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cubes problem solving strategy poster


cubes problem solving strategy poster

CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Poster Pastels | Math Posters

This math problem-solving strategy will help your students solve multi-step word problems. A quick and easy acronym that will help students understand the steps in problem solving!

C- Circle the numbers

U- Underline the question

B- Box the keywords

E- Eliminate information not needed

S- Solve by showing your work

ZIP | 30 pages


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+ White background with chunky font

+ White background with thin, clean font

+ Pastel colored background with chunky font

+ Black & White printer friendly version

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Exploring the Power of the CUBES Math Strategy for Word Problems

Math problem-solving is one of the most challenging things we teach. The CUBES strategy is all about helping students tackle those tricky word problems with ease. Whether you’re dealing with pesky volume or area questions, or trying to figure out how many more apples Sally has than Timmy, the CUBES math strategy can be a great way to help those learners who struggle with word problems develop a systematic method to approach these problems. By breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable chunks, you can quickly solve even the most complicated math problems.

Cubes Math Strategy

So if you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head in frustration over your struggling learners’ battle with story problems, fear not! The CUBES math strategy is here to make your life a whole lot easier. Stick around to learn more about how this awesome strategy can help you help your struggling students become math problem-solving pros!

What is the CUBES Math Strategy?

The CUBES math strategy is a tool designed to help give students a systematic approach to breaking down and solving math word problems. The acronym C.U.B.E.S stands for:

  • C ircle key numbers & units
  • U nderline the question
  • B ox math action words
  • E valuate the problem
  • S olve the problem & check your work

By breaking down the problem into these steps, students can better understand the context of the problem and effectively solve it.

Benefits of using the CUBES strategy in math word problems

While CUBES is not the ideal method for all math problem solving, especially as word problems become more complex, you can use the strategy as a starting point to guide struggling students in being more attentive and systematic when tackling word problems.

Many struggling learners struggle with executive functioning and need a clear-cut plan for tackling this next-level math skill, and incorporating a strategy like CUBES into your teaching can give them steps to approach word problems rather than leaving them overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. This can help students build confidence in their ability to successfully solve math story problems and prepare them to solve multi-step problems, ultimately enhancing their problem-solving skills.

problem of the day

Step-by-Step Guide to Using the CUBES Strategy

Implementing the CUBES strategy means teaching students the key steps and working through a gradual release process until they can effectively do this themselves. This systematic approach helps students understand the problem and empowers them to tackle word problems with confidence. Here’s a little more about each step your students will need to achieve:

C- Circle the numbers & units

C stands for “circle the key information.” This includes the numbers, units, and core information needed to solve the problem. This includes identifying math vocabulary that represents a number, such as “several,” “half,” or “a dozen.” Some questions may not involve numbers at all, in which case you would circle each instance of the word “none.” It is also important to identify units (such as feet, miles, or kilograms) and whether there is a decimal point.

While we don’t want students solely relying on keywords when faced with a word problem, it can be helpful for them to recognize which words are references to mathematical symbols. For example, “+” means addition, and “-” means subtraction.

U- Underline the question

After students read the problem and circle numbers/units, they must underline the question. While this may seem silly, if students aren’t attending to what is being asked, they won’t get the right answer. Helping students stay on target is a key component of the CUBES strategy for solving math problems.

Once your student has underlined the question and knows exactly what he or she needs to solve, it’s time to move on to step B: boxes and bullets.

B- Box math action words

Notice this doesn’t say keywords…Again, we don’t want students focused solely on using keywords for math problem solving. Research has shown time and time again this is an ineffective strategy once problems become more complex.

That said, students need to look at word problems through the lens of critical readers. What in the problem gives them a clue as to what they need to do to solve it?

Just like the author of a story gives us details to help us infer and get to the story’s resolution, the author of a word problem helps us find the path to the solution. We need to be critical readers to get there. This is where boxing key information can be helpful. Here are some common examples that are often viewed as keywords but are critical for students to attend to to solve problems accurately:

  • Addition: add, added, both, sum, total
  • Subtraction: difference between, less than
  • Multiplication: times twice as many/much as of every
  • Division: split equally among/between each share out of

E- Evaluate or Equation

At this stage, it’s time to implement your strategy to solve. For some students, this will be writing and solving the equation. Others may need to evaluate by drawing a picture or using manipulatives to model the problem.

Either way, by this stage your learners should have broken down the problem to the point that they feel confident implementing a method that will lead them to the final step – solving.

S- Solve & Check

Once the strategy has been chosen, guide your students through the process of solving the problem. This may involve writing out the equation, solving for the unknown variable, and checking their work to ensure they have found the correct solution.

Encourage your students to show their work and explain their reasoning as they solve the problem. This will not only help them understand the process better but also allow you to provide feedback and support if needed.

It’s important to emphasize the importance of checking their work to ensure they have found the correct solution. This may involve plugging the solution back into the original problem to verify it or checking their work for errors in calculations.

Once your students have successfully solved the problem, congratulate them on their hard work and encourage them to reflect on the process. Ask them questions such as what strategies worked well for them, what challenges they encountered, and how they can apply what they have learned to similar problems in the future.

By guiding your students through the process of problem-solving and encouraging them to reflect on their work, you are helping them develop essential critical thinking skills that will serve them well in all areas of their education and beyond. 

Word Problem Activities Daily Problem SOlving cubes math strategy

Tips for Implementing the CUBES Math Word Problem Strategy

Whenever you’re preparing to implement a strategy with your struggling learners, it can be helpful to get some tips from teachers who have been there. In asking for advice from colleagues, here’s what they had to say.

To teach the cubes strategy, you should:

  • Teach the strategy as a whole. Because this is such a visual strategy, it’s useful to provide multiple examples of how to solve problems with CUBES on a poster or anchor chart. You can use the chart below as an example of what to include.
  • Use a standard problem as an example. Before having students practice on their own, have them watch and listen as you model how to use the CUBES strategy on the board using a Problem of the Day or by writing in student journals. Visual learners will appreciate watching you write out each step and manipulate your complex number sentence cube.
  • Use anchor charts you make together in class. Then transfer that knowledge into modeling one or two more examples with students using cubes they create out of construction paper, or if necessary, manipulatives like buttons or dry beans.
  • Don’t fall into the trap that the standard algorithm is the only way to solve once the strategy has been used. Let students draw pictures, use manipulatives, make number lines, or whatever other strategies you’ve taught. The CUBES math strategy is to help them break up the problem. It isn’t the guiding principle of the math calculations.
  • Students can use CUBES to filter out irrelevant details and focus on the essential details needed to solve the problem. By guiding students to evaluate the problem systematically, you can help students make informed decisions and tackle complex math challenges. It is great for learners who might get bogged down in all the details.

Cubes Strategy for Word Problems

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CUBES Classroom Display and Bookmark Set

Updated:  06 Jun 2023

Tackle word problems with this CUBES problem-solving classroom display and bookmark set.

Editable:  Google Slides

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  AUS V8, AUS V9

Years:  3 - 6

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Solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication using efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies

Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division where there is no remainder

Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers using efficient mental, written strategies and appropriate digital technologies

Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems

Add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentences, and solve using part-part-whole reasoning and a variety of calculation strategies

Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations, including money transactions; represent situations and choose calculation strategies; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of the situation

Multiply and divide one- and two-digit numbers, representing problems using number sentences, diagrams and arrays, and using a variety of calculation strategies

Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations including financial contexts; formulate problems using number sentences and choose calculation strategies, using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in terms of t

Develop efficient strategies and use appropriate digital tools for solving problems involving addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division where there is no remainder

Solve problems involving multiplication of larger numbers by one- or two-digit numbers, choosing efficient calculation strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; check the reasonableness of answers

Solve problems involving division, choosing efficient strategies and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret any remainder according to the context and express results as a whole number, decimal or fraction

Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving additive and multiplicative situations including financial contexts; formulate the problems, choosing operations and efficient calculation strategies, using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in terms

CUBES Classroom Display and Bookmark Set teaching resource

CUBES Problem-Solving Strategy Set 

Are your students struggling to tackle word problems? Are they getting confused about what steps are necessary to take? A good problem-solving strategy is essential for students to master tricky word problems. While this may come naturally for some students, others may benefit from the handy acronym CUBES! So what does CUBES stand for exactly?

  • Circle the numbers
  • Underline the question
  • Box in the key words
  • Eliminate unnecessary information
  • Solve and show your work.

How to Make the Most of Your CUBES Problem-Solving Set

  • Print the posters and display them in your classroom for students to reference when doing independent work.
  • Print the bookmarks and place them in your maths stations as a reminder for students.
  • Print the bookmarks and distribute them to students to keep at their desks. Invite students to pull out their bookmarks when working on maths word problems.

We’ve also come up with bonus ways to turn posters into interactive tools that really make your lessons stick!

📝  Create a fill-in-the-blank worksheet  by removing selections of text.

📂  Place copies in students’ homework folders  for reference.

💻  Provide posters as digital resources  for virtual students.

🧠  Test students’ memories  by showing them the poster, then hiding it and having them tell you what they remember.

✅ Incorporate posters into your lesson wrap-up:  students write on a sticky note what they learned from the lesson and place it on the poster.

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How to teach math word problems – cubes math strategy.

Discover the power of the CUBES math strategy for understanding word problems! This step-by-step approach will boost comprehension and problem-solving skills and help students really understand story problems.

Are your students struggling to tackle word problems? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Word problems can be overwhelming, especially for struggling students. But no worries, the CUBES math strategy is here to save the day!

CUBES math strategy for word problems

Math Word Problems

Word problems are a staple in math lessons for a reason – they reflect real-life situations. Sure, some problems may seem a bit ridiculous (like buying 60 watermelons – big eye roll here), but others offer valuable and meaningful learning opportunities.

The challenge lies in the variety and complexity of word problems. Upper elementary students run into super challenging multi-step problems that can leave them scratching their heads.

As a teacher, it’s essential to differentiate your instruction to meet the needs of all learners.

That’s where the CUBES math strategy comes in. By using this strategy, you can provide struggling students with a concrete step-by-step process to approach word problems. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to success!

Plus, this method slows students down and focuses their attention on one aspect of the problem at a time .

Many students rush through their work without really taking the time to read the problems and digest the meaning. The CUBES strategy helps students pause, reflect, and truly engage with the problem , leading to a deeper understanding and focus.

Incorporating the CUBES math strategy is easy.

Start by presenting the lesson to the whole class, but keep a close eye on your strugglers. Pull them into a small group to give them the extra support they need before they become overwhelmed by the assignment.

The greater the struggle, the smaller the group – at least, that’s the rule I try  to follow.

CUBES Math Word Problem Strategy

CUBES math word problems mini reference cards for students

Step 1:  Read the problem out loud.

Read the problem aloud. Then reread it, emphasizing comprehension.

Students need to read or hear the problem multiple times before they even pick up a pencil to start. They need to visualize – what’s happening in the problem?

Here’s the clincher – don’t let them off the hook!   Make them state out loud what they understand from the problem.

Keep in mind that sometimes students can’t explain the problem because they genuinely don’t understand what is happening.

My low readers often don’t digest the information as they read.

Word problems call on many skills: comprehension, sorting out needed and unneeded information, deciding on the operation, etc.

It’s hard for students to organize their thoughts at this point – but that’s exactly what we need them to do. And that’s precisely why they must read and reread the problem until they understand what’s happening.

I constantly tell my students that I, personally, have to read word problems several times before I understand them. My strugglers often don’t even want to read the problem once.

Break the problem down sentence by sentence if needed.

Allow think time so they can fully understand the problem and the steps.

* Unfortunately, that’s the problem for us as teachers. All the reading and discussion takes time – very valuable time.  It also takes practice and patience. 

I often adjust or differentiate assignments by giving my struggling crew fewer problems to complete.

Focus on a few problems done correctly rather than several incorrect ones rushed through.

Step 2:  Circle the numbers AND LABELS!

Moving on to step two, I’ve learned that labels play a crucial role in comprehension. For that reason, I instruct my students to circle the numbers AND the labels at the same time . That saves time at the end when they need to label their answer.

Step 3:  Underline the question

Step three is all about underlining the question and making sure students truly understand it. Challenge them to rephrase the question in their own words. This step is vital for selecting the correct operation and solving the problem effectively.

You may need to backtrack and reread the problem again, emphasizing the question.

That’s when we have the part versus the whole discussion. What information are we given?  Do we have part of something, or is it a whole/total amount?

If a student truly doesn’t know what he’s looking for, they can’t choose the correct operation needed to solve the problem. A discussion needs to continue for understanding.

Step 4:  Box the keywords

Be careful with keywords in word problems – they can be tricky! Some keywords have multiple meanings and can represent different operations. To solve the problem correctly, students must understand the context.

It’s normal for students to ask for hints and clues when identifying the necessary operation(s). However, it’s important to let them struggle a bit to boost perseverance and critical thinking skills.

Step 5:  Eliminate unnecessary information

This step requires practice because students often struggle with eliminating unnecessary information. I ask students to draw one line through the information so they can still read what they crossed out. Otherwise, students may cross out needed information and then erase so hard they tear the paper.

Some students eliminate too much, while others think everything is necessary. This step takes time and really tests their comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Step 6:  Draw a picture

Drawing a picture or representing the problem with a table, array, or tally marks helps students visualize the problem. Concrete manipulatives are also helpful and should be available to students who need to hold or manipulate items.

Quick sketches or other visual aids like tables, arrays, or tally marks are good enough. Remind them not to get too caught up in drawing a masterpiece and lose focus.

Step 7:  Determine if the problem is multi-step

Students can feel confused when encountering multi-step problems. Numbering the steps by writing a 1, 2, 3, etc., near the first step of the problem helps them stay organized.

You may also have to encourage students to keep working through the problem. Often students complete only one step and expect to be finished.

It’s essential to emphasize that as they progress, their problems become more challenging, and they’ll have more than one step.

Step 8: Solve

Finally, students must do the actual calculations to solve the problem.

It’s a lot to hand, but you can read and learn more below.

Want to learn more about CUBES Math Word Problem Strategy?

Click HERE to read another blog post about CUBES and CUBED posters and resources.

The more you explore, the more beneficial it will be!

Interested in additional CUBES Math Word Problem Strategy resources? Visit our Teachers Pay Teachers store for more options.

CUBES - CUBED poster bundle cover for the strategy to help students solve word problems

Maybe much of this is a simple review for you, but I hope that maybe there was even one little idea that got you thinking a bit more deeply about word problems in your own classroom.  

CUBES math reference posters for the classroom

**There are other strategies and sets out there similar to these posters. Still, I love the CUBED (with the letter “D”) strategy best because of the emphasis on Common Core to have students represent math problems with pictures or drawings (Drawings = D in the CUBED strategy).

Discover how effective graph paper for addition and subtraction practice can be.

addition and subtraction graph paper grids worksheets image

This proven method ensures students’ work remains neat and organized, leading to improved accuracy. These sets are a win-win for both students and educators!

cubes problem solving strategy poster

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cubes problem solving strategy poster

Math Problem Solving Strategies Posters | Spotty Brights Decor | CUBES

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These spotty brights-themed math problem solving strategy posters provide a visual aid to assist students in solving numeracy problems. They're a great addition to math bulletin boards, complementing problem-solving solution activities and helping students easily recall and apply strategies during math class.

This pack includes posters that break down complex problem-solving processes into manageable steps, making it easier for students to follow a structured approach rather than feeling overwhelmed by the problem. With relatable problem-solving scenarios, these posters capture your students’ attention and keep them motivated. Ideal for classrooms, home study areas, or anywhere your child learns and grows.

Enhance your students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way with our Brights-themed Problem Solving Strategy Posters ! Display them on your classroom math wall! Designed using a colorful neon rainbow design, these posters will transform complex concepts into easy-to-understand, actionable steps that students of all ages and grade levels will enjoy using.

$$ SAVE $$ and grab this resource in my Brights Math Posters Bundle HERE!


  • Header posters (4 designs)
  • Make a model / Use materials
  • Draw a picture / Draw a diagram
  • Create a table
  • Write a number sentence
  • Guess and check
  • Work backwards
  • Identify a pattern
  • Solve a simpler problem
  • Customizable header poster
  • Blank poster templates

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  5. CUBES Problem Solving Poster (teacher made)

    Use this eye-catching 'Cubes Problem-Solving Poster' to support your students to independently solve maths word problems.Featuring a memorable anagram, your students will be encouraged to remember strategies to effectively work through problem-solving by thinking of CUBES.Problem-solving can be tricky for students who aren't used to thinking laterally, so this resource is great to display on ...

  6. CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Poster Pastels

    This math problem-solving strategy will help your students solve multi-step word problems. A quick and easy acronym that will help students understand the steps in problem solving! C- Circle the numbers U- Underline the question B- Box the keywords E- Eliminate information not needed S- Solve by showing your work ZIP | 30 pages

  7. CUBES Bulletin Board and Bookmark Set

    A good problem-solving strategy is essential for students to master tricky word problems. While this may come naturally for some students, other students may benefit from the handy acronym, CUBES! ... How to Make the Most of Your CUBES Problem Solving Set. Print the posters and display them in your classroom for students to reference when doing ...

  8. Exploring the Power of the CUBES Math Strategy for Word Problems

    The CUBES math strategy is a tool designed to help give students a systematic approach to breaking down and solving math word problems. The acronym C.U.B.E.S stands for: By breaking down the problem into these steps, students can better understand the context of the problem and effectively solve it.

  9. CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Poster

    Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT's content guidelines. This math problem-solving strategy will help your students solve multi-step word problems. A quick and easy acronym that will help students understand the steps in problem solving!C- Circle the numbersU- Underline the questionB- Box the keywordsE ...

  10. CUBES Strategy

    It's called the CUBES strategy. Click on the link below and watch this video for an explanation of the strategy. null. ... You will want to become familiar with this problem solving strategy. Learn what each of the letters in CUBES stands for. This will help when you are problem solving! cubesorganizer.pdf: File Size: 99 kb:

  11. CUBES Problem Solving Math Strategy Posters Signs for ...

    This set of posters is the perfect way to reinforce problem solving strategies among your learners. Students can easily reference these CUBES posters or handouts to help them during math time! Just print, pass out or hang! Use year after year. Perfect for math notebooks! Posters Included in this set: - CUBES title poster - CUBES title poster (black & white) - 5 sheets spelling out the word ...

  12. CUBES Classroom Display and Bookmark Set

    Print the posters and display them in your classroom for students to reference when doing independent work. Print the bookmarks and place them in your maths stations as a reminder for students. Print the bookmarks and distribute them to students to keep at their desks. Invite students to pull out their bookmarks when working on maths word problems.

  13. Cubes Math Strategy Poster

    ADOGEO Cubes Math Poster - Math Matters Classroom Posters, Middle School Classroom Decorating Ideas, Gifts for Teacher High School Classroom, Classroom School Decor Unframed 12" X 18" (Red) ... Carson Dellosa Problem Solving Bulletin Board Set. 4.7 out of 5 stars 126. $18.59 $ 18. 59. ... Carson Dellosa Math Strategies Posters, 8.5" x 11" Math ...

  14. How to Teach Math Word Problems

    Step 3: Underline the question. Step three is all about underlining the question and making sure students truly understand it. Challenge them to rephrase the question in their own words. This step is vital for selecting the correct operation and solving the problem effectively.

  15. CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Poster

    This math problem-solving strategy will help your students get through those lengthy word problems.C- Circle the numbersU- Underline the questionB- Box the keywordsE- Eliminate information not neededS- Solve by showing your work + Interactive Notebook FlapbookIncludes three different styles:+ White ...

  16. Math Problem Solving Strategy Anchor Chart, CUBES Acronym Poster, Steps

    Math teachers will love this "CUBES: Math Problem-Solving Strategy" ANCHOR CHART! It will make the perfect math reference poster to support your students in solving math problems. By utilizing the CUBES acronym on this poster, your students can follow along as they answer math problems. DESIGN & SIZING:-Printed on top-tier 210gsm satin paper!

  17. CUBES Math Word Problem Strategy poster

    CUBES to the Rescue! - Caffeine Queen Teacher. Identifying key words in a math story problem is important when students are solving word problems. These key word posters are part of the CUBES math word problem solving strategy set. Perfect references for students.

  18. CUBES Word Problem Strategy Poster

    CUBES strategy poster is a reference guide to help with those tricky word problems! CUBES is a strategy used by students to help them with any word problem. Use this poster to tackle addition, subtraction, multiplication or division word problems!Hang and laminate for longer use!Included:1 poster (different picture for evaluate)1 sheet of ...

  19. CUBES Math Word Problem Strategy poster

    Math Keywords Poster Set. Included are a student handout to identify keywords when solving word problems, four individual posters for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, and a student worksheet to practice skills that is geared towards 4th, 5th and 6th grade. Posters have a couple blank lines on each to write in additional words.

  20. CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Poster by Math School Files

    CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Poster. Great resource to help students problem solve. 🎉 Teacher Appreciation : Save up to 25 % using promo code THANKYOU24 .

  21. CUBES Math Problem Solving Strategy Posters

    Hang these CUBES Problem Solving Strategy Posters in your classroom to give your students a visual reminder while solving math word problems in class.There is one poster per letter:C - Circle the key numbersU - Underline the questionB - Box the math wordsE - Estimate and EvaluateS - Sketch and Solve...

  22. Math Problem Solving Strategies Posters

    These spotty brights-themed math problem solving strategy posters provide a visual aid to assist students in solving numeracy problems. They're a great addition to math bulletin boards, complementing problem-solving solution activities and helping students easily recall and apply strategies during m...