40+ Resume Tips to Help You Land a Job in 2024

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When you haven’t updated your resume in a while, it can be hard to know where to start. What experiences and accomplishments are relevant for the jobs you’ve got your eye on? What new resume rules and trends should you be following? And seriously, one page or two ?

Well, search no more: We’ve compiled all the resume tips you need into one place. Read on for advice and tricks that’ll help you craft a winning resume—and land your next job.

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Basic resume tips

Let's start with the basic do's and don'ts when putting your resume together. Listing your skills is not the only thing that matters—choosing the right format and sections is equally crucial. Here are some tips for writing a resume from scratch:

1. Don’t try to cram every skill and work experience onto your resume

Think of your resume not as a comprehensive list of your career history, but as a marketing document selling you as the perfect person for the role you’re applying to. For each resume you send out, you’ll want to highlight only the accomplishments and skills that are most relevant to the job at hand (even if that means you don’t include all of your experience ).

This is called tailoring your resume and it helps anyone who reads it see exactly why you’re a match for a specific position.

2. But keep a resume outline with a full list of your qualifications

Since you’ll be swapping different information in and out depending on the job you’re applying to, save a resume outline —or maybe our resume worksheet —on your computer with old positions, bullet points tailored for different applications, and special projects that only sometimes make sense to include. Think of this as your brag file. Then, when you’re crafting each resume, it’s just a matter of cutting and pasting relevant information together.

3. Ditch the objective statement

The only time an objective section makes sense is when you’re making a huge career change and need to explain from the get-go why your experience doesn’t match up with the position you’re applying to. In every other case, resume objectives just make you look old-fashioned or out of touch.

Read More: 3 Reasons You Should Ditch That Resume Objective—and 3 Things You Can Do Instead

4. Put the best, most relevant information first

In journalism speak, “above the fold” refers to what you see on the front half of a folded newspaper (or, in the digital age, before you scroll down on a website)—basically it’s your first impression of a document. In resume speak, it means you should make sure your most relevant qualifications are visible on the top third of your resume.

This top section is what the hiring manager is going to see first—and what will serve as a hook for someone to keep on reading. If your most recent position isn’t the most relevant piece of your candidacy, consider leading with a skills section (such as in a combination resume format ) or writing a resume summary .

5. Choose the right resume format for you

There are lots of different ways to organize the information on your resume—like the functional resume or combination resume. But the good old reverse chronological —where your most recent experience is listed first—is usually your best bet. Unless it’s absolutely necessary in your situation, skip the functional or skills-based resume—hiring managers might wonder what you’re hiding.

6. Keep it concise

The two-page resume is a hotly debated topic, but the bottom line is this—you want the information here to be as short as possible, and keeping it to one page forces you to prioritize what really matters. If you truly have enough relevant and important experience, training, and credentials to showcase on more than one page of your resume, then go for two. But if you can tell the same story in less space? Do it.

Read More: 6 Pro Tips for Cutting Your Resume Down to One Page

7. Include relevant links

Can’t figure out how to tell your whole story on one page, or want to be able to include some visual examples of your work? Instead of trying to have your resume cover everything, cover the most important details on that document. Then, include a link to your personal website , your online portfolio , examples of your work, or a relevant, professional social media profile , where you can dive more into what makes you the ideal candidate.

Just avoid hyperlinking over words that are key to understanding your resume, since it can throw off the tools employers use to store and parse resumes.

8. Be aware of the ATS

You may have heard that employers are using computers to “read” your resume and decide who to hire and reject. That’s not exactly true. But most employers do use software called an applicant tracking system—or ATS—to parse resumes and organize them so that recruiters and hiring managers can search for the most relevant applications.

You should assume your resume will pass through an ATS at some point during your job search, so understanding how it works will help make your hunt more efficient. (All of the tips for resume writing in this list keep ATSs in mind as well!)

Read More: Beat the Robots: How to Get Your Resume Past the System and Into Human Hands

Resume formatting tips

Your resume's format matters as much as the content it holds. Aim for a simple and minimalist layout, without overwhelming columns, colors, or graphic elements. Here are some key resume formatting tips to help you stand out:

9. Keep your resume format simple

We’ll talk about getting creative in order to stand out in a minute. But the most basic principle of good resume formatting and design? Keep it simple. Make your resume easy on hiring managers’ eyes by using a reasonably sized default font like Helvetica or Arial and leaving a healthy amount of white space on the page. Your main focus here should be on readability for the hiring manager (and that pesky ATS).

Read more: The Best Resume Font and Size (No More Agonizing!)

10. Stand out with ATS-friendly design elements

Really want your resume to stand out from the sea of Times New Roman? Yes, creative resumes —like infographics, videos, or presentations can set you apart, but you have to make sure they actually get read. If you’re uploading your resume to a job application site or online portal, use ATS-friendly formatting elements like:

  • Bold and italic text
  • Underlining (in headings or over hyperlinks)
  • Different text alignments
  • Columns that can be read straight across

11. Avoid design elements that can’t be “read” by computers

On the flip side, it’s best to avoid design elements that ATSs are known to have trouble with such as:

  • Logos and icons
  • Images and photos
  • Graphics, graphs, or other visuals
  • Headers and footers
  • Less common fonts
  • Columns that can only be read from top to bottom

12. Make your contact info prominent

You don’t need to include your address on your resume anymore (really!), but you do need to make sure to include a phone number and professional-sounding email address (but not one affiliated with another job!) as well as other places the hiring manager can find you on the web, like your LinkedIn profile, plus your pronouns if you’d like to.

Read More: Here's Exactly What Should Be Included in Your Resume's Header

13. Design your resume for skimmability

You’ve probably heard before that hiring managers don’t spend a lot of time on each individual resume. So help them get as much information as possible in as little time as possible, by making your resume easy to skim .

Work experience resume tips

Recruiters nowadays want to know more than a simple description of your responsibilities. They're looking for the results and impacts of your work, as well as the connection between your experience and the position you're applying for now.

That said, let's take a look at some resume writing tips for describing your work experience:

14. Keep your work experience recent and relevant

As a rule, you should only show the most recent 10-15 years of your career and only include the experiences that are relevant to the positions you’re applying to. Remember to allocate real estate on your resume according to importance. If there’s a choice between including one more college internship or going into more detail about your current role, always choose the latter (unless the internship was more relevant to the role you’re applying for).

15. Don’t forget your transferable skills and experiences

Don’t panic if you don’t have any professional experience that fits the bill. Focus your resume on your relevant and transferable skills along with any related side or academic projects , and then make sure to pair it with a strong cover letter telling the narrative of why you’re ideal for the job.

Read more: What to Put on Your Resume When You Have No Relevant Work Experience

16. Write strong, achievement-focused bullet points

The bullet points under each job entry are arguably the most important part of your resume. They tell whoever’s reading it what skills you have, how you’ve used them, and how you’ve helped your employers in the past.

So start with a strong action verb , include relevant skills from the job description , and frame your bullets around your achievements—don’t just list your job duties . Tell them how your work benefitted your boss or company so they know what they stand to gain by hiring you.

Here’s a simple formula to follow:

  • Compelling verb + job duty + key skills used = tangible result

So you might say: “ Developed an upgrade to the employee database, ensuring the smooth flow of critical operations, which led to a 35% increase in efficiency. ”

17. Curate your bullet points and experiences

No matter how long you’ve been in a job, or how much you’ve accomplished there, you shouldn’t have more than eight bullet points under it—and that’s only for your most recent and relevant job. Jobs further back should generally be limited to four to six bullets.

Read More: How Many Bullet Points Should Each Job on Your Resume Have?

18. Use as many numbers as you can

Use facts, figures, and numbers whenever possible in your bullet points. How many people were impacted by your work? By what percentage did you exceed your goals? Quantifying your accomplishments allows the hiring manager to picture the level of work or responsibility you needed to achieve them.

19. Don’t neglect non-traditional work

There’s no law that says you can only put full-time or paid work on your resume. So, if you’ve volunteered , worked part-time or as a temporary or contract worker , freelanced, or interned? Absolutely list these things as their own “jobs” within your career chronology—as long as they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for. The same goes for career breaks . Yes, really.

Read More: 4 Things You Didn't Know You Could Put on Your Resume

20. Use important keywords from the job description

Scan the job description, see what words are used most often, and make sure you’ve included them in your bullet points. For example, does the job description list “CRM” or “Salesforce”? Make sure your resume matches. Not only is this a self-check that you’re targeting your resume to the job, but it’ll also make it easier to search for your resume in an ATS.

Read More: How to Pick Resume Keywords That'll Get Your Job Application Past the ATS

Resume tips for including your education

Most hiring managers will want to know your education level, even if it's not necessarily relevant to the position you're going for. This section is especially important for those changing careers or applying for entry-level jobs—as your education can be an indicator of the skills you have.

Here's some resume tips and tricks for this section:

21. Put experience first, education later

Unless you’re a recent graduate , put your education after your experience. Chances are, your last couple of jobs are more important and relevant to you getting the job than where you went to college.

22. Also keep it in reverse chronological order

Generally, you should list your educational background with the most recent or advanced degree first, working in reverse chronological order. But if older coursework is more specific to the job, list that first to grab the reviewer’s attention.

23. Remove the dates from your education section once you’re a few years into your career

Unless you’re early in your career, don’t list your graduation dates. The reviewer cares more about whether or not you have the degree than when you earned it. And you don’t want to inadvertently open yourself up to age discrimination , which is an unfortunate reality in some job markets.

24. Highlight honors and achievements, not GPA

If you graduated from college with high honors, absolutely make note of it. Showcase that summa cum laude status, the fact that you were in the honors college at your university, a relevant project you completed, or an award you won. You don’t need to list your GPA —employers don’t care as much about GPA as they do what skills you gained in school.

Read More: How to (and How Not to) List Education on Your Resume

25. Include continuing or online education

Feel free to include continuing education, professional development coursework, or online courses in your education section, especially if your resume feels a little light on relevant experience.

Best resume tips for showing off your skills

You shouldn't wait until you get an interview to showcase your skills—your resume can and should have a specific section for them. You can also leverage other sections of the document to incorporate what's relevant for the position.

Here are our tips for making a resume that effectively highlights your skills:

26. Don’t forget your skills section

Be sure to add a section that lists all the relevant skills you have for a position—especially those mentioned in the job description. Include technical skills like software and project management tools or specific knowledge of how to perform relevant tasks. Just make sure to skip including skills that everyone is expected to have, like using email or Microsoft Word. Doing so will make you seem less technologically savvy.

27. But don’t only put your skills in your skills section

Your skills section is an easy way for anyone reading your resume to confirm that you have required qualifications, but that shouldn’t be the only place that your important skills appear. Any skill that’s vital to you being hired should also be in your bullet points—where you can show how you’ve used it in the past.

28. Divvy up your skills for readability

If you have lots of skills that would help you with a job but aren’t necessarily in the same category—say, foreign language, software, and leadership skills—try breaking up your skills sections. Below your “Skills” section, add a subsection titled “Language Skills” or “Software Skills,” for example. Again, we’re going for skimmability here!

29. Show—don’t tell—your soft skills

Describing soft skills on a resume often starts to sound like a list of meaningless buzzwords. But being a “strong leader” or an “effective communicator” are important characteristics you want to get across. Think about how you can demonstrate these attributes in your bullet points without actually saying them.

Read more: The Non-Boring Way to Show Off Your Soft Skills in Your Job Search

Other resume section tips

Resume sections are not fixed like stone-written texts; they can change according to the job position you're applying for or the requirements listed by the company. Here are some examples of sections you can add—and more tips on writing a resume that stand out:

30. Include relevant certifications and licenses

If you have a certification or license that proves you can do some aspect of the job you’re applying for, include it on your resume. This is especially important if that certification or license is legally required to do the job—for example, in nursing, teaching, or driving jobs.

31. Show some (relevant) personality

Feel free to include an “Interests” section on your resume, but only add those that are relevant to the job. Are you a guitar player with your eye on a music company? Definitely include it. But if you’re considering including your scrapbooking hobby for a software developer job at a healthcare company? Best to leave it out.

32. Beware of interests and activities that could be controversial

Maybe you help raise money for your church on the reg. Or perhaps you’re dedicated to canvassing during political campaigns. Yes, these experiences show a good amount of work ethic or possibly other relevant skills—but they could also open you up to be discriminated against by someone who disagrees with the cause. So weigh your decision to include them carefully.

33. Add awards and achievements—when they’re relevant

Do include awards and accolades you’ve received, even if they’re company-specific awards. Just state what you earned them for, e.g., “Earned Golden Salesperson Award for having the company’s top sales record four quarters in a row.” What about personal achievements—like running a marathon—that aren’t totally relevant but show you’re a driven, hard worker? Consider the best way to include them (and if you should).

Resume tips for navigating employment gaps and other sticky situations

If you're an experienced professional, you might have some tricky information to explain. Job hopping, career gap, and short term jobs are examples of things that can make an applicant feel insecure when drafting resumes.

Is that your situation? Check on these good resume tips to explain sticky situations without jeopardizing your chances to get an interview:

34. Cut the short-term jobs

If you stayed at a (non-temporary) job for only a matter of months, consider eliminating it from your resume to avoid looking like a job hopper. Leaving a particularly short-lived job or two off your resume shouldn’t hurt, as long as you’re honest about your experience if asked in an interview. But if the short-term job is super relevant to this job, consider including it anyway.

35. If you have shorter gaps, be strategic about how you list dates

If you have gaps of a few months in your work history, don’t list the usual start and end dates with months and years for each position. Use years only (2018–2020), or just the number of years or months you worked at each position. Just keep it consistent throughout your resume and don’t lie if asked about gaps during an interview.

Read more: How to Explain the Gap in Your Resume With Ease

36. Explain serial job hopping

If you’ve job-hopped frequently, you can include a succinct reason for leaving next to each position like “company closed,” “layoff due to downsizing,” or “relocated to a new city.” By addressing the gaps, you’ll proactively illustrate the reason for your frequent job movement and make it less of an issue.

37. Explain a long break in jobs

Re-entering the workforce after a long hiatus? This is the perfect opportunity for a summary statement at the top, outlining your best skills and accomplishments. Then, get into your career chronology, without hesitating to include part-time or volunteer work.

38. Be intentional about career gaps

While career gaps are becoming increasingly common, you should still frame them in a way that’s relevant to a future employer, by talking about skills you gained or any professional endeavors you took on. If you didn’t focus on professional development, that’s fine too! But not every employer will appreciate it if you get too cutesy about that section of your resume.

For example, if you took time out of the workforce to raise kids, you might not want to creatively describe this parenting experience on your resume, à la “adeptly managed the growing pile of laundry.” Instead state what you did plainly and include any professional skills you may have grown or activities you may have done.

Read More: Stay-at-Home Parent? How to Kill it on Your Comeback Resume

Tips on resume finishing touches

Writing a good resume alone isn't the only thing that matters. How you save and send it can also determine whether the recruiter will even take a look at it. To wrap things up, here are our resume formatting tips and other suggestions to boost your chances of getting noticed:

39. Ditch “References available upon request”

If a hiring manager is interested in you, they’ll ask you for references—and will assume that you have them. There’s no need to address the obvious (and doing so might even make you look a little out of touch!).

40. Proofread, proofread, proofread

It should go without saying, but fully edit your resume and make sure it’s free and clear of typos. And don’t rely on spell check and grammar check alone—step away for a few hours, then read your resume closely again, and ask family or friends to take a look at it for you.

41. Save it as a PDF or Word document

Unless a job posting specifically requests that you do otherwise, your resume should always be submitted as either a PDF or Word document (.docx not .doc). These are the formats that can be most easily opened and most easily parsed by an ATS.

The choice between the two is up to you (again, unless the company you’re applying to requests one format over the other). If you’re emailing your resume, however, PDFs are a bit more likely to maintain your formatting across different computers and programs.

42. Name your file clearly

Ready to save your resume and send it off? Save it as “Jane Smith Resume” instead of “Resume.” The hiring manager is going to have plenty of “Resumes” on their computer, so make it super easy for them to find what they’re looking for. You can even go a bit further and put the position title in your file name (e.g., “Jane Smith Marketing Analyst Resume).

Read More: The (Simple) Guidelines You Should Follow When Naming Your Resume and Cover Letter Files

43. Keep your resume outline fresh

Carve out some time every quarter or so to pull up your resume outline and make some updates. Have you taken on new responsibilities? Learned new skills? Add them. When your resume is updated on a regular basis, you’re always ready to pounce when opportunity presents itself. And even if you’re not job searching, there are plenty of good reasons to keep this document in tip-top shape.

tips resume 2023

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Resume Writing Tips

What your resume should look like in 2023 (with examples & templates).

Learning what your resume should look like in 2023 isn’t just a matter of aesthetics.

Hiring data shows there’s an average of 200 applicants per job opening. Some researchers say that figure may be closer to 500 candidates , depending on the position.

I share these figures not to scare you, but to highlight your stiff competition.

Your resume is your best chance to make a powerful first impression on hiring teams and recruiters. These decision-makers are inundated with well-qualified applicants as soon as they post a job.

And to make matters worse, eye-tracking studies reveal they only spend 7.4 seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether to read it in its entirety or move on to the next one.

That’s not a lot of time to capture and excite readers about your value.

So in this post, I’ll highlight exactly what your resume should look like in 2023 to stand out, engage readers, and boost your chances of landing an interview.

Resume Writing Tips 2023

What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2023: 5 Must-Haves + Examples

An attractive, high-performing resume immediately piques a reader’s interest. It subtly draws them down the page to learn why you’re the candidate they’re looking for.

So every resume in 2023 should incorporate these five elements to achieve that goal:

1. An Updated, Modern Design

A traditional resume format (think: chronological order, bullet points, etc.) won’t give you a leg-up on your competition in 2023. Using one may even hold you back.

See, hiring managers tune out when one of those stale resume templates lands on their desks for the umpteenth time. These boring resumes don’t excite or connect with readers. So your resume could be passed over in that brief 7.4-second scan before it’s even read.

That’s why it’s so important to freshen up the look of your resume with an updated, modern resume template like this one:

tips resume 2023

Want to use this resume template? Click this link purchase it and start customizing this template (or any others in this article) now.

Unlike a traditional resume template, the one above builds a personal connection with readers by introducing and showcasing your value first. A quick scan of the top half provides them with a snapshot of your areas of expertise and core competencies, two very attractive “hooks” to hiring teams.

Readers will then feel compelled to learn where you honed those skills. So the bottom half of this resume template helps organize your career achievements in an engaging, eye-appealing way. 

Rather than reading like a bland job description, each point should back up your skill set while proving your track record of success.

Anyone reading your resume formatted with a modern template like this will know precisely who you are and the value you’ll deliver, which is the ultimate goal.

2. Clear Sections To Highlight Your Best Features

Resumes that look like one giant block of text are intimidating. They tell hiring teams they’ll need to spend time and effort to mine for the intel they’re looking for. And with hundreds of other resumes vying for their attention, they’ll probably just pass on doing so.

That’s why most modern resume templates are divided into sections with clear, distinct headers. This makes your resume easier to scan and read, not to mention far more enjoyable for busy hiring managers.

The resume template above does a fantastic job of breaking up a resume into bite-sized chunks of information. The example below takes this concept a step further:

tips resume 2023

The highlights and expertise section in this resume template sits in a blue box to draw the reader’s eyes and attention. This is like telling hiring teams, “Hey! Come check this out!”

So think of your resume as a cheat sheet for hiring managers and recruiters rather than a dossier.

Your resume headings and sections will create an organized outline of your qualifications. Then these call-out boxes can be used to show off your best features, as they’re likely one of the first things hiring managers will notice during their initial scan.

3. Strategically-Placed White Space and Tight Copy

Often times, candidates are so focused on adding every little detail to their resume that it becomes too crammed to read. Headings and call-out boxes can help with this problem. But nothing works quite as well as more white space.

White space, or the places in your resume without words or formatting, adds breathing room to your resume . It prevents a resume from appearing jam-packed and hard to read.

A resume with well-defined sections naturally creates more white space, like this resume template :

tips resume 2023

Aim for short copy to add more white space to your resume . Break up any big chunks of text to make reading less overwhelming and easier for the eyes.

Your resume is like a garden. You don’t want wordy sentences hiding your highlights and achievements like weeds overrunning a beautiful flower bed. 

Prune your copy, and you’ll easily add more white space to your resume and draw attention to your best selling points simultaneously.

4. A Bold Pop of Color

If you really want to stand out and catch someone’s attention, a pop of bold color on your resume is a must. But this doesn’t mean you should haphazardly throw a rainbow of color wherever you want.

When done strategically, as this example does, color can be used to add emphasis, contrast, and personality. It can also help break up the sea of black text on your resume.

tips resume 2023

Want to use this resume template? Click this link to customize this template or any others in this article now .

Though a pop of color can help your resume stand out and make a memorable first impression, colors that are too bright or off-putting will do so for the wrong reasons. Opt for deeper, saturated shades, so your resume will be legible in person and on-screen.

5. A Clear, Easy-to-Read Font and Formatting

It’s essential to think about the font you choose for your resume .

Anything “cutesy” will likely be regarded as unprofessional. Likewise, a font that’s too light or too bold may also be difficult to read.

The best fonts to use on a resume include Serif and Sans Serif fonts, such as Times New Roman, Georgia, Verdana, and Arial.

As for the font size, stick to 10-14 points (10-12 for regular text and 12-14 for headings and subheadings).

This template offers a great example of resume text formatting:

tips resume 2023

On a similar note, be sure to emphasize the right areas, not everything . Only use bold or italics to draw attention to your top achievements, companies you’ve worked for, and other notable points according to the role.

Ready To Update Your Resume for 2023?

Now that you know the must-have ingredients for a high-performing resume, it’s time to put these tips to good use.

Incorporating today’s must-have elements will give your resume a fresh upgrade for 2023 and help you connect with hiring teams and recruiters.

Even better news?

If you use one of the resume templates shared in this guide, you’ll ace this task in half the time. Just purchase and download the one that fits your needs best, plug in your information where prompted, and voila! 

You’ll have a modern, professional resume ready to send out in a matter of minutes instead of spending all day reformatting your current one.

Click this link to learn more about the resume templates featured in this article. Psst! You’ll also find a free executive resume template download on our resources page.

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About the author

Jessica hernandez, president, ceo & founder of great resumes fast.

Hi, I’m Jessica. I started this company back in 2008 after more than a decade directing hiring practices at Fortune 500 companies.

What started as a side hustle (before that was even a word!) helping friends of friends with their resumes has now grown into a company that serves hundreds of happy clients a year. But the personal touch? I’ve kept that.

You might have seen me featured as a resume expert in publications like Forbes, Fast Company, and Fortune. And in 2020, I was honored to be named as a LinkedIn Top Voice of the year!

I’m so glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to help you find your next perfect-fit position!

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This is very well-detailed content. I highly appreciate your work. Thank you for sharing your ideas!

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Hi Jessica,

As I was looking to give my resume a fresh, new style for 2023, I came across your article. I kid you not, I have been styling my resume like this for the last 3 years! I am an independent career coach–would you be interested in hiring a partner?

I’m not kidding.

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I found these resume formats to be reader friendly and they target what potential employers want to see quickly. It allows the reader to focus on the accomplishments beyond the day to day duties.

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What to Put on a Resume in 2023 [Checklist, Tips & Examples]

What to Put on a Resume in 2023 [Checklist, Tips & Examples]

Tick-tock. You’re applying for what looks like a damn great opportunity and you’re spiraling —  What should I put on my resume? Did I miss something? Am I including the right information? Do I really need the hobbies part?

No need to sound the alarms just yet, we’re sending help.

So here are the key elements to include in a resume (works for all career situations and jobs).

What to Include on a Resume Depending on the Format?

Depending on the  resume format  you pick, you’ll structure your resume a bit differently, but the key resume components you’ll need to include are pretty much the same. Here’s what needs to be on a resume in each of the three most popular formats:

Reverse-chronological resume format: standard sections

This is the most common resume format in which  you focus on showcasing your work experience . The jobs you’ve done, courses you took, and degrees you obtained are all listed starting with the current or the most recent one first and working your way backward. In 90% of cases, hiring managers expect you to submit this kind of resume.

Its main elements are (from top to bottom):

  • Contact information
  • Resume summary  or  resume objective
  • Work experience
  • Additional sections (This is where you list your certifications, publications, awards, projects, conferences, volunteer work, etc.)

Functional resume format: standard sections

A common resume format  for applicants with little or no relevant experience , the functional resume focuses on your skills and education rather than work experience.

Here’s what to include in it:

  • Skills summary

Combination (hybrid) resume format: standard sections

Finally (and pretty much self-explanatory), the combination resume combines the parts from the previous two types. This format is  a good pick for candidates with a lot of relevant experience  or  experienced candidates targeting a very specific position . Potentially, this could also work for those of you who are going through a career change (but, again, only if you’re experienced).

And here are the resume components to include and in which order:

  • Summary of qualifications

Additional sections

Expert advice:  If you’re not sure which format to choose, you can get more info and tips in  this article on resume formats .

In this guide, we’ll focus on the most popular (reverse-chronological) resume format and its elements.

Sections to Put on a Resume

Contact information on the resume header.

This is easy — you’re adding basic contact details so that recruiters can get back to you and find out more. Make sure to include:

  • Your full name
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number (if applying internationally, don’t forget to add your country code)
  • The link to your LinkedIn profile*
  • The link to your portfolio or relevant social media profiles**

*Expert tip 1:  LinkedIn is a big deal. It’s the largest global professional network and most hiring managers expect you to be there. Your LinkedIn profile is supposed to complement your resume, so it pays to take some time and add a professional photo and cover image, and make sure all the information is well-organized and up to date.

**Expert tip 2:  The same goes for your social media profiles.  Hiring managers will look you up online.  Most of the time they’re just trying to verify the information and see how you’d fit into the company culture, but for some roles (think Social Media Manager or Customer Service), your online presence and personal branding are crucial aspects of the job.

And now the answer to that million-dollar question — Which social media profiles to include?

A single piece of advice here — only the ones most relevant to your work. So it might be Behance if you’re a graphic or interior designer, GitHub for devs, Twitter for an investment banker (if you tweet about finance), or Instagram for a landscaper (if you post your projects there).

And this is what a typical resume header with contact information looks like:

what to put on a resume

Resume summary or objective

A  resume summary  is a short paragraph placed right under your contact information. It’s an introduction where, in 3–4 sentences, you give an overview of your top skills and career achievements. Basically, this serves as a sales pitch (or “the greatest hits”) that shows the hiring team what they’ll get by hiring you.

You can learn how to write a compelling resume summary in this article:  40+ Resume Summary Examples [and How to Write One] .

A  resume objective  is an alternative to a resume summary, a bit more suited for candidates with little or no experience. It focuses on what you want to achieve in the new role and how you’d like to build your career in the future.

Get an example for your job and career situation and learn how to craft a good resume objective in this article:  60+ Resume Objective Examples (with Writing Guide and Tips) .

Here’s an example resume summary by a Data Entry Specialist looking for a new opportunity.

what to put on a resume

Together with the sharp resume summary, your work experience is where you should score some serious points. It’s really not that difficult — it’s not so much about what you did in your previous job but how well you can organize and present your accomplishments in the role.

So here’s what needs to be on a resume in your experience section:

  • Your position (this is typically written in bold for clarity and to attract attention)
  • Dates worked
  • Company name
  • A bullet-pointed list detailing 3–4 of your main duties and achievements

🔑  Key tip:  Remember to list your jobs in reverse-chronological order. Start from your current (or most recent) job, then list the one before that, and so on.

If you’re experienced, include only relevant jobs (chances are your retail assistant job from 10 years ago doesn’t mean much for your application for Head of Marketing at a SaaS company) and limit yourself to the past 15 years.

Conversely, if you’re lacking in the experience department, absolutely include stuff like:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer work
  • Part-time jobs

🧙‍♂️  Wizard tip:  You can structure your bullet points describing your experience like this:  [Strong verb]  +  [Job duty]  +  [Impact] . It pays off to keep your bullet points as consistent as possible, and this approach will serve as guidance.

Let’s take a look at this well-crafted work experience section that gets a checkmark for all of the tips above:

what to put on a resume

Let’s run a quick quality assurance test to see why this works:

Format:  The candidate lists their present position first, and places the previous one below Information placement:  The must-have information for the work experience section is all there: the position, dates worked and the company name. Everything is clearly laid out and formatted appropriately. Consistent bullet points:  The bullets all start with a strong verb (check out this ultimate list of 800+ power words to use in your resume) and focus on the candidate’s duties and accomplishments, often using numbers and tangible results to reinforce the examples.

All in all, a solid work experience section.

If you think this is easier said than done and need more help, check out this dedicated guide on  How to Write the Work Experience Section (with 20+ examples) .

Place your education section right under your work history, and, again, use reverse-chronological order. Some basic rules here:

If you’re an experienced candidate , include just the basic information in the following order:

  • Your degree
  • University/school name
  • The year of graduation

If you’re very new to the workforce , it’s fine to add details such as your:

  • Relevant coursework
  • Academic achievements
  • Thesis/dissertation title

🔑  Key tip:  If you have both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, absolutely include them both (just mind the reverse chronological order). If you have a university or college degree of any kind, there’s no need to include your high school (unless it’s super relevant to the role you’re applying for, or was a vocational high school that gave you skills specific to the role).

Here’s how our Data Entry candidate handled in it her resume:

what to put on a resume

Read this full guide on  How to List Education on a Resume  (with samples for all kinds of education scenarios).

Next, the Skills section. It’s a resume must-have and yet, so many people mess it up. How? They either end up with a list of generic skills not relevant to the position or (worse yet) go for meaningless buzzwords that show no real value.

Essentially, the Skills section is supposed to be the key supplement to your Summary and Work Experience. How can you best handle this?

  • Include a mix of soft and hard (technical) skills, ideally in two separate sub-sections. For certain jobs, your technical skills will mostly be software skills, so it’s okay to name that sub-section differently.
  • Focus on relevant skills only (the ones that matter in this particular job)
  • While there are a few ways you can format your Skills section, it’s crucial to choose one and stay consistent throughout the section: – List skills as single items (e.g.  Detail-oriented, Attentive , etc.) – List skills alongside star or bar ratings (e.g.  Italian:  ★★★☆☆) – List skills with a short description of your proficiency level (e.g.  Italian: Intermediate , or  Microsoft Excel: Advanced ) – List skills and provide a bit of context (e.g. someone applying for the role of an Email Marketing Specialist could write something like this:  Creating automated email campaign flows and providing reports in tools like Sendgrid, HubSpot, MailChimp, and AutoKlose )

And again, if this is giving you a headache, there’s a beast of a guide to help you write a kick-ass Skills section:  Skills to Put on a Resume for Any Job  (with post-covid examples!)

Now, to the fun part!

All of the sections above are considered standard. But are you going for standard or outstanding?

Having only the mandatory sections is totally fine, but remember that every single candidate will have them too. So if there’s anything else you can add to prove your value and stand out from the rest, then absolutely include it.

The optional (but recommended) resume sections can include:

  • Certifications
  • Publications
  • Foreign languages
  • Hobbies and interests

Now let’s see how each of these can add some slay vibes to your resume.

You’re certified, which means you made an effort, took a course, passed a test, and this adds tons of credibility. When I got my HubSpot certifications in Content Marketing and Inbound, I added them to my resume without much thought. You know what happened? Every single interviewer asked me about those certifications.

As usual, list only the certifications which are relevant to the job you’re applying for. If you’re not gonna be driving, then most definitely don’t include your driver’s license as a certification.

These are most common in academic settings, but if you’re applying for the position and have a relevant publication, then by all means, add it. Publications send strong signals that you’re an expert in your field and that you know the industry.

There are two super solid reasons why recruiters love seeing the volunteer section in a resume. One, it means you’re a purpose-driven (rather than money-driven) person who believes in a cause and is ready to support it. Two, your choice of volunteer work implicitly tells the hiring manager a lot about your interests, soft skills, where you’re passionate, etc. Adding it is a win-win.

🔑  Key tip:  That being said, remember to only include your volunteer work as a separate section if you have a proper Work Experience section. If you’re a student or an entry-level candidate with no work experience, then your volunteer work goes in the experience section.

It’s not only about how proficient you are in a language. Sure, if you’re applying for the position of an Account Manager and know that your clients will be French, then your Advanced level of French is a guaranteed asset. But even if that’s not the case, foreign languages get included as they also show how you’re willing to learn something new and serve as proof that you can  communicate and think interculturally  (a really big deal in most companies).

You can add projects right under your Work Experience or Education section to highlight some experiences or initiatives that you’ve led or participated in that go beyond your day-to-day.

If a project was still in a way part of your day job, it’s best to include it in the Work Experience section, just give it more prominence (e.g. make it a subheading in a given entry).

If it’s a freelance project or something you otherwise did outside of your full-time employment, a separate section would make more sense.

I’ll just say it — hobbies on a resume are fine, but  only if they’re really cool and specific . They’re typically there for the hiring team to check how you’d fit into the company culture. While some companies seem to prefer “the crazier, the better” (let’s just say there are crazy-good cyclists, cellists, sommeliers, actors, and hikers in this company), it’s not your hobbies that’ll get you the job, but your experience and skills.

There are two ways the Hobby section can come back to haunt you.

Number one, you do some gentle stalking and find out that your potential manager is an avid tennis player. Then you go and add tennis to your list of hobbies and skills. Then you end up in the interview clueless as to who’s topping the ATP list or how many basic strokes there are. Bottom line: don’t lie on your resume.

Number two, you write something horribly non-specific like “Travel”, “Music”, “Reading” or “Arts”. You’re not 6, you gotta do much better than that.

Will you be considered a freak if you don’t add a hobby? It may not be that big of a deal, actually. Check out this article on  why (and why not) to include hobbies in your resume .

One Tip to Rule Them All: Customize Every Section

Even if you follow this advice and include all the mandatory and optional resume elements, your resume is going to be bland, bad, and botched if you create one general version and keep using it for all the job openings out there.

It’s like going on dates with five different people, dressing the same, and speaking a script you memorized. Needless to say, there’ll be no second dates.

The pros do it like this — you’ll need a separate resume for every job application because you’ll need to base your resume on the actual job ad.

This sounds like a lot of work, but it’s not actually that difficult.

To align your resume with the job ad, you’ll need to break down the job description into actual skills the employer’s looking for and scan for important, eye-catching keywords.

If the requirements state that a new Product Manager needs to have “ experience using agile development methodologies with globally distributed teams ” and notes the “ ability to triage and manage backlog ”, then make sure to include your experience with Agile and provide specific results like “ Built, managed and grew an AWS-based product and an Agile team of 12 developers ”.

Also, look at the words they use to describe personality and adapt it to soft skills or strengths. If the ad says “ meticulous person with a high bar for quality ”, “ humble, be willing to learn ”, or “ you will not be here just to tell other people what to do ”, this tells a lot about the company culture and the personal qualities they’re looking for. Make sure to include these exact words —  meticulous, humble, willing to learn  — in your resume.

What Not to Include on a Resume

Now that you’ve learned what needs to be on a resume, let’s go over the elements that you should 100% omit.

Here’s what you don’t want to include in a resume:

  • Date of birth
  • Your brick-and-mortar address
  • Unprofessional email address
  • First person narrative
  • Buzzwords and jargon
  • Irrelevant information not tailored to the specific job application

And here’s why:

  • Date of birth:  Since it’s illegal for the interviewer to ask about your age, having the info on your resume is like an invitation to be ageist. Your age tells nothing about your skills, and can create bias, so it’s best to just drop it.
  • Photo:  There are anti-discriminatory laws and employment policies that make it illegal to discriminate against applicants based on race, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, age (40 or older), and disability. Many hiring teams will simply reject applicants with photos in order to avoid being accused of bias or discrimination. Take this seriously if you’re applying for a job in the US, UK, or Canada.
  • Your brick-and-mortar address:  Firstly, it’s 2023 and many companies are hiring remotely, which makes your street address unnecessary. Secondly, your street address is considered sensitive information — there are many other ways an employer can contact you.Finally, including your physical address can get you rejected if the job is advertised in another city or state. The employer may not be willing to provide a relocation bonus or they could be looking only locally. If you’re open to moving for the job, it’s best to omit the street address or include a line stating your intent to relocate.
  • Unprofessional email address:  Let’s start with the email client — if you’re still using Hotmail or AOL, you’ll come across as old-fashioned and inflexible. Opt for something more current (and professional) like Gmail or Outlook.Next, if you’re still going by  coolboy@  or  millie98@ , ditch it for something more professional. A flirtatious, silly, or inappropriate email address is a red flag across the board and a rookie mistake that shows a lack of effort. A refined email address, on the other hand, signals to the hiring team that you’re taking work seriously and that you’re informed about the professional world.As a general rule, you want to use your first and last names and avoid numbers, if possible. If the classic name + surname option is taken ( [email protected] , try other options like:  [email protected] ,  [email protected] , or  [email protected] .
  • First-person narrative:  This is a really simple tweak that makes a world of difference! Drop full sentences in your resume (all sections, not just the summary) and avoid both the first and third-person narrative. Employers value result-oriented writing and concise statements. Instead of using pronouns ( I generated 52 weekly SEO reports ), focus on the action (the verb) by excluding the subject ( Generated 52 weekly SEO reports ).
  • Buzzwords and jargon:  If you read through your resume and you don’t remember anything, you may have fallen into the trap of using empty words or trendy buzzwords that have little actual meaning. Avoid cliches and overused phrases like “hard-working”, “team player”, “synergy” and “streamlined”. Instead, refer back to the job description and replace these empty words with keywords from the ad.
  • Irrelevant or general information:  Let your common sense guide you. There’s no such thing as a general resume — you’ll lose points if your resume is not aligned with the actual job ad. Always ask yourself: Is this really necessary? Is it relevant to the job? You don’t need to add links to irrelevant social media profiles, your references (the employer will ask for references if they need them), or salary history.

If this still looks a bit complicated or if you aren’t sure how to organize your sections, you could try using an online tool like BigInterview’s Resume Builder.

what to put on a resume

This tool comes with a resume-writing course with 8 video lessons where our co-founder and an HR authority,  Pamela Skillings , takes you through the resume sections and teaches you how to write and what to include in each. Simultaneously, you can work on your resume in the Resume Builder.

Once you’re in, the system will guide you through resume sections. You just need to provide your info and follow the instructions. The end result is a polished resume that you can complete in less than an hour.

what to put on a resume

Once done, you’ll be able to use the  ResumeAI feature  to assess your resume in terms of readability, credibility, and ATS-fit.

What to Put on a Resume: Checklist

Finally, here’s a quick checklist to guide you on what to put on a resume:

Mandatory sections to include:

  • Resume summary of resume objective

Optional sections to include:

Don’t include:

  • Street address
  • Irrelevant or general information

tips resume 2023

Pamela Skillings

Turn interviews into offers

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40+ Resume Tips and Advice for 2024 [with Expert Insights] | Enhancv

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In This Guide:

Structure and formatting resume tips, content resume tips, tailoring and customization resume tips, tips for using ai to write your resume, additional resume tips.

Resume image 1

Crafting the perfect resume can feel like a daunting task, but with the right advice, you can create a stand-out resume  that captures the attention of potential employers.

Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to update your resume or a recent graduate stepping into the job market, our comprehensive guide will help you demonstrate your skills and experiences effectively. From structuring your resume to highlighting key achievements, these tips will make your resume shine and increase your chances of landing that dream job.

So you’re already familiar with what a resume is —all the different and possible parts of a resume , maybe some typical resume mistakes  to avoid, and perhaps even exactly how to write a resume .

In that case, the next step is to familiarize yourself with the following tips. They’re sure to help you in the final stretch to get your resume ready to impress!

Structure and formatting are crucial on a resume because they ensure your information is easily readable and accessible to hiring managers. A well-structured resume puts the spotlight on your key qualifications, skills, and achievements, making it easier for employers to quickly see why you’re a strong candidate.

Good formatting also helps your resume pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) , which many companies use to screen applicants.

By organizing your resume clearly and professionally, you make a positive first impression and increase your chances of landing an interview.

1. Study the job posting

Tailoring your resume to match the job description  is crucial in catching the eye of recruiters and passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Begin by thoroughly reading the job posting to understand the specific skills and experiences the employer is looking for. Highlight the keywords and phrases used in the job description, especially those listed under "Responsibilities," "Qualifications," or "Requirements." These keywords should be seamlessly incorporated into your resume, reflecting your qualifications in a way that matches the employer’s expectations.

For instance, if the job posting mentions proficiency in “project management” and “ budgeting ,” ensure these terms are included in your resume where relevant.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If you’re applying for a marketing manager position , your resume might include a bullet point like:

  • Managed a team of 5 in the successful launch of a $50,000 marketing campaign, increasing brand awareness by 30%.

2. Structure your resume properly

A well-structured resume makes it easier for recruiters to find the information they need. Typically, an application should include the following resume sections : Header, Summary/Objective, Employment History, Skills, and Education.

The header should contain your contact information; the summary should provide a brief overview of your professional background; employment history should list your previous jobs in reverse chronological order; the skills section should highlight your relevant abilities; and education should detail your academic background.

Resume structure example

  • Header : Jeffery Holmes | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890 | LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/johndoe
  • Summary : Experienced Marketing Professional with 5+ years in digital marketing, specializing in SEO and content strategy.
  • Employment history :

Marketing Manager, ABC Corp, 2019-present : Increased web traffic by 40% through SEO improvements.

  • Skills : SEO, Content Strategy, Google Analytics
  • Education : Bachelor’s in Marketing, XYZ University, 2014

3. Create an eye-pleasing header

Your resume header  is the first thing potential employers will see, so it should be clear, attractive, and professional. Ensure it includes your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile .

You may also include your city and state, but avoid unnecessary details like your full address unless required.

Use a larger font size for your name to make it stand out and ensure the contact information is easy to read.

4. Choose the right resume format

Selecting the appropriate resume format  is essential for presenting your information effectively.

  • The reverse chronological format , which lists your work history starting with the most recent, is ideal for those with a steady career progression.
  • The functional format  focuses on skills rather than job history, making it suitable for those with gaps in employment or changing careers.
  • The hybrid or combination format merges these two, highlighting skills and work history, which can benefit professionals with a varied work background.

5. Keep it concise

A concise resume is more likely to be read and appreciated by recruiters. Aim to keep your resume length  to one page  if you have less than ten years of experience. This forces you to prioritize the most relevant and impactful information, ensuring that every word adds value.

Among the most effective ways to shorten your resume  is using bullet points to clearly present your achievements and avoid long paragraphs.

Instead of detailing every job duty, focus on key achievements:

  • Reduced page load time by 40% through optimization techniques.

6. Use a professional font

Using a clean, sophisticated resume font  makes your document easy to read and ensures it looks professional.

Stick to ATS-friendly fonts , like:

  • Times New Roman

Also, remember to keep the size between 10-12 points for body text, however, for headings, a slightly larger size (13-14 points) can be used to help differentiate sections.

7. Maintain consistent formatting

Consistency in formatting makes your resume look organized and professional. Ensure that all headings, bullet points, and text align properly.

Use the same font and style throughout your resume, and keep the resume layout  clean and uncluttered.

8. Use appropriate margins

Typically, one-inch resume margins  on all sides are ideal for a resume, but don’t go less than 0.5”. This provides enough white space to make the document easy to read while fitting in all the necessary information.

If you find you have too much white space, consider spacing your lines by 1.15 or 1.5.

9. Quantify your achievements

Quantifying your achievements with numbers and statistics  helps substantiate your accomplishments and gives a clear picture of your impact. This makes your resume more compelling and provides concrete evidence of your success.

Increased website traffic by 50%  through strategic SEO improvements.

10. Proofread and get feedback

Typos and grammatical errors on your resume  can leave a negative impression on recruiters. After proofreading yourself, have friends, family, or colleagues review it to provide additional insights and catch mistakes you might have missed. This extra step ensures your resume is polished and professional.

Consider using the  Enhancv resume builder  to avoid typos. The built-in Content Suggestion software automatically checks your work for errors. It also provides specific feedback and language to improve your resume.

You can also  enable grammar-checking on Microsoft Office  or Google Docs  to proofread as you write. Another excellent option is Grammarly , which provides plug-ins to further enhance the grammar check on Microsoft or Google Docs products.

11. Save as PDF or Word

Unless a job posting specifically requests otherwise, save your resume as a PDF or Word document .

These formats are easily opened and can be read by ATS. PDFs are particularly useful as they preserve your formatting across different devices and programs.

12. Name your file clearly

When saving your resume, use a clear and professional filename . This makes it easier for hiring managers to find your document and reflects a professional attitude.

Simple formula:


13. Resume icons

Using icons on your resume can enhance visual appeal and readability, making key sections easier to identify and creating a strong initial impact. However, overuse can clutter your resume and affect ATS compatibility.

To balance aesthetics and functionality, use icons sparingly for contact information, skills, and section headers. Ensure consistency in style and size, choose simple, recognizable icons, and keep the majority of your content text-based to avoid parsing issues with ATS.

14. Using lines on a resume

Using lines on your resume can enhance readability and visual appeal by clearly separating different sections. Place lines purposefully to divide major sections like Contact Information, Professional Summary, Work Experience, Education, and Skills.

Opt for thin, light-colored lines to maintain a clean, professional design and ensure consistency in style and thickness throughout. Maintain adequate spacing around lines to avoid clutter, and use them sparingly to highlight key sections without disrupting the flow of information.

Thoughtful use of lines improves organization and clarity, making it easier for recruiters to quickly find and understand your qualifications.

15. Be honest

Honesty on your resume is crucial. Exaggerating or lying on your resume  about your qualifications can be easily uncovered and can damage your credibility. Be truthful about your skills and experiences!

16. Update regularly

Regularly updating your resume  ensures it reflects your latest achievements, skills, and experiences. This keeps you prepared for new opportunities and ensures your resume is always current.

17. Include a cover letter

A cover letter  is an essential accompaniment to your resume. It allows you to introduce yourself, explain your interest in the position, and elaborate on key aspects of your resume. A well-written cover letter can distinguish you from other candidates.

For more on what your cover letter should consist of, click here .

Content is imperative on a resume because it underlines your qualifications, skills, and experiences, directly influencing a hiring manager's decision. High-quality content effectively communicates your achievements and capabilities, demonstrating your suitability for the role. It helps you stand out in a competitive job market by highlighting what sets you apart from other candidates.

Moreover, well-crafted content tailored to the job can help your resume pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), ensuring it reaches the recruiter. Clear, relevant, and impactful content is the hallmark of a strong, positive impression.

1. Write a compelling introductory

There are three options to choose from when it comes to your introduction.

Resume summary

This is a brief statement at the beginning of your resume that underlines your key qualifications and career goals. This section should succinctly convey who you are as a professional and what you bring to the table, helping potential employers quickly see your value. A well-crafted summary can set the tone for the rest of your resume and make a strong first impression.

  • Resume summary formula

A strong resume summary should be concise and tailored to highlight your most relevant qualifications. Here’s a formula you can follow:

[Job Title/Professional Identity] with  [Number] years of experience in  [Industry/Field] .   Proven track record in  [Key Skill/Responsibility] ,  [Key Skill/Responsibility] , and  [Key Skill/Responsibility] . Adept at  [Specific Task or Tool] . Seeking to leverage expertise in  [Relevant Area] to  [Achieve a Specific Goal or Contribute to Company] .

Here’s an example of the formula in use:

Objective statement

This is another similar variant, designed primarily for entry-level candidates or career changers with little to no experience. It highlights your biggest strengths, relevant experiences, and how you plan to add value to the specific job or company you're applying for. In just three sentences, the objective statement demonstrates to prospective employers how your skills and work history will contribute to their business.

  • Objective statement formula

To create a compelling resume objective statement, use the following formula:

[Adjective + Job Title]  + [Years of Experience]  + [Key Skills/Qualifications]  + [What You Want to Achieve/Contribute]  + [How It Aligns with the Company's Goals/Values]

We illustrate below:

Resume profile

This type provides a brief snapshot of your professional identity, emphasizing your skills, experiences, and career objectives. This short paragraph combines elements of a summary and an objective statement, offering a holistic view of who you are as a professional, what you’ve accomplished, and what you aim to achieve.

Breakdown of the example

  • Professional identity:  "Dedicated project manager with over 8 years of experience in the IT industry"
  • Skills and experiences:  "Specializing in software development and team leadership. Successfully led cross-functional teams to deliver complex projects on time and within budget. Skilled in Agile methodologies, risk management, and stakeholder communication."
  • Career objectives:  "Committed to continuous improvement and passionate about leveraging technology to drive business success. Seeking to apply my expertise and leadership skills to a dynamic team at ABC Corporation to enhance project outcomes and foster innovation."

All of these professional statements should come first on your resume, just under the header and headline.

2. Highlight key achievements and honors

Instead of merely listing job duties, focus on your accomplishments in each role. This approach demonstrates the impact you've made and your ability to deliver results. As we’ve already mentioned above, quantifying your achievements with numbers, percentages, or other metrics can make them more compelling and concrete.

If you have received an award for outstanding performance, you might write:

3. Showcase your skills

Include a dedicated resume skills section  to shine a light on the hard skills  relevant to the job you're applying for. Soft skills , on the other hand, should be embedded within different areas of your resume, such as your work experience, education, and summary.

Hard skills, also known as core competencies , encompass a wide array of technical abilities  and knowledge specific to your profession. In contrast, soft skills are interpersonal and behavioral abilities that influence how you work and interact with others.

4. Provide contact information

This is related to your resume header, please refer back to the example above if needed. Ensure your contact information  is up-to-date and prominently displayed. Include your name, phone number , email address, and LinkedIn profile. Including your physical address on your resume  is optional but can provide context about your location.

One thing to avoid, however, is having your photo on your resume . This may incur unconscious bias and it’s rarely expected.

5. Include relevant links

Providing links on your resume  to your professional website, work portfolio , or LinkedIn profile allows employers to see more of your work and accomplishments. Ensure all links are up-to-date and relevant to your professional image.

6. Resume adjectives

Using the right adjectives on a resume is important as it can effectively convey your strengths and qualities to potential employers. Well-chosen adjectives can make your skills and experiences stand out, giving a clear impression of your professional identity and work ethic.

Tips for using adjectives include being specific and relevant to the job you're applying for. Avoid overused or vague adjectives, and instead, opt for those that accurately describe your abilities and achievements. Balance the use of adjectives to maintain professionalism and avoid exaggeration. This enhances your resume's impact and readability.

Read our post on resume adjectives  for more information and an extensive list of examples.

7. Use action verbs

Starting bullet points with strong action verbs  makes your resume more dynamic and engaging. Words like “developed,” “managed,” and “implemented” effectively describe your contributions and responsibilities.

Managed  a team of 10 sales representatives, increasing overall sales by 25% within one year.

8. Showcase career progression

Showing your career progression by displaying promotions and increased responsibilities demonstrates your growth and capability to take on more challenging roles. This helps employers see your potential for long-term value.

Promoted from Junior Sales Associate to Senior Sales Manager within two years, managing a team of 10 sales associates and increasing regional sales by 30%.

9. Highlight relevant education

List your educational background in a dedicated education section on your resume , including degrees, institutions, and graduation dates. Also, include any professional certifications and training relevant to the job although separate sections are also acceptable.

  • • Minor in Graphic Design.
  • • Relevant Courses: Digital Marketing Analytics, Social Media Strategy, Content Marketing.
  • • Certification in Digital Marketing,

10. Include volunteer work

Volunteer work  can demonstrate additional skills and dedication. It's especially valuable if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for or helps fill employment gaps.

Many candidates place this after their work experience or under a separate section if it's extensive and relevant.

  • • Organize food drives and manage a team of volunteers. Increased donation levels by 20%

11. Mention professional development

Listing workshops, courses, and professional development activities— training skills , in general, shows your commitment to continuous learning and improvement. This can be particularly valuable in fast-evolving industries.

  • Completed Advanced SEO Strategies Course, HubSpot Academy, 2021.
  • Attended annual Digital Marketing Conference, 2019-2023.

12. Add additional sections if relevant

Additional sections can make your resume unique and provide more context about your skills and interests. Include sections like hobbies and interests, professional affiliations, awards, languages, projects, and publications if they add value to your application.

These additions should be placed after the main sections, like work experience, education, and skills.

Here are a few examples:

  • Language section

This section shows your communication skills and cultural adaptability, which are valuable in today's globalized workforce. Multilingual abilities can differentiate you from others by making you more attractive for roles that require interaction with diverse clients or colleagues.

It also indicates your capacity for learning and flexibility. Employers often seek candidates who can bridge language barriers and contribute to international business operations, enhancing team dynamics and expanding market reach.

  • Hobbies and interests

Including this element on your resume can provide a more well-rounded view of your personality and help you stand out from other candidates. They can underline soft skills like teamwork, creativity, and time management, which are valuable in a professional setting.

Additionally, hobbies can act as conversation starters in interviews, helping to build rapport with potential employers. If relevant to the job, they can also demonstrate a genuine passion or additional expertise that complements your professional qualifications.

  • Resume awards

Awards demonstrate your achievements and recognize your excellence in your field. They illustrate your competence, dedication, and the value you bring to your work.

These distinctions also add credibility to your skills and experience, reinforcing your qualifications for the position.

  • Professional affiliations

They demonstrate your commitment to your field and show that you stay updated with industry trends and best practices. Associations also highlight your professional network and can indicate your involvement in ongoing education and development.

This can be particularly impressive to employers, as it suggests you are proactive in maintaining your expertise and are connected with other professionals in your industry.

  • • Participated in PMI Global Congress and local chapter events.
  • • Engaged in continuous learning through PMI webinars and courses.
  • • Active member of the Scrum Alliance community.
  • • Attended annual Global Scrum Gatherings and local meetups.
  • • Contributed to ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on software engineering.
  • • Published articles in the ACM Digital Library.
  • Publications on resumes

Publications demonstrate your expertise, thought leadership, and contributions to your field. They provide context for your research skills, ability to communicate complex ideas, and commitment to staying updated with industry developments.

Including publications is particularly beneficial in academia, research, and technical fields, as it shows your active engagement with current knowledge and practices. Ensure the publications listed are pertinent to the role, as this can strengthen your application by showcasing your qualifications and professional accomplishments.

  • Resume projects

Including projects demonstrates your practical experience and ability to apply your skills in real-world situations. Projects showcase your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and achievements, making your resume shine to employers.

They provide concrete examples of your work, which can be especially valuable if you lack extensive professional experience. Adding relevant projects also shows your initiative and dedication, whether they are from work, school, or personal endeavors.

Overall, projects add depth to your resume, illustrating your competencies and contributions effectively.

  • • Implemented secure user authentication and payment processing.
  • • Increased site traffic by 30% through optimized SEO strategies.
  • • Collaborated with a team of designers and developers to ensure seamless user experience.

13. Include relevant licenses and certificates

Licenses and certifications on your resume  can be crucial in certain industries, as they demonstrate that you have the necessary qualifications and have met industry standards. Including these on your resume can set you apart from other candidates, especially if the job requires specific credentials.

Make sure to list any relevant licensures and certificates prominently and include the date of issuance.

Certification example:

Licensure example:

Tailoring and customization on a resume  are crucial because they show employers you have the specific skills and experiences they seek. By aligning your resume with the job description, you demonstrate that you’ve researched the company and understand their needs.

This increases your chances of standing out among applicants and getting selected for an interview. It also highlights your attention to detail and dedication, qualities valued by employers.

Tailor your resume for the job you want, not just the job you have.

1. Tailor your resume

Customizing your resume for each job application is essential to stand out in the competitive job market. This means you should carefully read the job description and identify the key skills and experiences that the employer is looking for. Then, adjust your resume to emphasize those qualifications. This not only shows that you have the required skills but also that you’re genuinely interested in the specific position.

Tailoring your resume involves reordering your skills, experiences, and achievements to align with the job requirements. For example, if a job posting for a marketing manager emphasizes digital marketing and data analysis, make sure to highlight your expertise in those areas prominently in your resume.

2. Make multiple versions

Creating multiple versions of your resume allows you to be prepared for various job opportunities without starting from scratch each time. This is particularly useful if you’re applying for different types of roles or industries.

Keep a master resume that includes all your experiences, skills, and accomplishments. From this master resume, you can create targeted versions that focus on specific aspects of your career that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. This approach saves time and ensures that your resume is always tailored to the specific job.

If you are applying for both project management and business analyst roles, you might have two versions of your resume. The project management version would emphasize your experience in leading projects, while the business analyst version would focus on your analytical skills and experience with data analysis.

3. Use relevant keywords

To increase your chances of getting noticed, identify the key words and phrases  in the job description and naturally incorporate them into your resume. This shows the hiring manager that you understand the job's requirements and are able to fulfill them.

4. Curate your bullet points and experiences

Limiting bullet points to the most relevant achievements ensures that your resume remains concise and focused. Each bullet point should demonstrate a significant accomplishment or responsibility that is directly related to the job you’re applying for.

Avoid cluttering your resume with less relevant information that might dilute the impact of your most impressive achievements. Instead, focus on specific, quantifiable accomplishments  that highlight your skills and experience.

5. Show transferable skills and experiences

Highlighting transferable skills on your resume  is especially important if you are changing careers or applying for a role that differs from your previous positions. Transferable skills are abilities that you have developed in one context but can apply to another, such as leadership, communication, or project management.

By showcasing these skills, you can demonstrate your ability to succeed in a new role even if you don’t have direct experience in that field.

If you are moving from a teaching role to a corporate training position, you might highlight your skills in public speaking, curriculum development, and mentoring.

For example, you could write:

Designed and delivered engaging educational programs, resulting in a 30% improvement in student test scores.

6. List recent and relevant work experience

Focusing on your recent and relevant work experience on your resume  helps demonstrate your current skills and qualifications. If you’re asking yourself how far back you should go , typically, employers are most interested in your work history from the past 10-15 years. Older roles can be summarized or omitted if they are not directly relevant to the job you are applying for.

This approach keeps your resume concise and ensures that the most pertinent information is highlighted.

Keep your work history relevant

Instead of detailing a job you held 20 years ago, you might summarize it briefly if it is still relevant. " Previous roles include various marketing positions, contributing to a solid foundation in brand management and customer engagement”.

Using AI to assist with writing your resume can be highly beneficial. Here are some pointers to make the most out of AI tools:

1. Leverage AI resume builders

  • Ease of use:   Enhancv’s free AI-powered resume builder  simplifies the creation process, guiding you through each section with prompts and suggestions.
  • Customization:  Use these tools to tailor your resume to specific job descriptions by inputting keywords and skills relevant to the job.

2. Optimize keywords

  • ATS optimization:  Run your current resume through Enhancv’s free AI resume checker  to identify and incorporate keywords from job descriptions, increasing your chances of passing ATS scans.
  • Relevance:  Ensure that the keywords align with your actual skills and experiences to maintain authenticity.

3. Enhance formatting

  • Consistency:  AI can suggest and implement consistent formatting, making your resume visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Modern layouts:  Utilize AI recommendations for modern and effective resume layouts that attract recruiters' attention.

4. Draft multiple versions

  • Role-specific resumes:  Create multiple versions of your resume tailored to different job roles or industries using AI suggestions.
  • Experimentation:  Use AI to experiment with different wording and structures to see which versions resonate best with job postings.

Integrate AI into your resume writing process. It’ll enhance the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of your resume, increasing your chances of landing the job you desire.

1. Keep a resume outline

Maintaining a resume outline  is an essential organizational strategy that helps streamline the resume writing process. A resume outline is a comprehensive list of all your qualifications, including work experience, education, skills, certifications, and achievements.

By keeping this information readily available, you can easily tailor your resume to specific job applications without starting from scratch each time. This approach not only saves time but also ensures consistency and completeness in the information presented.

2. Avoid personal information

In short, do not put your  age , marital status, or social security number as they can lead to potential bias or identity theft. Employers are primarily interested in your professional qualifications and skills, not personal details that do not impact your ability to perform the job.

Excluding this information keeps your resume focused and professional, aligning with modern resume writing standards.

3. Avoid unnecessary phrases

Phrases like “References available upon request” are outdated and take up valuable space on your resume. Employers assume you will provide references if requested, so there is no need to state this explicitly. Instead, use this space to highlight additional skills or accomplishments that can make your resume stand out.

4. Explain career gaps

Being upfront about gaps in your employment history is crucial. Employers appreciate honesty and transparency. Use your cover letter or resume summary to briefly explain any significant gaps and focus on what you did during that time that contributes to your professional development.

If you took a year off to care for a family member, you could write, “ Took a career break from June 2020 to June 2021 to provide full-time care for a family member. During this time, I developed strong time management and organizational skills. ”

This explanation is straightforward and emphasizes the positive skills gained during the gap.

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How to Include Study Abroad on a Resume

How to sell yourself in a cover letter, how to list an associate degree on resume, resume without work experience: 6+ sections to demonstrate impact, how to write cold emails for job opportunities, parts of a job-winning resume: how to choose resume elements.

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43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job in 2024

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Haven’t updated your resume in a while?

We feel you!

There’s a lot that goes into crafting a resume, and unless you’re an expert, the whole process can be overwhelming.

Worry not, though. We’re here to help!

In this value-packed guide, we’re going to give you 43+ of the best resume tips & tricks. Follow these tips to the T, and you’re bound to land your next job.

If you have the time, we’d recommend reading the guide end-to-end. We didn’t include anything that’s “Optional.”

If you don't, that’s fine too! We divided the guide into 3 chapters, with the most important ones on top...

  • Fundamental Tips - These resume tips are a game-changer. Whether you follow them or not can be the deciding factor in whether you’re getting hired.
  • Essential Tips - These resume tips are very important, but not as important as the Fundamentals. 
  • Nice-to-Have Tips - These resume tips aren’t that ground-breaking, but they can still have an impact on your job-search.

Let’s get this started.

19+ Fundamental Resume Tips and Tricks

1) use a professional email address.

No one wants to contact that guy with the tacky email from high school (We’re looking at you, [email protected]).

Create a professional email address for anything related to your job-search and career. 

Any combination of [first name] and [last name] will do.

If you have a common name and the email is taken, consider using your initials ( e.g. [FirstNameInitial][LastName]@gmail.com ), or even buying your own custom domain name.

2) Double-Check Your Contact Information

Even the most confident writer is not safe from typos.

Make sure that all your contact information on your resume is accurate, both email and phone number.

After all, even if you’re the most qualified person in the world, it’s not going to matter much if the HR manager can’t contact you.

3) Include Phone Number and Country Code

It’s always a good idea to include your phone number in your resume.

Sure, in most cases, the HR manager will reach you on email. But what if the email gets lost, for whatever reason? Or worse - it goes to your spam section.

If you’re applying for a foreign job, you should also include a country code .

For example, if you’re from Denmark and you’re applying to another country, you’d want to include the country code (+45) in front of your number.

4) Mention Achievements Over Job Responsibilities

When listing your work experience , include achievements instead of responsibilities whenever possible.

Chances are, the HR manager already knows what your responsibilities were from your job title. 

Fun fact: your responsibilities are probably literally the same as everyone else's in your profession.

Instead, to stand out, you want to include as many achievements as possible.

Here’s some achievement examples:

  • Exceeded sales KPIs by 25% for 3+ months straight.
  • Generated over $25,000 in sales in 1 month.

Compared to responsibilities:

  • Generated leads through cold calling.
  • Carried out sales operations and managed existing clients.

See the difference? The first example shows that you’re a high achiever. The second shows that you’re a sales manager.

In some fields, though, you might not have any real achievements. If you’re a server, for example, you can’t have “served 200+ people really well” as an achievement.

In that case, it’s totally OK to stick to responsibilities.

Not sure which achievements to mention? Check out our list of 40+ achievements for every field

5) Stick to Relevant Work Experience

Speaking of work experience, make sure you only include previous positions that are relevant to the job you’re applying for .

Make sure that all work experience entries are…

  • Timely - Only mention your last 3-5 positions max. No one cares what job you did 15 years ago.
  • Contextual - Applying for the role of a dentist ? You don’t have to mention that one time you worked as a pre-school math teacher.

If you don’t have a lot of experience in the field (or no experience at all), though, you can include whatever you have. It’s better to have some experience rather than none .

6) Focus On Other Sections If You Have No Experience

What if you’re a student who’s never worked a day in their life?

The good news is that you don’t need work experience to have a good resume.

In fact, for entry-level jobs, the hiring manager doesn’t expect you to have any experience.

If you want to stand out with a no-experience resume, you can focus more on other sections, such as:

  • Coursework - Want to show the HR manager that you have the right know-how, even though you don’t have experience? Mention any relevant courses you took in university.
  • Extracurricular Activities - You’ve probably heard the famous college saying - “extracurricular activities are good for your resume.” Well, here’s some good news. It’s not just a rumour, they actually are! List your extracurricular activities just as you’d list your work experience, and you’re good to go.
  • Projects - Done some interesting projects in your free time? Maybe you grew an instagram page to thousands of followers. Or, you worked on a part-time startup in uni? Whichever the case, you can add it to your resume.

Want to learn how to write a convincing student resume? Be sure to check out our no-experience resume guide !

7) Be Super Specific - Add Numbers, Data, and Experiences When Possible

Everything you write in your resume should be very specific .

Back every claim with specific experiences, numbers, or data.

What do we mean by that? Well, compare these 2 examples:

  • Results-oriented sales manager with 5+ years of experience in the fin-tech industry. Driven over $500,000 worth of enterprise software sales at Company X. Deep knowledge of multiple CRM tools, including SalesForce, PipeDrive, HubSpot CRM, and more.
  • Sales manager looking for the next step in their career. Previous experience involves doing sales for several software companies. Deep knowledge of CRM software.

See the difference between the two examples?

The first is very specific, mentioning numbers, data, experiences, etc.

The second, on the other hand, is very generic. The only thing you learn from it is that the candidate does sales.

8) Gap In Your Resume? Explain What Happened

A gap in your resume can be a huge red flag - but only if you don’t address it.

The hiring manager is going to assume the worst by default. So, it’s a good idea to be direct and insert 2-3 sentences acknowledging the gap and explaining what happened.

To do this, just make a small note under your latest work experience entry:


Jan 2016 - Jun 2017

*Quit due to medical reasons in 2017, looking to rejoin the workforce.

  • Responsibility #1
  • Responsibility #2
  • Responsibility #3

Need more tips & tricks on how to get your career back on track? Check out our complete guide to getting back to work after a long period of unemployment !

9) Mention Promotions and Career Progression

Recently got promoted? Congrats!

Make sure to mention that in your resume. 

Company Name

Latest Position

  • Dates Worked
  • Promotion Explanation (can be an achievement)
  • Achievements/Responsibilities

Older Position

10) Use Active Language

Language matters.

The way you present your achievements can amplify their significance, or downplay their worth.

Compare these 2 examples:

  • Spearheaded company X’s content marketing operations.
  • Responsible for content marketing at company X.

The first example makes you seem more in-charge, like what you did had a huge impact.

The second, on the other hand, sounds super plan, as if you straight up said “I did content marketing.”

You should use action words to make your achievements sound a LOT more significant. 

Some of our favorite action words include:

  • Accelerated
  • Accomplished
  • Contributed

Not sure which action words you want to use? Check out our complete list of 340+ best action verbs for your resume .

11) Tailor Your Resume to Job Ad

Imagine 2 resumes:

  • The first describes THE person you’re looking for. They possess all the relevant skills and experiences, and they’re accurately listed in the resume.
  • The second MIGHT be the person you’re looking for, but you’re just not sure. They seem to have some relevant experience, but not others.

Which one would you pick? Exactly!

So, how do you make YOUR resume look like the first example?

By tailoring it to the job ad!

How? Well, let’s look at the following job ad:

job ad example digital m

We’ve highlighted some of the essential skills in blue above. 

Now, to tailor your resume to these requirements, all you’d have to do is mention in your resume that you:

“Have 5+ years of experience in online marketing.” 

  • You can mention this in your resume summary.

“Have experience with social media marketing.” 

  • This can go in either the “Skills” or “Work Experience” section

“Have a B.A. in marketing or business.” 

  • This, of course, belongs in the education section.

“Have experience in managing $20,000+ monthly ad budget on Facebook.” 

  • You can mention this in either Work Experience or Resume Summary

If your resume mentions all the essential job requirements, there’s no reason for the hiring manager NOT to call you back!

12) Create a Convincing Cover Letter

Do you want to get an interview in just about every job you apply to?

Well, that’s going to require a bit more effort than usual: you’re going to have to create a killer cover letter.

For most job-seekers, the cover letter is an after-thought. 

They put 100% of their focus on the resume, and re-use the same cover letter for every position they apply for.

Here’s the thing, though: a cover letter is as important as a resume. In a lot of cases, it can even be the deciding factor on whether you get called in for an interview or not.

So, want to know how to write a good cover letter? Here’s what it should include:

  • Your Contact Information.
  • Hiring manager’s contact information.
  • Opening paragraph - Brief introduction to your career, 1-2 top achievements and intent (why you’re applying for this company or position) 
  • The body - Go through your experiences and achievements in more detail. Explain how your background is relevant for the position they’re hiring for.
  • Closing paragraph - Summarize your main points, and include a call to action (“if you’re interested, I’d love to chat!”)

There’s a LOT more to creating a good cover letter than what we just covered. Check out our complete guide to cover letters for a more detailed walkthrough on how to make one!

13) Keep Your Resume 1-2 Pages at Most

An ideal resume length is 1 page .

Nope, no excuses. 95%+ of job-seekers don’t need to go past the one-page limit.

After all, HR managers receive over 1,000+ resumes for each open position. They don’t have the time to read your autobiography.

There are some exclusions to the one-page rule, though. You can go up to 2 pages if:

  • You’re applying for a job in academia. In which case, it’s OK to go up to even 3 pages.
  • If you’re an experienced executive with a decade’s worth of work experience.

Want to learn more? Check out the guide on how long should a resume be ! 

14) Use a Reverse-Chronological Resume Format

Part of creating an effective resume is choosing the right format to tell your story.

If you ask just about any career expert (including us), they’d recommend you to stick with the reverse-chronological format .

That means starting off every resume section with your latest experience, and working your way down to the earliest.

In some rare cases (if you have a career gap, for example), you might want to go for a different resume format, such as the Functional Resume or a Combination Resume. If you want to learn more, check out our guide to resume formats .

15) Include White Space

White space refers to the space in your resume between all the sections and paragraphs of text.

When formatting your resume, you should keep some space in between your sections so that it’s easier for the HR manager to skim your resume.

Here’s some basic layout info you should keep in mind when it comes to white space:

  • Margins - aim for 1-inch margin on all four sides of your resume to maximize white space.
  • Line spacing - go for 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing between text and double lines after subheadings.
  • Bullet points - limit up to 6 points within each section.

Not sure if you’ve got your resume layout right? Check out our guide!

16) Use the Right Resume Font

You want your resume to be easy to read, right?

But at the same time, you also want it to stand out.

That means that you should pick the right font, and the right font size.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Best resume fonts: Ubuntu, Robot, Overpass
  • Best resume font size: 11-12pt for normal text, 14-16pt for section titles and headers

Check out our full guide on best resume font, size, and format for more info and practical examples.

17) Make Your Resume ATS-Friendly

ATS is an applicant tracking system that many businesses use to screen resumes.

The way this works is, the ATS scans your resume to see if you mention the right keywords, and if you don’t, it automatically discards your application.

So, how do you make sure that a robot doesn’t reject your resume that worked so hard on?

Well, it’s 2 things:

  • Pick a Tried-and-Tested Format - Here’s the thing: if the ATS can’t scan your resume, it will automatically discard it. So, you want to use a resume that’s built with ATS in mind. We might be biased, but we’d recommend trying out Novorésumé. We build our resume with with ATS in mind, making it scannable by applicant tracking systems world-wide.
  • Sprinkle the Right Keywords - Just as we explained in the “Tailor Your Resume” tip, go through the job ad and figure out what keywords the ATS could be looking for. Then, sprinkle them all around your resume. Head over here if you want to learn more about ATS & keywords .

18) Don’t Lie On Your Resume

This one’s pretty obvious, but we thought we’d mention it anyway:

Don’t lie on your resume. Ever.

You’re going to be found out sooner or later and it’s going to cost you your job, or even your career.

It’s just not worth it.

19) Use an Online Resume Builder

Ever used Word editing tools to build your resume?

Then you probably know what we mean when we say that it’s a total pain.

You spend hours perfecting your resume, and then you make a single, small layout change, and BAM! The whole resume gets messed up.

Want to save yourself from all that hassle?

Use an online resume builder !

All you have to do is pick your favorite resume template , and start filling it in.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, or a professional with a decade of work experience, we have the right format for you!

resume tips resume builder

13+ Essential Resume Tips and Tricks

20) include your job title in resume.

Your professional title should be the job title you’re applying for word-for-word.

Applying for a job as an advertising account executive?

Make sure to include the position name in your resume (below your name) as it’s written in the job ad. 

Ditch the buzzwords - no hiring manager likes those.

  • Software Developer
  • Code Monkey Ninja Samurai Hero

21) Name Your Resume Correctly

Once you’re done optimizing your resume and you’re ready to send it in, make sure the PDF version has the right name.

The ideal format is FullName - Resume .

  • John Doe - Resume.pdf
  • John Resume - Final Final Final Version Fixed 

22) Use Correct Subheadings

You’ll want your resume section subheadings to be accurate and easy to find.

So, to help the HR manager reading your resume, try to keep things simple.

  • Resume Summary
  • Work Experience
  • Organizations
  • Background Information
  • Career History
  • Groups Part Of

Bonus Points - this can also help Applicant Tracking Systems read your resume. They recognize “Work Experience,” but not “Work History.”

23) Include Only Relevant Social Media

Wondering if you should include social media links in your resume?

As a rule of thumb, you should only mention the ones that are relevant to your profession and career.

Here’s a brief overview of what you might include:

  • LinkedIn - If your LinkedIn is updated, you can mention it for most professions.
  • Stack Overflow / GitHub - If you’re a software engineer.
  • Medium -Are you a freelance writer or blogger? Include your Medium.
  • Quora - Are you an influencer in your field? Mention your Quora account (as long as you have a decent number of answers).
  • Website/Blog - Do you have an online presence? Maybe a personal blog that positions you as an expert? If so, make sure to mention it.

24) Include Resume Objective or Summary

The hiring manager looks at your resume for 5-6 seconds max to decide if they’re going to read the rest or not.

Want to catch their attention in a snap?

Use a resume objective or summary.

Both of these sections act as an introduction to your resume, and are used to show that you’re qualified for the job from the get-go (before the HR gets to read the rest of your resume).

So, what’s what?

Both of these sections go in your resume header, right under your contact information section.

A resume objective is mainly for students, or professionals switching their careers. An objective is a 3-4 sentence snapshot of your professional goals and aspirations.

A resume summary is a 3-4 sentence summary of your resume. You use this instead of a resume objective if you’ve previously worked as the position you’re applying for.

  • Multilingual customer service representative looking to provide Company X provide stellar customer experience. Strong communication skills, fluent in English, German, and French. Basic knowledge of CRM systems.
  • Proactive UX designer with 5 years of experience in delivering enjoyable web and mobile products within the FinTech industry. Designed UI/UX and other marketing materials for 6 apps and 3 games at Company X, 2 of which were features in the App store. Skilled with Sketch and Adobe Creative Studio.

25) Don’t Use Personal Pronouns (“I”, “Me”)

Once you put your name at the top of your resume, it’s already implied that everything you mention in your resume applies to you.

So, there is no need to unnecessarily repeat “I did…” in your resume countless times.

  • Managed data entry integrity within the applicant tracking system, ensuring timely entry and visibility of recruitment activity within ATS/CRM technologies.
  • I managed data entry integrity within the applicant tracking system. I ensured timely entry, and I worked on the visibility of recruitment activity within the ATS/CRM technologies.

26) Consider Optional Resume Sections

Still have extra space to fill within your resume and want to show off your other important qualifications?

You can include some of the following optional sections to help your resume stand out:

  • Hobbies and interests - While this is not a game-changer, they can really help show YOU are as an individual. 
  • Volunteering experience - If you try to help others in your free time, while expecting nothing in return, chances are that you’re the type of employee who’s in it for more than just the money. This can be a huge plus for the HR manager.
  • Certifications and awards  - Do you have any relevant certifications and awards in your field? As long as it’s relevant, feel free to include it.
  • Publications - Are you a freelance writer or a distinguished author? You can include your published works (online, academic journal, etc.) here.
  • Projects - Working on a side project can really show off your passion for your field. Hiring managers love employees who do cool work in their free time.

27) Tailor Your Skills to The Job Position

When scanning your resume, one of the most important things hiring managers look for is whether you have the right skills or not.

They’re not looking for just any skills, either. They’re looking for the skills that are going to help you excel at the job you’re applying for.

So, you need to tailor your skills section for each position you apply for.

You can usually figure out which ones are worth mentioning by scanning the job ad.

As a given, make sure you don’t mention anything that’s not directly related to your job.

For example, no one cares about your Photoshop design skills if you’re applying to work as a cashier.

Not sure which skills you can include? Check out our comprehensive list of 150+ must-have skills for any resume .

28) Cut the Fluff

Fluff is way more common than you’d think.

A lot of university students and fresh graduates often fill up their skills section with buzzwords like:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication

But if you take a step back and think about it, those skills don’t mean anything. You know it, we know it, the HR manager knows it.

Without providing an example, they’re just a waste of space.

Just about everyone is good at “ communication ” - it doesn’t mean anything without experience to back it up.

So, go through your resume again, and think about this: does everything I say provide clear value?

If the answer is “No,” we’d recommend cutting it and replacing it with something more interesting.

Don’t have much experience? Struggling to fill in your resume? Check out our guide to making a no-experience resume .

29) Proofread With a Tool Like Grammarly

You can’t afford to have any typos on your resume.

There’s nothing more ironic than someone claiming to have an “eye for detail” with a bunch of spelling mistakes in their resume.

So, to be positive that your resume is typo-free, you can use a tool like Grammarly when you’re going over your final edits.

While Microsoft Word and Google Docs do a decent job of detecting errors, it’s always a good idea to have a backup spelling tool just in case.

30) Be Consistent With Section Formatting

Be consistent with your section formatting so that your overall resume is easy on the eyes.

This includes things like:

  • Line spacing.

31) Include Volunteering Experience

You can’t go wrong with volunteering experience.

It’ll make you stand out regardless of your job position or industry. 

If the volunteering experience is somehow related to your career and has some transferable skills, you can even include it in your work experience

Here’s what that might look like:

Volunteer Camp Instructor

FireTech Summer Camps

06/2018 - 09/2018

Courses taught:

  • Coding games with Java
  • Python and electronics with Minecraft
  • Teen coding with Python

32) Include Irrelevant Jobs if You Have No Other Experience

As a general rule, when applying for a job, you only list work experience that’s relevant for the position.

But what if you have none?

In that case, it’s totally OK to mention ANY work experience you might have, even if it’s not relevant for the job you’re applying for.

Look at it this way: the recruiter is more likely to hire someone that's worked A job, rather than a person that's never worked a day in their life.

11+ Nice-to-Have Resume Tips and Tricks

33) include languages and proficiency.

Most companies are international nowadays, and being bilingual is a great way to gain a competitive advantage.

Even if knowing a foreign language isn’t necessary for the job you’re applying for, it might come in handy at some point in the future.

When listing languages, you should always include your skill level:

  • Intermediate

Oh, and it goes without saying that you shouldn’t lie about your skill levels.

Trust us, you don’t want to end up in a situation where the interviewer is a native Spanish speaker, and you exaggerated your “Proficient Spanish.”

34) Don’t Include “Reference Available Upon Request”

This is another common mistake many people still make.

Having a whole section dedicated to that one phrase is just a waste of space.

Hiring managers know they can always request your list of references - so what’s the point of mentioning it?

35) Don’t Include a Photo (If You’re From the US and UK)

There’s a lot of confusion around photos on resumes .

Some people always use a photo on their resume.

Others believe it’s a strict no-no.

So, which one is it?

It depends on your location.

There are strict anti-discrimination labor laws in some countries, namely:

  • United Kingdom
  • United States

If you’re from one of those countries, don’t include a photo on your resume.

Obviously, there are some exceptions to the rule - such as, if you’re applying for a modelling job.

If you’re from anywhere else in the world, though, you can include a photo. 

36) Feeling Stumped? Get Inspired by Resume Examples

Have doubts about your resume design or layout?

Check out some of our job-winning resume examples .

We made sure to cover samples for several different fields, including business, computer science, and more!

resume tips and examples

37) Read Your Resume Out Loud

While it may sound awkward, reading your resume out loud is the best way to spot any awkward phrases or spelling mistakes.

Sure, Grammarly is useful, but it often misses a lot of really obvious mistakes (which the HR manager probably won’t!).

This is going to be monotonous, yes. But it’s the best way to proofread your resume and it also beats any spell checking tools out there.

38) Clean Up Your Online Presence

Imagine this:

The recruiter LOVES your resume.

They’re about to call you in for an interview, but before that, they decide to check up on your online presence.

Big mistake.

The first thing that pops up when they Google your name is your Facebook page, with very embarrassing photos from your last night out.

Not really that appropriate for a Senior Banker.

Want to avoid such awkward situations? Make sure your online presence is working FOR you, not against you:

  • Change your Facebook Privacy setting to “Friends” to make sure random people can’t see your profile.
  • Clean up your Twitter account, make sure you’re not posting anything too scandalous.
  • Google your name and see if you can find anything off. You can ask Google to remove any private sensitive information .

Do you have a LinkedIn profile? You should! It shows the recruiter that you’re serious about your career.

Make sure to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that it complements your resume!

39) Consider Putting Education First

The most important sections of your resume should come first.

Are you a student with very limited work experience?

Consider putting your education section on top of your work experience.

This places a lot more focus on your education career, as opposed to any irrelevant jobs you might have worked.

Of course, if you have worked a job in your field, you’d always want to put work experience on top.

40) Add Your Courses In the Education Section

If your education section is your biggest selling point, then you might want to also add any relevant courses you’ve taken.

As usual, relevance is key here. Applying for a job in finance? The recruiter doesn’t care about the social media course you took in your freshman year.

B.A. in Accounting and Finance

  • Advanced financial statistics
  • Econometrics II
  • Advanced accounting II
  • Media communication
  • Digital and social media
  • Communication research

41) Use DocSend to Track Your Resume

Ever wondered what happens after you send in your application?

Did the HR even read your resume, or did it fall through the cracks?

Well, with a tool like DocSend , you can know for sure whether someone look at your resume or not.

The way this works is, you upload your resume on DocSend, and it gives you a link you can use.

Whenever someone opens your link and looks at your resume, you’ll get a notification.

Cool, right?

This way, you can know for sure if you can expect a call for an interview (the HR looked at your resume for 60+ seconds), or you’re just not qualified (HR closed the resume within 5 seconds of opening it).

And to put the cherry on top, you’ll know if the HR manager missed your resume (you won’t get the notification within a week), so you can just send them a quick reminder!

  • Unfortunately, this method only works if you’re applying for a job through e-mail and not through an online application.

42) Use Colors to Stand Out

The color scheme you use in your resume is an important part of its design.

Ideally, you should strike the right balance of creativity and professionalism.

If you’re applying for a job in a more conservative industry (e.g. finances, banking), a standard black and white theme is fine.

But if you’re applying to work in a creative startup as a web designer or a developer, you can get more creative.

After all, HR managers get a TON of resumes every day, and most of them look exactly the same.

Whenever you can afford to stand out with your resume, you should!

43) Consider Using a Professional Template

If you’re looking to create a new resume but don’t want to go through the painstaking process of creating one from scratch - consider using a professional template.

There’s a lot of pre-built online resume templates that can have you up and running with a fully customized resume in a matter of minutes.

There’s a lot of variety as well. You can pick a design that works perfectly for your industry or field.

Want to give it a try? Check out some of our top resume templates !

Key Takeaways

And that's a wrap!

There are a ton of resume tips & tricks on the web, and in this guide, we covered all the essential stuff.

So, we hope you enjoyed the guide and are a lot more confident with your resume skills!

Looking for more actionable advice? Check out our career blog for industry-leading career tips and tricks!

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tips resume 2023

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A Checklist For Updating Your Resume in 2024

Need an updated resume but don’t have time to start from scratch? Follow these 17 simple tips to quickly update your existing resume in 2024.

a year ago   •   9 min read

If you aren’t actively job searching — and sometimes even if you are — you probably haven’t updated your resume recently . This might not seem like a big deal, especially if you’re happy in your current position, but it’s always a good idea to have a current resume available. After all, if the perfect job landed in your lap tomorrow, wouldn’t you want to be ready?

When to update your resume

Let’s start with the basics: How often should you update your resume? Best practice is to update your resume every 3-6 months , or whenever you:

  • Move to a new role or company
  • Gain a promotion
  • Develop a new professional skill
  • Acquire a new certification or qualification
  • Take on new responsibilities
  • Complete a significant project
  • Change your personal or contact information
  • Are applying for jobs but not hearing back from employers

Related : How to Revise a Resume

17 things to update on your resume

If you’re worried about not having enough time: don’t be! Here are 17 tips for updating your resume in 2024 (and beyond) that will make a big impact in a small amount of time.

If you have 5-15 minutes

Short on time? Maximize your impact with these quick resume updates.

Refresh your resume header

Your resume header is the first thing recruiters see, so make sure the information on it is current.

Do include:

  • Email address
  • Phone number

Don’t include:

  • Street address
  • Social media
  • Personal information
  • Multiple contact details

Estimated time: 5 minutes

Related: The Ultimate Do’s and Don'ts of Resume Writing in 2024

Add or delete resume sections

In addition to your contact information, your resume needs to have your work experience and a brief education section. Everything else is optional.

Depending on your background and the job you're applying for, you might want to include a skills section, resume summary, certifications, publications, honors, awards, projects, extracurricular activities, or other information — but not all of those. Stick to 1-2 additional resume sections at most and make sure they have plain headings — "Work Experience" and "Education" rather than "What I Learned" and "My Work So Far."

Estimated time: 10 minutes

Use synonyms

Do a quick scan of your bullet points. How many of them start with the same word?

Unless your answer is ‘none,’ it’s time to vary your word choice with some synonyms for common action verbs . Instead of saying ‘led’ for the third time, try ‘managed,’ ‘spearheaded,’ or ‘coordinated.’ Rather than saying you ‘ worked with ’ a team, how about more interesting verbs like ‘collaborated,’ ‘partnered,’ or ‘advised?’

Looking for more suggestions? Check out our database of resume action verbs .

Estimated time: 15 minutes

tips resume 2023

Highlight promotions

Hiring managers want to see evidence of career progression on your resume, especially if you’re applying for mid-level and up roles. Highlight promotions and other types of career growth by showing progression in your job titles, emphasizing increased responsibilities, and explicitly pointing out promotions — especially if they were fast-tracked or otherwise ahead of schedule.

Here are some bullet points you can use to highlight a promotion:

  • Promoted within 12 months due to strong performance (6 months ahead of schedule).
  • Offered an early promotion to Senior Developer after 2 years; the only member of a cohort of 50 to be fast-tracked.

Promotions on a resume

Include remote work accomplishments

If you’re applying for a hybrid or remote position, including accomplishments specific to working remotely is a must. Even if the role you’re applying for isn’t fully remote, it can be beneficial to point out how you’ve managed remote employees, collaborated with teams remotely, or managed your own workload and productivity as a remote worker.

Here are some sample remote work accomplishments you can use:

  • Oversaw transition to remote work for team of 12 direct reports, resulting in 20% increase in productivity
  • Led remote design sessions with client teams on 20+ projects to develop functional and technical requirements
  • Increased overall departmental sales by 10% in a single year while working remotely

Optimize your resume for ATS

Up to 75% of companies now use some form of ATS or automated resume screener, and that number is likely to keep growing. Make it past the first hurdle by ensuring a computer can read your resume — that means creating it as a Word or Google Docs file, saving it as a PDF, using a single-column layout, and avoiding Photoshop or online resume building programs, which can result in a non-highlightable image that ATS can’t process. One super quick way to check that your resume is ATS-ready is to highlight the text — if you can’t, that means it isn’t compatible with ATS.

For even more tips, check out our guide to everything you need to know about applicant tracking systems .

If you have 20-30 minutes

Have a little more time? There resume updates will make a big impact — but still won't take you all day.

Add keywords

Having the most well-written resume in the world won’t help you if you can’t get past Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Increase your chances of making it onto a hiring manager’s desk — and onto the ‘yes’ pile — by including relevant keywords.

How do you know what keywords recruiters are looking for? Check the job description for essential skills and make sure you’ve included the exact job title somewhere on your resume. You can also use our skills and keywords finder to search for industry-specific keywords you can include.

Estimated time: 30 minutes

How to write about skills on resume

Remove unnecessary information

The problem with your resume may not be that it doesn’t have enough information, but that it has too much. Here’s how to trim outdated information from your resume:

  • Get rid of jobs that are older than 10-15 years — in most cases, your resume doesn’t need to go back further than that.
  • Consider removing jobs that you held for less than 3-6 months (e.g. the ones you might have left early), as you’re unlikely to be able to point to significant accomplishments.
  • If you’ve been out of school for more than 8-10 years, make your education section more concise by removing details like coursework, GPA, and the year you graduated.
  • Unless you’re a current high school student, high school information doesn’t belong on your resume at all.
  • If your resume contains any variation on the phrase “references available upon request,” get rid of it immediately!

Estimated time: 20 minutes

Skim your resume

Most hiring managers only spend a few minutes at most looking at each resume. What does that mean for you? If you have a super impressive accomplishment buried at the bottom of your resume or in a dense paragraph, chances are the person reading your resume won’t even notice.

Avoid falling into this trap by reading over your resume like a hiring manager would. Quickly scan your resume and see what jumps out at you. Do you notice important skills and keywords? Relevant job titles and accomplishments? Essential qualifications? If there’s something you want to highlight that isn’t immediately obvious, try these tricks to emphasize it:

  • List career highlights — including must-have skills or particularly impressive accomplishments — in a resume summary at the top of the page
  • Put the most important information higher up on your resume
  • Make your bullet points shorter and more varied to hold a recruiter’s attention
  • Use formatting tricks (bold, italics, font size) to make different sections stand out

Estimated time: 20-30 minutes

Proofread your resume

It sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised to learn how many mistakes slip through onto finished resumes. Some hiring managers may not mind — or even notice — the odd typo, but for others, it could be a dealbreaker. Avoid taking chances by thoroughly proofreading your resume.

Here are some tips ensuring your resume is 100% error-free:

  • Read it aloud. It's easy for our eyes to skip over small mistakes, but reading out loud forces us to slow down and listen to what's actually on the page.
  • Use text to speech. Similarly, using the built-in text to speech function in your browser or Microsoft Word can help highlight any errors or awkward sections.
  • Read it backward. It sounds silly, but it works. Reading each section — or even each word — in reverse order allows you to spot mistakes you might otherwise miss.
  • Ask someone else. It's much easier to spot mistakes in other people's work than in something you wrote yourself. Ask someone you trust if they have a few minutes to look over your resume for obvious mistakes.

If you have 45 minutes+

Looking to do a complete resume overhaul? Deep dive into potential resume problem areas with these tips.

Update your work experience bullet points

Now that you’ve gotten rid of information that doesn’t need to be on your resume, you should have more room for the things that matter, like your accomplishments.

Under each job title on your resume, list 3-6 accomplishments in bullet point format using the formula [action verb] + [what you did] + [what the result was]. Use concrete numbers whenever possible — if you’re stuck, here are some easy ways to quantify your resume .

Estimated time: 1 hour

How to quantify your resume, with examples

A good way to check if your resume has enough uses of concrete numbers and quantifiable accomplishments is to upload it to the tool below — it’ll scan it and let you know if you have shown enough quantifiable accomplishments that hiring managers look for in a resume.

Tailor your resume to the job you want

Keywords aren’t the only way to target your resume. You should also:

  • Include a resume title that matches the job you’re applying for
  • Write a resume summary highlighting key skills and experience
  • Make sure your job title reflects your actual responsibilities
  • Prioritize your most relevant accomplishments — reorder your bullet points if necessary
  • Customize your skills section
  • Run your resume through our Targeted Resume tool to check your resume against the job description

Estimated time: 45 minutes

tips resume 2023

If you’re unsure how to tailor your resume to the job you want, use the hard skills and keywords tool below to search for the job and it’ll give you a list of skills relevant to the job. For example, search for Graphic Designer and it’ll give you a list of skills specific to the graphic design industry.

Update your LinkedIn

Potential employers look at more than just your resume when you’re applying for jobs. It’s fairly common for hiring managers to get a better feel for applicants by looking at their LinkedIn profiles, so make sure that yours is up to date and consistent with your resume. To improve your LinkedIn profile, optimize it using this tool .

Once it’s up to scratch, include a link to your profile in your resume header to make it easier for recruiters to find you if they want to know more.

Polish your formatting

The content of your resume is what matters most, but that won’t count for much if hiring managers can’t read it. Your resume should use plain, consistent formatting. Make sure to:

  • Choose a basic, easy to read font — and use the same font throughout your resume
  • Use bold and italics to emphasize section headings
  • Write your accomplishments in bullet points, not in paragraphs of text
  • List jobs in reverse chronological order , with your most recent position at the top
  • Don’t use fancy templates, colors , images, or infographics — keep it simple
  • Leave plenty of blank space — this makes your resume easier for recruiters to quickly skim
  • Download an ATS-friendly resume template to do most of the work for you

Estimated time: Up to 1 hour

Future proof your resume for 2024

If you find you're having to start from scratch every time you update your resume, here are some things you can start doing now to make sure your resume is always up to date.

Use a modern resume template

Do you spend so much time formatting your resume that you're bored by the time you start adding content? Take a shortcut by downloading a professional, ATS-optimized resume template . Sticking with a modern but simple template is the key to avoiding resume trends (like bright colors or infographics) that will look dated in a few years.

Have a master resume

While it's important to have more than one resume, depending on how many jobs you're applying for and how different they are, it can also be a pain to keep them all updated. Avoid this by creating a single master resume that contains all of your information. That way, you can keep a single file updated and pull from it to create more targeted resumes as needed.

Keep a running list of your accomplishments

Have you ever sat down to update your resume and wished you could remember more of your accomplishments? Instead of straining to remember months (or years) worth of accomplishments at once, try keeping a running list of your accomplishments and adding to it every time you achieve something noteworthy. This could be a "brag folder" where you drop projects you're proud of, a word document where you copy glowing performance reviews, or even a handwritten notebook where you jot things down as they happen.

Spread the word

How to improve your resume: a guide for job seekers in 2024, what should a resume look like in 2024, keep reading, how to show bilingualism on your resume (with examples), oops what to do if there’s a mistake on your resume, getting the basics right: resume line spacing, subscribe to our newsletter.

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

tips resume 2023

The 2023 Resume Writing Guide [+ Job Search Tips and Resume Examples]

The 2023 Resume Writing Guide [+ Job Search Tips and Resume Examples]

Madison Norton

Searching for a new job is one of the hardest things you'll have to do in your career and it's no easier this year. The Great Resignation, intense competition from other job seekers and remote work are making it one of the most exciting and challenging job markets we've seen in years.

That's why we decided to create our 2023 Resume Writing Guide with job search tips, resume examples and all the information you need to create the perfect resume or CV.

The right job is one of three things that contribute most to your happiness in life.

Which is why you need to do it right.

Besides you, your resume is your most important tool in a job search.

It is your first impression with employers.

It is the difference between an interview for your dream job or the recycle bin.

A great resume makes searching for a job easy, while an ineffective resume will leave you with nothing to show from hundreds of applications. Applying to a job without a good resume guide is a waste of time and can add months (or even years) to your job search, leaving you frustrated and demotivated. The following is a guide to creating a stand-out resume that gets you hired.

Recommended links:

  • Our collection of 500+ professional resume examples .
  • Our gallery of 20+ downloadable resume templates .

Let's start with the basics.

  • Resume Layout Guide

A resume is your professional highlight reel - presented in an easily understood and standardized format.

Your resume needs to solve a problem for employers (which is why they’re hiring). It is your most important tool to landing an interview, and ultimately a job.

There are three standard resume layout types.

  • Chronological: Focuses on work experience in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional: Focuses on skills and experience, and not chronological work history. Used by people with gaps in employment or are changing careers.
  • Combination: Enables you to highlight the skills and experiences that are relevant, while still showing work history in the format that employers prefer.

Which type of resume layout is best depends on the situation. For each job application, choose the layout that best represents you in the context of the job you're applying for.

  • Important Resume Guidelines

Long gone are the days when recruiters and employers sit in uninterrupted silence and carefully read multi-page resumes from cover to cover. Nowadays, interruptions and distractions are the norm, and recruiters' time is increasingly crunched.

90% of large corporations use Applicant Tracking Software that to manage their recruiting process, which means you need to get through an automatic screen before your resume is even seen by an employer. If you make it past that step, studies have shown that recruiters spend 6 seconds on average reviewing a resume.

Studies show that recruiters spend on average 6 seconds looking at a resume.

They need to quickly pull out key facts, and make a split second decision that could decide your future. We think there are two key resume guidelines you need to keep in mind when building your resume.

Does your resume pass the 7-second test? Recruiters only spend 7.4 seconds reviewing your resume before moving it to the 'YES' or 'NO' pile.

If you pass the test, you still need to hold their attention to make it to the next steps.

Your resume needs to be sharply focused, compelling, and entirely relevant.

What is an applicant tracking system?

An applicant tracking system (ATS), is software that organizations use to manage their recruitment process. Vendors include Taleo, The Resumator, Smart Recruiters, and many more.

Most applicant tracking software uses a process called resume parsing, which extracts your resume data into a format readable by the software. Resume parsing pulls your contact information, work history, and skills from the resume.

When a recruiter is searching within their applicant tracking system for a candidate, those that best fit the keywords of the job description will show up first in the search results based on the parsed resume data.

This is why thinking about these guidelines is important in optimizing your resume for each application. We actually offered some tips on how to beat the ATS in a previous blog post.

Before writing your resume

If you're unsure about your career objective or haven't quite settled on a goal, you'll find that writing a powerful and effective resume is extremely difficult.

Remember, your resume must present just the right mix of meaningful information relevant to your goal.

Without a goal, you don't know what information to include, what skills or successes to highlight, and what details to omit. You're forced to include everything, and the end result is usually a resume that does not capture interest because it's not focused.

Have a clear goal before writing your resume. Employers want to know what you want to do ; it's not their job to figure that out. Take the time to define a goal (or multiple goals) before writing your resume.

See our guide on How to get a better Job for more exercises and resources for deciding what you want from your career.

Once have a clear goal for your resume, move on to the next step.

Be Clear About Who You Are

In the context of your resume, "who you are" usually refers to a job title.

Are you a Software Engineer?

Corporate Finance Executive?

Customer Service Representative?

Be sure to include this critical information right up front, as a headline or in the first sentence of your introduction. Your goal is to immediately communicate to employers the essential information that creates the context for everything else they will read in your resume.

For example, if you define yourself as a "Sales Professional," employers will be looking for key qualifications such as sales results, communication skills, relationship-building abilities, territory management experience, and so forth.

If you define yourself as an "Accountant," they'll be looking for something entirely different accounting and finance experience, knowledge of accounting software, attention to detail, and strong analytical skills.

By defining yourself up front, you establish expectations and help readers better appreciate and absorb the information that follows.

Paint the picture of an ideal candidate

Study the job description and decipher what problems the employer wants solved. Employers don’t care about you. They care about solving their problems. This is the only reason why they are posting a job. Get into their heads, and try to understand their pain.

Why are they posting this job? Who is the ideal candidate for the job? Which skills does the ideal applicant have?

Write down a brief description of the ideal applicant in the third person, all the way down to what they’re wearing. This will help you decide how to represent yourself when creating your resume.

Having defined your "ideal self," consider what information you can place "front and center" on your resume to support your claim. What credentials, qualifications, experiences, knowledge, and accomplishments do you possess that will prove you are, in fact, an effective Marketing Management Professional?

Your goal is to create a "snapshot," a capsule portrait that conveys the most essential information to your readers. In essence, you want to quickly portray that you are an ideal candidate for the types of jobs you are pursuing.

  • Preparing Your Resume

In your job search, you will need to create a distinct resume for each job application . This enables you to do the following:

  • Tailor each resume to suit the job description
  • Optimize your resume keywords for applicant tracking systems
  • Choose a distinct style to suit the company

To make this easy, start by building a Master Resume to work from. This will be an ever-evolving resume that contains all your work history, accomplishments, and skills that you can tailor for each application.

Let's start building a Master Resume.

  • How to Create Your Resume, With Examples

The following section will outline the key components of a resume, and provide examples, tips and best practices for writing these components.

Standard fields

  • Summary/introduction
  • Work Experience

Optional Fields

  • Past Projects
  • Publications

Resume Example:


  • Your Resume Header

Your resume should first include the most important information - Your name! Your name should be the largest text on the page. The header also includes basic contact details and links to other relevant online profiles.


For a European CV, the header will also include a professional profile picture. Do not include a picture for a traditional North American application. For a web based North American resume, a picture is acceptable.

  • Your Resume Summary and Introduction: Examples of What You Should Include

An objective statement is no longer acceptable on your resume summary or resume introduction. Employers know your objective is to get the job. Instead, you have two options.

  • Write a summary or introduction that highlights your most valuable accomplishments and skills.
  • Do not include a summary or introduction.

The introduction goes after the header information, and should serve the following purposes:

  • Highlights your the most valuable aspects of your resume
  • Draws the reader in, and encourages them to read more

Resume Introduction Examples

Bad example: Experienced professional seeking employment in the financial services sector.

Good example: Experienced financial planner who has consistently generated above market returns for clients. Thrives in a team-oriented and high pressure environment.

Bad example: Passionate marketing manager and creative problem solver who loves to work with great people.

Good example: Results-driven marketing professional with over 10 years experience working with blue-chip clients including Nestle, Google, and Intel.

Remember, the introduction is not a necessary element. If you're going to use it, do so wisely. No introduction is better than a poor one.

  • Citing Your Work Experience

The most valuable section of your resume is the work experience section. It is usually the most important factor in getting a job. Highly relevant experience in a field is the first thing employers look for. Even for entry level jobs employers want to see relevant experience.

Ordering Your Work History

Most commonly, work experience is displayed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. If you do have a highly relevant position, there is no rule against re-ordering your work history to put the most relevant job first.

Each work history entry should include:

  • Employer Name
  • Dates of Employment
  • Job Descriptions
  • Accomplishments


The most crucial aspect of your career history is to write accomplishments, not history. Your job title and regular duties don't matter - what matters is your most impressive achievements in those positions. Ensure your accomplishments are compelling. Accomplishments are best written in bullet-point format, underneath each job title held.

Resume Example Accomplishment Statements

Bad example: Promoted to senior account manager with full responsibility for the company’s #1 client.

Good example: Promoted to senior account manager to manage #1 client, growing the business from $3 million to $6 million in 2 years.

Bad example: Completed all projects under time and under budget.

Good example: Averaged 7% under budget while completing 100% of projects on schedule, 65% ahead of schedule.

Bad example: Managed a portfolio for blue-chip clients that generated high returns.

Good example: Responsible for $5 million in assets for high net worth clients that generated a return of over 12% in 2013.

Bad example: Kept customers happy.

Good example: Increased referral rates by 15% and maintained a customer satisfaction rate of over 95%.

Writing Effective Resume Accomplishment Statements

The following section is a series of questions designed to help you quantify your performance in a position to write better accomplishment statements. Spend an hour answering these questions in relation to each job you've held. This will give you "ammunition" to work with when writing your resume.

Questions to quantify performance

  • Did you make money for the company?
  • Did you increase market share?
  • Did you improve your ranking in comparison to other departments, branches, or competitors?
  • Did you suggest any ways to cut costs in your team, department, unit, branch, or company?
  • Did you regularly meet all your deadlines?
  • Did you improve the efficiency of your job, team, or department?
  • How did your performance compare to prior years?
  • How did you rank against the competition?
  • How did you rank against industry averages?
  • What were your performance goals? Did you meet them? Exceed them?
  • How did you contribute to the bottom line?

Questions to reveal success factors:

  • What are you most proud of?
  • What did supervisors compliment you for?
  • What do your performance evaluations say?
  • What are you known for?
  • What do you do that others can't or don't do?
  • What would "fall apart" or "slide downhill" if you weren't at your job for a week?
  • What do you have "bragging rights" about?
  • Where you the first, best or most effective in any particular function or organization?

Questions to create strong introductory statements

  • What is the most important thing I accomplished in that job?
  • What was I initially hired to do? Did I do it?
  • What major challenge was I presented with? Or what major challenge did my company or industry face, and how did I surmount that challenge?
  • What happened to my company or department as a result of my effort in that job?

Action words to use:

These are helpful verbs to use when writing your accomplishment statements. Always start your accomplishments with a verb.

  • Spearheaded
  • Accelerated
  • Coordinated

Sources: Career Bliss , The Muse

The majority of your resume writing time should be spent writing compelling accomplishment statements.

Pro tips for writing accomplishments

  • Focus on performance and results.
  • Use specific examples with real numbers.
  • Use Power words (not passive ones).
  • Citing Education on Your Resume

The education section contains some or all of the following:

  • Name of School
  • Degree Earned
  • Major Course(s) of Study
  • Academic Distinctions
  • Extracurricular and Leadership Activities
  • Training and Certification
  • Additional Professional Development

education-example (1)

Keys for the education section:

  • The more senior your career, the fewer education details to include.
  • For younger professionals, add in distinguishing information such as achievements or leadership roles.
  • Don’t let your education shadow your experience, and never inflate your credentials.
  • Your Resume Skills Section

You should have a listing of your skills on your resume, that includes your level of competency of each skill. Skills are extremely important to match with the job description - it’s what employers are looking to hire.

skills-example (1)

  • Resume Extras and Information

Extras are additional facts and information that don't fit into one of the previous categories but might be important to include, such as:

  • Professional Affiliations and Industry Leadership
  • Presentations and Publications
  • Language Proficiencies
  • Technical Competencies
  • Community Activities and Leadership Positions
  • Personal Interests

Resume Outline

As you are gathering the material for your resume, organize it into these rough groups; but keep in mind that you don't have to follow a strict formula! You can create new sections, add in unusual information, or come up with creative ways to present your qualifications. The purpose of the resume is to tell your story and describe your capabilities in the way that is most beneficial to you and meaningful to employers.

The number one question to ask: How is your resume solving an employer's problem?

Resume design guide.

Which resume design should you use? It depends. Use your judgement to decide which resume design best suits the job you're applying for. For a creative job, a more creative resume is recommended. For an accounting job? Use a more classic design.

Once you've written the right content, pick a design that best shows off your unique capabilities and fits the position you're seeking.

Resume Versions

Having multiple version of your resume is essential for a successful job search. Here are the versions you should have:

  • A online resume (web based).
  • A master resume with lots of detail.
  • A custom resume for each job application.
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Resumes

How long should my resume be?

The standard North American Resume is 1-2 pages in length. A more detailed academic CV can be much longer. However, don't try to cram your resume into a shorter version just because of conventions. A well-laid out, efficient resume will perform better than a crammed 1 page resume.

Do I need a picture on my resume?

In North America, no. In fact, having a picture on your resume could limit your chances of landing an interview. For a web based resume, a picture is fine. However if you're applying in a traditional way, create a version of your resume that does not include a picture.

Do I need an objective on my resume?

No! Your objective is to get the job. Employers know that! Replace the objective with a summary of your skills and experience.

Should I include references?

No. As a general rule, including references (or "references available upon request" is redundant. Keep your limited space for selling yourself.

What format should I submit my application in?

PDF is your best option for submitting a resume to an employer or an ATS. You won't risk losing formatting from a Word Document, and it gives you the most control.

Should I customize my resume for each application?

Yes. Studies show that tailoring your resume for a specific position is much more effective than sending a generic application. It takes extra time, but is worth the effort.

Do you have resume guides for specific applications. For example a resume guide for teachers, it, architects, students, nursing, freshers, internships, designers, engineering, tour guide or no experience?

*No. However, we do have an amazing resume samples directory with resume examples for every occupation and career path. Check it out here

What to Do Next: Send It To Employers

Step by step, section by section, you've built your resume. Congratulations! Now it's time to get that dream job. We've got just the guide for you.

Looking for an easy way to create a multiple targeted resumes and track the results? We'd love for you to give VisualCV a try.

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

Madison on LinkedIn

How to beat the applicant tracking system with an ATS-friendly resume

Learn how your resume can beat the applicant tracking system (ATS) with keywords and the right resume template.

February 7, 2022

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Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

The complete guide to using a two-column resume template [with examples]

What is a two-column resume, and why should I use one? With stylish templates and efficient use of space, a two-column resume is great for any job-seeker.

April 22, 2022

50+ Cover Letter Examples for Job Seekers in 2023

Over 50+ professional cover letter examples to include with your job application - easy to create a custom cover letter for each application.

April 12, 2022

Madison Norton

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The most well-guarded resume secrets are up for grabs.

Are you ready?

We know how important it is for you to get that job . However, that coveted job you have been eyeballing for months or years is not that attainable.

The most-in-demand jobs come crippled with the fiercest competition.

This means that you need to put your best foot forward. From perfecting your resume to nailing the interview - you have to conquer it all.

Using the best resume tips can get you shortlisted for your dream job.

And in this blog, we have covered the best resume tips and tricks for jobseekers across the world.

Years of resume strategy and curating resumes have left us with an ocean of knowledge. We are sharing this information with you all for free, right here right now!

Here's a list of the top 10 resume tips to write that perfect resume:

  • Draft a one-page resume
  • Pick a suitable resume format
  • Break down your resume into distinct sections
  • Customize your resume for each job application
  • Draft one-liner points to communicate your professional experience
  • Use power verbs to begin each point
  • Add achievement figures to highlight your accomplishments
  • Place relevant keywords in your resume
  • Avoid charts/graphics or visual elements in your resume
  • Use the right fonts and spacing in your resume

Give it a read, and tell us all about it later.

In the meanwhile, feel free to check our Online Resume Builder . With our resume-building tool, resume writing becomes an effortless affair.

You also end up with a perfect resume that you can be proud of.

Don't believe us?

Don't take our word for it.

Go experience the thrill of curating an impeccable resume with the help of our resume building tool now!

Limit Your Resume to One Page

A resume should ideally be one-page long!

But it does not mean that a resume cannot be 2-3 pages long.

You need to ensure that your resume exceeds a page only if you have extensive years of professional experience to showcase during a job application.

Doing so will preserve the authenticity and appearance of your resume.

A single-page resume is encouraged to ensure that it contains only the most significant pieces of information and is easier for the recruiters to scan through within a limited period of time.

Hiration Pro Tip: If your resume is 1.5 pages long, write a detailed resume that is either two whole pages long or trimmed down to a single page.

Draft Your Resume in the Reverse Chronological Order

Presenting your details on a resume in reverse chronological order can give you the advantage to highlight your most recent work experience and relevant job profile upfront.

The recruiters are more interested in what you are currently doing or have recently accomplished rather than what you have done 5/10 years ago.

Therefore you should always draft your resume in the reverse chronological format by mapping your professional journey from current to past experience.

Meanwhile, you can also check out the other two alternatives viz. functional resume format and combination resume format .

Create Distinct Sections to Classify Your Details on Resume

You probably know that you should compile your personal and professional information in your resume under relevant sections.

But did you know what they are?

Here's a list of the 7 must-have sections of your resume:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

In addition to this, you can also incorporate the following optional sections in your resume:

  • Certifications or Training
  • Internships
  • Volunteering Experience
  • Hobbies or Interests

The right resume sections can help you demonstrate your credibility to the recruiters in the most persuasive manner.

Resume Header, Contact Details & Profile Title

The top section of your resume should contain your name, contact details, and profile title.

Header: The header of a resume should display your name as it gives a resume its unique identity and hence helps the recruiters keep an easier track during job applications. Contact Details: Your contact details should be limited to your contact number, email address, current location, and links to your professional or personal websites. Profile Title: Mention your current or latest profile title that specifies your professional status. This can help you stay relevant to the targeted job profile.

Resume Summary or Objective

Resume Summary: Summarize your resume in 3-4 lines to give the recruiters an insight into the details highlighted in your resume. A resume summary should emphasize your professional experience and profile to grasp the attention of the recruiters right away. Resume Objective: Include a resume objective if you are a fresher, changing career, or in need of covering career gaps. Focus on your skills and career goals under the shadow of what the potential employers are looking for in a candidate.

Skills on Resume

The skills section of your resume should draw the attention of the recruiters to your competency in fulfilling the professional duties that come with the targeted job profile.

Include both technical and non-technical skills (Hard & Soft skills) to give an idea of what you excel at as a professional.

While doing so you need to make sure that the skills you mention are valid and relevant to the targeted job profile.

Professional Experience on Resume

One of the main highlights of a resume is the professional experience section .

Always include the following details while drafting the work section of your resume:

  • Provide the name and location of the company that you have been/are involved with along with the employment dates and the profile title you held/hold.
  • Create a brief list of your roles and responsibilities in the respective company to communicate your contributions and achievements.

Education Details

While including your education details make sure to add only your highest degrees.

You can add your high school degree if you do not have a college degree or only when you are a fresher applying for entry-level profiles.

GPAs are important only if they are high or if you have fewer years of work experience.

Additional Sections

The additional section on a resume is where you can add your relevant accomplishments or contributions.

Focus on details that may be of interest to the recruiters and relate to the targeted job profile. And avoid irrelevant details that may divert the recruiter's interest away from your main points.

There is more to crafting the perfect resume section so keep on reading!

Customize Your Resume for Each Job Application

A common resume blunder that professionals tend to make at a universal level is this:

They use the same resume for all their job applications.

What's wrong with this?

On the outside, it seems acceptable to curate one perfect resume and use the same resume over and over.

However, this is the worst thing that you can do in terms of a job application because it leaves you exposed to rejection by recruiters.

This is why you should not write a single generic resume or use it repeatedly.

Each job has a unique set of criteria, even when you're applying for the same job title. Why?

Because different organizations will have their unique understanding of the ideal candidate for that particular job. This is why you should curate a unique resume for each job application.

Every single resume should be relevant to every single one of your target jobs. You can do this by tailoring it to suit the job description of that particular job.

To learn more about writing a tailored resume, read our Guide to writing a job-tailored resume .

Compose One-liner Points (Not Paragraphs)

There are two types of professionals when it comes to making a resume:

  • Those who use paragraphs
  • Those who use one-line points

We bet that no one told you that you should strictly avoid paragraphs to communicate your work responsibilities.

Because it makes your resume hard to read.

A reader-friendly resume also has the added advantage of getting parsed by the ATS software which enhances your chances of getting shortlisted.

To conclude: Do not use bulky paragraphs to communicate the details of your professional engagements. Instead, use one-liner points.

Doing this makes your resume reader-friendly and shortlist-worthy.

Start Each Point Using a Power Verb

Now that you know the importance of using one-liner points, you need to further optimize each point. A great way to do this is through power verbs.

When you begin each point, do not use words like 'did' or 'made'.

Using such informal words or terminology can backfire as it'll end up clubbing you with pretty much every other applicant out there. No recruiter will take the extra time to unearth your resume to see if you're the one .

Here are some of the top resume power verbs you can use in your resume:

Managed Directed
Administered Developed
Collaborated Spearheaded
Monitored Formulated
Executed Organized

Provide Achievement Figures to Emphasize Your Accomplishments

Here's one of the best resume tips that you probably never heard of:

Use achievement figures to highlight your accomplishments wherever possible.

Do not give a bland account of your everyday work responsibilities in your resume. Nobody wants to read that. No recruiter wants to read that either.

If a recruiter is sourcing candidates for a marketing role, the applicant is expected to have basic marketing functions such as:

  • email marketing
  • digital marketing
  • campaign planning

Stating the obvious will not get you anywhere close to a shortlist.

If you are making a resume for a marketing position, do not talk about your work responsibilities in the given format:

Responsible for email marketing Planned marketing campaigns Did digital marketing

Instead of curating your work responsibilities in the above-mentioned format, give more depth to it using numbers or achievement figures.

Here's how you can present the same information effectively:

Spearheaded the content calendar for weekly email marketing campaigns Planned & executed 5+ marketing campaigns for top 3 priority clients Deployed digital marketing tools to increase brand awareness by 50%

Formulating information in the above-mentioned format helps you effectively outline your achievements to the hiring organization.

Doing this helps you showcase the relevance of your skills.

This is one of the lesser-known resume tips and tricks.

Now that you know it, make use of it already!

Incorporate Suitable Keywords in Your Resume

Did you know that using keywords in your resume can enhance your shortlist chances?

Using keywords in your resume is one of the best-known resume tips and tricks. And yet, not many professionals use keywords in their resumes.

Hiration Pro Tip : Try to incorporate industry-relevant keywords related to your target job in your resume. This helps you get filtered through the ATS easily.

The problem lies with the vagueness that is associated with the term.

What is a keyword to begin with?

A keyword is a job-specific qualification. It is unique for each job posting.

There are mainly 3 types of resume keywords :

  • Skill criteria
  • Education criteria
  • Work experience criteria

A skill criterion is a skill-based resume keyword . A hiring organization uses this type of keyword to outline a list of the basic + ideal skill sets needed for a particular job vacancy.

An education criterion is an education-based resume keyword . Most recruiters and headhunters use this keyword to outline the basic educational qualification that an applicant must possess to be considered eligible for the job.

This is why some jobs are open to undergraduates while others are exclusively available to graduates.

A work experience criteria is an experience-based resume keyword . Most employers look for professionals who already have past experience in a given job. They do this to minimize micro-managing. Another reason is knowledge building.

Experienced professionals have something new to contribute to the table. They also need minimal supervision as they are already abreast of company ethics.

On the contrary, you will find that some jobs are open to fresh graduates too.

Keywords in a Job Description

Now that you know what keywords are, here's a LinkedIn job posting for a marketing job:


Here, the hiring organization has provided 2 keywords:

  • Experience-based keyword
  • Skill-based keyword

The job posting is for mid-senior level professionals. This implies that the job applicant must have past work experience. However, it does not specify the no of work experience needed.

If you are a marketing professional with relevant work experience, you can apply for this job.

This half of the job posting also highlights some skill qualifications needed in the ideal candidate. If you are applying for this job, incorporate these skill-based keywords in your resume if you possess these skills.

Since this job advertisement does not have education-based criteria, feel free to apply for it as long as you are an experienced marketing professional.

Skip Charts or Visual Elements from Your Resume

Most professionals have started using charts and graphics in their resumes to showcase important points like their career trajectory.

Skill-based bar diagrams showcasing your efficiency in each skill is one of the most frequently used charts/diagrams in a resume.

While visually appealing and effective in communicating the extent of your skillsets, they might not be the best thing you can do for your resume. Why?

Because they are hard to read.

Most software is not compatible with a chart or graph-heavy resume. They are not able to read them, and as a result, these resumes don't get parsed.

If your resume does not get parsed, your resume will never reach a human recruiter. This means that you will not get shortlisted either.

Secondly, if you come to think of it, including bars and graphs is not that important. It's a nice-to-have add-on, not a crucial component.

Your resume is not a PowerPoint presentation, which is to say that you can make-do without graphics.

The best part?

A text-only resume is more reader-friendly than a chart or graph-heavy resume.

Use Professional Resume Fonts & Spacings

Enhance the readability of your resume by using the right fonts and spacings.

To get on the radar of recruiters, your resume needs to rank high on the ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

The below-given tips can help you in crafting a resume that is easy to read for recruiters and scan by the ATS:

  • Opt for 1.5 line spacing
  • Leave at least 0.5 inch margins
  • Draft your resume in ~ 16 pts for heading, ~ 14 pts for subheadings, and ~ 11-12 pts for text

Top 7 Resume Writing Tips

Everyone needs professional assistance in curating a perfect resume.

While making a resume is not difficult, perfecting one can be a little tricky.

Our goal here is to make a perfect resume. Once you do that, you will get the shortlist you deserve in the company of your dreams.

Now that you know the do's and don'ts of a resume, we will now provide you with the best resume tips to give you the resume help you need.

Here is the top 7 resume writing tips in detail with examples:

  • Resume summary tips
  • Resume formatting tips
  • Resume skill tips
  • Resume personal information tips
  • Resume work experience tips
  • Resume education section tips
  • Resume extra section tips

Refer to the examples and tips provided to curate a resume that can help you land the targeted job interview.

Resume Summary Tips

If you don't know how to write a professional resume, then the summary is a good place to start.

The summary is not just an outline of your career trajectory. On the contrary, it is your one shot at keeping the recruiter interested in your resume.

It gives a quick overview of your profile-specific skills , work experience , and achievements . When put together and served with perfection, it helps you make a great resume.

It is a no-brainer that you need to perfect this section at all costs.

So here are some easy-to-implement resume summary tips:

Practice This:

  • Think of the summary as a sales pitch and pitch yourself. Include job-specific keywords that highlight your competence in your line of work.
  • Keep your resume neat and concise. Stick to a 3-4 lines to effectively summarize your career trajectory.
  • Use resume power verbs and action words within the summary. Using them can add a tone of professionalism to your resume summary.
  • Present your strengths and highlight your achievements. It all boils down to what you can do for the company. Think along these lines and frame your resume summary accordingly. Bottom line is that the employer must know how hiring you will benefit the company.

Read on to learn some more resume summary tips.

Avoid This:

  • Do not talk about what the company/hiring organization can do for you. Instead, focus on what you can do for the hiring organization.
  • Do not write an excessively long summary exceeding the 5 lines paragraph limit. 2-3 action-packed sentences are enough.
  • First-person pronouns "I" and "my" are considered unprofessional. Do not use this tone in your resume summary.
  • Do not include sentences like: “Looking forward to advancing my career/ interview with you/ working with your company/ taking your company to new heights.

Long story short, your summary must leave a lasting impression on the employer.

Here's a resume sample illustrating the perfect summary for a marketing job profile:

*"20+ years experienced Marketing Head highly proficient in developing & executing marketing campaigns to catapult brand visibility and directly impact bottom line. Adept at developing strategic relationships and engineering partnerships with proven success in acquiring & retaining clients like BCG & Goldman Sachs".

Resume Formatting Tips

Here's a valuable tip for resume writing that you probably weren't aware of.

There are three types of resume formats that you can use to make a resume. The ideal resume format for you depends on the nature of your career trajectory.

Hiration Pro Tip : The reverse chronological resume format and the mixed/combination resume format are ATS-compatible. Use them if they fit your work experience & career trajectory.

Here is a list of the top 3 resume formats and who should ideally use them:

  • Reverse Chronological Resume Format
  • Functional Resume Format
  • Mixed/Combination Resume Format

The Reverse Chronological Resume Format is the most well-known and widely-used type of resume format. It is recruiter-friendly. It also helps you write a relevant resume as it shows your career trajectory in a reverse timeline order.

It is ideal for professionals with decent work experience. It is also ideal for professionals who have experience of working in 2 or more places.

The Functional Resume Format is skill-based. The skill-based approach focuses on your skills, not your work experience timeline. As such, it does a fantastic job of hiding the timeline of your work experience.

This resume format is ideal for professionals with career gaps. It is also seen as the preferred format for professionals who switch jobs too often.

The Mixed/Combination Resume Format is a combination of both resume formats outlined above. It follows a skill+timeline approach.

This resume format is ideal for mid-senior level professionals with several years of work experience to their name.

To get a better understanding of resume formats, read Hiration's Blog on choosing the right resume format .

It consists of resume formatting tips that you can easily implement. It also has many resume writing tips and samples that you can read and learn to curate a perfectly optimized resume.

Resume Skill Tips

The skills section is one of the most important sections of your resume.

Your skills matter. They give you a professional identity and make you the professional that you are today.

You need them to execute the demands of your job. You need to cultivate them to get a job. You need to specialize in them to get a promotion.

Read on to learn the do's and don'ts of our resume skill tips:

  • Make a distinct 'key skills' section in your resume. Make a 'technical skills' subsection within it to present your tool-based & technology-driven skills.
  • Cultivate the most-wanted skills in your niche and present them in your resume.
  • Comb through the skill criteria of your target job listing and incorporate those skills that you are adept at in your resume. This will help you get filtered through the ATS.
  • Incorporate those skills you may have picked up in the duration of your work. Example: Recruiting, Onboarding, Team Management, etc.
  • Stay updated with the latest industry-relevant skills.


  • Do not list every single skill you may have. Customize it according to the job.
  • Example: list out those skills that are not relevant to your target job.
  • Do not list commonly universal skills like MS Word. These skills are mostly a necessity and are expected by default from everyone.
  • Avoid bragging. Leave out phrases like “best of” or “exceptional”. Instead, keep it compact. Example: Instead of saying 'exceptional at retaining clients', write 'Client Retention' in your resume.

Here's a sample showcasing what the skills section should ideally look like in your resume after correctly implementing all resume skill tips.


Resume Tips: Personal Information Section

Here are some of the best resume tips for writing a resume personal information section:

Hiration Pro Tip : The personal information section consists of basic contact details such as your email ID and mobile number. Without this section, you will miss out on potential job offers as recruiters won't be able to get in touch with you.

This just proves that the personal information section is important. While it is an under-rated section, it is extremely relevant.

As such, you need to perfect this section at all costs.

Here are the best resume tips for the resume personal information section:

  • List the basics only. Example: phone number, email id, and location information.
  • Use a clean and professional email address. A good example would be: [email protected]
  • Give a mobile number on which you are available 24x7.
  • Include a profile photo only if your job profile requires it.
  • Give a link to your LinkedIn profile and online portfolio.
  • Provide a link to your blog or your website, if any. This is recommended for creative professionals or freelancers.
  • Do not add your home phone number. Your phone number must be accessible during office hours.
  • Don't add more than one email ID or phone number to your resume. Stick to one in which you are available for correspondence round the clock.
  • Do not use a cringy email address such as [email protected] .
  • Do not add extremely personal details as they might lead to biased hiring. Example: age, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, etc.
  • Do not give a link to your social media handle unless explicitly stated.

Resume Tips: Professional Experience Section

Here's a valuable tip for the professional experience section of a resume:

Hiration Pro Tip : Strictly avoid using paragraphs to communicate the details of your professional engagements. Instead, use one-liner points as they are reader-friendly, thus making your resume recruiter-friendly + ATS-compliant.

If you don't know how to write a good resume, dive deeper into the professional experience section. This is where the gold lies.

If a professional summary is an appetizer, work experience is the main course of your resume. Your work history section shows potential employers the kind of work you have done in the past.

It also gives a glimpse into the kind of roles you can be delegated.

Read on to uncover the best resume tips for the work experience section:

  • Get experience. Do some freelance work, volunteer, or do an internship.
  • Draft the professional experience section in the beginning.
  • Use the reverse chronological resume format if you don't have any career gap.
  • Use the combination resume format if you have a career gap + if you have switched jobs too frequently.
  • Use one-liner points to communicate your roles & responsibilities.
  • Arrange similar one-liner points under unique headings or buckets.
  • Optimize each point by using the cause-effect relation. In other words, show the results of your work instead of blandly stating your work responsibilities.
  • Mark relevant career highlights and important words in bold. Doing this helps you divert the recruiter's attention to your key career highlights.
  • Begin each one-liner point with a power verb .
  • Use consistent tense throughout each listing.
  • Use achievements or numbers to demonstrate the result of your professional contributions.
  • Do not worry about the “right” experience. Everyone had no experience at one point.
  • Do not use bulky paragraphs to communicate the nature of your everyday work responsibilities. Why? because paragraphs make your resume less readable. It can thus act as a deterrent and discourage a potential employer from evaluating your resume in its totality.
  • Do not use the wrong verb tenses or switch between tenses.
  • Do not give a bland testament of your roles & responsibilities. Focus on how well you performed them.
  • Do not use jargon, clichés, or meaningless buzzword- it is unprofessional.

Here's an example of an ideal professional experience section for a Data Scientist:


Resume Tips: Education Section

Here are some valuable resume tips for writing a resume education section:

Hiration Pro Tip : Write your GPA only if you have a good GPA. If you don't, simply mentioning basic education details such as course name, school name, location, and dates of enrolment & graduation are enough.

Follow some of the best resume tips on resume writing below.

  • Arrange your degrees in reverse chronological order.
  • Add your GPA if you have a good GPA or if it is required by the employer.
  • Add your high school details only if it is your highest educational qualification.
  • Make sure that this section is placed either right after the work experience section. In case you have a relevant internship, include this section after the internships section.
  • Do not list a GPA that is low as it does not give you a job advantage.
  • Do not add a GPA if you have many years of work experience.
  • Do not give the details of your high school education if you have university degrees.

Here's what a sample education section can look like:


Resume Tips: Extra Sections

Here are the top resume tips for incorporating extra sections.

  • Add a certification section if you have updated your skills. It is perfect for professionals looking for a new job or a career change as it demonstrates industry relevance.
  • Add a hobbies section or interests section only if it benefits your job application.
  • Add the internships section only if you are a fresh graduate, have negligible work experience, or are targeting a job in a different industry.
  • Add a co-curricular/extra-curricular activities section if you have good achievements + no relevant work experience.
  • Add other sections to your resume if you think they are relevant to your job. This is very essential to get an interview call.
  • Do not include a references section unless necessary. Check out when and how to add references to a resume here
  • Do not write “references available upon request.”
  • Do not add an internship experience section if you have lots of work experience in the past.

The Final Touch

Now that you know all the great resume tips and tricks, give it a final touch.

Do not press SEND right away .

Read these amazing resume tips to learn what to put on a resume and how to make it more personalized.

  • Optimize your resume according to the ATS (applicant tracking system).
  • Include a .DOC or PDF version, as required by the recruiter.
  • If nothing is mentioned, send a PDF resume as it helps to retain the formatting.
  • Personalize your resume email. Use a good email provider and a decent email ID.
  • Use a powerful subject line to effectively address the recipient of your email.
  • To learn the correct way of sending job application emails, take a look at our blog on emailing a resume to a recruiter .
  • Label your resume and cover letter with your full name. This prevents your resume from getting lost in hundreds of resumes.
  • Run your final mail and documents through a spell check. Use Grammarly for free grammar and spelling checks.
  • Send your mail to the personal email address of the hiring manager. This increases your chances of getting the job.
  • Make sure that your contact information is correct and all your facts are accurate.


  • Do not flood your resume with irrelevant details.
  • Do not put information that is not relevant to your target industry/niche.
  • Do not write a generic resume. Write a targeted resume that is relevant to the job you are targeting.
  • Do not compose a resume that does not have keywords. Make sure you incorporate them strategically into your resume.
  • Do not use a generic subject line in your job application email.
  • Do not incorrectly label your resume. Use a name that prevents it from getting lost.

You have reached the end of our Blog on resume tips. We hope that this blog was successful at giving you the resume help you need.

Here are some key takeaways of our Resume Tips 2022 Blog:

  • Tip for resume #1: Customization is key. Do not write a generic resume. Make a unique resume for each job application. To achieve this, identify keywords used in the job description of your target job and use them strategically in your resume.
  • Tip for resume #2: Your resume should have important contact details that are accurately written without spelling errors. Additionally, leave out extremely personal details such as race, gender, or marital status, etc. It may lead to biased hiring.
  • Tip for resume #3: PDF resume formats retain the structure and design. Word resume formats are easy to read. Use the appropriate resume format for your resume.
  • Tip for resume #4: Readability is key to getting parsed by the ATS. Your resume will not reach a recruiter if your resume is not reader-friendly. To make a readable resume, organize information using relevant sections. Moreover, try to avoid charts and graphs as much as possible as they reduce the readability of your resume.
  • Tip for resume #5: You can make a perfect resume if each section is perfect. [ Click here to go back to our top 7 section-wise resume tips. ]

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CVs & Résumés

  • Apr 18, 2022

10 Résumé Tips to Stand out in 2024 (with Checklist)

Our guide is here to clue you in on the best résumé tips and trends for 2024.

Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

Editor-in-Chief & Résumé Expert

Reviewed by Melina Theodorou

CV and Resume Checklist and Tips

Writing a résumé in 2024 is just as stressful, confusing and time-consuming as it was in 2021, 2001 and even 1981.

But here’s the thing: the job market keeps changing, new résumé trends keep emerging, and hiring practices keep evolving. This means that, while the basics remain the same (use a professional font , don’t include references, don’t lie on your résumé , etc), writing a résumé today requires a somewhat different approach from years past.

But fret not. Whether you’re writing your very first résumé or you’re a veteran jobseeker, we got you covered. Here are our 10 tips for crafting a job-winning résumé in 2024.

1. Keep it to one page

On average, a single job opening receives 250 job applications . Now, if a company is advertising 10 vacancies, that means recruiters have to potentially get through 2,500 résumés — that’s a lot of reading. And with the average recruiter’s attention span at 7.4 seconds , you need to make sure your résumé grabs their attention from the get-go.

One way to achieve this is by keeping your résumé as concise as possible, ideally no more than one page long — but don’t crowd it with too much content. Of course, if you’re further along in your career (with 10 or more years of relevant work experience) or if you’ve got plenty of impressive accomplishments to showcase , then it’s perfectly fine to go over one page. If you do, though, make sure that the most important information is presented within the top third of the first page.

2. Be unique

Remember: recruiters receive a ton of résumés that they need to get through to find the perfect candidate. And for the most part, they nearly all read the same — I’ve lost count how many times I’ve personally seen the phrase “Self-motivated professional who thrives in fluid environments while remaining pragmatic and focused” being used by jobseekers in their résumés. And it’s just boring — it makes me switch off, as any other hiring manager can attest to.

Your résumé should stand out from, not fit in with, the competition — it has to be as unique as a snowflake if you want to get noticed. This means getting rid of overused jargon and buzzwords , and injecting some personality (whether that’s adding some color, mentioning unique and relatable hobbies on your résumé , or using charts and graphs to illustrate important accomplishments).

3. Use actionable language

Your skills, experience and qualifications are what really matter on your résumé, but how you communicate that information is what keeps recruiters reading your résumé. Indeed, the more engaging and impactful your résumé, the more interest it elicits from readers — and the better are your chances of being invited to an interview .

So, how do you grab — and maintain — their attention? That’s easy: you use actionable language. In other words, incorporate powerful action words (like “Mentored”, “Orchestrated” and “Generated”) throughout your résumé — particularly in the summary section and at the beginning of bullet points.

4. Write for applicant tracking systems

You’re not just writing your résumé for hiring managers and recruiters. You’re also writing for robots — specifically: applicant tracking systems . Better known as ATS for short, an applicant tracking system is a specialist software that’s designed to simplify the recruitment process by filtering through résumés based on preset criteria — before they’re even read by a human being.

Although you can never really know for sure what these criteria are (employers don’t explicitly advertise them), you can get a general idea of what they are by carefully reading through the job description. Indeed, if you read between the lines, you’ll be able to identify what employers are looking for in the ideal candidate, and then frame your résumé around those requirements by incorporating important keywords and phrases from the ad.

It’s also important to make your résumé readable for ATSs. This means no complex formatting (especially columns and tables, though there are ways around this), as most ATSs generally “read” résumés from left to right. Essentially, you risk having sections being jumbled together or entire chunks of text being completely lost.

5. Ditch the objective statement for a career summary

Employers don’t really care about what you are looking for or what your professional goals are. What they do care about is the skills on your résumé and the qualifications you bring to the table that will advance the company’s success.

This means one thing: you need to frame your résumé around the employer’s needs and wants, not your own. And this, in turn, means replacing the outdated objective statement with an impactful career summary. While they both act as an introduction to your résumé, the objective statement focuses on what you want , while the career summary focuses on what you offer.

Here’s a comparison:

  • Objective statement: Award-winning graphic designer with 10+ years’ experience seeking employment with a fast-growing startup.
  • Career summary: Award-winning graphic designer with 10+ years’ experience of creating engaging designs to reach target demographics, communicate a powerful message, and effectively promote a call to action.

6. Add links to your online presence

As the world rapidly deepens its journey into the digital era, the need for an online presence as a jobseeker is more important than ever before. In fact, a CareerBuilder survey found that 57% of hiring managers were less likely to interview a candidate they can’t find online.

Since they will look for you online, you might as well include links to your online presence in your résumé. At the very least, you should have a complete, up-to-date and factually accurate LinkedIn profile , but it’s all a good idea to link to your professional social media accounts (the keyword here is “professional”), as well as your personal website or online portfolio (particularly if you’re a creative professional with a body of work to show off).

A word to the wise, though: make sure your online presence is in tip-top shape (specifically: getting rid of anything that could hinder your job search success, or at least setting your personal social media profiles to private). And don’t forget to optimize your presence for search engines .

7. Choose the right résumé format

There are three main résumé formats : the reverse chronological, the functional, and the hybrid.

The reverse chronological focuses on your work history, which is presented in, you got it, reverse chronological order. The functional résumé , on the other hand, is designed to focus on your professional skills. Finally, the hybrid format résumé gives equal weight to both your work history and your skills.

All three formats have their own advantages (the hybrid, for example, is generally recommended for career changers ), but the reverse chronological is by far the most widely used and, as such, recognized across all industries. This format is the most universal of all (as it works for every career situation) and is the one that hiring managers are most familiar with.

8. Highlight and quantify your achievements

When writing your employment history section , there’s no need to list your many duties and responsibilities — recruiters know exactly what the job of a teacher or a doctor entails, after all, so you only end up wasting valuable résumé real estate. Instead, focus on showcasing your achievements (specifically what you did and how it benefited your employer).

But don’t just mention your achievements — quantify them too. Employers love numbers and data (like years of experience, number of awards won, or dollar amount of revenue or sales), as they clearly demonstrate your successes and what you bring to the table.

For example, “Trained a small team of web designers” can become “Trained a team of 10 web designers”, and “Improved product sales” can become “Improved product sales by 16%, which led to a 24% increase in annual revenue”.

9. Showcase your remote working skills

The whole landscape of job searching and hiring has rapidly changed with the advent of remote work , largely thanks to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, 61% of US companies have adopted either a fully remote or a hybrid work model since the pandemic.

This means that most employers are looking for a unique skillset in candidates today. They want to know that you’ve adapted to the “new normal” and that you’ve got what it takes to succeed in a remote job.

They’re particularly looking for things like self-motivation and discipline, and even familiarity with remote working software like Slack, Zoom and Microsoft Teams, which you can showcase in your list of achievements as well as your skills section. Even if you don’t have any real remote work experience, highlighting your transferable skills will convince hiring managers that you’re worthy of an interview.

10. Keep it recent

One thing I’ve seen many applicants do over and over again is list every single job they’ve ever had in their résumé. I’m here to plead with you not to do that.

It only makes your résumé a very long read, which can make busy recruiters “switch off” — and this is something you want to avoid entirely. You also risk listing outdated, irrelevant and obsolete skills and technologies that carry no weight and that potentially reveal your age to prospective employers (which can, sadly, work against you if you’re a more mature jobseeker).

As a general rule of thumb, only list relevant experiences and qualifications within the last 10 to 15 years. There is, however, one exception to this rule: if you held the same job for 15 or more years. Meanwhile, if you held a job at a major company past the 15-year cutoff point, you can still include it, but keep it to the bare minimum — that is to say: get rid of bulleted lists of responsibilities and achievements.

Résumé checklist

Use this free checklist to write a stellar résumé in 2024 — and avoid common mistakes in the process:

Resume Writing Checklist

You can also feast your eyes on the most essential résumé tips in our video version:

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Key takeaways

As some parting advice, remember to proofread your résumé before you submit your application, and don’t forget to send along a well-written cover letter tailored to the job you’re applying for.

To wrap things up, here’s everything you need to know about writing a résumé in 2024:

  • Keep your résumé to one page, but don’t crowd it with too much content.
  • Inject some personality and get rid of overused jargon and buzzwords.
  • Use action words in the summary and at the beginning of bullet points .
  • Incorporate keywords from the job description, and make sure your résumé is optimized for ATSs.
  • Ditch the objective statement, and instead use a summary.
  • Include links to your LinkedIn profile and professional social media accounts.
  • Use the reverse-chronological résumé format.
  • Focus on achievements, not duties, and use numbers and data to quantify those achievements.
  • Highlight your remote working skills.
  • Only list relevant experience within the last 10 to 15 years.

Got a question or something to add? Let us know in the comments section below!

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7 Proven Tips to Supercharge Your Resume

Typically, your resume is the first impression you make on potential employers. Whether you're just starting out in your career or a seasoned professional, a thoughtfully crafted resume can play an essential role in securing your next dream job. As a recruiter, I see many each week and have identified a few key details that make the best stand out. Here are seven tips for creating an easy-to-read resume that tells a compelling story and best represents you as a professional.

7 Proven Tips to Supercharge Your Resume-8

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18 Résumé Writing Tips to Help You Stand Out

By  Allison Pohle

Updated May 11, 2021 2:15 pm ET

  • A résumé isn’t just a list of every job you’ve ever had. It should demonstrate your accomplishments.
  • Mirror language used in the job posting so your résumé isn’t discarded by an applicant tracking system.
  • Use a clean and simple format. 

Companies increasingly  rely on software  to sort through applicants, which is why it is essential to tailor your résumé to ensure it makes the cut. Applicant tracking systems sort, scan and rank applicants by looking for keywords in applications. Although these programs can save time and money for employers, about 60% said such tools cause them to miss some qualified candidates, according to a 2016 survey of 1,200 job seekers and managers by CareerArc, a human-resources technology company, and Future Workplace, a research firm. Here’s how to make your résumé stand out to robots and humans alike. 

1. Highlight your achievements in your résumé. 

A common mistake job seekers make is believing a résumé is a recap of your career, when in reality, it should convey what you have accomplished, says Christy Noel, a career expert and author of “Your Personal Career Coach.” 

“I always say, spend less of your real estate describing your job, and more time describing your results,” says Ms. Noel.  

2. Customize your résumé.

Read over the job posting, and think about the work experience you have had that is most directly relevant to the position you are pursuing. You can leave out some past jobs and internships if the experience you had wasn’t related. Whatever you do: Don’t submit a generic résumé to dozens of postings. “Even if you have the best experience, if your résumé isn’t speaking directly to the position in which you are applying, there is a strong chance you’ll never even get an interview,” says Demisha Jennings, a certified professional résumé writer and founder and owner of She Assists LLC.  

The same applies to your cover letter. It is your chance to provide more detail on how your experience will help you succeed in the job.  Read our cover letter guide  for how to write one that makes you stand out.

3. Decide how to format your résumé.

Most of the time, a chronological résumé will work well for communicating your past experience. But, in some cases, a functional or hybrid résumé might be more appropriate.  Read more about résumé formats here.

4. Make your contact information easy to find.

Include your name, phone number, email address, city and state. It may also be appropriate to include the URL to your LinkedIn profile. You want it to be easy for hiring managers to reach out.

In addition to making it easy to connect with you, it is important to your job search that you grow your network.  Read our networking guide  for tips on how to do so.

5. Consider adding a summary. 

Many résumé templates leave space for an objective statement, outlining career goals, but that approach is outdated, says Ms. Jennings. Instead, consider a carefully worded summary. The summary is often the first place a hiring manager will look, and gives you an opportunity to introduce your skills high up on the page. You can also work in relevant keywords from the job description. “Recruiters are looking for what you can bring to the table and what you’ve done, rather than you saying, ‘I’m seeking a position,’” Ms. Jennings says. 

6. Great résumés should stand out to skim readers.

Most recruiters spend just a few seconds skimming through a résumé—with an average in one study of  7.4 seconds.  

To have the best chance of making an impression, ensure your job titles, company names and dates of employment are easy to read. The sections of your résumé should be adequately spaced, too, says Dana Leavy-Detrick, founder and director of Brooklyn Resume Studio. 

For additional ways to make a good impression on recruiters and headhunters, read  our guide on how to work with headhunters .

7. Make your résumé robot-friendly. 

Structure your résumé to meet the requirements of an applicant tracking system to give yourself the best chance of having it reach an actual human. Ms. Leavy-Detrick suggests the following:

  • Optimize keywords.  Use the same words and language that are in the job description. For example, three different companies might describe the same role as “programmer,” “developer” or “software engineer.” 
  • Use a straightforward format.  Avoid tables and text-based graphics, which might not get picked up by a scan of the résumé. Sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Helvetica are also best to ensure readability.
  • Think about order.  When formatting each line item of work experience, list the company name first, followed by the job location (city, state), your job title, and your start and end dates. Some résumés can get lost if the dates are listed before the job title. 

8. Prioritize relevant keywords. 

Tailoring your skills to include language from the job posting is an important way to let both the applicant tracking system and, eventually, a hiring manager, see how your prior qualifications tie into the job requirements. But just because you have a résumé full of keywords doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get an interview. “The ATS isn’t there to help the job seeker, it is there to help the employer review your skills against their most important qualifications,” says Ashley Watkins, a career coach and résumé writer with Write Step Résumés LLC. 

9. Craft compelling and concise bullet points.

The goal of a résumé is to list your accomplishments, rather than every duty you performed in the role. Résumé-writing experts recommend including no more than five bullet points per prior job listed. 

  • Don’t focus on tasks.  Many job seekers describe what they did every day, such as answering phones or creating marketing materials, Ms. Watkins says. “Simply copying and pasting the job description doesn’t account for the things you did great, that you did above and beyond your peers,” she says.
  • Instead, explain what those tasks achieved.  Emphasize your results. Ms. Watkins suggests asking yourself “Did I save [the employer] money? Did I save time? Did I improve a process? Did I build a relationship?” These will help you format your bullet points.
  • Use metrics.  Say what you achieved, then contextualize it—with figures if possible. You might not be able to put a monetary value on every accomplishment, but you can frame it by sharing details like the time it took or how many people were involved. “If you raised sales 50% in two months, that means a whole lot more than ‘I’m in charge of sales,’” Ms. Watkins says. 
  • Don’t omit accomplishments that aren’t quantifiable.  Not every achievement will have metrics to show success. If there are figures, you might not always have access to them. But that shouldn’t stop you from including them, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. Perhaps you had a positive impact on the culture of an organization, or improved a struggling relationship with a client. These efforts could help to demonstrate your  soft skills.

10. Focus on transferable skills if you lack experience.

If you are applying for a job in a new field or you are an entry-level applicant and don’t have much direct experience, don’t worry. Highlight transferable skills you have developed in the past that will serve you well in the position, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. For example, you could play up leadership skills you developed participating in an extracurricular activity or time-management skills you learned in a prior job.

11. Go beyond your work history, and include all relevant experience.

If you are new to the workforce, or are job-hunting after being laid off, you could also include related experience that was outside of a traditional full-time job, says Ms. Watkins. For example, you can highlight volunteer work, consulting projects or educational training, all as part of making the case for your unique value, she says.

12. Don’t worry too much about gaps in your résumé.

The Covid-19 pandemic economy resulted in many people being laid off or furloughed. Ms. Watkins says the 2020 job market reminds her of 2008, when she worked as a recruiter. The expectation at that time, she says, was that candidates would have  gaps  on their résumés or list more short-term positions. While it isn’t necessary to directly address the gaps in your résumé, you should be  prepared to talk about them in an interview . “The focus should not be centered on the fact that you were furloughed or laid off, it should be focused on you and your skills and what you do that impacts the company’s bottom line in a positive way,” Ms. Watkins says.

While it is common to list the months and years you started and ended positions in the job history section, you could just use years. This will draw less attention to a six- or eight-month gap, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. 

13. Highlight relevant skills.

It is common to  add a skills section to your résumé , outlining expertise relevant to the position. You can include languages you speak, technical skills or courses you have done. If you lack experience, you can also complete some trainings, which you can find on LinkedIn and elsewhere, related to the job you are applying for and add the courses in this section, says Ms. Jennings.

14. Prioritize work experience over education.

The professional experience you have had is often more relevant to the position than your education history, which is why the work experience should be listed first. In the “Education” section, you should list where you attended college, if applicable, or the highest level of education you have attained. If you graduated with honors, you can flag that, but it isn’t necessary to list your GPA.

15. If you are early on in your career, a key résumé tip is to limit it to one page. 

If you are early on in your career, you should limit your résumé to one page. It is OK to start spilling onto a second page after you have eight to 10 years of experience, says Ms. Leavy-Detrick. 

16. Add some color for a stylish résumé that sets you apart. 

Your résumé should look clean and professional and you should keep applicant tracking systems in mind when formatting the document. But, if it is appropriate, you can add subtle accents of color in the section headings or in bars that separate sections as a way to differentiate your résumé. Ms. Leavy-Detrick doesn’t overstress the need for good design with her clients. “But it can definitely help,” she says. “When I say design, I don’t mean crazy graphic design. I mean having a polished application,” she says. “Think of it the same way you would coming dressed to an interview, it is part of your presentation, and so many people overlook this on the résumé.”

It may be appropriate to incorporate a more creative and graphic-based layout depending on the field in which you work and where you are applying. If you are applying for a position in a creative field, and you are emailing your résumé directly to a hiring manager, then it can be appropriate to use more designs, says Ms. Jennings. But if you are applying to a large company that uses an applicant tracking system or job portal, she says it is best to avoid using graphics unless you are working with a résumé writer who can help you get your resume through the system.

17. Proofread and double-check the formatting.

You may be eager to send your résumé or submit your application, but you should take the time to first check for typos and grammatical errors. You could also have a friend or family member look over it. When you are checking for errors, be sure to double-check the formatting. Sometimes the spacing can get thrown off when you save the file, so check how it looks as a saved document and, if you can, save it as a PDF before sending. 

18. Make sure the saved file name includes your name. 

Make less work for the hiring manager by including your full name in the file name of the résumé document.

What to read next

  • How to Prepare for a Job Interview
  • What Questions to Ask During a Job Interview
  • Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them
  • How to Dress for a Job Interview
  • How to Write a Thank-You Email After a Job Interview  
  • How to Negotiate and Counter a Job Offer
  • How to Negotiate Salary for a New Job: The Do’s and Don’ts
  • Severance Pay: What It Is and Why You Should Negotiate a Package Before Accepting a Job

Corrections & Amplifications Ashley Watkins is a résumé writer with Write Step Résumés LLC. An earlier version of this article incorrectly said Write Steps LLC. (Corrected on Nov. 20)

Copyright ©2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Appeared in the November 23, 2020, print edition as '11 Résumé Tips to Help You Get Noticed

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5 Resume Mistakes to Avoid in 2024 (and What to Do Instead)

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Written by Molly M. Kruse and originally published by USC Online

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You’ve likely come across outdated advice and myths while researching how to write a resume. Here are some common dos and don’ts to ensure your resume stands out.

The first step in a job application is crafting an eye-catching resume. This task can feel especially high stakes, considering your resume will be the first thing most recruiters look at and make decisions based on. But don’t worry: It’s entirely possible to avoid common resume mistakes so that you land in recruiters’ “yes” pile.  

USC Online spoke to  Lori Shreve Blake , senior director for career engagement at the USC Career Center, to uncover the top myths people may hear about writing their resumes — and what to do instead. 

Myth #1: There’s One Right Way to Format Your Resume  

The internet is awash with free resume templates and resume writing advice. But the truth is, the type of resume you should use will vary depending on your target role, industry, work experience and life circumstances.   

“There’s not one size fits all,” Shreve Blake said. “There’s not, ‘Everybody follows this one resume type, and it will get you a job.’ It does not work like that.” 

One factor to consider when deciding what type of resume to use is how many years you’ve spent in the workforce. Recent graduates may choose to emphasize their education, internships and university involvement, while someone who has several jobs under their belt will lead with their employment history and accomplishments. 

Your target position and the industry you are in will also inform how you write your resume, including the length. You may have heard that a resume should never exceed one page — but that’s not entirely true. While people with less experience, or those who work in certain industries like engineering and consulting, should generally stick to a one-page resume, senior executives might have a resume up to three pages long. 

“If I’m going for the CEO job, or a senior executive role, then it’s likely I’ve had at least 10 to 20 years of experience,” Shreve Blake said. “And I’ve had a lot of great experiences that will qualify me to be a senior executive. Therefore, I could have a longer resume to highlight relevant achievements.” 

What about if you’ve been out of the workforce for a while or want to pivot to an entirely new career? In those cases, Shreve Blake says a resume should be structured to highlight transferable skills. Or consider a functional resume, which shifts the focus to skills rather than work experience. 

Shreve Blake recommends making several resume variations based on the main types of jobs you’ll be applying for, with  skills sections  tailored to those positions. 

But don’t go overboard. 

“Let’s say, I want to work in entertainment,” Shreve Blake said. “I don’t believe you should have 500 different resumes for all the jobs you’re going to apply to in entertainment, but maybe focus it in on [either] editing or writing or producing … so that you appear qualified and have the key buzzwords for the role you are applying to.” 

Myth #2: You Should Game the System with Hacks Like “White Fonting”  

In a recent TikTok trend, creators suggest “white fonting”: copying the entire job description and pasting it in a tiny, white font on your resume so it’s invisible to the naked eye. The idea is to make your resume stand out to the applicant tracking system (ATS), a software that aids recruiters in the hiring process, by matching all the target keywords recruiters are looking for. 

While it’s important to use keywords from the job description in your resume, there are better ways to go about it than using hacks like “white fonting,” Shreve Blake said. Instead, she suggests using tools like ChatGPT to quickly identify the top 10 keywords used in a job description, then adding the applicable ones to your resume skills section. (Shreve Blake added that, when using AI this way, you should always cross-check to make sure the words are actually in the job description and aren’t hallucinations.) 

Tricks like “white fonting” can also backfire. The ATS is just the first step recruiters use to identify potential candidates. If your resume makes it to the top, a real person will read it. And if your experience and skills don’t match what they’re looking for, they’ll toss it. 

Also, most applicants won’t be a 100 percent match to a given job description — and that’s okay, Shreve Blake says. 

“For the long term, people want to hire people who are ethical and who are honest,” Shreve Blake said. “You want to come in on day one honest and being a candidate and a future employee of integrity and ethics.” 

Myth #3: You Should Use Your Dad’s Resume Template from 1990  

First-time job seekers often turn to their friends, parents or other relatives for advice on writing a resume. Although some tenets of resume writing remain ageless, some trends are decidedly “out” in the 21st century, Shreve Blake said. 

For example, 20 years ago, applicants often wrote “references available upon request” at the bottom of their resumes. This is no longer recommended since it’s a given that candidates who move up to number one will provide references when asked, Shreve Blake says. 

“It’s a waste of space,” Shreve Blake said. “Your resume is prime real estate and needs to be well organized and highlight your accomplishments. Every word that you have on there is very important. So, you don’t want random words that mean nothing.” 

Putting home addresses on a resume is also a thing of the past. Instead, Shreve Blake recommends simply including your city and state, phone number and email address in the header of your resume. Your LinkedIn URL is also a great addition to the contact information section — but only if your LinkedIn profile is up to date! 

“Your LinkedIn profile is literally like your personal website,” Shreve Blake said. “And LinkedIn is where all the employers are. So, it needs to be taken very, very seriously.” 

Finally, objectives, or statements about who you are and what kind of job you’re looking for, are no longer necessary on a resume. It’s better to save this for your  cover letter .  

And some past resume writing formats, such as including your photo in the corner or using first-person pronouns, were never a good idea, Shreve Blake adds. 

Myth #4: The More Words on Your Resume, the Better!

Gone are the days when wordy sentences were considered professional. Shreve Blake recommends streamlining your resume with bullet points and well-chosen words. 

The Situation, Task, Action, Result — or STAR — Method is a great place to start, Shreve Blake said. 

“[Bullet points] should be very concise, but very powerful with action verbs, results, numbers, percentages and dollars,” Shreve Blake advised. 

For each bullet point, describe the situation and task using a third-person action verb. Examples could include “developed a competitive analysis,” “started a company” or “created a social media strategy.” 

Next, use a transition verb that describes your action in the given situation. Maybe to develop the competitive analysis, you had to research 25 competitors and present that information — put that here.  

Finally, show results in numbers, percentages or dollar amounts, if possible. You can also write about notable people who were impacted by your work. Maybe after creating your competitive analysis, you presented your findings to the CEO. That also counts as an important result!  

Here’s our final bullet point according to the STAR Method: “Developed a competitive analysis, researching 25 competitors’ products, presenting information to the CEO and Chief Marketing Officer.” 

Shreve Blake recommends using this method to write each bullet point on your resume. This ensures you convey your expertise and the value you can bring to the company. 

Myth #5: What Makes a “Good” Resume is Completely Subjective  

With so much conflicting advice and information available online and on social media about writing resumes, you may assume that there is no “right” way to write a resume. But even though there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach, there are still best practices you can use to up your resume writing game to get interviews. 

Shreve Blake recommends job seekers  use a resume checker like Jobscan  to get quick feedback on their resumes. If you’re in college, you can also visit your campus’s career center for personalized advice on your resume and job hunt. However, even if you don’t have access to a university, resources like the USC Career Center’s  resume booklet  are available online for free. 

Shreve Blake noted it’s normal for applicants to struggle with highlighting their best and most relevant accomplishments to the job on their resume so they can rise to the top and get noticed by both the ATS and live recruiters. 

“That struggle of 20 years ago is still a struggle today,” Shreve Blake said. “Many people find difficulty writing and updating a resume. And it’s a process of learning! As people manage their career journeys, the resume is always a work in progress.” 

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An Expert’s Guide to Resumes: Five Tips to Make You Stand Out

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An Expert’s Guide to Resumes: Five Tips to Make You Stand Out was originally published on Leland .

Hi, I’m Drake P. . Back in college I worked at my university’s career center and ended up working at a top management consulting firm where I also managed recruiting for six schools and our office’s internship program. I also ran a free resume reviewer platform for which I read thousands of resumes for students and low-income professionals. I then worked at an HR Tech company where we thought about the future of people management, and what skill and profile evaluation actually mean. And, as the Student Body Co-President of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, I have tailored my own resume for new opportunities and worked to manage my own brand as I work to build my career. Here are my top tips for making your resume stand out.

The resume is one of the most important parts of any application. It tells the recruiter who you are, what you have accomplished, and why they should hire you. However, most recruiters will not spend more than a few seconds glancing at each resume they get, so it is imperative that your resume follows the correct formatting guidelines, contains only relevant information, and makes your profile stand out.

1. Use A Standard Format/Template

Unless you are applying for a creative role, a standard resume format is highly recommended. Recruiters and hiring managers will not spend very long looking at a resume. The more clearly it is understood in a brief amount of time, the better your chances are of making it to the next round. The objective of a resume is to present your entire professional history in a succinct manner, and atypical resumes can be a distraction from that goal.

2. Show Impact

Failing to show the recruiter how you personally made the company better is one of the most common resume mistakes. The goal of the resume is to get hired; yet, so many fail to give concrete reasoning of why they should be hired. With percentages, dollar amounts, or any other KPIs, show that you made a difference in each role. Just because you did something, doesn’t mean that you did it well. If you did do it well, show how .

With that being said, if you were in an internship where you don’t really know how you made an impact or you weren’t in the role for very long, then focus on the scale and size of projects that you were working on. This shows trust and competency. For example, imagine two interns who both worked at Procter & Gamble have these descriptions of their roles on their resumes:

Intern A : “Worked on a marketing campaign for dish soap that reached 10,000 views across 3 platforms, ran grassroots outreach, and grew brand awareness by increasing impressions and clicks 87%.”

Intern B : “Worked on a marketing campaign for dish soap, ran grassroots outreach, and grew brand awareness.”

Intern A has a stronger description of their work, clearly demonstrates the impact they made, and gives a more convincing argument that they should be hired. Remain impact-oriented throughout the entire resume.

3. Have the Right Bullet Points

Ninety percent of resumes all have the same problem: they don’t have the right bullet points. When describing your roles, follow this format:

a. Proof of Impact

Use numbers ($, %, or #) and show how you positively impacted the company in your role.

b. What did you impact?

Mention the specific projects that you worked on and the responsibilities you held.

c. How did you do it? What enablers did you use?

Did you use a specific programming language or computer software? Were you a part of a team?

Bullet points should generally never be more than two lines long or it gets confusing to read.

Every employee’s actions make an impact on KPIs and growth, and recruiters want to know that you’re cognizant of that.

4. Properly Allocate Information

Before you start the application process, research the role and company to find out what kind of candidate they’re looking for and what they value. What are the specific skill requirements and how do they talk about the role? Then, when putting together your resume, highlight the information that is most relevant to the recruiter.

The more recent experiences should take up more space, but within that, there is some room for flexibility. After you’ve written the first draft, reread it through the eyes of a skeptical recruiter and see whether you can quickly understand the impact you made and how your experience and skills fit the role/company. It can be difficult to take things off a resume, especially personal accomplishments; however, it’s important to recognize when it’s best to leave something behind because it is not relevant to the current role.

Something I personally do is have a much longer resume on my computer with pages of my experience, and then selectively delete items to tailor my resume down for the specific role.

5. Never Let the Reader Guess

Nothing on your resume should be up for interpretation. If you leave something unexplained or vague, you don’t have control and the picture that the recruiter imagines will likely not match up to reality. Be clear, direct, and concise when writing your bullet points. If it’s impact-driven and highly digestible, you won’t leave too much up to interpretation. Be skeptical of the person who will be reading your resume and write it in such a way that it would be impossible to misconstrue any part of it.

Bonus: Next Steps

After you’ve spent hours writing and polishing your resume, it can be difficult to know what the next step is. How do you get it into the right hands at a company? How do you ensure that it won’t get buried under a thick stack of long-forgotten resumes from applicants’ past?

Well, first and foremost, you should research those with hiring power in your desired company. Find the most important people in the organization and in your department, including any hiring and recruiting managers. Reach out organically and be persistent with follow-ups. If their email is not publicly available online, try RocketReach for the company’s standard email structure.

Before sending an email, it can also be helpful to research specific information about the recruiter. In doing so, you may find similarities or network connections that you can use to tailor the email. After you’ve sent the email, you can follow up in a considerate and timely manner.

I hope you found this guide helpful. Small adjustments in the short term can make a big impact in the long term, so it’s important to control what you are able to.

Get Your Resume Reviewed by an Expert

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4 must-have items in your resume to get a remote job.

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4 Must-Have Items In Your Resume to Get a Remote Job

For a lot of people, remote working is the dream. The benefits of remote work include no longer

dealing with traffic and long commutes, greater flexibility in managing your schedule, and the comfort of working from home.

But even more importantly, remote work can also open avenues for professional growth as it allows you to work for companies across the globe without having to relocate. If this sounds like an excellent deal to you, you’re not alone. According to the Pew Research Center , at least 65% of workers prefer to work remotely full-time, and 98% would like to have the option to work remotely at least part of the time.

With many CEOs calling their employees to return to the office , you may need to exert more effort to get a remote role, at least compared to the pandemic years . That being said, the demand for remote roles is still high in many industries, and with the right tweaks, your resume should help you get the remote role you want.

Here are four must-have items in your resume if you want to get a remote job today.

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As with any job, you want to show previous related work experience to prove that you are qualified for it. With remote jobs, you want your future employer to see how well you fare with working unsupervised and what results you achieved in such setups.

But even if this is your first time pursuing a fully remote role, you can still highlight past experiences where you successfully collaborated with co-workers or stakeholders in different states or even overseas to accomplish set goals.

It’s particularly helpful to think about projects where you coordinated across time zones, managed communication remotely, or relied on digital tools such as Zoom or Slack to get the job done.

To make your resume even more attractive to employers, try your best to quantify your results and show how your work improved the company’s processes or contributed to the bottom line.

For example, you might mention how you implemented a new project management tool that streamlined workflow and resulted in a 25% increase in task completion rates, helping the team consistently meet deadlines. You could also cite a time when you managed a remote team across different time zones, which allowed your team to operate more efficiently and cut overhead costs by 15%.

The more you can show your ability to deliver good results in a remote setting, the more attractive you’ll be to potential employers. The key is to highlight your successes and show that distance will not hinder you from creating stellar results.

Collaboration Skills

At the heart of any successful remote working experience is effective collaboration with your peers and managers. Employers value collaboration skills because you don’t see each other face to face; it’s easy to work in silos and lose touch with the team’s overall goals.

Including collaboration as part of your skills is crucial, but to truly stand out, you’ll want to demonstrate that you were instrumental in getting the team to work collaboratively, even when you’re all miles apart.

Don’t forget to mention your experience in using specific project management tools like Asana , Trello , or Monday.com — this is important because it demonstrates your proficiency with the tools that help you assign tasks, track progress, and ensure timely deliveries, especially as a remote worker.

Excellent In Presentations

Presentations are a crucial skill for anybody to master, but it’s even more important for people working remotely. Because you’re not in the office, your best opportunity to make a good first impression is during meetings, and having excellent presentation skills will help you clearly communicate your ideas, engage your audience, and establish a professional presence.

You’ll want to cover the basics first. Ensure your slides are clear, concise, and visually engaging. Focus on structuring your content logically and practicing your delivery to maintain a confident and professional demeanor.

Once you have your content down, you’ll also want to be adept at using the tools. Remote presentations come with unique challenges, so also familiarize yourself with tools like Zoom , Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet . Learn how to use their features effectively, and find out how you can maximize them to achieve your goals.

Mastering the tools helps you maintain command of the room and avoid technical glitches as much as possible. You already spent a ton of time polishing your slides and delivery, so the last thing you want is to fumble around trying to share a screen or get a video playing!

Data & Numbers

From tracking customer behavior to optimizing supply chains, data allows companies to predict trends, personalize experiences, and stay ahead of the competition. But while we’re all practically up to our ears in data, it takes people with actual data analytics skills to find patterns and create actionable insights that companies can use to inform their operations.

If this is you, then you’re in luck. With Quanthub estimating the demand to have grown 650% since 2012, your skills are highly sought after, and companies will want to hire you, even if you’re on the other side of the globe.

But first, you’ll want to ensure that your data analytics skills and experience are highlighted in your resume. For example, if you’ve led projects where data-driven decisions led to increased efficiency or growth, you want to detail that impact in terms of numbers.

Mention specific tools that you’ve mastered and how you used them to uncover trends or optimize processes. Did you create a predictive model that saved your company thousands or even millions? Again, don’t just mention it—quantify it in terms of how it has benefited your company and its bottom line.

The more you can do this, the better your chances of getting hired for remote roles. It might be a bit more challenging, but the effort will pay off. So polish up your resume, highlight those key achievements, and get ready to seize the opportunities that come your way. Rooting for you!

Sho Dewan

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Fantasy football rankings: Sleeper picks for every position in 2024

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Fantasy football leagues are won by players outperforming their draft positions. These sleepers give a return on investment that can overcome potential pitfalls across your team due to injuries or other issues.

In 2023, Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Puka Nacua likely won a lot of fantasy football leagues after entering the season ranked as WR101 (the 101st wide receiver drafted, on average) per FantasyPros . He finished the season as a top-five wide receiver in all formats. Detroit Lions wideout Amon-Ra St. Brown was WR10 before the season and ended the year as the No. 3 wide receiver in fantasy football.

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Sleepers like Nacua don't come around often but ones like St. Brown can make the difference between a championship and summer punishments for last place . Here are two players at each position who could outperform their current average draft position (ADP) and position ranking, per FantasyPros aggregate data :

2024 fantasy football sleepers: Quarterback

Matthew stafford , los angeles rams (adp 140, qb20).

  • 2023 stats : 326-of-521 passing, 3,965 yards, 24 touchdowns, 11 interceptions | 254.3 fantasy points

Stafford managed to finish last year as QB15 despite missing two games and wide receiver Cooper Kupp . It's hard to imagine he'll take a step back with Kupp returning and an upgraded offensive line, specifically in the interior.

Los Angeles lost defensive coordinator Raheem Morris and the Rams' defense may take a step back in 2024. That would put Los Angeles in high-scoring games. Stafford's ADP puts him behind the likes of Justin Herbert , Trevor Lawrence , and Kirk Cousins . With Sean McVay still on the sidelines, Stafford is a great value choice as a QB2 or low-end QB1 if you prioritize your resources elsewhere.

Will Levis , Tennessee Titans (ADP 171, QB25)

  • 2023 stats : 149-of-255 passing, 1,808 yards, eight touchdowns, four interceptions | 106.1 fantasy points

Levis is a dual-threat quarterback entering his first full season as a starter with upgrades at the wide receiver position and a new play caller in head coach Brian Callahan, who has a track record of success from his time in Cincinnati. Callahan also brought along his father Bill who is one of the best offensive line coaches in the league.

Levis is currently ranked behind Geno Smith and Bo Nix by ADP. You don't have to squint to see him outperforming that position as at least a QB2.

2024 fantasy football sleepers: Running back

Rico dowdle , dallas cowboys (adp 149, rb44).

  • 2023 stats (full PPR): 361 yards rushing, two touchdowns; 17 receptions, 144 yards receiving, two touchdown | 91.5 fantasy points

Ezekiel Elliott is back in Dallas but is four years and 896 carries removed from his last Pro Bowl season with the Cowboys in 2019. He set career-lows in yards from scrimmage (955) and touchdowns (five) in 2023.

Dowdle split time last year in the Cowboys' backfield with Tony Pollard , who is now in Tennessee . The Cowboys offense may take a step back in 2024 - especially if the CeeDee Lamb contract situation worsens - but Dowdle should have plenty of opportunity to finish better than RB44 as a more explosive option than Elliott.

Najee Harris , Pittsburgh Steelers (ADP 73, RB24)

  • 2023 stats (full PPR): 1,035 yards rushing, eight touchdowns, one fumble lost; 29 receptions, 170 yards | 195.5 fantasy points

Pittsburgh brought in Arthur Smith as the new offensive coordinator for 2024. Smith's reputation for a strong running game and Pittsburgh's upgrades along the offensive line in the 2024 NFL Draft make Harris and fellow Steelers running back Jaylen Warren popular sleeper picks this season.

Warren was a more efficient runner last season but Harris may be the better sleeper for one simple reason: size. He's one of the bigger running backs in the league at 6 feet, 1 inch tall and 242 pounds, compared to Warren at 5-feet-8 and 215. Smith's shown a preference for bigger backs at previous stops in Tennessee ( Derrick Henry ) and Atlanta ( Tyler Allgeier ). That could give Harris the edge over Warren.

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2024 fantasy football sleepers: Wide receiver

Diontae johnson , carolina panthers (adp 88, wr37).

  • 2023 stats (full PPR): 51 receptions, 717 yards, five touchdowns | 152.7 fantasy points

Johnson was traded to Carolina this offseason as the Panthers build around second-year quarterback Bryce Young . Last season, 33-year-old Adam Thielen led the team with 103 catches, 1,014 yards, and four touchdowns. Johnson is a big upgrade over Thielen at this point in their careers.

Upgrades on offensive line and a new play caller should improve things for Young and Johnson appears to be the clear No. 1 target in the passing game. He's being drafted around the likes of Jayden Reed , Xavier Worthy , and DeAndre Hopkins . None of those players are No. 1 targets on their teams.

Jaxon Smith-Njigba , Seattle Seahawks (ADP 101, WR44)

  • 2023 stats (full PPR): 63 receptions, 628 yards, four touchdowns | 149.8 fantasy points

A regime change in Seattle could be to Smith-Njigba's benefit. New offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb comes from Washington Huskies where he ran exciting three-receiver sets with the likes of NFL draftees Rome Odunze , Jalen McMillan , and Ja'Lynn Polk . That could bode well for the trio of Seahawks receivers in Smith-Njigba, Tyler Lockett , and DK Metcalf .

Smith-Njigba could flourish in more underneath and intermediate routes and grow into a bigger role as Lockett ages. He was overvalued in 2023 but could be a worthwhile sleeper in 2024.

Fantasy football 2024: Who are the top wide receivers to draft this year?

2024 fantasy football sleepers: Tight end

Jake ferguson , dallas cowboys (adp 82, te10).

  • 2023 stats (full PPR): 71 receptions, 761 yards, five touchdowns | 177.1 fantasy points

Ferguson finished the 2023 season as TE9 thanks to scoring four of his five touchdowns from Weeks 8-13. He became the second option in the Cowboys' passing game and there's no reason that'll change in 2024. If anything, his role could expand in 2024 amid Lamb's contract issues. It's hard to find value at a thin tight end position in fantasy football but if you miss out on the big names, Ferguson's a low-end TE1 and great consolation prize.

Dallas Goedert , Philadelphia Eagles (ADP 105, TE12)

  • 2023 stats (full PPR): 59 receptions, 592 yards, three touchdowns | 136.3 fantasy points

Goedert will have a new offensive coordinator this season in Kellen Moore. The last time Moore had a comparable set of pass-catchers as Philadelphia has in 2024 was in Dallas in 2021 with Lamb, Amari Cooper , and Dalton Schultz . That season Lamb, Schultz, and Cooper had a very even split of targets (104-120) and catches (68-79).

Goedert, DeVonta Smith , and A.J. Brown are a relatively similar trio talent-wise to what the Cowboys had that season. Philadelphia's offense prioritized Brown in 2023 with 158 targets and 106 receptions. Those could go down with a larger distribution going to Goedert. It may be a stretch but again, tight end is a thin, top-heavy position in fantasy.

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2024 fantasy football sleepers: D/ST

Chicago bears (d/st 11).

  • 2023 stats : 30 sacks, 22 interceptions, six fumble recoveries, two touchdowns | 120 fantasy points

The Bears defense played well down the second half of 2023 and return most of their starters. The defensive backfield may be the best part of this unit with Jaylon Johnson , Tyrique Stevenson , and Jaquan Brisker . Defensive performance is hard to predict year-over-year. But they'll likely be playing from behind less often thanks to an influx of talent on offense for 2024.

Houston Texans (D/ST 13)

  • 2023 stats: 46 sacks, 14 interceptions, 10 fumble recoveries, three touchdowns | 131 fantasy points

Houston enters year two under head coach DeMeco Ryans, who coordinated the No. 1 defense in the NFL in 2022. A second year in his system, the additions of Danielle Hunter and Azeez Al-Shaair , and a year of development from Defensive Rookie of the Year Will Anderson Jr. should see Houston as a top-10 defense in 2024. Their schedule is tough but the potential is there.


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  8. 56 Resume Writing Tips and Tricks for 2024

    Improve your job application with the best resume tips for 2024. This guide includes resume writing tips and samples that can help you win more job interviews.

  9. What to Put on a Resume in 2023 [Checklist, Tips & Examples]

    Wondering what to put on a resume and which resume components to include? Use this checklist as a guide and get some extra tips and examples.

  10. How to Make a Resume for a Job in 2024

    We're spilling all of our best-kept resume secrets to show you how to make a resume that impresses employers and wins you more interviews in 2024.

  11. 40+ Resume Tips and Advice for 2024 [with Expert Insights]

    Discover over 40 expert resume tips for 2024 to enhance your job application. Learn how to stand out and make a lasting impression with insights from Enhancv.

  12. 43+ Resume Tips and Tricks to Land Your Next Job in 2024

    Writing a resume can be hard. This is why we put together this value-packed guide of 43+ actionable resume tips and tricks you can start using now.

  13. Resume Trends to Follow in 2023

    Some resume advice is timeless … but not all of it. Here's a list of the current resume trends worth following, including our top resume tips for 2023 and beyond.

  14. A Checklist For Updating Your Resume in 2024

    Need an updated resume but don't have time to start from scratch? Follow these 17 simple tips to quickly update your existing resume in 2023.

  15. The 2023 Resume Writing Guide [+ Job Search Tips and Resume Examples]

    Our 2023 Free Resume Writing Guide is filled with quality job search tips, resume examples and information you need to know before writing your resume or CV.

  16. 45 Resume Tips for Getting a Job in 2024

    Include keywords, use action verbs and pick an ATS-friendly template. Find resume tips like these to help you land a job this year.

  17. 100+ Resume Tips: Do's & Don'ts for your Resume in 2023 [+Examples]

    We picked apart individual sections of a resume to compile a comprehensive list of 2022 resume tips do's and don'ts to help you make an impact with your resume!

  18. 10 Résumé Tips to Stand out in 2024 (with Checklist)

    Find out which are the leading résumé trends for 2024 and improve your résumé document by following our tips and in-depth checklist.

  19. How To Update Your Resume in 2024: A Complete Guide

    Learn how to update your resume by reviewing some tips and strategies you can use to highlight your qualifications and apply for new jobs in your industry.

  20. 5 Things To Add To Your Resume In 2023

    Your passion Of course, you need to show that you're passionate about your industry on your resume, but in 2023 you need to take this one step further.

  21. 10 Resume Writing Tips To Help You Land a Position

    Explore 10 resume writing tips to help you create a well-written resume that showcases relevant qualifications and matches the job description.

  22. 7 Proven Tips to Supercharge Your Resume

    Here are seven tips for creating an easy-to-read resume that tells a compelling story and best represents you as a professional. Begin with a strong summary. Your resume should start with a concise and impactful statement that highlights your key skills and why you're an ideal fit for the role.

  23. 18 Résumé Writing Tips to Help You Stand Out

    In addition to making it easy to connect with you, it is important to your job search that you grow your network. Read our networking guide for tips on how to do so. 5. Consider adding a summary. Many résumé templates leave space for an objective statement, outlining career goals, but that approach is outdated, says Ms. Jennings.

  24. 5 Resume Mistakes to Avoid in 2024 (and What to Do Instead)

    Myth #1: There's One Right Way to Format Your Resume . The internet is awash with free resume templates and resume writing advice. But the truth is, the type of resume you should use will vary depending on your target role, industry, work experience and life circumstances. "There's not one size fits all," Shreve Blake said.

  25. An Expert's Guide to Resumes: Five Tips to Make You Stand Out

    And, as the Student Body Co-President of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, I have tailored my own resume for new opportunities and worked to manage my own brand as I work to build my career. Here are my top tips for making your resume stand out. The resume is one of the most important parts of any application.

  26. Resume Guidelines: 22 Formatting & Writing Rules for 2024

    Trying to get a new job in 2024? Follow our resume guidelines for writing and formatting a professional resume that will help you end your job hunt.

  27. 4 Must-Have Items in Your Resume to Get a Remote Job in 2024

    Previous Remote Work Experience. As with any job, you want to show previous related work experience to prove that you are qualified for it. With remote jobs, you want your future employer to see ...

  28. 10 Best Resume Builders to Create A Great Resume

    Let's Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service. Star Rating: 4/5. Let's Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform ...

  29. Fantasy football sleepers 2024: Best picks for every position

    2023 stats (full PPR): 71 receptions, 761 yards, five touchdowns | 177.1 fantasy points Ferguson finished the 2023 season as TE9 thanks to scoring four of his five touchdowns from Weeks 8-13.

  30. Are Cover Letters Necessary?

    In most cases, yes—you should submit a cover letter with your resume. Photo-illustration of a hand writing a cover letter. While people have polarizing opinions on cover letters, it's often best ...