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Quality Representation

what is quality representation

Quality representation in the quality assurance industry involves the presentation and communication of data and information related to product or service quality. This practice aims to provide a clear and accurate portrayal of quality-related metrics, standards, and performance to relevant stakeholders, such as management, customers, and regulatory bodies. Quality representation often includes visual aids, reports, and statistical analyses that help stakeholders understand and assess the quality of products or services.

Effective quality representation is crucial for making informed decisions, monitoring quality trends, and driving continuous improvement efforts. It helps in identifying areas for enhancement, tracking the progress of quality control measures, and demonstrating compliance with quality standards. Additionally, quality representation contributes to transparency and accountability in quality management, promoting trust and confidence in a company’s products or services.

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Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal, Ph.D.

Why Representation Matters and Why It’s Still Not Enough

Reflections on growing up brown, queer, and asian american..

Posted December 27, 2021 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

  • Positive media representation can be helpful in increasing self-esteem for people of marginalized groups (especially youth).
  • Interpersonal contact and exposure through media representation can assist in reducing stereotypes of underrepresented groups.
  • Representation in educational curricula and social media can provide validation and support, especially for youth of marginalized groups.

Growing up as a Brown Asian American child of immigrants, I never really saw anyone who looked like me in the media. The TV shows and movies I watched mostly concentrated on blonde-haired, white, or light-skinned protagonists. They also normalized western and heterosexist ideals and behaviors, while hardly ever depicting things that reflected my everyday life. For example, it was equally odd and fascinating that people on TV didn’t eat rice at every meal; that their parents didn’t speak with accents; or that no one seemed to navigate a world of daily microaggressions . Despite these observations, I continued to absorb this mass media—internalizing messages of what my life should be like or what I should aspire to be like.

Ron Gejon, used with permission

Because there were so few media images of people who looked like me, I distinctly remember the joy and validation that emerged when I did see those representations. Filipino American actors like Ernie Reyes, Nia Peeples, Dante Basco, and Tia Carrere looked like they could be my cousins. Each time they sporadically appeared in films and television series throughout my youth, their mere presence brought a sense of pride. However, because they never played Filipino characters (e.g., Carrere was Chinese American in Wayne's World ) or their racial identities remained unaddressed (e.g., Basco as Rufio in Hook ), I did not know for certain that they were Filipino American like me. And because the internet was not readily accessible (nor fully informational) until my late adolescence , I could not easily find out.

Through my Ethnic Studies classes as an undergraduate student (and my later research on Asian American and Filipino American experiences with microaggressions), I discovered that my perspectives were not that unique. Many Asian Americans and other people of color often struggle with their racial and ethnic identity development —with many citing how a lack of media representation negatively impacts their self-esteem and overall views of their racial or cultural groups. Scholars and community leaders have declared mottos like how it's "hard to be what you can’t see," asserting that people from marginalized groups do not pursue career or academic opportunities when they are not exposed to such possibilities. For example, when women (and women of color specifically) don’t see themselves represented in STEM fields , they may internalize that such careers are not made for them. When people of color don’t see themselves in the arts or in government positions, they likely learn similar messages too.

Complicating these messages are my intersectional identities as a queer person of color. In my teens, it was heartbreakingly lonely to witness everyday homophobia (especially unnecessary homophobic language) in almost all television programming. The few visual examples I saw of anyone LGBTQ involved mostly white, gay, cisgender people. While there was some comfort in seeing them navigate their coming out processes or overcome heterosexism on screen, their storylines often appeared unrealistic—at least in comparison to the nuanced homophobia I observed in my religious, immigrant family. In some ways, not seeing LGBTQ people of color in the media kept me in the closet for years.

How representation can help

Representation can serve as opportunities for minoritized people to find community support and validation. For example, recent studies have found that social media has given LGBTQ young people the outlets to connect with others—especially when the COVID-19 pandemic has limited in-person opportunities. Given the increased suicidal ideation, depression , and other mental health issues among LGBTQ youth amidst this global pandemic, visibility via social media can possibly save lives. Relatedly, taking Ethnic Studies courses can be valuable in helping students to develop a critical consciousness that is culturally relevant to their lives. In this way, representation can allow students of color to personally connect to school, potentially making their educational pursuits more meaningful.

Further, representation can be helpful in reducing negative stereotypes about other groups. Initially discussed by psychologist Dr. Gordon Allport as Intergroup Contact Theory, researchers believed that the more exposure or contact that people had to groups who were different from them, the less likely they would maintain prejudice . Literature has supported how positive LGBTQ media representation helped transform public opinions about LGBTQ people and their rights. In 2019, the Pew Research Center reported that the general US population significantly changed their views of same-sex marriage in just 15 years—with 60% of the population being opposed in 2004 to 61% in favor in 2019. While there are many other factors that likely influenced these perspective shifts, studies suggest that positive LGBTQ media depictions played a significant role.

For Asian Americans and other groups who have been historically underrepresented in the media, any visibility can feel like a win. For example, Gold House recently featured an article in Vanity Fair , highlighting the power of Asian American visibility in the media—citing blockbuster films like Crazy Rich Asians and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings . Asian American producers like Mindy Kaling of Never Have I Ever and The Sex Lives of College Girls demonstrate how influential creators of color can initiate their own projects and write their own storylines, in order to directly increase representation (and indirectly increase mental health and positive esteem for its audiences of color).

When representation is not enough

However, representation simply is not enough—especially when it is one-dimensional, superficial, or not actually representative. Some scholars describe how Asian American media depictions still tend to reinforce stereotypes, which may negatively impact identity development for Asian American youth. Asian American Studies is still needed to teach about oppression and to combat hate violence. Further, representation might also fail to reflect the true diversity of communities; historically, Brown Asian Americans have been underrepresented in Asian American media, resulting in marginalization within marginalized groups. For example, Filipino Americans—despite being the first Asian American group to settle in the US and one of the largest immigrant groups—remain underrepresented across many sectors, including academia, arts, and government.

Representation should never be the final goal; instead, it should merely be one step toward equity. Having a diverse cast on a television show is meaningless if those storylines promote harmful stereotypes or fail to address societal inequities. Being the “first” at anything is pointless if there aren’t efforts to address the systemic obstacles that prevent people from certain groups from succeeding in the first place.

what is quality representation

Instead, representation should be intentional. People in power should aim for their content to reflect their audiences—especially if they know that doing so could assist in increasing people's self-esteem and wellness. People who have the opportunity to represent their identity groups in any sector may make conscious efforts to use their influence to teach (or remind) others that their communities exist. Finally, parents and teachers can be more intentional in ensuring that their children and students always feel seen and validated. By providing youth with visual representations of people they can relate to, they can potentially save future generations from a lifetime of feeling underrepresented or misunderstood.

Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal, Ph.D.

Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the City University of New York and the author of books including Microaggressions and Traumatic Stress .

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Delivering Project Management Excellence

Quality Control Data Representation Tools

Quality Control Data Representation Tools

Quality control data representation tools are the set of tools and techniques that represent quality control data in graphical format. PMBOK 6th edition has grouped all tools and techniques in six major categories; data representation is one such category. Control quality process also uses tools from other categories such as data gathering and data analysis. Hence, this post covers all the four essential quality control data representation tools.

Table of Contents

Quality Assurance Vs Quality Control

The key difference between quality assurance and quality control is that; quality assurance finds application during the project’s planning and executing phases. Moreover, quality assurance provides confidence that the stakeholder’s requirements will be met.

On the other hand, quality control finds application during the project executing and closing phases. Quality control formally demonstrates, with reliable data, that the sponsor and/or customer’s acceptance criteria have been met.

What is Quality Control?

Quality control is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality activities. It is chiefly carried out to assess performance and recommend necessary changes to project deliverable.

The quality control process helps in identifying the causes of poor process or product quality and recommend actions to eliminate them. It also helps to validate that project deliverable  meet the requirements specified by key stakeholders necessary for final acceptance.

The control quality process uses a set of tools to verify that the delivered output will meet the requirements.

Control Quality Tools and Techniques

The control quality process uses tools and techniques from three different groups such as data gathering, data analysis and data representation. Further, this process also makes use of other tools that do not fall into the new structure of tools and techniques.

The following figure provides all tools and techniques used in the control quality process.

Quality control data representation tools help present data in visual format. Data visualisation links data analysis and its outcome. Visual representation also helps to communicate outcome of the data analysis process clearly and concisely. Following paragraph enumerates four quality control data representation tools.

  • Cause and effect diagram

Control Chart

Scatter diagram, cause and effect diagram.

The first quality control data representation tool is a cause-and-effect diagram. Fishbone / Ishikawa or why-why diagram is the alternate name for this quality tool.

The “head” of the fishbone carries the problem statement. It is the starting point to trace the problem’s source back to its actionable root cause. The problem statement typically describes a process gap or a quality objective.

The causes are found by looking at the problem statement and asking “Why” until the actionable root cause has been identified or until the reasonable possibilities have been exhausted.

The major categories of potential causes form the structural “bones” and likely causes make up the “ribs”.

Fishbone diagrams often prove useful in linking the undesirable effects seen as special variation to the assignable cause upon which project teams should implement corrective actions to eliminate the special variation detected in a control chart

The following figure is a schematic representation of cause-and-effect diagram.

Histogram is the second quality control data representation tool. A histogram is a special form of bar chart which describes the central tendency, dispersion, and shape of a statistical distribution.

A histogram summarizes data measured on a continuous scale, showing the frequency distribution of some quality characteristic (in statistical terms central tendency and dispersion of the data).

Unlike the control chart, the histogram does not consider the influence of time on the variation that exists within a distribution.

Also read:  Pareto Chart How to Create and Analyse

The third quality control data representation tool is a control chart. Control chart is a time oriented diagram that determines if a process is stable or not. It also indicates if a process has predictable performance.

Each control chart has a centre line, statistical control limits, and control data. Some control charts also contain specification limits. The center line is a solid line that represents the mean or the arithmetic average of the measurement of counts. There are two statistical control limits:

  • the upper control limit for values greater than the mean.
  • the lower control limit for values less than the mean.

Standard statistical calculations and principles determine the control limits. Control limits ultimately establish the natural capability for a stable process. Upper and lower control limits are different from specification limits. Upper and lower specification limits are based on the requirements of the agreement. They reflect the maximum and minimum values allowed for a process.

The project manager and appropriate stakeholders may use the statistically calculated control limits to identify the points to initiate corrective actions to prevent unnatural process performance.

The corrective action typically seeks to maintain the natural stability of a stable and capable process.

Control Chart Interpretation

Generally, the +/-3 standard deviation around a process mean indicates the control limits for a repetitive process. Zero standard deviation specifies the value of the process mean. The following conditions establish if a process is out of control:

  • A data point exceeds a control limit.
  • Seven consecutive plot points are above the mean.
  • Seven consecutive plot points are below the mean.

Control charts can monitor various types of output variables, most frequently used to track repetitive activities required for producing manufactured lots.

However, control charts can also monitor cost and schedule variances. Further, control charts can also monitor volume and frequency of scope changes. Moreover, control charts can be used for other management results to help determine if the project management processes are in control.

The fourth quality control data representation tool is a scatter diagram. A scatter diagram is also known as correlation chart. These diagrams seek to explain a change in the dependent variable (Y) in relation to a change in the corresponding independent variable (X).

The direction of correlation may be proportional (positive correlation), inverse (negative correlation), or a pattern of correlation may not exist (zero correlation).

The existence of a correlation between the dependent and independent variables facilitates establishing a regression line. This regression line estimates how a change to the independent variable (X) influences the value of a dependent variable (Y).

Also read:  Tools Techniques Group PMBOK 6th Edition

Quality Control Data Representation Tools Summary

To sum up, quality control data representation tools listed above are generic data analysis tools that can help project managers solve critical issues. These tools are also part of seven basic quality control tools. Read the following post to learn more about the seven basic quality control tools .

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Briggs Law Corporation

High-Quality Legal Representation

At its best, the modern-day American justice system is a sophisticated procedure that reflects the evolution of human civilization—a complex methodology that values truth and justice above all else. High-quality legal representation is one of the factors that distinguish this from experiencing injustice at the hands of technical jargon and unsubstantiated claims. 

To arrive at a point in any situation where legal services are necessary, there are often high stakes involved—be it civil or criminal. By hiring high-quality legal representation , one is able to ensure fairness and proper accountability with a good probability of the desired outcome.

Of course, when requesting any service or product, the word “high-quality” is preferred. But when it comes to potential legal consequences, legal representation is one area where high-quality advocates are not just preferred but necessary.

What Defines High-Quality Legal Representation?

Being a lawyer is often correlated with a success rate, but this is not always an accurate way of defining high-quality legal representation . While it is a good place to start, there are other important factors you must consider when choosing legal representation .

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , becoming a lawyer takes around seven years of full-time study, which consists of four years of undergraduate study followed by three years of law school.

Additionally, many states and jurisdictions also require the completion of a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA).

Attributes to Look For in Legal Representation

However, completing seven years of training does not necessarily make a good lawyer. Wondering how to choose a lawyer that’s right for you ? There are many variables that come into play such as the individual’s moral compass, intelligence, attention to detail, ulterior motives, or personality defects, to name a few.

Aside from the proper accreditation, these attributes are what you should look for when seeking out legal representation :

  • Analytical Skills: Few cases are black and white. With the large amounts of information that attorneys are given per case and the possibility of several conclusions and applicable precedents available, it is important that they have a firm grasp on how to properly evaluate and analyze the provided information to best suit the needs of the client.
  • Advocacy Skills: No matter what situation, your lawyer must always be in your corner as your support system. Before you step into the battle of litigation, it is important to know that your lawyer will fight for you. If you do not trust your potential lawyer, do not hire him or her.
  • Strong Verbal and Written Communication Skills: A large portion of an attorney’s life is spent writing and speaking. In order for your case to be properly articulated to judges and juries, your lawyer must be able to speak persuasively and write concisely. Charisma also helps in court.
  • Strong Listening Skills: It all begins with listening. In addition to writing and speaking, listening is another important skill for a lawyer to possess. You should feel heard and acknowledged. You should also feel confident in the fact that every detail of the case and court proceedings  were absorbed by the lawyer so they can make the best possible judgment based on the facts provided and situation at hand.
  • Expertise in a Specific Field of Law: You may have a lawyer friend who is willing to help you out for a particular case. But, for example, if you are filing a criminal case and your friend is a divorce attorney, do not hire him or her. Find someone who is well versed in or considered an expert in the field of law and legal services in which you are involved.
  • Strong Interpersonal Skills: While the connection between a lawyer and client is essentially impersonal and professional, it is important that the lawyer attempts to build a relationship with their client. Though somewhat immeasurable, it is important to feel connected to your legal representation . To put it casually, if you do not vibe with a lawyer, then maybe they are not the right lawyer for you.
  • Assertiveness: You want someone who will be firm and assertive in the courtroom. Mind you, there is a fine line between assertiveness and aggressiveness. A lawyer who is assertive can strongly and confidently get your case across while a lawyer who is aggressive may negatively impact the opinions of the judge and jury. You want a lawyer who will fight for you with grace, not with rage.
  • Creativity: Just like humans, no two cases are alike—X does not always mark the spot. Lawyers must sometimes utilize creative or outside-the-box problem solving to outwit their contenders. 
  • Perseverance: Though a cliched adage, the phrase “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” is particularly relevant here. The bureaucracy of the justice system can often be time-consuming and will sometimes fail you. That’s why it is imperative to have a legal representation   that will not give up, because the final verdict is not always the final outcome.
  • Compassion: Entanglements with the justice system are often extremely personal and sometimes involve great loss or the potential for great loss. Unfortunately, (especially in books and films) lawyers are sometimes depicted as heartless, but they are not all this way. Find a lawyer who cares about your case or your cause. Do not settle for someone who is simply in it for a payout.

Why High-Quality Representation Matters?

According to the article, “ Why High-Quality Parent Representation Matters ” published by the American Bar Association in 2013, lawyers must “build trust with their clients, who are going through a tremendously difficult situation.”

The above statement was made by Erin Sullivan Sutton, Assistant Commissioner for the Minnesota Department of Human Services, who oversees policies that promote economic stability, child safety and permanency, childcare, child support, and successful transition for immigrant families in the state of Minnesota.

In this interview, she discusses the importance of high-quality legal representation and the real-life implications and effects it can have on a case.

In her field of children and family services, proper legal representation can mean the difference between a child remaining in a home with their family or being handed over to foster care—and it is not always clear which one is better.

She mentions that “quality legal representation for parents helps hold the child welfare agency accountable for its responsibilities. It helps the judges make good decisions and look at issues from not just the perspective of the child welfare agency.”

This is why it is important to hire high-quality legal representation . While clients are often under duress, it is crucial to give them a voice that is knowledgeable, reasonable, logical, concise, compassionate, and convincing.

In the end, she simply states that “ultimately, quality legal representation for parents helps children and families.”

How to Find High-Quality Legal Representation?

So, you have decided to hire the best possible legal representation for your particular case. Now what? Though a seemingly daunting task, there are several resources available for your needs, and thanks to the internet, it is now easier than ever.

Below are a few resources for finding high-quality legal representation .

  • Personal Referrals: Talk to community members who have faced the same legal challenges you are facing. Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon, as well as social advocacy groups, are also great resources for finding proper legal representation .
  • Online Directories: Your lawyer could be just a search and click away. While you will be introduced to a wealth of options through directories, be sure to always do your research once you’ve identified your choices for legal advice.
  • Business Referrals: Businesses, both big and small, often find themselves interacting with the justice system. For instance, if you are seeking counsel in financial law, talk to your accountant, banker, or insurance agent.
  • Lawyer Referral Service: Type “lawyer referral service” into your browser and hundreds will instantly appear. While it is easy to just choose the first one that comes up, it is important to research each one as not all are created equal. Reading client reviews are a helpful way to select the right legal assistance.
  • Ask Lawyers You Know: If you know any lawyers, ask them for advice. It doesn’t have to be legal advice, especially if they do not practice the type of law you are seeking, but they usually interact with or are aware of a vast network of attorneys and can help steer you toward the right one.
  • Local Law Firms: There’s no harm in simply looking up local law firms specific to your needs. However, be sure to interview more than one to get an idea of your options. Again, reading client reviews are also helpful.
  • Nonprofit Organizations: Depending on your case, a leader or employee of a nonprofit organization specific to your cause may also be able to help.

Looking for a lawyer may sound intimidating or challenging, but it is important not to settle for less than you deserve. Meet with other lawyers, ask questions, and do your research before deciding your legal representation.  

It may take time and cost more than you think, but you will be glad you invested the hours.  Because in the end, high-quality legal representation can greatly affect your case—and in some instances, your life. 

“This blog article is for informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for client- and fact-specific legal advice from a qualified attorney.”

BLS. Lawyers . https://www.bls.gov/ooh/legal/mobile/lawyers.htm#targetText=Becoming%20a%20lawyer%20usually%20takes,American%20Bar%20Association%20(ABA) .

All About Law . What Makes a Good Lawyer . https://www.allaboutlaw.co.uk/stage/non-law-final-years/what-makes-a-great-lawyer .

Attorney At Work . Five Traits of Great Lawyers. https://www.attorneyatwork.com/five-traits-great-lawyers/

American Bar Association . Why High Quality Parent Representation Matters . https://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_interest/child_law/resources/child_law_practiceonline/child_law_practice/vol_32/march_2013/why_high_qualityparentrepresentationmatters/

Nolo . How to Find an Excellent Lawyer . https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/find-lawyer-how-to-find-attorney-29868.html

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Albert Cobarrubias Justice Project

Creators of “participatory defense” – a community organizing model for people facing charges, their families, and communities to impact the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system, video: what is quality representation.

We recently had the honor of sharing our work and perspectives to a powerful group of social scientists, public defenders, and academics from across the country who came together through the National Science Foundation and the New York State Indigent Legal Services to discuss a profoundly important question for anyone concerned with justice: What is quality representation? 

So to bring something to the table, we just asked people who come to our meetings for families who’s loved ones are facing the court system that basic question. Some respondents have had various experiences with defense attorneys, some are family members, some are organizers who work regularly with families. We showed this video at the convening. If you have an answer to the question, send it in to us!

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What does a quality management representative do?

what is quality representation

In everyday corporate life, those responsible for a quality management system are often referred to as quality management representatives. In the official texts of the quality management standard ISO 9001 , however, only a "representative of the top management" is mentioned, not a quality management representative. And this only up to and including the ISO 9001:2008 version.

The current standard from 2015 assigns responsibility for the quality management system to top management more clearly and comprehensively than before. It is therefore only logical that ISO 9001:2015 no longer requires a representative of top management. Instead, the top management is now responsible for the management system .

  • The top management representative in review

The top management representative in ISO 9001:2015

  • What are the duties of the quality management representative?

Conclusion - the quality management representative today

Until the revision of ISO 9001 in 2015, the top management representative was assigned by the company management to take care of the issues of the quality management system. The special feature here was that the quality management representative had to be a member of top management themselves. He or she had to assume full responsibility for the QMS and needed the corresponding authority to issue directives.

However, the representative of the top management often did not take on the many tasks that had to be performed in connection with the management system, but delegated them to other employees. On the other hand, corresponding positions were often created in the company and filled with people who were responsible for the QMS.

When the ISO 9001 standard abolished the top management representative with the major revision of 2015 in order to transfer responsibility for quality management, including accountability, to all members of top management, it was often heard that this position was now no longer required.

ISO 9001:2015 does not explicitly require the appointment of a quality management representative or a quality manager. However, it quickly becomes clear from Chapter 5.3.3 "Roles, responsibilities and authorities" that a company with an effective quality management system will have difficulty meeting the standard requirements without such a function.

what is quality representation

DQS Audit Guideline ISO 9001:2015 in practice

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From experts in the field.

What are the tasks of the quality management representative?

Today, most companies have realized that they need both the competence and the resource of a quality management representative for a smooth-running QMS. At the same time, they still report to top management . Likewise, virtually nothing has changed in the fundamental task of putting the standard requirements into practice.

Among other things, a quality management representative must ensure that:

  • The quality management system meets the requirements of the standard
  • The company processes are suitable for achieving the intended results
  • Top management is regularly informed about the performance of the QMS
  • C ontinuous improvement is ensured within the company
  • Failure analyses are carried out and corresponding statistics are compiled
  • Employees are trained in all aspects of quality management
  • Internal audits are planned and carried out
  • Documented information is ensured and monitored
  • External certification audits are coordinated and accompanied.

The term "quality management representative", as it is used in everyday company life, does not originate from the standard. There, until the version of ISO 9001:2008, there was the "top management representative" who, as a member of the top management, assumed responsibility for the quality management system and had authority to issue directives.

However, when the "top management representative" was abolished in 2015 with the major revision and replaced by the complete top management , the function mostly remained in the company. In particular, quality managers who understood the goals and motives of their managers, identified the need for good service and developed service offerings based on this, are recognized in the company for their usefulness and contributions to results.


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  • Capital Expenditure

Relevance and faithful representation are the two fundamental qualitative characteristics of useful financial information. Relevance refers to the property of information being capable of making a difference in decisions made by users of that information. Faithful representation refers to an information’s ability to represent underlying economic phenomena faithfully.

Information is relevant if either it can be used as input in processes used to identify future outcomes (i.e. it has predictive value) or it can confirm past evaluations about economic phenomenon (i.e. it has confirmatory value) or both. For example, disclosure about current year revenue is useful in making predictions about revenue next year but it also helps in confirming whether last year prediction was correct. Similarly, impairment charge revises a user’s valuation of an entity’s net assets, and so on.

Faithful representation

Faithful representation is achieved when the financial information represents not just the legal form but the underlying economic substance of transactions. This is achieved when the information is complete, neutral and free from error.

Completeness means disclosure of all information necessary for proper understanding of the underlying phenomena.

Neutrality requires an unbiased depiction of economics and involves exercise of prudence such that neither current period earnings are overstated or understated nor those of future periods.

Free from error means that the underlying process used to prepare the financial information being presented. It does not mean 100% accuracy because the cost of achieving it might be too high.

Trade-off between relevance and faithful representation

In many cases, it is easy to present information which is both relevant and which presents the transactions faithfully but in some instances, we might need to strike a balance between both requirements. Relevance and faithful representation are both critical for the quality of the financial information, but both are related such that an emphasis on one will hurt the other and vice versa. Hence, we have to trade-off between them. Accounting information is relevant when it is provided in time, but at early stages information is uncertain and hence less reliable. But if we wait to gain while the information gains reliability, its relevance is lost.

  • After the balance sheet date but before the date of issuance of financial statements, a company wants to dispose of one of its subsidiaries and is in final stages of reaching a deal but the outcome is still uncertain. If the company waits, the uncertainty would resolve and it can disclose more certain information which would represent the underlying phenomena more truthfully. But this would be at the cost of reduction in relevance. The information would be outdated and no longer very relevant.
  • The uncertainty surrounding a company’s potential liability in a legal claim might be too high thereby making the estimate not very accurate. However, the company might still present an estimate, even if not fully true and fair, and explain the sources of uncertainty for the sake of relevance.

by Obaidullah Jan, ACA, CFA and last modified on Oct 24, 2020

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  • Introduction
  • Business Combinations
  • Accounting Cycle
  • Financial Statements
  • Non-Current Assets
  • Fixed Assets
  • Investments
  • Revenue Recognition
  • Current Assets
  • Receivables
  • Inventories
  • Shareholders' Equity
  • Liability Accounts
  • Accounting for Taxes
  • Employee Benefits
  • Accounting for Partnerships
  • Financial Ratios
  • Cost Classifications
  • Cost Accounting Systems
  • Cost Behavior
  • CVP Analysis
  • Relevant Costing
  • Capital Budgeting
  • Master Budget
  • Inventory Management
  • Cash Management
  • Standard Costing

Current Chapter

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what is quality representation

Quality Representation Makes a Difference in the Results

Many Law Firms do not Provide Quality Representation for Traffic Cases At Leavitt & Martin, we are in traffic court almost every day for traffic and reckless driving charges. I have been practicing law for over 8 years and I have successfully defended thousands of clients with traffic matters. I frequently see poor representation. Some[...] The post Quality Representation Makes a Difference in the Results appeared first on Leavitt & Martin.

Many Law Firms do not Provide Quality Representation for Traffic Cases

At Leavitt & Martin , we are in traffic court almost every day for traffic and reckless driving charges. I have been practicing law for over 8 years and I have successfully defended thousands of clients with traffic matters. I frequently see poor representation. Some of the common mistakes I see fall into one of the following two categories:

  • systemic issues related to how the law firm is set up
  • inexperience in traffic court

At the end of this post I will provide two examples where quality representation made a real difference.

Systemic Issues With Law Firms

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Quality Bits on developing high-quality products.

What is quality.

April 17, 2020 in quality • 5 min read • Back to article index

Before you throw yourself into a very beautiful mission of creating high-quality products, it’s important to understand what high-quality means in your context . In this first article of Quality Foundations series, I’ll talk about the definition of quality, what influences our understanding of it, what questions to ask to learn more about quality, and, why quality does not equal testing but can help to prioritize testing enormously.

Cat looking at a laptop

Quality depends on your context

“Quality is value to some person (who matters)” - Jerry Weinberg’s quote adapted by Michael Bolton & James Bach

When we think of quality we must first start with a little research around our situation. Who is the person that matters? What is quality to people in your team/project/board/customer base? Often we claim that we “represent the customer” , but do we actually know the customer? Who is the customer? Does the customer matter the most in your company?

The person who matters the most could as well be a very influential stakeholder who is making the decisions and not the actual customers (I will write a future post about how to influence & help them make better-informed decisions). Human emotions may play a big role in the decision-making process.

What questions can help you understand quality better within your context?

Joining any kind of company and team, to understand what quality is, you can start learning more about:

What are your company’s principles? What is the vision of the company? What’s the goal? Is it a customer-oriented company? In this case, a lot of times data-driven approaches are respected, and, rather than one stakeholder - data may drive experiments and decisions. It is important to get to know the vision, goal, and principles of the company because they shape the quality values and what actually matters to the company.

  • What is quality to your customers? Whatever type of product you have, is there a chance for you to talk to people who use what you are building? Is there user testing? Maybe UX, Support or Analytics departments could provide some insights on the common usage scenarios or provide some feedback from customers.
  • How do stakeholders perceive quality? In some companies, there may be quality manifestos that align the view on quality. In others, it may be some kind of strategy on certain quality initiatives. In both, there often are a few influential people who may have a different outlook than what is written “on paper” - try to understand what that is. Get to know your stakeholders. Luckily, if the company’s principles are deeply adopted - the outlook on quality may be very much aligned with that.
  • What is quality to your colleagues in the project/team? Every role brings a different perspective on what quality is to them. Not every opinion is a must-do, but understanding the values of people you work with can greatly increase your product’s quality levels. Maybe one person is a security champion in your team - they will raise any issues with that. Another one may know how to drive product experiments better - this can give a lot of valuable insights for all. Diverse teams can bring a combination of diverse knowledge, and improve the product.
  • What data insights are there? All of the above points can get fairly personal and a bit subjective. Data comes to the rescue here: it can help us obtain a cumulative, more objective view on how actual customers use our product and how our systems deal with it. This can tell us what actually matters to the majority of customers. Where can you find all this data in your company? What dashboards are there? What are the key performance indicators? Can every member access it? Is there tracking? Where do logs live? Are there alerts? Learn to befriend data to up your quality game - this will help not only to understand what matters but also learn how to spot some patterns, issues, which were not thought-through before.

Remember, context is key for what quality is . There is no silver bullet. If one thing mattered to your previous employer, it does not mean it matters as much at your current one. I’ve worked in a company where the design was a top priority - in that case, I would need to make sure the looks are pixel-perfect. In contrast, Facebook or Amazon (which may not be considered very “high quality” , though), do not take pixel-perfection as their main priority. Perfection does not exist, but we all have to understand what matters to our workplaces most: the looks or functionality. What is a quality product to the people who matter?

What about testing? Isn’t that quality?

One area where understanding what quality is matters a lot is bug significance. How do you decide that? Some people (often reporters of issues) boldly claim “Oh, it’s critical!” , but when asked why, they will go into a long rant why it matters… to them. Let’s remember that the question of significance has an emotional involvement of the reporter and the context. A way to solve this “subjective significance” could be to determine first what matters the most for your product, which parts should be the best quality possible and which are fine not to be top-notch perfect. This can also aid all the testing efforts and make sure it’s prioritized accordingly.

And remember: quality is much more than testing. As Jerry Weinberg has beautifully put:

“We test because people are not perfect, and simply testing “more” does not guarantee better quality.”

Testing provides feedback about the quality of the product, and feedback is extremely important, but remember, quality is a big umbrella term for all things that matter. To people who matter. Learn what that is and that can aid not only testing but all departments in the company.

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Inclusion matters: [Part 3] How to increase inclusion?

January 2020

How representation can positively impact your business (and the world)

what is quality representation

If you ever look at social media or the news (or you just don’t live under a rock), then you’ve noticed a cultural shift is happening. The growing calls for businesses to prioritize equality and representation have gotten louder. But if representation in business is “on trend,” why are companies so slow to meet their customers’ and audience’s demands? The obvious and unfortunate reason is that many companies don’t think representation is a problem they need to address.

However, companies that do recognize the importance of representation in business often have a different problem — they don’t know where to start. That leads to representation becoming just another business objective lost in a sea of to-dos. But diversity isn’t just a box to check in your annual business strategy. Real representation has societal implications that are bigger than any single decision, like remote work, hiring, and quarterly planning. 

To foster inclusivity in a meaningful way, it needs to become a part of a company’s DNA and be reflected in every internal and external decision a business makes. Such efforts are always most effective when a company commits fully to representation and builds it right into their overall business strategy.

Representation in business takes work

Listen, we get it. There’s plenty of disarray and confusion in the world as we’re all still figuring out what post-pandemic life will look like. We’re all tired from that, but our underrepresented friends, co-workers, customers, and family members are downright exhausted.

So, it’s time to get to work. Not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because representation is necessary for the future success of your business and a more harmonious society. If you want your business to scale and grow in a sustainable way, your customers and prospects need to see themselves reflected in your brand. That includes your product as well as the content you create and distribute. 

Don’t believe us? The numbers speak for themselves. Download our Diversity in Video Report for exclusive data, insights, and case studies that examine what your consumers expect from your business today.

Representation in business leads to more efficient ad spend

According to Entrepreneur , 62% of consumers report that inclusivity impacts their perception of a brand. Positive brand perception generates more word-of-mouth, which increases the efficiency of your marketing dollars. Our Diversity in Video Report revealed that 59% of consumers say they’re more likely to trust a brand whose ads feature people who look like them. That means you can appeal to a wider audience by simply including more diverse faces in your marketing efforts.

Improving your brand’s perception starts from within. That means you need to not only focus on inclusive marketing, but also recruit diverse talent, hire and promote equitably, and treat everyone with respect. A truly representative workforce is diverse at all levels of your organization, especially within the leadership team and corporate suite.

diverse group of coworkers in business meeting

Representation in business can differentiate you from your competitors.

A 2019 Google survey in partnership with the Female Quotient & Ispos highlights how diversity can set you apart in a crowded marketplace. The survey found that 71% of LGBTQ+ customers and 67% of Black customers are more likely to notice an ad that they feel represents them. If you don’t capture your audience’s attention, they’ll move on to something else. 

In a competitive business landscape, knowing your audience and marketing to them authentically can make all the difference. “Authentically” is the key word there. Audiences can spot a brand’s disingenuous attempts to seem authentic from a mile away. To avoid simply pandering to your audience, you need to really get to know them. Listen to their feedback and pay attention to their observations. That’s particularly important if they bring a unique perspective as a member of a traditionally resilient community. Carefully consider your audience’s responses and address their concerns to ensure these groups feel genuinely seen and included. Then, before you release your ads to the world, test them. It’s worth the effort to run them by members of underrepresented groups inside and outside of your organization. That will help to reveal any potential blind spots that you should address.

Companies that embrace diversity earn higher financial returns.

If you’re still skeptical, you might be asking yourself, “But how does this impact our bottom line?” This quote from Fortune sums it up quite nicely: “Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.” 

If you were on the fence, we hope you’re now a believer in the power representation has when businesses take it seriously. And not just because of the financial benefits. Making business decisions through a more inclusive lens gives your company, your advertising, and your workforce the power to change the world for the better. 

Representation really does matter . Audiences tend to absorb unspoken messaging in advertisements. If everybody they see in ads looks, dresses, or speaks exactly the same way, that reinforces stereotypes. In reality, our world is a smorgasbord of different races, backgrounds, body types, sexualities, and more. Excluding any of them only misrepresents the true makeup of our society.

Find out how representation in business can lift up your company — and society as a whole

Download Storyblocks’ free Diversity in Video Report for our analytical deep dive into years of historical user data across our platform. You’ll learn how diversity influences consumer sentiment, understand current market trends, and get tips to produce content that delivers on your consumers’ expectations. 

Editor’s note: We updated this article to include additional information. It was originally published on June 14, 2021.  

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Quality Representative Job Description

Quality representative duties & responsibilities.

To write an effective quality representative job description, begin by listing detailed duties, responsibilities and expectations. We have included quality representative job description templates that you can modify and use.

Sample responsibilities for this position include:

Quality Representative Qualifications

Qualifications for a job description may include education, certification, and experience.

Licensing or Certifications for Quality Representative

List any licenses or certifications required by the position: ACI, ISO, III, II, ASE, ICC, CQT, ASQ, CWI, SNT-TC-1A

Education for Quality Representative

Typically a job would require a certain level of education.

Employers hiring for the quality representative job most commonly would prefer for their future employee to have a relevant degree such as Bachelor's and Associate Degree in Associates, Engineering, Education, Business, Technical, Science, Computer, Management, Chemistry, Performance

Skills for Quality Representative

Desired skills for quality representative include:

Desired experience for quality representative includes:

Quality Representative Examples

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG
  • In conjunction with the supplier, perform First Article inspections on different systems and/or components and approve the supplier’s inspection reports
  • In conjunction with the supplier, perform inspections at critical points of the work process and approve the supplier’s inspection reports
  • Check, approve and if necessary propose changes to the first prototype cars
  • Receive from the supplier a parts inventory list and keep it up-to-date
  • Coordinate between the client and the supplier the delivery of parts provided by the client
  • Verify and approve all articles, parts, materials or equipment proposed by the supplier as substitutes to those prescribed in the technical specifications
  • Revise obsolete material and make a decision with the client project manager on their disposition
  • Record and communicate any critical comments on the work and changes made to the cars
  • Report that the work is on-schedule
  • Monitor changes and additional work proposed by the supplier and communicate these to the client project manager for his approval
  • Education, experience and/or proficiency in Sales, Communications, Customer Service
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize workload and multi-task while maintaining strict attention to detail
  • Ensure that all remedial work has been performed
  • Monitor optional items requested by the client
  • Report any anomalies as soon as possible to the client project manager
  • Maintain accurate and sufficient documentation of agent calls including positive observations, areas of needed improvement
  • Support and document quality practices in the printing and binding of client publications
  • Partner with the manufacturing department on the production floor while providing hands-on support in evaluating product to ensure quality expectations are met
  • Measure and communicate product quality to business and manufacturing partners
  • Review of the general contractor’s monthly pay applications for accuracy
  • Wage rate interviews
  • Provide Quality Assurance oversight to Elanco Medicinal and Non Medicinal products
  • Perform and document supplier risk assessments, and develop risk mitigation/CAPA plans where applicable
  • Management of escalation process (notification to management) for CMO portfolio
  • Leverage subject matter expertise in the review and approval of technical documents supporting the validated state of commercial product, including process validation reports, manufacturing technical documents, stability reports and process flow diagrams
  • Coordinate complaint investigation requests with contract manufacturers
  • Position requires the ability to hear and speak clearly over the phone and in person
  • Excellent computer skills and experience with remote services, MS Office, AutoCAD, Visio
  • Flexibility- Days, evenings, weekends
  • Associates Degree in an IT, computer, technical related field of study, or Combination of two years’ previous experience in a technical support role providing onsite/remote service to end user devices and clients, along with industry specific technical certification ie
  • Middleware - Rhapsody
  • Previous experience in customer service or dispatch
  • Reviews all task cards and paperwork generated during inspections, modifications, repairs, , for method of corrections, completeness and to verify that Allegiant Air’s policies and procedures are complied with
  • Ensures RII items are properly accomplished and documented
  • Assist the Heavy Maintenance Representative to ensure that all items in Allegiant Air’s work scope and “C” check package, as provided by Allegiant Air’s Planning Department are accomplished or accounted for during the maintenance visit
  • Ensures Allegiant Air parts are received properly IAW Allegiant Air GMM
  • May be called upon to accompany Allegiant Air flight crew during airborne flight checks following maintenance work
  • Provide an Airworthiness Release for the aircraft upon completion
  • Other duties as assigned by the Manager of Quality Control
  • Answer customer phone calls and emails to provide strong customer service and positively resolve all customer issues
  • Maintain service level responsiveness within guidelines set by management
  • When post-sales quality issues arise, work cross-departmentally to research the symptoms, determine their root causes and determine a course of action
  • Effective communication skills & the ability to work in a fast paced environment
  • A minimum of 15 years of QA/inspection experience in mechanical, plumbing, and controls systems is required
  • Ability to interpret contract documents such as specifications and drawings is required
  • Ability to resolve problems within the incumbent’s expertise is required
  • Ability to pass a limited scope security screening is required
  • Experience with Federal government construction contracts is preferred
  • Support customer-centric philosophy in all written and verbal communications both internally and externally
  • Document relevant notes in the internal intranets and CRM system
  • Resolve issues diplomatically in a logical, non-emotional manner
  • Promptly and accurately address technical questions including resin, moldability and part design issues from contacts using the appropriate communication tool
  • Contribute to continuous improvement activities as required
  • Performing AMS and other supplier audits that can include manufacturing, warehouses, terminals, laboratories
  • Become familiar with quality improvement tools such as Six Sigma, Lean
  • Identifies behavioral trends that may have an impact to customers or to the business, and reports those to management and offers suggestions for resolution (additional training, communication updates, reference materials updates)
  • Interacting with suppliers
  • Developing and maintaining sales specifications, both general sales and customer specific specifications
  • Residing within commuting distance of Hampton, VA is preferred
  • A minimum of 15 years of QA/inspection experience in electrical and controls systems is required
  • 5 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including experience in quality assurance covering areas such as batch release, process deviation/CAPA investigations, DP / API manufacturing & testing and investigation processes and supplier quality
  • 8-10 years in a successful sales experience in a Pharmaceutical, Biotech or Life Sciences markets
  • Hands on Quality, Validation and/or Compliance background is required
  • Sales experience, account planning and research, CRM tracking and reports, past experience with assigned accounts or territory with an associated sales quota related to both existing and new business
  • Review and approve method validation protocols
  • Support and oversee method transfer strategy and comparability testing
  • Approve method transfer plans and protocols
  • Ensure analytical method validations are compliant to applicable internal and external guidelines and procedures
  • Review and approve investigations of method related laboratory exceptions
  • Act as SME and technical advisor in the field of method validation and calibration of reference standards
  • Act as a link between Global QC departments (method introduction, analytical lifecycle management)
  • Create, improve and modify processes and document in Quality System SOPs and Work Instructions (INST) while ensuring that the interactions between quality system elements are clearly defined and are easy to understand
  • Lead Document Control administrative activities including the completion of employee starters and leavers, and maintenance of training records, external regulatory standards and site organizational chart
  • Support Customer Service and Customer Service Support groups by completing escalated requests for New Customer Set Up research, ISO Certificate requests, Rework requests and Distribution Report requests
  • Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) with knowledge of ASME Codes pertaining to welding (Section II-A, II-B, II-C, Section V, Section IX & B31.3)
  • Minimum 3 years of working experience in automotive/vehicle engineering or quality assurance environment
  • Knowledge of Problem Solving tools and methods
  • And customer organization
  • Capability of sizing up the situation quickly and addressing the issue
  • Self-organized and capability or arrange customer visits, and follow up to open issues

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What Is Contrast Ratio? A Comprehensive Guide for Optimal Display Quality

What Is Contrast Ratio? A Comprehensive Guide for Optimal Display Quality

Contrast ratio is a crucial aspect of display technology that significantly impacts the visual quality and overall user experience. It is a measure of the difference in luminance between the brightest and darkest areas of an image displayed on a screen. Understanding contrast ratio is essential for selecting the right display devices for various applications, such as gaming, video editing, and cinematography, where accurate color representation and high contrast are vital.

Essential Understanding of Contrast Ratio

Basics: definition & formula.

Contrast ratio is the luminance ratio of the brightest white to the darkest black that a display can produce. It is calculated by dividing the luminance of the brightest white by the luminance of the darkest black. The mathematical formula for calculating the contrast ratio is:

Contrast Ratio = (Luminance of Brightest White) / (Luminance of Darkest Black)

For example, if a display has a maximum brightness of 500 cd/m² and a minimum brightness of 0.5 cd/m², the contrast ratio would be 1000:1. This means that the display can produce a range of brightness levels that span a ratio of 1000:1, indicating a high level of contrast and the ability to display detailed images with both bright and dark areas.

Types of Contrast Ratio

There are two main types of contrast ratio: static and dynamic.

Static Contrast Ratio : This is a measure of the maximum contrast a display can produce under ideal conditions. It is typically calculated by dividing the maximum brightness of the display by its minimum brightness. Static contrast ratios are usually expressed in a ratio format, such as 1000:1 or 5000:1, indicating the maximum brightness divided by the minimum brightness.

Dynamic Contrast Ratio : This is a measure of the contrast a display can produce in real-world scenarios, where the lighting conditions are not ideal. Dynamic contrast ratio takes into account the ability of the display to adjust its brightness and contrast based on the content being displayed. It is often used to evaluate the performance of a display in various lighting conditions, such as in a bright room or under different ambient light levels.

Dynamic Contrast Ratio

Measurement Standards & Methods

Industry-accepted standards and methods for measuring contrast ratio vary depending on the type of display device, including monitors, TVs, and projectors. The most common methods are:

ANSI Method (for monitors) : This method involves displaying a checkerboard pattern of 16 alternating black and white squares on the screen. The luminance of each square is then measured, and the contrast ratio is calculated by dividing the maximum luminance by the minimum luminance.

Dynamic Contrast Ratio Method (for TVs) : This method involves measuring the contrast ratio of the TV while it is displaying a dynamic image, such as a video. It provides a more accurate representation of the TV's contrast performance in real-world usage.

On/Off Method (for projectors) : This method involves measuring the luminance of the projector when it is displaying a full white screen, and then measuring the luminance when it is displaying a full black screen. The contrast ratio is then calculated by dividing the maximum luminance by the minimum luminance.

Several industry organizations, such as the Society for Information Display (SID) and the International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM), provide guidelines and recommendations for measuring contrast ratio to ensure consistency and accuracy across different display devices and manufacturers.

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How Contrast Ratio Affects Visual Experience

Image clarity & detail.

Contrast ratio has a profound effect on the clarity and detail of images. A higher contrast ratio ensures that text appears sharper and more defined, making it easier to read. It also allows for a greater range of colors to be displayed, resulting in more vivid and lifelike images. This is particularly crucial for applications such as gaming and video editing, where accurate color representation is essential.

High Contrast Ratio offers more vivid and lifelike images

Studies have shown that a higher contrast ratio can significantly improve the readability and visual appeal of displayed content. For instance, a study by the Society for Information Display found that a contrast ratio of 1000:1 or higher can improve text readability by up to 30% compared to a contrast ratio of 500:1. Additionally, a study by the International Commission on Illumination found that a contrast ratio of 5000:1 or higher can improve the perceived color accuracy of images by up to 25% compared to a contrast ratio of 1000:1.

Viewing Experience in Different Environments

The effectiveness of contrast ratio varies significantly in different ambient light conditions. In brightly lit rooms, high levels of ambient light can reduce the perceived contrast ratio, making it more challenging for viewers to distinguish between different colors and details. This can lead to a less immersive viewing experience, as the details and colors may appear less vibrant and less defined.

On the other hand, dark environments can enhance the perceived contrast ratio, making it easier for viewers to distinguish between different colors and details. The lack of ambient light allows the display to produce deeper blacks and more vibrant colors, resulting in a more immersive viewing experience.

Application-Specific Considerations

The ideal contrast ratio varies depending on the specific application and usage scenario. Here are some recommendations for different display devices:

Monitors : For professional work, such as graphic design, video editing, and photography, a contrast ratio of at least 1000:1 is recommended, with some high-end monitors offering ratios as high as 3000:1 or more. For general office work and web browsing, a lower contrast ratio of around 500:1 to 800:1 is sufficient.

TVs : For home entertainment, a higher contrast ratio is essential for an immersive viewing experience. For standard dynamic range (SDR) TVs, a contrast ratio of at least 3000:1 is recommended. For high dynamic range (HDR) TVs, an even higher contrast ratio of at least 50000:1 is necessary to handle the increased color gamut and brightness levels.

Projectors : For public displays and presentations, a contrast ratio of at least 2000:1 is recommended to ensure clear visibility in various lighting conditions.

Achieving Optimal Contrast Ratio

Adjusting display settings.

One way to improve the contrast ratio of a display is by adjusting its settings, such as brightness and contrast. Increasing the brightness can make the image appear more vivid, while increasing the contrast can make the difference between the brightest and darkest areas more pronounced. However, it is essential to find the right balance, as excessive adjustments can lead to loss of detail or washed-out images.

Choosing the Right Display

When selecting a display device, it is crucial to consider the intended use case and choose one with an appropriate contrast ratio. For home use, such as watching movies or playing video games, a TV with a high contrast ratio of at least 3000:1 is recommended. For office use, a monitor with a contrast ratio of 1000:1 or higher is suitable for most tasks. For professional use, such as graphic design or video editing, a monitor with a contrast ratio of 1000:1 to 3000:1 is ideal.

WCAG Guidelines & Accessibility

Understanding wcag contrast ratio standards.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of guidelines devised by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure that websites and digital content are accessible to individuals with disabilities. The WCAG guidelines for contrast ratio are outlined in the Success Criterion 1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum), which states that the visual presentation of text and images of text should have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 between the text and its background.

Content Accessibility Guidelines A-levels explained

Why Accessibility Matters

Accessibility is a vital aspect of digital content creation, as it ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can access and use the content. The WCAG guidelines are designed to help developers and designers create content that is inclusive and usable by the widest possible audience, including individuals who are visually impaired, have mobility or cognitive impairments, or use assistive technologies.

Tools for Checking Contrast Ratio Compliance

There are several tools available to check compliance with the WCAG guidelines for contrast ratio, such as the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker and the Luminosity Contrast Ratio Analyzer. These tools allow users to input the hex codes of the text and background colors and calculate the contrast ratio, providing suggestions for alternative colors to improve accessibility.

Projector Contrast Ratio Demystified

What makes a good projector contrast ratio.

For projectors, a high contrast ratio is essential for delivering clear and vivid images, especially in environments with ambient light. A good projector contrast ratio is typically considered to be 2000:1 or higher. This allows the projector to display deep blacks and bright whites, resulting in more detailed and immersive visuals.

Real-World Impact on Image Quality

In real-world scenarios, the impact of a projector's contrast ratio on image quality can be significant. A high contrast ratio allows the projector to display a wider range of brightness levels, resulting in more detailed shadows and highlights. This is particularly important for applications such as home theater, where a high contrast ratio can provide a more cinematic experience.

Considerations for Home Theater Setups

When setting up a home theater system, it is essential to consider the projector's contrast ratio in relation to the room's ambient light. In a completely dark room, a projector with a contrast ratio of 2000:1 or higher can provide an excellent viewing experience. However, in rooms with some ambient light, a higher contrast ratio of 3000:1 or more may be necessary to maintain image quality.

Common Misconceptions & FAQs

1. dynamic contrast ratio vs. reality.

While dynamic contrast ratio is often marketed as a selling point for display devices, it is important to note that the actual contrast ratio in real-world usage may be lower than the advertised value. Dynamic contrast ratio is measured under ideal conditions and may not reflect the display's performance in various lighting conditions.

2. Does Higher Contrast Ratio Always Mean Better?

While a higher contrast ratio generally indicates better image quality, it is not the only factor to consider. Other aspects, such as color accuracy, viewing angles, and resolution, also play a significant role in determining the overall visual experience. It is essential to consider the specific use case and balance the contrast ratio with other display characteristics.

3. Tips for Improving Contrast Ratio Without Replacing Hardware

If replacing the display device is not an option, there are several ways to improve the contrast ratio without purchasing new hardware:

  • Adjust the room lighting : Reducing the amount of ambient light in the room can help improve the perceived contrast ratio of the display.
  • Calibrate the display : Using display calibration tools can help optimize the contrast ratio and color accuracy of the display.
  • Use bias lighting : Placing a light source behind the display can help reduce the perceived contrast ratio and improve the overall viewing experience.

In conclusion, contrast ratio is a crucial aspect of display technology that significantly impacts the visual quality and overall user experience. Understanding the basics of contrast ratio, its types, and measurement methods is essential for selecting the right display device for various applications. By considering the WCAG guidelines for accessibility and the specific requirements for different use cases, such as home theater setups, users can ensure an optimal viewing experience.

As display technology continues to evolve, it is likely that the importance of contrast ratio will only increase. With the advent of HDR and other advanced display technologies, the ability to display a wide range of brightness levels and deep blacks will become even more crucial for delivering immersive and lifelike visuals.

We hope that this comprehensive guide has provided you with a better understanding of contrast ratio and its significance in display quality. If you have any further questions or would like to share your experiences with contrast ratio, please feel free to leave a comment below. Don't forget to share this article with others who may find it helpful!


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Title: noise-resilient unsupervised graph representation learning via multi-hop feature quality estimation.

Abstract: Unsupervised graph representation learning (UGRL) based on graph neural networks (GNNs), has received increasing attention owing to its efficacy in handling graph-structured data. However, existing UGRL methods ideally assume that the node features are noise-free, which makes them fail to distinguish between useful information and noise when applied to real data with noisy features, thus affecting the quality of learned representations. This urges us to take node noisy features into account in real-world UGRL. With empirical analysis, we reveal that feature propagation, the essential operation in GNNs, acts as a "double-edged sword" in handling noisy features - it can both denoise and diffuse noise, leading to varying feature quality across nodes, even within the same node at different hops. Building on this insight, we propose a novel UGRL method based on Multi-hop feature Quality Estimation (MQE for short). Unlike most UGRL models that directly utilize propagation-based GNNs to generate representations, our approach aims to learn representations through estimating the quality of propagated features at different hops. Specifically, we introduce a Gaussian model that utilizes a learnable "meta-representation" as a condition to estimate the expectation and variance of multi-hop propagated features via neural networks. In this way, the "meta representation" captures the semantic and structural information underlying multiple propagated features but is naturally less susceptible to interference by noise, thereby serving as high-quality node representations beneficial for downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate that MQE in learning reliable node representations in scenarios with diverse types of feature noise.
Comments: Accepted by CIKM 2024. 11 pages, 8 figures
Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
Cite as: [cs.LG]
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Dramatic improvement in quality of life for John thanks to diabetes research

John Mackenzie, 64, who lives in Leicester, is one of the 4.4 million people in the UK who live with type 2 diabetes. 

John has diabetes-related foot ulcers that affect his health and weight. People with diabetes can develop damage to their peripheral nerves responsible for transmitting sensations, such as pain and touch. This may cause people with diabetes not to feel a sharp object in their shoe that can puncture the skin and cause a foot ulcer.

John explains: “About 5 years ago I started with pains in my feet, and it has slowly progressed to become extremely sensitive. At times there is no feeling in my feet at all, which has resulted in difficulties in walking and finding comfortable shoes.

“About a year ago I was taking my dog for a walk and when I got back, I found a very large blister on the bottom of my foot which turned out to be an ulcer. This took a long time to heal and has been a concern since then.”

In January, John joined the MiFoot research study at the Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC), which is evaluating a new programme designed to improve heart health in people with diabetes and diabetes-related foot ulcers. The study is sponsored by the University of Leicester and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

People with type 2 diabetes and a diabetes-related foot ulcer are at higher risk for heart problems. This could be due to difficulty being physically active, managing their condition, and increased anxiety or depression. Healthcare for these individuals often focuses on treating foot ulcers rather than preventing long-term heart issues. 

The MiFoot programme aims to help people to better manage their condition, receive the most up-to-date care and be more physically active. It includes group-based education and exercise sessions, one-to-one sessions with a healthcare professional and access to an online platform designed to support patients to live a healthy lifestyle.

John has already seen benefits from taking part in the study. He explains: “I have found it very helpful in giving me a much better understanding of diabetes. Also, what I can do to improve my life and what I cannot change. 

“The staff were excellent and very helpful. I have implemented some of the advice I was given into my daily life and have noticed a dramatic improvement in my quality of life.” 

Chief Investigator for the MiFoot study, Professor Kamlesh Khunti, Co-Director of LDC and Professor of Primary Care, Diabetes and Vascular Medicine, explains: “We want to see whether the MiFoot programme can improve the health of people with current or previous diabetes-related foot ulcers, and if it is good value for money.

“We are grateful to volunteers, like John, who have joined the study. It is great to hear about the positive impact the study has had on John’s day-to-day life. We are still looking for more volunteers to take part in the study so we can ensure the MiFoot programme works for everyone.” 

If you have type 2 diabetes and a current or previous (within the last 5 years) diabetes-related foot ulcer and are aged between 18-100 years old, you may be eligible to take part.

This is the second research study John has taken part in. When asked why he decided to participate in research, John said: “I believe that it's a way to try and help others and myself.”

If you are interested in finding out more information about the study, please contact the research team by calling 0116 258 4732 or emailing: [email protected]

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