Redefining Vodafone's customer experience with AWS

Moving the industry leader from telco to techco


A radical reframing

Today, telco customers have high standards—they expect service that matches the speed and flexibility of modern life. Recognizing this, industry leader Vodafone sought to transform from a “telco" to a “techco" that could provide a best-in-class digital experience to their customers and employees alike. To achieve this, they partnered with Accenture and AWS to become a cloud-based, digital-first company.

This involved a radical reframe of Vodafone's offering, positioning telco as an ongoing service. Now, as a cloud-native business, Vodafone can offer personalized customer experience wherever their customers need them, not just from a call center or high street shop. Their world-class technology team can develop and launch products more quickly. Most importantly, digital now constitutes nearly half of all Vodafone sales—an exciting shift that marks a new chapter for their business.

Four years ago, Vodafone released 21 products. Last year, this rose to 2,300 releases and Vodafone was rated #1 for customer experience in its industry.

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Better experience for customers and engineers

Vodafone’s cloud transformation was a five-year process. Accenture helped Vodafone develop a comprehensive strategy for cloud migration, then implemented that strategy in close collaboration with  AWS.

Vodafone moved foundational services to AWS's cloud, embracing an agile, flexible model built on microservices. This allowed teams to develop new products and solve problems in parallel, dramatically reducing time-to-market. Vodafone was also able to modernize their network and replace outdated functions with accelerated cloud-native services. And to support these changes, Accenture helped Vodafone break down personnel silos and upskill their teams.

What does this mean in practice? For customers , it meant a smoother and faster experience. Historically, Vodafone customers had to call in or visit a store to get new products, change their service, or find answers to questions. Now, they can do all these things at any time from the comfort of their home.

For engineers , cloud architecture provided better tools and a much-improved work experience. Consider a Vodafone product launch. Before Vodafone's cloud migration, a team of 20 people worked 24 hours a day to ensure the company's IT infrastructure would hold up. Today, that same work can be done by five people. Engineers can identify and address problems much faster, so the entire organization can focus more on business outcomes. This has enabled leadership to eliminate redundancies, identify efficiencies and reduce costs.

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Setting a new industry standard

Vodafone’s work with Accenture and AWS has already yielded impressive results for the company. Four years ago, Vodafone released 21 products. Last year, this was 2,300 releases and they are rated #1 for customer experience in their industry. They've increased their throughput by 250% and won eight industry awards during their digital transformation. Most importantly, customer satisfaction and employee morale are both soaring.

Increased throughput

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Successful Cases of Amazon Web Services Customers

Active customers, including those from Swire Coca-Cola to Liulishuo, are using Amazon Web Services Cloud solutions to realize flexibility, scalability and reliability.

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Cois, C., 2015: DevOps Case Study: Amazon AWS. Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog), Accessed August 13, 2024,

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Cois, C. Aaron. "DevOps Case Study: Amazon AWS." Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog) . Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute, February 5, 2015.

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C. Cois, "DevOps Case Study: Amazon AWS," Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute's Insights (blog) . Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute, 5-Feb-2015 [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Aug-2024].

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DevOps Case Study: Amazon AWS

C. Aaron Cois

C. Aaron Cois

February 5, 2015, published in.

Regular readers of this blog will recognize a recurring theme in this series: DevOps is fundamentally about reinforcing desired quality attributes through carefully constructed organizational process, communication, and workflow . When teaching software engineering to graduate students in Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College , I often spend time discussing well known tech companies and their techniques for managing software engineering and sustainment. These discussions serve as valuable real-world examples for software engineering approaches and associated outcomes, and can serve as excellent case studies for DevOps practitioners. This posting will discuss one of my favorite real-world DevOps case studies: Amazon .

Amazon is one of the most prolific tech companies today. Amazon transformed itself in 2006 from an online retailer to a tech giant and pioneer in the cloud space with the release of Amazon Web Services (AWS) , a widely used on-demand Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering. Amazon accepted a lot of risk with AWS. By developing one of the first massive public cloud services, they accepted that many of the challenges would be unknown, and many of the solutions unproven. To learn from Amazon's success we need to ask the right questions. What steps did Amazon take to minimize this inherently risky venture? How did Amazon engineers define their process to ensure quality?

Luckily, some insight into these questions was made available when Google engineer Steve Yegge (a former Amazon engineer) accidentally made public an internal memo outlining his impression of Google's failings (and Amazon's successes) at platform engineering. This memo (which Yegge has specifically allowed to remain online) outlines a specific decision that illustrates CEO Jeff Bezos's understanding of the underlying tenets of what we now call DevOps, as well as his dedication to what I will claim are the primary quality attributes of the AWS platform: interoperability, availability, reliability, and security. According to Yegge, Jeff Bezos issued a mandate during the early development of the AWS platform, that stated, in Yegge's words :

  • All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through service interfaces.
  • Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces.
  • There will be no other form of interprocess communication allowed: no direct linking, no direct reads of another team's data store, no shared-memory model, no back-doors whatsoever. The only communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network.
  • It doesn't matter what technology they use. HTTP, Corba, Pubsub, custom protocols -- doesn't matter. Bezos doesn't care.
  • All service interfaces, without exception, must be designed from the ground up to be externalizable. That is to say, the team must plan and design to be able to expose the interface to developers in the outside world. No exceptions.
  • Anyone who doesn't do this will be fired.

Aside from the harsh presentation, take note of what is being done here. Engineering processes are being changed; that is, engineers at Amazon now must develop web service APIs to share all data internally across the entire organization. This change is specifically designed to incentivize engineers to build for the desired level of quality. Teams will be required to build usable APIs, or they will receive complaints from other teams needing to access their data. Availability and reliability will be enforced in the same fashion. As more completely unrelated teams need to share data, APIs will be secured as a means of protecting data, reducing resource usage, auditing, and restricting access from untrusted internal clients. Keep in mind that this mandate was to all teams, not just development teams. Marketing wants some data you have collected on user statistics from the web site? Then marketing has to find a developer and use your API. You can quickly see how this created a wide array of users, use cases, user types, and scenarios of use for every team exposing any data within Amazon.

DevOps teaches us to create a process that enforces our desired quality attributes, such as requiring automated deployment of our software to succeed before the continuous integration build can be considered successful. In effect, this scenario from Amazon is an authoritarian version of DevOps thinking. By enforcing a rigorous requirement of eating (and serving!) their own dog food to all teams within Amazon, Bezos's engineering operation ensures that through constant and rigorous use, their APIs would become mature, robust, and hardened.

These API improvements happened organically at Amazon, without the need to issue micromanaging commands such as "All APIs within Amazon must introduce rate limit X and scale to Y concurrent requests," because teams were incentivized to continually improve their APIs to make their own working lives easier. When AWS was released a few years later, many of these same APIs comprised the public interface of the AWS platform, which was remarkably comprehensive and stable at release. This level of quality at release directly served business goals by contributing to the early adoption rates and steady increase in popularity of AWS, a platform that provided users with a comprehensive suite of powerful capabilities and immediate comfort and confidence in a stable, mature service.

Every two weeks, the SEI will publish a new blog post offering guidelines and practical advice to organizations seeking to adopt DevOps in practice. We welcome your feedback on this series, as well as suggestions for future content. Please leave feedback in the comments section below.

Additional Resources

To listen to the podcast, DevOps--Transform Development and Operations for Fast, Secure Deployments , featuring Gene Kim and Julia Allen, please visit .

C. Aaron Cois

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Send a message, more by the author, devops case study: netflix and the chaos monkey, april 30, 2015 • by c. aaron cois, continuous integration in devops, april 8, 2015 • by c. aaron cois, january 26, 2015 • by c. aaron cois, devops and your organization: where to begin, december 18, 2014 • by c. aaron cois, devops and agile, november 13, 2014 • by c. aaron cois, more in devsecops, cultivating kubernetes on the edge, july 8, 2024 • by patrick earl , jeffrey hamed , jose a. morales , doug reynolds, polar: improving devsecops observability, may 6, 2024 • by morgan farrah , vaughn coates , patrick earl, example case: using devsecops to redefine minimum viable product, march 11, 2024 • by joe yankel, acquisition archetypes seen in the wild, devsecops edition: clinging to the old ways, december 18, 2023 • by william e. novak, extending agile and devsecops to improve efforts tangential to software product development, august 7, 2023 • by david sweeney , lyndsi a. hughes, get updates on our latest work..

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Amazon decision to deprioritize 7 cloud services caught customers and even some salespeople by surprise

  • Amazon halted new user sign-ups for several cloud services, causing customer confusion.
  • Even some of the AWS employees were unaware of the changes, internal messages show.
  • Some see the move as AWS refocusing on its core infrastructure services.

Insider Today

Amazon 's recent decision to stop accepting new users for several cloud services caught some customers, partners and even a few employees by surprise.

Some people only found out about it through social media, and were confused about the extent of the changes. Many users saw it as a first step towards eventually shutting down these services, as Amazon has done occasionally with other offerings in the past.

It turns out that even some of Amazon's own salespeople were not aware of the change until after it was made public late last week.

Some Amazon Web Services employees expressed frustration in an internal Slack channel, according to screenshots of their messages obtained by Business Insider. They were caught off guard and confused by the sudden announcement, with at least one sales engineer saying they even tried to sell one of the services last week, unaware of the impending change.

"They are shooting themselves in the foot by not being proactive," this person wrote in the Slack channel.

No new customers, no new features

For a business as important as AWS, deprioritizing services is a tricky balancing act. If offerings are not popular, there's a business case for moving on. However, at the scale of AWS, this still means that thousands of developers and other customers likely still rely on these cloud tools. The company is trying to keep supporting clients while signaling that these offerings are no longer a strategic priority.

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The issues began last week, when AWS stopped accepting new users for developer tools including CodeCommit and Cloud9. That stoked fears among some customers that they might lose access to these services and not be able to scale existing projects that rely on the technology.

As the public outcry grew, AWS's chief evangelist Jeff Barr wrote a short X post on Tuesday to explain that the company decided to "discontinue new access to a small number of services," but it would continue running them in a secure environment.

The list of services he mentioned included S3 Select, CloudSearch, Cloud9, SimpleDB, Forecast, Data Pipeline, and CodeCommit. Some salespeople in the internal Slack channel also appeared to have learned about the list of deprioritized services through Barr's X post.

AWS's spokesperson, Patrick Neighorn, told BI that the changes were communicated through multiple channels within and outside the company. The services will remain available to existing customers, and AWS will continue to make "security, availability, and performance enhancements," though it won't add new features going forward, Neighorn added.

"We communicated these changes broadly through many internal and external channels, including blog posts, web banners, the AWS Console, internal communications to employees, and more," Neighorn said in an email statement. "We will continue to support our customers, whether they continue to use these services, or they migrate to other AWS offerings or alternative third-party solutions."

Not a 'one-stop-cloud-shop'

Some AWS experts saw the move as a first step towards eliminating the unpopular AWS services, so the company can focus on its core products and other more strategically important projects. For years, AWS has launched dozens of new software services and tools in hopes of expanding beyond its pioneering cloud infrastructure, with mixed results . AWS still gets most of its business from infrastructure services, like cloud storage and compute.

"AWS is deprecating the things no one uses," Randall Hunt, VP of cloud at Caylent, an AWS partner company, wrote on X .

Neighorn, AWS's spokesperson, disputed the notion that AWS hasn't been successful outside of core infrastructure services.

"It's not correct to report that AWS hasn't been successful outside of core infrastructure services. Consider Amazon Q, Amazon Connect, Amazon Bedrock, AWS Marketplace, Amazon WorkSpaces, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon QuickSight, and many other offerings that have had significant success with customers," he wrote in an email. "We are the top leader, or leader of leaders, on all calibrations of measurement in hundreds of third-party evaluations each year, and no one else is even close."

Dotan Horovits, principal developer advocate for cloud startup , who blogged about the controversy this week, said almost all of the services affected were developer tools, like services that help write and debug application code.

He said the change reflects AWS's realization that it still has a long way to go to be successful in areas other than cloud infrastructure.

"The broader signal here is simple: the one-stop-cloud-shop approach has failed," Horovits said. "AWS can't be everything to everyone."

Do you work at Amazon? Got a tip?

Contact the reporter, Eugene Kim, via the encrypted-messaging apps Signal or Telegram ( +1-650-942-3061 ) or email ( [email protected] ). Reach out using a nonwork device. Check out Business Insider's source guide for other tips on sharing information securely.

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Part 9: See How Customers Are Protecting Their Workloads In Case of A Disaster with VMware Cloud on AWS

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Looking to protect your workloads in the event of a disaster and strengthen disaster recovery? You’re not alone. Here’s how organizations are using VMware Cloud on AWS for their disaster recovery needs. In this blog, I am going to share some of the recent customer stories on disaster and ransomware recovery use case.

But before that, I want to highlight our VMware Cloud on AWS customer panel at VMware Explore Las Vegas 2023. During this panel, our esteemed customers and partners (S&P Global Ratings and Converge Technology Solutions) shared the transformative impact they’ve experienced after migrating workloads to VMware Cloud on AWS within their organizations. It was truly inspiring to witness firsthand the positive changes brought about by this innovative hybrid cloud service. In case you missed attending the live session, don’t worry. Check out this on-demand session and hear it directly from the customers and partners how VMware Cloud on AWS helped them accelerate their cloud transformation initiative.

Also, check out Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 and Part 8 of this blog series for more customer stories across various use cases.

Now, let’s check out some the customer stories in Disaster and Ransomware Recovery space.


VanEck Streamlines Recovery From Modern Ransomware with VMware

Founded in 1955, VanEck is a global investment manager with offices around the world. Today, VanEck offers active and passive strategies with compelling exposures supported by well-designed investment processes. The firm’s capabilities range from core investment opportunities to more specialized exposures to enhance portfolio diversification.

Before using VMware Ransomware Recovery, VanEck relied on the restore capabilities of an outdated backup solution for ransomware recovery. The approach was scattered and required shifting between products to recover. This process consumed valuable IT resources and made the recovery long and unpredictable.

After implementing VMware Ransomware Recovery, this solution helped VanEck cut costs and save FTE hours to better allocate IT resources. The team at VanEck no longer had to build, secure and manage the Isolated Recovery Environment themselves. Using VMware Ransomware Recovery, the team replaced an error-prone recovery process with streamlined recovery at scale.

Here is what VanEck has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“Previously, recovery was complicated and time-consuming. Now, everything is seamless and orchestrated. I have yet to see a recovery product for ransomware that works as well  as VMware.”

– Alaa Elbanna, Global Director, IT Infrastructure, VanEck

Watch this video to check out VanEck’s success story.

Reily Foods Company

Reily Foods Company Uses VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery to Protect IT Operations at the Southern Foodmaker

Reily Foods Company (Reily Foods) is a 5th-generation, family-owned food and beverage company. Since 1902, they’ve helped to define the food and beverage flavors of the American South. Reily Foods is proud of their New Orleans heritage, which continues to shape the way they make their products and the way they believe in doing business.

Initially, Reily Foods disaster recovery (DR) strategy was to use the New Orleans and Knoxville facilities as DR locations for each other. Reily Foods quickly realized that they didn’t want to keep investing in premium data center hardware that would only be used in a disaster. Add to that the network complexity and capacity needed between sites and momentum started to build for a cloud-based solution. And that’s when Ben Cooper, their Director of Infrastructure & Security, found VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VMware Cloud DR).

To diversify Reily Foods ecosystem for resiliency, Cooper looked at several other public cloud providers. “VMware Cloud on AWS seemed to be a better fit.” After that the whole disaster recovery project came together for Reily Foods with familiar, trusted, reliable products.

With VMware Cloud DR in place, Reily Foods knows that their critical infrastructure can be served by an RPO (Recovery Point Objective) as low as 30 minutes. Their staff can leverage existing skills and this setup integrates with related technologies already in use at Reily Foods while projecting lower operational costs.

Here is what Reily Foods has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“Knowing that I have copies of my infrastructure in the cloud, and that I have the capability to add ransomware recovery in the future is a plus. So far, it’s a great solution that could help a lot of people who are looking to do what we did, which is save money on disaster recovery. We leverage the cloud OpEx model and save money by avoiding an ongoing investment in expensive on-premises equipment that will only be used in the off chance of a disaster.”

– Ben Cooper, Director of Infrastructure, Reily Foods

Learn more about Reily Foods’ success story using VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS here .

Fozzy Group

Fozzy Group Protects IT Operations in War Zone using VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS

Fozzy Group is one of the largest conglomerates in Ukraine and one of the leading Ukrainian retailers, with over 700 grocery outlets and convenience stores throughout the country.

They wanted to eliminate disruption threats (in supplying groceries and goods to its customers) as the Russian war on Ukraine continues. So, the Fozzy Group decided to adopt cloud for disaster recovery in the event of natural or wartime disruptions. They also wanted to replace disparate systems loosely coupled to serve as protection from a disaster that made it hard to test the recovery plan as well as integrate with their existing VMware infrastructure.

Fozzy Group decided to put in place disaster recovery in the cloud using VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VMware Cloud DR) with VMware Cloud on AWS to achieve low RPOs and RTOs for mission critical workloads. By deploying this setup, the team at VMware helped the customer protect itself against the elevated threat of data center disruption in time of war with VMware Cloud DR’s ransomware capabilities.

With time being of the essence, their implementation was complete in just over 2 weeks with VMware’s deployment expertise. Additionally, they are able to support RTO and RPO of as little as few hours for the most critical systems and 24 hours for the less critical ones. Fozzy Group was also able to replicate and host hundreds of terabytes in the cloud in a secure manner supported by VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS.

Here is what the customer has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“After implementing VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery, I certainly sleep much better.” – Ivan Slavioglo, Vice President of IT, Fozzy Group

Read more about Fozzy Group’s experience using VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS here .


Vente-unique Ensures Business Continuity with VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery and VMware Cloud on AWS

Vente-unique is the leading online retailer of furniture, home furnishings and decorations in France and throughout Europe. Founded in 2006, the company has grown quickly in France and across Europe. Today, Vente-unique operates in 11 European countries, with 2 million customers served so far and bringing in 160 million euros in sales revenue in 2022.

The Vente-unique warehouse is 860,000 square feet spread over 13 storage cells and they employ 300 people mainly working in receiving, storage and dispatch. Their entire warehouse is computerized, and the warehouse operates 23 hours a day, 7 days a week. With an exclusively online sales business and a growing volume of traffic, Vente-unique was particularly vulnerable in the event of a system failure. A disaster like that would bring 300 employees to a standstill, clients left unserved, empty lorries leaving the warehouse. To protect its reputation, which is built on trust and customer satisfaction, Vente-unique wanted to ensure that its operations run smoothly and without interruption.

The team at Vente-unique needed a disaster recovery plan to guarantee client satisfaction and delivery times. After some back and forth with VMware and AWS, they chose VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VMware Cloud DR) on VMware Cloud on AWS to implement a fast and secure disaster recovery plan and ensure the protection and full recovery of its critical workloads in the event of a disaster. The implementation went well and within two weeks, they setup a cloud backup system with the help of VMware and AWS partner, Metanext. This setup with VMware Cloud DR would allow Vente-unique to resume activity in under 4 hours in the event of a warehouse system failure.

Here is what Vente-unique has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“Thanks to the combined benefits of VMware and AWS, we are now able to recover from an outage in less than four hours. Indeed, our customers will no longer have the risk of being impacted in the reception date of their parcels and we will continue to respect our promises.” – Grégory Schurgast, CTO, Vente-unique

Watch Vente-unique’s success story using VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS here .

Woche-Pass AG

Woche-Pass AG Drives Business Resilience and Prepares for a Scalable Future

Woche-Pass AG (Woche-Pass) is a media house in Sursee, Switzerland. It originally launched as a print shop in 1975 and today, the company runs a successful website plus two weekly printed publications and digital guides.

Before moving to the cloud, the customer faced some challenges like disruptive DR testing, which led to infrequent testing. Further, the changes to the production site were not always deployed to DR site and the existing DR solution did not work properly during a real DR event which resulted in Woche-Pass almost missing a print deadline. Besides, they had limited IT resources available.

By moving to VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery with VMware Cloud on AWS, the customer a ttained rapid response to disaster recovery, achieved frequent testing and continuous health checks and was able to protect production with limited in-house resources.

Here is what Woche-Pass has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“If a real disaster situation occurs, we are confident that we’ll be live with the disaster recovery site within a short time.” – Adrian Hess, CEO – Woche-Pass

Learn more about Woche-Pass AG’s success story using VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS here .

Publiacqua Improves Infrastructure Resilience with Cloud-based Disaster Recovery using VMware Cloud on AWS

The Italian municipal utility operator Publiacqua manages integrated water services for the provinces of Florence, Prato, Pistoia and Arezzo.

They wanted to improve the resilience of their infrastructure through disaster recovery service in the cloud. They also wanted to build strong levels of IT governance to ensure operational continuity as well as ensure GDPR compliance. Additionally, Publiacqua wanted to identify a solution that was sustainable from technical and economic perspective.

They decided to build disaster recovery directly in the cloud using VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery (VMware Cloud DR) with VMware Cloud on AWS.  Doing so, Publiacqua attained a more responsive, scalable and resilient IT architecture and reliable disaster recovery service as well as strengthened their business continuity models.

Publiacqua also freed up their IT architects from operational management to focus on capacity management, application integration, and data exchange methods. This also allowed the IT team to update and improve their skillset while tackling the project with tools and technologies they already knew.

Here is what Publiacqua has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“The possibility of integrating VMware Cloud on AWS allowed us to tackle the project with tools and technologies we already knew.” – Mauro Cacciafani, Architecture, Risk and Security Manager, Publiacqua

Learn more about Publiacqua’s experience of using VMware Cloud on AWS in this case study .

Merrick & Company

Merrick & Company Protects Digital Assets from Ransomware using VMware Cloud DR with VMware Cloud on AWS

Merrick & Company (Merrick) is an employee-owned engineering, architecture, surveying, and geospatial firm headquartered in Greenwood Village, CO, USA. They wanted to move to cloud-based infrastructure to protect digital assets from ransomware in addition to being able to integrate with their existing VMware infrastructure.

The customer decided to implement cloud-based disaster recovery through VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery with VMware Cloud on AWS so that they would be ransomware and disaster protected. With this setup, Merrick was able to achieve RPO of 30 min, down from 4 hours previously. As part of this setup, they also integrated with existing VMware infrastructure at Merrick, and used the cloud as a failover target.

Here is what Merrick & Company has to say about their experience of using the product: 

“It’s just a few clicks on the VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery console to enable protection for additional virtual machines. I can modify the schedules so that we control when protection takes place, for example weekly, daily, or even every few hours.” – Brian Whiting, Merrick IT Organization

Check out the case study to learn more about their experience of using VMware Cloud on AWS.

What’s Next:

Start protecting your workloads with VMware Cloud on AWS. Now, you can sign up for the free trial of VMware Cloud on AWS and try out the migration yourselves for free for the first 30 days. Also check out how VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery and VMware Ransomware Recovery can help you in your DR needs. And meanwhile, if you would like to learn more about VMware Cloud on AWS, here are more learning resources for you:

Resources for VMware Cloud on AWS

  • Learn more about VMware Cloud on AWS on our website or by viewing the VMware Cloud on AWS: Overview .
  • Obtain the VMware Cloud on AWS Solution Brief and VMware Cloud on AWS TCO 1-pager .
  • Leverage the new VMware Cloud on AWS Techzone  for curated technical articles, guides, videos, documentation and more.
  • Listen to the latest episodes of the VMware Cloud on AWS Unplugged Podcast .
  • Try the VMware Cloud on AWS Lightning Lab for a first-hand immersive experience.
  • Follow us on Twitter @vmwarecloudaws and give us a shout with #VMWonAWS.
  • Read our latest VMware Cloud on AWS blogs .
  • Follow the VMware Cloud on AWS release notes on continuing updates.
  • Watch informative demos, overview videos, webinars and hear from our customers on the VMware Cloud on AWS on YouTube channel .

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Security Suites delivered by Cisco Security Cloud

User Protection Suite

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Customer stories and insights

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Abbe Horswill, Director, Human Rights and Social Impact

Company: Marriott International

The NFL relies on Cisco

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  1. Govplace

    customer case study aws

  2. Case Study: AWS Customer Success. Cloud computing with AWS

    customer case study aws

  3. Case Study: AWS Customer Success. Cloud computing with AWS

    customer case study aws

  4. 28 Case Study Examples Every Marketer Should See

    customer case study aws

  5. AWS Case Study

    customer case study aws

  6. AWS Marketplace: Professional Customer Case Study

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  1. Customer Success Stories: Case Studies, Videos, Podcasts, Innovator stories

    It uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) and generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology Amazon Bedrock to shape natural conversation and deliver seamless experiences across voice, email, and chat. According to Alexander F.E. Seggerman, senior vice president channel and alliances, data protection is vital for the company and its multinational ...

  2. Browse All Customer Stories

    The AWS Solutions Library carries solutions built by AWS and AWS Partners for a broad range of industry and technology use cases. Find AWS solutions for remote employees, students, and contact center agents. Find the latest on how AWS is supporting our customers, partners, and communities during this time.

  3. AWS for Retail

    Get started. Leading companies in the retail industry are already using AWS. Contact our experts and start your own AWS Cloud journey today. Explore AWS customer case studies from retail organizations with the solutions and other knowledge assets to enrich customer experiences.

  4. PDF How to Build a Customer Case Study

    What is a Case Study? A Case Study is a report detailing an individual customer solution and outcomes. It should include an introduction to the customer, overview of the challenge, details about the solution implemented, and outcomes realized by the customer. Individual AWS programs will provide details about specific requirements for Case ...

  5. AWS Case Studies: Success Stories of Cloud Transformation

    AWS Case Study: Capital One's Digital Transformation with AWS Capital One, a leading financial services company, embarked on a digital transformation journey with AWS to stay competitive in the ...

  6. AWS Customer Success Stories

    Learn about how AWS customers are using AWS services to power innovation.

  7. Vodafone Moves to the Cloud With Accenture

    Vodafone moved foundational services to AWS's cloud, embracing an agile, flexible model built on microservices. This allowed teams to develop new products and solve problems in parallel, dramatically reducing time-to-market. Vodafone was also able to modernize their network and replace outdated functions with accelerated cloud-native services.

  8. Successful Cases of Amazon Web Services Customers

    PAX. "Amazon Web Services has provided us with a complete set of cloud solutions that meet the requirements of PCI compliance, ensuring that every transaction made by PAX customers is secure and reliable under the Cardholder Data Environment (CDE). Additionally, its comprehensive security services have helped PAX improve PCI audit efficiency ...

  9. Netflix Case Study: Unleashing the Power of AWS Cloud for ...

    Behind this massive success lies a strategic partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the leading cloud computing platform. In this case study, we will delve into the fascinating journey of ...

  10. Unveiling the Success Stories: How Companies Transformed with AWS

    Introduction: The world of cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses operate and grow. Among the leading cloud service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands out for its scalable ...

  11. PDF Customer Case Study

    Our customer Live Nation Entertainment is a world-leading live entertainment company. It produces thousands of concerts and sells over half a billion tickets worldwide every year. How we helped Professional Services — architecture, strategy, guidance, migration; Managed Public Cloud — Amazon Web Services (AWS) The obstacles they faced

  12. AWS Innovator: Netflix

    Netflix on AWS. Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services with over 260 million members in more than 190 countries. Netflix uses AWS for nearly all its computing and storage needs, including databases, analytics, recommendation engines, video transcoding, and more—hundreds of functions that in total use more than 100,000 ...

  13. Case studies

    Case studies. PDF RSS. Companies have applied serverless architectures to use cases from stock trade validation to e-commerce website construction to natural language processing. AWS serverless portfolio offers the flexibility to create a wide array of applications, including those requiring assurance programs such as PCI or HIPAA compliance.

  14. PDF APN Partner Case Study Kit

    Q: What is a case study? A: A case study is a written document that explores a customer challenge, a partner solution, and the benefits of that solution. It is a type of customer reference. Q: What does AWS require in a case study? A: Individual AWS programs will provide details about specific requirements for case studies. Case

  15. PDF AWS Competency Program: Case Study Guide

    In order to qualify for AWS Competency, public case studies are required that showcase completed customer projects in a specific solution, industry or workload. ... o Similarly, affiliate companies cannot be used as a customer case study Customers cannot be used multiple times in one application. Must provide unique

  16. PDF Case Study: Amazon AWS

    Go to your profile menu (your name) in the upper right hand corner, select "Security Creden0als" and"Con0nue to Security Creden0als". ect "Access Keys"Select "New Access Key" and save the ge. Edit ~/.aws/config and set it up like this: YYNow test it: Note the syntax here is different from how it was gi.

  17. Amazon Web Services

    Abstract. Considers the development of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a division of, Inc., specializing in the provision of web-based storage and computing services to web developers. The case focuses on the issues facing Andy Jassy, the head of AWS, in 2008 as AWS faces increased competition from established technology giants, such as ...

  18. DevOps Case Study: Amazon AWS

    This posting will discuss one of my favorite real-world DevOps case studies: Amazon. Amazon is one of the most prolific tech companies today. Amazon transformed itself in 2006 from an online retailer to a tech giant and pioneer in the cloud space with the release of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a widely used on-demand Infrastructure as a Service ...

  19. AWS Deprioritized 7 Services, Surprising Customers and Salespeople

    The issues began last week, when AWS stopped accepting new users for developer tools including CodeCommit and Cloud9. That stoked fears among some customers that they might lose access to these ...

  20. Case Study is the world's largest online retailer. In 2011, switched from tape backup to using cloud-based Amazon S3 for backing up the majority of its Oracle databases. By using AWS, was able to eliminate backup software and experienced a 12X performance improvement, reducing restore time from around 15 hours to 2.5 hours in select scenarios.

  21. Use Cases

    A case represents a customer's issue. A case is created to record the customer's issue, the steps and interactions taken to resolve the customer's issue, and the outcome. If you have permission to view cases then you will see the Cases tab in the Amazon Connect agent workspace. The following image shows an example Cases tab in the agent workspace.

  22. Part 9: See How Customers Are Protecting Their Workloads In Case of A

    "The possibility of integrating VMware Cloud on AWS allowed us to tackle the project with tools and technologies we already knew." - Mauro Cacciafani, Architecture, Risk and Security Manager, Publiacqua. Learn more about Publiacqua's experience of using VMware Cloud on AWS in this case study. Merrick & Company

  23. Leading Cloud Innovators

    Spryker. Scaling and innovating in the cloud to focus on developing new services for enterprise customers. The Fork. Modernizing infrastructure to boost performance and deliver a better user experience for restaurant partners. Salesforce. Unifying data to create billions of 360-degree customer profiles. adidas.

  24. Case Studies for Financial Services

    Secure, scalable, and cost-effective artifact management for software development. Test Android, iOS, and web apps on real devices in the AWS cloud. Build serverless applications in simple and clean syntax. Build, deploy, and host scalable web and mobile apps. Securely and easily add location data to applications.

  25. Cisco Security Products and Solutions

    Read the full case study The NFL relies on Cisco "From securing stadiums, broadcasts, and fans to protecting the largest live sporting event in America, the right tools and the right team are key in making sure things run smoothly, avoiding disruptions to the game, and safeguarding the data and devices that make mission-critical gameday ...

  26. Cisco achieves 50% latency improvement using Amazon SageMaker Inference

    This post is co-authored with Travis Mehlinger and Karthik Raghunathan from Cisco. Webex by Cisco is a leading provider of cloud-based collaboration solutions which includes video meetings, calling, messaging, events, polling, asynchronous video and customer experience solutions like contact center and purpose-built collaboration devices. Webex's focus on delivering inclusive collaboration ...

  27. Amazon DataZone offers business use case-based grouping with data

    Today, Amazon DataZone introduces data products, which enable the grouping of data assets into well-defined, self-contained packages tailored for specific business use cases. For example, a marketing analysis data product can bundle various data assets, such as marketing campaign data, pipeline data, and customer data.