Resource sharing

I have built the website PhD Resources to help students and researchers find the tools they need.

Peer review

I have been a reviewer for the following journals:

  • Journal of Open Source Software
  • Transportation Research

as well as the following conferences:

  • JuliaCon & JuliaCon proceedings (2021, 2022, 2023)
  • NeurIPS (2023)
  • ICML (2023)

Scientific communication

Whenever I can, I try to make science more accessible and fun. I have worked with the Science Comedy Show on science popularization. I have also taken part in the regional “3-minute thesis competition”.

In my spare time, I like to write song parodies about research and academic life, both in French and in English.

Work in progress. In the meantime, here are some great tutorials: Git immersion Git: the simple guide GitHub Learning Lab Learn Git branching Oh Shit, Git!?!

Looking for book recommendations


I already have, “Julia High Performance” by Sengupta, and a primer for beginners in Julia but it assumes you don’t even know programming so is almost a waste of time (and money.)

Books with small but complete code samples seem to help me the most.

Ideas? Thanks.

I haven’t seen any particular book discussing Julia integration on VScode, but there are good introduction videos from last year’s JuliaCon, which you can find on youtube. Also, if you are not willing to pay in advance, check out the books on libgen and buy a hard copy afterwards, which you find precious.

If you already know to program well in some object-oriented language and know the slang then perhaps you could try to jump right into the “Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia”. In addition, check out Julia’s manual which is written quite well for newcomers.

Manual? There is a manual??? Is it in book form, or downloadable into a kindle?

Don’t know about Kindle but there’s a pdf here:

There IS a manual! Happy Days!!!

Now, if I can just figure out how to get it onto the tablet… (far too many pages to print out locally.)

Thank you immensely, nilshg!

Here are a few video tutorials that might be of interest:

gdalle.github phd resources

nott sure if this is the only place to get it, but the EPub version of the Julia manual is here:


[Disclaimer, I’m the author] If you don’t matter a (free) multi-channel mooc… it is github-based with all pages being actual working Julia files (i.e. clone the repo and make your hands dirty by running the code directly on yr PC), you can just “read” the code and the output online, or you can watch the videos (15 hours). Plus it has online quizzes and guided exercises. I am in the process of “extracting” a PDF out of it, just it’s a lot of work to get it nicely formatted, but if you don’t matter I can compile one automatically, let me know. For a 6 minutes presentation/program check out this video: SPMLJ 00 KOM 1 Course introduction [Intr to Sc Programming and ML with Julia] - YouTube


Someone suggested Think Julia (Lauwens & Downey) to me a while a go. Still have to read it.

OP is probably not among the target audience for that book. From the preface:

…learning to program with Julia as the first programming language…

Got it onto the tablet. Thanks for that suggestion!

Jeff, apparently you’re taking that partial sentence out of context. Please reread the OP.

This is not a manual - style reading, but I had a good time reading (the introductory parts of) Jeff Bezanson Thesis:

For someone with long experience in programming, it may be interesting.

The book is clearly meant for absolute beginner programmers, and you don’t qualify as an absolute beginner if you’ve been programming for 45 years.

gdalle.github phd resources


PhD student at DiverSE Team , Inria /IRISA, University of Rennes 1

*website updated on 18/06/2022

I started my higher education at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia in 2011. My major was informatics with speciality of network engineering. I finished my bachelor thesis, developing an ECG device with ECG quantification value using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis under supervision of M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid, PhD (PENS) and Dr. Ferry Astika Saputra (PENS) in 2015. I joined EEPIS Wireless Sensor Network (EWSN) research group for doing my bachelor thesis.

Then I continued my master study at Kumoh National Institute of Technology (kit), South Korea in 2016. I was a member of Networked Systems Lab (NSL) and ICT-CRC Research Center during the study under supervision of Prof. Dong-Seong Kim (kit, ICT-CRC), Prof. Jae-Min Lee (kit, ICT-CRC), and Dr. Tae-Soo Jun (Samsung Electronics Co., Seoul). My master thesis developed a novel technique to reduce SDN controller-switches communication overhead, completed in 2018. During the study, I had chances to join teaching assistantship and present research papers in conferences/workshops.

Currently, I am a PhD student at University of Rennes 1, France. I join DiverSE team at Inria /IRISA, France as PhD researcher for working on my PhD thesis. My thesis is Chaos Engineering for network services and functions in distributed systems, a project collaboration between Inria and Nokia Bell Labs, Paris. I am working with Olivier Barais (Univ Rennes 1, Inria/IRISA, CNRS), Johann Bourcier (Univ Rennes 1, Inria/IRISA, CNRS), and Ludovic Noirie (Nokia Bell Labs) for the thesis.

I am a passionate young researcher who have a broad vision of myself and curiosity. I love exploring ideas, taking actions, and most importantly working with people. I like learning by myself as well as from people. I am assertive, empathetic, a good listener and a human-enthusiast.

Click here for my profile on DocPro (a professional profile platform of PhD holders).

Research Interests

SDN / NFV . SDN project list .

Internet of Things ( IoT )

Chaos Engineering (derivative of: resilience engineering )

Data science ( anomaly detection )

further interests: human-centered technology, user research

(link to list of resources)

gdalle.github phd resources

PhD Resources

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My curated 42 school resource collection. The good, the bad and the ugly.


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894 Commits

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Information and Facts • Piscine and Common Core • Common Core Projects • Cybersecurity • Wikimedia Foundation • Campuses • Miscellaneous

Here, you’ll find a set of resources that proved helpful during my time at 42 School, along with some interesting finds that, while not as useful for 42 specifically, are still worth exploring. Happy coding!

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue, submit a pull request or contact me. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

gdalle.github phd resources

Trivia • Rewards • Network • Social • Scroll To Top

Facts about 42 schools and the number 42.

Website Description Source
What is 42 School?
What is The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?
Why is 42 the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
What is the connection between 42 and Douglas Adams?
One of the most epic moments in 42 Paris.

Rewards that you have access to as a 42 student.

Website Description Source
Portal to activate the GitHub Student Pack with 42 email.
List of all the rewards and tools available.

Main websites of 42 Network.

Website Description Source
Official portal for everything related to 42.
Check who is online in the 42 school cluster.
Frequently asked questions about the school.
Documentation to build an application with 42 API.
Official slack channel for 42 students.
Official 42 forum.

For a specific 42 school social media, check the section Campuses and choose a school.

Website Description Source
Official website of 42 Network.
42 Network's Instagram profile.
42 Network's YouTube channel.
42 Network's Twitter handle.
42 Network's Facebook page.
42 Network's Linkedin profile.
42 Network's GitHub page.
Official Discord server of 42 Network.
Unofficial Discord server related to 42 Network.

Exams • Peer-To-Peer • Websites • Guides • Extensions • Grammar • Broswer • Apps • Readme • Productivity • Others • Scroll To Top

Websites that I found useful for studying 42 exams. Some are outdated but still useful.

Website Description Source
Simulate piscine and common core exams.
Questions and solutions.
Questions and solutions.
Final exam exercices resolution.
Questions and solutions with mains.


Information about peer-to-peer evaluation, and beginner videos about Shell and Git.

Website Description Source
YouTube playlist covering P2P, Shell, and Git basics.
What to do before the evaluation?
What to do before the evaluation?
What to do during the evaluation?
What to do after the evaluation?
Peer-to-Peer evaluation state of mind and rules you should know.

Websites that I found useful in my 42 journey.

Website Description Source
Calculator, Leaderboard, PeerFinder, Blackhole, Stats, ...
Calculate how much exp you need for the next level.
Find peers working on the same project.
Clusters from various 42 schools.

Guides and walkthroughs to navigate 42 Piscine and Common Core.

Website Description Source
An awesome cheatsheet for C and 42 in general.
Roadmaps, guides, and other educational content.
Community-maintained help pages offering simplified explanations.
5000+ links that used in the past to learn programming.

VS Code extensions to enhance your development experience.

Website Description Source
Automaticly formats .c files with norm v3.
Displays how many lines each function as.
42 header integration in VS Code.
This extension is a norminette decorator for 42 in VS Code.
This extension is a norminette decorator for 42 in VS Code.
This extension is a norminette decorator for 42 in VS Code.

Tools to have correct communication and documentation.

Website Description Source
Writing assistant for grammar and punctuation.
Grammar and style checker for multiple languages.
Tool for paraphrasing and improving writing.
Slang dictionary with user-contributed definitions.
Online dictionary and language reference.

I recommend installing Improved Intra 42 , an all-in-one extension for Chrome and Firefox.

Website Description Source
Browser extension for Chrome and Firefox to enhance the Intra 42 experience.
Extension available for Chrome and Firefox. Improves Black Hole functionality.

Available apps for Android and iOS.

Website Plataform

Insights on crafting effective README files and integrating badges for your projects.

Website Description Source
Create your GitHub easily and quickly.
Dynamically generated 42 badges for your git readmes.
Badges designed for 42 curriculum projects.
Share your progress via GitHub
Flavoured version, based on the Unlicense public license.
Auto-generate a social preview image for your repository.


Software designed to simplify tasks, and streamline workflow.

Website Description Source
Private and flexible writing app that adapts to your thoughts.
Freemium productivity and a note-taking web application developed by Notion Labs Inc.
Ultimate project management tool.
Turn any process into a step-by-step guide, instantly.
Note-taking and task management application.
Automatically prioritize tasks, schedule meetings, and resolve calendar conflicts.
Web-based diagramming application.

Resources of no particular order but that you should know.

Website Description Source
Open source, community-driven framework.
List of plugins for Oh My Zsh!
A customizable zsh theme focusing on speed, flexibility, and user experience.
Terminal multiplexer, lets you switch between several programs in one terminal.
Community-driven pastel theme.
Compilation of Neofetch configurations gathered in one location.
Debugging online tool. or )
Online compiler and debugger for , , , , and .
Thonny is an IDE for Python designed for beginners.
Sophisticated text editor for code, markup, and prose.
IDE, compiler, and interpreter, in +50 languages.
Discord addon integration for 42 School.
Script to install Norminette, Norminette Formatter, Vim, and 42 Header.
A bunch of scripts to improve your life at 42.
Course on thinking algorithmically and solving problems efficiently.
Website designed to help people learn to program through gaming puzzles.
Allow any computer with curl to display an animated party parrot.
Politely ask someone to Google but don't be afraid to ask for help!
Fake update screens!
Why you shouldn't write comments in your code (write documentation).
Please, don't say just hello in chat.
Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher.
Tips and tricks for learning C.
All you need to know about C static libraries.

Subjects • All-In-One Testers • Libft • Born2beroot • Ft_printf • Get_next_line • Minitalk • Pipex • Minilibx • So_long • Fract-ol • Fdf • Push_swap • Philosophers • Minishell • Netpractice • Cub3d • MiniRT • CPP Module (00-09) • Webserv • Ft_irc • Inception • Ft_transcendence • Scroll To Top

The subjects at 42 undergo regular updates, so the information provided below might not be current. Additionally, as some projects are optional, resources might not be available if I haven't completed them.

Repositories with all 42 subjects and additional files in one place, some are outdated but still useful.

Resource Source User

All-In-One Testers

Test your code with already-made all-in-one testers.

Resource Source User
Resource Source
Project Source User
Tester Source User


Video Resource Source User
Guide Source User
Tester Source User
Resource Source
Tester Source User


Resource Source
Video Resource Source User
Tester Source User
Resource Source
Project Source User
Tester Source User
Video Resource Source User

The links in this section are the most useful for so_long , fract-ol , fdf , cub3d and minirt .

Resource Source User
Resource Source
Resource Source
Video Resource Source
Project Source User
Resource Source
Tester Source User
Resource Source
Video Resource Source User
Tester Source User


Resource Source


Video Resource Source User
Project Source User
Game Source
Video Resource Source User
Resource Source
Tester Source User

CPP Modules (00-09)

The 42 intra videos have bad fame, but in C++ they are good, so I recommend watching them first before watching any guides.

Video Resource Source User
Resource Source
Video Resource Source
Resource Source
Resource Source
Guide Source User


Crack the Code • Pentesting Tools • Digital Footprint • VPN • Bootable USB • Data Forensics • Package Manager • Operating System and Tools • Explois and Vulnerabulities • Guides and Resources • Podcasts, News and Videos • Hacking Google • Scroll To Top

Crack the Code

Challenges and learning platforms about cyber security and ethical hacking.

Website Description Source
Introduction to CTFs (Capture The Flag).
Cybersecurity challenges platform with various challenges from 42.
Challenges beginners and experts to solve real-life cybersecurity problems.
Platform for testing and improving computer security and hacking knowledge.
Courses designed by experts with real-world practice.
Auto-tests. Fast lane to practice coding for interviews.
Explanatory articles for algorithms and techniques.
Programming problems, math, AI, etc. Good website for problem-solving skills.
Programming contests platform with archives and auto-tests.
Platform for programming contests professionals.
Implementation guide for X in language Y.
Automated platform for writing game bots, improving coding, and math skills.
Platform for solving programming puzzles known as “katas”.
Free class for web security.
Web security classes.
Learn cyber security through hands-on exercises and labs.
Cybersecurity training platform to level up hacking skills.
Training ground for ethical hacking with challenges, CTFs, and more.
Explore career paths, skills, and certifications in cyber security.
Christmas-themed programming challenges following an Advent calendar.

Pentesting Tools

Collection of tools used to perform penetration testing or ethical hacking.

Website Description Source
Curated list of cybersecurity tools.
Free and open-source packet analyzer.
Penetration testing tool for various network protocol poisoning.
Powerful tool for cracking password hashes.
Security project providing vulnerability data and aiding penetration tests.
Search engine for Internet-connected devices.
Reads and writes meta information in a wide variety of files.
Allows full control of a tech device remotely.
Creates an encrypted command-and-control channel over DNS.
Framework designed for social engineering in penetration testing.
Scans files, URLs, domains, and IPs for threats.
Web app for encryption, encoding, compression, and data analysis.
800+ tools for games, riddles, cyphers, math, and puzzles.
Set of web developer tools built into Firefox.
Integrated platform for security testing of web applications.
Locates nearby hotspots, displays passwords and enables connection.
Docker image useful for solving Steganography challenges.
Toolkit to compile the latest computer diagnostic and recovery tools.
Open source platform used for threat prevention, detection, and response.
Open source full-featured vulnerability scanner.

Digital Footprint

Search the imprint left by your online activities.

Website Description Source
Checks if your data has been involved in an online breach.
Scans multiple breaches for your compromised email or phone.
Offers free deep-web scans and guards against credential leaks.
Engine to search for data breaches.
Searches across Tor, I2P, data leaks, and the web using diverse parameters.
Checks password strength.
Gathers information from various free tools/resources.
Locates social media accounts via usernames on multiple platforms.
Engaging yet challenging password game.
Free tool designed to support victims of Non-Consensual Intimate Image (NCII) abuse.
Osint tool written in Go that allows you to investigate for target emails.
OSINT tool written in Python for finding profiles by username.

Secure your internet connection with a Virtual Private Network.

Website Description Source
Offers end-to-end encrypted VPN, mail, drive, and calendar services.
Enables secure point-to-point, site-to-site connections, and remote access facilities.
Offers a zero-config VPN for constructing secure networks.

Bootable USB

Create portable storage to install or repair operating systems.

Website Description Source
Open-source portable app for Windows, creating bootable USB flash drives or Live USBs.
Open-source tool for creating bootable USB drives supporting various file types.
Cross-platform tool for safely flashing OS images onto SD cards and USB drives.

Data Forensics

Information and tools for managing, recovering, or securely wiping data effectively.

Management Description Source
Set and view ATA hard disk drive hardware parameters and test performance.
Similar to but can be used on any device that uses a SCSI command set.
Create, delete, resize, move, check, and copy disk partitions and their file systems.
Command-line disk partitioning utility, replacing its predecessor, fdisk.
Recovery Description Source
Data recovery utility for Windows and macOS developed by Cleverfiles.
Free and open-source utility software for data recovery with text-based user interface.
Data recovery tool that recovers lost partitions or repairs corrupted filesystems.
Undeletion program for Windows, developed by Piriform Software.
Data recovery and file undelete solution for Windows, Mac and Linux OS.
Data recovery tool for disk drives, DVDs, CDs, and other digital storage media.
Wiping Description Source
Erase a hard disk until its data is permanently removed and unrecoverable.
Erase the entire contents of a single drive or multiple disks simultaneously.
USB bootable (BIOS or UEFI) small Linux distribution based on nwipe.
Security tool for complete removal of sensitive data from hard drives.
Provides 16 types of critical data erasing methods.
List of master passwords for various hard disk drives.
Disposal of media policy and procedures.
Disposing of devices safely.
Guidelines for media sanitization.
Utility Description Source
Multi-functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images, etc.
Open-source disk space cleaner, privacy manager, and computer system optimizer.
Clean potentially unwanted files and invalid Windows registry entries from a computer.

Package Manager

Software tools that automate the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing programs.

Website Description Source
Windows tool that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages.
Package management system that automatically install popular applications
Platform to download for free many popular and software titles.
Unique collection of small and useful freeware utilities.
Package of more than 200 portable freeware utilities for Windows.
A quick way to install your favourite software on a new computer.

Operating System and Tools

Operating systems for every occasion and tools to enhance them.

Website Description Source
Privacy-focused Linux distro connecting exclusively through Tor for anonymity.
Linux distro for penetration testing, security research, forensics, and reverse engineering.
Trimmed-down Windows 11 image available on GitHub.
Scripts to debloat Windows 10 and 11.
Advanced, open-source internet operating system.

Exploits and Vulnerabilities

Information and resources on how to learn/use exploits and vulnerabilities.

Website Description Source
Electronic mailing list dedicated to issues about computer security.
Windows exploit extracting passwords from memory.
Identifies complex attack paths otherwise hard to spot.
NSA-developed exploit leaked by Shadow Brokers.
Vulnerabilities in wireless, non-Bluetooth keyboards and mice.
Exploits the MSDT tool in Microsoft Office.

Guides and Resources

Guides and resources about important topics that may help with cyber security or ethical hacking.

Website Description Source
Reference for known information-security vulnerabilities and exposures.
Developer's guide for web application security.
Catalog of exploited vulnerabilities in the wild.
Repository offering privacy guidelines and tools.
Predictive system for potential vulnerabilities.
System to assess and prioritize vulnerabilities.
Explanation of MD5, a widely-used cryptographic hash function.
Article introducing reversing concepts.
Article exploring the computing concept of the heap.
Smart infosec resource aggregator.

Podcasts, News and Videos

Information intended to capture, preserve, and explain the culture around cyber security and ethical hacking.

Website Description Source
Podcast sharing true stories from the internet's darker side.
Premier hub for cybersecurity news, insights, and expert analysis.
Trusted publication for breaking cybersecurity news and insights.
Insightful review of the 2014 Heartbleed bug that shook the internet.
Many possible ways they may be able to get your password.

Hacking Google

Five elite security teams. Six never-before-told stories.

Website Source

Scroll To Top

Wiki is a great place to start searching and a good foundation but it isn't a good source to cite for projects, it can be edited by laypeople. Always check the sources first, that's the important material.

Online encyclopedia.
Online dictionary and thesaurus.
Collection of books, mostly textbooks.
Collection of quotations.
Travel guide.
Digital library.
Repository of images, sounds, videos, and general media.
Taxonomic catalog of species.
Online newspaper.
Collection of tutorials, courses, and a hosting point for research coordination.
Knowledge base.
Central site for coordinating all projects and the Wikimedia community.
Single wiki for drafting core pages of new language editions in development.
Site for coordinating work on MediaWiki software.
Wikimedia Cloud Services, Data Services, Toolforge, and other technical projects.
Global ticketing system for tracking issues and feature requests.

Europe • Asia • Americas • Africa • Oceania • Soon • Scroll To Top

Explore all 42 schools worldwide. For the most up-to-date list, click here .

Flag Country School
🇦🇲 Armenia
🇦🇹 Austria
🇧🇪 Belgium
🇧🇪 Belgium
🇨🇿 Czech Republic
🇫🇮 Finland
🇫🇷 France
🇫🇷 France
🇫🇷 France
🇫🇷 France
🇫🇷 France
🇫🇷 France
🇫🇷 France
🇩🇪 Germany
🇩🇪 Germany
🇩🇪 Germany
🇮🇹 Italy
🇮🇹 Italy
🇱🇺 Luxembourg
🇵🇱 Poland
🇵🇹 Portugal
🇵🇹 Portugal
🇪🇸 Spain
🇪🇸 Spain
🇪🇸 Spain
🇪🇸 Spain
🇪🇸 Spain
🇨🇭 Switzerland
🇳🇱 Netherlands
🇹🇷 Turkey
🇬🇧 United Kingdom
🇷🇺 Russia
🇷🇺 Russia
Flag Country School
🇯🇵 Japan
🇯🇴 Jordan
🇲🇾 Malaysia
🇸🇬 Singapore
🇰🇷 South Korea
🇰🇷 South Korea
🇹🇭 Thailand
🇹🇷 Turkey
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates
Flag Country School
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇨🇦 Canada
Flag Country School
🇦🇴 Angola
🇲🇦 Morocco
🇲🇦 Morocco
🇲🇦 Morocco
Flag Country School
🇦🇺 Australia
Flag Country School
🇲🇬 Madagascar
🇱🇧 Lebanon
🇵🇸 Palestine

Artificial Intelligence • Educational Resources • Design Tools • Entertainment • Development Tools • Others • Scroll To Top

Artificial Intelligence

A diverse ecosystem of AI-driven solutions.

Website Description Source
Chatbot launched by OpenAI in November 2022.
AI chatbot from Google (formerly Bard).
AI chatbot from Microsoft (formerly Bing).
Specific prompts for AI tools.
AI powered coding assistant.
Create, run, and manage LLMs in a local environment.
User-friendly WebUI for LLMs (formerly Ollama WebUI).
Website Description Source
AI writing assistant that helps create high-quality content.
Spelling/grammar checker.
Content creation.
Website Description Source
Latent text-to-image diffusion model capable of generating photo realistic images.
Trained art model used in Stable Diffusion (includes negative prompts).
Generates images from prompts, similar to OpenAI DALL-E.
Write and produce a full song in seconds.
Generate novel videos with text, images, or video clips.
Turn simple brushstrokes into realistic landscape images.
Generate and create stunning visual media.


Website Description Source
Largest AI tools directory.
Collection of all the best AI tools
Trained AI models to use with other AI tools.

Educational Resources

Insights and handy references for programming and learning.

Website Description Source
Learning and teaching marketplace.
Courses, professional certificates, and degrees from world-class universities and companies.
Massive open course (MOOC) provider.
Guided tutorials and hands on coding experience.
Interactive platform that offers free coding classes.
Cloud environments that help developers and IT professionals learn.
Learn business, creative, and technology skills to achieve personal and professional goals.
Platform that focuses on building the best learning experience specifically for data science.
Hundreds of programming courses and tutorials.
Learn creative skills from leading industry experts.

Quick References

Website Description Source
Cheatsheets and quick references for various programming languages and tools.
Free Programming Books on various languages.
List of free learning resources in many languages.
Website for people who like to build network servers with , , , , and .
Collection of cheatsheets and quick references in 25 languages.
Cheatsheets, round-ups, quick reference cards, quick reference guides and quick reference sheets in one page.
Modest collection of cheatsheets.
Website that collects all the cheatsheets.
Cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools.
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, CLI/Web tools and more.

Design Tools

A curated collection of tools for creative endeavours.

Website Description Source
ASCII character codes and symbols.
Information on its origins, as well as a random Lipsum generator.
True random number service.
Generate a variety of cool unicode font styles.
Easily create even complex LaTeX tables.
Find duplicate words in a text.
Find duplicate words in a text.


Website Description Source
Free vector icons.
Free curated SVG icons and vector illustrations.
Open source illustrations.
Emoji search engine.
Unicode emoji list.
Emoji cheatsheet.
GitHub emoji API.
Website Description Source
The Lorem Ipsum for photos.
Beautiful, free images and photos.
Reverse image search.
Reverse search the web for images.
Website Description Source
A total set of 280 colors for UI.
Find the perfect matching color scheme.
Website Description Source
Wide range of design templates.
Online graphic design tool.
Collaborative presentation software.
Presentation software.
Create a new presentation and edit it with others at the same time.
Website templates and themes.
Unlimited downloads of stock videos, photos, music, and more.
Website Description Source
Free stock video clips, music tracks, and sound effects.


A diverse array of online entertainment and media resources.

Depending on your 42 school rules, you may or may not play certain games on school computers. Avoid getting -420 and community service .

Website Description
Sudoku online from easy to expert level.
Slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048.
Learn to type faster with typing tests and practice typing lessons.
interactive experience to learn about the vast ranges of the visible and invisible world.
Can you guess if a number is prime?
Can a neural network learn to recognize squiggles?
Learn about all the countries in the world.
Learn SQL concepts and commands with a fun game.

Rubik's Cube

Website Description
Community focused on speed solving puzzles.
Learn about Rubik's Cube and other twisty puzzles.
Website Description
#1 Website to play chess online.
Free and open-source chess server. Clean interface, no registration, no ads, and no plugin required.
Chess 24/7 news.
Garry Kasparov masterclass, lessons from grandmasters, entertaining documentaries and interviews.
Chess news and stand-alone database that has become the standard throughout the world.
Database of chess games, discussion forums, forming the internet's oldest chess community.
Explore the greatest chess matches in history.
Chess tactics taught in plain English.
Chess game of Math.random() vs Math.random()?
What is chess?
Learn chess history.

Development Tools

A comprehensive list of online IDEs, compilers, and debuggers.

Website Description Source
Test JavaScript, CSS, HTML, or CoffeeScript online with the JSFiddle code editor.
Cloud development platform that empowers developers to code, collaborate and ship projects of any size from any device.
Cross Platform Cloud IDE with all the features of Desktop IDE but with additional features.
Instant full-stack web IDE for the JavaScript ecosystem.
Cloud-based integrated development environment (IDE) that lets you write, run, and debug your code with just a browser.
Cloud development environment for teams to efficiently and securely develop software.
Framework for building tools and IDEs.
Use Visual Studio Code, Jupyter, or JetBrains with the editor, terminal, debugger, version control, settings sync, etc.
A complete software development platform, collaboration, and team and project management.
Powerful online code editor in the cloud supporting over 40 languages like PHP, Node.JS, Python, Java, Ruby, and C.
Cloud IDE supporting languages including C, C++, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, JavaScript with Node.js and Go.
Interactive courses and tutorials teaching React, Vue, Angular, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, etc.
Social development environment for front-end designers and developers.
Integrated development environment Software (IDE).

Various tools, resources, curiosities, ... of no particular order or importance.

Website Description Source
Make animations more realistic by picking the right easing function.
Disposable temporary email address.
Write down a command line to see the help text that matches each argument.
sha256 algorithm explained with visuals and interactive.
Documenting Internet phenomena: viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, web celebs and more.
Free online character count calculator that's simple to use.
Lets you search for particular phrases and soundbites uttered on-screen.
Explore competitors and related sites.
7 million locations, 57 languages, synchronized with atomic clock time.
Current Time (World Clock) and online and printable Calendars for countries worldwide.
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Microsoft Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, etc.

Contributors 8


  1. GitHub

    Not the research toolbox you deserve, but the one you need right now. - gdalle/phd-resources

  2. Releases · gdalle/phd-resources

    Releases · gdalle/phd-resources There aren't any releases here You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use.

  3. PhD Resources

    Here is a collection of cool resources, websites and software to improve your workflow and make your life easier! They can be useful to anyone, including students at all levels, academic researchers, and scientists in other institutions. This is meant to be a collaborative endeavor, so if you have things to add, you can contribute by filing an ...

  4. gdalle (Guillaume Dalle)

    I am a postdoctoral researcher in machine learning at EPFL, working between the labs IdePHICS, SPOC and INDY. My current research focuses on the behavior of graph neural networks. Between 2019 and 2022, I was a PhD student at École des Ponts (CERMICS), and then a teaching assistant at MIT (JuliaLab). Check out my PhD Resources website for ...

  5. GitHub Pages

    Between 2019 and 2022, I did my PhD at École des Ponts , followed by a visit to MIT . Check out my website PhD Resources for students and researchers Please reach out via email or GitHub.

  6. phd-resources/index.html at master · gdalle/phd-resources

    Not the research toolbox you deserve, but the one you need right now. - gdalle/phd-resources

  7. Community

    Resource sharing. I have built the website PhD Resources to help students and researchers find the tools they need. Peer review. I have been a reviewer for the following journals: Journal of Open Source Software; Transportation Research; as well as the following conferences: JuliaCon & JuliaCon proceedings (2021, 2022, 2023) NeurIPS (2023) ICML ...

  8. General

    General. This section gathers resources that can be useful for students and academics worldwide. The following subjects are covered: Bibliography. Career. Data. Health. Organization. Publishing.

  9. Tutorials

    Tutorials. This section gathers tutorials for essential pieces of academic software. For now it only covers the following tools: Git. LaTeX. VSCode. Zotero. Not the research toolkit you deserve, but the one you need right now.

  10. GitHub

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

  11. Issues · gdalle/phd-resources

    There aren't any open issues. You could search all of GitHub or try an advanced search. ProTip! Find all open issues with in progress development work with linked:pr . Not the research toolbox you deserve, but the one you need right now. - Issues · gdalle/phd-resources.

  12. Writing

    Grammarly: A cloud-based typing assistant. It reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes in English texts, detects plagiarism, and suggests replacements for the identified errors. Spell-checker: Free Online Spell Checker with URL input. Antidote: Writing assistance software for English and French.

  13. Bibliography

    Zotero: A free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials, such as PDF files. EndNote: A commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays, reports and articles. Mendeley: A reference manager software used to manage ...

  14. gdalle/gdalle

    My current research focuses on the behavior of graph neural networks. Between 2019 and 2022, I was a PhD student at École des Ponts ( CERMICS ), and then a teaching assistant at MIT ( JuliaLab ). Check out my PhD Resources website for students and researchers 🔬.

  15. Data analysis

    The Turing way: An open source collaborative guide to make sure that the projects you work on are easy to reproduce and reuse. Zenodo: A general-purpose open repository that allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts. For each submission, a persistent ...

  16. Git (Hub)

    In the meantime, here are some great tutorials: Git immersion. Git: the simple guide. GitHub Learning Lab. Learn Git branching. Oh Shit, Git!?! Not the research toolkit you deserve, but the one you need right now.

  17. GitHub

    This page will collect all the PhD Workgroup meetings in the Netherlands organised by PhD students for PhD students in collaboration with ACCSS and INTERSCT. If you're interested in the world of Computer Security and want to learn about the research of other PhD students in the Netherlands, join our ...

  18. Looking for book recommendations

    [Disclaimer, I'm the author] If you don't matter a (free) multi-channel mooc… it is github-based with all pages being actual working Julia files (i.e. clone the repo and make your hands dirty by running the code directly on yr PC), you can just "read" the code and the output online, or you can watch the videos (15 hours).

  19. ipetr0v/thesis: PhD thesis in Computer Science

    PhD thesis in Computer Science - Lomonosov Moscow State University - ipetr0v/thesis


    Currently, I am a PhD student at University of Rennes 1, France. I join DiverSE team at Inria /IRISA, France as PhD researcher for working on my PhD thesis. My thesis is Chaos Engineering for network services and functions in distributed systems, a project collaboration between Inria and Nokia Bell Labs, Paris.

  21. DaniilStarkov/JavaScript-developer-vacancy

    JavaScript developer vacancy (Moscow, $5000). Contribute to DaniilStarkov/JavaScript-developer-vacancy development by creating an account on GitHub.

  22. shakir-flash/Napoleons-March-Minard-Visualization

    The goal of this excercise is to reproduce, to some reasonable approximation, Minard's famous graphic of Napoleon's March on Moscow. Along the way, we'll learn some techiques for developing plots using ggplot2. The first step is to understand the available data. The data are contained in three ...

  23. GitHub

    List of free learning resources in many languages. GitHub: Server World: Website for people who like to build network servers with CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, and Windows Server. Website: Cheatography: Collection of cheatsheets and quick references in 25 languages. Website: Cheat Sheets: