महफ़िल में तहलका मचाने वाली एंकरिंग कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत

आज के इस लेख में हम आपको Anchoring करने का सही तरीका और Anchoring का सही script बताने वाले हैं। हमने आपके लिए एंकरिंग का सबसे लाजवाब entry का script भी लिखा है। जिसको आप अगर महफिल में बोल देते हैं तो पूरा महफिल झूम उठेगा और आप महफिल में तहलका मचा दीजिएगा।

आपने अक्सर देखा होगा कि जो लोग Anchoring करते हैं वह पूरे महफिल को एक साथ लेकर चलते हैं और उन्हीं पर पूरा महफिल टिका होता है। अगर वह कोई गलती करते हैं या फिर boring anchoring करते हैं तो फिर देखने वाले लोगों को भी मजा नहीं आता है और फिर धीरे-धीरे सभा खाली होने लगती है।

तो आप भी किसी फेस्टिवल में अपने स्कूल कॉलेज या फिर किसी program में एंकरिंग करना चाहते हैं तो हमारे इस लेख को एक बार पूरे अंत तक जरूर पढ़ें क्योंकि इस लेख को पढ़ने के बाद आपके दिमाग में यह confirm हो जाएगा कि आखिर किस तरह से हमें महफिल को जमा कर रखना है।

और किस तरह से अपने को confident होना है और बोलना है ताकि पूरा महफिल झूम उठे और किसी को भी बहुत boring महसूस ना हो तो चलिए शुरू करते हैं, इस लेख को और आपको बताते हैं सही Anchoring का तरीका और Anchoring का लाजवाब script।

एंकरिंग क्या है ?

जब कोई व्यक्ति किसी कार्यक्रम में पार्टी में स्टेज पर खड़े होकर लोगों का स्वागत करता है। वह एंकर कहलाता है। और वह व्यक्ति जो कार्य कर रहा है उसे हम एंकरिंग कहते हैं।

एंकर पर व्यक्ति होता है जो सभी दर्शकों के बीच में आए हुए Main guest  का परिचय देता है, कार्यक्रम से संबंधित घोषणाएं करता है और पूरे समारोह को सुचारू रूप से चलाने के लिए दर्शकों के साथ जुड़ता है। एंकर द्वारा किया जा रहा है यह सभी कार्य एंकरिंग कहलाता है।

एंकरिंग कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत

पूरे कार्यक्रम के दौरान एक एंकर को दर्शकों के साथ जुड़ने के लिए अलग-अलग चीजें बोलने पड़ती हैं। इसे ही हम एंकरिंग स्क्रिप्ट कहते हैं। अलग-अलग फंक्शंस के लिए अलग-अलग एंकरिंग स्क्रिप्ट हो सकती है।

एंकरिंग स्क्रिप्ट भी अलग-अलग समय के लिए अलग अलग हो सकती है जैसे जब आप एंट्री कर रहे हो या जब आपको किसी दूसरे व्यक्ति को परफॉर्मेंस के बुलाना हो इत्यादि। तो आइए एंकरिंग स्क्रिप्ट को विस्तार पूर्वक समझते हैं।

एंट्री के लिए Anchoring script

जब आप एंकर बन के किसी भी कार्यक्रम में Entry ले रहे हो तब भी आपको एक स्क्रिप्ट जरूर आजमाना चाहिए। इसके साथ ही हम आपको यह भी बता दें कि आप की एंट्री शानदार होनी चाहिए जिससे कि दर्शक शुरू से लेकर अंत तक आपके साथ जुड़े रहे। तो एंट्री लेते समय यह लाइन बोलनी है –

नमस्कार भाइयों और बहनों मेरा नाम ( अपना नाम बताए ) है।

मैं आज की शाम के इस अद्भुत कार्यक्रम में आपका स्वागत करता हूं। आज का दिन आपके जीवन का सबसे यादगार दिन होने वाला है क्योंकि आज यहां पर आपको कई तरह के परफॉर्मेंस देखने को मिलेंगे जो कि आपके दिल को छू जायेंगे।

आज हम अपने स्कूल या कॉलेज की Annual Day Celebrate कर रहे हैं जहां पर हम अपने स्कूल की उपलब्धि का जश्न मनाएंगे और उसे याद करेंगे तो आप बिल्कुल आराम से बैठ जाए क्योंकि अब आपके सामने एक के बाद एक परफॉर्मेंस प्रस्तुत होने जा रहे हैं।

आज की शाम में सबसे पहले हम अपने अतिथिगढ़ का स्वागत करते है। ( सभी अतिथियों का नाम ले )

आप सभी अतिथिगढ़ के लिए कोई शायरी भी प्रस्तुत कर सकते हैं और उनका स्वागत कर सकते हैं। इस प्रकार आप एंट्री लेने के बाद सबसे पहले अपना परिचय दें और उसके बाद दर्शकों को यह बताएं कि आज यह फंक्शन किस लिए रखा गया है। और उसके बाद अतिथियों का स्वागत करें।

दीप प्रज्वलित करने की Anchoring script

तो अगर आप किसी ऐसे फंक्शन में है जहां पर दीप प्रज्वलित करने की भी तैयारियां की गई हैं तो आप इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए इस ग्रुप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

अब मैं हमारे मुख्य अतिथि का स्वागत करूंगा और उनसे मंच पर आकर दीप प्रज्वलन करने का अनुरोध करूंगा।

इसके बाद आप एक शायरी बोल सकते हैं।

“ जैसे प्रकाश अंधकार को नष्ट कर देता है उसी प्रकार ज्ञान अज्ञान को नष्ट कर देता है तो हम सभी मां सरस्वती को प्रणाम करते हैं ताकि वे अपना आशीर्वाद हम पर बनाए रखें ” ।

अब मैं अनुरोध करूंगा कि माननीय मुख्य अतिथि जी अपने स्थान को ग्रहण करें।

स्वागत गीत के Invitation के लिए Anchoring script

तो जैसा कि आप जानते हैं की अक्सर कॉलेज फंक्शन में या Independence Day पर या Teachers Day पर सबसे पहले स्वागत गीत प्रस्तुत किया जाता है तो आप स्वागत गीत के लिए कैंडिडेट्स को बुलाने के लिए नीचे दिए गए स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

तो चलिए आज की शाम हम एक बहुत ही शानदार स्वागत गीत से आरंभ करते हैं। जिसके लिए मैं ( सभी Performer का नाम ले ) बुलाना चाहूंगा ताकि वे हमारे सामने आकर एक स्वागत गीत प्रस्तुत करें और हमारे माननीय अतिथि और दर्शकों का स्वागत करें।

सभी ने दिल छू लेने वाले स्वागत गीत गाया है कृपया इनके के लिए तालियां बजाएं। (यह लाइन स्वागत गीत खत्म होने के बाद बोले)

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम Invitation के लिए Anchoring script

जैसा कि स्वागत गीत के बाद अक्सर सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम शुरू कर दिए जाते हैं। तो आप सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम शुरू करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए इस script का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

तो दर्शकों अब तो टाइम हो चुका है और वह समय आ चुका है जिसका आप काफी लंबे समय से इंतजार कर रहे थे। तो आइए डांस प्रतियोगिता शुरू करते हैं ।

यहां पर आप एक शायरी बोलकर अपनी एंकरिंग में जान डाल सकते हैं। ऐसे कई शायरियां हैं जो अलग-अलग सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम पर बनी हुई है तो आप उन शायरियों का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।

तो इसी प्रकार आप अलग-अलग सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों के लिए आगे बढ़ सकते हैं। और ऊपर दिए गए स्क्रिप्ट की तरह आगे का स्क्रिप्ट भी बोल सकते हैं और साथ ही अलग-अलग शायरियों का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।

डांस प्रोग्राम के लिए एंकरिंग स्क्रिप्ट इन हिंदी फॉर डांस

“ तो जिसका था सबको बेसब्री से इंतजार कैंडीडेट्स भी हैं जिसके लिए तैयार सब आ रहे हैं मंच पर मचाने धमाल तो चलिए शुरू करें डांस का यह प्रोग्राम ” ।

जिन कक्षा के छात्रों में है नाचने का हुनर वे आ रहे हैं सुनो गौर से दुनिया वालों गाने पर अपना परफॉर्मेंस दिखाने तो आइए उनका ताली बजाकर स्वागत करें।

डांस परफॉर्मेंस के बाद का स्क्रिप्ट

छात्रों ने कितना ही ऊर्जावान प्रदर्शन किया है। इस पर ही मुझे एक शेर याद आ रहा है।

“जिंदगी का हर पल हो उत्सव, ऐसे कृत्य हो जाएं कदम ऐसे पड़े धरती पर की जीवन नृत्य हो जाए”।

चीफ गेस्ट को मंच पर बुलाने के लिए Anchoring script

एक एंकर को सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों के बीच में चीफ गेस्ट या प्रिंसिपल को या अन्य अतिथियों को स्पीच देने के लिए या उनके विचार साझा करने के लिए मंच पर बुलाना होता है तो आप इसके लिए नीचे दिए गए स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

हम बहुत ही भाग्यशाली है कि आज हमारे साथ हमारे माननीय मुख्य अतिथि जी हैं जोकि एक अधिकारी है। और साथ ही हमारी स्कूल के पूर्व छात्र भी रह चुके हैं।

तो मैं हमारे अतिथि से अनुरोध करूंगा कि वह मंच पर आकर कुछ शब्द कहें और सभी छात्रों को प्रेरित करें।

चीफ गेस्ट की स्पीच के बाद आप यह इस script का इस्तेमाल करें।

आप की प्रेरणा के लिए बहुत – बहुत धन्यवाद। आप को सुनना हमारे लिए काफी सम्मान की बात है। इसके बाद आप दर्शकों से भी पूछ सकते हैं कि क्या आप हमारी अतिथियों की बातों से प्रेरित हुए हैं या नहीं तो इस तरह आप दशकों से अपना जुड़ाव बढ़ा पाएंगे।

तो इस प्रकार आप Anchoring script का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं और अलग-अलग functions में एंकरिंग कर सकते हैं।

एंकरिंग करते समय ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें

केवल एंकरिंग स्क्रिप्ट को जान लेना ही काफी नहीं है। इसके लिए हमें कई बातों का ध्यान भी रखना पड़ता है तभी दर्शकों और अतिथियों का जुड़ाव हमारे साथ बना रह पाता है। क्योंकि एक एंकर ही है जो पूरे फंक्शन को शानदार बनाता है।

1.हमेशा अपने चेहरे पर मुस्कुराहट रखें।
2.जब भी आप स्क्रिप्ट बोले तो वह आपके दिल से निकलना चाहिए। ऐसा न लगे कि आपने स्क्रिप्ट याद किया हुआ है और आप उसे केवल पढ़ रहे हैं।
3.जब भी आप अतिथियों का नाम ले तो सभी अतिथियों का नाम जरूर ले। इससे अतिथियों के बीच में भी आपका काफी सम्मान बढ़ता है।
4.जब भी आप एंकरिंग करते समय बोले तो आपका वॉइस ना बहुत ही ज्यादा तेज हो और ना बहुत ही ज्यादा धीमा।
5.जब भी आप एंकरिंग करें तो बीच-बीच में दर्शकों से कुछ ना कुछ सवाल पूछते रहे जिससे कि दर्शकों को भी मजा आता रहे।

तो आप ऊपर दिए गए स्क्रिप्ट का इस्तेमाल करके एंकरिंग कर सकते हैं और साथ ही एंकरिंग करते समय ध्यान रखने वाली चीजों को भी जरूर याद रखें। क्योंकि एक एंकर वही हो सकता है जिसकी बोली शानदार हो और वह दिल से एंकरिंग करें।

Video के माध्यम से Anchoring script जाने

Q. कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत कैसे करें ?

Q. एक अच्छा एंकर कैसे बने .

Ans. एंकरिंग की शुरुआत आप अपने चेहरे पर हल्की मुस्कुराहट के साथ कर सकते हैं और उसके बाद माइक में हेलो हेलो माइक टेस्टिंग कह कर भी कर सकते हैं। 

Ans. मंच पर शायरी बोलने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको घबराना नहीं है और जो भी आप शायरी बोलना चाहते हैं उसकी शुरुआत ” अर्ज किया है “ से करे।

Ans. शायरी शुरू करने से पहले ” अर्ज किया है ” कहना चाहिए।

[ Conclusion, निष्कर्ष ]

दोस्तों उम्मीद करता हूं कि आपको यह लेख बेहद पसंद आया होगा और आप इस लेख के मदद से जान चुके होंगे कि Anchoring कैसे किया जाता है और उसके लिए script कैसे लिखा जाता है।

अगर आपको इस लेख में कहीं भी कोई दिक्कत हुवा है या फिर कोई चीज समझ में नहीं आया है, तो आप हमारे comment box में मैसेज करके पूछे, हम आपके सवालों का जवाब अवश्य देंगे।

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Tips to help you introduce a performer or singer on stage

The introduction of singers is vital and might affect their performance quality. That's because it sets the tone for their performance. Therefore you shouldn’t overlook the introductory part; wing it. Below are some tips to help you call a participant in the best way possible.

No matter how instantaneous you believe you are, it's possible to forget some crucial details of the performer or the performance . It's best to jot down the essential things to avoid confusions that might affect the performance.

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

100+ aesthetic Twitter bio ideas to copy an paste on your page

Jokes are great because they lighten the mood. However, don't joke about the performer to avoid unintentional offense. If you must include some fun lines in your introduction, get consent from the entertainer first.

You should be straightforward when introducing the performer. Don’t reveal the surprise elements of the event too soon; to keep the audience eager.

After introducing the performer, hype the crowd to build excitement before welcoming them on stage. From here, it's on the performer to excite and keep the crowd energized.

Anchoring script for a song performance

So how do you do anchoring for singing? First, you need great lines to welcome participants on stage. Here are some great starting lines you should add to your script for the welcome song.

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

Motivational bio for Telegram: 100+ best and creative ideas

  • Now you’ll witness a sensational performance by (class name). Please welcome them on stage with a big round of applause.
  • Sometimes it only takes a piece of music to return the great old memories. Are you excited to listen to brilliant music by (group name)? Let's enjoy!
  • Plato once said, "Music is a moral law; it gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." To begin this auspicious music event, the talented school choir comes with an amazing welcome song (name of the song).
  • Who wants to get lost in melody-dipped music notes? Please put your hand together to welcome our first performer to sing.
  • Our students have incredible qualities and talents to show you. Without waiting, put your hand together for (class name), who has a welcome song.
  • With further ado, please join me in welcoming (name) to the stage.
  • (Name) will be performing the song (name of the song), which is about friendship and love.
  • This incredible song was written and composed by (name) with the help of their teacher (name). It's dedicated to all the people supporting them. So without further ado, join me in welcoming them on stage to perform (song’s name).

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

Unique bio for Instagram for girls to show attitude, class, and style

Dance is a widely adored artistic expression that attracts a lot of energy in crowds. Here are some short and long welcome speech lines for school dance performances.

  • Get ready for a whirlwind of excitement and joy. (Dance group name) will give a spectacular start to the function.
  • They are synchronous, strong, and have shiny outfits and tricks. Please welcome (Dance group name) onto the stage.
  • Well, students, don't go crazy on the next dance performance . As usual (dance group name) is coming up with a sensational performance. So please give it up for (dance group name)

Every emcee or event host needs a great anchoring script for a song performance in a school to introduce performers on stage effectively. It helps to reduce confusions that might affect the success of the entire event. So, if you've been picked to emcee a school event, you'll have to ace the song script for anchoring to land another gig next time.

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

Farewell speech for a teacher who is leaving by students

Tuko.co.ke has shared an article on anchoring script for school assembly. A well-planned school assembly can help children become responsible adults.

Students might not understand the importance of an assembly, but teachers and authorities should. That's why there's a need for an excellent anchoring script that'll help foster proper growth and development; it shouldn't just be about a chain of announcements and speeches.

Source: TUKO.co.ke

Bill Cyril Salasya (Lifestyle writer) Bill Cyril Salasya is an experienced writer who joined the Tuko team in 2023. He holds a Bachelor of Education (Arts) degree from Kisii University. Bill has 5 years of experience in the field and has worked as a content writer at Strikingly, Urban Ambiance, and WOW Travels and as a freelance writer at Upwork. He works on various topics, including technology, lifestyle, travel, entertainment, marketing, etc. In 2023, Bill finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. In 2024, he expanded his skills through Google News Initiative courses. You can reach him at [email protected]

English Compositions

Anchoring Script for Song Performance [With PDF]

In this session, you will learn how you can write an anchoring script for any song performance. Let’s get started. 

Table of Contents

Welcome speech (for local clubs / small events), welcome speech (for big events), honouring the chief guests (for both small and big events), song performance (for local clubs/small events).

  • Song Performance (For Big Events) 

Ending Speech (For Both Small And Big Events)

Feature image of Anchoring Script for Song Performance

Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am [name], your host for today’s/ tonight’s event. On the behalf of [name of the organising committee], I warmly welcome you all to this beautiful event.

We are really honoured to have the Honourable [full name], M.L.A., and his wife, Mrs [full name], as our chief guests today. Dear chief guests, special invitees and everyone in attendance, I am very glad to have you all with us today/ tonight and I welcome you with all my heart to witness and enjoy the event.

Today/tonight is going to be a day/night full of music, happiness and joy. We have many wonderful performances lined up. Let us all look forward to the performances with a lot of excitement and anticipation. Thank you.

Hello and a warm good morning / good afternoon / good evening to all! What a beautiful day it is today! The weather is pleasant and the breeze is gentle. We truly couldn’t have chosen a better day for this magical event! People say that music is one of the most magical things in the world. If that is so, we can say that we have some of the best magicians here with us today! From award-winning local bands to renowned folk singers to world-famous playback singers, today our line-up is star-studded.

And I, [name], on behalf of [organising committee name], heartily welcome you all to enjoy this magnificent event. I would like to especially welcome our chief guests, Mr [name], chairman of [company name] and Ms [name], CEO of [company name] to this event. Sir and ma’am, thank you so much for joining us today! 

Before we commence the event, we would like to honour our chief guests and offer them a token of our appreciation. I request our committee head, Mr [name] to please come up on the stage. Now I would like to invite our chief guests to please come up on the stage as well. Thank you, sir and ma’am. I would now request Mr [committee head’s name] to honour our chief guests with the bouquets and mementoes prepared for them. Thank you. [As the ceremony is taking place – everyone claps].

After the Ceremony:

Thank you so much. Respected sirs and ma’am, you all may now take your seats. Please enjoy the rest of the event. Thank you.

Our first performers of today/tonight are [name 1] and [name 2]. These talented youngsters took the nation by storm when they posted their self-written, self-composed, self-shot music videos online. It was viewed millions of times and it made them household names. Today, they will be performing some of their latest compositions. So, let’s put our hands together and welcome them on the stage!

After the Performance:

Oh my! That was magnificent! Such a beautiful melody! You both are truly gifted. Thank you so much. Everyone, please give these talented kids a huge round of applause. Thank you.

Our next performer is someone you already know and love! She is also known as the nightingale of [the locality name] and has been singing since she was 5! Today, our nightingale, [singer name], will be singing [track name 1] and [track name 2] for us. Let’s welcome her on the stage with a huge round of applause!

Wow! No wonder she is called the nightingale! What a melodious voice and what a beautiful performance! [Singer name], you did amazing, as always! Thank you so much. Everyone, please give her a huge round of applause! Thank you.

[The anchor can similarly welcome different acts on the stage and carry on with the show.]

Now, it is time for the final performance of the day/night. Our renowned folk singers, [names], will be singing [folk song names] for us today. Let’s give it up for them!

What a beautiful performance! Folk songs truly make our soul dance! Thank you so much. Everyone, please give these amazing singers a huge round of applause! Thank you.

Song Performance (For Big Events)

“Life is a song. Your thoughts are the music. Now play beautiful music and sing a wonderful song.” – Debashish Mridha

It is now time for the opening act. And for that, we have someone special! The pride of our city, the one who brought so much glory to [city name] by representing us countless times on the national stage – he/she is none other than [singer name]. So, put your hands together and let’s welcome him/her onto the stage with a huge round of applause! 

What a soulful performance! Your voice is a gift! Thank you so much for such a lovely performance. Everyone, please give [singer name] a huge round of applause! Thank you. 

Now, moving on to the next performance we have here with us our beloved Ustaad [name]. Ustaad [name] has been performing for the past 45 years, since the age of 6. It is a pleasure to be able to watch him perform with such intricacy and grace. Today, he will be performing [song name] on his veena. So, please put your hands together and warmly welcome him onto the stage. 

Wow! What a spellbinding performance! You are truly a gift to us! Thank you so much, master. Everyone, please give him a huge round of applause. Thank you. 

Now, it is time for the act all of us have been waiting for with bated breath. Finally, the time has come! The singer known for his divine vocals, the one who is world-renowned for his melodious songs, the one without whose songs a movie is said to be incomplete – with a huge round of applause, let’s welcome the singer, the legend – [singer name]! 

Oh my! So ethereal! I am at a loss for words. What a beautiful performance! You are truly our shining star! Thank you so much! Everyone, please give him a huge round of applause! What a performance! 

Now we have come to the final act of the day/night. This is for all the rock lovers out there! We have here with us the [band name]! I can see your excitement! Yes! It is going to be awesome! So, let’s put our hands together and warmly welcome [band name] onto the stage! 

What an energetic performance! I am sure everyone present here enjoyed it to the core! It was fabulous! Thank you so much, team! Everyone, please give these talented men a huge round of applause! Thank you. 

We have now come to the conclusion of the event. I hope that everyone enjoyed the various song and musical performances. Thank you for attending this event and making it successful. Thank you all for your time, encouragement, enthusiasm, love and support. I would like to especially thank our chief guests who took time out of their extremely busy schedules to attend this event and grace us with their presence.

Thank you so much. Also, a huge thank you to all our singers, musicians and performers. It is you guys who made this possible! To our organisers and sponsors, without you, we wouldn’t have been able to organise this event – Thank you! 

Thank you, everyone! Have a good day/night!”

Note: This is a sample script meant to provide you with a basic idea of how to write an anchoring script for a song performance. Feel free to use this script and edit it as per your needs. 
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Anchoring script for annual function in hindi

Anchoring Script in Hindi

साथियों नमस्कार, hindishortstories.com खास तौर पर आप सभी युवा साथियों के लिए एक शानदार आर्टिकल Anchoring Script for Annual Function in Hindi…. यहाँ पर लेकर आया है| जिससे आपको अपने College, School में होने वाले Annual Function की तैयारी करने में बहुत मदद मिल सकती है|

“एंकरिंग कैसे करें”

{ entry (by dance or by sing a song) }, { after entry }.

लेकिन हर किसी में आप जैसी बात नहीं होती….

(Stage के लिए कई सारी खास Chearable, Motivational शायरियां निचे दी गई Ebook में दी गई है)

{ About Judges }

{ performance invitation }, { first performance }.

आँखे जिनकी मस्त हैं, Dance में भी जो जबरदस्त हैं… Studies में जिनका कोई जवाब नहीं, हर काम में जो First है…

मन मचल के मौर होना चाहिए, इस शानदार सी शाम में थोडा शोर होना चाहिए…. दिखाने को तो हम रात भर डांस दिखाए आपको, मगर आपकी तालियों में भी थोडा ज़ोर होना चाहिए!

{ Second Performance }

इस धमाकेदार डांस के बाद, अब देसी गर्ल्स की है बारी… पर वो तब ही आएंगी, जब बजेंगी तालियाँ ढेर सारी!

वो खुद ही नाप लेते हें बुलंदी आसमानों की, परिंदों को नहीं तालीम दी जाती उड़ानों की…२ महकना और महकाना तो काम है खुशबु का, खुशबु नहीं मोहताज़ होती क़द्रदानों की…२

दोस्तों इस Anchoring Script को हमने खास तौर पर आप सभी के लिए Anchor Mohit  की Ebook “ Become A Emcee ” से लिया है| वैसे तो हमें उम्मीद है की इस Anchoring Script से आप अपने Event को यादगार बना देंगे लेकिन अगर आप वाकई में एक अच्छे Anchor बनना चाहते हैं तो एक बार इस Ebook को ज़रूर पढ़िए|

“Become A Emcee” Ebook के बारे में कुछ खास जानकारियां:-

  • इस Ebook में Anchoring के सारे पहलु दीए गए हैं| जैसे की आपको कैसे बात करना है, किस तरह से Audience के साथ Gather करना है|
  • Ebook में Stage पर बोलने के लिए कई शायरियां दी गई हैं जिन्हे आप समय-समय पर उपयोग कर दर्शकों का दयां अपनी और आकर्षित कर सकते हैं|
  • हर Performance को Stage पर Invite करने के लिए अलग-अलग लाइन दी गई है|
  • Audience Chear-up के लिए कई सारी lines दी गई है|
  • Event में Fillers के लिए कई तरह की Games Performance के बारे में जानकारी  दी गई है|
  • Audiaence Engagemet के लिए कई सारे Quick Question दीए गई हैं जिन्हें पुछकर आप सभी का ध्यान अपनी और आकर्षित कर सकते हैं|

“ Ebook Download करने के लिए निचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक करें “

Anchor Mohit eBook

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29 thoughts on “anchoring script for annual function in hindi”.

' src=

Your opinion about hindi song is fantastic.

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Thanks Ravi Kishan, we are always write for our readers. thanks again

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Valuable info. Fortunate me I discovered your website by chance, and I am surprised why this accident did not happened in advance! I bookmarked it.

Thank you inspiration motivational songs.

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Wow …… Thanks For Sharing

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This is a impressive story. Thanks!

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2good….thank u so much.?…. Very useful?

' src=

Can you Plzz make an anchoring script on classical dance.

Definitely as soon as possible…. thanks for suggestions.

' src=

Vaah Kyaa script Likhi he ??

Thank you very much Guru Prasad…

' src=

college steg show ke lie damdar anchor speech de ? plzz……

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Wow, this was awesome. Keep writing this kind of texts, you will get a lot of people to this page if you continue doing this.

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I love your writing style genuinely loving this site.

Thank you very much for appreciation. keep visiting

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thank you so much you are so helping

आभार! आपका हमारी इस साईट पर आना हमारे लिए बहूत बड़ी उपलब्धि है| आप हमारे इस आर्टिकल को सोशल मीडिया जैसे फेसबुक और वाट्सएप पर शेयर कर हमें धन्यवाद कह सकते हैं|

' src=

What’s up, yup this post is actually good and I have learned lot of things from it regarding blogging. thanks.

' src=

Sir mujhe hindi mein anchoring krni hai haryanvi dance ke liye plzz mujhe suggeation de orvharyanvi bol bi btaye

aap Anchor Mohit ki likhi Anchoring Script ko Download karke anchoring sikh sakte hain. link submeet kar rahe hain


' src=

Sir i have to anchor an program with more then 10 to 15 performances so plz give me suggestions how i continue till last perform in this format

' src=

Jabardast ❤️?❤️?

' src=

mind blowing sir..

Thanks a lot…

' src=

please give more ideas for more dances

will post a new article about this soon…

' src=

thnx apne bhut achhi script di

Aapka bahut bahut dhanyawad…

' src=

I want a quote to invite for bhangra dance please give idea

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Anchoring Script for Annual Function in Hindi

  • February 15, 2018 May 5, 2022
  • Hindi Script / Speech


  • Anchoring Script in Hindi: Mastering the Art of Anchoring


Customizing Your Anchoring Script in Hindi: Tips and Tricks for Personalizing Your Event

As a host or anchor, a smooth and engaging presentation is critical to keeping the audience entertained and invested in the event. An Anchoring Script is the foundation of a successful event and should be well structured, engaging, and in the case of Hindi, written in a way that appeals to the target audience. There, we explore the basics of Anchoring Script in Hindi and provide tips and examples for a memorable and successful event.

What is Anchoring Script?

An Anchoring Script is a written document that describes the sequence of events and is a guide that the anchor can follow throughout the event. This helps keep the anchor on track, reminds them of important points they need to cover, and ensures the event runs smoothly.

“ If You are Hindi Speaking you should read our Post Anchoring Script in Hindi with your Language. Just Use the Translator which available below right corner of the post. Just Select your Language to read the post in your Language. “

Importance of Anchoring Script in Hindi

Hindi is the most spoken language in India, so there is a need to create an Anchoring Script in Hindi for events aimed at Hindi-speaking audiences. The script must be written in a way that is easy to understand, engaging, and culturally relevant, ensuring that the audience feels connected to the event and thoroughly enjoys it.

What is the purpose of an anchoring script?

The purpose of an Anchoring Script is to direct the host or anchor of the event to present the event to the audience in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. It’s basically a roadmap that anchors follow throughout the event, making sure they cover all the necessary points and keep the audience interested. A script helps the anchor stay on track, avoid awkward silences or fumbling for words, and create a smooth flow during the event. An effective anchor script can help set the tone for an event, connect with your audience, and leave a lasting impression.

Basic Structuring of an Anchoring Script in Hindi

The Anchoring Script in Hindi should be structured in such a way that it is easy to follow and engage the audience. It should include a welcome speech, introductions of speakers or presenters, transitions between different parts of the event, and closing speeches.

Welcome Address

The welcome address sets the tone for the event and should be warm, welcoming, and inclusive. It should introduce the event, its purpose, and any special guests, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Introduction of Speakers/Performers

Introducing the speakers or performers is an essential part of the anchoring script. It should be brief but informative, highlighting their achievements, background, and any relevant information that makes them unique.


Transitions help move the event from one segment to another, ensuring that the audience remains engaged throughout. They can be as simple as thanking the previous speaker or host and introducing the next one, or they can include a brief summary of the previous episode.

Closing Remarks

The closing remarks should be a memorable and impactful conclusion to the event. They should thank the audience, sponsors, and performers, summarise the event’s highlights, and express gratitude for their attendance.

Where to Find the Best Anchoring Script in Hindi?

If you are looking for the best way to anchor in Hindi, the internet is the best choice then that is the right place you reach. There are many websites that offer pre-written scripts that you can use for your event. One such website is https://anchoring.in/ which is dedicated to providing Anchoring Script in Hindi for various situations.

At Anchoring , you will find a wide range of pre-written anchor scripts in Hindi suitable for various occasions like weddings, birthdays, college events, and cultural events. The site offers high-quality scripts that are easy to understand and follow, and written in a way that engages and entertains the audience.

You can also modify the scripts available at Anchoring, as per your needs. For example, you can edit scripts to add your own personality or incorporate local customs and traditions. This helps make the event more authentic and memorable.

Examples of Anchoring Script in Hindi

Anchoring Script For Farewell

The Anchoring Script For Farewell Ceremony should be emotional and reflective because it is time to say goodbye to departing students or colleagues. The script should include a warm welcome followed by a brief introduction of the event and its purpose. The anchor may then introduce guests of honor, such as the chancellor, dean, or guest speaker. Later, the anchor may invite students or colleagues to share their memories and experiences of the deceased, after which the honored guests will make a farewell speech. The manuscript should end with a thank you note and a farewell message.

Anchoring Script For Annual Day

The Anchoring Script For the Annual Day event should be lively and festive because it is the time to present the achievements of the school or organization in the past year. The script should start with a warm welcome, followed by an introduction about the event and its purpose. The anchor can then introduce guests of honor, such as the chief guest or members of the school board. Later, the anchor may invite students or performers to showcase their talents, such as music, dance, or drama. The manuscript should end with a vote of thanks and a closing message.

Anchoring Script For Morning Assembly

The Anchoring Script For Morning Assembly should be short and informative because it is time to start the day with a positive and motivational message. The script should begin with a greeting to the audience, followed by a brief introduction of the day’s events or announcements. The anchor may then share a motivational quote or message, followed by a prayer or meditation session. The script should end with a final message for the day.

Anchoring Script For Republic Day

The Anchoring Script For Republic Day should be patriotic and reflective as it is a time to celebrate India’s sovereignty and democracy. The script should start with a greeting to the audience, followed by an introduction about the event and its purpose. The anchor may then invite guests of honor, such as the chief guest or political leaders. Later, the anchor may share historical facts or stories related to the meaning of the day, followed by cultural presentations or speeches. The manuscript should end with a vote of thanks and a closing message.

Anchoring Script For Freshers Party

The Anchoring Script For Freshers Party should be patriotic and reflective as it is a time to celebrate India’s sovereignty and democracy. The script should start with a greeting to the audience, followed by an introduction about the event and its purpose. The anchor may then invite guests of honor, such as the chief guest or political leaders. Later, the anchor may share historical facts or stories related to the meaning of the day, followed by cultural presentations or speeches. The manuscript should end with a vote of thanks and a closing message.

Anchoring Script For Dance Performance

The Anchoring Script For Dance Performance should be dynamic and engaging, as it is the time to showcase the talents of the performers. The script should start with a short introduction about the event and its purpose, after which the audience is warmly welcomed. After that, the anchor can introduce the performers and give background information about the dance styles or themes. Afterward, the anchor may invite the performers to present their talents, followed by a vote of thanks and a closing message.

Anchoring Script for Sports Day

Sports Day is an important event in any school or college. The Anchoring Script for Sports Day should be energetic and lively to match the spirit of the event. The scenario should introduce different events, teams, and actors. It should also highlight the rules and regulations for each event. The anchor can also add his personal anecdotes and experiences to make the script more interesting.

Anchoring Script for Children’s Day

Children’s Day is a special event to celebrate the innocence and purity of childhood. The Anchoring Script for Children’s Day should be fun and entertaining and cater to the young audience. The setting should include activities such as games, quizzes, and storytelling to keep children engaged. The anchor can also invite children to participate in events and show their talents.

Anchoring Script for Prize Distribution

An award ceremony is an event that recognizes the achievements of individuals in various fields. An Anchoring Script for Prize Distribution should be formal and respectful. The manuscript should introduce the award categories, nominees, and winners. The anchor must also emphasize the importance of each award and congratulate the winners.

Anchoring Script in Hindi for Independence Day

Independence Day is a national holiday celebrating the liberation of India from British rule. An Anchoring Script in Hindi for Independence Day should be patriotic and respectful. The script should introduce the significance of the day and highlight the sacrifices of the freedom fighters. The anchor may also invite guests to share their personal experiences or read patriotic poems.

Anchoring Script for Alumni Meet

Alumni Meet is an event that brings together former students of a school or university. An Anchoring Script for an Alumni Meet should be nostalgic and reminiscent. The manuscript should present the alumni, their achievements, and memories of the institution. The anchor may also invite alumni to share their experiences and provide updates on their lives.

Anchoring Script for Prayer Song

A prayer song is a devotional song sung to invoke divine blessings. The Anchoring Script for Prayer Song should be spiritual and reverent. The script should present the meaning of the song and its lyrics. The anchor can also provide information about the composer and the history of the song.

Anchoring Script for Song Performance

Vocal performances are an important part of any event as they provide entertainment and create a lively atmosphere. An Anchoring Script for Song Performance should be enthusiastic and engaging. The script should introduce the performers, the song, and its lyrics. The anchor can also provide information about the composer and the history of the song.

Deep Prajwalan Anchoring Script

Deep Prajwalan is a ritual where a lamp is lit to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. Deep Prajwalan Anchoring Script should be spiritual and reflective. The script should introduce the meaning and importance of the ritual in Indian culture. The anchor may also invite guests to light the lamp and share their thoughts on the symbolism of the ritual.

Anchoring Script For College Function

College events are an exciting time for students and teachers. A good Anchoring Script For College Functions can help set the tone and create a memorable experience for everyone involved. The script should include a welcome speech, an introduction of the guests, and information about the day’s events. It should also include interactive elements such as games or trivia and allow audience participation.

Anchoring Script For Women’s Day

Women’s Day is a special event to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in society. The Anchoring Script For Women’s Day event should be empowering and inspiring, highlighting the struggles and achievements of women throughout history. It should also include speeches by prominent female figures, interactive activities, and opportunities for the audience to share their experiences.

15 August Anchoring Script In Hindi

Independence Day or August 15 is a significant day in Indian history and celebrates India’s freedom from British rule. The 15 August Anchoring Script In Hindi should be patriotic and celebratory, highlighting the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters and the progress made since independence. It should include speeches, cultural performances, and interactive elements such as quizzes or games.

26 January Anchoring Script

Republic Day or January 26 is an important day in Indian history and celebrates the adoption of the Constitution of India. The 26 January Anchoring Script should be patriotic and celebratory, highlighting the importance of the day and paying homage to India’s rich cultural heritage. It should include speeches, cultural performances, and interactive elements such as quizzes or games.

Cultural Event Anchoring Script

Cultural events offer an opportunity to introduce the diverse traditions and art forms of India. The Cultural Event Anchoring Script should be informative and entertaining, providing context to the presentations and engaging the audience in trivia and interactive activities. It should include introductions of the performers, explanations of the cultural significance of the performances, and opportunities for audience participation.

Comedy Anchoring Script In Hindi

Comedy events are all about laughter and fun. The Comedy Anchoring Script In Hindi should be light and humorous, with jokes and witty banter. It should include comic introductions, audience interaction, and opportunities for improvisation or spontaneous humor.

Sangeet Anchoring Script In Hindi

Sangeet is a traditional pre-wedding event where music and dance performances are organized to celebrate the union of two families. The Sangeet Anchoring Script in Hindi should be lively and festive, including introductions of the performers and explanations of the meaning of various dances and songs. It should also include opportunities for audience participation and games.

Birthday Anchoring Script In Hindi

Birthdays are a special occasion to celebrate a person’s life and achievements. The Birthday Anchoring Script In Hindi should be personal and reflect the personality and interests of the birthday person. It should include presentations, games, speeches, and interactive elements such as quizzes or trivia.

Engagement Anchoring Script In Hindi

Engagement is a significant event in a couple’s life and marks the beginning of their journey together. The Engagement Anchoring Script In Hindi should be romantic and festive and include a couple of introductions, speeches, and interactive elements such as games or quizzes. It should also include opportunities for the couple to share their love story and future plans with the audience.

How can I make my Anchoring Script in Hindi more engaging?

You can make your anchoring script more engaging by using active voice, incorporating humor and personal anecdotes, and using rhetorical questions to draw in the audience. Also, it should be in an audience-suitable language like Anchoring Script In Hindi.

How do I prepare for anchoring an event?

Preparing for anchoring an event involves researching the event, the audience, and the guests, practicing your script and delivery, and being familiar with any technical equipment or props that will be used.

Can I use the same Anchoring Script in Hindi for different events?

While some elements of an Anchoring Script in Hindi may be reusable, it is important to modify the script to the specific event and audience to ensure that it is engaging and relevant.

What should I do if I make a mistake during the event?

If you make a mistake during the event, don’t panic. Take a deep breath, make a quick recovery, and move on. Remember, the audience is there to enjoy the event, not to judge you on your mistakes.

How important is an anchoring script in Hindi for a successful event?

An anchoring script is essential for a successful event because it provides a structure and direction for the anchor or emcee. It helps to keep the event on track, engage the audience, and make sure that all important information is communicated effectively.

Where can I find the best anchoring script in Hindi?

There are many websites, including https://anchoring.in/ , that offer pre-written anchoring scripts in Hindi for various occasions. You can also find anchoring scripts in Hindi in books and magazines related to event management and public speaking.

How can I improve my anchoring skills in Hindi?

To improve your anchoring skills in Hindi, you can practice speaking in front of a mirror, record your voice and listen to it to identify areas of improvement, attend workshops and training sessions, and study the performances of successful anchors and emcees. You can also take feedback from your audience and incorporate it into your next performance.

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  • From Shower Singer to Superstar: How to Sing Hindi Songs...

From Shower Singer to Superstar: How to Sing Hindi Songs with Confidence

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi


Do you find yourself singing Hindi songs in the shower but you’re too nervous in front of an audience? If you’re a fan of Hindi music and dream of singing like your favourite Bollywood stars, you’re not alone. There are many of us who are a little nervous at first, but don’t worry! We’re here to help you find your inner superstar and learn how to sing Hindi music confidently.

Let’s take you on a musical journey filled with tips, tricks and techniques to help you become the next Bollywood sensation. 

Understanding the Basics of Hindi Singing

To begin learning the fundamentals of Hindi singing, one must first become familiar with the various musical elements such as melody, rhythm, and speed. Following that, it’s necessary to understand the different kinds of ragas, which are melodic frameworks implemented in Indian classical music. 

Improve your breath control by practising breathing exercises and learning a good singing posture. Begin with basic songs and work your way up as your abilities develop. To add emotion and expression to your singing, pay attention to the lyrics and comprehend their meaning. Anyone may become a confident Hindi singer with constant practice and effort.

Here are some tips that will improve your Hindi singing skills.

1. learn a few bollywood songs.

When you want to learn to sing hindi songs then listen to your favourite Bollywood artist on a daily basis. This will help you recognise their singing style and voice notes. Be inspired by their talent.

Do not imitate their Bollywood singing style, but rather establish your own. You can apply their fundamental notions in your regular practice or singing classes.

2. Join a Music Academy to Master the Basics of Hindustani Classical

Bollywood is built on Hindustani classical music Famous vocalists mastered Indian classical in the early times. At first, learning classical music might be intimidating and difficult. However, you will be able to sing any song with an exceptional voice after you have mastered it. Furthermore, you will feel comfortable when singing vocals.

Join the top music academy to make the learning process easier for you. At Artium Academy, we have professional teachers to teach you the basics of Hindustani music which can help you learn Hindi songs confidently. 

3. Daily Practice with your Progress Track

Frequent practice is necessary when learning Hindi songs. Keeping a track of your progress will help you know where to improve your weaknesses. The progress time can take a few months but the results are worth it when you will be able to sing your favourite songs. It all depends on the amount of time and effort you put in. We have a practice studio and goal based progress ladder at Artium Academy, where you can track your progress as well as accelerate your learning. 

4. Have Proper Breath Control 

Proper breath control is essential in Bollywood singing. The objective is to have a balanced air stream that is controlled by the vocal cord muscles. Before you start practising or singing, always do breathing exercises.

If you have good breath control then you will then have total control over your voice. You can also hit the high notes with ease. As a result, uniformity is maintained. 

5. Attend Professional Music Lessons

You may be blessed with a wonderful voice. Although in order to achieve high-quality playback singing, it requires vocal techniques. So, enroll in singing classes in Mumbai at a reputable music institution, and learn from experts. They will guide you through the process of learning and refining your singing skills. Most importantly, you will learn how to perform vocal warm-ups to improve your Bollywood singing.

6. Learn the Fundamentals of Vocal Improvisation and Harmonizing

To be able to sing Hindi music confidently and correctly it is necessary you have control and focus on vocal improvisation. Initially, it is possible you might face slight anxiety when playing or singing live. 

However, vocal improvisation stimulates solving issues and modifies the capacity to adopt. Improve your voice harmonization to improve vocal contrast in the lead line. Furthermore, it helps in the addition of hooks to the chorus section of Bollywood singing.

7. Gaining Confidence Through On-Stage Performance

The next important step to developing confidence with Hindi songs is to perform it in front of an audience. So, polish your skills with proper training and start doing gigs and performing slowly out of your comfort zone. Becoming a star is a long journey, and it starts with you showcasing your talent in front of an audience. Don’t miss out on any opportunity, take it slow by performing in front of your friends and take it upwards eventually. 

The journey from singing your favourite songs in the shower to the stage, is a long process which involves dedication and efforts. We want to see and help your Bollywood singing career succeed in the longer run for which our Hindi Popular Film course is perfect for you. 

Divided in three skill levels, starting from our beginner course to mastering our advanced stage you will be able to sing songs with perfection and ease. Along with that, our expert teachers will help you with vocal techniques and skills required to excel in your field. Book a free trial class today and with our gold standard music education, be able to sing confidently.

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How To Introduce Yourself As A Singer

Photograph of the blog post author, Annika Hope

Annika Hope

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

You’ve spent weeks, months, maybe even years practising your song or set. You’re note-perfect, know your lyrics inside and out, are on top of your marketing and social media campaign and have a killer outfit to boot. But wait, did you think about what you’re going to say when you got out on stage?  

When you master how to introduce yourself as a singer, you come across as more polished and professional. The audience will relate and engage better with you and you can even inject some humour. It’s also an opportunity to plug your music and your brand.   

Read on to find out the top techniques you can use to sell yourself, enhance your act and make a great first impression.  

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How to introduce yourself as a singer  

The first an audience sees of you is when you’re introducing yourself on stage as a singer . You can convey personality and confidence when speaking and performing in the instrumental sections and breakdowns. These are opportunities to shine. Being a singer requires so much more than just the ability to sing.

It demands strong presentation skills, personality and the ability to get the audience on your side. It may seem like this career or vocation asks a lot. But fortunately many have gone before you and there are plenty of industry tips and secrets we can share to help when you’re introducing yourself on the stage as a singer and filling an instrumental section.   

Making an introduction speech before singing a song  

At the top of your number, you may want – or need – to give a little speech.  You’ll first need to consider the purpose of this speech. It has to be well thought out, sound natural and spontaneous, but be meticulously practised. Much like the song itself.

On a basic level, the speech should tell listeners who you are, and what the song is. Extra detail, like whether you wrote the song yourself and what it’s about, can also be useful and interesting. Imagine your speech as a PR or marketing opportunity to be seized. If a host has already said a little bit about you, such as your name and song title, you can use this time to talk about the song’s meaning or more about you as an artist.  

Make sure you’re speaking naturally but clearly. Mumbling and poor enunciation will make your intro woolly. Find out how to improve your diction for singing and speaking, in this article. 

What to say before singing a song  

What sort of song are you singing? Different types of songs and vocals require different approaches. You might be dramatic and solemn, or lively and bursting with energy. Watch your favourite singers. How do they introduce songs? What about those intros do you find appealing, or do you dislike?  

The speech is all about introducing yourself and /or your song to the audience. You need to do this using succinct language, meaning a few words. This is not the time for waffle. It’s about telling the crowd who you are, and what the song is. And charming them in the process, so they’ll love you before you’ve even sung a note. You may also want to thank the audience for being there or talk about their city or the location. Making a funny comment or a joke (if it’s a good one) can be a winner too.  

Singer introduction sample speeches  

You can find examples of artists’ introduction speeches online. Or you can watch other presenters and singers doing their thing and develop your style from there.   

Here are some samples from successful singers. You can use their intros to get ideas for your own.  

Billie Eilish   

Freya Ridings  

Olly Murs  

Lady Gaga  

Chance the Rapper  

Angelina Jordan  

How to introduce yourself in a singing audition?  

The opportunity for an intro may be very brief if the auditions are busy – just letting everyone know your act’s name and song title. Or you might need to give a mini-bio and talk about any significant meaning the song might have. Check the audition guidelines and the organisers’ webpage for details on exactly what they want.

Also, be sure to find out how long you have for your slot. This will have to include your song and any intro out with the music. Some venues use a flash of a coloured light facing the stage (so you see, but the audience doesn’t) to let you know when your time is up.    

Introduction for a singing competition  

There are many options that enable you to get creative. But you must do something. If you fidget, look uncomfortable or aimlessly stare at your feet it will make the panel uneasy and lose interest in your act. When you’re on stage or at an audition, you’re performing the whole time, from the moment you set foot in front of the judges and crowd, to the moment you’re out of sight.

When the music’s playing and you’re not actually singing, still do something. Perhaps dance or move to the beat. This works best for pop and dance numbers and can even be choreographed. Or you could look at the audience wistfully, then look down, then look up again. For examples of this watch Adele in action.  

How do you introduce a song  

If you have time, you may want to include a small bio either about yourself or about the band – who’s who and how you got together.  

Another key to success is your timing. If you’re being applauded or cheered, you must start speaking at exactly the right time. This is where the volume from the audience begins to dip or wane. Don’t try and talk over rapturous applause. But listen very carefully and the second it drops in the slightest, that’s when to begin. If you leave too long a gap, it’s awkward, you lose the momentum and the atmosphere. This can take practice.

Try it at home with videos of other people singing. 

How to introduce a song on stage  

Let’s look at some basic components needed when making a song introduction on stage.   

  • Clarity . What you’re saying must be clear, simple and easy to understand.   
  • Articulation . Pronounce your consonants for clarity, but without losing the charm of your own accent.  
  • Volume . There must be enough volume that everyone in the room can hear you. But don’t shout. It’s all about projection.   
  • Confidence . It must be delivered with assurance and self-confidence.  
  • Enthusiasm . Your audience won’t be enthusiastic if you’re not. Match your tone with the song’s vibe and you’ll be on track straight away.   
  • Warmth . You should appear likeable, both in what you say and how you say it. Unless you’re channelling the Gallagher brothers.   
  • Personality . Your individuality should shine through. This may occur naturally, but it’s worth being conscious about it too.   

How to introduce a video  

You might use a video as an intro, much like the Eurovision song contest. In this case, it will speak for itself and you can just start singing once it’s finished. Or your performance itself may be shown on video. This is especially likely if a concert or festival is happening remotely. In this case, you may want to explain where it was filmed, or a little about the visuals, as well as the song itself.  

Here’s Ed Sheeran introducing himself on video and doing intro segues to sections of his music and songs shown on video.  

Especially if the audition is being filmed, you may have been briefed as to what you should say. Stand out from the crowd at an audition by subtly using an emphasis on particular consonants or using a soft tone. Above all though, you should be confident and clear, stating your name and song.   

How to introduce yourself as a musician   

You may not have the luxury of time before the music starts, to let the audience know who you are. In this case, or if you have a very long lead in to fill, you may want to use the bars of the song intro to say your piece. This must be very carefully timed and practice – you don’t want to run out of notes and cut your speech off early. 

After your spoken intro you may want to gesture to the audience to clap or sway – depending on the tempo of the song. This can help you fill the time of the instrumental section. But it also helps you to connect, engage and interact with the audience.  

The music instrumental can also be an excellent opportunity to speak to the audience. These are seconds that can be used to perform. Study other performers live performance on YouTube or your favourite artist at a concert to see how this works.  

How to introduce a rapper  

Introducing a rapper (whether someone else or yourself) is essentially the same as introducing yourself as a singer. You might like to talk a bit more about your message, as rap lyrics are often more significant than those from a pop tune. Rappers often use a pseudonym or nickname rather than their ‘real’ names (like Stormzy, Snoop Dog and P Diddy). So be sure to use their stage name , unless they ask otherwise.  

Now it’s clear what an opportunity these extra parts of the performance offer, it’s time to get working on your act. How will you go about introducing yourself as a singer? How can you maximise your potential for performing in the instrumental sections and breakdowns? If you’re unsure, think about working with a voice or performance coach, or getting some artist development sessions with a studio. 

Related Questions  

  • How do you answer tell me about yourself in an audition?  

A unique piece of information will stick in people’s minds. It can be funny, serious, or somewhere in between, but consider what’s different about you and use it to your advantage. You can also talk about how you got started as a musician.  

  • How do you introduce the next performer?  

Ask them what they’d like you to say and to check the correct pronunciation of their name and song. It’s very much the same as introducing yourself. The most notable difference is that you’ll need to get the audience to applaud and cheer for their entrance and it won’t be over their musical intro.   

  • What should you not do before singing?   

Make sure you’re ready for your slot – don’t disappear to the loo. Don’t gulp cold water, lukewarm is better and take care of eating. Try to have a light meal or snack a while before going on stage. Don’t tap the mic or start testing your equipment. This should be done during a pre-show soundcheck.   

How do you introduce yourself as a singer? Have you had to make a speech on stage? Let us know how it went and what you said in the comments below.   



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Anchoring Script for Cultural Event Function at School or College

Events that relate to a specific culture; and events that are representative of a culture (maybe related to music, art, or other similar things) are known as cultural events. Indeed, every nation and tribes have its language, customs, and culture which represents them and people can recognize them by these aspects. Worldwide people celebrate cultural events annually and they represent their customs and culture to the world and let their new generation remember their culture. Now if you are the host or anchor of the cultural event and you do not have any idea about the theme and the script of the function, you do not need to worry. Here in this article, I will provide the anchoring script for cultural event function from the commencement to the conclusion.

Anchoring Script for Cultural Event Function

There is no doubt that anchoring an event can be intimidating sometimes, especially if it is your first time. However, with the right guide and practice, you can nail it. With that in mind, we have prepared the following anchoring script for cultural event function which you can use as a sample to get an idea. So, read thoroughly the following cultural event theme clue from this article and edit the script that is not relevant to your cultural event theme and organize everything beforehand. Moreover, you can also read ore about How to Arrange and Organize School or College Function . It will give you a good idea to make everything ready before the function.

How to Start a Cultural E vent

Good morning, afternoon/evening everyone! Our distinguished guests, parents, teachers, students, and all specters, how charming is this day! We have gathered here to celebrate our cultural event to let everyone know its beauty.

One more year passed leaving a handful of memories to all of us. As we have assembled here to celebrate the completion of yet another successful year recalling the founders and all the well-wishers of this educational institution and bid farewell to our beloved teachers, let me thank each one of you for being here wholeheartedly and working hard to make this day even more colorful.

Heartly welcome to our (Write name of the institution) family on this beautiful morning to celebrate the cultural day. We have been celebrating this day with enthusiasm and love for our culture since the inception of this institute.

Best Commencement or Opening Lines For Speech in English

Prayer for the cultural event.

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

It is our culture to remember God Almighty before everything we do or start. So, let us begin this function seeking the blessing and presence of God. I would like to invite our school/college choir to lead the prayer and let us all stand for the same.

(After the Prayer)

Thank you dears for creating a heavenly atmosphere here.

How to Call the Principal for Speech

I would like to invite Mr./Mrs………..our principal/headmaster/school leader to officially welcome all the dignitaries and everyone gathered here for the annual day function. Thank You Sir/Madam

Anchoring Script for Welcoming Guests in the Function

How to call for a presidential address.

Moving forward, it is my pleasure to invite Mr./Ms…………….. designated a well-known person who barely needs an introduction. He is a social activist and politician, well-wisher of this school/college. Sir, I would welcome you on the stage to deliver the presidential address.

Thank you Sir/Madam for your kind and precious words.

Best Graduation Speech in English – Commencement Speech

How to inaugurate the cultural event.

For inaugurating the function by lighting up the lamp and addressing the gathering, I would like to invite our chief guest Mr./Ms. ……….. (destination).

First of all, our chief guest Mr./Ms…………. is requested to light the lamp respecting the rich tradition of our country. And with all due respect, I would like to request other dignitaries to join him/her. So, would you all please do the honors.

(After the inaugural speech)

Thank you so much Sir/Madam for your loving words.

Report Presentation

Our school/college has taken a step forward in the bygone academic year. Taking the opportunity today, we would like to look back to the past to assess our entire performance and development so far for a better tomorrow. It is my honor to call upon our respected teacher as well as staff presentative Mr./ Ms….. to present the report of all the plans, results, and achievements of the last year.

Thank you Sir/Madam, the report is now submitted for approval.

How to Honor Retiring Staff Members

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

Here comes the most awaited moment. After (Write years of service for instance: 30) years of service to this educational institution, our dearest teacher/non-teaching staff Mr./Mrs. ………….. is going to retire from his/her official position. With all the love and respect, let me invite our beloved (Name here) to address the gathering.

Thank you so much Sir/Madam we will miss you.

Now let me invite Mr./Mrs…………… to present our retiring staff, a memento as a token of gratitude, remembering all the service he/she rendered.

I also request dear Mr./Mrs…………… to receive the memento. Thank you both!

How to Felicitate the Gathering

To felicitate the gathering, let me invite our PTA President, the most beloved Mr./Mrs………who is a very familiar face and an active participant in all the activities of this school/college. Thank you for your kind words!

Next, I would like to call upon (Name here) our highly energetic school leader to extend felicitation. Thank you, dear.

Prize Distribution Script

Now, it is time to appreciate the efforts of the students by giving them a prize for all their achievements. To give away the awards I invite Mr./Mrs…(Designation). And congratulations in advance.

(After the Prize Distribution)

Thank you Sir/Madam for giving away the prizes. Once again, I congratulate all the winners. We take pride in you dear. You guys proclaimed the glory of this school/college.

Prize Distribution Script in English

How to deliver the vote of thanks.

To deliver the vote of thanks to all the dignitaries and guests let me invite Mr./Mrs. ……………. (designation). Thank you for your words.

Here comes the end of the formal function. I would like to thank all of you for finding some time to take part in our happiness. After a short break, cultural programs begin, so stay and enjoy and bless our students. Thank You1

Cultural Program Script

Host’s Introduction

Good (morning, afternoon, evening) respected teachers, parents, students and honorable chief guests. Welcome to the cultural function of _____________ (School’s/college’s name) where traditions thrive within the circle of a big family around the globe. I am ________ (your name) today’s host of this beautiful event of showcasing our culture to the world.

Welcoming Guests

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

Let’s dive into the program by a warm welcome to our honorable chief guests, respected parents, teachers and dear students. Your presence here adds more joy and color to our today’s program. Thank you all for coming!

Confessing Gratitude to the Participants

I would like to appreciate all the students, staff and teachers who have put a lot of effort in preparation of this valuable event. Your innovations and creativities are really appreciable. Your dedication does not go unnoticed.

Introduction of the Event

Today, we all have assembled here to celebrate the rich culture of our community. To introduce our new generation to the music, art, dance, food and traditions of our culture. So, get ready for a thrilling cultural event. From traditional dances to melodious music, skits, and food exhibition everything will be there for everyone to enjoy.

Commencement of the Event

Without any further ado and making you wait any longer, let’s kickstart the most awaited function of the year with your enthusiastic energy, clap and applause. Are you all ready? Let’s dive right into the show.

How to Call the Dance/Tableau Participants

  • To fill our minds with love for the nation here comes a dance performance by the students of……………class.
  • We all have a special affinity towards our cultural traditions. Our ancestors used different forms of art to tell a story and convey feelings and emotions. Our dear blessed dance (Write their name here) comes with a folk dance to tell us a story through her performance. Let us welcome her with a big round of applause.
  • Now, how about a Cinematic dance? With mesmerizing performance, here comes (Name here) and team.
  • Let’s put our hands together to invite an inborn dancer, who can create poetry in dance (Name here) onto the stage.
  • Ladies and gentlemen get ready to hold your breath, here comes our boy’s team with rhythmic movements.

Thank you guys, indeed, that was an amazing, lovely, and incredible performance.

Best Sentences to Praise Your Students

How to call participants for songs or music program.

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

  • Music heals, music entertains, and music takes us to heaven our nightingale (Name here) is on the stage with a beautiful melodious song.
  • Dear guys, put your hands together to welcome our school choir for a splendid and entertaining musical treat. Hope you guys enjoy!
  • I would like to call upon our best singers (name here) and (name here) to sing a super hit duet song of the year. Get ready to dance!
  • To show our deep devotion and attachment to our homeland, here comes a group of singers with a patriotic song. Enjoy!
  • Folk songs are always an inevitable part of life (Name of your tribe) with a chain of famous folk songs in front of you our folk song team (as a tribute to…….)

Anchoring Script For a Talent Show at School

Calling the drama/skit participants.

To make us laugh, to make us think, our sisters are all set with the skit here comes our smarties. Let us enjoy the skit and bless our kids. Thank you, guys.

How to Conclude The Event

Our cultural feast has come to an end now. I thank you all on behalf of this institution for spending your valuable time here to encourage young minds. Let us all stand for the National Anthem.

Wish you all the best!

If you need the complete and more relevant scripts to host different kinds of functions and events. Please check the following E-book which is covered with 150+ titles and scripts.

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introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

effective …… script. Nice

introduction speech before singing a song in hindi

Hope it was helpful!

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My Self Introduction

Self Introduction in Hindi – How to Introduce Yourself in Hindi

Introduction or ‘Aatm-Parichay’ is a fundamental aspect of our lives. Whether we are meeting new people, joining a new organization, or simply trying to create a lasting impression, self-introduction is the key. In this blog post, we will explore the art of self-introduction, its importance, and provide you with five examples in Hindi to help you master this skill.

The Importance of Self-Introduction

Self-introduction is not just a formality; it’s an opportunity to shape how others perceive you. It sets the tone for any interaction, personal or professional. Here are a few reasons why self-introduction is crucial:

  • First Impressions : As the saying goes, “First impressions are the most lasting.” Your self-introduction often forms the basis of the first impression people have of you.
  • Establishing Rapport : A well-crafted self-introduction can create a connection with your audience. It shows that you respect and value their time and attention.
  • Setting Expectations : It helps in setting expectations. Whether you’re at a job interview, a social gathering, or a networking event, your introduction can define what people can expect from you.
  • Building Confidence : The process of self-introduction can boost your confidence. When you know how to present yourself effectively, it can make you feel more self-assured.

Now, let’s explore the techniques for a successful self-introduction:

Techniques for Self-Introduction

  • Brevity : Keep it short and sweet. Your introduction should be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details that can bore or overwhelm your audience.
  • Clarity : Ensure that your introduction is clear and easy to understand. Use simple language, and avoid jargon or complex terms that might confuse your listeners.
  • Relevance : Tailor your self-introduction to the situation. Highlight aspects of your life or experiences that are relevant to the context. This helps your audience relate to you.
  • Positivity : Maintain a positive tone. Highlight your strengths and achievements. Positivity is attractive and can leave a good impression.
  • Engage Your Audience : If appropriate, ask a question or share an interesting fact about yourself to engage your audience and encourage interaction.

Examples of Self introduction in Hindi

Now, let’s dive into five examples of self-introduction in Hindi to provide you with a practical understanding of how it’s done:

Example 1: A Formal Introduction

“नमस्ते, मेरा नाम अनीता है। मैंने एक सॉफ्टवेयर इंजीनियर के रूप में काम किया है और मेरे पास पांच साल का अनुभव है। मेरी मुख्य रुचि कंप्यूटर प्रोग्रामिंग में है और मैं नवाचारी और समर्पित कामकाज करने के साथ-साथ अच्छे संवादना कौशल का ध्यान रखती हूँ।”

“Namaste, mera naam Anita hai. Main ek software engineer ke roop mein kaam kiya hai aur mere paas paanch saal ka anubhav hai. Meri mukhya ruchi computer programming mein hai aur main navaachari aur samarpit kaamkaj karne ke saath-saath achhe sanvaadana ka dhyaan rakhti hoon.”

Translation: “Hello, my name is Anita. I have worked as a software engineer, and I have five years of experience. My main interest is in computer programming, and I focus on innovation and dedicated work along with good communication skills.”

Example 2: A Casual Introduction

“हेल्लो, में सुमिता हूँ। मैं एक खास प्राधिकृत शिक्षिका हूँ और मेरे पास संवादना और सामाजिक संवादना कौशल हैं। मेरी रुचियों में गीत गाना और किताबें पढ़ना शामिल है।”

“Hello, main Sumita hoon. Main ek khaas pradhikrit shikshika hoon aur mere paas sanvaadana aur samajik sanvaadana ka koushal hain. Meri ruchiyo mein geet gaana aur kitaabein padhna shaamil hai.”

Example 3: An Introduction in a Professional Setting

“नमस्ते, मेरा नाम विक्रांत है और मैं एक वित्त विशेषज्ञ हूँ। मेरे पास लगभग दस साल का अनुभव है और मैंने कई बड़े कंपनियों में काम किया है। मेरी मुख्य क्षमता वित्तीय विश्लेषण है और मैं वित्तीय योजनाओं और निवेश के क्षेत्र में मदद कर सकता हूँ।”

“Namaste, mera naam Vikrant hai aur main ek vitt visheshagya hoon. Mere paas lagbhag das saal ka anubhav hai aur maine kai bade kampaniyon mein kaam kiya hai. Meri mukhya kshamata vittiy vishleshana hai aur main vittiy yojanaon aur nivesh ke kshetra mein madad kar sakta hoon.”

Translation: “Hello, my name is Vikrant, and I’m a finance specialist. I have nearly ten years of experience, and I have worked in several large companies. My primary expertise is financial analysis, and I can assist in financial planning and investment.”

Example 4: An Introduction in a Social Setting

“नमस्ते, मेरा नाम आराध्या है। मैं एक फोटोग्राफर हूँ और मेरे पास एक खास प्यार है। मैं किसी भी विचार में अपनी फ़ोटोग्राफी कौशल का उपयोग करती हूँ और मेरे लिए यह एक कला है।”

“Namaste, mera naam Aaradhya hai. Main ek photographer hoon aur mere paas ek khaas pyaar hai. Main kisi bhi vichar mein apni photography ka kaushal ka upayog karti hoon aur mere liye yeh ek kala hai.”

Translation: “Hello, my name is Aaradhya. I am a photographer, and I have a special passion for it. I use my photography skills in various subjects, and it is an art form for me.”

Example 5: A Unique Introduction

“नमस्ते, मैं आदित्य हूँ और मेरी दुनिया संगीत के आसपास घूमती है। मैं गुजरात संगीत का प्रेमी हूँ और अपनी सांगीतिक प्रतिभा का अभ्यास करता हूँ। मैं वीणा बजाने का शौक रखता हूँ और संगीत में मेरा सर्वाधिक मानना है।”

“Namaste, main Aditya hoon aur meri duniya sangeet ke aaspaas ghoomti hai. Main Gujarat sangeet ka premi hoon aur apni sangeetik pratibha ka abhyaas karta hoon. Main veena bajane ka shauk rakhta hoon aur sangeet mein mera sarvadhik maanna hai.”

Translation: “Namaste, I’m Aditya, and my world revolves around music. I am a lover of Gujarat music, and I practice my musical talent. I have a passion for playing the veena, and music is of utmost importance to me.”

These examples showcase a variety of self-introductions, each tailored to a different context. Remember, a well-thought-out self-introduction not only informs others about you but also makes a positive impression. So, practice, be confident, and introduce yourself with grace and charm. Self-introduction is an art that, when mastered, can open many doors and create valuable connections in both personal and professional life.

Drew is the creator of myselfintroduction.com, designed to teach everyone how to introduce themselves to anyone with confidence in any situation.

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Singing Made Easy: Easy To Sing Bollywood Songs for Beginners

Singing Made Easy: Easy To Sing Bollywood Songs for Beginners

Singing is a beautiful form of expression that can bring joy and fulfilment to both the singer and the audience. If you’re a beginner looking to embark on your singing journey, this article is here to guide you through the process of learning how to sing a song. We’ll explore useful techniques, tips, and exercises that will help you develop your voice and build confidence. Additionally, we’ve curated a list of easy to sing bollywood songs for beginners, including low-note songs and tracks that don’t require musical accompaniment. So, let’s dive in and discover the world of singing!

How to Sing a Song for Beginners

Singing may seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and practice, anyone can learn how to sing. In this section, we’ll discuss essential tips and techniques to help beginners get started:

Breathing Techniques

Proper breathing is the foundation of good singing. We’ll explore diaphragmatic breathing exercises to improve breath control and support.

Warm-up Exercises

Before singing, it’s crucial to warm up your vocal cords. We’ll provide a step-by-step guide to vocal warm-up exercises that will prepare your voice for optimal performance.

Pitch and Tone

Understanding pitch and developing a good sense of tone are vital for singing. We’ll cover techniques to help you hit the right notes and improve your overall vocal quality .

Vocal Range

Discovering your vocal range is essential for song selection. We’ll explain how to determine your vocal range and find songs that suit your voice.

Best Bollywood Songs to Sing Without Music

Sometimes, singing without musical accompaniment can be a great way to focus on your voice and develop your singing skills. Here are some popular songs that sound beautiful even when sung a cappella:

“Tum Hi Ho” – Arijit Singh

This soulful track from the movie “Aashiqui 2” showcases heartfelt emotions and provides ample opportunities to practice dynamics and control.

“Lag Jaa Gale” – Lata Mangeshkar

This timeless classic is perfect for beginners, with its slow tempo and beautiful melody. Focus on expressing emotions and maintaining a steady rhythm.

“Jeena Jeena” – Atif Aslam

With its smooth and soothing melody, this song allows beginners to practice their breath control and add their personal touch to the rendition.

“Pee Loon” – Mohit Chauhan

Known for its romantic vibes, this song is relatively easy to sing and provides a platform to experiment with dynamics and vocal expressions.

“Tera Ban Jaunga” – Akhil Sachdeva, Tulsi Kumar

This melodious track from the movie “Kabir Singh” is beginner-friendly, with its moderate tempo and simple yet impactful lyrics.

Easy Songs to Sing in Hindi

For beginners, it’s essential to start with songs that have simple melodies and relatively easy lyrics. Here is a compilation of Hindi songs that are known for their simplicity and are perfect for beginners:

“Pani Da Rang” – Ayushmann Khurrana

This light-hearted song offers a gentle melody and easy-to-follow lyrics, making it an ideal choice for beginners to practice their vocal control.

“Muskurane Ki Wajah” – Arijit Singh

Known for its soulful rendition, this song allows beginners to explore their vocal range and experiment with emotions.

As mentioned earlier, this track provides an excellent opportunity for beginners to practice their dynamics and vocal expressions.

This melodious song allows beginners to focus on their breath control and explore their vocal range.

“Tum Se Hi” – Mohit Chauhan

This romantic track offers a simple yet beautiful melody, allowing beginners to showcase their voice’s softness and clarity.

Bollywood Hindi Easy Songs to Sing

If you’re looking for more Hindi songs that are easy to sing, we’ve compiled a list that includes various genres and styles. These songs are known for their simplicity and catchy tunes, making them perfect for beginners:

“Kal Ho Naa Ho” – Sonu Nigam

This evergreen track has a memorable melody and offers beginners an opportunity to practice their voice modulation and expressiveness.

Once again, this song finds its place in the list, showcasing its beginner-friendly nature and melodious composition.

A song that touched millions of hearts, “Tum Hi Ho” provides beginners a chance to practice their emotional rendition and connect with the lyrics.

“Mere Rashke Qamar” – Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

This soul-stirring track offers a chance for beginners to explore the intricacies of their voices and experiment with variations.

“Humsafar” – Akhil Sachdeva, Mansheel Gujral

With its soothing melody, this song allows beginners to focus on maintaining a steady rhythm and conveying emotions effectively.

Bollywood Songs for Beginners

Embarking on a singing journey as a beginner can be both exciting and challenging. However, with proper techniques, practice, and the right song selection, you can develop your singing skills and find joy in expressing yourself through music. We hope this guide and the curated list of easy-to-sing Hindi songs have provided you with a starting point to explore and enjoy your musical journey. Remember, singing is about passion, dedication, and the joy of creating beautiful melodies with your voice. So, keep practising, have fun, and let your voice soar on Riyaz app

Wow, this website is incredibly helpful for learning to sing a song!

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A simple speech to introduce a song to audiences

I'd like to find common sentences to introduce a song. Could you please suggest me some? Can I say these ones? I can hardly know if it sounds odd

  • "I'd like to present to you a song of..."
  • "I'm going to submit to you a song of..."
  • sentence-choice

Luong Vu's user avatar

  • And what is the context? Are you an MC (emcee), walking on stage before the audience to announce the next part of some performance? You can always say, "And this is a song by..." or "And now we'll hear a song..." –  Victor Bazarov Commented Oct 30, 2015 at 21:05
  • I'm the person to sing. Thank you. I'm going to say "This is a song... Hope you enjoy it". Is it fine? –  Luong Vu Commented Oct 30, 2015 at 21:10
  • please don't mind about why would I have to introduce the song's name, just in case of precaution –  Luong Vu Commented Oct 30, 2015 at 21:13
  • A short introduction with the name of the song and when/why it was written would be fine in that case. "This is a song... " or "Here is a song..." are both acceptable. –  Victor Bazarov Commented Oct 31, 2015 at 11:57

What I have mostly seen and done is that if it is your own song (your lyrics and composition), you can say "Hello everyone. I'd like/I'm going to perform/present my composition in front of you. Hope you like it." or If it some other song, you can simply say "Hello everyone. I'd like/I'm going to sing the song ABC. Hope you like it."

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introduction speech before singing a song in hindi


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भाषण देने का तरीका हिंदी में | How to start a speech in Hindi

भाषण देने का तरीका हिंदी में  How to start a speech in Hindi: कम बोलना और अधिक सुनना अच्छा माना जाता है मगर हर इन्सान में वक्ता के गुण होने चाहिए ताकि वह अपनी बात औरों को कह सके.

बहुत से लोग आपने जीवन में देखे होंगे जिसके पास बोलने की अद्भुत क्षमता होती है तथा वे किसी विषय पर एक बार बोलने की शुरुआत करते है तो फिर रूकने का नाम ही नहीं लेते हैं.

how to start a speech in hindi in school : एक व्यक्ति के साथ संवाद करना ही एक भाषण का रूप है मगर एक बड़ी भीड़ को सबोधित करना थोड़ा कठिन भी हैं.

जिसने कभी स्कूल या कॉलेज में कोई भाषण नहीं दिया है  तो पहली बार यह  उनके लिए काफी कठिन हो  जाता हैं. भाषण देने का सही तरीका क्या है आपकों संक्षिप्त में यहाँ बता रहे हैं.

अच्छे भाषण की शुरुआत और सम्बोधन (how to give speech in hindi)

भाषण की शुरुआत सम्बोधन के साथ की जाती हैं. नमस्कार Namaskaar के पश्चात हिन्दी में माननीय अतिथि महोदय सभा में उपस्थित सभी सदस्यों का हार्दिक स्वागत एवं अभिनन्दन के साथ की जाती हैं. 

अंग्रेजी में  Welcome the  chief guest other guests and the audience इस वाक्य को speech introduction के रूप में प्रयोग किया जा सकता हैं.

स्कूल के किसी कार्यक्रम में सम्बोधन के दौरान इन पक्तियों को भी कह सकते हैं.

जैसे – परम् आदरणीय अध्यक्ष, हम सभी के चहेते व समाज के लोकप्रिय माननीय मुख्य अतिथि जी, कार्यक्रम को विशिष्टता प्रदान कर रहे विशिष्ट अथिति जी व इस कार्यक्रम के महत्वपूर्ण अंग हमारे दर्शक गण

भाषण के संबोधन के साथ ही वक्ता को भाषण के विषय पर आना चाहिए, सर्वप्रथम आयोजकों द्वारा उक्त विषय पर बोलने के लिए अवसर देने के लिए धन्यवाद ज्ञापित करना अथवा आज मैं इस विषय पर भाषण देने जा रहा हूँ. स्कूल कॉलेज के भाषण के मुख्य भाग की शुरुआत से इस उदहारण से की जा सकती हैं.

आज आपके समक्ष अमुक विषय पर ( topic …..) अपने विचार व्यक्त करने के लिए यहां उपस्थित हुआ हूं

अंग्रेजी में इसे “Before starting the Speech say some couplets two or three lines on the topic of  speech ,in Hindi. Have full confidence and smile on your face when you go to the stage.”

इसके बाद भाषण की शुरुआत कर देनी चाहिए. भाषण की समाप्ति पर आप सब का धन्यवाद करता हूं के साथ ही वक्ता अपने स्थान को ग्रहण करने के लिए चला जाता हैं.

भाषण देते वक्त सावधानियाँ व टिप्स (start a speech in School In hindi)

  • भाषण देते हुए मुख्य विचार और लक्ष्य बेहद स्पष्ट होने चाहिए -भाषण देने से पहले दिमाग में तीन बातें स्पष्ट होनी चाहिए. मुख्य विचार, ऑडियश और लक्ष्य. शुरुआत अपने विचार पर फोकस करके की जा सकती है. तय करे कि आपको सुनने वाले कौन होंगे और इसी के अनुसार अपनी स्पीच लिखे. अगर कोई छोटे मंच पर बोलने जा रहे है, तो वाक्य व्यक्तिगत रखे जा सकते हैं.किसी कांफ्रेंस में प्रोफेशनल के बीच है तो तकनीकी भाषा का उपयोग किया जा सकता है. ये ध्यान रखना जरुरी है कि आपका लक्ष्य सभी को पता चल जाए. हो सकता है आप यह भी चाहे कि श्रोता आपकी कही बात को अन्य लोगों तक पहुचाएं.
  • साथ काम करते हुए एक दूसरे से बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं .- कर्मचारियों से एक दूसरे से सीखना भी विकास का एक जरिया है. शोध बताते है कि जब लोगों को कोई कौशल सीखना होता है तो वे अक्सर अपने सहकर्मियों की मदद लेते हैं. संस्थान में इस तरह से सीखना प्रोत्साहित किया जा सकता हैं. इसके लिए एक औपचारिक कार्यक्रम रखा जा सकता हैं. व फेसिलिलेटर को अपोइन्ट कर शुरुआत की जा सकती हैं. यहाँ लोगों को अपने विचार तजुर्बे और सवाल रखते हुए सुरक्षित करवाना जरुरी हैं. सेशन के दौरान सुनिश्चित करे कि जो भी सीखे, वह असल परिस्थतियों पर आधारित हो. जिससे प्रतिभागी अपने सीखे गये कौशल को तुरंत परख सके.
  • एक अच्छा वक्ता बनने के लिए आपका उठना, आपकी चाल और हावभाव भी काफी मायने रखता है. सहज होकर अपने स्थान से मंच तक पहुचे. क्योंकि जब वक्ता का नाम पुकारा जाता है तभी से ही श्रोतागण आपकी ओर अपना ध्यान आकर्षित कर लेते है तथा देखने लगते, इसलिए बनावटी चाल बनाने की बजाय अपने व्यवहारिक ढंग से संबोधन देने की तरफ बढ़े.
  • भाषण का संबोधन मुख्य रूप से मंच पर विराजमान अतिथिगण तथा श्रोताओं को ध्यान में रखकर तैयार किया जाता हैं. इसके लिए अतिथिगण, सभा मंडल में विराजमान बन्धुओं, भाइयो बहिनों, विद्यार्थियों, सहपाठियों, सहकर्मियों आदि शब्दों का चयन किया जा सकता हैं.
  • भाषण में वक्ता का मैं बना रहना चाहिए. भाषण की शुरुआत में संबोधन के बाद अपने श्रोताओं को विषय से परिचय कराएं जैसे आज मैं नारी सशक्तिकरण के बारे में मेरे विचार आपके समक्ष रख रहा हूँ. इसके पश्चात मूल विषय तथा बिन्दुओं को विस्तार से रखे तथा अंत में आयोजक तथा कार्यक्रम निर्माताओं द्वारा अपनी बात रखने का अवसर देने के लिए धन्यवाद देकर आप अपने भाषण को और अधिक आकर्षक रूप दे सकते हैं.

अच्छा भाषण देने के आसान चरण

1: अपना भाषण तैयार करें .

किसी भी चीज को बोलने के लिए या करने के लिए हमें पहले से ही तैयारी करनी पड़ती है। अगर आप भाषण देना चाहते हैं तो आप कैसा भाषण देना चाहते हैं, आपको उसकी तैयारी पहले ही करनी चाहिए अर्थात आप जिस सब्जेक्ट पर अपनी बात रखना चाहते हैं, आपको उसकी पहले अच्छे से स्टडी करनी चाहिए।

ऐसा करने पर आप उस विषय पर अच्छी तरह से भाषण दे सकेंगे, जो ज्ञान के साथ परिपूर्ण होगा। अपने भाषण को तैयार करने के लिए आपको नोट्स बनाने चाहिए ताकि जब कभी आप मंच पर भाषण दे और आप का ध्यान भटके तो आप नोट्स देख कर के फिर से अपने टॉपिक पर आ जाएं।

2: देखकर भाषण ना दें 

अगर आप अपने भाषण को प्रभावशाली बनाना चाहते हैं और आप यह चाहते हैं कि लोगों की नजरों में आपकी इमेज एक कुशल वक्ता के तौर पर बने, तो आपको कभी भी देखकर भाषण नहीं देना चाहिए, क्योंकि अगर आप देखकर भाषण देते हैं तो लोग आपको नकलची कहते हैं, साथ ही आपका उपहास उड़ाते हैं।

जो लोग देखकर भाषण देते हैं वह सामने बैठे दर्शकों में उत्साह पैदा नहीं कर पाते हैं। इसलिए अगर आप सिर्फ एक नोट ले करके ही जाते हैं जिस पर आपने भाषण से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी लिखी है, तो आपको यह पता रहेगा कि आपको किन टॉपिक पर विशेष तौर पर बोलना है।

3: आईने के सामने प्रैक्टिस करें 

जब आप भाषण दे तो पूरे हाव-भाव के साथ आपको भाषण देना चाहिए। इसके लिए आपको आईने के सामने जाना चाहिए और आईने में देखते हुए अपने हाव-भाव के अनुरूप भाषण देने की प्रैक्टिस करनी चाहिए।

ऐसा करने पर आपका कॉन्फिडेंस लेवल भी बढ़ता है और आपकी घबराहट भी थोड़ी हद तक कम हो जाती है।

4: रिकॉर्डिंग करें और कमी निकालें 

जब आप भाषण देने की प्रैक्टिस करें तब अपने भाषण को अपने स्मार्टफोन के जरिए अवश्य रिकॉर्ड कर ले और खाली समय में उसे बार-बार सुने। ऐसा करने पर भाषण देने के दरमियान जो भी गलतियां आपसे हुई होंगी,

आप उन गलतियों को दूर करने के बारे में प्रयास कर सकते हैं और ऐसा करके आप अपने भाषण को और भी अट्रैक्टिव बना सकते हैं। इस तरीके को अगर आप फॉलो करते हैं तो आप का भाषण तो अट्रैक्टिव बनता ही है, साथ ही आपकी कमियां भी दूर होती है।

5: अपने आप पर विश्वास रखें 

किसी भी काम को करने के पहले अगर आप अपने अंदर यह आत्मविश्वास पैदा कर लेते हैं कि आप उस काम को करके ही दम लेंगे, तो निश्चित ही आपको उस काम में सफलता मिलती है।

इस प्रकार भाषण देने के लिए जब आप मंच पर जाएं, तब पूरे उत्साह और आत्मविश्वास के साथ मंच पर जाएं और भाषण देना चालू करें।

भाषण देने के दरमियान कभी भी अपने मन के अंदर कोई भी डर ना लाएं बल्कि अपनी बात पर अडिग रहें और अपने आप पर पूरा विश्वास रखें क्योंकि कुशल वक्ता वही होता है जो बिना डरे हुए अपनी बात कहता है।

6: दर्शको को हँसने का और सोचने का मौका दो 

जब आप भाषण देना चालू करें, तब आपको अपने भाषण में ऐसी बातों को भी शामिल करना चाहिए ताकि दर्शकों को हंसने का मौका भी मिले। अगर कोई व्यक्ति लगातार एक ही लाइन में भाषण देता है तो ऐसा करने से उसका भाषण निराश हो जाता है और लोग उसके भाषण में इंटरेस्ट नहीं लेते हैं।

इसीलिए अपने भाषण को प्रभावशाली बनाने के लिए आपको अपने भाषण की लय को बीच-बीच में चेंज करते रहना चाहिए। आप अपने भाषण में कुछ दिलचस्प बातें भी जोड़ सकते हैं,

ताकि सामने बैठे हुए दर्शकों को नई बातें जानने का मौका मिले अथवा उन्हें हंसने का मौका मिले। ऐसा करने पर उनका इंटरेस्ट आपके भाषण में बना रहेगा।

7: दर्शको को भाषण के साथ जोड़े

जब आप भाषण दे तो भाषण के बीच में आपको सामने बैठी हुई ऑडियंस से सवाल जवाब भी अवश्य करना है। ऐसा करने पर सामने जो ऑडियंस बैठी हुई है,

उसका आपके भाषण में इंटरेस्ट बढ़ेगा और ऐसा होने पर आपका कॉन्फिडेंस लेवल भी बढ़ेगा। इससे धीरे-धीरे आपके अंदर जो डर है वह भी निकल जाएगा।

भाषण देने के दरमियान आपको अपनी बातों को महसूस करना है और आपको भावनात्मक तरीके से ऑडियंस के सामने अपनी बातों को प्रस्तुत करना है। अगर ऐसा आप करते हैं तो काफी कम समय में आप एक फेमस मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर या फिर वक्ता बन जाएंगे।

8: आंखों से संपर्क रखें 

अगर आप यह चाहते हैं कि आप जो भाषण दे उसकी छाप दर्शकों पर पड़े तो भाषण देने के दरमियान आपको दर्शकों से आई कांटेक्ट बनाने का प्रयास करना है।

आपको भाषण देने के बीच बीच में दर्शकों से उनकी आंखों में आंखें डाल कर के सवाल पूछना है और आपको इफेक्टिव तौर पर अपनी बातों को उन्हें समझाने का प्रयास करना है।

ऐसा अगर आप करते हैं तो आप के भाषण का सामने बैठी हुई ऑडियंस के दिलों दिमाग पर काफी गहरा असर होता है।

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Top 10 Introduction Songs in Bollywood

Manmohini – Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam ‘Mitti pe khichi lakeeren rab ne, to ye tasveer bani; Aag, hava, paani ko milaya, to phir ye tasveer sajhi.’ What better way to introduce the ‘teekhi’ Nandini (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan)! The song aptly shows the spirited and naughty nature of her character, with the highlight being the lovely choreography and Ismail Darbar’s music. Also I loved the way they used the game of ‘lagori’ to describe the character: her grace, determination.

Silsila Yeh Chaahat Ka – Devdas This is one of the most amazingly choreographed songs in the history of Bollywood. Feelings of first love, the pain of separation and the joy of meeting; all these emotions of Paro are effectively captured in this song. And Aishwarya has perfectly portrayed the innocence and beauty of Paro. I like the fact that the lighted diya is used as a symbol for Devdas-Paro love-which has to stand many tests. As Roger de Bussy-Rabutin has said, “Absence is to love as wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small and kindles the great.”

Paisa Yeh Paisa – Karz Rishi Kapoor as Monty Oberoi is introduced in this peppy number from Karz. Though the dance steps are not intricate, Rishi’s charisma is enough to light up the screen; you just can’t help but start tapping your feet as well! The core point of the song is the hassles of money which is apt as it was this ‘paisa’ which was responsible for the betrayal and untimely death in his previous birth.

Saajanji Ghar Aaye – Kuch Kuch Hota Hai If there’s one star who has immense screen presence, it’s Salman Khan. Making a grand entry as Aman Mehra, Anjali’s fianc

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    Anchoring Script in Hindi For Cultural Event Sample 1. नमस्कार! आप सभी का स्वागत करते हैं हम इस ख़ास सांस्कृतिक आयोजन में. आज हम यहां एक हस्ती के रूप में नहीं बल्कि एक ...

  11. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  12. Anchoring Script For National Anthem

    Now, as the first note of our national anthem begins to play, let's fill our hearts with a sense of veneration, pride, and respect. Let's embody the spirit of unity and stand shoulder-to-shoulder as we sing along. [National Anthem Plays] Thank you, everyone, for your demonstration of respect and patriotism. Kindly take your seats as we proceed ...

  13. How to Sing Hindi Songs with Confidence

    7. Gaining Confidence Through On-Stage Performance. The next important step to developing confidence with Hindi songs is to perform it in front of an audience. So, polish your skills with proper training and start doing gigs and performing slowly out of your comfort zone. Becoming a star is a long journey, and it starts with you showcasing your ...

  14. How To Introduce Yourself As A Singer

    Making an introduction speech before singing a song . At the top of your number, you may want - or need - to give a little speech. You'll first need to consider the purpose of this speech. It has to be well thought out, sound natural and spontaneous, but be meticulously practised. Much like the song itself.

  15. Anchoring Script for Cultural Event Function

    Prayer for the Cultural Event. It is our culture to remember God Almighty before everything we do or start. So, let us begin this function seeking the blessing and presence of God. I would like to invite our school/college choir to lead the prayer and let us all stand for the same. (After the Prayer)

  16. Self Introduction in Hindi

    Relevance: Tailor your self-introduction to the situation. Highlight aspects of your life or experiences that are relevant to the context. This helps your audience relate to you. Positivity: Maintain a positive tone. Highlight your strengths and achievements. Positivity is attractive and can leave a good impression.

  17. Singing Made Easy: Easy To Sing Bollywood Songs for Beginners

    We hope this guide and the curated list of easy-to-sing Hindi songs have provided you with a starting point to explore and enjoy your musical journey. Remember, singing is about passion, dedication, and the joy of creating beautiful melodies with your voice. So, keep practising, have fun, and let your voice soar on Riyaz app. Posted in ...

  18. A simple speech to introduce a song to audiences

    What I have mostly seen and done is that if it is your own song (your lyrics and composition), you can say "Hello everyone. I'd like/I'm going to perform/present my composition in front of you. Hope you like it." or If it some other song, you can simply say "Hello everyone. I'd like/I'm going to sing the song ABC. Hope you like it."

  19. How to...Introduce Worship Songs: Some helpful pointers for pastors and

    To avoid monotony and create a little enthusiasn, consider some of these invitations to sing: Before the Gathering Hymn ... Easter: "May we be reawakened to life and hope as we sing our resurrection song, number/title . .. The late Frank Winkels was minister of liturgy and music at Immaculate Conception Church, Columbia Heights, Minnesota.

  20. Introduction to 'Sur' || Online Music Class|| How To Perfectly Sing A

    Introduction to 'Sur' || Online Music Class|| How To Perfectly Sing A Song in HindiThis video explains Shortcuts so that you can learn to sing any song in 3...

  21. 40 Musical Ways to Introduce a Song

    Movement: Perform an action every time you hear a word (Bow Wow Wow: Stamp every time you hear "bow"; Down to the Baker's Shop: Hop every time you hear "hop") Move in open space. Freeze in a __ (big / small / high / low) __ shape when the teacher stops singing. Move in open space.

  22. भाषण देने का तरीका हिंदी में

    अंग्रेजी में इसे "Before starting the Speech say some couplets two or three lines on the topic of speech ,in Hindi. Have full confidence and smile on your face when you go to the stage." इसके बाद भाषण की शुरुआत कर देनी चाहिए.

  23. Top 10 Introduction Songs in Bollywood

    Here's my countdown of top 10 introduction songs which will always remain on my favorite list. Manmohini - Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. 'Mitti pe khichi lakeeren rab ne, to ye tasveer bani; Aag ...