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Oxbridge Computer Science Personal Statement: Composing Guidance and Samples

Oxbridge Computer Science Personal Statement: Composing Guidance

The application process to one of the prestigious universities at Oxford or Cambridge (usually known as Oxbridge) can be very challenging and rewarding. A computer science personal statement is essential to Oxbridge’s application, especially for highly competitive courses. We will give potential Computer Science applicants suggestions on crafting an impressive personal statement alongside a sample essay and feedback for reference.

I. What is a Personal Statement?

In a computer science personal statement, you describe your motives for studying a course, highlight your educational achievements, demonstrate your passion for the course, and prove your ability to think seriously and communicate effectively.

A computer science personal statement is a part of the college application and is especially important for Oxbridge applicants to include one. In addition to excellent academic credentials, admissions tutors are looking for applicants who can demonstrate genuine enthusiasm for their examination and the capability to contribute to it.

And it should be noted that UCAS released the FUTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS in January 2023, indicating that it will reform five aspects of the undergraduate admissions process. UCAS will be reframing the current format of the personal statement into a series of questions:

  • Motivation for course – Why do you want to study these courses?
  • Preparedness for course – How has your learning so far helped you to be ready to succeed on these courses?
  •  Preparation through other experiences – What else have you done to help you prepare, and why are these experiences useful?
  •  Extenuating circumstances – Is there anything that the universities and colleges need to know about, to help them put your achievements and experiences so far into context?
  • Preparedness for study – What have you done to prepare yourself for student life?
  • Preferred learning styles – Which learning and assessment styles best suit you – how do your courses choices match that?

However, at present, a personal statement is still required for students applying in the 2024 application cycle.

II. What to Prepare Before Writing a Computer Science Personal Statement

There are numerous considerations to make before setting pen to paper:

  • Reflect on your passion for Computer Science: Consider why you are passionate about Computer Science and what excites you about this field. Are there any particular areas of Computer Science you are eager to explore?
  • Understand the course structure: Familiarize yourself with the course structure. Look at the modules and subjects that appeal to you most. Explore the official websites of Oxford and Cambridge for detailed information on computer science course.
  • Highlight relevant experience: Whether through projects, competitions, internships, or self-led learning, highlight any experience that displays your dedication to learning Computer Science.
  • Academic achievements: Describe any excellent academic achievements, such as grades, awards, or recognitions, that illustrate your suitability for the career.

1. Questions to Ask Yourself

  • I am passionate about computer science, but what was the spark that ignited my interest?
  • Can I pursue this hobby both academically and recreationally?
  • What challenges have I overcome in my quest for expertise in this field?

What are my long-term goals, and how will studying at Oxbridge help me achieve them?

The computer science personal statement is your virtual footprint to computer science courses in Oxbridge. It indicates your passion, dedication, and readiness to delve into the complexities of computing and its effects on society.

III. Laying the Foundation

1. understanding what oxbridge seeks.

In addition to programming skills, Oxbridge seeks college students who are deeply interested in the theoretical foundations of computer technology and its broader implications. Your statement should reflect technical skills, conceptual understanding, and an interest in future technologies.

2. The role of your statement

A computer science personal statement is a story that ties together students’ aspirations beyond their studies with their future goals. Using this platform, you can demonstrate how your hobby in computer science aligns with Oxbridge’s ethos of pioneering studies and innovation.

3. Your personal skills and achievements

The next thing you need to do is describe your capabilities and achievements. Universities want to recognize your abilities that will help you in the course or your university career in general.

4. Ensure you include evidence to support your enthusiasm for the chosen course

Describe the accomplishments you’re proud of and be ambitious. Include all positions of responsibility and your work experience.

It is essential to include information about jobs, placements, painting interests, or voluntary work, specifically if it is relevant to your course. If you enjoy anything, connect it to a competency or characteristic that will help you succeed. Give an explanation of how you propose to use the expertise and enjoyment you will benefit to launch your career if you know what you’d love to do afterwards.

IV. Structuring Your Narrative

1. capturing the essence.

  •  Engaging Opening: A vivid assertion or story should demonstrate your fascination with computer science. Make it memorable, whether it’s a recollection of your first computer, a problem you solved through programming or an idea from a tech innovator.

2. The Core of Your Story

  • Academic Journey: Discuss your educational journey in computer technology, precisely any specific initiatives, coursework, or accomplishments that have prepared you for college.
  • Practical Experiences: Share your practical encounters with programming languages, software program development, internships, or any real-world application of your computer expertise.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Discuss extracurricular activities that demonstrate your passion for PC technology outside the classroom, such as clubs, competitions, hackathons, or private initiatives. You can contribute by developing apps, participating in coding forums, or contributing open-source software.
  • Intellectual Curiosity: Reflect on books, articles, podcasts, or lectures that have advanced your understanding of computer technology, particularly those that have challenged your view of the era and its role in society.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Describe how you have used logical and innovative questioning techniques to resolve complex problems, whether in instructional initiatives, coding challenges, or regular situations.

3. Envisioning the Future

  • Future Goals: Explain how studying computer science at Oxbridge will assist you in attaining your long-term career ambitions, whether academic, industrial, or entrepreneurial.
  • Personal Growth: Describe how your engagement with computer science has shaped your personal development, learning method, and aspirations to contribute to the field.

4. End of Your Essay

An excellent way to enhance what you said at the beginning is to tie the start of your declaration to the end.

The finishing line is your chance to make an admissions tutor remember you by completing well. As the last part of your computer science personal statement, you should emphasize the high-quality points you’ve already made and explain why you deserve a place.

V. Refining Your Statement

  • Clarity and Precision: Ensure your assertion is well-prepared and your thoughts are conveyed. Jargon should be avoided unless necessary to illustrate a point, and complicated standards should be explained in everyday language.
  • Authentic Voice: Writing with an authentic voice reflects who you are. In addition to your attitude and private interest in computer science, Oxbridge admissions tutors are interested in what you say about it.
  • Feedback and Revisions: Ask teachers, mentors, and friends familiar with the Oxbridge computer science course for feedback and revision. Be open to suggestions and willing to revise your computer science personal statement several times to improve it.

Create a computer science personal statement that resonates with clarity, purpose, and vision by embracing your passion for generation and innovation.

Want to learn more about the guidance and detailed suggestions for your computer science personal statement? Explore the official website of UCAS and get everything you need to know.

Oxbridge Computer Science Personal Statement-pic-2-2024

VI. Sample Computer Sciences Personal Statement and Comments

1. computer science personal statement sample.

The layman looks at a graphical interface to interact with their computers and never stops to question the development behind it. When I found out that the fundamentals of computing were written in binary base 2 number system composed by simple 0s and 1s, I was astonished and began to understand more and my curiosity in mathematics began to broaden. Building my first few programs using C++ gave me a glimpse into the possibilities of programming and how effective they are at making processes more productive and efficient. Using Visual Basic, I created an E-bay fee calculator and a basic calculator. From building these programs I found that at the element of programming, true understanding, mathematics is fundamental. During that period, I realised that if I wanted to learn more I needed to dedicate my time to computing and mathematics which is what motivated me to apply for Computer Science.

My interest in computers has led me to attend lectures and open days held at UCL and Imperial College London including “What is Quantum Computing?” By realising some indecipherable problems as well as prospects for the future, my desire to bring that future into the present increased. For a long time, computing has been set according to Moore’s Law; the number of transistors doubles every two years. I am enlivened to see that a destined alternative path may slow down or even stop that pace for a number of years. While studying mathematics I was able to develop a logical thought process that I applied to ICT and biology. I have been able to interlink these subjects to gain invaluable analytical skills. Also, through independent studies I have been able to learn a substantial amount on networking basics. These skills combined allowed me to apply what I have learnt in my own home.

One of my more recent projects of them has been running a NAS and virtual Windows on the same machine using UnRaid. Thus not only giving full performance in Windows, using Cinebench as my benchmark, but also allowing full access to network storage at any time. I was fortunate enough to go on a school trip to CERN in Geneva and I was able to grasp how vital computing is to interpret data, through logical computation and statistics. The terabytes of data that is collected needs to be processed and stored, this requires high levels of networking skills to be able to set up. In July of 2015 I was able to secure a work experience placement in the Product Design and Development department at Sky where I was given responsibility for setting up Sky Box racks used in automatic testing. This allowed me to understand how computing is used in a working environment and how they have implemented an ADGILE work flow which allows them to work better as a team and contribute to making a better product. What struck me the most was the emphasis on direct communication between colleagues, every morning a staff meeting was expected where progress was discussed. I appreciated the amount of time and patience it takes to develop award winning software for hardware that is more than 5 years old; the same patience skills I gained from my own projects. In my free time, cooking and baking creative desserts for the family has always been a favourite. It allows me to explore my creative side as well as allowing me to further improve my problem solving skills when something goes wrong.

In addition, I play basketball regularly with friends where I find this an excellent stress release. Throughout the past two years I have seen how computing and mathematics play an important role in our everyday life and within a decade alone it has revolutionised not only the computing industry but the way we learn altogether. I will not only be equipped with the skills necessary for a successful career in Computer Science, but also be surrounded by people who share the same interest as myself if I study Computer Science.


This pattern effectively communicates the applicant’s connection to computer science, educational proficiency, and relevant extracurricular experiences. Oxbridge’s values of excellence and innovation are demonstrated in this essay by the self-driven pursuit of the problem and the clean aspirations it describes.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, crafting your computer science personal statement for Oxbridge requires introspection, readability of purpose, and a credible voice. Be sure to emphasize those elements of your persona and achievements that immediately relate to computer science and reflect your motivation to study at Oxbridge.

A thoughtful approach and diligent guidance can make your statement a compelling testament to your potential, allowing you to stand out among highly qualified candidates. Best of luck!

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  • Apply to Cambridge , Apply to Oxbridge , Apply to Oxford , Computer Science , Personal Statement

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How to write a personal statement

How to approach writing your personal statement for graduate applications.

If you’re applying for a grad course that requires a personal statement (sometimes also called a ‘statement of purpose’), it can be difficult to know where to start and what to include. Read on for tips from some of our masters’ students about their process and what they found helpful.

1. Before you start

The academic work is the most important reason why we’re here, but that also translates into work experiences, internships, volunteering. I think a big part of the personal statement is crafting that narrative of academic self that fits alongside your professional experiences, to give that greater picture of who you are as an academic. Lauren (MSc Modern Middle Eastern Studies)

Start by thinking about the skills, knowledge and interests you’ve acquired over time and how the course at Oxford will take them forward.

Your statement is the story you want to tell about yourself and your academic work to the department you are applying to.

Most of your application and its supporting documents communicate plain facts about your academic career so far. Your personal statement is your best opportunity to put these facts into context and show assessors how you’ve progressed and excelled.

Make sure you highlight evidence of your achievements (a high grade in a relevant area, an award or scholarship, a research internship).

Presenting yourself

When I was writing my personal statement, I went onto my course website. I looked at what they emphasised and what kind of students they were looking for, and I wrote about my experiences based on that. Kayla (MSc in Clinical Embryology)

Make it easy for an assessor to see how you meet the entry requirements for the course (you can find these on each course page ).

Don’t make any assumptions about what Oxford is looking for!

Get to know your department

You want to study this particular subject and you want to study at Oxford (you’re applying here, so we know that!) but why is Oxford the right place for you to study this subject? What interests or qualities of the academic department and its staff make it attractive to you?

Use your academic department’s website for an overview of their research, academic staff and course information (you'll find a link to the department's own website on each course page ).

I said, ‘why do I actually want to be here? What is it about being at Oxford that’s going to get me to what I want to do? Sarah (Bachelor of Civil Law)

Talk it out

Talking to others about your statement can be a great way to gather your ideas and decide how you’d like to approach it. Sarah even managed to get benefit out of this approach by herself:

“I spent a lot of time talking out loud. My written process was actually very vocal, so I did a lot of talking about myself in my room.”

2. The writing process

Know your format.

Make sure you’ve read all the guidance on the How to Apply section of your course page , so you know what’s needed in terms of the word count of the final statement, what it should cover and what it will be assessed for. This should help you to visualise roughly what you want to end up with at the end of the process.

Make a start

When it comes to writing your personal statement, just getting started can be the hardest part.

One good way to get around writer’s block is to just put it all down on the page, like Mayur.

First - write down anything and everything. In the first round, I was just dumping everything - whatever I’ve done, anything close to computer science, that was on my personal statement. Mayur (MSc Computer Science)

You’ll be editing later anyway so don’t let the blank page intimidate you - try writing a little under each of the following headings to get started:

  • areas of the course at Oxford that are the most interesting to you
  • which areas you’ve already studied or had some experience in
  • what you hope to use your Oxford course experience for afterwards.

3. Finishing up

Get some feedback.

Once you’ve got a draft of about the right length, ask for feedback on what you’ve written. It might take several drafts to get it right.

This could involve getting in touch with some of your undergraduate professors to ask them to read your draft and find any areas which needed strengthening.

You could also show it to people who know you well, like family or friends.

Because they’re the first people to say, ‘Who is that person?’ You want the people around you to recognise that it really sounds like you. It can be scary telling family and friends you’re applying for Oxford, because it makes it real, but be brave enough to share it and get feedback on it. Sarah (Bachelor of Law)

Be yourself

Finally - be genuine and be yourself. Make sure your personal statement represents you, not your idea about what Oxford might be looking for.

We have thousands of students arriving every year from a huge range of subjects, backgrounds, institutions and countries (you can hear from a few more of them in our My Oxford interviews).

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To find out more about supporting documents and everything else you need to apply, read your course page and visit our Application Guide .

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This content was previously available through our  Applicant advice hub . The hub contained links to articles hosted on our  Graduate Study at Oxford Medium channel . We've moved the articles that support the application process into this new section of our website.

  • Application Guide: Statement of purpose

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U2 Tuition

Preparing for Computer Science at University: Reading, Super-curriculars, Oxbridge Interview Questions and More

Applying to study computer science at a top uk university/ oxbridge.

Computer Science allows you to learn about the cutting-edge technologies which are pivotal in our everyday lives. It encapsulates a wide range of subjects, including business, psychology, mathematics and engineering. The subject is constantly developing, with new research areas emerging frequently. Studying Computer Science allows you to be at the forefront of new content, giving you the skills needed to progress in the everchanging world of technology.

If you have not coded before, don’t worry! Many people are in the same position or only have a small amount of previous experience. While it may seem intimidating at first, if you enjoy thinking logically and problem solving, programming could be a great fit for you. Showing that you are passionate and are keen to learn more is far more important than past experience. Logical thinking, mathematics and perseverance are some of the key traits to succeed on a Computer Science course.

How should I prepare? What could I include in my Computer Science personal statement?

Typically, people recommend reading books when you are preparing for university and thinking about what you can include in your personal statement. Books can be a great resource, and there are many books which give you a good overview of topics. However, this is not the only option available – podcasts, articles, blogs, and videos can all be great ways to learn about Computer Science, particularly new research . They are all perfect to mention in your Computer Science personal statement too! There are many different fields, such as Algorithms, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Networking and so on. Find which ones you are passionate about; there is no better way to learn than through independent exploration of a topic.

If you are keen to stretch yourself further, you may want to try to program something related to a specific field. For example, someone interested in Cryptography may read The Code Book by Simon Singh, and then attempt to program some of the basic encryption algorithms. Undertaking super-curricular activities that link together in this way will also provide fantastic content for your personal statement and potential university/ Oxbridge Computer Science interview.

Note that some books may go into more depth than you wish to explore, but they can still be a good resource. The following are some more general resources, but it is recommended to find fields that you are passionate about and explore these further.

Cormen, T.H., Leiserson, C.D., Rivest, R.L. and Stein,  Introduction to Algorithms – A famous book amongst Computer Scientists, with pseudocode rather than specific implementations to allow you to become comfortable with following algorithms

Charles Petzold, Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software – This book details both hardware and software within a Computer System, from the basic details to a deeper understanding

J. Glenn Brookshear, Computer Science: An Overview   – An overview of various topics, considering the past and the future, as well as ethical issues within Computer Science

Computer Science Personal Statement


Spark with Nora Young – A great podcast you can access online, covering a wide range of different topics

University of Oxford Podcasts – Episodes about various topics, so you can work out what interests you most

Frank Stajano Explains – A YouTube channel run by a Cambridge Computer Science Lecturer, covering first year lectures through to tips on applying to university

Computerphile – Videos about a wide range of topics, to explore beyond the school curriculum

Numberphile – Develop your mathematical skills through interesting easy-to-watch videos which cover mathematical problems

3Blue1Brown – Difficult mathematical problems described in simple terms

Computer Science Interview Questions

Technology News

Keeping up with the technology news is a great way to become a more well-rounded Computer Scientist. Through the learning of new methodologies, inventions, and algorithms as well as the socio-economic issues technology can cause, you will be able to approach Computer Science problems from a real-world, well-rounded perspective . This can be as simple as checking the news every day and researching stories which interest you, or if you would like to explore further about current research, you could look at more specific websites like Science Daily .

Computer Science Super-curriculars

Super-curriculars are activities which take your studies further outside of the classroom. For university applicants, and Oxford/ Cambridge Computer Science applicants in particular, it is important to engage with your subject beyond the curriculum. For Computer Science, you could do a variety of different things:

Start a club at school : If your school does not have a club, it can be a great opportunity to meet likeminded people and solve problems together.

Learn a new programming language : You could explore a programming language which you have never done before. You do not need to become an expert but learning to write some of your own programs is both rewarding and enriching. There are plenty of tutorials for beginners online to help you get started. Check out our blog on why the next generation should learn to code here .

Logic puzzles : Computer Science is all about logic, so exploring logic puzzles can be a great way to become a better computer scientist, as well as being an interesting thing to do in your spare time! Some recommended resources include:

UKMT maths challenges

Anany and Maria Levitin, Algorithmic Puzzles

MAT / STEP questions

Competitions: Competing in competitions is a great way to learn more as well as to show off your knowledge. While they are not necessary for your application, they can be fun to compete in and show your willingness to take part in activities outside of the classroom.

Programming outside of the classroom: If you have programmed before, you could develop your knowledge further. For example, learning how to use different libraries, or trying to program something new. Apart from being a great way to learn, programming projects are a great thing to discuss on your personal statement or at an interview.

Computer Science Oxford

What is an Oxbridge Computer Science Interview like?

Every Oxbridge college may take a slightly different approach to the interview process; some require admissions exams, such as the CSAT (Computer Science Admissions Test). However, there will be a strong basis of maths and logic across all interview questions. The following tips apply:

Speak through what you are thinking: The interviewer cannot read your mind, and it is best to be explicit about the steps you are going through in your head

Be prepared to talk about your personal statement: While you may not be asked about your personal statement, you should be confident talking about it, including any books you have read

Work logically: The interviewer wants to see that you are thinking logically, so decompose larger problems into steps. This way, even if you do not get to a final answer, you have taken sensible logical approach

Get comfortable reading pseudocode: Even if you are not proficient in a specific programming language, being able to read pseudocode is an important skill when you are learning to code and is a good skill to have for the interview

Potential Oxbridge Computer Science Questions

At a party, everyone shook hands with everyone else. There were 66 handshakes. How many people were at the party?

Imagine you are given a list of n - 1  numbers, all different, and each between 0 and n - 1 inclusive. How could you find (in a reasonable time) a number between 0 and n - 1 that is not in the list?

You have two jars, 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles. You need to place all the marbles into the jars such that when you blindly pick one marble out of one jar, you maximize the chances that it will be red. When picking, you’ll first randomly pick a jar, and then randomly pick a marble out of that jar. You can arrange the marbles however you like, but each marble must be in a jar

Two players take turns to throw a fair 6-sided die until one of them scored a six. What is the probability that the first player to throw the die is the first to score a six?

The six letters of the word RADIAN are written on six separate pieces of card. In an experiment, four cards are selected and placed next to each other, forming a four-letter arrangement. Calculate the number of different four-letter arrangements

By U2 Mentor, Tanya (Computer Science at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge)

Looking for an Oxbridge Computer Science tutor for support with your application?

U2 offers CSAT admissions test preparation, as well as wider top UK University/ Oxbridge Mentoring programmes ( book a free consultation to discuss options). We have a large team of Oxbridge-educated Computer Science tutors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge Computer Science graduate as a tutor and send their full CV for review. Our tutors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Computer Science at the University of Oxford and Cambridge, and are well-placed to guide you through personal statement writing, the entrance exam (if applicable) and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour informal assessment/ taster session , where the tutor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application, including test and interview. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Computer Science tuition sessions: Tutorial sessions may be used to explore CS ideas that can be discussed in the personal statement, touching on some theoretical aspects of CS which tutors enjoy reading. Tutors ensure each student refines their interests within Computer Science, and is exposed to a range of approaches and new concepts, guiding students in their reading and wider subject exploration. Students will then move on to topics which are more relevant for interviews and are not covered extensively at school level (especially Maths). A large emphasis will be placed on problem solving, with students tasked with problem sets to complete between sessions.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and tutor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects , Summer Schools and Oxbridge mock interview days. Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced. We also provide GCSE, A-Level or IB Computer Science (and other subject) support if needed.

Applying for Music at Oxbridge: The Course, and How To Craft A Standout Music Personal Statement

The ins and outs of oxbridge interviews: our ultimate guide to acing those interviews in 2024.

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Guide to Oxbridge Computer Science Interviews

Everything you should know before interviewing at Oxford or Cambridge for Computer Science and how to be successful.

  • Receiving Your Invitation to Interview
  • Turning Up to Your Interview (Online)
  • Turning Up to Your Interview (In Person)
  • How Many Interviews Will I Have?
  • Answering Questions Based on Your Personal Statement
  • Pre-Interview Admissions Assessments (For Cambridge Computer Science Applicants)
  • Analysing Unseen Materials as Part of the Interview
  • What Do I Do If I Don't Know the Answer to a Question?
  • Example Questions
  • How to Prepare for an Oxbridge-Style Interview

The admissions process for prestigious universities like Oxford and Cambridge for their Computer Science undergraduate courses can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Getting the coveted invitation to interview is a significant milestone in your academic journey, and it's essential to prepare thoroughly. This guide, tailored to applicants for top UK universities, aims to demystify the Oxbridge interview process, from receiving your invitation to handling the interviews themselves. We'll cover various aspects, including online and in-person interviews, personal statement questions, pre-interview admissions tests, analysing unseen materials, and dealing with challenging questions.

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Receiving an invitation to interview at Oxford or Cambridge is a significant achievement. Typically, invitations are sent out in late November or early December, so it can be a little wait between applying and receiving your invitation. This means that it can be a good idea to start preparing for potential interviews before you’ve been invited, since there’s likely to be less than a month between receiving a formal invitation and attending the interview itself. Notification of your invitation (or not) will come in a letter or email from an Oxford or Cambridge college. This could be the college you applied to, or another college (either different from the one you applied to or any college if you submitted an open application). If you applied to a specific college and are invited to interview elsewhere, do not take this as any kind of sign reflecting your chances at acceptance - it is all part of the normal reallocation process that Oxford and Cambridge use to ensure that the best applicants across the university are accepted.

The date and time of your interview(s) (or at least those which the college has organised at present - but more on that later) will be specified in the correspondence you receive from the college along with your invitation, so no need to worry about organising that. Oxford have already published their rough interview timetable (i.e. windows in which various subjects can expect their interviews to take place), but this can always change so it’s good to remain a little flexible. Most interviews in the 2023-2024 cycle will be held online again this year, with the exception of specific Cambridge applicants (UK-based applicants to Gonville & Caius, King’s, Pembroke, Peterhouse, Selwyn, and Trinity Colleges). If you are asked to interview in person, the details of this will be made clear in your invitation from the College.

1. Technical Preparation

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, online interviews are still being used at both Oxford and Cambridge (with the exception of the Cambridge applicants listed above). This makes the interview easier in certain manners (you won’t have to travel, you are able to remain in the comfort of your own home, etc.), but it also presents additional potential issues in that you are responsible for ensuring you have a reliable technical set up. In the lead up to the interview, ensure that you have access to a stable internet connection, a functioning camera (either built into a laptop or computer, or a separate webcam), and a quiet, well-lit environment. Be sure to check this all with plenty of time to spare (e.g. the week or some days before) so that, should an issue arise, you’ve got plenty of time to address it.

If you are worried about not having access to the appropriate equipment or the right atmosphere in which to conduct a successful interview, we suggest asking your school if they have a classroom or quiet space and some equipment you could use.

2. Dress Appropriately Even for online interviews, it is a good idea to dress smartly. Present yourself professionally, just as you would in person, but ensure that you are also comfortable (remember that if you’re interviewing over a webcam you can always keep on your favourite slippers!). We’re not saying that you need to wear a full suit and tie, but maybe don’t keep on your pyjamas or a stained hoodie; interviews are all about showing your intent, and dressing respectfully is the first step to showing that you mean business.

3. Practice Video Interviews If you're not used to video interviews, practice with friends or mentors to get comfortable with the format. It can be easy to think of talking over video meetings to be just the same as in person, but the process can actually feel very different. Chances are most of us have learned to interact over online video chat over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s always good to get a little practice in order to refresh your memory. We also recommend practising video calls from your chosen location (either with someone else or just to yourself) to make sure that nothing inappropriate can be seen in the background!

1. Arrive Early If your interview is in person, make sure you arrive early. This will give you time to settle your nerves and familiarise yourself with the surroundings. Punctuality shows that you are serious about performing well in your interviews, as well as ensuring that you’re not rushing and flustered when you arrive (something which can easily carry on into the interview itself and affect your performance).

2. Dress Smartly Wear appropriate attire for the occasion. You don't need to be overly formal, but looking well-presented (whilst trying your best to maintain comfort) is essential. Remember that these are your potential future professors and/or tutors, so think about what is appropriate to where to class or in a professional setting when dressing for your interview; first impressions (in all regards) are important!

3. Bring Necessary Documents Make sure that if the college or department specify any documents, you have brought them with you. It may not be necessary, but you might also like to consider bringing a copy of your personal statement with you when you travel to Oxford or Cambridge for the interview process. It is highly likely that interviewers will ask questions building from the content of the statement, so making sure that you’re on top of the content therein is crucial to a good performance.

The number of interviews you will be asked to attend varies by course and college. Some applicants may have two or more interviews, while others might have only one. It's crucial to check the specific requirements for your chosen course and college. It is also common to have two interviews scheduled from the beginning: one with your college and one with the department.

In addition to the interviews you have scheduled from the start, it is also possible that, during the interview window, you will have further interviews scheduled. This is usually because other colleges have decided to cast their net wider, and are considering you for a position at their college instead of the one who invited you to interview. These interviews will be conducted by new interviewers, so there is no separate preparation you will need to undertake. It’s also important to remember that being invited to other interviews in no way indicates that you have a higher or lower chance of being accepted: It’s just part of the university’s way of making sure they get the most talented Computer Science applicants from across the applicant pool.

Be prepared to discuss your personal statement in detail during the interview. Examiners may ask questions related to what you've written, so make sure you understand every aspect of your statement. We recommend reading through your personal statement regularly in the lead up to interviews to ensure that you know its contents inside and out! It can also be useful, if you have time, to read, watch, or listen back on the key sources you reference in your statement, especially since it can be some time between initially consulting them and attending the interview itself. Remember that interviewers will be well-versed in key literature relating to your subject, and so may well be familiar with any resources you reference, meaning that you need to know them in detail (or at least the key arguments within that you find interesting) to be able to discuss them in an academic setting.

A useful exercise can be to think about the key ideas or resources in your personal statement critically just to yourself. Maybe write them down and produce a spider diagram of thoughts, opinions, or interesting linking ideas you have relating to them? Thinking in a creative and open-minded way about the content of your Personal Statement can be a good way to prepare yourself for the questions interviewers might ask. We also recommend sitting down with a parent, friend, or mentor to explain and discuss the big issues identified in your Personal Statement. Don’t worry if nobody close to you is familiar with the topic; sometimes explaining an idea to someone new can be the best way of solidifying it in your own mind!

If you’re applying to the Computer Science course at Cambridge at Peterhouse or Trinity C olleges, you will be required to sit an admissions assessment as part of the interviewing process. There is no admin or registration attached to this assessment, and all the relevant details relating to it will be communicated to you by the college when you are invited to interview.

The Computer Science Aptitudes Test is a 100 minute paper made up of several sections of questions, from which students can answer the subsets of questions that they feel most comfortable answering. Section A features 8 questions and Section B features 12 questions, with Section B being more challenging and the questions worth more marks. A student’s best 5 questions in each section are considered and the points contribute to their final score.

Even though these tests are based on skills rather than particular subject knowledge, they can absolutely still be prepared for! We recommend going through past papers to practise applying your skills to unseen materials and responding in timed conditions as per the real test. Our Computer Science Aptitudes Test guide is a great place to start for tips and tricks on how to prepare.

Often in Oxbridge-style interviews, applicants are given a piece of unseen material and asked to discuss it as part of the interview. This could be a text extract, a piece of data, an image, or a problem to solve. In the case of Computer Science interviews, interviewers may provide you with a problem sheet to work on. They will most likely provide you with this just before the interview and ask you to discuss your answers in the interview itself. 

The key to such a task is to approach it as systematically as possible. Reading the problems carefully, making notes as you work it out, and thinking about possible discussion points as you go through it can all be crucial to your performance in the interview. Remember that subjects are broad and there is a good chance you will be unfamiliar with the content or specific context of the material in question; this is not a problem! The exercise is not intended to assess how much you know about the wider subject, but rather your application of principles you have learned in your studies so far to new materials. 

It's okay not to have all the answers. If you encounter a question that stumps you, the key is not to panic. Take a deep breath, ask for clarification if needed, and attempt to work through the problem logically. Interviewers often want to see how you handle challenging situations and think on your feet. For more guidance on how to handle unknown questions in an interview situation, read our t ips for answering an unexpected Oxford and Cambridge interview question .

Below are some past interview questions asked to applicants for Computer Science (and its combination subjects) during their Oxford and Cambridge interviews. Use them to get a feel for what is asked during an interview and to prepare your strategy for responding.

Computer Science (Oxford and Cambridge):

  • Tell me about binary searches and their efficiency.
  • What are the possible ways of making a secure transfer?
  • What is the fundamental difference between a spreadsheet and a database?
  • What factors contribute to the accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS)?
  • How would you ensure security between two people, A and B?

Computer Science and Philosophy (Oxford):

  • What is the relevance of philosophy in science as opposed to everyday life?
  • Write an algorithm to find all factors of a number.
  • How would you define infinity?

How to Prepare for an Oxbridge-Style Interview 

Given that the interview is designed to test, in large part, your creativity and thinking skills, it is unsurprisingly quite difficult to think of how to prepare. as we talked about before, the first step we recommend is to go through your personal statement and review any key sources so that you’re happy to discuss questions relating to them (since they are the questions you can most rely on cropping up). when it comes to preparing for unexpected or unknown questions, there are a whole host of ways that you can exercise your ability to deal with them. to delve into these recommendations in closer detail, read our dedicated interview preparation top tips blog , where our expert mentors have collated their 14 most useful tips for interview preparation., recent articles, the oxford traffic light system: what you need to know, a comprehensive month-by-month guide to your university application, applying for maths at university take an admissions test, jump to section, computer science mock interview package.

If you have any more questions about your application or interview that you would like to discuss with a member of our team, please do get in touch. Call us on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394, or email [email protected] .

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Writing the Perfect Computer Science Personal Statement

How to write a perfect computer science personal statement


Securing a place in a prestigious university computer science course can be highly competitive. If you are aiming for a Russell Group University or even an Oxbridge University, you need to know that they expect high standards. With numerous applicants vying for limited seats, it's crucial to present yourself as an exceptional candidate. One powerful tool at your disposal is the personal statement. This blog post will guide you through the process of crafting a winning personal statement, showcasing your passion for computer science, unique experiences, and future goals. By following these tried-and-tested techniques, you will be equipped to impress admissions committees, increase your chances of acceptance, and embark on an exciting academic journey.

1. Know Your Audience

Before diving into writing your personal statement, it's crucial to understand the expectations and values of the university admissions committee. Research the university's mission, vision, and curriculum to align your goals with theirs. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the computer science program, highlighting key characteristics and skills they are seeking in applicants. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your personal statement to resonate with the selection panel and demonstrate your suitability for the course.

2. Reflect on Your Journey

To create a compelling personal statement, delve into your personal and academic experiences that have shaped your passion for computer science. Reflect on any challenges you have faced and how these have reinforced your determination. Highlight standout moments, such as participation in coding contests, internships, or research projects, that have nurtured your interest in the field. Articulate how these experiences have driven your decision to pursue a computer science course at the university.

3. Showcase Your Skills and Achievements

Highlighting your relevant skills and achievements is essential to demonstrate your competence and distinguish yourself from other applicants. Discuss your proficiency in programming languages, problem-solving abilities, and any noteworthy projects you have undertaken. Provide evidence of your skills using concrete examples, including software development projects, technical challenges overcome, or academic awards attained. By emphasizing your capabilities, you will exhibit your potential value to the computer science program.

4. Convey Your Passion

Universities seek individuals who are passionate about computer science and can contribute to the academic community. Communicate your enthusiasm by explaining how the subject captivates you, discussing influential readings or inspirational innovators. Illustrate how you have pursued your passion outside of formal education, such as attending conferences, participating in coding boot camps, or engaging in open-source projects. Conveying your fervor for the subject will demonstrate your dedication and drive for success.

student with laptop

5. Define Your Future Goals

Admissions committees are interested in candidates with clear vision and ambition. Outline your long-term objectives in the field of computer science, showing how the university's program aligns with your goals. Discuss your aspirations to contribute to cutting-edge technology, address industry-specific challenges, or make a positive societal impact through your work. Demonstrating your future plans will assure the admissions panel of your determination and long-term commitment, increasing your chances of acceptance.

6. Be Authentic and Engaging

While ensuring your personal statement meets academic and professional standards, it should also serve as a reflection of your authentic self. Use a conversational tone and inject your unique personality into your writing. However, strike a balance by maintaining professionalism and avoiding overly informal language. Engage the reader with captivating anecdotes, personal experiences, or thought-provoking ideas. By standing out from the crowd and captivating the admissions committee, you increase the chances of leaving a lasting impression.

Crafting a perfect personal statement for a university computer science course is a meticulous yet rewarding process. By understanding the expectations of the admissions committee, reflecting on your journey, and showcasing your achievements and skills, you can effectively highlight your strengths. Coupled with a genuine passion for computer science and clear future goals that align with the program's objectives, you set yourself apart from other applicants. Remember to remain authentic, engaging, and proofread meticulously to ensure your statement shines. Your well-crafted personal statement will undoubtedly make a compelling case for your acceptance, propelling you towards a successful future in the field of computer science.

See the list of DOs and DONTs when writing a computer science personal statement.

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Computer Science Personal Statement Examples

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What is a computer science personal statement?

Your application form features your grades, but the UCAS personal statement is an opportunity to sell youself to the university.

This means you need to include your skills, goals and suitability for the course when drafting a computer science undergraduate or postgraduate personal statement.

Make sure you convey your talents for programming and why you are committed to this course. Read through some of our computer science personal statement examples to see what makes a good and successful statement.

How do I write a computer science personal statement?

When it comes down to how to start a personal statement, don’t tie yourself in knots. Why do you want to study computer science? Personal statements should answer this question, so open with your motivation during your introduction.

Your computer science personal statement should be easy to read, explaining why you have chosen this course and how you intend to work hard to achieve your goals. Give your computer science personal statemen to others to proofread, and ensure the language is concise, makes sense, and is grammatically correct. Don't just rely on a spellchecker for your final draft - read it through yourself, and check for errors thoroughly.

What should I include in my computer science personal statement?

  • What subject areas do you enjoy that will support your application? For example, you might pick a topic from your mathematics A level that particularly interests and talk about why you find it fascinating.
  • Remember that you can only write one personal statement, so it needs to be suitable for all the universities you are planning on applying to. 
  • Talk about your hobbies and extracurricular activities, and how they are relevant - what have you learned from them? Have they inspired you to do anything else? For example, have you built a computer from scratch, or built a new app or website? Are you able to code? If so, what languages can you code in and how did you learn?
  • If you’re applying for a postgraduate course, you may want to talk about higher level skills you possess such as innovation, and the results of your final year undergraduate project. 
  • Think about your wider reading, e.g. newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. What recent developments interest you, and why are they exciting? Remember, your computer science personal statement needs to stand out from the crowd, so make it as relevant as possible, while giving it your own, unique voice.

How do I write my computer science personal statement introduction?

Try to start your computer science personal statement with a paragraph that will immediately grab the reader's attention. For example, you might relate a story about an experience with computer science when you were a child, such as a birthday present or a day trip with your family. You might also choose to open your statement by talking about one or two aspects of computer science that fascinate you, and why you find them interesting.

For example, this candidate talks about Linux and how they overcame the challenges of using this operating system:

"My views about computing changed considerably when I heard about Linux. In the late nineties it was a newer operating system and tasks like installing and configuring were considered to be quite challenging in India. However, I was intrigued by this challenge and without any formal training I was able to independently install this system. This was due to the sound knowledge I had acquired through reading a vast range of technical books. My fascination towards the evolving IT industry has been growing ever since. "

Not only does this pick out something specific from the world of computing, but shows the reader that the applicant had the persistence and ambition to figure out how to install and use the operating system using textbooks, which is the sort of student they are looking to engage on their course.

Another example is the following candidate, who chose to open their statement by recounting the time they built their first computer:

"Building my first computer was an experience I will never forget. Looking over what seemed to be a city of silicone, I marveled at how elegantly the components were arranged on the motherboard. Yet I did not feel fully satisfied, as I knew there was a whole other world of computing, which could only be explored by completing a degree in computer science.

Studying A Level mathematics has taught me that there are countless methods of approaching a problem and I have also found this to be true of programming."

Again, the student has picked out something specific and told a story, which helps to engage the reader straight away and tells them how interested they are in computing. They then go on to relate their current studies to the course, which is another strength of the opening of this statement.

Hopefully these two examples show how you might put together your own unique opening for your computer science statement, but if you're still struggling, take a look at the rest of our example personal statements .

How do I write a conclusion for my computer science personal statement?

We suggest rounding off your statement with a paragraph about your extracurricular activities and hobbies, and how they relate to your course. For example:

"I also participated at a first-aid national contest organized by the Red Cross Romania, which gave me the opportunity to be the leader of a rescue team. This helped me understand better how to face critical situations and improve my leadership skills.

I often think that computer science will give me the chance to reach higher peaks, and I really consider that it has already helped me see life in a different way. Programming gave me the chance to help many children with special needs, to meet interesting people, to discover a new world. That is exactly why I would like to study and follow a career in this field."

Further resources

For more help and advice on what to write in your computer science personal statement, please see:

  • Personal Statement Editing Services
  • Personal Statement Tips From A Teacher
  • Analysis Of A Personal Statement
  • The 15th January UCAS Deadline: 4 Ways To Avoid Missing It
  • Personal Statement FAQs
  • Personal Statement Timeline
  • 10 Top Personal Statement Writing Tips
  • What To Do If You Miss The 15th January UCAS Deadline.

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10 Top Tips for an Cambridge Computer Science Personal Statement

Your Cambridge personal statement is a crucial component in your university application. It gives you a chance to articulate why you’re interested in Computer Science at Cambridge and to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Additionally, it offers the Cambridge interviewer a focal point to base discussions about your personality, interests and deduce your commitment to the subject you’re applying for. To help guide you through the process, our Cambridge application experts have compiled a list of top 10 tips. This includes everything you should do and not do for your Oxbridge Computer Science Personal Statement for the 2024/25 application cycle.

All applicants for Computer Science (including applicants to mature Colleges) must take the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA). They should take this at an authorised assessment centre (usually your school or college), for which you register in advance. Find out more about this here .

At the University of Cambridge, in Years 1 and 2, assessment is currently by three-hour examinations taken in the final term of each year. In Year 3, students have coursework and three-hour examinations. Practical work is undertaken and assessed in all years of the degree programme.

Please note that successful Cambridge Computer Science applicants need to do some preparatory reading. They must also complete a pre-arrival online course before the start of the first term. Admissions tutors will send students details after their place is confirmed.

Top 5 Tips for a Cambridge Computer Science Personal Statement

1. tell your story ..

Your story will be what makes your UCAS personal statement unique. You should outline why you want to study Computer Science. Also include anecdotes indicative of your personality and hunger for the subject. This will be how you get the Cambridge admissions tutors to notice your university application. This is where you should note down relevant work experience, extra-curricular reading. You should also mention why you were interested in Computer Science in the first place, as well as what makes you suitable to study at Cambridge University. 

2. What makes you suitable

What distinguishes you from all other Cambridge applicants applying for Computer Science? Is there work experience, or extra-curricular work have you done that you can talk about that might set you apart from everyone else? It’s not enough to list achievements. Talk about what skills you have gained that will not only make you a suitable Computer Science student, but also a suitable Cambridge University student.

3. Read around the subject you’re applying for .

Podcasts, magazine articles, documentaries or research papers relating to the field of Computer Science are all great ways to engage with new content. Examples include the ‘ Spark with Nora Young ’ podcast. Click here for a concise reading list published by Cambridge. A good way to start is by picking a topic within the field of Computer Science that interests you. You can listen to or read the information to and from school or work. 

4. Proof read & read aloud your work .

Once you’re happy with the content of your draft, check it, check it and check it again! A good way to check your work would be to ask people to proofread it. Examples include a teacher in the Computer Science field, a current Cambridge student, or a student studying Computer Science who has already written a personal statement. Other people may be able to spot mistakes or improvements within your statement that you haven’t picked up on.

5. Why Computer Science .

Why have YOU applied to Computer Science? What careers or opportunities will studying this degree present to you? Examples include data analyst, games designer, web designer, amongst more. Consider your ambitions and how you will benefit society. These examples include, but aren’t limited to, furthering technology in the future, and analysing data to reduce risk for a multitude of companies.

Top 5 things to AVOID for your Cambridge Computer Science Personal Statement

  • Writing a list of achievements – Avoid listing things for the sake of it. It will be better to pick some key points or experiences and expand on what you learnt from them. This will show the Cambridge admissions tutors that you have reflected on your experiences, and that you have some insight into what a career of Computer Science would entail.
  • Don’t write anything that isn’t true – Don’t exaggerate. Admissions tutors may ask you to provide evidence of your stated achievements. It will reflect badly on you if you are unable to answer questions at an interview because you have exaggerated certain experiences. Not only that, but it will make your personal statement appear less authentic.
  • Copy someone else’s personal statements – Don’t plagiarise. Do not copy someone else’s UCAS personal statement or use something you have found on the internet. UCAS uses software to check every personal statement for plagiarism. 
  • Not reflecting on or justifying your point – Write succinctly and explain points without repeating yourself. Don’t tell the Cambridge admissions tutors what they already know. Instead, expand on how you’ve acquired certain skills and why they’re important. Remember, quality is always better than quantity- it’s better to expand on a few points than to list every point you can without going into detail.
  •  Don’t sound unprofessional – Steer clear of slang, clichés and quotes. It will sound repetitive to Cambridge admissions tutors to hear about how students are “passionate” about their subject or that they have a “thirst for knowledge”. Write about your personal experience with your Computer Science journey, and allow the admissions tutors to do the rest.

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Successful Personal Statement For History At Oxford

Last Updated: 6th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a History applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The History Course at Oxford combines the examination of large regions over extended periods of time with more focused work on smaller social groups, shorter periods and particular themes.

Read on to see how this candidate demonstrates that they can understand and analyse history.  

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement (the applicant uses most of the 4,000 characters available):


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History Personal Statement

My passion for history can best be explained by discussing the period of German Unification, which displays the most engrossing virtues of studying the subject. Firstly there is great scope for debate and exploration of the interlocking causations, examining the relative importance of Bismarck’s own role against the military strengthening of Prussia or the shifting international relations. But most interestingly it is a defining period in the shaping of modern Europe and the way in which it links the past to the present is most fascinating. Studying this period reveals how international relations progressed after the Napoleonic era leading to the way in which Germany was unified through war and thus became a country built around war. It is therefore arguable that this era created the state which would then trigger the two wars which have shaped the modern world. This period shows how history can give us a more rounded understanding of the world we live in, linking our mysterious and intriguing past to our all too familiar present surroundings. It is partly this, which motivates me to study history as in doing so I gain immense satisfaction from learning how our world has evolved.

An understanding of history also provides a fundamental backdrop for any other areas of study. I have found this through my other A-Level subjects, for example historical knowledge of politics in Britain was essential to AS politics, particularly when studying the political situation in Ireland. An understanding of past conflicts is indispensable when it comes to managing contemporary politics. Furthermore, whilst taking French the study of Un Sac De Billes by Joseph Joffo unearthed experiences of living under Vichy France. To learn a language fully it is important to immerse oneself in the culture and history of the country in order to develop a more rounded understanding of the people who live there. Thus it seems that history is inescapable; it not only provides vital background knowledge but also helps bring to life every other academic subject, which is why in my opinion, it is the most important.     

During my A Level history course, the Napoleonic era particularly fascinated me and I pursued my interest through further reading, looking specifically at Napoleon’s downfall, an area I found most compelling as it offers the greatest exposition of the psychology of this exceptional man. I read Digby Smith’s ‘The Decline and Fall of Napoleon’s Empire’ as well as Zamoyski’s ‘1812’. I picked up on several themes throughout Zamoyski’s book and developed my own opinions such as sympathetic stances towards General Barclay and the Tsar, but was particularly intrigued by how Napoleon let his ego drive his pre-war diplomacy and how Napoleon’s own role in the breakdown of the Treaty of Tilsit perhaps triggered his eventual downfall. The fact that I was so gripped by so many different themes within an historical study of one war also reveals another aspect of history that is so appealing to me. It offers vast numbers of different avenues to pursue in one’s research, whether it is Napoleon’s diplomacy or the fallibility of the Russian command.

Outside of my academic studies, I am a dedicated sportsman but have particularly flourished musically as a cellist, obtaining a grade 8 standard in year 11 and am a committed member of various ensembles. Music has coloured my historical studies, for example, I played various Shostakovich symphonies coinciding with my study of Stalinist Russia at GCSE, each with a very different feel depending upon his relationship with Stalin, but perhaps most moving was playing his 10 th symphony, a purely self-indulgent expression of relief after the death of the dictator. It is impossible to appreciate this great work without its historical context, which transforms the piece into something personal, attaching the listener emotionally. History is not only fascinating in itself, but it enriches our appreciation of all other interests.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

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The student speaks intelligently and successfully links their interests – both within history and outside of history – to the study of history on a wider scale. The statement is well organised and reads well. Paragraph three, in particular, has many strong points with a greater focus on what really interests the student and why. The student does well to focus on the different areas of exploration within history showing a strong awareness of the nuances within historical study.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The statement focuses too much on what the student knows, rather than what interests the student – the first paragraph, in particular, reads too much like an essay, and less like an exploration of why this student actually wants to study history. The student risks falling into a trap of trying to teach and impress the admissions tutor with their knowledge instead of offering a more personal approach. The student also needs to try to avoid repetition, for example ‘most interestingly’ and ‘most fascinating’ within the same sentence in order to ensure the whole statement flows better.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This is a very strong, well-written Personal Statement. The student has clearly proved they can both understand and analyse history. The student perhaps needs to focus more on their own motivations behind studying history, but overall, the statement suggests a student with great potential and zeal for the subject. What would make the student stand out even more is a stronger closing statement – something to bring the whole personal statement together.

This Personal Statement for History is a great example of a strong, well-written Statement. The candidate’s interest and achievements are clearly shown which is vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

There are plenty more successful personal statements and expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Oxford History application.

With our  Oxbridge History Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the HAT and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our  Oxbridge History Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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