Cambridge Trust

Cambridge International Scholarship

These prestigious scholarships are offered to applicants who are from countries other than the United Kingdom or Ireland, in any subject, who are highly ranked by their prospective Departments within the University, and are awarded on the basis of academic ability and research potential, examination results, and references. The financial situation of applicants does not affect selection. They are tenable at any College.

Further information can be found here .

  • University tuition fee
  • Annual stipend (sufficient for a single person)
  • Immigration Health Surcharge

How to apply

No separate application is required for this scholarship, only the application for admission to the University of Cambridge, which must be submitted by the funding deadline specific to your course (please refer to the Postgraduate Course Directory )

For more information, please visit About our postgraduate scholarships

Funding Partner

University of cambridge.

The University of Cambridge is one of the world's most celebrated universities. It is regularly listed at or near the top of global university rankings, earning that accolade through the quality of its research and teaching. It is a self-governed community of scholars, and comprises 31 Colleges, and over 150 departments, faculties, schools and other institutions.

The University is also one of the world's oldest universities, having celebrated its 800th anniversary in 2009. While taking pride in its illustrious history, it focuses on research capable of transforming human knowledge and society.

The stated aim of the University is "to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence."

The University makes a substantial donation each year to the Cambridge Trust, assisting with many scholarship programmes.

Gates Cambridge Scholarships for International Students

Last updated: 10 Sep 2024 |

Deadline: 16 Oct/3 Dec 2024/7 Jan 2025 (annual) Study in:  UK Course starts October 2025

Brief description: 

The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are one of the most prestigious international scholarships in the world. Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge.

Host Institution(s):

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Level/Field of study:

  • • PhD (full-time or part-time*)
  • • MLitt (full-time)
  • • One year postgraduate course (full-time), with some exceptions – see below

Courses which are NOT eligible for Gates Cambridge Scholarships:

  • • Any Undergraduate degree such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA)
  • • Business Doctorate (BusD)
  • • Master of Business (MBA)
  • • Master of Finance (MFin)
  • • MASt courses
  • • MBBChir Clinical Studies
  • • MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time)
  • • Graduate Course in Medicine (A101)
  • • Part-time degrees
  • • Non-degree courses

Number of Awards:

About 80 scholarships are awarded each year.

Target group:

Citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge including tuition fees, maintenance allowance (£21,000 for 12 months at the 2024-25 rate; pro rata for courses shorter than 12 months) – for PhD scholars the award is for up to 4 years), one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course and inbound visa costs & the cost of the Immigration Health Surcharge.

It also provides additional, discretionary funding such as academic development funding, family allowance, fieldwork, etc.

Read about the full scholarship value at this link .


You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:

•  a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom.

•  applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study: PhD (full-time or part-time*), MSc or MLitt (full-time), or a one year postgraduate course (full-time) with some exceptions (see list above).

Application instructions:

Applicants submit their application for admission and funding (Gates Cambridge and other funding) via the University’s Graduate Application Portal. To be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you must complete the section to apply for admission to a course and a College place and the Gates Cambridge part of the funding section.

There are two Gates Cambridge application deadlines: 16 October 2024 (for US citizens resident in the USA) and either 3 December 2024 or 7 January 2025 depending on the course (for all other eligible applicants).

It is important to read the How to Apply section and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Official Scholarship Website:

Related Scholarships: List of UK Scholarships

Disclaimer: This is NOT the official scholarship page. This is only a one-page summarized listing of the scholarship. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, information may change at any time without notice. For complete and updated information, please always refer to the official website of the scholarship provider. Any reliance you place on information from is strictly at your own risk. Please read our Terms of Use for more information.

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Gates Cambridge: Class of 2024

By Mandy Garner

Ata Allah Elibizanti

Published on 17th April 2024

How do we change the world for the better? Now more than ever we need people with vision and, importantly, the necessary skills to tackle the complex challenges we face.

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship brings together people from across the world and across disciplines with a focus on improving the lives of others. Every year around 75 new scholars are selected to enrich the community and this year is no different.

The new scholars come from every corner of the world, including - for the first time - Libya and Nicaragua , and cover a wide span of disciplines and subjects.

This year’s cohort comprises 75 new scholars , studying areas from the impact of climate change on tropical biodiversity to how the circulation of conflict photographs shapes perception. Two scholars are part of the inaugural cohort for the PhD in Digital Humanities .

The scholars, 69% of whom are doing PhDs and 31% MPhils, will begin their studies in October. They represent 29 different nationalities and include:

Ata Allah Elbizanti

Ata Allah Elbizanti, the first Gates Cambridge Scholar from Libya, who will do a PhD in Physiology, Development and Neuroscience. Growing up in wartime, she became fascinated by the resilience and vulnerability of the human mind. After working in  Psychosocial Support with the United Nations, she did a master’s in Clinical Neuroscience and worked as a research assistant at the University of Cambridge. Her PhD aims to destigmatise mental health treatment and support tailored neuropsychiatric approaches.

She says: “I will be studying the brain at the circuit level, particularly looking at the neural networks which control attention and learning. Understanding these circuits will allow us to delve deeper into the intricate mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders like schizophrenia. My goal is not just to drive discovery in the field, but to bridge the gap between experimental research and real-world applications, ultimately transforming lives affected by cognitive disorders worldwide."

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Ata Allah Elibizanti

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Emannuel Iduma

Emmanuel Iduma

Emmanuel Iduma, from Nigeria, who is pursuing a PhD in Digital Humanities. After qualifying as a lawyer in Nigeria, he studied art criticism and writing at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Over the past 15 years, he has developed a diverse body of work that spans criticism, memoir, photography and fiction, including three books and a digital platform for African photography, as well as varied editorial and curatorial projects. 

He says: “In my writing, criticism, and curatorial work to date, I have been interested in the ways photographs explore human dignity in complex ways. I am grateful to come to Cambridge as a Gates Scholar, and as part of the inaugural cohort of a PhD in Digital Humanities. While here, I intend to use computer vision techniques to explore how the circulation of conflict photographs shapes perception, especially about the African continent. I hope, in addition, to develop a curatorial and ethical framework for engaging with photographs in an age of misinformation and AI-generated imagery.

Júlia Sánchez Viladevall

Júlia Sánchez Viladevall, from Spain, who will do a PhD in Haematology. As a former blood cancer patient, she aims to bridge the gap between haematology patients and researchers. To this end she collaborates with the biggest blood cancer foundation in Spain to teach blood cancer patients about their diseases in an understandable way. 

She says: “My research at Cambridge will help understand how human blood stem cells behave during foetal life. I seek to explore how they differentiate both in the healthy context and in Trisomy 21 patients. This will provide a better understanding of how blood stem cells can become primed to certain diseases in very early stages of life. My mission - inside and outside the lab - is to improve the quality of life of blood cancer patients.”

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Uchechukwu Ogechukwu

Uchechukwu Ogechukwu, from Nigeria, who is doing an MPhil in Technology Policy. He is co-founder of Greenage Technologies, a project aimed at harnessing renewable energy to combat energy poverty and environmental degradation in Africa. He aims to leverage technology, education and policy to foster sustainable change in the African energy sector. 

He says: "I am passionate about sustainable development in Africa's energy sector and co-founded Greenage Technologies to combat energy poverty. With a background in technology from the private sector, I'm eager to explore technology's policy aspects and collaborate with the Gates Cambridge community to drive positive change."

Madalyn Grant

Madalyn Grant, from Australia, who is doing a PhD in Archaeology. She has managed the establishment and delivery of restitution initiatives in the Australian university sector, something that made her reconsider the nature, role and impact of non-Indigenous actor emotions on processes of provenance and return. 

She says: “As one of the most tangible acts of redress and reconciliation, cultural repatriations are uniquely emotional phenomena. Expressions of regret and relief, fear and forgiveness are frequent, and yet emotions have been largely sidelined in repatriation scholarship and practice. At Cambridge, I plan to investigate the role of practitioner emotions in processes of provenance research, handover negotiation, and return, ultimately shifting the spotlight in order to improve practice and minimise harm for recipient communities.” 

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Vinícius Alexandre Fortes De Barros

Vinícius Alexandre Fortes De Barros, from Brazil, who is pursuing a  PhD in Law. He is one of the few openly gay Federal Prosecutors in Brazil, having started his career as a judge at the Mato Grosso State Court where he became the youngest appointee in 2015. In 2016 he became a Federal Prosecutor and was focused on human rights and criminal law.

He says: “My personal and professional background has led to the question: Is there a possible way to adequately protect LGBTQIA+ persons during and after wars? This question is the basis of my PhD research. With the Gates scholarship, I plan on receiving different multicultural visions about armed conflicts and vulnerable groups. Gates Cambridge will allow me to connect with visions of the World I have not yet experienced, strengthening my research."

Damni Kain, from India, who is doing a PhD in Sociology. Her master’s explored the spatial and temporal structures of platform work by placing the gig economy in the caste society of India. Her PhD will explore how caste and the structures of the gig economy co-produce each other while reordering social, bodily and sensorial relations of work. 

She says: “The ‘future of work’ has been at the centre of debate in recent years. But how is this future shaped by the ‘past’ and also the ‘present’ of work in the caste society of South Asia where people are ranked at birth and ascribed hierarchical social identities? My research aims to address this question while also using ethnographic evidence to create a better future of work - informing state policies, digital labour platforms, and consumers of the gig economy."

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Don Laing, from New Zealand, who is doing a PhD in Paediatrics. He has previously co-designed and executed a trial exploring a novel therapy for transitional neonatal hypoglycaemia in a neonatal intensive care unit and his PhD will focus on ventilator-associated pneumonia, a condition associated with significant mortality and morbidity. 

He states: “I am deeply committed to ensuring that children receive quality healthcare, enabling them to realise their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society. This is why while at Cambridge, I am dedicated to focusing on pioneering novel diagnostic tools in paediatric intensive care that enhance the care we give to some of our most critically unwell and vulnerable children. This research will address critical healthcare challenges such as ventilator-associated pneumonia and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, aligning closely with the Gates Cambridge Scholarship's mission to drive positive societal change.”

Elizabeth Appel

Elizabeth Appel, from the US, who will do an MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development. Elizabeth has been President of the American Society of Civil Engineers (student chapter) and Vice President of the Society of Women Engineers (student chapter).

She says: “The Gates Cambridge Scholarship will propel me into a career of changemaking to address not only the infrastructure problems of the present but of the future as well.  More deeply, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship will connect me with scholars from across the globe and allow me to learn from their diverse, interdisciplinary experiences.”

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

“I’m delighted to announce the Gates Cambridge class of 2024. These scholars, who have been selected by our expert Selection Panels, are a reflection of the mission of the Gates Cambridge Trust established through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s generous and historic gift to the University of Cambridge – to change the world for the better.

"We know that they will flourish in the rich, international community at Cambridge and we trust that they will go on to have a significant impact in their various fields and more broadly, tackling the complex global challenges we face today.”

Professor Eilis Ferran, Provost of the Gates Cambridge Trust

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Professor Manali Desai, Professor Eilis Ferran and Dr Kamiar Mohaddes at the interview for new scholars

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship programme was established through a US$210 million donation to the University of Cambridge from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. It funds international postgraduate students from across the globe, with the emphasis on diversity of thinking. 

Gates Cambridge Scholars are selected not just for their academic excellence, but for their ability to do just that in order to achieve wider social impact.

The Scholarship’s mission is based on social leadership combined with academic excellence. Since the first class in 2001, Gates Cambridge has awarded 2,183 scholarships to scholars from 114 countries who represent nearly 800 universities globally, and more than 80 academic departments and all 31 Colleges at Cambridge.

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Gates Cambridge Scholars 2023

Gates Cambridge collaboration and community

Dr Carol Ibe and Dr Albert Arhin

Collaboration is something that Gates Cambridge Scholars do extremely well. A growing number have gone on to work together following their master’s and PhDs. This year that includes: 

  • Carol Ibe [2015], Chioma Ngonadi [2015] and Albert Arhin [2012 - pictured above with Carol] who are collaborating on an innovative project to map the disappearance of traditional crops in Africa and to find solutions to potential food security problems. 
  • Kamiar Mohaddes [2005] and Ramit Debnath [2018], both Associate Professors at the University of Cambridge, are setting up the climaTRACES  lab which is focused on data-driven research and policy engagement on climate change. The goal is to improve the transparency, accountability and evidence base of the evolving climate information ecosystem for wider societal benefit. 

Gates Cambridge puts a big emphasis on community and the Gates Cambridge community has been forged by the scholars themselves from the very inception of the programme. This includes not just the Gates Cambridge Scholars Council, but also the Gates Cambridge Alumni Scholars’ network. As well as a host of events and opportunities to share ideas across disciplines and geographies, the community has led not just to impactful collaborations but lasting friendships. 

cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Gates Cambridge has also launched its own podcast this year, So, now what? which has tackled some of the biggest issues of our time from climate change to global health, bringing together scholars from around the world who are making an impact in academia, policymaking, the arts and industry.

More information on Gates Cambridge can be found on and a list of the class of 2024 can be found on the Gates Cambridge Directory page .

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The Smuts Fund and the Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust annually fund up to two international students on PhD courses. This scholarship is available to PhD applicants whose research relates to a Commonwealth country or countries (excluding the UK), normally in the fields of Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences.  

Each scholarship will be awarded for three years, and will pay the University Tuition Fee and an annual stipend sufficient for a single person. The scholarships are tenable at any College within the University of Cambridge.

No separate application is required for this scholarship, only the  application for admission  to the University of Cambridge, which must be submitted by the  funding deadline  specific to your course (please refer to the  Postgraduate Course Directory )

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For information on tuition fees, refer to the Undergraduate Study or Postgraduate Admissions webpages.

You will need to prove that you can finance yourself for the entire course. You should not expect to support yourself by working as the University has restrictions on working during studies . If you are bringing dependants to Cambridge, you will be required to supply evidence of having the extra financial support required.

Financial Support

There are various sources of financial support available to help towards your costs at Cambridge. These include:

  • Financial support for undergraduate international students
  • Funding support for postgraduate students
  • Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust is the largest provider of funding for international students at Cambridge. Working with partners worldwide, the Trust awards approximately 500 scholarships annually, and supports between 1100 and 1400 students in residence each year. Use the Trust's Scholarship search to see the range of scholarships for which you are eligible.
  • Gates Cambridge provides scholarships to outstanding applicants from outside the UK to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree. 
  • The ‘Student Funding Search’ publicises awards available for current and prospective students.
  • Financial support for disabled students

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cambridge international scholarship (phd)

Cambridge International Scholarship

These prestigious scholarships are offered to applicants who are from countries other than the United Kingdom or Ireland, in any subject, who are highly ranked by their prospective Departments within the University, and are awarded on the basis of academic ability and research potential, examination results, and references. The financial situation of applicants does not affect selection. This scholarship is tenable at any College.

Award details

Trust scholarships do not automatically fund the optional writing-up period (if applicable). Scholars will be able to apply for a brief period of extension funding, should it be required at the end of their scholarship.


Application process.

The Trust’s awards period runs from March to the end of July and is an ongoing process throughout that period. The majority of our full awards are made in March. Some of our partner funded awards can take time, and sometimes when offers are declined we may be able to offer them elsewhere. Applicants will remain under consideration until the end of the awards period (31 July). We are not able to contact unsuccessful applicants. If you have not been contacted by the Trust by the end of the awards period, you should assume that your application has not been successful.

80 Related courses found

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City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) and the University of Cambridge signed several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) to foster academic and research collaboration in 2024.

Not only a partner of CSCI’s internship schemes, the University of Cambridge is also the groomer of our outstanding students.

We are proud that Mr. Sam Cheng Chun Wun , a CityUHK BSc in Computing Mathematics (BSCM) local graduate, received a four-year full scholarship of HK$2 million to pursue his PhD study in Mathematics of Information at the University of Cambridge. Currently, he is a PhD student under the co-supervision of Professor Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb and Dr. Angelica I. Aviles-Rivero, at the Cambridge Image Analysis Group within the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.

Sam graduated with First-Class Honours from BSCM programme at CItyUHK in 2023. When studying at CityUHK, Sam was on the Dean’s List thrice. With support from the College of Science (CSCI), he participated in the Overseas Internship Scheme from May to Aug 2022 and worked on a summer research project about Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (NODEs) and medical image segmentation at the University of Cambridge. He achieved Top Quartile results in the 2022 Simon Marais Mathematics Competition (SMMC), partnering with Toromanovic Jovan (a student of BSc in Computer Science) and won the “Pair- Best-in-University Prizes, East Division” Prize in the competition.

City University of Hong Kong's Mathematics Department has played a crucial role in shaping my academic and personal growth,” Sam shared. The department has provided him countless opportunities and a supportive environment to develop skills and explore interests in mathematics. “Through their invaluable guidance, I have had the opportunity to participate in various STEM internships and overseas summer research at prestigious institutions such as the University of Cambridge.” He said.

Sam is the first BSc Computing Mathematics graduate admitted with 4-year full scholarship for PhD study at the University of Cambridge since 1994. Congratulations!


Tactics contributing to successful grant applications and recruitment of hong kong phd fellowship scheme (hkpfs) students, freshmen warmly welcomed at college orientation 2024, prof. condon lau shine at the silicon valley international inventions festival 2024, college of science.

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A world leading graduate education

The University of Cambridge has attracted many of the very best minds since 1209.

Today the University has grown to around 20,000 students, 7,500 of whom are graduate students. Of those graduate students, 50% come from overseas, and over 40% are women. The University and its Colleges are spread throughout the city.

Consistently ranked among the top universities in both national and international league tables, the University of Cambridge offers a world leading graduate education. With a global outlook and reach, its mission is to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.

For more details see .

A guide to postgraduate study at Cambridge

Throughout its history, Cambridge has had Colleges, which are intimate social and intellectual communities of scholars. They are educational charities, each with a particular mission and character, and they have evolved in response to different social pressures. They remain flexible, reacting to the changing needs of their members. But all are devoted to study and research across the range of disciplines and generations. Governed by Fellows, who are mostly academics employed in the University, they remain integral to the University’s educational and research environment today. They can offer you a home and other facilities that universities usually provide centrally. They also give you experiences and opportunities that are unique to Cambridge.

Further information about College is available from

The College experience for postgraduate applicants

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This exciting PhD in Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence will train the next generation of AI researchers, technologists, and leaders in the development of human-centred, human-compatible, responsible and socially and globally beneficial AI technologies. The course offers research training in areas such as fundamental human-level AI, social and interactive AI, cognitive AI, creative AI, health and global AI, and responsible AI. Students will be educated in an interdisciplinary environment where they can get access to expertise not only in the technical but also human, ethical, applied and industrial aspects of AI.

This programme is distinct from other PhD programmes in that it takes a strongly interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approach to technical AI. It will be based at the Centre for Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (CHIA) within the Institute for Technology and Humanity (ITH) where PhD students will have access to both a large community of scholars and students tackling similar questions and to the active research events programme that constitutes a key part of CHIA’s work. The course addresses the broader need for experts equipped to develop more responsible and human-centred AI as academia, industry, government and non-profit sectors increasingly recruit AI specialists and is a logical next step for students moving through AI-related master’s programmes and wishing to specialise in human-inspired AI. The interdisciplinary nature of human-inspired AI means that the programme will involve working closely also with other units of the University, including co-supervision arrangements, access to research seminars, and access to facilities.

The PhD in Human-Inspired AI aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to contribute critically and constructively to research in human-inspired AI. It introduces students from diverse backgrounds to research skills and specialist knowledge from a range of academic disciplines and provides them with the opportunity to carry out focused research under close supervision by domain experts at the University.

The programme will train the next generation of researchers and leaders in AI by

  • providing them with educational infrastructure and interdisciplinary research environment and world-leading training in human-inspired AI,
  • providing them with the critical tools to engage with the forefront of academic knowledge, methods and applications in this area,
  • developing the advanced skills and abilities to identify, approach and address practical interdisciplinary research challenges,
  • supporting students to develop a broad and deep understanding of the technical, ethical, applied and human aspects of AI, 
  • developing the ability and initiative to identify, address and approach relevant and complex challenges across sectors and society.

The course will benefit  

  • students wanting to engage with human-inspired AI by enabling them to hone critical, methodological and technical skills, develop new approaches and test them out, and specialise,
  • students locating themselves in other home disciplines who wish to develop advanced projects including CHIAs approaches and orientations, 
  • students entering into or returning to careers in academia, tech industry, and other sectors by giving them the advanced skills, critical perspectives, and methodological insights to pursue these pathways.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding

By the end of the PhD programme our graduates will demonstrate:

  • The ability to create and interpret new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline, and merit publication.
  • The general ability to conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of human-inspired AI, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems.
  • A detailed understanding of applicable techniques for cross-disciplinary research and advanced academic enquiry in the field of human-inspired AI
  • The ability to make informed judgements on complex issues in human inspired AI, often in the absence of complete data.
  • A critical perspective on the governance and ethical challenges that arise from applications of human-inspired AI and how these sit within and interact with wider society. 
  • A systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge in relation to the history, methods, and applications of human-inspired AI.

Skills and other attributes

Graduates of the course will be able to:

  • Continue to undertake pure and/or applied research and development at an advanced level, contributing substantially to the development of new techniques, ideas or approaches.
  • Communicate their ideas and conclusions clearly and effectively to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Contribute constructively within national, international and cross-disciplinary environments.
  • Transfer skills and qualities acquired during the programme to successfully engage in employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and largely autonomous initiative in complex and unpredictable situations, in professional or equivalent environments.


Students of the programme will graduate with a formal qualification in the rapidly expanding area of AI. The emphasis is on human-inspired AI. The combination of specialist, technical expertise in AI and cross-disciplinary approaches involving a wide range of human-centric disciplines means that our doctoral graduates will be uniquely qualified in the sector. The PhD will, therefore, put them in a strong position to pursue careers in a variety of academic and non-academic settings, for example organisations and consultancies in diverse sectors such as tech, health, environment, education, journalism, civil service among others.

For those intending to continue into an academic career, the course will equip them with the skills, experience and qualification for applying for a postdoctoral research position.

For Cambridge students applying to continue from the MPhil to a PhD, students must achieve a pass in the MPhil by Thesis or an overall distinction in the MPhil by Advanced Study.

All applications are judged on their own merits, and students must demonstrate their suitability to undertake doctoral-level research.

The Centre for Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (CHIA) will hold an online webinar 9:00-9:45am on 4 November 2024.  Please see the  CHIA website  for information on how to register for this event. 

The Cambridge University Postgraduate Virtual Open Day usually takes place at the beginning of November.  It's a great opportunity to ask questions to admissions staff and academics, explore the Colleges virtually, and to find out more about courses, the application process and funding opportunities. Visit the  Postgraduate Open Day  page for more details.

See further the  Postgraduate Admissions Events  pages for other events relating to Postgraduate study, including study fairs, visits and international events.

Key Information

3-4 years full-time, 4-7 years part-time, study mode : research, doctor of philosophy, institute for technology and humanity, course - related enquiries, application - related enquiries, course on department website, dates and deadlines:, michaelmas 2025.

Some courses can close early. See the Deadlines page for guidance on when to apply.

Funding Deadlines

These deadlines apply to applications for courses starting in Michaelmas 2025, Lent 2026 and Easter 2026.

Similar Courses

  • Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence MPhil
  • Digital Humanities MPhil
  • Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (part time) EPSRC CDT PhD
  • Digital Humanities PhD
  • Global Risk and Resilience MPhil

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cambridge international scholarship (phd)

The Height of Immortality Memorial Complex, Belaya Kalitva


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  1. Cambridge International Scholarship

    About. These prestigious scholarships are offered to applicants who are from countries other than the United Kingdom or Ireland, in any subject, who are highly ranked by their prospective Departments within the University, and are awarded on the basis of academic ability and research potential, examination results, and references.

  2. Postgraduate Cambridge University Scholarship

    A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge. It also provides additional, discretionary funding. Core components. the University Composition Fee at the appropriate rate*. a maintenance allowance for a single student (£21,000 for 12 months at the 2024-25 rate; pro rata for courses shorter than 12 months) - for ...

  3. Gates Cambridge Scholarship

    Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be offered to PhD students, with approximately 25 awards available in the US round and 55 available in the International round. ... The Gates Cambridge Scholarship provides funds to fully cover a scholars' non-controllable study costs. This would typically be between £30,000 - £45,000 per year ...

  4. Postgraduate funding

    Postgraduate funding. You can apply for funding to help cover your postgraduate study costs. Students can be: Every year the University awards over £100m in scholarships to postgraduate students. About 66% of our doctoral students and 14% of our Masters students are fully funded. For a full breakdown, see Postgraduate funding statistics 2023/24.

  5. Cambridge International Scholarships 2024-2025

    2024-2025 Cambridge International Scholarships are open to non-EU international students from around the world. The scholarships are towards a PhD Degree in any eligible research programmes offered at Cambridge University in UK. Deadline is 3 December 2023 or 4 January 2024 depending on the programme. Course starts October 2024. Read more »

  6. Cambridge International Scholarship

    The stated aim of the University is "to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence." The University makes a substantial donation each year to the Cambridge Trust, assisting with many scholarship programmes. These scholarships are offered to highly-ranked ...

  7. Apply for Cambridge University Funding

    Current Gates Cambridge Scholars may also apply for a second scholarship if they are applying for a new degree. All current Cambridge students will be considered the second, international round. However, if you have already started a course (e.g. you are currently part way through a PhD) you cannot apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to ...

  8. How to Apply for a Cambridge Scholarship

    Applicants submit their application for admission and funding (Gates Cambridge and other funding) via the University's Graduate Application Portal. To be considered for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship you must complete the section to apply for admission to a course and a College place and the Gates Cambridge part of the funding section.

  9. Applying for University funding

    Funding deadlines. There are 3 main University funding deadlines for the 2025/26 academic year: 16 October 2024 (for US citizens applying to the Gates Cambridge Scholarship) 3 December 2024. 7 January 2025. Deadlines are course-specific so check the Course Directory to see which funding deadline applies to your course.

  10. Applying to Cambridge

    Register for the Applicant Portal. Applications to Cambridge are made through the Applicant Portal. Once you have selected your course in the Course Directory, click the 'Apply Now' button to be directed to the Applicant Portal to start your application. You can save your application at any stage and return to it later to complete.

  11. Gates Cambridge Scholarships for International Students

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  15. Cambridge Trust Scholarship (postgraduate)

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  16. Fees and financial support

    Funding support for postgraduate students. Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust is the largest provider of funding for international students at Cambridge. Working with partners worldwide, the Trust awards approximately 500 scholarships annually, and supports between 1100 and 1400 students in residence each year.

  17. Cambridge International Scholarship

    About. These prestigious scholarships are offered to applicants who are from countries other than the United Kingdom or Ireland, in any subject, who are highly ranked by their prospective Departments within the University, and are awarded on the basis of academic ability and research potential, examination results, and references.

  18. External scholarships

    They support one year of full-time postgraduate study in a British university. This award is for students who have taken an IELTS test at a British Council centre in Germany. The award is worth between £3,000 up to £10,000. These scholarships help fund study abroad for Norwegian students for up to one year.

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  21. Bridgemeister

    Do you have any information or photos about this bridge that you would like to share? Please email [email protected]. Mail | Facebook | Twitter | Facebook | Twitter

  22. International Scholarships at Cambridge

    A world leading graduate education. The University of Cambridge has attracted many of the very best minds since 1209. Today the University has grown to around 20,000 students, 7,500 of whom are graduate students. Of those graduate students, 50% come from overseas, and over 40% are women. The University and its Colleges are spread throughout the ...

  23. Bridgemeister

    Do you have any information or photos about this bridge that you would like to share? Please email [email protected]. Mail | Facebook | Twitter | Facebook | Twitter

  24. PhD in Human-Inspired Artificial Intelligence

    For Cambridge students applying to continue from the MPhil to a PhD, students must achieve a pass in the MPhil by Thesis or an overall distinction in the MPhil by Advanced Study. All applications are judged on their own merits, and students must demonstrate their suitability to undertake doctoral-level research.

  25. The Height of Immortality Memorial Complex

    Attractions. 8 within 6 miles. Mayakovskiy Culture and Leisure Park. 7. 0.5 miParks. Monument to Repressed Cossacks. 1. 1 miPoints of Interest & Landmarks • Monuments & Statues. Belaya Kalitva Museum of History and Local Lore.