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Smt. Droupadi Murmu The President of India


Address to the Nation, by the Hon'ble President of India Smt. Droupadi Murmu on the Eve of the 74th Republic Day

Delhi : 25.01.2023.


Dear fellow citizens,

On the eve of the 74th Republic Day, I extend my heartiest greetings to every Indian, at home and abroad. From the day the Constitution came into effect to the present day, it has been an amazing journey that has inspired many other nations. Every citizen has reason to be proud of the Indian Story. When we celebrate the Republic Day, we celebrate what we have achieved, together, as a nation.

India is, of course, home to one of the oldest living civilisations. India is called the mother of democracy. As a modern Republic, however, we are young. In the early years of Independence, we faced countless challenges and adversities. Very high levels of poverty and illiteracy were just two of the many ill-effects of the long foreign rule. Yet, the spirit of India was undeterred. With hope and confidence, we began an experiment unique in the history of humankind. Such a vast and diverse multitude of people coming together as one nation remains unprecedented. We did so with a belief that we are, after all, one; that we are all Indians. We have succeeded as a democratic republic because so many creeds and so many languages have not divided us, they have only united us. That is the essence of India.

That essence was at the heart of the Constitution, which has withstood the test of time. The Constitution that started governing the life of the Republic was the outcome of the Freedom Struggle. The national movement, led by Mahatma Gandhi, was as much about winning Independence as about rediscovering our own ideals. Those decades of struggle and sacrifice helped us win freedom not only from colonial rule but also from the imposed values and narrow world-views. Revolutionaries and reformers joined hands with visionaries and idealists to help us learn about our age-old values of peace, brotherhood and equality. Those who shaped the modern Indian mind also welcomed progressive ideas from abroad, following the Vedic advice: आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वत: "Let noble thoughts come to us from all directions”. A long and profound thought process culminated in our Constitution.

Our founding document is inspired by the humanistic philosophy of the oldest living civilisation in the world as well as new ideas that emerged in more recent history. The nation will always remain grateful to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who headed the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, and thus had a critical part in giving it the final shape. On this day, we should also remember the role of jurist B.N. Rau, who had prepared the initial draft, and other experts and officers who helped in making of the constitution. We are proud of the fact that the members of that assembly represented all regions and communities of India and that they included 15 women too.

Their vision, as enshrined in the Constitution, has been continuously guiding our Republic. During this period, India has been transformed from a largely poor and illiterate nation into a confident nation marching on the world stage. This would not have been possible but for the collective wisdom of the Constitution-makers guiding our path.

While Babasaheb Ambedkar and others gave us a map and a moral framework, the task of walking that path remains our responsibility. We have largely remained true to their expectations, and yet we realise that much remains to be done to realise Gandhiji’s ideal of ‘Sarvodaya’, the upliftment of all. Yet, the progress we have made on all fronts is encouraging.

In our mission of ‘Sarvodaya’, the most encouraging has been the progress made on the economic front. Last year, India became the fifth largest economy in the world. It needs to be underlined that this achievement comes against the backdrop of high economic uncertainties around the world. The pandemic has entered the fourth year, affecting economic growth in most parts of the world. In its initial phase, Covid-19 also hurt India’s economy badly. Yet, guided by our able leadership and driven by our resilience, we soon came out of the downturn, and resumed the growth saga. Most sectors of the economy have shaken off the pandemic effect. India has been among the fastest-growing major economies. This has been made possible by timely and pro-active interventions from the Government. The ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative, in particular, has evoked great response among people at large. There have also been sector-specific incentive schemes.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that those on the margins have also been included in the schemes and programmes and they have been helped in tiding over difficulties. By implementing the 'Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana' announced in March 2020, the Government ensured food security for poor families at a time when the country was facing economic disruption in the wake of the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19. Because of this help, no one had to go hungry. Keeping the welfare of poor families paramount, the duration of this scheme was extended successively, benefiting about 81 crore fellow citizens. Further extending this assistance, the Government has announced that even during the year 2023, the beneficiaries will get their monthly ration free of cost.With this historic move, the government has undertaken the responsibility of caring for the weaker sections while also enabling them to benefit from economic development.

With the economy on a sound footing, we have been able to begin and carry forward a series of praiseworthy initiatives. The ultimate goal is to create an environment in which all citizens can, individually and collectively, realise their true potential and prosper. As education builds the right foundation for this purpose, the National Education Policy has introduced ambitious changes. It rightly addresses the two-fold aims of education: as an instrument of economic and social empowerment and as a means to explore truth. The policy makes our civilisational lessons relevant for contemporary life, while also preparing the learner for the 21st century challenges. The National Education Policy appreciates the role of technology in expanding and deepening the learning process.

As we have come to realise since the early days of Covid-19, technology offers life-changing possibilities. The Digital India Mission is striving to make information and communication technology inclusive by bridging the rural-urban divide. More and more people in far-flung places have been reaping the benefits of the internet and are receiving a variety of services provided by the government, as the infrastructure expands. We have reasons to be proud of our achievements in the domain of science and technology. India has been among the handful of pioneers in space technology. As long-pending reforms in this sector are underway, private enterprises are now invited to join the quest. The 'Gaganyaan' program to carry Indian astronauts into the space is under progress. This will be India’s maiden human space flight. Yet, even as we reach out to the stars, we keep our feet on the ground.

India’s Mars Mission was powered by a team of extraordinary women, and our sisters and daughters are not far behind in other areas too. Women’s empowerment and gender equality are no longer mere slogans, as we have made great progress towards these ideals in recent years. With people’s participation in ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ campaign, women’s representation has been rising in every sphere of activity. During my visits to various states, educational institutions and while meeting delegations of various professionals, I am amazed by the confidence of young women. I have no doubt in my mind that they are the ones who will do most to shape tomorrow’s India. What miracles cannot be achieved if this half of the population is encouraged to contribute to nation-building to the best of their ability?

The same vision of empowerment guides the Government’s approach to the marginalised communities including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In fact, the aim is not only to remove hurdles and help them in development, but also to learn from them. Tribal communities, in particular, have rich lessons to offer in many areas, ranging from protecting the environment to making the society more cohesive.

As a result of a series of initiatives in recent years to transform all aspects of governance and unleash creative energies of people, the world has started to look at India with a new sense of respect. Our interventions in various world forums have started making a positive difference. The respect that India has earned on the world stage has resulted in new opportunities as well as responsibilities. This year, as you know, India holds the presidency of the Group of 20 nations. With our motto of universal brotherhood, we stand for peace and prosperity of all. Thus, the G20 presidency is an opportunity to promote democracy and multilateralism and the right forum for shaping a better world and a better future. Under India’s leadership, I am sure, G20 will be able to further enhance its efforts to build a more equitable and sustainable world order.

As G20 represents about two-thirds of the world population and around 85 per cent of global GDP, it is an ideal forum to discuss and find solutions for global challenges. To my mind, global warming and climate change are the most pressing among them. Global temperatures are rising and incidents of extreme weather are increasing. We are faced with the dilemma: To lift more and more people out of poverty, we need economic growth, but that growth also comes from fossil fuel. Unfortunately, the poor bear the brunt of global warming more than others. Developing and popularising alternative sources of energy is one of the solutions. India has taken a commendable lead in this direction by giving a policy push to solar energy and electric vehicles. At the global level, however, emerging economies need a helping hand from advanced nations in the form of technology transfer and financial support.

To maintain the balance between development and environment, we have to look at the ancient traditions with a new perspective. We need to reconsider our basic priorities. The scientific aspects of traditional life-values have to be understood. We must, once again, rekindle that respect for nature and humility before the vast universe. Let me state here that Mahatma Gandhi was a true prophet of our times, as he foresaw the calamities of indiscriminate industrialization and cautioned the world to mend its ways.

We need to modify our lifestyle if we want our children to live happily on this fragile planet. One of the changes suggested pertains to food. I am happy to note that the United Nations accepted a suggestion from India and declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets. Millets were essential ingredients of our diet and they are making a comeback among sections of society. Coarse grains like millets are eco-friendly as they require less water to grow and yet they provide high levels of nutrition. If more and more people turn to millets, it will help conserve ecology and also improve health.

One more year has gone by for the Republic and another year commences. It has been a time of unprecedented change. With the outbreak of the pandemic, the world had changed within a matter of days. During these three years, whenever we have felt that we have finally put the virus behind, it raises its ugly head. However, there is no need to panic because we have learned in this period that our leadership, our scientists and doctors, our administrators and ‘Corona Warriors’ will make every possible effort to meet any situation. At the same time, each of us has also learned to not let our guard down and remain alert.

Generations of people working in different fields deserve praise for their invaluable contribution in the development story of our Republic so far. I commend the roles of farmers, workers, scientists and engineers whose combined strength enables our country to live up to the spirit of "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”. I appreciate every citizen who contributes to the nation’s progress. I also convey my greetings to our diaspora, the great ambassadors of India’s culture and civilisation.

On the occasion of Republic Day, I convey my special appreciation to our jawans who guard our borders and are ready to make any sacrifice for the country. I also express my appreciation for all the brave soldiers of paramilitary forces and police-forces who provide internal security to their fellow citizens. I salute all the brave-hearts of our armed forces, paramilitary-forces and police-forces who laid down their lives in the line of duty. I convey my blessings to all the dear children for their bright future. Once again, I extend my best wishes to all of you on this Republic Day.

Thank you,    Jai Hind!    Jai Bharat!

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President Droupadi Murmu addresses nation on eve of Republic Day | Highlights

President Droupadi Murmu

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Need to modify lifestyle if we want children to live happily, says president murmu.

President Droupadi Murmu, while talking about global warming and the effects of indiscriminate industrialisation, said we need to modify our lifestyle if we want our children to live happily on this "fragile planet".

Turn to ancient traditions to balance development and environment: President Droupadi Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu highlighted the importance of maintaining the balance between development and the environment and said people need to look at ancient traditions with a new perspective. 

To maintain the balance between development and environment, we have to look at the ancient traditions with a new perspective. We need to reconsider our basic priorities. pic.twitter.com/KhZChs6UzB — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

'Gaganyaan' program to take Indian astronauts to space under progress, says President Droupadi Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu said Indians should be proud of the country's achievements in the field of science and technology. She said the 'Gaganyaan' program to carry Indian astronauts into space is under progress. This will be India’s maiden human space flight.

We have reasons to be proud of our achievements in the domain of science and technology. The 'Gaganyaan' program to carry Indian astronauts into the space is under progress. This will be India’s maiden human space flight. pic.twitter.com/efd9zQFASF — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

"In the field of space technology, India has been one of the few leading countries," she added. 

NEP prepares us for 21st century challenges, makes lessons relevant: President Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu said, "The National Education Policy makes our civilisational lessons relevant for contemporary life, while also preparing the learner for the 21st century challenges." 

The National Education Policy makes our civilisational lessons relevant for contemporary life, while also preparing the learner for the 21st century challenges. pic.twitter.com/cFsMCRVjIm — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

Different creeds, languages have only united us, says President Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu celebrated the diversity in the country and said the country's success as a democratic republic is because the different creeds and languages have united the people instead of dividing them. "That is the essence of India," she added. 

We have succeeded as a democratic republic because so many creeds and so many languages have not divided us, they have only united us. That is the essence of India. pic.twitter.com/E4duUxHmmu — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

India's transformation to confident nation would not have been possible without makers of Constitution: President Murmu

On the eve of India's 74th Republic Day, President Droupadi Murmu celebrated the makers of the country's Constitution and said, "India has been transformed from a largely poor and illiterate nation into a confident nation marching on the world stage. This would not have been possible but for the collective wisdom of the Constitution-makers guiding our path." 

India has been transformed from a largely poor and illiterate nation into a confident nation marching on the world stage. This would not have been possible but for the collective wisdom of the Constitution-makers guiding our path. pic.twitter.com/e0GfoiuVNs — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

President Murmu conveys her appreciation to jawans at the border

"On the occasion of Republic Day, I convey my special appreciation to our jawans who guard our borders and are ready to make any sacrifice for the country. I also express my appreciation for all the brave soldiers of paramilitary forces and police forces." said President Droupadi Murmu.

I appreciate every citizen who contributes to the nation’s progress, says President Murmu

Speaking on the eve of the 74th Republic Day of India, President Droupadi Murmu commended the roles of farmers, workers, scientists and engineers whose combined strength enables the country to live up to the spirit of “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”. "I appreciate every citizen who contributes to the nation’s progress," she added. 

मैं किसानों, मजदूरों, वैज्ञानिकों और इंजीनियरों की भूमिकाओं की सराहना करती हूं जिनकी सामूहिक शक्ति हमारे देश को "जय जवान, जय किसान, जय विज्ञान, जय अनुसंधान" की भावना के अनुरूप आगे बढ़ने में सक्षम बनाती है। — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

India's G20 presidency an opportunity to promote democracy, says President Droupadi Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu said India's G20 presidency is an opportunity to promote democracy and it is also the right forum to shape a better world and a better future. "Under India’s leadership, I'm sure, the G20 will be able to further enhance its efforts to build a more equitable and sustainable world order," she added. 

इस वर्ष भारत G-20 देशों के समूह की अध्यक्षता कर रहा है। विश्व-बंधुत्व के अपने आदर्श के अनुरूप, हम सभी की शांति और समृद्धि के पक्षधर हैं। G-20 की अध्यक्षता एक बेहतर विश्व के निर्माण में योगदान हेतु भारत को अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका प्रदान करती है। pic.twitter.com/iAjcecJR8W — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

Women’s empowerment, gender equality no longer just slogans, says President Murmu

Praising the initiative taken by the Central government, President Droupadi Murmu said women's empowerment and gender equality are no longer mere slogans. "We have made great progress towards these ideals in recent years. I have no doubt in my mind that women are the ones who will do the most to shape tomorrow’s India," she added. 

महिला सशक्तीकरण तथा महिला और पुरुष के बीच समानता अब केवल नारे नहीं रह गए हैं। मेरे मन में कोई संदेह नहीं है कि महिलाएं ही आने वाले कल के भारत को स्वरूप देने के लिए अधिकतम योगदान देंगी। pic.twitter.com/m0hizNq8Tw — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

India's fast growing economy made possible by government initiatives: President Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu said India is among the fastest-growing major economies. "This has been made possible by timely and pro-active interventions from the government. The 'Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative has evoked a great response among the people at large. There have also been sector-specific incentive schemes," said the president. 

पिछले साल भारत दुनिया की पांचवीं सबसे बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था बन गया। यह उपलब्धि, आर्थिक अनिश्चितता से भरी वैश्विक पृष्ठभूमि में प्राप्त की गई है। सक्षम नेतृत्व और प्रभावी संघर्षशीलता के बल पर हम शीघ्र ही मंदी से बाहर आ गए, और अपनी विकास यात्रा को फिर से शुरू किया। pic.twitter.com/KefUYvFE3a — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

India will always be grateful to Dr BR Ambedkar, says President Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu paid tribute to Dr BR Ambedkar and said the nation will always be grateful to him. She said he played a critical part in giving the final shape to the Constitution as the head of the Drafting Committee. 

When we celebrate Republic Day, we remember all we have achieved together: President Droupadi Murmu

In her speech on the eve of 74th Republic Day, President Droupadi Murmu said, "When we celebrate Republic Day, we celebrate what we have achieved, together, as a nation." 

चौहत्तरवें गणतंत्र दिवस की पूर्व संध्या पर, देश और विदेश में रहने वाले आप सभी भारत के लोगों को, मैं हार्दिक बधाई देती हूं। जब हम गणतंत्र दिवस मनाते हैं, तब एक राष्ट्र के रूप में हमने मिल-जुल कर जो उपलब्धियां प्राप्त की हैं, उनका हम उत्सव मनाते हैं। pic.twitter.com/cSaFF21Kps — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

President Murmu addresses nation on eve of 74th Republic Day | Watch LIVE

President Droupadi Murmu is addressing the nation on the eve of the 74th Republic Day. 

Watch the live stream here:

LIVE: President Droupadi Murmu's Address to the Nation on the eve of the 74th Republic Day https://t.co/dqDKm6herq — President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 25, 2023

President Droupadi Murmu to give maiden pre-Republic Day speech

On the eve of the 74th Republic Day, President Droupadi Murmu will address the nation in her maiden speech on the occasion. The speech will begin at 7 pm. 

Earlier in the day, President Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. He will be the chief guest at the 74th Republic Day parade.

azadi ka amrit mahotsav


The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu will address the nation tomorrow (January 25, 2023) on the eve of the 74th Republic Day.

The address will be broadcast from 1900 hrs. on the entire national network of All India Radio (AIR) and telecast over all channels of Doordarshan in Hindi followed by the English version. Broadcast of the address in Hindi and English on Doordarshan will be followed by broadcast in regional languages by regional channels of Doordarshan. AIR will broadcast regional language versions from 2130 hrs. onwards on its respective regional networks.

President's Secretariat

The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu will address the nation tomorrow (January 25, 2023) on the eve of the 74th Republic Day.

The address will be broadcast from 1900 hrs. on the entire national network of All India Radio (AIR) and telecast over all channels of Doordarshan in Hindi followed by the English version. Broadcast of the address in Hindi and English on Doordarshan will be followed by broadcast in regional languages by regional channels of Doordarshan. AIR will broadcast regional language versions from 2130 hrs. onwards on its respective regional networks.




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President Speech HIGHLIGHTS: G20 An Ideal Forum To Find Solutions For Global Challenges, Says Droupadi Murmu

President speech on republic day 2023 highlights: india will celebrate its 74th republic day on january 26..

President Speech HIGHLIGHTS: G20 An Ideal Forum To Find Solutions For Global Challenges, Says Droupadi Murmu

President Droupadi Murmu will address the nation on the eve of 74 th Republic Day on Wednesday. Her address will be broadcast from 7pm on All India Radio (AIR) and telecast on all Doordarshan channels in Hindi and English, as per an official statement from the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The regional channels of Doordarshan will telecast the President’s address in local languages, too. AIR’s regional streams can be tuned into from 9.30pm to listen to the speech in state languages. President Droupadi Murmu’s address will also be streamed live on the YouTube channel of Doordarshan. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation on January 26 morning.

The Nation will celebrate its 74th Republic Day on January 26.

The celebrations include the traditional march past at Kartavya Path, comprising a grand parade by the contingents of the Armed Forces and Paramilitary Forces, tableaux display by the states and Central ministries and departments, cultural performances by children, acrobatic motorcycle rides and a fly-past, apart from Beating the Retreat ceremony at the Vijay Chowk and PM's NCC rally.

Notably, this year, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will be the Chief Guest of the 74th Republic Day celebrations. He will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including five ministers and senior officials.

India and Egypt are celebrating 75 years of establishment of diplomatic ties this year. Egypt has also been invited as a 'Guest Country' during India's G20 Presidency.

Notably, this year’s Republic Day celebrations are themed around ‘Jan-Bhagidari' (participation of people) which will showcase the cultural heritage and rich tradition of the country.

The celebrations are expected to begin at 7.30 am tomorrow with the unfurling of the flag followed by the national anthem. The parade will begin at 10 am and will be live streamed on state-run channels - Doordarshan and Sansad TV. People can also watch the celebrations on YouTube and Twitter.

Women Empowerment, Gender Equality No Longer Mere Slogans: President Droupadi Murmu

Women’s empowerment and gender equality are no longer mere slogans, as we have made great progress towards these ideals in recent years. I have no doubt in my mind that women are the ones who will do the most to shape tomorrow’s India: President Droupadi Murmu

I Convey Special Appreciation To Soldiers Who Guard Our Borders: President Droupadi Murmu

On the occasion of Republic Day, I convey my special appreciation to our jawans who guard our borders and are ready to make any sacrifice for the country. I also express my appreciation for all the brave soldiers of paramilitary forces and police forces: President Droupadi Murmu

I Appreciate Every Citizen Who Contributes To Nation’s Progress: President Droupadi Murmu

I commend the roles of farmers, workers, scientists and engineers whose combined strength enables our country to live up to the spirit of “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”. I appreciate every citizen who contributes to the nation’s progress: President Droupadi Murmu

G20 Presidency An Opportunity To Promote Democracy And Multilateralism: President Droupadi Murmu

G20 presidency is an opportunity to promote democracy&multilateralism & the right forum for shaping a better world & a better future. Under India’s leadership, I'm sure, G20 will be able to further enhance its efforts to build a more equitable &sustainable world order: President Droupadi Murmu.

Gaganyaan Will Be India’s Maiden Human Space Flight: President Droupadi Murmu

The Gaganyaan program to carry Indian astronauts into the space is under progress. This will be India’s maiden human space flight, says President Droupadi Murmu.

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President Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights – 74th Republic Day 2023

President Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights on 74th Republic Day: In her first speech on the 74th Republic Day 2023, the current President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu addressed the nation.

President Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights on 74th Republic Day

President Draupadi Murmu Speech

President Droupadi Murmu discussed the Covid pandemic, the Indian economy, the G20 chair, and women’s empowerment in her first Republic Day speech. President Droupadi Murmu remarked in a speech to the country on the eve of the 74th Republic Day that the reason India was successful as a democratic republic was because so many different religions and languages “had not divided but unified us.”

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74th Republic Day 2023: President Draupadi Murmu Speech

In her first speech on the 74th Republic Day 2023, the current President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu addressed the nation and in her address she talked about the matters related to Women Empowerment, Soldiers, Border Security, Nation’s Security and Many other.

In addition to the Vijay Chowk Beating the Retreat ceremony and the PM’s NCC rally, this year’s celebrations include the customary march past at Kartavya Path, which features a grand parade by the contingents of the Armed Forces and Paramilitary Forces, tableaux display by the states and Central ministries and departments, cultural performances by children, acrobatic motorcycle rides, and a fly-past. The festivities are centered around “Jan-Bhagidari” (participation of people), which will highlight the nation’s rich cultural past.

Let us have a look at the Highlights of President Droupadi Murmu Speech on the 74th Republic Day 2023:

“When we celebrate Republic Day, we celebrate what we have achieved, together, as a nation”                 — President Droupadi Murmu

Interesting Unknown facts about Constitution of India

President Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights on 74th Republic Day 2023

1. draupadi murmu speech highlights: india grateful to dr. ambedkar.

Dr. BR Ambedkar, who served as the chairman of the Constitution’s Drafting Committee and was instrumental in giving it its final form, will always be remembered by India. The initial text of the Constitution was written by the lawyer BN Rau, and other specialists and officers who contributed to its creation should also be remembered. We are delighted that there were representatives from all communities and regions of India in that assembly, as well as 15 women.

2. Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights: Atmanirbhar Bharat

One of the major economies with the fastest growth has been India. This has been made feasible thanks to proactive and timely government actions. The “Atmanirbhar Bharat” initiative has received a lot of support from the general public. Additionally, sector-specific incentive programmes have existed.

3. Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights: Gaganyaan programme

The Gaganyaan programme, which will send Indian astronauts into space, is now in development. India’s first-ever human spaceflight will be this one.

Republic Day 2023, Interesting Facts About 74th Republic Day of India

4. Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights: G20 presidency

The G20 presidency presents an opportunity to advance democracy and multilateralism and is the ideal arena for influencing a better future and a better world. I’m confident that the G20 would be able to intensify its efforts to create a more just and sustainable global order under India’s leadership.

5. Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights: India’s Soldiers and Border Security

I would especially like to express my gratitude on this Republic Day to our jawans who protect our borders and are willing to give their lives if necessary for the country. I also want to thank all the brave members of the police and paramilitary forces.

Republic Day 2023 History, Significance, and Celebrations

6. Draupadi Murmu Speech Highlights: Importance of Women Empowerment

Given the significant progress we have achieved in recent years toward these goals, gender equality and the empowerment of women are no longer just catchphrases. Without a doubt, women will have the greatest influence on how India develops in the future.

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India is celebrating its 74th Republic Day with enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. AFP

India celebrates 74th Republic Day with parades and patriotic zeal

Egyptian president abdel fattah el sisi is the chief guest at new delhi's parade.

Taniya Dutta

January 26, 2023

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a speech on 74th republic day

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Republic Day 2023 live updates | India celebrates 74th R-Day with vibrant parade on Kartavya Path

This year’s republic day celebration witnesses the country’s military prowess, cultural diversity, and other unique initiatives.

Updated - January 26, 2023 09:12 pm IST

Published - January 26, 2023 07:29 am IST

President Droupadi Murmu at the 74th Republic Day parade.

President Droupadi Murmu at the 74th Republic Day parade. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

The ceremonial boulevard of the national capital, the newly-christened Kartavya Path that has witnessed the country free itself from the clutches of colonial rule played host to the 74th Republic Day on January 26, 2023.

President Droupadi Murmu led the nation in celebrating Republic Day, and Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was the chief guest at the ceremonial event. This is the first time an Egyptian head of state has been invited to the ceremony. The invite also marks 75 years of diplomatic ties between Cairo and New Delhi.

A total of 23 tableaux — 17 from States and Union Territories and six from various Ministries and departments depicting India’s vibrant cultural heritage, and economic and social progress were a part of the parade on the Kartavya Path.

Indian Army, Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force along with other security forces presented a spectacular show in front of the nation as they marched past the dais where the President along with other dignitaries took the salute.

Here are the latest updates:

World leaders convey greetings on Republic Day

World leaders conveyed Republic Day wishes to India on Thursday, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanking them for their greetings and pledging to work together to further strengthen ties.

Replying to the French president, PM Modi tweeted, “Grateful for your warm greetings my dear friend Emmanuel Macron on India’s Republic Day. I share your commitment to working together for the success of India’s G20 Presidency & 25th anniversary of the India-France Strategic Partnership. India and France together are a force for global good.” Macron said he looked forward to the two countries setting new ambitions together for the G20 and for the Indo-French strategic partnership as it turns 25 this year. Thanking his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu, Modi said he looked forward to further strengthening the strategic partnership.

He tweeted to Bhutan’s Prime Minister Lotay Tshering that India is committed to its unique partnership with his country for progress and prosperity of both the nations.

PM Modi echoed similar sentiments in tweets to leaders of Nepal, Mauritius and Maldives among other countries. - PTI

74th Republic Day parade comes to an end

74th Republic Day parade comes to an end.

74th Republic Day parade comes to an end. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

Spectacular flypast by 50 aircraft during 74th Republic Day celebration leaves people stunned

On the occasion of the 74th Republic Day, the Indian Air Force (IAF) presented a spectacular flypast and air display with 50 aircraft and helicopters of the three forces— Air, Navy, and Army. This included 45 aircraft of the Air Force, one from the Navy, and four helicopters of the Army that exhibited their aerobatics and professional skills.

The flypast is one of the major attractions during the parade. People kept their phone cameras open but faced trouble capturing aircraft formations due to the layer of fog and smoke cloaking the capital. According to the Central Pollution Control Board data, Delhi’s air quality index stood at 287 at 12 noon, rapidly worsening from 160 at 4 p.m. on Wednesday.

Governor leads Kerala’s R-Day celebrations

Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan hoisted the National Flag and received salute at the ceremonial parade that was attended by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and other dignitaries. Governor Khan has called for progressive qualitative transformation in the State’s higher education to limit the flow of students to other States and countries and reap the benefits of the country’s projected demographic dividend.

Crediting the State government for addressing key areas such as agriculture, environment, housing, health care and education by further its vision of a ‘ Navakeralam ’ (New Kerala), the Governor said the completion of over 3.2 lakh houses under the LIFE Mission has added strength to India’s dream of providing houses to over one crore beneficiaries through various schemes including the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.

Vande Bharatam — the Nritya Utsav showcase led by the Ministries of Culture and Defence

The Kartavya Path turned into a canvas of colours, song, and dance, as performing artists embodied threads of the country’s rich cultural diversity, through Vande Bharatam— the Nritya Utsav showcase led by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Defence

Young dancers from all over India, across genres like classical, folk, and contemporary, were assessed and selected for the parade. The theme was ‘Shakti Rupena Samsthita’ and through art and dance forms, ‘Devi’ was celebrated. ‘Nari Shakti’ was the theme of the dance, which was performed by 326 female and 153 male artistes, Mohan said.

Vande Bharatam— the Nritya Utsav showcase led by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Defence.

Vande Bharatam— the Nritya Utsav showcase led by the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Defence. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

Stunning landscape, cultural heritage of Ladakh, Wildlife, religious sites of Uttarakhand, legendary tribal hero Birsa Munda, Baidyanath Temple of Jharkhand, tourism potential of Arunachal, Ayodhya Deepotsav of Uttar Pradesh showcased at R-Day parade

The pristine landscape and vibrant cultural heritage of Ladakh, including rock-cut statues in Kargil, have been showcased in the Union territory’s Republic Day tableau that rolled down the Kartavya Path on Thursday. The float was accompanied by a colourful troupe of artistes drawn from both Leh and Kargil regions.

Uttarakhand showcased its wildlife and religious sites at the Republic Day parade. In the foreground of the State tableau, reindeer, deer, and various birds were shown roaming in the world-famous Corbett National Park The central part of tableau depicted the state animal of Uttarakhand, ‘musk deer’, national bird peacock and ghoral.

Jharkhand’s tableau showcased legendary tribal hero Birsa Munda and the famous Baidyanath Temple with Sohrai paintings on its side panels at the Republic Day parade at Kartavya Path.

Known as the land of the rising sun, Arunachal Pradesh showcased its tourism potential at the Republic Day parade here. The tableau of the State displayed the potential for tourism in the fields of adventure, sports, ecology, culture, religion, history and archeology.

Uttar Pradesh’s tableau which rolled down the Kartavya Path during the 74th Republic Day parade depicted Lord Ram and Goddess Sita being welcomed by the people of Ayodhya on their return from exile, and the Deepotsav celebrations in the temple town.

Lord Krishna’s ‘Virat Swaroop’, scene from Kurukshetra centrepiece of Haryana tableau

Lord Krishna giving sermons to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and the deity’s “Virat Swaroop” are the centerpiece of the 74th Republic Day tableau showcased by Haryana on the Kartavya Path.

The State’s tableau, with its theme drawn from the epic Mahabharata and taking inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita, presents a huge model of a chariot pulled by four horses.

“The tableau showcases Lord Krishna serving as a charioteer to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and offering him sermons. The front part of the tableau depicts Lord Krishna in his ‘Virat Swaroop’ form as he is displayed before Arjuna. -PTI

Assam tableau depicts heroics of Lachit Borphukan, State’s cultural heritage

Legendary Ahom General Lachit Borphukan and the revered Kamakhya Temple and other cultural heritage of Assam were depicted on the state’s tableau as it rolled down the Kartvaya Path during the 74th Republic Day celebrations.

Borphukan was a commander in the erstwhile Ahom kingdom and is known for his leadership in the 1671 battle of Saraighat which thwarted an attempt by Mughal forces to capture Assam. -PTI

Tamil Nadu’s tableau showcases the State’s rich cultrue

Tamil Nadu’s tableau showcases the State’s rich culture, and women’s empowerment.

Tamil Nadu’s tableau showcases the State’s rich culture and women’s empowerment. 

Tamil Nadu’s tableau showcases the State’s rich culture and women’s empowerment.  | Photo Credit: The Hindu

Gujarat tableau with the theme clean-green energy Gujarat

Gujarat tableau: Clean-Green Energy Gujarat

Gujarat tableau: Clean-Green Energy Gujarat | Photo Credit: The Hindu

Andhra Pradesh tableau marches on

Andhra Pradesh tableau marches on with the theme Prabhala Teertham: A festival of peasantry during Makara Sankranthi

The  Prabhala Theertham,  or  Prabhala panduga  in local parlance, is all about taking out  Prabhalu  (flowery replica of religious idols built with bamboo frames decorated with colour papers and lights) in a procession that adds beauty to the Konaseema region during Sankranti festival. These decorated bamboo arches with Lord Siva’s images on them are taken around in a huge procession from 150 villages in Konaseema area. The practice is said to be in vogue from the time of Pithapuram Rajahs. A few archives in Rajamahendravaram Gowthami Regional library indicate that the Pithapuram king’s advisor Vittal Jakkanna started the tradition of  Prabhalu  to bring unity among all sections of people.

Andhra Pradesh tableau marches on with the theme Prabhala Teertham: A festival of peasantry during Makara Sankranthi

Andhra Pradesh tableau marches on with the theme Prabhala Teertham: A festival of peasantry during Makara Sankranthi | Photo Credit: The Hindu

Republic Day function in Agartala

Security force personnel march past during the 74th Republic Day function, in Agartala, on Jan. 26, 2023.

Security force personnel march past during the 74th Republic Day function, in Agartala, on Jan. 26, 2023. | Photo Credit: PTI

Indian Navy contingent led by a woman naval air operations official

Lt Commander Disha Amrith, a woman naval air operations official posted at a strategic base, will lead the Indian Navy’s Republic Day contingent of 144 young sailors and its tableau will showcase the ‘Nari Shakti’ in force. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

President Murmu unfurls the national flag, followed by the 21-gun salute

The 21-gun salute, as it is called, has been a constant feature of all our Republic Days. The salute, a remnant of India’s colonial past is now an acknowledgement of the sovereignty of our people. 

President Murmu unfurls the national flag, followed by the 21-gun salute.

President Murmu unfurls the national flag, followed by the 21-gun salute. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

Tamil Nadu governor unfurls national flag in Chennai

The Tamil Nadu governor R.N. Ravi hoisting the national flag on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day celebrations held in Chennai on January 26, 2023. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin is also seen in the picture.

The Tamil Nadu governor R.N. Ravi hoisting the national flag on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day celebrations held in Chennai on January 26, 2023. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin is also seen in the picture. | Photo Credit: S.R. Raghunathan

Republic Day ceremony commences with arrival of PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid floral tributes to fallen heroes at the National War Memorial on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day celebrations. He led the nation in paying solemn tributes to the fallen heroes by laying a wreath. The Republic Day celebrations commenced with the homage ceremony at the National War Memorial. PM Modi was received by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on his arrival at the National War Memorial.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the National War Memorial.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the National War Memorial. | Photo Credit: The Hindu

74th Republic Day celebrations in Coimbatore

Students performing a cultural program on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day celebrations at VOC Park grounds in Coimbatore on January 26, 2023.

Students performing a cultural program on the occasion of the 74th Republic Day celebrations at VOC Park grounds in Coimbatore on January 26, 2023. | Photo Credit: M. Periasamy

Bihar CM Nitish Kumar unfurls national flag in Patna

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar salutes after hoisting the national flag during the 74th Republic Day celebrations, at his official residence in Patna, on Jan. 26, 2023.

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar salutes after hoisting the national flag during the 74th Republic Day celebrations, at his official residence in Patna, on Jan. 26, 2023. | Photo Credit: PTI

Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde unfurls national flag in Mumbai

In his maiden stint as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde unfurled the national flag, and kickstarted 74th Republic Day celebrations in Mumbai.

Mr. Shinde, who revolted against former Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on June 20, 2022, was joined by around 39 Sena MLAs and 11 independents.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde salutes after hoisting the national flag during the 74th Republic Day celebrations, at his official residence in Mumbai, on Jan. 26, 2023.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde salutes after hoisting the national flag during the 74th Republic Day celebrations, at his official residence in Mumbai, on Jan. 26, 2023. | Photo Credit: PTI

PM Modi extends his Republic Day greetings to the nation

Extending his greetings to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 26 said in a tweet, “I wish that we move forward unitedly to fulfill the dreams of the country’s great freedom fighters. Happy Republic Day to all fellow Indians!”

गणतंत्र दिवस की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं। इस बार का यह अवसर इसलिए भी विशेष है, क्योंकि इसे हम आजादी के अमृत महोत्सव के दौरान मना रहे हैं। देश के महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के सपनों को साकार करने के लिए हम एकजुट होकर आगे बढ़ें, यही कामना है। Happy Republic Day to all fellow Indians! — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 26, 2023

Google celebrates India’s 74th Republic Day with Doodle containing elements of parade

Celebrating India’s 74th Republic Day, Gujarat-based artist Parth Kothekar has crafted an intricately hand-cut paper artwork to illustrate Google Doodle. Many elements of the Republic Day parade are represented in the artwork including the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the India Gate, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) marching contingent, and motorcycle riders. -ANI

Police personnel at the 74th Republic Day celebrations at VOC Park grounds in Coimbatore on January 26, 2023.

Police personnel at the 74th Republic Day celebrations at VOC Park grounds in Coimbatore on January 26, 2023. | Photo Credit: M. Periasamy

President Murmu to lead nation in celebrating 74th R-Day

President Droupadi Murmu will lead the nation in celebrating the Republic Day, and Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi will be the chief guest at the ceremonial event. The military assets which will be displayed during the parade include made-in-India equipment, showing the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat, officials had earlier said.

As per tradition, the national flag will be unfurled followed by the National Anthem with a booming 21-gun salute. Among, the many firsts, the ceremonial salute will be given with 105-mm Indian field guns. It replaces the vintage 25-pounder guns, reflecting upon the growing ‘Aatmanirbharta’ in defence. Four Mi-17 1V/V5 helicopters of 105 Helicopter Unit will shower flower petals on the audience present at Kartavya Path, the statement said.

The parade will commence with the President taking the salute. The parade will be commanded by Parade Commander Lt Gen Dhiraj Seth, a second-generation Army officer. Maj Gen Bhavnish Kumar, Chief of Staff, Delhi Area will be the Parade Second-in-Command.

This year, the Republic Day celebrations will see attractive performances by dancers from Vande Bharatam group from across the country, tales of bravery by ‘Veer Gatha 2.0’ participants, melodious performances by school bands at the National War Memorial, largest-ever drone show and 3-D anamorphic projection, it said. -PTI

Multi-layer security cover in place for Republic Day celebrations

A multi-layer security cover is in place for the Republic Day celebrations here on Thursday with police conducting anti-sabotage checks, verification drives, and patrolling to thwart any untoward incident, according to officials.

Around 6,000 security personnel have been deployed in the New Delhi district and 24 help desks set up for those attending the celebrations at the Kartavya Path, they said.

Police said that around 60,000 to 65,000 people are expected to attend the Republic Day celebrations. -PTI

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Republic day 2023 highlights: india is celebrating its 74th republic day on thursday. the grand parade at kartavya path has now concluded with  exceptional display of military might and india's vision of "atmanirbhar bharat". in a first, agniveers participated in the parade and indigenous field guns replaced the british-era 25-pounder artillery for 21 gun salutes. the grand celebration ended with a stunning flypast. egyptian president abdel fattah el-sisi is the chief guest of this year's republic day..

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President draupadi murmu republic day speech full text.

 - Sakshi Post

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Our founding document is inspired by the humanistic philosophy of the oldest living civilisation in the world as well as new ideas that emerged in more recent history. The nation will always remain grateful to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, who headed the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, and thus had a critical part in giving it the final shape. On this day, we should also remember the role of jurist B.N. Rau, who had prepared the initial draft, and other experts and officers who helped in making of the constitution. We are proud of the fact that the members of that assembly represented all regions and communities of India and that they included 15 women too.

Their vision, as enshrined in the Constitution, has been continuously guiding our Republic. During this period, India has been transformed from a largely poor and illiterate nation into a confident nation marching on the world stage. This would not have been possible but for the collective wisdom of the Constitution-makers guiding our path.

While Babasaheb Ambedkar and others gave us a map and a moral framework, the task of walking that path remains our responsibility. We have largely remained true to their expectations, and yet we realise that much remains to be done to realise Gandhiji's ideal of 'Sarvodaya', the upliftment of all. Yet, the progress we have made on all fronts is encouraging.

Dear fellow citizens,

In our mission of 'Sarvodaya', the most encouraging has been the progress made on the economic front. Last year, India became the fifth largest economy in the world. It needs to be underlined that this achievement comes against the backdrop of high economic uncertainties around the world. The pandemic has entered the fourth year, affecting economic growth in most parts of the world. In its initial phase, Covid-19 also hurt India's economy badly. Yet, guided by our able leadership and driven by our resilience, we soon came out of the downturn, and resumed the growth saga. Most sectors of the economy have shaken off the pandemic effect. India has been among the fastest-growing major economies. This has been made possible by timely and pro-active interventions from the Government. The 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' initiative, in particular, has evoked great response among people at large. There have also been sector-specific incentive schemes.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that those on the margins have also been included in the schemes and programmes and they have been helped in tiding over difficulties. By implementing the 'Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana' announced in March 2020, the Government ensured food security for poor families at a time when the country was facing economic disruption in the wake of the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19. Because of this help, no one had to go hungry. Keeping the welfare of poor families paramount, the duration of this scheme was extended successively, benefiting about 81 crore fellow citizens. Further extending this assistance, the Government has announced that even during the year 2023, the beneficiaries will get their monthly ration free of cost. With this historic move, the government has undertaken the responsibility of caring for the weaker sections while also enabling them to benefit from economic development.

With the economy on a sound footing, we have been able to begin and carry forward a series of praiseworthy initiatives. The ultimate goal is to create an environment in which all citizens can, individually and collectively, realise their true potential and prosper. As education builds the right foundation for this purpose, the National Education Policy has introduced ambitious changes. It rightly addresses the two-fold aims of education: as an instrument of economic and social empowerment and as a means to explore truth. The policy makes our civilisational lessons relevant for contemporary life, while also preparing the learner for the 21st century challenges. The National Education Policy appreciates the role of technology in expanding and deepening the learning process.

As we have come to realise since the early days of Covid-19, technology offers life-changing possibilities. The Digital India Mission is striving to make information and communication technology inclusive by bridging the rural-urban divide. More and more people in far-flung places have been reaping the benefits of the internet and are receiving a variety of services provided by the government, as the infrastructure expands. We have reasons to be proud of our achievements in the domain of science and technology. India has been among the handful of pioneers in space technology. As long-pending reforms in this sector are underway, private enterprises are now invited to join the quest. The 'Gaganyaan' program to carry Indian astronauts into the space is under progress. This will be India's maiden human space flight. Yet, even as we reach out to the stars, we keep our feet on the ground.

India's Mars Mission was powered by a team of extraordinary women, and our sisters and daughters are not far behind in other areas too. Women's empowerment and gender equality are no longer mere slogans, as we have made great progress towards these ideals in recent years. With people's participation in 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' campaign, women's representation has been rising in every sphere of activity. During my visits to various states, educational institutions and while meeting delegations of various professionals, I am amazed by the confidence of young women. I have no doubt in my mind that they are the ones who will do most to shape tomorrow's India. What miracles cannot be achieved if this half of the population is encouraged to contribute to nation-building to the best of their ability?

The same vision of empowerment guides the Government's approach to the marginalised communities including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In fact, the aim is not only to remove hurdles and help them in development, but also to learn from them. Tribal communities, in particular, have rich lessons to offer in many areas, ranging from protecting the environment to making the society more cohesive.

As a result of a series of initiatives in recent years to transform all aspects of governance and unleash creative energies of people, the world has started to look at India with a new sense of respect. Our interventions in various world forums have started making a positive difference. The respect that India has earned on the world stage has resulted in new opportunities as well as responsibilities. This year, as you know, India holds the presidency of the Group of 20 nations. With our motto of universal brotherhood, we stand for peace and prosperity of all. Thus, the G20 presidency is an opportunity to promote democracy and multilateralism and the right forum for shaping a better world and a better future. Under India's leadership, I am sure, G20 will be able to further enhance its efforts to build a more equitable and sustainable world order.

As G20 represents about two-thirds of the world population and around 85 per cent of global GDP, it is an ideal forum to discuss and find solutions for global challenges. To my mind, global warming and climate change are the most pressing among them. Global temperatures are rising and incidents of extreme weather are increasing. We are faced with the dilemma: To lift more and more people out of poverty, we need economic growth, but that growth also comes from fossil fuel. Unfortunately, the poor bear the brunt of global warming more than others. Developing and popularising alternative sources of energy is one of the solutions. India has taken a commendable lead in this direction by giving a policy push to solar energy and electric vehicles. At the global level, however, emerging economies need a helping hand from advanced nations in the form of technology transfer and financial support.

To maintain the balance between development and environment, we have to look at the ancient traditions with a new perspective. We need to reconsider our basic priorities. The scientific aspects of traditional life-values have to be understood. We must, once again, rekindle that respect for nature and humility before the vast universe. Let me state here that Mahatma Gandhi was a true prophet of our times, as he foresaw the calamities of indiscriminate industrialization and cautioned the world to mend its ways.

We need to modify our lifestyle if we want our children to live happily on this fragile planet. One of the changes suggested pertains to food. I am happy to note that the United Nations accepted a suggestion from India and declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets. Millets were essential ingredients of our diet and they are making a comeback among sections of society. Coarse grains like millets are eco-friendly as they require less water to grow and yet they provide high levels of nutrition. If more and more people turn to millets, it will help conserve ecology and also improve health.

One more year has gone by for the Republic and another year commences. It has been a time of unprecedented change. With the outbreak of the pandemic, the world had changed within a matter of days. During these three years, whenever we have felt that we have finally put the virus behind, it raises its ugly head. However, there is no need to panic because we have learned in this period that our leadership, our scientists and doctors, our administrators and 'Corona Warriors' will make every possible effort to meet any situation. At the same time, each of us has also learned to not let our guard down and remain alert.

Generations of people working in different fields deserve praise for their invaluable contribution in the development story of our Republic so far. I commend the roles of farmers, workers, scientists and engineers whose combined strength enables our country to live up to the spirit of "Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan". I appreciate every citizen who contributes to the nation's progress. I also convey my greetings to our diaspora, the great ambassadors of India's culture and civilisation.

On the occasion of Republic Day, I convey my special appreciation to our jawans who guard our borders and are ready to make any sacrifice for the country. I also express my appreciation for all the brave soldiers of paramilitary forces and police-forces who provide internal security to their fellow citizens. I salute all the brave-hearts of our armed forces, paramilitary-forces and police-forces who laid down their lives in the line of duty. I convey my blessings to all the dear children for their bright future. Once again, I extend my best wishes to all of you on this Republic Day.

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President's Speech: 75 th Republic Day, 2024

My dear fellow citizens,.

My heartiest greetings to all of you on the eve of the 75th Republic Day! My heart is filled with pride when I look back and see how far we have travelled despite adversities. The 75th year of the Republic is truly a historic milestone in the journey of the nation in many ways. This is an especially festive occasion, just as we celebrated the unique greatness and diverse culture of our nation during the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, when we completed 75 years of Independence.

Tomorrow is the day when we celebrate the commencement of the Constitution. Its Preamble begins with the words "We, the People of India", highlighting the theme of the document, namely, democracy. In India, democratic system is much older than the concept of western democracy. That is the reason why India is called the "mother of democracy".

After a long and difficult struggle, on 15th August, 1947, India became free from foreign rule. Yet, the task of framing the principles and processes that would govern the country and unleash its true potential was still a work in progress. The Constituent Assembly spent nearly three years holding detailed discussions on all aspects of governance and produced the great founding document of our nation, the Constitution of India. Today, the nation gratefully remembers the leaders as well as the officials who contributed to the framing of our splendid and inspiring Constitution.

The nation is in the early years of Amrit Kaal, the period leading to the centenary of Independence. This is the time of an epochal transformation. We are given a golden opportunity to take the country to new heights. Contribution from every citizen will be crucial to achieve our goals. For this, I will appeal to all my fellow citizens to abide by our Fundamental Duties enshrined in the Constitution. These duties are essential obligations of every citizen towards making Bharat a developed nation when it completes 100 years of independence. Here, I think of Mahatma Gandhi who had rightly said, "No people have risen who thought only of rights. Only those did so who thought of duties."

My Dear Fellow Citizens,

Republic Day is an occasion to recall our foundational values and principles. When we contemplate any one of them, we are naturally guided to the rest. Democracy implies diversity of culture, beliefs and practices. Celebrating diversity implies equality, which is upheld by justice. Freedom is what makes it all possible. The totality of these values and principles is what makes us Indian. Guided by the sagacity of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the spirit of the Constitution, imbued with these foundational values and principles, has led us invariably on the path of social justice to put an end to all kinds of discrimination.

I would like to mention here that the celebration of the birth centenary of a tireless champion of social justice, Shri Karpoori Thakur Ji, concluded yesterday. Karpoori Ji was one of the greatest advocates of backward classes who dedicated his life for their welfare. His life was a message. I pay my tribute to Karpoori Ji for enriching public life through his contributions.

The ethos of our Republic brings together more than 1.4 billion of us to live as one family. For this largest family in the world, co-existence is not an imposition of geography but a source of happiness, which finds expression in our Republic Day celebrations.

Earlier this week, we witnessed the historic consecration ceremony of the idol of Prabhu Shri Ram in the glorious new temple constructed at His birthplace in Ayodhya. When this event will be seen in the wider perspective, the future historians will consider it a landmark in India's continued re-discovery of its civilisational heritage. The construction of the temple commenced after the due judicial process and the decision of the highest court of the land. Now it stands as a grand edifice, giving a befitting expression not only of people's faith but also as a testament to people's enormous trust in judicial process.

Our National festivals are momentous occasions when we together look back and look ahead. If we look at the year since the last Republic Day, there is much to be pleased about. The successful organising of the Group of 20 Summit in the capital, under India's presidency, was an unprecedented achievement. What was all the more noteworthy was the way the people were involved in the G20 events. The ideas and inputs travelled not downwards from the top but upwards from the bottom. The magnificent event provided lessons for all in making citizens participants in strategic and diplomatic matters that are, in the final analysis, going to shape their own future. The G20 Summit also boosted India's emergence as the voice of the Global South, adding a necessary element to the international discourse.

We also progressed further towards the ideal of gender equality, when the Parliament passed the historic Women's Reservation Bill. I believe the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam will prove to be a revolutionary tool of women's empowerment. It will also go a long way in improving the processes of our governance. When more women will be involved in the matters of collective importance, our administrative priorities will be more in tune with the needs of the masses.

It was also the year when India went to the moon, becoming the first to land on the lunar south pole region. After Chandrayaan-3, the Indian Space Research Organisation rolled out a solar mission as well. Recently, Aditya L1 was successfully put into the halo orbit. We began the new year with the launch of our first X-ray Polarimeter Satellite called XPoSat which will study space mysteries like black holes. Many more space missions are planned in the current calendar year. I am happy to add that India's space journey is slated to cross new milestones. Preparations for the Gaganyaan mission, our first human spaceflight programme, are proceeding smoothly. We have always been proud of our scientists and technology experts, but now they are aiming far higher than before and delivering too. India's space programme is aimed at expanding and deepening the role of science and technology for the benefit of the entire humanity. The amount of enthusiasm we see in the country for the ISRO's initiatives is heartening. New achievements in this area have fired the imagination of the young generation. More children, I am sure, will become interested in science and cultivate a scientific temper. It will also inspire more youngsters, especially young women, to pursue careers in science and technology.

India is moving ahead with confidence, which comes from and is also reflected by the robust health of the economy. Our GDP growth rate has remained the highest among major economies in recent years, and we have all reasons to believe that this extraordinary performance will continue in the year 2024 and beyond. What I find particularly noteworthy is that the same farsighted planning that fuels the economy has also given a push to the welfare drive to make the development inclusive in every sense of the term. The government had increased the scope of schemes to provide free food to the weaker sections of society during the pandemic days. These measures were later continued to extend a helping hand to the vulnerable population to come out of that crisis. Expanding the scope of that initiative, the government has decided to provide free food grains to over 81 crore people for five years. This may be the biggest welfare initiative of its kind in history.

Moreover, there have been a number of mission-mode schemes to increase the ease of living for all citizens. From the availability of safe and adequate drinking water at home to the security of having one's own home, these are basic minimum requirements, not privileges. These matters are beyond any political or economic ideology and must be seen from a humanitarian perspective. The government has not only expanded and enhanced the welfare schemes, but it has also redefined the idea of welfare itself. It will be a proud day for us all when India becomes one of those few countries where homelessness is a rarity. Similarly, the National Education Policy gives adequate thrust to bridge the digital divide and create a uniform educational structure for the benefit of the underprivileged students. The expanding insurance cover of the Ayushman Bharat scheme aims to bring together all beneficiaries under its umbrella and provides a great reassurance to the poor and the vulnerable.

Our sportspersons have raised India's profile on the international stage. In the Asian Games held last year, we made history with a record-breaking tally of 107 medals, and we won 111 medals in Asian Para Games. We are glad to see that women are making very impressive contribution to our medal tally. Our sports-stars have inspired children to take up diverse sports and games, helping them boost their self-confidence. I am sure that our sportspersons, who are infused with this new confidence, will deliver an improved performance in the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Dear Fellow Citizens,

In recent times, many conflicts have emerged around the world and several parts of it have been suffering from violence. When each of the two conflicting sides believes that it is right and the other is wrong, the way out should be found in the light of reason. Unfortunately, instead of reason, fears and prejudices have fueled passions, leading to relentless violence. There have been a series of humanitarian tragedies on a large scale, and we feel aggrieved over the human suffering. In such times, we recall Lord Buddha's words:

न हि वेरेन वेरानि, सम्मन्तीध कुदाचनम् अवेरेन च सम्मन्ति, एस धम्मो सनन्तनो It means:

"Not at any time are enmities appeased here through enmity but they are appeased through non-enmity. This is the eternal law."

From Vardhaman Mahavir and Samrat Ashok to the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, India has time and again shown that non-violence is not just an ideal that may be difficult to achieve but it is a distinct possibility - in fact, it is a lived reality for many. Let us hope that the regions embroiled in conflicts will find a peaceful way to resolve conflicts and bring about peace.

India's ancient wisdom can also help the world find a way out of the global environmental crisis. I am glad to see India at the forefront of promoting renewable sources of energy and taking a leadership position in global climate action. India has launched the 'LiFE Movement' for adoption of environment-conscious lifestyle. The global community has appreciated our country's emphasis on individual behaviour-change for dealing with the issues of climate change. People everywhere can and must contribute by bringing their lifestyle in tune with Mother Nature. That will not only help save the planet for the generations to come but will also enhance the quality of life.

The period of Amrit Kaal is also going to be the period of unprecedented technological changes. Technological advances like Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have moved from headlines into our daily lives at a breathtaking speed. There are numerous areas of concern in the foreseeable future, but there are also exciting opportunities ahead, especially for the youth. They are exploring new frontiers. We need to do all we can to remove hurdles from their path and let them unleash their full potential. What they want is equality of opportunity. What they want is not the same old rhetoric of equality, but the realisation of our cherished ideal of equality.

It is, after all, their confidence that is building the India of tomorrow. Moreover, the mind of the youth is shaped by teachers, who are the real architects of the nation's future. I would also like to make a thankful mention of our farmers and labourers who toil silently and make a mighty contribution to creating a better future for the nation. On the eve of this auspicious occasion, India also gratefully salutes the members of our Armed Forces, Police and Para-military Forces, without whose valour and vigil we would not have scaled the great heights we have.

Before I conclude, let me offer my greetings to the members of the judiciary and civil services. My Republic Day greetings to the officials of India's missions abroad and the diaspora community! Let us all dedicate ourselves to serve the nation and fellow citizens in every way we can. My best wishes to all of you in this endeavour.

Jai Bharat!

About india.

India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a kaleidoscopic variety and rich cultural heritage. It has achieved all-round socio-economic progress since Independence. As the 7th largest country in the world, India stands apart from the rest of Asia, marked off as it is by mountains and the sea, which give the country a distinct geographical entity. Bounded by the Great Himalayas in the north, it stretches southwards and at the Tropic of Cancer, tapers off into the Indian Ocean between the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west.


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Republic Day 2023: 74th Republic Day speech, essay ideas and tips for school students

Republic day speech and essay ideas and tips: india marks its republic day on january 26. during celebrations in schools or educational institutions, the students give speeches or write essays. here are some republic day speech or essay ideas and tips which can help the students to prepare..

Republic Day is commemorated by the citizens of India with much pomp and enthusiasm on January 26, every year. The day is marked as a national holiday. This year, India is observing its 74th Republic Day (Gantantra Diwas) on Thursday. On this occasion, the President unfurls the national flag at the Kartavaya Path, formerly known as Rajpath, and a parade - showcasing India's traditions, cultural heritage, progress and achievements - takes place. (Also Read | Happy Republic Day 2023: Best wishes, images, messages, patriotic quotes and greetings to mark India's 74th Republic Day )

74th Republic Day speech, essay ideas and tips for school students(HT Photo)

Additionally, many schools and other educational institutions host a variety of events, such as debate shows, speech and essay writing competitions, cultural dance shows, parades, and so on. So, if your kid is planning to participate in these events, we are here to help you out. Here are some unique speech and essay ideas and tips you can share with your kids to help them do a great job.

Speech And Essay Ideas For Students

1) Why Republic Day is celebrated on January 26 : Its history and significance.

2) The role of India's youth in development.

3) The Constitution of India: Rights and duties of Indian citizens.

4) India in the 21st century.

5) What is the difference between Republic Day and Independence Day?

6) Dr BR Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution .

7) You can also pick any current political issues/achievements of India.

Tips For Students To Give A Great Speech On Republic Day

1) You must practice the speech multiple times until you are comfortable and confident with the content and delivery.

2) One should use simple language in their speech/essay. Over-complicating the content and using jargon or complex vocabulary can make your audience lose interest.

3) Always know your audience and prepare the speech or essay accordingly.

4) Include facts to make the speech informative.

5) Always use expressions and appropriate body language, like hand gestures, to stress your points during speech delivery.

6) Make sure thorough research has been done on the topic assigned or chosen by you. This practice ensures that the points you are making are accurate and relevant.

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  21. President's Speech: 75 th Republic Day, 2024

    My Dear Fellow Citizens, Republic Day is an occasion to recall our foundational values and principles. When we contemplate any one of them, we are naturally guided to the rest. Democracy implies diversity of culture, beliefs and practices. Celebrating diversity implies equality, which is upheld by justice. Freedom is what makes it all possible.

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    Republic Day Speech and Essay ideas and tips: India marks its Republic Day on January 26. During celebrations in schools or educational institutions, the students give speeches or write essays.