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Unit 1, Lesson 1 Basic English (A1)

Published by John McDonald Modified over 5 years ago

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English A1 - Lesson 30 Describing places

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English Class

There are different kinds of places, which we can describe:

Different places

To describe a room you can name the objects that you see using prepositions, the verb have got and adjectives which can describe the objects. For example:

Describing places

Useful words to describe a room

Describing a house, for example:.

  • Which city/town/village is it?
  • Where is it?
  • What is there to see and do?
  • What is the city like?
  • It's famous for...
  • Why is it meaningful to you?
  • How are the people?
  • What's the weather like?
  • How is the food?
  • It's well known for
  • It's possible to...
  • You can see...
  • It's close to...
  • It offers...
  • The views are...
  • You shouldn't miss...
  • The atmosphere is...
  • It's located in...
  • It's far away from...
  • What I don't like about it is...
  • The good thing about this place...
  • A popuplar tourist attraction is...
  • It's popular with tourists because...

Useful expressions

Describing a city.

See you on Wednesday

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Presentations in english – video.

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In this lesson, you can learn how to make presentations in English.

Do you have to make presentations in english in your job imagine you have to give an important presentation in english tomorrow. how would you feel about it, this business english lesson will help you learn useful phrases and techniques to introduce yourself and your topic, keep your ideas organised, deal with problems, and respond to questions from audience members., quiz: presentations in english.

Now, test your knowledge of what you learned in the lesson by trying this quiz.

There are 20 questions, following the same order as the lesson.

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1 . Question

For those who don’t ________ me, my name’s Elaine, and I work in the HR department.

Choose the missing word.

2 . Question

Write the words in the correct gaps. There is one word you don’t need to use.

Before we , let me myself : I’m Jenny and I’m the head of purchasing.

3 . Question

Put the words in order to create something you might say at the start of a presentation.

View Answers:

4 . Question

Put these sentences in order to create the introduction to a presentation.

  • Then I’ll explain what we believe are our greatest challenges.
  • Finally, I’ll suggest some solutions for how we might tackle them in the coming year.
  • I’ll begin by highlighting some of the issues that have faced the retail sector during the pandemic.

5 . Question

I’ll begin by lining out the policies, and then I’ll go on to highlight what they mean for you and your working habits.

The highlighted words are not used correctly; there should be one word (an -ing verb) instead. Write the correct word below.

6 . Question

Write the missing word to complete a common phrase used to introduce an interesting fact.

Did you that the average office worker in London spends more than two hours commuting to and from work?

7 . Question

Complete the gaps in Dale Carnegie’s famous quote about making presentations, using the verbs ‘say’ and ‘tell’ in the correct form.

“ the audience what you’re going to ; it, and then them what you’ve .”

8 . Question

Next, I’d like to talk about the new marketing drive to attract teens.

The highlighted words are an example of what?

  • signposting language
  • getting the audience’s attention
  • inviting questions
  • introducing yourself

9 . Question

Let’s move ________ and discuss the latest customer feedback report.

Choose the correct word.

10 . Question

At this , I’d to to the company’s performance on punctuality.

11 . Question

Put the words in order to create an example of signposting language.

12 . Question

Let’s examine this in more ________.

Choose the two words that are possible.

13 . Question

14 . question.

Write a two-word phrasal verb that’s used as signposting language at the end of a presentation. (You use the same phrasal verb to mean put paper around an item before giving it as a present).

To , let’s remind ourselves of why this should matter to everyone here.

15 . Question

So, you’ve heard what I have to say. What conclusions can you take ________ from this?

16 . Question

Which question is not an example of a filler phrase, which you might say if you need some thinking time?

  • Where was I?
  • So, what was I saying?
  • What’s the word in English again?
  • What’s your take on this?

The odd one out – in other words, the answer you’re looking for – is a question that asks for someone’s opinion.

17 . Question

Complete this signposting language with a seven-letter word that means ‘make something clear’. You might say this if you realise you need to explain something in a different way.

To , I wanted to say that …

18 . Question

Write the words in the correct gaps to create a sentence you might say to delay answering a question. There is one word you don’t need to use.

I’ve time for questions at the end of this session, so we’ll your idea later.

19 . Question

  • You’ve raised an important point there. What does everyone else think about this?

What technique is this an example of?

  • delaying the answer to a question
  • deflecting the answer to a question
  • dismissing a question

20 . Question

Thanks for your putting in , but I don’t see how that’s connected to what I’m saying.

The highlighted words are not used correctly; there should be a one-word noun instead. Write the correct word below.

1. How to Introduce Yourself and Your Topic

Presentations in English - woman speaking image

If some people in the audience don’t know who you are, you should introduce yourself and your position.

In a more formal setting, you could say something like this:

  • Good morning everyone. For those who don’t know me, my name’s Simon, and I work in the marketing department.
  • Hello everybody. Before we begin, let me introduce myself briefly: I’m Reese and I’m the head of HR.

If you work in a more informal company, you could say:

  • Hi guys; if you don’t know me, I’m Sylvia and I work in digital marketing.
  • Hello! I see some new faces, so I’ll introduce myself first: I’m Julia and I’m one of our customer service team.

Next, you need to introduce your topic.

If your presentation topic is simpler, you could just say one sentence, like this:

  • Today, I’m going to be talking about our new HR policies and how they affect you.
  • I’d like to talk to you today about quality control and why we’re all responsible for quality control, whichever department you work in.

If your topic is more complex, you might add more detail to break your idea into stages. For example:

  • Today, I’m going to be talking about our new HR policies and how they affect you. I’ll begin by outlining the policies, and then I’ll go on to highlight what they mean for you and your working habits. Finally, I’ll briefly discuss why we feel these new policies are necessary and beneficial for us all.

Here’s another example:

  • I’d like to talk to you today about quality control and why we’re all responsible for quality control, whichever department you work in. First of all, I’ll explain why ‘quality control’ has a broader meaning than you might expect. I’ll continue by giving examples of real quality control, and why this matters for all of us. To finish, I’ll be asking you to think of ways you can incorporate quality control into your working habits.

Here, you saw two examples. You can use these as templates to begin your presentation:

  • I’ll begin by… and then I’ll… Finally, I’ll…
  • First of all, I’ll… I’ll continue by… To finish, I’ll…

Okay, now you can practice! We’d like you to do two things.

First, practice introducing yourself informally, and explaining your topic in a simple way, with one sentence.

Then, practice introducing yourself formally, and explaining your topic in a more detailed way.

Pause the video and practice speaking. All the language you need is in this section.

Learn more about this topic with another free English video lesson from Oxford Online English: Greetings and Introductions .

Ready? Let’s move on!

2. How to Make a Strong Start

I’m sure that in your life, you’ve heard good speakers and bad speakers.

Good speakers grab your attention and don’t let go. You want to hear what they have to say. You feel interested and energised by listening to them.

Bad speakers are the opposite. Even if you try to make yourself listen, you find that your attention drifts away. Your eyelids feel heavy, and you have to struggle to stay awake.

So, here’s a question: what’s the difference between good speakers and bad speakers? And, how can you make sure you speak effectively when you make your presentation in English?

Here’s one way to think about it: bad speakers don’t think they have to earn your attention. Good speakers understand that no one has to listen to them, so they work hard to make you want to pay attention.

What does this mean for you, and your presentation?

Getting people’s attention starts from the beginning. You need to make it clear what people should expect from your presentation, and why they should care about what you have to say.

Sounds like a nice idea, but how do you do this?

Here are three techniques you can use.

One: establish a problem which many people in your audience have. Then, establish that you have a solution to their problem.

For example:

  • Have you ever felt unfairly treated at work, or felt that the work you do isn’t appreciated? We’ve been working to design new HR policies that will make sure all staff get fair recognition for their contribution to the company.

In this way, you take a boring-sounding topic like HR policies, and you make it more relevant to your audience. How? By connecting it with their experiences and feelings.

The second technique? Mention an interesting fact, or a surprising statistic to get people’s attention.

  • Did you know that the average office worker spends eight hours a day at work, but only does four hours of productive, useful work? I’m here to tell you about ‘quality control’, and how you can use this idea to make better use of your time.

Finally, you can engage people by telling a short story and connecting it to your topic. Stories are powerful, and they can add an emotional dimension to your topic if you do it well. For example:

  • I once met a young salesman—I won’t mention his name. He spent several weeks building a relationship with a potential client. He worked overtime, and he was working so hard that he was under severe stress, which started to affect his personal life. In the end, he didn’t close the deal—the clients signed with another firm. Today, I’m going to talk about confidence as a sales tool, and how you can avoid the traps that this young man fell into.

Use one of these three techniques in your introduction to connect with your audience and show them why they should be interested in what you have to say.

Here’s a question for you: which technique would you prefer to use, and why?

Okay, now you’ve introduced your topic and you have everyone’s attention. What next?

3. Using Signposting Language

Presentations in English - signpost image

There’s a famous quote about making presentations:

  • “Tell the audience what you’re going to say; say it, and then tell them what you’ve said.”

Have you heard this before? Do you know who said it?

This comes from Dale Carnegie , a very successful American salesman and writer. He lived a long time ago, but his advice is still relevant today.

So, here’s a question: what does the quote mean?

It means that your presentation shouldn’t just give information. You also need to show people how your information is organized.

To do this, you need signposting language.

Let me give you an example to explain.

Imagine you go to a website. The website is full of really useful, interesting information. But, the information is all on one page. There’s no organization, and you have to scroll up and down, up and down this huge page, trying to find what you need. Would you stay on that website?

Probably not. You’ll find a website which makes it easier for you to find the information you need.

What’s the point here?

The point is that having interesting or relevant information is not enough. How you structure and organize your information is equally important.

If you don’t structure your presentation clearly, people won’t pay attention, just like you won’t stay on a website if you can’t find the information you want.

So, how can you do this?

You use signposting language. This means using words and phrases to show the audience where your points begin and end, to show what’s coming next, and to remind them about things you talked about before.

  • Okay, that covers the new policies. Next, I’d like to move on and discuss what these policies mean for you.
  • Now that you’ve heard a bit about what not to do, let’s focus on positive advice to help you be more effective salespeople and close more of your leads.

When you say something like this, you aren’t giving people information about the topic of your presentation. Instead, you’re showing people where you are, and where you’re going next.

It’s a kind of signpost. You don’t need signposts to travel from one place to another, but they can make it easier.

What else can you use signposting language for?

You can use signposting language to move from one point to the next. For example:

  • Next, I’d like to talk about…
  • Let’s move on and discuss…
  • At this point, I’d like to turn to…

You can use signposting language to add detail to an idea:

  • Let me go into some more detail about…
  • Let’s examine … in more depth.
  • I’d like to elaborate on…

You can use signposting language to show that you’ve finished your main points, and you’ve reached your conclusion:

  • To wrap up, let’s remind ourselves of why this should matter to everyone here.
  • Let’s review the key points from this session.
  • So, you’ve heard what I have to say. What conclusions can you take away from this?

If you have an important presentation in English, practice using signposting language.

Use signposting language to move between points, to show when you’re giving a summary or going into more detail, and to signal that you’ve reached your conclusion.

Okay, but things don’t always go so smoothly in real life. We know that! Let’s look at some advice and language for dealing with problems during your presentation.

4. Dealing With Problems

Imagine you’re making your presentation in English. What could go wrong? What problems could you have?

There are many common problems:

You might forget where you were, or forget an important word. You might realise that you said something wrong, or you didn’t explain something clearly. You might forget to mention something important. Or, someone might ask you an awkward question, which you have no idea how to answer.

Of course, there are other possibilities!

Let’s think about these problems. What can you do, and more importantly, what can you say in these situations?

First of all, it’s a good idea to make a cue card with key points, as well as any important vocabulary you need. If you lose your place, or you forget a word, it could help.

However, you can’t prepare for everything. So, it’s useful to learn some phrases to deal with problems smoothly.

If you lose your place, and can’t remember what to say next, you can use a filler phrase like:

If you still can’t remember, look at your cue card with your main points.

Of course, forgetting something isn’t ideal. But, if you do, it’s better to keep talking, rather than just standing there in silence.

What if you make a mistake, or you realise that you didn’t explain something well?

You could say:

  • Let me rephrase that.
  • Actually, what I meant to say is…
  • To clarify, I wanted to say that…

In this way, you can correct yourself without admitting that you made a mistake!

What if you realise that you forgot to mention something important?

Use a phrase like this:

  • Let me just add one more thing:…
  • I’d like to add something to a point we discussed earlier.
  • Let me return to an earlier point briefly.

Again, this allows you to correct your mistake in a confident way, so you look like you’re in control.

Finally, what do you do if someone asks you a difficult question, which you can’t answer?

You have a few options. First, you can delay giving an answer. For example:

  • I’ve allocated time for questions at the end of this session, so we’ll address your idea later.
  • I’m not in a position to answer that right now, but I’ll get back to you later this week.

This gives you time to think of an answer and do some research if you have to!

Next, you can deflect the question, by asking a question back, or maybe by asking other audience members what they think. For example:

  • That’s an interesting question. Before I answer, I’d like to know: what’s your take on this?

Finally, if the question is irrelevant, you can dismiss the question and move on. For example:

  • Thanks for your input, but I don’t see how that’s connected to what I’m saying.
  • I don’t mean to be blunt, but I don’t think that’s relevant to today’s discussion.

Notice how you can use phrases like thanks for your input, but… or I don’t mean to be blunt, but… to make your language more indirect and polite.

So, for dealing with difficult questions, just remember the three d’s: delay, deflect, dismiss!

Thanks for watching!

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Listening Exercises A1 – Talks and presentations

  • English Listening Exercises for A1

Beginning a presentation

1. Listen to three speakers begin their talk. Match each speaker with the expression (a-c) they use to welcome the audience.




   Good morning, everyone.

   Hello everyone, and welcome.

   Hello. It’s great to see you all here today.

George 2, Amy 3, Ben 1

2. Listen to announcements e-j. Match each announcement (e-j) to the correct time (1-6)

a   George ……………………..

b   Amy ……………………..

c   Ben ……………………..

a   new website

b   marketing strategy (for this year)

c   new ordering system

3. How does each speaker introduce their topic? Listen again and complete the expression each speaker uses.

a   George: The …………………….. of this talk is to …

b   Amy: In this …………………….. I want to …

c   Ben: Today I’m going to …………………….. to you about …

Answer & Transcript

a   purpose

b   presentation

(Amy = Chinese)

a    Hello everyone, and welcome. My name is George Anderson and the purpose of this talk is to explain our new website.

b    Hello. It’s great to see you all here today. I’m Amy Lee, and in this presentation I want to show you our marketing strategy for this year.

c    Good morning, everyone. Today I’m going to talk to you about the new ordering system we have here.

Giving an outline

Listen to Ben give an outline of his talk. Number each section of Ben’s talk in order (1-4).

……  show you how to order.

……  talk about the new computer program.

……  tell you how to contact us.

……  explain how to search for a product.

3  show you how to order.

1  talk about the new computer program.

4  tell you how to contact us.

2  explain how to search for a product.

To start with I’ll talk about the new computer program we are using. Then I’ll explain how to search for a product. After that I’ll show you how to order, and finally I’ll tell you how to contact us if you have a problem.

Main section

1. Ben is explaining the company’s new ordering system. Listen and write the signposts he uses to introduce each point (a-d).

a   ……………..       b   ……………..

c   ……………..        d   ……………..

a   First      b   Second      c   Third      d   lastly

2. Listen again and complete the notes below

Using the new ordering system

a    type in the customer’s …………….. and ……………..

b    choose the …………….. the customer wants to ……………..

c    select the …………….. the customer wants

d    enter your ……………..

a   name / address      b   product / order     

c  quantity          d   sales number

Ok, so now I’m going to show you how to order. Well, thanks to our new ordering system, it’s very easy. First, type in the customer’s name and address here … Second, choose the product the customer wants to order from this list … Third, select the quantity the customer wants … and lastly enter your sales number. There, that’s it!

1. Listen to Ben’s conclusion and write true (T) or false (F) next to the statements below.

a   They started developing the new system last year.  ……

b   The new system is ready now.  ……

c   With the new system, there will be no mistakes.  ……

d   The new system will be cheaper.  ……

b   False (when the system is ready, it will save …)

c   False (there won’t be so many mistakes)

d   True (it should save us money)

OK, so that’s how the new ordering system will work. We started developing it three years ago, and I hope you’ll agree there are many benefits to using a new computer system like this one. When the system is ready, it will save everybody a lot of time. The new system will also be more efficient, and there won’t be so many mistakes. It should save us money, too. So, in conclusion, this new ordering system will make all of our lives a lot easier. Thanks for coming. I hope you have found the talk useful.

2. Listen to Amy conclude her presentation. Complete the expressions she uses.

To summarize the main points

To …………………………

To thank the audience

Thank you ………………….. for ……………………

To sum up … Thank you very much for listening.

To sum up, sales this year are good, and they should continue to grow. Thank you very much for listening.

Questions and answers

1. Listen to Ben respond to some questions. Does he agree or disagree with each question? Tick your answers.




Agrees: b, d, f

Disagrees: a, c, e

2. Listen again and complete each expression Ben uses to agree or disagree.

a   Hmm. I’m ……………….. I agree.

b   That’s a very ………………..

c   I ……………….. that’s exactly right.

d   I couldn’t ……………….. more.

e   I think you may be ……………….. about that.

f   I think you’re ………………..

a  not sure      b   good point      c   don’t think

d  agree      e   wrong      f   right

a   Hmm. I’m not sure I agree.

b   That’s a very good point.

c   I don’t think that’s exactly right.

d   I couldn’t agree more.

e   I think you may be wrong about that.

f   I think you’re right.

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  • A1 Greetings and Introductions

Let’s learn about greetings and introductions so we can say hello and goodbye. We will also learn how to introduce yourself and other people.

greetings, introductions

A: Hello, my name’s Elena. B: Hi, my name’s Justin.

You learn to ask about someone’s health and send greetings. You will also learn how to begin and end emails.


  • Complete the sentences in the Flashcards.
  • Choose the correct phrase to complete the conversation.
  • Rearrange the words or phrases to make the sentence.
  • Read the email and choose the correct word or phrase to fit the gap.
  • Look at our examples.

Greeting and introductions

Introducing yourself

A: Hi. I’m Linda. What’s your name? B: Hello. My name’s Jim.

Introducing others

A: This is my friend, Maria. B: Nice to meet you, Maria.

Asking about someone’s health

A: Hi, Alice. How are you? Are you OK? B: I’m fine, thanks. Any you?

Sending greetings to others

A: Say hello to Jane for me. B: Yes, I will.

Saying goodbye

A: See you later. B: Yes, bye!

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  • A1 Can and Can’t
  • A1 Dates, days and numbers
  • A1 Indefinite article
  • A1 It Sentences
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  • A1 Offers and suggestions
  • A1 Possessive ‘s and s’
  • A1 Prepositions of Place
  • A1 Prepositions Word Search
  • A1 Present Simple
  • A1 Pronouns
  • A1 Questions
  • A1 Regular Adjectives
  • A1 Regular Verbs Set 1 Word Search
  • A1 Regular Verbs Set 2 Word Search
  • A1 Regular Verbs Set 3 Word Search
  • A1 Singular and Plural Nouns
  • A1 There and Their
  • A1 Wh questions
  • A1 Harry’s World Listening
  • A1 Justin in Singapore Listening
  • A1 My Mate Holly Listening
  • A1 Nyree Listening
  • A1 Body and Face Extra Exercises
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  • A1 Describing Things
  • A1 Family Extra Exercises
  • A1 Film Star Vocabulary
  • A1 Food and Drink Extra Exercises
  • A1 Health Extra Exercises
  • A1 House and Home
  • A1 Shopping Extra Exercises
  • A1 Sports and Leisure Extra Exercises
  • A1 Talking about People
  • A1 Transport
  • A1 Weather Extra Activities
  • Christmas Easy Exercises
  • Flash Cards
  • Memory Games
  • Word Searches
  • Word Puzzles
  • A1 Animal Crossword
  • A1 Body and Face Crossword
  • A1 Clothes Crossword
  • A1 Emotions Crossword
  • A1 Family Crossword
  • A1 Food and Drink Crossword
  • A1 Instructions Crossword
  • A1 Places Crossword
  • A1 Weather Crossword
  • A1 Animal Flash Cards
  • A1 Body Flashcards
  • A1 Classroom Actions Set 1 Flash Cards
  • A1 Classroom Actions Set 2 Flash Cards
  • A1 Classroom Actions Set 3 Flash Cards
  • A1 Clothes Flash Cards
  • A1 Health Flashcards
  • A1 Places Flashcards
  • A1 Animal Match-up Set 1
  • A1 Animal Match-Up Set 2
  • A1 Emotions Match-up
  • A1 Food and Drink Match-up
  • A1 Names Match-up
  • A1 Numbers Match-up
  • A1 Places Match-up
  • A1 Weather Match-up
  • A1 Animals Word Search
  • A1 Body and Face Word Search
  • A1 Clothes Word Search
  • A1 Fast Food Word Search
  • A1 Food and Drink Word Search
  • A1 Food and Drinks Flashcards
  • A1 Names Word Search
  • A1 Numbers Word Search
  • A1 Ordinal Numbers Word Search
  • A1 Our World Word Search
  • A1 Places Word Search
  • A1 Shops Word Search
  • A1 Toys Word Search
  • A1 Animals Word Puzzle
  • A1 Body Word Puzzle
  • A1 Clothes Word Puzzle
  • A1 Colours Word Puzzle
  • A1 Family Word Puzzle
  • A1 Food and Drink Word Puzzle
  • A1 Home Word Puzzle
  • A1 Names Word Puzzle
  • A1 Numbers Word Puzzle
  • A1 School Word Puzzle
  • A1 Transport Word Puzzle
  • A1 Weather Word Puzzle
  • Reading Part 1
  • Reading Part 2
  • Reading Part 3
  • Reading Part 4
  • Writing Part 5
  • Writing Part 6

Animal Vocabulary Set 1 (A1 Movers Part 1) Animal Vocabulary Set 2 (A1 Movers Part 1) Body Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Clothes Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Containers Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Food Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Leisure Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Places Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) School Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Transport Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Weather Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1) Work Vocabulary (A1 Movers Part 1)

Favourite Teacher (A1 Movers Part 2) Looking for a Present (A1 Movers Part 2) New Film (A1 Movers Part 2) Talking about homework (A1 Movers Part 2) Talking about the weekend (A1 Movers Part 2) Writing a story (A1 Movers Part 2)

Chocolate Cake (A1 Movers Part 3) Maths Class (A1 Movers Part 3) Nice Soup (A1 Movers Part 3) Sports Centre (A1 Movers Part 3) Sports Day at Home (A1 Movers Part 3) The Supermarket (A1 Movers Part 3) Visiting Grandma (A1 Movers Part 3)

All about Bananas (A1 Movers Part 4) Animals in Cold Countries (A1 Movers Part 4) Bats in the Jungle (A1 Movers Part 4) Bears (A1 Movers Part 4) Fast Foods (A1 Movers Part 4) Fishing (A1 Movers Part 4) Football (A1 Movers Part 4) Living Longer (A1 Movers Part 4) Potatoes (A1 Movers Part 4) Sandwiches (A1 Movers Part 4) Tea or Coffee (A1 Movers Part 4) Weather Changes (A1 Movers Part 4)

Going Fishing (A1 Movers Part 5) Staying Home (A1 Movers Part 5) Taking Pictures (A1 Movers Part 5)

At the Park (A1 Movers Part 6) On the Balcony (A1 Movers Part 6) Playing at the Beach (A1 Movers Part 6) Playing in the Classroom (A1 Movers Part 6) Playing in the Garden (A1 Movers Part 6)

  • Listening Part 1
  • Listening Part 2
  • Listening Part 3
  • Listening Part 4
  • Listening Part 5
  • Speaking Videos
  • Speaking Part 1

A1 Classroom A1 Playing Sport

A1 Birthday Party A1 Cinema A1 Library A1 Shopping A1 Sports Centre A1 Supermarket

A1 Movers Part 3 Test 1 A1 Movers Part 3 Test 2 A1 Movers Part 3 Test 3

A1 Movers Part 4 Test 1 A1 Movers Part 4 Test 2 A1 Movers Part 4 Test 3

A1 Movers Speaking Test 1 A1 Movers Speaking Test 2

A1 In the bedroom

Pre A1 Starters (Beginner) | A1 Movers (Elementary) | A2 Flyers (Pre-Intermediate)

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Anyone used an agency to book the tour? All that I see online is Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

3 replies to this topic

' class=

SO could I arrive with my visas and sit down with a Russian Travel Agent to book my train tickets with stop overs? . I will book my own hotels at the stops and sightseeing trips.?? I am an experienced traveller and NOT a group tourist traveller.

Thank you for your time and all considerations.

Oops, sorry this was not a Russian travel form...

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  • 10 Things To Do In...

10 Things to Do in Sochi If You Love Nature

Lake Kardyvach. Sochi

Host to 2014 Winter Olympics , Sochi is now mostly known for the snowy slopes of Krasnaya Polyana and Rosa Khutor Alpine resort. However, the “Russian Riviera” is much more than a glorified ski-resort. With its picturesque waterfalls and pristine lakes, alpine meadows and spruce-fir forests, snow-capped mountains and dreamy river valleys, Sochi is an ultimate nature lover’s dream.

Aul tkhagapsh.

Founded in the middle of the 19th century, this village only consists of two streets and two lanes. Circled by a picturesque chestnut forest, Aul Tkhagapsh is surrounded by many visually-arresting natural landmarks – a mysterious rock formation called “the canyon of a hundred crying eyes”, beautiful waterfalls with organically formed stone basins and the Tiger cave, which is called so because of the whimsical clay dripstones. Despite its tiny size, the village itself has a lot to offer. You can see the only wooden mosque on the coast, learn about the customs and traditions of the Adyghe people, try on traditional clothes and taste authentic food and local wines.

Aul Tkhagapsh, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

Aul Tkhagapsh. Sochi

If you love picturesque ancient ruins put the Loo Temple on your must-see list. Drowning in the lush greenery of the Sochi National Park, Loo Temple is the remains of a 10th-century Byzantine temple, that’s been ruined and reconstructed multiple times. The temple was used as a place of worship and a fortification over the years.

Loo Temple, Bolshoy Sochi, Krasnodar Krai,Russia

The ruins of an early medieval church in Loo, Sochi

Aibga Ridge

This spectacular mountain ridge stretches for 23 kilometers and has the Rosa Khutor Alpine Resort nestled at its feet. The ridge comprises of 10 peaks, with the four tallest being the best known: Aigba peak I (2391 m), peak II (2450,5 m), peak III (2462,7 m) and Black Pyramid (2375,3 m). Save a day or two to explore the ridge, full of rapid rivers, alpine meadows and waterfalls.

Aibga Ridge, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

people cheering on a mountain

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Aibga Ridge, Sochi

Achepsinskie Waterfalls

To admire the spectacular views that Achepsinskie Waterfalls offer, you’ll have to endure a pretty tiring trekking route through the Achishkho Mountain to the Achipse River. But those striking panoramas are totally worth the sweat and while the trekking may be tough going, it has a very decent infrastructure.

Achipse River, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

Achishkho mountain, Sochi

Khmelevskie Lakes

Located almost 2000 meters above sea level, Khmelevskie Lakes is an alpine lake system, named after the Russian botanist Vikenty Khmelevsky. Spread around emerald-green alpine meadows and surrounded by lush green forests, there are four rather sizable overgrown lakes and a few smaller ones.

Khmelevskie Lake, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

Khmelevskie Lakes, Sochi

Lake Kardyvach

Arguably the most popular tourist spot near Sochi, Lake Kardyvach is simply breathtaking. Situated 44 kilometers from the Krasnaya Polyana resort at the altitude of 1838 meters, the lake stays frozen for seven to eight months a year and even in summer the water temperature is never hotter than 12℃. The water in the lake changes its color depending on the time of year: in spring it turns green and in autumn it becomes dark blue, and no matter what season, it’s unbelievably clear. Lake Kardyvach, Krasnodar Krai, Russia

Akhshtyrskaya Cave

A unique monument of prehistoric architecture, Akhshtyrskaya Cave is set on the right side of Akhshtyrskaya Gorge, about 120m above the Mzymta River and 185m above sea level. The cave begins with a 20m corridor and then gets divided into two halls, 10m and 8m wide. The cave has been heavily explored by archaeologists, who discovered traces of Neanderthal culture dating back to 40,000 BC.

Akhshtyrskaya Cave, Bolshoy Sochi, Krasnodar Krai,Russia

Akhshtyrskaya Cave, Sochi

Shakhe River

Sochi’s second most significant river, Shakhe begins high in the mountains and flows down to the Black Sea . 59 kilometers long, the river has some amazing natural attractions in its valley: Dzhegosh Gorge, 33 waterfalls, stone lake basins, ancient oak trees, rare plant life and so much more.

Shakhe River, Krasnodar Krai,Russia

Shakhe River, Sochi

Agura Waterfalls and Orlinyye Rocks

This is one of the most exciting hiking routes in the area. Taking you through spruce fir forest, to three cascading waterfalls and the sheer cliffs of the Orlinyye Rocks with head-spinning views. Agura Waterfalls, Bolshoy Sochi, Krasnodar Krai,Russia

Agurskie Falls, Sochi

Words can’t do justice to the virgin beauty of the Khuko Lake and scientists are still puzzling over the absence of any life in it. Set between Adygea and Krasnodar Krai, the lake offers incredible views of the mountains Fisht, Oshten and Pshekha-Su.

Khaki Lake, Krasnodar Krai,Russia

Lake Khuko

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Gdp up by 0.3% and employment up by 0.2% in the euro area, announcement.

Following recommendations for a harmonised European revision policy for national accounts and balance of payments , EU countries are carrying out a benchmark revision of their national accounts estimates in 2024. The purpose of this benchmark revision is to implement changes introduced by the amended ESA 2010 regulation , and to incorporate new data sources and other methodological improvements. Most of the revised quarterly and annual country data are expected to be released by Eurostat between June and October 2024, and will be progressively integrated in European estimates. The impact of these revisions is expected to be limited, but still noticeable for some European aggregates and more pronounced for certain Member States. For further details, please consult the available documentation on Eurostat’s website .

GDP growth in the euro area and EU

In the second quarter of 2024, seasonally adjusted GDP increased by 0.3% in both the euro area and the EU , compared with the previous quarter, according to a flash estimate published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union . In the first quarter of 2024, GDP had also grown by 0.3% in both zones.

Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, seasonally adjusted GDP increased by 0.6% in the euro area and by 0.8% in the EU in the second quarter of 2024, after +0.5% in the euro area and +0.6% in the EU in the previous quarter.

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A1 Conversation Questions

Billie Eilish, H.E.R., Red Hot Chili Peppers and Snoop Dogg to perform in the LA28 handover celebration at the Closing Ceremony of Olympic Games Paris 2024


Picture by 2024 Getty Images

LA28 has revealed the all-star musical lineup for the LA28 handover that will take place at the finale of the Paris 2024 Closing Ceremony on Sunday, 11 August.

Artists including the Grammy and Academy Award-winning Billie Eilish , Grammy-winning Red Hot Chili Peppers and Snoop Dogg , Southern California music icon, will perform in the celebration. Grammy, Academy and Emmy Award-winning artist H.E.R. will perform the U.S. national anthem live in Paris.

"This is the biggest moment in LA28 history to date, as the Olympic flag passes from Paris to LA,” said LA28 Chairperson Casey Wasserman. “We are thrilled to feature the very best of LA with local artists and are grateful to Billie, H.E.R., the Chili Peppers and Snoop for their collaboration on what will be an incredible show to a global audience that will give fans a taste of what’s to come in 2028.”

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Jagger Eaton, Kate Courtney, Michael Johnson to join the program

The blockbuster lineup of California-based music artists headlines the LA28 Handover celebration, in which LA28 will introduce itself to the world, bringing together LA’s culture of entertainment, diversity and creativity, with sport at the core.

Team USA Olympians will join the program, including 2x Olympic medalist skateboarder Jagger Eaton , mountain biker Kate Courtney and track and field gold medalist Michael Johnson . Eaton, Courtney and Johnson have journeyed with LA28 through the Games, each with a custom-designed LA28 emblem released in July .

“The LA28 Handover promises to showcase the heartbeat of LA — which like the Olympics — is where people come from all over the world to pursue their dreams,” said executive producer and creator Ben Winston.

“We hope to showcase a collection of Los Angeles stories – featuring the city’s people, creativity, music and of course sport, all wrapped up with a little Hollywood magic – to invite the world into the LA28 Games.”

The Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 will take place at the Stade de France on Sunday, 11 August.

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    Discussion starters, speaking cards. Speaking- A1-A2. giaarg. 1233. 7. 11. 0. 1/10. Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. Speaking- A1-A2 This PPT includes personal questions divided into topics and pictures to describe a….

  19. 10 Things to Do in Sochi If You Love Nature

    Shakhe River. Sochi's second most significant river, Shakhe begins high in the mountains and flows down to the Black Sea. 59 kilometers long, the river has some amazing natural attractions in its valley: Dzhegosh Gorge, 33 waterfalls, stone lake basins, ancient oak trees, rare plant life and so much more.

  20. Sochi National Park, Sochi

    Sochi National Park is 193,737 hectares (478,735 acres) of natural and cultural wonders. There are mountains, canyons, rivers, waterfalls, gorges, and caves. Among the park's main attractions are Akhun Mountain, the Zmeyka Cascade, the Vorontsovskiye Caves and the Khosta Yew and Boxwood Grove. Cultural attractions include the ruins of a Byzantine temple, a Bronze Age dolmen, and the watchtower ...

  21. GDP up by 0.3% and employment up by 0.2% in the euro area

    Announcement Following recommendations for a harmonised European revision policy for national accounts and balance of payments, EU countries are carrying out a benchmark revision of their national accounts estimates in 2024. The purpose of this benchmark revision is to implement changes introduced by the amended ESA 2010 regulation, and to incorporate new data sources and other methodological ...

  22. A1 Conversation Questions discussion…: English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    A1 Conversation Questions. Let's do English ESL discussion starters, speaking cards. These conversation questions for A1 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their cla….

  23. Billie Eilish, H.E.R., Red Hot Chili Peppers and Snoop Dogg to perform

    Jagger Eaton, Kate Courtney, Michael Johnson to join the program. The blockbuster lineup of California-based music artists headlines the LA28 Handover celebration, in which LA28 will introduce itself to the world, bringing together LA's culture of entertainment, diversity and creativity, with sport at the core.