS)
  • Cross-cultural communication

#8. Business Skills

Business professionals are increasingly vital to organizations since they offer operational support and strategic insights that can drive growth.

Experts in the business industry need a broad set of skills to analyze trends , optimize processes, and predict future outcomes so their companies remain competitive and responsive to changes in the market.

Here are some examples of skills any business professional could add to their resume:

  • Financial forecasting
  • Profit and loss management
  • Market analysis
  • Trend identification
  • Competitive analysis
  • Risk management
  • Project management
  • Operations management
  • Leadership and team building
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Supply chain management
  • CRM software proficiency
  • ERP systems
  • Business reporting
  • Compliance and ethics
  • Sales and marketing strategies
  • Customer service
  • Business writing
  • Analytical reasoning
  • Cloud computing
  • E-commerce management
  • Social media strategy
  • Digital marketing
  • Innovation management

#9. Finance and Accounting Skills

The days of filing financial data and taxes by hand are long behind us, and now there are countless digital platforms and apps you can use instead.

So, it goes without saying that anyone working in finance or accounting should be familiar with the most popular skills and tools in the industry.

Some examples include:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Enterprise Resource Planning 
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Know Your Customers (KYC)
  • Cognos Analytics (IBM)
  • Visual Basic
  • Accounting Software
  • Revenue recognition
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Clear communication
  • General business knowledge
  • Numerical competence
  • Financial reporting
  • Cost accounting
  • Tax preparation and planning
  • Financial modeling
  • Investment analysis
  • Credit analysis
  • Cash flow management
  • Portfolio management
  • Compliance and regulatory management
  • Audit coordination
  • Project financing
  • Mergers and acquisitions

#10. IT Skills

New technology is popping up every other day, and that’s a great reason for anyone working in IT to keep their skills updated.

That said, if you are proficient in a programming language or two, you pretty much have a leg up on the competition.

Here’s a list of some of the most useful skills for any IT professional out there:

  • Programming languages (Python, Java, C#)
  • Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js)
  • Mobile app development (iOS, Android)
  • Database management (SQL, NoSQL)
  • Cloud computing services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • DevOps practices (CI/CD, automation)
  • Containerization technologies (Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Network security protocols
  • Cybersecurity best practices
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Machine learning and AI algorithms
  • Version control systems (Git, SVN)
  • Agile and Scrum methodologies
  • Software testing and debugging
  • System architecture design
  • API design and development
  • Performance optimization
  • IT project management
  • IT support and troubleshooting
  • Operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Scripting (Bash, PowerShell)
  • IT infrastructure management
  • Virtualization technologies
  • IT compliance and governance
  • UX/UI design principles
  • SEO and web analytics
  • Blockchain technology

#11. Nursing and Healthcare Skills

More than any other profession, healthcare professionals need to stay updated on the latest technologies, medicines, and techniques.

While the skills a registered nurse or other healthcare professional needs are countless and can be extremely specific to their specialization, the most basic skills boil down to:

  • Mathematics
  • Paperwork/record-keeping abilities
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • Physical endurance 
  • Infection control
  • Surgery preparation
  • Medication administration
  • Emergency room care
  • Psychiatric support
  • Geriatric health
  • Pediatric nursing
  • Oncology knowledge
  • Patient education
  • Medical software proficiency
  • Phlebotomy skills
  • Vital signs monitoring
  • Palliative care
  • Obstetric and neonatal care
  • Medical terminology
  • Ethical decision-making
  • Team coordination
  • Cultural competency

#12. Art and Design Skills

Today, knowing the basics of art and design isn’t enough. To get hired as part of a creative team, be it as a designer or illustrator , you need to know how to create content with different tools and for different channels, like the web and social media.

Some of the most important art and design skills for your resume include:

  • Graphic design
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop)
  • Dreamweaver
  • Infographics
  • Web and app development (HTML, CSS, UX/UI)
  • Photo Editing 
  • Typography (spacing, line height, layout, choosing fonts)
  • Storyboarding
  • Targeting and marketing through visual communications
  • Logo creation
  • Digital printing
  • Integration of visual communication in social media platforms
  • Attention to detail and aesthetics
  • Interactive media design
  • Color sense and theory
  • 3D modeling and animation (Blender, Autodesk Maya)
  • Video editing (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro)
  • Motion graphics (Adobe After Effects)
  • Print design
  • Packaging design
  • Branding and identity design
  • Environmental graphic design
  • Exhibition design
  • Illustration
  • Sketching and conceptual visualization
  • User interface design
  • User experience design
  • Prototyping (digital and physical)
  • Content management systems (WordPress)
  • Accessibility standards for design
  • Composition
  • Crafting and use of traditional media
  • Client relations and communication
  • Augmented reality (AR) design
  • Virtual reality (VR) design

#13. Education Skills

You might have three PhDs and still struggle to get the latest educational programs to work in front of your classroom. You’re likely missing some crucial skills for your field.

Teaching methods have evolved, and so have the skills you need to be a teacher or professor at the top of your game. So, here are some essential skills if you want to work in education:

  • Updated curriculum knowledge
  • Educational platforms (Elearn)
  • Technological and digital literacy
  • Lesson planning
  • Classroom management
  • Student assessments
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Educational theory and practice
  • Parent and community engagement
  • Child psychology
  • Educational policy knowledge
  • Student safety and welfare
  • Career counseling
  • Technology integration in the classroom
  • Remote learning management
  • Curriculum adaptation
  • Educational software proficiency

Looking for a job in academia? Learn how to write an academic CV to get started.

Bonus Infographic: Skills to Put on a Resume

Skills to Put on a Resume Infographic

FAQs About Putting Skills on Your Resume

Do you still have some questions about what skills you should put on your resume and how? Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions here:

#1. What kind of skills should I include in my resume?

Your resume should include a combination of two types of skills: hard skills and soft skills.

Hard skills involve job-specific skills that are acquired through education, training, or work experience, while soft skills involve personality traits that can be indirectly useful at the workplace and help you adapt to the company culture better.

Depending on your industry, some examples of hard skills you can list on your resume include copywriting, database management, graphic design, foreign languages, public speaking, and more.

Examples of soft skills include communication, creativity, leadership, teamwork, time management, and conflict resolution.

#2. What top skills do employers look for?

Currently, some of the top hard skills hiring managers are on the lookout for include blockchain development, SEO, virtual reality development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, business analysis, Java development, affiliate marketing, UX design, machine learning, project management, video production and editing, sales, and business development .

The top soft skills hiring managers are looking for include creativity, collaboration, persuasion, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.

#3. How can I identify my skills?

If you want to identify your skills, start by considering your greatest accomplishments . Have you been recognized for a specific achievement? What skills helped you do it? You’re probably still skilled in those areas.

Next, consider asking friends and coworkers. Sometimes, it’s easier for others to recognize your strengths . If you’re new to the job market, you can ask former professors and classmates to give you some insight, too.

#4. Where do skills go on a resume?

Your skills should go under a separate ‘Skills’ section on your resume, typically placed right below or next to your work experience section.

That said, you should further prove that you have the skills you list in this section. Weave the most relevant skills for the job in other resume sections, such as the resume summary and your work experience sections, to show the hiring manager how those skills are put to use.

#5. How many skills should I include in my resume?

The number of skills to add to your resume depends on the job you’re applying for, as well as your level of expertise and work history.

If you’re a seasoned professional with plenty of job-related skills, you should definitely include them in your resume.

As a rule of thumb, listing up to ten skills on your resume is typically a safe choice, as long as they don’t make your resume spill over to page two .

#6. What are the best skills for a candidate with no experience?

If you’re a student with no experience and few job-specific skills, you can benefit from adding transferable skills to your resume. These are skills that can be applied to many jobs across several industries.

Some examples of good skills for a no-experience resume include communication, organization, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and computer skills.

#7. What are the top 12 skills to put on your resume?

There are several skills that could go on just about any resume, regardless of your targeted job. These include both hard skills and soft skills that can be used in any industry.

We recommend including skills like communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, computer literacy, research, teamwork, project management, leadership, organization, time management, customer service, and networking.

#9. Does a CV need skills?

There are a few differences between a CV and a resume . But for the most part, if you’re writing a CV for a job application, the structure should be similar to a resume.

So, you should add a skills section to your CV and list skills relevant to the job you’re applying for. The only exception to this rule is when you’re writing an academic CV, in which case skills are optional or even discouraged.

#10. What’s the best way to list skills on a resume in 2024?

To really impress with your skills in 2024, don’t just list some random skills under a separate section and call it a day!

Instead, make them more credible by finding out more about the company culture, tailoring your skills to the job description, mentioning the most critical skills in your resume summary or resume objective, and using your achievements to explain exactly how you used your skills to your advantage.

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to putting skills on a resume!

By now, we’re sure you’re a pro and ready to impress the hiring manager with the skills on your resume.

But before you go, let’s sum up the most important things we mentioned in this article:

  • One of the most important sections on your resume is the skill section, and over 41% of hiring managers check it first.
  • The skill section is crucial for making it past the ATS because some of the most important resume keywords are skills you should list on your resume.
  • Skills are divided into hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are technical skills you can gain through experience, training, or education, while soft skills can be attributes or habits related to how you work.
  • Your resume should only list skills that are relevant to the job. Find out which skills these are by scanning through the job ad picking out the required skills that you have, and adding them to your resume.
  • Some skills are universally useful across different professions, like adaptability, communication, and teamwork.

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100+ Key Skills for a Resume in 2024 (Examples for any Job)

Learn how to professionally and efficiently list your skills on a resume.

Katerina Frye

How to List Skills on a Resume 

Your skills are just as important as your work experiences. Skills show a recruiter what you can do for the company -- without taking up too much space in your resume. 

Skills can be anything from “creativity” (a soft skill) to “JavaScript” (a hard skill). It’s important to include a mix of both on your resume.

Don’t know what skills you have? Read on to learn the difference between “soft” and “hard” skills, or skim our 250+ skills for each industry to jump right into the resume writing process. 

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job

Legal Assistant

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

“Soft” skills are those that are not quantifiable, such as leadership. These skills also cannot be learned, but  are rather a facet of your personality. Nevertheless, soft skills are still critical to have, for they demonstrate that you are personable and competent.

Top Soft Skills to include on your resume

‍ Tip: Use some of the soft skills as adjectives when writing your profile summary . For example, try “enthusiastic entrepreneur,” “empathic childcare worker,” “organized nurses’ aid,” “supportive administration assistant” or “detail-oriented sales associate.”

The resume below is for a Childcare Worker and includes many soft skills that companies look for, including Creativity and Organizational skills.

Childcare Worker

In contrast, “Hard” skills are those that are learned -- either in school or through a certification program. These skills are quantifiable and can be continuously expanded upon through further education. Today, most hard skills have to do with computer technology, such as SEO, CSS/HTML, or Microsoft Suite. Even if you aren’t tech-savvy, chances are you still have a few hard skills.

Top Hard Skills to include on your resume

Tip: Be specific about your hard skills. Instead of listing “Programming Languages,” specify which ones you know -- Python, Java, C, etc. Same with photo editing software and any other platforms you are familiar with.

The resume below is for a Content Marketing Associate, and includes manyhard skills that companies in the marketing industry look for, including experience with Social Media tools. Remember, it's important to be specific in terms of defining and listing what softwares you know.

Content Marketing Associate

How to List Your Skills

Whether you’re a jack of all trades or a master of one, you absolutely must list some skills on your resume. Skills offer additional insight into what you can offer the company as an employee, and may just push your resume over the edge and into the interview pile. 

  • Only list relevant skills . If you’re applying for a position as an engineer, don’t brag about your marketing abilities. Instead, save the space to list the software and programming languages that you know. 
  • List around 5 Skills . Writing too many skills on your resume can be an overwhelming experience for the recruiter. He or she may not fully register your skills, and instead just blankly skim the long list. Conversely, listing too few skills is only selling yourself short. You definitely have more than two skills -- no matter your experience level! So shoot for around 5 skills, with a little wriggle room. 
  • Include both hard and soft skills . Even if your profession seems to rely on soft skills more than hard skills -- or vice versa -- including both makes your resume stronger. For example, if you’re applying to work as a laboratory assistant, list soft skills such as “teamwork,” “problem-solving,” “time management,” or “organization.” If you’re in a more creative field, hard skills include softwares such as “Adobe Creative Suite” and talents such as “photography,” “writing & editing,” or “videography.” 
  • Note your experience level . With each skill, specify whether you are a “beginner,” “expert,” or somewhere in between (using words like “intermediate” and “moderate”). Our resume templates have bars beneath each skill that you can toggle to reflect your expertise. 

The resume below is for a Human Resources Manager, and includes all of the above tips.

Human Resources Manager

250+ Skills for Each Industry  

Although we’ve split these skills up by industry, please note that many skills are applicable to a variety of careers. For example, someone working in marketing might find knowledge of JavaScript just as useful as someone working in the computer science field. 

Let’s jump in!

100+ Key Skills to include on your resume infographic

Office and Administrative Job Skills

  • Answering Phones
  • Bookkeeping (Excel, Turbotax)
  • Office Equipment
  • Welcoming Visitors
  • Calendar Management
  • Organization 
  • Time Management 
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention To Detail
  • Adaptability 
  • Written Communication 
  • Email Platforms (E.G., Gmail And iCloud Mail)
  • Word Processing Software (E.G., Google Docs)
  • Spreadsheet Software
  • Digital Calendars
  • Prioritization 

Sales, Retail, and Customer Service Job Skills

  • Product Knowledge
  • Lead Qualification
  • Lead Prospecting 
  • Customer Needs Analysis
  • Referral Marketing
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Self Motivation
  • Increasing Customer Lifetime Value (Clv)
  • Reducing Customer Acquisition Cost (Cac)
  • CRM Software (Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, Freshsales)
  • Cashier Skills
  • Knowledge Of Products And Services 
  • Customer Service
  • Communication (More Specifically -- Verbal Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Written Communication Skills, Public Speaking Skills, Presentation Skills)
  • Math Skills
  • Negotiation 
  • Persuasion  
  • Diplomacy  
  • Cold Calling
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Lead Generation
  • Buyer-responsive Selling
  • Buyer Engagement

Nursing and Healthcare Job Skills

  • Patient Assessment
  • Taking Vital Signs
  • Patient Care
  • Recording Patient Medical History
  • Wound Dressing And Care
  • Urgent And Emergency Care
  • Record-keeping
  • Patient Education
  • NIH Stroke Scale Patient Assessment
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Medicine Administration
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Rehabilitation Therapy
  • Hygiene Assistance
  • Use Of X-ray, MRI, Cat Scans
  • Glucose Checks
  • Electronic Heart Record (EHR)
  • Decision-Making Ability 
  • Critical Thinking
  • Leadership 
  • Thorough Understanding Of HIPPA And Privacy Policies
  • Ability To Take And Record Vital Signs
  • CPR And First-Aid Certifications
  • Perform And Evaluate Diagnostic Tests
  • Maintain Patient Charts

IT Job Skills

  • Programming Languages
  • Web Development
  • Data Structures
  • Open Source Experience
  • Machine Learning
  • Front-End & Back-End Development
  • Cloud Management
  • Agile Development
  • CSS Preprocessors
  • Graphic User Interfaces (GUI)
  • Git/Version Control (Github, gitlab)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Adobe Photoshop, InDesign
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Testing/Debugging
  • Responsive Design Principles
  • Mobile and Web Development (e.g. iOS, Android)

Engineering & Technical Job Skills

  • STEM Skills
  • Prototyping
  • Troubleshooting
  • Project Launch
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Workflow Development
  • Computer Skills
  • Technical Report Writing
  • Programming Languages HTML, CSS, CRM tools

Advertising & Marketing Job Skills

  • SEO (SEMRush, WordPress, and Ahrefs)
  • SEM (i.e., Google Adwords)
  • CRO and A/B Testing
  • Social Media Marketing and Paid Social Media Advertising
  • Sales Funnel Management
  • CMS Tools (WordPress, Weebly)
  • Graphic Design Skills (Adobe Creative Suite)
  • Email Marketing (MailChimp, Constant Contact)
  • Email Automation
  • Data Visualization
  • Print Design
  • Photography and Branding
  • Communication 
  • Creativity 
  • Data Analytics (Google Analytics )
  • Web Analytics
  • Email Writing 
  • Google Adwords
  • Social Media And Mobile Marketing 
  • Paid Social Media Advertisements
  • Consumer Behavior Drivers
  • Brand Management
  • B2b Marketing
  •  Writing Advertising Copy
  • Soliciting Feedback From Customers
  • Cutting Costs
  • Leadership skills
  • Task Delegation 
  • Strategic Management
  • Proposal writing
  • Problem-solving
  • Problem solving
  • Website Management
  • Social Media Outreach
  • Video Production
  • Campaign Management
  • Photo Editing
  • Logo Creation
  • Digital Printing
  • Interactive Media Design 
  • Color Sense & Theory
  • Social Media Publishing
  • Storytelling
  • Financial Analysis
  • Consumer Research
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Videography 
  • Technical Writing 

General Management and Project Management Job Skills

  • Agile Project Management (Kanban)
  • Managing Cross-Functional Teams
  • Scrum Management
  • Performance Tracking
  • Financial Modelling
  • Ideation Leadership
  • Feature Definition
  • Forecasting
  • Profit and Loss
  • Scope Management
  • Project Lifecycle Management 
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Risk Management 
  • Cost Management 
  • Data Analysis 
  • Collaborative 
  • Collaborative Programs (Slack, WhatsApp, Dropbox)
  • Adobe Creative Suite

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Katerina Frye

Get inspired with more resume examples

Read our how-to guides on making your resume perfect, how to write a resume with no work experience in 2024 (with examples).

Don't worry, we've all been there. Thrown into the job world with little to none work experience and no idea how to start a resume. We're here to help.

How to List Accomplishments on a Resume in 2024 (Including Awards & Key Achievements)

Showcasing your achievements is what can be the cherry on the cake to help you stand out from the crowd as a top performer and really attract employers.

How to Write a Resume Summary: 10+ Examples

Get your resume to stand out to hiring managers for longer than the average of 6 seconds with these secrets.

How to Write Your Resume in Reverse-Chronological Order

When setting out to write the perfect resume, choosing a format is an important decision. Reverse-chronological resumes are the standard format, so knowing how to craft one is key! This guide will teach you how to write the best reverse chronological resumes.

More advice that will accelerate your career path

15+ it skills to list on your resume in 2024 (with examples).

IT is a massively growing industry with tons of potential for professional growth. It’s no wonder why so many applicants are flocking to these jobs! In this guide, we will cover what IT skills are and offer you examples of some of the top skills to include on your resume.

What to Put on a Resume in 2024 (with Examples and Tips)

If you have ever written a resume, you have probably found yourself wondering whether or not you are including the right information. There are many elements that make up a strong resume and several formats to choose from. In this guide, we will help you determine exactly what to include on your resume in 2024!

15+ Key Interpersonal Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

How well you communicate and interact with people is a top priority to employers. In this guide, we will enlighten you on the importance of interpersonal skills. Plus, we will provide you with our top 15 examples to consider including on your resume!

20+ Key Computer Skills to List on Your Resume in 2024 (With Examples)

With the world becoming more digitally focused, having strong computer skills is more important than ever. In this guide, we will cover what computer skills are and which ones are best to include on your resume.

Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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what to write for skills on a resume

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150 Top Skills for Your Resume + How to List Skills in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Best General Skills

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

  • How to Include Skills on Your Resume
  • Job-Specific Skills
  • Skills FAQs

When it comes to your resume skills, the more specific you can get, the better. That’s why we broke down the  most in-demand job skills by career type .

Still, it can be helpful to start by looking at the skills employers generally might be wanting right now.

We analyzed countless job descriptions across all careers and identified 150 of the most sought-after and widely applicable skills you can put on your resume (like this one) in 2024.

Software Engineer Resume

or download as PDF

Software engineer resume example with 12 years experience

20 Good Skills to Put on a Resume

Young man in front of his laptop reading his resume

While we’re going to give you plenty of job-specific resume skills you can add to your AI cover letter and resume, there are some that work across just about any field. These can add value for candidates who either lack work history or are creating an  entry-level resume .

  • Data Analysis
  • Problem-solving
  • Collaborative
  • Detail-oriented
  • Written Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Multi-tasking
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Time Management
  • Accountable
  • Results-oriented
  • Project Management
  • Compassionate/ Empathetic

A PC monitor and laptop showing well written resumes.

Before we jump into which skills to put on your resume, we need to get some definitions out of the way:

  • Hard skills  are the tools and software you use to get your job done. Excel and QuickBooks are examples of hard skills.
  • Soft skills  are those that are hard to measure or prove expertise in. “Communication” is a textbook example of a soft skill.

Quickly distinguish between hard and soft skills by asking, “Is there a specific tool or software associated with the skill?” If “yes,” you’re likely dealing with a hard skill. If not, you’re talking about a soft skill.

As we explained earlier, companies often use an ATS to filter out job applicants based on whether they include the right skills on their resumes.

The ATS filters are looking primarily for hard skills; they want to be sure the people they end up hiring know the right tools and software needed to succeed.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you should exclude soft skills from your resume. Why? After the ATS approves your resume, it’s passed on to the human hiring manager. They’ll likely want to see soft skills depending on the kind of industry and role you’re applying to.

Try out this quick guide to determine whether to put soft skills on your resume:

Should I include soft skills on my resume?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you should likely include soft skills on your resume (we’ll detail how in the next section). 

  • Technical roles are those primarily dominated by hard skills (software engineering, data science, accounting, etc.)
  • Just listing soft skills on your resume isn’t as impactful as  showing how you used them to do your job .
  • For example, if you’re in sales or customer service, you need the ability to communicate persuasively with customers!

Examples of hard skills according to industry

  • Predictive Modeling (Finance)
  • eQUEST (Energy)
  • Crop Rotation (Agriculture)
  • eZee Frontdesk (Hospitality)
  • Google Classroom (Education)
  • X-ray Diagnostics (Healthcare)
  • Mailchimp (Marketing)
  • AutoCAD (Engineering)

Examples of soft skills

  • Self-starter
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attentive to Details

How to List Skills on Your Resume

Young man sitting behind his computer screen happily typing away.

Now that you know whether you should put hard skills, soft skills, or a combination on your resume, how do you actually include them?

  • When it comes to your resume skills, the presentation can matter just as much as the content! 
  • Before we get to structure,  a word of warning :

Don’t list too many skills  in your skills section! While it’s all right to dump all sorts of skills into your  resume outline , it’s a big red flag to the hiring manager if they see a resume where an applicant lists 15+ skills.

First, it might mean the applicant is exaggerating their skillset (a big no-no). Second, a hiring manager would rather hire someone who’s a master of a few skills than a novice in many.

Different  resume formats  may display your skills in various ways, but regardless of the layout you choose,  there are three places you should mention your most important skills : 

  • In your resume objective or resume summary (if you include this section)
  • In a dedicated “skills” section on your resume
  • In your work experience or projects ( show how you used your skills to do your job)

Your resume objective should only be two to three sentences , so you should include your top one to two skills most relevant to the job you’re applying for here. In addition to our objective sample below, we’ve got plenty more great examples of how to mention your best skills in your  resume objective  or  resume summary .

Organized, considerate administrative assistant with a history of remaining cool under high-pressure situations where multiple priorities are managed. Genoa Telepsychiatry is doing invaluable work for underserved housing populations, and I would be an asset in enabling Ms. Garcia to focus on that mission by alleviating her organizational burden.

what to write for skills on a resume

How to organize skills on your resume

When it comes to skills for a resume, there are a couple of ways you can structure them:

  • By skill category (technology type, soft skills vs. hard skills)
  • Experience level

These kinds of breakdowns aren’t mandatory. You can just list all of your skills in your skills section, provided you keep the number to under 10.

First,  you can break up your skills by category . This is most appropriate if you’re applying for a technical role since you can group different technologies you use by type.

For example, as a data analyst, you might want to divide your skills by the different facets of your job (programming, modeling, and data visualization).

Data analyst skills be different facets

This breakdown of your skills can also work well if soft skills are your biggest strength. For example, you can chunk your soft skills into categories like leadership, customer service, communication, etc.

Another way to classify your skills on your resume is by your experience level . Convey your expertise either in terms of years of expertise with that skill or by a rating you choose (beginner, intermediate, expert, for instance).

Here’s an example of this skills breakdown in action:

Resume skills organized by proficiency

And again, you can also just list all of your skills without categories like the example below if there are fewer than 10:

Resume skills without categories

Let your work experience vouch for your job skills

Now that you’ve got your top one to two skills in your resume objective and a dedicated skills section, it’s time to talk about how you’ve used your skills in your previous roles and projects.

This is especially important for soft skills.  Put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager .

Does seeing that someone described themselves as “attentive to detail” in their skills section mean much without seeing that skill in action?

It’s much more valuable if you highlight a time you were attentive to detail in a previous job. So, if you’re an administrative assistant, you might say you “re-organized thousands of customer contacts in HubSpot without losing any customer data.”

Remember, it’s one thing to say you have a skill, but  showing your knowledge of that skill in a work or personal project carries far more weight  in the eyes of the hiring manager.

Let’s make this practical with an example: This software engineer lists NodeJS and Django in her resume skills list.

Software engineer resume skills example

This won’t be the last we see of these skills, though. Take a look at this job seeker’s work experience at MarketSmart. For instance, see how she weaves NodeJS into improving CTR? And even her intern experience shows how Django played a role in increasing reporting speed.

Software engineer skills in resume work experience

Pro tip: Try starting with specific work experience and then work backward to determine which skills you used instead of the other way around.

Regarding technical skills, try to be specific about what you did with the tool/ software you’re describing. Microsoft Excel is a program that can be used for many different applications, for example. Discuss specifically which functionality you used to accomplish your task (pivot tables, vlookups, etc.).

what to write for skills on a resume

Match your resume skills to the job description

How can you identify the most common skills for the industry or role you’re applying for? The best way is to look at job ads for positions that grab your attention.

Try this two-step process to list skills on your resume:

  • Look across 5-10 different job descriptions for roles you’re interested in and identify the 10-15 most common skills in those job listings.
  • For each specific role you apply to, choose the 5-7 skills from your list that are most relevant to that job .

Yup, this means you’ll have to  customize your resume  for each role. Customizing your skills section, however, will vault you into the top five percent of applicants and is the quickest way to increase the number of interviews you get!

Let’s walk through an example of how to customize your skills for a specific job.

Say you’re looking for a position as a digital marketer, and after looking at some job descriptions, you notice the most common skills employers are looking for are the following:

  • CRM: HubSpot, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Pipedrive
  • Web Analytics: Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, Heap
  • General Tools: Microsoft Excel/ Word/ PowerPoint, Google Sheets/ Docs/ Slides
  • Optimization: A/B testing, customer segmentation, attribution modeling
  • Paid Ads: Facebook, AdWords, LinkedIn, Google Display Network, retargeting
  • Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
  • Email Marketing: Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Drip
  • SEO: Content creation, keyword research, backlink building

Now, you’re specifically interested in a digital marketing role at Barnes and Noble with the following job description:

Digital marketing manager


  • Develop and execute data-driven marketing strategies and campaigns with a strong focus on driving acquisition, engagement, and retention across multiple channels (e.g., SMS, mobile, email, social media, etc.) on time and on budget.
  • Aim to generate revenue and deliver on key business objectives, ROI, and KPI targets.
  • Own, measure, deliver, and optimize key metrics and reporting on marketing activities across channels and platforms.
  • Identify trends and insights, optimize segments, spend, and performance based on data.
  • Utilize strong analytical ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience across multiple channels and customer touchpoints and work cross-functionally to drive qualified traffic, improve conversion, and identify new opportunities to boost user engagement and retention through A/B and multivariate testing.


  • Minimum 5-7 years of digital marketing experience with a minimum of 3 years demonstrated success in mobile, email, social media, PPC, and SEM marketing from concept to completion with a proven track record of success.
  • Results-driven mentality with exceptional detail orientation and knowledge of metrics, A/B testing, and ROI analysis.
  • Experience with testing and optimization platforms.
  • Strong track record of distilling actionable insights from data to improve multi-channel marketing strategies.
  • In-depth familiarity with email service providers and knowledge of marketing automation platforms.
  • Solid understanding of website analytics tools (Google Analytics, Amplitude, Appsflyer), email systems (Sailthru, Salesforce Marketing Cloud), and ad-serving tools (Adroll, Facebook.)

Finally, we cross-reference our list of 10-15 skills with the skills this specific job is looking for (underlined above). This leaves us with the remaining five key skills:

  • Optimization: A/B Testing, Segmentation
  • CRM: Salesforce
  • Web Analytics: Google Analytics
  • Paid Ads: Facebook
  • Social Media: Email Marketing

There you have it! These skills are what will make up your skills list for this specific role. Don’t forget to include the seemingly most essential skills in your resume objective (for this position, we’d say those are optimization and A/B testing) and mention relevant work experience where you used some of these skills.

Remember, it’s important to be truthful about which skills you know and which you don’t. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether you’d be comfortable being interviewed about a skill. If the answer is “yes,” then include it. Otherwise, it’s best to leave it off your resume. 

And for the grand finale to this digital marketing example: Check out how this resume integrates key skills into the career objective, skills section, and work experience.

Digital Marketing Manager Resume

Digital marketing manager resume with 8 years experience

Why this resume works

  • Starting with the most obvious section—the skills section—Giselle lists skills important to Barnes & Noble, grouping them in easy-to-read categories.
  • Don’t be deterred, even if you lack experience in an area or two! Demonstrating a willingness to learn is highly valuable.
  • The work experience section is a prime opportunity to showcase skills in action. Like Giselle, start with active verbs to show how you used skills, software, and tools to impact the company positively. 

Job-Specific Resume Skills

Job specific resume skills.

We promised an extensive list of resume skills, organized by profession, and we’re not ones to break our promises!

Below, you’ll find countless role-related skills you can put on your resume, along with informational tidbits for each profession.

Remember that honesty is critical when you  build a resume , so we stand behind a shorter list of genuine skills rather than a slew of half-truths you’ll blush over later in an interview.

what to write for skills on a resume

Web developer skills for your resume

Web developers build the web apps we interact with in our everyday lives. From banking to transportation to Netflix, it’s hard to find a facet of life that isn’t touched by web development.

We did an  extensive analysis of the top web developer skills  employers are looking for in 2024, and below are the results in order of those most in demand.

Open URL icon

Top web developer skills

  • JavaScript (React, Angular, Vue)
  • SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle)
  • Cloud Storage (GCP, AWS, Azure)

Data analyst skills for resume

Companies are currently swimming in large pools of data. Marketing, product, engineering, and executive teams all rely on data to make the most effective decisions in the face of uncertainty.

That’s where data analysts come in. To be a successful data analyst, you need the right skills to clean, organize, visualize, and make actionable recommendations from data.

We analyzed over 100 job openings and determined the  most in-demand data analyst skills  needed to get a data analyst position in 2024. Below are the results in order of the most popular skills.

Top data analyst skills

  • Business Intelligence Tools (Tableau, PowerBI, Qlik, Looker)
  • Excel/ Google Sheets
  • Python (Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Numpy)
  • R (Dplyr, ggplot2)

what to write for skills on a resume

Marketing skills for resume

No matter how great a product or website—unless a successful marketing campaign drives customers to that product, it won’t succeed.

Marketers must strike a balance between creativity and science to reach the right people at the right time to make them customers.

To do this successfully, marketers need a wide range of skills.

Top marketing skills

  • CRM: Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Pipedrive, HubSpot
  • Web Analytics: Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel, Heap, Google Analytics
  • General Tools: Google Sheets/ Docs/ Slides, Microsoft Excel/ Word/ PowerPoint
  • Optimization: Customer Segmentation, Attribution Modeling, A/B Testing
  • Paid Ads: AdWords, LinkedIn, Google Display Network, Retargeting, Facebook
  • Social Media: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Email Marketing: ConvertKit, Drip, Mailchimp
  • SEO: Keyword Research, Backlink Building, Content Creation
  • Direct Mail

what to write for skills on a resume

Customer service skills for resume

When a customer has a problem or a question, they need to get a prompt and accurate answer to ensure they remain a customer.

More than that, a strong customer service representative will build relationships with customers to help identify potential new features or directions to take a product.

To do this successfully, you need a potent blend of people skills while also knowing the tools of the trade.

Top customer service skills

  • Strong Communication & Interpersonal Skills
  • Curious, Empathetic, and Professional
  • Willing to Learn
  • Goal-oriented
  • Enterprise Software
  • Experience with Business Processes
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Zendesk, HubSpot, Helpscout

what to write for skills on a resume

Management skills for resume

No matter how effective a person is as an individual contributor, management is an entirely different job that requires an altogether different skill set.

To be an effective manager, you must first understand and relate to your employees while ensuring company initiatives are hit on time. To get this done, you need a mix of different skills.

Top management skills

  • Financial Analysis
  • Self-motivation
  • Conflict Resolution & Management
  • Managing Career Growth
  • Performance Reviews
  • Ability to Motivate
  • Foster Team Environment
  • Ability to Work Under Pressure
  • Result-driven

what to write for skills on a resume

Accounting skills for resume

Accountants are the unsung heroes of any well-oiled company. A company is only as successful as it can demonstrate through its financial reports.

Accountants need to be wizards with reporting and data while maintaining a culture of rigorous organization. Accounting is a field that requires knowledge of particular hard skills.

Top accounting skills

  • Financial Reporting
  • General Ledger Accounting
  • Quarterly Close Processes
  • Quarterly Financial Statements
  • Tax Accounting
  • GAAP Accounting Principles
  • Expense Reporting
  • Accounts Payable & Receivable
  • Account Reconciliation

what to write for skills on a resume

Project manager skills for resume

Project managers keep the trains on the rails. To be a successful project manager, you must know how to ensure deadlines are met on time and on budget.

In this role, you’ll need the ability to communicate with diverse teams and technical knowledge to help engineers remove roadblocks they encounter that will prevent them from getting their job done.

Top project manager skills

  • Project Management Software (Jira, Trello)
  • Microsoft Office/Google Suite (Excel/Google Sheets, PowerPoint/Slides)
  • Project Management Frameworks and Methodologies (Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kanban)
  • Programming Languages and Frameworks (JavaScript, Node.js, Python, Django)
  • CRM Experience (HubSpot, Salesforce)
  • Digital Marketing

what to write for skills on a resume

Sales skills for resume

An effective salesperson can form meaningful relationships with new sales prospects very quickly.

To be able to sell a new customer on your product or tool, you first need to intimately understand their pain points and what they’re trying to solve.

In addition to solid soft skills, you need to know the technical tools to track and manage prospects through the sales pipeline.

Top sales skills

  • Strong Communication
  • Negotiation
  • CRM (HubSpot, Salesforce)
  • Presentation Skills
  • Lead Generation (LinkedIn, Email)
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

what to write for skills on a resume

Administrative assistant skills for resume

When it comes to a career as an administrative assistant, there’s no skill more valuable than organization. How can you help others be at their best without ensuring all ducks are in a row?

Of course, other skills are needed to succeed as an administrative assistant, and we’ve analyzed numerous administrative assistant job openings to determine the most in-demand skills for this career.

Top administrative assistant skills

  • Microsoft Excel/Google Sheets
  • Microsoft Word/Google Docs
  • Microsoft PowerPoint/Google Slides
  • Scheduling (Microsoft Outlook/Google Calendar)
  • Words per Minute you Type
  • Languages you Speak
  • Database Management
  • CRM (Salesforce, HubSpot)
  • Personable and Welcoming

what to write for skills on a resume

Nursing skills for resume

The value of nurses in our society has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 crisis.

A good nurse must have a rigorous understanding of the medical procedures and documentation they need to complete while also maintaining the soft skills necessary to build trust and understanding with patients.

It’s a very tricky balance to strike. To help you pursue a new job in nursing, we compiled the most popular skills employers are looking for across a wide range of nursing disciplines.

Top nursing skills

  • EMR Systems
  • Ambulatory Care
  • Emergency Care
  • CPR Certified
  • Best Practices
  • Long-term Patient Care
  • Compassionate
  • Organized & Reliable
  • Infant & Child Care
  • Medical Documentation

what to write for skills on a resume

Teacher skills for resume

With the shift to remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the skills required to be an effective teacher from afar are also changing.

Teachers now need to be more in tune with the technologies used for remote learning to reach students.

Still, there are some skills required to be a great teacher that haven’t changed. Based on our analysis, here are the top skills schools want when they hire teachers.

Top teacher skills

  • Lesson Planning
  • Blackboard/Moodle
  • Google Apps (Gmail, Sheets, Slides)
  • SMART Boards
  • Remote Teaching (Zoom)
  • Safe, Supportive Classrooms
  • Accountability
  • Communication with Parents and Students
  • Organization
  • Focused on Student Performance

Software engineer skills for resume

Software engineer is a broad, all-encompassing term. There are hundreds of specific disciplines within this umbrella that require different skills.

Still, there are fundamental and common skills that all developers must have. First and foremost, you need to be able to program! 

We collected the most in-demand skills for software developers to help you make the best resume possible.

Top software engineer skills

  • Python (Django)
  • Java (Spring)
  • Ruby (Ruby on Rails)
  • PHP (Laravel)
  • JavaScript (Node, React, Vue, jQuery)
  • SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL)
  • AWS, GCS, Azure

Business analyst (BA) skills for resume

Business analysts combine skills from many areas to help drive outcomes that materially improve a customer’s core metrics.

A BA is a great communicator, a robust data analyst, and an effective project manager. After a project is complete, the BA then has to be able to communicate the outcomes to the executive team.

Top business analyst skills

  • SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server)
  • Excel, Google Sheets
  • PowerPoint, Google Slides
  • Tableau, Looker, Chartio
  • Salesforce, NetSuite, HubSpot, Pipedrive
  • A/B testing, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression
  • Project Management (JIRA, Trello)

Student skills for resume

When you’re a student, it can be challenging to know which of your skills you should highlight when applying for your first job or internship.

It varies depending on the position, but at this point in your career, hiring managers don’t expect you to be an expert in all the tools you’ll need for the job.

The key is to mention which skills you have some familiarity with and express an openness to learning on the job.

Top student skills

  • Microsoft Outlook/Gmail
  • Hard-working
  • Social Media
  • Collaboration

Data scientist skills for resume

Data scientists are hybrid programmers and statisticians. It can be tough to figure out which of your technical skill sets should be the focus of your resume.

Touch on your primary programming language and put context around the modeling techniques you use regularly.

After studying over 100 data scientist job openings, here are the top skills employers are looking for in these roles.

Top data scientist skills

  • Python (Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Keras, Flask)
  • R (Dplyr, Shiny)
  • SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle)
  • AWS (Redshift)
  • Supervised Learning (Linear and Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Recommendation Engines)
  • Unsupervised Learning (K-Means Clustering, Principal Component Analysis)
  • Customer Segmentation, Price Optimization

Human resources (HR) skills for resume

When it comes to the skills you need to get your next job as a human resources manager, it’s important to demonstrate a combination of people skills (it’s in the job title, after all), but you also have to show command of the tools needed to get the job done.

You should demonstrate which phases of HR you have experience in. Whether that’s recruiting, benefits, compensation, or a combination thereof, these should be clear.

Top human resources skills

  • ATS (Workday, Jobvite, Greenhouse)
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Performance Management
  • Recruiting (Sourcing & Interviewing)
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Benefits Planning & Administration
  • Employee Coaching
  • LOA, FMLA, PLOA, Disability
  • Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint
  • Recruiting Coordination
  • Compliance (OFFCP, FLSA, Unemployment)
  • Employee Retention
  • Organizational Strategy
  • Labor Relations
  • Succession Planning
  • HR Analytics

Product manager skills for resume

Product managers help steer the direction of a company by working to understand new features and products customers are looking for.

A successful PM should have the technical skills to communicate fluently with engineers. They also need strong data analysis skills to determine whether new feature launches are working.

Top product manager skills

  • Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Mixpanel
  • Google Tag Manager
  • A/B Testing
  • Optimizely, Google Optimize
  • Basic Python scripting, APIs
  • Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Kaban
  • Jira, Github, Confluence
  • Google Analytics, Microsoft Excel

Recruiter skills for resume

Since recruiters are the first people prospective employees interact with in a company, they must have strong people skills.

Outside of that, a recruiter needs to be familiar with using an ATS to keep track of candidates as they go through the application funnel.

In addition, they need to know various tools to effectively source prospective candidates for a job opening.

Top recruiter skills

  • Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word
  • HR Information Systems (Workday, Oracle HCM, Zoho, SAP)
  • ATS (Greenhouse, Lever, Workable, Breezy HR, BambooHR)
  • Sourcing Tools (LinkedIn Recruiter, TalentNest, Connectifier)
  • Full Cycle Recruiting, Intakes, Sourcing, Screening, Evaluating Talent
  • CRM (HubSpot, Marketo, Hootsuite)

Scrum Master skills for resume

As a Scrum Master, it’s vital you demonstrate which project management frameworks you have experience in on your resume.

Scrum Masters help ensure project deadlines are hit by establishing and monitoring incremental goals along the way.

Communication and management skills are must-haves, in addition to a few technical tools.

Top Scrum Master skills

  • Agile Development & Best Practices
  • Agile Frameworks—Scrum, Kanban, XP
  • JIRA & JIRA Portfolio
  • Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio
  • User Stories, ATDD, TDD, Continuous Integration, Automated Testing
  • Project Planning & Scoping

what to write for skills on a resume

Social media manager skills for resume

As the name implies, a social media manager must show prospective employers they can use social media to drive customers toward a business.

It’s not enough, however, to demonstrate experience with various social media platforms. You must also clearly understand data and analytics to prove that your campaigns can and will work for a business.

Top social media manager skills

  • Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok
  • Sprout Social, Hootsuite
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Docs/Microsoft Word
  • Google Sheets/Microsoft Excel
  • Paid Social Media Advertising
  • Data Analytics

IT manager skills for resume

IT managers need to possess razor-sharp technical skills while demonstrating the ability to mentor and guide employees under their leadership.

Since the number of potential technical skills an IT manager can have is vast, you must demonstrate a firm command of at least a few skills.

On your resume, it’s much better to demonstrate expertise in a few skills than a weak command of a large number of tools.

Top IT manager skills

  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Agile/Lean Methodologies
  • Network Infrastructure (DNS, DHCP, SSL)
  • Linux/ Unix

what to write for skills on a resume

Design skills for resume

As you might imagine, designers need to convince the hiring manager reviewing their resume of their creative ability. This is usually done via a portfolio.

Outside of your creativity, you also need to quickly and effectively communicate which tools you use to complete your design work. One of the first things a prospective employer will check is whether you have the technical skills they’re looking for in a designer.

Top design skills

  • Design Principles
  • Color Theory
  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Storytelling
  • Canva, Vectr
  • Print Design
  • Photography

Your skills should directly correlate with the job you’re applying for so recruiters can tell what makes you special at a glance. Refer to the job description for keywords or mission statements that show what the organization values and what the job role emphasizes. Prioritize skills that relate directly to your profession over those that could enhance your qualifications for other fields.

Try to limit your array of abilities to just 6 to 10 skills per resume. If you have more to choose from, choose to meet the optimal resume skill range with abilities that specifically answer the call of the job description. You don’t want a skills list that looks too “hodgepodge,” so hone your skills to a trade-specific edge that demonstrates your expertise.

Soft skills are the tools you use to socially function with grace and efficiency. They refer to your interpersonal abilities like negotiation, communication, and team delegation (just to name a few!). Keep in mind that you don’t want to overdo your skills list and appear disorganized, so select only the most relevant soft skills to list. You can use them as context for your professional experiences.

Technical skills, or hard skills, can refer to anything from software proficiency to specialized actions or tasks you can perform that relate to your job. Physical technology or machinery, digital meeting programs, and the ability to interpret industry-specific data all count! These important skills show off your specialties and highlight your unique candidacy for the job role.

Every skills list should be technical, but yours especially so: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your expertise instantly. By naming precisely which software programs you use (think: Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, or Salesforce to name a few) instead of generalizing, you effectively spotlight your skills ahead of time. Recruiters often skim the skills list first since they move fast, so seize the chance to align yourself with the job!

Honestly, that depends on you! Which of your resume sections is the strongest: skills, experience, internships, or stuff like your degree and academic achievements? Resume layouts with a side column can put your skills list in a highly visible space. If your experiences are super strong, you can also list your skills at the bottom of the page. Just make sure your best qualities are the most eye-catching!

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Career Sidekick

Top 14 Resume Skills to add on your Resume + Examples

By Biron Clark

Published: December 18, 2023

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

Putting skills on a resume is a great way to show hiring managers what you can do for them, while also including relevant keywords on your resume. However, there’s one BIG mistake that I’ve seen many job seekers make with their skills section on a resume… and it can cost them the interview.

So in this article, we’re going to look at real-life examples of resume skills sections, how to write this section and come up with ideas of skills to list, and the biggest mistake to avoid if you want to get the interview.

What Skills Should you add on your resume?

Your resume is essentially your first impression to a potential employer, so it must showcase your skills in the best possible light. Hence, it’s important to understand that there are two types of skills: hard skills and soft skills . 

Hard skills are those that are specifically related to the job at hand, such as technical skills like programming or accounting.

Examples of Hard Skills: 

  • Proficiencies with tools or software.
  • Hands-on work experience or degrees and certifications.
  • Proficiencies in languages.

Meanwhile, soft skills are more personal traits such as interpersonal skills like communication, EQ, teamwork and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, transferable skills are those that can be used across different industries and job types, such as leadership, time management, computer skills and adaptability. Usually, job postings include a bullet list of role requirements that each feature a certain skill, skill set, aptitude, or ability.

Examples of Soft Skills:

  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving

Essentially, the skills, competencies, or core competencies section of your resume will give hiring managers a quick-glance guide to how closely your abilities match the role requirements.

With this in-mind, let’s take a closer look at each of those hard and soft transferable skills I mentioned above, to see why they really are the best skills to put on your resume. Let’s start with the soft skills because, even if you’ve never had a job or skills training, there’s a good chance you already have many of these skills.

Best Soft Skills to add on your resume:

1. communication skills.

These skills are essential to almost all roles because they allow you to receive and share ideas effectively. These skills are applied through a range of channels and may include both soft skills (like active listening) and hard skills (like social media writing). Communication skills include listening skills, verbal skills, body-language skills, visual skills, and contextual (or versatility) skills like cross-cultural, academic, crisis, professional, and online communication skills.

2. Problem-solving skills

Most roles will see you encountering problems at some point, that’s one of the reasons work can be stressful. Some roles are all about finding and making innovative solutions to problems. Problem-solving skills may include methodologies and various hard skills, but they’re also about the soft skills of defining problems, prioritizing issues, determining causes, brainstorming solutions, considering alternatives, and implementing solutions.

3. Creativity skills

These skills come naturally to some but, in general, can be learned by simply applying yourself to creative pursuits. Aside from the artistic side, however, creativity is a thinking skill that allows you to think outside the box, innovate solutions, imagine new concepts and ideas, and generally do things in an open-minded, original way. This is highly prized by employers who are trying to set their brand apart through creative, innovative products and services.

4. Organizational skills

Organizational skills refer to your ability to manage yourself, your time, and your productivity efficiently and effectively. They’re vital to employers because they indicate that you have a systematic, goal-oriented approach to working. Unless you have the ability to manage your calendar, your time, your thoughts, and your duties in a functional and efficient manner, you will be difficult to manage or rely on, and you certainly won’t be able to manage others.

5. Leadership skills

Some simply have a natural tendency to lead, while others seem ready to follow them–this is important to employers, as few things are more costly than an ineffective leader. Leadership skills, however, can be learned over time, and include a range of other hard and soft skills like communication, critical thinking, versatility, conflict management, relationship building, decisiveness, delegation, project management, and more.

6. Teamwork skills

Teamwork skills are vital to all interactive and collaborative job roles, as they allow you to work efficiently and effectively with others. Teamwork skills are very much a blend of communication and interpersonal skills, but there are specific soft skills, like collaboration, empathy, honesty, and integrity that will determine whether you can thrive in a team setting.

Best Hard Skills to add on your resume:

1. digital skills:.

In 2023 and beyond, you’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t rely largely on digital interaction and processes to get their products and services to market. So, adding digital skills means that employers will know that you can use a tablet, computer, mobile phone, and the internet to communicate, research, transact, manage tasks, and create. Examples of hard digital skills include market research, social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, digital project management, software development, and much more.

2. Design skills

Design skills start with foresight and imagination, and the ability to envision things that aren’t yet made. In that way, they are similar to creative skills. Other than that, design skills include a range of hard skills that depend on your profession, including coding abilities, branding skills, typography skills, architectural software skills, Adobe apps skills, Illustration skills, physics and engineering skills, and more. Design skills are vital to jobs that involve product innovation, marketing, and more.

3. Project management skills

Whether you’re applying for a post in marketing, product or service development, or something like events planning, project management skills are those skills that allow you to take a project (often requiring numerous employees and teams) all the way from ideation to completion. There are a range of factors involved and a number of hard and soft skills. Examples of PM skills include budgeting, scope planning, risk assessment stakeholder communication, problem-solving, team leadership, delegation, digital project management administration, and more.

4. Data analysis skills

Data analysis skills are important because they allow you to absorb, quantify, categorize, analyze, collate, and draw conclusions from data such as statistics , sales figures, customer queries and complaints, product tests, and more. Data analysis skills are essential to a range of roles and include hard and soft skills such as math, statistics , calculus, linear algebra, detail orientation, logical thought, troubleshooting, speed reading, database management, data mining, and more.

5. Customer service skills

Customer service skills are your ability to offer knowledge and support to prospective and existing customers and to act as the face of a business. As such, these are essential skills for a range of businesses. Core customer service skills include soft skills like discernment and emotional intelligence, communications skills, and persuasion skills, and hard skills like SaaS support, POS skills, FOH skills, outbound call skills, product/industry knowledge skills, and more.

6. Language skills

Language skills include proficiency in native and foreign language reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and they can be included among communication skills as well. In today’s globalized world and online marketplace, multilingual skills are in high demand. Employers are often willing to pay more for multilingual candidates, especially in fields like international business, hospitality, tourism, human resources , and more. Language skills are, however, largely made up of hard skills because language proficiency is a technical and measurable skill set. Correct use and grasp of grammar, syntax, tone, diction, vocabulary, and contextual language are essential in the professional world because they allow you to absorb and offer information in a way that is more accurate, conclusive, concise, and business-like.

7. Content writing skills

Incorporating many of the language skills mentioned above, content writing includes knowledge of formats, annotation systems, referencing skills, and tonal parameters that apply to all different types of business, sales, and marketing content. Companies value content writing skills because, using hard skills like knowledge of online content formats, research and referencing, SEO, and sales funneling, a content writer can target, engage, and convert new customers while retaining existing ones with regular, high-value content.

8. Marketing skills

Marketing is a powerful skill set that incorporates other skills like content writing, customer service, data analysis, communication, creativity, and problem-solving. Marketing allows businesses to target markets, figure out how to appeal to and reach those markets, and then effectively (and in conjunction with content writers, web designers, and other key members) funnel clients down the path to conversion. Marketing includes a broad range of highly technical hard skills as well, including UX design, CRM, CMS, CRO, marketing automation, social media and ad marketing, PPC, SEO, SEM, and more.

How Many Resume Skills Should You Put?

The number of skills to include on your resume will depend on the job you’re applying for, your industry, and your experience level. For example, an experienced software engineer may list 20 skills. However, for an entry-level job seeker, 8-10 skills are sufficient, and any more than that will be unlikely to be read by a hiring manager or recruiter .

Also, someone in a less technical field (like sales or customer service) might only need 8-10 skills on their resume, even if they have a few years of experience.

Overall, my recommendation as a recruiter is that you should have somewhere between 8 and 20 skills on your resume. You should list both hard and soft skills, but it’s more important to include hard skills. These are the skills that hiring managers look for first and foremost on your resume; soft skills are secondary.

Resume Skills Section Guide With Examples

Let’s look at some good examples of resume Skills sections (which you can also name “Core Competencies,” “Professional Skills,” etc.) Your goal when writing this resume section is to highlight your most relevant skills for the job, all in one place. So you want the list to be easy to read. I suggest one or two columns. 

And you don’t just want to list random skills. And you don’t want to list the same skills for every job! You really want to research the job and company (starting with the job description) and put the skills and keywords THEY mention. This is called “tailoring” your resume and will immediately boost the number of interviews you receive. I wrote a guide on the easiest way to do this HERE . (It’s much easier than people think).

So you really need to be looking at the specific job description for keywords.

Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to put together your Skills section. Here are some sample skills sections so you can see what it might look like:

Resume Skills Section Example #1 – Bullet Point format:

what to write for skills on a resume

This resume skills section example is for a salesperson. You can see it contains a lot of keywords, and also highlights what this person is best at. That’s what you should aim to do.

Remember, don’t just guess which skills and keywords the employer wants. Study the job description.

Resume Skills Section Example #2:

what to write for skills on a resume

This is another example of a simple layout for this section on your resume, this time using two columns.

Choose a format that is simple and not distracting. You want the employer’s attention to be on your skills and qualifications, not on your resume’s formatting.

If you take one idea away from these sample skill sections of a resume, it should be that the section is meant to be simple and clutter-free, and should only feature your top relevant skills for the jobs you’re pursuing now. It’s not a place to list every single skill you’ve ever used, and it shouldn’t have as much content as other, more important, sections like your resume work experience.

Resume Skills Section Example #3 – Skills Matrix Format:

Communication | Problem-Solving | Time Management | Teamwork | Technical Skills

Excellent verbal and written communication skills | Strong analytical and creative problem-solving abilities | Proficient in prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines | Collaborative and able to work effectively in team settings | Proficient in MS Office and Google Workspace

Now, let’s look at examples of resume skills sections for popular professions:

1. Software Developer:

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Database Management: SQL, MySQL
  • Problem-Solving: Strong analytical and debugging skills
  • Collaboration: Experienced in working in Agile development teams

2. Marketing Coordinator:

  • Digital Marketing: SEO, SEM, PPC
  • Social Media Management: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  • Content Creation: Copywriting, blogging, content strategy
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, data analysis
  • Project Management: Organizing campaigns, coordinating with stakeholders

3. Registered Nurse:

  • Patient Care: Assessing, planning, and implementing patient care
  • Medical Procedures: IV insertion, wound care, medication administration
  • Communication: Effective patient and family communication
  • Critical Thinking: Rapid decision-making in emergency situations
  • Team Collaboration: Working closely with doctors and healthcare professionals

4. Sales Representative:

  • Relationship Building: Cultivating and maintaining client relationships
  • Negotiation: Effective in closing deals and achieving sales targets
  • Presentation Skills: Delivering persuasive sales presentations
  • CRM Software: Proficient in Salesforce or other CRM platforms
  • Prospecting: Identifying and pursuing new sales opportunities

5. Graphic Designer:

  • Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
  • Typography: Knowledge of various typefaces and layout design
  • Branding: Creating visually consistent brand identities
  • User Experience (UX): Designing intuitive user interfaces
  • Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy and precision in design wor

More Ideas of Skills to Include

If you’ve read the tips above and are still thinking, “I don’t have enough key skills to put on my resume,” here are a few ideas to help you… Along with looking at the job description for the role you’re applying for, you can also look at job descriptions for roles you’ve previously held. Which skills did you use most?

Look at current or most recent work, too. What did your typical week look like? Sit down and think about which skills you used the most throughout a normal week. Remember to think about hard skills and soft skills. That should help you come up with more ideas.

You can also look at LinkedIn’s list of skills that are available for your LinkedIn profile . (LinkedIn suggests skills when you go edit this section of your profile).

You can look at peers/colleagues on LinkedIn, too, to see which skills they’ve chosen! Look at a few current coworkers, for example. Which skills are they mentioning? Those are good skills to list on your LinkedIn and your resume, too. The LinkedIn skills section is a great way to get resume ideas overall.

You can also learn something new that will make you more attractive to employers…

I recommend doing this by taking a course via LinkedIn Learning and then adding it to your resume Skills section). This is a great option if you’re job searching after being unemployed because it shows employers you’re keeping your skills current and staying active.

You can learn soft skills like body language (this could help you if you’re in sales, customer service, etc.) or hard skills like front-end web development, social media management, and more.

Tip: Employers Want to See Where You Used Each Skill, Too

In general, employers want to see where and when you used each skill (especially for hard skills). So don’t just rely on a Skills section. You should put equal (or more) time into writing your work experience section and your resume bullets ).

Also, put effort into your resume summary paragraph.

I typically read those sections first as a recruiter. That’s where I can see which key skills you’ve used most in your career. In fact, even if you put your skills section very high up on a resume, I usually skip it and only return to read it AFTER I check out your recent work experience and bullets!

The bottom line is: Recruiters and hiring managers don’t want to see a big list of skills with no reference to where each skill was used… at least not at first. And they especially do not want to see a long list of soft skills. They’re mostly looking for hard skills and key skills from the job posting when they first glance at your resume.

So keep this in mind when writing your skills list. The hiring manager might skip it and look for your experience section first.

This resume section still has value – as a secondary place to show off your abilities and core competencies, and as a place to fill your resume with great keywords so you can get past the ATS (applicant tracking system). But the biggest mistake I see job seekers making is relying on the skills section too much to get interviews or get the employer’s attention.

Be Prepared to Answer Interview Questions About the Skills You’ve Listed

If you say you’re an expert in Phone Sales, Digital Marketing , Social Media Marketing, Customer Service, or any other hard skill… you need to be ready to defend this in an interview. If you say you’ve done a lot of time management, be prepared with examples. If you say problem-solving is one of your strengths , be ready to back it up with a success story!

They will want to know where you used that skill and details about how you used it and what results you got in recent jobs. And if you say you’re an “expert” at something, they might ask what makes you an expert. So if you’re not an expert or highly proficient, don’t say you are. You can still list the skill, but don’t exaggerate and go overboard by saying “expert.”

I made this mistake early in my career, costing me the job! I said the word “expert” when describing my Microsoft Excel skills, and they asked me about it in an interview and I completely crumbled. I wasn’t an expert and I wasn’t ready to defend why I had said that on my skills list.

Also, don’t list skills you’ve never used. Even if they do hire you, you could immediately be fired if they discover you lied about your skills in your interview. Lying in your job search is usually not a good tactic. So be honest when listing skills on your resume, and review your own resume as you prepare for the interview so you’re not caught off-guard by the interview questions they ask .

You should be ready to answer questions related to any or all skills mentioned in your resume skills section – both soft and hard skills.

What Not to Include in Your Resume Skills Section

Quality over quantity always wins, and this applies while listing resume skills. Highlighting the most relevant skills in your resume is important. Otherwise, your resume may look disorganized and unfocused. Therefore, avoid listing every skill you possess, and follow these tips to ensure your skills align with the job posting. 

1. Irrelevant Skills : Only include skills directly related to the job you’re applying for. Avoid listing unrelated or outdated skills, as they can take up valuable space on your resume and distract from your qualifications.

2. Generic Skills : Avoid using overly broad or generic skills that are not specific or actionable. Instead, highlight skills specific to the job and industry you’re targeting.

3. Obvious Skills : Skip listing skills considered basic or commonly expected in the industry. For example, including “proficient in Microsoft Office Suite” may not be necessary, as it is generally expected in most professional roles.

4. False or Exaggerated Skills : Be honest about your skills and avoid exaggerating or fabricating information. Employers may verify your skills during hiring, and misrepresenting your abilities can have negative consequences.

Recap: Putting the Right Skills in a Resume

  • Choose 8-20 skills, depending on your industry and level of experience
  • Put mostly hard skills and skills that relate directly to the employer’s job
  • Avoid putting too many soft skills; employers will judge this primarily in the interview and aren’t looking for soft skills as much on your resume
  • Whenever listing a hard skill, make sure also to mention it on your work experience; employers want to see where you used each skill, too, and this is how to show them
  • Use the job description to identify important skills for this position
  • Include exact phrases from the job description to improve your chances of getting past automated job application systems
  • If you need more ideas for which skills to put, review past jobs you’ve held and/or look at peers on LinkedIn to see skills they’ve chosen
  • Use one or two columns and simple formatting to make your Skills section easy to read
  • Never put your Skills section before your Employment History section on your resume
  • If you’re an entry-level job seeker, never put your Skills section before your Education section
  • Be prepared to answer interview questions about any skills listed on your resume
  • Avoid including irrelevant or generic skills, obvious skills, and false or exaggerated skills in the skills section. 

If you read the tips above, you now know how to write a great skills section of a resume, including examples of what it should look like.

You also know the other important pieces to focus on, like your resume work experience . If you follow these guidelines that I shared, you’ll get more interviews and get noticed by better employers in your job search.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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Crafting the perfect resume for teens (template & expert advice), are resume writers worth it, don’t say you’re a quick learner on your resume, what do recruiters look for in a resume, chronological resume: the best format (and how to write it), the 3 best colors for a resume, career change resume: examples and tips from experts, what makes a good resume 9 ways to know, how long should a resume be, walk me through your resume: answer examples.

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Resume Skills: How to Write a Skills Section in 2024? [+Examples]

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

No matter the job and no matter the experience level, skills are essential to a resume.

So much so, that amongst recruiters there's a new saying brewing — “ the future is skill-based ”.

And it makes sense, as mundane jobs get automated, those with a strong skill-set are able to shift focus and remain relevant in a fast-evolving job environment.

In this article, we'll not only show you how to write a skills section for your resume but also show you the differences between soft and hard skills and when to apply them. Moreover, you'll also learn some of the most sought-after skills by recruiters in today’s job market.

TL;DR Video Guide: How to List Skills on a Resume

Learn to write a great skills section for your resume in under 60 seconds. Watch our quick video guide, save time, and skip straight to the most important takeaways. 

What is considered a skill?

In broad terms, a skill is an ability to perform certain tasks well. Some skills can be measured and acquired through deliberate effort, while other are related to your personality traits.

In other words, not all skills are created equal. That’s why we call some of them “hard” and others “soft”.

  • Hard skills . These are the skills that you’ve acquired through deliberate effort. They can be learned, taught, and measured. Examples of hard skills include: English, Spanish, HTML, Python, copywriting, data analysis, SEO, SEM, and others.
  • Soft skills , on the other hand, are closely tied to one’s personality traits. They arise from your previous experiences and the environment you grew up in. These could be your leadership, communication, or other interpersonal skills . As opposed to hard skills, soft skills cannot be easily taught. Examples of soft skills include: problem-solving, negotiating, multitasking, time management, presenting, and others.

Both types of skills are highly valued by employers and have an important role to play in your job search.

You can think of your hard skills as a foundation upon which your entire application is built. They give you a fighting chance to score the job you want.

Your soft skills, on the other hand, are something extra that can make your application stand out. They give you an edge over other equally capable candidates.

resume skills section example

Why do I need a skills section on my resume?

A well-put-together skills section can help a recruiter figure out whether you have what it takes for the job — and do it quickly . Speed is of the essence here.

Why? Because most recruiters only have about six seconds to decide whether a resume is worth reading in full. That means you only have a very limited time to get the most important, most impressive points across. Otherwise, your resume ends up in the bin.

With that in mind, having an entire section designated to your skills makes a lot of sense. After all, it’s through your skills that you can be useful to a company. By devoting an entire section to them you help the employer quickly assess if you can bring something to the table.

Get through the applicant tracking system (ATS)

What’s more, your resume isn’t for human eyes only. Every larger company nowadays uses an applicant tracking system (ATS) to weed out weak candidates. Because of that, most resumes never get to a human reader.

Fortunately, your resume’s skills section can help you punch through the ATS wall.

How? One way an ATS flags a resume for closer (human) review is by scanning it for relevant keywords. Luckily, by definition, any good skills section contains a relatively large number of these keywords and can help you get invited for a job interview .

As you can see there are also resume qualifications and a well-constructed skills section will help you make your resume more attractive both to human and computer eyes.

Finally, you should know that a large majority of your skills should already be shown in the work experience section of your resume. In other words, the skills section will always be a bit redundant. Don’t worry about that. For the reasons described above, it’s still worth it even if it comes at the cost of little redundancy.

what skills to put on resume

How to write a skills section for your resume?

Although, at a first glance the skills resume section might seem straightforward. Once you start getting into the nitty-gritty of it, you will soon realize that you have a pile of practical questions that will require some research –– both about you and the job at hand.

A good way to start preparing for writing the skill section of your resume is by researching the job listing, the company, and its work culture and asking yourself these 4 questions:

  • What are the skills needed for this job?
  • Do my skills align with the job?
  • Am I proficient in such skills?
  • Is it essential to add these skills to my resume?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can begin adding the skills that meet your requirements.

How to format skills on a resume?

Formatting your skills on your resume will depend on a few factors such as your choice of resume template and resume style. With the style of resume bearing the most weight; will it be a chronological, functional, or a combined resume?

  • Chronological resume : This style of resume is the standard. It adds your work experience to the top of the resume and lists your jobs in chronological order from newest to oldest. Though anyone can use this style, those with greater experience benefit the most.
  • Functional resume : If you want your resume to highlight your skills then picking a functional resume is the way to go, as it prioritizes them by adding them to the forefront of your resume. This is a great choice for those working in the tech industry or if you’re new to the workforce.
  • Combined resume : As the name suggests, this is a mix of both a functional and chronological resume. This style of resume is a good way to go if you’re someone with a large gap in your employment or if you are switching careers. Where to put skills on a mixed resume depends on what you want to emphasize to your employer. If your skills are unique and in demand, put them at the top.

As for your resume template, you have more freedom and can pick from a variety of templates that meet your needs. However, not all resume templates are created equal and some are more suitable than others depending on the occupation.

If you’re having a hard time deciding what kind of resume template to use, go through resume examples to gauge what kind of templates are typically used for certain jobs.

Best skills to add to your resume in 2024

The rule of thumb is: stay relevant . What does it mean in practice?

First, it’s advised to limit the length of your resume to no more than two pages. This shouldn’t be a problem, as nowadays resume builders make it really simple to keep things concise.

Basically, by having a long resume you risk the hiring manager losing interest.

Hence, you need to provide only the most relevant information, and because things move so fast in today’s day and age you also need to make sure the information is up to date.

But how can you tell which of your skills are up to date and relevant for the job you want?

Easy, by following these 3 tips:

  • Study the job advertisement.
  • Print it out.
  • Highlight skills that are essential for the job.

These skills are the keywords that both the hiring managers and the ATS will be looking for.

Once you’ve done that, see how many of those skills you already have and list them in your skills section.

Best hard skills to put on a resume in 2024

Like we said earlier on, the job landscape is evolving, and we don’t mean your typical slow pace Darwin-type of evolution. Nope. This is a fast computer-age evolution, and you’re going to have to put in some effort and come up with some great resume ideas for skills if you don’t want to be left in the dust.

This is especially true for careers that depend heavily on hard skills, such as those in the tech, industrial, and construction industries. So, just like bringing the right tool for the job, it’s important to bring the right set of hard skills.

With that said, these 10 hard skills are in huge demand in 2024:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Business analysis
  • Sales processing
  • Product Marketing
  • Clinical research
  • Creative writing
  • Video editing
  • Web development

Now, we don’t mean for you to just go jotting down as many hard skills as you can on your resume just because they’re in demand. No, unique skills for a resume or any additional skill for a resume should only be added if you can at least perform the skills with some proficiency.

Another good way to decide what skill to add to your skill summary is by asking yourself this question, “ Would I be able to answer a hiring manager’s in-depth questions about such skill ?”. If not, then scrap it from your resume and cover letter .

Best soft skills to put on a resume in 2024

It doesn’t matter how technical your profession is. At the end of the day, you’ll have to interact with people in some form or another. That’s where soft skills come into play.

Think about it, if you were a recruiter, who would you rather hire? A programmer who’s also emotionally intelligent and has a way with people? Or someone equally skilled but who is anti-social?

If you’d prefer the former candidate, you wouldn’t be alone. In fact, 67 percent of HR managers said they’d hire a candidate with strong soft skills even if his or her technical abilities were lacking. On the contrary, only 9 percent would hire someone with strong technical credentials but weak soft skills. Even when it comes to hard-to-fill positions, the candidate’s soft skills still amount to about 25 percent of the hiring decision .

Having said that, here are 10 of the most marketable soft skills in 2024:

  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving
  • Negotiation
  • Attention to detail
  • Flexibility
  • Analytical thinking
  • Collaboration

Most companies understand that efficiency alone doesn’t make an organization stand out. They need to be innovative too — and create an environment where talented workers want to come and stay.

Pro tip:  If you have a LinkedIn profile filled with all the important details, including your skills, work experience, academic background, and qualifications, you can  turn it into a polished resume with just one click.

Top skills by career field to add to a resume

Some general skills can be a plus for nearly any job out there, particularly soft skills.

However, the number one rule on how to write a resume applies here, too, always tailor your resume with skills that align with the job. Also, keep in mind that sometimes skills that don’t seem relevant actually are, you just have to learn how to describe skills on a resume. Here are a few soft and hard skill examples for popular career fields you can add to your resume (assuming you possess such skills).

Skills to put on an art and design resume (examples)

For those who want to work in a creative field, it's imperative to understand that a blend of both soft and hard skills are needed. Few jobs out there require you to be a lone wolf and because of this, regardless of how good you're at your craft, it's equally important to hone your soft skills.

  • Soft skills: creativity, communication, collaboration, flexibility, planning, multitasking, troubleshooting, independence, perceptivity, accuracy
  • Hard skills : basic HTML, print knowledge, Adobe Create Suite, Dreamweaver, typography knowledge, photo editing, logo creation , marketing, storyboard creation, layout

Get inspired by this stylish resume example for an illustrator .

Best skills to put on a marketing resume (examples)

As someone in the marketing field, you're likely very aware of how fast the world is changing, especially if you’re into digital marketing. Hence, it’s important for you to highlight that you’re keeping up with the latest trends.

  • Soft skills : collaboration, intuitive, creativity, problem-solving, multitasking, curiosity, innovation, networking, quantitative thinking, forward-thinking
  • Hard skills : content marketing, WordPress, mobile marketing, social media, email marketing, lead nurturing, SEO, Mailchimp, Adobe Photoshop, video production

Check out this well-researched resume example from an online marketing specialist for inspiration.

Best project manager skills (examples)

Since the start of the pandemic, project management skills have been in high demand, according to research from McKinsey . Keeping up with the competition means that project managers need to continually upskill themselves. To make the most of your resume, here are the best project management skills to include.

  • Soft skills: problem-solving, negotiation, leadership, effective communication, organization, prioritization
  • Hard skills: Project Management Methodologiesdata analysis and visualization, programming (in relevant fields), marketing, use of AI 

If you want to learn more about these skills, have a look at the article we dedicated to the top skills for a project manager that includes an example of a project manager resume .

Skills to put on a finance resume (examples)

There’s a rule (hopefully a joke) amongst those working in finance –– always put your job ahead of your personal life. Now, whether that’s hyperbole or not, it should tell you a bit about what’s expected in the field.   

  • Soft skills : Leadership, presentation skills, compliance, diligence, being focused, initiative, thick-skinned, communication, execution, patience
  • Hard skills : SQL, VBA, Python, index matching, Excel, pivot tables, advanced charting, financial modeling, CFA, C++

Take a look at this well-presented and executed resume example for an equity analyst for inspiration.

Skills to put on an IT resume (examples)

Many think that working in IT means you don’t really need soft skills and honestly, they couldn’t be more wrong. Soft skills are just as important as hard skills when it comes to IT, so make sure that your IT resume contains both sets of skills.

  • Soft skills : Communication, attention to detail, logical thinking, adaptability, prioritizing, decisive, deadline management, problem-solving, collaboration, accuracy
  • Hard skills : AI, data science, cloud services, blockchain, VR, Cyber security, python, AWS, CSS, cyber security

Start your resume strong, get inspired with this in-depth and well-formatted resume example for an IT analyst , or just watch the video below: 

Skills to put on a sales resume (examples)

Salespeople are "people people" and should definitely emphasize their soft skills on their resumes. However, many sales roles like B2B are becoming more tech-dependent and should also include hard skills on their resumes.

  • Soft skills : Persuasion, negotiation, confidence, public speaking, active listening, responsibility, written communication, flexibility, intuition, business acumen
  • Hard skills : Powerpoint, SEO, data analysis, SaSS, content writing, cold calling, CRM, email management, pitch creation, product knowledge

Have a peek at this persuasive resume example for a sales representative if you're in need of inspiration.

Skills to put on a hospitality resume (examples) 

Do you like to be surrounded by people? Does it bring you joy to make someone's day (or week) better by being able to accommodate their needs and create unforgettable experiences?

Then you were born for the hospitality industry! However, it's also important to demonstrate these qualities on a resume. Make sure that these hard skills and soft skills are included in your hospitality CV. 

  • Soft skills : Multi-tasking, empathy, teamwork, problem-solving and conflict-resolution, active listening, flexibility, adaptability, resistance to stress;
  • Hard skills : POS systems, front desk management, basic computer skills, event planning, knowledge of multiple languages, bartending course, social media marketing, and networking, vendor relations.

Are there any skills I should NOT include on a resume?

Sure, most skills you have might come in handy at some point. But that doesn’t mean that every skill belongs on a resume. In fact, the number of unsuitable skills is so large we had to split them into five categories:

  • Skills you DON’T have . Remember, most skills take a lot of effort to acquire. Don’t fabricate them just to get hired. It will come back to haunt you in the long run — probably as soon as you get to the job interview. It’s bad enough to look incompetent but far worse to be seen as a liar.
  • Obsolete skills. Do you know how to back up files on a floppy disk? Good, but don’t put it on your resume. You don’t want to look as obsolete as floppy disks. The same goes for other outdated technologies and skills related to them.
  • Skills that have nothing to do with the job. Scuba diving is an impressive skill to have. But it’s also completely irrelevant if you’re applying for a job on dry land. Remember, hiring managers only have a limited attention span. Make sure they focus on those of your skills that can actually get you the job.
  • Overused buzzwords. Are you a flexible quick learner? Are you passionately creative, always motivated, and focused on the strategic vision? Even if it’s true, don’t mention it. These are some of the most overused words on resumes, and hiring managers are tired of seeing them. What’s more, these buzzwords don’t really mean anything.
  • Skills everybody should have. Never list skills like Microsoft Word, email, or web searching. It’s a given that anyone applying for an office job nowadays has these skills. Would you hire someone who considers the ability to browse the internet an achievement?

skills to avoid listing on your resume

One more thing. If you’re struggling to fit your resume on a single page, consider shortening your skills section. Leave only the key skills on a resume, relevancy is what matters the most here. Prioritize the hard skills mentioned in the job advertisement and ditch anything less relevant. 

What are professional skills?

Professional skill is a hard or soft skill that was learned with the intention (either at school, job, or certifications) of applying it in an employment setting. Examples of such skills are computer languages, machine skills, and writing skills.

What to put under skills on a resume?

When deciding what to put under skills on a resume, it's advised to research the job ad. Once that is done, then you can list the skills you possess that align with the job ad description.

You can add hard skills, such as: Microsoft Word, Photoshop, and Excel. You can also add soft skills, such as: punctuality, teamwork, and problem solver.

How to list soft skills on a resume?

Listing soft skills can be done in multiple ways, you can sprinkle them through your work experience section of your resume, you can add them under the skills section, or create an independent section titled “Soft Skills”.

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Martin Poduška

Martin is a resume expert and career advice writer at Kickresume. In his five years at Kickresume, he has written hundreds of in-depth, painstakingly researched resume advice articles and, as chief editor, he has also edited and revised every single article on this website. Tens of thousands of job seekers read Martin’s resume advice every month. He holds a degree in English from the University of St Andrews and a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Amsterdam .

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Resume Summary Examples for Students (With How-to Guide)

Resume Summary Examples for Students (With How-to Guide)

Writing a great resume summary can make a big difference when you're a student looking for a job. This short overview of your skills is the first thing employers see, so it's important to get it right. Even if you don't have much work experience, you can create a strong student resume summary showing employers why you'd be a great choice.

This guide will show you how to write an effective resume summary. We'll give you resume summary examples for students and useful tips to help you stand out when applying for jobs.

What is a resume summary?

A resume summary, also called a professional summary, is a short statement at the top of your resume that shows your main skills, qualifications, and career goals. For students, it's a chance to highlight your school achievements, important classes you've taken, and any internships or volunteer work that relates to the job you want.

A good resume summary is usually two to four sentences long and should:

  • Get the reader's attention
  • Show your most important qualifications
  • Explain why you'd be valuable to the company
  • Match what the job description asks for

For students, a well-written summary can make up for not having much work experience by focusing on skills you've learned and things you've achieved in school.

How to write a student resume summary

Writing an excellent student resume summary takes some thought and planning. Here's a step-by-step way to create an effective summary:

  • Read the job description carefully: Look at what skills and qualifications the employer wants.
  • Think about your strengths: Consider your school achievements, relevant classes, projects, and any internships or volunteer work.
  • Choose what to focus on: Pick 2-3 main points that match what the job needs.
  • Start with a strong first sentence: Begin by introducing yourself and saying what you're studying.
  • Talk about relevant skills: Mention skills that fit the job description, including both specific and general skills.
  • Include achievements: Mention any important things you've done in school or extracurricular activities.
  • Share your career goals: Briefly say what you want to do professionally, especially if it fits with the job or company.
  • Keep it short: Aim for 2-4 sentences that really show your value.

Remember to change your resume summary for each job you apply to. Don't use the same general statement for every application. Instead, focus on what makes you a good fit for that specific job.

What to include in a resume summary

When writing your student resume summary, think about including these things:

  • Your current education: Mention your degree, what you're studying, and when you expect to graduate.
  • Relevant skills: Talk about both specific and general skills that fit what the job needs.
  • School achievements: Include things like a high GPA, being on the dean's list, or any awards you've won.
  • Relevant classes or projects: Mention any courses or projects that show skills the job requires.
  • Internship or volunteer experience: If you have any, briefly talk about work experience that relates to the job.
  • Career goals: Say what you want to do professionally, especially if it matches the job.
  • Personal qualities: Highlight traits that make you a good fit for the role and the company's culture.

Here's an example of how these parts might come together:

"Hardworking Computer Science student at XYZ University with a 3.8 GPA, looking for an entry-level software development job. Proficient in Java, Python, and C++, with experience in mobile app development for school projects. Exceptional problem-solving skills and a love for developing efficient, user-friendly apps."

Professional resume summary for college students

To help you understand how to write your own resume summary, here are some resume profile examples for students for college students in different fields:

  • Business Administration Student: 

"Third-year Business Administration student at ABC University specialized in Marketing. Skilled at analyzing data and using social media for marketing, shown by successfully promoting campus events. Looking for a marketing internship to apply what I've learned in class in a real-world setting."

  • Nursing Student: 

"Caring Nursing student in last year at DEF College with a 3.9 GPA. Have over 500 hours of experience in different healthcare settings. Strong communication skills and ability to work effectively in high-pressure environments. Seeking an entry-level nursing job to help provide patient-centered care."

  • Engineering Student: 

"Creative Mechanical Engineering student at GHI Institute with hands-on experience using CAD software and 3D printing. Led a team project making an energy-saving prototype, showing good leadership and problem-solving skills. Looking for an internship to learn more about sustainable design."

  • Education Student: 

"Passionate Elementary Education major at JKL University with experience tutoring diverse learners. Skilled at putting together engaging lesson plans and using technology for teaching. Searching for a student teaching position to apply innovative teaching methods and foster a positive learning environment."

  • Graphic Design Student: 

"Creative Graphic Design student at MNO College with proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite. My portfolio shows brand identity projects and digital drawings. Great at managing time, learned from doing freelance work. Looking for an internship to learn and bring new ideas to a dynamic design team."

These examples show how to make your resume summary fit your field of study and career goals. Remember to change your summary for each job you apply to, focusing on the skills and experiences that matter most for that specific job.

Writing an exceptional resume summary as a student is an important skill that can really help you get a job. By following this guide and looking at the resume profile examples for students we provided, you can write a strong summary that shows your potential and makes you stand out from other applicants.

Remember, your resume summary is just the start. To make a really standout resume, you need to pay attention to every part. If you want help writing your resume, use Aithor , a versatile writing tool that can help you polish your writing and ensure that your resume looks professional.

With practice and persistence, you can write a professional summary for a resume college student that opens doors to exciting job opportunities.

Good luck with your job search!

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  • Functional Resume: Writing...

Functional Resume: Writing Guide, Examples, & Template

11 min read · Updated on August 28, 2024

Ronda Suder

What is a functional resume, and is it suitable for your job search?

Submitting the best resume possible is essential regardless of the job you're applying to. Selecting the proper format for your unique circumstances is one aspect of ensuring that's the case. Many turn to the common chronological resume format. But what happens if your work history and skills don't fall neatly within that format? Then, a functional resume might be an option.

Below, we answer, “What is a functional resume?” and share tips with a template, as well. 

What is a functional resume?

The functional resume format emphasizes your skills over your work history. The goal of a functional resume is to craft your carer history in such a way that proves how the skills you've acquired align with the job you want. It's these skills that will stand out first and foremost to the hiring team. 

You still include your work history in a functional resume, though you don't go into detail about your accomplishments for each specific position. Instead, you include your accomplishments within each skill category. 

FORESHADOWING: We have a functional resume example at the end of this post you can refer to and see how this works. 

A functional resume tends to be a last-resort format for a couple of reasons:

Applicant tracking systems sometimes have a difficult time reading a functional resume format. 

Since the functional format is not that common, it can be more difficult for recruiters and hiring managers to find the information they're seeking quickly.

Still, if you don't have a traditional work history but have many skills relevant to the job you're applying for, a functional resume could be the best choice for you. 

What is a functional resume vs. a chronological resume?

The chronological resume, also referred to as a reverse chronological resume, is the most commonly used resume format. This format focuses on your work history instead of skills like the functional format. 

In the chronological format, you will include your most recent job first, with the rest of your experience in reverse chronological order. Each position will have a set of bullets that flesh out your achievements in that role. 

A chronological resume is an ATS-friendly format when it's written correctly. It also tends to be the most popular among hiring teams since they're familiar with the format and can easily locate the information that matters to them. 

Related reading: How to Use a Reverse Chronological Resume Format

What is a functional resume vs. a hybrid resume?

A hybrid resume, also called a combination resume, blends aspects of the chronological and functional resume formats. The goal of a hybrid resume is to equally emphasize your skills and work history. 

The hybrid resume has become a popular format choice for candidates since it gives the opportunity to emphasize the skills you have in combination with your work history. It's also a format that tends to be easily read by ATS and human readers. 

Related reading: The Best Resume Format to Get You Hired

When should you use a functional resume?

Now that we've answered “What is a functional resume?” let's discuss when you should and shouldn't use this format option.

A functional resume might work well for you if:

You have been out of the workforce for a while. Suppose you're reentering the workforce after some time. In that case, you might not want that fact to be the first thing prospective employers notice about your resume. Instead, you'd prefer they see your impressive categories of skills. 

You have a large gap in your employment history. Similar to being out of the workforce for a while, a functional resume helps to emphasize your relevant skills first to give a positive spin on your resume, helping to take the emphasis off of your employment gap(s). 

You have held jobs that span a lot of different types and industries . If your employment record is all over the place regarding the industries and types of jobs you've held, it might not be easy for a hiring team to connect your experience to the job you're applying for. A functional resume will allow you to emphasize that you have the skills necessary for the job first, so your diverse employment record isn't called into question (hopefully) as much. 

You have little to no work experience. You might not have much work experience if you're right out of college. You do likely, however,  have a lot of skills you've acquired through school activities, sports, part-time work, or school clubs. A functional resume allows you to be creative in the skills you represent first, helping to grab the attention of hiring teams with what's most relevant.

Your skills have been acquired through means other than traditional work experience. Suppose you have relevant skills acquired through things like hobbies, interests, or volunteer experience over conventional work experience. In that case, a functional resume will allow you to emphasize these skills so they stand out better than they would in a chronological format. 

When should you not use a functional resume?

If any of the following pertain to you, then it's likely in your best interest to choose a hybrid or chronological resume format:

You have a traditional employment career trajectory. If you have plenty of work experience related to the job with a typical career growth path, then a chronological or hybrid resume is the way to go. 

You're changing careers and want to emphasize transferable skills. If you've gained a lot of transferable skills and are making a career shift, a hybrid resume is an excellent way to highlight your transferable skills first, with your work experience coming in second. 

Your most recent employment history is relevant. If your most recent employment is relevant to the job, even if some of the rest of your work history isn't, you'll likely do better with a hybrid or chronological format over a functional one. 

What to include in a functional resume

Here are the sections to include in a functional resume:

Start with your contact information

Regardless of the format you select, you'll start it off with your contact information. This includes your name, cell phone number, email address, and location (city, state, zip code). You can also include your LinkedIn or professional website URL. 

Kick it off with a resume summary

Another common element across all resume formats is starting it off with a resume summary . Your summary should encapsulate what your resume is about. You want to grab the reader's attention enough for them to want to learn more. Include three to five essential skills and one to two accomplishments, with some powerful adjectives to describe you. 

Categorize your skills

The bulk of your resume for a functional format will be your Professional Skills section. Here's where you'll categorize your skills and include key accomplishments from your experience to showcase how you applied those skills successfully in the past. 

Incorporate your work history

Following your Professional Skills section, include your work history. Here, include the name of the employer, your position, and the dates you were employed. Where you would include bullet points of your accomplishments below each position for a chronological and hybrid format, you will leave those off in the functional format. You've already covered key accomplishments within your categories of skills.

Close it off with education

Like other resume formats, your functional resume will end with your Education section . An exception to this is if you are a new hire with little to no work experience and a few skills to highlight. In that case, you'll emphasize your education by listing it first, followed by your Skills section and then your work history. 

Your Education section should include your degree and where you obtained it. You can also include any honors you might've achieved. 

Many also choose to include any relevant certifications in their Education section. Or, you can opt to include a separate Certifications section if you have more than one to highlight.

Include additional sections as appropriate

You may include additional sections on your resume depending on your unique circumstances. Additional sections could include Volunteer Experience, Hobbies and Interests, Certifications, Special Projects, and Technical Skills.

Tips for writing your functional resume

Here are a few additional tips to help you craft a job-winning resume:

Tailor your resume to each job. Refer to the job description and tailor your resume to include keywords and information that aligns with your skills and experience. 

Use power verbs. Begin each work accomplishment bullet point with a power verb . 

Include as much quantifiable information as possible. When describing your accomplishments, include results and use data to quantify those results as much as possible. 

Example of a functional resume 

Here is an example of a functional resume for someone pursuing an HR-related job. You'll see this individual has a brief employment gap and a bit of an unconventional career path, making a functional resume a suitable option.

Kendra Smith

555.555.5555 | [email protected] | Morgantown, WV 26250 

Intuitive professional with multi-dimensional expertise in Human Resources for diverse group of industries, including oil & gas, finance, Internet marketing, and real estate. Timely and efficient with the ability to work with all levels of staff within an organization. Influential in working with leadership teams to support the best interests and wellbeing of employees. Expertise includes recruiting, employee relations, training and development, and performance management. 


Staffing & Recruiting

  • Partnered with recruiters to rebuild workforce after a 40% reduction due to Hurricane Katrina relocation
  • Counseled management while going through a reduction in force for 150+ positions
  • Recruited for over 500 positions in multi-faceted environments
  • Utilized applicant tracking system (ATS) software, including Taleo, JobVite, and SAP, to monitor resume submissions and data
  • Designed a one-stop shop website to assist new hires in assimilating to the community and company

Employee Relations & Performance Management

  • Managed employee relations for global and domestic client groups totaling 500-700 employees for multi-million dollar companies
  • Designed and implemented new company-wide Service Award Program
  • Developed new Performance Management process resulting in more effective employee development, documentation, and communication
  • Directed relocation project and successfully transferred 300+ positions from Austin to Houston, TX

Communications & Policy Design

  • Prepared and administered 40+ HR-focused policies, including performance management, non-solicitation, harassment, education reimbursement, annual MVR reviews, and discipline for $4.5B start-up company
  • Partnered with HR & Legal departments to develop and present materials for pertinent employee communications, including Austin relocation, benefits open enrollment, and policy updates
  • Presented HR updates, including goals and projects, for monthly Leadership staff meetings
  • Drafted and wrote 200+ employee, HR, and CEO communications

Training & Development

  • Developed 30+ training modules focused on HR Foundational skills for supervisors and managers, including union avoidance, effective communication, performance management, employment law, recruiting, and employee development
  • Spearheaded culturally sensitive technical and professional career development plans for 100 international and domestic employees
  • Trained HR colleagues on I-9 government compliance


HR SME Copywriter:  IESquared, LLC, Houston, TX, 6/2020 - Present 

Public Relations Specialist:  PrimeWay Credit Union, Houston, TX. 4/2017 - 6/2020 

HR Recruiter:  HighMount E & P, Oklahoma City, OK, 11/2012 - 5/2013

HR Operations Manager:  Dominion E & P, Houston, TX, 9/2010 - 10/2012


West Virginia University – Morgantown, WV

  • Master of Science in Human Resources and Industrial Relations
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Is a functional resume right for you?

Now that you know the answer to “What is a functional resume?” it's time to decide if it's the right option for you. If you have a traditional work history, recent relevant work, or are applying for a job where your work history is necessary to include in detail, then you should forgo the functional resume format. If you fall into any of the other categories above where a functional resume could be of value, then go for it. And, when in doubt, you can always hire a resume writer to help. Good luck!

Are you using the right format for your resume? Find out by submitting it for a free resume review . Our experts will review it and provide specific tips to help improve it and get past an ATS!

Recommended reading:

How to Check If My Resume Is ATS-Friendly for Free

15 Expert Tips to Working with Recruiters

Strategic Job Search Planning: Land Your Dream Job

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See how your resume stacks up.

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Top 10 resume trends in 2024: what you need to know to stand out.

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For most people, resume writing is a daunting task.

Job hunters wonder about how to improve their resume. Mary, a director at a large company, called for help with resume writing because she was losing her job. She said, “I’m sure my resume doesn’t represent me very well. I want it to be impressive, but I’m stumbling on how to create it. I hear people say they send out dozens of resumes with no response, which makes me very anxious. How must I differentiate myself to get an employer’s attention?”

For most people, resume writing is a daunting task. The stakes are high. Yet, you may be unaware of the current resume trends you need to consider. Here are the ten resume trends to understand to help you showcase your uniqueness and capabilities and stand out to an employer.

Self-Marketing. Self-analysis is essential to do before you start writing. Think of your resume as an advertisement trying to get an employer to buy the product, and that product is you. Outline what you are best at doing. Note your top strengths. What are relevant credentials and experience to emphasize? Identify your best accomplishments.

RESULTS. Employers hire you based on your previous achievements and the belief that you can repeat those if they hire you. Each work description must focus on sharing measurable results and outcomes. Be specific. Employers value concrete accomplishments. Emphasize if you made the company money, saved money, started something, made an innovation, or created a new tool, process, system, or program. Incorporate numbers and percentages into your bullet descriptions. Have your most impressive accomplishments and best experience near the top of the description.

Prioritize. Target what is most important to employers. Determine the key elements they seek and tailor your resume to their needs. To identify the key points to highlight, review several relevant job openings. Focus on the top three to five qualifications and duties they advertise for. Incorporate that information into your resume to demonstrate that you have what a potential employer values.

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Highlight. Showcase your success. Under your work history, you should use bullet points to create each statement. The most effective way to develop these is to use the formula: Actions = Results, noting what you did and its impact. For example, “Developed and executed a new email fundraising campaign, and the results increased donations by 21%.” Or state the dollar amount if that is impressive.

Keywords. Research the job description, paying close attention to the required skills and qualifications, and align your relevant skills accordingly. Identify the more critical tasks, such as project management or process improvement, and sprinkle these sparingly throughout the resume, especially in the work descriptions and in the summary section. Include any relevant industry terms, too. Don’t try to “keyword stuff” throughout the resume, as the ATS may reject your resume, and a recruiter may disregard it, viewing it as being too generic or lacking.

Action verbs. Under your work descriptions, start each sentence with an action verb. Use words highlighting the skill or accomplishments, such as Led, Drove, Analyzed, Designed, Originated, Implemented, Established, etc. Avoid repetition, and don’t use that same action verb to start a statement within a particular work description. Write the sentence in the past tense, even for your current position.

ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). ATS is a human resources software that works as an online database or a digital filing cabinet when you submit a job application. It’s not very sophisticated and requires search engine optimization. Avoid any creative resume style. Simple formatting is the key to getting through the system’s filters. Eliminate columns, tables, text boxes, headers, footers, graphics, color ink, or PDFs (unless specifically requested).

Qualifications. Employers hire someone with the skillset necessary to succeed in that advertised job. They want a person who is not underqualified or overqualified. Carefully evaluate the role before you hit “apply.” Assess your skills, education, and experience to ensure the job closely fits your background. Refrain from applying for a job if you don’t have 80% of the qualifications required.

Soft skills. These traits help show how you fit into the job role and match the company’s culture. Include appropriate ones to supplement your hard skills. The top soft skills employers value beyond excellent oral and written communication are collaboration, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, leadership, adaptability, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

Competencies. Employers find no value when you list a lot of competencies, such as project management, team leadership, results-driven, etc., in one section since you aren’t demonstrating exactly where you used these abilities. Avoid creating this section. Instead, inserting these competencies into the work history and summary of qualifications is much more effective. That way, you illustrate how you have that skill and apply it on the job.

Robin Ryan

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Account Executive Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Account Executive Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Frank Hackett

Account Executive Resume Templates and Examples (Download in App)

Most popular account executive resumes.

  • Account Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Senior Account Manager
  • Resume Text Examples
  • How To Write a Account Executive Resume
  • Account Executive Assistant
  • Business Account Executive
  • Senior Account Executive
  • Enterprise Account Executive

Account Executive Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

Account Manager Resume Example

Account Manager Resume Example

9 Sales Manager Resume Examples

9 Sales Manager Resume Examples

Senior Account Manager Resume Example

Senior Account Manager Resume Example

Account Executive Text-Only Resume Templates and Examples

  • Account Executive Assistant Resume Example
  • Business Account Executive Resume Example
  • Senior Account Executive Resume Example
  • Enterprise Account Executive Resume Example

Jasmine Brown (123) 456-7890 [email protected] San Diego, CA 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

An assistant account executive with three years of experience, specializing in client relations, sales reporting, and pipeline development. Adept at coordinating with account executives and managers to drive new business development.

Professional Experience

Assistant Account Executive , Roark HR Solutions, San Diego, CA | July 2022 – present

  • Support a team of five account executives in managing, developing, and growing a portfolio of 20 major accounts valued at $100,000 to $350,000
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams to execute influencer marketing campaigns, perform research on target demographics, and refine content strategy
  • Communicate effectively with client stakeholders and external partners to support account growth and achieve long-term business objectives

Assistant Account Executive , Norman Web Design, San Diego, CA | June 2021 – July 2022

  • Provided support to account executives in building and maintaining client relationships for accounts valued at up to $200,000
  • Analyzed sales performance and delivered recommendations to increase account growth through value-added services
  • Business development
  • Account management
  • Consultative selling
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Client relations


  • Strategic Account Management, SAMA | 2021

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Marketing University of San Diego, San Diego, CA | 2021

In this example, the candidate makes up for their limited work history by highlighting the experiences they gained working with account executives to manage client relationships. These bullet points show that the applicant has the qualifications to transition from an assistant role to an account executive position.

Yaling Zhang (123) 456-7890 [email protected] San Francisco, CA 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

A business account executive with six years of experience specializing in consultative selling, account management, and pipeline development. A proven track record of collaborating with cross-functional teams and clients to drive new business development.

Account Executive , Cadence Technologies, San Francisco, CA | October 2020 – present

  • Identify and nurture new business opportunities for a premiere technology company, coordinate early-stage funnel development, serve as the point of contact for clients, and contribute to over $1.2 million in annual recurring revenue
  • Exceed quotas by 25% to 35% year over year by building long-term client relationships and collaborating effectively with internal and external cross-functional teams
  • Attend meetings with account managers and clients to assess business needs and identify opportunities for value-added services

Account Executive , Arkline Tech Co., San Francisco, CA | June 2018 – October 2020

  • Coordinated with account managers and sales executives to evaluate existing sales processes and identify improvements to support business development efforts for an account portfolio totaling over $900,000
  • Liaised with client stakeholders, served as the point of contact for customer issues, and achieved a 92% client retention rate
  • Strategic Account Management, SAMA | 2018

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Marketing University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA | 2018

This account manager resume example is effective because it uses numbers and metrics to paint a compelling picture of the candidate’s sales experience. The bullet points also draw attention to the applicant’s cross-functional leadership expertise, which helps to emphasize their versatility as a sales professional.

John Bergsen (123) 456-7890 [email protected] New York, NY 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

A senior account executive with seven years of experience driving new business development for financial services companies. A strong history of defining high-impact sales strategies to grow existing accounts and build long-term relationships with clients.

Senior Account Executive , Highland Financial, New York, NY | March 2021 – present

  • Oversee 30 client accounts valued at $1.5 million to $3 million in collaboration with account managers, nurture relationships, and support account growth
  • Serve as the point of contact for clients, recommend comprehensive financial solutions based on individual needs, and achieve a 94% retention rate
  • Manage all aspects of the sales cycle, conduct prospecting and lead generation activities, and effectively target key decision-makers

Account Executive , Helios Finance Solutions, New York, NY | June 2017 – March 2021

  • Educated potential clients on the benefits of finance and investment products, interfaced with prospects throughout the sales cycle, and nurtured long-term business relationships to generate over $600,000 in new business
  • Conducted sales reporting and analyzed market indicators to define data-driven sales strategies, which contributed to a 17% increase in growth across 19 accounts
  • Strategic selling
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Certified Business Development Professional (CBDP), AIBM | 2017

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Marketing University of Syracuse, New York, NY | 2017

In this account executive resume, the candidate focuses on highlighting their ability to nurture and maintain high-value client relationships. The bullet points send a clear message that the applicant has a proven track record of success generating new business and achieving exceptional client retention rates.

Meera Patel (123) 456-7890 [email protected] Seattle, WA 12345 LinkedIn | Portfolio

An enterprise account executive with nine years of experience specializing in marketing strategy, business development, and sales analytics. A proven track record of collaborating with cross-functional teams to enhance revenue growth. Adept at building and nurturing strategic partnerships centered on trust and integrity.

Enterprise Account Executive , Roland Payroll Solutions, Seattle, WA | February 2019 – present

  • Define high-impact sales and marketing strategies for a payroll management software company, oversee all aspects of the sales cycle, and build and grow a pipeline of 40 contracts generating $17 million in annual recurring revenue
  • Manage a team of 12 account executives to identify opportunities to drive revenue growth for existing accounts and exceed annual quotas by 20% to 30% year over year
  • Develop a comprehensive prospecting plan to target midsize companies, resulting in $2.7 million in new business in 2023

Enterprise Executive , Specter HR Management Inc., Seattle, WA | June 2015 – February 2019

  • Served as the point of contact for a portfolio of 20 client accounts valued at $4.2 million and educated key decision-makers on the benefits of HR management solutions
  • Nurtured key account relationships, identified ideal products based on individual client needs, and generated a 14% increase in account growth
  • Sales strategy
  • Relationship building
  • Certified Business Development Professional (CBDP), AIBM | 2015

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Marketing University of Washington, Seattle, WA | 2015

This account executive resume is effective because it demonstrates the candidate’s capabilities as a sales strategist and leader. An ability to manage personnel and client relationships effectively is incredibly valuable for this type of role. The numbers incorporated in the bullet points make this all the more impressive, given the size of the account portfolio.

How To Write an Account Executive Resume

To write a great account executive resume, market yourself effectively to potential employers by illustrating your most compelling sales achievements. Incorporate eye-catching numbers and monetary figures to establish a sense of scope for your contributions. Brand yourself as a creative marketing and sales strategist using tangible examples.

Also, emphasize how you’ve successfully nurtured and maintained relationships in your previous roles, as account executives typically serve as the point of contact for clients. In this guide, we’ll provide expert tips to close the deal on your next big job opportunity.

1. Write a dynamic profile summarizing your qualifications

Think of your opening summary as a value proposition for the hiring manager. Your objective is to immediately present yourself as a qualified candidate who can generate results for the organization. Highlight your years of experience and three to four skill sets that match the job description. Use the remainder of the paragraph to showcase your unique talents as an account executive.

For example, you might draw attention to your expertise in driving new business development or identifying opportunities to grow existing accounts. Nurturing strategic partnerships and client relationships is another key responsibility of an account executive, so it’s important to illustrate this aspect of your experience directly in the summary.

Profile Example #1

A results-driven account executive with six years of experience specializing in consultative selling, account management, and pipeline development. A proven track record of collaborating with cross-functional teams and clients to drive new business development.

Profile Example #2

A senior account executive with nine years of experience specializing in marketing strategy, business development, and sales analytics. A proven track record of collaborating with cross-functional teams to enhance revenue growth. Adept at building and nurturing strategic partnerships centered on trust and integrity.

2. Add an accomplishment-driven professional experience section

The professional experience section serves as the foundation of your account executive resume. Paint a clear and engaging picture of your strongest achievements as a sales professional. Featuring hard numbers, monetary figures, and data is a must. Without this information, the hiring manager will have no way of understanding the full impact of your career accomplishments.

As you develop your bullet points, focus on establishing appropriate context for how you generated account revenue and new business. What strategies did you use to close deals? How did you nurture and maintain client relationships within your industry? These insights will help convey the nuances of your sales expertise.

Professional Experience Example #1

Account Executive, Highland Financial, New York, NY  | March 2021 – present

  • Oversee 30 client accounts valued at $1.5 million to $3 million in collaboration with  account managers, nurture relationships, and support account growth

Professional Experience Example #2

Account Executive, Cadence Technologies, San Francisco, CA | October 2020 – present

3. Include relevant education and certifications

Bachelor’s degrees in sales and marketing are typically preferred for account executive positions. Certifications are not always required, but they won’t hurt your chances of landing the interview. Having a Strategic Account Management or Certified Business Development Professional credential can be particularly valuable for these types of positions.

  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] | [Graduation Year]
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Sales and Marketing
  • University of Washington, Seattle, WA | 2016
  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]

4. List pertinent key skills

To pass initial screenings with applicant tracking systems (ATS), you need to incorporate specific keywords that align with the job description. These types of roles often involve a mix of sales and marketing skills, so it’s important to feature both to brand yourself as a versatile candidate. Below is a list of key terms you may encounter during the job search process:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Account management Business development
Client engagement Client relations
Cold calling Cross-functional leadership
Customer relationship management (CRM) software Customer success
Inbound sales and outbound sales Lead generation
Lead qualification Market analysis
Negotiations Pipeline development
Product knowledge Prospecting
Revenue generation Sales strategy
Strategic selling Upselling

How To Pick The Best Account Executive Resume Template

When selecting a template for your account executive resume, prioritize structure and readability over visual appeal. Bulky graphics and distracting colors can often draw attention away from your qualifications and achievements. Opt for a traditional top-down approach that allows the reader to review each section of your resume individually rather than placing them side by side.

Frequently Asked Questions: Account Executive Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for account executive resumes -.

Diversifying your usage of action verbs can be challenging when crafting your account executive resume. Often you’ll use the same three or four verbs throughout your bullet points. Although varying your word choice takes more time, it also helps to enhance the reading experience for the hiring manager. Review our list of action verbs to craft the professional experience section of your account executive resume:

Action Verbs
Achieved Analyzed
Closed Collaborated
Demonstrated Developed
Established Exceeded
Expanded Generated
Influenced Managed
Negotiated Presented
Prospected Resolved
Secured Strategized
Streamlined Trained

How do you align your resume with an account executive job description? -

Aligning your account manager resume with the job description is essential for generating interviews in today’s competitive job market. As you review the job description, pay close attention to the keywords and industry experience that employers seek. Instead of only listing key terms, demonstrate these skill sets using examples from your professional experience.

For instance, if a company is looking for a candidate who excels in new business development, define how you identified unique ways to grow an account portfolio. If the posting mentions Salesforce, show the hiring manager how you utilized CRM tools to infuse your account strategies with sales analytics.

What is the best account executive resume format? -

The reverse chronological format is best suited for account executive resumes. This approach ensures that your most recent and relevant experience is featured at the top of your document. Combination and functional resumes tend to prioritize skills and certifications, which are far less impactful than your sales achievements.

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Once you’ve completed your account executive resume, consider pairing it with a stand-out cover letter that is fully customized for the organization you’re targeting. Read our account manager and sales manager cover letter guides to learn more.

Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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