Doctoral Studies

phd landscape architecture germany

In Architecture and Landscape, a doctorate can be obtained - depending on the subject area - with the titles Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.), Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.).   The doctoral studies are regulated in the current doctoral regulations of the faculty. The achievements for the award of the doctoral degree consist of a dissertation and an oral examination. The doctorate is proof of the ability to carry out in-depth independent scientific work. Requirement for admission to the doctorate is a relevant scientific degree. If you would like to join our Faculty of doctoral studies, please contact a professor who is thematically near to your topic as possible supervisor, in order then to submit an exposé. 

phd landscape architecture germany

Admission as a doctoral student

The Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences sets two dates per semester for the submission of applications for admission.  

Summer term First date: until 01.04.2024 - 12:00 o'clock in the deanery Second date: until Wednesday 01.06.2024 - 12:00 o'clock in the deanery

Winter term First date: until Wednesday 01.10.2024 - 12:00 o'clock in the deanery Second date: until Wednesday 25.11.2024 - 12:00 o'clock in the deanery  

Applications for a doctorate / opening of the procedure:

In general: If no binding dates are given, the application is submitted to the dean's office 4 weeks before the respective faculty council meeting at which the application is to be accepted.

It is pointed out that the deadlines for admission as a doctoral candidate or for the opening of the doctoral procedures are an administrative recommendation and not an order. This recommendation is not mutually legally binding, but rather an administrative procedure which makes the inclusion of the matter on the agenda of the next faculty council meeting highly binding.

  • PhD regulations 2018 (current version)
  • PhD regulations 2008 (old version)
  • PhD Agreement
  • Notes for approval applications
  • Information sheet for the promotion
  • Habilitation regulations
  • Inter-faculty information on structured doctoral training

André Araújo Almeida  | 20.12.2023 Vulnerable waterfront territories: Impasses and challenges to local development Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Luciana Mouro Varanda  | 20.12.2023 Metropolization and intra-urban dynamics in the context of climate change: challenges for urban and regional planning in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Christian Schaub  | 20.12.2023 Anforderungen an Lehrkräfte im inklusiven gewerblich-technischen Unterricht – Eine qualitative Studie in Nordhessen und Südniedersachsen in den Ausbildungsbereichen Bau- Metall- Elektro- und Holztechnik Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach

Mohammad Reza   Ansari   | 20.12.2023 Urban ecosystem dynamics in Kabul: Assessing current status, predicting future, and aligning with environmental justice principle for sustainable development Prof. Dr. Christian Albert

Maisam Rafiee   | 20.12.2023 Advancing scientific understanding of the effects of soundscapes in green infrastructure on human health and well-being Prof. Dr. Christian Albert

Carmen Rethschulte  | 20.12.2023 Wasserkraftnutzung und Auendynamik an der Oberen Isar – Situation und Perspektive des letzten Wildflusses Deutschlands als Hotspot der Biodiversität nach 100 Jahren Ableitung Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Imke Sprick  | 20.12.2023 Otto Ludwig Sckell (1861 -1948) – vom großherzoglichen Hofgärtner zum ersten Gartendenkmalpfleger des jungen Freistaat Thüringen Prof. Dr. Inken Formann

Lotta Zoch  | 20.12.2023 Potenziale von Torfmoorkultivierungsflächen als Lebensraum für die Hochmoorfauna Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Adrian Vargas López  | 22.11.2023 Behavioural Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation Prof. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Kössler

Christoph Schulze  | 22.11.2023 Using Discrete Choice Experiments to inform environmental policy: Assessing farmer's institutional preferences for privately agri-environmental climate measures Prof. Dr. Bettina Matzdorf

Fernanda Paz Gómez Saénz   | 25.10.2023 Sustainable Growth for Intermediate Chilean Cities – Territorial Interdependency in Puerto Montt Prof. Jörg Schröder

Mu Huang   | 25.10.2023 Energetische Bewertung von Shopping-Centern in der Planungsphase Prof. Dr. Philipp Geyer

Carolin Koopmann   | 25.10.2023 Gutes Wohnen für Alle. Erforschung zeitgenössischer Wohnsituationen für eine suffiziente und bedürfnisgerechte Wohnraumproduktion Prof. Marieke Kums

Wiebke Wölke  | 25.10.2023 Wohnungs- und Städtebau der 1920er Jahre in Hannover. Neues Bauen in der Zeit der Weimarer Republik Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Lars Laurenz  | 25.10.2023 Die preußische Baupolitik in Westfalen 1815-1848. Verfahren – Konflikte – Kompromisse Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Angelika Dorn  | 05.07.2023 Kognitive Aktivierung von Studierenden in einer einführenden Vorlesung zur Didaktik der beruflichen Bildung. Untersuchung des Einflusses von aufgabenbezogenen Vorlesungsangeboten auf das durch kognitiv-aktivierende Aufgaben beförderte Lernen von Lehramtsstudierenden Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach

Xia Chen  | 05.07.2023 Beyond Predictions: A Knowledge-integrated Machine Learning Framework for Augmented Intelligence in Decision Making Prof. Dr. Philipp Geyer

Seyed Azad Nabavi  | 05.07.2023 Data-driven methods in building energy performance prediction using simulation and IoT information Prof. Dr. Philipp Geyer

Rena Barghusen  | 21.06.2023 Effective Landscape Governance through Collective Agri-environmental and climate measures Prof. Dr. Bettina Matzdorf

Amanda Grobe  | 26.04.2023 Etablierung von Torfmoosen und Begleitvegetation bei Torfmooskultivierung auf geringmächtigem Schwarztorf Prof. Dr. Michael Rode

Leonie Wiemer  | 26.04.2023 Szenarienbildung als Vermittlung von landschaftlicher Handlungsmotivation im Klimawandel – am Beispiel von neuen Gletscherseen in den Alpen Prof. Christian Werthmann

Barbara Schulz  | 23.01.2023 Baracken als Massenunterkünfte in Lagern 1933 - 1945 Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

T im Wenzel  | 11.01.2023 Die Eingriffsregelung im Klimawandel: Perspektiven für eine klimawandelresiliente Kompensation von Eingriffen in Natur und Landschaft Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren

Christina Weiß  | 11.01.2023 Abschätzung möglicher Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf FFH-Lebensraumtypen Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Jana Brenner  | 11.01.2023 Entwicklung von strategischen Planungsansätzen für Dachbegrünungen, als Teil urbaner Grüner Infrastruktur zur Minderung von Hitzeinseleffekten Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Li Xusheng  | 11.01.2023 An interactive framework to enhance façade design in early design stage combining multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) with deep learning (DL)  Prof. Dr. Philipp Geyer

Shaofan Wang  | 11.01.2023 Component-Based Data Driven CFD Reduced Order Model for Indoor Environment Prediction Prof. Dr. Philipp Geyer

Andrea Kondziela  | 11.01.2023 ARCHITECTURAL-ROBOTICS. Examination for implementing the topic of robotics in architecture in architectural education  Prof. Mirco Becker

Anneke Burandt  | 11.01.2023 Die Kuppeln in Hannover. Eine bauhistorische Untersuchung über eine architektonische Würdeform Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Ricardo Bonilla Brenes | 06.05.2022 Analysis of sustainable systems to reduce urban runoff in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica – Case study of the Quebrada Seca watershed Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Gonzalo Pradilla   | 06.05.2022 Green-Blue Urban Planning in Latin America: Understanding the synergies and trade-offs between ecological and socioeconomical goals of urban river restoration projects in Colombia Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Veronica Alejandra Neumann   | 01.06.2022 Stakeholders’ role in design, assessment, and implementation of nature-based solutions for urban storm and wastewater management: A tool for participatory governance in Costa Rica Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Maria Perez Rubi | 01.06.2022 Nature-Based Solutions for dry-weather runoff (greywater) treatment in urban areas of Latin America Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Conrad Schiffmann | 01.06.2022 The socio-political determinants for green infrastructure implementation in public spaces of urban Costa Rica Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Haochun Li   | 06 .0 7 .2022 Cities and Rising Seas: Design Guidelines in Response to Sea Level Rise Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Jacob Jeff Bernhard | 06.07.2022 Landwirtschaftlicher Bewässerungsbedarf im Klimawandel – Quantitative Entwicklung und Auswirkungen für die Wasserbereitstellung in Deutschland Prof. Dr. Jochen Hack

Paul Vinzenz Tontsch  | 19.01.2022 Der christliche Freiraum – Typologie, Bedeutungsschichten und Potenziale vor dem Hintergrund sozialer Transformationen und des Klimawandels Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski Johannes Hermes  | 19.01.2022 Mapping and assessment of recreational ecosystem services in Germany Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren Andresa Ledo Marques  | 19.01.2022 Planning paths for resilience through the integration of urban systems and ecosystems in fringe areas: the case of São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder Sina Mackel  | 19.01.2022 Entwicklung digitaler Medienpakete zur technikdidaktischen bzw. berufspädagogischen Lehrer*innenprofessionalisierung in gewerblich-technischen Studiengängen für das Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach 2021

Felix Zitzmann  | 14.07.2021 Potenziale von Kurzumtriebsplantagen als produktionsintegrierte Naturschutzmaßnahme zur Aufwertung der Biotopfunktion für die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt in der Agrarlandschaft Prof. Dr. Michael Reich Lisa Seiler  | 14.07.2021 Designing Public Space for Risk Communication and Disaster Resilience in Low-income Neighborhoods as Part of a Landslide Early Warning System - the Case of Bello Oriente, Medellin Prof. Dr. Christian Werthmann Jaouad El Aasmi  | 14.07.2021 Zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten von Holz-Beton-Verbundbrücken unter Verwendung von Holz mit hoher Einbaufeuchte Prof. Alexander Furche Cedric Gapinski  | 12.05.2021 Der Effekt unterschiedlicher Informationsformate von Ökosystemleistungen auf die Akzeptanz für Renaturierungsmaßnahmen Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren

Kathleen Margit Dahmen  | 12.05.2021 Soziale Räume und Orte in ländlichen Räumen in Deutschland im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Wandels. Soziale Räume und Orte als Begegnungsmöglichkeiten erkennen, fördern und neuinstallieren Prof. Dr. Bettina Oppermann

Christian Corral  | 12.05.2021 Future scenarios for Guayaquil, Transitions between the city and the river Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Charlotte Hopf  | 11.11.2020 Der Wiederaufbau des Berliner Domes Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Frank Peters  | 11.11.2020 Lumineszenz und Absorptionsphänomene - Ursachen und Anwendung für die Schadensdagnose im Bauwesen Prof. Dr. Andreas Rapp

Melanie Piser  | 11.11.2020 Empowerment durch digitale Partizipation für die soziokulturell benachteiligte, weibliche Bevölkerung in lokalen Entscheidungsprozessen Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Kendra Busche  | 07.07.2020 Reizende Landschaften, Provozierende Prozesse. Ermöglichung und Ermächtigung für das Entwerfen räumlicher Eigenart im urbanen Raum Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Filip Snieg  | 07.07.2020 East Side Transition Stories - a comparision of sustainability transitions in post-socialist shrinking cities in the border region Czech Republic, Germany, and Poland Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Caendia Jeanne Wijnbelt  | 08.07.2020 Sketching Mindscapes. Place and reflexivity in architectural design Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. phil. Margitta Buchert

Fritz Wilhelms  | 08.07.2020 Videobasierte Aufbereitung von Experimenten und Laborübungen sowie von CNC-gestützten Fertigungs- und Arbeitsvorgängen der Bauberufe Prof. Dr. Klaus Littmann

Jan-Philipp Drude  | 13.05.2020 Changing Perspective: First Person Modular Design in VR Prof. Mirco Becker

Viola Stenger  | 13.05.2020 Autobahnkirchen und Autobahnkapellen in Deutschland und Europa Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Polina Krapivnitckaia  | 13.05.2020 Detection and Flight Patterns Study of Bats in a Wind Park Using a Combination of Detection Methods as a Basis for Mitigation Measures Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Chen Zhu  | 22.04.2020 Integrating Soundscape Evaluation in Cultural Ecosystem Service Assessment Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren

Victor Sardenberg  | 04.02.2020 Computational Framework for Quantifiying the Architectural Aesthetic Experience Prof. Mirco Becker

Sarah Wiesner  | 15.01.2020 Walter Rossow (1910-1992). Leben und Werk Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Reinhard A. Müller  | 15.01.2020 Die Wilkhahn-Bauten in Eimbeckhausen - Architektur und Unternehmenskultur eines Möbelproduzenten Prof. Dr. Markus Jager 

Birte Bredemeier  | 16.10.2019 An indicator approach for assessing the effects of arable farming on biodiversity Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren

Maria Rammelmeier  | 05.06.2019 Engagement für lebendige, ländliche Regionen Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Lisa Barthels  | 05.06.2019 Erfolgsfaktoren formatorientierter Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung und Transfermöglichkeiten auf andere Regionen – Das Fallbeispiel Lausitz Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Jonas Jakob Benedikt Lamberg  | 08.05.2019 Beitragspotentiale eines autonomen ÖPNV zur Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Alexandra Knapp  | 10.04.2019 Scheunenviertel in Deutschland Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Julian Benny Hung  | 10.04.2019 Der filmische Blick auf den Raum: Narrative Elemente und Strukturen in der Architektur Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. phil. Margitta Buche

Jan Stefan Drzymalla  | 10.04.2019 Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung der örtlichen Feinstaubverteilung im Gebäude zur Ermittlung von Partikelaufnahmen über den menschlichen Respirationstrakt sowie Integration der Erkenntnisse in die TGA-Planungsmethodik (IFC-Format) Prof. Dr. Dirk Bohne

Huiting Ruan  | 16.01.2019 Identifying, Understanding and Designing Locality in Urban Landscapes along River Rhine Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Riccarda Cappeller  | 16.01.2019 Kooperative Architektur – Gestaltungsparadigmen für „Lived Space“ als urbane Praxis Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Franziska Bode | 17.10.2019 Lebendigkeit, Komplexität und Dynamik als Merkmale transformierter Landschaften – Über die Notwendigkeit des Designs ökologischer Prozesse Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Lina Zhang | 04.07.2018 Assessing spatial equity impacts of low-income housing policy in Shanghai Junior-Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen

Jakob Emanuel Schäuble | 04.07.2018 Untersuchung zur Erhöhung der Netzdienlichkeit von Nichtwohngebäuden Prof. Dr. Dirk Bohne

Johanna Hurst | 04.07.2018 Erfassungen der Fledermausaktivität über dem Wald als Grundlage für methodische Empfehlungen zu Untersuchungen und Maßnahmen an Windkraftstandorten im Wald Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Anne Finger | 04.07.2018 Mobilität, quo vadis? Potentiale für Mobilität als integrativer Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung Prof. Dr. Barbara Zibell

Anna Schlattmann | 06.06.2018 Sustainability Evaluation of water use - A global perspective on ecosystems, biodiversity and water governance Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren

Christoph Dankers | 11.04.2018 Scenarios for the future development of Riyadh’s wadi systems Junior-Prof. Dr. Christian Albert

Selay Ünlü | 17.01.2018 Neuausrichtung der Dorfentwicklung in Niedersachsen – Analyse des Mehrwerts der interkommunalen Kooperation in der Dorfentwicklung für den Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozess in Dörfern Junior-Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen

Michaela Deininger | 17.01.2018 Das Transformationspotenzial ausgewählter Bewertungsmethoden für Ökosystemleistungen im Hinblick auf eine (queer-)feministisch-politische Naturschutzagenda J unio -Prof. Dr. Tanja Mölders

Verena Butt  | 15.12.2023 Ambivalente Orte. Entwurfsstrategien für post-militärische Landschaften Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Amanda Grobe  | 30.11.2023 Etablierung von Torfmoosen und Begleitvegetation bei Torfmooskultivierung auf geringmächtigem Schwarztorf Prof. Dr. Michael Rode

Michael Braun  | 09.05.2023 Zielkonflikte zwischen Biodiversitätsschutz und Proßezschutz bei der Regeneration des ehemaligen Küsten- und Wiesenschutzgebietes „Priwall“ bei Travemünde Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Felix Zitzmann  | 07.03.2023 Potenziale von Kurzumtriebsplantagen als produktionsintegrierte Naturschutzmaßnahme zur Aufwertung der Biotopfunktion für die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt in der Agrarlandschaft Prof. Dr. Michael Reich

Huiting Ruan  | 08.02.2023 Enliving locality with a non-representational approach: Cases of waterfront spaces along the River Rhine Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Reinhild Amiyo Ruhnke  | 04.05.2022 Die Inszenierung des Stadtgrüns. Blumenschmuck und Schmuckbeete in preußischen Städten im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert Prof. Dr. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn

Jakob Schäuble | 22.06.2022 Untersuchungen zum netzgeführten Taktbetrieb einer Betonkerntemperierung Prof. Dr. Dirk Bohne

Kathrin Otten | 18.07.2022 Untersuchung der Wassertransportmechanismen in hydrophobierten mineralischen Bauten Prof. Dr. Klaus Littmann

Sarah Wehmeyer | 31.08.2022 Die Collage als Praktik forschenden Entwerfens Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. phil. Margitta Buchert

Kendra Busche  | 10.10.2022 Reizende Landschaften, Provozierende Prozesse. Involvierendes Entwerfen und intersphärisches Agieren für Eigenarten in urbanen Landschaften Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Charlotte Hopf   | 11.10.2022 Der Berliner Dom. Sein Wiederaufbau durch Staat und Kirche im geteilten Deutschland Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Reinhard Müller | 19.10.2022 Die Wilkhahn–Bauten in Bad Münder – Fabrikarchitektur eines Möbelproduzenten im 20. Jahrhundert Prof. Dr. Markus Jager

Mathias Sch ol z  | 16.12.2021 Anwendbarkeit von Bioindikationssystemen für planerische und naturschutzfachliche Fragestellungen in Auen Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren Steffen Bösenberg  | 22.07.2021 Plastizität. Konzeptionen post-industrieller Transformation. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. phil. Margitta Buchert Sarah Gottwald  | 11.06.2021 Sense of Place in Spatial Planning: Applying Instrumental and Deliberative Approaches at the River Lahn Prof. Dr. Christian Albert Tanja Remke  | 07.06.2021 Der Extremtypus in der Büroarchitektur. Seine Repräsentanten im Wandel der Arbeitswelt und die Bedingungen für ihr Entstehen.“ Prof. Dr. Barbara Zibell Falco Knaps  | 14.04.2021 Raumbezogene Identität als Faktor für eine nachhaltige Raumplanung P D Dr. Sylvia Herrmann Almut Wolff  | 24.03.2021 Der Einfluss von Akteursperspektiven auf kommunikativ gestaltete Planungsprozesse. Divergenz und Konvergenz akteursspezifischer Handlungskulturen an den Schnittstellen partizipativer Planungsprozesse und ihr Einfluss auf die Planung. Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen Jörn Harfst  | 24.03.2021 Framework conditions and development potentials of (old) industrialised towns and regions in Central Europe Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen Katharina Krämer  | 23.02.2021 Doing Design – (Re)Doing Difference? Perspektiven von Gender und Diversity in der Designlehre Prof. Dr. Tanja Mölders Angelina Göb  | 10.02.2021 Lebenswelten im Suburbanen: (Re)konstruktion von Raum und Routinen am Rande von Hannover Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen Insa Cheng  | 10.02.2021 Das Potenzial der Tätigkeiten von Frauen auf die Entwicklung ländlicher Räume. Zum Einfluss und Rollenzuschreibungen von Frauen am Beispiel der Gemeinde Krummhörn. Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen Ines Lüder  | 03.02.2021 Regionale Transformation und historische ländliche Gebäude Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Janine Sybertz  | 07.01.2020 Auswirkungen landnutzungs- und klimawandelbedingter Umweltveränderungen auf Tierarten und naturschutzfachlicheHandlungsoptionen Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Reich

Johanna Hurst  | 27.01.2020 Erfassungen der Fledermausaktivität über dem Wald als Grundlage für methodische Empfehlungenzu Untersuchungen und Maßnahmen an Windkraftstandorten im Wald Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Reich

Listen Prima  | 23.02.2020 " Heritag e Led Sustainable Development of Indonesia´s Villages - Scenarios for Village Alliances in South Sumaterabased on the Concepts of Heritage Architecture and Village Monument" Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Lena Greinke  | 06.05.2020 Berufsbedingte Multilokalität in ländlichen Räumen Niedersachsens – Gesellschaftliche und räumliche Auswirkungen mehrörtiger Lebensweisen als planerische Herausforderung am Beispiel des Landkreises Diepholz Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Julia Thiele | 31.08.2020 Erfassung und Bewertung kultureller Ökosystemdienstleistungen von morphologischen Auen Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Christina von Haaren

Elena Paul | 08.10.2020 Batteriespeicher in Nichtwohngebäuden. Untersuchungen zum Einsatz zur Lastspitzkappung und Steigerung der Netzdienlichkeit Prof. Dr. Dirk Bohne

Maaria Vilja Larjosto  | 20.06.2019 Dynamic Urban Islands: Seasonal Landscape Strategies for Resilient Transformation Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Chen Wen  | 29.07.2019 The elderly in green spaces: understanding, mapping, and planning for nature-based recreation Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Christina von Haaren

Ana Pimenta Ribeiro  | 14.08.2019 Bringing to light a new energy path: biomass residues as a contribution to a sustainable and inclusive energy source in Brazil. Apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Rode

Nana Wix  | 21.08.2019 Blühstreifen als Naturschutzmaßnahme zur Förderung der Avifauna und Tagfalterfauna in der Agrarlandschaft Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Reich

Luqi Wang  | 23.10.2019 Exploring the bicycle planning culture and implementation challenges: case studies of Hamburg and Wuhan Prof. Dr. Frank Othengrafen

Song Song  | 11.12.2019 Designing Urban Wetland Parks in China –Towards Guidelines for Integrating Ecological and Open Space UseConcerns Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Sarah Theresa Hartmann  | 20.02.2018 Monuments of Everyday Life – Interplays of City, Infrastructure and Architecture in São Paulo Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Sarah Annika Matthies  | 15.03.2018 Species richness in urban green spaces – Relevant aspects for nature conservation Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rüdiger Prasse

Yara Cristina Labronici Baiardi | 08.05.2018 Node of transport and place: Dilemmas, Challenges and Potentialities towards the Development of a Mobility Urban Hub Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Schröder

Sarah C. Schreiner | 16.05.2018 Ko-produktive Stadt - Standorte und Kooperationen kreativer Kleinstunternehmen als Handlungsfeld für Stadtentwicklung und Wirtschaftsförderung in Hamburg Dr. Frank Othengrafen

Janna Eberhard | 29.06.2018 Kirche und 'Elefant' im Kloster Loccum. Neue Perspektiven auf Zisterzienserarchitektur Prof. Dr. Joachim Ganzert

Wasim Rida Salama | 04.07.2018 Design for disassembly as an alternative sustainable construction approach to life-cycle-design of concrete buildings Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Furche

Joseph Claghorn | 06.07.2018 Algorithmic Landscapes: Computational Methods for the Mediation of Form, Information, and Performance in Landscape Architecture / Algorithmische Landschaften: Rechenmethoden zur Vermittlung zwischen Form, Information und Performance in der Landschaftsarchitektur Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Werthmann

Carsten Ludowig | 19.07.2018 Einfluss horizontaler Barrieren auf die Vermeidung von Maulwurfshügeln in Rasenflächen Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Gilbert Lösken

Sarah Daniela Schomers | 12.12.2018 Intermediaries within the governance structures of payment for ecosystem services: Cost-effectiveness andenvironmental effectiveness from an institutional economic perspective Prof. Dr. Bettina Matzdorf

Birte Stiers  | 22.02.2017 Die Gärten bürgerlicher Villen und Landhäuser im nordwestdeutschen Raum (1871-1918) Prof. Dr. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn

Rainer Ernst Joachim Schomann  | 20.04.2017 Gartendenkmalpflege in Niedersachsen - zwischen theoretischem Anspruch und möglicher Umsetzung Prof. Dr. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn

Martin Sondermann | 26.04.2017 Planungskulturen kooperativer Stadtgrünentwicklung Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Enke Franck  | 14.06.2017 Regionalplanung als integrative Schlüsselfunktion bei der strategischen Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Niedersachsen Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Linda Lange | 22.08.2017 Multilokalität in ländlich geprägten Räumen Niedersachsens - Zum Einfluss einer durch temporäre An- und Abwesenheiten gekennzeichneten Lebensweise auf das bürgerschaftliche Engagement Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Meike Hellmich | 06.11.2017 Nachhaltiges Landmanagement vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels als Aufgabe der räumlichen Planung. Eine Evaluation im planerischen Mehrebenensystem an den Beispielen der Altmark und des Landkreises Lüchow-Dannenbergs Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Renko Johannes Steffen | 06.11.2017 Geschossdecken aus Bambus Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Furche

Gesine Tuitjer  | 28.11.2017 Aber dann mit Familie ist einfach das Dorfleben viel, viel besser. Sinn, Praxis und Materialität in der Konstruktion von Raum und Geschlecht Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Mölders

Verena Stengel | 07.03.2016 Baumwurzeleinwuchs bei Geh- und Radwegen - Wirkung von Baustoffeigenschaften und Bauweisen auf die Durchwurzelbarkeit und Ansätze zur Schadenvorbeugung Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Gilbert Lösken

Li Xin | 21.06.2016 Integrated Strategies of Landscape-based Stormwater Management in northern China – An analysis and comparativestudy of six Chinese stormwater management projects Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Andrea Christa Dittrich-Wesbuer  | 05.07.2016 Multilokalität und Stadtentwicklung - Veränderte Muster räumlicher Mobilität und ihre lokalen Implikationen Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Wiebke Saathoff   | 12.07.2016 Möglichkeiten der Initiierung einer klima- und naturschutzfreundlichen Landwirtschaft gemäß Subsidiaritätsprinzip am Beispiel der Biogasproduktion Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Christina von Haaren

Christina Marie Milos  | 15.07.2016 Anticipating the Spatial Impacts of Oil Sands Production on Livelihoods and Infrastructure in Ondo State, Nigeria Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Werthmann

Friedrich Maximilian Wilhelm Fischer  | 17.08.2016 Die Intelligenz der Hände. Analoge und digitale Architekturdarstellung in der zeitgenössischen Entwurfsmethodik Prof. Dr. Albert Schmid-Kirsch

Meike Levin-Keitel  | 22.08.2016 Innerstädtische Flusslandschaften im Spiegel der lokalen Planungskultur. Planungskulturelle Perspektiven einer integrierten und nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung im Umgang mit ihren Flusslandschaften. Prof. Dr. Rainer Danielzyk

Monika Baronin von Haaren | 01.11.2016 Bewertung des Wasserverbrauchs im landwirtschaftlichen Ackerbau unter Berücksichtigung des Klimawandels - Entwicklung einer Methode für die Managementsoftware MANUELA am Beispiel eines Ackerbaubetriebs in Nordost-Niedersachsen Dr. Uwe Herrmann

Christiae Kania-Feistkorn  | 15.11.2016 Vom Spielen und Entwerfen. Spielerische Erkenntnisweisen und Ideenfindung im Entwurfsprozess urbaner Landschaften Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Linda Meyer-Veltrup  | 25.11.2016 Suitability of test methods to characterize the durability of timber products in various exposure situations underparticular consideration of their moisture performance Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas O. Rapp

Anke Schmidt  | 13.12.2016 Geschichten urbaner Landschaften. Formate des Erzählens für kollaborative Entwurfsprozesse Prof. Dr. Martin Prominski

Joëlle Aline  | 21.01.2015 Wohnmobilität im Alter - ein zukunftsfähiger Ansatz für eine nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen? Prof. Dr. Barbara Zibell

Imke Hennemann-Kreikenbohm | 17.02.2015 Kompensationsmaßnahmen und energetische Nutzungspotenziale – Kurzumtriebsplantagen und Kurzumtriebsstreifenals mögliche Maßnahmen im Rahmen der Eingriffsregelung Apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Rode

Laura Kienbaum-Rosenberger  | 23.02.2015 Stadt: Seilbahn: Architektur. Entwurfsbausteine und Gestaltungszusammenhänge. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. phil. Margitta Buchert

Christopher Jens Garthe  | 24.02.2015 Erholung und Bildung in Nationalparken: Gesellschaftliche Einstellungen, ökologische Auswirkungen und Ansätze für ein integratives Besuchermanagement Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Christina von Haaren

Sibylle Schmidt | 03.03.2015 Kompetenzorientierung in modularisierten Studiengängen zur Schließung curricularer Lücken Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Littmann

Carolin Galler  | 29.06.2015 Multifunktionalität von Umweltmaßnahmen - Quantifizierung multipler Umweltwirkungen und ihre Berücksichtigung in der Umweltplanung Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Christina von Haaren

Isabelle Miriam Kunze  | 21.07.2015 The social organisation of land use change in Wayanad, Kerala, South India Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Mölders

Nirza Fabiola Castro Gonzáles  | 20.08.2015 Potenziale des Jatropha curcas-Anbaus für eine nachhaltige Produktion von Biodiesel in Bolivien - Am Beispiel einer Fallstudie in der bolivianischen Region El Gran Chaco des Departamentos Santa Cruz Apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Rode

Simon Rietz  | 11.11.2015 Deutsche Soldatenfriedhöfe des Ersten Weltkrieges und der Weimarer Republik. Ein Beitrag zur Professionsgeschichteder Landschaftsarchitektur. Prof. Dr. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn

Wolf-Hagen Pohl  | 20.05.2014 Betreuer Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Furche Veränderung der Dicke von Titanzink bei Dachdeckungen und Wandbekleidungen im Hochbau aufgrund atmosphärischer Korrosion - Vergleichende Betrachtung der Ergebnisse aus den Untersuchungsverfahren - Dickenmessung mit der Ultraschall-Prüftechnik Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Furche

Last Change: 06.02.24 Print

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Doctoral Programmes

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The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offers structured doctoral programmes in addition to the individual doctorate. An intensive support aims at a degree within three years. Supplementary courses impart disciplinary as well as transferable skills. Especially young researchers benefit from manifold assistance: teamwork, curriculum, supervision by several professors and practical application constitute a framework for successful projects.

The Research Training Groups of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar offer positions for doctoral candidates and post-docs. Ph.D. candidates in other structured programmes are self dependent for their funding. They may apply for a scholarship from one of the organizations for the promotion of young talent or for a scholarship directly the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

If your research interest fits into one of the doctoral programmes of our university, you may apply directly at the programme. Please note the application deadlines and the doctoral regulations of the respective faculty.

NEW: GRK "Gewohnter Wandel" | start in autumn 2024

phd landscape architecture germany

Social conflicts, ecological needs and the digitalisation of the living environment: if current social developments are shaping the built environment of tomorrow, what challenges, problems and contradictions will this cause for housing? 

From autumn 2024, young researchers in Weimar and Frankfurt will conduct interdisciplinary research on the current housing situationin the the joint research training group (Graduiertenkolleg, GRK) " Gewohnter Wandel. Social Transformation and Spatial Materialisation of Housing" , funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Over the entire funding period of nine years, up to 36 doctoral theses on housing issues can be completed. >  more info

Contact:  gewohnter.wandel[at]

Research Training Group (DFG) Identity and Heritage

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The research training group  »Identität und Erbe« started as a joint programm of the TU Berlin and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in October 2016 with all in all 12 doctoral positions (6 at each university). The first group (2016–2019) is still working on their doctorates in Weimar and Berlin. The following subjects are involved: architecture, architectural theory, history of building and urban development, fine arts, monument preservation, history of art and architecture, history of culture and media, landscape architecture, planning and architectural sociology, spatial planning and spatial research, urban planning.

The second funding period until 2025 has been approved. The interdisciplinary orientation of the GRK will be expanded in the new funding period to include archival science and the philosophy of science.

Please see here more of the latest news from the GRK.

Research Training Group (DFG) Medienanthropologie

phd landscape architecture germany

The Research Training Group is primarily aimed at doctoral students of media studies, cultural studies, film and theatre studies, literary studies, philosophy, sociology, ethnology or one of the neighbouring disciplines.

The programme began its work in April 2020, the 2nd cohort started in summer 2023.

For more information, see

Doctoral Programme Art and Design

(photo: Michael Braun, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)

The degree course Art & Design offers a Ph.D.-degree created solely for Master and Diploma graduates of Art- and Design-Schools was the first of its kind in the German-speaking area since 2008. The graduation, supervised by two professors, one academic and one artist / designer, is concluded after a three-year curriculum. German and English knowledge is required. The final Ph.D.-thesis equally comprises of a scientific and an artistic/design part.

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Toland,  head of the programme; Junior Professor for Arts and Research artsandresearch[at]

Application deadline is March 31st; the programme starts in the winter semester.

Open Online Consultation for all who want to apply: 10 November 2023 | 2 pm 09 February 2024 | 10 am

For insights in the program, please see " Working Titles ", the online journal for practice-based and led research initiated by Ph.D. candidates enrolled in the Ph.D. program for art and design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 

More information about the doctoral program you can find on the website  of the Ph.D. program.

European Urban Studies (International Doctorate Programme)

phd landscape architecture germany

From 2002 until 2020, the IPP for European Urban Studies was counted among the nationwide network of International PhD Programmes, which, within the framework of the programme "Doctorates at Universities in Germany (PHD)", were endorsed by the German Research Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service. Supported in years 2002 to 2007, the IPP European Urban Studies was the only IPP in Germany that was dedicated to urban research. It dealt with topics that are tested against such current models as the "European City," "Compact City," "Social City," "Net City," or "Zwischenstadt". The International Doctorate Programme “European Urban Studies” was then focusing on research on Urban Housing and Forms of Living with a focus on (multidimensional) housing policy, in the context of current societal challenges – such as climate change, social fragmentation, spatial disparity, cultural differentiation, immigration and the transformation of the real estate economy – and what these challenges imply for the cities of Europe.

Please note: Until further notice, the program is closed. You can find out more about the individual doctoral opportunities in the field of "European Urban Studies" on this homepage .

UrbanHist - History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century

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"UrbanHist − History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century" is a multidisciplinary research and training programme run by four universities in Germany, Spain, Slovakia and Sweden in cooperation with 13 partner-organizations and funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Innovative Training Networks (ITN) as European Joint Doctorate (EJD).

It aims to develop and sustainably promote a joint understanding of 20th century urbanism in Europe. 15 Early Stage Researchers will be researching in 8 thematic fields, embedded into a network of high-profile academics and practitioners.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar; Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Slowakei; Universidad de Valladolid, Spanien sowie die Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Schweden.

2016 – 2020

Please note: Currently no applications are being accepted for this programme.

Kompetenzzentrum Medienanthropologie (KOMA)

Period:  April 2015 bis September 2019

Das aus Mitteln der ProExzellenz-Initiative des Freistaates Thüringen finanzierte Kompetenzzentrum Medienanthropologie soll eine innovative und interdisziplinäre Medienanthropologie vorantreiben, die die Erforschung der Medialität, der Medienbedingtheit und Medienverfasstheit menschlicher Daseinsvollzüge ins Zentrum stellt. Dabei ist das Konzept der Anthropomedialität forschungsleitend. Anthropomedialität beschreibt mit der Verschränkung von Menschen und Medien ein eigenständiges Drittes, das jeder Unterscheidung von Mensch und Medium als deren Ursprung vorausgeht.

Im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms wurden 10 StipendiatInnen bei der Arbeit an ihrer Promotion unterstützt. Die Arbeit des Kompetenzzentrums mündete erfolgreich in der Beantragung eines DFG-Graduiertenkollegs zum Thema Medienanthropologie , das im April 2020 gestartet ist.

Sprecherin: Prof. Dr. Christiane Voss  (Professur Philosophie audiovisueller Medien) Stellvertretender Sprecher: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Engell (IKKM)

Weitere Informationen zum Forschungsprogramm und zu den beteiligten WissenschaftlerInnen finden Sie hier .

Tim Othold M.A. Coordinator/ Research assistant Cranachstraße 47, room 005 Tel.: + 49 (0) 36 43/58 40 03 Fax: + 49(0)3643 / 58 40 01 tim.othold[at]

Christiane Lewe M.A. Coordinator/ Research assistant Cranachstraße 47,  room 006 Tel.: + 49 (0) 36 43/58 40 06 Fax: + 49(0)3643 / 58 40 01 christiane.lewe[at]

Urban and Regional Research (German-Argentinian Doctorate Training Group)

Copyright: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Foto: René Lenz

Duration: 2013- 2020

The German-Argentinian Doctorate Training Group "Urban and Regional Research" is a cooperation between the Institute for European Urban Studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design and the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba /Argentinia.

The aim of this doctorate training group is to give a selective group of young researchers the opportunity and the academic support to achieve results in urban research that can enrich the academic debate in this field both in Europe and in Latin America. Doctorate students in the program receive bi-national academic advising and take part in a structured study programme. Successful completion of the programme results in the awarding of the academic title of Dr. phil or Dr. Ing in combination with a doctor title from the partner university. This doctorate training group is the first of its kind at a Thuringian university and one of few in Germany. A stipend funded by the Deutsch-Argentinischen Hochschulzentrum covers travel and living costs for the academic year abroad.

Currently no applications are being accepted for this programme.

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66 landscape-phd positions in Germany

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  • landscape-phd

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  • Last-24-hours 1
  • Last-30-days 10
  • Scholarship 30
  • Research Job 18
  • Postdoctoral 11
  • Technical University of Munich 8
  • Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. 4
  • PhD Programme "Gene Regulation in Evolution" 4
  • University of Göttingen • 4
  • Free University of Berlin 2
  • University of Bonn • 2
  • BMW Group 1
  • Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg • 1
  • Dresden University of Technology • 1
  • Friedrich Schiller University Jena • 1
  • Georg August University of Göttingen 1
  • Heidelberg University 1
  • Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University Hospital 1
  • Hertie School • 1
  • Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz • 1
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München • 1
  • Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg 1
  • Nature Careers 1
  • Technische Universität Berlin • 1
  • The Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar • 1
  • University of Münster 1
  • Computer Science 18
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PhD student (f/m/d) Provisioning of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Systems

The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically

Doctoral candidate ( PhD ) (65%; d/f/m) CitySoundscapes Project

01.07.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal Soundscapes across cityscapes: Relationships among bird diversity, sound, and urban green infrastructure PhD Project Within the CitySoundscapes Project we

Postdoc in Climatology/Micrometeorology

The Institute of Landscape Ecology in the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Münster, Germany, is seeking to fill the position of a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wissenschaftliche*r

Ph.D. position (m/f/d) Advanced Sustainable Thermoelectrics for Waste Heat Recovery-Materials

information at: . The Institute for Metallic Materials (Prof. K. Nielsch) of the IFW Dresden offers a PhD position (m/f/d) on the following topic: Advanced Sustainable Thermoelectrics

Ph.D. position (m/f/d) Advanced Sustainable Thermoelectrics for Waste Heat Recovery - Modules

Data expert in the project wetnetbb (m/f/d).

for Sustainable Development Eberswalde (HNEE), the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). The WetNetBB network is planned as part of a

Postdoc in isotope-enabled climate and ecohydrology modelling (f/m/x)

Postdoc in isotope-enabled climate and ecohydrology modelling (f/m/x) The research group “ Landscape Ecohydrology” led by Prof Doerthe Tetzlaff in the Department of Ecohydrology & Biogeochemistry

Doctoral researcher ( PhD ) for on-farm experiments (f/m/d)

Research associate (all genders welcome).

%) or for qualification ( PhD student, 65%). The successful candidate will work on Carbon and non-carbon climate regulation functions of tropical landscapes in Indonesia. The project is led by Prof. Dr. Alexander Knohl and

PhD in Computational BIomedicine / Spatial Omics

funded by an EU programme Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure? No Offer Description We are looking for a highly motivated and talented PhD student to join the newly

Searches related to landscape phd

  • phd landscape
  • phd in urban design
  • doctoral candidate landscape architecture sustainable development
  • environmental science phd scholarship

10 Best universities for Landscape Architecture in Germany

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Germany ranked based on their research performance in Landscape Architecture. A graph of 8.3K citations received by 310 academic papers made by 10 universities in Germany was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

Please note that our approach to subject rankings is based on scientific outputs and heavily biased on art-related topics towards institutions with computer science research profiles.

1. Leibniz University of Hanover

For Landscape Architecture

Leibniz University of Hanover logo

2. Dresden University of Technology

Dresden University of Technology logo

3. Humboldt University of Berlin

Humboldt University of Berlin logo

4. Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich logo

5. University of Freiburg

University of Freiburg logo

6. Technical University of Berlin

Technical University of Berlin logo

7. University of Bonn

University of Bonn logo

8. Kiel University

Kiel University logo

9. University of Kassel

University of Kassel logo

10. Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences logo

The best cities to study Landscape Architecture in Germany based on the number of universities and their ranks are Hanover , Dresden , Berlin , and Munich .

Art & Design subfields in Germany

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Welcome to Landscape Architecture and Transformation LAT

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Beijing Industrial Landscape

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Udo Weilacher and Kongjian Yu

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Alpine Landscape transformed

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Alpine Industrial Landscape, Austria

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Research exhibition 2021

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Günther Vogt, interviewed 2021

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Basel Excursion 2022

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Lumi Kirk presents her Master thesis

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Second Nature at the Hippodrome An eco-spatial narrative for a brownfield in Montreal, Qc, Canada In her master's thesis, Lumi Kirk argues the need for a different way of dealing with brownfields: instilling a post-growth and “more-than-human” landscape and subdividing the site into frames that fulfill functions over various time spans that build a nucleus of biodiversity, resiliency, and change. Lumi demonstrates this thesis using the example of the Hippodrome in Montreal, Canada. Guests are most welcome to attend the presentation on Tuesday, 2 July at 14:00 in room E42.

Low Impact Development (LID) – Demystified for Designers

Gastvortrag professor daniel roehr.

phd landscape architecture germany

Montag den 10.06.2024, 10:00 s.t. bis 11:30 Uhr, Raum O20, Gebäude 4219 (Vortrag auf deutsch)

Daniel Roehr lehrt Landschaftsarchitektur an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver und ist zugelassener Landschaftsarchitekt in British Columbia und Berlin. Er ist Direktor der Forschungsgruppe greenskinslab ( ). Im Rahmen seiner aktuellen Forschung entwickelt er „open access tools“ für Landschaftsarchitekt*innen im Bereich der Klimaresilienz. Sein Laborteam entwickelte eine Anwendung zur Regenwasserberechnung (LID), die auf der  Architekturbiennale von Venedig 2021 ausgestellt wurde sowie ein Tool zur Minderung von Erdrutschen. Neben zahlreichen weiteren Pubikationen ist Daniel Roehr Autor der Bücher „Multisensory Landscape Design: A Designer's Guide for Seeing“ (Routledge 2022) und „Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems" (Routledge 2015).

Secure yourself one of the remaining places!

Short term design september 2024 is coming closer.

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Take part in the upcoming Summer School "Industry and Nature" in September 2024 and develop your ideas for the sustainable development of post-industrial landscapes together with an international team! We are especially looking forward to the cooperation with Beijing Forestry University with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fang Wei, Prof. Dr. Qingwei Cui and their students. Together with our guests, we will explore exciting transformation projects and industrial landscapes in the Ruhr region. In the subsequent workshop, you will develop your short-term design and present it together with the other participants in the final exhibition.

Application Procedure Click here for more information

Workload 3 ECTS

Get together: MO, 16.09.2024 Kick off: TUE, 17.09.2024 Ruhr region excursion: WED, 18.09.2024 - SUN, 22.09.2024 Workshop: MO, 23.09.2024 - THU, 26.09.2024 Final event/exhibition: FRI, 27.09.2024 Munich excursion: SAT, 28.09.2024 Departure: SUN, 29.09.2024  

Yinuo Chen presents her Master thesis

Tuesday, 28 may at 15:00 in e42 room, lat.

phd landscape architecture germany

Light up the Linker Transformation Strategy of Shenyang industrial areas with the example of Northeast Trade Warehouse

The Master thesis of Yinuo Chen focuses on an abandoned trade warehouse and the surrounding industrial site in Shengyang, China. Her design proposes the development of a historical layer, a layer of social activities and an ecological layer to transform the derelict site into an urban public park.

Yinuo Chen will present her Master thesis on Tuesday, 28 May at 15:00 in E42 room, LAT.

ready, set, ..... Landscape Architecture!

phd landscape architecture germany

Video-Workshop Teaser: a short project at the LAT

Modul AR 71152 (1 ECTS) - Modul AR 72055 (1 ECTS) - Sommersemester 2024

Participants: for all the students M. A., B. Sc. - Single or 2-persons group work

Kick-off: 22.05.2024 14:00-17:00 - obligatory registration ; for any question please write to: [email protected]

Click here for more information

Team members join the LAT for the summer semester!

phd landscape architecture germany

Since April 2024, the LAT has another new team member: Pierfrancesco Stella is working in research and teaching in the summer semester. This semester, he will supervise the Bachelor's project "LandscapeLinks" in Munich Nord-East together with Antonia Koukouvelou, Lynn Hennies and Prof. Weilacher in cooperation with Julian Numberger. Pierfrancesco studied architecture at IUAV-Venice and at the TU-Dresden: after some experiences as an architect in Berlin und Bregenz, he researched on the work and life of the Italian master Ippolito Pizzetti at the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche in Treviso; afterwards he moved in Hamburg's landscape direction to work furthermore as an outsider. Parallel with his job he worked as a lecturer at the Hochschule Bremen as well as at HafenCity Universität Hamburg on different landscape-course projects. Welcome Pier!

Andjelija Bojanovic presents her Master thesis

phd landscape architecture germany

Primordial Might Reconstruction of the Old Sugar Factory in Belgrade

Andjelija's Master thesis focuses on the transformation of a former sugar refinery in Belgrade. Her design proposal attempts to connect the users of today to the workers of the past through defined spatial archetypes which will facilitate this transition.

Andjelija Bojanovic will present her Master thesis on Thusday, 16 May at 10:30 in E42 room, LAT.

Am 16. April erschien nodium #16 - "Cyborg Landscapes"

phd landscape architecture germany

Ausgabe #16 , in deren Mittelpunkt die ausführliche Berichterstattung zum LAT-Symposium "Cyborg Landscapes" 2023 steht, wurde im Beisein von mehr als 40 Gästen, darunter Professor em. Peter Latz, vom Stapel gelassen. ACL-Vorsitzender Johannes Kollmann lobte die Arbeit der Ehrenamtlichen am Heft. Udo Weilacher, diesmal in der Riolle des Redaktionsleiters, bot einen Rückblick auf die Entwicklung des Magazins und würdigte in seinem Vortrag die Arbeit aller bisherigen Redaktionsleitenden seit 2009: Cornelia Lutz, Tobias Kramer, Sonja Weber, Gero Engeser, Stefanie Syren und Fabian Konopka. Dem engagierten nodium-Redaktionsteam 2023/24 - vor allem Gero Engeser - sowie alle beteligten Autorinnen und Autoren sei für die tolle Arbeit an #16 herzlich gedankt! Wer mehr wissen möchte über die neue Ausgabe des Magazins, findet auf der ACL-Homepage mehr  Info :

Preview of summer semester 2024

Coming summer semester, the LAT will be offering various semester projects, lectures and tutorials. You can register via TUMonline up until Monday, 15.04.24 at 6 pm. Information on the individual courses can be found under the following links and on TUMonline .

Exercise: Geschichte der Landschaftsarchitektur – Bachelor 2nd Semester

Project: MÜNCHEN – LandscapeLinks – Bachelor 4th Semester

Lecture: Theorie der Landschaftsarchitektur 1 und 2 – Bachelor 4th Semester

Short Design Studies Bachelor and Master (planned)

Project: FRANKFURT – Westside Stories – Master

Seminar: Writing Laboratory Landscape Architecture – Master

Seminar: Profiles of International Landscape Architecture – Master

All project offers are subject to change.

Sarah Huber presents her Master thesis

phd landscape architecture germany

Erste Hilfe Strukturalismus? Der öffentliche Raum nach der Katastrophe am Fallbeispiel des Hafenareals Beirut

The explosion in the port of Beirut on 4 August 2020 was one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history. It destroyed large parts of the city and claimed many lives. This master's thesis examines the applicability of structuralism as a landscape architectural theory for the reconstruction of urban landscapes after disasters by considering the catastrophy in Beirut as a case study. Sarah Huber presents her Master thesis on Thursday, 18. April at 10:30 in E42, LAT

phd landscape architecture germany

Since April 2024, the LAT has a new team member: Johannes Schmitt will be working in research and teaching in the summer semester. This semester, he will supervise the Master's project "Westside Stories" in Frankfurt together with Antonia Koukouvelou and Prof. Weilacher. Johannes completed his studies at the TU Munich in the summer semester 2020 with the thesis "Schicht im Schacht. Transformation of Saarland colliery wastelands exemplified by the Luisenthal coal mine. He then worked for three and a half years in Freising at toponauten GmbH | Landschaftsarchitektur und Stadtplanung.

Welcome Johannes!

Wuyue Chen presents her Master thesis

phd landscape architecture germany

Layering Transformation of Jinling Shipyard, China

The Master thesis project of the student deals with the redevelopment of the former Jinling Shipyard in China, which has been abandoned since many years and currently blocks the connection of the surrounding urban contect to the riverfront. The project seeks to transform the isolated shipyard into an open, ecological urban space by basing its design on theories of structuralism and ruins. The presentation takes place on Monday, 25 March at 11 o'clock in E42

Project results of Winter Semester 2024 – presented at LAT

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From 06.02. to 09.02.2024 students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation present their design projects of the Winter Semester 2024. Guests are welcome! Presentation Project 7th semester Bachelor and Bachelorthesis „Ran an die Ruhr“ Guest critic: Martin Rein-Cano / Landscape architect / founder, partner and creative director of Topotek 1 Time: Tuesday, 06.02.24 09:00-18:00 Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact:  Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou[at] Presentation Masterproject „The Ruhr Case – Climate-Adaptive Transformation of Hattingen Commercial and Landscape Park“ Guest critic: Martin Rein-Cano / Landscape architect / founder, partner and creative director of Topotek 1 Time: Wednesday, 07.02.24, 09:00-12:00 am Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact:  Lynn Hennies (lynn.hennies[at] Presentation Project 1st Semester Bachelor „Rappenweg Riem – Freiraumplanerische Entwicklung eines neuen Stadtquartiers in München-Riem“ Guest critic: Julian Numberger / Urban planner and landscape architect ByAK / Founder and partner at NUWELA Time: Friday, 09.02.24 09:00-18:00 Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact:  Antonia Koukouvelou (antonia.koukouvelou[at] Changes will be displayed here.

16. Weihenstephaner Forum on 20th October 2023

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We would like to thank all speakers, guests and the Schafhof European Art Forum Upper Bavaria for the rich presentations, lively discussions and an all-round successful day. You can find further information here .

Theresa Zierer präsentiert ihre Masterthesis

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reCENTER Wiederbelebung des Zentrums in Wulfen-Barkenberg

Die Absolventin untersucht in ihrer Masterarbeit ,inwiefern das Zentrum des heutigen Dorstener Stadtteils Wulfen-Barkenberg landschaftsarchitektonisch, zukunftsfähig und langlebig umgestaltet werden kann. Sie entwirft ein neues Zentrum, das die ursprüngliche Planung der „Neuen Stadt Wulfen“ respektiert und in angemessener Weise zeitgemäß übersetzt. Die Präsentation fand am Dienstag, den 16. Januar 2024 um 11:00 Uhr im Raum E40a (Masterraum) statt.

Waterways Transformation in the Vulnerable Port City of Alexandria

[Translate to en:]

Tragic Transition: Alexandria's Vibrant Mahmoudieh Canal Transformed into a Highway The AI imaginary MidJourney visuals for the cover photo of the research 'Waterways Transformation in the Vulnerable Port City of Alexandria' © 2023 Mai Soliman & Sara Fouad.

Dr. Sara Fouad , Egyptian guest researcher at TUM, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Egyptian space scientist Dr. Essam Heggy from NASA, published their paper on " Waterways transformation in the vulnerable port city of Alexandria " in cooperation with Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher. The peer reviewed article in the scientific journal " Cities . The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning" is now online . It's a pleasure to successfully cooperate with international colleagues from different disciplines on serious topics between landscape architecture, urban design and ecology. Thank you to the team  - and especially to Dr. Fouad. Research Link: . 

16. Weihenstephaner Forum 2023

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16. Weihenstephaner Forum 2023 – cyborg landscapes 

Friday October 20, 2023, 9 am - 6 pm TUM Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation In cooperation with Schafhof European Art Forum Upper Bavaria event location: Schafhof – European Art Forum Upper Bavaria, Am Schafhof 1, 85354 Freising

More informationen about the event program and the speakers can be found here .

Interested guests are welcome without registration.

Sckell Students Award 2023 – and the winners are...

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The  Friedrich-Ludwig-von-Sckell-Ring of Honor is awarded by the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts to outstanding personalities in landscape architecture, the history of garden art and related professions. Winner of the Ring of Honor 2023 is Professor em. dr re. hort. Erika Schmidt . The competition of the  Sckell Students Awards  was looking for inspiring contributions in words and pictures which deal with the work of Erika Schmidt and her current relevance for landscape architecture and garden art. The Sckell Students Award is intended to expressly acknowledge the work of the Sckell Ring of Honor winners and to focus attention on the importance of their practical and theoretical work for young landscape architects and garden art historians.

The Award ceremony took place on October 12, 2023 in the Residence of Munich. The winners of this year's Sckell Students Award 2023 are

  • 1. Prize (2.500 €):  Oliver Bursi , TU Munich, Landscape Architecture and Planning
  • 2. Prize (1.500 €):  Bianca Funtak , TU Munich, Landscape Architecture and Planning
  • 3. Prize (1.000 €):  Jana Langner , TU Munich, Landscape Architecture and Planning

Congratulations to all winners!

Further information about the competition, about the winners of the last years and a gallery of all competition entries can be found  here .

Project results of Summer Semester 2023 – presented at LAT

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From 18.07. to 25.07.2023 students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation present their design projects of the Summer Semester 2023. Guests are welcome! Award ceremony – student competition „Garden of Contemplation“ Representatives of Hochschulgemeinde Freising: Hans-Christoph Kromer (Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Freising), Daniela Hamm (Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Freising) Time: Tuesday, 18.07.23, 17:00-18:00 Place: Foyer Basement, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact: Lynn Hennies ([email protected]) Presentation Masterproject „ΕΛΕΥΣΙΣ – ELEFSIS: Transformation of the wine distillery Kronos in Elefsina, GR“ Guest critic: Chryssa Martini , Architektin und Direktorin für Räumlichkeiten und Infrastruktur, Kulturhauptstadt Europas Elefsina 2023 Silvia Benedito , Landscape Architect, GSD Harvard University USA Time: Thursday, 20.07.23, 11:00-18:00 Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact:  Antonia Koukouvelou ([email protected]) Presentation Bachelorthesis „Zwischen den Zeilen, Hamburg – Das blau-grüne Quartier von morgen“ Guest critic:   Prof. Dr. Michael Koch , city planner and architect, HafenCity Universität Hamburg Time: Friday, 21.07.23, 9:00-16:00 Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact: Bernadette Brandl ([email protected]) Presentation Project 4th Semester Bachelor „Rappenweg Riem“ Integrated Design Studio – Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Guest critic: Julia Otte, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Time: Monday, 24.07.23 10:00-18:00 and Tuesday, 25.07.23 10:00-17:00 Place: Room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising Contact: Lynn Hennies ([email protected]) Changes will be displayed here.

Visit of Professor Dr. Fang WEI at LAT

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From June 30, 2023 to July 9, 2023, the Chinese professor Fei Wang from Beijing Forestry University was on a research trip to Germany. Professor Weilacher welcomed her as a guest at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation. Among other things, she researches the public perception of post-industrial landscapes from a human factors perspective . During her time in Germany, she presented her research at the chair and actively participated in the table reviews of the chair's master's project. The individual teams benefited from the discussions about their designs, which are about the transformation of a unused, greek port area in Elefsina in this summer semester.

International Doctoral College Spatial Research Lab

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TUM Conference of the International Doctoral College Spatial Research Lab

Friday June 16th, 2023 9 am - 6 pm TUM Campus Weihenstephan Conference room IGZW GD 01, Gregor Mendel Street 4, 3rd floor

Guests are welcome!

LAT Workshop-Week in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

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In the week from May 28 to June 4, 2023 , the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Transformation organized a workshop week in Cluj-Napoca in Romania . The occasion was the Strada Potaissa project organized by the local Daisler Association. The Strada Potaissa project is a project of committed citizens who aim to improve the living conditions in the city of Cluj. In cooperation with the architecture faculty in Cluj, a total of 26 German and Romanian students took part in the workshop week, which was supposed to take up the idea of ​​the Strada Potaissa project in a creative and experimental way at different public places in Cluj. Within the "Stack 'N' Attract" workshop, temporary sculptures made of chairs in Cluj's public space were intended to signal that active participation and transformation of our daily environment can be done hands-on. The installations should arouse people's curiosity and the willingness to talk about their wishes regarding the public space in their neighborhood. Six different locations in Cluj became the scene of the action for over 20 different installations. The week made it clear that an analysis of the relationship between citizens and their own city is necessary and should be a prerequisite for a discussion about public space in Cluj.

Vanessa Baltes presents her Master's Thesis

Duisburg-Rheinort Development of a socially sustainable neighbourhood in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolis

In her master's thesis, Vanesa develops a family-friendly, resilient and future-oriented "Rheinort" neighbourhood. Here, private spaces are to be avoided in order to qualify it as an open, inclusive meeting space in which a solidary and spatially coexistence can take place. Sustainability should be thought of holistically, with a focus on social sustainability.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, the 26th of April 2023 at 11:00 in room E42. We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Antonia Koukouvelou in case of questions.

Kamilla Rustamova presents her Master Thesis

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Urban Palimpsest. Landscape-based transformation of a former Paper Mill in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

In her master's thesis, Kamilla Rustamova deals with the former paper mill "UzBum", one of the last historical industrial relics of the 19th century in Tashkent. The theory of ruins is intended to support the design process in order to better understand the relationship between future urban development and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Second examiner: Bernadette Brandl M.A. The presentation will take place on Wednesday, April 26th 2023 at 10 am in room E42. Guests are welcome!

Excellent! Aimee Neff wins the Young Talent Award bdla Bayern

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Congratulations to our master graduate Aimee Neff for receiving the Young Talent Award bdla Bayern . Our chair is very proud of the work and professional achievements of Aimee and we wish her all the best for her future.

More details on the announcement you can find here:

"Stack 'n' Attract" - short term design 2023! - UPDATE

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Show your talent in open space design and street art! The upcoming short term design in April 2023 focuses on an experimental method of creating landscape architectural interventions in public space. Based on the first design knowledge of "round 1" in January, the task is to design temporary sculptures for urban public spaces with – this time –  15 prefabricated wooden elements . The temporary street sculptures aim to give an impulse to the users by allowing them to participate in the process of activating urban spaces. The main working tool will be model making in a scale of 1:10. The limited time frame will serve as a kick-start into the creative process. If your project will be suitable, you might have a chance to participate in a follow-up workshop on site in Romania. On the occasion of the street festival “ Strada Potaissa ”, the Romanian city of Cluj- Napoca invites landscape architecture students of TUM to a creative workshop week! The best short term designs will be implemented 1:1 on site in Romania in May 2023 .

Short term design/ Start: Tuesday, 11.04.2023, 10:00 h, E42 Submission : Thursday, 13.04.2023, 16:00 h Presentation & Discussion : Wednesday, 19.04.2023, 15:00 h registration:  via TUMonline from 31.03.2023, max. 9 students 1,66 ECTS short term design in April 2023 (bachelor module),  2 ECTS short term design in April 2023 (bachelor module)

Follow- up workshop (optional) : Bonus ECTS workshop in May/June 2023 in Romania on site! prerequisite: successful participation in the short term project, discribed above, max. 10 students Creative workshop week in Cluj, Romania:  Sun-Sun, 28.05.2023-04.06.2023

For more information click here

Project results of 2022/23 – presented at LAT

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From 06.02. to 10.02.2023, students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation presented their projects of the Winter Semester 2022/23. We'd like to thank the students for their engaged presentations and all the guests for their valuable contribution to an inspiring final week of the semester.

LAT – Project presentation – Bachelor 7th semester „3LAND" – Transformation of the trinational harbour area in Basel Guest critic:   Dr. sc. ETH Haris Piplas , Co-Director Integrated Urban Solutions, Drees&Sommer and Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Kramer – Landscape Architect ByAK and managing director of toponauten landschaftsarchitekturGesellschaft mbH

LAT – Master's Project Presentation „Alpine Periscope“ – Transformation of the ex Colonia Dalmine in Castione della Presolana, IT Guest critic: Asst. Prof. Federica Burini (Geography Depart. University of Bergamo) , Asst. Prof. Lorenzo Migliorati (Sociology Depart University of Bergamo) and Gianluca Lanfrachi (PhD student University of Bologna) and Sophie von Einsiedel (landscape architect by Vogt landscape architects)

LAT – Project presentation – Bachelor 1st semester “Meilenweite" – Die Parkmeile Siemens Sportpark – Südliche Isaraue Guest critic:   Susanne Brittinger , Landscape Architect at Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung and Sophie von Einsiedel (landscape architect by Vogt landscape architects)

Frieder Wilk presents his Master's Thesis

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The "minimal intervention" for climate protection Lucius Burckhardt‘s planning theory and its potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

In his Master's thesis, Frieder Wilk examines to what extent Lucius Burckhardt's planning theory of the "smallest possible intervention" can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in landscape architectural planning and in how far this can increase the quality of open spaces. Can the manipulation of people's perception and the "specific planning solution" lead to a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emission?

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Lynn Hennies M.A. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, the 24th of January 2023 at 11:00 in room E42. We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Lynn Hennies in case of questions.

Aimee Neff presents her Master's Thesis

Turn the Tide! A landscape-based strategy for a resilient Knysna shoreline

Aimee develops in her master thesis a landscape-based strategy for Knysna which can be applicable on several levels and can support its development into a climate-resilient and socially reactivated city. Her concept REACT(ivate) identifies and responds to expected and unexpected impacts of climate change, and it seeks to activate forgotten spaces by inviting citizens to rediscover their coast.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation will take place on Monday, the 19th of December 2022 at 10:30 in room E42. We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Antonia Koukouvelou in case of questions.

Josefin Orlovsky presents her Master's Thesis

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Moving with the times!

Succession as a climate-adapted design method. Integration of the succession process on the campus of the TU Nuremberg

Josefin's master's thesis explores the potential of the antural succession processes. She researches on the advantages of spontaneous vegetation over conventional planting in order to achieve a more sustainable and climate-friendly open space planning, and tests her findings in a case study, the campus of TU Nuremberg.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation will take place on Monday, the 19th of December 2022 at 09:30 in room E42. We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Antonia Koukouvelou in case of questions.

Simon Ochott presents his Master's Thesis

phd landscape architecture germany

All for one––one for all! Master plan open space for a campus between urban and cultural landscapes

In his Master's Thesis Simon Ochott developed a master plan for the Campus Weihenstephan. The concept is based on the 1970 campus idea and puts emphasis on mixed-use development. Can the campus become the intended landscape "for all"?

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Lynn Hennies M.A. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, the 29th of November 2022 at 11:00 in room E42. We are looking forward to welcoming interested guests. Please contact Lynn Hennies in case of questions.

Excellent! Bernadette Brandl awarded with the Lenné-Prize 2022 + Foerster-Acknowledgment

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Congratulations to our research associate M.A. Bernadette Brandl , who won this year's Peter Joseph Lenné Prize 2022 in the "Task Category A - Regional - Berlin". On Friday, November 18th, 2022, the ceremony for the award ceremony will take place in Berlin at the Academy of Arts . On behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection, the prize is ceremoniously awarded by the State Secretary. Due to her excellent work and the use of particularly good use of plants, Bernadette Brandl also received the Karl Foerster Recognition 2022 , which is awarded by the Karl Foerster Foundation .

More info about the event:

The Peter Joseph Lenné Prize  of the State of Berlin is the world's largest ideas competition for young landscape architects, scientists, architects and artists who are being trained in the above-mentioned fields or are already working professionally. The competition is held every two years. Current national and international tasks from Berlin, the German federal states and abroad are selected for the award procedure.

Photo: Berlin Senate Departement for Environment, Urban Mobility, Consumer Protection and Climate Action

Peer reviewed paper published - managed by Dr. Sara Fouad

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Dr. Sara Fouad , Egyptian guest researcher at the LAT, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation , successfully managed to set up a network of renowned international researchers, including the Egyptian space scientist Dr. Essam Heggy from NASA, cooperating on " Landscape-based regeneration of the Nile Delta’s waterways in support of water conservation and environmental protection ". In December 2022, the peer reviewed article will be published in the scientific journal " Ecological Indicators ". It's a pleasure to successfully cooperate with international colleagues from different disciplines on serious topics between landscape architecture, urban design and ecology. Thank you to the whole team and especially to Dr. Fouad. Read the article online here: Read a short interview with Dr. Fouad here :

Guest lectures at LAT in winter 2022/23

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Dr. Steffen Nijhuis (TU Delft) Research Leader Department of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology "Research through Design" guest lecture Wednesday, December 21, 2022 , 11 am - 1 pm s.t., room U1

Professor Stephen Bates (TUM) Professorship Urbanism and housing, Department of Architecture, Technical University of Munich "landform and infrastructure" guest lecture  Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2022 , 14:30 - 16:00 Uhr s.t., room E42

Asst. Professor Dr. Pavle Stamenovic (Universität Belgrad) Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade "Towards Non-Typological Architecture: The Role of Typology in the Contemporary Process of Architectural Design" guest lecture Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2022 , 11 am - 1 pm s.t., room U1

Presentation Master's Thesis Divya Pilla

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The Ancient Theatre of Larissa Revitalisation of a Cultural landscape with the present context

Divya Pilla focused in her Master thesis on the cultural landscape of the Greek town of Larissa and specifically on the transformation of the ancient Amphitheatre which is located at the foot of Larissa's fortress hill. How can we re-design ancient sites and re-integrate them in the modern reality?

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation will be on Thursday, the 20th of October 2022 at 09:30 o'clock at room E42 Divya will present her thesis in the first 30 minutes and later the discussion will begin. We are looking forward to your comments and your active participation. Contact Antonia Koukouvelou ([email protected]) in case of questions.

Presentation Master's Thesis Carling Sioui

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Sewing the Seeds to Reconciliation Inclusive design in the process of balancing the narrative and decolonizing settler cities

Carling Sioui focused in her thesis on stories of colonialism in Montreal, Canada and how these affected the landscape. She exposes the narratives and values of Indigenous People and she explores through preliminary designs how to integrate them in the urban landscape.

Betreuung: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation will be on Monday, the 24th of October 2022 at 15:00 o'clock via Zoom Carling will present her thesis in the first 30 minutes and later the discussion will begin. We are looking forward to your comments and your active participation. Contact Antonia Koukouvelou ([email protected]) to receive the zoom link.

Preview of the winter semester 2022/2023

In the upcoming winter semester, the chair's semester projects will once again focus on the transformation of brownfield sites in the Alpine region. The project area for the 7th bachelor semester will circle around the old Hafenareal in Basel in Switzerland. The upcoming Master's project is expected to be in the northern Italian region of Lombardy near Bergamo, about 50 km from Milan. In cooperation with the University of Bergamo, this project will revolve around the topics of sustainability and climate change in the Alpine region. Additionally, both Bachelor's and Master's students are invited to take part in a short term design course which explores the qualities of edges and borders in the lamdscape and reveals them through 1:1 model making.

MUNICH – Meilenweite – Bachelor 1st semester

BASEL – Dreiland – Bachelor 7th semester

BERGAMO – Alpine Periscope – Master

Walk. Sketch. Make. – Short term design Bachelor and Master

Presentations of the studio results – summer semester 2022

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From 27.07.2022 until 03.08.2022 students at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation will present their projects of the summer semester 2022. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend the events. Guests are welcome - with the urgent request to wear a mask.

Wednesday, 27.07.22

LAT  – presentation Bachelorthesis

„Eingang zur Zukunft – Neues Entrée des Campus Weihenstephan“

time:  09:00 - 10:00 Uhr  room:  room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising

LAT – presentation Masterthesis

“Siedlungsgebiete der Fünfziger Jahre und ihre Freiraumstrukturen – Ein Balanceakt zwischen Erhalt und Erneuerung - am Beispiel Münchens“

time:  10:00 - 11:00 Uhr  room:  room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising

Thursday, 28.07.22

LAT  – Master project:

„River Trialogues  – Transformation des trinationalen Areals in Basel, Schweiz“

Guest critic:  Dr. sc. ETH Haris Piplas, Co-Director Integrated Urban Solutions, Drees&Sommer

time : 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr  room:  room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising

Monday, 01.08.22 und Tuesday, 02.08.22

LAT  – Bachelor project 4th semester – landscape architecture and sustainable urbanism

„context matters“

cooperation:  Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Professor Mark Michaeli

time:  09:30 - 17:30 Uhr  room:  room E42, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising

Wednesday, 03.08.22

LAT  – Profiles of International Landscape Architecture

Subtitel: Women in landscape architecture

time:  13:30 - 15:30 Uhr  room:  room U1, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 85354 Freising

Florentine-Amelie Rost successfully defended her dissertation!

phd landscape architecture germany

The seduction of water . Urban development and update of the narration of inner-city water spaces.

In her dissertation at TUM, Florentine-Amelie Rost explored how the reading of inner-city water spaces had changed over the last twenty years. She investigated the motives behind the increasing development of projects on the water. With her work, architect Rost took part in the academic discourse in the International Doctoral Programme "Research Laboratory Space" (IDK). With her topic at the interface between architecture and landscape architecture, she made a valuable contribution to the framework topic "crossing borders - activating spaces" in the curriculum of the IDK 2017-2020.

Supervisors of the dissertation: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher (TUM), Prof. Dr. Michael Koch (HCU Hamburg).

The successful defence of the dissertation took place on Monday 04.07.2022 at 14:00 in Freising-Weihenstephan. Congratulations Amelie!

Concrete Canopy /// Exhibition now!

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Within 24 hours, students at the LAT developed concepts for staging a space below the elevated Isarstraße in Freising. Final aim of the course was not a grand overall design, but an effective impulse for the so far abandoned city space.

The inspiring results are on display in the basement of the institute (building 4219) until July 27.

Presentation Master's Thesis Yuzhe Su

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Pearl on silk Transformation of Dagu shipyard industrial park, North China

In his master thesis, Yuzhe Su worked on transforming the former Dagu shipyard, in North China. His master thesis is based on finding and exposing the important historical and industrial features, and with his landscape structures and design he reactivates the area by giving it a new character, a new life.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation takes place on Thursday the 30th, June 2022 at 9:00 o'clock in E42. Yuzhe will present his thesis in the first 30 minutes and then the discussion-round will be opened. We are looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing your comments.

New Book by Marcello Modica on Alpine Industrial Landscapes

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We are thrilled to announce that the PhD dissertation at TUM by Marcello Modica , titled “Alpine Industrial Landscapes. Towards a New Approach for Brownfield Redevelopment in Mountain Regions”, is now published in Open Access by Springer Nature Group, in the Series “RaumFragen: Stadt  – Region – Landschaft | SpaceAffairs: City – Region – Landscape”. Congratulations Marcello from Udo Weilacher and your former colleagues, the whole LAT-Team! Open Access (PDF / EPUB) and softcover copies available at . Brief description : This Open Access book presents a pioneering research on brownfield redevelopment in mountain regions, and specifically in the European Alps. The origins and causes, the actual conditions as well as the future challenges and potentials of mountain brownfields are investigated from an interdisciplinary yet landscape-centered perspective. Through the reasoned combination of research-by-design methods and case-study analysis, the book explores the infrastructural relevance of these sites for the specific mountain territory, while advancing an innovative structuralist-systemic approach for their physical and functional transformation. The book includes, among others, a first transnational geo-mapping of Alpine brownfields, whose impressive outcomes in terms of site numbers and distribution can only confirm the urgency of this research.

Post-Industrial Landscapes in the Greek-Mediterranean context

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Antonia Koukouvelou had the opportunity to present her research topic at the 13th Annual International Conference on Urban Studies and Planning which took place in Athens, 30-31 May 2022. Antonia's research focuses on Greek post-industrial landscapes and on the challenge of their possible transformation. Urban and peri-urban brownfield's appearance in the Greek-Mediterranean context is a current phenomenon with strong implications for the landscape. The challenge of transforming these terrain vagues together with their browder context requires new visions and strategies to avoid typical solutions and succeed sustainable and long-lasting solutions.

Presentation Master's Thesis Shihui Liu

phd landscape architecture germany

Nature as the structuring framework Valorizing natural elements and Landscapes in urban fringe to the example in Carouge, Switzerland

In her master's thesis, Shihui Liu engaged herself with the Fontenette area in Carouge, Geneva. Her thesis aims to reconnect the site to the urban and social context by combining flexible and permanent frameworks and by applying specific strategies which she will reveal in her presentation.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Antonia Koukouvelou M.Sc. The presentation will take place on Thursday, 9th of June 2022 at 10:30 a.m. in E42. Shihui Liu will present her thesis in the first 30 minutes and then the discussion-round will be opened. We are looking forward to seeing all of you and hearing your comments.

River Trialogues in Basel

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Our master studio «River Trialogues» spent three days in Basel in order to analyse the site and get acquainted with the challenges of the region. During our excursion, the leader of the urban development department of the canton Basel-Stadt, Lucas Ott, and the Co-Director of Integrated Urban Solutions of Drees & Sommer, Haris Piplas, gave us a lecture on the challenges of the region and the possibilities of transformation. We thank them for their hospitality and the inspiring input. We are looking forward to welcoming them in Freising for our final presentations.

Presentation Master's Thesis Katharina Gorochow

phd landscape architecture germany

FREIGANG - A design concept for the southwestern city entrance of Landshut and the JVA

In her master's thesis, Katharina Gorochow dealt with the Grieserwiese, located on the Isar River, and the nearby correctional facility in Landshut. The aim of her work is the urban integration of the closed and negatively connoted area of the JVA, the connection to the Isar, as well as the creation of a new gateway to the city center at the southwestern entrance.

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Martin Augenstein M.A. The presentation will take place on Friday, Feb. 25, 2022 at 10 a.m. in the E42 and can also be followed via Zoom. If you are interested, please contact Martin Augenstein [email protected]

Winners selected: competition "Grünes Entrée"

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Since the construction of the forestry centre in the 1990s, its grounds have been used as a temporary car park. The Centre Wald-Forst-Holz and our chair now called for proposals for the design of this western entrance to Campus Weihenstephan. A small group of students took on the task and provided a wide range of concepts and ideas.

Lisa Maria Hirschberger impressed the jury with her design " BRÜCKEN.SCHLAGEN " and received the 1st prize worth 1,000 €. Her work convinced with an intelligent answer to the competition goals: it provides space for movement, action and recreation creating a "green" place with a bridge as striking highlight.

Congrats to all prize-winners for their great entries and thanks to the jury and the Centre Wald-Forst-Holz for their collaboration and financial support!

All design proposals are currently exhibited in our studio E42 – come and visit!

Final presentations Master 'Movimento indefinito'

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The final presentations of the master studio "Movimento indefinito' took place on Thursday, 10th February. Our students presented their work and proposed strategies to reactivate and transform the freight yard Porta Nuova in Verona, Italy.

All eight projects are exhibited in our chair (Room E42). We warmly invite you to visit us and have a look at the new strategies our student's propose and to let your self be surprised by the new visions for Verona.

Congratulations to all our students for their valuable work!

Final presentations Bachelor 'Safari traversale'

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On Tuesday, 8th February, Students of the 5th and 7th semester in Bachelor 'Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning' presented their projects about the whole Campus area of Weihenstephan. Goal of their work was to develop a masterplan defining guidelines to secure, strengthen and expand valuable open space structures on Campus.

All projects are exhibited at our chair (Room E42). We warmly invite you all to attend our exhibition and to discover diverse visions for our "green" campus.

Congratulations to all our students!

Presentations of the studio results

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From February 8 to 11, the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation will present the projects of the winter semester 2021/2022 and cordially invites all interested parties to participate via ZOOM.

Tuesday, 08.02.2022 “ Safari traversale – Eine Semesterreise zur Zukunft des Weihenstephaner Campus “ Project Landscape Architecture 5./7. Semester Bachelor guest critics: Professor Dr. Monika Egerer, TUM Professur for Urbane Produktive Ökosysteme Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt, Stadtplanungsamt Freising 8:30 – 12:00 AM  and  1:30 - 5:00 PM for Zoom-login-data please contact Lynn Hennies:  Lynn.hennies[at]

Thursday, 10.02.2022 „Movimento indefinito“ Masterproject Landscape Architecture guest critics: Lorenzo Migliorati (University of Bergamo), Gianluca Lanfranchi (University of Bologna), Roberto Carollo (Comune di Verona) 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM for Zoom-login-data please contact Antonia Koukouvelou:  antonia.koukouvelou[at]

Friday, 11.02.2022 “Farbwechsel – Die Parkmeile Neuperlach-Neubiberg“ Projekt Landscape Architecture 1; 1st Semester Bachelor guest critic: Susanne Brittinger, Landeshauptstadt München 9:00 – 12:40 AM  and 2:00 - 6:00 PM for Zoom-login-data please contact Martin Augenstein: martinaugenstein[at]

Andreas Nütten defends his dissertation

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Landscape metropolis . Design of a landscape-based polycentrix city model.

In seiner Dissertation an der TUM nimmt sich Andreas Nütten der Entwicklung eines neuen Stadtmodells an, das den Charakteristika von polyzentrisch strukturierten, wenig dicht besiedelten Metropopregionen zukünftig besser gerecht werden soll als die existierenden, traditionell geprägten Stadtmodelle. Nütten hat seine Forschungsfragen im Rahmen des Internationalen Doktorandenkollegs "Forschungslabor Raum" mit dem Rahmenthema „Entwicklung europäischer Metropolregionen“ (2007-2011) entwickelt und schlägt mit seiner interdisziplinär angelegten Arbeit eine Brücke zwischen den Disziplinen Architektur- Landschaftsarchitektur- Stadt- und Regionalplanung.

Betreuer der Dissertation: Prof. Dr. Michael Koch (HCU Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher (TUM)

The defence of the dissertation will take place on Februar 14, 2022 at 2 pm (hybrid): live in Freising-Weihenstephan (2G rules apply) und online via Zoom. Please contact the LAT secretary for additional information.

Carina Brandl awarded the bdla-Nachwuchspreis

Für ihre hervorragende Master-Thesis ABHÄNGEN ERLAUBT (?) am LAT wurde Carina Brandl Ende Januar mit dem bdla Nachwuchspreis 2021 ausgezeichnet. In ihrer Arbeit beschäftigt sich Carina Brandl mit einer Nutzergruppe, die im Planungsprozess öffentlicher Freiräume noch immer zu wenig beachtet wird: Jugendliche in der Stadt. Auf über 120 Seiten beleuchtet sie den aktuellen Diskurs zu Jugendgerechtigkeit und Adultismus und untersucht kritisch die tatsächlichen Auswirkungen des nationalen Aktionsplanes für mehr Jugendgerechtigkeit auf die Gestaltung urbaner Parks und Freiflächen in den vergangenen 10 Jahren am Beispiel der Stadt Nürnberg. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse nutzt die Absolventin zur Erstellung eines planerisch-entwerferischen Leitfadens, der zukünftig als Orientierungshilfe für Planer*innen bei der jugendgerechten Planung oder Sanierung öffentlicher Freiräume dienen kann. Carina Brandl beweist durch ihre umfassende, wissenschaftlich fundierte Masterthesis ihre Befähigung zur professionellen, theoriegeleiteten Arbeit in der Landschaftsarchitektur, behält den Bezug zur planerischen Praxis dabei stets im Auge und leistet somit einen relevanten Beitrag für den Dialog auf Augenhöhe zwischen Planer*innen und Jugendlichen.

Wir gratulieren herzlich zu ihrem Erfolg!

The 'LOST & FOUND' mountains have moved

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A "compact version" of our exhibition can be visited from 25.01.2022 till 25.03.2022 in Weihenstephan (Emil-Ramann-Str. 6). For a thorough explanation of the exhibits, the Information-Video is now available.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the University and receive your comments.

Melissa Apolaya: Bridging the Gap ... in Peru

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" Bridging the Gap. The walk as an intercultural participatory practice for landscape design " is the title of Melissa Apolaya's master thesis.

The student spent several months in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Cusco, Peru, where an experimental analysis strategy, the "experimental walk" was tested with the Andean community of Patacancha in the district of Ollantaytambo. The aim of her work was to find out, how a better communication between foreign landscape architects and the local inhabitants can be developed for better planning results. This daring experiment did not take a foreseeable course ...

Coaches: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Dipl.-Ing. Nicole Meier Presentation of the thesis on Wednesday, February 2nd 2022 at 4 pm (online via Zoom) 

Buchrezensionen der Studierenden veröffentlicht!

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Jeweils im Sommersemester schreiben Master-Studierende am LAT kritische Buchbesprechungen im Rahmen der "wissenschaftlichen Schreibwerkstatt". Neuerdings werden die kurzen Rezensionen auch online im Blog der Fachzeitschrift Garten + Landschaft im Netz publiziert. Allen studentischen Autor*innen Glückwunsch zu diesem Erfolg!

LOST & FOUND exhibition ... now hosted in Weihenstephan

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The exhibition LOST & Found was officially opened on the 1st of December, 2021 at the Immatrikulationshalle in TU Munich (Archisstrasse 21) and ended on January 18, 2022. Thank you very much to all visitors of the show! NOW (January 25th 2022) you can visit the "compact" version of the exhibition in Weihenstephan, hosted by LAT.

A lot of people appreciate the Alps as an attractive natural and leisure landscape, but only a few are aware that the Alps are intensively used for industrial purposes , especially through heavy industry. Due to global structural change in industrial production over the last years, hundreds of steel, chemical and concrete industries have been falling into disuse and created complex challenges to neighbouring communities. Is it possible to integrate again the industrial brownfields into the alpine (cultural) landscape in a meaningful way?

In the exhibition hall, the visitors saw the results of the three-year international research project trAILs , which was funded by the Interreg Alpine Space Program of the EU, on the planning approach to disused industrial sites in the Alpine region. Also on display were numerous planning and design projects by students who, in recent years, have been studying at the TUM Chair of Landscape Architecture and Transformation on the sustainable conversion of inner-alpine industrial areas. Formerly thought as lost industrial wastelands, now they find their new purpose and become part of an alpine cultural landscape. Here you'll find the recording of the opening event from December 1st, 2021: video The exhibition teaser is presented here: teaser video

Exchange around the campfire

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Within the Bachelor project "Safari traversale" students invited inhabitants, employees and other students, who live around the project area, on the Campus of Weihenstephan to have a casual talk around the campfire. The goal of the meeting was to discuss about the wishes and concerns of all different user groups of the campus. A small group of interested people came to the meeting, defying the low temperatures and explained to the students their perspective about the site which now must be considered in the further development of the campus.

Bachelor- und Master Graduation

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We congratulate all our Bachelor and Master graduates who successfully presented their theses in 2019-2020-2021. We wish you all the best for your future!

Läufft wieder – Gero Engeser presents his Master's thesis

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On Thursday, 21.10.21 at 10:30 a.m. Gero Engeser will present his thesis on the topic: " Transformation of the former textile factory Lauffenmühle in Lörrach-Brombach using principals of the circular economy ". He intends to transform the factory site into a mixed-use urban quarter and improve the quality of the floodplain of the river Wiese. For this purpose, existing landscape structures will be transformed into public open spaces. During the transformation, the concept of the circular economy will be integrated in order to likewise improve the area economically and socially in the long run.

We invite you to attend the presentation either in room U1 or via Zoom . For Zoom details, please write an email to Lynn Hennies .

Our projects for this winter semester are online!

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>>> Movimento indefinito <<< Transformation of an ex railway yard in Verona, IT (Master's project)

>>> Safari traversale <<< Eine Semesterreise zur Zukunft des Weihenstephaner Campus (Bachelor's project 7th semester)

>>> Farbwechsel <<< Die Parkmeile Neuperlach-Neubiberg (Bachelor's project 1st semester)

>>> Grünes Entrée <<< Student competition on the western campus entrance in FS-Weihenstephan (Short term design BSc/MA)

Of Salt Works and Youth Justice - two master's thesis presentations

Xiaoxiao Liu is dealing with the transformation of saltworks coping with climate change in coastal tourism space in Nin, Croatia. Facing the threat of sea level rise, her thesis and her design is focusing on the question how salt pans as an important cultural memory can be continued and at the same time be protected as a rare wetland habitat and multi-salinity ecosystem.

In her master’s thesis “Hanging out allowed (?)” Carina Brandl used the example of the city of Nuremberg to find out how suitable public open spaces for young people are 10 years after the national action plan for more youth justice. Her work gives interesting insights in the specific needs of young people regarding public open spaces.

We look forward to their online presentations on Thursday, September 30th, 2021 . Xiaoxiao Liu will start at 10 AM (Online) and Carina Brandl at 11 AM (in presence; U1) . We invite interested parties to attend! Both presentations can be watched online via zoom. If you are interested, please contact Martin Augenstein (martin.augenstein[at]

FROM MUNICH TO SAVANNAH - Presentation Master's Thesis

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In her master's thesis "From Munich to Savannah," Vera Donata Wesinger studied the travel descriptions of the Bavarian court gardener Wilhelm Christian Bischoff (1797-1881). Part of her work included transcribing and analyzing the unpublished original manuscripts. She compared her findings with the theses of the American landscape gardener Andrew Jackson Downing (1815 - 1852) to show differences in the European and American perception of the American landscape. In addition, the travel reports provide interesting insightes on the wide-ranging horizon of Bischoff. The work was done in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Iris Lauterbach of the Central Institute of Art History in Munich.

We look forward to her online presentation on Monday, September 13, 2021 at 11 AM and invite interested parties to attend! If you are interested, please contact Martin Augenstein (augenstein[at]

THE SHOPPING OUTLET. Presentation Master's Thesis

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In her master's thesis, Alexandra Grama is dealing with the artificial open spaces of shopping outlets. She wanted to find out whether the open space of a factory outlet center contributes to stress reduction and psychological well-being, or is merely part of a green marketing strategy.

We cordially invite to her online presentation on Wednesday July 28, 2021 at 11 am. If interested, please contact Martin Augenstein (augenstein[at]

Doctor's thesis by Marcello Modica

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On July 9th 2021, Marcello Modica defended his doctor's thesis entitled “ALPINE INDUSTRIAL LANDSCAPES. Towards a new approach for brownfield redevelopment in mountain regions” . The research started in 2017 at the TUM Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes and focused on the emerging planning challenge of transforming and redeveloping industrial brownfield sites in the Alpine region. By assuming an holistic landscape approach, and strongly relying on fieldwork and research-by-design, the dissertation provides a first, grounded interpretation of this complex spatial phenomena, as well as an operative methodology to address it.

Supervisor 1: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher (TU Munich) Supervisor 2: Prof. Dr. Siedentop (TU Dortmund) Chair of examination board: Prof. Dr. Schoebel-Rutschmann (TU Munich)

Congratulations Marcello and all the best for the future!

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Final presentations of the Master studio SS 2021

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The interdisciplinary master studio ‘Waiting lands lab’ came to an end on Tuesday 13 th of July. Four Labs presented their work and proposed strategies to activate the ‘waiting lands’ of the newly founded campus of Nuremberg. All labs focused on social, economic, ecological and climate aspects and tried to find ways to create a smooth and sustainable transition from a ‘no-use’ land to a fully functioning and lively space.

All four projects are exhibited in our chair for a short time (room E42). We warmly invite you to have a look and study this different way of dealing with a constantly changing site. E-community strategies, productive lands, sense of belonging, interaction, sustainability and production were some of the themes that students tackled on.

Congratulations to all students for their work!

Online project presentations

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The final events of this summer semester 2021 are due to take place. We look forward to welcoming many guests at the online project presentations!

TUESDAY, 13.07.21 10:00-15:00 Master's project landscape architecture „waiting lands lab“ The interdisciplinary Master studio investigated strategies for the spatial development of the newly founded TU Nuremberg campus. Collaboration: Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Professor Mark Michaeli For Zoom access data, please contact Antonia Koukouvelou

FRIDAY, 16.07.21 10:00-15:00 Presentation Bachelor's thesis The students developed visions for the future of the thermal power plant Berlin-Moabit. For Zoom access data, please contact Martin Augenstein

MONDAY, 19.07.21 and TUESDAY, 20.07.21 10:00-18:00 Bachelorprojekt 4. Semester „POWER BAR+“ The integrated urban design studio for students of landscape architecture and architecture in the 4th semester dealt with a site in the north of Munich. On a currently vacant plot within the new quarter at Domagkpark, a 'power bar' was to be designed and integrated: A hybrid of multifunctional building and open space. Collaboration: Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Professor Mark Michaeli For Zoom access data, please contact Lynn Hennies

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Presentation Master's Thesis

In her Master's Thesis Amelie Kessler draws the focus to the urban airspace: In " ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. Bridges as an instrument for increasing public open space in German city centers " she explores new ways to remedy the lack of space in urban centers and proposes a concrete intervention for the Altstadtring in Munich.

We are looking forward to her online-presentation on May 19, 2021 at 11:00 and invite everyone who is interested to join in! For the zoom access data please send an email to Lynn Hennies .

Humboldt Research Fellow at the LAI

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The Egyptian researcher, Dr. Sara Fouad is awarded with a Georg Forster Research Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to work scientifically at the TUM in 2021/2022 on the topic "Historic Veins. Between Regeneration and Termination". Dr. Fouad developed together with Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher her research proposal and arrived on May 1st at TUM in order to start with her work, hosted by the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes (LAI).

In her work, the junior researcher from Alexandria examines how to successfully maintain and reuse old and currently endangered industrial channels in Egypt. Therefore, she carries out comparative studies on corresponding transformation projects in Germany. The aim of the research work is not only to develop a scientific knowledge base for the preservation of Egypt's industrial heritage. In addition, a methodology is to be developed to secure and strengthen the "blue infrastructure" of Egypt in the interest of the ecological, economic and social development of the country.

With her research project, Dr. Fouad contributes to the development of her home country and to the exchange of knowledge and methods between Germany and Egypt.

We are delighted to welcome Sara at the LAI!

Projects and seminars in the summer semester 2021

Together with the chair of sustainable urbanism , the Master's studio will work on the newly founded campus of Nuremberg University of Technology. In the interdisciplinary Master's studio "waiting lands lab" , students of urbanism, architecture and landscape architecture will collaborate to develop strategies for the future urban and landscape architectural structure of the site. Our Master's studio will engage with themes such as new teaching and learning, soil and dynamics, climate and sustainability, time and natural processes. Further information can be accessed here .

The integrated urban design studio for students of landscape architecture and architecture in the 4th semester of the Bachelor's degree will deal with a site in the north of Munich under the title "POWER BAR+" . More information is available here .

Harry Dobrzanski is offering Freehand Drawing II this summer semester (more info here ), and as a replacement for the cancelled course in the winter semester, Albert Gründel will also practice freehand drawing and perspective outdoors with you this summer (more details here ).

For students in the Master's program, Professor Weilacher offers the Writing Laboratory Landscape Architecture and Nicole Meier the seminar Profiles of international Landscape Architecture . More information is available here .

The initially planned student competition in Unterschleißheim has to be postponed due to organizational issues. We hope to launch it in the coming winter semester.

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The online-symposium LOST & FOUND - a big success!

More than 370 people registered for the participation in the online symposium LOST & FOUND on March 1st and 2nd 2021. This shows the high relevance of the trAILs reserach project as well as the international interest in discussing the problem of brownfield transformation in mountain regions. The 160 pages project report will be made available for free to all registered participants. 

We would like to thank all our partners, the speakers and participants for two days filled with profound input and stimulating discussions!

The symposium marked the end of a 3-year Interreg research project on the transformation of industrial brownfields in the Alps, led by the chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes. Details on the research project and collected material of the symposium are available here: >>> LOST & FOUND documentation <<<

And there is more to come…

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We are already looking forward to the LOST & FOUND exhibition taking place from 29.11.-23.12.2021 in the Immatriculation Hall in Munich!

LOST & FOUND. International online-Symposium trAILs

The online-symposium LOST & FOUND on March 1st and 2nd 2021 marked the end of a 3-year Interreg research project on the transformation of industrial brownfields in the Alps, led by the chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes ( Interreg Homepage )

More than 370 participants registered for the event. Thank you all!

About the project In the Alps, de-industrialization is leaving behind former productive landscapes of impressive size and complexity: Alpine Industrial Landscapes (AILs). Between 2018 and 2021, ten project partners generated significant knowledge about these brownfields, developing and testing sustainable transformation strategies. The multidisciplinary approach of trAILs combined expertise in spatial and landscape planning, socio-economic sciences and ecologic restoration while cooperating with local communities in Austria, Italy, France and Slovenia. trAILs wants to support local and regional stakeholders in the complex process of sustainable brownfield transformation.

The program of the symposium At the symposium, starting on Monday, March 1st at 1:30 pm (via ZOOM), the specific approach of the trAILs project was presented and discussed with experts and project partners from renowned European research and planning institutions. The aim was to share knowledge and experiences in order to deepen the understanding for the challenge of transforming industrial areas, embedded in the unique landscape of the Alps.

Evening Lectures (online via Zoom) Monday, March 1st, 07:00 pm: Professor Dr. Ellen Braae (University of Copenhagen): Transforming large industrial landscapes Tuesday, March 2nd, 07:00 pm: Professor em. Dr. Bernd Scholl (ETH Zurich): Test Planning. From Theory to practice

Download the detailed program > LOST & FOUND program <

trAILs Project Handbook available

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This new book is the result of stimulating and successful team cooperation within the 3-year research project trAILs and the authors want to encourage regional and local actors and stakeholders to get started and take the conversion of brownfield sites into their own hands. The publication allows an excellent insight into the multidisciplinary working process, arranged between international partners in research and planning.

The printed version of this publication will be available soon.

Master graduate Xiaozhen Li awarded

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The master's thesis "BREAKING THE ISLAND. Application of Structuralism using the example of the former oil harbour in Karlskrona, Sweden" by Xiaozhen Li (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher) was not only graded 1.0, but also recently awarded the Young Talent Award 2020 of the Federation of German Landscape Architects Bavaria (bdla Bayern).

The jury's verdict reads: "Xiaozhen Li succeeds in an exemplary manner in critically addressing current problems, such as rising sea levels in times of climate change, and their effects on port cities such as Karlskrona. In her detailed, scientifically consolidated report, the student also deals with problems such as the structural change of industrial cities. ...] With her outstanding Master's thesis, Xiaozhen Li proves her ability to carry out professional design work within the framework of complex problems in landscape architecture - not only nationally, but also internationally.

Congratulations on this great success!

Mountains in the Making

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The preparations for the final exhibition of the trAILs research project next year in the Immatrikulationshalle at TUM City Campus have started. The LAI team spent two busy days in the model workshop, finishing the first mountain modules for the “Alpine invasion”.

Interview with Professor Dr. Thomas Hofmann - President of TUM

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After 150 days in office, the President of TUM, Professor Dr. Thomas Hofmann answered to questions by Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher, who interviewed him for the new edition " nodium " at the Chair for Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape. The President reacted very openly on questions about the future importance of landscape architecture and planning at TUM and described the balance he sees as trend-setting between specialization and cross-sectional orientation in research and teaching. The conception of the new TUM Schools was discussed as well as the necessary paradigm shift in science in view of the experience that the one-sided technological access to the complex-dynamic system Earth turns out to be extremely problematic. President Hofmann, who was a guest in the Weihenstephan "Landscape Building" for the first time, was particularly impressed by the cross-sectional design methodology and the complex results of the project study in the course of a tour through the exhibited semester works by Landscape architecture students: "Project studies will be a key element in the reform of teaching." The full interview will be available in the new issue of "nodium", the magazine of the Alumni Club Landschape of the TU Munich, which will be published at the end of April 2020. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Alumni Club Landschaft at the TU Munich:

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Xiya Sun Thesis presentation: From Urban Void to Urban Catalyst

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With an application of phenomenal transparency Charleroi’s territory in Belgium is widely known for its industrial mining history and the outdated image of Le Pays Noir. Different waves of transformation resulted into the surreal landscape in which industrial land, urban tissue and green-blue elements are constantly mixed. The thesis refers to the theory “phenomenal transparency” as a supplement for analysis and design for landscape architecture design to evoke new spatial territories that improve our sensory experiences and respond to the temporal quality of the landscape.

20th February 2019 9:30 am Room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising Presentation is open to join!

trAILs workshop in L’Argentière-la-Bessée/F

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On February 11 th -12 th -13 th , the trAILs project team met in L’Argentière-la-Bessée (Hautes-Alpes) for the third test-design workshop on the former Pechiney site. The workshop aims to identify, together with local and regional stakeholders and observers, a set of agreed key planning elements for the future development of the site. The first day was dedicated to review and discuss the thematic assessments produced by the scientific partners and to prepare the interdisciplinary working groups. On the second day, around 20 stakeholders and observers joined the project team to share their insights on the future transformation of the site, and thus to address relevant and concrete planning issues. The last day was dedicated as usual to an internal methodological feedback round and to wrap-up the workshop results in preparation of the next steps.

Presentations of the studio results - winter term 2019/2020

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At the end of January, beginning of February the results of the design studios from the winter semester 2019/2020 will be presented. The Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape invites all that are interested to participate in the events.

THURSDAY, 30.01.2020 Master Project Landscape Architecture „Projecting Münichtal 2020+ Post industrial transformation of a former blast furnace site in Eisenerz, Austria“ 1:00 – 06:00 pm, room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising Guest: Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, ETH Zürich, Harvard Graduate School, Cambridge, USA

FRIDAY, 31.01.2020 Bachelor Project 4th year Landscape Architecture „Eisenerz lässt tief blicken Entwicklungskonzepte am Rande des Tagesbaus in Eisenerz - AT“ 09:00 am–04:00 pm, room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising Guest: Prof. Teresa Galí-Izard, ETH Zürich, Harvard Graduate School, Cambridge, USA

FRIDAY, 07.02.2020 Bachelor Project 1st year Landscape Architecture „Parkmeile Olympiapark - Angerlohe Entwürfe für die Entwicklung eines Grünzugs im Nordwesten Münchens “ in Cooperation with Prof. Stephan Pauleit, Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Management der Landschaftsentwicklung 9:30 am–04:45 pm, room U3, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising Guest: Robert Schätzle, Landeshauptstadt München, Referat für Stadtplanung und Bauordnung HA II/54 Grünplanung für Bezirk West

Dissertation of Dr. Sonia Gantioler published

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The Right to Ecological Space in the City Operationalising Green Infrastructure as Strategic Urban Planning Concept for a Just Access With Lessons Learnt from Vienna and Munich

On december 16th the doctoral thesis of Dr. Sonia Gantioler was published by tum university press and is now available as print via Hugendubel or Lehmanns Increasing socio-economic inequalities, biodiversity loss and urban transformations potentially aggravate spatial disparities within cities and favour unequal access to nature, with adverse effects on the quality of life of their inhabitants. The thesis develops a conceptual and action model for the strategic planning of 'Green Infrastructure' (GI), which aims at a just access to ecological space in the city. The model forms the basis of an analysis carried out in Vienna and Munich, and indicates potential interventions at two levels: First taking into due consideration GI integration before development takes place and a renewed discussion on basic needs and urban green area qualities with regard to GI?s physical shaping. Second the importance of developing adequate governance capabilities, particularly in relation to property entitlements and political, economic and articulation powers.


Christmas Lecture by Professor emeritus Peter Latz

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Professor emeritus Peter Latz has decisively influenced the contemporary landscape architecture by the transformation and cultural valorisation of post-industrial landscapes. But he is firmly convinced that not everything has to be reinvented, but reinterpreted and the historical repertoire and knowledge of garden history are decisive for this, for otherwise "you only risk reinventing the wheel, and in the end you even believe you've created something new.”

Peter Latz sees many connections between modern times and the Renaissance: A time of social upheaval and technological progress, which also affects garden architecture. In his lecture on 20 December, Peter Latz will deal with these influences and connections.

20th December 2019, 15:00 am Room U3, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising Lecture is open to join!

Xiaozhen Li Master Thesis presentation: Breaking the Island

phd landscape architecture germany

Application of Structuralism to the example of the former oil harbour in Karlskrona The naval city of Karlskrona, located in Sweden’s southernmost archipelago, plays a vital role throughout Swedish history. Based on the Structuralism approach, Li Xiaozhen abstracted three significant layers: land morphology, the ocean, and the city center. The additional industrial layer breaks this original structural relationships and leading to its unintelligibility. The Master Thesis investigates with landscape architecture design, how the relationships could be reestablished  to regain the identity for both the site and the city.

16th December 2019 11:00 am Room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising Presentation is open to join!

trAILs meeting in the Hautes-Alpes/F

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On 21-22 November the trAILs team met in the Haute Durance valley, in the French Alps, to visit the two brownfield sites of L’Argentière-la-Bessée and La-Roche-de-Rame. On the first day, the morning was dedicated to the field exploration of the two disused sites, enriched by the knowledge and guidance of local representatives and experts. In the afternoon, an intensive roundtable discussion focused on the challenges connected to the sites revitalization took place in the Cultural Foyer of the Town Hall of L’Argentière, joined by the project team and local/regional representatives, among which the Mayors of L’Argentière and La-Roche and the President of the Community of municipalities Pays des Ecrins, as well as by the Region SUD (a project observer). The next meeting in the French pilot region will be the planning workshop with stakeholders and experts, taking place again in L’Argentière on 11-12-13 February 2020. Preparation has already started!

Happy Birthday Peter Latz

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For the eightieth birthday of Peter Latz, Emeritus of Excellence TUM, the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape of Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher invited to a celebration in the glass house on 14 th of November. Together with long-time friends, colleagues and students, Prof. em. Peter Latz was honored for his work at the Technical University of Munich. The celebration began with a glass house discussion entitled "Renaissance Reloaded", in which the Emeritus and the students discussed his nine central questions on the Renaissance, its influence on his work and its transferability to future challenges.

think open spaces properly - in the Munich Region

phd landscape architecture germany

The LAI supported this year's 5th Regional Housing Conference of the Munich Region on Nov 12th. Jonas Bellingrodt was invited as an expert at the roundtable discussion “think open spaces properly" to give relevant impulses based on best practice examples. For the first time, the subject of open space development, in addition to the topics "Investing in Mobility" and " Commitment in housing construction" with all relevant institutions from politics, administration and economy, was explored and the importance underlined. The demand that open space and landscape development as an identity generator and as requirement for a high standard of living, especially in times of climate change, should go first for other planning options has been adressed.

Results of the student competition Bründl-Park Puchheim

phd landscape architecture germany

Eight drafts for the Bründl-Park in Puchheim were submitted to the LAI in the summer term 2019. The background of the task was the legacy of the photographer Tamara Bründl, who died in 2012 and gave her real estate to a civic foundation with the aim of making it accessible to the citizens of Puchheim as a public garden. In a student competition, supervised by Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher and Martin Augenstein, 13 students of landscape architecture at the Technical University of Munich developed their designs. On Thursday, 24 October, the results were shown to the public directly on site, and the prize winners were announced:

1st prize: "Puchheim öffne dich" by Lotte Lehner and Christine Wegscheider

2nd prize: "Exseed" by Christoph Friedrich and Vincent Wenk

3rd prize: "poc - puchheim outdoor culture" by Amelie Kessler

Recognition: "Die Markante" by Julia Treichel and Rafael Stutz

We thank all participants for their exciting contributions and congratulate the winners on their placements.

trAILs workshop in Borgo San Dalmazzo/I

phd landscape architecture germany

On September 25-26-27, the trAILs project team met in Valdieri, at the headquarters of the Regional Park “Alpi Marittime”, for the second test-design workshop on the former Italcementi site of Borgo San Dalmazzo. The workshop aims to develop, together with local and regional stakeholders and observers, a strategic vision for the future of the site as well as for the surrounding region. The first day was dedicated to review the thematic assessments produced by the project scientific partners and to present the video-interviews done by University of Verona and the students projects from TUM and Politecnico di Milano. On the second day, 26 stakeholders and observers from the region joined the project team to share their insights on the future transformation of the site and thus to address relevant and concrete planning issues. The last day was dedicated to an internal methodological evaluation and to the identification of the main outputs to be then transferred to the stakeholders.

Key note at the Beijing Forestry University

phd landscape architecture germany

Udo Weilacher will present a key lecture at the International Landscape Architects Symposium — Resilient landscapes,  sponsored by Beijing Forestry University (BFU), Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA), will be held in BFU from 12th to 13th October 2019 . The symposium this year will focus on the frontier academic, with the theme of "resilient landscape", covering three main topics: “Human settlement environment system based on water conservancy system; structure, transition and restoration of coastal ecosystem; and transformation of coastal bay areas and delta areas”. Leading experts and scholars in the landscape architecture field worldwide. 

new publication published "insites 2014-2019"

phd landscape architecture germany

Chair celebrates 10th anniversary

phd landscape architecture germany

10 years ago, Professor Dr. Udo Weilacher was appointed to the Technical University of Munich and with the support of his team established the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape (LAI), based on the pioneering work of Professor Peter Latz. This anniversary and the publication of the new book "insites 2014-2019" was celebrated together with students and colleagues in the garden of the Institute of Landscape Architecture in Freising-Weihenstephan on July 24th 2019! For the excellent cooperation in recent years, the LAI team would like to thank all partners in research and teaching!

trAILs meeting in Borgo San Dalmazzo/I

phd landscape architecture germany

On 27-28 June the  trAILs   team met in Borgo San Dalmazzo for the site visit on the Italian pilot. On the first day, the project team guided by Gianpaolo Beretta, the Mayor of Borgo San Dalmazzo, and Daniela Risso, a local expert and planner, explored by foot the Italcementi site surroundings and by bus the Gesso valley. After a refreshing lunch on the panoramic top of the Monserrato hill, overlooking the Italcementi site, the team moved to the city hall of Borgo San Dalmazzo for an intensive and fruitful roundtable session with key local stakeholders, such as the Mayor of Valdieri and the head of urban planning of Borgo San Dalmazzo, besides the two representatives already met in the morning tour. The roundtable helped the project partners to deepen their knowledge of the context and to get aware of the most important challenges related to the future of the cement plant site. The second and last day was dedicated to an internal project meeting, in which the next steps on the Italian pilot site foreseen within WP 2 and 3 have been planned and reviewed. The second meeting in Borgo San Dalmazzo will be the test-design workshop, taking place on 25-26-27 September 2019.

Xiang Lin presents: FROM BACKYARD TO FRONTYARD (Master's Thesis)

phd landscape architecture germany

Reorganization of the post-industrial Grand Port in Bègles, Bordeaux Metropolis

13th of June 2019 11:00 am Room E42, Emil-Ramann Str. 6, 85354 Freising

“From Backyard to Frontyard” introducing the strategy of Urban Agriculture as the infrastructure to thecity transformation, with the concept of Agricultural Park for reorganization of post-industrial site inGrand Port, Begles. Project is dealing with the problem of urban flooding and storm, at the meanwhileconsidering the potential risk about food insecurity of the city in the future. Urban agriculture systempossess ecological function, social attraction and economic contribution, which could provide newlandscape and lifestyle in the city."

Presentation is open to join!

International Doctoral College - Flying Visit Strasbourg

phd landscape architecture germany

The main focus "Crossing Borders" led the international doctoral college spatial research lab in the German French Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau. The research trip, which was organized by Markus Neppl KIT Karlsruhe, focused on the cross-border spatial and urban planning of this region. The college was a guest at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS). They met representatives of the French urban development agency ADEUS , as well as of the city planning department of Strasbourg. The perspective was completed by the german architect Matthias Stippich, who as a long term engagement with the development of the region Ortenau. Under the title Fablabing the Cherrycake - he reported on the planing culture of the region in the digital age.

Excursion in L'Argentière-la-Bessée (French Alps)

phd landscape architecture germany

On May 15-18, a team of Master students from the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscapes visited the town of L'Argentière-la-Bessée (Briançon, Hautes-Alpes), home of the former Pechiney aluminium works, the French pilot site of the EU project trAILs. An intensive on-site analysis allowed the students to draft some first transformation concepts for the area. These have been presented, shared and discussed with local project partners (Thomas Kleitz and Claire Baradez from CAUE 84) and regional stakeholders (CAUE 05, Communauté de communes Pays des Ecrins, municipalities of L'Argentière and La-Roche-de-Rame). The team also get the chance to visit another key brownfield site of the region, the disused MG Industries calcium factory in La-Roche-de-Rame. The final design projects for the Pechiney site will be integrated in the trAILs French test-design workshop, foreseen for February 2020 again in L’Argentière.

Guest lecture - Daniel Röhr - University of British Columbia - living roofs as storm water management

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Guest lecture on Tuesday, 28th May 2019, 11:30 am, Lecture Hall 1080 (August Föppl Lecture Hall) in Munich

Daniel Roehr Daniel is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver. He teaches at the School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture and specializes in integrating residential rooftops as part of a holistic rainwater management system with the Greenskins Lab research group at UBC. Daniel Roehr is co-author of the book "Living Roofs in Integrated Urban Water Systems" (Routledge 2015). In over 20 years he has practiced in Europe, North America and Asia. From 1995 to 2000 he was project architect of the award-winning green roof project of Daimler-Chrysler at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Before moving to Vancouver, he ran his own company in Berlin from 1999 to 2007 and founded a company in Shanghai in 2004.

Work in Progress - Doctoral College in Dortmund

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Dortmund, on the edge of the Ruhr metropolis with 5 million inhabitants, was the venue of the 5th Doctoral Week (25.-29.03.2019) of the Doktorandenkolleg Forschungslabor Raum. Host Prof. Dr Stefan Siedentop of the ILS Research Institute for Regional- and Urban Development presented current urban development projects in the Ruhr region. In addition to the intensive examination of the research work of the doctoral students, the renaturation of the Emscher, and the development of the Phoenix area were part of the program.

Presentations of the studio results - winter term 2018 / 2018

phd landscape architecture germany

At the beginning of February, the results of the design studios from the winter semester 2018/19 will be presented. The Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape invites all that are interested to participate in the events.

Bachelor Project 7th Semester  Landscape Architecture : „italcementi - Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italien“ monday, 4th Febrauary 2019, 1.30 pm–6 pm, room E42 guest reviewer: Prof. Adriana Ghersi (Universität Genua) (angefragt), Gastprof. Silvia Benedito von der Harvard University, Graduate School of Design SWITZERLAND – winter term 2018/19

Master Project Landscape Architecture : „agglomeraid + // design studio regio frauenfeld I ch“ In Cooperation with Mark Michaeli Chair for Sustainable Urbanism tuesday,05th February 2019, 11 am – 6:00 pm, Vorhoelzer Forum , Arcisstr. 21, Munich guest reviewer: Brigitte Fürer (Regio Frauenfeld), Dr. Andrea Näf-Clasen (Kantonsplanerin Thurgau), Anders Stokholm (Stadtpräsident Frauenfeld), Matthias Müller (Gemeindepräsident Gachnang), Stefan Angst (Werkverwalter Gachnang), Hanspeter Zehnder (Gemeindepräsident Hüttwilen), Jacqueline Müller (Gemeindepräsidentin Pfyn)

Bachelor Project 2nd Semester Landscape Architecture  „ Parkmeile Grünes Band Ost “ friday, 08th February 2019, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, room U3 guest reviewer: Philipp Königer, Stadtplanungsamt München

trAILs meeting in Eisenerz/A

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On January 24th-25th the whole  trAILs  team met in Leoben-Eisenerz for the first site visit to the Austrian pilot site.

On the first day, we reached Eisenerz and explored the former blast furnace site Münichtal with the support of local stakeholders (site owners and Mayor of Eisenerz). Many useful informations and insights about the site conditions and the development challenges in the region were gained. Some project partners already performed some on-site activities, such as UniVerona, whose team recorded and filmed interviews with local stakeholders and representatives of the community.

On the second day we had an indoor meeting at the Kunsthalle Leoben. In the first session, scientific partners presented their approaches and methods for the site assessment (WP T2), while in the second session we had a small workshop in which we explored together the connections between the proposed methods and assessed, with the help of regional partners, their relevance and feasibility. The first communication materials such as posters and flyers were also presented and distributed to everybody for own promotional activities.

International Doctoral College - Flying Visit Marokko

phd landscape architecture germany

Casablanca a metropolitan area with 6 million inhabitants was the destination of the research trip of the Doktoral College Spatial research lab. Led by Undine Giseke TU Berlin, the doctoral students have maped the cycles of foodproduction and consumption in the urban rural nexus of the North African economic engine. Under the City without Slums program, informal settlements are being replaced by new housing developments. As a result, the city is rapidly spreads in into the highly productive agricultural belt of the surrounding area. How the integration of an urban agriculture can be successful was an integral topic of the trip.

LAI Master Thesis - winner of the 10th edition URBAN-PROMOGIOVANI

phd landscape architecture germany

Landscape architect Jonathan Stimpfle was honored with the international jury award of the Urban Promogiovani X Competition 2018 for his master's thesis "ringlocpark", a design for the reuse of the Augsburg Railway depot, supervised at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape of the Technical University of Munich. Congratulations!

On the homepage of the Italian promoter urbanpromo, carried by the Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica und Urbanistica Italiana, they announce:"X URBAN-PROMOGIOVANI AWARD is a cultural event aimed to nurture the  learning experience of talented students from any Higher Education Institution  worldwide -in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Design, Realestate-, who are developing learning outcomes within the subject area of urban regeneration and urban transformation.“

Further information you finde here:

2018 International Conference on Designed Ecologies in China

Fuzhou University, Peking University and University of Copenhagen are organizing an international conference on the relationship between design and ecology in Fuzhou/ China 15th to 17th of November 2018 . Invited by Professor Dr. Kongian Yu , Udo Weilacher will present a key lecture.

With increasing sustainable challenges worldwide, landscape practices need to pay more understanding of the functions and values of complex eco-system while further perfecting the relationships between design praxis and scientific research of ecology. The idea of “Design with Nature” proposed by McHarg is fundamentally important though it executed design as a process to follow nature passively. In fact, design practice can work as an active catalyst for solutions to environmental disruption and degradation. “Designed ecologies” refers to all active planning/design intentions to purposely prevent, mitigate and resolve ecological issues for sustainability. In this context, we make the announcement of “2018 International Conference on Designed Ecologies”.

Glasshouse Chat With Marc Treib

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Marc Treib is one of the internationally most renowned specialist authors on landscape architecture and modern architecture and has written numerous monographs, e.g. about Isamu Noguchi, Thomas D. Church, Garrett Eckbo, Dan Kiley, and other reknown Modern Architects. Marc Treib is Professor Emeritus of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley / USA . He has received numerous awards for his work, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, an American Academy in Rome Fellowship, ASLA Honor Awards and the Best Exhibition Publication Award of the Society of Architectural Historians. He teaches in many design studios, lectures on Japanese architecture and garden art as well as "Landscape Architecture, Criticism, Art and Modern Scandinavian Architecture".

"The Limits of Modern Landscape Design in the Anthropocene"

Marc Treib visited our chair on November 8th and invited our students for a "glasshouse chat" with him!

Exhibition "Landscape - plans for the future"

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"Landscape - Plans for the Future" presents plans of the best study projects since the beginning of the landscape architecture and -planing program, which was founded in 1956 at the Technical University of Munich as a study program "Gardening and Landscaping". The choice of plans since that time all have one common goal: to communicate and present a vision of a better world for the future. The opening of the exhibition was the 150th anniversary of the TU Munich on 13th of october 2018. The exhibition is open to all  until Tuesday, 20th of November 2018, in the foyer of the institute building of the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planing (4219), Emil-Ramann-Str.6, Freising.

Sculpture Today - International Conference at the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko I Poland

Will sculpture parks such as the renowned " Yorkshire Sculpture Park " in Great Britain play a role in the valorization of rural areas in the future? Such and similar questions will be the focus of the international conference at the Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko (Poland) from 18 to 21 October 2018. For many years, the LAI faculty has maintained good contacts with the Sculpture Center and has already worked out restructuring plans in the master program landscape architecture for the sculpture park.

Udo Weilacher is invited as keynote speaker and will shed light on the development of the relationship between sculpture and park in his lecture.

Have a look in the program!

Dissertation successfully completed I Sonia Gantioler

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On the 03rd of July 2018 Sonia Gantioler will defend her dissertation to the topic "THE RIGHT TO ECOLOGICAL SPACE / IN THE CITY. Operationalising Green Infrastructure as strategic urban planning concept for a just access. With lessons learnt from Vienna and Munich."

Referents:      Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher, Technische Universität München Prof. Dr. Andreas Voigt, Technische Universität Wien

Examination presidency: Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein

Congratulations, Sonia Gantioler!

DGGL-Förderpreis ULRICH WOLF 2018/19

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an unsere Master-Studentin Bernadette Brandl, die den DGGL-Förderpreis ULRICH WOLF 2018/19 mit ihrem Projekt "The pop-up boxes" gewinnen konnte. Mehr Infos zum Wettbewerb gibt es  hier.

Project trAILs officially started!

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On the 24-25.05.2018 the kick-off meeting of the international EU-funded research project "trAILs - Alpine Industrial Landscapes Transformation" took place at the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape (LAI). Many enthusiast colleagues from France, Italy, Slovenia, Austria and Germany attended the strategy meeting and, together with representatives of the Joint Secretariat of INTERREG Alpine Space, defined the the first steps for the 3-year project.

Excellent teaching honored at the Faculty of Architecture

phd landscape architecture germany

Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt of the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Industrial Landscape (Prof. Dr. Udo Weilacher) was awarded the honorary certificate for excellence in teaching by the TUM Senate. This honors the above-average commitment to student education at the faculty. In particular, the excellent evaluation by the students and the commitment with which Mr. Bellingrodt contributes to the further development of study and teaching in the field of landscape architecture impressed the jury. The TUM awards this type of honour to promote an excellent teaching and learning culture in all faculties and to pay particular tribute to the special commitment of individual employees in teaching and in student education.

Landscape Architect Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Bellingrodt has been employed at the Technical University of Munich for 7 years and has significant responsibility for project studies at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (Bachelor's degree program) and at the Faculty of Architecture (Master) from the first semester to the supervision of final theses in the Master's program Landscape Architecture. Jonas Bellingrodt, who previously worked as a landscape architect in Cologne, has made a special contribution to basic education in the first few semesters. Through his dedicated teaching methods, he lays the groundwork for design experience, the range of contents ranges from the fundamental understanding of what landscape is and how to qualify it, to the very complex tasks of transforming industrialized urban areas.

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Studying in Germany - The Diversity of Landscape Architecture

Foto: pixabay

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For students from abroad, studying landscape architecture in Germany offers great opportunities for a green career.

Landscape architects combine know-how from many disciplines. Enthusiasm for design and aesthetics, comprehensive knowledge of plants and building materials, familiarity with our cultural landscapes as well as scientific and technical competence.

The strength and unique selling point of our profession lies in the outstanding combination of ecology and technology with creativity and aesthetics. Prof. Stephan Lenzen President of the bdla

This unique mixture makes landscape architects sought-after experts in planning offices, companies, environmental and urban planning offices. Exciting courses of study prepare you for this.

English-language courses of study

These universities offer special English-language degree programs:

One profession, many thematic focuses

Anyone considering studying landscape architecture in Germany is spoiled for choice. Fourteen universities offer a considerable range of degree programs. These courses cover many topics such as climate adaptation, design, ecology, open space development or environmental planning.

After completing a six- to eight-semester bachelor's degree, students have the option of either entering professional practice directly or continuing their education in a master's program. Only those who choose a recognized course of study can later work as a landscape architect:in and register with the Chamber of Architects. Information about studies and career opportunities can also be found in the article "Study Landscape Architecture" .

Further information on applying for studies, scholarships or legal regulations:

  • German Academic Exchange Service DAAD
  • Study in Germany SIG
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Redakteur/in Thomas Haas

Erstellt am 10. 05. 2022

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33 Top Landscape Architecture Study Programs in Germany for 2023

There are 33 study programs available at 19 universities in Germany , according to data provided by

Why should you study in Germany?

Germany is one of the world's top study destinations for international students and definitely a higher education paradise. In Germany, you will find countless prestigious and top-ranked universities for , hundreds of specialized study programs to choose from, degrees that are valued globally, and affordable studies. Not to mention, Germany is a country with a unique culture, dynamic lifestyle, and many interesting places to explore during your studies here.

Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences

Technical University of Munich

Brandenburg University of Technology

Technical University of Berlin

Nuertingen-Geislingen University

Bingen Technical University of Applied Sciences

Leibniz University Hannover

Technical University of Dresden

University of Kassel

Erfurt University of Applied Sciences

University of Applied Sciences Bingen_logo

Agriculture and Environment

Master degree

Bingen am Rhein

Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences logo.jpeg


Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences

Nuertingen-Geislingen University logo.jpeg

International Master of Landscape Architecture

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences logo.png

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences logo

Landscape Architecture

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

Technical University of Munich logo.jpeg

Landscape architecture

Technical University of Dresden logo.png

OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences logo.jpeg

Geisenheim University of Applied Sciences

Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning

University of Kassel logo.jpeg

Landscape Planning/Landscape Architecture

Sustainable landscape design and development.

Nuertingen-Geislingen University of Applied Science logo.jpeg

Nuertingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences

Brandenburg University of Technology logo

Land utilisation and water supply management

Bachelor degree


Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences logo.png


Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning

Landscape development.

  • 1 (current)

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Doctoral Program 2021-2025 "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture", Germany

Publish Date: Apr 18, 2021

Deadline: Apr 30, 2021

Doctoral Program "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture"

The Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is offering one scholarship to research and complete a doctorate in the "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture" (LAA) program. We welcome applications from highly qualified graduates from the fields of Prehistoric Archaeology, Classical Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology, Egyptology and Northeast African Archaeology, or Geoscience (with a focus on Landscape Archaeology). Candidates must hold an outstanding Master's degree (M.A., MSt, MSc) in one of the aforementioned subjects or be very close to completion. The scholarship is available from October 2021 for four years (subject to a satisfactory annual progress review). The call is open only to applicants who are not German citizens, and who have not resided in Germany continuously for longer than 12 months as of the application dead-line. Their last final exam (Master’s Degree) should have taken place no longer than 6 years (72 months) ago.

The "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture" program covers various PhD projects. The focus is not on the archeology of particular spaces but on the spectrum of methods and research strategies applied in the study of landscape archaeology and architectural history. We encourage candidates whose PhD projects would fit within this framework to submit their applications. We will welcome in particular projects dealing with the interconnection of landscapes and economies but we are also open for projects focussing on cultural anthropology and social archaeology.

In accordance with DAAD guidelines, scholarship holders receive a basic monthly stipend of 1,200 Euros, a travel allowance, a combined health, accident and liability insurance policy, allowances for study and research (and, where applicable, rent and family allowances) as well as financial support for a pre-sessional German language course.

The application procedure takes place in two stages.

  • Candidates submit their applications, including the documents mentioned below, by 30 April 2021, 12 noon CET to [email protected]. Short-listed candidates are invited for an online interview within two months of the application deadline. If you have been selected by BerGSAS you will be required to upload your application to the DAAD submission system.
  • BerGSAS will prepare a shortlist while DAAD is going to make the final choice. Please note that admission to studies and receipt of a scholarship will related to assessments by both the hosting university and DAAD.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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Higher Education Compass

Landscape architecture part time, full time, master of science.

Master Degree

4 semesters

Standard period of study (amount)

4 days left (Germans and inhabitants)

expired (EU), expired (Non-EU) Please enquire

Overview and admission

Admission semester.

Winter Semester only

Area of study

Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning, Landscape Design, Town Planning

Admission modus

selection by the HEI

Admission requirements

First professionally qualifying degree recognised in Germany in the subject area of Landscape Architecture or Landscape Planning, Open Space and Landscape Development or an equivalent course (relevant in terms of content, differently designated) as well as particular aptitude in terms of planning or design-related and academic skills, distinctive motivation and particular aptitude in several subject areas through diverse knowledge and skills. Aptitude assessment procedure.

Lecture period

  • 08.04.2024 - 20.07.2024
  • 09.10.2023 - 03.02.2024

Application deadlines

Winter semester (2023/2024), deadlines for international students from countries that are not members of the european union.

Note extra deadlines for aptitude assessment procedure!

Deadlines for International Students from the European Union

Application deadline for germans and inhabitants.

01.06.2024 - 15.07.2024

Enrollment deadline for Germans and foreign students

15.07.2024 (Universitywide deadline)

according to university notification

Languages of instruction

Main language.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. Kennedyallee 50 53175 Bonn

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Doctorade and habilitation


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At the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning it is possible to gain a doctoral degree in engineering (Dr.-Ing.).

Architects and urban planners tend to be a rare commodity because – unlike many other academic disciplines – proof of an academic qualification in the form of a doctoral degree is not a prerequisite for a successful career in architecture or urban planning. There are thus comparatively few doctoral researchers at our Faculty. However, interest in doctoral degree studies has grown over the past few years.

In scarcely any other subject is the spectrum of dissertation topics as broad as in architecture and urban planning. Likewise, the diversity across the Faculty's institutes is reflected in the broad spectrum of research topics and methodology of our research. There are dissertations in engineering which experimentally address issues related to building physics and structural design; dissertations on history of art and architecture which study historic buildings, architectural styles, construction techniques or master builders or matters of monument protection; and dissertations investigating architectural and planning theory , architectural sociology, building economics, building, urban and landscape ecology, design and planning methods, building studies and urban and landscape planning .

The doctoral procedure is set out in the current  Doctoral degree regulations   of the University of Stuttgart. Doctoral studies at our Faculty are also open to applicants with a university degree in a subject other than architecture and urban planning provided their chosen topic is relevant and supervised by a member of the Faculty's teaching staff. Past doctoral researchers have included civil engineers, geographers, art historians and biologists.

Non-German applicants must prove beforehand that the university degree from their home country is regarded as equivalent to that of a German university.


  • Current projects
  • Excellence cluster IntCDC
  • E1ns zu E1ns

If you wish to enroll as a doctoral researcher, you should discuss your chosen topic with a member of the Faculty teaching staff who specializes in a field relevant to your planned area of research. You will finalize the topic of your doctoral study with your prospective supervisor and submit an application for acceptance to the Faculty as a doctoral researcher . Decisions on matters related to doctoral studies are taken by the  doctoral committee .

So far the Faculty has only admitted individual doctoral researchers and has not yet set up a research training group or graduate schools. Some institutes organize regular Doktorandenkolloquien at which doctoral researchers can present, report and discuss the progress of their work. In 2004 the Faculty introduced cross-institute discussion forums specifically for doctoral researchers whose dissertation topics are related to urban development and urban planning ( Doktorandenkolloquium Stadt ).

The participating institutes are the  Institute of Urban Planning and Design , the  Institute for Housing and Design , the   Institute of Architectural History  and the  Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning  (Faculty 2).

Secretariat doctoral committee

Keplerstr. 11, 70174 stuttgart, k1 - 1. floor, room 1.23 - n.n..

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phd landscape architecture germany

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International Programmes 2023/2024

phd landscape architecture germany

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)

Anhalt university of applied sciences • bernburg / saale.

  • Course details
  • Costs / Funding
  • Requirements / Registration
  • About the university

International partner universities in Armenia (Yerevan State University, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Green Lane NGO), Austria (University of Salzburg), Czech Republic (J.E. Purkyne University in Usti nab Labem), Indonesia (Universitas Islam Indonesia), Republic of Malta (University of Malta), Spain (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Valladolid), and the United States (Utah State University)

Courses are held in English (100%).

Start of studies is 1 October

The first and second semesters are studied in-person. In the third semester, you complete the internship and in the fourth semester, you write your Master's thesis.

15 March for the following winter semester

The international two-year full-time accredited Master of Landscape Architecture programme is a design-based professional programme designed for applicants with academic and professional achievements with the potential for professional leadership. The programme benefits from its unique relationship with the Master's programmes in architecture, nature conservation and other related fields at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, as well as with the world-famous "Bauhaus" - a revolutionary movement in architecture, art, and design.

Since its conception in 1998, the Master of Landscape Architecture programme has aimed to provide an intellectual base of knowledge in the field of landscape architecture and to enable students to create sustainable solutions to current landscape architectural challenges. The new curriculum conceived in 2014 develops this focus further to emphasise design and the European context. Current and innovative landscape and urban design of landscape architecture constitute highlights of the programme.

Co-operations with other leading universities in landscape architecture and with landscape professionals enable the MLA programme to offer real-time projects on current issues in Germany, Europe and abroad to extend the base of knowledge of the professional field beyond academic theories.

The MLA programme is designed to impart knowledge and skills which are essential for landscape professionals - as an educator, researcher and/or practitioner. The major emphasis on design and the underlying emphasis on the European context pervade the various modules in the programme. Competencies in the use of multi-media as well as soft skills equip the students to face developments and challenges in the field of landscape architecture.

The standard period of study including the examination period is four semesters. The programme always begins in the winter semester at the beginning of October.

The course of study includes theoretical and practice-oriented courses in the form of modular lectures and a Master's thesis to be completed within 20 weeks and, finally, defended in a colloquium.

The first and second semesters provide an intensive programme of study encompassing the following modules:

First Semester:

  • Atelier Urban Design
  • Design of Urban Spaces
  • Landscape and Environmental Planning
  • Basics of Planting Design
  • Graphic Design and Presentation
  • GIS and Remote Sensing

Optional-Compulsory Subjects

  • Architecture and Design (Site and Master Planning, Theory of Architecture)
  • Project Management & Communication Skills

Additional Subjects

  • English for Landscape Architecture

Second Semester:

  • Atelier Landscape Design
  • History and Theory of Landscape Architecture
  • Materials and Constructions in Landscape Architecture
  • Sustainable Planning and Design
  • EU Environmental Law
  • Planting Design in Urban Spaces
  • Thesis Seminar
  • Advanced GIS and Multimedia Applications
  • Sociology and Free Hand Sketching

The course contents are taught in an application-oriented manner on a scientific basis. The teaching and learning methods used include studios, seminars, exercises, internships and excursions.

Third Semester:

In the third semester of the standard period of study, a 20-week internship must be completed, which accounts for 25 credits. The internship may be interrupted only once. However, it should be noted that one of these two parts must include a period of at least eight successive weeks.

Fourth Semester:

In the fourth semester, the students write their Master's thesis. The colloquium for the Master's thesis is the pinnacle of the course and represents its completion.

  • International guest lecturers
  • Language training provided
  • Training in intercultural skills
  • Study trips
  • Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
  • International comparisons and thematic reference to the international context
  • Courses are led with foreign partners

In the third semester of the standard period of study, a 20-week internship must be completed which accounts for 25 credits. The internship may be interrupted only once. However, it should be noted that one of these two parts must include a period of at least eight successive weeks.

Upon completion of the internship, students have to submit a report according to the internship regulations.

Programme advisers will assist students in finding an appropriate internship.

86 EUR semester fee (covering a contribution to the Student Services and Student Union, but no public transport semester ticket is included or available)

Approx. 1,000 EUR per month to cover living expenses (including accommodation, excluding health insurance costs, excursions) Cheap rail fares/student discount on trains available

Evidence of qualification for the study course must be provided in accordance with the Higher Education Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.

The admission requirement is the presentation of one of the national or international university degrees Diploma, Magister, Baccalaureus, Master's or Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture with a duration of at least three years of regular study.

Applicants with a university degree according to aforementioned criteria in architecture, urban and regional planning as well as in a related course of study may be admitted. As a basis for admission, an aptitude test is held in which the final grade achieved in the previous course of study and the quality of the design work to be submitted will be considered.

For this purpose, a design portfolio has to be submitted. This design portfolio must include five works designed by the candidate. If the candidate has previous work experience, two of these design works should be based on his or her occupational experience.

The MLA offers online-courses to get the necessary credits if applicants lack the required knowledge in Landscape Architecture.

The candidate's proficiency in spoken and written English is a condition for admission. Such proficiency has to be proven if the presented final certificate was not acquired from an English-speaking college or university. In this case, TOEFL test results of at least 85 from 120 (iBT, Internet-based test) and 6.5 from 9 (IELTS) will be the standard. Alternatively, proof of proficiency can be provided by adequate language certificates in conjunction with an assessment test held by Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.

Hochschule Anhalt c/o Prof Dr Nicole Uhrig 06406 Bernburg Germany [email protected]

Non-EU students should be aware that student visas entail strict regulations regarding work. Local student jobs are open to international students, as are student tutor positions at Anhalt University (depending on qualifications and job availability).

Generally, there are two ways of finding a student apartment in Bernburg. You can request a spot in one of the residence halls or look for an apartment on the private market.

1. Residence halls: Accommodation near the campus is offered by the Studentenwerk Halle / Student Services. It is recommended that new students contact Studentenwerk Halle before coming to Bernburg. Please visit the website . Only online applications are accepted, and they need to be submitted to:

2. Private accommodation is usually outside of the Strenzfeld campus. You can use this platform to find a private room or apartment:

Programme advisers will assist students in finding appropriate accommodation on the private market. For more detailed information, please consult our websites:

The MLA Network: Through our diverse co-operations and guest lectures as well as by appropriate formats like internships, studio projects and alumni work, there are possibilities to establish contacts in the professional practice in order to enhance your career prospects on a national or international level.

Career Service: The Career Service of the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences offers our international students a wide range of tailor-made services for a successful career start in Germany. It supports students in designing a professional curriculum vitae, helps with further qualifications and helps to develop new career perspectives. The Career Service is also a point of contact for companies and institutions that are looking for highly qualified staff with an international background and want to establish contact with students at an early stage.

  • Welcome event
  • Buddy programme
  • Accompanying programme
  • Specialist counselling
  • Cultural and linguistic preparation
  • Visa matters
  • Pick-up service

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

The Anhalt University of Applied Sciences offers innovative teaching and research at an international level and with international study quality and quality of life at three sites in Bernburg, Dessau, and Köthen. 63 Bachelor's and Master's courses in seven departments prepare over 8,000 students for one thing above all: a successful start to their careers.

The Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is based in three beautiful cities – Köthen, Bernburg, and Dessau. The three locations in Bernburg, Dessau, and Köthen are cities with a high quality of life that offer both cultural and natural attractions – they are located in the German state with the highest density of UNESCO world heritage sites. Köthen is traditionally an important centre of culture and education, Bernburg focuses on the natural sciences, and Dessau is home to the Bauhaus, renowned worldwide for architecture and design.

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is proud to be part of these three attractive cities. Furthermore, it offers worldwide exchange semesters. We have partnerships with 86 universities in 42 countries.

University location

The Campus The MLA is located in Bernburg on a unique campus with the university and its residential buildings. The Bernburg-Strenzfeld campus stands out with a high quality of life and studies. With 50 hectares of experimental fields, state-of-the-art laboratories for the life sciences, and numerous beautiful herbaceous gardens, it offers space for experiments in teaching and applied research. The residence halls are located in the midst of parks and sports facilities. The departments of Agriculture, Ecotrophology and Landscape Development (Dept. 1) and Economics (Dept. 2) are located here. Well-equipped sports facilities and attractive leisure time activities offer the perfect way to relieve stress. Fifty-three professors supervise around 3,000 students.

The City Bernburg, a city on both sides of the Saale, offers a high quality of life to around 35,000 people with affordable housing, good job opportunities, and many cultural and leisure time activities. The parks in the Saale valley can be reached by foot from the city centre. Students enjoy this as well as the Lower Saale Valley nature park. The city of hills and valleys also has an eventful history: Its landmark is a magnificent Renaissance castle. From this castle, the House of Ascania ruled over the sovereign Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg. Since 2015, Bernburg has carried the Community of Protestant Church’s honorary title “Reformation City of Europe”.

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Doctoral Programme in Landscape and Urban Studies

Urban and Rural Transformations, Addis Ababa, 2016. © Sascha Delz, ETH Zürich.

The doctoral programme at the ETH Zurich Department of Architecture’s Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) offers one fellowship position starting on 1 October 2024. 100%, Zurich-based, fixed-term. Job description

The LUS Doctoral Programme

The doctoral programme at the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS), ETH Zurich D-ARCH, is dedicated to exploring contemporary challenges in urban and environmental transformation within broader socio-cultural, political-economic, and theoretical frameworks. This programme is designed to foster critical discourse and nurture independent, innovative, and proactive research that addresses pressing social and environmental issues.

The LUS Institute engages with the production of landscape, territory, and human settlements across various scales and diverse global geographies. Key research areas include landscape and designed ecologies, energy transition, agroecology, hydrology, regenerative agriculture, adaptive infrastructures, housing, and socio-economic development with a focus on urban inequality. Geographically, the LUS Institute’s research spans Switzerland, Europe, and the broader global South.

By bringing together disciplines such as architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design, and planning, as well as the social sciences, the doctoral programme at the LUS Institute adopts an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. This approach encompasses a diverse range of methodological approaches, from qualitative and quantitative research to ethnography, critical cartography, design-based action research, systems research, and urban theory.

About the Programme

The doctoral programme is conducted in English. With a current enrollment of over 25 participants, the LUS doctoral programme encourages both individual research and collaborative engagement within the doctoral community. The programme offers multiple platforms for interaction, such as the LUS methods seminar, institute-wide colloquia, workshops, and doctoral reviews. Embedded in the vibrant doctoral education environment of the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich, the LUS doctoral programme actively collaborates with the doctoral programme at the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture (gta) , ETH Zurich. This collaboration enhances interdisciplinary perspectives and provides enriched research opportunities.

Participating Chairs at the LUS

While the proposed research should align with the individual and collective research agendas of the participating chairs at the LUS Institute, candidates are welcome to apply with an independent research topic, provided it aligns with the collective competencies of the Institute. The LUS Institute currently comprises seven chairs, each contributing to its diverse research landscape:

  • Chair of History and Theory of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete
  • Chair of Architecture and Housing, Prof. Maria Conen
  • Chair of Landscape Architecture, Prof. Dr. Teresa Galí-Izard
  • Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, Prof. Hubert Klumpner
  • Chair of Architecture and Urban Transformation, Prof. Freek Persyn
  • Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning, Prof. Milica Topalovic
  • Chair of Landscape Architecture, Prof. Martina Voser

Job description

Conduct original doctoral research on an individually determined topic within the disciplines of landscape and urban studies. The fellowship places no restriction on the geography or time period of the proposed research project. You are expected to devote a small part of your time to community building activities at the LUS doctoral school and co-curate LUS Talks during the second year of your studies. See past LUS Talks here.

100% doctoral employment at the ETH standard rate, with an expected term of three-and-a-half years to completion, pending successful approval of the doctoral plan at the end of year one.

Your Profile

We are seeking individuals with a background in architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design and planning, and social sciences, with strong research or design experience that can benefit from the inter- and transdisciplinary engagements offered by the institute.

You must hold a university diploma or master’s degree obtained at university level (equivalent to the FHEQ-Level 7) in architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, and social science, or related fields.

You must additionally demonstrate excellent research and writing skills.

The programme provides funding for up to three-and-a-half years, with a potential extension. You will be employed at full employment (100% pensum), based on the ETH Zurich doctoral student contract, with monthly salaries according to the ‘standard rate’. For a detailed calculation of salaries, please refer to this link .

You are required to take up residency in Zurich during the period of the scholarship. Working, teaching and research at ETH Zurich

We value diversity

In line with our values , ETH Zurich encourages an inclusive culture. We promote equality of opportunity, value diversity and nurture a working and learning environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. Visit our Equal Opportunities and Diversity website to find out how we ensure a fair and open environment that allows everyone to grow and flourish.

Curious? So are we.

Applications must be addressed to the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies rather than to individual professors. Applicants must note that the application will be solely evaluated for their content and the applicants are thus requested to not contact individual professors before applying.

We are looking forward to receiving your online application with the following documents by 15 March 2024, 23:59 CET:

  • Letter of motivation (1 page).
  • Outline for the Proposed Research Project (4 pages + addendums). The document should include the research title, a review of the current state-of-the-art related to the proposed topic, clearly defined research questions, articulated aims and objectives, anticipated formats for publication, and a demonstration of why the LUS Institute is an ideal host for the proposed research. The main content must adhere to a 4-page limit, utilizing 11pt. font and single-spacing. Supplementary pages may be used for up to three illustrations (maps, drawings, images), bibliography, and a project timeline.
  • Curriculum vitae (including publications, portfolio, and work samples, max. 10 pages).
  • Published piece of writing if available (1 text, max. 15 pages).
  • Name, affiliation, and email addresses of 2 referees.

Please note that applications missing any of the documents listed above and/or exceeding specified page limits will not be considered for evaluation.

The programme exclusively accepts application documents submitted through the ETH online application portal. Applications submitted via email or postal services will not be considered.

Application Timeline

  • 15 March 2024: Submission deadline (23:59 CET).
  • Middle of April 2024: Notification to shortlisted candidates.
  • End of April 2024: Interviews with shortlisted candidates.
  • Beginning of May 2024: Notification to successful applicants.
  • 1 October 2024: Start of programme.

Further information about the programme, the participating faculty and the application process.

Applicants are requested to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before approaching the programme coordinator. Only for questions that cannot be addressed through the FAQs contact the doctoral programme coordinator Nitin Bathla . Requests sent to any other email will not be considered.

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Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning (Master)

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phd landscape architecture germany

Central challenges of our society are climate change, the decline of biodiversity, socio-ecological transformations and health. Those who choose this master's program will scientifically address these challenges and develop creative and innovative concepts for a sustainable and livable environment in urban and rural areas. Existing ideas will be critically questioned and thought through further, and new ideas will be tested and discussed. In the process, we work in various master's degrees on design drafts, planning concepts and scientifically based strategies for future spaces. Master's graduates act in a social context: they analyze, develop and design landscapes and urban open spaces as functional and identification spaces. The profile of the Master's program is research-oriented and qualifies students for scientific work as well as for reflective planning and design. An important goal of this degree is the attainment of the so-called "chamber eligibility", because only members of the chambers of architects and planners have access to all possibilities of the profession. Based on current issues from research and practice, in-depth basic knowledge is taught in four semesters at the University of Kassel. Graduates work in a structural-spatial or strategic-conceptual context. They apply their design, planning-conceptual and scientific knowledge and skills in complex and interdisciplinary contexts. Four master's majors contribute to an individual study profile and help orient students to the requirements of different professional fields. Students can specialize in "Landscape Architecture and Open Space Planning", "Landscape Construction and Plant Use", "Environmental Planning and Landscape Management" and "Urban Design".

  • How is the study program structured?

At a glance

Degree: Master of Science

Start: Summer and winter semester

Language of instruction: German

Duration/Scope: 4 semesters

Admission restriction (NC): No

3 projects in the course of studies (incl. one profile project)

Admission requirements

  • Bachelor's degree or Diplom I examination in landscape architecture and landscape planning and proof of a standard period of study of at least 6 semesters
  • or proof of a comparable first degree qualifying for a profession
  • Admission requirements in detail

Application and enrollment procedure for the winter semester

Application with german certificates, application deadline:.

annually 01.06. - 01.09.

You apply for this degree program via our online application portal  "eCampus" .

How do I apply for this study program?

Application with foreign certificates

Application deadline.

with foreign certificates: annually 01.03. - 15.07.

If you are not yet studying at the University of Kassel or another university in Germany, but have obtained a first professional Bachelor's degree abroad , you must apply via the central assessment office in Berlin, uni-assist .

How do I apply with a foreign certificate?

Application and enrollment procedure for the summer semester

annually 01.12. - 01.03.

with foreign certificates: annually 01.09. - 15.01.

Information and advice

Information for applicants.

You need information about our degree programmes and assistance with questions about admission requirements, deadlines and enrolment procedures.

General study counseling

Subject-specific study counseling.

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English-language discussions related to Germany.

Is it worth it to pursue PhD in Landscape architecture in Germany?

I am a student of MLA (master of Landscape architecture) and i am thinking about having my PhD in the field but i am concerned about the future if it is worth it.

phd landscape architecture germany

PhD Students

phd landscape architecture germany

Viviana Torero studied architecture and urbanism in Lima and Mexico City. She completed her Master's degree with distinction from the National Autonomous University in Mexico. During her Master's studies, she participated in an academic research stay at the Technical School of Architecture of the University of Seville in Spain. Since October 2021, she has been working on her dissertation "After Style-Style and Meaning in Architecture" at the Department of Architectural Theory of the Institute of Architecture at the Technical University of Berlin as part of the DAAD doctoral scholarship.

Working title of the dissertation: "After Style-Style and Meaning in Architecture".

phd landscape architecture germany

Ozan Soya studied architecture at the Izmir Institute of Technology and completed an M.Sc. degree in architectural history at Istanbul Technical University. His master's thesis "Modernism in Italian and Turkish Architectures during The Interwar Period" comparatively examined the interaction of modernism with the architectural traditions of Italy and Turkey in the period between the two world wars. He worked as an architect for architectural firms; lectured and ran architectural design studios at various schools of architecture. His PhD project at the TU Berlin deals with the evolution of tectonic thinking in contemporary architectural theory.

Working title of the dissertation: “Shifting Notions: A Critical Theory of Tectonic Thinking in Architecture”

phd landscape architecture germany

Hu Fei studied architecture at the School of Architecture and Planning, Hunan University in China and completed the master's degree in architecture in 2020. His master's thesis "The Thought, Evolution, Criticism and Accumulation of Archigram" was awarded the Provincial Excellence in Master's Thesis. Since February 2023, he has been working on his doctoral project dealing with the themes of Neo-avant-gardes' progressive critiques on modern architecture in 1950-70s at the Department of Architectural Theory at the Institute of Architecture at Technische Universität Berlin as part of the CSC doctoral scholarship.

phd landscape architecture germany

Zorica Međo received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in architecture from the University of Belgrade. She then worked in several international architectural offices in Serbia, Brazil, Qatar and Germany. Her work has been exhibited at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade and the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (Iaac) in Barcelona. She has taught at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Belgrade and at the Laboratory for Integrative Architecture (LIA) at the Technical University of Berlin. Zorica is currently working on her dissertation "Socio-Aesthetics of Porosity: Porous Spaces in Collective Housing" at the LIA and the Department of Architectural Theory at the TU Berlin, with the scholarship of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Scholarship for Young Scholars (PAS) of the TU Berlin. Her research examines the relationship between architecture and social life using the example of collective living spaces, starting from the concept of "porosity".

Working title of the dissertation:  "Socio-Aesthetics of Porosity: Porous Spaces in Collective Housing"

phd landscape architecture germany

Christina Papadopoulou was born in Athens and graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Thessaly in Greece in 2013. She has worked in several international studios in Athens, London and Berlin, including 314 architecture studio, Divercity Architects, Mila Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, gmp Architekten. She has been a member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects since 2021. She is a PhD candidate at the Department of Architectural Theory, Institute of Architecture, TU Berlin, where she is writing her dissertation under the supervision of Professor Jörg Gleiter. Her research examines the urban constellations of disturbance on the island of Syros and their transformation in the context of a humanitarian crisis as well as specific factors such as globalisation, climate change and state strategies for dealing with urbanity that are currently transforming our society. The history of the capital of the Cyclades, Syros, goes back at least 5,000 years, to the early Bronze Age of Cycladic civilisation, and entails a high degree of individuality of the inhabitants as well as very specific environmental conditions that have led to typological homogeneity. The search for a collective identity explores the notion of tourism as an evolutionary urban and communal impulse in this context of investigation. In 2022, Christina began her dissertation, which she is working on alongside her professional work as a senior architect in the office of gmp Architekten in Berlin.

Working title of the dissertation: "Tourism as impulse of urban and social transformation subtitle: Local frames of a global phenomenon".

phd landscape architecture germany

Ronay Baris Civas (b.1996), completed his bachelor's degree in architecture at Politecnico di Milano in 2017. In 2020, he completed his master's degree at the same institute. He worked as an architect in Milan and Berlin on projects of various scales. During his education and working life, he was interested in historical approaches to sustainability and contemporary architectural theory. In the department of architectural theory at TU, his focus is on understanding and defining the relationships between contemporary architectural practice and theory through the historical development of the architectural profession.

Working title of the dissertation: "Critical Theory of Architectural Professionalism"

phd landscape architecture germany

Dragan Strunjas is architect from Belgrade living in New York City. He graduated architecture (10 semesters program) at Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade with chosen group of subjects History and Theory of Architecture and Arts. He focuses on contemporary issues of cities and society, their mutual interaction and visually researches different possibilities of architecture, its presentation and effects towards people. Belgrade, Berlin and New York have been his true inspiration, and for his works he also finds inspiration in the surroundings of different cities and spaces as well as constantly changing contemporary society. He has shown his work internationally.

He is in progress of pursuing a PhD at TU Berlin working on his thesis with topic “World Wide Web is influencing general knowledge in architectural history and theory and changing general perspectives on architecture”. 

Julian Franke , born in 1991, is an architect and philosopher. After completing his bachelor's degree at Münster University of Applied Sciences and a further degree in philosophy at TU Berlin with a stay abroad at University College Cork in Ireland, Julian graduated with a Master of Science in Architecture from TU Berlin. In Berlin and Zurich, he was able to gain experience in international architectural offices and now focuses on both practical and theoretical content as a freelance architect and research assistant at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and as a doctoral student at the TU Berlin. In addition to developing innovative forms of housing and sustainable, future-oriented urban development, Julian deals with topics at the interface of architectural philosophy, anthropology, image theory and aesthetics. In his publications, he is particularly concerned with the perception of architecture and the associated role of imaginations, associations and interpretations of the respective user and recipient. 

Working title of the dissertation: "Critical Theory of Renunciation: Architecture between Ethics and Aesthetics"

Former PhD students

Jan Bovelet (2021)

Adria Daraban (2021, second supervision)

Francesca Favaro (2021, second supervision)

Juan Almarza Anwandter (2020)

Sandra Meireis (2020)

Frederike Lausch (2019, second supervision)

Giancarlo Poli (2016, second supervision)

Ulrike Kuch (2014, second supervision)

Marco Paladines (2023)

Dirk Mönch (2023)


  1. Doctoral studies

    Doctoral Studies. In Architecture and Landscape, a doctorate can be obtained - depending on the subject area - with the titles Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.), Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil.). The doctoral studies are regulated in the current doctoral regulations of the faculty. The achievements ...

  2. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Doctoral Programmes

    The following subjects are involved: architecture, architectural theory, history of building and urban development, fine arts, monument preservation, history of art and architecture, history of culture and media, landscape architecture, planning and architectural sociology, spatial planning and spatial research, urban planning.

  3. Institute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning

    Welcome to the website for the Institute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (ILaUP). Here you will find information about the institute, how it is organized, its research groups, as well as the study programmes offered to students.

  4. 21 PhD programmes in Landscape Architecture

    Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Landscape Architecture from top universities worldwide. Check all 21 programmes.

  5. 48 landscape-phd positions in Germany

    48 scholarship, research, uni job positions available landscape-phd positions available on, Germany

  6. Landscape Architecture scholarships in Germany

    Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Landscape Architecture studies in Germany. Search and apply online today.

  7. Landscape Architecture PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Germany

    FindAPhD. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Architecture, Building & Planning, Landscape Architecture in Germany. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world.

  8. Landscape Architecture in Germany: Best universities Ranked

    Below is the list of 10 best universities for Landscape Architecture in Germany ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 8.3K citations received by 310 academic papers made by these universities was used to calculate ratings and create the top.

  9. Home

    University of Bergamo), Asst. Prof. Lorenzo Migliorati (Sociology Depart University of Bergamo) and Gianluca Lanfrachi (PhD student University of Bologna) and Sophie von Einsiedel (landscape architect by Vogt landscape architects)

  10. PhD programmes in Landscape Architecture in Europe

    Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Landscape Architecture from top universities in Europe. Check all 10 programmes.

  11. Study "Landscape Architecture" in Germany

    Are you interested in studying "Landscape Architecture" in Germany? Find the right degree programme among over 21,000 courses in Germany

  12. Studying in Germany

    For students from abroad, studying landscape architecture in Germany offers great opportunities for a green career. Landscape architects combine know-how from many disciplines. Enthusiasm for design and aesthetics, comprehensive knowledge of plants and building materials, familiarity with our cultural landscapes as well as scientific and ...

  13. 33 Top Landscape Architecture Study Programs in Germany for 2023

    Germany is one of the world's top study destinations for international students and definitely a higher education paradise. In Germany, you will find countless prestigious and top-ranked universities for Landscape Architecture, hundreds of specialized Landscape Architecture study programs to choose from, degrees that are valued globally, and affordable studies. Not to mention, Germany is a ...

  14. Doctoral Program 2021-2025 "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture

    The "Landscape Archaeology and Architecture" program covers various PhD projects. The focus is not on the archeology of particular spaces but on the spectrum of methods and research strategies applied in the study of landscape archaeology and architectural history. We encourage candidates whose PhD projects would fit within this framework to ...

  15. Study "Landscape architecture" in Germany

    First professionally qualifying degree recognised in Germany in the subject area of Landscape Architecture or Landscape Planning, Open Space and Landscape Development or an equivalent course (relevant in terms of content, differently designated) as well as particular aptitude in terms of planning or design-related and academic skills, distinctive motivation and particular aptitude in several ...

  16. Doctorade and habilitation

    PhD topics . At the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning it is possible to gain a doctoral degree in engineering (Dr.-Ing.). ... building economics, building, urban and landscape ecology, design and planning methods, ...

  17. Landscape Studies and Greenspace Management

    If you have an undergraduate degree in Landscape Architecture or a related discipline (i.e. Architecture, Landscape Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, Nature Conservancy, or Geography), an interest in learning about German and international landscape architecture and green space management in Germany using the English language, would like ...

  18. Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)

    Co-operations with other leading universities in landscape architecture and with landscape professionals enable the MLA programme to offer real-time projects on current issues in Germany, Europe and abroad to extend the base of knowledge of the professional field beyond academic theories.

  19. Doctoral Programme in Landscape and Urban Studies

    We are seeking individuals with a background in architecture, landscape architecture, urban and territorial design and planning, and social sciences, with strong research or design experience that can benefit from the inter- and transdisciplinary engagements offered by the institute.

  20. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Landscape Architecture Germany

    We have 0 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Landscape Architecture Germany PhD Programmes for Self-funded Students

  21. Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning (Master)

    With the Master of Science degree, aspiring architects and landscape designers build a solid foundation for a career in academia and professional practice.

  22. Is it worth it to pursue PhD in Landscape architecture in Germany?

    I am a student of MLA (master of Landscape architecture) and i am thinking about having my PhD in the field but i am concerned about the future if it…

  23. PhD Students

    PhD Students. Viviana Torero studied architecture and urbanism in Lima and Mexico City. She completed her Master's degree with distinction from the National Autonomous University in Mexico. During her Master's studies, she participated in an academic research stay at the Technical School of Architecture of the University of Seville in Spain.