Facilities and Campus Services

Z03 - assign work order in assignment manager – foreperson.

Purpose: To assign labor(s) to multiple work orders When : Multiple work orders need to be assigned to one or more labor Who : General Foreperson, Foreperson Resources to Complete Tasks A computer. A Maximo account, with Foreperson Access


Log into maximo with your cornell netid and password.

  • Go to https://fcs.cornell.edu/maximo
  • Under Quick Links menu on right side
  • Click “ Maximo Production ”
  • Enter login information & click " Sign In"

Select a Work Order query in the Assignment Manager application

  • Click Go To – Work order – Assignment Manager OR
  • Select a query from the top left drop down (ie., “ Endowed Zone PM (non-Routed) TBA ”)

Filter the Work Order List and select Work Order(s) to assign

  • On the Work List, click the “ Filter ” button if the filter boxes aren’t showing. (Note: for routes, only the parent WOs will be listed.)
  • Filter on a column(s) as needed

Select the Work Order(s) you want to assign by checking the box to the left of the Work Order number.

z02 - Assign Work Order in Assignment Manager – Foreperson - 01

Filter the Labor List and select Labor(s)* to assign

  • On the Labor List, click the “ Filter ” button if the filter boxes aren’t showing

Select the Labor(s) you want to assign by checking the box to the left of the Labor code.

z02 - Assign Work Order in Assignment Manager – Foreperson - 02

Assign the selected Labor(s) to the selected Work Order(s)

  • Click the “ Assign Labor ” button

Maximo Assign Labor Icon

  • Important: You can only assign more than one labor to a WO using this process if the WO is not calling out for a specific Craft/Skill (ie. in WAITASGN status). If you try to assign more than one labor to a WO that is WAITASGN , you will get an error. Refer to the next section for how to add multiple Labor to a WAITASGN WO (that is calling out for a specific Craft/Skill).
  • The dialog box below will pop up, showing the Labor & Craft/ Skill. If the WAITASGN is calling for a one Craft/Skill combination, and the Labor you are assigning has a different Craft/Skill, by clicking “ OK ” here, you are confirming that it will over-write the original WAITASGN information. You can also enter a Scheduled Start Date and Estimated Hours here if desired.
  • Once assigned, you will notice the selected Labor(s) font will change color to represent the allocation of the work week that has been used, and WOs that were assigned will disappear from the WO List.


In maximo, select wo(s) to assign and labor(s) to assign them to.

  • (Do NOT do Task 5.)
  • Important : Copy the WO number that you are going to assign
  • A dialog box will pop up showing the Labor’s information. You can enter a Scheduled Start Date and Estimated Hours here if desired. Click the “OK” button.

Add a row(s) for another assignment(s)

  • In the “ WO Group ” field, paste the WO number you copied
  • Under the “ Assignment Details ” section, type or select the NetID that you would like to assign to this WO.

Important : Click the “ Save ” button. It will not prompt you to save if you leave the record, so remember to save after this step.

Maximo Save Icon


Search for the labor you want to replace.

  • In the Work List, Click the “ Advanced Search ” button
  • The list of WOs assigned to that Labor will be displayed. Filter the list further if necessary (such as Facility Code).
  • Select the WO(s) that you want to replace the labor on.

Filter the Labor List and select Labor(s) to assign

  • Select the Labor(s) you want to replace the current assignment(s) with for the selected WO(s) by checking the box to the left of the Labor code.
  • You will notice the selected Labor(s) font will change color, and the WOs that were assigned will disappear from the WO List because the person you filtered for is no longer assigned to them.

The Result Will Be: One or more Labor Assignments will be added to one or more work orders.


Subject area(s).

Maximo Times

Maximo Times

Create ‘my work order assignments’ portlet for your start center.

' src=

Maximo start center portlets are great for a quick overview of information that is important to you.  Start centers are the first thing you see when you log into Maximo.  You can use portlets to show a variety of information and if I’m a labor technician, the most important thing to me is to quickly identify what workorders are assigned to me.  In this tutorial, I will quickly show you how to create one result set that will query for all the assigned work orders based on the user ID of the person that is logged in.  Then we will create a start center portlet that will look like this:

Start Center Portlet - My Assignments

Since we are going to create a portlet for assigned work orders, we have to first create a result set for the Work Order Tracking module.  Go into Work Order Tracking and click on ‘Advanced Search’.  I will assume you are using the LEAD field for assignments so we will use the LEAD field here.  Enter a any person value here to query for such as MAXADMIN.  Hit ‘Find’ to filter out the results.  Now this will find all the work orders with the LEAD field like ‘MAXADMIN’.

Next we click on the ‘Save Query’, give it any name you want such as ‘My Work Order Assignments’ and save it.  Now we have to edit this query so that instead of just querying for work orders that are assigned to MAXADMIN, we want to query for work that is based on whoever is logged in.  Click on the yellow arrow next to ‘Save Query’ and click on ‘View/Manage Queries’.  You should see the one you just created.  Click on the blue arrow on the left to expand it and you should now see the query it uses.  We want to modify this.  We want to change:

lead like ‘%MAXADMIN%’

lead =   :USER

Now save this query.  This will be dynamic based on who is logged in.  Now go into your start center and click on ‘Change Content/Layout’.   Click ‘Select Content’ and select the ‘Result Set’ portlet and click Finished.  All that is left is to modify this portlet by clicking on the edit portlet button on the top right.  It’s a little pencil icon.  Select the query you just created for the work order assignments and then select the columns you want to display in the portlet.  Click save and there you have it.

Did You Know...

As Maximo Experts, we have developed several add-on products for Maximo that mobilize the work force, simplifies assignments, provides ad-hoc reporting capabilities and facilitates the seamless integration of Service Requests into Maximo.

Check out our products by clicking on the following links: EZMaxMobile , EZMaxPlanner and EZMaxRequest .

2 thoughts on “ Create ‘My Work Order Assignments’ portlet for your start center ”

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Issues updating Assignment Status on a Work Order

Scott Patterson

Scott Patterson Wed November 04, 2020 07:51 AM


User1971 Sun January 10, 2021 06:00 PM

Adnan Sheeraz

Adnan Sheeraz Fri January 15, 2021 04:29 AM

1.  issues updating assignment status on a work order.

maximo work order assignment

When the user is starting the time on a Work Order using a timer, I want to update the Assignment to "STARTED" and then once the user taps on the timer to stop the time, if they use the "COMPLETE WORK" option, then I want to update the Assignment to "COMPLETE". I am having issues with the second piece of code saving the assignment status change to the database. Has anyone else ever updated Work Order Assignments?

This piece of code in the file js.application.handlers.StopTimerHandler.js works to complete the Assignment. NOTE: There are errors when going right to "COMPLETE" from "ASSIGNED" for "BMXAA4636E - The finish date must be later than the schedule date" and that is why I am trying to set the Assignment to "STARTED" when the user first starts the timer.

So, I tried to add code that will update the Assignment from "ASSIGNED" to "STARTED", and this code works as far as it updates the Assignment and I can see the updated data in the debugger, but it never commits to the database.

Any suggestions or ideas?

2.  RE: Issues updating Assignment Status on a Work Order

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3.  RE: Issues updating Assignment Status on a Work Order

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  • Summary: 
  • Nested | 
  • Field  | 
  • Constr  | 
  • Detail: 
  • Field | 

Class Assignment

  • java.lang.Object
  • psdi.mbo.Mbo
  • psdi.app.workorder.Assignment
Attribute Name Description
Craft The that is needed to meet this requirement.
FinishDate The datetime someone was assigned to finish this requirement.
A non persistent attribute to represent the laborcode or craft code which assigned to this requirement.
The identifier of the assigned to this requirement.
LaborHrs The length of time the craft will be required.
The name of the laborcode or craft code which assigned to this requirement, non persistent attribute.
Identifier of the for this failure.
The Rate of the labor or craft which assigned to this requirement, non persistent attribute.
ScheduleDate The datetime when this requirement has been rescheduled for.
Identifier of the for this failure.
StartDate The datetime someone was assigned to start this requirement.
Status The status of the requirement.
The task identifier to the which this requirement applies, non persistent attribute.
WplaborId Identifier to the exact record used to generate this row.
WoNum Identifier to the which this requirement applies.

Field Summary

Fields inherited from class psdi.mbo. mbo, fields inherited from interface psdi.mbo. mboconstants, constructor summary.

Constructor and Description
(  ms)

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
(  woMbo)
(boolean completeWO)
(java.lang.String status, java.util.Date date)
(  ownerWO)
(  ownerWO)
(  ownerWO,  crew)
(java.util.Date finishDate)
(  owner) 
(  owner) 
(  WorkTimeMbo, java.util.Date wpStartDateTime, java.util.GregorianCalendar scratchCal,  availCalc)
(java.util.Date interruptDate)
(java.lang.String keyName, java.lang.String keyValue)
(java.util.Date startDate)

Methods inherited from class psdi.mbo. Mbo

Methods inherited from class java.lang.object, methods inherited from interface psdi.mbo. mboremote, constructor detail, method detail, calledfromassignmentmanager, completeassignment, getlabtransset, createlabtrans, gettooltransset, createtooltranscrew, completethewo, canfinishwo, getwpenddatetime, calcfinishdate, propagatekeyvalue, startassignment, interruptassignment, finishassignment, getcrewworkzonewhere, getlaborworkzonewhere, countmembers.

maximo work order assignment

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maximo work order assignment

Work Order Tracking – Assignments Miscellany

Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by maximosecrets

This is the fourth in a series of articles on the Assignments tab of the Work Order Tracking application.

In the first article – Simple Work Assignments in Work Order Tracking – I showed that you could use the Assignments tab to dispatch a labor to a work order without using a Job Plan or using the Plans tab of the application. You can find the article here:  http://maximosecrets.com/2020/11/30/simple-work-assignments-in-work-order-tracking/ .

In the second article – Work Order Tracking – Assignments without Work Zones I showed how to plan and schedule work orders just from the Assignments tab, still without using Job Plans or the Plans tab. This included the action Reschedule/Unassign Assignments action and the Available Labor dialog. In this article the available labor was not affected by work zones, you can find the article here: http://maximosecrets.com/2020/12/09/work-order-tracking-assignments-without-work-zones/ .

In the third article – Work Order Tracking – Assignments with Work Zones I showed how the available labor dialog is affected by the work zones associated with location A physical place where assets exist and where work can be performed. More and asset records, you can find the article here: http://maximosecrets.com/2020/12/14/work-order-tracking-assignments-with-work-zones/ .

This article is a mixed bag still with a focus on Labor rather than Crews, including the handling of work assignments across multiple shifts, the meaning of fully assigned labor in the Available Labor dialog, an explanation of the appointment checkboxes, and a revisit to the Reschedule/Unassign Assignments action which is where we will start.

Reschedule/Unassign Assignments – Assignments Reference Work Order

maximo work order assignment

I’ve removed all of the assignment references to a task and used the Reschedule/Unassign Assignments action on the work order. I am rescheduling to 07-December-2020 at 13:00 and removing the assignments by unchecking “Reschedule the assignments?”.

maximo work order assignment

This removes the labor references for all three assignments, changes their assignment status to WAITASGN, and removes the Scheduled Start date on the assignment. The Scheduled Start on the work order is set to the date/time entered in the dialog. It is both changing the scheduled start and removing the assignments when there are no assignments referencing a task.

maximo work order assignment

Another example, this time work order 1308 has no tasks and two assignments for 16 th and 17 th December. The craft PLUMB has already been assigned to AWA – Andy Warren.

maximo work order assignment

We will reschedule the assignments to 09-December-2020 07:00.

maximo work order assignment

The result is that the assignment with Labor AWA has been rescheduled to 09-December-2020 at 07:00 but the second assignment for a CARP has had the Scheduled Start removed. The Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish dates on the work order reflect that of the one assignment for Labor AWA.

maximo work order assignment

On a separate work order 1309 with one assignment for craft PLUMB and Labor AWA – Andy Warren on 17-December-2020 07:00 for 4:00 hours. If we use the Reschedule/Unassign Assignments action to reschedule to a date/time when the Labor is not available, what happens?

maximo work order assignment

The reschedule will find the next available time for the Labor, in this case the following day 10-December-2020 at 07:00.

Assignments for more than one shift

maximo work order assignment

When you have a work order that requires more hours than the length of one shift you can handle this in the Assignments tab by creating three assignments on consecutive days. There is no ability to split an assignment from the Work Order Tracking application.

In this example for work order 1300 a total of 20 hours of a craft PLUMB – Plumber is needed across three consecutive days, so we have three assignments, two days with 8 hours on the 07 th and 08 th of December and a morning on the 9 th December 2020. We have assigned BRO – Bryan Rose to all three assignments. At the time of the assignment Bryan was not scheduled for anything else.

Notice the work orders’ Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish have been adjusted to align with the work assignments with a Scheduled Finish of 09-December-2020 at 11:00.

In another test, which is not shown, I created task 10 on work order 1300 with an assignment requiring 20 hours of a craft ELECT-FIRSTCLASS with a Scheduled Start of 07-December-2020 07:00. I assigned labor HORN using the Available Labor dialog, the Scheduled Finish on the task was 08-December-2020 03:00. There is no splitting of the assignment over the end of the shift irrespective of whether the Interruptible field on the task is set or not. To have the work order assignment split across shifts you will need to use the Assignment Manager application, Graphical Work Week or Graphical Assignment applications.

Fully Assigned Labor

maximo work order assignment

Back on work order 1299 and the Assignments tab, when we use the Available Labor button on the first assignment for a craft PLUMB, the dialog shows labor BRO – Bryan Rose as before, however this time the Available Hours in the two-day date range of 7-8 December 2020 shows 0:00 Available Hours and the Assigned checkbox is checked. This Assigned checkbox will be checked when there is no availability in the date range.

maximo work order assignment

When you uncheck “Include Fully Assigned?” and use the Refresh button I expected this to exclude labor that are not available and for Labor BRO to disappear, as you can see, he didn’t, the issue has been reported to IBM Support.

Notice also that the Start Time for labor BRO is 08/12/20 15:00. This is the end date/time of his availability during the date range of the dialog, which is also currently the end time of his shift. I think this would be more useful if it always showed when the resource was next available even if that was outside of the period of time defined by the From and To dates.

maximo work order assignment

I’ve extended the date range to include the 9 th December 2020 and used the Refresh button, it has found that BRO is available from 11:00 on the 09-December-2020 and 4 hours can fit in to the available time in his shift. Notice the Available Hours is 4:00 and as there is availability the Assigned checkbox in unchecked.

I did another test which I haven’t illustrated, but if Bryan had booked 4 hours of vacation from 11:00 on the 9 th December 2020 then the Available Hours would have shown 0:00, “Assigned?” would be checked, and the Start Time would be 09-December-2020 11:00; it shows the end point of availability, and not the end point of the shift.

maximo work order assignment

When BRO showed unavailable in date range from 07-08 December the start time was 08-December-2020 15:00. In this date range Bryan had zero availability but you can still select him. The assignment is now at ASSIGNED status and the Scheduled Start of the assignment is 08-December-2020 15:00, pushing the work order’s Scheduled Finish out to 19:00 on the same day.

I am not advocating you assign when there is no availability this is more of a warning that you can assign when there is zero availability. There is no warning message to say the labor is unavailable and no warning to say that you are assigning into a period outside of the labor’s shift.

maximo work order assignment

If you look on Assignment Manager you can see that there are 24:00 hours of assignments in the Work List, but the reduction in availability is 20 hours in the Labor List. The % Alloc (allocation) of 50% is 20 hours assigned from 40 hours of shift, and so is excluding the extra 4 hours on 08-December-2020 after the end of the shift day.

Assignment Manager is only showing availability within the period of the labor’s shift including any of their modified availability records, and if you over allocate within the shift period the availability will turn negative. If there are assignments outside of the shift these are not shown in the Assignment Manager application.

maximo work order assignment

I have added 4 hours of EXTRA TIME at the end of the shift for BRO – Bryan Rose on 08-December-2020.

maximo work order assignment

After adding the 4 hours of Extra Time the availability still shows as 0:00 on 08-December-2020. You can see that the extra time has had an effect because the percentage allocation “% Alloc” has changed from 50% to 55% and the Labor record has now changed colour. The % Alloc (allocation) of 55% is 24 hours assigned from 44 hours of shift, 54.54% or 55% with a bit of rounding. The 44 hours of shift is Bryan’s normal 40 hours of shift plus the 4 hours of EXTRA TIME.

My advice here is if you wish to over assign a person on a day by allowing them to do extra time then modify the availability of the person first.

If you were using the Assignment Manager application or you had access to Graphical Work Week as part of Maximo Scheduler you would find that the available hours in a week were far more obvious and that you would be more successful in assigning within the availability of the labor’s shift rather than over assigning. Graphical Work Week also shows all hours in a day making it more obvious when an assignment has been assigned outside of shift hours.


In previous Assignment articles or even in earlier sections of this article you might have noticed the Appointment Required field at the end of the Assignments table window. The Appointment Required checkboxes will only appear if you are licensed for Maximo Scheduler.

On the Assignments tab there is also a table window called Appointment Book Assignments, this is a different feature of Maximo Scheduler and will not be covered here.

maximo work order assignment

On the main Work Order tab of Work Order Tracking application in the third column is an Appointment Required checkbox. You will also find one on the Plans tab for both the Children and Tasks table windows. When checked the Appointment Required on the work order is defaulted onto the tasks but not the child work orders.

maximo work order assignment

For new assignments the Appointment Required check box will be defaulted from the work order setting. For Task 20 I had made sure that its Appointment Required field was left unchecked, it did not uncheck the Appointment Required field on the assignment, so the assignment’s Appointment Required field appears to only be defaulted from the work order.

For the three existing assignments changing the Appointment Required field on the work order had no effect on their settings for this field, therefore, it only has an effect when creating new assignments.

In the details section you can see that there is an Appointment Made checkbox, this will make the Scheduled Start of the assignment read-only when checked.

maximo work order assignment

For the fourth assignment I have added a requirement for a second CARP – Carpenter, with Skill Level FIRSTCLASS with a Scheduled Start of 09-December-2020 at 08:00 and set the Appointment Made checkbox. On save of record you should be able to make out that the Scheduled Start field is now read-only, it has been locked in place.

This only has an effect on the assignment and not on task 20, its Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish are enterable.

Changing the Appointment Required field on the assignment to uncheck it, has no effect on the Appointment Made field and the assignments Scheduled Start will remain read-only.

In a further test, not shown here, I wondered what the point of the Appointment Required field on the task was if it did not default the setting onto the assignment. The setting of the Appointment Required field occurs when a new row occurs in the Assignments tab, normally the task field will always be blank. However, if you use the query All Records in the List tab of Work Order Tracking application this will allow you to see tasks as records, then make a query in the Parent WO field of the Advanced Search using the work order number for which the task belongs, then with the task as the active record the creation of an assignment does default the Appointment Required field on the new assignment from the same field on the task.

Note. The Activities and Tasks application does not have a tab to show the assignments, or create new assignments linked to the task.

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IBM Maximo - How to add assignment to work order with automation script?

Using IBM Maximo 8, how would you add an assignment for the crewworkgroup HVAC via an automation script? What I am doing is creating a work order when an inspection is completed. I want to defualt all work orders to a certain crewworkgroup for this inspection.

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spacerobot's user avatar

Set this via a jobplan. Create a job plan that would have your crew work group in the planned labor section, and set the value in your script.

dpep's user avatar

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 Work Order Notification

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Is there a way for a supervisor to receive a notification when a work order is created in their queue?

Yes, you can send a notification to the supervisor of the labor when any work order is created and labor gets assigned to the task or work order. To achieve this, you need to create a communication template and role with a labor-people-supervisor relationship. To trigger this communication on specific conditions, like whenever labor is assigned to a work order and the status is changed to APPR or INPRG, you can write an attribute script to check both conditions.

You can follow below given link.


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  4. Work Order Tracking

    The work zone on the location or asset referenced on a work order or task influences the filtering of available labor and crews, but not the labor and crews that can be assigned. Work Zones can be considered during assignment optimization to reduce the travel time of labor and crews performing multiple work orders.

  5. Simple Work Assignments in Work Order Tracking

    Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by maximosecrets. Work assignments are made in the Assignments tab of Work Order Tracking application and require either a Labor or Crew. The Responsibility section found at the bottom of the main Work Order tab should be considered as the "ownership" of the work order and requires a Person, and not a Labor ...

  6. Work Orders application

    The Work Orders application is a modernized, simplified version of the Work Order Tracking application that contains the most important actions and information for work orders. It also contains workflow assignment integration, a new status bar, the ability to organize work orders into custom views, and productivity features, such as type-ahead search.

  7. Methods for easily viewing Assignments on in progress work orders

    When a work order is created (WAPPR) it creates assignments for supervisors to review and approve work orders (APPR) and to assign a technician (s) for completion. This creates a workflow assignment for the technicians to do their work and get the work order to a status we defined as 'STAFFCOMP' which is a synonym of 'APPR' that allows ...

  8. Z03

    Filter the Work Order List and select Work Order (s) to assign. On the Work List, click the " Filter " button if the filter boxes aren't showing. (Note: for routes, only the parent WOs will be listed.) Select the Work Order (s) you want to assign by checking the box to the left of the Work Order number.

  9. Maximo Work Order tracking Assignments

    Assignments are a powerful and essential feature of Maximo's Work Order management. The release of MAS Manage 9.0 introduces new functionalities related to Complex Asset order assignments and ...

  10. PDF Maximo Work Management

    In the Work Order Tracking application, display the work order that contains the plan that you want to use to create a job plan. Select the Create Job Plan from Work Plan action. If the Job Plan field is empty, enter a value, or click Auto-number to have the asset management system assign a number to the job plan.

  11. Assignment Manager application

    Assignment Manager application. You use the Assignment Manager application to dispatch labor and schedule work for your organization. Using the Assignment Manager application, you can view the requirements that were created from the work plan, as well as the unplanned work on a work order. You also can add new requirements to the work list.

  12. Maximo Scheduler and Assignment Manager for Multiple Work Orders

    When hundreds of Work Orders need scheduling, it is inefficient and time consuming to do so on an individual basis. That's where Maximo Graphical Scheduling ...

  13. Assignment vs. Responsibilities Fields

    1. Assignment vs. Responsibilities Fields. I am working with a client right now who is really struggling to understand the difference between Assigning work orders on the Assignments tab and designating ownership or a Lead, Supervisor, etc. in the Responsibilities fields. We are trying to put together an explanation for their training materials.

  14. Work Order Tracking

    The assignments Scheduled Start for the carpenter is the following day 15-December-2020 at 08:00, also for 4 hours. The work order's Scheduled Start and Finish is recalculated, in this case the Scheduled Finish is adjusted to 15-December-2020 at 12:00. The work order's schedule dates are being updated because the assignments are made ...

  15. Create 'My Work Order Assignments' portlet for your start center

    Start Center Portlet - My Assignments. Since we are going to create a portlet for assigned work orders, we have to first create a result set for the Work Order Tracking module. Go into Work Order Tracking and click on 'Advanced Search'. I will assume you are using the LEAD field for assignments so we will use the LEAD field here.

  16. Issues updating Assignment Status on a Work Order

    var assign = actualassignSet.getRecordAt(i); // if the assignment is assigned to the user and the status is started, then we can complete that. // set the new status here. assign.set('status','COMPLETE'); So, I tried to add code that will update the Assignment from "ASSIGNED" to "STARTED", and this code works as far as it updates the Assignment ...

  17. Graphical Assignment application

    You assign work to labor and crews at your facility based on their skills andavailability. In the Graphical Assignment application, you view upcoming work and assign the workgraphically to the appropriate labor or crew resource, and respond to dynamic worksituations. On the Work Listtab, you can create a list of scheduled work orders andthe ...

  18. Maximo 7.6 API

    WMAssignment. public class Assignment. extends Mbo. implements AssignmentRemote. MBO to represent Assignment object See Workorder Package description for details. This is a site level object. There is no unique key for this object. The attributes in this object are as follows: Attribute Name.

  19. Work Order Tracking

    On the Assignments tab there is also a table window called Appointment Book Assignments, this is a different feature of Maximo Scheduler and will not be covered here. On the main Work Order tab of Work Order Tracking application in the third column is an Appointment Required checkbox. You will also find one on the Plans tab for both the ...

  20. IBM Maximo

    Using IBM Maximo 8, how would you add an assignment for the crewworkgroup HVAC via an automation script? What I am doing is creating a work order when an inspection is completed. I want to defualt all work orders to a certain crewworkgroup for this inspection.

  21. Assigning multiple work records to multiple labor codes

    The work is assigned at the earliest possible date to all selected labor records. Or, to assign the work to be done on a certain day, click the date in the row for one of the labor records. If all selected labor records are not scheduled that day, the work is assigned to them on the next scheduled work day. Click Save.

  22. Work Order Notification

    Everything Maximo ... -supervisor relationship. To trigger this communication on specific conditions, like whenever labor is assigned to a work order and the status is changed to APPR or INPRG, you can write an attribute script to check both conditions. ... Send email when assignment is added to work order for certain crewworkgroup

  23. Work orders

    A work order specifies the asset, location, and the workrequired. You can apply service level agreements and assign ownership. The status of the work order changes as it moves through processingcycle. Duplicating a work order can save time when you need to createa work order with similar information. Service level agreements.