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Persuasive Speech

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Homeschooling outline persuasive speech

Homeschooling outline persuasive speech

Persuasive Speech Outline on Homeschooling

General Purpose: I want to persuade my audience

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Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand the advantage of why I strongly believe homeschooling is beneficial. Thesis: Homeschooling environment is an effective approach in education due to evidence of higher achievement on placement tests, success through college, engaged socially with activities outside homes, and students becoming active members of society. Organization Pattern: (Statement of Reason/Comparative advantages): Today my goal is to educate the audience on the importance and benefits on why homeschooling is better than public school.

Introduction I. Attention getter: “Homeschooling and public schooling are as opposite as two sides of a coin. In a homeschooling environment, the teacher need NOT be certified, but the child MUST learn. In a public school environment, the teacher MUST be certified, but the child need NOT learn.” ― Gene Royer II. Many years ago homeschooling was very rare. But according to the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (2013), they “released an eagerly awaited report on the number of homeschooled students in the U.S. The report showed that the number of homeschooled students has grown by almost 300,000 since the last report in 2007” (para. 1). Today I will convince three reasons to consider homeschooling due to the overall academic attainment, socialization, and being an active members of our society. Body

I. This first reasons for choosing homeschool is the overall academic attainment. a. Homeschool provides excellent education

i. According to Dr. Brian Ray (2011), students who are homeschooled score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. 1. The average of public school is the 50 percentile points. Scores range from 1 to 99 (Ray, 2011). 2. Homeschooled student score above average on SAT and ACT test that college consider for admissions (Ray, 2011). ii. Dedicated teachers

1. Great teacher to student ratio 2. Teaching material that is suitable for a student. a. Because of the great teacher to student ratio it gives the teacher an advantage to go according to the individual needs b. Many say the problem with parents teaching their student with no credentials are proven wrong i. Dr. Brian Ray (2009), found that homeschool parents have more formal education than parents in the general population; 66.3% of the fathers and 62.5% of the mothers had a college degree (i.e., bachelor’s degree) or a higher educational attainment. c. Also certain states are now required to have certain credentials in order to teach. For example California. 3. Better learning atmosphere than what is provided in public school a. Exposure to drugs

b. Peer pressure c. Bullies (Transition: Now that you know the benefits of the overall academic attainment, lets look at the second reason.) II. The second reason for choosing homeschool is the socialization. a. Many people oppose that socialization is a big problem for homeschoolers. i. But there are many sources that show involvement with different homeschoolers or groups of people in the community. Socialization is not big issues!! b. According to Dr. Brian Ray (2011). Students are engaged in social and educational activities. i. 4-H

ii. Education field trips with other homeschoolers iii. Community volunteer iv. Church ministry v. Sports team in the community league (Transition: After combining the information on overall academic attainment and how students are engaged socially with activities outside homes, lets look at how homeschooled students become active members of our society.) III. Homeschooler are well rounded and successful in the real world a. According to Dr. Brian Ray (2011), homeschoolers

i. Participate in local community service more frequent than the general population ii. Vote and attend public meetings more frequently than the general population iii. Adapt the values and beliefs of their parents at a very high rate. Conclusion

I. Although many oppose about their concerns about homeschool. There are many evidences that prove how effective homeschool is. a. Higher achievement on placement tests b. Success through college c. Engaged socially with activities outside homes d. Students becoming active members of society II. Whether you decide to place you child into a public or private school it is up to you as a parent, but homeschool is an effective method of education and one to be considered as an option. III. The ultimate goal should be what’s the best learning strategy for the your child!! a. “There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Reference Court: Parents Must Have Teaching Credentials to Home School Kids. (2008). Retrieved October 24, 2013, from credentials-to-home-school-kids/ Ray, B. (2003). Homeschooling Growing up. HSLDA. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from Ray, B. (2009). Homeschooling Across America: Academic Achievement and Demographic Characteristics. National Home Education Research Institue. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from Ray, B. (2011). Research Facts on Homeschooling. National Home Education Research Institute. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from Smith, J. (2013). U.S. Department of Education: Homeschooling Continues to Grow. HSLDA. Retrieved October 24, 2013, from

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persuasive speech about homeschooling

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Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example

Homeschooling: essay introduction, why homeschooling is bad: essay body paragraph, why homeschooling is good: body paragraph, home schooling: essay conclusion, works cited.

The popularity of homeschooling seems to increase, although some people are convinced that homeschoolers are not going to amount to anything valuable in the long run. In this speech, I am going to outline the strong points and drawbacks of homeschooling.

It is believed that homeschooled children lack social skills, and their parents bear huge expenses and have no time for themselves; on the other hand, homeschooling perfectly fits the child’s needs, is valued no less than public schooling, and creates closer family bonds; additionally, in contrast to public schools, homeschooling de-stresses children rather than distresses them.

As their strongest argument, skeptics generally maintain that homeschooled children do not receive the social interaction they need. At earlier stages of development, it is critical for children to socialize and advance their communication skills.

Children studying at home do not get this opportunity and are likely to have problems socializing and making friends later in life. An unsociable child is also prone to have troubles with peer acceptance – not least because homeschooling is still regarded as an oddity and deviation.

Another argument is concerned with the cost of home education. At that, it does not matter if the parents choose to educate the child themselves or hire a tutor –in both instances, their budget is likely to be shattered.

A serious point to consider is that, on average, a tutor’s services will cost $30-40 per hour (“The Tutor Guide” par. 1). A parent tutor will probably have to quit their job to get all the time they need. One way or the other, homeschooling is a costly affair.

Apart from the money it takes to homeschool children, parents are likely to devote most of their time to it. Eventually, they might find themselves spending 24 hours a day with their children with not a moment of solitude and privacy left. Although such parental participation does not seem alarming short term, it can be stressful in the long run – which is the reason some parents find they are not quite ready to homeschool.

These arguments are logical and true to life – but let us look on the brighter side.

Those who stand for homeschooling insist that it provides tailor-fit education. The child has a chance to learn at their own pace, which can be slower or faster than that of public school students. It is true that every child is special, and every child’s needs matter.

Still, in cases when children cannot cope with the public school environment, homeschooling can be the only way out (Kirk et al. 2). The parents (or tutor) can fit the education process to their child’s needs – presumably, for the children’s own good.

To counter the parental stress argument, it does not make much logical reasoning to admit homeschoolers are likely to have better relationships with their families. Provided that the parents are not overly authoritative when it comes to educational activities, familial bonds are formed and preserved lifelong.

By educating their children and tracking their progress, parents have a chance to know their children better, which is the cornerstone of good parenting. Additionally, parental involvement can prevent aggressive and destructive behaviors in teens and pre-teens, which is another solid point to consider.

Speaking about aggression, one cannot deny that bullying issues are pressing as ever. Despite public schools’ best efforts, peer pressure is persistent. Homeschoolers, in their turn, are free from the agony and negativity bullying brings.

Consider a harassed school student trying to concentrate – and failing at that. Now consider education in a comfortable homely atmosphere where a child feels loved and valued. In this respect, a homeschooler not only has a chance to focus but also develops an emotionally stable personality.

Finally – and this is good news – there is an extensive list of colleges that accept homeschoolers (Bunday n.pag.). Each year homeschooled students are admitted to study in selected colleges and universities across the U.S. Such institutions like Harvard College, Yale University, University of Chicago, Trinity University, and many others are known to have admitted homeschooled students – that is, without high school diplomas. Many institutions believe homeschoolers are more fit for the scholarly atmosphere. Based on some general tests, portfolios, and application essays, homeschoolers have equal admission chances.

To conclude, it would be wrong to say homeschooling does not have its weak points. Still, the strong points can seem more relevant for some and, eventually, determine their choice of educating children. Whether you think that the strengths of homeschooling outweigh the weaknesses or not, you have to admit the practice is viable and is quite likely to bring positive results.

Bunday, Karl M. “ Colleges That Admit Homeschoolers .” Learn in Freedom. Learn in Freedom, 2013.

Kirk, Samuel, James J. Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, and Nicholas J. Anastasiow.

Educating Exceptional Children. 13th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

“ The Tutor Guide: Tutoring Fees .” ., 2016.

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persuasive speech about homeschooling

125 Persuasive Speech Topics to Engage Your Audience

A successful persuasive speech starts with an engaging topic.

Does writing a persuasive speech feel intimidating?

Since you’re reading this today, I imagine you might be stuck at the very beginning—picking a topic.

The freedom to choose your own speech topic can be both liberating and overwhelming. Out of all the subjects in the world to discuss, which one is right for your speech?

The good news is that there is no one right topic, but there are topics that work better for persuasive speeches than others.

persuasive speech about homeschooling

What Is a Persuasive Speech?

When you deliver a persuasive speech, you’re trying to convince your audience to agree with your position on a debatable topic. 

You achieve this goal by delivering informed, educated arguments that support your side. 

That said, before you present your position, you must first choose a significant topic that sets the stage for success. 

The best persuasive speeches center around meaningful, thought-provoking topics.

What Types of Topics Lend Themselves Well to Persuasive Speeches?

A bland, overdone, or boring topic threatens the success of your speech—no matter how masterfully you wield your words. 

You need to reach your audience from the first sentence, so a good persuasive speech topic must be relatable to the audience . 

If possible, discover who your audience will be, and ensure your topic is one that resonates with them. 

A successful topic should also pique your audience’s interest. You can achieve this by choosing a controversial topic or one with “fence-sitters” who need to choose one side or the other. 

Whatever topic you choose , it will fall into one of the three types of persuasive speech : 

Fact : In this type of persuasive speech, you are asserting that your claim is true or false then backing up that claim with proof.

Policy : In a speech regarding policy, you’ll be arguing for a specific solution to a problem.

Value : In this type of speech, your goal is to elicit a decision or judgment from your audience. You are asking them to agree on something subjective. 

Now that you have a general idea of worthwhile subjects, let’s brainstorm together.  

125 Topics and Ideas for an Unforgettable Persuasive Speech 

To assist you in your quest for an interesting topic, we’ve come up with a list of persuasive speech topics for teens and students . 

We tried to provide topics to suit any style:

  • Fun (or even funny)
  • Unique and interesting
  • Easy (conducive to short speeches)
  • High school-friendly

Check out our list of 125 persuasive speech ideas to find the perfect topic for your audience!

  • Are rising wages a major cause of inflation?
  • Are there any benefits for the consumer who buys from local businesses?
  • Large corporations should pay the same percentage of taxes as small businesses.
  • Should credit card companies be allowed to market to unemployed college students?
  • Should fast-food servers and those in other low-income professions be guaranteed a living wage for their work?
  • Should religious organizations pay taxes?
  • Should the penny be discontinued from our currency?
  • Should large business such as Walmart have to follow minimum pricing laws to give small businesses a chance to compete?
  • Should you be expected to tip counter or cashier servers before you receive your food?
  • Should the government subsidize electric cars?
  • Are family values declining?
  • Is it healthy for small children to become famous?
  • Is it acceptable to limit the number of children families can have to control the world’s population?
  • Should kids be required to help around the house?
  • Should parents be held responsible for crimes their kids commit?
  • Should parents be required to feed young kids a healthy diet or face charges of neglect?
  • Should parents give kids an allowance based on work they do around the house?
  • Should parents restrict screen time?
  • Should teens be able to acquire medication without parental consent?
  • Should teens be able to work without their parents’ permission?
  • Are grandparents responsible for raising their grandchildren in cases of parental neglect?
  • Do pets make you happier and healthier?
  • Do babies in the womb possess the right to life?
  • Is it okay to erase parts of history you don’t like?
  • Is cancel culture helpful or harmful?
  • Is life overall better today than it was 100 years ago?
  • Is reality television detrimental?
  • Should classic literature and art be edited to align with modern ideals?
  • Should everyone be required to volunteer in their communities?
  • Is war justifiable under certain circumstances?
  • Should non-government-owned businesses be allowed to exclude customers who don’t meet their values?
  • Should schools punish students who cyber bully other students outside of school?
  • Should restaurants be expected to donate leftovers to shelters?
  • Should single people be allowed to adopt children?
  • Are open-book tests effective?
  • Do school uniforms encourage a better educational experience for students?
  • Do students who pay for their own college make higher grades than those who are parent-funded?
  • Is college necessary to be a successful adult in today’s society?
  • Is cursive handwriting still a relevant subject in modern classrooms?
  • Is it better for college students to commute or live on campus?
  • Is it better to keep kids in school year-round?
  • Is education a human right?
  • Should all high school graduates spend at least one year working full-time before entering college?
  • Should college be free to anyone who meets its academic standards?
  • Should physical education be a graduation requirement?
  • Should a teacher’s beliefs define his or her lesson plan?
  • Should school taxes be evenly divided across state school districts instead of staying local?
  • Should Spanish be a required language class in areas with a significant Hispanic population?
  • Should special needs students be educated separately from other students?
  • Should teachers get bonuses based on results?
  • Should virtual school be an option for all students, regardless of location or grade level?
  • Which one is better for the family—homeschooling or traditional schooling?
  • Does the Electoral College still make sense?
  • Is it okay for the government to strip away constitutional rights of anyone suspected of terrorism?
  • Should public smoking be outlawed?
  • Should a DUI result in permanent loss of your driver’s license?
  • Should anyone with a felony record ever be allowed to vote again?
  • Are laws always right?
  • Should bloggers be held to the same ethical standards as journalists?
  • Should drivers be road-tested regularly to retain their licenses?
  • Should handguns be outlawed in the US?
  • Should illegal aliens be cared for by public taxes?
  • Should it be legal to harm or sell your body if it’s your choice?
  • Does the government have the right to dictate what homeschoolers teach?
  • Should medical marijuana be legal for use in all states?
  • Should non-violent criminals who’ve served their time have their records expunged after a period of good behavior and, therefore, not have to disclose previous convictions to employers?
  • Should Puerto Ricans be covered under the American Bill of Rights?
  • Should the government place tighter restrictions on the types of food reimbursed by food stamps?
  • Should we allow any and all immigrants to enter the US and become citizens?
  • Do all people have the right to demonstrate in public areas?
  • Should workers who carpool, walk, or ride bikes to work get a tax break?
  • Was JFK’s assassination a conspiracy?
  • Which is better for the people—a democracy or a dictatorship?
  • Are the costs associated with electric cars worth the savings in gasoline?
  • Should smart phone users have the right to remove all social media apps from their phones, even if factory-installed?
  • Should there be restrictions on technology use in public areas?
  • At what age should children be allowed to use devices with screens?
  • Do “Ring” doorbells make us safer?
  • Do video games make kids violent?
  • Is technology bringing families closer or splitting them apart?
  • Is technology making us smarter or dumber?
  • Should altered photographs of celebrities or influencers have a disclaimer noting what was done to the photo?
  • Should elementary-age kids have cell phones?
  • Should municipalities be required to extend internet and cell service access to all residents?
  • Should schools return to restricting the use of personal electronic devices?
  • Should social media companies be forced to follow the same government regulations as traditional news agencies?
  • Can a person stay mentally healthy if he never interacts with other people?
  • Should assisted suicide be legal?
  • Should cigarettes and other forms of tobacco be outlawed?
  • Should organ donation be opt-out rather than opt-in?
  • Should we have access to any treatment we want to pursue whether it’s approved by the FDA or not?
  • Should unhealthy food be restricted and/or taxed as a health hazard?
  • Should there be more conservative limits on radiation levels produces by cell phones? 
  • Should schools allow parents to send sugary foods to share?
  • Should the government of the US take full control of healthcare and make it the same for everyone—regardless of income?
  • Should the US require that employers offer paid maternity and paternity leave to all expectant parents who work full-time?
  • Should potential cancer-causing, high-transmission power lines be allowed close to a school?
  • Should masks still be required in public spaces?
  • Should French fries be banned from kiddie meals at fast food restaurants?
  • Are the lives of ten people worth more than the life of one person?
  • Is capital punishment murder?
  • Is it ethical to keep exotic fish in fish tanks?
  • Is it ethical to own an animal that is usually found in the wild?
  • Is it fair to transfer income from richer people to poorer people in the name of “equality”?
  • Is lying acceptable when it’s a matter of survival?
  • Is there an acceptable reason to take another human life?
  • Is torture ever an acceptable means to an end?
  • Should animal breeding be outlawed in areas where stray populations are out of control?
  • Should future parents be allowed to shop for the genetically perfect child?
  • Is human cloning ethical?
  • Should animal breeders be restricted to a set number of puppies they can produce?
  • Is it ethical to eat or wear animal products?
  • Should we be careful of the music we listen to based on its effects on the brain?
  • Do flat-Earth proponents have a good argument?
  • Does the use of plastic straws significantly impact the environment?
  • Is artificial intelligence beneficial to the future of mankind?
  • Is colonizing other planets the answer to overpopulation on Earth? 
  • Is global warming mankind’s fault?
  • Is wind power the answer to the energy crisis?
  • Should NASA receive more funding?
  • Should NASA reinstate the Space Shuttle program?
  • Should the US convert to the metric system to be in line with the rest of the world?
  • Was the moon landing faked?
  • What form of energy is the best?
  • Can earthquakes be predicted?

Outlining Your Persuasive Speech Based on Your Chosen Topic

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to organize and outline your speech. When you’re ready to start, try this simple persuasive speech outline:

  • Details and evidence
  • (Repeat for remaining arguments)
  • Strong conclusion

Three to four arguments is typical. As you organize your speech, remember that it is important to finish strong.

As you write your speech, these methods for writing a persuasive essay may be helpful.

When you’re ready to craft and deliver your speech, keep these persuasive speech tips in mind:

  • Be concise. Your audience can skim an essay. They can’t skim your speech. 
  • Don’t tell your audience background information if you can assume they already know it. You risk boring them—or sounding condescending. 
  • Use anecdotes and stories to keep your audience interested.
  • Even though you’re trying to relate to your audience, avoid the phrase, “Can you relate?” 
  • When addressing the opposing viewpoint, keep an even, non-judgmental tone. If you appear rude, you may lose the support of people with that viewpoint.

Choosing a relatable, compelling, and debatable persuasive speech topic helps ensure your speech hits the ground running. 

Then, by organizing it, following a solid structure, and keeping it concise and interesting, you are more likely to win the ears (and hearts) of your listeners.

persuasive speech about homeschooling

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Jordan Mitchell

Persuasive speech outline on homeschooling.

ballzan 1 / -   Nov 8, 2011   #1 This outline is a little over due and need to get it finished but don't know how to continue it. Feel free to make adjustments, I want to get a decent grade on this. Introduction I. When I was about seven months pregnant with my first son, I remember the high school principal, coming to me and verifying that I was due mid to late February. "Good, because the last week, in January, I have all of our subs scheduled, so you can't have the baby then." I knew instantly, that that would be the week our son would be born. And, it turned out that I was right. January 29th, my water broke at school, and on the afternoon of January 30th, our first son, Gabriel, was finally delivered. And, although I somehow knew he would be born that week, what I didn't know was that he would spend ten days in the neonatal intensive care unit...NICU for short. And although I had done lots of reading, taken childbirth class, and listened to MANY childbirth stories, nothing had really prepared me or my husband to have a baby in the NICU. Although thousands of healthy babies are born each year without incident, according to a 2003 Methodist Hospital Newsletter, over 12,000 babies have been cared for in the past 30 years at their neonatal intensive care unit. That's roughly 400 babies a year at just one hospital. So, the possibility of you knowing someone that has a baby in the NICU is a real probability II. I would like to talk to you about homeschooling children vs. putting them in public school. By the end of my speech I hope you can see things from my perspective. III. I will talk about the pros and cons of both, homeschooling vs. public, and also some personal stories that I have about family that is homeschooled. Body I. The good and bad of homeschooling. A. Pros 1. Child Safety a. No worries about bullies b. Choose what adults have access to the children c. Less exposure to bad influences like drugs 2. Curriculum control B. Cons 1. Lack of proper socialization 2. Parents inadequate teaching skills 3. Poor Economy (Transition: There are many good things that can come from homeschooling but also a lot of bad things as well. Now I will talk about the good thing and bad things about public schooling.) II. The Pros and Cons of Public Schooling. A. Pros 1. Chance to Socialize with others in their age range 2. Diversity 3. Certified instructors D. Cons 1. Child Safety a. Risk of bullies b. Not much of a choice who is teaching child. c. Exposed to drugs and other bad influences 2. Lack of curriculum control 3. Too much emphasis on standardized testing III. Continue from here...

persuasive speech about homeschooling

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Persuasive speech on Homeschooling vs Public schools Order Description I want to argue about homeschooling. I support public schools. I think that homeschooling should be banned. Speech requirements: The length of the speech should be 5-8 minutes I need a very detailed and professional outline. I must orally cite at least two somewhere in the speech( the intro, body or conclusion. Make sure where you got the information from, for example: “One thousand animals die daily because of mistreatment during animal testing, according to the website” I must turn in a copy of bibliography with the outline. This bibliography page must be in a proper MLA or APA format. Possible Organization Method – how do you go about answering your question? 1) Problem/Solution method: State your point of view (Name the problem and propose the solution) a. Explain your problem(history,reason for it, etc) b.Offer a solution Thesis example: “Global warming must be prevented by all citizens of the United States though lifestyle changes and reduction in our reliance on fossil fuels” 2) Topical method – State your point of view(with three supporting reasons or subtopics) a Defend reason#1 b. Defend reason#2 c.Defend reason#3 Thesis example: “The death penalty must be abolished in all fifty states because it is an unfair cost the taxpayers, it takes the life of innocent people, and it allows the government to dictate a person’s life span” I would prefer second method. This speech is the most important one out of all others. It’s worth 150 points. please help me to meet all the requirements PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT ?

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Persuasive Speech Home schooling is the natural way to learn

$ 23.96

This speech explains why we should consider the benefits of homes schooling and why it is growing in popularity. It shows that such schooling helps a child develop his or her own potential and skills. It points out that one to one teaching is far preferable than being in a large class. The speech also reflects on how religion can be part of the home school curriculam where it is often not allowed in schools. Finally it points out that there is help available to home learners and that their welfare is protected by their having to sit examinations set by the state to ensure they are truly learning at home. The short, optional poem adds an unusual and catchy ending to the speech.


In his persuasive speech Home schooling is the natural way to learn you will explain exactly why more and more parents are considering the benefits of home schooling. You will speak of the strengthening of bonds between parents and children at important stages in their development and of the value in terms of later educational attainment.The thoughts you express in your persuasive speech Home schooling is the natural way to learn are summarized in an engaging brief poem.

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persuasive speech about homeschooling

Persuasive Speech Love really does make the world go around

persuasive speech about homeschooling

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  1. ⇉Homeschooling outline persuasive speech Essay Example

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  4. FREE 8+ Persuasive Speech Samples in PDF

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  6. Sample Persuasive Speech Powerpoint

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  1. Persuasive Speech About Homeschooling

    Homeschooling is an educational option that allows parents to teach their children at home instead of sending them to public schools. It is held that "homeschooled children now number 1.2 million in the United States and the number is steadily growing" (Farris, 1997, p. 4). Ray (cited in Mirochinck & McIntyre, 1991).

  2. Homeschooling outline persuasive speech

    Homeschooling outline persuasive speech. Persuasive Speech Outline on Homeschooling. General Purpose: I want to persuade my audience. This essay could be plagiarized. Get your custom essay. "Dirty Pretty Things" Acts of Desperation: The State of Being Desperate. Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand the advantage of why I ...

  3. Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example

    Powered by CiteChimp - the best easy citation generator. This paper, "Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example", was written and voluntary submitted to our free essay database by a straight-A student. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment. Before publication, the ...

  4. Homeschooling outline persuasive speech Essay

    Persuasive Speech Outline on Homeschooling. General Purpose: I want to persuade my audience. Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand the advantage of why I strongly believe homeschooling is beneficial. Thesis: Homeschooling environment is an effective approach in education due to evidence of higher achievement on placement tests ...

  5. Persuasive Speech On Homeschooling

    Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling 1520 Words | 7 Pages. Home schooling is a trending concept that is popular mostly in US and around the world. Home schooling preferred often by the parents that have environmental concerns, religious beliefs, lack of confidence to the education quality of the public and private schools and inadequacy of curriculum.

  6. Arguments for Home Schooling: Persuasive Essay

    Arguments 1 -. Socialisation. The process of a student transitioning to school involves many opportunities to enhance skills within the communication and socialisation eras, these experiences play a critical role in today's society and will help one's preparation for the "real world".

  7. Homeschooling Persuasive Speech

    Homeschooling outline persuasive speech Essay Thesis: Homeschooling environment is an effective approach in education due to evidence of higher achievement on placement tests, success through college, engaged socially with activities outside homes, and students becoming active members of society.

  8. Persuasive Speech On Homeschooling

    47788. Persuasive Speech Outline. Second Draft. Topic: Homeschooling is bad for children. General Purpose: To persuade. Purpose Statement: To persuade my audience that homeschooling is bad for children for several reasons. Central Idea: Homeschooling for children is not as efficient as school because it isolates the child from other children ...

  9. Homeschooling Persuasive Speech

    Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling 1520 Words | 7 Pages. Home schooling is a trending concept that is popular mostly in US and around the world. Home schooling preferred often by the parents that have environmental concerns, religious beliefs, lack of confidence to the education quality of the public and private schools and inadequacy of curriculum.

  10. Persuasive Speech: Home School Is Better Than Public School

    Specific purpose: To persuade to my audience that home school is better than public school. Thesis: People have to be aware of the advantages in various way of home school as it produce better students in academic performance, socialization and low expenses than public school. A. Greeting: Assalamulaikum and a very good morning to my classmate.

  11. 125 Persuasive Speech Topics + Tips for Success

    Argument 1. Details and evidence. Argument 2. Details and evidence. (Repeat for remaining arguments) Strong conclusion. Three to four arguments is typical. As you organize your speech, remember that it is important to finish strong. As you write your speech, these methods for writing a persuasive essay may be helpful.

  12. Homeschool Persuasive Speech by v. Stanley on Prezi

    Liberty to learn! Current drop-out rate +30% Homeschooling can be superior academically and socially Source: Tal Levy, Homeschooling and Race But wait... there's more! Freedom to travel and explore! Our school structure is lacking academically and socially Academically Experience

  13. Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling

    Homeschooling involves children of school age no longer attending a public or private "brick and mortar" school system. The child/children often are taught by a parent/parents or tutor. There are an estimated 1.7 million students today learning at home. However, some experts say this number is even higher due to not all states requiring ...

  14. Persuasive speech outline on homeschooling.

    Persuasive speech outline on homeschooling. This outline is a little over due and need to get it finished but don't know how to continue it. Feel free to make adjustments, I want to get a decent grade on this. I. When I was about seven months pregnant with my first son, I remember the high school principal, coming to me and verifying that I was ...

  15. Homeschooling outline persuasive speech

    Persuasive Speech Outline on Homeschooling. General Purpose: I want to persuade my audience. Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand the advantage of why I strongly believe homeschooling is beneficial. Thesis: Homeschooling environment is an effective approach in education due to evidence of higher achievement on placement tests ...

  16. Persuasive Essay About Homeschooling

    Persuasive Speech On Homeschooling. 1062 Words; 5 Pages; ... Home schooling can be good for a child in many ways and a lot of parents that homeschool their children firmly believe that what they are teaching their children is a lot better than what the "normal" schools are teaching them (Lebeda ,2007).

  17. Speech About Homeschooling

    Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling 1520 Words | 7 Pages. Home schooling is a trending concept that is popular mostly in US and around the world. Home schooling preferred often by the parents that have environmental concerns, religious beliefs, lack of confidence to the education quality of the public and private schools and inadequacy of curriculum.

  18. Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling

    Benefits of Home Schooling. "Home schooling is becoming an increasingly popular option with many American families" ("Benefits" par. 1). Public schools are becoming very unsafe. Drugs, violence, and sex are the issues going on in public schools. Students lives will be ruined if they are around those issues.

  19. Persuasive speech on Homeschooling vs Public schools

    I support public schools. I think that homeschooling should be banned. Speech requirements: The length of the speech should be 5-8 minutes. I need a very detailed and professional outline. I must orally cite at least two somewhere in the speech ( the intro, body or conclusion. Make sure where you got the information from, for example:

  20. Persuasive Essay On Homeschool

    Persuasive Essay On Homeschool. Homeschooling. "You're comparing a system where you've got one teacher with 30 kids compared to one parent with two kids" (Fedele, 2010). Homeschooling is by far on of the best ways for education nowadays. Not only can one tailor the lessons to a child's specific learning style, but they can also give ...

  21. Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling

    Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling. 755 Words4 Pages. Many parents believe that homeschooling is the best option for their children. For those people who don't know what exactly homeschooling is, "A home school is a school in which parents teach their children an academic curriculum at home instead of sending them out to a public or private ...

  22. Homeschooling Persuasive Speech

    July 20th, 2012 in Aurora, Colorado 12 movie goers were killed and 58 others were injured due to the random act of violence committed by a 24 year old named James Holmes.…. My persuasive speech was on home schooling. My stand point was that home schooling as a negative affect on students socially and academically.

  23. Persuasive Speech Home schooling is the natural way to learn

    In his persuasive speech Home schooling is the natural way to learn you will explain exactly why more and more parents are considering the benefits of home schooling. You will speak of the strengthening of bonds between parents and children at important stages in their development and of the value in terms of later educational attainment.The ...