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February 23, 2015

Writing about: witches.

Did you know? The Defense Department recognizes Wicca as an official religion and allows Wiccan soldiers to state their belief on their dog tags. As of 2006, an estimated 1,800 Wiccans served in the United States military. 
·   Yule, Winter Solstice- marks the longest night of the year and the start of the sun’s return.  
·   Imbolc, Feast of the Candles- celebrates the beginning of spring and the sprouting of seeds.  
·   Spring Equinox- when earth awakens. Wiccans color eggs and plant seeds.  
·   Beltane, May Day (May1st)- a celebration of the fertility of spring.  
·   Midsummer- the longest day of the year.  
·   Lugnasadh (August 1 st )- the first harvest.  
·    Autumn Equinox- earth prepares to die and Wiccans give thanks for the harvest they have received.  
·     Samhain, October 31 st-  the Wiccan New Year that honors rebirth.
·   Initiation: When a witch is welcomed into a coven or, more to the point, becomes a witch for the first time in their life.  
Read this article for more information on initiations into covens. 
Read this article for information on a solitary witches self dedication ritual. 
·   Handfasting- This is a Wiccan marriage where the couple’s joined hands are bound with a rope they created from three strands that represent the bride, groom, and their relationship. As they braid these strands, they discuss their lives and futures together.


creative writing on witches

I'll have to come back and read this post more thoroughly. It's fantastic, and jam packed with loads of info. Who doesn't love a good (or bad) witch??? ;)

creative writing on witches

Awesome! Thanks SA! I sure love a good (or bad) witch. ;)

creative writing on witches

I'd probably stick more to the supernatural ones.

I tend to do the same, Alex, but blending the two is fun. :)

creative writing on witches

love your posts, you give such great info! I've never read a witch book but that's only because I pretty much only read YA contemp! But I'd def never rule it out!

You should read one, Beth. I know there's quite a lot of YA books about witches. :)

creative writing on witches

Never knew that about the defense department. Only thing I've seen witches on is Hocus Pocus and Supernatural and Charmed haha

Oh, but I love all three of those! :D

creative writing on witches

I have done some research on Wicca for a contemporary, but now abandoned, novel I started. I did know that about the military acceptance of the religion.

I think it's fabulous that the military is accepting Wicca. :)

Very interesting, Chrys! You sure do know a lot about witches. I had no idea that so many people who follow the Wiccan religion served in the military, that's amazing. One of the children's books I wrote a few weeks ago has a witch in it=)

I've done a TON of research, Gina. I adore witches even in children's books. :)

creative writing on witches

I did learn some new things here today. betty

creative writing on witches

Fascinating! I'll readily admit, I didn't know most of this. Romeo & Juliet includes a reference to Lammastide, a harvest festival, also August 1st. There must be a connection.

And I'll readily admit that I don't know much about Romeo & Juliet. lol

So glad to see us so clearly and accurately presented. Thank you Chrys! My favorite witch related book in recent memory is "A Discovery of Witches" by Deborah Harkness.

That makes me so happy, Stephanie. You're welcome! "A Discovery of Witches" is on my list to read. :)

creative writing on witches

I learned something, too. Although I'd heard Wicca was an accepted religion.

I'm glad I could share something new for everyone today. :)

creative writing on witches

I love witches, too. In Alligators Overhead they're rather bumbling with good hearted intentions. And I agree about researching them before you write them.

Research is always important, but I feel for witches it's even more important because you don't want to get something wrong or paint them in the wrong light.

creative writing on witches

Love these suggestions, Chrys. I had no idea Wicca was a recognized religion or that they call themselves witches. I love stories with witches. Some of my favorites are from author Alice Hoffman. I think Nora Roberts writes about witch characters, too. I will check out the links.

Yes, Nora writes about witches a lot. She recently finished a series about Irish witches. It was enjoyable, but because I've read many of her other books about witches, I could see the similarities and couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I recommend them, though. The first book is called Dark Witch.

creative writing on witches

I've always loved witch books, and I've been fascinated by Wicca since I first learnt about it at thirteen, courtesy of my father's book by Scott Cunningham. I have a few Wiccan characters in my Atlantic City books, as well as some future Jewitch characters, the children of an interfaith Jewish and Wiccan couple. A Jewitch person, for example, would change the language of the Hebrew blessings, so they're addressed to a female deity. There's an interesting article about Jewitchery at http://forward.com/articles/6981/nice-jewitch-girls-leave-their-brooms-in-the-close/.

Again, we have a lot in common. I've been fascinated by Wicca since I was thirteen, too! Jewitch...hmm...that sounds interesting. Thanks for the article!

creative writing on witches

From the first time I saw the Wizard o Oz... I knew... Oz was not the one. Great post here. Thank you for the links. (smile)

Hehe! You're welcome for the links Dixie.

creative writing on witches

I live near The New Forest here in the UK, there are so many witch craft shops it's unbelievable. Wonderful and interesting post.

I wish I lived there. I would love to browse those shops.

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. There is so much misinformation about witches, I'm so glad you wrote this post. I also agree with you that there must be an amount of realism and accurate representation no matter what kind of fiction you are writing.

There is a ton of incorrect information about witches out there, which makes me sad, because none of it is true.

creative writing on witches

Now you know your witches!!! Impressive. :)

creative writing on witches

Oh Chrys, you just made my day. I have supernatural WIP I plan to finish as I've just joined BuNoWriMo. This will come in handy for the witch world building. And for my research, I went to the library, studied and checked out several wicca spellbooks, a magical almanac, a book about familiars and a numerology book. Also, I loved Charmed (Pru was my favorite).

I'm glad to make your day, Lidy! :) Good luck with your book! I'd love to read it. :)

creative writing on witches

I probably wouldn't try. I think this is one of those- write what you know times. :)

Oh, but you can write about anything if you do research. :)

creative writing on witches

My grandma was Wiccan and she brought me to my first seance when I was 11 years old. That was a long time ago. I considered myself Wiccan for a long time and still have many of the books that I read. These days I consider myself Agnostic though but I still like the Wiccan ways and people.

That is neat! When I was little, I wished I had a witch in my family. :)

creative writing on witches

Great post! Witches have always interested me. I love Anne Rice's The Witching Hour. And, of course, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. :)

I've read some of Anne Rice, but not The Witching Hour. I need to add that to my list!

creative writing on witches

Witches also like to color their hair very bold colors. I've noticed that! They tend to dress differently from most of the people around them... But there are a TON of people who do that and aren't witches, so it's definitely not a telltale sign.

Some witches like to dress differently because it's their personality, but some like like you and me. :)

creative writing on witches

That is true, most of my fellow witches where I live have very distinctive styles ranging from goth to princess, and 90% of them has blue/red/yellow hair. Mine is purple. ahahhaha. Very nice article, by the way.

Thanks for the comment, Raven. Witches are all so different, just like women/people are. :)

Intriguing and interesting post. I've always been fascinated by witches. Thanks for your detailed post!

I'm so thrilled to find out that so many others are as fascinated by witches as I am. :)

creative writing on witches

I suppose I always imagine a witch through the eyes of Shakespeare... The three old women around a boiling cauldron in Macbeth. Good insights.

That is a common image indeed.

creative writing on witches

What interesting information. I guess a lot of people, like me, think of the evil witches we've seen in movies or read about in books. Thanks for telling us the real story. Writing about a witch might be fun.

A lot of people commonly do think that.

creative writing on witches

As usual, you have a great informative post! I'm Wiccan and I'll point one thing out that many don't know. Being Wiccan doesn't not mean automatically that you are also a witch. Wicca is the spirituality, the religion and where the Wiccan crede comes in and the Rule of Three and Do no harm, etc. Witchcraft is the craft aspect, the spellwork, rituals, candles, herbs or tarot, etc. of being a witch. A person can be Wiccan and not consider themselves a witch and not engage in spells or ritual work. At the same time, a person who calls themselves a witch does not necessarily follow the Wiccan beliefs, including the do no harm. They are more involved with the craft of being a witch, the spells, rituals, even the outer trappings and showmanship that can be a part of rituals. For many who follow the pagan paths, maybe even most, the two go hand in hand. For me, Wicca is the spirituality, the internal aspect of what I believe and feel and the relationship I have with the Goddess and the world at large (big emphasis on nature). Witchcraft is the outward aspect, or the physical aspect, a way to show my beliefs and merge my internal with the external. And then there are those who want to play at being a witch, or dabble in it for reasons of their own. It took me a long time to admit I was a witch. I embraced Wicca but not the Witch until I finally had to admit that I was in fact a witch.

Your absolutely right,. Susan! And thanks for explaining it so wonderfully to anyone who may read the comments. There are many witches who consider themselves Pagan. And many people who are of the Wicca religion who aren't witches. You said it better than I ever could have. Thanks for telling me you're a witch. :)

I was just going to write this! Glad someone got around to it first. It is important to differentiate being a Wiccan and a witch because they don't always go hand in hand. As someone who was interested in witchcraft, I felt I had to follow Wicca, which was difficult for me because I tend to call myself an Atheist and don't believe in a deity or a God. So glad people can make this distinction!

creative writing on witches

I've included witches in my short stories, both nice and not so nice ones. I've not gone very deeply into the subject though. Not yet, anyway.

In my short story, there's a nice witch and a bad witch. :)

Witches have evolved a great deal since the "Bubble Bubble toil and trouble" days.

They sure have.

creative writing on witches

I love everything about Witches and Wicca. I also have Scott Cunningham's book: Wicca - A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. I haven't gotten around to reading it yet though. On fiction novels, I've enjoyed Hex Hall, by Rachel Hawkins, and the Sweep series, by Cate Tiernan, and I'm sure there are others I'm just not remembering. :)

I just checked out that book by Scott Cunningham for additional research! :)

creative writing on witches

Another truly informative post, Chrys! My first book about witches (not totally on them though) is Macbeth, and then there's Something Wicked This Way Comes. Different sorts of witchery but still very frightening.

I have to admit to not having read either of those. :\

creative writing on witches

Hello!!!! I just found this blog post. As per usual for me...I found it a way late. ;) As a witch who is not a wiccan and a writer I thought you did a great job. Will be sharing this in my crit groups and pagan groups as well. Have a good one. Peace out. BB.

It's never too late to find an interesting post. :) Thank you so much!

I write a witches and fairies boarding school but few witches and fairies got dyspraxia and half deaf but need few more idea

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Spellbinding Witch Story Ideas (Updated in 2024)

witch story ideas

Looking for witch writing prompts or story ideas for your next writing project?

Read on for prompts like a woman identifying a dead body as herself. Three witches standing against rapid gentrification in their area and one of them ends up falling for one of the real estate development executive. And many more!

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Dark and twisted, picture prompts, witch story ideas must-haves.

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Witch Story Ideas

Witches have long fascinated us because they represent a compelling blend of the mystical, the forbidden, and the powerful. Here are some ideas that will tap into your innate desire for enchantment and the unknown!

(Please note that the genders in these writing prompts are just placeholders, and the term “witch” may refer to a female or male practitioner of magic or witchcraft.)

These lighthearted writing prompts and story ideas can serve as story starters for middle schoolers, students, or your kids at home. Or they can serve as a side plot in any fantasy, modern, or even sit-com setting due to the levity of the theme!

  • Witch Audition An aging witch is auditioning a handful of young witches to eventually take up their mantle when she passes away.
  • Born Among Witches Born into a family of powerful witches, a non-magical child faces relentless bullying and must find their own inner strength to navigate a world of spells and enchantments, discovering that true power lies not in magic, but in embracing their unique identity.
  • Thread of Enchantment A seamstress, who is secretly a witch, finds themselves stripped of their magical powers when an enigmatic mechanic moves next door, igniting a suspicion that there’s a hidden correlation between their neighbor’s arrival and their own loss of power.
  • The Perfect Familiar A young and spirited witch embarks on a journey to find the perfect familiar (magical companion) to complement their magical ability.
  • The Spell When the mischievous teenage grandchildren of a powerful witch matriarch brew a risky spell to transform their grandmother into a teenager, she soon discover that navigating the world of adolescence is no easy task. As hilarity ensues and life lessons are learned, the family must find a way to reverse the spell before it becomes permanent, all while forging a deeper bond across generations and embracing the timeless magic of love and understanding.
  • Witches’ Forum A fluffy story about witches in the modern era, how they shop for herbs online, share spells through online forums, Google the correct witchcraft practices, and advertise their services on social media.

witch story ideas

  • Hex and Seek In a bustling city filled with magic and mystery, a young witch works as a private investigator specializing in supernatural cases.
  • Singing in the Rain When a witch is happy, she’s able to control an entire forest with her singing voice.
  • The Magical Guide A witch cursed with the inability to cast spells finds an unlikely companion in a talking animal guide who helps her uncover her true magical potential. Together, they embark on a quest to break the curse and restore her powers.

We love to see enigmatic women finding romance despite (or perhaps due to!) their magical aptitudes. Here are some ideas:

  • Forced Proximity Bound by a spell gone wrong, two witches must be in close proximity to each other or suffer an abominable consequence.
  • Hexes and High Rises In a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood, three witches clash with a real estate mogul. But when the mogul falls for one of the witch, love blooms amidst a battle of magic and preservation. (This prompt is credited to my favorite drag queen @thejinkx on Instagram! This is the post that inspires this prompt.)
  • Lost Pet Connection In a serendipitous encounter, two neighbors come together over a lost pet. But when one of them discovers that the other is a witch specializing in love potions, they begin to wonder whether the connection between them is genuine. (This is a cross post from Romance Story Ideas with a Twist .)
  • The Lost Bet Bound by a lost bet, a young witch finds herself apprenticing under an eccentric and reclusive sorcerer. As they uncover a forgotten prophecy, their shared destiny brings them closer, forging an enchanting bond that transcends magic.

witch story ideas

  • Break Free In a society where witches are experimented upon for their powers, a young scientist finds themselves drawn to a captivating witch.
  • The Cost of Love A witch cursed with eternal youth and an ordinary mortal discover a love so powerful that the witch casts a spell to ensure their partner keeps reincarnating throughout time. Various consequences ensue.
  • Emotionless A witch cursed with the inability to feel emotions ventures into the forbidden realms of magic to break the curse. But along the way, an unexpected connection forms with a humble farmer, who might just be the key that would break her curse.

When it comes to witch stories, dark and twisted narratives are always going to be in the wheelbarrow. Here are some ideas.

  • Haunted House A cursed witch, bound to a haunted house, must unravel the mysteries of her own past and confront the malevolent spirits that dwell within, all while protecting an unsuspecting family who moves in.
  • Cursed Family Ties In the depths of the enchanted forest, a vengeful witch captures the descendants of those who once persecuted her ancestors, using dark magic to use their mortal bodies as the hosts for the restless spirits of her long-deceased kin.
  • Sorcery Showdown In a quiet town steeped in magic, two formidable witches vie for dominion. As the town becomes a battleground of spells and enchantments, its inhabitants’ fate hangs in the balance.
  • The Lineage A woman is asked to identify a dead body, only to find that it’s herself. The incident leads her down the rabbit hole, uncovering the long-hidden family secret of a powerful witch lineage.
  • The Illusion of Harmony A utopian story where a powerful witch takes away the free will of every sentient creature in the realm in order to create a utopian society where all beings coexist peacefully. From my post Not Your Usual Utopian Story Ideas (2023)
  • Undying Love A witch who specializes in necromancy defies all boundaries when they unexpectedly falls in love with one of the souls they have brought back from the grave. Can love truly conquer death? Originally appeared in my post Paranormal Romance Story Ideas (2023)
  • The Call A museum curator’s dormant magical power is awakened when the museum acquires an antique artifact belonging to their ancestor.
  • Vengeful Past A talented witch, haunted by the ghosts of her past, becomes entangled in a deadly game of cat and mouse with a vengeful spirit seeking revenge for an ancient betrayal.

A picture speaks a thousand words. What kind of story comes to mind using these pictures as inspiration? Below are some ideas.

creative writing on witches

(Please click on the image for more information.)

1. A witch stalks a hunter back to his home after the latter unknowingly steals her familiar.

2. A witch believes that she’s the last of her kind, until someone comes along and reads her family’s grimoire without difficulty.

creative writing on witches

1. A priest’s daughter finds out that her grandmother, who lives on the outskirt of the town on the edge of the forest, is actually a practicing witch.

2. A lawyer attempts to clear up the names of their witch ancestors who were accused of a gruesome crime more than a hundred years ago.

The word witch colloquially refers to especially women practitioners of witchcraft or magic, although it doesn’t exclude men. The word  witch  itself originates from the  Old English  nouns  wiċċa   [ˈwit.t͡ʃɑ]  (‘male witch,  warlock ‘) and  wiċċe   [ˈwit.t͡ʃe]  (‘female witch’).

A witch story usually centers around such practitioners of witchcraft or magic as the antagonist(s) or protagonist(s), with elements of fantasy interwoven throughout the narrative. Hocus Pocus and The Wizard of Oz are great examples of stories in this genre.

There is a mystical allure to these stories, where spellcasters and enchantresses harness ancient powers, delicately treading a line between good and evil. The rich tapestry of witchcraft offers a captivating backdrop for exploration, delving into themes of power, destiny, and the supernatural.

Whether it’s a young witch discovering her abilities, a coven facing otherworldly threats, or a solitary sorceress seeking redemption, the genre weaves a spell of intrigue and mysticism that keeps us spellbound from the first page to the last.

Witch stories fascinates us because of the complex and mysterious characters. When portrayed as the marginalized group, readers enjoy reading these witches triumphing over their oppressors, but when they’re portrayed as evil characters, we enjoy reading them reaping the consequences.

Here are some other posts that you might find interesting:

  • Psychological Thriller Story Ideas
  • Alien Writing Prompts
  • Serial Killer Story Ideas

Or browse our Story Ideas & Writing Prompts category for more ideas ! Have any question or feedback? Feel free to contact me here . Until next time!


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Witch Writing Prompts: Explore Magical Narratives

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Witch Writing Prompts: Explore Magical Narratives

Are you feeling bewitched by the idea of creating whimsical and enchanting stories? Look no further than witch writing prompts to ignite your imagination and transport your readers to a world filled with magic and wonder. From spellbinding spells to mystical creatures, these prompts will unlock the hidden depths of your creativity, allowing you to weave tales that are both captivating and extraordinary. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting your literary journey, embrace the magical and embark on an adventure that will leave your readers spellbound. Get ready to immerse yourself in a realm where anything is possible, as we explore the captivating world of witch writing prompts and delve into the secrets of creating truly enchanting narratives.

Creating Enchanting Worlds: Unleash Your Imagination with Witch Writing Prompts

Building dynamic characters: infuse magic into your protagonists and villains, crafting spellbinding plots: harness the power of witchcraft in storytelling, summoning atmospheric settings: transport readers to mystical realms, 1. establish an unique magical system:, 2. complex characters with witchcraft:, injecting authenticity: researching witchcraft for authentic and believable writing, mastering incantations: incorporating magical language into your narratives, exploring the art of incantations, conjuring emotional depth: using witch writing prompts to explore the human experience, frequently asked questions, future outlook.

Are you ready to embark on a magical journey through the mystical realms of witchcraft and wizardry? With our collection of captivating witch writing prompts, you can unleash your imagination and bring enchanting worlds to life! Whether you’re an aspiring author or simply looking for a creative outlet, these prompts will ignite your creativity and transport you to a world filled with spells, potions, and secret covens.

From crafting your own magical spells to inventing unique witch characters, these writing prompts are designed to spark your creativity and inspire you to explore the depths of the supernatural. Dive into the world of witches and wizards, where broomsticks soar through moonlit skies and ancient rituals hold the key to extraordinary powers. With each prompt, you can immerse yourself in a different aspect of witchcraft, allowing your words to conjure extraordinary tales that will captivate readers young and old.

  • Imagine yourself as a novice witch attending the prestigious Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Describe the challenges you face as you navigate through your first year of magical education.
  • Create a secret society of witches who possess extraordinary powers. Detail their rituals, hierarchy, and their mission to protect the balance between the magical and non-magical realms.
  • Write a spell that can control the elements. Illustrate its incantation, ingredients, and the consequences of its misuse.
  • Invent a witch hunter who is determined to eradicate all practitioners of magic. Explore their motivations and the conflict that arises when they discover their own hidden powers.

So, grab your quill and parchment, and let your imagination soar with our captivating witch writing prompts. Whether you’re weaving tales of bravery, love, or betrayal, these prompts will guide you on a thrilling journey through a world where anything is possible!

Building Dynamic Characters: Infuse Magic into Your Protagonists and Villains

When crafting memorable characters for your story, infusing them with a touch of magic can bring them to life and captivate your readers. Not only does magic add an element of intrigue and excitement, but it also provides opportunities for character development and plot advancement. Here are a few ways you can infuse magic into your protagonists and villains, making them dynamic and unforgettable:

  • Unique Magical Abilities: Give your characters distinct magical abilities that align with their personalities and roles in the story. Whether it’s the ability to manipulate fire, communicate with animals, or see glimpses of the future, these magical powers can shape their actions and drive the plot forward.
  • Flawed Magic: Remember that even magical characters are not invincible. Introduce limitations or weaknesses to their magic, creating tension and conflict within the story. This not only adds complexity to their characters but also makes their victories and growth more satisfying and relatable to the readers.
  • Moral Ambiguity: Explore the moral implications of using magic. Present your characters with challenging decisions and dilemmas that force them to question their beliefs and values. This internal struggle adds depth to their personalities and keeps readers engaged as they navigate the fine line between good and evil.

By infusing your protagonists and villains with magical elements, you can breathe life into your characters, making them captivating and multidimensional. Remember to balance their magical abilities with flaws and conflicts, allowing them to evolve and grow throughout your story. So, embrace the magic, and watch your characters come alive on the pages!

Crafting Spellbinding Plots: Harness the Power of Witchcraft in Storytelling

Master the art of crafting spellbinding plots using the power of witchcraft in storytelling

Stories featuring witches and the practice of witchcraft have captivated readers for centuries. The allure of magic, mystery, and intrigue creates an irresistible pull for audiences, making it a powerful tool for any storyteller. If you’re looking to create a truly enchanting plot, harnessing the power of witchcraft can be the key to captivating your readers from start to finish.

  • Establish a captivating magical system: Dive deep into the lore and rules of your magical world, creating a system that is consistent and believable. From potions and spells to rituals and familiars, flesh out the intricacies of your witchcraft elements to create a mesmerizing backdrop for your plot.
  • Weave secrets and mystery: Witches are often associated with hidden knowledge, ancient prophecies, and unspoken truths. Infuse your plot with secrets that unravel slowly, drawing your readers deeper into the web of mystery you’ve created. Leave breadcrumbs and clues, keeping your audience engaged as they try to unravel the enigma that lies at the heart of your story.
  • Explore the duality of light and dark: In any spellbinding plot, the interplay between light and dark forces is often a central theme. Dive into the complexities of your witch characters and their moral compasses, exploring the shades of gray between good and evil. This internal struggle will add depth to your story, making it resonate with readers on a profound level.
  • Embrace the power of symbolism: Witchcraft is rich in symbolism, offering endless opportunities to inject depth and meaning into your plot. From ancient runes and tarot cards to animal familiars and celestial alignments, incorporate symbolic elements that foreshadow events, represent character traits, and enhance the overall narrative of your story.

By harnessing the power of witchcraft in your storytelling, you can bring forth a tale that will mesmerize and bewitch your audience. Delve into the mystic and embrace the enchantment, for within the realm of witchcraft lies the key to crafting a truly spellbinding plot.

Enter the magical worlds of your imagination and ignite the senses of your readers by mastering the art of atmospheric settings. Creating a captivating and immersive environment is vital in transporting your audience to the mystical realms you wish to explore. With the following tips, you’ll learn how to effectively craft atmospheric settings that will leave your readers spellbound.

1. Visual Descriptions: Paint a vivid picture using rich and colorful visual details. Let your readers see the sun-kissed cobblestone streets, the ethereal glow of moonlight on shimmering lakes, or the ancient, towering trees cloaked in mist. Engage their imaginations by describing the intricate tapestries adorning castle walls or the sparkling crystals embedded in hidden caves. 2. Sensory Stimuli: Engage all the senses to fully immerse your readers in your mystical realm. Describe the tantalizing aroma of exotic herbs, the soothing sound of water cascading down a hidden waterfall, or the icy touch of a mythical creature’s breath. By incorporating sensory details, you create a multi-dimensional experience that will transport your readers beyond the boundaries of the written word. 3. Enigmatic Characters: Populate your mystical realm with enigmatic characters that perfectly complement the setting. Whether it’s a wise old wizard, a mischievous forest nymph, or a vengeful spirit haunting an abandoned castle, ensure that your characters elicit intrigue and mystery. The interactions and dynamics between your characters and their environment will add depth and richness to your atmospheric setting.

Exploring Magical Narratives: Incorporating Witchcraft into Your Stories

Exploring Magical Narratives: Incorporating Witchcraft into Your Stories

When crafting a story, one way to captivate readers is by incorporating the enchanting elements of witchcraft. These mystical narratives not only add intrigue and excitement but also allow for a deeper exploration of the human condition. Here are some creative ways to infuse witchcraft into your stories:

Create a detailed and fascinating magic system that sets your story apart. Consider how spells are cast, the source of magical powers, and the limitations that exist. Developing consistent rules and boundaries will help create a believable and immersive world for your readers.

Introduce characters with magical abilities and delve into their internal conflicts and moral dilemmas. Explore the dualities of power and responsibility, the temptation of dark magic, and the quest for redemption. Portray witches not as stereotypes but as multifaceted individuals with their own motivations and struggles.

Injecting Authenticity: Researching Witchcraft for Authentic and Believable Writing

When it comes to writing about witchcraft, authenticity is key. Readers are drawn to stories that feel real and believable, so conducting thorough research is essential. By delving into the rich history and practices of witchcraft, you can inject a sense of realism into your writing that will captivate and engage your audience.

So, where do you start your journey to create authentic and believable witchcraft content? Begin by immersing yourself in the vast world of witchcraft lore and history. Dive into books, online resources, and even consult with experts in the field. Familiarize yourself with the different types of witches, their rituals, and the beliefs that have shaped their practices. This research will provide you with a solid foundation to build upon and help you avoid common misconceptions or stereotypes. Incorporating accurate details into your writing will allow your readers to connect with your characters and the magical world you are creating.

  • Delve into books, mythology, and historical accounts to understand the origins of witchcraft.
  • Learn about different types of witches and their practices, such as green witches, hedge witches, or kitchen witches.
  • Discover the tools and rituals commonly associated with witchcraft, such as spellcasting, divination, and potion-making.
  • Connect with experts or practicing witches to gain insight into their personal experiences and beliefs.
  • Explore the cultural and historical significance of witchcraft across different civilizations and time periods.

Boldly embracing the authenticity of witchcraft within your writing will not only captivate readers but also shed light on a topic often surrounded by misconceptions and stereotypes. By conducting thorough research and incorporating accurate details, your portrayal of witchcraft will be both respectful and engaging. So, grab your cauldron and dive into the enchanting world of witchcraft to infuse your writing with authenticity!

Mastering Incantations: Incorporating Magical Language into Your Narratives

When it comes to crafting enchanting narratives, incorporating magical language can add a whole new level of allure to your stories. Mastering the art of incantations allows you to infuse your writing with mystical elements that captivate readers and transport them into a world brimming with wonder and enchantment.

So, how can you effectively weave this magical language into your narratives? Here are a few tips to help you cast a spell on your readers and create stories that truly mesmerize:

  • Research Mystical Traditions: To immerse yourself in the realm of incantations, take the time to explore various mystical traditions and the languages associated with them. Delve into ancient texts, folklore, and legends from cultures around the world. Discovering the nuances and meanings behind different magical words and phrases will enable you to incorporate them into your storytelling more authentically.
  • Create Unique Incantations: Unleash your imagination and craft your own magical language. Developing unique incantations not only adds an original touch to your narratives but also allows you to tailor the words to your story’s specific magical systems and characters. Experiment with the sound, rhythm, and structure of your incantations to evoke the desired emotions and atmosphere.
  • Utilize Symbolism and Intent: Incorporating symbols and intentions in your incantations can amplify their potency. Choose words that evoke the magical effects you desire, and infuse them with deeper meanings and symbolism. Consider the intentions behind the spell or the character casting it, and reflect these motivations in the language you use.
  • Balance Familiarity and Unfamiliarity: Strike a balance between using magical language that is relatable and understandable to your readers, while also introducing elements of the unknown. Blend common phrases with obscure terms, creating a sense of intrigue and mystique. This way, readers can connect with the magical world while experiencing the thrill of exploring something new.

Remember, incorporating magical language into your narratives is an art form that requires practice and experimentation. By mastering the craft of incantations, you can breathe life into your stories, making them truly enchanting and unforgettable.

Are you ready to delve into the depths of human emotions through the mystical world of witchcraft? Look no further! With the help of these witch writing prompts, you can unlock a plethora of emotions and explore the human experience in a unique and captivating way.

These thought-provoking prompts will transport you to enchanting realms, immersing you in tales of magic, mystery, and personal growth. They are designed to evoke a wide range of emotions, from fear and sorrow to joy and empowerment, allowing you to deeply connect with characters and situations. As you embark on this writing journey, be prepared to confront your fears, embrace vulnerability, and tap into the depths of your own emotions.

By using witch writing prompts, you’ll find yourself crafting narratives that explore universal themes of love, identity, loss, and resilience. Through these prompts, you can unearth complex characters, challenge societal norms , and infuse your writing with emotional richness. Whether you choose to write short stories, poetry, or even journal entries, the possibilities for self-expression are endless. So grab your pen, light a candle, and let the magical journey begin!

  • Mysterious Witch’s Hut: Imagine stumbling upon a hidden hut in the woods. Inside, you find an ancient grimoire that reveals potent spells, but at a grave cost. Explore the moral dilemmas, greed, and consequences that arise as you uncover the secrets within.
  • The Waning Moon Ritual: Dive into the minds of a coven of witches as they gather under the waning moon to perform a transformative ritual. Discover the emotional turmoil, sacrifice, and self-discovery experienced by the participants as they embark on a journey of personal growth.
  • The Witch’s Familiar: Create a unique bond between a witch and a magical creature that serves as their familiar. Explore the depth of their connection, the range of emotions experienced, and the powerful impact it has on their lives.

These prompts are just a glimpse into the vast world of emotions waiting to be explored through witchcraft-inspired writing. Unleash your creative powers and allow these prompts to guide you on a transformative journey through the intricate tapestry of the human experience.

Q: What are witch writing prompts? A: Witch writing prompts are creative prompts designed to inspire writers to explore magical narratives centered around witches and witchcraft.

Q: How can witch writing prompts be helpful for writers? A: Witch writing prompts can help writers tap into their creativity and imagination by providing a specific topic to focus on – in this case, witches. They can also help writers overcome writer’s block, spark new story ideas, and encourage them to think outside the box.

Q: Can you give me an example of a witch writing prompt? A: Sure! One example of a witch writing prompt could be: “Imagine you have just discovered a hidden book of spells. Write a story about the consequences that unfold when you unintentionally cast one of these spells.”

Q: Are witch writing prompts suitable for all types of writers? A: Absolutely! Witch writing prompts can be beneficial and enjoyable for writers of all levels and backgrounds. Whether you’re a seasoned writer looking for inspiration or just starting out, these prompts can help you explore the magical world of witches in your writing.

Q: How do witch writing prompts differ from other writing prompts? A: Witch writing prompts are distinct from other writing prompts because they specifically focus on magical narratives and the theme of witchcraft. They allow writers to delve into the realm of fantasy and explore elements such as spells, potions, mythical creatures, and more.

Q: Can witch writing prompts be used in different genres of writing? A: Yes, absolutely! Witch writing prompts can be adapted across various genres, including fantasy, mystery, romance, and even horror. They provide a foundation upon which a wide range of narratives can be built.

Q: Where can writers find witch writing prompts? A: There are multiple sources where writers can find witch writing prompts. Online platforms, writing forums, writing groups, and even writing apps often offer a variety of prompts catered to different themes, including witchcraft.

Q: Are witch writing prompts only for fiction writers? A: While witch writing prompts are predominantly used by fiction writers, they can also be of interest to non-fiction writers who wish to explore witches and witchcraft from a historical, cultural, or anthropological perspective.

Q: How can writers make the most of witch writing prompts? A: To make the most of witch writing prompts, writers should allow themselves to let their imagination run wild. They can brainstorm ideas, research witchcraft folklore, and incorporate personal experiences into their narratives. The key is to have fun and freely explore the magical world of witches through their writing.

Q: Can you provide any tips for writers using witch writing prompts? A: Certainly! Here are a few tips: 1. Embrace the magical setting and characters while incorporating depth and complexity into your storytelling. 2. Experiment with different plot twists and unexpected outcomes to engage readers. 3. Research various witchcraft aspects to add authenticity and richness to your narrative. 4. Don’t be afraid to mix different genres and create unique interpretations of witches and their powers. 5. Finally, revise and edit your work to ensure coherence and coherence before sharing it with others.

In conclusion, these witch writing prompts offer a captivating and imaginative way to dive into the world of magic, creating enchanting narratives that will leave readers spellbound. Let your imagination soar and embrace the mystical allure of witchcraft in your writing!

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A witch with black hair, a witch hat and black lipstick turns the pages of a flaming book.

Witch lit: how modern writers are reinventing the witch

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PhD candidate, Creative Writing, Durham University

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From the fairy tales read to us as children to the costumes every Halloween, the figure of the witch has been with most of us for our entire lives. Unkempt and warty, the witch of our childhood was generally a repulsive creature flying on a broomstick beside her toad or black cat.

Yet recent years have marked a reinvention of this ancient character, giving her a modern twist in a new subgenre of literature that some are calling “ witch lit ”.

The novels that have been categorised as belonging to this new subgenre often take inspiration from historical events such as the witch trials of the medieval and early modern periods.

A.K. Blakemore’s award-winning novel The Manningtree Witches (2021), for example, is set in the town of Manningtree in 1643 just as Matthew Hopkins begins his hunt against witches. Jenni Fagan’s short novel Hex: Darkland Tales (2022) revolves, in part, around the story of Geillis Duncan, one of the first women to be accused of witchcraft in the North Berwick witch trials.

We can see this resurgence in film and TV too . In Netflix’s Wednesday (2022), the young protagonist learns about her magical heritage through her ancestor Goody Addams, who was accused of witchcraft in the 1600s.

Wednesday Addams is tied up with her arms above her head. Behind her candles burn.

Popular shows like Outlander (2014), The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018) and A Discovery of Witches (2018) also prominently feature historical witchcraft beliefs and practices.

The witches featured in this new media are rarely comparable to the dirty hags that appeared in older stories. The new witch is often beautiful, at once dark and gothic and ethereal and wild.

Even Disney’s sequel to Hocus Pocus (2022) features a more sympathetic version of the Sanderson sisters. Winnie Sanderson, although still a child-killing witch, now becomes a woman who values her coven of sisters above all else.

In all of this, one thing is clear: the story of the witch is being rewritten and a new type of tale is taking its place.

Kirsty Logan’s Now She is Witch

An important addition to the witch lit sub-genre is Kirsty Logan’s Now She is Witch (2023). It perfectly captures the magic of this kind of story. The novel follows Lux, a girl who sells poisons and poppets, and the mysterious Else who is seeking revenge against a lord who kills women for witchcraft.

Many of the elements we have come to expect from witchcraft literature are evident in this tale. Through her protagonist, Logan picks at the hypocrisy of the rhetoric used to condemn witches . As Else puts it: “Men desire women but it is not their fault, it’s because women are wicked”.

Lux is also on a journey of self-discovery. She is trying to understand the place that she occupies in the world and the names that have been given to her, be it maiden, mother, crone or witch. Where this novel really finds its brilliance, is in the moments that it strays from the path that has been set out for it in this genre.

A white woman with a red short blunt cut bob and micro fringe leans against a yellow wall. She wears red lipstick,

The medieval setting of Logan’s story feels real and textured but there is also an otherworldly, almost carnivalesque feeling to the novel. The journey that Lux takes through woods populated by a colourful cast of characters, is almost reminiscent of the voyage Little Red Riding Hood takes to her grandmother’s house. Though Lux is as much a wolf as she is a lost little girl.

In her novel, Logan is making use of not only historical beliefs around witchcraft but also folklore and fairy tales. Her witch is complicated: powerful and somehow also powerless, woman and sometimes man and sometimes neither and sometimes both, real and made up, dangerous and innocent, girl and wolf.

Read more: WitchTok: the rise of the occult on social media has eerie parallels with the 16th century

At the centre of the story is a hunger from both Lux and Else to be allowed to be more than just one thing, to simply exist without worrying about what word or role will be used to define them.

Understanding the witch craze

It is not only in television and literature that the witch has gained popularity in recent years. Feminist activists and writers such as Silvia Federici and Mona Chollet are turning to the witch as a figure of injustice, power or rebellion.

One glance through the section of TikTok that has been affectionately named WitchTok reveals a number of people identifying as witches and calling out for power through the use of healing crystals or tarot cards.

At a time when female bodies are still policed in many parts of the world , the witch retains the power to speak through history and across generations. Perhaps this process of rewriting the witch is actually giving writers a new way to tell the stories of women.

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Writing About Witches

I don’t believe in Witches – at least not in the ancient ghostly sense. But, that doesn’t mean the writer in me doesn’t find the general ideas and mythologies around Witches intriguing.

I also find the notion that there might just be a few of them hanging around my local woods very appealing – particularly since I spend a lot of time there walking my dog.


But then I suppose I am a little bit biased. I love stories about witches and I love the idea of powerful women with magic.

I love powerful women even more when they are the ones saving the day. That’s why I wrote my children’s story, The Witch of Ballyyahoo.

In my story the Witch is a wonderful magical woman who watches over, protects and sometimes even saves the people of Ballyyahoo.

In the past, a woman’s power has been seen as something evil, something that should be stopped – women were even drowned for using herbs to help the sick.


I wanted something different for my witch. I wanted her to be contemporary, funny, wise and of course – ready to save the world. Oh and I wanted her to be Irish too.

So, I set the story in my fictional world of Ballyyahoo, which is a great place for a Witch to hang out as it’s already isolated and magical.

Besides, I love writing about Witches. Many writers are and it’s easy to understand why.

Witches have existing characterization; their faces and clothes are familiar, as are their dwellings, locations and spells – not to mention the magic.

Witches and their stories, ‘real’ or imagined, have been doing the rounds in various forms for a very long time.


They are fun, nasty, exciting, terrifying, funny, warm all at the same time – what’s not to like?

Both writers and academics have explored and examined the history of witches, their purpose in society, and their place in folklore.

The results of these explorations are readily available in fiction and non-fiction. Since this terrain is so well mapped you might well ask, why write about them at all?

For me the first and most important thing is enjoyment – if I didn’t enjoy what I was writing about it would be dull and flat.


Then there is also the challenge of writing about something so ingrained in the culture of stories. I like a challenge and who says that stories have to end there?

I think there’s plenty more to be learned about witches. Society is changing all the time. There is no reason why witches can’t be brought into today’s landscape.

The whole concept and characterization of Witches can be updated, or kept within tradition.


I love the idea of an up-to-date Witch, moving through a modern story like a walking piece of history.

Some people say writers write to escape from reality – as if that’s a problem. But there’s nothing wrong with escaping from reality now and again.

Still, there are far more reasons to write than pure escapism and these are specific to each individual writer.


For me there is also the idea of entering a new reality. What’s even better is that I get to create that reality myself.

When I write about Ballyyahoo I am not writing about a fictional town. In my mind it is real.

Okay, it may be a little isolated from the rest of Ireland and yes, nobody knows where it is, but that means I get to use my imagination and love of invention however I want.

This to me, is as free as can be, and I love being free.

Of course, if you open up even the tiniest door into a safe little world like Ballyyahoo, badness will surely follow.


I had to invent a policeman to keep the town safe and so I invented Sergeant Sid, but unfortunately he’s not terribly efficient.

He’s far more interested in confiscating sweets and cakes and inventing silly crimes like having no head lights on a donkey and wearing odd socks. Meanwhile the real villains go unnoticed.

To counteract that badness you need more a lot more than a policeman who hasn’t seen a real criminal since 1976, and that was only a picture in the training manual. You need a witch!


So you see I had to invent a Witch for Ballyyahoo – somebody had to save the town. Therefore as a writer, I had no absolutely no choice – Ballyyahoo needed me to write about witches.

I have to write about witches. I need to write about witches, so do I really need another excuse?

Bye for now

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Writing with Witch Archetypes (Part 1)

What is a witch (creative writing prompt).

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Writing with Witch Archetypes

Blue Rose: Writing the Dream Image

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In the spring of 2020, a former poetry student reached out to me. I remembered her as exceptionally talented, intelligent, and engaged. What I didn’t know yet: she was a witch.

What I also didn’t know yet: I was a witch.

I took a class on creative writing and the occult with Pam Grossman and Janaka Stucky that awakened my inner witch. In this workshop,…

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Become an Epic Storyteller

© copyright arabella k. federico all rights reserved.

witches and witchcraft

the writer's guide to witchcraft and witches

A blog by arabella k. federico, we all know witches exist, we wonder who they are; we secretly wish for their power. witches. they come in all shapes and sizes, and hollywood has distorted our view of what a witch truly is to the point where most of us have no true concept of the modern witch. grab your cauldrons, brooms, and wands; let's make some magick. , a brief history of witches.


"Thou shall not suffer a witch to live"-Exodus 22:18


so what is witchcraft, if not devil-worshiping?

  • Cosmic Witch~ Astrology, Zodiac Signs, Horoscopes, Celestial Energy
  • Divination Witch~Tarot Cards, Scrying, Palmistry, Crystals, Candles
  • Green Witch~Herbalism, Botany, Folk Magic, Essential Oils
  • Sea Witch~ Oceans/Lakes, Lunar Magic, Weather Magic
  • Paranormal Witch~ Traditionally “impossible” magic. Flying, levitation, Telekinesis, Portal Creation, Necromancy, Memory Manipulation, Mind Control, Longevity, Illusions, Healing, Energy Blasts, Conjuring, Etc. 
  • Blood Witch~Draws the power of their spells through the sacrifice of theirs or other’s blood

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the light vS the dark, the black vS the white, the good vS the evil

The Isle of Darkness by Arabella K. Federico

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  • Imbolc (Candlemas)
  • Spring Equinox (Ostara)
  • Beltane (May Eve)
  • Summer Solstice (Litha)
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  • Autumn Equinox (Mabon)
  • Samhain (Halloween)

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Dan Koboldt

Writer, blogger, and genetics researcher

Witchcraft for Writers

February 19, 2015 by dankoboldt Leave a Comment

This article is part of the  Science in Sci-fi, Fact in Fantasy   blog series. Each week, we ask an expert to tackle some aspect of fantasy writing (cultures, weapons, horses, etc.) or a scientific / technological concept pervasive in science fiction.

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About the Expert

E.B. Wheeler has an MA in European history and an MLA in historical landscape architecture. Her work writing about history and historic preservation includes the scripts for Letterpress Software’s award-winning Exploring America series. She also writes historical fiction and fantasy. Her first novel, The Haunting of Springett Hall , comes out July 2015. You should check out her blog .

When people think of witches, they often picture something like the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with peasants crowding around a woman with a long, warty nose, shouting, “She’s a witch! Burn her!” They also might imagine Hallowe’en witches with their pointed black hats and green skin, or modern Wiccans worshipping a mother goddess in covens. None of these images is true to historical European witchcraft (though witches were sometimes depicted flying on broomsticks). Witchcraft is so buried in stereotypes that its historical facts take a little digging to uncover.

The idea of magic—the ability of certain men and women to control the natural world through supernatural powers—is probably as old as humanity. Witchcraft in Europe, however, belongs mostly to the 1500s and 1600s, a time when the Black Death had shaken traditional beliefs and institutions and Europe was torn apart by religious and political upheavals.

Witch Scenery (Wikipedia)

Witchcraft in the Renaissance

Prior to the Renaissance, many Europeans believed that some people had the ability to talk to spirits, locate lost or stolen objects, create love charms, see the future, control the weather, interfere with livestock, and harm others through supernatural means. This type of magic involved a blending of earlier pagan beliefs with Christian ones and was frowned on by authorities but rarely prosecuted (often seen as merely superstitious). These activities continued into the Renaissance—the age of witchcraft—when practicing magic came to be seen by many as a form of devil worship.

Earlier magic often invoked either benevolent or malevolent spirits, but the Renaissance idea of witchcraft stemmed from the growing fear that magic practitioners made pacts with the devil to gain supernatural powers. The people who practiced folk magic may not have considered themselves in league with Satan, but church and political leaders now did. Even those authorities who did not believe witches had any real power (and they were often in the minority) viewed attempts to practice magic as a serious crime worthy of death.

Signs of the Devil

This focus on the devil changed notions of what was involved in magic, sometimes becoming quite colorful. Having sex with the devil or with demons was considered a common rite of passage in witchcraft. Witches were thought to harm people and livestock by touching or looking at them, by concocting magical brews, or by sending evil spirits to harass them.

One of the signs of a witch was a mark like a mole, but without sensation—an “extra nipple” which witches were supposed to use to give sustenance to their familiars. There were also things witches were said not to be able to do, such as recite the Lord’s Prayer.

Bury Witch trial, 1664 (Wikipedia)

Trials and Confessions

Witch trials sometimes showed a sharp disconnect between the views of common people and the beliefs of political and religious authorities. Many people executed for witchcraft insisted that they were innocent or only confessed after being “cleansed” by torture (the Inquisition was often involved in Continental witchcraft trials).

A minority of people accused of witchcraft confessed freely to making pacts with the devil in hopes of gaining power. Another group of the accused were those practicing older forms of folk magic, who did not view their activities in the same malevolent light as their accusers. In Italy and other parts of southern Europe, some confessed witches claimed that their consciousness left their bodies while sleeping to battle with other witches and protect the harvests. Their accusers struggled to make these confessions fit into their view of witchcraft.

Targets of Witch Hunts

Concern about witches wasn’t reserved for political or religious leaders; the common people also feared those who might further disrupt the order and safety of their communities. Outsiders were often the targets of witch hunts—those who were on the margins of society, especially single or widowed women, the mentally ill, thieves, and the poor. Women were suspected of witchcraft more often than men, but men were also accused and executed.

The old stereotype that midwives were often viewed as witches is probably false. Midwives filled an important role in society—sometimes even having the power to baptize children if they looked likely to die at birth—and though the growing, male-dominated medical profession began to chip away at their authority, they were still important enough in their communities that they were not often persecuted.

Advice for Writers

If you’re writing historical fiction, it’s best to research the exact time period and location you’re writing about to see which trials and punishments were used, because they varied greatly across time and place. Some witches were executed by burning at the stake, but many more were hung, especially in Britain and its colonies. Another form of execution in Britain and America was being pressed, with the victims lying under a board and having stones placed on them until they were crushed to death.

People accused of witchcraft sometimes chose this slow, agonizing execution by refusing to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Being pressed was a punishment for silence in the face of the judges, but because people could not be tried or convicted without entering a plea, the victims saved their family’s property from a government anxious to seize it from convicted criminals.

The Salem Witch Trials

Compendium Maleficarum (Wikipedia)

The Salem witch trials provide an interesting case study in witchcraft. A group of girls in Massachusetts, perhaps influenced by slave folk beliefs, claimed to be persecuted by witches whom they saw in visions. They accused nearly 200 people, and twenty were executed for witchcraft before the trials were halted. Nineteen of the victims died by hanging and one by pressing. Another four died in prison, plus a baby born to an accused mother (prisons during this time were atrocious breeding grounds for disease). Thirteen of those killed were women, so slightly more than half.

Those accused ranged in age from their 20s to their 80s, though the majority were on the older end of the spectrum. Some fit the typical descriptions of witches—socially marginalized and/or involved in illegal activities (or possibly mentally unbalanced)—but many had lived respectable lives and had families and community members who vouched for them (to no avail).

Several of the victims were couples where one spouse had tried to defend the other from the witchcraft accusations. One, George Burroughs, was a Harvard-educated minister, who recited the Lord’s Prayers just before his execution, causing a stir among the crowd. A few women escaped hanging by “pleading their belly”—pregnant women were not executed because of the desire to spare the unborn child from being punished for the crimes of its parent.

Lessons from Witchcraft Trials

Witchcraft trials give us insight into a mindset that is mostly lost to the modern word. They came about in part because of an active belief that God and Satan, saints and demons, were not abstract concepts or distant religious figures, but actively involved in everyday life. Especially during times of political and religious upheaval, people felt themselves involved in a war between forces of good and evil—not just in a metaphorical sense, but as a literal, day-to-day, physical reality.

The lines between the spiritual and physical world were blurred at best. Spectral evidence, such as the dreams and visions of alleged victims, were as important to detecting witchcraft as witnesses and confessions. Understanding this can help us come a little closer to understanding the “foreign country” of the past and creating settings and characters that will transport readers to this lost world.

Learn more about witchcraft here: http://ebooks.library.cornell.edu/w/witch//digital.html http://salem.lib.virginia.edu/home.html http://legacy.fordham.edu/Halsall/source/witches1.html http://history.hanover.edu/link-lists/wh.html (many broken links, but some good info)

Further reading: Religion and the Decline of Magic by Keith Thomas Magic in the Middle Ages by Richard Kieckhefer The Devil in Massachusetts by Marion L. Starkey The Night Battles by Carlo Ginzburg

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Everything writers need to know about witchcraft, with historian @EB_Wheeler: http://bit.ly/1DDXWBQ Part of #FactInFantasy by @DanKoboldt

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How to Describe a Witch in a Story

By Isobel Coughlan

how to describe a witch in a story

Are you writing a novel about witches? If you need some help, we’ve put together a list of descriptive words you can use in your writing below. Scroll down to learn how to describe a witch in a story.

Someone that’s miserable or bad-tempered.

“The grumpy witch sat on her stool and pondered all that was bad in the world.”

“Though the witch had received an apology from the fearful townspeople, she still felt grumpy about their scornful actions.”

How it Adds Description

You can show the witch is ill-tempered via the adjective “grumpy.” This shows that she’s either always in a bad mood or something has happened to lower her spirits. Being “grumpy” will likely make the witch an unpopular person, as she won’t be positive about anything. Other characters may even avoid the witch when she’s in a “grumpy” mood, leaving her isolated and even grumpier.

2. Compassionate

Someone who shows understanding or pity for those who are suffering.

“Many people were scared of the witch, but they didn’t know her true compassionate nature. She wouldn’t even harm a fly.”

“The compassionate witch took the injured cat into her home and used her magic to nurse it back to health.”

The word “compassionate” signals that the witch is kind-hearted and sympathetic to those around her, making her an overall pleasant person. Some characters may misjudge her based on typical witch stereotypes, and they might feel bad when they realize she’s “compassionate” and caring.

Someone who achieves things in a clever way, and often by deceit.

“No one suspected that the car crash was the witch’s fault. Once again, her cunning nature had allowed her to get away with her crimes.”

“The witch thought of herself as cunning and witty, but her friends saw through her act.”

“Cunning” can be used to describe a witch that’s clever but uses her intelligence to deceive others and craft intricate plans. This is a trait associated with people who are very intellectually sharp or people who trick others frequently, and their talents might draw other characters towards them for help or to achieve their goals.

Someone who isn’t sensible and lacks common sense.

“The witch felt foolish after she realized she bought the wrong ingredients for the spell.”

“Only foolish witches use eye of newt! Everyone knows the ingredients are toe of frog and wool of bat.”

While many think witches are clever, they also sometimes have rash moments and can exhibit “foolish” behavior. “Foolish” shows that your witch has had a slip of judgment, which may lead to problems further down the line in the novel. Additionally, nasty characters may try to take advantage of a “foolish” witch, as she might be easier to deceive.

Someone who is very thin , bony, and unattractive.

“The little boy yelped when he caught a glimpse of the scrawny witch. Her hair was ragged, and her face was covered in deep-set wrinkles.”

“Despite her scrawny and unkempt appearance, the witch was one of the most influential of the coven.”

Typically, witches are considered to be haggard and unkempt looking. If you’re trying to show your witch has a run-down appearance, “scrawny” is an excellent word to use. This gives the reader a clear visual while showing that the character doesn’t care about keeping up her appearance. This could be because she’s more focused on her magic or simply doesn’t want to adhere to strict beauty standards.

6. Seductive

Someone who is very attractive or can make you do something against your will.

“The seductive witch used her beauty and powers to attract her victims.”

“Unlike the others, the young witch was seductive and took pleasure in toying with the local gentlemen.”

While there are clear stereotypes about witches being unattractive, “seductive” can be used to describe a witch who is beautiful and attracts admirers. If wicked, the witch could use her “seductive” qualities to use the admirers in her magical plans. Alternatively, some witches may not enjoy being “seductive” as it draws too much attention to them.

7. Powerful

Someone who can influence or control people and events.

“The high priestess witch was the most powerful the coven had ever seen.”

“Despite her lack of experience, Anna was a naturally powerful witch.”

If you want to show a witch’s influence or command over events, “powerful” will help. This adjective portrays the witch as an impressive character, and many lesser witches may look to her for advice or respect her abilities.

8. Villainous

Someone willing to break the law or harm others to get what they want.

“Her villainous mother was a witch, and she tried to spend as much time away from her as possible.”

“The local witch was villainous , and she constantly tried to harm the local residents with magical potions.”

“Villainous” portrays the witch as a bad person, so consider this adjective if the witch is the villain of your story. Most characters will dislike the “villainous” witch, as she doesn’t care about other people’s feelings and actively tries to hurt them. This will likely make her an outcast.

9. Intimidating

Someone that’s frightening and makes others lose confidence.

“The girl looked into the intimidating witch’s eyes and shuddered.”

“Even the king felt insecure in the presence of the intimidating witch.”

You can explore your witch’s power and her effect on others via “intimidating.” This adjective shows that others find her scary and may also feel self-conscious or timid in her presence. Only confident characters will be able to stand up to an “intimidating” witch.

10. Studious

Someone who spends lots of time studying .

“Unlike the other teen witches, Sabrina was studious and preferred to study the history of spells and potions.”

“The Hogwarts library is a dream come true for studious witches.”

“Studious” can be used to show your fictional witch is either interested in studying, reading, or academia in general. This also implies that she has a dedicated personality, as studying takes a lot of effort and organization. Other witches may be jealous of this trait, especially if the witch receives higher grades or more praise for her work.

Get Creative

Witchy words and potent potion poems - writing activities inspired by witches

By Joanne Owen | 9th October 2022

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From perennial picture book favourites like Meg and Mog and Winnie the Witch , to classic fiction that captivates generation after generation like The Worst Witch and Pongwiffy , witches provide rich pickings for fiction. Witches also have the power to spark very different kinds of stories, as revealed by two of our recent favourites, Witchstorm and Stone .

With all that in mind, and with Halloween on the horizon, this month’s Get Creative feature shares poem puzzler activities that use witchy words to spark creepily creative writing. 

You might want to use these poem puzzlers alongside our feature on writing spooky stories . If you’re looking for seasonal reading material, check out our collection of books for Halloween .

Without further ado, board your broomstick, buckle up and let your imagination soar up, up and away!

1. Witchy words Write an acrostic poem about witches. An acrostic poem is a poem in which the first letter of each line spells out the word the poem is about, like this example about some creeping cats:

C ats creep sleekly  A s the moon shines bright. T iny paws patter S oftly through the night.

Write your own acrostic poem about a witch. 

2. Potent potion poem

Now write an acrostic poem about a potion. Perhaps it could be a rhyming spell. Think about what ingredients might go into your potion and the sounds it makes as it bubbles away. For example, does it fizz, spit, pop or bang? Think about what power your potion has.


3. Find a familiar

Many witches have an animal familiar to keep them company and help them do their magic, a bit like a sidekick, or a best mate they can always rely on! Pick your familiar and write an acrostic poem about them. 

Tip: you don’t have to write about an obvious animal, like a cat, bat, or frog. You could go for something more unusual. How about a spell-squawking parrot? Or a monkey that becomes magical by the light of the moon?!

For more writing activities, read the rest of our regular Get Creative series .

Joanne Owen is a writer and publishing professional with over twenty years’ experience of the book industry, and the author of a how-to children’s guide to creative writing, You Can Write Awesome Stories . Alongside writing and reviewing books, she hosts writing workshops and is an Editorial Expert for LoveReading.

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Mental Health for Witches

Creative writing workshops for witches.

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Online Writing Workshops Designed to Foster Community, Creativity and Healing

Poetry, fiction, and nonfiction are timeless mediums of expression. Mental Health for Witches is inspiring witches of all ages to heal and find themselves through creative writing workshops.

Who Leads Our Workshops?

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Our workshops are led by MHW Founder Amber Jord , a Creative Writing BA with a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Central Florida. Amber holds a Community Teaching Certificate in Creative Writing from UCF for her dedication to teaching creative writing workshops in the Orlando, FL community.

She has experience leading children’s workshops, adult workshops, and writing classes for the elderly. She’s worked with seniors with dementia, at-risk youth, and women in crisis, among other populations, to foster a sense of hope and healing through creativity, honesty, and self-expression.

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How Do Our Workshops Work?

Mental Health for Witches creative writing workshops feature themes of nature, healing, and self-discovery. Workshops are always online and held monthly. You will attend the workshop via Zoom . When you register for that month’s workshop and pay the registration fee, you get either one 30 minute session or two 60-minute programs for the price of your registration.

Monthly Workshop Fees for 2024: $11-12 for one Zoom workshop or $20 for our two-part (two classes) workshops

Each workshop offers a theme of focus that you will receive by email before you attend the first meeting. Some workshops will have two available sessions while others will have one. Check the website and/or social media for the latest themes and session dates.

Pre-Register for Upcoming Sessions

Next workshop sessions: march and april 2024.

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Interested in joining our online creative writing workshops via Zoom? We would love to have you.

Please fill out the form and Amber will answer your questions or get you registered and let you know when your registration fee is due.

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How to Write Spells & Improve Your Witchcraft

Many experienced witches find themselves constantly running up against the confines of other peoples spells. Perhaps you’re never able to find the spell that’s  just right , that feels tailored to your purpose. Or maybe you’ve become very comfortable working with your personal set of tools and ingredients but spells regularly call for things that you don’t have (and don’t care to have!) while underutilizing those items that you’ve so carefully curated for your craft.

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For witches in this situation, writing your own spells might be the only plausible solution to reviving the fluidity and enjoyment of your craft.

For some newer witches the process of writing your own spells may seem a bit intimidating. When you haven’t got much experience under your belt sticking with spells written by other people just feels safer. And that’s OK! As with any art, you must first copy other peoples work until you simply cannot stand it anymore to really master the techniques and build a firm foundational knowledge. Only then do you start to compose and explore your own voice in your craft.

Even for those who are new to the craft however, playful experimentation can hold merit. If you feel confident and ready to explore a little more freely please do not hold yourself back regardless of whether you consider yourself a beginner or a more advanced witch.

A few Pros of writing your own spells:

  • You’re never missing materials
  • You can tailor every spell for the spirits and energies you work with
  • Spells can be as involved or simple as you like
  • Experimentation! (I count this as a pro because it’s fun)
  • You get complete creative license with your magic
  • You learn and develop a personal style in your craft

A few Cons:

  • You may not really get a good idea of what works until you’ve been writing for a while
  • Sometimes it’s too time consuming to write your own spell
  • Some people can’t write well (although if you’re not attached to your spells being beautifully worded don’t let this stop you!

Writing Your Spell

The first thing you must do is clearly define the purpose of the spell or your intention. A good beginners rule is to start with the guidelines below when outlining the objective of your spell.

  • Phrase it as though what you want to happen is presently true
  • Make it absolute
  • Make sure it’s descriptive and phrased in such a way that doesn’t leave a lot of loopholes for mishaps (i.e. “I am ten pounds lighter” could lead to you getting food poisoning and dropping ten pounds, not so fun)

Though similar, these rules aren’t so hard and fast for spell writing as they are for creating sigils. Play around with these guidelines and find what works for you! I prefer working more abstractly, working with the natural flow of events instead of shaping them overly much. If you work with a deity or particular spirit then phrasing it as a request instead of an absolute may work a bit better for you.

As an example, lets say our objective is to attract more abundance. Now, we don’t have anything specific in mind, we simply want to open up the channels that can allow abundance in a variety of ways into our lives. The objective could be phrased a number of ways, “I am open to abundance and draw prosperity into my life” would work, as would “Abundance enters my life freely”.

Next, it’s time to figure out what kind of spell you’d like to use. This is largely going to depend on what materials you have available to you and what kind of magic you’re comfortable working with. If you can’t cook you probably don’t want to be making food-based spells and if you don’t have jars then that curse jar isn’t going to get very far. This is a fun place to get creative though. Have you ever wondered if you could use something in a spell? Now is the time to try it! (In all likelihood the answer is yes)

Our abundance spell could be set up any number of ways, for example you could use:

  • An abundance attracting knotted bracelet
  • A candle spell
  • A charged object that you keep near your bed
  • A bowl of enchanted pennies that you throw your change into every day
  • Or even some combination of techniques

This is just a fraction of the ways you could do this one spell, this is the time to really let your individual preferences and strengths shine through. What sort of spells do you love doing? What have you always wanted to try? What feels truly powerful to you?

From this point on it’s all tweaking, you have your bases covered, you just need to assemble the pieces. This includes your “standards” like any kind of sacred space that you cast for working, calling deities and other entities, invoking elements, etc. This would also be a good time to figure out if you like working with words. Most of my spells are wordless but I know there are many witches who like to supplement their power with incantations, rhymes and sometimes songs or chants. Writing these yourself is an excellent way to just funnel that much more energy into your spell. 

If we continue with our abundance spell, say we’ve decided to enchant an object. There are many objects that we could choose but I prefer one that I’ll come into contact with frequently, something like a wallet would serve perfectly in this context. 

To assemble the pieces of the spell we would begin with cleansing and calling up a sacred space. After that we might write the intention on a slip of paper and tuck it under a green or gold candle that has been dressed with a basil infused oil. You might choose to say an incantation as you light the candle or you might prefer to quietly focus on your intention as the candle burns down. When the candle has burned itself out the slip of paper simply needs to be placed in the wallet and then we can end the spell by closing our sacred space.

There are an endless number of ways that you can combine types of spells and tools and ingredients, let your imagination run wild and see what you can come up with. What sounds ridiculous in theory may turn out to be the best spell you’ve ever tried. Be creative, have fun and don’t hold back!

If you try a new spell that you’ve written and it doesn’t work, tweak it and try it again. Writing spells is like any kind of creative process, you’re likely to find a dozen methods that don’t work for you before you find even one that does.

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How To Write Spells And Improve Your Witchcraft // The Traveling Witch

Updated on August 20, 2023 by Avery Hart

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<3. Thank you for sharing this….

The best advice ever, thank you for sharing

I’m an experienced witch. But I travel light and never really thought about some of the tools of the trade as being part of my everyday agenda. Of course I read about a wand finding its witch, but a hawthorne just dropped into my lap. So, I do what I need to cleanse and charge it. I palm it to find its true use. But here is the odd part…. I feel something like stage fright coming from it. It has a strong energy, I can feel the vibration. It’s strong. So I’m stuck as to what my next move is? Thank you in advance. Any insight will be appreciated and helpful.

Good information, thank you.

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Welcome to The Occult Witch

My name is Avery Hart. I'm a witch, chaos magician, and occultist and have devoted 15 years to the study of all things witchcraft and occultism. My goal is to give you the tools and knowledge to make real, tangible changes to your life with magic. No fluff, no flowery cryptic language, just magic that you can start using today.

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A New Community of Writers

100 Vampire, Werewolf, Witch and Ghost Writing Prompts

November 18, 2023 by Richard Leave a Comment

Thought this would be a little fun for all our horror writer fans, but here is a list of 100 Vampire, Werewolf, Witch and Ghost Writing Prompts to spark your creative writing. All iconic figures in the horror writing community, and here are 100 ideas that will get you writing. I hope they will inspire you to create a novel, but even if you get a few paragraphs of writing from these, it’s still worth the effort. Writing begets more writing, and the more ideas that inspire the better. 

This list of 100 vampire, werewolf, witch, and ghost writing prompts is perfect for sparking ideas for your next spooky tale. These horror genre prompts feature popular supernatural creatures and beings that have dominated scary stories for generations. Whether you want to write a chilling short story, haunting novel excerpt, or even just get your creative juices flowing, these prompts will provide inspiration.

The prompts cover key horror and paranormal fiction themes ranging from forbidden supernatural romances, struggles to control beastly natures, covens conspiring to raise evil forces, ghosts seeking closure – and more. There’s something for every level, from writers just starting out to seasoned authors looking to refresh their ideas.

With Halloween inspiration, these prompts help writers develop plots and characters by providing a starting point to unleash their creativity. They suggest creepy scenarios ripe for expansion through descriptive settings, rich dialogue, and deeper exploration of internal conflicts. Horror writers can take these prompts in many directions.

So if you’re hoping to craft the next great gothic vampire romance, a chilling ghost story, or an epic werewolf battle, take a look through this list of 100 supernatural writing prompts. They’ll give you a solid foundation to write your own tale of terror.

With all that said and done, here are 100 Vampire, Werewolf, Witch and Ghost Writing Prompts to get you writing. 

  • A werewolf falls in love with a human but struggles to control their transformations and animalistic urges around their lover.
  • A vampire hasn’t fed in decades. When they finally do, the rush of fresh blood makes it extremely difficult for them to stop.
  • A ghost haunts their childhood home, unable to move on until they make peace with their family.
  • On the night of the full moon, a werewolf wakes up in the middle of a forest with no memory of how they got there or what they did the night before.
  • A vampire runs into their sire, the one who originally turned them centuries ago, and has to confront their complicated feelings about their transformation.
  • A witch places a protection spell on a human’s home to keep out vengeful spirits, but the spell ends up trapping a friendly ghost inside.
  • A pack of werewolves takes in a newly turned werewolf and teaches them their ways. The new werewolf struggles to adapt.
  • A vampire falls for a human and must resist their bloodlust. But when the human’s life is threatened, the vampire’s instincts take over.
  • Every full moon, a werewolf’s human lover has to chain them up so they don’t go on a rampage when they transform.
  • A vampire is being hunted by a vengeful vampire slayer. They go on the run, trying to survive.
  • A ghost tries unsuccessfully for years to communicate with their grieving widow. Then one day, the widow starts to hear them.
  • A werewolf wakes up after their first transformation to find they’ve killed someone. They have to learn to live with the guilt.
  • The vengeful spirit of a murder victim relentlessly haunts their killer, terrifying them into confessing their crime.
  • A werewolf pack takes in a newly turned teenage werewolf and help them adapt to their new life.
  • Every Halloween, a special portal opens allowing ghosts to walk the earth. But this year, something sinister slips through.
  • A vampire falls for a werewolf, complicating the feud between their species. They keep their love hidden.
  • A ghost haunts a library, making magical books fly off shelves. When a curious kid discovers them, they make an unlikely new friend.
  • An ancient vampire lorekeeper mentors a young vampire, teaching them the history of their people.
  • A werewolf is captured by a scientist intent on curing lycanthropy. But the wolf bonds with the scientist.
  • A medium communicates with ghosts to help living loved ones find closure. But some spirits don’t want to move on.
  • Every full moon, a werewolf must take special precautions to lock themselves up far from civilization to avoid hurting anyone.
  • A vampire gets kidnapped by human blood harvesters, who drain vampires’ blood to sell on the supernatural black market.
  • A ghost falls in love with a living person and haunts them trying to make contact. But the living person is terrified.
  • A werewolf pack takes in a newly turned werewolf, but one pack member suspects the new wolf is a threat.
  • A coven of vengeful witches resurrects a powerful vampire leader from centuries ago to be their new master.
  • A human discovers a portal to the spirit world and is tempted to use it to contact their deceased loved ones.
  • A werewolf loses control and attacks their human lover on the night of a full moon, leaving them infected.
  • A vampire saves a dying human by turning them, but the new vampire starts going on unauthorized killing sprees.
  • A friendly ghost plays harmless pranks on the living family that moves into their haunted home.
  • A teenage witch summons the spirit of their dead grandma, finally getting to meet the grandmother they never knew.
  • On Halloween night, a young skeptic goes on a ghost tour to prove the claims aren’t real – until they encounter a real spirit.
  • A vampire is visited by the ghost of their first human victim, unable to find peace until forgiven.
  • To hide their werewolf identity, a person distances themselves from human society, leading a lonely isolated life.
  • A grieving ghost latches onto a depressed person who can hear them, thinking this person understands them.
  • A mortal stumbles upon a faerie circle on the full moon and gets transported into the realm of the supernatural.
  • After a werewolf unintentionally kills their human lover, they go feral, leaving their werewolf pack forever.
  • A witch must protect their magical herb garden from both mortal thieves and ghosts trying to sabotage it.
  • Every full moon, a werewolf pack gathers deep in the remote wilderness to transform far from prying eyes.
  • A vampire falls for a human reincarnation of their centuries-deceased lover, unsure if history will repeat itself.
  • A ghost tries to piece together their hazy memories of life to figure out who killed them and why.
  • On their 16th birthday, a werewolf child experiences their first transformation, losing themselves to primal animal rage.
  • A teenage medium is haunted by the disturbing visions they see when channeling restless spirits.
  • A mortal scientist kidnaps supernatural beings trying to “cure” them, unconcerned about their free will.
  • A vampire wakes up entombed underground, having been buried alive centuries ago by fearful humans.
  • An ancient deity promises supernatural powers if a mortal devotes themself fully, body and soul.
  • A werewolf pack hides deep in a forest, passing their primal way of life secretly through generations.
  • A haunted house drives away every mortal tenant – except one skeptical woman determined to unravel its secrets.
  • A witch coven unintentionally summon a vengeful spirit during a ritual, unleashing paranormal chaos.
  • Every full moon, a werewolf chains themself up and isolates themself far from everyone they love.
  • A vampire with unusual abilities is captured by sinister government agents seeking to exploit their powers.
  • A mortal stumbles into the world of the fae and is trapped there, forced to endure their cruel games.
  • A medium holds regular seances to help ghosts communicate with their loved ones and find closure.
  • On their first full moon after being bitten, a new werewolf goes on an uncontrolled rampage.
  • A vampire must protect their mortal descendant from an ancient rival who wants revenge.
  • The ghost of a murder victim tries to bring their killer to justice by haunting a detective.
  • A young hex witch accidentally curses a mortal boy to fall madly in love with them.
  • On a full moon, a werewolf wakes up in a zoo exhibit, unable to recall how they got locked inside.
  • A vampire is assigned to mentor a newly turned vampire and teach them to feed ethically.
  • A medium discovers they have the power to release ghosts to the afterlife. But some don’t want to move on.
  • On Halloween, the veil between worlds is thinnest, allowing a spirit to come back and visit their loved ones.
  • A vampire falls dangerously close to exposing the existence of supernatural beings to humans.
  • A werewolf struggles to suppress their transformations. But on the full moon, they have no choice.
  • A young witch tries to learn necromancy to resurrect their dead parent, tempting fate.
  • A vampire lord gathers allies among witches, ghosts, and demons to gain power.
  • On the Harvest Moon, a young werewolf experiences their first transformation amid ancient rituals.
  • A demon makes a mortal an enticing offer in exchange for their soul.
  • The ghost of a murder victim must identify their killer among the living to move on.
  • On Halloween night, a coven of witches completes an ancient ritual under the full moon.
  • A vampire falls for a human and turns them so they can be together forever.
  • An exorcist comes face-to-face with a demon inhabiting a little girl.
  • A werewolf tries to warn others of a rogue wolf threatening the mortal and supernatural community.
  • A witch must undo a spell gone wrong before it permanently merges the spirit and mortal realms.
  • A ghost falls in love with a mortal and tries to protect them from danger.
  • A vampire takes in an orphaned newly turned vampire to teach them vampire ways.
  • A werewolf pack prepares to battle a rogue werewolf to protect their territory.
  • A coven of dark witches lures wandering spirits into their dark rituals.
  • A mortal discovers a secret community of supernatural beings living amongst humans.
  • On Halloween, the dead can walk amongst the living. But a spirit with sinister goals crosses over.
  • A young werewolf tries to hide their secret from their human friends. But on the next full moon, they find out.
  • A vampire falls for a mortal with the same aura as their long deceased human lover.
  • Every full moon, a werewolf must isolate themselves to avoid hurting loved ones during their uncontrollable transformation.
  • A witch casts a spell allowing them to see ghosts – and now the spirits won’t leave them alone.
  • The ghosts of Civil War soldiers still haunt the battlefield, destined to fight their endless battle until a spell intercedes.
  • A werewolf pack adopts a newly turned werewolf, teaching them how to control their savage impulses.
  • A grieving medium tries to contact their deceased lover’s spirit. But necromancy always comes at a price.
  • A vampire slayer stalks the streets destroying supernatural beings. Until they fall for a werewolf, complicating matters.
  • On Halloween, a fake haunted house attraction accidentally channels real spirits set on possessing the guests.
  • A mortal is compelled to free a chained up werewolf from a lab but soon regrets it under the full moon.
  • A skeptical ghost tour guide encounters real restless spirits angry at the tourism exploitation.
  • A vampire must protect their mortal lover from their own vampire sire who believes they should never have turned them.
  • A pack of werewolves clash with a coven of witches when they accuse a witch of cursing members.
  • A medium communicates with spirits at a haunted hotel to uncover its mysterious cursed past.
  • Every full moon, a werewolf human lover has to take precautions to avoid the uncontrolled wolf. But one night, they slip up.
  • A young witch tries to resurrect their dead parent through necromancy, but the spirit returns…changed.
  • A vampire falls for a human who lives off the grid. They know they should leave them alone, but can’t seem to stay away.
  • A werewolf is blackmailed by a mortal who witnessed their transformation and now demands favors.
  • A witch casts a spell allowing ghosts to visit loved ones on Halloween, but it fails to close at midnight as planned.
  • A vampire is infected with lycanthropy, becoming the only hybrid werewolf-vampire in existence. But the transformation is unstable.
  • A ghost tries to reconnect with their medium sibling to help solve the mystery of their death.
  • On Halloween, the veil between worlds thins enough for one spirit to pass through and reunite with their mortal lover.

If you enjoyed this list or it inspired you to write something, let us know in the comments. You can also find many other lists of writing prompts on our site.

Related Posts:

Unlock Your Spooky Creativity 100 Haunting Halloween Journal Prompts

About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

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Book Units Teacher Blog by Gay Miller

The Phantom Tollbooth Activities

Esperanza Rising Teaching Ideas

The Witches by Roald Dahl Book Activities

  • By Gay Miller in Book Units

October 7, 2016

The Witches by Roald Dahl Teaching Activities

  • 4th Grade Novel Study

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  • Carla Fedeler on October 7, 2016 at 7:23 pm

Love all of the compare/contrast options shared. This is an excellent post! Thanks for joining in Gay! Have a lovely weekend.

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The Writing Witch

Magick is the power to write your own story.

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Seasonal Living For Lammas / Lughnasadh Season (Podcast 176)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Seasonal Living For Lammas / Lughnasadh Season (Podcast 176)

creative writing on witches

Seasonal Living For The Summer Solstice Season (Podcast 175)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Seasonal Living For The Summer Solstice Season (Podcast 175)

creative writing on witches

Seasonal Living For Taurus / Beltane Season (Podcast 174)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Seasonal Living For Taurus / Beltane Season (Podcast 174)

creative writing on witches

Manifesting With The Elements (Podcast 173)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Manifesting With The Elements (Podcast 173)

creative writing on witches

Aries: The Spring Equinox (Podcast 172)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Aries: The Spring Equinox (Podcast 172)

creative writing on witches

Introdution To The Zodiacal Wheel Of The Year (Podcast 171)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Introdution To The Zodiacal Wheel Of The Year (Podcast 171)

creative writing on witches

The “Writing Witch’s Grimoire,” A Full Show And Tell! (Podcast 170)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More The “Writing Witch’s Grimoire,” A Full Show And Tell! (Podcast 170)

creative writing on witches

Late Winter Witchy Bucket List ❄️ (10 Ideas To Celebrate Imbolc) (Podcast 169)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Late Winter Witchy Bucket List ❄️ (10 Ideas To Celebrate Imbolc) (Podcast 169)

creative writing on witches

The Celestial Alchemy Astrology Method (Podcast 168)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More The Celestial Alchemy Astrology Method (Podcast 168)

creative writing on witches

Early Winter Witchy Bucket List 🎄 (10 Ideas To Celebrate Yule) (Podcast 167)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More Early Winter Witchy Bucket List 🎄 (10 Ideas To Celebrate Yule) (Podcast 167)

creative writing on witches

“Grounded In Gratitude” Ritual Guide (Podcast 166)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More “Grounded In Gratitude” Ritual Guide (Podcast 166)

creative writing on witches

10 Witchy Rituals To Celebrate Samhain (Podcast 165)

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More 10 Witchy Rituals To Celebrate Samhain (Podcast 165)

10 green witchcraft practices you can do today!

164 Ten Essential Herbs for Green Witchcraft – A Beginner’s Guide (Podcast 164)

Tips for practicing green witchcraf to deepen your practice, connect with nature, harness your intuition, and tap into your own innate power. … More 164 Ten Essential Herbs for Green Witchcraft – A Beginner’s Guide (Podcast 164)

Exploring Nature Magick:10 Green Witchcraft Practices You Can Try Today! (Podcast 163)

Tips for practicing green witchcraf to deepen your practice, connect with nature, harness your intuition, and tap into your own innate power. … More Exploring Nature Magick:10 Green Witchcraft Practices You Can Try Today! (Podcast 163)

creative writing on witches

10 Witchy Rituals To Celebrate The Autumn Equinox

In this episode of The Writing Witch Podcast, I would love to invite you to join me for my early fall magickal bucket list: 10 ways to celebrate the Autumn Equinox in a slow living style! … More 10 Witchy Rituals To Celebrate The Autumn Equinox

creative writing on witches

The Power of Gratitude: A Witch’s Guide to Cultivating Appreciation & Unlocking Abundance

As a witch, incorporating gratitude into your practice can help you unlock abundance, cultivate deeper appreciation for the joys and blessings in your life, and create a positive energy that attracts more positivity. It can also help you get more in tune with the Universe, with your spirit guides and with your own intuition! … More The Power of Gratitude: A Witch’s Guide to Cultivating Appreciation & Unlocking Abundance

Let's Make Some Magick

160 Let’s Make Some Magick! (Changes To The Writing Witch Platform)

Greetings, magickal mavens! I’ve been working on some exciting new projects behind the scenes, and I’ve decided to bring more MAGICK into this space! While responding to prompts for the seasons and moon phases is one of my favorite “magickal” things to do, I’ve noticed that both myself and some of my audience members have … More 160 Let’s Make Some Magick! (Changes To The Writing Witch Platform)

August's Eve Bucket List

159 Late Summer Bucket List For The Lammas / Lughnasadh Season

Late Summer Witchy Bucket List For Lammas / Lughnasadh Season The seasonal checkpoint that lands around August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere is known as Lammas, Lughnasadh, August’s Eve or the First Harvest, and it’s the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This time of year is a celebration of abundance, craftsmanship, … More 159 Late Summer Bucket List For The Lammas / Lughnasadh Season

creative writing on witches

158 Early Summer Bucket List For The Litha / Summer Solstice Season

Early Summer Witchy Bucket List The seasonal checkpoint that lands around June 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere is known as the Summer Solstice, Litha, or Midsummer, and it’s the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This time of year is a celebration of abundance, prosperity and indulging in the hight of the … More 158 Early Summer Bucket List For The Litha / Summer Solstice Season

May's Eve / Beltane Bucket List

157 Late Spring Bucket List For The Beltane / May’s Eve Season

Late Spring Witchy Bucket List The seasonal checkpoint that lands around May 1st is also known as Beltane, May Day, Walpurgis Night, or Witches’ Night, and it’s actually what’s known as a cross-quarter sabbat – The half-way mark between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. So if you’re new to the world of witchy … More 157 Late Spring Bucket List For The Beltane / May’s Eve Season

Attending And Hosting In-Person Rituals At Rising Goddess With Elizabeth Whitacre

Hosting And Attending In Person Rituals (Podcast 156 With Elizabeth Whitare)

Have you ever dreamed of owning or working in an IRL witchy shop witch a black cat familiar as the shop pet, and where local pagans could meet in person for enchanted rituals? I did! When I was a pre-teen, I visited my first witchy shop and dreamed of being a witchy business owner someday. … More Hosting And Attending In Person Rituals (Podcast 156 With Elizabeth Whitare)

Dollar Tree DIY Ostara Ornaments 3

Ostara Craft: Dollar Tree DIY Egg Ornaments & Irish Boxty Recipe!

The Spring Equinox, AKA Ostara is just around the corner… Have you decorated yet? If you’re still looking for ideas, this Dollar Tree DIY is a fun, crafty activity that will make your spring decor look really fancy even though it’s super budget friendly! And, for a quick announcement, I invite you to join me … More Ostara Craft: Dollar Tree DIY Egg Ornaments & Irish Boxty Recipe!

creative writing on witches

Early Spring Bucket List For Witches – Ostara / Spring Equinox Ideas (Podcast 155)

Early Spring Witchy Bucket List For The Ostara / Spring Equinox Season! Do you have any traditions for kicking off the spring season? If you’re looking for some simple, fun and powerful ideas, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite traditions for you to use as inspiration! In this video, I invite you to join me … More Early Spring Bucket List For Witches – Ostara / Spring Equinox Ideas (Podcast 155)

How Witches Can Make Money From Our Creative and Intuitive Gifts

How Witches Can Make Money From Our Craft (Podcast 154)

How Witches Are Able To Make Money From Our Craft 5 Witchy Business Tips For Beginners Do you watch witchy content creators online and wonder if this is their actual job? And if so, how is that possible? I’m answering that question in this video, and inviting you to come hang out with me for … More How Witches Can Make Money From Our Craft (Podcast 154)

How Witches Work With The Moon For Lunar Manifesting

How Witches Work With The Moon For Lunar Manifesting (Podcast Episode 152)

There are tons of resources out there talking about lunar witchcraft and how to work magick with the moon… But in this video, I’m going to actually show you exactly how I incorporate lunar living into my everyday life to help me experience more fulfillment and infuse the more mundane aspects of life with magick. … More How Witches Work With The Moon For Lunar Manifesting (Podcast Episode 152)

creative writing on witches

Time To Reclaim Your Natural Magick (Podcast 151)

Is It Time To Reclaim Your Natural Magick? Feeling like you don’t know enough about the witchy path to call yourself a “witch?” It’s very common in the witchy community to feel like there is too much to learn and so little time! There are so many magickal subjects and you want to educate yourself … More Time To Reclaim Your Natural Magick (Podcast 151)

DIY Yule Log Spell that you can do at home without a fireplace!

DIY Yule Log Spell At Home Without A Fireplace (Podcast Episode 150)

Think you can’t do a yule log ritual just because you don’t have a fireplace or fire pit? Think again! In this tutorial, I’m sharing with you a super fun hack that allows you to experience the magick of a fragrant pinewood fire even if you live in an apartment… And don’t worry – I’m … More DIY Yule Log Spell At Home Without A Fireplace (Podcast Episode 150)

Does The Wheel Of The Year Not Resonate With You?

Seasonal Living For When The Wheel Of The Year Doesn’t Resonate With You (Podcast 149 With Luchiana From The Possibility Dept.)

Does The Wheel Of The Year Not Resonate With You? My motto as The Writing Witch is “magick is the power to write your own story.” Well part of having the power to write your own story is crafting beliefs, habits, rituals and traditions that play to your strengths and speak to your truths. As … More Seasonal Living For When The Wheel Of The Year Doesn’t Resonate With You (Podcast 149 With Luchiana From The Possibility Dept.)

I Asked 40 Witches To Define Magick and What Is A Witch

I Asked 40 Witches “What Is Magick” And Here’s What Happened… (Podcast Episode 148)

I Asked 40 Witches To Define “Witch” and “Magick”… In a recent video, I defined for you my personal definitions of the words “witch” and “magick.” And at the end of that video, I promised you I would go back through my archives and gather for you a compilation of what those words have meant … More I Asked 40 Witches “What Is Magick” And Here’s What Happened… (Podcast Episode 148)

How To Work With Ancestors At Samhain (Podcast With My Mom)

How To Work With Our Ancestors At Samhain (Podcast 147 With My Mom)

How To Work With Our Ancestors… Even if you’re not into spirit work! If you were to ask me where I first get my natural witchiness from, I’d tell you I got it from my mother… Even though she doesn’t resonate with the word ‘witch’ lol! Labels aside, my mom is definitely a highly magickal … More How To Work With Our Ancestors At Samhain (Podcast 147 With My Mom)

Samhain Shadow Work Grimoire Prompts

Samhain Shadow Work And Grimoire Prompts (Podcast Episode 146)

Samhain Shadow Work November’s Eve, AKA Samhain, Halloween or All Hallows Eve is the third harvest festival, celebrated around November 1st. The midpoint between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice is a time when the days are being consumed by longer, colder nights. The late Autumn time, when the very last of the harvest … More Samhain Shadow Work And Grimoire Prompts (Podcast Episode 146)

Seasonal Manifesting Podcast With Ashera Star Goddess

Seasonal Manifesting And The Spiritual Science Of Cyclical Living (Podcast 145 With Ashera Star Goddess)

Seasonal Manifesting And The Spiritual Science Of Cyclical Living Did you know that celebrating the sabbats on the Wheel Of The Year isn’t just about decorating, cooking and setting up an altar? It’s also a powerful manifesting tool that we can tap into to design the life of our dreams. In this episode of the … More Seasonal Manifesting And The Spiritual Science Of Cyclical Living (Podcast 145 With Ashera Star Goddess)

Procession Of The Equinoxes And The Cycle Of The Great Year (Podcast With Zoe Hind)

Astrology Of The Great Year And The Precession Of The Equinoxes (Podcast 144 With Zoe Hind)

What is The Great Year? You may have heard of the concept of the Age Of Aquarius and how all the changes the world is going through are due to the transition into it. But did you know that it’s actually just a macrocosm of the same cyclical living concept that we work with on … More Astrology Of The Great Year And The Precession Of The Equinoxes (Podcast 144 With Zoe Hind)

Spiritual Naturalism And Cyclical Living Tips (Podcast With Ashera DeRosa)

Spiritual Naturalism For Beginners – Cyclical Living Lifestyle Tips (Podcast 142 With Ashera DeRosa MFT)

What is “spiritual naturalism?” If you’ve found your way to this podcast, chances are, the way you interact with life could fall under the umbrella of “spiritual naturalism,” which is the concept of synthesizing the mundane and the transcendent – Or that “virtue consists in a will that is in agreement with Nature.” In this … More Spiritual Naturalism For Beginners – Cyclical Living Lifestyle Tips (Podcast 142 With Ashera DeRosa MFT)

Cyclical Living (Podcast With Flora Ware)

Cyclical Living To Feel Connected With Nature (Podcast 141 With Flora Ware)

What is “cyclical living?” A seasonal living lifestyle can help us feel connected with nature. Especially for those of us who’s ancestors are not originally from the land where we live now, it can be quite difficult to feel a sense of belonging, and it can affect our lives and manifestation journeys. I invite you … More Cyclical Living To Feel Connected With Nature (Podcast 141 With Flora Ware)

Autumn Equinox Journaling Prompts and Mabon Rituals

Autumn Equinox Journaling Prompts & Mabon Rituals (Podcast Episode 140)

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is The Second Harvest, celebrated around September 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. The word “equinox” means equal-night, referring to the way there are 12 hours of day light and 12 hours of darkness on both the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes. At the Autumn Equinox, the long days are … More Autumn Equinox Journaling Prompts & Mabon Rituals (Podcast Episode 140)

Self Care With The Sun Moon And Stars (Podcast With The Witch Of Lupine Hollow)

Self Care With The Sun, Moon and Stars With The Witch Of Lupine Hollow (Podcast Episode 139)

Is self care one of your top priorities this fall season ahead? The Autumn Equinox is on the way, and it’s the perfect time of year to get grounded, centered and aligned with our core desires for the final months of the year. The equinox on September 20 is a time of balance when the … More Self Care With The Sun, Moon and Stars With The Witch Of Lupine Hollow (Podcast Episode 139)

Seasonal Healing Magick - Lammas / Lughnasadh

Getting Out Of A Dark Night Of The Soul With Seasonal Healing Magick (Podcast Episode 138)

We all go through depression or existential crises. Here’s how to get out of a dark night of the soul using magickal practices. Earlier this month, I asked my newsletter subscribers what they need most right now, and offered them a library of free resources on how to balance their life using the Five Elements. … More Getting Out Of A Dark Night Of The Soul With Seasonal Healing Magick (Podcast Episode 138)

Lammas / Lughnasadh / August's Eve (The First Harvest) journal prompts for your grimoire.

Lughnasadh / Lammas Sabbat “The First Harvest” With Printable Grimoire Journal Prompts (Podcast Episode 137)

August’s Eve (also known as Lammas or Lughnasadh) is the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. Celebrated around August 1, it’s known to witches as The First Harvest. This time of year (in the long, warm, lazy days of Summer) it is easy for us to take it all for granted. But … More Lughnasadh / Lammas Sabbat “The First Harvest” With Printable Grimoire Journal Prompts (Podcast Episode 137)

Morning success spell with coffee or tea

Kitchen Witchery Morning Coffee Ritual – A 5 Minute Daily Success Spell (Podcast Episode 136)

I haven’t always been a huge coffee drinker; in fact, I actually prefer weak coffee or tea in the morning, and I don’t think its really the caffeine that “wakes me up.” I think for me, it’s more the psychological aspect of infusing hot water with herbs and the intention to start my morning off right… And what better way to do that than to turn your morning drink into an actual little ritual? … More Kitchen Witchery Morning Coffee Ritual – A 5 Minute Daily Success Spell (Podcast Episode 136)

Summer Solstice Lithat Journal Prompts

Spirituality Of The Summer Solstice (Podcast Episode 135)

The Summer Solstice (also known as Litha or Midsummer) is the longest day and shortest night of the year. Celebrated around june 21, the Summer Solstice marks the end of Spring and the beginning of the Summer season. It’s called “Midsummer” because astronomically, it’s the middle point of the half of the year when the … More Spirituality Of The Summer Solstice (Podcast Episode 135)

Embodying Your Ideal Future Self (Podcast)

Embodying Your Ideal Future Self (Podcast Episode 134)

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Higher Self archetype. But did you know that you can also work with your Ideal Future Self? Is there any area of your life that feels super “stuck” and unfulfilling right now? Like no matter what you do to fix it, how many oracle cards you pull about it, … More Embodying Your Ideal Future Self (Podcast Episode 134)

May's Eve Beltane And The Law Of Gender

Beltane / May’s Eve Themes And The Law Of Gender (Podcast Episode 133)

Beltane (or “May’s Eve”) is the half-way mark between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, and it’s celebrated around May 1. In the current neopagan community, this sabbat which I like to call May’s Eve tends to be called “Beltane,” because these cross-quarter checkpoints (the center marks between solstices and equinoxes) are derived from … More Beltane / May’s Eve Themes And The Law Of Gender (Podcast Episode 133)

The 8 Sabbats Of Witches

I Tried Celebrating The 8 Sabbats Of Witches Even Though I’m Not Wiccan! Here Are My 6 Biggest Takeaways (Podcast Episode 132)

A beginner’s guide to seasonal manifesting with the wheel of the year, using the 8 sabbats of witches. … More I Tried Celebrating The 8 Sabbats Of Witches Even Though I’m Not Wiccan! Here Are My 6 Biggest Takeaways (Podcast Episode 132)

Bohemian Magick (Podcast With Veronica Varlow)

Bohemian Magick – Interview With “The Love Witch” Veronica Varlow (Podcast Episode 131)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Veronica Varlow, the Love Witch and author of “Bohemian Magick.” Veronica Varlow is a generational witch from a line of Bohemian witches, and her new book shares the secrets she learned from her grandmother. She believes that the greatest spell you can ever … More Bohemian Magick – Interview With “The Love Witch” Veronica Varlow (Podcast Episode 131)

Spring Equinox Journal Prompts

Spring Equinox / Ostara Journal Prompts For Your Grimoire Or Book Of Shadows (Podcast Episode 130)

The new year is getting well underway and we’re now arriving at the first quarter of the Earth’s path around the sun. The Spring Equinox (also known as Ostara) is the time of year when the daylight hours (which have been slowly growing longer since the Winter Solstice) finally catch up to the hours of … More Spring Equinox / Ostara Journal Prompts For Your Grimoire Or Book Of Shadows (Podcast Episode 130)

What Type Of Witch Are You

What Type Of Witch Are You? Do We Need Witchy Labels? (Episode 129)

Have you ever been asked “what type of witch are you”? Is it even necessary to have an answer to the question “what type of witch are you”? In the witchy community, there are lots of labels floating around these days, like “green witch” or “kitchen witch.” ..But what happens if you resonate with more … More What Type Of Witch Are You? Do We Need Witchy Labels? (Episode 129)

Sabbat Herbs And Astrological Correspondences (Podcast With The Witch Of Lupine Hollow)

Sabbat Herbs And Astrological Correspondences With The Witch Of Lupine Hollow (Podcast Episode 128)

We’ve all seen Pinterest pins and grimoire pages with herbal correspondences for the witchs’ sabbats or zodiac signs, and The Witch Of Lupine Hollow is here to explain WHY. If you’re anything like me, you may have even rolled your eyes at (or otherwise disregarded) some of these seemingly arbitrary correspondences – Feeling that, if … More Sabbat Herbs And Astrological Correspondences With The Witch Of Lupine Hollow (Podcast Episode 128)

What Is Self Love A Poem For Witches

What IS Self Love? An Empowerment Poem For Witches (Podcast Episode 127)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m sharing a poem I wrote for you all about self love and how to love yourself unconditionally! Have you ever struggled to put into words what self love is or to understand how to love yourself unconditionally? I think we probably all feel that way … More What IS Self Love? An Empowerment Poem For Witches (Podcast Episode 127)

Reiki For Your Business Podcast With Shelby Melissa

Reiki For Your Business With Shelby Melissa (Affluence Podcast Episode 126)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Shelby Melissa, about using reiki for your business! Shelby is a Money Mindset and Energy Coach with a master’s degree in social work and master level certification in reiki. She supports entrepreneurs of all genders shift their mindset and create more abundance. In … More Reiki For Your Business With Shelby Melissa (Affluence Podcast Episode 126)

Seasonal Living Guide For February's Eve (Imbolc) Season

Seasonal Living Guide For February’s Eve Season (Podcast Episode 125)

The wheel of the year has turned once more, and its time to welcome in our first seasonal checkpoint of the New Year: February’s Eve! It’s the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Known to Celtic pagans as “Imbolc,” this quiet little celebration is what I like to call the “best kept … More Seasonal Living Guide For February’s Eve Season (Podcast Episode 125)

Winter Solstice Rebirth: Preparing For The New Year

Yule / Winter Solstice Rebirth: How I Prepare For The New Year (Podcast Episode 124)

The Winter Solstice (also known as Midwinter or Yule) is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Celebrated around December 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s known to some witches as the astronomical “new year.” This time of year when the Sun is resetting itself for a new cycle, it can also be … More Yule / Winter Solstice Rebirth: How I Prepare For The New Year (Podcast Episode 124)

Reclaim Your Power From Any Toxic Relationship With Kristen Jett

Reclaim Your Power From A Toxic Relationship with Kristen Jett (Podcast Episode 123)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Kristen Jett, The Profit Priestess, about how to recognize and heal from toxic relationships using Human Design. Kristen is a Quantum Strategist and she helps leaders get known for their impact and create more transformation for their clients using ethical practices. Kristen believes … More Reclaim Your Power From A Toxic Relationship with Kristen Jett (Podcast Episode 123)

5 Elements Of Self Care

5 Elements Of Self Care (Podcast Episode 122)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m breaking down for you the simple power of aligning your life with the 5 elements of nature! Have you heard that witches are supposed to connect with the 5 elements, but don’t have a clear understanding of why and how it can actually help your … More 5 Elements Of Self Care (Podcast Episode 122)

369 555 And Scripting Manifestation Methods

Scripting Manifestation Methods: 369 Method and 5×55 Method (Podcast Episode 121)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m unboxing my first published book, Manifestation Journal Magick! Have you tried scripting manifestation methods like 369, 55×5 and story scripting only to have them not work for you? Honestly, so have I. But I’ve learned to combine these methods with other Universal Laws beyond just … More Scripting Manifestation Methods: 369 Method and 5×55 Method (Podcast Episode 121)

Shadow Work For An Abundance Mindset Podcast With Jamie Cressend

Shadow Work For An Abundance Mindset With Jamie Cressend (Podcast Episode 120)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Jamie Cressend to talk about how to use shadow work to create an abundance mindset. Jamie is a abundance mindset maven, life coach, energy healer, and creator of the course Magic Money. Magic Money is a 22-module, self-guided course that helps you remember … More Shadow Work For An Abundance Mindset With Jamie Cressend (Podcast Episode 120)

Human Design And Astrology Podcast With Neha Jha

Using Human Design And Astrology For Success With Neha Jha (Podcast Episode 119)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Neha Jha to talk about human design and astrology, and how to use these systems to create a successful life. Neha is a certified master life & success coach, hypnotherapist and reiki teacher. It’s her mission to help “decolonize” Human Design (and other … More Using Human Design And Astrology For Success With Neha Jha (Podcast Episode 119)

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Podcast With Evie Watts

EFT Tapping Meaning and Emotional Freedom Techinique Youtube Video With Evie Watts (Podcast Episode 118)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Evie Watts to talk about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as ‘tapping.” Evie is a certified EFT tapping practitioner, a yoga teacher and a Transformational / Self Discovery Coach. Evie is telling us the EFT Tapping meaning, and showing us the Tapping … More EFT Tapping Meaning and Emotional Freedom Techinique Youtube Video With Evie Watts (Podcast Episode 118)

The 7 Feminine Archetypes And The 7 Chakras

The 7 Feminine Archetypes And The 7 Chakras With Flora Ware (Podcast Episode 116)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by Flora Ware to talk about her method of linking the 7 Feminine Archetypes And The 7 Chakras. Flora is a Ceremonial Priestess, Leadership Mentor, and Pagan Songstress. She’s passionate about helping women learn to feel safe in their bodies through embodying the 7 … More The 7 Feminine Archetypes And The 7 Chakras With Flora Ware (Podcast Episode 116)

The 7 Sacraments Of The Goddess Podcast With Sarah Grady

7 Sacraments Of The Goddess – Divine Feminine Wisdom With Sarah Grady (Podcast Episode 115)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, I’m joined by divine feminine counselor Sarah Grady. She’s a birth and postpartum doula, Qoya teacher, author and channel of the 7 Sacraments of the Goddess. Her brand, “Queen” focuses on goddess awakening to discover the divine feminine intuition. With Mary Magdalene as her guide, Sarah … More 7 Sacraments Of The Goddess – Divine Feminine Wisdom With Sarah Grady (Podcast Episode 115)

DIY Lammas Junk Journal Using Printables

DIY Lammas Junk Journal For August’s Harvest Season (Printable Grimoire Pages)

Let’s make this DIY Lammas junk journal together! Lammas / Lughnasad / August’s Eve is the Wheel Of The Year checkpoint that takes place around August 1st. It’s known to witches and pagans as “The First Harvest” and I like to work with themes of abundance this time of year. I’ve designed information pages, and … More DIY Lammas Junk Journal For August’s Harvest Season (Printable Grimoire Pages)

creative writing on witches

How Keeping A Seasonal Grimoire Journal Changed My Life (Podcast Episode 114)

Keeping a seasonal grimoire has been one of the most empowering practices on my witchy path. It keeps me grounded and prompts me to grow in the ways that will benefit me the most. In 2020 when everything was “uncertain,” I turned to the magickal modality that I could always count on, and it helped … More How Keeping A Seasonal Grimoire Journal Changed My Life (Podcast Episode 114)

The Philosophy Of Cycles Podcast With Ashera DeRosa

The Philosophy Of Cycles With Marriage And Family Therapist Ashera DeRosa (Podcast Episode 113)

In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, we’re joined by guest speaker Ashera DeRosa, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, an author, a witch and one of my very best friends! She was inspired to pursue her marriage and family therapist career by observing psychological and emotional cycles in herself and others. Here … More The Philosophy Of Cycles With Marriage And Family Therapist Ashera DeRosa (Podcast Episode 113)

Spring Eqinox Emergence

The Magick Of The Spring Equinox (Podcast Episode 112)

The Spring Equinox (AKA Ostara or Easter) takes place around March 21st and is the time when the hours of daylight and the hours of darkness are equal in the Northern Hemisphere, ushering in longer days and shorter nights. It’s the season of the Wheel Of The Year in which many Witchy folk start feeling … More The Magick Of The Spring Equinox (Podcast Episode 112)

Self Care Journal Prompts For Imbolc February's Eve

Self Care Journal Prompts For Imbolc / February’s Eve (Podcast Episode 111)

I like to do these three self care journal prompts every year around the first of February. The February 1st wheel of the year checkpoint is known to witches and pagans as Imbolc or February’s Eve. Being the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, it’s an opportunity for a very welcome pause … More Self Care Journal Prompts For Imbolc / February’s Eve (Podcast Episode 111)

Elements Of Fulfillment Spirit

Elements Of Fulfillment: Spirit (Podcast Episode 110)

In alchemy, Spirit is the Element that encompasses all four of the other Elements within it, while also transcending them in a way… It is that energy that’s difficult to explain, but we all know is there – Flowing through every aspect of existence and tying everything together. This episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence … More Elements Of Fulfillment: Spirit (Podcast Episode 110)

Benefits Of Seasonal Living For Witches

Tangible Benefits Of Seasonal Living (Podcast Episode 109)

Are you curious about the real world benefits of seasonal living? Learning to live our lives in harmony with the seasonal energies of the eight sections of the Wheel Of The Year is the key to manifesting a fulfilling lifestyle. It isn’t just about decorating with seasonal colors and dreaming about what went on in … More Tangible Benefits Of Seasonal Living (Podcast Episode 109)

Begin Your Year And A Day Seasonal Grimoire Adventure!

Begin Your Year And A Day Adventure Through The Seasons (Podcast Episode 108)

Have you ever done a “year and a day” journey through the Wheel Of The Year? It’s one of the most fun, fulfilling and foundational things you can do, whether you’re new to nature-based spirituality or if you’re a seasoned witch looking to simplify your practice. Especially now, in our post 2020 world, it can … More Begin Your Year And A Day Adventure Through The Seasons (Podcast Episode 108)

Elements Of Fulfillment Water

Elements Of Fulfillment: Air (Podcast Episode 107)

In alchemy, Water is the element that rules over the emotional things, like love, relationships, connection and compassion… It’s about how we give and receive from a heart-centered place, something that’s been in a place of massive evolution in recent times in our world. This episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast continues our Elements … More Elements Of Fulfillment: Air (Podcast Episode 107)

DIY Printable Recipe Page For Your Grimoire Or Book Of Shadows

Winter Solstice Mulled Wine ( And DIY Book Of Shadows Recipe Page)

This is just one of many fun little rituals you can do in December and January if you’re looking for ideas on how to celebrate Yule. … More Winter Solstice Mulled Wine ( And DIY Book Of Shadows Recipe Page)

Elements Of Fulfillment Air

Elements Of Fulfillment: AIR (Podcast Episode 106)

In alchemy, Air is the Element that rules over the mental things – Thoughts, ideas, mindset, beliefs, communication, telicommunication, technology and decision making. Anyone who’s ever seen a Pinterest info graphic about witchy correspondences knows that… But something that isn’t often discussed is the way air pertains to our identity and perception – And how … More Elements Of Fulfillment: AIR (Podcast Episode 106)

The Chill Witch Manifesto

The Chill Witch Manifesto (Podcast Episode 105)

The Chill Witch Manifesto This witchy art video began as something I created in a spiritual healing ritual with my junk journal book of shadows. The poem flowed out of me and onto the pages like a gift from the Muses, and I got the inspiration to craft it into a magickal film for you. … More The Chill Witch Manifesto (Podcast Episode 105)

Elements Of Fulfillment Earth

Manifesting Fulfillment Through The Earth Element (Podcast Episode 104)

In alchemy, Earth is the element that rules over the tangible things in life that keep us stable and secure, like food, clothing, shelter and money. In today’s world where “stability” and “security” are being challenged in all of human society, it’s extremely important that we all take a closer look at both the literal … More Manifesting Fulfillment Through The Earth Element (Podcast Episode 104)

How To Celebrate Samhain – Rituals, Symbols and Traditions For A Witchy Halloween Season

How To Celebrate Samhain – Rituals, Symbols and Traditions For A Witchy Halloween Season (Podcast Episode 103)

Looking for some witchy ideas on how to celebrate “Samhain” that will benefit you even if you’re not Wiccan? Here are 6 simple ideas for “Samhain” rituals that are based on the most fundamental themes of the Halloween season. What is the true meaning of “Halloween” or “Samhain?” The popular secular holiday of “Halloween” is … More How To Celebrate Samhain – Rituals, Symbols and Traditions For A Witchy Halloween Season (Podcast Episode 103)

The Life Purpose Formula

The Life Purpose Formula (Podcast Episode 102)

The Life Purpose Formula This simple four-question journal prompt will give you clarity on your life purpose. Having been actively focusing on my life purpose and using my inner gifts for several years before trying this formula, it not only confirmed what I had already discovered about myself, but also blew my mind as to … More The Life Purpose Formula (Podcast Episode 102)

Life Purpose Numerology

Life Purpose Numerology (Affluence Podcast Episode 101)

There are many energy and personality typing systems that have been helpful to learn, such as birth chart astrology and Human Design. For me, learning about my life purpose number was like a missing puzzle piece which, once I discovered it, really helped me to better understand how to navigate through my life in a … More Life Purpose Numerology (Affluence Podcast Episode 101)

Elements Of Fulfillment Fire

Elements Of Fulfillment: FIRE Element (Podcast Episode 100)

  In alchemy, Fire is the Element that ignites our passion, drive, ambition, course of action, creative spark, and desire to DO something to create change. In today’s world where wildfires are raging and our communities are fighting for our passions to be fulfilled in huge ways, it’s extremely important that we spiritual and self-development … More Elements Of Fulfillment: FIRE Element (Podcast Episode 100)

Intuitive Candle Magick 101

Fire Element Magick And Candle Spells (Podcast Episode 99)

As a practicing witch of about seven years, I must say that when I think of the subject of candle magick, it almost immediately brings up connotations of superstition and dogmatism in the witchcraft community… For me, that’s simply because it’s one of the most popular witchy subjects for people to write books and blog … More Fire Element Magick And Candle Spells (Podcast Episode 99)

Harvesting The Seeds Of Intention

Harvesting Seeds Of Intention (Podcast Episode 98)

Autumn Equinox energy is about harvesting both the fruits of our intentions from the past year, and the seeds of new intentions for the year to come. 2020 has been a year where a lot of the structures in our lives have been forced to change dramatically, whether we wanted them to or not… And … More Harvesting Seeds Of Intention (Podcast Episode 98)

The Five Elements Of Fulfillment

The Five Elements Of Fulfillment (Podcast Episode 97)

  You may be familiar with the magickal concept of working with the Elements to evoke balance and fulfillment… But for even those of us who are very fluent practitioners of spirituality and magick can sometimes feel a bit lost in trying to fully integrate the concept of the elements into our daily lives – … More The Five Elements Of Fulfillment (Podcast Episode 97)

Makings Of A Magickal Maven

Makings Of A Magickal Maven – A Friend Interviews Me (Podcast Episode 96)

There are almost 100 episodes of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast now, and so many magickal mavens have been interviewed about their path, craft and practice on this show… And now, after over two years of podcasting, the host is actually getting interviewed on her own show! In this episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence … More Makings Of A Magickal Maven – A Friend Interviews Me (Podcast Episode 96)

Exploring Intimacy Podcast With Abby Spindelman

Exploring Intimacy With Abby Spindelman (Podcast Episode 95)

What is the true meaning of “intimacy,” and why should it matter to you? When we dig a little deeper beyond the common connotations of the word “intimacy,” there’s much to be discovered about how to connect with our core desires and how to access them in every area of our lives. In this episode … More Exploring Intimacy With Abby Spindelman (Podcast Episode 95)

How To Break A Curse

How I Accidentally Cursed Myself And How To Break A Curse (Podcast Episode 94)

When it comes to “curses” the very worst kind are the ones that are self-inflicted. A “curse” is simply a negative belief system that is so deeply embedded into your subconscious mind that you can barely even recognize that it’s there. If you’re really struggling to break a pattern of limitation or suffering in your … More How I Accidentally Cursed Myself And How To Break A Curse (Podcast Episode 94)

How To Quit Your Muggle Job

How To Manifest Quitting Your Job (Podcast Episode 93)

Want to learn how to manifest quitting your job? Having a personal brand or heart-centered business is supposed to be FUN, freeing and in-flow! Not Frustrating, frugal and forced! I see you over there… feeling sorry for yourself because it seems like other heart-centered businesses are blowing up online overnight, and wondering what they’ve got … More How To Manifest Quitting Your Job (Podcast Episode 93)

Calling All Biz Witches

How To Launch Or Scale Your Witchy Business (Podcast Episode 92)

Calling All Biz Witches! The world needs your magick now! As we’re now seeing in the world on a grand scale, the economy is changing, jobs are changing, and the welfare of PEOPLE needs to be the main priority, above old systems that serve almost no one… And this is not just a potential opportunity, … More How To Launch Or Scale Your Witchy Business (Podcast Episode 92)

Your Desires Are Premonitions Of The Life You're Meant To Manifest

Your Desires Are Premonitions Of The Life You’re Meant To Manifest (Podcast Episode 91)

I firmly believe that your desires are premonitions of the life you’re meant to live when you step into your magick! But it can be easy to loose faith in ourselves and in the Universe with all the apparent distractions (and unsolicited advice) out there these days! Even just within the magickal community, with all … More Your Desires Are Premonitions Of The Life You’re Meant To Manifest (Podcast Episode 91)

How To Celebrate Lammas / Lughnasadh / August's Eve podcast

How To Celebrate Lammas / Lughnasadh / August’s Eve (Podcast Episode 90)

Welcome to our final spoke on the Wheel of the Year, August Eve! Also known as Lammas, or Lughnasadh, August 1 is the first of the three harvest festivals, and the last of our lessons for the free online course, A Year And a Day: Your Journey Through the Seasons! Enjoy! … More How To Celebrate Lammas / Lughnasadh / August’s Eve (Podcast Episode 90)

How To Tip The Scales Of Manifestation

How To Tip The Scales Of Manifestation (Podcast Episode 89)

How To Tip The Scales Of Manifestation The only way to shift from the life you have to the life you desire is to balance the elements in your everyday reality. And it’s said that in order to manifest the life you want, you have to be brave enough to give up the life you … More How To Tip The Scales Of Manifestation (Podcast Episode 89)

How To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

Rituals To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude (Podcast Episode 88)

Having an attitude of gratitude is one of the most important (and often overlooked) steps to successful manifestation of your desires. Now more than ever, it’s hard to stay in your own lane and focus on what’s good in your life when the entire world seems to be on social media, playing the comparison game! … More Rituals To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude (Podcast Episode 88)

How I Became A Witch

How I Became A Witch – Seasonal Living With The Wheel Of The Year (Podcast Episode 86)

Its finally here! The time we wait and wish for all winter long has finally arrived; Midsummer! Also known as the Summer Solstice and Litha, the seasonal checkpoint celebrated around June 22 is all about fun in the sun! At this date, the sun is as close to Earth as it will get all year, and the days are at their longest. … More How I Became A Witch – Seasonal Living With The Wheel Of The Year (Podcast Episode 86)

The Magick Of The Summer Solstice Podcast

Midsummer And The Magick Of The Moment (Podcast Episode 85)

Its finally here! The time we wait and wish for all winter long has finally arrived; Midsummer! Also known as the Summer Solstice and Litha, the seasonal checkpoint celebrated around June 22 is all about fun in the sun! At this date, the sun is as close to Earth as it will get all year, and the days are at their longest. … More Midsummer And The Magick Of The Moment (Podcast Episode 85)

Manifesting During Mercury Retrograde

How To Leverage Mercury Retrograde For Manifesting (Podcast Episode 84)

These days, Mercury gets the worst rap on the internet… Everywhere you look, you see memes about how horrible it is when Mercury goes retrograde, but are the “rules” of how to survive Mercury Retrograde actually true? Will it really ruin your life if you sign a contract, buy a plane ticket or text your … More How To Leverage Mercury Retrograde For Manifesting (Podcast Episode 84)

Seasonal Manifesting For Biz Witches

Seasonal Manifesting For Biz Witches (Podcast Episode 83)

In the last episode of the Alchemy Of Affluence Podcast, we went over the basics of Seasonal Manifesting. Now, lets look at exactly what that looks like when using the seasonal energies of the Wheel Of The Year to plant tend and harvest your business goals! The Universal energies support us when we’re committed to … More Seasonal Manifesting For Biz Witches (Podcast Episode 83)

The Plant-Tend-Harvest-Compost Cycle Of Manifestation

The Plant, Tend, Harvest Cycle Of Manifestation (Podcast Episode 82)

Did you know that manifesting is like gardening? Just like seeds, we plant, tend and harvest our desires. And it’s equally important to “compost” or release any baggage we pick up along the way to make room for new things to grow in our lives. I invite you to join me for this podcast episode … More The Plant, Tend, Harvest Cycle Of Manifestation (Podcast Episode 82)

How To Write Incantations, Mantras and Affirmations

How To Write Incantations (Podcast Episode 81)

Magick is the power to write your own story. And it all starts with a word. Here are some witchy tips and manifestation hacks that will show you how to write incantations that reprogram your subconscious mind. We’ve all heard “double, double toil and trouble,” and “bibbity bobbity boo,” but did you know that incantations … More How To Write Incantations (Podcast Episode 81)

what does it mean to be a witch podcast episode

What Does It Mean To Be A Witch? (Podcast Episode 80)

If you ask 10 witches “what does it mean to be a witch?” you will get 16 different answers! I’ve heard it said that there are as many kinds of witches as there are people who consider themselves to be witches. The fact of the matter is, a witch can kind of be anything a … More What Does It Mean To Be A Witch? (Podcast Episode 80)

How To Do Shadow Work

What Is Shadow Work? How To Do Shadow Work (Podcast Episode 79)

“Shadow Work” is a term we’re hearing in passing more and more in the spiritual, witchy and self development community… But what actually is Shadow Work? I mention Shadow Work all the time in my content, as well as base it in a majority of the curriculum of Alchemy Of Affluence Academy. It is a core … More What Is Shadow Work? How To Do Shadow Work (Podcast Episode 79)

An Alternative Perspective On Protection Spells

“Protection Spells” And The Law Of Attraction (Podcast Episode 78)

If you’ve been involved in the witchy and pagan community for any amount of time at all, doubtless, you’ve come across your fair share of talk about “protection spells.” They’re one of the most popular types of spells that pop up in Pinterest boards, and there are tons of Youtube videos on the subject. Sometimes, … More “Protection Spells” And The Law Of Attraction (Podcast Episode 78)

How To Celebrate May's Eve AKA Beltane

How To Celebrate May’s Eve AKA Beltane (Podcast Episode 77)

Enjoy this little introductory video for what I like to call May’s Eve, the pagan holiday most commonly known as Beltane! … More How To Celebrate May’s Eve AKA Beltane (Podcast Episode 77)

Spiritual Or Superstitious

How to tell if You Are Spiritual or Superstitious: Put Your Beliefs to the Test! (Podcast Episode 76)

Today, lets toss around some thoughts on the difference between being “spiritual” and being “superstitious.” There’s a fine line between the two, and it’s up to each of us to keep checking in with ourselves to keep our beliefs and intuitions in a healthy state of balance. In this episode of the Alchemy of Affluence … More How to tell if You Are Spiritual or Superstitious: Put Your Beliefs to the Test! (Podcast Episode 76)

Wheel Of The Year Sabbats For Solitary Witches

Witch’s Sabbats / Pagan Holidays For Solitary Witches (Podcast Episode 75)

A brief overview of the Wheel of the Year, the circular calendar that is the hidden blueprint behind the popular seasonal holidays, Christmas, Halloween, and Easter, along with five others! … More Witch’s Sabbats / Pagan Holidays For Solitary Witches (Podcast Episode 75)

3 Easy Acts Of Kitchen Witchery You Can Do Today

3 Super Easy Acts of Kitchen Witchery That You Can Do Today! (Podcast Episode 74)

If you’re at all immersed in the online witchy community, doubtlessly, you’ve come across the term “Kitchen Witch,” but what exactly makes a kitchen witch? After all, we all have kitchens, and if you’re reading this blog, you’ve definitely got the magick in you… So aren’t we all kitchen witches in a way? We all certainly … More 3 Super Easy Acts of Kitchen Witchery That You Can Do Today! (Podcast Episode 74)

Manifest Your Best Life In Quarentine

13 Ways To Manifest Your Best Life During Quarantine (Podcast Episode 73)

Due to the covid-19 coronavirus, so many people are learning to adjust their daily routine to self quarantine. Some are wondering how to make money online or how the law of attraction works during a world crisis. This video provides some witchy tips including: Resources Mentioned Get your handcrafted journal and writing wand Gala Darling’s … More 13 Ways To Manifest Your Best Life During Quarantine (Podcast Episode 73)

3 Ways A Cat Can Assist In Your Magickal Practice

3 Lessons Witches Can Learn From Cats – Cats as Witch’s Familiars (Podcast Episode 72)

1. How Balance Domestic Life with Nature Connection. 2. How to Balance Cooperation and Individual Freedom in a Relationship. 3. How to Balance Darkness and Light in Your Life Spiritual and Practice. … More 3 Lessons Witches Can Learn From Cats – Cats as Witch’s Familiars (Podcast Episode 72)

Animal Spirit Messages Podcast With Noemi Capote

Interpreting Animal Spirit Guides With Noemi Capote (Podcast Episode 71)

What does it mean when you see a ton of symbolism of the same type of animal over and over again? Chances are, you’ve heard of animal spirit guides, and may have even looked up some of their meanings in blogs and Youtube videos… But did you know it’s not just about the traditional symbolism, … More Interpreting Animal Spirit Guides With Noemi Capote (Podcast Episode 71)

Your Friend Fear

Your Friend Fear (Podcast Episode 70)

Don’t let fear turn you into someone you’re not. This intuitively channeled message will help you reclaim your power from any fears, triggers or worries that may be stressing you out right now. A wise witch knows that Fear is actually your friend in disguise, showing up to help you manifest your ideal reality and … More Your Friend Fear (Podcast Episode 70)

Faerie Magick For Skeptics

Faerie Magick For Skeptics (Podcast Episode 69)

Faerie Magick For Skeptics Think you don’t believe in faeries? Think again! This article is going to  provide a fresh perspective on the age old idea of faeries, and some advice on how to follow your heart as it pertains to the topic of fae magick… written by a full time practicing “practical” witch. Read … More Faerie Magick For Skeptics (Podcast Episode 69)

How To Be Your Own Leader podcast with Flora Ware

Be The Leader Of Your Own Life (Podcast Episode 68)

How To Be Your Own Leader Do you ever feel like life is just happening TO you? Like you’re trying to make things work, but its like your power is being kept away from you somehow? A powerful witch knows that the best way to create her desired reality is to take a leadership role … More Be The Leader Of Your Own Life (Podcast Episode 68)

What Does The Pentagram Mean

Understanding The Pentagram in Manifestation (Podcast Episode 67)

If your cultural background is anything like mine, the symbol of the pentagram may have been demonized by your culture, and you may be reluctant to include it in your current spiritual practice… But have you ever looked into what the pentagram really represents? … More Understanding The Pentagram in Manifestation (Podcast Episode 67)

Types Of Animal Spirit Guides

Types Of Animal Spirit Guides (Podcast Episode 66)

What are the different types of animal spirit guides? In the spiritual community, we hear about witch’s familiars, spirit animals, power andimals, animal totems, and animal spirit guides… But which ones are which? Witchcraft, Wicca, and Native American spirituality traditions each have different types of animal spirit guides and different meanings. Here are the definitions … More Types Of Animal Spirit Guides (Podcast Episode 66)

Divination Techniques And Psychic Abilities - Podcast With Elizabeth Whitacre

All Things Divination With Elizabeth Whitacre (Podcast Episode 65)

We all have our own unique psychic abilities, and we can try out different divination techniques to see which ones work best for us. Most magickal practitioners have a few favorite go-tos, while others don’t even need to use any tools at all! I invite you to join me an Elizabeth Whitacre (Divination Station) for … More All Things Divination With Elizabeth Whitacre (Podcast Episode 65)

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Stanford Creative Writing Program

The Stanford Creative Writing Program , founded in 1946 by Wallace Stegner, has become one

of the nation’s most distinguished creative writing institutions. After almost 80 years, the

program continues to evolve while also respecting its original vision of recruiting and supporting

talented writers, offering exceptional creative writing instruction and mentorship, and inspiring

undergraduates to develop their own unique creative written expression.

In the 1940s, E. H. Jones generously created the Wallace Stegner Fellowship, now considered

the most prestigious creative writing fellowship in the U.S. for emerging writers. Dr. Jones also

made possible the Jones Lectureships, which are limited, fixed-year teaching appointments,

allowing exceptional Stegner Fellows some time and support to prepare a manuscript for

publication, hone their teaching skills, and transition to a longer-term teaching career elsewhere.

The original framework of term-limited appointments allowed for a consistent flow of selected

Stegner Fellows into the Jones Lectureship. However, over time this framework of term-limited

appointments was not followed.

In the past two years, the School of Humanities and Sciences leadership and the Creative

Writing Academic Council faculty have been working to formulate necessary changes in the

program and to identify additional resources to meet its growing needs. A Working Group of

Creative Writing Academic Council faculty held listening sessions and discussions.

Now, after thoughtful deliberation, the Working Group has recommended restoring the original

intent of the Jones Lectureships: one-year appointments with the possibility of renewal for a

limited term. This change will again allow Stegner Fellows the opportunity to apply to be Jones

Lecturers once they have completed their fellowships.

The university, school, and numerous generous donors are committed to not only the excellence

of the program but also its growth. This means increasing the number of Creative Writing

classes to better meet high student demand as well as ensuring competitive compensation for

both the lecturers and fellows. We will provide more updates in early fall quarter.

We understand that these changes to the Jones Lectureships will be met with mixed reactions.

However, we firmly believe that the changes advance the program’s pedagogical mission and

provide promising writers with the resources to complete their books and obtain appointments at

other colleges and universities.

Throughout the history of the program, the Jones Lecturers—both those who are here now and

those who have been lecturers in the past—have helped make Stanford Creative Writing what it

is today, and we are truly grateful to them for their significant contributions to the program’s

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Creative Writing with Witches in 'Harry Potter'

Creative Writing with Witches in 'Harry Potter'

Subject: English

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

IzDee's English Resources!

Last updated

19 September 2023

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creative writing on witches

Lesson on creative writing using the witches from ‘Harry Potter’

Learning objective: To be able to be descriptive when writing thoughts and feelings using a wide range of vocabulary to describe feelings

Has Learning Objectives, a Do Now, Activation, Demonstration and Consolidation activity. Most slides have an extension or challenge activity. Comes fully resourced.

Total of 5 slides

Designed for G6 / KS3 students

Engaging, fun, and interesting!

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A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place.

Mini-SOW on Magical Beasts

- A mini scheme of work on magical beasts - 62% saving on the bundle! - SOW designed originally for G6 / Y7 / KS3 - Contains a mix of fiction and non-fiction lessons, with a copy of the relevant extract booklet to support teachers - All lessons have Learning Objectives, a Do Now, Activation, Demonstration and Consolidation activity. Most slides have an extension or challenge activity.  Comes fully resourced. - Total of 12 fully planned lessons

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  1. The One Rule of (Writing) Witchcraft

    Oct 9, 2021. The first witch I remember was Miss Eglantine Price, an apprentice witch and protagonist of Bedknobs and Broomsticks, the film adaptation of multiple children's novels by Mary Norton. Price lived a quiet, solitary life in rural England until fate intervened and she came to care for three orphaned children during World War II.

  2. Writing About: Witches

    Supernatural Witch: 1. Appearance. If you want to create a supernatural witch, you have the freedom to get creative with his/her appearance. In my short story, Witch of Death, my heroine, Liberty Sawyer, looks like your classic evil witch with jet-black hair, ice-blue eyes, and moon-white skin. 2.

  3. Spellbinding Witch Story Ideas (Updated in 2024)

    A group of misfit witches with unique and unconventional powers form their own coven. (Also appeared in my post Crafting Captivating Tales: Magic School Story Ideas (2023)) Hex and Seek. In a bustling city filled with magic and mystery, a young witch works as a private investigator specializing in supernatural cases. Singing in the Rain.

  4. Witch Writing Prompts: Explore Magical Narratives

    With the help of these witch writing prompts, you can unlock a plethora of emotions and explore the human experience in a unique and captivating way. These thought-provoking prompts will transport you to enchanting realms, immersing you in tales of magic, mystery, and personal growth. They are designed to evoke a wide range of emotions, from ...

  5. Witch lit: how modern writers are reinventing the witch

    The witches featured in this new media are rarely comparable to the dirty hags that appeared in older stories. The new witch is often beautiful, at once dark and gothic and ethereal and wild. The ...

  6. Writing About Witches

    Besides, I love writing about Witches. Many writers are and it's easy to understand why. Witches have existing characterization; their faces and clothes are familiar, as are their dwellings, locations and spells - not to mention the magic. Witches and their stories, 'real' or imagined, have been doing the rounds in various forms for a ...

  7. Writing with Witch Archetypes (Part 1)

    A witch is the kelpy garden growing deep inside. The salty roots of watery forests; the fronds of core and mantle, the dinosaur teeth of my father's mother's mother's mother's mother's grandmother's sister. Deep and penetrating to touch. I rarely write and instead move my body through generations of discomfort.

  8. the writer's guide to witchcraft and witches

    You're writing fiction, and within fiction there is magical abilities at your character's disposal. Witches cast spells, hexes and curses; they heal and astral project and use crystals and dance to the moon cycles. That all happens IRL, but in your story, if you so choose, you can do even more. Bring a little magic to the magick.

  9. The Witches

    Three lessons about Roald Dahl's The Witches suitable for KS3. One lesson is creative writing, the second is drama and the third compares two extracts about witches (fiction and non-fiction.) Differentiated resource. to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch.

  10. Witchcraft for Writers

    A group of girls in Massachusetts, perhaps influenced by slave folk beliefs, claimed to be persecuted by witches whom they saw in visions. They accused nearly 200 people, and twenty were executed for witchcraft before the trials were halted. Nineteen of the victims died by hanging and one by pressing.

  11. A Guide For Witches and Writers: The Magical Writing Grimoire

    The Magical Writing Grimoire is a book of inclusive and accessible rituals and writing prompts for anyone who feels called to using words as a source of healing, empowerment, joy, generativity, and self-exploration. It is designed to integrate ritualistic living and to incorporate sacredness into our lives in meaningful and easy ways.

  12. A Lesson on How to Describe a Witch

    May292014. A Lesson on How to Describe a Witch. I thought it would be an interesting idea if I could get you involved with creating a character. I have chosen a witch because although there is a lot you can do with a witch; most people describe them as having green skin and a hooked nose. Although this is fine, there are far more traits that ...

  13. How to Describe a Witch in a Story

    Are you writing a novel about witches? If you need some help, we've put together a list of descriptive words you can use in your writing below. Scroll down to learn how to describe a witch in a story. 1. Grumpy Definition. Someone that's miserable or bad-tempered. Examples "The grumpy witch sat on her stool and pondered all that was bad ...

  14. Witchy words and potent potion poems

    Witches also have the power to spark very different kinds of stories, as revealed by two of our recent favourites, Witchstorm and Stone. With all that in mind, and with Halloween on the horizon, this month's Get Creative feature shares poem puzzler activities that use witchy words to spark creepily creative writing.

  15. Creative Writing Workshops for Witches

    Mental Health for Witches creative writing workshops feature themes of nature, healing, and self-discovery. Workshops are always online and held monthly. You will attend the workshop via Zoom. When you register for that month's workshop and pay the registration fee, you get either one 30 minute session or two 60-minute programs for the price ...

  16. Journaling for Witches: Prompts for Magical Journaling

    1. Visualize your magical self as a separate entity or multiple entities. Write about them. Give them a name, a face, a story. Write about them as if you would introduce a character in a novel. Try to represent your beliefs and experiences in your description on your magical self. 2. Write about your beliefs the theories of magic.

  17. How to Write Spells & Improve Your Witchcraft

    Writing Your Spell. The first thing you must do is clearly define the purpose of the spell or your intention. A good beginners rule is to start with the guidelines below when outlining the objective of your spell. Make sure it's descriptive and phrased in such a way that doesn't leave a lot of loopholes for mishaps (i.e.

  18. 100 Vampire, Werewolf, Witch and Ghost Writing Prompts

    Writing begets more writing, and the more ideas that inspire the better. This list of 100 vampire, werewolf, witch, and ghost writing prompts is perfect for sparking ideas for your next spooky tale. These horror genre prompts feature popular supernatural creatures and beings that have dominated scary stories for generations.

  19. Macbeth Creative Writing

    Resource type: Lesson (complete) File previews. pptx, 6.35 MB. This lesson is based on students crafting a creative piece of writing based on interpretations of the three witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Students watch a clip of three directors take on the witches, are given guidance on what to include within their writing and a prompted on ...

  20. The Witches by Roald Dahl Book Activities

    Teaching Idea #6 - A Witch's Brew. Another activity I enjoy doing with my students is to have them bring in ingredients to make their own party snacks. Here we are creating a punch in a witch's cauldron. The mixture bubbles and foams. Students love creating their own snacks and following directions can be taught.

  21. The Writing Witch

    My motto as The Writing Witch is "magick is the power to write your own story." Well part of having the power to write your own story is crafting beliefs, habits, rituals and traditions that play to your strengths and speak to your truths. ... drive, ambition, course of action, creative spark, and desire to DO something to create change. In ...

  22. Full Week of KS2 English Lessons for Roald Dahl's 'The Witches'

    pdf, 115.05 KB. A full week of lessons and activities for KS2 reading and writing, based around the first 4 chapters of 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. These would be ideal for World Book Day, as part of a book study, for guided reading or for creative writing sessions. All teaching resources, differentiated independent activities and planning ...

  23. Creative Writing: The Persecution Of Witches

    Creative Writing: The Persecution Of Witches. The persecution of witches had begun in France months ago, and from the burnings, cinders were carried by the wind along the river into Loudun. They drifted through the air along the cobbled roads of town, making themselves known to the common folk, floating in and out of store windows and turning ...

  24. Stanford Creative Writing Program

    The Stanford Creative Writing Program, founded in 1946 by Wallace Stegner, has become one of the nation's most distinguished creative writing institutions. After almost 80 years, the program continues to evolve while also respecting its original vision of recruiting and supporting talented writers, offering exceptional creative writing instruction and mentorship, and inspiring undergraduates ...

  25. Creative Writing with Witches in 'Harry Potter'

    Resource type: Lesson (complete) File previews. pptx, 10.74 MB. Lesson on creative writing using the witches from 'Harry Potter'. Learning objective: To be able to be descriptive when writing thoughts and feelings using a wide range of vocabulary to describe feelings. Has Learning Objectives, a Do Now, Activation, Demonstration and ...