PhD Studies

Planning your phd, eligibility and application, german or english medium, living as a student, working in germany, get guidance.

With a long tradition of research and ground breaking discoveries, Germany is indeed a land of innovation and progress. Besides giving your ideas a research-based boost, Germany also offers promising career opportunities along with a vibrant social and cultural milieu. So like for many other international students, it can be the right place to pursue a doctoral degree for you too!

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Starting your doctoral studies is a big step in your academic life. Along with identifying your research area you also have to plan where and in which institute you want to pursue your PhD.

Where does research take place in Germany?

Contemplating pursuing a PhD in Germany?  There are a number of universities, research institutions and business houses that will welcome you. So getting an insight into the research landscape of the country is of paramount importance!

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© DAAD India

Research is extensively carried out by and through universities, research organisations and the industry. These three are famously known as the three pillars of research in Germany.

You can take a closer look at this on  Research in Germany .

Which universities should I look at for PhD?

There are various kinds of institutions of higher education in Germany. A majority of these belong to either of the following categories:

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Universities and Universities of Technology (TU), are research-oriented and offer a wide variety of subjects. These are the only establishments that can award a PhD degree.

In case you are carrying out your PhD at a research organisation/ University of Applied Sciences, it will always be through a partner university/TU that you will get your degree. Therefore it is important that you fulfill the eligibility criteria of the university/TU as well.

Before you finalise a university or a research institution make sure to check out their websites to know what kind of research is already going on there.

Which is the best university in Germany?

There is no “best university”, neither in one subject and certainly not across all subjects.

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DAAD India © CHE Ranking

Germany offers a multidimensional ranking, considering various criteria that are important from a student’s perspective. For example, student and staff judgments on quality of teaching, atmosphere at the university, library and other equipment, student numbers, average study duration, number of graduations, third party funding etc. This way you get a detailed picture of the strengths and weaknesses of each university on . Here you can find your programme by selecting a subject, a university or even a city in Germany!

As a researcher you should also take the research rankings  into consideration. The criteria for such rankings could be research infrastructure, citations, patents, publications and student reviews, to name a few.

How should I plan my doctorate?

If you have set your mind on a PhD in Germany, you can consider two approaches: the traditional approach i.e. individual doctorate and the structured doctoral programmes.

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Individual doctoral studies involve identifying a supervisor ( Doktorvater / Doktormutter ) at a German university who is willing to guide your research. This system offers a lot of freedom, and calls for a great deal of personal initiative right from identifying a topic in your research field. This kind of doctorate takes about 3-5 years to complete.

Structured PhD programmes  are internationally oriented, conducted largely in English and are comparable to PhD programmes offered in English-speaking countries. Here supervision is carried out by several university teachers. These programmes lead to a PhD in about three years.

What if I want to do a part of my PhD research in Germany?

The research Grant: Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle which is also famously known as DAAD Sandwich Scholarship lets you complete your PhD in two countries. The first country being your home country where you are registered as a doctoral student and the second country is but naturally Germany.

You are supervised at your home university as well as at the host institute in Germany. Your doctoral degree is awarded by the home institution. This is the well known “sandwich model”.

While generally as a Master degree holder you will have ticked off the first major requirement, it is always a good idea to check if the university’s requirements and your qualifications match. And then you can start with the application procedure.

Am I eligible to apply for a PhD?

In Germany, every university is autonomous. This means that every university/ study programme has its own set of criteria for admitting students. So please check the university website, and specifically the programme you are interested in. Here you will find the exact admission requirements.

However, some generalisation is  possible. As a Master degree holder from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal or Sri Lanka your degree is treated at par with a German Master degree. In some cases, further assessment of eligibility will be required. Do clarify the matter of eligibility with the university or the research organisation of your choice before you send in your application.

Some universities may ask for the proof of your English language proficiency in form of TOEFL or IELTS scores. Some universities may ask for good German language skills depending upon subject of your research. In such cases, your knowledge of German needs to be certified through examinations like the TestDaF  or DSH.

How do I go about applying for a PhD?

  • PhD Germany   – A portal where German universities advertise openings for doctoral positions
  • An interactive database of  Graduate Schools at German universities
  • Research Training Groups  coordinated by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) Academicians from your country who have collaborations with German academicians or your seniors who might be carrying out research in Germany can be a great source of information too!
  • Contact and convince a supervisor. Make sure that you approach a potential supervisor the right way and in good time – a brief and well-structured communication with an overview of your research proposal and relevant information about yourself is more likely to get you the right kind of response than a simple email stating that you are interested in doing a PhD!
  • Communicate information about your background, academic performance and academic goals.
  • Get a letter of acceptance from your supervisor.
  • Identify a programme. Contact the selected university. This will be your most important source of information as far as exact details about eligibility, programme structure, fee, application procedure etc. are concerned.
  • Check the application deadline for the programme chosen!
  • Application forms and other relevant material can be downloaded from the respective university website.
  • Send the application packet.
  • Get a confirmation of admission.
  • The Admission procedures vary for different universities and for different programmes.
  • Check about these with the university of your choice or your supervisor.
  • Make sure you have a valid passport!
  • Apply for a student visa as soon as you have the admission letter, as the procedure can take 8 to 12 weeks. The German Embassy and the Consulates require proof of funding for the first year of studies. At this stage make sure if you need to get the APS certificate ( ) that some universities/host professors may insist upon. To find out where you should apply for a visa, visit the website of the Germany Embassy in your country.
  • Apply for a place in a hostel. In some cases the International Office ( Akademisches Auslandsamt ) of the university will help you.
  • Arrive in Germany at least a week before your course begins.
  • Contact the International Office ( Akademisches Auslandsamt ) of your university for guidance.
  • Step 6 Get your residence permit within the first three months of your stay in Germany from the Foreigners’ Registration Office ( Ausländeramt ).

Germany offers education in German as well as in English. Different subject fields can have different language requirements.

Can I do my PhD completely in English medium?

Germany offers close to 200 structured international programmes with English as the sole or primary medium of instruction. These programmes are called International Programmes.

Few of these programmes may require students to have learnt/learn some German language during their PhD.

Must I learn German for my PhD?

As you have already seen, Germany offers numerous PhD programmes with English as the sole or primary medium of instruction and the language for your thesis. English is also accepted as a language of research and education in Germany.

However, some universities/ subject fields may expect you to have German language proficiency for your PhD.

As a student in Germany, your life will not be limited to the university campus. You will surely want to interact with people, travel through the country-side and make the best of your time there. This is where knowledge of German will present a great advantage!

Universities offer beginner and well as advanced level courses where you can learn German. You can also start learning the language while you are still in your home country at a  Goethe-Institut (Max Mueller Bhavan) / Goethe-Zentrum.

Do I require to learn German for DAAD scholarship?

To apply for the DAAD PhD scholarship knowledge of the German language is not mandatory. However, after getting the scholarship you will be expected to complete a DAAD sponsored German course. This will help you with your life Germany.

While in a foreign country being able to manage your finances on your own is very important. You would need to plan your budget by keeping your living expenses, travel costs and tuition fees if any in mind.

What kind of budget should I have in my mind?

Fees: As a PhD scholar in Germany, you are exempted from tuition fees. You will need to pay a semester contribution of around Euro 300, depending upon the university and the services or benefits provided.

Living costs : Apart from the tuition fees, if any,  you will require about EUR 934 per month for subsistence i.e. housing, food, clothing, study material and other expenses such as health insurance and leisure activities. The precise split up for this amount will be updated soon. The amounts can vary from city to city, and of course from lifestyle to lifestyle!

The following table shows the split up at the time of the last budget indicated in 2019.

Source: German Student Union (Deutsches Studentenwerk), 2019 

How can I finance my doctorate?

If you are participating in a structured doctoral programme and doing your doctorate at a graduate school, research centre or research training group, the issue of funding is usually resolved with you either working as a research assistant or receiving a scholarship of about EUR 1,000 per month.

If you are pursuing your doctorate on the basis of the traditional approach, you can apply for a job as a research assistant, if there is vacancy.

Working as a research/doctoral assistant involves collaboration in research/teaching and doing administrative work in addition to completing the dissertation. Non-university research institutions like Fraunhofer Institutes and also some companies offer doctoral candidates employment and / or fund their doctoral dissertations.

The DAAD offers the most extensive scholarship programme.  Also a number of foundations support international candidates approved for the doctoral process. A database of scholarships offered by various German organisations can be found at .

What is a DAAD PhD scholarship like and how can I apply for it?

If you are a well-motivated researcher with high-calibre this research grant supports your complete doctoral studies in Germany. In general the duration of your PhD should not exceed more than four years.

If you have already registered for PhD in your home country and would like to carry out a part of the research in Germany, you may consider applying for Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle scholarship of the DAAD .

An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews your applications, wherein your academic qualification, quality of your research project is checked along with your career prospects, motivation and extra curricular activities including your civic engagement.

If you want to do your full PhD in Germany DAAD PhD Scholarship would be more relevant for you. The application deadline is 20 October every year. This is for scholarship starting from October of the following year.

Here is a step-by-step guideline for your application process:

  • Collect general information about the DAAD PhD scholarship.
  • Thoroughly check the eligibility criteria.
  • Attend information sessions or internet-based seminars (webinars) organised by the DAAD.
  • Once you have the letter of acceptance from your supervisor/admission letter from your university, complete the application procedure as specified in the scholarship announcement.
  • The application deadline typically falls in the month of October the current year for a PhD beginning in the next year.
  • Shortlisted applicants from India will be invited for a personal interview around January-February. For Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka the procedure will be announced closer to the date of interviews.
  • The final decision will be announced for applicants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka around mid or end of April of the following year.
  • Step 4 Once selected, you will have to attend a mandatory German language course, which is a necessary and important part of your scholarship.
  • Step 5 After the successful completion of your language course in Germany, your PhD will begin in October.

Living on your own comes with lots of responsibilities, at the same time it can also be very  interesting. It starts with finding a place to stay, learning how to cook, shopping on a budget, making friends and connections. Hope this section helps you with some of your questions.

How do I find accommodation?

Germany offers various types of accommodations:

  • Students hall of residence:  Here you can rent rooms provided by  Student Services Organisation ( Studentenwerk ). They are low in cost and preferred by many students. Studentenwerk also provides specially designed Service Kits for international students. Get in touch with Studentenwerk of your city know more.
  • Shared Flats ( Wohngemeinschaft – WG) : Shared flat or WG is another affordable accommodation, where you have your own room in a flat and share the kitchen and the bathroom with other flatmates. Living in a shared flat is cheaper as the rent and other expenses  get shared. You can find advertisements for vacancies in WGs online on social media groups or on student-friendly websites.
  • Private apartments:  If you prefer living alone, private apartments can be an option for you.  You can find them with the help of Studentenwerk, on boards in the university foyer or even on social media groups and websites for rental real estate.

Make sure to be on the lookout from early on, so that you find the best place at an affordable price.

How do I connect with other students?

Connecting with other students can help you to learn from their experience. It may also help you get acquainted with the lifestyle, once you are in Germany.

  • Get in touch with  DAAD Young Ambassadors . They have studied or carried out their research in Germany. Contact them with your questions, they will be happy to guide you!
  • You can also find out about various student associations and groups formed by students of your country/ region.
  • You can contact students on various socials media platforms as well. There are groups based on nationalities or interests and activities.
  • Many universities arrange introductory events. Ask the international office of your university about them. Research institutions too generally run such initiatives.

You can of course work in Germany as long as you follow the regulations, which are not complex and are easy to understand.

Can I work in Germany as a student?

As an international student, you are permitted to work for 120 full days or 240 half days in a year. This will help you in getting a bit of extra pocket-money!OK

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Can I work in Germany after my studies?

After completing your degree in Germany, you can choose from amongst a wide range of options:

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You can stay on in the country for up to 1.5 years to look for a job that is in keeping with your education. Once you find a job, the residence permit issued to you for the purpose of studying, can be converted into a residence permit for taking gainful employment.

Germany has always had a very strong industry-academia linkage. A lot of scientific research is funded by the industry as well. During your studies you can get the opportunity to do internships with German companies, which can open new vistas for your professional career.

In Germany, a doctorate is a prerequisite for a career in research or higher education. Your options include:

  • Teaching/Research Assistantships
  • Postdoc Positions
  • Research Positions in Industry

The portal has Germany’s biggest online job market for researchers. There are also scholarships for Postdocs offered by the  Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation  and other organizations.

Whether you are in India, Nepal or Bhutan, the DAAD is there to help you with your study in Germany plans. Check out how you can reach us!

Individual Appointments

You can connect with the DAAD offices online or offline in Bengaluru ,  Chennai ,  New Delhi  and  Pune .

Information Sessions

The DAAD offers free of cost information session about studying in Germany regularly. Check which dates and topics suit you, register and join!

Click here for dates, timings and registration links: .

Writing a Research Proposal

Take a look at the DAAD’s guidelines for writing research proposal

Research Proposal writing: Guidelines 2023

PhD Proposal Writing Workshop

Wondering how to write a PhD proposal? The DAAD offers PhD Proposal Writing Workshop on various topics for aspirants who intend to pursue their doctorate in Germany!

Early Career Research Symposia

The  Early Career Research Symposia offer you a platform to help you propel your research, amplify its reach and get inspired by exchange of ideas.

  • Did you find the information about  doctoral studies in Germany useful? Keep the digital  PhD brochure with you, so that it is all handy!
  • You will also find the digital brochure Research Proposal Guidelines 2023 useful.
  • There is comfort  and certainty in numbers. With the fact sheet Germany India 2022 you can check out actual number of Indian students, what fields they are opting for and which universities they have preferred.

Graduate School Life Science Munich

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  • Doctoral Students
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  • CSC-LSM-Application for doctoral scholarship
  • Open Doctoral Positions 2023
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  • Letter of Recommendation
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DAAD-LSM-Application for doctoral scholarship


The DAAD and LSM jointly award 2 full scholarships for doctoral study financed by the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP). This scholarship will be awarded in 2023! Please visit the DAAD website for a view of their FAQ pages through this link .

The online application portal will open on September 1 st , 2023 !

LSM announces the call for DAAD-LSM applications for full scholarships for doctoral students, which will be financed by the DAAD GSSP. The holders of the scholarships are selected in a multi-step process jointly conducted by the DAAD and the LSM. The final decisions and the financial administration are made by the DAAD.

LSM is looking for highly motivated international applicants with excellent grades and a strong scientific interest to apply for the doctoral programme in life sciences, who have not been in Germany longer than 15 months by the end of October 2023.

The offered projects of this GSSP-application cover almost all areas of natural and life sciences from Anthropology and Human Biology, Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, and Plant Sciences. To view the available doctoral projects, check here

Please take notice of the following rules:

  • we only accept applications of foreign students. Please understand that German applications will not be considered for these 2 scholarships;
  • the previous stay in Germany has to be shorter than 15 months by the end of October 2023 when you will submit to the DAAD-portal. (anyone that arrived or has done a MSc in Germany for longer than these 15 months is no longer eligible!)
  • at the time of application, your last final exam should have taken place during the past six years.
  • you have to have a Master's or Diploma degree;
  • you have to apply with our online application tool;
  • applications by mail will not be accepted;
  • incomplete applications will not be considered;
  • applications which are not submitted will not be considered;
  • we do not charge application fees;
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Transcript of records (record of study) and degree certificate of bachelor degree, Vordiplom or equivalent degree, respectively copies of translated documents*
  • Transcript of records (record of study) and degree certificate of master degree, Diplom or equivalent degree (if applicable), respectively copies of translated documents*. If your degree programme is not yet completed, please provide temporary transcripts.
  • Two letters of recommendation (more details see above)

Successful applicants will be integrated into the international doctoral programme of the LSM. The programme is taught entirely in English and provides comprehensive scientific training. The members of the Graduate School are part of the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of LMU, München. Scholarship holders will have to be matriculated at the LSM. Upon completion of their doctoral project, 180 ECTS points will be awarded, as well as a Doctor’s degree, a Doctor’s certificate, bilingual transcript of records and Diploma supplement (all in the English language).

The research training on a specific project will be supplemented by seminars, retreats, methods courses, training in transferable and personal skills and participation in international conferences. The doctoral programme is open for students who hold either a Master´s or Diploma degree. Successful students of the graduate school will be awarded a doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) by the Faculty of Biology of the LMU after 3 to 4 years. Candidates need to prove a strong qualitative background as well as an interest and ability to conduct independent research.

Deadline for the DAAD-LSM-application is 31st of October 2023, 12:00 noon CET! Deadline for submitting the letters of reference by the referees: 6th of November 2023, 12:00 noon CET !


In the following, please find detailed information about the rough timeline of the DAAD-LSM application:

Applications for doctoral studies as a DAAD scholarship holder within the Graduate School Life Science Munich can be submitted from September 1 st to October 31 st , 2023 (8 weeks).

Timeline for the DAAD-LSM application 2023/24:

• Opening of the LSM online application system: Sep 1st 2023, 12:00 noon CET! • Deadline for submitting the applications: Oct 31st 2023, 12:00 noon CET! • Deadline for submitting the letters of reference by the referees: November 6th 2023, 12:00 noon CET! • Invitations to the LSM interview days: around mid-December 2023 • Online interview days: mid-January 2024

  • Feb 2024: Nomination of candidates for the DAAD selection process; Selected candidates have to submit a completed application form with all supporting documents via the DAAD portal; link will follow
  • March-June 2024: Final selection decision is made by a DAAD selection committee composed of University Professors;
  • July 2024: Earliest date for the start of the GSSP scholarship, a German language course sponsored by the DAAD takes place for about 2-4 months.

The five steps to submit your DAAD-LSM application:

1. Register online . After successful registration you will receive a confirmation link via email that allows you to log in.

2. Log in with your personal username and password at the LSM online application system and fill out your application form. For DAAD-LSM application please select "External candidate" in General Information.

3. Upload all required documents.

4.   Contact your referees and get their affirmation to write a recommendation on your behalf. Then fill out the tabs for referee contacts in the online application form and press "save" button at the end of the page. This will elicit the automatic emailing system to contact the referees for their letters of recommendation. DAAD portal has its own form available for downloading-this is for shortlisted candidates only, after interview days.

5. Submit your application by clicking on the "Save and Submit" button at the end of the page.

Acceptance of complete applications will be confirmed electronically in the "My Progress" form.

Submission of each letter of recommendation to the coordination office will be confirmed electronically in the "My progress" form. Additionally, you will be informed via email as soon as one of your referees has submitted a recommendation on your behalf. On the other hand, the referee will receive an e-mail from the LSM, which confirms the receipt of the recommendation letter.

We can only accept online applications, which are completed. Consequently, late or incomplete applications will be rejected and deleted from our data base.

Written applications to the LSM coordination office are not processed and will not be returned.

It is recommended to submit your application early. This may be beneficial in case you run into problems during the application process. For example, if one of your referees does not submit a recommendation in time, you will have sufficient time to intervene and respond appropriately to the situation.

Applications will be independently reviewed by several faculty members of the Graduate School LSM. Based on academic qualification, research experience, motivation, scientific background and the letters of recommendation, candidates will be invited for online interviews in January 2024

Selected candidates from the interviews will be nominated for the final decision process of the DAAD. Selected candidates will have to submit a completed application form with all supporting documents via the DAAD portal ( for further information, please click here ). The final selection decision is made by a DAAD selection committee composed of university professors. Successful applicants will be offered a full doctoral scholarship , financed by the GSSP programme of the DAAD. The monthly grant will be around 1200 EUR plus travel support, insurances, study, and research allowances and if necessary rent or family allowances .

Application window is open between September 1 st and October 31 st, 2023.  Recommendation letters deadline is November 6 th , 2023. 

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Scholarships & Funding

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International students can apply to numerous organisations for a scholarship, for example to the DAAD, to party-related foundations or business-affiliated institutions. You can find information on the various types of scholarships in the DAAD scholarship database, along with suitable offers.

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Opportunities For Africans

DAAD In-Country/In-Region Masters/PhD Scholarship Programme 2023/2024 for Sub-Saharan African students.

Application Deadline: July 11, 2023

The DAAD awards funding to Sub-Saharan African students for full-time Master or PhD degrees in their home country or in another Sub-Saharan African country as part of its In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme. The programme promotes the mobility of researchers between Sub-Saharan African countries and capacity building at Sub-Saharan African universities.

Master and PhD scholarships in this programme are awarded for preselected degree programmes in development-related and SDG-oriented fields at preselected Sub-Saharan African institutions. Scholarships are awarded to Sub-Saharan African students for study and research in their home country (In-Country) or in another Sub-Saharan African country (In-Region).

The programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with the capacity to contribute to sustainable development. To this end, scholarships are granted for development-related Master or doctoral studies for individuals who plan to pursue a career in teaching and / or research at a higher education institution in Sub-Saharan Africa. By training future academic and professional leaders, the programme contributes to the following long-term impacts:

  • Qualified professionals’ involvement in the solution of development-related problems in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Graduates strengthening education and research in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Structural strengthening and regional networking of partner institutions and partner universities

To achieve these long-term impacts, the following outcomes have been formulated as programme objectives: Programme objective 1: Graduates have qualified to take over responsible positions in their, or for their, region of origin Programme objective 2: The participation of women and underprivileged groups is reinforced Programme objective 3: Organizational, financial and personal capacities of partner institutions are strengthened

As part of the „In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme“ DAAD offers scholarships for PhD and Master studies. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims at university staff in the first line, without neglecting the public sector demand of academically trained personnel.


  • The target group for scholarships are graduates and postgraduates from Sub-Saharan Africa with a first academic degree if applying for a Master’s programme, or with a Master’s degree if applying for a doctoral programme who want to pursue Master’s or PhD courses in their home country (so called In-Country scholarships) or in another Sub-Saharan African country (In-Region scholarships).
  • Female applicants and candidates from less privileged regions or groups are especially encouraged to participate in the programme.

Master and PhD studies

Duration of funding

Funding is provided for the usual duration of a course – generally, up to two years for Masters and up to three years for the PhD degree programmes

  • Monthly allowance
  • Study and research allowance
  • Printing allowance
  • Tuition fees

Only applicable for In-Region scholarship holders:

  • Travel allowance
  • Health insurance

West and Central Africa Benin

  • University of Abomey – Calavi  (UAC)  Faculty of Agronomic Sciences , Subject field: Master: Statistics, Major Biostatistics PhD: Agronomic Sciences, Major Biometry
  • University of Dschang , Subject fields: PhD: Parasitology PhD: Pharmacology
  • Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research  (ISSER) , University of Ghana,  Subject field: PhD: Development Studies
  • West African Center for Crop Improvement  (WACCI) , University of Ghana,  Subject fields: Master Seed Science and Technology
  • West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens  (WACCBIP) , University of Ghana , Subject field: Master: Molecular Cell Biology of Infectious Diseases
  • Federal University of Technology, Akure  (FUTA) , Subject fields: Master: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering PhD: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
  • Benue State University Makurdi  (BSUM) , Subject field: Master: Food Chemistry PhD: Food Chemistry

Eastern Africa

  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology  (JKUAT) , Subject field: Master: Energy Technology Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology  (JKUAT) , Subject fields: Master: Soil and Water Engineering PhD: Soil and Water Engineering
  • Moi University , Subject field: PhD: Biostatistics
  • East and South African-German Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management  (CERM-ESA)  – Moi University, Subject field: Master: Education in Research
  • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology  (DeKU) , Subject field: Master: Food Science and Technology
  • Partnership for African Social and Governance Research  (PASGR) *, Subject field: Master: Research and Public Policy (MRPP) *at the following universities: Egerton University, University of Lagos, Maseno University, Mzumbe University, University of Ibadan
  • Pwani University ; Subject field: Master: Bioinformatics
  • Ardhi University , Subject field: Master: Geomatics
  • Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology  (NM-AIST) , Subject fields: Master: Embedded and Mobile Systems
  • Busitema University , Subject field: Master: Public Health
  • Mbarara University of Science and Technology  (MUST) , Subject fields: Master: Biology (Natural Resources Ecology, Management and Conservation) Master: Biology (Microbiology and Parasitology) (MAP)

Southern Africa

  • Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST), Subject field: Master: Physics (by research)
  • Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources  (LUANAR) , Subject field: Master: Aquaculture and Fisheries Science
  • Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences  (MUBAS) , Subject field: Master: Environmental Health
  • Namibia University of Science and Technology  (NUST) , Subject fields: PhD: Computer Science

South Africa (In-Region scholarships only; In-Country scholarships for South Africa are addressed in a separate call for applications -> )

  • Stellenbosch University  (SUN) , Subject fields: Master: Molecular Biology and Human Genetics (MBHG)
  • University of Cape Town  (UCT) , Subject fields: Master: Urban Studies – Southern Urbanism
  • University of the Western Cape  (UWC) , Subject fields: Master: Development Studies at ISD PhD: Development Studies at ISD

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the DAAD In-Country/In-Region Masters/PhD Scholarship Programme 2023/2024

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Call for applications for daad scholarships for 2022-2023.

phd daad scholarship 2023

the 2022/2023 call for applications for DAAD Master, PhD & Short Research Visit scholarships is open.

The deadline is August 31, 2021 but we would recommend to all to apply as early as possible.  

Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists

Study Visits for Academics - Artists and Architects

Re-invitation Programme for Former Scholarship Holders

Study Scholarships - Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines

Third Country Scholarships for Postgraduate Studies for Students from Palestine and Yemen

Please read the respective call for information as well as the  Important information for scholarship applicants carefully.


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Special announcement

Egypt and Sudan

Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

17 Scholarship Options for your selection

Graduate school scholarship programme (gssp).

DAAD grants for recent graduates who want to pursue their PhD in a structured graduate school in Germany.

  • Doctoral candidates/PhD students
  • Language and Cultural Studies
  • Law, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Mathematics/Natural Sciences
  • Veterinary Medicine/Agriculture, Forestry and Nutritional Science
  • Engineering
  • Art, Music, Sport

Study Visits for Academics - Artists and Architects

DAAD grants for university teachers and artists which enable them to continue their education with a study visit to Germany and intensify artistic cooperations with German host institutions.

  • Postdoctoral researchers

University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates

DAAD scholarships for students taking Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in all subjects wishing to improve their German proficiency and cultural knowledge of the country.

  • Undergraduates

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture

DAAD scholarships allowing students to continue their academic training with a postgraduate or continuing course of study in Germany

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Fields of Fine Art, Design, Visual Communication and Film

DAAD scholarships that allow students to continue their academic training with a postgraduate or continuing course of study in Germany

Advertisements by German Universities

phd daad scholarship 2023

Food Quality and Safety (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!

phd daad scholarship 2023

English-taught Master Programmes in Green and Information Technologies

Study innovative, future- and practice-oriented engineering Master’s programmes in central Germany!

phd daad scholarship 2023

Hands-on Master’s programs at Hof University Graduate School

Launch your career with our hands-on M.B.A. and M.Eng. programs. All programs include a one-year internship - a great opportunity to apply your knowledge and gain additional professional experience!

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Discover the top-ranked International Master & PhD Programs at RPTU Un...

21 International Master & PhD Programs at RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau Application Deadline: Apr 30 & Oct 31 More information:

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Find Your Master’s Program at TUM Campus Heilbronn

Students at TUM Campus Heilbronn receive a high-quality education at the renowned TUM University of Excellence and extensive support services for their studies.

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Unlock the impact of religion on our global futures at Bayreuth

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Transform tomorrow: Advance your tech skills for a sustainable world

Study in the center of Germany: Bachelor and master programs designed for real-world impact.

phd daad scholarship 2023

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...

phd daad scholarship 2023

Truly international – Study at ESB Business School!

Do you want to study in the heart of Germany, Europe’s strongest and most dynamic economy? Come to ESB Business School at Reutlingen University!

phd daad scholarship 2023

Study in Berlin - MBA & International Master’s Programmes

Our internationally recognized MBA & Master’s programmes will provide you with the knowledge and tools to conduct business in the global market.

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Jumpstart your Career with our English taught Study Programs!

Our university is a lively hub of practice-oriented learning with cutting-edge research and a vibrant student community – it is just the right place to study!

phd daad scholarship 2023

Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!

Regional Office Cairo

Finding Scholarships

Welcome to our scholarship database! Here you will find information about our DAAD scholarship programmes for international students and researchers as well as offers from other selected funding organisations .

Study Scholarships - Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture • DAAD

Application requirements, application procedure, contact and consulting, submitting an application.

Eine Druckversion dieser Ausschreibung (PDF) steht Ihnen in den weiteren Registerkarten (z.B. „Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen“) zur Verfügung.

A print version of this announcement (PDF) is available in the further tabs (e.g. “Application requirements”).

This scholarship programme offers you the opportunity to continue your education in Germany with a postgraduate or continuing course of study in the field of architecture. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Who can apply?

You can apply if you have gained a first university degree in the areas of Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation and Building in Existing Contexts/Reconditioning of Old Buildings, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.

What can be funded?

In this study programme, you can complete

  • a Master's degree/postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification or
  • a complementary course that does not lead to a final qualification (not an undergraduate course)
  • The study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective,
  • the visit does not take place in the home country, and
  • it is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be funded, even partially.
  • 120 CP at least 45 CP
  • 90 CP at least 34 CP
  • 60 CP at least 23 CP.

Duration of the funding

Master's degree programme:

  • Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of your chosen study programme or project
  • Start: usually from 1st October of the following year after the application, or earlier if a German language course is taken prior to the study programme
  • The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen study programme (up to a maximum of 24 months). Please state the entire period for which you wish to apply for funding in your application. For example, if you are planning a 2-year degree programme, you must directly indicate two years as the desired scholarship duration in your application. After the first year of study, your academic achievements will be assessed in a further funding procedure. If this shows that you will successfully complete your programme within a reasonable period of time, the scholarship will continue as planned.
  • one academic year
  • A monthly payment of 934 euros
  • Travel allowance
  • One-off study allowance
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Monthly rent subsidy
  • Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family. Please also read our important information for scholarship applicants / section F, point 3.
  • In the case of a disability or chronic illness: subsidy for additional costs which result from the disability or chronic illness and are not covered by other funding providers: Further information .
  • Green Mobility Top Up (Support for climate-friendly travel) or partial reimbursement of carbon offset payments for air travel
  • Payment of course fees for an online language course after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
  • if necessary: German language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit in Germany; the DAAD decides whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project. Participation in a German language course is compulsory if the language of instruction or working language is German at the German host institution.
  • Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
  • Reimbursement of the fee for a TestDaF or DSH test, which you can take either in your home country after you have received your Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany during your funding period.

After you have uploaded your application documents to the DAAD portal, the DAAD will first carry out a formal check. It will be checked whether the application requirements have been met and whether the application is complete. If this is the case, you will be asked to submit your work samples. A special DAAD committee made up of professors from German universities makes the final decision about scholarships in the field of architecture. The decision is based upon written applications and work samples which have to be submitted (see: ). Selection criteria

  • the artistic qualification and artistic maturity, measured by study achievements and work samples
  • the quality of the project as measured by the study plan and the letter of motivation

Further information

Admission to the University Confirmation of a scholarship does not automatically guarantee admission to one of the host universities. The respective university decides whether or not to offer scholarship holders a place. In most cases, applicants are required to take an entrance examination. Please find out in time about admission requirements (see also the following information under "Language skills") and application deadlines and interview dates at your chosen university, and bear in mind that these may be several months before the planned start of your studies or even before the DAAD awards the scholarship. We cannot cover the costs of the entrance examination. If an applicant is offered a scholarship by the DAAD but fails to be admitted to any of the universities indicated in the application, he/she may not make use of the scholarship that has already been awarded.

What requirements must be met?

Please check if the following criteria are fulfilled:

  • As a rule, your university degree should not date back more than 6 years at the time of the application deadline. Please read our important information for scholarship applicants / Section A, point 2 .
  • Your application cannot be considered, if you have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the application deadline.

Language skills

The language of instruction for study programmes in Germany is German. In international programmes, the language of instruction is English, or German and English. To apply for a place at the university , you must submit proof of your language skills (e.g. DSH or TestDaF if the language of instruction is German; e.g. TOEFL or IELTS if the language of instruction is English). Ask your chosen host university about requirements well in advance. For more information about requirements, check out our website . Applicants in the field of architecture for English-language degree programmes must already provide proof of language skills that meet the requirements of their chosen universities with their scholarship application . Please list the language level required by the universities of your choice in the form "Information on the desired degree programmes" (see "Application documents" in the tab "Application procedure"). To apply for admission to a German-language architecture degree programme, the universities generally expect very good German language skills (at least B2, usually C1). For German-language degree programmes, proof of German language skills according to the European Framework of Reference or Test-DaF at the level of a completed B1 must therefore be submitted. Applicants are also expected to acquire the level required by the universities on their own initiative. Support offer German language skills If it is possible, you can also make use of the DAAD support offers listed under "Value" to improve your language skills.

Application deadline

Application deadlines are updated at least once a year. In most cases, they are in the same period as the previous year. You can find the current dates here:

Application documents

Certificates (school leaving certificates are not necessary), proof of credits, certifications and translations may be scanned in non-certified form and uploaded to the DAAD portal. The DAAD reserves the right to request certified copies of the documents. 1. Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD portal:

  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Statement about academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany (letter of motivation; 1 - 3 pages). Please read our important information for scholarship applicants / Section B, point 1 .
  • Form "Information about your preferred master programmes" . Please also complete and upload this form, if you have already been admitted to the desired degree programme.
  • If available, letter of acceptance from the host university in Germany. If you have not yet received notification of admission at the time of application, you must submit this before the funding period begins. Please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for admission at the host university by the due date and that a Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD only becomes valid if you are admitted to one of the desired host universities specified in your application.
  • Confirmation of supervision from a university teacher of the host university in Germany
  • A current Transcript of Records with individual grade(s), incl. explanation of grading system
  • University degree certificate indicating final grade(s): the certificate must be subsequently submitted before the scholarship-supported study programme begins if studies have not been completed at the time of application.
  • German or English translations of all documents submitted in the national language.
  • A list of the designs/plans, which are going to be uploaded in the DAAD media database (see: ) with detailed information (size, date of creation, place, etc.)
  • A declaration (form) that the designs/plans have been produced or created by you.
  • Proof of German language skills of chosen study programmes in German according to the European Framework of Reference or TestDaF at the level of a completed B1 must be submitted. The respective language certificate should be no more than two years old.
  • Proof of English language proficiency according to the requirements of chosen study programmes in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS). The respective language certificate should be no more than two years old.
  • Other documents you think might be of relevance to your application (e.g. certificates of employment, proof of placements).
  • If the review of your scholarship application shows that it meets the criteria of the scholarship announcement and is complete, you will receive a link to upload your work samples to the DAAD media database by 27 October at the latest. When you receive the link, please upload the work samples to the media database by 7 November CET at the latest.
  • For formal requirements, read: "Additional Information for DAAD Study Scholarships in the Field of Architecture" at: ).

Application documents The application is submitted in two steps: 1. Submission of the application documents 2. Submission of work samples 1. Submission of the application documents The application documents are submitted online via the DAAD portal. Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running. After the application deadline has expired, the portal for this programme is not available until the next application period.

Please note

  • Your application is only valid if you submit all the required documents to the DAAD portal (see Item 1) and to the DAAD media database (see Item 2).
  • The DAAD portal closes at 24.00 hrs. (CET or CEST) on the last application day. If possible, please do not send your application on the final date in case technical problems occur.
  • Late or incomplete applications cannot be considered. You are responsible for ensuring that your application is complete.
  • The application documents remain with the DAAD. Your personal data is saved by the DAAD in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act and with the EU Data Protection Regulation insofar as this data is needed to process the application.

More detailed information

  • DAAD website section "Important information for scholarship applicants"
  • DAAD website section "Study programmes and language courses"
  • DAAD website section "Plan your studies" to help you prepare for your stay in Germany
  • Campaign website

General information on the application via DAAD portal

Applications for this scholarship programme are possible in the period June until the stated application deadline. Click on 'Application portal' at the bottom of the page to go to the DAAD portal. There you will be provided with an online application form to enter your application data. This is what you have to do: 1. Register in the DAAD portal ( Read notes about registering in the portal >> ) 2. Applying online in the DAAD portal ( Read notes on applying in the portal >> )

  • Download and complete the online application form
  • Please indicate your specific area of expertise in the field of architecture in the application form under "Field of specialization": e.g.: Interior Architecture, Historic Preservation, Urban Planning/City Planning, Landscape Architecture or Landscape Planning.
  • Prepare application documents
  • If necessary, translate documents (unless they are already in German or English).
  • Scan paper documents and save in PDF format. Please note that you can only upload PDF files to the portal.
  • Upload the completed application form and the required appendices (except work samples) to the portal in PDF format. Translations, if applicable, should be uploaded together with the document issued in the original language.
  • Submit the uploaded application documents online.

Currently you cannot apply for this programme. Please note the application deadline specified under the Application procedure tab.

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Please select your status and your country to enable you to submit an application

„Country“ is the country in which you are living and from which you are applying. If you come from another country, please contact us to find out whether you are eligible for the programme of your choice. More Information

Graduates are people who already have at least one first academic degree, e.g. Bachelor.

Your status and/or country is not in the list? If your status and/or country is not included in the list, you cannot apply for this scholarship programme. To ensure that only scholarship programmes for which you are eligible to apply are shown, please select your status and your country in the results list (left-hand column).

Special announcement

Kenya, Uganda , Tanzania , Ethiopia , South Sudan , Rwanda and Burundi

Scholarship Database

Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations.

25 Scholarship Options for your selection

Research grants – short-term grants.

DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics wishing to carry out research and continue their education in Germany for up to 6 months.

  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Doctoral candidates/PhD students
  • Language and Cultural Studies
  • Law, Economics and Social Sciences
  • Mathematics/Natural Sciences
  • Veterinary Medicine/Agriculture, Forestry and Nutritional Science
  • Engineering
  • Art, Music, Sport

Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates

DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics wishing to carry out research and continue their education in Germany.

Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

DAAD grants for young scientists and academics wishing to improve their academic qualifications with a doctoral degree in Germany.<br />

Research Grants - Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics whose doctoral degrees are supervised both by a university teacher at the home university and an academic adviser at the host institute in Germany

Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

DAAD grants for recent graduates who want to pursue their PhD in a structured graduate school in Germany.

Advertisements by German Universities

phd daad scholarship 2023

Global Food, Nutrition and Health (M.Sc.)

Your master’s degree for a better world! Be a part of our international master’s programme at the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health and apply now!

phd daad scholarship 2023

English-taught Master Programmes in Green and Information Technologies

Study innovative, future- and practice-oriented engineering Master’s programmes in central Germany!

phd daad scholarship 2023

Transform tomorrow: Advance your tech skills for a sustainable world

Study in the center of Germany: Bachelor and master programs designed for real-world impact.

phd daad scholarship 2023

Truly international – Study at ESB Business School!

Do you want to study in the heart of Germany, Europe’s strongest and most dynamic economy? Come to ESB Business School at Reutlingen University!

phd daad scholarship 2023

Kick-start your future career in Financial Management at Coburg Univer...

If you are interested in management and finance our premium MBA program Financial Management could be just right for you! The program features an optional Dual Degree from UniSC Australia and a Bloomb...

Regional Office Nairobi

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DAAD scholarships Fall 2023

By JammyJam2020 October 22, 2022 in Waiting it Out

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Keeping in line with previous years, I wanted to create a new thread for those of us applying for DAAD scholarships in 2022-2023.

I'm applying for the study scholarship for a masters program starting in 2023. 

Good luck to everyone applying! 


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  • Replies 130
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  • Last Reply Jun 8

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June 7, 2023

I have asked them and they said the results will be hopefully out by the end of June 😕

May 31, 2023

I'm from Brazil  I always expected to receive the answer in June because of one of this forums. I found one guy that applied from brazil, to the arts one, in the design field (same as mine), but 1

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phd daad scholarship 2023

Hi. Thanks for opening this sub-topic.  I also aim to apply for PhD grant if I can manage to prepare my documents in a few days, hopefully. I am from Turkey and my subject area is psychology/clinical psychology.  I wish good luck to everyone also!  

1 minute ago, esraC said: Hi. Thanks for opening this sub-topic.  I also aim to apply for PhD grant if I can manage to prepare my documents in a few days, hopefully. I am from Turkey and my subject area is psychology/clinical psychology.  I wish good luck to everyone also!  

Good luck! The application for American students just closed on November 4th. Hope you're able to get everything submitted in time! If I can ask, why are you hoping to study in Germany? 

Just now, JammyJam2020 said: Good luck! The application for American students just closed on November 4th. Hope you're able to get everything submitted in time! If I can ask, why are you hoping to study in Germany? 


16 minutes ago, esraC said: Hi!  For Turkey it says the deadline is on 15th november so I am currently working on to finish my research proposal and other rather easy documents. I said rather easy because I am familiar with DAAD scholarships as previously I applied for a short-term research grant - now aim for phd funding.  I want to study in Germany because I did my previous research stay during my masters there and I have already a network there What about you? 

Nice! I participated in the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange last year. It's an international fellowship that gave me the chance to live study and intern in Germany. I got a chance to visit my target university and experience what higher education is like there. I also built a solid network there, so needless to say I would love to go back! I'm planning on pursuing a Masters in Human Computer Interaction. 

  • 1 month later...

Hii! Can anyone here, who has applied for the DAAD Arts, tell if the link to submit the portfolio is available yet? 

On 12/19/2022 at 11:23 AM, Lisa3 said: Hii! Can anyone here, who has applied for the DAAD Arts, tell if the link to submit the portfolio is available yet? 

Hello! Not sure if it changes depending on the region, I'm from South America and received the link on 28th of October, the deadline for submission being 7th of November.

Someone on Reddit made this spreadsheet to keep track of acceptances and deadlines throughout this fellowship cycle. Feel free to participate if you want!

DAAD Spreadsheet - Google Sheets  


Hi, hope everyone is doing fine. Ive applied for PhD grant for 23-24 AY. My Masters degree GPA is 4.00, I have several study and work abroad experiences, I am a former Fulbright scholar, and I already got a supervisor in Germany. What do u think the chance of my application being successful in DAAD? Thank you.

Noone is an authority here, I guess, but as someone who has been awarded with 2 DAAD scholarships before, I think your chances are quite high.  Fingers crossed! I also applied for my third scholarship, this time for PhD. I wish luck for both of us. 

On 1/3/2023 at 8:21 AM, Mariolehrer said: Hi, hope everyone is doing fine. Ive applied for PhD grant for 23-24 AY. My Masters degree GPA is 4.00, I have several study and work abroad experiences, I am a former Fulbright scholar, and I already got a supervisor in Germany. What do u think the chance of my application being successful in DAAD? Thank you.

And also, I think our  profiles are quite similar. I also have previous scholarships (not Fullbright tho), high grades, previous abroad experiences as well as a supervisor in Germany waiting for me.  let's hope for the best! 

Anyone from Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture heard back or had a status update? Mine is still paper copies received, they had previously written the selection would be finished in January.

23 hours ago, Ayunna said: Anyone from Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture heard back or had a status update? Mine is still paper copies received, they had previously written the selection would be finished in January.

i'm also applying for the same funding. mine also says paper copies received, no more infos. but if i remember correctly from checking last few years' forums, it might take some time (february/march), so let's be patient i guess:)

  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/28/2023 at 12:35 PM, slavka_f said: i'm also applying for the same funding. mine also says paper copies received, no more infos. but if i remember correctly from checking last few years' forums, it might take some time (february/march), so let's be patient i guess:)

My status changed to selection made, so I guess the final results will be out any time now. Good luck!

14 minutes ago, Ayunna said: My status changed to selection made, so I guess the final results will be out any time now. Good luck!

Wow that quick? I guess they evaluate subject applications quicker than others. I imagine those of us applying for the general study scholarship are still gonna be waiting a while. In any case, good luck! Hope you end up getting it! 

3 hours ago, Ayunna said: My status changed to selection made, so I guess the final results will be out any time now. Good luck!

thanks for the update, got really nervous now. good luck to you too!

when do u think we will hear from DAAD Research & Doctoral grant? i applied back in august. my status changed to paper copies received. I hope ill get this scholarship and create some content about it. there is none.

On 1/7/2023 at 8:38 AM, esraC said: And also, I think our  profiles are quite similar. I also have previous scholarships (not Fullbright tho), high grades, previous abroad experiences as well as a supervisor in Germany waiting for me.  let's hope for the best! 

Hi Esra, did you hear from DAAD? all the best for u too, btw

7 hours ago, Mariolehrer said: Hi Esra, did you hear from DAAD? all the best for u too, btw  

Hi, no unfortunately it is still on "paper copies received".  I am not so sure but I think we'll hear the result earliest by end of march - first week of april but I hope we both can get a positive result as soon as possible. Fingers crossed! 

Do u remember the gap between you got the result and arrived in germany last time u got a daad scholarship?

also, do u know if we are required to be interviewed before selection?

Hey everyone, sadly, I got a rejection letter. I had applied to the postgraduate studies in the field of architecture scholarship from Brazil.

Makes me wish I knew the reason of the rejection... I wasn't totally confident but had a good GPA, three years of internship experience while studying, did research for around two years also while studying and had already participated in some international events, some even having DAAD as a partner. I also had a letter from a professor from Germany stating I was part of the winning group of a summer school organized by a university from Germany and the other from the USA.

Even though I know this isn't the end, (it just means things will be a bit harder) I am now worried my qualifications aren't enough to be admitted to the universities I had in mind in Germany. Maybe the fact that I didn't have yet an admission letter is what disqualified me somewhat.

I wish you all the best and all luck

5 hours ago, Mariolehrer said: Do u remember the gap between you got the result and arrived in germany last time u got a daad scholarship?   also, do u know if we are required to be interviewed before selection?

Hi,  Last time I applied the deadline was again 15th Novembe and I got the official results in early april.  But regarding interview ı am not sure and I also would like to know because earlier I applied for a short term research grant and that did not require an interview but regarding phd scholarship I heard inconsistent reports... Maybe depends on the country? I dont know 


My status also changed to "initial funding", "selection made". I have a tab for "consent processing medical data", do you have the same tab with forum to download? 

I am waiting for final answer. 

On 2/10/2023 at 1:11 PM, esraC said: Hi,  Last time I applied the deadline was again 15th Novembe and I got the official results in early april.  But regarding interview ı am not sure and I also would like to know because earlier I applied for a short term research grant and that did not require an interview but regarding phd scholarship I heard inconsistent reports... Maybe depends on the country? I dont know 

Thank you. I applied for a doctoral research grant which takes 4 years, so our conditions might not be similar. Fingers crossed. Please, lmk if u receive any updates, i will do so too.

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phd daad scholarship 2023

DAAD Scholarship 2024 by Germany Government

DAAD SCHOLARSHIPS 2024: Online Application Submission

The Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) 2024-2025 is a scholarship in Germany that targets students who come from developing countries. Many students from these developing countries apply and they are approved for the DAAD scholarship and they get the opportunity to be enrolled in various universities in Germany .

The students are awarded these DAAD scholarships to study courses that are taught in both German and English languages. The DAAD scholarship is however not available for undergraduates and is only for postgraduate students. To be approved for the DAAD scholarship, a student has to show proof of two years of working experience. The courses that are approved under DAAD scholarship are those that have a duration of more than a year and less than three years.

DAAD Scholarships 2024 Funding Sponsorship Coverage

Students who are approved for this scholarship have the chance to be enrolled in German universities. The scholarship also comes with a monthly allowance that will help you cater to daily expenses. It also has a provision for health allowance and travel stipends.

The benefits that a student gets with the DAAD scholarship include:

  • Postgraduate students get a monthly allowance of 750 Euros
  • Doctorate students get a monthly allowance of 1000 Euros
  • Both postgraduate and doctorate students get health insurance coverage
  • There is also a provision where these students can receive a travel grant
  • The students get to study for free in a German university
  • The students also get accommodation for free at the university

What are the requirements to apply for DAAD Scholarships?

  • A student applying for this scholarship must have completed a Bachelor’s degree course that had a duration of less than or equal to six years.
  • A student applying for this scholarship also has to show proof of two years of working experience.
  • The student does not necessarily have to understand German or English as this is dependent on the course that they choose.

How to Apply for the DAAD Scholarship 2024?

#1 The first step is to download the application form from the DAAD scholarship website . Fill in this form with your information.

#2 The next step is to download a Europas Specimen form that will help you make a personalized CV with your hand-written signature and cover letter .

#3 Ensure that you also have a motivation letter that is hand signed and lists your working history as well as references for the same.

#4 The German universities may request a research proposal, which you should send with your application.

#5 Ensure that you also attach a recommendation letter from your previous university.

#6 Ensure that you attach a professional referral letter from your previous employer and it is optional to attach a letter of guaranteed reemployment after going back to your country after completing the course.

#7 There are English and German proficiency tests that a student can sit for. These include;

  • IELTS: The approval scores are set by individual universities and are determined by the course chosen.
  • German Language: This is a necessary test for students who choose courses that are taught in German.
  • The TOEFL test is not accepted.

#8 Students that are interested in the DAAD scholarship should apply for degree courses directly to the university.

#9 Besides the documents needed to apply for the  DAAD scholarship, you should also find out any other documents that you may need to facilitate your study.

#10 You can apply directly for a course at a German university in various ways. There are universities that allow online applications and there are those that require sending hardcopy applications through postal services.

The DAAD scholarships 2024-2025 are currently open for applications . You can find courses that you can study at any German university and apply for the DAAD scholarship to facilitate your study. Please make sure to check the list of DAAD Scholarship application deadline window period before submitting your applications.

Here is the list of DAAD Scholarship Application Deadlines 2024-2025 for all German Universities for the academic year 2024.


  1. DAAD Scholarship 2023

    phd daad scholarship 2023

  2. DAAD Scholarships Program of 2023-2024

    phd daad scholarship 2023

  3. DAAD Scholarship 2023

    phd daad scholarship 2023

  4. DAAD Scholarship 2023

    phd daad scholarship 2023

  5. Ph.D. and DAAD scholarship at the University of Bonn

    phd daad scholarship 2023

  6. DAAD Scholarships: Requirements, Eligibility, Benefits, Deadline for

    phd daad scholarship 2023


  1. How to get the DAAD scholarship for Masters and PhD degree in Germany?

  2. DAAD EPOS Fully funded scholarship 2024/2025 |Masters and PhD in Germany 🇩🇪

  3. Study in Germany_DAAD Scholarships_Part 7_All disciplines_Application submission

  4. Apply this 🇩🇪fully funded Scholarships 2023||Masters & PhD International Students||#germany #daad

  5. DAAD Scholarship (Fully Funded Scholarships in Germany)

  6. How to Apply for DAAD Fellowship 🇩🇪


  1. DAAD Scholarships

    DAAD scholarships do not have to be paid back. They usually consist of a monthly scholarship payment (currently, for example, € 934 for graduates and € 1,200 for doctoral/PhD students) and a flat-rate travel allowance. In many cases, DAAD also provides you with health, accident and personal liability insurance. Depending on scholarship ...

  2. Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP)

    Step One: PhD positions are advertised internationally by the participating gradaute schools and - following a selection process - appropriate candidates are nominated for a DAAD scholarship by the hosting programme. Step Two: The nominees submit an online-application with supporting documentation via the DAAD-portal.

  3. PDF DAAD Funding for Students: 2024/25

    DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships. Program offered in partner-ship with German Aerospace Center (DLR) Open to PhD students & postdocs working in: Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, Energy. Funds 3-year PhD studies or Postdocs research stay of 6-24 months. Monthly stipend of €1,760 (PhD) € 2400 (Postdocs) plus travel allowance and insurance ...

  4. PDF Graduate School Scholarship Programme 2023

    Applicants who have been for anominatedscholarship by a graduate school that participates in the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme must submit a completed application form with all supporting 2023 documents, via the DAAD portal by using the following link (once you are registered and logged in): ...

  5. PRIME

    Application deadline: 30 August 2024. Selection: February 2025. Earliest starting date: 1 June 2025. Call for applications 2023/24 (German) [pdf-file] - NEW call in May 2024. Call for applications 2023/24 (English) [pdf-file] - NEW call in May 2024. The application form is available in the application portal.

  6. DAAD Research Scholarships

    The programme provides funding for a doctoral project at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany. This programme offers you the opportunity to do a bi-national doctoral degree at your home university and at a university in Germany. Application deadline: 20 Oct 2023.

  7. PDF PhD Brochure

    Step 1. Collect information about the scholarship from our website and check the eligibility criteria. Step 2. Once you have the letter of acceptance from your supervisor/admission letter from your university, complete the scholarship application procedure. The application deadline is 20 October of the current year for PhD beginning October ...

  8. Research Grants

    annual research allowance. If you come from a DAC country, you will receive a flat rate of € 460 (€ 230 in the fourth year); for all other countries the grant is € 260 (€ 130 in the fourth year). Under certain circumstances, you can apply for the following additional benefits after start of funding: monthly rent subsidy.

  9. PhD Studies

    To apply for the DAAD PhD scholarship knowledge of the German language is not mandatory. However, after getting the scholarship you will be expected to complete a DAAD sponsored German course. This will help you with your life Germany. ... You will also find the digital brochure Research Proposal Guidelines 2023 useful. There is comfort and ...

  10. Call for 2023 DAAD Master & PhD scholarships

    The call for applications for 2023/24 DAAD PhD & Master scholarships is now on-line, please search for all programs via A recent TOEFL iBT 79 or IELTS 6.5 test result is mandatory (not older than 2 years by the time of application). One recent reference from a university teacher (with date, handwritten signature ...

  11. DAAD-LSM-Application for doctoral scholarship

    The DAAD and LSM jointly award 2 full scholarships for doctoral study financed by the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP). This scholarship will be awarded in 2023! Please visit the DAAD website for a view of their FAQ pages through this link.. The online application portal will open on September 1 st, 2023!. LSM announces the call for DAAD-LSM applications for full scholarships ...

  12. Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)

    Objective. With its development-oriented postgraduate study programmes, the DAAD promotes the training of specialists from development and newly industrialised countries. Well-trained local experts, who are networked with international partners, play an important part in the sustainable development of their countries.

  13. Important Information for Scholarship Applicants

    It is not possible to combine several study or research scholarships (with a funding period of at least 7 months) within one period of study (which ends with the completion of a Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom, state examination etc. and doctorate).. Short research scholarships, specialised and language courses (e.g. university summer courses) and internships can be combined with all other types ...

  14. Scholarships & Funding

    International students can apply to numerous organisations for a scholarship, for example to the DAAD, to party-related foundations or business-affiliated institutions. You can find information on the various types of scholarships in the DAAD scholarship database, along with suitable offers. The DAAD offers a wide range of scholarships. Here ...

  15. DAAD In-Country/In-Region Masters/PhD Scholarship Programme 2023/2024

    Application Deadline: July 11, 2023. The DAAD awards funding to Sub-Saharan African students for full-time Master or PhD degrees in their home country or in another Sub-Saharan African country as part of its In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme. The programme promotes the mobility of researchers between Sub-Saharan African countries and capacity building at Sub-Saharan African universities.

  16. Call for Applications for DAAD Scholarships for 2022-2023

    the 2022/2023 call for applications for DAAD Master, PhD & Short Research Visit scholarships is open. The deadline is August 31, 2021 but we would recommend to all to apply as early as possible. Research Grants - Doctoral Programmes in Germany. Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists. Study Visits for Academics - Artists and ...

  17. In-Country/In-Region Programme Sub-Saharan Africa

    As part of the „In-Country/In-Region Scholarship Programme" DAAD offers scholarships for PhD and Master studies. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and aims at university staff in the first line, without neglecting the public sector demand of academically trained personnel.

  18. Scholarship Database

    Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) DAAD grants for recent graduates who want to pursue their PhD in a structured graduate school in Germany. Status: ... DAAD scholarships for students taking Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in all subjects wishing to improve their German proficiency and cultural knowledge of the country.

  19. Study Scholarships

    Other DAAD scholarship programmes are available for applicants from the field of History of Architecture or applicants with a scientific project. Duration of the funding. Master's degree programme: Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of your chosen study programme or project;

  20. Scholarship Database

    Research Grants - Short-Term Grants. DAAD grants for doctoral candidates and young scientists and academics wishing to carry out research and continue their education in Germany for up to 6 months. Status: Postdoctoral researchers. Graduates. Doctoral candidates/PhD students. Subject area: See list. More.

  21. DAAD scholarships Fall 2023

    34. Posted January 7, 2023. On 1/2/2023 at 9:21 PM, Mariolehrer said: Hi, hope everyone is doing fine. Ive applied for PhD grant for 23-24 AY. My Masters degree GPA is 4.00, I have several study and work abroad experiences, I am a former Fulbright scholar, and I already got a supervisor in Germany.

  22. PDF Call for Scholarship Applications 2024

    Application Closing Date in the DAAD Portal: April 27th, 2023 Scholarships will be awarded subject to the provision of funds and to the conclusion of ... DAAD offers scholarships for PhD and Master studies. The programme is funded by the Ger-man Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and

  23. DAAD Scholarships 2025 Eligibility Criteria and Requirements

    DAAD Scholarships 2023-2024 - Call for Applications. December 27, 2022. ... Applying for a DAAD scholarship involves careful planning and attention to detail. By understanding the broad and specific criteria and gathering the necessary documents in advance, you can enhance your chances of success. ... (Associate Editor) Zahira holds a PhD in ...

  24. 2023 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    University of Hong Kong. Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy applications start 1 Sep 2023! Get your hands on our latest pamphlet, contact your new supervisor NOW and apply before 1 Dec 2023. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Hong Kong PhD Programme. More Details.

  25. DAAD SCHOLARSHIPS 2024: Online Application Submission

    The DAAD scholarships 2024-2025 are currently open for applications.You can find courses that you can study at any German university and apply for the DAAD scholarship to facilitate your study. Please make sure to check the list of DAAD Scholarship application deadline window period before submitting your applications.. Here is the list of DAAD Scholarship Application Deadlines 2024-2025 for ...