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Critic’s Notebook

An Old-Fashioned Date Can’t Beat a Night Out Debating Reality TV

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By Neil Genzlinger

  • Oct. 7, 2011

My maternal grandfather, Don Rose, was an obsessive journal-keeper when he was young. For some years beginning in his late teens, he would record his thoughts and activities in minute detail — not just that he went shopping, but also what he bought and how much it cost. (“Fare, town: .50; suit cleaned & mended, 2.05; socks, .25; collars, .25.”)

One journal entry, from around 1910, mentions a date he had been on. It’s where he took the young lady that is interesting: They went to a debate, one on the proposition “that commission form of municipal government is an improvement on the present system.”

It’s becoming hard enough to imagine a guy taking a gal on a date of any kind here in the age of casual hooking up, but a date to a debate? Especially an old-fashioned one about ideas, not presidential politics?

I did not have a date with me Tuesday night when I attended just such a debate at the Crosby Street Hotel in SoHo, but I wouldn’t have felt the need to apologize to her if I had. It was a darned entertaining evening, more laughs than most movies, less morning-after arm stiffness than bowling. And the question under discussion was every bit as urgent as how to structure municipal government: “Does reality television do more harm than good?”

Two-man teams, one from Harvard, one from Columbia, took on the issue, Harvard (Andrew Laing and Allen Ewalt) arguing that yes, it does, and Columbia (Rohan Jotwani and Reid Bagwell) contending that it doesn’t. I thought both sides were pretty convincing. But the judges gave it to Columbia on a 2-to-1 vote.

The proposition said “reality television,” but the debaters focused almost exclusively on one stripe of reality TV: the “watch people live their lives badly” one, which includes “Jersey Shore,” “The Real World” and such. (The debate was hosted by Halogen TV, a relatively new channel that emphasizes a more reputable, socially conscious type of reality-based series.)

Mr. Laing began, arguing that reality television saps ad dollars and viewer time that could be used more nobly; that these shows are bad for the people who go on them (“You end up looking like Omarosa,” a notorious reality-show villain); that they set terrible examples for those who live their lives based on what they see on the tube. “Snooki and the Situation” — those “Jersey Shore” freak shows — “could very much be multimillionaires, and I don’t think that’s a good message to send,” Mr. Laing said.

Mr. Bagwell, arguing the other side, noted that bad role models on television are not limited to reality shows — there are plenty in scripted TV as well. He called out the elitism inherent in the question: “Ivy League people think reality TV is kind of lowbrow.” And, dropping a reference to a fascinating-like-a-train-wreck A&E show , he said, “I do think there’s some societal value that we now know all about hoarding.”

reality tv does more harm than good essay

Mr. Ewalt, in the rebuttal round, said that reality shows reinforce harmful stereotypes. He also noted that despite the genre’s name, they are actually anti-reality; those on the shows and those who aspire to be on them adopt made-for-the-camera mannerisms and mind-sets. “It creates this pressure for people to behave inauthentically,” he said.

Mr. Jotwani, though, contended that reality shows have the power to burst stereotypes as well as reinforce them, citing Susan Boyle, the homely singer who became a star after a performance on “Britain’s Got Talent.” “That’s something that only happens on reality TV,” he said. And Mr. Bagwell suggested that there’s no proof that people at large act idiotically, criminally or whatever because they see that behavior on television. “Crazy people will do crazy things with or without reality TV,” he said.

Back and forth they went, like great boxers slugging it out, though — this was somewhat disappointing — no actual slugging took place. Still, it was all pretty invigorating, and I would propose a nationwide revival of debating, not just as a dating destination, but as a way to determine what we should do to bring order to the chaos that is television today. We ought to stage formal debates like the one I saw, broadcast them nationally, and let viewers vote — reality-competition-show style, of course — on who won. Then television would be mandated to conform to the results.

In addition to the proposition I saw debated, here are a few that deserve well-reasoned discussion and action:

¶ Should there be a limit on how many talk-show appearances someone can make to plug a new movie, show or album? (I’m talking to you, Radiohead .)

¶ Do 24-hour news channels do more harm than good?

¶ Does Piers Morgan do more harm than good?

¶ Should a 50-year moratorium be imposed on new police procedurals?

¶ Are hospital shows featuring imbalanced doctors creating a public health crisis because they make people afraid to seek medical care? (I’m talking to you, Hugh Laurie.)

¶ Should the women from “The View” be cast in a reality-show version of the old “Twilight Zone” episode where one man bets another that he can’t go a year without speaking?

¶ Are hoggers, ghost-chasers, hillbilly handfishers, hairy bikers, disobedient pets, garrulous cake bakers and obnoxious residents of New Jersey overrepresented on American television and thus giving a misimpression of our species to those on other planets who may be receiving the TV signals emanating from our satellites, inevitably leading to an intergalactic attack intended to exterminate us?

¶ Was television better off when it had only three networks?

Of course, if we had only three networks, we still wouldn’t know a thing about the hoarding epidemic.

A picture caption on Saturday with a Critic’s Notebook article about a debate on whether reality television does more harm than good, using information from the host of the event, Halogen TV, reversed the identities of two participants. Allen Ewalt was at the far left, and Andrew Laing was second from the left.

How we handle corrections

Teyhou Smyth Ph.D., LMFT

Sport and Competition

How reality shows affect our lives and society, what are the negative and positive effects of reality tv.

Posted April 12, 2022 | Reviewed by Abigail Fagan

  • People are often drawn to reality TV because they enjoy the drama and relate to difficult decision-making.
  • The theme of self-interest vs. self-sacrifice runs through many reality shows.
  • Reality shows often lead people to reflect on what they might do in a similar situation, which can be a good exercise in values exploration.

mohamed_hassan mohamed_hassan/Pixabay

Millions of people around the world tune in to reality shows and have been watching for decades. What started out as an experiment has turned into mainstream programming and as a culture, we can’t get enough of it.

Is there any personal or societal cost to our ongoing fascination with reality shows? While opinions certainly differ on the topic, it comes down to a few factors:

  • The malleability of your values
  • Your commitment to behaving in ways that reflect your values

Television and all other forms of media have an impact on our thoughts, opinions, and behaviors. There is no doubt that what we take in for entertainment and information influences the way we think about the world around us. Our minds are designed to synthesize boatloads of information every day, from our interactions with others to the books we read and the entertainment we seek out. We make sense of the world through these pieces of information we gather, and this impacts how we live our lives every day.

Beyond the daily information we absorb, we are also influenced by our prior life experiences, our family of origin, the environment we are raised in and a slew of other cultural and genetic factors. These interpersonal and direct influences are more likely to impact our values and behaviors than reality shows. Does this mean that we should be unconcerned about the ways in which reality show trends impact us? No, we definitely need to pay attention to the underlying messages in these shows and explore why they appeal to us so much.

Why Do Reality Shows Reel Us In?

Reality shows keep us coming back, week after week. We want to know who said what to whom, which person betrayed another or who compromised their alliances or made a shady decision that influenced other people. It’s all about the best and worst of human behavior; it is an observational psychology class without the lecture or exams.

Often reality shows cause us to reflect on what we might do in a similar situation, which can be a good exercise in values exploration. The basic question of self-interest versus self-sacrifice is a theme that runs through most reality shows. These themes of good and bad behaviors, betrayal, competition , and connection are familiar to us; we make similar decisions every day, minus the cameras, artificial scenarios, and publicity. It calls to us because on a very basic level, we love human drama, and we relate to tough decisions. Whether it is a competition for love, money, fame, or notoriety, we enjoy watching the struggle. When we root for our favorite reality show participant, we are identifying something compelling within them, and this may say a lot about us if we choose to explore it. As we indulge in our favorite reality shows, we can ask ourselves:

  • What do I enjoy about this show and what emotions does it elicit?
  • What appeals to me about these characters and their role in the show?
  • Would I make different choices than these characters? If so, why?
  • What values do I embrace in my life that are either abided by or abandoned in this show?

Reality shows are ironically named because they are often far from realistic scenarios. Even though these programs are guilty pleasures for so many, we can use them as good conversation starters with friends and as food for thought within our own minds as we consider our values and how to live in ways that demonstrate those values.

Teyhou Smyth Ph.D., LMFT

Teyhou Smyth, Ph.D., LMFT , teaches psychology at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University.

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reality tv does more harm than good essay

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Does reality tv do more harm than good, if you think there aren’t any consequences, you need to face reality..

Does Reality TV Do More Harm Than Good?

Let’s face it, reality TV is taking over television. There are different dimensions of reality TV-- some more scripted than others, some have more of a purpose-- but they permeate every channel and nearly every household. I’m not going to lie, "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. But, if history has taught us anything, just because something's popular doesn’t mean it’s good.

The biggest problem with reality TV is that it’s not reality.

Labeling it as such can shape its viewers' beliefs to see a scripted reality as true. Why is this harmful? Well, let’s use Khloé Kardashian and Lamar Odom’s marriage (which was consistently documented on "KUWTK" and a spin-off called "Khloé & Lamar") as an example. For those without any background information, Khloé and Lamar wed in September of 2009 just a month after meeting. Then, Khloé filed for divorce in 2013 after being separated for a couple of months. She then called off the divorce shortly after, and refiled this past spring while Lamar was recovering from an overdose he suffered while in a Nevada brothel.

While all of this was going on, cameras were “documenting her every move,” as reality TV claims to capture reality. Yet, the only media that covered Odom’s spiral downward, was the press. If you just watch their TV show, everything looks manageable. Even though Odom had been suffering from substance abuse, he had been cheating on Khloé, and they hadn’t lived together for a long period of time. Sure, there are moments we see a Kardashian breaking down here and there; but, it never captures the depth of human struggle . How can we instill the idea that this is reality when it doesn’t come close?

And this is the heart of the issue with reality TV: it will never be able to document true reality.

Not even if they documented every minute of every day. It’s impossible to capture every thought, every emotion, and every action. Without that capability, they form perceptions of what “reality” is supposed to be like without specifying that behind the scenes, someone is yelling “Action!” and “Cut!”. If it is not understood that this genre is a mask or a filtered lens, then we are perpetuating this model as what should be.

So, am I saying to rid all television of reality shows? No. I said they were my guilty pleasure… but more than that, I simply propose a new approach:

Let’s not call it reality tv anymore., and if you think there aren’t any consequences, you need to face reality., subscribe to our newsletter, a long over due thank you note to my greatest passion..

Dearest Yoga,

You deserve a great thank you.

Never would I have thought a few years ago that I would be such a huge yoga fanatic, that I would be hitting the gym almost every day to get to class, and that I would be forming all these amazing relationships with so many incredible people who also share a love for you. You've enhanced my way of life in numerous ways that I need to thank you for.

Thank you for showing me my true strength. Not only physical strength, but more importantly mental strength. You've shown me that I am more than what others may think of me, and that I can rise above any obstacle that comes through my path.

Thank you for helping me to walk through life with grace and passion. To love what I do and love the life that I share with those around me. Before experiencing yoga, I never truly understood what it was like to be passionate about something. Now that I have, not only do I know what it's like to be passionate, but also have a willing to be passionate.

Thank you for teaching me what it is like to appreciate the small things in life. Which has only helped me more to appreciate the big things. You've shown me to not only appreciate the life around me, but also to give myself the appreciation that I deserve. And more importantly, give others the appreciation that they deserve.

Thank you for allowing me to let go. Whenever I feel as if I need a break from the world, the yoga studio is the first place I think of. As soon as I enter the studio, the outside world leaves my mind. You've allowed me an escape that I will be forever thankful for.

Thank you for turning me into a mindful person. Having mindfulness is harder than it seems, especially here in today's society. Over the past couple years, I have become more mindful to the world around me, I have been able to truly be myself and let everyone else be themselves -- all thanks to yoga.

And lastly, thank you for allowing me to breathe. As simple as it sounds, breathing is the one thing that I carry around most with me off the mat. Deep breaths are what get me through the day. Throughout tough situations, emotional battles, and stressful times, I always know to come back to my yoga, to come back to my breath.

I only hope that those around me feel the same way as I do about you, yoga. You have truly transformed my life in the best way imaginable. It is a gift and a great privilege to be able to experience the practice. Thanks to you, I have grown as a person, proved to myself the true strength I have, become more aware and have ultimately started living a better life.

You're the best,

Your Yoga-Obsessed Friend

Epic Creation Myths: Norse Origins Unveiled

What happened in the beginning, and how the heavens were set in motion..

Now, I have the everlasting joy of explaining the Norse creation myth. To be honest, it can be a bit kooky, so talking about it is always fun. The entire cosmos is included in this creation myth, not just the earth but the sun and the moon as well. This will be a short retelling, a summary of the creation myth, somewhat like I did with Hermod's ride to Hel.

The Norse cosmos began with two worlds, Niflheim and Muspellheim. These two worlds, the worlds of primordial cold and fire , were separated by a great fissure called Ginnungagap. The waters from the well Hvergelmir, at the center of Niflheim, by many rivers flowed into Ginnungagap and "when those rivers, which are called Elivagar, came so far from their source, the poisonous flow hardened like a slag of cinders running from a furnace, and became ice. ...Then layer by layer, the ice grew within Ginnungagap" (Byock 13). The northernmost regions of the gap filled with hoar frost and rime, but the southernmost were "the regions bordering on Muspell [and] were warm and bright" (Byock 13). Where the cold of Niflheim's ice and the warmth of Muspellheim's fire met in Ginnungagap the ice thawed, and "there was a quickening in these flowing drops and life sprang up" (Byock 14). From the ice came Ymir, known as Aurgelmir by the giants, the origin of all frost giants. As the wise giant Vafthruthnir says, "'down from Elivagar did venom drop, / And waxed till a giant it was; / And thence arose our giants' race, / And thus so fierce are we found'" (Bellows 76-77).

25 Throwback Songs You Forgot About

But you know you still know every word..

We all scroll through the radio stations in the car every once in a while, whether its because we lost signal to our favorite one or we are just bored with the same ol' songs every day. You know when you're going through and you hear a song where you're just like "I forgot this existed!" and before you know it, you're singing every word? Yeah, me too. Like, 95% of the time. If you're like me and LOVE some good throwback music, here's a list of songs from every genre that have gotten lost in time, but never truly forgotten.

1. "Big Pimpin'" - Jay-Z ft. UGK

Jay-Z gives us a ballad about, you guessed it, pimpin' big in NYC. Jay-Z's rhymes paired with that catchy beat is just bound to get stuck in your head for the rest of the night.

2. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

If you say that you don't know any of the words to this song, you're the worst kind of person... a liar. This classic has left stamps of its lyrics on 99% of the population, and has a forever spot in my soul.

3. "Lose Yourself" - Eminem

This song always leaves me feeling like I could sign a record deal and launch my career as a rap/hip-hop legend... and craving spaghetti.

4. "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) - Toby Keith

A ballad for the ages that brings the overly patriotic American badass out of all of us.

5. "Drop It Like It's Hot" - Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell Williams


6. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day

This song makes me want to walk down a lonely road, preferably a dark one, and reflect on all of my life choices. Nevertheless, it's still a fantastic song.

7. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" - Panic! At The Disco

If your friends don't "chime in" by screaming the chorus at the top of their lungs in the car with you, it's time to leave them there and find new friends. Also, did anyone ever tell the groom what his bride has been up to?

8. "Semi-Charmed Life" - Third Eye Blind

A life anthem for all of us. Third Eye Blind has recently released another album. My inner child is tingling.

9. "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix A Lot

Nicki Minaj sampled this in her song "Anaconda" in 2014. Take a minute to realize that some people have heard that, but not the REAL jam that the sample came from. Now, cry.

10. "Get Low" - Lil Jon ft. Ying Yang Twinz

The real question is which version is better: Lil Jon's or Sandra Bullock's?

11. "Check Yes Or No" - George Strait

You don't have to be a country lover to know this song. My hardcore rocker/screamo friend even knows the chorus. Don't try and tell me you don't. I don't like liars.

12. "Ride Wit Me" - Nelly

"Ayyyyye, must be the monaaayyy!" - frequently screamed lyric

13. "Pony" - Ginuwine

Even though I can't hear this song without seeing Channing Tatum's half naked body in my mind, it's still one of my favorite songs to hear. Instant day brightener when I hear that funky beat at the beginning.

14. "Cleanin' Out My Closet" - Eminem

As sad as these lyrics are, Eminem really hit this one out of the park.

15. "Gangstas Paradise" - Coolio

10/10 would recommend listening to Weird Al's parody of this song.

16. "It Was A Good Day" - Ice Cube

The first time I heard this may have been on Grand Theft Auto, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a great song.

17. "What's Your Fantasy" - Ludacris

Another song that I knew most of the lyrics to that I probably shouldn't have at a young age.

18. "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" - Backstreet Boys

They really were back, and we all wish they had stayed.

19. "Misery Business" - Paramore

I can't tell if I want to be Hayley Williams or be ON Hayley Williams. I'd be okay with either. #girlcrush

20. "Steal My Sunshine" - Len

This feel good song makes me want to rip open a popsicle and ride my bicycle around town.

21. "Fly" - Sugar Ray

As repetitive as this is, this song will never get old.

22. "Song 2" - Blur

23. "buddy holly" - weezer.

Weezer may have hated this song, but we are glad they recorded it.

24. "No Rain" - Blind Melon

Maybe it's just me who is obsessed with this song, but if you haven't heard it, I highly recommend.

25. "99 Problems" - Jay-Z

I have 99 problems, and this playlist solves all of them.

27 Hidden Joys

Appreciation for some of life's most discredited pleasures..

Life is full of many wonderful pleasures that many of us, like myself, often forget about. And it's important to recognize that even on bad days, good things still happen. Focusing on these positive aspects of our day-to-day lives can really change a person's perspective. So in thinking about the little things that make so many of us happy , I've here's a list of some of the best things that often go unrecognized and deserve more appreciation:

1. Sun showers

3. tight hugs, 4. discovering new foods you like., 5. laying in bed after a long day., 6. and being completely relaxed, 7. "this reminded me of you", 8. breakfast foods, 9. over-sized clothes, 10. contagious laughs, 11. car rides with that one person, 12. random (i miss you/ i love you) texts, 13. the city at night, 14. surprises, 15. blanket cocoons, 16. good hair days, 17. really good coffee, 18. days where you're in a good mood naturally and for no particular reason, 19. conquering a fear, 20. when they give you a lot of guac at chipotle, 21. being so comfortable with someone that you can literally talk about anything, 22. home-cooked meals, 23. tattoo stories, 24. leaves changing color in fall, 25. butterflies in your stomach, 26. peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, 27. when you can't stop laughing, cool off with these 8 beers.

Summer is hot and humid, and it's almost like summer was made specifically to drink the refreshing, cold, crisp wonderful, delicious, nutritious nectar of the gods. Which is none other than beer; wonderful cold beer. With summer playing peek-a-boo around the corner while we finish up this semester, it's time to discuss the only important part of summer. And if you haven't already guessed, it's beer. There are few things I take more seriously than my beer, in order are: sports ... and beer. Here are my favorite summer brews:

Coors Light Summer Brew:

This summer shandy begins this list, it's a mix of lemon, lime and orange. While this is by no means a craft beer, it still has it place as a refreshing summer brew to enjoy.

Leinenkugel Summer Shandy

Solid choice for any summer get together, great taste with a hint of citrus.

Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat

Distinctly reminds me of Fruity Pebbles, but nonetheless is a wonderful summer beer.

Want to know more about beer?

Summertime is the perfect time for beer, and that's why International Beer Day is on August 2nd. Our community has you covered with more stories about beer, including:

  • The Benefits of Drinking Beer : Let us count the ways. There are more than you might think.
  • Delicious Beer Substitutes : Is beer not typically your thing? Try one of these instead.
  • Unique Beer Flavors to Try : Whether it's hard apple cider or the tase of wild blueberries, these are great options.
  • If College Majors Were Beers : Business, sports medicine, design – there's a beer for every major.

Sam Adams Summer Ale

Sam Adams is known for their traditional Boston Lager, but their Summer Ale is damn good.

Hell or High Watermelon

Made with real watermelon, not much is more summer-esque than juicy watermelon in July.

Blue Moon Summer Honey

I love me some Blue Moon, so the summer brew is a no-brainer on this list.

LandShark Lager

Fun fact: LandShark is owned by Anheuser-Busch, and is more commonly know as the signature drink of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville.

Obviously Corona had to take the number one spot. To me, there's nothing more refreshing than a cold Corona with lime on a hot summer day.

So whether you're on a sandy beach, a fishing boat, or at a pool, just remember what our dear friend Jack Nicholson said, "Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world."

Drink responsibly and never drink and drive.

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reality tv does more harm than good essay

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Reality TV does more harm than good

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Yes, in some ways reality TV is dumbing us down. Reality TV is kind of dumbing down television as a whole. Networks have learned that, because actors demand such high salaries and production costs are high, it's actually cheaper to do reality television, where the contestants pretty much work for free. We also see unrealistic behavior (like the housewives-of-anywhere), and people like to emulate some of the behavior they see on TV. Reality television does more harm than good. Reality television is not good for society.

People should not watch reality shows because they present absurd situations. Although these shows are called reality, they are sensationalistic displays of explicit sexual behavior that pander to the people's base desires. Reality shows have a deceptive name that belies their sordid content. A False Sense of Reality I believe reality television can do more harm than good. When you consider the scripting that some of these reality programs endure, its hardly reality anymore, but people take it as such.

When people falsely believe something is real they start to associate their own values with the reality they see on TV. If they have false perceptions, it can be difficult when your life doesn't add up the same way. So, when you realize people like the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty aren't really the beard wearing hooligans they portray on TV, but just a family that decided to brand themselves a certain way, it becomes hard to assess what is real and what is not. Divorces, Break Ups Reality television shows have caused marriages to fail on national television.

It has caused teenage girls to want to get pregnant just to make money. It has caused families to break up and argue. Reality television isn't good for America; it's just a distraction from the real world so humans don't have to get any real change done in our world. Reality television does more harm than good. Reality television is a base form of entertainment and it panders to people's lowest desires. It shows explicit sex and violence and it should not be available to children.

Reality TV is not actually realistic. It should more honestly be called unscripted television, because it does not feature professional actors. CON Does watching movies, reading books, kissing, running, thinking, or watching TV serve a function? Yes; they entertain. Like the Kardashians (somehow) do. What is the point of watching Kim Kardashian complain about her daily life when you can read a book, watch a documentary, or help out in the many charities out there that need volunteers. Because it’s entertaining.

What is the point of reading a book when it does not serve society? Why watch a documentary since it doesn't change society? The only thing it serves for the audience is entertainment utility, but we don't want a society that focuses too much on pointless entertainment that is of no value. Going out of one's house and helping out a charity or watching a documentary also has entertainment value and also creates something of worth to society, either the extra helping hand or the additional knowledge gained.

Why is knowledge or charity more important than entertainment? They are all meaningless in the long run. Whether or not you know that Hitler wanted to be an artist does not change when the Earth changes. To conclude it is pointless entertainment, which does more harm by the opportunity cost lost as a result of people taking part in watching this reality television shows. Why is it a bad opportunity cost? And why are you debating it with only 38 viewers? You aren't serving society!

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Reality TV does more harm than good Essay Example

Reality TV does more harm than good Essay Example

  • Pages: 3 (617 words)
  • Published: August 12, 2016
  • Type: Article

Yes, in some ways reality TV is dumbing us down. Reality TV is kind of dumbing down television as a whole. Networks have learned that, because actors demand such high salaries and production costs are high, it's actually cheaper to do reality television, where the contestants pretty much work for free. We also see unrealistic behavior (like the housewives-of-anywhere), and people like to emulate some of the behavior they see on TV. Reality television does more harm than good. Reality television is not good for society.

People should not watch reality shows because they present absurd situations. Although these shows are called reality, they are sensationalistic displays of explicit sexual behavior that pander to the people's base desires. Reality shows have a deceptive name that belies their sordid content

. A False Sense of Reality I believe reality television can do more harm than good. When you consider the scripting that some of these reality programs endure, its hardly reality anymore, but people take it as such.

When people falsely believe something is real they start to associate their own values with the reality they see on TV. If they have false perceptions, it can be difficult when your life doesn't add up the same way. So, when you realize people like the Robertson's from Duck Dynasty aren't really the beard wearing hooligans they portray on TV, but just a family that decided to brand themselves a certain way, it becomes hard to assess what is real and what is not. Divorces, Break Ups Reality television shows have caused marriages to fail on national television.

It has caused teenage girls to

want to get pregnant just to make money. It has caused families to break up and argue. Reality television isn't good for America; it's just a distraction from the real world so humans don't have to get any real change done in our world. Reality television does more harm than good. Reality television is a base form of entertainment and it panders to people's lowest desires. It shows explicit sex and violence and it should not be available to children.

Reality TV is not actually realistic. It should more honestly be called unscripted television, because it does not feature professional actors. CON Does watching movies, reading books, kissing, running, thinking, or watching TV serve a function? Yes; they entertain. Like the Kardashians (somehow) do. What is the point of watching Kim Kardashian complain about her daily life when you can read a book, watch a documentary, or help out in the many charities out there that need volunteers. Because it’s entertaining.

What is the point of reading a book when it does not serve society? Why watch a documentary since it doesn't change society? The only thing it serves for the audience is entertainment utility, but we don't want a society that focuses too much on pointless entertainment that is of no value. Going out of one's house and helping out a charity or watching a documentary also has entertainment value and also creates something of worth to society, either the extra helping hand or the additional knowledge gained.

Why is knowledge or charity more important than entertainment? They are all meaningless in the long run. Whether or not you know that

Hitler wanted to be an artist does not change when the Earth changes. To conclude it is pointless entertainment, which does more harm by the opportunity cost lost as a result of people taking part in watching this reality television shows. Why is it a bad opportunity cost? And why are you debating it with only 38 viewers? You aren't serving society!

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Does reality television do more harm than good.

if you know please tell me thank you

I certainly think it does more harm than good. It is scripted reality meaning studios manipulate the narrative of the story as well as the people involved. There is little educational or reflective quality in these shows. They tend to exploit our most basic and primal traits.

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"there is more to life than just reality TV shows" -Argumentative Paper on Television

Cloud_Tek9 - / 17   Dec 3, 2010   #2 So the outline of your paper is: Introduction: points to why it is bad to watch TV Body 1: the damage to our children Body 2: obesity Body 3: waste of time Conclusion: go over points to why TV is bad for us First you need to take out the communication part because you don't need it. Totally unnecessary. If you want to start of with pointing out whats good about TV; just say it. Like: Television informs us with the news, the weather, but there is the down side of television that doesn't get too much TV time (if you know what I mean). -haha something like that; not jk not like that but in that continent Also you need to have more analysis in your body and less of "well-known". These terms usually imply you know this and we won't go into it but you have to remember that the reader might not know and so more detail. Your conclusion should be much stronger. Just reiterate all the points as to why TV is bad. And with the communication thing, you definitely don't need it in this paper

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reality tv does more harm than good essay

Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good. (2017, Mar 09). Retrieved from

"Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good." StudyMoose , 9 Mar 2017,

StudyMoose. (2017). Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 9 Sep. 2024]

"Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good." StudyMoose, Mar 09, 2017. Accessed September 9, 2024.

"Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good," StudyMoose , 09-Mar-2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 9-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2017). Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 9-Sep-2024]

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Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good essay

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reality tv does more harm than good essay


  1. Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good Free Essay Example

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  2. Essay on reality tv does more harm than good

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  3. Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good Free Essay Example

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  4. Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good by Beth Kluyt

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  5. Essay Writing

    reality tv does more harm than good essay

  6. ⇉Why Reality Television Is Harmful Essay Example

    reality tv does more harm than good essay


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    Oct. 12, 2011. A picture caption on Saturday with a Critic's Notebook article about a debate on whether reality television does more harm than good, using information from the host of the event ...

  2. Reality Television Do More Harm Media Essay

    These acknowledged negative factors surpass the mere qualities of reality television. As stated in the above augments, although reality television may be popular source of entertainment, it is doing more harm to the society by corrupting its thoughts; and therefore the harms of reality television outweigh its positives. KHATRY 6.

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  4. Free Essay: reality TV does more harm than good

    reality TV does more harm than good. Yes, in some ways reality TV is dumbing us down. Reality TV is kind of dumbing down television as a whole. Networks have learned that, because actors demand such high salaries and production costs are high, it's actually cheaper to do reality television, where the contestants pretty much work for free.

  5. Girls And Reality TV Does More Harm Than Good

    "You have to be mean to get what you want" (28% vs. 18%) from the article "Girl Scouts: Girls and Reality TV. Reality TV has a negative impact on the viewers. Since it promotes lying, bad behavior and insecurities among the views reality TV does more harm than good. Reality TV promotes bad behavior to the viewers which can cause the ...

  6. Reality Television Has A Harm Than Good

    Reality Television Has A Harm Than Good. Decent Essays. 959 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Reality television has grown to be one of the most popular genres in TV history. Ten years ago, you would find maybe one or two reality shows on air. These days, there are numerous kinds of reality television shows on just about every channel. They range ...

  7. Why Reality TV Does More Harm Than Good

    Reality TV shows cause people to glorify the party-life, and lead those who are impressionable on a path heading towards dangerous scenarios. When someone makes their life solely on focused on ...

  8. Thesis Statement On Reality Tv

    Thesis Statement On Reality Tv. Decent Essays. 1149 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. 1.1 Background of the Issue Television is no doubt playing a vital role in our lives. Today, almost every home has a television. One of the most popular genres of television programme is the reality TV. Ever since 1950s, Reality TV has evolved from radio game ...

  9. PDF Reality television does more harm than good

    Reality television does more harm than good. Reality televisiondoes more harm tha. goodReality shows are incredibly popular. With blockbusting shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Apprentice, and American Idol. all attracting massive audiences each week. Documentaries trying to explore social situations don't have such an a.

  10. Does Reality TV Do More Harm Than Good?

    And this is the heart of the issue with reality TV: it will never be able to document true reality. Not even if they documented every minute of every day. It's impossible to capture every thought, every emotion, and every action. Without that capability, they form perceptions of what "reality" is supposed to be like without specifying ...

  11. Reality TV does more harm than good

    It has caused families to break up and argue. Reality television isn't good for America; it's just a distraction from the real world so humans don't have to get any real change done in our world. Reality television does more harm than good. Reality television is a base form of entertainment and it panders to people's lowest desires.

  12. Reality TV does more harm than good Essay Example

    Reality television does more harm than good. Reality television is a base form of entertainment and it panders to people's lowest desires. It shows explicit sex and violence and it should not be available to children. Reality TV is not actually realistic. It should more honestly be called unscripted television, because it does not feature ...

  13. does reality television do more harm than good?

    I certainly think it does more harm than good. It is scripted reality meaning studios manipulate the narrative of the story as well as the people involved. There is little educational or reflective quality in these shows. They tend to exploit our most basic and primal traits.

  14. "there is more to life than just reality TV shows" -Argumentative Paper

    TV is widely known and mostly used by anyone of any age for our benefits. It informs us with news, weather, and anything we need we can receive information within click of a button. T.V is meant to be good for most people, but there are times that it could be used against us and do us more harm than good.

  15. Television Does More Harm Than Good

    Decent Essays. 596 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. Television does more harm than good. When the TV was invented, it impressed the whole world, so everyone since then seeks to buy a one. In the past TV was only has less than ten channels and it were locked in the latest hours of night. But now there is thousands or millions of satellite channels ...

  16. "Reality tv does more harm than good" Essays and Research Papers

    The Reality of Reality TV "Re-al-i-ty‚ noun‚ the state or quality of being real." ("Reality - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary.") Reality television has been an important component of our culture since Candid Camera in 1948. The drama‚ excitement‚ anxiousness‚ competition‚ and celebrities who have come out of Reality TV

  17. Reality tv does more harm than good Free Essays

    Television does more harm than good When the TV was invented‚ it impressed the whole world‚ so everyone since then seeks to buy a one. In the past TV was only has less than ten channels and it were locked in the latest hours of night. But now there is thousands or millions of satellite channels are broadcasted on TV.As a result the number of TV owners has risen until 98% of American ...

  18. Reality Television Do More Harm Media Essay

    Does Reality Television Do More Harm Than Good? According to the American Time Survey 2011 conducted by the Bureau Of Labor Statistics U.S. Department Of Labor, "The average American spends 2.4 hours everyday in front of the television screen, this means he spends 16.8 hours a week and 873.6 hours a year watching television."

  19. Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good Free Essay Example

    Watching Tv Does More Harm Than Good. Categories: Entertainment Society Television Violence. Download. Essay, Pages 4 (887 words) Views. 12770. The television was invented in the early 20th century. It gradually evolved as more and more additions were made to it. Initially there were only a few channels with only a few programs.

  20. Essay Writing

    A plan for writing an argumentative essay. Television does more harm than good. Can be used with advanced students. Level: advanced. Age: 14-17. Downloads: 60.

  21. This House Believe That Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good

    The impact is that Reality TV helps society by helping the economy, teaching different things, inspiration for better health, and showing the world the lives of those with health problems. Contention 1: The sheer number of reality programmes is now driving TV producers to create filthier, more corrupt reality shows.

  22. Television Does More Harm Than Good

    Television does more harm than good. When the TV was invented, it impressed the whole world, so everyone since then seeks to buy a one. In the past TV was only has less than ten channels and it were locked in the latest hours of night. But now there is thousands or millions of satellite channels are broadcasted on TV. As a result the number of ...