Speech Writing Class 11 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

Speech Writing Class 11 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF

A speech is an effective way of communicating a message to a large audience. It is one of the ways of spreading awareness regarding social issues or giving information regarding other important issues. As a form of writing, a speech is similar to an article except that it begins with a formal address to the audience, is more conversational in tone and concludes with a ‘Thank you’. A speech is written for a specific purpose like informing, persuading, convincing or entertaining an audience.

Components of a Speech Introduction

Introduction It begins with greeting the Chief Guest / Principal / teachers and other listeners. It may include a striking statement, short anecdote, a saying or anything else which will immediately make the audience interested. Then the topic of the speech will be announced along with the occasion, if required.

Elaboration of the topic It will include a sequence of ideas to build up to the summing up and conclusion. You may include examples, evidence or data to support the ideas. You can paint verbal pictures and dramatise or personalise the information.

Summing up Summarise the most important points in your speech but do not repeat them.

Conclusion. Depending on the purpose of your speech, conclude with a call for an action, an appeal, a warning, a request and an expression of thanks.

Points to be Kept in Mind

  • A speech should begin with a catchy introduction in the form of an anecdote, quotation, statistical data or a thought provoking question.
  • A speech must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, accuracy of facts and a balanced view through a comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
  • A speech may also give reference to newspaper reports, posters, advertisements or other stimuli.
  • Restrict the main part of the speech to the word limit of 150-200 words.

Speech Writing Format for Class 11 CBSE

Speech Writing Class 11 Examples with Answers CBSE Pdf

Question 1. In order to promote reading habits in the students, your school has organised a Library Week. You are Ranjan/Reena. You have to speak in the morning assembly and inform the students about the week-long programme. You have noted the following points:

  • days and dates
  • new arrivals displayed
  • exhibition of books by some publishers
  • famous authors, I poets to visit and interact with students
  • quizzes and competitions
  • more facilities in the library
  • new teenage magazines

Write your speech in 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected Principal,-Vice-Principal, teachers, and friends! It gives me great pleasure to speak to you about the Library Week that our school has organised from 2nd to 9th September this year. This week is slightly different from the others. Here we have to shift the focus to mental attainment. The aim of celebrating this week is to inculcate reading habits among students. Reading, you know makes a man perfect. So new arrivals in the reference section such as the encyclopedia and dictionaries as well as general books will be displayed. National Book Trust and Oxford University Press are putting up an exhibition. We have invited Dr. Kailash Vajpayee to inaugurate the exhibition. He will autograph the books and interact with students. Other authors like Khushwant Singh and Ruskin Bond will also pay us a visit. During the week, a quiz competition will be organised. The Reading section will have more new magazines for teenagers’ interest. I appeal to all of you to spend as much free time in the library as you can. Thank you.

Question 2. Media has a stronghold on society. Write a speech in 150-200 words, on how media influences public opinion, to be delivered in the school assembly. Answer: Respected Principal Sir, honourable teachers and my dear friends, I, Mehak Prasad of class Xl-C, will enlighten you today on the fact that the media has a stronghold on society.

It influences public opinion significantly because people consider true whatever the media depicts, whether it is the electronic media like TV and Radio, social media like Facebook and Twitter, cyber media like the Internet and e-mail, or the print media like newspapers and magazines. However, in some cases, the actual situation is totally different from what is depicted in the media. Media dramatises the information to serve its own ends, and usually to gain popularity.

Everybody, yes everybody, are exposed to different forms of media. People are not always able to separate fact from opinion and believe or disbelieve what they see, hear, or read. This moulds their opinions and actions, thus enabling the media to have a stronghold on society.

Over reporting as well as under-reporting can lead to misinformed opinions. It is for the journalistic community to take initiative and seek to address the various concerns regarding the profession. The public also should be discerning enough to separate facts from opinions and form one’s viewpoint accordingly.

Speech Writing Exercises with Answers for Class 11 CBSE

Question 1. Peer pressure is useful for the development of an individual. If there is no peer pressure at all then there would be no goal or aim to succeed. Write a speech on the topic -‘Is Peer Pressure Beneficial or Not?’to be delivered on account of the Children’s Day celebration in your school. (150-200 words) Answer: Respected Principal Sir, honourable teachers, and my dear friends, on the occasion of Children’s Day, I am going to present my views on the topic ‘Is peer pressure beneficial or not?’

Peer pressure is beneficial as long as we know our limits. It is all upto us to be so strong, so firm, so unshakable, and filled with conviction of not going on the wrong track.

Peer pressure is not always bad. Peers may teach you good habits and encourage you to follow them. Looking at what others do can help you bring a positive change in your way of thinking. Your peers, their choices, and ways of life give you a glimpse of the world outside the four walls of your house. What they think about things in life, how they perceive situations, how they react in different circumstances can actually expose you to the world around them. Being part of a larger group of peers exposes you to the diversity in human behaviour. This makes you reflect on your behaviour and know where you stand. Peer pressure can lead you to make the right choices in life.

Your peers can, thus, influence the shaping of your personality in a positive way. Moreover, it’s not pressuring every time, sometimes it’s an inspiration, which makes you change for good.

Question 2. Racism is bad. Anyone and everyone can be exposed to racism. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic ‘Racism’ to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school. Answer: Respected Principal Sir, honourable teachers and my dear friends, good morning!

Why must I choose whom to befriend according to the colour of their skin? Is there anything written anywhere that makes one race above another? I am going to present my views on the topic ‘Racism’ today.

I am nobody to judge other people. In fact, we all are unique in our own way and we all should be judged on our individual and personal qualities.

We have lots of people who are filled with hatred-hatred pointed especially at the colour of the skin. But where does all this hatred come from? God has never conceived hate. Did he make us different just to see hatred and war? I don’t think so. Why can’t we carry out Martin Luther King’s dream about a world in peace and without any kind of racism?

Racism works against the principle of being equal and the right of all people to be treated fairly. Hating people because of their colour or other factors is wrong. We all have to stay together and thus, we need to make the effort to embrace and accept other cultures. This can start with the simple act of friendship. Let us start today.

Question 3. The actions and behaviour of senior college and university students are a far cry from the normal, decent and civilised. It’s all the more reprehensible because even girls are subjected to indecency and vulgarity. Write a speech on the topic ‘Ragging’ in 150-200 words for your school’s morning assembly. Answer: Respected Principal Sir, honourable teachers and my dear friends, good morning!

Ragging deserves severe condemnation and needs to be consigned to the dustbin of discarded ideas. Today I am going to present my views on the serious issue of ‘Ragging’.

The practice has now become a source of uncivilised behaviour, which brings to the fore animal instincts of the practising youth. It deserves to be curtailed, curbed and ultimately abolished. It calls for strict action and punishment. Any mildness in this regard amounts to giving it a further fillip.

The raggers may put forth unsustainable arguments that it is meant to bring the freshers into the mainstream of campus life, that it helps in rounding up the angularities of the freshers who are awkward and uninitiated in the ways of college and university life. The supporters of ragging also hold forth that this results in understanding and mutual liking, which blooms into friendship.

On the contrary, many ragging incidents result into attempted suicides. Youngsters are subjected to unwholesome and unhealthy practir 3. Such actions breed hostility and a strong desire to seek revenge. The ragged youngster nurses th„* numiiiation in mind and next year, will take it out on a newcomer. The practice, thus, continues.

Hence, it calls for condemnation and a total ban of this practise of ragging.

teachers and my dear friends. Today, I, Shrishti of class XI wili give my vision of The Ideal Indian’.

I have always dreamed of India to be a great country which will be a role model for other countries of the world. It will be a place where everybody is honest, trustworthy, caring and respectful so that the common man lives his life without any fear and has access to all the basic amenities required to lead a happy and * comfortable life.

Principles of basic education and employment will be followed here so that every citizen is both educated and employed. The Indian of my dreams will execute his responsibilities first and then only assert his rights. This will lead to a society where law and order will be maintained and people with good deeds will be appreciated, whereas the wrongdoers will be punished. This will inturn lead to an inspiring and empowering feeling in the minds of the citizens. Moral values, culture and heritage will be preserved here and passed on to future generations. That is the India I dream of. The ideal Indian will try to shun all malpractices and help the government in furthering the causes of national integration and maintenance of law and order.

Question 2. You are Ashok, studying in class XI-B. You have been asked by your Principal to speak in the morning assembly on ‘The Importance of English’. Draft the speech in 150-200 words. Answer: Good morning, respected Principal Sir, teachers and my friends. Today, I, Ashok of class Xi-B, will highlight the importance of English in today’s scenario.

English is a universal language which is now needed to be known by everyone. Without English, one feels handicapped. If you travel to any part of the world, and even to some parts of India, knowledge of English sees you through. That is why most public schools in cities are teaching in the English medium. The primary reason is that parents want their children to be fluent in English.

To get a reasonable job, it is a must to be able to write, understand and speak English, as it is the language of communication. Due to this, most of the interviews for good jobs and even admission interviews for colleges are conducted in English.

Many people wish to study or work abroad. To know the local language may be difficult and learning it would take time, but if one knows English, it comes to one’s rescue. Even the best study materials for research work are available only in English, Computers which are widely used can usually be used only with knowledge of English.

Thus, English is a must in today’s scenario.

Question 6. Advertisements exercise a lot of influence on the common man. They have invaded man’s life through media. You have to speak on ‘The Effects of Advertisements on Consumers’ in the morning assembly. Write your speech in 150-200 words. You are Sana/Suresh of class XI-B. Answer: Good morning, respected Principal Sir, teachers and my friends. Today, I, Suresh of class XI-B, will speak on The effects of advertisements on consumers’.

These days media is everywhere, be it TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet and other media. These media channels solicit advertisements to pay for their costs. The media is so full of advertisements that after every few minutes or pages, what you find is another round of advertisements. These repeated advertisements create a psychological effect on the viewers or listeners so that the product gets imbibed into their subconscious mind.

It is this excessive advertising that the consumers should be careful of, otherwise they will land up buying a heavily advertised product which may not be good. Young consumers specially children and teenagers are carried away by varied choices and end up spending a lot of money on buying products which they may not use at all.

Consumers need to be careful and must enquire before buying any product by researching and taking other people’s opinions who have already used a particular product. They should also utilise the available resources on social media through friends and other means before committing to any buying decisions.

The better informed consumer will not be carried away by advertisement alone and will judge a product in a balanced manner before buying it.

Question 7. You are the first speaker in the Inter-House Declamation contest being held in your school. The topic chosen for the contest is ‘Ban Child Labour’. Write your speech in 150-200 words. You are Ashwini/Anuradha. Answer: Good morning, respected Principal Sir, teachers and my friends. Today, I, Anuradha of Patel House, will speak on the given topic ‘Ban Child Labour’.

Child labour typically refers to employment of children below a certain age in organisations and industries with or without their legal permission. This problem is more acute in developing countries rather than developed countries primarily because of three reasons, namely low cost associated with child labour, the need of poor families to make their children work to get money and lack of will power for implementation of labour laws. Even within developing countries, it is the unorganised sector like shoe-making, safety matches, handmade clothes, bangles, carpet weaving etc that has a higher percentage of child labour.

The more disturbing part is the way children are treated during their employment. They are made to work long hours, not given proper food, deprived of basic sanitation and often exposed to hazardous chemicals during the course of their work. This results in lack of growth, injuries or at times, even death of children. It also deprives the children of tender care, right to basic education, love and time to play.

To stop child labour, the government must strictly implement labour laws and severely punish employers found guilty of illegal child labour. Then only we can promise a better future for the children of this country. The government must find ways to end poverty which is one of the root causes of child labour.

We all know that ‘a healthy mind lives in a healthy body’. To maintain this good health, we should live in a healthy environment and surroundings. The most important of these are the sanitary conditions. We should not throw our litter or waste material anywhere, but use the dustbins provided by the Municipal Corporation outside the home and waste bins inside our homes. Garbage should be properly disposed off otherwise it will spread all kinds of diseases.

We should also try to ensure that all drains are covered. Stray animals should not be allowed in the colonies so that they do not dirty the drains and other areas with their excreta. Slum dwellers should be made aware of the necessity of healthy surroundings. Also, the Municipal Corporation sanitation staff should be taken to task if they neglect their work.

Friends, it is our responsibility to keep our town clean. Each one should do his/her bit; then only will it pay off.

Question 9. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’ is a well-known saying. You are Kavi/Kavita of class XI. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the school morning assembly on the benefits of rising early. Answer: Good Morning respected Principal Sir, teachers and my dear friends.

‘Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’ is a famous quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin, the famous American scientist. How right he was! So today, I, Kavita of class XI, will speak about the benefits of rising early.

According to research conducted recently, students who consistently wake up early each day actually scored better in tests and overall grade points than those who woke later on. Of course, this is not simply a result of waking up early, but when you wake up early, you’re more likely to take part in a fixed routine, and most importantly, you will eat a good breakfast. Late risers tend to skip breakfast to make up for the lost time, but this is a bad idea because your body needs those nutrients in the morning for energy and focusing on your tasks. Some of the most successful people in the world are early risers. It’s simple: if you wake up early, you get more time to get things done. There are less distractions in the early hours of the day and your brain is charged and ready to work hard. You are at your efficient best and will get things done quickly and efficiently. When a man is healthy and wealthy, he automatically grows wise. Early morning is the best time for the students and other intellectual workers to go about their work. They are fresh after the night’s rest and there is not much noise at this time to disturb them.

Question 10. Shweta has to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the topic: ‘The Generation Gap is destroying family life’. Write her speech in about 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected Chairman, honourable judges, members of the staff, and my dear Mends! I stand before you to speak my mind on “The Generation Gap is destroying family life’. There are many points to support this contention. The generation gap has caused à chasm between the old and the young. There is a clash of ideas and ideals, tastes, ways of thinking, and lifestyle. The young hanker after luxury, comfort, and material happiness. They believe in full enjoyment and complete freedom. The elders insist on moral and spiritual values. They advocate renunciation and control of desires. The children think that their parents are slaves to customs.

The generation gap is evident in behaviour and manners of the two classes. The elders believe in strict obedience to a superior authority. They want that children must respect their elders and learn to be polite. The children pine for freedom. They resent all sorts of curbs. They demand freedom of expression. They want to have a say in family affairs. They insist that their views must be given proper consideration. This leads to bickerings, heart-burning, and tension in the family.

The elders insist on discipline and strict compliance of their orders. They advocate smiling acceptance of punishment meted out for breach of discipline. The young insist on unrestrained freedom and frankness. They advocate freedom of self-expression and are unwilling to tolerate any interference in their personal affairs—career, love-affair, or marriage. Thus there is a wide gap between the two generations. This difference in their way of thinking and behaviour is destroying family life. Hence, I conclude that ‘The generation gap is destroying family life’. Thank you.

Speech Writing Self Assessment Class 11 CBSE Pdf

1 Eating disorders are not a fad diet or an experiment to lose weight, but they are serious complex disorders that may take years to recover from. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in a seminar on } ‘Health and Fitness’ on the topic ‘Eating disorders’.

2 You have to speak on ‘How to Avoid Being Cyber Bullied?’ Prepare your speech to he delivered at the Inter-School Declamation contest being organised as a part of the annual cultural festival of your school. You are Darpan/Deepika. (150-200 words).

3 Write a speech to be given in the morning assembly of your school on the topic ‘Evil of Casteism in our country’ in 150-200 words.

4 You have been chosen for representing your school at the regional level Inter-School Debate Contest. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words for the same on the topic ‘Newspapers Ought to Contain More News and Fewer Advertisements’.

5 Parents play an important role in children’s education. Strangely enough, the same parents who complain of drawbacks in the education system during the early years of their children’s education, suddenly realise the importance of exams, results, percentage, coaching and competitions when their children come to class XI-XII. Write a speech on the topic ‘Role of Parents in Children’s Education’ in 150-200 words.

6 Despite rising taxes and increasing restrictions against tobacco use, there are still approximately 250 million smokers in India and the number is going up. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words on the topic ‘Quit Smoking not Life’ for a group of young smokers urging them to quit smoking. ”

7 The success of any business or consumer product in today’s world depends in part on the target market’s ability to distinguish one product from another. Branding helps consumers to ultimately identify a product from those of the competition. Write a speech for the morning assembly on the topic ‘Brand Names Cost More-But is the Quality Better?’ You are Suresh/Smita. (150-200 words)

8 Road accidents are a common sight. Further, people are often seen shouting at and threatening the people who have annoyed them in other ways. Even overtaking them quite legally can enrage them. Write a speech on the topic ‘Road Rage’ in 150-200 words.

9 Narcotics Control Bureau is organising a declamation contest in your school as part of its observance of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic ‘Youth and Drug Abuse’.

10 On the occasion of National Consumer’s Day, you have to speak on the topic ‘Consumer Rights and their Protection’. Draft the speech in 150-200 words.

11 The Delhi Government has banned the use of polythene and plastic bags as they are non-biodegradable and harmful to every living being and the environment. But still people are using them for carrying things. Write a speech, to be delivered in the morning assembly, on the topic ‘Say No to Polythene Bags’ in 150 – 200 words.

12 India is a country of festivals. There is a series of festivals which are celebrated throughout the year. They reflect our culture and bring us closer. Based on the visuals given below, write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in your school’s morning assembly on this topic. You are Kiran, class XI-A.

13 Games play an important role in our lives. They are not only a means of entertainment but also keep us physically fit. Some like indoor games and other outdoor. Write a speech in 150-200 words for your school’s morning assembly on the topic ‘The Importance of games in our Life’.

14 The Internet has become essential in our lives today. Some browse for many hours at a stretch every day. However, we know that excess of anything is bad. So by doing this, they not only waste their time but spoil their health also. Write a speech to be delivered in an Inter-Class Declamation Contest in 150-200 words on the topic ‘The Harms of Excessive Internet Browsing’.

15 High buildings, the Metro train, shopping malls, big parks, wide roads, etc attract people to live in metro cities. However, traffic jams, pollution, crime, and insecurity disappoint them. Basing your ideas on the picture given below, write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic ‘Disadvantages of Living in a Big City’.

Question and Answer forum for K12 Students

Speech Writing for Class 11

Speech Writing Class 11 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Basic  English Grammar  rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 11 English Chapter wise.

Speech Writing Class 11 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF

Purpose of making a speech:

  • to convey information orally to a large gathering of people, forcefully and convincingly
  • to convert the listeners to the speaker’s point of view
  • to pass on a wide range of information to a wide range of audience orally
  • to express an opinion, share a point of view, experience, observation etc.
  • Salutation – speaker greets chief guests, fellow speakers, and listeners
  • Key sentence carrying the central theme or issue of the speech
  • Expressing one’s views – what you feel about the topic
  • Compare and contrast – what others feel and why your views are better
  • Summing up – conclude by summing up arguments that highlight your viewpoint.
  • A speech must begin with a catchy introduction in the form of an anecdote, quotation, statistical data, or a thought-provoking question.
  • A speech must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, accuracy of facts, and balanced view through a comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
  • Bring credibility to views by quoting of adequate supporting data.
  • Infuse humour through anecdotes.
  • Sum up or consolidate ideas/suggestions/measures to improve the situation, personal observations, and predictions.
  • Use language that is persuasive and powerful.
  • Include a vote of thanks to the audience.

The speech must be written in the appropriate format and style. Remember to keep within the word limit.

Speech Writing Sample Example for Class 11

Speech Writing Class 11

A large number of advertisers are using children to sell their products. You are against the concept of children being used in advertisements. Write a speech to put forward your views. You are Dinesh/Divya of Government Model School, Karnal. Use the clues given.

Honourable judges, respected teachers, and my dear friends, a very good morning to all. Today I, Divya of Government Model School, Karnal (a) ………………………………… on ‘Should We Use Children to Advertise Goods?’ (b) ………………………………… all those advertisements which use children to target other children for marketing their products. There are two reasons for this. (c) ………………………………… . Advertisers show teenagers jumping from the bridge to pick up a bottle of a popular brand of soft drink or performing daredevil acts on motorcycles. Children try to emulate these models and often get hurt or, worse still, even lose their lives.

The second reason is that (d) ……………………………….. . They do not have access to information, so when their favourite actor says, “Yehi hai right choice, baby’, they’re ready to accept it as the right choice. Kids love a particular brand of juice because the girl in the advertisement says, “I love you juice.” It becomes the favoured drink though it does not have any nutritive value as it is not fruit – based. Monosodium glutamate, an essential ingredient of a popular brand of instant noodles, is known to cause brain damage and obesity. But the advertisements are so powerful that children will eat no other brand.

(e) ……………………………….. . They realise kids have ‘pester – power’. (f) ………………………………… till they buy them the branded shoes or jeans that they have seen children wearing in advertisements and (g) ……………………………….. .

The Advertising Standards Council of India lays down the code for advertising as follows, ‘Advertisements addressed to children shall not contain anything, whether in illustration or otherwise, which might result in their physical, mental or moral harm, or which exploits their vulnerability.’ (h) ………………………………… that this code is being flouted openly? I feel there should be a committee to review all advertisements using children. Answer: (a) stand before you to share with you my views (b) I strongly condemn as unethical (c) One is the fact that children are more vulnerable (d) it violates the right of informed choice (e) I feel that advertisers are exploiting children by using them in advertisements (f) They pester their parents (g) the manufacturers laugh all the way to the bank (h) But, friends, don’t you agree with me when I say

  • The manufacturers laugh all the way to the bank
  • But, friends, don’t you agree with me when I say I strongly condemn as unethical
  • I feel that advertisers are exploiting children by using them in advertisements
  • One is the fact that children are more vulnerable.
  • stand before you to share with you my views
  • They pester their parents
  • It violates the right of informed choice.

Speech Writing Class 11 Practice Examples

1. You recently read the following newspaper article:

Shocked by the recent study that shows how computers are killing childhood by making redundant a host of skills which a child would otherwise acquire naturally, you decide to speak in the morning assembly at your school, advising students not to lose themselves in virtual reality. Write the speech in 150 – 200 words.

2. You are Ratan/Radha of Class XI. You have been asked to write a debate on the motion: ‘Extracurricular Activities Should Be Accorded Equal Importance as Academics’. Write a speech for the motion. (150 – 200 words)

35. Write a debate for the motion: ‘Politeness and Courtesy are Outdated in Today’s World’. You are Gautam/ Gargi of St Mary’s School.

3. While science is a good slave, it can be a bad master. Write a short speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school, advising students not to let gadgets and gizmos drive them, but to employ these to their advantage.

4. Write a speech against capital punishment.

5. You are Preeti/Pawan, Head Girl/Boy of your school. Write a speech to be delivered at the career counselling session for students of classes IX-XII of your school advising students on the benefits of thinking seriously about their goals and aptitudes before choosing a stream of study.

Speech Writing Class 11

As a volunteer of the National AIDS Foundation, deliver a speech for the students of classes IX-XII on the causes, spread, and prevention of this disease. You are Uday Man Singh.

7. In the latter part of the 20th century, “Team Building’ became recognised by many companies as an important factor in providing a quality service and remaining competitive. What are the qualities required to be a good team member? Write a speech to be delivered to the students of classes IX-XII about the importance of team – building and how to be a team – member.

8. In a meeting of the World Water Forum at Kyoto, the 24,000 delegates from 182 countries focused on the escalating global water crisis. Global water consumption has increased tenfold in the last century, largely due to growing population, industrial development, and expansion of irrigated farming. The speakers said that water or Blue Gold will be the next object of conquest by the year 2020. You are Anamika/Anuj Sinha, Head Girl/Boy of Loyola School, Patna. Deliver a speech in the school assembly on the need to conserve water.

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Speech Writing Format: Samples for Class 11 & 12

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Princi Rai ,

Mar 4, 2024

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Speech writing is a skill for Class 11 and 12 students which uses language and expression to address topics effectively. Students can refer to formats, samples, and tips for writing speeches.

Speech Writing Format: Samples for Class 11 & 12

Speech writing is a technique which uses language and expression to express our ideas, spreading information and addressing important issues. The students of Class 11 and 12 can refer to the speech writing format along with the samples for their reference to prepare a speech for any topic. They can also refer to some of the tips and tricks they can use while writing a speech.

Table of Contents

What is Speech Writing?

  • Speech Writing Samples: Download Link
  • Samples for Speech Writing for Class 11 and 12

Speech Writing Format

  • Tips for Speech Writing

The art of speech writing involves using the right language and words to communicate with the reader. Speech writing is not that different from other forms of narrative writing. It is a way of sharing information about how attention is paid to social issues or other important issues are addressed.

Also Check : 100+ Speech Topics for College Students

 Speech Writing Samples: Download Link

The samples are provided in the table below to make it easy to comprehend how to write a speech.

Samples of Speech Writing for Class 11 and 12

Students can refer to some of the samples given below for their reference.

Sample 1: Emphasizing the Importance of Cleanliness

According to John Wesley, “Cleanliness is next to godliness”.

Hello, respected principal, teachers, and my dear colleagues. I (Name of the Student) is here today to draw attention to the value of cleanliness to all of you.

Being or maintaining cleanliness is a quality or condition of being clean. Everyone needs to be educated on cleanliness, hygiene, and the various diseases that result from poor hygiene. It is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment at home, at school, and for physical well-being. An unclean atmosphere encourages a lot of mosquitos to breed and spread harmful diseases. On the other hand, inadequate personal hygiene lowers immunity and contributes to a number of skin conditions.

We should encourage children to wash their hands before and after meals, brush their teeth, and take regular baths. The "Swachh Bharat" campaign, launched by the Indian Prime Minister on October 2, 2014, aims to provide every family with access to sanitation services such as toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and safe and appropriate drinking water sources. 

The "Clean India Campaign" is being actively supported by teachers and students in schools.

Healthy bodies and minds promote broader productivity, higher living standards, and economic growth. As a result, a healthy environment is one that is clean and green. Cleanliness is thus regarded as a symbol of mental purity.  

speech writing class 11 format cbse

Sample 2: Corruption

Honorable principal, respected teachers, and my dear friends: I'm going to share my thoughts on the subject of "Corruption is an Evil and the Need to Crush It" today.

Corruption is the act of bribery and fraud committed in order to achieve personal objectives by engaging in unfair activities. This evil has existed in civilization from the beginning of time. This evil has spread to every industry and has evolved into a widespread practice.

What might lead somebody to engage in corruption? These could include a need for fame, wealth, power, and possessions. It is a ladder of achievement that people climb to the top of by abusing the rules and rules and regulations, employing improper favors, and strategies.

Many different kinds of corruption are common, including nepotism, carelessness of duty, theft of public resources, and fraud. The rights of the common man are being decreased because of corruption, which also hurts the image of our country. 

Since we are the society's youth, we must get rid of our country of corruption. One of the largest anti-corruption movements in the history of the country is the one led by Anna Hazare for the Jan LokPal Bill.

Since corruption spreads from the bottom to the top, it needs to be stopped there. A monitoring committee should be in place with good monitoring to keep an eye on corrupt officials and their actions. Corrupt individuals should face severe penalties and punishment. We need to promote awareness among people, support them in speaking out, and help eliminate corruption.

speech writing class 11 format cbse

Also Read: Letter to the Editor: Format, Samples for Class 10 & 12

The two main objectives of speech writing should be to communicate with the audience, and to encourage them to agree with what we have presented. A speech should usually include the following.


The first thing to address in speech writing is what the speechwriter expects to accomplish. The goals will influence the structure and speech of the language, leading to more detailed insights.

  • The speech should be appropriate for the intended audience.
  • The most important sentence in a speech is the first sentence because it determines whether the audience will read it or not.
  • Depending on the topic and the purpose of the speech, the writer can captivate the audience with happy, sad, frightening or unexpected stories.

The majority of the speech writing format should be written to present ideas and supporting information. Students should concentrate on one idea at a time, and then fully examine it before moving on to the next. 

  • They must provide smooth, logical flows from one information to the next. 
  • When writing an informative or provocative speech, the writer should use the problem-and-solution and solution approach to structure it. 
  • As a result, they should start out their speech by outlining what is wrong before moving on to how to fix it in the part that comes next.
  • Students must be careful to create a consistent tone for the speech. 
  • The speech's overall tone communicates its original idea, which might range from sad to positive, humorous to demanding. 
  • The language used and delivery manner will have an impact on the speech's tone.

While writing a conclusion for speech writing, students must highlight the primary reasons by summarizing key takeaways or providing one last example that perfectly supports what students have written in their speech. 

  • Once the writer has finished writing their speech, they should go back to it several times to identify areas for improvement. 
  • The conclusion should be written such that the viewers should take away something from the conclusion. 
  • It might be a message, an appeal for support, or a summary of a speech.
  • Analyze the speech from top to bottom once students are done writing. 
  • By doing this, the writer can assess whether it seems logical and identify if any difficult parts can be cut, worked out, or better explained.

Tips for Speech Writing 

Some of the tips that students can follow while in speech writing are given below.

  • Make sure that the language that the students are using is appropriate for the audience they are speaking to. 
  • Using references is suggested. Examples and references can be used as an opening statement or a closing sentence. Students can also add a quote in between the speech.
  • Students must make sure to use paragraphs when writing.
  • Study last year's question papers to get a brief idea of what topics students can expect in their coming exams..
  • Read editorials or opinions in the newspaper. They offer different perspectives and thoughts that could be useful in exams.
  • Students can write a list of all the important points on the rough sheet to ensure that they don't miss anything important while speech writing. This helps you in keeping a pattern, which is essential.
  • Presentation quality is important.
  • Make sure you check the content of the speech twice for spelling and grammatical errors. 
  • Students must make sure there are enough lines in between paragraphs to make it look neat.
  • Always keep a few general phrases ready that can be added to speech writing. They act as a supporting factor to your speech. 


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speech writing class 11 format cbse

Speech Writing

Mastering the art of speech writing: craft compelling messages  .

Welcome to our Speech Writing Hub, where the art of communication takes center stage. Here, we unlock the secrets to crafting captivating and impactful speeches that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Whether you're a student, a professional, a public speaker, or simply seeking to improve your communication skills, our expert guides and resources will equip you with the tools you need to excel in the world of oratory.

What is Speech Writing? 

In the realm of oratory, where words hold the power to sway hearts and minds, there exists a craft known as speech writing. This art form, honed by the skilled and eloquent, involves the meticulous crafting of Speech writing, a captivating art form, serves as a conduit for expressing the depths of one's thoughts to a receptive audience, skillfully weaving together the power of words. In the realm of written expression, the art of crafting a speech bears a striking resemblance to the noble pursuit of essay writing. Yet, one must acknowledge that the tone of a speech diverges from that of an essay, for in the realm of oratory, one's paramount objective is to captivate the hearts and minds of the assembled audience. 

In the realm of oratory, success is but a fleeting possibility, attainable only when one possesses a profound comprehension of the very essence of their discourse. It is imperative to grasp the purpose that lies at the core of one's speech, for it is this purpose that will guide the orator towards triumph. Equally crucial is an intimate understanding of the audience that will bear witness to the orator's words, for it is through this understanding that a connection, a bridge, can be forged between speaker and listener. 

Time, too, plays a significant role in the art of oration, for the duration of the speech must be carefully considered and meticulously planned, ensuring that the message is delivered with utmost precision and impact. And finally, the manner in which the speech is delivered holds the key to captivating the audience's attention, for it is through this delivery that the orator can weave a tapestry of words, emotions, and ideas, binding the audience to their every utterance. 

Thus, it is only through a profound understanding of these elements that the orator can hope to truly connect with their audience and leave an indelible mark on their hearts and minds. In the realm of crafting a flawless speech, one cannot deny the overwhelming sense of trepidation that often accompanies such a task. However, fear not, for there exists a steadfast and unwavering ally in the form of the proper speech-writing format. This tried and true structure, when adhered to with unwavering dedication, shall never fail to deliver the desired impact upon an audience.

Engage, Persuade, Inspire: The Power of Speech Writing 

[Section 1: Why Speech Writing Matters]

Discover the Significance of Effective Speech Writing - In this section, we explore the immense impact a well-crafted speech can have on your audience. From inspiring change to influencing decisions, speech writing is the key to conveying your message with clarity and conviction.

[Section 2: Understanding Your Audience]

Speak to Hearts and Minds: Tailoring Your Message - Learn the art of audience analysis and how to tailor your speech to resonate with different groups. Understand their needs, interests, and expectations, enabling you to create a meaningful connection with every listener.

[Section 3: The Anatomy of a Great Speech]

Building a Solid Foundation for Your Message - Discover the essential elements that comprise an exceptional speech. From crafting a compelling introduction that hooks your audience to developing a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impact, we'll guide you step-by-step through the process.

[Section 4: The Power of Storytelling]

Weaving Emotion and Relevance into Your Speech - Unleash the power of storytelling to captivate your audience and make your message unforgettable. Learn how to incorporate personal anecdotes, case studies, and relatable narratives that resonate with your listeners.

[Section 5: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos]

Persuasion in Every Word - Master the three pillars of persuasive communication: ethos, pathos, and logos. Understand how to establish credibility, evoke emotions, and present logical arguments that compel your audience to take action.

[Section 6: Overcoming Speech Writing Challenges]

From Writer's Block to Stage Fright - Encounter common obstacles in the speech writing process and gain practical tips to overcome them. Our resources help you conquer writer's block, build confidence, and deliver your speech with grace and poise.

[Section 7: Inspirational Speech Examples]

Learning from the Great Orators - Dive into famous speeches throughout history and contemporary masterpieces that have shaped the world. Gain insights from renowned speakers and observe how they skillfully utilized speech writing techniques to move and inspire millions.

[Section 8: The Art of Delivery]

Captivate Your Audience on Stage or Online - A great speech is not just about the words; it's about delivery too. Uncover the secrets of effective public speaking, body language, and harnessing technology to make a memorable impact on your listeners.

[Section 9: Resources and Tools]

Empowering You with Speech Writing Resources - Access a treasure trove of speech writing templates, sample outlines, and other valuable tools to streamline your creative process and elevate your speeches to new heights.

[Call to Action]

Elevate Your Speech Writing Skills Today - Join our community of passionate communicators and take your speech writing skills to the next level. Stick to this web-page for exclusive updates and access to premium content. Together, let's craft compelling messages that inspire change and make a difference.

Format of Speech Writing Here is the format of Speech Writing: 

• introduction: address the audience, tell them about yourself, and then continue to present the subject. , • body: present the subject in detail, discussing its essential characteristics, benefits and negatives, if any, and so on. , • conclusion: closure of your speech, tie up the issue, and give your audience something to ponder about , let's take a closer look at each component of the speech writing format: , introduction , following the compliments, the introduction is critical to reassuring your audience that you have something useful to contribute. the following elements must be included in the introduction: , • a brief preview of your topic. , • define the outlines of your speech. (for example, i’ll be talking about…first..second…third) , • begin with a story, quote, fact, joke, or an observation in the room. it shouldn’t be longer than 3-4 lines. (for example: “netaji subhash chandra said once…”, or “this topic reminds me of an incident/story…”) .

This is also a crucial portion since your audience will judge whether or not the speech is worth their time. Maintain a truthful, entertaining, and persuasive beginning. 

Your body includes all of your speech's main points. With the information, create a logical flow chart. 

For example, if your speech is on waste management, divide the material into sub-paragraphs for your convenience. It might comprise the following: 

• What is Waste Management? 

• Major waste management strategies 

• Waste management benefits 

• Waste management importance 

When you talk about benefits and briefly move between ideas, your speech seems disorganised and confuses your audience. 


The conclusion should be a moment that the audience remembers. It may be a reminder, a call to action, a synopsis of your speech, or a narrative. "It is up to us to decide the fate of our home, the earth, by beginning waste management in our personal spaces," for example.

After ending, express your appreciation to the audience for their time.

"Thank you for being an amazing audience and offering me your time," for example. "I hope you took something away from this speech."

How to Write a Good Speech? 

Writing a good speech is an art that takes considerable organisation and thought. Your advice on how to write a decent school speech is quite useful. Here's a summary of those suggestions, as well as some extra information to help you produce a successful and entertaining speech:

1. Public Speaking Speech Sandwich: Your speech's start and finish are critical. Begin with a great opening statement to capture the attention of your audience, and conclude with a memorable closing statement that creates a lasting impact. People are more likely to remember the start and ending sections of a speech, so make them important.

2. Use Concrete Facts: Research your issue thoroughly and provide particular facts and statistics to back up your points. Concrete information improves trustworthiness and increases the overall effect of your message.

3. Rhetorical Techniques and Humour: In order to engage your audience and make them think, use rhetorical tactics such as thought-provoking questions. Humour is an effective strategy for keeping your audience engaged and responsive to your message. However, make sure the humour is suitable and pertinent to the subject.

4. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience's demographics, interests, and degree of understanding. Make your communication relevant to them by using language and situations they can connect to and comprehend.

5. Plan As a result, structure your communication logically and coherently: Begin with an introduction that presents the subject and establishes the tone for the rest of your speech. Organise the major body of your speech into distinct points or parts with a seamless transition between them. Finally, make a powerful and compelling concluding remark.

6. Timing Yourself: Be mindful of the time allotted for your speech. To keep your audience's attention, keep your speech brief and focused. Rehearse your speech and time it to ensure it fits within the time limit.

7. Practise and Rehearse: Delivering an effective speech requires practise. Rehearse in front of a mirror, with friends or family, or record yourself to detect flaws. Practise can also enhance your confidence on the big day.

8. Emphasise Delivery: It is crucial to remember that how you give your speech is just as significant as what you say. To keep your audience engaged and interested, use proper body language, gestures, and voice diversity.

9. Use Visual Aids (as needed): Depending on the environment and subject, visual aids such as slides, props, or movies may augment and enrich your speech.

10. Be yourself: Be yourself throughout the speech. Allow your individuality to shine through, and talk about your issue with passion and conviction.

11. Timing Yourself is Important: An important aspect of your speech is to time yourself. Don’t write your speech that exceeds your word limit. Here’s how can decide the right timing for your speech writing: 

• A one-minute speech roughly requires around 130-150 words 

• A two- minute speech requires roughly around 250-300 words 

Remember that practise and preparation are essential for making an effective speech. You can write an engaging and successful school speech that connects with your audience by following these suggestions and customising them to your individual scenario.

Speech Writing Samples 

Everybody owns a cell phone, but not everyone has the right manners to talk on the phone. Write a speech of not more than 250 words educating the people of your colony about cell phone etiquettes.

[Opening] Good morning/afternoon, respected teachers, and fellow students of Class 10. Today, I stand before you to address an essential topic that affects each one of us in this modern age—the importance of cellphone etiquettes. In a world where nearly everyone owns a cellphone, it becomes crucial for us to learn the right manners of using this powerful tool responsibly and respectfully.

Mindful Usage : Our cellphones provide us with immense connectivity, but it's vital to remember that we are not alone when using them. Whether in public spaces or at home, be mindful of your surroundings and refrain from disturbing others with loud conversations or notifications.

Silence is Golden : Imagine being in a quiet classroom or during a family gathering when a loud ringtone disrupts the peace. Let's make it a habit to keep our phones on silent or vibrate mode in such situations, to avoid unnecessary disturbances.

Respect Personal Space : Avoid using your cellphone in situations where it might intrude on someone's personal space or privacy. This includes during important conversations, meetings, or while studying with friends.

Texting Courtesy : When communicating via text, be clear, concise, and respectful. Avoid using excessive abbreviations or emojis in formal communications, and be patient while waiting for a reply.

Keep It Private : Remember that not everything needs to be shared on social media or group chats. Respect the privacy of others and think before posting or forwarding messages, pictures, or videos that might be inappropriate or hurtful.

Limit Screen Time : Overusing cellphones can lead to negative effects on our physical and mental health. Be conscious of your screen time and strike a balance between online and offline activities.

No Distractions during Class : As students, it's essential to give our undivided attention during class hours. Avoid texting or using your phone in the classroom to fully engage in learning.

Emergency Calls Only : In case of an emergency, your phone can be a lifesaver. But please, do not misuse this privilege and avoid making unnecessary calls during important occasions or gatherings.

[Conclusion] Let us be responsible digital citizens and showcase our impeccable cellphone etiquettes. By following these simple guidelines, we not only show respect to others but also uphold our values as responsible members of society. Let's use our cellphones as tools for connection, learning, and inspiration while setting an example for others to follow.

Thank you for lending me your ears, and together, let's embrace courteous cellphone usage and make our world a better place.

[Closing] Once again, thank you, and have a wonderful day ahead!


2. You have to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the relevance of Mahatma Gandhi in the 21st century, in India. We gave him the title of ‘the Father of the Nation’, yet we appear to remember Gandhiji’s life-work and his sacrifice for his motherland only on two days of the year—30 January and 2 October. Politicians give speeches at public gatherings, the film ‘Gandhi’ is telecast on a couple of TV channels, but in our daily lives we think it unnecessary to follow his example. Write the speech in about 150–200 words, describing Gandhiji’s contribution to our country

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear fellow students,

Today, I humbly present myself before this esteemed gathering to delve into the enduring significance of the venerable Mahatma Gandhi in the contemporary era of the 21st century, particularly within the intricate tapestry of India. In contemplating the illustrious figure that is Mahatma Gandhi, one cannot help but ponder the curious phenomenon that surrounds his legacy. Though rightfully bestowed with the esteemed title of "the Father of the Nation," it appears that the remembrance of his extraordinary life and profound sacrifices is confined to specific memorial days, such as the solemn 30th of January and the revered 2nd of October. As politicians eloquently expound their rhetoric and the celluloid masterpiece 'Gandhi' graces the airwaves, it behoves us to introspect and ponder the extent to which we wholeheartedly embody the profound tenets of Mahatma Gandhi in our quotidian existence.

Mahatma Gandhi transcended the boundaries of being a mere historical figure, for he embodied the essence of a visionary. His indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to his ideals propelled him to the forefront of leadership, guiding our nation through a profoundly transformative era. His indelible mark on our nation was unmatched. He fervently advocated for the principles of non-violence, truthfulness, and communal concord. The resounding echoes of his profound message on self-reliance and self-sufficiency reverberated through the hearts and minds of countless individuals, igniting a fervent desire to partake in the noble cause of freedom and dedicate themselves to the arduous task of constructing a sovereign India.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century, the enduring relevance and indispensability of Gandhian values persist. In this tumultuous era, rife with strife and discord, the profound wisdom of his teachings on non-violence and tolerance resonates with unparalleled significance. As the world grapples with the relentless onslaught of conflicts and divisions, his timeless principles offer a beacon of hope and enlightenment. Now, more than ever, we are compelled to heed his profound insights and embrace the transformative power of peace and acceptance. The alignment of his focus on simplicity, sustainability, and environmental consciousness with the imperative to confront the pressing ecological challenges of our time is nothing short of impeccable.

The enduring relevance of Gandhiji's profound philosophy of inclusive growth, wherein the utmost priority is bestowed upon the welfare of the most destitute and marginalised, cannot be overstated. It serves as an invaluable tool in our ongoing battle against the persistent socio-economic disparities that continue to plague our society. With an unwavering focus on the advancement of rural development and the empowerment of local communities, his resounding emphasis resonates with the clarion call for a self-reliant and resilient India, poised to confront the myriad uncertainties that pervade the global landscape.

As the vibrant and spirited youth of this great nation, it is incumbent upon us to pay homage and steadfastly uphold the timeless principles espoused by the revered Mahatma Gandhi in the very fabric of our daily lives. Let us embark upon the noble pursuit of non-violence, weaving its essence into the very fabric of our interactions. With unwavering commitment, let us embrace the virtues of truth and honesty, allowing them to permeate every facet of our existence. And in our collective endeavour, let us ardently strive for the harmonious coexistence of all within our community. Let us, as conscientious individuals, remain ever cognizant of the profound influence we wield over the environment, and let us, in turn, strive unwaveringly towards the noble pursuit of sustainable living. Let us, as catalysts of profound transformation, ignite the flames of positive change, bestowing upon marginalised communities the power to transcend their limitations and actively participate in the advancement and prosperity of our great nation.

The teachings of Mahatma Gandhi transcend the boundaries of time, casting an eternal glow upon the nation and serving as a steadfast beacon of guidance. Let us not restrict the remembrance of his legacy to a mere couple of annual occasions but rather endeavour to assimilate his profound principles into the fabric of our everyday existence. In this manner, we bestow homage upon the esteemed progenitor of our nation, not solely through verbal expressions but through tangible deeds and endeavours.

With utmost gratitude, I extend my appreciation for your unwavering attention, dear audience. Let us embark on a collective endeavour, a noble pursuit, to embody the essence of Gandhian principles in the vast expanse of 21st-century India. May we, as individuals, rise to the occasion and become the luminous torchbearers, illuminating the path towards a brighter future, guided by the timeless wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi. With a resounding cry of "Jai Hind!" and fervent patriotism and allegiance to my beloved nation.


  3. Wheelchair Warriors, Sanjana, Vipul and Atul, have been suffering from a debilitating disease— muscular dystrophy—for almost three decades. The symptoms started appearing when they were in their early teens. But disability has not dampened their spirit. It has only made them more determined. You are deeply moved by the above report. You realise that physically challenged people can also play a constructive role in society. We should neither underestimate nor ignore them; and we should definitely not pity them. We must give them the opportunity to prove themselves. Give a speech during the morning assembly urging your schoolmates to understand people like Sanjana, Vipul and Atul.

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and my dear schoolmates,

Today, I stand before you with a message that is close to my heart, a message about the indomitable spirit of three extraordinary individuals – Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul. These incredible individuals have been battling a debilitating disease, muscular dystrophy, for nearly three decades. Their journey has not been easy, but their perseverance and determination have been nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Often, when we encounter physically challenged individuals, we might be tempted to feel pity for them. We might think that their lives are full of struggles and limitations, but let me tell you, that is far from the truth. Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul have shown us that disability is not a hindrance; it is not a barrier to leading a fulfilling life or making valuable contributions to society.

In fact, they are not defined by their disabilities; they are defined by their strength, their courage, and their passion for life. Despite the challenges they face daily, they have chosen to embrace life with open arms and never let their circumstances dictate their destiny. They have shown us that they are not mere recipients of sympathy; they are warriors – the "Wheelchair Warriors" – fighting to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the lessons we can learn from them. First and foremost, they teach us the value of resilience. Life is not always fair, and it can throw unexpected obstacles in our path. However, it is how we respond to these challenges that define us. Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul have demonstrated the strength to rise above their adversities, and we can draw inspiration from their courage to overcome our own obstacles.

Secondly, they remind us that each person is unique and has something valuable to offer. Just because someone has a physical limitation does not mean they lack talent or potential. In fact, they might possess skills and talents that we have yet to discover. By acknowledging and respecting their abilities, we create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Moreover, by understanding the struggles faced by people like Sanjana, Vipul, and Atul, we become more empathetic individuals. Empathy is the key to fostering meaningful connections and building a supportive community. When we put ourselves in their shoes, we gain a deeper appreciation for the challenges they confront daily.

As a school, it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued. We must create an environment that celebrates diversity and embraces all individuals, regardless of their physical abilities. Let us pledge to treat each other with kindness and respect, and let us actively include and involve everyone in our school activities and events.

I urge all of you to remember that disability does not define a person's worth. We are all capable of achieving greatness if we believe in ourselves and receive the support and encouragement of those around us. Let us be the support system that Sanjana, Vipul, Atul, and others need to thrive.

So, my dear friends, let us stand together as a united school community, recognizing the strength and potential of every individual, regardless of their physical challenges. Together, we can make a difference by being more understanding, inclusive, and compassionate towards one another.

Thank you for listening, and let us strive to be better individuals and a better community, where everyone is given the opportunity to prove themselves.

Empowering Voices: Relevant Speech Topics for Indian School Students

These topics cover a wide range of important issues that are relevant to the lives of students in class 10, 11, and 12, and they can spark meaningful discussions and create awareness on various subjects that matter in the Indian education system.

The Importance of Environmental Conservation: How Small Actions Can Make a Big Difference

Mental Health Awareness: Breaking the Stigma and Promoting Well-being

Digital Literacy: Navigating the Online World Safely and Responsibly

Empowering Youth Voices: Encouraging Student Activism and Engagement

Gender Equality: Promoting Inclusivity and Respect in Schools and Beyond

The Power of Mindfulness: Cultivating Inner Peace and Focus in a Fast-paced World

Financial Literacy: Building a Strong Foundation for a Secure Future

Sports and Physical Fitness: Balancing Academics and Health for Holistic Development

Embracing Cultural Diversity: Celebrating India's Rich Heritage and Traditions

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Nurturing Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

The Impact of Social Media on Society: Striking a Balance between Virtual and Real Life

Overcoming Exam Stress: Strategies for Effective Time Management and Stress Relief

Cybersecurity and Online Safety: Protecting Yourself and Others in the Digital Age

Career Exploration: Discovering Passion and Pathways for Future Success

Responsible Voting: Empowering Young Voters to Participate in the Democratic Process

Building Strong Interpersonal Skills: Nurturing Relationships and Communication

Promoting Volunteerism: The Joy of Giving Back to the Community

Promoting Healthy Relationships: Understanding Consent and Respect in Relationships

Art and Creativity: Expressing Yourself through Various Art Forms

Sustainable Development: Taking Actions to Ensure a Better Future for All



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CBSE Speech Writing Format For Class 11

Class 11 CBSE English paper is divided into two parts-- Part A is objective and Part B is subjective. The Part comprises subjective questions such as letter writing, notice writing, speech writing and literature based prose and poetry questions.

CBSE Speech Writing Format For Class 11

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) releases the question paper formats for Class 11 students appearing for their final examinations on its website. The CBSE marking schemes are given by dividing the question paper into different sections and allocating weightage to them to give an idea to the students about the pattern of actual paper.

Read More|| CBSE Notice Writing Format 2021 For Class 12 Exams

Class 11 speech writing comes under long answer questions holding 5 marks. It is to be attempted within 120 to 150 words. It forms the creative writing section.

The Class 11 students are expected to write a speech on any contemporary topic which can be related to any social, political, cultural or economic issue.

The format of Class 11 speech writing has remained the same throughout the years.

The students are marked on the basis of the format that is the opening address and conclusion as the students must begin with greeting the audience and end with a small thank you note. Then two marks are given for the content which includes the knowledge of students on a particular topic that he or she has chosen. They must be aware of the facts and figures in case they are quoted in the exam. Two marks are allocated for grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction. Thus, the Class 11 students must be aware of the speech writing format and also prepare a topic or two in advance on which they can write a speech.

Usually CBSE question paper does not define the exact topic for the speech and gives the freedom to the students to choose any contemporary topic.

Format of Class 11 speech writing

A speech must consists of the following parts-

Heading- The heading must be relevant to the topic and determine the entire theme of the speech. This can be catchy and in not more than 5-6 words. It is advisable to form the speech headline, once the speech is written properly so that it matches the content.

Opening line- This includes salutations, introduction, and the topic. Make sure you do not mention your personal details.

Body- This would include the main content of the speech. Start with introducing the topic in brief 50 words, followed by relating it with the current situation. Utilise the left over words to relate the theme to any real-life example to give the speech some credibility. Then at then include your views on the subject that will help the examiner analyse your ability to form opinions and express them properly.

Earlier, the CBSE had allowed the affiliated schools to hold Class 11 exams from March onward.

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CBSE Speech Writing Format For Class 11


Class 11 English Core Writing and Grammar – Long Composition – Speech

CBSE Class 11 English Long Composition – Speech


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Question 1: In order to promote reading habits in the students, your school has organised a Library Week. You are Ranjan/Reena. You have to speak in the morning assembly and inform the students about the week-long programme. You have noted the following points: — days and dates — new arrivals displayed — exhibition of books by some publishers — famous authors I poets to visit and interact with students — quizzes and competitions — more facilities in the library — new teenage magazines Write your speech in 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected Principal,-Vice-Principal, teachers and friends! It gives me great pleasure to speak to you about the Library Week that our school has organised from 2nd to 9th September this year. This week is slightly different from the others. Here we have to shift the focus to mental attainment. The aim of celebrating this week is to inculcate reading habits among students. Reading, you know makes a man perfect. So new arrivals in the reference section such as encyclopaedia and dictionaries as well as general books will be displayed. National Book Trust and Oxford University Press are putting up an exhibition. We have invited Dr Kailash Vajpayee to inaugurate the exhibition. He will autograph the books and interact with students. Other authors like Khushwant Singh and Ruskin Bond will also pay us a visit. During the week, a quiz competition will be organised. The Reading section will have more new magazines of teenagers’ interest. I appeal to all of you to spend as much free time in the library as you can. Thank you.

Question 2: You are Ankit/Ankita. You have to deliver a speech on the topic “Education Gives One Power”. You have jotted down the following notes: Education trains mind—sharpens skill and abilities—Education: a source of power— improve self—be independent—earn money—ignorance to knowledge—removes superstition—develops a free spirit—important for women: gives them freedom from social ills—independent—responsible. Write your speech in 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected Principal, teachers and friends! Education provides us knowledge. It trains our mind and sharpens our skills and abilities. Education refines our tastes and temperaments and builds our thought process. Vocational courses help young boys to earn and learn together. They provide means of earning livelihood and open the route to employment. Professional courses, as is evident from the name itself, equip us for adopting various professions. Some of these highly skilled professionals seek placements or jobs in esteemed companies and business concerns. Thus education is important for our survival. Decent living is impossible without good income or high salary. Education improves the quality of our life and frees us of superstition, foolish, meaningless mind-blocks and rituals. If women are educated the whole family benefits qs the food is hygienically prepared, children are healthy, well-mannered and disciplined. Education gives us power over our environment. We can control the situation and shape our destiny. Education spreads awareness among people and gives them freedom from social ills. It makes people independent by providing them means to learn their living. They become responsible citizens and realise their rights and duties. In short, education gives one power. Thank you.

Question 3: You are Priya/Piyush. You are a member of the Environment Club of your school. After visiting many places you have realized that it is the need of the hour to protect environment. You decide to create awareness among the students. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Environmental protection’ to be delivered in the morning assembly. Answer:


Respected Principal, teachers and friends! Global warming has accelerated the rise of temperature on earth. The sea level is also rising and glaciers’ are melting away. Natural calamities are taking a toll of life on earth. Floods and scanty rainfall result in a crunch of food products, drinking water and disturb normal living conditions. The drought in Rajasthan has led to deaths and famine. Man is himself to blame for the deterioration of ecosystem. Depleting forests, industrial pollution, toxic-wastes, vehicular pollution, cutting of trees in cities, and lack of green cover are some of the contributory factors. The entire process of environmental pollution is becoming a vicious cycle. The urgent need of the hour is to protect environment. School children have begun to create awareness by compaigning against polythene bags and recycling waste material. Let us join hands to protect our forests, grow more trees, check toxic pollutants and change our lifestyle. Thank you.

Question 4: You are Anshu/Anita. You have secured 95 per cent marks in English. Your English teacher has persuaded you to share the secret of your success with your schoolmates. You decide to deliver a speech ‘English is an extremely scoring subject’ in the morning assembly. Write the speech in about 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected Principal, teachers and friends! English is an extremely scoring, provided one follows a few rules, such as a good reading habit and the ability to be brief and specific in one’s answers. As far as the lessons in the CBSE textbooks are concerned, a thorough reading is essential. Questions asked from these lessons can be from any part of the chapter/story and could be about any minute detail. Remember the complete name of main characters and the author’s name. Your answer has to be in the same tense as the question. Secondly, the answer should be relevant and to the point. In order to get high marks in the comprehension passages and writing tasks, a student must have good communication skills as well as good reading habit. In article/report writing, questions on current affairs are often asked. Reading comes in very handy while writing such compositions. A report should always be written in the passive voice. In note-making, do not give more than five points. Give sub-points for each main point in a logical sequence. On the basis of the points, write a summary and give a title. In letter writing, be brief and accurate. Adopt the block format. Try to be creative while writing advertisements. The phrases/language should be catchy. These are*some points that may stand you in good stead. Thank you.

Question 5: Manish has to speak in debate supporting the motion that life in the country (a village) is preferable to life in the city. Below you can see his notes. Use the information to develop Manish’s speech in 150-200 words. COUNTRY (A VILLAGE) peace and quiet—soothing air—fresh and pure green fields all around—lovely sight helpful neighbours CITY vehicles—smoke industries—smoke-pollution crowded streets people hurry—never relax Answer:


Respected Chairperson, Members of faculty and dear Friends! I stand before you to support the motion that life in the country side is preferable to life in the city. At the outset I will like to remind the audience about the numerous advantages that the villages offer. In fact life in the country has so many advantages over life in the city that I don’t think any one present would disagree with me. The atmosphere is peaceful and quiet and has a soothing effect. The air is fresh and pure. Green fields which can be seen all around are a lovely sight. In the country people are friendly and the neighbours are helpful. On the other hand, cities are full of vehicles giving out smoke and creating atmospheric pollution. There is also air pollution from the chimneys of industries spewing off smoke. Moreover, the streets in the city are always crowded with people. Everyone is in a hurry and never finds time to relax. Village life is tension free. There is no undue hurry and excitement. The villagers may be poor in terms of income but they live a far happier life than the city dwellers. Hence I conclude that life in the countryside is preferable to life in the city. Thank you.

Question 6: Arun Kumar is a resident of Kalkaji. He is an active member of citizens’ forum. He is shocked to read the news that the Government has decided to increase the prices, of petroleum products with immediate effect. He wants to enlighten fellow citizens about the impact of Government decision on common man. Draft Arun’s speech in about 150-200 words highlighting the impact of the hike in prices of petroleum products on the life of common man. Answer:


Respected Chairman and dear friends! The decision of the Central Government to hike the prices of Petroleum products has shocked all the consumers. The salaried classes and the middle-income group are the worst affected. As a common man, I resent this harsh decision of the government. The increase is not only sudden but steep also. The common man is already reeling under the spiralling prices. The recent hike in the cost of petroleum products will push the expenditure graph up by 30 to 40 per cent. The increase in the prices of diesel and petrol will not only increase the expenditure on one’s own vehicle, but also increase the freight of goods and their initial cost will. The essential commodities will get dearer. Fares of buses, autos and taxis will have an upward swing. Shopkeepers will enhance the prices of even those articles which are produce locally. This sympathetic rise in prices of commodities will make it difficult to five within a fixed income. This escalation will mean cutting down the necessary expenditure by curbing some needs of the family. I urge the Finance Minister to reconsider the decision which is bound to hit hard millions of working classes and salaried people besides, creating a vicious circle of spiralling prices. It is earnestly hoped that my views will merit some consideration at the hands of the authorities. Thank you.

Question 7: You are Navneet, a member of school Literacy Club, which has organised literacy classes in villages and city slums under the adult education programme. Draft a speech in 150¬200 words highlighting the importance of educating the illiterates. Answer:


Respected Chairperson, distinguished guest and dear friends! Education provides all round development of our personality—body, mind and soul. Unfortunately, a vast number of our population remain uneducated. The rate of school drop-outs is increasing fast. To overcome the ever increasing number of illiterates Adult Education programmes have been launched by the Ministry of Education. Many voluntary and social organisation have also come forward to render service. The National Literacy Mission is an organization engaged in Adult Education. It has helped to eradicate illiteracy in India to a great extent. School and college students can also help in the noble mission. They can offer voluntary service during their free period, that is, vacation. They can organize adult literacy classes in their streets or villages. It is hoped that these educated villagers will prove helped in the development of the nation. Education will give them awareness and knowledge. They will gain information, dignity and self-respect. They will become good citizens of the nation. They will become free from the social bondage, exploitation and humiliation. Education will not remain ornamental. It will become a part of their personality. Thank you.



Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends! The problem of brain-drain has assumed serious proportion in the last thirty years or so. The nation spends its hard earned meager resources on the education and training of its doctors, engineers, scientists, etc. But these highly talented and trained men and women of genius migrate to developed countries. They desert the ranks for the lure of money, better facilities and living conditions. Some of them get opportunities for fulfilment of their ambitions and development of personality as there is full scope for it. They enjoy unlimited freedom for experiments and research and fear no resources crunch. The parent countries become poorer by the depletion of resources as a result of migration of trained and talented persons. The migrants too feel maladjusted in the new country where they are considered second grade citizens. Living and working in an alien culture among foreigners, they find themselves cut off from their own social modes and customs. They do suffer emotional vacuum as the memories of friends and relatives in their country haunt their minds. India too has been facing this problem. We must take steps to ensure them better facilities, improved living conditions, freedom for experimentation and research. In addition to this, their talents must be utilised for proper work and their work must be given due recognition. These measures, if adopted seriously, can check the problem effectively. Thank you.



Respected Principal, teachers and friends! First Aid is of immense help in case of an emergency or accident when the victim is to be given immediate help before some qualified doctor arrives or the victim is shifted to some nearby clinic or hospital. The importance of first aid can be judged from the fact that many precious fives are saved because they had been administered proper first-aid before the patients received attention from a professional medical practitioner. The knowledge of first aid proves handy in a crisis. A person receiving bum injury, a victim of accident bleeding profusely, a drowned casualty or someone suffering from poisoning need urgent and immediate attention. Administration of immediate first aid provides the necessary relief till the case is attended by a competent doctor. Thus first aid can sometimes give a second life to a person. Hence it is always beneficial to get acquainted with the basic fundamentals of first aid. It is our moral duty to help the people in distress. But the aid rendered by an untrained person may sometimes prove harmful. Hence it is essential to have proper knowledge of first aid. Mere reading of books will not be sufficient. You must know the practical application too. Careful and correct use of first-aid can be beneficial as it can save precious human lives from the jaws of death. Hence I exhort my colleagues to get the requisite knowledge by joining first aid classes. Thank you.



Respected Chairperson, teachers and dear friends! Examinations are the tools in the hands of the teacher to assess the performance of the students. Tests provide information regarding the student’s grasp of the subject as well as achievement. Like any other object, examination too, has two sides—the brighter side and the darker side. Let us concentrate on the positive aspects or the advantages of examinations. Examinations are essential at school and college level as they help to test the efficiency of the students. The promotion of the students to the next class depends on their qualifying the lower class. Thus the examinations provide the students a stimulus to work regularly and punctually. The annual examination is usually held at the end of the academic year, i.e., in March or April. The students know that they must cover their syllabus within the prescribed time-frame. Examinations provide a visible proof of the students grasp of knowledge and reproduction. Examinations inspire the sense of competition and increase the efficiency of the students. Regular examinations inculcate good values among students. They learn to become regular, systematic, methodical and punctual in their studies. Random or irregular testing is self-defeating because it tests the ignorance of the students rather than their knowledge. The students are caught unawares. Thus irregular tests should be discarded as a wastage of time and energy. They serve neither as a test of comprehension nor as test of achievement. These days it has become fashionable to talk about doing away with examinations altogether. If there were no examinations, the students would lose interest in studies and become non-serious. This “holiday from examinations” will promote idleness, carelessness and irresponsibly. Hence, to conclude, we must agree that objective periodic and regular testing is helpful to the student’s as it ensures the real assessment of his worth and personality. Thank you.



Respected Chairperson, teachers and students! Twentieth century has witnessed a revolution in the field of science and technology. Everyday we hear of numerous latest gadgets produced to make our life easy and comfortable. Recently, however, some cases have come to fight where criminals and unscrupulous elements have misused the gadgets of science for their selfish and refarious ends. Committing dacoity, kidnapping or murders using stolen vehicles has become a routine. Telephone is misused by anti-social elements. Young Romeos misuse the telephone for eve-teasing. Rash driving, honking of horns and playing loud music are some other tricks used by them. Unscrupulous operators of cable network screen vulgur films depicting glorification of violence and sex. These films directly encourage evils like smuggling, drinking and drugs. The hard-core terrorists use bombs hidden in toys to hit their targets. Remote control comes handy to them to accomplish their plan. The powerful beams of lasers are used by modem day criminals to break the safest safe. The remedy does not fie in banning the gadgets, but in arousing public consciousness. Police and administration must exercise effective vigilance. Law enforcement should be strict and law-breakers be given exemplary punishment. Thank you.

Question 12: Shweta has to deliver a speech in the morning assembly on the topic: ‘The Generation Gap is destroying family life’. Write her speech in about 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected chairman, honourable judges, members of the staff and my dear Mends! I stand before you to speak my mind on “The Generation Gap is destroying family life’. There are many points to support this contention. The generation gap has caused à chasm between the old and the young. There is a clash of ideas and ideals, tastes, way of thinking and life-style. The young hanker after luxury, comfort and material happiness. They believe in full enjoyment and complete freedom. The elders insist on moral and spiritual values. They advocate renunciation and control on desires. The children think that their parents are slave to customs. The generation gap is evident in behaviour and manners of the two classes. The elders believe in strict obedience to a superior authority. They want that children must respect their elders and learn to be polite. The children pine for freedom. They resent all sorts of curbs. They demand freedom of expression. They want to have a say in family affairs. They insist that their views must be given proper consideration. This leads to bickerings, heart-burning and tension in the family. The elders insist on discipline and strict compliance of their orders. They advocate smiling acceptance of punishment meted out for breach of discipline. The young insist on unrestrained freedom and frankness. They advocate freedom of self-expression and are unwilling to tolerate any interference in their personal affairs—career, love-affair or marriage. Thus there is a wide gap between the two generations. This difference in their way of thinking and behaviour is destroying family life. Hence, I conclude that ‘The generation gap is destroying family life’. Thank you.

Question 13: Swati attended a seminar where speakers narrated their experiences of adverse impact on modern gadgets on our daily life. She has also experienced how these gadgets fail when needed most she decides to enlighten her school mates on this helpless state by delivering a speech in the morning assembly on the topic ‘Modern gadgets have made us slaves to machines’. Write her speech in 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected chairperson, honourable judges, members of the staff and my dear Mends! Today I stand before you stoutly and wholeheartedly to speak on ‘Modem gadgets have made us slave to machines’. We have become so dependent upon machines for everything that out life would come to a stand still without them. Science and technology have transformed the life style of modem man. In fact the modem civilization has become highly mechanised. Right from the time we get up to the time we go to bed we depend on one or the other modem scientific gadget. He uses fridge to store food and keep it cool. Fans, room coolers and air conditioners keep him cool. Telephone increases the range of his voice whereas car multiplies the speed of his legs and now he can fly even like a bird. In his office too he dictates letters on dictaphone, which his secretary types on a typewriter, another device of modem science. Now he can store information in a computer. Mobile phones, television and cable network have become quite common. Most of these gadgets are based on electricity. Now think of a day when electricity fails. All the activities of the morning are shelved or delayed. There is no hot water for shaving or bathing. No tea or sandwich for breakfast. No computer, television or airconditioner can work without electricity. We feel miserable because we have become so used to them. The modem gadgets have helped the world to leap forward to a glittering civilization. They have provided tremendous power and unlimited knowledge to man. In fact the modem gadgets have revolutionised every phase of man’s life. Man has become so dependent upon them that it is impossible to conceive of modem man’s life without these gadgets. Hence, we can safely conclude that modem gadgets have made us slaves to machines. Thank you.



Respected members of the faculty and dear friends. It is indeed shocking that even after more than five decades of independence, we have failed to spread the fruit of literacy among the masses. It is most unfortunate that even today almost half the population of India is illiterate. It is disheartening to note that in the last thirty years the literate population has risen by a mere three thousand lakhs and in the last fifty years the literacy rate has gone up by 38 per cent. Since the population of the country is increasing fast, we have to take immediate and urgent steps to spread the fruits of literacy among the masses. The lamp of knowledge should be taken to the farthest nook and comer of the far flung villages as well as the nearby slums. Let us not lose our patience while engaged in the noble task of spreading literacy. Let us adopt literacy as a mission and as our obligation towards society and the nation. The students of schools can play a very effective and constructive role in educating the illiterates. “Each one teach one’ should not remain a mere slogan. It should be translated into reality. The young students should come forward and accept it as a challenge. I therefore call upon each one of you to take a solemn pledge to educate at least one illiterate per year. I hope that all of you will rise to the occasion and take up cudgels to remove the blot of illiteracy from the fair name of our nation. Thank you.

Question 15: Harsh is deeply upset to read a report of death of people in thousands due to hunger and homelessness. He wonders why these homeless persons couldn’t be provided shelter at night in educational institutions and places of worship. Harsh decides to deliver a Speech in the morning assembly to motivate the students, teachers and Principal to take pity on the plight of the homeless and provide them night shelter. Write his speech in 150-200 words. Answer:


Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends! I invite your attention to a social cause. Every year thousands of homeless people die of extreme cold. It is the responsibility of the state and the citizens to provide facilities to houseless persons to sleep indoors during chilly weather. Since creating new shelters is both time-consuming and costly, we must find enough shelters for homeless people in all our cities from the existing stock of buildings. A large number of spacious buildings at prime locations are vacated every night. These are schools, colleges, offices and places of worship that lie empty every night. There is no reason why these buildings can’t be additionally redeployed with small modifications as night shelters for. the homeless. You may ask why school and college premises should be deployed additionally as shelters at night. It is not just that most school and college teaching spaces are vacant during night and the same space can be used by dispossessed people who do not have a place to sleep, without any-extra cost. Far more important is the fact, that this step would provide these educational institutions an opportunity to fulfil their social commitments as responsible social institutions and teach children and young people first-hand social empathy and social responsibility. I do hope that the authorities of our school would realize the plight of these homeless persons and open the doors of our schools to them at night. It will show fight to the entire country. Thank you.

Question 16: You are Mehak/Mahesh. Read the newspaper report below. Then write a speech on ‘Water-Borne Diseases—A threat’ to be delivered by you at the occasion of ‘World Health Day’. Write this speech using information from the report together with your own ideas. You may use not more than 200 words.


Samples of drinking water drawn from the municipal limits of the district were found to be contaminated. The samples collected by the district health authorities from the municipal councils and the public health water resources of these towns were found to contain unacceptable levels of bacteria and were unfit for human consumption. The district civil surgeon admitted that the bacteria in water might be the source of various diseases including diarrhoea, cholera, hepatitis and typhoid. The contaminated water is more harmful for visitors than the locals.


Respected Principal, distinguished guests, teachers and friends! The report published in the newspaper is shocking. It brings to the fore the callous attitude of the administration. It is a total failure of the Water-Board to provide clean, safe water to the people, a basic necessity. The report categorically says that this water is unfit for human consumption. What are we going to do about this? Are we going to get together and fight or let water-borne diseases like cholera, hepatitis and typhoid spread? Contaminated water can cause these deadly diseases which can cause large scale deaths, if not treated immediately. These water samples must be shown to the Municipal Commissioner and an explanation demanded. On the one hand, we celebrate World Health Day, on the other hand, the basic commodity-water-is impure, I’m sure the concerned authorities will look into the matter and ensure clean and safe drinking water for the public. Thank you.

Question 17: On festival days students burst fire-crackers not knowing how much pollution they cause. You are Suresh/Sudha the Head boy/Head girl of your school. You wish to tell them some facts about bursting fire-crackers and the other sources of pollution. Prepare a detailed speech to be delivered in the school assembly. You may use the following hints and your own ideas. You may use not more than 200 words.

(a) Increase in air pollution because of suspended particulate matter, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, etc. (b) Increase in respiratory diseases like Asthma, Bronchitis, Heart attacks, etc. (c) Increase in noise—pollution causing deafness.


Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends! Good Morning! Today I would like to talk about a subject that we all do know but scarcely pay any heed to it. On the days of festivals most of us burst fire crackers not realizing the amount of pollution they cause. Thus we are ourselves degrading the environment. The bursting of fire crackers increases atmospheric pollution. The suspended particulate matter like nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide are added up when a cracker is burst. The increase in atmospheric pollution gives rise to respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis. The cases of heart-attacks and strokes multiply. The noise pollution created by bursting of crackers may cause deafness as well. We may enjoy the bright light and the sound of explosion for a few seconds, but we ignore the permanent damage caused by bursting of crackers. We ourselves inhale the extremely harmful particles as we ignite the crackers. Hence it becomes the duty of each one of us to keep our environment clean and refrain from bursting crackers. Let us put an end to this wasteful exercise of burning our hard- earned money. Thank you.


Question 18: You are Hemant/Harsha the Head boy/Head girl of your school. The following photo adverts caught your attention in a newspaper. You decide to make the school population aware of the pollution caused by plastic bags. Prepare a speech you intend to deliver in the morning assembly the next day giving useful suggestions and write it in not more than 200 words.


  • made of harmful chemicals
  • things in them become unhealthy
  • check drainage
  • animals may eat; stuck in their bodies
  • not easy to “kill’ them.



Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends! Good morning to you all! While going through the morning newspaper today, I came across two photo advertisements. These highlight the major problem created by the steady use of harmful polybags made of recycled plastic. The government agencies as well as voluntary organizations have made a number of efforts to propagate the harmful effects of plastic bags. However, it seems that habit die hard. Most of us still prefer to ignore the gravity of using plastic bags. Advertisements, it is said, are far more effective than the written speech. One of the advertisements reads “Kill the plastic bag before it kills your future.” It strikes the nail on the head. It clearly indicates the extreme harmfulness of these plastic bags. Let me elaborate the point further. The plastic bags are made of harmful and toxic chemicals that contaminate the environment. The things that we keep inside them become unhealthy. A single plastic bag is enough to choke the whole drainage system. If these bags are discarded carelessly, some animal may eat them. These get stuck in their bodies. A little effort and awareness on our part now can save us from a lot of future problems. Let us start using cloth or gunny bags and completely boycott the use of plastic bags. Once we revert to the old cloth/gunny bags we can convince the shopkeepers not to use plastic bags. This step will enable us to keep our environment clean, green and healthy. Thank you.



Respected teachers and dear friends! It is good that our school is celebrating the Vana Mahotsava Day. It is only recently that man has realized the importance of afforestation and growing more trees. In these days of ever increasing pollution, trees are the best friends of human beings. The importance of planting more and more tree lies in the fact that the number of trees preserved is quite low as compared to the number of trees planted. Some of the trees wither away due to lack of proper nourishment and care and some are cut down. Two random examples are sufficient to prove the point. The number of trees planted in 2003 was 4000. Of these more than 1000 dried (withered) of the old trees about 2500 were cut. Thus the loss of trees was just 500 less than the plantation that year. However, due to preservation of the old trees the number of preserved trees stood around 1500. Let us consider another example. The highest number of trees 8000, were planted in the year 2007. But in the same year 3000 trees withered and 5000 were cut. Only 4000 trees survived. These figures clearly indicate that the loss of trees due to cutting or withering is almost equal to fresh plantation. This is not a healthy sign. Hence our endeavour should be not only to plant more and more trees every year, but also to preserve them in greater number. Proper care and nourishment is as necessary for trees as for children. Let us look after these tender saplings as we look after our young brothers and sister and guard them from every danger—natural or man-made. I am confident that the willing co-operation of all my young friends will certainly make this programme highly successful. Thank you.



Respected teachers and dear friends! The population of our country is increasing at a tremendous speed and along with it the number of illiterates, especially in the rural areas, is shooting up. This tendency is a cause of concern for all the enlightened citizens who are busy in developmental activities or welfare programmes. Knowledge or education makes a person civilized, cultured and self-dependent. Education is a medium to transmit knowledge from one person to another over time and space. Today the world is on the threshold of a revolution. National boundaries are breaking up and the nations of the world are coming closer. The world is becoming well-knit. The rich and developed countries are making rapid advances due to their advanced science and technology. The poor and undeveloped countries are lagging behind in this race of progress simply because their people are illiterates and uneducated. In order to convey one’s thoughts and feelings and to understand others, education is essential. Literacy is the first step in this direction. Poverty and lack of opportunity have hindered majority of poor persons from attaining formal education. The percentage of illiterates is far higher than that of matriculates or graduates. Concerted efforts have been made during the last twenty-five years to take the lamp of knowledge to every nook and comer under the National Literacy mission. School teachers, students, social workers and voluntary agencies have come forward to lend a helping hand in this noble mission. The Government of India has launched Adult Education Programmes. With the constant efforts of dedicated workers the pace of literacy has picked up. Students have adoped the slogan ‘Each one, teach one’ in its real meaning. “



Respected Chairperson and dear friends! The cartoon given above reveals the cartoonist’s sense of humour at the recent hike in the prices of petroleum products. These prices are a gift of the new government to the already over-burdened common man. Though the price-rise varies from ₹ 2 per litre in case of petrol to ₹ 1.50 per litre of diesel, the consumers are adversely affected both directly as well as indirectly. The rise in the prices of diesel will lead to a hike in the bus fares and freight of goods. Everyday consumable articles will become costlier. The hike in LPG prices is enough to raise the ire of the harassed housewife who doesn’t know how to balance her meagre budget against this onslaught. In fact, the effects of price-hike will percolate to all sections of society—commuters, transporters, farmers, traders, consumers, etc. Increase in cost of tariff will make goods dearer and people will face the shortage of essential items or they will have to shell out more. This will indirectly boost hoarding and black-marketing. Corruption and black money will increase and the means of the common man will shrink. The government must reconsider this hike and roll back the increase on LPG and diesel. No one will protest if more tax is levied on luxury items such as big cars, air conditioners, super computers, air-travel, etc. Frequent rise in prices is not good governance. Thank you.



Respected Principal, teachers and students! During the first decade of the millennium a disturbing trend was noticed in the society. The peace loving citizens of locality were rocked by a spurt in cases of violence and social unrest. A close scrutiny of the ‘Violence’ graph reveals a hundred per cent increase during the year 2003-2004. The upward swing went on mounting higher steadily during the next year and showed no sign of abatement. It stuck to a steady level during 2006 as well. Perhaps it was due to some strict measures adopted by the law enforcing agencies. It might also be the proverbial lull before the storm as the violence graph touched the peak in 2007 and maintained the same level during 2008. Violence against women and misbehaviour with them are manifestations of sexstarved male chauvinism to assert their Supermacy and dominance. The elimination of potential rivals during elections is the bane of politics. Apart from these murders or those committed by extremists to cause panic or by hardened criminals for extortions at the behest of their masters. The net result is the same heinous extermination of a particular individual/ group or section of society. It is high time urgent steps were undertaken by the state as well as society to curb anti-social elements as well as propagators of violence. Deterrent punishment and speedy disposal of cases can be an effective curb on the nefarious designs of these offenders against state and society. Thank you.



Respected Chairperson and distinguished guests! Tourism is a thriving business for earning valuable foreign exchange as well as providing an opportunity for cultural exchange and generating employment. India has a rich heritage of art, sculpture, music, dance and drama. Many European countries have promoted tourism as a trade. In some countries it is run like an industry. We, in India, are running it in a non-professional or amateurish manner as is evident from the troughs is the graph of domestic as well as foreign tourists. It is high time we regarded travel and tourism as an industry and launched action plans to accelerate the growth of tourism. A nodal financial institution catering to the specific needs of tourism industry should be established. The main stumbling blocks in the development of tourism at present are lack of infrastructure, inadequate ways of reaching hotels, tourist sites, gateways, etc., paucity in the number of coaches and cars (specially air-conditioned ones), ill-maintained roads. Conferences, cultured exchanges, tourism exchanges, leisure trips, education trips, holiday trips or business trips should be segregated and facilities available be publicized as an attractive package. The need and aspirations of the various categories of tourists should be carefully analysed and adhered to in the sphere of accommodation, food, entertainment and guided tours. Last but not the least the hotel industry should adopt a business like attitude in greeting and sending off the visitors with a smile. Give them a pleasant experience and prepare them to undertake a repeat visit soon. Thank you.

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speech writing class 11 format cbse

Speech Writing


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 16, 2024

Speech Writing

The power of good, inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking speeches can never be overlooked. If we retrospect, a good speech has not only won people’s hearts but also has been a verbal tool to conquer nations. For centuries, many leaders have used this instrument to charm audiences with their powerful speeches. Apart from vocalizing your speech perfectly, the words you choose in a speech carry immense weight, and practising speech writing begins with our school life. Speech writing is an important part of the English syllabus for Class 12th, Class 11th, and Class 8th to 10th. This blog brings you the Speech Writing format, samples, examples, tips, and tricks!

This Blog Includes:

What is speech writing, speech in english language writing, how do you begin an english-language speech, introduction, how to write a speech, speech writing samples, example of a great speech, english speech topics, practice time.

Must Read: Story Writing Format for Class 9 & 10

Speech writing is the art of using proper grammar and expression to convey a thought or message to a reader. Speech writing isn’t all that distinct from other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of certain distinct punctuation and writing style techniques. While writing the ideal speech might be challenging, sticking to the appropriate speech writing structure will ensure that you never fall short.

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.”- Alexander Gregg

The English language includes eight parts of speech i.e. nouns , pronouns , verbs , adjectives 410 , adverbs , prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

  • Noun- A noun is a word that describes anything, such as an animal, a person, a place, or an emotion. Nouns are the building blocks for most sentences.
  • Pronoun – Pronouns are words that can be used in place of nouns. They are used so that we don’t have to repeat words. This makes our writing and speaking much more natural.
  • Verb – A verb is a term that implies activity or ‘doing.’ These are very vital for your children’s grammar studies, as a sentence cannot be complete without a verb.
  • Adjective – An adjective is a term that describes something. An adjective is frequently used before a noun to add extra information or description.
  • Prepositions- A preposition is a term that expresses the location or timing of something in relation to something else.
  • Conjunction- Because every language has its own set of conjunctions, English conjunctions differ from those found in other languages. They’re typically used as a connecting word between two statements, concepts, or ideas.
  • Interjections- Interjections are words that are used to describe a strong emotion or a sudden feeling.

Relevant Read: Speech on the Importance of English

The way you start your English speech can set the tone for the remainder of it. This semester, there are a variety of options for you to begin presentations in your classes. For example, try some of these engaging speech in English language starters.

  • Rhetorical questions : A rhetorical question is a figure of speech that uses a question to convey a point rather than asking for a response. The answer to a rhetorical question may be clear, yet the questioner asks it to emphasize the point. Rhetorical questions may be a good method for students to start their English speeches. This method of introducing your material might be appealing to the viewers and encourage them to consider how they personally relate to your issue.
  • Statistics: When making an instructive or persuasive speech in an English class, statistics can help to strengthen the speaker’s authority and understanding of the subject. To get your point over quickly and create an emotional response, try using an unexpected statistic or fact that will resonate with the audience.
  • Set up an imaginary scene: Create an imaginary situation in your audience’s thoughts if you want to persuade them to agree with you with your speech. This method of starting your speech assists each member of the audience in visualizing a fantastic scenario that you wish to see come true.

Relevant Read: Reported Speech Rules With Exercises

Format of Speech Writing

Here is the format of Speech Writing:

  • Introduction : Greet the audience, tell them about yourself and further introduce the topic.
  • Body : Present the topic in an elaborate way, explaining its key features, pros and cons, if any and the like.
  • Conclusion : Summary of your speech, wrap up the topic and leave your audience with a compelling reminder to think about!

Let’s further understand each element of the format of Speech Writing in further detail:

After the greetings, the Introduction has to be attention-getting. Quickly get people’s attention. The goal of a speech is to engage the audience and persuade them to think or act in your favour. The introduction must effectively include: 

  • A brief preview of your topic. 
  • Define the outlines of your speech. (For example, I’ll be talking about…First..Second…Third)
  • Begin with a story, quote, fact, joke, or observation in the room. It shouldn’t be longer than 3-4 lines. (For Example: “Mahatma Gandhi said once…”, or “This topic reminds me of an incident/story…”)

This part is also important because that’s when your audience decides if the speech is worth their time. Keep your introduction factual, interesting, and convincing.

It is the most important part of any speech. You should provide a number of reasons and arguments to convince the audience to agree with you.

Handling objections is an important aspect of speech composition. There is no time for questions or concerns since a speech is a monologue. Any concerns that may occur during the speech will be addressed by a powerful speech. As a result, you’ll be able to respond to questions as they come in from the crowd. To make speech simpler you can prepare a flow chart of the details in a systematic way.

For example: If your speech is about waste management; distribute information and arrange it according to subparagraphs for your reference. It could include:

  • What is Waste Management?
  • Major techniques used to manage waste
  • Advantages of Waste Management  
  • Importance of Waste Management 

The conclusion should be something that the audience takes with them. It could be a reminder, a collective call to action, a summary of your speech, or a story. For example: “It is upon us to choose the fate of our home, the earth by choosing to begin waste management at our personal spaces.”

After concluding, add a few lines of gratitude to the audience for their time.

For example: “Thank you for being a wonderful audience and lending me your time. Hope this speech gave you something to take away.”

speech writing format

Practice Your Speech Writing with these English Speech topics for students !

A good speech is well-timed, informative, and thought-provoking. Here are the tips for writing a good school speech:

Speech Sandwich of Public Speaking

The introduction and conclusion must be crisp. People psychologically follow the primacy effect (tendency to remember the first part of the list/speech) and recency effect (tendency to recall the last part of the list/speech). 

Use Concrete Facts

Make sure you thoroughly research your topic. Including facts appeals to the audience and makes your speech stronger. How much waste is managed? Give names of organisations and provide numerical data in one line.

Use Rhetorical Strategies and Humour

Include one or two open-ended or thought-provoking questions.  For Example: “Would we want our future generation to face trouble due to global warming?” Also, make good use of humour and convenient jokes that engages your audience and keeps them listening.

Check Out: Message Writing

Know your Audience and Plan Accordingly

This is essential before writing your speech. To whom is it directed? The categorised audience on the basis of –

  • Knowledge of the Topic (familiar or unfamiliar)

Use the information to formulate the speech accordingly, use information that they will understand, and a sentence that they can retain.

Timing Yourself is Important

An important aspect of your speech is to time yourself.  Don’t write a speech that exceeds your word limit. Here’s how can decide the right timing for your speech writing:

  • A one-minute speech roughly requires around 130-150 words
  • A two-minute speech requires roughly around 250-300 words

Recommended Read: Letter Writing

Speech Writing Examples

Here are some examples to help you understand how to write a good speech. Read these to prepare for your next speech:

Write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly as Rahul/ Rubaina of Delhi Public School emphasises the importance of cleanliness, implying that the level of cleanliness represents the character of its residents. (150-200 words)

“Cleanliness is next to godliness,” said the great John Wesley. Hello, respected principal, instructors, and good friends. Today, I, Rahul/Rubaina, stand in front of you all to emphasise the significance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is the condition or attribute of being or remaining clean. Everyone must learn about cleaning, hygiene, sanitation, and the different diseases that are produced by unsanitary circumstances. It is essential for physical well-being and the maintenance of a healthy atmosphere at home and at school. A filthy atmosphere invites a large number of mosquitos to grow and spread dangerous diseases. On the other side, poor personal cleanliness causes a variety of skin disorders as well as lowered immunity.

Habits formed at a young age become ingrained in one’s personality. Even if we teach our children to wash their hands before and after meals, brush their teeth and bathe on a regular basis, we are unconcerned about keeping public places clean. On October 2, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister began the “Swachh Bharat” programme to offer sanitation amenities to every family, including toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and safe and appropriate drinking water supplies. Teachers and children in schools are actively participating in the ‘Clean India Campaign’ with zeal and excitement.

Good health ensures a healthy mind, which leads to better overall productivity, higher living standards, and economic development. It will improve India’s international standing. As a result, a clean environment is a green environment with fewer illnesses. Thus, cleanliness is defined as a symbol of mental purity.

Thank you very much.

Relevant Read: Speech on Corruption

You are Sahil/Sanya, the school’s Head Girl/Head Boy. You are greatly troubled by the increasing instances of aggressive behaviour among your students. You decide to speak about it during the morning assembly. Create a speech about “School Discipline.” (150 – 200 words)


It has been reported that the frequency of fights and incidences of bullying in our school has increased dramatically in the previous several months. Good morning to everyone present. Today, I, Sahil/Sanya, your head boy/girl, am here to shed light on the serious topic of “Increased Indiscipline in Schools.”

It has come to light that instructor disobedience, bullying, confrontations with students, truancy, and insults are becoming more widespread. Furthermore, there have been reports of parents noticing a shift in their children’s attitudes. As a result, many children are suffering emotionally, psychologically, and physically. The impact of this mindset on children at a young age is devastating and irreversible.

Not to mention the harm done to the school’s property. Theft of chalk, scribbling on desks, walls and lavatory doors, destruction of CCTV cameras and so forth. We are merely depriving ourselves of the comforts granted to us by doing so.

Following numerous meetings, it was determined that the main reasons for the problem were a lack of sufficient guidance, excessive use of social media, and peer pressure. The council is working to make things better. Everyone is required to take life skills classes. Counselling, motivating, and instilling friendly ideals will be part of the curriculum. Seminars for parents and students will be held on a regular basis.

A counsellor is being made available to help you all discuss your sentiments, grudges, and personal problems. We are doing everything we can and expect you to do the same.

So, let us work together to create an environment in which we encourage, motivate, assist, and be nice to one another because we are good and civilised humans capable of a great deal of love.

Relevant Read: How to Write a Speech on Discipline?

The current increase in incidences of violent student misbehaviour is cause for alarm for everyone. Students who learn how to manage their anger can help to alleviate the situation. Write a 150-200-word speech about the topic to be delivered at the school’s morning assembly. (10)


Honourable Principal, Respected Teachers, and Dear Friends, I’d like to share a few “Ways to Manage Anger” with you today.

The growing intolerance among the younger generation, which is resulting in violence against teachers, is cause for severe concern. The guru-shishya parampara is losing its lustre. Aggressive behaviour in students can be provoked by a variety of factors, including self-defence, stressful circumstance, over-stimulation, or a lack of adult supervision.

It has become imperative to address the situation. Life skills workshops will be included in the curriculum. Teachers should be trained to deal with such stubborn and confrontational behaviours. Meditation and deep breathing are very beneficial and should be practised every morning. Students should be taught to count to ten before reacting angrily. Sessions on anger control and its importance must also be held.

Remember that Anger is one letter away from danger. It becomes much more crucial to be able to control one’s rage. It’s never too late to start, as a wise man once said.

“Every minute you stay angry, you lose sixty seconds of peace of mind.”

Relevant Read: English Speech Topics for Students

Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I Have A Dream’ is one of his most famous speeches. Its impact has lasted through generations. The speech is written by utilising the techniques above. Here are some examples:

“still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination” – emotive Language

“In a sense, we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check” – personalising the speech

“to stand up for freedom together” – a call to action.

Importantly, this is an example of how the listener comes first while drafting a speech. The language chosen appeals to a specific sort of audience and was widely utilised in 1963 when the speech was delivered.

  • The Best Day of My Life
  • Social Media: Bane or Boon?
  • Pros and Cons of Online Learning
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • If I had a Superpower
  • I wish I were ______
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I Have Learned
  • Paperbacks vs E-books
  • How to Tackle a Bad Habit?
  • My Favorite Pastime/Hobby
  • Understanding Feminism
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Is it real or not?
  • Importance of Reading
  • Importance of Books in Our Life
  • My Favorite Fictional Character
  • Introverts vs Extroverts
  • Lessons to Learn from Sports
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Also Read: How to Ace IELTS Writing Section?

Ans. Speech writing is the process of communicating a notion or message to a reader by employing proper punctuation and expression. Speech writing is similar to other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of some different punctuation and writing structure techniques.

Ans. Before beginning with the speech, choose an important topic. Create an outline; rehearse your speech, and adjust the outline based on comments from the rehearsal. This five-step strategy for speech planning serves as the foundation for both lessons and learning activities.

Ans. Writing down a speech is vital since it helps you better comprehend the issue, organises your thoughts, prevents errors in your speech, allows you to get more comfortable with it, and improves its overall quality.

Speech writing and public speaking are effective and influential. Hope this blog helped you know the various tips for writing the speech people would want to hear. If you need help in making the right career choices at any phase of your academic and professional journey, our Leverage Edu experts are here to guide you. Sign up for a free session now!

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Speech Writing Class 11, 12, Topics, Examples, Format_0.1

Speech Writing Class 11, 12, Topics, Examples, Format

Speech writing on any particular topic requires a lot of research. Speech writing format also has to be structured well in order to properly get the message across to the target audience.


Table of Contents

Speech writing involves employing appropriate language and expression to communicate with the reader. Speech writing is not all that different from other narrative writing styles. However, this writing form involves incorporating best-suited phrases and words to convey and connect to your audience. There are specific punctuation and writing style strategies that pupils should be aware of while writing a good speech. Even though it may be difficult to write the perfect speech, using the right speech writing framework can guarantee that you never fail.

Speech Writing Class 11

Speech writing is an important skill, especially for students in Class 11,12, as it helps in developing their ability to express thoughts coherently and persuasively. Speech is a means of spreading a message to other people. Popular leaders of the world in all domains connect with the masses through this speech. So, it is very important for speech writers to be excellent in their job. Excellent speech encompasses those words and emotions that help connect people across the spectrum. Writing a speech means expressing your opinions on a subject or demonstrating your vehement opposition to a particular notion. You need a powerful, authoritative voice to give a speech that is effective, but what you say is more crucial than how you sound. The preparation of a speech writing is just as important as the delivery of the speech to your audience.

Speech Writing Class 12

Speech Writing is very important topic for class 12. Here is a guideline for writing an effective speech:

Speech Writing Title: “The Importance of Embracing Change”


  • Greeting : “Good morning everyone,”
  • Purpose : “Today, I want to talk about a constant in all our lives – change.”
  • Hook : “Imagine a world where everything remains static – no growth, no progress, just a monotonous continuity. Hard to envision, right?”
  • “Change is the law of life, impacting our personal and professional spheres. It’s inevitable and essential for growth.”
  • Share a personal story or historical example illustrating the positive impact of change.
  • “Consider the technological advancements over the last decade, transforming how we communicate and access information.”
  • “Embracing change opens up opportunities for learning and innovation. It fosters adaptability, a critical skill in today’s fast-paced world.”
  • “Change challenges our comfort zones, pushing us to explore new horizons and perspectives.”
  • Address common fears or resistance to change.
  • “It’s natural to fear the unknown. Change can be uncomfortable, but it’s also a catalyst for personal development.”
  • Encourage the audience to be open to change in their lives.
  • “Let’s welcome change, not as a disruption, but as a path to new opportunities.”
  • Summarize Key Points : Recap the importance of change and its impact.
  • Closing Remark : “In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’ Let’s be agents of positive change, starting today.”
  • Thank You : “Thank you for your attention, and let’s embrace the journey of change together.”

Tips for Speech Writing:

  • Clarity : Ensure your speech has a clear structure and message.
  • Engagement : Use anecdotes, questions, or quotes to engage the audience.
  • Persuasive Elements : Use facts, statistics, or examples to support your points.
  • Language : Keep the language appropriate for the audience and occasion.
  • Practice : Rehearse your speech to maintain a good flow and confidence.

Remember, a good speech is not just about delivering information, but also about connecting with the audience and leaving a lasting impact.

Speech Writing Format

The speech writing format is as follows:

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and introduce yourself before introducing the audience.
  • Body: Detailed presentation of the subject, outlining salient points, potential advantages, and disadvantages, and so forth.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your speech, bring it to a close, and give your audience something compelling to ponder.

Let’s take a closer look at each component of the speech writing format.

Speech Writing Format: Introduction

The introduction ought to grab your attention after the greetings. Get everyone’s attention right away. Engaging the audience and persuading them to believe or act in your favour are the two main objectives of a speech. Effective introductions must contain the following:

  • A brief summary of your subject.
  • Define your speech’s general structure. (For instance, I’ll discuss First..Second..Third.)

Start off by making a statement about the room or a tale, quotation, fact, or joke. It shouldn’t go past three or four lines. (For instance, “Mahatma Gandhi once stated…” or “This subject makes me think of a certain occurrence or tale…”) This section is crucial since it’s at this point that your audience will determine whether or not to pay attention to your speech. Maintain a factual, captivating, and persuasive introduction.

Speech Writing Format: Body

It is the most crucial section of every speech. If you want to persuade the audience to agree with you, you should offer a variety of justifications and arguments.

A crucial part of speech writing is handling objections. A speech is a monologue, thus there is no time for queries or concerns. An effective speech will handle any issues that may arise during it. As a result, you’ll be prepared to react to queries that the audience may have. You can organize the information into a flow chart to make speaking easier.

Speech Writing Format: Conclusion

The finish ought to leave the audience with something. It might serve as a reminder, a rallying cry, a synopsis of your speech, or a narrative. As an illustration, “It is up to us to decide the future of our planet, our home, by starting waste management at our personal areas.”

Add a few sentences thanking the audience for their time after you’ve finished.

For instance, “Thank you for being such a great audience and for your time. I hope you learned anything from this speech.

Speech Writing Examples

One of Martin Luther King Jr.’s most well-known speeches is “I Have A Dream.” Its effects have persisted for many generations. Using the aforementioned strategies, the speech is written. Here are a few instances:

“still cruelly bound by the chains of racism and the manacles of segregation” emotional Language

In a way, we’ve travelled to the capital of our country to cash a check. – Making the speech more unique

A call to action: “to stand up for freedom together.”

This is an important illustration of how to write a speech with the audience in mind. The rhetoric used in the speech, which was delivered in 1963, was popular with a particular audience.

Example: You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in The Hindu on ‘Health Care for Indian Workers’. Write a speech in 125-150 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers. (Delhi 2014)

Unfortunately, the health care options accessible to Indian workers are by far the worst, despite the fact that they make up the majority of the population.

Good morning to all! As a social worker, Rajendra Kumar, I’ve come before you all to discuss the value of health care for Indian employees.

I firmly believe that there is a noticeable lack of a comprehensive and long-term plan that meets the health care demands of Indian employees. Despite India’s significant economic progress, its advantages have not been shared equally, and there are still significant gaps in the workers’ health care in our nation. It is necessary to address the disparities in health care access between demographic groups within the population. It is a known truth that a sizable portion of our workforce is prevented from not only rising over the poverty line but is also lowering a large portion of their lot below the line due to out-of-pocket medical expenses brought on by a lack of access to quality public health care.

The general public must now exert pressure on our various political representatives and hold them responsible in order to ensure that they prioritise improving the health care provided to Indian workers.

Speech Writing Examples 1: Inspirational Speech

“Good morning, everyone! Today, I stand before you to share a simple message: Believe in yourself. We all face challenges and setbacks in life, but it’s how we respond to them that defines us. Remember, you have the power to overcome any obstacle.

Think about the great minds of history, like Thomas Edison, who failed countless times before inventing the light bulb. Or Rosa Parks, whose refusal to give up her seat sparked a revolution. These individuals believed in their abilities and refused to let failure hold them back.

So, I urge you to embrace your unique talents and dreams. Don’t let fear or self-doubt overshadow your potential. Surround yourself with positive influences, set clear goals, and work relentlessly toward them.

Remember, success is not always measured by the end result but by the journey. Embrace failures as opportunities for growth and learning. Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you too.

As we go forth from this gathering, let us carry the torch of self-belief, inspiring others along the way. Together, we can achieve greatness and make a difference in the world.

Thank you.”

Speech Writing Example 2: Commencement Address

“Graduates, faculty, honored guests, and fellow students, congratulations on reaching this significant milestone. Today, we stand at the threshold of a new chapter in our lives, filled with possibilities and endless opportunities.

As we reflect on the past years, we realize the importance of perseverance and determination. We have faced numerous challenges, both academically and personally, but we have overcome them, emerging stronger and wiser.

Now, as we embark on this new journey, let us remember the values instilled in us by our institution. Let integrity guide our actions, compassion drive our interactions, and curiosity fuel our quest for knowledge.

We are the architects of our future, and it is our responsibility to make a positive impact on the world. Let us use our education and skills to address the pressing issues of our time, be it climate change, social inequality, or technological advancements.

Graduates, believe in yourselves and your abilities. Trust that you have been equipped with the tools necessary to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. Embrace the unknown, take risks, and never stop learning.

In conclusion, as we step into the world, let us carry the lessons learned and memories cherished. Let us make a difference, not just for ourselves but for the betterment of society.

Congratulations, Class of [year]. Our future awaits us!”

Speech Writing Example 3: Persuasive Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, today I stand before you to discuss an issue that demands our attention: the importance of recycling. As our planet faces environmental challenges, it is our duty to take action and preserve the Earth for future generations.

By recycling, we can significantly reduce waste and conserve valuable resources. It’s a simple act that has far-reaching impacts. Recycling paper, plastic, glass, and metal can save energy, reduce pollution, and slow down the depletion of natural resources.

Moreover, recycling helps combat climate change. The production of new materials releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By recycling, we can decrease the demand for new production, thereby reducing carbon emissions.

But recycling is not just an individual responsibility; it’s a collective effort. Governments, businesses, and communities must work together to establish effective recycling programs, improve infrastructure, and raise awareness.

I urge you all to incorporate recycling into your daily lives. Encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to do the same. Educate yourselves about proper recycling practices and advocate for stronger environmental policies.

Remember, our actions today will shape the world we pass on to future generations. Let us choose a path of sustainability, where recycling becomes a way of life.

Thank you for your attention and let us commit to making a difference.”

Speech Writing Example 4: Informative Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, today I want to shed light on an issue that affects millions of people around the world: mental health. Mental health is a vital aspect of our well-being, yet it is often overlooked or stigmatized.

Statistics show that one in four individuals will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their lives. It’s time we break the silence and create a society that fosters understanding and support.

Mental health conditions are not a sign of weakness; they are illnesses that require care and treatment. It is crucial to recognize the signs and symptoms and seek help when needed. Let us erase the misconception that seeking support is a sign of failure.

In addition, we must strive to create an inclusive environment that promotes mental well-being. Education and awareness are key to dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health. Let’s engage in open conversations, provide resources, and offer support to those in need.

Furthermore, we must advocate for accessible and affordable mental health services. Governments and healthcare systems must prioritize mental health funding, ensuring that individuals can access the care they deserve.

Remember, mental health is just as important as physical health. Let us stand together, break the barriers, and create a society that supports and empowers those facing mental health challenges.

Speech Writing Example 5: Motivational Speech for a Team

“Team, I stand before you today to acknowledge the remarkable journey we have embarked on together. As a collective, we have achieved great feats, faced challenges head-on, and grown stronger with each step.

In this dynamic and competitive world, success lies in our ability to work as a cohesive unit, leveraging each other’s strengths. We are a team that embodies collaboration, trust, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Let us remember that greatness is not achieved by individual triumphs alone but by our collective efforts. Together, we have created a culture that fosters innovation, embraces diversity, and encourages personal and professional growth.

But our journey does not end here; it is merely a milestone in the greater pursuit of our goals. Let us set even higher benchmarks, challenge ourselves to reach new heights, and inspire each other to excel.

In times of adversity, let us rally together, supporting and uplifting one another. Remember, it is during the most challenging moments that our true character shines through. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation.

As we move forward, let us hold on to the passion that drives us, the camaraderie that unites us, and the unwavering belief in our collective potential. Together, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

Thank you for being part of this incredible team. Let us continue our journey with enthusiasm and determination.”

Please note that the word counts provided for each example are approximate and may vary slightly depending on formatting and specific word choices.

Speech Writing Process

Writing a good speech is an art. However, with constant practice and the right approach, one can write a good speech. We can write a good speech by using the following steps.

Select a goal and a topic: What topics would you like to discuss and why? Your goal should be to inform, entertain, or persuade your audience, and your topic should be something you are interested in and knowledgeable about.

Examine your target audience: You are talking to whom? What requirements and interests do they have? To what extent do they already understand your topic? Adjust your speech to the comprehension and interest level of your audience.

Examine your subject:  Collect data from reliable sources to bolster your primary arguments. This could involve doing your own research, speaking with experts, or reading books, articles, and websites.

Construct an outline: This will assist you in structuring your ideas and guarantee that your speech follows a logical flow. Your introduction, key ideas, illustrative examples, and conclusion should all be included in your outline.

Compose the speech: You can start writing your speech once you have an outline. Make sure your wording is precise and succinct, and refrain from employing excessive jargon. Make sure your speech is the right length and flows naturally by practicing giving it out loud.

Edit and revise the speech:  After you’ve written a draught of your speech, thoroughly review it and make any required changes. Make careful to proofread for punctuation, grammatical, and spelling mistakes.

Rehearse  giving  your  speech:   You  will  be  more  at  ease  and  confident  when  giving  your  speech  the  more  you  rehearse. Practice  in  front  of  a  small  group  of  people,  a  mirror,  or  a  friend  or  family  member.

How to write a good speech?

  • Know why you are giving the speech: Before you start writing, you must be aware of why you are doing it. Determine whether the speech needs to be motivational, entertaining, or just informative.
  • Decide who your audience is: The main factor to consider while writing or giving a speech is your audience. You cannot write a strong and suitable speech unless you are aware of your target audience.
  • Set the speech’s duration: Whatever the subject, make sure to keep it concise and direct. A speech will become repetitive and uninteresting if it is longer than it has to be.
  • Reviewing and practising the speech is important since you might have missed a few small flaws when you first wrote it. Until you are certain that you have it right, edit and revise. Make as much practise as necessary to avoid stammering in front of your audience.
  • Mention your main points after the speech: The key themes that have received a lot of attention and have the potential to change are called takeaways. Always leave your listeners with a concept or idea to consider when you finish speaking.

Speech Topics for Class 11

Some speech writing topics 11, and 12 are given here:

  • Welcome Speech
  • Happy Children’s Day
  • Teachers Day Speech
  • Importance of Education in Our Life
  • Independence Day
  • Importance of books in our life
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I have Learned

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What is speech writing?

Speech writing involves using appropriate punctuation and expression to convey a thought or message to the reader. Similar to other forms of narrative writing, speech writing. However, there are a few key punctuation and writing structure strategies that students should be aware of.

What is the importance of speech writing?

Writing down a speech is essential since it allows you to better understand the subject, organize your ideas, avoid mistakes in your speech, become more comfortable with it, and raise the overall caliber of the speech.

How do you write up a speech?

Know why you are giving the speech: Before you start writing, you must be aware of why you are doing it. Determine whether the speech needs to be motivational, entertaining, or just informative. Decide who your audience is: The main factor to consider while writing or giving a speech is your audience. You cannot write a strong and suitable speech unless you are aware of your target audience. Set the speech's duration: Whatever the subject, make sure to keep it concise and direct. A speech will become repetitive and uninteresting if it is longer than it has to be. Reviewing and practising the speech is important since you might have missed a few small flaws when you first wrote it. Until you are certain that you have it right, edit and revise. Make as much practise as necessary to avoid stammering in front of your audience. Mention your main points after the speech: The key themes that have received a lot of attention and have the potential to change are called takeaways. Always leave your listeners with a concept or idea to consider when you finish speaking.

How do I start writing a speech?

Start off by making a statement about the room or a tale, quotation, fact, or joke. It shouldn't go past three or four lines. (For instance, "Mahatma Gandhi once stated..." or "This subject makes me think of a certain occurrence or tale...")

What is basic speech?

Introduction, body, and conclusion are the three fundamental components of speeches and presentations.

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But writing can be challenging, especially if you don't have the right guidance, resources, and practice. That's why we have created a comprehensive and engaging Class 11 English Writing course for you. 🙌

Our course covers all the topics and skills that you need to ace your Class 11 English Writing exams and beyond. You will learn from the best teachers, who have years of experience and expertise in teaching writing. You will also get access to highquality study materials, such as notes, videos, quizzes, and assignments. 📚

But that's not all. Our course also helps you to develop your creativity, originality, and style as a writer . You will explore various types and formats of writing, such as essays, letters, articles, speeches, reports, etc. You will also learn how to write for different purposes and audiences, such as informative, persuasive, descriptive, narrative, etc. 🖋️

By the end of our course, you will be able to:

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  • Write clear, coherent, and compelling texts for various situations and contexts
  • Use appropriate vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your writing
  • Use different techniques and strategies to make your writing more effective and engaging
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So what are you waiting for? Join our Class 11 English Writing course today and start your journey towards becoming a master of writing. 💯

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Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 11 Examples, Samples, Topics


♦ Format:

(a) Address the gathering, e.g., Respected Principal, teachers, students, Good Morning. (b) Speech in three or four paragraphs. (c) A speech ends with Thank you. The speaker thanks the listeners for their patient hearing. Content:

♦ Content:

According to the occasion, you may include quotations. Organise the speech into introduction, main points and conclusion.

Language and style should be a mingling of the serious and conversational modes.

Question 1. You are Mukesh/Mukta of Saket. You have been reading the news items on Nithari killings. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be given in the morning assembly, stressing the need of keeping a close vigil on the anti-social elements of the locality and taking care of young children of the area so that they don’t fall prey to bad characters. Answer:

Crimes Against Children by Mukta (XIA)

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends. Good Morning. I am Mukta of Class XI. Today I would like to share my views with you on crimes against children. It is a horrifying reality with which we have to contend.

Some recent tragic events have opened our eyes to the magnitude of crimes against children. Mostly, children are kidnapped for ransom if they are from rich families, or for begging and stealing if they are from ordinary families. Cases of child abuse are growing in alarming proportions.

The most disgusting and horrifying of these cases was the one discovered at Noida, where the owner- servant team carried out dastardly crimes against children behind closed doors. Investigations are unveiling horrible acts.

In such a scenario, it is imperative that parents take good care of their children. Children should be trained not to.trust strangers.

The security of a neighbourhood depends on the alertness of the citizens. We have a tremendous responsibility towards our youngsters.

I hope my words will make you think about the matter. Thank you

Question 2. Children usually come to school without taking breakfast in the morning and eat junk food from the school canteen. This habit affects adversely the performance of students in academics and sports. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be given in your school assembly about ‘How Health is Affected by Lifestyle’. Answer:

How Health is Affected by Lifestyle

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends,

Good morning, I am Mamta of XI A, and I wish to speak to you on a very important matter. I wish to speak to you on how our health is affected by our lifestyle.

Yesterday, a class VI student fainted in the assembly. The reason was that she had not taken her breakfast of porridge, fruit and milk. She wanted noodles only with coffee!

Friends, the breakfast her mother had prepared was nutritious, it would have given her energy for the whole day. If we fill our stomach, meal after meal, with junk food, how shall we grow tall and strong? How will we get the energy for mental work?

Like food, rest is an important part of our lifestyle. My friend Roshan was unable to answer his English paper in the unit test; he was feeling sleepy. He had studied till 3 a.m. because he thought English could be studied in a few hours. Had he been regular in work and study, he would have done well, for he is very intelligent.

My last word is for my obese friends who form almost 30% of our student body. Exercise, exercise and regular exercise is the answer to your problems.

I sincerely hope you will improve your lifestyle to be healthier and stronger.

♦ Analysis:

  • Notice that the speech opens with an address to the listeners. They are addressed in order of importance. Do not forget to address the student audience.
  • Notice the conclusion. The speech ends with thanking the audience.
  • Notice that the language and style are more conversational than that of an article.
  • The structure of the content of a speech is very similar to that of an article/essay, i.e., having an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Question 3. A recent survey by the Ministry of Health shows that the growing tendency of obesity among children today is caused by addiction to junk food and lack of physical exercise, and it adversely affects their learning power. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of the school highlighting the importance of good health and motivating the children to eat healthy, balanced diet. Answer:

Side Effects of Junk Food

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, teachers, and dear friends. Good morning.

I am grateful to the Principal, Dr N. Ravi, for giving me this opportunity to speak on a matter that is close to the heart of all teenagers.

As I stand here, I can see about eight to ten overweight students in each class line. Surely, they are embarrassed and have become the butt of jokes. To look fit and trim is vital for a good personality.

Friends, I want you to look at your daily routine and see what you are doing to get this bulky figure. Are you excessively fond of cold drinks, pizzas and hamburgers? Do you love to sit before TV and munch wafers and packaged chips of all brands ? Is your favorite snack during the long break everyday a spicy oily ‘samosa’ or ‘bread pakora’?

Later in the evening do you just sit indoors and work on your computer, complete your homework or watch TV ?

If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’, you know why you have this ungainly figure. In order to be slim and athletic, you need to eat right, exercise briskly in fresh air and live a disciplined life. The food that your mother prepares is what you should consume rather than junk food.

Question 4. With the visual media technology overtaking the print-media, you have observed a decline in the people’s interest in reading books. You are disturbed by this excessive dependence of the young on television and computer games as the source of entertainment. Write a speech in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the “Pleasures of Reading” or “The Company of Books. ” Answer:

The Pleasures of Reading by ABC

Reading affords pleasure like no other activity. It is deeply fulfilling and satisfying. While reading, the reader is in direct communication with the writer, however distant he may be in time or space. The reader is fully focussed and enjoys the content as well as the beauty and power of language. Reading offers an infinite variety according to one’s taste. Knowledge, imagination and the reader’s own appreciation of the written word are some of the rewards of reading. If one is adventurous, one can venture into unknown cultures through books. For example, a reading of Tolstoy or Chekhov gives us an insight into the life of the Russians as a reading of Dickens gives us of the British, particularly of London dwellers.

Reading makes us more sensitive to human greatness as well as human suffering. A reading of Premchand’s short stories acquaints us with the strengths and weaknesses of human character. The classics of literature are eternal in their appeal.

Unfortunately, today most of us visit the celluloid version of Sharat Chandra’s ‘Devdas’ three four times, and the original printed one not even once.

Question 5. The world that we are living in is under a great threat of extinction. Large scale pollution, deforestation and industrialization are suffocating the environment. You, as a concerned citizen, want to share the causes and effects of global warming. You would also like to give a few suggestions on how to contribute to the making of a better world. As Vivek/Vineeta Arora, Head Boy/Girl of the school, prepare a speech on this issue for the morning assembly under the heading “The Hazards of Global Warming”. (150-200 words) Answer:

The Hazards of Global Warming

This morning, I wish to draw your attention to the catastrophe that is slowly and surely coming towards us. I am talking about the hazards of global warming.

Some of my friends may not be aware of ‘global warming’. This term means the rise of the temperature of the atmosphere surrounding our planet. This is happening because of over industrialisation, large-scale pollution and deforestation. Hot emissions from industry and release of chemicals in the air are making the atmosphere of the earth warmer.

What are the hazards of global warming? Already, the polar ice caps have started melting. This can bring disaster to the world. Huge glaciers in the Himalayas and other mountains are shrinking. This will cause a rise in the sea level and will eventually lead to the flooding of coastal areas. Global warming will also bring about changes in the world climate. There will be excess rains, floods, unbearable heat and cold. These changes will surely bring disaster to the flora and fauna of our planet.

What can we do about this problem? The countries need to exercise discipline ajpout putting up industries. Effective measures to control pollution are needed.

Friends, I have tried to acquaint you with the problem the whole world is facing.

Question 6. You are the Class Representative, Class XI of Gandhi Memorial School, Pushp Vihar. You have been asked to prepare a speech on the need to imbibe principles of truthfulness, gentleness and cooperation to counter the growing violence in today’s world. Write this speech in 150-200 words. Answer:

Today, I wish to speak to you on the very familiar subject of values like truthfulness, gentleness and cooperation. If we wish to counter the growing violence around us, these values are the only recourse open to us. (Develop these points).

Truthfulness – the basis of social stability – will rid society of deceit and fraud – example of Gandhiji! who could defeat the mighty British with the weapon of truth.

Gentleness – tolerance of the other colour, religion and caste, patience and compassion advocated by Buddha and Mahavir.

Cooperation – inevitable in the era of globalization.

Question 7. You are Rajini/Rajat Gaur. After seeing some obese children in your school, you are worried about the craze for junk food and electronic gadgets in students. Write a speech to be read out in the morning assembly highlighting the need to have good eating habits and the benefits of outdoor activities. (Word limit: 150-200 words) Answer:

Respected principal, teachers and dear friends. Today I am standing before you to express my views on the topic “obesity among school children”. Obesity has become a cause of concern for one and all. With the entry of companies like McDonalds, Kentucky chicken, wimpeys, Pizza Huts, etc. the concept of fast food has spread like a wild fire. More and more school children have taken to chocolates and soft drinks without worrying for colories. The result is obesity increasing by leaps and bounds among school children.

‘Junk food’ appeals to our taste buds but our digestive system repels it. Oil and extra fat harm our liver. We put on flesh and increase our weight. Fresh home cooked meals are hygenic, better and full of vitamins. Minerals can be easily digested. Our food should consist of coarse cereals, green and leafy vegetables, fruits, and pulses, etc. To keep ourselves agile, energetic and robust, we must do physical exercises, play games like football, badminton, kabbaddi, volleyball, etc.

By eating healthy food, doing regular physical activities not only our body will be healthy and toned our minds would remain active. I hope you all will give some consideration to my suggestion and try to instil it in your daily routine.

Thank you all for giving me a patient hearing.

Question 8. Yoga is beneficial. Speak about the benefits of yoga in the morning assembly. (Word limit: 150-200) Answer:

Respected Principal, teachers and friends, a very good morning to one and all. Today I am standing before you to express my views on the benefits of practising yoga.

Many of us perform yoga but do we know what this entails and why is it performed? Basically yoga is a means to attain balance in our body, i.e., gaining strength, increasing flexibility and attaining spirituality. Postures and asanas are an indispensable part of yoga. These are performed keeping in mind all the body parts, combining breathing practices, and include guided mediation, Yoga is a union between body and mind. In other words, we can say it is a balance between mind and helps us keep ourselves fit and fine.

Yoga has the potential to cure many diseases like respiratory problem, abdominal problem and diseases related to the nervous system. Yoga helps in releasing toxins, reduces stress and increases concentration. In short, yoga helps us keep disease-free, happy, wealthy, wise and toned up. Yoga is a never-ending process. The deeper you delve into it the more fruitfull will be the results.

I would like to end my speech on this note.

Amresh Academy

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Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 11 Examples, Samples, Topics

Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 11

Though speech is essentially an essay, it is significantly different. Whereas an essay or an article is read by people at a distance in time and place, a speech is delivered ‘live’ to an audience. This fact determines, to a great extent, the language and style of the composition.

A speech consists of the words spoken by a person to a gathering. The speaker could be a leader, a learned man, a man in a position of power and authority or an ordinary person, a student. The ‘address’, the language and style are determined by the occasion and the audience.

This grammar section explains  English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English  will help you to write better answers in your Class 11 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

(a) Address the gathering, e.g., Respected Principal, teachers, students, Good Morning. (b) Speech in three or four paragraphs. (c) A speech ends with Thank you. The speaker thanks the listeners for their patient hearing. Content:

According to the occasion, you may include quotations. Organise the speech into introduction, main points and conclusion.

Language and style should be a mingling of the serious and conversational modes.

Question 1. You are Mukesh/Mukta of Saket. You have been reading the news items on Nithari killings. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be given in the morning assembly, stressing the need of keeping a close vigil on the anti-social elements of the locality and taking care of young children of the area so that they don’t fall prey to bad characters. Answer:

Crimes Against Children by Mukta (XIA)

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends. Good Morning. I am Mukta of Class XI. Today I would like to share my views with you on crimes against children. It is a horrifying reality with which we have to contend.

Some recent tragic events have opened our eyes to the magnitude of crimes against children. Mostly, children are kidnapped for ransom if they are from rich families, or for begging and stealing if they are from ordinary families. Cases of child abuse are growing in alarming proportions.

The most disgusting and horrifying of these cases was the one discovered at Noida, where the owner- servant team carried out dastardly crimes against children behind closed doors. Investigations are unveiling horrible acts.

In such a scenario, it is imperative that parents take good care of their children. Children should be trained not to.trust strangers.

The security of a neighbourhood depends on the alertness of the citizens. We have a tremendous responsibility towards our youngsters.

I hope my words will make you think about the matter. Thank you

Question 2. Children usually come to school without taking breakfast in the morning and eat junk food from the school canteen. This habit affects adversely the performance of students in academics and sports. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be given in your school assembly about ‘How Health is Affected by Lifestyle’. Answer:

How Health is Affected by Lifestyle

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends,

Good morning, I am Mamta of XI A, and I wish to speak to you on a very important matter. I wish to speak to you on how our health is affected by our lifestyle.

Yesterday, a class VI student fainted in the assembly. The reason was that she had not taken her breakfast of porridge, fruit and milk. She wanted noodles only with coffee!

Friends, the breakfast her mother had prepared was nutritious, it would have given her energy for the whole day. If we fill our stomach, meal after meal, with junk food, how shall we grow tall and strong? How will we get the energy for mental work?

Like food, rest is an important part of our lifestyle. My friend Roshan was unable to answer his English paper in the unit test; he was feeling sleepy. He had studied till 3 a.m. because he thought English could be studied in a few hours. Had he been regular in work and study, he would have done well, for he is very intelligent.

My last word is for my obese friends who form almost 30% of our student body. Exercise, exercise and regular exercise is the answer to your problems.

I sincerely hope you will improve your lifestyle to be healthier and stronger.

♦ Analysis:

  • Notice that the speech opens with an address to the listeners. They are addressed in order of importance. Do not forget to address the student audience.
  • Notice the conclusion. The speech ends with thanking the audience.
  • Notice that the language and style are more conversational than that of an article.
  • The structure of the content of a speech is very similar to that of an article/essay, i.e., having an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Question 3. A recent survey by the Ministry of Health shows that the growing tendency of obesity among children today is caused by addiction to junk food and lack of physical exercise, and it adversely affects their learning power. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly of the school highlighting the importance of good health and motivating the children to eat healthy, balanced diet. Answer:

Side Effects of Junk Food

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, teachers, and dear friends. Good morning.

I am grateful to the Principal, Dr N. Ravi, for giving me this opportunity to speak on a matter that is close to the heart of all teenagers.

As I stand here, I can see about eight to ten overweight students in each class line. Surely, they are embarrassed and have become the butt of jokes. To look fit and trim is vital for a good personality.

Friends, I want you to look at your daily routine and see what you are doing to get this bulky figure. Are you excessively fond of cold drinks, pizzas and hamburgers? Do you love to sit before TV and munch wafers and packaged chips of all brands ? Is your favorite snack during the long break everyday a spicy oily ‘samosa’ or ‘bread pakora’?

Later in the evening do you just sit indoors and work on your computer, complete your homework or watch TV ?

If the answer to these questions is ‘Yes’, you know why you have this ungainly figure. In order to be slim and athletic, you need to eat right, exercise briskly in fresh air and live a disciplined life. The food that your mother prepares is what you should consume rather than junk food.

Question 4. With the visual media technology overtaking the print-media, you have observed a decline in the people’s interest in reading books. You are disturbed by this excessive dependence of the young on television and computer games as the source of entertainment. Write a speech in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the “Pleasures of Reading” or “The Company of Books. ” Answer:

The Pleasures of Reading by ABC

Reading affords pleasure like no other activity. It is deeply fulfilling and satisfying. While reading, the reader is in direct communication with the writer, however distant he may be in time or space. The reader is fully focussed and enjoys the content as well as the beauty and power of language. Reading offers an infinite variety according to one’s taste. Knowledge, imagination and the reader’s own appreciation of the written word are some of the rewards of reading. If one is adventurous, one can venture into unknown cultures through books. For example, a reading of Tolstoy or Chekhov gives us an insight into the life of the Russians as a reading of Dickens gives us of the British, particularly of London dwellers.

Reading makes us more sensitive to human greatness as well as human suffering. A reading of Premchand’s short stories acquaints us with the strengths and weaknesses of human character. The classics of literature are eternal in their appeal.

Unfortunately, today most of us visit the celluloid version of Sharat Chandra’s ‘Devdas’ three four times, and the original printed one not even once.

Question 5. The world that we are living in is under a great threat of extinction. Large scale pollution, deforestation and industrialization are suffocating the environment. You, as a concerned citizen, want to share the causes and effects of global warming. You would also like to give a few suggestions on how to contribute to the making of a better world. As Vivek/Vineeta Arora, Head Boy/Girl of the school, prepare a speech on this issue for the morning assembly under the heading “The Hazards of Global Warming”. (150-200 words) Answer:

The Hazards of Global Warming

This morning, I wish to draw your attention to the catastrophe that is slowly and surely coming towards us. I am talking about the hazards of global warming.

Some of my friends may not be aware of ‘global warming’. This term means the rise of the temperature of the atmosphere surrounding our planet. This is happening because of over industrialisation, large-scale pollution and deforestation. Hot emissions from industry and release of chemicals in the air are making the atmosphere of the earth warmer.

What are the hazards of global warming? Already, the polar ice caps have started melting. This can bring disaster to the world. Huge glaciers in the Himalayas and other mountains are shrinking. This will cause a rise in the sea level and will eventually lead to the flooding of coastal areas. Global warming will also bring about changes in the world climate. There will be excess rains, floods, unbearable heat and cold. These changes will surely bring disaster to the flora and fauna of our planet.

What can we do about this problem? The countries need to exercise discipline ajpout putting up industries. Effective measures to control pollution are needed.

Friends, I have tried to acquaint you with the problem the whole world is facing.

Question 6. You are the Class Representative, Class XI of Gandhi Memorial School, Pushp Vihar. You have been asked to prepare a speech on the need to imbibe principles of truthfulness, gentleness and cooperation to counter the growing violence in today’s world. Write this speech in 150-200 words. Answer:

Today, I wish to speak to you on the very familiar subject of values like truthfulness, gentleness and cooperation. If we wish to counter the growing violence around us, these values are the only recourse open to us. (Develop these points).

Truthfulness – the basis of social stability – will rid society of deceit and fraud – example of Gandhiji! who could defeat the mighty British with the weapon of truth.

Gentleness – tolerance of the other colour, religion and caste, patience and compassion advocated by Buddha and Mahavir.

Cooperation – inevitable in the era of globalization.

Question 7. You are Rajini/Rajat Gaur. After seeing some obese children in your school, you are worried about the craze for junk food and electronic gadgets in students. Write a speech to be read out in the morning assembly highlighting the need to have good eating habits and the benefits of outdoor activities. (Word limit: 150-200 words) Answer:

Respected principal, teachers and dear friends. Today I am standing before you to express my views on the topic “obesity among school children”. Obesity has become a cause of concern for one and all. With the entry of companies like McDonalds, Kentucky chicken, wimpeys, Pizza Huts, etc. the concept of fast food has spread like a wild fire. More and more school children have taken to chocolates and soft drinks without worrying for colories. The result is obesity increasing by leaps and bounds among school children.

‘Junk food’ appeals to our taste buds but our digestive system repels it. Oil and extra fat harm our liver. We put on flesh and increase our weight. Fresh home cooked meals are hygenic, better and full of vitamins. Minerals can be easily digested. Our food should consist of coarse cereals, green and leafy vegetables, fruits, and pulses, etc. To keep ourselves agile, energetic and robust, we must do physical exercises, play games like football, badminton, kabbaddi, volleyball, etc.

By eating healthy food, doing regular physical activities not only our body will be healthy and toned our minds would remain active. I hope you all will give some consideration to my suggestion and try to instil it in your daily routine.

Thank you all for giving me a patient hearing.

Question 8. Yoga is beneficial. Speak about the benefits of yoga in the morning assembly. (Word limit: 150-200) Answer:

Respected Principal, teachers and friends, a very good morning to one and all. Today I am standing before you to express my views on the benefits of practising yoga.

Many of us perform yoga but do we know what this entails and why is it performed? Basically yoga is a means to attain balance in our body, i.e., gaining strength, increasing flexibility and attaining spirituality. Postures and asanas are an indispensable part of yoga. These are performed keeping in mind all the body parts, combining breathing practices, and include guided mediation, Yoga is a union between body and mind. In other words, we can say it is a balance between mind and helps us keep ourselves fit and fine.

Yoga has the potential to cure many diseases like respiratory problem, abdominal problem and diseases related to the nervous system. Yoga helps in releasing toxins, reduces stress and increases concentration. In short, yoga helps us keep disease-free, happy, wealthy, wise and toned up. Yoga is a never-ending process. The deeper you delve into it the more fruitfull will be the results.

I would like to end my speech on this note.


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    You are the Class Representative, Class XI of Gandhi Memorial School, Pushp Vihar. You have been asked to prepare a speech on the need to imbibe principles of truthfulness, gentleness and cooperation to counter the growing violence in today's world. Write this speech in 150-200 words. Answer: Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends,

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    NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 11 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts. Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 11 Examples, Samples, Topics. ♦ Format: (a) Address the gathering, e.g., Respected Principal, teachers, students, Good Morning.