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Essays About Competition: Top 6 Examples and 10 Prompts

As you write about competition, discover our examples of essays about competition and writing prompts to unlock your competitive self.

We live in a highly competitive time, and one might easily say that competition makes the world go round. Indeed, doing your best to get ahead of others has perks, such as fame, money, promotion in the workplace, or esteem from your parents if you’re a student.

Beyond these immediate rewards, competition can help develop self-confidence, discipline, and tenacity, which help people survive and thrive. So unleash your competitive side by writing a thrilling essay about competition, and read our examples to inspire you.


6 Helpful Essay Examples

1. is lack of competition strangling the u.s. economy by david wessel, 2. why competition is good for kids (and how to keep it that way) by devan mcguinness, 3.  how great power competition has changed by shivshankar menon, 4. how life became an endless, terrible competition by daniel markovits, 5. how to create a successful partnership with your competition by norma watenpaugh , 6. the importance of positive coaching in competition by oscar ponteri, 10 exciting writing prompts on essays about competition, 1. how schools can encourage healthy competition, 2. how competition builds self-esteem, 3. importance of competition laws, 4. business competition in the digital age, 5. competition vs. cooperation, 6. dealing with sibling competition, 7. preparing for a competition, 8. competition in mother-daughter relationships, 9. love is not a competition, 10. competition in the animal kingdom.

“If we’re slow to take action to bolster competition — perhaps because incumbents successfully wield their power or because of a distaste for regulation of any sort — we risk diluting the dynamism of the economy and restricting the flow of innovations and new ideas, darkening the prospects for our children and grandchildren.”

The essay looks at the decline of competition in various US industries. In particular, it investigates factors — profits, investment, business dynamism, and prices — that can indicate the robustness of competition in a country. Falling competition is worrisome in economies as it enables incumbent firms to abuse their power and block new entrants, restricting consumers’ options for more affordable and better quality goods and services.

“Besides setting them up for wins and losses later in life—hey, they won’t always land that big promotion—competitive activities help them develop important skills they’ll use well into adulthood, like taking turns, developing empathy, and tenacity.”

Well-meaning parents might disapprove of competition to shield children from getting disheartened at losing. But child development experts say that competition has lifelong benefits for children, reinforcing the value of hard work, thinking positively, and being a good team player. However, parents should be careful in delineating healthy competition from unhealthy ones.

“Competition among great powers has extended to the sea lanes that carry the world’s energy and trade and is visible in the naval buildup by all the major powers that we see today—a buildup over the last ten years which is unmatched in scale in history.”

With the influence among global superpowers now spread more evenly, coupled with the fact that their interventions in conflict areas have only yielded prolonged battles, global superpowers are now more focused on their geopolitical reach. But some factors, such as their dependence on other superpowers for economic growth, also compel them to go beyond their horizons. 

“Outrage at nepotism and other disgraceful forms of elite advantage-taking implicitly valorizes meritocratic ideals. Yet meritocracy itself is the bigger problem, and it is crippling the American dream. Meritocracy has created a competition that, even when everyone plays by the rules, only the rich can win.

Instead of intensely engaging in competition, why not just stop competing? This essay laments how meritocracy destroyed people’s relationships at home, all for advancing in the workplace. While throwing competition out of the window seems like an ambitious proposal, the author offers a glint of hope using the case of a policy framework created during the Great Depression. 

“In my experience, working with your competition is not an intuitive thing for most people. It takes a strong value proposition to make the risks and effort worthwhile.”

When cooperating with your competition becomes a key to your goals, you resort to a strategy called “co-opetition,” short for cooperative competition. This essay fleshes out the situations where such alliances work and provides tips on making the most out of these relationships while avoiding risks.

“I have learned that competition holds incredible power… It’s all about how you utilize it. How our youth coaches frame competition will dictate the way we compete beyond athletics for our entire life.”

A high-school student shares his profound thoughts on the essence of positive coaching in the life of athletes even beyond the field. His beliefs stem from his experiences with a cold-hearted coach that turned around his love for sports. 

Essays About Competition: How schools can encourage healthy competition

To start, cite the numerous benefits of competition in developing well-rounded students. Make sure to back these up with research. Then, write about how you think schools can create an atmosphere conducive to healthy competition. Provide tips, for example, calling on teachers to encourage students to participate and motivate them to do their best instead of keeping their eyes on the trophy. You may also share how your school is promoting healthy competition.

Competition can drive you to improve and build the foundations for your self-esteem. For this essay, research the scientific links between healthy competition and self-confidence. Look also into how competition can promote a mindset that goes for growth and not just the gold medal. Some who lose may see themselves as a failure and give up rather than seeing their loss as an opportunity to learn and do better. 

Competition or antitrust laws aim to ensure robust market competition by banning anti-competitive acts and behaviors. First, briefly explain your country’s competition law and enumerate acts that are prohibited under this law. Then, to help readers understand more clearly, cite a recent case, for example, a merger and acquisition, where your antitrust office had to intervene to protect the interest of consumers. 

The borderless digital world has made the competition very cutthroat, with the demands for innovation at a neck-breaking pace. But one advantage is how it has somewhat leveled the playing field between big and small businesses. Enumerate the pros and cons of the digital age to business competition and cite what emerging trends businesses should watch out for.

Should we be more competitive or cooperative? Or should we stop pitting one against the other and begin balancing both? Provide a well-researched answer and write an argumentative essay where you take a position and, with research backing, explain why you take this position. To effectively execute this writing style and its techniques, see our ultimate guide on argumentative essays .

Competition among siblings goes as old as the story of Abel and Cain. It can disrupt family peace and become a vicious, toxic cycle that can last into their adult years if unresolved. What are the other negative impacts of sibling competition on the family and the well-being of siblings in the long term? Identify these and research what experts have to say on managing sibling rivalry. 

Preparing for a competition

How do you prepare your mind and body for a competition? If you regularly participate in competitions, this is the right topic prompt for you. So, share tips that have worked to your advantage and find science-backed recommendations on how one can be ready on competition day both psychologically and physically. For example, studies have shown that visualizing your performance as a success can increase motivation, confidence, and self-efficacy.

Describe the factors that trigger competition between mothers and daughters. You can cite aspects of the gender theory identity developed by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud . Then, differentiate the nature of the competition and its different stages as the daughter grows. Finally, help mothers navigate this confusing period and deal with strength and enormous understanding.

This quote is best for couples who fight like cats and dogs. For this writing prompt, explain how seeing your partner as a competition can destroy a romantic relationship. Then, offer tips on how your readers can make amends with their partners, reconnect with them and see them as allies. After all, relationships need intensive teamwork.

Write an informational essay about competition in the animal kingdom. For example, you might have to differentiate interspecific competition from the intraspecific competition. You might also have to flesh out the differences between competition and predation. Then cite the factors that trigger competition and its effects on biodiversity.

Before publishing, make sure your essay is error-free by using the best grammar checkers, including the top-rated Grammarly.  Find out why Grammarly is highly recommended in this Grammarly review .


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103 Competition Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Competition is a fundamental aspect of our society, driving individuals and organizations to strive for excellence and innovation. Writing an essay on competition can help you explore various perspectives and delve into the complexities of this subject. To help you get started, here are 103 competition essay topic ideas and examples that cover a wide range of areas:

  • The impact of competition on personal growth and development.
  • The role of competition in driving economic growth.
  • How does competition affect innovation?
  • Analyzing the positive and negative effects of competition in sports.
  • The influence of competition on academic achievement.
  • The rise of online marketplaces and their impact on traditional businesses.
  • The effects of competition on consumer choice and quality of products.
  • The significance of competition in the job market.
  • The role of competition in promoting gender equality.
  • The impact of competition on healthcare accessibility and quality.
  • Examining the role of competition in shaping political ideologies.
  • The effects of competition on mental health and well-being.
  • The role of competition in shaping cultural norms and values.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on social media platforms.
  • The impact of competition on the environment and sustainability.
  • The role of competition in shaping educational policies and systems.
  • The effects of competition on income inequality.
  • The significance of competition in the entertainment industry.
  • The role of competition in fostering technological advancements.
  • Analyzing the impact of competition on global trade and markets.
  • The effects of competition on small businesses and entrepreneurship.
  • The role of competition in shaping international relations.
  • The impact of competition on the banking and finance sector.
  • The significance of competition in the art and design industry.
  • The effects of competition on media ethics and credibility.
  • The role of competition in shaping urban development and planning.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on the fashion industry.
  • The impact of competition on the music and film industries.
  • The significance of competition in shaping legal systems and justice.
  • The effects of competition on social inequality.
  • The role of competition in promoting cultural exchange and diversity.
  • The impact of competition on corporate social responsibility.
  • The significance of competition in the gaming and esports industry.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on travel and tourism.
  • The effects of competition on the agricultural sector.
  • The role of competition in shaping advertising and marketing strategies.
  • The impact of competition on public transportation systems.
  • The significance of competition in the energy and utilities sector.
  • The effects of competition on the pharmaceutical industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping immigration policies.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on fast food chains.
  • The impact of competition on technological privacy and security.
  • The significance of competition in the telecommunications industry.
  • The effects of competition on the fashion and beauty standards.
  • The role of competition in shaping national security policies.
  • The impact of competition on housing affordability and availability.
  • The significance of competition in the restaurant and foodservice industry.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on the airline industry.
  • The effects of competition on workplace culture and job satisfaction.
  • The role of competition in shaping transportation and logistics.
  • The impact of competition on social mobility and upward mobility.
  • The significance of competition in the nonprofit and charity sector.
  • The effects of competition on the hospitality and hotel industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping consumer behavior and purchasing patterns.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on the telecommunications industry.
  • The impact of competition on technological advancements in healthcare.
  • The significance of competition in the legal and justice systems.
  • The effects of competition on the automotive industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping educational technology and e-learning.
  • The impact of competition on the retail industry.
  • The significance of competition in the renewable energy sector.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on social media influencers.
  • The effects of competition on the gig economy and freelance work.
  • The role of competition in shaping public transportation systems.
  • The impact of competition on the sharing economy.
  • The significance of competition in the pharmaceutical research and development.
  • The effects of competition on the food and beverage industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping workplace diversity and inclusion.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on social media addiction.
  • The impact of competition on the hotel and hospitality industry.
  • The significance of competition in the e-commerce and online marketplace.
  • The effects of competition on the fashion and clothing industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping social entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of competition on the music streaming industry.
  • The significance of competition in the education technology sector.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on food delivery services.
  • The effects of competition on the entertainment streaming industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping sustainable tourism practices.
  • The impact of competition on the fitness and wellness industry.
  • The significance of competition in the artificial intelligence and robotics sector.
  • The effects of competition on the video game industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping workplace automation and job displacement.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on online learning platforms.
  • The impact of competition on the electric vehicle industry.
  • The significance of competition in the film and movie industry.
  • The effects of competition on the social media marketing industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping ethical fashion practices.
  • The impact of competition on the mobile app development industry.
  • The significance of competition in the online travel booking sector.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on streaming platforms.
  • The effects of competition on the influencer marketing industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping cybersecurity practices.
  • The impact of competition on the renewable energy technology sector.
  • The significance of competition in the online dating industry.
  • The effects of competition on sustainable packaging practices.
  • The role of competition in shaping online retail platforms.
  • Analyzing the influence of competition on social media algorithms.
  • The impact of competition on the electric scooter industry.
  • The significance of competition in the online food delivery sector.
  • The effects of competition on the digital advertising industry.
  • The role of competition in shaping virtual reality technology.
  • The impact of competition on the online music streaming industry.
  • The significance of competition in the online gaming industry.

These 103 competition essay topic ideas and examples cover a broad range of areas, allowing you to explore various aspects of competition and its effects on different industries and sectors. Choose a topic that interests you and conduct thorough research to develop a well-rounded essay that offers valuable insights into the subject of competition. Remember to structure your essay effectively and support your arguments with evidence and examples to make a compelling case.

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Essay Samples on Competition

Competitive team-based game such as overwatch.

Many people would argue that sitting around all day playing video games is a waste of time. People would see it as being lazy, that you are not doing anything with your life, and you are just being useless altogether. But what if I were...

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The Effect of Competition on Running Performance

Most students can relate to the statement that university is stressful. As a coping mechanism, students choose to play sports. However, what may be less known is that sports can also be highly stressful. Research has shown that competition in sports can be stress inducing....

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The Strive of Sony Corporation to Win in the Headphone Market

One of my favorite brands have always been Sony and their headphones are considered as one of the best headphone in the world. However, Sony has been competing in the battle of thrones for best headphone along with Bose,JBL,and so forth for a long history....

Analysis of the Salam Model of Conflict Resolution

Man is essentially a social being who necessarily must interact and compete with other members of his social setting to achieve anything. The Holy Qur’an alludes to this innate quality of man when it states that “And everyone has a goal which dominates him; vie,...

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Analysis of Monopolistic Competition on the Example of McDonald's

Introduction Monopoly and the blend of perfect competition is often described as monopolistic competition. These are intricated cases in the market structure and it is in fact a form of imperfect competition. Selling products in the market can be challenging due to the immense number...

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Dancing in the 1920’s Compared to Dancing Now

“Dancers are the athletes of God”. 'Good morning/afternoon honourable judges, teachers, staff, parents, and fellow students'. That quote was made by Albert Einstein. As u know Albert Einstein is scientist but he did love dance. Dancing is considered a sport that allows you to express...

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Golden State Warriors Sweep Blazers To Advance To NBA Finals

The Golden State Warriors are going to the NBA Finals after completing a sweep of the Portland Trail Blazers on Monday Night. Portland's lack of a real shot in this series and plethora of injured players made it feel like the Warriors just eliminated a...

The Role of Competition in People's Life

We all live in a society where we see different kinds of competition everywhere. We used to see the competition on tv, in sports, between students in school, between parents, and also between siblings. We all say that we compete daily is an understatement. Why...

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Competition in Business and Everyday Life

Competition according to Wikipedia is defined as “Competition arises whenever at least two parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared: where one's gain is the other's loss.” Competition is all around us here in the United States. Competition is such an important skill,...

Comparison of Competition Law in India and Other Countries

Of all human powers operating on the affairs of mankind, none is greater than that of competition. - Henry Clay As a general proposition, competition law (known as anti-trust law in the USA, Combines law in Canada) is a framework of legal provisions intended to...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Competition

Competition is a confusing thing. It teaches some good things and some bad things, but it’s how you handle competition that decides what you take away from it. Specifically in school, where people spend a good part of their life in, competition is almost always...

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The Significance of Cost Minimization in Automotive Industry

“Competition is the keen cutting edge of business, always shaving away at costs. ” – Henry Ford. Ford’s quote perfectly encompasses the main reason cost minimization is essential. To be competitive, you need to be priced competitively. With a purchase as large as a car,...

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Best topics on Competition

1. Competitive Team-Based Game Such as Overwatch

2. The Effect of Competition on Running Performance

3. The Strive of Sony Corporation to Win in the Headphone Market

4. Analysis of the Salam Model of Conflict Resolution

5. Analysis of Monopolistic Competition on the Example of McDonald’s

6. Dancing in the 1920’s Compared to Dancing Now

7. Golden State Warriors Sweep Blazers To Advance To NBA Finals

8. The Role of Competition in People’s Life

9. Competition in Business and Everyday Life

10. Comparison of Competition Law in India and Other Countries

11. Advantages and Disadvantages of Competition

12. The Significance of Cost Minimization in Automotive Industry

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  • Dunkin Donuts
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Mcdonald's
  • Women in The Workforce

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Steps for Writing Contest-Winning Essays

Contest winning essay generator.

competitive essay example

Contest-winning essays entries go far beyond proper grammar, spellings, and punctuation. It’s about creating something that will leave a deep impact to your audience. However, it can be quite difficult to stand out amidst hundreds of entries. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a professional writer to write a winning entry.

How to Start the Essay

The beginning to any given matter is always grand, anything from opening ceremonies to introductory speeches. An essay shares the same sentiments as the rest. The opening statement of an essay should be worth remembering. You can do this by telling a story or a quote that relates to the given theme. However, you need still need to keep it short essay. Remember to be concise with the way you construct your introduction.

How to Write an Essay for a Contest

A winning essay is no different from a simple college essay , as it still consists of the basic parts of an essay . The difference lies with the way you construct it, with the words you use and the message you’re trying to convey. If you’re planning to write an essay for a contest, you need to find a way to be unique.

The Role of Time Management in Essay Writing

The truth of the matter is, spending too much time on something may cause a change of heart. This is because we allow ourselves to overthink scenarios.

The same thing goes for essay writing . A surge of creative ideas will only come at a certain time. If we take too many breaks in between writing, we lose focus on the message we want to portray. We get distracted from our initial vision, causing sudden shifts in our style of writing. With proper time management, we may complete an essay within a considerable amount of time.

Brainstorming Ideas

Staring at a blank sheet of paper will get you nowhere. It’s important to gather information by conducting different styles of research. This would involve gaining firsthand experience or even reading various journals. You need to let your mind wander before putting it to work.

Awesome Tips for a Winning Essay

Think outside of the box. Don’t be cliche with your topic. Discussing taboos as the subject of your essay outline might be controversial, but it can be risk worth taking. Not a lot of people would dare to go anywhere near these topics and that’s what makes it special. It’s interesting and relatable, yet it’s surprisingly rare. However, it’s important to be sensitive with how you approach a given matter.

See things from a different perspective. Take the road less traveled and give a voice for the minority. Not only is it a unique way of shedding light to a given topic, but it also allows your readers to ponder on unusual thoughts.

Be witty. Adding humor will let your personality shine through. You don’t want to sound too formal, as this can be quite intimidating to some readers. Add a few puns or jokes, being discrete about it will also engage your readers.


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10 Winning Scholarship Essay Examples From Real Students

Make your application shine.

Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants.

Writing a scholarship essay can be intimidating. The competition is fierce and the stakes are high, so students are bound to feel the pressure. It may be helpful, therefore, to look at essays that were successful. What did those students do to impress the committee? These scholarship essay examples will give you a better idea of how to make an application shine! 

Tips for Writing a Scholarship Essay

We’ve put together a whole guide for how to write a scholarship essay , so if you haven’t read it already, definitely give it a look! In addition, here are some quick tips to help students get started. 

Carefully read the rules

The last thing you need is to be disqualified from winning a scholarship because you didn’t do the right thing. 

Start early

Don’t wait until the last minute to start researching and applying for scholarships. Give yourself plenty of time to work through the process. 

Get to know the provider

Think of the scholarship provider as your target audience. You want to tailor your essay to impress them, so do your research. What kinds of candidates are they looking for? What causes do they support? Dig deep for the information you need!

Think about who you are, what you want to say, and how to appeal to the scholarship committee. Write everything down and then choose the best ideas. 

The scholarship committee will be reviewing many applications. How can you make yours unforgettable? Highlight your strongest assets, share hard lessons if they showcase your growth as a person and/or student, and be honest. Never lie in a scholarship essay!

Be professional

Consider this the most important academic paper you’ve ever written. Don’t use slang or casual language. Submit a properly formatted essay that’s been well-edited and proofread by multiple people.

One last tip

Don’t reuse scholarship essays! Yes, it’s time-consuming, but students need to put the same effort into every application. Use the same process and it will get faster and easier every time!

Scholarship Essay Examples

Afc visionary scholarship essay by nicole kuznetsov.

Award Amount: $5,000

Essay prompt: Why do you want to go to college? Why is it important to you?

Why it was successful: The  beauty of this essay is that it’s well-organized and simple. Nicole Kuznetsov chose to outline her story by using chronology and provided a clean, concise story following a linear path.

As a child, my life had structure. Coloring books had lines, letters took on very specific shapes, and a system of rules governed everything from board games to the classroom.

North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship Essay by Christine Fung

Award Amount: $1,000

Why it was successful: Christine Fung masterfully shared how her upbringing instilled strong values, a love for education, and a passion for medicine .

The more involved I became, the more I learned as a leader and as a person.

The Bill Browning Scholarship Essay by Gabby DeMott

Award Amount: $10,000

Essay prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Why it was successful: Gabby DeMott shared her experiences with personal growth and overcoming fears in Germany. She also appealed to the very human feeling of wanting to belong in a way that was inspiring. 

Never have I felt so accepted while being an outsider, so proud of a country that isn’t even mine, so part of something I didn’t really belong to.

Life Happens Scholarship Essay by Emily Trader

Award Amount: $15,000

Essay prompt: How has the death of a parent or guardian impacted your life financially and emotionally? Be sure to describe how the loss of your parent/guardian impacted your college plans, and explain how the lack of adequate (or any) life insurance coverage has impacted your family’s financial situation.

Why it was successful: Emily Trader fully addressed the prompt in honest, beautiful detail. She knew her audience and tailored her essay to appeal to them while telling her compelling story. 

If this devastating experience has taught me anything, it is this: financial planning for these situations is absolutely invaluable.

Change a Life Foundation Scholarship Essay by Isabella Mendez-Figueroa

Essay prompt: Please explain how your experience volunteering and participating in community service has shaped your perspective on humanity. Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and career choice.

Why it was successful: Isabella Mendez-Figueroa shared an empowering story about her parents overcoming financial adversity so that she and her sister could be the first in their family to go to college. 

As I’ve grown I’ve learned to fight my own monsters but I now also battle the ones that frighten my parents, the monsters of a world that they weren’t born into.

Giva Scholarship Essay by Joseph Lee

Essay prompt: Who is (or what makes) a good doctor?

Why it was successful: Joseph Lee offered a captivating , personal story that was essentially a list of things that make someone a good doctor without it feeling boring or calculated. 

I learned such lessons in the purest manner possible, by being a patient myself, and will use them to guide me in all future patient encounters, as I strive to be a

New York University College of Arts and Science Scholarship by Ana

Award amount: $39,500 

Essay prompt: Explain something that made a big impact in your life.

Why it was successful: Ana discussed how early experiences w ith learning difficult things has contributed to her passion for teaching and supporting students. 

Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants.

The Fund for Education Abroad Rainbow Scholarship Essay  by Steven Fisher

Award amount: $7,500

Essay prompt: The Fund for Education Abroad is committed to diversifying education abroad by providing funding to students who are typically under-represented in study abroad. Please describe how you and/or your plans for study abroad could be viewed as under-represented.

Why it was successful: Steven Fisher’s powerful essay   connected his realizations about his own sexual identity with embracing the beautiful diversity found all around the world. 

My growth as a person was exponential. I rewrote so many areas of my life where I didn’t do things I wanted because of social conditioning.

Women’s World Banking Founder’s Scholarship Essay by Rosaisha Ozoria

Essay prompt: Write about your hopes for the future of women and girls worldwide.

Why it was successful: Rosaisha Ozoria   focused on a very specific topic , financial literacy for Hispanic women, and emphasized its importance and relevance to her own life. 

This is a tremendous goal, but for me, it is an opportunity to make a difference – in my neighborhood and for my Spanish community.

The Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship Essay by Famyrah Lafortune

Award amount: $3,500

Essay prompt: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela Describe a change you would like to make in the world. Tell us about how you would plan to make that change, and what obstacles you might encounter along the way.

Why it was successful: Famyrah Lafortune starts with a strong statement about ending racial inequality and then details the steps she’ll take to make it happen. 

By raising awareness of racial disparities that occur everywhere, I might encourage a new wave of change in our country ...

Do you have any great scholarship essay examples? Share them below!

Plus, check out  the ultimate guide to college scholarships, want more suggestions be sure to subscribe to our newsletters ..

Need money for college? These scholarship essay examples will help your application stand out over the competition!

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Competition Essay Examples

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With the technology that is available today, new companies that offer goods or services can be developed and indulge into a market very quickly which causes more competition amongst those already in the industry. Consumers love to have the newest and most recent good that...

Competition Law Enforcement and Data Protection Laws

Nowadays, a growing number of companies merge with the aim to collect more information and gain a competitive advantage. Due to the network effects, caused by the accumulation of data, these data-driven markets are highly monopolised. The Supervisor of Data Protection at European level, Giovanni...

Competition and Collaboration as Driving Forces in Human Evolution

Throughout the history of mankind, social competition has been deemed as a driving force in human evolution, as well as one of the fundamental pillars in structuring individual interactions and communities. However, considering our changing society as well as the complex and interconnected challenges the...

Consumer Behavior on the Example of Pizza Perception

Consumer behaviour can simply be conceptualized as the study of individuals, groups, and organizations with relations to all activities associated with the buying, use, and disposal of goods and services. In all fairness, consumer behaviour encapsulates the emotions, attitudes, and preferences that affect the buying...

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