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What Is An Assignee On A Life Insurance Policy?

What Is An Assignee On A Life Insurance Policy?

Published: October 14, 2023

Learn the role of an assignee on a life insurance policy and how it can impact your finances. Discover what it takes to become a finance-savvy assignee.

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Table of Contents

Introduction, definition of assignee, role of assignee in a life insurance policy, rights and responsibilities of an assignee, process of assigning a life insurance policy, benefits of assigning a life insurance policy, considerations before assigning a life insurance policy, potential challenges and risks for assignees.

Life insurance is a crucial financial tool that provides protection and financial security to individuals and their loved ones in case of unexpected events. While the primary purpose of life insurance is to provide a death benefit to beneficiaries, policy owners also have the flexibility to assign or transfer their policy rights to another person or entity. This is where an assignee comes into play.

An assignee on a life insurance policy refers to the individual or entity who is designated to receive the policy benefits or be the recipient of any policy changes. Assigning a life insurance policy can be a strategic move for policyholders who want to transfer ownership rights or allocate the proceeds to a specific person or organization.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the role of an assignee in a life insurance policy, their rights and responsibilities, as well as the process of assigning a policy. We will also explore the benefits and considerations involved in assigning a life insurance policy, along with potential challenges and risks that assignees may encounter.

Understanding the concept of assignees in life insurance policies is essential for policyholders who may be considering transferring their policy rights or for beneficiaries who need to comprehend the implications of an assigned policy. Without further ado, let’s dive into the details of assignees on a life insurance policy.

An assignee on a life insurance policy is an individual or entity that is designated to receive the policy benefits or take over the ownership rights and responsibilities. When a policyholder assigns their life insurance policy, they transfer their rights to the assignee, who then becomes the new owner of the policy.

The assignee can be a spouse, child, relative, friend, or even a business entity such as a trust or corporation. The assignee can be named at the time the policy is initially taken out, or the policyholder can choose to assign the policy at a later date. In some cases, a policyholder may assign their policy to a lender or creditor as collateral for a loan.

It is important to note that the assignee is distinct from the beneficiary. The beneficiary is the person or entity who receives the death benefit proceeds upon the death of the insured. While the assignee assumes ownership of the policy, they may or may not be the same person as the beneficiary.

Assigning a life insurance policy can be a way for policyholders to ensure that the intended recipient receives the policy benefits or to transfer the financial responsibility and management of the policy to someone else.

Now that we have established the definition of an assignee in a life insurance policy, let’s explore their role in more detail.

The assignee plays a significant role in a life insurance policy once they have been designated as the new owner. Their responsibilities and authority may vary depending on the terms of the policy and the specific agreement between the policyholder and the assignee. Here are some key roles an assignee may have:

  • Policy Ownership: As the assignee, they become the legal owner of the life insurance policy. This means they have the rights to manage and make decisions regarding the policy, subject to any limitations or conditions outlined in the assignment agreement.
  • Premium Payments: The assignee is generally responsible for paying the premiums to keep the policy in force. They may choose to use their own funds or utilize the policy’s cash value, if available, to cover the premiums.
  • Beneficiary Designation: The assignee may have the authority to change the beneficiary designation if permitted by the policy terms. This gives them the ability to redirect the policy’s death benefit to another individual or entity.
  • Policy Modifications: Depending on the specific agreement, the assignee may have the power to make changes to the policy, such as increasing or decreasing the coverage amount, adjusting the policy term, or adding additional riders.
  • Access to Policy Information: As the new policy owner, the assignee has the right to access and review the policy information, including the policy terms, conditions, and any associated documents.
  • Claims Processing: In the event of the insured’s death, the assignee is responsible for initiating the claims process and ensuring that the death benefit proceeds are disbursed to the designated beneficiary.

It’s important to note that the specific roles and authority of the assignee can vary based on the terms of the assignment agreement. It is essential for both the policyholder and the assignee to have a clear understanding of their respective roles and responsibilities to avoid any confusion or disputes in the future.

Now that we have examined the role of an assignee in a life insurance policy, let’s explore the rights and responsibilities they have in more detail.

When an individual or entity becomes the assignee of a life insurance policy, they acquire certain rights and responsibilities associated with the policy. These rights and responsibilities can vary depending on the terms of the assignment agreement and the specific provisions of the policy. Let’s take a closer look at the rights and responsibilities of an assignee:

Rights of an Assignee:

  • Ownership Rights: As the assignee, they have the right to the policy benefits and any cash value that has accumulated. They can make decisions regarding the policy, such as changing the beneficiary, modifying coverage, or accessing policy information.
  • Premium Payments: The assignee has the right to receive premium payments from the policyholder, which they can use to keep the policy in force. They may also have the right to access the policy’s cash value, if available.
  • Policy Modifications: Depending on the terms of the assignment agreement, the assignee may have the right to make changes to the policy, such as adjusting the coverage amount, policy term, or adding additional riders.
  • Access to Policy Information: The assignee has the right to access and review the policy information, including the terms, conditions, and any associated documents. This allows them to stay informed about the policy’s provisions and make informed decisions.
  • Claims Processing: In the event of the insured’s death, the assignee has the right to initiate the claims process and receive the death benefit proceeds. They are responsible for disbursing the proceeds to the designated beneficiary, if applicable.

Responsibilities of an Assignee:

  • Premium Payments: As the assignee, they are responsible for making premium payments to keep the policy in force. This ensures that the policy remains active and the coverage continues.
  • Policy Management: The assignee has the responsibility to manage and maintain the policy. This includes reviewing the policy regularly, staying informed about any changes in the terms and conditions, and making decisions that align with the policyholder’s intentions.
  • Beneficiary Designation: If authorized by the assignment agreement, the assignee may have the responsibility to change the beneficiary designation if necessary. This involves ensuring that the intended recipient of the death benefit is correctly designated.
  • Communication: The assignee has the responsibility to maintain open communication with the policyholder, beneficiaries, and any other parties involved. This helps in addressing any questions, concerns, or changes that may arise regarding the policy.

It’s important for both the assignee and the policyholder to have a clear understanding of these rights and responsibilities to ensure a smooth and effective management of the policy. Now that we have explored the rights and responsibilities of an assignee, let’s move on to understand the process of assigning a life insurance policy.

The process of assigning a life insurance policy involves transferring the ownership rights and control of the policy from the policyholder to the assignee. While the specific steps may vary based on the insurance company and policy terms, the general process typically includes the following:

  • Review Policy Terms: The policyholder should carefully review the terms and conditions of their life insurance policy to understand any limitations or restrictions on assigning the policy.
  • Choose an Assignee: The policyholder selects an individual or entity to be the assignee. This can be a family member, friend, trust, or even a business entity. It is essential to consider the long-term goals and intentions when choosing an assignee.
  • Obtain Consent: The policyholder must obtain the consent of the proposed assignee to ensure they are willing to assume the responsibilities and obligations associated with the policy.
  • Prepare Assignment Agreement: The policyholder and the assignee should work together to prepare an assignment agreement. This is a legal document that outlines the terms of the assignment, including the assignee’s rights, responsibilities, and any potential compensation or considerations involved.
  • Notify the Insurance Company: The policyholder must contact their insurance company to inform them of the intention to assign the policy. The insurance company may require specific forms to be filled out, along with a copy of the assignment agreement.
  • Insurance Company Approval: The insurance company will review the assignment request and the assignment agreement to ensure they comply with their policies and regulations. Once approved, they will update their records to reflect the new assignee.
  • Update Beneficiary Designation: If the assignee is different from the original beneficiary, the policyholder may need to update the beneficiary designation to ensure that the intended recipient receives the death benefit.

It is crucial for both the policyholder and the assignee to consult with legal and financial professionals to ensure that the assignment process is conducted properly, adhering to any legal requirements and optimizing the financial outcomes for all parties involved.

Now that we have discussed the process of assigning a life insurance policy, let’s move on to explore the benefits of assigning a life insurance policy.

Assigning a life insurance policy can offer several benefits for both the policyholder and the assignee. Here are some key advantages of assigning a life insurance policy:

  • Control and Flexibility: Assigning a life insurance policy allows the policyholder to have control over who will manage and benefit from the policy. It provides flexibility to designate a specific person or entity to take over the ownership rights and responsibilities.
  • Estate Planning: Assigning a life insurance policy can be an effective estate planning strategy. It allows the policyholder to transfer assets outside of their estate, which may help in minimizing estate taxes and ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth to the intended recipients.
  • Creditor Protection: By assigning a life insurance policy to a trust or business entity, the policy cash value and death benefit may be protected from potential creditors. This provides an added layer of financial security for the assignee and the intended beneficiaries.
  • Financial Assistance: Assigning a life insurance policy can be beneficial in scenarios where the assignee needs financial assistance. For example, if the assignee is facing financial hardship or requires funds for a specific purpose, they may be able to access the policy’s cash value or even borrow against the policy.
  • Charitable Giving: Assigning a life insurance policy to a charitable organization can be a meaningful way to support a favorite cause. It allows the policyholder to make a significant charitable contribution, and the assignee, in this case, would be responsible for managing the policy and ensuring that the proceeds benefit the designated charity.

It’s important to note that the benefits of assigning a life insurance policy can vary depending on the specific circumstances and goals of the policyholder. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with financial advisors, estate planning professionals, and insurance experts to assess the suitability of assigning a policy and to maximize the potential benefits.

Now that we have explored the benefits of assigning a life insurance policy, let’s move on to discuss some considerations before making the decision to assign a policy.

Before deciding to assign a life insurance policy, it is crucial to carefully consider a few key factors. These considerations will help ensure that the decision aligns with your financial goals and meets your specific needs. Here are some important points to ponder:

  • Impact on Beneficiaries: Assigning a life insurance policy may have implications for the intended beneficiaries. It is essential to consider their needs and financial security before assigning the policy to someone else or an entity. Make sure to have open conversations with the beneficiaries to discuss any changes in the policy ownership and how it may impact them.
  • Future Financial Needs: Assess your own future financial needs before assigning a life insurance policy. Life circumstances can change, and it is crucial to determine if the policy’s cash value or death benefit might be required for your own financial stability or long-term goals. Balancing immediate financial needs with the desire to assign the policy is important.
  • Trustworthiness of the Assignee: Consider the trustworthiness and reliability of the proposed assignee. Assigning a life insurance policy involves transferring ownership rights and responsibilities, so it is crucial to choose someone who will effectively manage the policy and fulfill the agreed-upon obligations. Conduct thorough due diligence and consider seeking legal advice to ensure the assignee is the right choice.
  • Tax Implications: Assigning a life insurance policy may have tax implications. Consult with tax professionals to understand any potential tax consequences of the assignment, such as gift tax or estate tax considerations. Proper planning and knowledge of tax laws will help mitigate any unexpected tax liabilities.
  • Insurance Company Policy: Review the terms and conditions of your life insurance policy regarding assignments. Some policies may have restrictions or limitations on assigning a policy, and it’s important to understand these provisions. Contact your insurance company directly to clarify any concerns or questions related to the assignment process.
  • Legal Considerations: Assigning a life insurance policy involves legal documentation and agreements. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals who specialize in insurance and estate planning to ensure that the assignment is conducted in compliance with applicable laws and meets your specific needs.

Considering these factors will help you make an informed decision about whether assigning a life insurance policy is the right choice for you. Assess your individual situation, speak with professionals, and review your long-term goals to determine if assigning the policy aligns with your overall financial plan.

Now that we have explored the considerations before assigning a life insurance policy, let’s discuss some potential challenges and risks for assignees.

While assigning a life insurance policy can have its benefits, there are also potential challenges and risks that assignees should be aware of. Understanding these risks will help you make informed decisions and take necessary precautions. Here are some potential challenges and risks for assignees:

  • Financial Responsibility: As the assignee, you become responsible for paying the policy premiums to keep the coverage in force. Failure to pay the premiums can result in the policy lapsing, causing loss of coverage and potential loss of the policy’s cash value.
  • Potential Conflict: Assigning a life insurance policy may lead to conflicts, especially if the policyholder has multiple beneficiaries or if the assigned policy conflicts with other estate planning arrangements. It is important to communicate and coordinate with all involved parties to minimize potential disputes.
  • Changing Circumstances: Life circumstances can change, and the assigned policy may no longer align with the assignee’s needs or financial goals. Review the policy periodically to ensure it still meets your objectives. If necessary, consult with professionals to explore options for policy modifications or changes.
  • Loss of Control: By assigning a policy, you relinquish control over certain aspects of the policy. The assignee may need to consult the policyholder or beneficiaries before making any changes or important decisions. This loss of control should be carefully considered before proceeding with the assignment.
  • Insurance Company Approval: The insurance company typically has the final say in approving the assignment. They will review and confirm the assignment agreement to ensure compliance with their policies. If the assignment is not approved, it can impede the intended transfer of ownership.
  • Tax Implications: Assigning a life insurance policy may have tax consequences for the assignee, such as potential income tax on the policy’s cash value or estate tax implications. Consult with tax professionals before finalizing the assignment to fully understand these potential tax implications.

It is crucial for assignees to carefully weigh these challenges and risks against the potential benefits before accepting the assignment of a life insurance policy. Be proactive in communicating with the policyholder and beneficiaries, stay informed about policy details, and seek professional guidance to navigate any potential challenges or risks.

Now that we have discussed the potential challenges and risks for assignees, let’s wrap up our article.

Assigning a life insurance policy can be a strategic financial move that offers flexibility and control over the policy’s ownership and benefits. By designating an assignee, individuals can ensure that the policy proceeds are directed to the intended recipient or utilize the expertise of an entity to manage the policy. However, before proceeding with an assignment, it is important to carefully consider various factors.

Understanding the role, rights, and responsibilities of an assignee is vital to ensure a smooth transition and effective management of the policy. The assignee assumes ownership of the policy, enjoying benefits such as decision-making authority and control over premiums. They also have responsibilities, including making premium payments, managing the policy, and initiating claims if the insured passes away.

The process of assigning a life insurance policy involves reviewing policy terms, choosing an assignee, obtaining consent, preparing an assignment agreement, and notifying the insurance company. It is crucial to review the policy specifics and consult legal and financial professionals to ensure compliance with regulations and optimize financial outcomes.

Assigning a life insurance policy offers numerous benefits, such as control, estate planning opportunities, creditor protection, and financial assistance. However, there are considerations to keep in mind, including the impact on beneficiaries, future financial needs, and tax implications.

Assignees may face potential challenges, such as financial responsibility, conflicts of interest, changing circumstances, loss of control, and insurance company approval. These risks should be carefully assessed, and open communication with the policyholder and beneficiaries is essential to minimize disputes and ensure a smooth transition.

In conclusion, assigning a life insurance policy requires thoughtful deliberation and consultation with professionals. Assessing your financial goals, considering the needs of beneficiaries, and understanding the potential risks will help make an informed decision. Assigning a life insurance policy can provide peace of mind, but careful consideration and planning are essential to ensure the assigned policy aligns with your long-term financial goals.


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What is an Assignee on a Life Insurance Policy?

When people take out a life insurance policy, it’s typically a step taken to prepare your loved ones for life after you pass away. What you may not know is that insurance policies are owned entities, which means they can be used as collateral for a loan or even be sold to offer money to you when you’re in a tough spot. There are also different methods available to do this, which we’ll explain in this article.

An individual who is taking out insurance will have many choices, such as whether you prefer to purchase whole life insurance or term life insurance . You also have choices when it comes to using your policy to leverage money that has already been invested in it.

Part of that is understanding the difference between a collateral assignment and an absolute assignment, so you can be sure to choose the solution that works best with your financial needs. The other part of it involves knowing the most important terms related to an assignment so that you go in with the knowledge you need.

Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

If you have ever taken out a standard personal loan, a collateral assignment of life insurance has a lot of similarities to that process. The collateral for the loan is the life insurance policy and an organization or individual who pays out the loan is the assignee . They are also the ones who take over the policy on a conditional basis.

One important thing to know is that the assignee cannot resell the policy, make use of its cash value, or make changes to it. The assignee may only take the money for the death benefit if you, as the policyholder, default on the loan.

In the typical situation, if the collateral assignment is standing at your death, the assignee will let the insurance company know about the debt remaining, including interest. They will then be provided with that amount. If there are extra benefits, those will go to your beneficiary listed in the policy.

Absolute Assignment of Life Insurance

Another way to acquire a loan using life insurance is through an absolute assignment. This differs from collateral assignment since instead of using the loan as collateral, you are signing the full policy over to a person or entity. This person or business is considered the assignee, while the person who is selling the policy is the assignor.

The individual who buys the insurance policy gains ownership of the policy. This makes them responsible for the premiums and lets them make changes or choose different beneficiaries .

Each absolute assignment will have different terms based on the contract that is signed. For instance, it might explain that the assignor is transferring all title, rights, and interest in the policy to the assignee. Depending on the insurance company, an ownership clause may be used to make the transfer itself.

Understanding Policy Provisions

To ensure the assignee is protected, the insurance company needs to be notified that an assignment is in place. If the company doesn’t have notice of the assignment, the process might be paid to a beneficiary or a different assignee. This can be an issue since the insurance company will not pay the amount out again to another person.

Many life insurance policies come with policy provisions related to assignments. The most common include:

  • The assignment is subject to all indebtedness related to the insurance company regarding the policy.
  • The assignment only becomes binding when the original or duplicate is filed at the insurance company’s home office.
  • The insurance provider has no responsibility for the sufficiency, effect, or the validity of the assignment.

Because of these provisions, it’s crucial to ensure that you make the assignment correctly. This applies whether it is an absolute assignment or a collateral assignment. The best thing you can do to avoid problems is to speak with an experienced insurance professional who can guide you to the best solution for your needs.

Comparing Assignments Among Life Insurance Policies

If you are in a situation where you need money and it needs to happen quickly, ask yourself whether your cash value in your life insurance policy could help you out. After you decide the answer to that, make sure that you consider the larger picture.

Going with an absolute assignment approach may be able to offer you a large sum of money at one time. However, you also need to realize that your family and loved ones will no longer have the protection that was provided by the policy. If this is a policy that you have been dutifully paying into for decades, losing all the value is something you need to decide whether you’re ready for.

On the other hand, a collateral assignment doesn’t whisk away the policy in its entirety. You can get control of your policy back as soon as you resolve your financial problem and pay back the loan. A collateral assignment is one of the most common ways to borrow from a life insurance policy to use the cash value on necessities.

Collateral assignments let you regain the benefits associated with a long-term life insurance policy at some point in the future. Since most people are familiar with paying off student loans, auto loans, and mortgages, this agreement is similar. Making all of the payments on time can help with both financial concerns in the present as well as creating long-term financial success.

Selecting Between Life Insurance Assignment Options

Every person is unique and will be in a different situation when considering a life insurance assignment. For one person, choosing a collateral assignment might be the right choice since the individual wants the life insurance benefits back after paying off the loan. Someone else may not be interested in those benefits and need a larger amount of money, which an absolute assignment can offer.

You’ll want to consider all your options before borrowing through your life insurance , whether that involves an assignment or another type of loan. Be aware of all of your options and make sure your choice is right for the present and your future financial situation.

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Assigning Your Life Insurance Policy

assignee and assignment of insurance

Getting approval on a loan can sometimes depend on one or two very important issues. For example, lenders often ask borrowers the question, “How will this loan be repaid in the event of your death?” Your answer may be to suggest assigning your life insurance policy.* This useful feature of a life insurance contract can help provide the necessary comfort level and security for a lender.

You can freely assign your life insurance policy unless some limitation is specified in your contract (your insurance company can furnish the required assignment forms). Through an assignment, you can transfer your rights to all or a portion of the policy proceeds to an assignee. The extent to which these rights are transferable depends on the assignment provisions in the policy, the intention of the parties as expressed in the assignment form, and the actual circumstances of the assignment.

In general, no interest deduction is allowed when the indebtedness is used to purchase or carry a life insurance contract. However, there is an exception that will allow the interest deduction as long as the indebtedness is incurred in connection with a trade or business.

Types of Assignments

There are two types of conventional insurance policy assignments:

  •  An absolute assignment is normally intended to give the assignee every right in the policy that you possessed prior to the assignment. When the transaction is completed, you have no further financial interest in the policy.

The terminology of absolute assignments differs from contract to contract. In essence, it states that you transfer all rights, title, and interest in the policy to the assignee. Some insurance companies use an “ownership clause” to accomplish this transfer.

  • A collateral assignment is a more limited type of transfer. It is a security arrangement to protect the assignee (lender) by using the policy as security for repayment. After the indebtedness is repaid, the assignee releases his or her interest in the policy.

In other words, the assignee will revert to you the rights transferred by the assignment. Under the usual procedure, if the collateral assignment is still in force at your death, the assignee informs the insurance company of the remaining indebtedness, including interest, and receives that amount in a lump sum. Any excess proceeds are then payable to your named beneficiary in accordance with the beneficiary designation in your policy.

To fully protect the assignee, notice must be given to the life insurance company that the assignment has been made. If a company with no notice of assignment makes payment of the proceeds to another assignee or to a named beneficiary, the insurance company cannot be made to pay a second time.

Policy Provisions

Some typical policy provisions concerning assignments may include the following:

  • The assignment will not be binding until the original, or a duplicate thereof, is filed at the insurance company’s home office. 
  • The insurance company assumes no obligation as to the effect, sufficiency, or validity of the assignment. 
  • The assignment is subject to any indebtedness to the insurance company on the policy. Thus, it is important to ensure that an assignment is made properly, regardless of whether it is absolute or collateral.

*Although loans generally are not taxable, there may be tax consequences if the policy lapses or is surrendered (even as part of a 1035 exchange) with a loan or assignment outstanding. The taxable income from the surrender, 1035 exchange, or lapse of the policy may exceed the cash proceeds received from it. If the policy is a modified endowment contract (MEC), pre-death distributions from the policy, including loans and assignments, are taxed on an income-first basis, and there may also be a 10% federal income tax penalty for distributions prior to age 59½.

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Future Generali Total Insurance Solutions

What is Assignment and Nomination in Life Insurance?

‘Assignment’ and ‘Nomination’ are two most common terms used in a life insurance policy document. Let us understand the importance of these two terms in-detail.

Future Generali

By Future Generali. Updated On Oct 06, 2022

What is Assignment and Nomination in Life Insurance?

Your life insurance policy is a contract between you (insured) and the insurance company (insurer). The contract is filled with jargon. To the extent possible, we must understand all the terms mentioned in the policy bond (certificate). ‘Assignment’ and ‘Nomination’ are two most common terms used in the insurance world.

For instance, in the event that you plan to apply for a home loan, your home loan provider will surely use these terms. Hence, it is best to be sure and understand exactly what the terms mean before you make a decision to buy the policy.

What is assignment in life insurance?

A life insurance policy can be assigned when rights of one person are transferred to another. The rights to your insurance policy can be transferred to someone else for various reasons. The process is known as assignment.

An “assignor” (policyholder) is the person who assigns the insurance policy. An “assignee” is the person to whom the policy rights have been transferred, i.e. the person to whom the policy has been assigned.

In the event rights are transferred from an Assignor to an Assignee, the rights of the policyholder are canceled, and the Assignee becomes the owner of the insurance policy.

People often assign their life insurance policies to banks. A bank becomes the policy owner in this case, while the original policyholder continues to be the life assured whose death may be claimed by either the bank or the policy owner.

Types of Assignment

There are two ways to assign an insurance policy. They are as follows:

1. Absolute Assignment

During this process, the rights of the assignor (policyholder) will be completely transferred to the assignee (person to whom the policy rights have been transferred). It is not subject to any conditions.

As an example, Mr. Rajiv Tripathi owns a Rs 1 Crore life insurance policy. Mr. Tripathi wants to gift his wife this policy. Specifically, he wants to make “absolute assignment” of the policy in his wife's name, so that the death benefit (or maturity proceeds) can be paid directly to her. After the absolute assignment has been made, Mrs. Tripathi will own this policy, and she will be able to transfer it to someone else again.

2. Conditional Assignment

As part of this type of assignment, certain conditions must be met before the transfer of rights occurs from the Assignor to the Assignee. The Policy will only be transferred to the Assignee if all conditions are met.

For instance, a term insurance policy of Rs 50 Lakh is owned by Mr. Dinesh Pujari. Mr. Pujari is applying for a home loan of Rs 50 Lakh. For the loan, the banker asked him to assign the term policy in their name. To acquire a home loan, Mr. Pujari can assign the insurance policy to the home loan company. In the event of Mr. Pujari’s death (during the loan tenure), the bank can collect the death benefit and get their money back from the insurance company.

Mr. Pujari can get back his term insurance policy if he repays the entire amount of his home loan. As soon as the loan is repaid, the policy will be transferred to Mr. Pujari.

In the event that the insurer receives a death benefit that exceeds the outstanding loan balance, the bank will be paid from the difference between the death benefit and the loan and the balance will be paid directly to the nominee. In the above example, the remaining amount (if any) will be paid to Mr. Pujari’s beneficiaries (legal heirs/nominee).

Key Points to know Note About Assignment

In regards to the assignment, the following points should be noted:

  • A policy assignment transfers/changes only the ownership, not the risk associated with it. The person assured thus becomes the insured.
  • The assignment may lead to cancellation of the nomination in the policy only when it is done in favour of the insurance company due to a policy loan.
  • Assignment for all insurance plans except for the pension plan and the Married Women's Property Act (MWP), can be done.
  • A policy contract endorsement is required to effect the assignment.

What is nomination in life insurance?

Upon the death of the life assured, the nominee/ beneficiary (generally a close relative) receives the benefits. Policyholders appoint nominees to receive benefits. Under the Insurance Act, 1938, Section 39 governs the nomination process.

Types of Nominees

In a life insurance policy, the policyholder names someone who will receive the benefits in the event of the life assured's death. Here are a few types of nominees:

1. Beneficial Nominees

In accordance with the law, the beneficiary of the claimed benefits will be any immediate family member nominated by the policyholder (like a spouse, children, or parents). Beneficiary nominees are limited to immediate family members of the beneficiary.

2. Minor Nominees

It is common for individuals to name their children as beneficiaries of their life insurance policies. Minor nominees (under the age of 18) are not allowed to handle claim amounts. Hence, the policyholder needs to designate a custodian or appointee. Payments are made to the appointee until the minor reaches the age of 18.

3. Non-family Nominees

Nominees can include distant relatives or even friends as beneficiaries of a life insurance policy.

4. Changing Nominees

It is okay for policyholders to change their nominees as often as they wish, but the latest nominee should take priority over all previous ones.

Key Points to Note About Nomination

In regards to the nomination, the following points should be noted:

  • In order to nominate, the policyholder and life assured must be the same.
  • In the case of a different policyholder and life assured, the claim benefits will be paid to the policyholder.
  • Nominations cannot be changed or modified.
  • The policy can have more than one nominee.
  • As part of successive nominations, if the life assured appoints person “A” as the first person to receive benefits. Now, in the event of the life assured’s death after person “A” dies, the claim benefits will be given to person “B”. The benefits will be available to Nominee “C” if Nominee “A” and Nominee “B” have passed away.

What is the difference between nomination and assignment?

Let's talk about the differences between assignment and nomination.

Defining parameters Assignment Nomination

The endorsement is made on the contract policy.

The nominees' names are mentioned.

It involves transferring rights/ownership from the assignor (policyholder) to the assignee (person/entity).

Policy ownership does not change under nomination, it continues with the policyholder.

The life assured will transfer all his/her right/ownership of the policy to another person/institution.

It offers the nominee to avail claim benefits in case of death of the life assured.

The assignment might/might not support consideration.

Nomination does not support consideration.

Without a witness, the assignment will be considered invalid.

It is not required in the nomination.

Assignee has the right to sue the assignor of the policy.

The nominee cannot sue the policyholder of the policy.

Assignee is entitled to receive the policy money.

The nominee is entitled to avail the claim benefits in case of death of the life assured

Nomination and Assignment serve different purposes. The nomination protects the interests of the insured as well as an insurer in offering claim benefits under the life insurance policy. On the other hand, assignment protects the interests of an assignee in availing the monetary benefits under the policy. The policyholder should be aware of both of them before buying life insurance.

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assignee and assignment of insurance

What is collateral assignment of life insurance?

Life insurance can act as collateral for you to secure a loan. With a collateral assignment, the payout from your insurance goes to pay your loan balance first, and your loved ones will get to keep any remaining money.

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Updated January 3, 2024 | 4 min read

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Collateral assignment of life insurance is an arrangement where you agree to give a lender the first claim to the payout from your life insurance policy. This allows your life insurance to serve as the collateral that many loans — especially small business loans or Small Business Administration (SBA) loans — require before they can lend you money you need. 

In other words, the money from your life insurance payout helps the lender feel confident that they can collect the balance on your loan, even if you die while you’re still making payments. After the loan is paid off, anything left over will go to your loved ones.

How does a collateral assignment work?

Collateral assignment is an additional agreement to your life insurance policy that gives a lender first claim to your life insurance payout, but lets you name beneficiaries who can claim any money left over after the loan is paid. This is different from credit life insurance , which forces you to name your lender as the sole beneficiary of your policy. You can use either a term life or a permanent life insurance policy for collateral assignment.

If you already have a life insurance policy, and the death benefit is worth more than the loan you want to get, you may be able to use it as collateral. In other cases, loan companies that take life insurance as collateral may require you to buy a new policy that covers at least the full amount due. 

Either way, the process of getting a policy is the same. You’ll go through the application and underwriting process, and wait to receive your offer. Then, you’ll complete paperwork to set up a collateral assignment. 

Once you’ve paid off the loan, you’ll get a written release from the lender. The collateral assignment condition on your policy ends, but you can keep the policy active if you choose.

Learn more about how life insurance underwriting works

How do you apply for collateral assignment of life insurance?

There are a few simple steps to follow if you want to use life insurance as collateral for a loan. 

Find a lender willing to use life insurance as collateral for the money you want to borrow. 

Confirm the lender’s requirement and see if you can use any existing life insurance to meet it. 

If that’s not an option, purchase a new life insurance policy. 

Once your policy is active, ask the insurer for a collateral assignment form. 

Complete the form and list your lender as the assignee. 

Who should you name as your beneficiary?

When buying life insurance for collateral assignment, the process for setting up the policy is just like any other policy. 

You’ll name your beneficiaries as you would for a personal policy (e.g., spouse, relative, or trust for children). 

The lender is not your beneficiary; they are the assignee on the collateral assignment paperwork. You are the assignor .

Once your policy is set up, a collateral assignment will supersede your beneficiaries’ right to the death benefit. 

If you die, the life insurance company pays the lender, or assignee, the loan balance. Any remaining benefit will go to your beneficiaries.

Who owns your life insurance policy?

Usually, the insured person is the policyowner and the payor on a life insurance policy. Some lenders may require an escrow account for the life insurance premiums; others may require proof of payment or prepayment.

If you’re using a permanent life insurance policy for the collateral assignment, a lender may have access to the cash value if you default on the loan.

Learn more about cash value life insurance

When should you fill out collateral assignment paperwork?

You only complete a collateral assignment agreement once a life insurance policy is active. After you pay your first premium , and sign your policy papers, you can request a collateral assignment form from the life insurance company or your insurance broker.

You’ll need your loan officer’s name and number for the form, as well as your policy number, Social Security number, and other personal information. 

Once completed and signed by both the assignee and the assignor, you’ll file the collateral assignment form with the life insurance company and the lender according to whichever procedures they use for this process.

When does your collateral assignment end?

Collateral assignment ends only if:

You pay off your loan, or

You pass away. 

Your lender must agree that the terms of your loan have been met and send a release to your insurer to terminate the agreement.

If your policy lapses — or you choose to cancel it — that could violate your loan contract. The lender may even make payments on your behalf to prevent a policy lapse. In that scenario, the lender adds the amount they pay to your loan total.

Ready to shop for life insurance?

Collateral assignment pros & cons

Collateral assignment of life insurance has clear pros and cons. Review the following list carefully to decide if it’s a good option for you.

A collateral assignment enables you to secure business loans or other needed funds.

It’s less risky for a family than using a home or other essential property as collateral.

You can choose beneficiaries to receive any remaining death benefit funds.

The lender has first right to the death benefit, so your family may not get the benefit you intended.

Lapsing or canceling the policy could violate your business loan terms, causing problems with the lender.

You’re responsible for making payments until you die or the loan is paid off.

Alternatives to collateral assignment

Other ways to use a life insurance policy for debt repayment include the following options.

Life insurance loan: If you own a permanent life insurance policy, a life insurance loan allows you to borrow directly from your policy’s cash value. Any unpaid balance, plus interest, is deducted from your death benefit.

Cash surrender: The cash surrender value is the cash value built up in the policy minus administrative fees. Surrendering your policy cancels your coverage, so you’d need another policy for continued financial protection. You could also face penalties if you cancel during your policy’s surrender period.

Term life insurance: You should always buy enough insurance to cover your debts . On average, term life is much cheaper than whole life. Even if your lender doesn’t require collateral, your beneficiaries can use the death benefit to pay off your debts and keep the remainder.

For most people, term life is the most affordable and straightforward option to provide coverage for any outstanding loans when they die, with or without a collateral assignment attached.

If you need to use your life insurance policy for collateral assignment, the process is as simple as buying a policy and filling out the appropriate paperwork. Work with a licensed agent who can help you determine how much coverage you need and help you set up a collateral assignment. 

Tory Crowley

Associate Editor & Licensed Life Insurance Agent

Tory Crowley is an associate life insurance and annuities editor and a licensed insurance agent at Policygenius. Previously, she worked directly with clients at Policygenius, advising nearly 3,000 of them on life insurance options. She has also worked at the Daily News and various nonprofit organizations.

Nupur Gambhir

Senior Editor & Licensed Life Insurance Expert

Nupur Gambhir is a licensed life, health, and disability insurance expert and a former senior editor at Policygenius. Her insurance expertise has been featured in Bloomberg News, Forbes Advisor, CNET, Fortune, Slate, Real Simple, Lifehacker, The Financial Gym, and the end-of-life planning service Cake.

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Antonio Ruiz-Camacho

Associate Content Director

Antonio is a former associate content director who helped lead our life insurance and annuities editorial team at Policygenius. Previously, he was a senior director of content at Bankrate and, as well as a principal writer covering personal finance at CNET.

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Maria Filindras

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Maria Filindras is a financial advisor, a licensed Life & Health insurance agent in California, and a member of the Financial Review Council at Policygenius.

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  • Title 5 —Administrative Personnel
  • Chapter I —Office of Personnel Management
  • Subchapter B —Civil Service Regulations
  • Part 870 —Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program

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Subpart I
§ 870.901
§ 870.902
§ 870.903
§ 870.904
§ 870.905
§ 870.906
§ 870.907
§ 870.908
§ 870.909
§ 870.910

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5 U.S.C. 8716 ; Sec. 870.106 also issued under section 1110(b) of Pub. L. 116-92 , 133 Stat. 1198 ( 5 U.S.C. 8702 note ); Sec. 870.302(a)(3) also issued under sections 11202(f), 11232(e), and 11246(b) and (c) of Pub. L. 105-33 , 111 Stat. 251, section 7(e) of Pub. L. 105-274 , 112 Stat. 2419, and section 145 of Pub. L. 106-522 , 114 Stat. 2472; Sec. 870.302(a)(3)(ii) also issued under section 153 of Pub. L. 104-134 , 110 Stat. 1321; Secs. 870.302(b)(8), 870.601(a), and 870.602(b) also issued under Pub. L. 110-279 , 122 Stat. 2604 ( 2 U.S.C. 2051 ); Subpart E also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8702(c) ; Sec. 870.601(d)(3) also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8706(d) ; Sec. 870.510 also issued under section 1622(b) of Pub. L. 104-106 , 110 Stat. 521 ( 36 U.S.C. 5522 ); Sec. 870.703(e)(1) also issued under section 502 of Pub. L. 110-177 , 121 Stat. 2542 ( 5 U.S.C. 8701 note ); Sec. 870.705 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 8714b(c) and 8714c(c) ; and Subpart J also issued under section 599C of Pub. L. 101-513, 104 Stat. 2064 ( 5 U.S.C. 5561 note ), as amended.

62 FR 48731 , Sept. 17, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

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Subpart i—assignments of life insurance, § 870.901 assignments permitted..

( 1 ) Section 208 of the Bankruptcy Amendments and Federal Judgeship Act of 1984, Pub. L. 98-353 (98 Stat. 355), effective July 10, 1984, permits Federal judges to irrevocably assign their FEGLI coverage to one or more individuals, corporations, or trustees. Section 4 of Pub. L. 103-336 (108 Stat. 2661), effective October 3, 1994, extended this right to all Federal employees, annuitants, and compensationers.

( 2 ) An individual may assign ownership of all life insurance under this part, except Option C. If an individual wishing to make an assignment owns more than one type of coverage, he/she must assign all the insurance; an individual cannot assign only a portion of the coverage. Option C cannot be assigned.

( b ) An individual cannot name conditional assignees in case the primary assignee dies before the insured individual.

( c ) If the insurance is assigned to two or more individuals, corporations, or trustees, the insured individual must specify percentage shares, rather than dollar amounts or types of insurance, to go to each assignee.

( d ) If an individual who has made an assignment later elects increased insurance coverage under § 870.506 or during an open enrollment period, the increased coverage is considered included in the already existing assignment. The right to increase coverage remains with the insured individual, rather than transferring to the assignee.

( e ) An individual who assigns ownership of insurance continues to be the insured individual, but the assignee receives those rights of an insured individual that are specified in this part.

( f ) Once assigned, the value of the insurance increases or decreases automatically as provided by this part. Exception: if the insured individual elected a Living Benefit before assigning the remainder of his/her insurance, the amount of Basic insurance does not increase or decrease.

( g ) An insured individual who has assigned his/her insurance cannot elect a Living Benefit; nor can an assignee elect a Living Benefit on behalf of the insured individual.

( h ) An insured individual who has elected a Living Benefit under subpart K of this part may assign the remainder of his/her insurance. The assignment would affect Option A, Option B, and, for an employee who elected a partial Living Benefit, Basic insurance.

( i ) A court order can direct that an insured individual make an irrevocable assignment to the person(s) named in the court order. For an assignment to be effective, the insured individual must follow the procedures in § 870.902 .

[ 62 FR 48731 , Sept. 17, 1997, as amended at 64 FR 16602 , Apr. 6, 1999]

§ 870.902 Making an assignment.

( a ) To assign insurance, an insured individual must complete an approved assignment form. Only the insured individual may make an assignment; no one may assign insurance on behalf of an insured individual.

( b ) The assignment form must be in writing, signed by the insured individual, and witnessed and signed by 2 people. The completed assignment form, indicating the intent to irrevocably assign all ownership of the insurance, must be received by the appropriate office.

( 1 ) For an employee, the appropriate office is the employing office.

( 2 ) For an annuitant or compensationer, the appropriate office is OPM.

[ 75 FR 60585 , Oct. 1, 2010]

§ 870.903 Effective date of assignment.

An assignment under this subpart is effective on the date the employing office receives the properly completed, signed, and witnessed assignment form.

§ 870.904 Amount of insurance.

The amount of insurance is the amount of the insured individual's Basic insurance, plus any Option A and Option B coverage.

§ 870.905 Withholdings.

Premium withholdings for assigned insurance are withheld from the salary, annuity, or compensation of the insured individual, as provided in subpart D of this part .

§ 870.906 Cancellation of insurance.

( a ) The right to cancel (or reduce) insurance transfers to the assignee; the insured individual cannot cancel (or reduce) insurance after making an assignment.

( b ) The assignee has the right to cancel insurance according to the provisions of §§ 870.502 and 870.505 . When there is more than one assignee, all assignees must agree to the cancellation. A cancellation of Basic insurance also cancels all Optional insurance.

§ 870.907 Termination and conversion.

( a ) Assigned insurance terminates under the conditions stated in subpart F of this part .

( 1 ) When an insured individual's insurance terminates, an assignee has the right to convert all or part of the group insurance to an individual policy on the insured individual. The conditions stated in subpart F of this part apply to assignees who elect to convert.

( 2 ) When there is more than one assignee, each assignee has the right to convert all or part of his/her share of the insurance. Any assignee who doesn't convert loses all ownership of the insurance.

( 3 ) When there is more than one assignee, the maximum amount of insurance each assignee will be able to convert is determined by the dollar amount corresponding to the assignee's share of the total insurance. This amount will be rounded up to the next higher thousand, if it's not already an even thousand dollar amount.

( 4 ) Premiums for converted life insurance are based on the insured individual's age and class of risk at the time the conversion policy is issued.

( 5 ) The employing office must notify each assignee of the conversion right at the time the assigned group insurance terminates.

( c ) An assignment terminates 31 days after the insurance terminates, unless the insured individual is reemployed in or returns to a position in which he or she is entitled to coverage under this part within 31 days after the insurance terminates. If the individual returns to Federal service, Basic insurance and any Option A and/or Option B insurance acquired through returning to service is subject to the existing assignment.

[ 62 FR 48731 , Sept. 17, 1997, as amended at 64 FR 72465 , Dec. 28, 1999; 75 FR 60586 , Oct. 1, 2010]

§ 870.908 Annuitants and compensationers.

( a ) If an employee assigns Basic insurance and later becomes eligible to continue such insurance coverage as an annuitant or compensationer as provided in § 870.701 :

( 1 ) At the time he/she retires or becomes eligible as a compensationer, the insured individual may elect unreduced or partially reduced insurance coverage as provided in § 870.702(a) . This right remains with the insured individual and does not transfer to the assignee. Exception: if the insured individual elected a partial Living Benefit as an employee under subpart K of this part , he/she can only elect unreduced insurance coverage.

( 2 ) After the individual has made the election described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the assignee (or, if more than one, all of the assignees acting together) may, at any time, elect to cancel the annuitant's or compensationer's election of increased coverage, as provided in § 870.702(b) . The right to cancel the election transfers to the assignee; the annuitant or compensationer cannot cancel the election after making an assignment. Exception: if the individual elected a partial Living Benefit as an employee under subpart K of this part , the assignee(s) cannot cancel the election of unreduced insurance coverage.

( b ) When more than one assignee has been named, at the time the insured individual becomes eligible to continue coverage as an annuitant or compensationer, some assignees may choose to convert their part of the insurance, while others may choose to continue the coverage during the insured individual's retirement or receipt of compensation. The amount of each type of continued insurance is determined by the total percentage of the shares of the assignees who choose to continue the coverage.

( 1 ) When an annuitant who has assigned his/her insurance is reemployed in a position in which he/she is entitled to life insurance coverage, the coverage he/she acquires as a reemployed annuitant is subject to the existing assignment.

( 2 ) The right of a reemployed annuitant to elect Option B coverage as an employee rather than as an annuitant under § 870.705(d)(3) remains with the insured individual and does not transfer to the assignee. Any Option B coverage elected as an employee is subject to the existing assignment.

§ 870.909 Designations and changes of beneficiary.

( 1 ) An assignment automatically cancels an insured individual's prior designation of beneficiary. After making an assignment, an individual cannot designate a beneficiary; the right to designate beneficiaries transfers to the assignee.

( 2 ) Each assignee may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive insurance benefits upon the death of the insured individual and may also later change the beneficiaries. An assignee may designate himself/herself the primary beneficiary and name another contingent beneficiary(ies) to receive insurance benefits if the assignee dies before the insured individual.

( b ) Benefits for assigned insurance are paid to the assignee(s) if the assignee(s) did not designate a beneficiary.

( c ) Benefits for assigned insurance are paid to an assignee's estate if the assignee dies before the insured individual and:

( 1 ) The assignee (or the assignee's heirs) did not designate a beneficiary; or

( 2 ) The assignee's designated beneficiary dies before the insured individual.

( d ) The provisions of § 870.802 apply to designations of beneficiary made by assignees.

§ 870.910 Notification of current addresses.

Each assignee must keep the office where the assignment is filed informed of his/her current address.

[ 75 FR 60586 , Oct. 1, 2010]

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Difference Between Nomination Vs Assignment in Life Insurance Explained

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Nomination and assignment are two critical terms that are frequently used in life insurance. Therefore, understanding these terms will help you grasp the policy you purchase more efficiently.

These two terms are associated with ownership. Hence, to avoid making any mistakes in your policy, you must learn the difference between nomination and assignment.

What Is Nomination in Life Insurance?

Nomination is a crucial step when purchasing life insurance policies. It is regulated as per Insurance Act, 1938, Section 39. You can select a member of your family who gets your policy benefits when the time comes. For instance, if you choose your spouse as your nominee, they will be eligible to claim death benefits under unfortunate circumstances.

Moreover, your insurer will only deem the selected nominee eligible for the insurance benefits. So, no other person can make that claim.

What Is Assignment in Life Insurance?

Assignment in life insurance is a process of transferring the privileges of the policyholder from one person to another. That means the former policyholder shall have no more authority or control over the policy once it is assigned to a new owner.

This can occur for multiple reasons, such as to repay bank debt. Many people assign their policies to the bank while they continue to remain life assured. After their death, the bank (policyholder) can claim the death benefit.

Furthermore, here "assignor" is the one who is transferring/assigning their rights. So, the person to whom the policy is being assigned will be known as an "assignee".

What Are the Differences Between Assignment and Nomination in a Life Insurance Policy?

To understand the process of a life insurance policy, understanding what nomination and assignment are vital.

So, to learn about their contrasting features, here is a table demonstrating the key points of nomination vs assignment:


Nominees are selected by you (the policyholder) to get the benefits of your life insurance policy.

You can transfer your life insurance ownership rights to the assignee. This transfer can be with or without any conditions.

Policy Ownership

The ownership of your policy remains unchanged in the nomination process.

The ownership of your policy is changed through the assignment process from you (assignor) to the assignee.


To assign one or more persons to enjoy the benefits of your life insurance in the event of your unfortunate demise.

To transfer all the rights and control of the policy to another person or entity for various reasons.

Claim Benefits

The claim benefits will be received by the nominee when the policyholder passes away.

After the death of the life insured, their assignee will enjoy the claim benefits; in this case, the assignee also becomes a nominee of the policy.


There is no need for a witness in nomination. However, in the case of minor nominees, you need to choose an appointee who handles the claim amount under their name until the nominee is 18.

For the assignment process to be valid, there is a need for at least one witness.

Right Consideration

The nomination process is not a legal endorsement. Thus it does not require the authorisation of the insurer or any witnesses. You can simply set or change your nominee through mail or letter.

An assignment is a legal process. Therefore, it needs to be changed only by authorisation of the insurer on the original policy bond.

Policy Amount

Your nominees will be entitled to receive death benefits in case of an unfortunate occurrence.

Your assignee will receive the policy money.

What Are the Types of Nominees in Life Insurance?

A nominee is a person from your family or close relative who you choose to secure with your life insurance policy. Generally, there are six types of nominees, namely:

  • Beneficial Nominees: As per the regulation of the Insurance Act 2015, beneficial nominees include someone who is a member of your immediate family. This means the nominee you choose will be limited to any of your spouses, parents or children.
  • Minor Nominees:  As a parent, you would like to secure your children's lives, especially when you are not around. So, under minor nominees, you can name your children as beneficiaries. However, they will not be eligible to handle these claims themselves. Hence you must also appoint a custodian or appointee who can claim the benefits till your child reaches 18 years.
  • Non-Family Nominees:  Under this category, you can name anyone from your distant relatives or friends as the nominee of your life policy.
  • Changing Nominees:  Changing nominees is the provision by which you can change your beneficiary as many times as you want throughout the policy period. However, priority will be given to the latest nominee you choose.
  • Multiple Nominees:  In this type of nomination, you can select two or more people as beneficiaries. This works in a slightly different manner than the other types. This is because; the share of your policy’s total benefit amount is divided between the nominees you chose. You can decide on the percentage of benefit each receives when filling out your nomination form. If not, the total amount gets equally divided among all your nominees.
  • Successive Nominee:  Having consecutive nominations is a wise option considering unpredictable incidents that may take place in the future. In this type, you can choose more than one and up to 3 nominees, but successively. For instance, if you choose three nominees in X, Y and Z succession, your insurance company will offer the benefit to X when the time comes. In case X does not survive either, the amount will go to Y and so on.

What Are the Types of Assignments in Life Insurance?

There are two types of assignments in life insurance plans:

  • Absolute Assignment: An absolute assignment is where you transfer the ownership of the policy to an assignee without any terms or conditions. Generally, people opt for this assignment for two reasons, to display affection for someone or in case they have to repay loans to a bank.
  • Conditional Assignment: In this assignment, you can assign your life insurance policy to an assignee following specific terms and conditions. Consequently, the transfer of ownership will only occur if these conditions are met.

Nomination and assignment are essential processes associated with the ownership of life insurance plans and their benefits. Nomination is a simple process of choosing one or more beneficiaries to receive the claim benefits of your plan.

Conversely, assignment is a legal process by which you can shift the ownership and rights of your plan to someone else. Both of these processes have their benefits and fulfil a specific purpose. Therefore, this article has demonstrated the critical differences between nomination and assignment to give you a clearer and contrasting idea.

FAQs about Nomination Vs Assignment in Life Insurance Policy

Do the nominees remain unchanged after the assignment process, what is the endorsement process for an assignment, why is assigning a nominee essential.

Other Important Features of Life Insurance

  • This is an informative article provided on 'as is' basis for awareness purpose only and not intended as a professional advice. The content of the article is derived from various open sources across the Internet. Digit Life Insurance is not promoting or recommending any aspect in the article or its correctness. Please verify the information and your requirement before taking any decisions.
  • All the figures reflected in the article are for illustrative purposes. The premium for Coverage that one buys depends on various factors including customer requirements, eligibility, age, demography, insurance provider, product, coverage amount, term and other factors
  • Tax Benefits, if applicable depend on the Tax Regime opted by the individual and the applicable tax provision. Please consult your Tax consultant before making any decision.

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What Is A Collateral Assignment Of Life Insurance?

A couple signing up for Collateral Assignment

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A collateral assignment is sometimes a necessity if you’re applying for larger financing amounts such as a mortgage or business loan.

But what is a collateral assignment and how do you go about getting it on your life insurance policy? 

In this article, we’ll cover what collateral assignment is, how you can add it to your life insurance, and what alternatives there are out there. 

What Is Collateral Assignment? 

A collateral assignment is a process by which a person uses their life insurance policy as collateral for a secured loan.

In simple terms, collateral assignment is reassigning priorities for who gets paid the death benefit of your life insurance policy.

What Is a death benefit?

A death benefit or face value of a life insurance contract is the amount of money that your beneficiaries will receive from your policy when you die.

Once you apply for collateral assignment and it’s approved, your specified debtor (the loan provider) will be paid first and then your beneficiaries will receive what is left over in your life insurance policy.

This is different from using your cash value to loan money as you are taking out a loan from another financial institution and using your policy as a guarantee that you’ll cover any debt when you die. 

For example, let’s say you want to take out a secured loan from your local bank and want to use your life insurance policy as a collateral assignment.

In this situation, you’d still have to pay back any debt you have with interest during the loan period. 

However, the life insurance policy would be used if the borrower dies and there was an outstanding loan balance remaining. 

Secured Loans vs. Unsecured Loans

Secured loans are debts that are backed by assets that a lender can claim if the debt isn’t repaid. These types of loans often offer better interest rates and more generous payment terms.

Unsecured loans are debts that don’t have collateral. These types of loans are more expensive to repay and considered riskier than secured loans.

A woman signing up for Collateral Assignment.

Source: Pexels

How Does Applying for Collateral Assignment Work?

The process for getting collateral assignments for life insurance is the same as when you apply for new life insurance coverage. 

All you’ll be doing is indicating to your life insurance provider that your lender will be given priority for the amount of money you have borrowed through them.

There is an:

Application process.

Underwriting process.

Offer that you’ll receive.

You’ll be required to name beneficiaries as well as indicate ownership of the life insurance policy in the collateral assignment form which will be provided by your life insurance company.

This is because you’re changing the terms of your payout and your life insurance provider will need to follow these instructions once you die.

NB Some insurance companies don’t offer collateral assignment on new loans and generally only provide this feature to an existing life insurance policy.

You should check beforehand to see what will be required to apply for a collateral assignment. If you need help finding plans that offer this, send an email to a licensed insurance agent today.

Once you’ve assigned a new collateral assignee to your life insurance policy, they will be entitled to lay a claim on your death benefit for any debt you have with them.

For example, let’s say you take out a collateral assignment life insurance policy worth $200,000 for a loan of $75,000 over 7 years at an interest rate of 18%.

If you die after five years, based on these figures, you’ll still have $41,231.02 owed on your loan.

Your $200,000 life insurance plan will be used to cover this and your beneficiaries will receive the remaining $158 768.98 from your life insurance policy.

Your lender is only allowed to take the amount outstanding on the debt owed and cannot take more. 

What about Missed Payments and Cash Value Life Insurance?

If you have a permanent life policy with a cash value account, sometimes called cash value life insurance, your lender will have access to it to cover missed payments on your loan.

For example, let’s say you miss a payment on your loan and have a collateral assignment. Your lender will be able to access your cash value account and withdraw that month’s payment to cover your debt.

Who Can You Add as a Collateral Assignee?

You can add any person or institution as a collateral assignee to your life insurance policy if you owe them money.

This can include banks, lenders, private individuals, businesses, or credit card companies. 

The most common collateral assignments are for business loans and mortgages. This is because they are loans for high amounts that are paid off over several years. 

In fact, some banks and financial lenders may require that you add them as collateral assignees when you apply for any of the financing options mentioned below.

Common Collateral Assignees Include:

💵 Bank loans

💳 Credit cards

🏡 Mortgages

💼 Business loans

What Do I Do If I’ve Paid Off My Debt?

If you’ve managed to pay off your debt - firstly, congratulations! Secondly, you’ll want to notify your life insurance company that you’ll be changing your collateral assignments on your life policy.

While there is no legal claim that a company can make to debts that aren’t owed anymore, there may be a hold up in paying out the death benefit to your beneficiaries and other collateral assignees.

Life insurance companies will have to figure out who must be paid first, according to the order stated in your collateral assignment terms.

In general, life insurance policies will settle claims within 24 hours of being notified of a policyholder’s death.

The process can be delayed if you do not release your collateral assignees from your life insurance contract. 

Tips to Make Sure Your Life Policy Is Paid Out Quickly

Here are some tips if you want your beneficiary claims to be handled as fast as possible:

1) Keep a copy of your life insurance policy and policy number in a safe place or with your lawyer, financial advisor, or estate planner.

2) Speak to your beneficiaries about your policies and give them the contact details of the relevant life insurance company.

3) Make sure your life insurance contract is updated to reflect your latest list of beneficiaries.

4) Make sure you have your beneficiaries' details listed in the contract or with your lawyer.

The Benefits of Using Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

While adding a collateral assignment to your current life insurance policy may require an application, paperwork, and time, there are benefits:

Many lenders like it: Banks and financial institutions sometimes prefer it when applicants use their life insurance policy as collateral for a loan. This is because they know that their debt will be serviced long-term by your insurance company which makes their loan to you a lower risk.

Your private property won’t be jeopardized: The last thing you want when you go into debt is to put your personal items, such as your car, investments, or home on the line as collateral. Using collateral assignment is an alternative to this and can protect you in the event that you can’t service your debt.

It can be affordable for some people: If you’re in good health and young, you may be paying affordable rates for permanent life cover. In situations like this, it can make sense to use your life cover as collateral for debts you’ve incurred.

A form to sign up for Collateral Assignment.

What Are Some Alternatives to Collateral Assignment?

Term Life Insurance: Getting a term life insurance contract to cover specific debts is one way of ensuring your estate and family are protected when you die.

There are multiple types of term life insurance plans and they are more affordable than permanent life insurance. This makes options like level term life insurance and decreasing term life insurance ideal for different types of debts you may have over your lifetime.

What Is Term Life?

Term life is a temporary life coverage option that lasts for a specific period of time. It is different from permanent life insurance which lasts until you die or you stop paying premiums.

Term life contracts are typically between 5 to 20 years, however, you can get renewable term life plans and even a forty-year term life plan .

Borrow from your life insurance: If you have a permanent life insurance policy, such as universal, whole, or indexed life cover, you can borrow money from your cash value account. 

However, keep in mind that you’ll be required to pay interest on any amount that you borrow and any amount of debt incurred will be deducted from your policy’s death benefit when you die.

What Is Cash Value?

Cash value is a feature of permanent life insurance plans that policyholders can contribute additional money toward while they have a policy in force.

This money is set aside in a cash value account which is tax-deferred and can be used in a number of ways.

In some cases, if your policy allows it, you can end your contract and get the cash surrender value of it. This amount is usually much less than the value of your total life insurance contract. 

Our Verdict on Collateral Assignment

Many banks, lenders, and financial institutions want long-term guarantees that you’ll be able to service your debt if anything happens to you.

In some situations, getting collateral assignments on your life insurance to cover these debts is a good option for people who are trying to access finance from these institutions. 

However, there is a risk that your death benefit payout may be delayed for your beneficiaries if you don’t keep your different collateral assignees up to date.

If you already have a life insurance policy, you should contact your provider to find out what the process is and what you’ll need to do to change the collateral assignees on your policy.

If you don’t have a policy yet, our advice is to look at all of your options before you decide to take a permanent life insurance contract with a collateral assignment.

There are alternatives out there that are more affordable if you’re looking to protect your family and estate from debt.

Term life is one such option that is adaptable to your life and easy to get. 

For example, a decreasing term life insurance policy might be the right choice for someone who has recently bought a home and wants to cover their mortgage while they pay it back.

Another option is final expense insurance, which is a permanent life policy for smaller amounts, usually under $50,000.

With final expense insurance, your beneficiaries can pay for anything they want, including any debts you may have had in your life.

The process for applying is simple and you won't have to go through a medical exam or intensive underwriting as you would with traditional permanent life insurance. 

If you need any assistance with finding, comparing, or learning about the different life insurance options to cover your debts, speak to one of our expert advisors today at 1-888-912-2132 or [email protected] .

Where Can I Learn More about Life Insurance?

If you’re looking to learn more about life insurance, different kinds of coverage, or costs, visit our life insurance hub to find our latest articles.

We do the research so that you don’t have to and our articles cover complicated topics like what is a cash value account, what is key person insurance, or how long life insurance takes to pay out a death benefit.  

If you need help with quotes, try out a life insurance quote finder or reach out to us via email at [email protected] to get in touch with a licensed life insurance agent for your state.

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Assignment vs Nomination in Life Insurance

Assignment vs Nomination in Life Insurance

Table of Content:

  • Difference between nomination and assignment
  • What is nomination in life insurance?

1. Beneficial Nominee

  • 2. Minor Nominee

3. Non-Family Nominee

4. multiple nominees.

  • 4. Changing Nominee
  • 6.Successive Nominee
  • Important things to know about nominations
  • What is an assignment in life insurance?
  • Types of assignment in life insurance

Important things to know about assignments

  • Differences between nominations and assignments:

Difference between Nomination and Assignment

In life insurance products, two terms assignment and nomination are frequently used. While not many may understand them, it is imperative to know the meaning and the difference between assignment and nomination before purchasing any insurance plan. 

The primary difference is about policy ownership. While in nomination, the policy owner remains unchanged. However, in an assignment, the policy ownership is transferred from one person to another. The nominee (as in nomination) gets the benefit after the death of the life assured but the assignee (as in assignment) gets the benefits when the life assured transfers the rights and ownership of his/her policy to the assignee. These are some of the basic and common differences between nomination and assignment. 

Let us learn some more about assignment and nomination, and what role they play in insurance. 

What is Nomination in life insurance?

Nomination is one of the most essential processes of the life insurance policy. The policyholder has to make any one family member his/her nominee. The nominee is considered eligible to claim the benefits of the life insurance policy if the insured individual dies. In this way, the insurance company ensures that the family of the insured does not have to suffer financial problems even after an earning member of the family passes away. Hence, the policyholder should choose the nominee of his/her insurance policy carefully.

Types of nominees in life insurance  

The policyholder gets the choice of choosing one among the five types of nominees. Let’s understand them in detail. Here are the following five types of nominees in life insurance:

IRDA has introduced a new term ‘beneficiary nominee’ instead of the nominee. It means that the policyholder has the right to make anyone his/her nominee. The nominee can be the policyholder’s parent/ guardian, child, or companion. If the policyholder has already chosen his/her nominee, then no dispute will arise in getting the claim.

2. Minor Nominee

The policyholder can make his/her minor child the nominee of his/her life insurance policy to secure the child’s future in his/her absence. But if the insured individual dies untimely, the amount of the claim will be payable to the legal custodian or the appointee of the child. The child’s custodian hands over that money to the child when he/she turns 18 years old.

It is also possible for the policyholder to choose a non-family member as his/her nominee. However, this is generally not recommended.

Two or more two persons can be chosen by the policyholder under the multiple nominees of the insurance policy. In this case, the policyholder divides the share of the total amount between the two nominees. If the policyholder doesn’t divide the amount while filling the nomination form, then, the amount of the claim is divided equally between the nominees by the insurer.

5. Changing Nominee

Under this type of nominee, the policyholder is able to choose his/her nominee during the life insurance policy tenure.

6. Successive Nominee

Under many circumstances, people prefer choosing more than 1 nominee, in successive nominations, one can choose up to three nominees. After the death of the insured, the 1st nominee will receive the death benefit. In case the 1st nominee is also dead, the death benefit will go to the 2nd nominee and so on. 

Important Things to Know About Nominations  

There are a few quintessential things about the nominations that every policyholder must keep in mind. The important things that should be known about nominations are given below: 

  • The life assured and the policyholder should be the same in the life insurance policy for the process of nomination. If they are two different persons, then, the claim benefits will be taken by the policyholder of the insurance plan.
  • The nominee has no right to request any kind of change in the insurance policy.

What is an Assignment in Life Insurance?

Under Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, there is a provision for assignment in life insurance. The policyholder transfers the rights of his/her policyholder to another person. The person who transfers the insurance rights is called the assignor and the person to whom the policy rights are transferred is called the assignee. In this way, the assignee becomes the owner of the insurance policy. 

Generally, the people choose banks for assigning their policy rights. The bank becomes the policyholder but the life assured of the insurance policy is not changed. The benefits of the claim are received by the bank (policyholder). 

Types of Assignment in Life Insurance  

There are two types of assignment in life insurance i.e. Absolute Assignment and Conditional Assignment.

1. Absolute Assignment

In the absolute assignment, the rights of the life insurance policy are given to another person (assignee) without any terms and conditions. Generally, this type of assignment is done by the policyholders to show love for someone or to repay the bank loan.

2. Conditional Assignment

In a conditional assignment, the policyholder (assignor) transfers the rights of the life insurance policy to another person (assignee) under certain terms and conditions. If the terms and conditions are fulfilled, only then, the ownership of the policy will be transferred. 

Check out the essential things about the assignment that you must not forget to keep in mind:

  • Only the owner of the policy is changed in the assignment. The life assured will remain the same.
  • The policyholder of each insurance plan can transfer the rights of the insurance policy to the assignee. Only the pension plan and the insurance plans that are bought under the Married Women’s Property Act (MWP) are excluded.
  • The nomination of the insurance policy is cancelled if the policyholder gives the rights of his/her insurance policy to the insurance company for paying the insurance company’s loan.

Differences between Nominations and Assignments

The table given below gives you a quick insight into the several differences between nominations and assignments.


The insured transfers the rights of his/her insurance policy to the assignee (person/entity) with or without terms and conditions.

The insured chooses the nominee for his/her life insurance policy benefits.

Policy Rights

The assignee gets the complete rights of the insurance policy. He/she can transfer the policy rights to the third person as well.

The nominee has no right over the insurance policy of the insured.

Claim Benefits

The claim benefits are enjoyed by the assignee of the life insurance policy if the insured dies. The assignee becomes the nominee of the insurance plan.

The claim benefits are enjoyed by the chosen nominee. The nominee can be changed by the insured during the policy tenure.

Maturity Benefits

When the insurance policy gets matured, all the benefits are directly enjoyed by the assignee of that policy.

No maturity benefits are enjoyed by the nominee if the policyholder is alive till the end of the policy tenure.

Legal endorsement

Assignment is a legal endorsement. It needs to be changed only as an endorsement on the original policy bond by the insurer.

There is no legal endorsement of a nomination. It can be changed by a simple email or a letter.


There is the requirement of witnesses.

There is no requirement for the witness when the insured chooses the nominee for his/her life insurance policy. If the nominee is a minor, an appointee would be required for the same.

It is very important for the policyholder to know about assignment and nomination. This is because the nomination and assignment have their own benefits that the policyholder can enjoy without any ado. Therefore, a piece of complete information has been shared with the help of this article. It is recommended to the policyholder to choose the right life insurance policy that can serve their family members even in their absence.

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1. What is the meaning of endorsement in the assignment?

The policyholder has to sign the endorsement while transferring the rights of his/her insurance policy to the assignee. The sign of one witness is also required. Thereafter, the policyholder (assignor) has to mention precisely the reasons for transferring the rights of the insurance policy. The terms and conditions are also mentioned in the form (if any). Furthermore, the details of the assignee are also included in the form. 

2. What are the liabilities and rights of the assignee?

The liabilities and rights of the assignee are different on the basis of the types of assignment. In the absolute assignment, the right of policy ownership, responsibility to pay future insurance premiums, and the right of getting maturity benefits are transferred to the assignee. But in the conditional assignment, these rights and liabilities are determined as per the terms and conditions. 

3. When does the insurance company cancel the nomination in the assignment process?

When the assignor assigns the rights of the insurance policy to the assignee, then the nomination is cancelled by the insurance company. The nomination is not cancelled if the assignment is temporary. In that case, the rights of the insurance policy will be given back to the insured when he/she will pay the loan. 

4. Who can become the assignee of my insurance policy?

The assignee of the insurance policy can be a person or a financial institution. There should be an insurable interest between you and the person/financial institution. The assignee is either temporary or permanent. In some cases, the insured chooses the financial institution or insurance company as the assignee on some terms and conditions. But after some time, when the loan is paid, the insured will become the owner of the insurance policy again.

5. When does the insurance company accept the assignment?

If the insurance company finds that there is an insurable interest between the assignor and assignee, then the assignment is accepted. The insurance company makes sure that the assignment is not against the public interest and also not for trading purposes. The assignment should be in the interest of the policyholder only.

This article is issued in the general public interest and is for educational purposes only. The blogs should not be used as a substitute for competent expert advice from a licensed professional to best suit your needs. Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation. For more details on policy terms, conditions, exclusions, limitations, please refer/read policy brochure before concluding sale.

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Post-Loss Assignments of Claims Under Insurance Policies

In the settlement of lawsuits involving insured claims, it is not uncommon that one condition of the settlement is that the defendant assign his or her claims under all applicable insurance policies to the party that filed suit.

Indeed, it is frequently the case that the defendant, particularly when the defendant is an individual, has a limited ability to pay a judgment and insurance coverage offers the best opportunity for a recovery by the suing party. Usually, such settlements are made without any serious thought being given to whether the defendant’s claim against its insurer is assignable; the assumption being that it is assignable.

However, insurance policies generally have anti-assignment clauses which prohibit the assignment of the policy, or an interest in the policy, without the insurer’s consent. These clauses come into play in determining the validity or enforceability of the assignment of a claim under an insurance policy and should be considered when such an assignment is part of a settlement.

When considering the enforceability of anti-assignment clauses in insurance policies, the courts generally draw a distinction between an assignment made prior to the occurrence of a covered loss (a “pre-loss” assignment) and an assignment made after the occurrence of a covered loss (a “post-loss” assignment).

In analyzing pre-loss assignments, the courts recognize that requiring an insurer to provide coverage to an assignee of its policy prior to the occurrence of a covered loss would place the insurer in the position of covering a party with whom it had not contracted nor been allowed to properly underwrite to assess the risks posed by that potential insured, and, accordingly, determine the appropriate premium to charge for the risks being undertaken or choose to decline coverage.

Post-loss assignments, on the other hand, take place after the insurer’s obligations under its policy have become fixed by the occurrence of a covered loss, thus the risk factors applicable to the assignee are irrelevant with regard to the covered loss in question. For these reasons, the majority of the courts enforce anti-assignment clauses to prohibit or restrict pre-loss assignments, but refuse to enforce anti-assignment clauses to prohibit or restrict post-loss assignments.

Katrina Cases

The Louisiana Supreme Court, which had not previously addressed the enforceability of anti-assignment clauses for post-loss assignments, was recently confronted with this issue in the In re: Katrina Canal Breaches Litigation, litigation involving consolidated cases arising out of Hurricane Katrina. The issue arose as a result of a lawsuit brought by the State of Louisiana as the assignee of claims under numerous insurance policies as part of the “Road Home” Program. The Road Home Program was set up following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to distribute federal funds to homeowners suffering damage from the hurricanes. In return for receiving a grant of up to $150,000, homeowners were required to execute a Limited Subrogation/Assignment agreement, which provided in pertinent part:

Pursuant to these Limited Subrogation/Assignments, the State of Louisiana brought suit against more than 200 insurance companies to recover funds dispensed under the Road Home Program. The suit was removed to Federal Court under the Class Action Fairness Act and the insurers filed motions to dismiss, arguing that the assignments to the State of Louisiana were invalid under the anti-assignment clauses in the homeowner policies at issue.

On appeal, the United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals certified the following question to the Louisiana Supreme Court: “Does an anti-assignment clause in a homeowner’s insurance policy, which by its plain terms purports to bar any assignment of the policy or an interest therein without the insurer’s consent, bar an insured’s post-loss assignment of the insured’s claims under the policy when such an assignment transfers contractual obligations, not just the right to money due?”

In answering this question, the Louisiana Supreme Court began by noting that, as a general matter, contractual rights are assignable unless the law, the contract terms or the nature of the contract preclude assignment. Specific to the certified question, Louisiana Civil Code article 2653 provides that a right “cannot be assigned when the contract from which it arises prohibits the assignment of that right.” The Louisiana Supreme Court observed that the language of article 2653 is broad and, on its face, applies to all assignments, including post-loss assignments of insurance claims. The Court, therefore, construed the issue confronting it as whether Louisiana public policy would enforce an anti-assignment clause to preclude post-loss assignments of claims under insurance policies.

In addressing the public policy question, the Louisiana Supreme Court recognized the distinction between pre-loss assignments and post-loss assignments discussed by courts from other states and noted that the prevailing view was that anti-assignment clauses were invalid and/or unenforceable when applied to post-loss assignments. Notwithstanding this weight of authority, the Louisiana Supreme Court stated:

“[W]hile the Louisiana legislature has clearly indicated an intent to allow parties freedom to assign contractual rights, by enacting La. C.C. art. 2653, it has also clearly indicated an intent to allow parties freedom to contractually prohibit assignment of rights. We recognize the vast amount of national jurisprudence distinguishing between pre-loss and post-loss assignments and rejecting restrictions on post-loss assignments, however we find no public policy in Louisiana favoring assignability of claims over freedom of contract.”

Thus, Court refused to invalidate the enforceability of the anti-assignment clauses to the post-loss assignments before it based on public policy, adding that public policy determinations are better suited to the legislature.

Nonetheless, after having recognized the general enforceability of anti-assignment clauses to post-loss assignments, the Court immediately placed limits on when those clauses would be applicable, stating that to be applicable, they “must clearly and unambiguously express that the non-assignment clause applies to post-loss assignments.” The Court refused “to formulate a test consisting of specific terms or words,” which would satisfy this condition and remanded the case to the federal courts to determine whether the individual anti-assignment clauses in the various policies were sufficiently clear and explicit to be enforced with respect to post-loss assignments at issue.

A Broad Application

It should be noted that the Court’s opinion appears to apply broadly to all post-loss assignments irrespective of what specific rights are being assigned, despite the fact that the certified question was narrower and asked only about the applicability of a post-loss assignment where the assignment “transfers contractual obligations, not just the right to money due.”

In a footnote at the beginning of its opinion, the Louisiana Supreme Court observed that in certifying the question to it, the Fifth Circuit “disclaimed any intent” that the Court “confine its reply to the precise form or scope of the legal questions certified.” The footnote indicates that the Court’s opinion was not intended to be limited to only those post-loss assignments involving the assignment of contractual obligations.

Louisiana has departed from the majority view in holding that as a matter of general law, anti-assignment clauses are not inherently void with regard to post-loss assignments. However, it may be that in practical application, the results of individual cases may well be consistent with the majority rule of not enforcing anti-assignment clauses with regard to post-loss assignments because Louisiana courts may be reluctant to find that the anti-assignment clauses are sufficiently “clear and explicit” unless they specifically state that they apply to post-loss assignments, notwithstanding the Louisiana Supreme Court’s unwillingness to “formulate a test consisting of specific terms or words.”

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Assignor vs. Assignee: Differences and Definition

Last updated 08/27/2024 by

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When are assignors and assignees used?

The assignor, the assignee, examples of assignees and assignors, estates and wills, life insurance.

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Promissory notes, power of attorney, scope and special considerations, is the assignor the buyer or seller, who is called an assignee, can an assignee sue the assignor, what is an assignor in legal terms, key takeaways.

  • Assignor and assignee are terms used for the legal transfer of rights, benefits, and obligations between two parties.
  • The assignor is the original beneficiary of a contract or property. The assignee is the third party that is receiving the benefits, rights, and obligations of a contract or property.
  • An assignment is used in several types of common legal transactions such as wills and trusts, loans, and life insurance.
  • On some occasions, the assignor will limit the scope of the rights, benefits, and obligations.

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Assignment under Insurance Policies

By J Mandakini, NUALS

Editor’s Note: This paper attempts to explore the concept of assignment under Indian law especially Contract Act, Insurance Act and Transfer of Property Act. It seeks to appreciate why the assignment is made use of for securities of a facility sanctioned by ICICI Bank. Also, it explains how ICICI Bank faces certain problems in executing the same. 


For any facility sanctioned by a lender, collateral is always deposited to secure the same. Such mere deposition will not suffice, the borrower has to explicitly permit the lender to recover from the borrower, such securities in case of his default.

This is done by the concept of assignment, dealt with adequately in Indian law. Assignment of obligations is always a tricky matter and needs to be dealt with carefully. The Bank should not fall short of any legally permitted lengths to ensure the same. This is why ambiguity in its security documents have to be rectified. 

This paper attempts to explore the concept of assignment in contract law. It seeks to appreciate why the assignment is made use of for securities of a facility sanctioned by ICICI Bank. The next section will deal with how ICICI Bank faces certain problems in executing the same. The following sections will talk about possible risks involved, as well as defenses and solutions to the same.


Assignment refers to the transfer of certain or all (depending on the agreement) rights to another party. The party which transfers its rights is called an assignor, and the party to whom such rights are transferred is called an assignee. Assignment only takes place after the original contract has been made. As a general rule, assignment of rights and benefits under a contract may be done freely, but the assignment of liabilities and obligations may not be done without the consent of the original contracting party.

The liability on a contract cannot be transferred so as to discharge the person or estate of the original contractor unless the creditor agrees to accept the liability of another person instead of the first. [i]


P agrees to sell his car to Q for Rs. 100. P assigns the right to receive the Rs. 100 to S. This may be done without the consent of Q. This is because Q is receiving his car, and it does not particularly matter to him, to whom the Rs. 100 is being handed as long as he is being absolved of his liability under the contract. However, notice may still be required to be given. Without such notice, Q would pay P, in spite of the fact that such right has been assigned to S. S would be a sufferer in such case.

In this case, that condition is being fulfilled since P has assigned his right to S. However, P may not assign S to be the seller. P cannot just transfer his duties under the contract to another. This is because Q has no guarantee as to the condition of S’s car. P entered into the contract with Q on the basis of the merits of P’s car, or any other personal qualifications of P. Such assignment may be done with the consent of all three parties – P, Q, S, and by doing this, P is absolved of his liabilities under the contract.

 1.1. Effect of Assignment

Immediately on the execution of an assignment of an insurance policy, the assignor forgoes all his rights, title and interest in the policy to the assignee. The premium or loan interest notices etc. in such cases will be sent to the assignee. [ii] However, the existence of obligations must not be assumed, when it comes to the assignment. It must be accompanied by evidence of the same. The party asserting such a personal obligation must prove the existence of an express assumption by clear and unequivocal proof. [iii]

assignee and assignment of insurance

 Assignment of a contract to a third party destroys the privity of contract between the initial contracting parties. New privity is created between the assignee and the original contracting party. In the illustration mentioned above, the original contracting parties were P and Q. After the assignment, the new contracting parties are Q and S.

 1.2. Revocation of Assignment

Assignment, once validly executed, can neither be revoked nor canceled at the option of the assignor. To do so, the insurance policy will have to be reassigned to the original assignor (the insured).

 1.3. Exceptions to Assignment

There are some instances where the contract cannot be assigned to another.

  • Express provisions in the contract as to its non-assignability – Some contracts may include a specific clause prohibiting assignment. If that is so, then such a contract cannot be assigned. Assignability is the rule and the contrary is an exception. [iv]

Pensions, PFs, military benefits etc. Illustration

 1.4. enforcing a contract of assignment.

From the day on which notice is given to the insurer, the assignee becomes the beneficiary of the policy even though the assignment is not registered immediately. It does not wait until the giving of notice of the transfer to the insurer. [vi] However, no claims may lie against the insurer until and unless notice of such assignment is delivered to the insurer.

If notice of assignment is not provided to the obligor, he is discharged if he pays to the assignor. Assignee would have to recover from the assignor. However, if the obligor pays the assignor in spite of the notice provided to him, he would still be liable to the assignee.

The following two illustrations make the point amply clear:


1. Seller A assigns its right to payment from buyer X to bank B. Neither A nor B gives notice to X. When payment is due, X pays A. This payment is fully valid and X is discharged. It will be up to B to recover it from A

2. Seller A assigns to bank B its right to payment from buyer X. B immediately gives notice of the assignment to X. When payment is due, X still pays A. X is not discharged and B is entitled to oblige X to pay a second time.

An assignee doesn’t stand in better shoes than those of his assignor. Thus, if there is any breach of contract by the obligor to the assignee, the latter can recover from the former only the same amount as restricted by counter claims, set offs or liens of the assignor to the obligor.

The acknowledgment of notice of assignment is conclusive proof of, and evidence enough to entertain a suit against an assignor and the insurer respectively who haven’t honoured the contract of assignment.

1.5. Assignment under various laws in India

There is no separate law in India which deals with the concept of assignment. Instead, several laws have codified it under different laws. Some of them have been discussed as follows:

1.5.1. Under the Indian Contract Act

There is no express provision for the assignment of contracts under the Indian Contract Act. Section 37 of the Act provides for the duty of parties of a contract to honour such contract (unless the need for the same has been done away with). This is how the Act attempts to introduce the concept of assignment into Indian commercial law. It lays down a general responsibility on the “representatives” of any parties to a contract that may have expired before the completion of the contract. (Illustrations to Section 37 in the Act).

An exception to this may be found from the contract, e.g. contracts of a personal nature. Representatives of a deceased party to a contract cannot claim privity to that contract while refusing to honour such contract. Under this Section, “representatives” would also include within its ambit, transferees and assignees. [vii]

Section 41 of the Indian Contract Act applies to cases where a contract is performed by a third party and not the original parties to the contract. It applies to cases of assignment. [viii] A promisee accepting performance of the promise from a third person cannot afterwards enforce it against the promisor. [ix] He cannot attain double satisfaction of its claim, i.e., from the promisor as well as the third party which performed the contract. An essential condition for the invocation of this Section is that there must be actual performance of the contract and not of a substituted promise.

  1.5.2. Under the Insurance Act

The creation of assignment of life insurance policies is provided for, under Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938.

  • When the insurer receives the endorsement or notice, the fact of assignment shall be recorded with all details (date of receipt of notice – also used to prioritise simultaneous claims, the name of assignee etc). Upon request, and for a fee of an amount not exceeding Re. 1, the insurer shall grant a written acknowledgment of the receipt of such assignment, thereby conclusively proving the fact of his receipt of the notice or endorsement. Now, the insurer shall recognize only the assignee as the legally valid party entitled to the insurance policy.

 1.5.3. Under the Transfer of Property Act

Indian law as to assignment of life policies before the Insurance Act, 1938 was governed by Sections 130, 131, 132 and 135 of the Transfer of Property Act 1882 under Chapter VIII of the Act – Of Transfers of Actionable Claims. Section 130 of the Transfer of Property Act states that nothing contained in that Section is to affect Section 38 of the Insurance Act.

 I) Section 130 of the Transfer of Property Act

An actionable claim may be transferred only by fulfilling the following steps:

  • Signed by a transferor (or his authorized agent)

The transfer will be complete and effectual as soon as such an instrument is executed. No particular form or language has been prescribed for the transfer. It does not depend on giving notice to the debtor.

The proviso in the section protects a debtor (or other person), who, without knowledge of the transfer pays his creditor instead of the assignee. As long as such payment was without knowledge of the transfer, such payment will be a valid discharge against the transferee. When the transfer of any actionable claim is validly complete, all rights and remedies of transferor would vest now in the transferee. Existence of an instrument in writing is a sine qua non of a valid transfer of an actionable claim. [x]

 II) Section 131 of the Transfer Of Property Act

This Section requires the notice of transfer of actionable claim, as sent to the debtor, to be signed by the transferor (or by his authorized agent), and if he refuses to sign it, a signature by the transferee (or by his authorized agent). Such notice must state both the name and address of the transferee. This Section is intended to protect the transferee, to receive from the debtor. The transfer does not bind a debtor unless the transferor (or transferee, if transferor refuses) sends him an express notice, in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

III) Section 132 of the Transfer Of Property Act

This Section addresses the issue as to who should undertake the obligations under the transfer, i.e., who will discharge the liabilities of the transferor when the transfer has been made complete – would it be the transferor himself or the transferee, to whom the rest of the surviving contract, so to speak, has been transferred.

This Section stipulates, that the transferee himself would fulfill such obligations. However, where an actionable claim is transferred with the stipulation in the contract that transferor himself should discharge the liability, then such a provision in the contract will supersede Ss 130 and 132 of this Act. Where the insured hypothecates his life insurance policies and stipulates that he himself would pay the premiums, the transferee is not bound to pay the premiums. [xi]


Many banks require the borrower to take out or deposit an insurance policy as security when they request a personal loan or a business loan from that institution. The policy is used as a way of securing the loan, ensuring that the bank will have the facility repaid in the event of either the borrower’s death or his deviations from the terms of the facility agreement.

Along with the deposit of the insurance policy, the policyholder will also have to assign the benefits of the policy to the financial institution from which he proposes to avail a facility. The mere deposit, without writing, or passing of any document of title to such a claim, does not create any equitable charge. [xii]


The purpose of taking out a life insurance policy on oneself, is that in the event of an untimely death, near and dear ones of the deceased are not left high and dry, and that they would have something to fall back on during such traumatic times. Depositing and assigning the rights under such policy document to another, would mean that there is a high chance that benefits of life insurance would vest in such other, in the event of unfortunate death and the family members are prioritized only second. These are not desirable circumstances where the family would be forced to cope with the death of their loved one coupled with the financial crisis.

 Thus, there is a need to examine the ethics of:

  • The bank accepting such assignment

The customer should be cautious before assigning his rights under life insurance policies. By “cautious”, it is only meant that he and his dependents and/or legal heirs should be aware of the repercussions of the act of assigning his life insurance policy. It is conceded that no law prohibits the assignment of life insurance policies.

In fact, Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938 , provides for such assignments. Judicial cases have held life insurance policies as property more than a social welfare measure. [xiii] Further, the bank has no personal relationship with any customer and thus has no moral obligation to not accept such assignments of life insurance.

However, the writer is of the opinion that, in dealing with the assignment of life insurance policies, utmost care and caution must be taken by the insured when assigning his life insurance policy to anyone else.


This Section seeks to address and highlight the manner in which ICICI Bank drafts its security documents with regard to the assignment of obligations. The texts placed in quotes in the subsequent paragraphs are verbatim extracts from the security document as mentioned.

Composite Document for Corporate and Realty Funding


  The Mortgagor doth hereby:

iii) Assign and transfer unto the Mortgagee all the Bank Accounts and all rights, title, interest, benefits, claims and demands whatsoever of the Mortgagor in, to, under and in respect of the Bank Accounts and all monies including all cash flows and receivables and all proceeds arising from Projects and Other Projects_______________, insurance proceeds, which have been deposited / credited / lying in the Bank Accounts, all records, investments, assets, instruments and securities which represent all amounts in the Bank Accounts, both present and future (the “Account Assets”, which expression shall, as the context may permit or require, mean any or each of such Account Assets) to have and hold the same unto and to the use of the Mortgagee absolutely and subject to the powers and provisions herein contained and subject also to the proviso for redemption hereinafter mentioned;

(v) Assign and transfer unto the Mortgagee all right, title, interest, benefit, claims and demands whatsoever of the Mortgagors, in, to, under and/or in respect of the Project Documents (including insurance policies) including, without limitation, the right to compel performance thereunder, and to substitute, or to be substituted for, the Mortgagor thereunder, and to commence and conduct either in the name of the Mortgagor or in their own names or otherwise any proceedings against any persons in respect of any breach of, the Project Documents and, including without limitation, rights and benefits to all amounts owing to, or received by, the Mortgagor and all claims thereunder and all other claims of the Mortgagor under or in any proceedings against all or any such persons and together with the right to further assign any of the Project Documents, both present and future, to have and to hold all and singular the aforesaid assets, rights, properties, etc. unto and to the use of the Mortgagee absolutely and subject to the powers and provisions contained herein and subject also to the proviso for redemption hereinafter mentioned.”

 ICICI Bank’s Standard Terms and Conditions Governing Consumer Durable Loans

  “ insurance.

The Borrower further agrees that upon any monies becoming due under the policy, the same shall be paid by the Insurance Company to ICICI Bank without any reference / notice to the Borrower, but not exceeding the principal amount outstanding under the Insurance Policy. The Borrower specifically acknowledges that in all cases of claim, the Insurance Company will be solely liable for settlement of the claim, and he/she will not hold ICICI Bank responsible in any manner whether for compensation, recovery of compensation, processing of claims or for any reason whatsoever.

Reference has been made only to assignment of assets, rights, benefits, interests, properties etc. No specific reference has been made to the assignment of obligations of the assignor under such insurance contract.


Where ICICI Bank accepts insurance policy documents of customers as security for a loan, in the light of the fact that the documents are silent about the question of assignment of obligations, are they assigned to ICICI Bank? Where there is hypothecation of a life insurance policy, with a stipulation that the mortgagor (assignor) should pay the premiums, and that the mortgagee (assignee) is not bound to pay the same, Sections 130 and 132 do not apply to such cases. [xiv] With rectification of this issue, ICICI Bank can concretize its hold over the securities with no reservations about its legality.


This section of the paper attempts to explore the many risks that ICICI Bank is exposed to, or other factors which worsen the situation, due to the omission of a clause detailing the assignment of obligations by ICICI Bank.

Practices of Other Companies

The practices of other companies could be a risk factor for ICICI Bank in the light of the fact that some of them expressly exclude assignment of obligations in their security documents.

There are some companies whose notice of assignment forms contain an exclusive clause dealing with the assignment of obligations. It states that while rights and benefits accruing out of the insurance policy are to be assigned to the bank, obligations which arise out of such policy documents will not be liable to be performed by the bank. Thus, they explicitly provide for the only assignment of rights and benefits and never the assignment of obligations.

Possible Obligation to Insurance Companies

By not clearing up this issue, ICICI Bank could be held to be obligated to the insurance company from whom the assignor took the policy, for example, with respect to insurance premiums which were required to be paid by the assignor. This is not a desirable scenario for ICICI Bank. In case of default by the assignor in the terms of the contract, the right of ICICI Bank over the security deposited (insurance policy in question) could be fraught in the legal dispute.

Possible litigation

Numerous suits may be instituted against ICICI Bank alleging a violation of the Indian Contract Act. Some examples include allegations of concealment of fact, fraud etc. These could be enough to render the existing contract of assignment voidable or even void.

Contra Proferentem

This doctrine applies in a situation when a provision in the contract can be interpreted in more than one way, thereby creating ambiguities. It attempts to provide a solution to interpreting vague terms by laying down, that a party which drafts and imposes an ambiguous term should not benefit from that ambiguity. Where there is any doubt or ambiguity in the words of an exclusion clause, the words are construed more forcibly against the party putting forth the document, and in favour of the other party. [xv]

The doctrine of contra proferentem attempts to protect the layman from the legally knowledgeable companies which draft standard forms of contracts, in which the former stands on a much weaker footing with regard to bargaining power with the latter. This doctrine has been used in interpreting insurance contracts in India. [xvi]

If litigation ensues as a result of this uncertainty, there are high chances that the Courts will tend to favour the assignor and not the drafter of the documents.


This section of the paper attempts to give defences which the Bank may raise in case of any disputes arising out of silence on the matter of assignability of obligations.

Interpretation of the Security Documents

UNIDROIT principles expressly provide a method for interpretation of contracts. [xvii] The method consists of utilizing the following factors:

This defence relates to the concept of estoppel embodied in Section 115 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. According to the Section, when one person has, by his declaration, act or omission, intentionally caused or permitted another person to believe a thing to be true and to act upon such belief, neither he nor his representative shall be allowed, in any suit or proceeding between himself and such person or his representatives, to deny the truth of that thing.

If a man either by words or by conduct has intimated that he consents to an act which has been done and that he will not offer any opposition to it, and he thereby induces others to do that which they otherwise might have abstained from, he cannot question legality of the act he had sanctioned to the prejudice of those who have so given faith to his words or to the fair inference to be drawn from his conduct. [xviii] Subsequent conduct may be relevant to show that the contract exists, or to show variation in the terms of the contract, or waiver, or estoppel. [xix]

Where the meaning of the instrument is ambiguous, a statement subsequently interpreting such instrument is admissible. [xx] In the present case, where the borrower has never raised any claims with regard to non assignability of obligations on him, and has consented to the present conditions and relations with ICICI Bank, he cannot he cannot be allowed to raise any claims with respect to the same.

Internationally, the doctrine of post contractual conduct is invoked for such disputes. It refers to the acts of parties to a contract after the commencement of the contract. It stipulates that where a party has behaved in a particular manner, so as to induce the other party to discharge its obligations, even if there has been a variation from the terms of the contract, the first party cannot cite such variation as a reason for its breach of the contract.

Where the parties to a contract are both under a common mistake as to the meaning or effect of it, and therefore embark on a course of dealing on the footing of that mistake, thereby replacing the original terms of the contract by a conventional basis on which they both conduct their affairs, then the original contract is replaced by the conventional basis. The parties are bound by the conventional basis. Either party can sue or be sued upon it just as if it had been expressly agreed between them. [xxi]

The importance of consensus ad idem has been concretized by various case laws in India. Further, if the stipulations and terms are uncertain and the parties are not ad idem there can be no specific performance, for there was no contract at all. [xxii]

In the present case, the minds of the assignor and assignee can be said to have not met while entering into the assignment. The assignee never had any intention of undertaking any obligations of the assignor. In Hartog v Colin & Shields, [xxiii] the defendants made an offer to the plaintiffs to sell hare skins, offering to a pay a price per pound instead of per piece.


To concretize ICICI Bank’s stand on the assignment of obligations in the matter of loans secured by insurance policies, the relevant security documents could be amended to include such a clause.

For instances where loans are secured by life insurance policies, a standard set by the American Banker’s Association (ABA) has been followed by many Indian commercial institutions as well. [xxvi] The ABA is a trade association in the USA representing banks ranging from the smallest community bank to the largest bank holding companies. ABA’s principal activities include lobbying, professional development for member institutions, maintenance of best practices and industry standards, consumer education, and distribution of products and services. [xxvii]

There are several ICICI security documents which have included clauses denying any assignment of obligations to it. An extract of the deed of hypothecation for vehicle loan has been reproduced below:

“ 3. In further pursuance of the Loan Terms and for the consideration aforesaid, the Hypothecator hereby further agrees, confirms, declares and undertakes with the Bank as follows:

(i)(a) The Hypothecator shall at its expenses keep the Assets in good and marketable condition and, if stipulated by the Bank under the Loan Terms, insure such of the Assets which are of insurable nature, in the joint names of the Hypothecator and the Bank against any loss or damage by theft, fire, lightning, earthquake, explosion, riot, strike, civil commotion, storm, tempest, flood, erection risk, war risk and such other risks as may be determined by the Bank and including wherever applicable, all marine, transit and other hazards incidental to the acquisition, transportation and delivery of the relevant Assets to the place of use or installation. The Hypothecator shall deliver to the Bank the relevant policies of insurance and maintain such insurance throughout the continuance of the security of these presents and deliver to the Bank the renewal receipts / endorsements / renewed policies therefore and till such insurance policies / renewal policies / endorsements are delivered to the Bank, the same shall be held by the Hypothecator in trust for the Bank. The Hypothecator shall duly and punctually pay all premia and shall not do or suffer to be done or omit to do or be done any act, which may invalidate or avoid such insurance. In default, the Bank may (but shall not be bound to) keep in good condition and render marketable the relevant Assets and take out / renew such insurance. Any premium paid by the Bank and any costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Bank shall forthwith on receipt of a notice of demand from the Bank be reimbursed by the Hypothecator and/or Borrower to the Bank together with interest thereon at the rate for further interest as specified under the Loan Terms, from the date of payment till reimbursement thereof and until such reimbursement, the same shall be a charge on the Assets…”

The inclusion of such a clause in all security documents of the Bank can avoid the problem of assignability of obligations in insurance policies used as security for any facility sanctioned by it.

An assignment of securities is of utmost importance to any lender to secure the facility, without which the lender will not be entitled to any interest in the securities so deposited.

In this paper, one has seen the need for assignment of securities of a facility. Risks involved in not having a separate clause dealing with non assignability of obligations have been discussed. Certain defences which ICICI Bank may raise in case of the dispute have also been enumerated along with solutions to the same.

Formatted by March 2nd, 2019.


[i] J.H. Tod v. Lakhmidas , 16 Bom 441, 449

[ii], last visited 30 th June, 2014

[iii] Headwaters Construction Co. Ltd. v National City Mortgage Co. Ltd., 720 F. Supp. 2d 1182 (D. Idaho 2010)

[iv] Indian Contract Act and Specific Relief Act, Mulla, Vol. I, 13 th Edn., Reprint 2010, p 968

[v] Khardah Co. Ltd. v. Raymond & Co ., AIR 1962 SC 1810: (1963) 3 SCR 183

[vi] Principles of Insurance Law, M.N. Srinivasan, 8 th Edn., 2006, p. 857

[vii] Ram Baran v Ram Mohit , AIR 1967 SC 744: (1967) 1 SCR 293

[viii] Sri Sarada Mills Ltd. v Union of India, AIR 1973 SC 281

[ix] Lala Kapurchand Godha v Mir Nawah Himayatali Khan, [1963] 2 SCR 168

[x] Velayudhan v Pillaiyar, 9 Mad LT 102 (Mad)

[xi] Hindustan Ideal Insurance Co. Ltd. v Satteya, AIR 1961 AP 183

[xii] Mulraj Khatau v Vishwanath, 40 IA 24 – Respondent based his claim on a mere deposit of the policy and not under a written transfer and claimed that a charge had thus been created on the policy.

[xiii] Insure Policy Plus Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. v The Life Insurance Corporation of India, 2007(109)BOMLR559

[xiv] Transfer of Property Act, Sanjiva Row, 7 th Edn., 2011, Vol II, Universal Law Publishing Company, New Delhi

[xv] Ghaziabad Development Authority v Union of India, AIR 2000 SC 2003

[xvi] United India Insurance Co. Ltd. v M/s. Pushpalaya Printers, [2004] 3 SCR 631, General Assurance Society Ltd. v Chandumull Jain & Anr., [1966 (3) SCR 500]

[xvii] UNIDROIT Principles, Art 4.3

[xviii] B.L.Sreedhar & Ors. v K.M. Munireddy & Ors., 2002 (9) SCALE 183

[xix] James Miller & Partners Ltd. v Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Ltd., [1970] 1 All ER 796 (HL)

[xx] Godhra Electricity Co. Ltd. v State of Gujarat, AIR 1975 SC 32

[xxi] Amalgamated Investment & Property Co. Ltd. v Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd., [1981] 1 All ER 923

[xxii] Smt. Mayawanti v Smt. Kaushalya Devi, 1990 SCR (2) 350

[xxiii] [1939] 3 All ER 566

[xxiv] Terrell v Alexandria Auto Co., 12 La.App. 625

[xxv], last visited on 30 th June, 2014

[xxvi], last visited on 30 th June, 2014

[xxvii], last visited on 30 th June, 2014

assignee and assignment of insurance

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What Is an Assignor?

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Assignor: What It Means, How It Works, and Example

James Chen, CMT is an expert trader, investment adviser, and global market strategist.

assignee and assignment of insurance

An assignor is a person, company, or other entity who transfers rights that they hold to another entity. The assignor transfers to the assignee . For example, a party (the assignor) that enters into a contract to sell a piece of property can assign the proceeds or benefits of the contract to a third party (the assignee) such as a charity or a trust.

Key Takeaways

  • An assignor is one who legally transfers rights or benefits to another individual, the assignee.
  • Assignment of rights often takes place upon death in order to manage the deceased's estate, or through a power of attorney to deal with the legal or financial affairs of an individual.
  • Assignors can often customize and detail the amount of control and what particular rights are assigned to a third party through the use of a contract or legal document such as a will.
  • In life insurance, policyholders can also assign part of their benefits to a relative or family member.
  • In some debts, the borrower assigns collateral to a lender as collateral for the loan.

Each type of assignment can carry a different set of regulations. Certain assignments, such as intellectual property rights , have special conditions that must be met. An assignor may be the grantor of an assignment, a liability, or the right to act in the stead of another person or entity.

For example, an executor of an estate may be appointed through a will left by a decedent.  Power of attorney  may be assigned to a person to tend to certain affairs for another person while they are out of the country or not capable of taking action for themselves.

An assignor will often be an individual who bestows rights to execute their will upon their death. The assignee would be an executor or other agent given the rights to handle the decedent’s estate.

Such rights might otherwise pass to a surviving spouse or an eligible heir. The assignor might choose a trusted associate or relative to be responsible for disposing of their property and paying creditors with their assets.

Assignments can be temporary in duration, or they can be permanent. For example, when a lender assigns their interest in a mortgage to another party, they are effectively selling the mortgage to someone else. In this case, the assignee includes all rights and responsibilities for the loan, including the payments and the right to enforce the loan.

The rights the assignor grants with such an assignment can still be superseded by certain legal action. For example, if an assignor included instructions for the assignee to give a valuable antique to a family member, they might not be able to fulfill that instruction. The property might have a lien attached by creditors who are pursuing all available assets to resolve debts that were left outstanding by the assignor.

Assignors frequently assign their power of attorney to a person they trust to make decisions on their behalf.

An assignor can include an individual or entity that grants power of attorney to an agent to act on their behalf. This type of assignment can carry very specific terms and limits that are outlined by the assignor.

For example, an assignor might grant power of attorney of property to an assignee to take control of specific assets. This might be done if the assignor is not available because of extended overseas travel or if they are incapacitated by illness.

The rights they assign to the agent would allow that person to take action such as completing a sale or other transaction. The assignor who grants power of attorney of property can tailor the rights assigned to the agent to be for a specific set of assets and a defined period of time.

The assignment of power of attorney can grant broad rights or be limited in scope by the terms set by the assignor. The rights could be for the specific handling of a contract or business deal that the assignor cannot be present for.

In property loans, lenders may require the assignment of some rights in order to preserve the value of the collateral. This frequently happens with long-term mortgages, so it's worth researching the best mortgage lenders to make sure you get the best deal.

The assignee typically will only hold the rights of power of attorney for a specified time or particular circumstances. Once the time has expired or the circumstances have been resolved, the assignee would automatically relinquish those rights. It is possible that the terms of power of attorney might allow an assignee to act in their own self-interest rather than in the interests of the assignor.

It is possible for an assignor to grant power of attorney without restrictions. This would give the assignee complete decision-making control over the assignor's assets and business holdings without oversight from any other entity. Such rights would allow the assignee to make broad and lasting decisions regarding the assignor’s affairs.

In contrast with an assignor, an assignee is the person or entity that receives property or rights under the terms of a contract. For example, suppose that a man grants a power of attorney to his wife. In that circumstance, the man acts as the assignor, and the wife will be the assignee, receiving the right to make legal decisions on her husband's behalf.

Assignments are common in lending, where a person might give partial rights to some of their property in order to guarantee a loan.

The term assignor frequently appears in lending, where ownership rights may be assigned as a form of collateral. When taking out an auto loan , the borrower allows the financing company to place a lien on their vehicle, effectively granting the company partial ownership rights if the borrower fails to repay the loan. In this case, the borrower acts as the assignor of their ownership rights, and the lender acts as the assignee.

What Is the Liability of an Assignor?

An assignment cannot cause harm or burden to the assignee, unless the assignee clearly agrees to take on that burden. Therefore, the assignor continues to hold all liabilities related to the assignment, unless the contract states otherwise.

Who Is the Assignor in a 1031 Exchange?

A 1031 exchange is a type of like-kind exchange where one real property is exchanged for another, facilitated by an intermediary. For this type of exchange, the two owners take the role of assignor for their respective properties, assigning their deeds to the intermediary. The intermediary takes the role of assignee.

Who Is the Assignor in a Promissory Note?

A promissory note is a written promise to repay a debt to someone else, usually a bank or other lender. By granting the right to repayment, the borrower takes on the role of the assignor. The bank or other lender takes the role of assignee.

Who Is the Assignor in a Life Insurance Policy?

In life insurance, assignment means the transfer of interest in the policy to someone other than the policyholder. For example, a person could take out a life insurance policy on their own life and assign some of the benefits to a relative. In that circumstance, the policyholder becomes the assignor, and their relative would be the assignee.

In leases, trusts, and other legal arrangements, an assignor is a person who assigns their rights or interests to another party. The party that assumes those rights or interests is called the assignee. These terms are frequently used in property transactions, where an owner might assign part of their interests or responsibilities to a lawyer, agent, or other professional.

Quicken. " What Is Assignment of Mortgage and What Does It Mean for You? "

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What is an assignment for the benefit of creditors and how does it differ from a bankruptcy.

An assignment for the benefit of creditors (ABC) is a process by which a financially distressed company (referred to as the assignor) transfers its assets to a third-party fiduciary (referred to as the assignee). The assignee is responsible for liquidating those assets and distributing the proceeds to the assignor's creditors, pursuant to the priorities established under applicable law.

This article discusses the important distinctions between an ABC and a bankruptcy case. To access this article and read other insights from our Creditor's Rights Toolkit, please click here .

Key terms and definitions

Obtaining landlord permission, tenants and subtenants responsibilities and liabilities, protecting the tenant from sublease pitfalls, putting the agreement in writing, alternatives to subleasing, final takeaways, templates and examples to download in word and pdf formats, tenants and subtenants obligations under a sublease agreement.

From finding a new job in another state to returning home to care for a sick family member to taking the big step of moving in with a new partner, many people find themselves in a situation where they need to cancel their existing lease so they can move somewhere else. Unfortunately, many landlords are reluctant to cancel existing leases, since that puts them in the position of potentially losing money while they look for a new tenant to fill the space. However, there is a solution that is workable for tenants while also being amenable to many landlords: a Sublease Agreement , also known as a sublet. There are many misconceptions about how subleases work and the responsibilities of people involved. This guide will walk through the most important terms to know and the main issues to be aware of when creating a sublease arrangement:

1. Differences between a sublease and an assignment

2. How to get permission from a landlord to sublet

3. Responsibilities and liabilities of the tenant and subtenant

4. Protective measures for the tenant

5. Sublease alternatives

There are many terms used in subleasing that are often used interchangeably and in confusing ways. However, the key distinction is between subleases and assignments . Both of these can be easily created, but have different legal implications and responsibilities for the involved parties that will be explored further in this guide.

What is a "sublease"?

A Sublease Agreement involves a transfer of less than all of the lease . For example, if a person living alone in a leased two bedroom apartment decides to rent out the spare bedroom to a new roommate, that would be a sublease. Or, if a person rents their whole apartment to someone for a couple of months while they travel for the Summer, but then return to the apartment in the Fall, that would also be considered a sublease. The main parties involved in a sublease are:

1. the original tenant , also known as the sublessor , who is the person who first rented the property and plans to rent the space to a new renter, and

2. the subtenant , also known as the sublessee , who is the person who rents their property from the sublessor.

What is an "assignment"?

An Assignment Agreement involves the entire remainder of the lease being transferred to a new tenant. For example, if someone was required to move to a new state for their job and a new tenant takes over the remaining six months on their lease, that would be called an assignment. The main parties involved in an assignment are:

1. the assignor , who is the person who originally rented the property, and

2. the assignee , who is the person renting the property from the assignor and taking over the remainder of their lease.

The first, and most important step, in arranging a sublease or assignment agreement is getting permission from the landlord. The landlord must consent to the arrangement and put this consent in writing using a Consent to Sublease form. If a tenant does not get the consent of the landlord, they leave both themselves and their subtenant or assignee in danger. The landlord would have the option of evicting the tenant, in the case of a sublease, or evicting the assignee, in the case of an assignment, for violation of the original lease agreement. Further, the landlord would feel less obligated to correct defects with the property, such as fixing leaky faucets or broken appliances, given that they do not have a valid agreement with the subtenant or assignee to provide these services.

Unless it says otherwise, when the lease prohibits tenants from subletting or assigning without their landlord's consent, ordinarily the landlord can arbitrarily refuse to permit a sublease or assignment according to their own discretion . However, some states and many leases now provide that the landlord must not unreasonably refuse to give consent to a sublease or assignment. In these instances, if the tenant is able to find a new person who will be at least as good a tenant -- able to pay rent on time, not play the stereo too loud, and follow the other agreements in the lease -- the landlord must accept that person as a subtenant.

If a person's lease prohibits them from assigning the lease without permission from the landlord but does not mention anything about subletting, would that person still be able to sublet the apartment to their friend? Yes, if the lease states only that an assignment is forbidden, the person would still be able to sublet their apartment. Conversely, if the lease prohibits only subletting, the tenant would be able to assign the lease without their landlord's approval. Both actions are prohibited only if the lease says that the tenant cannot sublease the property OR assign the lease without the landlord's consent. Note, however, that some cities, such as New York, have ordinances regulating subleases that take precedence over private agreements.

When subleasing an apartment, the original tenant should try their best to find a person who they think is trustworthy and will continue to pay the rent. The main reason for doing this is that the original tenant remains responsible for making sure the rent gets paid . The subtenant usually does not have to answer to the landlord, only the original tenant; the landlord can generally only sue the original tenant for the rent . If the subtenant does not pay the rent on time, the landlord can start eviction proceedings against the original tenant. If the subtenant owes several months of back rent, the original tenant is responsible for making sure it is paid. In the same way, the original tenant is responsible for making sure the rental is in good shape even if they are not currently living there.

What can a tenant do if they end up paying for the outstanding rent or damage a subtenant did to the property? The tenant can then go to the subtenant to ask that they be reimbursed for this money and take them to small claims court if they refuse to pay.

Unlike in a sublease, in an assignment, if the assignee fails to pay the rent, the landlord can go directly after the assignee for the unpaid rent . The landlord can also sue the assignee for any damage to the apartment that they are responsible for. Be aware, however, that the landlord can still sue the assignor, or original tenant, as well, even if the landlord consented to the assignment. The landlord has their choice of who to go to when they are looking to get paid.

Before subleasing a property or assigning a lease, the original tenant should make sure their subtenant or assignee is a responsible person who will pay the rent on time and will not damage the apartment. In a sublease or assignment, the original tenant essentially steps into the role of landlord to their subtenant or assignee. Therefore, it's important for them to protect themselves the same way a landlord would. When entering into sublease or assignment agreements, the original tenant often puts protective measures in place , including requiring payment of a security deposit, often equal to at least one month's rent, and putting the terms and agreements of the sublease in writing, including details like the length of the sublease or assignment, the amount of rent, when and to whom it must be paid, late charges, payment for damages, and so on.

Since the original tenant is acting as a landlord when subleasing, they are bound by some of the same laws that apply to the landlord . For example, each state has different rules and guidelines about the maximum amount that may be charged for a security deposit. In most cases, the original tenant may not reenter the property without giving appropriate notice to the subtenant. However, particular to assignments, those agreements often include a provision that the original tenant has the right to reenter the property and retake possession of it if the assignee fails to pay the rent. This gives the assignor some additional protection if the assignee defaults on the lease.

Once all parties, including the original tenant, subtenant, and landlord agree to the sublease or assignment, it should be put in writing. A written agreement works to protect all of the parties and their rights and obligations under the lease agreement . An oral agreement is enforceable in some states, but in all cases is subject to potential misunderstandings and challenges in court. A written Lease Assignment Agreement is usually relatively brief since it incorporates all of the provisions included in the original Residential Lease Agreement or Commercial Lease Agreement . A Sublease Agreement is more extensive and includes specifics related to when and to whom rent payments will be made, whether the subtenant will pay a security deposit to the original tenant and if so the method and amount of that payment, who will receive notices related to the rental. Once a Sublease Agreement or Lease Assignment Agreement has been put into writing, it should be signed by all involved parties. The Agreement must always be signed by the tenant and subtenant or assignee. However, the document may also be signed by the landlord to serve as a written record that the landlord grants their permission and is aware of the arrangement.

What if a tenant must move out of their rental property for some reason, say, six months before the lease expires, but they don't want to worry about the potential hassle and risk of finding a subtenant or assignee? The lease may give the tenant the right to cancel their lease by giving a certain amount of notice, usually two to three months. In a month-to-month lease, the tenant usually must give only thirty days notice. If the lease does not allow for this, the tenant has the option of finding a new tenant, subject to their landlord's approval, and the tenant's own trouble and expense. When the tenant finds a suitable person, they can ask their landlord to sign a document releasing them from their original lease . The landlord will then have the new tenant pay a deposit and sign a new lease. If the landlord agrees to do this, the original tenant will no longer be liable for the rent or acts of the new tenant. This solution is often acceptable to reasonable landlords.

Subleasing can be a great option for someone looking to move somewhere else, either temporarily or permanently, while they are in the middle of their current lease term. Here are the most important things to remember when setting up a sublease or assignment agreement:

  • A sublease is a transfer of less than all of the lease; an assignment is a transfer of the entire remainder of the lease.
  • The landlord must grant their permission for the sublease or assignment in writing if the tenant wants to protect themselves from future liability.
  • In a sublease, the landlord can only go after the original tenant for rent or damages owed by the subtenant; in an assignment, the landlord can go after either the original tenant or the assignee.
  • The original tenant can use measures such as collecting a security deposit to protect themselves in case the subtenant or asignee fails to pay the rent or causes damages.
  • The best way to protect all involved parties is to put the agreement in writing.

About the Author: Malissa Durham is a Legal Templates Programmer and Attorney at Wonder .Legal and is based in the U.S.A.

  • Sublease Agreement
  • Lease Assignment Agreement
  • Consent to Sublease

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2023 Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 689A - Individual Health Insurance NRS 689A.135 - Assignment of benefits by insured to provider of health care.

1. A person insured under a policy of health insurance may assign his or her right to benefits to the provider of health care who provided the services covered by the policy. The insurer shall pay all or the part of the benefits assigned by the insured to the person designated by the insured. A payment made pursuant to this subsection discharges the insurer’s obligation to pay those benefits.

2. If the insured makes an assignment under this section, but the insurer after receiving a copy of the assignment pays the benefits to the insured, the insurer shall also pay those benefits to the provider of health care who received the assignment as soon as the insurer receives notice of the incorrect payment.

3. For the purpose of this section, "provider of health care" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 629.031.

(Added to NRS by 1983, 879)

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  • Land Registration Act 2002 (2002 c 9)
  • Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 (1995 c 30)
  • Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (1954 c 56)
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  4. Assigning Your Life Insurance Policy

    You can freely assign your life insurance policy unless some limitation is specified in your contract (your insurance company can furnish the required assignment forms). Through an assignment, you can transfer your rights to all or a portion of the policy proceeds to an assignee. The extent to which these rights are transferable depends on the ...

  5. What is Assignment and Nomination in Life Insurance?

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  11. Assignment vs Nomination in Life Insurance

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  19. Assignor: What It Means, How It Works, and Example

    Assignor: A person, company or entity who transfers rights they hold to another entity. The assignor transfers to the assignee. For example, a party (the assignor) that enters into a contract to ...

  20. What Is an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors and How Does It

    An assignment for the benefit of creditors (ABC) is a process by which a financially distressed company (referred to as the assignor) transfers its assets to a third-party fiduciary (referred to as the assignee). The assignee is responsible for liquidating those assets and distributing the proceeds to the assignor's creditors, pursuant to the ...

  21. Tenants and Subtenants Obligations under a Sublease Agreement

    Unlike in a sublease, in an assignment, if the assignee fails to pay the rent, the landlord can go directly after the assignee for the unpaid rent. The landlord can also sue the assignee for any damage to the apartment that they are responsible for. Be aware, however, that the landlord can still sue the assignor, or original tenant, as well ...


    ASSIGNMENT OF INSURANCE BENEFITS AND FINANCIAL AGREEMENT: I, the undersigned, authorize payment of medical benefits to be made directly to Devlin & Huberty, P.S. I agree to pay my portion at the time services are rendered. I understand that my visit will be billed to my insurance if I have provided copies of my insurance cards. I

  23. Nevada Revised Statutes § 689A.135 (2023)

    2. If the insured makes an assignment under this section, but the insurer after receiving a copy of the assignment pays the benefits to the insured, the insurer shall also pay those benefits to the provider of health care who received the assignment as soon as the insurer receives notice of the incorrect payment. 3.

  24. United India Insurance Company Limited v. Leisure Wear ...

    23. Section 17, in terms, recognises and permits the insured to make assignment of their contract of insurance policy in favour of an assignee and at the same time allows the insured even after making an assignment to retain all those rights which are available to them under the contract of insurance with the insurer (appellant).

  25. What is the liability of an outgoing tenant under an 'old' lease

    Where a 'new lease' is not registered at the Land Registry and was subsequently assigned, and the. Where a 'new lease' is not registered at the Land Registry and was subsequently assigned, and the reversion also transferred, what is the status of the lease between the current landlord and tenant and would the current landlord be able to pursue the tenant for unpaid rent?The grant of a ...