veer gatha essay in hindi 1000 words

भारत सरकार का ‘वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट’ (Veer Gatha Project) : मुख्य बिंदु

First Published: January 9, 2022 | Last Updated:April 24, 2023

veer gatha essay in hindi 1000 words

भारत सरकार ने ‘आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव’ के एक भाग के रूप में “वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट” शुरू किया, जिसके तहत सरकार भारत की स्वतंत्रता के 75 वें  वर्ष को चिह्नित करने के लिए कई कार्यक्रम शुरू कर रही है ।

वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट क्या है? ( Veer Gatha Project)

  • वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट भारत में स्कूली बच्चों को युद्ध नायकों और वीरों की कहानियों से अवगत कराकर उन्हें प्रेरित करने के लिए शुरू किया गया है।
  • इस परियोजना के विजेताओं के रूप में 25 छात्रों का चयन किया गया है।
  • इसके तहत छात्रों को वीरता पुरस्कार विजेताओं के आधार पर गतिविधियों और परियोजनाओं को करने के लिए प्रेरित किया गया।
  • यह प्रोजेक्ट 21 अक्टूबर 2021 से 21 नवंबर 2021 तक पूरे भारत में आयोजित किया गया था।

किस मंत्रालय ने परियोजना का आयोजन किया?

वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट का आयोजन शिक्षा मंत्रालय, स्कूली शिक्षा और साक्षरता विभाग और केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (CBSE) द्वारा किया गया था।

इस प्रोजेक्ट  में कितने छात्रों ने भाग लिया?

वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट में देश भर के 4,788 स्कूलों के 8,03,900 से अधिक छात्रों ने भाग लिया। देश के वीरों के सम्मान में छात्रों ने अपने निबंध, चित्र, कविताएं और मल्टीमीडिया प्रस्तुतियां साझा कीं।

प्रोजेक्ट के विजेता

एक राष्ट्रीय समिति ने कई दौर के मूल्यांकन के बाद कुल 25 छात्रों का चयन किया, जिन्हें “सुपर 25” करार दिया गया और उन्हें विजेता घोषित किया गया।

विजेताओं को क्या मिलेगा?

सुपर 25 को 25 जनवरी, 2022 को नई दिल्ली पहुंचने के बाद सम्मानित किया जाएगा। वे रक्षा मंत्रालय के विशेष अतिथि के रूप में गणतंत्र दिवस परेड भी देखेंगे। इसके अलावा, उन्हें 10,000 रुपये का नकद पुरस्कार भी मिलेगा।

आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)

यह भारत सरकार की एक पहल है, जो प्रगतिशील भारत के 75 साल पूरे होने के साथ-साथ लोगों के गौरवशाली इतिहास, संस्कृति और भारत की उपलब्धियों को मनाने के लिए शुरू की गई है। यह महोत्सव भारत के लोगों को समर्पित है, जिन्होंने अब तक भारत को लाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। “आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव” 12 मार्च, 2021 को शुरू हुआ और 15 अगस्त, 2022 को समाप्त होगा।

Categories: राष्ट्रीय करेंट अफेयर्स

Tags: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav , Hindi Current Affairs for IAS 2022 , UPSC 2022 Hindi Current Affairs , Veer Gatha Project , आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव , यूपीएससी , वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट , हिंदी करेंट अफेयर्स


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MoE - MoD Veer Gatha Project

veer gatha essay in hindi 1000 words

MoE - MoD Veer Gatha 2.0 Project

The Last of us

About Veer Gatha Project

To honour the acts of bravery and sacrifice of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully-constituted Forces and Civilians, gallantry awards are announced twice in a year on the occasion of Republic Day and Independence Day.

In order to disseminate the details of acts of bravery and the life stories of these brave-hearts among the students, it has been proposed by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) that school students may be motivated to do projects/activities based on gallantry award winners. Accordingly, the Ministry of Defence in collaboration with Ministry of Education, Department of School Education & Literacy, is organising the Veer Gatha Project 2.0. The Project is open for all schools in all states and Union Territories including all schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

To bring about awareness among school students about the Gallantry Award Winners of our country, the Ministry of Defence through its field organisations of Army/Navy/Airforce, will organize virtual/face-to-face awareness programmes/sessions of one hour duration for schools across the country. During these interactive sessions, queries of students will be answered and short videos/PPTs/Documentaries/Brochures and various other resource material will be shared with students.

veer gatha essay in hindi 1000 words

  • 25 selected entries will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- by the Ministry of Defence.
  • Each of the 25 winners will be invited for the Republic Day Celebration at Delhi.
  • All students whose entry is uploaded on the CBSE Veer Gatha portal will get an E- certificate of Participation.
  • Economy Class Air Fare / 2 nd A.C. Rail Fare for each winner and one escort will be given by the Ministry of Defence
  • Stay at Delhi for winner and one escort will be given by Ministry of Defence, along with local transport from Railway Station / Airport to the place of stay as well as to the venue for celebration.

Topic & Categories

Categories Activity / Entry in the form of the following Topic
to Poem/Paragraph (150 words)/Story (150 words)/Painting/Drawing/Video

_________(Gallantry Award winner) has instilled                 

the values of courage, bravery and selflessness in me. I will inculcate them in my daily life by_________

(ii) I will honour my role model (Gallantry Award winner) _________ by taking a pledge to _________           

(iii) If you are given an opportunity to live the life of ____________ (Gallantry Award Winner), what would you do?           

(iv) _________ (Gallantry Award winner) has inspired to join the Armed Forces of India. I will join Armed Forces to _________           

to Poem/Essay (300 words) / Story (300 words) Painting/ Drawing / Video
to Poem/Essay (750 words) /Story (750 words) Painting/ Drawing / Video
to Poem/Essay (1000 words)/Story (1000 words) Painting / Drawing /Video*

Timeline for Conducting Activities by Schools affiliated to CBSE

Dates CBSE
October to November 2022. Conduct of Activities at the School Level : Schools shall themselves conduct the activities on the above topics.
November to November 2022. As soon as the conduct of activity is complete at the school level, Schools shall upload 01 best entry per category, a total of 04 from each school, at the CBSE Veer Gatha portal.


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वीरता पर निबंध | Essay On Bravery In Hindi

वीरता पर निबंध Essay On Bravery In Hindi : नमस्कार साथियों आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है आज हम वीरता/ बहादुरी/ शौर्य पर निबंध (Bravery Essay) आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे हैं.

स्टूडेंट्स के लिए यह वीरता क्या है महत्व अर्थ पर भाषण, निबंध, अनुच्छेद, पैराग्राफ के रूप में इस आर्टिकल को तैयार किया गया हैं.

वीरता पर निबंध | Essay On Bravery In Hindi

वीरता व्यक्ति का आंतरिक गुण है जो विपरीत हालातों के बीच अमुक लोगों में ही दीखता हैं. हम में से कोई स्वयं को कायर नहीं समझता है इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि हम सभी सच्चे वीर और शौर्यपुरुष हैं.

सामान्य हालातों में स्वयं को बहादुर कहने वाले अक्सर लोग जरा सी तकलीफ में मुरझा जाते हैं या छिप जाते है जो उसके मूल चरित्र के दिक्दर्शन करवाता हैं.

वीरता के दर्शन भी मित्रता की तरह ही हैं क्योंकि हमेशा सबसे अच्छा मित्र कहने वाला हमारा कितना हितैषी है यह तभी पता चलता है जब हम किसी विपदा या कठिनाई में पड़े हो.

सेना, पुलिस में वीरता के लिए सम्मान एवं मेडल प्रदान किये जाते हैं. हालांकि वे पदक व्यक्ति की बहादुरी को ब्यान तो नहीं करते मगर समाज, सरकार व देश द्वारा उन्हें सम्मानित करने का यह रिवाज हैं.

सच्ची वीरता के दर्शन करने हो तो भारतीय सैनिक को ही देख लीजिए गर्मियों में 45 डिग्री का तापमान हो या शरीर को जमा देने वाली ठंड वो सदैव अपनी जिंदगी की फ़िक्र किये बगैर अपने कर्तव्यों को निभाने में लगा रहता हैं.

आज के दौर में वीरता के साक्ष्य न केवल हमारी सेना के जवान पेश करते है बल्कि  हमारे पुलिसकर्मी, आम नागरिक  खिलाड़ी भी अपनी क्षमताओं से ऊपर उठकर समाज के लिए योगदान करते हैं.

मात्र पदक को ही वीरता माना जाए तो पाकिस्तानी सेना के जनरल पर कपड़े के वजन से अधिक तमगे लटकते हैं. मगर वे किस शौर्य के प्रदर्शन का दिखावा हैं पाक फौज ने किस युद्ध में शौर्यगाथा रची जिसे वह इन पदकों के माध्यम से दिखाता हैं.

प्रत्येक भारतीय वीर पायलट अभिनंदन की गाथा से तो परिचित ही होगा, अपने वतन की वायु सीमा को बचाते हुए उनका विमान दुश्मन के हमले का शिकार हो जाता हैं वह पैराशूट की मदद से गलती से दुश्मन मुल्क में उतरते हैं.

यहाँ तक एक साधारण व्यक्ति की तरह वे अपने दायित्वों का निर्वहन करते हैं. मगर पाक लोगों रेजर्स और पुलिस के द्वारा पकड़ने से पूर्व और बाद में सुझबुझ और जिस अदम्य साहस का परिचय दिया वह प्रत्येक भारतीय सैनिक की पहचान है जिसे दुश्मन भली भांति परिचित हैं.

हरेक नागरिक में वीरता के गुण होने चाहिए ताकि विकट हालातों में वे अपने समाज व देश को संकट से बचाने में जो भी मान वीय योगदान हो सके वह करें.

वीरता तभी जगेगी जब उत्कृष्ट योगदान करने वाले वीरों को यथेचित सम्मान मिले यही सम्मान लोगों को भी शौर्य दिखाने के लिए प्रेरित करता हैं. क्योंकि वीरता का गुण उतना जन्मजात नहीं होता जो उन्हें वातावरण बनाता हैं.

एक शेर के बच्चें को जन्म से ही भेडियो के बीच छोड़ दिया जाए तो भले ही वह संसार का सबसे खतरनाक प्राणी हो वह व्यवहार में दुर्बल भेडिये की तरह की व्यवहार करेगा. इसलिए हमारे बच्चों को वह वातावरण मिलना चाहिए जिससे वे बहादुरी का प्रदर्शन कर सके.

देश की केंद्र सरकार द्वारा राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरूस्कार के माध्यम से ऐसा ही प्रयास किया जाता हैं. बाल कल्याण परिषद द्वारा वर्ष 1957 में वीरता सम्मान की शुरुआत की गई थी.

जिन्हें 26 जनवरी की पूर्व संध्या पर पदक, प्रमाण पत्र एवं नकद पुरूस्कार उन बच्चों को दिया जाता है जिन्होंने विविध क्षेत्रों में कीर्तिमान खड़े किये है अथवा सामाजिक क्षेत्र में किसी साहसिक कार्य को अंजाम दिया हो.

अब तक देश में ९०० बच्चों को यह सम्मान दिया जा चूका हैं. हमारे बच्चों में वीरता का सद्गुण विकसित करने के लिए बचपन से ही उन्हें हमारे वीर पुरुषों की कहानियां सुनानी चाहिए.

2 अक्टूबर,1957 में पंडित नेहरु के समक्ष एक ऐसी एतिहासिक घटना घटित हुई जिससे प्रेरित होकर उन्होंने अखिल भारतीय स्तर पर वीरता सम्मान शुरू किया गया.

नवरात्र के दिन थे दिल्ली के रामलीला मैदान में पंडित नेहरू, इंदिरा गांधी, जगजीवन राम जैसी हस्तियाँ विराजमान थी, अचानक उस शामियाने की आतिशबाजी में शोर्ट सर्किट हो गया तथा आग की लपटों में सभी घिर गये.

उस समय 14 वर्षीय बालक हरीश मेहरा स्वयंसेवक के रूप में सेवाएं दे रहे थे. स्काउड छात्र हरीश तुरंत बीस फिट ऊँचे लाइट के खम्भे पर चढ़े तथा अपनी ड्रेस में से चाक़ू निकालकर विद्युत् तार को काट दिया.

उनके इस साहसिक कार्य में दोनों हाथ पूरी तरह झुलस गये. मगर हरीश की इस जाबाजी ने एक बड़ा हादसा होने से बचा लिया था.

साहस ही जीवन है निबंध Essay on Bravery is Life in Hindi

Essay on Bravery is Life in Hindi

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About Veer Gatha Project

Veer Gatha, a project launched by the Government of India as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) has introduced several events to commemorate the 75th year of India's Independence with the goal of inspiring school children to make them aware of the stories about the National Heroes and the brave hearts, to disseminate their acts of bravery and life stories. Students were encouraged to take part in a variety of activities like the framing of poems, paragraphs, and essays, the painting competition, and the multimedia presentations on the Medal Winners.

After the overwhelming response and success of Veer Gatha 1.0 and 2.0, the Ministry of Defence in coordination with the Ministry of Education has now decided to launch Project Veer Gatha 3.0 which is proposed to culminate with the Prize Distribution Ceremony. The project will be open to all schools in all States and Union Territories.

The best project will be rewarded nationally by the Ministry of Defence on the forthcoming Republic Day.


Veer Gatha 3.0

Veer Gatha 3.0

Veer Gatha 2.0

Veer Gatha 2.0

Veer Gatha 1.0

Veer Gatha 1.0

Veer Gatha

Felicitation Ceremony



veer gatha essay in hindi 1000 words

Veer Gatha Project Essay in English

Veer Gatha Project Essay in English , India is a nation, where we find thousands of heroes who fought for the country in different aspects. Today, we are going to talk about Veer Gatha in this post. Veer Gatha is a biography of war heroes. They will be remembered always for what they had done for our country with indomitable courage and motivation. They had shown their devotion to duty.

At the same time, they also fought for the country due to their undying love for our motherland. This is why India will make all these heroes memorable for always via this Veer Gatha award.

veer gatha project essay in english

Veer Gatha Essay in English

Veer Gatha is an award, which serves as the highest military decoration for our country. It is also designed for supreme courage, gallantry, leadership, self-sacrifice during the war, and exemplary devotion to duty among heroes and patronages.

As we already know war is the biggest man-made disaster. During wartime, the entire mankind gets affected and suffers from harmful consequences. However, the main question is that can we survive the war? Possibly, there is no sure-shot answer to this question.

But it is true that wars do not give the message of peace and patriotism in the world. This is why wars should not be accepted and we certainly should not support wars. Through the award of Veer Gatha, we can give a true tribute to real heroes who fought and died in wars for our country.

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Some of them laid down their lives for saving the nation and also a noble cause. This award must make sure that peace and harmony succeed.

We can go through many stories, which will give us the chance to get connected with the history and motivate us to take a stand for our country.

Even, from these stories, we can also come to know about how the real heroes survived in those hard times, how they gave their lives for our nation, etc. The stories of Veer Gatha also tell us what must be happening in the present- peace or war forever.

Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words

There are millions of stories, which are an example of Veer Gatha for our country. These stories are instructive and inspiring. They will explain to us our Param Veterans, who were the Brave hearts for our country.

It was only their determined and disciplined characters, as well as their commitment to responsibility, which led them to fight for our motherland. When we read such inspiring stories, we will become inspired to guzzle the quintessential qualities of those real heroes of our country and carry forward those glorious traditions made by them.

Through these stories of Veer Gatha, we can remind ourselves that the time has come for all of us to resolve conflicts between different nations or societies and rise as members of one single family.

It is also stated by the Indian Constitution that the State shall encourage to promote global security and peace. They must maintain peaceful and honorable relations between countries. It is also to be stated that it is important for them to promote respect for global law and to motivate the settlement of global disputes by adjudication.

Also Read: Indian Soldier Essay in English

But there were circumstances that arose at those times, when it was required for independent India to get engaged in wars with other countries like China in 1947 – 48, 1965, 1987, 1971, 1962, and 1999. In addition to that, the armed forces of our country were also called upon to serve to maintain peacekeeping situations via missions in countries like DR. Congo from 1960 to 1964, and Sir Lanka from 1987 to 1990.

Not only this, but even the personnel of all the services had made great sacrifices for our country when it comes to attaining the objectives of national security and honor at home as well as in international nations.

There is also a book related to Veer Gatha, in which we can see inspiring stories of 21 brave hearts. They were awarded the Param Vir Chakra or PVC for their hardships and bravery. This award is the highest wartime gallantry medal in India.

This award was given to our real heroes for their kind and devotional service to the country. Only 21 heroes were awarded this award for fighting in the wars and getting success since 1947 in any manner.

Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 150 Words

Among 21 brave hearts, 14 were retrospectively awarded the Param Vir Chakra. While other 16 took part in the wars and conflicts between India and Pakistan alone. Such awardees or real heroes come from a different range of educational and socio-economic backgrounds. It is true that some heroes come from defense families.

While on the other hand, most heroes are from other walks of life. In fact, half of them are officers, while on the other side, others belong to NCO, JCO, or Jawan categories. These heroes of our country can belong to different regions, communities, services, units, regiments, ranks, age groups, etc. If we see our history, then they could be related to different periods of the post-independence history of India.

But the major thing to know is that they all have one thing in common, which is none other than the spirit and devotion of patriotism. They all show the highest level of bravery on the battlefield.

Essay on Veer Gatha Project

While checking out such stories, we also see that they understand one thing and rely on the saying, ‘One for all and one for all.’ we can see this thing in every story of real heroes of our motherland in past times. They lived up to this motto, which showed their honesty, devotion to duty, non-discrimination, respect, and also the spirit of selfless sacrifice.

Recently, to propagate the details of acts of bravery of real herpes and their life stories among the students, the Ministry of Defense has proposed schools to motivate students to do some projects or activities based on such bravery award winners.

Many schools have organized projects on Veer Gatha in previous years so that everyone can come to know about their hard stories and get motivated to do something for our independent nation.

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Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words

Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words: Honoring The Legacy Of Our Brave Soldiers

Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words: India has a long and proud history of brave soldiers who have made immense sacrifices to protect our country’s freedom and sovereignty. Their stories of courage, valor, and sacrifice have inspired generations and are an integral part of our nation’s heritage. The Veer Gatha Project is a unique initiative that aims to pay tribute to these brave soldiers and preserve their legacy for future generations.

In this blog, we include the Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words, in 100, 200, 250, and 300 words. Also cover the Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and up to the 12th class. You can read more Essay Writing in 10 lines, and about sports, events, occasions, festivals, etc… Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words is also available in different languages.

History Of Veer Gatha Project

The Veer Gatha Project was initiated by a group of like-minded individuals who felt the need to showcase the bravery of our soldiers and the sacrifices they make for the country. The objective of the project is to create multimedia content that showcases the lives and stories of brave soldiers who have served our country. The team has previously worked on several successful initiatives that have received widespread appreciation and recognition.

Methodology Of The Veer Gatha Project

The Veer Gatha Project team conducts extensive research and collects information about brave soldiers from various sources, including books, interviews, and personal accounts. The team then creates multimedia content, including videos, podcasts, and written articles that showcase the stories of these soldiers. The content is then promoted and disseminated through various channels, including social media, websites, and other platforms.

Impact Of Veer Gatha Project

The Veer Gatha Project has had a significant impact on Indian society by creating awareness and recognition of the sacrifices made by our soldiers. The project has helped to preserve and promote the rich history and heritage of our armed forces. It provides inspiration and motivation for future generations to serve their country and make a positive impact on society. The project has received tremendous support and appreciation from people across the country.

How To Support The Veer Gatha Project

The Veer Gatha Project relies on the support of individuals and organizations to continue its work. One can support the project by making donations and sponsorships, spreading the word through social media and word of mouth, and contributing personal stories and experiences of soldiers and their families.

The Veer Gatha Project is not just about showcasing the bravery of our soldiers, but it is also about celebrating their lives and their contributions to our country. Through this project, we can learn about their sacrifices and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by our armed forces. It is crucial to recognize the efforts of our soldiers and to show our gratitude for their selfless service to the country.

How To Support The Veer Gatha Project

The Veer Gatha Project also aims to inspire the youth of our country to serve the nation and follow in the footsteps of these brave soldiers. The project provides a platform to showcase the values of patriotism, courage, and sacrifice that are integral to the fabric of our society. It also helps in promoting a sense of national pride and unity.

Moreover, the Veer Gatha Project is a unique way to preserve and promote the rich history and heritage of our armed forces. It is essential to document the stories of our soldiers, as they serve as a source of inspiration for future generations. The project not only celebrates their lives but also highlights the significance of the armed forces in securing our nation’s borders and maintaining peace.

In this Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words, Veer Gatha project is a valuable initiative that pays tribute to our brave soldiers and preserves their legacy for future generations. The project has had a significant impact on Indian society by creating awareness and recognition of the sacrifices made by our soldiers. It is essential to support and participate in such initiatives to honor the brave soldiers who have served our country selflessly. Let us pledge to support the Veer Gatha Project and contribute to this noble cause. You can also read about veer gatha project paragraph 300 words follow the given below link to make a project or plan.

Read More: Steps Towards Making a Plan

FAQs On Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words

Question 1. How do you write a paragraph on the gallantry award winner?

Answer: To write a paragraph on a gallantry award winner, start by introducing the name of the person and the award they received. Then, provide a brief overview of their actions that led to the award, highlighting their bravery and selflessness. Next, describe the impact of their actions, both on the immediate situation and more broadly. Finally, conclude by expressing admiration and gratitude for their service and sacrifice.

Question 2. What is the Veer Gatha project And Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words?

Answer: However, “Veer Gatha” can be translated to “The Tale of the Brave” in Hindi. It is possible that the term refers to a project or initiative aimed at documenting and celebrating the stories of brave individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities or the nation. This could include soldiers, freedom fighters, social activists, or other individuals who have demonstrated exceptional courage and selflessness in the face of adversity. Such a project would serve to honor and inspire future generations by highlighting the noble and heroic deeds of these individuals.

Question 3. What is the topic of Veer Gatha in English?

Answer: “Veer Gatha” translates to “The Tale of the Brave” in English, which suggests that the topic may be focused on documenting and celebrating the stories of brave individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities or the nation.

Question 4. How to write an essay on Veer gatha?

Answer: To write an essay on Veergatha, start by introducing the concept of the project and its purpose. Then, provide a brief overview of some of the brave individuals featured in the project and their stories. Next, describe the impact of their actions and how they have inspired others. Finally, conclude by expressing the importance of celebrating and honoring these individuals as role models for future generations.

Question 5. Who won the gallantry award in 300 words?

Answer: There have been numerous gallantry award recipients throughout history, and it is difficult to name them all in just 300 words. However, I can provide a brief overview of some of the most notable award winners.

The highest gallantry award in India is the Param Vir Chakra, which has been awarded to only 21 individuals since its inception in 1950. Some of the most recent recipients include Captain Vikram Batra, who was posthumously awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his bravery during the Kargil War in 1999, and Lieutenant Colonel Dhan Singh Thapa, who received the award for his actions during the 1962 Indo-China War.

  • Another prominent gallantry award is the Ashoka Chakra, which is awarded for acts of bravery in the face of the enemy. One of the most recent recipients of this award is Major Mohit Sharma, who was posthumously awarded the Ashoka Chakra for his bravery during an anti-terrorist operation in Jammu and Kashmir in 2009.
  • Other notable gallantry award recipients include Flying Officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon, who received the Param Vir Chakra for his actions during the 1971 Indo-Pak War, and Subedar Joginder Singh Sahnan, who was awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his bravery during the 1962 Sino-Indian War.
  • The gallantry awards recognize the bravery and selflessness of individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect their country and fellow citizens. These individuals serve as role models for future generations, inspiring them to act with courage and integrity in the face of adversity. The awards also serve to honor the sacrifice and dedication of those who have given their lives in service to their country.

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Press Information Bureau

Government of india.

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

Republic Day Celebrations 2024: a whopping 1.37 crore students take part in Project Veer Gatha 3.0 pan India; 100 selected winners to witness 26th January parade as special guests

The third edition of Project ‘Veer Gatha’, a joint initiative of Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Education as part of Republic Day celebrations, has witnessed an overwhelming pan India response. Approx. 1.37 crore students from around 2.43 lakh schools participated in the initiative, with 100 winners being selected at the national level. The list of 100 winners - 25 each from Class 3rd to 5th; Class 6th to 8th; Class 9th to 10th & Class 11th to 12th categories - is given below:


Launched on July 13, 2023, Project Veer Gatha 3.0 introduced a range of thought-provoking topics for essay and paragraph writing. Students were given the option to explore themes such as their chosen role model, particularly focusing on Gallantry Award winners. Furthermore, students were encouraged to delve into the life stories of any freedom fighter that inspired them such as Rani Laxmibai. The suggested topics also included the 1857 First War of Independence, and the significant role of Tribal Uprising in the Freedom Struggle. This diverse set of topics not only enriched the content of Veer Gatha 3.0, but also fostered a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural heritage among the participants.

The project's execution involved schools conducting activities at their level; nationwide interaction programmes by Gallantry awardees in various schools in offline & online modes and the submission of top entries to the MyGov portal. The school-level activities for Veer Gatha 3.0 were concluded on September 30, 2023.

After series of evaluations at State and District level, nearly 3,900 entries were submitted for national level evaluation. A committee appointed by Ministry of Education selected 100 best entries approved by the State Nodal Officers of all States/Union Territories (UT). The felicitation of the winners will be jointly carried out by the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Education in New Delhi. Each winner will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 10,000 and get an opportunity to witness the Republic Day Parade 2024 at Kartavya Path as special guests.

In addition to the students already selected at the national-level, eight winners at State/UT level (two from each category) and four winners at District level (one from each category) will be selected and felicitated by the State/UT/District authorities.

The Government had launched Project ‘Veer Gatha’ as part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ to celebrate 75th year of Independence. The initiative is aimed at disseminating the details of acts of bravery of the Gallantry awardees and the life stories of these bravehearts among the students so as to raise the spirit of patriotism and instil values of civic consciousness amongst them. Twenty-five winners (Super 25) each were selected in the first two editions, which had witnessed the participation of around eight lakh and 19 lakh students respectively.




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  1. Veer Gatha 3.0 / 2023-24

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  1. 200, 300, 400 And 500 Word Essay on Veer Gatha In English & Hindi

    Veer Gatha Essay For Grade 5: Veer Gatha, which translates to "Brave Saga," is a term used to describe the stories of our brave soldiers who have fought for our nation's freedom and security. These stories narrate acts of valor, sacrifice, and patriotism, reminding us of the courage and dedication of our armed forces.

  2. Veer Gatha Project

    हिन्दी - Hindi; অসমীয়া - Assamese; বাংলা - Bengali; ... Accordingly, the Veer Gatha Project is being organized from 21 st October to 20 th November 2021. The Project shall be open for all schools in all states and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE. ... Poem/Essay (1000 words ...

  3. भारत सरकार का 'वीर गाथा प्रोजेक्ट' (Veer Gatha Project) : मुख्य बिंदु

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  4. Veer Gatha 3

    No Veer Gatha Winner (at National Level) of earlier versions will be included in 100 winners (at National Level) of Veer Gatha Project 3.0. Category: Class 3rd to 5th = 25 winners. Category: Class 6th to 8th = 25 winners. Category: Class 9th to 10th = 25 winners. Category: Class 11th to 12th = 25 winners.

  5. Veer Gatha Essay In Hindi

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  6. CBSE || MoE

    About Veer Gatha Project. To honour the acts of bravery and sacrifice of the officers/personnel of the Armed Forces, other lawfully-constituted Forces and Civilians, gallantry awards are announced twice in a year on the occasion of Republic Day and Independence Day. ... Poem/Essay (1000 words)/Story (1000 words) Painting / Drawing /Video ...

  7. Veer Gatha

    Veer Gatha. Veer Gatha, a project launched by the Government of India as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) has introduced several events to commemorate the 75th year of India's Independence with the goal of inspiring school children to make them aware of the stories about the National Heroes and the brave hearts, to disseminate their ...

  8. Veer Gatha 2.0

    After the overwhelming response and success of Veer Gatha Edition-1, the Ministry of Defence in coordination with Ministry of Education has now decided to launch Project Veer Gatha 2.0 which is proposed to be culminated with the prize distribution ceremony in January 2023. ... Poem/Essay (750 words)/Painting/ Multi Media Presentation (Enactment ...

  9. 200, 300, 400 And 500 Word Essay on Veer Gatha In English & Hindi

    200 Word Essay ho Veer Gatha. Veer Gatha Essay Bakeng sa Kereiti 5: 300 Word Essay ho Veer Gatha. Veer Gatha Essay; 400 Word Essay ho Veer Gatha. Veer Gatha Essay; 500 Word Essay ho Veer Gatha. Veer Gatha Essay ea Kereiti ea 5; Boemo ba nalane: Litema le Litlhaku: Lithuto tsa Boitšoaro le Bokhabane: Tšireletso ea Setso sa Maindia: Mehopolo le ...


    PARTICIPATION • For all the school students from standard 3 to standard 12, across India • The students shall compete in various activities like poems/ essay/ story writing/ drawings/ videos • The schools on behalf of students will submit the entries, and such entries shall be evaluated at district, state and national level • The winners shall be selected and felicitated in the ...

  11. PDF केन्द्रीय माध्यशमक शिक्षा

    like art, poems, essays and multimedia on these gallantry award winners and best projects were awarded at national level by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) in collaboration with Ministry of Education (MoE) has now decided to launch Project Veer Gatha 4.0 during 2024-25, as per following details: 1.

  12. PDF Microsoft Word

    VEER GATHA EDITION-1.0. The Veer Gatha Project 1.0 was organized by Ministry of Defence in partnership with Ministry of Education and MyGov at an all-India level from 21st October to 20th November 2021 for school students of standard III to XII in all States and Union Territories as well as all schools affiliated to CBSE.

  13. वीरता पर निबंध

    वीरता पर निबंध Essay On Bravery In Hindi : नमस्कार साथियों आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है आज हम वीरता/ बहादुरी/ शौर्य पर निबंध (Bravery Essay) आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे हैं.

  14. Veer Gatha

    About Veer Gatha Project. Veer Gatha, a project launched by the Government of India as part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) has introduced several events to commemorate the 75th year of India's Independence with the goal of inspiring school children to make them aware of the stories about the National Heroes and the brave hearts, to disseminate their acts of bravery and life stories.

  15. Veer Gatha Project Essay in English

    Veer Gatha Essay in English. Veer Gatha is an award, which serves as the highest military decoration for our country. It is also designed for supreme courage, gallantry, leadership, self-sacrifice during the war, and exemplary devotion to duty among heroes and patronages. As we already know war is the biggest man-made disaster.

  16. Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words: Honoring The ...

    In this Veer Gatha Project Paragraph 300 Words, Veer Gatha project is a valuable initiative that pays tribute to our brave soldiers and preserves their legacy for future generations. The project has had a significant impact on Indian society by creating awareness and recognition of the sacrifices made by our soldiers.

  17. Press Release: Press Information Bureau

    Launched on July 13, 2023, Project Veer Gatha 3.0 introduced a range of thought-provoking topics for essay and paragraph writing. Students were given the option to explore themes such as their chosen role model, particularly focusing on Gallantry Award winners. Furthermore, students were encouraged to delve into the life stories of any freedom ...

  18. Veer Gatha Essay in English 750 Words

    Veer Gatha Essay in English 750 Words - Download Free PDF. India, with its ancient civilization, is a land steeped in tales of heroism and valor. The "Veer Gatha" - literally translating to the 'epic of bravery' - encapsulates the stories of these dauntless heroes who have, over the millennia, defined the character of this great nation ...

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