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Zoo Essay for Class 7 Students

Essay on zoo for class 7 students.

A Zoo is an artificial home to various types of animals, birds, and reptiles. It is a big area safeguarded by wire, trenches, and other hindrances so that animals cannot run away or cause any kind of harm to the visitors. There are usually different sections for different types of animals in the zoo.

If any student is looking for a sample essay on the zoo, then they can take a look at the essay given in the following. The essay is written as per the usual structure. By referring to the essay, it will be easy to write on your own. Those who are using the Vedantu app can take a glance through the essay from the app itself. All these study materials are available absolutely free of cost.

First of all, let's find the origin of the zoo. The word ‘zoo’ is actually a short form of ‘Zoological Park’. The first zoo was menageries, which is a private collection done by the wealthy to show their power. A zoo is a place where many different species of animals are kept so senders can enjoy them. Spreading knowledge about biological diversity in the world is the main motto of the creation of the zoo. Modern zoos are not only for the entertainment of people but also for the education, research, and conservation of animals. ‘Arignar anna zoological park’ is the largest zoo in India located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. This park is spread over 602 hectares which is almost 6 sq. km. A large number of crocodile, Lions, and especially endangered species of Bengal Tiger is preserved in this zoo.

Captive breeding makes zoos a valuable place for animal survival. The re-introduction of the animal species in the jungle is the basic aim behind many captive breeding programs at zoos. Many zoos are the centers where rare animals are rescued when they are in danger of dying. Moreover, Zoos are categorized into several categories depending on a variety of factors. In which Urban and Suburban zoos are the leading ones. As the name itself suggests, urban zoos are those zoos that are located in large cities. Often, these are found in the center of the city. The animals are kept in less enclosure in most of these zoos. Due to noise, pollution, and cramped conditions keeping animals in urban settings is not advisable by the zoologist. On the second hand, Suburban zoos are located in suburban areas and give more territory to roam and provide more natural habitat. 

The next one is Safari zoos. They are larger than urban and suburban zoos. Safari zoos are more attractive as they allow the vehicle to drive in the zoo to see the wildlife in the enclosed areas. Some zoos which are dedicated to certain species of animals are special zoos. The aquarium is a good example of it. Aquariums are the exclusive house for aquatic animals. The Association of Zoos stated,“ Zoos and Aquariums are the best places for your family to get connected with nature.”

Zoos have put more significance on conservation and sufficient animal treatment in recent decades. Zoos are always focused on the preservation of nature. The initial and maintenance cost for developing the zoos is a little bit high. So, they cost a little amount of money from the audience. A day spent in zoos has uncountable benefits to one's life. In young children, zoos create a love for animal parties. Research students focused very closely on each activity the particular animal is doing. Critics still have many points for arguments about zoos. Critics of the closed breeding program said that ‘realizing some animal into the wild reduces the number of species. Wildlife is a natural resource. Due to a declining population, a large number of animals have become extinct in the wild.’

How to Write Proper Essays?

Research well on the given topic and then write all the points down.

Make your essays sequential.

Make them freely flowing with an Introduction, body, and conclusion.

Try and write succinct, brief sentences.

Do not use overly decorated language. Keep the language as simple as possible.

 Include as many examples as you can for the sake of clarity.

Do not give away intimate details about your personal life.

Practise essay writing at home as often as possible.

Be as articulate as you can while attempting them.

Does Vedantu Have Any Material on Essays for Class 7 Students?

Yes, Vedantu has quite some material for the class 7 students. They can refer to Zoo Essay in English for Class 7 Students and then understand the manner in which essays need to be written. This essay on Zoo is a perfect prototype of the kind of essays that are expected of class 7 students.  All students who need to sharpen their writing skills can read from this page and then get there. It is quite handy for all as it is ideal in terms of explaining what an essay needs to look like.

FAQs on Zoo Essay for Class 7 Students

1. Why is it important to learn how to write essays?

It is extremely important to know how to write essays. Essays help build the student’s writing skills and that comes in handy later on when they write long answers during their exams. Writing practice will always help the students as it is a skill that’s extremely effective.  Students can read from Zoo Essay in English for Class 7 Students on Vedantu and then learn how to write proper essays.  The significance of essays will be gleaned once they have gone through this page.

2. How can a student of class 7 write an essay for his/ her exam?

A student of class 7 can go through Zoo Essay in English for Class 7 Students on Vedantu and then understand the level of preparation that’s needed before an exam. They can read this page to understand the sequence that follows while attempting essays. All essays need to have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Examiners look for the techniques at the time of awarding marks and deduct marks if these are not followed. Students must practice a lot of essays based on this essay so that the habit of writing essays is gradually established.

3. How can a student of class 7 complete his essay on time?

A student of class 7 can easily complete his essay on time if he reads from Zoo Essay in English for Class 7 Students on Vedantu’s online tutoring platform.  This material has been provided by Vedantu absolutely free of cost and is available in PDF mode as well.  Students should go through this page to learn how an essay needs to be constructed and then write a similar essay at home. They should time themselves while writing these essays so that they know the time taken by them to finish an essay. Consistent practice will increase their speed of writing them.

4. How can students of class 7 write an essay on zoos?

All students who need to write an essay on Zoo can go to Zoo Essay in English for Class 7 Students that’s available on Vedantu. This essay will give them a clearer idea of how essays need to be formed. The manner needs to be followed while attempting an essay during exams.  Essays need to be sequential and freely flowing. They must convince the readers of what’s mentioned in its body. A cursory glance at this page will assist the students in picking up certain traits that they may need.

5. What are Safari Zoos?

Safari zoos are the kind of zoos that are larger area-wise. They allow vehicles inside their premises and the people who are in such vehicles can take a look at the zoo and its wildlife. It is more open than the other zoos.  More about this has been explained in Zoo Essay in English for Class 7 Students. This page on zoos has been designed by expert Language teachers who are well versed with the guidelines and the curriculum of the Board. They have included all the essential elements of an essay here so that students can learn about the manner of writing essays as well as about zoos.

Kids-learning • Class 7

English Aspirants

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English [100, 150, 200, 250, 500 Words]

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English: A zoo is a place where animals and birds are put on display for people to view. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on a visit to a zoo in English. Here we’ve provided 5 short and long essays ( 100, 150, 200, 250, and 500 words). These essays/paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

A Visit to a Zoo Essay: 100 Words

A visit to the Zoo is always very interesting. Last Sunday I went to the Delhi Zoo with my friends. First of all we saw apes and monkeys in different cages. They were climbing up and down their cage. In other cages, tigers, lions, bears, foxes, wolves, and zebras were kept.

We also saw deer and kangaroos. Next, we saw many varieties of birds like cranes, ducks, pigeons, parrots, kingfishers, owls, etc. We also saw our national bird peacock in the zoo. Then we came to the glass houses. Animals of different kinds and colour were kept in them. At last, we enjoyed an elephant ride and returned home.

A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English

Also Read: A Visit to a Historical Place Essay

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo: 150 Words

Last Sunday, I visited a zoo with my family. First, we went round the bird’s section. We saw parrots, sparrows, pigeons, peacocks, eagles, and vultures. Then we saw the cages of wild animals like tigers, lions, and leopards. A lion was walking up and down restlessly. It often roared furiously. The baby tigers were playing in their cage.

We saw the deer park, where only the deer were kept. We also saw zebras, bears, foxes, giraffes, a hippo, and a rhino. Then we went to the huge enclosure where the elephants were kept. They were eating grasses, leaves, and bananas. We enjoyed watching the monkeys.

We saw serpents, pythons, and cobras. Next, we saw many swans and ducks swimming gracefully in a big pool of water. The crocodiles lay Lazily near the water. We also saw a tank which contained small fishes of fine colours. We had a great fun at the zoo.

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo

A Visit to Zoo Essay: 200 Words

A zoo is a place where animals and birds are kept for public display. We, the three friends, went to the Alipore Zoo, Kolkata. We saw two elephants, tied with iron chains by their hind legs. The visitors offered them bananas or nuts which they gladly accepted and swallowed. We were greatly amused to see the huge animals from so near.

Then we visited the bird’s section. There were hundreds of birds. They were of various colours and had lovely plumage (feathers). Their chirping produced soft music. The twittering of sparrows was very pleasant to the ear. At some distance, there was a big pool of water. Many ducks and swans were swimming gracefully in it. We also saw a tank which contained small fishes of fine colours.

Then we came to the cages of tigers, panthers, leopards and lions. They were wonderful. The serpent house gave us a new experience. We saw there various types of snakes on the first floor. Then we saw the bisons, the camels, the ostriches and the bats. The zebras and giraffes were really beautiful who looked innocent and friendly.

It was about 2 P.M when we had taken some light refreshment in the zoo canteen. In this way, we passed the day with much delight and acquired a wonderful experience.

Also Read: A Journey by Train Essay 

A Visit to a Zoo Essay: 250 Words

A Visit To A Zoo is very thrilling. I went to see the zoo with my younger brother. One is surprised to see such a variety of animals and birds. It was an interesting sight. First of all, we saw the monkeys. They were of many kinds and very amusing. We offered some nuts to them.

Then we came to the lions. They looked very fierce and majestic. They were kept in an open place enclosed with high iron railings. Sometimes they roared terribly. Next, we saw the tigers. They had yellow skins with black stripes on them. In the next two cages, there were a wolf and a fox. The wolf was sleeping, but the fox was walking within the cage.

Then we saw the long-necked giraffe, the dark-striped zebra, the thick-skinned rhinoceros, and a huge elephant with beautiful ivory tusks. We were very pleased to see them. After this, we came to the glass houses where reptiles were kept. There were snakes, cobras, and serpents. Some of them looked fearful. We did not stay there long.

Then we came to the fences where peacocks were kept. It was a treat to see one of them in his pride (i.e. with his tail spread like a fan).

We stayed three for three hours. We were tired. At last, we went to the cafe and had some refreshment and tea. Then we returned home. We enjoyed our visit very much.

a visit to a zoo

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo: 500 Words


Everyone needs relaxation and an occasional deviation from the drudgeries of daily existence. A visit to a zoo can offer him these. At the same time, it is a learning experience. It was with this intention that visited the Alipore Zoological Garden last 25th December with some of my friends. This visit was memorable because it was both enjoyable and educational.

Entering the Zoo:

We reached the gate of the zoo in a taxi around 10 am. One has to buy tickets to enter the zoo. A number of visitors were already standing in a queue before the ticket counter. We stood behind them, got our tickets and entered the big arena of the zoo.

Various Types of Birds and Animals:

We crossed the green sward and were greeted by varieties of monkeys in cages. Monkeys and baboons were jumping on the trees within their enclosures. When some people threw food at them, they immediately jumped down from the trees to eat. Some children were making faces at them.

Then, we came across a beautiful lake in which some water birds like ducks and swans were present. There were some migratory birds as well. As we moved, we came to the big netted enclosure in which birds were kept. There were sparrows, parrots, and many other birds. Most of them were twittering, chirping and whistling. But the owls were sitting with their eyes closed as if they were lost in deep thought. The chirping of the birds went on ringing deep in my heart. In their songs, I heard the voice of nature to which the whole universe surrendered. I felt that all was right with the world.

We visited the tigers, lions, zebras, giraffes, rhinos and elephants. Roars of the lions and the tigers were deafening. We found a tiger pacing restlessly with its bloodshot eyes. It was strongly built.

Then we came across a garden in which stags and deer were frisking about. These animals were very agile and beautiful.

Our next halt was at the aquarium section. There were fishes of many species and colours. To see them swimming to and fro in the water was really a rewarding experience. Just beside this enclosure, was the cage of a black bear. It attracted a mammoth gathering. The bear was playing many tricks that thrilled us. Some people offered it eatables which it gulped at once.

Leaving the Zoo:

At about 2 pm, feeling tired, we rested and relaxed on the grassy ground for half an hour. The fragrance of flowers coming from somewhere was really soothing. We again began to stroll around the zoo after having our lunch. We saw a variety of amphibians like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, and a variety of other creatures. Then we hired a boat and enjoyed a short pleasurable ride in the canal. It was around 5 pm when we came out of the zoo. We boarded a bus, casting our last and lingering look on the zoo.


I reached home in a cheerful mood. This visit refreshed my mind and deepened my awareness of the animal world.

Read More: 1. Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place 2. Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair 3. Essay on a Visit to a Hill Station

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Essay on Zoo for Students and Children

500 words essay on zoo.

The world is a huge place to see. It consists of so many living organisms that it is impossible to see each and every one of them. Especially for human beings, who are fascinated very much by animals. For the same reasons, zoos were created so that humans can interact better with animals.

Essay on Zoo

In other words, a zoo is a facility that has animals, birds, and reptiles of all kinds. They are confined to space where they are given food and medical facilities. The government has given strict guidelines to maintain a zoo. This is done keeping in mind the animal’s safety. In addition, zoos are made breeding grounds for animals to protect their species.

Benefits of Zoo

Zoos were made to bring wildlife closer to humans. It gave humans a better and up-close view of them. This allows various researchers and scientists to note the behavioral pattern of the animals. It helps them in their studies and discover new things.

In addition, zoos are a great source of entertainment for kids. They love visiting zoos and interacting with animals. This helps them learn practical knowledge about the animal. It also gives them exposure to wildlife and widens their knowledge.

Furthermore, zoos give us easy access to rare animals. Had it not been for zoos, we would have never been able to see what some animals looked like. We enjoy their behavior and it also creates awareness about the extinction of the rare species.

Similarly, zoos are a safe breeding ground for animals. They ensure the animal breeds so they never go extinct. This helps in creating a good balance. Moreover, the zoos ensure the animals get all the nutrition in their bodies to lead a healthy life. This is beneficial as the animal may not get guaranteed meals in the forests.

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Disadvantages of Zoo

While the zoo is a great place for entertainment, it is also very exploitive. It takes advantage of the poor animals to make a profit off them. The zoos keep animals in very bad conditions. It takes unethical methods just to create revenue.

Furthermore, zoos are very unfair to animals. They take the animals out of their natural habitats just for the sake of human entertainment. Why would the animals be put into cages as humans want them to? They are voiceless creatures who are being forced to live in poor conditions. Imagine putting humans into cages so animals could come to see them. It sounds inhumane the other way around but not when we do the same to animals.

Most importantly, zoos do not take proper care of exotic animals. They bring them over in their facility despite knowing that they cannot survive in that climate. Some zoos do not take enough precautionary measures to keep the animals safe. This has resulted in so many deaths of animals that it seems cruel.

In short, though zoos are very helpful to humans and animals to an extent. They must be monitored constantly to ensure the animals are safe. The unethical zoos must be shut down at once to prevent any further loss of animals.

FAQs on Zoo

Q.1 List the advantages of Zoo

A.1 Zoos bring the wildlife close to humans. It helps researchers study them closely and discover new things. It protects rare species and provides a safe breeding ground for them as well.

Q.2 How are zoos harmful to animals?

A.2 Zoos are very harmful to animals. They take them out of their natural habitat for human entertainment. They make them stay in poor conditions due to which they also lose their life and get infections.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Conservation — Pros And Cons Of Zoos


Pros and Cons of Zoos

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Published: Mar 16, 2024

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Pros of zoos, cons of zoos.

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essay on zoo for class 7

Zoo is a facility where animals, birds, reptiles and other species are kept in confinement and are provided proper nourishment and medical facilities. The enclosures, in which the animals are kept, are secured as per the government’s guidelines and are also displayed to the public. Zoos are also called Animal Park and do many significant tasks of raising awareness, protecting the species and providing safe breeding grounds to the animals, among others.

In years, zoos have evolved into their structure and modern zoo gives ample of open space to the animals with safety. The concept of cages has been gradually phased out and today zoos contain open spaces with bordered ridge to separate animal and visitors. Zoo plays a vital role in protecting the species, by keeping them in a safe environment. It also provides scientists, veterinary doctors, and researchers, students to study animal behaviour closely and implement new techniques and medicines for their sake.

Long and Short Essay on Zoo in English

Here, we are providing a list of long and short essay on zoo in English, of varied length to help you with your examination.

These zoo essay will take you to a memorable journey to this animal wonderland.

These essays will prove useful in your school assignments, debate and essay writing competitions etc.

You can select any essay in accordance with your requirement:

Short Essay on Zoo – Essay 1 (200 words)


An establishment where species of wild animals are housed within enclosures and displayed to the public is termed as a zoological park or in popular terms a ‘Zoo’. These facilities help in the conservation of rare animal species such as the Javan and black Rhino, the Sumatran Elephant and Orang-utan, various species of tigers, the giant panda, etc. that have become extinct due to the mass cutting down of forests.

Zoo – A Saviour of Natural Environment

By providing these endangered species adequate medical attention and a safe and secure habitat imitating their natural surroundings, these animal parks have successfully felicitated the “captive breeding programmes.” This includes the reproduction of animals and thereafter their re-introduction into their natural habitat. This has helped in increasing the number of animals in the wild.

Zoo and Education

As in case of children, the zoos play an important role in educating them about their natural environment, of which wildlife is an important part. Despite various geographic channels on television, the zoos attract millions of children every year as they help the children with an opportunity to see the real animals. This helps in educating these small children about the behaviour and the environment of these wild animals.

Thus, the need of the hour is to promote the ‘breeding’ programmes in zoos and also felicitate the formulation of more zoological gardens in order to prevent the extinction of the various species of animals.

Essay on a Visit to a Zoo – Essay 2 (300 words)

Visit to a Zoological park has always been an enchanting and mesmerizing experience for all of us, especially in our childhood days. The lush greenery and the feeling of oneness that a person feels with the natural environment being amidst the wildlife have no match.

Witnessing Mammals, Birds and Reptiles in a Zoo

The establishments that houses various species of wild animals within enclosures and put them for display in public, in common terms are called zoos. These not only help in conserving the rare species of mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, etc. but also help in educating children about the other living beings of their environment.

By viewing the wild animals such as the Asiatic lion, the Bengal tiger and the leopard, children not only observe their behaviour but also gain knowledge about their eating habits, which is not possible in the concretized urban areas. Furthermore, the monkeys, chimpanzees and also orang-utans seem to appear amusing not only physically because of their long limbs but also because of their behaviour. At times they can be witnessed playing with each other.

Apart from these mammals, there are also various reptiles that breed in captivity in these zoological gardens. These include the crocodile, alligator, tortoise and various varieties of snakes which, if one is lucky can be seen hunting their prey, when they are served live chicks and fishes in their enclosures by attendants.

Also, there are various birds including hornbill and shikra in the list of the endangered species that are bred in various zoos and can only be witnessed in captivity just like the white Bengal Tiger. Thus, the visit to these zoos is not a futile activity, neither for children nor for adults as the rarest of the rare animals from various parts of the world including Africa and America can be found in any zoological garden, located in any corner of the world.

The visits to such places must be encouraged as it not only educates us about other living beings but also makes us feel one with the environment.

Essay on My Visit to a Zoo – Essay 3 (400 words)

Since, my childhood days I have always been mesmerized by and fascinated at the sight of animals. Watching them on television channel like Animal Planet with their frightening looks, catching their prey, taking care of their infants, etc. has always thrilled me. Thus, I was extremely glad when my elder brother offered me a tour to the Delhi Zoological Park on my tenth birthday. It seemed as the best birthday gift ever!

After reaching the zoo via the Delhi Metro we purchased the tickets and walked inside. There were numerous children all over the place who had come to visit the zoo accompanied with their parents and siblings. Thought there was the availability of vehicle for moving inside the zoo, we still opted for walking on foot for a more thrilling experience.  This way I could spend more time observing the places where my favourite animals had been kept.

Amusing Monkeys

The first sight was of the monkeys which were present in various varieties. These included the light brown skinned monkey, langur, chimpanzee, baboon, etc. They were of varied sizes, having both long and short tails. When I reached there, the monkeys were being given bananas and mangos in their cage by the zoo authorities. It was a very amusing scene to watch them consuming those fruits after carefully peeling them off themselves like human beings.

Marvellous Water Birds

Thereafter, we moved on to the section where the water birds had been kept in captivity alongside a man-made pond. They were of different hues, including the black and white swan, ducks, cranes, pelicans, etc. I was mesmerized upon viewing the black swan, by its marvellous black shade and the elegance with which it was floating in the pond.

Ferocious Carnivores

Next, we moved on to watch the Asiatic lion, the Bengal tigers, leopards, cheetahs and bears, which had been kept in cages, away from the other herbivorous mammals. Unlike the deer and bucks that had been kept in herds, these carnivores were kept individually and were making deafening roars and screeching sounds that sacred me.

Reptile section

Moving further, we visited the underground reptile section where the venomous snakes and pythons, alligators and crocodiles were kept. It was a prolific experience to observe the various designs on their skins.

Since, the day was coming to an end with the setting of the Sun; we decided to wind up the visit and reach home to cut my birthday cake. Though I was tired and exhausted walking all day long, it is still the best birthday I have ever had, having spent the entire day watching the animals with whom I had been fascinated since infancy.

Essay on Zoo Visit with Family – Essay 4 (500 words)

As one grows up, the desire and zeal to visit a zoo gets subdued because of the peer pressure. However, a teenager still feels mesmerised and enchanted at the sight of the wild animals in their natural habitat when it is pictured on the television screen.

Zoo Visit with Family

I was in a similar situation. But unlike others, I still got the opportunity to visit the zoo again because of my younger brother who had recently turned five. His curiosity about the animals and my purpose of educating him on the same triggered the plan to visit the zoo with the entire family on a lazy Sunday. Packed in a Honda City, all four of us reached the Delhi Zoological Garden around eleven in the morning. My father purchased the tickets and also a guide map of the zoo from the ticket counter and we entered along the marked footprints. We had the option of boarding the van for roaming around, but we instead opted to walk so that we could spend more time observing our favourite animals.

Magnificent Swans

After entering the zoo, first we came across the pond in which water birds including ducks, stoke, pelicans and swans had been kept. The ducks were quaking and playing among themselves. And moreover the swans, as white as pearls, floating along their partners offered a magnificent picturesque image. I was spellbound upon seeing their beauty and elegance.

Royal Cats Spotted

A little walk later, we found the royal Bengal white tiger which was separated from us by a ditch and was walking in the open enclosure. My younger brother was delighted upon seeing it and we all spent a considerable amount of time observing the tiger galloping from the trees into the small pond.

Next to it was the ditch where the other royal spotted cat had been kept in captivity. Though there were three leopards, they seemed bored as all were relaxing under some tree or other and did not seem to be enthusiastic as the tiger. Moreover, the Asiatic Lion in the other ditch too seemed to take circles inside the open enclosure.

Rock Skinned Rhinoceros

Moving further, we came across a one horned rhinoceros which seemed to be relaxing in the pond nearby. Its skin seemed to be rock hard and its legs short, in contrast to the giraffe on its opposite side, which had a long neck and legs. Giraffes were truly marvellous creatures, which were silent and were munching on leaves from the trees; the entire time we observed them.

Colourful and Vibrant Aquarium

Thereafter, we had a look at the aquarium which had various varieties of colourful fishes, including the cat fish, the clown fish, zebra fish, etc. My younger brother was really excited upon spotting the clown fish which he had seen in the movie ‘Finding Nemo.’ There was also a small lazy tortoise in the aquarium.

Since there was some cleaning and renovation taking place in the underground reptiles section, it was closed and thus we were not able to visit it. We finished our trip to the zoo by observing the amusing monkeys and there after headed towards the exit gate. All together it was a really pleasing experience for me and especially my younger brother, who was still in awe of the magnificent wildlife.

Essay on Zoo Visit: A School Tour – Essay 5 (600 words)

Before breaking up for the winter vacations, my school organised a tour to the National Zoological Park, Delhi. All the students were enthusiastic and excited about it, as it was our first outing with our peers since we had been promoted to fourth standard.

Dressed neatly in the school uniforms along with the sport shoes, we set out for the journey by having assembled ourselves in the school bus. It took us about an hour to reach the zoo. The tickets had already been purchased by the school authorities in advance, hence upon reaching we directly entered the zoo unlike other people who were standing in the queues at the ticket counters. We had already been given instructions to walk in small groups, each headed by a teacher in order to avoid getting lost.

Our Intelligent and Playful Ancestors

First, we came across the monkeys which were kept in a very large cage with trees in different varieties to provide them with ample space for jumping and playing. These included the langur, baboon, chimpanzee, light brown skinned monkey etc. When we reached there, the monkeys were being fed mangoes and bananas by the zoo authorities. We were amazed at their intelligence as they carefully peeled the fruits and consumed only the edible part.

We also came across our ancestor gorilla walking on two legs just as we humans walk today.

Fierce and Frightening Roars

Walking further we observed a Himalayan black bear that was calmly resting under a tree in a ditch and consuming honey, which had been given by the zoo authorities. It was funny to see him only concentrate on the honey and completely ignore the fierce roars that were coming from the nearby ditches. These roars were of the leopards that seemed to be irritated perhaps because they have not yet been fed.

Thereafter, we walked to the next ditch and observed the magnificent Bengal tiger which was galloping up and down the trees and in the pond. Its aerobics seemed to attract various passersby and also we children spent a great deal of time watching it.

All this while, I and my friends had been exited to see the big lion with a great mane, fearful roars and its lour about which we had discussed. However, when we came across it, the Asiatic lion was calmly sleeping under the shade of the tree. We all were really disappointed.

Underground Reptile Section

Moving further, we visited the underground reptile section where the venomous snakes and crocodiles had been kept. The snakes though poisonous and dangerous, had extremely beautiful designs on their gliding skin, especially the Asian vine snake and the Sri Lankan Pit Viper.

Additionally, it was a prolific experience to observe the alligators and crocodiles swimming very stealthily in the pond.

Magnificent and Colourful Birds

Coming back on the ground level, we encountered a very big cage where the birds including the hornbill, peacock, shikra, kite, etc. had been kept in captivity providing them with ample room for flying. They were really beautiful birds in varied colours, especially the peacock that was in procession of extremely beautiful feathers. I and my friends were lucky enough to see the peacock with its open feathers.

There were also some water birds, not capable of flying too high, including the ducks, swans, cranes etc. in different hues that were kept in a manmade pond. They were despite the winter season, floating in the water and enjoying it.

After having completed the tour, a lunch had been arranged by the school authorities in the restaurant at the zoo. It was buffet that we ate till our hearts content and then had ice cream. Thereafter, we boarded the bus and reached the school premises by four in the evening. Though I have visited the zoo a number of times with my family, this experience with my friends was indeed fun and memorable.

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Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100, 150, and 250 Words for School Students

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  • Apr 22, 2024

Essay on Visit to Zoo

Essay on Visit to Zoo: For people of all ages, going to the zoo is a joyful experience. This is a rare chance to get up close and personal with animals from all over the world. Zoos teach us about wildlife conservation in addition to providing us with entertainment. One of life’s greatest pleasures is witnessing animals in their natural environments and learning about their habits.

essay on zoo for class 7

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Visit to Zoo in 150 Words
  • 3 Essay on Visit to Zoo in 250 Words
  • 4 Paragraph on Visit to Zoo

Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100 Words

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Essay on Visit to Zoo in 150 Words

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Essay on Visit to Zoo in 250 Words

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essay on visit to zoo

Paragraph on Visit to Zoo

Ans: Write a paragraph describing your visit to the zoo, the animals you saw, and the feelings it made you feel. Add specifics on the sights, sounds, and any educational features that jumped out during your visit.

Ans: A zoo is a place where a wide variety of animals are kept for both public exhibition and conservation. Zoos are essential for encouraging conservation efforts, teaching people about wildlife, and offering a rare chance to see creatures from all over the world.

Ans: A zoo is a unique location where a vast array of animals are housed for public viewing and education. It resembles a sizable animal museum where you can view animals from around the globe and learn fascinating details about them.

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Aayushi Vardhan

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English Compositions

An Essay on Visit to a Zoo [PDF]

A Zoo is a short form of Zoological garden, where various wild animals along with different creatures are displayed to the public. Today in this write-up we are going to see an essay on a visit to a Zoo, so let’s dive into the essay!

Visit to a zoo feature image

A zoo is a place of adventure to explore where you would get to see a variety of plants and animals. The animals are kept in their cages so that they could not harm the public including children especially.  It is a fun place to go with your friends and family too.

It was once I visited a zoo when I was a kid. During the summer holidays, every family makes a plan for visiting a zoo so that their children could get refreshing air and happily enjoy the adventure to watch the animals. I am lucky that my family took me to the zoo. After we reached there at the entrance of the zoo, there was a ticket counter for buying the tickets.

There was a small box fixed with the counter to store the items.  I was so delighted to see all the things at the zoo. It was filled with trees all round to provide fresh air to animals and oxygen to every person. I saw many types of creatures from birds to the lion to the reptiles are found in the zoo. I had so much enjoyment when I had gone there.

There I had watched all the animals and heard the sweet sound of birds and the lion’s roaring too. I saw many birds and they were looking very beautiful that were ostriches, sparrows, peacocks, pigeons, nightingale, crane, kingfisher that were having so pretty feathers. Peacock has its colorful feathers and it dances too.

Various animals are found here with natural habitat. The monkeys are naughty as they jump and climb from one tree to another. They perform various tricks and they make funny faces and children imitate them as what they do. Other animals like rhinoceros, tiger, wild bear, deer, and giraffes were also there. They were kept in big cages.

I had gone for boat riding with my father and took a ride of elephants too. There were so many trees so they provide shade so that people can sit under the tree. I sat with my mother and father and enjoy tasty sandwiches and drank water.

I saw many other children who were playing. They were swinging on a see-saw and playing ice and spy, and running everywhere. There, I saw a pond having ducks and swam swimming. There were many golden and varieties of fishes.

I had explored and was happy once I visited there. I got aware of animals and learned to share their love with animals. I was said by the person taking not to harm them or make their fun.

I had learned new things about animals, their names and in which environment they live and what they eat. There was a board with writing that, “Children keep their distance from the animals” because of a roar of a lion or noise made by any other animal could scare them badly.

The zoo was covered with many nice things on a large piece of land for fitting the big-sized and small-sized animals wherever needed. I was happy to see the families who came with their cell phones and opened the camera to click the photos with their children playing and having full fun.

After leaving the zoo, I came outside the zoo, with my family I saw there were so many small shops to buy the food to eat in case you do not take your lunch with yourself. Various thela walas were selling bhelpuri, chaat, pani puri, fast food, ice creams, samosa and much more for everyone.

The price of the food was low cost. Many people were standing near the toys stall separately for the children to buy and also the near to it was the departmental store for buying a bottle of mineral water or cold drinks to end the thirst.

There were many animals brought in the zoo from the outside world. They were adored nicely and looked after with great care. They were looking after them and feeding them properly with high nutritional food. Lastly, I was so much tired after having an adventure, playing and having a boat and elephant ride. I got back home with my parents for taking rest.  

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Essay on Zoo in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Zoo is a facility where animals, birds, reptiles and other species are kept in confinement and are provided proper nourishment and medical facilities. The enclosures, in which the animals are kept, are secured as per the government’s guidelines and are also displayed to the public. Zoos are also called Animal Park and do many significant tasks of raising awareness, protecting the species and providing safe breeding grounds to the animals, among others.

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In years, zoos have evolved into their structure and modern zoo gives ample of open space to the animals with safety. The concept of cages has been gradually phased out and today zoos contain open spaces with bordered ridge to separate animal and visitors. Zoo plays a vital role in protecting the species, by keeping them in a safe environment. It also provides scientists, veterinary doctors, and researchers, students to study animal behaviour closely and implement new techniques and medicines for their sake.

Long and Short Essay on Zoo in English

Here, we are providing a list of long and short essay on zoo in English, of varied length to help you with your examination.

These zoo essay will take you to a memorable journey to this animal wonderland.

These essays will prove useful in your school assignments, debate and essay writing competitions etc.

You can select any essay in accordance with your requirement:

Short Essay on Zoo – Essay 1 (200 words)


An establishment where species of wild animals are housed within enclosures and displayed to the public is termed as a zoological park or in popular terms a ‘Zoo’. These facilities help in the conservation of rare animal species such as the Javan and black Rhino, the Sumatran Elephant and Orang-utan, various species of tigers, the giant panda, etc. that have become extinct due to the mass cutting down of forests.

Zoo – A Saviour of Natural Environment

By providing these endangered species adequate medical attention and a safe and secure habitat imitating their natural surroundings, these animal parks have successfully felicitated the “captive breeding programmes.” This includes the reproduction of animals and thereafter their re-introduction into their natural habitat. This has helped in increasing the number of animals in the wild.

Zoo and Education

As in case of children, the zoos play an important role in educating them about their natural environment, of which wildlife is an important part. Despite various geographic channels on television, the zoos attract millions of children every year as they help the children with an opportunity to see the real animals. This helps in educating these small children about the behaviour and the environment of these wild animals.

Thus, the need of the hour is to promote the ‘breeding’ programmes in zoos and also felicitate the formulation of more zoological gardens in order to prevent the extinction of the various species of animals.

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Essay on a Visit to a Zoo – Essay 2 (300 words)

Visit to a Zoological park has always been an enchanting and mesmerizing experience for all of us, especially in our childhood days. The lush greenery and the feeling of oneness that a person feels with the natural environment being amidst the wildlife have no match.

Witnessing Mammals, Birds and Reptiles in a Zoo

The establishments that houses various species of wild animals within enclosures and put them for display in public, in common terms are called zoos. These not only help in conserving the rare species of mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, etc. but also help in educating children about the other living beings of their environment.

By viewing the wild animals such as the Asiatic lion, the Bengal tiger and the leopard, children not only observe their behaviour but also gain knowledge about their eating habits, which is not possible in the concretized urban areas. Furthermore, the monkeys, chimpanzees and also orang-utans seem to appear amusing not only physically because of their long limbs but also because of their behaviour. At times they can be witnessed playing with each other.

Apart from these mammals, there are also various reptiles that breed in captivity in these zoological gardens. These include the crocodile, alligator, tortoise and various varieties of snakes which, if one is lucky can be seen hunting their prey, when they are served live chicks and fishes in their enclosures by attendants.

Also, there are various birds including hornbill and shikra in the list of the endangered species that are bred in various zoos and can only be witnessed in captivity just like the white Bengal Tiger. Thus, the visit to these zoos is not a futile activity, neither for children nor for adults as the rarest of the rare animals from various parts of the world including Africa and America can be found in any zoological garden, located in any corner of the world.

The visits to such places must be encouraged as it not only educates us about other living beings but also makes us feel one with the environment.

Essay on My Visit to a Zoo – Essay 3 (400 words)

Since, my childhood days I have always been mesmerized by and fascinated at the sight of animals. Watching them on television channel like Animal Planet with their frightening looks, catching their prey, taking care of their infants, etc. has always thrilled me. Thus, I was extremely glad when my elder brother offered me a tour to the Delhi Zoological Park on my tenth birthday. It seemed as the best birthday gift ever!

After reaching the zoo via the Delhi Metro we purchased the tickets and walked inside. There were numerous children all over the place who had come to visit the zoo accompanied with their parents and siblings. Thought there was the availability of vehicle for moving inside the zoo, we still opted for walking on foot for a more thrilling experience. This way I could spend more time observing the places where my favourite animals had been kept.

Amusing Monkeys

The first sight was of the monkeys which were present in various varieties. These included the light brown skinned monkey, langur, chimpanzee, baboon, etc. They were of varied sizes, having both long and short tails. When I reached there, the monkeys were being given bananas and mangos in their cage by the zoo authorities. It was a very amusing scene to watch them consuming those fruits after carefully peeling them off themselves like human beings.

Marvellous Water Birds

Thereafter, we moved on to the section where the water birds had been kept in captivity alongside a man-made pond. They were of different hues, including the black and white swan, ducks, cranes, pelicans, etc. I was mesmerized upon viewing the black swan, by its marvellous black shade and the elegance with which it was floating in the pond.

Ferocious Carnivores

Next, we moved on to watch the Asiatic lion, the Bengal tigers, leopards, cheetahs and bears, which had been kept in cages, away from the other herbivorous mammals. Unlike the deer and bucks that had been kept in herds, these carnivores were kept individually and were making deafening roars and screeching sounds that sacred me.

Reptile section

Moving further, we visited the underground reptile section where the venomous snakes and pythons, alligators and crocodiles were kept. It was a prolific experience to observe the various designs on their skins.

Since, the day was coming to an end with the setting of the Sun; we decided to wind up the visit and reach home to cut my birthday cake. Though I was tired and exhausted walking all day long, it is still the best birthday I have ever had, having spent the entire day watching the animals with whom I had been fascinated since infancy.

Essay on Zoo Visit with Family – Essay 4 (500 words)

As one grows up, the desire and zeal to visit a zoo gets subdued because of the peer pressure. However, a teenager still feels mesmerised and enchanted at the sight of the wild animals in their natural habitat when it is pictured on the television screen.

Zoo Visit with Family

I was in a similar situation. But unlike others, I still got the opportunity to visit the zoo again because of my younger brother who had recently turned five. His curiosity about the animals and my purpose of educating him on the same triggered the plan to visit the zoo with the entire family on a lazy Sunday. Packed in a Honda City, all four of us reached the Delhi Zoological Garden around eleven in the morning. My father purchased the tickets and also a guide map of the zoo from the ticket counter and we entered along the marked footprints. We had the option of boarding the van for roaming around, but we instead opted to walk so that we could spend more time observing our favourite animals.

Magnificent Swans

After entering the zoo, first we came across the pond in which water birds including ducks, stoke, pelicans and swans had been kept. The ducks were quaking and playing among themselves. And moreover the swans, as white as pearls, floating along their partners offered a magnificent picturesque image. I was spellbound upon seeing their beauty and elegance.

Royal Cats Spotted

A little walk later, we found the royal Bengal white tiger which was separated from us by a ditch and was walking in the open enclosure. My younger brother was delighted upon seeing it and we all spent a considerable amount of time observing the tiger galloping from the trees into the small pond.

Next to it was the ditch where the other royal spotted cat had been kept in captivity. Though there were three leopards, they seemed bored as all were relaxing under some tree or other and did not seem to be enthusiastic as the tiger. Moreover, the Asiatic Lion in the other ditch too seemed to take circles inside the open enclosure.

Rock Skinned Rhinoceros

Moving further, we came across a one horned rhinoceros which seemed to be relaxing in the pond nearby. Its skin seemed to be rock hard and its legs short, in contrast to the giraffe on its opposite side, which had a long neck and legs. Giraffes were truly marvellous creatures, which were silent and were munching on leaves from the trees; the entire time we observed them.

Colourful and Vibrant Aquarium

Thereafter, we had a look at the aquarium which had various varieties of colourful fishes, including the cat fish, the clown fish, zebra fish, etc. My younger brother was really excited upon spotting the clown fish which he had seen in the movie ‘Finding Nemo.’ There was also a small lazy tortoise in the aquarium.

Since there was some cleaning and renovation taking place in the underground reptiles section, it was closed and thus we were not able to visit it. We finished our trip to the zoo by observing the amusing monkeys and there after headed towards the exit gate. All together it was a really pleasing experience for me and especially my younger brother, who was still in awe of the magnificent wildlife.

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Essay on Zoo Visit: A School Tour – Essay 5 (600 words)

Before breaking up for the winter vacations, my school organised a tour to the National Zoological Park, Delhi. All the students were enthusiastic and excited about it, as it was our first outing with our peers since we had been promoted to fourth standard.

Dressed neatly in the school uniforms along with the sport shoes, we set out for the journey by having assembled ourselves in the school bus. It took us about an hour to reach the zoo. The tickets had already been purchased by the school authorities in advance, hence upon reaching we directly entered the zoo unlike other people who were standing in the queues at the ticket counters. We had already been given instructions to walk in small groups, each headed by a teacher in order to avoid getting lost.

Our Intelligent and Playful Ancestors

First, we came across the monkeys which were kept in a very large cage with trees in different varieties to provide them with ample space for jumping and playing. These included the langur, baboon, chimpanzee, light brown skinned monkey etc. When we reached there, the monkeys were being fed mangoes and bananas by the zoo authorities. We were amazed at their intelligence as they carefully peeled the fruits and consumed only the edible part.

We also came across our ancestor gorilla walking on two legs just as we humans walk today.

Fierce and Frightening Roars

Walking further we observed a Himalayan black bear that was calmly resting under a tree in a ditch and consuming honey, which had been given by the zoo authorities. It was funny to see him only concentrate on the honey and completely ignore the fierce roars that were coming from the nearby ditches. These roars were of the leopards that seemed to be irritated perhaps because they have not yet been fed.

Thereafter, we walked to the next ditch and observed the magnificent Bengal tiger which was galloping up and down the trees and in the pond. Its aerobics seemed to attract various passersby and also we children spent a great deal of time watching it.

All this while, I and my friends had been exited to see the big lion with a great mane, fearful roars and its lour about which we had discussed. However, when we came across it, the Asiatic lion was calmly sleeping under the shade of the tree. We all were really disappointed.

Underground Reptile Section

Moving further, we visited the underground reptile section where the venomous snakes and crocodiles had been kept. The snakes though poisonous and dangerous, had extremely beautiful designs on their gliding skin, especially the Asian vine snake and the Sri Lankan Pit Viper.

Additionally, it was a prolific experience to observe the alligators and crocodiles swimming very stealthily in the pond.

Magnificent and Colourful Birds

Coming back on the ground level, we encountered a very big cage where the birds including the hornbill, peacock, shikra, kite, etc. had been kept in captivity providing them with ample room for flying. They were really beautiful birds in varied colours, especially the peacock that was in procession of extremely beautiful feathers. I and my friends were lucky enough to see the peacock with its open feathers.

There were also some water birds, not capable of flying too high, including the ducks, swans, cranes etc. in different hues that were kept in a manmade pond. They were despite the winter season, floating in the water and enjoying it.

After having completed the tour, a lunch had been arranged by the school authorities in the restaurant at the zoo. It was buffet that we ate till our hearts content and then had ice cream. Thereafter, we boarded the bus and reached the school premises by four in the evening. Though I have visited the zoo a number of times with my family, this experience with my friends was indeed fun and memorable.

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  • Paragraph Writing

A Visit To a Zoo Paragraph

We all have visited zoos at least once in our lifetime, maybe with friends, family, on study tours, etc. A zoo is one of the favourite picnic places for kids, and for them, these are the most exciting places to visit. It is a place to enjoy and a place to learn a lot of things. You get to see a lot of wild animals in one place. After a zoo visit, you might be asked to write a paragraph on your experience, so check the samples given below to get an idea of what can be added to the paragraph.

Table of Contents

A visit to a zoo – paragraph in 100 words, a visit to a zoo – paragraph in 150 words, a visit to a zoo – paragraph in 200 words, a visit to a zoo – paragraph in 250 words, frequently asked questions on a visit to a zoo paragraph.

Writing a paragraph on your recent experiences, like visiting a zoo, a train journey, your first experience on a plane, etc., is a good practice. Your brain functions well while remembering the trip or your experience. It also increases your vocabulary and broadens your ability to look at things around you. This is why your parents or your teachers ask you to write a paragraph on an experience you recently had. Before you write a paragraph on a visit to a zoo, refer to the below-provided samples and get an idea about the same.

A zoo is a place where many animals and birds are housed. The animals and birds live in a closed area, and the visitors can see them from a distance so that all the visitors are safe and do not come in contact with the animals. The authorities of the zoo appoint a lot of people to give the best care to the animals and birds. They always make sure that neither the animals nor the visitors are harmed in any way. They also take care that no edibles are provided to the animals by the visitors.

A zoo is a facility that houses a variety of animals and birds. The animals and birds live in a closed area, and visitors can only observe them from afar, ensuring that everyone is safe and avoids coming into contact with the animals. It is not only a favourite place for kids but also for a lot of adults and especially for those who love animals. Spending a day at a zoo can teach you great lessons. It might sound a little scary when you first visit the place, but it is a place with a lot of security. Special care is taken so that the visitors are not harmed and no visitor can feed the animals. The animals and birds in the zoo are kept in an enclosed area, and the authorities of the zoo protect animals and birds with utmost care. Every animal is provided with the food of their choice. The guides in the zoo explain to us about the animals, their origins and their history.

A zoo is an enclosed area where animals and birds are housed with a lot of care. The authorities of the zoo take care of the animals and birds. The zoo allows the visitors to know more about the animals, their behaviour, etc. Zoos are one of the favourite places to visit for kids, where they not only enjoy but also learn a lot of new things about various animals. We teach our children about various animals and birds from books, but a zoo is a place where they can see the animals and birds of different species naturally. Every year I visit the zoo with my family. It has been six years now that we have been visiting the Nandankanan Zoo every year. It is the most interesting and exciting place for my family and me. We all love animals, but we hardly see these animals in their natural habitat. That is why zoos are made. We learn a lot of things about these animals, like their habitat, their food styles, etc. The best part about this place is the authorities do not allow us to feed the animals. It is for the safety of the visitors as well as the animals. The cages are huge in this zoo as compared to the other ones I have ever been to, which gives the animals enough space for their survival.

A zoo is one of the most visited places in every country. It is an attraction to people of almost all age groups. It is the best place to come in touch with nature. It is a place where the whole biodiversity can be seen(flora, fauna, etc.). It is the best place to learn about the real habitat of the animals. Every time we visit a zoo, we will get a chance to learn new things about the animal kingdom. A zoo is a place where the safety of animals, birds, and visitors is taken care of by the authorities. In order to keep everyone safe, the visitors are not allowed to feed the animals. The authorities provide the visitors with guides who can explain the various species of animals found in the zoo and also explain their histories. I remember visiting a zoo when I was in 6th grade. I went with my whole family during the winter break to the Nandankanan Zoo. It is a huge place where animals and birds of all kinds are housed. Both Indian and foreign birds are seen in the zoo, and the best part is the zoo is really huge, which gives enough space for the animals to survive. The zoo has many different species of tigers, and every tiger has been named. Not only tigers but almost all the animals, like the three giraffes, the tigers, the seven elephants, etc., have also been named for their origins. The people who take care of the animals are so close and attached to the animals that they do not harm them and, in fact, play with them.

How can I write a paragraph on a visit to a zoo?

To write a paragraph on a visit to a zoo, you will have to write about your own experience. You can start with an introduction to the zoo. Write about the zoo and how the animals are kept, what the animals are, etc. Then you can write about how much you liked the place and how much you enjoyed the day, etc. Finally, write a short statement concluding the whole paragraph.

What is a zoo?

A zoo is an enclosed area where animals of different species are kept in their natural habitats.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


IvyPanda . "80 Zoo Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

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Essay on A Visit to Zoo

A Visit to Zoo

We love going to different places for recreation purposes. There are many places that people visit and enjoy with their family and friends. This gives us great relaxation from our daily monotonous routine works. Visiting a zoo is a great means of enjoyment. Isn’t it a lovely place to go? Students are often asked to write essays on this topic in exams. It is difficult for students to write their experience of visiting a zoo in the form of an essay.

Short and Long Essay on A Visit to Zoo in English

I will be providing my own experience of visiting a zoo in form of a long essay. I hope it would be helpful to all the students in getting an idea about writing an essay on this topic.

10 Lines Essay on A Visit to Zoo (100-120 Words)

1) During my summer vacation, we decided to visit a zoo.

2) I along with my brother and parents visited there.

3) I was very excited because I love animals.

4) We took the tickets and entered the zoo.

5) The first animal we saw was a herd of deer.

6) We also saw tigers and lions roaring loudly.

7) There was a separate corner of reptiles where we saw many snakes.

8) The beer was sleeping and all the people were laughing at him.

9) We clicked many pictures with animals.

10) It was an amazing day and I enjoyed the trip a lot.

Short Essay – 250 Words


A zoo is a place that provides us an opportunity of observing different types of animals, birds, and fishes at one place. These animals, birds, and fishes are kept at different places in their own habitats in a zoo. The zoo is the best place that we can visit during our holidays with our family and friends. The visit to a zoo will surely make us feel good and help in refreshing our mood.

Provides great joy and a chance of meeting the Wildlife

A visit to a zoo is a beautiful experience in life. It provides us great joy to see and spend time with the animals. The zoo is a good educational place for the children. They love to see those animals in reality about whom they have only read in their books. After seeing those in reality children can easily recognize them. Zoos also provide us knowledge about different animals and their habitat. It helps us in understanding the role of animals in nature and the importance of conserving them. In a zoo, we are able to see the variety of wild animals that belong to wildlife. These animals can only be spotted in the forests and the zoo gives us an opportunity to meet these animals at one place.

Zoo – Connects Human Beings with Nature

We can watch and interact with different kinds of animals and their activities live in a zoo. In a zoo, we can feel that we are very close to nature. It is because of the presence of the animals that form an important part of nature. The environment of the zoo is very natural that makes us feel as if we are in a forest. Thus it can be stated that zoo helps in connecting human beings with nature.

I love visiting and spending my time in a zoo. It is very lovely and interesting to watch the animals doing different activities.

Long Essay on My Experience of Visiting the Zoo

Many of us love animals. The choices of animals we love are different for every individual. There are many animals that we have seen only in movies and on television. There is an immense curiosity to see these animals in front of our eyes. Children are more curious to see different animals. The plan to visit a zoo would be the most interesting place for children.

What is a Zoo?

A zoo is a place that is well protected and is open for public visits. It consists of different types of animals residing there separately in cages on areas enclosed by steel wires. These animals live there and also breed to give birth to their young ones. This helps in increasing the number of species of that animal. They are places enriched with great natural beauty. Animals living here are living in a protected condition. It covers an area of a larger distance that encloses the small-small habitat of the animals in the zoo. It is ensured that the same conditions as of forest will be provided to the animals in the zoo.

The habitat destruction of animals by increasing the human population is the major cause of the depletion of the forests. The loss of the habitat of the animals makes them devoid of shelter as well as food. This is the reason for the extinction of different animal species in the world. A zoo is a large area in the forests that is issued by the government as the protected habitat of animals and birds. It serves for the protection of the animals and saving them from being extinct.

The children are most fascinated with animals. They love visiting the place like a zoo. It is an outing or picnic spot for the people.

The Zoological Parks in India

There are 72 zoo located in different cities of Indian states. They are meant for the protection of wild animals from becoming endangered or extinct species. Animals and birds are well maintained in this enclosed habitat. These zoological parks open for a definite time for the visitors. It is a good place for enjoyment as well as learning. We get to know about different wildlife animals and can see them in real.

My Experience of Visiting the Zoo

I am a nature-loving person. I think nature is incomplete without the presence of different types of animals and birds. They add beauty and liveliness to beautiful nature. I got the chance of visiting the Lucknow zoo as a part of the school trip. It is called Nawab Wazid Ali Shah Prani Udyan. I was very excited about this trip as it was going to be my first visit to a zoo. We arrived the next day at school and were ready to travel by bus with our teachers and classmates to Lucknow for our visit to the zoo. The travel was very exciting but my curiosity was at its highest level till we reached the zoo. Earlier I had seen a zoo only on television or in books. It was a very good part that we visited the zoo in winters because they move around in winters for getting the warmth of the sun. During summers the animals are not seen very active outside.

We reached there safely and were standing in a queue for getting entry in the zoo. My teachers had made the online booking of tickets. We were permitted to enter inside one by one.

Entry Point of the Zoo – The entry point has a sculpture of a giant tree with no leaves on its branches. The tree has different animals on it like monkey, peacock, bear, different birds, etc. A statue of a Lion has been built sitting in the front of the sculpture of the tree. There are also statues of Rhinoceros, zebra, and giraffe in the periphery area of the tree. This totally gives us a small representation of the inner view of the zoo. We had clicked many pictures near this entry point.

Inside View of the Zoo – The whole way directing to the inner premises of the zoo is adorned with the statues of different animals like dear, lion, bear, tiger, etc. The habitat of black dear was situated at first and it was full of many black dears roaming here and there. The information about the animal is totally provided on the board displayed outside the protected area of the particular animal. The habitat of the chimpanzee was a very interesting spot.

We saw two chimpanzees sitting and taking the warmth of the sun. The chimpanzee was making different types of faces and postures that made us laugh. They are very intelligent and were sitting in a very good pose. We stayed there for a little longer time and enjoyed the tricks of chimpanzees. Next, we saw ostriches. They were really very tall as we had seen them in the books.

There was a lane in the zoo that was had different types of birds. I was fascinated after seeing such a good collection of birds in the zoo. They were of different colors and breeds. We saw lions and tigers too. The Lion was roaring and giving a very ferocious look. Tigers were also roaming in their enclosures. They were three in numbers and we could not distinguish between males and females. We also saw three Himalayan Black bears in the zoo resting in their habitat. The white tiger looked very magnificent.

Apart from these, there is a toy train and parks with various swings meant for the children. We were in the zoo for four hours. We visited the entire zoo and were able to observe the animals closely.

Is Zoo the Place for Recreation and Learning?

The zoo is a very interesting place to be visited. We can see different types of animals in the zoo. We can also see animals that cannot be spotted anywhere other than forests like Lion, Tigers, White Tiger, Bears, etc. We can observe the behavior of the different animals very closely.

We also come to know about different new animals in the zoo that are unknown to us. After visiting a zoo we feel like spending more and more time watching the different activities of the animals in the zoo. In my opinion, the zoo is one of the best places for recreation and enjoyment with our family and friends. It also gives us information about the different species of animals and birds.

I was very happy after visiting the zoo in Lucknow. We had a great time that we spent inside the zoo. I feel like visiting the zoo again and again in my life. We must observe the animals very silently in the zoo without causing any kind of disturbance to them.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . ‘Arignar Anna Zoological Park’, established in 1855, is the oldest zoo in India located in Chennai.

Ans . Zoo has animals enclosed in their habitats or cages while in zoological parks they are set free.

Ans . The zoo was first established by Egypt in 1500 B.C.

Ans. October 4 is observed as the World Animal Day every year.

Ans . The Sakkarbaug Zoo in Gujarat was known for having African Cheetahs.

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A visit to a zoo – Short Essay or Paragraph in English

Short essay on a visit to a zoo.

Zoo is a place where birds and animals of different kinds and colours are kept. A visit to the zoo is always very interesting. It adds to our knowledge. Only yesterday, my friends and i went to see the zoo. uses of internet essay in english, essay of visit to a zoo, zoo description essay, short paragraph on visit to a zoo, list of zoos, a visit to a zoo essay for class 3, paragraph on visit to a zoo, zoo essay in english, is it fair to keep animals in zoos essay, trip to the zoo, essay on visit to a zoo, animals in zoos essay, a visit to a zoo essay for class 2, zoo sentences, essay on zoo, online essay writing service, do my essay for me, help me write my essay, help me with my essay, top essay writing service, professional essay writing service, essay editing service, best essay writing service, essay writing service, write my essay for me, do my essay, write my essay, write an essay for me, essay writing help, essay service, do essay for me It is housed in purana quila in new delhi. First of all we saw water-birds, dusks and cranes in a pond. On the side were apes and monkeys in different cages. The monkeys were jumping on the branches of the trees. In order cages lions, tigers, wolves, bears, foxes and zebras were kept.

The lion was sleeping and the lioness was playing with cubs. They look very fearful. We also saw deer and langaroos. Then we came to the glass – houses. Birds and snakes or different kinds and colours were kept in them. Last of all we enjoyed an elephant ride and returned home.

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Essay On A Visit To A Zoo – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

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Key Points To Remember When Writing Essays On A Visit To A Zoo For Lower Primary Classes

What are the benefits of visiting zoos, 10 lines on a visit to a zoo for kids, a paragraph on a visit to a zoo for children, short essay on a visit to a zoo in english for kids, long essay on a visit to a zoo for children, what will your child learn from visit to a zoo essay, interesting facts about zoo for kids.

For a kid, a zoo is a place of fun and unique creatures; you can refer to it as a wonderland. Kids will enjoy writing a visit to a zoo essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 kids. Every kid must have had a trip to the zoo once in their life. It is a place full of different animals, reptiles, birds, mammals, fishes, etc. All these creatures are either kept in cages or allowed a particular area to roam around.

These things often fascinate kids, and thus they dream about visiting a zoo several times. And if you are looking for an essay on a visit to a zoo in English, this write-up may help you.

If you have ever visited any zoo, you must have your own experiences. The description of your experience will help the kids to know the benefits of visiting a zoo. And if you are not aware of the facts required for writing an essay on a visit to a zoo, here are the key points that will help you write the essay.

  • Start the essay with a brief introductory note to keep your writing interactive.
  • Never move far away from the central theme.
  • The structure should be well-defined and synchronised.
  • A visit to a zoo is an academic type of writing; thus, you need to cover the purpose of your visit, history of the zoo, location, duration, with whom you went, and what you saw and experienced.
  • Describe the benefits of visiting a zoo, and write about what you enjoyed there.

There are several benefits of visiting a zoo. A zoo is a place set to bring human beings closer to the wildlife. It is necessary for kids to feel the requirement of wildlife and enjoy the gift of nature. Many people think zoos are only for kids, but they are wrong, as the adults too find it interesting to look at the animals and birds and how they behave.

If your kid has got an assignment on a visit to zoo essay for classes 1 & 2, tell them your experience of the same. However, to get a proper essay, here are the 10 lines on a visit to the zoo for you.

  • I visited the zoo with my family members during the summer vacation.
  • We all went to the National Zoological Park in Delhi.
  • It was my first time in a zoo, and I learned that a zoo is a place full of different birds, animals, and species.
  • We saw animals like elephants, bears, deer, and birds like peacocks, hornbills, etc.
  • We came to know about the houses they live in. We saw a lion hiding inside its den, birds sitting on the nest, and a bear roaming around the field.
  • Proper monitoring of animal foods and health is done here.
  • Animals and birds stay in safe places with proper shelter.
  • My parents pointed out all the herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous animals to us.
  • We now believe that a zoo is a place to protect animals.
  • We had a great time at the zoo.

The zoo is a fascinating topic to write about. Here is a paragraph for children that describes all about the zoo.

A zoo is a place full of unique creatures living in one area away from the forest. Last year, my family planned a visit to the zoo. When we got there, we found different animals and birds living their lives in peaceful surroundings with regular food and proper shelter. We learned about the shelters of the animals and what they eat. We also saw various birds and reptiles swinging and roaming in a specific place. We had a delightful day, and we left the zoo in the evening.

Kids in the junior classes will be asked to write a short paragraph on this topic. Here is an example for your reference.

My school planned a visit to the zoo last Sunday. I was very excited to explore nature and wildlife. I found various animals, reptiles, mammals, fishes, and birds when I got there. I saw how long the giraffes were and how big the elephants seemed to be. I had never experienced this before. It was my best trip to the zoo ever. I saw monkeys eating bananas and deer running so fast in the field. I learned that crocodiles stay in one place for a long time, searching for their prey. I heard the soothing voices of birds. This was my best experience, and I want to revisit this amazing place.

If you want to write an essay for class 3 on zoos, the below-written essay can help you frame the same.

My school was planning a trip to take us to the zoo. They asked my parent’s permission, and fortunately, they agreed. Everything was organised, and the trip was scheduled for next Sunday morning. The day arrived very soon, and I boarded my school bus, which came to pick me up for the trip. It was a bright Sunday morning, and with a cheerful smile, I continued my day. Teachers already explained to us about the zoo. And this made me more excited.

Finally, around 9 a.m., we arrived at the zoo. When we entered inside, we saw the deer running in their field. Moving forward, we saw giraffes, tigers, lions, leopards, bears, different kinds of horses, etc. We then went to the birds’ section. All types of birds were there. All of them were singing and dancing in the trees. We also saw monkeys and baboons hanging on the giant trees. In the end section of the zoo, we found a small pond full of fish. There was also a museum for aquatic animals, such as dolphins and starfish.

Coming our way back to the exit, we saw snakes and cobras swinging in their specific area. The entire zoo was decorated with flowers and was full of greenery everywhere. It was a beautiful view to watch. Around 6 p.m., we reached home safely with a heart and mind full of happy memories. Hence, the trip to the zoo was my best experience, as I learned a lot of things about animals and birds.

A zoo is undoubtedly a place of wonder and has its own advantages and disadvantages. The zoo not only teaches you about different kinds of creatures, but it also helps you realise the importance of wildlife. It gives you lovely memories that can be incorporated into a composition on a visit to a zoo.

  • A zoo requires proper maintenance and cleanliness for the well-being of the creatures there.
  • It attracts many tourists to see the wildlife heritage of one’s country.
  • The word ‘zoo’ is derived from the Greek word ‘zoion’. It is an abbreviation of zoological gardens, specifically applied to the Regent’s Park, London, in the mid 19’s.
  • It protects various endangered animals.
  • It proves to be one of the economic resources for the country.
  • A zoo is not a natural habitat for animals, even if they are born there.
  • Zoo animals are often trained to entertain viewers.
  • Many zoos allow you to adopt animals. You can pay to feed them for a certain period of time.

The zoo is undoubtedly a good source of entertainment for adults and kids. Not only this, it also attracts lots of tourists to see the wildlife heritage of a country. This makes the zoo attractive and one of the best places to visit. So, give your kids an assignment to write an essay on a visit to the zoo, and see what they think of it.

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    Zoo Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Zoo in English language for Children and Students.

  9. Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100, 150, and 250 Words for School Students

    Essay on Visit to Zoo in 100 Words. The trip to the National Zoological Park in New Delhi, which features terrestrial animals from different parts of the world, is a worthwhile experience for both young people and adults. As soon as we walked in, we were mesmerized by the bright colors and noisy chorus of exotic birds.

  10. Essay on Visit to a Zoo for Children in 500 Words

    The first essay is a long essay on the A Visit To a Zoo of 400-500 words. This long essay about A Visit To a Zoo is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on A Visit To a Zoo of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

  11. An Essay on Visit to a Zoo [PDF]

    Today in this write-up we are going to see an essay on a visit to a Zoo, so let's dive into the essay! This Essay is Formatted For Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 4 | Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Class 10 . A zoo is a place of adventure to explore where you would get to see a variety of plants and animals. The animals are kept ...

  12. Paragraph on Zoo 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students

    Paragraph on Zoo - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids. A Zoo is a place where many animals and birds live. They live in the closed areas in the zoo and the visitors can see the animals from the outside of the spaces. There are people who take care of the zoo provide the animals and birds with the best care. The authorities of the zoo make ...

  13. A Visit To The Zoo Essay

    A Visit To a Zoo essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations. Last Sunday it was very cloudy. My friends and I visited the zoo. As we approached the main, gate, we saw a huge crowd. Some people were buying entrance tickets, some were ...

  14. Essay on Zoo in English for Children and Students

    Zoo Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Zoo in English language for Children and Students.

  15. A Visit To a Zoo Paragraph

    A Visit To a Zoo - Paragraph in 100 Words. A zoo is a place where many animals and birds are housed. The animals and birds live in a closed area, and the visitors can see them from a distance so that all the visitors are safe and do not come in contact with the animals. The authorities of the zoo appoint a lot of people to give the best care ...

  16. 80 Zoo Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples

    Adopting the endangered species requires the zoos to have sufficient funds to meet the needs of the animals and to maintain the facilities. The paper below focuses on the barriers to setting up a safari zoo in the UAE. Through this, the study will identify the animals that are more likely to be comfortable in the zoo.

  17. Essay on A Visit to Zoo

    Short and Long Essay on A Visit to Zoo for School and College Students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 including higher classes and graduation ...

  18. A visit to a zoo

    It adds to our knowledge. Only yesterday, my friends and i went to see the zoo. It is housed in purana quila in new delhi. First of all we saw water-birds, dusks and cranes in a pond. On the side were apes and monkeys in different cages. The monkeys were jumping on the branches of the trees. In order cages lions, tigers, wolves, bears, foxes ...

  19. Class 7 Essay Topics for Students

    Class 7 Essay Topics relating to different categories exist here. Students of 7th grade are advised to Read and Practice all covered English Essay Topics for 7th Std for enhancing your analytical & writing skills. For aiding in your practice sessions of essay writings, we have curated a list of English Essays for Grade 7 students from diverse ...

  20. Essay On A Visit To A Zoo in English for Class 1, 2 & 3: 10 Lines

    For a kid, a zoo is a place of fun and unique creatures; you can refer to it as a wonderland. Kids will enjoy writing a visit to a zoo essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 kids. Every kid must have had a trip to the zoo once in their life. It is a place full of different animals, reptiles, birds, mammals, fishes, etc.

  21. Essay On Visit To A Zoo For Class 7

    Essay On Visit To A Zoo For Class 7 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2.