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Home » C programming language

C Programs with Solutions

This section contains popular C programs with solution. Learn and practice these programs to test and enhance your C skills. Last updated : April 01, 2023

The best way to learn C programming is by practicing and solving the C programs (C problems). We have 1000+ C programs with solutions which are categorized below. Practice these C programs to learn and enhance your C problem-solving skills.

List of C programs

Practice the C programs based on the categories, library functions, advanced, top searched, and latest.

C programs by categories

  • C Basic and Conditional Programs 90
  • C switch case programs 06
  • C 'goto' programs 10
  • Bitwise related Programs 32
  • Looping (for, while, do while) Programs 18
  • C String Manipulation programs 10
  • C String programs 50
  • String User Define Functions Programs 11
  • Recursion Programs 13
  • Number (Digits Manipulation) Programs 10
  • Number System Conversion Programs 15
  • Star/Pyramid Programs 17
  • Sum of Series Programs (set 1) 05
  • Sum of Series Programs (set 2) 13
  • Pattern printing programs 01
  • User Define Function Programs (1) 05
  • User Define Function Programs (2) 13
  • One Dimensional Array Programs 58
  • Two Dimensional Array (Matrix) Programs 21
  • File Handling Programs 32
  • Structure & Union Programs 12
  • Pointer Programs 13
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation Programs 05
  • Command Line Arguments Programs 06
  • Common C program Errors 22
  • C scanf() programs 11
  • C preprocessor programs 24
  • C typedef programs 03
  • C SQLite programs 11
  • C MySQL programs 09
  • C Tricky Programs 07
  • Misc Problems & Solutions 05

C programs on standard library functions

  • ctype.h Library Functions (Set 1)
  • ctype.h Library Functions (Set 2)
  • string.h Library Functions
  • conio.h Library Functions
  • dos.h Library Functions
  • math.h Library Functions
  • graphics.h Library Functions
  • assert.h Library Functions
  • stdio.h Library Functions

Advance C programs

  • C program to create your own header file/ Create your your own header file in C
  • gotoxy(),clrscr(),getch(),getche() for GCC, Linux.
  • fork() function explanation and examples in Linux C
  • C program to print character without using format specifiers.
  • C program to find Binary Addition and Binary Subtraction.
  • C program to print weekday of given date.
  • C program to format/extract ip address octets
  • C program to check given string is a valid IPv4 address or not.
  • C program to extract bytes from an integer (Hexadecimal) value
  • C program to store date in an integer variable

Top searched C programs

Here is the list of most important/useful programs searched on the web .

Top visited programs on IncludeHelp

  • Pattern Programs in C
  • C program to design calculator with basic operations using switch
  • C program to find factorial of a number
  • C program to check whether number is Perfect Square or not
  • C program to find SUM and AVERAGE of two numbers
  • C program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
  • C program to read and print an employee's detail using structure
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation programs
  • C program to convert number from Decimal to Binary
  • C program to check whether number is Palindrome or not

Top searched programs on the web

  • First C program to print "Hello World".
  • C program to find factorial of a number.
  • C program to swap two numbers without using third variable.
  • C program to check whether a number if Armstrong or not.
  • C program to check whether a number if Even or Odd.
  • C program to print all leap years from 1 to N.
  • C program to calculate employee gross salary.
  • C Program to print tables of numbers from 1 to 20.
  • C program to print star/pyramid series.
  • C program to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.
  • C program to convert number from Decimal to Binary.
  • C program to convert number from Binary to Decimal.
  • C program to print ASCII Table.
  • C program to get and set current system date and time.
  • C program to run dos command.

Latest C programs

  • C program to generate random numbers within a range
  • C program to compare strings using strcmp() function
  • Interchange the two adjacent nodes in a given circular linked list | C program
  • Find the largest element in a doubly linked list | C program
  • Convert a given singly linked list to a circular list | C program
  • Implement Circular Doubly Linked List | C program
  • Print the Alternate Nodes in a Linked List without using Recursion
  • Print the Alternate Nodes in a Linked List using Recursion
  • Find the length of a linked list without using recursion
  • Find the length of a linked list using recursion
  • Count the number of occurrences of an element in a linked list without using recursion
  • Count the number of occurrences of an element in a linked list using recursion
  • C program to convert a Binary Tree into a Singly Linked List by Traversing Level by Level
  • C program to Check if nth Bit in a 32-bit Integer is set or not
  • C program to swap two Integers using Bitwise Operators
  • C program to replace bit in an integer at a specified position from another integer
  • C program to find odd or even number using bitmasking
  • C program to check whether a given number is palindrome or not using Bitwise Operator
  • C program to count number of bits set to 1 in an Integer
  • C program to check if all the bits of a given integer is one (1)
  • C program to find the Highest Bit Set for any given Integer
  • C program to Count the Number of Trailing Zeroes in an Integer
  • C Program to find the Biggest Number in an Array of Numbers using Recursion
  • C program to accept Sorted Array and do Search using Binary Search
  • C Program to Cyclically Permute the Elements of an Array
  • C program to find two smallest elements in a one dimensional array
  • Write your own memset() function in C
  • memset() function in C with Example
  • Write your own memcpy() function in C
  • memcpy() function in C with Example

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  • C Programming Home
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  • Basic Declarations and Expressions
  • Basic Part-II
  • Basic Algorithm
  • Variable Type
  • Input - Output
  • Conditional Statements
  • Do-While Loop
  • Linked List
  • Callback function
  • Variadic function
  • Inline Function
  • File Handling
  • Searching and Sorting
  • C Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution

What is C Programming Language?

C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations. C was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs. It has since become one of the most widely used programming languages of all time, with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer architectures and operating systems.

The best way we learn anything is by practice and exercise questions. We have started this section for those (beginner to intermediate) who are familiar with C programming.

Hope, these exercises help you to improve your C programming coding skills. Currently, following sections are available, we are working hard to add more exercises. Please refer to this page for important C snippets, code, and examples before starting the exercises. Happy Coding!

List of C Programming Exercises :

  • Basic Declarations and Expressions [ 150 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Basic Part-II [ 7 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Basic Algorithm [ 75 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Variable Type [ 18 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Input, Output [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Conditional Statement [ 26 Exercises with Solution ]
  • While Loop [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Do-While Loop [ 12 Exercises with Solution ]
  • For Loop [ 61 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Array [ 107 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Structure [ 9 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Pointer [ 22 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Linked List [ 64 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Stack [ 17 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Binary Heap (Tree-Based Structure) [ 9 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Queue [ 13 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Hash [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Tree [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Graph [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Numbers [ 38 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Math [ 38 Exercises with Solution ]
  • String [ 41 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Date Time [ 10 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Function [ 12 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Callback Function [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Variadic Function [ 8 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Inline Function [ 11 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Recursion [ 21 Exercises with Solution ]
  • File Handling [ 19 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Search and Sorting [ 31 Exercises with Solution ]
  • Challenges [ 35 exercises with solution ]
  • C Snippets [29]
  • More to Come !

[ Want to contribute to C exercises? Send your code (attached with a .zip file) to us at w3resource[at]yahoo[dot]com. Please avoid copyrighted materials.]

Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page.

List of Exercises with Solutions :

  • HTML CSS Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • JavaScript Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • jQuery Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • jQuery-UI Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • CoffeeScript Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • Twitter Bootstrap Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • C# Sharp Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • PHP Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • Python Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • R Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • Java Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • MySQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • PostgreSQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • SQLite Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • MongoDB Exercises, Practice, Solution

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Problem Solving Through Programming In C

  • Formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems
  • Translate the algorithms to programs (in C language)
  • Test and execute the programs and  correct syntax and logical errors
  • Implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion
  • Decompose a problem into functions and synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer approach
  • Use arrays, pointers and structures to formulate algorithms and programs
  • Apply programming to solve matrix addition and multiplication problems and searching and sorting problems 
  • Apply programming to solve simple numerical method problems, namely rot finding of function, differentiation of function and simple integration
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Page Visits

Course layout, books and references, instructor bio.

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Prof. Anupam Basu

Course certificate.

  • Assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course. 
  • ( All assignments in a particular week will be counted towards final scoring - quizzes and programming assignments). 
  • Unproctored programming exam score = 25% of the average scores obtained as part of Unproctored programming exam - out of 100
  • Proctored Exam score =50% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

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Coding Made Simple

HackeRank Solutions in C

Hello coders, in this post you will find each and every solution of HackerRank Problems in C language . After going through the solutions, you will be able to understand the concepts and solutions very easily.

One more thing to add, don’t straight away look for the solutions, first try to solve the problems by yourself. If you find any difficulty after trying several times, then look for the solutions.

HackeRank Solutions in C

Hacker Rank C Solutions

  • “Hello, World!” in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Playing With Characters – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Sum and Difference of Two Numbers – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Functions in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Pointers in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Conditional Statements in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • For Loop in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Sum of Digits of a Five Digit Number – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Bitwise Operators – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Printing Patterns Using Loops – Hacker Rank Solution
  • 1D Arrays in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Array Reversal in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Printing Tokens in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Digit Frequency in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Calculate the Nth term in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Students Marks Sum in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Sorting Arrays of Strings in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Permutation of Strings in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Variadic Functions in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Querying the Document in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Boxes Through a Tunnel in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Small Triangles, Large Triangles in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Dynamic Array in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Post Transition in C – Hacker Rank Solution
  • Structuring the Document – Hacker Rank Solution

Disclaimer: The above Problems are generated by Hacker Rank but the Solutions are Provided by CodingBroz . These tutorials are only for Educational and Learning Purpose.

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Say "Hello, World!" With C++ Easy C++ (Basic) Max Score: 5 Success Rate: 98.63%

Input and output easy c++ (basic) max score: 5 success rate: 93.96%, basic data types easy c++ (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 80.54%, conditional statements easy c++ (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 96.75%, for loop easy c++ (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 94.79%, functions easy c++ (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 97.45%, pointer easy c++ (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 97.24%, arrays introduction easy c++ (basic) max score: 10 success rate: 97.12%, variable sized arrays easy c++ (basic) max score: 30 success rate: 93.38%, attribute parser medium c++ (basic) max score: 35 success rate: 84.76%, cookie support is required to access hackerrank.

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Loop programming exercises and solutions in C

In programming, there exists situations when you need to repeat single or a group of statements till some condition is met. Such as – read all files of a directory, send mail to all employees one after another etc. These task in C programming is handled by looping statements .

Looping statement defines a set of repetitive statements. These statements are repeated with same or different parameters for a number of times. Looping statement is also known as iterative or repetitive statement .

C supports three looping statements.

  • do…while loop

In this exercise we will practice lots of looping problems to get a strong grip on loop. This is most recommended C programming exercise for beginners.

Always feel free to drop your queries, suggestions, hugs or bugs down below in the comments section . I always look forward to hear from you.

Required knowledge

Basic C programming , Relational operators , Logical operators , If else , For loop

List of loop programming exercises

  • Write a C program to print all natural numbers from 1 to n.  – using  while loop
  • Write a C program to print all natural numbers in reverse (from n to 1) . – using  while loop
  • Write a C program to print all alphabets from a to z.  – using  while loop
  • Write a C program to print all even numbers between 1 to 100.  – using  while loop
  • Write a C program to print all odd number between 1 to 100.
  • Write a C program to find sum of all natural numbers between 1 to n.
  • Write a C program to find sum of all even numbers between 1 to n .
  • Write a C program to find sum of all odd numbers between 1 to n .
  • Write a C program to print multiplication table of any number .
  • Write a C program to count number of digits in a number .
  • Write a C program to find first and last digit of a number .
  • Write a C program to find sum of first and last digit of a number.
  • Write a C program to swap first and last digits of a number .
  • Write a C program to calculate sum of digits of a number .
  • Write a C program to calculate product of digits of a number .
  • Write a C program to enter a number and print its reverse .
  • Write a C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
  • Write a C program to find frequency of each digit in a given integer .
  • Write a C program to enter a number and print it in words.
  • Write a C program to print all ASCII character with their values .
  • Write a C program to find power of a number using for loop .
  • Write a C program to find all factors of a number .
  • Write a C program to calculate factorial of a number .
  • Write a C program to find HCF (GCD) of two numbers .
  • Write a C program to find LCM of two numbers .
  • Write a C program to check whether a number is Prime number or not.
  • Write a C program to print all Prime numbers between 1 to n.
  • Write a C program to find sum of all prime numbers between 1 to n .
  • Write a C program to find all prime factors of a number .
  • Write a C program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not.
  • Write a C program to print all Armstrong numbers between 1 to n.
  • Write a C program to check whether a number is Perfect number or not .
  • Write a C program to print all Perfect numbers between 1 to n .
  • Write a C program to check whether a number is Strong number or not .
  • Write a C program to print all Strong numbers between 1 to n .
  • Write a C program to print Fibonacci series up to n terms .
  • Write a C program to find one’s complement of a binary number .
  • Write a C program to find two’s complement of a binary number .
  • Write a C program to convert Binary to Octal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Binary to Decimal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Binary to Hexadecimal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Octal to Binary number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Octal to Decimal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Octal to Hexadecimal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Decimal to Binary number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Decimal to Octal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Decimal to Hexadecimal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Hexadecimal to Binary number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Hexadecimal to Octal number system .
  • Write a C program to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal number system .
  • Write a C program to print Pascal triangle upto n rows .
  • Star pattern programs – Write a C program to print the given star patterns.
  • Number pattern programs – Write a C program to print the given number patterns .


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HackerRank C Program Solutions: Sharpen Your C Programming Skills with Real-World Problems

HackerRank C Program Solutions offer a comprehensive set of problems and solutions that will help you hone your C programming skills. Our platform provides a range of challenges covering various C programming topics such as arrays, pointers, functions, and more. With our real-world problem-solving approach, you will gain the practical experience and confidence needed to tackle complex C programming projects. Start practicing with HackerRank C Program Solutions and take your C programming skills to the next level.

HackerRank Solutions in C

  • "Hello World!" in C HackerRank Solution
  • Playing With Characters HackerRank Solution
  • Sum and Difference of Two Numbers HackerRank Solution
  • Functions in C HackerRank Solution
  • Pointers in C HackerRank Solution
  • Conditional Statements in C HackerRank Solution
  • For Loop in C Solution
  • Sum of Digits of a Five Digit Number HackerRank Solution
  • Bitwise Operators HackerRank Solution
  • Printing Pattern Using Loops HackerRank Solution
  • Variadic functions in C HackerRank Solution
  • HackerRank 1D Arrays in C Solutions
  • Array Reversal in C HackerRank Solution
  • Printing Tokens HackerRank Solution
  • Digit Frequency HackerRank Solution
  • Dynamic Array in C HackerRank Solution
  • Calculate the Nth term HackerRank Solution
  • Students Marks Sum HackerRank Solution
  • Sorting Array of Strings HackerRank Solution
  • Permutations of Strings HackerRank Solution
  • Querying the Document HackerRank Solution
  • Boxes through a Tunnel HackerRank Solution
  • Small Triangles, Large Triangles HackerRank Solution
  • Post Transition HackerRank Solution
  • Structuring the Document HackerRank Solution

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Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using C++ ¶

By Brad Miller and David Ranum, Luther College, and Jan Pearce, Berea College

  • 1.1. Objectives
  • 1.2. Getting Started
  • 1.3. What Is Computer Science?
  • 1.4. What Is Programming?
  • 1.5. Why Study Data Structures and Abstract Data Types?
  • 1.6. Why Study Algorithms?
  • 1.7. Reviewing Basic C++
  • 1.8. Getting Started with Data
  • 1.9.1. Numeric Data
  • 1.9.2. Boolean Data
  • 1.9.3. Character Data
  • 1.9.4. Pointers
  • 1.10.1. Arrays
  • 1.10.2. Vectors
  • 1.10.3. Strings
  • 1.10.4. Hash Tables
  • 1.10.5. Unordered Sets
  • 1.11.1. Parameter Passing: by Value versus by Reference
  • 1.11.2. Arrays as Parameters in Functions
  • 1.11.3. Function Overloading
  • 1.12.1. A Fraction Class
  • 1.12.2. Abstraction and Encapsulation
  • 1.12.3. Polymorphism
  • 1.12.4. Self Check
  • 1.13.1. Logic Gates and Circuits
  • 1.13.2. Building Circuits
  • 1.14.1. Introduction to Turtles
  • 1.14.2. Turtle & TurtleScreen
  • 1.14.3. Geometry, Shapes, and Stamps
  • 1.14.4. Advanced Features
  • 1.15. Summary
  • 1.16. Discussion Questions
  • 1.17. Programming Exercises
  • 1.18. Glossary
  • 1.19. Matching
  • 2.1. Objectives
  • 2.2.1. Some Needed Math Notation
  • 2.2.2. Applying the Math Notation
  • 2.3. Big-O Notation
  • 2.4.1. Solution 1: Checking Off
  • 2.4.2. Solution 2: Sort and Compare
  • 2.4.3. Solution 3: Brute Force
  • 2.4.4. Solution 4: Count and Compare
  • 2.5. Performance of C++ Data Collections
  • 2.6. Analysis of Array and Vector Operators
  • 2.7. Analysis of String Operators
  • 2.8. Analysis of Hash Tables
  • 2.9. Summary
  • 2.10. Self Check
  • 2.11. Discussion Questions
  • 2.12. Programming Exercises
  • 2.13. Glossary
  • 2.14. Matching
  • 3.1. Objectives
  • 3.2. What Are Linear Structures?
  • 3.3. What is a Stack?
  • 3.4. The Stack Abstract Data Type
  • 3.5. Using a Stack in C++
  • 3.6. Simple Balanced Parentheses
  • 3.7. Balanced Symbols - A General Case
  • 3.8. Converting Decimal Numbers to Binary Numbers
  • 3.9.1. Conversion of Infix Expressions to Prefix and Postfix
  • 3.9.2. General Infix-to-Postfix Conversion
  • 3.9.3. Postfix Evaluation
  • 3.10. What Is a Queue?
  • 3.11. The Queue Abstract Data Type
  • 3.12. Using a Queue in C++
  • 3.13. Simulation: Hot Potato
  • 3.14.1. Main Simulation Steps
  • 3.14.2. C++ Implementation
  • 3.14.3. Discussion
  • 3.15. What Is a Deque?
  • 3.16. The Deque Abstract Data Type
  • 3.17. Using a Deque in C++
  • 3.18. Palindrome-Checker
  • 3.19. Summary
  • 3.20. Discussion Questions
  • 3.21. Programming Exercises
  • 3.22. Glossary
  • 3.23. Matching
  • 4.1. Objectives
  • 4.2. What Are Linked Structures?
  • 4.3. Implementing an Unordered Linked List
  • 4.4. The Node Class
  • 4.5. The Unordered Linked List Class
  • 4.6.1. Analysis of Linked Lists
  • 4.7.1. Forward lists
  • 4.7.2. Lists
  • 4.8. Summary
  • 4.9. Discussion Questions
  • 4.10. Programming Exercises
  • 4.11. Glossary
  • 4.12. Matching
  • 5.1. Objectives
  • 5.2. What Is Recursion?
  • 5.3. Calculating the Sum of a Vector of Numbers
  • 5.4. The Three Laws of Recursion
  • 5.5. Converting an Integer to a String in Any Base
  • 5.6. Stack Frames: Implementing Recursion
  • 5.7. Introduction: Visualizing Recursion
  • 5.8. Sierpinski Triangle
  • 5.9. Complex Recursive Problems
  • 5.10. Tower of Hanoi
  • 5.11. Exploring a Maze
  • 5.12. Dynamic Programming
  • 5.13. Summary
  • 5.14. Self-check
  • 5.15. Discussion Questions
  • 5.16. Programming Exercises
  • 5.17. Glossary
  • 5.18. Matching
  • 6.1. Objectives
  • 6.2. Searching
  • 6.3.1. Analysis of Sequential Search
  • 6.4.1. Analysis of Binary Search
  • 6.5.1. Hash Functions
  • 6.5.2. Collision Resolution
  • 6.5.3. Implementing the Map Abstract Data Type
  • 6.5.4. Analysis of Hashing
  • 6.6. Self Check
  • 6.7. Summary
  • 6.8. Discussion Questions
  • 6.9. Programming Exercises
  • 6.10. Glossary
  • 6.11. Matching
  • 7.1. Objectives
  • 7.2. Sorting
  • 7.3. The Bubble Sort
  • 7.4. The Selection Sort
  • 7.5. The Insertion Sort
  • 7.6. The Shell Sort
  • 7.7. The Merge Sort
  • 7.8. The Quick Sort
  • 7.9. Self Check
  • 7.10. Summary
  • 7.11. Discussion Questions
  • 7.12. Programming Exercises
  • 7.13. Glossary
  • 7.14. Matching
  • 8.1. Objectives
  • 8.2. Examples of Trees
  • 8.3. Vocabulary and Definitions
  • 8.4. Nodes and References
  • 8.5. Parse Tree
  • 8.6. Tree Traversals
  • 8.7. Priority Queues with Binary Heaps
  • 8.8. Priority Queues with Binary Heaps Example
  • 8.9. Binary Heap Operations
  • 8.10.1. The Structure Property
  • 8.10.2. The Heap Order Property
  • 8.10.3. Heap Operations
  • 8.11. Binary Search Trees
  • 8.12. Search Tree Operations
  • 8.13. Search Tree Implementation
  • 8.14. Search Tree Analysis
  • 8.15. Balanced Binary Search Trees
  • 8.16. AVL Tree Performance
  • 8.17. AVL Tree Implementation
  • 8.18. Summary of Map ADT Implementations
  • 8.19. Summary
  • 8.20. Discussion Questions
  • 8.21. Programming Exercises
  • 8.22. Glossary
  • 8.23. Matching
  • 9.1. Objectives
  • 9.2. Vocabulary and Definitions
  • 9.3. The Graph Abstract Data Type
  • 9.4. An Adjacency Matrix
  • 9.5. An Adjacency List
  • 9.6. Implementation
  • 9.7. The Word Ladder Problem
  • 9.8. Building the Word Ladder Graph
  • 9.9. Implementing Breadth First Search
  • 9.10. Breadth First Search Analysis
  • 9.11. The Knight’s Tour Problem
  • 9.12. Building the Knight’s Tour Graph
  • 9.13. Implementing Knight’s Tour
  • 9.14. Knight’s Tour Analysis
  • 9.15. General Depth First Search
  • 9.16. Depth First Search Analysis
  • 9.17. Topological Sorting
  • 9.18. Strongly Connected Components
  • 9.19. Shortest Path Problems
  • 9.20. Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • 9.21. Analysis of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • 9.22. Prim’s Spanning Tree Algorithm
  • 9.23. Summary
  • 9.24. Discussion Questions
  • 9.25. Programming Exercises
  • 9.26. Glossary
  • 9.27. Matching

Acknowledgements ¶

We are very grateful to Franklin Beedle Publishers for allowing us to make the original Python version of this interactive textbook freely available. The original online version was dedicated to the memory of our first editor, Jim Leisy, who wanted us to “change the world.”

Indices and tables ¶

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C++ Solved programs, problems/Examples with solutions

C++ solved programs, problems with solutions.

C++ Solved programs —->  C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is fast, portable and available in all platforms.

This page contains the C++ solved programs/examples with solutions, here we are providing most important programs on each topic . These C examples cover a wide range of programming areas in Computer Science.

Every example program includes the description of the program, C++ code as well as output of the program. All examples are compiled and tested on a Windows system.

These examples can be as simple and basic as “Hello World” program to extremely tough and advanced C++ programs. Here is the List of C++ solved programs/examples with solutions (category wise) and detailed explanation.

C++ Solved Programs by categories…….

C++ basic solved programs.

  • C++ Program to Print Number (Entered by the User)
  • C++ Program to Addition of Two Numbers
  • C++ Program to Find Quotient and Remainder
  • C++ Program to Swap Two Numbers Without Using third variable
  • C++ Program to Find Size of int, float, double and char
  • C++ Program to Multiply two Numbers
  • C++ Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character
  • C++ program to generate random numbers
  • C++ Program to calculate sum and average of three numbers
  • C++ Program to convert inches into yard, feet and inches
  • C++ Program to raise any number X to power N
  • C++ Program to Add Two Numbers
  • C++ Program to Convert Days Into Years, Weeks and Days
  • C++ Program to find Square Root of a number
  • C++ Program to find Compound Interest
  • C++ program to find cube of number using macros
  • C++ Program to Check Number is Odd or Even
  • C++ Program to Check Character is Uppercase, Lowercase, Digit or Special Character
  • C++ Program to Check whether year is Leap year or not
  • C++ Program to Find All Roots of a Quadratic Equation
  • C++ Program to Check Whether a character is Vowel or Consonant
  • C++ Program to Check given number is Even or Odd
  • C++ Program to Check given number is Prime number or not
  • C++ Program to find Factorial of a Number
  • C++ program to Print Table of any Number
  • C++ Program to Reverse a Number
  • C++ Program to Find number of Digits in any number
  • C++ Program to find Fibonacci Series
  • C++ Program to Check given number is Armstrong or Not
  • C++ program to Find Largest Number among three numbers
  • C++ program to Check Number is Palindrome or not
  • C++ Program to Find HCF of two numbers
  • C++ program to find LCM of two numbers
  • C++ program to find Square Root of a Number
  • C++ Program to find Cube Root of Number
  • C++ program to find sum of digits of a number
  • C++ Program to Find Power of Number
  • C++ Program to find average of numbers
  • C++ Program for Pascal Triangle

C++ Number Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to Check Number is Unique Number or Not
  • C++ Program to Find Sum of First n Natural Numbers
  • C++ Program to Find Divisors of a Number
  • C++ Program to Find Sum of Square of n Natural Numbers
  • C++ Program to Convert Binary to Decimal
  • C++ Program to Convert Decimal to Binary
  • C++ Program to Display Prime Numbers Between Two Intervals
  • C++ Program to Convert Binary Number to Octal
  • C++ Program to Convert Octal to Binary
  • C++ Program to Convert Octal Number to Decimal
  • C++ Program to Convert Decimal Number to Octal
  • C++ Program to Make a Simple Calculator
  • C++ program to find area of circle
  • C++ Program to find Area and Perimeter of Rectangle
  • C++ Program to find Perfect Number
  • C++ Program to Calculate Grade of Student
  • C++ Program to Calculate Arithmetic Mean
  • C++ Program to Calculate Average Percentage Marks

C++ String Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to Print entered String
  • C++ Program to Find Frequency of Characters in String
  • C++ program to Find Length of String
  • C++ Program to Compare Two Strings
  • C++ Program to Reverse String
  • C++ program to concatenate two string
  • C++ Program to Copy String into Another String
  • C++ Program to Find Number of Vowels, Consonants, Digits, Spaces in String
  • C++ Program to Remove Characters in String Except Alphabets
  • C++ Program to Sort Elements in Lexicographical Order
  • C++ Program to Swap Two Strings
  • C++ Program to Convert Lowercase to Uppercase
  • C++ Program to Convert Uppercase Character to Lowercase
  • C++ Program to Convert Uppercase String to Lowercase
  • C++ Program to Remove Spaces from String
  • C++ Program to Count Words in String
  • C++ Program to Delete Words from String
  • C++ Program to Delete Vowels from String
  • C++ Program to Find Substring in String
  • C++ Program for Permutation of String
  • C++ Program to reverse all strings stored in an array
  • C++ Program to Convert first alphabet from lowercase to uppercase
  • C++ Program to check whether String is Palindrome or not
  • C++ Program to convert first letter of each word to uppercase and other to lowercase

C++ Arrays Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to find Maximum or Largest number in array
  • C++ Program to enter 5 numbers & display first and last only
  • C++ Program To reverse an array elements entered by user
  • C++ Program to Sort an Array Elements in Ascending Order
  • C++ Program to Sort an Array Elements in Descending Order
  • C++ Program for Addition of two matrix
  • C++ Program to Find Duplicate Elements in Array
  • C++ Program to Find Sum of Elements of an Array
  • C++ Program to Reverse elements of an Array
  • C++ Program to Find Even & Odd Elements in Array
  • C++ Program to Delete element from Array
  • C++ program to Insert element at specific position in array
  • C++ Program to Pass Array in Function
  • C++ Program for Three Dimensional (3D) Array
  • C++ Program for Two Dimensional Array
  • C++ Program to Delete Element from Array
  • C++ Program to Find Smallest Element in Array
  • C++ Program to Find Largest Element in Array
  • C++Program for One Dimensional (1-D) Array
  • C++ Program to Calculate Average of elements in an Arrays
  • C++ Program to Access Elements of an Array Using Pointer
  • C++ Program to Multiply Two Matrix Using Multi-dimensional Arrays
  • C++ Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix
  • C++ Program to Subtract Two Matrices
  • C++ Program for Quick Sort using arrays
  • C++ Program for Shell Sort using Arrays
  • C++ Program for Union of Two Sorted Arrays
  • C++ Program for Union of Two Unsorted Arrays
  • C++ Program for Insertion Sort using Array
  • C++ Program for Selection Sort using Arrays
  • C++ Program to Find Largest and Smallest Element of a Matrix
  • C++ Program for Binary Search in Arrays
  • C++ Program for Linear Search in Arrays
  • C++ Program to Find Sum of Diagonals of Matrix
  • C++ Program to Print Lowerhalf and Upperhalf of Triangle Matrix
  • C++ Program to Find Sum Above and Below of Main Diagonal Matrix
  • C++ Menu Driven Program for Queue Operations using Arrays
  • C++ Menu Driven Program for Stack Operations Using Arrays
  • C++ Program to implement Merge Sort using Divide and Conquer Algorithm

C++ Functions Solved Programs

  • C++ Program for Linear search using recursion
  • C++ Program to Find Factorial of Number Using Recursion
  • C++ program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion
  • C++ program to Check Number can Express as Sum of Prime Numbers
  • C++ Program to Check Prime Number
  • C++ Program to Find GCD Using Recursion
  • C++ Program to Find Power Using Recursion
  • C++ program to Reverse String Using Recursion
  • C++Program to Convert Octal to Binary
  • C++ Program to Convert Binary Number to Decimal
  • C++ Program to convert decimal number to binary
  • C++ Program for Fibonacci Series Using Recursion
  • C++ program to swap values using pass by reference
  • C++ Program to print series using function: x + x^3/3! + x^5/5! +…….+ x^n/n!
  • C++ Program for Addition,subtraction and multiplication using function
  • C++ Program to find cube of number using function
  • C++ program to find greatest between two numbers using inline function
  • C++ program to find factorial by defining functions outside the class
  • C++ program to find greatest b/w 3 nos. by defining the functions inside class
  • C++ program to swap two characters and integers by call by value
  • C++ program to find reverse of number by defining functions outside class
  • C++ program to swap 2 characaters and integers by call by address
  • C++ program to find sum and product of 5 numbers using inline function
  • C++ program to add two time by Call by reference
  • C++ program to add two time by Call by address
  • C++ program to find how many times function called by objects
  • C++ program to find square of float and integer using inline function
  • C++ program to add two complex number passing objects as arguments
  • C++ program to find factorial of number using functions
  • C++ program to check number is palindrome or not using Function
  • C++ Program to Swap two numbers using call by value
  • C++ Program to Swap two numbers by call by address
  • C++ Program to Swap two numbers by call by reference

C++ Classes and Objects Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to display entered Date
  • C++ program to display Student details using class
  • C++ Program to find Largest among 3 numbers using classes
  • C++ Program to find Sum of odd numbers between 1 and 100 using class
  • C++ program to display Entered Time using class
  • C++ program to find Largest among 2 numbers using class
  • C++ program to Swap two numbers using class
  • C++ program for various Mathematical Operations using Switch case
  • C++ Program to Compare Two Strings using overloading
  • C++ Program to enter student marks and roll no. using Virtual Class
  • C++ Program to Print Numbers From 1 to n using class
  • C++ Program to calculate Volume of Cube using constructor and destructor
  • C++ Program to Perform Complex Operations using Overloading
  • C++ Program to determine the Area of Rectangle using constructors
  • C++ Program to show Constructor & Destructor Example
  • C++ Program to Show Counter using Constructors
  • C++ Program to Display Date using Constructors
  • C++ program to Display Student Details using constructor and destructor
  • C++ Program to enter student details by Passing parameters to constructors
  • C++ Program to Show Overload Constructor Example
  • C++ Program to show Example of Default copy constructor
  • C++ Program to demonstrate Constructor Overloading
  • C++ Program To calculate Volume of Box using Constructor
  • C++ Program To Calculate Simple Interest using class
  • C++ Program To Calculate Electricity Bill Of Person using Class
  • C++ program to multiply every member by 10 using class
  • C++ program for Simple Queue using Class
  • C++ Program to implement B- Trees using Linked Lists

C++ Constructor and Destructor Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to Show an Example of Destructor
  • C++ Program to Show an Example demonstrating Order of constructor invocation
  • C++ Program For Constructor with Two Parameters
  • C++ Program to illustrates the use of Constructors in single inheritance
  • C++ Program to illustrates the use of Constructors in multilevel inheritance

C++ Inheritance Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to access protected data member using Inheritance
  • C++ Program for Inheritance Beyond Single Level
  • C++ Program for enter Patient details using Inheritance
  • C++ program to demonstrate an example of Single Inheritance
  • C++ Program to demonstrate an Example of Multiple Inheritance
  • C++ Program to demonstrate an Example of Hybrid Inheritance
  • C++ program display student marksheet using multiple inheritance
  • C++ Program to find Area of Rectangle using inheritance
  • C++ Program to show access to private,public and protected using Inheritance
  • C++ Program to Overriding the member functions using Inheritance
  • C++ Program to enter Student details of different Stream using Hierarchical Inheritance
  • C++ Program to find area and volume using multiple inheritance
  • C++ Program to demonstrate an Example of Multilevel Inheritance
  • C++ Program to illustrates the use of Constructors in multiple inheritance
  • C++ Program of templated class derived from non-templated class
  • C++ Program of non-templated class derived from templated base class
  • C++ Program of templated class derived from another templated class

C++ Overloading Solved Programs

  • C++ program to Swap variables using function overloading
  • C++ program for show Counter using Overloading unary operator ++
  • C++ program to perform operations on complex numbers
  • C++ class Program to perform rational number arithmetic
  • C++ class Program to perform Complex Arithmetic using operator overloading
  • C++ Program to Find the Area of shapes using function overloading
  • C++ Program to check Palindrome using function overloading
  • C++ program to find area of square,rectangle,circle and triangle
  • C++ program to find volume of cube, cylinder, sphere by function overloading

C++ Polymorphism Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to demonstrate Run time polymorphism
  • C++ Program to illustrate the use of pure virtual function in Polymorphism
  • C++ Program to define an Abstract Class in Polymorphism
  • C++ Program to illustrates the use of Virtual base class
  • C++ Program to show an Example of Pointers to base class
  • C++ Program to illustrate Abstract Base Class
  • C++ Program to illustrate an example of Pure Virtual functions
  • C++ Program to maintain employee database using virtual class

C++ File Handling Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to Maintain Book Record using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Maintain House Records using File Handling
  • C++ Program for Registration(Signup) process using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Read and Write File Operation in File Handling
  • C++ Menu Driven Program to perform Add,Modify,Append and Display
  • C++ Program to Store or Enter Data to file using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Retrieve information from the file using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Read and Display file using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Merge Two Files to Third File using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Encrypt Files using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Decrypt Files using File Handling
  • C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Count Digits, Alphabates & Spaces using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Count Words, Lines and Total Size using File Handling
  • C++ Program to read text file and write in another text file in File Handling
  • C++ Program to Count Occurrence of Word using File Handling
  • C++ Program to Read Write Student Details using File Handling
  • C++ Program of Manipulation of file pointers in File Handling

C++ Template Solved Programs

  • C++ Program to find Largest among two numbers using function template
  • C++ Program to Swap data using function template
  • C++ Program to build Simple calculator using Class template
  • C++ Program to demonstrate an Example of Template specialization
  • C++ Program to demonstrate an Example of Non-type parameters for templates
  • C++ Program to implement Generic methods on Stack using Class Template
  • C++ Program to implement push & pop methods from stack using template
  • C++ Program to Add two numbers using function template
  • C++ program to find Sum of numbers using Overload template function
  • C++ Program to Perform Simple Addition Function Using Templates
  • C++ Program to find sum of Array using function template
  • C++ Program to find Square function of each data-type using single template
  • C++ Program of square function using template specialization
  • C++ Program to show Example of Static member variable of template class
  • C++ Menu Driven Program for Stack using Templates
  • C++ program to implement Hash Table using Template Class

If you found any error or any queries related to the above programs or any questions or reviews , you wanna to ask from us ,you may Contact Us through our contact Page or you can also comment below in the comment section.We will try our best to reach up to you in short interval.

Thanks for reading the post….

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You are tasked by Skontiri Delivery Company, to develop a system to calculate the delivery cost for their clients. Clients are charged per pounds in weight based on the delivery area code. A Provincial delivery code is 1, a National delivery code is 2 and an International delivery code is 3. The fee for the delivery is as follows: For each delivery, enter the delivery number (use as sentinel), weight and specify if the delivery is insured or not. Before you calculate the Price confirm if a valid area code is entered. Price is calculated per pounds based on the …  Read more »

Abdulmajid Alali

Hi please i am help me soultion plz


#include <iostream> #include <string> double calculatePrice(int areaCode, double weight) {     double feePerPound;     switch (areaCode) {         case 1:             feePerPound = 1.5;             break;         case 2:             feePerPound = 2.5;             break;         case 3:             feePerPound = 4.0;             break;         default:             std::cout << “Invalid area code” << std::endl;             return 0.0;     }     return feePerPound * weight; } double calculateTax(double price) {     const double taxRate = 0.1;     return price * taxRate; } double calculateInsurance(double price, bool insured) {     const double insuranceRate = 0.05;     if (insured) {         return price * insuranceRate;     }     return 0.0; } int main() {     std::string areaName;     int deliveryNumber, areaCode;     double weight, price, tax, insurance, total, grandTotal = 0.0; …  Read more »


cout <<“Machine is working: “<< machineisworking;


#include <iostream> #include <string> #include<math.h> using namespace std; int main() {   int price=10,total,tax=1.088,weight,area_code,deliveryno;   cout<<“\n DELIVERY CALCULATOR:”;   cout<<“\n enter the delivery number”;   cin>>deliveryno;   cout<<“\n enter the weight of the package”;   cin>>weight;   cout<<“\n Enter the area code from below:\n Provincial delivery code is 1\n a National delivery code is 2\n and an International delivery code is 3.\n”;   cin>>area_code;   switch(area_code)   {     case 1:      total=weight*price*tax*1;      break;      case 2:      total=weight*price*tax*2;      break;      case 3:      total=weight*price*tax*3;      break;          }   cout<<“\n the delivery fee is:”<<total;  return 0; }


# include < iostream > //#include <string> //#include<math.h> using namespace std ; int main () {   int price = 10 ;   int tax = 2 ;   int total , weight , area_code , deliveryno ;   cout << “ DELIVERY CALCULATOR: “;   cout << “ enter the delivery number “ <<endl ;   cin >> deliveryno ;   cout << “ enter the weight of the package “ <<endl ;   cin >> weight ;   cout << “ Enter the area code from below: Provincial delivery code is 1 a National delivery code is 2 and an International delivery code is 3. “ <<endl ;   cin >> area_code ;   switch ( area_code )   {     case 1 :       total = weight * price * tax * deliveryno ;       break ;       case 2 :       total = weight * price * tax * deliveryno ;       break ;       case 3 :       total = weight * price * tax * deliveryno ;       break ;         }   cout << “ the delivery fee is: “ << total ;   return 0 ; }


Write a program that prompts the user to enter two integers.

The program outputs how many numbers are multiples of 3 and how many numbers are multiples of 5 between the two integers (inclusive)

Parth Sachan

#include using namespace std; int main() { int a,b,i,count1=0,count2=0;

cout< first integer): “<>a>>b;

for(i=a;i<=b;i++){ if(i%3==0){ ++count1; } }

for(i=a;i<=b;i++){ if(i%5==0){ ++count2; } }

cout<<"No. of multiples of 3: "<<count1<<endl; cout<<"No. of multiples of 5: "<<count2;


These programs are wonderful! But, the most important thing is missing is the comments! I am not saying that there should be comment for every line of code but where ever it need so. I am sure without comments, it’s not useful for students nor for anyone novice to programming! That’s why this site has less viewers. Still, it is something that can be revised anytime.


marks in maths >= 70 marks in physics >= 65 marks in chemistry >= 60 Total marks in all three subjects >= 180

Shehwar Tanveer

Make a function bool Is_Digit (char n) which returns true,..if the character is between character 0 to 9 else, it returns false using inline function. plz help


Write a program that creates and then reads a matrix of 4 rows and 4 columns of type int. while reading; the program should not accept values greater than 100. For any entered value greater than 100, the program should ask for input repeatedly. After reading all numbers, the system should find the largest number in the matrix and its location or index values. The program should print the largest number and its location (row and column).


write a programme which stores different tax record of a company


There is a garage where the access road can accommodate any number of trucks at one time. The garage is build such a way that only the last truck entered can be moved out. Each of the trucks is identified by a positive integer (a truck_id). Write a program to handle truck moves, allowing for the following commands: a) On_road (truck_id) b) Enter_garage (truck_ id) c) Exit_garage (truck_id) d) Show_trucks (garage ) e) Show_trucks(road) f) user menu for function calling

Arthur Mark

Good day everyone, please i would like to know how to write a nested if program following a step by step process; payment of fees admission letter online registration identification card an allocated hall of residence Please i will need all the help i can get, i am a computer science student and i am having little problems with this… please can i get the information sent to my provided gmail account. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR FURTHER ASSISTANCE IT NEEDS TO BE SUBMITTED IN LESS THAN 12 HOURS ALL THE HELP I WILL GET WOULD BE NEEDED,


You are given a sequence a1, a2, …, aN . Find the smallest possible value of ai + aj , where 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N . Input The first line of each description consists of a single integer N . The second line of each description contains N space separated integers – a1, a2, …, aN respectively. Output A single line containing a single integer (the smallest possible sum). Sample Input1: Sample Input2: 4 5 1 3 4 10 9 2 7 4 5 6 3 8 1 10 Sample Output2: Sample Output2: 4 3


Write a C++ program to calculate the tuition fee for a student at a University. The program should prompt for and accept the idnumber and the total number of credits for which he/she has enrolled. The bill outputted should contain the idnumber and tuition fee. Calculate the tuition fee as follows: • Total credits of 15 or more indicates that the student is full-time. Full-time students pay a flat rate of $35,000 for tuition. • Total credits of less than 15 indicate that the student is part-time. Part-time students pay $850 per credit for tuition. After printing the tuition fee, …  Read more »

Kyale Peter Mwau

#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Student{ public: string regNo; int noOfcredits; double tBill; string status1 = “Full-time”; string status2 = “Part-time”; string answer; }; isBool(string answer){ if(answer == “yes”){ return true; }else if(answer == “no”){ return false; } } int main() { Student stud1,stud2; stud1.regNo; cout << “Enter registration number: ” ; getline(cin, stud1.regNo); stud1.noOfcredits; cout << “Enter number of credits: ” ; cin >> stud1.noOfcredits; isBool(stud1.answer); stud1.tBill; if(stud1.noOfcredits > 15){ cout << “Status: “<< stud1.status1 ; cout << “\nTution fee: $35,000 “; cout << “\nCalculate tution fee for another student? “; cin >> stud1.answer; }else{ cout << “Status: “<< stud1.status2 …  Read more »


Write a program to display only months, but with a forward/backward button to move bw the months from January to December

sowmiya Prakash

Welcome   A recently launched attraction at the “Events Square” entertainment fair is the “Carnival of Terror” which is an interactive fun zone featuring scary, horror and Halloween stories.   The Entry tickets for the show is to be printed with a Welcome message along with an additional message for Children stating they should be accompanied by an adult. Given the age of the person visiting the scary house, the ticket should carry the additional message only for Children whose age is less than 15 years. The show organizers wanted your help to accomplish this task. Write a program that …  Read more »


using namespace std; class Child{ public: string name; int age; };

int main() { Child child1; cout << “Enter child’s first name: “; cin >>; cout << “Enter age: “; cin >> child1.age; if(child1.age > 15){ cout << << ” welcome to Carnival of Terror..”<< endl; }else{ cout << << ” welcome to Carnival of Terror..”<< endl; cout << “Please note that you should be accompanied by an adult..”<< endl; } return 0; }


galat program hai


. include new functions of -print a single node -print entire list search a node by, name, id, cnic, dob (function overload…one function per filter) insert at head -insert at tail


The management of Lifetime Company Limited decided to pay a bonus of 4.3% of total sales to every salesperson of the company who made total sales of GHS 5000 or more in six (6) months. Write a C++ program to accept the monthly sales of each salesperson and display whether the person deserve a bonus or not.

cyiza gisele

hello programmer

Abdul Rauf

Find Second Maximum Number(using operators &&, >, <) Write a program which takes 3 input integers and tell the 2nd maximum. Sample Input : 90 5 60 Sample Output


In this program the user has to insert two integer numbers: number1 which must be between 1 and 50 inclusive (i.e. 1<= number1 <=50) and number2 which must be between 51 and 100 inclusive (i.e. 51 <= number2 <= 100). A wrong inserted value for any number causes the output message “Invalid” to be displayed on the console and the program returns. When valid numbers are entred, they are used to in a loop that applies the following equation in each iteration: k = i * i + 2 * j. In this loop, “i” represnts a series of consecutive ascending even numbers starting with …  Read more »

Rathod Gautam

can you provide some more programs of oop for better pratice and for concept clarification ?

Nittala Naga Sreeram

This website is very helpful . I’m in love with it .

Tiyas Sarkar

Supermarket is a retail facility with wide range of products under one roof, including fullgroceries and general merchandise. They satisfy the customers in all their routine shopping needs in one trip. Arun owns a supermarket in Chennai and he wanted to create a software that contains the purchase details of all the customers made on that day and at the end of the day, he wants to calculate the total amount received and the total number of items purchased by all the customers in a database. Help him to do this by writing a C++ program. Strictly adhere to the Object Oriented Specifications …  Read more »

micahel ampomah

write c++ program to add two integer vectors together and store them in a third vector. the first two vectors should accepts user input for five elements each.


The representation of a complex number as a sum of a real and imaginary number, z = x + i y, is called its Cartesian representation. We can therefore express any complex number z = x + i y into , this representation is known polar representation of any complex number z. where                                                                                                                      and You need to create a class having name, Polar Representation with data members, magnitude and angle. Make sure you provide a default constructor too. Overload following operators of the class; 1.     + operator (to add two objects of class) 2.     – operator (to subtract two objects of class) 3.     * operator (to multiply …  Read more »

dina ashraf

please help me


. Write a “Garage” class that has a “Car” that is having troubles with its “Motor”. Use a function-level try block in the “Garage” class constructor to catch an exception (thrown from the “Motor” class) when its “Car” object is initialized. Throw a different exception from the body of the “Garage” constructor s handler and catch it in main( ). 


Write a program that asks the user to enter the number of courses he/she is taking and then enter the course code and its number of credits. The program should sum the total number of credits and display it.

Usman malik

Create publisher class that represents a book publisher, publisher has two properties/attributes name and a code which should be a non-negative integer. Class must have a constructor that should take parameters to set the both properties, get functions for both attributes, a set method to change name. and a print function to print/display the publisher. now create a main function make and object of publisher, print the publisher then change the publisher code and again print the publisher. your program should run like this the old publisher the new publisher


Define a class named ‘Train’ representing following members: Data members :- – Train Number – Train Name – Source – Destination – Journey Date – Capacity Member functions: – Initialise members – Input Train data – Display data Write a C++ program to test the train class.

mohammed saed

Develop a geometry calculator that will do the following things: 1. It should give the user many options to choose between (user should right 1 if he/she wants to calculate something related to circle, 2 for rectangle and so on). Like 1. Circle 1. Area 2. Circumference 2. Rectangle 1. area 3. Triangle 1. Area 2. base 4. Parallelogram 1. Area 5. Trapezoid  1. Area

2. Each of these operations must be handled by a function 3. You should use call by value, call by reference with pointers in any of these functions


Your task is to create a program that examines the distribution grades on an exam. Ask the user to input how many students does he have followed by the grades of those students. Then, group the grades depending on the range and then display the summary in a bar graph format. The ranges are as follows: 0 – 9, 10 – 19, 20 – 29, 30 – 39, 40 – 49, 50 – 59, 60 – 69, 70 – 79, 80 – 89, 90 – 99, and 100. 


A company has three types of employee: 1. Managers: receive a fixed monthly salary 2. Commission Workers: receive $1000 plus 5% of their gross monthly sales 3. Piece Workers: receive a fixed amount of money per item for each of the items they produce; each pieceworker in this company works on only one type of item. Write a program to compute the monthly pay for each employee. P.S: You do not know the number of employees in advance. Each type of employee has its own pay code:  Managers have code 1  Commission Workers have code 2  Pieceworkers …  Read more »

Wajahat Hussain Siddiqui

write a program 1) Declare all variables and constants paying attention to the types 2) Calculate the area of ​​the circle given the radius 3) Divide the area of ​​the circle by the number of segments, but only if this number is different from zero 4) Print all partial results


Overload the ‘subscript’ operator for the class ‘String’ so that it takes a character as a parameter and returns the position of its first occurrence. The output of the following code should be two. String s1(“abcd”); cout<<s1[‘c’]<<endl; Also, overload ‘+’ operator to merge two strings. Create an menu-driven program. 1. Find 2. Merge 3. Exit

plz help me


Write a program to process the quote Four Score and Seven Years Ago. Copy the quotation into a string. Create three character arrays – one for vowels, one for consonants and one for reverse order. The program will copy the vowels into the vowels array, the consonants into the consonants array and the reverse order quote into the reverse array. For example, if the string were “hello world”: • The vowels array would equal ‘e’, ‘o’, ‘o’ • The consonants array would equal ‘h’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘w’, ‘r’, ‘l’, ‘d’ • The reverse array would equal ‘d’, ‘l’, ‘r’, ‘o’, …  Read more »


1) Prompts the user to enter from the keyboard car price and profit percentage. (Both are float). 2) Calculates the total price using car price and profit percentage. For example, if the car price is 100 BD and profit percentage is 25%, then the total price is 125 BD. 3) Display the value of car price, profit percentage, total price. Each in separate line formatted in two decimal places. Sample Input/output (Input in red color)


whats my problem

Screenshot (1).png

#include<iostream> using namespace std ; int main() { cout<<“Fahadvai” ; return 0 : }

help problem?

Screenshot (2).png

Write a program to display your name 500 times

Write a program to accept any number and check whether the number is even or odd

Using switch case statement accept any two numbers and display sum, product or difference according to the user’s choice. An appropriate message should be displayed for the wrong choice 

Write a program to accept any positive integer and display its square. i.e. if the input is 5 then the output should be 25. Program will exit only if user enters less than or equals to 0 


#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { /*Write a program to accept any positive integer and display its square.  i.e. if the input is 5 then the output should be 25.  Program will exit only if user enters less than or equals to 0 */

 int num;  cout<< “Enter any number :”;  cin>>num;  if( num<0)      exit(0);

    else      cout<<num<< ” it’s square is “<<num*num<<endl;

 return 0; }

Write a program to accept any number and display the sum of its factors. * 

Venkatesh Naga

The programme below in C++ is given to you. Complete the  Binnary Search function so as to work properly with a head and tail pointer and return whether value x is included in the table or not. Assume that the table already has all its elements in ascending order. // Example program #include #include using namespace std; void filltable(int *p){   for (int i=0; i<5; i++){   cout <> *p;   p++;   } } void printtable(int *pr){   for (int i=0; i<5; i++){   cout << *pr <<"  ";   pr++;   } } void findx(int *p, int x){ …  Read more »

sahil (can anyone solve this and send me

Write a c++ program to perform following operations: Create a class with following Data Members and Member Functions: • Data Members : JavaMarks and CPPMarks • Member Functions: ◦ Constructor() – Create a constructor to initalize the data members ◦ Overload the binary + operator using Friend Function ◦ Display() – Display the data ◦ Call the Destructor at the end of the code

mazen ibrahim

  • A string (X).
  • A letter (L1) .
  • A letter (L2) .

Output: –       The same string (X) , but modified as the following: o  Find some word that start with (L1) , and end with the letter (L2) . o  Copy the founded word to the last of the array but in reverse manner. Example: L1 = ‘S’ L2 = ‘L’

h i s   S S C H O O L L   y e s

c o m e ‘\0’

x[]= we his school yes come loohcs ‘\0’

how can i solve it


talha umar

write a C++ program to find number of similar words between 5 text files and 1 source file one by one, and common phrases among the these files


i like that you have variety of questions.


hi I want code of that program

s= y/(x+1)! +y/(x+2)! +y/(x+3)! +…. y/(x+n)!

problem solving with c answers

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Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers

Analytical Thinking is more than just a buzzword in the job market—it's a vital skill that employers seek in candidates across industries.


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Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers

Analytical Thinking is more than just a buzzword in the job market—it's a vital skill that employers seek in candidates across industries. Be it a role in finance, marketing, engineering, or any other field: your ability to analyse information and draw meaningful conclusions can set you apart from the competition. So, if you are considering appearing for an interview, it’s better to prepare some interview questions beforehand. In this blog, we will provide you with the most asked Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers, as well as tips on how to ace interviews. 

Table of Contents 

1) Situational Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers 

2) Behavioural Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers 

3) Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers on Problem-solving 

4) Tips on how to ace your Analytical Thinking Interview 

5) Conclusion   

Situational Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers

Firstly, let’s look at the most asked situational Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers:

Describe a situation where you had to analyse complex data to solve a problem.

Your response could take the form of: “In my previous role as a Market Analyst, I encountered a challenge with inconsistent sales data compared to market trends. I examined  the data, utilised tools like Excel and data visualisation software, and pinpointed an underperforming product line. By adjusting our marketing strategy based on the analysis, we achieved a notable 15% sales increase in three months.” 

Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision based on incomplete information.

Feel free to provide your answer as: “While working as a Project Manager, a team member unexpectedly left, creating gaps in our project plan. I quickly assessed available resources, prioritised crucial tasks, and transparently communicated with stakeholders. Despite incomplete information, we successfully met project deadlines.” 

Can you describe a scenario in which you had to analyse a problem from multiple angles before arriving at a solution?

Your reply might follow the structure of: “In a cross-functional collaboration, a software issue arose. I brought together the development and customer support teams, examined user journey and error logs, and discovered a coding glitch compounded by a user interface (UI) design flaw. Addressing both aspects led to a comprehensive solution.” 

Share an example of a situation where you were required to identify underlying causes of a problem before proposing a solution.

You could shape your answer along the lines of: “As a Quality Assurance Engineer, I confronted inconsistent manufacturing results. Through rigorous data analysis, I traced the issue to a specific raw material batch. By addressing this root cause, we not only resolved the immediate problem but also enhanced the entire production process.” 

Describe a time when you were faced with a complex project with multiple intertwined components. How did you approach it?

Your response could take the form of: “During a product launch, I managed a multifaceted project by meticulously planning tasks and timelines, coordinating cross-functional teams, and maintaining open lines of communication. This approach ensured a smooth and timely launch that surpassed expectations.” 

Imagine if your team member has a solution to a problem, but your manager has a different approach. How would you handle helping your friend if they came for your advice?

Answer: You can frame your answer in a balanced way by including the following: “In such a situation, I would follow a balanced approach. I'd empathise with my team member and acknowledge their perspective, validating their ideas. Then, I would engage in open and honest communication, encouraging them to share their solution with our manager.

Moreover,  I'd emphasise the importance of teamwork and collaboration, explaining that combining both perspectives might lead to a more comprehensive solution. I'd offer to support my team member in presenting their idea to our manager, highlighting its potential benefits. Ultimately, my goal would be to facilitate effective communication between my team member and our manager, fostering a positive and collaborative work environment. This approach ensures that both viewpoints are considered, and the best solution can be reached.”

Creative and Analytical Thinking Training

Behavioural Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers

Now, let’s look at some of the most asked behavioural Analytical Thinking questions for interview, as well as their answers:

Give an example of a project where you identified key trends and insights.

 Your reply may adopt the style of: “In my role as a Marketing Analyst, I conducted a campaign analysis for a new product launch. By examining customer engagement data, I observed a significant uptick in online interactions from a specific demographic. Further analysis revealed that this group was drawn to the product's sustainability features. Utilising this insight, we tailored subsequent marketing efforts to highlight these eco-friendly aspects, resulting in a 20% increase in sales within two months.” 

Describe a scenario where you proposed a creative solution to a recurring problem.

You might consider framing your response as: “At my previous company, we consistently faced supply chain delays. I suggested implementing an automated tracking system that would provide real-time updates on shipments. After conducting thorough research and presenting the proposal to management, the system was adopted. This solution not only reduced delays by 30%, but it also enhanced transparency and improved overall efficiency.” 

Can you provide an example of a time when you had to analyse a situation quickly to make an important decision?

Share an instance where you successfully tackled a multifaceted problem by breaking it down into manageable parts., describe a situation where you used analytical thinking to turn a negative situation into a positive outcome..

Your response could take the form of: “In a customer-facing role, a client expressed dissatisfaction with our service. Instead of solely addressing the immediate issue, I analysed their past interactions and identified recurring pain points. I proposed a personalised solution that addressed these concerns. The client was impressed with our proactive approach, and their subsequent positive feedback demonstrated how Analytical Thinking can transform dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates.” 

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Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers on Problem-solving

It's time to explore some ofthe most asked Analytical Thinking Interview Questions on problem-solving as well as their sample answers:

How would you approach solving a problem with multiple possible solutions?

You might consider framing your response as: “When faced with a problem offering multiple solutions, I would begin by thoroughly understanding the problem's nuances and potential outcomes. Next, I would gather relevant data and analyse each solution's feasibility, considering factors like resources, timeline, and potential risks. By evaluating the pros and cons for each option, I can make an informed decision that aligns with the overarching goals and constraints.” 

Walk me through your process of breaking down a complex issue into manageable parts.

Your reply might follow the structure of: “When tackling a complex issue, my first step is to deconstruct it into its fundamental components. I identify the key aspects, dependencies, and potential challenges. From there, I prioritise the components based on their impact and interconnections. Breaking the problem down into smaller parts allows me to address each aspect systematically, preventing overwhelm and ensuring comprehensive problem-solving.” 

Can you share an example of a time when you implemented a solution that required both Analytical Thinking and creativity?

Describe a scenario where you encountered a roadblock during a project. how did you overcome it using analytical thinking.

You might consider framing your response as: “During a Software Development project, we encountered a critical bug just before the scheduled release. I initiated a root cause analysis, tracing the bug to a specific section of the code. I analysed logs, reviewed recent code changes, and consulted with team members to pinpoint the issue's source. Using this analytical approach, we were able to develop a precise fix, ensuring the release remained on schedule.” 

Can you provide an example of a time when you had to balance short-term problem-solving with long-term strategic thinking?

Your response could take the form of: “In a Strategic Planning role, I faced an urgent budget shortfall that threatened a high-priority project. While I needed a quick solution, I also recognised the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective.” 

Continue by saying, “I conducted a detailed analysis of our budget allocation, identified non-essential expenditures, and proposed temporary adjustments to secure project funding. This balance between immediate problem-solving and strategic thinking allowed us to overcome the crisis without compromising our future plans.”   

How do you weigh risks when making a decision?

You may answer the above question something like this: “I weigh risks when making decisions through a structured approach. First, I assess the decision's potential impact on our objectives and evaluate possible outcomes. I consider internal and external factors that influence success. I also gather input from team members and rely on data and research for insights. I use historical data to gauge risk likelihood.”

You can also add the following to your answer: “Additionally, I develop risk mitigation strategies, including contingency plans and performance indicators to monitor progress. This approach ensures well-informed, goal-aligned decisions that minimise potential setbacks.”  

What metrics do you regularly track (e.g., conversion rates, number of new customers, expenses)? What information do you research, and how do you use it?

Your answer may be framed along the following lines: “I regularly employ Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to monitor customer interactions, track the progression of leads through the sales funnel, and measure conversion rates. This data provides insights into our sales team's performance, identifies areas for improvement, and guides our strategy to optimise lead conversion and revenue generation.”

Unlock your creative potential and enhance your Analytical Thinking skills with our comprehensive Creative and Analytical Thinking Training ! 

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Broncos' M.I.A. WR Marvin Mims Jr. Could be Answer to Offensive Problems

Luke patterson | sep 11, 2024.

Aug 11, 2024; Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; Denver Broncos wide receiver Marvin Mims Jr. (19) scores a touchdown against Indianapolis Colts safety Nick Cross (20) during the second quarter  at Lucas Oil Stadium.

  • Denver Broncos

When Denver Broncos head coach Sean Payton moved up to select wide receiver Marvin Mims Jr. in the second round of the 2023 NFL draft (No. 63), he was met with much criticism from the fan base and local media. Folks felt that the 5-foot-11, 182-pound playmaker from Oklahoma was a long way from replicating the dynamic, deep-threat type of receiver needed to lift the lid off NFL defenses. 

As a rookie, Mims quieted the doubters in Denver with an explosive first quarter of the season as a receiver and primary punt and kickoff returner, earning a Pro Bowl bid and second-team All-Pro honors. His dynamic returns ranked him No. 1 in average yards returned while also making him the fourth rookie in team history to earn a trip to the Pro Bowl, with just two Broncos having ever been named as a return specialist.

Mims disappeared on offense from Week 6 on but was a welcome addition to the Broncos' historically bad special teams. He showed early promise as a receiver, playing in 19 games with 22 receptions for 377 yards and a touchdown, including nine first downs. 

Surely, he’d be primed for an increased role in Year 2, especially with Payton singing Mims' praises for most of the offseason, vowing to more consistently utilize him as a receiver in 2024.

But that's not how it shook out in Week 1's loss in Seattle. Mims was mostly missing in action, finishing with just one target and zero receptions. Let's examine the disappearing act and how the Broncos can involve him to help lift Payton's failure-to-launch offense.

Snoozing in Seattle 

The Broncos' 26-20 opening loss to the Seattle Seahawks spelled a frustrating start to the season and the beginning of the Bo Nix era in Denver. In the aftermath, Payton remained loyal to his first-round rookie QB, accepting accountability for the mismanagement of offensive play calling and expressing frustration with the skilled positions of the Broncos offense.

The Broncos' leading receiver in Seattle was rookie seventh-rounder Devaughn Vele with eight catches for 39 yards, while Josh Reynolds led the team with 45 yards receiving (a long of 25 yards). Team captain Courtland Sutton was limited to four catches for 38 yards in Denver’s atrocious and ineffective passing game. 

Mims was nearly non-existent against Seattle, logging just 12 of Denver’s 69 offensive snaps with only that single target to speak of evidence that he played on offense. He did return five punts for 47 yards and three kickoffs for 69 yards, though.

While Mims doesn't have the right to insert himself into a game or influence formations and snap counts, the dynamic playmaker should be expected to receive reps on offense. As it stands, Mims is getting outworked by a late-round rookie and veteran practice-squad receiver in Lil’ Jordan Humphrey. 

Jerry Jeudy is in Cleveland and Tim Patrick in Detroit, which should motivate Mims to earn a prominent role in Payton’s offense. But it’s up to Mims to prove to Payton that he can be trusted to assist Nix in his development and ability to win football games every week. 

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Solving Broncos' Playmaker Problem

Denver Broncos wide receiver Devaughn Vele (81) and wide receiver Marvin Mims Jr. (19) celebrate a touchdown.

Say what you will about Payton, but the man has complete control over this football team. Nary a peep nor a rumor leaves Broncos HQ without the head coach’s knowledge or stamp of approval. 

Some folks in Broncos Country have speculated that perhaps Mims is confused and frustrated in his second season. There were some minor rumblings about him exchanging words with assistant and positional coaches during some of Denver's public training camp practices where a helmet may or may not have been thrown in the heat of the moment. 

If true, we’ve all been there before, where frustration gets the better of us, and before we’ve had time to reflect and recollect ourselves to move on. Mims likely shares the same frustration as his head coach, teammates, and fan base after opening the season with a loss, especially in a very winnable game for the Broncos. 

The good news is that Mims has an opportunity to get on the same page with Nix and Payton on Sunday against the Pittsburgh Steelers in Denver’s home opener. Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin’s infamously physical and intelligent defense presents threats via a pass rush led by T.J. Watt, while guarding the defensive backfield with veterans like Minkah Fitzpatrick.

Pittsburgh’s defense recorded two sacks, two interceptions, and five pass deflections in an 18-10 upset win on the road vs. the Atlanta Falcons in Week 1. This matchup dictates that Payton tasks Nix with the same quick release and deliberate decision-making that made him a first-round pick last April and won him the starting quarterback position. 

The best way to do that is to have Mims operate out of the slot in the short-to-medium pass game. He’ll need to be willing to contend with much bigger and more physically imposing defenders, including the Steelers' linebacker corps. Mims should get worked into that action with some creative play-calls. 

Bottom Line

Mims is the type of player who thirsts for the ball in open space, as most undersized offensive threats do. The man runs a 4.38-second 40-yard dash, for crying out loud, which screams for him to get the ball. An end-around or surprise reverse could catch the ‘Blitz-burgh’ defense off guard, especially with its formidable pass rush screaming upfield to sack Nix. 

Getting the football into Mims’ hands early and often as a receiver could restore the 22-year-old playmaker's missing confidence and momentum. That same momentum could transfer to special teams, an area where he's already made a name for himself in 2023 and assisted the Broncos in earning some tough wins. 

Follow Mile High Huddle on  X  and  Facebook  and subscribe  on YouTube  for daily Broncos live-stream podcasts!

Luke Patterson


Luke Patterson has covered the Denver Broncos and NFL Draft at Mile High Huddle since 2020, though he's been on the beat since 2017. His works have been featured on and and he has covered many college Pro Days on-site, the Shrine Bowl, the Senior Bowl, Broncos Training Camp, Broncos Local Pro Days, and various Broncos credentialed events.

Follow LukePattersonLP


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    Our C++ exercise sheet is designed to help you at every stage of the learning process. Solving C++ exercises can help you practice different C++ concepts in codes, and understand their workings. Each problem you solve brings you one step closer to your goal of mastering C++. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Q1.

  12. C Solved programs, problems with solutions

    C Basic Solved Programs. C Program to Print Hello World Program. C Program to calculate a simple interest. C program to convert Total days to year, month and days. C program to find Sum and Average of two numbers. C Program to check whether number is EVEN or ODD. C Program to find largest number among three numbers.

  13. 50 C Language MCQs with Answers

    50 C Language MCQs with Answers Quiz will help you to test and validate your C Quiz knowledge. It covers a variety of questions, from basic to advanced. The quiz contains 50 questions. You just have to assess all the given options and click on the correct answer.


    This self-readable and student-friendly text provides a strong programming foundation to solve problems with C language through its well-supported structured programming methodology, rich set of operators and data types. It is designed to help students build efficient and compact programs. The book, now in its second edition, is an extended version of Dr. M.T. Somashekara&#39;s previous book ...

  15. Solutions for Programming, problem solving & abstraction with C 1st

    Solutions for Programming, problem solving & abstraction with C 1st Alistair Moffat Get access to all of the answers and step-by-step video explanations to this book and 5,000+ more. Try Numerade free. Join Free Today. Chapters. 1 Computers and Programs. 0 sections ...

  16. Problem Solving Through Programming In C

    Learners enrolled: 29073. ABOUT THE COURSE : This course is aimed at enabling the students to. Formulate simple algorithms for arithmetic and logical problems. Translate the algorithms to programs (in C language) Test and execute the programs and correct syntax and logical errors. Implement conditional branching, iteration and recursion.

  17. HackeRank Solutions in C

    Hello coders, in this post you will find each and every solution of HackerRank Problems in C language. After going through the solutions, you will be able to understand the concepts and solutions very easily. One more thing to add, don't straight away look for the solutions, first try to solve the problems by yourself.

  18. Solve C++

    Join over 23 million developers in solving code challenges on HackerRank, one of the best ways to prepare for programming interviews.

  19. Loop programming exercises and solutions in C

    List of loop programming exercises. Write a C program to print all natural numbers from 1 to n. - using while loop. Write a C program to print all natural numbers in reverse (from n to 1). - using while loop. Write a C program to print all alphabets from a to z. - using while loop.

  20. Hackerrank C Program Solutions: Sharpen Your C ...

    HackerRank C Program Solutions offer a comprehensive set of problems and solutions that will help you hone your C programming skills. Our platform provides a range of challenges covering various C programming topics such as arrays, pointers, functions, and more. With our real-world problem-solving approach, you will gain the practical ...

  21. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using C++

    Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using C++ by Bradley N. Miller, David L. Ranum, and Janice L. Pearce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

  22. Problems

    Boost your coding interview skills and confidence by practicing real interview questions with LeetCode. Our platform offers a range of essential problems for practice, as well as the latest questions being asked by top-tier companies.

  23. C++ Solved programs, problems/Examples with solutions

    C++ Solved programs —-> C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It is fast, portable and available in all platforms. This page contains the C++ solved programs/examples with solutions, here we are providing most important programs on each topic. These C examples cover a wide range of programming areas in Computer Science.

  24. Analytical Thinking Interview Questions and Answers

    I identify the key aspects, dependencies, and potential challenges. From there, I prioritise the components based on their impact and interconnections. Breaking the problem down into smaller parts allows me to address each aspect systematically, preventing overwhelm and ensuring comprehensive problem-solving."

  25. Broncos' M.I.A. Receiver Could be Answer to Week 2 Steelers Problem

    When Denver Broncos head coach Sean Payton moved up to select wide receiver Marvin Mims Jr. in the second round of the 2023 NFL draft (No. 63), he was met with much criticism from the fan base and ...

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Start Date : 25 Jul 2022
End Date : 14 Oct 2022
Enrollment Ends : 08 Aug 2022
Exam Date : 29 Oct 2022 IST