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usage of drugs essay

Essay on Drug Abuse

essay on drug abuse

Here we have shared the Essay on Drug Abuse in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Drug Abuse in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Drug Abuse in 150 words

Essay on drug abuse in 250-300 words, essay on drug abuse in 500-1000 words.

Drug abuse is a global issue that poses serious risks to individuals and society. It involves the harmful and excessive use of drugs, leading to physical and mental health problems. Drug abuse can result in addiction, organ damage, cognitive impairment, and social and economic difficulties. Prevention efforts should focus on education, raising awareness about the dangers of drug abuse, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Access to quality healthcare and addiction treatment services is crucial for recovery. Strengthening law enforcement measures against drug trafficking is necessary to address the supply side of the problem. Creating supportive environments and opportunities for positive engagement can help prevent drug abuse. By taking collective action, we can combat drug abuse and build healthier communities.

Drug abuse is a growing global concern that poses significant risks to individuals, families, and communities. It refers to the excessive and harmful use of drugs, both legal and illegal, that have negative effects on physical and mental health.

Drug abuse has severe consequences for individuals and society. Physically, drug abuse can lead to addiction, damage vital organs, and increase the risk of overdose. Mentally, it can cause cognitive impairment, and psychological disorders, and deteriorate overall well-being. Additionally, drug abuse often leads to social and economic problems, such as strained relationships, loss of employment, and criminal activities.

Preventing drug abuse requires a multi-faceted approach. Education and awareness programs play a crucial role in informing individuals about the dangers of drug abuse and promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Access to quality healthcare and addiction treatment services is vital to help individuals recover from substance abuse. Strengthening law enforcement efforts to curb drug trafficking and promoting international cooperation is also essential to address the supply side of the issue.

Community support and a nurturing environment are critical in preventing drug abuse. Creating opportunities for individuals, especially young people, to engage in positive activities and providing social support systems can serve as protective factors against drug abuse.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a significant societal problem with detrimental effects on individuals and communities. It requires a comprehensive approach involving education, prevention, treatment, and enforcement. By addressing the root causes, raising awareness, and providing support to those affected, we can combat drug abuse and create a healthier and safer society for all.

Title: Drug Abuse – A Global Crisis Demanding Urgent Action

Introduction :

Drug abuse is a pressing global issue that poses significant risks to individuals, families, and communities. It refers to the excessive and harmful use of drugs, both legal and illegal, that have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. This essay explores the causes and consequences of drug abuse, the social and economic impact, prevention and treatment strategies, and the importance of raising awareness and fostering supportive communities in addressing this crisis.

Causes and Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse

Several factors contribute to drug abuse. Genetic predisposition, peer pressure, stress, trauma, and environmental influences play a role in initiating substance use. The availability and accessibility of drugs, as well as societal norms and cultural acceptance, also influence drug abuse patterns. Additionally, underlying mental health issues and co-occurring disorders can drive individuals to self-medicate with drugs.

Consequences of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse has devastating consequences on individuals and society. Physically, drug abuse can lead to addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms. Substance abuse affects vital organs, impairs cognitive function, and increases the risk of accidents and injuries. Mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis, are often associated with drug abuse. Substance abuse also takes a toll on relationships, leading to strained family dynamics, social isolation, and financial instability. The social and economic costs of drug abuse include increased healthcare expenses, decreased productivity, and the burden on criminal justice systems.

Prevention and Education

Preventing drug abuse requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. Education and awareness programs are essential in schools, communities, and the media to inform individuals about the risks and consequences of drug abuse. Promoting healthy coping mechanisms, stress management skills, and decision-making abilities can empower individuals to resist peer pressure and make informed choices. Early intervention programs that identify at-risk individuals and provide support and resources are crucial in preventing substance abuse.

Treatment and Recovery

Access to quality healthcare and evidence-based addiction treatment is vital in addressing drug abuse. Treatment options include detoxification, counseling, behavioral therapies, and medication-assisted treatments. Rehabilitation centers, support groups, and outpatient programs provide a continuum of care for individuals seeking recovery. Holistic approaches, such as addressing co-occurring mental health disorders and promoting healthy lifestyles, contribute to successful long-term recovery. Support from family, friends, and communities plays a significant role in sustaining recovery and preventing relapse.

Law Enforcement and Drug Policies

Effective law enforcement efforts are necessary to disrupt drug trafficking and dismantle illicit drug networks. International cooperation and collaboration are crucial in combating the global drug trade. Additionally, drug policies should focus on a balanced approach that combines law enforcement with prevention, treatment, and harm reduction strategies. Shifting the emphasis from punitive measures toward prevention and rehabilitation can lead to more effective outcomes.

Creating Supportive Communities:

Fostering supportive communities is vital in addressing drug abuse. Communities should provide resources, social support networks, and opportunities for positive engagement. This includes promoting healthy recreational activities, providing vocational training, and creating safe spaces for individuals in recovery. Reducing the stigma associated with drug abuse and encouraging empathy and understanding are crucial to building a compassionate and supportive environment.

Conclusion :

Drug abuse remains a complex and multifaceted issue with far-reaching consequences. By addressing the causes, raising awareness, implementing preventive measures, providing quality treatment and support services, and fostering supportive communities, we can combat drug abuse and alleviate its impact. It requires collaboration and a collective effort from individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to build a society that is resilient against the scourge of drug abuse. Through education, prevention, treatment, and compassion, we can pave the way toward a healthier and drug-free future.

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Essays About Drugs: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

Writing essays about drugs can be challenging; read our guide to find out how to tackle your next essay.

A sheriff once asked a teenager caught with drugs in his car to pen an essay about the substances’ effects . Instead of handcuffing the 17-year-old, the sheriff took into account the kid’s future and threw him a lifeline by giving him a second chance. The 500-word essay effectively made the teenager reflect on his wrongdoings. 

There’s still an ongoing debate on the recreational use of drugs. However, their harmful effects outweigh the positive as many fall victim to drug addiction. Drugs risk many lives and relationships, resulting in dangerous living environments, mental health disorders, and other trauma. As of last year, almost 32 million people actively participate in drug use. 

Because writing about drugs includes sensitive subjects, it’s critical to demonstrate your complete understanding of the topic and cite reliable sources. Consider the essay samples below to inspire your piece.

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1. Long Essay on Drug Addiction by Veerendra

2. causes of drug use among young people by jill nicholson, 3. the failure of america’s war on drugs by anonymous on gradesfixer.com, 4. drugs and alcohol abuse: reasons, effects and measures by anonymous on edubirdie.com, 5. social media impact on drug abuse by anonymous on ivypanda.com, 1. drug addiction: painkillers, 2. types of drugs, 3. causes and effects of drug abuse, 4. drug use vs. drug abuse, 5. drugs and destruction, 6. drugs as depicted in the movies, 7. depression and drug abuse, 8. a drug abuse journey.

“Drug addiction impacts millions and needs to be treated carefully to prevent further harm to the individual and letting them live a better life.”

Veerendra defines drug addiction as excessive substance intake leading to various behavioral and physical changes. First, he lists drugs that increase dopamine levels, including alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, and painkillers. Then, after adding the early symptoms of drug addiction, he delves into how it impacts a person’s mental cognition, communication skills, and mental health.

When a person stops taking drugs, withdrawal symptoms follow. These signs (nausea, fatigue, and tremors) can lead to the more detrimental phase known as relapse. Ultimately, he believes that drug addiction treatments and the full support of family and friends greatly aid in overcoming addiction. You might also be interested in these articles about driving under the influence .

“Many curious teens have died the first time they tried certain drugs, like ecstasy. Others have found their temporary escape became a permanent addiction.”

Nicholson discusses the three leading causes of drug use: curiosity, escape, and peer pressure. Mainstream media like TV, movies and social networking sites drive curiosity. Family and friends can also precipitate interest by discussing drugs in front of youngsters.

In the next section, Nicholson explains that most young people who have problems and are unhappy with their lives use drugs to escape reality and hide behind the feel-good chemicals. The last reason young people use drugs is to look cool to impress their peers. Nicholson notes that in a circle of friends if one is using drugs, people assume everyone else is doing it. One way to help these young people is by detailing the health risks accompanying these materials, zeroing in on the chains of addiction.

“… the United States has spent a lot of years trying to wage war on drugs. The cost has been violence, crime, corruption, the devastation of social bonds as well as the destruction of inner-city communities and the exponential development of several minorities and women ending up in jail.”

The essay focuses on the fact that despite spending billions of dollars on resources, alternative treatments, and casualties, the illegal drug trade in America continues and grows stronger. Some reason for this failure includes the public’s perception influenced by media campaigns and ill-suited punishments for non-violent and victimless crimes. 

The piece concludes that society will not benefit from anti-drug efforts as long as the government’s solution focuses on criminalization and not treatment.

“… drug abuse means when you use legal or illegal substances in ways you shouldn’t.”

Drug abuse refers to using chemicals to stimulate areas in the brain responsible for immediate gratification. The writer also pins down different drug types and their effects. Further, the essay accounts for users’ reasons for engaging with substance abuse (relationship complications, work pressure, and loneliness.) 

These chemical reactions deteriorate a person mentally and physically, with brain function the most affected. Exercising, consulting a doctor, eating healthy, and venting are the four measures to overcome drug and alcohol abuse.

“…active social media uses, especially adolescents, are more likely to try drugs because of the influence they see on the platforms.”

The essay expounds on how social media contributes to drug abuse by romanticizing their consumption. Unfortunately, these idealized posts are so rampant that drug use is socially acceptable. The steady increase of this content on social media attests to this phenomenon. 

The main encouragers are celebrities and social media influencers who advertise their wild lifestyle without regard for their followers’ ages or naivete.

If you want to learn about more essay topics, check out the best essay topics about social media.

8 Easy Writing Prompts for Essays About Drugs

Opioid addiction stems from the need to relieve pain from injury and other accidents. Unfortunately, up to 19% of these patients abuse prescription painkillers . For this prompt, research the roots of how painkillers begin as a means to heal victims to being the reason individuals suffer. Identify and explain how narcotic ruins the body. Include how people who need to take these medications can avoid getting addicted. 

Essays About Drugs: Types of Drugs

Briefly explain the different drug types to give your readers an overview of how they work. Next, discuss the most commonly abused drugs and how they affect a person. Finally, add research findings, reliable data, and news articles to strengthen your essay and make it credible. 

There are many pieces discussing the causes and effects of drug abuse. To make your essay stand out, compare two families with one parent addicted to illegal substances. The addict in the first family went to rehab and counseling, while the second one didn’t. List down the different futures of these families, such as how the experience resonated with the children. 

A person who takes drugs to treat ailments differs from an individual who uses drugs in search of satisfying an impulse craving. Use this prompt to compare and contrast drug use and abuse and why their similarities and differences matter. 

Improper use of drugs doesn’t only ruin an individual’s psychological and physical health. It also destroys relationships and families. This destruction can be passed from generation to generation, snowballing the problem and making it more challenging to find a solution. Present this issue to discourage your readers from trying drugs.

Leonardo De Caprio’s “The Wolf of Wall Street” is one of the most famous movies showing how people justify taking drugs. First, write a short review of this film or pick other drug-related flicks you want to review in your essay. Next, juxtapose things you notice in movies that also happen in an addict’s real life. Finally, finish your piece by sharing what you learned from the film and its main characters.

Another reason some turn to drugs is to run away from their mental illness, such as depression. Substance Use Disorder explains why an individual can’t control the urge to abuse drugs and alcohol. Delve more into this condition and how it rewires the brain. Include addicts’ grounds for self-medication and other risk factors that can trigger this disorder.

It’s not easy to share drug-related experiences. However, many get inspiration from these stories too. To connect with your readers, write about a drug abuse journey. It can be your own or from a close friend or relative. Share how it started, including the reasons and influence it left on the people involved. Conclude with the steps the person did to overcome their drug addiction and how they rebuild relationships. Finally, end your essay with how they are currently living.

Here’s a great tip: If writing an essay seems daunting, start by simplifying it to simple paragraphs first. Then, read our guide on how to write a 5 paragraph essay .

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The Effects of Drug Addiction on the Brain and Body

Signs of drug addiction, effects of drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease that involves complex interactions between a person’s environment, brain circuits, genetics, and life experiences.

People with drug addictions continue to use drugs compulsively, despite the negative effects.

Substance abuse has many potential consequences, including overdose and death. Learn about the effects of drug addiction on the mind and body and treatment options that can help.

Verywell / Theresa Chiechi

Drug Abuse vs. Drug Addiction

While the terms “drug abuse” and “drug addiction” are often used interchangeably, they're different. Someone who abuses drugs uses a substance too much, too frequently, or in otherwise unhealthy ways. However, they ultimately have control over their substance use.

Someone with a drug addiction uses drugs in a way that affects many parts of their life and causes major disruptions. They can't stop using drugs, even if they want to.

The signs of drug abuse and addiction include changes in behavior, personality, and physical appearance. If you’re concerned about a loved one’s substance use, here are some of the red flags to watch out for:

  • Changes in school or work performance
  • Secretiveness 
  • Relationship problems
  • Risk-taking behavior
  • Legal problems
  • Aggression 
  • Mood swings
  • Changes in hobbies or friends
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Unexplained odors on the body or clothing

Drug Addiction in Men and Women

Men and women are equally likely to develop drug addictions. However, men are more likely than women to use illicit drugs, die from a drug overdose, and visit an emergency room for addiction-related health reasons. Women are more susceptible to intense cravings and repeated relapses.

People can become addicted to any psychoactive ("mind-altering") substance. Common addictive substances include alcohol , tobacco ( nicotine ), stimulants, hallucinogens, and opioids .

Many of the effects of drug addiction are similar, no matter what substance someone uses. The following are some of the most common effects of drug addiction.

Effects of Drug Addiction on the Body

Drug addiction can lead to a variety of physical consequences ranging in seriousness from drowsiness to organ damage and death:

  • Shallow breathing
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Impaired coordination and slurred speech
  • Decreased or increased appetite
  • Tooth decay
  • Skin damage
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage and cirrhosis
  • Various forms of cancer
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Lung problems
  • Overdose and death

If left untreated drug addiction can lead to serious, life-altering effects on the body.

Dependence and withdrawal also affect the body:

  • Physical dependence : Refers to the reliance on a substance to function day to day. People can become physically dependent on a substance fairly quickly. Dependence does not always mean someone is addicted, but the longer someone uses drugs, the more likely their dependency is to become an addiction.
  • Withdrawal : When someone with a dependence stops using a drug, they can experience withdrawal symptoms like excessive sweating, tremors, panic, difficulty breathing, fatigue , irritability, and flu-like symptoms.

Overdose Deaths in the United States

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 100,000 people in the U.S. died from a drug overdose in 2021.

Effects of Drug Addiction on the Brain

All basic functions in the body are regulated by the brain. But, more than that, your brain is who you are. It controls how you interpret and respond to life experiences and the ways you behave as a result of undergoing those experiences.

Drugs alter important areas of the brain. When someone continues to use drugs, their health can deteriorate both psychologically and neurologically.

Some of the most common mental effects of drug addiction are:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Memory loss
  • Mood changes and paranoia
  • Poor self/impulse control
  • Disruption to areas of the brain controlling basic functions (heart rate, breathing, sleep, etc.)

Effects of Drug Addiction on Behavior

Psychoactive substances affect the parts of the brain that involve reward, pleasure, and risk. They produce a sense of euphoria and well-being by flooding the brain with dopamine .

This leads people to compulsively use drugs in search of another euphoric “high.” The consequences of these neurological changes can be either temporary or permanent. 

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability 
  • Angry outbursts
  • Lack of inhibition 
  • Decreased pleasure/enjoyment in daily life (e.g., eating, socializing, and sex)
  • Hallucinations

Help Someone With Drug Addiction

If you suspect that a loved one is experiencing drug addiction, address your concerns honestly, non-confrontationally, and without judgment. Focus on building trust and maintaining an open line of communication while setting healthy boundaries to keep yourself and others safe. If you need help, contact the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357.

Effects of Drug Addiction on an Unborn Child

Drug addiction during pregnancy can cause serious negative outcomes for both mother and child, including:

  • Preterm birth
  • Maternal mortality

Drug addiction during pregnancy can lead to neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) . Essentially, the baby goes into withdrawal after birth. Symptoms of NAS differ depending on which drug has been used but can include:

  • Excessive crying
  • Sleeping and feeding issues

Children exposed to drugs before birth may go on to develop issues with behavior, attention, and thinking. It's unclear whether prenatal drug exposure continues to affect behavior and the brain beyond adolescence.  

While there is no single “cure” for drug addiction, there are ways to treat it. Treatment can help you control your addiction and stay drug-free. The primary methods of treating drug addiction include:

  • Psychotherapy : Psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or family therapy , can help someone with a drug addiction develop healthier ways of thinking and behaving.
  • Behavioral therapy : Common behavioral therapies for drug addiction include motivational enhancement therapy (MET) and contingency management (CM). These therapy approaches build coping skills and provide positive reinforcement.
  • Medication : Certain prescribed medications help to ease withdrawal symptoms. Some examples are naltrexone (for alcohol), bupropion (for nicotine), and methadone (for opioids).
  • Hospitalization : Some people with drug addiction might need to be hospitalized to detox from a substance before beginning long-term treatment.
  • Support groups : Peer support and self-help groups, such as 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, can help people with drug addictions find support, resources, and accountability.

A combination of medication and behavioral therapy has been found to have the highest success rates in preventing relapse and promoting recovery. Forming an individualized treatment plan with your healthcare provider's help is likely to be the most effective approach.

Drug addiction is a complex, chronic medical disease that causes someone to compulsively use psychoactive substances despite the negative consequences.

Some effects of drug abuse and addiction include changes in appetite, mood, and sleep patterns. More serious health issues such as cognitive decline, major organ damage, overdose, and death are also risks. Addiction to drugs while pregnant can lead to serious outcomes for both mother and child.

Treatment for drug addiction may involve psychotherapy , medication, hospitalization, support groups, or a combination.

If you or someone you know is experiencing substance abuse or addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357.

American Society of Addiction Medicine. Definition of addiction .

HelpGuide.org. Drug Abuse and Addiction .

Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services. Warning signs of drug abuse .

National Institute on Drug Abuse. Sex and gender differences in substance use .

Cleveland Clinic. Drug addiction .

National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction Drugs and the Brain .

American Heart Association. Illegal Drugs and Heart Disease .

American Addiction Centers. Get the facts on substance abuse .

Szalavitz M, Rigg KK, Wakeman SE. Drug dependence is not addiction-and it matters . Ann Med . 2021;53(1):1989-1992. doi:10.1080/07853890.2021.1995623

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Drug overdose deaths in the U.S. top 100,000 annually .

American Psychological Association. Cognition is central to drug addiction .

National Institute on Drug Abuse. Understanding Drug Use and Addiction DrugFacts .

MedlinePlus. Neonatal abstinence syndrome .

National Institute on Drug Abuse. Treatment and recovery .

Grella CE, Stein JA.  Remission from substance dependence: differences between individuals in a general population longitudinal survey who do and do not seek help . Drug and Alcohol Dependence.  2013;133(1):146-153. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.05.019

By Laura Dorwart Dr. Dorwart has a Ph.D. from UC San Diego and is a health journalist interested in mental health, pregnancy, and disability rights.


Essay on Impact of Drugs on Youth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Impact of Drugs on Youth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Impact of Drugs on Youth


Drugs have a significant impact on youth, affecting their health, education, and social relationships.

Health Consequences

Drugs can damage a young person’s physical and mental health. They can lead to addiction, organ damage, and mental disorders.

Educational Impact

Drugs can impair a youth’s ability to concentrate and learn, leading to poor academic performance.

Social Effects

Drug use can lead to isolation from friends and family, and involvement in illegal activities.

250 Words Essay on Impact of Drugs on Youth

The impact of drugs on youth is a topic of significant concern, affecting individuals, families, and communities worldwide. The youth, being the most vulnerable demographic, are particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of drug use.

The Allure of Drugs

The allure of drugs for young people often stems from a desire to fit in, escape reality, or experiment. Peer pressure, social media influence, and the thrill of rebellion can all contribute to the initiation of drug use. This early exposure can lead to addiction, impacting their physical, mental, and social health.

Physical Impact

Drugs can have devastating physical effects on young bodies. They can hinder growth, affect brain development, and lead to long-term health problems like heart disease and cancer. Moreover, drug use can lead to risky behaviors, increasing the likelihood of accidents, violence, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Mental Impact

On the mental front, drug use can exacerbate or trigger mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. It can also impair cognitive abilities, memory, and academic performance, limiting a young person’s potential for success.

Social Impact

Socially, drug use can lead to isolation, strained relationships, and a loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities. It can also lead to legal issues, reducing opportunities for future employment and education.

500 Words Essay on Impact of Drugs on Youth

The global landscape of drug abuse and addiction is a complex issue that has significant implications on the youth. The impact of drugs on youth is far-reaching, affecting not just their physical health, but also their mental well-being, academic performance, and future prospects.

The Physical Consequences

The first and most apparent impact of drugs on youth is the physical damage. Substance abuse can lead to a host of health problems, ranging from liver damage, cardiovascular diseases, to neurological issues. Furthermore, drugs can interfere with the normal growth and development processes, particularly during the critical adolescent years when the body undergoes significant changes.

Mental Health Implications

The social implications of drug use among youth are equally significant. Substance abuse can strain relationships with family and friends, leading to isolation and loneliness. It can also lead to delinquency, crime, and a general disregard for societal norms and values. This damage to their social fabric can have long-term consequences, affecting their ability to form meaningful relationships and contribute positively to society.

Educational and Career Impact

Substance abuse can severely impact a young person’s educational attainment and future career prospects. The cognitive impairments caused by drug use can lead to poor academic performance, lower grades, and increased likelihood of dropping out. This, in turn, can limit their career opportunities and earning potential, trapping them in a cycle of poverty and substance abuse.

Prevention and Intervention

In conclusion, the impact of drugs on youth is a multifaceted issue that extends beyond the individual to families, schools, and communities. It is a pressing problem that requires collective effort and commitment to address. By understanding the depth of its impact, we can better equip ourselves to combat this issue and pave the way for a healthier, more productive future for our youth.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Happy studying!

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Substance Abuse Amongst Adolescents: An Issue of Public Health Significance

1 School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, IND

Sonali G Choudhari

2 School of Epidemiology and Public Health; Community Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, IND

Sarika U Dakhode

3 Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Memorial Medical College, Amravati, IND

Asmita Rannaware

Abhay m gaidhane.

Adolescence is a crucial time for biological, psychological, and social development. It is also a time when substance addiction and its adverse effects are more likely to occur. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to the negative long-term effects of substance use, including mental health illnesses, sub-par academic performance, substance use disorders, and higher chances of getting addicted to alcohol and marijuana. Over the past few decades, there have been substantial changes in the types of illegal narcotics people consume. The present article deals with the review of substance abuse as a public health problem, its determinants, and implications seen among adolescents. A systematic literature search using databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar was undertaken to search all relevant literature on teenage stimulant use. The findings have been organized into categories to cover essential aspects like epidemiology, neurobiology, prevention, and treatment. The review showed that substance addiction among adolescents between 12 to 19 years is widespread, though national initiatives exist to support young employment and their development. Research on psychological risk factors for teenage substance abuse is vast, wherein conduct disorders, including aggression, impulsivity, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, have been mentioned as risk factors for substance use. Parents' attitudes toward drugs, alcohol, academic and peer pressure, stress, and physical outlook are key determinants. Teenage drug usage has a significant negative impact on users, families, and society as a whole. It was found that a lot has been done to provide correct intervention to those in need with the constant development of programs and rehabilitative centers to safeguard the delicate minds of youths and prevent them from using intoxicants. Still, there is much need for stringent policy and program guidelines to curb this societal menace. 

Introduction and background

Drug misuse is a widespread issue; in 2016, 5.6% of people aged 15 to 26 reported using drugs at least once [ 1 ]. Because alcohol and illegal drugs represent significant issues for public health and urgent care, children and adolescents frequently visit emergency rooms [ 2 ]. It is well known that younger people take drugs more often than older adults for most drugs. Drug usage is on the rise in many Association of Southeast Asian Nations, particularly among young males between the ages of 15 and 30 years [ 3 ]. According to the 2013 Global Burden of Disease report, drug addiction is a growing problem among teenagers and young people. Early substance use increases the likelihood of future physical, behavioral, social, and health issues [ 4 ]. Furthermore, recreational drug use is a neglected contributor to childhood morbidity and mortality [ 5 ]. One of the adverse outcomes of adolescent substance use is the increased risk of addiction in those who start smoking, drinking, and taking drugs before they are of 18 years. Moreover, most individuals with Substance Use Disorders begin using substances when they are young [ 6 ]. Substance use disorders amongst adolescents have long-term adverse health effects but can be mitigated with efficient treatment [ 7 ].

Childhood abuse is linked to suicidal thoughts and attempts. The particular mental behavior that mediates the link between childhood trauma and adult suicidal ideation and attempts is yet unknown. Recent studies show teens experiencing suicidal thoughts, psychiatric illness symptoms like anxiety, mood, and conduct disorders, and various types of child maltreatment like sexual abuse, corporal punishment, and emotional neglect that further leads to children inclining toward intoxicants [ 8 ]. Although teen substance use has generally decreased over the past five years, prolonged opioid, marijuana, and binge drinking use are still common among adolescents and young adults [ 9 ]. Drug-using students are more prone to commit crimes, including bullying and violent behavior. It has also been connected to various mental conditions, depending on the substance used. On the other hand, it has been linked to social disorder, abnormal behavior, and association with hostile groups [ 10 ]. Adolescent substance users suffer risks and consequences on the psychological, sociocultural, or behavioral levels that may manifest physiologically [ 11 ]. About 3 million deaths worldwide were caused by alcohol consumption alone. The majority of the 273,000 preventable fatalities linked to alcohol consumption are in India [ 12 ], which is the leading contributor. The United Nations Office on Drug and Crime conducted a national survey on the extent, patterns, and trends of drug abuse in India in 2003, which found that there were 2 million opiate users, 8.7 million cannabis users, and 62.5 million alcohol users in India, of whom 17% to 20% are dependent [ 13 ]. According to prevalence studies, 13.1% of drug users in India are under the age of 20 [ 14 ].

In India, alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs frequently abused and pose significant health risks, mainly when the general populace consumes them. States like Punjab and Uttar Pradesh have the highest rates of drug abuse, and the Indian government works hard to provide them with helpful services that educate and mentor them. This increases the burden of non-communicable illnesses too [ 15 ]. In addition, several substances/drugs are Narcotic and Psychotropic and used despite the act named ‘Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985. 

This review article sheds light on ‘substance abuse’ amongst adolescents as an issue of public health significance, its determinants, and its implications on the health and well-being of adolescents.


The present article deals with the narrative review of substance abuse as a public health problem, its determinants, and implications seen among adolescents. A systematic literature search using databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar was undertaken to search all relevant literature on teenage stimulant use. The findings have been organized into categories to cover essential aspects like epidemiology, neurobiology, prevention, and treatment. Various keywords used under TiAb of PubMed advanced search were Stimulants, "Drug abuse", "Psychotropic substance", "Substance abuse", addiction, and Adolescents, teenage, children, students, youth, etc., including MeSH terms. Figure ​ Figure1 1 shows the key substances used by youth.

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Reasons for abuse

People may initially choose to take drugs for psychological and physical reasons. Psychological issues, including mental illness, traumatic experiences, or even general attitudes and ideas, might contribute to drug usage. Several factors can contribute to emotional and psychosocial stress, compelling one to practice drug abuse. It can be brought on by a loss of a job because of certain reasons, the death of a loved one, a parent's divorce, or financial problems. Even medical diseases and health problems can have a devastating emotional impact. Many take medicines to increase their physical stamina, sharpen their focus, or improve their looks.

Students are particularly prone to get indulged in substance abuse due to various reasons, like academic and peer pressure, the appeal of popularity and identification, readily available pocket money, and relatively easy accessibility of several substances, especially in industrial, urban elite areas, including nicotine (cigarettes) [ 16 , 17 ]. In addition, a relationship breakup, mental illness, environmental factors, self-medication, financial concerns, downtime, constraints of work and school, family obligations, societal pressure, abuse, trauma, boredom, curiosity, experimentation, rebellion, to be in control, enhanced performance, isolation, misinformation, ignorance, instant gratification, wide availability can be one of the reasons why one chooses this path [ 18 ].

The brain grows rapidly during adolescence and continues to do so until early adulthood, as is well documented. According to studies using structural magnetic resonance imaging, changes in cortical grey matter volume and thickness during development include linear and nonlinear transformations and increases in white matter volume and integrity. This delays the maturation of grey and white matter, resulting in poorer sustained attention [ 19 ]. Alcohol drinking excessively increases the likelihood of accidents and other harmful effects by impairing cognitive functions like impulse control and decision-making and motor functions like balance and hand-eye coordination [ 20 ]. Lower-order sensory motor regions of the brain mature first, followed by limbic areas crucial for processing rewards. The development of different brain regions follows different time-varying trajectories. Alcohol exposure has adversely affected various emotional, mental, and social functions in the frontal areas linked to higher-order cognitive functioning that emerge later in adolescence and young adulthood [ 21 ].


The use of tobacco frequently begins before adulthood. A worryingly high percentage of schoolchildren between 13 and 15 have tried or are currently using tobacco, according to the global youth tobacco survey [ 22 ]. It is more likely that early adolescent cigarette usage will lead to nicotine dependence and adult cigarette use. Teenage smoking has been associated with traumatic stress, anxiety, and mood problems [ 23 ]. Nicotine usage has been associated with a variety of adolescent problems, including sexual risk behaviors, aggressiveness, and the use of alcohol and illegal drugs. High levels of impulsivity have been identified in adolescent smokers.

Additionally, compared to non-smokers, smoking is associated with a higher prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders in teenagers. Smoking is positively associated with suicidal thoughts and attempts [ 24 ]. Peer pressure, attempting something new, and stress management ranked top for current and former smokers [ 25 ]. Most teenagers say that when they start to feel down, they smoke to make themselves feel better and return to their usual, upbeat selves. Smoking may have varying effects on people's moods [ 26 ]. Teenagers who smoke seem more reckless, less able to control their impulses, and less attentive than non-smokers [ 27 ].


Marijuana is among the most often used illegal psychotropic substances in India and internationally. The prevalence of marijuana usage and hospitalizations related to marijuana are rising, especially among young people, according to current trends. Cannabis usage has been connected to learning, working memory, and attention problems. Cannabis has been shown to alleviate stress in small doses, but more significant amounts can cause anxiety, emotional symptoms, and dependence [ 28 ]. Myelination and synaptic pruning are two maturational brain processes that take place during adolescence and the early stages of adulthood. According to reports, these remodeling mechanisms are linked to efficient neural processing. They are assumed to provide the specialized cognitive processing needed for the highest neurocognitive performance. On a prolonged attentional processing test, marijuana usage before age 16 was linked to a shorter reaction time [ 29 ]. Cannabis use alters the endocannabinoid system, impacting executive function, reward function, and affective functions. It is believed that these disturbances are what lead to mental health problems [ 30 ].

MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly)

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) was a synthetic drug used legally in psychotherapy treatment throughout the 1970s, despite the lack of data demonstrating its efficacy. Molly, or the phrase "molecular," is typically utilized in powder form. Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are produced more significantly when MDMA is used. In the brain, these neurotransmitters affect mood, sleep, and appetite. Serotonin also causes the release of other hormones that may cause emotions of intimacy and attraction. Because of this, users might be more affectionate than usual and possibly develop ties with total strangers. The effects wear off three to six hours later, while a moderate dose may cause withdrawal symptoms to continue for a week. These symptoms include a decline in sex interest, a drop in appetite, problems sleeping, confusion, impatience, anxiety, sorrow, Impulsivity and violence, issues with memory and concentration, and insomnia are a few of them. Unsettlingly, it is rising in popularity in India, particularly among teenagers [ 31 ].


In addition to being a top producer of illicit opium, India is a significant drug consumer. In India, opium has a long history. The most common behavioral changes are a lack of motivation, depression, hyperactivity, a lack of interest or concentration, mood swings or abrupt behavior changes, confusion or disorientation, depression, anxiety, distortion of reality perception, social isolation, slurred or slow-moving speech, reduced coordination, a loss of interest in once-enjoyed activities, taking from family members or engaging in other illegal activity [ 32 ]. Except for the chemical produced for medicinal purposes, it is imperative to prohibit both production and usage since if a relatively well-governed nation like India cannot stop the drug from leaking, the problem must be huge in scope [ 33 ].

Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that causes various psychiatric syndromes, illnesses, and symptoms. Some symptoms include agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, violence, and thoughts of suicide and murder. They may be caused by the substance directly or indirectly through the aggravation of co-occurring psychiatric conditions. More frequent and severe symptoms are frequently linked to the usage of cocaine in "crack" form. Cocaine can potentially worsen numerous mental diseases and cause various psychiatric symptoms.

Table ​ Table1 1 discusses the short- and long-term effects of substance abuse.

SubstanceModeBehavioral changesShort-term physical effectsLong-term physical effects
AlcoholOral/drinkingGrowingly aggressive self-disclosure racy sexual behavior [ ].Unsteady speech, Drowsiness, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Uneasy stomach, Headache, Breathing problems, Vision and hearing impairment, Faulty judgment, Diminution of perception and coordination, Unconsciousness, Anemia (loss of red blood cells), Coma, and Blackouts [ ].  Unintentional injuries such as car crashes, falls, burns, drowning; Intentional injuries such as firearm injuries, sexual assault, and domestic violence; Increased on-the-job injuries and loss of productivity;  increased family problems and broken relationships.  Alcohol poisoning,  High blood pressure, Stroke, and other heart-related diseases; Liver disease, Nerve damage, Sexual problems,  Permanent damage to the brain [ ]. Vitamin B  deficiency can lead to a disorder characterized by amnesia, apathy, and disorientation.  Ulcers, Gastritis (inflammation of stomach walls), Malnutrition,  Cancer of the mouth and throat [ ].
CannabisSmoked, Vaped, Eaten (mixed in food or brewed as tea)Hallucinations, emotional swings, forgetfulness, Depersonalization, Paranoia, Delusions Disorientation. Psychosis, Bipolar illness, Schizophrenia [ ].Enhanced sensory perception and euphoria followed by drowsiness/relaxation; Slowed reaction time; problems with balance and coordination; Increased heart rate and appetite; problems with learning and memory; anxiety.Mental health problems, Chronic cough, Frequent respiratory infections.
Cocaine (coke/crack)Snorted, smoked, injectedViolence and hostility, paranoia and hallucinations, and monotonous or stereotyped simple conduct [ ]. Suspiciousness anger\giddiness Irritability, and Impatience [ ].Narrowed blood vessels; enlarged pupils; increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; headache; abdominal pain and nausea; euphoria; increased energy, alertness; insomnia, restlessness; anxiety; erratic and violent behavior, panic attacks, paranoia, psychosis; heart rhythm problems, heart attack; stroke, seizure, coma.Loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, nasal damage and trouble swallowing from snorting; Infection and death of bowel tissue from decreased blood flow; Poor nutrition and weight loss; Lung damage from smoking.
HeroinInjected, smoked, snortedExaggerated efforts to keep family members out of his or her room or being secretive about where he or she goes with friends; drastic changes in behavior and relationships with family and friends; sudden requests for money without a good reason; sudden disinterest in school activities or work; a drop in grades or work performance; a lack of energy and motivation; and lack of interest in clothes are all examples of these behaviors [ ].Euphoria; dry mouth; itching; nausea; vomiting; analgesia; slowed breathing and heart rate.Collapsed veins; abscesses (swollen tissue with pus); infection of the lining and valves in the heart; constipation and stomach cramps; Liver or kidney disease; pneumonia.
MDMASwallowed, snortedA state of exhilarated tranquility or peace greater sensitivity -More vigor both physically and emotionally -Increased intimacy and sociability -Relaxation -Bruxism -Empathy [ ].  Lowered inhibition; enhanced sensory perception; increased heart rate and blood pressure; muscle tension; nausea; faintness; chills or sweating; sharp rise in body temperature leading to kidney failure or death.Long-lasting confusion, Depression, problems with attention, memory, and Sleep; Increased anxiety, impulsiveness; Less interest in sex.
Cigarettes, Vaping devices, e-cigarettes, Cigars, Bidis, Hookahs, KreteksSmoked, snorted, chewed, vaporizedHyperactivity Inattention [ ]. Anxiety, Tension, enhanced emotions, and focus lower rage and stress, relax muscles, and curbs appetite [ ].Increased blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate; Exposes lungs to a variety of chemicals; Vaping also exposes the lungs to metallic vapors created by heating the coils in the device.Greatly increased risk of cancer, especially lung cancer when smoked and oral cancers when chewed; Chronic bronchitis; Emphysema; Heart disease; Leukemia; Cataracts; Pneumonia [ ].

Other cheap substances ( sasta nasha ) used in India

India is notorious for phenomena that defy comprehension. People in need may turn to readily available items like Iodex sandwiches, fevibond, sanitizer, whitener, etc., for comfort due to poverty and other circumstances to stop additional behavioral and other changes in youth discouragement is necessary [ 42 - 44 ]. 

Curbing drug abuse amongst youth

Seventy-five percent of Indian households contain at least one addict. The majority of them are fathers who act in this way due to boredom, stress from their jobs, emotional discomfort, problems with their families, or problems with their spouses. Due to exposure to such risky behaviors, children may try such intoxicants [ 45 ]. These behaviors need to be discouraged because they may affect the child's academic performance, physical growth, etc. The youngster starts to feel depressed, lonely, agitated and disturbed. Because they primarily revolve around educating students about the dangers and long-term impacts of substance abuse, previous attempts at prevention have all been ineffective. To highlight the risks of drug use and scare viewers into abstaining, some programs stoked terror. The theoretical underpinning of these early attempts was lacking, and they failed to consider the understanding of the developmental, social, and other etiologic factors that affect teenage substance use. These tactics are based on a simple cognitive conceptual paradigm that says that people's decisions to use or abuse substances depend on how well they are aware of the risks involved. More effective contemporary techniques are used over time [ 46 ]. School-based substance abuse prevention is a recent innovation utilized to execute changes, including social resistance skills training, normative education, and competence enhancement skills training.

Peer pressure makes a teenager vulnerable to such intoxicants. Teenagers are often exposed to alcohol, drugs, and smoking either because of pressure from their friends or because of being lonely. Social resistance training skills are used to achieve this. The pupils are instructed in the best ways to steer clear of or manage these harmful situations. The best method to respond to direct pressure to take drugs or alcohol is to know what to say (i.e., the specific content of a refusal message) and how to say it. These skills must be taught as a separate curriculum in every school to lower risk. Standard instructional methods include lessons and exercises to dispel misconceptions regarding drug usage's widespread use. 

Teenagers typically exaggerate how common it is to smoke, drink, and use particular substances, which could give off the impression that substance usage is acceptable. We can lessen young people's perceptions of the social acceptability of drug use by educating them that actual rates of drug usage are almost always lower than perceived rates of use. Data from surveys that were conducted in the classroom, school, or local community that demonstrate the prevalence of substance use in the immediate social setting may be used to support this information. If not, this can be taught using statistics from national surveys, which usually show prevalence rates that are far lower than what kids describe.

The role social learning processes have in teen drug use is recognized by competency-improvement programs, and there is awareness about how adolescents who lack interpersonal and social skills are more likely to succumb to peer pressure to use drugs. These young people might also be more inclined to turn to drug usage instead of healthier coping mechanisms. Most competency enhancement strategies include instruction in many of the following life skills: general problem-solving and decision-making skills, general cognitive abilities for fending off peer or media pressure, skills for enhancing self-control, adaptive coping mechanisms for reducing stress and anxiety through the use of cognitive coping mechanisms or be behavioral relaxation techniques, and general social and assertive skills [ 46 ].

Programs formulated to combat the growing risk of substance abuse

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare developed Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram for teenagers aged 10 to 19, with a focus on improving nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, preventing injuries and violence, and preventing substance abuse. By enabling them to make informed and responsible decisions about their health and well-being and ensuring that they have access to the tools and assistance they need, the program seeks to enable all adolescents in India in realizing their full potential [ 47 ].

For the past six years, ‘Nasha Mukti Kendra’ in India and rehabilitation have worked to improve lives and provide treatment for those who abuse alcohol and other drugs. They provide cost-effective and dedicated therapy programs for all parts of society. Patients come to them from all around the nation. Despite having appropriate programs and therapies that can effectively treat the disorder, they do not employ medication to treat addiction.


Around the world, adolescent drug and alcohol addiction has significantly increased morbidity and mortality. The menace of drugs and alcohol has been woven deep into the fabric of society. As its effects reach our youth, India's current generation is at high stake for the risk associated with the abuse of drugs like cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco. Even though the issue of substance abuse is complicated and pervasive, various stakeholders like healthcare professionals, community leaders, and educational institutions have access to a wealth of evidence-based research that can assist them to adopt interventions that can lower rates of teenage substance misuse. It is realized that while this problem is not specific to any one country or culture, individual remedies might not always be beneficial. Due to the unacceptably high rate of drug abuse that is wreaking havoc on humanity, a strategy for addressing modifiable risk factors is crucial. Because human psychology and mental health influence the choices the youth make related to their indulgence in drug misuse, it is the need of the hour to give serious consideration to measures like generating awareness, counseling, student guidance cells, positive parenting, etc., across the world. It will take time to change this substance misuse behavior, but the more effort we put into it, the greater the reward we will reap.

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Essay on Drug Addiction | Drug Addiction Essay for Students and Children in English

February 12, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Drug Addiction: Addiction refers to the harmful need to consume substances that have damaging consequences on the user. Addiction affects not just the body but also on the person’s mental health and soundness of mind. Addiction is one of the most severe health problems faced around the world and is termed as a chronic disease. A widespread disorder ranges from drugs, alcohol addiction to gambling, and even phone addiction.

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One of the most unfortunate yet common addictions that affect millions today is drug addiction. Also referred to as substance – use disorder, it is the addiction to substances that harm neurological functioning and a person’s behavior. The essay provides relevant information on this topic.

Long and Short Essay on Drug Addiction in English for Students and Kids

There are two essays listed below. The long essay consists of 500 words and a short essay of 200 words.

Long Essay on Drug Addiction in English 500 words

Drug addiction, also known as substance–use disorder, refers to the dangerous and excessive intake of legal and illegal drugs. This leads to many behavioral changes in the person as well as affects brain functions. Drug addiction includes abusing alcohol, cocaine, heroin, opioid, painkillers, and nicotine, among others. Drugs like these help the person feel good about themselves and induce ‘dopamine’ or the happiness hormone. As they continue to use the drug, the brain starts to increase dopamine levels, and the person demands more.

Drug addiction has severe consequences. Some of the signs include anxiety, paranoia, increased heart rate, and red eyes. They are intoxicated and unable to display proper coordination and have difficulty in remembering things. A person who is addicted cannot resist using them and unable to function correctly without ingesting them. It causes damage to the brain, their personal and professional relationships. It affects mental cognition; they are unable to make proper decisions, cannot retain information, and make poor judgments. They tend to engage in reckless activities such as stealing or driving under the influence. They also make sure that there is a constant supply and are willing to pay a lot of money even if they are unable to afford it and tend to have erratic sleep patterns.

Drug addiction also causes a person to isolate themselves and have either intense or no food cravings. They stop taking care of their hygiene. Drug addiction affects a person’s speech and experience hallucinations. They are unable to converse and communicate properly; they speak fast and are hyperactive. Those addicted have extreme mood swings. They can go from feeling happy to feeling sad quickly and are incredibly secretive. They begin to lose interest in activities they once loved. Substance abusers also undergo withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms refer to the symptoms that occur when they stop taking the drug. Some withdrawal symptoms include nausea, fatigue, and tremors. They stop and starting using again, an endless cycle that could be life-threatening. Drug addiction can be fatal if not treated timely. It can cause brain damage and seizures as well as overdose, heart diseases, respiratory problems, damage to the liver and kidneys, vomiting, lung diseases, and much more.

Though chronic, treatment is available for drug addiction. Many techniques are used, such as behavioral counseling, medication to treat the addiction, and providing treatment not just for substance abuse but also for many factors that accompany addiction such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Many devices have developed to overcome addiction. There are rehabilitation centers to help people. After treatment, there are numerous follow-ups to ensure that the cycle does not come back. The most important is having family and friends to support the effect. It will help them build confidence and come over their addiction.

The United Nations celebrates International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on the 26th of June. Drug addiction impacts millions and needs to be treated carefully to prevent further harm to the individual and letting them live a better life.

Short Essay on Drug Addiction in English 250 words

Drug addiction refers to taking substances that are harmful to our bodies. They cause changes to a person’s behavior as well. Many people take these drugs to feel happier and better about themselves. These dangerous substances make the brain produce a chemical that makes us happy, called dopamine. Producing large amounts of these causes the person to take the drug consistently.

Some of the drugs include alcohol, nicotine, and other unhealthy substances. Taking these substances can lead to many symptoms. These include unable to think correctly, cannot remember things, and unable to speak clearly. They steal and keep secrets from their close ones. Those addicted cannot sleep; they become happy and sad quickly. They stop doing the activities that they liked doing. They are not aware of their surroundings. Taking these dangerous substances can cause many health problems such as vomiting, unable to breathe, brain, and lung damage. It also affects their family, friends, and work.

Drug addiction is life-threatening. However, people with this addiction can be treated and helped with therapy, counseling, and taking medicines along with rehab centers. They do follow-ups to ensure that they never retake these drugs. They must have their family and friends to support them as they recover.

10 lines About Drug Addiction Essay in English

  • Drug addiction refers to taking harmful substances that affect a person’s brain functions and behavior. It involves taking legal and illegal drugs, and the person is unable to stop using them. It is also referred to as substance- use disorders
  • Harmful drugs include alcohol, cocaine, heroin, opioids, painkillers, nicotine, etc.
  • The harmful drugs cause an excessive release of dopamine or the happy hormone, which causes the person to take more.
  • Drug addiction can affect mental cognition, including decision making, judgments, and memory. It also causes speech problems.
  • It can cause anxiety paranoia and increased blood pressure. They have erratic sleep patterns and isolate themselves. It causes problems in their personal and professional relationships.
  • Those addicted become moody, hyperactive, and hallucinate. They also engage in reckless activities.
  • They experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using substances. These include nausea, fatigue, and tremors.
  • It can have many effects on the body, such as brain damage, seizures, liver and kidney damage, respiratory and lung issues.
  • Treatment is available. It includes behavioral therapy, medication, rehabilitation, as well as a follow-up to prevent relapse.
  • The United Nations celebrates International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on the 26th of June.

Frequently Asked Questions on Drug Addiction Essay

Question  1. What is drug addiction?

Answer: Drug addiction, also known as substance – use disorder, refers to the dangerous and excessive intake of legal and illegal drugs. This leads to many behavioral changes in the person as well as affects brain functions.

Question 2. Why does drug addiction occur?

Answer: People become addicted to these drugs because they want to feel happier. The drugs cause a chemical called dopamine, which induces happiness to be released. The brain starts to increase dopamine levels, and thus the person becomes addicted to the drug to match the increasing levels.

Question 3. What is the difference between dependence and addiction?

Answer: Dependence and addiction vary. While dependence is an intense craving for the drug by the body, addiction also refers to the changes in behavior and bodily functions due to repeated use of the drug, which has severe consequences.

Question 4. Can we treat drug addiction?

Answer: Yes, drug addiction can be treated. The various treatment methods are behavioral counseling, medication, and treatment of anxiety and depression. There are rehabilitation centers available. This is followed by a check-up to prevent relapse.

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Impacts of Drugs on the Society

Drug usage has been a crucial issue worldwide for many decades. It impacts not only the particular individuals addicted to illegal substances but also the surrounding around them, and eventually, it leads to massive social issues. This essay aims to identify drug addiction’s influence on society on the local, national, and global scale. Therefore, it will observe the reasons and causes of the addiction and the ways of preventing it.

The problems with drug addiction, first of all, begin in the local community and family in particular. When some family member becomes addicted, it launches the chain of consequences that affect other spheres of an individual’s life. If the parents face that problem, they start to neglect the child and disregard their parental duties, consequently leading to the worsening of the child’s physical and mental well-being. Often, they lack the necessary care, clothes, shelter, and unsafe living conditions (Alexis). In the worst cases, children eventually can appear in the orphanage.

Otherwise, when the younger member is affected by the illegal substances’ usage, parents struggle to gain their children’s trust while trying to lead them to the path of problem recognition and recovery. In addition to all the problems, children usually develop a co-dependent pattern of relationships. As they become adults, the victims of drug abuse in the family are more likely to get into destructive relationships. Therefore, people addicted to drugs risk sacrificing close relationships with their family, experience the loss of a family member, lower their chances of a successful future, quality education, and profession.

Evaluating the consequences of drug use on the national scale, the most demonstrative example is the overuse of opium among the citizens of the United States. Opium is one of the most common medications that people get addicted to accidentally or purposely use along with other substances. Although the financial expenses of opium overuse have peaked at $78.5 billion in 2013, those are not the only costs to the nation that brought the addiction (Umhau). Eventually, it increases crimes and violations, different kinds of abuse, deaths, and the spread of infections such as HIV/AIDS (Umhau). It results in the workplace’s overall productivity and performance for persons who struggle with addiction failing to fulfill their duties. Those who have any addiction develop an indifference to the significant spheres of life and decrease job involvement resulting in an economic state.

Assessing the impact of drugs addiction on the global scale, the first thing to mention is the massive amount of deaths. In 2019 the drug use caused the death of about half a million people, along with the social, health financial losses that the population has experienced. (World Drug Report 3). Moreover, it contributes to the spread and progression of multiple dangerous illnesses and diseases, for example, Hepatitis C. It becomes evident that this issue affects the population worldwide mainly with the same consequences and outcomes. Drug addiction stops the economy from developing because people are neglecting their education and jobs. At the same time, the governments spend a decent amount of money to fight the drug supply and the population’s addiction. Despite all the danger that illegal substances cause to humans, public perception is changing along with the legislation of cannabis. For instance, the other drugs start to seem less threatening and more socially acceptable.

To address the issue of the economic consequences, the case of heroin will serve as an example. In the past decades, the number of young adults using heroin has doubled, and now there are one million users in the united states. As the supplements cocaine and methamphetamine often come as supplements and induce the further over usage of the substances (Umhau). However, trying to measure the costs of the particular opiate heroin has one of the leading positions.

The heroin users themselves cost the government around $44,950, considering all the expenses of dealing with crime, health, and social issues caused by the addiction (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Although the person addicted to heroin gets to jail, the costs increase and result in $74,428 per person when part of it is due to the productivity loss (National Institute on Drug Abuse). The overall costs of heroin addiction take a significant amount of the government budget when the citizen’s taxes could be spent on dealing with critical health or social problems

Since there are many illegal substances and drugs with multiple effects and ways of supply, it takes an individual approach to each case. Considering the misuse of opioids is one of the most widespread issues connected to drug addiction, there are some methods to manage the problem. Firstly, it can be great to start with improving the system of healthcare, specifically – access to treatment and the process of healing. The department might develop more effective alternative ways of accessing medical help and recovering after the treatment so people will not need to use opioids that often. Secondly, the promotion of reverse medication that helps with overdoses would save many people’s lives and prevent multiple deaths.

In addition to the prevention methods, governments should work on better practices for dealing with pain (Thometz). When people have an alternative to medications and painkillers, it will eventually decrease opioid overuse. It is crucial to provide the population with various safe choices to help themselves without being at risk of getting an addiction.

Examining the factors that lead people to use substances, the role of the power dynamics has a significant contribution to it. Considering genders, men usually are more prone to different kinds of addiction, whether it is alcohol, drugs, nicotine, or video games. However, recent research supposes that the gap between male and female addiction is disappearing, particularly among young adults. (Footprints to recovery). While men more often experience overdoses, women are tended to get addicted more quickly and at a younger age. When adolescents start using drugs, their habit has a higher chance of growing into addiction when they become older.

Among the racial groups, the marginal parts of the society suffer from drug use often as well, still, there is no connection between the addiction and race or ethnicity. It can result in systematic racism and oppression (Footprints to recovery). Socioeconomic status is another factor that impacts the predisposition of substance use, especially among teenagers, for they have few material limits and more opportunities for experimentations. Thus, some aspects can cause the reasons and circumstances for drug use, but it still mostly depends on the environment that the person grows and exists.

In conclusion, the problem of drug addiction is still relevant nowadays, and it influences all the spheres of an individual’s life. Moreover, it affects society locally, nationally, and globally because the issue of drug addiction is still widespread all over the world. To prevent the population from addiction, the government should develop measures to prevent people from seeking additional measures of relieving pain or escaping reality with its problems. Despite all the researchers and policies implemented, drug addiction is a massive and challenging global issue that still requires a decent amount of work to reach some progress.

Works Cited

Alexis, Isaac. “How Does Drug Abuse Affect Society and You?” Vertava Health . 2019. Web.

Umhau, John C. “ How Drug Use Affects Our Society. ” Very well mind . 2020. Web.

World Drug Report 2021. United Nations publication , 2021. Web.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. Opioids. Web.

Thometz, Kristen. “ Heroin Use Costs Society $51.2 Billion, Says UIC Study ”. WTTW, 2017.

Footprints to recovery. Addiction by Race, Gender, and More: Who Does It Affect? Web.

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Understanding Drug Use and Addiction DrugFacts

Many people don't understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affect the brain and have found treatments that can help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives.

What Is drug addiction?

Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. The initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people, but repeated drug use can lead to brain changes that challenge an addicted person’s self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. These brain changes can be persistent, which is why drug addiction is considered a "relapsing" disease—people in recovery from drug use disorders are at increased risk for returning to drug use even after years of not taking the drug.

It's common for a person to relapse, but relapse doesn't mean that treatment doesn’t work. As with other chronic health conditions, treatment should be ongoing and should be adjusted based on how the patient responds. Treatment plans need to be reviewed often and modified to fit the patient’s changing needs.

Video: Why are Drugs So Hard to Quit?

Illustration of female scientist pointing at brain scans in research lab setting.

What happens to the brain when a person takes drugs?

Most drugs affect the brain's "reward circuit," causing euphoria as well as flooding it with the chemical messenger dopamine. A properly functioning reward system motivates a person to repeat behaviors needed to thrive, such as eating and spending time with loved ones. Surges of dopamine in the reward circuit cause the reinforcement of pleasurable but unhealthy behaviors like taking drugs, leading people to repeat the behavior again and again.

As a person continues to use drugs, the brain adapts by reducing the ability of cells in the reward circuit to respond to it. This reduces the high that the person feels compared to the high they felt when first taking the drug—an effect known as tolerance. They might take more of the drug to try and achieve the same high. These brain adaptations often lead to the person becoming less and less able to derive pleasure from other things they once enjoyed, like food, sex, or social activities.

Long-term use also causes changes in other brain chemical systems and circuits as well, affecting functions that include:

  • decision-making

Despite being aware of these harmful outcomes, many people who use drugs continue to take them, which is the nature of addiction.

Why do some people become addicted to drugs while others don't?

No one factor can predict if a person will become addicted to drugs. A combination of factors influences risk for addiction. The more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance that taking drugs can lead to addiction. For example:

Girl on a bench

  • Biology . The genes that people are born with account for about half of a person's risk for addiction. Gender, ethnicity, and the presence of other mental disorders may also influence risk for drug use and addiction.
  • Environment . A person’s environment includes many different influences, from family and friends to economic status and general quality of life. Factors such as peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, early exposure to drugs, stress, and parental guidance can greatly affect a person’s likelihood of drug use and addiction.
  • Development . Genetic and environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person’s life to affect addiction risk. Although taking drugs at any age can lead to addiction, the earlier that drug use begins, the more likely it will progress to addiction. This is particularly problematic for teens. Because areas in their brains that control decision-making, judgment, and self-control are still developing, teens may be especially prone to risky behaviors, including trying drugs.

Can drug addiction be cured or prevented?

As with most other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease, treatment for drug addiction generally isn’t a cure. However, addiction is treatable and can be successfully managed. People who are recovering from an addiction will be at risk for relapse for years and possibly for their whole lives. Research shows that combining addiction treatment medicines with behavioral therapy ensures the best chance of success for most patients. Treatment approaches tailored to each patient’s drug use patterns and any co-occurring medical, mental, and social problems can lead to continued recovery.

Photo of a person's fists with the words "drug free" written across the fingers.

More good news is that drug use and addiction are preventable. Results from NIDA-funded research have shown that prevention programs involving families, schools, communities, and the media are effective for preventing or reducing drug use and addiction. Although personal events and cultural factors affect drug use trends, when young people view drug use as harmful, they tend to decrease their drug taking. Therefore, education and outreach are key in helping people understand the possible risks of drug use. Teachers, parents, and health care providers have crucial roles in educating young people and preventing drug use and addiction.

Points to Remember

  • Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences.
  • Brain changes that occur over time with drug use challenge an addicted person’s self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. This is why drug addiction is also a relapsing disease.
  • Relapse is the return to drug use after an attempt to stop. Relapse indicates the need for more or different treatment.
  • Most drugs affect the brain's reward circuit by flooding it with the chemical messenger dopamine. Surges of dopamine in the reward circuit cause the reinforcement of pleasurable but unhealthy activities, leading people to repeat the behavior again and again.
  • Over time, the brain adjusts to the excess dopamine, which reduces the high that the person feels compared to the high they felt when first taking the drug—an effect known as tolerance. They might take more of the drug, trying to achieve the same dopamine high.
  • No single factor can predict whether a person will become addicted to drugs. A combination of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors influences risk for addiction. The more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance that taking drugs can lead to addiction.
  • Drug addiction is treatable and can be successfully managed.
  • More good news is that drug use and addiction are preventable. Teachers, parents, and health care providers have crucial roles in educating young people and preventing drug use and addiction.

For information about understanding drug use and addiction, visit:

  • www.nida.nih.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/drug-abuse-addiction

For more information about the costs of drug abuse to the United States, visit:

  • www.nida.nih.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics#costs

For more information about prevention, visit:

  • www.nida.nih.gov/related-topics/prevention

For more information about treatment, visit:

  • www.nida.nih.gov/related-topics/treatment

To find a publicly funded treatment center in your state, call 1-800-662-HELP or visit:

  • https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov/

This publication is available for your use and may be reproduced in its entirety without permission from NIDA. Citation of the source is appreciated, using the following language: Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse; National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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Essay on Drug Abuse in 250 and 500 Words in English for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 2, 2024

Essay on Drug Abuse

Drug abuse refers to the excessive and frequent consumption of drugs. Drug abuse can have several harmful effects on our mental and physical health. Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the USA, passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 and initiated the War on Drugs . He said, ‘Let us not forget who we are. Drug abuse is a repudiation of everything America is.’

Consuming drugs not only harms the individual himself but also affects society as a whole. Studies have shown that people who consume drugs become addicted to it. This addiction turns into substance abuse, resulting in self-damage, behaviour changes, mood swings, unnecessary weight loss, and several other health problems. Let’s understand what drug abuse is and how to fight it.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Drug Abuse in 250 Words
  • 2.1 Why Do People Consume Drugs?
  • 2.2 Why Is Drug Abuse Bad?
  • 2.3 Laws in India Against Drug Consumption
  • 2.4 Steps to Prevent Drug Addiction
  • 2.5 Conclusion
  • 3 10 Lines Essay on Drug Abuse

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Essay on Drug Abuse in 250 Words

‘When people consume drugs regularly and become addicted to it, it is known as drug abuse. In medical terminology, drugs means medicines. However, the consumption of drugs is for non-medical purposes. It involves the consumption of substances in illegal and harmful ways, such as swallowing, inhaling, or injecting. When drugs are consumed, they are mixed into our bloodstream, affecting our neural system and brain functioning.

The Indian government has taken significant steps to help reduce the consumption of drugs. In 1985, the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act came into force. This act replaced the Opium Act of 1857, the Opium Act of 1878, and the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1930. 

Drug abuse can lead to addiction, where a person becomes physically or psychologically dependent on the substance and experiences withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop using it. 

Drug abuse can have serious consequences for the individual and society as a whole. On an individual level, drugs can damage physical health, including organ damage, infectious diseases, and overdose fatalities. Not only this, a person already suffering from mental health disorders will face more harmful aftereffects. Addiction disrupts our cognitive functioning and impairs our decision-making abilities.

To fight drug abuse, we need collective action from all sections of society. Medical professionals say that early intervention and screening programmes can identify individuals at risk of substance misuse and provide them with the necessary support services. Educating people, especially those who are at-risk, about drug abuse and its harmful effects can significantly help reduce their consumption.

Drug abuse is serious and it must be addressed. Drug abuse is killing youth and society. Therefore, it is an urgent topic to address, and only through sustainable and collective efforts can we address this problem.

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Essay on Drug Abuse in 500 Words

Drug abuse is known as frequent consumption. In time, these people become dependent on drugs for several reasons. Curiosity drives adolescents and teenagers, who are among the most susceptible groups in our society. Cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin, etc. are some of the popular drugs consumed. 

Why Do People Consume Drugs?

The very first question about drugs is: why do people consume drugs? Studies have shown that more than 50% of drug addicts consider drugs as a coping mechanism to alleviate emotional or psychological distress. In the beginning, drugs temporarily relieve feelings of anxiety, depression, or trauma, providing a temporary escape from difficult emotions or life circumstances. 

Some consume drugs out of curiosity, some under peer pressure, and some want to escape the painful experiences. Some people enjoy the effects drugs produce, such as euphoria, relaxation, and altered perceptions. Recreational drug use may occur in social settings or as a form of self-medication for stress relief or relaxation.

Why Is Drug Abuse Bad?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that drugs can worsen our eyesight and body movement, our physical growth, etc. Marijuana, one of the most popular drugs, can slow down our reaction time, affecting our time and distance judgement and decreasing coordination. Cocaine and Methamphetamine can make the consumer aggressive and careless.

Our brain is the first victim of drugs. Drugs can disorder our body in several ways, from damaging organs to messing with our brains. Drugs easily get mixed into our bloodstream, and affect our neural system. Prolonged and excessive consumption of drugs significantly harms our brain functioning.

The next target of drug abuse is our physical health and relationships. Drugs can damage our vital organs, such as the liver, heart, lungs, and brain. For example, heavy alcohol use can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, while cocaine use can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Laws in India Against Drug Consumption

Here is an interesting thing; the USA has the highest number of drug addicts and also has strict laws against drug consumption. According to a report by the Narcotics Control Bureau, around 9 million people in India consume different types of drugs. The Indian government has implemented certain laws against drug consumption and production.

The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS), prohibits the production, sale, purchase, and consumption of narcotics and other illegal substances, except for scientific and medical purposes.

Also, Article 47 of the Indian Constitution states that ‘ The State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption, except for medicinal purposes, of intoxicating drinks and drugs which are injurious to health.’

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Steps to Prevent Drug Addiction

Several steps can be taken to prevent drug addiction. But before we start our ‘War on Drugs’ , it is crucial to understand the trigger point. Our social environment, mental health issues and sometimes genetic factors can play a role in drug abuse.

  • Education and awareness are the primary weapons in the fight against drugs. 
  • Keeping distance from people and places addicted to drugs.
  • Encourage a healthy and active lifestyle and indulge in physical workouts.
  • Watch motivating videos and listen to sound music.
  • Self-motivate yourself to stop consuming drugs.
  • Talk to a medical professional or a psychiatrist, who will guide you to the right path.

Drug abuse is a serious problem. The excessive and frequent consumption of drugs not only harms the individual but also affects society as a whole. Only a collective approach from lawmakers, healthcare professionals, educators, community leaders, and individuals themselves can combat drug abuse effectively. 

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10 Lines Essay on Drug Abuse

Here is a 10-line essay on drug abuse.

  • Drug abuse can significantly affect our physical growth
  • Drug abuse can affect our mental functioning.
  • Drug abuse may provide instant pleasure, but inside, it weakens our willpower and physical strength.
  • Educating people, especially those who are at-risk, about drug abuse and its harmful effects can significantly help reduce their consumption.
  •  Drugs easily get mixed into our bloodstream, and affect our neural system. 
  • Prolonged and excessive consumption of drugs significantly harms our brain functioning.
  • In 1985, the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act came into force.
  • The USA has the highest number of drug addicts and also has strict laws against drug consumption.
  • Drug addicts consider drugs as a coping mechanism to alleviate emotional or psychological distress.
  •  Adolescents and teenagers are the most vulnerable section of our society and are driven by curiosity.

Ans: Drug abuse refers to the excessive and frequent consumption of drugs. Drug abuse can have several harmful effects on our mental and physical health.

Ans: ‘When people consume drugs regularly and become addicted to it, it is known as drug abuse. In medical terminology, drugs means medicines. However, the consumption of drugs is for non-medical purposes. It involves the consumption of substances in illegal and harmful ways, such as swallowing, inhaling, or injecting. When drugs are consumed, they are mixed into our bloodstream, affecting our neural system and brain functioning.

Ans: Drug abuse is known as frequent consumption. In time, these people become dependent on drugs for several reasons. Adolescents and teenagers are the most vulnerable section of our society who are driven by curiosity. Cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, heroin, etc. are some of the popular drugs consumed.  The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS), prohibits the production, sale, purchase, and consumption of narcotics and other illegal substances, except for scientific and medical purposes.

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Teen Substance Use Is Declining, But More Dangerous Drug Abuse Is Emerging

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There have been “promising” declines in high school students’ overall use of illicit substances, concludes a report from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Since 2013, the percentage of students who reported drinking alcohol, using marijuana, or using select illicit drugs at any point has decreased. Since 2017 and 2019, respectively, the percentage of students who had ever misused or currently are misusing prescription opioids decreased, according to the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

That survey draws on data collected every two years among a nationally representative sample of U.S. high school students. The 2023 survey had more than 20,000 respondents and was conducted in the spring.

Still, many students continue to use substances and the lack of progress in some areas is concerning, according to the report.

The findings come as schools continue to face challenges in curbing students’ substance abuse , which could negatively affect learning, memory, and attention, according to experts. It could also be a sign of mental health challenges.

chart visualization

While student substance abuse isn’t a new challenge for school districts, the substances that adolescents are experimenting with now are much more dangerous, said Darrell Sampson, the executive director of student services for the Arlington public schools in Virginia.

“It’s not necessarily that more kids are using substances than in prior years,” Sampson said. “It’s the lethality of the substance itself that has caused higher levels of concern.”

Research has shown rising overdose deaths among teens even as their substance use is declining. Those deaths have been linked to the increase in illicit fentanyl and other synthetic opioids. School districts have been pursuing several strands of legal action against companies that manufactured and marketed addictive opioids that have led to tens of thousands of deaths and countless more addiction struggles in the last two decades.

Beyond the legal actions, schools also continue to provide prevention and education programming for students and families, Sampson said. There’s “a glimmer of hope” that those measures are working, he said, based on the declines in the CDC data.

Experts recommend starting education about substance abuse as early as possible

In the Arlington, Va., district, students in grades 6 through 10 learn about substance abuse challenges as part of the health curriculum, Sampson said. The district has also slowly expanded that program to 5th and 4th grades and are looking into whether there’s capacity to start that education as early as 3rd grade.

“We know that the more we can at least open that conversation with our families and our students, the better off our students are going to be,” Sampson said. “It’s not just a message [they’re hearing] starting in middle school, but it’s a message [they’re hearing] over time.”

The district is expanding programming with 11th and 12th graders, too, because the information they got when they were in 10th grade could be outdated by then, Sampson said.

In addition, the district has substance abuse counselors who meet with students and try to explore the reasons they might be using substances, Sampson said.

Image of teens sitting in a circle on the floor doing work and being social.

Experts say it’s also important to think about how to incorporate student voice in any prevention or intervention programming.

Teens are more than twice as likely to go to their friends or peers for help or support when experiencing distress from their substance use than they are to go to a behavioral health provider or a family member, according to a survey from the Bipartisan Policy Center conducted in June among 932 teens (13- to 17-year-olds) and 1,062 young adults (18- to 26-year-olds). More than a quarter of teens said they didn’t go to anyone for help or support when they experienced distress from substance use.

Sophie Szew, a junior at Stanford University and the Bipartisan Policy Center’s mental health and substance use task force youth adviser, said those survey results “really underscore the importance of investing in those peer support networks and resources.”

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The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs Essay

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For the majority of people, using drugs is a way of having fun and relaxing. However, it is vital to understand that there are individuals for whom drug use is not entertainment, but rather a method to escape various psychological issues, curiosity, or therapeutic reasoning ( Reasons why people use drugs, n. d., para. 1). Psychological reasons include mental health problems, troubles at home, at work, or other people, individual reactions, and surroundings’ influence. In the current paper, different reasons why people use drugs will be discovered and classification of types of drug use will be considered.

People use drugs because of various reasons and in different frequencies. Besides, it is essential to understand that a substantially low number of people develop serious drug addiction issues ( Why do people use alcohol and other drugs? 2017, para. 5). It should be stated that there is a precise classification of types of drug use. The first type implies practical use, which is a simple curiosity of a person. These kinds of people usually try a substance once or twice in their lives. The second category is recreational use, which means that an individual uses drugs occasionally for fun and socialization purposes. In this case, it is uncommon to develop a severe addiction. The third type refers to situational use, which implies that people occasionally use a particular substance ( Why do people use alcohol and other drugs? 2017, para. 6). It is done to overcome shyness, under peer pressure, to combat a stressful situation, or for similar reasons.

Another type is called intensive use or ‘bingeing’, which means that an individual decides to consume a large amount of a substance over a relatively short period, as several hours, days, or weeks. There are many reasons behind the destructive behavior, but usually, it is connected to psychological issues. The fifth type is dependent use, which refers to a situation when an individual becomes dependent on a substance after taking it for a prolonged period or in large quantities. Such an individual needs the drug regularly, as it allows him or her to feel comfortable and to avoid withdrawal syndrome. The last category of drug use is therapeutic, which implies that an individual takes a particular drug for medical purposes with a doctor’s permission ( Why do people use alcohol and other drugs? 2017, para. 6). It should be noted that this type of drug use does not eliminate a possible addiction to a substance.

Not all the above-discussed reasons why people use drugs imply that those individuals become addicted to substances. However, those who fall into regular substance use usually escape some kind of psychological issues, including mental health problems, troubles at home, at work, or with other people, individual biology, or peers’ influence ( The science of drug use, 2020, para. 13). This kind of psychological reason for drug use usually requires medical attention, as it is relatively complicated to quit substances without professional help.

In conclusion, it should be noted that drug use does not become a severe issue for most people, as they take substances to have fun. However, there are some other types of substance use, as intensive and dependent categories, who face dangerous consequences of such behavior. These types are usually associated with psychological issues when a substance becomes a way to escape a particular unbearable condition for an individual.

Reasons why people use drugs (n. d.)

The science of drug use (2020).

Why do people use alcohol and other drugs? (2017).

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IvyPanda. (2022, February 27). The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-reasons-why-people-are-using-drugs/

"The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-reasons-why-people-are-using-drugs/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs." February 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-reasons-why-people-are-using-drugs/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs." February 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-reasons-why-people-are-using-drugs/.


IvyPanda . "The Reasons Why People Are Using Drugs." February 27, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-reasons-why-people-are-using-drugs/.

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Cannabis and hallucinogen use among adults remained at historic highs in 2023

by National Institutes of Health


Past-year use of cannabis and hallucinogens stayed at historically high levels in 2023 among adults aged 19 to 30 and 35 to 50, according to the latest findings from the Monitoring the Future survey. In contrast, past-year use of cigarettes remained at historically low levels in both adult groups.

Past-month and daily alcohol use continued a decade-long decline among those 19 to 30 years old, with binge drinking reaching all-time lows. However, among 35- to 50-year-olds, the prevalence of binge drinking in 2023 increased from five and 10 years ago. The Monitoring the Future study is conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor.

Reports of vaping nicotine or vaping cannabis in the past year among adults 19 to 30 rose over five years, and both trends remained at record highs in 2023. Among adults 35 to 50, the prevalence of nicotine vaping and of cannabis vaping stayed steady from the year before, with long-term (five and 10 year) trends not yet observable in this age group as this question was added to the survey for this age group in 2019.

For the first time in 2023, 19- to 30-year-old female respondents reported a higher prevalence of past-year cannabis use than male respondents in the same age group, reflecting a reversal of the gap between sexes. Conversely, male respondents 35 to 50 years old maintained a higher prevalence of past-year cannabis use than female respondents of the same age group, consistent with what's been observed for the past decade.

"We have seen that people at different stages of adulthood are trending toward use of drugs like cannabis and psychedelics and away from tobacco cigarettes," said Nora D. Volkow, M.D., director of NIH's National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). "These findings underscore the urgent need for rigorous research on the potential risks and benefits of cannabis and hallucinogens—especially as new products continue to emerge."

Since 1975, the Monitoring the Future study has annually surveyed substance use behaviors and attitudes among a nationally representative sample of teens. A longitudinal panel study component of Monitoring the Future conducts follow-up surveys on a subset of these participants (now totaling approximately 20,000 people per year), collecting data from individuals every other year from ages 19 to 30 and every five years after the participants turn 30 to track their drug use through adulthood.

Participants self-report their drug use behaviors across various time periods, including lifetime, past year (12 months), past month (30 days), and other use frequencies depending on the substance type. Data for the 2023 panel study were collected via online and paper surveys from April 2023 through October 2023.

Full data summaries and data tables showing the trends below, including breakdowns by substance, are available in the report. Key findings include: Cannabis use in the past year and past month remained at historically high levels for both adult age groups in 2023.

Among adults 19 to 30 years old, approximately 42% reported cannabis use in the past year, 29% in the past month, and 10% daily use (use on 20 or more occasions in the past 30 days). Among adults 35 to 50, reports of use reached 29%, 19%, and 8%, respectively. While these 2023 estimates are not statistically different from those of 2022, they do reflect five- and 10-year increases for both age groups.

Cannabis vaping in the past year and past month was reported by 22% and 14% of adults 19 to 30, respectively, and by 9% and 6% of adults 35 to 50 in 2023. For the younger group, these numbers represent all-time study highs and an increase from five years ago.

Nicotine vaping among adults 19 to 30 maintained historic highs in 2023. Reports of past-year and past-month vaping of nicotine reached 25% and 19%, respectively. These percentages represent an increase from five years ago, but not from one year ago. For adults 35 to 50, the prevalence of vaping nicotine remained steady from the year before (2022), with 7% and 5% reporting past-year and past-month use.

Hallucinogen use in the past year continued a five-year steep incline for both adult groups, reaching 9% for adults 19 to 30 and 4% for adults 35 to 50 in 2023. Types of hallucinogens reported by participants included LSD, mescaline, peyote, shrooms or psilocybin, and PCP.

Alcohol remains the most used substance reported among adults in the study. Past-year alcohol use among adults 19 to 30 has showed a slight upward trend over the past five years, with 84% reporting use in 2023. However, past month drinking (65%), daily drinking (4%), and binge drinking (27%) all remained at study lows in 2023 among adults 19 to 30. These numbers have decreased from 10 years ago. Past-month drinking and binge drinking (having five or more drinks in a row in the past two week period) decreased significantly from the year before for this age group (down from 68% for past month and 31% for binge drinking reported in 2022).

Around 84% of adults 35 to 50 reported past-year alcohol use in 2023, which has not significantly changed from the year before or the past five or 10 years. Past-month alcohol use and binge drinking have slightly increased over the past 10 years for this age group; in 2023, past-month alcohol use was at 69% and binge drinking was at 27%. Daily drinking has decreased in this group over the past five years and was at its lowest level ever recorded in 2023 (8%).

Additional data: In 2023, past-month cigarette smoking, past-year nonmedical use of prescription drugs, and past-year use of opioid medications (surveyed as "narcotics other than heroin") maintained five- and 10-year declines for both adult groups. Among adults 19 to 30 years old, past-year use of stimulants (surveyed as "amphetamines") has decreased for the past decade, whereas for adults 35 to 50, past-year stimulant use has been modestly increasing over 10 years. Additional data include drug use reported by college/non-college young adults and among various demographic subgroups, including sex and gender and race and ethnicity.

The 2023 survey year was the first time a cohort from the Monitoring the Future study reached 65 years of age; therefore, trends for the 55- to 65-year-old age group are not yet available.

"The data from 2023 did not show us many significant changes from the year before, but the power of surveys such as Monitoring the Future is to see the ebb and flow of various substance use trends over the longer term," said Megan Patrick, Ph.D., of the University of Michigan and principal investigator of the Monitoring the Future panel study.

"As more and more of our original cohorts—first recruited as teens—now enter later adulthood, we will be able to examine the patterns and effects of drug use throughout the life course. In the coming years, this study will provide crucial data on substance use trends and health consequences among older populations, when people may be entering retirement and other new chapters of their lives."

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Recreational drug use — even cannabis — triples the risk of heart attack, stroke.

Turns out that buzz could kill.

A new study has found that recreational drug users are three times more likely to have recurrent heart emergencies than those who abstain.

Over a two-week period in 2021, researchers followed nearly 1,400 patients admitted to ICUs across France.

Intubated patient with STEMI in intensive care department with Intra-aortic balloon pump working

All of the patients were tested for drugs, and 11% were found to have cannabis, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines or MDMA in their systems at the time of intake, and more than 28% tested positive for two or more of those drugs.  

Researchers then tracked the patients for a year to see if they experienced cardiac emergencies or strokes.

Of this test group, roughly 6% of nonusers suffered a follow-up emergency, while a staggering 13% of drug users found themselves back in the ER with cardiovascular complications within the year.

Young businessman clutching his chest in pain while working on a laptop in the office

Furthermore, drug takers were more likely than their straight-edge counterparts to suffer a heart-related death, non-fatal heart attack or stroke.

“Recreational drug use was associated with a tripling of the risk of a repeat serious cardiovascular event within one year,” said researcher  Dr. Raphael Mirailles , a physician with Lariboisière Hospital in Paris.

While drug testing is not a standard protocol for treating patients in critical need, Miralilles maintains that given the results, “systemic screening should be considered in intensive care.”

Of all the substances tested for, MDMA carried the highest heart risk, with partakers four times more likely to have a follow-up episode. Earlier this summer, the FDA rejected an application to legalize MDMA for the treatment of PTSD.

Returning to the study, taking opioids upped the cardiac risk factor by 3.6 times, while cannabis use nearly doubled it.

Curiously, cocaine and amphetamines did not have a statistically significant relationship with serious cardiovascular events.

Researchers acknowledged the limited timeframe of the study and suggest further examination is necessary.

Man in white shirt and necktie taking pill from table, implying cardiovascular risk from MDMA use

This information comes on the heels of another French study , which found that women who habitually smoke weed face a significantly higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to women who don’t use cannabis.

Other research suggests that frequent pot smoking may raise the risk of head and neck cancers .

Earlier this year, a study from the University of Southern California found marijuana users are between 3.5 and 5 times more likely to develop those cancers, known as HNCs, than those who pass on the puffing.

Intubated patient with STEMI in intensive care department with Intra-aortic balloon pump working


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The New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) included a module on mental health and problematic substance use (including tobacco, alcohol and illicit substance use) in 2016/17, 2021/22 and 2022/23. The Mental Health and Problematic Substance Use Data Explorer presents data from that module and covers topics such as mental health, risk of problematic substance use, informal help-seeking and access to mental health and addictions services for adults and children.

Mental Health and Problematic Substance Use Data Explorer

Mental Health and Problematic Substance Use

The New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) included a module on mental health and problematic substance use (including tobacco, alcohol and illicit substance use) in 2016/17, 2021/22 and 2022/23. This report presents information and key results from the mental health and problematic substance use module.

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Amphetamine Use 2015/16: New Zealand Health Survey

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Amphetamine Use 2015/16: New Zealand Health Survey.

Cannabis Use 2012/13: New Zealand Health Survey

This report presents information on patterns of cannabis use by adults, and medicinal use of cannabis in 2012/13.

Cannabis Use 2012/13.

Amphetamine Use 2013/14: New Zealand Health Survey

This report presents findings from the 2013/14 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) about amphetamine use in the last 12 months (past year) in adults aged 16–64 years of age.

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The 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey: Online data tables

All NZADUS results presented in this report and some additional results are available in Excel format.

Drug Use in New Zealand: Key results of the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey

This report presents the key findings about drug use and drug-related harm among New Zealand adults, from the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey (NZADUS). The survey measured alcohol and drug use among over 6,500 New Zealanders aged 16–64 years from August 2007 to April 2008.

Alcohol Use in New Zealand, Key results of the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey

This report presents the key findings about alcohol use and alcohol-related harm among New Zealand adults, from the 2007/08 New Zealand Alcohol and Drug Use Survey. The survey measured alcohol and drug use among over 6,500 New Zealanders aged 16–64 years from August 2007 to April 2008.

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Drug Addiction — The Causes, Effects and Prevention of Drug Addiction


The Problem of Drug Addiction: Causes, Effects and Solutions

  • Categories: Drug Addiction

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Words: 1196 |

Published: Jan 15, 2019

Words: 1196 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Causes of drug addiction, effects of drug addiction, how to prevent drug addiction (essay), works cited.

  • Doan, H. (2007). Police dogs will sniff out drugs at city schools. The Roanoke Times.
  • Mayo Clinic. (2019). Drug addiction (substance use disorder).
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2022). Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide (third edition).
  • New York Times. (2009). Drug-sniffing dogs are in demand.
  • Psychological Studies and Support to Drug Users. (2014). Teenagers and drug use: Facts and figures.
  • Smith, M. J., & Stevens, A. (Eds.). (2013). Drug Policy and the Public Good.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). Treatment for substance use disorders.
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2021). World drug report 2021.
  • Volkow, N. D., Koob, G. F., & McLellan, A. T. (2016). Neurobiologic advances from the brain disease model of addiction. New England Journal of Medicine, 374(4), 363-371.

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Recent recreational drug use triples risk of repeat serious cardiovascular event 

Patients with recent history of recreational drug use admitted to intensive care cardiac unit have triple the risk of a repeat serious cardiac event within one year.

Key take-aways 

  • 1 in 9 patients admitted to cardiac intensive care units gave a positive test for recent recreational drug use, including cannabis, heroin and other opioids, cocaine amphetamines and MDMA. 
  • These patients had triple the risk of suffering a repeat serious cardiac event (including death) within one year 
  • Author recommends that routine screening of all intensive care patients for recent recreational drug use be considered to improve risk stratification of patients and offer personalised care to favour drug withdrawal  

London, United Kingdom – 28 August 2024: New research presented at this year’s ESC Congress 2024 in London, UK (30 Aug – 2 Sept) shows that, among patients admitted to the intensive cardiac care unit (ICCU), those with a recent history of recreational drug use are three times more likely than those with no history to experience a repeat serious cardiovascular event within one year.  

“Among patients admitted to the intensive cardiac care unit (ICCU), systematic screening for recreational drugs evidenced a significant prevalence – 11% - of recent use,” said study author Dr Raphael Mirailles, Hospital Lariboisiere, Paris, France. “Recreational drug use was associated with triple the risk of a repeat serious cardiovascular event within one year.” 

Previous work by the same group showed that this recent history of recreational drug use was associated with a higher rate in-hospital outcomes. However, long-term cardiovascular consequences of recreational drug use remain uncertain.  

In this study the authors aimed to evaluate the prognostic impact of recreational drugs use at 1-year follow-up to predict serious cardiovascular events (including death) in consecutive patients admitted to ICCUs for acute cardiovascular events from the Addiction in Intensive Cardiac Care Units (ADDICT-ICCU) study.  

All consecutive patients admitted to ICCUs over two weeks in April 2021 at 39 centres across France were included. Screening for recreational drugs use was performed by systematic urinary testing. All patients provided written informed consent for participation and therefore approved urinary testing. One-year follow-up consisted of a clinical visit or direct contact with the patient and the referring cardiologist. The primary composite outcome was the occurrence of a serious cardiac event - cardiovascular death, non-fatal heart attack (MI) or stroke. Subgroup analysis was performed in patients hospitalised at baseline for acute coronary syndrome (non-fatal heart attack / angina lasting more than 20 minutes). 

Of the 1499 consecutive patients screened, 1392 (93%) patients (mean age 63 years, 70% males) had a complete 1-year follow-up. Among them, 157 (11%) had an initial positive test for recreational drug use (cannabis, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine [MDMA]).  Among these positive results the following drugs were found:  cannabis: n=136, 9.8%; heroin and other opioids: n=32, 2.3%; cocaine: n=23, 1.7%; amphetamines: n=9, 0.6% MDMA (active ingredient of ecstacy: n=9, 0.6%). More than one quarter of patients (n=45, 28.7%) tested positive for two or more of these drugs.  

The test deployed for each drug simply provided a positive or negative result, but the amount required to give a positive test was substantial.  The urine drug assay that was used continues to be positive 2 to 6 days after substance use, therefore it shows mainly recent exposure rather than regular use. On the other hand, an increase in major adverse events at one year might indicate chronic use.  

After 1-year of follow-up, 94 (7%) patients experienced a serious cardiovascular event (including death). Patients with positive testing exhibited a higher rate of serious cardiovascular events than non-users (13% vs 6%, respectively, a statistically significant finding). The data were then adjusted for multiple factors – including age, sex, diabetes, current smoking status, history of cardiovascular disease before hospitalisation, known chronic kidney disease, history of cancer, the main admission diagnosis, baseline systolic blood pressure, and baseline heart rate. Following this adjustment recreational drug use was independently associated with a three times higher risk of serious cardiovascular events. 

ln the subgroup analysis of 713 patients hospitalised at baseline for acute coronary syndrome, 96 (14%) had a positive recreational drug test and 50 (7%) experienced serious cardiovascular events. Using computer modelling in this population, recreational drug use was still independently associated with a three times higher risk of serious cardiovascular events after adjustment for traditional prognosticators. 

Among the 1392 patients screened, there were 64 (4.6%) cardiovascular deaths, 55 (4.5%) among non-users and 9 (5.7%) among recreational drugs users. Considering heart attack, there were 24 (1.7%) non-fatal heart attacks overall, 16 (1.3%) among non-users and 8 (5.1%) among drug users. Considering stroke, there were 10 (0.7%) strokes, and 7(0.6%) for non-users and 3 (1.9%) for drug users.  

Among recreational drugs tested, MDMA (4.1 times increased risk), heroin and other opioids (3.6 times) and cannabis (1.8 times) were significantly associated with serious cardiovascular events. The other drug types did not have a statistically significant relationship with serious cardiovascular events.  

Dr Mirailles said: “ln a large cohort of consecutive patients admitted to intensive care cardiac units for acute cardiovascular events, the prevalence of recreational drug use was 11%. Recreational drug use was associated with a tripling of the risk of a repeat serious cardiovascular  event within one-year.” 

He added: “There is an increasing amount of data regarding worst prognosis associated with recreational drug use, not only in cardiac intensive care units but also in conventional intensive care units. Despite high rate of underreporting of recreational drug use, systematic screening is not recommended by the current guidelines. It might improve risk stratification of patients and personalised care to favour drug withdrawal. Therefore, systemic screening should be considered in intensive care.” 

Notes to editor

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Funding : Institutional grant from the ‘Fondation Coeur et Recherche’, Paris, France. 

Disclosures:  The authors declare no conflicts of interest.  

References and notes 

The abstract ‘Recreational drugs use as prognostic factor of major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in patients hospitalised for acute cardiovascular events’ will be presented at the session The best acute cardiovascular-care science which takes place on Saturday 31 August at 13:15 to 14:15 BST at Science Box 1 - Research Gateway 

About ESC Congress 2024 

It is the world’s largest gathering of cardiovascular professionals, disseminating ground-breaking science both onsite in London and online – from 30 August to 2 September. Explore the  scientific programme . More information is available from the ESC Press Office at  [email protected]

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Mike Tyson draws light to psychedelic drugs in sports. Here's what happens in the shadows.

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When you’ve lived with tigers, tattooed your face and bitten off a piece of another man’s ear in the boxing ring, it’s hard to shock anyone.

But Mike Tyson generated buzz during a recent appearance on Logan Paul's podcast when he said he consumes mushrooms of the psychedelic variety while he's training for his fight against Jake Paul on Nov. 15.

"It takes me to heaven, baby,'' Tyson said.

The former heavyweight champion is not alone when it comes to the use of "magic'' mushrooms during high-performance training.

According to athletes and those familiar with the practice, a number of professional hockey players, professional golfers and MMA fighters are using psilocybin, which is the naturally occurring psychedelic drug also known as “magic mushrooms," during training and in some cases during competition.

Heightened awareness and faster recovery are among reported benefits from “microdosing’’– taking a fraction of the regular dose of the drug and experiencing no psychoactive effect. (That does not appear to be the case with Tyson.)

“It makes you feel much more present,’’ said Ara Suppiah, a physician who has worked with Ryder Cup teams and estimated 4% to 5% of pro golfers are microdosing mushrooms. He declined to name the golfers but said they were not any he works with.

Pro golfer D.J. Trahan, who won PGA Tour events in 2006 and 2008, said the use of psychedelics starting in 2019 profoundly improved his well-being. He said his golf career has struggled despite microdosing off and on since 2021. But Trahan told USA TODAY Sports, " I know quite a few guys that are microdosing, and they have had tremendous success doing it, really. And I'm not at liberty to say anybody's names, nor would I, because it's not my place."

Riley Cote, a retired NHL player, said he knows at least a dozen active NHL players microdosing mushrooms. He declined to name the players. Known as an enforcer, Cote has said he suffered concussions during on-ice fights and started using psilocybin after his NHL career ended in 2010 for physical and mental health issues.

“This is not even about just the hockey performance or sports performance, it's just life performance,’’ said Cote, who played in 156 games for the Philadelphia Flyers between 2006 and 2010. “And I think it just extends to all of these different crafts because naturally high-end performers are always going to try and find an edge.’’

Rashad Evans, a former UFC light heavyweight champion who fought last in 2022, said he knows at least 30 UFC fighters who microdose regularly. He said he used mushrooms while training for his fight in 2022 and the drugs reduced soreness after sparring.

“The next day I feel totally rebooted and ready to do it again,’’ said Evans, who at 42 beat 35-year-old Gabriel Checco by unanimous decision.

When did athletes start using mushrooms?

It was eight years ago when Suppiah first heard of microdosing mushrooms in the world of golf, the physician said.

That was the same time PGA Tour player Morgan Hoffman disappeared into the Costa Rican jungle after being diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and emerged a vocal advocate of psychedelics. He rejoined the Tour in 2022.

Also, Suppiah said, podcasts such as "The Joe Rogan Experience" helped spread the word.

“They had guests on who started talking about microdosing,’’ Suppiah said. “Joe Rogan talked about microdosing. And those things are, podcasts, generally are very popular among golfers.’’

With a connection to Riley, Bramlage said he began working with hockey players six years ago.

Ian McCall, a retired MMA fighter, said he began working with other fighters five years ago. “But I didn’t see it take off until two years ago,’’ he said. One of his clients is Mark Irwin, a 36-year-old bareknuckle brawler from Southern California who said he took 7.5 grams of mushrooms the night he won the BYB Extreme lightweight title in 2023 – and was on mushrooms again when he lost the title later in the year.

Ultrarunner Michael Versteeg has talked about using mushrooms in training and in competition.

But it was Tyson whose open use of the drug raised its profile in the world of athletics. He credited psychedelics for turning around his life and said he used mushrooms while training for his exhibition fight with Roy Jones Jr. in 2020.

Adam Bramlage, who specializes in microdosing and said he works with a dozen NHL players and two snowboarders, said the average dosage for microdosing is 100 to 150 milligrams. He said it's ingested an hour or two before training or performance and lasts four to six hours.

A two-month supply costs $100 to $200, according to Bramlage.

"Whether it's Mike Tyson or it's my NHL athletes, they get into a flow state where they're no longer thinking about what they have to do later or what they did yesterday or the stressors of their life,'' he said. "They're just in the present moment.''

What are the risks?

Psychedelic mushrooms are not approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and, classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, they're illegal under federal law.

In Oregon and Colorado, however, residents voted to make the supervised use of psilocybin legal. There's a push to legalize the drug elsewhere, with one of several studies showing benefits such as treating addiction, depression and end-of-life mood disorders.

There’s no risk of a positive drug test for those athletes because it is not on the World Anti-Doping Agency list of prohibited substances. But Suppiah said he thinks that could change..

“The only question I have is are they going to look at it and say, is this an unfair advantage?’’ he said. “Is this performance enhancing and is it Adderall where you need a (Therapeutic Use Exemption) to say, 'I have an attention deficit disorder, therefore I'm allowed to take this medication?' ’’

WADA’s Prohibited List, according to communications manager Andrew Maggio, may include any substance or method that satisfies two of the following three criteria:

  • It has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance.
  • It represents an actual or potential health risk to the athlete.
  • It violates the spirit of sport (this term is defined in the World Anti-Doping Code).

Based on current knowledge, Maggio said, psychedelics, including psilocybin, do not fulfill two of the three criteria to be considered for inclusion on the list.

The use of mushrooms does have potential health risks, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which lists the following health risks: increased heart rate and blood pressure; nausea and vomiting; extreme fear, panic and paranoia; and flashbacks.

How mushrooms have impacted Tyson

There is no evidence mushrooms are a performance-enhancing drug, said Matt Johnson, a senior researcher for the Center of Excellence for Psilocybin Research and Treatment at Sheppard Pratt’s Institute for Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics in Maryland. Previously at John Hopkins, Johnson's clinical trials have explored the effects of psychedelics on mystical experience, personality change, cancer distress treatment and depression treatment, according to his bio at Sheppard Pratt's Institute. 

But Johnson said he is open to the possibility based on Tyson reporting benefits. “I don't dismiss it out of hand,’’ Johnson said. “If Mike Tyson says something enhances his performance, I'd weigh that. Again, not as proof, but I'd weigh that with serious consideration.

“I think the guy knows something about what affects his performance most likely. It doesn't mean that he's not susceptible to a placebo effect, but again, pretty open and it's plausible. So yeah, I am curious about the whole situation for sure.’’

A publicist for Tyson, 58, did not respond to a request for comment submitted by USA TODAY Sports by email and text message.

Tyson’s recent appearance on the Logan Paul show was not the first time he’s discussed using mushrooms. Three years earlier, also on Paul’s podcast, he shoved a fistful of dry mushrooms in his mouth. Johnson, the researcher, noted that most people would not be able to train on high doses of mushrooms.

Tyson has credited the drug with helping him lose 100 pounds, give up cocaine and alcohol and improve his relationships with his wife and children. And for his return to boxing.

Last month, Tyson launched an at-home mushroom grow kit as part of a business collaboration featuring TYSON 2.0, the boxer's cannabis brand.

But, in an interview that took place after Tyson experienced what his representatives described as an ulcer flareup that forced the fight to be postponed, he indicated he would have to speak to his doctor before using mushrooms. Based on his comments on Paul’s podcast, he appeared to have gotten approval.

"And he's not saying, 'I'm punching harder,' " said James Fadiman, a researcher of psychedelics and author of The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys . "But he is saying, 'I can get in touch with that particular part of myself more easily.' "

Actually, when Logan Paul asked Tyson why he uses mushrooms during his workouts, this is exactly what he said:

“Because I feel beautiful.''

Follow Josh Peter on social media @joshlpeter11

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Tlc’s t-boz denies ozempic use after hospitalization due to ‘abdominal blockage’: ‘ignorance is disheartening’.

Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins shut down speculation that she is one of the many celebs using the diabetes drug Ozempic to lose weight after she had to cancel recent concerts due to her having “abdominal blockage.”

“Everybody and every celeb ain’t on Ozempic,” the TLC member, 54, clarified in a video she posted on Instagram Wednesday.

“The ignorance is disheartening to me because I would just pray for people or if I have nothing to say, I would just shut the hell up and say nothing at all but y’all don’t know how to f–king do that.”

Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins.

She then continued, “It just amazes me how negative the world is and it’s so sad, but since it’s out there, this can happen to any woman that has had a C-section or fibroids removed or any abdominal surgery.”

Last weekend, it was announced that TLC, which consists of Watkins and Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas, were “forced to cancel shows” in Syracuse, NY, and Foxwoods Resort Casino due to a “medical emergency.”

The statement posted on Instagram on Aug. 24 said that Watkins experienced “sudden and severe nausea, vomiting and intense abdominal cramps.”

The notice then shared that after being seen by doctors, the “No Scrubs” singer had been diagnosed with “severe abdominal blockage,” clarifying it was not because of food poisoning.

Watkins would have to remain in the hospital for “medical supervision,” the statement also said.

A post about TLC cancelling their shows.

People on social media immediately began to speculate over what could have caused the “Waterfalls” singer’s health issues.

“Yeah I’m not taking that diabetes shot to lose weight that’s the side effect stomach paralyzed. Nope,” one person commented underneath the Shade Room’s Instagram post about the news, seemingly assuming Watkins had used the diabetes-turned-popular weight loss injection.

However, others pointed out that the Grammy winner has been battling sickle cell disease for decades, with one person adding, “Let’s continue to pray for her instead of making insensitive ‘jokes.'”

Watkins also said in her post Wednesday that while she appreciates the “love” and “prayers” she received, she did not intend for her private medical information to be released so publicly.

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Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins and Rozonda "Chilli" Thomas.

“I would have never put my business out there like that but I guess because I missed shows it had to be said,” the “Unpretty” singer said. “But I just don’t think it should have been so detailed.”

Watkins then further clarified that the root of her health problem was due to “scar tissue” on her outer intestine from a surgery that she had 24 years ago.

The “Meant to Be” singer concluded the clip by letting her fans know that she is “blessed, working again” and has been out of the hospital for three days, adding, “Life is great.”

Tionne "T-Boz" Watkins.



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