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DartWrite Digital Portfolio Project

Dartmouth's home for digital writing portfolios

Digital Essay Project (Assignment Example)

Tina Van Kley has asked her Writing 5 students to re-mediate a research essay as what she calls (borrowing from Dan Cohen) a "digital essay." Students radically reshape and rewrite their projects for a public, online audience. They work toward the early drafts by exploring public writing on the web, noticing how the conventions of academic writing are both harnessed and changed in public online writing.  Students draft and complete the project as a single page on their portfolio sites. You can see an example of student work from winter 2019: https://journeys.dartmouth.edu/rayhcrist22/digital-essay/

Tina has shared a copy of the assignment text as it appeared in a recent class:

Project 3: Digital Essay

Your final project is to adapt your topic and research for Project 2 for a new, broad audience and digital medium, using your Dartmouth WordPress site.

Historian and New Media scholar Dan Cohen defines the digital essay (or – more controversially – “blessay”) as “a manifestation of the convergence of journalism and scholarship in mid-length forms online.” He cites the kind of thoughtful, informed writing found at places like The Atlantic’s website (Links to an external site.), Longform.org (Links to an external site.), and The New Yorker (Links to an external site.), or hear on NPR shows and podcasts like the investigative pieces on This American Life (Links to an external site.). We will read and listen to examples of such work to discuss the genre and its features. Some characteristics of the digital essay, as developed by Cohen (Links to an external site.):

  • Mid-length: more ambitious than a blog post, less comprehensive than an academic article. Written to the length that is necessary, but no more. If we need to put a number on it, generally 1,000-3,000 words.
  • Informed by academic knowledge and analysis, but doesn’t rub your nose in it.
  • Uses the apparatus of the web more than the apparatus of the academic journal, e.g., links rather than footnotes. Where helpful, uses supplementary evidence from images, audio, and video—elements that are often missing or flattened in print.
  • Expresses expertise but also curiosity. Conclusive, but also suggestive.
  • Written for both specialists and an intelligent general audience. Avoids academic jargon—not to be populist, but rather out of a feeling that avoiding jargon is part of writing well.

Additional characteristics:

  • The writer is often "present" in the piece, via use of first-person pronouns and/or anecdotes.
  • Digital essays look different from traditional academic essays. Rather than titles, they have headlines and sub-headlines that give the motive and/or thesis. Paragraphs are often much shorter, and spacing is used strategically for online consumption, which prioritizes speed, efficiency, and high degree of skim-ability.

As with Projects 1 and 2, Project 3 is argumentative, but the approach taken should be exploratory and questioning, as implied by Cohen’s phrase “conclusive but also suggestive.” The imagined audience is anyone who might find your site in a search related to your topic, i.e., general but willing to read something that would take 45 minutes to an hour to read.

Basic Requirements:

  • Use WordPress site
  • 1,000-3,000 words in length
  • Includes both visual and/or aural content that is integrated with the writing
  • Includes at least 2 primary and at least 3 secondary sources (at least 2 of which should be scholarly)
  •  Is the essay clearly addressed to a broad audience?
  • Does the essay make appropriate use of the digital medium (e.g., includes a/v content, hyperlinks, etc.), or does it look like a typical academic essay copied and pasted onto a web page?
  • Are digital elements (such as video, audio, images, etc.) incorporated effectively into the writing, and captioned, cited, or linked to appropriately?
  • Does the essay identify the most appropriate source materials and methods for researching the topic?
  • Is the essay’s thesis persuasive? Is it supported with convincing evidence and analysis?
  • Is the essay organized, and does it include sufficient background for audiences unfamiliar with the topic?


21 Creative Digital Essays You Can Use In Your Classroom

With digital essays, learners can express ideas and reinforce details by having control over the “camera” and where the readers eyes go.

A Collection Of Creative Digital Essays You Can Use In Your Classroom

Prezi is not new, and by now you’ve heard about it and have already decided whether or not you like it. (Of course when you say you don’t like it, you mean you don’t think it’s an effective learning tool, right?)

The draw is simple enough: novel presentations that tell stories or relay arguments and ideas. It is marketed as the “non-PowerPoint”–the software that allows you to “jazz up” presentations (while making you seasick in the process).

But focusing on its novelty misses the power of a digital essay: multimodal (and multimedia), non-linear narrative and argument sequences that can support text, images, voiceovers, YouTube videos, music and more while using the background and pathways themselves as layers of additional meaning. Learners can express ideas, then reinforce select details, a thesis, or even a narrative event by having free control over the “camera” and where the readers eyes go. This can be very, very powerful if done correctly.

As Simple Or Complex As You’d Like

Digital essays on prezi can be used as very simply–to copy/paste typed pencil/paper essays, or in far more creative and interesting ways.

To show what’s possible, I’ve gathered up 21 of the more interesting (and academic-focused) presentations so that you can have a look-see. You can use them in your classroom for their content, or use them as models for students to see what’s possible.

Note that even with the digital essays below, each are interesting for different reasons, but even many of these are guilty of the occasional gratuitous zoom and spin.  But before you hate prezi for this, realize that just because others abuse the spin  and zoom doesn’t mean your students have to. Let them know ahead of time–no gratuitousness , unnecessary spinning  or zooming; give a badge to the student that shows the most restraint here, they’ll figure it out.

They’re all embedded below–hopefully it doesn’t crash your browser.

21 Amazing Digital Essays You Can Use In Your Classroom

1. Reimagining Public Education

2. Social Media 101

3. Digital Portfolios

4. Heart of Darkness

5. Prezi & Mobile Learning

6. Plot Diagramming

7.  How Prezi Works

8. Syria: The Basics

9. 30 Things About Me: A Personal Essay

10. Martin Luther King, Jr.

11. Android 101

12. A Visual Overview Of Typography

13. Artificial Intelligence

14. The Destruction Of Non-Linear Learning

15. Sensation & Perception

16. What Is A Prezi?

17. Cyberbullying

18. The Theory Of Relativity

19. From Assignment To Research

20. Everything That Rises Must Converge

21. Operations With Fractions

Bonus : This is a rambling, opinion-based but thorough look at the intersection between population growth, culture, and public education I wrote last year. It’s very long. Brownie points if you make it all the way through.

Founder & Director of TeachThought


the digital review


In this inaugural issue of The Digital Review , the editors have curated a collection of works that help us recover a mode of digital writing that was prominent in the early days of the web: the born-digital essay. The revival of this multi-modal essayism is central to this journal's creation in 2020. It is an effort to bring back attention to the personal, idiosyncratic, provocative and experimental forms that fuse “the digital” — discrete, deterministic, algorithmic, constrained — with “the essayistic” — digressive, liminal, wavering, exploratory.

Despite the categories in which new and invasive algorithms wish to place us and our ideas, the world and subjectivity is and always has been in a state of flux. The essay, a form without form as exemplified in Montaigne, Bacon, Emerson and countless essayists that come after them, asks us to acknowledge the flux. Not as a metric. And not as an answer to a question, but as the fount of further questioning. The complexity of the world in the summer of 2020 is self-evident in the streams of language and images that simultaneously awe, shock, soothe and incite. This is the human situation. The essays in this issue, all quite distinct in expression and in questions asked, are nonetheless written, self-consciously under constraint. Each one embraces and brings forward, rather than suppresses the digital constraint applied in design and computation. And yet within the formal boundaries, these digital essayists propose ambiguities to contemplate: games that look beyond winning and losing, simulations that critique easy access to a “real”, reflections on the indeterminate processes of digital creation and multimodal probes of language itself.

--Will Luers, Editor

image from work


Rediscoveries of electronic literature are no different than rediscoveries of print literature. Without structured acts of rediscovery, the works that shape a given era can easily be lost - and this is even more the case for a digital canon whose platforms are changing all the time. The editors of The Digital Review nod to David Madden and Peggy Bach, who asked important writers of the 1970s and 1980s to select, and write about their favorite works of neglected fiction . The Digital Review and the Electronic Literature Lab will be doing the same, over the current decade, for at least a few (of the thousands?) of forgotten digital works.

Maintaining Accessibility to Born-Digital Literary Art

Dene grigar director, electronic literature lab, holly slocum project manager, electronic literature lab.

How do we maintain accessibility to born digital literary art amid hardware and software upgrades and changes to storage and presentation modes? This is the problem we seek to solve with the Electronic Literature Lab (ELL) .

We view maintaining accessibility to mean a variety of activities a variety of activities that includes, of course, preservation, but we argue that it can also involve many others. For example, we host live events, like Live Stream Traverals , that expose contemporary audiences to works they cannot ordinarily experience due to outmoded software and hardware. It means we create exhibits that bring works to the public to be experienced and studied. We build repositories, archives, and collections, like the  ELO Repository , to archive works and organize them based on specific criteria. We also interpret accessibility to mean that we document works in scholarly databases, such as ELMCIP and the ELD, and through scholarly writing, such as Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 1   (2018) and  Volume 2  (2019). It means that we reconstitute web environments, including the  trAce Online Writing Centre  and  The Progressive Dinner Party , and recover  works like the those published in the six issues of the  frAme  journal . Finally, it means we restore outmoded works like Deena Larsen’s  kanji-kus .

A recent project that speaks to our interest in maintaining accessibility through restoration is Annie Grosshan’s nonfiction essay, The World Is Not Done Yet . Her essay was created in Adobe Muse, which is no longer supported as of March 2020. For fear that over time the work would deprecate, Grosshans reached out to several folks, including Amaranth Borsuk, who recommended that she get in touch with the lab. The ELL Team explored various preservation strategies, including capturing the work via Rhizome’s Webrecorder and reworking the existing code. However, Muse produced code that did not consider responsive mobile screens, global styling, ADA compliance or SEO, and used proprietary MuCow (Muse Configurable Options Widget) for audio delivery and text animations. After close to two months of wrangling the very inelegant code behind the Muse program, we made the final decision to rebuild the work from the ground up in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The project was completed on May 27, 2020 and has been submitted for exhibition at the ELO 2020 and ICIDS 2020 conferences, as well as to the Electronic Literature Collection 4.

Poet Charles Bernstein's multimedia hypertext essay, An Mosaic for Convergence , was written in 1997. Because it was made in HTML and JavaScript (with the help of Dante Piombino), it was far easier to reconstruct than some other works. And yet, just a few lines of obsolete code made the work inoperable on most contemporary browsers. The restored work was republished in 2019 in the electronic book review and again here as an important "rediscovered" digital essay.

ELL is not about simply saving things but providing a way for the genius of human expression to live on through time. At the heart of what we do in ELL is preserve humanity, particularly the humanity living and working in the late 20th and early 21st centuries to create born digital literary art.

image from work

The World Is Not Done Yet

By annie grosshans.

Annie Grosshans’ personal narrative, The World Is Not Done Yet is a “weblication of theoretical poetics,” originally produced with Adobe Muse in 2013 and reconstituted in 2020 in HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript by members of the Electronic Literature Lab team.

image from work

An Mosaic for Convergence

By charles bernstein with programming by dante piombino.

Charles Bernstein's hypertext essay from ebr Issue 6 (1997-1998) is a web extension of the poet's "shuffle texts" - performed at readings in which he randomly selected a set of short poetic texts from a deck of cards. In this digital essay, pages are randomly selected with a "next" button. By the late 90s, Bernstein could sense a shift in literary sensibility, where it was beginning "to seem as natural to think of composing screen by screen rather than page by page."

image from work

The Pleasure of the Infinite: An (In)finite Review of The Pleasure of the Coast by JR Carpenter

By david thomas henry wright.

J.R. Carpenter’s hygro-graphic novel The Pleasure of the Coast is presented in five sections: ‘the infinite coast’, ‘the technical coast’, ‘the incremental coast’, ‘the grammatical coast’, and ‘the route of La Recherche’. In this review of Carpenter’s web-based work, David Thomas Henry Wright adopts Carpenter’s code used in ‘the infinite coast’ to produce an (in)finite review. Scrolling left or right indefinitely, this review explores Carpenter’s ‘infinite coast’ in relation to poetic and theoretical depictions of the infinite by Giacomo Leopardi and David Foster Wallace.

image from work

Playing the Hard Questions: A Twine Review of Blocked In by Anastasia Salter and John Murray

By caleb andrew milligan.

Blocked In is a hybrid Twine hypertext platformer videogame essay by Anastasia Salter and John Murray, published in Hyperrhiz ’s special issue called “Buzzademia,” edited by Anne Cong-Huyen, Kim Brillante Knight, and Mark Marino. In his short review “Playing the Hard Questions,” Caleb Andrew Milligan discusses Salter and Murray’s videogame essay as a work of born-digital scholarship one can read and play. The review is an interactive experience Milligan made in Twine as a critical making response in kind to Salter and Murray’s Blocked In . It therefore puts into practice their claim that the future of games and game studies is one “we are defining through…not only what we play, but…most importantly what we make.”

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how Brontë presents some of the distressing experiences Jane deals with in the novel as a whole.

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Essays on Digital Literacy

Comic books are a genre that is well-liked by people and frequently used to describe real-world situations, lessons, or historical events. Despite this, they are regarded as a heavily underutilized form of media literacy. They promote equality between people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, portray real-life situations or events...

Words: 1065

Gen Alpha refers to the offspring of this generation (Carter, 2016). They are the offspring of millennials. When opposed to previous years, new technology is altering the way children mature today. This paper explores how new technology has affected today's generation, how their lives vary from ours, and the form...

Advantages of the iPhone With digitalization sweeping the globe in the twenty-first century, people continue to explore ways to remain connected to technology without carrying bulky devices. Human practices and connectivity have been largely reliant on technologies as well. If you are searching for a cell phone that is not only...

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The author reflects on a large portion of the paper dealing with computer networking and its shortcomings. While the correlation is made clear in the fifth paragraph, I found that the paper did not reflect on the subject (Digital Literacy) in the context of the issue. The writer was supposed...

The digital divide is the divide between those who have access to and without information technology. However, there are several distinction between cultures, ethnic groups, economic groups and age groups (Ohemeng & Ofosu-Adarkwa, 2014). When others gain more access to the technology, other groups fall farther behind. The digital divide...

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Mastering Essays on Digital Literacy and Social Inequality (With Band 7-9 Sample Essays)

Digital literacy has become an increasingly important topic in IELTS Writing Task 2 essays, particularly when discussing its potential to reduce social inequality. This subject has appeared in various forms in recent exams and is likely to continue being a relevant theme in future tests. Let’s explore this topic through an analysis of a common question type and provide sample essays for different band scores.

Analyzing the Task

Some people believe that improving digital literacy can help reduce social inequality. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

This question asks for your opinion on the relationship between digital literacy and social inequality. It’s an agree/disagree type question, which requires you to take a clear stance and support it with relevant examples and explanations.

Key points to consider:

  • Define digital literacy
  • Understand the concept of social inequality
  • Think about how digital skills can impact various aspects of life (education, employment, access to information)
  • Consider potential limitations or counterarguments

Sample Essay 1 (Band 8-9)

Digital literacy, the ability to use and understand digital technologies, has become increasingly vital in our interconnected world. Many argue that enhancing these skills can play a significant role in reducing social inequality. I strongly agree with this viewpoint, as digital literacy can provide numerous opportunities for social and economic advancement.

Firstly, digital literacy opens up vast educational resources to individuals who might otherwise be excluded from traditional learning environments. Online courses, educational videos, and interactive learning platforms can provide high-quality education to those in remote areas or from disadvantaged backgrounds. This democratization of knowledge helps level the playing field, allowing people to acquire skills and qualifications that were previously out of reach.

Moreover, in today’s job market, digital skills are increasingly in demand across various sectors. Proficiency in digital tools and platforms can significantly enhance employability and career prospects . Those with strong digital literacy can access a wider range of job opportunities, including remote work options, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals in economically depressed areas or those with mobility challenges.

Furthermore, digital literacy empowers individuals to access crucial information and services. From healthcare resources to government services and financial management tools , the digitally literate can navigate these systems more effectively. This access can lead to better health outcomes, improved civic participation, and more informed financial decisions, all of which contribute to reducing social inequalities.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that improving digital literacy alone is not a panacea for social inequality. Issues such as access to technology, internet connectivity, and the digital divide must also be addressed . Additionally, other forms of education and social support remain crucial in creating a more equitable society.

In conclusion, while not a complete solution, enhancing digital literacy can significantly contribute to reducing social inequality by providing educational opportunities, improving employability, and increasing access to vital information and services. As our world becomes increasingly digital, ensuring widespread digital literacy should be a priority for governments and educational institutions aiming to create a more equitable society.

(Word count: 309)

Digital Literacy Education

Analysis of Band 8-9 Essay

This essay demonstrates the characteristics of a high-scoring IELTS Writing Task 2 response:

Clear position : The writer clearly agrees with the statement and maintains this position throughout.

Coherent structure : The essay follows a logical structure with a clear introduction, body paragraphs exploring different aspects, and a conclusion.

Well-developed ideas : Each point is thoroughly explained with specific examples.

Balanced view : The essay acknowledges potential limitations of the argument, showing a nuanced understanding.

Advanced vocabulary : The use of phrases like “democratization of knowledge” and “panacea for social inequality” demonstrates a sophisticated vocabulary.

Varied sentence structures : The essay uses a mix of simple and complex sentences, enhancing readability and showing linguistic flexibility.

Cohesive devices : Transitions like “Firstly,” “Moreover,” and “Furthermore” help the essay flow smoothly.

Relevant examples : The essay provides specific examples of how digital literacy can impact education, employment, and access to services.

Sample Essay 2 (Band 6-7)

In today’s world, digital skills are becoming more important. Many people think that improving these skills can help reduce social inequality. I agree with this idea to a large extent.

One reason why digital literacy can reduce inequality is that it gives people more chances to learn. With computers and the internet, people can access online courses and educational websites . This means that even if someone can’t go to a good school, they can still learn new things and improve their knowledge.

Another way digital skills help is by making it easier to find jobs. Many jobs now require computer skills , so people who are good with technology have more job opportunities. This can help people from poorer backgrounds to get better jobs and earn more money.

Digital literacy also helps people access important information. People can use the internet to find out about health, government services, and their rights . This knowledge can help them make better decisions and improve their lives.

However, there are some problems with relying only on digital literacy to solve inequality. Not everyone has access to computers or the internet , especially in poor areas. Also, some people, like older adults, might find it hard to learn new technology.

In conclusion, I believe that improving digital literacy can help reduce social inequality in many ways, such as providing education, job opportunities, and access to information. But it’s not the only solution, and we need to make sure everyone has access to technology for it to work.

(Word count: 253)

Analysis of Band 6-7 Essay

This essay demonstrates the characteristics of a mid-range IELTS Writing Task 2 response:

Clear position : The writer agrees with the statement, which is maintained throughout the essay.

Logical structure : The essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Relevant ideas : The main points about education, employment, and access to information are relevant and supported with examples.

Some development : Ideas are explained, though not as fully as in the Band 8-9 essay.

Appropriate vocabulary : The essay uses relevant vocabulary, though not as sophisticated as the higher band essay.

Mostly correct grammar : The essay has mostly correct sentence structures, with some variety.

Basic cohesion : The essay uses some linking words, though not as varied as in the higher band essay.

Acknowledgment of limitations : The essay mentions some challenges, showing some critical thinking.

Key Vocabulary for Digital Literacy and Social Inequality

Digital literacy (noun) /ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈlɪtərəsi/: The ability to use digital technology and the internet effectively.

Social inequality (noun) /ˈsəʊʃl ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/: Unequal distribution of resources and opportunities in society.

Democratization (noun) /dɪˌmɒkrətaɪˈzeɪʃn/: The process of making something accessible to everyone.

Employability (noun) /ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti/: The quality of being suitable for paid work.

Digital divide (noun) /ˈdɪdʒɪtl dɪˈvaɪd/: The gap between those who have access to digital technology and those who don’t.

Civic participation (noun) /ˈsɪvɪk pɑːˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn/: Involvement in community affairs and political processes.

Panacea (noun) /ˌpænəˈsiːə/: A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.

Remote work (noun) /rɪˈməʊt wɜːk/: Work done away from a central office, often at home using the internet.

Interconnected (adjective) /ˌɪntəkəˈnektɪd/: Having all parts or elements connected or related.

Empowerment (noun) /ɪmˈpaʊəmənt/: The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life.

The topic of digital literacy and its impact on social inequality is likely to remain relevant in IELTS Writing Task 2. To prepare, practice writing essays on related themes such as:

  • The role of technology in education
  • The impact of the digital divide on employment opportunities
  • Government policies to promote digital literacy
  • The challenges of implementing digital literacy programs in developing countries

Remember to structure your essays clearly, use relevant examples, and demonstrate a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Practice by writing your own essay on this topic and share it in the comments section for feedback and discussion. This active engagement will help you improve your writing skills and prepare effectively for the IELTS exam.

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  • IELTS Writing
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My aim in life | an essay for 2nd year students.

My Aim in Life Essay

My Aim in life

             What makes life dreary is the want of motive .

To live without ambitions and desires is impossible. Everybody has his own dreams and goals to fulfill in his future life. The aim is significant in life to bring all the energies to one point. It is like a guiding star. It provides directions for our attempts. As Robert Browning says:

              The aim, if reached or not makes a great life.

It is our desires and ambitions, which give us the stimulus to work and act. They are the main source of inspiration. We must select our future career keeping in view our taste, temperament, and ability. A prince may have a dream to be a king and a king may have the aim to be an emperor.

Quotation on desire & ambition

There are as many aims as men. Some want to be doctors. Others to be engineers. Some wish to be civil and military officers. Others to be poets and writers. As far as my aim in life is concerned. I desire to become a professor of English.

Teaching is not a paying profession. Teachers are the low-paying community all over the world. Their services are not considered. That is why this becomes the cause of low pay. There are many reasons that I choose this profession of teaching.

First, teaching is not a paying profession. Teachers all over the world are those who teach others. To me, this profession is the only profession in which a man can serve his nation in the best possible manner.

Engineering may build grand buildings, roads, and massive dams. Doctors may become the cause of life or a cause of death for patients. Civil and military officers may boast of their services to the nation. However, could they be so without the guidance of their teachers?

A teacher is an engineer maker, a doctor maker, and an officer maker. He is like a ladder, which remains at its place but helps others to climb higher and higher. It is only the men that glorify the nation. These men are made in the teaching institution.

Secondly, I am suited to this profession. I am fond of reading and teaching. I feel happiness in solving problems and explaining them to others. By adopting the profession, I will be able to lead a life of learning.

Thirdly, some persons may ask if I want to be a professor, then why a professor of English. The answer is that English literature is my favorite subject. A man can serve his nation well if he is interested in his work and only then, he can inspire his students.

Quotation about a good teacher

Realization of such a noble ambition is possible only when a man devotes all his time to studies. Keeping this in view, I work hard and make an intensive study of English literature. Whatever, others think of my aim, I am contented with it.it is according to my taste and nature. As Wordsworth says.

         A noble aim faithfully kept, is a noble deed.

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

14 thoughts on “ My Aim in Life | an Essay for 2nd Year Students ”

Thank U mam for everything AP hme English ki hr cheez define kerti h or urdu me translate kr k smjhati h jis leye hme bohat achi smaj Ati h and isi leye ap meri favourite teachers me se 1 ho❤

Brilliant lines…

Thanx student.More content is in the pipeline.you will be benefited with that.

Superb so interesting

Thank U mam apne essay bohat acha write kiya h or define to is se b acha kiya h or jo aim apne us me write kiya h wo actually hi mera aim h ke me professor bnana chahti hun pr ye mere father ka dream h ke me English ki professor bnoo😊and this essay is according to my aim and mind

That's very nice.every person should have aim and work to fulfil that aim

thanx student,wait for the more data

Mam ap nei jo qutations hmein dei thn un se kafi help mili the. Mam ap nei selfwriting skills hum studnts mn promote kein. JzakAllah

Good morning mam assalam o Alaikum and jumma MUBARAK🥰

Weldone anila keep it up.your's is very helpful for the student

Good morning Mam g

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