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Essay Writing for Civil Services Examination

  • 13 Aug 2018
  • 20 min read

Understanding Essay Writing

An essay is a short piece of writing that sheds light on any given topic. M.H. Abrams, the American literary critic, notes that the essay is “Any short composition in prose that undertakes to discuss a matter, express a point of view, or persuade us to accept a thesis on any subject.”

Broadly speaking, there are two types of essays - formal and informal. In the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE), we are concerned with the formal essay. The formal essay is relatively impersonal, the author writes it as an authority and such essays tend to be less emotional. Formal essays can also have factual elements in it, like quoted statistics from a government report etc. It is never in the form of a conversation, never uses first-person references and seldom gets intimate with the audience. In short, a formal essay has a certain degree of seriousness attached to it.

Essay writing for CSE

  • For the CSE essay paper, two essays have to be written under 3 hours in the 1000-1200 word limit. Each essay carries 125 marks for a total of 250.
  • The essay paper is divided into two sections - A and B, each carrying a choice of 4 essays each, and the aspirant has to choose only one essay from each section.
  • The instructions in the syllabus are clear in what is being expected from the aspirant. Aspirants are ‘expected to keep their thoughts closely to the subject and arrange their ideas accordingly.It furthur tates that, credit will be given for effective and coherent expression’.
  • The underlined keywords are important because after content, these are the exact parameters on which the essay will be evaluated. 

Beginning Essay Writing

Practice makes perfect. For scoring good marks in the essay, one needs practice. But, before we get to the practising part, we should do some basic homework first. We would start by looking at what a well structured essay is, how it can be planned, what elements can be added to make the essay more scoring, and most importantly, how to do it all within the prescribed time limit.

Basic structure of an essay

The most common method of structuring a essay is breaking it up into paragraphs. In this technique, besides the introduction and the conclusion, there will be body-paragraphs. In these body-paragraphs, the aspirant will have to fit in all his content.

  • Body-paragraphs can broadly be supportive, critical or narrative. Ideally, one can start any argument in an aptly phrased narrative paragraph which describe the topic in some detail and then move on to a supportive paragraph containing a few positive facts/ideas on the topic. Though critical paragraphs look best when they are placed last, there are no such rules, and for some topics it can be used as the opening paragraph for the topic.
  • The most important part of the essay is perhaps the introduction. First impressions are very important, and a well thought out introduction will definitely make a positive impression on the examiner. We will discuss how to write a proper introduction later in this strategy.
  • Similarly, the conclusion is where one can score additional marks if done properly. This will also be discussed later.

Keywords of the essay syllabus

  • 'closely': Any deviation from the topic will be tolerated only up to a certain point. One must, therefore, as a rule stick as closely as possible to the topic at hand. Any example, quote, anecdote or reference must be on topic or related closely to it.
  • 'arrange': The essay must be in an arranged form. The aspirant is supposed to plan ahead and form a structure of the essay before actually writing it down.
  • 'orderly': The ideas or arguments put forward in the essay must follow an order. A haphazard essay that does not flow sequentially, must be avoided at all costs.
  • 'concise': The essay and the matter discussed therein must be expressed as precisely possible. Clarity of thought and brevity of expression is what is looked for in the CSE essay.
  • 'effective': The essay must be written in a language that makes a strong impression. Thus, one needs to be conveying a point with every sentence, every paragraph. Flowery language is best avoided.
  • 'coherent': Coherence is required of all forms of writing, including answer writing, but in the CSE essay one must be extra careful to check that all individual sentences in the essay are making sense. Also, paragraphs as a whole must convey a clear and well thought out exposition on the theme of the essay.

Planning to write an essay

A good essay needs planning. There are three steps to it - defining or understanding what the essay is going to be about in very clear terms, brainstroming on the topic and thirdly, devising the outline of the essay.

Central idea of the thesis statement

  • All CSE essays have a thesis statement. For example, in CSE 2016, the following essay was asked— ‘Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare’ . Here the central idea is ‘innovation’. The aspirant is supposed to explore those dimensions of innovation that affect ‘economic growth and social welfare’. In doing so, the aspirant should not veer from the central topic of innovation but if possible add a few related ideas which may supplement the overall central idea that not only socio-economic but also other areas like technology and culture are affected by forces of innovation.
  • In another essay asked in CSE— ‘Water disputes between States in federal India’ – the central idea is how the water disputes between various Indian states have played out and what are its various dimensions. Constitutional, legal, social and political dimensions, for ex, are a must for addressing this topic. In order to find out the various dimensions of any given topic we should perform a brainstorming exercise.

Brainstorming for essay writing

  • Brainstorming for essay is a crucial step. Brainstorming helps you get all the ideas at one place for quick reference. There are no hard and fast rules, but typically one can begin with the given topic and immediately start listing the things that come to mind. One can ideally devote an entire page for this exercise.

Brainstorming guide

  • The first requirement for brainstorming is focus. One should be able to focus single-mindedly on the job at hand, which in this case is jotting down as many points as possible regarding the essay topic.
  • Boundaries must also be properly defined. If the topic does not absolutely require a particularly complex point or if it does not require following a difficult train of thought, it should be avoided. Keeping the essay as simple as possible without sacrificing the most valid points is what we should be looking for.
  • Then we must set a time limit for the brainstorming session. Ideally, for CSE that time limit works out to about 25 minutes per essay. Within that time limit one is supposed to come up with all the necessary points and plans for writing the essay.
  • Another important point to be made here is that aspirants should have a fair understanding regarding  the expectations of the CSE examiner from the essay. Every topic will have some basic ideas that the aspirants must necessarily try to explore or address. During brainstorming such a requirement can be searched for.
  • In the brainstorming exercise one may also take help of diagrams, flow-charts, mind-maps etc., if needed. Sometimes doing this may clear things up to a great extent or even save precious time.
  • Three things that one must exclusively do while brainstorming are — identify causes and factors, define the various issues and make a list of associated ideas. Doing this is key to success in the entire brainstorming exercise.

Adding elements to the essay

  • Any good essay will definitely have a multitude of elements and dimensions to it. For CSE essay writing, there are certain basic rules that one can follow while searching for these elements and dimensions.
  • The first of such rules would be to follow and uphold Constitutional values at all times . This is very crucial for essay writing in CSE, that the values enshrined in our Constitution reflect in whatever idea, problem or solution we discuss in the essay. At no point should one try and support an idea that is unconstitutional.
  • One must also be democratic while addressing issues . The concepts of ‘freedom and equality’ should be the guiding principles while suggesting solutions and while criticising events or issues.
  • Generally, one must also avoid taking absolutist/non-compromising positions . In fact, the best way to handle complex problems is to find the middle ground.
  • One must also try not to make sweeping generalisations on any given issue. Instead, there should be hints of patience, justice and understanding in addressing or discussing any given topic.
  • Lastly, there are two more things that an aspirant need to keep in mind while attempting the CSE essay. (A) Do not question the topic itself, which is to say, in other words, do not contradict yourself. Pick a position (ideally, the middle path) and stay true to it throughout the essay. (B) Never use positively, things that are universally considered or used in a negative sense, and vice-versa. For ex, one must not say that ‘terrorism’ under certain conditions is equivalent to a freedom struggle, even though quotes like ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ are quite common.

Elements in an essay

  • The three basic elements — social, political and economic — form the bedrock of a good CSE essay.
  • To these, one may add other dimensions like Constitutional, legal, technological, technical etc. 
  • Another important element is the persona Good personal experiences or anecdotes can no doubt be used to increase the effectiveness of the essay but these should stay within the accepted framework of ethical conduct.

PESTLE Analysis

  • Political – Economic – Sociological – Technological – Legal – Environmental Analysis.
  • Use PESTLE Analysis to figure out the various aspects, dimensions, factors etc of any given topic.

Outlining the essay

  • Before writing the essay, it is best to outline it. To outline an essay means to figure out what to say in the introduction/conclusion, which idea comes where, or even what quote to use for the essay etc.
  • Outlining the essay in rough helps us grasp the entirety of the essay before actually writing it. It helps us get the big picture, and also see what we could be missing.
  • It is said that once we can figure out the conclusion to our essay, it becomes much easier to not only begin but finish it with confidence.

Writing An Essay 

Sticking to the time limit

In the CSE, one has to write two essays in 3 hours which translates into 1 hour 30 minutes for each essay. Out of this, around 45 minutes to 1 hour will be required to write one essay. One can add another 10 minutes for the revision of one essay. This leaves us with roughly 30 minutes of time to prepare the essay in rough, and it includes time for carrying out the brainstorming and outlining exercises.

How to introduce the essay

  • The goal of the introduction should be to arouse the reader’s interest in the topic and to prepare the reader for what is to follow.
  • A good introduction to the essay can be a brief explanation of the essay topic itself. It can be made further interesting by adding to it some personal experience, or some relevant anecdotes or quotes
  • The introduction should not be confusing or lacking in clarity, rather it should be able to immediately clear up any doubts regarding the topic if there is any.

Writing in paragraphs

  • In a stand-alone paragraph, the concluding sentence announces that the paragraph is finished, complete. In an essay, the concluding sentence of a paragraph is more likely to play the role of a transitional device, joining one paragraph to the next.
  • Flow is very important in an essay. It is also connected to writing order. Writing orders are of two types
  • Known-to-New is the order of writing where the author by choice goes from known (given) concepts to unknown ones. New material is gradually added to build on the unknown.
  • Simple-to-Complex is the order of writing where the author first establishes a base of concepts that are easily understood and then develops over it increasingly complex ideas.
  • One can use the FREQOES method to add matter to the various paragraphs.

How to conclude the essay

  • The essay can be concluded in the following ways - restating the main points in brief and with different wordings (summarizing), suggesting a way forward or a course of action, or adding an interesting personal comment or any relevant anecdote.
  • Another way to conclude the essay is by returning to the discussion begun in the introduction. This is called the ‘cyclic return’ and a lot of essays follow this simple method of concluding an essay.
  • The conclusion should bear a positive outlook, it should see the silver lining in the clouds. It should also be as clear and concise as possible.

Revising the essay

  • To revise, read the essay in its entirety, underlining (preferably with scale and pencil) important words or phrases. Correct spelling or grammatical mistakes if any. Make sure the pages look clean and tidy.
  • One may add or omit a few words but it should not be overdone. It is also not advisable that entirely new ideas/sentences are inserted in the essay at the time of revision, unless such information is critical to the essay.

Some tips on essay writing

  • One can go through the CSE previous year’s essays and understand the concepts, dimensions and solutions required to solve those. Having a simple understanding of complex social problems is the secret to writing a good essay for the CSE.
  • One can also keep handy a small collection of quotes or quotable phrases and citable anecdotes to be used while writing the essay. This keeps one prepared for writing any type of essay.

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Essay Syllabus – Civil Services Mains Exam UPSC

Last updated on April 3, 2024 by Alex Andrews George

Essay Syllabus – Civil Services Mains Exam UPSC

Table of Contents

Tips for UPSC Essay Paper from ClearIAS.com

Do keep in mind the below-mentioned tips. Following these strategies can make a huge boost in your Essay Paper marks .

  • Try to write a few essays in full during your preparation, simulating the environment in the examination hall.
  • Familiarize yourself with previous essays asked by UPSC so that you will have a clear picture of the type and standard of questions to be expected.
  • UPSC/the examiner normally gives credit to new perspectives and fresh analysis.
  • Avoid verbosity and flowery language. Use a simple style instead.
  • You may use relevant quotes to reinforce your arguments. But never try to alter the quotes of great personalities.
  • Good handwriting is always an asset. If your handwriting is not legible, put some effort into that area.
  • Make your statements precise. Avoid guesses.
  • The introductory paragraph should have clear indications about what you are going to write in the essay.
  • You may show your inferences in the concluding paragraph.

Also read:   ClearIAS launches Essay Writing Course for UPSC

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  • Useful Civil Services Books .
  • Civil Services Study Materials for Online Preparation .
  • IAS Question Papers .

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About Alex Andrews George

Alex Andrews George is a mentor, author, and social entrepreneur. Alex is the founder of ClearIAS and one of the expert Civil Service Exam Trainers in India.

He is the author of many best-seller books like 'Important Judgments that transformed India' and 'Important Acts that transformed India'.

A trusted mentor and pioneer in online training , Alex's guidance, strategies, study-materials, and mock-exams have helped many aspirants to become IAS, IPS, and IFS officers.

Reader Interactions

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October 16, 2015 at 12:03 am

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August 8, 2016 at 7:44 pm

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July 7, 2022 at 1:37 am

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May 12, 2016 at 12:59 am

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August 28, 2020 at 7:20 am

Make any one of the optional subject as your UG stream .it will help you in the preparation

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May 23, 2016 at 7:03 am

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October 5, 2016 at 12:25 pm

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December 2, 2016 at 9:15 pm

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January 7, 2017 at 4:53 pm

Wt is the medium of essay writing Any language…? We can choose

February 18, 2017 at 9:25 pm

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October 13, 2017 at 3:24 pm

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October 13, 2017 at 3:26 pm

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April 7, 2017 at 4:45 pm

One of the most discriptive and very helpful website for civil services aapirants..

November 8, 2018 at 1:36 pm

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November 22, 2018 at 11:45 am


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August 5, 2019 at 9:49 am

my mother tongue is Bengali .can I give the mains exam in Bengali??

August 10, 2019 at 1:15 pm

Hello sir!! Can I know from which topic these essays will be given. Like, generally or from optional subjects we choose?!

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September 14, 2019 at 12:39 pm

Go through the previous years question papers to find out what type of essay do UPSC ask

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October 13, 2019 at 10:52 am

Sir , What are those tips & advices you are gonna give for school students who’s aim is to become an IAS officer ?

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Important Essay Topics for UPSC Mains 2024, Previous Year Topics

by Vajiram & Ravi

Important Essay Topics for UPSC Mains 2024

Understanding UPSC Essay Topics holds significant importance as it evaluates the candidate's ability to analyse, present arguments, and communicate effectively. In this article, we will explore the diverse range of UPSC essay topics, their significance, and essential tips to excel in this section. Get ready to enhance your writing and analytical skills and make a strong impression on the evaluators with well-crafted essays.

UPSC Essay Paper 2024

The Essay paper in the UPSC Mains examination requires candidates to write multiple essays , each on a different topic, chosen from a given list of options. The essay topics for UPSC cover a wide range of issues, including social, economic, political, cultural, and philosophical aspects, both national and international.

The essay paper holds significant weightage in the UPSC Mains examination, contributing 250 marks out of the total 1750 marks . Scoring well in this section can have a considerable impact on the overall ranking and selection for the coveted civil services.

Weekly UPSC Essay Topics By Vajiram & Ravi

The UPSC Essay Paper is an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their proficiency in expressing ideas and analysing complex issues. Vajiram & Ravi Pensive-Weekly Essay Writing Programme provides you with two Essay Topics every Saturday based on the previous year's question papers and the changing trends analysis. You can submit your Essay for peer evaluation on vajiramandravi.com. This will help you nourish your writing skills, give you clarity of thought, and build the capacity to express opinions in a logical and coherent manner.

Important Essay Topics for UPSC 2024

The purpose of the essay paper is to assess the candidate's ability to critically analyse a topic, present well-structured arguments, and communicate their ideas effectively. It also evaluates their knowledge of various issues, their clarity of thought, and their capacity to express opinions in a logical and coherent manner.

Some of the Important Essay Topics to prepare for the UPSC Mains Examination 2024 are:

  • Gender Equality
  • Environment/Urbanization
  • Economic Growth
  • Federalism/Decentralization
  • Agriculture
  • Economics 

UPSC Essay Topics on Philosophy

Every year, UPSC typically provides you with two or more essay topics centred around philosophical thoughts, Indian philosophical schools, or quotes from notable personalities. To effectively address these philosophical topics, you should refer to Philosophy Books to gain a foundational understanding. Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics on Philosophy :

  • Everything comes to him, who hustles while he waits.
  • We are always blind as we want to be.
  • You cannot step twice in the same river.
  • A disciplined mind brings happiness.
  • The price of Greatness is Responsibility.
  • People would rather Believe than Know.
  • Mind - A beautiful Servant? Or a dangerous Master?

UPSC Essay Topics on Art and Culture

The UPSC Essay Topics related to Indian society, art, and culture cover a wide range of subjects, offering great diversity. To gain knowledge about the static content on these topics, you should rely on fundamental books on society, as recommended for the exam. Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics on Indian Art and Culture :

  • Culture changes with economic development.
  • Culture is what we are, Civilization is what we have.
  • Social reform is a myth if places of worship are open only to all castes and not to all genders.
  • Impact of Globalization on Indian Art and Culture.
  • Caste System - India’s Enduring Curse.
  • Godmen - A Threat to Indian Art and Culture?

UPSC Essay Topics on Science and Technology

UPSC essay topics on Science and Technology can largely be addressed through current affairs. You may also benefit from consulting a Science and Technology Book for UPSC to compose a comprehensive and well-rounded essay. Here are some UPSC Essay Topics on Science and Technology:

  • Deglobalisation is good for the world.
  • Science is organised Knowledge. Wisdom is Organised life.
  • Technology is a Weapon against Poverty.
  • Prioritising Education Technology for Global Growth.
  • Technology is the silent factor in International Relations.
  • Scientific and Technological Progress cannot be equated with Human Progress.

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UPSC Essay Topics on Education

Education stands as one of the preferred UPSC Essay Topics, with an essay related to this subject often appearing in the paper each year. To tackle this topic effectively, you should stay abreast of Current Affairs , incorporating significant changes and advancements in the field. Let's explore some of the Essay topics for UPSC centred around education:

  • Self Education is a lifelong curiosity.
  • Education Breeds Peace.
  • Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
  • Education must also train one for quick, resolute and effective thinking.
  • Schooling is not Education.

UPSC Essay Topics on Polity and Governance

To comprehensively address Polity and Governance topics, you should acquire fundamental knowledge from Polity Books for UPSC and Current Affairs. These resources offer static information about relevant issues and their historical context, which proves valuable while writing UPSC Essay Topics on Polity. Here are some Essay Topics on Polity and Governance:

  • The Role of Politics in Development.
  • Should Youth in India Consider Politics as a Career?
  • Art, Freedom and Creativity will change society faster than politics.
  • The politics of Identity is the Politics of the Weak.
  • People should not be afraid of their Government. The Government should be afraid of its people.
  • Government Surveillance - Good or Bad?

UPSC Essay Topics on Economy

Essays concerning economic growth are frequently included in the Essay Paper. To tackle these topics effectively, you should refer to Economy Notes for UPSC to gain a comprehensive understanding. Once the fundamentals are grasped, you can enhance their essays by incorporating examples, data, and statistics to create a multidimensional perspective. Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics on Economy:

  • We don't have to sacrifice a Strong Economy for a Healthy Environment.
  • India, a $5 trillion Economy - Dream or Reality?
  • Digital Economy: A leveller or a source of Economic Inequality?
  • Innovation is the key determinant of social welfare and economic growth.
  • Labour Reforms in India and its Role in Economic Growth.

UPSC Essay Topics on Social Issues

Social issues are a significant aspect of the UPSC essay paper, reflecting the candidates' understanding of societal challenges and their ability to propose viable solutions. These essays provide a platform for candidates to analyse, critique, and suggest measures for pressing social concerns. Topics related to social issues in the UPSC Essay paper may include:

  • Inclusivity and Plurality are the hallmarks of a Peaceful Society.
  • A Gender-sensitive Indian Society is a prerequisite for Women and Child Empowerment.
  • The weaker sections of Indian Society - are their Rights and Access to Justice getting Better?

Previous Year UPSC Mains Essay Topics

Practising previous year's essay topics will help you become familiar with the UPSC exam pattern , word limit, and the types of essay questions frequently asked in the Mains Examination. Analysing past essay topics will also allow you to identify recurring themes and trends, enabling you to prioritise their preparation accordingly. Regular practice with past essay topics will instil confidence in you, helping you feel more comfortable and prepared for the actual exam.

  • Forests are the best case studies for economic excellence.
  • Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
  • History is a series of victories won by the scientific man over the romantic man.
  • A ship in the harbour is safe, but that is not what a ship is for.
  • The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.
  • A smile is the chosen vehicle for all ambiguities.
  • Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

Tips to Excel in UPSC Essay Paper

  • Understand the Topics: Thoroughly comprehend the essay topics, including the keywords and instructions. Choose a topic that aligns with your strengths and interests.
  • Plan and Structure: Devote some time to plan your essay. Create an outline and organise your thoughts in a structured manner, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Be Objective: Present balanced arguments and avoid a biased or one-sided approach. Consider multiple perspectives and present a holistic view.
  • Provide Examples and Evidence: Support your arguments with relevant examples, data, quotes and evidence to strengthen your essay.
  • Maintain Clarity: Write in a clear and concise manner. Use simple language and avoid jargon or overly complex vocabulary.
  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is essential to improve Essay writing skills. Write essays on diverse topics to enhance your versatility.
  • Time Management: Allocate appropriate time for planning, writing, and revising each essay to manage time effectively during the examination.
  • Revise and Edit: Review your essays for coherence, grammar, and structure. Make necessary edits to refine your work.

UPSC Essay Topics 2024 FAQs

What are the important UPSC Essay Topics?

Here is a list of UPSC Essay Topics asked in Mains Examination previously:

  • Culture is what we are, civilization is what we have.
  • Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
  • What is research but a blind date with knowledge?
  • Best for an individual is not necessarily best for society.
  • Wisdom finds truth.
  • Ships don’t sink because of water around them, ships sink because of water that gets into them.
  • Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant structure of social inequality.
  • Technology as the silent factor in international relations.

How do I Prepare for the UPSC Essay?

To prepare for the UPSC essay, focus on understanding the essay syllabus and past topics to identify recurring themes. Regularly practise writing essays on various topics to improve your writing skills and time management. Structure your essays with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Which is the best source to practise UPSC Essay Topics?

The best sources to prepare Essay for UPSC include official UPSC materials, newspapers, and magazines like The Hindu, Yojana , and Kurukshetra for current affairs, standard books on diverse subjects, government reports and publications, online platforms like PIB and PRS India, UPSC previous year papers for understanding the exam pattern, and regular practice of essay writing on various topics.

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ESSAY STRATEGY By Anudeep Durishetty, UPSC Civil Services Exam Topper, All India Rank – 1 CSE-2017 – How to write a good Essay in UPSC Mains, Explained 

Essay strategy.

How to write a good Essay in UPSC Mains, Explained 

By Anudeep Durishetty

UPSC Civil Services Exam Topper, All India Rank – 1 CSE-2017

anudeep durishetty

Novelist Stephen King put it beautifully when he said, “I write to find out what I think.” 

Writing is a window to your thought process. What you write on paper will tell the reader how you think, how you argue and the way you substantiate your viewpoint. This is why for most competitive examinations and academic entrance tests, essay is mandatory. 

In the Civil Services Exam too, we have a paper worth 250 marks, equivalent to a General Studies paper. Despite its importance, essay paper often does not get the attention it deserves from aspirants. First timers think they will write an excellent essay in the final exam itself, whereas experienced aspirants believe that since they had already studied a ton for GS, it will alone be enough to write a good essay. This is a fatal miscalculation. 

I was one of those who made these errors in the past, and it is not a coincidence that I scored only 100 in CSE 2015. But in 2017, I devoted adequate time to this paper. I collected useful quotes, prepared notes and even made rough essay drafts for frequently asked topics. All this effort in essay paper helped me score 155. 

What follows is an elaborate post on how you should tackle the Essay paper. I’ve organised the content as follows: 

What UPSC says about the essay paper 

  • How and from where to prepare? 

Improving language and expression 

  • On subheadings and rough drafts 
  • What you must avoid 
  • How to write a powerful introduction? 
  • Developing the content of an Essay 

Substantiating your arguments 

  • How to conclude an Essay 
  • My notes, quote collection and sample essays 

“Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to  keep closely to the subject of the essay,   to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion, and to write concisely . Credit will be given for  effective and exact expression .”  

Essay distinguishes itself from GS in the sense that in GS, marks will be awarded purely for content. But in essay, examiners will pay special attention to not just the content, but also the language, coherence and the way you organise your write-up. 

So you must take adequate care to arrange your ideas properly and not commit any fundamental spelling or grammatical errors. 

How and from where to prepare?  

Most of the content you write in Essay will come from your GS preparation. Apart from this, the following sources will help: 

  • Reading non-fiction  helps you develop a matured thought process. Apart from imparting knowledge, they will also let you come across good figures of speech, art of argumentation, powerful rhetoric and unique content etc. For example, in an essay on Artificial Intelligence, I took arguments from Yuval Harari’s  Homo Deus  to argue that AI is an imminent threat to humanity. Or if you read  Why Nations Fail,  a book replete with examples, you will understand the importance of innovation, political and economic freedoms in propelling a nation forward. So my suggestion is, apart from UPSC related material, develop the hobby of reading non-fiction books. I do not mean to suggest that you should start reading one  non-fiction book per topic to get good scores in Essay, but reading them occasionally in your free time will benefit you in the long run. 
  • Referring to specific magazines:  For certain topics, you can refer to specific issues of Yojana/EPW/Economic Survey etc. Example: for an essay on tribal issues or public health, you can go through specific issues of these magazines for getting the latest statistics (IMR, MMR, malnutrition levels etc) and also about the positives and criticisms of govt schemes in that sector. 
  • Collecting good stories/anecdotes and quotes  Anecdotes, quotes and real life stories you see in newspapers and books which can be used in essay should be noted down. In most of my essays, I used to start with a relevant story or an anecdote that has the essay topic as its underlying theme. Apart from these, I also used a couple of quotes of eminent persons. 

         List of quotes, anecdotes I collected are available in the link at the end of this article.  

Language in essay must be simple and clear with as little jargon as possible. If you want to use complex definitional terms such as, say, ‘Constitutionalism’ or ‘Sanskritisation’ please define it in sentence just before you use it. Examiner will also understand clearly what you want to convey. Clear writing is clear thinking. And that is what any reader looks for. 

Keep your sentences short and powerful. Long, winding sentences makes it difficult to read and understand. If you tack on one clause after another through conjunctions, what you get is a bad sentence sprawl.   

Example of a bad sentence sprawl: 

At the end of World War 2, on the one hand, while capitalism was successfully championed by the nations in North America and Europe, on the other hand, it was USSR that put Communism at the forefront due to which there was an ideological clash between the  the  two superpowers which had led to proxy wars in various parts of the globe, a nuclear arms race and a rapid deterioration of the security of the world.  

(By the time readers finish reading it, they will lose their breath and the point of the sentence) 

So I had a simple rule: If you run out of your breath while  reading a sentence, then probably you will have to break it into two. 

Rewriting the aforementioned example after breaking it into two (which makes it much easier to read and comprehend): 

After World War 2, while the North American and European nations championed capitalism, USSR put communism at the forefront. This ideological clash between the superpowers led to several proxy wars, a nuclear arms race and a rapid deterioration of world security.  


There is no need to memorise complex words for writing a good essay. But an occasional use of a powerful word, or a good phrase definitely gives your write-up an edge. 

Also, I believe that learning numerous words by rote will not make them stick in your brain for long. The best way to build your vocabulary is by reading non-fiction and English newspapers. While reading these, if you come across a good turn of phrase, or a word that you don’t recognise, please note it down in a book, find its meaning and understand the context in which the word was used. This helps in long term memory. Having a dictionary app on your phone also helps. 

Building vocabulary is a slow process, but with consistency, anyone can become better at using an expansive set of words. 

Subheadings & Rough Drafts 

We can be a little innovative in our subheadings. Instead of bland subheadings such as ‘ Benefits of Nuclear Energy’  we can use “ Nuclear Energy: Promise or Peril?’  Similarly, for the essay on Social Media, instead of writing ‘ Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media ’, I wrote  “Social Media: A Double Edged Sword”  

You can find my collection of a few such subheadings in the link to my notes, given at the end of the article. 

I also prepared a rough draft for a few essay topics (link given at the end). You may need to modify the structure as per the demand of the question. 

What you must avoid in Essay 

  • Do not focus excessively only on one point, or one dimension (such as the historical or political aspect) Your essay needs to be expansive and multi-dimensional. 
  • During preparation, we read a lot and it’s understandable that we feel strongly about certain topics. And since essay offers freedom to write, it’s very easy to get carried away with such a topic. But make sure that you write what is asked, not what you know or feel like. No  mann   ki   baat . Always stick to the subject of the topic. It helps to read the question in the midst of your essay to ensure that you are not steering away from the topic. 
  • If you are not comfortable writing about abstract philosophical topics (I am terrible at writing them), avoid such questions. Your choice of topic has no bearing on the marks and that is why, selecting an unpopular topic just for the sake of it is unwise. Also, if there’s a technical term in the question, be doubly sure that you understand it correctly. For instance, in 2014, there was a question on ‘standard tests’, which is a technical term. I misunderstood it and wrote a generic essay. I got 112. 
  • When you take a final stand on an issue, it’s best to avoid extreme or highly unpopular opinions. We are free to have any opinion in the privacy of our minds, but in UPSC essay why take that risk? For instance, in an essay on Capital Punishment, in the main body content, you should present a case for both abolition and retention. But when you take a stance, it’s best to be an abolitionist. 
  • No ranting. You might be a great fan of Karl Marx, but if there’s a question on Capitalism, do not rant or rail against it  You must present both the positives and negatives of Capitalism and end the essay on a balanced note. 
  • Do not dedicate disproportionate amount of time for the first essay and scamper through the second. Both carry equal marks, so please invest equal time. 

How to transition smoothly from one para to the next 

This can be done in three ways. 

Through a link sentence at the end of a para:  

Here, at the end of a para, you write a sentence that signals to the examiner what’s coming next. For example, let’s say you have just written a para about the threat posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to jobs. At the end of that para you can write a link sentence—   “Further, we must be mindful of the fact that Artificial Intelligence poses a major challenge not just economically, but also ethically.”  And in the next para, you can write about the ethical issues concerning AI. 

Through a question:    

Instead of a link sentence, you can also add a question at the end of a para so that examiner’s attention is helplessly carried to the next. To take the similar example as above, the question can be something like—   “Thus we have examined the threat posed by AI to our economy, but what about the challenges brought by AI to our ethics and morals?”  And in the next para, you can write about the ethical issues concerning AI. 

Signalling the shift at the start of next paragraph: 

Here you can simply add a word or two at the beginning of a para that signals a shift in your subtopic. For example in an essay on  Globalisation , let’s say you have just written a para about its historical evolution and impact. You can start the next para with something like—  “Politically too, globalisation has had a tremendous impact……” This way examiner immediately knows what to expect. 

These steps will ensure that the transition between paragraphs is not abrupt. 

How to write a good Introduction to your Essay? 

Essay introduction can be: 

a fictitious incident or story (where you introduce a character);  a real life anecdote;  a quote; or  a simple definition of the words in the question (not recommended in Essay) 

In GS, definitional approach is a great way to introduce your answers. But in essay, they are rather stale, lacking in any human element. I always believe that a good way to start your essay is to have that touch of humanity and warmth in your introduction. 

In my Mains exam, this was my introduction to the essay ‘Destiny of a nation is shaped in its classroom’ 

“The year was 1945. Towards the end of a gruesome world war, the world powers decided to carve up the Korean peninsula along the 38th parallel.  

“Before partition, North and South Korea might have been homogeneous in every respect, but after the division, they steered onto different paths. While schools in the North chose to ‘educate’ their children in the worship of a cult leader, ideological indoctrination and servility, its southern counterpart focused on liberal education, innovation and economic growth.  

“Today, almost seven decades later, the difference in the fates of these people and the trajectories of both these nations cannot be more stark. One is known for gross violation of human rights, while the other a champion of liberal democracy. One is known for gut-wrenching poverty, while the other unbridled prosperity.  

“This only proves the age old adage that the destiny of a nation is indeed shaped in its classrooms.”  

Similarly, for the Social Media essay, my introduction sought to bring to the fore the paradox of Social Media. I wrote on how social media was leveraged to crowdsource help and rescue during Chennai floods in 2015. At the same time, I mentioned how it was used nefariously in 2012 to cause mass exodus of northeast people from Bangalore. And taking cue from this introduction, in the main body, I discussed about the inherent selfishness and altruism associated with social media. 

These real life stories, anecdotes and incidents are everywhere in our books and newspapers. So when you come across them, note down and ponder as to how you can use them in your essay.   

Developing the Main Content from the Topic 

This is like spinning the web from a thread. Depending on the topic, you can choose among the following options that fits best. 

  • Temporal : Past, present and future 
  • Sectoral :  Media, Science & Tech, Business, Sports, Religion, Politics, Administration etc 
  • Walks of Life : Individual, Family, Professional workplace, Society, Community, National, Global 
  • Problem & Solution:  Concept (historical evolution+status), benefits, problems, solutions 
  • Standard : Social, Political, Economical, Administrative, International, Environmental, Historical, Scientific, Security/Defence, Legal 

Example: for a topic like  “Has  Globalisation  delivered on its promise?”  I find the problem & solution method an apt way to develop your narrative. So choose as per the question. 

In the main body of the essay, each para must have an argument or an idea and a reasoning to back that argument. You can substantiate it through a real life example, a statistic, an authentic committee or organisational report etc. 

For example, if you are arguing that Capital punishment is an expensive form of justice, you should be able to given an example or a statistic or Law Commission’s opinion as to how the subjects of death penalty are overwhelmingly from poor communities. 

Statistics, examples, expert opinions and constitutional provisions are crucial and they make your arguments authoritative. 

Concluding an Essay 

Conclusion needs to be on  a futuristic, optimistic note. You need to summarise the complete essay in 3-4 sentences, after which you can write your vision for future. 

You can source some useful terms from the speeches of PM Modi. Phrases like  Sabka   saath   sabka   vikas ,  Reform-Perform-Transform, Building A New India  etc can come handy.  Rhetoric, lofty expressions, constitutional ideals, sanskrit slokas and quotes are a good way to conclude your essay. 

But suppose in your introduction, if you had written about a fictitious character, then it’s always advisable to end your write-up with a reference to that character. It gives a sense of completeness to the essay. 

Readers should keep in mind that these notes are written rather haphazardly (I mean who makes notes thinking that in future, they might have to upload them publicly :D)  

They are fragmented in certain pages, so you may not be able to comprehend them completely, but nevertheless I hope you take home something useful.  

Link to handwritten notes: 


Quote collection:  


List of Topics one needs to prepare:  


Sample Essay:    



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Candidates will be required to write an essay on a specific topic. There will be choice given from a variety of subjects. The candidate is expected to stick to the subject of the essay and arrange their ideas in an orderly way. The writing has to be in concise way with numerous points in support of your essay topic. Those who has presented the essay in an articulate way with effective expression is likely to score high marks.

Essay Contest for UPSC Exam for IAS

This paper plays a crucial role in determining the rank of the student. Most of the top rankers have scored above 55% in this paper. Some candidates have also scored around 60%. Such score can help the students to secure a position in the top ten ranks of the merit list.

Correct choice of topic and the appropriate method of writing are important. It is advised to choose factual topics where you can pack in lot of information. Try to avoid topics that are controversial in nature.

Practice Essay Topics for UPSC

May - June 2024 Essay Contest (Last date is June 30, 2024)

S.NO Essay Contest Topics
1 Are elections free and fair in India?
2 Is employment is real issue in India as compared to other countries? What can we do to improve the situation?
3 Should we do away with reservation and open up to all as equal opportunity?

Method of Writing Essay Paper for civil services: After deciding the topic 1. Start brain stroming 2. Write down all the ideas that you about the topic. 3. Do not classify or systematise your points at this stage. 4. Put them on paper randomly as they flow in. 5. Later, arrange the ideas in a logical and sequential manner. 6. Having arrived at the sequence, start writing, giving due care to the introduction, the body and finally the conclusion. 7. Ensure that you have enough time for revision. 8. Remember it is a General Essay Paper and you should not be highly technical.

IAS Essay Writing Tips By Mr Ravi Kapoor IRS

  • How closely is the topic related to what I have studied
  • I have completely understood the topic
  • Have I practiced this topic before?
  • I can think of 3 arguments for and 3 against the topic.
  • There are 3 connections of this topic with India.
  • There is one current event associated with the topic.

How to write essay for IAS exam

  • If Youth knew if Age could
  • The Game of Politics
  • Secularism in India

Essay Topics: September - 2019 ( Last Date: 30 th September )

  • Feeding India’s billion plus population, the roadmap ahead.
  • Tree plantation drives, are they enough to get enough rains?
  • What does marriage mean to the millennials in India?
  • How important is the role of a housewife to India’s economic growth?

Selected Essay Topics: August - 2019

  • Fulfilment of ”new Women” in India Is a Myth - Dr.Rashmi Bhat.
  • Fulfilment of ”new Women” in India Is a Myth - Yohalakshmi Nethi Gopalakrishnan
  • Farming Has Lost the Ability to Be a Source of Subsistence for Majority of Farmers in India - M.Surya (Winner)
  • Is There Enough Employment for the Youth of India? What Can Be Done? - Jnandeep Bora. (Winner)

Essay Topics: April - 2019 ( Last Date: 30 th April )

  • Rahul Gandhi's minimum income guarantee scheme - Comment
  • Pak approval to establish a corridor for Sharda Peeth
  • SC decision to aside the life ban imposed on Sreesanth
  • Defeat of Islamic State in Syria

Essay Topics: March - 2019 ( Last Date: 31 st March )

  • Govt announcement of No tax for income till Rs 5 lakh- Comment
  • Pulwama terror attack and its aftermath.
  • Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and his approach towards peace
  • Priyanka Gandhi and her entry into politics

Essay Topics: February - 2019 ( Last Date: 28 th Feb )

  • 10 per cent reservation for general category - Comment
  • Is the current Indian Cricket team, the best ever Indian Team ?
  • Sea Erosion and its implication.
  • Economic offenders in India.

Essay Topics: January- 2019 ( Last Date: 31 st Jan )

  • Plastic ban in India
  • Witness protection scheme in India
  • Importance of Reservation of Seats for Women in Parliament - Comment
  • India's dependence on Russia for critical defense equipments.

Essay Topics: December- 2018 ( Last Date: 31 st Dec )

  • Can fake news affect the voting pattern in India ?
  • Cyclone Gaja and its effect on Tamilnadu
  • Is the ongoing crisis in CBI hurting the image of Indian government - Comment
  • UP government decision to build a 221 metre Ram statue.

Essay Topics: November- 2018 ( Last Date: 30 th Nov )

  • SC lifts ban on entry of women in Sabarimala temple - Comment.
  • India's Statue of Unity - Comment
  • Will the political crisis in Srilanka, affect India's interest in the country ?
  • Can the 'Me Too' Campaign bring about a change ?

Essay Topics: October- 2018 ( Last Date: October 31 )

  • The Supreme Court verdict on Sabarimala Case - Discuss
  • Adultery is not crime - Comment
  • Can the bullet train from Mumbai to Ahmedabad create a big difference ?
  • Decriminalisation of Section 377

Essay Topics: September- 2018 ( Last Date: September 30 )

  • Sudden rise of petrol and diesel price
  • Reasons behind the Kerala floods
  • Stone pelting in Jammu and Kashmir
  • Challenges before the new Pak PM Imran Khan

Selected Essay Topics: July - 2019

  • Customary Morality Cannot Be a Guide to Modern Life - Karthiayani Nair
  • A Good Life Is One Inspired by Love and Guided by Knowledge - Krupan P M (Winner)
  • A People That Values Its Privileges above Its Principles, Loses Both - Shuvajyoti Dutta

Selected Essay Topics: June - 2019

  • Alternative Technologies for Climate Change. - Surya
  • Alternative Technologies for Climate Change. - Sayyed Samreen Roomi
  • Poverty Anywhere is a Threat to Prosperity Everywhere. - Durgesh Kumar Singh (Winner)
  • Poverty Anywhere is a Threat to Prosperity Everywhere. - Mimansa Sahrawat
  • Poverty Anywhere is a Threat to Prosperity Everywhere. - Jnandeep Bora

Selected Essay Topics: May - 2019

  • Rise of Religious Terrorism in Sri Lanka - Sayed Nishat Tanaum (Winner)
  • India's Decision to Create Indo-pacific Division. - Malavika.R
  • The Proposal to Allow Dentist Practice as General Physician. - Reshma Bhat.DR

Selected Essay Topics: April - 2019

  • Rahul Gandhi's minimum income guarantee scheme - Harshini Manthripragada (Winner)

Selected Essay Topics: March - 2019

  • Priyanka Gandhi and her entry into politics - JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)
  • Pulwama terror attack and its aftermath - Amit Aseri (Selected)
  • Government announcement of No tax for income till Rs. 5 lakh - Sneha Lad (Selected)

Essay Topics: February - 2019

  • 10 Per Cent Reservation For General Category - Veena Goyal (Winner)
  • 10 Per Cent Reservation For General Category - Manish Kumar (Selected)
  • Economic Offenders in India - Abraham Johnson Achaniyil (Selected)

Essay Topics: January - 2019

  • Plastic ban in India - Manish Kumar (Winner)
  • Importance of reservation of seats for women in Parliament - Dr Rashmi Bhat (Selected)

Essay Topics: December- 2018

  • Can fake news affect voting pattern in India -Mohammad Fasal (Winner)

Essay Topics: November- 2018

  • Statue of Unity -Dr Rashmi Bhat
  • Statue of Unity -VVV Satyanarayana
  • Statue of Unity -Shaoni Chakraborty
  • SC lifts ban on entry of women in Sabarimala temple -Sumit Chauhan (Winner)

Essay Topics: October- 2018

  • Adultery is not a crime -Aakash Kadam (Winner)
  • Adultery is not a crime -Devarakonda sailesh
  • The Supreme Court Verdict on Sabarimala Temple Case -Paarinder Singh (Winner)
  • The Supreme Court Verdict on Sabarimala Temple Case -Atrayee Banerjee
  • Can the bullet train from Mumbai to Ahmedabad create a big difference -Chitresh Shrivastva (Winner)
  • Can the bullet train from Mumbai to Ahmedabad create a big difference -Karthiayani S Nair
  • Decriminalization of 377 -Atrayee Banerjee (Winner)

Essay Topics: September- 2018

  • Sudden rise of petrol and diesel price -Aakash Kadam (Winner)
  • Reasons behind the Kerala floods -Srishakthi.M

Essay Topics: August- 2018

  • Why India Needs Judicial Reforms ? -Sharanya Sanjay (Winner)
  • Why India Needs Judicial Reforms ? -Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Should Petroluem brought under GST -Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil
  • Rise Of Naxalism -Sudhir Kumar Yadav (Winner)
  • Rise Of Naxalism -Vidhi Bhardwaj

Essay Topics: July- 2018

  • Social media and its impact on Indian society -Ananya Mohanty
  • Political turmoil in Kashmir - Tanya Ahuja
  • The challenge of education in India - Avantika Bhardwaj (Winner)
  • The challenge of education in India - Ritesh Kumar
  • The challenge of education in India - Srishakthi.M
  • The challenge of education in India - Anita Yesale
  • Why are Indian users, very vulnerable to cyber attacks? - M. Jhoshit Reddy

Essay Topics: June- 2018

  • Do you think the TN government decision to close sterlite plant hurt industries? -Srishakthi.M
  • Do you think the TN government decision to close sterlite plant hurt industries? -Vinita Pahel (Winner)
  • Will the University Grants Commission's decision to approve graduate and diploma programme online impact regular courses? � Comment -Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil
  • Will the University Grants Commission's decision to approve graduate and diploma programme online impact regular courses? � Comment -Anuj Pandey (Winner)
  • US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal - Comment. -Satarupa Mukherjee

Essay Topics: April- 2018

  • Did Ball tempering issue derailed the reputation of the Australian Cricket Team ?- Comment -Prasoon chuadhary (Winner)
  • Is it possible to solve Cauvery water dispute between Tamilnadu and Karnataka? -Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Is it possible to solve Cauvery water dispute between Tamilnadu and Karnataka? -Irfan Ahamed (Winner)
  • Is it possible to solve Cauvery water dispute between Tamilnadu and Karnataka? -SRISHAKTHI M
  • Will the Indian Real Estate Industry Back to Track on 2018? -B.V.KRISHNA REDDY

Essay Topics: March- 2018

  • What is the cause for decrease in the forest cover in India? -Deepa H Kurane
  • What is the cause for decrease in the forest cover in India? -Jnandeep Bora
  • Is Saudi Arabia modernising with the recent reforms? -Abu Talha
  • Is Saudi Arabia modernising with the recent reforms? -M.JHOSHIT REDDY (Winner)
  • Does Karnataka really need its own flag? -B.V.KRISHNA REDDY
  • 42 Indian Languages and dialect stare at extinction - Comment -B .Thulasi (Winner)

Essay Topics: February - 2018

  • What are the Pros and cons of solar energy ? -Zujamo Ngullie
  • What are the Pros and cons of solar energy ? -Jnandeep Bora
  • What are the Pros and cons of solar energy ? -Kanika Varma (Winner)
  • How can India become self sufficient in Defence Sector? -Ritesh Kumar (Winner)
  • How can India become self sufficient in Defence Sector? -Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Has the Budget 2018 lost its excitement, with the introduction of GST ? -B.L.Prasad

Essay Topics: January - 2018

  • What are the positive and negative impacts of GST ? -Aayushi Shukla
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of GST ? -Akriti Singh
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of GST -B V Krishna Reddy (Winner)
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of GST -Laxmi Prasad
  • Why India is not developed as a great scientific power ? -B.Dwarakanada Reddy
  • Why India is not developed as a great scientific power ? -Nitin Thakur
  • Why India is not developed as a great scientific power ? -Ritesh Kumar (Winner)
  • India a loser in most of the sports apart from cricket ? -Rohini Singh (Winner)
  • Do privacy issues outweigh the important benefits of Aadhaar Card ? -Karthiayani Nair

Essay Topics: December - 2017 How the goal of energy security can be achieved in India? -Akriti Singh How the goal of energy security can be achieved in India? -Sudhakaran K (Winner) What growing Hindu Religious chauvinism means to Indian nation? -Jnandeep Bora (Winner) What growing Hindu Religious chauvinism means to Indian nation? -Ruchi Singh Will the new economic measures take the Indian economy in right direction? -B Dwarakanadha Reddy (Winner) Will the new economic measures take the Indian economy in right direction? -Laxmi Prasad Will the new economic measures take the Indian economy in right direction? -Megha Mukherjee Essay Topics: November - 2017 What is behind India's 30 step jump in ease of doing business- What does it means to Indians? -B.Dwarakanadha Reddy hat is behind India's 30 step jump in ease of doing business- What does it means to Indians? -Abhilash Kumar What is behind India's 30 step jump in ease of doing business- What does it means to Indians? -Anji Naik Mudavath (Winner) Can India can become Open Defecation free by 2019, if so how? -Akriti Singh Can India can become Open Defecation free by 2019, if so how? -Abhilash Kumar Can India can become Open Defecation free by 2019, if so how? -Muruga Nagaraj Can India can become Open Defecation free by 2019, if so how? -AkashKumar (Winner) Has demonetization and goods and service tax brought financial reform in the country? -B.V.Krishna Reddy (Winner) How much Ethics and Integrity play a role in the conduct of Public servants in India? -Atrayee Banerjee How much Ethics and Integrity play a role in the conduct of Public servants in India? -Jnandeep Bora How much Ethics and Integrity play a role in the conduct of Public servants in India? -Anupama Guha (Winner) Essay Topics: October - 2017

  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -Aditi Subhash Dhale
  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -Rohit Singh Raghuvanshi (Winner)
  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -AnjiNaikMudavath
  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -Akriti Singh
  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -Wish rajput
  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Should India accept Rohingya refugees -Jyoti Solanki
  • India GDP growth rate slumps to 5.7 per cent - Comment -B.Dwarakandha Reddy
  • India GDP growth rate slumps to 5.7 per cent - Comment -Sebin Thomas (Winner)
  • Why agriculture is important to the country's economy ? -Atrayee Banerjee (Winner)

Essay Topics: September - 2017

  • Demonitazation - What were the gains and the loses. -NeerNandeha
  • Demonitazation - What were the gains and the loses. -Suman Singh
  • Demonitazation - What were the gains and the loses. -Akriti Singh
  • Demonitazation - What were the gains and the loses. -Susmita Sarkar (Winner)
  • Why people trust 'Godmen' in India ? -NeerNandeha (Winner)
  • Why people trust 'Godmen' in India ? -Anupama Guha
  • Religion divides Faith unites -Amish khan (Winner)

Essay Topics: August - 2017

  • Which is better; corrupt but secular political parties or corruption less but communal political parties- Comment. -Jnandeep Bora (Winner)
  • Which is better; corrupt but secular political parties or corruption less but communal political parties- Comment. -Akriti Singh
  • Which is better; corrupt but secular political parties or corruption less but communal political parties- Comment. -Shailendra Chauhan
  • How to save Indian from flood's furry and loss of life and property- Comment. -NEEL KAGATHARA
  • How to save Indian from flood's furry and loss of life and property- Comment. -Rishabh Srivastava (Winner)
  • How to save Indian from flood's furry and loss of life and property- Comment. -Krishna Prajna Rao
  • Reasons drugs problem among youth in Punjab and Telngana, suggest remedies- Comment. -R. Malavika

Essay Topics: July - 2017

  • What is happiness and what are the ways and means to achieve happiness -Shiv Parsad Gupta
  • What is happiness and what are the ways and means to achieve happiness -Jnandeep Bora (Winner)
  • What is happiness and what are the ways and means to achieve happiness -Akriti Singh
  • What is happiness and what are the ways and means to achieve happiness -Preksha Agarwal
  • What is happiness and what are the ways and means to achieve happiness -Satarupa Mukherjee
  • What is happiness and what are the ways and means to achieve happiness -Nilanjan Biswas
  • Government alone will benifit from the GST or traders and consumers also- Discuss -Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil (Winner)
  • Government alone will benifit from the GST or traders and consumers also- Discuss -Bharath Prasath
  • India- China border tension - Is it a sign of a war? -AnushaKolli
  • India- China border tension - Is it a sign of a war? -Krishna PrajnaRao
  • India- China border tension - Is it a sign of a war? -R. Malavika (Winner)

Essay Topics: June - 2017

  • What are the implications of Cattle trade legislation? -Rishabh Srivastava
  • What are the implications of Cattle trade legislation? -Deedhiti Das (Winner)
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -AnushaKolli
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -Niweditaranjan
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -Neha P Asrani
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -Rishabh Srivastava (Winner)
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -R.Malavika
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -Parvathy Chandrasekhar
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -Adithya.S.Anand
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? -Anita Yesale
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? - Aayushi Shukla
  • How to tackle farmer's suicide issue? - Satarupa Mukherjee
  • China's One Belt One Road Policy- how it may harm India? -AkankshaSengupta
  • China's One Belt One Road Policy- how it may harm India? -R. Malavika
  • China's One Belt One Road Policy- how it may harm India? -Aayushi Shukla
  • China's One Belt One Road Policy- how it may harm India? -P.Galaxy Roy
  • China's One Belt One Road Policy- how it may harm India? -Bhavya Srivastava (Winner)
  • China's One Belt One Road Policy- how it may harm India? -Dibyendu Mondal

Essay Topics: May - 2017

  • Triple talaq - is doing away with it really going to empower Muslim women or is maintenance the bigger issue? -Sanyog Varshney
  • Triple talaq - is doing away with it really going to empower Muslim women or is maintenance the bigger issue? -Laxmi Prasad (Winner)
  • Triple talaq - is doing away with it really going to empower Muslim women or is maintenance the bigger issue? -Ayonija Tripathi
  • Triple talaq - is doing away with it really going to empower Muslim women or is maintenance the bigger issue? -Bharti Garg
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Jnandeep Bora
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Lipun Das
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Mrinal Malakar
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Dr B.R Prasad (Winner)
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Monalisa Poali
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Divya Prasad
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Saurabh Sen
  • Suggest improvements in our education system -Neha P Asrani

Essay Topics: April - 2017

  • Religious Nationalism has established its supremacy in India after UP election-Agree or Disagree -Nitisha Bora
  • Religious Nationalism has established its supremacy in India after UP election-Agree or Disagree -Sanyog Varshney
  • Religious Nationalism has established its supremacy in India after UP election-Agree or Disagree -R. Malavika
  • Religious Nationalism has established its supremacy in India after UP election-Agree or Disagree -Sandeep Kumar
  • Religious Nationalism has established its supremacy in India after UP election-Agree or Disagree -A. Rama Sankar (Winner)
  • Relevance of Nehruvian Secularism in the country -Dilshad PT (Winner)
  • Relevance of Nehruvian Secularism in the country -Neha P Asrani
  • Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment -Satarupa Mukherjee (Winner)
  • Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment -G Saugat
  • Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment -SaurabhSen
  • Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment -Bhavya srivastava
  • Necessity of censorship in the age of internet- Comment -Bharti garg
  • How to check the decline of ethics and morality in our society and politics -Divya Prasad

Essay Topics: March - 2017

  • ISRO achievements are many, enumerate them in some detail -Sanyog Varshney (Winner)
  • ISRO achievements are many, enumerate them in some detail -Neha P Asrani
  • ISRO achievements are many, enumerate them in some detail -Dipti Sinha
  • View your Preferences -Social Media or Conventional Media -Linga siva.P
  • View your Preferences -Social Media or Conventional Media -Chelladurai.P
  • View your Preferences -Social Media or Conventional Media -Satarupa Mukherjee (Winner)
  • View your Preferences -Social Media or Conventional Media -Govarthanan K
  • View your Preferences -Social Media or Conventional Media -A. Rama Sankar

Essay Topics: February - 2017

  • Budget 2017 - How it will shape India's economy - Comment - P.ANNA LAKSHMI
  • Budget 2017 - How it will shape India's economy - Comment - Rohan Sengupta
  • Budget 2017 - How it will shape India's economy - Comment - Neha P Asrani
  • Budget 2017 - How it will shape India's economy - Comment - Nitisha Bora (Winner)
  • Jallikatu Protest in Chennai- In Retrospect and Prospects - Chelladurai. P
  • Jallikatu Protest in Chennai- In Retrospect and Prospects - Anusha Kolli (Winner)
  • Jallikatu Protest in Chennai- In Retrospect and Prospects - Sanyog varshney
  • Jallikatu Protest in Chennai- In Retrospect and Prospects - Lavanya sree
  • Jallikatu Protest in Chennai- In Retrospect and Prospects - BHARTI GARG
  • Jallikatu Protest in Chennai- In Retrospect and Prospects - TRISIDDHA NATH
  • Is Mahatma Gandhi still inspires today's youth - Namrata Rai
  • Is Mahatma Gandhi still inspires today's youth - SHUBHAM R BAJAJ (Winner)
  • Is Mahatma Gandhi still inspires today's youth - Satyasmita Pandey
  • Is Mahatma Gandhi still inspires today's youth - SARAVANA KUMAR S
  • Movie Padmavati Controversy - A case of Hurting the Sentiments VS Freedom of Expression - Sanyog varshney (Winner)

Essay Topics: January - 2017

  • After demonetization what next steps should be taken to clean up the system? - SAI JIJNASA ROY
  • After demonetization what next steps should be taken to clean up the system? - Aditya Kumar Rai
  • After demonetization what next steps should be taken to clean up the system? - Satyasmita Pandey (Winner)
  • After demonetization what next steps should be taken to clean up the system? -Neha P Asrani
  • merits and demerits of cashless economy - K.P. Nagasaritha
  • merit and demerit of cashless economy - Sanyog varshney
  • merit-and-Demerit-of-cashless-economy - Arkadyuti
  • merit-and-Demerit-of-cashless-economy - ABHISEKH SAHU (Winner)
  • merit-and-Demerit-of-cashless-economy - WAQAR MEHDI
  • merit-and-Demerit-of-cashless-economy - Mishkil.A.Gaikwad
  • merit-and-Demerit-of-cashless-economy -santosh kamble
  • merit-and-Demerit-of-cashless-economy -Nitisha Bora
  • Jayalalitha's legacies what it means to the country -Chelladurai.P (Winner)
  • has-independence-of-RBI-compromised-due-to-demonetization - Durai. P (Winner)

Essay Topics: December - 2016

  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India - Ritesh Kumar
  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India - Aman Tiwari
  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India - Chella Palaniappan
  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India - Drisha Sobhakar (Winner)
  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India - Sanyog Varshney
  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India -PRATIBHA LOHIYA
  • Enumerate the political social and economic impact of demonetization on India -JNANDEEP BORA.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Chelladurai. P
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - SHREYA ANURAKTI
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Karthik Goud
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Mani Kant Jha
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - PARVIN MOR
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Neha P Asrani
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Sakshi Sharma
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Ritwik Mehta
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Ridhima Chhabra
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Richa Padhi (Winner)
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Demonetization policy - Anusha Kolli
  • Accident free trains or bullet trains in India - Discuss - Shailendra Chauhan
  • Accident free trains or bullet trains in India - Discuss - Bharti Garg (Winner)
  • Accident free trains or bullet trains in India - Discuss - Raghuram Bachu
  • Accident free trains or bullet trains in India - Discuss - Vindhya Vasini
  • What does the victory of Donald Trump in USA means to India - K.P. Nagasaritha
  • What does the victory of Donald Trump in USA means to India - Durai
  • What does the victory of Donald Trump in USA means to India - Montai Basu
  • What does the victory of Donald Trump in USA means to India - Satyasmita Pandey (Winner)
  • What does the victory of Donald Trump in USA means to India - Ritesh
  • What does the victory of Donald Trump in USA means to India - Akshay Kumar .P

Essay Topics: November - 2016

  • Among all the multilateral organizations of which India is member, which one serves India's interest more - Sanyog Varshney
  • Among all the multilateral organizations of which India is member, which one serves India's interest more - Anusha Kolli (Winner)
  • Will SAARC ever live to its ideal or it will remain a flogging horse - Caren Felicia (Winner)
  • Will SAARC ever live to its ideal or it will remain a flogging horse - Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Will SAARC ever live to its ideal or it will remain a flogging horse - Twinkle
  • Does BIMSTEC as multilateral organization has any future - Montai Basu
  • Does BIMSTEC as multilateral organization has any future - P.Likhitha (Winner)
  • Describe the relevance of BRICS and its future - Aditi Subhash Dhale
  • Describe the relevance of BRICS and its future - Mani Kant Jha
  • Describe the relevance of BRICS and its future - REKHA G
  • Describe the relevance of BRICS and its future - Gautam Govinda (Winner)

Essay Topics: October - 2016

  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - R.Karthika
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Rohit Singh Raghuvanshi
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Suman Sourav Jena
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - K.P.Nagasaritha
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Aswathi P
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Mani Kant Jha (Winner)
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Ch. Phaneendra
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Neda Fatima
  • Cauvery dispute and its solutions - Ashima Mittal
  • Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan - K.P.Nagasaritha
  • Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyan - Radhika Satheesan (Winner)
  • Religious Liberty and Women Rights - ABRAHAM JOHNSON ANCHANIYIL
  • Religious Liberty and Women Rights - Bharti Garg (Winner)
  • Religious Liberty and Women Rights - Siddharth Sharma
  • Religious Liberty and Women Rights - Vikrant Mahajan
  • Cooperative federalism in India - Aswathi P
  • Cooperative federalism in India - ANKUSH SHARMA
  • Cooperative federalism in India - Santosh Kamble (Winner)

Essay Topics: September - 2016

  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Neha Goyal
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Mani Kant Jha
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Twinkle (Winner)
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Dipanjan Dutta
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Suman Saurav Jena
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - ANKUSH SHARMA
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - K.P. Nagasaritha
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Amit Sharma
  • With greater power comes greater responsibility. - Sumita Sharma
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - N Neethipathy
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Santosh Kamble
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Abhishek R Singh
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - ATHIRA.B.ANIL
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - DEBADRI SOM (Winner)
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Harmandeep Kaur
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - JNANDEEP BORA
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Rahul Mishra
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Jayant Joshi
  • Is the growing level of competition good for the youth? - Urvashi Chauhan
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? - RUTUJA D. RATHOD
  • Are the standardized tests good measure of academic ability or progress? - Neha P Asrani (Winner)
  • Words are Sharper than the two-edged sword - Vindhya Vasini
  • Words are Sharper than the two-edged sword - Aswathi P (Winner)
  • Words are Sharper than the two-edged sword - Neda Fatima

Essay Topics: August - 2016

  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - Niharika Gogoi
  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - Supraja Kannan
  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - Ekta Misra
  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - Caroline Christy.T
  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - Neha P Asrani
  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - Paramita Mazumdar
  • Lending Hands to someone is better than giving a dole - S.PRASATH (Winner)
  • Quick but steady wins the race. - MOHIT KUMAR
  • Quick but steady wins the race. - POOJA GUPTA (Winner)
  • Quick but steady wins the race. - D. Revanth Chandra
  • Quick but steady wins the race. - Twinkle
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. - ADITYA KUMAR RAI
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. - Satarupa Mukherjee
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. - Shailendra Chauhan
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. - Neda Fatima (Winner)
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. - Aditi Subhash Dhale
  • Character of an institution is reflected in its leader. - Nithin V Rajan
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - M.B.Suvarchala
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Robin Lambora
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - ATHIRA.B.ANIL
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Jayant Joshi
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Jnandeep Bora
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Swadha Tripathi
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Priyansh Verma
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Saranya P.S. (Winner)
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Raghuram Bachu
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Puja Kakati
  • Education without values, is useful or a complete waste. - Sukhomay Chatterjee

Essay Topics: July - 2016

  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - Satarupa Mukherjee (Winner)
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - Abhishek Kumar Ranjan
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - DEBADRI SOM
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - KUMAR GAURAV
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - Raghuram Raju Bachu
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - Swadha Tripathi
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - Robin Lambora
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - RAHUL UPADHYAY
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - Shailendra Chauhan
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - JNANDEEP BORA
  • Northeast needs special attention from rest of India, if so why? - G. Madhavi Ratnam
  • Maritime terror a major threat to India than land security - Discuss - SOYEL ROY (Winner)
  • Maritime terror a major threat to India than land security - Discuss - Kriti Bhatt
  • Are you in favour or against more nuclear plants to generate energy in India - Khushboo Monga (Winner)
  • Are you in favour or against more nuclear plants to generate energy in India - Sukhomay Chatterjee
  • Are you in favour or against more nuclear plants to generate energy in India - Aditya Kumar Rai

Essay Topics: June - 2016

  • Write short notes following agricultural schemes initiated by PM Modi's government -PUSHKAR DANGI
  • Write short notes following agricultural schemes initiated by PM Modi's government -Rudresh Bodwal (Winner)
  • Will this time monsoon bring cheer to the farmers, will it help in stopping their suicide? -Ashima Mittal
  • Will this time monsoon bring cheer to the farmers, will it help in stopping their suicide? -Rajesh Chalke (Winner)
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -Aparna Tiwari
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -Deep Chandra Chaurasiya
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -SRINIVAS VADADA
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -JNANDEEP BORA
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -Paramita Mazumder
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -Sukhomay Chatterjee
  • What are the remedies to handle water scarcity and to avoid draught situation in the country? -Suhasini Gupta (Winner)
  • Attack on African students, rape of foreigners, are such incidents denting India's image abroad- Comment -Aparajita Guria (Winner)
  • Attack on African students, rape of foreigners, are such incidents denting India's image abroad- Comment -SHASHI KANT
  • Attack on African students, rape of foreigners, are such incidents denting India's image abroad- Comment -Shailendra Chauhan

Essay Topics: May - 2016

  • Analyse Elections in Four states, will it impact national politics? -Aparna Tiwari (Winner)
  • List BRICKS achievements and failures and India's role in BRICS -DHEERAJ SINGH
  • List BRICKS achievements and failures and India's role in BRICS -Sanyog Varshney
  • List BRICKS achievements and failures and India's role in BRICS -SHREYA ANURAKTI (Winner)
  • List BRICKS achievements and failures and India's role in BRICS -Neda Fatima
  • Analyse different schemes started under PM Modi - Will they achieve the target? -ARUSHI AIRAN
  • Analyse different schemes started under PM Modi - Will they achieve the target? -Aayushi Shukla (Winner)
  • Analyse different schemes started under PM Modi - Will they achieve the target? -Saranya M
  • Bihar Liquor Ban - Is Prohibition the solution to kick the bottle? -POOJA GUPTA
  • Bihar Liquor Ban - Is Prohibition the solution to kick the bottle? -Abhishek Kumar Ranjan (Winner)
  • Bihar Liquor Ban - Is Prohibition the solution to kick the bottle? -Rudresh Bodwal
  • Bihar Liquor Ban - Is Prohibition the solution to kick the bottle? -Kriti Bhatt

Essay Topics: April - 2016

  • How digitisation is strengthening Indian democracy -Sai Deepthi
  • How digitisation is strengthening Indian democracy -Dipti Sinha (Winner)
  • How digitisation is strengthening Indian democracy - G KEERTHI PRIYA
  • 100 percent FDI in E commerce - what it means to retail business? -Siva Gopal Reddy (Winner)
  • 100 percent FDI in E commerce - what it means to retail business? -Rudresh Bodwal
  • 100 percent FDI in E commerce - what it means to retail business? -Mrinal Malakar
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -DHEERAJ SINGH
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -Poulami Banerjee
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -Aparna Tiwari
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -GUPTA POOJA NANDLAL SAVITRI
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -S.PRASATH
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -JNANDEEP BORA
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -Neda Fatima (Winner)
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -Nikita Thatai
  • Which to prefer Freedom of expression or Nationalism & Why -GURUPRAKASH
  • Which is bigger evil - Corporate corruption or Civil Corruption -RITWIK MEHTA
  • Which is bigger evil - Corporate corruption or Civil Corruption -Raj Bharath
  • Which is bigger evil - Corporate corruption or Civil Corruption -G GIRIJA PRIYA (Winner)

Essay Topics: March - 2016

  • Discuss the Pros and Cons of the Union Budget 2016 -DHEERAJ SINGH
  • Discuss the Pros and Cons of the Union Budget 2016 -JNANDEEP BORA (Winner)
  • Discuss the Pros and Cons of the Union Budget 2016 -Aparna Tiwari
  • Discuss the Pros and Cons of the Union Budget 2016 -GUPTA POOJA NANDLAL
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -Abhishek Kumar Ranjan
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -Neda Fatima (Winner)
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -Jayasri Selvakumar
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -ABHINAB BORUAH
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -KUMARI PRIYA RANI
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -Ankush Yadav
  • JNU Row has opened up the debate on freedom of expression verses nationalism-Comment -SOMA SARKAR

Essay Topics: February - 2016

  • After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate -Rahul Upadhyay
  • After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate -Paramita Mazumdar (Winner)
  • After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate -S.Durgadevi
  • After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate -Debtanu Roy
  • Youth Suicide case has stirred Dalit politics in University campus-Comment -Bharti Garg (Winner)
  • Youth Suicide case has stirred Dalit politics in University campus-Comment -Poulami Banerjee
  • Further Opening up Indian Economy Will Be Beneficial or Detrimental Give Opinion -Payal Mittal (Winner)
  • Suggest measures to make Ganga Action plan successful -NEHA SONI (Winner)

Essay Topics: January- 2016

  • A transformational India needs to overhaul its education system- Comment - Prashant Kumar Shekhar
  • A transformational India needs to overhaul its education system- Comment - Twinkle Singh
  • A transformational India needs to overhaul its education system- Comment - Payal Mittal
  • A transformational India needs to overhaul its education system- Comment - Swaswati Goswami
  • A transformational India needs to overhaul its education system- Comment - Rubbayya. K Mohammed (Winner)
  • India Pakistan peace process, hype or realism - C Sunil Kumar (Winner)
  • India Pakistan peace process, hype or realism - Abhinab Boruah
  • India Pakistan peace process, hype or realism - Rahul Upadhyay
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Harika Kuncha (Winner)
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Abhishek Kumar Ranjan
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Puja Rani
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Sanyog varshney
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Ayush Garg
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Keshav Raghav
  • Make in India- vs Incredible India - Compare -Irishna Solanki
  • Soaring pollution, crippling floods, India's environment in a fix - comment -S.Durgadevi
  • Soaring pollution, crippling floods, India's environment in a fix - comment -Merin Selvi Nelson (Winner)

Essay Topics: December- 2015

  • Achievements and Failures of Climate Change Conference at Paris -A Mahesh
  • Achievements and Failures of Climate Change Conference at Paris -Dipanjan Dutta (Winner)
  • Reasons for Chennai rains and future preparedness -Payal Mittal (Winner)
  • Reasons for Chennai rains and future preparedness -Ranjith kumar
  • Reasons for Chennai rains and future preparedness -S.Durgadevi
  • Amir Khan and Intolerance Debate in India -Nikita Vij
  • Amir Khan and Intolerance Debate in India -Shivraj Shahaji Dongare
  • Amir Khan and Intolerance Debate in India -Neha Pal (Winner)
  • Beef Politics – Cheap Protein Verses Religious Sentiments. -Soma Sarkar
  • Beef Politics – Cheap Protein Verses Religious Sentiments. -Shailesh Shinde
  • Beef Politics – Cheap Protein Verses Religious Sentiments. -Sri Harshith Rajam (Winner)

Essay Topics: November- 2015

Essay topics: november- 2015 (last date: november 30).

  • Carbohydrates vs Proteins, Discuss -Dhara Vaghela (Winner)
  • Carbohydrates vs Proteins, Discuss -Ranjith kumar
  • With 2G and 3G, now India is Heading towards 4G, Discuss Pros and Cons. -Abhishek Dhiman (Winner)
  • With 2G and 3G, now India is Heading towards 4G, Discuss Pros and Cons. -Rudresh Bodwal
  • Caste System in India, Discuss -Abhishek Kumar
  • Caste System in India, Discuss -Vaishnavi-Arora
  • Caste System in India, Discuss -Manjinder Singh (Winner)
  • Being Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian, Comment. -Shivraj Shahaji Dongare (Winner)
  • Being Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian, Comment. -Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil

Essay Topics: October- 2015

  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment
  • Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises? Discuss
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss
  • Organ Donation, are we doing enough to spread enough awareness? Comment
  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment -AAKANKSHA SEKHON (Winner)
  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment -Sachin Godbole
  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment -HIMANSHU YADAV
  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment -Pooja Gupta
  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment -Meghna Nimbekar
  • Pubs and Discos, are they any good for the youth? Comment -Lalit Kishore
  • Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises? Discuss -Jnandeep Bora (Winner)
  • Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises? Discuss -Neha Pal
  • Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises? Discuss -Rajwinder Kaur
  • Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises? Discuss -Deepika Phutela
  • Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises? Discuss -Shivraj Shahaji Dongare
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Payal Mittal
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -M.Divyabharathi
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Rudresh Bodwal
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Supriya Saraswat
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Vimi Mihu
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Vishnu Mohan
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Ms. Chaichi Devi
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -K.Charan Kumar
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Navneet Kumar
  • Digital India or Green India, Discuss -Nithin Rajan (Winner)
  • Organ Donation, are we doing enough to spread enough awareness? Comment -D. Rajesh
  • Organ Donation, are we doing enough to spread enough awareness? Comment -Nishant Kumar
  • Organ Donation, are we doing enough to spread enough awareness? Comment -Santosh Prakash
  • Organ Donation, are we doing enough to spread enough awareness? Comment -Subhaashree.S (Winner)

Essay Topics: September - 2015

  • Role of Sensex with respect to Food Inflation, Discuss
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age?
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only?
  • Allopathy Vs Homeopathy, Discuss
  • Role of Sensex with respect to Food Inflation, Discuss -Raviraj Ghanvat
  • Role of Sensex with respect to Food Inflation, Discuss -Dwarakanadha Reddy
  • Role of Sensex with respect to Food Inflation, Discuss -Nikhil
  • Role of Sensex with respect to Food Inflation, Discuss -S. HarshaVarthan (Winner)
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Bharat
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Hiral D. Myatra
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Jnandeep Bora
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Aditya Parameswaran
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Suchita Marathe
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Sayantika Banerjee (Winner)
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Vimi Mihu
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Bipasha Malakar
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Pari Acharya
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Sneha G Bhat
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Sudhanshu Bhandari
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Soumi Das
  • Pocket Money, Should Parents develop this habit at the tender age? -Tanumoy Mondal
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Narasimharao Pulibandla
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Durgesh Vijay Bhende
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Sachin Yadav
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Shiva Gupta
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Vijayavani. C
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Suman Kumar
  • Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only? -Kartik Patel (Winner)
  • Allopathy Vs Homeopathy, Discuss -Padma Bandaru
  • Allopathy Vs Homeopathy, Discuss -Santosh Prakash (Winner)
  • Allopathy Vs Homeopathy, Discuss -Shrija Kumari
  • Allopathy Vs Homeopathy, Discuss -Jayapriya

Essay Topics: August - 2015

  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Dimple Pal
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Sameera Salim
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Durgesh Vijay Bhende
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Aneesha Resham
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -S.Jayasri
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Gunjan Chandel
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Santosh P. Rav (Winner)
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Rouf Raza Dar
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -S. Harsha Varthan
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Lalit Kishore
  • Indian Judicial System, can the poor expect fair Judgement? -Babita Palta
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Bhanu Pratap
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Akshay Modi
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Sanya Dhoundiyal
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Anuj Mehta
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Divya Aggarwal
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Sachin Yadav
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Shrija Kumari
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Vasundhra Sen Jaswal (Winner)
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Yogitha Sankla
  • Impact of the Internet on our Daily Life, Pros and Cons. -Ankush Sharma
  • Biographical Films being made on popular personalities including victims, comment. - Suhrudwamsi Musunuri
  • Biographical Films being made on popular personalities including victims, comment. - Amit Adhikari
  • Biographical Films being made on popular personalities including victims, comment. - Jaideep Singh (Winner)
  • Moral and Ethics in everyday life. - Abraham Johnson Anchaniyil
  • Morals and Ethics in Everyday Life. - Sree Kavya Vallabhaneni
  • Morals and Ethics in Everyday Life. - Rajashree Ravindra Bhirud
  • Morals and Ethics in Everyday Life. -Raghuram Raju Bachu
  • Morals and Ethics in Everyday Life. -Nitin Thakur (Winner)
  • Morals and Ethics in Everyday Life. -Syed Abbas

Essay Topics: July - 2015 (last date: July 31)

  • G7 Summit 2015, India's Role -Sanyog Varshney
  • G7 Summit 2015, India's Role -Ajeet Singh
  • G7 Summit 2015, India's Role -Rouf Raza Dar (Winner)
  • G7 Summit 2015, India's Role -Santosh Prakash
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Sanyog Varshney
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Manasi Gupta
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Bhishm Khanna (Winner)
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Javid Hassan
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Ruqeya Afshan
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Akash Kumar
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Suhrudwamsi Musunuri
  • Trial by Media, Is it fair? -Abhilasha Singh
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Arushi Arora
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Bhabesh Kumar choudhury
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Reeva Mishra
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Babita Palta
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Akash Banerjee
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Kartik Patel
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Nikita Rathi (Winner)
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Saikrishna Repalli
  • The School Bag gets heavier, are we planting the seeds to a stressful society? -Nitin Thakur
  • RBI's Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme (SDR), Discuss -Monali Mishra
  • RBI's Strategic Debt Restructuring Scheme (SDR), Discuss -Laxmi Prasad (Winner)

Essay Topics: June - 2015

  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -S. Paul
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -Rishi Ranjan Singh
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -K.Yuvasri
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -Sanyog Vashney
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -Tanumoy Mondal
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -Monali Mishra
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -Amresh Chandra Jena
  • Role of National Tiger Conservation Authority, Discuss. -Lokesh P (Winner)
  • Minimum Alternate Tax(MAT) Issue on Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), Comment. -Payal Mittal (Winner)
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Laxmi Prasad
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Mallika Verma
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Ruqeya Afshan
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Akarsh Misra
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Kumar B (Winner)
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Prateek Kumar
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Ashish Anand
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Ekta Awasthi
  • Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS), Discuss. -Babita Palta
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Roshni Rajpal
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Sai Jigyasa Roy
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Rouf Raza Dar
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -K.B.D.Sridevi
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Anirudh Jangu
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Javid Hassan
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Priyashree Srikanth
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Ayushi Srivastava
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Rajendraprasad Medepalli
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Praveen Joshi
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Kamran
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Imrana Ataur Rahman
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Atishay Jain (Winner)
  • Is the youth of India swayed by the use of social media in politics. -Arushi Arora

Essay Topics: May - 2015

  • Government's 100,000 - MV Solar Energy Plan, Discuss -Javid Hassan
  • Government's 100,000 - MV Solar Energy Plan, Discuss -Shweta Iyer
  • Government's 100,000 - MV Solar Energy Plan, Discuss -Abhishek Kumar (Winner)
  • Government's 100,000 - MV Solar Energy Plan, Discuss -Prasanth Ganivada
  • China's refusal to aid Nepal due to Indian Military Presence in Nepal, is it justified? -Prasad Bagauli
  • China's refusal to aid Nepal due to Indian Military Presence in Nepal, is it justified? -Tanumoy Mondal (Winner)
  • Global E-Waste Monitor Report -C.Siva Gopal Reddy
  • Global E-Waste Monitor Report -K.Yuvasri
  • Global E-Waste Monitor Report -Smriti Pranjal
  • Global E-Waste Monitor Report -Rajendraprasad Medepalli (Winner)

Essay Topics: April - 2015

  • Water Crisis and the Monsoon Factor in India, Discuss the necessary measures. -Harsh Bhardwaj
  • Water Crisis and the Monsoon Factor in India, Discuss the necessary measures. -Kaushik Sen
  • Water Crisis and the Monsoon Factor in India, Discuss the necessary measures. -Javid Hassan
  • Water Crisis and the Monsoon Factor in India, Discuss the necessary measures. -Mohammad Uzair (Winner)
  • Water Crisis and the Monsoon Factor in India, Discuss the necessary measures. -Jnandeep Bora
  • Water Crisis and the Monsoon Factor in India, Discuss the necessary measures. -Sumisha Sharma
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -Snehal Adekar
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -R. Suresh Verma
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -Vaishnavi Retharekar (Winner)
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -Gautam Kumar Jha
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -Nishant Gaurav
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -R. Gokulnath
  • Agricultural Techniques in India and the condition of farmers, Comment. -Abhisekh Sahu
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Bunny P
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Ruha Latif Ruha
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Rajendraprasad Medepalli
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Aditya Narayan Srivastav
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Sreelakshmi.K
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Tanumoy Mondal
  • Land Acquisition Bill: Discuss the Pros and Cons. -Rachana Gupta (Winner)

Essay Topics: March - 2015

  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Arushi Agarwal
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Vinay Mawandia
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Sumit Kumar Kawde
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Pallabi Chakraborty
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Arun Kumar Nayak
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Ashish Rawat
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Abhisekh Sahu (Winner)
  • Kasturirangan Panel Report on Western Ghats , Discuss -Santosh Kamble
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -G.V.D.S Krishna Sai
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Rajendraprasad Medepalli
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Aakanksha Sekhon
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Zenith Sahai
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Padma Bandaru
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Kumari Priya Rani
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Rahul Kumar
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Sukhlal Rana
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Anwesha Banerjee
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Piyush Malviya (Winner)
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -Harsh Bhardwaj
  • India and USA Relationship on Smart Cities, Comment -M S R Prasanth
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Purnima Surve
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Prakash Kumar
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Prachi Gandhi
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Rashi Rana Gusain
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Pranati Reddy
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Suman Kumar (Winner)
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Safiyah Zuhra
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Ruby Chaudhary
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Vijayalakshmi YC
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Tanumoy Mondal
  • H1N1 Virus / Swine Flu - Discuss -Deepak Soni

Essay Topics: February - 2015

  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Alice
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Priyanka Singh
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Sourabh Vyas
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Zenith Sahai (Winner)
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Payal Mittal
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Rahul Jha
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -P.Linga Siva
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Vipul Kumar Pathak
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Abhisekh Sahu
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Deepika Prajapati
  • Why should a Public Servant not be Corrupt? -Fatima Ashraf
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, Comment -G.V.D.S Krishna Sai
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, Comment -Abhishek Kapoor
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, Comment -Hemit Mazny
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, Comment -Padma Bandaru (Winner)
  • ICC Cricket World Cup 2015, Comment -Anuj Mehta
  • Indian Awards System, like Padma Award and Bharat Ratna Award. Discuss -Meena TS
  • Indian Awards System, like Padma Award and Bharat Ratna Award. Discuss -Dwarkanadha Reddy
  • Indian Awards System, like Padma Award and Bharat Ratna Award. Discuss -Pallabi Chakraborthy
  • Indian Awards System, like Padma Award and Bharat Ratna Award. Discuss -Anne Phani Teja (Winner)

Essay Topics: January - 2015

  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Yaksh Kumar
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Dipankar Choudhury
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Neha Kapila
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Akanksha Taneja
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Nishant Kumar
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Gopika Jayan (Winner)
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Prafull Bajpai
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Pallabi Chakraborty
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Sohini Majumder
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Saniya Bordawekar
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Mani Kant Jha
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Rajendraprasad Medepalli
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Abhishek Gautam
  • Social Networking Site: Its Advantages and Disadvantages -Harshavardhan Ranshevre
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Birthday celebrated as Good Governance Day, comment? -Vikas Aswal
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Birthday celebrated as Good Governance Day, comment? -Aditya Narayan Srivastav
  • Atal Bihari Vajpayee's Birthday celebrated as Good Governance Day, comment? -Manas Panda (Winner)
  • Mahendra Singh Dhoni, retirement from Test Cricket - it is too early. -Shivraj Shahaji Dongare
  • Mahendra Singh Dhoni, retirement from Test Cricket - it is too early. -Jnandeep Bora
  • Mahendra Singh Dhoni, retirement from Test Cricket - it is too early. -Rattandeep Kaur (Winner)
  • Politicians granted Bail even after conviction - does it leave a good impact? -Pranjal Singh (Winner)
  • Politicians granted Bail even after conviction - does it leave a good impact? -Bharti Singh
  • Politicians granted Bail even after conviction - does it leave a good impact? -Vashu Gandharv

Essay Topics: December - 2014

  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -K.Sai Naveen
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Karthiayani Sugunan Nair
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Pallabi Chakraborty (Winner)
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Shivangi Singh
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Payal Tyagi
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Bhagya Lakshmi Vijayan
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Yuttika Singh
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Jnandeep Bora
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Pranita Agrawal
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Sanjana.F
  • Is Molestation at Public places becoming a Daily Routine? Discuss. -Abhiram Viswanadha
  • Professional League Tournaments for budding players, boon or curse. -Ayan Dey
  • Professional League Tournaments for budding players, boon or curse. -Arjun. Sanghvi
  • Professional League Tournaments for budding players, boon or curse. -Divyah Shruthi (Winner)
  • Professional League Tournaments for budding players, boon or curse. -Nabil CK
  • Once again the age limit is scheduled to be reduced? Is it hampering students to plan well? -Anurag Mishra
  • Once again the age limit is scheduled to be reduced? Is it hampering students to plan well? -Radhee Krishna (Winner)
  • Once again the age limit is scheduled to be reduced? Is it hampering students to plan well? -Shruthee Srinivasan

Essay Topics: November - 2014

  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Kashish Verma
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Mani Kant Jha
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Rahul Bajpayi
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Rohit Ghosh
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Sumit Kumar Kawde
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -S. Paul
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Jhilik Chakraborty
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Kumari Priya Rani
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Olivia.S (Winner)
  • To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? -Sarwez Alam Kahan
  • Natural Disasters , the govt. should be ready with the relief operations rather than declaring relief funds - Discuss -Ayan Dey
  • Natural Disasters , the govt. should be ready with the relief operations rather than declaring relief funds - Discuss -Ramniwas Devaji
  • Natural Disasters , the govt. should be ready with the relief operations rather than declaring relief funds - Discuss -Vinod Kumar Singh
  • Natural Disasters , the govt. should be ready with the relief operations rather than declaring relief funds - Discuss -Anurag Mishra
  • Natural Disasters , the govt. should be ready with the relief operations rather than declaring relief funds - Discuss -Jnandeep Bora (Winner)
  • Natural Disasters , the govt. should be ready with the relief operations rather than declaring relief funds - Discuss -Manoj Yadav
  • Bringing back Black Money to India will increase the Indian Revenue, but should the names be revealed? -Dharmjeet Singh (Winner)
  • Bringing back Black Money to India will increase the Indian Revenue, but should the names be revealed? -Yuttika Singh
  • Setting up a new commission for Netaji Disappearance Mystery, will it bear positive results? -Sanjana.Fernandes
  • Setting up a new commission for Netaji Disappearance Mystery, will it bear positive results? -B.Dwarakanadha Reddy. (Winner)
  • Setting up a new commission for Netaji Disappearance Mystery, will it bear positive results? -Priyanka Singh

Essay Topics: October - 2014

  • Does the civil service exam need to change? -Chani Pagadala
  • Does the civil service exam need to change? -Vishal Yadav
  • Does the civil service exam need to change? -K Parameswaran (Winner)
  • India's Mission to Mars - Will it lead to a heightened scientific temper of Indians. -Himanshu Dhumash
  • India's Mission to Mars - Will it lead to a heightened scientific temper of Indians. -Abhinav Akash (Winner)
  • India's Mission to Mars - Will it lead to a heightened scientific temper of Indians. -Anwesha Bandopadhyay
  • India's Mission to Mars - Will it lead to a heightened scientific temper of Indians. -Priyanka singh
  • The future of the Internet. -C.P Sabari (Winner)
  • The future of the Internet. -Abhishek Raghuwanshi
  • The future of the Internet. -Mohit Prakash
  • The future of the Internet. -Payal Tyagi
  • The future of the Internet. -Samidha Banka
  • The future of the Internet. -Rajat Agarwal
  • The future of the Internet. -Bindhu Baby
  • The future of the Internet. -V. Preetham
  • The future of the Internet. -Pinkypta Khuntia
  • The future of the Internet. -Debarati Das Gupta
  • The future of the Internet. -Sanjana.Fernandes
  • Sports in India and the Asian Games. -Payal Mittal
  • Sports in India and the Asian Games. -Blossom B. Sahoo (Winner)
  • Sports in India and the Asian Games. -Mahesh.K.Ram
  • Sports in India and the Asian Games. -Merin Selvi Nelson
  • Sports in India and the Asian Games. -Ankit Chakraborty
  • Sports in India and the Asian Games. -Anuj Mehta

Essay Topics: September - 2014

  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Vaibhav Mahadevan
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Anil Kumar Yadav
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Rishi Tandon
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Deepak Rathee
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Venkatesh Reddy
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Suma Mandalapu
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Ruchika Chaudhary (Winner)
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Manoj Kumar
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Nilaya Mitash Shanker
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Abhishek Gautam
  • Scrapping of the Planning Commission- Discuss. -Himanshu Dhumash
  • Renaming of Teachers Day on Guru Utsav will it change anything? -Vaishali S (Winner)
  • Renaming of Teachers Day on Guru Utsav will it change anything? -Vaibhav Mahadevan
  • Renaming of Teachers Day on Guru Utsav will it change anything? -Rohan Srinivas
  • Renaming of Teachers Day on Guru Utsav will it change anything? -Bindhu Baby
  • Renaming of Teachers Day on Guru Utsav will it change anything? -Sumith Velayudhan
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -Anita Gautam
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -Abhinav Palia
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -A.Raja Rajeswari
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -Karan Gautam
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -Srinivas (Winner)
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -Prem Kumar
  • Does the human race need to slow down? -N Neethipathy

Essay Topics: August - 2014

  • With a growing elder population should the retirement age be made 62 years. -Anubhav Chatterjee
  • With a growing elder population should the retirement age be made 62 years. -Jiya Jain (Winner)
  • With a growing elder population should the retirement age be made 62 years. -Pallavi.Prashant.Deshmukh
  • With a growing elder population should the retirement age be made 62 years. -Suman Kumar
  • Increasing the attempts and the age limit--------is it producing better talent for the bureaucracy? -Chandni Singh
  • Increasing the attempts and the age limit--------is it producing better talent for the bureaucracy? -Jashanpreet Singh
  • Increasing the attempts and the age limit--------is it producing better talent for the bureaucracy? -Rushikesh Reddy (Winner)
  • India & its neighbors -Surendra Pal Singh (Winner)
  • India & its neighbors -Manthan Sharma
  • India & its neighbors -Shobitha
  • India & its neighbors -Tatsat Mishra

Essay Topics: July - 2014

  • Do backward people still need reservation? -Rishi Tandon
  • Do backward people still need reservation? -Anurag Sharma (Winner)
  • Do backward people still need reservation? -Rohit
  • Do backward people still need reservation? -Sai Jijnasa Roy
  • Are marriages becoming obsolete in the new world order? -Manpreet
  • Are marriages becoming obsolete in the new world order? -Pooja Gupta (Winner)
  • Are marriages becoming obsolete in the new world order? -A.R.Rajeswari
  • India and its neighbours current govt policies and efforts. -Vaibhav Mahadevan (Winner)
  • India and its neighbours current govt policies and efforts. -Sanyog Varshney
  • Hindi as the National language- advantages and disadvantages. -Nidhi Lata (Winner)
  • Hindi as the National language- advantages and disadvantages. -M. Nagaraj
  • Hindi as the National language- advantages and disadvantages. -Shashaank Singh
  • Hindi as the National language- advantages and disadvantages. -Vaibhav Mahadevan

Essay Topics: June - 2014

  • Article 370, what should be the government's approach to it? -Ashish Anand
  • Article 370, what should be the government's approach to it? -Sk.Amer Arafath (Winner)
  • Article 370, what should be the government's approach to it? -Tapasya Ghosh
  • India and the SAARC nations, the roadmap ahead. -Vijay Singh (Winner)
  • Is the Politics of Coalitions over? -Arani Ray
  • Is the Politics of Coalitions over? -Rajesh Gangadhar
  • Is the Politics of Coalitions over? -Jnandeep Bora
  • Is the Politics of Coalitions over? -Anwesha Bandopadhyay (Winner)
  • Is the Politics of Coalitions over? -Anurag Sharma
  • Is the Politics of Coalitions over? -Animesh Kumar
  • In these times of globalization, is National Identity and Patriotism important? -Sai Jijnasa Roy
  • In these times of globalization, is National Identity and Patriotism important? -Zeba Zoariah Ahsan (Winner)
  • In these times of globalization, is National Identity and Patriotism important? -Anwesha Bandopadhyay
  • In these times of globalization, is National Identity and Patriotism important? -Manpreet kaur sandhu

Essay Topics: May - 2014

  • Should the marital status/affairs of a Politician be open to public debate? -Sumedha Bhattacharjee
  • Should the marital status/affairs of a Politician be open to public debate? - Yuttika Singh
  • Should the marital status/affairs of a Politician be open to public debate? - Pooja Gupta
  • Should the marital status/affairs of a Politician be open to public debate? - Rahul Bajpayi
  • Should the marital status/affairs of a Politician be open to public debate? - Manpreet Kaur sandhu
  • Should the marital status/affairs of a Politician be open to public debate? - K.B.D.Sridevi (Winner)
  • Is getting rich looked down upon in India publicly while being coveted secretly? -Anand Joy
  • Is getting rich looked down upon in India publicly while being coveted secretly? -Jnandeep Bora
  • The elnino effect and agriculture in India. -Kushant Kumar
  • The elnino effect and agriculture in India. -Reema Singh
  • The elnino effect and agriculture in India. -Kajal Gurnani
  • The elnino effect and agriculture in India. -Tapasya Ghosh
  • The elnino effect and agriculture in India. -Pranav Mayekar (Winner)
  • The elnino effect and agriculture in India. -Manish Bhojwani (Winner)
  • Is college education in India not world class? -Satwik Patnaik
  • Is college education in India not world class? -P.Indrani
  • Is college education in India not world class? -Somi Jha
  • Is college education in India not world class? -Jayraj Singh
  • Is college education in India not world class? -Bharanidhar.T.S
  • Is college education in India not world class? -Akash Agarwal
  • Is college education in India not world class? -Harshavardhan (Winner)

Essay Topics: April - 2014

  • What are the unique features of electioneering in India? -Manish Bhojwani (Winner)
  • Indian Agrarian economy is in shambles, what are its fault lines. -Himanshu Dhumash (Winner)
  • Indian Agrarian economy is in shambles, what are its fault lines. -Arijit Goswami
  • Discuss the pros and cons of India's stand on human rights issue in Srilanka. -Harshavardhan B J (Winner)

Essay Topics: March - 2014

  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Rajeev Ranjan
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Rohit Kushwaha
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Ujwala Nathu Bhoi
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Pooja Gupta
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Ashutosh Kumar
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Rashmi Chaudhary
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Sanjeev Kumar
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Palak Goel (Winner)
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Govind Prakash
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Kanagaraj Raj
  • What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian? -Anwesha Bandopadhyay
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Himanshu Yadav
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Himanshu Dhumashv
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Harpreet Arora
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Rohan Sengupta
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Suman Kumar
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Vipin Mishra
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Mayil ravanan V
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Raghuram R Bachu
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Anwesha Bandopadhyay (Winner)
  • Prospects of non BJP, non Congress parties alliance in 2014 General election -Jnandeep Bora
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Rohan Bhowmik
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -B.Dwarakanadha Reddy (Winner)
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Tejpal Singh Ratnu
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Himanshu Dhumash
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Ayush Bhatia
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Jashan Singh Sahib
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Ayush Jaiswal
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Rishi Tandon
  • With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election. -Sanjeev kumar sharma
  • India's stand at the WTO on patents and Intellectual Property Rights. -Anuradha.M.
  • India's stand at the WTO on patents and Intellectual Property Rights. -Ajeet Singh
  • India's stand at the WTO on patents and Intellectual Property Rights. -Alwyn Sebastian
  • India's stand at the WTO on patents and Intellectual Property Rights. -Rajat Luthra
  • India's stand at the WTO on patents and Intellectual Property Rights. -Shyama Bharati (Winner)

Essay Topics: February - 2014

  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Dwarakanadha Reddy
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Sumit Bhola
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Manpreet Kaur
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Adithya Bharadwaj
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Shruthee Srinivasan (Winner)
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Ajeet Singh
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Rajesh Ravindra Chalke
  • What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014. -Prashant Mishra
  • What is the proper path for the Central government to take on the Telangana Issue. -Manish Bhojwani
  • What is the proper path for the Central government to take on the Telangana Issue. -Dwarakanadha Reddy Bayana
  • What is the proper path for the Central government to take on the Telangana Issue. -Raghuram R Bachu
  • What is the proper path for the Central government to take on the Telangana Issue. -Rashi Rastogi
  • What is the proper path for the Central government to take on the Telangana Issue. -Rahul Bajpayi (Winner)
  • The poverty line - how should it be defined? -Dwarakanadha Reddy Bayana
  • The poverty line - how should it be defined? -Mani Kant Jha (Winner)
  • The poverty line - how should it be defined? -Mrinal Malakar
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - G.R.Hiranmai
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Jnandeep Bora
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Rajat Luthra
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Ishani Mishra
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Rashmi Chaudhary (Winner)
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Anwesha
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Parul Sharma
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Anuradha.M
  • After one year of the Nirbhaya Incident of Dec 2012 has anything changed for women in India. - Rohan Sengupta
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Kamal Duggal
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Shashidhar Mishra
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Raghuram R Bachu
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Vinod Kumar Garg
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Lakshmi M Das
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Samritika (Winner)
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Kumar Gaurav
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Arihara Sudhan
  • What Aam Admi Party means to a common Indian? -Aman Kumar Pandey
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Jashanpreet Singh (Winner)
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Manish Bhojwani
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Ajeet Singh
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Niraj Satnalika
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Ancy Wilson
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Anwesha Bandopadhyay
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Devang R Mehta
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Vaishnavi jha
  • Will the recently passed Lok Pal Bill end Corruption in India? -Mrinal Malakar
  • How Indian Diplomat row in US could be resolved? - Dwarakanadha reddy Bayana
  • How Indian Diplomat row in US could be resolved? -A.Hari Chandana (Winner)
  • How Indian Diplomat row in US could be resolved? -Shivangi Rajani
  • Is Supreme Court Gay sex verdict progressive? -Zeeshan Elyas
  • Is Supreme Court Gay sex verdict progressive? -Divya Sarjolta
  • Is Supreme Court Gay sex verdict progressive? -Shilpi Agarwal
  • Is Supreme Court Gay sex verdict progressive? -Sneha pawar
  • Is Supreme Court Gay sex verdict progressive? -Ankita Aggarwal (Winner)
  • Is Supreme Court Gay sex verdict progressive? -Jyoti Yadav

Essay Topics: December - 2013

  • After nearing 25 years, does India needs reforms once again - Nikhi Ramchandra Jathe
  • After nearing 25 years, does India needs reforms once again - Sneha Pawar
  • After nearing 25 years, does India needs reforms once again - Abhijeet Singh Rathore
  • After nearing 25 years, does India needs reforms once again - Manpreet Kaur
  • After nearing 25 years, does India needs reforms once again - Rishi Tandon (Winner)
  • Opinion poll, exit poll are they necessary, if so why? - Ankush Sharma
  • Opinion poll, exit poll are they necessary, if so why? - Nikhi Ramchandra Jathe
  • Opinion poll, exit poll are they necessary, if so why? - Shilpi Agarwal (Winner)
  • Opinion poll, exit poll are they necessary, if so why? - Adithya Bharadwaj
  • Opinion poll, exit poll are they necessary, if so why? - Harshraj Roman
  • Opinion poll, exit poll are they necessary, if so why? - V.A.M.Karthik
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Ninaad Athalye
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Shilpi Agarwal
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Priya Singh
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Aishwarya Jain
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Aritra Chakraborty
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Vijay Peddada
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Mrinal Malakar
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Adeeba Fahiem (Winner)
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Ankita Aggarwal
  • Sexual harassment in workplace causes and remedies - Ayushi Kulshrestha
  • Surveillance of an individual raises moral, ethical and legal questions - Revati Chandrabhatta
  • Surveillance of an individual raises moral, ethical and legal questions - Shivangi Rajani (Winner)

Essay Topics: November - 2013

  • Discuss success to tackle Cyclone Phalin-Failure to control Uttrakhand floods. -Imroz Ahmed
  • Discuss success to tackle Cyclone Phalin-Failure to control Uttrakhand floods. -Sejal Goel
  • Discuss success to tackle Cyclone Phalin-Failure to control Uttrakhand floods. -K Divija
  • Communalism and Terrorism are interlinked, challenges in controlling them -K.Shreya Ghosh
  • Communalism and Terrorism are interlinked, challenges in controlling them -K.Farijuddin Khan
  • Communalism and Terrorism are interlinked, challenges in controlling them -K.Ninaad Athalye
  • Sachin Tendulkar has made a huge impact- Discuss his qualities as a trailblazer. -K.Chitti Raju
  • Sachin Tendulkar has made a huge impact- Discuss his qualities as a trailblazer. -Tittu Sunny

Essay Topics: October - 2013

  • Ordinance on Convicted legislatures sets bad precedent -Rishi Tandon
  • Ordinance on Convicted legislatures sets bad precedent -Akshith
  • Ordinance on Convicted legislatures sets bad precedent -Praveen Ebenezer Paul. E (Winner)
  • Necessity for Communal Violence prevention bill -Bhagya Lakshmi Vijayan (Winner)
  • Necessity for Communal Violence prevention bill -Shreya Ghosh
  • Necessity for Communal Violence prevention bill -Harsha Vardhan
  • Necessity for Communal Violence prevention bill -Gokul Abraham
  • Alternatives to India's dependence on energy supply -Srinivas Vadada
  • Alternatives to India's dependence on energy supply -Reema D`souza
  • Alternatives to India's dependence on energy supply -Monic Abhishek.K (Winner)
  • SC's negative voting verdict, good or bad for democracy -Krishna S (Winner)
  • SC's negative voting verdict, good or bad for democracy -Ankush Sharma
  • SC's negative voting verdict, good or bad for democracy -Bafpalbir singh
  • SC's negative voting verdict, good or bad for democracy -Preeti Aggarwal
  • SC's negative voting verdict, good or bad for democracy -Smita Saxena
  • SC's negative voting verdict, good or bad for democracy -Divya Annepu

Essay Topics: September - 2013

  • Measures to reinvigorate Indian Economy -Ramsnehi Meghna (Winner)
  • Measures to reinvigorate Indian Economy -Shubham
  • Food Security Bill - A poll gimmick or anti hunger action plan -Anubhav Mishra
  • Food Security Bill - A poll gimmick or anti hunger action plan -Gokul Abraham
  • Food Security Bill - A poll gimmick or anti hunger action plan -Padma Priya
  • Food Security Bill - A poll gimmick or anti hunger action plan -Balasubramanyan Menon (Winner)
  • Food Security Bill - A poll gimmick or anti hunger action plan -Amit Srivastav
  • Land acquisition bill - Boon or Bane -Jashanpreet Singh (Winner)
  • Land acquisition bill - Boon or Bane -Neha Ghosh
  • Land acquisition bill - Boon or Bane -Amit Srivastav
  • Fight against Superstition needs a countrywide campaign -Vipul Kumar Pandey (Winner)
  • Fight against Superstition needs a countrywide campaign -Neha Ghosh
  • Fight against Superstition needs a countrywide campaign -Swathi Gs
  • Fight against Superstition needs a countrywide campaign -Henna Jain

Essay Topics: August - 2013

  • Telengana sparks fresh debate on reorganization of Indian states -R.Menon
  • Telengana sparks fresh debate on reorganization of Indian states -Sumeet Garg
  • Telangana sparks fresh debate on Reorganization of Indian States -Sundeep Shukla
  • Telengana sparks fresh debate on reorganisation of indian states -Manpreet Kaur
  • Telengana sparks fresh debate on reorganization of Indian States -Gopika Jayan
  • Bihar Mid-Day meal tragedy signals revamping of the nutrition scheme -Shreya Anurakti
  • Bihar Mid-Day meal tragedy signals revamping of the nutrition scheme -Balasubramanyan.R.Menon (Winner 2)
  • Revamping Nutrition Support Schemes -Prashant jain

Essay Topics: July - 2013

  • Uttrakhand floods - Nature or Human have aggravated the miseries -Balasubramanyan.R.Menon (Winner)
  • Uttrakhand floods - Nature or Human have aggravated the miseries -Vijay Yadav
  • Uttrakhand floods - Nature or Human have aggravated the miseries -Kamaldeep Singh
  • Why the Indian Rupee is depreciating and measures to control it. -Aditya Das
  • Why Indian rupee is deprecating, measures to control it. -Azad Singh Bothra
  • Why Indian rupee is deprecating, measures to control it. -SHREYA ANURAKTI

Essay Topics: june - 2013

  • Maoist should be treated on par with terrorist and anti-nationals -Pratibha Sharma (Winner)
  • Maoist should be treated on par with terrorist and anti-nationals -Abhishek Dixit
  • Maoist should be treated on par with terrorist and anti-nationals -Arjun Tyagi
  • Maoist should be treated on par with terrorist and anti-nationals -Dharmesh Sharma
  • Is food security law necessary for India? -Ashish Pandey
  • How to clean up the mess of Indian Premier League -Rishi Tandon

Essay Topics: May - 2013

  • Anatomy of Rape, causes and remedies -Priyanka Agarwal

Essay Topics: April - 2013

  • Italian Marines brought back is a national victory - Himanshu Dhumash

Essay Topics: March - 2013

  • From Bofors to Helicopters, Bribery in Defence Deals Stinks - Ajit Lodhi

Essay Topics: February - 2013

  • Freedom of expression is superior or the right to protest - Rishav jha

Contest Essay for January - 2013

  • Are Women in India safe? Are stringent Laws enough to curb the male sexual overdrive? -Saurabh Sharan
  • Are Women in India safe? Are stringent Laws enough to curb the male sexual overdrive? -Akash Sharma
  • The Youth of India, are they in a position of unrest? -Rajendra Koushik

Contest Essay for December - 2012

  • In corruption, India ranks 94th in the world -Ansh Neeraj Tayal
  • India's recent test failure vs England -Shashidhar mishra

Essay Topics: November - 2012 (last date: November 31)

  • Swamy seeks Congress' de-recognition
  • Obama vs Romney
  • Why Digitization hits metros in India?

Contest Essay for October - 2012

  • Indian people vs price hike -Aurag

Contest Essays for September - 2012

Contest essays for august - 2012.

  • India declares drought: How will it affect country economy - Ganga
  • Why Indian athletes are falling back in Olympics 2012 ? - Disha gandhi
  • India declares drought: How will it affect country economy - Isha roy

Contest Essays for July - 2012

  • Who deserves to take the seat of president? either sangama or Pranab Mukerjee ? - Addeba fahiem
  • Who deserves to take the seat of president? either sangama or Pranab Mukerjee ? - Amit Kumar
  • "God Particle" Found? will it be a Historic Milestone in science - Aleem javed

Contest Essays for June - 2012

  • Will INS Vikramaditya War ship add strength to our Indian navy? - Ankit Agarwal
  • Will INS Vikramaditya War ship add strength to our Indian navy? - Vamshi Krishna
  • Dollar increase against rupees - Shekhar
  • Petrol price hike and its effects on our day to day life - Priyanka Singh

Contest Essays for May - 2012

  • Should Sachin Tendulkar conferred Rajya Sabha nomination or Bharat Ratna? - Himanshu Dhumash
  • Should Sachin Tendulkar conferred Rajya Sabha nomination or Bharat Ratna? - Pratik Mantri
  • Central- State hassle over NCTC - Saahil Bhanot
  • Central- State hassle over NCTC - Nilmani
  • Will india meet surplus electric power production in 2013? - Bharath Akkera

Contest Essays for April - 2012

  • UP : Miscary for Congress and Rahul - Ankit Agarwal
  • Corruption case against Jagan Mohan-split - Abhishek Dixit
  • Union budget 2012-13- crucial or noncrucial? - Himanshu Dhumash
  • Anna protest against corruption: is he still a crowd-maker? - kaustubh verma

Contest Essays for March - 2012

  • Collapse of Kingfisher Airlines - Himanshu Dhumash
  • Collapse of Kingfisher Airlines - Kaustubh Verma
  • Disputes over National Counter Terrorism Center - Kanwar Deep Singh
  • Disputes over National Counter Terrorism Center - Himanshu Dhumash
  • Disputes over National Counter Terrorism Center - Raj Cham

Contest Essays for February - 2012

  • Economic Growth Of India In 2011 - Priya Sharma
  • Economic Growth Of India In 2011 - Ramandeep Kaur
  • Economic Growth Of India In 2011 - Bharath B Gowda
  • Economic Growth Of India In 2011 - Abhinav Akash
  • 2G Scam and Chidambaram - Raj Cham
  • Reason behind Rahul Gandhi enter into politics - Pushkar Ashwani

Contest Essays for January - 2012

  • Lokpal Bill fiasco - Govind Prakash
  • Has Anna's agitation lost steam? - saurabh shubham
  • Censorship on networking websites - Henna Jain
  • The Truth vs Hype of FDI - Rishav Jha
  • The Truth vs Hype of FDI - Vyom Bindal

Contest Essays for December - 2011

  • Are scientific inventions making us happier - kriteesh parashar
  • Are scientific inventions making us happier - swasti raizada
  • Sharad Pawar Slapped: is it the right way for showing discontent? - Ikram singh Harika
  • Sharad Pawar Slapped: is it the right way for showing discontent? - Pranay Chaturvedi
  • Has corruption haunted india's growth ? - Shruti Roy
  • Has corruption haunted india's growth ? - Mudasir Husssain
  • Has corruption haunted india's growth ? - Sonali Dinkar
  • Has corruption haunted india's growth ? - Ikram singh Harika
  • Has corruption haunted india's growth ? - Ranjana

Contest Essays for November - 2011

  • Why India is the next global leader? - Biswaranjan Sahoo
  • Population Explosion - How can we tackle this problem? - Shreyosi Pal
  • Gaddafi and the north african search for freedom and democracy - Catherine Pushpam Joseph

Contest Essays for October - 2011

  • Narendra Modi, a right choice for PM of India - Rishav Jha
  • Solution for Kudankulam project agitation - Vikram Gs
  • Solution for Kudankulam project agitation - Ch.srujana
  • Telangana state should be granted or not - M Mohan Raj
  • Anna's Jan Lokpal, a threat to democracy - Sibi Adhithya Senthil Kumar

Contest Essays for September - 2011

  • Dirty scams, still Manmohan an intellectual - Saurabh Makta
  • Another blast in Delhi, who should be blamed - Sonali Kolte
  • Reason for India's debacle in England tour - Tanujit Medhi
  • Sports Promotion through Ajay Maken's Sports Bill - Rishabh Jain

Contest Essays for August - 2011

  • cash for vote scam - Rajat-Ali
  • cash for vote scam - Ajith Nair
  • anna's lokpal vs. government lokpal - disha gandhi
  • cwg what went wrong - ritu g

Contest Essays for July - 2011

  • Can Google circle (+1) beat Facebook? -Deepak Kailash Patra
  • Does Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene & Cooking gas price hike affect the people? -LAV TRAR
  • Rise In Oil Prices,An Encounter? -Kiranmayee Manikyam
  • Is DRS suited for one-day cricket and the World Cup? -JAGTESHWAR SINGH SOHAL.
  • Why corrupt officials are not getting punishment? Did PM's silence make a bad thing worse? -DANISH KHATANA

Contest Essays for June - 2011

  • Was the government crackdown on Baba Ramdev and his followers justified ? -KANIKA SINGHAL
  • Are cricketers beginning to give more importance to club level tournaments like IPL than playing for the country? -Surendra Lalriya
  • How can one effectively bridge the rich poor gap in India ? -Gajendra Choudhary

Contest Essays for May - 2011

  • Is the media of today upholding good journalistic standards? -Avneesh Kumar
  • Pakistan is serious about their efforts in eradicating terrorists from their soil? -Unni Krishnan Nair
  • Is Obesity a growing concern in India? -Priya Sharma

Contest Essays for April - 2011

  • Anna Hazare's Movement Against Corruption -Gopika Jayan
  • Anna Hazare's Movement Against Corruption -Ingudum Lalit
  • Future of Indian Cricket -Souvik Ghosh
  • Supermarkets -Anubhav Yadav
  • 2G Scam -Gopika Jayan
  • Cricket -P.Leo
  • Supermarkets -Prashant Sree
  • Reality Shows -Rajasekar
  • Reality Shows -Sneha Gangadharan
  • Capital Punishment -Aparna Pandey
  • Capital Punishment -Deepti Shriram
  • Capital Punishment -Kanishka
  • Sexual Exploitation Against Women -Gitanjali Maria
  • Sexual Exploitation Against Women -Harshita
  • Sexual Exploitation Against Women -Saumitra shukla
  • Honor killing in India -Shipra Pandey
  • Honor killing in India -Vikas Singh
  • Honor killing in India -Abdullah Panniyankara
  • Honor killing in India -Haritha Reddy
  • Honor killing in India -Himani Grover
  • Should we hang all corrupt politicians -Jatin Sehgal
  • Should we hang all corrupt politicians -Surbhi Sati
  • Should Students Be Allowed To Grade Their Teachers -Anubha Gupta
  • Should Students Be Allowed To Grade Their Teachers -Ajay Sethu
  • Western Culture Promotes Divorces -Nilopher Khan
  • Western Culture Promotes Divorces -Sundeep Shukla
  • Western Culture Promotes Divorces -Dr.Purvaja Mahadevan
  • Should all terrorists caught red handed on camera, be hanged without trial - Gopika Jayan
  • Should Students Be Allowed To Grade Their Teachers -Rahul Aggarwal
  • Should all terrorists caught red handed on camera, be hanged without trial -A.Prasanna
  • Western Culture Promotes Divorces -Haritha Chaganti
  • Western Culture Promotes Divorces -Dinu Nair
  • Should Students Be Allowed To Grade Their Teachers -Atanu kashyap Adhikari
  • Should all terrorists caught red handed on camera, be hanged without trial -S. Madhan mohan
  • Indian Education System -Biswajit Pattanayak
  • Is India fit for democracy -Tusheet Saraf
  • Effects of Technology - Mayank Gupta
  • Advanrages of School Uniforms - Indrani Bhattacharyya
  • Advanrages of School Uniforms - Navin Shetty
  • Life in Kashmir Valley - Anukriti Ranjan
  • Effects of Technology - Virinder Gupta
  • Corruption in India - Karthick Babu
  • Corruption in India - Tanvir
  • Corruption in India - Jasbir Singh Kaura
  • Corruption in India - Shinaaz Mittal
  • Corruption in India - Swapnil Kapse

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Civil Service Essay Contest May - June 2024

  • Are elections free and fair in India?
  • Is employment is real issue in India as compared to other countries? What can we do to improve the situation?
  • Should we do away with reservation and open up to all as equal opportunity?

Civil Service Essay Contest (March 2024)

  • Changing trends in the female workforce, how it can be harnessed for better growth. Views : 2449
  • Is the caste barrier breaking due to increased love marriages in India? Views : 3247

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  1. UPSC Prelims 2024: Overcoming setbacks| Why do we fall? by Farees Rahman (Farees sir)

  2. Essay made easy12: Language of the essay

  3. Essay made easy 9: Writing abstract topics

  4. How to write UPSC CSE Essay?| Essay Edge: Baseline Test Discussion by Farees sir|

  5. How to write UPSC CSE Essay?| Skill Enhancement



  1. How To Write A Good Essay In Civil Service Mains Exam? - ClearIAS

    Don’t be too aggressive or pessimistic in your tone. Come up with good points and express new viewpoints. Go through well-written essays by experts in newspapers and magazines, and understand how they frame the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ paragraphs.

  2. Essay Writing for Civil Services Examination

    Having a simple understanding of complex social problems is the secret to writing a good essay for the CSE. One can also keep handy a small collection of quotes or quotable phrases and citable anecdotes to be used while writing the essay. This keeps one prepared for writing any type of essay.

  3. Essay Syllabus – Civil Services Mains Exam UPSC - Clear IAS

    Try to write a few essays in full during your preparation, simulating the environment in the examination hall. Familiarize yourself with previous essays asked by UPSC so that you will have a clear picture of the type and standard of questions to be expected. UPSC/the examiner normally gives credit to new perspectives and fresh analysis.

  4. Important Essay Topics for UPSC Mains 2024, Previous Year ...

    In this article, we will explore the diverse range of UPSC essay topics, their significance, and essential tips to excel in this section. Get ready to enhance your writing and analytical skills and make a strong impression on the evaluators with well-crafted essays.

  5. ESSAY STRATEGY By Anudeep Durishetty, UPSC Civil Services ...

    How to write a good Essay in UPSC Mains, Explained. By Anudeep Durishetty. UPSC Civil Services Exam Topper, All India Rank – 1 CSE-2017. Novelist Stephen King put it beautifully when he said, “I write to find out what I think.”. Writing is a window to your thought process.

  6. UPSC Essay Paper Preparation and Material - Civil Service India

    Resources on Essay material for UPSC for civil service students. Included Essay Syllabus, IAS essay papers, IAS essay paper word limit, IAS essay word limit, IAS essay preparation, IAS essay syllabus, Question Papers of Essay, Strategy and Suggested Reading List for Essay.