Research Guide for Chinese Studies

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  • Historical Texts / Modern & Contemporary Texts / Gazetteers / Year Books / Rare Books / E-Books
  • Journals / Dissertations / Proceedings
  • Media / Newspapers
  • Maps / Arts / Images
  • Reference Tools
  • Bibliographies / Union Catalog
  • Archival Materials and Finding Aids
  • Useful Links for East Asian Studies

This guide provides an introduction to selected electronic resources for Chinese studies.  Any suggestions, questions or comments, please contact  Xiao-he Ma, Sharon Li-shiuan  Yang  .  Thanks!

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  • Harvard-Yenching Library  
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  • Naxi manuscripts - Rock's access number vs. new number cross reference table
  • Ainosco Search 是科探索 New more... less... Ainosco Search是科探索: ID: hu2022 Password: 2022hu 試用期間: 即日起到2023/3/31 使用方式很簡單,只要搜尋關鍵字即可找到該關鍵字出現在那些圖書全文中。 搜尋結果的左邊可選擇只出現"本館館藏"的圖書,或是有電子書全文的圖書,但由於目前是試用,電子書全文提供與否是按貴館是否有採購而呈現。 如貴館正式訂購此數據庫就可以進行線上電子書使用。
  • China Research Gateway (CRG) On Trial
  • Dingxiu Guji Quanwen Jiansuo Pingtai 鼎秀古籍全文检索平台 On Trial (till 2024.12.31)
  • ERUDITION. Chinese Art I 爱如生中国艺术库 New
  • Fan yun wen xian 繙云文獻- 台灣文獻, 近代報刊, 滿鐵文獻 On Trial (till 2024.6.30) more... less... Created by 得泓資訊有限公司, Taiwan
  • Gale. China and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China 1854–1949 New
  • History of the Communist Party of China Database 中共党史经典文献数据库 On Trial. Access via VPN (till 2024.6.30) more... less... Access through VPN
  • The Ideological and Theoretical Resources of the Communist Party of China 中国共产党思想理论资源数据库 On Trial (till 2024.7.31)
  • Keledge E-Book Platform 可知电子书平台 New
  • RRO. Routledge Resources Online: Chinese Studies New
  • SuperStar. Bailian Academic Search 百链学术搜索 New
  • Wenxinge Full-text database of Chinese & Japanese Ancient Books 文心閣古籍數據庫 ( Diaolong Database 雕龍全文數據庫) On Trial (till 2023.3.31)
  • 中国金石总录数据库 1-8 期 On Trial. Access via VPN ( till 2024.10.15)
  • 唐代墓志铭数据库 On Trial. Access via VPN (till 2024.10.15)
  • 宋代墓志铭数据库.三编 On Trial. Access via VPN (till 2024.10.15)
  • 宋代墓志铭数据库.初编 On Trial. Access via VPN (till 2024.10.15)
  • 宋代墓志铭数据库.续编 On Trial. Access via VPN (till 2024.10.15)
  • Bao Juan 寶卷 OPEN ACCESS
  • Carter D. Holton Photos Collection 海映光牧师中国甘青地区少数民族信仰文化老照片 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Maritime Collection 中國舊海關資料 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Old Local Gazetteers 中國舊方志 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Rare Books- CURIOSity Digital Collection 中文善本特藏 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Republican Period Collection 民國時期文獻 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Rubbings- CURIOSity Digital Collection 中文拓片 OPEN ACCESS
  • Christianity Collection 基督教傳教士文獻 OPEN ACCESS
  • Dazibao and Woodcuts from 1960s China 大字报
  • Digital Maps- China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau 数字地圖 OPEN ACCESS
  • Edwards Bangs Drew Chinese Maritime Customs Services Photographs 爱德华兹班德鲁中国旧海关服务时期老照片
  • Er Qi Collection 二齊 (齊耀琳, 齊耀珊) 藏书 OPEN ACCESS
  • Hart Collection 哈特教授藏書 OPEN ACCESS
  • Harvard-Yenching Library Digital Maps 数字地图 OPEN ACCESS
  • Harvard-Yenching Library Online Photographs
  • Hedda Morrison Photograph Albums more... less...
  • Hedda Morrison Photographs of China 赫逹莫里森中國老照片, 1933-1946 OPEN ACCESS more... less... All of the photographs contained in the 28 albums assembled by Hedda Morrison and beaqueathed to Harvard-Yenching Library have been cataloged and digitized and can be viewed in VIA (Visual Information Access), the union catalog of visual resources at Harvard. This site provides information about the collection and strategies for effectively searching for Hedda Morrison photographs in VIA.
  • Japanese Rare Books 日文善本古籍 OPEN ACCESS
  • John K. Fairbank and Edwin O. Reischauer "Rice Paddies" Lantern Slide Collection 费正清教授,海肖爾教授 “稻田” 课程教學幻燈片 OPEN ACCESS
  • Joseph F. Rock Collection 约瑟夫.洛克中国老照片
  • Korean Rare Books 韓文善本古籍 OPEN ACCESS
  • Manchukuo Collection- Digital maps 滿洲國收藏- 地圖類 OPEN ACCESS
  • Manchukuo Collection- Postcards 滿洲國收藏- 明信片 OPEN ACCESS
  • Manchu Rare Books 滿文古籍 OPEN ACCESS
  • Ming-Qing Women's Writings 明清婦女著作 (McGill University Library 合作項目) OPEN ACCESS
  • Mongolian Rare Books 蒙文古籍 OPEN ACCESS
  • Naxi Manuscripts 納西東巴經 OPEN ACCESS
  • North Korean Posters 北朝鲜海报 more... less... Korea Institute - Harvard-Yenching Library North Korean poster digitization project
  • Prof. Hanan's Personal Collection 韩南教授藏书 OPEN ACCESS
  • Qi Rushan Collection 齊如山藏書 OPEN ACCESS
  • Rev. Claude L. Pickens, Jr. Collection on Muslims in China 畢敬士中國穆斯林和基督教传教士老照片 OPEN ACCESS
  • Souvenir de Chine photos 中日二次战争照片集 OPEN ACCESS
  • (CBDB) China Biographical Database 中國歷代人物傳記資料庫 OPEN ACCESS
  • Academia Sinica Digital Humanities Research Platform 中央研究院數位人文研究平台
  • Academia Sinica Digital Humanities Research Platform 中研院數位人文研究平台操作說明 YouTube playlist (Chinese only)
  • Academia Sinica Text Recognition and Proofreading Platform 中央研究院文字辨識與校對平台
  • Archive it - Greater China Archival Resources Web Archive 檔案指南 OPEN ACCESS New more... less... For a blog post that may be redistributed across the Confederation, please see the following:
  • BiogRef- Distributed Metadata Sharing for Online Biographical Information OPEN ACCESS
  • Buddhist Studies Authority Database Project 佛學規範資料庫 OPEN ACCESS
  • CBDB Ontology on WebVOWL
  • CBDB Ontology 上海图书馆 CBDB 本体
  • China Historical GIS 中国历史地理信息系统 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Ancient Text Electronic Resources Cross-cat Query System 电子汉籍联合目录 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Iconography Thesaurus 中國圖像誌索引典 OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Maritime Trade Customs Datasets OPEN ACCESS
  • Chinese Text Project ( ) 中國哲學書電子化計劃 OPEN ACCESS
  • Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteers Data (CCVG ) 数字村庄
  • CrossAsia Fulltext Search
  • Cultural Japan
  • DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard)
  • Data Science Services 哈佛定量社會科學分析中心IQSS
  • Digital Collections for Chinese Studies (Dashboard link)
  • Digital Collections for Chinese Studies(WebApp link)
  • Digital Dunhuang 數字敦煌 OPEN ACCESS
  • Digital Humanities Platform of Shanghai Library 上海圖書館歷史人文大數據平台
  • DocuSky BETA 工具集
  • Duke University Library. Memory Project digital collection 杜克大学图书馆口述历史项目
  • English/Chinese Comparison Table for Names of Chinese Studies Scholars 北美中国研究学者英中姓名对照
  • Exploring Republican China in the USC Digital Library- An Experimental Metadata Analysis
  • THE FIRST EMPEROR OF CHINA(秦始皇) - Global Memory Net Project
  • Han Cloud Search Platform 漢雲平台
  • Harvard Dataverse Support
  • Harvard University Digital Scholarship Events
  • Harvard University Digital Scholarship Support Group
  • Harvard WorldMap OPEN ACCESS
  • Historical Document Crowd Sourcing Platform 上海图书馆历史文献众包台
  • Huihui Islamic Scholars in Late Ming and Early Qing 明末清初回回伊斯兰学者行迹图
  • The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online (IDP) 國際敦煌項目 OPEN ACCESS
  • MARKUS- Text Analysis and Reading Platform for Literary Chinese 瑪庫斯平台 OPEN ACCESS more... less... .With MARKUS you can upload a file in classical Chinese and tag personal names, place names, temporal references, and bureaucratic offices automatically. You can also upload your own list of key terms for automated tagging. You can then read a document while checking a range of reference works at the same time, or compare passages in which the same names or keywords appear. Or, you can extract the information you have tagged and use it for further analysis in our visualization platform and other tools. The March 2015 release includes: -improvements in automated markup: emperor names have been added and alternate names markup improved to reduce superfluous alternate name markup -inline text editing: correct mistakes or add punctuation to the base text -switching between markup modes: choose between modes from the left bar; no need to re-upload files -new keyword markup functionality: automatically discover keywords and select appropriate ones for markup -additional dictionaries in reading mode: trials for Buddhist and medical term dictionaries -full Chinese language version -links to relevant tools: starting with the newly released CBDB name/official title lookup tool -updated and expanded help text and videos -FAQ: for technical problems and useful markup tips Also added two new tools: 1) The CBDB Mac Dictionary allows readers to search China Biographical Database by either using Mac OS X integrated Spotlight or by selecting any name or partial name in any software programme; 2) The CBDB Name/Title Lookup helps readers identify persons for whom only part of the name AND an official title or part thereof are known.
  • MeToo and the Women’s Movement in China. Collected by: Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation
  • Old Maps Online- the search engine for historical maps OPEN ACCESS
  • Open LoGaRT- Rare Local Gazetteers at Harvard-Yenching Library: Open Access Collection
  • Research Platform of Peking University Digital Humanities Research Center 北京大学数字人文研究中心研究平台
  • TextRef- Distributed Metadata Sharing for Online Historical Textual Resources 電子漢籍綜目 OPEN ACCESS
  • Harvard-Yenching Library Archival Materials
  • People's Republic of China Legal Research
  • Republic of China (Taiwan) Legal Research
  • Research Guide for East Asian Studies
  • Research Guide for Japanese Studies
  • Research Guide for Korean Studies
  • Streaming Video Resources at Harvard
  • Asia Center
  • China Public Policy Program
  • Columbia-Harvard 中国与世界研究项目 China and the World Program
  • Committee on Regional Studies -- East Asia
  • Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
  • East Asian Legal Studies
  • Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
  • Harvard-Yenching Institute
  • Next: Historical Texts / Modern & Contemporary Texts / Gazetteers / Year Books / Rare Books / E-Books >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 21, 2024 6:38 PM
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research paper in chinese

Chinese Journal Review

research paper in chinese

Chinese Journal Review: How to Find Chinese-Language Academic Research

A very rough guide to navigating cnki.

First, a quick plug — last week, I published this essay in Foreign Policy with my colleague Macon Phillips . We argue that the West has a lot to learn from Taiwan on fighting disinformation. Take a look.

Twitter avatar for @WalterAKerr

Second, since I started this newsletter last year, many of you have asked how I source essays to translate and to summarize. Below is a (very) rough guide. Thank you to ChinaTalk’s Jordan Schneider for suggesting that I write this up.

Navigating Chinese Academia

Whether at school or in your career, I suspect that you have used a service like JSTOR , which is a digital library that of books, newspapers, academic publications, and more. China’s version of JSTOR is called CNKI , the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, hosted by Tsinghua University with support from the Chinese government. To access CNKI directly visit .

There is a lot inside of CNKI. Like JSTOR, it serves as a repository for newspaper articles, patents, government documents, and other reference materials. For the purpose of this walkthrough, I’m only going to explain how to search through top academic journals, but many aspects of this walkthrough should be applicable to other parts of the CNKI portal.

Before you get started, a note about language. Most of CNKI is in Chinese. If you don’t read Chinese that well, I’d encourage you to install this Google Translate Chrome extension. There is an English version of CNKI, which you can access by clicking this link , but I have found that it times out a lot, so I usually use the Chinese version of CNKI and will also frequently use the Chrome extension on top of it, which does a pretty good job translating most of the time.

Step 1. Get registered (not required to search and view paper abstracts)

Many universities have subscriptions to CNKI and provide access to the service to current students and alumni. Columbia University affiliates can access CNKI via this link , for example.

If you don’t have access to CNKI via a higher education institution or your place of work, fret not. You do not need an account (or need to have money in your account) to search for articles or to view abstracts. 

You will need to have a funded account, however, if you would like to download full-length articles.

research paper in chinese

To create an account click here or click on the link at the top-right part of the CNKI webpage. Once you do that, you’ll need to fund your account. At the time of this writing, the only ways to pay are via AliPay, WeChat, and UnionPay. PayPal, which used to be an option, is no longer available. 

Step 2. Navigate to the search page

Once you’re ready to search through academic journals, you can access the academic journals part of the CNKI portal from the home page or by clicking here . 

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Then, click on the “Advanced Search” button, which you can also access directly by clicking here .

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Once you’re in the Advanced Search part of the site, you can build queries according to different parameters, including by subject area, keyword, and journal name. I usually go a step further and navigate to the “Professional Search” tab where you can build even more customized queries, including to search many journals at once.

research paper in chinese

Step 3. Start searching top journals

CNKI provides access to thousands of academic journals of varying degrees of quality and influence. To source content for the Chinese Journal Review newsletter, I typically only search through the top journals in politics, international affairs, law, and economics. 

To determine which journals count as “top” sources, I combed through this part of CNKI’s website, which contains information about the total number of times that articles from different journals have been cited and downloaded. CNKI has also assigned many top journals a “composite impact score.” The higher the impact score, the more influential the journal.

Taking into account these criteria (citations, downloads, and composite impact scores), I created this list of top journals in the politics, legal affairs, international affairs, and economics fields:

POL/LEGAL 中国法学 China Legal Science POL/LEGAL 中外法学 Peking University Law Journal POL/LEGAL 法商研究 Studies in Law and Business POL/LEGAL 法学家 The Jurist POL/LEGAL 政法论坛 Tribune of Political Science and Law POL/LEGAL 法律科学 Science of Law (Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law) POL/LEGAL 世界经济与政治 World Economics and Politics POL/LEGAL 法学论坛 Legal Forum POL/LEGAL 法学研究 Chinese Journal of Law POL/LEGAL 法学 Law Science POL/LEGAL 政治学研究 CASS Journal of Political Science POL/LEGAL 当代法学 Contemporary Law Review POL/LEGAL 清华法学 Tsinghua University Law Journal POL/LEGAL 外交评论 Foreign Affairs Review ECON 经济研究 Economic Research Journal ECON 中国工业经济 China Industrial Economics ECON 数量经济技术经济研究 The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics ECON 世界经济 The Journal of World Economy ECON 金融研究 Journal of Financial Research ECON 国际金融研究 Studies of International Finance ECON 中国农村经济 Chinese Rural Economy ECON 管理世界 Management World

And these journals in the information technology field:

IT 计算机学报 Chinese Journal of Computers IT 电力系统自动化 Automation of Electric Power Systems IT 自动化学报 Acta Automatica Sinica IT 软件学报 Journal of Software

As well as these additional regional and international affairs journals:

REGIONAL 东北亚论坛 Northeast Asia Forum REGIONAL 当代亚太 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies REGIONAL 国际安全研究 Journal of International Security Studies REGIONAL 南亚研究 South Asian Studies REGIONAL 西亚非洲 West Asia and Africa REGIONAL 太平洋学报 Pacific Journal REGIONAL 欧洲研究 Chinese Journal of European Studies REGIONAL 东南亚研究 Southeast Asian Studies REGIONAL 美国研究 The Chinese Journal of American Studies REGIONAL 亚太安全与海洋研究 Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs

If you want to search across all of these journals at once, as I often do, you can copy and paste the following code and enter this text into the professional search field. I use the query code JN=(“ “) to indicate that I want to search multiple journals, but you can use other codes such as SU=(“ “) for subject or AU=(“ “) for author.


In addition to entering custom search content, you may also want to filter based on date of publication.

research paper in chinese

Sometimes, especially if you don’t apply any filters, this query will time out. If that happens, you should either a) further restrict the time period that you are searching or b) limit the number of journals you are searching to just 10-15 or so at a time.

Step 4. Look at your results

Assuming that you don’t time out, once you click search, your results should surface (it can take up to 20-30 seconds for that to happen, so be patient).

Once I have my results, I typically sort and choose articles to summarize first according to the number of article citations, followed by downloads. If an article is published by a journal affiliated with the state-affiliated Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (e.g. Management World ), I’ll also look at that article before I navigate to others. (Note: At some point in the future, I’ll update the online version of this email newsletter to include information about which entity publishes each journal listed above. Check back in a few weeks.) 

research paper in chinese

Once you’ve surfaced your results, click on any article to learn more information about it, including to see the article abstract, details about the authors, and other information. Again, if you don’t read Chinese, you may want to download the Google Translate Chrome extension . 

research paper in chinese

If you want to download the article, you’ll need to have a funded account (or you’ll need to be logged in via an educational institution that has access to CNKI). See Step 1, above, for more information about this point. 

And that’s it! There is a lot more to CNKI, so I encourage you to click around and see what you can discover. This guide is designed just to get first-time searchers up and running.

If you encounter any hiccups, feel free to email and I’ll try to help out. In the meantime, I’ll try to keep this page updated, especially if the site goes through any major changes. Until then, happy searching!

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China Academic Journals

The most comprehensive, full-text database of chinese journals in the world.

China Academic Journals (CAJ) is the largest and most continuously updated Chinese journal database in the world, containing over 70 million full-text articles and growing. Offered via the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) platform, CAJ covers 99.9% of all academic journals published in mainland China, with comprehensive access to an impressive range of content in all disciplines, with over 10,000 journals categorized among 10 series, 168 subject, and over 3,000 sub-subjects.

research paper in chinese

  • Archive: 1994-present
  • Language: Chinese with English interface
  • Country: China
  • Number of Titles: over 10,000
  • Frequency: Continuous updates
  • Format: Full text
  • Producer: Tongfang Knowledge Network Ltd.
  • Platform: CNKI (TKN)

CAJ contains over 10,000 journals, including:

  • 8,400+ academic journals
  • nearly 2,000 core journals
  • 1,500+ exclusive journals
  • 600+ online-first journals

Features and Functions

  • Multiple navigation methods: Supports navigation by subject, online-first, citation index databases, publication frequency, journal honors, core journals, sponsors, and more.
  • Robust search methods: XML fragmentation technology improves search efficiency and accuracy through multiple search methods, including quick search, basic search, professional search, author search, source search, fund search, sentence search, and search in results. Chinese-English cross-language search is supported.
  • Numerous search fields: Users can search multiple fields, including: subject, title, keywords, abstract, author, first author, author affiliation, journal title, reference, full text, year, issue, DOI, China Library Classification (CLC) code, ISSN (where available), and CN.
  • Sorting and grouping: Horizontal grouping of search results by subject, title, fund, research level, author, author affiliation, and keywords. Sort by publication date, relevance, cites, and downloads.
  • Knowledge networks: CNKI’s Knowledge Network Node displays a network of citations, similar subjects, author affiliations, and more to enhance research and efficiency.
  • Online-first publications: CAJ features over 600 online-first journals which publish 3-6 months earlier than the print edition.
  • Downloads: The CAJ platform provides two download formats: CAJ download and PDF download.

Over 10,000 titles from 1994-present

Caj series title lists & holdings, about china national knowledge infrastructure (cnki).

CNKI is the world’s most comprehensive online resource for accessing China’s intellectual output. This powerful platform is the product of Tongfang Knowledge Network, Beijing, and encompasses academic journals, dissertations, conference papers, news, and many other resources that put the knowledge of China in the sciences and humanities at your fingertips. With tens of millions of articles and growing every day, CNKI is a foundation for any serious research on China. CNKI is hosted in the United States by East View and updated daily.

Quick Links

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Chinese Medicine

Herbal medicine

Call for papers

We invite you to submit an article to the thematic series: Research advances in natural products from herbal medicine .

  • Most accessed

Dipeptide PA3264 derived from rare and endangered Squama Manis is a novel bioactive peptide for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer

Authors: Xiaorong Hou, Zhaofang Bai, Yuanyuan Chen, Wei Shi, Huijie Yang, Ruisheng Li, Xiaoyan Zhan, Youping Liu, Xu Zhao and Xiaohe Xiao

Geniposide for treating atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: a systematic review on its biological characteristics, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology

Authors: Dexiu Li, Xiaoya Li, Xiaonan Zhang, Jiye Chen, Zeping Wang, Zongliang Yu, Min Wu and Longtao Liu

Natural products for enhancing the sensitivity or decreasing the adverse effects of anticancer drugs through regulating the redox balance

Authors: Yitian Sun, Qinyi Li, Yufei Huang, Zijing Yang, Guohua Li, Xiaoyu Sun, Xiaoqing Gu, Yunhao Qiao, Qibiao Wu, Tian Xie and Xinbing Sui

Buyang Huanwu decoction ameliorates myocardial injury and attenuates platelet activation by regulating the PI3 kinase/Rap1/integrin α(IIb)β(3) pathway

Authors: Jiaming Gao, Hao Guo, Junmei Li, Min Zhan, Yue You, Gaojie Xin, Zixin Liu, Xiaodi Fan, Qinghe Gao, Jianxun Liu, Yehao Zhang and Jianhua Fu

Electroacupuncture negatively regulates the Nesfatin-1/ERK/CREB pathway to alleviate HPA axis hyperactivity and anxiety-like behaviors caused by surgical trauma

Authors: Jiayuan Zheng, Yu Wang, Chi Zhang, Anjing Zhang, Yuxiang Zhou, Yunhua Xu, Jin Yu and Zhanzhuang Tian

Most recent articles RSS

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Techniques for extraction and isolation of natural products: a comprehensive review

Authors: Qing-Wen Zhang, Li-Gen Lin and Wen-Cai Ye

Beneficial effects of green tea: A literature review

Authors: Sabu M Chacko, Priya T Thambi, Ramadasan Kuttan and Ikuo Nishigaki

Conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants: problems, progress, and prospects

Authors: Shi-Lin Chen, Hua Yu, Hong-Mei Luo, Qiong Wu, Chun-Fang Li and André Steinmetz

Chinese herbal medicine for gout: a review of the clinical evidence and pharmacological mechanisms

Authors: Xiansu Chi, Hongxiu Zhang, Shuo Zhang and Ke Ma

Anti-cancer natural products isolated from chinese medicinal herbs

Authors: Wen Tan, Jinjian Lu, Mingqing Huang, Yingbo Li, Meiwan Chen, Guosheng Wu, Jian Gong, Zhangfeng Zhong, Zengtao Xu, Yuanye Dang, Jiajie Guo, Xiuping Chen and Yitao Wang

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Aims and scope

Chinese Medicine is an open access journal publishing evidence-based, scientifically justified research and review papers in all aspects of Chinese medicine, including - but not limited to - chemistry, biology, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, engineering, clinical applications and socioeconomics that are relevant and significant to Chinese medicine.

Information for authors

CM new logo_2

Thematic series

Developing the evidence base for Traditional and Complementary Medicine Guest edited by Dr Joanna Harnett and Dr Carolina Oi Lam Ung

Omics Approaches in Natural Products towards Modernization of Chinese Medicine Guest edited by Prof Milen I. Georgiev and Prof Jian-Bo Wan

Pharmacology and applications of Chinese medicine Guest edited by Prof Milen I. Georgiev and Prof Ruibing Wang

Announcing the launch of In Review

Chinese Medicine , in partnership with Research Square, is now offering  In Review.  Authors choosing this free optional service will be able to:

  • Share their work with fellow researchers to read, comment on, and cite even before publication
  • Showcase their work to funders and others with a citable DOI while it is still under review
  • Track their manuscript - including seeing when reviewers are invited, and when reports are received 

Society affiliations

Chinese Medicine is the official journal of the International Society for Chinese Medicine . The editorial office is based in Macao and sponsored by the Macao Foundation and University of Macau .

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  • Research & Collections
  • Borrow & Request
  • Computing & Technology

UC San Diego

Chinese Studies: Articles & Databases

  • Library Catalogs & Services
  • Journal Indexes
  • Full-Text Databases of Classics
  • Bibliographies & Dissertations
  • Data & Statistics
  • Art, Museum & Films
  • Gazetteers & Yearbooks
  • Pictorial Collections
  • Chinese Cultural Revolution Posters
  • Digital Archive of the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars (CCAS) Friendship Delegations
  • Norman Spencer Photographs Collection
  • Posters of the Chinese Independent Film Festivals
  • Slides Collection of 1973 Guardian Tour of China
  • Underground Films/Independent Films at UCSD
  • Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Sources
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Style Guides
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Navigating chinese academia: a rough guide to cnki, china’s jstor.

CNKI — the China National Knowledge Infrastructure — is China's digital library of books, newspapers, and academic publications. Here's how to use it.

Navigating Chinese academia CNKI

This article — under the headline “ How to find Chinese-language academic research ” — first appeared on the Chinese Journal Review newsletter , and is republished here (with minor edits) with permission.

Whether at school or in your career, I suspect that you have used a service like  JSTOR , which is a digital library of books, newspapers, academic publications, and more. China’s version of JSTOR is called CNKI, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure , hosted by Tsinghua University with support from the Chinese government.

There is a lot inside CNKI. Like JSTOR, it serves as a repository for articles, patents, government documents, and other reference materials. For the purpose of this walkthrough, I’m only  going to explain how to search through top academic journals, but many aspects of this walkthrough should be applicable to other parts of the CNKI portal.

Before you get started, a note about language. Most of CNKI is in Chinese. If you don’t read Chinese that well, I’d encourage you to  install  this Google Translate Chrome extension. There is an English version of CNKI, which you can access by clicking this  link , but I have found that it times out a lot, so I usually use the Chinese version of CNKI and will also frequently use the Chrome extension on top of it, which does a pretty good job translating most of the time.

Step 1. Get registered (not required to search and view paper abstracts)

Many universities have subscriptions to CNKI and provide access to the service to current students and alumni. Columbia University affiliates can access CNKI via  this link , for example.

If you don’t have access to CNKI via a higher education institution or your place of work, fret not. You do not need an account (or need to have money in your account) to search for articles or to view abstracts. 

You  will  need to have a funded account, however, if you would like to download full-length articles.

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To create an account, click on the link at the top-right part of the CNKI webpage . Once you do that, you’ll need to fund  your account. At the time of this writing, the only ways to pay are via AliPay, WeChat, and UnionPay. PayPal, which used to be an option, is no longer available.

Step 2. Navigate to the search page

Once you’re ready to search through academic journals, you can access the academic journals part of the CNKI portal from the home page ( here ).

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Then, click on the “Advanced Search” button .

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Once you’re in the Advanced Search part of the site, you can build queries according to different parameters, including by subject area, keyword, and journal name. I usually go a step further and navigate to the “Professional Search” tab, where you can build even more customized queries, including to search many journals at once.

research paper in chinese

Step 3. Start searching top journals

CNKI provides access to thousands of academic journals of varying degrees of quality and influence. To source content for the Chinese Journal Review newsletter, I typically only search through the top journals in politics, international affairs, law, and economics.

To determine which journals count as “top” sources, I combed through  this part  of CNKI’s website, which contains information about the total number of times that articles from different journals have been cited and downloaded. CNKI has also assigned many top journals a “composite impact score.” The higher the impact score, the more influential the journal.

Taking into account these criteria (citations, downloads, and composite impact scores), I created this list of top journals in the politics, legal affairs, international affairs, and economics fields:

POL/LEGAL 中国法学 China Legal Science POL/LEGAL 中外法学 Peking University Law Journal POL/LEGAL 法商研究 Studies in Law and Business POL/LEGAL 法学家 The Jurist POL/LEGAL 政法论坛 Tribune of Political Science and Law POL/LEGAL 法律科学 Science of Law (Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law) POL/LEGAL 世界经济与政治 World Economics and Politics POL/LEGAL 法学论坛 Legal Forum POL/LEGAL 法学研究 Chinese Journal of Law POL/LEGAL 法学 Law Science POL/LEGAL 政治学研究 CASS Journal of Political Science POL/LEGAL 当代法学 Contemporary Law Review POL/LEGAL 清华法学 Tsinghua University Law Journal POL/LEGAL 外交评论 Foreign Affairs Review ECON 经济研究 Economic Research Journal ECON 中国工业经济 China Industrial Economics ECON 数量经济技术经济研究 The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics ECON 世界经济 The Journal of World Economy ECON 金融研究 Journal of Financial Research ECON 国际金融研究 Studies of International Finance ECON 中国农村经济 Chinese Rural Economy ECON 管理世界 Management World

And these journals in the information technology field:

IT 计算机学报 Chinese Journal of Computers IT 电力系统自动化 Automation of Electric Power Systems IT 自动化学报 Acta Automatica Sinica IT 软件学报 Journal of Software

As well as these additional regional and international affairs journals:

REGIONAL 东北亚论坛 Northeast Asia Forum REGIONAL 当代亚太 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies REGIONAL 国际安全研究 Journal of International Security Studies REGIONAL 南亚研究 South Asian Studies REGIONAL 西亚非洲 West Asia and Africa REGIONAL 太平洋学报 Pacific Journal REGIONAL 欧洲研究 Chinese Journal of European Studies REGIONAL 东南亚研究 Southeast Asian Studies REGIONAL 美国研究 The Chinese Journal of American Studies REGIONAL 亚太安全与海洋研究 Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs

If you want to search across all of these journals at once, as I often do, you can copy and paste the following code and enter this text into the professional search field. I use the query code JN=(“ “) to indicate that I want to search multiple journals, but you can use other codes such as SU=(“ “) for subject or AU=(“ “) for author.


In addition to entering custom search content, you may also want to filter based on date of publication.

research paper in chinese

Sometimes, especially if you don’t apply any filters, this query will time out. If that happens, you should either a) further restrict the time period that you are searching or b) limit the number of journals you are searching to just 10 to 15 or so at a time.

Step 4. Look at your results

Assuming that you don’t time out, once you click search, your results should surface (it can take up to 20 to 30 seconds for that to happen, so be patient).

Once I have my results, I typically sort and choose articles to summarize, first according to the number of article citations, followed by downloads. If an article is published by a journal affiliated with the state-affiliated Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (e.g. Management World), I’ll also look at that article before I navigate to others. (Note: At some point in the future, I’ll update the online version of this email newsletter to include information about which entity publishes each journal listed above. Check back in a few weeks.)

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Once you’ve surfaced your results, click on any article to learn more information about it, including to see the article abstract, details about the authors, and other information. Again, if you don’t read Chinese, you may want to download the  Google Translate Chrome extension .

research paper in chinese

If you want to download the article, you’ll need to have a funded account (or you’ll need to be logged in via an educational institution that has access to CNKI). See Step 1 above for more information about this point.

And that’s it! There is a lot more to CNKI, so I encourage you to click around and see what you can discover. This guide is designed just to get first-time searchers up and running.

For more stories about Chinese research on a variety of contemporary subjects, subscribe to the Chinese Journal Review newsletter .

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Walter Kerr writes the Chinese Journal Review . He is a former U.S. diplomat, multilateral bank advisor, and entrepreneur. His Twitter handle is @WalterAKerr Read more

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Progress of research on the treatment of depression by traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions


  • 1 Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Provincial Qianfoshan Hospital, Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, China.
  • 2 NHC Key Laboratory of Biotechnology Drugs, Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Jinan, China.
  • 3 Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan, China.
  • PMID: 39157399
  • PMCID: PMC11328063
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34970

Depression is a common psychiatric disorder that belongs to the category of "Depression Syndrome" in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and its etiology and pathogenesis are complex and unclear. It is characterized by high prevalence, high disability rate, and high recurrence rate, which seriously affect human health, and its treatment has become a research hotspot worldwide. At present, the antidepressants commonly used in the clinic are mainly Western medicine (WM), but there are problems such as frequent side effects and poor efficacy. Studies have found that the use of TCM prescriptions in the treatment of depression can achieve the same effect as WM; and when TCM prescriptions are combined with WM, the efficacy can be enhanced while the adverse effects of WM can be reduced. Pharmacological studies related to the treatment of depression with traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions (TCMPs) have focused on the neurobiochemical system, gut microbes, and energy metabolism in mitochondria. No one has yet reviewed the pharmacological mechanism of TCMPs for depression. So, this paper reviews the pharmacological mechanism of TCMPs for depression from the perspective of TCMPs, introduces the progress of research on classical TCMPs for depression and their antidepressant mechanism. This article aims to promote the application of TCMPs in the clinic and provide a new therapeutic idea for the clinical treatment of depression.

Keywords: Depression; Pharmacological mechanism; Prescription; Traditional Chinese medicine.

© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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China rises to first place in most cited papers

Other methods to gauge scientific prowess still put the united states somewhat ahead.

  • 17 Aug 2022
  • 11:25 am ET
  • By Jeffrey Brainard , Dennis Normile

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For the first time, China has slightly edged out the United States in the number of most cited papers, a key measure of research impact, according to a Japanese science policy institute. The milestone provides fresh evidence that China’s scholarship, known for its burgeoning quantity, is catching up in quality as well. “People are writing off China, [saying] they’re putting out a lot of stuff but it’s not good quality,” says Caroline Wagner, who studies science policy and innovation at Ohio State University, Columbus. “That’s just short-sighted.”

Scholars disagree about the best methodology for measuring publications’ impact, however, and other metrics suggest the United States is still ahead—but barely.

For the new report, Japan’s National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) tallied the top 1% papers in terms of citations, a rarified stratum inhabited by many Nobel laureates. Many such elite articles have authors from multiple countries, however, which complicates the analysis. In one study, NISTEP used a method called “fractional counting” to divide the credit. If, for example, one French and three Swedish institutions contributed to a paper, France received 25% of the credit and Sweden 75%.

Using that measure, China accounted for 27.2% of the most cited papers published in 2018, 2019, and 2020, and the United States for 24.9%. Next was the United Kingdom, with 5.5%; Japan was in 10th place. (U.S. researchers were still slightly ahead when NISTEP used a less fine-grained method that credits every country that contributed to a highly cited paper equally, regardless of how many of its institutions were involved.)

Cao Cong, a science policy scholar at the University of Nottingham’s campus in Ningbo, China, says the methodology may overstate China’s contributions to internationally co-authored papers. “The question is who—the Chinese or their international collaborators—led the studies,” he says.

  • University of Nottingham, Ningbo

Still, China’s rising production of top-cited papers is “remarkable,” NISTEP says; 2 decades ago it only ranked 13th in the fractional counting metric.

In 2016, China passed the United States to become the world leader in the number of published papers. But critics have faulted the quality of Chinese research, pointing to policies—now being phased out—that provided professional rewards for authors based on the sheer number of papers published. They also noted that China-based paper mills, which provide researchers with authorship slots in exchange for money, appear to be growing in number. But the new study shows China is getting better at doing the kind of top-notch science that gets cited by many researchers.

Other measures of impact still put the United States ahead. The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2022 , a report published by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in January, addressed one problem with reports such as NISTEP’s: By counting numbers of highly cited papers, they favor big countries and those that spend more on research, just as big countries tend to do better in Olympic medal rankings. NSF instead measured the share of each country’s papers that are highly cited, which allows for comparisons across countries regardless of how much they publish. Its analysis showed U.S. papers were highly influential: Of those published in 2018, more than twice as many ended up among the 1% most cited papers as expected based on the country’s total output. China published 20% more top-cited papers than would be expected. (Several countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom, that publish fewer papers overall ranked ahead of both the United States and China on this measure.)

The United States and China were essentially tied in yet another study, published in Scientometrics in 2019 by Wagner and colleagues, that used a different method. Like the new report from Japan, it found that China published somewhat more papers in the top 1% most cited than the United States that year. But on a score for actual-versus-expected numbers of such papers, the margin between the two countries was not statistically significant.

Another paper, published by Wagner and others in 2020, concluded China’s research is slightly more innovative than the world average. That study tracked how often papers’ reference lists included atypical combinations of journals in disparate fields as a proxy for innovative ideas.

The impact of publications is just one measure of a country’s scientific prowess, however. The United States still leads in other indicators, such as research spending and the number of doctorates awarded. But China leads on others, such as patent applications—and there’s little doubt China’s scientific enterprise is catching up with the rest of the world at an unprecedented speed.

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About the author.

Jeffrey Brainard

Jeffrey Brainard

Jeffrey Brainard joined Science as an associate news editor in 2017. He covers an array of topics and edits the In Brief section in the print magazine. 

Dennis Normile

Dennis Normile

Dennis Normile writes about research and science policy developments in Asia, particularly China and Japan. He is based in Tokyo.

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Rural Inclusive Finance and Agricultural Carbon Reduction: Evidence from China

  • Published: 22 August 2024

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  • Jizhi Li 1 &
  • Qi Jiang 2  

The continuous improvement of global carbon emissions has increased the vulnerability of regional ecosystems. Exploring the relationship between rural inclusive finance and agricultural carbon emission reduction is crucial to achieving the strategic goal of sustainable development. This paper empirically analyzes the effect of rural inclusive finance on agricultural carbon emission reduction using balanced panel data for 30 Chinese provinces from 2010 to 2021. The research findings are as follows: (1) Rural inclusive finance can significantly promote agricultural carbon reduction, mainly through the effects of agricultural technological progress, redistribution of production factors, and pollution mitigation. (2) Rural inclusive finance has a spatial spillover effect, which can accelerate agricultural carbon emission reduction in surrounding areas. (3) The positive effect of rural inclusive finance on agricultural carbon emission reduction is more obvious in eastern regions and major grain-producing areas, with significant regional heterogeneity. This study deepens the understanding of the internal effects and regional linkages of rural inclusive finance empowering agricultural carbon emission reduction.

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Li, J., Jiang, Q. Rural Inclusive Finance and Agricultural Carbon Reduction: Evidence from China. J Knowl Econ (2024).

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Received : 22 April 2024

Accepted : 28 July 2024

Published : 22 August 2024


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China now publishes more high-quality science than any other nation – should the US be worried?

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Milton & Roslyn Wolf Chair in International Affairs, The Ohio State University

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By at least one measure, China now leads the world in producing high-quality science . My research shows that Chinese scholars now publish a larger fraction of the top 1% most cited scientific papers globally than scientists from any other country.

I am a policy expert and analyst who studies how governmental investment in science, technology and innovation improves social welfare. While a country’s scientific prowess is somewhat difficult to quantify, I’d argue that the amount of money spent on scientific research, the number of scholarly papers published and the quality of those papers are good stand-in measures.

China is not the only nation to drastically improve its science capacity in recent years, but China’s rise has been particularly dramatic. This has left U.S. policy experts and government officials worried about how China’s scientific supremacy will shift the global balance of power . China’s recent ascendancy results from years of governmental policy aiming to be tops in science and technology. The country has taken explicit steps to get where it is today, and the U.S. now has a choice to make about how to respond to a scientifically competitive China.

Growth across decades

In 1977, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping introduced the Four Modernizations , one of which was strengthening China’s science sector and technological progress. As recently as 2000, the U.S. produced many times the number of scientific papers as China annually. However, over the past three decades or so, China has invested funds to grow domestic research capabilities, to send students and researchers abroad to study, and to encourage Chinese businesses to shift to manufacturing high-tech products.

Since 2000, China has sent an estimated 5.2 million students and scholars to study abroad . The majority of them studied science or engineering. Many of these students remained where they studied, but an increasing number return to China to work in well-resourced laboratories and high-tech companies.

Today, China is second only to the U.S. in how much it spends on science and technology . Chinese universities now produce the largest number of engineering Ph.D.s in the world, and the quality of Chinese universities has dramatically improved in recent years .

Producing more and better science

Thanks to all this investment and a growing, capable workforce, China’s scientific output – as measured by the number of total published papers – has increased steadily over the years. In 2017, Chinese scholars published more scientific papers than U.S. researchers for the first time.

Quantity does not necessarily mean quality though. For many years, researchers in the West wrote off Chinese research as low quality and often as simply imitating research from the U.S. and Europe . During the 2000s and 2010s, much of the work coming from China did not receive significant attention from the global scientific community.

But as China has continued to invest in science, I began to wonder whether the explosion in the quantity of research was accompanied by improving quality.

To quantify China’s scientific strength, my colleagues and I looked at citations. A citation is when an academic paper is referenced – or cited – by another paper. We considered that the more times a paper has been cited, the higher quality and more influential the work. Given that logic, the top 1% most cited papers should represent the upper echelon of high-quality science.

My colleagues and I counted how many papers published by a country were in the top 1% of science as measured by the number of citations in various disciplines. Going year by year from 2015 to 2019, we then compared different countries. We were surprised to find that in 2019, Chinese authors published a greater percentage of the most influential papers , with China claiming 8,422 articles in the top category, while the U.S had 7,959 and the European Union had 6,074. In just one recent example, we found that in 2022, Chinese researchers published three times as many papers on artificial intelligence as U.S. researchers; in the top 1% most cited AI research, Chinese papers outnumbered U.S. papers by a 2-to-1 ratio. Similar patterns can be seen with China leading in the top 1% most cited papers in nanoscience, chemistry and transportation.

Our research also found that Chinese research was surprisingly novel and creative – and not simply copying western researchers. To measure this, we looked at the mix of disciplines referenced in scientific papers. The more diverse and varied the referenced research was in a single paper, the more interdisciplinary and novel we considered the work. We found Chinese research to be as innovative as other top performing countries.

Taken together, these measures suggest that China is now no longer an imitator nor producer of only low-quality science. China is now a scientific power on par with the U.S. and Europe, both in quantity and in quality.

President Joe Biden surrounded by a number of people sitting at a desk in front of the White House.

Fear or collaboration?

Scientific capability is intricately tied to both military and economic power. Because of this relationship, many in the U.S. – from politicians to policy experts – have expressed concern that China’s scientific rise is a threat to the U.S., and the government has taken steps to slow China’s growth. The recent Chips and Science Act of 2022 explicitly limits cooperation with China in some areas of research and manufacturing. In October 2022, the Biden administration put restrictions in place to limit China’s access to key technologies with military applications .

A number of scholars, including me, see these fears and policy responses as rooted in a nationalistic view that doesn’t wholly map onto the global endeavor of science.

Academic research in the modern world is in large part driven by the exchange of ideas and information. The results are published in publicly available journals that anyone can read. Science is also becoming ever more international and collaborative , with researchers around the world depending on each other to push their fields forward. Recent collaborative research on cancer , COVID-19 and agriculture are just a few of many examples. My own work has also shown that when researchers from China and the U.S. collaborate, they produce higher quality science than either one alone.

China has joined the ranks of top scientific and technological nations, and some of the concerns over shifts of power are reasonable in my view. But the U.S. can also benefit from China’s scientific rise. With many global issues facing the planet – like climate change , to name just one – there may be wisdom in looking at this new situation as not only a threat, but also an opportunity.

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  • CHIPS and Science Act

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China conducts first nationwide review of retractions and research misconduct

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Title: mtfineval:a multi-domain chinese financial benchmark with eurypalynous questions.

Abstract: With the emergence of more and more economy-specific LLMS, how to measure whether they can be safely invested in production becomes a problem. Previous research has primarily focused on evaluating the performance of LLMs within specific application scenarios. However, these benchmarks cannot reflect the theoretical level and generalization ability, and the backward datasets are increasingly unsuitable for problems in real scenarios. In this paper, we have compiled a new benchmark, MTFinEval, focusing on the LLMs' basic knowledge of economics, which can always be used as a basis for judgment. To examine only theoretical knowledge as much as possible, MTFinEval is build with foundational questions from university textbooks,and exam papers in economics and management major. Aware of the overall performance of LLMs do not depend solely on one subdiscipline of economics, MTFinEval comprise 360 questions refined from six major disciplines of economics, and reflect capabilities more comprehensively. Experiment result shows all LLMs perform poorly on MTFinEval, which proves that our benchmark built on basic knowledge is very successful. Our research not only offers guidance for selecting the appropriate LLM for specific use cases, but also put forward increase the rigor reliability of LLMs from the basics.
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)
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