welcome speech guest speaker

How to Introduce a Speaker (With Examples)

  • The Speaker Lab
  • April 2, 2024

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Ever stood at a podium, your palms sweaty as you look out over a crowd? In this case, though, you’re not the main attraction — just the person who gets to introduce the star of the show. That moment before you introduce a speaker is crucial. It’s not just about saying names right or getting the titles in order. Knowing h ow to introduce a speaker can set the tone for their entire presentation and potentially shape the audience’s perception from the get-go.

A well-crafted introduction does more than inform; it engages the crowd and draws them in to pay attention to the upcoming speech. A poor one, on the other hand, falls flat, sounding more like a dry reading of someone’s LinkedIn profile rather than an exciting prelude to what’s ahead. But a good speaker introduction is powerful — transforming that brief moment into a perfect kickoff of the main event. You might feel overwhelmed trying to write your introduction, but don’t stress about it! With some insight into human psychology and strategic communication techniques, we’re here to guide you.

Crafting the Perfect Introduction for a Guest Speaker

Introducing a guest speaker is more than just reading off a script. It’s about setting the stage and grabbing the attention of the audience. A good guest speaker introduction builds anticipation, connects the dots for your audience, and sets up the speaker and their topic — all in 60-90 seconds.

To achieve this, you first need to know your crowd . Are they tech geeks at a Silicon Valley conference? Or maybe they’re teachers eager to soak up new ways of engaging their students? Understanding who is in your audience will help you create an introduction that resonates with your listeners.

As you begin your introduction, it’s important to grab the audience’s attention . Start with a thought-provoking statement or question that relates to the topic and prepares the audience for what’s to come. For example, you could ask “Have you ever wondered how technology will shape our future?” before introducing a tech speaker.

Next, be sure to mention the speaker’s credibility . Share the speaker’s education, experience, and provide specific examples of their expertise. It’s also helpful to mention notable achievements or awards related to their main topic.

As you continue, it’s often helpful to preview the topic . Give the audience a quick overview of what the speaker will be talking about. You can also explain why the topic is important to the audience and what they can expect to learn.

Finally, as the speaker joins you on stage, make them feel welcome . Smile, be energetic and enthusiastic, and ask the crowd to give them a warm welcome. You can also compliment the speaker and share something special about them.

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Essential Steps to Introduce a Speaker Effectively

Before you can introduce a speaker, you first have to know who they are. In some cases, you can request a short bio from the speaker, but in other cases you may have to prepare one yourself. As a result, a little research is in order. As you compose your speaker bio, make sure it’s clear why your speaker is credible. Even if you don’t explicitly state it, you want your audience to know that they’re about to hear from someone who knows their stuff.

Researching the Speaker

First things first: dig deep into who the speaker is. What have they achieved? What about their journey inspires? To gather this information, dive into their professional background. Depending on how well-known the speaker is, there might be articles or interviews that they’ve featured in. Scan these for insights into their achievements as well as their personality. Remember to cross-check sources to ensure you have your facts straight. Mispronouncing names or getting details wrong can quickly undo all your good work.

As you research your speaker, aim to understand why they matter to your audience at this particular point in time. The accomplishments that you mention in your introduction should align closely with what your audience values or finds intriguing. In addition, tie these accomplishments directly to the speech topic—why is what they’ve done informing what they’ll say?

Weaving together a narrative of accomplishments with reasons why it matters creates more than just interest—it builds respect. You’re telling everyone present: “This person knows their stuff, and you’re going to want to listen.” It turns “just another talk” into one people couldn’t stop thinking about. That’s how powerful the right introduction can be.

The Role of Credibility in Effective Introductions

Ever heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? Well, when it comes to introducing speakers, this couldn’t be more true. The initial moments can either set the stage for success or lead to an uphill battle for your speaker’s attention and respect.

But why does credibility matter so much right off the bat? It’s simple. Before someone decides if they like what you have to say, they need to buy into why they should listen. That’s where speaker credibility kicks in. It essentially bridges the gap between an audience’s initial hesitation and their eventual engagement.

  • Credibility builds trust: When you highlight a speaker’s accomplishments and relevance upfront, it reassures your audience that their time is well invested.
  • Tailored introductions hit home: Craft introductions that resonate with audience needs while emphasizing why this particular person has something unique to offer on the subject at hand.
  • Audience connection is key: An effective introduction goes beyond just listing accolades; it makes listeners feel personally connected and eager to hear more from the guest speaking powerhouse standing before them.

In essence, a strong start fueled by credibility doesn’t just introduce; it captivates, making sure everyone leans in closer rather than tuning out. Your role is to elevate that sense of anticipation.

Engaging Examples of Guest Speaker Introductions

When preparing to introduce a speaker, it helps to have some examples to look at. Below we have just that: two examples of speeches that you can tweak for your own personal use.

General Introduction Example for a Guest Speaker

“Ladies and gentlemen, imagine someone who’s not just mastered their field but reshaped it. This evening, we’re graced with the presence of an individual whose brilliance has not only illuminated their field but also redefined it. Meet [speaker’s name] , the brain behind groundbreaking innovations in [speaker’s field] . With a career spanning over two decades, [he/she] has earned accolades like [specific achievement] , transforming challenges into triumphs. Today, [he/she]’ll dive deep into [speech topic or title] , offering insights that promise to change the way you think about this important subject.”

Personal Anecdote Example for a Guest Speaker Introduction

“I’ll never forget the day I stumbled upon an article by our next speaker; my perspective on [topic related to speech] was forever changed. Fast forward to today, and I’m thrilled beyond words to introduce you all to [speaker’s name] . Not only is [he/she] a titan in the realm of [professional title or industry] , but also someone with heartwarming resilience facing personal hurdles head-on and emerging victorious. Brace yourselves as [he/she] shares [topic or name of speech] , enlightening us on overcoming obstacles while chasing dreams.”

In these introductions, did you catch how we used a bit of storytelling to introduce the guest speakers? That wasn’t just fluff. Storytelling helps grab attention instantly while connecting the audience with the speaker even before they’ve started speaking. So when you’re introducing a speaker, don’t just rattle off achievements. Find a way to highlight what makes your speaker an interesting person, someone worth knowing and listening to. Storytelling is one great way to achieve this.

Leveraging AI to Practice Introductions

If you’ve been chosen to introduce a guest speaker, then you definitely want to practice what you’re going to say beforehand. Thanks to AI, doing so is now a bit easier. For those tired of rehearsing in front of a mirror or roping in an unenthusiastic roommate as your practice partner, there’s now an alternative. With AI tools designed for speech practice, it’s like having a personal coach who’s always ready when you are. Take a look at some additional benefits below.

  • No Judgement Zone: First off, these platforms offer a safe space free from judgment. So if you mess up? No one but the algorithm will know.
  • Tailored Feedback: You get real-time feedback on everything from pacing to tone.
  • Infinite Do-Overs: Practice makes perfect because with AI, you can repeat until those nerves turn into confidence.

It’s more than smoothly navigating an opener; it’s about leaving a lasting imprint with your words. Thanks to AI tools like Orai or Speeko, and even VR tools like VirtualSpeech , you can introduce your speaker with confidence.

Delivering Your Guest Speaker Introduction with Impact

As the big day approaches, there are a few more things to consider for your speaker introduction. For instance, how will you start it? How important is it to keep it brief? And will you use humor? We have the answers to all these questions below.

Starting with a Thought-Provoking Question or Statement

When introducing a speaker, it’s best to start strong. A thought-provoking question or statement can be just what you need to grab the audience’s attention from the get-go. It sets up not only your speaker but also primes your audience for what’s about to unfold. For instance, asking “Have you ever wondered how technology will shape our future?” could lead into introducing a tech visionary. Similarly, saying something like “Imagine achieving all your goals without sacrificing happiness” is perfect for setting up a motivational speaker .

The goal here is to craft an opening that resonates with every person sitting there, making them think, “This is going to be good.”

Balancing Brevity with Substance in Your Introduction

Speaker introductions can be tricky because they must be both concise and engaging . Here’s the secret: It’s not about stuffing every accolade or achievement into those first few sentences. Instead, it’s about sparking curiosity, establishing credibility, and making a connection—fast. Remember, you only have about 60-90 seconds, so you want each word to count. The trick lies in choosing each word carefully so every sentence serves multiple purposes—it informs, intrigues, and invites.

Determining When Humor Is Appropriate

Before you add humor to your speaker introduction, it’s important to first consider your audience. Who all is attending and are they the sort of people to appreciate a little humor? If so, how much and what type? The setting will also help you gauge whether humor is appropriate. For instance, a somber conference room isn’t usually the place for stand-up comedy routines. If you do decide to crack a joke or two, ensure your humor aligns with both the topic at hand and doesn’t stray into offensive territory.

Humor has its place. When used correctly, it can create an instant connection between speaker and audience. But if in doubt, play it safe. The goal here is to make them anticipate your guest speaker, not leave them puzzled or offended. So read the room before you decide your move.

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Techniques for Seamlessly Transitioning to the Keynote Speaker

After you’ve introduced your speaker, it’s time to welcome them onstage. As you transition, there are a few important things to take care of as the speaker steps up to the podium.

  • Greet with gusto: Kick things off by warmly welcoming your speaker on stage. A smile or a friendly nod goes miles here.
  • Name drop: Announce their name clear and proud—but please get it right. Nothing says “oops” like botching up someone’s name in front of everyone.
  • The warm-up act: Lead the applause by clapping first. This isn’t just good manners; it signals everyone else to join in and sets a positive vibe right from the get-go.

Ensuring a smooth transition isn’t rocket science. It just requires checking off a few important steps before you step offstage. That way, the audience brimming with anticipation for what’s coming next.

Together, we’ve explored the art of introducing a speaker. This journey isn’t just about listing facts; it’s about connecting an audience with a speaker, preparing them for what the speaker has to share. To achieve this, it’s important to research your speaker. You want to be able to explain why this speaker is credible without sounding like a Wikipedia page, building interest for your guest speaker’s presentation. Using our examples (and maybe a little AI help), you can nail a speaker introduction that is brief, humorous, and thought-provoking. Transitioning over to the event speaker doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking either. With these insights, you’re all set to connect your audience with a speaker they’ll anticipate.

  • Last Updated: June 4, 2024

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How to Introduce a Guest Speaker (with Examples)

May 25, 2023

Introducing a guest speaker is an important responsibility that sets the stage for their presentation and creates an atmosphere of anticipation. A well-crafted introduction not only provides essential information about the speaker but also captivates the audience and builds excitement. In this article, we will explore the art of how to introduce a guest speaker and how to craft a brilliant script for introducing a guest speaker.

From the best way to introduce a speaker to example speeches and tips for making a memorable impact, we will equip you with the tools to deliver introductions that engage, entertain, and leave a lasting impression.

What Is the Best Way to Introduce a Speaker?

Introducing a speaker effectively requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key elements to keep in mind for how to introduce a guest speaker successfully.

1. Research and gather information.

Before introducing the guest speaker, conduct thorough research to gather relevant information about their background, achievements, and expertise. This will help you create an introduction that is both personalized and impactful.

2. Establish credibility.

Highlight the speaker’s credentials and accomplishments to establish their credibility in the eyes of the audience. Share their relevant experience, expertise, and any notable achievements that are relevant to the topic of their presentation.

3. Create a connection.

Find a compelling way to establish a connection between both the speaker and the audience. This can be through shared interests, experiences, or values. For example, if you’re introducing a guest speaker at your university who happens to be an alumnus of your school, make sure you draw attention to that in your introduction. Creating a relatable connection helps the audience connect with the speaker right from the start.

4. Build anticipation.

Engage the audience’s curiosity by giving a glimpse of what the speaker will later cover in their presentation. Tease key points, intriguing anecdotes, or unique perspectives that the audience can look forward to during the talk. This builds anticipation and captures attention for the following presentation.

5. Keep it concise and engaging.

Aim for a concise, but also interesting, introduction. Use short, direct sentences that convey information clearly. In addition, avoid lengthy biographies or unnecessary details that may lose the audience’s interest. Finally, craft your words carefully to maintain a lively and engaging tone.

How to Use AI to Practice Introducing a Guest Speaker

When it comes time to practice your guest speaker introduction speech, Yoodli , an AI-powered communication coach, becomes your invaluable practice partner. With Yoodli’s cutting-edge technology and generative AI , you can rehearse and refine your introduction in a virtual, judgement-free environment. Its personalized feedback helps you fine-tune your tone, pacing, and overall delivery, ensuring that you make a powerful impact when introducing a guest speaker.

A screenshot demonstrating how to use Yoodli to practice how to introduce a guest speaker.

Furthermore, Yoodli automatically generates a transcription of your speech, analyzing it for keywords. This means you can get a sense of how your audience might interpret your speech’s overall message and main points. With Yoodli’s assistance, you can gain confidence, practice your high income skills (like your storytelling skills, for example) and create an introduction that captivates as well as energizes the audience.

Examples of How to Introduce a Guest Speaker

To illustrate the power of a great guest speaker introduction, let’s take a look at an example of how to introduce a guest speaker.

Example of a general introduction for a guest speaker

Good morning, all! Today, we have the privilege of being in the presence of a true visionary and leader in the field of environmental sustainability. Our guest speaker has dedicated her career to finding innovative solutions for a greener and more sustainable future. [Speaker’s name], the CEO of [organization/company name], has successfully spearheaded numerous initiatives that have had a profound impact on our environment. Under her leadership, the company has revolutionized the way we approach sustainability challenges, pushing boundaries and inspiring change. With over two decades of experience in environmental engineering, [Speaker’s name] has been at the forefront of designing groundbreaking technologies and implementing sustainable practices in industries ranging from renewable energy to waste management. Her expertise has earned her international recognition and multiple prestigious awards. But it’s not just her professional achievements that make her special. [Speaker’s name] is a passionate advocate for educating the next generation on the importance of environmental stewardship. Her engaging speaking style and ability to connect with audiences of all backgrounds make her an inspiration to many. Today, [Speaker’s name] will be sharing her insights on how we can create a more sustainable future through innovation and collaboration. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and empowered to take action. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to the exceptional [Speaker’s name]!

This example highlights the speaker’s credentials, builds a connection, creates anticipation, and sets the stage for an engaging and informative presentation.

Example of a personal anecdote for a guest speaker introduction

“Picture this: It was a sunny afternoon in the heart of our city, and I found myself walking through the bustling streets, surrounded by the sound of honking cars and the hum of conversation. Amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a small park nestled between towering buildings — a hidden oasis of greenery and serenity.

As I entered the park, I noticed a group of children huddled around a captivating woman who stood in front of a majestic oak tree. It was none other than our esteemed guest speaker, [Speaker’s name]. She was engaging the children in a lively discussion about the wonders of nature and the importance of preserving our environment.

What struck me most was the way [Speaker’s name] effortlessly connected with these young minds, sparking their curiosity and inspiring them to take action. I watched as she shared stories of her own childhood adventures exploring forests, climbing trees, and discovering the beauty of our natural world.

In that moment, I realized the profound impact [Speaker’s name] had on these children: instilling a deep love and respect for the environment. Her passion was contagious, and it reminded me of the power we all possess to make a difference, no matter how small.

From that day forward, I became an avid follower of [Speaker’s name]’s work. Her commitment to environmental stewardship and her ability to connect with people from all walks of life is truly remarkable. Today, we have the incredible honor of welcoming her to this stage to share her insights and inspire us all to join the movement for a greener and more sustainable future.

Please finally join me in giving a warm welcome to the extraordinary [Speaker’s name]!”

What Do You Say First When Introducing a Guest Speaker?

The first few sentences of a guest speaker introduction are crucial in capturing the audience’s attention and setting the tone for the entire introduction. Here are some effective opening lines to consider adding to your script when introducing a guest speaking.

1. Engage listeners with a thought-provoking question.

Start with a thought-provoking question related to the speaker’s topic or expertise. This immediately grabs the audience’s attention and, what’s more, encourages them to actively participate in the introduction. For example: “Have you ever wondered how a single individual can make a significant impact on global environmental issues?”

2. Begin with a captivating anecdote or story.

Introduce the speaker by sharing a captivating anecdote or story that relates to their work or accomplishments. This narrative approach instantly draws the audience in and also builds an emotional connection.

3. Use a powerful quote.

Start with a powerful quote that encapsulates the essence of the speaker’s message or expertise. Quotes are attention-grabbing and can also convey a sense of authority and relevance. For example: “As Albert Einstein once said, ‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.'” You can find some powerful quotes from the best motivational speeches , too.

4. Make a bold statement.

Begin your script to introduce your guest speaker with a bold and impactful statement that immediately captures the audience’s attention. This statement should be concise yet intriguing, sparking curiosity as well as setting the stage for the speaker’s presentation. Attention getters are perfect for this. For example: “Today, you’re about to witness a groundbreaking approach to tackling one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change.”

Remember, the opening lines of your script to introduce a guest speaker are the gateway to engaging the audience and setting the stage for a memorable presentation. Choose an approach that aligns with the speaker’s personality as well as the event’s atmosphere, and don’t be afraid to be creative and captivating.

The Main Takeaway

Giving an introduction for a guest speaker is an art that requires careful planning, research, and an understanding of the audience’s expectations. By following the principles discussed in this article and using examples as inspiration, you can deliver introductions that engage, entertain, and leave a lasting impression. Remember, the goal is to set the stage for the speaker’s presentation and create a sense of excitement and anticipation.

So, go ahead, embrace the power of a well-crafted introduction, and make every guest speaker’s presence an unforgettable experience for your audience.

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Introduce a guest speaker speech sample

This page contains a sample introduction speech template for introducing a guest speaker or key note speaker for an event, banquet, conference, lecture and more. It also contains tips for how to write an introduction speech and techniques for delivering introductory remarks.

Sample introduction speech

Ladies and gentlemen, I am (say your name) and I am the (say your title in relations to why you're introducing the speaker, for example, you are president of an organization). I am so pleased to be with you tonight and to have the chance to introduce our guest speaker, (say speakers name). He / She is the (say speaker's positions in relations to why they're speaking). He / She has been one of the main proponents of this program for several years, and it a true stand out in this field. He / She has a great understanding of the program and a great appreciation of what it takes to truly make (state theme or topic of event or conference) continue on a path of progress, and a remarkable vision of the future of (State topic). Besides that, He / She (Add a few interesting personal notes here. Mention if the person was the first to do something, if they have published anything, have held impressive positions, done impressive things, etc. Use the speaker's bio or ask them or their staff for this information). Finally, he / she is also just a fascinating person and we're all in for a treat today. Without further ado, please join me in welcoming (name of speaker).

Tips for introducing a guest speaker

1. Don't talk too long. Keep your introduction to between 45 seconds to 3 minutes. 2. Bios are a great place to get information. Almost all speakers will have a bio online or the event planner may have a copy of their bio. You can also search their name online for other interesting tidbits about them, but do not to include something that may be controversial or potentially embarassing to them, unless you ask them first. 3. Ask the speaker what he or she would like you to say in their introduction. If they are very high-profile and hard to speak with personally, ask their staff or administrative assistant for information. 4. If possible, find out what the speaker plans to focus on in advance, so you don't imply they will be speaking about one thing when they will actually talk about something else. 5. If it is a professional forum, do not talk about the guest speaker's family unless you ask them first. 6. Try to find transcripts of other speeches they have done online. Often the introductory remarks will be included and you can use them to frame your own remarks.

Did you like this sample speech template for introducing a guest speaker or key note speaker? Since you were interested in this introductory speech, chances are you will like the following topics as well: Itroductory letter for Conference or Event and Anecdotes for speakers .

More information : We hope this page was helpful and provided you with some information about How to introduce a guest speaker sample template . Check out our main page for more articles here Can U Write .

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welcome speech guest speaker

How to Introduce a Guest Speaker + Templates

Guest speakers themselves aren’t the reason most people attend the event. They may be a bonus, but the audience is there for the main speaker. Which means learning how to introduce a guest speaker can surprise your audience in the best way.

It creates excitement and guests will be more engaged in the speech being given.

But it’s more than just announcing a string of accolades. While there are many methods you can use to introduce a guest speaker, we’ll teach you some of the best and why.

What you’ll learn about how to introduce a guest speaker:

  • Preferences
  • Personal info
  • Applicable accolades

5 Steps for Introducing a Guest Speaker

Introducing a guest speaker can set the tone for their presentation and help the audience connect with their message. Here are five steps to ensure a smooth and impactful introduction:

1. Ask if they have any preferences

Before the event, check if the speaker has any preferences for their introduction, such as specific accolades they’d like highlighted or a particular topic they want emphasized. Some who speak for a living will have a specific way they’d like to be introduced.

It’s important that if they have a request, you understand why and if they’re firm on that boundary.

Because some speakers will use their introduction and play off of it during the opening of their speech. If that’s the case, you want to make sure to follow their guidance so you don’t throw them off their game right away. But keep in mind that in order to learn how to introduce a guest speaker, you don’t have to always follow what they say.

That’s why it’s good to know the reason for their specific introduction.

2. Give a personal tidbit

Make the speaker personable. Nobody wants to sit and learn from someone they can’t relate to in any way. The more the audience feels they know about the speaker, the more engaged they’ll be.

Start the introduction with a personal tidbit about the speaker to humanize them and make them relatable to the audience. This could be a fun fact, a shared interest, or a brief anecdote. If you know the speaker from somewhere, give a brief note of that background.

Since the audience is most likely there for the main speaker, drawing a connection can further help engagement.

3. Share applicable accolades

Highlight the speaker’s relevant accomplishments, credibility and credentials . This could include their professional background, relevant awards, or notable projects they’ve been involved in.

But remember, nobody wants a huge long list of all the amazing things someone has done. Many speakers have accomplished several things. The audience should know about the ones that will lend authority to their topic or to the main purpose of the event.

  • What makes them the best person to speak on this topic?
  • How long have they been in this field?
  • Why did they agree to give this talk at this conference?

Answering some of these might point you in the right direction for which accolade to include.

4. Tell us what they’ll talk about

Of course, their topic will need to be introduced. Now, if you’re learning how to introduce a guest speaker, you might be gung-ho to list off the title of their presentation. However, some speakers prefer to have their title come after the introduction of their speech.

Make sure to ask before listing the title.

You can also introduce their topic in a way that doesn’t give the title or main topic away, either. By already sharing their accolades and experience, that can be enough. Or you can be vague and simply tell your audience that this guest speaker is here to “share their wisdom” with them.

5. Connect the speaker with the purpose of the event

Explain why the speaker is relevant to the event and how their expertise aligns with the event’s goals. This helps the audience see the value in listening to the speaker.

Much of this will already be done if you follow the steps above. That said, it’s important to make sure your audience knows that you vouch for this person and the reasons why, and also why you believe they’re a strong addition to the speaker line up at the event.

Your guest might not be the keynote speaker , but they do have value to add. Make sure your audience knows this!

BONUS: This should be common sense, but we find it important to note that if your guest has a name in which the pronunciation of it isn’t clear, ask them. Get a voice memo from them, not just an email or a text. And practice it. This is basic, being-a-good-person manners when introducing a guest speaker.

3 Guest Speaker Introduction Templates

If you need a hand, and want a template you can fill in, these are helpful. Just remember to add your own flare and follow the tips above to do your guest justice.

1. The Standard Introduction

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome [Speaker’s Name]. [Speaker’s Name] is a [brief description of their professional background]. Today, they will be sharing their insights on [topic of their presentation]. Please join me in welcoming [Speaker’s Name].”

2. The Personal Touch

“Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone. It’s a pleasure to introduce [Speaker’s Name]. I had the opportunity to [personal experience with the speaker, if applicable]. Their expertise in [speaker’s field] is truly remarkable. Today, they will be enlightening us on [topic of their presentation]. Let’s give a warm welcome to [Speaker’s Name].”

3. The Interactive Introduction

“Hello, everyone! Are you ready to be inspired? Our next speaker is [Speaker’s Name]. Before we dive into their presentation, let’s have a quick show of hands. How many of you have [shared experience or interest related to the speaker’s topic]? Well, you’re in for a treat because [Speaker’s Name] is here to talk about [topic of their presentation]. Please join me in welcoming [Speaker’s Name].”

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How to Make a Welcome Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome speeches can set the tone for any event, creating a warm and inclusive atmosphere. whether you are hosting a conference, seminar, or social gathering, crafting an engaging welcome speech is crucial. in this step-by-step guide, we will take you through the process of creating a memorable welcome speech that leaves a lasting impression on your audience..

How to Make a Welcome Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step 1: Understand the Purpose of Your Welcome Speech

Before diving into the content, it is essential to understand the purpose of your welcome speech. Is it to introduce the event, welcome attendees, or build excitement? Clarifying the main objective will help you structure your speech effectively.

  • Step 2: Research Your Audience

Knowing your audience is vital when crafting a welcome speech. Research their demographics, interests, and backgrounds. This will enable you to personalize your speech and connect with your listeners on a deeper level.

  • Step 3: Begin with a Captivating Opener

The first few sentences of your welcome speech are critical in grabbing your audience’s attention. Consider using a compelling story, an interesting fact, or a thought-provoking question to capture their interest right from the start.

  • Step 4: Express Gratitude and Appreciation

Show your gratitude towards the attendees for taking the time to join your event. Recognize any sponsors, volunteers, or team members who contributed to its success. Expressing appreciation creates a positive atmosphere and fosters a sense of community.

  • Step 5: Set the Tone and Outline the Agenda

Clearly communicate the purpose of the event and what attendees can expect throughout the event. Provide a brief overview of the agenda, highlighting key activities or speakers. This helps your audience understand the event flow and builds anticipation.

  • Step 6: Establish Connection and Shared Purpose

Inspire your audience by establishing a connection between the event’s purpose and the attendees. Share anecdotes, personal experiences, or examples that create a sense of unity and emphasize the significance of their presence.

  • Step 7: Recognize and Introduce Key Figures

If there are notable individuals present at the event, take a moment to recognize and introduce them to the audience. This includes guest speakers, VIPs, or anyone who holds a respected position related to the event’s theme. Be sure to highlight their achievements briefly.

  • Step 8: End with a Memorable Closing

Bring your welcome speech to a close with a powerful ending that leaves a lasting impact. You can summarize the key points, deliver a final inspirational message, or encourage the audience to actively participate and engage throughout the event.

  • Step 9: Practice, Polish, and Time Your Speech

Rehearsing your welcome speech is essential for a smooth delivery. Practice in front of a mirror, friends, or record yourself to fine-tune your presentation. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language. Ensure your speech fits within the allocated time to avoid rushing or dragging the opening of your event.

  • Step 10: Evaluate and Seek Feedback

Once your welcome speech is delivered, take the time to reflect and evaluate your performance. Ask for feedback from attendees or colleagues to gain insights and improve for future events. Continuous improvement is key to becoming an excellent public speaker.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be well-prepared to create a captivating and engaging welcome speech. So go ahead and make a memorable first impression at your next event!

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How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

Table of Contents

Writing an effective welcome speech is a form of art. It requires a delicate balance of knowledge, wit, charm, and the right dash of emotion to make your audience feel valued and at home.

Knowing how to write a welcome speech that resonates with people and draws them in is no small feat — it takes practice and finesse!

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of writing a successful welcome speech. This will help you confidently greet guests, create lasting impressions, and set the tone for any event.

What Is a Welcome Speech?

A welcome speech is an important part of any event that marks the beginning of a new journey or celebrates a milestone. It sets the tone for the rest of the event and helps create a sense of community amongst guests and participants alike.

A well-crafted welcome speech should have a captivating opening, personalized introductions, acknowledgments, humor, and appreciation for those present. It must also highlight other key elements to ensure that everyone in attendance has an enjoyable experience.

Crafting such a speech can be gratifying as it gives a voice to people’s collective enthusiasm and will help make the event truly special.

Great Tips on How to Write a Welcome Speech

We have compiled some effective tips on how to write a welcome speech that will set the tone and engage the audience. Follow these suggestions and make your speech stand out.

Establish a Connection

Greet the guests at your event with warmth and enthusiasm, welcoming them to the occasion. A few personalized touches can go a long way in making attendees feel welcome and appreciated.

Set the Tone of the Event

Start by thanking everyone for coming, and be sure to use language that reflects the tone of your event. This is especially important if you are having an informal gathering versus a more formal one.

Express Gratitude

Make it a point to thank special guests or anyone who went above and beyond to help make the event possible. Doing so will show how much their efforts were appreciated.

Give an Overview

Summarize what attendees can expect from the event and provide any key information they should know before participating.

Offer Words of Encouragement

Provide encouraging words to guests and remind them why attending this particular event was important to them. Invite them to make the most out of this experience while also stressing the importance of taking some time to relax as well.

End on a High Note

Conclude the speech by wishing everyone a good time. Express your appreciation once again, or provide an inspiring quote that encapsulates the purpose of the gathering. Be sure to thank each person present for being part of the day.

A white Welcome text LED light over a black background

Examples of Effective Welcome Speech

Take inspiration from the examples below to help you write an effective welcome speech based on your requirements.

Example 1: Welcome Speech for a Corporate Event

Good evening everyone, and welcome to our special corporate event. I’d like to start by introducing myself; my name is [Name], and I’m honored to be here with all of you today.

I would like to extend a warm greeting to our esteemed guests who joined us this evening. Your presence truly makes this night that much more special. It’s great to see such a lively audience here tonight!

As we begin, let me remind each of us how essential it is to include the various perspectives gathered in this room. Only when we come together can we form solutions tailored to fit each individual’s needs.

So without further ado, let’s get started on making this an unforgettable night. Thank you for being here!

Example 2: Welcome Speech for a Church Event

Greetings and welcome to our church event! Let us take a moment to express gratitude for the many blessings and the special opportunity to come together like this today.

We are delighted to introduce you to the amazing speaker who will be presenting here today. He is an individual with vast knowledge of the topic at hand. He has graciously agreed to work with us and share their wisdom with us.

I’m sure by the end of the presentation, we’ll be feeling invigorated, enlightened, and ready to put into practice what we have learned today. So let’s show appreciation for this good fortune, and bid our guest a warm welcome!

Example 3: Welcome Speech for a Cultural Event

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our cultural event of the evening!

I want to thank all of you for coming here today and participating in this unique experience. I am confident all of us will leave with an appreciation for our cultures and a better understanding of how similar we truly are.

This is a great opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions from around the world. With luck, skill, and hard work, this year could bring success to our mission of global unity through shared experiences.

Good luck to everyone who is showcasing their talent or displaying traditional artifacts! We are eager to witness your ingenuity and creativity. Like all meaningful endeavors, there will be challenges along the way, but the rewards will outweigh them if we work together.

So let’s make sure that this cultural event succeeds by collaborating effectively and celebrating each other’s differences!

Example 4: Welcome Speech for a Fundraising Event

Good evening everyone. I am honored to be here on this very special occasion! Let’s all take a moment to show our respect for the people who have come together tonight with one common purpose. That is – raising funds for an incredibly important cause.

I want to welcome each and every one of you warmly in a formal manner to this function which we are hosting annually. As many of us know, the money raised tonight will go toward helping those affected by natural disasters in our own country. We need your help to make this event successful so we can continue providing aid in the upcoming year.

So let’s make tonight count and work together to reach our fundraising goals! Thank you again for joining us; it is truly appreciated.

Example 5: Welcome Speech for a College Event

Good evening everyone! I am excited to welcome you all to the annual college event tonight. It has been my privilege and joy to be a part of this school and see the amazing students come through each year. So it is a special night when we get together to celebrate our achievements!

I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible job our staff has done in the past year. They helped us focus on improving our skills and growing as individuals. Our faculty members are some of the best around, and they are truly committed to seeing every student reach their highest potential.

Finally, let’s not forget why we’re all here: to have fun and enjoy the company of friends. We’ve worked hard and deserve a break, so with that said, join me in celebrating another successful year for our college. Enjoy the rest of the evening!

This article explains how to write a welcome speech effectively, along with examples. Nail your welcome speech by making it personal, informative, friendly, and outgoing.

The key to a great welcome speech is a brief and well-crafted introduction. As the first speaker, it is important that you establish rapport with your audience. It will leave them in a positive and receptive mood , leading to a successful event for everyone present.

How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to Write a Welcome Speech

Last Updated: July 29, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,713,066 times.

Are you on welcome speech duty for an upcoming program or event? You’ve got nothing to worry about—with the right format and tone, it’s super easy to write and present a welcome speech for just about any occasion. We’ve outlined everything you need to know, from your opening greetings and acknowledgments, to establishing the right tone and nailing your closing remarks. You’ve got this in the bag!

Greeting the Audience

Step 1 Welcome the audience using serious language for a formal occasion.

  • Keep the tone more serious if it's an important occasion. Use more formal language and don't crack any inappropriate jokes. For example, at a wake, you might say, "We're so glad to have you all here tonight. We appreciate your presence at this difficult time."

Step 2 Greet guests informally by using light-hearted language.

  • For an event with close friends and family, more informal language might be appropriate. Include a few jokes and keep your speech more lighthearted.

Patrick Muñoz

Patrick Muñoz

Grab your audience's attention with a strong opening. Start with a loud voice and a strong presence that welcomes everyone and gets them involved. Ask a question they can respond to or tell a joke — anything to connect with the audience. Do something that grabs their attention and excites them and makes them thrilled about the event.

Step 3 Add individual greetings for any special guests.

  • Special guests include any people of honor, those that may play a particularly important part in the event, or those who have traveled a long way to be there.
  • Make sure that you practice all of names, titles, and pronunciations of the special guests before your speech.
  • For example you could say, "We'd like to extend a special welcome to our guest of honor, Judge McHenry, who will be speaking later tonight."
  • Alternatively to welcome a group of people you might say, "While we're excited to have you all here tonight, we'd especially like to say welcome to the students from Johnson Middle School."

Step 4 Introduce the event itself.

  • For an informal event such as a birthday party, you could say, "We're so happy to have you here tonight to eat, drink, and celebrate another year of Jessica's life. Now, let's get to it."
  • For a more formal event such as one run by an organisation, you could say, “We are so excited to have you all here to participate in our 10th annual pet’s day, organised by the Animal Rescue Group.”

Forming the Body of the Speech

Step 1 Acknowledge those who have played an important part in the event.

  • An example of acknowledging individual people is saying, “We couldn’t have pulled off this fundraiser without the hard work and dedication of Grace and Sally, who worked tirelessly from day 1 to make today a reality.”
  • Avoid reading off a long list of people or sponsors, as your audience will begin to get bored. Stick to just a handful of highlights.

Step 2 Mention any parts of the event that are of special importance.

  • For instance, at a conference, you might point out when the dinner will be held, or where particular sessions will take place.
  • At a wedding reception, you might note when dancing will start or when the cake will be served.

Step 3 Reiterate your welcoming line.

  • Alternatively, you could end the body of your speech during an informal gathering by saying, “I can't wait to see you all out on the dancefloor!”

Ending the Speech

Step 1 Say that you hope the audience enjoys the event, if applicable.

  • You could also say that you hope that the audience takes something away from the event. For example, “I hope that today inspires ideas and discussions around the ways that we can make our city a better place!”

Step 2 Introduce the next speaker if necessary.

  • At a formal event, you might say, "Now, for our speaker. Rebecca Roberts comes here from Montreal, Canada, and she is a leading expert in the study of the human brain. She'll be speaking tonight on what drives humans to make decisions. Let's welcome her."
  • For a more informal event such as a party, you could say, “Next up is Sam, who has been Kyle’s best friend for 10 years strong. He has a decade of embarrassing stories about Kyle to share with us tonight!"

Step 3 Thank the audience for attending.

  • Alternatively you might say, “Thank you again to everyone for being here tonight to celebrate Joe and Kathleen’s 50th wedding anniversary! Let the celebrations begin!”

Step 4 Keep your speech within a suitable time limit.

  • If you are unsure, ask the organiser or host what an appropriate length of time for your speech will be.

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  • ↑ https://www.yourdictionary.com/articles/effective-welcome-speech
  • ↑ https://www.examples.com/education/speech/welcome-speech-for-conference.html
  • ↑ https://penandthepad.com/how-5574707-write-welcome-speech.html
  • ↑ https://penandthepad.com/write-after-dinner-speech-8035341.html
  • ↑ https://uark.pressbooks.pub/speaking/chapter/closing-a-speech/
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-delivery

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To write a welcome speech, start with a greeting to your audience that’s appropriate to the situation. For example, you could try “Good evening ladies and gentlemen” if you’re introducing a formal event, or “Thank you everyone for coming on this sunny day” for a more relaxed occasion. After you’ve finished the greeting, introduce the event by talking about who organized it and what its purpose is. In the main body of your speech, acknowledge 2 or 3 people who played important parts in organizing the event. You should also emphasize special parts of the event that people should pay attention to, such as where dinner will be or where a conference session will take place. When you’re ready to conclude your speech, tell the audience to enjoy the event by saying something like “I hope you all enjoy the exciting speakers to come.” Finish your speech by thanking the audience for attending. For tips on how to introduce people at a special occasion, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Guest Speaker Introduction: How to Prepare, Write and Deliver

Introducing a guest speaker is more than just a routine task. It’s an important step for both the audience and the speaker. For the audience, a good introduction sets the stage, providing context and sparking interest in what the speaker has to say. It helps them understand why they should listen and what they can expect to learn.

For speakers, a thoughtful introduction acts as a warm-up, giving them credibility and a connection with the audience. It’s a way of showing respect and appreciation for their expertise and the effort they’ve put into their presentation.

I’ll be sharing some practical tips on how to introduce a guest speaker effectively. Whether it’s a formal event or a more casual setting, the right introduction can make a big difference in how the speaker’s message is received. So, let’s get started on learning how to make every introduction clear, concise, and engaging.

Introducing a guest speaker.

I once heard a guest speaker’s introduction that was longer than the speech. At first, I was amused because the person assigned to introduce the guest speaker was introduced for about 11 minutes.

He greeted everyone on the stage. He made some comments about the dignitaries who seemed to love the spotlight focused on them. The last time I saw something similar was at a conference of barangay officials.

At first, he read the curriculum vitae word for word. He mentioned every award and degree earned. It was evident that the speaker stayed in school longer than any of us.

Then, he shared stories of how he met the speaker, his first impressions, and the common values they hold. I counted that he mentioned “finally” seven times to signal that he was about to call the speaker.

“Without further ado, let us welcome my idol, the one and only, the honorable…”

It was not the longest introduction I have seen, but nine minutes is a long time to introduce a speaker.

When I was in college, I realized that the more insecure the speaker is, the longer the introduction becomes.

For example, the President of the Philippines is often introduced only with “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the Republic of the Philippines.” The more dignified the person is, the shorter the introduction is.

I am not suggesting that introducing a speaker is not important. An excellent introduction by the guest speaker establishes rapport and trust, and it helps the audience understand why they must stay and listen.

You can write an excellent introduction to the guest speaker. It is easier than most people imagined. You can learn patterns and ways of delivery.

And I will share with you some tips that you will not find elsewhere as I am going to speak based on experience.

public speaker

Write The Guest Speaker’s Introduction

You will be the bridge between the audience and the speaker. Reading a curriculum vitae or one sheet does not justify your role. 

You took the time to understand the audience. You interviewed the speaker. You can now write an introduction that will delight both.

In  Write Your Speaker Introduction , I recommended that every speaker write an excellent intro they can give to organizers. That’s because many organizers need to know what I shared with you.

Many introductions sound very academic and dull, like the ones we heard when we were in school.

But you’ll be the one to introduce the speaker. It is your voice that people will hear. You decide how to introduce a speaker, and it is best to write down how you intend to deliver it.

It is okay to write a 700-word first draft. You cannot bore people with your first draft, it is meant only for you. 

You will prune it to 300 words, then 120 words. 

Consider what you have learned from your audience. 

Your first words are all about them and the conversations they already have inside their heads. You can connect the topic to what they already expect. 

Write a paragraph, about two to four sentences to connect their expectations to the topic.

The purpose of this paragraph is to get their attention.

Your introduction is about your audience and for your audience. You will get their attention and make a promise. 

Picque their interest. Get them excited. 

Write the title of the speech. Then,   write a sentence or two about how the speech can help them address the audience’s challenges or what opportunities the topic can provide them.

Many times, the promise is already in the title.

But do not overpromise. 

Make it easy for your speaker to deliver the goods. 

Allow the speaker to overdeliver.

Every speech has a promise. Your promise is another promise. You are going to deliver it, but someone else. 

One time, a school principal introduced me. He could not help but share his stories about the topic and recommended seven steps teachers can take. Then, before he introduced my name, he said, “Our speaker can give you more powerful advice than what I gave…”.

Showcase the credentials of the speaker. 

Many speaker introductions bring all excitement down here when the introducer starts reciting all the speaker’s achievements. 

However, even at this stage, your introduction is not about the speaker. It is still about your audience. You made a promise earlier. Here you will show us why the speaker has what it takes to deliver a promise.

Only mention those credentials directly related to the topic. 

Write three to four sentences illustrating how the speaker is qualified to discuss the topic.

Then, invite everyone to welcome the speaker.

Write the name of the speaker.

Make sure that you know how to pronounce the name. Write it in bold letters because you intend to proudly announce the speaker’s name.

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Adam Christing

How To Introduce a Guest Speaker In 4 Foolproof Steps

The audience is ready for a good evening, lights illuminate the podium, and you are introducing the next guest speaker to take the stage.

Seems simple, but there is an art to making a great introduction – and I have four tips to guide you. Join me!

See Related:  What is a Guest Speaker – And How Can They Take Your Event to the Next Level?

Quick reminder: what is a guest speaker?

To put it plainly, guest speakers are people who are invited to speak at all sorts of events . They are formally introduced by the master of ceremonies and deliver ideas that are relevant to the interests of the people in attendance.

Let’s get started!

Tip #1: You Are the Opening Act

What was the last concert or live comedy show you attended? Was there an opening act ? In many ways, your introduction serves the same purpose:

Ease the audience

Whether you are the first person onstage or are introducing the closing speaker, guests need time to adjust to a new presence.

Give a word of praise to the presentation that preceded your introduction and share the importance of the speaker to come.

Set the tone

Audiences look to the person onstage for communication on what to expect. Make your speaker’s life easier by warming guests up with an authentic and approachable onstage presence .

Join guests with confidence and deliver your introduction like you are exchanging words with a good friend. The audience will relax and look forward to the speaker’s presentation .

Cue the audience

As the person onstage, all eyes will be on you. Therefore, the audience will look to you to guide their behavior.

If it’s time to begin clapping for the guest speaker or motivational speaker so they know to come onstage, then start the clapping. If ongoing laughter is causing your introduction to run too long, then you are a success for making a fantastic joke, but respectfully request that folks quiet down.

A good introduction is like a roadmap

Think of it this way: you are like the cue cards at a   live sitcom taping … except you probably won’t want to instruct the audience to “boo” at any point!

Accomplished professional makes welcoming address

Tip #2: Inspire Confidence in Your Audience

Remember, this introduction is not a speech of your own . The focus must remain on the professional speaker and what they are about to contribute to the event.

Guest speakers bring varying levels of name recognition, so your audience may or may not be aware of their qualifications.

Your task as a corporate emcee ? Help the audience understand the guest speaker’s connection to the event and why they are worth listening to .

Touch on the speaker’s credibility

Why was this speaker invited to talk? Chances are, they have expertise in your industry. Let the audience know that!

A speaker’s credibility and knowledge can take many forms: an advanced degree in your field, a volunteer background, or personal experience with the topic at hand.

Personal connections pique the audience’s interest

Even if a speaker’s qualifications shine on paper, I recommend mentioning their personal connections to the subject matter during your communication with the crowd.

Why did the doctor you are introducing want to work in breast cancer research ? What inspired the wildlife photographer to switch career paths after spending ten years as a pharmacist?

This context will pique the audience’s interest and create a good introduction.

Tip #3: Preparation is Power

I know, you are very familiar with the guest speaker. But please, do not stand at that podium without notes.

Check your run time

Your own introduction should not be more than a few minutes. An important skill to practice is rehearsing your speech and timing it beforehand .

It can be difficult to gauge the actual length of an introduction simply by looking at it on paper. Factor in laughs and applause, and you’ll be onstage longer than anticipated.

Write notes that serve your needs

As I mentioned earlier, be sure to have a written introduction in front of you . But remember – your notes need to actually help you!

  • Choose a font large enough for you to read onstage . You don’t want to lift up the paper and squint to make out what you wrote.
  • If you are unsure of proper pronunciation , look up the answer and make a note. When you introduce a speaker , it is extremely disrespectful to mispronounce their name. Writing phonetic spellings down beforehand can help prevent this during your speeches.

Before you start speaking, take five minutes to do vocal warmups . You can find examples on YouTube and you’d be surprised at how much they help!

Lots of people feel nervous before giving presentations or introductions. Warming up your voice before your intro is a great way to release tension and make sure you speak with resonance and clarity – what every event emcee must do well!

Tip #4: It’s All in the Details

Your introductory speech is just the right length, spotlights the speaker’s accomplishments and credentials, and gets the audience excited for the speech ahead. Nice job!

Now is the time to cross the t’s and dot the i’s:

The best events have a seemingly effortless flow between speakers. As the person making introductions, you have the opportunity to get the audience into that flow. How?

Make eye contact with the audience

For many speakers, making eye contact is their worst nightmare! But your guests will feel comfortable and enthusiastic about the speech to come if you make eye contact while you talk to them.

Making eye contact is a critical skill because it creates moments of connection with your guests and tells them you are prepared for and interested in the speech to come.

Start the applause

After you introduce a speaker, be the person to begin applauding . Most guests don’t want to be the first to clap, so they will listen until they hear someone else start.

A handshake marks the transition

Remain onstage until the speaker has entered and shook your hand.

This moment marks the end of your intro and the beginning of their speech . Clear buttons like this help the audience know exactly where to place their attention.

Colleague shakes hands with speaker who is presenting at organization

Adam Christing  has been called “The Tom Brady of emcees.” He has hosted more than 1,000  company meetings ,  special events ,  gala celebrations , and more. He is the  author of several books  and founder of  CleanComedians.com .   For more event tips, follow Adam Christing on  Instagram ,  Facebook ,  Pinterest ,  LinkedIn , and  YouTube .

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How to Memorably Introduce Another Speaker

by Deborah Grayson Riegel

As a professional speaker and facilitator for over 20 years, I’ve been introduced more than a thousand times, by countless meeting planners, conference organizers, and team leaders. Nevertheless, most of the introductions have fallen into one of four categories:

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50+ different ways to say welcome to your guests

By:  Susan Dugdale  

The challenge of a welcome speech is to find alternate ways to express yourself sincerely without resorting to a string of undifferentiated "same-old, same-old" words and phrases that have become meaningless through overuse to greet your guests with.

And there's an additional question to answer. Is the event formal or informal? Your response will guide the language choices you make.

What's on this page?

  • help to decide whether you need formal or informal language
  • examples of informal and formal welcome speech openings
  • 50+ different ways to say welcome 
  • 28 example sentences  

Do you need to use formal or informal language?

Is the welcome speech you're preparing formal or informal?  

There are major differences. The words you use in an informal speech will be entirely out of place in a formal one. You need to know what is right for the occasion if you want your speech to be a success.

The video below explains the difference and provides six example speech openings to illustrate: three formal and three informal.

How to avoid repetition making your speech boring!  

Repetition of a familiar word is easy to do and totally understandable.

Sometimes we can't find the words we want, and we get stuck in a vocabulary rut, using the same phrase or word over and over, and over again, trying to make it cover multiple and/or different situations.

Image: retro woman giving a welcome speech,and repeating the word "welcome" a lot.  Text: Repetition can be very boring! Text in s

And yet we know, words are just like clothes. One size does does not fit all.

What's the solution?

Here's three suggestions to individualize or tailor your words to fit your event a little better. And they'll be more interesting for the audience to listen to!

With care you'll find most will adapt either formal or informal use.

1. Add an adjective to the word welcome

Try working in an adjective to describe the quality of your welcome more fully.

I've provided an example sentence or two alongside each adjective to show how it could be used in context.

I know some examples are much more successful, (smooth to say and read), than others.

Some, quite frankly, clunk a little. (I say this with a wry smile ☺!) 

If you decide to use the feature word in those that do, perhaps you'll find a way to use it more eloquently!  

What sort of welcome are you offering?

It could be a(n):

  • warm  welcome " Luckily the weather is on our side today! The sun and I are pleased to offer you a warm welcome."
  • hearty  welcome  "Here's a hearty welcome, big and warm enough to encompass you all! To say we are thrilled to see you is an understatement."
  • cheerful  welcome "It's my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all! Your presence makes us very happy."
  • cordial  welcome "Fellow members, please join me in giving our guests the most cordial of welcomes."
  • sociable  welcome "Let's hear it for a sociable welcome! On the count of three, turn to your neighbor and say 'hello'. There are no strangers here, only  friends we are yet to meet."
  • genial  welcome "It's my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome."
  • convivial  welcome "On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. We are going to have a merry and enjoyable time together."
  • agreeable  welcome "The flags are flying. The balloons are ready for release. It's a great day, one we've been planning and waiting for. I'm sure you'll concur, this is an agreeable welcome."
  • pleasing  welcome "It's gratifying to look around and see so many familiar faces. That's a pleasing welcome to what I know is a going to be a great  conference ... "

Or maybe it's a(n):

  • glad  welcome "It's a glad welcome we bring to you this morning, filled with the desires, hopes and dreams we all share."
  • hospitable  welcome "We're delighted to offer the most hospitable welcome we can."
  • amiable  welcome "Dear guests, look around you! An amiable welcome full of friendship is yours."
  • gracious  welcome "Our desire is to extend a gracious and inclusive welcome to all of you. For now let's put aside our differences and instead celebrate what brings us together!"

What about a(n):

Image -young retro salesman. Text: What sort of welcome words  do you want? We've got cheerful, hearty, warm (the classic) and delighted.

Then there's a:

  • pleasant  welcome "You know what's great about these events? You are always assured of a pleasant welcome. This is feel-good central and we aim ..."
  • companionable  welcome "Looking around I can see many familiar faces - peers, past and present colleagues. What a companionable welcome! It's great to see you all here ..."
  • grateful  welcome "Many of you have made a huge effort to join us today. On behalf of us all, we are deeply appreciative and offer you our most grateful welcome."
  • friendly  welcome "Today is the day we begin to learn to look through the eyes of others; to find out and experience what the world is like for them. It is also the day we grow bigger than our differences and offer to everyone regardless of historical rights and wrongs, a friendly welcome, an outstretched hand."

Perhaps a(n):

  • appreciative  welcome "Wow, what a gathering we have here tonight. We've got dignitaries, celebrities, fans, and organizational members all brought together for one cause. Ours. Here's an appreciative welcome to you all."
  • superb  welcome "Ladies and gentlemen, the room is ready. The tables are set. The band is playing our theme song. And the waiting staff are preparing to take your orders. This is a superb welcome, fit for royalty, and that's what you are to us."
  • delighted  welcome "To our special guests; look around. See the smiles of everyone's faces? We are truly delighted to welcome you here today."
  • favored  welcome "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have stars in the sky, and on stage. We are favored to welcome some the brightest the world has seen."
  • honored  welcome "I look around the stage and am in awe with the collected expertise gathered here. We are deeply honored to welcome you."
  • big  welcome "Here's to a big welcome for our guests; Lady Amelia Thistledown and Sir Roger Godfrey!"
  • huge  welcome "Ladies and gentlemen, please give a huge welcome to ..."
  • rapturous  welcome "Do you hear the applause? The audience joins me in a rapturous welcome! We are thrilled to have you with us today."

2. What about the guests you want to welcome?

Think about the guests you want to welcome as part of your speech. What sort of guests are they?  Is there a word, or two, you could use to describe them more fully?

Accurate descriptions of the people coming to the event, either as especially invited guests, or as members of the audience, helps build credibility and trust.

The care you take to find the right words is an excellent investment for everybody involved.

Image: hand drawn crowd figures. Text: Honor your guests by using words to help them stand out from the crowd.

Could your guests be better described as:

  • esteemed  guests?
  • brilliant  guests?
  • celebrated  guests?
  • dear  guests?
  • admired  guests?
  • acclaimed  guests?
  • cherished  guests?
  • respected  guests?
  • revered  guests?
  • wonderful  guests?
  • popular  guests?
  • much-loved  guests?
  • famous  guests?
  • expert  guests?
  • distinguished  guests?
  • honored  guests?
  • valued  guests?
  • appreciated  guests?
  • remarkable  guests?
  • renowned  guests?
  • knowledgeable  guests?
  • treasured  guests?

3. What about the word "guests"?

Image: cross section of an audience. Text: Who, exactly, is your audience? Are these people your peers, colleagues, customers, work mates ...

Who are you talking to? Yes, everybody in the audience is a guest to your event but what could they be more accurately called? 

Are these people your:

  • colleagues?
  • associates?
  • classmates?
  • co-collaborators?
  • fellow-travelers, nurses, teachers ... ? (insert the appropriate descriptor)
  • affiliates?
  • conspirators?
  • companions?

And lastly, have fun experimenting!

Do try mixing and matching your words and phrases to fit the occasion. After all there are more flavors to "welcome" than vanilla!

Related pages:

  • How to write a welcome speech - with a sample speech
  • How to write a speech - step by step help - a good beginning point if you've never prepared a speech before.
  • Back to top of phrases for welcome speeches
  • Return to write-out-loud.com homepage

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welcome speech guest speaker

Frantically Speaking

How to Introduce a Speaker in Any Setting (And Amaze Your Audience)

Hrideep barot.

  • Body Language & Delivery , Public Speaking , Speech Writing

your icebreaker speech on the big day

Importance of a Good Introduction

If you’re reading this, kudos to you as you are one of the few people who actually take out the time and effort to craft a great speech introduction.

Many times we feel that if we ourselves aren’t the main speaker, why take out any time to work on a great introduction?

But here’s the thing, as the introductory speaker, if you want your audience to be excited for the speaker who is about to come on the stage, a strong introduction is important.

As an audience member, if I have never heard of the speaker (or even if I do know a little bit about her) I won’t be very open to their speech simply because I don’t know how credible the speaker is .

Sure the speaker could herself say those credentials when she comes on the stage. But true credibility is added when the praise comes from a third person (that being you in this case). 

Take Tom Bilyeu for example. Tom is the founder and host of the company and popular Youtube channel – Impact Theory where he calls on highly acclaimed speakers, entrepreneurs, writers, athletes, etc. to interview them.

While the interviews are in themselves amazing, it’s the way Tom introduces each of his guests that blows my mind!

Take this clip for example:

The introduction shows that Tom has taken time and put a genuine effort into his research. It’s what makes his introductions so powerful.

And that’s why an introduction is important:

  • It makes your audience excited for who they are about to see
  • It makes the speaker feel genuinely acknowledged for being invited to that event

Without a good introduction, the audience will not have a strong enough reason to be open to the speaker’s ideas because they might not know the credibility of the speaker.

An introduction is also like a short speech . So it’s important you take your time out to craft and deliver one that does justice to both – the speaker as well as yourself!

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Alright! Let’s jump into the tips of creating a splendid introduction. Whether it’s a seminar, conference, interview, church or just a small gathering, these tips are applicable in almost all scenarios.

research the speaker you are about to introduce

Your work starts even before the introductory speech. The person who is invited to speak would be having certain credentials.

The way those credentials are communicated with high effectiveness is your job as the introductory speaker.

This is important as it’s what will get the audience excited and give them a reason to be engaged in a speech because of the credibility of the speaker.

Research can be of two types:

  • You can actually meet or contact the speaker directly and ask her all the questions you would need to create a great introduction.
  • The internet

If you have access to the speaker, then great! If not, use sources like LinkedIn to understand the work they have done in the past, or try and see if you can connect to someone close to them and get a bite from them for the introduction as well.

Once you know what all the speaker has done in her life and why she is an expert in the subject she is going to speak on, you have set yourself up for crafting a lovely introduction.

Keep it short!

One thing to remember when giving an introduction is to not get carried away! While your introduction is as good as a short speech , we must not forget the keyword here – short !

The main spotlight is for the speaker. So keep your intro short. Below 2 and a half minutes is usually a good space to be in. Exceeding 4 minutes is a little too much so make sure to not overstep your speaking time.

I remember seeing this one introductory speaker who just went on and on with his introduction. He spoke about things that weren’t even relevant to the subject of the talk. It was just a waste of time.

When you prepare your introduction, practice it and time yourself to ensure you aren’t taking up too much of the stage time.

We’ve made a short video on how you can make your speech more concise and clear so you communicate what’s relevant without taking up too much of your audience’s time:

Save the name for the end

The last word is the cue for applause in any introduction. And it’s best to save the applause for the speaker’s name.

Here’s an example of how NOT to do it:

“Our motto is ‘Communication is key’. So I’m very pleased to welcome John Brown for our special event today. John is one of the best speakers in the country and has been invited by several prestigious universities to share his ideas…(some more credentials)…So please join me in welcoming John Brown!”

The problem with this is that it gives out the applause factor in the second sentence of the introduction itself.

Instead, you should build up the speaker with her credentials and only reveal the name at the end of the speech (see ‘Introduction Speech Template’).

Again, look at Tom Bilyeu’s introduction. He never reveals the guest’s name until the end of the introduction. That’s what makes the applause so loud!

Lead the applause

As soon as you end your introduction, don’t simply wait for the audience to clap. Lead the applause!

In all likelihood, when done correctly, your audience will applaud as soon as you end your talk. But you should still assume the lead and begin the applause and let the audience follow just in case.

Receive the speaker with a handshake

Receive the speaker with a handshake

When you introduce the speaker and call them out on the stage, don’t just walk off the stage .

Receive the speaker with a handshake. Usually, the audience will still be applauding when this happens.

We do this so as to properly acknowledge to the audience that our time on stage has come to an end and we will now be handing the spotlight over to the next speaker.

This is something that the international organization Toastmasters also harps on. Every time a speaker or role bearer gets on stage, she should shake the hand of the person from whom she is taking the stage from and shake the hand of the person when she is handing the stage over.

Like with most things in life, your introductory speech will be amazing if you put in the time to practice ! We wrote an article on simple but effective ways you should practice for a speech – even if it’s just an introduction speech! Check it out to get some ideas.

While our content and the speaker’s credentials might be amazing, it is our delivery and manner of speaking that will sell the audience on those credentials.

So research, practice, time yourself, video record yourself to see how you can improve.

While the spotlight is on the main speaker for that particular day, the stage is yours for those couple of minutes. And I believe any time you go on stage you should try and communicate with maximum impact regardless of the duration of the speech.

That’s when people notice you.

Here’s a checklist of things you must have in your introductory speech when it comes to content and delivery:

Introduce yourself

While you are here to introduce the main speaker, don’t forget to introduce yourself! If you’re in a familiar setting where you’re certain everyone (or at least 90%) of the audience already knows you, you can skip this part.

Otherwise, take a few seconds to point out what your role is in putting this event together and how you are related to the speaker (if in any way).


There’s nothing worse than an introductory speaker who butchers the name of the speaker he is about to call on.

Take the time out to learn how exactly should you pronounce the speaker’s name especially if it’s an unconventional name.

Learn it, repeat it, master it.

Check if your speaker has any title such as Doctor, Sir, Captain, etc. and say the title along with the speaker’s name when you introduce her. It helps add more credibility to the speaker.


Your speaker would have certain qualifications that make her an expert in the field she is about to speak on. It doesn’t necessarily need to be only educational in nature.

Maybe she has written a book on the subject and gains her expertise from real-life experience as opposed to an academic degree.

Mention those qualifications.

Quick tip, don’t just list out the credentials in a mundane manner. Read the speech template below and see how the speaker crafts the introduction where the qualifications and credentials of the speaker are seamlessly woven together to craft a great introduction.

Subject of the talk

In your introduction of the speaker, don’t miss out on talking a little on the subject of the talk and why it is relevant to the audience.

Creative Ways to Introduce a Speaker

Instead of just stating out the speaker’s credentials and bio, make your introduction engaging by adding a short anecdote of the speaker.

Talk about a time you met the speaker or an interesting story you read about her in a publication.

You can even reach out to a close family member or friend of the speaker and ask them for a story that defines the speaker’s personality or establishes their expertise in the subject matter.

For some more information on how you can create a compelling narrative, we made a short but information-packed video on the topic of mystery, characterisation and takeaways which we HIGHLY recommend you check out, here:

Some speakers don’t necessarily have an honorific such as ‘Dr.’ or ‘Sir’, but that doesn’t mean that you cant give them a creative title of your own!

Tom Bilyeu does this often where he will add a title to the speaker right before saying the name. Here are some examples:

  • Please help me welcoming…the ‘ human guinea pig ’ himself, Tim Ferris .
  • Please help me welcoming…the ‘ master of motivation ’ herself, Mel Robbins .
  • Please help me welcoming…the ‘ man who has been called the ultimate entrepreneur for the information age ’, Seth Godin.

I remember this one time, we were at a conference where the speaker was a gold medal cyclist.

The introductory speaker entered the stage on a cycle himself! As he came to the mike, he said, “Boy that was fun! But if you think I was awesome, you will be completely blown away by our next speaker!”

The introductory speaker was obviously being sarcastic about himself being an ‘awesome cyclist’. But it was different, fun, made the audience giggle and set the stage for the speaker .  

If the speaker you are about to introduce is an author, for instance, you can also start off your introduction by holding up the book and then move on to talk about the speaker’s credentials.

Think about what your speaker is famous for and see if you can include that profession as a prop in your introduction.

Instead of just talking in your introduction, maybe you can show a video that highlights what the speaker does and shows off their credibility.

I was introducing an entrepreneur of a HUGE advertising agency. Instead of talking about his credentials, I thought I’d just show it to the audience by playing a video of the agency’s culture , clients and some of the extraordinary work they have done.

It was a great visual way to showcase the speaker’s credibility and set the tone for the subject of the speech.

Introduction Speech Template

Here’s a template of how Tom Bilyeu introduces one of his guests :

“Hey everyone!  Welcome to Impact Theory. You are here, my friends, because you believe that the human potential is nearly limitless but you know that having potential is not the same as doing something with it. So our goal with this show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that’ll help you actually execute on your dream. Alright. To paraphrase Steven Pressfield, today’s guest is one of the greatest thinkers of our generation. He’s a multiple-time best selling author who’s written a seemingly impossible six books in the last five years! His mediation on stoic philosophy ‘The Obstacle is the Way’ is not only a true perennial seller, it’s been translated into more than 20 languages and has a devoted following of some of the most driven and successful people on the planet including NFL coaches, world-class athletes, entrepreneurs, TV personalities and even political leaders. By my estimation, it is one of the 10 most important books you must read if you want to develop a mindset for success. And even if this were his only book I’d sit at his feet to learn, but every book he has written delivers a similar level of impact. This guy is without question my intellectual man-crush Monday! The Systematic and practical nature of his thinking is so powerful it’s nuts, especially considering that he dropped out of college at 19 so he could apprentice with the master author, Robert Greene, and by all accounts, my friends, he learned his lessons very well as he went on from there not only to become an amazing author in his own right, but in his early 20s became the Director of Marketing for the billion-dollar public company American Apparel helping it achieve its astronomical level of success, and in the process, becoming one of the most sought-after voices in the field of media strategy. His incredible marketing tactics detailed in the book ‘Trust Me, I’m Lying’ not only became a best-seller, it helped him launch his own media-consulting company, Brass Check, which has advised companies like Google, Taser and Complex as well as world-renowned authors such as Neil Strauss, Tim Ferris and Tony Robbins. So please, help me in welcoming the best selling author of ‘Ego is the Enemy’ and most recently, ‘Perennial Seller’, the modern-day, philosopher king – Ryan Holiday.

Let’s break that introduction down:

We can clearly see that Tom has done his research by pointing out almost every accomplishment Ryan Holiday is known for. This is what gets the audience excited about the speaker and looks forward to the ideas that will be shared in the subsequent talk or interview.

Keeping it short

The introduction is in the appropriate time-span of 2-3 minutes. Considering the amount of information that had to be said, the timing is bang on!

Saving the name for the end

By saving the name for the end, Tom reserves the maximum applause when he finally reveals who the person is.

Leading the applause

Tom did not lead the applause here maybe because it’s a studio audience who are sure to clap for the guest. Additionally, the way Tom introduces the guest is good enough to stimulate applause without him having to lead it.

Receiving the speaker with a handshake

Tom goes a small step further and bro-hugs the guest to showcase his bond with him.

welcome speech guest speaker

Without any notes and his amazing delivery, it’s obvious Tom has taken the time out to not only research but also practice and rehearse the introduction.

Notice how Tom uses voice modulation to make the audience feel how important Ryan’s accomplishments really are. A handy thing to keep in mind for any speech. You can read this article we wrote to learn all about voice modulation and tonality for effective speaking.

As I stated earlier with multiple examples, Tom adds in a nickname to the speaker here as well – ‘ the modern-day, philosopher king ’ – right before saying the name. It just adds so much weight to the introduction!

There’s a lot we can learn from this introduction whether it be a speaker you are introducing or an interview guest which is why I thought I’d break it down.

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Final Words…

I believe that a strong introduction should also be treated as a speech. It’s tempting to do a basic Google Search and little “rehearsal” right before going on stage.

But it’s only when you take the time out to research, rehearse and deliver with the intention to excite the audience about the speaker you are introducing, is when you will do justice to the introduction and set the stage for the speaker to create maximum impact!

You should also consider upskilling your public speaking at an overall level. If you’re serious about it, check out this online course called Acumen Presents: Chris Anderson on Public Speaking (hosted on Udemy). It’s helped me gain a lot of insight into delivering speeches (even if they are just introductory speeches) that people will remember. Being the founder of TED, Chris Anderson provides numerous examples of the best TED speakers to give us a very practical way of overcoming stage fear and delivering a speech that people will remember.

Hrideep Barot

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Welcome Speech

Welcome speech generator.

welcome speech guest speaker

Creating an engaging Welcome Speech sets the tone for any event. In this resource, we offer a variety of speech examples to guide you in crafting a warm and impactful greeting. Whether it’s for a formal gathering, a corporate event, or a casual meet-up, our examples provide a framework for delivering a message that resonates with your audience. Learn how to start your event on a positive note, making every attendee feel valued and excited about what’s to come.

What Is a Welcome Speech? A welcome speech is a statement that signifies a beginning of any particular event, meeting, assembly, or celebration. It is used in order to cordially greet all participants in a gathering. In addition to that, it also contains important information about a special highlight in the event.

Just like any other speech, it follows a structure. Welcome speeches are intended to raise excitement, delight, and anticipation to every person in the crowd. Its very nature is to address an audience and deliver a message that is suitable for the special occasion speech .

Welcome Speech Bundle

Download Welcome Speech Bundle

There are different kinds of speeches according to the nature of its functionality. There is persuasive speech , retirement speech , and keynote speech. All of these requires skills and confidence to be delivered in the most convincing and appealing way. Adding to the list is the welcome speech which is important to mark a beginning of an event. A speech introduction has to be brief and energetic in order not to bore the audience. The speaker needs to be lively and high-spirited as well when delivering the speech. All these are but additives and factors to create a good welcome speech.

Welcome Speech Format

Greeting : Begin with a warm greeting to the audience. Example: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” Introduction : Briefly introduce yourself, mentioning your name and role or connection to the event.


Gratitude : Express gratitude to the attendees for their presence. Example: “Thank you all for being here today.” Special Guests : If applicable, acknowledge any special guests, dignitaries, or significant participants by name or title. Organizers and Sponsors : Recognize the efforts of the event organizers, sponsors, and volunteers.

Purpose of the Event

Event Significance : Highlight the importance and purpose of the event. This can be a brief statement that encapsulates the essence of the gathering. Expectations : Share what the attendees can expect from the event, such as key speakers, activities, or outcomes.

Agenda Overview

Schedule Highlight : Provide a concise overview of the event’s agenda or key highlights without going into too much detail.

Encouragement for Participation

Engagement Request : Encourage attendees to participate actively in the event, whether through listening, asking questions, or partaking in activities. Networking Encouragement : If relevant, motivate attendees to network with each other, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Concluding Remarks

Warm Wishes : Conclude with warm wishes for an enjoyable and successful event. Example: “I hope you find today’s event both enlightening and enjoyable.” Closing : End with a polite closing remark. Example: “Thank you, and let’s have a wonderful time together.”

Example of Welcome Speech in English

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, It is my absolute pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the annual Gala Night of [Organization’s Name]. My name is [Your Name], and I am thrilled to be your host for this enchanting evening. First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for joining us tonight. Your presence adds a special warmth to our gathering and makes this event even more memorable. A special welcome goes out to our distinguished guests, [Names of Special Guests], whose support and dedication to our cause have been nothing short of remarkable. I would also like to acknowledge the incredible effort of our event organizers, volunteers, and sponsors. Without your tireless work and generous contributions, tonight’s celebration would not have been possible. Your commitment to excellence is what brings our community closer and makes events like these a resounding success. Tonight, we are gathered here not just to celebrate, but to reaffirm our commitment to [Organization’s Mission/Objective]. Through this evening’s activities, speeches, and performances, we hope to shed light on the impact of our collective efforts and the continuing need for support. As we move through the evening, I encourage you all to engage with one another, share stories, and enjoy the array of performances we have lined up for you. Let this night be a testament to the strength and unity of our community, as we work together towards a brighter, more promising future. Before I conclude, let me remind you to make the most of tonight. Let’s cherish these moments of joy, celebrate our achievements, and look forward to the new opportunities that lie ahead. Thank you once again for being here. I hope you have a wonderful time and leave tonight feeling inspired and uplifted. Let the celebration begin! Thank you, and enjoy your evening.

1. Welcome Speech

Welcome Speech Example

Fee PDF Download

2. Welcome Speech for Students

Welcome Speech for Students

Free PDF Download

3. Welcome Speech for Event


4. Welcome Speech at School Example

School Welcome1

5. Short Welcome Speech for an Event Example

Short Welcome


6. Formal Welcome Speech Example

Formal Welcome Speech1

7. Opening Welcome Speech for Event Examples

Opening Welcome Speech for Event Examples


8. Welcome Speech in English Examples

Welcome Speech in English Examples


9. Welcome Address Speech Examples

Welcome Address Speech Examples


10. College Welcome Speech Examples

College Welcome Speech Examples


11. Welcome Speech for Students Examples

Welcome Speech for Students Examples


12. Welcome Speech For Church Examples

Welcome Speech For Church Examples

13. Welcome Speech For Meeting Examples

Welcome Speech For Meeting Examples

14. Welcome Speech to Conference

Welcome Speech to Conference

15. Wedding Welcome Speech Example

Wedding Welcome3

16. Sample Welcome Speech Example

Sample Welcome Speech

17. Graduation Welcome Example

Graduation Welcome Speech2

18. Event Speech Example

Event Speech

How to Write a Welcome Speech

A welcome speech is a key component of any event, setting the tone and making attendees feel valued and excited for what’s to come. Here’s a guide on crafting an engaging and warm welcome speech:

  • Understand the Purpose: Recognize that the primary goal is to greet guests, make them feel valued, and set a positive tone for the event.
  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your speech to the interests and demographics of your audience. Understanding who they are will help you connect more effectively.
  • Start with a Greeting: Open with a warm and enthusiastic greeting. Use phrases like “Good morning,” “Welcome,” or “Thank you for being here.”
  • Introduce Yourself: Briefly introduce yourself, including your name and role, to establish your connection to the event or organization.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank attendees for their presence. Acknowledge any special guests and express appreciation for everyone’s effort to attend.
  • Highlight the Purpose of the Event: Explain the significance of the event and what attendees can expect. This gives the audience a clear understanding of the event’s objectives.
  • Mention the Agenda: Briefly outline the event’s schedule or highlight key segments. This helps set expectations for the audience.
  • Recognize Contributions: Acknowledge the work of organizers, sponsors, and volunteers. Highlighting their contributions fosters a sense of community and appreciation.
  • Encourage Participation: Motivate the audience to engage with the event. Whether it’s listening attentively, participating in discussions, or enjoying the entertainment, encourage active participation.
  • Conclude with a Warm Note: End your speech on a positive note, expressing hope for an enjoyable and meaningful experience for all attendees.

Tips for a Welcome Speech

Your welcome speech doesn’t have to be four or five pages long like some graduation speeches . Here are a few tips to write one

  • Keep it short and simple: You have to make sure your audience doesn’t spend too much time listening to your words or else they will get bored. Be brief with your simple statements .
  • Use proper language: Knowing your audience is very important. If the occasion is business, be formal. Be careful with your words.
  • Check your vocabulary: It is a must that your words are exactly how it should be used. Never confuse the crowd. You may also see presentation speech .

Importance of Welcome Speech

Most of us have probably read or listened to a hundred or maybe thousands of speeches. That includes welcome speech outline. Maybe we can all agree here that the welcome speech sets the tone of the event. Welcome speech can be useful in many ways such as welcome speech for students , welcome speech for an event and many.

In reality, we always judge a thing by its first appearance. In the same way as in an event, we can tell how it goes by the welcoming or introductory rights. It is very important that the welcome speech template is prepared and well-versed in order to set the right expectations to the audience.

What are some lines for welcome speech?

  • “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, a very warm welcome to [event/occasion].”
  • “I’m delighted to see so many familiar faces and new ones in the audience today.”
  • “Thank you all for joining us on this special day.”
  • “It’s a pleasure to stand before you and extend a hearty welcome.”
  • “I extend my warmest greetings to our distinguished guests, colleagues, and friends.”
  • “We’re gathered here today to celebrate [occasion] and share in the joy of this moment.”
  • “Welcome to this exciting journey that lies ahead.”
  • “As we begin this [event/occasion], let’s embark on a journey of [purpose].”
  • “I would like to express my deep gratitude for your presence and support.”
  • “Our [event/occasion] would not be complete without each of you here.”
  • “Let’s make this [event/occasion] a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.”
  • “I hope you’re all as excited as I am for what’s in store today.”
  • “The energy and enthusiasm in this room are truly contagious.”
  • “To our first-time attendees, welcome to our [event/occasion] family.”
  • “Get ready for a day filled with [highlights/activities] that will leave you inspired.”
  • “Our goal today is to [purpose], and we couldn’t have asked for a better group to do it with.”
  • “As we come together, let’s celebrate our unity and diversity.”
  • “Let’s create memories that we will cherish for years to come.”
  • “It’s not just an event; it’s an experience we’ll treasure.”
  • “Without further ado, let’s officially kick off [event/occasion].”


What do you say when welcoming guests.

When welcoming guests, express gratitude for their presence, extend a warm greeting, and convey excitement about their participation in the event. Make them feel valued and appreciated.

What do you say in a grand opening speech?

In a grand opening speech, acknowledge the significance of the occasion, thank attendees, share the purpose of the event, and express enthusiasm for the new venture or establishment.

What is a welcome address speech?

A welcome address speech is a formal or informal presentation given to greet and acknowledge the audience at the beginning of an event or gathering, expressing hospitality, gratitude, and enthusiasm.

How do you give a warm welcome speech?

To give a warm welcome speech, use a friendly and inviting tone, express gratitude for the audience’s presence, acknowledge the significance of the occasion, and convey genuine enthusiasm.

Crafting a captivating welcome speech is an art that involves understanding your audience and the purpose of the event. For additional resources on writing and delivering effective speeches, the University of Nevada, Reno’s Writing & Speaking Center offers valuable tips on speech introductions, which can be found here. These resources provide insights into creating impactful openings that capture the audience’s attention and set the stage for a successful event.


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Creating a warm Welcome Speech for a community event

How to draft a Welcome Speech for new employees


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  3. How To Introduce Guest Speaker Example

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  4. Welcome Speech for Guest

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  5. Welcome Speech

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  6. Example Of Welcoming The Guest Script

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  2. How to Introduce a Speaker (With Examples)

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  4. How to Introduce a Guest Speaker: Writing Tips and Examples

    How to Introduce a Guest Speaker: Writing Tips ... - wikiHow

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  9. How to Introduce a Speaker: 16 Essential Tips for Success

    Ask others about them. Research the speaker and their expertise until you are excited by the opportunity to introduce them. 6. Eliminate pronunciation blunders. A sure way to undermine your own credibility and that of the speaker is to mispronounce their name, the title of their presentation, or any other key terms.

  10. How to Make a Welcome Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Ask for feedback from attendees or colleagues to gain insights and improve for future events. Continuous improvement is key to becoming an excellent public speaker. Step 1: Understand the Purpose of Your Welcome Speech. Step 2: Research Your Audience. Step 3: Begin with a Captivating Opener. Step 4: Express Gratitude and Appreciation.

  11. How to Introduce a Guest Speaker

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  12. How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

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