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The Best Mechanical Engineering Dissertation Topics and Titles

Published by Carmen Troy at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 17, 2024


Engineering is a vast subject that encompasses different branches for a student to choose from. Mechanical engineering is one of these branches , and one thing that trips students in the practical field is dissertation . Writing a mechanical engineering dissertation from scratch is a difficult task due to the complexities involved, but the job is still not impossible.

To write an excellent dissertation, you first need a stellar research topic. Are you looking to select the best mechanical engineering dissertation topic for your dissertation? To help you get started with brainstorming for mechanical engineering dissertation topics, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your mechanical engineering dissertation.

These topics have been developed by PhD-qualified writers on our team, so you can trust them to use these topics for drafting your own dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the topic, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation example to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the step-by-step guide on how to write your own dissertation here.

Latest Mechanical Engineering Research Topics

Topic 1: an investigation into the applications of iot in autonomous and connected vehicles.

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the applications of IoT in autonomous and connected vehicles


  • To analyse the applications of IoT in mechanical engineering
  • To evaluate the communication technologies in autonomous and connected vehicles.
  • To investigate how IoT facilitates the interaction of smart devices in autonomous and connected vehicles

Topic 2: Evaluation of the impact of combustion of alternative liquid fuels on the internal combustion engines of automobiles

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the impact of the combustion of alternative liquid fuels on the internal combustion engines of automobiles

  • To analyse the types of alternative liquid fuels for vehicles and their implications
  • To investigate the benchmarking of alternative liquid fuels based on the principles of combustion performance.
  • To evaluate the impact of combustion of alternative liquid fuels on the internal combustion engines of automobiles with conventional engines

Topic 3: An evaluation of the design and control effectiveness of production engineering on rapid prototyping and intelligent manufacturing

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the design and control effectiveness of production engineering on rapid prototyping and intelligent manufacturing

  • To analyse the principles of design and control effectiveness of production engineering.
  • To determine the principles of rapid prototyping and intelligent manufacturing for ensuring quality and performance effectiveness
  • To evaluate the impact of production engineering on the design and control effectiveness of rapid prototyping and intelligent manufacturing.

Topic 4: Investigating the impact of industrial quality control on the quality, reliability and maintenance in industrial manufacturing

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the impact of industrial quality control on the quality, reliability and maintenance in industrial manufacturing

  • To analyse the concept and international standards associated with industrial quality control.
  • To determine the strategies for maintaining quality, reliability and maintenance in manufacturing.
  • To investigate the impact of industrial quality control on the quality, reliability and maintenance in industrial manufacturing.

Topic 5: Analysis of the impact of AI on intelligent control and precision of mechanical manufacturing

Research Aim: The research aims to analyse the impact of AI on intelligent control and precision of mechanical manufacturing

  • To analyse the applications of AI in mechanical manufacturing
  • To evaluate the methods of intelligent control and precision of the manufacturing
  • To investigate the impact of AI on intelligent control and precision of mechanical manufacturing for ensuring quality and reliability

COVID-19 Mechanical Engineering Research Topics

Investigate the impacts of coronavirus on mechanical engineering and mechanical engineers..

Research Aim: This research will focus on identifying the impacts of Coronavirus on mechanical engineering and mechanical engineers, along with its possible solutions.

Research to study the contribution of mechanical engineers to combat a COVID-19 pandemic

Research Aim: This study will identify the contributions of mechanical engineers to combat the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the challenges faced by them and their outcomes. How far did their contributions help combat the Coronavirus pandemic?

Research to know about the transformation of industries after the pandemic.

Research Aim: The study aims to investigate the transformation of industries after the pandemic. The study will answer questions such as, how manufacturing industries will transform after COVID-19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Damage caused by Coronavirus to supply chain of manufacturing industries

Research Aim: The focus of the study will be on identifying the damage caused to the supply chain of manufacturing industries due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What measures are taken to recover the loss and to ensure the continuity of business?

Research to identify the contribution of mechanical engineers in running the business through remote working.

Research Aim: This study will identify whether remote working is an effective way to recover the loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What steps should be taken to overcome the challenges faced by remote workers?

Dissertation Topics in Mechanical Engineering Design and Systems Optimization

Topic 1: mini powdered metal design and fabrication for mini development of waste aluminium cannes and fabrication.

Research Aim: The research will focus on producing and manufacturing copula furnaces and aluminium atomisers with available materials to manufacture aluminium powder metal.0.4 kg of refined coke will be chosen to measure content and energy balance and calculate the design values used to produce the drawings.

Topic 2: Interaction between the Fluid, Acoustic, and vibrations

Research Aim: This research aims to focus on the interaction between the Fluid, Acoustic, and vibrations

Topic 3: Combustion and Energy Systems.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the relationship between Combustion and Energy Systems

Topic 4: Study on the Design and Manufacturing

Research Aim: This research will focus on the importance of design and manufacturing

Topic 5: Revolution in the Design Engineering

Research Aim: This research aims to highlight the advances in design engineering

Topic 6: Optimising HVAC Systems for Energy Efficiency

Research Aim: The study investigates different design configurations and operational strategies to optimise heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for energy efficiency while maintaining indoor comfort levels.

Topic 7: Impact of Building Design Parameters on Indoor Thermal Comfort

Research Aim: The research explores the impact of building design parameters, such as insulation, glazing, shading, and ventilation, on indoor thermal comfort and energy consumption.

Topic 8: An Empirical Analysis of Enhanced Security and Privacy Measures for Call Taxi Metres

Research Aim: The research explores the methods to enhance the security and privacy of call taxi meter systems. It explores encryption techniques for sensitive data transmission and authentication protocols for driver and passenger verification.

Topic 9: An Investigation of Optimising Manifold Design

Research Aim: The study investigates various designs for manifolds used in HBr/HCl charging systems. It focuses on factors such as material compatibility, pressure control, flow rates, and safety protocols. 

Topic 10: Implementation of a Plant Lean Transformation

Research Aim: The research examines the implementation process and outcomes of a Lean Transformation in a plant environment. It focuses on identifying the key factors contributing to successful adoption and sustained improvement in operational efficiency. 

Topic 11: Exploring Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of Torque Limiters

Research Aim: Exploring the use of FEA techniques to simulate the behaviour of torque limiters under various loading conditions. The research provides insights into stress distribution and deformation.

Dissertation Topics in Mechanical Engineering Innovations and Materials Analysis

Topic 1: an overview of the different research trends in the field of mechanical engineering..

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the main topics of mechanical engineering explored by other researchers in the last decade and the research methods. The data used is accumulated from 2009 to 2019. The data used for this research is used from the “Applied Mechanics Review” magazine.

Topic 2: The Engineering Applications of Mechanical Metamaterials.

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the different properties of various mechanical metamaterials and how they can be used in mechanical engineering. This research will also discuss the potential uses of these materials in other industries and future developments in this field.

Topic 3: The Mechanical Behaviour of Materials.

Research Aim: This research will look into the properties of selected materials for the formation of a product. The study will take the results of tests that have already been carried out on the materials. The materials will be categorised into two classes from the already prepared results, namely destructive and non-destructive. The further uses of the non-destructive materials will be discussed briefly.

Topic 4: Evaluating and Assessment of the Flammable and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium Oxide as a Material for SLS Process.

Research Aim: The research will evaluate the different properties of magnesium oxide (MgO) and its potential use as a raw material for the SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) process. The flammability and other mechanical properties will be analysed.

Topic 5: Analysing the Mechanical Characteristics of 3-D Printed Composites.

Research Aim: This research will study the various materials used in 3-D printing and their composition. This research will discuss the properties of different printing materials and compare the harms and benefits of using each material.

Topic 6: Evaluation of a Master Cylinder and Its Use.

Research Aim: This research will take an in-depth analysis of a master cylinder. The material used to create the cylinder, along with its properties, will be discussed. The use of the master cylinder in mechanical engineering will also be explained.

Topic 7: Manufacturing Pearlitic Rail Steel After Re-Modelling Its Mechanical Properties.

Research Aim: This research will look into the use of modified Pearlitic rail steel in railway transportation. Modifications of tensile strength, the supported weight, and impact toughness will be analysed. Results of previously applied tests will be used.

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ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service , which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service !

Electro-Mechanical Dissertation Topics

Topic 8: studying the electro-mechanical properties of multi-functional glass fibre/epoxy reinforced composites..

Research Aim: This research will study the properties of epoxy-reinforced glass fibres and their use in modern times. Features such as tensile strength and tensile resistance will be analysed using Topic 13: Studying the Mechanical and Durability different current strengths. Results from previous tests will be used to explain their properties.

Topic 9: Comparing The Elastic Modules of Different Materials at Different Strain Rates and Temperatures.

Research Aim: This research will compare and contrast a selected group of materials and look into their elastic modules. The modules used are the results taken from previously carried out experiments. This will explain why a particular material is used for a specific purpose.

Topic 10: Analysing The Change in The Porosity and Mechanical Properties of Concrete When Mixed With Coconut Sawdust.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the properties of concrete that are altered when mixed with coconut sawdust. Porosity and other mechanical properties will be evaluated using the results of previous experiments. The use of this type of concrete in the construction industry will also be discussed.

Topic 11: Evaluation of The Thermal Resistance of Select Materials in Mechanical Contact at Sub-Ambient Temperatures.

Research Aim: In this research, a close evaluation of the difference in thermal resistance of certain materials when they come in contact with a surface at sub-ambient temperature. The properties of the materials at the temperature will be noted. Results from previously carried out experiments will be used. The use of these materials will be discussed and explained, as well.

Topic 12: Analysing The Mechanical Properties of a Composite Sandwich by Using The Bending Test.

Research Aim: In this research, we will analyse the mechanical properties of the components of a composite sandwich through the use of the bending test. The results of the tests previously carried out will be used. The research will take an in-depth evaluation of the mechanical properties of the sandwich and explain the means that it is used in modern industries.

Mechanical Properties Dissertation Topics

Topic 13: studying the mechanical and durability properties of magnesium silicate hydrate binders in concrete..

Research Aim: In this research, we will evaluate the difference in durability and mechanical properties between regular concrete binders and magnesium silicate hydrate binders. The difference between the properties of both binders will indicate which binder is better for concrete. Features such as tensile strength and weight it can support are compared.

Topic 14: The Use of Submersible Pumping Systems.

Research Aim: This research will aim to analyse the use of a submersible pumping system in machine systems. The materials used to make the system, as well as the mechanical properties it possesses, will be discussed.

Topic 15: The Function of a Breather Device for Internal Combustion Engines.

Research Aim: In this research, the primary function of a breather device for an internal combustion engine is discussed. The placement of this device in the system, along with its importance, is explained. The effects on the internal combustion engine if the breather device is removed will also be observed.

Topic 16: To Study The Compression and Tension Behaviour of Hollow Polyester Monofilaments.

Research Aim: This research will focus on the study of selected mechanical properties of hollow polyester monofilaments. In this case, the compression and tension behaviour of the filaments is studied. These properties are considered in order to explore the future use of these filaments in the textile industry and other related industries.

Topic 17: Evaluating the Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Nanotube-Reinforced Cementous Materials.

Research Aim: This research will focus on selecting the proper carbon nanotube type, which will be able to improve the mechanical properties of cementitious materials. Changes in the length, diameter, and weight-based concentration of the nanotubes will be noted when analysing the difference in the mechanical properties. One character of the nanotubes will be of optimal value while the other two will be altered. Results of previous experiments will be used.

Topic 18: To Evaluate the Process of Parallel Compression in LNG Plants Using a Positive Displacement Compressor

Research Aim: This research aims to evaluate a system and method in which the capacity and efficiency of the process of liquefaction of natural gas can avoid bottlenecking in its refrigerant compressing system. The Advantages of the parallel compression system in the oil and gas industry will be discussed.

Topic 19: Applying Particulate Palm Kernel Shell Reinforced Epoxy Composites for Automobiles.

Research Aim: In this research, the differences made in applying palm kernel shell particulate to reinforced epoxy composites for the manufacturing of automobile parts will be examined. Properties such as impact toughness, wear resistance, flexural, tensile, and water resistance will be analysed carefully. The results of the previous tests will be used. The potential use of this material will also be discussed.

Topic 20: Changes Observed in The Mechanical Properties of Kevlar KM2-600 Due to Abrasions.

Research Aim: This research will focus on observing the changes in the mechanical properties of Kevlar KM2-600 in comparison to two different types of S glass tows (AGY S2 and Owens Corning Shield Strand S). Surface damage, along with fibre breakage, will be noted in all three fibres. The effects of the abrasions on all three fibres will be emphasised. The use of Kevlar KM2 and the other S glass tows will also be discussed, along with other potential applications.

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Industrial Application of Mechanical Engineering Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the function of a fuel injector device..

Research Aim: This research focuses on the function of a fuel injector device and why this component is necessary for the system of an internal combustion engine. The importance of this device will be explained. The adverse effects on the entire system if the equipment is either faulty or completely removed will also be discussed.

Topic 2: To Solve Optimization Problems in a Mechanical Design by The Principles of Uncertainty.

Research Aim: This research will aim to formulate an optimization in a mechanical design under the influence of uncertainty. This will create an efficient tool that is based on the conditions of each optimisation under the risk. This will save time and allow the designer to obtain new information in regard to the stability of the performance of his design under uncertainties.

Topic 3: Analysing The Applications of Recycled Polycarbonate Particle Materials and Their Mechanical Properties.

Research Aim: This research will evaluate the mechanical properties of different polycarbonate materials and their potential to be recycled. The materials that can be recycled are then further examined for potential use as 3-dimensional printing materials. The temperature of the printer’s nozzle, along with the nozzle velocity matrix from previous experiments, is used to evaluate the tensile strength of the printed material. Other potential uses of these materials are also discussed.

Topic 4: The Process of Locating a Lightning Strike on a Wind Turbine.

Research Aim: This research will provide a detailed explanation of the process of detecting a lightning strike on a wind turbine. The measurement of the magnitude of the lightning strike, along with recognising the affected area will be explained. The proper method employed to rectify the damage that occurred by the strike will also be discussed.

Topic 5: Importance of a Heat Recovery Component in an Internal Combustion Engine for an Exhaust Gas System.

Research Aim: The research will take an in-depth evaluation of the different mechanics of a heat recovery component in an exhaust gas system. The functions of the different parts of the heat recovery component will be explained along with the importance of the entire element itself. The adverse effect of a faulty defective heat recovery component will also be explained.

“Feel free to contact us if you require custom dissertation topics and titles for your dissertation. ResearchProspect Ltd is a UK registered academic writing company which can provide you with highly qualified writers to assist you in the process of the formation of your dissertation. For more information about the type of services we offer.“

Related: Civil Engineering Dissertation

Important Notes:

As a student of mechanical engineering looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing mechanical engineering theories – i.e., to add value and interest to the topic of your research.

The field of mechanical engineering is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like  civil engineering ,  construction ,  law , and even  healthcare . That is why it is imperative to create a mechanical engineering dissertation topic that is particular, sound and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong: your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best mechanical engineering dissertation topics that not only fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper but also add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature in order to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample mechanical engineering dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your Mechanical Engineering Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgments
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic in light of research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area whilst identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology: The  data collection  and  analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design, research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: The findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs , charts, and   tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and  Conclusion: The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section of the paper is to draw a linkage between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  This should be completed in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Any additional information, diagrams, graphs that were used to  complete the  dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

About ResearchProspect Ltd

ResearchProspect is a  UK-based academic writing service that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal  Writing,  PhD proposal writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working in the industry for a long, thus are aware of the issues as well as the trends of the industry they are working in.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find dissertation topics about mechanical engineering.

To discover mechanical engineering dissertation topics:

  • Research recent advancements.
  • Explore industry challenges.
  • Consider sustainability or automation.
  • Review academic journals.
  • Consult with professors.
  • Opt for a niche aligning with your passion and career aims.

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Top 150 Mechanical Engineering Research Topics [Updated]

mechanical engineering research topics

Mechanical engineering is an intriguing discipline that holds significant sway in shaping our world. With a focus on crafting inventive machinery and fostering sustainable energy initiatives, mechanical engineers stand as pioneers in driving technological progress. However, to make meaningful contributions to the field, researchers must carefully choose their topics of study. In this blog, we’ll delve into various mechanical engineering research topics, ranging from fundamental principles to emerging trends and interdisciplinary applications.

How to Select Mechanical Engineering Research Topics?

Table of Contents

Selecting the right mechanical engineering research topics is crucial for driving impactful innovation and addressing pressing challenges. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose the best research topics:

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by considering your passions and areas of expertise within mechanical engineering. What topics excite you the most? Choosing a subject that aligns with your interests will keep you motivated throughout the research process.
  • Assess Current Trends: Stay updated on the latest developments and trends in mechanical engineering. Look for emerging technologies, pressing industry challenges, and areas with significant research gaps. These trends can guide you towards relevant and timely research topics.
  • Conduct Literature Review: Dive into existing literature and research papers within your field of interest. Identify gaps in knowledge, unanswered questions, or areas that warrant further investigation. Building upon existing research can lead to more impactful contributions to the field.
  • Consider Practical Applications: Evaluate the practical implications of potential research topics. How will your research address real-world problems or benefit society? Choosing topics with tangible applications can increase the relevance and impact of your research outcomes.
  • Consult with Advisors and Peers: Seek guidance from experienced mentors, advisors, or peers in the field of mechanical engineering. Discuss your research interests and potential topics with them to gain valuable insights and feedback. Their expertise can help you refine your ideas and select the most promising topics.
  • Define Research Objectives: Clearly define the objectives and scope of your research. What specific questions do you aim to answer or problems do you intend to solve? Establishing clear research goals will guide your topic selection process and keep your project focused.
  • Consider Resources and Constraints: Take into account the resources, expertise, and time available for your research. Choose topics that are feasible within your constraints and align with your available resources. Balancing ambition with practicality is essential for successful research endeavors.
  • Brainstorm and Narrow Down Options: Generate a list of potential research topics through brainstorming and exploration. Narrow down your options based on criteria such as relevance, feasibility, and alignment with your interests and goals. Choose the most promising topics that offer ample opportunities for exploration and discovery.
  • Seek Feedback and Refinement: Once you’ve identified potential research topics, seek feedback from colleagues, advisors, or experts in the field. Refine your ideas based on their input and suggestions. Iteratively refining your topic selection process will lead to a more robust and well-defined research proposal.
  • Stay Flexible and Open-Minded: Remain open to new ideas and opportunities as you progress through the research process. Be willing to adjust your research topic or direction based on new insights, challenges, or discoveries. Flexibility and adaptability are key qualities for successful research endeavors in mechanical engineering.

By following these steps and considering various factors, you can effectively select mechanical engineering research topics that align with your interests, goals, and the needs of the field.

Top 50 Mechanical Engineering Research Topics For Beginners

  • Analysis of the efficiency of different heat exchanger designs.
  • Optimization of airfoil shapes for enhanced aerodynamic performance.
  • Investigation of renewable energy harvesting using piezoelectric materials.
  • Development of smart materials for adaptive structures in aerospace applications.
  • Study of vibration damping techniques for improving vehicle ride comfort.
  • Design and optimization of suspension systems for off-road vehicles.
  • Analysis of fluid flow characteristics in microchannels for cooling electronics.
  • Evaluation of the performance of different brake systems in automotive vehicles.
  • Development of lightweight materials for automotive and aerospace industries.
  • Investigation of the effects of friction stir welding parameters on joint properties.
  • Design and testing of a small-scale wind turbine for rural electrification.
  • Study of the dynamics of flexible multibody systems in robotics.
  • Development of a low-cost prosthetic limb using 3D printing technology.
  • Analysis of heat transfer in electronic packaging for thermal management.
  • Investigation of energy harvesting from vehicle suspension systems.
  • Design and optimization of heat sinks for electronic cooling applications.
  • Study of material degradation in composite structures under various loading conditions.
  • Development of bio-inspired robotic mechanisms for locomotion.
  • Investigation of the performance of regenerative braking systems in electric vehicles.
  • Design and analysis of an autonomous agricultural robot for crop monitoring.
  • Optimization of gas turbine blade profiles for improved efficiency.
  • Study of the aerodynamics of animal-inspired flying robots (bio-drones).
  • Development of advanced control algorithms for robotic manipulators.
  • Analysis of wear mechanisms in mechanical components under different operating conditions.
  • Investigation of the efficiency of solar water heating systems.
  • Design and optimization of microfluidic devices for biomedical applications.
  • Study of the effects of additive manufacturing parameters on part quality.
  • Development of assistive devices for individuals with disabilities.
  • Analysis of the performance of different types of bearings in rotating machinery.
  • Investigation of the feasibility of using shape memory alloys in actuator systems.
  • Design and optimization of a compact heat exchanger for space applications.
  • Study of the effects of surface roughness on friction and wear in sliding contacts.
  • Development of energy-efficient HVAC systems for buildings.
  • Analysis of the performance of different types of fuel cells for power generation.
  • Investigation of the feasibility of using biofuels in internal combustion engines.
  • Design and testing of a micro-scale combustion engine for portable power generation.
  • Study of the mechanics of soft materials for biomedical applications.
  • Development of exoskeletons for rehabilitation and assistance in mobility.
  • Analysis of the effects of vehicle aerodynamics on fuel consumption.
  • Investigation of the potential of ocean wave energy harvesting technologies.
  • Design and optimization of energy-efficient refrigeration systems.
  • Study of the dynamics of flexible structures subjected to dynamic loads.
  • Development of sensors and actuators for structural health monitoring.
  • Analysis of the performance of different cooling techniques in electronics.
  • Investigation of the potential of hydrogen fuel cells for automotive applications.
  • Design and testing of a small-scale hydroelectric power generator.
  • Study of the mechanics of cellular materials for impact absorption.
  • Development of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for environmental monitoring.
  • Analysis of the efficiency of different propulsion systems in space exploration.
  • Investigation of the potential of micro-scale energy harvesting technologies for powering wireless sensors.

Top 50 Mechanical Engineering Research Topics For Intermediate

  • Optimization of heat exchanger designs for enhanced energy efficiency.
  • Investigating the effects of surface roughness on fluid flow in microchannels.
  • Development of lightweight materials for automotive applications.
  • Modeling and simulation of combustion processes in internal combustion engines.
  • Design and analysis of novel wind turbine blade configurations.
  • Study of advanced control strategies for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
  • Analysis of wear and friction in mechanical components under varying operating conditions.
  • Investigation of thermal management techniques for high-power electronic devices.
  • Development of smart materials for shape memory alloys in actuator applications.
  • Design and fabrication of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for biomedical applications.
  • Optimization of additive manufacturing processes for metal 3D printing.
  • Study of fluid-structure interaction in flexible marine structures.
  • Analysis of fatigue behavior in composite materials for aerospace applications.
  • Development of energy harvesting technologies for sustainable power generation.
  • Investigation of bio-inspired robotics for locomotion in challenging environments.
  • Study of human factors in the design of ergonomic workstations.
  • Design and control of soft robots for delicate manipulation tasks.
  • Development of advanced sensor technologies for condition monitoring in rotating machinery.
  • Analysis of aerodynamic performance in hypersonic flight vehicles.
  • Study of regenerative braking systems for electric vehicles.
  • Optimization of cooling systems for high-performance computing (HPC) applications.
  • Investigation of fluid dynamics in microfluidic devices for lab-on-a-chip applications.
  • Design and optimization of passive and active vibration control systems.
  • Analysis of heat transfer mechanisms in nanofluids for thermal management.
  • Development of energy-efficient HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems.
  • Study of biomimetic design principles for robotic grippers and manipulators.
  • Investigation of hydrodynamic performance in marine propeller designs.
  • Development of autonomous agricultural robots for precision farming.
  • Analysis of wind-induced vibrations in tall buildings and bridges.
  • Optimization of material properties for additive manufacturing of aerospace components.
  • Study of renewable energy integration in smart grid systems.
  • Investigation of fracture mechanics in brittle materials for structural integrity assessment.
  • Development of wearable sensors for human motion tracking and biomechanical analysis.
  • Analysis of combustion instability in gas turbine engines.
  • Optimization of thermal insulation materials for building energy efficiency.
  • Study of fluid-structure interaction in flexible wing designs for unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • Investigation of heat transfer enhancement techniques in heat exchanger surfaces.
  • Development of microscale actuators for micro-robotic systems.
  • Analysis of energy storage technologies for grid-scale applications.
  • Optimization of manufacturing processes for lightweight automotive structures.
  • Study of tribological behavior in lubricated mechanical systems.
  • Investigation of fault detection and diagnosis techniques for industrial machinery.
  • Development of biodegradable materials for sustainable packaging applications.
  • Analysis of heat transfer in porous media for thermal energy storage.
  • Optimization of control strategies for robotic manipulation tasks in uncertain environments.
  • Study of fluid dynamics in fuel cell systems for renewable energy conversion.
  • Investigation of fatigue crack propagation in metallic alloys.
  • Development of energy-efficient propulsion systems for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs).
  • Analysis of airflow patterns in natural ventilation systems for buildings.
  • Optimization of material selection for additive manufacturing of biomedical implants.

Top 50 Mechanical Engineering Research Topics For Advanced

  • Development of advanced materials for high-temperature applications
  • Optimization of heat exchanger design using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Control strategies for enhancing the performance of micro-scale heat transfer devices
  • Multi-physics modeling and simulation of thermoelastic damping in MEMS/NEMS devices
  • Design and analysis of next-generation turbofan engines for aircraft propulsion
  • Investigation of advanced cooling techniques for electronic devices in harsh environments
  • Development of novel nanomaterials for efficient energy conversion and storage
  • Optimization of piezoelectric energy harvesting systems for powering wireless sensor networks
  • Investigation of microscale heat transfer phenomena in advanced cooling technologies
  • Design and optimization of advanced composite materials for aerospace applications
  • Development of bio-inspired materials for impact-resistant structures
  • Exploration of advanced manufacturing techniques for producing complex geometries in aerospace components
  • Integration of artificial intelligence algorithms for predictive maintenance in rotating machinery
  • Design and optimization of advanced robotics systems for industrial automation
  • Investigation of friction and wear behavior in advanced lubricants for high-speed applications
  • Development of smart materials for adaptive structures and morphing aircraft wings
  • Exploration of advanced control strategies for active vibration damping in mechanical systems
  • Design and analysis of advanced wind turbine blade designs for improved energy capture
  • Investigation of thermal management solutions for electric vehicle batteries
  • Development of advanced sensors for real-time monitoring of structural health in civil infrastructure
  • Optimization of additive manufacturing processes for producing high-performance metallic components
  • Investigation of advanced corrosion-resistant coatings for marine applications
  • Design and analysis of advanced hydraulic systems for heavy-duty machinery
  • Exploration of advanced filtration technologies for water purification and wastewater treatment
  • Development of advanced prosthetic limbs with biomimetic functionalities
  • Investigation of microscale fluid flow phenomena in lab-on-a-chip devices for medical diagnostics
  • Optimization of heat transfer in microscale heat exchangers for cooling electronics
  • Development of advanced energy-efficient HVAC systems for buildings
  • Exploration of advanced propulsion systems for space exploration missions
  • Investigation of advanced control algorithms for autonomous vehicles in complex environments
  • Development of advanced surgical robots for minimally invasive procedures
  • Optimization of advanced suspension systems for improving vehicle ride comfort and handling
  • Investigation of advanced materials for 3D printing in aerospace manufacturing
  • Development of advanced thermal barrier coatings for gas turbine engines
  • Exploration of advanced wear-resistant coatings for cutting tools in machining applications
  • Investigation of advanced nanofluids for enhanced heat transfer in cooling applications
  • Development of advanced biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Exploration of advanced actuators for soft robotics applications
  • Investigation of advanced energy storage systems for grid-scale applications
  • Development of advanced rehabilitation devices for individuals with mobility impairments
  • Exploration of advanced materials for earthquake-resistant building structures
  • Investigation of advanced aerodynamic concepts for reducing drag and improving fuel efficiency in vehicles
  • Development of advanced microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for biomedical applications
  • Exploration of advanced control strategies for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
  • Investigation of advanced materials for lightweight armor systems
  • Development of advanced prosthetic interfaces for improving user comfort and functionality
  • Exploration of advanced algorithms for autonomous navigation of underwater vehicles
  • Investigation of advanced sensors for detecting and monitoring air pollution
  • Development of advanced energy harvesting systems for powering wireless sensor networks
  • Exploration of advanced concepts for next-generation space propulsion systems.

Mechanical engineering research encompasses a wide range of topics, from fundamental principles to cutting-edge technologies and interdisciplinary applications. By choosing the right mechanical engineering research topics and addressing key challenges, researchers can contribute to advancements in various industries and address pressing global issues. As we look to the future, the possibilities for innovation and discovery in mechanical engineering are endless, offering exciting opportunities to shape a better world for generations to come.

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Top 50 Emerging Research Topics in Mechanical Engineering

Explore the forefront of innovation in mechanical engineering

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

Mechanical engineering is a constantly evolving field that shapes our world, from the micro-scale of nanotechnology to the macro-scale of heavy machinery. With technological advancements and societal demands driving innovation, numerous emerging research topics are gaining traction in the domain of mechanical engineering. These areas encompass a wide array of disciplines, promising groundbreaking developments and solutions to complex challenges. Here, iLovePhD presents you a list of the top 50 emerging research topics in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Explore the forefront of innovation in mechanical engineering with our curated list of the Top 50 Emerging Research Topics. From 3D printing to AI-driven robotics, delve into the latest trends shaping the future of this dynamic field

1. Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing

Multi-Material 3D Printing: Explore techniques for printing with multiple materials in a single process to create complex, multi-functional parts.

In-Situ Monitoring and Control: Develop methods for real-time monitoring and control of the printing process to ensure quality and accuracy.

Bio-printing : Investigate the potential of 3D printing in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Sustainable Materials for Printing : Research new eco-friendly materials and recycling methods for additive manufacturing.

2. Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology

Nanostructured Materials: Study the properties and applications of materials at the nanoscale level for enhanced mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties.

Self-Healing Materials: Explore materials that can repair damage autonomously, extending the lifespan of components.

Graphene-based Technologies: Investigate the potential of graphene in mechanical engineering, including its use in composites, sensors, and energy storage.

Smart Materials: Research materials that can adapt their properties in response to environmental stimuli, such as shape memory alloys.

3. Robotics and Automation

Soft Robotics: Explore the development of robots using soft and flexible materials, enabling safer human-robot interactions and versatile applications.

Collaborative Robots (Cobots ): Investigate the integration of robots that can work alongside humans in various industries, enhancing productivity and safety.

Autonomous Systems: Research algorithms and systems for autonomous navigation and decision-making in robotic applications.

Robot Learning and Adaptability: Explore machine learning and AI techniques to enable robots to learn and adapt to dynamic environments.

4. Energy Systems and Sustainability

Renewable Energy Integration: Study the integration of renewable energy sources into mechanical systems, focusing on efficiency and reliability.

Energy Storage Solutions: Investigate advanced energy storage technologies, such as batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells for various applications.

Waste Heat Recovery: Research methods to efficiently capture and utilize waste heat from industrial processes for energy generation.

Sustainable Design and Manufacturing: Explore methodologies for sustainable product design and manufacturing processes to minimize environmental impact.

5. Biomechanics and Bioengineering

Prosthetics and Orthotics: Develop advanced prosthetic devices that mimic natural movement and enhance the quality of life for users.

Biomimicry: Study natural systems to inspire engineering solutions for various applications, such as materials, structures, and robotics.

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: Explore methods for creating functional tissues and organs using engineering principles.

Biomechanics of Human Movement: Research the mechanics and dynamics of human movement to optimize sports performance or prevent injuries.

6. Computational Mechanics and Simulation

Multi-scale Modelling: Develop models that span multiple length and time scales to simulate complex mechanical behaviors accurately.

High-Performance Computing in Mechanics: Explore the use of supercomputing and parallel processing for large-scale simulations.

Virtual Prototyping: Develop and validate virtual prototypes to reduce physical testing in product development.

Machine Learning in Simulation: Explore the use of machine learning algorithms to optimize simulations and model complex behaviors.

7. Aerospace Engineering and Aerodynamics

Advanced Aircraft Design: Investigate novel designs that enhance fuel efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve performance.

Hypersonic Flight and Space Travel: Research technologies for hypersonic and space travel, focusing on propulsion and thermal management.

Aerodynamics and Flow Control: Study methods to control airflow for improved efficiency and reduced drag in various applications.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Explore applications and technologies for unmanned aerial vehicles, including surveillance, delivery, and agriculture.

8. Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation

Vehicular Automation: Develop systems for autonomous vehicles, focusing on safety, decision-making, and infrastructure integration.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Investigate advanced technologies for electric and hybrid vehicles, including energy management and charging infrastructure.

Smart Traffic Management: Research systems and algorithms for optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion in urban areas.

Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication: Explore communication systems for vehicles to interact with each other and with the surrounding infrastructure for enhanced safety and efficiency.

9. Structural Health Monitoring and Maintenance

Sensor Technologies: Develop advanced sensors for real-time monitoring of structural health in buildings, bridges, and infrastructure.

Predictive Maintenance: Implement predictive algorithms to anticipate and prevent failures in mechanical systems before they occur.

Wireless Monitoring Systems: Research wireless and remote monitoring systems for structural health, enabling continuous surveillance.

Robotic Inspection and Repair: Investigate robotic systems for inspection and maintenance of hard-to-reach or hazardous structures.

10. Manufacturing Processes and Industry 4.0

Digital Twin Technology: Develop and implement digital twins for real-time monitoring and optimization of manufacturing processes.

Internet of Things (IoT) in Manufacturing: Explore IoT applications in manufacturing for process optimization and quality control.

Smart Factories: Research the development of interconnected, intelligent factories that optimize production and resource usage.

Cybersecurity in Manufacturing: Investigate robust Cybersecurity measures for safeguarding interconnected manufacturing systems from potential threats.

Top 50 Emerging Research Ideas in Mechanical Engineering

  • Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing: Exploring novel materials, processes, and applications for 3D printing in manufacturing, aerospace, healthcare, etc.
  • Advanced Composite Materials: Developing lightweight, durable, and high-strength composite materials for various engineering applications.
  • Biomechanics and Bioengineering: Research focusing on understanding human movement, tissue engineering, and biomedical devices.
  • Renewable Energy Systems: Innovations in wind, solar, and hydrokinetic energy, including optimization of energy generation and storage.
  • Smart Materials and Structures: Research on materials that can adapt their properties in response to environmental stimuli.
  • Robotics and Automation: Enhancing automation in manufacturing, including collaborative robots, AI-driven systems, and human-robot interaction.
  • Energy Harvesting and Conversion: Extracting energy from various sources and converting it efficiently for practical use.
  • Micro- and Nano-mechanics: Studying mechanical behavior at the micro and nanoscale for miniaturized devices and systems.
  • Cyber-Physical Systems: Integration of computational algorithms and physical processes to create intelligent systems.
  • Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT): Utilizing IoT and data analytics in manufacturing for predictive maintenance, quality control, and process optimization.
  • Thermal Management Systems: Developing efficient cooling and heating technologies for electronic devices and power systems.
  • Sustainable Manufacturing and Design: Focus on reducing environmental impact and improving efficiency in manufacturing processes.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Systems: Applying AI for design optimization, predictive maintenance, and decision-making in mechanical systems.
  • Adaptive Control Systems: Systems that can autonomously adapt to changing conditions for improved performance.
  • Friction Stir Welding and Processing: Advancements in solid-state joining processes for various materials.
  • Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Research on improving efficiency, battery technology, and infrastructure for electric vehicles.
  • Aeroelasticity and Flight Dynamics: Understanding the interaction between aerodynamics and structural dynamics for aerospace applications.
  • MEMS/NEMS (Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems): Developing tiny mechanical devices and sensors for various applications.
  • Soft Robotics and Bio-inspired Machines: Creating robots and machines with more flexible and adaptive structures.
  • Wearable Technology and Smart Fabrics: Integration of mechanical systems in wearable devices and textiles for various purposes.
  • Human-Machine Interface: Designing intuitive interfaces for better interaction between humans and machines.
  • Precision Engineering and Metrology: Advancements in accurate measurement and manufacturing techniques.
  • Multifunctional Materials: Materials designed to serve multiple purposes or functions in various applications.
  • Ergonomics and Human Factors in Design: Creating products and systems considering human comfort, safety, and usability.
  • Cybersecurity in Mechanical Systems: Protecting interconnected mechanical systems from cyber threats.
  • Supply Chain Optimization in Manufacturing: Applying engineering principles to streamline and improve supply chain logistics.
  • Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Research on their design, propulsion, autonomy, and applications in various industries.
  • Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure: Developing infrastructure that can withstand natural disasters and environmental changes.
  • Space Exploration Technologies: Advancements in propulsion, materials, and systems for space missions.
  • Hydrogen Economy and Fuel Cells: Research into hydrogen-based energy systems and fuel cell technology.
  • Tribology and Surface Engineering: Study of friction, wear, and lubrication for various mechanical systems.
  • Digital Twin Technology: Creating virtual models of physical systems for analysis and optimization.
  • Electric Propulsion Systems for Satellites: Improving efficiency and performance of electric propulsion for space applications.
  • Humanitarian Engineering: Using engineering to address societal challenges in resource-constrained areas.
  • Optimization and Design of Exoskeletons: Creating better wearable robotic devices to assist human movement.
  • Nanotechnology in Mechanical Engineering: Utilizing nanomaterials and devices for mechanical applications.
  • Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip Devices: Developing small-scale fluid-handling devices for various purposes.
  • Clean Water Technologies: Engineering solutions for clean water production, treatment, and distribution.
  • Circular Economy and Sustainable Design: Designing products and systems for a circular economic model.
  • Biologically Inspired Design: Drawing inspiration from nature to design more efficient and sustainable systems.
  • Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems: Innovations in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning for energy savings.
  • Advanced Heat Exchangers: Developing more efficient heat transfer systems for various applications.
  • Acoustic Metamaterials and Noise Control: Designing materials and systems to control and manipulate sound.
  • Smart Grid Technology: Integrating advanced technologies into power grids for efficiency and reliability.
  • Renewable Energy Integration in Mechanical Systems: Optimizing the integration of renewable energy sources into various mechanical systems.
  • Smart Cities and Infrastructure: Applying mechanical engineering principles to design and develop sustainable urban systems.
  • Biomimetic Engineering: Mimicking biological systems to develop innovative engineering solutions.
  • Machine Learning for Materials Discovery: Using machine learning to discover new materials with desired properties.
  • Health Monitoring Systems for Structures: Developing systems for real-time monitoring of structural health and integrity.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Mechanical Design: Utilizing VR and AR technologies for design, simulation, and maintenance of mechanical systems.

Mechanical engineering is a vast and dynamic field with ongoing technological advancements, and the above list represents a glimpse of the diverse research areas that drive innovation. Researchers and engineers in this field continue to push boundaries, solving complex problems and shaping the future of technology and society through their pioneering work. The evolution and interdisciplinary nature of mechanical engineering ensure that new and exciting research topics will continue to emerge, providing solutions to challenges and opportunities yet to be discovered.

  • Biomechanics
  • CyberPhysical
  • engineering
  • EnvironmentalImpact
  • FiniteElement
  • FluidMechanics
  • HeatExchangers
  • HumanMachine
  • HydrogenFuel
  • MachineLearning
  • Mechatronics
  • Microfluidics
  • nanomaterials
  • Nanotechnology
  • NoiseControl
  • SolarThermal
  • StructuralHealth
  • sustainability
  • Sustainable
  • SustainableEnergy
  • Transportation

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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Thesis Topics That Will Shape the Future of Mechanical Engineering

  • Engineering Future , Mechanical Engineering

Thesis Topics That Will Shape the Future of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is on the brink of exciting changes, with new research that’s going to change the way industries work and what technology can do. Thesis topics in this field are more than just school projects; they’re the plans for the next big steps forward that will make mechanical engineering better and more effective.

For example, topics like advanced robotics and automation are going to make manufacturing and services a lot smarter and more efficient. Sustainable energy technologies are key to building a future that’s not just high-tech but also eco-friendly. Exploring smart materials and tiny technologies, like nanotech, will make products last longer and work better.

In the medical world, studying how the body moves and creating artificial limbs are leading to huge improvements in healthcare. Also, new ways of making things, like 3D printing, are completely changing how we think about production.

All of these areas show that mechanical engineers are really focused on inventing new things and that the field is always moving and changing.

Advanced Robotics and Automation

In the field of mechanical engineering, choosing advanced robotics and automation as a topic for a thesis is very important because it can change the way things are made, how we take care of our health, and how we provide services. Robots are becoming a big deal because they can make work faster, more accurate, and help create intelligent factories, which is a big part of the future of industry, known as Industry 4.0.

Researchers are focusing on making new algorithms to give robots more independence, improving how robots sense and understand their surroundings, and making it easier for people and robots to work together. Mechanical engineers play a crucial role as they work out the complex details of how robots move and are controlled. Their hard work helps overcome challenges that currently exist, leading to major improvements in how well and reliably different industries operate.

For example, in a car manufacturing plant, mechanical engineers might develop a new algorithm that allows robots to identify and fix a defect in a car part on their own, without human help. This could mean cars are made with fewer errors and the production line keeps moving quickly.

Another case could be in a hospital where robots are used to deliver medication. Engineers could improve the sensors on these robots so they can navigate crowded hallways safely and quickly, ensuring patients get their treatments on time. These advancements show why this topic is not just about building robots but about making every industry work better.

Sustainable Energy Technologies

Mechanical engineers who have been working with advanced robots and machines are now turning their attention to creating better ways to use energy that don’t harm the environment. This is really important because the world needs cleaner and more efficient energy sources.

Engineers are working on making things like solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries better. For example, they’re trying to make solar panels more effective by using tiny materials called nanomaterials, and they’re figuring out how to make wind turbines work better with the air around them. They’re also improving batteries, like the ones that use lithium, and looking into using hydrogen as a fuel.

All this research is not just about making things that work well but also making sure they don’t cost too much, so everyone can use them. It’s a big task for these engineers to create solutions that are both smart and practical.

Smart Materials and Nanotechnology

Mechanical engineers are working with smart materials and nanotechnology to create cutting-edge devices and systems. They’re making materials that can change their own properties when the environment around them changes. To do this well, they need a deep knowledge of materials, mechanics, and very small-scale events.

Their work brings together ideas from physics, chemistry, and biology. They face challenges like making these tiny materials and predicting how they’ll act when they’re used.

If they succeed, we could see big improvements in things like medical devices and airplanes, where controlling material properties is very important.

Biomechanics and Prosthetics Design

Advancements in the field of biomechanics and prosthetic design are changing the game for mechanical engineering, with big benefits for people’s ability to move and function. This exciting area is growing thanks to a blend of cutting-edge computer simulations, new materials, and smart sensors.

Experts are working on how to predict and replicate the way muscles and bones work together, aiming to create artificial limbs that move just like real ones. They’re thinking hard about how to make materials that work well with the human body, save energy, and can handle all kinds of physical activity.

One of the biggest technical hurdles is figuring out how to make prosthetic limbs work smoothly with the nervous system, so that users can control them easily and naturally. Meeting these goals could hugely improve life for people who’ve lost limbs or have trouble moving around.

In simpler terms, scientists and engineers are making leaps in designing artificial limbs that feel and act like real ones. They use powerful computer programs, study new materials, and use sensors to make this happen. Their goal is to produce prosthetics that not only fit the body well but are also energy-efficient and versatile for different sports or activities.

The big challenge is to connect these artificial limbs to the body’s nerves, which would let people control them by thought. This work is incredibly important because it can help people who have lost limbs or can’t move well to live better, more active lives.

Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is changing how we make things by building them up layer by layer. This new way of making things is important because it lets us create complex shapes that we couldn’t make before with traditional methods that take material away. For people who work in mechanical engineering, this is a big deal. It means they can use new materials, make structures stronger and more efficient, and waste less material.

When people study 3D printing, they might look into how heat affects the layers as they’re added, the strength of the materials made this way, or come up with new ways to print things. Real-world tests could also check out the limits of 3D printing, like if the printed objects are weaker in one direction or if the printers we have now can’t do everything we want them to do. Each of these areas could lead to better ways to design, make prototypes, and even mass-produce items.

Let’s take the example of a bike helmet. Traditionally, helmets are made in several parts and then put together, which can leave weak spots. With 3D printing, a helmet could be made in one piece with a lattice structure that’s not only stronger but also lighter. Plus, since we’re only using the material we need for the helmet, there’s less waste.

In a nutshell, 3D printing has the power to change how we create things, from small gadgets to parts for airplanes, making them better and more environmentally friendly.

In summary, the thesis topics I’ve mentioned are key areas where mechanical engineering is set to make big strides. These topics are important because they tackle current challenges.

For example, combining robotics with automation could revolutionize how we work, while developing new sustainable energy solutions is crucial for our planet’s health.

Looking into smart materials and how the human body moves (biomechanics) can lead to breakthroughs in both industry and medicine.

Also, the improvement of 3D printing (additive manufacturing) has the potential to transform how we make things, making production more efficient and environmentally friendly.

These research areas are not just exciting; they’re essential for progress in various fields like manufacturing, healthcare, and eco-friendly practices.

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Thesis Projects (last update September 1, 2024)

The Honours Thesis research projects listed below are available only to McGill Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate students in the Honours program and registered for MECH 403-404 courses .

If you are interested in one of the thesis projects, please send an expression of interest to the contact email provided. Although we do our best to keep this list up-to-date, some projects may no longer be available.

If you are a professor who would like to add or remove a thesis project, please complete the honours project posting form . 

Projects for Winter 2025 and Fall 2025:

Thesis project 2024-1.

Title:  Dynamics and stability of a towed echo sounder Supervisor : Prof. James Forbes and Prof. Meyer Nahon The term(s) to begin:  Winter 2025, Fall 2025 Brief description:  To map the elevation of a riverbed, lakebed, or seabed an echo sounder can be used. Usually the echosounder is towed by a surface vessel. However, the speed the echosounder can be towed is limited due to dynamic instabilities associated with the interaction between the echosounder and water. The ultimate goal of this honours thesis project is to design an echo sounder housing that allows for higher tow speeds compared to the current design. To do so, the student will have to analyze the dynamic interaction of the towed echosounder and the surrounding water, develop a simulation code, and then optimize the echosounder housing. This project will involve dynamics, fluid mechanics, stability analysis, coding in python or matlab, and optimization. Interested students ideally will have completed MECH 309, MECH 331, and MECH 419, or will be completing these courses during the honours thesis period.  Contact e-mail : james.richard.forbes [at] mcgill.ca

Posted: August 31, 2024

Thesis Project 2024-2

Title: Multi-robot collaborative state estimation Supervisor : Prof. James Richard Forbes The term(s) to begin : Winter 2025, Fall 2025 Brief description : Autonomous vehicles, such as autonomous cars, trucks, and trains, must fuse various forms of sensor data together in order to ascertain their position, attitude, velocity, and angular velocity. Typical sensor data includes inertial measurement unit (IMU) data and some sort of position data, such as GPS data, or range data, such as optical camera, radar, or LIDAR data. In multi-robot systems, an individual robot can also utilize information from its neighbors by having the robots communicate their state estimates. However, the estimates of different robots are often correlated, and without properly modelling these cross-correlations, the performance of the estimator might be very poor. This project will then focus on modelling those cross-correlations for collaborative state estimation in multi-robot systems. The main task will involve the development and coding of a sigma point Kalman filter to enable multi-robot navigation; however, based on the student’s interests and background, alternatives to the sigma point Kalman filter could be considered. Students best fit for this project are those interested in using mathematical tools, such as linear algebra, numerical methods, probability theory, and numerical optimization, to solve problems found in robotics. Experience with Matlab and/or C programming is desired. Contact e-mail : james.richard.forbes [at] mcgill.ca

Updated: May 2, 2023

Thesis Project 2024-3

Title: Robot navigation Supervisor : Prof. James Richard Forbes The term(s) to begin : Winter  2025, Fall 2025 Brief description : Autonomous vehicles, such as autonomous cars, trucks, and trains, must fuse various forms of sensor data together in order to ascertain their position, attitude, velocity, and angular velocity. Typical sensor data includes inertial measurement unit (IMU) data and some sort of position data, such as GPS data, or range data, such as optical camera, radar, or LIDAR data. This project will focus on sensor fusion for robot navigation. The first task will be the development and coding of a matrix Lie group integrator, in the spirit of a Runge-Kutta integrator, but tailor to matrix Lie groups. The second task will be the development and coding of a cascaded sigma point Kalman filter to enable multi-agent navigation (i.e., navigation of many robots). Students best fit for this project are those interested in using mathematical tools, such as linear algebra, numerical methods, probability theory, and numerical optimization, to solve problems found in robotics. Experience with python and/or C++ programming is desired. Contact e-mail : james.richard.forbes [at] mcgill.ca

Posted: May 2, 2023

Thesis Project 2024-4

Title: Development of a method for recycling fibreglass composite wind turbines Supervisor : Prof. Larry Lessard The term(s) to begin:  Winter 2025 or Fall  2025 Brief description: There is growing concern about recycling of end-of-life composite materials. Waste fiber and other materials cannot be put into landfills so recycling methods must be developed. Used wind turbine blades can be recycled to recover the fibers and these fibers can be re-used to make materials for 3D printing. So this project aims to solve two simultaneous problems: that of growing amounts of waste and the need for stronger/more high tech materials for the growing 3D printing industry. The project involves experimental manufacturing based on composite materials theory. Contact e-mail : larry.lessard [at] mcgill.ca

Thesis Project 2024-5

Title : Development of a Digital Twin of a Mill Yard Supervisor : Prof. Inna Sharf The term(s) to begin : Winter 2025, Fall 2025 Brief description: Digital twin is an emerging technology that goes hand in hand with increasing automation of machines,processes and advances in IofT. Professor Sharf’s industrial collaborator, FPInnovations, is working on increasing autonomy and intelligence of log loading machines and transport vehicles operating in the mill yards. This will ultimately be followed by moving the operators from the seats in the machines into an office, i.e., where they can no longer directly observe their environment. Furthermore, other processes, such as, measuring the size of piles, are already executed remotely, for example, with drones, and will soon be executed autonomously, thus producing information on the state of assets in the mill yard. Ultimately, it will be important to have a digital twin of the mill yard, which will provide digital and visual information on the state of the mill yard, in particular, location and size of log piles, the location and status of machines operating in it, incoming and outgoing log trucks, the status (e.g., traversability) of roads and other information. Professor Sharf is interested in beginning the development of such a digital twin. This will require identifying a suitable platform to house the twin, laying out the roadmap for building the twin in a sequence of phases sand developing the phase 0 of the digital twin. Contact e-mail : inna.sharf [at] mcgill.ca

Updated: November 23, 2023

Projects for 2023-2024 school year: may or may not be still available - you may use contact e-mails to find out.

Thesis project 2023-4.

Title : Reconfigurable metamaterials for soft robotics Supervisor : Prof. Damiano Pasini The term(s) to begin : Fall 2023, Winter 2024 Brief description: Mechanical metamaterials are manmade materials, usually fashioned from repeating units, which are engineered to achieve extreme mechanical properties, often beyond those found in most natural materials. In this project, the student will use the lens of mechanics of materials to generate material concepts for soft robotics. Additive manufacturing techniques will be employed to fabricate prototypes and their performance will be examined through mechanical testing. Contact e-mail : damiano.pasini [at] mcgill.ca

Updated: May 9, 2023

Thesis Project 2023-5

Title : Nonlinear dynamics/vibrations of architected materials for aerospace applications Supervisor : Prof. Damiano Pasini and Prof. Mathias Legrand The term(s) to begin : Fall 2023, Winter 2024 Brief description: When launched in space, satellites need to endure an explosive upright boost that generates extremely large vibrations throughout their bodies. If uncontrolled, these vibrations end up spoiling the performance of their components with the risk of making them nonfunctional. In this project we study the nonlinear vibrations of a satellite component made of ultralight weight architected materials of unprecedented performance. The goal is to model its dynamic behaviour and understand the geometric factors that control its highly nonlinear response at the onset of a launch in space. The work involves a combination of theoretical and computational analysis. Contact e-mail : damiano.pasini [at] mcgill.ca

Thesis Project 2023-6

Title: Can you hear the shape of a robot? Supervisor : Prof. Audrey Sedal The term(s) to begin : Fall 2023, Winter 2024 Brief description : Unlike traditional robots, soft robots can take a variety of unusual 3D shapes. However, it is challenging to estimate the shape of a soft robot while it operates, which makes precise control difficult. Inspired by Mark Kac’s question, “Can one hear the shape of a drum?” Short answer: not all the time, due to the existence of isospectral manifolds. This project investigates fusion of acoustic sensing with other modes (e.g., cameras) to estimate the 3D shape of soft robots as they operate. You will build a variety of soft robot prototypes, develop sensing frameworks, and evaluate their performance. This project will involve fabrication, hardware development, programming, and a little bit of geometry.


Contact e-mail : audrey.sedal [at] mcgill.ca

Updated: May 22, 2023

Projects for 2018-2019 school year: may or may not be still available - you may use contact e-mails to find out.

Thesis project 2018-11.

Title:  Dynamics of photon-driven lightsails for interstellar flight Supervisor : Prof. Andrew Higgins The term(s) to begin :Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019 Brief description : The use of lasers to propel sails via direct photon pressure has the potential to achieve very high velocity spaceflight, greatly exceeding traditional chemical and electric propulsion sources, and enables the serious consideration of interstellar flight.  However, the dynamics and stability of thin sails (lightsails) under intense laser illumination is an outstanding problem.  This project will examine the dynamics of very thin membranes both theoretically and experimentally.  The response of a lightsail to perturbation will be analyzed both analytically and via computer simulation. Use of gasdynamic loading techniques (shock tube) will enable the same driving load to be applied in the laboratory, but without the use of megawatt-class lasers.  Experimental diagnostic techniques (photonic doppler velocimetry, 3-D digital image correlation) will be developed to study the lightsail dynamics that will eventually be applied to a laser-driven sail proof-of-concept facility. Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space exploration concepts, with general background in physical optics, numerical simulation, and experimental techniques. Skills involved:  Experience with photography and high-speed data acquisition would be helpful.  Completion of Mech 321 (Mechanics of Deformable Solids) and Mech 430 (Fluids 2) is required for the project. Contact e-mail : andrew.higgins [at] mcgill.ca

Posted: September 12, 2018

Thesis Project 2018-12

Title:  Dynamic soaring on a shock wave Supervisor : Prof. Andrew Higgins The term(s) to begin :Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019 Brief description : Dynamic soaring is a technique exploited by birds and sailplanes to increase their flight speed by exploiting differences in airspeed of different masses of air.  This project will explore this approach by examining dynamic soaring of a hypersonic glider on a shock wave.  In essence, the technique consists of “bouncing” back and forth from either side of a shock wave via a high lift-to-drag turn, increasing the net velocity of the glider.  The ability to “surf” on a very strong blast wave (such as resulting from a thermonuclear blast or asteroid impact) from ground all the way to space will be explored. The use of the technique on shock waves that occur in interplanetary space (coronal mass ejections, etc.) that might enable spacecraft to be accelerated to very high velocities “for free” will also be explored. Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space exploration concepts and flight dynamics, with general background in numerical simulation. Skills involved:  Completion of Mech 430 (Fluids 2) is required for the project. Contact e-mail : andrew.higgins [at] mcgill.ca

Thesis Project 2018-13

Title:  Rapid transit within the solar system via directed energy: laser thermal vs. laser electric propulsion Supervisor : Prof. Andrew Higgins The term(s) to begin :Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019 Brief description : Directed energy in the form of a ground or space-based laser providing power to a spacecraft is a disruptive technology that could enable a number of rapid-transit missions in the solar system and interstellar precursor missions.  This project will compare two different approaches for a spacecraft to utilize beamed laser power:  (1) laser thermal propulsion, wherein a laser is focused into a chamber to heat propellant that is expanded through a nozzle and (2) laser electric propulsion, wherein a laser  directed onto a photovoltaic array generates electricity to power electric propulsion (ion engine, etc.).  These two concepts will be compared for a number of missions of interest, as defined by NASA:  (1) Earth orbit to Mars orbit in no more than 45 days and (2) Traversing a distance of 125 AU in no more than ten years. Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space exploration concepts, with general background in physical optics and numerical simulation. Skills involved:  Prior exposure to spacecraft mission design (e.g., experience with ‎Kerbal Space Program, etc.) would be helpful.  Completion of Mech 430 (Fluids 2) and Mech 346 (Heat Transfer) is required for the project. Contact e-mail : andrew.higgins [at] mcgill.ca

Thesis Project 2018-14

Title:  Impact of dust grain on lightsails for interstellar flight Supervisor : Prof. Andrew Higgins The term(s) to begin :Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019 Brief description : Laser-driven lightsails are a promising technique for interstellar flight, however, sails will experience impacts of dust grains in the interplanetary and interstellar medium.  The impact of a sub-micron grain can deposit as much as 1 J of energy into the sail when travelling at speeds necessary for interstellar flight.  This project will examine the subsequent dynamics of the sail and the damage incurred.  This problem will be modelled both analytically and numerically, and experiments will be performed in the lab with gas gun-launched particles onto candidate thin-film materials. Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space exploration concepts, with general background in materials and stress/strain, numerical simulation, and experimental techniques. Skills involved:  Experience with ANSYS would be very enabling for the project. Experience with photography and high-speed data acquisition would be helpful.  Completion of Mech 321 (Mechanics of Deformable Solids) is required for the project. Contact e-mail : andrew.higgins [at] mcgill.ca

Thesis Project 2018-15

Title:  Percolation model for detonation in a system of discrete energy sources Supervisor : Prof. Andrew Higgins The term(s) to begin :Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019 Brief description : Detonation waves propagating in combustible gas mixtures exhibit very complex dynamics, with transverse and longitudinal shock waves that sweep across the front.  This project will attempt to model this process by treating detonation as an ensemble of interacting blast waves.  Approximate, analytic solutions of blast waves will be used to treat the problem.  Results will be interpreted with the assistance of percolation theory, a branch of statistical physics.  Results will also be compared to reactive Euler simulations using supercomputing resources. Skills required:  Strong coding skills (language of your choice) and awareness in advanced mathematics is of interest. Personnel sought:  Completion of Mech 430 (Fluids 2) is required for this project. Interest in nonlinear physics and pattern formation in nature would provide helpful motivation for this project. Exposure to concepts in statistical physics (Ad. Thermo) is also desirable. Contact e-mail : andrew.higgins [at] mcgill.ca

Thesis Project 2018-16

Title:  Pellet stream propulsion for interstellar flight Supervisor : Prof. Andrew Higgins The term(s) to begin :Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019 Brief description : A promising approach to deep space propulsion that may enable interstellar flight is pellet stream propulsion, wherein high velocity pellets (with velocity exceeding that of the spacecraft) are used to impart momentum onto a spacecraft.  Such a pellet stream may be able to be collimated and focused over much greater distances than a laser beam, making it an attractive alternative to laser-driven directed energy.  This project will examine the ability of a charged particle to be steered and re-directed via a static magnetic field (e.g., quadrupole beam steering, etc.), both via computer simulation and experimental testing in the lab.  The ability to steer a small (mm to cm scale) pellet via magnetic field of rare earth magnets at speeds of ~1 km/s would be a significant validation of the concept. Personnel sought:  Student should have a strong interest in advanced space exploration concepts, with strong background in electromagnetism and physics. Interest in or familiarity with conventional, fundamental particle accelerators would be desirable. Skills involved:  Basic coding skills (language of your choice) and numerical simulation is required. Experience with basic electronics and microcontrollers (Arduino, etc.) and 3-D printing would be very helpful for the project. Contact e-mail : andrew.higgins [at] mcgill.ca

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Mechanical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Under Pressure: The Soft Robotic Clap-and-Fling of Cuvierina atlantica , Daniel Mead

Human Motion-Inspired Inverse Kinematics Algorithm for a Robotics-Based Human Upper Body Model , Urvish Trivedi

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Metachronal Locomotion: Swimming, Scaling, and Schooling , Kuvvat Garayev

A Human-in-the-Loop Robot Grasping System with Grasp Quality Refinement , Tian Tan

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Fragmentation of Chemically Herded Oil Slicks by Obstacles: Visualizations, Flow Measurements, and Spatial Distributions , Ali Alshamrani

Bulk Glass as Compressive Reinforcement in Structural Elements , John Cotter

Health Effects of Oil Spills and Dispersal of Oil Droplets and Zooplankton by Langmuir Cells , Sanjib Gurung

Interaction of Sequentially Applied Interventions for Gait Symmetry , Adila Hoque

4D Printing of Smart Hydrogel Scaffold to Program Neural Stem Cell Differentiation , Omar Khater

Estimating the As-Placed Grout Volume of Auger Cast Piles , Tristen Mee

Quantifying Functional Performance of Manual Force Perception and Dynamic Force Control , Benjamin Rigsby

Hybrid RANS-LES Hemolytic Power Law Modeling of the FDA Blood Pump , Joseph Tarriela

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Dynamic Loading Directed Neural Stem Cell Differentiation , Abdullah Revaha Akdemir

An Investigation of Cross-links on Crystallization and Degradation in a Novel, PhotoCross-linkable Poly (Lactic Acid) System , Nicholas Baksh

A Framework to Aid Decision Making for Smart Manufacturing Technologies in Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises , Purvee Bhatia

Formation of Gas Jets and Vortex Rings from Bursting Bubbles: Visualization, Kinematics, and Fluid Dynamics , Ali A. Dasouqi

Development of Carbon and Silicon Carbide Based Microelectrode Implantable Neural Interfaces , Chenyin Feng

Sulfate Optimization in the Cement-Slag Blended System Based on Calorimetry and Strength Studies , Mustafa Fincan

Interrelation of Thermal Stimulation with Haptic Perception, Emotion, and Memory , Mehdi Hojatmadani

Modeling the Ambient Conditions of a Manufacturing Environment Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) , Yang Liu

Flow Visualization and Aerosol Characterization of Respiratory Jets Exhaled from a Mannequin Simulator , Sindhu Reddy Mutra

A Constitutive-Based Deep Learning Model for the Identification of Active Contraction Parameters of the Left Ventricular Myocardium , Igor Augusto Paschoalotte Nobrega

Sensible/Latent Hybrid Thermal Energy Storage for the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle , Kelly Osterman

Evaluating the Performance of Devices Engineering to Quantify the FARS Test , Harsh Patel

Event-Triggered Control Architectures for Scheduling Information Exchange in Uncertain and Multiagent Systems , Stefan Ristevski

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Experimental Investigation of Liquid Height Estimation and Simulation Verification of Bolt Tension Quantification Using Surface Acoustic Waves , Hani Alhazmi

Investigation of Navigation Systems for Size, Cost, and Mass Constrained Satellites , Omar Awad

Simulation and Verification of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage , Marwan Mosubah Belaed

Control of a Human Arm Robotic Unit Using Augmented Reality and Optimized Kinematics , Carlo Canezo

Manipulation and Patterning of Mammalian Cells Using Vibrations and Acoustic Forces , Joel Cooper

Stable Adaptive Control Systems in the Presence of Unmodeled and Actuator Dynamics , Kadriye Merve Dogan

The Design and Development of a Wrist-Hand Orthosis , Amber Gatto

ROBOAT - Rescue Operations Bot Operating in All Terrains , Akshay Gulhane

Mitigation of Electromigration in Metal Interconnects Passivated by Ångstrom-Thin 2D Materials , Yunjo Jeong

Swimming of Pelagic Snails: Kinematics and Fluid Dynamics , Ferhat Karakas

Functional Gait Asymmetries Achieved Through Modeling and Understanding the Interaction of Multiple Gait Modulations , Fatemeh Rasouli

Distributed Control of Multiagent Systems under Heterogeneity , Selahattin Burak Sarsilmaz

Design and Implementation of Intuitive Human-robot Teleoperation Interfaces , Lei Wu

Laser Micropatterning Effects on Corrosion Resistance of Pure Magnesium Surfaces , Yahya Efe Yayoglu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Synthesis and Characterization of Molybdenum Disulfide/Conducting Polymer Nanocomposite Materials for Supercapacitor Applications , Turki S. Alamro

Design of Shape-Morphing Structures Consisting of Bistable Compliant Mechanisms , Rami Alfattani

Low Temperature Multi Effects Desalination-Mechanical Vapor Compression Powered by Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle , Eydhah Almatrafi

Experimental Results of a Model Reference Adaptive Control Approach on an Interconnected Uncertain Dynamical System , Kemberly Cespedes

Modeling of Buildings with Electrochromic Windows and Thermochromic Roofs , Hua-Ting Kao

Design and Testing of Experimental Langmuir Turbulence Facilities , Zongze Li

Solar Thermal Geothermal Hybrid System With a Bottoming Supercritical Organic Rankine Cycle , Francesca Moloney

Design and Testing of a Reciprocating Wind Harvester , Ahmet Topcuoglu

Distributed Spatiotemporal Control and Dynamic Information Fusion for Multiagent Systems , Dzung Minh Duc Tran

Controlled Wetting Using Ultrasonic Vibration , Matthew A. Trapuzzano

On Distributed Control of Multiagent Systems under Adverse Conditions , Emre Yildirim

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Synthesis and Characterization of Alpha-Hematite Nanomaterials for Water-Splitting Applications , Hussein Alrobei

Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems with Spatial and Temporal Constraints , Ehsan Arabi

Simulation and Optimization of a Sheathless Size-Based Acoustic Particle Separator , Shivaraman Asoda

Simulation of Radiation Flux from Thermal Fluid in Origami Tubes , Robert R. Bebeau

Toward Verifiable Adaptive Control Systems: High-Performance and Robust Architectures , Benjamin Charles Gruenwald

Developing Motion Platform Dynamics for Studying Biomechanical Responses During Exercise for Human Spaceflight Applications , Kaitlin Lostroscio

Design and Testing of a Linear Compliant Mechanism with Adjustable Force Output , William Niemeier

Investigation of Thermal History in Large Area Projection Sintering, an Additive Manufacturing Technology , Justin Nussbaum

Acoustic Source Localization with a VTOL sUAV Deployable Module , Kory Olney

Defect Detection in Additive Manufacturing Utilizing Long Pulse Thermography , James Pierce

Design and Testing of a Passive Prosthetic Ankle Foot Optimized to Mimic an Able-Bodied Gait , Millicent Schlafly

Simulation of Turbulent Air Jet Impingement for Commercial Cooking Applications , Shantanu S. Shevade

Materials and Methods to Fabricate Porous Structures Using Additive Manufacturing Techniques , Mohsen Ziaee

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Large Area Sintering Test Platform Design and Preliminary Study on Cross Sectional Resolution , Christopher J. Gardiner

Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Remediation of Organics in Water Using Zinc Oxide and Titanium Oxide Nanostructures , Srikanth Gunti

Heat Flux Modeling of Asymmetrically Heated and Cooled Thermal Stimuli , Matthew Hardy

Simulation of Hemiparetic Function Using a Knee Orthosis with Variable Impedance and a Proprioception Interference Apparatus , Christina-Anne Kathleen Lahiff

Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Molybdenum Oxide Nanomaterials , Michael S. McCrory

Effects of Microstructure and Alloy Concentration on the Corrosion and Tribocorrosion Resistance of Al-Mn and WE43 Mg Alloys , Hesham Y. Saleh Mraied

Novel Transducer Calibration and Simulation Verification of Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Channels on Acoustic Microfluidic Devices , Scott T. Padilla

Force Compensation and Recreation Accuracy in Humans , Benjamin Rigsby

Experimental Evaluation of Cooling Effectiveness and Water Conservation in a Poultry House Using Flow Blurring ® Atomizers , Rafael M. Rodriguez

Media Velocity Considerations in Pleated Air Filtration , Frederik Carl Schousboe

Orthoplanar Spring Based Compliant Force/Torque Sensor for Robot Force Control , Jerry West

Experimental Study of High-Temperature Range Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage , Chatura Wickramaratne

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Al/Ti Nanostructured Multilayers: from Mechanical, Tribological, to Corrosion Properties , Sina Izadi

Molybdenum Disulfide-Conducting Polymer Composite Structures for Electrochemical Biosensor Applications , Hongxiang Jia

Waterproofing Shape-Changing Mechanisms Using Origami Engineering; Also a Mechanical Property Evaluation Approach for Rapid Prototyping , Andrew Jason Katz

Hydrogen Effects on X80 Steel Mechanical Properties Measured by Tensile and Impact Testing , Xuan Li

Application and Analysis of Asymmetrical Hot and Cold Stimuli , Ahmad Manasrah

Droplet-based Mechanical Actuator Utilizing Electrowetting Effect , Qi Ni

Experimental and Computational Study on Fracture Mechanics of Multilayered Structures , Hai Thanh Tran

Designing the Haptic Interface for Morse Code , Michael Walker

Optimization and Characterization of Integrated Microfluidic Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors and Transducers , Tao Wang

Corrosion Characteristics of Magnesium under Varying Surface Roughness Conditions , Yahya Efe Yayoglu

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Emissions, Human Energy, and Cultural Perceptions Associated with Traditional and Improved Methods of Shea Butter Processing in Ghana, West Africa , Emily Adams

Experimental Investigation of Encapsulated Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage , Tanvir E. Alam

Design Of Shape Morphing Structures Using Bistable Elements , Ahmad Alqasimi

Heat Transfer Analysis of Slot Jet Impingement onto Roughened Surfaces , Rashid Ali Alshatti

Systems Approach to Producing Electrospun Polyvinylidene Difluoride Fiber Webs with Controlled Fiber Structure and Functionality , Brian D. Bell

Self-Assembly Kinetics of Microscale Components: A Parametric Evaluation , Jose Miguel Carballo

Measuring Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Mechanical Properties Using Flat Punch Nanoindentation Focusing on Obtaining Full Contact , Federico De Paoli

A Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Flow Induced Noise In Hydraulic Counterbalance Valves , Mutasim Mohamed Elsheikh

An Experimental Study on Passive Dynamic Walking , Philip Andrew Hatzitheodorou

Use of Anaerobic Adhesive for Prevailing Torque Locking Feature on Threaded Product , Alan Hernandez

Viability of Bismuth as a Green Substitute for Lead in Jacketed .357 Magnum Revolver Bullets , Joel A. Jenkins

A Planar Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model for Cantilevers Experiencing Combined Endpoint Forces and Uniformly Distributed Loads Acting in Parallel , Philip James Logan

Kinematic Control of Redundant Mobile Manipulators , Mustafa Mashali

Passive Symmetry in Dynamic Systems and Walking , Haris Muratagic

Mechanical Properties of Laser-Sintered-Nylon Diamond Lattices , Clayton Neff

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Thesis Proposal

Note: This article is partially based on the 2017-2018 MechE Graduate Student Guide (PDF) . Please check the latest guide for the most-up to date formatting requirements.

Criteria for Success

A strong thesis proposal…

  • Motivates your project and introduces your audience to the state-of-the-art for the problem you’re working on.
  • Explains the limitations in the current methods through literature review and/or original analysis. This should also explain why the limitations matter and why they’re the right ones to focus on.
  • Clearly explains your technical approach to make specific improvements to some part of the field.
  • Uses original analysis and literature to support the feasibility of the approach.
  • Describes what is original about your work.
  • Provides a practical outline for completing this research : a degree timeline laying out quantifiable hypotheses, experimental/numerical/theoretical techniques, and metrics for evaluation .

Structure Diagram

Meche-specific structure requirements.

Your thesis proposal should be limited to 6 pages including figures and references.

In addition, you need a cover page that (only) includes:

  • tentative title of the thesis
  • brief abstract
  • committee chair and/or advisor should be indicated
  • include their official titles, departmental affiliations, and email addresses

The purpose of your thesis proposal is to introduce your research plan to your thesis committee. You want the committee members to come away understanding what your research will accomplish, why it is needed ( motivation ), how you will do it ( feasibility & approach ), and most importantly, why it is worthy of a PhD ( significance ).

You intend to solve a real and important problem, and you are willing to dedicate years of your life to it, so use your proposal to get the committee excited about your research!

Analyze your audience

Unlike many of the papers and presentations you will write during graduate school, only a select few people will read your thesis proposal. This group will always include your PhD committee and your research advisor, and may include other interested MechE faculty or scientists and engineers at your funding source.

Therefore, you will typically have a good understanding of your audience before it is written. This can allow you to tailor your message to the technical level of your specific audience. If you aren’t sure what your audience could reasonably be expected to know, be conservative! Regardless, your audience is always looking to answer the questions: “ what is this research, how will you perform it, and why does it matter?”

While the small audience may make you less interested in committing time to your proposal, the exercise of motivating and justifying your work plan will be critical to your PhD.

Follow the standard structure for research proposals

While some variation is acceptable, don’t stray too far from the following structure. See also the Structure Diagram above.

  • Introduction . Provide only the necessary information to motivate your research, and show how it fits into the broader field. What is the problem you are trying to solve? By the end of the introduction, your audience should understand the basics of what you will do and why you will do it.
  • Background/Methodology . Describe the current state of the art and related research fields in sufficient technical detail. The goal is provide just enough detail to give the reader a sound understanding of the limitations and the need for new work. Do not go into detail that does not directly help in understanding your You are not trying to make your reader understand everything about the topic or demonstrate how much you know.
  • Objectives . Although not strictly necessary, this section lets you summarize concrete goals of your work, and can help to serve as a checklist for yourself as you move through the process. This is best for projects that tackle many interrelated problems. Think of this as a list of concrete (quantifiable) goals that you want to accomplish.
  • Proposed Work. Explain how your work will solve the problems that you have identified. How will you address the objectives above? Provide just enough technical specificity to leave the reader with a firm grasp of what you will do.
  • Provide a set of time-structured goals and deliverables. While this is not strictly necessary, your committee will want a timeline when you meet with them, so it can help to start planning now. You want to graduate, so make sure that you have a plan to do so!
  • This is a standard section listing references in an appropriate format (MLA, APA, etc.)

Consider the logical sequence of your sections. After the introduction, your audience should be intrigued by a key problem, and intrigued that you know how to solve it. Through the background, they learn that this problem is more difficult than they originally realized. Finally, in the proposed work they learn that your proposal addresses the additional complexity introduced in the background, and they have confidence that you can actually solve the problem.

Summarize the current research field

You need to have a strong grasp of the broader research community. How can you contribute, if you don’t know what is done and what needs to be done?

The point here is not to educate your audience, but rather to provide them with the tools needed to understand your proposal. A common mistake is to explain all of the research that you did to understand your topic and to demonstrate that you really know your field. This will bore your audience, who either already knows this information or does not see why they should care. It’s more important to show where current gaps are. Cut anything that doesn’t answer the what and why of what people are doing. Your depth of knowledge will come through in your thoughtful proposal.

Justify the significance of your work

Answer the question: “What happens if your work is successful?” Again, you are trying to convince your readers either to give you funding or to work with you for three (or more) years. Convince them that your project is worth it.

Your research doesn’t have to revolutionize your field, but you need to explain concretely how it will move your field forward. For example, “Successful development of the proposed model will enable high-fidelity simulation of boiling” is a specific and convincing motivation, compared to, “The field of boiling modeling must be transformed in order to advance research.”

Justify your research plan

Identify the steps needed to overcome your identified problem/limitation. Though your PhD will evolve over time, the tasks and timeline that you identify in your proposal will continue to help determine the trajectory of your research. A good plan now can save a lot of work a few years down the road.

A strong research plan answers three key questions:

  • g., “In order to engineer material properties using mesoscopic defects, it is necessary to characterize the defects, measure how they affect material response, and identify techniques to reproducibly create the defects at specific sites within a material.”
  • g., “In my PhD, I will focus on developing high-speed dynamic imaging techniques to characterize transient defect states in metallic nanowires. I will then use these techniques to measure the properties of nanowires fabricated with three different processes known to produce different defect structures.”
  • How will you evaluate success in each step? These metrics should be concrete and measurable! Putting the thought into metrics now will make it easier for your committee (and yourself) to check a box and say ‘you can graduate.’

Each of these questions should be supported by details that reflect the current state of the art. Technical justification is critical to establish credibility for your plan. Reference the material that you introduced in the background section. You should even use your research plan to tailor your background section so that your committee knows just enough to believe what you’re claiming in your plan.

Based on the tasks and metrics in your plan, establish specific reflection points when you’ll revisit the scope of your project and evaluate if changes are needed.

Include alternative approaches

You won’t be able to predict all of the challenges you will encounter, but planning alternative approaches early on for major methods or decision points will prepare you to make better game-time decisions when you come up against obstacles. e.g.,

I will develop multi-pulse, femtosecond illumination for high speed imaging following Someone et al. Based on the results they have shown, I expect to be able to observe defect dynamics with micron spatial resolution and microsecond temporal resolution. If these resolutions are not achievable in the nanowire systems, I will explore static measurement techniques based on the work of SomeoneElse et al.

Resources and Annotated Examples

Annotated example 1.

This is a recent MechE thesis proposal, written in the style of an IEEE paper. 1,022 KB

MS Thesis Guidelines

Students may choose to pursue a thesis as part of their MS degree program, but only with the consent of a faculty advisor willing to supervise the thesis work. 

Preparation of a thesis representing an independent research work is a pivotal phase of this MS degree program. It provides the student with an opportunity to work on an open-ended problem, developing a particular solution that is not pre-determined and involving synthesis of knowledge and intellectual creativity. The thesis may involve an investigation that is fundamental in nature, or may be applied, incorporating theory, experimental testing and/or analytical modeling, and/or creative design. Through the thesis, candidates are expected to give evidence of competence in research and a sound understanding of the area of specialization involved. Students are also strongly encouraged to present their research at scientific conferences and publish the results of their thesis research in a peer-reviewed journal.

Students receive a grade of Y (incomplete) in these courses as long as the thesis in progress. Eventual thesis grades replace the incomplete grades upon formal completion of the thesis. In order to receive a grade of Y for ME-0296/ENP-0296, students must submit a  thesis prospectus  that outlines the area of work, thesis goals, proposed approach and a review of relevant past work in the literature before the end of the first semester in which the student enrolls in ME-0296/ENP-0296, typically the third semester of full-time study. For an example of a recent MS thesis prospectus please reach out to [email protected]

The examining committee for MS candidates completing theses should be composed of three (3) members.

  • Thesis advisor (committee chair)
  • One technical expert outside of the student's department
  • A third member of the committee, often another faculty member in the student's department

The committee chair is normally a full-time, tenure-track faculty member. One committee member must be from outside the student's department. Thesis normally counts as 9 credits towards the MS degree requirements. However, a student, with the approval of their thesis advisor, has the option to complete a 6-credit thesis by submitting a petition form to the Department. This petition must be signed by the student and the thesis advisor and will become part of the student's academic record. With a 6-credit thesis, a student must complete an extra graduate-level course (for a total of 8 courses) to fulfill the 30-credit requirement for graduation. This option is not typically available to those intending to pursue a Ph.D. degree. 

Thesis Completion

The MS thesis is completed upon:

  • A successful oral defense (open to the community)
  • Submission of an approved thesis to the Office of Graduate Studies

The student should consult the  Graduate Student Handbook  for specific dates and deadlines for this process in the graduation semester.

simple thesis topics for mechanical engineering

List Of Project/Thesis Topics For M.E. /M.TECH Mechanical Engineers.


mtech me project list

  • Thermal analysis of Coolant Plumbing pipe 
  • Chasis design for HCV 
  • Analysis Of A C Class Adhesively Bonded Car Floor Structure Joints
  • Analysis Of A C Class Spot Welded Car Floor Structure Joints
  • Automotive System Design Of Lcv (Low Carbon Vehicle) Pick Up
  • Briquette Manufacturing In A Controlled Environment And Its Effects On Combustion
  •  Crash Analysis Of Student Model Lcv Chassis For Low And High Speed Rear Impact
  • Design And Analysis Of Battery Carrying Structure Of An Automobile For Static And Dynamic Loading
  • Design Of Lcv (Low Carbon Vehicle) Diesel Hybrid Suv
  • Front Crash Analysis Of Student Model Lcv Chassis
  • Projects For Mechanical Engineering Students
  • Regenerative Suspension System Retrofitted To The Vehicle
  • Retrofit Kers (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) To Land Rover Vehicle
  • Study And Research On Regenerative Braking System
  • Study On Structural Behavior Of Automotive Muffler Through Fea
  • Study On Thermal Behavior Of Automotive Muffler
  • Study On Thermal Behavior Of Manifold Assembly
  • Thermal Behavior Of Exhaust Manifold (Thermal Fatigue Analysis)
  • Thermo Electric Energy Recovery System

CAD / CAM Projects List - Abstract , Report Download

New Mechanical Projects 2020 ( All Projects Post Index List )

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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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I am looking for technical support in Fuel cell storage thesis topic. Do you any colleague to support in this topic?

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The Ram Lalla idol, which is installed at Ayodhya's Ram temple has many significant religious symbols from Hinduism. All 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu are engraved on the idol. Notably, Lord Ram is...

  • Senior Thesis

For an A.B. degree, a research thesis is strongly encouraged but not required; a thesis is necessary to be considered for High or Highest Honors. Additionally, a thesis will be particularly useful for students interested in pursuing graduate engineering research. 

In the S.B. degree programs, every student completes a design thesis as part of the required senior capstone design course (ES 100hf). During the year-long course students design and prototype a solution to an engineering problem of their own choice.

The guide below provides an overview of the requirement for an A.B. thesis in Mechanical Engineering:

  • Engineering A.B. Thesis Guide

Some recent thesis examples across all of SEAS can be found on the Harvard DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard) repository .

Mechanical Engineering Senior thesis examples:

  • Prototyped a mug to keep tea the perfect drinking temperature using a novel wax substrate for thermal control

Engineering A.B. Thesis Extensions and Late Submissions

Thesis extensions will only be granted in extraordinary circumstances, such as hospitalization or grave family emergency. An extension may only be granted by the DUS (who may consult with thesis advisor, resident dean, and readers). For joint concentrators, the other concentration should also support the extension. To request an extension, please email your ADUS or DUS, ideally several business days in advance. Please note that any extension must be able to fall within our normal grading, feedback, and degree recommendation deadline, so extensions of more than a few days are usually impossible.

Late submissions of thesis work will not be accepted. A thesis is required for joint concentrators, and a late submission will prevent a student from fulfilling this requirement. Please plan ahead and submit your thesis by the required deadline.

Senior Thesis Submission Information for A.B. Programs

Senior A.B. theses are submitted to SEAS and made accessible via the Harvard University Archives and optionally via  DASH  (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard), Harvard's open-access repository for scholarly work.

In addition to submitting to the department and thesis advisors & readers, each SEAS senior thesis writer will use an online submission system to submit an electronic copy of their senior thesis to SEAS; this electronic copy will be kept at SEAS as a non-circulating backup. Please note that the thesis won't be published until close to or after the degree date. During this submission process, the student will also have the option to make the electronic copy publicly available via DASH.  Basic document information (e.g., author name, thesis title, degree date, abstract) will also be collected via the submission system; this document information will be available in  HOLLIS , the Harvard Library catalog, and DASH (though the thesis itself will be available in DASH only if the student opts to allow this). Students can also make code or data for senior thesis work available. They can do this by posting the data to the Harvard  Dataverse  or including the code as a supplementary file in the DASH repository when submitting their thesis in the SEAS online submission system.

Whether or not a student opts to make the thesis available through DASH, SEAS will provide an electronic record copy of the thesis to the Harvard University Archives. The Archives may make this record copy of the thesis accessible to researchers in the Archives reading room via a secure workstation or by providing a paper copy for use only in the reading room.  Per University policy , for a period of five years after the acceptance of a thesis, the Archives will require an author’s written permission before permitting researchers to create or request a copy of any thesis in whole or in part. Students who wish to place additional restrictions on the record copy in the Archives must contact the Archives  directly, independent of the online submission system. 

Students interested in commercializing ideas in their theses may wish to consult Dr. Fawwaz Habbal , Senior Lecturer on Applied Physics, about patent protection. See Harvard's policy for information about ownership of software written as part of academic work.

In Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering

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Final year students in Mechanical Engineering and Postgraduate coursework students are required to undertake a three-term, year long project. These projects are usually open-ended research or design projects, where the student works with an academic supervisor to find an answer to an engineering question. Students are required to manage and plan their projects over the three terms. The Thesis course can be started in any term and is generally completed in the final three terms of the degree.

For information on available projects and the enrolment process, please see our Sharepoint site , or contact Professor Tracie Barber .

Thesis, Research and Practice

Physical systems modeling and design using machine learning.

  • Read more about Physical Systems Modeling and Design Using Machine Learning

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Master's Thesis topics

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Thesis topics for Mechanical Engineering MSc students | Faculty of Engineering

Thesis topics for mechanical engineering msc students.

Below you can find the thesis topics offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Mechanical Engineering MSc students:

Dr Tamás Mankovits

Dr Sándor Bodzás

Mr Gábor Balogh

Mr Zsolt Békési

Mr Krisztián Deák

Mr András Gábora

Dr József Menyhárt

Dr Sándor Pálinkás

Dr Zsolt Tiba

The Winter cohort application deadline is November 24, 2024.  

Click here to apply.


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25+ Research Ideas in Mechanical Engineering for High School Students

Mechanical engineering is a multifaceted discipline that combines physics, mathematics, and material science to design, analyze, and manufacture mechanical systems. If you’re a high schooler with an analytical mindset and a passion for problem-solving, this is one of those STEM fields that you may already be interested in. Now while you could of course get into the nitty-gritties of mechanical systems or building your own projects, you could also consider pursuing research in mechanical engineering! Not only is research materially and financially easier, but it is also at least as intellectually challenging if not more so, and is a great way to build your mastery of mechanical theory and its applications.

In this blog, we present 25+ research ideas across the various disciplines within mechanical engineering that you could consider exploring.

How should you go about pursuing research in engineering as a high schooler?

Remember, research is supposed to be a systematic inquiry into a chosen topic , so the first and most important item on the checklist is to select a relevant and manageable topic.

Ideally, your research should address a current challenge or gap in the engineering field, aiming for innovation while having the necessary resources and tools available . While this may sound challenging, you can still choose to, instead pursue existing research avenues to enhance your own knowledge and contribute your observations and deductions to the larger engineering community.

After you have identified a promising research area, plan your methodology, consider ethical implications, and decide how to present your findings .

Topic 1: Robotics and Automation

Robotics is one of the most exciting products of the information age and is at the forefront of technological advancements, transforming industries from healthcare to manufacturing. I t encompasses machine design, control, and human-machine interaction , all inextricably linked with the concepts of mechanics and motion and how best to control them.

Good to have before you start:

Familiarity with programming and working knowledge of at least one common programming language (C / C++ / Python).

An understanding of kinematics and the principles of motion.

Some potential topics:

1. Collaborative Robots: Explore the design and safety aspects of robots designed to work alongside humans.

2. Drone Technology: Research the mechanics, applications, and fallout of unmanned aerial vehicles and how to improve their design and usage.

3. Automation in Manufacturing: Study the impact and efficiency of robotics in modern manufacturing processes, and the evolution of their design.

4. AI-driven Robotics: Delve into robots powered by artificial intelligence and their applications. This one is a little tricky and advanced but is an excellent learning opportunity if you are able to grasp the intricacies of AI and machine learning. If you find a mentor for this, all the better!

Ideas contributed by Lumiere Mentors from the University of Michigan, Brown University, and University College London.

Topic 2: Thermal and Fluid Systems

This research area focuses on the behavior of fluids and the transfer of heat, two interlinked domains relying on convection and the motion of atoms. T hese are important concepts for applications ranging from HVAC systems to vehicle aerodynamics.

A grasp of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer principles.

Access to a lab would be helpful for you to experiment and test the concepts involved.

5. Efficient Cooling Mechanisms: Research innovative methods to cool machinery and electronics, either via revolutionary design or by clever use of material properties.

6. Fluid Flow Simulations: Explore computational methods to predict fluid behavior. This is a fairly beginner-friendly topic with plenty of learning opportunities and low barriers to entry.

7. Renewable Energy and Thermodynamics: Investigate the role of heat transfer in sustainable energy solutions, and its efficiency, design, and limits. Renewable energy is one of the most important topics of our time, and there’s plenty of work yet to be done in this field.

8. Microfluidics in Medical Devices: Delve into the applications of fluid behavior at the microscale in healthcare.

Ideas contributed by Lumiere Mentors from the University of Cambridge, Stanford University, and MIT.

Topic 3: Materials and Manufacturing

The essence of this topic lies in understanding and researching the properties of different materials and how their hardness, strength, elasticity, etc. can be manipulated in manufacturing processes to create better products.

Some knowledge of, or interest in, material sciences and manufacturing processes

Convenient access to a materials laboratory - a lot of the subjects in this field require experimentation and practical observation.

Experience with tool-working or a mentor to supervise.

Safety gear! You will likely be doing a lot of materials analysis and abrasion and corrosion testing, all of which require safety gear.

9. 3D Printing Innovations: Explore advancements in additive manufacturing and their implications, researching what makes a good material for 3D printing and the details of the process.

10. Smart Materials in Everyday Products: Research materials that respond to external stimuli and their commercial applications. This is crucial research for the design and manufacturing of such vital things as semiconductors and transistors.

11. Sustainable Manufacturing: Place yourself at the leading edge of sustainability research and investigate eco-friendly production methods and materials.

12. Nanomaterials and Their Properties: Delve into the world of materials at the nanoscale and their unique characteristics. While similar in approach and application to #10 , this focuses instead on material properties at the quantum levels and how that impacts their usage in manufacturing.

Ideas contributed by Lumiere Mentors from Cornell University and the University of Cambridge.

Topic 4: Biomechanics

Biomechanics merges biology and mechanics, aiming to understand the mechanical aspects of living organisms, from human movement to cellular behavior. This is an interesting intersection of fields hosting cutting-edge research on the potential of the human body and ways to repair or even enhance it.

Some knowledge of, or interest in, both biology and the principles of mechanics.

Some mentorship - this is a somewhat advanced topic that requires an understanding of advanced concepts from two distinct fields. A mentor will be able to guide you and point you to important resources.

13. Prosthetic Design and Biomechanics: Research the mechanics behind prosthetic devices, user-friendly designs, and materials that combine flexibility, lightness, and strength.

14. Sports Biomechanics: Investigate the mechanics of various sports movements and their optimization. As Olympic sports performance levels climb ever higher, this is a future-oriented field of research if you’re keen on exploring the limits of the human body.

15. Cellular Mechanics and Health: Explore how cells respond to mechanical forces and the implications for health.

16. Wearable Devices for Movement Analysis: Study the technology behind wearables that monitor and analyze human movement, exploring efficient alternative materials and design.

Ideas contributed by Lumiere Mentors from John Hopkins University, UC Berkeley, and Harvard.

Topic 5: Automotive Engineering

This topic delves into the design, manufacturing, and operation of vehicles, from cars to trucks, focusing on performance, safety, and efficiency. From Tesla to Toyota, and Mack to Caterpillar, the field of automotives has never been as buzzing and active as it is today.

Some knowledge of, or interest in, vehicle dynamics and systems.

Convenient access to both a mechanical laboratory and a vehicle - this is a highly practical field that requires plenty of experimentation and hands-on work.

Mentorship - once more, practical guidance will go a long way with these topics, and drastically reduce the likelihood of you ending up with a broken-down vehicle!

A driving license - you might need to test out some vehicular modifications, in which case a license becomes mandatory.

17. Electric Vehicle Innovations: Research the latest advancements in EV technology and design. This also involves some aspects of material sciences and electronics engineering.

18. Aerodynamics of High-Speed Vehicles: Explore how vehicle design influences performance at high speeds. If you’re an F1 enthusiast, this will be right up your alley.

19. Safety Mechanisms in Modern Cars: Investigate the technology behind safety features like autonomous braking and lane-keeping assist.

20. Future of Autonomous Vehicles: Delve into the mechanics and challenges of self-driving cars. Being a purely theoretical topic for most people, this makes it the most beginner-friendly topic in this section while being good for developing your knowledge of the field.

Topic 6: Renewable Energy Systems

With the global push towards sustainability, this area focuses on more efficient methods of harnessing energy from renewable sources like wind, sun, and water. With the escalating environmental crises, this field is crucial in steering the world towards a sustainable future. While this subject can potentially overlap with, say, chemical, material, or electronics engineering, the focus here is on researching, understanding, and exploring the mechanics of existing renewable energy systems and ways of improving them or even designing entirely new ones.

Understanding of energy conversion principles, interest in sustainable technologies, and some experience with electrical systems.

Access to some renewable energy systems - while many of these projects can be explored purely from a theoretical lens, it would benefit you greatly if you have access to an actual solar panel farm or a wind turbine.

21. Solar Energy Harvesting: Explore the mechanics and efficiency of solar panels and energy storage.

22. Wind Turbine Design and Optimization: Research the aerodynamics and mechanics of wind turbines.

23. Hydroelectric Power Innovations: Investigate advancements in harnessing energy from water sources.

24. Thermal Energy Storage Solutions: Study methods, materials, and designs to efficiently store heat energy for later use.

Ideas contributed by a Lumiere Mentor from Harvard, the University of Exeter, and Imperial College London.

Topic 7: Dynamics and Control Systems

This field studies the motion of objects and the forces acting on them, alongside designing systems to control these dynamics. This has some overlap with both automation and automotive fields, but here the focus is on the forces affecting the dynamics of and control of mechanical systems , and how to mitigate and optimize that feedback.

A foundation in physics, understanding of mathematical modeling, and familiarity with basic control theory.

Convenient access to a systems laboratory - you will benefit greatly if you’re able to physically work on the listed topics.

Some mentorship - again, the topics in this field require physical experimentation and hands-on analysis, while also often being theoretically dense. Your learning will be greatly enhanced if you find a mentor.

25. Vibration Analysis in Machinery: Delve into the causes and mitigation of vibrations in industrial equipment.

26. Stability Analysis of Mechanical Systems: Research factors influencing the stability of structures and machinery.

27. Feedback Control in Automated Systems: Explore the design and implications of feedback loops in control systems.

28. Dynamic Behavior of Drones: Investigate the forces and controls influencing drone flight.

Ideas contributed by a Lumiere Mentor from the University of Michigan.

If any of these ideas spark your interest, or if you have something of your own, then get to it! A good research project will work wonders in enhancing your college application(s) in STEM fields . Admissions officers respect quality research projects done with a clear, measurable objective in mind - if you can explain concisely what you researched, why you did it, and what is the impact and provide clear metrics wherever possible, then you can be confident your research and your application will stand out from the pile.

If you’re looking to build a project/research paper in the field of AI & ML, consider applying to Veritas AI! 

Veritas AI  is founded by Harvard graduate students. Through the programs, you get a chance to work 1-1 with mentors from universities like Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and more to create unique, personalized projects. In the past year, we had over 1000 students learn AI & ML with us. You can apply here !

If you’re looking for a competitive mentored research program in subjects like data science, machine learning, political theory, biology, and chemistry, consider applying to Horizon’s Research Seminars and Labs ! 

This is a selective virtual research program that lets you engage in advanced research and develop a research paper on a subject of your choosing. Horizon has worked with 1000+ high school students so far and offers 600+ research specializations for you to choose from. 

You can find the application link here

Pursue independent research with the Lumiere Research Scholar Program

If you’re looking for the opportunity to do in-depth research on the above topics and more under the guidance of a mentor, you could also consider applying to one of the Lumiere Research Scholar Programs , selective online high school programs for students I founded with researchers at Harvard and Oxford. Last year, we had over 4000 students apply for 500 spots in the program! You can find the application form here.

Stephen is one of the founders of Lumiere and a Harvard College graduate. He founded Lumiere as a PhD student at Harvard Business School. Lumiere is a selective research program where students work 1-1 with a research mentor to develop an independent research paper.

Image Source: Unsplash

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Mechanical Engineering Master's Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Development of a finite element analysis model for fatigue crack propagation of energy storage flywheel rotors , Ailene B. Nuñez

An application of multi-criteria decision Analysis Methods in the Design of Alternative-Fueled Vehicle Systems for Different Transportation Sectors in the Philippines , Jaime Alonzo M. Poblete

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Analyzing the impact of EV charging to the power grid with emphasis on behavioral factors and charging infrastructure availability , Adrian A. Allana

Scenario analysis of policies supporting electric jeepney adoption using hybrid agent-based system dynamics model , Jeun Rei Benitez Barlis

Detection of cloudy spot defects on PET preforms using machine learning , Isabelle D. Co

Interfacial delamination analysis on fan-out wafer-level package using finite element method , Ariel P. Conversion

Spatiotemporal modeling of electric vehicle charging demand for strategic EV charger deployment in Metro Manila , Edwin Bernard F. Lisaba Jr.

Finite element analysis of active metal braised semiconductor package for warpage reduction , Roberto Louis P. Moran

A study on microalgal biorefinery system with use phase uncertainty and allocation analysis , Earle Anderson Sy Ng

Evaluation of the effects of electric vehicle battery cells layout and conductive sheet fins thickness to battery cooling using transportation micro-simulation modeling and finite element steady-state thermal analysis , Joshua Ezekiel Dimaunahan Rito

Spatial investigation of energy equity with consideration of the renewable energy transition , Christian Roice Tayag

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Swarm object transportation through phase transitions , Joseph Aldrin T. Chua

BEM theory analysis of a small biomimetic HAWT , Von Eric A. Damirez

Development of a life cycle assessment for chemical looping combustion , John Patrick D. Mercado

Multi-country analysis of driving factors to carbon emission using LMDI decomposition analysis method and rough set modeling , Mouy Meta

Multi-country analysis of driving factors to carbon emissions using LMDI decomposition analysis method and rough set modeling , Meta Mouy

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Quadrotor drone manipulation using neuro fuzzy algorithm with non-invasive brain-computer interface , Timothy Scott C. Chu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Prediction and optimization models for integrated renewable-storage energy systems in mixed-use buildings , Aaron Jules R. Del Rosario

Development of a UAV with hand gesture recognition using deep learning , Calvin Alexander Y. Ng

Configuration enhancement for the flight endurance of a separate-lift-and-thrust hybrid unmanned aerial vehicle using Gaussian process optimization , Francis Gregory L. Ng

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Cooling load calculation and AHU equipment selection for a nutritional dry blend facility , John Paul Christian L. Benosa

Design criteria assessment for ball grid array semiconductor packaging based on thermomechanical simulation and crack analysis , Niño Rigo Emil G. Lim

Development of a predictive aeration strategy for microalgae cultivation in photobioreactors , Jeremy Jay B. Magdaong

Assessing energy security cost of the transport sector , Jimwell L. Soliman

Fabrication and characterization of lead tin telluride (Pb1-x SnxTe) thermoelectric nanomaterial using horizontal vapor phase growth technique (HVPG) , Sam Sopheap

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Bilevel fuzzy optimization model of an algae-based eco-industrial park under cooperative game theory , Kyle Darryl T. Aguilar

A fuzzy-genetic robust optimization framework for UAV conceptual design , Lemuel F. Banal

Performance analyses of low Reynolds number airfoils for small-scale horizontal axis wind turbines , John Christian T. Chua

An evaluation methodology with applied life-cycle assessment of coal-biomass cofiring in Philippine context , Dan William C. Martinez

Hydrodynamic investigation and characterization of a photo-bioreactor for microalgae cultivation , Andres Philip Mayol

Computational fluid dynamics analysis on the performance of the new design of savonius wind turbine for urban wind energy exploitation systems , San Rathana

A vacuum drying characterization and optimization of spirulina sp. using definitive screening design of experiment , Christian Joseph C. Ronquillo

Development of supply chain based fuel cycle inventory model for the Philippines , Alexis Mervin T. Sy

Optimization of one-part geopolymer based on fly ash and volcanic ash for soil stabilization , April Anne S. Tigue

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Performance, emission and net energy analysis of a diesel genset using producer gas from jatropha press-cake in dual fuel miode , Nechoh A. Arbon

Optimization of in situ transesterification of wet microalgae chlorella vulgaris under subcritical conditions , Charles B. Felix

Regional feasibility analysis of wind and solar renewable technologies in the Philippines using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) , Neil Stephen A. Lopez

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Development of gas leak detection system using fuzzy logic, optical flow and neural networks , Edgar Carrillo II

Synthesis and characterization of silver-titanium dioxide nanomaterials via horizontal vapor phase growth (HVPG) technique for antibacterial applications , Muhammad Akhsin Muflikhun

Combustion effect of jatropha producer gas fumigation in a stationary diesel genset , Monorom Rith

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Investigation of the effects of a blade profile geometry in a hinged blade cross axis turbine , Arvin H. Fernando

Design of a fuzzy GS-PID controller for payload drops of varying mass for a quadrotor , Ivan Henderson V. Gue

Energy audit of St. Joseph Hall and Miguel Hall of De La Salle University , Oswald D. Sapang

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Experimental evaluation and net energy analysis of methane gas production through anaerobic digestion of jatropha press-cake and pig manure , Jeremias A. Gonzaga

A study on the performance of jatropha press cake-coal cofiring in a fluidized bed combustion system , Maria Flor De Liza F. Jarquio

A molecular study on the effects of osmotic pressure on the lipids of microalgae chlorella vulgaris , Robby B. Manrique

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Automated bulk cartoning of folded sachet linked strips using constrained gravity stacking , Aaron Dee Bea

Vision based pedestrian detection using histogram of oriented gradients, adaboost, linear support vector machines and optical flow , Samantha Denise Fuentes Hilado

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Optimization of power train components of electric tricycle based on life cycle cost , Precious L. Alvarez

Research on life-cycle based simulation of the integration of compressed natural gas (CNG) buses in the Philippine transport sector , Lawrence M. Bersales

Energy modeling, fabrication and evaluation of a small-scale natural convection solar dryer for microalgae biofuel production , Neil Stephen A. Lopez

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of utilizing rice husk as alternative in Portland clinker production fuel , Daniel Joseph P. Mariano

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Design and optimization of a propeller type micro-hydro turbine using computational fluid dynamics , Isidro Antonio V. Marfori III

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

A design analysis for small horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) 3-bladed rotor , Byron Michael Codilla Omboy

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Optimizing the extraction of oil from sugarcane bagasse using thermochemical liquefaction , George Herbert L. Ang

Computer based evaluation of environmental impact of co-generation system of Distileria Bago, Inc. , Rofuat L. Lu

Emergy analysis for materials selection of small hydropower station , Rey L. Rifareal

An energy audit study of manufacturing operations in the Philippines , Yuri Sangala

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Design, fabrication, and testing of flexible noodle separator in pouch noodle packing , Karlo Roman C. Garcia

An energy audit study of Cavite State University Indang, Cavite , Ronald P. Peña

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Design and experimental analysis of a combined target fluidic and centrifungal pump system as a tachometer transducer , Lawrence K. Uy

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Design, fabrication and performance testing of stationary freezer of Jollibee Food Corporation using non-CFC refrigerator (R-404A) , Kenways S. Chee

A study on the co-combustion of rice hull and low-grade coal using a fluidized bed combustion system , Stevan S. Dimaguila

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

Performance curve generation of an unglazed transpired collector system for a fish and crop solar drier , Jose Bienvenido Manuel M. Biona

Spectrally selective visible and solar transmitting heat barrier coating for flat-plate collector , Reynaldo C. Muli

Theses/Dissertations from 2001 2001

Using fuzzy logic in the governing system of a micro-hydro power plant , Laurence A. Gan Lim

Theses/Dissertations from 2000 2000

PC-based retrofitting designed for the automation of a conventional milling machine , Richard Alducente Bayona

Theses/Dissertations from 1998 1998

Occupational health and safety program for the U.S. Metal Industry Company, Inc. , Ronaldo A. Juanatas

Development of a maintenance program for the stamping, drawing, and bending divisions U.S. Metal Industry Co., Inc. , Joselito H. Recio

Occupational health and safety program for the metalcasting technology division of the Metals Industry Research and Development Center , Arnel O. Valdez

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Bottling line modification project in Bacolod brewery , Maximo A. Merilo

Design and evaluation of a calibration station for liquid types of flowmeters using water as test medium , Roxan De Luna Roxas

Theses/Dissertations from 1994 1994

Design and evaluation of locally-fabricated water-pumping windmill for small-scale irrigation , Pablito O. Anino Sr.

The design of an instrumented charpy impact tester using the deconvolution method , Alvin Y. Chua

Design and evaluation of waste heat recovery refrigeration apparatus , Jimmy Guillena

Computer modeling and simulation of a single cylinder, 4-stroke cycle, gasoline fueled spark ignition engine , Martin Ernesto L. Kalaw

Laboratory-scale combustion of coal-oil mixtures , Gileo Capagngan Sulla

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    Simple Thesis Topics for Mechanical Engineering - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis in mechanical engineering. Some of the primary challenges discussed are selecting a suitable topic from the vast field of mechanical engineering, conducting extensive research to deeply understand the topic, and ...

  6. PDF Evolution of Trending Topics in Mechanical Engineering Research Theses

    Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. As new concepts and technologies emerge, researchers in mechanical engineering have focused on various areas of study. This thesis seeks to understand the evolution of research topics over time and identify which subjects have been favored at different points.

  7. Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Honors Theses

    Mechanical Behavior of Cyclo-18 on Nickel and Copper Substrates, Reagan Michael Kraft. PDF. Characterizing High Entropy Alloys for Hypersonic Applications, Katherine Pettus. PDF. Mathematical Modeling of a Two Wheeled Robotic Base, Kathryn Remell. PDF. Transient Performance and Melt Front Characterization of Phase Change Materials, Tyler Stamps

  8. Thesis Projects (last update November 24, 2023)

    The Honours Thesis research projects listed below are available only to McGill Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate students in the Honours program and registered for MECH 403-404 courses. If you are interested in one of the thesis projects, please send an expression of interest to the contact email provided. Although we do our best to keep this list up-to-date, some projects may no longer be ...

  9. Mechanical Engineering Theses and Dissertations

    Waterproofing Shape-Changing Mechanisms Using Origami Engineering; Also a Mechanical Property Evaluation Approach for Rapid Prototyping, Andrew Jason Katz. PDF. Hydrogen Effects on X80 Steel Mechanical Properties Measured by Tensile and Impact Testing, Xuan Li. PDF. Application and Analysis of Asymmetrical Hot and Cold Stimuli, Ahmad Manasrah. PDF

  10. Thesis Proposal : Mechanical Engineering Communication Lab

    Purpose. The purpose of your thesis proposal is to introduce your research plan to your thesis committee. You want the committee members to come away understanding what your research will accomplish, why it is needed (motivation), how you will do it (feasibility & approach), and most importantly, why it is worthy of a PhD (significance).

  11. MS Thesis Guidelines

    MS Thesis Guidelines. Students may choose to pursue a thesis as part of their MS degree program, but only with the consent of a faculty advisor willing to supervise the thesis work. Preparation of a thesis representing an independent research work is a pivotal phase of this MS degree program. It provides the student with an opportunity to work ...

  12. List Of Project/Thesis Topics For M.E. /M.TECH Mechanical Engineers

    Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

  13. Senior Thesis

    For an A.B. degree, a research thesis is strongly encouraged but not required; a thesis is necessary to be considered for High or Highest Honors. Additionally, a thesis will be particularly useful for students interested in pursuing graduate engineering research. In the S.B. degree programs, every student completes a design thesis as part of the required senior capstone design course (ES 100hf).


    Engineering students need to. pl ay an active role in deploying viable, sustainable and cost-effective. solutions that would meet the demands of the challenges of the world. This book listed some ...

  15. Thesis

    The Thesis course can be started in any term and is generally completed in the final three terms of the degree. For information on available projects and the enrolment process, please see our Sharepoint site, or contact Professor Tracie Barber. Explore UNSW School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.

  16. Thesis, Research and Practice

    77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 3-174. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. MIT's Department of Mechanical Engineering (MechE) offers a world-class education that combines thorough analysis with hands-on discovery. One of the original six courses offered when MIT was founded, MechE faculty and students conduct research that pushes boundaries and ...

  17. [100+] Mechanical Engineering Research Topics For ...

    Are You Searching Research Topics For Mechanical Engineering, Topics For Mechanical Engineering Research Paper, Mechanical Engineering Research Topics For Students, Research Topics Ideas For Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Research Topics For Phd, Mechanical Engineering Phd Topics. So You are at right place. At this website you can get lots of Mechanical Engineering Research ...

  18. Ideas for a bachelor thesis topic : r/MechanicalEngineering

    Thanks in advance. You might want to consider performing a meta-analysis. If you want to do construction and automation, write about them. If you can't do experiments in your home, call a manufacturing plant and let them know you're an engineering student and would like to come observe the plant for a research project if they'd allow you ...

  19. Master's Thesis topics : r/MechanicalEngineering

    Master's Thesis topics. I am a Master's student in Mechanical Engineering. I have no experience in the market (haven't worked as a mechanical engineer yet). I have been talking to professors about Thesis Topics can be worked on, but haven't been convinced with a good topic gives me an advantage in the market. Please think with me what best can ...

  20. Thesis topics for Mechanical Engineering MSc students

    Below you can find the thesis topics offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering for Mechanical Engineering MSc students: Dr Tamás Mankovits. Dr Sándor Bodzás. Mr Gábor Balogh. Mr Zsolt Békési. Mr Krisztián Deák. Mr András Gábora. Dr Sándor Pálinkás. Dr Zsolt Tiba.

  21. 25+ Research Ideas in Mechanical Engineering for High School Students

    Some potential topics: 13. Prosthetic Design and Biomechanics: Research the mechanics behind prosthetic devices, user-friendly designs, and materials that combine flexibility, lightness, and strength. 14. Sports Biomechanics: Investigate the mechanics of various sports movements and their optimization.

  22. Mechanical Engineering Master's Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2014. Investigation of the effects of a blade profile geometry in a hinged blade cross axis turbine, Arvin H. Fernando. Design of a fuzzy GS-PID controller for payload drops of varying mass for a quadrotor, Ivan Henderson V. Gue. Energy audit of St. Joseph Hall and Miguel Hall of De La Salle University, Oswald D. Sapang.