100 Best universities for Philosophy in France

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in France ranked based on their research performance in Philosophy. A graph of 6.07M citations received by 514K academic papers made by 130 universities in France was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Pierre and Marie Curie University

For Philosophy

Pierre and Marie Curie University logo

2. Claude Bernard University Lyon 1

Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 logo

3. School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences

School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences logo

4. University of Aix-Marseilles

University of Aix-Marseilles logo

5. University of Bordeaux

University of Bordeaux logo

6. University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne

University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne logo

7. Grenoble Alpes University

Grenoble Alpes University logo

8. University of Montpellier

University of Montpellier logo

9. Paris-Sud University

Paris-Sud University logo

10. Paris Institute of Political Studies

Paris Institute of Political Studies logo

11. Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III

Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III logo

12. University of Lille

University of Lille logo

13. Paris West University Nanterre La Defense

Paris West University Nanterre La Defense logo

14. University of Lorraine

University of Lorraine logo

15. University of Strasbourg

University of Strasbourg logo

16. University of Paris 8

University of Paris 8 logo

17. Polytechnic School

Polytechnic School logo

18. University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis logo

19. Paris Dauphine University

Paris Dauphine University logo

20. Paris Descartes University

Paris Descartes University logo

21. University of Nantes

University of Nantes logo

22. New Sorbonne University - Paris III

New Sorbonne University - Paris III logo

23. University of Burgundy

University of Burgundy logo

24. Paris Diderot University

Paris Diderot University logo

25. Normal Superior School of Lyon

Normal Superior School of Lyon logo

26. University of Rouen Normandie

University of Rouen Normandie logo

27. University of Poitiers

University of Poitiers logo

28. Francois Rabelais University

Francois Rabelais University logo

29. University of Caen Normandy

University of Caen Normandy logo

30. Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marne University

Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marne University logo

31. Normal Superior School

Normal Superior School logo

32. Catholic University of Lyon

Catholic University of Lyon logo

33. University of Picardie Jules Verne

University of Picardie Jules Verne logo

34. National Graduate School of Engineering, Paris

National Graduate School of Engineering, Paris logo

35. University of Rheims Champagne-Ardenne

University of Rheims Champagne-Ardenne logo

36. Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University

Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University logo

37. University of Franche-Comte

University of Franche-Comte logo

38. EHESP School of Public Health

EHESP School of Public Health logo

39. University of Angers

University of Angers logo

40. TELECOM ParisTech

TELECOM ParisTech logo

41. Normal Superior School of Paris-Saclay

Normal Superior School of Paris-Saclay logo

42. University of Western Brittany

University of Western Brittany logo

43. University of Orleans

University of Orleans logo

44. University of Rennes 2

University of Rennes 2 logo

45. Pantheon-Assas Paris II University

Pantheon-Assas Paris II University logo

46. Grenoble Institute of Technology

Grenoble Institute of Technology logo

47. National School of Bridges and Roads

National School of Bridges and Roads logo

48. University of Limoges

University of Limoges logo

49. University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour

University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour logo

50. Paul Valery University, Montpellier 3

Paul Valery University, Montpellier 3 logo

51. University of Clermont Auvergne

University of Clermont Auvergne logo

52. University of Technology of Compiegne

University of Technology of Compiegne logo

53. Artois University

Artois University logo

54. National Institute for Applied Sciences, Lyon

National Institute for Applied Sciences, Lyon logo

55. National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse

National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse logo

56. Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences

Paris Institute of Technology for Life, Food and Environmental Sciences logo

57. University of Savoy Mont Blanc

University of Savoy Mont Blanc logo

58. University of Toulon

University of Toulon logo

59. Jean Moulin University Lyon 3

Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 logo

60. HEC School of Management

HEC School of Management logo

61. Jean Monnet University

Jean Monnet University logo

62. National Advanced School of Engineering

National Advanced School of Engineering logo

63. CentraleSupelec

CentraleSupelec logo

64. ESSEC Business School Paris

ESSEC Business School Paris logo

65. University of Perpignan Via Domitia

University of Perpignan Via Domitia logo

66. University of Evry-Val d'Essonne

University of Evry-Val d'Essonne logo

67. Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France

Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France logo

68. EMLYON Business School

EMLYON Business School logo

69. Agrocampus Ouest

Agrocampus Ouest logo

70. University of Avignon and the Vaucluse

University of Avignon and the Vaucluse logo

71. University of the Littoral Opal Coast

University of the Littoral Opal Coast logo

72. Upper Alsace University

Upper Alsace University logo

73. University of La Rochelle

University of La Rochelle logo

74. Montpellier SupAgro

Montpellier SupAgro logo

75. University of Southern Brittany

University of Southern Brittany logo

76. Lille Catholic University

Lille Catholic University logo

77. School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris

School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris logo

78. Central School of Nantes

Central School of Nantes logo

79. University of Technology of Troyes

University of Technology of Troyes logo

80. University of Nimes

University of Nimes logo

81. University of Le Havre

University of Le Havre logo

82. Audencia Nantes School of Management

Audencia Nantes School of Management logo

83. National Graduate School for Advanced Technologies

National Graduate School for Advanced Technologies logo

84. National School of Statistics and Economic Administration

National School of Statistics and Economic Administration logo

85. Catholic University of Paris

Catholic University of Paris logo

86. Central School of Lyon

Central School of Lyon logo

87. Kedge Business School

Kedge Business School logo

88. National Graduate School of Chemistry, Paris

National Graduate School of Chemistry, Paris logo

89. Eurecom

Eurecom logo

90. University of Corsica Pascal Paoli

University of Corsica Pascal Paoli logo

91. National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rouen

National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rouen logo

92. National Institute for Applied Sciences, Toulouse

National Institute for Applied Sciences, Toulouse logo

93. National Engineering School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering

National Engineering School of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering logo

94. EDHEC Business School

EDHEC Business School logo

95. University of the French West Indies

University of the French West Indies logo

96. SKEMA Business School

SKEMA Business School logo

97. Grenoble Graduate School of Business

Grenoble Graduate School of Business logo

98. Central School of Lille

Central School of Lille logo

99. National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rennes

National Institute for Applied Sciences, Rennes logo

100. ESCP Europe

ESCP Europe logo

The best cities to study Philosophy in France based on the number of universities and their ranks are Paris , Villeurbanne , Marseille , and Bordeaux .

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PhD student

You have the opportunity to come to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as an international PhD student, either in the framework of a joint PhD, a doctoral research stay, or as a freemover.

You want to embark on a joint PhD programme between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and a foreign institution? You will find below information on how a joint PhD is organised, how to apply and funding opportunities.

Supervision The PhD student conducts his/her research under the responsibility of two thesis supervisors: one at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the other one in a foreign institution. The two supervisors are fully and jointly committed to exercise their functions as tutors. Location The doctoral student stays alternately at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and in the partner university. The length of stay in each institution depends on the scientific requirements and the conditions for preparing the thesis, but it should not be less than one semester. Duration The usual duration of a joint PhD is three years, although a derogation of one year may be granted by the head of the institution on the basis of a legitimate request from the student, after consultation with the thesis supervisor and the doctoral school. Enrolment fees The PhD student is enrolled both at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the partner university, but is exempt from the payment of tuition fees at one of these two institutions. PhD viva The joint PhD leads to a single defence recognised by both parties. At the end of this defence, the doctoral student receives both the doctoral degree from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the one from the partner institution. Language The language in which the thesis is written and defended is defined by the agreement concluded between the two institutions. When this language is not French, the thesis is completed by an abstract in French.

After applying for a joint PhD at both Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a foreign university, you must establish a joint PhD agreement between these two institutions. What to include in the joint PhD agreement Although Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University provides a joint PhD agreement template (Word - 67 KB) , it is not strictly mandatory as your contract is the result of an agreement between the two partner institutions. If you wish to prepare a joint PhD between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an Italian university, you must use the agreement template of the Université Franco-Italienne (UFI) (Word - 50 KB - French/Italian) . If you wish to prepare a joint PhD between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Swiss or Quebec university, you must ask the latter to draw up your agreement according to the template already established with French universities.

The agreement can be bilingual (each article being successively written in both languages) or in two versions (one in French and another one in a foreign language). Signature of the joint PhD agreement The joint PhD agreement must be signed in three copies by yourself and by three people from each of the partner institutions (the thesis supervisor, the director of the doctoral school and the president of the university). At Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, the agreement must be submitted to the thesis department of your discipline in order to be forwarded to the research department and then to the president of the university for signature.

There is no deadline for signing the joint PhD agreement, but it is normally signed during the first year of enrolment in a PhD programme. This stage usually takes a very long time, given the number of signatories and the distance between them.

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme (PhD level)

  • Be accepted as part of a joint PhD at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University in one of the following academic fields: Economics, Management, Law, Political science, Sciences (Mathematics, Communication sciences, Environmental science),
  • Be a foreign citizen (priority is given to citizens from developing and industrialised countries),
  • Be less than 35 years old
  • Amount and duration : €1400 per month (+ round-trip ticket) / 10 months maximum
  • Application procedure : get in touch with your doctoral school
  • More information :  campusfrance.org/en/eiffel-scholarship-implementation

Other grants In order to find out about other funding opportunities, we encourage you to check calls for applications on the websites of French embassies abroad, the  Instituts français  and the  Alliances françaises . You can also check the  grant search engine  available on the Campus France website.

PhD research stay

Find out the procedure to follow if you are a PhD student at a foreign university and wish to undertake a research stay at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

You must first submit your research project to one of the professors at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University with an HDR (accreditation to supervise research). The list of these professors is available from the websites of the university's doctoral schools (ED):

  • Archaeology (ED 112)
  • Art history (ED 441)
  • Economics (ED 465)
  • Fine arts (ED 279)
  • Geography (ED 434)
  • History (ED 113)
  • Law (ED 565)
  • Management (ED 559)
  • Philosophy (ED 280)
  • Political science (ED119)  

If a professor agrees to supervise your research stay at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, he or she will issue you with a letter of invitation.

If your home institution and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University have signed a student exchange agreement in your academic field and at your level of studies, you can take part in study mobility.  Once you have been preselected by your home university, you will receive a link from the International Relations Department of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne to access the application form, which you will have to fill in and submit before 30 th May (if you wish to arrive in September for the first semester or the entire academic year) or before 30 th October (if you wish to arrive in January for the second semester). Before your departure, you must sign a learning agreement that lists the classes that you will take at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (among those open to exchange students) and/or activities (offered by doctoral schools) in which you wish to take part during your mobility at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

You must then fill in the online application form with the following documents:

  • Learning agreement in  French (Word - 892 KB)  or in  English (Word - 891 KB)  completed and signed by yourself and by the academic teacher or research director of your home institution. Your learning agreement will be signed by your academic advisor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne once you arrive in France. 
  • Letter of invitation from the professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University who agrees to supervise your research stay.
  • Language certificate of minimum level B2 ( DELF / DALF , TCF or a letter written by a French teacher from your home university). If you choose classes taught in English, you must also provide a letter written by an English teacher from your home university or an equivalent language certificate of English ( IELTS , TOEFL , etc.).
  • Copy of transcript of grades obtained in higher education, with a translation in French (see  grade conversion table (PDF - 315 KB - French) ).
  • Copy of the passport or identity card .
  • If you are an exchange student outside the Erasmus+ programme, you will also need to provide a CV , a cover letter and a letter of recommendation .

Once your application is accepted by Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, you will receive your admission certificate by the end of June, and you will be able to enrol as an exchange student to be exempt from the payment of tuition fees at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. During your stay in France, you will remain enrolled in your home institution and continue to pay tuition fees there. You also have the possibility to carry out an internship at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. For more information on the procedure, please consult your home institution and the relevant doctoral school in Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

If your home university participates in the Erasmus+ programme, you can set up an Erasmus+ agreement for traineeship which could enable you to obtain an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant from your home university.

Otherwise, you must draw up a hosting (or internship) agreement setting out your working conditions at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, in particular the duration of your stay and the terms and conditions for your research supervision. This agreement must be signed by your host laboratory at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, your home university and yourself. For more information, get in touch with your doctoral school.

If your application is accepted, you will have to enrol at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne as an unregistered student. This will allow you to obtain your student card and access to the university libraries.

You come from a partner institution

  • You are a PhD student at Columbia University (New York): check out the  Alliance program grants
  • If you are coming under an Erasmus+ student exchange agreement, you can apply for an Erasmus+ "study" grant or an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant. In both cases, we encourage you to contact your home institution to find out how the grants are awarded.

You do not come from a partner institution If your home university participates in the Erasmus+ programme, you can establish an internship agreement and obtain an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant from it.

Other grants

We encourage you to check calls for applications on the websites of French embassies abroad, the  Instituts français  and the  Alliances françaises . You can also check the  grant search engine  available on the Campus France website.

Full degree application

Find below the steps to follow to apply to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as a full degree international doctoral student. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will apply the same tuition fee rates for the academic year 2024/2025 to French and foreign students regardless of whether they come from a European Union member state (voted by the Board of Governors on 26th October 2023).

You need to check that the thesis topic you plan to cover has not already been defended or is not in preparation, using the two following websites:

  • www.sudoc.abes.fr
  • www.theses.fr

Submit your research project to one of the professors at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University with an  HDR  (accreditation to supervise research). The list of these professors is available from the websites of the university's doctoral schools (ED):

Once a professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University who is authorised to supervise research has given his/her agreement to supervise your thesis, send your application to the doctoral school to which he/she belongs. This file must be sent between mid-June and the end of October, and must include the following documents:

  • Form completed online at  ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr , duly dated and signed
  • Copy of your master's degree or equivalent (the  ENIC-NARIC France can provide a statement of comparability between your degree and the French master's degree)
  • Thesis project in two versions: long version (2 to 3 pages) and abstract (300 words maximum)
  • Written agreement of the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne professor who has agreed to supervise your thesis (this professor must be accredited to supervise research).

Your application will be reviewed in early November by the thesis commission of the doctoral school you have applied to. If you are accepted, you will have to sign the thesis charter upon your first enrolment.

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University of Strasbourg

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Faculty of Philosophy

The Faculty of Philosophy offers graduate and undergraduate study programmes in philosophy as well as complementary courses within Social Sciences and Humanities departments. The Faculty of Philosophy contributed to the implementation of the first Bachelor’s degree in Humanities in Strasbourg.

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Degree programmes

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Franck Fischbach

  • Research Centre for German and contemporary philosophy: history and issues
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Training and supporting PSL’s PhD students

An unparalleled scientific setting to create, launch, innovate... and meet the top challenges of the contemporary world. A PSL doctoral program offers a world-class education in any discipline, as well as close supervision through the Doctoral College.

— Excellence • An academic environment where basic research and applied research communicate; where universities, research entities, and the business world are in dialog; where freedom of thought and entrepreneurial spirit are encouraged. — Supervision • A dedicated structure, the Doctoral College, is responsible for implementing PSL’s doctoral policy, coordinating some 30 schools and 2 doctoral programs, promoting the PSL PhD degree, disseminating best practices, and monitoring the professional progress of PSL’s PhD graduates. — Interdisciplinarity • Hard sciences, humanities, social sciences, the arts... PSL’s cross-disciplinary research ecosystem is specifically designed to stimulate interactions and collaborations between disciplines and foster the free flow of ideas and talent. — Innovation • A spirit of creativity and experimentation inspires everything that PSL does. It contributes to the creation of unique research initiatives and the transfer of technology and knowledge, and promotes the emergence of disruptive innovations.

PSL Doctoral College

The PSL Doctoral College coordinates and implements PSL’s doctoral policy. It covers 29 doctoral schools that are accredited or co-accredited under Université PSL. It serves as a platform for sharing experiences, distributing best practice, and promoting doctoral students at Université PSL.

Website of PSL's Collège doctoral

Requirements for the admission in a PhD program

Before registering for a doctoral program, doctoral students must receive approval from a PhD adviser authorized to direct research and be hosted by a research team/unit within a doctoral school accredited or jointly accredited by PSL. Admissions criteria are determined by each doctoral school. The head of the doctoral school confirms that the applicant meets the scientific, material, and financial conditions required for the research to be successful.

For more information, contact the PSL Doctoral College: [email protected]

PSL's doctoral schools

Further information

Contact:  [email protected]

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Oscar Brenifier

Oscar Brenifier holds a Bachelor of biology degree (University of Ottawa) and a PhD in Philosophy (Paris IV – Sorbonne). For many years, in France as well as in the rest of the world, he has been working on the concept of ‘philosophical practice’, both from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. He is one of the main promoters of the project of philosophy in the city, organizing philosophy workshops for children and adults and philosophy cafés, working as a philosophy consultant, etc. He has published about thirty books in this domain, including the ‘Philozenfants’ series (Editions Nathan), which has been translated into over twenty-five languages. He founded the Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques (Institute of philosophical practice), to train practical philosophers and organize philosophy workshops in various places: schools, media centres, old people’s homes, prisons, social centres, firms, etc. He is one of the authors of the UNESCO report: “Philosophy, a school of freedom”. 

Latest Book:  Being and Circumstances

The human being undergoes a permanent fracture, between him and the world, between what he is and what he pretends to be, between reality and his expectations. And as we are obsessed by the concept of infinity, under various forms such as perfection, immortality or the absolute, we are brutally sent back to our own finitude, which makes existence even more difficult. Most of the time, these issues unfold unconsciously, which lead to painful consequences, generating a feeling of dissatisfaction and impotence. But if we make it the object of a deliberate reflection, despite the negative dimension of the content, we have access to ourselves, we engage in a true experience of being, free and joyful. The imposture is imposture only if we ignore its content and its presence, but by becoming a conscious object of reflection, the imposture takes the form of a regulating ideal.

Book PDF Download Buy on Amazon


August 5th – 11th, 2024, practice argumentation, interpretation, problematization, questioning.

Every summer, in the little village of La Chapelle-Saint-André (Burgundy - France), gather about 30-40 persons involved in philosophical practice (students, teachers, professors, counselors, trainers) in order to reflect on their work and improve professionally. For seven days, in English, these philosophy practitioners coming from the five continents will participate to different workshops, lead workshops, analyze and evaluate them, theorize about the different issues involved.

The seminar will be held as the three previous years, presential (offline) and virtual (online). For the ones who will decide to be present, the seminar will be all the week. For the ones who won't be able to come but wish to participate, you will be able to register online either for the entire week, either for 1 day (Monday), or 3 days (Monday to Wednesday). You will find all the information at the end of this announcement.

All practitioners interested in presenting their work and holding a workshop during this event are invited to send their proposal. The purpose of this seminar is to exchange, discover, experiment, and develop practices.

This seminar does not require previous philosophical training. It can be an initiation to philosophical practice, or a deepening of the activity. Participants come from different parts of the world, and join for professional or personal reasons, in order to work on a practice that is applicable to many contexts: teaching children or adults, management, individual consultation, N.G.O activities…

The duration will be one full week, from Monday, August 5th (arrival on the 4th), to Sunday, August 11th, and the cost will be 680 Euros for the seminar in presential; the price includes the workshops, food, and accommodation in a private house that is being rent for the seminar (it arrives, even if it's rather rare, that some bedrooms have one or two beds, so we cannot guarantee at 100% that you will get an individual room). For people who are on a tight budget, the price will be 400 Euros if you accept "camping style" accommodation (workshops and food are of course included).

ONLINE SEMINAR: For people who want to register for the online seminar, it is possible to come one day (monday), three days, or the whole week. Hours: 9h - 13h30 / 16h30 - 20h

We will as well propose a philosophical consultation in the evening.

  • For the offline seminar, write to Isabelle : [email protected] Whatsapp/Telegram: +33603463390
  • For the online seminar, write to Leïla:   [email protected] Whatsapp/Telegram: +33768428208

More information about the seminar: Click HERE

Latest IPP’s online meeting: The art of questioning


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For more information, write to [email protected] .

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International doctoral programs

International collaborations are an integral part of research. Some programs in particular enable the development an international experience in the context of doctoral education.

Published on 4/12/2019 - Updated on 6/03/2024

China Scholarship Council – Sorbonne University

The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Sorbonne University have established a collaborative program offering excellent doctoral education to Chinese candidates in all disciplines represented at Sorbonne University. Doctoral candidates are hosted in a laboratory under the supervision of Sorbonne University and receive a scholarship funded by the CSC . This scholarship is for a maximum of 4 years. Its amount is currently 1350 €/month (amount periodically re-evaluated by the CSC). In addition, doctoral candidates will have to pay administrative fees. Candidates having obtained the CSC scholarship are required to commit to returning to China after the defense of the thesis or after a postdoctoral stay abroad (after agreement of the CSC).

Recruitment campaign

It takes place in several stages:

  • A call for doctoral research projects is launched to researchers and academic researchers at Sorbonne University. The doctoral research projects are then validated by the doctoral schools and published.
  • Chinese candidates send their applications to the project leaders , who forward the files of the candidates they have pre-selected to the doctoral schools. The candidates' files are examined by each doctoral school, which may issue a pre-admission letter subject to funding.
  • The list of all candidates pre-selected by the Sorbonne University doctoral schools is sent to the CSC.
  • Candidates must then apply in China on the CSC website . They are evaluated by the Chinese party, which notifies and awards the thesis scholarship if necessary.

Eligibility conditions of candidates

The CSC 2021 is only open to candidates of Chinese nationality who do not have any job outside the Chinese territory at the time of their application . They must demonstrate a very good level of English and, for some fields of humanities and social sciences, a very good level of French (B2 minimum, C1 recommended).

Student in China

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have recently graduated or,
  • Be in the first year of the PhD program, a letter of recommendation from the home university will be required.

Chinese student abroad

  • Be a student in the final year of a master's degree or have graduated less than a year before applying for the scholarship.

  Calendar 2021-2022

  • October 1st: Postinf of  validated projects on the Sorbonne University website , opening of students applications, Chinese candidates contact the project leaders and send them an application file . Applicants  submit their application file under this   link .
  • January 31 : Closing of applications. The project leaders sent the selected application after hearing the candidates at their doctoral school. 
  • Until february 21 : after examination, the Doctoral schools send the signed and stamped pre-admission letters of the selected candidates to the doctoral college
  • February 28 : The doctoral collège send the pre-admissions letters to the candidates
  • Until March 31 : The candidates selected by Sorbonne Universite candidate on CSC website
  • May 31 : Diffusion of results by the CSC to Sorbonne Université. Results are send to candidates as well as project leaders. 

Doctoral project proposed for 2022

See doctoral project proposed for 2022

Admission file

Link to submit application

Request for specific assistance for doctoral fellows (sciences) - ASDB

For all doctoral candidates who will be affiliated to the Faculty of Sciences of the Sorbonne University, the ASDB should be set up in order to complete the 1350 euros of scholarships More information Contact for ASDB related issues

For any questions (except for the ASDB), please contact Camille Vignes [email protected]

Modeling of Complex Systems (MSC) Program

The International Doctoral Program in Complex Systems Modeling (PDI MSC) is a cross-disciplinary program at all doctoral schools of the Sorbonne University. It is the first North-South doctoral program of Sorbonne University built on the commitment to recruit for 3 years young doctoral candidates from all countries and more particularly from Southern countries where the IRD has developed many collaborations for more than 60 years.

It also relies on the network set up by the International Joint Unit UMMISCO of Sorbonne University-IRD, whose teams specialized in mathematical and computer modeling are spread over five countries: Morocco, Senegal, Cameroon, Vietnam and France.

The themes of the PDI MSC are multidisciplinary; they relate in particular to the use of complex systems modeling to solve problems of development and/or management of resources and environments, particularly in southern countries with problems in health and epidemiology, management of renewable resources, urban and regional dynamics, ecosystem dynamics.

Each year, the last three promotions of doctoral candidates registered at Sorbonne University in co-supervision with several foreign universities are gathered on the IRD Bondy campus to follow a 3-week training course.

  • For more information

European Founding Myths in Arts and Literature

Sorbonne University / University of Bonn / University of Florence

The Universities of Bonn, Florence and Sorbonne have agreed on a jointly structured doctoral training course with the title "Founding Myths of Europe in Literature, Arts and Music". The disciplines concerned arethe various philologies and literatures, the history of art and music, history, political science, philosophy, sociology, without a priori restrictions. Doctoral candidates prepare a thesis on the founding myths of Europe.

  • More information on the website of the University of Bonn

Italian Studies

Since 2006, the Universities of Florence, Bonn and Sorbonne have agreed on a doctoral Program with a common structure and the mention "International Doctorate in Italian Studies". The whole of Italian Studies (Literature, Language, Civilisation, Performing Arts, Cinema) is covered in this training.

Coordinator: Professor Andrea FABIANO (ED 020: Civilisations, Cultures, Literature and Societies)

  • For more information, visit the Italian Literature and Culture Team website.

Humanism and Rebirth

Sorbonne University / University of Florence

Sorbonne University have signed a collaboration with the University of Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze) that enables doctoral candidates working on the world of European Humanism, in all disciplines to enrolled in this framework.  The doctoral candidates will obtain the double title of Doctor of the University of Florence and Doctor of Sorbonne University, when they have defended their doctorate, directed in partnership by professors from both universities.

This co-diplomation is part of joint research on Humanism, directed, at the University of Florence by Donatella Coppini and at Sorbonne University by Hélène Casanova-Robin. It enables doctoral candidates to benefit from a rich education, thanks to the diversity of scientific methods implemented within each of these institutions. It also opens a large international research network on humanism (seminars, conferences, colloquia) to the doctoral candidates, due to the various collaborations already established by the partner research units within these universities.

The language of the doctorate must be either French or Italian; the subject must be on the texts (literary forms, philosophy, art, aesthetics...) of Humanism and the Renaissance (14th-16th centuries), transmitting the ancient tradition, and/or their posterity.

Coordinator: Professor Hélène CASANOVA-ROBIN Professor of Latin Literature (specialist in Humanism) Director of the E.A. 4081 Rome and its renaissances ED 022 Ancient and Medieval Worlds

Joint Ca'Foscari-Sorbonne University Program

The Universities of Venice (Ca'Foscari) and Sorbonne University have agreed to a joint doctoral program. This program has been signed between the doctoral school “Civilizations, Cultures, Literatures and Society” (ED 020) and the Venetian program” Lingue, culture e società moderne e Scienze del linguaggio”. It concerns the cultures of the Romance and English speaking countries in Europe, America and the world, the Germanic and Slavic speaking countries in Central and Northern Europe, in the following fields: literature, linguistics and civilization.

Coordinators :

Eduardo Ramos Izquierdo (ED 020)

Alexis Tadie (ED 020)

For more information, see: the University of Venice site

Secondary Menu

Fully funded phd and masters opportunities in paris.

The Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC) at Ecole Normale Supérieure is inviting applications for its graduate programs in cognitive science. Our training offer includes: a fully-funded 5-year PhD program and a fully-funded extended 3-year Masters program (which can be followed by a 3-year doctoral grant at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation). Application deadline: early December 2020 - please find more details below.

PhD Program:

We offer a fully-funded 5-year PhD Program in most subfields of cognitive science (including Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling). Unlike most PhD programs in Europe, and at the image of PhD programs in North-America, admission in this program does not require an MA-level degree. The PhD program combines a taught component drawing mainly from our Master in Cognitive Science with multiple lab rotations.

Deadline for applications: December 17, 2020 23:59 (Central European Time)

More information on the website:  https://graduateschool.dec.ens.fr/

The PhD program is funded by French government grant Frontiers in Cognition.

Fully-funded extended Masters fellowships for international students:

We offer paid three-year fellowships to international students interested in joining our Master in Cognitive Science, which offers interdisciplinary training in Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling and Cognitive engineering ( https://cogmaster.ens.psl.eu/en ). Students can then pursue a fully-funded PhD at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation.

Deadline for applications: Science track: December 9, 2020   23:59 (Central European Time) Humanities track: December 29, 2020   23:59 (Central European Time)

More information on the website:  https://cognition.ens.fr/fr/admissions-bourses/etudiants-etrangers-646  

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How to enrol in a Doctorate in France

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Before you can enrol in a Doctorate in France, you must find a thesis supervisor and subject. What are the steps?

The key steps when enrolling in a Doctorate

In France, there are no "doctoral programmes" that enable you to enrol for a Doctorate in a particular field, leaving you the first year to choose and refine your thesis subject.

You must therefore be able to find a thesis topic and a thesis supervisor before you can enrol. The Doctoral school must also accept you.

First of all, to enter the first year of a Doctorate, you must have a Master's degree or equivalent, so therefore during the second year of your Master's you should start to look for a Doctorate (starting in January).

In the natural and technological sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, engineering), you need funding to enrol.

In some cases in the social sciences and humanities, you can enrol without funding. Check with the doctoral school (you will find this information on the page describing each doctoral school )

Funding for tuition is not the question (€380/year) but rather for living expenses (grants, salary, generally greater than €1,000/month).

The first question to ask yourself is the following: does my government or university have a specific programme for financing my Doctorate in France? If it is the case, it's often the best solution when it comes to doing your Doctorate. Such programmes exist in particular in Mexico, China and Pakistan.

If no funding from your government is possible, you will find other possibilities here .

A large number of Doctorates are funded by French host universities, in the form of a doctoral fellowship, which is a work contract that lasts 3 years or takes the form of other work contracts.

phd in philosophy in france

How to do it?

1: If you wish to do a Doctorate in natural and technological sciences.

Note: in this case there is no point in preparing a research project and then trying to find a researcher in a French laboratory who may become your thesis supervisor, as in natural and technological sciences this operates in the other direction in France.

You must apply for thesis subjects that have been published by French researchers.

You will find these subjects on the Campus France platform .

There are two types of subjects: subjects already funded by the host establishment (choose Type: Contract), and subjects for which you must have your own funding (choose Type: Grant).

As soon as you have found a subject that interests you, the only thing left to do is contact the researcher or doctoral school that published the subject.

2: If you wish to do a Doctorate in the social sciences and humanities.

First of all, check the Campus France subject platform : there are a few subjects in the arts and humanities.

If you can't find anything suitable, you will have to prepare a research project that you can then send to a researcher.

How to find a researcher to be a thesis supervisor

First of all, remember that you must not propose a research project to every researcher in the field that interests you. For example, if your research project is in economics, don't send your proposal to every economist! They already receive an enormous number of requests like that and can't go through them all.

You must target specific people (this is also the rule in marketing…). That means the theme of your research project must correspond to the specialty of the researcher. Don't send a proposal on a study of the history of Franco-Spanish relations to a historian specialising in the Far East!

After you've sent the proposal to the right person, you'll have to engage with the researcher in order to refine your thesis topic. To maximise your chances, you need to be flexible and ready to move away from your initial proposal.

And if you are able to obtain funding, say so at the start of your message.

Congratulations, you've found a thesis supervisor who accepts you!

Now the doctoral school has to approve it so you can enrol in a Doctorate. If funding is required by the doctoral school, it must be approved before you can enrol.

The annual registration fee for a Doctorate is €391 (2024/24 academic year). Even if you have a doctoral fellowship, you will have to pay the registration fee.

Enjoy your Doctorate!

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Université  Libérale de Paris

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Ph.D in Education

Ph.D in Education

Doctor of philosophy in education (phdedu), 2 qualifications from uk and france.

Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) with 18 specializations is a dual degree program that combines an Ofqual Recognised Awarding Organisation and Université Libérale de Paris. The PHDEdu is the highest degree in practical academia and science specializing in education.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) has 18 specializations that focus on in-depth research knowledge in education. Students have access to research from the start, with topics that are highly practical and applied.

Unlike the Professional Doctor program, students must have at least one scientific article published in ISI/SCOPUS journals, journals owned by the Liberal University of Paris, or journals linked to.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Education at the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) is a dual qualification program.

Graduates will receive:

  • LRN Level 8 Diploma in Education Management.
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education degree offered by Université Libérale de Paris

Programs in details

Distinction in accreditation:

The Doctor of Philosophy in Education program is a dual-degree program, resulting in the completion of two distinct degrees. The program is a cooperation between the Ofqual-accredited UK national competency framework accreditation system and Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U). Both institutions are institutionally and programmatically accredited.

  • The Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) is certified at the highest level of the Premier Institute by the HEAD (High Education Accreditation Department), and at the program level by the examination system and granting of British national certificates by level (Awarding bodies of Ofqual, UK. Gov).
  • LRN is one of the prestigious institutions granting national qualifications in the UK, accredited by Ofqual, UK. Gov.

Distinctions in learning method:

All the programs is applied the Liberal Education pedagogy for graduated learners.

Our Paris-U  A.C.T  will help the learners:

  • A ccredited Programs with international recognition.
  • C hange and get another degree major within 12 months.
  • T -Shaped skills.

For the international learners not study full time in France, the program is designed for those who are always on the go, using the Hybrid Model with live classes. Students can study Université Libérale de Paris’ original program and achieve a degree as full-time study abroad students without needing to accommodate in France.

Distinctions in degrees: 2 independent qualification with the specialization based on the Doctoral thesis:

  • A LRN Level 8 Diploma (Doctoral Level) in Education Management.
  • A Specialized Doctor of Philosophy in Education from Université Libérale de Paris

Distinctions in learning and research materials:

  • The learners get access to Level 8 EQF specialty courses even though the Professional Doctorate program is career-oriented and research-oriented from the start. This methodology is used for the first time in Europe at Université Libérale de Paris.
  • Access to specialist subjects at the doctorate level not only helps fellows consolidate their expertise, but also serves as an essential reference tool to aid fellows in doing research and writing their doctoral thesis with assurance.

Distinctions in expert acknowledgement:

  • The Liberal University of Paris is also the first institution to develop a dual accreditation model that combines the thorough accreditation of the academic program with the recognization of the professional accrediting organizations (Professional Certified Bodies).
  • Depending on the curriculum, the Senior Leader Council [UK] will honor the research and professional ability of specialists who have graduated from doctorate programs at the Liberal University of Paris.

List of Specializations:

Postgraduate students pursuing dual degrees in the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) program will receive two independent degrees, with the specialization based on the doctoral thesis. Research students can specialize in one of the following areas:

  • Ph.D in International Business
  • Ph.D in Hospitality Managememt 
  • Ph.D in Public Administration 
  • Ph.D in Hospital Management 
  • Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Management 
  • Ph.D in Healthcare Management 
  • Ph.D in Human Resources Management 
  • Ph.D in Finace & Banking 
  • Ph.D in Logistics and Supply Chain Management 
  • Ph.D in Tourism Management 
  • Ph.D in Luxury Management 
  • Ph.D in Engineer Management 
  • Ph.D in Technical Management 
  • Ph.D in Construction Management 
  • Ph.D in Design Management 
  • Ph.D in Information Technology Management
  • And other specializations based on the Doctoral Thesis

The Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) dual degree program is an applied research-oriented program in which students will take research-related courses and conduct research step by step with the assistance and supervision of instructors.

The program is two years long. The method of instruction consists of a combination of globally livestreamed lectures (Live Class) with instructors.

Mandatory modules:

  • Develop advanced research approaches in a suitable context. (30 credits)
  • Advanced Literature Review. (30 credits)
  • Advanced Design Research. (30credits)
  • Advanced Data Analytics for Research. (30 credits)

Students will complete each phase of their PhD thesis after each course.

PhD thesis stage (60 credits)

  • Doctoral Thesis (60 credits)
  • Defend Doctoral Thesis

The Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) thesis will be concerned with education solutions and knowledge development.

The Ph.D. program, unlike the Ed.D programs, requires a minimum of one academic journal published on the ISI/SCOPUS system or on journals owned or affiliated with Paris-U.

Students who complete the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) dual degree program can:

Be able to conduct research relevant to the context of the specialization.
  • Assess the significance, practicability, and research potential of the problem to be investigated.
  • Develop and modify research objectives to suit orientation, research objectives, and research time constraints.
  • Analyze, consider alternatives, and make appropriate research decisions.
2. Be able to collect, organize, and choose theoretical foundations for PhD research projects
  • Collect theoretical foundations related to the research topic.
  • Organize and develop theoretical foundation structures for research topics.
3. Be able to design an entire study.
  • Know how to conduct a literature review and select relevant studies to support the proposed research.
  • Design the research in accordance with the research objectives, research questions, and time frame.
  • Adjust the chosen research methodology while keeping research ethics and feasibility in mind.
4. Be able to create a research proposal and carry out research.
  • Examine theoretical foundations and research models when developing research questions.
  • Develop research to international standards by writing a complete PhD thesis on a chosen topic.
  • Know how to present your research to a scientific panel.
  • Be able to persuade and argue.
  • Be able to write academic journals
  • Be able to work with the appraisal council and peer-review in the process of publishing academic journals.

The Université Libérale de Paris is the only university where doctoral students can study a full range of courses specialized in education. The materials from these specialized courses can be used to broaden the students’ knowledge and aid in their research process.

All study materials for Education majors at the Doctoral level (Level 8 EQF) are posted on the training management system (LMS), and these materials are only accessible to doctoral students at the Université Libérale de Paris.

Students taking the PhD in Education  program have access to the following materials and lectures:

  • Understanding Learning and Learners (20 credits)
  • Creating a Conducive Learning Environment (20 credits)
  • Managing and Leading Digital Education (20 credits)
  • Leadership and Organisation Transformation (20 credits)
  • Education Research and Methodology (20 credits)
Ph.D students have both specialized knowledge at the doctoral level and research competence from the Ph.D. with the help of knowledge-supporting materials.

The doctoral programs at Université Libérale de Paris are designed with a training time of 2 to 5 years or more, culminating in a PhD thesis that meets international standards.

When participating in the PhD program in conjunction with the UK qualification system Level 8 Diploma, graduate students can choose between two training programs: Specialized Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) or Specialized Doctor of Education (Ed.D).

Despite sharing the same specialization, the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) and Doctor of Education (Ed.D) have many differences. Some of the fundamental differences are as follows:

STTCriteriaPhDProfesional Doctorate
1NameDoctor of Philosophy in [Majors]Doctor of [Majors]
2ClassificationDoctorateProfessional Doctorate
3Level Level 8 EQFLevel 8 EQF
4Years of traningFrom 3 to 5 yearsFrom 2 to 5 years
5Learning and research goalsForming a new theoretical frameworkForming a new theoretical framework or applied solutions
6Publish paper in ISI/SCOPUSEncouraged Must have
7Subject requirementsSix compulsory doctoral-level subjects and research-intensive subjectsSix compulsory doctoral-level subjects and research-intensive subjects
8Thesis RequirementsHigh level of academic and theoryHigh level of application content
9Recognition after graduationDoctoral (Dr.)Doctoral (Dr.)
10DegreesDual degree: Level 8 Diploma & Ph.D. Degree with majorsDual degree: Level 8 Diploma & DBA Degree with majors
11CareerTeaching, ResearchingTeaching, Managing, Researching
12Academic Development PathwayPost Doctoral ProgramsPost Doctoral Programs

Candidates who register for the program will be considered by the application department before joining the program, in addition to the entry requirements, to ensure that they understand and benefit from the program.

Entry requirements must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Master’s degrees in specific fields from accredited universities. The appraisal procedures will be carried out by Paris-U or our local partner for domestic universities that do not have international accreditation.
  • RQF (UK), EQF (Europe), or Level 7 diploma equivalents must be obtained from accredited institutions.
  • The Université Libérale de Paris does not accept degrees from fake universities, Diploma Mills, accredited universities, or discredited accrediting organizations.

English language requirements:

  • English at or above CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) level B2.
  • IELTS 5.5; Speaking and writing must both be 5.5 or higher.
  • In the absence of an English certificate, the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) and its partner will perform an internal English test and evaluate each candidate.

The Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) reserves the right to accept or reject applications based on accrediting agency requirements and Paris-U’s global acceptance target.

The Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) is a university that is HEAD-accredited at the institution level and the UK RQF framework at the program level. At the programmatic level, Paris-U is endorsed by the LRN, an awarding body recognized by the UK government. After completing the program, students may confidently enter the job market, continue their education, and seamlessly transfer to other prominent and similar educational systems because the curriculum and degrees are rigorously approved by prestigious organizations.

  • Please go  HERE  for additional information about the accreditation of the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U).
  • Please go  HERE  for additional information about LRN’s accreditation and programs.

The Doctor of Philosphy in Education (PHDEdu) program combines two degrees. Students receive the following upon graduation:

The LRN Level 8 Diploma in Education Management. 

In the United Kingdom, Level 8 is equivalent to:

LevelQualification FrameworkEquivalent degrees
8Level UK (RQF)Level 8 diploma
12Level in Scotland (SCQF)Doctoral Degrees
Professional Development Awards
DoctorThe Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK (FHEQ)Doctorate, for example, Doctor of philosophy (PhD or DPhil)
8Level in Europe (EQF)Doctorate, for example doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil)
Level 8 diploma
10Level in Australia (AQF)Doctoral Degree
10Level in Africa (ACQF)Doctoral Degree
8Level ASEAN (ARQF)Doctoral Degree
Level 8 Diploma
8Level based on Vietnam Qualification Framework (VQF)Doctoral Degree

Doctor of Philosphy in Education (PHDEdu) from Université Libérale de Paris  (Paris-U)

The Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) specialized Doctor of Philosphy in Education (PHDEdu) is equivalent to Level 8 Diploma of the EQF European Qualification Framework and is assessed using the Paris-U accreditation system.

The specialized Doctor of Philosphy in Education (PHDEdu) degree is one of the highest academic degrees. When combined with the dual degree system, which combines a UK Level Diploma and a Doctor of Philosphy in Education (PHDEdu) from the Université Libérale de Paris, research students can pursue a career as a specialist or research specialist in theory and practice, become a lecturer, or advance to senior positions in the labor market.

Students can participate in PostDoc programs based on the fields of research they want to develop if they want to conduct international research, publish international articles on the ISI, SCOPUS system, and so on.

Graduate students can also publish books, studies developed during their studies, or research that comes up during their studies.

After completing the Doctor of Philosphy in Education (PHDEdu) program at Universit Paris, students will be awarded the following:

  • Senior Leader Certified (UK Gov Standard No. ST0480)
  • Research Scientist Certified (UK Gov Standard No. ST0759). Graduates can apply for these accreditations without taking the annual EPA examinations and exams conducted by the Senior Leader Council.
  • Students are full-time Université Libérale de Paris students (Paris-U).
  • Students pursue the original program as full-time students at Université Libérale de Paris in France (Paris-U).
  • The program is entirely taught in English. Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) does not adopt the education system for French-taught programs in France.
  • Degrees awarded by Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) are classified as private university degrees. Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) degrees are not part of the public education system, not owned by the French government, and is not part of the France-based higher education system.
  • This is not an affiliate program, nor is it a Vietnamese-taught international program.
  • Local lecturers are not involved in teaching. Local activities are only for academic support.
  • Fees and scholarship policies (if applicable) are subject to change or cancellation at any time.

Liability Disclaimer

  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) and its partners make no assurances that students who enroll will graduate, and receive a degree. Only if the student fully meets and fulfills the academic, financial, disciplinary, and other requirements does the Université Libérale de Paris award degrees and recognize academic results.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) reserves the right to refuse admission, refuse support, cancel student status, and not reimburse tuition and fees in the case of a commit of violations, absenteeism, or voluntary refusal to continue the program.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) cannot guarantee that a degree will be accepted by a third party. The receiving organisation subjectivity determines whether or not to accept.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) does not guarantee that students will receive a salary increase, promotion, or be accepted into new positions or jobs after graduation.
  • Despite regulations governing cross-recognition and qualifications equivalence, each country, organization, and unit has their own right to receive and recognize degrees. Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) does not guarantee automatic degree recognition when using degrees, certificates, transcripts, and other documents from the Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) and partner schools. Similarly, Université Libérale de Paris does not guarantee or support the process of recognizing equivalent qualifications (if any).
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) makes no guarantees or commitments that students will be able to reside, work abroad, obtain a work permit, a teaching license, or a specialist license in France, Europe, or any other country.
  • Université Libérale de Paris (Paris-U) offers extreme assistance, but cannot guarantee students 100% of short-term study visa (in case of full-time study) or European visa (to attend graduation ceremony in France and/or Europe) if it does not meet the requirements of the host country and the appropriate authorities in granting and approving the right to exit, move, and migrate.

Diverse people in a supporting group session

Tuition fees

Tuition policies are in keeping with the provisions of the Paris-U policy and subject to change without notice. In some case, Paris-U offer variety of Scholarships for International Students. 

Université Libérale de Paris

Université libérale de paris (paris-u) offers a variety of scholarships for international students. the scholarship is not for full-time learners in france and eu and is limited..

Université  Libérale de Paris

The world’s first liberal arts university for post-graduates

1 Rue de Stockholm • 75008 Paris, France Phone: +33758491227 Email: [email protected]

A member of the European Education Holdings

Wertachstrasse 21 • 86153 Augsburg, Germany Phone: +15908605264 Email: [email protected]

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Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science and Statistics

Program description.

The Data Science and Statistics PhD degree curriculum at The University of Texas at Dallas offers extensive coursework and intensive research experience in theory, methodology and applications of statistics. During their study, PhD students acquire the necessary skills to prepare them for careers in academia or in fields that require sophisticated data analysis skills.

The PhD program is designed to accommodate the needs and interests of the students. The student must arrange a course program with the guidance and approval of the graduate advisor. Adjustments can be made as the student’s interests develop and a specific dissertation topic is chosen.

Some of the broad research areas represented in the department include: probability theory, stochastic processes, statistical inference, asymptotic theory, statistical methodology, time series analysis, Bayesian analysis, robust multivariate statistical methods, nonparametric methods, nonparametric curve estimation, sequential analysis, biostatistics, statistical genetics, and bioinformatics.

Career Opportunities

Statisticians generally find employment in fields where there is a need to collect, analyze and interpret data — including pharmaceutical, banking and insurance industries, and government — and also in academia. The job of a statistician consistently appears near the top in the rankings of 200 jobs by CareerCast’s Jobs Rated Almanac based upon factors such as work environment, income, hiring outlook and stress.

For more information about careers in statistics, view the career page of American Statistical Association. UT Dallas PhD graduates are currently employed as statisticians, biostatisticians, quantitative analysts, managers, and so on, and also as faculty members in universities.

The  NSM Career Success Center  is an important resource for students pursuing STEM and healthcare careers. Career professionals are available to provide strategies for mastering job interviews, writing professional cover letters and resumes and connecting with campus recruiters, among other services.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Deadlines and Requirements

The university  application deadlines apply with the exception that, for the upcoming Fall term, all application materials must be received by December 15 for first-round consideration of scholarships and fellowships. See the  Department of Mathematical Sciences graduate programs website  for additional information. 

Visit the  Apply Now  webpage to begin the application process. 

Contact Information

For more information, contact [email protected]

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021 Phone: 972-883-2416


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  • Doctoral program -- Country -- Chile (Conicyt) China (CSC) Kazakhstan (Bolashak) Mexico (Conacyt) Pakistan (Higher Education Commission) Sub-Saharan Africa (Islamic Development Bank)
  • Category (PhD / Master's / Postdoc) -- Category -- Master Internship Doctorate Post-Doc CDI Other -- Doctorate type -- Full Doctorate Joint Supervision Doctorate Sandwich Doctorate Doctoral Programme
  • Domains & disciplines -- Domain -- Agronomy Ecology Biology & Health Chemistry Computer Sciences Earth & Universe Engineering Law, Management, Economy, Politics Maths Physics Social Sciences Acoustics Aeronautical Enginnering African, Arab, Chinese, Japanese and Hebrew languages and literatures AgroFood Algorithms Analytical Chemistry Ancient and Medieval History Ancient languages and literatures Animal Health Animal Husbandry Anthropology Applied mathematics Applied physics Archeology Architecture Artificial Intelligence Arts Astrophysics Atmospheric Sciences Automatics Autre (Physics) Big Data Biochemistry Bioinformatics Bioingeneering Biophysics Biotechnology Botanics Business Intelligence Cell Biology Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Climatology Clinical Science Comparative Literatures Condensed Matter Cosmology Cryptography Cultural Studies Demography Develoment Economics Ecology Economy Ecosystems Electrical Engineering Electromagnetism Electronics Embedded Systems Energy English and Anglo-Saxon languages and literatures Environmental Chemistry Epidemiology Epistemology Ethics and Deontology Ethnology Evolution Exobiology Fluid Mechanics Fondamental mathematics Formal Methods French Language and Literature Genetics Geochemistry Geography Geology Geometry Geophysics German and Scandinavian languages and literatures History of Law and Institutions Human Ressources Humanities Hydrology Immunology Infectious Diseases Information and Communication Sciences Inorganic Chemistry Intellectual Property International & European Law International Relations Labour Law Language Sciences Learning Sciences Macroeconomics Management Marine biology Material Chemistry Material science Mechanical Engineering Metrology Microbiology Mineralogy Modelisation Modern and Contemporary History Molecular biology Nanotechnology Networks Neurology Neurosciences Nuclear physics Number Theory Numerical analysis Nutrition Oceanography Oncology Optics Organic Chemistry Other (Agronomy Ecology) Other (Biology & Health) Other (Chemistry) Other (Computer Sciences) Other (Earth & Universe) Other (Engineering) Other (Law, Management, Economy, Politics) Other (Maths) Other (Social Sciences) Parasitology Particle Physics Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacology Philosophy Photonics Physical Chemistry Physiology Planetology Plasmas Political Science Population Biology Prehistory Private Law and Criminal Sciences Probability Process Engineering Psychiatry Psychology Public Finance Public Health Public law Public Policy Robotics Roman languages and literatures: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages Sensors Signal Processing Sismology Slavs language and literatures Sociology Software Engineering Solids Mechanics Sound and Images Sports Sciences Statistics Tectonics Theology Theoretical Physics Toxicology Transportation Urbanism and Spatial planning Virology Volcanology Water Zoology
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Caribbean National Weekly

Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness has officially earned a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Law and Policy, making him the first sitting Jamaican Prime Minister to achieve such a feat while in office.

The news was confirmed by Nationwide News.

Holness pursued his doctoral studies at Northeastern University in Boston, with his thesis focusing on the impact of U.S. gun laws on violence in Jamaican society. His research explored the factors contributing to the rise of violence, including loose firearm regulations and active participation in the illegal arms trade.

Holness is set to graduate in June of next year.

The Prime Minister confirmed that he started his studies shortly after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in December 2019.

He referred to it as a lifelong achievement. This doctorate adds to a growing list of academic accolades, solidifying his commitment to both education and public service.

This latest milestone follows Holness’ honorary Doctoral Degree of Humane Letters , which was conferred on him by Delaware State University in May. Holness also delivered the commencement address to the graduates, marking the first time a head of government had done so in the university’s 132-year history.

Reflecting on his own educational journey, Holness recalled the struggles he faced when attending the University of the West Indies, Mona, at age 19. “I went to university on an adventure,” he said, sharing how he relied on student loans, part-time work, and the sacrifices of his parents, a civil servant and a small farmer, to finance his education.

Prime Minister Holness’ academic journey began at St. Catherine High School, where he served as both the head boy of the school and valedictorian. He later earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Management Studies and a Master of Science degree in Development Studies, cementing his lifelong dedication to learning.

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Caribbean National Weekly

Course description

This degree course offers you enormous freedom as you develop a deeper understanding of philosophy. Whether your first degree was in philosophy or you are transitioning from another discipline, this degree will develop your philosophical understanding and enhance your research skills.

Our extensive range of optional modules allows you to focus on a particular area of philosophy in great detail, or to explore widely across the discipline.

Our MA, which can be full- or part-time, is designed both to prepare students who wish to continue to a PhD (as many do), and to provide skills and knowledge to enhance career prospects outside of academia.

phd in philosophy in france

An open day gives you the best opportunity to hear first-hand from our current students and staff about our courses.

You may also be able to pre-book a department/school visit as part of a campus tour. Open days and campus tours

  • 1 year full-time
  • 2 years part-time

We'll support you in thinking carefully, analytically and creatively about core and contemporary debates in a range of philosophical traditions, as well as key debates in cognitive studies and political theory.

You'll learn through small-group discussions in research seminars and tutorials which accompany the lecture-led modules. These discussions give you the opportunity to explore module reading materials, as well as your own philosophical interests.

We provide one-to-one supervision for your dissertation and your philosophy essays, to help you develop as an independent researcher.

For the philosophy modules, you're assessed by a long essay assignment. You'll have the opportunity to develop your ideas and draft your work with detailed feedback from your module convenor.

On the dissertation module, you'll develop a longer piece of philosophical work, with detailed feedback from your dissertation supervisor.

Your career

Our MA is designed equally to prepare students who wish to continue to a PhD in Philosophy (as many do) or to enhance career prospects outside of academia. 

We offer support and advice for students who decide to apply for a PhD and our postgraduate training seminars include sessions on PhD funding and on non-academic jobs for philosophers. 

For those interested in non-academic career routes, this course will help you develop and enhance a range of crucial transferable skills (for example, research writing, project organization, critical thinking) while developing a deeper understanding of the many fascinating and important questions at the heart of philosophical inquiry. These skills will put you in a strong position when it comes to finding employment. 

Our graduates work in teaching, law, social work, computing, the civil service, journalism, paid charity work, business, insurance and accountancy. 

“I could not have achieved my successful career progression without my postgraduate degree and the support I received from the University of Sheffield. My degree has enabled me to develop my confidence about my own abilities, and enhance my writing and qualitative data analysis skills. It taught me how to think and write in a way which I had never done before, with such precision, determination and belief in my own research and scrutiny of such.”

Katie Griffin-Pearce Policy Officer, Durham County Council Postgraduate Philosophy Student 

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

In the School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities, we interrogate some of the most significant and pressing aspects of human life, offering new perspectives and tackling globally significant issues.

As a postgraduate Philosophy student you’ll be taught by philosophers who engage in cutting-edge research across a wide range of philosophical disciplines including epistemology, ethics, social, political and environmental philosophy, metaphysics, philosophy of the mind and cognitive science among others.

The diversity of our research expertise allows us to offer programmes which are truly interdisciplinary and flexible and create a thriving research community where students and staff come together to discuss topics, explore new ideas and expand their knowledge in a supportive environment.

We’ll also provide you with opportunities to use your philosophical knowledge to engage with real world problems and make a difference in the community through projects like our award-winning Philosophy in the City programme, which enables students to teach philosophy in the local community to audiences of all ages.

Our Centre for Engaged Philosophy pursues research into questions of fundamental political and social importance, from criminal justice and social inclusion to climate ethics, all topics that are covered in our teaching. Their events are open to all students and there are opportunities to get involved in event planning and delivery.  

Our highly interdisciplinary Hang Seng Centre for Cognitive Studies supports collaborative research on fundamental issues concerning the nature of cognition. With established collaborative links with many universities in the UK, Europe, and the United States, the Centre organises seminars, workshops, and conferences to address core questions in cognitive science. Events are open to all students and there are opportunities to get involved in event planning and delivery.     

Can Du, MA Philosophy

Philosophy helps me to understand the world from a new perspective

Can Du is an MA Philosophy student from China. She plans to go on to PhD study once she has finished her MA.

Entry requirements

Minimum 2:1 undergraduate honours degree in a relevant subject.

Subject requirements

Your degree should be in an Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences subject.

View an indicative list of degree titles we would consider

IELTS 7 (with 6.5 in each component) or University equivalent

If you're an international student who does not meet the entry requirements for this course, you have the opportunity to apply for a pre-masters programme in Business, Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Sheffield International College . This course is designed to develop your English language and academic skills. Upon successful completion, you can progress to degree level study at the University of Sheffield.

If you have any questions about entry requirements, please contact the school/department .

Fees and funding

If you qualify, you may be able to get financial support through the University’s scholarships and fee waivers. 

Department's postgraduate funding opportunities page

Applications for 2024 entry closed at 5pm on Friday 6 September. Applications for 2025 open on Monday 16 September.

More information

[email protected] +44 114 222 0587

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Erasmus+ mobility: PhD student Carl Boodman attended an inspiring lab training in Marseille

Over the course of two weeks, Carl Boodman was trained in specialised laboratory techniques for identifying Bartonella quintana from human and arthropod samples. Carl uses these techniques in his PhD research, which focuses on neglected B. quintana infections in low-resource settings. The training was organised under the supervision of Prof Pierre-Edouard Fournier, a full Professor of Medical Bacteriology and Hygiene at the Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, France. Prof Fournier is in charge of the National Reference Center for Rickettsioses (NRCR), the molecular diagnostics laboratory, and the residency and Infectious Diseases teaching programmes at the Faculty of Medicine.

NRCR is an international centre for Bartonella research, conducting reference testing for samples from around the globe. Many of the techniques performed at NRCR, which are integral to Carl’s PhD study, are not performed in Belgium or in Canada, his home country. With the agreement of Carl’s ITM supervisor, Prof Johan van Griensven, NRCR acted as a reference laboratory, supporting his PhD research through training in specialised techniques and provision of confirmatory testing on samples.

This traineeship marked the beginning of a research and training collaboration related to Carl’s PhD thesis. To conclude in his own words:

"During my two-week traineeship at NRCR in Marseille, I learned a great deal and established valuable research connections that will hopefully benefit me for years to come. I gained insight into the development of diagnostic testing protocols used by reference laboratories worldwide. Initially working under supervision and then independently, I developed confidence in troubleshooting these techniques. I also learned about the importance of laboratory automation in improving throughput and efficiency. The collegial, welcoming and innovative work environment at NRCR was inspiring, while remaining rigorous when it comes to routine diagnostics for clinical care. I became inspired to see the inclusion of an insectarium associated with the research laboratory. More specifically, I perfected skills in automated DNA extraction, qPCR, automated indirect fluorescent antibody testing and automated capillary Western blot (with cross-adsorption)."

Carl Boodman PhD student

Erasmus+ mobility

We facilitate incoming and outbound student and staff mobility within and outside the EU for study, teaching and research purposes. Are you interested in Erasmus+ mobility opportunities? Review the information on the criteria and application process.

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  1. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

    PH.D DEGREE FROM FRANCE AND LEVEL 8 DIPLOMA FROM the UK The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program with 18 specialisations is a dual-degree program that combines the UK competency framework training system and the Université Libérale de Paris. The Ph.D. in specialised research is the highest degree program and academic degree.

  2. List of Universities for PHD in Philosophy in France

    Find the list of all universities for PHD in Philosophy in France with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  3. Doctoral Studies

    Doctoral Studies With its 21 doctoral schools, Université Paris Cité offers many doctoral students the opportunity to train through research in all major disciplinary fields. At the national level, once fully operational, Université Paris Cité will offfer 5% of all PhD degrees in France.

  4. 100 Best universities for Philosophy in France

    Below is the list of 100 best universities for Philosophy in France ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 6.07M citations received by 514K academic papers made by these universities was used to calculate ratings and create the top.

  5. Faculty of Philosophy

    The Faculty of Philosophy provides full general training in philosophy (degree, masters, and Ph.D), as well as a professional masters in intercultural mediation, and preparation for research in numerous areas.

  6. PhD

    Sorbonne University, an attractive environment for PhDs. Doctoral College and Schools. Application and admission.

  7. PhD student

    PhD student You have the opportunity to come to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as an international PhD student, either in the framework of a joint PhD, a doctoral research stay, or as a freemover.

  8. Faculty of Philosophy

    The Faculty of Philosophy offers graduate and undergraduate study programmes in philosophy as well as complementary courses within Social Sciences and Humanities departments. The Faculty of Philosophy contributed to the implementation of the first Bachelor's degree in Humanities in Strasbourg. philo.unistra.fr. Director.

  9. PSL Doctorate

    A PSL doctoral program offers a world-class education in any discipline, as well as close supervision through the Doctoral College. • An academic environment where basic research and applied research communicate; where universities, research entities, and the business world are in dialog; where freedom of thought and entrepreneurial spirit ...

  10. Welcome

    Oscar Brenifier Oscar Brenifier holds a Bachelor of biology degree (University of Ottawa) and a PhD in Philosophy (Paris IV - Sorbonne). For many years, in France as well as in the rest of the world, he has been working on the concept of 'philosophical practice', both from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. He is one of the main promoters of the project of philosophy in the city ...

  11. International doctoral programs

    International collaborations are an integral part of research. Some programs in particular enable the development an international experience in the context of doctoral education.

  12. Fully funded PhD and Masters opportunities in Paris

    We offer a fully-funded 5-year PhD Program in most subfields of cognitive science (including Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling). Unlike most PhD programs in Europe, and at the image of PhD programs in North-America, admission in this program does not require an MA-level degree. The PhD program combines a taught component drawing mainly from ...

  13. PhD Study in France

    Detailed guides to PhD study in France. Our guides have information on universities, courses, funding, student visas and life during a PhD programme in France.

  14. PhD in France

    ED 279Arts plastiques, esthétique et sciences de l'art. UNIVERSITE PARIS 1. Sciences Humaines et Sociales Ile-de-France.

  15. PhD in Ethics and Philosophy Programs in France

    A PhD in Ethics could focus on one of two areas: philosophical ethics or social ethics. Professionals holding this type of degree may be employed with job titles ranging from a theologian to a ethics college professor. Enlightening your life through a philosophy or ethics doctorate program can be an essential factor to a successful career.

  16. 132 PhD programmes in Philosophy in Europe

    Find the best PhD programmes in the field of Philosophy from top universities in Europe. Check all 132 programmes.

  17. List of Universities to study Philosophy in France

    Find the list of all universities to study Philosophy in France with our interactive university search tool. Use the filter to list universities by subject, location, program type or study level.

  18. How to enrol in a Doctorate

    In France, there are no "doctoral programmes" that enable you to enrol for a Doctorate in a particular field, leaving you the first year to choose and refine your thesis subject.

  19. Doctor of Education (Ed.D)

    When participating in the PhD program in conjunction with the UK Level 8 qualification system, each PhD student can choose between two training programs, depending on their orientation: Specialized Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or Doctor of Education (Ed.D).

  20. Philosophy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

    FindAPhD. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Philosophy in France. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world.

  21. Ph.D in Education

    2 Qualifications from UK and France Doctor of Philosophy in Education (PHDEdu) with 18 specializations is a dual degree program that combines an Ofqual Recognised Awarding Organisation and Université Libérale de Paris. The PHDEdu is the highest degree in practical academia and science specializing in education.

  22. Doctor of Philosophy in Data Science and Statistics

    Program Description The Data Science and Statistics PhD degree curriculum at The University of Texas at Dallas offers extensive coursework and intensive research experience in theory, methodology and applications of statistics. During their study, PhD students acquire the necessary skills to prepare them for careers in academia or in fields that require sophisticated data analysis […]

  23. PhD in France

    PhD in France - Subjects (PhD, Master's & Postdoc training) Subjects (PhD, Master's & Postdoc training) Delete all filters. African, Arab, Chinese, Japanese and Hebrew languages and literatures Roman languages and literatures: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages.

  24. Jamaica's PM Andrew Holness earns PhD in Law and Policy

    Jamaica's Prime Minister Andrew Holness has officially earned a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Law and Policy, making him the first sitting Jamaican Prime Minister to achieve such a feat while in office. The news was confirmed by Nationwide News.

  25. 100+ PhD in Philosophy Jobs, Employment September 10, 2024 ...

    191 PhD in Philosophy jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer and more!

  26. Philosophy MA

    Our MA is designed equally to prepare students who wish to continue to a PhD in Philosophy (as many do) or to enhance career prospects outside of academia. We offer support and advice for students who decide to apply for a PhD and our postgraduate training seminars include sessions on PhD funding and on non-academic jobs for philosophers.

  27. Erasmus+ mobility: PhD student Carl Boodman attended an inspiring lab

    Carl uses these techniques in his PhD research, which focuses on neglected B. quintana infections in low-resource settings. The training was organised under the supervision of Prof Pierre-Edouard Fournier, a full Professor of Medical Bacteriology and Hygiene at the Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, France.