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120+ Healthcare argumentative essay topics [+Outline]

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If you’re a nursing student, then you know how important it is to choose Great Healthcare argumentative essay topics.

Here's What You'll Learn

After all, your essay will be graded on both the content of your argument and how well you defend it. That’s why it’s so important to choose topics that you’re passionate about and that you can research thoroughly.

Strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics

To help you get started, here are some strong Healthcare argumentative essay topics to consider:

  • Is there a nurse shortage in the United States? If so, what are the causes, and what can be done to mitigate it?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of various types of Nurse staffing models?
  • What are the implications of the current opioid epidemic on nurses and patients?
  • Are there any ethical considerations that should be taken into account when providing care to terminally ill patients?
  • What are the most effective ways to prevent or treat healthcare-acquired infections?
  • Should nurses be allowed to prescribe medication? If so, under what circumstances?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients’ rights?
  • What is the role of nurses in disaster relief efforts?
  • The high cost of healthcare in the United States.
  • The debate over whether or not healthcare is a human right.
  • The role of the government in providing healthcare.
  • The pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act.
  • The impact of healthcare on the economy.
  • The problem of access to healthcare in rural areas.
  • The debate over single-payer healthcare in the United States.
  • The pros and cons of private health insurance.
  • The rising cost of prescription drugs in the United States.
  • The use of medical marijuana in the United States.
  • The debates over end-of-life care and assisted suicide in the United States.

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Controversial Healthcare topics

There is no shortage of controversial healthcare topics to write about. From the high cost of insurance to the debate over medical marijuana, there are plenty of issues to spark an interesting and thought-provoking argumentative essay.

Here are some Controversial healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

2. Should the government do more to regulate the healthcare industry?

3. What is the best way to provide quality healthcare for all?

4. Should medical marijuana be legalized?

5. How can we control the rising cost of healthcare?

6. Should cloning be used for medical research?

7. Is it ethical to use stem cells from embryos?

8. How can we improve access to quality healthcare?

9. What are the implications of the Affordable Care Act?

10. What role should pharmaceutical companies play in healthcare?

11. The problems with the current healthcare system in the United States.

12. The need for reform of the healthcare system in the United States.

Great healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is a controversial and complex issue, and there are many different angles that you can take when writing an argumentative essay on the topic. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Should the government provide free or low-cost healthcare to all citizens?

2. Is private healthcare better than public healthcare?

3. Should there be more regulation of the healthcare industry?

4. Are medical costs too high in the United States?

5. Should all Americans be required to have health insurance?

6. How can the rising cost of healthcare be controlled?

7. What is the best way to provide healthcare to aging Americans?

8. What role should the government play in controlling the cost of prescription drugs?

9. What impact will the Affordable Care Act have on the healthcare system in the United States?

Hot healthcare argumentative essay topics

Healthcare is always a hot-button issue. Whether it’s the Affordable Care Act, single-payer healthcare, or something else entirely, there’s always plenty to debate when it comes to healthcare. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to help get you started.

1. Is the Affordable Care Act working?

2. Should the government do more to provide healthcare for its citizens?

3. Should there be a single-payer healthcare system in the United States?

4. What are the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act?

5. What impact has the Affordable Care Act had on healthcare costs in the United States?

6. Is the Affordable Care Act sustainable in the long run?

7. What challenges does the Affordable Care Act face?

8. What are the potential solutions to the problems with the Affordable Care Act?

9. Is single-payer healthcare a good idea?

10. What are the pros and cons of single-payer healthcare?

Argumentative topics related to healthcare

Healthcare is always an ever-evolving issue. It’s one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on and is always eager to discuss. That’s why it makes for such a great topic for an argumentative essay. If you’re looking for some fresh ideas, here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started.

1. Is our healthcare system in need of a complete overhaul?

3. Are rising healthcare costs making it difficult for people to access care?

4. Is our current healthcare system sustainable in the long term?

5. Should we be doing more to prevent disease and promote wellness?

6. What role should the private sector play in providing healthcare?

7. What can be done to reduce the number of errors in our healthcare system?

8. How can we make sure that everyone has access to quality healthcare?

9. What can be done to improve communication and collaboration between different parts of the healthcare system?

10. How can we make sure that everyone has access to the care they need when they need it?

Argumentative essay topics about health

There are many different stakeholders in the healthcare debate, and each one has their own interests and perspectives. Here are some great healthcare argumentative essay topics to get you started:

1. Who should pay for healthcare?

2. Is healthcare a right or a privilege?

3. What is the role of the government in healthcare?

4. Should there be limits on what treatments insurance companies must cover?

5. How can we improve access to healthcare?

6. What are the most effective methods of preventing disease?

7. How can we improve the quality of care in our hospitals?

8. What are the best ways to control costs in the healthcare system?

9. How can we ensure that everyone has access to basic care?

10. What are the ethical implications of rationing healthcare?

Medical argumentative essay topics

  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

2. Should there be limits on medical research using human subjects?

3. Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes?

4. Should the government do more to regulate the use of prescription drugs?

5. Is alternative medicine effective?

6. Are there benefits to using placebos in medical treatment?

7. Should cosmetic surgery be covered by health insurance?

8. Is it ethical to buy organs on the black market?

9. Are there risks associated with taking herbal supplements?

10. Is it morally wrong to end a pregnancy?

11. Should physician-assisted suicide be legal?

12. Is it ethical to test new medical treatments on animals?

13. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to end their lives?

14. Is it morally wrong to sell organs for transplantation?

15. Are there benefits to using stem cells from embryos in medical research?

16. Is it ethical to use human beings in medical experiments?

17. Should the government do more to fund medical research into cancer treatments?

18. Are there risks associated with genetic engineering of humans?

19. Is it ethical to clones humans for the purpose

Argumentative essays on mental illness

  • Should there be more focus on mental health in schools?
  • Are our current treatments for mental illness effective?
  • Are mental health disorders more common now than they were in the past?
  • How does social media impact mental health?
  • How does trauma impact mental health?
  • What are the most effective treatments for PTSD?
  • Is therapy an effective treatment for mental illness?
  • What causes mental illness?
  • How can we destigmatize mental illness?
  • How can we better support those with mental illness?
  • Should insurance companies cover mental health treatments?
  • What are the most effective treatments for depression?
  • Should medication be used to treat mental illness?
  • What are the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for OCD?
  • What are the most effective treatments for eating disorders?
  • What are the most effective treatments for bipolar disorder?
  • How can we better support caregivers of those with mental illness?
  • What role does stigma play in mental illness?

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90+ Strong Health Essay Topics And How To Handle Them

Haiden Malecot

Table of Contents

argumentative essay about health issues

You can write about healthy lifestyle, rehabilitation after traumas, childcare, common or rare diseases, global advances in health and medicine, environmental health issues, and more.

How to deal with essay on health?

Your essay will be the most impressive if you choose a topic that is familiar to you or you can write about something you have experience with. It will be easier for you to do a health essay paper and build a convincing argument. Another approach is choosing a topic which is not familiar to you but in which you are interested in. It would be a great opportunity for you to educate yourself.

If you pick an interesting essay topic idea which is too broad to cover in your essay, you should do additional keyword research and look for some specific aspects of this topic to narrow it.

Keep in mind that you should look for a narrow topic which has enough available resources that you can use for researching it.

Before you start writing, make sure you have found enough evidence and examples to support your argument. A good idea is to create a working outline or a mind map for your essay that will guide your writing and help you stay focused on your key points.

First, create a strong thesis statement and think about several main points to support it.

If you are looking for health topics to write about and are not sure what to write about, here we have gathered a lot of exciting ideas that you won’t find on any other essay writing services.

Feel free to use them as inspiration own topic ideas or for writing your essays.

Health topics to write about

  • How Can We Help Children Maintain a Healthy Body Weight?
  • Ethical and Legal Issues of Surrogate Pregnancy.
  • How Dangerous are Long-term Consequences of Anorexia?
  • Principles of Preventing Medical Errors in Hospitals.
  • How Can Doctors Promote Healthy Lifestyle?
  • Why is Homeopathy a Pseudo-Science?
  • What Are Side Effects of Blood Transfusion?
  • Types of Eating Disorders.
  • Can a Vegan Diet Be Healthy?
  • The Best Strategies to Maintain Healthy Body Weight.
  • Psychological Issues of Breast Cancer.
  • Importance of Organ Donation after Death.
  • Can Cloning Help Save Lives?
  • Ethics in Human Experimentation.
  • Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women.
  • Is It Possible to Cure Diabetes in the Future?

Interesting health topics to write about

  • What is the Difference Between Western Medicine and Alternative Medicine?
  • Health Consequences of Eating Disorders.
  • Bioprinting as the Future of Organ Transplants.
  • Use of Stem Cell Technologies for Cancer Treatment.
  • Ethical and Social Issues of Cosmetic Surgery.
  • How Does Advertising Influence Healthy Food Choices?
  • Role of Nutrition Education in Promoting Healthy Diets.
  • Fast Food Consumption and Obesity.
  • How Can Exercise Help Senior Improve Strength and Balance?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Weight Loss Surgery.
  • Obesity as a Medical and Social Problem.
  • Strategies for Heart Disease Prevention.
  • How Long Can Humans Actually Live?
  • Pros and Cons of Clinical Trials.
  • Alternative Ways to Treat Depression.
  • Is There a Cure for HIV or AIDS?

Controversial health essay topics

  • Is There a Link Between Sugary Drinks and Cancer?
  • Health Consequences of Caffeine.
  • Can Little Kid Food Habits Signal Autism?
  • Should Euthanasia Be Legalized?
  • Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana.
  • Is Alternative Medicine Dangerous?
  • Is Doing Sports always Healthy?
  • Which Diet Is Better: Low-Fat or Low-Carb?
  • Discuss Measures for Prevention of Communicable Diseases.
  • Social Determinants That Influence People’s Well-being.
  • Are Doctors Responsible for the Opioid Epidemic?
  • Is Religion a Mental Disorder?
  • Is Nuclear Waste Really Dangerous for People?
  • Is a No-Carb Diet Safe?
  • Are We Too Dependent on Antibiotics?
  • Are Natural Medicines a Good Alternative to Pharmaceutical?
  • Can Blockchain Help Improve the Trust in the Accuracy of Clinical Trials Data?

Mental health argumentative essay topics

  • Influence of Environmental Factors on Mental Health.
  • Drug Misuse and Mental Disorders.
  • Social Effects of Mental Disorders.
  • Alcohol Addiction and Psychiatric Disorders.
  • Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment of Teen Depression.
  • How to Protect Your Mental Health from Social Media Dangers.
  • Effects of Social Isolation and Loneliness on Severe Mental Disorders.
  • Negative Effects of Total Isolation on Physical and Mental Health.
  • Mental Health Benefits Associated with Physical Activity.
  • Association between Exercise and Mood.
  • Mental Health Problems of Homeless People.
  • Stress as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders.
  • Effect of Disposer to Violence on Mental Disorders.
  • Common Mental Disorders in the USA.
  • Depression and Anxiety Disorders among Adults.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders.
  • Economic Burden of Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
  • Influence of Anxiety Disorders on the Quality of Life.

Health care essay topics

  • Advantages and Challenges of E-health Technology.
  • Application of Big Data to the Medical Care System.
  • Risk Connected with Untested Methods of Alternative Medicine.
  • Controversial Issues in the US Medical Care System.
  • Telemedicine and Other Disruptive Innovations in Health Care System.
  • How Can We Achieve Health Equity?
  • Impact of Racism on the Well-Being of the Nation.
  • School-based Health Care and Educational Success of Children.
  • Role of School-based Health Care in Preventing Dropout.
  • What Can Be Done to Curb Rising Suicide Rates?
  • Do Adults and Senior Still Need Vaccines?
  • What Human Rights Issues Have an Impact on Public Health?
  • What Measures Should Be Taken to Prevent Heat-related Deaths?
  • Discuss Healthy Housing Standards.
  • What Are Common Strategies for Prevention of Chronic Diseases?

Health essay topics for high school students

  • Can Computers Displace Doctors?
  • Can People Become Immortal?
  • Can Happiness Cure Diseases?
  • How to Prevent Teen Pregnancy?
  • The Biggest Health Challenges Facing Youth.
  • Importance of Balanced Diet for Teenagers.
  • Does Being Healthy Make You Happy?
  • Why Is Exercise Important to Teenagers?
  • Why Is Obesity Becoming an Epidemic?
  • How to Become a Healthy Person.
  • Importance of Healthy Lifestyle for Teens.
  • Negative Impact of Smoking Teenagers.
  • How Does Stress Affect Teenagers?
  • Why Do Teenagers Experiment with Drugs?
  • How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits.

Need a health essay overnight? Here’s a deal! Buy argumentative essay help by choosing any topic from our list and handing it to our writers. Complete confidentiality and the brilliant result are guaranteed.

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Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health

Last updated on: Apr 25, 2024

Writing an Argumentative Essay About Mental Health: Get Examples and Topics

By: Betty P.

10 min read

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Mar 8, 2023

Argumentative essay about mental health

Crafting a persuasive argumentative essay on mental health topics can seem intimidating.

Perfecting an argument that is both persuasive and backed by evidence can be a difficult balance to strike. 

However, by using the right tips and strategies, crafting an argumentative essay on mental health can be made easier.

Our guide will help you create a winning argument by providing instructions and examples. With our guidance, you'll have all the tools you need to craft a compelling piece of writing. This will make your point clear and leave your reader convinced!

Without further ado, let us begin!

Argumentative essay about mental health

On this Page

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay presents arguments on a particular topic, backed by solid evidence and logical reasoning. 

But why should you write one about mental health?

Firstly, argumentative essays provide a platform for expressing your opinions and beliefs while supporting them with credible facts. By writing about mental health, you can shed light on this important topic and contribute to a larger conversation.

Secondly, argumentative essays encourage critical thinking . They require you to analyze different perspectives, evaluate evidence, and form well-reasoned arguments. Writing about mental health allows you to explore complex issues and challenge misconceptions.

Moreover, they have the power to influence and inspire change . By presenting compelling arguments and persuasive evidence, you can raise awareness about mental health, combat stigma, and advocate for better support and resources.

Learn how to perfect your arguments with our comprehensive argumentative essay guide. 

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay About Mental Health

Writing an essay on mental health is great to explore the different dynamics of the topic.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you go about writing this essay:   Step 1: Select a Compelling Topic

Choose a topic related to mental health that interests you and is relevant to society. 

Consider issues like the impact of social media on mental health or the importance of mental health education in schools. Do your research to come up with a topic that hasn’t been explored in-depth before. This way you can create a unique case in your essay.

Step 2: Conduct In-Depth Research

Gather credible information from reputable sources such as academic journals, government reports, and expert opinions. Collect statistics, case studies, and examples that support your arguments.

Step 3: Structure Your Essay Effectively

Organize your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. In the introduction, provide background information on the topic and present a clear thesis statement that states your main argument. 

In the body paragraphs, present your arguments, supporting evidence, and counterarguments. 

Finally, to end your essay , summarize your key points and restate your thesis while leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Step 4: Use Persuasive Techniques

Use persuasive writing techniques to make your arguments more compelling. Appeal to logic by presenting facts and logical reasoning. 

Appeal to emotions by sharing personal stories of people with mental disorders. Use strong and concise language to convey your message effectively.

Gain all the insight you need to construct a convincing argumentative essay by watching this video!

Examples of Argumentative Essay about Mental Health

Example essays can help you a great deal when getting started with writing an essay about mental health problems. Here are a few examples of argumentative essays on mental health:

     Mental health has emerged as a significant public health concern in contemporary society. The recognition of mental health as an essential aspect of overall well-being has led to an increased focus on the development of effective strategies and approaches for addressing mental health issues. This essay explores the importance of adopting holistic approaches in promoting mental health, considering the multidimensional nature of mental well-being and the limitations of traditional, symptom-centered treatments.

Mental health encompasses more than the absence of mental illness. It involves the integration of various dimensions, including emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of an individual's well-being. Holistic approaches recognize the interconnectedness of these dimensions and emphasize the need to address them collectively. By adopting a holistic perspective, mental health interventions can encompass comprehensive assessments that go beyond symptoms and address the underlying causes and factors contributing to mental distress.

Traditional approaches to mental health often focus solely on symptom reduction. While symptom-centered treatments such as medication and therapy have proven beneficial for many individuals, they often overlook the broader context in which mental health concerns arise. These approaches primarily target the manifestation of distress without necessarily exploring the underlying causes or considering other influential factors. By adopting a narrow focus on symptoms, the holistic understanding of mental health is diminished, potentially limiting the effectiveness of treatments.

Holistic approaches recognize the need to address the underlying causes of mental health issues and consider the individual as a whole. By taking into account various dimensions of well-being, such as physical health, social support, and lifestyle factors, these approaches aim to enhance treatment efficacy. For example, integrating cognitive-behavioral therapy with mindfulness techniques can provide individuals with a comprehensive toolkit to address negative thought patterns while simultaneously cultivating mindfulness skills to manage stress and enhance overall well-being. This combination of approaches acknowledges the interplay between psychological and physiological aspects of mental health, leading to more robust and sustainable outcomes.

Holistic approaches to mental health also prioritize prevention and resilience-building strategies. Rather than waiting for mental health problems to arise, these approaches focus on early intervention and proactive measures. This can involve promoting healthy lifestyle choices, providing education and awareness about mental health, and fostering a supportive environment that reduces stigma and encourages help-seeking behaviors. By emphasizing prevention and resilience, holistic approaches shift the focus from reactive treatment to proactive mental health promotion, ultimately reducing the burden on mental health services and improving overall population well-being.

Holistic approaches acknowledge the influence of social determinants on mental health outcomes. Factors such as socioeconomic status, education, employment, and social support systems significantly impact an individual's mental well-being. By incorporating these considerations into mental health interventions, holistic approaches strive to address the root causes of mental distress and create an enabling environment for recovery and growth. Recognizing and addressing social determinants also promotes equity in mental health care, ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the support they need.

The recognition of mental health as a multidimensional concept necessitates the adoption of holistic approaches to addressing mental health concerns. By considering the interconnectedness of various dimensions of well-being and the influence of social determinants, holistic approaches offer a comprehensive framework for promoting mental health. By moving beyond symptom-centered treatments and embracing prevention, resilience-building, and integrated interventions, holistic approaches pave the way for a more effective and inclusive mental health care system. To address the complexities of mental health, it is imperative that we embrace holistic approaches that prioritize individual well-being and societal support, ultimately fostering a mentally healthier world.

      Anxiety and depression are prevalent mental health conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. As the understanding of these disorders has evolved, so too have the treatment approaches. This essay examines the role of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in addressing anxiety and depression, highlighting its effectiveness, underlying principles, and potential for promoting long-term well-being.

Anxiety and depression are complex disorders characterized by persistent feelings of fear, worry, sadness, and hopelessness. They can significantly impair an individual's daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life. These disorders often arise from a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors. To effectively treat anxiety and depression, it is crucial to employ interventions that address both the symptoms and the underlying causes.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a widely researched and evidence-based approach used in the treatment of anxiety and depression. CBT operates on the principle that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are interconnected, and by modifying maladaptive patterns, individuals can experience improved mental well-being. This therapy focuses on identifying and challenging negative and distorted thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions, and replacing them with more rational and adaptive ones. CBT also emphasizes the importance of behavioral activation, encouraging individuals to engage in activities that bring them a sense of pleasure and accomplishment.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBT in treating anxiety and depression. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews consistently show that CBT produces significant reductions in symptoms and enhances overall functioning. For instance, a study by Hofmann et al. (2012) found that CBT was equally effective as medication in the treatment of anxiety disorders and more effective in preventing relapse. Similarly, a review by Butler et al. (2006) highlighted the effectiveness of CBT in reducing depressive symptoms, with long-term benefits that surpass those of medication alone.

One of the strengths of CBT is its focus on cognitive processes that contribute to anxiety and depression. By identifying and challenging negative thinking patterns, individuals gain insight into how their thoughts influence their emotional state and behavior. CBT helps individuals develop cognitive restructuring skills, allowing them to replace irrational and distorted thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. This cognitive shift promotes emotional regulation and empowers individuals to cope effectively with stressors, reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms.

CBT not only provides immediate relief from symptoms but also equips individuals with skills and strategies that promote long-term well-being. By addressing the underlying cognitive processes and teaching adaptive coping mechanisms, CBT fosters resilience and reduces the risk of relapse. The emphasis on behavioral activation encourages individuals to cultivate a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, enhancing overall life satisfaction and reducing the likelihood of future episodes of anxiety and depression.

CBT can be integrated with other therapeutic approaches to enhance treatment outcomes. For instance, combining CBT with mindfulness-based interventions has shown promise in reducing anxiety and depression. Mindfulness practices help individuals develop non-judgmental awareness of their thoughts and emotions, promoting acceptance and self-compassion. Integrating CBT with other evidence-based approaches can provide individuals with a more comprehensive treatment plan tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has emerged as a powerful and effective treatment modality for anxiety and depression. By targeting underlying cognitive processes, CBT enables individuals to challenge and modify negative thinking patterns, resulting in significant reductions in symptoms and improved overall functioning. Moreover, the long-term benefits and relapse prevention strategies of CBT make it a valuable therapeutic approach. The integration of CBT with other evidence-based interventions further enhances treatment outcomes, providing individuals with a holistic and personalized approach to mental health care. As the prevalence of anxiety and depression continues to rise, the widespread adoption and accessibility of CBT hold promise for improving the lives of individuals affected by these conditions.

Here are some example essays that can help you get started

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health Awareness

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health In Schools

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health Situation In The Philippines

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health Of Students

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health Care

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health Issues

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health Introduction

Argumentative Essay About Mental Health And Physical Health

Struggling to find the inspiration you need to craft your essay? Explore our argumentative essay examples blog!

Argumentative Essay Topics About Mental Health

When it comes to writing an argumentative essay about mental health, choosing a thought-provoking topic is crucial. Here are some compelling topics that provide opportunities for strong arguments:

  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Perceptions of Mental Health
  • The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Mental Health in Adulthood
  • Exploring the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness in Society
  • The Importance of Mental Health Education in Schools
  • The Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Mental Well-being
  • Analyzing the Link Between Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders
  • Addressing the Mental Health Needs of LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • Examining the Overprescription of Psychotropic Medications for Mental Health
  • The Role of Cultural Factors in Understanding and Treating Mental Health Issues
  • Promoting Mental Health Support and Resources in Underserved Communities

Don’t see a topic you like? Check out our extensive list of argumentative essay topics and choose one that interests you!

So there you have it!

By now you must have gotten the idea of how you can write an impressive argumentative essay about mental health. We have provided you with easy-to-understand instructions. 

Not only that, but our comprehensive examples must have given you a clear idea on structuring and writing your essay. 

Remember to revisit this blog if you ever need help with your argumentative essay about mental health. 

However, if you feel confused, then don't worry because we have the perfect solution for you. 

At , we have a team of dedicated writers who focus on delivering quality papers on time, every time. 

All you have to do is say ' write my paper today ' and our team will make sure to deliver a well-researched and well-written essay.

So, why are you wasting your time thinking? Grab this opportunity now and say goodbye to your writing woes. 

Get writing help with our essay typer . It's simple, it's fast, and it'll help you get the job done.

Betty P.

Betty is a freelance writer and researcher. She has a Masters in literature and enjoys providing writing services to her clients. Betty is an avid reader and loves learning new things. She has provided writing services to clients from all academic levels and related academic fields.

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113 Mental Health Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked or stigmatized in society. Writing about mental health can help raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote understanding and empathy. If you are looking for inspiration for your next mental health essay, here are 113 topic ideas and examples to get you started.

  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The stigma surrounding mental illness in society
  • How to support a loved one with a mental health condition
  • The benefits of therapy for mental health
  • The relationship between physical and mental health
  • The role of exercise in improving mental health
  • Mental health in the workplace
  • The connection between trauma and mental health
  • The importance of self-care for mental health
  • Mental health in the elderly population
  • The impact of substance abuse on mental health
  • The role of genetics in mental health conditions
  • The relationship between sleep and mental health
  • Mental health in the LGBTQ+ community
  • The effects of chronic stress on mental health
  • The link between nutrition and mental health
  • Mental health in children and adolescents
  • The impact of technology on mental health
  • The benefits of mindfulness for mental health
  • Mental health in marginalized communities
  • The role of medication in treating mental health conditions
  • Mental health in the military
  • The connection between mental health and creativity
  • The impact of climate change on mental health
  • Mental health in the criminal justice system
  • The effects of bullying on mental health
  • The relationship between mental health and homelessness
  • The role of music therapy in mental health treatment
  • Mental health in the refugee population
  • The impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health
  • The benefits of art therapy for mental health
  • The effects of social isolation on mental health
  • The role of spirituality in mental health
  • Mental health in the immigrant population
  • The connection between mental health and physical illness
  • The impact of peer pressure on mental health
  • The benefits of journaling for mental health
  • Mental health in the entertainment industry
  • The relationship between perfectionism and mental health
  • The effects of social comparison on mental health
  • The role of pets in improving mental health
  • Mental health in the age of technology
  • The connection between mental health and climate change
  • The impact of social media influencers on mental health
  • The benefits of volunteering for mental health
  • Mental health in the education system
  • The relationship between mental health and addiction
  • The effects of discrimination on mental health
  • The role of exercise in preventing mental health conditions
  • Mental health in the aging population
  • The connection between mental health and chronic illness
  • The impact of poverty on mental health
  • The benefits of group therapy for mental health
  • The relationship between mental health and personality traits
  • The effects of childhood neglect on adult mental health
  • The role of mindfulness in preventing mental health conditions
  • The connection between mental health and physical health
  • The impact of social media on body image and mental health
  • The benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy for mental health
  • The relationship between mental health and financial stress
  • The effects of trauma on mental health
  • The relationship between mental health and social support

These are just a few ideas to get you started on your mental health essay. Remember, mental health is a complex and multifaceted topic, so feel free to explore different angles and perspectives in your writing. By shedding light on mental health issues, you can help promote understanding, empathy, and support for those who may be struggling.

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Argumentative Essays About Mental Health

Hook examples for mental health essays, the personal experience hook.

Share a personal anecdote or experience related to mental health. Describe your journey or the experiences of someone close to you, highlighting the challenges and the importance of mental well-being.

The Stigma-Breaking Hook

Begin by discussing the stigma surrounding mental health. Explain how society's perceptions can hinder individuals from seeking help and why it's crucial to challenge these stereotypes.

The Statistics and Prevalence Hook

Start with shocking statistics or data on the prevalence of mental health issues. Highlight the scale of the problem and its impact on individuals and communities.

The Historical Perspective Hook

Explore the historical treatment of mental health. Discuss how society's understanding of mental illnesses has evolved over time and the significance of these changes.

The Celebrities and Advocacy Hook

Highlight the advocacy efforts of well-known figures who have openly discussed their mental health struggles. Explain how their stories have helped reduce stigma and raise awareness.

The Impact on Daily Life Hook

Discuss how mental health issues affect everyday life, including relationships, work, and overall well-being. Share relatable scenarios to engage readers emotionally.

The Psychological Insights Hook

Introduce a psychological concept or theory related to mental health. Explain its relevance and how it can provide valuable insights into human behavior and emotions.

The Global Mental Health Hook

Examine mental health on a global scale. Discuss disparities in access to mental health care and the impact of cultural factors on mental well-being.

The Resilience and Recovery Hook

Share stories of individuals who have overcome mental health challenges and emphasize the themes of resilience, recovery, and hope. Showcase the importance of seeking help and support.

The Call to Action Hook

Conclude your essay with a compelling call to action. Encourage readers to prioritize their mental health, seek help when needed, and advocate for better mental health care and awareness.

Proposal Essay Examples on Mental Health

When delving into the realm of proposal essays , it's crucial to explore a diverse array of topics that capture the complexities of societal issues. In this context, mental health emerges as a critical area deserving attention and analysis. Below, you'll find a curated list of proposal essay topics centered around mental health, aiming to spark insightful discussions and potential solutions.

  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Awareness
  • Improving Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Communities
  • Addressing Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness in Schools
  • Implementing Mental Health Education Programs in the Workplace
  • Enhancing Support Systems for Veterans' Mental Health
  • Exploring Alternative Therapies for Managing Anxiety and Depression
  • Promoting Mental Wellness Among College Students
  • Integrating Mental Health Screening into Primary Care Settings
  • Combatting Loneliness and Isolation Among the Elderly
  • Creating Support Networks for Families of Individuals with Mental Illness

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A mental illness, referred to as a mental disorder or psychiatric disorder, is a condition characterized by disrupted behavioral or mental patterns that result in considerable distress or impairment to an individual's personal functioning.

Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, sexuality related disorders, other disorders.

Genetic and biological factors: Having a family history of mental illness can elevate the likelihood of experiencing such conditions. Additionally, specific genetic variations and imbalances in brain chemistry can contribute to an individual's susceptibility to mental health disorders. Environmental factors: Adverse childhood experiences, including trauma, abuse, neglect, or growing up in a stressful and unstable environment, increase the vulnerability to developing mental health issues. Psychological factors: Certain traits like high levels of neuroticism or low self-esteem can also contribute to an individual's susceptibility to mental health problems. Substance abuse: Alcohol and drug abuse is strongly associated with an increased risk of mental health disorders. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions and chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, or neurological disorders, can be linked to a heightened risk of mental illness.

Emotional disturbances: persistent sadness, anxiety, irritability, mood swings, or a general sense of emptiness. Cognitive impairments: mental health disorders can affect cognitive processes such as thinking, concentration, memory, and decision-making. Individuals may experience difficulties in focusing, problem-solving, or retaining information. Behavioral changes: withdrawal from social activities, changes in sleep patterns, appetite fluctuations, increased substance use, self-harm, or engaging in risky behaviors. Distorted perceptions: hallucinations (perceiving things that are not there) or delusions (strongly held beliefs that are not based on reality). Impairment in functioning: mental illness often interferes with an individual's ability to function effectively in their daily life. This can include challenges in personal relationships, occupational difficulties, impaired academic performance, or a decline in overall quality of life. Physical symptoms: headaches, digestive problems, fatigue, or unexplained aches and pains.

Psychotherapy: also referred to as talk therapy, involves collaborating with a trained therapist to explore thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Its purpose is to gain insights, develop coping skills, and foster positive transformations. Medication: certain mental disorders can be aided by medication, such as antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, or mood stabilizers. These medications assist in regulating brain chemistry and alleviating symptoms. Lifestyle changes: adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, sufficient sleep, and effective stress management, can contribute to enhancing mental well-being. Support groups: becoming part of support groups or engaging in group therapy can provide a sense of community and empathy, allowing for the exchange of experiences and receiving support from peers. Alternative therapies: some individuals find alternative treatments like yoga, meditation, art therapy, or acupuncture beneficial. These practices can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance emotional well-being. Hospitalization or intensive treatment programs: in severe cases or during mental health emergencies, hospitalization or intensive treatment programs may be required to ensure safety, stabilization, and access to specialized care.

The significance of the subject of mental illness cannot be overstated, as it holds profound relevance for individuals, families, and society at large. The far-reaching impact of mental health conditions on countless people globally necessitates attention and understanding. These conditions impose substantial suffering, impair daily functioning, and tragically, may even lead to loss of life. Recognizing and comprehending mental illness is imperative to foster awareness, combat societal stigma, and enable timely intervention. Prioritizing mental health enables the enhancement of overall well-being and life quality for those affected, while also driving the development of effective treatment methods, improved accessibility to resources, and the cultivation of supportive environments that nurture healing and resilience.

The topic of mental illness is immensely deserving of an essay due to its profound significance in today's society. Exploring mental illness provides an opportunity to raise awareness, challenge misconceptions, and promote understanding. By delving into this subject, one can shed light on the experiences of individuals facing mental health challenges, the impact on their lives, and the broader societal implications. It allows for an examination of the available resources, treatment approaches, and the need for improved mental healthcare systems. Addressing mental illness in an essay contributes to reducing stigma, fostering empathy, and inspiring action to create a more compassionate and supportive environment for those affected.

1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2. World Health Organization. (2019). Mental disorders. Retrieved from 3. Kessler, R. C., Chiu, W. T., Demler, O., & Walters, E. E. (2005). Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Archives of General Psychiatry, 62(6), 617-627. 4. National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Mental health information. Retrieved from 5. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2019). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. 6. Greenberg, G. (2013). The book of woe: The DSM and the unmaking of psychiatry. New York, NY: Penguin Books. 7. Corrigan, P. W., Druss, B. G., & Perlick, D. A. (2014). The impact of mental illness stigma on seeking and participating in mental health care. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 15(2), 37-70. 8. Pincus, H. A., Davis, W. W., & McQueen, L. E. (2017). "Subthreshold" mental disorders: A review and synthesis of studies on minor depression and other "brand names." British Journal of Psychiatry, 190(4), 288-294. 9. Sartorius, N. (2017). Stigma and mental health. Lancet Psychiatry, 4(10), 777-778. 10. Patel, V., Saxena, S., Lund, C., Thornicroft, G., Baingana, F., Bolton, P., ... & Unützer, J. (2018). The Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development. The Lancet, 392(10157), 1553-1598.

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argumentative essay about health issues

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160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

April 3, 2024

The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law , international relations , or public policy , but for any student who wishes to develop their critical thinking faculties. In this article, we’ll cover what makes a good argument essay and offer several argumentative essay topics for high school and college students. Let’s begin!

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses research to present a reasoned argument on a particular subject . As with the persuasive essay , the purpose of an argumentative essay is to sway the reader to the writer’s position. However, a strong persuasive essay makes its point through diligent research and emotion while a strong argumentative essay should be based solely on facts, not feelings.

Moreover, each fact should be supported by clear evidence from credible sources . Furthermore, a good argumentative essay will have an easy-to-follow structure. When organizing your argumentative essay, use this format as a guide:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraph(s) addressing common counterarguments

Argumentative Essay Format

In the introduction , the writer presents their position and thesis statement —a sentence that summarizes the paper’s main points. The body paragraphs then draw upon supporting evidence to back up this initial statement, with each paragraph focusing on its own point. The length of your paper will determine the amount of examples you need. In general, you’ll likely need at least two to three. Additionally, your examples should be as detailed as possible, citing specific research, case studies, statistics, or anecdotes.

In the counterargument paragraph , the writer acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Finally, in the conclusion , the writer restates the main argument made in the thesis statement and summarizes the points of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion may offer a final proposal to persuade the reader of the essay’s position.

How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay, Step by Step

  • Choose your topic. Use the list below to help you pick a topic. Ideally, a good argumentative essay topic will be meaningful to you—writing is always stronger when you are interested in the subject matter. In addition, the topic should be complex with plenty of “pro” and “con” arguments. Avoid choosing a topic that is either widely accepted as fact or too narrow. For example, “Is the earth round?” would not be a solid choice.
  • Research. Use the library, the web, and any other resources to gather information about your argumentative essay topic. Research widely but smartly. As you go, take organized notes, marking the source of every quote and where it may fit in the scheme of your larger essay. Moreover, remember to look for (and research) possible counterarguments.
  • Outline . Using the argument essay format above, create an outline for your essay. Then, brainstorm a thesis statement covering your argument’s main points, and begin to put your examples in order, focusing on logical flow. It’s often best to place your strongest example last.
  • Write . Draw on your research and outline to create a first draft. Remember, your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. (As Voltaire says, “Perfect is the enemy of good.”) Accordingly, just focus on getting the words down on paper.
  • Does my thesis statement need to be adjusted?
  • Which examples feel strongest? Weakest?
  • Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  • Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  • Does the conclusion reinforce my argument?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Evaluating your own work can be difficult, so you might consider the following strategies:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Record yourself reading your paper, and listen to the recording.
  • Reverse outline your paper. Firstly, next to each paragraph, write a short summary of that paragraph’s main points/idea. Then, read through your reverse outline. Does it have a logical flow? If not, where should you adjust?
  • Print out your paper and cut it into paragraphs. What happens when you rearrange the paragraphs?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School, High School, and College Students

Family argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the government provide financial incentives for families to have children to address the declining birth rate?
  • Should we require parents to provide their children with a certain level of nutrition and physical activity to prevent childhood obesity?
  • Should parents implement limits on how much time their children spend playing video games?
  • Should cell phones be banned from family/holiday gatherings?
  • Should we hold parents legally responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Should children have the right to sue their parents for neglect?
  • Should parents have the right to choose their child’s religion?
  • Are spanking and other forms of physical punishment an effective method of discipline?
  • Should courts allow children to choose where they live in cases of divorce?
  • Should parents have the right to monitor teens’ activity on social media?
  • Should parents control their child’s medical treatment, even if it goes against the child’s wishes?
  • Should parents be allowed to post pictures of their children on social media without their consent?
  • Should fathers have a legal say in whether their partners do or do not receive an abortion?
  • Can television have positive developmental benefits on children?
  • Should the driving age be raised to prevent teen car accidents?
  • Should adult children be legally required to care for their aging parents?

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Should schools ban the use of technology like ChatGPT?
  • Are zoos unethical, or necessary for conservation and education?
  • To what degree should we hold parents responsible in the event of a school shooting?
  • Should schools offer students a set number of mental health days?
  • Should school science curriculums offer a course on combating climate change?
  • Should public libraries be allowed to ban certain books? If so, what types?
  • What role, if any, should prayer play in public schools?
  • Should schools push to abolish homework?
  • Are gifted and talented programs in schools more harmful than beneficial due to their exclusionary nature?
  • Should universities do away with Greek life?
  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should the government grant parents the right to choose alternative education options for their children and use taxpayer funds to support these options?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling for children’s academic and social development?
  • Should we require schools to teach sex education to reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  • Should we require schools to provide sex education that includes information about both homosexual and heterosexual relationships?
  • Should colleges use affirmative action and other race-conscious policies to address diversity on campus?
  • Should public schools remove the line “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Should college admissions officers be allowed to look at students’ social media accounts?
  • Should schools abolish their dress codes, many of which unfairly target girls, LGBTQ students, and students of color?
  • Should schools be required to stock free period products in bathrooms?
  • Should legacy students receive preferential treatment during the college admissions process?
  • Are school “voluntourism” trips ethical?

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. decriminalize prostitution?
  • Should the U.S. issue migration visas to all eligible applicants?
  • Should the federal government cancel all student loan debt?
  • Should we lower the minimum voting age? If so, to what?
  • Should the federal government abolish all laws penalizing drug production and use?
  • Should the U.S. use its military power to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • Should the U.S. supply Ukraine with further military intelligence and supplies?
  • Should the North and South of the U.S. split up into two regions?
  • Should Americans hold up nationalism as a critical value?
  • Should we permit Supreme Court justices to hold their positions indefinitely?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be democratically elected?
  • Is the Electoral College still a productive approach to electing the U.S. president?
  • Should the U.S. implement a national firearm registry?
  • Is it ethical for countries like China and Israel to mandate compulsory military service for all citizens?
  • Should the U.S. government implement a ranked-choice voting system?
  • Should institutions that benefited from slavery be required to provide reparations?
  • Based on the 1619 project, should history classes change how they teach about the founding of the U.S.?
  • Should term limits be imposed on Senators and Representatives? If so, how long?
  • Should women be allowed into special forces units?
  • Should the federal government implement stronger, universal firearm licensing laws?
  • Do public sex offender registries help prevent future sex crimes?
  • Should the government be allowed to regulate family size?
  • Should all adults legally be considered mandated reporters?
  • Should the government fund public universities to make higher education more accessible to low-income students?
  • Should the government fund universal preschool to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten?

Health/Bioethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government offer its own healthcare plan?
  • In the case of highly infectious pandemics, should we focus on individual freedoms or public safety when implementing policies to control the spread?
  • Should we legally require parents to vaccinate their children to protect public health?
  • Is it ethical for parents to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies” with specific physical and intellectual traits?
  • Should the government fund research on embryonic stem cells for medical treatments?
  • Should the government legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • Is cloning animals ethical?
  • Should cancer screenings start earlier? If so, what age?
  • Is surrogacy ethical?
  • Should birth control require a prescription?
  • Should minors have access to emergency contraception?
  • Should hospitals be for-profit or nonprofit institutions?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics — Continued

Social media argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the federal government increase its efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media?
  • Do social media and smartphones strengthen one’s relationships?
  • Should antitrust regulators take action to limit the size of big tech companies?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertisements?
  • Should the federal government hold social media companies accountable for instances of hate speech discovered on their platforms?
  • Do apps such as TikTok and Instagram ultimately worsen the mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Should governments oversee how social media platforms manage their users’ data?
  • Should social media platforms like Facebook enforce a minimum age requirement for users?
  • Should social media companies be held responsible for cases of cyberbullying?
  • Should the United States ban TikTok?
  • Is social media harmful to children?
  • Should employers screen applicants’ social media accounts during the hiring process?

Religion Argument Essay Topics

  • Should religious institutions be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious symbols such as the hijab or crucifix be allowed in public spaces?
  • Should religious freedoms be protected, even when they conflict with secular laws?
  • Should the government regulate religious practices?
  • Should we allow churches to engage in political activities?
  • Religion: a force for good or evil in the world?
  • Should the government provide funding for religious schools?
  • Is it ethical for healthcare providers to deny abortions based on religious beliefs?
  • Should religious organizations be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices?
  • Should we allow people to opt out of medical treatments based on their religious beliefs?
  • Should the U.S. government hold religious organizations accountable for cases of sexual abuse within their community?
  • Should religious beliefs be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?
  • Should religious individuals be allowed to refuse services to others based on their beliefs or lifestyles? (As in this famous case .)
  • Should the US ban religion-based federal holidays?
  • Should public schools be allowed to teach children about religious holidays?

Science Argument Essay Topics

  • Would the world be safer if we eliminated nuclear weapons?
  • Should scientists bring back extinct animals? If so, which ones?
  • Should we hold companies fiscally responsible for their carbon footprint?
  • Should we ban pesticides in favor of organic farming methods?
  • Should the federal government ban all fossil fuels, despite the potential economic impact on specific industries and communities?
  • What renewable energy source should the U.S. invest more money in?
  • Should the FDA outlaw GMOs?
  • Should we worry about artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence?
  • Should the alternative medicine industry be more stringently regulated?
  • Is colonizing Mars a viable option?
  • Is the animal testing worth the potential to save human lives?

Sports Argument Essay Topics

  • Should colleges compensate student-athletes?
  • How should sports teams and leagues address the gender pay gap?
  • Should youth sports teams do away with scorekeeping?
  • Should we ban aggressive contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should professional sports associations mandate that athletes stand during the national anthem?
  • Should high schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender identity?
  • Should schools ban football due to the inherent danger it poses to players?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Do participation trophies foster entitlement and unrealistic expectations?
  • Should sports teams be divided by gender?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics?
  • Should women be allowed on NFL teams?

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should sites like DALL-E compensate the artists whose work it was trained on?
  • Should the federal government make human exploration of space a more significant priority?
  • Is it ethical for the government to use surveillance technology to monitor citizens?
  • Should websites require proof of age from their users? If so, what age?
  • Should we consider A.I.-generated images and text pieces of art?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Is online learning as effective as in-person learning?
  • Does computing harm the environment?
  • Should buying, sharing, and selling collected personal data be illegal?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should car companies be held responsible for self-driving car accidents?
  • Should private jets be banned?
  • Do violent video games contribute to real-life violence?

Business Argument Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government phase out the use of paper money in favor of a fully digital currency system?
  • Should the federal government abolish its patent and copyright laws?
  • Should we replace the Federal Reserve with free-market institutions?
  • Is free-market ideology responsible for the U.S. economy’s poor performance over the past decade?
  • Will cryptocurrencies overtake natural resources like gold and silver?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system? What system would be better?
  • Should the U.S. government enact a universal basic income?
  • Should we require companies to provide paid parental leave to their employees?
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage? If so, to what?
  • Should antitrust regulators break up large companies to promote competition?
  • Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over social responsibility?
  • Should gig-economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be considered employees or independent contractors?
  • Should the federal government regulate the gig economy to ensure fair treatment of workers?
  • Should the government require companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products?
  • Should companies be allowed to fire employees based on political views or activities?
  • Should tipping practices be phased out?
  • Should employees who choose not to have children be given the same amount of paid leave as parents?
  • Should MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) be illegal?
  • Should employers be allowed to factor tattoos and personal appearance into hiring decisions?

In Conclusion – Argument Essay Topics

Using the tips above, you can effectively structure and pen a compelling argumentative essay that will wow your instructor and classmates. Remember to craft a thesis statement that offers readers a roadmap through your essay, draw on your sources wisely to back up any claims, and read through your paper several times before it’s due to catch any last-minute proofreading errors. With time, diligence, and patience, your essay will be the most outstanding assignment you’ve ever turned in…until the next one rolls around.

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Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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Good Argumentative Essay Topics On Health And Fitness with Prompts [+ Outline]

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There are plenty of good argumentative essay topics on health and fitness to choose from. You can write about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, or the importance of staying fit and active.

You can also argue for or against certain health and fitness practices, such as eating organic foods or using supplements. Whatever you choose to write about, make sure you back up your claims with evidence and research.

What You'll Learn

Argumentative Essay Topics On Health And Fitness

Personal Reflection on the Scriptural Basis for Physical Fitness & Wellness Practices

Essay prompt: Often, when people speak about physical fitness and wellness, they do it from the point of view of science and medicine in which physical fitness and wellness practices are supposed to improve our health outcomes.

Improving Fitness Practices And the Personal And Realistic Physical Fitness Plan

Essay prompt: The strategies to identify practical ways to enhance my fitness practices include personal training, outcome measurements, and wearable technology. Personal training is a strong trend that is

Do Fitness Trackers Improve Health?

Essay prompt: Fitness trackers are wearable devices that monitor physical activity, communicate with the smartphone, and pass information to it. These wearable devices monitor calories consumed and received by a person, as well as physical activity indicators, and are designed to help people move more and eat right.

How did you apply what you learned in your workouts within and outside of class and what were the outcomes? How will you continue to apply this knowledge in the future?

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Improving Health Related Fitness: Aerobic Conditioning Program

Essay prompt: The Aerobic condition program seeks to improve health-related fitness for freshmen. Aerobic exercising or “with oxygen” offers freshmen cardiovascular conditioning. The program aligns with the American heart association (AHA) minimum 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 5 to 7 days a week.

Field Observation Gender, Race & Fitness Written Paper & Presentation

Essay prompt: Students will visit a fitness centre not located on campus. Field notes will be taken noting the time and day of the visit and the approximate fee paid to use the facility.

Importance of Goal-Setting for Nutritional Clients And the Steps in the Goal-Setting Process

Essay prompt: It is important to set fitness goals before trying to achieve health goals because they help understand why such an initiative is essential. Better and practical results are always achieved when one has a specific, realistic goal instead of setting out without a plan.

Discuss the importance of goal-setting for nutritional clients

Argumentative Research Paper Topics On Health And Fitness with Prompts

The Role of Group Exercise Instructor

Ensuring Firefighters Maintain Proper Health Fitness During And After Training

Essay prompt: The article follows the status of the recruits’ essential health and physical fitness to fire academy training. The article demonstrates the changes that take place during training and the early probation period.

Evolutionary Biology Use In Future Work In Psychology

Elements of the Marketing Environments

The Main Problem with Anaerobic Training

Essay prompt: When it comes to matters concerning fitness, aerobics has always taken Centre stage. Tracing its name from the term ‘aerobic’ to mean oxygen, aerobics is a fitness regime that basically uses oxygen to burn body fat.

Effectiveness of Exercise-based Prediction in Determining Cardiorespiratory Fitness (CRF)

Essay prompt: The article’s main purpose is to explore the effectiveness of exercise-based prediction in determining cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). In such a case, it would be possible to assess their capability in classifying individuals. Argumentative Essay Topics On Health And Fitness

Injured Children During Exercise or Sports

Essay prompt: As much as exercise is important, fitness trainers also hold the same influence as they serve as the guide towards a more appropriate pattern of workout and diet for their clients.

Problems And Solutions Concerning Meeting Advancing Health Information Requirements

Essay prompt: Currently, hospital setups exhibit new Health Information Technology (HIT) innovations that help in monitoring healthcare and fitness improvement. Besides, this HIT improves health outcomes and ensures efficiency in workflow among others.

Find out more on 260+ Ethical Paper Topics – Types | Guide | Topics

Improving College Student Fitness Routine

Essay prompt: It is a well-known fact that people need to exercise to prevent being afflicted with diseases, especially those that are caused by an unhealthy lifestyles.

Physical Education Unit Plan: Fitness for Health And social awareness

SWOT Analysis of Physical Fitness Facility

Essay prompt: The Pure Barre franchise is a boutique gym line of studios that has branches across North America- the US and Canada.

The Benefits of Physical Activity for Physical & Mental Health

Essay prompt: Numerous studies have explored the benefits of physical activity to the physical and mental well-being of an individual. A literature review on the subject suggests that there is a positive relationship between physical activity, and physical and mental health.

Analysis Of Fitness And Health Claims In The Future

Essay prompt: How will you approach your analysis of fitness and health claims in the future? How will this help you in your future training endeavours?

Classroom-Based Physical Activity, Cognition, And Academic Achievement

Essay prompt: Evidence suggests that there is an observable association between cardiovascular fitness, cognitive function, and physical activity during early childhood and adolescence. The above variables are linked to the academic performance of an individual.

How the Covid-19 Regulations have Affected Students at the Gym

Essay prompt: The COVID-19 Pandemic has subjected the world to a life-threatening situation, judging by the mortality and morbidity rates. More than 6.2 million people have died of COVID-19, and over 505 million cases have been reported worldwide as of 2022 (de Abreu et al., 2022).

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

There is no shortage of ideas when it comes to writing an argumentative research paper . The key is to find a topic that is interesting to you and that you can make a strong case for. Here are some potential topics to get you started:

  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Should there be stricter gun control laws?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legal?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Are humans causing climate change?
  • Is the welfare system effective?
  • Do schools need to do more to prevent bullying?

Whether you’re a diehard sports fan or someone who doesn’t really follow any particular teams, there’s no denying that sports can be a great source of debate. From which sport is the most exciting to watch to whether certain players or teams are truly the best in their respective leagues, there are plenty of topics to choose from when it comes to sports debates.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of some potential sports debate topics. Whether you’re looking for something lighthearted or something a little more serious, we’re sure you’ll find something on this list that gets your blood pumping.

So without further ado, here are 20 sports debate topics to get you started:

  • Which sport is the most exciting to watch?
  • Are certain players or teams overrated?
  • Who are the best players in each sport?
  • Who are the biggest busts in each sport?
  • What are the best and worst moments in each sport?
  • Are there too many teams in each league? Not enough?
  • What changes would you make to each sport?
  • Which teams are due for a championship

Sports Persuasive Speech Topics

When it comes to giving a persuasive speech, there are many different topics that you can choose from. However, one topic that always seems to be popular is sports. Sports persuasive speech topics can be about anything related to sports, from the benefits of playing a particular sport to the dangers of not playing any sport at all.

  • Some good sports persuasive speech topics include:
  • The benefits of playing team sports
  • The importance of staying active and participating in physical activity
  • The dangers of using performance-enhancing drugs in sports
  • The negative effects of not playing any sport at all
  • Why children should be encouraged to play sports
  • How adults can benefit from playing sports

Informative Speech Topics about Sports

When it comes to choosing a topic for an informative speech, there are many directions you could go. You could choose to give a speech about a particular sport, or about the history of sports, or about some of the great athletes who have made their mark on the world of sports.

If you’re a fan of sports, then giving an informative speech about sports could be a great way to share your love of the game with others. There are so many different aspects to sports that you could focus on, from the rules of the game to the training and conditioning that athletes undergo. You could even give a speech about some of the great moments in sports history.

If you’re not a big sports fan, don’t worry – there are plenty of other topics you could choose for your informative speech. You could focus on the history of a particular sport, or on the evolution of sports over time. You could even choose to give a speech about some of the great athletes who have made their mark on the world of sports. No matter what angle you choose, there’s sure to be an informative speech topic about sports that will interest you and your audience

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30+ Medical Argumentative Essay Topics for College Students

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by  Antony W

June 9, 2024

medical argumentative essay topics

Medical argumentative essay topics give you some brilliant ideas that you can explore and defend depending on the research you’ve conducted.

As with any argumentative essay topic ,  a medical related essay also requires you to take a stance and use objective, verifiable, and reasonable evidence to defend your position.

However, the kinds of topics many students pick to explore in the medical field are often quite too common.

Think of type II diabetes, cardiovascular illness, breast cancer, and cirrhosis. These are topics you don’t want to cover for the simple reason that they are too common.

In this post, we give you a list of 30+ medical argumentative essay topics that aren’t too obvious.

These topic ideas should enable you to add a new spin to your work, so that you can write a medical essay that focuses on an issue that will capture the attention of your audience (reader) almost instantly.

30+ Medical Argumentative Essay Topics  

Below is a list of 30+ essay topics that you may find interesting for your medical argumentative essay assignment :

Controversial Medical Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • The cost of healthcare in the United States of America is not justifiable
  • Do homeless people deserve free healthcare simply because they don’t have money to pay medical bills?
  • Unconventional medication should not be part of a state’s healthcare system
  • There’s a strong link between poor health and poverty
  • People should not turn to homeopathy because it isn’t more effective compared to seeking medical advice
  • People with no health insurance cover deserve to get equal treatment at medical healthcare facilities
  • Should the government take action against unexpected errors in medical settings?
  • Doctors should not have the right to endorse medical products until verified for safety and effectiveness
  • Healthcare institutions should provide opt-out and opt-in donor system
  • There’s no true justification for the rising cost of healthcare in the United States of America

In theory, areas such as genetic engineering, diagnostics, and medical research can be interesting to explore within the medical field.

However, the assignment requires hours of intensive research, proper structuring, writing, and editing.

If you don’t have the time for all that, you can get argumentative assignment help from one of our team of writers.

Health Practices Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • The marijuana drug should be made legal worldwide
  • TV shows on diet and weight loss don’t motivate people to improve their body image and self-esteem
  • Is the state responsible for teaching people how to lead a healthy lifestyle?
  • Communication authorities should impose an indefinite ban on TV shows that promote cosmetic surgery
  • TV commercials that promote fast foods and alcohol should not be banned.
  • It’s a waste of time to impose state regulation on fast food chains and alcohol sales as it undermines people’s freewill to food choices.
  • Should we allow and encourage teenagers to use birth control pills?
  • The state should not encourage the use of products manufactured at the cost of another person’s well-being.
  • Exercise alone can’t improve your health
  • Doctors should not ask for medical consent if they know they can save a patient from a particular illness

Medical Laws and Policies Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • Should the government declare euthanasia illegal?
  • Doctors should not insist on providing medical treatment to minors if their parents are against such treatments.
  • The vaccination of children against illnesses should be voluntary
  • An organ transplantation committee should not consider an individual’s accomplishment to determine if they can receive an organ
  • Patients should decide if they would like to use surrogate pregnancy for health reasons or on demand
  • Is doctor-patient confidentially necessary anymore?
  • There’s no concrete evidence that living a sedentary and lavish lifestyle is the number one cause of weight gain
  • Should we support the legalization of abortion ?
  • Should patients with mental health conditions receive treatment in or outside of their community?
  • People should not accept organ transplantation because of leading an unhealthy life

You may click here to place your order , and one of our writers who has experience in writing medical related essays will help you get the paper completed on time. Since we focus on custom writing, you don’t have to worry about plagiarism at all.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Medical Research 

  • Genetic engineering is humanly unethical and morally wrong and should therefore not be allowed
  • Are there effective means to mitigate threats posed by medical research?
  • There is no reasonable evidence that the Covid-19 global pandemic originated from a lab I Wuhan, China
  • Medics should not use animals to test the effective of drugs on humans
  • Computers used in medical research and diagnostic cannot replace doctors no matter how sophisticated they become.
  • Should human beings be subject to mandatory medical testing without their consent?
  • Should the federal government and health organizations, such as the UN and CDC, finance practical medical research?
  • Do we need to have limits when subjecting human beings to absolutely necessary medical tests?
  • The Corona virus is a biochemical weapon built in the lab to wipe out the human race
  • There’s no sufficient evidence to prove that pills that delay aging can make the human race immortal

Medical Argumentative Essay Topics on Healthcare Management 

  • Is healthcare management doing enough to maintain the right standards in healthcare facilities?
  • Are privately owned hospitals managed better than public hospitals?
  • Registered nurses should not assume the role of a physician even in the event of a serious medical emergency
  • Human Resource Management (HR) isn’t doing enough to improve and protect the quality of healthcare
  • Do surgeons play an important role outside their medical capacities?
  • Are healthcare institutions responsible for the protection of the environment?
  • The relationship between and among medical staff can affect the quality of patients of different illnesses.
  • There’s no relationship between a patient’s medical results and a hospital’s revenue.
  • It’s easy to improve the relationship among staff members in a healthcare facility
  • Should medical management allow and encourage intimate relationships among the staff members?

General Medical Argumentative Essay Topics 

  • Has the American government invested enough funds to improve healthcare service for its residents?
  • There should be as many male nurses as there are female nurses
  • Are data management systems in hospitals accurate and safe against breach?
  • Do prisoners have the right to access quality healthcare?
  • Electronic health record systems have more limitations than benefits.

related resources

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Health protection is one of the basic human rights because everyone wants to be healthy. At the same time, assistance in ensuring this health should come from the state as a guarantor of the protection of the person. The right to health is a fundamental aspect of any society; without a health system, this right cannot be fulfilled. Many aspects of similar institutions worldwide are paid, which hinders access to medicine for some people. In this way, a free healthcare system could lead to equality.

First, health care refers to absolute human rights that any state cannot alienate. Thus, by depriving a person of this right, the state violates ethical standards and can significantly harm the health of people who cannot afford paid medicine. A free healthcare system could provide everyone access to basic health services such as prevention, treatment of illness and injury, and access to medicines. Free medical care would help to establish full equality among all groups of the population, thus eliminating many of the divisions that currently exist in society. In this way, people could become much healthier and happier because many health problems would be solved.

The second argument favoring a free healthcare system is the economic factor. This is because healthy citizens can contribute more to the country’s economy. Citizens who are properly healed will be able to feel better, and investigators will be able to work more productively, ultimately leading to increased economic growth. In addition, a free health care system can significantly affect private businesses since companies do not have to invest in payments to constantly provide insurance for citizens. It was possible to include part of this amount instead as a separate tax, and thus both the state and firms could earn more money. Thus, companies will be able to redirect the financial resources of their organizations to the development of their kind of activity. This would increase competition in all sectors of the economy and thus improve the quality of business. Increasing the turnover and revenue of companies can then lead to the payment of large taxes and an improvement in the position of the national economy.

As a counterargument, it can be said that transferring the entire healthcare system to a free regime would create many difficulties both at the transition stage and in the future. Indeed, to fully make medicine accessible, it will be necessary to carry out many reforms that can significantly burden the economy. In addition, many private clinics will also have to be dealt with and either leaves the possibility of such services or transfer them to state dates. Financing all medical institutions from the country’s budget can be complicated and costly. In this regard, it would be necessary to look for additional sources of income to support the economy. However, moving to a free system can result in greater cost savings, as in Canada or the UK.

In conclusion, we can say that the health care system should be accessible and free for all citizens who need help, as this is one of the most important human rights that cannot be neglected. In addition, establishing such state care can help stimulate economic growth since most people who are now in poor health will be able to work. This will help companies develop more intensively and not spend money on paying insurance for employees. There are some downsides to moving to a public system, such as high initial process costs. However, in the future, this can be fully compensated. Based on all the factors considered, it can be concluded that a free healthcare system should be implemented.

  • Dealing with Employees' Compensation
  • AHIP's Support of Medicare Buy-In Policy
  • Taxpayers’ Reaction to Payment of Tax
  • Moving Toward Holistic and Preventive Care
  • Discussion: Healthcare Payment Options
  • Healthcare Cost Depending on Chronic Disease Management of Diabetes and Hypertension
  • Reducing Healthcare Spending: Annotated Bibliography
  • Costing Effect on Canadian Healthcare After COVID-19
  • Billing and Reimbursement in Healthcare
  • The Affordable Care Act: Cutting Costs
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone.

"Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." February 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." February 28, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Should Healthcare be Free for Everyone." February 28, 2024.

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Mental Health Essay

Mental Health Essay


Mental health, often overshadowed by its physical counterpart, is an intricate and essential aspect of human existence. It envelops our emotions, psychological state, and social well-being, shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and interactions. With the complexities of modern life—constant connectivity, societal pressures, personal expectations, and the frenzied pace of technological advancements—mental well-being has become increasingly paramount. Historically, conversations around this topic have been hushed, shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. However, as the curtains of misconception slowly lift, we find ourselves in an era where discussions about mental health are not only welcomed but are also seen as vital. Recognizing and addressing the nuances of our mental state is not merely about managing disorders; it's about understanding the essence of who we are, how we process the world around us, and how we navigate the myriad challenges thrown our way. This essay aims to delve deep into the realm of mental health, shedding light on its importance, the potential consequences of neglect, and the spectrum of mental disorders that many face in silence.

Importance of Mental Health

Mental health plays a pivotal role in determining how individuals think, feel, and act. It influences our decision-making processes, stress management techniques, interpersonal relationships, and even our physical health. A well-tuned mental state boosts productivity, creativity, and the intrinsic sense of self-worth, laying the groundwork for a fulfilling life.

Negative Impact of Mental Health

Neglecting mental health, on the other hand, can lead to severe consequences. Reduced productivity, strained relationships, substance abuse, physical health issues like heart diseases, and even reduced life expectancy are just some of the repercussions of poor mental health. It not only affects the individual in question but also has a ripple effect on their community, workplace, and family.

Mental Disorders: Types and Prevalence

Mental disorders are varied and can range from anxiety and mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder to more severe conditions such as schizophrenia.

  • Depression: Characterized by persistent sadness, lack of interest in activities, and fatigue.
  • Anxiety Disorders: Encompass conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and specific phobias.
  • Schizophrenia: A complex disorder affecting a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly.

The prevalence of these disorders has been on the rise, underscoring the need for comprehensive mental health initiatives and awareness campaigns.

Understanding Mental Health and Its Importance

Mental health is not merely the absence of disorders but encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Recognizing the signs of deteriorating mental health, like prolonged sadness, extreme mood fluctuations, or social withdrawal, is crucial. Understanding stems from awareness and education. Societal stigmas surrounding mental health have often deterred individuals from seeking help. Breaking these barriers, fostering open conversations, and ensuring access to mental health care are imperative steps.

Conclusion: Mental Health

Mental health, undeniably, is as significant as physical health, if not more. In an era where the stressors are myriad, from societal pressures to personal challenges, mental resilience and well-being are essential. Investing time and resources into mental health initiatives, and more importantly, nurturing a society that understands, respects, and prioritizes mental health is the need of the hour.

  • World Leaders: Several influential personalities, from celebrities to sports stars, have openly discussed their mental health challenges, shedding light on the universality of these issues and the importance of addressing them.
  • Workplaces: Progressive organizations are now incorporating mental health programs, recognizing the tangible benefits of a mentally healthy workforce, from increased productivity to enhanced creativity.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools and colleges, witnessing the effects of stress and other mental health issues on students, are increasingly integrating counseling services and mental health education in their curriculum.

In weaving through the intricate tapestry of mental health, it becomes evident that it's an area that requires collective attention, understanding, and action.

  Short Essay about Mental Health

Mental health, an integral facet of human well-being, shapes our emotions, decisions, and daily interactions. Just as one would care for a sprained ankle or a fever, our minds too require attention and nurture. In today's bustling world, mental well-being is often put on the back burner, overshadowed by the immediate demands of life. Yet, its impact is pervasive, influencing our productivity, relationships, and overall quality of life.

Sadly, mental health issues have long been stigmatized, seen as a sign of weakness or dismissed as mere mood swings. However, they are as real and significant as any physical ailment. From anxiety to depression, these disorders have touched countless lives, often in silence due to societal taboos.

But change is on the horizon. As awareness grows, conversations are shifting from hushed whispers to open discussions, fostering understanding and support. Institutions, workplaces, and communities are increasingly acknowledging the importance of mental health, implementing programs, and offering resources.

In conclusion, mental health is not a peripheral concern but a central one, crucial to our holistic well-being. It's high time we prioritize it, eliminating stigma and fostering an environment where everyone feels supported in their mental health journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the primary focus of a mental health essay?

Answer: The primary focus of a mental health essay is to delve into the intricacies of mental well-being, its significance in our daily lives, the various challenges people face, and the broader societal implications. It aims to shed light on both the psychological and emotional aspects of mental health, often emphasizing the importance of understanding, empathy, and proactive care.

  • How can writing an essay on mental health help raise awareness about its importance?

Answer: Writing an essay on mental health can effectively articulate the nuances and complexities of the topic, making it more accessible to a wider audience. By presenting facts, personal anecdotes, and research, the essay can demystify misconceptions, highlight the prevalence of mental health issues, and underscore the need for destigmatizing discussions around it. An impactful essay can ignite conversations, inspire action, and contribute to a more informed and empathetic society.

  • What are some common topics covered in a mental health essay?

Answer: Common topics in a mental health essay might include the definition and importance of mental health, the connection between mental and physical well-being, various mental disorders and their symptoms, societal stigmas and misconceptions, the impact of modern life on mental health, and the significance of therapy and counseling. It may also delve into personal experiences, case studies, and the broader societal implications of neglecting mental health.

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

4-minute read

  • 11th June 2022

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to understand and support your position on an issue by presenting your reasoning along with supporting evidence. It’s important to find the right balance between giving your opinions and presenting established research.

These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

●  Does texting hinder interpersonal communication skills?

●  Should there be laws against using devices while driving?

●  Do violent video games teach or encourage people to behave violently?

●  Should social media sites be allowed to collect users’ data?

●  Should parents limit how long their children spend in front of screens?

●  Is AI helping or hurting society?

●  Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences?

●  Should Supreme Court justices be elected?

●  Is war always a political decision?

●  Should people join a political party?

●  Is capitalism ethical?

●  Is the electoral college an effective system?

●  Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

●  Should the death penalty be legal?

●  Are governments around the world doing enough to combat global warming?

●  Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

●  Should vaccinations be mandated for children?

●  Are there any circumstances under which physician-assisted suicides should be legal?

●  Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?

●  Should abortion be legal?

●  Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?

●  Should patients who lead unhealthy lifestyles be denied organ transplants?

●  Should doctors be able to provide medical care to children against their parents’ wishes?

Mental Healthcare

●  What causes the stigma around mental health?

●  Discuss the link between insufficient access to mental health services and the high suicide rates among veterans.

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●  Should cannabis be used as a treatment for patients with mental disorders?

●  Is there a link between social media use and mental disorders?

●  Discuss the effect of physical activity on mental health.

●  Should sports be segregated by gender?

●  Should male and female athletes be given the same pay and opportunities?

●  Are professional athletes overpaid?

●  Should college athletes be paid?

●  Should sports betting be legal?

●  Should online access to art such as music be free?

●  Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

●  Are there any circumstances under which books should be banned?

●  Should schools be required to offer art courses?

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●  Should schools require uniforms?

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●  Do standardized tests effectively measure intelligence?

●  Should high school students take a gap year before pursuing higher education?

●  Should higher education be free?

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●  Are children better off in two-parent households?

●  Should LGBTQ+ partners be allowed to adopt?

●  Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?

●  Is it okay for parents to physically discipline their children?

●  Does helicopter parenting help or hurt children?

●  Should parents monitor their children’s Internet use?

Proofreading & Editing

An argument could also be made for the importance of proofreading your essay ! The reader can focus more on your message when your writing is clear, concise, and error-free, and they won’t question whether you’re knowledgeable on the issues you’re presenting. Once you have a draft ready, you can submit a free trial document to start working with our expert editors!

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How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips

Published on July 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An argumentative essay expresses an extended argument for a particular thesis statement . The author takes a clearly defined stance on their subject and builds up an evidence-based case for it.

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Table of contents

When do you write an argumentative essay, approaches to argumentative essays, introducing your argument, the body: developing your argument, concluding your argument, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about argumentative essays.

You might be assigned an argumentative essay as a writing exercise in high school or in a composition class. The prompt will often ask you to argue for one of two positions, and may include terms like “argue” or “argument.” It will frequently take the form of a question.

The prompt may also be more open-ended in terms of the possible arguments you could make.

Argumentative writing at college level

At university, the vast majority of essays or papers you write will involve some form of argumentation. For example, both rhetorical analysis and literary analysis essays involve making arguments about texts.

In this context, you won’t necessarily be told to write an argumentative essay—but making an evidence-based argument is an essential goal of most academic writing, and this should be your default approach unless you’re told otherwise.

Examples of argumentative essay prompts

At a university level, all the prompts below imply an argumentative essay as the appropriate response.

Your research should lead you to develop a specific position on the topic. The essay then argues for that position and aims to convince the reader by presenting your evidence, evaluation and analysis.

  • Don’t just list all the effects you can think of.
  • Do develop a focused argument about the overall effect and why it matters, backed up by evidence from sources.
  • Don’t just provide a selection of data on the measures’ effectiveness.
  • Do build up your own argument about which kinds of measures have been most or least effective, and why.
  • Don’t just analyze a random selection of doppelgänger characters.
  • Do form an argument about specific texts, comparing and contrasting how they express their thematic concerns through doppelgänger characters.

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argumentative essay about health issues

An argumentative essay should be objective in its approach; your arguments should rely on logic and evidence, not on exaggeration or appeals to emotion.

There are many possible approaches to argumentative essays, but there are two common models that can help you start outlining your arguments: The Toulmin model and the Rogerian model.

Toulmin arguments

The Toulmin model consists of four steps, which may be repeated as many times as necessary for the argument:

  • Make a claim
  • Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim
  • Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim)
  • Discuss possible rebuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument and showing that you have considered alternative perspectives

The Toulmin model is a common approach in academic essays. You don’t have to use these specific terms (grounds, warrants, rebuttals), but establishing a clear connection between your claims and the evidence supporting them is crucial in an argumentative essay.

Say you’re making an argument about the effectiveness of workplace anti-discrimination measures. You might:

  • Claim that unconscious bias training does not have the desired results, and resources would be better spent on other approaches
  • Cite data to support your claim
  • Explain how the data indicates that the method is ineffective
  • Anticipate objections to your claim based on other data, indicating whether these objections are valid, and if not, why not.

Rogerian arguments

The Rogerian model also consists of four steps you might repeat throughout your essay:

  • Discuss what the opposing position gets right and why people might hold this position
  • Highlight the problems with this position
  • Present your own position , showing how it addresses these problems
  • Suggest a possible compromise —what elements of your position would proponents of the opposing position benefit from adopting?

This model builds up a clear picture of both sides of an argument and seeks a compromise. It is particularly useful when people tend to disagree strongly on the issue discussed, allowing you to approach opposing arguments in good faith.

Say you want to argue that the internet has had a positive impact on education. You might:

  • Acknowledge that students rely too much on websites like Wikipedia
  • Argue that teachers view Wikipedia as more unreliable than it really is
  • Suggest that Wikipedia’s system of citations can actually teach students about referencing
  • Suggest critical engagement with Wikipedia as a possible assignment for teachers who are skeptical of its usefulness.

You don’t necessarily have to pick one of these models—you may even use elements of both in different parts of your essay—but it’s worth considering them if you struggle to structure your arguments.

Regardless of which approach you take, your essay should always be structured using an introduction , a body , and a conclusion .

Like other academic essays, an argumentative essay begins with an introduction . The introduction serves to capture the reader’s interest, provide background information, present your thesis statement , and (in longer essays) to summarize the structure of the body.

Hover over different parts of the example below to see how a typical introduction works.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

The body of an argumentative essay is where you develop your arguments in detail. Here you’ll present evidence, analysis, and reasoning to convince the reader that your thesis statement is true.

In the standard five-paragraph format for short essays, the body takes up three of your five paragraphs. In longer essays, it will be more paragraphs, and might be divided into sections with headings.

Each paragraph covers its own topic, introduced with a topic sentence . Each of these topics must contribute to your overall argument; don’t include irrelevant information.

This example paragraph takes a Rogerian approach: It first acknowledges the merits of the opposing position and then highlights problems with that position.

Hover over different parts of the example to see how a body paragraph is constructed.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An argumentative essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes and reflects on the arguments made in the body.

No new arguments or evidence appear here, but in longer essays you may discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your argument and suggest topics for future research. In all conclusions, you should stress the relevance and importance of your argument.

Hover over the following example to see the typical elements of a conclusion.

The internet has had a major positive impact on the world of education; occasional pitfalls aside, its value is evident in numerous applications. The future of teaching lies in the possibilities the internet opens up for communication, research, and interactivity. As the popularity of distance learning shows, students value the flexibility and accessibility offered by digital education, and educators should fully embrace these advantages. The internet’s dangers, real and imaginary, have been documented exhaustively by skeptics, but the internet is here to stay; it is time to focus seriously on its potential for good.

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An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

The majority of the essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Unless otherwise specified, you can assume that the goal of any essay you’re asked to write is argumentative: To convince the reader of your position using evidence and reasoning.

In composition classes you might be given assignments that specifically test your ability to write an argumentative essay. Look out for prompts including instructions like “argue,” “assess,” or “discuss” to see if this is the goal.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Argumentative Essay | Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing

Recent Student Opinion and Picture Prompts, categorized by topic, to help students discover the issues that matter to them.

argumentative essay about health issues

By The Learning Network

Update: This list is available as a PDF .

If you’ve taught argument writing with our resources in the past, you already know we ask a fresh question every day as part of our long-running Student Opinion series . Teenagers around the world are invited to visit and post their thoughts on topics including politics, medical ethics, fashion, sports and entertainment.

We’ve rounded up lists of these prompts in the past, but this year we’re doing something new: Below you can find a categorized collection of all our recent, relevant Student Opinion questions, but alongside them we’re also including related Picture Prompts. These short, image-based forums are accessible to learners of all ages, but still provide engaging jumping-off points to help students make and support claims.

For instance, let’s say your class is interested in meme culture. A Student Opinion question asks, “ Do Memes Make the Internet a Better Place? ” and invites students to read and weigh in on a New York Times article that examines the role of memes in how teenagers process world events. Over 700 students have already submitted their thoughts .

But if you scan the “Technology and Social Media” category below, you’ll see we also have a Picture Prompt that asks a more direct, concrete question: “ What are your favorite memes? ” For many, that may be a fun, comfortable place to start.

So give your students both “voice and choice” by inviting them to find the questions and format that speak to them. All the prompts below are still open for comment. We look forward to seeing which ones inspire the most passionate arguments, and we invite your class to submit the results to our Eighth Annual Editorial Contest .

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics

Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. 

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and argue for or against it. You'll need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well. One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but there are plenty of ideas available to get you started. Then you need to take a position, do some research, and present your viewpoint convincingly.

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

Students often find that most of their work on these essays is done before they even start writing. This means that it's best if you have a general interest in your subject. Otherwise, you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. You don't need to know everything, though; part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new.

It's best if you have a general interest in your subject, but the argument you choose doesn't have to be one that you agree with.

The subject you choose may not necessarily be one you are in full agreement with, either. You may even be asked to write a paper from the opposing point of view. Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. 

Ideas for Argument Essays

Sometimes, the best ideas are sparked by looking at many different options. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few pique your interest. Write those down as you come across them, then think about each for a few minutes.

Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure you get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about? Can you see why someone else may feel differently?

List of 50 Possible Argumentative Essay Topics

A number of these topics are rather controversial—that's the point. In an argumentative essay , opinions matter, and controversy is based on opinions. Just make sure your opinions are backed up by facts in the essay.   If these topics are a little too controversial or you don't find the right one for you, try browsing through persuasive essay and speech topics  as well.

  • Is global climate change  caused by humans?
  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is the U.S. election process fair?
  • Is torture ever acceptable?
  • Should men get paternity leave from work?
  • Are school uniforms beneficial?
  • Does the U.S. have a fair tax system?
  • Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
  • Is cheating out of control?
  • Are we too dependent on computers?
  • Should animals be used for research?
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned?
  • Are cell phones dangerous?
  • Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
  • Do we have a throwaway society ?
  • Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Should the government have a say in our diets?
  • Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
  • Should members of Congress have term limits?
  • Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  • Are CEOs paid too much?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
  • Should creationism be taught in public schools?
  • Are beauty pageants exploitative ?
  • Should English be the official language of the United States?
  • Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?
  • Should the alcohol-drinking age be increased or decreased?
  • Should everyone be required to recycle?
  • Is it okay for prisoners to vote (as they are in some states)?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legalized in more countries?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school ?
  • Does boredom lead to trouble?
  • Should schools be in session year-round ?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the government provide health care?
  • Should abortion be illegal?
  • Should more companies expand their reproductive health benefits for employees?
  • Is homework harmful or helpful?
  • Is the cost of college too high?
  • Is college admission too competitive?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Should the federal government legalize marijuana use nationally ?
  • Should rich people be required to pay more taxes?
  • Should schools require foreign language or physical education?
  • Is affirmative action fair?
  • Is public prayer okay in schools?
  • Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?
  • Is greater gun control a good idea?

How to Craft a Persuasive Argument

After you've decided on your essay topic, gather evidence to make your argument as strong as possible. Your research could even help shape the position your essay ultimately takes. As you craft your essay, remember to utilize persuasive writing techniques , such as invoking emotional language or citing facts from authoritative figures. 

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3 Strong Argumentative Essay Examples, Analyzed

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Need to defend your opinion on an issue? Argumentative essays are one of the most popular types of essays you’ll write in school. They combine persuasive arguments with fact-based research, and, when done well, can be powerful tools for making someone agree with your point of view. If you’re struggling to write an argumentative essay or just want to learn more about them, seeing examples can be a big help.

After giving an overview of this type of essay, we provide three argumentative essay examples. After each essay, we explain in-depth how the essay was structured, what worked, and where the essay could be improved. We end with tips for making your own argumentative essay as strong as possible.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses evidence and facts to support the claim it’s making. Its purpose is to persuade the reader to agree with the argument being made.

A good argumentative essay will use facts and evidence to support the argument, rather than just the author’s thoughts and opinions. For example, say you wanted to write an argumentative essay stating that Charleston, SC is a great destination for families. You couldn’t just say that it’s a great place because you took your family there and enjoyed it. For it to be an argumentative essay, you need to have facts and data to support your argument, such as the number of child-friendly attractions in Charleston, special deals you can get with kids, and surveys of people who visited Charleston as a family and enjoyed it. The first argument is based entirely on feelings, whereas the second is based on evidence that can be proven.

The standard five paragraph format is common, but not required, for argumentative essays. These essays typically follow one of two formats: the Toulmin model or the Rogerian model.

  • The Toulmin model is the most common. It begins with an introduction, follows with a thesis/claim, and gives data and evidence to support that claim. This style of essay also includes rebuttals of counterarguments.
  • The Rogerian model analyzes two sides of an argument and reaches a conclusion after weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

3 Good Argumentative Essay Examples + Analysis

Below are three examples of argumentative essays, written by yours truly in my school days, as well as analysis of what each did well and where it could be improved.

Argumentative Essay Example 1

Proponents of this idea state that it will save local cities and towns money because libraries are expensive to maintain. They also believe it will encourage more people to read because they won’t have to travel to a library to get a book; they can simply click on what they want to read and read it from wherever they are. They could also access more materials because libraries won’t have to buy physical copies of books; they can simply rent out as many digital copies as they need.

However, it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books and resources are associated with less learning and more problems than print resources. A study done on tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information, and understand 10% less of what they read compared to people who read the same information in print. Additionally, staring too long at a screen has been shown to cause numerous health problems, including blurred vision, dizziness, dry eyes, headaches, and eye strain, at much higher instances than reading print does. People who use tablets and mobile devices excessively also have a higher incidence of more serious health issues such as fibromyalgia, shoulder and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscle strain. I know that whenever I read from my e-reader for too long, my eyes begin to feel tired and my neck hurts. We should not add to these problems by giving people, especially young people, more reasons to look at screens.

Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to assume that the only service libraries offer is book lending. Libraries have a multitude of benefits, and many are only available if the library has a physical location. Some of these benefits include acting as a quiet study space, giving people a way to converse with their neighbors, holding classes on a variety of topics, providing jobs, answering patron questions, and keeping the community connected. One neighborhood found that, after a local library instituted community events such as play times for toddlers and parents, job fairs for teenagers, and meeting spaces for senior citizens, over a third of residents reported feeling more connected to their community. Similarly, a Pew survey conducted in 2015 found that nearly two-thirds of American adults feel that closing their local library would have a major impact on their community. People see libraries as a way to connect with others and get their questions answered, benefits tablets can’t offer nearly as well or as easily.

While replacing libraries with tablets may seem like a simple solution, it would encourage people to spend even more time looking at digital screens, despite the myriad issues surrounding them. It would also end access to many of the benefits of libraries that people have come to rely on. In many areas, libraries are such an important part of the community network that they could never be replaced by a simple object.

The author begins by giving an overview of the counter-argument, then the thesis appears as the first sentence in the third paragraph. The essay then spends the rest of the paper dismantling the counter argument and showing why readers should believe the other side.

What this essay does well:

  • Although it’s a bit unusual to have the thesis appear fairly far into the essay, it works because, once the thesis is stated, the rest of the essay focuses on supporting it since the counter-argument has already been discussed earlier in the paper.
  • This essay includes numerous facts and cites studies to support its case. By having specific data to rely on, the author’s argument is stronger and readers will be more inclined to agree with it.
  • For every argument the other side makes, the author makes sure to refute it and follow up with why her opinion is the stronger one. In order to make a strong argument, it’s important to dismantle the other side, which this essay does this by making the author's view appear stronger.
  • This is a shorter paper, and if it needed to be expanded to meet length requirements, it could include more examples and go more into depth with them, such as by explaining specific cases where people benefited from local libraries.
  • Additionally, while the paper uses lots of data, the author also mentions their own experience with using tablets. This should be removed since argumentative essays focus on facts and data to support an argument, not the author’s own opinion or experiences. Replacing that with more data on health issues associated with screen time would strengthen the essay.
  • Some of the points made aren't completely accurate , particularly the one about digital books being cheaper. It actually often costs a library more money to rent out numerous digital copies of a book compared to buying a single physical copy. Make sure in your own essay you thoroughly research each of the points and rebuttals you make, otherwise you'll look like you don't know the issue that well.


Argumentative Essay Example 2

There are multiple drugs available to treat malaria, and many of them work well and save lives, but malaria eradication programs that focus too much on them and not enough on prevention haven’t seen long-term success in Sub-Saharan Africa. A major program to combat malaria was WHO’s Global Malaria Eradication Programme. Started in 1955, it had a goal of eliminating malaria in Africa within the next ten years. Based upon previously successful programs in Brazil and the United States, the program focused mainly on vector control. This included widely distributing chloroquine and spraying large amounts of DDT. More than one billion dollars was spent trying to abolish malaria. However, the program suffered from many problems and in 1969, WHO was forced to admit that the program had not succeeded in eradicating malaria. The number of people in Sub-Saharan Africa who contracted malaria as well as the number of malaria deaths had actually increased over 10% during the time the program was active.

One of the major reasons for the failure of the project was that it set uniform strategies and policies. By failing to consider variations between governments, geography, and infrastructure, the program was not nearly as successful as it could have been. Sub-Saharan Africa has neither the money nor the infrastructure to support such an elaborate program, and it couldn’t be run the way it was meant to. Most African countries don't have the resources to send all their people to doctors and get shots, nor can they afford to clear wetlands or other malaria prone areas. The continent’s spending per person for eradicating malaria was just a quarter of what Brazil spent. Sub-Saharan Africa simply can’t rely on a plan that requires more money, infrastructure, and expertise than they have to spare.

Additionally, the widespread use of chloroquine has created drug resistant parasites which are now plaguing Sub-Saharan Africa. Because chloroquine was used widely but inconsistently, mosquitoes developed resistance, and chloroquine is now nearly completely ineffective in Sub-Saharan Africa, with over 95% of mosquitoes resistant to it. As a result, newer, more expensive drugs need to be used to prevent and treat malaria, which further drives up the cost of malaria treatment for a region that can ill afford it.

Instead of developing plans to treat malaria after the infection has incurred, programs should focus on preventing infection from occurring in the first place. Not only is this plan cheaper and more effective, reducing the number of people who contract malaria also reduces loss of work/school days which can further bring down the productivity of the region.

One of the cheapest and most effective ways of preventing malaria is to implement insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs).  These nets provide a protective barrier around the person or people using them. While untreated bed nets are still helpful, those treated with insecticides are much more useful because they stop mosquitoes from biting people through the nets, and they help reduce mosquito populations in a community, thus helping people who don’t even own bed nets.  Bed nets are also very effective because most mosquito bites occur while the person is sleeping, so bed nets would be able to drastically reduce the number of transmissions during the night. In fact, transmission of malaria can be reduced by as much as 90% in areas where the use of ITNs is widespread. Because money is so scarce in Sub-Saharan Africa, the low cost is a great benefit and a major reason why the program is so successful. Bed nets cost roughly 2 USD to make, last several years, and can protect two adults. Studies have shown that, for every 100-1000 more nets are being used, one less child dies of malaria. With an estimated 300 million people in Africa not being protected by mosquito nets, there’s the potential to save three million lives by spending just a few dollars per person.

Reducing the number of people who contract malaria would also reduce poverty levels in Africa significantly, thus improving other aspects of society like education levels and the economy. Vector control is more effective than treatment strategies because it means fewer people are getting sick. When fewer people get sick, the working population is stronger as a whole because people are not put out of work from malaria, nor are they caring for sick relatives. Malaria-afflicted families can typically only harvest 40% of the crops that healthy families can harvest. Additionally, a family with members who have malaria spends roughly a quarter of its income treatment, not including the loss of work they also must deal with due to the illness. It’s estimated that malaria costs Africa 12 billion USD in lost income every year. A strong working population creates a stronger economy, which Sub-Saharan Africa is in desperate need of.  

This essay begins with an introduction, which ends with the thesis (that malaria eradication plans in Sub-Saharan Africa should focus on prevention rather than treatment). The first part of the essay lays out why the counter argument (treatment rather than prevention) is not as effective, and the second part of the essay focuses on why prevention of malaria is the better path to take.

  • The thesis appears early, is stated clearly, and is supported throughout the rest of the essay. This makes the argument clear for readers to understand and follow throughout the essay.
  • There’s lots of solid research in this essay, including specific programs that were conducted and how successful they were, as well as specific data mentioned throughout. This evidence helps strengthen the author’s argument.
  • The author makes a case for using expanding bed net use over waiting until malaria occurs and beginning treatment, but not much of a plan is given for how the bed nets would be distributed or how to ensure they’re being used properly. By going more into detail of what she believes should be done, the author would be making a stronger argument.
  • The introduction of the essay does a good job of laying out the seriousness of the problem, but the conclusion is short and abrupt. Expanding it into its own paragraph would give the author a final way to convince readers of her side of the argument.


Argumentative Essay Example 3

There are many ways payments could work. They could be in the form of a free-market approach, where athletes are able to earn whatever the market is willing to pay them, it could be a set amount of money per athlete, or student athletes could earn income from endorsements, autographs, and control of their likeness, similar to the way top Olympians earn money.

Proponents of the idea believe that, because college athletes are the ones who are training, participating in games, and bringing in audiences, they should receive some sort of compensation for their work. If there were no college athletes, the NCAA wouldn’t exist, college coaches wouldn’t receive there (sometimes very high) salaries, and brands like Nike couldn’t profit from college sports. In fact, the NCAA brings in roughly $1 billion in revenue a year, but college athletes don’t receive any of that money in the form of a paycheck. Additionally, people who believe college athletes should be paid state that paying college athletes will actually encourage them to remain in college longer and not turn pro as quickly, either by giving them a way to begin earning money in college or requiring them to sign a contract stating they’ll stay at the university for a certain number of years while making an agreed-upon salary.  

Supporters of this idea point to Zion Williamson, the Duke basketball superstar, who, during his freshman year, sustained a serious knee injury. Many argued that, even if he enjoyed playing for Duke, it wasn’t worth risking another injury and ending his professional career before it even began for a program that wasn’t paying him. Williamson seems to have agreed with them and declared his eligibility for the NCAA draft later that year. If he was being paid, he may have stayed at Duke longer. In fact, roughly a third of student athletes surveyed stated that receiving a salary while in college would make them “strongly consider” remaining collegiate athletes longer before turning pro.

Paying athletes could also stop the recruitment scandals that have plagued the NCAA. In 2018, the NCAA stripped the University of Louisville's men's basketball team of its 2013 national championship title because it was discovered coaches were using sex workers to entice recruits to join the team. There have been dozens of other recruitment scandals where college athletes and recruits have been bribed with anything from having their grades changed, to getting free cars, to being straight out bribed. By paying college athletes and putting their salaries out in the open, the NCAA could end the illegal and underhanded ways some schools and coaches try to entice athletes to join.

People who argue against the idea of paying college athletes believe the practice could be disastrous for college sports. By paying athletes, they argue, they’d turn college sports into a bidding war, where only the richest schools could afford top athletes, and the majority of schools would be shut out from developing a talented team (though some argue this already happens because the best players often go to the most established college sports programs, who typically pay their coaches millions of dollars per year). It could also ruin the tight camaraderie of many college teams if players become jealous that certain teammates are making more money than they are.

They also argue that paying college athletes actually means only a small fraction would make significant money. Out of the 350 Division I athletic departments, fewer than a dozen earn any money. Nearly all the money the NCAA makes comes from men’s football and basketball, so paying college athletes would make a small group of men--who likely will be signed to pro teams and begin making millions immediately out of college--rich at the expense of other players.

Those against paying college athletes also believe that the athletes are receiving enough benefits already. The top athletes already receive scholarships that are worth tens of thousands per year, they receive free food/housing/textbooks, have access to top medical care if they are injured, receive top coaching, get travel perks and free gear, and can use their time in college as a way to capture the attention of professional recruiters. No other college students receive anywhere near as much from their schools.

People on this side also point out that, while the NCAA brings in a massive amount of money each year, it is still a non-profit organization. How? Because over 95% of those profits are redistributed to its members’ institutions in the form of scholarships, grants, conferences, support for Division II and Division III teams, and educational programs. Taking away a significant part of that revenue would hurt smaller programs that rely on that money to keep running.

While both sides have good points, it’s clear that the negatives of paying college athletes far outweigh the positives. College athletes spend a significant amount of time and energy playing for their school, but they are compensated for it by the scholarships and perks they receive. Adding a salary to that would result in a college athletic system where only a small handful of athletes (those likely to become millionaires in the professional leagues) are paid by a handful of schools who enter bidding wars to recruit them, while the majority of student athletics and college athletic programs suffer or even shut down for lack of money. Continuing to offer the current level of benefits to student athletes makes it possible for as many people to benefit from and enjoy college sports as possible.

This argumentative essay follows the Rogerian model. It discusses each side, first laying out multiple reasons people believe student athletes should be paid, then discussing reasons why the athletes shouldn’t be paid. It ends by stating that college athletes shouldn’t be paid by arguing that paying them would destroy college athletics programs and cause them to have many of the issues professional sports leagues have.

  • Both sides of the argument are well developed, with multiple reasons why people agree with each side. It allows readers to get a full view of the argument and its nuances.
  • Certain statements on both sides are directly rebuffed in order to show where the strengths and weaknesses of each side lie and give a more complete and sophisticated look at the argument.
  • Using the Rogerian model can be tricky because oftentimes you don’t explicitly state your argument until the end of the paper. Here, the thesis doesn’t appear until the first sentence of the final paragraph. That doesn’t give readers a lot of time to be convinced that your argument is the right one, compared to a paper where the thesis is stated in the beginning and then supported throughout the paper. This paper could be strengthened if the final paragraph was expanded to more fully explain why the author supports the view, or if the paper had made it clearer that paying athletes was the weaker argument throughout.


3 Tips for Writing a Good Argumentative Essay

Now that you’ve seen examples of what good argumentative essay samples look like, follow these three tips when crafting your own essay.

#1: Make Your Thesis Crystal Clear

The thesis is the key to your argumentative essay; if it isn’t clear or readers can’t find it easily, your entire essay will be weak as a result. Always make sure that your thesis statement is easy to find. The typical spot for it is the final sentence of the introduction paragraph, but if it doesn’t fit in that spot for your essay, try to at least put it as the first or last sentence of a different paragraph so it stands out more.

Also make sure that your thesis makes clear what side of the argument you’re on. After you’ve written it, it’s a great idea to show your thesis to a couple different people--classmates are great for this. Just by reading your thesis they should be able to understand what point you’ll be trying to make with the rest of your essay.

#2: Show Why the Other Side Is Weak

When writing your essay, you may be tempted to ignore the other side of the argument and just focus on your side, but don’t do this. The best argumentative essays really tear apart the other side to show why readers shouldn’t believe it. Before you begin writing your essay, research what the other side believes, and what their strongest points are. Then, in your essay, be sure to mention each of these and use evidence to explain why they’re incorrect/weak arguments. That’ll make your essay much more effective than if you only focused on your side of the argument.

#3: Use Evidence to Support Your Side

Remember, an essay can’t be an argumentative essay if it doesn’t support its argument with evidence. For every point you make, make sure you have facts to back it up. Some examples are previous studies done on the topic, surveys of large groups of people, data points, etc. There should be lots of numbers in your argumentative essay that support your side of the argument. This will make your essay much stronger compared to only relying on your own opinions to support your argument.

Summary: Argumentative Essay Sample

Argumentative essays are persuasive essays that use facts and evidence to support their side of the argument. Most argumentative essays follow either the Toulmin model or the Rogerian model. By reading good argumentative essay examples, you can learn how to develop your essay and provide enough support to make readers agree with your opinion. When writing your essay, remember to always make your thesis clear, show where the other side is weak, and back up your opinion with data and evidence.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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