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Steak Knives & Presentation Box

steak knife presentation box

Showcase special woods with this impressive matched set.

Designer/Builder/Writer: Andy Rae

Here’s a two-part project that’s fun to make, and looks great below the yuletide tree. Both the steak knife handles and presentation box are made from a gorgeous Peruvian hardwood called orange agate (platymiscium sp.), which is a dense, tropical species from Peru (see page 70). It cuts well with sharp tools, takes a beautiful polish, and holds up to moisture—a good choice for kitchenware. The box holds six knives, but can readily be scaled up or down to hold more or fewer knives. A clever sliding lid snaps shut as if by magic thanks to two rare-earth magnets. The veneered lid, made from a figured piece of anigre, adds a nice contrast to the orange agate while letting you try your hand at simple veneering. Make the six knife handles first, so you can fit the box to the dimensions of the completed knives.

steak knife presentation box

Start with the knife handles 

1 MILL A BLANK FOR THE SIX HANDLES, keeping it oversized in thickness and length, or about 5/8×1×32". To match the grain pattern for each handle, mark the edge of the stock for matching assemblies later, and then resaw the blank in half on a bandsaw or a table saw. The two resulting strips should be enough to make 12 handle halves (A) (Figure 1). Thickness-plane the halves to 3/16" thick, making sure the inside faces are smooth and flat. 

2 MARK THE KNIFE OUTLINES ON THE OUTSIDE FACE OF ONE HANDLE HALF, using a knife blank as a tracing template. Be sure to mark the hole locations on the stock, and label the individual blanks on this strip as well as its mate as shown in Photo A.

3 DRILL THE PIN HOLES IN THE HANDLE HALVES (A) on the drill press, using a 1/8" brad-point bit. Use a scrap backer board underneath the stock to prevent blowing out the underside.

4 BANDSAW THE HANDLE HALVES (A) TO ROUGH SIZE, being careful to stay outside your marked lines. (You can substitute a scrollsaw if you like.) To prevent splitting when you drive the pins, chamfer around each hole on the inside face of each blank using a handheld countersink or a countersink bit chucked into the drill press.

5 FINISH-SAND THE FORWARD (BLADE) ENDS OF THE HANDLE BLANKS, sanding a gentle curve and rounding the end by hand with some 120-grit sandpaper wrapped around a block of wood. Sand through the grits up to 220, paying attention to any scratches or irregularities, as it will be hard to touch up this area after assembly.

steak knife presentation box

Glue the blanks to the blades

1 CUT 18 PINS INTO 1" LENGTHS from a 1/8"-diameter brass rod. To further prevent splitting the handle stock and to make installing the pins easier, bevel one end of each pin on a disc sander or with a fine file. Because the six pins for the forward holes in the knife blanks will be too tight to fit, you’ll need to pre-size them. To do this, drive each pin partway through the hole by laying the blank over a makeshift anvil and striking the pin with a hammer as shown in Photo B. Now withdraw it. 

2 GLUE THE HANDLE HALVES TO THE KNIFE BLANKS WITH TWO-PART EPOXY. Tape the cardboard sheath that comes with the knife blank to the blank, to protect your fingers from the blade. Before spreading the adhesive, tap all three pins through one handle half, beveled end down, until the beveled tips register in the holes in the knife blank. Then, spread epoxy on each handle half, position both halves over the knife blank, and tap the pins through all three parts, starting with the forward pin as shown in Photos C and D.

3 CLAMP THE ASSEMBLY as shown in Photo E, WIPING AWAY EXCESS EPOXY on the knife blank with a clean rag dampened with denatured alcohol. Set the assembly aside to let the epoxy cure.

4 FILE OR SAND THE PINS FLUSH WITH THE HANDLE. Brass is relatively soft; a few swipes with a mill file, or a light touch on a stationary belt sander, should level the pins flush with the wood surface.

5 SAND THE HANDLE FLUSH WITH THE KNIFE BLANK, stopping when the edge of the knife blank is exposed. I used a stationary belt sander, but a mill file, followed up with some hand-sanding with 120-grit paper wrapped around a block of wood works just as well.

6 ROUND OVER THE EDGES OF THE HANDLE on the router table using a 1/8" round-over bit. To keep fingers safe, use a pushblock to move the workpiece, as shown in Photo F. (See also “Routing Small Parts” on page 48.)

steak knife presentation box

Tap the pins partway through one handle half, spread epoxy on both halves, position the parts together, and then drive the three pins through all three parts, beginning with the forward pin.

steak knife presentation box

Clamp the handle halves to the knife blank using moderate clamping pressure. Wipe away excess epoxy from the knife blank by dampening a rag with denatured alcohol.

Finish the handles

1 FINISH-SAND THE  HANDLES UP TO 220 GRIT, then use some 320-grit wet-or-dry paper to smooth the face of the pins and the edges of the steel knife.

2 APPLY A HEAVY-DUTY FINISH so the handles will wear well in the kitchen. First, I applied a coat of dewaxed shellac to seal out any contaminates, smoothing the surface with a fine nylon abrasive pad once the finish had dried. Then I applied a few coats of a wipe-on polyurethane for maximum protection, using a small artist’s brush to coat the forward ends to avoid getting any on the blade, and a rag for the rest. I let the handles dry as shown in Photo G.

steak knife presentation box

Keep fingers out of harm’s way when rounding the edges. Cover the blade with a cardboard sheath and use a grippy pushblock to move the work. 

steak knife presentation box

For a smooth finish, clamp a scrap piece of corrugated cardboard in a bench vise, then stick the knives into the cardboard while the finish dries.

Now for the presentation box

1 MILL THE SIDES (B), ENDS (C and D) AND THE PULL (E), referring to the Cut List. To keep the grain matched, mill the narrow end and the pull as one block of 

oversized wood, approximately 7/8 ×25/8×7¼" then rip the block into separate parts and to final size on the table saw. Make sure to mark their orientation so you can put them back together in the correct order later.

2 CUT BOX JOINTS IN THE SIDES (B) AND ENDS (C and D), making ¼" fingers and ¼" slots. (See “Box-Joint Basics” on page 10.) Because orange agate is a brittle wood that is prone to chipping, I used a marking gauge to score lines around the stock before cutting the joints, which greatly reduces tear-out. To account for the difference in thickness between the sides and the ends, cut 3/8"-long fingers and slots in the end pieces, and 7/8"-long joints in the sides as shown in Photos H and I.

3 CUT THE LID (F) AND BOTTOM (G) TO SIZE, referring to the Cut List. You can use regular hardwood plywood in a species of your choice, but to make the box really stand out, opt for a select veneer with 3/16" thick solid stock (see “Veneering the Lid” on page 56).

steak knife presentation box

4 ROUT THE GROOVES IN THE SIDES (B) AND ENDS (C and D) for the lid (F) and the bottom (G), using a ¼" straight bit chucked in the table-mounted router. Align the grooves with the fingers and slots as shown in Figure 2. The grooves are only 1/8" deep, which keeps the thin box sides strong. Cut through-grooves in the sides; then cut stopped grooves in the wider end (C) for both lid and bottom, and only one stopped groove in the narrow end (D) for the bottom only. Clamp stopblocks fore and aft of the bit on the table, and carefully lower the work onto the spinning bit as in Photo J. When the stock reaches the aft stopblock, carefully pivot the work up and away from the bit.

Note: You can cut the stopped groove for the bottom a tad longer than necessary, and then leave it as is since you won’t see it after glue-up. The stopped groove for the lid, however, should stop precisely 1/8" past the joint’s shoulder line. Once you’ve routed the grooves, square up the rounded ends on the lid groove with a small chisel. Check that the bottom sits securely in its grooves, and that the lid slides easily. Judicious sanding on the lid’s underside will free it up for ideal sliding action.

5 CUT THE SHOULDERS ON THE SIDES (B) FOR THE LID PULL (E), removing one finger at one end of each side where shown in Figure 2. I used a handsaw to make this cut and cleaned it up with a chisel, but you could make the same cut using the miter gauge on the table saw.

6 ROUND OVER THE SIDES (B) AND THE WIDER END (C), using a 1/8" round-over bit in the router table. For now, round over just the top inside and outside edges of the sides, stopping where they meet the wider end, and round over the top inside edge of the wider end (C). After assembly, round over the remaining edges, and finish up the stopped round-overs with chisels and careful sanding.

7 GLUE UP THE SIDES (B), ENDS (C and D) AND BOTTOM (G), gluing the box joints as well as the plywood bottom. Clamp the ends first, then the sides, and check for square. When you’re satisfied, place clamps directly over the box joints, using medium pressure to ensure the joints make good contact as shown in Photo K. Set the box aside on a flat surface to dry. 

8 LAY OUT AND CUT THE CURVES ON THE ENDS (C and D) AND PULL (E), using two copies of the pattern shown in Figure 4. First, adhere the pull (E) on top of the narrow end (D) with double-faced tape, and spray-adhere a copy of the pattern on the stack. Glue the second pattern to the top edge of the wide end (C). Now bandsaw the curves to shape. Clean up the saw marks on a stationary belt or disc sander, being careful not to over-cut or over-sand. You’ll want to leave 3/8"-long fingers on the sides for a consistent, symmetrical look. Now rout 1/8" round-overs on the top edges and ends of parts (C) and (E) as well as the outside bottom edges of the box.

9 INSTALL THE DECORATIVE PINS. Cut six 1/8" brass pins about ½" long. Use the pattern in Figure 4 to lay out and mark exact pinhole locations in the box end and the pull. Drill the holes as before using a 1/8" brad-point bit on the drill press, making them about 3/8" deep. Apply epoxy to the pins then tap them into the holes. When the epoxy has cured, level the pins to the wood with a mill file or sanding block.

steak knife presentation box

Use a 1/4" dado blade to cut 7/8" fingers in the sides and 3/8" fingers in the ends.

steak knife presentation box

Pivot the workpiece down and onto the bit and move it forward until it contacts the opposite stopblock.

steak knife presentation box

Clamp the ends and the sides with bar clamps, checking that the assembly is square. Finish by clamping over the joints.

steak knife presentation box

Veneering the Lid

To make the presentation box really pop, veneer the lid from a wood of your choice. I chose highly figured anigre, an African wood that often displays tightly-packed curls across the grain, but practically any species will look great. Cut all your materials oversize, or about 7×11", as shown in Figure 3.

You’ll need four pieces of ¾"-thick MDF (medium-density fiberboard) to act as cauls, two pieces of ¼"-thick vinyl-coated hardboard to resist glue squeeze-out (you can substitute regular plywood instead if you give it a good coat of wax), plus a core of  5/32"-thick hardwood plywood with its face grain running opposite to the veneer.

Be sure to veneer both sides of the lid with the same or similar wood to stabilize the panel. Use a foam roller to place an even coat of regular white or yellow glue onto both faces of the core (never on the veneers), and then quickly position the veneers, core, hardboard, and cauls, and tape the package on each edge to avoid slippage.

Place the assembly over tall blocks. Then clamp from the center out. Once the glue has dried, level and smooth the surface by sanding with 120 grit up through 220, and then cut the lid to the finished dimensions in the Cut List.

steak knife presentation box

Assemble the lid and pull

1 CUT A STOPPED RABBET IN THE PULL (E) on the router table, again using a straight bit to make the cut. Raise the bit height ¼" and set the fence for a 1/8" cut. As before, set up stopblocks on both sides of the fence to limit the cut, stopping the cut ¼" from each end. Square up the rounded ends with a chisel.

2 GLUE THE PULL (E) TO THE LID (F), using a single bar clamp to draw the pull into the edge of the lid, and a couple of clamps to bring pressure down on top of the pull and onto the lid’s face. Once the glue dries, check the fit of the lid in the box, and make any necessary adjustments. The lid should slide easily and close with the curved pull flush with the curved end of the box.

3 TO CREATE THE CLOSING SYSTEM FOR THE LID, lay out and mark the centered hole in the edge of the narrow box end (D) for the rare-earth magnet. Then lay out and mark the underside of the lid’s pull, this time centering the hole along its length, but offsetting it 1/16" towards the outside of the pull. This offset creates a pulling action when the lid is closed. Next, chuck a 3/8" Forstner bit in the drill press, and drill holes about 1/8" deep so the magnets sit slightly below the surface of the lid and box. Orient the magnets so they attract each other and epoxy them into their respective holes and let cure.

steak knife presentation box

Divide the box interior

1 CUT THE SLOTTED BOTTOM (H) TO SIZE AND MILL THE END BLOCKS AND DIVIDERS (I, J, K, L) to the dimensions in the Cut List. Check the fit of the slotted bottom in the box, perhaps starting out oversized and then shaving its edges with a small plane for a precise fit.

2 NOW CUT THE SLOTS IN THE SLOTTED BOTTOM (H) ON THE TABLE SAW, raising the blade to full height and adjusting the fence for each cut. Refer to Figure 5 for the slot layout, and use a standard plywood-cutting blade to make the 1/8"-wide slots. Clamp a stopblock to the far end of the saw fence as shown in Photo L on page 58 to stop the cut. Make sure to stop the saw each time to safely remove the panel for the next cut. 

3 ROUND THE LEADING EDGES OF THE DIVIDERS (J, K, L), laying out the ¾"-radii on one block and sawing it to shape on the bandsaw (see Figure 4). Clean up the saw marks and fair the curve on a stationary belt sander or by hand, and then use that divider to lay out and shape the remaining blocks.

4 ROUND OVER THE END BLOCKS (I) AND THE DIVIDERS (J, K, L), again using a 1/8" round-over bit in the router table. As before, use a pushblock to guide the small pieces past the spinning bit. Finish-sand all the blocks and dividers, as well as the slotted bottom, up to 220-grit.

5 INSTALL THE SLOTTED BOTTOM (H), placing a few beads of glue underneath and weighting the plywood down for a flat, solid bond.

steak knife presentation box

6 GLUE AND CLAMP THE END BLOCKS (I) ON TOP OF THE SLOTTED PLYWOOD.  Use only a moderate amount of glue to avoid squeeze-out.

7 ATTACH THE DIVIDERS (J, K, L) TO THE BOTTOM WITH GLUE, using spacers to position them. I made spacers from scrapwood, using 1/2" -wide spacers for the handle dividers and 1/8"-wide spacers for the blade dividers. Arrange the blocks with the spacers to make sure they fit before spreading any glue, then apply glue to the end dividers first, and press them into position against the sides and down onto the plywood. Finish up by installing the remaining dividers, again coating them with glue and pressing them into place as shown in Photo M.

steak knife presentation box

Layout marks on the plywood help set the fence for each cut. Raise the blade and push the part into the saw, stopping when the panel contacts the stopblock. Turn off the saw before removing the panel.

steak knife presentation box

Arrange the dividers using scrap spacers, and then install them by pressing them in place with glue.

Finish the box

1 SAND THE BOX UP TO 220 GRIT and apply the finish of your choice.  To keep the look in tune with the knives, I chose the same finish regimen that I used on the handles, although I didn’t apply as many coats: one coat of shellac to seal the wood, followed by two coats of wipe-on poly. 

2 RUB IT OUT FOR A BEAUTIFUL SHINE. When the finish has cured thoroughly (it takes about a week), rub out the entire box and the knife handles with paste wax to smooth the finish and protect the surface. Now, sign the box, fill it with the knives, and present it to someone special. 

steak knife presentation box

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" style=" object-fit:cover;object-position:50.0% 50.0%; " > Salter Fine Cutlery

Custom steak knives.

Our custom handcrafted steak knife sets feature individually hand-forged Japanese steel blades with handcrafted wood handles and boxes.

Our exclusive Salter Fine Cutlery designs can also be made to order with your choice of handle materials and decorative options.

16-piece custom luxury handmade steak knife set in rare old-growth Hawaiian curly koa wood presentation box from Salter Fine Cutlery

These unique and incredibly beautiful steak knife sets are simply the very best, high-end luxury steak knives available.

Large handmade steak knife set featuring our Charybdis whirlpool damascus hand-forged steak and carving knives with matching upgrade rare Hawaiian koa wood presentation box luxury handcrafted for the home by Salter Fine Cutlery of Hawaii

For Quotes or To Order:

Copy/Paste us a photo or description of the set you like. Then email or call us.

  • Pick the blade you like
  • How many pieces you want
  • The handle style and materials that would be right for YOU
  • Preferred storage option: storage gift , beautiful keepsake or display presentation box

12-piece Charybdis series luxury handmade steak knife set in presentation box from Salter Fine Cutlery custom tableware

Above: 12-pc Charybdis design series luxury steak knife set in presentation box 130mm Cattleman's full-tang western style steak knife blades.

Because each steak knife set is custom-made to order and is a unique creation, we ask that you contact us at 808-883-0128  or E-mail us for a custom quote.  SalterFineCutlery@gmail  

Exclusive Salter Fine Cutlery design Cattleman's style steak knife with 5-inch blade and our Charybdis top-of-the-line design series whirlpool damascus finish with hidden tang artist-series handles

Above:  6-piece set demonstrates an example of our Cattleman's style whirlpool damascus blades together with 'artist-series' handles with keepsake box .

Below:  This video below shows a 12-piece steak knife set in a presentation box.

The photos on this page show a small sampling of previously made custom steak knife sets.

We normally have a good supply of blades in stock to make your set to your own individual preferences.

Handcrafted luxury steak knife set featuring our Raptor design series blades with a selection of exotic woods in a keepsake box by Salter Fine Cutlery makers of luxury tableware for the home.

Above:  6-piece variety set; mix of beautiful hardwoods. VillageForge series hand-forged R2 stainless steel blades, short ebony bolsters.and keepsake box.

For immediate, last-minute gifts, click to our Shop Now  page. 

Distinctive luxury handmade highest quality Raptor steak knives in presentation box by Salter Fine Cutlery

Please visit our  Steak Knife Set Configurations   page for more details and photos, as well as ordering information.

Custom handcrafted steak knife set in presentation box from Salter Fine Cutlery of Hawaii

Hand-forged Japanese Steak Knife Blades

Our steak knife blades are individually hand-forged by a Japanese master bladesmith to our proprietary designs.

We feature high-quality stainless steels. Shirogami carbon core steel available by request.

Several finish options. We can help! Choose from these design-series finishes: 

  • VillageForge
  • Mirror-Damascus
  • Clad Satin or Clad Mirror
  • Camelback Desert Sands
  • Salter Original Classic Damascus 
  • Fire-Hammered 

Two various blades and styles of our handmade steak knives both with ebony and brass handles from Salter Fine Cutlery

Please visit our Steak Knife Set Configurations page for more details and photos, as well as ordering information. CONTACT US: 808-883-0128 

8-piece Raptor-design luxury steak knife set in presentation box with mixed exotic wood handles from Salter Fine Cutlery of Hawaii

 Luxury Steak Knife Sets

We feature individually hand-forged Japanese blades, designed by and made exclusively for Salter Fine Cutlery.

  • Order any size set
  • Choose your blade
  • Your choice of handle wood
  • Your choice of decorative accents
  • Modern or highly decorated functional art
  • Choose your storage option
  • Special requests welcomed

10-piece custom steak knife set combining two different types of steak knives for different occasions handcrafted bespoke luxury steak knife set by Salter Fine Cutlery

Blade Options

All knives shown are R2 or VG10 stainless steel. SRS13 also available 

  • 'Charybdis' whirlpool damascus finish
  • 'VillageForge" combo hammered/damascus finish
  • Satin Clad for polished plain finish
  • 'Moderna' high-polish damascus finish
  • New 'Fire-Hammered' polished finish
  • 'Camelback' Desert Sands polished finish
  • 'Classic' damascus finish
  • Shirogami 'white paper' carbon steel; Damascus finish

Our newest addition steak knife blade finish from the Salter Original Classic series with a hamon only plain finish from Salter Fine Cutlery

The "Moderna Classic"

Features of this beautiful mirror polish whirlpool damascus design:

  • Modern high-polish finish with subtle random whirlpool design
  • Individually hand-forged in Japan
  • Signed by the bladesmith in kanji
  • R2 stainless steel
  • Full-tang design
  • Blade length; approx 5-inch
  • Overall length: 10-1/4" 
  • Elegant sweeping modern handle design
  • Your choice of handle materials
  • Choice materials to perfectly compliment your home
  • Beauty, simplicity, elegant artistry for your table

New Moderna Classic design finish featuring a high-polish subtle whirlpool damascus pattern from Salter Fine Cutlery

Handcrafted Quality:

  • Every knife made by hand.
  • Every blade made to our exclusive designs
  • Every handle custom created in our Hawaii workshop
  • Traditional old-fashioned handcraftsmanship in every set

Artisan collectible handforged stainless steak knife with decorative handle by Salter Fine Cutlery

Handle Wood Options: 

We specialize in exotic and rare Hawaiian curly koa wood, but are more than happy to make your set in many other woods.

For samples of some we like to recommend, please visit this link to our Material Samples page.

  • Hawaiian mango or curly mango wood
  • Lychee wood
  • Hawaiian kiawe wood
  • Hawaiian Milo wood
  • Dark wenge wood
  • Dramatic burl woods like thuya burl
  • Whitewash look exotic ylang-ylang perfume wood
  • A number of locally reclaimed exotic woods
  • Walnut woods, several species available

Exotic thuya burlwood handle on our Raptor-design steak knife from Salter Fine Cutlery of Hawaii

  • Stainless steel; contoured
  • Nickel-Silver; contoured
  • Brass; contoured
  • Buffalo Horn
  • Mozambique Ebony (long or short)
  • Mokume upgrades available (various options)
  • Faux gem stone in several color options
  • other exotic materials available upon request

Custom handcrafted stainless steak knife set in presentation box as seen at Michaels-On-Simcoe restaurant by Salter Fine Cutlery

Storage Options

  • Handcrafted Hawaiian koa gift, keepsake, or presentation boxes
  • Traditional style knife blocks for steak knives only or combination chef/steak sets
  • Handcrafted Hawaiian koa or classic maple in-drawer racks to fit your knife drawer.

Combination steak and carving set in knife block Salter Fine Cutlery

Need a price quote? Contact Us by e-mail or Call Us at: 808-883-0128

Presentation Box of Hawaiian Koa wood for custom 12-piece steak knife set by Salter Fine Cutlery

To see more photos and set size and configuration ideas, please click here .

Prices vary by set size, design, and box options. Please contact us for a custom quote.

Call us: 808-883-0128, e-mail us: [email protected].

We welcome your questions and gladly offer custom order consultations to help design the perfect product. If you do not see a material listed, please ask. We are able to accommodate most requests using a wide selection of rare, exotic legally-obtainable materials not listed here.

All craftsmanship is fully guaranteed.

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Steak knives & sets.

Effortlessly slice through meat and poultry with our extensive selection of steak knives, available in sets or individually. We offer fine edge serrated, and semi-serrated steak knives available with wooden handles, stainless-steel handles, and more. And many sets are handsomely packaged in presentation cases that are ideal for gifting.

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Steak Knives

Steak knife sets, with their sharp serrated blades, are a must for frequent meat eaters. They make cutting cooked meats like steak, pork chops, and chicken effortless, enhancing your dining experience. These sets offer both function and style, adding elegance to your table.

Consider the blade type (serrated or non-serrated), handle comfort, balance, and the quality of the steel.

Serrated knives stay sharp longer and are good for cutting tougher meats, while non-serrated knives offer a cleaner cut and are easier to sharpen.

It depends on your needs, but a standard set includes four to six knives. Larger sets are available for bigger households or entertaining.

Hand wash and dry immediately to prevent rusting. Sharpen as needed and store in a knife block or protective sheath.

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Steak Knife Boxes

universal presentation box

Enhance the presentation of your cutlery with the Creations Steak Knife Box. Made in the USA of high-quality acacia wood, these boxes are designed with a clever hinge that allows the lid to remain open at a 90-degree angle, as well as the capability to fit most steak knives in the Steelite portfolio. Add an extra element of class by customizing the top of the wood boxes with your logo.

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Steak Knife Box 6525T236  

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WÜSTHOF 8-Piece Stainless Mignon Steak Knife Set, Silver

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WÜSTHOF 8-Piece Stainless Mignon Steak Knife Set, Silver

Price: $111.61$111.61

2-Piece Rosewood

8-Piece Olivewood

Brand Wüsthof
Color Silver
Handle Material Stainless Steel
Blade Edge Serrated
Blade Length 5 Inches

About this item

  • WÜSTHOF STEAK KNIFE SET - Includes 8 4.5" Serrated Steak Knives in a Acacia Wood Presentation Box
  • WÜSTHOF STAINLESS - Crafted from a solid piece of 18/10 stainless steel, these steak knives are a beautiful and durable addition to your cutlery collection
  • RAZOR SHARP – High Carbon Stainless Steel Blades, precisely cut with the latest state of the art technology for incredible sharpness and easy maintenance. WÜSTHOF kitchen knives are Hand Wash Only
  • DURABLE – WÜSTHOF Cutlery is crafted to resist corrosion and dulling. This German made Steak Knife Set Comes with a limited Lifetime Warranty
  • CENTURIES OF TRADITION – Family owned for seven generations, WÜSTHOF was founded in Solingen, Germany over 200 years ago. WÜSTHOF’s cutlery carries the Solingen name, a designation reserved for products that meet the strictest quality standards

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WÜSTHOF stands for cutting, the exact moment when the knife glides effortlessly through fresh food.

When you use a WÜSTHOF knife, you can be sure that you are holding one of the world’s best cooking utensils. With more than 200 years of experience, we know what perfect cutting means.

Come and visit us in the WÜSTHOF brand world and discover our outstanding kitchen knives and knife blocks, as well as our broad range of excellent cooking utensils.


Made in Solingen, Germany

Since 1814 we have been developing and manufacturing our knives in Solingen, the ‘City of Blades.’


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WÜSTHOF stands for knives!

Discover our impressive range of high-quality kitchen knives – with short or long blades, specialist, all-purpose, or with hand-flattering wooden handles; the ideal kitchen tools for every chef! Our range also includes precise sharpening tools, blade-protecting chopping boards and stylish eye-catchers such as knife blocks and magnetic knife racks . Everything you need for safe kitchen work and memorable WÜSTHOF moments.


The premium world of WÜSTHOF

Product information.

Brand Wüsthof
Color Silver
Handle Material Stainless Steel
Blade Edge Serrated
Blade Length 5 Inches
Construction Type Forged
Item Weight 3 Ounces
Is Dishwasher Safe No
Number of Pieces 8
Item Length 12 Inches
Manufacturer Wusthof
Size 8-Piece Olivewood
Item Weight 3 ounces
Item model number 633383-1069510803
Customer Reviews
4.6 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #39,286 in Kitchen & Dining ( )
#87 in
Date First Available November 3, 2020

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Steak Knife Review

We Can't Stop Buying Stuff

steak knife presentation box

You have GOT to see these knives in action

Nicki Frates

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Are They Really Durable? My Honest Thoughts After 4+ Years

Katie & Nate

steak knife presentation box

Gorgeous Set of Steak Knives! Easy to Clean

Steele Wasik

steak knife presentation box

Honest review on the set of knives

Jessica Peterson

steak knife presentation box

Wusthof Knife Set Review (MY FAVORITE STEAK KNIVES)

Watts Thoughts

steak knife presentation box

Screams luxe gorgeous presentation and razor sharp

steak knife presentation box

Wusthof 8-Piece Stainless Mignon steak set

what you want when you need it!

steak knife presentation box

Beautiful case, perfect presentation

Kelli James

steak knife presentation box

Beautiful and functional gift

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steak knife presentation box

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Product description.

Easily slice through tender filets with the eight piece mignon steak set from Wusthof. This set includes eight stainless steel steak knives and an olivewood presentation box. Backed by a manufacturer's limited lifetime warranty, this set makes a perfect gift.

Top Brand: Wüsthof

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steak knife presentation box

Customer reviews

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 79% 11% 5% 2% 3% 79%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 4 star 79% 11% 5% 2% 3% 11%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 3 star 79% 11% 5% 2% 3% 5%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 2 star 79% 11% 5% 2% 3% 2%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 79% 11% 5% 2% 3% 3%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the appearance, weight and value of the kitchen knife set. For example, they mention that it looks good, is well designed and that the box is wonderful. Some are satisfied with value, and performance. That said, opinions are mixed on sharpness and quality.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers are satisfied with the appearance of the kitchen knife set. They mention that it looks good, is well designed, and has a beautiful case. Some appreciate the shiny, stainless steel handles and the professional presentation quality. Overall, most are happy with the quality and appearance of this set.

"...Heavy, sharp, and elegant . The knife block had space for 10 steak knives so it worked out nicely." Read more

"Not only they look nice and fancy, they are super sharp. Beware fingers when washing! Will be buying another set very soon" Read more

"Love the knives. First rate. Excellent quality. Good choice . Great value for money" Read more

"...The set comes with a beautiful and sturdy wooden storage box, which keeps the knives safely stored and easily accessible when needed...." Read more

Customers appreciate the storage space provided by the kitchen knife set. They say it's an impressive gift for any home cook or professional chef. The wooden storage box is a nice addition.

"...We really like the all-stainless construction. We also like the included storage box ." Read more

"...The set is also a great gift for any home cook or professional chef, the quality of the knives is impressive and the wooden storage box is a nice..." Read more

"The box for the knives is great for storage -- I slipped the whole thing in the utility door with other cooking utensils...." Read more

"...NOT THESE! Oh but they come in a nice gift box . What a joke." Read more

Customers like the weight of the kitchen knife. They say it has a good amount of weight to it, is comfortable to hold, and is made of steel.

"... Heavy , sharp, and elegant. The knife block had space for 10 steak knives so it worked out nicely." Read more

"...The box looks nice. Not heavy . The knife and fork have goo weight.I wish the knife was sharper...." Read more

"...The case is really nice. The knives are heavy (about 4 oz each), so the case is not meant for heavy duty transport...." Read more

"...I love these knives. They look beautiful and have a good weight making them feel so ergonomically nice...." Read more

Customers appreciate the value of the kitchen knife. They say it's worth the price, expensive looking, and reliable. Some customers also say it has terrific quality and value.

"...First rate. Excellent quality.Good choice. Great value for money " Read more

"...I got a great price on my set ." Read more

"...So all in all a good value for the price , a set of 8 German made Wusthof steak knives would have cost anywhere from 6 to 10 times what these did." Read more

"...Anytime you need to carve they are absolutely worth it . Super sharp looking, super sharp carving super quick shipping...." Read more

Customers are impressed with the performance of the kitchen knife. They mention that it functions well, is light, and sleek.

"...Stainless Steel Carving Gift Set and have been extremely impressed with its performance ...." Read more

"...Looks good, and works as intended . Simple quality" Read more

"Wonderful set. Works perfectly !!!" Read more

"Attractive design and sharp. Functions well ." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the sharpness of the kitchen knife. Some say it's a nice, sharp knife to carve the turkey with, while others say it isn't sharp enough to carvel the meat.

"...Heavy, sharp , and elegant. The knife block had space for 10 steak knives so it worked out nicely." Read more

"...It was a gorgeous gift. The knife is nice but not "surgeon sharp "...." Read more

"Not only they look nice and fancy, they are super sharp . Beware fingers when washing! Will be buying another set very soon" Read more

"We've had these for a year so far and still love them. They are sharp ! We really like the all-stainless construction...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the quality of the kitchen knife set. Some mention that it's excellent quality, beautifully crafted, and made of premium quality steel. However, others say that it was cheaply made, the wood box is flimsy, and the quality was poor.

"...Like the knife block I bought with the Wustoff knife set, the quality of self evident . Heavy, sharp, and elegant...." Read more

"...Very good for steak and pork. However, the serrated edge is not so good for meat with skin (like chicken or turkey)...." Read more

"Love the knives. First rate. Excellent quality .Good choice. Great value for money" Read more

"...They are sharp! We really like the all-stainless construction . We also like the included storage box." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the durability of the kitchen knife. They mention that it can tear up meat, the end is cracked and broken off, and the blade is bent or warped. Some say that the knife starts mangling the turkey immediately.

"...It tends to grab the skin and stringy meat and tear at it ...." Read more

"...(hard to see in the photo, but the end is cracked and broken off ). It's apparently cheaply stapled in, as you may see...." Read more

"This is a beautiful set. The knife blade, however, is warped , enough that my engineer spouse noticed immediately." Read more

"...a baked on painted veneer feels cheep and plasticy even had a small crack in it , which others have mentioned having recived with damage as well...." Read more

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steak knife presentation box


  1. Zwilling® 8-Piece Stainless Steel Steak Knife Set in Presentation Box

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  2. Wüsthof 8-Piece Steak Knife Set in Presentation Box

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  3. Wusthof Steak Knife Set 8pcs Stainless & Presentation Box 9468

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  4. Zwilling 1019399 Porterhouse 8 Piece Steak Knife Set w/ Black Wood

    steak knife presentation box

  5. Wüsthof 8-Piece Steak Knife Set in Presentation Box

    steak knife presentation box

  6. 10pc Mignon Steak Knife Set in Olivewood Presentation Box

    steak knife presentation box


  1. Steak Knife Box

    ZWILLING Steak Dinner 12-Piece Set includes forks and steak knives, Gift Set, with Presentation Box. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 161. $59.95 $ 59. 95. List: $120.00 $120.00. FREE delivery Wed, May 22 . Or fastest delivery Tue, May 21 . ZWILLING Porterhouse Razor-Sharp Steak Knife Set of 8 with Black Presentation Case, Gift Set, Silver.

  2. Steak Knife Presentation Box

    Pfizer Genestar Steak Knife Presentation Box Set (750) $ 68.00. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Wusthof Steak Knives Set of Eight (8) In Original Wooden Presentation Box U251 (2.7k) $ 229.99. Add to Favorites Vintage Regent Sheffield Carving Set ...

  3. Steak Knife Storage Box

    Zwilling J.A. Henckels Twin Gourmet 8-Piece Steak Knife Set with Box, Black. 4.6 out of 5 stars. 1,107. 100+ bought in past month. $99.95 $ 99. 95 ($12.49 ... MOSISO Case with 68 Slots for Knife, Organizer Storage Pocket Case, Display Case for Folding Knife, Shockproof Box with Handle for Tactical, Survival, Outdoor EDC Mini Knife, Butterfly ...

  4. Steak Knife Display Box

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  5. Steak Knives & Presentation Box

    Both the steak knife handles and presentation box are made from a gorgeous Peruvian hardwood called orange agate (platymiscium sp.), which is a dense, tropical species from Peru (see page 70). It cuts well with sharp tools, takes a beautiful polish, and holds up to moisture—a good choice for kitchenware. The box holds six knives, but can ...

  6. Laguiole Ambiance steak knives, presentation box with 6 knives

    These 6 Laguiole Ambiance table knives - vibrant colors - are presented in their cardboard box set with display cover. ABS handle. Micro-toothed full tang tempered stainless steel blade (blade running through to the end of the handle) 2 stainless steel bolsters and rivets. Multicolor handles: vibrant colors (yellow, blue, grenadine, green ...

  7. Creations

    Steak Knife Boxes. universal presentation box. Enhance the presentation of your cutlery with the Creations Steak Knife Box. Made in the USA of high-quality acacia wood, these boxes are designed with a clever hinge that allows the lid to remain open at a 90-degree angle, as well as the capability to fit most steak knives in the Steelite ...

  8. Buy ZWILLING Steak Sets Steak knife set

    Stainless Steel Steak Knife Set with Wood Presentation Case. $89.99. Klarna badge >. 4 interest-free payments of $22.49. Learn More. FREE German-made knife with select purchase - More Details. Ideal cutting tools for every type of meat. Strong serrated blades for precise cutting. High carbon stainless steel blades.

  9. Buy ZWILLING Steak Sets Steak cutlery set

    ZWILLING Steak Sets 12-pc, Steak Dinner Stainless Steel Steak Knife Set In Wood Presentation Box $59.99 FREE German-made knife with select purchase - More Details. Promotion Details Receive a FREE 5-inch serrated utility knife with $150 purchase, 8-inch chef's knife with $300 purchase, or 2-piece knife set with $500 purchase. Thresholds ...

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  11. Steak Knife Storage Box

    Shop Wayfair for the best steak knife storage box. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Shop Wayfair for the best steak knife storage box. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. ... Zwilling Porterhouse Stainless Steel 8-piece Steak Knife Set with Black Presentation Case. by ZWILLING J.A. Henckels. $89.95 $180.00 (1156 ...

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  13. Steakhouse

    The rosewood presentation box includes four fully serrated 440 stainless steel steak knives. Featuring a 5" full tang blade for a solid stainless construction. The quality can easily be felt with the weight of each knife. The design of this set can be used at both formal and more casual dinner settings. Experience our best selling steak knife ...

  14. Buy ZWILLING Steak Sets Steak cutlery set

    8-pc, Stainless Steel Porterhouse Steak Knife Set In Black Presentation Box. $89.99. FREE German-made knife with select purchase - More Details. 8-piece stainless-steel steak knife set. Long-lasting, razor-sharp blades. Ergonomic, stainless-steel handles. Stylish black case for safe storage or gifting. 4.8.

  15. Custom Steak Knives

    Above: 12-pc Charybdis design series luxury steak knife set in presentation box 130mm Cattleman's full-tang western style steak knife blades. Because each steak knife set is custom-made to order and is a unique creation, we ask that you contact us at 808-883-0128 or E-mail us for a custom quote. SalterFineCutlery@gmail.

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  17. Chicago Cutlery Landmark 8-Piece Flatware Steak Knife Set(includes

    Chicago Cutlery Landmark 8-Piece Flatware Steak Knife Set(includes eight 4.5-inch serrated steak knives and one storage box), B00091SD90, 027979004204, 002797900420, Landmark, US, Home & Kitchen at camelcamelcamel: Amazon price tracker, Amazon price history charts, price watches, and price drop alerts.

  18. Kitchen & Tabletop

    FRENCH HOME 4pc Stainless Steel Laguiole Spreader Set $12.99 Compare At $20. See Similar Styles. 0. 5qt Nonstick Ceramic Covered Casserole Pan $24.99 Compare At $35. See Similar Styles. 0. FRENCH HOME 4pk Stainless Steel Laguiloe Wood Grain Steak Knifes $19.99 Compare At $38. See Similar Styles. 0.

  19. Wusthof 8-Piece Stainless-Steel Steak Knife Set with Wooden Gift Box

    9468 Features: -Product Care: Hand wash with mild detergent, then dry and store. -Steak Knife Set. -Pieces included: Eight (8) steak knives with blades, wood presentation box. -Blade Material: High Carbon Stainless Steel. -Knife Storage: Yes. -Serrated Blade: Yes. Blade Material: -High carbon stainless steel. Number of Items Included: -9.

  20. Shop 4 Piece Steak Knife Set at Moscow & Pullman Building Supply

    4 Piece Steak Knife Set: Buy online from Moscow & Pullman Building Supply with fast delivery and great customer service.

  21. Steak Knife Boxes

    universal presentation box Enhance the presentation of your cutlery with the Creations Steak Knife Box. Made in the USA of high-quality acacia wood, these boxes are designed with a clever hinge that allows the lid to remain open at a 90-degree angle, as well as the capability to fit most steak knives in the Steelite portfolio. Add an extra element of class by customizing the top of the wood ...

  22. Steak knives

    Nice set of steak knives. Well built, sturdy Plastic handles. Moscow

  23. WÜSTHOF 8-Piece Stainless Mignon Steak Knife Set, Silver

    WÜSTHOF STEAK KNIFE SET - Includes 8 4.5" Serrated Steak Knives in a Acacia Wood Presentation Box. WÜSTHOF STAINLESS - Crafted from a solid piece of 18/10 stainless steel, these steak knives are a beautiful and durable addition to your cutlery collection. RAZOR SHARP - High Carbon Stainless Steel Blades, precisely cut with the latest state ...