How Study Abroad Can Benefit College Students

Doing some coursework outside the U.S. can help students learn power skills and may provide an employment edge.

College Study Abroad Benefits

Three friends are waiting on a side street together in Italy.

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Students can develop various personal, interpersonal and cognitive skills by studying abroad, studies indicate, including adaptability, self-awareness, tolerance for ambiguity, teamwork, leadership, work ethic, and problem-solving and intercultural skills.

International education opportunities expose college students to foreign cultures, language immersion and interaction with diverse communities around the world, which can lead to increased self-awareness, improved critical thinking and even work opportunities, experts say.

Due largely to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of U.S. college students studying abroad plummeted nearly 96% from the all-time high of 347,099 in 2018-2019 to 14,549 in 2020-2021, according to the 2022 "Open Doors U.S. Study Abroad" annual survey by the Institute of International Education, a not-for-profit global organization founded in 1919.

The most recent data is still inconclusive, but the institute reports that 96% of responding college administrators in a different recent survey predict that their international programs will grow or stabilize in 2023-2024. Along those lines, conversations about the many benefits of studying abroad are echoing across U.S. campuses once again, experts say.

“We live and work in a globalized world. We are so interconnected, whether virtually or through physical contact,” says Lindsay Calvert, director of the Center for Access and Equity at IIE. “And it is ever more important for students to have these experiences, so they are able to work with and among different cultures.”

What Students Can Gain From Studying Abroad

Nick Gozik, dean of global education at Elon University in North Carolina, is emphatic about the utility of study abroad.

“It is difficult to imagine that a college graduate will not need the skills gained through study abroad and other global experiences,” he wrote in an email. “Whether it is a doctor who treats patients originating from other countries, a teacher with students from underrepresented backgrounds, or a scientist working in a multinational, it is increasingly necessary for graduates to be able to navigate difference and work with people from other cultures and backgrounds.” 

Cognitive and Relational Skills

In an IIE research study involving 4,500 college alumni who studied abroad between the 1999-2000 and 2016-2017 academic years, about 90% of respondents said their overseas experience cultivated these qualities in them. The benefits generally increased with the length of the study period, from a short term of a few weeks to one semester to a year.

Asked if their study abroad contributed to a job offer at some point, 67.5% of respondents who participated in a full academic year of the experience said yes, compared to 53.4% of those who studied overseas for roughly a semester and 42.5% of those who did so for fewer than eight weeks.

Professional Development

Students in study abroad programs often mix their desire for an adventure with foreign language acquisition, academic pursuits, short-term work opportunities such as internships, career building or a combination.

Sera Park, who is earning an art history degree at Temple University in Pennsylvania, went to the university’s Rome campus in spring 2021, during the pandemic.

“It was my dream to study in Italy,” she says. “My mom is an artist and I grew up around that but didn’t know what I wanted to do with my degree.”

Park worked as an intern on an art preservation project with a local art conservator recommended by her professor.

“As I continued my internship,” she says, “I realized this field (art conservation) was what I wanted to pursue in my future.”

Upon learning that studying chemistry was essential to becoming an art conservator, Park decided to add a chemistry minor to her degree. She plans to go to graduate school to complete her training as a conservator. Knowledge of chemistry is required in some graduate art programs in the U.S.

Study abroad also exposed Park to many opportunities for travel, she says. “As I was traveling, it helped me appreciate cultural heritage and art more, and why it is important to preserve it.”

How Study Abroad Can Enhance Job Prospects 

Among the most tangible ways that students are leveraging their study abroad experiences is in their job searches. Experts and students say that when searching for employment straight out of college and lacking significant employment history, one’s broader life experiences may count more.

Having been in a foreign environment gives job applicants a broader scope for a narrative about how their background and experiences have built their character, experts say.

Moriah Baxevane-Connell, who studied at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom for six months during college, says she highlighted her time abroad in her job resume .

“Looking for my first job out of college, study abroad helped me show that I had the curiosity and the willingness to explore new things and that I was open-minded,” she says.

So, when an interviewer asked, “Can you thrive in this new environment?” she was prepared with a response: “I said, ’Yeah sure, absolutely. I flew 4,000 miles away from everyone that I know and spent six months and I had a great time.’”

Baxevane-Connell worked for a tech firm in the U.S. for several years before going back to the U.K. to earn an MBA at the University of Oxford . She now works as a strategy and operations manager for Google in London.

The pandemic taught additional lessons about the value of studying abroad, says Samantha Brandauer, associate provost and executive director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. Those lessons include “your ability to understand and tolerate ambiguity that comes from cross-cultural experiences and to sit with the ‘I don’t know,’” she says. “That is a valuable skill in your working environment, your ability to sit with the unknown that often comes with significant cross-cultural experiences.”

At Dickinson, about 65% of the 2,200 students study abroad at some point during their time at the college, Brandauer says.

Employers may have more favorable views of young job seekers with international experience, some research suggests. QS Global Employer Survey Report found in 2016 that six out of 10 employers around the world give extra credit for job applicants with study abroad on their resumes, and more than 80% said they actively seek graduates with overseas study experiences. 

What Deters Students From Studying Abroad 

Multiple factors deter U.S. students from studying abroad, such as financial concerns, fear of missing out on something at home, health challenges and being far away from family and friends, experts say.

“It is the combination of the expenses and just not knowing what it is,” says Baxevane-Connell. “And the fear that, 'I really need to finish my degree in four years, so I can get a job and start paying back my loan and so I can start living my life.'”

Female students are more likely to study abroad than male students, says Brandauer. “For decades, it has been 60-40” in favor of women, she says, and that's been the national trend.

Brandauer suspects that male students have "a harder time finding their social niche on a college campus, and once they identify with a group, then it is hard to leave that group,” she says. “There is a lot of comfort being male on campus.”

Students who are historically underrepresented in U.S. colleges, such as students with disabilities and some racial minorities, tend to also be underrepresented in study abroad participation, according to the 2023 IIE study. That study report also notes that many colleges have been making efforts to improve the access and experience for underrepresented students by offering scholarships, boosting advising and providing special information sessions.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, according to data from NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Black students were 13.1% of U.S. postsecondary enrollment but just 4.1% of U.S. students studying abroad, while Hispanic and Latino students were 20.3% of postsecondary enrollment and only 12.3% of U.S. students who studied overseas. At the same time, White, Asian/Pacific Islander and multiracial students were proportionally overrepresented.

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10 Benefits to Studying Abroad

Study Abroad

Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Here is a list of the top 10 reasons to study abroad!

1. See the World

The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world . By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying abroad include the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and landmarks of your host nation.

In addition, when you’re abroad, you won’t be limited to traveling in just the nation in which you are studying – you can see neighboring countries as well! For example, if you study in France, you’ll have the option to travel through various parts of Europe including London , Barcelona , and Rome.

2. Education

Another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to experience different styles of education . By enrolling in a study abroad program, you’ll have the chance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at home.

You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your host country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is, after all, a study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important factor.

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

3. Take in a New Culture

Many students who choose to study abroad are leaving their home for the first time. When they arrive in their new host country, they are fascinated by the distinct cultural perspectives. When you study abroad you will find incredible new foods, customs, traditions, and social atmospheres.

You will find that you have a better understanding and appreciation for the nation’s people and history. You will have the opportunity to witness a completely new way of life.

4. Hone Your Language Skills

Chances are if you’re planning on studying abroad, one of the major draws is the opportunity to study a foreign language. Studying abroad grants you the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in a new language, and there is no better way to learn than to dive right in.

In addition to the considerable language practice you will get just in day to day life, your host university will likely offer language courses to provide you with a more formal education. Immerse yourself in a new culture and go beyond a purely academic experience

5. Career Opportunities

When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a willingness to learn. Needless to say, all of these are very attractive to future employers.

Many students find that they love their host country so much that they decide to seek work there. If you can relate, you will find that a local education will be very valuable when searching for a potential job in that country.

6. Find New Interests

If you are still questioning why to study abroad, you should know that studying in a different country offers many new activities and interests that you may never have discovered if you’d stayed at home. You might find that you have an as-yet undiscovered talent for hiking, water sports, snow skiing, golf, or various other new sports you may never have tried back home.

You’ll also have the chance to discover other new and exciting forms of entertainment. Plays, movies, dancing, nightclubs, and concerts are just a few activities that you can enjoy.

7. Make Lifelong Friends

One of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity to meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds. While studying abroad, you will attend school and live with students from your host country. This gives you the opportunity to really get to know and create lasting relationships with your fellow students.

After the study abroad program ends, make an effort stay in contact with your international friends. In addition to rewarding personal relationships, these friends can also be important networking tools later down the road.

8. Personal Development

There is nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country. You might find that studying abroad really brings out your independent nature. Students who study abroad become explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbor.

A benefit to studying abroad is the opportunity to discover yourself while gaining an understanding of a different culture. Being in a new place by yourself can be overwhelming at times, and it tests your ability to adapt to diverse situations while being able to problem solve.

9. Graduate School Admissions

Like future employers, graduate school admissions boards look very highly on study abroad experiences. Students that study abroad display diversity and show that they aren’t afraid to seek out new challenges or put themselves in difficult situations.

Most importantly, students who have studied abroad show just how committed they are to their education. Graduate schools regularly look for candidates who will bring a unique aspect to their university. Students who have studied abroad have shown that they have the curiosity and educational acumen to be a leader in graduate school.

10. Life Experience

Why study abroad? For most students, this time may be the only opportunity they ever get to travel abroad for a long period of time. Eventually you will find a job and career, and the opportunity to study abroad may turn out to be a once in a life time opportunity.

Take this opportunity to travel the world with no commitments but to study and learn about new cultures. Studying abroad is an experience unlike any other.

These are just some of the advantages of studying abroad. The benefits of this experience really can’t be explained in such a short article. Boost your language skills as you live in another country, get out of your comfort zone and meet people from different places of the world and at the same time get the best education.

Living in another country exposes you to things you cannot experience in your home country and in the future it will help you stand out from the competition as you apply for jobs and your experience of studying abroad is somethig you can share on your resume.

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The Benefits of Studying Abroad

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Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, and the benefits of studying abroad are endless.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why studying abroad is a life-changing experience and examine the pros and cons, and considerations that should be taken before making the decision.

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Why studying abroad is a life-changing experience?

Studying overseas presents a multitude of advantages that go beyond pure academic education. There are numerous reasons why studying abroad is beneficial, such as gaining exposure to diverse cultures, acquiring new language skills or improving existing ones, personal growth and development, and expanding career opportunities.

By studying abroad, individuals have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in a new culture, gain insights into different customs and ways of life and encounter novel ways of living. Moreover, this type of experience provides a chance for students to practise the local language regularly, which can be advantageous for future job prospects.

In addition, studying abroad can help students cultivate independence, self-assurance, adaptability, and problem-solving skills while providing them with a global perspective on various issues.

Finally, studying abroad can bolster a student’s CV and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new surroundings, and acquire new proficiencies.

A group of international students

Why study abroad?

Studying abroad presents a unique opportunity for students to reap several benefits, such as:

  • Discovering new adventures: Studying abroad opens up avenues for students to explore new destinations and engage in exciting adventures. 
  • Improving language proficiency: Studying abroad can help students hone their language skills, acquire new languages, and enhance their future job prospects.
  • Gaining insight into diverse educational systems: Studying abroad gives students a chance to gain insights into diverse educational systems, which can broaden their outlook and comprehension of various teaching methodologies.

Pros and cons of studying abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, but like any decision, studying abroad comes with both pros and cons.

Pros of studying abroad

  • Exposure to new cultures: Studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn about different customs and lifestyles, and experience new ways of living.
  • Language skills: Studying abroad can be an opportunity to learn a new language or improve existing language skills. It offers an immersive experience, allowing students to practise the language daily, which can be beneficial for future job opportunities.
  • Global perspective: Studying abroad offers a global perspective, providing students with the opportunity to learn about global issues, understand cultural differences and similarities, and gain insight into international relations.
  • Personal growth: Studying abroad is a chance for students to develop independence, confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. It can also foster a sense of self-awareness and broaden one’s understanding of themselves and the world around them.
  • Career prospects: Studying abroad can enhance students’ resumes and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new environments, and learn new skills.

A woman studying abroad on a street with a map

Cons of studying abroad

  • Culture shock: Studying abroad can be challenging for students who experience culture shock. It can take time to adapt to a new culture, and students may feel homesick, isolated, or overwhelmed.
  • Financial considerations: Studying abroad can be expensive, and you may need to cover tuition fees, travel, accommodation, and daily living expenses, which in some cases may be higher than they would be in your home country.
  • Academic challenges: Studying abroad may involve adapting to a new educational system, which can be challenging. Students may struggle with language barriers, different teaching methods, or academic expectations.
  • Distance from family and friends: Studying abroad can be emotionally challenging for students who are far away from their family and friends. They may miss important events, birthdays, or holidays, and feel isolated or disconnected from their support networks.
  • Visa and immigration issues: Depending on where you are from and where you will be studying in, you may need to deal with visa and immigration issues, such as obtaining the necessary student visa.

Students should weigh the pros and cons before deciding to study abroad, consider their personal goals and priorities, and explore the available support and resources. Studying abroad is an opportunity for personal growth and development, and by taking the time to make an informed decision, students can have a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Should I study abroad?

When considering whether to study abroad, students should reflect on their goals and priorities. Personal and academic aspirations are an important factor. You should consider your academic goals and how studying abroad might impact your academic progress.  

Financial factors are also important. You should carefully consider the costs associated with studying abroad. Think about if you are able to afford it, and make sure to look into possible scholarships and grant opportunities that may help cover some or all of your expenses.

Also make sure to look into available support and resources you could use. Organisations such as study abroad offices, local embassies, and student associations are used to dealing with exchange students and they may be able to offer you valuable insights and ideas you might not have thought of yourself.

Two international students at graduation

Final thoughts

  Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that brings various advantages like acquiring a global perspective, immersing oneself in diverse cultures, enhancing language skills, personal growth through adventure and making lifelong friendships. However, it also comes with potential difficulties such as culture shock and financial constraints.

Therefore, students should weigh the benefits and drawbacks and evaluate their personal aspirations to make an informed decision about studying abroad. Pursuing education overseas is a chance to expand one’s outlook and encounter life-changing experiences that can have lasting impacts.

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Crafting the Perfect Study Abroad Essay

Follow these tips to make your study abroad essay stand out.

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Whether you just want to do a semester or an entire program abroad, it’s likely a study abroad essay will be required. Students are beginning to realize what a great opportunity it is to take their studies abroad. Not only is it a great way to make new friends, practice your language skills, and travel while studying, it’s also great to put on a resume . So, it’s no wonder students are lining up to pick their top destinations and programs to study abroad.

To make sure they pick students who are ready and serious about studying abroad , most schools will, therefore, require a study abroad essay. The essay is a chance to make a great first impression and show the university administration that you’re ready to make the commitment to take your education even further by going abroad.

Consider some of the following tips to really make your study abroad essay stand out!

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1) Explain Why Study Abroad Will Make a Difference for Your Studies

A lot of students want to study abroad just for the experience and the excitement of living and learning abroad. These are important aspects, of course; however, school administration wants to know why going to your top study abroad destination will make a difference to your education.

Be specific! Explain the impact studying abroad will have on your personal and professional growth. Don’t just highlight how you think you will learn a lot. What do you expect to get from the program specifically? Is there a reason you picked one country over another to study in?

The more specific you are the better. It shows the university that you have given serious thought to your studies and that you are ready for the commitment!

2) Let Them Know Why You Picked Where You Want to Study

study abroad

Instead of just saying you will study anywhere, as long as it’s abroad, tell the university why you picked your top study abroad destination. Write with enthusiasm and let admissions know what you are excited to see and do in your new home.

Make sure you do the research in advance! Name some museums you would be interested in exploring or some monument you would be interested in seeing. It’s in your favor if you can also tie these back to your study program!

This will show your school that you will not take your study abroad experience for granted, and that you already have things to do to integrate into your new home easier.

3) Describe Why You’re Qualified

Whether you've recently entered college or are ready to graduate, your experience says a lot about what you will accomplish on your study abroad. If you want to make your study abroad essay stand out, make sure to make mention of your previous experience.

Mention major academic accomplishments, work experience, or skills that you might find useful abroad, such as knowledge of a second language.

The university knows you will learn a lot during your time abroad, but the more you can bring to the program, the better!

4) Show Your Personality


The best study abroad essays are the ones with a little bit of personality! Your essay should still sound professional, but don’t be afraid to let yourself shine through as well. Studying abroad comes with challenges, and if the university gets a sense you are ready for them, you will move to the top of the list.

Add a personal story about something relevant to living and studying abroad. Describe a time you traveled somewhere new or met a friend from a different country. A well-rounded individual with some experience is the perfect candidate for studying abroad.

Showing some enthusiasm while also keeping your expectations realistic is the right way to show the admissions team that you have thought long and hard about your decision to study abroad, and that you are ready to pack up and move abroad.

5) Follow Instructions

It might sound simple, but if you don’t want your study abroad essay to be immediately tossed aside, make sure to read and follow all the instructions given. Some universities will ask specific questions or ask students to format their essays in a particular way.

Don’t ignore these instructions! It’s the first step to making a great impression.

If the essay is open-ended — great! Follow our tips to get inspired. But, if there are specific questions, make sure you answer them clearly and concisely. There might not be any right or wrong answers, but your school will still be looking for students who are able to express themselves and get their point across.

The Perfect Study Abroad Essay

If you followed our advice so far, you’ll be looking at the study abroad essay that’s going to get you into the program of your choice at the study abroad destination of your dreams!

Don't forget to proofread before handing in your essay. If possible, it's great to have someone take a look over it as well, especially if it's a professor or someone who has written a study abroad essay before.

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Why Study Abroad

Globalization has changed the way the world works, and it is increasingly critical to have cross-cultural competence and cutting-edge technical skills in the market for today and in the future..

PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts  that by 2050, the E7 (China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico, Turkey) will be more than 50% larger than the G7 countries (the U.S., UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan) when measured by GDP at market rates. The National Intelligence Council’s  “Global Trends Report 2030”  projects that China will surpass the United States as the world’s largest economy by 2030. A study by the British Council, entitled  Culture at Work , shows that employers are under strong pressure to find employees who have both technical knowledge and “soft skills” such as critical thinking, problem solving, time management, and communication, deemed necessary for success in a global workforce.

Many employers feel that “graduates are leaving school unequipped with the skills necessary to function successfully in the workplace.” Many reported gaps in technical skills and soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and teamwork – key skills that study abroad develops. IIE’s Gaining an Employment Edge study found that over 70% of students reported that their study abroad experiences significantly helped develop their intercultural skills, flexibility and adaptability, self-awareness, curiosity, and confidence.

Study abroad is one of the best ways to acquire global skills and access personal and professional opportunities.

Study abroad is a life-changing experience for many students, opening their eyes to different ways of life and promoting understanding and tolerance. From elementary through post-graduate education, global engagement and exposure can profoundly change a student’s life. By looking at research on the more directly quantifiable aspects of study abroad impact, studies show students who study abroad have better grades, experience less attrition, and graduate from college at higher rates  than students who do not study abroad.

  • An analysis by the Consortium for Analysis of Student Success through International Education (CASSIE) found that those who studied abroad were 6.2% more likely to graduate in 4 years and had an average GPA 0.16 point higher than those who did not study abroad.
  • Study abroad can be particularly impactful for first-generation students and underrepresented minorities , with those who study abroad 11.6% more likely to graduate in 4 years and earn a 0.12 higher GPA than similar students who did not study abroad.
  • In a study of AIFS Foundation AYA alumni , more than 90% said that participating in a secondary education exchange program developed or improved key skills for post-secondary education and entry to a global workforce.
  • A study by SIT of their program alumni found that a 72% reported that their study abroad experience significantly impacted their career choices and helped when applying for jobs.

Employers also recognize the value of study abroad to develop workforce skills.

  • According to the World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report (2020) , employers rated critical thinking and analysis, problem-solving, and self-management as the most critical skills for the global workforce moving into 2025.
  • Employers increasingly see international internships as a key recruitment pipeline and way to identify globally aware and competent employees. In 2018/19, approximately 25,000 U.S. students worked abroad or completed an international internship for credit.
  • 85% of study abroad alumni of IIE-administered programs list their international experience on their resume and 73% discussed aspects of their experience during job interviews.
  • AIM Overseas  reported “61% of employers agree that an overseas study experience is [positive] on a resume. Additionally, 72% of employers agree that knowing a second language adds to the appeal of a prospective employee. The same study reported 95% of students found the exchange experience as useful with regard to their future career plans.
  • Based on responses from 13,0000 hiring managers and CEOs, the 2020 QS Global employer survey  found that 25% of respondents said that international experience was a recruitment priority.
  • Study abroad alumni have better job prospects. Based on a survey conducted by  IES Abroad , 67% of study abroad alumni found their first job within six months of graduation.

IIE’s Generation Study Abroad provides resources to students, parents, and international education professionals who are engaging in study abroad and making the case for its significant value. We must ensure that this  generation and future generations of the U.S. workforce possess knowledge of other countries and cultures and are competent in languages other than English . It is more important now than ever for students to gain global competency skills so that they can succeed in the global marketplace.

From IIE’s A Student Guide to Study Abroad

“The ability to work across cultures is no longer a nice-to-have skill set for elite executives; every year it becomes more essential to finding any job at all. A machine operator at a plant in Topeka that exports aircraft parts to Brazil needs to know how to interact effectively when Brazilian customers come to visit. A nurse’s aide at a Houston hospital that serves a large Hispanic community has to communicate with family members in ways that encourage rather than discourage patient compliance.” Stacie Nevadomski Berdan Co-author and international careers expert
“The beauty of studying abroad is gaining a broader understanding of other cultures. Having access to other people and building relationships with those people on their home turf enables one to think more creatively and flexibly, necessary skills in today’s competitive work environment. If a student can bring that understanding and knowledge back to the USA, the sky’s the limit!” Frank Abate Division Manager, JM&A Group
“As a 35-year old, I believe that my generation is the last one to be able to use global experience as a differentiator. Globalization has now become a requirement to compete and succeed.” Adam Michaels Principal, Booz & Co.

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Why Study Abroad? Study abroad to build skills and knowledge, prepare to solve the world’s toughest challenges, and compete in the 21st century workforce. As a future global leader, you need to feel at home in a fast-changing world.  By studying abroad, you will experience new perspectives, learn how to navigate different cultures, work with diverse peers, and communicate in other languages.  Whether you are a future innovator, entrepreneur, engineer, scientist, doctor, journalist, teacher or diplomat, these are the skills that will prepare you to solve the world’s toughest challenges, make you more competitive in the job market, and transform you into a responsible, engaged citizen. An international experience should be part of your education, whatever your goals, socioeconomic status, or field of study.  Every year, more than 300,000 American students study, intern, or volunteer abroad for academic credit on programs ranging from two weeks to a full academic year. International educational experiences that you undertake with thoughtfulness and purpose are valuable, regardless of duration or format. This site will not only help you discover study abroad opportunities offered by the U.S. government, but will also help you discover programs offered by foreign governments around the world.  View student videos on this website to learn from study abroad alumni why the experience was important to their education and hear how many of them overcame academic, financial, or personal challenges to realize their goal of studying abroad.  After reviewing this site, talk to your study abroad adviser, faculty, and other students – including international students on your campus – to learn about your options.  The world is yours to discover.  Take the first step today.   The Value of Study Abroad

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Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education Essay

Introduction, merits of studying abroad, demerits of studying abroad, works cited.

Education is one of the most important building blocks of the human civilization. It provides people with the knowledge necessary to take part in the advancement of the society (Brand and Xie 273).

Because of the importance attached to education, many governments have tried to provide the best education opportunities to their citizens. Many institutions of higher learning have been established in countries all over the world. In addition to this, the number of students enrolled in institutes of higher learning today is greater than it has ever been at any other time in history.

However, the educational standards and opportunities among vactious countries differ. Therefore, some individuals opt to travel abroad for better educational opportunities. This has led to questions as to which is the more advantageous form of education: local education or abroad education. This paper will argue that studying abroad increases the chances for a person to acquire a good education and therefore improve his/her economic outcomes.

By studying abroad, a person is better prepared to enter the international labor market. The world today is highly globalized and international companies are being set up in most nations (Black and Duhon 141). International competitiveness is therefore becoming important for individuals from all countries. Prospective employees are increasingly required to have an education that is internationally oriented.

For most people, especially in developing nations, the only way to gain an education that will satisfy the demands of the international job market is by studying abroad. Multinational companies prefer to employ people who have some international exposure since such individuals are more likely to have the skills necessary to function in a global business environment. The huge economic and talent gains that studying abroad brings are therefore key motivation for studying abroad.

Studying abroad increases the cultural competence of an individual. When studying abroad, students interact with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds. This exposure enables them to appreciate other cultures. Black and Duhon suggest that a student who has studied abroad develops a broader outlook on life due to his interaction with people who have different views on life (144).

Contact with culturally diverse individuals will increase tolerance for differences. This multicultural exposure is important since today’s workplace is characterized by workers of varied cultural backgrounds (Black and Duhon 142). A student who has studied abroad will therefore be at an advantage when dealing with other employees in the multicultural work setting.

Studying abroad assists in the growth and development of the student’s home country. Today’s economy is highly dependent on a modern and more global labor force. Many developing countries lack the resources necessary to create this global labor force. Most domestic education programs are characterized by a lack of diverse knowledge (Huang 118).

This limits the exposure of a student and fails to prepare him/her for the global work environment. For such countries, the only feasible alternative is for the citizens to go abroad for studies and then come back equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. Studying approach enables the country’s citizenry to access the educational resources necessary to build a sustainable economy in modern times.

By studying abroad, a student is exposed to opportunities to utilize research and technology that is not available in his/her home country. The educational services offered in different countries vary in terms of the facilities available and the faculty members. Some international schools are renowned for their first class research facilities and advanced technology (Harman 110).

Internationally renowned schools also attract the best faculty members. Most Western Nations have established themselves as the powerhouses in scientific research and technology. When a person goes to study from schools in these countries, he/she is given the chance to benefit from resources therein. The quality of education that a student gains is therefore greater than what he/she would have had in the local institutes.

Studying abroad gives a person more choice in terms of courses and institutions of higher education. In some countries, the number of courses provided for the students in educational institutes is narrow. Huang documents that most developing nations have a limited list of available courses on offer to their students (120). A student who wishes to pursue a specialized course might find himself/herself unable to do so since the course is absent from the list offered in his country.

The institutes abroad have very expansive list of courses on offer and this gives the student more choices (Brand and Xie 273). By studying abroad, an individual is able to select the desired course from the many options on offer. In addition to this, studying abroad gives a student a large selection of schools to choose from. A person therefore has the chance to select his ideal school from a large collection when he goes to study abroad.

Studying abroad can help overcome the issue of limited places in local educational institutes. More people appreciate the value of education today and this has led to higher enrollment rates in institutions of learning (Olcott 99).

As the demand for education increases, it is becoming harder for students to gain placement in local institutes. Studying abroad gives a person the chance to explore other options. A person is able to find a school in a foreign country and therefore pursue his/her educational goals in spite of the limited places locally.

Studying abroad enhances a student’s proficiency in a foreign language. In some cases, students go to study abroad in countries where people communicate in languages foreign to the student. In such a case, the student can enhance his proficiency in the particular language. Hunley asserts that while it is possible to learn a foreign language through traditional didactic experiences, the exposure to native speakers and the culture in which the language is used is indispensable (3).

Language is the most important tool of interaction and achieving proficiency in foreign languages increases the marketability of a person. The world today is characterized by a major integration of economies and cultures. Therefore, the frequency of interaction with people who speak different languages is high. Studying abroad gives a student proficiency in more than one language and this is an advantage when they are applying for a job. Organizations view people with additional language skills as greater assets.

Studies indicate that students who study abroad have higher overall grades and they graduate sooner than their counterparts who study locally. Redden documents that the timely graduation rate of students who studied abroad was 23% higher than that of students who did not study abroad (1).

This link between studying abroad and on-time graduation can be attributed to the deep commitment that students who study abroad have to learning and their motivation to get on with life. Most of these students want to successfully complete their course and reap the benefits of their education. The fact that abroad education is expensive serves as a major incentive for the students to work hard and achieve good results for themselves.

Studying abroad promotes personal growth in the individual as they are forced to deal with issues on their own. For most people, moving to study abroad entails leaving behind a familiar environment and going to an unfamiliar place. In this new place, the individual does not have the social and economic support that he enjoyed in his home country.

The student is forced to handle issues on his/her own in the host country. Hunley asserts that such experiences assist students develop “a better sense of self and have more insight into their lives” (4). During the adjustment period, the student will learn how to deal with real life situations on his/her own.

One of the main disadvantages of studying abroad is the significant cost associated with the activity. Studying locally is usually cheaper since the government may subsidize local institutes and a student does not have to incur high costs of living (Hunley 4). On the other hand, studying abroad is an expensive affair and the student is forced to incur significant financial costs in the overseas school. In addition to the cost of tuition at the educational institute, the student has to cater for the cost of living, which is in most cases very high.

Adjusting to life in a foreign country might be hard and if a person is unable to adapt effectively, their experience will be bad. Studying abroad means that a person has to move from their familiar environment to one that is alien to them. Most people experience culture shock and may have a hard time integrating into their new environment (Pyvis and Chapman 24). Some students end up feeling isolated and a lack of social support.

Without friends and family to help the person, studying abroad can be an emotionally straining. Hunley documents that students who study abroad experience psychological problems such as anxiety and depression because of the lack of adequate social support (14). Some people find the environment too strenuous and they decide to return to their home country. If a student decides to return home without completing his/her studies, he/she will have wasted time and a lot of money unnecessarily.

A notable disadvantage of studying abroad is that it leads to a loss of human and intellectual capital to some countries. Most students who leave their home countries to study abroad do not return once they have completed their studies.

Instead, they seek employment opportunities in their host country and utilize their professional skills for the benefit of the host. This problem of human and intellectual capital loss is most significant in developing countries. Tansel and Naomi assert that most students from third world countries leave for further studies never to return leading to a brain drain from the developing nations (54).

Studying abroad reduces the incentive for many countries to develop their own local educational institutes to meet international standards. As has been noted, most students go to study abroad in order to benefit from the research and technological advances in the overseas institutes.

The home country is not pressured into creating their own highly developed education systems since there is the option of going abroad to get the same. Olcott documents that these short-term strategies of utilizing the expertise and knowledge base of other countries is preferred by most developing nations since it is the relatively cheap option (98). Studying abroad decreases the chances of a country developing its own high quality education system leading to poor education outcomes for the country.

While the importance of education is acknowledged by all people, debates concerning which is better between local and abroad’s education systems are notably on the rise. Proponents of attaining an education locally argue that studying abroad causes an unnecessary strain on the student who is forced to incur significant financial expenses without a guarantee that their investment will pay off.

The opponents of studying abroad also note that this system discourages some countries from investing in their own high class educational facilities. While this argument is true, studying abroad leads to many advantages for the individual student and his home nation. Students obtain knowledge and skill that they later use to advance their home countries. Some nations are even motivated to improve their educational institutes in order to attract foreign students.

Harman states that for educational institutes to operate effectively internationally, they have to adopt internationally oriented curricula and expand their programs (113). The host nation therefore benefits from these innovations, which come about because of students wanting to study abroad.

The paper has acknowledged that students who study abroad deal with many challenges and problems due to their isolation from the familiar environment in their home country. However, these challenges help the student attain a level of maturity and gain insights into his/her life.

In addition to this, the challenges are only temporary in nature. Dwyer notes that when students study abroad for longer durations, they are able to overcome the initial setbacks caused by culture shock and benefit from the educational opportunities presented to them in the new environment (152). Students who overcome these hardships develop greater emotional maturity and they are likely to achieve success in life because of their experiences.

This paper set out to argue that studying abroad is a positive thing since it offers the individual many benefits. The paper began by highlighting that a student gains a competitive advantage in the labor market due to his/her international education.

Studying abroad gives the individual many opportunities and exposes them to different cultures and ways of life. The paper has also discussed some of the major demerits associated with studying abroad. It has noted that studying abroad is an expensive affair and many students have a hard time adjusting to life in a foreign country.

However, most students manage to overcome the setbacks that studying abroad presents and benefit from the practice. From the arguments presented in this paper, it is clear that the advantages of studying abroad to the individual and his home country by far outweigh the disadvantages. This practice should therefore be encouraged in order to ensure that more nations benefit from the economic growth and development that is promoted by studying abroad.

Black, Haron and Duhon Davis. “Assessing the impact of business study abroad programs on cultural awareness and personal development.” Journal of Education for Business 81.3 (2006): 140–144. Web.

Brand, Jennie and Xie, Yu. “Who benefits most from college? Evidence for negative selection in heterogeneous economic returns to higher education”. American Sociological Review 2.75 (2010): 272-302. Web.

Dwyer, Max. “More is better: The Impact of Study Abroad Program Duration.” The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 10.1 (2004): 151–163. Web.

Harman, George. “New Directions in Internationalizing Higher Education: Australia’s Development as an Exporter of Higher Education Services.” Higher Education Policy 17.1 (2004): 101-120. Web.

Huang, Futao. “Quality Enhancement and Qualitative Growth: Changes and Trends of China’s Higher Education.” Higher Education Policy 18.2 (2005): 117-130. Web.

Hunley, Holly. The Impact of Mental Health on the Decision to Study Abroad and on Students’ Functioning While Studying Abroad, Chicago: ProQuest, 2008. Print.

Olcott, Don. “Back to the UK Future Trends in Internationalism and Cross-border Higher Education.” Perspectives 13.4 (2009): 98-103. Web.

Pyvis, David and Chapman Anne. “Culture Shock and the International Student ‘Offshore’.” Journal of Research in International Education 4.1 (2005): 23‐42. Web.

Redden, Elizabeth. Study Abroad, Graduate on Time . 2012. Web.

Tansel, Alex and Naomi GĂŒngör. “Brain drain from Turkey: Survey evidence of student non-return.” Career Development International 8.2 (2003): 52–69. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, January 30). Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education.

"Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education." IvyPanda , 30 Jan. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education'. 30 January.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education." January 30, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education." January 30, 2024.


IvyPanda . "Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education." January 30, 2024.

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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

April 17, 2024

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@cieestudyabroad These are the pros and cons of studying abroad! #cieestudyabroad #studyabroad #studyabroadadvice #studyabroadprograms #wheretostudyabroad #howtostudyabroad #college Sunshine - WIRA

Studying abroad is a big decision. On one hand, studying abroad has endless advantages and is a life-changing opportunity that only comes around during your college years. On the other hand, it can feel like a total leap of faith. 

If you’re on the fence about taking the next step with CIEE Study Abroad , keep reading! W e’ve created the ultimate list of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad . Why? So, you can make an informed decision about whether studying abroad is the right choice for YOU.


Read More: Is Studying Abroad Worth It? 10 Outcomes of Studying Abroad  

The Pros  of Study Abroad

Studying abroad opens the door to a world of new possibilities. We couldn't be more passionate about that. The benefits of living and learning in a new culture will impact all parts of your life, from the day you enroll to every day thereafter.  

You will be surprised at the impact this one experience will have on you. And you will be so glad you took that leap of faith, after all. 

The Top 6 Advantages of Studying Abroad  

As you weigh the pros of studying abroad , add these to your list:  

1. You will learn to think more broadly.    

By immersing yourself in a new culture, you will be exposed to a new language, new perspectives, foreign foods, and life-changing experiences. All of this will change the way you see the world and your role in it. 

2. You will make lifelong connections.    

By sharing new experiences, you can’t help but connect deeply with other students in your cohort and at your partner institutions. And trust us, you will share many new experiences while studying abroad. These are the kind of friendships that last a lifetime. 

ciee study abroad excursion in the middle east

3. You will gain a competitive edge.    

Ninety-seven percent of students who study abroad find employment within 12 months of graduation and 25 percent earn higher salaries than their peers. How’s that for standing out in today’s competitive job market?  

Bonus : You can even boost your resume by gaining real-world experience through a global internship ! We offer full- and part-time international internship opportunities across a wide variety of industries. So, if it’s a competitive edge you want, then a competitive edge is exactly what you’ll get. 

Read more: How to Put Study Abroad on Your Resume: 4 Steps

4. You will build your language skills.    

Whether your goal is to master a new language or just get by with a conversational understanding of the local language, studying abroad will help you do it. There is nothing quite like cultural immersion for optimal language learning.  

Do note , however, that most CIEE programs are delivered in English unless you’re in a language class or program for advanced speakers, like our Summer Intensive Spanish Language program in Alicante or our Advanced Arabic Language program in Amman.   

student learning chinese from a language tutor abroad with ciee

5. You will step out of your comfort zone.    

Trying new things helps you learn how to adapt to new situations. A key life skill for our rapidly changing world.  

Just think, you will be working with new professors, new peers, a new currency, a new language, a new transit system, new food, and more – you get the idea. And just know, CIEE will be there to support you every step of the way, 24/7. Our program is a truly great way to safely take that leap of faith. 

6. You will be better for it.    

We hear it all the time : “study abroad changed my life.” And it’s so true. Studying abroad teaches you leadership, cross-cultural communication, adaptability, and so much more. Mark this down as a key advantage to studying abroad.  

advantages and disadvantages of study abroad

The Cons  of Study Abroad

Charting new territory is not in everyone’s comfort zone. And studying abroad, for many students, is definitely classified as uncharted territory. We know the unknown can be intimidating, and we also know studying abroad comes with a bit of sacrifice.  

This is why we’re sharing some of the disadvantages of studying abroad so you can make the most informed decision possible.  

The Top 5 Disadvantages of Studying Abroad  

Here are the cons of studying abroad you should address when weighing your decision:  

1. Studying abroad can be expensive.    

It can be . But there are scholarships and grants available to help you make studying abroad a reality . Your college or university may offer their own scholarship and grant options. Others you can apply for at CIEE directly in your CIEE Study Abroad application . We offer millions each year for students with demonstrated financial need, proven academic merit, or who’ve enrolled in specific programs as well.  

On average, a semester with CIEE costs $18,861 . A little less when studying abroad in Latin America ($17,291) . A little more when heading to Europe ($19,968) .   

Our Open Campus Block program option, in which you can choose one, two, or three consecutive six-week study abroad sessions, costs about $18,750 but drops significantly to a little over $6,000 for students who choose to pursue only one block (6 weeks) or about $12,000 for two blocks (12 weeks).  

Bear in mind, too, that CIEE tuition provides a high level of student support. Not every program can say the same. Our program fee covers most of the essentials, outside of airfare and meals, and typically includes: 

  • Tuition  
  • Housing  
  • Pre-departure advising  
  • Orientation  
  • On-site staff + 24/7 emergency on-site support  
  • Cultural + co-curricular activities  
  • Travel protection  

students on cultural excursion at throne hall korea

Read More: How Much Does it Cost to Study Abroad in 2024?  

2. There will be language barriers.   

Even for the most advanced speakers, immersion into a new culture will stretch your language capabilities. We see that as a really good thing. And we believe that if you go abroad with us, you will, too.  

But there’s no getting around the fact that there will be a steep language learning curve as you make your way through the program. We bet you’re up for the challenge. Plus, most of our classes are taught in English, so you will still make big gains academically. 

3. You may experience culture shock.   

The food will be different. The language will be different. The architecture will be different. The style of communication will be different. The local customs and social norms will be different, too. You will have to adjust. But isn’t that at least some of the point? You will return home with a new perspective! 

Read more: What is Culture Shock? 4 Examples and Tips to Adjust

4. You might get homesick.  

Most of our students are traveling for the first time without their family or friends. And that’s a huge step that may cause homesickness . 

Just know that CIEE offers a ton of support, including around-the-clock on-site staff. So, we’re always available. Plus, you’ll have a cohort of new friends to keep you company when those homesick feeling begin creeping up.  

And remember , you can always call home when you need to hear a familiar voice. Our students love to FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and so on to virtually connect with their loved ones whenever they want. 

cape town dorm student meeting

5. Re-integration can be hard.    

This is an adjustment most students don’t anticipate.   

Often, when the study abroad experience is really great and there’s a ton of personal growth, students have a hard time adjusting back into their typical routine back home. You may experience this, too. It’s a sort of homesickness for the study abroad culture.  

Just know it will get better once you’ve had time to adjust to your routine again. And, for those who just can’t shake the feeling, there’s the opportunity to apply to join CIEE’s Student Ambassador Program to get paid to talk about your study abroad experience! 

Learn More: Become a CIEE Student Ambassador  

The Choice is Yours  

Thinking through the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad is an important first step in your study abroad experience. If you have any questions or want to talk through your personal list of studying abroad pros and cons, we ’re happy to connect .   

In the meantime, check out t he 170+ incredible programs we have to offer to begin planning your perfect study abroad experience! 


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Write An Award Winning Study Abroad Scholarship Essay With These Tips

Mary Walton

Mary is an avid traveler and she has visited more than 40 countries. She is currently an editor a...

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The BEST Scholarship Essay Tips

Scholarship deadlines are just around the corner, and if you want to study abroad , now's the time to get those scholarship applications in! You'll be writing a lot of scholarship essays, so it's important that you get it right. Essay writing is challenging, even for the most talented and dedicated students. Fortunately, technology can make a lot of things easier, and writing scholarship essays is one of those things.

Here's the best tips for writing scholarship essays to use if you want to make a good impression and get the funding you need to study abroad . With these scholarship essay tips in mind, you can surely write an award winning study abroad application essay!

Write An Award Winning Study Abroad Scholarship Essay With These Tips

Avoid “one size fits all” scholarship essays.

It's very likely that you're going to be applying for more than one study abroad scholarship. As this is the case, it's tempting to create a scholarship essay that will suit all of them, and then send it off to everyone. However, no essay will suit every scholarship application. Essays are very personal in this regard, and every team is looking for something different. Give yourself time to craft a scholarship essay that's designed to answer their questions.

Know your audience.

Before you start writing, think about what the scholarship committee is looking for in an applicant. Do they want someone who's overcome adversity in the past? Someone who's excelled in a particular subject? The answer should be in the question that they've set for you. Keep this in mind as you plan your scholarship essay.

A woman working on her laptop

Give yourself time.

Your teachers are right, no essay will be great if you hammer it out the night before it's due. It's especially true of scholarship essays. Start your plan at least a week before you think you should. This gives you enough time to start writing an outline, and start creating a rough draft of your scholarship essay. Once you're done writing, you'll still have plenty of time to edit. You can also use EssayPro ! If you don't have time for writing your essays, you can always try out this academic essay writing service to complete your assignments on time.

Make sure you're answering the question.

Many scholarship essays fail because the applicant didn't actually answer the question that was set for them. You may feel as though you are answering the question, but read the question carefully and thoroughly before you start writing your scholarship essay.

For example, you may be given the question: “Name a time when you challenged a belief or idea. Why did you do this? Would you do it again?” When you read this question, you may think about how you decided to study law, even though your family wanted you to something else. If the question was different, this would be a great answer. However, look at the question again. It's asking for a time you challenged one particular belief, and your reasoning behind it. Always keep your eye on the prize if you want to write an award winning study abroad scholarship essay.

A person reading some books

Be personal.

Your scholarship essay is all about you, so take the time to really delve into what makes you, YOU. Remember, you want to show the committee that you're the student they're looking for. If you're talking about a time when you volunteered, for example, give them the reasons why volunteering for that cause was so important to you. Really give the readers a sense of who you are (this is one of the most important scholarship essay tips ever!).

Use online tools to help you write your scholarship essay.

You don't have to write your essay alone. There are lots of online tools that will help you get the most out of your essay, and provide you with even more scholarship essay tips than this list. You can improve your confidence and skills by taking advantage of the following tools next time you sit down to write a scholarship essay.

  • Essay Map : This tool is great for visual learners. Give it all the details of your essay, and it'll create a fully formed plan for you. It’s fun and easy way to start writing.

A person highlighting some sentences of a book

Anyone Can Win a Scholarship to Study Abroad!

And, you don’t have to waste a lot of time to do so. These scholarship essay tips will help you write the best award winning study abroad scholarship essay you can. Use them when you're planning and writing, and you'll have a scholarship essay that shows you off in the best possible light.

Find a study abroad program , search for scholarships , & start writing your scholarship essays!

Person exploring suitcase

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  • Why Study Abroad? 10 Benefits of Studying in an International Environment

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

ORA students enjoying a lesson outside – Image Copyright Oxford Royale Summer Schools 2014 – All Rights Reserved

Here at Oxford Royale Summer Schools , we’re immensely proud of the fact that students come from all over the world to study with us.

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This year, we’re expecting the number of different student nationalities to top 100, with students coming to us from as far afield as Angola, Azerbaijan, Nepal and even the British Indian Ocean Territory. This cosmopolitan mix of cultures creates a uniquely diverse academic and social environment for those who study with us , and the sheer number of different viewpoints makes for endlessly interesting academic discussions. In this article, we’re celebrating the diversity of our student groups with a look at the numerous benefits of studying in an international environment like Oxford Royale Summer Schools.

1. International connections

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

One of the best things about studying in an international environment is that it brings you into contact with people from all over the world, meaning that you can create a global network of contacts. These international connections aren’t just a source of new good friends; they could prove invaluable, even years down the line, when it comes to your career. Among them could be the future chief executive of a major company in the industry you end up working for, or a future business partner or client. You never know when the contacts you make will prove useful in business, and having an international network of them is even better, because they have the potential to open up even more opportunities for you. In business, it’s still the case that “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” – so the more people you know, and the wider the geographic area they come from, the better. What’s more, as well as the friends you’ll make, you may also make contacts who live in the city in which you go to study; these may also prove useful if you decide to come back to the same city on a longer-term basis in the future, at which point you’ll be needing someone’s advice about things like getting a job and where to find somewhere to live.

2. Exposure to different cultures and viewpoints

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

Mixing with people from all over the world exposes you to a variety of different cultures, not to mention viewpoints you might not previously have considered. Our cultural background can have a big bearing on how we respond to different situations or issues, and getting a variety of fresh perspectives on such things can be very intellectually stimulating, helping you look at things in a completely new way. By befriending people from other cultures, you’ll learn about how differently things are done or viewed elsewhere in the world, which teaches you about other cultures at the same time as widening your own horizons and broadening your mind. It can be particularly interesting, for instance, to discuss current affairs with those from the countries affected by the issues you read about in the news; the media puts its own slant on the world’s problems, and hearing about them from the perspective of someone who’s directly affected by them can be eye-opening and fascinating, not just in terms of the issues themselves, but also, more generally, in the way in which they are portrayed in a certain way by the media. You’d be amazed at how biased the media can be, and talking to people from the cultures affected will help you see the situation more objectively and be more questioning of what you read in the papers or see on the news. This is just one of innumerable examples of the interesting conversations that could spark up in an international environment.

3. Exposure to a different form of teaching

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

Wherever in the world you end up studying, you’re likely to encounter different styles of teaching from what you’re used to. Different countries inevitably have different ways of doing things, so trying out the educational offering of another country will help you expand your academic horizons and develop your ability to adapt to different educational environments. This will doubtless help you adapt to the very different style of teaching at university. At Oxford Royale Summer Schools, our teaching style focuses on small academic discussion groups, which place emphasis on students expressing their opinions and engaging in debate. This develops your confidence in articulating your own views, challenging preconceptions and communicating clearly and persuasively – all skills that will stand you in good stead for university and beyond.

4. Studying abroad is good for the CV

You can put periods of study abroad on your CV, and it’s likely to impress employers, who like to see potential employees who’ve gone out and experienced things and actively developed themselves as people. What’s more, in the age of the internet, business is increasingly done on an international scale, so having some international experience can only be beneficial to your career prospects. International study reveals you to be a more well-rounded person who’s capable of taking on new challenges and seeing things on a global level. It’s also a good way to prove your language skills to a potential employer; those who can speak more than one language are likely to be more in demand for many kinds of jobs, particularly in industries in which additional languages are an advantage, such as the travel sector.

5. Enhance your language skills

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

It goes without saying that if you’re going to study in a country in which the native language is not your own, it’s the perfect opportunity to develop your language skills like never before. For example, if you’re fairly good at English but it isn’t your native language, you’ll benefit enormously from studying in the UK and being able to converse in English, both in a social and academic environment. You’ll hear all sorts of new idioms and colloquialisms that you’ve probably not been taught before, and you’ll start to speak English more like an English person. Your pronunciation will come on in leaps and bounds, as will your vocabulary, and you’ll make more progress than you ever could from simply reading a book. Studying in the UK also gives you the chance to develop your written academic English skills, which will come in very handy should you decide to come to university in the UK. Developing this style of more formal English will also come in useful in your career, should you decide to work in an international company or even get a job in the UK. A high standard of written English may prove useful in all manner of different business situations, such as writing proposals, presentations, emails, website pages, blog posts, newsletters, and other marketing materials. This means that the linguistic benefits of studying abroad are likely to go far beyond the initial boost it will give to your English.

6. Experience life in another country

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

In addition to the academic and career benefits of studying abroad, another major benefit is that it allows you to experience life in a different country. Living and studying abroad, even for a couple of weeks, will give you a much greater insight into life in that country than you would get from coming on holiday as a tourist, and it gives you the chance to live a little differently from how you’re used to. For example, if you come to Oxford Royale Summer Schools, you’ll call Oxford your home for the duration of your course, using public transport, getting to know the city, seeing a little of the rest of England and mixing with those who live in Oxford, namely our staff and faculty. You’ll notice all the quirky little things that make Oxford so unique, and you’ll witness first-hand many of the eccentric traits for which the Brits are famous (our obsession with the weather, for example). You can’t get a better way of discovering what it’s really like to live in Oxford, and you’ll come away with a much better knowledge of Oxford than most of the tourists who flock here.

7. Be a tourist

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

Of course, as well as experiencing the realities of everyday life in the country you choose to study in, studying abroad also gives you the opportunity to be a tourist in that country as well. During your time off, of which there should be plenty scheduled into your timetable of work, you can do some sight-seeing and explore local attractions, such as museums and landmarks. At Oxford Royale Summer Schools, we take our students on several day trips to interesting tourist destinations such as central London, Blenheim Palace and Stonehenge; it’s a great way for them to unwind after a busy schedule of academic study, and they enjoy being able to shop for souvenirs to take back to their friends and families. Wherever you choose to study, though, it’s the perfect opportunity to see a bit more of the world and perhaps even cross a few things off your bucket list. What’s more, as a student, you’ll probably be able to get into lots of the tourist hotspots at a discounted rate, if not free – so going abroad as a student is the best time to see the sights!

8. Discover new foods

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

One of the great things about studying abroad and making friends from other countries is that you’ll have loads of opportunities to discover tasty new cuisines. As well as sampling the local food in the country you study in, you’ll have made friends from other cultures who can introduce you to their favourite foods from their own countries. One of the activities we run on some of our courses is a cooking competition, which gives our students the perfect chance to show off both their cooking skills and the delicious foods originating from their country.

9. Boost your confidence and maturity

The idea of studying abroad may seem daunting at first – and it’s understandable if you feel a little nervous as well as excited as you board the plane bound for your course – but you’ll soon discover that there’s nothing to worry about. Overcoming this initial difficulty in turn develops your maturity and your ability to handle new situations. I spent time abroad when I was at university, and I have no doubt that these periods of my life helped to shape the person I am today. The whole experience of going abroad for a period of time to study will be an enormous confidence boost, as you’ll find out what you’re capable of coping with, and you’ll find that you can thrive even in these new and very different circumstances. What’s more, as we’ve already seen, if you’re going to a country in which the language is not your own, it will also boost your confidence in communicating in another language – something that many students find nerve-wracking to begin with.

10. New friends to go and visit

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

Studying abroad, or in an international environment at home, will enable you to make friends with people from all around the world. These are people whom you could go and visit in their own countries, so you could well end up experiencing even more of the world than the country you initially went to study in. There’s nothing like visiting a country with a local; they’ll show you what it’s really like to live there, not just the side that the tourists see. You can also return the favour, of course, and invite your new international friends to come and stay with you in your own country; then you’ll get to show an outsider all the things you love about your own country. Their fresh perspective on your home country will likely be quite eye-opening and will help you see your own country from a different point of view. And it’s always good to get a different perspective – it keeps you challenging your own opinions, an essential tenet of academia. Hopefully this list has shown you that studying abroad is tremendously beneficial in a great many ways. If you’re thinking of studying abroad yourself, why not come and study with us in the scholarly environs of Oxford University?

Image credits: train ; carnival ; Oxford ; street ; croquet ; photos ; food ; friends . 

why studying abroad is beneficial essay

  • February 11, 2022
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11 Most Interesting Benefits Of Studying Abroad

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We’re sure that along the years, you may have met people that have studied abroad. They might have described their experience there as an otherworldly study abroad experience. However, having a lovely time in a new country while studying isn’t the only thing you’ll get out of this academic adventure. There are countless benefits of studying abroad that you, as an international student , will be eligible for. So, if you’re asking yourself, ‘why should I study abroad?’., we got some good answers for you to check out.

1. Learn a New Language

Moving to a new country means that you’re not going to be using your native language as much as you did back home. If you look at it, this is quite a benefit. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should abandon your mother tongue. The beauty of learning an additional language is that you and your brain would certainly benefit from it.

What’s best, the demand for bilingual individuals is increasing with each year that passes. So, with that being said, after getting proficient at a second language, the chances of you landing the job of your dreams will increase moderately.



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2. Give a Real-Life Context to Your Studies

Several countries have programs that incorporate classroom learning with in-field learning experiences. This is done with the intention of complementing and enriching the academic learning experience for international students. Depending on your major and the country you’re studying in, you’re going to be introduced to things that will make it easier for you to grasp different abstract concepts and notions that otherwise you wouldn’t understand.

3. Become a Good Communicator


Living in a country where your first language isn’t spoken will undoubtedly improve your communication skills. You will have to find ways to express yourself even if you don’t speak the official language of the country you’re studying in.

However, being a good communicator isn’t only bridging the language barrier. A new country also means that you will encounter people of different cultural backgrounds that approach life differently. Talking to them daily will give you a hand in becoming a better communicator than you were on your beginnings of moving.

4. Make Lifelong Friends

An impactful experience like studying abroad will certainly get you close to different people. Starting with classmates you’re going to be spending most of the time with. You’re going to be growing and learning with them. It’s inevitable that you spend all this time with them and not make meaningful connections and relationships.

At the beginning of the studies abroad, many might worry that making friends in a foreign country will be challenging. However, you’ll most probably come to realize there was no need in worrying about it. Just like you, many people are just navigating through the new academic life. Through the many social events that the universities organize and school projects you’ll be working on, you’ll get the chance to meet new people who, chances are, might become very close to you.

5. Expand Your Worldview

We talk about perspectives all the time. We mention how we need to look at things from different perspectives. Yet, the ways how one can gain new perspectives aren’t talked about that often. Well, one of the ways you as a person can develop a new perspective is by studying abroad. As the months go by, you’ll see that the way you used to view the world will be continuously challenged.

The chances are that some of your values will shift, whereas the ones that carry weight will be solidified, and as a result, you’ll come out of this experience a more well-rounded person.

6. Impress Your Future Employers

At the end of the day, the reason (besides getting educated) why many people decide to pursue an education, be it in their country or outside of it, is to land a decent job that pays decently. Luckily, the interest for bilingual individuals is only increasing. Studies done on this subject only confirm this advantage.

Many companies who have their headquarters in many different countries are on the lookout for people who speak more than one language. While English as a lingua franca can serve you quite well, in today’s climate, people of all ethnicities and backgrounds must be included. So the more languages you know, the better the chances of you getting hired will be.

Besides being bilingual, another benefit that raises your chances of landing your dream job is your international experience. Nowadays, companies are looking for employees who have international experience and transferable skills like flexibility to challenges, something you can only get from studying abroad.

A recent study found that almost 40 percent of companies couldn’t close deals on international business opportunities because they didn’t have personnel with international experience. So, why not be the one to whom the boss says: “Pack your luggage. We need you overseas.”.

7. Learn About New Cultures and Gain Perspective


Living in our own country for quite a long time makes us forget that many other different cultures exist. However, once you get out of the country, you find yourself completely immersed in a culture that isn’t yours. You’ll get to explore everything the other culture has to offer, starting with the food, local activities, their music, and their social etiquette.

Talking to other people about the country you come from and your culture, you get the chance to see your culture from somebody else’s eyes. You get to learn many things about yourself and the country you come from.

Besides learning about others’ cultures and their way of living, studying abroad also helps you learn about the global market from a different perspective and experience various ways of doing business. Seeing first-hand how different countries approach some aspects of business teaches you new methods of getting things done, and the best thing is that you can take your new business skills and experience back in your home country or wherever you decide to continue your career.

8. Boost Your Confidence

Moving to another country for an extended time means that you’re going to be on your own for quite some time. The experience of living alone in a foreign country will help you develop a sense of independence as you’re going to figure out everything on your own. From ordering a meal to using public transportation, you’ll be depending on yourself for every single thing. While it can sound overwhelming, this experience will only help you realize how capable a person you are. Consequently, by getting out of your comfort zone, your confidence will only increase.

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Another way how studying abroad boosts your confidence is by preparing you with soft skills that will help you a lot in your workplace, such as:

Leadership – While you probably won’t be leading a huge company in your first year of studies, there are a lot of small things that teach you how to lead. Be it a class project with other international students or an internship during the summer, you’ll be developing management skills that are important almost everywhere.

Communication skills – No matter where life brings you, you need to communicate with others. We’re not only talking about speaking the same language and understanding each other; we’re talking about negotiation skills, public speaking, and written communication. Refining these skills allows you to sit at the table with confidence like never before.

9. Find Job Opportunities Abroad


Many students go to study abroad with the intention of going back to their country once they finish their academic journey. However, this isn’t always the case. It happens that you’re presented with a job opportunity that is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and you can’t turn it down. By this, we want you to know that once you get a degree from an accredited university, it’s recognized in almost every country, including the country you got that degree in the first place.

Once you consider staying in the new country for a long-term period, you can start to evaluate the job opportunities that will come your way and find the one that fits you best.

10. Become a Global Citizen

Being born and raised in a particular country and not having the chance to move out of it time after time can somehow leave someone oblivious of the world surrounding them. While they’re not completely unaware, as we all know the world is a big place, they kind of don’t understand the wider world and their place in it. However, once you move abroad to study for a semester or a year, you find yourself connecting with the rest of the world in a way you couldn’t connect from back home.

Once out of your homeland, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the issues that affect the world, how different events impact particular countries and know your role in making the planet a more sustainable place. The countries which once felt like they were light-years away now will feel more personal as you’ve lived in those countries and made friends over there.

11. Life Experience

Without a doubt, studying abroad will boost your career and personal skills, making you more ready than ever for whatever the world brings you. However, don’t forget that between your morning and afternoon lectures, between your daily meetings and assignments, between your exams and your thesis, there’s another thing that keeps happening: life!

If you return to your home country after studying abroad, there are a ton of things you can take with you. University books you can look back to, lecture notes you can revise, and research skills that may come to help. But, there’s one thing you can’t relive, and that’s life experiences. So, whenever you get the chance, invite that friend for a coffee, drink that glass of wine in your favorite bar, and take those pictures in the main city square. Trust us, it’s something you won’t regret.

Many times, when not entirely convinced, students are on the lookout for reasons to study abroad. So, if you too are one of them, we hope we have given you enough reasons to even consider an experience abroad. The University of the Potomac is always open to international students who want to study abroad in the U.S.A, more specifically in the capital city of this country, Washington D.C. .

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The Positive Effects of Studying Abroad for Students

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Words: 484 |

Published: Mar 1, 2019

Words: 484 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Reasons for Studying Abroad

Works cited.

  • Byram, M. (2018). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Routledge.
  • Chieffo, L., & Griffiths, L. (2004). Bridging the divide: student perspectives of international study. Journal of Studies in International Education, 8(1), 32-47.
  • Hadisaputro, R., & Utomo, Y. K. (2020). International Students’ Perceptions of Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Academic Performance in Indonesia. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 323-340.
  • Li, M., & Bray, M. (2007). Cross-cultural perspectives on international students. International Education Journal, 8(2), 395-408.
  • Mazzarol, T., Soutar, G. N., & Seng, M. S. (2003). The third wave: Future trends in international education. International Journal of Educational Management.
  • Mitchell, K. E., & Latcheva, R. (2019). International Student Migration: Mapping the Field and New Research Agenda. Population, Space and Place, 25(1), e2193.
  • Olt, M. R., & Yucesoylu, R. (2017). International student recruitment and enrollment strategies in higher education. Journal of International Students, 7(3), 587-603.
  • Rienties, B., & Nolan, E. M. (2014). Understanding friendship and learning networks of international and host students using longitudinal social network analysis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 41, 165-180.
  • Stebleton, M. J., Soria, K. M., & Cherney, B. (2013). Experiences of international graduate students from Saudi Arabia: Factors that facilitate and hinder adjustment. Journal of College Student Development , 54(6), 617-634.
  • Williams, E. A. (2005). Overseas students and intercultural adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29(6), 689-711.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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How to Write Your Study Abroad Essay?


A study abroad essay portrays your intent and expectations from your trip to a foreign country, either for a semester or a couple of years. To write a really impressive study abroad essay, you need to be absolutely clear about your reasons for studying abroad. This is one of the most crucial points and it will reflect in your essay. 

Studying abroad is the beginning of a new and potentially life-changing journey. By delivering a good and impactful essay, you get an edge over your contemporaries and ensure that you get selected for the study abroad program of your university. Here are few tips for you to follow to write a captivating study abroad essay:

Start by writing down all of your expectations for studying abroad.

This is just to get an idea of what you want your essay to be about primarily. Imagine yourself in the country you want to visit. What would you do there? How do you plan to adapt to their culture?

Write about how you plan to make the most of your experience while staying there and what you wish to gain from your experience of studying abroad.

Write a good introduction

A good introduction sets the direction of the essay. If it is engaging, then the reader will proceed to read the rest of the essay in a good mood.

Start with the reasons behind your decision of going abroad for studying. Write about what inspired you to opt for a study abroad program and what drove you to reach this decision. Describe how you can benefit from studying in a place that is completely different from your current learning atmosphere.

Expand your expectations in the body of the essay

Now use the rough notes you created in the beginning as a guide to write the body of your essay. Elaborate on each point. Present all of your intentions in an organized manner.

This is where you would state your reason for choosing the particular country and university to study abroad. Mention your reasons for choosing them.

Highlight the defining characteristics of the country and the university and how you wish to benefit from it. Being really specific with your intentions will give an impression to the reader that you know exactly what you want and that you deserve to be selected for the program.

Expand on how you will benefit from interacting with students from different backgrounds.

You can even add your personal reasons for choosing that location as well. It will enable the reader to connect with you in a better way.

Show how you can be an asset to the study abroad program

Your program wants to be represented by the best candidate. Make them believe that it is you. Write about your strengths and how you will harness them during the course of your stay abroad.

If you can make it absolutely clear about what is it that you seek to derive from this opportunity and how you can deliver a good performance, you have a higher chance of being selected.

Conclude your essay on a good note

In the end, correlate and summarize all the main points. And make sure you write the essay in a way that captures the real you. You are a unique individual with a unique personality and you have something worthwhile to share with the world. Stay true to yourself and your ideas. Be sincere and honest with all of your points and the essay will definitely reflect your true personality.

When you are done writing the essay, leave it for a couple of hours or even overnight. Come back and proofread with a fresh mind.

Finally, you can you get someone else to read your complete essay. Get other people’s opinion and make suitable changes but stick to your original ideas.

The process of writing the essay itself marks the beginning of a new and special journey of your life. Remember to relax and enjoy the process of writing the essay. Staying calm will allow you to put forward your ideas in a more accurate and efficient way.


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Why Study Abroad?

How it works

Knowledge can be gained in many ways. One way that many students gain knowledge is by studying abroad. Studying abroad gives students an opportunity to experience learning overseas. It is an extraordinary opportunity to come into close contact with a distinct culture and live their day-to-day life, returning home with unforgettable memories. Nothing can replace the sight, sounds, scents, and energy of a live personal experience. Students pursue their education overseas to achieve their masters, Ph.D. or another degrees. Studying abroad has many benefits, some of which are surprising to those who have never experienced it.

Primarily, it is a magnificent growth experience. Studying abroad challenges students to live among different types of people in different types of living conditions. Students get to experience cultural differences, develop a global perspective and explore the country on breaks and weekends. Lifestyle and social behavior are much different in other countries. This forces the student to expand their social skills in order to get assistance. Students can benefit off of this because it will create an expansion of their communication abilities. Studying abroad has a powerful educational value. Students are adjusted to a new academic system. They get a chance to study new strategies and methods and take courses not offered in their home countries. Studying abroad also challenges the student to learn about themselves. The student might reconsider their beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses.

There are several consequences which can be attributed to studying abroad. Studying abroad causes an effect on the student’s professional skills, while also increasing the student’s cultural tolerance and awareness. Overseas education enhances employment opportunities. It gives students an opportunity to work in global workplaces as well. It enhances the chance of getting a job back in their home country. Studying abroad enriches the personal skills of students. It creates a skill of independence and provides an experience that will help the student deal with unusual situations or problems. One of the main effects in studying overseas is the improvement of social skills. Students get a chance to make international friends and life-long relationships. They can easily interact with internationals, as well as learn new languages.

Most students choose to study abroad for educational and cultural reasons. Students end up gaining various professional, personal and social skills, which can become long-term outcomes. Studying overseas can be a great opportunity for exposure to different cultures and viewpoints. Students get a chance to learn new languages and culture, employment opportunities, and research activities. When given the opportunity, why not study abroad.


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Guest Essay

This Isn’t the China I Remember

An illustration shows a mother with her arm around her young son while she looks out a window at magnolia flower petals falling from a tree.

By Gish Jen

Ms. Jen, an American novelist whose family hails from Shanghai, wrote from Shanghai.

In 1979 my mother pulled out a Band-Aid in a Nanjing hospital. The nurses clustered around it, amazed. “The West has everything!” they said.

We were on a family visit to China, where my Shanghai relatives were similarly wowed by our excellent teeth and ample body fat, not to mention our descriptions of American dishwashers, refrigerators and air-conditioning. And with the general awe came V.I.P. treatment. Hosts broke out bottles of expensive orange soda that they freely mixed with expensive warm beer. We could not escape drinking this any more than we could escape our government-assigned “guide,” whose job was to strictly monitor visitors like us. Relatives or not, we were foreigners.

I returned to teach English at the Shandong Mining Institute in 1981. My students were coal mining engineers preparing to study abroad, so that they might bring back safer mining techniques. I was their “foreign expert.” As such, I had not only a sit-down toilet in the apartment provided to me, but also running hot water, an unheard-of luxury. My ayi, or housekeeper, would make a fire under a vat of water on the roof and, when it was ready, turn the faucet handle in my bathtub.

After class, my students would bring stools out to the basketball court where, each facing a different direction, they would sit and study for hours on end. Loving their country and wanting to make it strong, they were grateful for Westerners like me. Foreign as we were, we were a help.

Fast forward a few decades to a booming China. In my many visits over the years — as a teacher, as a visiting artist and as a tourist — Shanghai hotel staff had always returned my credit card to me with two hands, a bow of the head, and a smile. But with a quarter of the world’s construction cranes said to be in the city during China’s boom years, raising skyscrapers from what had been rice paddies, attitudes had changed. My credit card was returned with one hand; the receptionist barely looked up. My relatives no longer asked that I bring American goods for them, either. “China has everything,” they said then. As many proudly proclaimed, the 20th century was America’s; the 21st was China’s.

One seldom hears that triumphalist tone today. Instead, the talk is of a loss of confidence and trust in the Chinese government. People remain proud of their city, which now boasts excellent, cosmopolitan food and spotless streets. There are huge new sports centers featuring tennis and paddle-boarding, there is an artificial beach with pink sand. The city is far greener than in years past, too. Magnolia and cherry trees bloom everywhere and even the strips under the freeways have been landscaped. And thanks to the ubiquitous security cameras, Shanghai is spectacularly safe.

Yet below the surface lurks a sense of malaise. In this famously cosmopolitan city, there are weirdly few foreigners compared to before, many having left due to the stifling policies during the pandemic or because international companies have pulled out staff, or other reasons. Clothing shops are empty and many other stores have closed. The Nanjing West Road shopping district, previously a sea of humans, is strangely underpopulated.

Shanghainese are still outraged at having been locked down for two months in the spring of 2022 to stem a surge in Covid-19 cases with little time to prepare. Such were the shortages of essentials that Tylenol was for sale by the pill. And so heavy-handed were even the post-lockdown policies that residents took to the streets in protest .

But for many, the pandemic debacle only capped a series of governmental blunders starting with Premier Li Keqiang urging young people to open their own businesses in 2014. This and other missteps cost wave after wave of people their life savings and many Chinese now blame government ineptitude and erraticism for bringing the economy to a standstill. As a Shanghainese friend put it, the government has turned China around and around until, like spinning cars, people’s engines have stalled and their wheels have locked up.

The result has been so steep and unrelenting a fall in real estate prices that elderly people, like my friend’s parents, can’t sell their apartments to pay for nursing or assisted living. And they are hardly the only ones affected by the downturn. Doctors find themselves squeezed — many patients don’t have money for operations — while businesspeople sit on their hands, unwilling to make investments in so unpredictable an environment. Many college graduates, faced with a grim job market, are essentially dropping out, or “lying flat,” as it’s called in China. Not even schoolchildren, it seems, have been spared the general despondency. As one teacher I spoke to observed, when the society is sick, the children pay the price. Too many parents know a child who has had to leave school because of depression.

Of course, for all of this the West is scapegoated — having opposed, people say, China’s rise — as is China’s other favorite enemy, Japan, whose brutal 1930s invasion and ensuing occupation of China still rankles. (One sequence of a CGI video shown in my recent Shanghai spin class featured huge coronaviruses studded with Japanese temples.)

Whoever is to blame, emigration is on the rise . According to U.N. figures, more than 310,000 Chinese left the country in each of the past two years, a 62 percent increase from the earlier average of around 191,000 per year over the decade through 2019. Those in Shanghai with the means to do so talk endlessly about “running away,” even to officially reviled countries like the United States .

This is not always an answer. One friend of mine has come back to China to stay, having spent six years attending graduate school in Boston, saying she missed the warmth of Chinese family life. And no one has illusions about the difficulty of getting established in another country. People in China speak of a whole new class of emigrants, women who have left high-powered careers to accompany their children to the United States early enough for them to assimilate — ideally, in middle or high school. As for the fruits of their sacrifice, it’s too early to say. Can the children really become Westerners? Will they — like me decades earlier — become the foreigners?

Things in China could change. Those “lying flat” are not asleep. They are watching and could someday rise up. But in the meantime, people in Shanghai are simply, as they put it, “xin lei ”: Their hearts are tired.

Gish Jen is an American novelist and the author of “Thank You, Mr. Nixon.” She is currently teaching at N.Y.U. Shanghai.

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