Colonial America Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Colonial America research paper topics offer a rich field of exploration for history students. This period in history, marked by European settlement and the ensuing transformation of the American landscape, is ripe with multifaceted issues for examination. The upcoming sections of this page will provide a comprehensive list of categorized topics related to colonial America, a detailed article delving into the range of research paper topics it offers, and practical advice on choosing the most fitting topic. Additionally, guidance on how to write a compelling colonial America research paper will be offered, concluding with a presentation of iResearchNet’s dedicated writing services that offer customized, high-quality research papers on any chosen topic. Get ready to dive into the intriguing world of colonial America and discover the historical events, dynamics, and narratives that helped shape the world as we know it today.

100 Colonial America Research Paper Topics

The study of Colonial America provides a fascinating glimpse into the early history of the United States. This comprehensive list of Colonial America research paper topics explores various aspects of Colonial America, spanning politics, economy, society, culture, religion, and more. By delving into these topics, students can gain a deeper understanding of the colonial period and its lasting impact on American history.

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Politics and Governance

  • The origins of colonial governments: a comparative analysis
  • The role of colonial assemblies in shaping local governance
  • The impact of British colonial policies on political development
  • The rise of revolutionary ideologies in colonial America
  • The role of influential political figures in colonial America
  • The Boston Tea Party: causes, consequences, and significance
  • The development of colonial legal systems and courts
  • The impact of the Great Awakening on political thought
  • The role of women in political activism during the colonial era
  • The evolution of representative government in Colonial America

Economy and Trade

  • The impact of mercantilism on colonial economic development
  • The Atlantic slave trade and its role in the colonial economy
  • Colonial agriculture: plantations, subsistence farming, and cash crops
  • The rise of colonial industries and manufacturing
  • The navigation acts and their impact on colonial trade
  • The role of trade networks and routes in colonial commerce
  • The significance of colonial ports and trading centers
  • The emergence of colonial market towns and their economic functions
  • Indentured servitude: labor systems in colonial America
  • The economic consequences of the French and Indian War

Social and Cultural Life

  • Gender roles and expectations in colonial society
  • Education in colonial America: schools, colleges, and literacy rates
  • The impact of religion on colonial social life
  • Slavery and the institution of racial hierarchy in colonial society
  • Social stratification and class divisions in colonial America
  • The role of taverns and public houses in colonial social interactions
  • Colonial fashion and clothing trends
  • Family life and household dynamics in the colonial era
  • The influence of Native American cultures on colonial society
  • The growth of newspapers and print culture in colonial America

Religion and Beliefs

  • The Puritan influence on colonial religious life
  • The Salem witch trials: causes, consequences, and interpretations
  • Religious tolerance and religious dissent in colonial America
  • The Great Awakening and its impact on colonial religious practices
  • Native American spirituality and its interactions with colonial religions
  • The establishment of religious institutions in the colonies
  • The role of religion in shaping colonial laws and moral codes
  • The legacy of Roger Williams and the separation of church and state
  • The influence of Enlightenment ideas on religious thought in colonial America
  • The religious diversity of the middle colonies and its impact on society

Native American Interactions

  • Native American tribes and nations in colonial America
  • The impact of European colonization on Native American cultures
  • The fur trade and its consequences for Native American tribes
  • Native American resistance and alliances during colonial conflicts
  • Treaties and land disputes between Native Americans and colonists
  • The impact of diseases on Native American populations
  • Cultural exchange and adaptation between Native Americans and colonists
  • The role of Native American guides and interpreters in colonial exploration
  • Native American diplomacy and negotiations with colonial authorities
  • The influence of Native American art and aesthetics on colonial culture

Colonial Wars and Conflicts

  • The causes and outcomes of the Pequot War
  • King Philip’s War: causes, key events, and consequences
  • The French and Indian War: origins, major battles, and aftermath
  • Pontiac’s War and the uprising of Native American tribes
  • The impact of colonial conflicts on British imperial policies
  • The role of colonial militias in defense and security
  • The Regulator movement and popular unrest in the colonies
  • The significance of the Paxton Boys and the Pennsylvania frontiersmen
  • The impact of the American Revolution on colonial society
  • The legacy of colonial wars in shaping American identity and nationalism

Slavery and Labor

  • The origins and growth of slavery in the colonies
  • Slave resistance and rebellions in colonial America
  • The development of slave codes and laws
  • Indentured servitude and its role in colonial labor systems
  • The economic impact of slave labor on colonial agriculture
  • The transatlantic slave trade and its connection to colonial America
  • The role of free labor and artisanal trades in the colonies
  • The impact of slave labor on the growth of colonial cities
  • The influence of Enlightenment ideas on debates about slavery
  • The abolitionist movement in colonial America

Women in Colonial America

  • The role of women in early colonial settlements
  • Women’s participation in the colonial labor force
  • Women’s education and intellectual contributions in the colonies
  • Women’s legal status and property rights in colonial society
  • The impact of the Enlightenment on women’s rights and equality
  • Female activists and their contributions to colonial movements
  • The role of women in the Great Awakening
  • Women’s involvement in colonial politics and revolutionary activities
  • The experiences of enslaved women in colonial America
  • The legacy of women’s contributions to colonial American history

Intellectual and Philosophical Movements

  • The influence of Enlightenment ideas on colonial thought
  • The impact of John Locke’s philosophy on colonial political theory
  • The role of colonial universities in promoting intellectual debates
  • The Enlightenment and its impact on religious thought in the colonies
  • The development of scientific inquiry in colonial America
  • The influence of Thomas Paine’s writings on colonial independence
  • The spread of rationalism and skepticism in colonial society
  • Colonial intellectuals and their contributions to American independence
  • The impact of Scottish Enlightenment thinkers on colonial thought
  • The legacy of colonial intellectual and philosophical movements

Art, Literature, and Architecture

  • Colonial portraiture: depictions of power and identity
  • The development of colonial American literature
  • The influence of European artistic styles on colonial art
  • The significance of colonial newspapers and printing presses
  • Architecture in colonial America: styles and influences
  • The portrayal of Native Americans in colonial art and literature
  • The impact of the American Revolution on colonial artistic expression
  • The role of women as artists and writers in colonial society
  • Folklore, storytelling, and oral traditions in the colonies
  • The legacy of colonial art and literature in American culture

In conclusion, this comprehensive list of Colonial America research paper topics offers students a wide range of fascinating avenues to explore and delve into the rich history of the United States’ formative years. By examining politics, economy, society, culture, religion, and more, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances of colonial America and its lasting impact on the nation’s history. Whether it’s exploring the political ideologies that shaped the colonial period, analyzing the economic forces at play, or examining the social and cultural dynamics of the time, these research paper topics provide ample opportunities for students to engage in critical thinking, research, and analysis. By delving into these subjects, students will not only enhance their knowledge but also develop valuable research and analytical skills that will serve them well in their academic and professional pursuits.

Colonial America: Exploring the Range of Research Paper Topics

Colonial America stands as a pivotal period in the history of the United States, shaping its foundations and setting the course for its future development. This era, spanning roughly from the 16th to the 18th century, witnessed the establishment of the thirteen colonies, the arrival of European settlers, and the interactions between different cultures, leading to significant social, political, economic, and cultural transformations. Exploring the range of research paper topics in colonial America provides students with a fascinating opportunity to dive into the complexities of this era and gain a deeper understanding of its significance.

The Politics of Colonial America

One captivating aspect of colonial America is its political landscape. Students can delve into topics such as the role of colonial governments and their relationship with the British Crown. They can explore how political ideologies, such as republicanism and liberalism, influenced colonial America and shaped its governance. Research papers can also analyze the development of colonial legislative assemblies and their influence on the overall political structure. Students may investigate the evolution of political institutions and the concept of representative government in colonial America, highlighting the factors that contributed to the formation of early democratic principles.

The Economy of Colonial America

Another intriguing facet of colonial America is its economy, which underwent significant changes over time. Students can explore the establishment and growth of agriculture, including the plantation system and the cultivation of cash crops. They can examine the development of trade networks and the pivotal role played by colonial merchants in the Atlantic economy. Additionally, students may delve into the impact of the transatlantic slave trade on the colonial economy and the rise of mercantilism, which shaped colonial economic policies. Exploring the emergence of skilled crafts and industries in colonial America provides further avenues for research.

Society and Culture in Colonial America

The social and cultural dynamics of colonial America offer rich opportunities for research. Students can investigate the diverse social hierarchies and class systems within colonial society, exploring the lives of different social groups and their interactions. The role of religion and religious diversity in shaping colonial communities is another captivating area of study. Research papers can also focus on gender roles and expectations in colonial America, examining the experiences of women and their contributions to society. Additionally, students may explore the experiences of Native American tribes and their interactions with European settlers, shedding light on the complexities of cultural exchange and conflict.

The colonial period in America was marked by numerous wars and conflicts that had far-reaching consequences. Students can explore topics such as the French and Indian War and its implications for colonial America, including the territorial disputes and the subsequent strain on colonial-British relations. They can examine the effects of King Philip’s War on colonial-Indian relations, highlighting the tensions and violence that shaped the colonial experience. Research papers can also analyze the influence of conflicts with Native American tribes on colonial expansion and the complex dynamics of power and negotiation.

Intellectual and Cultural Developments

The intellectual and cultural developments in colonial America provide a fascinating window into the era. Students can explore the impact of the Enlightenment and its ideas on colonial thought and culture. They can examine the emergence of colonial literature, art, and architecture, analyzing how these expressions reflected the values and aspirations of the time. Research papers can delve into the spread of education and the establishment of schools and universities, highlighting the intellectual growth and the pursuit of knowledge. Furthermore, students may investigate the role of colonial newspapers and the development of the public sphere, examining how the dissemination of information influenced colonial society.

Colonial Resistance and Revolution

The period leading up to the American Revolution is a captivating subject for research. Students can explore the causes and consequences of colonial protests and acts of resistance, analyzing the events and ideologies that fueled revolutionary sentiment. They can investigate the role of key figures such as Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, and Patrick Henry in inspiring resistance and mobilizing colonial communities. Research papers can also delve into the influence of Enlightenment ideas and concepts of liberty on the American Revolution, shedding light on the intellectual foundations of the movement. Finally, students may examine the process and significance of drafting the Declaration of Independence, exploring the document’s historical context and its enduring impact on American history.

Colonial Women and Gender

The experiences and roles of women in colonial society provide a captivating lens through which to explore the complexities of colonial America. Students can delve into topics such as the expectations placed on women, their contributions to the household economy, and their participation in community activities. They can examine the impact of the women’s suffrage movement in the colonies, highlighting the struggles and achievements of early feminist voices. Research papers may analyze the lives of influential colonial women, such as Abigail Adams or Mercy Otis Warren, who played crucial roles in shaping the revolutionary spirit and advocating for women’s rights.

Colonial Architecture and Urban Development

The architectural landscape of colonial America offers an exciting avenue of research. Students can explore the various architectural styles that emerged during this period, such as Georgian, Federal, or Cape Cod. They can analyze the influences behind these architectural choices, whether they were derived from European traditions or adapted to suit the local environment. Research papers may delve into the development of colonial cities, examining the urban planning, street patterns, and the evolution of public spaces. Students can also investigate the influence of architecture on social dynamics and the representation of power and authority within colonial communities.

Colonial Medicine and Health

The study of medicine and health in colonial America provides valuable insights into the challenges and advancements of the time. Students can explore topics such as medical practices, including the use of herbal remedies, bloodletting, and the role of apothecaries. They can investigate the impact of diseases on colonial communities, such as smallpox outbreaks or the spread of malaria. Research papers may examine the development of hospitals, the training of medical professionals, and the role of midwives and healers in colonial society. Additionally, students can explore the interactions between European medical knowledge and indigenous healing practices, highlighting the cultural exchanges that occurred during this period.

Colonial Education and Intellectual Life

The educational landscape of colonial America offers an intriguing avenue for research. Students can explore the development of schools and the availability of education, examining who had access to learning opportunities and the subjects taught. They can analyze the impact of religious institutions on education, such as the establishment of Harvard College or the founding of schools by religious denominations. Research papers may delve into the intellectual life of colonial America, examining the impact of libraries, book clubs, and the spread of knowledge through print culture. Students can also explore the influence of colonial education on the development of early American thinkers and leaders.

The comprehensive range of research paper topics in colonial America provides students with a wealth of opportunities to explore the diverse aspects of this transformative era. By delving into the political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual dimensions, students can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and legacies of colonial America. Through careful topic selection and rigorous research, students can uncover new insights, challenge existing narratives, and contribute to the broader understanding of this crucial period in American history.

By partnering with iResearchNet’s writing services, students can unlock their potential and receive professional assistance in crafting their research papers on colonial America. With expert degree-holding writers, in-depth research, and customized solutions, iResearchNet ensures top-quality papers that meet academic standards. Students can enjoy the convenience of flexible pricing, timely delivery, and 24/7 support, along with absolute privacy and easy order tracking. With iResearchNet as their trusted partner, students can confidently navigate their journey of exploring colonial America and excel in their academic pursuits.

With an array of captivating research paper topics and the support of iResearchNet’s writing services, students can embark on a rewarding scholarly adventure, unraveling the complexities and significance of colonial America. Unleash your potential and discover the fascinating stories and untold narratives that shape our understanding of the past. Order your custom colonial America research paper today and open the doors to a world of knowledge and academic success.

Choosing Colonial America Research Paper Topics

Choosing a research paper topic can be a daunting task, especially when exploring a rich and diverse subject like colonial America. With so many fascinating aspects to explore, students may find it challenging to narrow down their focus. However, with the right guidance and approach, selecting an engaging and compelling research topic becomes more manageable. This section provides expert advice and valuable tips to help students choose colonial America research paper topics that are both academically rigorous and personally interesting.

  • Define Your Interests : To begin, consider your personal interests within the broader scope of colonial America. Think about the aspects that intrigue you the most—whether it’s politics, social dynamics, cultural exchanges, economic systems, or intellectual developments. By identifying your areas of passion, you can better align your research paper topic with your own curiosities and motivations.
  • Explore Unexplored Territories : While colonial America encompasses well-known topics such as the American Revolution or the founding fathers, consider delving into lesser-explored territories. Look for niche subjects or marginalized narratives that offer fresh perspectives and insights into the colonial experience. For example, you might explore the experiences of indigenous peoples, enslaved individuals, or women during this period.
  • Investigate Primary Sources : Consulting primary sources is essential in studying colonial America. These include letters, diaries, newspapers, government documents, and personal accounts from the time. By immersing yourself in these sources, you can uncover unique stories and perspectives that inspire compelling research paper topics. Visit archives, libraries, and digital repositories to access a wide range of primary sources relevant to your research.
  • Consider Comparative Approaches : Colonial America was a diverse landscape, with various European powers, indigenous cultures, and African influences interacting within its borders. Consider taking a comparative approach by exploring the colonial experiences of different regions or groups. For instance, you could compare the Spanish colonies in the South with the English colonies in the North, or examine the differences between French and British interactions with indigenous peoples.
  • Analyze Historical Significance : When choosing a research paper topic, consider the historical significance and broader implications of the subject matter. Explore topics that have had a lasting impact on colonial America or topics that resonate with contemporary issues. By connecting the past to the present, you can make your research more relevant and meaningful.
  • Consult with Professors and Peers : Seek guidance from your professors and engage in discussions with your peers to refine and enhance your research topic. They can provide valuable insights, suggest additional sources, or offer alternative perspectives that can strengthen your research approach. Collaborating with others also fosters a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment.
  • Narrow Your Focus : Colonial America is a vast field of study, and it’s important to narrow your focus to a specific time period, region, event, or theme. By narrowing your scope, you can delve deeper into the subject matter and produce a more focused and nuanced research paper. Consider the time frame, geographic location, or key historical figures that intrigue you the most.
  • Be Mindful of Available Resources : Before finalizing your research topic, ensure that sufficient resources are available to support your study. Check the availability of primary and secondary sources, scholarly articles, books, and archival materials related to your chosen topic. Having access to a wide range of resources will facilitate a comprehensive and well-supported research paper.
  • Stay Open to Revision : As you begin your research, remain open to revising and refining your research topic. Through the process of exploration and analysis, new avenues of inquiry may emerge, leading you to adjust or refine your research focus. Be flexible and willing to adapt your topic to ensure its viability and relevance.
  • Follow Your Passion : Ultimately, choose a research paper topic that genuinely interests and excites you. Passion and enthusiasm for your chosen subject will fuel your motivation, enhance your research experience, and result in a more engaging and compelling final paper. Select a topic that resonates with you on a personal and intellectual level.

Choosing a research paper topic in colonial America can be a rewarding journey of exploration and discovery. By defining your interests, exploring unexplored territories, consulting primary sources, considering comparative approaches, analyzing historical significance, seeking guidance from professors and peers, narrowing your focus, being mindful of available resources, and following your passion, you can select a research topic that is both academically rigorous and personally fulfilling. With a well-chosen topic, you can embark on a captivating research journey that contributes to our understanding of colonial America and its enduring legacies.

How to Write a Colonial America Research Paper

Writing a research paper on colonial America requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective organization. This section provides a step-by-step guide to help students navigate the process and produce a well-crafted and compelling research paper on colonial America. By following these guidelines, students can develop a strong research framework and successfully convey their findings and analysis.

  • Define Your Research Objective : Start by clearly defining the objective of your research paper. What specific aspect or question about colonial America do you aim to explore? Establish a clear research goal that will guide your investigation and shape the structure of your paper.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : To create a solid foundation for your research paper, immerse yourself in the relevant literature and sources on colonial America. Consult scholarly books, articles, primary sources, and reputable online databases to gather a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Take detailed notes and organize your sources for easy reference.
  • Develop a Thesis Statement : Craft a strong and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument or hypothesis of your research paper. Your thesis statement should reflect the specific focus of your study and provide a clear direction for your analysis. It will serve as the backbone of your paper and guide your research and writing process.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your thoughts and research findings by creating a detailed outline for your research paper. Divide your paper into sections and subsections, each addressing a specific aspect of your topic. This will help you maintain a logical flow and ensure that all key points are covered. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion in your outline.
  • Write a Compelling Introduction : Begin your research paper with an engaging introduction that captures the reader’s attention and provides background information on colonial America. Clearly state your research objective and thesis statement to set the tone for the rest of the paper. Provide a brief overview of the historical context and significance of your topic.
  • Present a Comprehensive Literature Review : In the body of your research paper, include a comprehensive literature review that demonstrates your understanding of existing scholarship on the topic. Analyze and synthesize the findings of other researchers, highlighting any gaps or debates in the current knowledge. Use this section to establish the context for your own research and position your study within the existing body of literature.
  • Methodology and Data Analysis : If applicable, outline the methodology you used to conduct your research. Discuss the types of primary and secondary sources you consulted and explain how you analyzed and interpreted the data. Be transparent about your research methods to ensure the credibility and reliability of your findings.
  • Present Your Findings : Present your research findings in a clear and organized manner. Use evidence from your sources to support your arguments and analysis. Include relevant quotations, statistics, or examples to strengthen your claims. Ensure that your findings align with your research objective and contribute to a deeper understanding of colonial America.
  • Critical Analysis and Interpretation : Engage in critical analysis and interpretation of the sources and evidence you have gathered. Evaluate different perspectives, consider the biases of the authors, and explore the complexities of colonial America. Provide thoughtful insights and interpretations based on your analysis, and address any counterarguments or alternative viewpoints.
  • Craft a Cohesive Conclusion : In your conclusion, summarize your main findings and restate your thesis statement. Reflect on the significance of your research and its contribution to the field of colonial American history. Discuss any implications or avenues for further research. End your paper with a strong concluding statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Writing a research paper on colonial America requires thorough research, careful planning, and effective organization. By defining your research objective, conducting in-depth research, developing a strong thesis statement, creating an outline, writing a compelling introduction, presenting a comprehensive literature review, explaining your methodology and data analysis, presenting your findings, engaging in critical analysis and interpretation, and crafting a cohesive conclusion, you can produce a well-structured and insightful research paper. By following these guidelines, you will showcase your understanding of colonial America and contribute to the ongoing study of this important historical period.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges that students face when it comes to writing a comprehensive and compelling research paper on colonial America. The intricacies of this historical period require in-depth knowledge, extensive research, and strong analytical skills. That’s why we are here to offer our professional writing services as your trusted partner in producing high-quality colonial America research papers. Our team of expert writers, coupled with our commitment to excellence, ensures that you receive top-notch assistance tailored to your specific research needs.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : When you choose iResearchNet, you gain access to a team of expert degree-holding writers with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of colonial American history. Our writers possess advanced degrees in history and related disciplines, allowing them to deliver well-researched and intellectually rigorous papers.
  • Custom Written Works : We understand that every research paper is unique, requiring a personalized approach. Our writers are dedicated to crafting custom-written papers that address your specific research objectives and adhere to your guidelines. You can trust that your colonial America research paper will be tailored to your individual requirements, ensuring originality and authenticity.
  • In-Depth Research : Research is at the core of every successful history paper. Our writers are skilled in conducting thorough and comprehensive research on colonial America, utilizing both primary and secondary sources. They have access to reputable scholarly databases and libraries, enabling them to gather the most relevant and up-to-date information for your research paper.
  • Custom Formatting : Proper formatting is essential in presenting a well-structured and professional research paper. At iResearchNet, we ensure that your colonial America research paper is formatted according to the required citation style, whether it be APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or any other specified format. Our writers are well-versed in the various citation styles and will meticulously format your paper to meet the highest academic standards.
  • Top Quality : We are committed to delivering research papers of the highest quality. Our writers are meticulous in their approach, paying attention to detail and ensuring accuracy and coherence throughout your paper. They are skilled in crafting compelling arguments, conducting critical analysis, and presenting well-supported findings. With iResearchNet, you can expect a research paper that demonstrates exceptional quality and academic rigor.
  • Customized Solutions : We understand that every student’s research needs are unique. That’s why we offer customized solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need assistance in choosing a research topic, developing a thesis statement, conducting research, or structuring your paper, our writers are here to provide tailored solutions that align with your goals and academic standards.
  • Flexible Pricing : We recognize that students have varying budgets. At iResearchNet, we offer flexible pricing options to ensure that our services are accessible and affordable. Our pricing structure takes into account factors such as the complexity of the research paper, the deadline, and the length of the paper. We strive to provide competitive pricing while maintaining the highest standards of quality.
  • Short Deadlines : We understand that students often face tight deadlines and time constraints. Our writers are adept at working under pressure and can accommodate short deadlines, delivering your colonial America research paper within as little as 3 hours. With iResearchNet, you can trust that your paper will be completed in a timely manner without compromising quality.
  • Timely Delivery : We value the importance of timely delivery. Our writers are committed to meeting your specified deadline, ensuring that you have ample time to review and submit your research paper. We prioritize punctuality and understand the significance of submitting your work on time.
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  • Easy Order Tracking : With iResearchNet, you have the convenience of easy order tracking. Our user-friendly platform allows you to monitor the progress of your colonial America research paper, communicate with your assigned writer, and receive timely updates. You can stay informed and engaged throughout the writing process.
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When it comes to writing a research paper on colonial America, iResearchNet is your trusted partner. Our team of expert writers, commitment to quality, customized solutions, flexible pricing, timely delivery, and round-the-clock support make us the ideal choice for students seeking professional assistance. Whether you need help with choosing a topic, conducting research, structuring your paper, or any other aspect of the writing process, our dedicated team is here to support you. Unleash your potential and achieve academic success with iResearchNet’s writing services for colonial America research papers. Place your order today and experience the difference our expertise can make.

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Are you struggling with your colonial America research paper? Do you need professional assistance to unlock your potential and achieve academic success? Look no further than iResearchNet! Our dedicated team of expert writers, coupled with our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, makes us the perfect partner for your colonial America research paper needs. With our comprehensive range of services and top-notch support, we are here to help you unleash your full potential and excel in your academic pursuits.

Don’t let the challenges of writing a colonial America research paper hold you back. With iResearchNet’s professional writing services, you can unleash your potential and achieve academic success. Our team of expert writers, customized solutions, timely delivery, affordable pricing, and round-the-clock support are here to support you at every step of the way. Place your order today and experience the difference our expertise can make in your colonial America research papers. Unleash your potential with iResearchNet and take your academic journey to new heights.


colonial latin america research paper topics

Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms, or a Missed 20th Century Leveling?

Most analysts of the modern Latin American economy have held the pessimistic belief in historical persistence -- they believe that Latin America has always had very high levels of inequality, and that it’s the Iberian colonists’ fault. Thus, modern analysts see today a more unequal Latin America compared with Asia and most rich post-industrial nations and assume that this must always have been true. Indeed, some have argued that high inequality appeared very early in the post-conquest Americas, and that this fact supported rent-seeking and anti-growth institutions which help explain the disappointing growth performance we observe there even today. The recent leveling of inequality in the region since the 1990s seems to have done little to erode that pessimism. It is important, therefore, to stress that this alleged persistence is based on an historical literature which has made little or no effort to be comparative, and it matters. Compared with the rest of the world, inequality was not high in the century following 1492, and it was not even high in the post-independence decades just prior Latin America’s belle époque and start with industrialization. It only became high during the commodity boom 1870-1913, by the end of which it had joined the rich country unequal club that included the US and the UK. Latin America only became relatively high between 1913 and the 1970s when it missed the Great Egalitarian Leveling which took place almost everywhere else. That Latin American inequality has its roots in its colonial past is a myth.

The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.


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  • The Origins of Latin American Inequality Author(s): Jeffrey G. Williamson Inequality in Latin America is relatively high now, but historically it has been no higher than in the United States and Western...

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Jeffrey G. Williamson, 2015. " Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms or a Missed Twentieth-Century Leveling?, " Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, vol 16(3), pages 324-341.

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In This Article Expand or collapse the "in this article" section Women in Colonial Latin American History

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  • Iberian Women in America
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Women in Colonial Latin American History by Susan M. Socolow LAST REVIEWED: 28 October 2011 LAST MODIFIED: 28 October 2011 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199766581-0037

The history of women in colonial Latin America has been a productive and exciting field since the mid-1970s. The study of women in the colonial empires of Spain and Portugal began in the final quarter of the 20th century, clearly influenced by the feminist movement and work by scholars in U.S. history. Although at least one male scholar had already produced a thin volume on the subject, his work, lacking a feminist perspective, tended to be ignored. Initial work on women was heavily politicized, presenting women as the victims of sexism and patriarchy and assuming that gender created a common “sisterhood” that trumped race and class. But during the 1980s, a more balanced historiography began to appear as scholars began to point out that the experience of a white elite woman was far different from, for example, a rural Indian woman. Moreover, historians became more sensitive to the range of variation within any social or racial group. More recent work, drawing in part from the work of subaltern studies, has tended to “empower” colonial women, seeing them as more able to overcome the structural limitations of their lives than previously thought. At the same time, as there were changes in interpretation of women’s actions, historians grew aware of new and far more varied sources then originally imagined. These sources include dowries, wills, probate records, parish records, Inquisition proceedings, both civil and criminal judicial cases, spiritual dowries, personal letters as well as censuses, donor lists, and notary and Cabildo records. While women of different economic and social strata have been studied, in general elite women, indigenous women, and female slaves have received the most attention. Still needed is more work on women from “middling groups,” such as artisans and small shop owners, as well as on poor women, many of whom were of mixed race. Whether women’s conditions improved over time is another issue that calls for more research. There is some suggestion that women’s roles were more fluid in the early colonial period, but few works have attempted to systematically compare women’s ability to mold their own lives across the colonial centuries. In addition it is not clear whether Enlightenment reforms improved or worsened the female situation.

The works listed in this section provide a general overview of the role of women in colonial Latin American society while stressing different aspects of the female experience in colonial Latin America. Pescatello 1976 , the first book to provide an overview of women in colonial Ibero-America, argued that patriarchy was the overriding model for these societies. While Burkett 1977 did not challenge this model, it underlined the importance of race and class in understanding how gender worked in the colonial society. Shortly thereafter, the path-breaking anthologies edited by Asunción Lavrin (see Lavrin 1978 and Lavrin 1989 ) and her contribution to the Cambridge History of Latin America (see Lavrin 1984 ) presented a more complex vision of the lives of colonial women. Arrom 1985 focuses on Mexico City. The early 21st century produced Socolow 2000 , an overview of the experience of women in colonial society, as well as Powers 2005 and Kellogg 2005 , two books that concentrate on indigenous women.

Arrom, Silvia Marina. The Women of Mexico City, 1790–1857 . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1985.

Provides a good overview of the women of Mexico City in the late colonial period and the wars of independence.

Burkett, Elinor. “In Dubious Sisterhood: Class and Sex in Spanish Colonial America.” Latin American Perspectives 4.1–2 (1977): 18–26.

DOI: 10.1177/0094582X7700400104

A controversial article in its time that argues forcefully for the importance of race and social class in understanding women’s experiences.

Kellogg, Susan. Weaving the Past: A History of Latin America’s Indigenous Women from the Prehispanic Period to the Present . New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.

A history of indigenous women with special attention to pre-Colombian and colonial societies.

Lavrin, Asunción, ed. Latin American Women: Historical Perspectives . Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978.

A path-breaking anthology with solid articles on women in colonial Mexico, Peru, and Brazil as well as others on modern Latin America.

Lavrin, Asunción. “Women in Spanish American Colonial Society.” In The Cambridge History of Latin America . Edited by Leslie Bethell, 2:321–355. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

A thoughtful article that covers several important topics (race, marriage, kinship, status, occupations, social mores and deviance, and education).

Lavrin, Asunción, ed. Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.

A strong introduction by Lavrin is followed by five articles on sexuality, sexual witchcraft, and the Church’s attempt to curb both; and four pieces on marriage and legal separation. Many of the articles in this collection have become classics.

Pescatello, Ann M. Power and Pawn: The Female in Iberian Families, Societies and Cultures . Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1976.

Reacting against the first generation feminist idea that Hispanic women were spiritually superior to men and controlled their own destiny, Pescatello stresses the importance of patriarchy throughout all regions influenced by Spain and Portugal as well as in pre-Colombian societies.

Powers, Karen Vieira. Women in the Crucible of Conquest: The Gendered Genesis of Spanish American Society, 1500–1600 . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2005.

Stresses the victimization of indigenous women who found their rights to property and access to resources curtailed by Spanish policies. Mestizas fared slightly better, but even nuns were intellectually exploited by their male confessors.

Socolow, Susan Migden. The Women of Colonial Latin America . New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

A history of colonial women that emphasizes the importance of social position, race, and civil status on female roles and power.

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120 amazing latin american research paper topics.

January 2, 2020

Do you have the task of writing a Latin American research paper? The first step is coming up with a great topic. This is one of the major challenges for most students. But you do not need to worry anymore because we are here to help. Here are the best 120 Latin American research topics that you can consider.

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Mixed Latin American Research Paper Topics

  • A closer look at the history of the church and human rights in Latin America.
  • An in-depth analysis of Latin American feminist theology.
  • Exploring the women’s rights in Latin America: A case study of Peru and Colombia.
  • Analyzing the implications of foreign debt on Latin America countries.
  • The impact of the Cold War on Latin America.
  • Analyzing the commonest management styles in Latin American companies.
  • Discuss the main components of Latino culture.
  • Analyzing key economic challenges affecting economic development in Latin America.
  • Impact of outside trading forces on Latin America development.
  • Significance of tourism in Latin America.
  • Analyzing social, political trends in Latin America: A case study of Argentina and Cuba.
  • Evaluate the role played by the military in Latin America studies.
  • Analyzing the first contact between early Spanish settlers and Latin Americans.
  • Meso American civilizations: A case study of Maya civilization.
  • Implications of music on Latino children: A case study of salsa music.
  • Modernism in South America.
  • The history of the Panama Canal.
  • Political consequences of Neo-Liberalism in South America.
  • Analyzing the invention of Latin America.
  • Taking a closer look at the new age of Latin America.
  • Evaluating US involvement in Latin America.

Latin America Research Topics about Brazil

  • Analyzing the cultural relations between Brazil and the US.
  • A closer look at the evolution of Brazil culture.
  • Evaluating the different governments of Brazil.
  • The economy of Brazil during the Cold War.
  • The influence of the Roman Catholic Church in Brazil.
  • Discuss the importance of Brazil’s rainforest in addressing global warming.
  • Comparing Brazil and the US education systems.
  • Comparing the Indian and Brazilian economies.
  • Brazil and global economics: A Closer look at Brazil Role in the BRICS.
  • Neo-liberalism IN Brazil: What are the consequences?
  • The Brazil’s quest for autonomy: Analyzing Brazil’s foreign policy under President Lula.
  • Urban poverty in Rio.

Latin American Topics about Costa Rica

  • Evaluating the business climate in Costa Rica.
  • A closer look at Costa Rica’s economic challenges in the Cold War era.
  • A comprehensive analysis of Costa Rica’s economic performance.
  • Efforts to address global warming in Costa Rica: A case study of Klinki Forestry Project.
  • Analyzing the main problems facing Costa Rica.
  • Deforestation in Costa Rica.
  • Tourism in Costa Rica.
  • Comparing the history of coffee in Costa Rica and Brazil.
  • Analyzing contemporary issues in Costa Rica Tourism.
  • Analyzing the main exports and imports of Costa Rica.
  • A closer look at key political issues in Costa Rica.
  • Comparing culture and ethics in Costa Rica and Mexico.
  • What is the future of Costa Rica’s economic growth?

Unique Latin American Research Topics

  • Effects of El Nino in South America.
  • The relationship between Argentina’s economy and the black market.
  • Key elements of Argentina’s democracy.
  • Analyzing the sexual behavior of Amazon people.
  • The history of Chile’s economic growth.
  • Comparing the economic growths of Chile and Mexico.
  • Analyzing the persistence of drug lords in Colombia.
  • What implications does drug trafficking have on the Colombian economy?
  • Comparing the education system of Peru and Brazil.
  • The effect of remittance in Latin America economy.
  • History of slavery in South America.
  • Democracy in Latin America.
  • A closer look at enlightenment in Latin America.
  • Analyzing independent movements in Latin America
  • Analyzing Latin America after the end of the Wars of Independence.

Latin American Topics on the Caribbean

  • Evaluating the significance of Grenada Island during the Cold War.
  • Comparing the ethnic slave rebellion in Bahia and Caribbean.
  • Comparing the history of slavery in the Caribbean and the US.
  • A review of the Haiti revolution.
  • Highlighting the struggles of Marielitos.
  • A closer look at socioeconomic struggles in Barbados.
  • Analyzing the problem of racism in Cuba.
  • A closer look at the history of Haiti between 1843 and 1973.
  • Analyzing the US involvement in Haiti in the early 20 th century.

Latin American Research Paper Topics about Cuba

  • Analyzing music development in Cuba.
  • What factors drive Cubans to immigrate to the US?
  • Analyzing the Aesthetic beauty of Cuba.
  • Comparing slavery in Virginia, the USA with Slavery in Cuba.
  • What is Fidel Castro’s greatest social economic contribution to Cuba?
  • Comparing the Cuban and Brazilian economies.
  • What are the key cultural similarities between Cuban and Americans?
  • Evaluating the economic performance of Cuba after World War II.
  • A closer look at the medical industry in Cuba.
  • What is the future of Cuban economic growth?

Latin America Topics about Guatemala

  • Analyzing the performance of Guatemala economy after the Cold War.
  • A review of Guatemala’s attitudes towards Axis and Allied powers in the World War II.
  • Comparing Guatemala and Costa Rica’s coffee management processes.
  • A review of Guatemala’s trade relationships with the US.
  • Analyzing the sufferings and abuses of Guatemala’s children during the country’s civil wars.
  • Guatemala history: Evaluating the fall of President Arbenz.
  • Comparing the culture of Guatemalans and Brazilians.
  • Analyzing the Guatemala government’s efforts on conservation.

Latin America Research Topics on Mexico

  • What are the main challenges of the Mexico’s education system?
  • Analyzing the Zapatista Revolution.
  • Was the 1914-1916 Woodrow Wilson’s intervention in Mexico Justified?
  • The colonization of Texas by Mexico.
  • Comparing the Mexican art of the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
  • Analyzing the hybrid Mexico culture.
  • What are the key success factors of the 1990s Mexican film success?
  • Comparing the Mexican and US culture: What are the key differences?
  • A closer look at the economic performance of Mexico after the Cold War?
  • Illegal Mexican immigrants.
  • Should the US use a more protected border with Mexico?
  • The history of Aztec Empire.
  • What is the future of Mexico economy?
  • Analyzing the major problems that Mexico experienced under the leadership of President Zedillo.
  • Comparing the US and Mexico justice systems.
  • What were the main causes of the Mexican Peso crisis of the 1990s?
  • Latin America telenovelas.
  • Comparing conservatives and liberals after revolutionary Latin America.
  • A closer look at the Cuban embargo.
  • What factors led to the Mexican revolution.

Latin American Research Topics: Puerto Rico

  • The importance of Puerto Rico during the 18 th -century slave labor and trade.
  • Analyzing the controversy of Puerto Rico’s statehood.
  • Analyzing the industrialization of Puerto Rico.
  • Comparing the Puerto Rican and Brazilian cultures.

Controversial Topics in Latin America

  • The growing Chinese influence in Latin America.
  • Analyzing the discovery of America via Latin America.
  • The struggle for national identity in South America.
  • History of Latin America: Taking a closer look at the rights of Portugal over Latin America.
  • Mexican Peso crisis of the 1990s: Was Bill Clinton’s decision for bailout justified?
  • Analyzing the US-Cuban relationship during the Cold War.
  • Guatemala history: Evaluating the fall of President Arbenz and the possible involvement of the US government.
  • Drug trade in South America: What are the historical roots?

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Colonial Latin America

Colonial Latin America

Updated Research Question

After looking at sources and briefly discussing my project with Professor Holt, I have decided that I would like to focus on religious women in the Andes. I have found many sources that detail life in convents in Colonial Latin America and sources that detail the lives of women more specifically during this time.

Potential Sources:

Primary sources in Chapter 5: Life in Colonial Convents in Readings on Colonial Latin America and its people

Jaffary, Nora E., 1968. 2007.  Gender, Race and Religion in the Colonization of the Americas . Aldershot, England;Burlington, VT;: Ashgate.

Wirzba, Norman. 2003. Neither Saints nor Sinners : Writing the Lives of Women in Spanish America. New York: Oxford University Press USA – OSO. Accessed September 25, 2019. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Mónica Díaz. “Native American Women and Religion in the American Colonies: Textual and Visual Traces of an Imagined Community.”  Legacy  28, no. 2 (2011): 205-31. doi:10.5250/legacy.28.2.0205.

Socolow, Susan Migden, 1941. 2015. The Women of Colonial Latin America. Second ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.

3 thoughts on “ Updated Research Question ”

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This topic is really interesting, Abby. I think it is important to examine how people adopt new belief systems after coming into contact with a colonial power, since it represents the latter’s desire for authority in all matters. One thing that I am curious about is how the experiences of Andean women in convents may have differed from (or resembled) the religious experiences of men.

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Hi Abby! I think that your topic looks really interesting, and I’m excited to learn more about it. I’m wondering if you’ve considered trying to find a specific Andean woman who lived in a convent to look into. I think it would bring a very cool perspective to your project to center it around a particular person, as it would allow the viewer to more personally relate to what they are hearing about.

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Your peers make valuable suggestions! Some of the early chapters from Kathryn Burns’ Colonial Habits (about Cuzco) should prove valuable:

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Colonial Period of Latin America: Books

colonial latin america research paper topics

Colonial Period of Latin America: Web Resources

  • Colonial Latin America Chronology A chronology of preconquest events (711 CE) through the "end of Spanish dominion" in 1825. Authored by Peter Bakewell at SMU.
  • Colonial Latin America: Documents and Images A rich resource for many public domain images and documents, also from P. Bakewell of SMU.
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Published Primary Sources

In addition to the online sources below, MANY published accounts can be found in the library catalog .   If you don't have a specific author/title, the following headings can be helpful in narrowing a search to primary sources. These headings can also be used in WorldCAT and HathiTrust

  • Early works to 1800   (usually applied to modern reprints of early works)
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  • Limit a search in the CAT/Lionsearch/WorldCAT by  publication date
  • The  "Sources "  subject heading is generally applied to collections of primary sources.  can be combined with other headings, e.g. mexico history sources. 

Historical Newspapers

We have some (mostly British) newspapers and magazines published before 1800.   We have titles from Latin America and the Caribbean for later time periods.  See our  Historical News Guide  for options.

Penn State Databases

  • Age of Exploration This link opens in a new window Primary documents on European maritime exploration. Includes some early voyages to Latin America more... less... Explore five centuries of journeys across the globe, scientific discoveries, the expansion of European colonialism, conflict over territories and trade routes, and decades-long search and rescue attempts in this multi-archive collection dedicated to the history of exploration.
  • Brazilian and Portuguese History and Culture: Oliveira Lima Library, Pamphlets This link opens in a new window Digitized pamphlets from the 19th and early 20th centuries and historical books from the 16th to the 20th century from the Oliveira Lima Library. Topics include Colonialism, Brazilian independence, Slavery and abolition, the Catholic Church, Indigenous peoples, Agriculture, Politics, and Brazilian and Portuguese literature. The bulk of the publications are in Portuguese. more... less... Digitized pamphlets from the 19th and early 20th centuries and historical books from the 16th to the 20th century from the Oliveira Lima Library. Topics include Colonialism, Brazilian independence, Slavery and abolition, the Catholic Church, Indigenous peoples, Agriculture, Politics, and Brazilian and Portuguese literature. The bulk of the publications are in Portuguese.
  • Colonial Caribbean, 1624-1870 This link opens in a new window British Colonial Office documents pertaining to the territories under British governance. Includes administrative records, trade and shipping reports, council meetings, details of plantation life, colonial settlement, and imperial rivalries. more... less... Colonial Caribbean makes available materials from 27 Colonial Office file classes from The National Archives, UK. Covering the history of the various territories under British colonial governance from 1624 to 1870, this extensive resource includes administrative documentation, trade and shipping records, minutes of council meetings, and details of plantation life, colonial settlement, imperial rivalries across the region, and the growing concern of absentee landlords.
  • Early English Books Online This link opens in a new window Works published in England up to 1700. Includes early accounts and descriptions of Latin America more... less... Early English Books Online contains over 125,000 titles listed in Pollard's and Redgrave's Short-Title Catalogue (1475-1640), Wing's Short-Title Catalogue (1641-1700), and the Thomason Tracts (1640-1661). Coverage includes the first book printed in English by William Caxton and features works by Malory, Bacon, More, Erasmus, Boyle, Newton, and Galileo. Novels, prayer books, pamphlets, almanacs, calendars, and many other types of primary sources are included. The works are presented as images that can be viewed online or downloaded in PDF format for viewing off-line.
  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) This link opens in a new window Works printed in the British Isles between 1701 and 1800 more... less... Full texts and images of over 180,000 titles and editions printed in the British Isles and the Americas between 1701 and 1800. Includes books, pamphlets, essays, broadsides and more.
  • The Guatemala Collection: Government and Church Documents for Sacatepéquez (1587-1991) This link opens in a new window Documents sourced from the Archivo General de Centroamérica and the Archivo Histórico Arquidiocesano “Francisco de Paula García Peláez” (formerly known as Archivo Eclesiástico de Guatemala) in Guatemala City. Includes correspondence, annual reports, statistics, letters, litigation, primarily organized by place, theme, and date. more... less... Documents sourced from the Archivo General de Centroamérica and the Archivo Histórico Arquidiocesano “Francisco de Paula García Peláez” (formerly known as Archivo Eclesiástico de Guatemala) in Guatemala City. Includes correspondence, annual reports, statistics, letters, litigation, primarily organized by place, theme, and chronology.
  • Medieval and Early Modern Studies This link opens in a new window Most sources are British, but includes: Spanish Historical Writing About the New World, 1493-1700: From the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University This collection offers 82 significant works of history mainly written in Spanish about America before 1700, including on-the-spot narratives, lives of missionaries, ethnographic studies, and natural histories. It includes writings by explorers, conquistadors, missionaries, traders and scientists. Equally importantly, there are also works by mestizos and Native American writers. more... less... "The breadth of sources provided within this collection is extraordinary, from sources concerning the Black Death to the Restoration of the English monarchy and the Glorious Revolution."
  • Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice, 1490-2007 This link opens in a new window Published and manuscript material from many archives. Includes early accounts of slavery in the Americas and general accounts of the region. more... less... Bringing together primary source documents from archives and libraries across the Atlantic world, this resource allows students and researchers to explore and compare unique material relating to the complex subjects of slavery, abolition and social justice. In addition to the primary source documents there is a wealth of useful secondary sources for research and teaching; including an interactive map, scholarly essays, tutorials, a visual sources gallery, chronology and bibliography.
  • Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive This link opens in a new window Some content on slavery in the Caribbean and early descriptions of Latin America more... less... A massive digital collection of 18th and 19th century documents; Pamphlets, Books, Correspondence, Newspapers, Legal Documents, Manuscripts, and other materials. Includes over 1 million pages of unpublished archival material produced by pro and anti-slavery organizations and individuals.
  • State Papers Online, 1509-1714 This link opens in a new window Documents produced by or for the British Monarchs, including reports from foreign official and correspondence with other European monarchs more... less... State Papers Online, 1509-1714 contains more than 3 million pages of documents; correspondence, reports, memoranda, Parliamentary drafts and depositions from ambassadors, civil servants and provincial administrators serving the Monarch. The digital facsimile manuscripts are linked to searchable Calendar entries (abstracts or transcriptions of the originals). This collection contains information on every facet of English government, including social and economic affairs, law and order, religious policy, and crown possessions. There is also substantial information on Britain's international relations and foreign policy including correspondence with the monarchs of Europe, intelligence reports from agents abroad, and relations with the Vatican.
  • World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean This link opens in a new window A digital collection of primary documents including early monographs, pamphlets, letters, expedition records, journals, reports, maps, diaries, and descriptions of voyages. Most collections are only partially keyword searchable. Browse to see the full contents. Historical Collections include: Conquistadors: The Struggle for Colonial Power in Latin America, 1492-1825. Latin American History and Culture: An Archival Record. Parts 1-7 - Colonial manuscripts, rare volumes and documents. more... less... A digital collection of primary documents from the colonial period to the present, including early monographs, pamphlets, letters, expedition records, journals, reports, maps, diaries, descriptions of voyages, and newspaper accounts. Historical collections include: Bauza Maps and Manuscripts Collection; Brazil's Popular Groups, 1966-1986; Conquistadors: The Struggle for Colonial Power in Latin America, 1492-1825; The Yale University Collection of Latin American Manuscripts, Parts 1-7; Latin American and Iberian biographies; Mexican and Central American Political and Social Ephemera; Papers of Agustin de Iturbide, 1799-1880; Records of the U.S. State Dept.
  • Caribbean documents collection, 1699-1959, bulk, 1760-1930 Manuscripts from the University of Miami, containing correspondence and other documents from Caribbean islands, such as Jamaica, Barbados, Tobago, and Cuba. Offers details about day-to-day life on plantations.
  • Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de América y Oceanía : sacados de los Archivos del Reino, y muy especialmente del de Indias The documents published in these 42 volumes (1864-1884), were selected by a team of Spanish historians from the Patronato Real group of the AGI. The transcribed versions of the original manuscripts include correspondence between Spanish monarchs and many of the major figures of the early European contact with the Americas. Also available online via the World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean database and in print.
  • Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de ultramar The documents and indexes published in this 25 volume collection were selected by a team of Spanish historians as representative of their country's history in the Americas. Drawn from various sections of the Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla) and the Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid), the volumes transcribe a variety of documentary forms treating the establishment of the Spanish empire in the Caribbean and North and South America.
  • History Vault: Bexar Archives: Colonial Archives of Texas during the Spanish and Mexican Periods, 1717-1836 Official documents detailing the military, civilian, and political life of the Spanish province of Texas and the Mexican state of Coahuila y Texas.
  • Jamaica manuscripts collection, 1774-1950 20 documents, Including plantation records, correspondence, journals, and official documents. Some of these are originals, where others are later 20th century documents about Jamaica or typescripts of letters. Part of the Slavery and Anti-Slavery database.
  • Records of the Spanish governors of Puerto Rico: registro central de esclavos, 1872 (slave schedules) Information gathered in 1872 in the Central Register of Slaves. For each enslaved person, the following was recorded: name, country of origin, present residence, names of parents, sex, marital status, trade, age, physical description, master's name. Part of the Slavery and Anti-slavery database
  • Selected records of the Danish West Indies, 1672-1917: essential records concerning slavery and emancipation Part of the Slavery and anti-slavery database. Includes deeds of ownership and lists of enslavers; manumission papers and registers of freed people; and census lists.

Microfilm collections

  • Manuscripts on Middle American Cultural Anthropology A digital collection of field notes and other unpublished materials deemed of scholarly value to the filed of cultural anthropology. Started in the 1940s, the collection initially focused on Mesoamerican languages, but broadened the subject scope over its 48 years.

The most comprehensive collection of historical records spanning the period of Spanish rule in the Americas. The holdings of the Archivo include documents covering cultural, legislative, judicial, fiscal, economic, religious, military, agricultural and commercial matters pertaining to the Kingdom of Guatemala, an area which, from the time of the Conquest in 1544 through 1821, embraced modern-day Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Mexican State of Chiapas. The finding aid linked from the catalog record provides a searchable inventory of the contents. Penn State has reels 1B-3B, Yucatan, reels 3B-199B, Chiapas, reels 200B-577B, El Salvador, and reels 1853-2531, Guatemala Real Hacienda.

Includes records of property and land sales, wills, testaments, powers of attorney and other related business records for Yucatán. Penn State has 52 reels of a much larger collection. The print guide describes the full collection. Materials we don't own can be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan.

Africans in the New World, 1493-1834 : from the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University (microfilm) Documents created by a variety of actors including slave merchants, plantation owners, merchants, ship captains, slaves and abolitionists.

18th and 19th cent. legal documents from Peru, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Colombia. Some of the documents are online via the Library of Congress, Spanish Legal Documents (15th-19th Centuries),

Documents related to the Spanish "discovery" and conquest of Latin America. Over hald of the collection deals with the sixteenth century with other materials spanning the sixteenth through the early 19th century. A description of the original archival collection here, A guide to the organization of the microfilm collection here,

A digital collection of field notes and other unpublished materials in the filed of cultural anthropology. Started in the 1940s, the collection initially focused on Mesoamerican languages, but broadened the subject scope over its 48 years.  Penn State has some manuscripts on microfilm , with additional collection materials not digitized available from the Center for Research Libraries .

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Course Content for ETHN 116


Order and emphasis of core topics may vary from instructor to instructor.

I. Introduction to Chicano Studies

A. Chicano/a Studies as a field of scholarly inquiry

B. History and culture as a dynamic processes

C. Main historical periods in Chicano History

1. Pre-Columbian era, pre- 1519

2. Spanish colonial era, 1521-1821

3. Mexican independence and nationalism, 1821-1846

4. Anglo period, 1846-1960s

5. Diversity and modern Chicano issues

II. Historical roots of Chicano culture and society

A. Pre-Columbian period

1. Human evolution in Mesoamerica

a. Ecological adaptation

b. Agricultural adaptation

c. Sociocultural life

2. Mesoamerican civilization and societies

b. Huastecas

d. Teotihuacanos

e. Zapotecos

3. Aztec civilization, society and social order

a. History – Chichimecas to Tenochtitlan

b. Social hierarchy

c. Land system and the calpulli

d. Artisan production

e. Alliances and trade

f. Mythology

g. Culture, religious practices and education

4. Spanish conquest

a. Spanish society and culture – Reconquest – 16th century

b. Background to exploration and discovery

c. Hernan Cortes versus Moctezuma and the legend of Quetzalcoatl

d. The fall of Mexico-Tenochtitlan

e. The legacy of conquest in the Chicano worldview

B. Spanish colonialism in Mexico – 1521 – 1810

1. Cross-fertilization of Spanish and Aztec societies

a. The Columbian exchange

b. Religious syncretism – Virgin of Guadalupe

c. Mestizaje

d. The forging of the “cosmic race”

2. Economy and Social order

a. Gold, encomienda and repartimiento

b. Hacienda system and debt peonage

c. Social role of hacendados

d. Life of debt peons

e. Castas, mestizaje and the social hierarchy

3. Culture

a. Daily changes in indigenous ways of life

b. Introduction of Catholicism

1. Cultural aspects of mestizaje

c. Indigenous resistance to Spanish culture

d. Women and family life 

4. Color and racism

a. Spanish ethnocentrism

b. Race and social class

c. Effects of racism

d. The flexibility of mestizaje

C.The making of Mexican nationalism – 1810-1840s

1. Politics and the break up of the colonial social order

a. Influence o indigenous elites – caciques

b. Influence of the age of Enlightenment

c. Bourbon reforms and imperial crisis

d. Liberals versus conservatives

e. El grito de Dolores and the war for independence

f. Rise of caudillo

g. Post-war instability in Mexico

2. Class – Mexican society under criollo rule

a. Conservatives versus liberals

b. Social groups and economic enterprises in the north

c. Break up of California missions

d. Hispanics and indigenous in New Mexico 

e. Cattle ranching in California and the Californios

3. Culture – rise of a Mexican identity

a. The decline of cultural imperialism

b. Mexican influence in California and New Mexico

c. Increasing mestizaje and its challenge to racism

4.The break-up of Mexico and a new system for Mexican-Americans

a. Anglo-American expansion – Manifest Destiny

b. Annexation of Texas

c. Mexican American War

d. Mexican resistance and social banditry

e. Treaty of 1848

f. Anglo expropriation of Mexicans’ lands

g. New cultural blending in US Southwest and California

h. Economic growth and Mexican labor 

D. Anglo-American period – 1846-1960s

1. Social order and social classes in the United States

a. Industrialization and economic expansion

b. Chicano role in the economy

c. Mexican Revolution and immigration

d. Chicano discrimination in the workplace

e. Chicanos in trade unionism

f. Chicanos on the margin of political process

2. Culture – assimilation versus nativist acculturation

a. American versus Mexican culture

b. Strategies and problems of Mexican adaptation to American culture

c. Syncretism – pachucos

d. Separatism

e. American work ethic versus Mexican celebration

f. Cultural imperialism and educational practices

3. Race and racism

a. Roots of prejudice and discrimination

b. Tejano versus Anglo culture

c. Anglo violence toward Tejanos

d. White supremacists in California

e. Institutional racism and public barriers

f. Chicano reactions to mistreatment – reverse racism

g. The continuation of mestizaje

E. The Chicano movement of the 1960s-70s

1. Roots of Chicano resistance and organization

2. Precursors of change

a. Black Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s 

b. Johnson’s War on Poverty 

c. The Vietnam War.

3. Chicano political organizations, groups and actions

a. The Brown Berets

b. United Mexican American Students

c. Los Angeles high school walk outs

d. La Raza Unida Partido

e. Chicano moratoriums of the 1970s

f. Association of Mexican-American Educators

g. Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Aztlan – MECha

h. August 29 Moratorium

i. Diversity within the movement

4. Chicano cultural expression

a. Chicanozaje/Chicanismo

b. Mestizaje to Chicanismo

c. Chicano arts

d. Educational transformations

III. Selected contemporary social, economic and/or cultural issues related to Mexican Americans

A. Economic principles of Mexican immigration

1. Reasons for immigration

2. History of Mexican immigration to US

a. The Mexican Revolution and economic expansion in the US, 1910 – 1929

b. The Depression and the Bracero program, 1930 – 1964

c. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and increased Mexican immigration

d. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Amnesty and increased restrictions

e. Immigration Act of 1990 and limits on family-sponsored immigration

3. Racism and increased risks for undocumented immigrants crossing the border

4. Selected personal accounts/case studies

B. Mexican immigrants in the US today – social and economic issues

1. Economic and demographic profiles

2. Income and poverty

3. Settlement patterns

4. Wage assimilation

5. Economic impacts of immigration

6. Undocumented immigrants

7. Naturalization

8. Selected personal accounts/case studies

C. Mexican immigrants and cultural development in US urban centers

1. Becoming Mexican-American/Chicano/a

2. Settlement patterns

3. Divided loyalties

4. New nationalism, Mexican style

5. Religious adaptations

6. Music and growth of mass culture

7. The rise of communities

8. Ambivalent Americanism

D. The education of Mexican Americans

1. Educational profiles

2. Secondary education

3. Bilingual education

4. College education

5. California Community Colleges and Chicanos Studies

6. Education, language and empowerment

7. Economic incentives to invest in education

8. Social and cultural factors affecting the decision to invest in education

9. Selected personal accounts/case studies

E. Mexican Americans in the labor market

1. Employment patterns

2. Occupational patterns

3. Annual income

4. Wages, human capital and discrimination

5. Selected personal accounts/case studies

F. Mexican Americans toward the middle class

1. Income distribution

2. Factors affecting poverty rates

3. Public assistance

4. Mexican americans as an exception to the underclass model of poverty

5. Wealth and asset accumulation

6. Mexican American home ownership

7. Selected personal accounts/ case studies

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Locating Archives Outside of Yale

  • ArchiveGrid ArchiveGrid describes primary sources for material on family and corporate histories, personal papers, and historical records with direct search access to dispersed collections and collection descriptions. Locate relevant research institutions, arrange visits, or request copies from libraries, museums, and archives worldwide.

Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Source Portals

  • Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Sources This site provides links to open access digitized collections of primary sources that relate to Latin America and the Caribbean. The sources linked below range from collections of Mexican incunabula (1559-1600), to Latin American posters. The site is organized by format “Historical Texts by Country“, “Historical Texts General“, “Statistics“, “Visual Material by Country“, “Visual Material General“, and “Miscellaneous.”
  • (LACLI) Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Latinx, & Iberian Online Free E-resources A repository of free online resources for Latin American, Caribbean, Latinx, and Iberian studies. Many are primary sources. Can be searched by country or subject.
  • Directory of Caribbean Digital Scholarship An open-source bibliographical archive

Yale Latin American Collections Online

  • Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 1: the Andean collection.
  • Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 2: the Mexico collection
  • Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 3: the Spain collection
  • Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 4: the Brazil and Portugal collection
  • Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 5: the Caribbean collection
  • Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 6: the Central American collection
  • in American history and culture : an archival record. Series 1, Part 7: the Southern Cone collection
  • Feminism in Cuba dataset : nineteenth through twentieth century archival documents, 1898-1958. Dataset of materials for text data mining (TDM) on Cuban feminism, women in politics, Cuban women's literature, and Cuban women's legal status from Cuban independence to the end of the Batista regime.
  • Federal surveillance of the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño dataset
  • Foreign relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean states dataset, 1930-1944.

Web Archives

  • Web Archives - Library of Congress Can search by the name of the country. Especially useful for information on political parties and elections.
  • Human Rights Web Archive - Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research at Columbia University

Digital Archives by Country

  • Dominican Republic
  • Latin America
  • Latinos in the US
  • El Salvador
  • Puerto Rico
  • Archivo Histórico de Revistas Argentinas (U de Buenos Aires) Collection of cultural and political magazines that represent significant moments in the development of cultural journalism in Argentina, accompanied by indexes, essays and critical articles.
  • Archivo Nacional de la Memoria (Argentina)
  • Archivos Histórico de los Servicos de Radiodifusión Sonora y Televisiva del Estado Nacional (RTA) Archive Prima. Archive of audiovisual material from Argentina including radio and television broadcasts.
  • Argentina, 1975-1980: The Making of U.S. Human Rights Policy
  • Argentina: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963 (Archives Unbound) This archive focuses on Argentina after the era of Juan Perón.
  • Biblioteca Nacional "Mariano Moreno" de la República Argentina, Colleciones Digitales. Virtual collection from the Biblioteca Nacional de Argentina provides digital access to a growing number of books, pamphlets, periodicals, manuscripts, photos and audiovisual material of cultural and historic value.
  • Colecciones Digitales. Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno de Argentina
  • Digital Collection of Mexican and Argentine Presidential Messages Digital images of Mexican and Argentine presidential speeches from the 19th century
  • Latin American Poster Collection (Princeton) The collection consists of posters from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, regarding political, economic, cultural, and educational affairs.
  • SUR, 1931-1992 SUR is one of the most important and influential literary magazines published in Latin America in the twentieth century. This collection includes images of the complete magazine, including covers, photographs and advertisements, more than 40,000 pages; a comprehensive electronic index of 6,300 entries, correcting mistakes and inconsistencies found in the index published in the magazine; and a set of images of manuscripts from the first issue as well as an unpublished set of letters by Victoria Ocampo.
  • Vida pública en la Argentina contemporánea This collection presents an extensive grassroots view of Argentina and the social and political changes that have taken place there from 1983-2000. It provides access to material on Argentine society and politics beginning with the year 1996 and running to the present. Mostly primary sources.
  • Bolivia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963 (Archives Unbound) This archive revolves around the rise of the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement (MNR), which emerged as a broadly based party.
  • El Carocolino & Litoral (UCONN) This sample of Bolivian newspapers includes two unique newspapers (El Caracolino and El Litoral). 1872-1878
  • Latin American Pamphlet Digital Collection (Harvard) This collection of more than 5,000 titles contains main scarce and unique Latin American pamphlets published during the 19th and the early 20th centuries. One of the few institutions to have consistently collected Latin American pamphlets, Harvard has benefited from collections formed by Luis Montt (Chile), Nicolás Acosta (Bolivia), Manuel Segundo Sánchez (Venezuela), José Augusto Escoto (Cuba), Blas Garay (Paraguay), Charles Sumner, John B. Stetson and others. Chile, Cuba, Bolivia and Mexico are the countries most heavily represented in this collection.
  • Acervo do Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil Documentos de arquivos pessoais, entrevistas de história oral e verbetes do Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro:
  • Biblioteca Virtual do Pensamento Social (BVPS) A partir da BVPS, procura-se cartografar, organizar e disponibilizar a produção intelectual sobre o pensamento social, isto é, as pesquisas dedicadas ao estudo das interpretações do Brasil em suas diferentes linguagens – intelectual, científica, artística -, e através de diferentes disciplinas – ciências sociais, história, literatura e artes -, envolvendo ainda comparações com outras sociedades.
  • Brazil: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
  • Brazilian and Portuguese History & Culture: The Oliveira Lima Library The Oliveira Lima Library, one of the finest collections of Luso-Brazilian materials, is available digitally through this database. Spanning the 19th century, this collection turns the spotlight on Latin America’s largest and most influential power, covering topics such as colonialism, the Brazilian independence period, slavery and abolition, the Catholic Church, indigenous peoples, immigration, ecology, agriculture, economic development, medicine and public health, international relations, and Brazilian and Portuguese literature.
  • Brazilian Government Documents Executive branch serial documents issued by Brazil’s national government between 1821 and 1993, and by its provincial governments from the earliest available to the end of the first Republic in 1930. Provincial presidential reports, presidential messages, ministerial reports and Almanak Laemmert are included.
  • Classic Brazilian Cinema Online Digitized historical film magazines from the 1910s to the 1970s, providing students and researchers with easy access to rare and previously dispersed sources documenting the cinematographic history of Brazil.
  • Digital Archives of the Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil Contains the "Archevo Digital", digital newspaper library, iconography and photographs.
  • Fundação Getulio Vargas Digital Repository The FGV Digital Repository is one of the digital research channels of FGV Digital Library, whose main role is to index, preserve and share pictures, articles, thesis, dissertations, videos, research reports and databases.
  • Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira Newspaper and magazine archive
  • Manioc A digital library specializing in content on the Caribbean, Amazon and the Guyana Plateau. It contains videos, ebooks, photos and other primary documents.
  • Researching Brazil This site is both a bibliographic database and a gateway to online resources relevant to Brazilian studies. It includes a searchable index of Brazilian scholarly journals, as well as access to full-text dissertations from Brazilian institutions. Additional relevant resources include online directories of researchers and institutions, online bibliographies, quantitative data sets, and selected web sites relevant to researchers.
  • Biblioteca Digital. Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña. República Dominicana
  • Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920 "Created from the renowned holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia, Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920, is the largest and most significant collection of its kind. More than 1,200 fully cataloged and searchable books, pamphlets, almanacs, broadsides and ephemera cover the history of this broad region from the 16th century to the early 20th century. Major subject areas covered include Atlantic Studies, Diaspora Studies, Economic Studies, History of Medicine, Ethnicity and Gender Studies, Latin America and Slavery. Based on the Library Company collection that itself was an ambitious attempt to gather all printed information about this area and its history, works of all kinds are included: multi-volume histories of the region, letters, diaries, trial records, confessions, ship logs, military reports, government documents and much more."
  • El Caribe Digital Archives El Caribe is a Spanish-language daily newspaper published in Santo Domingo and is one of the Dominican Republic’s most influential and longest-running newspapers. Founded in 1948 under the repressive Trujillo regime (1930-1961), the newspaper has borne witness to decades of political uncertainty, economic development, and social change.
  • Caribbean Newspapers, Series 1, 1718-1876 Contains more than 140 newspaper titles from 22 islands between 1718-1876.
  • CLASCO Repositorio digital, ofrece acceso libre a más de 100.000 textos de la red CLACSO
  • Colonial Caribbean : Colonial Office files from the National Archives, UK Caribbean history from 1624 to 1870 drawn from the archives of the British Colonial Office. Records include: administrative documentation, trade and shipping records, minutes of council meetings, and details of plantation life, colonial settlement, imperial rivalries across the region, and the growing concern of absentee landlords. The colonies include: Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Berbice, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, British Virgin Islands, Curaçao, Demarara, Dominica, Essequibo, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Bartholomew, St. Christopher (St. Kitts), St. Croix, Santo Domingo, St. Eustatius, St. Lucia, St. Thomas, St. Vincent, Suriname, Tobago, Tortola, Trinidad, and Turks and Caicos.
  • Colonial Office records: confidential print, West Indies, 1787-1916. The records consist of twelve volumes of the confidential print relating to the West Indies, British Honduras and British Guiana. The confidential print is a collection of selected correspondence, memoranda and other documents printed for internal use in the Colonial Office or, in some cases, for circulation to the Cabinet. The records constitute Public Record Office group Colonial Office class 884.
  • Colonial State Papers "The Colonial State Papers offers access to over 7,000 hand-written documents and more than 40,000 bibliographic records with this incredible resource on Colonial History. In addition to Britain's colonial relations with the Americas and other European rivals for power, this collection also covers the Caribbean and Atlantic world. It is an invaluable resource for scholars of early American history, British colonial history, Caribbean history, maritime history, Atlantic trade, plantations, and slavery."
  • Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969 Documents relating the British Foreign Office's intimate involvement in the region's history. Covering revolutions, territorial changes and political movements, foreign financial interests, industrial and infrastructural development (including the building of the Panama Canal), wars, slavery, immigration from Europe and relations with indigenous peoples, amongst other topics, the documents in this title form a vital resource for any scholar of Latin American history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  • Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera (Princeton) The bulk of the materials currently found in the Digital Archive were originally created around the turn of the 20th century and after, with some originating as recently as within the last year. The formats or genre most commonly included are pamphlets, flyers, leaflets, brochures, posters, stickers, and postcards. These items were originally created by a wide array of social activists, non-governmental organizations, government agencies, political parties, public policy think tanks, and other types of organizations in order to publicize their views, positions, agendas, policies, events, and activities. The vast majority are rare, hard-to-find primary sources unavailable elsewhere.
  • Digital Collections. National Library of Jamaica
  • Digital Library of the Caribbean The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections.
  • Digital Library of Trinidad and Tobago
  • The Economist Historical Archive, 1843- Full-text database of every issue of The Economist. The Economist has presented timely reporting, concise commentary and comprehensive appraisal of global news every week. Because of its global perspective and economic and political analysis, it is highly regarded and heavily relied on by the world's political and business leaders, opinion formers and decision makers.
  • Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) Eighteenth Century Collections Online gives access the digital images of 150,000 books published in the British Isles during the 18th Century.
  • Empire Online Empire Online provides access to images of original documents with introductory essays and combined indexing to all five sections. Bringing together images of original manuscript and printed documents from libraries and archives around the world, Empire Online enables researchers to explore colonial history, politics, culture and society. Published in five thematic sections, Empire Online is fully searchable and offers thematic essays by leading scholars.
  • Foreign Relations Between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944 Organized by country, this collection covers a wide range of viewpoints on political, social, and economic issues. It sheds light on the foreign relations interactions between Central American and South American countries. In the Caribbean, Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic are represented. This collection includes cables, memoranda, correspondence, reports and analyzes, and treaties.
  • Foreign Relations Between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944 During the 1930s, U.S. relations with Latin America and the Caribbean Growing war clouds in Europe and Asia predicated the need for securing resources and allies in the Western Hemisphere. Giving up unpopular military intervention, the U.S. shifted to other methods to maintain its influence in Latin America: Pan-Americanism, support for strong local leaders, the training of national guards, economic and cultural penetration, Export-Import Bank loans, financial supervision, and political persuasion.
  • Guide to the Spanish-American War The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with the Spanish-American War, including manuscripts, maps, broadsides, photographs, prints, sheet music, and films. This guide compiles links to digital materials related to the Spanish-American War that are available throughout the Library of Congress Web site. In addition, it provides links to external Web sites focusing on the Spanish-American War.
  • Guía de fuentes sobre América Latina en España, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades .pdf file of primary sources for the study of Latin America in Spain.
  • Jamaica: Online Sources for Research in Arts, History & Culture
  • JFK and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963 Originally microfilmed as JFK and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963, this collection provides insights into President Kennedy’s views on foreign affairs, U.S. leadership of the "West," and various worldwide crises. There are more than just documents on the Bay of Pigs, Berlin, and Cuba. There are documents that highlight American efforts to support Third World countries, balance of payments and foreign trade, Alliance for Progress and relations with Latin America, nuclear weapons and testing, NATO and the Multilateral Force in Europe, Southeast Asia and regional security, foreign aid and military assistance, and the international space race.
  • Latin American History and Culture: An Archival Record, Series I: The Caribbean Collections Part of Yale University's extensive Latin America collection, these three microfilm reels deal specifically with the Caribbean from 1500 to 1935. The collection includes correspondence, legal documents, government documents, church records, and other source materials. Geographically, the collection focuses on Cuba, Jamaica, the Virgin Islands, and the Dominican Republic. The collection is predominantly in Spanish, but materials from Jamaica and the Virgin Islands are in English.
  • Latin American Poster Collection The collection consists of posters from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, regarding political, economic, cultural, and educational affairs.
  • Latin American Studies Rare uploaded documents re: Cuban and Cuban-American/Cuban exile history.
  • Latin American Travelogues (Brown U) A digital collection of Latin American travel accounts written in the 16th-17th centuries. Arranged by country or area.
  • Making of the Modern World Offers access to the theories, practices, and consequences of economic and business activity in the West, from the last half of the 15th century to the mid-19th century. It combines the strengths of two pre-eminent collections — the Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature at the University of London Library and the Kress Collection of Business and Economics at the Harvard Business School — along with supplementary materials from the Seligman Collection at Columbia.
  • Manuscritos de America en Colecciones Reales El Portal Manuscritos de América en las Colecciones Reales nace de la colaboración entre la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes y la Real Biblioteca de Patrimonio Nacional. Este proyecto se constituye con un doble objetivo: postularse, en primer lugar, como una nueva herramienta en la investigación de los fondos bibliográficos sobre América Latina que posee el Patrimonio Nacional (Real Biblioteca y Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de El Escorial); en segundo lugar, permitir el acceso a todo este corpus de una manera unificada, posibilitando así la reconstrucción virtual de la antigua colección de Manuscritos de América, con la incorporación al proyecto de los fondos de los Colegios Mayores Salmantinos, devueltos en 1954 a la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Salamanca.
  • NATO expert working group on Latin America (1970) Detailed report and related papers on the situation in Latin America. This covers policy implications, general assessment by experts, inter-American relations, IA-ECOSOC meetings, the new OAS Charter, the El Salvador-Honduras dispute, the Guyanese border problems, extra-Hemispheric relations, Western Europe and Japan, South Africa, communist penetration-"the Soviet diplomatic offensive". Regional problems, Agrarian reform, private investment, the changing role of the Church, arms modernization programs, territorial seas and fisheries. Specific country studies focus on Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Peru, Panama and the Canal.
  • Papers of the Nixon Administration: The President's Confidential and Subject Special Files, 1969-1974 This publication consists of documents of an administratively-sensitive nature, arranged according to subject from President Nixon’s Special Files collection, comprising the Confidential and Subject Files. These documents provide an in-depth look into the activities of the President, his closest advisors, and the administration. These records support the behind-the-scenes historical inquiry into an administration that may well be the most significant one since World War II and one of the most important in the 20th century.
  • PARES: Portal de Archivos Españoles A portal and database created by Spain's Ministerio de Cultura containing more than twenty million documents and digital images from the principal Spanish archives, including the Archivo de las Indias and Archive of the Spanish Civil War.
  • Rastafari ephemeral publications from the Written Rastafari Archives Project. Provides an historical time stamp and current affairs commentary on the transitional period in the Rastafari Movement's development--a period extending from the early 1970s through to the present.
  • Royal Geographical Society This database offers the digitized archives of the Royal Geographical Society covering the British Empire from approximately 1478-1953. The collection covers the history of geography, environmental history, exploration, colonization and decolonization, anthropology, law, climate science, gender studies, cartography, and environmental history. The content contains a range of primary sources, including manuscripts, correspondence, reports, conference papers, proceedings, maps, charts, atlases, photographs, surveys, data, and ephemera presented as digital images.
  • Sabin Americana, 1500-1926 This collection contains works about the Americas published throughout the world from 1500 to the early 1900s. Included are books, pamphlets, serials and other documents that provide original accounts of exploration, trade, colonialism, slavery and abolition, etc.
  • Slave Societies Digital Archive (Vanderbilt U) This is a digital archive of ecclesiastical sources for Africans and those of African descent in Cuba, Brazil and Spanish-controlled areas of the Caribbean, covering the early 16th century through the late 19th century.
  • Biblioteca Nacional Digital de Chile
  • Chile: Hispanic Division Country Guide (Library of Congress) Contains sections on digital collections and other archives on Chile at the Library of Congress
  • Chile and the United States: Declassified Documents relating to the Military Coup, 1970-1976 (National Security Archive) Created in collaboration with the National Security Archive
  • Chile: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1963
  • Chilean Protest Murals (Harvard) Many hundreds of protest murals were created in Chile during the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). The photographer Andrés Romero Spethman worked alongside muralist brigades representing political parties such as the Partido Socialista and the Izquierda Cristiana. Created in and around Santiago between 1983 and 1990, the murals document the spirit, force, and iconography of political protest during an important period of Chilean history.
  • Hemeroteca. Biblioteca Nacional Digital de Chile Newspaper and magazine archive
  • Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos: Biblioteca Digital (Chile) Texts, manuscripts, photos, objects, video and audio documenting human rights abuses in Pinochet's Chile.
  • Archivo virtual de Derechos Humanos y Memoria Histórica de Colombia El Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica, a través de la Dirección de Archivo de los Derechos Humanos, presenta esta herramienta que recoge, custodia y preserva el material entregado por personas naturales o jurídicas que documentan las graves violaciones a los Derechos Humanos y al Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el marco del conflicto armado en Colombia.
  • Biblioteca Digital. Bibliioteca Nacional de Colombia
  • Colombia and the United States: Political Violence, Narcotics, and Human Rights, 1948-2010
  • Colombia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
  • Hemeroteca Digital Histórica. Colombia Newspaper and magazine archive
  • Biblioteca Digital. Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas. Costa Rica
  • Archives of Christian Churches and Organizations in Cuba Three distinct archival collections: Archives of the Presbyterian Church in Cuba (Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Cuba, IPRC); Archive of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Cuba (Seminario Evangélico de Teología, Matanzas, Cuba, SETC); and Archive of the Christian Student Movement of Cuba (Movimiento de Estudiantes Cristianos de Cuba, MECC), an affiliate of the World Student Christian Federation.
  • Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record
  • Bibliography on Moderate Cuban Politics, (1952-1965) The Bibliography on Moderate Cuban Politics, 1952-1965 includes 271 annotated primary and secondary resources related to events, groups and individuals that advocated the return to democratic process. Searchable by Archive, Memoirs & Biographies, Microfilm, Newspapers, etc.
  • Biblioteca Nacional del Cuba José Martí - Bibliotecas digitales Brinda lo más auténtico de la literatura cubana. Su repertorio, disponible en texto completo, incluye obras desde el siglo XVII hasta el XX de difícil acceso al formato impreso por la antigüedad y valor que las caracteriza. Desde estas páginas el usuario puede acceder también a las variadas publicaciones electrónicas que nuestra institución ofrece, así como consultar nuestras bases de datos, catálogos, bibliografías, colecciones y listados disponibles de la Biblioteca Nacional "José Martí" y del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas de Cuba disponibles en la red.
  • Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920 Created from the renowned holdings of the Library Company of Philadelphia, Caribbean History and Culture, 1535-1920, is the largest and most significant collection of its kind. More than 1,200 fully cataloged and searchable books, pamphlets, almanacs, broadsides and ephemera cover the history of this broad region from the 16th century to the early 20th century.
  • Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library A cooperative digital library for newspapers resources from the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. CNDL provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean newspapers, gazettes, and other research materials on newsprint currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections. CNDL will have on-going newspaper digitization, expanding the geographic, temporal,
  • Castro Speech Data Base This database includes speeches, interviews, etc., by Fidel Castro from 1959 to 1996. "Castro Speech" is a database containing the full-text translations of speeches, interviews, and press conferences by Fidel Castro, based upon the records of the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), a U.S. government agency responsible for monitoring broadcast and print media in countries throughout the world. These records are in the public domain. All texts are in English.
  • Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, Central America, 1930-1945: Cuba, Part 1: 1930-1939 Contains significant source material on political, economic, and social conditions in Cuba during the years of the Great Depression. The collection examines government instability and power struggles, as well as the Sumner Welles mission of 1933 and related diplomatic issues, along with the first administration of Fulgencio Batista. The records in this collection were generated through the U.S. Department of State, and are housed now in the National Archive
  • Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, Central America, 1930-1945: Cuba, Part 2: 1940-1945
  • Cuban Heritage Collection Periodicals (U of Miami LIbraries) Selected issues of journals, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters about Cuba or published in Cuba before 1923. These periodicals are invaluable primary sources for research in cultural, political and social history.
  • Che Guevara Internet Archive (Marxist Internet Archive) Library, biography, images and speeches
  • Chinese Immigrants in Cuba (ASU) The Chinese Immigrants in Cuba collection includes hundreds of original documents, manuscripts and photos covering the migration of 125,000 Chinese who signed up to be cheap labor in Cuba from 1847 until the later 1890s. The archive continues until the 1970s and records the Chinese community in Cuba and is rich with photos. This massive collection, from the archive of James and Ana Melikian Collection, is probably the largest one in private hands concerning Chinese in Cuba. At present the collection contains over 1341 records and about 8,000-9,000 pages.
  • Cine Cubano Back issues of Cine Cubano, from its inaugural 1960 issue through 2019. Topics include film theory, approaches to film making, and film reviews.
  • Cuban 27N Movement Web Archive The Cuban 27N Movement Web Archive preserves and provides access to a broad range of websites related to the Cuban27 Movement initiated in November 2020 by protesters in Havana, Cuba, demanding freedom of expression and other civil rights. Built by Fernando Acosta-Rodríguez (Princeton University), Jill Baron (Dartmouth College), Holly Ackerman (Duke University), and Lizabel Mónica (Princeton University), the Archive focuses on websites produced by activists and supporters within and outside of Cuba, non-governmental organizations, Cuban alternative presses, and online periodicals on politics, art, and culture in order to guarantee that these potentially ephemeral websites are preserved and remain accessible to researchers and scholars from years to come.
  • Cuba and the U.S.: The Declassified History of Negotiations to Normalize Relations, 1959-2016
  • Cuban culture and cultural relations, 1959-. Part 1, "Casa y cultura". Primary-source collection of fully-searchable documents from the Casa de las Américas in Havana, documenting the culture and cultural relations of Revolutionary Cuba and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes such diverse materials as articles, newspaper clippings, cable messages, interviews, conference memorabilia, etcetera, collected from 1959 onward. Together they document the activities of the institution both in Cuba and beyond, bearing testimony to the conflicts and passions of a turbulent time. Conferences and controversies, manifestos and open letters combine to shed a light on a vibrant cultural history, which is now accessible for the first time from new and unexpected angles.
  • Cuban culture and cultural relations, 1959-. Part 2, "Writers" Primary-source collection from the archives of the Casa de las Américas in Havana documenting the literary, intellectual and cultural milieu of Revolutionary Cuba. This section includes artists and the international avant-garde as well as famous and little-known authors. A large portion of the collection consists of press clippings and ephemeral documentation.
  • Cuban culture and cultural relations, 1959-. Part 3, Theater Documents the literary, intellectual and cultural milieu of Revolutionary Cuba.This section documents the history of theater in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a special focus on Revolutionary Cuba. In addition, there are files about countries on other continents, such as the Soviet Union, the United States (with a focus on Latino and Chicano theater), and various countries in Europe and Africa.The collection covers theater groups, festivals, performances, and persons (actors, playwrights, directors).
  • Cuban culture and cultural relations, 1959- Part 4, Music Deals with a wide range of themes: musical personalities (performers, composers, directors, groups), festivals and events, musical genres, conferences, etc. The folders are organized by country;
  • Cuban Ephemera Collection (UCLA) Contains materials from partner organizations Instituto de Historia de Cuba and Cinemateca de Cuba as well as collections about Cuba held by UCLA Library. Materials include historical newspapers, Cuban designed movie posters, and tourism related ephemera.
  • Cuban Heritage Collection (U of Miami) The Cuban Heritage Collection is a repository for primary and secondary sources of Cuba and the Cuban diaspora from colonial times to the present.
  • Cuban Heritage Collection, U of Miami, Digital Collections Selected archival and manuscript materials, books, and periodicals held by the Cuban Heritage Collection have been digitized and are available online through the University of Miami Libraries Digital Collections portal.
  • Cuban Historical & literary Manuscript Collection (U of Miami Libraries) Collection of Cuban manuscripts from the 17th to the 20th centuries. Acquired as individual pieces or in small groups, manuscripts in this collection include books, slave sales and property documents, wills, and correspondence.
  • Cuban Judaica (dLOC) The Cuban Judaica collection comprises materials held in the library of the Temple Beth Shalom (Gran Sinagoga Bet Shalom) in Havana, Cuba. The synagogue library contains over 10,000 books, which were first gathered and arranged by Abraham Marcus Matterin, the founder of the cultural group, La Agrupacion Cultural Hebreo Cubana. In addition to Matterin’s own works, the materials in the library include many rare Yiddish publications from the early 20th century, as well as little-known works produced in Cuba beginning in the 1930s. The Library as a whole provides a complete snapshot of Cuban Jewish intellectual, cultural, religious and political life as it evolved and progressed during the 20th century.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962
  • Cuban Missile Crisis: 50th Anniversary Update
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Revisted: An International Collection, From Bay of Pigs to Nuclear Brink
  • Cuban Periodicals : cultural magazines published by Casa de las Américas, 1960-2009 Gives access to the archives (1960-2009) of four cultural magazines published by Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba. It includes the highly influential journal Casa, the theater journal Conjunto, the music journal Boletín de Música, and, finally, Anales del Caribe, a journal about the rich artistic and literary production in the Caribbean
  • Cuban Pre-Revolutionary Cinema Primary-source collection documents on the history and development of Cuban cinema from the Silent Era to the Revolution (1953-1959). The documents include unpublished photographs, newspaper clippings, lobby cards, yearbooks, and a complete run of the weekly magazine Cinema (1935-1965) and select issues of Cuba cinematográfica (1916-1917) scanned at the Cinemateca de Cuba in Havana, Cuba.
  • Cuban Poster Collection (U of California) A collection of Cuban posters built through a cooperative agreement between the University of California, Berkeley and the José Martí National Library of Cuba. The predominant subjects are Cuban culture and international solidarity.
  • Discursos e intervenciones de Fidel Castro Speeches by Castro from 1959 until 2008. Older speeches are in Spanish only.
  • Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958 Digital archive of the Stone collection - 19th and 20th century archival documents. Dataset also available.
  • Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961-1963 Volume X: Cuba, January 1961-September 1962 (Dept. of State) "The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity of the United States Government. The series documents the facts and events that contributed to the formulation of policies and includes evidence of supporting and alternative views to the policy positions ultimately adopted." 443 documents and memoranda.
  • Havana Photo Archive Project Digital archive containing over 8,000 images of the 1,055 most significant buildings in the Historic Center of Havana, Cuba, known as Habana Vieja. Taken in the 1980s.
  • Louis J. Boeri and Minín Bujones Boeri Collection of Cuban-American Radionovelas, 1963-1970 (Tulane U) America's Productions, Inc. (API), formed a radio programming empire, selling their products to the United States government, to 200 radio stations in Latin America and Spain, and to Spanish-language radio stations in the United States during the latter half of the 1960s. With scripts penned by acclaimed Cuban scriptwriters in exile and Mexican writers as well, America’s Productions, Inc. produced two types of entertainment radio programming: one kind featuring political content, and a second kind, generally characterized as ‘pure entertainment.’ The entertainment programming was designed for both U.S. Latino and Latin American audiences and the content included radionovelas/dramas, comedies, advice programs, biblical dramas, mysteries, spy stories, and variety shows.
  • Mafia in Florida and Cuba: FBI Surveillance of Meyer Lansky and Santo Friafficantes, Jr.
  • Revolución y cultura, 1967-2009 Resource for the study of more than half a century of Cuban culture ... Some of Cuba's most notable intellectuals have been among the journal's editors and contributors, including several National Award winners, such as Lisandro Otero, Reynaldo González, Graziella Pogolotti, Ambrosio Fornet, Antón Arrufat, Leonardo Acosta, Jaime Sarusky, Leonardo Padura, and Senel Paz. As an illustrated cultural magazine with a wide thematic range, which for decades has attracted the best writers, photographers, designers and illustrators in the country, Revolución y Cultura offers the most outstanding contributions in literature and the arts by both Cubans and foreigners
  • Presbyterian Church of Cuba Archives The Archives of the Presbyterian Church of Cuba presents the records of the Iglesia Presbiteriana-Reformada en Cuba (IPRC) and predecessor Presbyterian churches and missions in Cuba, covering a total of 13 different congregations from the early 1900s through the 2010s. The collection spans a rich array of material, such as session minutes, membership, baptism, marriage and death records, photos, and minutes of men’s, women’s and youth groups. It also contains a complete run of the IPRC church’s newsletter Heraldo Cristiano (1919 – 2010), as well as the periodicals Juprecu and Su Voz, early mission records originally maintained in English and then Spanish as the Cuban congregations took over management of their churches and schools.
  • Ramiro Fernandez Photo Collection 126 photos of places in Cuba (ca. 1858 through the early 1960s).
  • Sandy Lilydahl Venceremos Brigade Photograph Collection, UMass-Amherst Libraries Digitized photos from American solidarity delegation traveling to Cuba in 1970.
  • U.S. and Castro's Cuba, 1950-1970: The Paterson Collection Declassified records that comprise this collection provide a detailed account of the diplomatic, economic, military, and cultural relationship between the United States and Cuba in the era of Fidel Castro (1926-2016). Included are extensive official records gathered from presidential libraries, government archives, the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of State (DOS).
  • Crisis in the Dominican Republic: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Files, February 1963-1966
  • We Choose Freedom: Samaná, Dominican Republic (CUNY) Digital archives that recovers, preserves and makes available treasured records of the past. It contains a collection of rare and delicate archival documents pertaining to African Americans that arrived in 1824 from different ports along the Eastern United States to Samaná, Dominican Republic. The documents include books of baptisms, marriage certificates, as well as notes of church meetings, collective decisions and other random papers from Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal and St. Peter's Evangelical Churches in Samaná that document the lives of this Afro diasporic community ranging from 1909-1970.
  • Ecuador: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
  • Archivo Histórico (CIRMA) 164 digital collections: newspapers, government and NGO publications, private collections, etc. Covers ALL subjects. Collections date from XVI century to the present.
  • Civil War, Society and Political Transition in Guatemala : the Guatemala News and Information Bureau Archive (1963-2000) The Guatemala News and Information Bureau (GNIB) was an activist and solidarity group based in San Francisco, California, created in 1978 to support and inform the public about Guatemalan movements for peace and justice, indigenous rights, and labor rights. To support its activities, the GNIB systematically collected a wide variety of materials documenting all aspects related to the civil war in that country, including human rights abuses and the social and political responses to state sponsored violence. Also documented were the negotiations and the implementation of the Peace Accords signed in the mid 1990s. The result was an unparalleled archive of gray literature (published and unpublished documents, pronouncements, action alerts, press releases, flyers, newsclippings, correspondence, and other types of ephemeral material), serials, and policy reports representing the actions and views of activist groups, government officers and politicians, journalists, international solidarity groups, as well as revolutionary organizations.
  • Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Ops, and Genocide: Guatemala and the United States, 1954-1999
  • Digital Archive of the Guatemalan National Police Historical Archive University of Texas) Digitized documents from the Guatemalan National Police Historical Archive (AHPN) that aim to facilitate scholarly and legal research into a vast cache of historical documentation. The discovery of the National Police Historical Archive in 2005 opened an extensive and timely resource for the study of Guatemalan history and human rights in the region, spanning a broad array of topics from Guatemala's armed conflict between 1960 and 1996 to the sexually transmitted disease experiments performed at the behest of the United States government in the 1940s. The Archive is presented online here for the first time.
  • Fototeca Guatemala (CIRMA) La Fototeca Guatemala, creada en 1979, al principio inspirada por el trabajo de Mitchell Denburg, representa el esfuerzo más significativo para rescatar la memoria visual de Guatemala. Sus colecciones retratan los diferentes grupos étnicos, sociales y políticos desde 1850 hasta el presente y proveen un rico registro de la evolución histórica del país. Además, plasman las tradiciones culturales, la vida cotidiana, el arte, la arquitectura, los hechos políticos y los desastres naturales de los últimos ciento cincuenta años. Hoy en día cuenta con 205 colecciones que suman más de un millón de fotografías en formatos que van desde daguerrotipos y negativos en placas de vidrio hasta imágenes digitales. El enfoque principal de la Fototeca Guatemala consiste en resguardar, sistematizar, organizar, digitalizar y poner a disposición del público los contenidos de las colecciones, así como difundir las buenas prácticas de conservación y manejo de colecciones fotográficas a todos los guatemaltecos.
  • Guatemala collection : government and Church documents for Sacatepéquez (1587-1991) The Guatemala collection ... for Sacatepéquez spans over 400 years, from 1587-1991, but concentrates on the national era, particularly 1824-1948. Sacatepéquez is predominantly populated by indígenas (indigenous peoples), providing a window into Latin American and Native American history. The primary documents include: correspondence, annual reports, statistics, letters, and litigation which are chiefly organized by place, theme, and chronology. Includes commentaries.
  • Guatemala: Nunca Más - Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica (REMHI). Analiza varios miles de testimonios sobre violaciones de los derechos humanos ocurridas durante el conflicto armado interno.
  • Informe del Proyecto Interdiocesano de Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica. Guatemala Nunca Más El Informe "Guatemala: Nunca Más" o Informe de la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica (Informe REMHI) es el informe elaborado en el marco del Proyecto Interdiocesano de Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica sobre las graves violaciones de Derechos Humanos cometidas en Guatemala.
  • USC Shoah Foundation Use search engine to search for "Guatemala". Various documents and reports concerning human rights violations.
  • Archives nationales d'outre-mer A digitized archive of materials for French overseas territories. Researchers will also find information on some Caribbean territories including Haiti, Saint Lucia and French Guiana.
  • Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789 (U of Maryland) The website is designed to provide online access to both the French originals and the English translations of key primary sources dealing with the grain shortage faced by the colony of Saint-Domingue in 1789, which are found under the Translations menu. Alongside the French original, each translation is presented with a brief historical introduction to situate the reader in the time period and help understand how this particular pamphlet fits into the episode. Each document has been reviewed by one of the scholars on our Board of Advisors. These pamphlets are primarily drawn from the University of Maryland’s Special Collections, although related items available at other institutions have been included as well. Please see our Worldcat list if you are interested in the physical items.
  • Revolution in Honduras and American Business: The Quintessential "Banana Republic" This collection details both the political and financial machinations of the fruit companies, but also the graft and corruption of the national government, the American banking community’s loans, the U.S. government’s response and the various aborted popular/revolutionary uprisings. The largest single group of records relates to Honduran political affairs; pertaining chiefly to the turbulent political situation and almost continuous revolutionary activity in Honduras. Another large group of records relates to financial affairs and concerns such as the proposed adjustment of the Honduran debt by the United States, loan negotiations and agreements between the Republic of Honduras and the J. P. Morgan Co. and other banking groups in the U.S., re-funding of the internal debt of Honduras, settlement of Honduras’ foreign debt, and loans to the Government of Honduras by various fruit companies.
  • Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, Central America, 1930-1945: Honduras
  • AméricaLee: el portal de revistas latinoamericanas del Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas (CeDInCI)
  • Archives of Latin American and Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century Coverage extends from the 15th to 20th century, providing information about the indigenous peoples of the region, the Conquest (la Conquista), colonial rule, religion, struggles for independence, and political, economic, and social progress and issues in newly independent nations. The archive is made up of more than 1.3 million pages of historical material across 33 archival collections from the United States and Europe. The historical collections provide original manuscripts, signed letters, expedition records, reports, maps, diaries, descriptions of voyages, ephemera,
  • The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record The approximately 1,235 images in this collection have been selected from a wide range of sources, most of them dating from the period of slavery. This collection is envisioned as a tool and a resource that can be used by teachers, researchers, students, and the general public - in brief, anyone interested in the experiences of Africans who were enslaved and transported to the Americas and the lives of their descendants in the slave societies of the New World.
  • Avalon Project (Yale Law School) digital documents relevant to the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government for a variety of countries.
  • Biblioteca Digital del Patrimonio Iberoamericano BDPI is a project of the Asociación de Bibliotecas Nacionales de Iberoamérica (ABINIA). Its objective is the creation of a portal which provides access, from a single search point, to the digital resources of all the participating libraries. Highlighted digital collections in geography and travel, periodicals, music, and tales and legends.
  • Biblioteca Digital Hispánica (BNE) Biblioteca Nacional de España Digital archives on Latin America at the National Library of Spain. Contains manuscripts, maps, photographs, drawings, etc.
  • Cuban culture and cultural relations, 1959- Part 4, Music Music from Latin America. Deals with a wide range of themes: musical personalities (performers, composers, directors, groups), festivals and events, musical genres, conferences, etc. The folders are organized by country;
  • Early Images of Latin America "Early Images of Latin America" provides over 1,800 images from the Latin American Library’s Image Archive documenting people, places, landscapes, urban and rural scenes in various countries of the region from the mid-19th century to c. 1910. Images come from an array of sources, such as promotional albums compiled as travel souvenirs for tourists, studio portraits, personal photographic albums, glass lantern slides and stereoscopic images, as well as images captured by professional and amateur photographers. The geographic scope of the collection includes Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay, with particular focus on the cities of Buenos Aires, Havana, Lima, Mexico City, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, San José de Costa Rica, and Tegucigalpa.
  • Evangelism in Latin America : correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1854-1911 The American Presbyterian Church was committed at its inception to the belief that it is a missionary church and that every member is a missionary. The establishment in 1837 of the Presbyterian Church's Board of Foreign Missions signaled the beginning of a worldwide missionary operation destined to embrace some fifteen countries in four different continents. The records offered here provide invaluable information on social conditions in Latin America and on efforts to spread the gospel during the nineteenth century. Documenting the church's educational, evangelical, and medical work, these are records mainly of incoming correspondence from the mission field and outgoing correspondence from the Board headquarters.
  • Frontier life: borderlands, settlement & colonial encounters Primary source documents the experience on the edges of the anglophone world from 1650-1920. Mexican-American border region and some Central American material, specifically Belize.
  • Hemeroteca. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Newspaper and magazine archive
  • Hemeroteca Digital. Biblioteca Nacional de España Newspaper and magazine archive
  • History of Religiosity in Latin America Online, c. 1830-1970 The imprints of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that reflect local devotions and syncretist rituals, religious iconography and poetry, and the pastoral campaigns of the various churches and sects. Reproduces selections from the library of the Centro Intercultural de Documentación CIDOC (now part of the Biblioteca Cosío Villegas at the Colegio de México).
  • JFK and Foreign Affairs and Internatioanl Crises, 1961-1963 Originally microfilmed as JFK and Foreign Affairs, 1961-1963, this collection provides insights into President Kennedy’s views on foreign affairs, U.S. leadership of the "West," and various worldwide crises. There are more than just documents on the Bay of Pigs, Berlin, and Cuba. There are documents that highlight American efforts to support Third World countries, balance of payments and foreign trade, Alliance for Progress and relations with Latin America, nuclear weapons and testing, NATO and the Multilateral Force in Europe, Southeast Asia and regional security, foreign aid and military assistance, and the international space race.
  • Latin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals Online This collection contains the periodicals that have been accumulated by the Austrian anarchist, historian and collector Max Nettlau (1865-1944), together with a number of later additions, held at the International Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. The collection provides documentation pertaining explicitly to the formative anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist episode (1890-1920) in the history of Latin American labor movements.
  • Latin American Government Archives A project of the U. of Texas that includes selected documents from the Presidents and ministries of 18 Latin American Countries.
  • Latin American Studies Rare uploaded historical documents from most Latin American countries from all time periods.
  • Latin American Travelogues (Brown U) A digital collection of Latin American travel accounts written in the 16th-19th centuries. Arranged by country or area.
  • Primeros Libros de Las Américas Impresos americanos del siglo XVI en las Bibliotecas del Mundo
  • USC Shoah Foundation Use search engine to search for "country name". Various documents and reports concerning human rights violations.
  • World Digital Library Library of Congress and UNESCO offers cultural treasures and significant historical documents including books, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, journals, prints and photographs, sound recordings, and films
  • Arte Publico - Series 1 Series 1 presents a digital collection of historical content pertaining to Hispanic history, literature, political commentary, and culture in the United States. This collection conveys the creative life of U.S. Latinos and Hispanics – shedding new light on the intellectual vigor and traditional values that have characterized them from the earliest moments of this country’s history through contemporary times. The Latino-Hispanic American Experience offers a unique approach, focusing exclusively on the Latino-Hispanic history in the U.S.
  • Arte Publico - Series 2 Series 2 presents thematic content focusing on the evolution of Hispanic civil rights, religious thought, and the growing presence of women writers from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Rare and relevant books and newspapers – including rare anarchist newspapers – are presented in their original form. Extensive manuscript collections of both organizations and individuals are included for viewing, and are indexed for ease of search and maximum discovery. This collection offers a unique approach by focusing exclusively on the Latino-Hispanic history of the United States.
  • Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration In 1979, the Carter Administration created the White House Office of Hispanic Affairs in order to address issues of critical importance to the Latino community. Major topics covered in this collection include inflation, bilingual education, police brutality, political unrest in Latin America, Haitian refugees, and immigration (legal and otherwise), Puerto Rican self-determination, and the U.S. Navy’s use of Vieques Island. Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration also documents some of the most important Latino organizations of the time, including LULAC, TELACU, La Raza, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the American G.I. Forum.
  • Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records, Central America, 1930-1945: El Salvador
  • El Salvador: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1977-1984
  • El Salvador: War, Peace and Human Rights, 1980-1994
  • El Salvador Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Documents This collection contains documents that were released by United States government federal agencies to the University of Washington Center for Human Rights (UWCHR) as a result of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.This collection includes documents from various federal agencies including the U.S. Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • FBI File on the American churchwomen killed in El Salvador, December 2, 1980 The file consists of information on the 1980 murder of four churchwomen in El Salvador and the subsequent investigations and meetings. There are meeting minutes, notes, newspaper clippings, memos and legal documents. Also available on microfilm - check ORBIS for call number.
  • Bexar archives : colonial archives of Texas during the Spanish and Mexican periods, 1717-1836 From 1717 through 1836 the governments of Spain and Mexico collected in San Antonio de Bexar (when that city was the capital of Texas under Spanish and Mexican rule) an amazing series of official documents detailing the military, civilian, and political life of the Spanish province of Texas and the Mexican state of Coahuila y Texas. These records, which have become known as the Bexar Archives, constitute the most complete and detailed primary source in existence for the study of colonial Texas.The Mexican revolution of 1810, with its counterpart in Texas the following year, is vividly recorded, as are the Gutierrez-Magee invasion of 1812-1813, the battle of Medina in 1813, the Champ D'Asile incident in 1818, Dr. Long's expedition in 1819, the coming of Moses Austin in 1820, the Mexican independent regime in 1821, the Fredonian Rebellion in Nacogdoches in 1827, and, finally, the independence of Texas in 1836. In addition to covering the high points of Texas history, the Bexar Archives also document virtually all aspects of life in Spanish and Mexican Texas.
  • Biblioteca Nacional Digital de México Digital collections from the UNAM and Biblioteca Nacional including Archivo Franciscano, Revistas literarias del siglo XIX, Españoles en México en el sigo XIX, and Independencia y revolución
  • Classic Mexican Cinema Classic Mexican Cinema Online contains a collection of popular movie periodicals from the archives of Filmoteca de la UNAM in Mexico City.
  • Colección Revolución, 1910-1921 This collection was collected and collated by members of the Committee on Historical Research of the Mexican Revolution, under the direction of Isidro Fabela in 1958, in preparation for the publication of historical documents on the Mexican Revolution. This collection reproduces documents from various archives, under the protection of the Archivo General de la Nación, and is divided into the following documentary series: (1) The Flores Brothers revolutionary activities MAGO: movement Comun in the Baja California region; (2) Revolution and regime Madero: correspondence, reports and military activities, reports on the political situation in some States; (3) Emiliano Zapata, the Plan of Ayala and his agrarian policy: land deals, reports of troops and mail operations; (4) Revolution and regime Constitutionalist: circulars, laws, decrees and manifestos; and, (5) Sovereign revolutionary Convention: together prior to the sessions and sessions held 1914-1915.
  • Colonial Mexico Photographs and images that illustrate Mexican fine art and architecture dating from the colonial period (1521-1821).
  • Cuartel General Del Sur, 1910-1925 The collection contains correspondence addressed to Emiliano Zapata; combat reports; relations with troop commanders and officers; promotion and appointment requests; allegations of abuses committed by military personnel; applications for food, uniforms and ammunition; letters and telegrams on the transfer of prisoners. Document types include: transcripts, journals, laws and draft laws on land, drafts of circulars and manifestos by General Emiliano Zapata; and documents relating to the signing and ratification of the Plan de Ayala organizations.
  • Emiliano Zapata, 1901-1919 This collection comprises documentation related to the activities of Emiliano Zapata and the Liberation Army of the South. It consists mainly of correspondence exchanged between the headquarters and the camps and regional commands. Documents include requests for economic aid; guarantees to people for jobs and food; complaints of abuses; reports, promotions, and notifications to the troops and brigades, as well as information on pay. The documentation also includes acts or proceedings on revolutionary and civil trials; correspondence with municipal or State authorities in connection with problems of land, water, control of finance, trade, etc.; and, information concerning the revolutionary Convention sovereign.
  • Hemeroteca Nacional Digital de México (UNAM) Newspaper and magazine archive
  • Independent & Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers The Independent and Revolutionary Mexican Newspapers collection traces the evolution of Mexico during this pivotal period... The newspapers in this collection provide rare documentation of the dramatic events of this era and include coverage of Mexican partisan politics, yellow press, political and social satire, as well as local, regional, national and international news. While holdings of many of the newspapers in this collection are available only in very short runs, the titles are often unique and, in many cases, represent the only existing record of a newspaper's short-lived publication."
  • Legislación Mexicana La colección completa contiene 16,890 disposiciones numeradas, ordenadas cronológicamente, cuya cobertura va de 1687 a 1902. Dedica tres de sus volúmenes a Códigos, Ordenanzas y Reglamentos del Ejército y Armada de la República Mexicana. Representa junto con la Recopilación de leyes, decretos, bandos, reglamentos, circulares y providencias de los supremos poderes y otras autoridades de la República Mexicana compilada por Basilio José Arrillaga, y el archivo mexicano; colección de leyes, decretos, circulares y otros documentos; uno de los esfuerzos más fecundos por compendiar la legislación mexicana del siglo XIX.
  • Mesoamerican Painted Manuscripts at the Latin American Library (Tulane U) The digital collection, Mesoamerican Painted Manuscripts at the Latin American Library, presents images of the Library’s holdings of original and rare copies of Mexican manuscripts painted in the native pictorial tradition. They are painted on a variety of materials such as animal hide, maguey, amate or fig bark paper, linen, and European paper; their content dates to the early contact period (A.D. 1500 to 1700). The texts collected here represent a variety of themes: Aztec history and migrations, land claims and grants, property holdings, census data, fiscal and tribute accounts, and royal Mixtec genealogies.
  • Mexican Incunabula (1559-1600) at the Latin American Library (Tulane U) he first printing press in the New World is established in Mexico City in 1539. Because printing was conceived by the Spaniards as a tool for missionaries in the Christianization of Indian populations, these early imprints consisted primarily of grammars and vocabularies of native Indian languages, as well as instructional religious tracts. Mexican Incunabula at the Latin American Library (1559-1600) provides digital copies in pdf format of some of the earliest products of Mexican printing presses (1539-1600). In addition to making available some of the earliest imprints produced in the New World, this collection provides important and rare sources for the study of the first phases of the Spanish enterprise in the New World, as well as initial forms of encounter between Native Americans and Europeans. These works also provide valuable insights into native languages and cultures during the first decades of contact
  • Mexican Intelligence Digital Archives (MIDAS) MIDAS, the Mexican Intelligence Digital Archives (los Archivos del Autoritarismo Mexicano), is a public access digital archive of historical documents from Mexican intelligence agencies. The collection is drawn from Mexico’s two principal security services, the Dirección Federal de Seguridad (DFS) and the Dirección General de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociales (DGIPS) and covers the period c.1940 to c.1985.
  • Mexico-United States Counternarcotics Policy, 1969-2013 Created in collaboration with the National Security Archive
  • Mexico: Hispanic Division Country Guides (Library of Congress) Contains links to digital collections and other archives on Mexico at the Library of Congress
  • Pepines - Catálogo de Historietas de la Hemeroteca Nacional de México El acervo público más importante de historieta mexicana. Contiene más de siete mil volúmenes encuadernados y otro tanto de revistas sin empastar. Busqueda por género.
  • Revolution in Mexico, the 1917 Constitution, and its Aftermath: Records of the U.S. State Department This collection of U.S. State Department records consists of political and military documents relating to the Mexican Revolution and its aftermath -1910-1924. These unique and insightful records provide an unprecedented look at the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910 and continued sporadically until the new Constitution was adopted in 1917, through to and including the election of Calles.
  • Revolution in Mexico, the 1917 Constitution, and its aftermath dataset : records of the U.S. State Department
  • Tlatelolco Massacre: U.S. Documents on Mexico and the Events of 1968 Article and U.S. documents related to the massacre from the National Security Archive
  • Writings on the Mexican Revolution (Ricardo Flores Magón) Includes "México en la prensa libertaria internacional"
  • Iran-Contra Affair: The Making of a Scandal, 1983-1988
  • Nicaragua: Political Instability and U.S. Intervention, 1910-1933 The United States kept a contingent force in Nicaragua almost continually from 1912 until 1933. Although reduced to 100 in 1913, the contingent served as a reminder of the willingness of the United States to use force and its desire to keep conservative governments in power. This collection provides documentation on the almost continual political instability in Nicaragua.
  • Nicaragua dataset : political instability and U.S. intervention, 1910-1933
  • Nicaragua: Records of the U.S. Dept. of States, 1960-1963 The documents in this archive trace development primarily during the administration of President John F. Kennedy. Reports on commerce abound, including memoranda from the embassy in Managua on total sugar production estimates that may enter the United States. Memoranda on social welfare include a survey of government-sponsored social welfare organizations as well as details on the National Social Assistance Lottery and the National Committee for the Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign. From the embassy at San José (Costa Rica) various items are included, such as: “Central America Common Market Meetings Completed”; “Pure Oil Company Not ‘In’ Oil Refinery Deal”; and “Tripartite Treaty of Commerce” [between Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua] “Goes into Effect” (August 1962).
  • Nicaragua: The Making of U.S. Policy, 1978-1990
  • Sandino Rebellion: Nicaragua 1927-1934 Website houses and integrates more than 4,850 archival documents on the rebellion, comprising around 12,000 pages of hard-copy text & images, with a good portion of the text transcribed and fully searchable. Includes photographs.
  • Biblioteca Digital. Biblioteca Nacional del Paraguay
  • Biblioteca Digital Panameña
  • Panama: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1950-1963
  • Panama and the Canal (University of Florida Digital Collections)
  • U.S. Relations with Panama and Operation Just Cause In December 1989, following attacks on members of the U.S. armed forces stationed in Panama, the United States struck back in Operation Just Cause to restore democratic institutions in Panama and arrest Panamanian President Manuel Noriega for his role in international drug smuggling. The brief military operation proved successful, and Noriega, after first alluding capture and taking refuge in the Papal Nuncio's residence, surrendered to U.S. authorities. He was transported back to the United States, stood trial on numerous drug-related charges, and was convicted and sentenced to prison. This collection includes letters, memoranda, reports, papers, cables, and notes related to all aspects of our relations with Panama.
  • Biblioteca Digital (U Nacional Mayor de San Marcos)
  • Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Digital
  • Colección Documental sobre la violencia política en el Perú (Princeton & UNMSM) Comprende una vasta colección documental que abarca desde folletería política, volantes, recortes periodísticos, informes de organizaciones políticas, publicaciones periódicas, notas y documentación personal, libros y literatura de la época. 1980-1993
  • Peru: Human Rights, Drugs and Democracy, 1980-2000
  • Peru: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
  • Publicaciones Periódicas Peruanas (1721-2019) La presente colección recopila más de 500 publicaciones periódicas peruanas con ejemplares digitalizados, tanto de Lima, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cuzco, Huancavelica, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Tacna y otras regiones del país, desde 1767 hasta el 2007, además de guías, catálogos y otras herramientas de apoyo.
  • Archivo Digital Nacional de Puerto Rico
  • Biblioteca Digital Puertorriqueña. Universidad de Puerto Rico
  • Biblioteca Virtual de Puerto Rico
  • Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños (Hunter College) A growing source of archives from the Center. Includes photographs, documents, artifacts, art, maps, oral histories, moving image and audio clips, and other material pertaining to the Puerto Rican diaspora.
  • Colección de Puertorriqueña ( U de Puerto Rico) A broad collection consisting of books, magazines, maps, photos, drawings, etc.
  • Colecciones Digitales (UPR)
  • FBI Files on Puerto Ricans This website is an educational project of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies. It contains formerly secret files produced by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from the 1930s to the 1990s. The files document FBI surveillance activities and counter-intelligence operations that targeted Puerto Rican organizations and individuals
  • Federal Surveillance of the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño This collection highlights the FBI's efforts to disrupt the activities of the largest of the Puerto Rican independence parties, Partido Independentista Puertorriqueǫ, and compromise their effectiveness. In addition, these documents provide an insightful documentary history and analysis of why independence was the second-largest political movement in the island, (after support for commonwealth status), and a real alternative. These documents provide invaluable additions to the recorded history of Puerto Rico.
  • Historical Puerto Rican Court Documents (UCONN) Included are approx. 5000 documents dated between 1840s to the 1890s, many of which are from the Arecibo civil (corte de primera instancia) court districts, covering the full range of cases that might have been brought to civil courts in those times mainly disputes over economic holdings such as land disputes, sale of slaves, and similar materials. The collection includes court cases from the towns of Arecibo, Barceloneta, Camuy, Ciales, Hatillo, Manati, Morovis, Quebradillas, and Utuado.
  • El Mundo (1919-1990) Founded in 1919, El Mundo (The World) was a respected, conservative newspaper from Puerto Rico and was widely considered a key source for news until it ceased in 1990. The paper strived to live up to its slogan “Verdad y Justicia” (Truth and Justice). Key topics covered by the newspaper include industrialization of Puerto Rican society, the Great Depression, territorial relations with the United States including citizenship and activities of independence movements such as the Macheteros and FALN, the rise of the Popular Democratic Party, the Ponce massacre, the Ley de la Mordaza (Gag Law) and more.
  • Colecciones Digitales. Biblioteca Nacional del Uruguay
  • Publicaciones Periódicas del Uruguay Newspaper and magazine archive
  • Venezuela: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963

Digital National Security Archives

  • Digital National Security Archive Created in collaboration with the National Security Archive, this database is the most comprehensive collection available of significant primary documents central to U.S.foreign and military policy since 1945. Contains the following collections:
  • Chile and the United States: U.S. Policy Toward Democracy, Dictatorship, and Human RIghts, 1970-1990
  • Mexico-United States Counternarcotics Policy, 1969-2013
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Topic Guides

Latin american studies.

The references below suggest some of the strengths of CRL's holdings. Many of the links point to more detailed descriptions in the CRL catalog, others to digital versions of the content or digitized finding aids for microfilm. Among CRL's most important and unique holdings are extensive runs of several hundred newspapers published in Latin America and the Caribbean, dating from the colonial period to the present.

Collecting in this area continues through the CRL  purchase programs  and the LAMP area materials program .

The NACLA Archive of Latin Americana contains "ephemera and serials relating to socioeconomic and political conditions in Latin America from the 1960s through the 1980s." It contains "primary sources such as serials, reports, fliers, pamphlets, posters, manuscripts, and correspondence." The publications generally provide a left-wing ideological perspective covering progressive and human rights issues, but also includes documentation of the political right, the military governments, and the Church. See also separate entries by title.

[ Text from publisher's brochure ]

This collection of pamphlets, serials, broadsides, fliers, and posters covers a broad range of countries and topics. It includes government reports, conference or working papers, research center working papers, literary magazines and journals, political campaign documents, election results, statistical studies, legal documents, newspapers, speeches, publications of human rights organizations, labor union tracts, and mission statements of religious groups.

The archive is organized by country with ten major topical groups: Politics; Government; Socioeconomic Conditions;  Agiculture; Constitutions, laws, and codes; Human and civil rights; Racial groups; Women and gender issues; Culture; and Church and religion. 

Countries best represented are Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Cuba. Most of the titles have been individually cataloged.

Central And South America

"The Archivo General de Centroamérica (Central American Archives) 1544-1821, in Guatemala, is the most comprehensive collection found anywhere in the world of historical records spanning the period of Spanish rule in the Americas. The holdings of the Archivo include myriad types of documents covering a host of cultural, legislative, judicial, fiscal, economic, religious, military, agricultural and commercial matters pertaining to the Kingdom of Guatemala, an area which, from the time of the Conquest in 1544 through 1821, embraced modern-day Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Mexican State of Chiapas."-- Publisher's website

CRL owns the complete set of microfilm, covering the following areas: 

  • Guatemala , Superior Gobierno (central government) [reels 1A-1537A]
  • Guatemala, economic [reels 1537A-1853A]
  • Guatemala, economic, judicial & military [reels 1C-150C]
  • Guatemala, Real Hacienda (treasury) [reels 1854A-2532A]
  • Yucatan [reels 1B-3B]
  • Chiapas [reels 3B-199B]
  • El Salvador [reels 200B-577B]
  • Honduras [reels 577B-878B]
  • Nicaragua [reels 878B-1173B, 1175B-1187B, 1189B-1212B]
  • Costa Rica [reels 1212B-1241B]

This reprint set includes a selection of 19th century papers and reports dealing with Central and South America. Committee reports and Command papers are included as well as House of Lords committee reports that were communicated to the House of Commons.

Government Publications - U.S.

CRL owns the following sets from this series:

  • Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records. Central America. El Salvador, 1930-1945 [ Catalog Record ]
  • Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records. Central America. Nicaragua, 1930-1945 [ Catalog Record ]
  • Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, 1955-1959  [ Catalog Record ]
  • Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, February 1963-1966. Part 1, Political, governmental, and national defense affairs [ Catalog Record ]

Diplomatic dispatches addressed to the Department of State by United States diplomatic representatives to Mexico. Part of the records in the National Archives designated as Record Group 59, "General records of the Dept. of State."

CRL holds numerous sets from the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). The following list highlights some of the collections that may be found in CRL's catalog:

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of:

  • Argentina , 1910-1939
  • Bolivia , 1910-1929
  • Brazil , 1910-1949, 1955-1959
  • Chile , 1910-1929
  • Colombia , 1910-1929
  • Costa Rica , 1910-1929
  • Cuba, 1910-29
  • Dominican Republic, 1910-1939, 1960-1963
  • Guatemala, 1910 - 1944
  • Haiti , 1910-1939
  • Honduras , 1910-29
  • Mexico , 1910-1939
  • Nicaragua , 1910-1944
  • Panama , 1910-1929
  • Paraguay , 1910-1939
  • Peru , 1910-1929
  • Venezuela , 1910-1929 [microform]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and:

  • Argentina , 1910-1929
  • Brazil , 1910-29
  • Cuba , 1910-29
  • El Salvador , 1910-29
  • Guatemala , 1910-1929
  • Haiti , 1910-29
  • Mexico , 1910-1944
  • Nicaragua, 1910-29
  • Panama , 1910-29
  • Venezuela , 1910-29

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between:

  • Argentina and other states , 1910-29
  • Bolivia and other states , 1910-29
  • Brazil and other states , 1910-29
  • Chile and other states , 1910-1929
  • Costa Rica and other states , 1910-29
  • El Salvador and other states , 1910-29
  • Guatemala and other states , 1910-1929
  • Haiti and other states , 1910-29
  • Mexico and other states , 1910-29
  • Nicaragua and other states , 1910-29
  • Peru and other states , 1910-1929
  • Venezuela and other states , 1910-29

Latin America And Caribbean

This set (contained in three parts) inclodes the complete Foreign Office files for Cuba covering 1959-1962. The documents offer new perspectives on issues relating to the revolution in Cuba from the ending of the Batista regime through the Cuban Missle Crisis. Each set also cataloged separately.

Part 1: Revolution in Cuba, 1959-1960 [ catalog link ] (PRO Classes FO 371/139396-139521, 148178-148345 & PREM 11/2622)

Part 2: Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961 [ catalog link ] (PRO Classes FO 371/156137-156255 & PREM 11/3316, 3321 & 3328)

Part 3: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 [ catalog link ] (PRO Classes FO371/162308-162436, 168135 & PREM 11/3689-3691)

This set includes "Part 1: Jamaica c.1765-1848: The Taylor and Vanneck-Arcedekne Papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institue of Commonwealth Studies, University of London." The two archival collections offer materials for the study of plantation life and slavery in Jamaica including correspondence, letter-books, and other papers of Simon Taylor and family as well as papers of the Arcedekne family relating to Jamaica.


This collection features expedition records, original letters and maps of exploration and colonization, and "diaries of discoveries" from South America, from narratives of Columbus' first voyage (at Sloane Ms 1709) to the end of Colonial Spanish rule. The set covers European exploitation, evangelization, and botanical and geographical exploration in South America from Texas to Tierra del Fuego, and features maps, scrolls, descriptions of voyages by sea and river, terrain, flora and fauna, settlement posts, plantations and mines, missionary activities, and "diaries of discoveries."

Territories represented include Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Florida, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Patagonia, Peru, Puerto Rico, Texas, Uruguay, Venezuela and the West Indies.

Collection of more than 400 printed works from  colonial Spanish America, including catechisms, devotional works, hagiographies, religious biographies, orders, sermons, and more. T he majority of works are from Mexico and Peru.

This series, also called Hispanic books printed before 1601 , is based on the bibliographies listed below and covers early books printed in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America 

  • Penney, Clara Louise, ed. List of Books Printed before 1601 in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America.
  • Thomas, Henry. Short-title Catalogues of Spanish, Spanish-American and Portuguese Books Printed before 1601 in the British Museum.
  • Simon Diaz, Jose. Bibliographia de la Literatura Hispanica. 

​Titles cataloged individually. 

CRL owns two parts of this series of imprints covering a vast range of topics.

Latin American history and culture : an archival record. Series 4 , The Mexican rare monograph collection, 1548-1861 (Sutro Library, California State Archives). [ Guide ]

  • Pt. 1. General Periodicals and Almanacs
  • Pt. 2. Philosophy and Theology
  • Pt. 3. Theology and the Catholic Church: Liturgy and Ritual
  • Pt. 4. Theology and the Church: Various Subjects
  • Pt. 5. History and Social Sciences
  • Pt. 6. Political Science and the Law
  • Pt. 7. Education, Arts and Sciences

Latin American history and culture. Series 5 , Civil War, society and political transition in Guatemala : the Guatemala News and Information Bureau archive, 1963-2000. [ Guide ]

  • Part 1. Geography/environment, society, politics, economics and foreign policy
  • Part 2. Human rights and revolutionary and popular movements ephemera
  • Part 3. Serials, reports and publications

This set contains microfilm copies of titles in Medina's bibliography and represents a history of the Spanish-speaking peoples of the western hemisphere. CRL holds 185 reels of the set intended to eventually include over 8,000 titles.

Titles cataloged individually (not comprehensively), with occasional reference to the numeric citation in the bibliography (seven-volume set digitized by HathiTrust). See records by series title . 

Consular reports, part of the Records in the National Archives designated as Record Group 59, "General Records of the Department of State." For Mexico, CRL holds the following NARA sets:

  • Despatches from United States consuls in Acapulco , 1823-1906 ( partial holdings )  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Campeche , 1820-1880  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Chihuahua , 1830-1906 
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Ciudad Juárez (Paso del Norte), 1850-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Durango , 1886-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Guaymas , 1832-1896  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Hermosillo , 1905-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in La Paz , Mexico, 1855-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Manzanillo , Mexico, 1855-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Matamoros , 1826-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Mazatlan , 1826-1906  
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Merida , 1843-1897 and Progreso, 1897-1906
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Mexico City , Mexico, 1822-1906
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Monterrey , Mexico, 1849-1906 
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Nogales , 1889-1906 
  • Despatches from United States consular officials in Nuevo Laredo , Mexico, 1871-1906
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Piedras Negras , 1868-1906 
  • Despatches from United States Consuls in Saltillo , 1876-1906 
  • Despatches from United States consuls in San Blas , 1837-1892 
  • Despatches from the United States Consul in San Dimas , 1871-1873
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Santa Fe , 1830-1846 
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Tampico , 1824-1906 ( partial holdings )
  • Despatches from United States consuls in Veracruz , 1822-1906 ( partial holdings )

CRL holds partial or full runs of the following Foreign Office records relating to Mexico: 

  • Foreign Office. Consulate, Mexico City, Mexico : General correspondence, 1823-1863, 1886-1915  (F.O. 203)  [ Catalog Link ]  [ Guide ]
  • Foreign Office. Embassy, consulates and legation, Mexico : General correspondence, 1822-1973 (F.O. 204)   [ Catalog Link ]  [ Guide ]
  • Foreign Office. Consulates and legation : Mexico, registers of correspondence, 823-1933  (F.O. 206) [ Catalog Link ] [ Guide ]
  • Foreign Office. Consulates and legation : Mexico, miscellanea, 1816-1927 (F.O. 207) [ Catalog Link ]  [ Guide ]

This consists of the original dispatches and reports from British diplomatic and consular representatives abroad, of correspondence with foreign missions in England, of miscellaneous correspondence with individuals, and the drafts or copies of letters sent from the Office.

The Center holds an incomplete set, covering volumes:  78-142, 218-303, 314, 326, 355, 377, 382, 390, 399, 410, 416-417, 422, 442, 448-451, 454, 459, 461, 473, 476, 481, 495-501, 507, 512, 520-523, 530-531, 540, 546, 548.

Originals held by the National Archives and Record Service as part of Record Group #165, Military Intelligence Division files: Mexico

The University of Texas Libraries’ Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection preserved 579 Mexican newspaper titles which date from 1807 to 1900. These newspapers "trace the evolution of the modern newspaper format in Mexico through its often turbulent history: from its status as a viceroyalty of the Spanish Crown to its early experiment in a monarchical form of government to its long struggle to determine a federalist system of government, with concomitant religious, social, and economic changes."

The set includes titles published within the Distrito Federal as well as cities from twenty-six states. The majority were published in Mexico City. Titles cataloged separately. 

CRL’s collection contains more than 500 newspaper titles for the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. CRL, along with the Latin American Materials Project (LAMP) maintains extensive backfiles as well as current subscriptions to newspapers, and has digitized portions of its collection in response scholars’ requests as well strategic digitization of historical newspapers in the World Newspaper Archive database available through Readex. Examples of titles include:

  • Crítica      1914-1932
  • Nación       1905–present
  • Prensa       1869–1988
  • Razón       1920–1960
  • Correio Paulistano       1929–1963
  • Estado de São Paulo       1875–present
  • Jornal do Brasil       1938–1990
  • Jornal do Commércio       1845–1981
  • Dictamen       1920–1947
  • Excelsior       1917–2003
  • Siglo Diez y Nueve       1841–1896
  • Universal       1924–1986
  • Diario (La Paz, Bolivia)       1904–1917, 1956–2004
  • Diario de Hoy (San Salvador, El Salvador)       1943–2006
  • Mercurio (Santiago, Chile)       1909–present
  • Tiempo (Bogotá, Colombia)       1938–1987

ncludes pages from 560 Mexican newspaper titles which date primarily from 1900-1929.  Three hundred and sixty-two newspapers were published in the Distrito Federal and 234 were published in various Mexican cities from 28 states.

Titles cataloged individually. 

CRL owns Segment 3 of this international series, covering census publications from (generally) 1990--2000 for:

  • Dominican Republic
  • Saint Lucia

The serials are general statistical compendia issued by the governments of 37 countries, territories, and departments in Latin American and the Caribbean. The fiche includes these serials from 1821 to about 1973. CRL holds the complete first segment, and also has hardcopy holdings of some of the titles in its foreign documents collections.

Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Resources

SALALM (Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials) hosts a database of listings that provide links to open access digitized collections of primary sources that relate to Latin America and the Caribbean. The materials listed are freely available to the public and were created or are hosted at an academic institution associated with SALALM. Listings may be searched by country, genre/format, hosting institution, and collection title.

CRL Programs

Crl reports, past events, blog entries, further reference.

Don’t see your topic of interest listed here? We also provide Reference Consultations to help you identify material in our collection that is relevant to your field. You can get help from Marie Waltz , CRL’s Head of Access Initiatives.

  • Colorado State University Libraries
  • Research Guides
  • Modern Latin American History (1800-)
  • Finding Background Information
  • Finding Books
  • Finding Articles
  • Finding Online Primary Sources
  • Finding Primary Sources at Morgan Library
  • Evaluating Information
  • Reading in History
  • Citing Your Research

Modern Latin American History (1800-) Introduction

This page has information to help with the HIST411 course Latin America Since Independence. The time period is beginning 19th century to the present. Area focus is on Mexico, Central America, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Anyone doing research on this and related historical topics should find this page useful. See also Latin American Art for that particular aspect of Latin American history (art depicts a lot of everyday life and also topics of interest to those commissioning or creating the objects).


Reference Resources

Reference Resources--Encyclopedias & More Encyclopedias can be a great place to start your research, get an overview of your topic, or help you narrow your area of focus. Morgan Library has a number of encyclopedia sets that may be useful to you as you begin your research. Encyclopedias are located in the Reference collection, so they may not be checked out. General encyclopedias can also be extremely useful.

  • Countries and Their Cultures . 4 vols. GN 307 .C68 2001 Reference
  • Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture . 5 vols. F1406 .E53 1996 Reference
  • Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics . F1410 .E56 2002 Reference
  • Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society, & Culture . 2 vols. F1210 .E63 1992 Reference
  • Encyclopedia of the World's Nations & Cultures . 4 vols. G63 .K874 2007 Reference
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library . Online.
  • Milenios de Mexico . 3 vols. F1204 .M955 1999 Reference
  • A Reference Guide to Latin American History . F1410 .R395 2000 Reference
  • South America, Central America and the Caribbean (Europa). F1408.29 .S68 Reference
  • Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures & Daily Life . 4 vols. GN 333 .W67 1998 Reference
  • Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations . Vol 3. Americas . G63 .W67 2004 v.3 Reference

Circulating Items

Circulating Items: Morgan Stacks, Maps

  • An Atlas and Survey of Latin American History . G1541.S1 L3 2007 Maps
  • The Brazil Reader: History, Culture, Politics . F2521 .B768 1999 Morgan
  • Cambridge History of Latin America . 10 vols. F1410 .C1834 1984 Morgan

Terms to Search in Library Catalog

Subject headings are the most efficient search for identifying books in the library catalog. Identify useful books in the library catalog (and the Regional Catalog Prospector) doing a (LC) Subject search for:

Argentina History
Argentina History 1810-
Argentina History 1817 1860
Argentina History 1943 1955
Argentina History 1955 1983
Argentina History 19th Century
Argentina History 20th Century
Argentina History War of Independence 1810 1817
Brazil -- History -- 1763-1822.
Brazil -- History -- 1889-
Brazil -- History -- 1889-1930.
Brazil -- History -- Empire, 1822-1889-- Sources [Prospector]
Brazil -- History -- Empire, 1822-1889.
Brazil History
Central America History
Central America History 1821 1951
Central America History to 1821
Chile History
Chile History 1810-
Chile History 1824 1920
Chile History 1920 1970
Chile History 1973 1988
Chile History Coup Detat 1973
Chile History to 1810
Chile History War of Independence 1810 1824

Cuba Foreign Relations Soviet Union
Cuba Foreign Relations Spain
Cuba History
Cuba History 1810 1899
Cuba History 1878 1895
Cuba History 1895
Cuba History 1933 1959
Cuba History 1959
Cuba History 1959 1990

Cuba History Revolution 1895 1898
Cuba History Revolution 1959
Cuba History Revolution 1959 Personal Narratives
Latin America
Latin America Civilization African influences.

Latin America History
Latin America History To 1830.
Latin America History 1830
Latin America History 1898 1948
Latin America History 1948
Latin America History 1948 1980
Latin America History 1980
Latin America History 19th Century
Latin America History 20th Century
Latin America History 20th Century Sources
Latin America History Bibliography
Latin America History Chronology
Latin America History Sources
Latin America History Wars of Independence 1806 1830
Latin America History Wars Of Independence 1806 1830 Causes
Latin America History Wars Of Independence 1806 1830 Sources

Mexico – History
Mexico History 1821 1861 Sources
Mexico History European Intervention 1861 1867
Mexico History Revolution 1910 1920
Mexico History Spanish Colony 1540 1810
Mexico History Spanish Colony 1540 1810 Sources
Mexico History to 1810 Sources
Mexico History Wars of Independence 1810 1821
Mexico History Wars of Independence 1810 1821 Sources
Revolutions Central America
Revolutions Central America History 20th Century

Print Indexes

Terms and subjects will vary from source to source. In addition, terminology changes over time, so it will be necessary to be creative (i.e. know your history) in order to succeed in identifying articles of interest.

  • Handbook of Latin American Studies . Z 1605 .H23  Reference
  • Hispanic American Periodicals Index ( HAPI ). Z 1605 .H3 Reference 1993-2003 and Movable Shelves 1979-1987, 1991-1992
  • Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature . AI 3 .R48 Reference 1900- [KEY index]
  • Humanities Index . AI 3 .I495 Reference 1974-1998
  • International Index to Periodicals . AI 3 .I49 Reference 1920/1923-1952/1955
  • International Index . AI 3 .I49 Reference 1955/1958-1964/1965
  • International Political Science Abstracts . JA 36 .I5 Reference 1951-2006
  • London Times (various titles: Palmer's , etc.) AI 21 T51 & AI21 .T46 Reference & others nearby 1785-
  • Nineteenth Century Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature , 1890-1899; with supplementary indexing, 1900-1922. AI3 .R496 Reference
  • Poole 's Index to Periodical Literature . AI3 .P6 Reference 1802-1901
  • Social Sciences Index . AI 3 .I496 Reference 1974/75-1998/99

Research Databases

  • Academic Search Premier.
  • America: History & Life.
  • Historical Abstracts.
  • International Political Science Abstracts.  IPSAonline
  • JSTOR . (keywords, not subjects--contemporary vocabulary is vital for success) Growing number of subject terms.
  • Nineteenth Century Masterfile .
  • Digital Dissertation Abstracts.
  • ProjectMUSE .
  • WorldCat. 
  • New York Times 1851- . (contemporary vocabulary is vital for success)
  • U.S. Congressional Serial Set . 1817-1994.  Topic link has 74 entires for Cold War. Many more as a keyword. Limit by date.
  • Web of Science. (Arts & Humanities Citation Index)

Free Online Access Databases

  • Handbook of Latin American Studies .
  • Castro Speech Data Base . 1959-1996. In English.

Journals Owned by CSU

Journals--Owned or accessed by CSU

Additional titles (many in Spanish), search the library catalog by subject: Latin America Periodicals; Latin America History Periodicals; Brazil History Periodicals; Chile History Periodicals; Argentina History Periodicals (one title); Central America History Periodicals (one title)

  • Américas. F 1401 .A57 Movable Shelves assort 1949-2000 and online 1990-
  • Bulletin (Cold War International History Project). 1992- online BCWIHP
  • Journal of Cold War Studies . Online 1999- in Project Muse
  • Journal of Latin American Studies . Online 1969-2002 in JSTOR; 1997- Cambridge
  • E-Latina . Online 2002- .
  • The Hispanic American Historical Review . F 1401 .H66 Movable Shelves various years 1918-2004. Online 1918- .

Within Academic Search Premier as of March 2018

  • Cold War History (most recent 18 months not available)

-->Click here for information about evaluating Web sites.

Bibliographies                 General               Argentina             Brazil               Chile                    Cuba                    Mexico

Bibliographies on Latin America

Librarians in other libraries and historians at other universities have identified, and in some cases annotated, useful resources. CSU does not own all of the items. Check CSU's library catalog and the regional catalog Prospector for local holdings. CSU affiliates may request items from Prospector.

Latin American Collection: General References . Yale University Library. 

Annotated resources in the Yale collection. Extensive. Link goes to General Bibliographies page; the page has links to Biographical Information, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Research Guides, and Statistics. See also Selected Internet Sources .

General Bibliography . Latin American Studies Center. University of Maryland. 

"Inter and Intra-state conflict in Latin America and resoultion strategies." Books, journal articles, Web sites (not linked), and films. Extensive.

Latin America Subject Resource Guide . Elena E. Cevallos. University Libraries. Hofstra University. 

This mostly annotated research guide has a large number of general sources listed on it, but there are many that are specific to Latin America. Extensive. Drop down menu at top allows researchers to go directly to desired section of the page. The section on Bibliographies: Guides to the Literature is particularly useful.

Latin American Studies . Melissa Gonzalez. University of West Florida Libraries. 

List of resources arranged by type. Check CSU's catalog for ownership.

A Short Guide to Sources for Latin American Studies . Frank Conaway. University of Chicago Library. 

Annotated resources arranged by type or subject. Of particular interest is the final section on ethnology.

Gender Studies of Latin America and the Caribbean . Molly Ryan and edited by Rafael Dávila-Franco. International and Gender Studies Resources Website. University of California, Berkeley. 

Bibliographies of Andean countries (Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela); Brasil; The Caribbean; Central America; Latin America General; Mexico; and Paises del Rio de la Plata   -->Reminder for this section of bibliographies : CSU does not own all of the items listed on the Web pages or sites. Check CSU's library catalog and the regional catalog Prospector for local holdings. CSU affiliates may request items from Prospector.

General--Web Pages on Latin America

19th Century Latin America . Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Fordham University.  Topics covered are Latin America in the 19th Century: Independence, Political Development, United States Imperialism, and Immigration; Mexico; Argentina; Brazil; Chile; Colombia/Panama; Cuba; Nicaragua; Peru; and Venezuela. Subsection of Internet History Sources. Links to primary and secondary materials.

Internet Sites with Primary Sources for History: Latin America . Bowling Green State University (BGSU). University Libraries.

An extensive list; unfortunately few, if any annotations. Titles of documents do appear to be descriptive. Bright orange text that could be difficult for some to read. Going out on a limb and saying orange is probably a BGSU color.

Latin America & Mexico . (Section of page.) Alan Liu and a development team. English Department. U. California, Santa Barbara. Voice of the Shuttle. 

Links to pages on Latin America topics. Scroll down for individual country and topical links.

Documents (OAS) . Organization of American States (OAS).

Founding Charter, Inter-American Democratic Charter, and much more. Publications include International Migration in the Americas (English and Spanish) and In Defense of Human Rights (English and Spanish).

Public Domain Databases (section of Internet Resources for Latin America). New Mexico State University. 

Annotated list of databases that were available for free online in 2006. Rest of page has a large number of other links of potential use.

Hispanic Reading Room . Library of Congress. 

Page has links to sites of interest. Own site has Online Collections Presentations & Exhibitions that has material available online.

Latin American Pamphlet Digital Collection . Harvard University Library. 

Pamphlets from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Most represented are items from Chile, Cuba, Bolivia, and Mexico.

Independence in Latin America . Macrohistory and World Report. Frank E. Smitha. 

Summary of events; Latin America's relationship with Spain. Information on juntas of 1810 and 1811 and key events to 1839. Images of some of those involved.

Latin America . 

Top of the page serves as a table of contents. There are many briefly annotated links. Broad areas are: Catholic Missions; Independence from Spain; 3. Independence Leaders; 19th century: Society & economics; Immigration; British Involvement in Latin America; US involvement in Latin America; Military conflict: Triple Alliance War; (Guano) War; Pacific War; 20th century: Individual country developments; Revolutions; Liberation Theory; Military dictatorships after 1945; Military conflict: World War 1; Chaco War; Malvinas/Falklands War; Indigenous America: Brazil; Chile; Native American Women; Africans in Latin America; and General Latin American.

Slave Movement During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries . On-Line Data Archive. ©2008 Data and Information Services Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

"This site provides access to the raw data and documentation which contains information on the following slave trade topics from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: records of slave ship movement between Africa and the Americas, slave ships of eighteenth century France, slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, Virginia slave trade in the eighteenth century, English slave trade (House of Lords Survey), Angola slave trade in the eighteenth century, internal slave trade to Rio de Janeiro, slave trade to Havana, Cuba, Nantes slave trade in the eighteenth century, and slave trade to Jamaica."

Sources and General Resources in Latin America . Oberlin College. 

Page has two frames. Multiple links (although unfortunately a large number of the attempted links do not work ) to sites on the Web. History section divided by: Latin American History: Historiographic and General Resource Sites; Academic Journals; Pre-Conquest Period; General; Andes; Mexico and Central America; "Discovery" and Conquest; Colonial Latin America: General; The "Columbian Exchange"; The Early Colony; Brazil; The Slave Trade and Slavery; Daily Life in Colonial Latin America; Casta Painting; Bourbon Reforms; Late Colonial Revolts; and The Waging and Winning of Independence. Other sections have national periods by country, the church, human rights, and much more.

Independence in Latin America - A Chronology . Marcelo J. Borges. Dickinson College. 

Chronology starting in 1778-9 through 1828.

Argentina . CIA World Factbook. (.ar) 

Information about Argentina's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

Timeline Argentina . Algis Ratnikas.  Prehistory to the present.

A Brief History of Buenos Aires . Pablo M. Dotro. Buenos Aires: A Subjective Image of a Modern City. 

Covers independence years of Argentina. Page is white text on black.

The Great Unraveling: Argentina 1973-1991 . Author guess: Klaus (??).  PDF.

Apparent research article about the economy of Argentina with extensive footnotes. Some charts.

Reseña Histórica Museo . Museo Histórico Comunal y de la Colonización Judía "Rabino Aarón Goldman." 

Images of rooms in the museum (click on "sala" 1, 2, etc.). Museum focus is on Jewish agricultural colonization of Argentina. Most of the descriptions and information are in Spanish.

Memoria Abierta .

  Link to map of clandestine detention centers, human rights archive, letters, 4 photos and their histories, posters, and more. Members of Memoria Abierta were mothers, relatives, friends of disappeared, former political prisoners, and former exiled. Selected parts of the site are only in Spanish.

Brazil . CIA World Factbook. (.br)

  Information about Brazil's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

A Country Study: Brazil . Country studies. Library of Congress. 

Overview of the country. Profile, historical setting, society and its environment, economy, government and politics, national security, science and technology, lengthy bibliography, and more. Chapters have named authors.

Timeline: Brazil . Algis Ratnikas.  Prehistory to the present.

The History of Money in Brazil . Ministry of Finance. Banco Central do Brasil. 

Very brief history of money from colony to republic--not all links work.

Virtual Gallery. National Historical Museum. Brazil. Site still down as of November 2018 due to the devastating fire early in September . Site will be up again once it is available.

The virtual gallery (English language version) has cartoons, paintings, personal objects, communication equipment, photos of Rio de Janeiro by Juan Gutierrez, interiors, and clocks & watches. The museum itself was started in 1922 and has over 287,000 items.

Bem-Vindo Ao Brasil . Sergio Koreisha. University of Oregon 

Take a virtual trip to Brazil. There are sections with Brazil in a nutshell, facts, culture, environment, history , and much more. Extensive. Much of the material is in English, but there are links to items in Portuguese only. Some of the links don't work.

Brazil: History . Global Edge. International Business Center at Michigan State University. 

Summary of information about Brazil, with useful information on cultural groups, language, and forms of government.

Chile . CIA World Factbook. (.cl) 

Information about Chile's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

A Country Study: Chile . Country studies. Library of Congress. 

Overview of the country. Profile, historical setting, society and its environment, economy, government and politics, national security, lengthy bibliography, and more. Chapters have named authors.

Timeline Chile . Algis Ratnikas. 

Prehistory to the present.

Archivo de Fondos y Colecciones . Museo de la Memoria y Derechos Humanos.

Covers 1973-1990. Plataformas digitales found under Recursos e investigacion. See Archivo MMDH (link for this entry); Biblioteca Digital, Archivo Redial, Archivo Prense, Testimonios, and more.

Outstanding actions in our Naval History . Chilean Navy. Archived copy. 

Brief summaries of exploits of the Chilean navy beginning with its independence. A few images of ships at sea.

Villa Grimaldi . El Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi

Archivo Documental de Villa Grimaldi has materials online. In Spanish (search box in English, e.g. digital objects).

Cuba . CIA World Factbook. (.cu) 

Information about Cuba's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

Cuba Historia . Administración del Sitio del Gobierno de la Republica de Cuba. In Spanish.

Covers Cuba's history.

Timeline: Cuba . Algis Ratnikas  1492 to the present.

The Empire and the Independent Island . Fidel Castro. August 14, 2007.

  Overview of 140 years of Cuba's history. A lot of detail.

Mexico . CIA World Factbook. (.mx)

Information about Mexico's geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

A Country Study: Mexico . Country studies. Library of Congress. 

Overview of the country. Profile, historical setting, society and its environment, economy, government and politics, national security, lengthy bibliography, and more. Chapters have named authors. Click on PDF version for updated profile information.

Timeline Mexico to 1969 . 1970-1997 . 1998-2002 . 2003-2008 . Algis Ratnikas. 

Prehistory to the present; on four separate Web pages.

The History of Coins and Banknotes in Mexico . (PDF) Banco de Mexico. August 2013. 

Paper money was first used in the 19th century, so the entire page is of interest to modern Latin American history. Very clear images showing examples of the banknotes ("bills" as a North American would call them), up to and including the present.

Cold War Era (c. 1947-c. 1990)

Get background on the Cold War (1945-1991) in the Dictionary of American History , Social History of the United States , Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History , Gale Encyclopedia fo U.S. Economic History , and Worldmark Modern Conflict and Diplomacy . The Cold War Reference Library is an entire reference book (6 volumes in print) on the topic. Volume 5 has primary sources and Volume 6 is the cumulative index. There are a good number of entries under Latin America.

America: History & Life and Historical Abstracts . CSU affiliates only. Up to six users at a time for each.

Subject terms: Latin America; Latin Americans; Cold War, 1945-1991 [& subdivisions e.g. Social Aspects]; Insurgency Latin America; Latin America Foreign economic relations United States; Latin America Foreign relations United States; Soviet Union; International relations; Rhetoric; Organization of American States; Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962; Latin America Politics & government 1948-1980; Nationalism Latin America; Imperialism; Intervention (International law); United States; Latin American history; Brazil; Chile; Mexico; Costa Rica; Argentina; Nicaragua; Human rights Latin America; History of communism 20th century; Brazilian history Naval Revolt 1964; International relations; Charities; Social services; Cultural policy; Cuban Revolution, 1959.

The Cold War. Foreign Affairs . National Archives.

Site has "federal records and presidential materials that document Cold War era activities and concerns of the United States Government." Not everything is online, but useful for identifying materials.

Cold War History: Home . Phillips Library Mount St. Mary's University.

Library guide with overview, Databases and Websites (good list); Reference (CSU does have the Historical New York Times--Under New York Times 1851-2008 on databases list); Books in the Global Context; and Books (use subject headings identified on this guide to find additional titles of interest). Check CSU Libraries library catalog for local holdings of proprietary databases and books.

Cold War Hoover Institution . Stanford University.

Not everything is online, but useful as a way to identify resources. See collections guides for details.

Cold War in Latin America (NMSUL) . Digital Resources on Cold War in Latin America. New Mexico State University Library.

Annotated library guide to items. Check CSU Libraries for access to proprietary databases (CSU has America: History & Life ). Books not owned by CSU should be searched in Prospector and if not there, requested from InterLibrary Loan.

The Cold War in Latin America - Oakland Campus . University Library System. University of Pittsburgh.

Guide to course on Cold War in Latin America. Introduction; Books; Primary Sources; Secondary Sources; Government Information (nice selection of declassified documents--check CSUL for access in some cases).

Cold War Intelligence. BrillOnline Primary Sources. Available via CSUL.

" 2,360 formerly classified U.S. government documents (most of them classified Top Secret or higher) provides readers for the first time with the declassified documentary record about the successes and failures of the U.S. intelligence community in its efforts to spy on the Soviet Union during the Cold War."  A search in the collection for Cuba brings up 215 results. Argentina brings up 27. Chile 30. Mexico 39. Latin America 84. Brazil 30. Nicaragua 28.

Digital Archive. Cold War International History Project . Wilson Center.

Browse, search by collections, and themes. Themes include Sports, Cold War History, and Nuclear History. Themes have timelines.

Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy: The Cold War . Mount Holyoke College.

Some links don't work, but the name of the source does provide a hint of what to seek. Pre-1945 to 1991. An extensive list.

" Guerrilla Movements in Latin America ." Richard L. Worsnop. CQ Researcher July 19, 1967.

Contemporary essay with then current events.

JSTOR . CSU affiliates only.

Topics: Latin American politics; Political corruption; Government corruption; Democracy; Political revolutions; Competitive authoritarianism; Fascism; Communism; Mexican economics; Socialism; Diplomatic relations; Brazilian culture; Cold wars; Imperialism; Nationalism; Latin American governments; International alliances; Political revolutions; Dictatorship; Dictators; Countries; Western hemisphere; War; Third World; National interests;Government; Communist parties; Military aid; Bilateralism; War conflict; Interstate conflict; Territorial disputes; Armed forces; Violence.

Latin America: Primary Sources: Government Documents (HY 430-023) . University of Alabama Libraries.

List of useful sources; CSU has a some of the proprietary databases ( HeinOnline Foreign Relations of the United States; Congressional Publications (listed as ProQuest Congressional on guide); U.S. Congressional Serial Set ), but not others.

The Panama Canal: Riots, Treaties, Elections, and a little Military Madness, 1959­-1973 . National Archives.

United States and the Cold War Research Guide: Home . Dr. C.C. & Mabel L. Criss Library. University of Nebraska Omaha.

Created to support a seminar. Government Documents; Primary Source Databases; Journal and Magazine Articles; Internet Resources, etc. Check CSU Libraries for local access and holdings (books, government documents, etc.). If CSU doesn't have a government publication, CU Boulder should have it.

Articles & Books :

  • Borda, Orlando Fals. " The Significance of Guerrilla Movements in Latin America ." CrossCurrents 18, no. 4 (1968): 451-58.
  • Castro, Daniel. Revolution and Revolutionaries : Guerrilla Movements in Latin America . Jaguar Books on Latin America ; No. 17. Wilmington, Del.: SR Books, 1999. F1413 .R475 1999 Morgan
  • Debray, Régis. Revolution in the Revolution? Armed Struggle and Political Struggle in Latin America. New York: MR Press, 1967. U 240 D2813 Morgan Temp & Prospector
  • Garrard, Lawrence, Moreno, Garrard, Virginia, Lawrence, Mark Atwood, and Moreno, Julio. Beyond the Eagle's Shadow : New Histories of Latin America's Cold War .  Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press . 2013. F1414.2 .B46 2013 Morgan
  • Gorriti Ellenbogen, Gustavo. “Latin America’s Internal Wars.” Journal of Democracy 2.1 (1991): 85–98.
  • Gott, Richard. Guerrilla Movements in Latin America. 1st Ed. in the U.S.A.]. ed. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1971. F1414.2 .G65 1971 Morgan
  • McPherson, Alan. " From "Punks" to Geopoliticians: U. S. and Panamanian Teenagers and the 1964 Canal Zone Riots ." The Americas 58, no. 3 (2002): 395-418.
  • Rabe, Stephen G. The Killing Zone : The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America . Second ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Requested 3-21-18.
  • Wickham-Crowley, Timothy P. Guerrillas and Revolution in Latin America : A Comparative Study of Insurgents and Regimes since 1956 . Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1992. JC491 .W53 1992 Morgan

See also Cuban Revolution 1953-1989 & Revolutionary Biographies .

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222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples

To write a colonization essay, you can explore colonial America, indigenous communities and cultures. With the topics prepared by our team , it will be a lot easier!

🏆 Best Colonization Essay Examples & Topics

💡 most interesting colonization topics to write about, ✅ good research topics about colonization, 📑 interesting topics to write about colonization, 📌 simple & easy colonialism essay topics, 👍 good colonialism essay topics, ❓ questions about colonization.

  • Social and Cultural Aspects of Pre-Colonial Africa in Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart The novel emphasize on the encounters of the pre-colonial Africa and the effect of British colonialism during the 19th century. Gender disparity is clear in this village and the crimes are identified with gender where […]
  • Alcoholism and the Impact Colonization Has Had on Aboriginals Once alcohol had become a part of the community, there was a gradual shift in the health of the people and they succumbed to illnesses.
  • Chile Before, During, and After Colonization It borders Argentina to the east, Peru to the north and finally Bolivia to the northeast. Before the landing of the Spanish colonizers during the 16th C, the Inca governed northern Chile while the indigenous […]
  • Colonial Discourse in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe Achebe’s book centers on the life of a village ‘superstar’ by the name Okonkwo and the arrival of white missionaries at the fictional village of Umuofia.
  • Post-Colonial Theory in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe We further analyze the individuals and how their actions and activities affect the society’s social culture in relation to the post-colonial society of today.
  • Post-Colonial Theory in “The Epic of Gilgamesh” and “The Tempest” In “The Epic of Gilgamesh”, the main character is shown to be sure of his own strength and righteousness of feelings and thoughts.
  • Spanish vs. English Colonization In their efforts to colonize the Americas, the Spanish and the British opted for polarly different approaches, with the methods of the latter showing to be more effective and prosperous in the long-run.
  • A Comparison of Colonial and Modern Institutions of Higher Education At the present moment, institutions of higher education form a strong basis of the economy and culture of the United States.
  • “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe: Post Colonial Theory The white men tried to spread the gospel but “the arrival of the missionaries had caused a considerable stir in the village…”..
  • Personal Experience of Living in the Colonial Period We used to take our baths in the springs and also water which was used for drinking, cleaning, and cooking was transported from the springs to our home.
  • William Bradford as a Colonial American Writer The book’s attempt to explain the difference between the two and the encouragement to alter one’s bad habits were some of the reasons why the book was highly esteemed.
  • Japanese Colonial Rule and Korea’s Modernization The analysis of Japan’s colonial rule in Korea varies depending on the speaker and the period discussed. The history of the human rights movement in Korea was a perfect illustration of the shift from traditional […]
  • Holocaust vs. Japanese Colonial Era in Korea The Holocaust in the history of Jewish people, as well as Japanese occupation in the history of Korean people, was one of the greatest tragedies.
  • First Generations: Women in Colonial America The book of Carol Berkin combines historical and feminist perspectives on the societies of the Colonial America and gender roles in them.
  • European Colonization Impacts on the Native American Population An examination of various historical accounts from the 15th to 19th century show that the Native American population was adversely affected by the arrival of European settlers due to various conflicts that arose and the […]
  • Colonization and Residential Schools Most of the practices, way of life, and cultural values of the aboriginals seemed uncouth in the eyes of colonialists. The government made significant steps towards decolonization to allow the indigenous communities to understand the […]
  • The Economy of the 13 Colonies; Religion and Colonization; The English & the Indians The English are referred to as the makers of America, in 1600s the population status of England was mushrooming and this boosted migrations. In addition to that in early 1711, the Tuscarora Indians were attacked […]
  • Conrad’s ”Heart of Darkness” as Post-Colonial Western Canon The protagonist of the novel, captain Marlow, observes that the suffering of the native people under the yoke of bureaucratic officials is extremely tough.
  • Travelogue or Travel Narrative in Post-Colonial Time In the works of this direction, there was a frequent change of scenery around, and the character, who most often was the author, traveled to different lands and told about the peculiarities of everyday life, […]
  • Indochina and Colonization: French Colonial Empire 2 The paper focuses on the in-depth analysis and understanding of the various effects of colonization on French Indochina, financial benefits that might have been accrued from the colonization process, and undertaking a comparison between […]
  • Post Colonial Literature: Poetry and Prose On post colonialism, Judith Wight talks of how both the whites and the black natives have lost in terms of culture and property then she proposes forgiveness and unity of the two groups as the […]
  • Concepts of Angola & Colonial Rule Portuguese colonialism in Angola later seemed not to care about the local people social- economic development rather to exploit the Angolans’ natural resources for the benefit of the Portuguese and the locals were discriminated against […]
  • India and Indochina: Colonization and Decolonization France considered the colonization of Indochina as a political opportunity to increase its authority and influence in the region and compete with the expanding influence of the British Empire in the region.
  • Hybrid Colonial Architecture in Southeast Asia It was the period when the traditional Southeast approaches to architecture developed under the impact of the Eastern cultures were influenced by the European traditions and provided the unique hybrid colonial architecture of the Southeast […]
  • The Effect of Colonization and Dispossession Warwick Anderson additionally states that the history of aboriginal health requires understanding of both the impact of colonization and the beginning of white nation-state.
  • Jules Ferry: On French Colonial Expansion He is known for some of the strategies that were developed at the time of his services, such as the strategy of secular education and that of France becoming a colonial empire.
  • Suffering and Redemption in Puritan and Early Colonial Literature The research focuses on the redemption theory of the Puritan religion’s members. The research focuses on the redemption theory of the Puritan religion’s members.
  • European Conquest and Colonization of Africa The Europeans initially considered African land as worthless, however, by the end of the 19th century their perception about Africa had changed due to the changes in Europe making them move to Africa for rescue.
  • America’s Westward Movement and Colonial Aspirations The success of the American colonies was due, in part, to the various motivations behind the westward movement and colonial aspirations of the early United States.
  • Benefits and Drawbacks of European Colonization Consequently, I think that the cons of colonization outweigh the pros of the process, and the world might have been in a better state.
  • The End of Colonization Era in Historical Examples It led to social class war between the rich and the poor, soldiers against the native, and those in power against their citizens, and led to fear in most regions.
  • American Colonial Rebellion: American History Moreover, by winning the war, the British thought that they had gained a higher authority over the colonies, and the best way to do this was by exerting more power.
  • American History: Colonial Backcountry Folkways The settlements in North Carolina were considered significant parts of the frontier, or backcountry, and became formally included in modern Mountain and Piedmont regions.
  • Researching and Analysis of Colonial Times Of particular interest during the examination of books by Brown and Locke was the topic of the correlation of strength, gender, and race.
  • Condition of African Slaves in Colonial Virginia At that time, this act was one of the first to oppress the position of the black population. In addition, the act provided for the organization of detachments that were supposed to return the liberated […]
  • Colonial Style and Post-Colonial Ethnic Conflict in Africa Colonization of Africa is a historically formed process, the purpose of which was the development, conquest, and use by the colonizers of the entire territory of the continent.
  • History of Colonial Latin America In colonial Latin America, it is possible to observe the segregation of the population by the caste systems. With Indians at the bottom, Africans slightly above, and Spaniards at the top, the caste system resembled […]
  • Africa’s Colonization and Alien Races’ Contribution 4 At the stage of the ancient world and antiquity, the conquests did not end, but only served as the beginning of a long chain of colonization of the mainland.
  • Native Women in the Times of the Colonial Conquest of the Americas Chapter 5 of the book talks about the condition of native women in the times of the colonial conquest of the Americas.
  • British Colonial Racism for Aboriginal Australians Precisely this colonial racism and genocide can be considered to be the cruelest in the history of the world and may have influenced the ideas and plans of Adolf Hitler, who got inspired by the […]
  • The Blackfoot Indigenous People: Pre-Colonial, Colonial, and Current Situations The traditional residency of the Blackfoot people was in Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada and in the northern parts of Montana in the United States.
  • European Colonization and the Columbian Exchange With the expanding European colonization and increasing trade between the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ worlds, both realms experienced significant changes in their diet and lifestyle.
  • The Colonization Impact on Indigenous Society It has affected my family and me so that the descendants of the native Cherokee Indians are forced to live and work on the reservation.
  • The Status of Women in Colonial America Thus, for women, the lives of women in colonial America were strictly limited to housekeeping and family prosperity, while men actively participated in society’s political and economic life. The role of women in such a […]
  • White Deer Run and Colonial House: Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities The inpatient care of the facility is characterized by a 90-day program and this is a holistic treatment that requires clients to attend Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous meetings daily.
  • American Colonization Society According to Robert Finley one of the members of the ACS, the black people would never be fully integrated into the American society.
  • African Nationalism as Colonial Legacy The oppression of rural areas and production and the prioritization of the urban population has become the main reason for the spread of poverty among the African population.
  • White Indentured Servitude in Colonial New World The institute of indentured servitude existed in the 17th and 18th centuries, forming the core of the labor force in the British Colonies.
  • The Colonial Situation and Anti-Colonial Struggle The colonial states’ main goal was to utilize the new territories’ land and labor to satisfy the needs of the rapidly industrializing European economy.
  • The Colonial Legacy of the Offenses Against the Person Act in Jamaica, West Indies This paper will examine the impact of the legislation on Jamaica, West Indies in the social context of abortion by tracing the colonial history and outlining both past and present abortion laws on the island […]
  • The Colonial Trade and Slave Entrepreneurship The significance of the Akan Drum can be examined in the political and economic context of the colonisation, slave trade and slavery in the Americas.
  • Colonial Institutions and Prosperity The author of this essay believes that the cause of the difference is in these states’ usage of the institutions left behind by the colonizers.
  • The History of Sugar Cane: A Currency Standard for Colonial Merchants The discovery of the Americas and the Caribbean islands significantly changed the sugar market. Slavery became the versatile and cost-effective way to ensure the survival of the Caribbean and American sugar plantations, and the sugar […]
  • Colonial History of the United States: Puritans and Quakers Many of his ideas became a part of the constitution of the new United States. The idea emerged that England was ignoring the rights and liberties of the colonists.
  • Transatlantic Slave Trade and Colonial Chesapeake Slavery Most of the West African slaves worked across the Chesapeake plantation. This paper will explore the various conditions and adaptations that the African slaves acquired while working in the Chesapeake plantation.
  • Socio-Cultural Consequences of Colonization The Americans and Africans suffered the most negative effects of colonization because they were the subjects of the European colonialism. This is to mean that while the Americans and Africans were suffering socially and politically, […]
  • The First Frontier: Life in Colonial America’ by Miller This essay seeks to investigate the History of Americans in the colonial era, the ways of life and the interrelationships between the colonial subjects and masters.
  • Colonial Traditions Inc: Key Elements The key elements of the issue are improper treatment of Colonial Traditions Inc with the Townsends. Besides, the delay of making of the order due to some external factors of the manager is terrible.
  • Profile of Colonial Sugar Refinery Company in Australia The company was incorporated in the era that the business of sugar was highly politicized and took 75 years for the company to establish itself internationally.
  • Colonization of Australia Review The focus of this paper will cover the initial stages of the development of the Australian colony of New South Wales in the period between 1788 and 1792.
  • Colonization of the American Continent From James Town to Boston The British were encouraged to move to the American continent by the explorations made by the French and Spanish. The English captured the city from the Dutch in 1664 and renamed it the city of […]
  • The Colonial Period of the USA The colonial period of the USA refers to the history of the land that was going to become the US in the future, and lasts from the beginning of European settlement to the very independence […]
  • Colonization in Chinua Achebe’s Novel “Things Fall Apart” The tribesmen did not want to give up the new trading society to fight for their independence, that I why they had accepted the confines of the white man’s rule.
  • Race: The Power of an Illusion in Colonial America The race helped to resolve the moral contradiction between the equality of all individuals and the system of human bondage in the following way.
  • Classifying Immigrants in Colonial America Colonial America refers to the history of the United States or the history of the territory that would become the United States from the start of European settlement to the time of independence from Europe.
  • Ghana: The Consequences of Colonial Rule and Slavery One of the reasons for this dependency is that the country had been the foothold for the slave trade for about four centuries.
  • The History of Colonial Period and the Puritans This active settlement by Puritans influenced the developing history of the United States of America, with the aftereffects of the Puritan history of the country being felt even nowadays.
  • Solar System Colonization in Science Fiction vs. Reality Mars, also known as the Red Planet, the fourth in the distance from the Sun and the seventh-largest planet in the Solar System, is a favorite destination for colonization of science fiction authors, and the […]
  • Colonial Life in Orwell’s “Burmese Days”, Rizal’s “The Reign of Greed”, Binh’s “The Red Earth” These accounts help to realize that each author demonstrates his own attitude to the process of colonization and the reactions of the people on the demands of the government: Orwell underlines the impossibility to avoid […]
  • English Colonization of America in Hakluyt’s View Hakluyt is a firm believer of colonization owing to the nationalistic, social, and economic benefits it might bring to England. In essence, he argues that both the economic and social ambitions of England can be […]
  • “Discourses on Colonization” by Aime Cesaire For example, he says the goal of Europe is to deliver good to the colonizers at the expense of the resources of the colonized class; Cesaire maintains that it only serves to decivilize the colonizers.
  • Colonization of America by Settlers From Europe The fact that the native population was, for the most part, illiterate and nowhere near to inventing anything like the advanced technologies of the settlers made the latter believe that their culture was superior and […]
  • European Colonization of the New World The Spanish administration strained to limit the trade between the American colonies that belonged to them and Europe sternly to the flotilla of Spanish vessels.
  • English Colonization in America: Religion and Economics It also played a role in helping people in America to survive As for economic interests, they led to the establishment of new colonies.
  • North American Colonization Process in Retrospect By considering the ideas and principles that it was founded on, the American society will be able to address some of its most complicated ethnic and racial issues successfully.
  • Internal Colonization and Slavery in British Empire The act of alienating Ireland in the development process brought the distinction in the collaboration. Slave trade contributed to the growth of the economy of the British Empire via the production of the raw materials […]
  • English vs. Spanish Colonial Settlements If we look back into the history of the 16th-17th centuries, it becomes evident that, no matter how different the foreign policy of all the European countries was, the ultimate goal of the monarchs was […]
  • Colonial Revival Gardens: Phenomenon Features Thus, the contribution of the given style to the creation of a recognizable image of the American countryside and its impact on the cultural heritage preconditioned the stable interest to this approach.
  • Indo-Saracenic Revival Architecture in Colonial India The Indo-Saracenic style appeared in the period of strengthening positions of Great Britain in India and resulted from attempts of British architects to create a style aimed to demonstrate the power of the British Empire […]
  • Latin America Colonization Period The arrival of Europeans changed the lives of the indigenous population through many ways; for example, there was a massive decline in the population of the indigenous people due to numerous European diseases that they […]
  • Japanese Colonial Rule and the Allied Powers It is hard to argue with the fact that it was not an easy task to forget years of brutality and unfair treatment, but it needs to be said that exploitation was not a single […]
  • Social Effects of Colonization on the Aboriginal People The government of the day developed policies that would result in the segregation of the aboriginals due to the pressure from its citizens. The Metis and the Inuit are the groups of the Aboriginals that […]
  • Colonial Process in Korea and Its Effects It should be pointed out that the way the United States viewed the implementation of the new political system, and the changing of the economic environment in Asia was polar to the approaches Great Britain […]
  • Regional Geography After Colonization and Slave Trade The aftermath of trans-Atlantic slave trade is widely evident in the regions of the south Americas Caribbean and northeastern South American states.
  • The Process Conquest and Colonization in Latin America The arrival of Europeans changed the lives of the natives in six major ways. Analysts report that the locals had a strong system of leadership before the arrival of Spanish in the region.
  • Colonization of the Chesapeake The first colony that the British colonizers attempted to set up in the United States was in Roanoke Island, southeast of Chesapeake.
  • The Concept of Race in Colonial America The incorporation of race-based signs, which prioritized some races over the others, in the community life was a result of the wide range of historical events. The demarcation of race signs, in the colonized America, […]
  • Indentured Servitude in Colonial America Indentured servitude is a complex and controversial phenomenon, which appears to be essentially barbaric to the modern public, primarily because of the fact that the servants were denied a number of rights and were considered […]
  • Colonial Period of Australia’s History Though colonial Australia is traditionally represented as the location for the European convicts to serve their sentence, whereas little light is shed on the conflict between the local people and the colonialists, the armed resistance […]
  • Servants Treatment in Colonial Virginia Because of the lack of control over the quality of living conditions provided by the owners of the colonial Virginian property to their British servants, the increasingly hard work conditions and unbearable living ones, combined […]
  • Early Americans and Easter Island Colonization Genetic evidence has been used to prove the theory that though the Europeans were the first inhabitants of this Island, South Americans assisted in the colonization.
  • Belgian and British Colonial Practices in “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe The first distinction is the manner in which the British used to gain control of the people of Umuofia, the village of Okonkwo’s village.
  • The European Colonization of Africans in Achebe’s Book “Things Fall Apart” For the last fifty years, these critics have somehow reduced the face value of the text in the book. This forms another set of variation in the face value of the text in the book.
  • The Post-Colonial Theory of the Large European Empires The plot of the novel is centered on the memories of the main character to the Central Africa. The art of word promoted the formulation and expression of the main ideas of the theory.
  • Students in Colonial Times vs. Today’s Students Higher education is considered the engine of the economy and democracy. In Houston and Texas, the situation is worse compared to the nation.
  • Is EU’s Development Policy a Neo-Colonial Project? The Statement, according to this author, further reiterated the EU’s unwavering dedication to coherence, coordination and complementarity in its development policy to ACP states, and also to the orientation of aid programming in the direction […]
  • Technology and Colonization: Columbus Discovers the ‘New World’ The mission to the discovery of the new world was enhanced by the ruler of Spain in 1492. The spirit of colonization was enhanced by the struggle for supremacy and the increased technological advancements that […]
  • Colonial Development as Regrettable Phase in Africa’s Development However, it is quite important to note that colonial development acted as a benchmark for economic development in colonies. Therefore, as far as colonial development worked to improve economies and was essential phase in Africa, […]
  • Fanon’s Decolonization: Violence to End Colonial Aggression Through the same lens of analysis, Wretched of the Earth explores the influences of race, class, and culture on the colonial domination of vulnerable societies. A key hallmark of the teachings of Fanon was the […]
  • Colonial Development in Sub-Sahara Africa The stagnation in the pace of development in the region even after gaining independence raises the question about the models of development that were utilized by the colonial masters and the models of development that […]
  • The Colonial War in Southwest Africa In the article “German Military Culture and the Colonial War in Southwest Africa, 1904-1907”, Isabel Hull states that the reaction of the German militaries to the revolt in Southwest Africa can be classified from the […]
  • Colonial Portuguese Brazil: Sugar and Slavery In a period of two to three years, the slaves from Africa had reimbursed the cost of purchasing them, and the owners of slave plantations started to generate returns from them.
  • The Role of South Asians in Colonial Societies The rituals, policies and rules prevalent in South East Asian nations engrained the identity of the native as a colonized person and the white settler as the colonizer.
  • Conquest and Colonization of America by Europeans Countries According to Foner, the initial motivation that drove Europeans to embark upon the conquest of Americas was their desire to find a safe passage-route to India, which at the time was considered the source of […]
  • Paradise or Hell? Conflicting Images of the Post-Colonial World The main tragedy is that they did not show similar respect to the dignity and life of other people. The problem is that the world described by the author is full of hostility and violence […]
  • Freedom Degree in Colonial America England established thirteen colonies in North America in the course of the 17th century. They were denied the freedom of land ownership and voting rights.
  • Beginnings of British Colonization of America However, the settlers gained the influence to grab the territories from the natives and took over the entire leadership, collecting taxes and decreeing at their dispensation.
  • Some of the Consequences of Colonial Thinking About Aboriginal Women’s Sexuality for Aboriginal Women Themselves The importance of the clitoris to the woman’s sexuality cannot be underestimated, as Bonaparte explains, the importance of this miniature object before or during sex may even outweigh the pleasures or benefits of the sex […]
  • An Analysis of the Impact of British Colonization An Analysis of the Impact of British Colonization: A Study of Mike Davis’ Late Victorian Holocausts: El Ni o Famines and the Making of the Third World The late Nineteenth Century saw an increased political, […]
  • Korea During the Colonial Period In addition, the history and synopsis of Korean colonization is still important in the history of the world bearing in mind that it later shaped global political history of the major powers as they are […]
  • Colonial Women’s Freedom in Society Thus ‘colonial women’ are the women who lived in the above mentioned territories during the colonial era. Religion on the other hand inspired women to fight for their rights and freedom.
  • Women’s Participation in Trade During the Colonial Period in America In the Southern colonies the number of men was really high as compared to that of women. The working conditions in the factories were also very precarious and this exposed them to a lot of […]
  • Colonial Period of the 19th Century One of the first organizations that became to defend the rights of African Americans was Knights of Labor. However, it was one of the most significant steps to slavery ending and equality of rights.
  • Post-Colonial and Contemporary British Muslim Artists The art presented by these Muslims bears the attitude portrayed by the British society towards them and the Islamic religion as a whole and the artists’ own views on Islam.
  • How Did the Gold Rushes Change Colonial Australia? In the history of nations that throve on the territories of North America and Australia, the nineteenth century is marked by a series of gold rushes that forever changed the ways of development in economical […]
  • Local Crime Prevention Program: Colonial Heights’ Senior Citizens Crime Prevention This program is especially structured for the senior citizens and is based on the fact that older people are more fearful of crime as compared to the other members of the community.
  • Depiction of Immigrant and Post-Colonial Conditions in Works by Duncan Campbell Scott ”The Onondaga Madonna” and George Copway ”Kah-GE-GA-Gah-Bowh; Ojibwa” At the same time, the author puts forward the idea that Indians should protect their heritage and this is the task of the Indian baby that symbolizes the future of the nation.
  • Colonization: Why Africa Suffers Therefore, this paper examines the state of pre-colonial African societies, factors that led to European colonization of Africa, British colonial rule in Africa, and the impact of British colonialism on the postcolonial African states.
  • The Importance of the Process of Colonization and the Formation of Unique Cultures in America to the Formation of the United States The process of colonization of America that began in the mid of the 16th century was instrumental in formation of the United States.
  • Colonization and Aboriginal People’s Loss of Connection to the Land This historical disaster had emerged after the contact of the first European arrivals who had attempted to conquer the land and impose restrictions on the rights of the Aboriginal People.
  • Impact of Industrialization and Colonization on Both the British and Indian People The influence of the Great Britain was widely witnessed through colonization of other countries and domination of world affairs. This paper discusses the impact of industrialization and colonization on both the Indians and British people […]
  • Native Americans and Colonization The disregard of the human rights of the Native Americans by the Whites put in place the foundation for racism, prejudice, and discrimination for all the Native Americans for decades in the future.
  • Development of the Atlantic Trade Triangle a Colonial Capitalism (Mercantilism) Because of this, Barbados demand for manual labor lead to a quick and considerable augmentation in the number of the Atlantic slave transaction.
  • Contribution of Slaves in Colonial America Contribution of Urban Slaves There was however a slight difference among the slaves that worked in the plantations and those that lived in the urban setups of the colonial America.
  • The Role of Colonial Women in Work Stretching from the colonial period to the revolution of America to the end of the Second World War, women performed household roles because of cultural indifference.
  • The Lightly Heavy Load: Women in Colonial America However, with the movement to the New World, their previously clearly defined roles began to be blurred mostly as a consequence of the labor deficit in colonial America which led to a state where the […]
  • A Closer Look at the History of the Colonial America As for me, the period of the colonial history of the United States is one of the most interesting and thought provoking.
  • The Question of African Agency in Colonial Courts and Social Conflict While examining this context, I aim to trace the changes and explain; the intersections of the colonial trends in social and legal thinking, colonial administrative policies in Kisii, colonial political economy, and the ideals and […]
  • American History During the Colonial Times The emigrants who settled in the South had moved from England in search of better land to conduct their farming activities and also take advantage of the unutilized land in the states that formed Chesapeake […]
  • The Evolution of Democracy: From Colonization to Reconstruction
  • The Process of Colonization of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Areas by the Ancient Greeks
  • The Economic Impacts of The European Colonization of The Congo
  • The Effect of Spanish Colonization on California Indians
  • The Impact Of North American Colonization On Native Americans
  • The English Language: Past, present and future Pidgins and Creoles-Processes of Colonization
  • The Spanish and British Exploration and Colonization of the New World
  • The Role Of Religion In The Colonization And Development Of New England
  • The European Exploration And Colonization Of North America
  • The Impact of European Colonization in Early America
  • Three Cultural Regions of America Before Colonization
  • The Real Motivations for the Ancient Trend of Colonization
  • The Role of Disease in European Exploration and Colonization
  • The Poetics of Imperialism: Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan Book
  • The Extreme Detriments of Colonization in Gulliver’s Travels, a Book by Jonathan Swift
  • The Population Movements Were The Indonesian Colonization
  • The Effects of Colonization on Modern African Cultures
  • The Propositions of the Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh Regarding English Colonization
  • The Success of England and Spain in the Colonization of the New World
  • The Long Lasting Effects Of The Colonization Of The Americas
  • The Reclamation and Demand for Human Value During the Colonization
  • The Relationship between Colonization and Mental Health in Nervous Conditions
  • The History of Florida During the Spanish Rule and Before and After the English Colonization
  • The Trains That Carry Troops : Reclaiming Colonization
  • What Were The Goals And Motivations Behind English Colonization
  • The Age Of Exploration And European Colonization
  • The Spanish, French, and English Colonization
  • The Colonization Of Egypt During The Middle East
  • The Columbian Exchange And The Colonization Of America
  • The Colonization And Development Of America Increased The Need For Slave
  • The Biological Impacts Of Spanish Colonization On Indigenous
  • The Negative Effects Of Spanish Colonization In Latin America
  • The Uses of Metaphors of Colonization in Metaphysical Poetry
  • Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Colonization and Effects on Native Americans
  • Western Colonization Has Affected The Ways Countries
  • The Causes Of The European Colonization Of North America
  • William Penn & John Winthrop’s Goals in Colonization
  • The Discrimination of the Cherokee in the Trail of Tears and North American Colonization
  • Women In Latin America During The Colonization
  • The Influence of American Indians on the European Colonization
  • The Impact Colonization Had On African Women
  • Things Fall Apart: Cultural Changes after African Colonization
  • The Significant Changes and Impact of the European Colonization of North America
  • The Sea Of Colonization During The Period Of The Mediterranean
  • Umuofia and European Colonization in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
  • The Colonization Of New Zealand: Before, During, And After
  • Did Colonization Matter for Growth?
  • How British Colonization Affected the Economy of Australia?
  • How American Indians Have Adapted Their Culture since Colonization?
  • How Did Colonization along the Atlantic Contribute to Slavery?
  • How European Colonization Transformed Modern African and Asian Societies?
  • What Were the Goals and Motivations behind English Colonization?
  • What Were the Stimuli to Polynesian Colonization?
  • How the British Empire Justified Colonization?
  • How Greed Has Created a Thin Line between Nation Building and Colonization?
  • How Have Colonization and War Created Modern Somalia?
  • What Is Colonization of a Country?
  • Who Started Colonization?
  • What Is the Purpose of Colonization?
  • What Are the Four Stages of Colonization?
  • What Are Examples of Colonization?
  • How Do You Define Colonization?
  • When Did American Colonization Begin and End?
  • What Is Slavery Colonization?
  • How Did Slavery Affect Colonization?
  • What’s the Difference between Colonization and Slavery?
  • What Was the Colonization of Africa?
  • What Are Three Reasons for Colonization?
  • How Was Africa before Colonization?
  • What Caused European Colonization?
  • How Was Asia Affected by Colonization?
  • What Country Is the Product of Colonization?
  • European History Essay Titles
  • British Empire Ideas
  • African Diaspora Ideas
  • California History Essay Titles
  • Economic Inequality Questions
  • Canadian History Topics
  • Apartheid Essay Topics
  • Oppression Research Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 23). 222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples.

"222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 23 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples'. 23 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.


IvyPanda . "222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.


  1. Introduction to Colonial Latin America

    colonial latin america research paper topics

  2. Colonial Latin America

    colonial latin america research paper topics

  3. Colonial Latin America map

    colonial latin america research paper topics

  4. Colonial Latin America

    colonial latin america research paper topics

  5. Colonialism: Impacts in Latin America

    colonial latin america research paper topics

  6. Colonial Latin America

    colonial latin america research paper topics


  1. Chambers Latin America Guide Launch 2024

  2. Why Mexicans Have Historically Turned to Alternative Religious Beliefs

  3. 9th class social 15th chapter(Colonialism in Latin America, Asia,and Africa)all question and answers

  4. Purchasing Whiteness

  5. The Role of the Catholic Church in Colonial Latin America

  6. Ambiguous Boundaries: The Origins of Caste in Colonial Latin America


  1. Colonial Latin American Review

    Journal overview. Colonial Latin American Review (CLAR) is a unique interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of the colonial period in Latin America. CLAR offers a critical forum where scholars can exchange ideas, build on legacies of inquiry and chart new directions of research. While primarily committed to scholarship that engages ...

  2. Colonial America Research Paper Topics

    This comprehensive list of Colonial America research paper topics explores various aspects of Colonial America, spanning politics, economy, society, culture, religion, and more. By delving into these topics, students can gain a deeper understanding of the colonial period and its lasting impact on American history.

  3. Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms, or a

    Latin America only became relatively high between 1913 and the 1970s when it missed the Great Egalitarian Leveling which took place almost everywhere else. That Latin American inequality has its roots in its colonial past is a myth.

  4. Latin America in colonial times

    Latin America in colonial times by Restall, Matthew, 1964- Publication date 2011 Topics Acculturation -- Latin America -- History, Latin America -- Civilization, Latin America -- Colonization, Latin America -- History -- To 1830, Latin America -- Ethnic relations Publisher Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor ...

  5. Colonial Latin American History Research Papers

    The Disappearing Mestizo: Configuring Difference in the Colonial New Kingdom of Granada, by Joanne Rappaport. Download. by Felipe Martínez Pinzón. 6. Colombia , Race and Ethnicity , Colonial Latin American History , Mestizaje. With Our Labor and Sweat: Indigenous Women and the Formation of Colonial Society in Peru 1550-1700.

  6. Women in Colonial Latin American History

    The history of women in colonial Latin America has been a productive and exciting field since the mid-1970s. The study of women in the colonial empires of Spain and Portugal began in the final quarter of the 20th century, clearly influenced by the feminist movement and work by scholars in U.S. history. Although at least one male scholar had ...

  7. Coloniality at Large: Latin America and the Postcolonial Debate edited

    This paper examines deep colonization in Latin America and the connected histories of the postcolonial world. It critically examines race, racism and colonialism in the history of Latin America, and the legal steps taken to minimize the consequences of prejudice and exclusion. It has identified exploitable individuals and populations for subjection, and indicates the scope of deep colonization ...

  8. Colonial Latin American History

    This guide will assist you in developing a research topic and subsequent paper for HIST 0500 Colonial Latin America.

  9. Research Guides: Colonial & Modern Latin American History Resources

    Getting Started with your Research Use the tabs to the left to find secondary and primary sources for Colonial & Modern Latin American History research topics, as well as tips on using the Chicago citation style.

  10. Burkholder and Johnson Colonial Latin America

    Book Reviews Burkholder, Mark A. and Johnson, Lyman L. (2008) Colonial Latin America, Oxford University Press (New York NY), xi + 436 pp. £24.99 pbk. There is much to commend in this sixth edition of Mark Burkholder and Lyman Johnson's classic textbook Colonial Latin America. It remains a fine synthesis of the colonial period for beginning undergraduate use. Of the other Latin American ...

  11. Latin American Research Paper Topics

    Mixed Latin American Research Paper Topics A closer look at the history of the church and human rights in Latin America. An in-depth analysis of Latin American feminist theology. Exploring the women's rights in Latin America: A case study of Peru and Colombia. Analyzing the implications of foreign debt on Latin America countries. The impact of the Cold War on Latin America. Analyzing the ...

  12. Research

    Research. Diving deeper into the topic of the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, I want to specifically look at indigenous population help. Whether this be through Dona Marina or other tribes helping to overthrow the Aztecs. I want to grasp a better understanding at why natives would help Europeans overthrow the Aztecs, and to what extent did ...

  13. Potential Research Topic

    Potential Research Topic. So far this semester, I have been intrigued by the effect of European colonization on Native people's perception towards their use of crops, agriculture, and eating habits. Obviously, we have seen how native people internalized sentiments of inferiority in relation to colonizers and therefore shifted many of their ...

  14. Updated Research Question

    Updated Research Question. After looking at sources and briefly discussing my project with Professor Holt, I have decided that I would like to focus on religious women in the Andes. I have found many sources that detail life in convents in Colonial Latin America and sources that detail the lives of women more specifically during this time.

  15. Colonial Period

    A topic guide to UTA's best research resources in Latin American Lit & Culture, 1492-1900 Resources for the study of the literatures of the Colonial Period.

  16. Colonial Latin American History

    Conquistadors: The Struggle for Colonial Power in Latin America, 1492-1825. Latin American History and Culture: An Archival Record. Parts 1-7 - Colonial manuscripts, rare volumes and documents. more...

  17. Topic Ideas

    This course guide will help ETHN 116 students find audiovisual, print and online sources for research assignments regarding Mexican Americans/Chicanos and Latinos.

  18. Latin American Colonial Literature

    View Latin American Colonial Literature Research Papers on for free.

  19. Yale University Library Research Guides: Latin American & Caribbean

    Welcome to the Latin American Collection at Yale University Library. In this guide you will find library resources for your research on Latin America and the Caribbean at Yale University Library.

  20. Latin American Studies

    This collection of pamphlets, serials, broadsides, fliers, and posters covers a broad range of countries and topics. It includes government reports, conference or working papers, research center working papers, literary magazines and journals, political campaign documents, election results, statistical studies, legal documents, newspapers, speeches, publications of human rights organizations ...

  21. Research Guides: History: Modern Latin American History (1800-)

    Modern Latin American History (1800-) Introduction This page has information to help with the HIST411 course Latin America Since Independence. The time period is beginning 19th century to the present. Area focus is on Mexico, Central America, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Anyone doing research on this and related historical topics should find this page useful. See also Latin American Art ...

  22. 222 Colonization Essay Topics & Samples

    222 Colonization Essay Topics & Examples. 20 min. To write a colonization essay, you can explore colonial America, indigenous communities and cultures. With the topics prepared by our team, it will be a lot easier! Table of Contents.