
100+ Botany Research Topics [Updated 2024]

Botany Research Topics

Botany, the scientific study of plants, holds the key to understanding the intricate and fascinating world of flora that surrounds us. As we delve into the realm of botany research, we uncover a vast array of botany research topics that not only contribute specifically to our scientific knowledge but also play an important role in addressing real-world challenges. 

In this blog, we will embark on a journey through the rich landscape of botany research, exploring various captivating topics that researchers are delving into.

How to Select Botany Research Topics?

Table of Contents

Selecting an appropriate and engaging botany research topic is a crucial step in the research process. Whether you are a student working on a thesis, a scientist planning a research project, or someone passionate about exploring the wonders of plant biology, the right choice of topic can significantly impact the success and enjoyment of your research. 

Here are some guidelines on how to select botany research topics:

  • Identify Your Interests:
  • Start by reflecting on your own personal interests within the field of botany. Consider the aspects of plant biology that fascinate you the most. 
  • Whether it’s plant physiology, taxonomy, ecology, genetics, or any other subfield, choosing a topic aligned with your interests can make the research process more enjoyable.
  • Review Literature:
  • Conduct a thorough review and it will be of existing literature in botany. Explore recent research articles, journals, and books to identify gaps in knowledge, emerging trends, and areas where further investigation is needed. 
  • This can help you find inspiration and identify potential research questions.
  • Consider Relevance:
  • Assess the relevance of your chosen topic to the current state of botany and its applications. Consider how your research could contribute to addressing real-world challenges, advancing scientific knowledge, or informing practical solutions. 
  • Relevant research topics often garner more attention and support.
  • Evaluate Feasibility:
  • Evaluate all possible feasibility of your chosen topic in terms of available resources, time constraints, and research capabilities. 
  • Consider the accessibility of study sites, the availability of equipment and materials, and the level of expertise required. A feasible research topic is one that aligns with your resources and constraints.
  • Collaborate and Seek Guidance:
  • Discuss your ideas with mentors, professors, or colleagues in the field. 
  • Collaborative discussions can provide valuable insights, help refine your research questions, and guide you toward topics that align with current research priorities.
  • Consider working with a professional academic editor to review your work after you’ve finished writing it.
  • Explore Emerging Technologies:
  • Consider incorporating emerging technologies and methodologies in your research. This not only adds a contemporary dimension to your study but also opens up new possibilities for exploration. 
  • Technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, high-throughput sequencing, and remote sensing have revolutionized botany research.
  • Think Interdisciplinary:
  • Botany often intersects with various other disciplines, such as ecology, genetics, molecular biology, environmental science, and more. 
  • Consider interdisciplinary approaches to your research, as this can lead to innovative and comprehensive insights.
  • Address Global Challenges:
  • Botany research can play a crucial role in addressing global challenges like climate change, food security, and biodiversity loss. 
  • Choosing a topic that contributes to solving or mitigating these challenges adds societal relevance to your work.
  • Explore Local Flora:
  • If applicable, explore the flora of your local region. Investigating plant species native to your area can have practical implications for local conservation, biodiversity studies, and environmental management.
  • Stay Inquisitive and Open-Minded:
  • Keep an open mind and stay curious. Scientific research often involves unexpected discoveries, and being open to exploration can lead to novel and exciting findings. 
  • Be willing to adapt your research questions based on your findings and new insights.

100+ Botany Research Topics For All Students

Plant physiology.

  • The Role of Plant Hormones in Growth and Development
  • Mechanisms of Photosynthesis: A Comprehensive Study
  • Impact of Environmental Stress on Plant Physiology
  • Water Use Efficiency in Plants: Regulation and Adaptation
  • Nutrient Uptake and Transport in Plants
  • Signaling Pathways in Plant Defense Mechanisms
  • Regulation of Flowering Time in Plants
  • Physiological Responses of Plants to Climate Change
  • Role of Mycorrhizal Associations in Plant Nutrition
  • Stress Tolerance Mechanisms in Halophytic Plants

Plant Taxonomy

  • Phylogenetic Analysis of a Plant Family: Case Study
  • Integrating Molecular Systematics in Plant Taxonomy
  • Plant DNA Barcoding for Species Identification
  • Revision of a Plant Genus: Taxonomic Challenges
  • Cryptic Species in Plant Taxonomy: Detection and Implications
  • Floristic Diversity in a Specific Geographic Region
  • Evolutionary Trends in Angiosperms
  • Ethnobotanical Contributions to Plant Taxonomy
  • Application of GIS in Plant Taxonomy
  • Conservation Status Assessment of Endangered Plant Species

Plant Ecology

  • Ecosystem Services Provided by Plants
  • Dynamics of Plant-Animal Interactions in a Habitat
  • Impact of Invasive Plant Species on Native Flora
  • Plant Community Composition Along Environmental Gradients
  • Ecological Consequences of Plant-Pollinator Decline
  • Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere
  • Plant Responses to Fire: Adaptation and Recovery
  • Climate Change Effects on Plant Phenology
  • Restoration Ecology: Reintroducing Native Plants
  • Plant-Soil Feedbacks and Ecosystem Stability

Plant Pathology

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogen Interactions
  • Emerging Plant Diseases: Causes and Consequences
  • Integrated Disease Management in Agriculture
  • Fungal Pathogens: Diversity and Control Strategies
  • Plant Immunity and Defense Mechanisms
  • Resistance Breeding Against Viral Pathogens
  • Bacterial Diseases in Crop Plants: Diagnosis and Management
  • Impact of Climate Change on Plant Pathogen Dynamics
  • Biocontrol Agents for Plant Disease Management
  • Genetic Basis of Host Susceptibility to Plant Pathogens


  • Traditional Medicinal Plants: Documentation and Validation
  • Cultural Significance of Plants in Indigenous Communities
  • Ethnobotanical Survey of a Specific Region
  • Sustainable Harvesting Practices of Medicinal Plants
  • Traditional Plant Use in Rituals and Ceremonies
  • Plant-Based Foods in Indigenous Diets
  • Ethnopharmacological Studies on Antimicrobial Plants
  • Conservation of Ethnobotanical Knowledge
  • Ethnobotanical Contributions to Modern Medicine
  • Indigenous Perspectives on Plant Conservation

Genetic and Molecular Biology

  • CRISPR-Cas9 Applications in Plant Genome Editing
  • Epigenetics in Plant Development and Stress Response
  • Functional Genomics of Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress
  • Genetic Diversity in Crop Plants and its Conservation
  • Genetic Mapping and Marker-Assisted Selection in Plant Breeding
  • Genome Sequencing of Non-Model Plant Species
  • RNA Interference in Plant Gene Regulation
  • Comparative Genomics of Plant Evolution
  • Genetic Basis of Plant Adaptation to Extreme Environments
  • Plant Epigenome Editing: Methods and Applications

Plant Anatomy and Morphology

  • Comparative Anatomy of C3 and C4 Plants
  • Xylem and Phloem Development in Plants
  • Leaf Anatomy and Adaptations to Photosynthesis
  • Morphological Diversity in Plant Reproductive Structures
  • Evolution of Floral Symmetry in Angiosperms
  • Root Architecture and its Functional Significance
  • Stem Cell Dynamics in Plant Meristems
  • Comparative Morphology of Succulent Plants
  • Tissue Regeneration in Plants: Mechanisms and Applications
  • Wood Anatomy and Tree-Ring Analysis in Dendrochronology

Climate Change and Plant Responses

  • Impact of Global Warming on Alpine Plant Communities
  • Plant Responses to Elevated CO2 Levels
  • Drought Tolerance Mechanisms in Plants
  • Shifts in Plant Phenology Due to Climate Change
  • Climate-Induced Changes in Plant-Pollinator Interactions
  • Carbon Sequestration Potential of Forest Ecosystems
  • Ocean Acidification Effects on Seagrass Physiology
  • Plant Responses to Increased Frequency of Extreme Events
  • Alpine Plant Adaptations to Harsh Environments
  • Climate-Driven Changes in Plant Distribution and Biogeography

Emerging Technologies in Botany Research

  • Application of Machine Learning in Plant Phenotyping
  • Nanotechnology in Plant Science: Current Status and Future Prospects
  • Metagenomics in Studying Plant Microbiomes
  • Remote Sensing for Monitoring Plant Health
  • High-Throughput Sequencing in Plant Genomics
  • CRISPR-Based Gene Drives for Ecological Restoration
  • Advances in Plant Imaging Techniques
  • Synthetic Biology Approaches in Plant Engineering
  • Augmented Reality Applications in Plant Biology Education
  • Digital Herbariums: Integrating Technology in Plant Taxonomy

Misc Botany Research Topics

  • Metabolic Pathways in Plant Secondary Metabolism: Regulation and Significance
  • Population Genomics of Endangered Plant Species: Implications for Conservation
  • Impact of Soil Microbes on Plant Health and Productivity
  • Evolutionary Dynamics of Plant-Pathogen Coevolution: Insights from Molecular Data
  • Application of CRISPR-Based Gene Editing for Improving Crop Traits
  • Phytochemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants for Drug Discovery
  • Investigating the Role of Epigenetic Modifications in Plant Stress Responses
  • Role of Plant Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Ecological Interactions
  • Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influencing Plant Microbiome Composition
  • Molecular Basis of Plant-Microbe Symbiosis: Lessons from Nitrogen-Fixing Associations

How to Make Botany Research Successful?

Conducting successful botany research involves a combination of careful planning, effective execution, and thoughtful analysis. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or someone conducting independent studies, here are key tips to ensure the success of your botany research:

  • Establish Clear Objectives: Clearly articulate the goals and objectives of your research. What specific inquiries do you intend to address? A well-defined research focus serves as a guiding framework, ensuring your efforts remain purposeful and on course.
  • Conduct an In-Depth Literature Review: Immerse yourself in the existing body of literature within your field of study. Identify gaps, discern trends, and pinpoint areas where your research could contribute significantly. A thorough literature review lays a robust groundwork for shaping your research design.
  • Choose an Appropriate Research Topic: Select a research topic that resonates with your interests, aligns with your expertise, and addresses the current needs of the scientific community. Ensure that the chosen topic is not only feasible but also harbors the potential for impactful outcomes.
  • Develop a Sound Research Plan: Create a detailed research plan outlining the methodologies, timelines, and resources required. A well-structured plan helps in efficient execution and minimizes the risk of unforeseen challenges.
  • Utilize Cutting-Edge Technologies:  Stay updated with the latest technologies and methodologies in botany research. Incorporate advanced tools such as high-throughput sequencing,  CRISPR-Cas9 , and remote sensing to enhance the precision and efficiency of your research.
  • Collaborate and Seek Guidance: Collaborate with experts in the field, seek mentorship, and engage in discussions with colleagues. Networking and collaboration can provide valuable insights, guidance, and potential avenues for collaboration.
  • Ensure Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical guidelines and standards in your research. Obtain necessary approvals for human subjects, follow ethical practices in plant experimentation, and ensure the responsible use of emerging technologies.
  • Implement Robust Experimental Design: Design experiments with attention to detail, ensuring that they are replicable and provide statistically significant results. Address potential confounding variables and incorporate controls to enhance the reliability of your findings.
  • Collect and Analyze Data Thoughtfully: Implement systematic data collection methods. Use appropriate statistical analyses to interpret your results and draw meaningful conclusions. Transparent and well-documented data analysis enhances the credibility of your research.
  • Regularly Review and Adapt: Periodically review your progress and be open to adapting your research plan based on emerging findings. Flexibility and responsiveness to unexpected results contribute to a dynamic and successful research process.
  • Communicate Your Research Effectively: Share your findings through publications, presentations, and other relevant channels. Effective communication of your research results contributes to the broader scientific community and enhances the impact of your work.
  • Foster a Collaborative Research Environment: Encourage collaboration within your research team. A collaborative environment fosters creativity, diverse perspectives, and a collective effort towards achieving research goals.
  • Contribute to Sustainable Practices: If your research involves fieldwork or plant collection, adhere to sustainable practices. Consider the impact on local ecosystems and strive to minimize any negative consequences.
  • Stay Resilient: Research can have its challenges, setbacks, and unforeseen obstacles. Stay resilient, remain focused on your goals, and view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Celebrate Achievements and Learn from Failures: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Learn from any setbacks or failures and use them as lessons to refine and improve your research approach.

In the vast and diverse field of botany research, scientists are continually unraveling the mysteries of the plant kingdom. From the intricate processes of photosynthesis to the challenges posed by emerging plant diseases and the potential of cutting-edge technologies, botany research is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. 

As we delve deeper into the green secrets of the plant world, our understanding grows, offering not only scientific insights but also solutions to address pressing global challenges such as food security, biodiversity loss, and climate change. 

The exploration of botany research topics is a journey of discovery, paving the way for a sustainable and harmonious coexistence with the plant life that sustains our planet.

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M.Sc Botany Syllabus and Subjects

Kripal Thapa

The M.Sc Botany syllabus provides a comprehensive understanding of plant science and biology . The M.Sc Botany  course spans two years , divided into four semesters , covering core, elective, and practical subjects. Graduates can pursue careers as Research Assistants, Ecologists, Environmentalists, and more.

Table of Contents

  • M.Sc Botany First year Syllabus
  • M.Sc Botany Second year Syllabus
  • M.Sc Botany Subjects in Detail
  • M.Sc Botany Course Structure

Semester Wise MSc Botany Syllabus

The MSc Botany syllabus  aims to equip candidates with knowledge on various topics in botany, including Phycology, Plant Morphology and Anatomy, Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Mycology, and more. Check out the table below to see the breakdown of the syllabus for each semester of the program.

M.Sc Botany 1st Year Syllabus

In the table given below are MSc Botany 1st sem syllabus and MSc Botany 2nd sem syllabus:


Plant Morphology and Anatomy


Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Bryology and Pteridology

Reproductive Biology, Morphogenesis and Tissue culture

Gymnosperm and Palaeobotany

Cell and Molecular Biology

MSc Botany First year Practicals

In the list given below are the practical subjecs offered in 1st year of M.Sc Botany syllabus:

  • Plant Morphology and Anatomy
  • Reproductive Biology, Morphogenesis and Tissue culture

MSc Botany 2nd Year Syllabus

In the table given below are 2nd year MSc Botany syllabus:

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Plant Resource, Utilization and Conservation

Plant Biochemistry and Biochemical Techniques

Plant Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and IPR 

Plant Biotechnology

Plant Molecular Biology and Molecular Techniques

Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding and Biostatistics


MSc Botany Second year Practicals

In the list given below are the practical subjecs offered in 2nd year od MSc Botany syllabus:

  • Plant Molecular Biology and Molecular Techniques
  • Plant Physiology
  • Plant Biochemistry and Biochemical Techniques 
  • Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding and Biostatistics

MSc Botany Subjects

MSc Botany subjects covers a range of subjects including Microbiology, Phycology, Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, and Bioinformatics. These topics are essential for postgraduates to gain both practical and theoretical knowledge. The MSc Botany syllabus is divided into three parts: core, elective, and practicals , as listed below.

MSc Botany Core Subjects:

In the list given below are the core subjects of M.Sc Botany syllabus:

  • Microbiology
  • Cell Biology
  • Genetics and Genomics
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioinformatics

MSc Botany Elective Subjects:

In the list given below are the elective subjects of MSc Botany syllabus:

  • Forest Ecology
  • Plant Pathology
  • Biology and diversity of Pteridophyte
  • Advanced Plant Physiology
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Palaeobotany

MSc Botany Lab Subjects:

In the list given below are the lab subjects of M.Sc Botany syllabus:

MSc Botany Subjects:

The MSc syllabus Botany has a list of subjects that cover various topics, which will be listed in the table given below:

Phycology and Limnology Introduction to Limnology, Properties of water, Lake ontogeny, morphometry, Physical factors: Light Temperature, Heat,
and Stratification.
Bryology and Pteridology General introduction including broad outline of classification and evolutionary trends, Anthocerotophyta: distribution, General Introduction of pteridophytes, their peculiar features and similarities and dissimilarities with bryophytes and gymnosperms.
Reproductive biology, Morphogenesis and Tissue culture Introduction to life history of angiosperms, brief history of plant embryology; Anther: Structure and development wall
layers and their role; Microsporogenesis; Ovule: Ontogeny, structure, integuments and nucellus specialized structures, megasporogenesis.
Plant Physiology Plant water relations, Nitrogen metabolism, respiration and lipid metabolism, Photochemistry and photosynthesis. 

MSc Botany Course Structure

The M.Sc Botany syllabus is structured into subjects, projects, research, and seminars. The course has been divided into four semesters, the first three have practicals and theories, but the fourth-semester has research dissertation submission and elective subjects and their practicals. The list below highlights the course structure:

  • IV Semesters
  • Core subjects
  • Practical and Laboratory
  • Research Dissertation Work

M.Sc in Botany Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The M.Sc Botany syllabus incorporates various teaching methods and techniques to aid students in comprehending the wide range of topics covered in their classes. The Botany MSc syllabus employs several teaching methodologies and strategies, including:

  • Practical & Laboratory sessions
  • The emphasis of Practical Learning
  • Experimentation
  • Guest Lectures, Seminars, and Workshop
  • Group Assignment and Discussion
  • Learning through Industrial Visit
  • Research & Development

MSc Botany Projects

The MSc Botany syllabus incorporates projects as significant undertakings in the final year. It carries many credit points to qualify for the course, pursue higher studies, or land a better job opportunity. The following are some of the MSc Botany project ideas:

  • Combating the global food crisis: diazotroph bacteria as a cereal crop growth promoter
  • The lifespan of a genetically engineered tomato
  • Environmentally friendly method to suppress weeds
  • Investigating seed tolerance for freezing temperatures

M.Sc Botany Reference Books

The guidebooks for the M.Sc Botany syllabus provide candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the various topics covered in their classes. Some of the top-rated books for M.Sc in Botany include:



Concise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology 

P. Vidhyasekaran

A Dictionary of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics

R. J. Lincoln; G. A. Boxshall; P. F. Clark

Chemical Microbiology  


Chromatography: Concepts and Contrasts    

James Miller, John Wiley, and Sons

Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science  

Robert M. Goodman (Editor)

Top M.Sc Botany Colleges

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Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh

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Kolkata,West Bengal

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Aligarh,Uttar Pradesh

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Delhi,Delhi NCR

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UniPune (SPPU)


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M.Sc Botany Fee Structure

Faqs on botany syllabus and subjects.

Q: Does MSc botany have scope?

A: Yes, there are many job opportunities in public health service, agriculture department, forest service, departments of conservation, and land management.

Q: How many semesters are there in MSc botany?

A: There are four semesters in MSc Botany.

Q: In which subject I can do MSc after BSc in botany?

A: After completing a BSc in Botany, one can typically pursue an MSc in Botany. However, there are also options to consider, such as MSc-integrated PhD courses for biological sciences.

Q: How many subjects are there in M.Sc botany?

A: MSc Botany consists about 10 to 15 subjects which include core and electives. It can vary based on universities choice.

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    BSc/MSc and ECTS: Bsc thesis (18 ECTS) MSc‐thesis: 24‐36 ECTS Type of work: Crop: tomato Measurements: these topics include building and development of methodology, growing plants under different light qualities, measurements of physiological (e.g. photosynthesis and transpiration) and morphological parameters.

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    medicinal plants in Maputaland to treat skin diseases. Postgraduate Botany Symposium 2013. University of Johannesburg, 29 October 2013 (Appendix C for abstract and Appendix D for a poster). Oral presentation: S. Nciki, H. de Wet, A.D. van Eyk and S.F. van Vuuren. Pharmacological

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    Academic Session: summer 2021to 2023) This is to notify that the M.Sc. Botany IVth Semester learners are required to submit Dissertation (hard copy) latest by 15.09.2023. The Dissertation is to be prepared by learners under the supervision of their respective study centre supervisors. In view of the above it is necessary that the Dissertations ...

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  12. 100+ Botany Research Topics [Updated 2024]

    Selecting an appropriate and engaging botany research topic is a crucial step in the research process. Whether you are a student working on a thesis, a scientist planning a research project, or someone passionate about exploring the wonders of plant biology, the right choice of topic can significantly impact the success and enjoyment of your research.


    PROGRAMME OUTCOMES (POs): PO 1: In-depth knowledge about plants, and related practices and techniques, necessary for. teaching and research. PO 2: Understanding of environmental issues needed to become naturalists or conservationists. PO 3: Critical and reflective thinking, enabling them to make an honest assessment of their.

  14. M.Sc Botany Syllabus and Subjects 2024

    MSc Botany Course Structure. The M.Sc Botany syllabus is structured into subjects, projects, research, and seminars. The course has been divided into four semesters, the first three have practicals and theories, but the fourth-semester has research dissertation submission and elective subjects and their practicals.

  15. PDF Department of Botany Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

    M.Sc. Botany (4th Semester) Code No. Nomenclature of the Paper Type of paper No. of Credits Theory Marks Internal assessment Total marks 17BOT24C1 Plant Genetics Core course 4 80 20 100 17BOT24C2 Biodiversity Conservation Core course 4 80 20 100 17BOT24C3 Dissertation 20 300 -- 300 Total Credit: 28 Grand Total of all the four Semester 112

  16. PDF Faculty of Science M.Sc. Programme in Botany

    M.Sc. Programme in Botany (Effective from June 2016-onwards) Course Layout: ! Course Components Paper Code Paper Title Credits SEMESTER -I L T P ... Dissertation/Project Work 04 02 # Excursion 02 Total 18 Grand Total (Semester I-IV) 72 02 16 90 ! # The Excursion tour to different parts of the country for phyto-geographical study and observation ...

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    shall be put at the beginning and the end of the dissertation. 4. Title Sheet: This shall be the first printed page of the thesis and shall contain the submission statement: the dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree e.g. M.Sc., the name and enrollment No. of the candidate, name(s) of the


    Department of Botany, University of Kerala, was established in the year 1959 at Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala by Late Prof. (Dr.) A. Abraham, a visionary, an institution builder and a ... Dissertation 4 r (I-IV) Generic Courses (GC) BDC-GC-501 Germplasm Conservation 2. 7 SEMESTER I Course Code: BDC- CC- 511 Credits: 4

  19. PDF Name of Programme: M.Sc. Botany

    Programme Specific OutcomeName of Programme: M.Sc. BotanyProgramme OutcomeM.Sc. Botany is a tw. -year postgraduate programme to impart advanced knowledge on modern biology. Other than providing students with indispensable knowledge, the programme curriculum fosters problem-solving. nd critical thinking skills that prepare students to take on ...

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    30815 Ethno-Botany and Intellectual Property SC 2 0 2 3 Rights (IPR) 6 30816 Economic Botany SC 2 0 2 3 7 30817 Medicinal Plants OE 2 2 0 3 ** Any two soft core papers shall be studied. THIRD SEMESTER Course Credit Sl. No. Code Title of the Paper Type pattern in Credit value L T P 1 30821 Biochemistry and Plant Physiology HC 2 2 2 4 ...

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    "Aboriginal Botany" and explained in the form of simple definition as the "study of vegetation used by aboriginals for their various commodities such as food, shelter, medicine, textiles, ornaments, etc". Based on this concept, the term "ethnobotany" was first used in 1895 by John William Harshberger, a botanist at the University of ...

  22. PDF Department of Botany and Microbiology

    Grand Total: Core Credits 54+ Elective Credits 18= 72. With a total of 09 Credits (3+3+3 Credits in II, III and IV semester) of Self Study (2 Seminars equivalent to 2 sessionals plus one end term written examination). Maximum Marks for each paper is 100 (Sessional Tests- 40 + End Term Test- 60).

  23. PDF PhD in Botany

    2.4.1 As a candidate for the DSc degree you must -. have conducted advanced, original research or creative work, to the satisfaction of the University, in the field of the natural sciences; natural sciences; and2.4.1.3 have completed an oral examination to the satisfact. 2.4.2 If you already hold a PhD degree from the Faculty of ...