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an Upper Elementary Blog

How to Plan an Amazing New Teacher Orientation

presentation for new teachers

There’s nothing quite like the excitement of new teachers heading to their schools for the first workday. But it can also be challenging for first-year teachers to navigate a new school and form relationships with the staff.

To welcome new staff to their schools, mentor teachers can hold a new teacher orientation session. This is a great opportunity to share school-based information that isn’t covered in a district-wide new teacher training – and to help new teachers start to develop relationships with each other and their mentors.

If you’re new to mentoring, you might be wondering how to get started, so I’m sharing a few tips for planning a successful school-based new teacher orientation.

Tip 1: Make new teachers feel welcome

I will admit, I was a little overwhelmed at my first staff meeting. But it helped that I’d been to an orientation at the school and recognized some friendly faces in the crowd.

An orientation is a perfect opportunity to help new teachers acclimate to the school in a smaller, more relaxed setting before the official workdays begin. And it’s a great bonding experience so they come into that first work week feeling like they already belong.

Relationships are so important for new teacher success that if you’re short on time for your new teacher orientation, this is where I’d recommend focusing your efforts.

presentation for new teachers

Here are a few ways to welcome staff into the school family during a new teacher orientation:

  • plan fun icebreaker games to fight those first-day jitters
  • create welcome baskets with school supplies and school swag (like staff t-shirts or lanyards)
  • provide snacks and water
  • take them to lunch on the school
  • provide one-on-one time with their mentor teachers
  • invite admin, instructional coaches, specials teachers, and other staff to join for a casual meet and greet

I also recommend reaching out to personally invite new teachers to the orientation session (and giving them a heads-up on the dress code, too).

Tip 2: Prioritize information to share

Nobody wants to sit through a reading of the staff handbook! Your district likely held training sessions for all the new teachers, so they may already be on information overload. And they’ll likely have lots of meetings and PD the week before school starts as well.

I like to start by focusing on school-specific information they’ll need to know as they’re setting up their rooms, like:

  • how to access the building (hours, alarms, badges)
  • front office staff names and contact information
  • where to locate items needed for classroom set up like the copier, laminator, office supplies, cleaning supplies, and bulletin board paper
  • school policies/expectations about classroom set up (if there are any)
  • locations of staff bathrooms, workroom, mailboxes
  • items that the school will provide for students, like classroom library books and math manipulatives (so that teachers know what they do and don’t need to buy)

presentation for new teachers

Information about academics, behavior, and schedules can wait until a second orientation session later in the day/week or meetings with instructional coaches and teams. If you do want to cover it all in one sitting, I would definitely incorporate breaks and share links or handouts for the material you’re covering.

I think it’s also nice to give first-year teachers an idea of what to expect for the rest of the teacher workdays before school begins (i.e., meetings, meals provided by the school or PTA, staff photos, etc.).

Tip 3: Go on a school tour

I love breaking up an orientation session with some movement! It’s helpful to take new teachers on a quick school tour to point out locations of specialists’ rooms, the copy room, staff mailboxes, etc. You can plan to take everyone at once or ask mentor teachers to take their mentees. You might also go outside to show them recess locations and parking, and explain arrival/dismissal.

If you want to gamify it, you can turn the school tour into a scavenger hunt or escape room.

Tip 4: Plan the schedule carefully

As a first-year teacher on my first workday, all I wanted was time in my classroom. Sitting through a day-long meeting is draining and zaps that new job excitement!

When you plan the orientation schedule, I recommend including a block of time during/after the orientation for teachers to work in their rooms. Some new teachers may just need the time to decompress, while others will be ready to start moving furniture.

Other key activities to schedule in your orientation include mentor-mentee time, laptop pickup/setup, meeting front office staff and administration, and time for questions. And of course, lunch!

presentation for new teachers

New teachers have so many questions specific to their schools, not to mention policies to learn and people to meet! Hosting an orientation for new teachers and their mentors before the school year begins is an ideal way to welcome them to your school and help set them up for success.

Want to save some time planning your orientation session? You can find my new teacher orientation templates here.

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Thanks for sharing this valuable information. it has been so helpful to me especially at this time when we are planning to have an orientation program for our new teachers in school. May God bless you with more wisdom.

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I am in an educational leadership program! We are studying new teacher orientation and mentor-teacher programs. Your blog is very well thought out and helpful! Thank you for publishing!

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What fun icebreakers for new teachers do you suggest?

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Thanks for sharing! Very useful tips.

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10 Ideas for redesigning a new teacher orientation (Blog image)

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10 Ideas for redesigning a new teacher orientation

With the upcoming school year upon us, many administrators are already thinking ahead to designing a new teacher orientation and staff in-service days. Such efforts are helpful in welcoming new hires and building collegiality between school staff members. These team-building activities not only help build a solid foundation of support and collaboration for the upcoming school year, but they set the tone for how administrators will recognize and strive for solutions around current challenges and obstacles within any given school community.

Yet, this summer, there is a cloud over welcoming educators — administrators first have to face the fact that the hiring cycle is in disarray since our nation has hit a pinnacle in the teacher shortage crisis. However, there are some definitive steps that administrators can take in strategizing a short-term and long-term plan when it comes to hiring, onboarding, and retaining new staff.

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What is the current teacher shortage crisis?

For years now, experts have warned of an impending teacher shortage due to a host of issues. Now, these issues have culminated into a new-hire crisis that is much out of administrators’ control:

  • Since 2010, total enrollment in teacher preparation programs has declined by ⅓, coupled with a large decline in program completion. This strain on incoming, well-qualified teacher candidates is putting a strain on the hiring process.
  • Teachers’ salaries are low, especially within the current competitive job market, and actually are $2,179 less, on average , than ten years ago when current inflation is taken into account.
  • Working conditions have become more challenging, especially over the past two years of teaching during the pandemic. Recent Adopt-a-Classroom survey respondents reported:

Adopt a classroom 2022 teaching statistic

  • 81% – The overall workload has increased.
  • 80% – Spending more time addressing students’ mental health.
  • 71% – Spending more of their own money on classroom materials.
  • 69% – Getting students back on track from learning loss.
  • 58% – Increase in classroom interruptions during instruction.
  • 55% – Less planning time due to staff shortages and other factors.
  • Public perception of teaching has shifted with PDK International found in 2018 that a majority of surveyed parents do not want their children to become teachers.
  • Educators’ career pathways are often viewed as limited, with few perceived growth opportunities. Consider that the 2021 average cost for a Master’s degree in education was $55,200. A 2021 study of LinkedIn member profile updates showed a 66% increase in school-job departures over the previous year.

The Great Resignation

In addition to the constrained influx of new teachers is the increasing rate of teachers who are taking leaves, quitting, or resigning early. Many are predicting that we will soon be faced with “The Great Resignation” within the field of education. NPR recently reported that 55% of teachers surveyed by the NEA shared that they are looking to exit the profession “sooner than they had originally planned:”

  • 90% of its members say that feeling burned out is a serious problem.
  • 86% say they have seen more educators leaving the profession or retiring early since the start of the pandemic.
  • 80% report that unfilled job openings have led to more work obligations for those left.

Shortage of substitute teachers

There is also a shortage of qualified substitute teachers adding to this burden of setting up school staff and their students for success. According to the Brookings Institute , teachers miss an average of 11 days of instruction during an 186-day school year. Some studies actually point to a standard deviation decrease in math and English Language Arts test scores due to such teacher absences. NPR shared how some states, like New Mexico, have resorted to leaning on parents or other civil servants like firefighters or the National Guard. 

While this overall teacher shortage issue is not “new” – back in 2015, The Washington Post shared a similar list of issues, including the undue pressure from high-stakes testing – it has definitely reached a critical pinnacle. All in all, it is resulting in an arduous hiring, onboarding, and retention cycle for school and district administrators, especially when you consider the hyperlocal constraints that school communities juggle.

How can school administrators support teachers and staff?

So with such odds stacked against the field of education, how can school administrators best support the newcomers they do recruit? A newcomer might be a green-thumbed educator or maybe be more experienced, but nevertheless, they are becoming part of a new school community, one with its own unique company culture.

Now with school districts across the country scrambling to fill vacancies left from teacher turnover, it’s essential that we understand the many challenges pulling teachers out of the classroom. I would argue that the main one is the loss of joy in teaching. How can we rediscover that joy? Domonique Dickson from Education Week

School administrator presenting at a new teacher orientation

As an administrator, continue to strive to reduce the barriers to entry when it comes to onboarding new staff. Consider how you can enhance the value proposition for teaching at your school or district. And do make sure to capitalize on efficiencies to optimize instructional time for all.

Work with broader team members to outline short-term and longer-term plans to triage the immediate needs and strategize toward future goals. And look for ways to start this new school year off on the right foot for all.

How to redesign a new teacher orientation

As a learning expert, you need to employ your own teaching lens when redesigning the teacher onboarding experience for your staff. Ask yourself:

  • How can I make this orientation a shared, meaningful experience for new and veteran teachers?
  • How can I provide strategies to empower individuals to find the individualized answers they need when they need them?
  • How can I lessen the learning curve by providing curated resources in an efficient, organized manner?

Consider how you can employ Nearpod to help orient your new hires to your district and school community. These resources can be shared in a new orientation meeting but also can be referenced over and over again by the individual teachers as needed – they can become a source of truth as well as a one-stop shop for your staff. Explore below 10 tips for new educator orientations:

1. Digital resources and presentations

Use Nearpod to create digital resources and presentations . Explore the Nearpod Library for inspiration, and then create presentations to share ideas during staff meetings. These presentations then serve as a running record of highlighted and captured information and can be shared with absent staff members as well.

2. Create a climate survey

Take a team approach to welcome (and retain) newcomers. Do so by first creating a climate survey using Nearpod’s Quiz or Poll features to get a sense of areas needing improvement at the beginning of the year. Then anoint a team made up of staff and community members to tackle the issues in a variety of ways. Jenee Henry Wood suggested a three-step approach of Triage → Tinker → Transform ( EdSurge ) to address ways to problem-solve school staffing needs. Remember to follow up with an end-of-year post-survey as well to gauge progress.

3. Personalize onboarding presentations

Consider personalizing onboarding presentations that can be shared by you in person but then accessed virtually as needed throughout the year. You can include interactive assessment tools to serve as team-building activities for teachers. Here are some tips you can use for orientation activities and onboarding presentations:

  • Use a video to add a message from you, the administrator, describing your school’s philosophy. Videos can help personalize your welcome. You may want to take viewers on a virtual tour of your campus. 
  • Share a “Facebook” of images of your staff to help identify who is whom, their titles, and their key responsibilities through social media.
  • Create a timeline to showcase some of your district’s or school’s achievements throughout recent years.
  • Insert interactive slides that outline set procedures, such as taking attendance or responding to a fire drill.
  • Add in audio files for bits like school spirit songs. 
  • Use Nearpod’s Interactive Slides and Interactive Video to engage teachers a bit more in active learning and draw them into learning about these new processes and their new community. Add more interactive experiences to your presentation by including Draw It and Matching Pairs activities.

4. Pair teachers up

Pair teachers up with one another! Whether as a mentor or simply a buddy, identify those teachers in your school who would be willing to welcome another and answer those “smaller” questions: Where are supplies kept? Who monitors the lunchroom? Where do classes go during fire drills? By smaller, they are no means less important, but these details rarely show up in new hire packets or binders. Teachers hit the ground running, so find ways to provide teacher pairs time to meet and support each other so that newbies don’t feel isolated. Plus, they can help familiarize them with tools like Nearpod or point them to the handy Teacher Resources as needed.

5. Organize all school and district resources in one place

Designate a School or District Library on Nearpod to organize and share presentations and resources digitally. Include links to shared folders so that your teachers have an easy-to-reference “cheat sheet” of need-to-know information as they become more familiar with where and how everything is kept and stored. You may want to link to approved tools and platforms, too so that teachers can capitalize on the best practices your staff has already identified and adopted.

6. Leverage fun team-building activities

Nearpod Collaborate Board activity to share your mood

Consider how to leverage student activities like the Collaborate Board and Time to Climb as staff meeting icebreakers and amend them to help build collegiality and facilitate communication between staff members. Although educators traditionally use these fun tools with students, they are also perfect team-building activities for teachers.

7. Share resources for sub-planning

Highlight where educators can find meaningful sub-plans regardless of who is pitch-hitting for the day. Share via an email address lessons from the bank of Sub Plans as well as standard-aligned lessons that can work well in-person or virtually for student-paced, independent learning. With Student-Paced codes , students don’t need logins or passwords – which can be arduous for a sub to track down – plus all of their work automatically will be saved to the classroom account. 

8. Provide a grab-and-go professional development folder

Provide a grab-and-go professional development folder to house the vetted and curated experiences that you have created or sourced, like webinars, articles, and asynchronous courses. This is a very useful resource to use during your teacher orientation process! Add in a variety of assessment activities to provide your staff with quick knowledge checks for their own understanding. Share ways and resources to help educators cultivate their craft and grow professionally so that they feel empowered to set and pursue a desired professional path/pathway.

9. Use reports for student progress

Socialize school or district-level reports for teachers to better understand their students’ progress throughout the year. Such interim assessments and reflection will help inform short and longer-term planning.

10. Introduce staff using Flip

Flip and Nearpod integration

Introduce your staff to a private Flip board just for your staff where you can post updates in a more authentic and personalized manner week over week. Flip allows for video-based responses too, which can help ensure an ongoing, real-time feedback loop with your staff, whether 1:1, with everyone, or in small group. Build school spirit in a timely manner with this more personalized approach. You can easily embed the Flip into a Nearpod lesson to house all resources in one place, along with interactive activities.

11. BONUS TIP: Join our educator community

Share good teaching! Find ways to celebrate examples of strong teaching and learning and recognize those teachers who, like their students, strive to go “above and beyond.” Join Nearpod’s Facebook Community of educators to check out what your teachers are doing well as for inspiration.

Learn how to bring Nearpod to your school

We hope these ideas for planning a new teacher orientation sparked some inspiration! With the ever-shifting education landscape, you, as an administrator, need to be responsive in how you redesign onboarding and build collaborative teaching teams. From welcoming new hires to retaining educators year after year, you will want to begin outlining short-term and longer-term strategies for solving this teaching shortage. Try positioning this current crisis as a teachable moment for your whole staff, and lean on your staff — the experts — that you have hired as part of your school community to help take steps toward school or district-wide solutions.

presentation for new teachers

Darri Stephens is a dedicated LX (learning experience) designer, passionate about creating quality content and programs for kids, families, and educators. With MAs in Education from both Harvard and Stanford, and work experience at best-in-class ed tech organizations including Wonder Workshop, Nickelodeon, and Common Sense Education, she is steeped in the design thinking process and committed to agile and iterative project management, which has resulted in multi-award-winning programs and products.

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Start the School Year Off Right With This Editable “Meet the Teacher” Slideshow

A colorful way to introduce yourself.

Meet the Teacher Slideshow with Purple Background and an Image of the Teacher.

Whether you are teaching online or in-person, you’ll need to introduce yourself to students and their families! Our editable meet the teacher slideshow to the rescue. Just submit your email here  for a link to the editable PowerPoint, download it, and add your own information. Super easy!

Our Meet the Teacher Slideshow includes spots to:

Introduce your family

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Add a pic of your family members or furry friends!

Tell students some quick facts

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Like your birthday and where you graduated from college!

Put a spotlight on your favorite things!

presentation for new teachers

Color, restaurant, and book.

And more favorites!

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Food, activity, and favorite drink.

Share your hopes for the year

Editable Meet the Teacher Slideshow - WeAreTeachers

Let students know what makes you happy!

To get your editable slideshow, just click the orange button below.

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Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved. 5335 Gate Parkway, Jacksonville, FL 32256

Dr. Korrie White

Buy my new book "Mission: Assistant Principal"

Ace Your New Teacher Orientation with This Ready-Made PowerPoint Template

Simplify your new teacher orientation with this powerpoint template, fellow administrators,.

I hope you are well and gearing up for an exciting new school year! Over the past few weeks, several administrators have asked me for help creating slide decks for new teacher orientation. It is a busy time, and I know how overwhelming it can be to prepare everything. That is why I've created a PowerPoint template to make your job a little easier.

This template is fully customizable, allowing you to add your own content and tailor it to your school's specific needs. Here are the suggested topics covered in the template:

Welcome and Orientation:  Kick things off with a warm welcome and an overview of the orientation session.

Building Tour:  Provide information on key areas within the school, such as classrooms, staff rooms, the library, and the gym.

Key Personnel:  Introduce the principal, vice-principal, department heads, and other key staff members.

Building Procedures:  Outline important procedures like entry/exit protocols, attendance, and visitor policies.

Technology Orientation:  Offer an overview of the school’s computer systems, login information, and software used.

Access to Resources:  Detail the available resources, including textbooks, online tools, and teaching aids.

Student Discipline:  Explain the policies and procedures for managing student behavior and discipline.

Curriculum:  Give a brief overview of the curriculum structure, key programs, and educational goals.

Organizing the Classroom:  Share tips and best practices for setting up and organizing the classroom environment.

Classroom Procedures and Expectations:  Establish guidelines and expectations for classroom management and daily routines.

Personal and Professional Decisions:  Provide guidance on making personal and professional decisions within the school context.

Emergency Plan:  Highlight emergency procedures, evacuation routes, and contact information.

Please be sure to customize this template/topics as needed to fit your unique school environment. Take it one day at a time, and don't get overwhelmed. This is an exciting time of the year, filled with new beginnings and opportunities.

A special congratulations to those of you who will be starting your first year as assistant principals or principals. You've got this, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Download your template today and make this school year the best one yet!

Warmest regards,

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Back to School Night Presentation Tips

For new teachers.

Brad Melsby

by Brad Melsby – September 5, 2023

The beginning of the school year — with all of its outside-the-classroom events — can be a particularly challenging time for new teachers.  One of those events is Back to School Night, sometimes called Meet the Teacher Night or Open House.  Typically, teachers present to parents and guardians for 10-12 minutes.   In order to ensure the evening goes smoothly, create a Back to School Night presentation that is clear, concise, and professional.

It is best to view Back to School Night through the lens of what parents want to learn from your presentation.   

Two Things Parents Want to Learn at Back to School Night

First , and arguably most important, is that parents want to learn about you as a person.  

Yes, they want reassurance that you possess the qualifications and education to do the job.  But mostly, adults want to leave Back to School Night with a feeling that their child’s teachers are kind and compassionate human beings.

Second, parents want to learn a little (no need to get too detailed during this presentation) . 

What will the kids be learning?  How will organize the content?  What policies and procedures do you have that parents might want to know about?   In general, how will you run the class?

back to school night presentation

Parents Want to Get to Know The Personal Side of You

Parents are curious about you.  They may have heard about you prior to walking into the room, but by and large, they want to know who the person teaching their child is.  Since you do not have the structured time to build relationships with parents in the same way you do with their children, it is worth a few minutes of your time to tell them about yourself.  

What You Should Share About Yourself:

Your background and education.   Briefly detail your experience and any special training you may have (credentials, advanced degrees, etc.)

Why do you love your subject or what excites you about working with young people?   If you’re teaching middle school, what about 11-13-year-olds do you find exciting?  If you teach high school physics, what about the subject is exciting and/or relevant to you? 

Your “soft side”.    Due to inexperience or sometimes youth, new teachers tend to overemphasize professionalism in their presentation to parents.  Yes, polish and professionalism are important, but they can come across as stiff or cold.  Balance that polish with warmth.  Tell a joke.  Smile.  Thank them for coming.  Be positive and friendly.  Share your rules, but do so in a cordial and compassionate way.  Most parents want to leave your presentation with a sense that in general, you are a kind and reasonable person.

Say something specific (and positive) about that class period. (You can expect at least a few students to be sitting in the audience that evening.)  “I love the energy in 5th period.  They come in willing to try any activity I plan and are great at working in groups.  I have really enjoyed spending time with this class and look forward to getting to know them better as the year progresses.”

What You Could Share About Yourself:

Your educational philosophy.   Do you have any special approach or belief about learning that is successful for you?

What motivated you to become a teacher? 

A few personal details –hobbies, kids, pets, are you an alum of the school, did you move to take the position?  In this way, you can humanize yourself with your parents.  If you do get into personal details, keep it brief.

Related: New Teacher Self-Care: A Practical Plan You Can Start Tomorrow

teacher self-care blog post

Parents Want to Get to Know the Academic Side of You

While it is important for parents to walk out feeling like they’ve gotten to know you a bit, it is also useful that they know how you run your class.  Consider this part of the presentation for you — this is your chance to speak directly to parents about the most important parts of your class.  Maybe it is a weekly reading assignment or a unique method of grading…take advantage of the captive audience.  We caution you against trying to share every policy or procedure — stick to the one or two most important things and then emphasize those.

What You Should Share About Your Class:

What content will you be covering?   A “60-second tour” of English 11 is fine, for example.

What skills do you want your students to develop?   If you aren’t sure yet what skills you want to emphasize, consider talking about the 4 C’s of 21st Century Learning: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration.

How will the students be learning the material?   What types of learning activities (class discussion, projects, essays…) will you be asking students to do?  If you don’t know yet, skip this.

Is there a state or AP exam at the end of the year?   Is the course part of IB (MYP or DP) or a specific school program, include that information as well.

How can parents support the success of their child? Parents want to be able to support their child’s learning.  Recommend a couple of concrete ways they can support their child, but keep it positive and do not come across as judging their parenting.  (“Checking your child’s planner each evening is a great way to keep your child on track” rather than “You need to check your child’s planner every night or you won’t know what is happening with your child”)

How can parents contact you?   It may seem obvious, but you should still provide your contact information and any instructions for how to most quickly receive a response from you.  You probably already know this, but we discourage you from giving out your personal phone number or email address.

back to school night presentation3

Final Tips for Your Back to School Night Presentation 

Remember to always stay positive.  Nothing kills the tone quicker than making a snarky or sarcastic comment (even if it is not about that particular class) and it leaves parents questioning whether their child is in a supportive environment. 

Are you asking parents to sign in?   If so, consider having multiple sign-in areas around the room.  We’ve seen large groups of parents lined up for several minutes just to sign in, which turned a 10-minute presentation into seven.

Timing matters.   Practice your presentation a couple of times before parents arrive.  If each period is 10 minutes, you should speak for roughly 10 minutes.  If you end early, it can mean awkward silence or rambling on about yourself.  If you save the last three minutes for questions, you might not get any.  Or you’ll get a lot of questions, which can be worse.  The bottom line: if you fill the time, you have more control over the session.

Stress that you view parents as partners.  They are the experts on their child.  At some point this year, you may need their help in choosing the best way to approach their child.  This sets the tone that if there are issues, you will reach out but you are doing it in a way that involves and respects the parent’s expertise.

Parents will sometimes try to ask questions about their child’s grades or a particular assignment.   Politely request that the parent email you to schedule a meeting and you would then be happy to discuss that individual issue. 

Don’t offer to email parents, at least not at Back to School Night.   There is so much going on during this evening that you will likely forget that you made the offer.  When you don’t email the parent the following morning,  you potentially change the focus from the student’s grades to the fact that you don’t follow up.

Having a balance between sharing who you are and what your class is about will help parents walk out of the room feeling better informed about their child’s education.  New teachers sometimes hesitate to share about themselves because they do not have years of experience to impress parents with.  

Trust us, parents, like kids, are much more impressed with who you are and not how many years of experience you have.  If this is your first year or you would prefer not to get into how many years of experience you have, share why you got into teaching or what your educational philosophy is.  The same result is achieved; you are sharing with parents who you are in a professional way.  

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Brad Melsby

Brad has taught history at the middle and high school levels for 19 years, almost exclusively in American public schools.  He holds a master’s in educational technology and is passionate about elevating the status of professional educators.

Brad Melsby

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Prepare learning presentations that captivate your students with these free teacher presentation templates..

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Free teacher presentation templates

As a teacher, you know how important it is to capture your students' attention and keep them engaged in your lessons. But creating effective and attractive presentations can be time-consuming and challenging. Using a teacher presentation template is a fast and easy way to create lessons on any subject and for any grade level, whether you need to explain a math concept, introduce a new vocabulary, or showcase a science experiment. Each of these teacher presentation templates is fully customizable, so you can add your school’s logo, change the font and text, update images, and more. Since these templates are completely editable, you can use them in any way you see fit. And editing is easy with the features in Microsoft PowerPoint . When you’re done editing your presentation, you’re all ready to present to your class. If you need to prepare for future lessons, check out these free teacher lesson plan templates . And, when it's time to communicate with your students' parents, try one of these free teacher communication templates .

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Unleash the wild fun in your classroom with this FREE PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme. Liven up your classroom with a touch of the jungle!  This free downloadable theme features adorable monkeys swinging through lush green backgrounds and bright banana trees.   It’s more than just cute though – this theme is […]

Cute Monkeys, mini theme and subtraction drag and drop activity.

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Spice up your art project presentations with this free template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. This free downloadable template is bursting with colorful illustrations of paint, brushes, yarn, and all the crafting supplies you could ask for. Perfect to present your next art project.  And since this template is 100% […]

Art & Crafts free illustrated template for Google Slides and PPT.

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Captivate your audience and transform your presentation on early childhood development with this free template!  Playful illustrations like children’s handprints, whimsical doodles, paper airplanes and windmills bring a touch of childlike wonder to your slides. This engaging template is the perfect backdrop to share your valuable insights on this crucial […]

Early Childhood free presentation template for Google Slides and PPT.

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Flowers and Ladybugs free Spring Season template for google slides and PowerPoint. This free template for Google Slides and PowerPoint is the perfect way to add a touch of springtime cheer to your lessons. It features adorable graphics of flowers, bees, and ladybugs – a charming combination that’s sure to […]

Spring has sprung and it’s time to bring some floral fun to your classroom!

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Get ready for some St. Patrick’s Day cheer with a free memory game template for Google Slides and PowerPoint! This festive template features charming clovers and lucky golden coins. It also includes a handy agenda slide and three different layouts specifically designed for creating memory games. Personalizing the game is […]

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a Fun Memory Game!

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Free syllabus template for Google Slides and PowerPoint to inject personality into your class introduction. Forget about boring old paper syllabus, this free template is the perfect way to communicate the overview of your class, define expectations and responsibilities in an appealing way. It features a notebook with linked tabs […]

Interactive Notebook free syllabus template.

presentation for new teachers

Free syllabus template for Google Slides and PowerPoint to inject personality into your course introduction. Forget about boring old paper syllabus, this free template is the perfect way to communicate the overview of your class, define expectations and responsibilities in a stylish way. It features file folders with linked tabs […]

20XX Syllabus template, free for Google Slides and PowerPoint.

presentation for new teachers

Empower Your Productivity with this free teacher dashboard, for Google Slides and PowerPoint. The planner is all set up and ready to use. Simply click on the slides to start adding your notes and plans. You can easily add more slides by duplicating or copying and pasting existing ones. To personalize your […]

Teacher Dashboard. August 2024 – July 2025 FREE digital planner for teachers.

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Free PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme. Customizable yearly planner template for teachers. I enjoyed so much creating the first two planners (Katie and the School Planner) that I decided to create a new one. By popular demand, this time, I started the week view on Monday, and even though […]

Teacher Digital Planner – July 2024 to July 2025 version.

presentation for new teachers

Free animated and interactive traffic lights template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Engage your students and set clear expectations with this fun and free animated traffic light template! Whether you’re using Google Slides or PowerPoint, you can use this template to establish guidelines for different activities in your classroom. For […]

Make Your Classroom Flow Smooth with this Interactive Traffic Light Template!

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Unfold the Story: Free Book Review Scrapbook Template for Google Slides & PowerPoint. Book lovers, unleash your inner reviewer! Ditch the dull format and craft a stellar review with this FREE Book Review Scrapbook Template for Google Slides & PowerPoint. Express your creativity with pictures, quotes, and even character collages. […]

Book Review Scrapbook. Presentation template and worksheet.

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Celebrate Women in Style: Free PowerPoint and Google Slides template for International Women’s Day. Mark your calendars, because March 8th is all about celebrating the incredible achievements of women worldwide! This year, elevate your International Women’s Day presentations with this inspiring PowerPoint and Google Slides template. You can showcase the […]

Free PPT & Google Slides Theme for International Women’s Day.

presentation for new teachers

Showcase historical figures and highlight key moments in Black history with this free PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme February is Black History Month, a time to honor the achievements and contributions of Black individuals throughout history. This year, elevate your presentations with this stunning PowerPoint template and Google Slides […]

Celebrate Black History Month with this free PPT & Google Slides theme.

presentation for new teachers

Valentine’s Day Gnomes: A Free Template for Google Slides and PowerPoint. As Valentine’s Day draws near, it’s time to start planning your classroom activities. This cute and free template is perfect for celebrating the holiday with your students. It features adorable Valentine’s Day gnomes, hearts, balloons, and messages to spread […]

Valentine’s Day Gnomes, spread love with this cute free template.

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Free Powerpoint presentations for teachers

As a teacher, PowerPoint can be a valuable tool for creating engaging presentations that help students understand complex information. To use PowerPoint effectively, here are some tips:

1. Before creating your presentation, plan out the key points you want to cover and organize your content in a logical manner. Define your learning objectives and consider your students’ needs and backgrounds.

2.Keep your slides simple and avoid excess text. Use bullet points or key phrases instead of lengthy sentences. Remember, your slides should support your teaching and not replace your verbal explanations.

3.Incorporate relevant visuals such as images, charts, graphs, and diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement. Visuals can help illustrate complex concepts, make information more memorable, and cater to different learning styles.


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English Language

English literature, classical studies.

powerpoint free for teachers

Maintain consistency: Use a consistent design throughout your presentation. Choose a clean and professional template and stick to a limited color palette and font selection. Consistency creates a cohesive visual experience for your students.

Use animations and transitions sparingly: While animations and transitions can add visual interest, too many or excessive effects can be distracting. Use them judiciously to emphasize key points or to reveal information gradually.

Practice good slide structure: Divide your content into sections or topics and use clear headings. Number your slides or include a progress indicator to help students track their progress during the presentation.

Engage your audience: Incorporate interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, or discussion questions into your slides. This helps to promote active participation and ensures students remain attentive and engaged.

Provide clear navigation: Use hyperlinks or navigation buttons to enable easy movement between slides or sections. This allows you to adapt to the flow of the class, respond to questions, or revisit previous content as needed.

Incorporate multimedia: PowerPoint supports audio and video files, so consider including relevant multimedia content to enhance understanding. For example, you can embed videos, audio clips, or simulations that demonstrate concepts or provide real-life examples.

Practice and time your presentation: Rehearse your presentation beforehand to ensure a smooth flow and familiarize yourself with the content. Pay attention to your pace and timing to ensure you cover all the material within the allocated time.

Remember, PowerPoint should complement your teaching, not replace it. Use it as a tool to enhance your lessons and engage your students effectively.


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Best Interactive Presentation Tools for Teachers and Students

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 17, 2024

Interactive Presentation Tools

The purpose of today’s post is to share with you some of the best interactive presentation tools you can use to create engaging presentations without the need for any graphic design knowledge. All of these platforms offer pre-designed customizable presentation templates that you can easily edit and personalize to your preference.

Almost, all of these tools include integrated libraries where you can search for and use stock images and multimedia materials. They also empower you with a wide variety of helpful features including collaborative ones enabling you to invite team members and work collaboratively on the same presentation.  

While some of the featured presentation tools below provide interactive features, there is always the possibility to make your presentations super interactive using tools that are designed specifically for that purpose.

I have already reviewed some of  engagement-promoting applications that teachers and educators can implement to turn their presentations into lively dialogic hubs using live polls, Q&A, questionnaires, word clouds, and quizzes. These engagement tools are perfect to integrate with the presentations tools below. 

Interactive Presentation Tools

Check out our picks for best interactive presentation tools:

1. Google Slides

Google Slides is another good presentation tool I recommend for teachers and educators. It  offers a wide variety of powerful features, all for free. Besides the basic things that you can do on any editor (e.g., insert images, add text and shapes, change colour, etc), Google Slides also offers collaborative features that enable team members to collaborate on the same presentation in real time.

Collaborators can insert comments and chat with those who are viewing the presentation. As the owner of the presentation, you can always keep track of changes made to the presentation and at any time reverse to earlier versions. 

Presentations you create via Google Slides can be downloaded in different formats including Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe PDF. They can also be emailed, published online as a webpage or be embedded in a website or blog. When you share your presentation with others you get to control what they can do (e.g., editor, commenter, or viewer). 

3- Flipsnack

Flipsnack is an interactive presentation maker that allows users to create and share animated presentations with a realistic 3D page flip effect. This software allows you to either create from scratch your presentation or you can simply pick one of the fully-customizable templates available in the built-in library and adjust it to your own taste and needs.

In terms of customization, Flipsnack comes equipped with a large variety of interactive elements, such as photo-slideshows; GIFs; audio and video elements; social media buttons, and map embedding.

Flipsnack also offers multiple download options, so you can download your presentation as HTML5; web PDF; PDF for print; GIF; PNG; JPEG, and MP4, or just share it online with your target audience. Check out Flipsnack’ s teacher review to learn more about this platform.

4. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is another powerful presentation making tool for teachers. It works on the web, iPad, and iPhone. Some of the interesting features it offers include over 40 million  free Creative Commons licensed images to use in your slides together with the ability to upload and add your own images, access to a huge collection of layouts and fonts, tons of professionally designed templates to choose from, seamless and real time syncing between the web and mobile apps, and many more.

Haiku Deck

Another interesting functionality provided by Haiku Deck is the ability to use your phone as a teleprompter allowing you to turn it to a remote in presentation mode. When it comes to sharing your Haiku Deck presentations you have various options to choose from including the ability to share decks through email, on social media, present decks on a projector, embed or export decks to PowerPoint or Keynote, download as PDF, and more.

Haiku Deck has a special version for the education community called Haiku Deck Classroom. Teachers use it to help students create  engaging presentations and showcase their learning.

Some of the features it provides includes advanced privacy settings for the class, YouTube embeds, presentation audio, save to video, broadcast presentations to the entire class, and many more. Haiku Deck Classroom costs $99/year for a single teacher and 150 students.

Visme is another good presentation tool to consider. It offers a number of key features including real-time collaboration, beautiful pre-designed templates and pitch decks, tons of free stock images and icons, interactive maps, over 50 charts and graphs, mind maps, and many more.

You can either start creating your presentation from Scratch or choose from the collections of ready-made templates. Customize the presentation to your own needs and when you are done present and share with others. 


Using Visme’s Presenter Studio, you can easily record your screen (audio and video or audio only) and share it asynchronously with others. Other interesting features provided include the ability to import and export Microsoft PowerPoint as editable presentations, access to 125 fonts, create processes and workflows using tables and diagrams, create your own library of icons and PDFs for future presentations, and more.

6. Piktochart

Piktochart is probably one of the best alternatives to Canva and Visme. It is ideal for creating different types of visual content including presentations, posters, infographics, flyers, videos, and many more. The templates library features a huge selection of customizable presentation templates including a section specifically for education. 


Piktochart also offers real-time collaborative features allowing users to co-create presentations. Other interesting features provided by Piktochart include the ability to upload your fonts, design custom colour palette, access stock photos or upload your own, add interactive maps to your presentations, present online or download your presentation in .ppt or PDF format, and many more. 

7. Online whiteboard tools

Google Jamboard

While they are not presentation tools in the conventional sense of the word, online whiteboarding tools can also be used for creating and sharing presentations. They are especially ideal for teamwork collaboration.

They enable you to work together, brainstorm ideas, organize throughs and communicate complex data in visually engaging formats. Some of my favourite online whiteboards include Google Jamboard, Lucidspark, and Conceptboard. For more details about each of these platforms check out   best visual collaboration tools for teachers .

8-  Canva Presentation

Canva, the popular design platform, is one of my favourite presentation tools out there. The site features a huge library of beautifully designed templates and offers tons of features and multiple presentation modes.

Here is how to make a presentation on Canva: head over to Canva and type ‘Presentation’ in the search box. Browse through the pre-made presentation templates. You can filter your search by theme and style. 

The Education section embeds a wide range of awesome templates created specifically for the education community. Once you find the template you are interested in, click to open  it in Canva editor where you can start editing it the way you like.

You can add photos, GIFs, insert videos and music, add shapes and fonts,  etc. Use animations to add a creative effect to your slides. Once your presentation is ready you can choose among various presentation modes.

“Choose from standard presentation, presenter mode, video recording. Or, on bad hair days, choose an audio-only video presentation mode. Save your slides as a PDF for handouts, export them as PowerPoint .pptx files, or turn them into an interactive website!”

Canva also offers collaborative features that allow you to invite your team members to help with the creation of your presentation. “To create a team, simply choose those who you would like to collaborate with and once the invitation is accepted you can instantly start creating your presentation together. Play with illustrations, colours, leave comments, and resolve suggestions all within the Canva editor. Teamwork is made easier with Canva’s presentation tool”.

Canva for Education  is a version created especially for us in education and offers special pricing and features. Check it out to learn more.

Final thoughts

Today’s post highlights a suite of interactive presentation tools that are transforming the way educators and students create and share content, all without the need for extensive design skills. With user-friendly interfaces and a multitude of customizable templates, these tools open up a world of creativity and collaboration.

They come packed with features like stock image libraries and multimedia integration, elevating presentations from static slides to engaging stories. Tools like Google Slides and Canva cater to real-time teamwork, while Haiku Deck and Visme offer unique ways to animate ideas. For those seeking to make their presentations even more dynamic, integrating live polls, Q&As, and quizzes can turn a simple lecture into an interactive learning session.

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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21 Top Professional Development Topics For Teachers Now

Home » Education » 21 Top Professional Development Topics For Teachers Now

  • By Vicki Davis
  • February 12, 2022
  • Subscribe to the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast

Any time we have a break, educators need to get some rest so that we can be our best. However, our professional accreditation requirements are still on track and need to be renewed, as we have to learn and up our abilities. As I look to listen to educators, here are 21 hot topics that I think we should consider including in our personal PD. They fit into the categories of SEL, digital instruction, engagement/management, and leadership. 

Also, remember to apply these 5 Simple Principles for Improving Teacher Professional Development as you select your topic and method of delivery.

Advancement Courses

Advancement Courses sponsored this blog post. All opinions are my own. If you enroll in any of the courses mentioned in this post, use the code cool15 to receive 20% off of your course. Search Courses Now or see my recommendations below.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored blog post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Recently, while discussing the next steps for schools this fall with two instructional designers in the webinar “10 Ways to Move Learning Forward”, we identified ten considerations for school. (I’ve embedded the webinar below for you to review.) Many of the topics below were part of that conversation, including Social Emotional Learning (SEL) . 

As a result of this webinar and some research of my own, I compiled this list which I hope will serve as a quick menu for you and the teachers at your school to select summer professional development that will help you grow and learn. I've also included courses from this blog post sponsor, Advancement Courses that meet the criteria for each topic.

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Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is right at the top of the list for many of us. We have to relate to educate. To better relate, we have to understand where students are emotionally so that we can connect with them , get them any extra help they might need, and move them forward.

SEL isn’t about manipulation it’s about human connection; and of all the things we need to do, connecting with one another and regulating ourselves emotionally is right at the top of the list. Let's look at some areas we can all improve.

1. Student Mental Health (Including Anxiety and Depression)

Understanding mental health is more important than ever. Recently, I had to educate myself on the current trends in helping students who are anxious, depressed, worried, or just need guidance about the future. 

Research note: As Wall (2021) indicates, there is a definite connection between trauma and student behavior as well as student learning. In her qualitative study, she found that when schools meet this challenge head-on, student achievement increased and behavioral challenges decreased. (WALL, C. R. G. (2021). RELATIONSHIP OVER REPROACH: FOSTERING RESILIENCE BY EMBRACING A TRAUMA-INFORMED APPROACH TO ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. JOURNAL OF AGGRESSION, MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA, 30(1), 118-137.)

Understanding student mental health can also help us with others who we meet in our world today. Students need us to understand them so we can teach them. These courses will give you a start.

Courses about Student Mental Health

Strategies for Addressing Student Anxiety – With the strategies and interventions you learn in this course, you will be able to create a classroom environment where students can successfully cope with stressors and instead focus on learning.

Helping Children Overcome Depression – Using the resources and strategies from this course, you will be able to support your students struggling with depression to help them redirect their thinking and pursue academic success in spite of the challenges they’re facing.

2. How to Reach Students Who Have Experienced Trauma

You nor I can know or understand what children have experienced in this time of challenge and upheaval. So, we have to learn how to reach and teach students who have experienced trauma. We don’t need to know what it is, but we do need to recognize that the trauma is there. In my experience, I’ve found that assuming that students have experienced trauma of some kind is more likely than assuming that they haven’t.

Helping Students Overcome Trauma – In this course, you will explore the different types of trauma and how they affect students’ behavior and academic performance. You’ll learn how to identify conditions such as PTSD and how to help students through natural and healthy grieving processes. In addition, you’ll explore strategies for proactively coping with trauma, including creating student-led support groups and peer counseling programs, getting students involved with community outreach programs, and partnering with local and national organizations focused on processing trauma. With the resources and techniques from this course, you will be equipped to create a program that helps your students heal and thrive in spite of life’s hardest griefs and tragedies.

3. How to Connect to Students and Understand Their Emotions (SEL)

Teachers around the world are using mood check-ins, emotional temp checks , and other methods for connecting. Even when connecting at a distance instead of in person, we can all benefit from learning some skills to connect with students on an emotional level, even while delivering classroom instruction.

SEL Courses

Assessment Strategies for SEL – In this course, you’ll get up to speed on current practices in SEL, including the history and legislation that has propelled it to the forefront of our educational focus. You’ll explore emotional intelligence models and various methods for collecting data, so you’ll be equipped to decide which instruments are right for your school or district to measure SEL growth. In addition, you’ll create practical tools such as rubrics for teacher observation, surveys for self-assessment reports, and data collection checklists and notes for interviews. Finally, you’ll choose your last lesson to either explore the long-term economic and social value of SEL instruction so you can encourage your school or district to invest in this important movement or discover the ways you can easily implement SEL instruction and assessment into your current routine. 

Creating Meaningful Relationships and Setting Boundaries with your Students In this course, you will examine the fundamental strategies involved in building meaningful relationships and setting boundaries with your students. You’ll learn foundational concepts of interpersonal relationships, learner-centered instruction, the role of the teacher as a facilitator and advisor, the impact of the learning environment on the development of meaningful relationships, authentic learning, and inquiry-based teaching. In addition, you’ll cultivate techniques for establishing good rapport while maintaining healthy boundaries, even with hard-to-reach students.

4. Engaging Students Online Who Are Experiencing Anxiety

Some students are not yet ready or cannot return to in-person learning. It can be more challenging to engage these students online. Skills for online engagement with students who are experiencing anxiety (and trauma) can be especially helpful for educators struggling with student disengagement in online classrooms.

Student Anxiety in Online Learning – In this course, you’ll analyze anxiety brought about by technology immersion as an overactive fight–flight–freeze survival response. Based on information systems research, you’ll explore the concept of “technostress” and its triggers, how to spot it in your students, and how it impacts learning. You’ll examine common mistakes in addressing anxiety, as well as how to work with parents to help students through technostress and when to reach out for additional help. Finally, you’ll learn traditional best practices and digital solutions available to students to offset some of the anxiety they’re experiencing.  

5. Better Relating to Parents

Now more than ever, parents and teachers need closer partnerships if we’re going to help children. However, how do educators relate to parents, as many parents have also experienced trauma? Developing and improving parent communication plans and understanding how to better connect with parents will help educators help students even more, particularly if those students are learning from home.

Courses About Improving Parent Relationships

Partnering with Parents for Student Success – According to Dr. Susan M. Sheridan (n.d.), “Research shows that when a partnership approach between parents and teachers is evident, children’s work habits, attitudes about school and grades improve. They demonstrate better social skills, fewer behavioral problems and a greater ability to adapt to situations and get along.”  As educators, we want what’s best for our students! It is our job to establish, foster, and maintain productive relationships with parents so that our students can be successful.

Forming Community Partnerships to Access Educational Resources – In this course for school leaders, you will explore methods for seeking out and partnering with community members to gain a variety of resources for your school. You’ll learn from other school leaders who have successfully built a network of contacts and resources, and develop strategies to help you do the same in your community. In addition, you’ll learn how to create a well-balanced presentation of your schools’ current needs to energize community members to get involved.  By the end of the course, you’ll have a practical plan to drive more educational opportunities for your students through the power of community partnerships. 

6. Self-Care for Educators

Teachers have to rest to be their best. Additionally, educators have to be healthy and whole in order to rise to the monumental tasks laid upon them in classrooms today. We must learn to have good health and wellness so we can be better classroom teachers tomorrow. If your school lets you take such a course, I think most of us would benefit.

Self Care Courses

Achieving Work-Life Harmony in Teaching – During the course, you will develop strategies and practices to apply immediately in your practices as you assess your stress and its causes, as well as implementing new rituals and routines that ease distress through understanding the concept of resilience.

Self Care Strategies for Teachers – You will learn techniques for how to stop absorbing stressors, manage challenging situations, build long-term self-care strategies for all areas of your life, and track your progress through a series of somatic and emotional self-evaluations. This course gives you the opportunity to invest in yourself so you can build a more grounded, inspired, and sustainable career in education.

7. Home/School Life Balance Strategies

When school and online learning follow you everywhere, teachers and students need to learn balance. Additionally, as students are completing instruction and asking questions 24/7, educators need to know how to balance and set healthy boundaries to continue teaching effectively in the long term. If more educators cannot establish firm home/school life balance strategies, then I sadly predict that we will see many more incredible educators leave the profession.

Work and Life Balance Courses

Creating Work-Life Harmony in Teaching – Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to create a personalized set of practices that will help you maximize what’s most important in your personal and professional life.

Becoming a Calm, Happy Teacher – The techniques will help you create more life balance so that you can cultivate more well-being for yourself and your classroom. The strategies will not only help you be more engaged, present, and fulfilled as a teacher, but you’ll also apply your learning to your classroom and your students.

Online and Digital Instruction

As we work to instruct students in blended learning and online classrooms, we should continue to update our abilities to instruct students in digital spaces.

8. Online Instructional Engagement

Students are ghosting. In fact, sometimes students who turn on their cameras are the exception. How can teachers engage students when they cannot require students to turn on their camera? How can teachers in classrooms engage students in the digital platforms used to supplement and personalize learning? These are the questions of the hour right now for educators everywhere.

Courses to Improve Online Engagement

Engaging Students in Online Learning – Using the tools from this course, you’ll be able to plan fun and interesting online instruction that meets a variety of learning needs. 

Fostering Student Interaction in Online Learning – Using the best practices from this course, you will be able to help increase student-to-student engagement and foster a greater love of learning.

9. Online Assessment

Assessment must respect learners, provide actionable feedback, and motivate. Sometimes this feels like a Herculean task, but there are best practices to help all of us get better at assessment. When you take time to improve assessment, students can improve their learning.

Courses About Online Assessment

Jumpstarting Online Assessments – By incorporating dynamic, engaging online assessment into your class, you will be able to help your students navigate the online learning space and achieve the same standards as a face-to-face classroom. 

Designing Online Assessments for Students – Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to incorporate online assessments in your class in a way that makes sense for your context and that will help your students learn and grow on a deeper level.

10. Student Accountability in Online Learning

How can educators hold students accountable while still respecting individual family situations? Student accountability is a hot topic this year, but it’s not a new topic. Best practices already exist for holding students accountable in a way that motivates them. We can all improve in this area.

Student Accountability in Online Learning – In this course, you’ll learn to harness the power of authentic learning experiences to help students see how their learning is meaningful and connected to the real world. You’ll learn the importance of developing students’ executive functioning skills to foster independent learning and investigate ways to create classroom spaces and curricula that are inviting and engaging. In addition, you’ll explore ways to get families involved and build support systems that empower students to learn.  Finally, you’ll assess your school and classroom practices to ensure they are equitable for all learners, and that they motivate students to achieve their highest potential. Using the techniques from this course, you’ll be able to put students in the driver’s seat by teaching them to manage, measure, and be excited about their own learning. 

11. Education Technology Accessibility for All Students

Many technology tools require teacher customization in order for all students to access the content. Additionally, other tools limit the accessibility for those who learn differently or have physical challenges. Accessibility is another hot topic that also relates to equity and inclusion in the digital classroom. We all must improve the accessibility of our digital content.

Courses About How to Make EdTech Accessible

Accessibility in the Digital Classroom – By the end of this course, you’ll have the knowledge and tools you need to create or modify digital learning materials to be more accessible to all students

Equity in the Digital Classroom – By the end of this course, you’ll have a roadmap for how to avoid the pitfalls of online learning and plan an equitable learning experience for all your students. 

12. Fun Learning Strategies for Engaging Students Who Have Been Disengaged (Game-based Learning)

We can play games and learn with digital games and activities that engage learners in the face-to-face and online classrooms. Level up and have fun while learning with courses that help you improve your ability to play games, learn, and teach at the same time.

Game-Based Learning

Let’s Play! Creating a Playful Classroom – Using techniques from this course, you will transform your classroom into one that is meaningful, relevant, and most of all, fun!

Level Up! Student Achievement Through Gamification and Game-Based Learning – By the end of this course, you will be equipped with strategies for creating and selecting educational games that are best suited for your content, your grade level, and your students’ unique interests and needs.

Topics for Every Classroom: Online and Face-to-Face

13. how to help students who have been disengaged by learning gaps.

Learning gaps are the hot topic of the moment as schools and teachers wrestle with the reality that some students will return to school behind by a whole grade level — or more. What does a teacher do when a student isn’t even on the first page of this year’s textbook? The traditional problems of helping students who are behind is magnified by the struggles with student engagement during the pandemic. Helping students progress quickly is the challenge facing schools everywhere.

Summer Learning Strategies: Combatting the Summer Slide — This course offers tools that teachers can quickly and easily implement so that their summer learning suggestions are ready to go long before the end of the year nears. During the course, you’ll learn how to increase motivation through student choice and get parents involved so they can support student learning even in the midst of summer travel and vacation plans. You’ll also see how you can set up e-mail templates so you can stay in touch with students and parents without having to compose e-mails over the summer. 

14. Reaching Every Student Through Differentiation.

If teachers continue to use the same approach for every student, some learners will disengage. Differentiated instruction is one of my favorite methods to help students learn and engage with content as I use technology. This topic will benefit teachers in face-to-face and online classrooms everywhere.

Differentiated Instruction – In this course, you will master the skills necessary to effectively differentiate instruction for optimal achievement by all students. You will learn how to identify individual students’ needs and learning styles, and create activities and tiered lessons that will meet those needs. You will cultivate different strategies for grouping students, arranging your classroom, and using cognitive approaches that help students take ownership of their learning.

15. Equity and Inclusion

Including and engaging all students is vital to helping every child thrive. Courses in cultural sensitivity and inclusion can help educators everywhere bring everyone into the learning.

Courses on Equity and Inclusion

Fostering Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity in the Classroom – After participating in this course, you’ll be able to approach instruction with an awareness of your own biases and will be more adept at fostering inclusion and better meeting the needs of your learners. 

Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies – Whether you’re looking to make your classroom and lesson plans more culturally inclusive or start a school wide initiative, this course will give you the tools you need to be truly inclusive, culturally responsive, and capable of understanding and reaching all children.

Cultural Diversity in the Digital Classroom – By the end of this course, you’ll have practical, meaningful strategies and ideas to become more culturally responsive in a digital learning environment and help your students feel more included and motivated even when they’re physically far apart. 

16. Helping Special Needs Students Succeed

Students who struggle to learn and have special accommodations require adjustments for teachers, particularly in online classrooms. However, there are methods to make it easier for educators to reach every child. 

Courses to Help Special Needs Students

Communicating with Parents of Students with Special Needs – Using the tools and techniques from this course, you will be able to cultivate a positive, caring relationship with your students’ families and effectively share their progress so you can work together toward their child’s success.

The General Educator's Guide to Special Education – With the strategies and best practices from this course, you will be equipped to better serve students with disabilities regardless of your grade, subject area, or teaching context.

Cultural Competency in Special Education – By the end of this course, you will have the self-reflection and pedagogical skills you need to continually grow and respond to the needs of your special education students.

17. Classroom Management

For me, the concepts I learned in Harry Wong’s The First Days of School changed my classroom for the better. If behavior is a problem, often learning better classroom management techniques can help teachers provide students with more opportunities for success. I know that better classroom management has helped me.

Courses to Help Teachers Improve Classroom Management

A Well-Managed Classroom for 21st-Century Educators – With the tools and techniques from this course, you’ll be able to build a thriving, positive learning environment for your students—and for you. 

Curbing Disruptive Behavior – Using the proven, practical solutions from this course, you will be equipped to take back control of your classroom—starting today.

Classroom Management for Online Learning – By the end of this course, you’ll be able to confidently build and manage an online classroom to maximize learning for all students.

18. Digital Citizenship and Self-Control for Students Using Technology

Appropriate online behavior, online safety, and personal privacy are all topics for students to master as they move to learning that is strongly technology-enhanced. Self-control has also loomed as a vital issue. Digital citizenship topics can help students and teachers get on the same page and create a safer online space.

Digital Citizenship Courses for Educators

Developing 21st – Century Skills in a Digital World – With the knowledge and techniques from this course, you will be equipped to support your students in developing the 21st-century skills they need to succeed in our tech-focused world and workforce.  K-5 or 6-12

Respect, Educate, and Protect: Cultivating Digital Citizenship in 21st-Century Learners – Using the techniques from this course, you will be able to instill in your students' important 21st-century skills and empower them to use technology in a safe and responsible manner throughout their lives.

Teaching Media Literacy in a Post-Truth World – From the design of the learning environment to expectation setting and more, it’s critical to create an environment in which all students, regardless of their opinions or background, have an opportunity to fairly express their thoughts.

Teacher Leadership and School Health

19. how to retain excellent teachers at your school.

Teachers (and substitute teachers) are becoming scarce. The best schools will retain and attract the best teachers. Administrators and teacher leaders need to understand the techniques to do this and help their school succeed.

Recruiting, Retaining, and Reengaging Excellent Teachers – By investing your time in this course, you will be able to proactively build and keep a great staff for years to come, saving yourself time and headaches down the road. 

20. Effective Instructional Coaching Techniques

Whether online or face-to-face, all of us teachers (me included) can improve. However, instructional coaching can be done in a way that either fosters improvement or resentment. Learning effective instructional coaching techniques is essential for those empowered to help teachers level up their pedagogical approaches.

Creating an Effective Instructional Coaching Program for Your School –  By investing your time in this course, you will be able to proactively build and keep a great staff for years to come, saving yourself time and headaches down the road. 

21. Teacher Leadership and Helping Teacher Cohorts Progress Together

Teachers can create powerful learning communities as they band together to progress and learn with one another. Effective schools create nurturing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and use other techniques to help teachers level up and learn together. Learn the techniques and develop plans to help your school improve.

Teacher Leadership and Learning Courses

Teachers as Leaders – With the knowledge and techniques from this course, you will be able to sharpen your leadership skills so you can better serve your colleagues and improve your team, school, and district.

The Seven Domains of Teacher Leadership – By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped to make a meaningful impact on your school’s improvement efforts and create a more equitable learning environment for your students.

Maximizing Teacher Success Through Small Group Collaboration – Using the techniques from this course, you will be able to form and manage productive, growth-oriented groups for better collaboration among your peers. 

Pick A Course and Make Progress

I recently shared how I selected my summer professional development and which course I’ll begin taking in June. I like Advancement Courses because they have practical outcomes and give me six months to complete the work. Remember to use my offer code COOL20 to receive 20% off your course registration.

Let’s do this!

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Picture of Vicki Davis

Vicki Davis

Vicki Davis is a full-time classroom teacher and IT Director in Georgia, USA. She is Mom of three, wife of one, and loves talking about the wise, transformational use of technology for teaching and doing good in the world. She hosts the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast which interviews teachers around the world about remarkable classroom practices to inspire and help teachers. Vicki focuses on what unites us -- a quest for truly remarkable life-changing teaching and learning. The goal of her work is to provide actionable, encouraging, relevant ideas for teachers that are grounded in the truth and shared with love. Vicki has been teaching since 2002 and blogging since 2005. Vicki has spoken around the world to inspire and help teachers reach their students. She is passionate about helping every child find purpose, passion, and meaning in life with a lifelong commitment to the joy and responsibility of learning. If you talk to Vicki for very long, she will encourage you to "Relate to Educate" or "innovate like a turtle" or to be "a remarkable teacher." She loves to talk to teachers who love their students and are trying to do their best. Twitter is her favorite place to share and she loves to make homemade sourdough bread and cinnamon rolls and enjoys running half marathons with her sisters. You can usually find her laughing with her students or digging into a book.

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I would love to improve my learners’ reading skills. Please help

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Here is a post on reading stamina – – you can also search “reading” in the search box.

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It is so important to understand mental illness and trauma to even begin to understand how we as educators can reach the children who suffer from them. I love that the first few things you listed were about mental illness, trauma, relationships, and even taking care of ourselves as teachers. Its so easy to get bogged down in work and overlook things like that even without meaning to, but true learning can not happen without focus on those topics!

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These teacher professional development topics are important because they improve classroom dynamics and enhance student well-being. They enable teachers to have a significant impact on a variety of students while encouraging participation and peer development.

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Cool Cat Teacher Blog

Top 10 Teacher Lesson Plan presentation templates


Having a Teacher Lesson Plan template is crucial for educators as it provides a structured and organized approach to delivering lessons. Teachers, tutors, and instructors across various educational levels and subjects benefit from using these templates. Utilizing a presentation template, like the examples below, streamlines the process of creating visually appealing and engaging content, allowing educators to focus on the quality of their instruction and save valuable time.

What makes a good Teacher Lesson Plan?

  • Clear objectives: Clearly outline the goals and learning outcomes for the lesson, ensuring that students understand what they are expected to achieve by the end of the session.
  • Engaging visuals: Incorporate relevant images, graphics, and multimedia elements to capture students' attention and enhance their understanding of the subject matter.
  • Logical structure: Organize the content in a coherent and easy-to-follow manner, breaking down complex topics into smaller, manageable sections for better comprehension.
  • Interactive activities: Include opportunities for students to actively participate in the learning process through group discussions, hands-on exercises, or problem-solving tasks.
  • Assessment methods: Provide a variety of assessment tools, such as quizzes, assignments, or projects, to evaluate students' progress and understanding of the lesson content.

1. Tome's Teacher Lesson Plan Template

presentation for new teachers

Easily organize and execute educational lessons with the Tome's Teacher Lesson Plan Template , perfect for educators aiming to structure their sessions effectively. This template is ideal when preparing detailed lesson plans that align with course objectives, facilitating student engagement and learning.

  • Slides: Guides for lesson structuring, engaging questions, and student involvement.
  • Format: Available online via Tome app, exportable in PDF or PowerPoint format.
  • Pricing: Free to use on the

2. Space Illustrative Lesson Plan for High School PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

presentation for new teachers

The Space Illustrative Lesson Plan for High School Template captures the vastness of space in an educational format, perfect for high school and college astronomy units. Use it when the lesson's aim is to explore celestial phenomena and foster scientific curiosity.

  • Slides: Engaging and themed visuals to complement space-related lessons.
  • Format: Available in PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.
  • Pricing: Free to download.

3. STEM Elective Subject for Middle School - 7th Grade: Principles of IT, Cybersecurity and Engineering Template

presentation for new teachers

STEM Elective Subject for Middle School Template is ideal for introducing students to the basics of IT, cybersecurity, and engineering, best used in middle school STEM curricula.

  • Slides: Includes 3D illustrations and various educational resources.
  • Format: Available in Google Slides format.

4. Global Education PowerPoint Template Template

presentation for new teachers

Global Education PowerPoint Template is suited for presenting global educational concepts and multicultural learning experiences, great for broadening students' worldviews.

  • Slides: Features vibrant colors and interactive design elements.
  • Format: Compatible with PowerPoint.
  • Pricing: Specific pricing information is not publicly available. Users may buy the template through a subscription at SlideModel.

5. Kimok Science Doodles Style Lesson Template - Daily Learning: STEM Infographics

presentation for new teachers

Kimok Science Doodles Style Lesson Template makes science subjects approachable and fun, ideal for daily STEM lessons that encourage interactive learning and creativity.

  • Slides: Doodle-style graphics and STEM-focused infographics.

6. 1-Slide Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template

presentation for new teachers

The 1-Slide Lesson Plan PowerPoint Template simplifies the educational planning process, ideal for teachers needing a quick overview of daily or weekly educational objectives.

  • Slides: A single slide for a concise lesson summary.
  • Format: Available in PowerPoint format.

7. Math lesson PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

presentation for new teachers

Math Lesson PowerPoint and Google Slides Template offers a vibrant and engaging approach to math lessons, perfect for educators looking to make math fun and accessible for students.

  • Slides: Colorful and math-themed design to enhance learning.
  • Format: Available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.

8. Lesson Roadmap Presentation Template

presentation for new teachers

Lesson Roadmap Presentation Template is great for outlining the journey of a lesson or unit, helping educators plan and communicate the path of learning effectively.

  • Slides: Customizable for different educational needs.
  • Format: Available for Google Slides, PowerPoint, and Canva.

9. Biology Subject for High School: Stem Cells Presentation Template

presentation for new teachers

Biology Subject for High School: Stem Cells Presentation Template is designed for high school biology lessons, especially effective for topics on stem cells and advanced biological concepts.

  • Slides: Rich in scientific illustrations and content.

10. Simple 5-Step Timeline Concept for PowerPoint Template

presentation for new teachers

The Simple 5-Step Timeline Concept for PowerPoint Template is perfect for educators and professionals needing to outline processes or timelines clearly and concisely.

  • Slides: Features a straightforward 5-step timeline design.

Create the best presentations with Tome!

As an educator, you're always looking for ways to create engaging and interactive lesson plans that capture your students' attention. With Tome , you can effortlessly craft polished presentations that not only look great on any screen but also incorporate AI tools to help you express your ideas quickly and effectively. Our platform is designed to assist you in developing structured starting points for compelling presentations, integrating web references, and ensuring your finished output is both captivating and clear.

Whether you're teaching a science class or a history lesson, Tome's versatility allows you to create immersive and interactive experiences for your students. By transforming your existing documents into polished presentations, you can elevate your lesson plans and make learning more enjoyable for your students.

Ready to see how Tome can enhance your lesson plans? Sign up for free and start shaping your ideas with Tome today.

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new teacher induction program

New Teacher Induction Program

Aug 10, 2014

931 likes | 2.76k Views

New Teacher Induction Program. “Best Practice” Smith Elementary School By John Lyons, Mandy Wesson, Cindy Woodham , Caleb Cheon. Literature Review. After through review of various resources the New Teacher Induction Program Plan was developed. New Teacher Induction Plan.

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  • cindy woodham
  • susan pynchon july
  • external network
  • standards based evaluation researched
  • teaching strategies


Presentation Transcript

New Teacher Induction Program “Best Practice” Smith Elementary School By John Lyons, Mandy Wesson, Cindy Woodham, Caleb Cheon

Literature Review After through review of various resources the New Teacher Induction Program Plan was developed.

New Teacher Induction Plan Orientation Program Quality, Structured Mentoring Common Planning Time Intensive and Ongoing Professional Development External Network of Teachers Standards- Based Evaluation Researched and proven through A Review of Literature On Beginning Teacher Induction by Elizabeth Whisnant, Kim Elliot, and Susan Pynchon July 2005

Orientation • Two days prior to the start of school will be scheduled for new teachers to the school/system. During this time the mission statement, school/system goals, evaluations and observations, school events and activities, expectations, curriculum, assessment, classroom management, sexual harassment, Lee v. Macon, and other topics related to the school environment will be presented. Insurance and Tax Forms Security Badge Tour the school

Quality, Structured Mentoring • Mentors are selected based experience and expertise. Provisions for time, support, and stipends are created. Mentor and Mentee are compatible. Mentors are to serve as a resource and guide for new teachers.

Common Planning Time Schedule common times for grade level and area teachers to work together. Focus on curriculum standards and assessment. Analyze assessment data to modify teaching strategies. Promote collaboration among new and veteran teachers and share teaching ideas.

Intensive and Ongoing Professional Development • Identify needs of beginning teacher and the mentor. • Expand content knowledge. • Address diversity in learning and in culture. • Share “Best Practices”.

External Network of Teachers • Enables mentors and novices together in common groups. • Encourage reflective dialogue. • Share “Best Practices” outside the usual network. • Strengthening what works.

Standards-Based Evaluation • What do we do to measure student achievement? • How are students achieving? • Classroom Observations • Teacher Feedback • PEPE

PresentationModeling Effective and Ineffective Teaching • Inadequate Teacher Mentor observation, evaluation, and feedback • Adequate Teacher Mentor observation, evaluation, and feedback • Comparison of education within a parochial school and a public school. - Textbook - Teaching - Learning - Prayer - Evaluation

  • More by User

New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)

New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)

New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP). Orientation and Overview. On line resource. PURPOSE.

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New Teacher Induction

New Teacher Induction

New Teacher Induction. Increasing New Teacher Retention. 2015-16. Suzanne Smith Assistant Principal Cherry Creek Academy. CCA’s Induction Program. Applied to CDE/SBE in 2014 Completing our second year 4-5 Teachers Per Year. Why?. Mission and Vision

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Mentoring and Beginning Teacher Induction Program

Mentoring and Beginning Teacher Induction Program

Mentoring and Beginning Teacher Induction Program. Karen Linville, WV Center for Professional Development Nathan Estel, West Virginia Department of Education. Mentoring and Induction.

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Teacher Induction Program TIP

Teacher Induction Program TIP

Teacher Induction Program. PurposeTo provide support for teachers new to Duval CountyTo meet the State of Florida mandate for Professional Education Competency ProgramEvery teacher new to Duval County will participate in the TIP program.. Three Levels of TIP Participation. Teachers with a Florid

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New Teacher Induction Mentoring System (NTIMS)

New Teacher Induction Mentoring System (NTIMS)

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New Teacher Induction

New Teacher Induction. What MCPS Administrators Need to Know. What is Teacher Induction?. The purpose of a new teacher induction program is to improve the capacity of schools to attract, induct, and retain talented, enthusiastic, and dedicated teachers. . Why Do We Need Induction?.

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Exploring and Assessing New Teacher Induction Program Models

Exploring and Assessing New Teacher Induction Program Models

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Induction Program for New Employees

Induction Program for New Employees

The first two to three months of any new employee is very crucial for an organization. It is the most vulnerable time when a new staff can leave the company as he may not find properly engaged in the company.

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2011 Teacher Hiring New Teacher Induction Program

2011 Teacher Hiring New Teacher Induction Program

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Minnesota Teacher Induction Program

Minnesota Teacher Induction Program

Minnesota Teacher Induction Program. New Teacher Conference August 16-17, 2011. Purpose of TIP . Assist entry-level teachers (ELTs) of high school agriculture become efficacious , effective , & successful !. Objectives of TIP . Facilitate monthly professional developmen t

516 views • 12 slides

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New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)

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Teacher Induction Program Leader’s Meeting

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5 Ways to Invest in New Teachers

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EL ’s experienced team of writers and editors produces Educational Leadership magazine, an award-winning publication that reaches hundreds of thousands of K-12 educators and leaders each year. Our work directly supports the mission of ASCD: To empower educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. 

ASCD is a community dedicated to educators' professional growth and well-being.

Let us help you put your vision into action., related articles.


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Magazine cover titled 'Helping New Teachers Thrive' featuring a yellow background and a green pencil with a small sprout growing from the top, symbolizing growth and thriving

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Create your presentation Create personalized presentation content

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When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you’re worried about, it’s a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you’ll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs . And it’s totally free!

presentation for new teachers

Generate presentations in minutes

We humans make the world move, but we need to sleep, rest and so on. What if there were someone available 24/7 for you? It’s time to get out of your comfort zone and ask the AI presentation maker to give you a hand. The possibilities are endless : you choose the topic, the tone and the style, and the AI will do the rest. Now we’re talking!

Customize your AI-generated presentation online

Alright, your robotic pal has generated a presentation for you. But, for the time being, AIs can’t read minds, so it’s likely that you’ll want to modify the slides. Please do! We didn’t forget about those time constraints you’re facing, so thanks to the editing tools provided by one of our sister projects —shoutouts to Wepik — you can make changes on the fly without resorting to other programs or software. Add text, choose your own colors, rearrange elements, it’s up to you! Oh, and since we are a big family, you’ll be able to access many resources from big names, that is, Freepik and Flaticon . That means having a lot of images and icons at your disposal!

presentation for new teachers

How does it work?

Think of your topic.

First things first, you’ll be talking about something in particular, right? A business meeting, a new medical breakthrough, the weather, your favorite songs, a basketball game, a pink elephant you saw last Sunday—you name it. Just type it out and let the AI know what the topic is.

Choose your preferred style and tone

They say that variety is the spice of life. That’s why we let you choose between different design styles, including doodle, simple, abstract, geometric, and elegant . What about the tone? Several of them: fun, creative, casual, professional, and formal. Each one will give you something unique, so which way of impressing your audience will it be this time? Mix and match!

Make any desired changes

You’ve got freshly generated slides. Oh, you wish they were in a different color? That text box would look better if it were placed on the right side? Run the online editor and use the tools to have the slides exactly your way.

Download the final result for free

Yes, just as envisioned those slides deserve to be on your storage device at once! You can export the presentation in .pdf format and download it for free . Can’t wait to show it to your best friend because you think they will love it? Generate a shareable link!

What is an AI-generated presentation?

It’s exactly “what it says on the cover”. AIs, or artificial intelligences, are in constant evolution, and they are now able to generate presentations in a short time, based on inputs from the user. This technology allows you to get a satisfactory presentation much faster by doing a big chunk of the work.

Can I customize the presentation generated by the AI?

Of course! That’s the point! Slidesgo is all for customization since day one, so you’ll be able to make any changes to presentations generated by the AI. We humans are irreplaceable, after all! Thanks to the online editor, you can do whatever modifications you may need, without having to install any software. Colors, text, images, icons, placement, the final decision concerning all of the elements is up to you.

Can I add my own images?

Absolutely. That’s a basic function, and we made sure to have it available. Would it make sense to have a portfolio template generated by an AI without a single picture of your own work? In any case, we also offer the possibility of asking the AI to generate images for you via prompts. Additionally, you can also check out the integrated gallery of images from Freepik and use them. If making an impression is your goal, you’ll have an easy time!

Is this new functionality free? As in “free of charge”? Do you mean it?

Yes, it is, and we mean it. We even asked our buddies at Wepik, who are the ones hosting this AI presentation maker, and they told us “yup, it’s on the house”.

Are there more presentation designs available?

From time to time, we’ll be adding more designs. The cool thing is that you’ll have at your disposal a lot of content from Freepik and Flaticon when using the AI presentation maker. Oh, and just as a reminder, if you feel like you want to do things yourself and don’t want to rely on an AI, you’re on Slidesgo, the leading website when it comes to presentation templates. We have thousands of them, and counting!.

How can I download my presentation?

The easiest way is to click on “Download” to get your presentation in .pdf format. But there are other options! You can click on “Present” to enter the presenter view and start presenting right away! There’s also the “Share” option, which gives you a shareable link. This way, any friend, relative, colleague—anyone, really—will be able to access your presentation in a moment.

Discover more content

This is just the beginning! Slidesgo has thousands of customizable templates for Google Slides and PowerPoint. Our designers have created them with much care and love, and the variety of topics, themes and styles is, how to put it, immense! We also have a blog, in which we post articles for those who want to find inspiration or need to learn a bit more about Google Slides or PowerPoint. Do you have kids? We’ve got a section dedicated to printable coloring pages! Have a look around and make the most of our site!

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Start the Year Off Right: Preparing Your Classroom, Children, and Yourself for Success!

Posted: August 29, 2024

Get off on the right foot by proactively setting up your environment and supporting children's development while prioritizing your own well-being.

A teacher greeting students at the classroom door with a high five.

A teacher greeting students at the classroom door with a high five.

With a new school year upon us you will likely have a mix of new and returning children joining your classroom. Regardless of the age of children you care for, the first few weeks of the school year can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for teachers, children, and their parents. To help ensure it is a fun year with lots of learning and exploration, it is important to get off on the right foot. To do this, think about how you can be proactive in setting up your classroom environment and supporting children’s development, while also prioritizing your own well-being. Here are some tips to start the year off on a positive note and establish routines that can help ensure that it is a positive experience for everyone.

Build an environment that encourages learning and exploration

When setting up your classroom try to see the world through the eyes of the children you care for. Is the space bright and inviting? Are words, numbers, and pictures at children’s eye level? Are there different spaces for different activities? The early childhood environment can make a tremendous difference for both children’s learning and their comfort. Here are some things you can do to make the space feel safe and welcoming:

Put up pictures of children in your care and their families. Early in the school year (and when new students join) invite them to bring in their favorite pictures of them with their family. Seeing these pictures around the classroom can help children feel comfortable, view other families and family structures, and provide them with the opportunity to share with their friends and teachers.

Set up different spaces for different activities. It can be useful to have specific areas where children can engage in the activities that they are interested in especially when children are trying to work out new expectations. For example, set up a comfortable area that is designated for reading where children can choose from a variety of books they are interested in. It’s also important to have different areas for different types and intensity of activity (e.g., quiet and relaxing areas, areas for dramatic play, etc.).

Be creative and decorate the classroom.  Think about what the classroom looks like to a child just entering the classroom, possibly for the first time. Is it bright and colorful? Warm and inviting? Whatever you can do to convey that this is a safe and fun place will go a long way. Also feel free to put your own personality into the room. Put up pictures of your own interests and use the room as a tool to communicate your personality. This can be an excellent way to connect with the children in your care and start to build positive relationships.

Help young children with transitions and establish routines

Regardless of if it’s a new child to your program or a returning student, the start of the school year can be hard. Children may have a hard time leaving their parents, being around new people and places, and dealing with new expectations. Many children have difficulty with transitions and this can be particularly challenging during the beginning of the year. Here are some things you can do to establish routines and help the children in your care know what to expect.

Create and share a schedule. It can be helpful to start the day with some sort of morning meeting where you will go over what you have planned. Providing reminders about what comes next in the day can be helpful as well. Incorporate a visual schedule along with a written one, which can support children’s literacy skills and may be easier for children to follow.

“Follow” the schedule but be flexible. Following your schedule will provide children a good idea of what to expect and help them develop routines. However, it is entirely okay to be flexible! If children are engaged and actively working on a project give them extra time to finish up instead of insisting they move to the next planned activity. If a child comes in excited to share something with you, let them! A schedule is great to provide yourself and children with guidance and structure, but it does not need to be set in stone. Also, remember it can take time to transition to a new activity, particularly at the beginning of the year when routines haven’t been established. Building that time into the schedule will allow you to stay on track and not feel rushed or flustered.

Be positive! Remember transitioning back to your program can be tough for children, especially when they may not fully understand what you expect of them. If you can remain calm, model appropriate behaviors, and be positive, children are more likely to adopt these behaviors and view school as a fun place with people who care about them.

Pay attention to and support your own well-being

The start of a new school year can feel stressful and overwhelming (as well as exciting) for teachers too! Early childhood teachers are tasked with the enormous responsibility of caring for our most vulnerable populations. You are asked to wear multiple hats and take on all sorts of different roles in your program. All of this can be stressful. At the beginning of the school year, it is important that you pay attention to your own feelings and do things to support your well-being now and throughout the year. Educators’ well-being is closely linked to the well-being of the children they care for, so paying attention to your own health and happiness benefits others too! Here are some things to keep in mind when considering your own overall well-being.

  • Mental and physical health are linked. As such, eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep all have been shown to relate to individual well-being.
  • Find time to decompress after the workday. This can be as simple as taking a walk to clear your head, speaking with a friend or partner about the day, meditating, or reading a book.
  • Connect with your co-workers. This can benefit both you and them and make the workdays more enjoyable. Similarly, if you feel you are struggling, let someone know. Sometimes just talking to someone after having a challenging day can make you feel better.

BKC resources

For some additional suggestions to help set yourself and the children in your care up for success you can check out the Better Kid Care courses below. Have a great year!

Setting up your space

  • Changing Spaces
  • Preschool Foundations: Environments and Routines that Work!
  • School Readiness: Lay the Foundation in the Early Years

Setting up routines

  • Transition Strategies for the Early Childhood Classroom
  • Plan for Learning: Create Child-Centered Schedules and Activity Plans
  • Transition Plans, Practices, and Approaches: Pathways to Success
  • Transitions – "Hello" and "Good-bye"

Managing your well-being

  • Go Healthy! It all Begins With You
  • Resilient Caregivers: 'Bouncing Back' From Stress

Social Media

  • X (Twitter)
  • Degrees & Programs
  • College Directory

Information for

  • Faculty & Staff
  • Visitors & Public

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The 4 Best New Features For Google Classroom

Google Classroom has a number of new features that utilize AI to empower teachers to meet the differing needs of students, says Google’s Akshat Sharma.

A screenshot from a new feature in Google Classroom that allows teachers to embed questions in YouTube videos.

Since the pandemic and the more recent AI evolution, Google Classroom has added many new features. Most are aimed at helping educators serve students better while using the popular education tool that turned 10 on August 14.

Akshat Sharma, a group product manager for Google Classroom, shares his favorite new features and discusses how teachers and/or students can best utilize these.

When it comes to AI features, these are vetted by educators who participate in the Google for Education pilot program to test new technologies, including AI applications.

1. Interactive Questions on YouTube

YouTube is incredibly popular with teachers and students, which is why Sharma and the Google Classroom team are excited about the new ability built into Google Classrooms to quickly and easily allow educators to embed questions within YouTube.

“You can add questions at any time stamp,” Sharma says. These questions can be multiple choice, true or false, or short answer, and can provide instant feedback to students and give teachers data on how these were answered.

Popular AI videos also have AI-generated questions added automatically, giving teachers a jumping-off point. “The student will receive real-time feedback and can go back and rewatch segments if they need to to help them arrive at the right answer,” Sharma says.

2. Read Along

Read Along is an AI tutoring product aimed at helping students increase their reading abilities. “About 65 percent of students globally can’t read at their grade level,” Sharma says. “We are really thinking about how AI can play a major role in supporting students in their journey of reading.”

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Read Along allows students to read various stories aloud. The tool will highlight the word they’re reading and offer computer-generated voice feedback as they go. The tool also encourages student success and gently points out and corrects words they might miss.

“The core idea here is we’re making it very easy for educators to support every child’s individual reading education through this AI-enabled tutor,” Sharma says. “You get real-time feedback as a student as you’re reading out loud, plus on the teacher side, you get automated insights.”

3. Google Classroom Groups

Teachers are constantly telling the Google team that they want more opportunities to differentiate learning for students, Sharma says. The new groups feature in Google Classroom grew from that.

“The idea here is that educators can define groups of students inside Classroom,” Sharma says. “When they’re assigning any of the content they can choose to assign to any of the groups instead of the entire class. That provides flexibility in how teachers might want to differentiate content. For example, if you have a set of students who are English language learners, you might want to provide some specific resources for an assignment. Or you might have a set of students who are still emerging readers and you want to create a Read Along version of that assignment.”

The new feature makes it much easier for students to run a classroom and assign materials where one size definitely does not fit all.

4. Gemini in Classroom

Gemini, Google’s most prominent generative AI technology , is now built into the teacher experience in Google Classroom. The tool within Classroom has been specifically tailored to teacher needs and can help educators kickstart their lesson ideas and brainstorm activities, making differentiating for students easier, Sharma says.

The tool also has careful safeguards in place. It does not help with grading, for instance, and is not available to students.

“AI is another tool in the tool kit but what we’re really trying to do here is make sure we can solve the educator and student’s needs,” Sharma says. “Teachers have always wanted to differentiate more in the class to meet the needs of varied learners, but it has been very hard for a variety of reasons. One of the reasons has been that curating content, creating content for specific needs has been hard, but with AI we think that becomes more possible.”

  • Google Gemini: How Google's New AI Can Change Teaching
  • Google for Education Certification and Exams

Erik Ofgang is a Tech & Learning contributor. A journalist,  author  and educator, his work has appeared in The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Smithsonian, The Atlantic, and Associated Press. He currently teaches at Western Connecticut State University’s MFA program. While a staff writer at Connecticut Magazine he won a Society of Professional Journalism Award for his education reporting. He is interested in how humans learn and how technology can make that more effective. 

Facing History and Ourselves: How to Use It to Teach


Educator Edtech Review: nXu


Colleges Are Using AI To Predict Student Success. These Predictions Are Often Wrong

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  • 4 Facing History and Ourselves: How to Use It to Teach
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Welcome back assembly 2024

Welcome back assembly 2024

Subject: Personal, social and health education

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presentation for new teachers

Description: Kick off the new school year with an inspiring assembly that helps students start with a positive mindset. This engaging presentation focuses on welcoming students back to school, encouraging them to reflect on their New Year’s resolutions, and guiding them in mapping out a 5-year plan for personal and academic success.

What’s Included:

Warm Welcome: A motivational introduction that sets the tone for the new academic year, fostering a sense of community and excitement. Reflection Exercise: A guided reflection on the past year, helping students evaluate their achievements and challenges to learn and grow. Resolution Setting: Tips and strategies for setting meaningful, achievable New Year’s resolutions that align with students’ personal values and goals. 5-Year Planning: A step-by-step guide to creating a 5-year plan, helping students visualize their future and set long-term goals in areas like academics, career aspirations, and personal growth.

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Translator Clerk-Typist (24-80) at Jurupa Unified

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At Jurupa Unified School District, we believe that with a positive mindset, every child can succeed. Our schools and programs are founded on proven educational strategies, supported by the latest research in neuroscience and are designed to promote the personal and academic growth of all students. We empower each child to unlock their potential to achieve in school, career, and life—wherever it takes them. We call this learning without limits. Learning without limits means our district provides an array of opportunities for each child. Our wide-ranging programs offered in and out of the classroom support and engage students from early childhood through high school. Students cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, develop resiliency, and are challenged to think creatively —essential qualities for personal development, academic growth, and an individual's sense of achievement at every level. Our approach is grounded in research and science but would not be possible without the dedication, commitment, and resolve of our compassionate team of educators and staff. Jurupa Unified School District encourages students to grow personally, achieve academically, and unlock their full potential as scholars and people, believing that with a positive mindset, every child can succeed.

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Fact Check Team: What's causing a nationwide scramble for teachers this year?

by EMMA WITHROW | Fact Check Team

Wells Preparatory Elementary School teacher Charlotte Owens, left, works with her fifth grade students during the literature segment of their day, Friday, March 8, 2024, in Chicago.(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

WASHINGTON (TND) — As the new school year begins, school districts across the country are grappling with a severe teacher shortage. A recent study by the Annenberg Institute at Brown University estimates that there are currently 55,000 vacant full-time teaching positions in the U.S.

The study found that the number of vacancies varies significantly from state to state. Florida has been hit the hardest, with 5,200 open teaching positions , the highest demand in the country. North Carolina follows with 3,619 vacancies, while Utah has the lowest number of openings, with just 37 positions available.

Education experts point to a combination of national trends and issues specific to Florida as the cause. Pay is a significant factor— Florida ranks 50th in the country for average teacher salary, which stands at around $54,000. For the 2023-2024 school year, the state's average starting teacher pay is just over $48,000 , according to the Florida Department of Education.

The shortage is also exacerbated by the supply and demand imbalance. There are not enough new teachers coming out of college to fill the growing number of empty positions. Florida is not alone in this crisis—National Center for Education Statistics data shows that 86% of U.S. K-12 public schools had trouble hiring teachers for the 2023-24 school year.

Nationally, teachers earned an average salary of $68,000 in 2023. However, when adjusted for inflation, teachers are making 5% less than they did 10 years ago. Starting salaries have also dropped by more than $4,200 compared to the 2008-09 school year.

Education experts cite poor working conditions and low salaries as key contributing factors to the teacher shortage. Teacher shortages have been a long-standing issue in schools, even before the pandemic. The problem has been particularly pronounced among English learners, children of color, and children with disabilities.

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Presentation U.S. History Primary Source Timeline

Evolution of the virginia colony, 1611-1624.

Almost from the start, investors in the Virginia Company in England were unhappy with the accomplishments of their Jamestown colonists. They therefore sought a new charter, which the king granted in May 1609. They took immediate steps to put the company on a sounder financial footing by selling shares valued at 12 1/2, 25, and 50 pounds (English monetary unit, originally equivalent to one pound of silver). Investors were promised a dividend from whatever gold, land, or other valuable commodities the Company amassed after seven years.

presentation for new teachers

Meanwhile, the charter allowed the Company to make its own laws and regulations, subject only to their compatibility with English law. To avoid the disputes that had characterized Virginia in its first years, the Company gave full authority and nearly dictatorial powers to the colony's governor. These changes were nearly too little and too late, for Jamestown was just then experiencing its "starving time." The Company, however, was bent on persevering and sent a new batch of ships and colonists in 1611. Over the next five years, Sir Thomas Gates and then Sir Thomas Dale governed the colony with iron fists via the "Lawes Devine, Morall, and Martiall."

The harsh regimes of the Virginia governors were not especially attractive to potential colonists. What was more, the colonists who did go to Virginia often did not have the skills and knowledge to help the colony prosper. The colonists not only found little of value, they were remarkably unable even to feed themselves. As a result, huge numbers of colonists perished from disease (many of which they brought with them), unsanitary conditions, and malnutrition. Between 1614 and 1618 or so, potential colonists were much more attracted to the West Indies and Bermuda than they were Virginia.

By 1618, the Virginia Company was forced to change course again. The Company had not solved the problem of profitability, nor that of settlers' morale. Sir Edwin Sandys became Company Treasurer and embarked on a series of reforms. He believed that the manufacturing enterprises the Company had begun were failing due to want of manpower. He embarked on a policy of granting sub-patents to land, which encouraged groups and wealthier individuals to go to Virginia. He sought to reward investors and so distributed 100 acres of land to each adventurer. He also distributed 50 acres to each person who paid his or her own way and 50 acres more for each additional person they brought along. This was known as the Virginia headright system.

Finally, Sandys thought it essential to reform the colony's governing structure. He hit upon the idea of convening an assembly in the colony, whose representatives would be elected by inhabitants. The assembly would have full power to enact laws on all matters relating to the colony. Of course, these laws could be vetoed by either the governor or the Company in London.

It may be said that some things improved, while others did not. With the experiments of John Rolfe, the colony finally discovered a staple product--tobacco. The colonists wanted to plant tobacco because it was a cash crop, even though the King opposed the use of the weed. But the Company constantly discouraged the cultivation of tobacco because its production seduced the colonists away from planting corn. The colony also continued to face the problem of lack of laborers and inability to feed itself. The ultimate answer to the labor problem was ominously foreshadowed in a little-noticed event that Rolfe described to Sandys in 1619: the arrival of a Dutch man-of-war carrying a group of captive Africans, for by the end of the century, African slave labor would become the colony's economic and social foundation. Indian relations, which seemed quiet for a time, finally spelled the end to the Virginia Company. In 1622, Indians rose up and massacred a large number of Virginia colonists. This led to an inquiry into Company affairs and finally the revocation of its charter.

For additional documents related to this topic, the most pertinent to the evolution of early Virginia, the Records of the Virginia Company (in the  Thomas Jefferson Papers ). Captain John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia and the four volumes edited by Peter Force in the mid-19th century are also essential resources. Both of these sources are full-text searchable via  The Capital and the Bay .

  • Sir Thomas Gates Reports to the Virginia Company, 1610
  • The Transition from Lord De La Warr to Sir Thomas Dale, May 1611
  • The Virginia Company's Public Relations Campaign, 1612
  • For the Colony of Virginea Britannia: Lawes Devine, Morall, and Martiall, 1612
  • Sir Thomas Dale Encourages Individual Enterprise in Virginia, 1614
  • Governor Argall, Letter to the Virginia Company, March 10, 1617
  • John Rolf Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, June 8, 1617
  • The Virginia Colonists Find a Staple Product: Tobacco, 1616-1618
  • Samuel Argall and John Rolf, 1617
  • John Rolf, 1618
  • Sir George Yeardley to Sir Edwin Sandys, 1620
  • Implementing the Great Charter in Virginia, 1619
  • John Rolf Reports on Virginia to Sir Edwin Sandys, 1619
  • Treasuror, Councell, and Company for Virginia, A Broadside, 1620
  • A Declaration of the State of Virginia, June 22, 1620
  • A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia, 1622
  • The Miserable Condition of Virginia, 1623 (May or June)
  • John Smith Assesses the Virginia Colony, 1624


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    Offer new teammates insight into each other's work styles. Have new hires share previous classroom experiences. Create a fun and helpful campus directory in Google slides. Plan for peer observations and mentorship. Give new teachers the gift of time. Integrate it with back to school PD.

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  13. 21 Top Professional Development Topics For Teachers Now

    6. Self-Care for Educators. Teachers have to rest to be their best. Additionally, educators have to be healthy and whole in order to rise to the monumental tasks laid upon them in classrooms today. We must learn to have good health and wellness so we can be better classroom teachers tomorrow.

  14. Top 10 Teacher Lesson Plan presentation templates

    Format: Available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats. Pricing: Free to download. ‍. 8. Lesson Roadmap Presentation Template. Lesson Roadmap Presentation Template is great for outlining the journey of a lesson or unit, helping educators plan and communicate the path of learning effectively.

  15. PPT

    931 likes | 2.76k Views. New Teacher Induction Program. "Best Practice" Smith Elementary School By John Lyons, Mandy Wesson, Cindy Woodham , Caleb Cheon. Literature Review. After through review of various resources the New Teacher Induction Program Plan was developed. New Teacher Induction Plan.

  16. 5 Ways to Invest in New Teachers

    This is especially important for new teachers who are still developing their understanding of high-quality instructional practices and materials. 4. Create pathways to leadership. Many teachers, including new teachers, are interested in having an opportunity to take on leadership roles and responsibilities as they progress in their career. 5.

  17. Free AI presentation maker

    AI presentation maker. When lack of inspiration or time constraints are something you're worried about, it's a good idea to seek help. Slidesgo comes to the rescue with its latest functionality—the AI presentation maker! With a few clicks, you'll have wonderful slideshows that suit your own needs. And it's totally free!

  18. Presentation Tips for Teachers (Keep Students Engaged!) TEDxOsaka

    No More Boring Lectures! How to use presentations in a way that engages students. Garr Reynolds speaks at TEDxOsaka in 2012 on the subject of presentations i...

  19. Start the Year Off Right: Preparing Your Classroom, Children, and

    The start of a new school year can feel stressful and overwhelming (as well as exciting) for teachers too! Early childhood teachers are tasked with the enormous responsibility of caring for our most vulnerable populations. You are asked to wear multiple hats and take on all sorts of different roles in your program. All of this can be stressful.

  20. Login

    Collaborate for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, workbooks, and presentations online, in OneDrive. Share them with others and work together at the same time.

  21. The 4 Best New Features For Google Classroom

    The new feature makes it much easier for students to run a classroom and assign materials where one size definitely does not fit all. 4. Gemini in Classroom . Gemini, Google's most prominent generative AI technology, is now built into the teacher experience in Google Classroom. The tool within Classroom has been specifically tailored to ...

  22. Welcome back assembly 2024

    Description: Kick off the new school year with an inspiring assembly that helps students start with a positive mindset. This engaging presentation focuses on welcoming students back to school, encouraging them to reflect on their New Year's resolutions, and guiding them in mapping out a 5-year plan for personal and academic success.

  23. Translator Clerk-Typist (24-80) at Jurupa Unified

    Jurupa Unified School District TRANSLATOR CLERK-TYPIST (Spanish) DEFINITION Under immediate supervision to do routine clerical work including typing at the district or school level; to provide a high volume of oral and written translating assistance in languages other than English; and to do related work as assigned. This classification is differentiated from that of Clerk-Typist in that it ...

  24. Deepfake Porn Crackdown: South Korea Asks Telegram to Delete Explicit

    The South Korean government has asked messaging app Telegram and other social media companies to delete sexually explicit deepfake sex images from their platforms after a surge in such content.

  25. Fact Check Team: What's causing a nationwide scramble for teachers this

    There are not enough new teachers coming out of college to fill the growing number of empty positions. Florida is not alone in this crisis—National Center for Education Statistics data shows that 86% of U.S. K-12 public schools had trouble hiring teachers for the 2023-24 school year. Nationally, teachers earned an average salary of $68,000 in ...

  26. Evolution of the Virginia Colony, 1611-1624

    They therefore sought a new charter, which the king granted in May 1609. Top of page. ... Presentations; U.S. History Primary Source Timeline Colonial Settlement, 1600s - 1763 ... The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital ...