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Glossary of Common Land and Property Terms

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The land and property industry has its own language. Many words, idioms, and phrases are based on the law, while others are more common words that have a certain meaning when used in relation to land and property records , either current or historical. Understanding this special terminology is essential for correctly interpreting the meaning and purpose of any individual land transaction.


A formal statement at the end of a deed certifying the validity of the document. “Acknowledgement” of a deed implies that the interested party was physically in the courtroom on the day that the deed was recorded to swear to the authenticity of his signature.

A unit of area; in the United States and England, an acre is equal to 43,560 square feet (4,047 square meters). This is equal to 10 square chains or 160 square poles. 640 acres equals one square mile.

To convey or transfer unrestricted ownership of something, usually land, from one person to another. 

A transfer, typically in writing, of right, title, or interest in property (real or personal). 

The compass direction or “course” (e.g. S35W—South 35) and distance (e.g. 120 poles) that denotes a line in a metes and bounds survey .

A unit of length, often used in land surveys, equal to 66 feet, or 4 poles. A mile is equal to 80 chains. Also called a Gunter's chain .

Chain Carrier (Chain Bearer)

A person who assisted the surveyor in measuring land by carrying the chains used in a property survey. Often a chain carrier was a member of the landowner’s family or a trusted friend or neighbor. The chain carrier’s names sometimes appear on the survey.


The amount or "consideration" given in exchange for a piece of property.


The act (or documentation of the act) of transferring legal title in a piece of property from one party to another.

Under common law, curtesy is a husband’s life interest upon the death of his wife in the real property (land) that she solely owned or inherited during their marriage, if they had children born alive capable of inheriting the estate. See Dower for the wife’s interest in the property of her deceased spouse.

A written agreement conveying  real property  (land) from one person to another, or transferring title, in exchange for a specified term called the  consideration . There are several different types of deeds including:

  • Deed of Gift  - A deed transferring real or personal property for something other than the normal consideration. Examples include a token amount of money (e.g. $1) or for “love and affection.”
  • Deed of Lease and Release  - A form of conveyance in which the lessor/grantor first transfers usage of the property by lease to the lessee/grantee for a short-term and token consideration, followed within a day or two by execution of a release of his right to recover the property at the end of the lease, in exchange for a specified consideration that more accurately reflects the true value of the property. Together the two documents act, in effect, as a traditional deed of sale. The lease and release was a fairly common form of conveyance in England and in some American colonies, to circumvent laws of the Crown.
  • Deed of Partition  - a Legal document used to divide property among several people. Often seen in wills where it is used to divide property among multiple heirs.
  • Deed of Trust  - An instrument, similar to a mortgage, in which the legal title to real property is temporarily conveyed to a trustee to secure the repayment of a debt or fulfillment of other conditions. If the borrower defaults on the requirements, the property is forfeit; the trustee may transfer the property to the lender, or sell the land to clear the debt. A trust deed may sometimes be called a  security deed . Some states use trust deeds in place of mortgages.
  • Quitclaim Deed  - A record of the release from a seller to a buyer of all rights or claim, real or perceived, in a piece of property. This does not guarantee that the seller is the sole owner, thus only covers relinquishment of all  rights,  or even possible rights, held by the seller; not the absolute title to the land. A quitclaim deed is most often used to clean up title to a property after the owner has died; for example, several heirs may quitclaim their shares of their parent’s land to another heir.
  • Warranty Deed  - A deed in which the grantor guarantees clear title to the property, and can defend the title against challenges. Look for language such as “warrant and defend.” The warranty deed is the most common type of American deed.

To give or bequeath land, or real property, in a will. In contrast, the words "bequeath" and "bequest" refer to the disposition of  personal property . We  devise  land; we  bequeath  personal property.

The person to whom land, or real property, is given or bequeathed in a will .

A person giving or bequeathing land, or real property, in a will.

To curtail or diminish; the legal process in which a court changes or “docks” an entail to land held in fee simple .

Under common law, a widow was entitled to a life interest in one-third of all land owned by her husband during their marriage, a right referred to as dower . When a deed was sold during the time of the couple’s marriage, most areas required the wife to sign a release of her dower right before the sale could become final; this dower release is usually found recorded with the deed. Dower laws were modified in many locations during the Colonial era and following American independence (e.g. a widow’s dower right might only apply to land owned by the husband at the time of his death ), so it is important to check the statutes in place for the particular time and locality. See Curtesy for the husband’s interest in the property of his deceased spouse.

Under the European feudal system , enfeoffment was the deed that conveyed land to a person in exchange for a pledge of service. In American deeds, this word more commonly appears with other boilerplate language (e.g. grant, bargain, sell, alien, etc.) referring only to the process of transferring possession and ownership of property.

To settle or limit the succession to real property to specified heirs, generally in a manner different from that set out by law; to create a Fee Tail .

Reversion of property from an individual back to the state by reason of default. This was often for reasons such as property abandonment or death with no qualified heirs. Most often seen in the original 13 colonies.

The degree and duration of an individual’s interest in a tract of land . The type of estate may have genealogical significance—see Fee Simple , Fee Tail (Entail) , and Life Estate .

Abbreviation of et alii , Latin for “and others”; in deed indexes this notation may indicate that there are additional parties to the deed not included in the index.

Abbreviation of et uxor , Latin for “and wife.”

A Latin phrase that translates to “and man,” generally used to refer to “and husband” when a wife is listed before her spouse.

Absolute title to property without any limitation or condition; ownership of land that is inheritable.

An interest or title in real property that prevents the owner from selling, dividing, or devising the property during his lifetime, and requires that it descend to a particular class of heir, typically lineal descendants of the original grantee (e.g. “the male heirs of his body forever”).

Land owned outright for an indeterminate duration, rather than leased or held for a specified period.

Grant or Land Grant

The process by which land is transferred from a government or proprietor to the first private owner or title holder of a piece of property. See also:  patent .

A person who buys, purchases or receives property.

A person who sells, gives or transfers property.

Gunter's Chain

A 66-foot measuring chain, formerly used by land surveyors. A Gunter's chain is subdivided into 100 links, marked off into groups of 10 by brass rings used to assist with partial measurements. Each link is 7.92 inches long. See also: chain.

The right to a grant of certain acreage in a colony or province—or the certificate granting that right—often awarded as a means of encouraging immigration to and settlement within that colony. Headrights could be sold or assigned to another individual by the person eligible for the headright.

A unit of area in the metric system equal to 10,000 square meters, or about 2.47 acres.

Another word for “contract” or “agreement.” Deeds are often identified as indentures.

Indiscriminate Survey

A survey method used in the U.S. State Land states which uses natural land features, such as trees and streams, as well as distances and adjoining property lines to describe plots of land. Also called metes and bounds or indiscriminate metes and bounds.

A contract conferring possession of land, and any profits of the land, for life or a certain period as long as the terms of the contract (e.g. rent) continue to be met. In some cases the contract of the lease may allow the lessee to sell or devise the land, but the land still reverts to the owner at the end of the specified period.

Another term for a book or volume.

Life Estate or Life Interest

The right of an individual to certain property only during their lifetime. He or she cannot sell or devise the land to someone else. After the individual dies, the title transfers according to law, or the document which created the life interest. American widows often had a life interest in a portion of their late husband’s land ( dower ).

In a metes and bounds description, a meander refers to the natural run of a land feature, such as the “meanders” of a river or creek.

Mesne Conveyances

Pronounced “mean,” mesne means “intermediate,” and indicates an intermediate deed or conveyance in the chain of title between the first grantee and the present holder. The term “mesne conveyance” is generally interchangeable with the term “deed.” In some counties, particularly in the coastal South Carolina region, you’ll find deeds registered in the Office of Mesne Conveyances.

A dwelling house. A “messuage with appurtenances” transfers both the house, but also the buildings and gardens belonging to it. In some deeds the use of “messuage” or “messuage of land” appears to indicate land with an accompanying dwelling house.

Metes and Bounds

Metes and bounds is a system of describing land by specifying the exterior boundaries of the property using compass directions (e.g. “N35W,” or 35 degrees west of due north), markers or landmarks where the directions change (e.g. a red oak or “Johnson’s corner”), and linear measurement of the distance between these points (usually in chains or poles).

A mortgage is a conditional transfer of property title contingent on repayment of a debt or other conditions. If conditions are met within the specified period, the title remains with the original owner.

The legal process by which a parcel or lot of land is divided between several joint owners (e.g. siblings who jointly inherited the land of their father upon his death). Also called a “division."

Patent or Land Patent

An official title to land, or certificate, transferring land from a colony, state, or other governmental body to an individual; transfers ownership from the government to the private sector.  Patent  and  grant  are often used interchangeably, although grant typically refers to the exchange of land, while patent refers to the document officially transferring the title. See also:  land grant .

A unit of measurement, used in the metes and bounds survey system, equal to 16.5 feet. One acre equals 160 square perches. Synonymous with  pole  and  rod .

A map or drawing showing the outline of an individual tract of land (noun). To  make a drawing or plan from a metes and bounds land description  (verb).

A unit of measurement, used in the  metes and bounds  survey system , equal to 16.5 feet, or 25 links on a surveyor's chain. One acre equals 160 square poles. Four poles make a  chain . 320 poles make a mile. Synonymous with  perch  and  rod .

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a document giving a person the right to act for another person, usually to transact specific business, such as the sale of land.


The common law right for the first-born male to inherit all real property upon the death of his father. When a deed between father and son did not survive or was not recorded, but later deeds document the son selling more property than he bought, it is possible that he inherited through primogeniture. Comparing deeds of possible fathers for a matching property description may help to determine the father’s identity.


Determining the boundaries of a tract of land by physically walking them in the company of an assigned  processioner  to confirm markers and bounds and renew the property lines. Owners of adjoining tracts often chose to attend the processioning as well, to protect their vested interest.

An individual granted ownership (or partial ownership) of a colony along with the full prerogatives of establishing a government and distributing land.

Public Land States

The 30 U.S. states formed from the public domain make up the public land states : Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

A set fee, payable in money or in kind (crops or products) depending on the location and time period, that a landholder paid a landowner annually in order to be free (“quit”) of any other rent or obligation (more of a tithe than a tax). In the American colonies, quitrents were generally small amounts based on total acreage, collected mainly to symbolize the authority of the proprietor or king (the grantor).

Real Property

Land and anything which is attached to it, including buildings, crops, trees, fences, etc.

Rectangular Survey

The system used primarily in  public land states  in which property is surveyed prior to grant or sale into 36-square-mile townships, subdivided into 1-square-mile sections, and further subdivided into half sections, quarter sections, and other fractions of sections.

A unit of measurement, used in the metes and bounds survey system, equal to 16.5 feet. One acre equals 160 square rods. Synonymous with  perch  and  pole .

Sheriff’s Deed/Sheriff’s Sale

The forced sale of an individual’s property, usually by court order to pay debts. After appropriate public notice, the sheriff would auction the land to the highest bidder. This type of deed will often be indexed under the sheriff’s name or just “sheriff,” rather than the former owner.

State Land States

The original 13 American colonies, plus the states of Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Texas, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, and parts of Ohio.

The plat (drawing and accompanying text) prepared by a surveyor showing the boundaries of a tract of land; to determine and measure the boundaries and size of a piece of property.

Ownership of a specific tract of land; the document stating that ownership.

A specified area of land, sometimes called a parcel.

A unit of length used throughout the Spanish speaking world with a value of about 33 inches (the Spanish equivalent of the yard). 5,645.4 square  varas  equal one acre.

Similar to a  warrant . Usage varies by time and locality.

A document or authorization certifying the individual’s right to a certain number of acres in a certain area. This entitled the individual to hire (at his own cost) an official surveyor, or to accept a prior survey.

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United States Patent and Trademark Office - An Agency of the Department of Commerce

Assignment Center has replaced the Electronic Patent Application System (EPAS) and Electronic Trademark Assignment System (ETAS). Assignment Center makes it easier to transfer ownership or change the name on your patent or trademark registration. 

See our how-to guides on using Assignment Center for   patents  and  trademarks . If you have questions, email  [email protected]  or call customer service at 800-972-6382.

Patents Assignments: Change & search ownership

Change of owner (assignment) and change of owner name.

During examination of a patent application or after the patent is granted, the owner of the patent may:

  • Transfer ownership to another entity or party through an "assignment;" or
  • Retain ownership but change their name.

The original owner should record the assignment or name change with the USPTO's Assignment Recordation Branch by going to Assignment Center and filing a Recordation Cover Sheet along with a copy of the actual assignment or proof of name change.

Change Ownership - Assignment Center

Use Assignment Center to file a Patent Assignment Recordation Cover Sheet and attach the supporting legal documentation as a black-and-white TIFF or PDF file. You may email questions about filing patent assignments to [email protected] .

Patent Assignment Search

Use  Patent Assignment Search  to search the database of all recorded Patent Assignment information from 1980 to the present (Patent Assignments recorded prior to 1980 are maintained at the National Archives and Records Administration). You may email questions about searching patent assignments to [email protected] .

For further information, you may contact the Assignment Recordation Branch Customer Service Desk at 571-272-3350 from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Eastern Time.

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Land Records

Please note:  Although some of these records have been digitized and made available online, there are many records that are only available in paper or microfilm format at NARA locations.

The access to and acquisition of land drove much of American history.  From wars, treaties, immigration, and settlement, land is interwoven into the very core of what it means to be America.  The National Archives preserves many of the historical records that reflect this topic.  Many Federal agencies that drove land related actions include the General Land Office, the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Forest Service, and the National Park Service.  Records held by the National Archives that can be of great use to researchers include, but are not limited to Land Entry Case Files, Right of Ways, Mineral Surveys, township surveys, and water rights.

As you plan your research, consider this question:  how does my research topic interest intersect with the US Federal Government?

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Russia launches counteroffensive against Ukraine in Kursk border region

Russia Ukraine Kursk Attack Akhmat Special Forces

Russia has launched a major counterattack in its Kursk border region , more than a month after a surprise invasion by Kyiv’s forces that turned the tables in the two-and-a-half-year war.

The Russian Defense Ministry said Thursday that 10 settlements had been recaptured as a result of “offensive operations” in Kursk since Tuesday, while President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the “Russians have started counteroffensive actions,” adding that “everything is going in accordance with our Ukrainian plan.”

It remains to be seen whether the news, which confirmed days of speculation by influential military bloggers in both countries, represents a full-blown counteroffensive or a probing of the ground for a bigger operation in the future.

But either way, it's the first significant effort to retake Russian territory that has been under Ukrainian control for weeks as President Vladimir Putin appeared to prioritize his own offensive on the eastern front lines of the war.

Ukraine has claimed to hold some 500 square miles of Russian territory in Kursk after sweeping across the border on Aug. 6 and taking Moscow by surprise.

While Putin has vowed to push the Ukra i nians out, Russia has struggled to respond and until Tuesday there seemed to be limited resources devoted to driving back the first invasion of Russian land since World War II.

The Kremlin’s focus instead appears to have remained set firmly on the east of Ukraine, where its troops have been inching closer to seizing the strategically important hub of Pokrovsk .

NBC News was able to geolocate a video purporting to show a column of what appears to be Russian military vehicles moving toward the settlement of Snagost in the Kursk region. Russia’s Defense Ministry said Thursday that Snagost was among the 10 settlements liberated in the past two days.

The ministry also noted that the Ukrainians were still mounting counterattacks and attacks in the region in the last 24 hours. Ukrainian forces were also trying to break through the border in other areas of the Kursk region, the ministry said.

What might the counterattack mean?

For now, it appears the Russian attacks in Kursk are being launched on multiple axes, said Christopher Tuck, an expert in conflict and security at King’s College London, and seem to be conducted by better quality troops, including naval infantry and airborne forces.

“It’s really too early to make any informed comment on the nature, scale or purpose of the attacks,” said Tuck. “Obviously, Russia wants to regain the territory that it has lost. But whether this offensive is the first step in a more concerted attempt to achieve this now simply isn’t clear at the moment.”

Whatever the Russian intentions, attacks in the Kursk area obviously increase the overall pressure on Ukrainian defenses given that heavy Russian assaults are also continuing in the area of Pokrovsk, Tuck said.

It could be that the Russians are trying to get through to their troops trapped in the Glushkovsky district of Kursk after they were cut off by Ukraine blowing up permanent and pontoon bridges across the Seim River in the early days of the incursion, said Oleksandr Musiienko, a Kyiv-based military analyst and head of the Center for Military Legal Studies.

That the Russians would try to counterattack was entirely predictable, and was expected by the Ukrainian troops, Musiienko told NBC News, although he said it was telling that it took Moscow more than a month to “come to its senses” and accumulate a group of forces capable of mounting a counterattack.

Zelenskyy told NBC News last week that he planned to hold the territory his forces had seized in Kursk indefinitely.

But if Moscow succeeds in retaking some of its territory before the U.S. election in November, it could deprive Ukraine of an ace up its sleeve in any peace talks to follow. It could also change the narrative that the operation had been a major success for Ukraine, a much-needed morale boost as manpower and equipment shortages bite elsewhere in the war.

The Russians are likely to continue ramping up the counterattack in Kursk, but that could play into Kyiv’s hands by easing rather than increasing the pressure on its forces in the east, said Musienko.

“The logic is that if they are counterattacking, their losses are growing. And if their losses are growing, they need to be constantly replaced. But who with? Those who will not go to Pokrovsk,” Musienko said.

And Ukraine was preparing for this, he said.

Kyiv’s forces were meticulous in ensuring the security of their flanks and logistical supplies in the areas they seized in the Kursk region, understanding that a moment would come to go into defense mode.

“And,” he added, “that moment has arrived.”

land search assignment

Yuliya Talmazan is a reporter for NBC News Digital, based in London.

land search assignment

Matthew Mulligan is a reporter for the NBC News Social Newsgathering team based in London.

Assignment Definition

Investing Strategy

Investing Strategy , Jargon, Legal, Terminology, Title

Table of Contents

  • What Is an Assignment?
  • What is an Assignment in Real Estate?
  • What Does it Mean to Assign a Contract in Real Estate?
  • How Does a Contract Assignment Work?
  • Pros and Cons of Assigning Contracts

REtipster does not provide legal advice. The information in this article can be impacted by many unique variables. Always consult with a qualified legal professional before taking action.

An assignment or assignment of contract is a way to profit from a real estate transaction without becoming the owner of the property.

The assignment method is a standard tool in a real estate wholesaler’s kit and lowers the barrier to entry for a real estate investor because it does not require the wholesaler to use much (or any) of their own money to profit from a deal.

Contract assignment is a common wholesaling strategy where the seller and the wholesaler (acting as a middleman in this case) sign an agreement giving the wholesaler the sole right to buy a property at a specified price, within a certain period of time.

The wholesaler then finds another buyer and assigns the contract to him or her. The wholesaler isn’t selling the property to the end buyer because the wholesaler never takes title to the property during the process. The wholesaler is simply selling the contract, which gives the end buyer the right to buy the property in accordance with the original purchase agreement.

In doing this, the wholesaler can earn an assignment fee for putting the deal together.

Some states require a real estate wholesaler to be a licensed real estate agent, and the assignment strategy can’t be used for HUD homes and REOs.

The process for assigning a contract follows some common steps. In summary, it looks like this:

  • Find the right property.
  • Get a purchase agreement signed.
  • Find an end buyer.
  • Assign the contract.
  • Close the transaction and collect your assignment fee.

We describe each step in the process below.

1. Find the Right Property

This is where the heavy lifting happens—investors use many different marketing tactics to find leads and identify properties that work with their investing strategy. Typically, for wholesaling to work, a wholesaler needs a motivated seller who wants to unload the property as soon as possible. That sense of urgency works to the wholesaler’s advantage in negotiating a price that will attract buyers and cover their assignment fee.

RELATED: What is “Driving for Dollars” and How Does It Work?

2. Get a Purchase Agreement Signed

Once a motivated seller has agreed to sell their property at a discounted price, they will sign a purchase agreement with the wholesaler. The purchase agreement needs to contain specific, clear language that allows the wholesaler (for example, you) to assign their rights in the agreement to a third party.

Note that most standard purchase agreements do not include this language by default. If you plan to assign this contract, make sure this language is included. You can consult an attorney to cover the correct verbiage in a way that the seller understands it.

RELATED: Wholesaling Made Simple! A Comprehensive Guide to Assigning Contracts

This can’t be stressed enough: It’s extremely important for a wholesaler to communicate with their seller about their intent to assign the contract. Many sellers are not familiar with the assignment process, so if the role of the buyer is going to change along the way, the seller needs to be aware of this on or before they sign the original purchase agreement.

3. Find an End Buyer

This is the other half of a wholesaler’s job—marketing to find buyers. Once they find an end buyer, the wholesaler can assign the contract to the new party and work with the original seller and the end buyer to schedule a closing date.

4. Assign the Contract

Assigning the contract works through a simple assignment agreement. This agreement allows the end buyer to step into the wholesaler’s shoes as the buyer in the original contract.

In other words, this document “replaces” the wholesaler with the new end buyer.

Most assignment contracts include language for a nonrefundable deposit from the end buyer, which protects the wholesaler if the buyer backs out. While you can download assignment contract templates online, most experts recommend having an attorney review your contracts. The assignment wording has to be precise and comply with applicable local laws to protect you from issues down the road.

5. Close the Transaction and Collect the Assignment Fee

Finally, you will receive your assignment fee (or wholesale fee) when the end buyer closes the deal.

The assignment fee is often the difference between the original purchase price (the price that the seller agreed with the wholesaler) and the end buyer’s purchase price (the price the wholesaler agreed with the end buyer), but it can also be a percentage of it or even a flat amount.

According to UpCounsel, most contract assignments are done for about $5,000, although depending on the property and the market, it could be higher or lower.

IMPORTANT: the end buyer will see precisely how much the assignment fee is. This is because they must sign two documents that show the original price and the assignment fee: the closing statement and the assignment agreement, respectively, to close the transaction.

In many cases, if the assignment fee is a reasonable amount relative to the purchase price, most buyers won’t take any issue with the wholesaler taking their fee—after all, the wholesaler made the deal happen, and it’s compensation for their efforts. However, if the assignment fee is too big (such as the wholesaler taking $20,000 from an original purchase price of $10,000, while the end buyer buys it for $50,000), it may ruffle some feathers and lead to uncomfortable questions.

In these instances where the wholesaler has a substantially higher profit margin, a wholesaler can instead do a double closing . In a double closing, the wholesaler closes two separate deals (one with the seller and another with the buyer) on the same day, but the seller and buyer cannot see the numbers and overall profit margin the wholesaler makes between the two transactions. This makes a double closing a much safer way to conclude a transaction.

Assigning contracts is a way to lower the barrier to entry for many new real estate investors; because they don’t need to put up their own money to buy a property or assume any risk in financing a deal.

The wholesaler isn’t part of the title chain, which streamlines the process and avoids the hassle of closing two times. Compared to the double-close strategy, assignment contracts require less paperwork and are usually less costly (because there is only one closing occurring, rather than two separate transactions).

On the downside, the wholesaler has to sell the property as-is, because they don’t own it at any point and they cannot make repairs or renovations to make the property look more attractive to a potential buyer. Financing may be much more difficult for the end buyer because many mortgage lenders won’t work with assigned contracts. Purchase Agreements also have expiration dates, which means the wholesaler has a limited window of time to find an end buyer and get the deal done.

Being successful with assignment contracts usually comes down to excellent marketing, networking, and communication between all parties involved. It’s all about developing strategies to find the right properties and having a solid network of investors you can assign them to quickly.

It’s also critical to be aware of any applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the wholesaler is working and holding any licenses required for these kinds of real estate transactions.

Related terms

Double closing, wholesaling (real estate wholesaling), transactional funding.

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  • Branch of Land Titles and Records

Our Mission

The mission of the Branch of Land Titles and Records is to maintain timely and certified Federal land title ownership and encumbrance services, to record, maintain, and certify land title documents, to provide certified Title Status Reports that are accurate, timely, accountable and efficient, and state the complete status of title ownership and encumbrance for Federal Indian trust and restricted lands.

Who We Serve

The Branch of Land Titles and Records (BLTR) oversees nine regional and nine Tribal Land Titles and Records Offices (LTROs) which serve as the offices of record for all trust land and restricted land titles for Tribes and individuals.

BLTR also develops policy, provides for the LTRO’s normal day-to-day operations and maintenance costs, and maintains the documentation and title image repository for the Trust Asset and Accounting Management System (TAAMS), the Bureau of Indian Affairs’ electronic trust land management system.

Services We Provide

More resources, about the branch of land titles and records.

The Indian Land Record of Title is the official record of title documents and instruments affecting Indian land that require approval by the Secretary or other Federal officials. BLTR and its 18 LTROs are the official federal offices-of-record for all documents affecting title to Indian lands, and for the determination, maintenance, and certified reporting of land title ownership and encumbrance on Indian trust and restricted lands.

All title documents affecting Indian land are to be recorded in the Indian Land Record of Title including patents, deeds, probate orders, leases, rights-of-way, cadastral surveys, plats, subdivision and other Indian land title documents. The BLTR-LTRO is the office responsible for maintaining the Indian Land Record of Title and for examining and determining the completeness and accuracy of the records, certifying the findings of examination and reporting the status of title to Indian trust and restricted lands.

Related Organizations

  • Office of Trust Services
  • Division of Trust Asset Ownership and Title
  • Branch of Probate Services

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The Lemhi Pass in Idaho, where Lewis and Clark crossed over the Continental Divide in 1805.

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A view of a rock containing a petroglyph at Three Rivers Petroglyph Site in New Mexico. Photo by BLM.

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BLM manages and protects wild horses and burros on 26.9 million acres of public lands.

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Primarily located in the West, the BLM’s National Conservation Lands represent some of the West’s most spectacular landscapes.

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Monograph : Interpretation of a Land Search  



印製編號 PRINT CONTROL: 7654325


查冊日期及時間 SEARCH DATE AND TIME: 01/04/2005 14:30





The land records are kept and made available to members of the public to prevent secret and fraudulent conveyances, and to provide means whereby the titles to real and immovable property may be easily traced and ascertained. The information contained in the land records shall not be used for purposes that are not related to the purposes of the land records. The use of information provided is subject to the provisions in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.





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等待註冊的契約 DEEDS PENDING REGISTRATION **********************************************







──────無 NIL ──────

──────登記冊末端 END OF REGISTER──────

Land Search Sample 5 - residential property subject to tenancy

This notice is issued pursuant to Section 22(1) of the Government Rent and Premium (Apportionment) Ordinance (Cap.125). This section provides for a notice with respect to particulars of determined government rent, and annual instalment of premium (if any), to be registered in the Land Registry against the property concerned. As can be seen in the "Remarks" column, the determined rent is $370 per annum for The Remaining Portion of Section C of Hung Hom Marine Lot No.10. 


On the face of it, this instrument is self-explanatory. However, the content of the instrument must be seen in order to ascertain precisely which title deeds had been lost, and the effect on the title of the property. The fact that the property was conveyed after this declaration does not necessarily mean that its title is good. It is prudent to seek legal advice as to the effect of this declaration.


The loan amount secured under mortgage memorial number UB5834073 is $400,000. If the mortgagor applies for further advances from the mortgagee on the security of the same property, a further charge will normally be executed. In this case, the amount secured under further charge memorial member UB6879583 is "all monies". The property will stand charged for payments secured both under the mortgage and further charge. As they are both subsisting encumbrances on the property, they should be discharged on or before completion of the sale and purchase.


This tenancy agreement is made in favour of Cheung Siu Wan (the tenant). Since it cannot be ascertained from the information disclosed in the land register whether or not this tenancy is still subsisting, enquiries should be made with the owner of the property, and an inspection of the property should be conducted to ascertain the state of occupation.

The fact that this tenancy agreement is registered may indicate that the term of tenancy exceeds three years, or that it contains an option to renew. Under Section 3(2) of the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap.128), if a lease for a term exceeding three years or an instrument containing an option to renew a lease term is not registered, it will be absolutely null and void against a subsequent bona fide purchaser for valuable consideration.

As the property is subject to a mortgage and a further charge, the estate agent appointed by a prospective tenant should suggest that the prospective tenant requests that the owner obtains the consent of the mortgagee (Goodies Bank) to the tenancy before entering into a tenancy agreement. This will offer the tenant protection against eviction by the mortgagee.



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land search assignment

7 Brook Ln,   Moscow, PA 18444

What's special.

Nice Cape Code in a convenient location right off the intersection of 307 and 690, but tucked away in a cute little neighborhood . 3 Br, 1 Ba, 1 car garage & Unfinished basement .Easy access to 80, 380 , 81 and 84 . The property is sold AS IS, Where-IS. , Show more

Zillow last checked: 7 hours ago

Listing updated: September 07, 2024 at 11:50pm

Irena Gawlik 201-572-8056 ,

RE/MAX of the Poconos 570-421-2345

MLS Logo

Travel times

Tour with a buyer’s agent.

We’ll find a local expert to take you on a private tour of 7 Brook Ln .

Next available tour time: Today at 11am

Facts & features, bedrooms & bathrooms.

  • Bedrooms : 3
  • Bathrooms : 1
  • Full bathrooms : 1
  • Room types : Bedroom 1, Bathroom 4, Master Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room, Kitchen, Dining Room, Bedroom 3

Primary bedroom

  • Level : First
  • Level : Second

Dining room

Living room.

  • Included : Electric Range, Electric Water Heater
  • Other, See Remarks
  • Flooring : Hardwood, Carpet
  • Basement : Full,Unfinished
  • Has fireplace : No

Interior area

  • Total structure area : 1,686
  • Total interior livable area : 1,236 sqft
  • Finished area above ground : 1,236
  • Finished area below ground : 0
  • Total spaces : 1
  • Parking features : Attached, Garage
  • Attached garage spaces : 1
  • Has uncovered spaces : Yes
  • Levels : 2.0
  • Stories : 2
  • Patio & porch : Patio
  • Size : 7,405 sqft
  • Features : Cleared, Not in Development, Level
  • Zoning description : Resi
  • Special conditions : Real Estate Owned


Type & style.

  • Home type : SingleFamily
  • Architectural style : Cape Cod
  • Property subtype : Single Family Residence
  • Roof : Asphalt
  • Year built : 1954

Utilities & green energy

  • Sewer : Public Sewer
  • Water : Well

Community & HOA

  • Subdivision : Z Not In A Development
  • Region : Moscow

Financial & listing details

  • Price per square foot : $97/sqft
  • Tax assessed value : $12,500
  • Annual tax amount : $3,091
  • Date on market : 9/8/2024
  • Listing terms : Cash
  • Road surface type : Paved
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lackawanna County

Nearby cities

  • Carbondale Real estate
  • Clarks Summit Real estate
  • Hawley Real estate
  • Honesdale Real estate
  • Lake Ariel Real estate
  • Moscow Real estate
  • Old Forge Real estate
  • Olyphant Real estate
  • Scranton Real estate
  • Waymart Real estate


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  1. Welcome to the Land Registry Homepage

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  3. Mineral & Land Records System (MLRS)

    The Mineral & Land Records System (MLRS) is an online platform delivering state-of-the-art mineral and land records transactions, tracking, mapping, and more for BLM customers and staff. MLRS combines many current and legacy BLM systems (i.e., LR2000, Alaska's ACRES / ALIS, and land status records) and manual documentation processes to more intuitively and efficiently manage resources and ...

  4. Land Records

    For questions related to the Record Hub database, contact Customer Service at 800-588-2688 or via email. The in-house land records are open to the general public. Searches may be performed Monday through Wednesday from 8 am to 4 pm, Thursday from 8 am to 6 pm, and Friday from 8 am to 12:30 pm.

  5. The Land Registry

    It depends on whether the Lease/Tenancy Agreement has been registered. You may obtain a current land register of the property and check the memorial number of the Lease/Tenancy Agreement shown in the "Incumbrances" Section. You may then place an order for a copy of the related Lease/Tenancy Agreement. The Land Registry - Frequently Asked ...

  6. Glossary of Common Land and Property Terms

    A written agreement conveying real property (land) from one person to another, or transferring title, in exchange for a specified term called the consideration. There are several different types of deeds including: Deed of Gift - A deed transferring real or personal property for something other than the normal consideration. Examples include a ...

  7. What is an Assignment of Deed & How Does it Work

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  8. Federal Land Records

    The website offers access to images of more than five million federal land title records issued since 1820. The site also has images related to survey plats and field notes dating back to 1810. Check out the GLO Records website. The GLO Records also includes Master Title Plats (MTP), a mapping of current land status for a specified township.

  9. Patents Assignments: Change & search ownership

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  10. Property Records Research

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  11. Land Records

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  12. Land Search Sample 1

    土地查冊紀錄 例1Land Search Sample 1. 土地註冊處 THE LAND REGISTRY. 土地登記冊 LAND REGISTER. 印製編號 PRINT CONTROL: 7654321. 印製於 PRINT AT: CUSTOMER CENTRE. 查冊日期及時間 SEARCH DATE AND TIME: 01/04/2005 14:30. 查冊者姓名 NAME OF SEARCHER: X. 查冊種類 SEARCH TYPE: HISTORICAL AND CURRENT.

  13. Land Search Sample 4

    代價. CONSIDERATION. ──────無 NIL ──────. ──────登記冊末端 END OF REGISTER──────. Land Search Sample 4 - residential property subject to building order. a. Building orders memorial numbers UB2693456 and UB5634900 and letter of compliance memorial number UB3862475. Two building orders are ...

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  15. What Is an Assignment in Real Estate?

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  16. Land Records

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  17. Forms

    Land Records National Operations Center Office of Civil Rights Weekly Story Maps ... (Base Property Preference Attachment and Assignment) Rangeland Resources: 4130-001b: December 2023: 1004-0041: 11/30/2026: Grazing Application - Supplemental Information: Rangeland Resources: 4130-004:

  18. Branch of Land Titles and Records

    The mission of the Branch of Land Titles and Records is to maintain timely and certified Federal land title ownership and encumbrance services, to record, maintain, and certify land title documents, to provide certified Title Status Reports that are accurate, timely, accountable and efficient, and state the complete status of title ownership and encumbrance for Federal Indian trust and ...

  19. Recorder of Deeds

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  20. Land Search Sample 2

    CONSIDERATION. ──────無 NIL ──────. ──────登記冊末端 END OF REGISTER──────. Land Search Sample 2 - residential property with one tenant-in-common deceased. a. Government lease. The term of the government lease which should have expired before 30 June 1997 has been automatically extended to ...

  21. Moscow, ID Land for Sale

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  22. Moscow Mills, MO Land for Sale

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    1565 Driftwood Ln, Moscow Mills, MO 63362 is pending. Zillow has 1 photo of this 3 beds, 2 baths, 1,234 Square Feet single family home with a list price of $290,005.

  24. Home

    The Bureau of Land Management's mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. ... Land Records National Operations Center Office of Civil Rights Weekly Story Maps Get Involved Toggle submenu. Resource Advisory Councils Partnerships Volunteers ...

  25. Land Search Sample 5

    土地查冊紀錄 例5Land Search Sample 5. 土地註冊處 THE LAND REGISTRY. 土地登記冊 LAND REGISTER. 印製編號 PRINT CONTROL: 7654325. 印製於 PRINT AT: CUSTOMER CENTRE. 查冊日期及時間 SEARCH DATE AND TIME: 01/04/2005 14:30. 查冊者姓名 NAME OF SEARCHER: X. 查冊種類 SEARCH TYPE: HISTORICAL AND CURRENT.

  26. 7 Brook Ln, Moscow, PA 18444

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  27. Latah County Parcel Assessment

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