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Tiny Buddha

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~Carl Bard

Birthdays. They’re supposed to be a joyous celebration, right?

That one special day each year when we throw a party and reflect on the day our amazing journey began.

The starting point.

I’ve had quite a colorful journey and certainly enjoyed many wonderful birthdays in my life.

Turning 50 this past year wasn’t one of them. Here’s why.

When we’re little every birthday marks a major accomplishment. We learn to walk. Then we learn to talk. Then we go to school and learn our ABCs.

Everything is brand new.

When we graduate high school they tell us we have our whole lives in front of us. Whether we’re off to college, exploring the world, or entering the work force, we begin a whole new chapter. Independence.

A starting point.

You can just picture that open highway stretched out to infinity before you, beckoning to a future somewhere out on that horizon that calls you to adventure . All that you will become lies out there.

In my twenties, I was a freewheeling single young man touring the world with rock stars. How bad can that be, right?

Turning 30 was awesome too! I was living in sunny Southern California, playing music, and making records in recording studios. Life was good.

Even 40 was great. I had moved back to New York to play in my own band and got married. Our life together had just begun. Then came children. I became Dad.

You’re supposed to have accomplished your greatest life’s work by now, right? Achieved all your major goals. Changed the world.

But what if you’re still working on that? What if you’re just now starting to figure out what you’re really supposed to be doing with your life?

You can say many things about turning 50, but one thing you can’t say with a straight face is that you still have your whole life in front of you.

At this point in the journey, life has shown you many of its cards. Not all, mind you, but you’ve got a pretty good grasp on how the world turns. If there are still any surprises, they have mostly to do with learning to change the way you see things.

But something else happened that was very difficult to escape. Much as I hated to admit it, I found that I was looking around and comparing myself to my peers.

This person has kids entering college and I’m looking at two young children and the reality that I’ll be close to 70 by the time the youngest is out of school.

That one is retired at 50 and buying their second Ferrari while retirement doesn’t seem to be in the cards any time soon for me.

When you view life this way, there’s always going to be someone who you feel is ahead of you by your own estimate. And you’ll never catch up to them. So that leaves you feeling behind in some imaginary race that can’t be won.

And when the game is comparing yourself to others , you will never have enough. Ever.

Unknowingly, you build this imaginary scale to see how you measure up against your peers. Let’s call it the Success/Happiness curve. Yet, no matter where you believe you fall on that curve, the moment you mark your place is to engage in a losing battle.

You believe that if you can just obtain that (figure of money in the bank, job title, certain car) that you will have arrived at your destination and will find happiness there.

But you won’t. Because it’s not out there.

Not in any material things you can obtain. Whatever it is will begin to lose its luster the moment you acquire it. Then you’ll have to look for something new to replace it and give you another fix. And the cycle never ends.

So how do you break out of this destructive cycle?

Well first, I needed to learn how to let go of a lot of my preconceived notions about where I thought I would be by the time I reached 50.

Ultimately, I found the answer in meditation.

Through meditation you learn how to become present .

Most of us never learn to appreciate where we are at this very moment because we’re so focused on what happened (or didn’t happen) in a past that no longer exists and worried about a future that hasn’t happened yet.

Meditation taught me that to compare ourselves to others is the root of human suffering, or samsara. Because it creates a separation between ourselves and someone else. A duality. A them and an us.

Armed with this new perspective, the next thing I did was to review my life and my experiences to figure out what was working and what was not. This brought me face to face with a rather harsh reality.

As much as I liken myself to be a caring person, I realized that I’d spent most of my career focused on my own self-interests.

Sure I spent a lot of time making music, which is something very personal that you put out into the universe in the hopes that you will connect with an audience and make them feel something.

But it turns out the giving was conditional.

It was like, “Enjoy this music and help support my dream. Please vote for me in this contest and buy that CD and help me or my band out.” The focus was all wrong.

And that’s when I realized what had been gnawing away at me all these years. It was a yearning to connect with an audience in a meaningful way that focuses on helping them . On seeing the world through their eyes.

And so at age 50, I am only now seeing the light.

Only after allowing the hidden writer within to finally emerge did I realize that I have been telling stories my whole life.

With that came the realization that each of us has a unique story we’re supposed to tell. That’s why we’re here. And I’m supposed to help people to tell theirs.

The epiphany was that as a music producer and a songwriter, I had been doing this already for many years helping artists to realize their vision.

Suddenly everything felt different. Like I had steered the boat back on course. Like a new chapter.

Suddenly that really successful person I follow who I want to emulate, the one who seems so far ahead in their journey, finally, it all gets put into perspective.

We think they just arrived where they are today.

We never got to see all the years they spent toiling away in obscurity. Experimenting, missing the mark, failing. Trying to figure out the very things we’re looking to figure out now.

Until they honed their craft to excellence and were finally rewarded by the world for their efforts.

We never stop and give ourselves a break for simply being on the path. It may be a path of discovery. It may be a path toward a specific destination. Or it may be a path away from our old ways.

But you’re walking the path. Celebrate that.

The law says that if you take steps in the direction of your destination every day and keep walking, no matter how slow or how far you must travel, you must one day arrive there.

In Tibet they have a tradition. After a long and arduous journey, no matter how difficult, they seek a high vantage point and look back to see just how far they have come.

Age is irrelevant. Wherever you are in your journey is a starting point. Whoever or whatever it is you’re chasing, slow down.

Realize there is no race.

Whether you’re 20 or 50 or 80, if you never stop seeking then you’ll never cease to be amazed by what you might find.

And if every point is a starting point then every day can be your birthday!

How will you celebrate today?

Photo by girish_suryawanshi

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About Mark Hermann

Mark Hermann is a music producer, songwriter, and blogger with the occasional whimsy to create mosaic art. He teaches musicians & other creators how to unearth their inner rock star and deliver the soundtrack to their story. Read more of his stories about how to discover your own personal legend at  Rock andRoll Zen . Follow him on  Twitter  and  Google+ .

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The magic of new beginnings, and suddenly, you know: it's time for a change..

The Magic Of New Beginnings

Beginnings are beautiful. Whether it be the first page of a new chapter, the beginning of a workout/diet program, the start of a new semester or job, or even a decision to quit a bad habit. They can be different from what we are used to, and it can be hard to adapt, but there's just something so liberating, so freeing, and so beautiful about new beginnings.

You say goodbye to bad habits of your past, and hello to a healthier life. You move to a brand new city, full of endless possibilities and leave behind the one that made you feel small. You decide to meet new people who lift you up and motivate you, and ditch the ones who don't appreciate you enough. A new beginning can mean freeing yourself of what cages you in, of what makes you feel less whole.

Sometimes, though, a new beginning can also mean saying goodbye to a someone, a career, or a home that you don't want to leave. Sometimes we don't get to decide when our life is switching gears; all we can do is hold on tight for the ride.

We aren't always ready for change, and hardly do we ever want change, but our fear of the unknown will hold us back more than anything else in our lives. We have to let go of our need to control the future, we have to move out of our comfort zone. If we choose to stay, in a world, stuck, nothing will ever happen for us. But if we decide that the future holds much greater things ahead than anything we may leave behind, and we embrace that change - that's when we will truly notice the beauty of new beginnings.

If you're like me, you might be unclear whether a new beginning is what you're after, or just a pause from life. While you can't actually stop time, you can, and you should, pause what you're doing and take the time to rest your body, your mind, your soul. It can be exhausting going through life without ever stopping and taking a deep breath, and it can have detrimental effects on our bodies. Take the time once in a while to listen to what your body and mind are telling you. If you're tired, actually get some rest. If you're not liking the work you've been putting out, figure out why and fix it. And if after your adult-timeout, you're still yearning for something more, a new beginning could be what you need. And it's easy to start one, even if you're not sure what you want out of it.

The thing with new beginnings is that they are starting and ending all the time. They aren't always black and white, so we don't always notice them, but changes happen in our relationships all the time. Because of these little changes, we are able to make the big changes. The changes that actually begin to affect our lives. We begin to notice what really makes us happy, what makes us actually feel important, and we want more of it.

I've also learned that a new beginning does not happen overnight. Whether we want to make the change right now in this exact moment or not, we won't see a major change in our lives the next time we wake up, that's just not realistic. But if we are determined, and we keep pushing for the change we wish to see, it will happen.

And that new beginning we were so scared of will now be a comforting friend we can always turn to when we're in need.

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25 beatles lyrics: your go-to guide for every situation, the best lines from the fab four.

For as long as I can remember, I have been listening to The Beatles. Every year, my mom would appropriately blast “Birthday” on anyone’s birthday. I knew all of the words to “Back In The U.S.S.R” by the time I was 5 (Even though I had no idea what or where the U.S.S.R was). I grew up with John, Paul, George, and Ringo instead Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance (I had to google N*SYNC to remember their names). The highlight of my short life was Paul McCartney in concert twice. I’m not someone to “fangirl” but those days I fangirled hard. The music of The Beatles has gotten me through everything. Their songs have brought me more joy, peace, and comfort. I can listen to them in any situation and find what I need. Here are the best lyrics from The Beatles for every and any occasion.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

The End- Abbey Road, 1969

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

Dear Prudence- The White Album, 1968

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you

Because- Abbey Road, 1969

There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

All You Need Is Love, 1967

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend

We Can Work It Out- Rubber Soul, 1965

He say, "I know you, you know me", One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come Together- Abbey Road, 1969

Oh please, say to me, You'll let me be your man. And please say to me, You'll let me hold your hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand- Meet The Beatles!, 1964

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. They've been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-1967

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see

Strawberry Fields Forever- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Can you hear me? When it rains and shine, it's just a state of mind

Rain- Paperback Writer "B" side, 1966

Little darling, it's been long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it' s been here. Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright

Here Comes The Sun- Abbey Road, 1969

We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before too long I fell in love with her. Now, I'll never dance with another when I saw her standing there

Saw Her Standing There- Please Please Me, 1963

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say

Michelle- Rubber Soul, 1965

You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world

Revolution- The Beatles, 1968

All the lonely people, where do they all come from. All the lonely people, where do they all belong

Eleanor Rigby- Revolver, 1966

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better

Hey Jude, 1968

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday

Yesterday- Help!, 1965

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

Let It Be- Let It Be, 1970

And anytime you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

I'll give you all i got to give if you say you'll love me too. i may not have a lot to give but what i got i'll give to you. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love.

Can't Buy Me Love- A Hard Day's Night, 1964

All you need is love, love is all you need

All You Need Is Love- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird- The White Album, 1968

Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more

In My Life- Rubber Soul, 1965

While these are my 25 favorites, there are quite literally 1000s that could have been included. The Beatles' body of work is massive and there is something for everyone. If you have been living under a rock and haven't discovered the Fab Four, you have to get musically educated. Stream them on Spotify, find them on iTunes or even buy a CD or record (Yes, those still exist!). I would suggest starting with 1, which is a collection of most of their #1 songs, or the 1968 White Album. Give them chance and you'll never look back.

14 Invisible Activities: Unleash Your Inner Ghost!

Obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

19 Lessons I'll Never Forget from Growing Up In a Small Town

There have been many lessons learned..

Small towns certainly have their pros and cons. Many people who grow up in small towns find themselves counting the days until they get to escape their roots and plant new ones in bigger, "better" places. And that's fine. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought those same thoughts before too. We all have, but they say it's important to remember where you came from. When I think about where I come from, I can't help having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my roots. Being from a small town has taught me so many important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1. The importance of traditions.

Sometimes traditions seem like a silly thing, but the fact of it is that it's part of who you are. You grew up this way and, more than likely, so did your parents. It is something that is part of your family history and that is more important than anything.

2. How to be thankful for family and friends.

No matter how many times they get on your nerves or make you mad, they are the ones who will always be there and you should never take that for granted.

3. How to give back.

When tragedy strikes in a small town, everyone feels obligated to help out because, whether directly or indirectly, it affects you too. It is easy in a bigger city to be able to disconnect from certain problems. But in a small town those problems affect everyone.

4. What the word "community" really means.

Along the same lines as #3, everyone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand when you need one in a small town and to me that is the true meaning of community. It's working together to build a better atmosphere, being there to raise each other up, build each other up, and pick each other up when someone is in need. A small town community is full of endless support whether it be after a tragedy or at a hometown sports game. Everyone shows up to show their support.

5. That it isn't about the destination, but the journey.

People say this to others all the time, but it takes on a whole new meaning in a small town. It is true that life is about the journey, but when you're from a small town, you know it's about the journey because the journey probably takes longer than you spend at the destination. Everything is so far away that it is totally normal to spend a couple hours in the car on your way to some form of entertainment. And most of the time, you're gonna have as many, if not more, memories and laughs on the journey than at the destination.

6. The consequences of making bad choices.

Word travels fast in a small town, so don't think you're gonna get away with anything. In fact, your parents probably know what you did before you even have a chance to get home and tell them. And forget about being scared of what your teacher, principle, or other authority figure is going to do, you're more afraid of what your parents are gonna do when you get home.

7. To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

Everyone deserves a chance. Most people don't have ill-intentions and you can't live your life guarding against every one else just because a few people in your life have betrayed your trust.

8. To be welcoming and accepting of everyone.

While small towns are not always extremely diverse, they do contain people with a lot of different stories, struggle, and backgrounds. In a small town, it is pretty hard to exclude anyone because of who they are or what they come from because there aren't many people to choose from. A small town teaches you that just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean you can't be great friends.

9. How to be my own, individual person.

In a small town, you learn that it's okay to be who you are and do your own thing. You learn that confidence isn't how beautiful you are or how much money you have, it's who you are on the inside.

10. How to work for what I want.

Nothing comes easy in life. They always say "gardens don't grow overnight" and if you're from a small town you know this both figuratively and literally. You certainly know gardens don't grow overnight because you've worked in a garden or two. But you also know that to get to the place you want to be in life it takes work and effort. It doesn't just happen because you want it to.

11. How to be great at giving directions.

If you're from a small town, you know that you will probably only meet a handful of people in your life who ACTUALLY know where your town is. And forget about the people who accidentally enter into your town because of google maps. You've gotten really good at giving them directions right back to the interstate.

12. How to be humble .

My small town has definitely taught me how to be humble. It isn't always about you, and anyone who grows up in a small town knows that. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight, and since there's so few of us, we're probably best friends with everyone so we are as excited when they get their moment of fame as we are when we get ours.

13. To be well-rounded.

Going to a small town high school definitely made me well-rounded. There isn't enough kids in the school to fill up all the clubs and sports teams individually so be ready to be a part of them all.

14. How to be great at conflict resolution.

In a small town, good luck holding a grudge. In a bigger city you can just avoid a person you don't like or who you've had problems with. But not in a small town. You better resolve the issue fast because you're bound to see them at least 5 times a week.

15. The beauty of getting outside and exploring.

One of my favorite things about growing up in a rural area was being able to go outside and go exploring and not have to worry about being in danger. There is nothing more exciting then finding a new place somewhere in town or in the woods and just spending time there enjoying the natural beauty around you.

16. To be prepared for anything.

You never know what may happen. If you get a flat tire, you better know how to change it yourself because you never know if you will be able to get ahold of someone else to come fix it. Mechanics might be too busy , or more than likely you won't even have enough cell service to call one.

17. That you don't always have to do it alone.

It's okay to ask for help. One thing I realized when I moved away from my town for college, was how much my town has taught me that I could ask for help is I needed it. I got into a couple situations outside of my town where I couldn't find anyone to help me and found myself thinking, if I was in my town there would be tons of people ready to help me. And even though I couldn't find anyone to help, you better believe I wasn't afraid to ask.

18. How to be creative.

When you're at least an hour away from normal forms of entertainment such as movie theaters and malls, you learn to get real creative in entertaining yourself. Whether it be a night looking at the stars in the bed of a pickup truck or having a movie marathon in a blanket fort at home, you know how to make your own good time.

19. To brush off gossip.

It's all about knowing the person you are and not letting others influence your opinion of yourself. In small towns, there is plenty of gossip. But as long as you know who you really are, it will always blow over.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

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from the Billy Graham Library

7 steps to a new beginning, january 2, 2015.

Categories: Billy Graham


If we don’t know who we are, we’ll never know how we ought to live.

God’s promise is true: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). If you have given your life to Christ, you are a new creation  − whether you feel like it or not.

What does this mean? What really happens to us when we believe in Christ? Let me list seven gifts God gives you when you commit your life to Christ.

A New Relationship

The first thing that happens when we give our lives to Christ is that God gives us a new relationship.

Once we were separated from God because of our sins − and not just separated, but alienated from Him. The Bible Says we were “excluded … , without hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12).

Yes, the first thing that happened when you committed your life to Christ is that God gave you a new relationship. He is now your loving heavenly Father, and you are now His child, spiritually reborn into His family.

A New Citizenship

The second thing God gives you when you commit your life to Christ is a new citizenship. You are still a citizen of a particular country − but now you are also a citizen of the kingdom of God.

As long as we are on this earth, we possess dual citizenship. On one hand we owe allegiance to our nation and are called to be good citizens. But we are also citizens of the kingdom of God, that invisible kingdom of which Christ is the head. Our supreme loyalty is to Him, and if someone demands we do wrong, “we must obey God rather than men!” (Acts 5:29). And someday, the Bible tells us, this world’s kingdoms will become “the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever” (Revelation 11:15).

A New Family

Not only does God give a new relationship with Himself and make us citizens of His kingdom, but He also gives us a new family − the family of God. You aren’t just related to God; you are now related to other believers. Everyone who truly believes in Jesus Christ is now your spiritual brother or sister.

This is one reason why you are never alone if you know Christ. You are part of God’s family, with brothers and sisters in Christ who love you and want to help you, if you will let them.

A New Purpose

Some people are very focused, using all their energies to reach their goals. Others drift through life with little purpose or direction, living for the moment and never thinking about where they are headed. Most people probably live somewhere in between. But they all have this in common: They are living only for themselves and their own happiness.

But when we come to Christ, God gives us a new purpose. Now we want to live for Christ and not just ourselves.

A New Power

One of the Bible’s most comforting truths is that when we come to Christ, God Himself comes to live within us by His Holy Spirit.

When you come to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live within you.

God has given us a new purpose − but without a new power we’ll never be able to achieve it.

Jesus promised, “you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8). We weren’t meant to live the christian life in our own strength. God has provided His Spirit to help us.

A New Destiny

The word “conversion” means “change” − and the most radical change of all when we come to Christ is that God gives is a new destiny. Once we were headed for hell; now we are headed for heaven. Once we were bound for eternal separation from God; now we live with Him forever. Once we had no hope of eternal life; now we do. The Bible says, “The wages of sin is death. but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

In the midst of life’s problems and heartaches, never forget: This life is temporary. One day all our burdens will be cast aside, and we will be with Christ forever. Before us is a new destiny when we belong to Him.

A New Journey

Remember: When we come to Christ, God gives us a whole new life: a new relationship, a new relationship, a new citizenship, a new family, a new purpose, a new power, a new destiny. Don’t ever take lightly what Christ did for you on the cross − and don’t ever take lightly what God has given you if you have turned to Christ in repentance and faith.

But this isn’t the end of His bounty, for God also gives us one final gift: a new journey − a whole new path to follow until the day He takes us to heaven.

In other words, your decision for Christ isn’t an end but a beginning − the beginning of a whole new life. We aren’t only called to becom e Christians; we are also called to be Christians. The Christian life is a new journey – one that will take us the rest of our lives.

(from The Journey by Billy Graham, 2006, Thomas Nelson)

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77 Inspirational Quotes About New Beginnings

You’re starting a new life, and you look forward to doing some things differently.

Or maybe a new life has been thrust upon you without your full consent, and you're feeling anxious and uncertain about starting over.

New beginnings can be the result of well-laid plans or a life tragedy.

They can be welcome or unwelcome.

But in either case, they are opportunities for growth and positive change.

They stretch us and invite us to live up to our fullest potential — or design a new potential for ourselves.

Taking the first steps toward a new beginning is always daunting.

The fear of the unknown paralyzes even the most adventurous.

For that reason, we’ve put together some thoughtful new beginnings quotes to inspire that first step and remind you that you can do this!

We bet you’ll find at least one with the perfect message for your new start.

What Are Some New Beginnings in Life?

Bible verses about new beginnings, new years new beginnings quotes, how will you use these quotes about new beginnings.

Life is full of starts and stops; each cycle is an opportunity to start fresh. Giving yourself a clean slate is a great way to enhance clarity and move on from past hurdles.  

So what are some “new beginnings” you can celebrate regularly?

  • Graduations : Whether it’s kindergarten graduation or one for postdoctoral work, graduations represent the closing of one chapter and the start of a new one. 
  • Relationships : All new relationships are a tabula rasa — an opportunity to be your best.
  • New Job / Business Venture : Walking into a new job on the first day, or the first day of your business venture, holds a lot of weight. It’s also an opportunity to pack away the past and begin anew.
  • Moves : Moving into a new apartment, condo, or house is one of the most beloved — (and time-consuming!) — new beginnings most people experience several times in their lives. There’s just something about a new-to-you place that makes it feel like anything is possible.
  • Life Phase Changes: Have you finally reached “the pause?” Or maybe you’ve permanently hung up your college beer mug and bought a minivan. Whichever the case, life-phase changes are important and should be given the reverence they are due. 
  • Every Day: Technically, every second is a chance at a new beginning — and so is every day. 

77 Quotes about New Beginnings

1. “The beginning is always today.” ― Mary Shelley

2. “You are never too old to start over. Every day is a chance to make changes to create the life we want.” ― Karon Waddell

3. “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

4. “The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.” ― Arnold Bennett

5. “Everything begins at the beginning, and quite often the beginning begins when you shift your mind in a new direction.” ― Louie Herron

quote by Hubert Humphrey quotes about new beginnings

6. “Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with what you have left.” ― Hubert Humphrey

7. “Starting over is an acceptance of a past we can’t change, an unrelenting conviction that the future can be different, and the stubborn wisdom to use the past to make the future what the past was not.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

8. “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ― Lao Tzu

9. “Each day is a new beginning, the chance to do with it what should be done and not to be seen as simply another day to put in time.” ― Catherine Pulsifer

10. “Though we may not have reached the heights we anticipated yesterday, today is a brand new day to begin a new climb.” ― Chinonye J. Chidolue

11. “You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” ― Mary Pickford

12. “Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step.” ― Muhammad Ali

13. “This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind … let it be something good.” ― Mac Anderson

quote by Jennifer Coletta quotes about new beginnings

14. “It's good to start over. It will be scary but you will see what you're really made of; it's the best opportunity to achieve what you never thought you could.” ― Jennifer Coletta

15. “You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” ― Zig Ziglar

16. “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” ― Germany Kent

17. “You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please.” ― Charlotte Eriksson

18. “You will enrich your life immeasurably if you approach it with a sense of wonder and discovery, and always challenge yourself to try new things.” ― Nate Berkus

Related: 99 Of The Best Short Quotes Of All Time

19. “What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

20. “Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.” — Jim Rohn

21. “The earth provides us a brand new beginning every twenty-four hours. It is a repeated invitation to breathe in the cool morning air and start afresh; to mimic the sunrise and brighten up while reaching once more for the sky; to carry a glad song in our heart like the early birds; and, as faithfully as the morning dew, to wash off the dust from yesterday.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

quote by Ashok Kallarakkal quotes about new beginnings

22. “If you do not see light at the end of the tunnel, consider it an opportunity to create an opening yourself, wherever you want.” ― Ashok Kallarakkal

23. “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” ― Thomas Paine

24. “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — John Pierpont Morgan

25. “The future lies ahead, calling us up, offering us a new chance to make a new choice every day, offering us the chance to go another way, to start over. The possibilities are countless. All you have to do is just dare to take them.” ― Zøe Haslie

26. “As long as you're still alive, you always have the chance to start again.” ― Emily Acker

27. “The Sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light.” ― S. Ajna

28. “The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” ― Ivy Baker Priest

29. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”― Lao Tzu

30. “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ― Walt Disney

31. “If God closes a door and a window, consider the fact that it might be time to build a whole new house.” ― Mandy Hale

32. “Life isn't perfect but we all have a chance, an opportunity or a right to embrace each new day to do many things. We can decide to make it a great day, or we can simply squander it with pettiness, old grudges, or dwelling on previous mistakes.” ― Byron Pulsifer

33. “Begin, be bold and venture to be wise.” ― Horace

34. “It's a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don't know about you, but I make plenty. You can't turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead.” ― Mel Gibson

35. “There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking.” ― Brian Tracy

36. “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” ― Ralph Blum

37. “Starting over is opportunity informed by failure, which is opportunity made intelligent.” ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

38. “Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.” ― Sarah Ban Breathnach

39. “It's humbling to start fresh. It takes a lot of courage. But it can be reinvigorating. You just have to put your ego on a shelf & tell it to be quiet.” ― Jennifer Ritchie Payette

Native American Proverb quotes about new beginnings

40. “No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.” ― Native American Proverb

41. “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” ― L.M. Montgomery

42. “I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.” ― J. B. Priestly

43. “If I must start somewhere, right here and now is the best place imaginable.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

44. “Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.” ― Catherine Pulsifer

45. “Don't let the lessons, the experiences of the past, dampen your enthusiasm for beginnings. Just because it's been hard doesn't mean it will always be that difficult.” ― Fr. John Murphy

46. “Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.” ― Marsha Petrie Sue

47. “There’s nothing you can do now to change what has already happened. If you spend time worrying about it, you’ll lose sight of the present and stumble into a cloudy future. You can’t go back and make a new start, but you can start right now and make a brand new ending.” ― James R. Sherman

48. “The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.” ― Josiyah Martin

49. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ― C.S. Lewis

50. “For last year's words belong to last year's language / And next year's words await another voice. / And to make an end is to make a beginning.” ― T.S. Eliot

51. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

quote by Socrates quotes about new beginnings

52. “The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” ― Socrates

53. “The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.” ― Arthur C. Clarke

54. “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” ― Henry Ford

55. “You will never win if you never begin.” ― Helen Rowland

56. “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” ― Debbi Fields

57. “Begin to be now what you will be hereafter.” ― William James

58. “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ― Henry David Thoreau

59. “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

60. “A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he has done.” — Cardinal Newman

61. “With every roadblock, a detour is built. With every ending, a new beginning is defined. Embracing a challenge makes life interesting, but overcoming it makes life meaningful.” ― Matthew E. Fryer

62. “Your first birthday was a beginning, and each new birthday is a chance to begin again, to start over, to take a new grip on life.” ― Wilferd Peterson

63. “It’s not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It’s because we dare not venture that they are difficult.” — Seneca

64. “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” — Isaiah 43:18-19

65. “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” — Ezekial 36:26

66. “But they who wait for the  Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” — Isaiah 40:31

67. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the  Lord , plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” — Jeremiah 29:11

68. “To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.” — Ephesians 4:22-24

69. “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” — Matthew 7:7

70. “Trust in the  Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6

71. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” — Romans 12:2

72. “The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul…” — Gilbert K. Chesterton

73. “What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” — Vern McLellan

74. “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

75. “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” — Hal Borland

76. “New year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.” — Alex Morritt

77. “The New Year is a painting not yet painted; a path not yet stepped on; a wing not yet taken off! Things haven’t happened as yet! Before the clock strikes twelve, remember that you are blessed with the ability to reshape your life!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

There’s more than one way to make the most of these quotes on new beginnings.

  • Read through all of these and pick a few favorites to keep close to you as you get your new life sorted.
  • Print out the list, cut out each quote, put the whole lot of them in a jar, and draw one out every morning of your first nine weeks.
  • Write down your favorites on sticky notes and post them around the house to inspire you.
  • Write them down in a journal and read through them every night before you fall asleep.

However you go about it, we hope you find at least one new start quote that meets you right where you are and guides you to the next step you need to take.

In the spirit of fresh starts, may your courage, compassion, and sense of adventure influence everything you do today.

Are you ready to start over in your life and experience something new and different? These 77 quotes about new beginnings will inspire your first steps.

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How to Begin New Life -13 Things I Learned with New Chapter in Life

How to Begin New Life - new life chapter

Starting a new life is a great opportunity to create your dream life. For some, it can be an exciting new change in life by choice. But for some, life situations can force them to begin a new life. In either case, starting a new chapter in life can be overwhelming. In this post, I am sharing how to begin a new life, which I learned during the new beginning of my life. As I write this I am 6 months past when I started my journey of new life and I wish I had known some of these before to make my life easy. I hope you find these helpful and make your new life journey easy.

My Journey to Begin a New Life

My journey for a new life started a few months back when my company declared they were shutting the office and all the employees were laid off. I have been working in this company for the past 7 years and have put in a lot of effort and turned down opportunities at other firms because I felt obliged for the support extended by my manager for working from home when I returned to work after maternity leave and just 15 days later there was lockdown due to Covid.

On the other hand, A long time back I realized I could not continue with life like this, where I am working all the time and keeping my kid in daycare from 9 am -to 6 pm. So in 2021 I started this blog and was working on it after work. I was tentatively planning to put in my resignation the next month so that my last work day coincides with my daughter’s vacation. But before that, I was greeted with the news of my company shut down.

At first, I was like whatever I was anyways going to leave but later I don’t know why I felt so angry, frustrated, cheated, and unhappy. As the news spread in the industry, I was approached by other companies with better pay that’s when I started to be confused, doubting my decision, and feeling frustrated that just because I am a woman I have to choose between career and personal life. My blog was not making me big money. But I still chose to quit working and work on my blog as I don’t have to keep my 3-year-old daughter at daycare.

I don’t say moms should quit. Girls, you can do everything . But it was a better decision for my family as I moved to a different city after marriage, we have no family member or close friend as a backup in need, and my husband’s work involves a lot of outstation visits with no fixed working hours so sometimes I have to take care of everything myself.

How to start a new life – A New Beginning

Here are some things that will help you start your new life with better control

how to start new life

1: Accept the new Life :

As easy as it sounds it can be difficult. But once you make your mind clear the journey to new life will be easy. The sooner you accept the new life the less hurt you may feel and the better progress you will make with the new life. Spend quiet time alone and just resolve all the conflicts in mind.

Acceptance is not merely a passive surrender, but an active choice to engage with the present and future with an open heart and mind. It means understanding that growth often unfolds through the unfamiliar and that each twist and turn in the journey contributes to personal growth. By accepting the new life, you release the grip of nostalgia or fear, and instead, focus on the opportunities. You need to have a willingness to adapt and learn.

2: Make peace with the past to begin a new life

Making peace with the past is an essential step in embarking on a new life journey. You need to reconcile with past experiences, both positive and challenging, and to release the emotional burdens that may linger. This process doesn’t negate the significance of past events; rather, it acknowledges them as integral parts of personal history.

This was one of the most difficult things for me as I kept thinking that I had spent so much effort and did my best job, skipped lunches, worked on weekends, and stayed late after work sometimes, endured some of the most negative and annoying coworkers. And all of this is a waste. But then with a mindset shift all of these feelings were gone. It was just that those things and efforts served me in the past and present and the future has nothing to do with it.

Making peace involves forgiveness, not only for others but also for yourself. By letting go of resentment and regret, you create space for growth and renewal. It’s a conscious decision to break free from the chains of the past, allowing room for new opportunities, relationships, and experiences to unfold. Making peace with the past is not a one-time event but a continuous practice, resilience that makes the way for a more liberated and fulfilling future.

3: Reflect and Learn

Starting a new chapter in your life involves thinking about your past and understanding the lessons you’ve learned. Take some quiet time to reflect on both the good and tough times. Ask yourself questions about what you’ve achieved and what challenges taught you important things about yourself. Think about your strengths and the skills you’ve gained. Learning from the past isn’t just about admitting mistakes; it’s also about recognizing the positive qualities that helped you overcome difficulties. Don’t just think about it take notes to make this more constructive. To help you guide through this refer 100 prompts for self reflection .

4: Make New Plans to begin a new life

Make plans to help you transition into the new life. It will not be an immediate thing that one fine day you have a new life. You may have some commitments to attend to, things to complete, and preparations to make before you start your new life. Develop a realistic timeline, understanding that gradual progress is often more sustainable. Also, consider the changes you may need to make to start a new life and how they may affect those around you. For me it involved helping in closures at work, ensuring the handover of critical items, and changing my daughter’s school as I had enrolled her in one near my office but my house is far from my workplace.

5: Set New Goals for a New Life

A good way to anchor your new life, and get direction and motivation is to set new goals for your life that align with your new life and journey. Begin by clearly defining what you want to achieve, both in the short and long term. Break down these aspirations into actionable items, tangible steps that propel you toward your objectives. Regularly revisit and reassess your goals, celebrate milestones, and adjust strategies as needed. By incorporating actionable items into your goal-setting process, you empower yourself to make steady progress. And turn aspirations into tangible achievements in your new life journey.

6: Create new routines to begin new life

Creating a new routine is a good way to bring structure to your day. It can be overwhelming and emotionally challenging to step into a new life. There will be times when you may feel lost and confused. But having a routine will help you guide through the day and spend time intentionally. Make sure your new routine along with your needs and goals of the new life. I have a detailed post on routine and making a schedule to guide you through the process.

5 steps to build a morning routine

10 Things to Do Before Bed for Best Nighttime Routine

How to Create a Daily Routine Schedule to Organize Your Day with the 8-8-8 Rule

starting new chapter of life

7: Use a planner to organize a new life

To help you stay on track with all things and be well organized with your life, time, and task it is highly recommended to start using a planner. Even if you were not a planner user it is a good opportunity to introduce this positive change in your life. Using a planner offers many benefits like improving productivity, reducing stress, and many more. I use a digital life planner that helps me plan everything in one place and has a daily dashboard that tells me everything I need to do for the day. Start by planning week and month, make your to-do list, and set goals.

Regularly review and update your planner, allowing you to adapt to changing circumstances and prioritize tasks effectively. By making a planner an integral part of your new life, you not only enhance productivity but also cultivate a sense of control and purpose in your daily activities.

digital planner

Daily Life Planner Spreadsheet (Daily dashboard shows exactly what you need to do today)

10 automated planners hyperlinked to the dashboard

  • Plan everything in one place
  • You get 10 planners in 1 for all life needs
  • Interactive Daily Dashboard that shows everything you need to do for the day.
  • It includes: Monthly Planner , Daily Routine Planner , Monthly, Weekly, Daily Habit Tracker , Goal Tracker , Cleaning Planner , Meal Planner , Automatic Grocery List , To-Do List , Budget Planner , Expense Tracker

8: Plan your Finance

Taking control of your finances is a crucial step in starting a new chapter in life. Begin by assessing your current financial situation. Review income, expenses, debts, and savings to gain a clear understanding of your financial landscape. Create a budget that aligns with your new goals, allocating funds to essentials like housing, utilities, and groceries, while also earmarking resources for savings and discretionary spending. Consider building an emergency fund to provide a financial cushion in unforeseen circumstances.

Since I was quitting my job and dedicating myself to work on my blog I had to be careful with the finances and work on making a budget that aligned with the new income of the house and cut down on expenses so that we do not experience any immediate financial burden. Thankfully since I was already planning that path for quite a long time I was mentally prepared for this.

9: Be kind to yourself

Now that I look back at that time I feel that I took a long time to understand that I have been more kind to myself. I was kind of pushing myself to get working more hard on the blog and not giving time to settle down my emotions. As I was not only experiencing a lot of emotions regarding myself but also getting affected by the struggles of other coworkers. The moment I started to be more considerate about my emotional well-being I started to feel better and much in control.

Hence I suggest giving yourself the time and space needed to adjust to the changes and be patient with the process. Avoid comparing your journey to others, as each path is unique. Practice self-care regularly, ensuring you prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Establish boundaries to protect your energy and focus on what truly matters to you.

10: Take it slow

Understand that significant life changes don’t happen overnight, and adjusting to a new reality is a gradual process. Resist the urge to rush or feel pressured by arbitrary timelines. Allow yourself the time and space needed to navigate uncertainties and adapt to the unfamiliar.

Taking it slow also involves being present at the moment and savoring the experiences that contribute to your growth. This deliberate pace allows for a more mindful and intentional approach, increasing the likelihood of sustainable change. By taking one step at a time, you not only reduce stress but also lay a solid foundation for a more stable and fulfilling new life.

11: Take it as an opportunity to build a dream life

Starting a new life presents a unique opportunity to intentionally craft and build your dream life. Begin by envisioning the kind of life that aligns with your passions, values, and aspirations. Set audacious but realistic goals that reflect the lifestyle you desire. Break these goals down into actionable steps, creating a roadmap for your dream life.

Consider what elements contribute to your dream life, whether it’s a fulfilling career, meaningful relationships, personal growth, or adventure. Identify the skills, habits, and mindset needed to manifest these aspirations. Embrace the journey as a chance to reinvent yourself and create a life that brings you joy and satisfaction. I recommend making a vision board for your new life to give you clarity and motivate you towards it every day. For more details read how to make a vision board .

12: Seek support if you need

Starting a new life is a significant journey that can be made smoother with support. Reach out to friends, family, or trusted individuals to share your goals and gain valuable insights. Professional support from a therapist or counselor can provide structured guidance, aiding in self-reflection and decision-making. Joining communities with shared interests or goals offers a network of like-minded individuals, fostering inspiration and motivation. Remember, seeking support is a strength, not a weakness, and building a supportive network can empower you to navigate challenges and celebrate successes in your quest for a new and fulfilling life.

13: Practice Gratitude

Whether it is an overwhelm of the new journey or a negative emotion that leads you to a new life. Practicing gratitude will be a soothing experience. Take time each day to reflect on and express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. It helps you shift your mindset from negativity and limitation to positivity and the feeling of abundance that you have with this opportunity to create a new life. It will help you be more optimistic and enable you to embrace the opportunities and possibilities that come with starting anew.

how to begin new life

Whether it is a new year, a new phase of life, or a new job, take it as an opportunity to begin new life that you dream of. Leave the past but take the lessons you learned from it as you move towards your new life. Take it slow and intentionally to be more meaningful. It may take a few months to help you settle into your new life and write a new chapter of your life.

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Life’s stages are changing – we need new terms and new ideas to describe how adults develop and grow

new life new beginning essay

Senior Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Clark University

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Jeffrey Arnett does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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What image comes to mind when you think of a person in their 20s?

Do you imagine an adult stressed out by the weight of many new responsibilities in family and work roles?

Or do you envision someone who is bursting with hope and undeveloped potential, still more of a kid than an adult, struggling to define a life and making little or no money but managing to find occasional joy nevertheless? Perhaps your soundtrack here is Taylor Swift’s radiant “22” : “We’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time. It’s miserable and magical.”

How about when you think of someone in their 60s?

Do you envision someone – or maybe a happy couple – enjoying life, living well, still vigorous but now freer than before from daily work and family duties?

Or do you see someone who is stooped over from a lifetime of carrying burdens, their health diminished, now shuffling toward no particular destination? Here the soundtrack might be the doleful Beatles song “ When I’m 64 ”: “Will you still need me? Will you still feed me? When I’m 64?”

The whole arc of adult development has changed over the past several decades, in ways that our psychological theories are still catching up with. In the 21st century, does it still make sense to refer to “young adulthood,” “midlife” and “late adulthood,” as psychologists have been doing for so long? If not, what are more accurate concepts?

Most of my career as a developmental psychologist has been devoted to answering these questions. My theory of emerging adulthood recognizes that the lives of younger adults have changed vastly since the 1960s. As the father of 22-year-old twins, I’m keenly aware of their journey through the new life stage I have been researching and writing about for so long. As a 64-year-old, I’m also turning my attention to how the 60s have changed from what they used to be.

A longer-than-ever journey to adulthood

In my research over the past two decades, I’ve found that people ages 19 to 29 are neither fully adult nor in an “extended adolescence” – as this time of life was viewed over the course of the 20th century. In the early 21st century, these years had become a time of gradually and often erratically making one’s way toward a more established adulthood .

I invited scholars from all over the world to contribute to a special issue of American Psychologist, one of the top journals in psychology, on the theme of “Rethinking Adult Development: New Ideas for New Times.” The recently published results are a wonderfully diverse set of papers that go a long way toward reconceptualizing what adult development looks like now and where it might be going.

Most of the authors were developmental psychologists. About half were Americans and half were Europeans, although Shinobu Kitayama and his colleagues offered a refreshingly different Asian cultural perspective.

Here are some of the highlights:

– Ages 30 to 45 are now “the rush hour of life.” Today people around the world wait later than ever to marry and have kids, and most have only one or two. But then couples typically have the dual challenge of trying to move ahead in their careers while also handling the intense responsibilities of caring for young children. Women have vastly greater opportunities in education and work than they did in 1960, which is welcome but also presents new challenges and stresses.

In their contribution to the special issue, Clare Mehta and her colleagues propose the term “established adulthood” to distinguish these years as the most intense and demanding years of adult life, characterized by the “career-and-care-crunch,” when obligations are high in both work and family roles.

– In midlife – ages 45-60 – the crunch years of caring for young children abate. Adults reach their peak career earnings and status in their late 40s and 50s. But life can become complicated, as new responsibilities may arise with grandchildren and with aging parents who need more assistance.

Overall, as Frank Infurna and colleagues detail in their contribution, mental health declines in midlife. Reports of depression and anxiety increase. Seeking professional help for mental health issues reaches a lifetime peak.

Furthermore, midlife well-being, health and life expectancy have declined notably in the U.S. since 2000, especially among working-class adults who have been left behind by the information-and-technology economy. This has led to an epidemic of “deaths of despair” from suicide, opioid overdoses or alchoholism.

– Adults in later life, ages 60-75, are thriving like never before. Although life after age 60 is traditionally regarded as a time of inevitable decline, the reality of it has become sharply different –and better – in recent decades.

Life expectancy at birth is higher now than it has ever been, worldwide, and adults are smarter and healthier for longer than ever. Denis Gerstorf and his colleagues show how these positive trends have taken place across many countries over the past century because of improvements in education, nutrition and health care.

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Physical health issues do arise with age for most people, but more people than ever before stay healthy through their 60s and early 70s by maintaining healthy diet and physical exercise practices. One of the exciting recent findings highlighted in Ursula Staudinger’s article is that regular exercise promotes mental health as well as physical well-being, helping to maintain mental sharpness and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Life satisfaction also seems to rise in later life, as we gain a new freedom to choose the kind of work we do – or stop working altogether and spend more time with the people we care about most. According to Phillip Ackerman and Ruth Kanfer , more people are working into their late 60s and early 70s than ever before, but they have more freedom to choose how they do it, whether it’s working part time, starting a small business or trying something they have always wanted to do.

Adulthood’s new arc requires new concepts and ideas

Over my decades of writing about emerging adulthood, I’ve learned that it matters how people think about the stages of human development. Thinking shapes expectations and how experiences are interpreted. Lots of compelling and exciting new findings about adult development point to the importance of rethinking previous theories, assumptions and stereotypes about the course of adult life.

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109 Inspirational New Beginning Quotes [to Start over in Life]

Do you want to start all over with your life? It’s never too late to reboot and start from scratch. If you want to start building the fundament for a better and happier life, you’re at the right place. Our list of some of the most motivational new beginning quotes will inspire you to start again with excitement and commitment. To help you in developing the right mindset for a new start, be sure to also have a look at our collection of change quotes .

There are these times where you simply want to close one chapter of your life and start a new one. When everything seems to be going wrong in your present life, getting a blank sheet with fresh pages to write on can be quite enticing.

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” L.M. Montgomery

Just as change is a constant in life, opportunities for a new beginning present themselves continuously to you. In fact, each new day is a new chapter in your life. It’s your choice to make use of that chance.

Enjoy this collection of uplifting new beginning quotes

No matter if you’re feeling stuck in life or if you’ve been confronted with a painful failure, you can always start over again. All it takes is to develop the necessary courage to get back up on your feet and to make things happen.

109 Inspirational Quotes about New Beginnings

Many people wake up one day feeling sick and tired of certain aspects of their lives. Maybe they are unhappy about a toxic relationship. Or they are dissatisfied with their physical health. That’s the moment when you’ve started to realize that change is necessary so that you can live a happier and healthier life.

Many of the following authors were confronted with the same issue of needing to make severe changes in their lives. The following new beginning quotes are packed with inspirational insights that help you to reboot your life.

Here’s our list of new beginning quotes

“Any new beginning can start now and if you want anything bad enough you’ll find the courage to pursue it with all you have. The past doesn’t have to be the future, stop making it so.” Nikki Rowe
“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.” Richie Norton
“Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose – not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.” Anne Sullivan
“When we dream alone it is only a dream, but when many dream together it is the beginning of a new reality.” Friedensreich Hundertwasser
“I hope you realize that every day is a fresh start for you. That every sunrise is a new chapter in your life waiting to be written.” Juansen Dizon
“From the end spring new beginnings.” Pliny the Elder
“It is not the failure that holds us back but the reluctance to begin over again that causes us to stagnate.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“I’d been rejected, but I was still in love, so I decided to start over.” Steve Jobs
“The beginning is always today.” Mary Shelley
“Sometimes you have to burn it down and start over.” Kelly Braffet
“A Sunrise is God’s way of saying, “Let’s start again.” Todd Stocker
“Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” Ralph Blum
“Pain is also a symptom of transformation. I thought about bouncing back. How we can start again. And again.” Abbi Jacobson
“Never feel guilty for starting again.” Rupi Kaur
“Perhaps that is where our choice lies – in determining how we will meet the inevitable end of things, and how we will greet each new beginning.” Elana K. Arnold
“There is something beautiful about a blank canvas, the nothingness of the beginning that is so simple and breathtakingly pure. It’s the paint that changes its meaning and the hand that creates the story. Every piece begins the same, but in the end they are all uniquely different.” Piper Payne
“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” Germany Kent
“I want every day to be a fresh start on expanding what is possible.” Oprah Winfrey
“When there’s a big disappointment, we don’t know if that’s the end of the story. It may just be the beginning of a great adventure.” Pema Chödrön
“Humble new beginnings do exist, but to begin, you must be humble. Nothing ever stays the same.” Melody Carstairs
“All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea.” Napoleon Hill
“Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.” Desmond Tutu
“Let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning and be the best that you can, and you’ll get to where God wants you to be.” Joel Osteen
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Seneca
“Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.“ Prince
“Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.” Gerard Way
“It’s a wise man who understands that every day is a new beginning, because boy, how many mistakes do you make in a day? I don’t know about you, but I make plenty. You can’t turn the clock back, so you have to look ahead.“ Mel Gibson
“Let’s forget the baggage of the past and make a new beginning.“ Shehbaz Sharif
“A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow.” Richard Bach
“Sometimes it’s not about trying to fix something that’s broken. Sometimes it’s about starting again and building something new. Something better” Leisa Rayven
“Let every dawn be to you as the beginning of life.” John Ruskin
“For a true writer, each book should be a new beginning where he tries again for something that is beyond attainment.” Ernest Hemingway
“Forget everything you’ve done. Start over.” Marty Rubin
“When you feel as though you can’t do something, the simple antidote is action: Begin doing it. Start the process, even if it’s just a simple step, and don’t stop at the beginning.” Marcus Buckingham
“I give you this to take with you: Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting.” Judith Minty
“Sometimes, you just have to start all over differently.” Bernard Kelvin Clive
“Without a beginning I am pouring the whole of my existence into the building of endings, while the cross and the resurrection declare that God is incessantly building beginnings from the collapse of endings.” Craig D. Lounsbrough
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” T. S. Eliot
“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” George Bernard Shaw
“The best thing about endings is knowing that just ahead is the daunting task to start over.” Jodi Picoult
“Beginnings could happen more than once or in different ways.” Rachel Joyce
“Before beginning, plan carefully.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
“The past is the beginning of the beginning and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn.” H. G. Wells
“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.” Lewis Carroll
“If you start in the pit of despair with these profane, awful things, even a glimmer of hope or awareness is going to occur that’s much brighter coming from this dark, awful beginning.” Chuck Palahniuk
“Starting over can be the scariest thing in the entire world, whether it’s leaving a lover, a school, a team, a friend or anything else that feels like a core part of our identity but when your gut is telling you that something here isn’t right or feels unsafe, I really want you to listen and trust in that voice.” Jennifer Elisabeth
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Winston Churchill
“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” Oscar Wilde
“It’s easy enough to keep something moving, but getting it going in the first place is hard. That’s the thing about second chances and fresh starts. It’s a (re)start.” Wildbow
“Life is a process – just one thing after another. When you lose it, just start again.” Richard Carlson
“There comes a moment when you realise that there are no more chapters left in the book of your (current) life and it’s time to start a new book.” Malebo Sephodi
“Tomorrow when I awaken, the slate will be clean, and a new day will stretch before me. God’s mercies are new every morning.” Lori Hatcher
“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” Meister Eckhart
“Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.” Andre Gide
“Hit the reset button. Whatever happened yesterday, forget about it. Get a new perspective. Today is a new day. Fresh start, begins now.” Germany Kent
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” Plato
“In every end, there is also a beginning.” Libba Bray
“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” Steve Maraboli
“You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.” Arnold Bennett
“Birthing is never easy or without pain, be it a universe, a child, or a fresh start in life. Contraction precedes expansion. Darkness comes before dawn. Joy follows pain. This is the way of things.” John Mark Green
“This is life. Things get taken away. You will learn to start over many times – or you will be useless.” Mitch Albom
“Recreate your life, always, always. Remove the stones, plant rose bushes and make sweets. Begin again.” Cora Coralina
“Instead of saying, “I’m damaged, I’m broken, I have trust issues,” say “I’m healing, I’m rediscovering myself, I’m starting over.” Horacio Jones
“A fresh start is always made with dirty laundry.” Teri Louise Kelly
“Infinity is the end. End without infinity is but a new beginning.” Dejan Stojanovic
“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.” Mahatma Gandhi
“It’s painful and it’s messy. But sometimes you just have to make the break and start again.” Tony Parsons
“Left alone, no matter at what age or under what circumstance, you have to remake your life.” Katharine Graham
“The direction you choose to face determines whether you’re standing at the end or the beginning of a road.” Richelle E. Goodrich
“For the first time in my life I realized that it was possible to reinvent oneself.” Joel Derfner
“This is a new year. A new beginning. And things will change.” Taylor Swift
“If positivity is not your mindset, then reset” Josh Stern
“What’s wonderful about life is you always have to start over. No matter how many meals you’ve eaten, words you’ve spoken, breaths, you’ve taken, you always have to start over.” Marty Rubin
“But there’s a beginning in an end, you know? It’s true that you can’t reclaim what you had, but you can lock it up behind you. Start fresh.” Alexandra Bracken
“It’s never too late to start over!” Lynne Gentry
“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.” Alan Cohen
“Seedlings of life sometimes come out of the fertiliser of what was left behind.” Gillian Duce
“Every day begins like a blank chalkboard, on which each one of us can write the poem of our present and our dreams for the future.” Ricky Martin
“To properly do penance one must express contrition for one’s sins and perform acts to repair the damage caused by those transgressions. It is only when those acts are complete that the slate can truly be wiped clean and amnesty gives way to a new beginning.” Emily Thorne
“What a seductive belief – that one can start fresh simply by jettisoning one’s history, that one can leave all that is painful or unsavory behind.” Susan Rebecca White
“If you’re tired of starting over, then you need to learn to stick through and overcome difficult things instead of running away from them.” Jeanette Coron
“It hurts to let go, to say goodbye for the final time and remain distant in your closure, but somehow in it all you find the pieces of your worth and you start creating yourself again, and in that journey of transformation you find the essence of what truly matters, inner happiness.” Nikki Rowe
“Starting over begins when I develop a reawakened appreciation for what I already have.” Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us” Mimi Novic
“Beginnings are sudden, but also insidious. They creep up on you sideways, they keep to the shadows, they lurk unrecognized. Then, later, they spring.” Margaret Atwood
“The future begins today.” Wayne Gerard Trotman
“When your world is completely flattened, you have no choice but to start over from the ground up. It can take over a decade. Anyone that watched from afar would call this a tragic catastrophe. I now know one of life’s greatest secrets; destruction breeds growth.” Kristin Michelle Elizabeth
“The life is possible without the past. You can always have a fresh start with life, at any point. Each moment millions of children are born to have a fresh start with life.” Roshan Sharma
“All is flux, nothing stays still” Plato
“Like a blinking cursor on an empty page, it was just the first thing. The beginning of the beginning. But at least it was done.” Sarah Dessen
“The thrill of new beginnings is immensely alluring!” Avijeet Das
“In the oddity or maybe the miracle of life, the roots of something new frequently lie in the decaying husks of something old.” Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Go out in the woods, go out. If you don’t go out in the woods nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin.” Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“It makes me so happy. To be at the beginning again, knowing almost nothing.” Tom Stoppard
“If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
“I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks; and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end.” Louisa May Alcott
“Rock bottom is not your end; it is your beginning.” Christine Evangelou
“Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start over.” Nicole Sobon
“There are as many worlds as there are kinds of days, and as an opal changes its colors and its fire to match the nature of a day, so do I.” John Steinbeck
“As long as you’re still alive, you always have the chance to start again.” Emily Acker
“You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please.” Charlotte Eriksson
“The ending is nearer than you think, and it is already written. All that we have left to choose is the correct moment to begin.” Alan Moore
“A bridge of silver wings stretches from the dead ashes of an unforgiving nightmare to the jeweled vision of a life started anew.” Aberjhani
“It’s good to start over. It will be scary but you will see what you’re really made of; it’s the best opportunity to achieve what you never thought you could.” Jennifer Coletta
“It turned out that sometimes it’s enough to start doing things differently now.” Laini Taylor
“The future lies ahead, calling us up, offering us a new chance to make a new choice every day, offering us the chance to go another way, to start over. The possibilities are countless. All you have to do is just dare to take them.” Zøe Haslie
“Don’t worry. Just when you think your life is over, a new storyline falls from the sky and lands right in your lap.” Rebekah Crane
“Rather than turning the page, it’s much easier to just throw the book away.” Anthony Liccione

We hope you enjoyed this collection of new beginnings quotes.

After reading all these thoughts about starting new, you should be really excited to make positive changes in your life. It may not always be easy and there will definitely be obstacles in your way. But in the end, all the effort will be worth it once you have succeeded in building a happier life.

What’s your favorite quote?

Is there one particular quote that best the trick for you in motivating you to start a new chapter in your life? We’re excited to hear from you in the comments section below.

Stay victorious!

About Author

Steve is the founder of Planet of Success , the #1 choice when it comes to motivation, self-growth and empowerment. This world does not need followers. What it needs is people who stand in their own sovereignty. Join us in the quest to live life to the fullest!

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A Conscious Rethink

17 steps to take if you want to close one chapter in your life and begin a new one

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illustration of a man walking on a book - starting a new chapter in life

Whether you are choosing to start a new chapter in your life, or whether that choice has pretty much been forced upon you by circumstances out of your control, you want some guidance.

You’re in luck. That’s what this article will provide.

But before you do anything else…

Stop. Breathe. Feel.

Are you overwhelmed? Afraid? Excited? Panicky?

All the above?

Are your emotions all over the place?

Know that your feelings are valid. And know that they are typical for a person who is about to go through a major life change.

Below are some important tips for successfully navigating the ending of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Take the parts that you think most apply to you, try them on for size, implement them, and watch as they help you get through this time.

Consult a life coach to help you successfully start a new chapter in your life. Use the quick and simple form on Bark.com to have qualified life coaches email you to discuss their coaching services and provide quotes.

1. Let go of the old. 

The start of a new chapter means closing the page on what felt familiar, safe, and comfortable.

In life, you can’t go back and re-live previous chapters like you would re-read a book. The only movement you can make is forward.

To unlock the full potential of the next phase of your life, you need to let go of the past . You cannot focus on moving forward and creating a new story if your hands are still tightly clasped around the old.

Moving on doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as taking one step at a time or one day at a time. Don’t focus on the past or the future. Just focus on today, right now.

2. Reflect on who you want to be.

One benefit of starting a new chapter is the freedom to be whoever you want to be.

Before you lies a chapter full of empty pages where you can write whatever you want. The power to develop yourself, design your environment, choose your supporting characters is all within your grasp.

What kind of person do you want to be?  What kind of life do you want to live? The choice is up to you. You have the freedom to be whoever you want to be, the power to evolve into the butterfly you’ve always dreamt of being.

Give yourself some time to think this through. If you’re opening a new chapter as a result of the death of a loved one, don’t rush into making any drastic decisions while you’re still grieving. This is not the time to make sweeping changes. However, don’t remain glued to the same spot as a memorial in their memory. They wouldn’t want that for you.

This step will probably require some time and space from past relationships and routines as well. You might need to take a step back from some relationships because their tenacious hold on the past won’t let you move forward.

3. Decide what you want to do.

This next step is not as overwhelming as it sounds. It isn’t about determining what you want to do for the rest of your life . Because let’s be real, most of us still have no clue what we want to do for the rest of our lives and we’re in our 30s, 40s, or even 50s.

It’s about figuring out what you’re interested in trying or doing right now . What have you always wanted to do but never did? Is there a career you’re curious to explore or a trip you’d love to take?

Are you the type of person who has always done what was expected? You’ve made all the right decisions, followed all the rules, never deviated from what was expected for a minute. But you’ve suddenly realized that you’re not satisfied with the life that you’re living. You’ve had a re-awakening and want to embrace all (well, some) of the opportunities life offers. You’re ready to flip the page on the old and leap into the new.

Before you run full steam ahead into a mid-life crisis, make a list of what you want to experience, where you want to go, what you want to do. Write everything, big or small, that you want to do in this new phase of your life.

Remember, you are the author of your life. You can do whatever your heart desires.

4. Try new things.

You know that list of things you’ve always wanted to try but just never got around to? Bring it out and dust it off. Or make a whole new list. The start of a new journey is the perfect time to cross a few things off.

That marathon you’ve always wanted to run… buy a pair of running shoes and sign up with your local running club. You’ll cross two things off your bucket list – trying new things AND making new friends.

Have you been putting off learning a new language? Well, sign up for a class at your neighborhood community college or download a language learning app. To make it extra fun, go to a restaurant that serves the cuisine of the language you’re trying to learn. People are usually pretty friendly when you are attempting to learn about their culture, so don’t be shy – try a few words or sentences out on them.

Do you want to change careers? Figure out what skills you’ll need to transition and take a course in the areas where you’re lacking. Find a mentor who can advise you on making the leap. Join online communities in your new field and learn the lingo, while expanding your professional network.

If there’s anything you’ve ever wanted to try, now is the right time to try it. Your new chapter is still unwritten. Enjoy the freedom to write whatever you want on the blank pages.

5. Go back to school.

Take a class on something, anything at all. What are you interested in or what would you like to know more about? Is it salsa dancing? Or perhaps a coding language? Could it be you’ve always wanted to learn how to be a makeup artist? Find out if there’s a class on it nearby. It doesn’t matter how silly it is, go ahead and learn about it.

While online learning is convenient, there’s something about that one-on-one interaction with fellow students and your teachers that spurs you on. You’re building new friendships, increasing your network, opening yourself up to new information and new experiences – all the tools your new journey requires.

Don’t talk yourself out of it because you think you’re too old. If you’re interested in it, that’s all that matters. Knowledge is never lost and you’re never too old to learn something new.

6. Take up a hobby.

What hobby have you been dying to try but haven’t? Maybe it doesn’t fit in with your lifestyle or the person you’ve projected yourself as being. It’s too infantile, you think (or you’ve been told). Perhaps you’ve ruled it out because it’s too expensive and money is tight. You have  so  much to do and there’s just not enough time in the day for it.

But if you could, what would you love to spend hours doing?

Is it knitting? Or painting? Does nothing make you happier than a good book and a free afternoon to read it? Perhaps you’ve always wanted to restore classic cars or build model trains sets?

Hobbies help to relieve stress and focus your mind on an activity that you love while taking your mind off things that cause you stress. You are engaged in something that you find enjoyable, leaving you feeling happier, more relaxed, and better equipped to handle your life’s transition.

Studies have shown that people who take part in leisure activities function better psychologically and physically. They showed greater life satisfaction and engagement and even had fewer signs of depression and lower blood pressure.

Your hobby is not just a waste of time. It’s helping you refuel and could prolong your life.

7. Adopt a “can do” attitude.

As you step into the unfamiliar, there’s one critical tool that you need to be successful. Without this tool, you’re doomed to fail from the start. This tool holds the key to a wonderful life experience, one that surpasses your wildest expectations.

What is this tool? A “can do” attitude. It’s as simple as that.

Have you ever noticed how confident successful people are? Their self-confidence is off the charts. They have confidence in their abilities. Some believe that there is nothing impossible for them. If you’re not careful, you’ll mistake their confidence for arrogance.

What you need to be successful in the next chapter of your life is rock-solid belief that you can do it. You need to have faith in yourself. Faith that you’ll be okay if you succeed, faith that you have the skills to succeed, but also faith that you’ll be okay if you fail.

You need to believe that what you aspire to do is possible and you have what it takes to do it.

8. Make a vision board.

Yes, yes, vision boards have been done to death. Especially at the beginning of a new year. Honestly, it’s enough to make one hate all things arts and crafts.

The only problem is… they actually work. They are physical representations of your hopes and dreams.

A vision board is a picture of what you are dreaming of inside your head. It’s your dream house or a picture of that exotic location you’ve always wanted to visit or that company you want to work for.

You’re taking the picture from within you and focusing your eyes on its physical manifestation and the emotions surrounding accomplishing that feat.

The physical act of sifting through magazines and searching for pictures that represent your new journey or destination is enough to show you that your goals are possible.

Couple that with putting the board where you can see it every day so that you are forced to come face to face with the reality of your dreams and goals.

Now if that doesn’t stoke your fires, I don’t know what will.

Make a vision board of what your new chapter will look like. Don’t get caught up in the nitty-gritty details. Allow yourself to get lost in a daydream, just like you used to when you were a kid. Get a board and put pictures on it that represent your new phase.

Take time every day to look at your board and feel the emotions you’d associate with accomplishing everything you put on it. If you put a happy couple on the board, imagine yourself in a healthy relationship, one that makes you as happy as the beaming couple in the picture. If you put a confident business person running their company on your board, imagine yourself managing your business with the same level of confidence and success the person in the picture is portraying.

Eventually, you’ll either tire of just dreaming about the things on the board and go after them, or you’ll find that doors and opportunities seemingly fall into your lap, allowing you to pursue your goals.

9. Form new habits.

The habits that got you to where you are today won’t be able to get you to where you’re going in the new chapter. A new you requires a new way of doing things. You need some new habits.

Don’t make sweeping changes. If years of failed New Year’s resolutions have taught us anything, it’s that this tactic rarely works. So only make one or two small changes at a time.

For example, if you are used to sleeping in until 10 AM and want to wake up by 6 AM to get a head start on your day, start by getting out of bed at 9:30 AM and work your way (slowly) toward your goal of 6 AM.

You’re more likely to stick to your new habits if you ease into them.

It’s important you know your “why.” Why are you forming this new habit? Why is it important to you or your goals? What do you stand to gain from this new habit?

Keep it front and center (on a vision board, perhaps?)  so you are better able to stick to it, because the payoff is worth the temporary discomfort.

Another tip is to make sure you do it every day.  A study on how people form habits revealed it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days, with the median at 66 days! A day missed here and there will just make establishing a new habit that much longer and more difficult.

10. Purge yourself of toxic people.

A new chapter requires a new you with new skills and, often, a new support system.

It’s never easy to purge your life of toxic relationships, particularly when dealing with narcissists or other manipulative people.

But it can be even more difficult if the people you need to distance yourself from aren’t toxic in the general sense.   

The relationships you may need to reconsider are the ones that are toxic to your new way of life. You want to move on and grow, but they like the old you and way of doing things. These are people who genuinely care for and about you. During low moments of your life, they were there for you. They know who you were and love that person dearly.

But they have no desire to get to know the new you and want no part in this new journey you’re on. At every opportunity, they’re reminding you of how great things were or how you used to be, and rejecting any attempt at change.

As painful as it may be, extricating yourself from them will be a critical part of the success of this chapter.

This will be a hard task, made even more difficult because they’re not bad people. They’re just stuck in the past.

11. Be open to learning.

A new chapter requires a lot of learning. You’re learning new habits and skills that you will need for your new experiences.

Make learning a part of your daily life. Give yourself room to make mistakes, while ensuring that you learn from them.

Think back to when you were learning how to ride a bicycle. You probably fell and scraped your elbows and knees quite a bit. But the excitement of riding your bike kept you committed to learning. So every time you crashed and hurt yourself, you got back up to try all over again, only this time with a better idea of how to balance, pedal, and steer.

Adopt the resilience of a child to the new journey you’re embarking on. Let the excitement of your new chapter keep you committed to learning and moving forward. Use the mistakes you make along the way as learning aides to do better next time.

Everyone who has ever ridden a bike has fallen a few times. The same rule applies to making a mistake – everyone does it. But not everyone learns from their mistakes.

Be open to learning new skills, learning from your mistakes, learning in general.

12. Embrace the fear.

Don’t be fooled, fear will always be there. The bravest people aren’t courageous because they have no fear. They are courageous because they don’t let fear stop them.

There’s always going to be something to be afraid of. Fear of failure, of success, missing out, of making a mistake. The list goes on and on. There will not be a time when you are completely without fear and ready for the next step in your journey.

Stepping out of your comfort zone requires you to be comfortable moving forward in spite of your fear. It’s your comfort zone because it’s where you’re comfortable. You are attempting to leave where you are comfortable in the hopes of something better. That’s a big deal.

Embrace the fear causing your knees to knock together, or your heart to pound with dread. Embrace it, pick it up, and get on with it.

13. Embrace change.

Nothing stays the same forever. Sometimes that’s a good thing; other times it’s bad. Either way, the only way to make change easier to handle is to embrace it.

Live in the moment, understanding that things will change. That doesn’t mean living in fear, but living in the awareness that you may not get to experience this again. So drink it in.

Ask yourself if this is how you want to live your life or spend your time. If it is, then be present. If it is not, change what you don’t like.

Develop skills that are marketable and transferrable to any industry so your career will be adaptable to change as well. If you’re not sure what type of skills those are, do some research. Don’t wait for change to come like a freight train. Be proactive. Prepare for it.

14. Put a plan in place.

Don’t leap without counting the cost. The only way you can do this is through proper research and putting a plan in place to mitigate any risks.

If you’ve followed the above steps, you have already done more than half the research. You have a clear-ish picture of what you want to do and who you want to be.

Now write out a plan that will take you there. Although details are very important here, don’t get stuck in over-planning. You can’t plan out everything. The unexpected will still show up, regardless.

The expected you can take care of with detailed plans. For example, if you want to travel to France, plan out the trip. Call up travel agents, get a cost estimate. Do you have enough money for the trip? If you don’t, how much can you save up? Find out who your kids can stay with while you’re away or if you can take them along with you. Check if your job will give you time off.  Which sights are you going to visit?

In order to bring your goals into clearer focus, you must have a plan in place. It brings a thought, an idea, a concept into stark reality. You’re no longer dreaming about taking a trip to France, you’re taking steps toward making that dream come true.

15. Enjoy the process.

The whole point of this journey is for you to be happy and to give yourself an opportunity to enjoy life. There is no point in upending everything, changing your habits, ending relationships, and pursuing new experiences if you hate every minute.

Yes, some parts will suck, but it shouldn’t all suck. If the transition seems like an enormous chore, re-examine what you’re doing and why. Are you doing it for the wrong reasons? Have you rushed a critical step, such as letting go?

A nervous excitement should fill you as you get out of your comfort zone, learn new skills, start new relationships, etc. Nervous because everything is still unfamiliar. Excitement because your life is filled with fresh air.

Things are changing quickly. But it shouldn’t be so fast that you don’t enjoy the wind of change.

16. Be patient.

You’re changing up your status quo. Your old way of life is under attack. Everything within you and even around you is going to scream against it. It’ll be a painful change to make. But you’re equipped to do it.

You’ll have some good days, you’ll have some bad days. Some days you’ll be happy and feel on top of the world. Other days, you’ll be certain you’re having some sort of mid-life crisis, and you won’t even remember why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Be patient. Allow yourself to take it one day at a time. Give yourself room to be a fallible human.

Don’t be afraid to take teeny tiny baby steps to ease the discomfort. Break every step or goal down into manageable, bite-sized mini-steps or mini-goals. A step forward is still movement forward.

Remember: you’re not in a race against anyone. Just ensure that you consistently move toward your new reality.

17. Take time for self-care.

With changes happening all around you, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Whether you realize it, you’re under immense pressure. Life is changing, you’re changing, nothing is staying the same. It’s enough to make your blood pressure rise.

Now, more than ever, you need to take time out for self-care. It needs to be part of your new routine. Taking time out of your schedule to decompress must become a priority in this new phase.

The truth of the matter is, if this transition becomes too difficult for you to handle, the likelihood is you’ll run back to what is familiar.

Make this process of change easier for yourself by taking regular time out for your mental and emotional well-being.

Starting a new chapter in life can be as exciting as you want it to be. This next phase doesn’t have to be bad just because it’s unfamiliar. It could be your greatest opportunity for growth and the life you want to live. But that won’t happen by chance. Decide and go after what you want.

As you look over the empty pages of your new chapter, remember you are the author of your life. You determine what to write on those pages.

Still need some specific guidance on beginning this new chapter in life? Speak to a life coach today who can walk you through the change step by step. Simply fill out this short form to get quotes from several coaches along with details of how they can help.

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13 Ways to Embrace New Beginnings in 2023

new life new beginning essay

As a new year is about to start, it’s time to reflect on our past and make way for new things and new beginnings. No matter what challenges you’ve come across in the past, there are ways to forge ahead to a brighter future. In our lives we’ll face adversity multiple times. But by making tweaks to our situation, we can improve our situation in the next chapter of our life. At the end of our lives, we’ll measure our life in growth, love, and years. We’ll look at hardships as moments that moved us into a better position and changed us for the better. In this article, we’re going to share 13 ways to embrace new beginnings in 2023 to change your life in marvelously.

new life new beginning essay

1. Let go of the past

Before we start a new chapter in life, we need to close the door to the previous one. You can’t embark on a new beginning, if you’re stuck in a thought loop about revenge or getting justice. Until you can actually mentally strengthen yourself to move forward, you won’t benefit from what new beginnings can bring you. If you’ve had a horrible past and get stuck in it, you will never know how good your life can become. You need to realize that what’s done is done and can’t be changed. You can’t go back in time and undo mistakes or trauma. All you can do is learn from it, the chaos that’s been caused, and make better decisions moving forward. If you’re looking to build a brighter future for yourself, all you can take from your past are the life lessons . Don’t keep bringing the past into your future.

let go for new beginnings

2. Know change can be good

When all we’ve seen in our lives is trauma, hardship, and challenges, it’s hard to imagine a world where change could lead to something good. Those with childhood trauma often imagine their adulthood as more difficult, especially if they carry that trauma into their future. An important thing to note is that bad events can lead to good events. Sometimes, all those difficulties taught you something valuable so you can make better decisions in your future. It’s normal to experience a fear of change. But it’s crucial to remember that change can be a good thing. Sometimes, you deserve something so magical that coming up with your ideal scenario isn’t good enough. Let the story unfold and see what surprises and goodness life has in store for you in these new beginnings.

3. Create new goals

As you embark on new beginnings, the best way to keep yourself on track is to create new goals. Having a process in place with well-defined ideas of what you hope to accomplish will make you more likely to achieve them. Knowing what you actually want in life is an important step to getting it. Plus, it guides you on your journey, when you set timelines to keep you accountable. So, make a list of the goals you hope to achieve for your new beginnings. You might include goals regarding your happiness, financial situation, health, and other things that help ensure you’re happy and in control of the next chapter in your life.

goal setting for new beginnings

4. Surround yourself with good people

Having a strong sense of community will help you in your new beginnings. The people in your life will make or break you. If you’re around toxic people who fail to help you, you’ll never grow or succeed. However, if you’re around people who lift you up, cheer you on, and want to see you thrive, you’ll take more action to keep getting better with time. They say you’re most like the five people you spend most of your time with. So surround yourself with happy people , successful people, and supportive people if you hope to achieve great things in life. Cut out the people from your life who bring you down. Your job isn’t to make people better. Your job is to make you better. And by improving yourself , you’ll attract higher quality people into your life.

5. Practice meditation

Your mental health and wellbeing will play a huge role in your new beginnings. When we have poor mental health, we often get stuck in our negative thoughts . We’ll replay the same bad thoughts repeatedly, looking for an exit in our minds that we can’t find. It makes us hate our lives more and makes us more difficult to get along with. When this happens to you, find a therapist who will help you. And, and this is a big and. Do an act of kindness multiple times a day. Look to do something nice for people in every interaction. Praise people, lift them up. And as you’re doing therapy, and acts of kindness, try guided meditation . It’ll help you clear your mind, so you can bring out the best version of yourself. The best meditation app to calm the mind is Declutter The Mind . You’ll find countless meditations you can try to help you bring out the next 2.0 version of yourself that you can be proud of.

a wooden dock sitting on top of a lush green field.


6. Build new habits

Forming good habits and eliminating bad habits can be a good practice for new beginnings. It’s all about coming in with the new and shedding the old. What happened in the past shouldn’t be repeated, so the habits that led to those events should be replaced with new habits. For example, if you got into a relationship with a toxic partner, you might make build the habit of creating a list of values you want in your next relationship. Then, you go on dates to find someone with those values. In moments of insecurity, you’ll need to build the habit of saying no to something that doesn’t feel right to prevent repeating history. You’ll reject people who showcase red flags early on, instead of questioning it. And you might listen to your friends, family, and that good old gut instinct when something seems off.

7. Tackle new opportunities

As you embark on new beginnings, it’s time to look towards new opportunities too. For example, if you realize you’re working a job in a negative environment, you might start applying to jobs with higher employee morale. You might start looking at Glassdoor reviews of companies online before applying. You might interview hiring managers about the company culture. And you might say yes to something new. New opportunities can be found all around. And they aren’t all tied to your career. You might look at opportunities to travel, to date someone new, to make a new friend, run an experiment, to start a family, to improve your home situation, learn a new skill, or to start a business.

new opportunities

8. Create a vision board

A fun activity to try at home when working towards new beginnings is to create a vision board. We’re talking magazine cutouts, bristol board, and glue. Like an arts and crafts session about what you want to accomplish in this next year of life. You don’t need a monumentous day like your birthday or new years to create a vision board either. Any day you feel like a new chapter is starting works. You can find countless vision board books on Amazon with pictures and quotes for fitness, home, money, fashion, and travel to help simplify your search of what to include. Then, once you’ve completed your vision board, hang it somewhere you’ll see it a lot. This could be a home office, bedroom, or study. Then, whenever something is achieved from your vision board, feel an attitude of gratitude while standing in front of it.

9. Lean on gratitude

Speaking of gratitude, new beginnings should have an emphasis on being grateful. Come up with a list of things you’re grateful for, your very own gratitude list . When you focus on gratitude instead of what you lack, your mind feels better. You won’t feel like you got the short end of the stick, you won’t be disgruntled, no more complaining about how life sucks . Instead, you’ll see all of the good things you have that keep coming your way. And you’ll continue to attract more good things because of your attitude. An optimistic view of the world helps us in numerous ways that a pessimistic view can’t. Plus, when we experience gratitude, we’re just so much happier. Make it your personal mission to express gratitude in life and to look on at the world with an optimistic lens.

gratitude for new beginnings

10. Take a break

In some cases, new beginnings might require a quick break or pause before moving forward. It’s important to know when the past isn’t over yet or we’re still not fully healed from past hardships. You’ll take many breaks in life. You’ll take breaks from school, relationships, jobs, and more. Breaks are important part of life where we unplug momentarily. Not recharge. Sometimes, you need to turn yourself off to give yourself a break. Recharging those batteries is daily upkeep. Taking time away from work to relax on a beach and not check a single email or Slack message is life-changing. And you deserve to do that. Taking a break after a series of short relationships to re-evaluate your strategy and improve yourself , can help you find the right person faster (without going on a single date). So, hit the pause button in life when you need to. It’s normal and healthy to do this. And it could be just what makes your new beginning more spectacular.

11. Refresh your wardrobe or office

New beginnings aren’t complete without a change of scenery. You can refresh your wardrobe to improve how you present yourself to the world. Many online stores offer styling services, so you can have a professional stylist help you pick out outfits. For example, Nordstrom has stylists to help you pick work outfits or date night outfits. Whatever the wardrobe refresh calls for. You could also make changes to your home office with new decor, wallpaper, paint, or lighting. Wherever you feel like you need to make a change, add something new to your environment to bring back your spunk and edge. This new beginning is calling for you to bring your best self forward, so create an environment where you’ll thrive.

new you

12. Find a new coach or mentor

As you embark on new beginnings, partnering with a coach or mentor can help ensure you start over on the right track. There are many coaches you can hire: mind coach (therapist), business coach, health coach, money coach, and so on. Hire the type of mentor that aligns with what you hope to accomplish. You might find that more than one coach are needed to help you jump start things, especially if it’s a big life change you’re going through. But having someone speak to you, motivate you, and then you actually go out and do the work is key. Most people will hype you up, but as soon as they’re gone, so is the motivation. Find someone who will be there to hold you accountable. Doing daily text messages asking you what your progress is. Checking in on you when you’re not pushing hard or are slipping through the cracks. It’s about finding the ultimate ally rather than just listening to a motivational speech.

13. Celebrate your progress

New beginnings are all about new wins. As you go onto your next life chapter, it’s important to track your progress, see how far you’ve come, and make tweaks. Mistakes, disappointment, and failure will still happen in your new chapter. However, how you learn, grow, and pivot despite these challenges is what will ultimately play a role in your success. Life isn’t without struggle, even when we do everything right. It’s unpredictable and there are many moving parts. But celebrate the highs as they come. And learn quick from the lows. Be a champion in your success. Many awards get given out at tournaments. Maybe spend some time giving yourself awards and praise for your accomplishments too. Pat yourself on the back for how far you’ve come. Not everyone does it. But you did.

celebrate your progress

New beginnings are just that beginnings. But the road in life is long, filled with turns, and roadblocks along the way. Prepare yourself for success by strengthening your mind, body, and willpower. Continue learning from mistakes as they happening and making changes as needed. Meditate with the Declutter The Mind app to strengthen your mind. Shop til you drop on a new outfit or to revamp your environment. Cut out the wrong people and bring in the good folks who aren’t afraid to cheer you on when you’re crushing it. You will succeed in life when you have a clear vision from goal setting and pursue your new path relentlessly. Forge ahead.

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How to Start an Essay: 13 Engaging Strategies

ThoughtCo / Hugo Lin

  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
  • M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester
  • B.A., English, State University of New York

There are countless ways to start an essay effectively. A solid introductory paragraph both informs and motivates. It lets readers know what your piece is about and it encourages them to keep reading.

For folks new to learning how to start an essay, here are 13 introductory strategies accompanied by examples from a wide range of professional writers.

State Your Thesis Briefly and Directly

One straightforward way to begin is to get right to the point. But avoid making your thesis a bald announcement, such as "This essay is about...". 

"It is time, at last, to speak the truth about Thanksgiving, and the truth is this. Thanksgiving is really not such a terrific holiday...." (Michael J. Arlen, "Ode to Thanksgiving." The Camera Age: Essays on Television . Penguin, 1982)

Pose a Question Related to Your Subject

A thought-provoking way to start an essay is by asking a relevant question that needs to be unpacked. Follow up the question with an answer, or an invitation for your readers to answer the question.

"What is the charm of necklaces? Why would anyone put something extra around their neck and then invest it with special significance? A necklace doesn't afford warmth in cold weather, like a scarf, or protection in combat, like chain mail; it only decorates. We might say, it borrows meaning from what it surrounds and sets off, the head with its supremely important material contents, and the face, that register of the soul. When photographers discuss the way in which a photograph reduces the reality it represents, they mention not only the passage from three dimensions to two, but also the selection of a point de vue that favors the top of the body rather than the bottom, and the front rather than the back. The face is the jewel in the crown of the body, and so we give it a setting." (Emily R. Grosholz, "On Necklaces." Prairie Schooner , Summer 2007)

State an Interesting Fact About Your Subject

Leading with a fact that draws readers in immediately can grab their attention effectively.

" The peregrine falcon was brought back from the brink of extinction by a ban on DDT, but also by a peregrine falcon mating hat invented by an ornithologist at Cornell University. If you cannot buy this, Google it. Female falcons had grown dangerously scarce. A few wistful males nevertheless maintained a sort of sexual loitering ground. The hat was imagined, constructed, and then forthrightly worn by the ornithologist as he patrolled this loitering ground, singing, Chee-up! Chee-up! and bowing like an overpolite Japanese Buddhist trying to tell somebody goodbye...." (David James Duncan, "Cherish This Ecstasy." The Sun , July 2008)

Present Your Thesis as a Recent Discovery or Revelation

"I've finally figured out the difference between neat people and sloppy people. The distinction is, as always, moral. Neat people are lazier and meaner than sloppy people." (Suzanne Britt Jordan, "Neat People vs. Sloppy People." Show and Tell . Morning Owl Press, 1983)

Briefly Describe the Primary Setting of Your Essay

"It was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. A sickly light, like yellow tinfoil, was slanting over the high walls into the jail yard. We were waiting outside the condemned cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars, like small animal cages. Each cell measured about ten feet by ten and was quite bare within except for a plank bed and a pot of drinking water. In some of them brown silent men were squatting at the inner bars, with their blankets draped round them. These were the condemned men, due to be hanged within the next week or two." (George Orwell, "A Hanging," 1931)

Recount an Incident That Dramatizes Your Subject

Sharing an incident from your life or history in general is an impactful way to start an essay.

"One October afternoon three years ago while I was visiting my parents, my mother made a request I dreaded and longed to fulfill. She had just poured me a cup of Earl Grey from her Japanese iron teapot, shaped like a little pumpkin; outside, two cardinals splashed in the birdbath in the weak Connecticut sunlight. Her white hair was gathered at the nape of her neck, and her voice was low. “Please help me get Jeff’s pacemaker turned off,” she said, using my father’s first name. I nodded, and my heart knocked." (Katy Butler, "What Broke My Father's Heart." The New York Times Magazine , June 18, 2010)

Use the Narrative Strategy of Delay

The narrative strategy of delay allows you to put off identifying your subject just long enough to pique your readers' interest without frustrating them. 

"They woof. Though I have photographed them before, I have never heard them speak, for they are mostly silent birds. Lacking a syrinx, the avian equivalent of the human larynx, they are incapable of song. According to field guides the only sounds they make are grunts and hisses, though the Hawk Conservancy in the United Kingdom reports that adults may utter a croaking coo and that young black vultures, when annoyed, emit a kind of immature snarl...." (Lee Zacharias, "Buzzards." Southern Humanities Review , 2007)

Use the Historical Present Tense

An effective way to start an essay is to use historical present tense to relate an incident from the past as if it were happening now. 

"Ben and I are sitting side by side in the very back of his mother’s station wagon. We face glowing white headlights of cars following us, our sneakers pressed against the back hatch door. This is our joy—his and mine—to sit turned away from our moms and dads in this place that feels like a secret, as though they are not even in the car with us. They have just taken us out to dinner, and now we are driving home. Years from this evening, I won’t actually be sure that this boy sitting beside me is named Ben. But that doesn’t matter tonight. What I know for certain right now is that I love him, and I need to tell him this fact before we return to our separate houses, next door to each other. We are both five." (Ryan Van Meter, "First." The Gettysburg Review , Winter 2008)

Briefly Describe a Process That Leads Into Your Subject

"I like to take my time when I pronounce someone dead. The bare-minimum requirement is one minute with a stethoscope pressed to someone’s chest, listening for a sound that is not there; with my fingers bearing down on the side of someone’s neck, feeling for an absent pulse; with a flashlight beamed into someone’s fixed and dilated pupils, waiting for the constriction that will not come. If I’m in a hurry, I can do all of these in sixty seconds, but when I have the time, I like to take a minute with each task." (Jane Churchon, "The Dead Book." The Sun , February 2009)

Reveal a Secret or Make a Candid Observation

"I spy on my patients. Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? So I stand in doorways of hospital rooms and gaze. Oh, it is not all that furtive an act. Those in bed need only look up to discover me. But they never do." ( Richard Selzer , "The Discus Thrower." Confessions of a Knife . Simon & Schuster, 1979)

Open with a Riddle, Joke, or Humorous Quotation

A fun way to start an essay is to use a riddle , joke, or humorous quotation that reveals something about your subject. 

" Q: What did Eve say to Adam on being expelled from the Garden of Eden? A: 'I think we're in a time of transition.' The irony of this joke is not lost as we begin a new century and anxieties about social change seem rife. The implication of this message, covering the first of many periods of transition, is that change is normal; there is, in fact, no era or society in which change is not a permanent feature of the social landscape...." (Betty G. Farrell, Family: The Making of an Idea, an Institution, and a Controversy in American Culture . Westview Press, 1999)

Offer a Contrast Between Past and Present

"As a child, I was made to look out the window of a moving car and appreciate the beautiful scenery, with the result that now I don't care much for nature. I prefer parks, ones with radios going chuckawaka chuckawaka and the delicious whiff of bratwurst and cigarette smoke." (Garrison Keillor, "Walking Down The Canyon." Time , July 31, 2000)

Offer a Contrast Between Image and Reality

A compelling way to start an essay is with a contrast between a common misconception and the opposing truth. 

"They aren’t what most people think they are. Human eyes, touted as ethereal objects by poets and novelists throughout history, are nothing more than white spheres, somewhat larger than your average marble, covered by a leather-like tissue known as sclera and filled with nature’s facsimile of Jell-O. Your beloved’s eyes may pierce your heart, but in all likelihood they closely resemble the eyes of every other person on the planet. At least I hope they do, for otherwise he or she suffers from severe myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), or worse...." (John Gamel, "The Elegant Eye." Alaska Quarterly Review , 2009)

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The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay | Steps & Examples

An academic essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using evidence, analysis, and interpretation.

There are many types of essays you might write as a student. The content and length of an essay depends on your level, subject of study, and course requirements. However, most essays at university level are argumentative — they aim to persuade the reader of a particular position or perspective on a topic.

The essay writing process consists of three main stages:

  • Preparation: Decide on your topic, do your research, and create an essay outline.
  • Writing : Set out your argument in the introduction, develop it with evidence in the main body, and wrap it up with a conclusion.
  • Revision:  Check your essay on the content, organization, grammar, spelling, and formatting of your essay.

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Table of contents

Essay writing process, preparation for writing an essay, writing the introduction, writing the main body, writing the conclusion, essay checklist, lecture slides, frequently asked questions about writing an essay.

The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay .

For example, if you’ve been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you’ll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay , on the other hand, you’ll need to spend more time researching your topic and developing an original argument before you start writing.

1. Preparation 2. Writing 3. Revision
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Before you start writing, you should make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you’re going to say it. There are a few key steps you can follow to make sure you’re prepared:

  • Understand your assignment: What is the goal of this essay? What is the length and deadline of the assignment? Is there anything you need to clarify with your teacher or professor?
  • Define a topic: If you’re allowed to choose your own topic , try to pick something that you already know a bit about and that will hold your interest.
  • Do your research: Read  primary and secondary sources and take notes to help you work out your position and angle on the topic. You’ll use these as evidence for your points.
  • Come up with a thesis:  The thesis is the central point or argument that you want to make. A clear thesis is essential for a focused essay—you should keep referring back to it as you write.
  • Create an outline: Map out the rough structure of your essay in an outline . This makes it easier to start writing and keeps you on track as you go.

Once you’ve got a clear idea of what you want to discuss, in what order, and what evidence you’ll use, you’re ready to start writing.

The introduction sets the tone for your essay. It should grab the reader’s interest and inform them of what to expect. The introduction generally comprises 10–20% of the text.

1. Hook your reader

The first sentence of the introduction should pique your reader’s interest and curiosity. This sentence is sometimes called the hook. It might be an intriguing question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement emphasizing the relevance of the topic.

Let’s say we’re writing an essay about the development of Braille (the raised-dot reading and writing system used by visually impaired people). Our hook can make a strong statement about the topic:

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

2. Provide background on your topic

Next, it’s important to give context that will help your reader understand your argument. This might involve providing background information, giving an overview of important academic work or debates on the topic, and explaining difficult terms. Don’t provide too much detail in the introduction—you can elaborate in the body of your essay.

3. Present the thesis statement

Next, you should formulate your thesis statement— the central argument you’re going to make. The thesis statement provides focus and signals your position on the topic. It is usually one or two sentences long. The thesis statement for our essay on Braille could look like this:

As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness.

4. Map the structure

In longer essays, you can end the introduction by briefly describing what will be covered in each part of the essay. This guides the reader through your structure and gives a preview of how your argument will develop.

The invention of Braille marked a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by blind and visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

Write your essay introduction

The body of your essay is where you make arguments supporting your thesis, provide evidence, and develop your ideas. Its purpose is to present, interpret, and analyze the information and sources you have gathered to support your argument.

Length of the body text

The length of the body depends on the type of essay. On average, the body comprises 60–80% of your essay. For a high school essay, this could be just three paragraphs, but for a graduate school essay of 6,000 words, the body could take up 8–10 pages.

Paragraph structure

To give your essay a clear structure , it is important to organize it into paragraphs . Each paragraph should be centered around one main point or idea.

That idea is introduced in a  topic sentence . The topic sentence should generally lead on from the previous paragraph and introduce the point to be made in this paragraph. Transition words can be used to create clear connections between sentences.

After the topic sentence, present evidence such as data, examples, or quotes from relevant sources. Be sure to interpret and explain the evidence, and show how it helps develop your overall argument.

Lack of access to reading and writing put blind people at a serious disadvantage in nineteenth-century society. Text was one of the primary methods through which people engaged with culture, communicated with others, and accessed information; without a well-developed reading system that did not rely on sight, blind people were excluded from social participation (Weygand, 2009). While disabled people in general suffered from discrimination, blindness was widely viewed as the worst disability, and it was commonly believed that blind people were incapable of pursuing a profession or improving themselves through culture (Weygand, 2009). This demonstrates the importance of reading and writing to social status at the time: without access to text, it was considered impossible to fully participate in society. Blind people were excluded from the sighted world, but also entirely dependent on sighted people for information and education.

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The conclusion is the final paragraph of an essay. It should generally take up no more than 10–15% of the text . A strong essay conclusion :

  • Returns to your thesis
  • Ties together your main points
  • Shows why your argument matters

A great conclusion should finish with a memorable or impactful sentence that leaves the reader with a strong final impression.

What not to include in a conclusion

To make your essay’s conclusion as strong as possible, there are a few things you should avoid. The most common mistakes are:

  • Including new arguments or evidence
  • Undermining your arguments (e.g. “This is just one approach of many”)
  • Using concluding phrases like “To sum up…” or “In conclusion…”

Braille paved the way for dramatic cultural changes in the way blind people were treated and the opportunities available to them. Louis Braille’s innovation was to reimagine existing reading systems from a blind perspective, and the success of this invention required sighted teachers to adapt to their students’ reality instead of the other way around. In this sense, Braille helped drive broader social changes in the status of blindness. New accessibility tools provide practical advantages to those who need them, but they can also change the perspectives and attitudes of those who do not.

Write your essay conclusion

Checklist: Essay

My essay follows the requirements of the assignment (topic and length ).

My introduction sparks the reader’s interest and provides any necessary background information on the topic.

My introduction contains a thesis statement that states the focus and position of the essay.

I use paragraphs to structure the essay.

I use topic sentences to introduce each paragraph.

Each paragraph has a single focus and a clear connection to the thesis statement.

I make clear transitions between paragraphs and ideas.

My conclusion doesn’t just repeat my points, but draws connections between arguments.

I don’t introduce new arguments or evidence in the conclusion.

I have given an in-text citation for every quote or piece of information I got from another source.

I have included a reference page at the end of my essay, listing full details of all my sources.

My citations and references are correctly formatted according to the required citation style .

My essay has an interesting and informative title.

I have followed all formatting guidelines (e.g. font, page numbers, line spacing).

Your essay meets all the most important requirements. Our editors can give it a final check to help you submit with confidence.

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An essay is a focused piece of writing that explains, argues, describes, or narrates.

In high school, you may have to write many different types of essays to develop your writing skills.

Academic essays at college level are usually argumentative : you develop a clear thesis about your topic and make a case for your position using evidence, analysis and interpretation.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

A topic sentence is a sentence that expresses the main point of a paragraph . Everything else in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence.

At college level, you must properly cite your sources in all essays , research papers , and other academic texts (except exams and in-class exercises).

Add a citation whenever you quote , paraphrase , or summarize information or ideas from a source. You should also give full source details in a bibliography or reference list at the end of your text.

The exact format of your citations depends on which citation style you are instructed to use. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago .

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Guest Essay

I Love the Kids in My Life. And I’m Raising None of Them.

A photo shows a child in a leopard print outfit and fairy wings, holding a toy and looking at her shadow.

By Glynnis MacNicol

Ms. MacNicol is a writer, a podcast host and the author of the memoir “I’m Mostly Here to Enjoy Myself.”

Recently, a book tour gave me the opportunity to travel around America. Budgets being what they are, I primarily chose cities where I had friends who would happily provide me with places to stay. These were homes, almost without exception, filled with children. I have no children of my own, and this felt like a serendipitous chance to catch up with many of the kids in my life.

In America, there is a persistent, pernicious belief that the only way to be invested in a child’s life is to be a parent — and, for women, to give birth to that child. (Ella and Cole Emhoff, among others, would like a word.) In a country that offers so little support to parents, this often feels like a not-so-covert argument for taking women back to a time when they lacked control over their bodies and their finances.

Recently, the Pew Research Center reported that 64 percent of women under 50 who don’t have children say they “just don’t want to.” This has contributed to another round of hand-wringing about birthrates and childless cat ladies . What the seemingly inexhaustible discussion around this topic leaves out is that many people who say they don’t want to birth or parent children do have children in their lives — other people’s. We rarely account for that, nor do we give full weight to the fulfillment these relationships provide.

Which is not entirely surprising. So often we hear about the annoyance of other people’s children — babies crying on planes, kids fussing at restaurants. Rarely do we talk about the pleasure of these little people, or how transformative it is to have children in your life whom you’re not raising.

I’ve been reminded of the joys of these relationships this summer. Most of the kids in my life, I have known since birth. In more than a few cases, I was present at the discovery that there was a child to be expected. Or I was the person on call to wait with a child while her sibling made an entrance. Many are children I have cared for in various stages of their life: I’ve changed countless diapers and dispensed endless bottles; I’ve given baths; I’ve been the emergency pickup contact at school. Several of these kids have vomited on me. I’m in a number of wills as the person these children will come to if, God forbid, something happens to their parents. For some, all of the above apply.

Since June, I’ve spent time variously spooning avocado into a toddler’s mouth and answering questions about what it’s like to get your period. I’ve been taught new card games. I balanced myself in the surf as a 6-year-old clung to me screaming with joy, trusting me not to let go. I attended a children’s performance of “The Little Mermaid” starring one 9-year-old who, as a 9-week-old, I held in my arms while I did an interview for my first book. Summer concluded with my driving a bunch of teens and preteens to one of their many sporting events while I cajoled them to look up from their phones once in a while and talk to me.

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37 Facts About Novosibirsk

Adelice Lindemann

Written by Adelice Lindemann

Modified & Updated: 05 Sep 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith


Novosibirsk, often referred to as the “Capital of Siberia,” is a vibrant and dynamic city located in southwestern Russia. With a population exceeding 1.5 million residents, it is the third most populous city in Russia and serves as the administrative center of the Novosibirsk Oblast.

Nestled along the banks of the Ob River, Novosibirsk is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, scientific advancements, and picturesque landscapes. As the largest city in Siberia, it offers a perfect blend of modern and traditional attractions, making it a fascinating destination for both locals and tourists.

In this article, we will delve into 37 interesting facts about Novosibirsk, shedding light on its history, architecture, natural wonders, and cultural significance. Whether you are planning a visit or simply curious about this intriguing city, these facts will give you a deeper understanding of what Novosibirsk has to offer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Novosibirsk, the “Capital of Siberia,” is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene, stunning natural landscapes, and a strong sense of community, offering a high quality of life for its residents.
  • From being a major industrial and transportation hub to hosting world-class cultural institutions and scientific research centers, Novosibirsk is a dynamic city with a diverse culinary scene and a thriving IT and tech industry.

Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia.

Situated in southwestern Siberia, Novosibirsk has a population of over 1.6 million people, making it one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the country.

The city was founded in 1893.

Novosibirsk was established as a railway junction on the Trans-Siberian Railway, playing a significant role in the development of Siberia.

It is known as the “Capital of Siberia”.

Due to its economic and cultural significance, Novosibirsk is often referred to as the capital of Siberia.

Novosibirsk is a major industrial center.

The city is home to a wide range of industries, including machinery manufacturing, chemical production, energy, and metallurgy .

It is famous for its scientific and research institutions.

Novosibirsk hosts several renowned scientific and research institutions, contributing to advancements in various fields including nuclear physics, chemistry, and biotechnology.

The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre is one of the largest in Russia.

This iconic cultural institution showcases world-class ballet and opera performances and is a must-visit for art enthusiasts visiting the city .

The city has a vibrant theater scene.

Novosibirsk boasts numerous theaters, showcasing a wide variety of performances from traditional plays to experimental productions.

Novosibirsk is a major transportation hub.

Thanks to its strategic location on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the city serves as a crucial transportation hub connecting Siberia with other regions of Russia .

The Ob River flows through Novosibirsk.

The majestic Ob River adds to the city’s natural beauty and provides opportunities for recreational activities such as boating and fishing.

Novosibirsk is known for its harsh winter climate.

With temperatures dropping well below freezing in winter, the city experiences a true Siberian winter with snowy landscapes.

The Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest and oldest in Russia.

Home to a wide variety of animal species, including rare and endangered ones, the Novosibirsk Zoo attracts visitors from near and far.

Novosibirsk is a center for academic excellence.

The city is home to Novosibirsk State University, one of the top universities in Russia, renowned for its research and education programs.

The Novosibirsk Metro is the newest metro system in Russia.

Opened in 1985, the Novosibirsk Metro provides efficient transportation for residents and visitors alike.

Novosibirsk is surrounded by picturesque nature.

Surrounded by stunning landscapes, including the Altai Mountains and the Novosibirsk Reservoir, the city offers numerous opportunities for outdoor activities.

The Novosibirsk State Circus is famous for its performances.

Showcasing talented acrobats , clowns, and animal acts, the Novosibirsk State Circus offers entertaining shows for all ages.

Novosibirsk is home to a thriving art scene.

The city is dotted with art galleries, showcasing the works of local and international artists .

Novosibirsk has a diverse culinary scene.

From traditional Russian cuisine to international flavors, the city offers a wide range of dining options to satisfy all taste buds.

The Novosibirsk State Museum of Local History is a treasure trove of historical artifacts.

Exploring the museum gives visitors an insight into the rich history and culture of the region.

Novosibirsk is known for its vibrant nightlife.

The city is home to numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues, ensuring a lively atmosphere after dark.

Novosibirsk has a strong ice hockey tradition.

Ice hockey is a popular sport in the city, with local teams competing in national and international tournaments.

The Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Hall hosts world-class musical performances.

Music lovers can enjoy classical concerts and symphony orchestra performances in this renowned venue.

Novosibirsk is home to the Akademgorodok, a scientific research town.

Akademgorodok is a unique scientific community located near Novosibirsk, housing numerous research institutes and academic organizations.

Novosibirsk has a unique blend of architectural styles.

The city features a mix of Soviet-era buildings, modern skyscrapers, and historic structures, creating an eclectic cityscape.

Novosibirsk is an important center for ballet training and education.

The city’s ballet schools and academies attract aspiring dancers from across Russia and abroad.

Novosibirsk is a gateway to the stunning Altai Mountains.

Located nearby, the Altai Mountains offer breathtaking landscapes, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor adventures.

Novosibirsk hosts various cultural festivals throughout the year.

From music and theater festivals to art exhibitions, the city’s cultural calendar is always packed with exciting events.

Novosibirsk is a green city with numerous parks and gardens.

Residents and visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature in the city’s well-maintained parks and botanical gardens.

Novosibirsk is a center for technology and innovation.

The city is home to several technology parks and innovation centers, fostering the development of cutting-edge technologies.

Novosibirsk has a strong sense of community.

The residents of Novosibirsk are known for their hospitality and friendly nature, making visitors feel welcome.

Novosibirsk is a paradise for shopping enthusiasts.

The city is dotted with shopping malls, boutiques, and markets, offering a wide range of shopping options.

Novosibirsk has a rich literary heritage.

The city has been home to many famous Russian writers and poets, and their works are celebrated in literary circles.

Novosibirsk is a popular destination for medical tourism.

The city is known for its advanced medical facilities and expertise, attracting patients from around the world.

Novosibirsk has a well-developed public transportation system.

With buses, trams, trolleybuses, and the metro, getting around the city is convenient and efficient.

Novosibirsk is a city of sport.

The city has a strong sports culture, with numerous sports facilities and opportunities for athletic activities .

Novosibirsk has a thriving IT and tech industry.

The city is home to numerous IT companies and startups, contributing to the development of the digital economy.

Novosibirsk celebrates its anniversary every year on July 12th.

The city comes alive with festivities, including concerts, fireworks, and cultural events, to commemorate its foundation.

Novosibirsk offers a high quality of life.

With its excellent educational and healthcare systems, cultural amenities, and vibrant community, Novosibirsk provides a great living environment for its residents.

Novosibirsk is a fascinating city filled with rich history, stunning architecture, and a vibrant cultural scene. From its origins as a small village to becoming the third-largest city in Russia, Novosibirsk has emerged as a major economic and cultural hub in Siberia . With its world-class universities, theaters, museums, and natural attractions, Novosibirsk offers a myriad of experiences for visitors.

Whether you’re exploring the impressive Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, strolling along the picturesque banks of the Ob River, or immersing yourself in the city’s scientific and technological achievements at the Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk has something for everyone.

From its iconic landmarks such as the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral to its vibrant festivals like the International Jazz Festival , Novosibirsk has a unique charm that will captivate any traveler. So, make sure to include Novosibirsk in your travel itinerary and discover the hidden gems of this remarkable city.

Q: What is the population of Novosibirsk?

A: As of 2021, the estimated population of Novosibirsk is around 1.6 million people.

Q: Is Novosibirsk a safe city to visit?

A: Novosibirsk is generally considered a safe city for tourists. However, it is always recommended to take standard precautions such as avoiding unfamiliar areas at night and keeping your belongings secure.

Q: What is the best time to visit Novosibirsk?

A: The best time to visit Novosibirsk is during the summer months of June to September when the weather is pleasant and suitable for outdoor activities. However, if you enjoy the winter chill and snow, visiting during the winter season can also be a unique experience.

Q: Are there any interesting cultural events in Novosibirsk?

A: Yes, Novosibirsk is known for its vibrant cultural scene. The city hosts various festivals throughout the year, including the International Jazz Festival, Novosibirsk International Film Festival, and the Siberian Ice March Festival.

Q: Can I visit Novosibirsk without knowing Russian?

A: While knowing some basic Russian phrases can be helpful, many establishments in Novosibirsk, especially tourist areas, have English signage and staff who can communicate in English. However, learning a few essential Russian phrases can enhance your travel experience.

Novosibirsk's captivating history and vibrant culture make it a must-visit destination for any traveler. From its humble beginnings as a small settlement to its current status as Russia's third-largest city, Novosibirsk has a story worth exploring. If you're a sports enthusiast, don't miss the opportunity to learn more about the city's beloved football club , FC Sibir Novosibirsk. With its rich heritage and passionate fan base, the club has become an integral part of Novosibirsk's identity.

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Novosibirsk city, Russia

The capital city of Novosibirsk oblast .

Novosibirsk - Overview

Novosibirsk is the third most populous city in Russia, the administrative center of the Siberian Federal District and Novosibirsk Oblast. It is the largest business, cultural, transport, educational, and scientific center of Siberia. Novosibirsk is often called the “Capital of Siberia”.

The population of Novosibirsk is about 1,621,000 (2022), the area - 503 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 383, the postal codes - 630000-630901.

Novosibirsk city flag

Novosibirsk city coat of arms.

Novosibirsk city coat of arms

Novosibirsk city map, Russia

Novosibirsk city latest news and posts from our blog:.

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25 December, 2018 / Chuya Highway - the Most Picturesque Road in Russia .

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17 July, 2014 / Novosibirsk hit by a heavy hailstorm .

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History of Novosibirsk

Foundation of novosibirsk.

Novosibirsk is a city with a very interesting history. Unlike many other cities in Russia, it does not have a specific founder. Since the 18th century, on the left bank of the Ob, one of the largest rivers in the world, there was the village of Krivoshchekovo, where migrants from the European provinces of the Russian Empire lived. However, it did not become the basis of Novosibirsk. The city was born on the other, right, bank of the Ob, when the Trans-Siberian Railway approached it in 1893.

Originally it was just a village for the builders of a railway bridge across the Ob. It could turn out to be temporary and disappear after the completion of construction, if not for the combination of several factors that contributed to the development of trade - a large river, a railway, a flat relief convenient for building. At first, the village was named Alexandrovsky, in honor of Emperor Alexander III. For the third anniversary, it received a new name and became Novonikolaevsky, in honor of the Emperor Nicholas II.

In 1897, the first trains went across the bridge. The settlement was quickly growing. By 1898, there were already 7.8 thousand people in the village. In 1903, when the village acquired the status of a town with the name Novonikolaevsk, its population was 26 thousand people. In the 1910s, Novonikolaevsk experienced a construction boom. By 1913, the population of the city was 86 thousand people.

Novonikolaevsk, was the center of the major lines of communication, in which the navigable Ob River crossed with the Great Siberian Way and the Altai Railway. The First World War turned the city into the largest center for training troops beyond the Urals.

More Historical Facts…

Novosibirsk - the Siberian Chicago

In 1921, Novonikolaevsk received the status of the administrative center of the Novonikolaevsk Governorate. In 1925, it became the administrative center of the huge Siberian Krai - practically all the regions of Trans-Ural Russia.

The capital of the new huge region needed a new name. Here are just some of the proposed names: Krasnograd, Sibleninsk, Krasnoobsk, Sibkraisk, Sibkraigrad, Leningrad-on-Ob. On February 12, 1926, Novonikolaevsk (“a new city of Nicholas”) was renamed Novosibirsk (“a new city in Siberia”. In 1926, at the Regional Scientific Congress, it was decided to turn Novosibirsk into a “promsad” (“industrial garden”) or “city-garden”. About 120 thousand people lived in the city at that time. The city got the nickname “Siberian Chicago”.

The main elements of the renovated Siberian capital were supposed to be “social towns” - complex residential areas at factories and plants. New cadres were needed to build a new society. Novosibirsk quickly became a city of students. In the 1930s, 8 universities and 10 technical schools were opened here. The city became the Trans-Ural capital of such an architectural style as constructivism.

On July 30, 1930, due to the division of the Siberian Krai, Novosibirsk became the center of the West Siberian Krai. In 1934, a new railway bridge was built across the Ob River and the population grew to 294 thousand people. By 1939, it increased up to 406 thousand people. On September 28, 1937, the West Siberian Krai was divided into Novosibirsk Oblast with the capital in Novosibirsk and Altai Krai.

During the Second World War, the enlistment offices of Novosibirsk Oblast sent more than half a million soldiers to the front. There were 115 evacuation hospitals in the region. Almost 27% of all shells fired by the Red Army during the war were produced in Novosibirsk. Despite the fact that not a single bomb fell on the territory of Novosibirsk, the pre-war city disappeared forever. Instead of the planned residential areas/parks, industrial zones of evacuated factories appeared, a lot of buildings changed their civilian purpose to military-industrial (some of them - forever).

The evacuation radically changed the demography of Novosibirsk - people evacuated from Moscow and Leningrad brought with them a new way of life, new artistic tastes. A lot of them stayed in Novosibirsk after the war. During the war years, Novosibirsk also became the center of the musical culture of Siberia. The Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater, one of the main attractions of Novosibirsk, was opened on May 12, 1945.

Novosibirsk after the Second World War

The demographic inertia of the evacuation turned the pre-war Novosibirsk into a metropolis. By 1956, its population increased to 750 thousand people. On September 2, 1962, a millionth resident of the city was born. It took Novosibirsk only 70 years to achieve this status from the moment of its foundation, which made it the youngest of all million cities.

In 1950, the construction of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station began; a large reservoir was created, the so-called Ob Sea. The idea of creating a Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk was implemented in 1957. About 20 kilometers south of the center of Novosibirsk, in the middle of the forest, Akademgorodok was built - a town of scientists. In 1959, Novosibirsk State University was opened.

In 1979, construction of the metro began in Novosibirsk. Opened in 1985, it became the first one in the Trans-Ural part of Russia. Today, the Novosibirsk metro has 13 stations and annually carries about 70 million passengers.

In 1990, the bridge that had given rise to the city was reconstructed. To preserve the memory of the first builders, one of its span structures was installed on the embankment of the Ob in the park “Gorodskoye Nachalo”.

The transition to a market economy led to a sharp drop in production. High-tech industries, such as radioelectronics, microelectronics, instrument making, and aircraft construction suffered especially heavy losses. In 1991-1998, industrial production in Novosibirsk decreased by more than 3 times.

In the 1990s, the economic structure of the Novosibirsk region and Novosibirsk underwent fundamental changes. The main structural change was that the production of services in the city began to exceed the production of goods, the role of industry decreased, the share of transport, trade, communications, agriculture, and a lot of branches of market services increased.

Thus, the potential points of growth of Novosibirsk reproduced on a new historical, technological, and institutional basis the initial system of its development priorities: a large transport hub in the system of transnational transport corridors, a trade, intermediary, and financial center - the center of Siberia, a large business, scientific, educational, and cultural center.

In the 21st century, Novosibirsk became the first Russian city (after Moscow and St. Petersburg) to exceed the population of 1.5 million.

Architecture of Novosibirsk

The building of the West-Siberian Railway in Novosibirsk

The building of the West-Siberian Railway in Novosibirsk

Author: Vytautas Podlesaitis

Old building in Novosibirsk

Old building in Novosibirsk

Author: Andrey Osokin

On the street in Novosibirsk

On the street in Novosibirsk

Author: Serge Klimenko

Novosibirsk - Features

Novosibirsk is the most populous city in the Asian part of Russia. It is located in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Plain on both banks of the Ob River next to the Novosibirsk reservoir. The width of the Ob River within the city is 750-850 meters. The City Day of Novosibirsk is celebrated on the last Sunday of June.

The city is located in the continental climatic zone. The flatness of the territory allows both cold waves from the north and heat waves from the southwest to freely spread. That’s why both severe frosts and short-term thaws can be observed in winter. The duration of winter is 120-130 days, summer - about 90 days. The average air temperature in January is minus 16.5 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.4 degrees Celsius.

On the coat of arms of Novosibirsk you can see a schematic image of the Ob River and the bridge across it, part of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which gave rise to the city.

The economy of Novosibirsk is based on industry, trade, transport, science, and scientific services. The city is successfully developing in the absence of large resource-extracting enterprises in the region, which distinguishes it from most large cities in Siberia.

The main activities of industrial production are: production of food, computers, electronic and optical products, chemicals, vehicles and equipment, metallurgy, beverage production. Novosibirsk is one of the leading suppliers of nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants and research reactors in Russia and abroad.

Novosibirsk is the largest scientific center in the Asian part of Russia. More than 100 organizations carry out research and development in this city. There are about three dozen higher educational institutions here.

It is the largest transport hub in Siberia connecting Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia with the European regions of Russia. Novosibirsk is also a river port. The city is served by Tolmachevo International Airport, the largest in terms of passenger traffic in the Asian part of Russia. The airport is located at the intersection of a large number of flights from Southeast Asia to Europe and from North America to India and Asia.

Novosibirsk was the only city in Russia located in two time zones. Since its foundation, it was growing in two parts along different banks of the Ob. And since the meridian of the hour passed right along the Ob River, there were two time zones in one city. On the left bank, the difference with Moscow was 3 hours, and on the right bank - 4 hours. At first, this did not cause much inconvenience as each half lived quite apart. In 1955, when the first road bridge across the Ob was built, the city became more connected. In 1958, Novosibirsk switched to a single time zone.

Despite its young age, Novosibirsk has 145 monuments of architecture, history, monumental art and archeology taken under state protection. 47 monuments of wooden architecture of the late 19th - early 20th centuries are of particular value. There are also over a dozen different museums in Novosibirsk.

Main Attractions of Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk Zoo - one of the largest and best zoos in Russia, where about 11,000 animals, birds, and reptiles of 770 species are kept on an area of 63 hectares in a pristine pine forest. More than 350 species are listed in the International Red Book. This zoo is visited by about one million people every year. It also hosts ecological events and festivals. Timiryazeva Street, 71/1.

Novosibirsk Theater of Opera and Ballet . Founded in 1945, it is one of the leading theaters in Russia. It occupies the largest theater building in Russia constructed in the constructivist style in 1931-1941. This unique architectural complex has the status of a cultural heritage of the Russian Federation. It is one of the symbols of Novosibirsk and probably its most recognizable building.

The main feature of the building is its huge dome with a diameter of 60 meters and a height of 35 meters. The large hall of the theater can accommodate 1,449 spectators. The theater is located on Lenin Square - the main square of Novosibirsk, where you can also find a number of interesting monuments. This theater is also known as the “Siberian Colosseum”. Krasnyy Prospekt, 36.

Novosibirsk Museum of Local Lore - one of the main museums in Novosibirsk. The historical department of the museum is located in a picturesque building of the former City Trade House (a monument of history and architecture of federal significance built in 1910).

This museum has a number of unique exhibits: a complete mammoth skeleton, collections of household and religious items of Siberian peoples collected by expeditions in the 1920s-1930s. There are also collections of numismatics, woodwork, glass, porcelain and faience, an archaeological collection, etc. Krasnyy Prospekt, 23.

Novosibirsk Art Museum . The permanent exhibition presents the following sections: icons (old Russian art), foreign art (works of Italian, French, Flemish, Dutch, Belgian, German masters), Russian art of the 18th-19th centuries (works by I. Shishkin, A. Kuindzhi, I. Repin , V. Surikov, and others), Russian art of the early 20th century, art of the Soviet period, Russian art of the late 20th century. There is a separate section devoted to the works of N. Roerich. Krasnyy Prospekt, 5.

Novosibirsk Museum of Railway Technology . This museum has a large collection of steam, diesel, and electric locomotives, carriages, which mainly operated on the railways of Western Siberia. In addition, you can see such Soviet cars as GAZ, Moskvich, ZAZ of different years of production, as well as several trucks, tractors, and all-terrain vehicles. The total length of the exhibition grounds is about 3 kilometers. It is the largest museum of this subject beyond the Urals with over 100 exhibits. Razyezdnaya Street, 54/1.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1897-1899). Built of red brick in the neo-Byzantine style, this is one of the first stone buildings on the territory of Novosibirsk and the most beautiful church in the city. Krasnyy Prospekt, 1A.

Monument to the Laboratory Mouse . This unusual monument is located in a public garden near the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of Akademgorodok. The mouse with glasses holds the knitting needles in its paws and knits a double helix of DNA.

The monument symbolizes gratitude to this animal for the fact that mankind has the opportunity to use mice to study animal genes, molecular and physical mechanisms of diseases, and the development of new drugs. Akademika Lavrent’yeva Prospekt, 10/2.

Zaeltsovsky Park - one of the oldest parks in Novosibirsk that celebrated its 85th anniversary in 2017. The park has all the conditions for a comfortable and cultural pastime: walking paved paths, rides, summer verandas and gazebos, a paintball club, an ice rink, a rope park, etc.

For history buffs, the ethnopark “Territory of Siberia” has been created, where everyone can get acquainted in detail with the culture of the indigenous peoples who lived in these places several hundred years ago. In winter, it is a great place to go skiing. There is also a children’s railway with a length of 5.3 km here. At the terminal station, you will be offered to go to the Novosibirsk Zoo, which is located nearby.

Novosibirsk Central Park - a large park in the center of Novosibirsk and the oldest park in the city. On an area of 10.5 hectares, there are summer cafes and ice cream kiosks, dozens of rides and sports equipment rental points. There is an open-air skating rink in winter. The park often hosts festivals, concerts, and tournaments. The Novosibirsk Theater of Musical Comedy is also located here. Michurina Street, 8.

The Ob River and “the Ob Sea” . The Ob is one of the world’s largest rivers, its length is more than 3,600 km. This river flows through a lot of Siberian cities. Within Novosibirsk, the river is transformed into a large reservoir, which bears the unofficial name “the Ob Sea”. The main purpose of the water reservoir is to generate electricity. Also, the shores of the “sea” are a popular recreation area for locals and city visitors.

Novosibirsk city of Russia photos

Novosibirsk views.

Novosibirsk Thermal Power Plant #5

Novosibirsk Thermal Power Plant #5

Author: Grigory Filippov

Novosibirsk Zoo

Novosibirsk Zoo

Author: Artemov Ruslan

Pre-revolutionary building in Novosibirsk

Pre-revolutionary building in Novosibirsk

Soviet monuments on Lenin Square in Novosibirsk

Monument to Revolutionaries in Novosibirsk

Monument to Revolutionaries in Novosibirsk

Author: Pascal Winkler

Monument to Peasants in Novosibirsk

Monument to Peasants in Novosibirsk

Lenin Monument in Novosibirsk

Lenin Monument in Novosibirsk

Pictures of Novosibirsk

Saint Nicholas Chapel in Novosibirsk

Saint Nicholas Chapel in Novosibirsk

Author: Vladimir Kharitonov

Pavilion Globe in Novosibirsk

Pavilion Globe in Novosibirsk

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new life new beginning essay

Novosibirsk , city, administrative centre of Novosibirsk oblast (region) and the chief city of western Siberia , in south-central Russia . It lies along the Ob River where the latter is crossed by the Trans-Siberian Railroad . It developed after the village of Krivoshchekovo on the left bank was chosen as the crossing point of the Ob for the Trans-Siberian Railroad in 1893. The settlement was known variously as Gusevka or Aleksandrovsky, but in 1895 it was renamed Novonikolayevsk in honour of the accession of Tsar Nicholas II . The bridge was completed in 1897, and in 1903 town status was conferred .

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The continued development of the town was based chiefly on its proximity to the Kuznetsk ( Kuzbass ) coalfield to the east and the establishment of important railway routes. In 1925 the town was renamed Novosibirsk (“New Siberia”). The city’s industry was especially stimulated in World War II , when many factories were evacuated from European Russia to the area. It is now the largest city in Siberia.

Novosibirsk is a major manufacturing centre. Although it has a wide range of industries, engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, and food processing predominate. The old, pre-Revolutionary iron industry has been transformed into the modern Kuzmin steelworks, which has monopolized Russia’s production of special kinds of alloyed steel and small-diameter pipes. The city also has a large tin smelter and a highly specialized gold refinery. Engineering works produce heavy machinery, military aircraft , hydraulic presses, electrothermal equipment, ore-concentrating and mining machinery, and agricultural machinery. Precision- and light-engineering plants make machine tools, instruments, radios, and automatic looms. There are also ship and locomotive repair shops. The chemical industry has developed rapidly. Consumer products include furniture, pianos, shoes, textiles, knitwear, and foodstuffs. Power is provided by a dam and hydroelectric station above Novosibirsk and by several thermal stations in the city itself.

In addition to the trunk railway services via the Trans-Siberian, Kuzbass, and Turksib lines, local electric commuter trains link the suburbs to the city centre. There are two airports, a smaller one serving local air connections and a large main airport with direct flights to Moscow and other major cities of Russia. The Ob River is navigable. Transportation within the city is by bus, streetcar, and trolleybus.

Novosibirsk is the principal cultural and educational centre in Siberia. It has an opera and ballet theatre, botanical gardens, an art gallery, and museums, as well as a symphony orchestra .

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There are some two dozen institutions of higher learning, including the Novosibirsk State University, founded in 1959; other higher-education establishments include railway engineering, electrotechnical, medical, agricultural, and teacher-training institutes. With the large number of educational institutions, the proportion of students enrolled in higher education in the city is among the highest in Russia. The university and a number of these institutes are located in the satellite town of Akademgorodok (“Academic Town”), south of the city. From the 1960s Akademgorodok has comprised Russia’s largest cluster of basic science research institutes and personnel outside Moscow and St. Petersburg . Most of these institutes belong to the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences . During the 1990s many scientists left the area and relocated outside Russia, though some of these researchers remained affiliated with their home institutions. Pop. (2005 est.) 1,405,569.

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    Novosibirsk | Russia, Map, & History

  24. Novosibirsk History Facts and Timeline

    At the beginning of the 1890s, Russian emperor Alexander III played an integral role in the history and development of Siberia's transportation network, commissioning the building of the Great Siberian Railway. ... Novosibirsk quickly swelled with more than 150,000 refugees looking for food and a new life. The city couldn't cope with this ...