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Thesis registration system.

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This website lists thesis submissions that have not yet been added to the SFU Library collection or institutional repository, Summit. If you wish to link to a thesis, use its url in Summit . To submit your thesis to the Library, please log in using your SFU Computing ID and password.

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Thesis and Defence

Keep in mind to submit any forms in the correct signature convention . 

On this Page

  • Exam Committee

Defence Process

  • Thesis Publication Postponement
  • Archived Thesis at SFU Library

Composition of   Exam Committee

Exam Committee is not equivalent to Supervisory Committee .

According to General Graduate Regulation  1.2 , supervisory committee helps the student define and develop a program of studies and reports on the student’s progress to the graduate program committee. The supervisory committee forms  part of  the student’s final examination committee.

The examining committee is to ensure that the student receives a fair and rigorous examination and that the University's policies and requirements are met. 

Please ensure you have updated your supervisory committee by  submitting the paperwork  before requesting for defence. Any inconsistency of the exam committee with the supervisory committee WILL CAUSE DELAY in processing the defence request.

Click to expand section.

Masters defence exam committee.

According to General Graduate Regulation 1.9.1 , The masters examining committee for examinations shall have the following minimum composition :

  • A non-voting chair who is a faculty member at SFU, while is not a member of the student’s supervisory committee.
  • All members of the student’s supervisory committee.
  • An examiner who is a member of faculty, or a person suitably qualified, who is not a member of the student's supervisory committee. 

PhD Defence Exam Committee

According to General Graduate Regulation  1.9.3 , the PhD examining committee for examinations shall have the following  minimum composition :

  • A  non-voting chair  who is a faculty member at SFU, while is not a member of the student’s supervisory committee.
  • All members  of the student’s supervisory committee.
  • An external examiner who shall be specifically qualified in the field of the thesis and not be a faculty member at SFU.

The minimum composition for the supervisory committee consists  the supervisor (or co-supervisors)  and  at least one committee member  chosen in consultation with the student. The committee member must be internal to Simon Fraser University serving as a faculty member, adjunct professor or research associate. A suitably qualified individual who is not in those positions (eg. professors external to SFU) may be eligible to serve as an additional committee member (i.e. you must have an internal committee member to include an external committee member) . 

Scheduling defence is a rigorous process with lots of deadlines. Please allow at least 3 business days of turnaround time for the graduate program committee chair's signature for any forms. Therefore, we encourage you to include the turnaround time into the deadlines mentioned in this section, or submit any finalized paperwork and forms as soon as they are ready. 


If you wish to defend, discuss with your supervisor and the following documents should be  submitted by your supervisor on behalf of you. 

  • Form for Masters Defence 
  • Form for PhD Defence
  • Finalized Version of Student's Thesis for PhD, or Thesis Abstract for MASc
  • A full, comprehensive external examiner CV if the examiner is not from SFU; or
  • A bio for non-faculty committee members being added
  • All research plans involving human or animal subjects must receive ethics approval. Read more on GS' website .
  • A project will be scheduled for Research Ethics Board (REB) review only when the Office of Research Ethics (ORE) determines that the information and materials submitted are sufficient to enable the REB to make an informed review of the ethical acceptability of the research.
  • The letter should expire after proposed defence date, or else the request will not be approved. 

For MASc students, completed paperwork must be provided to the Graduate Program Assistant  a minimum of 4 weeks  prior to your defence. 

For PhD students, completed paperwork and your thesis must be provided to the Graduate Program Assistant  a minimum of 6 weeks  prior to your defence.

*The deadline for PhD defence is a HARD DEADLINE ; we will need to allow as much time as possible for the external examiner to review the thesis since their participation is voluntary. 

There is no guarantee your request will be approved if the request is submitted less than 4 - 6 weeks prior to your proposed defence date. We encourage you to submit the paperwork early for admirative processing. For more information, please visit GS’s website:  Masters Defence    PhD Defence .

Do not forget to  apply for graduation . The deadline to apply for graduation can be found on  GS's website .


The request will follow the process below:

  • Graduate Studies (GS) will the review and approve the request and confirm the thesis is ready to be defended.
  • The Graduate Program Assistant will proceed with room booking if the defence is held in-person.
  • For PhD defences, GS will distribute the thesis to the exam committee. 
  • For MASc defence, the supervisor should distribute the thesis. 
  • Graduate Program Assistant will send reminder to exam committee and advertise the defence to the School one week prior to the defence. 


  • You will revise your thesis and get approval from your supervisor about the revision completion.
  • Your supervisor will sign the  Results, Approval & Degree Recommendation (RAD)  from and return the form to the Graduate Program Assistant for the Graduate program Committee chair's signature. The assistant will send a copy of the signed form to you afterwards.
  • You will submit the finalized version of your thesis to the library's  Thesis Registration System by   deadline , along with the RAD form. For the Fall term, the deadline is the last working day before the holiday closure (usually December 23 or 24) at 12 noon (PST). 


  • The RAD form will be prepared and send to the exam committee chair by the Graduate Program Assistant prior to the defence.
  • The student completed the defence. The exam committee shall provide comments to the student thesis and vote for the result.
  • The  exam committee chair shall collect the signatures of all exam committee members  during the defence on the RAD form "examination result" section, then  return the signed form to student's supervisor . 
  • The  supervisor  shall sign under "approval & degree recommendation" section and send the RAD to Graduate Program Assistant at  [email protected] .
  • The Graduate Program Assistant will return the RAD form signed by the graduate program committee chair to the supervisor and the student.
  • The student makes the subsequent changes to the thesis with the exam committee's comments and submit the finalized thesis.

As per the Library and Graduate Studies' update, the graduate program committee chair's signature is NOW REQUIRED upon students' thesis submission. 

For assistance with defence procedures, please email the Graduate Program Assistant at  [email protected] .

Thesis publication postponement 

A  postponement  will delay the inclusion of a thesis in the institutional repository for a period of 12 months from the end of the term in which the thesis is submitted to the Library, in order to protect confidential commercial information, patentable material, pending application, or where immediate commercial publication in a restrictive venue is anticipated. 

A postponement request should be made in writing at least 30 days  prior  to submission of the thesis to the Library.  The submission process and timeline remains the same, however, a copy of the thesis or project shall not be made available in the Library institutional repository during the restricted period.

In order to receive a postponement, please complete the  Thesis postponement of publication request form  and email it to  [email protected] . If approved, this form needs to be included in your submission to the library thesis registration system and “Postponement being requested” must be selected to “yes.” Please also email  [email protected]  with your approved postponement form attached so that the library can set the postponement.

Note: If these steps are not followed, your thesis will be published and accessible online.

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Formatting your thesis: Required formatting standards and organization

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The Library's Theses Office assists with formatting theses, projects and extended essays for submission to the Library and for publication. You are encouraged to use the Library's thesis template to help format your thesis.

If your document uses non-standard formatting and fonts, you are encouraged to contact the Theses Office early in the writing process.

Formatting standards and details

  • Overall layout and specifications
  • Declaration of Committee page
  • Footnotes / endnotes
  • Tables, figures, & illustrations
  • Appendices & supplemental material
  • File Format

If your thesis includes reproductions of copyrighted material (e.g., maps, figures, diagrams), you must in most cases obtain permission to use this material from the copyright owner. See the Copyright and your Thesis FAQ  for more information.

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sfu masters thesis

thesis defense

A Study of Interlayer Exchange Coupling Across Alloyed Transition-Metal Films

Kevin winther, simon fraser university location: hybrid: p8445.2 and zoom.

Interlayer exchange coupling has been intensively studied for over thirty years and is incorporated in almost all spintronic devices. Unlike past research, which focused on the coupling between magnetic layers across a nonmagnetic spacer layer, we find that antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling can be achieved across spacer layers containing over sixty atomic percent of iron or cobalt. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements reveal that the added iron atoms in the spacer layer have a large magnetic moment. The coupling strength was found to increase with iron concentration and decrease with cobalt concentration in our magnetic multilayers deposited with the industrial technique of choice, magnetron sputtering. Electronic structure calculations predict a dependence of interlayer exchange coupling on both the magnetic material concentration and the spacer layer thickness while offering insight into the role of magnetic atom interactions within the spacer layer in influencing interlayer exchange coupling.

To join the Zoom meeting, please email [email protected] for a link. 

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  1. Thesis: Master's Degree

    All theses produced to meet Simon Fraser University's degree requirements are subject to open publication, and are normally capable of standing as academically complete works. The open-access principle must be kept in mind when selecting a research topic. However, in some instances a portion of a student's thesis might involve research ...

  2. Finding SFU theses and projects

    The Bennett Library (SFU Burnaby) has print, microform, and web-based copies of SFU PhD and Masters theses, final projects, and extended essays for programs that are required or have chosen to submit them to the Library.. Undergraduate honours theses are not available in the Library.Some departments (e.g. English) keep bound honours essays in the department office.

  3. M.Sc. Thesis Program

    The Master of Science (MSc) in Computing Science is a research-intensive program that has a primary emphasis on the MSc thesis. The program provides an environment for education in theoretical and applied Computer Science. Through training in formal coursework and hands-on research in areas such as artificial intelligence, computer systems and ...

  4. Thesis templates

    The SFU thesis LaTeX project is a volunteer effort made by many SFU graduate students over the years. Thanks to the following students who contributed to the old template: Stephen Chan (1989), Margaret Sharon (1996), Pepe Kubon (1997-98), Greg Baker (2003-06), Chris McIntosh (2011), Bradley Coleman (2012), Juan Galvez (2012), Firuz Demir (2013 ...

  5. Simon Fraser University

    Crey M. Spring 2024. Surficial geology, Quaternary history and active layer detachment landslides of the Kluane Ranges, Southwest Yukon. Afzali. Neda. Fall 2023. Development and characterization of high Curie-Temperature (TC) and high-performance Piezo-/ferroelectric materials of complex Perovskite structure. Ahmadi Nejad.

  6. Thesis regulations, policies, and forms

    The digital copy of a thesis is processed by SFU Library and made available in Summit, the Institutional Repository at SFU. ... As per Graduate General Regulation 1.11.3, the results of research conducted at Simon Fraser University should be available freely to the public, and it is expected that theses will be placed in the institutional ...

  7. Thesis assistance: Templates and resources for preparing and submitting

    In order to adhere to SFU's Graduate General Regulations, your thesis, project, or extended essay(s) must:. conform to SFU-specific formatting standards, and; follow SFU-specific regulations and policies.; You are required to submit a digital copy of your thesis, supplemental files, and required forms to the Library in order to fulfill in part the requirements for graduation.


    A thesis describing the research is submitted and defended in accordance with SFU Graduate General Regulations. Students who are working on their Master of Science thesis must enroll in the following course every term: MBB 898 - MSc Thesis (18) Students should hold at least one Teaching Assistantship during their graduate program. Thesis Defence

  9. Research Commons: Writing & theses: Help with writing, thesis

    The Research Commons offers thesis support services for SFU students including formatting your thesis, thesis submission procedures, thesis template troubleshooting, ... Simon Fraser University Library is grateful to be located on the lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh ...

  10. Thesis submission: Register information online about your thesis and

    Before registering to submit your thesis in the Thesis Registration System (TRS), ensure that your Thesis Title and Abstract have been authorized by your senior supervisor. 2: Go to the Thesis Registration System (TRS). 3: Log in with your SFU Computing ID (CAS ID). 4: Enter the following fields provided in the Thesis Registration System (TRS):

  11. Master of Science

    an 18 unit thesis, based on original research (BISC 898 - MSc Thesis (18)) View Detailed Program Requirements. LEARNING OUTCOMES. ... Simon Fraser University. 8888 University Drive. Burnaby, BC Canada V5A 1S6. 778-782-4475. Safety & Risk; SFU Maps & Directions; SFU Admissions; Road Report;

  12. Theses

    Simon Fraser University Library is grateful to be located on the lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), Səmyámə (Semiahmoo), and sc̓əwaθən (Tsawwassen) Nations.

  13. Master's in Professional Computer Science

    Master's in Professional Computer Science

  14. Thesis and Defence

    According to General Graduate Regulation 1.9.1, The masters examining committee for examinations shall have the following minimum composition:. A non-voting chair who is a faculty member at SFU, while is not a member of the student's supervisory committee.; All members of the student's supervisory committee.; An examiner who is a member of faculty, or a person suitably qualified, who is ...

  15. Statistics and Actuarial Science

    Below is a list of the theses produced by graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. ... Degree Thesis Supervisor; 2024-1: Quang Vuong: MSc: The performance of annealed sequential Monte Carlo sampling as a joint variable selection and parameter estimation method in the linear (mixed) model setting ... Simon Fraser ...

  16. Master of Science

    Workload: Full-time. Coursework: Minimum of 12 credits. Cost: $2107/term x 6 terms = $12644 minimum total tuition, plus $395/term in ancillary fees. See this breakdown of the typical costs per term for graduate domestic and international students, and try the cost of living calculator. Graduate tuition and mandatory fees are subject to change.

  17. Home

    Simon Fraser University Library is grateful to be located on the lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), Səmyámə (Semiahmoo), and sc̓əwaθən (Tsawwassen) Nations.

  18. Welcome

    SFU faculty will support the design and delivery of your MA thesis. THESIS DEFENCE. Juried defences for the MA program take place on the SFU campus. Theses. ... Simon Fraser University respectfully acknowledges the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie ...

  19. Thesis, Defence and Graduation

    Resources. The thesis, defense, and graduation are the culminating events of the PhD program. Your thesis will showcase the original research you have conducted, and your defense will provide an opportunity to present and defend your findings. Upon successful completion of your defense, you will be awarded your PhD degree.

  20. Fees

    Your tuition is either charged as a flat rate per term or charged based on how many units in which you are enrolled. Tuition for research-based programs the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Regular Full-time Fee Tuition: $2,107.43 per term. Regular Continuing Fee Tuition: $1,053.72 per term. *Note: Tuition and fees are subject to change, subject to ...

  21. Statistics and Actuarial Science

    A Master's degree; A CGPA of at least 3.5; Letters from referees attesting to the ability of the applicant to undertake substantial original research. If you are interested in basing your thesis on actuarial science problems, please contact Dr. Cary Tsai (cltsai at

  22. Formatting your thesis: Required formatting standards and organization

    Formatting your thesis: Required formatting standards and ...

  23. Completed MURB Theses

    Completed MURB Theses. Our students research a wide range of topics. The sample of completed projects below demonstrates this breadth. To view all MURB theses, please click here. Jenna Aujla, Exploring Perspectives: Vancouver Street-Style Skateboarders in Urban Public Space and Beyond. Alasdair Butcher, 36 Blood Alley Square: Housing histories ...

  24. Thesis Defense: Kevin Winther, SFU Physics. A Study of Interlayer

    thesis defense. A Study of Interlayer Exchange Coupling Across Alloyed Transition-Metal Films. Kevin Winther, Simon Fraser University Location: Hybrid: P8445.2 and Zoom ... Simon Fraser University respectfully acknowledges the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ ...