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Thesis printing #

Submission form !

In our submission form you will find the following points we need you to elaborate on so we can print your thesis exactly as you want it:

  • Number of copies: The required number of copies of your thesis.
  • Single-sided or double-sided print: In the case of single-sided printing, the content of your thesis is printed on only the front page of each sheet. This means that every page in your .pdf file correponds to one sheet of paper. When doing double-sided printing, both pages of a sheet have content printed on them. In your .pdf file, odd-numbered pages will be printed on the front of the sheet, and even-numbered pages on the back.
  • Spine labelling: The spine labelling is printed onto the spine, i.e. the part of the book that is visible when it is placed on the shelf. The standard labelling consists of your name (on the bottom), the title of the thesis (in the middle) and the year (on top).
  • Name: Your name as it will be printed onto the spine.
  • Title: The title of the thesis as it will appear on the spine.
  • Cover sheet: The type of paper that envelops your printed thesis. Normally, we use transparent film for the front and black carton for the back. If your chair requires you to use a certain cover colour, or you simply want your thesis to have a differently coloured cover, we will gladly take your wishes into account. Please note that use of the so-called “LNT blue” cover is only permitted if you write your thesis at the institute for communications engineering.
  • Thesis bound for pickup: Please let us know if we can already bind your thesis or if there are pages (such as task description pages provided by your chair) that have to be inserted first.
  • Invoice address: To get your request processed, you need to provide your invoice address.
  • Invoice: Yes/No. If you want to receive an Invoice.
  • Recipient address: If you want your thesis to be sent via post or TUM intern post.
  • Phone number: Only needed for short inquiries in case there are issues with your thesis.
  • Deadline: The date by which you have to submit your thesis. Please bear in mind that we need 1 to 2 workdays to print and bind your thesis and that at least one faculty student council member needs to be present at the office for you to pick it up.
  • Pick up: Please choose, if you want to pick up your thesis yourself (possible from July 19th, 2021), or if you want it to be sended to you or your chair. You can find further information here .

Please don’t forget to include a .pdf file of your thesis in your mail. If it is too large, you can upload it to a web space (e.g. the LRZ Sync+Share) and send us a download link instead.

We do not accept USB drives!

You can find the link to the submission form Submission form ! We will send you a mail once your printing job is ready for pickup. Please read our information concerning thesis printing before sending your documents. We do not assume liability for misprints caused by inobservance of our guidelines!

Additional information #

Spine labelling: We can print text onto the spine if the thesis has a thickness of 3mm or more. This corresponds to a thesis of 30 pages (for single-sided printing) or 60 pages (for double-sided printing). If your thesis has less content than that, we will not label the spine. Please include your full name and the title of your thesis in your mail; it will be printed exactly as you send it. We assume no responsibility for typos in your mail that get printed onto the thesis.

Type of print: Depending on the type of print job (single-sided or double-sided) there are different things that need to be taken into account. When doing single-sided printing, you should avoid having empty pages in your document, as that would result in an empty sheet in your thesis. On the other hand, if you are printing on both sides and want one page to stay empty, you’ll need to include it in your document in advance. If your page numbering is not centered on each page, you should pay attention that the page numbers are aligned properly. An odd-numbered page number corresponds to the front page on a printed sheet, so the page number should be on the right (and vice versa).

Layout: Our printer cannot do marginless printing. Therefore, make sure that there is enough space between the content and the page margins (at least 5mm, we recommend 10mm). On the page border where the binding is applied to, i.e. the inner side of each page, you should leave a security margin of at least 20mm.

Images and diagrams Generally, your images should have a resolution of 300 dpi so they won’t be pixelised when they are printed. The upper bound for resolution is fixed by the printer, whose highest resolution is at 600 dpi. Therefore, we do not recommend to export images in higher resolution than that - in the best case, you just won’t see the difference, in the worst case, our printer driver won’t be able to process the image. The same applies to Tikz graphs with too many sample points.

Data format: We only print unprotected .pdf files. Ideally, they should comply with the PDF/X-3:2002 standard, but the most important requirement is that all fonts are embedded in the document. We do not accept Word documents (.doc/.docx) or LaTeX files (.tex)!

Pickup and Delivery #

Pick up at our office : It is possible at any time if our office is occupied. To ensure this, please announce yourself by phone at 089/289-22998.

Delivery : We can send your thesis directly to your chair. Please talk to your supervisor in this case and ask him if this is possible and how many copies are needed at your chair.

Type of shipment Price Required information
Shipping to your chair 1€ Name of your supervisor, chair / invoice recipient
Shipping within germany 6€ shipping address / invoice recipient

Frequently asked questions: Print FAQ #

Contact # [email protected] Submission form

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Students – MSC-PE

  • Created by Unknown User (ga75xej) , last modified by Markus Eblenkamp on 20.August 2024

News & Announcements

Dates & Deadlines

Exam registration

(Note: Only the information provided by the chairs regarding exam registration is binding).

Registration period: tba

Deregistration deadline: until one week before the exam https://www.tum.de/en/studies/during-your-studies/organizing-your-studies/examinations/registering-and-cancelling-examinations

TUM Climate Venture Course

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Dear Master Students and Doctoral Candidates,

Are you passionate about climate-tech? Join the  TUM Climate Venture Course  this winter semester, offered by TUM in cooperation with TUM Venture Labs. This course was inspired by Stanford’s Climate Venture and MIT’s Climate and Energy Ventures , which have resulted in more than 110 successful startups.

This is your chance to scale your tech project or idea with a dedicated team of students from engineering, natural sciences, business, and policy. With mentorship from founders and climate-tech experts, you will create a first startup concept by the end of the course.

Why join TUM Climate Ventures?

  • Learn from experts : Participate in high-caliber guest lectures in entrepreneurship and climate-tech from industry experts, founders, and venture capitalists.
  • Be part of a highly committed interdisciplinary group : With only 30 spots available, we aim to select the most suited individuals allowing you to create a strong network and learn from motivated and talented fellow students.
  • Exclusive mentorship : Receive personalized mentor support and create the connection to help your team succeed.
  • Hands-on experience : This course takes you out of the classroom and challenges you to apply your theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems.

Further information on the course, including Q&As, can be found on the  TUM Venture Labs website.

How to apply for TUM Climate Ventures?

Please fill out  this application form . Applications will be open until September 30th.

If you have any questions, contact  [email protected] . We will be glad to assist you!

Best regards,

TUM Venture Lab Sustainability & Circular Economy

TUM ED International Buddy Program

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A warm welcome to the TUM School of Engineering and Design from the TUM ED International Students-for-Students Center. Our goal is to support you during your first weeks in Germany while you are getting to know the TUM, the campus, and life in Bavaria. On our website, you will find helpful links, useful contacts, and general information for your studies at TUM. Click here to be taken there directly: https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/TUMedschoolofficeintern/TUM+ED+International+Students-for-Students+Center Moreover, we offer a “Buddy Program”, a program by students for students! In this program, you will be matched with a buddy, who is familiar with our university and Munich, studying the same subjects as you, and would love to get in touch with international students. Feel free to ask them any questions about:

  • studying at TUM
  • student life
  • Munich's best spots (for lunch, beer, …)

And of course, we will organize special and fun events for you and your buddy during the semester. Are you interested and want to join? Then check out the following link for more information: https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/TUMedschoolofficeintern/ED+International+Buddy+Program and simply fill out the registration form at the following link: https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/TUMedschoolofficeintern/Buddy+Program+Registration?desktop=true&macroName=confiform-entry-register ( Please consider:  Our Buddies agreed to help you facilitate your start in Munich and to give you tips and advice from a student perspective. They serve as additional contact persons, assisting you. But their commitment is voluntary. Hence, please register for the Buddy Program only if you are interested in an exchange with TUM students. If you are only interested in getting information about study and administrative matters, then the Buddy Program is probably not suitable for you. And, in that case, please do not register for the program but contact our International Students-for-Students Center.) This is a great opportunity to explore and get to know Munich, and the Bavarian culture, and to find new friends in Germany. Registration is open until October 11th! Of course, if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly. You can reach us via email at [email protected] . We are so excited to welcome you to this year's Buddy Program! Your TUM ED International Students-for-Students Center

Academic Coaching - Exam Preparation

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Summer school: IEEE European School of Information Theory (1-5 July 2024)

Visual of ESIT 2024

If ECTS are assigned to the course, this summer school can be recognized as an interdisciplinary module .

TUM Alumni  Career Service

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TUM Alumni & Career:

TUM Alumni & Career offers more than 70 career events in German and in English and provides support for all students, alumni and doctoral candidates of TUM.

We support you in preparing application documents and provide you with information and tips on how to effectively plan and shape your job search, your career entry and your career.

Visit our website for more information: https://www.community.tum.de/en/career-service/

TUM Career Day: A whole day dedicated to your career

On the TUM Career Day, we offer a wide range of exciting events, such as CV checks, free pictures for your applications, speed datings with companies, career webinars, career counseling, and an experience exchange with TUM alumni in the Career Lounge.

In the summer semester, the Career Day takes place on 4 June 2024.

Visit our website for more information: https://www.community.tum.de/en/career-service/career-day-en/

New Elective Module from summer semester 2024:

ED180028 Design of Power Converters for Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems (Chair of High-Power Converter Systems (Prof. Heldwein))


Women of TUM Meetup for "Power Engineers"

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More information: https://www.community.tum.de/en/events/?start-date=&end-date=&q=Power+Engineers

TUM Language Center

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zum Start des Wintersemesters möchten wir Sie gerne mit ein paar aktuellen News und Terminen aus dem TUM Sprachenzentrum versorgen, die Sie gerne über Ihre Kanäle weiterverbreiten dürfen:

General information:  

  • On October 10, 2023, the TUM Language Center presented its offerings at the Fit for TUM Service Fair. The presentation slides are attached to this email. A recording is also available. Recording Kenncode: vKg3ha%v
  • DAAD tests and certificates: current information and dates can be found here .

German program (for international students):

  • Certificate: German for Engineers B2/C1: all interested international students with good previous knowledge (B2.1) can apply to participate in the program between November 11, 2023 and January 1, 2024. More info: www.tum.de/daf-ing  
  • TUM Language Center Photo Contest The TUM Language Center is searching for new inspiring cover photos for its language websites. Whether it's a picture of your home campus, a  semester abroad, or an unforgettable journey – your perspective is intended to be incorporated into the design of the websites. The selected photos will also be rewarded with prizes! The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2023.
  • STEM-Themed Short Story Writing CONTEST We invite all TUM bachelor students to write STEM-themed stories in English and submit an original 250-2500-word story about any STEM-related topic by February 19, 2024. There will be an Info Session on Monday, December 4, 2023 @ 18:00 on Zoom. See Moodle course for more details and Zoom link.
  • Film Series DIVERSITY Movie nights in cooperation with the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF) Location: HFF Cinema / Bernd-Eichinger-Platz 1 Admission is free! More info here . 

Que horas ela volta?
(The Second Mother)

(Broker – Familie gesucht)

Que caramba es la vida 
(Dieses schöne Scheißleben) 

Triangle of Sadness

Portuguese with German subtitles

Korean with German subtitles

Spanish with German subtitles

English (OV)

November 23, 2023, 19:00

December 14, 2023, 18:00

January 11, 2024, 19:00

February 1, 2024, 18:00

  • Global Minds Short seminars on internships abroad in cooperation with TUM Global & Alumni Office More information and registration here . 

November 13, 2023, 12:45-14:15

January 16, 2024, 15:00-16:30

Webinar, Online

Webinar, Online

Social Media and Website: Stay informed about any Upcoming Events and the Latest News on our Website!

Follow us on Instagram! Here we also post current info, events, registration deadlines, etc.: https://www.instagram.com/tum.sprachenzentrum/

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gerne an [email protected] .

Freundliche Grüße

---- Esther Stärcke

Ressourcen- und Programmkoordination Technische Universität München

TUM Sprachenzentrum Arcisstraße 21 80333 München

Tel. +49 89 - 289 22595 Büro Raum 301 Richard-Wagner-Straße 3

[email protected]


My name is Yasemin Abra and I am conducting a research project at the Neuro-developmental Disorders and Interaction (NEVIA) Lab at the LMU Klinikum. Our project is concerned with how people coordinate with one another in their social interactions.

We are very excited to start data collection and thus need English-speaking participants!

We would be incredibly grateful if you could share the attached flyer with your students and colleagues.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at: [email protected] if you have any questions at all.

Thank you very much for your support and with best wishes,

Yasemin Abra

and the NEVIA Lab team

master thesis tum ei

New Lab Course: Academic Energy Cooperative @ TUM - Project NEIbourhood Neuperlach

New Lab Couse: Academic Energy Cooperative @ TUM - Project NEBourhood Neuperlach

Energy cooperatives have proven successful throughout Germany and other countries. These initiatives, driven by citizen engagement, significantly promote the local transition to sustainable renewable energy. At TUM, we have a unique framework to use the possibilities of an academic energy cooperative. Students, researchers, staff, and professors can contribute their different fields of expertise and apply it in practical ways. As a vibrant community, we can bring together the right people to extend the concept of energy cooperatives beyond rapid transformation towards a sustainable energy system - and connect it to teaching, research, and entrepreneurship by providing a space for practical application and proof-of-concept studies.

You will be part of the EU-funded NEBourhood project, which works on developing neighborhood concepts for better and sustainable coexistence. This project lab will focus on the aspect of decentralized local energy production and supply based on photovoltaics. Two roof areas are already available for this purpose.

Topics to be worked on are:

  • Site analysis with regard to the power generation potential via PV
  • Analysis of the structural and building law requirements for the installation of the PV systems
  • Technical design of PV systems, incl. comparative analysis of available solar panels in technological, ecological, and economic terms

In addition, you will get in contact with the overall activities within the founding process of the Academic Energy Cooperative @ TUM, training also relevant interdisciplinary skills.

This topic is intended for MSC-PE students only. The setting will be a PorpENS project lab: https://www.epe.ed.tum.de/en/ens/teaching/practical-courses/propens/ .

Due to the short notice, there is no regular registration for this course via TUMonline. If you are interested in participating in the winter semester of 2023/24 please contact asap [email protected] or your semester representative. 

Students EuroTeQ Course Catalog 2024 - study at European partner universities (online) 

The new EuroTeQ Course Catalog 2024 is here! Through this joint course offering, TUM students once again have the opportunity to participate in special online courses at partner universities DTU, TU/e, L'X, Technion, TalTech and CTU from January to August 2024.

There are many popular courses to choose from, covering current topics in engineering and business, as well as language courses such as Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Agile Bootcampt, Project Management, French, and more. Several new courses have also been added, such as Scientific Computing for Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Computational Fluid and Plasma Dynamics.

Upon completion of a course, students will receive a certificate of completion, which could also be entered into Diploma Supplement or recognized in their own study plan at TUM.  

The application period runs from 20 October to 24 November 2023. Details and information about the application process

Welcome @ MSC-PE: Introductory Information Session

For students of the new class of 2023 only!

Dear students,

we would like to welcome you to TUM and to the M.Sc. Power Engineering program of the TUM School of Engineering and Design! On Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 2pm there will be an introductory information session ,to which we cordially invite you. 


Seminarraum 0001 (ZEI) Room code: 5414.EG.001 Zentrum für Energie und Information (ZEI) Lichtenbergstr. 4a 85748 Garching https://portal.mytum.de/displayRoomMap?roomid=0001@5414&disable_decoration=yes

Best regards Your MSC-PE Team

For International Incoming Students

Welcome winter, first steps info sessions.

You have received your admission and are preparing for your studies at TUM at home? With the   First Steps Info Sessions , we would like to provide you with important and practical information even before you arrive at your place of study – for the best possible start to your new studies.

First Steps - International Students share their Experiences

  What is it like to come to TUM as an international student? Ask the students directly!  Current international TUM students will share their experiences in peer-to-peer conversations and talk about their first time arriving in Germany and at TUM. Our info sessions address topics about studying, arrival formalities, finding housing, getting to know other students, integrating into a new culture and maintaining cultural habits. You can ask our international students questions and learn from their experiences and advice to deal with culture shock in your new environment and to help have a successful start at TUM.

Virtual Study Area: TUM Study with me

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Master Theses Offers

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EWS GmbH & Co. KG

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Thesis in Reinforcement Learning-Based Control Concepts for Electrical Drives

Internship / Job Offers


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TÜV SÜD Product Services GmbH

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Global Energy Management & Sales

Dear staff at TUM (MSPE),

My name is Yuruán GARCÍA RANGEL and I am an MSPE graduate (2011 intake).

I’m reaching out to you in my role as lead of the Power Day-ahead desk at Engie Global Energy Management & Sales here in Brussels, Belgium. We are currently looking for new colleagues to join our desk and the MSPE profile fits the role quite well. I’m enclosing here attached a detailed job description (which is also available on our HR website here ). I’m hoping that by sharing this information with you it’ll reach potential candidates at TUM that would be interested in joining us here in Brussels. Any applicant can reach out to me directly (see contact details below).

Please don’t hesitate to reach back to me if you have any questions – or to refer me to any other department that may handle this type of communication at TUM.

Kindly and sincerely,


Engie | Global Energy Management (GEM)

Short-term Power as-a-Service (SPaaS)

Head of Power Day-ahead (PDA)

[email protected]

  • +3222135470
  • +32477968596

c/o Electrabel

34 - 36 Boulevard Simón Bolívar

1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

P.: +3225192935

Please consider the environment before printing this message.

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Basic Information TUM Homepage - 'Studies'

  Guide TUM Homepage - Studies :List of links to the important contents of the TUM homepage - Studies. 

Program Structure

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Study Progress Monitoring

  • 10 Creditsfrom Core Modules Electrical Engineering
  • 10 Creditsfrom Core Modules Mechanical Engineering
  • By end of 3 rd semester: 30 Credits
  • By end of 4 th semester: 60 Credits
  • By end of 5 th semester: 90 Credits
  • By end of 6 th semester: 120 Credits

Maximum 45 credits per semester

Compliance with the credit limits and corresponding time limits is binding. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in exmatriculation. Only in very justified cases can the examination board grant an extension of the time limits. Please note that, especially in the case of illness or serious family problems (e.g. care of a close relative), the application for a semester of leave must be considered (see below).

Corona special rule

The semesters summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/21, summer semester 2021 and winter semester 2021/22 will not be included in the academic progress check to account for possible problems caused by the coronavirus. The deadlines for achieving academic progress will be extended accordingly and you will be given the appropriate number of additional semesters to complete the necessary requirements. This extension does not require a separate request to the appropriate examination board. 

Exception: This regulation does not apply to semesters of leave during this period.

Leave of Absence

Only granted for important reasons, e.g.:

  • An external internship, which cannot be completed in the lecture-free period alone
  • Maternity or paternity leave
  • Care of a close relative
  • Study stay abroad

The period of leave of absence is not taken into account for the academic progress check. 

  • During the leave of absence, examination performances or pass credit requirements cannot be obtained at TUM. However, it is possible to repeat failed exams. (Exception: Maternity and paternity leave)

Note the application deadlines:

  • Further information TUM homepage - 'Studies'

Compensation for Disadvantages


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Module Catalogue

Examination performances (power engineering modules, 70 ects credits), core modules electrical engineering ( mandatory : at least 20 ects credits).

Please note that the most up-to-date list can be found in the study program module list in TUM online.

Module ID

Module name
Module Description

HomepageResponsible for the module




Energy Systems and Energy Economics (from SS 2023)

EI8031 Heldwein  PG, PIT

now Battery Storage

, PE

Core Modules Mechanical Engineeri ng ( mandatory: at least 20 ECTS Credits)

Module ID

Module name
Module Description

HomepageResponsible for the moduleLecturer(s)
MW1420 Kotyczka
MW1421 RixenDaniel Rixen, Arian Kist
MW1419 Spliethoff
, PS
MW1532 Spliethoff 



(until WS22/23)


Elective Modules (addition) (15 ECTS Credits)

Instead of the Elective Modules listed below, additional Core Modules can also be selected. These Core Modules and their credits are listed in the grade report together with the other Core Modules. The number of credits to be earned for the Elective Modules section is reduced accordingly. 

TUM Modules

Module ID

Module name
Module Description

HomepageResponsible for the moduleLecturer(s)
BGU42010 (suspended)

Mensinger, Fischer, Cudmani 
ED140016Computational Methods for Operator Based Analysis


ED150013 (from SS23)

ED150036Ethical Robot Systems


Dr. Lehner 



EI71013 Steinhorst 
EI71069 Kammermann / Bolvashenkov 
EI7495 (from SS23)

MW1364 (until WS22/23)
MW1808 Kotyczka
WI001255 (suspended)


EuroTeQ Engineering University Modules

Courses at the EuroTeQ Engineering University with a close connection to power engineering can also be recognized as Elective Modules. The following courses from the current range of courses are eligible:

Design of Ground Mounted Photovoltaic Power Plants (DTU)

Renewables in electricity markets (DTU)

Further information about the EuroTeQ Engineering University and the application procedure can be found here:

https://www.international.tum.de/en/global/euroteq-course-catalogue/ https://www.eduxchange.eu/for-students-tum/explore

Please note that the study and examination periods as well as the examination modalities at the EuroTeQ partner universities are different. You are responsible for checking whether and how the EuroTeQ course and its examination can be integrated into your curriculum and examination schedule at TUM. The MSC-PE Management cannot take on any coordination tasks here.

  Laboratories (at least 10 credits)

Module ID

Module name
Module Description

HomepageResponsible for the module


MW2267 (suspended)

EI78020 (suspended)

EI8035 (suspended)

MW1869 Spliethoff 
EI8037 (suspended)


(suspended in WiSe 23/24)

EI80003 Heldwein 
EI7417 (suspended)

EI78022 Kammermann 
ED140016Computational Methods for Operator Based Analysis



Seminars (5 ECTS credits required)

Module ID

Module name
Module Description

HomepageResponsible for the module


EI8040 Goebel 
EI8044 Hamacher 
EI8016 Herzog 
EI8038 Witzmann/Tonkoski 

MW1813 Spliethoff 
(not available from WS23/24)

Pass Credit Requirments (20 credits)

Interdisciplinary modules (8 ects credits).

You have to earn eight credits from non power-engineering subjects.The choice is yours. In particular, modules from other departments / schools and also language courses are accepted, too.

German courses

Tum sprachenzentrum: .

Upcoming Events /  Latest News /  https://www.instagram.com/tum.sprachenzentrum/ /  [email protected] .

learn German in Munich DKFA

Survival German and Basic German Courses

  EuroTeQ Engineering University

C ourses at the  EuroTeQ Engineering University can be recognized as Interdisciplinary Modules. Further information about the EuroTeQ Engineering University and the application procedure can be found here:

 TUM Climate Ventures


China Expertise Program


  Research Internship (12 ECTS Credits)

The research internship is intended to prepare students for their later scientific activities in research and development by providing them with insight into current research topics during their master studies. The research internship takes the form of project work. Each student in the master program works on an individual project assigned by a professor/supervisor from the respective chair within the scope of the research internship. Upon successful completion of the internship students will be able to draw up (apply learned concepts) and plan a project with an engineering character, to define milestones, as well as to document the progress and results of the project and to present them to an audience.

The research internship covers 12 credits, corresponding to 9 weeks of full-time work. The module may be spread across several blocks of time within a maximum period of half a year. If the internship is divided into blocks, all supervised by the same examiner, a single report of completion of the research internship in the amount of 12 ECTS can be issued at the end of the semester. Absences (e.g. due to illness) of more than three days must be made up.

The research internship has to be carried out under the supervision of a TUM expert examiners . F or MSC-PE these are all university professors, lecturers and junior fellows who teach a Core Module or a listed Elective Module. Furthermore, the following professors are nominated as expert examiners for MSC-PE by the Examination Board:  Prof. Kreupl, Prof. Alexander Koch, Prof. Lienkamp, Prof. Wen, Prof. Zäh, Prof. Armanini, Prof. Oksanen, Prof. Rudolf Neu, Prof. Daub.

The student must independently seek a place for a research intership and supervision by a TUM expert examiner. There is no allocation of places arranged by the study office.

The student together with his professor/supervisor draws up a work plan defining project objectives, methods and schedule of completion. The supervisor has to send the Research Intership - Registration to the email mentioned on the form.

Upon completion of the project, the student has to write a report and hold a presentation regarding the results of the project. The length and formal requirements of the report and presentation are not specified in the academic and examination regulations of the degree program (FPSO), but defined by the professor. The research internship is completed on a pass/fail basis without a grade.

The supervisor will send the Research Intership - Confirmation form reporting the completion of the research internship directly to the email mentioned on the form. Only this form will be kept by the office. Other documents concerning the research internship, such as written work, presentations or other proofs of work, remain with the professor.

Failed or not completed research internship modules should be reported to the MSC-PE examination board. The module can be repeated as often as necessary.

 Conducted at an External Institution:

As with the thesis module, the research internship may be completed externally at a research institution or a research-oriented department of a company, provided the  research character of the project work is maintained. If you would like to carry out the research internship in industry or an external institution , you must find a MSC-PE TUM expert examiner who will supervise the internship and give a final grade of "pass" or "fail". Please contact the professors directly on your own. The professor has to agree to the supervision of external projects and draw up a work plan together with the student before starting the external research internship.

Especially if it is conducted as an external internship in industry and it should not count as working days in terms of the "120 full days or 240 half day rule" (see below), the research internship cannot be carried out less than full-time. However, the module may be spread across several blocks of time within a maximum period of half a year.

If you are not a citizen of the European Union or European Economic Area and are aiming for an industrial internship longer than the nine weeks, please note that you may not work more than 120 full days or 240 half days in addition to the mandatory nine-week research internship without permission  ( https://www.internationale-studierende.de/en/footer-english/service/links-and-downloads#c2496 ).

If you cannot complete the external internship in the lecture-free period alone, you have the option of applying for a leave of absence .

 Recognition of previous work as a research internship

The MSC-PE FPSO provides in §37a (3) the possibility of recognition of successfully completed research projects or equivalent achievements as research practice. The decision lies with the MSC-PE Examination Board.

  • Work completed within the scope of a Bachelor or Master degree program that is a prerequisite for admission to the master program MSC-PE cannot be recognized toward the research internship.
  • Work or activities within the scope of a student job held during the master program cannot be later recognized toward the research internship.

In exceptional cases , periods of employment after the bachelor degree and before commencement of the master program may be acknowledged as research internship, provided that the employment encompassed research activities at a research-oriented institution. Students seeking to have employment activities recognized toward fulfillment of the research internship should contact the master examination board. Recognition is only possible if the items on the following  "checklist" can all be answered with "yes":

  • Was the duration of the activity at least three months, of which at least nine weeks were pure research activities (full-time, correspondingly longer in the case of part-time work)?
  • Was the research activity started after completion of the Bachelor's or Diploma program (the date of the certificate is relevant)?
  • Was the research activity completed before the start of the MSC-PE (the date of first enrollment is relevant)?
  • Can a job reference be submitted which states the duration, scope, type of activity and an assessment?
  • Can the activity be described in the form of a scientific manuscript of at least 10 pages with the following sections:
  • Author, course of studies, student’s ID
  • State of the art (with at least 10 references to scientific publications - conference proceedings or journal articles - no manuals, operating instructions, application notes or similar!)
  • Applied scientific methods and procedures (with at least 5 references to scientific publications conference proceedings, journal articles or textbooks - no manuals, operating instructions, application notes, etc.!)
  • Results and progress achieved beyond the state of the art

If these requirements are met, the recognition can be applied for by sending an informal application to [email protected] . The following documents must be attached to the email as a pdf scan:

  • Bachelor's or diploma certificate
  • Proof of first enrollment MSC-PE
  • Job reference
  • Scientific manuscript, as described in more detail above

Master Thesis (30 Credits)

The six-month Master Thesis concludes the MSC-PE Program and it has to be carried out at a chair of TUM expert examiners . For MSC-PE these are all university professors, lecturers and junior fellows who teach a Core Module or an Elective Module. Furthermore, the following professors are nominiated as expert examiners for MSC-PE by the Examination Board: Prof. Kreupl, Prof. Alexander Koch, Prof. Lienkamp, Prof. Wen, Prof. Zäh, Prof. Armanini, Prof. Oksanen, Prof. Rudolf Neu, Prof. Daub.

If you would like to conduct your Master Thesis at an external institution (e.g. chair of a professor not listed as a MSC-PE TUM expert examiner, external research institute or company), this can only be done in agreement and cooperation with one of the above-mentioned MSC-PE TUM expert examiners , who will then be the official topic provider and will carry out the grading of the Master Thesis. The topic of the thesis should be related to the field of power engineering. Please identify and contact the corresponding officially supervising professor or chair by your own and in a timely manner. Please note: We at TUM are not involved in contractual matters between you and the external institution.

Please also note possible offers for master theses under Master Thesis Offers .

Students can start the master thesis if they have passed 65 credits from "Power Engineering Moduls" (Core Modules, Elective Modules, Laboratories, Seminar) plus the research internship .

 Administrative Process

Note: For Master's theses that were still registered using the old process without using the ED portal, you will find the relevant information here:

Extension (exeptional cases!)

If a student, for reasons beyond his or her control, is prevented from submitting the thesis within the first six-month deadline, the Examination Committee will extend the period for writing the thesis by a maximum of 3 month provided that the student applied for an extension prior to the first deadline and obtained the supervisor’s approval. If a student is able to prove, by a medical certificate, that he/she is prevented from writing the thesis due to illness, the deadline will be suspended.

In those exceptional cases, the TUM supervisor (not student!) must send an email to [email protected] stating the duration as well as the reason for the extension in addition to the consent.

You must submit the written document of your Master Thesis 6 months (if extension granted, accordingly later) after the "Date of issue of the Master Thesis" indicated on the registration form. The oral presentation can take place later.

After completion of the thesis, the document Master Thesis - Submission has to be filled and submitted in the manner and to the email address mentioned on the form.

The archiving of the Master Thesis is done at the chair where the thesis was written according to its rules. It is not necessary to submit a version (either electronic or hard copy) to the Study & Teaching Office.

Before registering, please check carefully whether you really meet the credit requirements for registering for the master thesis (see above) and whether these are correctly displayed in your TUMonline account. Please note that for MSC-PE a confirmation from the program management to you or your supervisor that you fulfill the requirements for the registration for the master thesis is not foreseen.

Registration can be done at any time of the year.

The entire administrative process will take place in the ED portal at https://portal.ed.tum.de/en/ : (Please note: Nothing will change for theses already registered with a start date before August 5, 2024. No data from ongoing theses can be imported into the ED portal. If your thesis is already registered, please submit it in the usual way.)

  • You look for a chair that will supervise your thesis and agree on a topic for the thesis.
  • The supervising chair registers your thesis in the ED portal.
  • You will receive an email about the registration with a link to the ED portal and have to confirm the registration there.
  • The School Office, in consultation with the Examination Board, will review the thesis registration and you will receive approval or rejection by email.
  • You work on the agreed project and prepare the written thesis.
  • Upload the written thesis to the ED portal at the latest on the submission deadline and confirm the final submission. Depending on your degree program, you may also have to write an exposé and/or give a presentation on your thesis. You arrange the date for the presentation directly with the supervising chair.
  • The examiners will evaluate your thesis in the ED portal and you will be informed about the grade by email.

If you wish to return the topic of your thesis during the thesis period or need to apply for an extension or suspension of the thesis, you can also do this via the ED portal. To do this, log in to the portal and select the corresponding option in the respective thesis.

Detailed description of the process can be found in the wiki at  https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/TUMedschooloffice/Final+Theses+in+the+ED-Portal?showLanguage=en_GB .

If you have any technical problems, please contact  [email protected]

If the master thesis was the last achievement of your studies, please refer to the information at  End of Study below.

 Academic-legal basics

The legal basics regarding the master thesis are fixed here:

General Academic and Examination Regulations → §18

Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung ( FPSO )  → §46

Course Scheduling

Course schedule.

In principle, all modules in the MSC-PE program are electives. Therefore, within limits, you can freely compose the modules according to your interests. There is no predefined study plan. You must or may put together your own study plan with the help of the module descriptions.

However, at the beginning of the program, it is recommended to focus on completing the core modules first.

Upon request and in cooperation with the students, focus areas were identified to deepen specific knowledge. These are

  • "Power Generation" (PG)
  • "Power Storage" (PS)
  • "Power Economics" (PE)
  • "Power IT" (PIT)

In order to simplify the selection of modules in this respect, the modules that students consider particularly relevant for the individual focus groups are marked in the lists accordingly (bold --> particularly suitable; normal --> well suited). This labeling is reviewed at regular intervals with the student representatives to ensure that it is up to date.

Please note that this is only non-binding information and not a sign of quality. Modules that are not labeled are equally suitable for the design of the individual curriculum.

Please also note that a focus in the sense of a specialization is not explicitly mentioned in the final document, but only indirectly results from the modules listed on the certificate.

Registration for courses and exams

Registering for courses is only possible after the start of the respective semester and after you have been completely enrolled . 

Although for many lecture-based courses registration is not mandatory to attend the lectures, registration is strongly recommended to get full access to the corresponding Moodle course where relevant documents for the course are provided.

Important note: Registering for the course is not sufficient to be registered for the exam! You must register separately for the exam!

The main location for courses is Garching.

Teaching format

The TUM is aiming to offer lectures in presence again from the start of the summer semester 2022. Often, the lecture is additionally offered in parallel in a digital format as an online lecture or video recording. However, the format provided is a decision of the lecturer and may be subject to change. Therefore, please inform yourself via the module description or by contacting the person responsible for the module in which format the respective course is offered.

Schedule conflict

In general, there is no mandatory attendance for courses at TUM. In the case of courses that are also available as video recordings, you therefore have the option of choosing these even if there is a schedule conflict with another course and then learning the content in self-study on a time-shifted basis. There are usually no schedule conflicts with the examination dates.

Selection of modules outside of the MSC-PE module list

In general, for your MSC-PE curriculum, you are not allowed to take courses outside the MSC-PE module list displayed in this wiki. The exception to this is the Interdisciplinary Modules, where you choose modules that are not part of the MSC-PE.

You are of course free to take courses without counting them towards your MSC-PE degree. They will then be shown as additional courses on your degree certificate.

Questions regarding specific modules

If you have any questions or problems (e.g. regarding contents, registration, exams) related to a specific module, please contact the respective person responsible for the module. You can usually find this person in the module description in TUMonline (bottom of the page) or on the homepage of the corresponding chair.

Bringing in / recognition of other modules

The list of modules is binding for the selection. There is no general possibility to bring in modules other than those listed.

Since the MSC-PE modules are elective modules, in general it is also not possible to recognize modules from the previous bachelor degree program with which you applied for the MSC-PE program . For modules taken in a degree program other than the bachelor's degree program with which you applied for MSC-PE, or for courses that were not directly credited towards your Bachelor's degree, an equivalency check with MSC-PE modules must be performed.

Please contact us to check the individual case.

Extra credits

If you have earned more credits for a particular module group than are assigned for the module group, the total number of credits for that module group will be reduced to the number of credits assigned for that module group. 

Credit of additional Core Modules

You can take more than the required 4 Core Modules Electrical Engineering and 4 Core Modules Mechanical Enginieering. In this case, the additional core modules are brought in as Elective Modules .

Extra modules

If you have successfully completed more module exams than are required for the master's degree, they will be listed on an extra certificate that will be attached to the final degree certificate. Furthermore, these additional modules may replace passed modules in the same category or in the "Interdisciplinary Modules" category (e.g., to improve the overall grade) as long as they meet the specific requirements of that module category. This adjustment is made at the request of the student at the end of the program before the final graduation documents are prepared.

Crediting of modules from study exchange programs abroad

In general, only those modules that correspond to an MSC-PE module in terms of content can be credited. Exeption: For the block „Interdisciplinary modules” the choice is free and also non-MSC-PE modules can be brought in.

Failure of exams

In case of failure of exams (also due to non-attendance of exams without deregistration), they can be repeated several times. There is no limit to the number of retakes in MSC-PE as long as the deadlines of the academic progress control are met.

Failed exams do not affect the overall grade.

There is no obligation to take the repeat exam directly at the next opportunity. However, in the case of elective modules (all MSC-PE modules belong to the category of elective modules), the examiner is not obliged to offer a repeat exam more than once. This may be the case, for example, if lecture content has changed or the module has been dropped entirely. In addition, the examiner may decide to change the format of the repeat exam (written vs. oral).

If there is no possibility of a repeat exam, the module must be taken again or another module must be chosen.

Grade improvment

Passed exams cannot be retaken for grade improvement.



Academic Coaching


Withdrawing from Examinations – Medical Certificates


Extracurricular academic offers

Learning workshops.


Women Empower

Contact: Himali Talware ( [email protected] )

Women of TUM


Intercultural Communication Training


End of Study / Disenrollment

Final grading and additional moduls.

The overall grade is calculated as the weighted grade average of all modules (except Research Internship and Interdisciplinary Modules) and the Master's Thesis. The grade weights of the individual modules correspond to the assigned credits.

If you have taken and passed additional modules, they will be listed on the Diploma Supplement and will not count toward the calculation of your final grade. If you would like to include these modules in the calculation of your final grade instead of other modules, please let us know before you apply for your final degree certificates.

Before final grading of your Master Thesis

If you need a confirmation before the final grading of your Master Thesis that you have completed all the requirements and will finish the studies in a timely manner (e.g. for a future employer or to apply for a work visa), please ask your supervisor to send a statement to [email protected] confirming that the Master's thesis meets the requirements of a pass. 

After final grading of your Master Thesis

If you have completed all your degree requirements and any additional courses you may have taken in the last semester, please send us an email to [email protected] with a confirmation that all courses are listed correctly in the TUMonline grade report (titles, credits, etc.). We will then initiate the issuing of the final graduation documents. Here you can find information about the Final Graduation Documents .

If you need a preliminary certificate after the final grading (e.g. to apply for a work visa), please refer to the relevant chapter at the aforementioned link. To apply for this preliminary certificate please fill the form Request for postal delivery of preliminary degree certificate – Campus Munich and send it as a signed pdf document to TUM CST/Graduation Office and Academic Records at campus Garching.

If you need a verification of your TUM degree or a confirmation of study data please refer to this  link .


Generally, you need to remain enrolled until you have taken your last exam. For the final thesis , enrollment is mandatory until submission . For all other exams , you do not have to re-enroll if you take an examination which is allocated to the previous semester  within the first week of the lecture period . This also applies to the obligatory presentation as part of the thesis .

You will be disenrolled at the end of the semester in which you passed your last required module. You may also still take additional courses and complete exams up to the time of exmatriculation. If you would like these courses to be included in the final graduation documents, please make sure by notifying the MSC-PE management that your degree certificate is not issued until the end of the semester so that we can adjust the relevant courses accordingly.

For questions regarding reimbursment of previously paid semester fees , please contact  [email protected] .

Graduation Ceremony

If you need an invitation letter for inviting relatives and guests, please fill in your personal details in this  invitation letter template and send it to [email protected] for signature.

TUM Contact and Directions


Event Locations

Seminarraum 0001 (zei).

Room code: 5414.EG.001 Zentrum für Energie und Information (ZEI) Lichtenbergstr. 4a 85748 Garching https://portal.mytum.de/displayRoomMap?roomid=0001@5414&disable_decoration=yes

Room code: 8102.EG.101 Parkring 35-39 85635 Garching https://portal.mytum.de/displayRoomMap?roomid=0.01.01@8102&disable_decoration=yes

TUM Room finder


Semester Representatives

Msc-pe batch 2023.

Ayush Dewangan ( [email protected] )

Jihad Jundi ( [email protected] )

MSC-PE Batch 2022

Aryan Thosar ( [email protected] )

Dhakshain Balaji Venkatesh ( [email protected] )

MSC-PE Batch 2021

Erat Siddharth Mannadiar ( [email protected] )

MSC-PE Batch 2020

Salil Satish Patwardhan ( [email protected] ) Ahmed Ali Mustansir ( [email protected] )

Student Council Representatives

master thesis tum ei

Florian Keller | Nico Tassinger

E-Mail:  [email protected]

Website:  https://fsmse.de/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/mse.tu.munich/

TUM ED International Students-for-Students Center & Buddy Program

TUM ED International Students-for-Students Center

  ED International Buddy Program

Servus!😃😊 A warm welcome to the TUM School of Engineering and Design from the TUM ED International Students-for-Students Center. Our goal is to support you during your first weeks in Germany while you are getting to know the TUM, the campus, and life in Bavaria. On our website, you will find helpful links, useful contacts, and general information for your studies at TUM. Click here to be taken there directly: https://collab.dvb.bayern/display/TUMedschoolofficeintern/TUM+ED+International+Students-for-Students+Center Moreover, we offer a “Buddy Program”, a program by students for students! In this program, you will be matched with a buddy, who is familiar with our university and Munich, studying the same subjects as you, and would love to get in touch with international students. Feel free to ask them any questions about:

Responsibilities for Inquiries & Help

Mental stress and illness.




Modules / Lectures / Exams

For questions regarding specific modules, courses and the associated exams, please contact the corresponding persons of the respective chairs responsible for the module directly. You can find the persons responsible for the modules in the module descriptions and usually on the homepage of the chairs.

Enrollment & Semester ticket matters

For all enrollment-related questions (e.g. semester fees, semester ticket), please contact TUM central offices directly at [email protected] .

Visa, residence and work permit matters

Please contact the immigration office or [email protected] https

Information on work permits can also be found here: https://www.internationale-studierende.de/en/during-your-studies/jobbing https://stadt.muenchen.de/infos/studium-arbeiten-aufenthaltsrecht.html

Financial matters

Fees and scholarships.

Application - MSC-PE#FeesandScholarships

Student Job

MSC-PE does not offer an organized program for teaching or research assistantships.Therefore, please check https://www.tum.de/en/studies/during-your-studies/living-and-working/jobs-and-internships . We also recommend asking your fellow students for their experiences on how to best find a student job.

For other inquiries please contact [email protected].

Contact MSC-PE Management

[email protected]

Zoom Consultation Hour

Each Monday, 8:30 am - 9:00 am


Code: MSC-PE

The information on these wiki pages is provided for orientation purposes. No legal claims can be derived from incorrect statements. Only the corresponding official documents (e.g. APSO, FPSO) are legally binding.

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  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Thesis and Completing your Studies in Informatics

General information on your thesis.

  • For tips on finding a topic and completing the thesis, please come to the information event Let's talk about - Final Thesis @in.tum
  • It is mandatory to be enrolled while writing your thesis.
  • For information on writing guidelines, formatting, extension, submission, and visibility of registration and submission, please see thesis in detail .

Thesis in detail

Possible examiners.

All professors and affiliate members of the School of Computation, Information and Technology can supervise Bachelor's and Master's theses:

List of professors of CIT

Formatting instructions

  • No handwriting (apart from date and signature at the second page)
  • Cardstock (no transparent film, no plastic cover)
  • Hardback (no spiral binding)
  • Technische Universität München or Technical University of Munich
  • School of Computation, Information and Technology - Informatics
  • Master's Thesis in | Bachelor's Thesis in Informatics | Informatics: Games Engineering | Information Systems | Biomedical Computing | Data Engineering and Analytics ...
  • Thesis title (in the language of the thesis). Please note: If the title is different from the title you have registered, the new title must be confirmed by your examiner.
  • First and last name of the author.
  • The TUM and departmental logos are optional.
  • Please note:  The TUM and departmental logos are optional. Do not attach any notes, images and company name or other logos. No company name or company logo. 
  • Author and shortened title, Imprinted or permanently fixed (f.e. glue on the text with wide tape).

First page:

  • Repeat the cover information. 
  • The title must be written in English as well as German.
  • Examiner:  The first and last names of the supervisor including the academic title
  • Supervisor/s:  The first and last names of the advisor/s including the academic title
  • the actual submission date
  • or the submission deadline (15th of the month)
  • Please note:  Do not include your student registration number or other personal data such as date of birth. Do not attach any notes, images and company name or logo.

Second page:

  • Include the following declaration: I confirm that this bachelor's thesis | master's thesis is my own work and I have documented all sources and material used.
  • Handwritten signature and date of signature  (date may also be handwritten).

Formatting (examples and template)

Example of cover

LaTeX template

There is a (non-official) LaTeX template , but the previously mentioned formatting instructions should be checked.

Code of Conduct

Please respect the  Student Code of Conduct .

TUM Writing Guidelines

  • TUM The Use of English in Thesis Titels at TUM

TUM Handout Theses

The latest version of the handout can be found on the central website Downloads - Teaching and Quality Management .


Bachelor's thesis / master´s thesis.

From 15 January 2024 , all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal.

Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair . You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration. Only after you have confirmed your registration the Academic Programmes Office will be able to check the admission requirements and you will receive an email confirming your binding registration for your thesis.

For more information, see  Thesis and Competing your Studies

Deadline for submission of Bachelor´s Thesis is is four months later at the latest (Bachelor Informatics and Informatics: Games Engineering) resp. five months later at the latest (Bachelor Information Systems)

Deadline for submission of Master´s Thesis is six months later at the latest. Other deadlines apply for  part-time students .

Visibility in TUMonline (Registration and Submission)

How can I see in TUMonline that my thesis is registered?

On your personal overview page in TUMonline, you will find the application "Student Files" in the section "Studies and Courses". If you click on it, you will get to your student file, where there is also a tab "Degrees". In the lower part of this tab you will find your thesis, if you are already registered. If you hold the cursor over the orange dot, your submission date will be displayed.

Alternatively, you can go to your "Curriculum Support" via the tile "Study Status/Curriculum". If you expand the entry "Bachelor'sThesis" with the "Plus" twice, you will see a note that the thesis is registered.

When we have received your thesis and registered your submission, this will also be displayed there.

Submission and Extension for theses starting before 15.01.2024

The subsequent regulations apply only to students in the following degree programs:

  • Bachelor: Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems
  • Master: Biomedical Computing, Data Engineering and Analytics, Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems,

Onsite submission - Only for theses starting before 15.01.2024

All students whose thesis was not registered via Koinon and therefore has to be submitted physically may contact their respective case manager(or Susanne Kinzel) to arrange an individual submission date.

Submission by post - Only for theses starting before 15.01.2024

If it is not possible for you to hand in your final thesis onsite, you will have to send it by post.

Please mail one copy of your thesis by post to:

Technische Universität München Servicebüro Studium Informatik, SB-S-IN Boltzmannstr. 3 D-85748 Garching

The date of the postmark counts.

Submission regulations - Only for theses starting before 15.01.2024

  • the thesis must be submitted on the 15th of the month, or the next working day if the 15th is a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday
  • early submission is possible
  • Submit one paper copy at the Academic Programs Office - Informatics
  • Submit one copy to your examiner (please clarify with your examiner how to submit this copy)
  • You may also wish to give one copy to the departmental library and one copy to the supervisor, but this is not compulsory.

If a final thesis has been approved as a group paper in consultation with the examiner in the sense of §18 Para. 2 of the APSO, each author must nevertheless submit a separate copy of the thesis with his or her own affidavit. The individual assignment of the examination performance to be evaluated should be clearly evident from the work. On the cover page and the spine only the name of the student submitting this copy should be written. On the first page, all authors can be listed under "Authors".

If you are unable to meet the submission deadline of your thesis for valid reasons for which you are not responsible, you can submit an application for an extension of the thesis to the Examination Board.

The application must be submitted immediately to the secretary responsible for your degree program, by email from your TUM account. If possible, please fill in and sign the form digitally. Medical certificates also have to be submitted in original (by post). The processing time after submission of all documents is usually two weeks, and you will be notified of the Examination Board's decision.

Applications can generally be divided into two categories:

1) Health reasons

If you are ill and can prove by a certificate that you are prevented from working on your thesis, the processing time is suspended. In the Department of Informatics, this is represented by an extension of your submission deadline. A medical certificate must be enclosed with the application in original. A certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient. You can find the requirements for a certificate on the website  Withdrawing from Examinations – Medical Certificates .

Request for an Extension for Health Reasons

2) Other reasons

In cases of delays due to other valid reasons for which you are not responsible, the submission deadline of your thesis may be extended in exceptional and particularly justified cases in agreement with the thesis examiner and with the approval of the Examination Board. Please enclose a detailed justification (if possible with supporting documents) with your application.

Request for an Extension for Other Reasons

Completing your Studies

Release of final certificate.

Please contact the secretary of the Examination Board of your study program via e-mail for the release of your Bachelor's degree documents when all grades have been entered and validly set. For enrollment in consecutive Master's programs in Informatics at TUM, the following applies: From mid-September and mid-March respectively, the graduation will be reported directly to the Enrollment Office after the release of the transcripts, so that the graduation documents are no longer necessary for enrollment.

Graduation documents and preliminary certificates

Please be aware that graduation documents and preliminary certificates can only be issued when all grades in TUMonline (including the thesis) are validated. Certificates for students of the Faculty for Informatics  are issued by the  Graduation Office and Academic Records Campus Garching  exclusively,  after approval by the Examination Board . Please contact the  Secretary of the Examination Board of your study program  as soon as all your grades are validated. (Responsible Secretary of the Examination Board: see section "Contact" on the webpage for your study program)

Transition Bachelor – Master

If you enroll for a consecutive Master's program at the Department of Informatics after your Bachelor's degree, we will forward your bachelor's degree to the Admissions and Enrollment Office for enrollment (not for the application!). The graduation documents are therefore not necessary for enrollment. A green checkmark will then appear in the online application portal for your degree certificate and diploma. Please note that it may take a few days until the documents are updated in the portal. If you do not see these two green check marks 1 week before the enrollment deadline, please contact the secretary of the examination board as soon as possible.

Please find more information under  graduation .

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Communication Networks
  • TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

FAQ & Templates

On the following pages you can information about writing your thesis, giving a talk and important template files for download:

  • Writing your thesis
  • Giving your talk

Templates — Technical University of Munich

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Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Power Engineering

The master's program in Power Engineering deals with power plant engineering and electricity generation. Electricity generation originates principally in large thermal and hydraulic power plants and is increasingly complemented by decentralized generation technologies providing renewable energies.

Course Homepage

  • 4 (fulltime)

Winter semester: 01.01. – 31.05. Differing registration deadline for the TUM Test

  • Aptitude Assessment for Master
  • Winter Semester (October)
  • Student Fees: 85.00 €
  • Tuition fees for international students

Information on Degree Program

Program profile.

The master's program in Power Engineering deepens students' previous knowledge of energy technologies. Students are able to understand innovative methods, technologies and structures in the area of centralized and decentralized power generation. The aim is to develop and apply strategies for ecological, inexpensive and sustainable energy systems.  

As a graduate you are able to deal independently with complex projects in the area of power generation and supply. You are familiar with power plant construction and technologies and are able to interface with all associated disciplines. You know the most important processes and methods relating to power generation, energy storage and transmission and can classify and assess these. Your expertise allows you to recognize innovations in the area of electrical power supply and to evaluate their potential.

When at work you are always conscious of the technical, ecological and economic dimensions of energy systems. You understand the competitive energy market and are able to apply economic assessment methods. Working in project teams, you assume responsibility and coordinate interdisciplinary cooperation between various specialized areas.

The completion of the master's program opens up opportunities in the energy and power plant sectors. You are able to take up positions in the manufacture of both power plants and components, as well as at energy suppliers. Further opportunities arise in the form of research positions.

Program structure

In addition to furthering core competencies in the areas of mechanical and electrical engineering, the master's program in Power Engineering offers students considerable freedom of choice. Modules are complemented by practical research. 

  • In the first semester, students' previous knowledge of various disciplines is deepened through core modules in the area of electrical and mechanical engineering. 
  • The second and third semesters are devoted to the deepening of specialist knowledge and to an individual focus in the context of elective modules. This phase also includes practical research, where students collaborate on current projects conducted at a teaching or research institute. A seminar deepens the knowledge acquired from the modules and offers a further opportunity to focus on a special topic of research.Students can also supplement their management competencies and self-development through modules from outside the discipline.
  • The fourth semester is devoted to the master's thesis, where the accrued knowledge of the discipline and its methods converge in the handling of a major task.
  • Program structure: Overview of modules

Language of instruction

Required language skills for admission:

You need sufficient English language skills if you wish to apply for this program. Evidence of your language proficiency has to be submitted before the end of the application deadline. Learn more about recognized certificates and other ways to prove your English language skills .

This evidence of your language proficiency confirms that you comply with the minimum language requirements for admission to the program. Depending on the program and your individual background, it may be necessary for you to keep working on your language skills during your studies. Be sure to take a look at the services of our Language Center.   

Language of instruction:

The language of instruction for this program is English.

Information on study organization

  • Information on exams
  • Contact Examination Board
  • Information on studying abroad
  • Information on internships

Fees for the program

The tuition fees for international students from third countries for this degree program are 6,000 euros per semester .

Many international students can have their fees waived or receive scholarships to finance them. You can find all information on waivers and scholarships here.

Please note: The semester fee as a contribution to the student union must be paid additionally. It varies depending on where you are studying. You can find all information on the semester fee here.

Academic Regulations: Application, Studying and Exams

  • General Academic and Examination Regulations
  • Academic and Examination Regulations (PDF 634 KB)
  • All regulations and legal framework concerning studies

Application and Admission

Application process.

Minimum requirements to apply for a Master's program at TUM are a recognized undergraduate degree (e.g. a bachelor’s) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. Aptitude assessment allows the TUM school or department to which you are applying the opportunity to evaluate your individual talents and motivation for study.

Applicants for the Master's program in Power Engineering who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country outside the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” have to provide evidence of successful participation in a TUM Test in Power Engineering. For more information, please visit wiki.tum.de/display/edschooloffice/Application+-+MSC-PE .

During the application period, you must apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents.

If you receive an offer of admission, you will additionally have to submit individual documents as notarized hardcopies by post to be enrolled.

Generally, applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. a bachelor’s) obtained outside of the EU / EEA must have their documents reviewed in advance through uni-assist.

  • Applying for a master’s program: Application, admission requirements and more  

Documents required for the online application

  • Degree Certificate and Diploma or Subject and Grade Transcript of Studies to Date
  • Transcript of Records
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency
  • Notification of successful participation in a TUM Test Power Engineering with min. Score of 33 points
  • Complete and Current Résumé
  • Preliminary Documentation (VPD) if the qualification for graduate studies (e.g. a bachelor's) is obtained outside the EU/EEA

We may require additional documents depending on your educational background, your  country of origin , and the type of admission procedure . Complete the online application to receive a comprehensive list of the required documents.

Documents required for enrollment

  • Application for Enrollment (signed)
  • Degree Certificate and Diploma (certified copy)
  • Transcript of Records (certified copy)
  • Most Current Photo (as for ID)
  • Digital notification of your health insurance status from a German public health insurance provider (requested by applicant)

We may require additional documents depending on the type of educational background you earned and your country of origin . After accepting an offer of admission in TUMonline, you will receive a list of documents you must submit to TUM in hardcopy for enrollment.

Application deadlines

Application period for winter semester: 01.01. – 31.05.

For many international students, participation in the TUM Test Power Engineering is required. Date and registration deadline for the TUM Test Power Engineering can be found at wiki.tum.de/display/edschooloffice/Application+-+MSC-PE .

Information about applying for a higher subject semester

Applicants from outside the EU are advised to submit their application by March 15th in order to avoid time issues with regard to securing visa.

During the application period, you must apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents. Please be aware that we can only process your application if you upload all required documents within the application period.

We will review your application as soon as it is complete. Please check your TUMonline account regularly, to see if we have any queries to your documents or if you have to amend one or more documents.

After receiving admission, you will see in TUMonline which documents you have to submit for enrollment , and in which form. Please note that you always have to send the signed application for enrollment and all notarized hardcopies by post .

We recommend that you submit the documents for enrollment as soon as possible after receiving admission. If individual documents are not available by then, you can submit them up to 5 weeks after the start of the lecture period. You will, however, only be enrolled once we have received all documents.

You can check the status of your application at any time in your TUMonline account .

Admission process

Selection takes place through an aptitude assessment procedure. Aptitude assessment is a two-part procedure after the submission of an official application to a program. In this procedure, the TUM school or department determines whether you meet the specific requirements for its master’s degree program.

In stage 1 of the aptitude assessment procedure,  there is a difference between applicants who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country within the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” and those who have obtained their Bachelor’s degree outside the scope of the “Lisbon Convention”.

Applicants for the Master's program in Power Engineering who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country outside the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” have to provide evidence of a successful participation in a TUM Test Power Engineering, graded with a point system.

For applicants for the Master's program in Power Engineering who have obtained their Bachelor's degree in a country within the scope of the “Lisbon Convention” , the grades obtained during the Bachelor's program and the Transcript of Records will be evaluated using a point system.

Depending on the amount of points accumulated , applicants are either immediately admitted , rejected , or invited to an interview .

  • Description of the aptitude assessment (German) (PDF 531 KB)

TUM School of Engineering and Design

General student advising & student information.

Questions about application and admission

Contact hours

General Student Advising

Appointments by arrangement in advance

Departmental Student Advising

Dr. Markus Eblenkamp

Online application

Barrier-free education.


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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Thesis Supervision

The Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering is mentoring students on a variety of topics that cover fields of transportation research.

Write your thesis with us!

Open thesis topics can be found below each research group's respective descriptions:

  • Human Factors
  • Transport Optimization
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Transport Data Analytics

Of course, shaping a topic based on a student's idea and competences is highly encouraged.

Once you have decided on a topic with a supervisor, please check our our student's thesis guide , which provides you with templates and information on completing your thesis successfully.

Completed Theses

  • João Rodrigo Olenscki: Improving spatio-temporal traffic prediction through transfer learning. Master thesis, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Abdulrahmon Ghazal: Analysis of Logistics’ Measures of CEP Service Providers for the Lastmile Delivery in Small- and Mediumsized Cities. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Abu Sayed: Factors influencing transfer learning of traffic forecasting models. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Merindha Arty Sekardani: The Factors behind Willingness to Pool and Successful Ride-Pooling: How COVID-19 Influences That. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mohammad Aulad Hoshen Zihad: Data-driven analysis and on-site comparison of delay pattern of buses: a case study in the north of Munich. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX
  • Ningkang Yang: Transfer learning for transportation system resilience estimation using floating car data. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Severin Diepolder: On the Computation of Accessibility Provided by Dynamic Transportation Modes. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Tim Lindermaier: Creating a Predictive Model for the Traffic Impacts of Road Closures. Master thesis, 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Hamidreza Aliar: Flow- and Pricing-based Urban Air Mobility Demand Estimation for Local and Non-Local Travellers. Master thesis, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Isidora Gkena: Crash risk analysis of driver behaviour: a driving simulation study. Master thesis, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Juan Pablo Rendon Arango: Incorporating Discrete Mode Choice of Sharing Micromobility in MATSim. Master thesis, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yashin Abdullah Ali: Understanding consumer’s intentions to electric vehicle adoption and preferences for charging infrastructure in Innsbruck, Austria. Master thesis, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yuting He: Calibration of Car Following Model with Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization methods. Bachelor thesis, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Carine Khalil: Gender Impact on Travel Choice: A Case Study in Cairo, Egypt. Bachelor thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Debapreet Batabyal: Investigating the Impact of In-Vehicle Distraction on Driving Performance during Safety Critical Events Using Visual Tracking in a Context-Aware Driving Simulator Environment. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Ebrahim Salehi Dobakhshari: Identification of user-centric traffic alternatives based on car usage data. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Filippos Adamidis: Development of Data-driven Car-following Models. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • John Victor Ongola: The Impact Of Intercity Bus Services On Intercity Accessibility In Germany's Major Cities. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Kishmala Imtiaz: Impact of COVID-19 on Public Transport: A New York City (NYC) Case Study. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Md. Ashraful Islam: Understanding the Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Hyperloop Systems. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Muhammad Ahmad Chaudhry: Simulation-Based Mode Choice Methods for Ride Sharing Services. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Nikita Makarov: Development of a Deep Learning Surrogate for the Four-Step Transportation Model. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Qingyang Lyu: Reasons and factors behind the gender gap of online ride-hailing: a case study in Wuhan, China. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Salsabil Hamza: Analyzing Mobility Behavior due to COVID-19 Impact Using Discrete Choice Models and Machine Learning. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Somporn Sahachaisaree: Coordinated trimodal skip-stop plans optimisation for urban rail transit operations under time-variant demand. , 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Susan Cheng: Parameter Calibration and Stochastic Model Extension for an Agent-Based Simulation of Vertiport Ground Operations. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vasiliki Kalliga: Who Does New Trips and Why? Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Xiahan Li: An Image Fusion Framework for Deep Learning in Traffic Forecasting. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX
  • Xiaoyan Kang: User Acceptance and Adoption of Driverless Shuttles: A Longitudinal Study. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Zhichun Liu: Exploring the Evolution Mechanism of Traffic Congestions and Its Impact on Normal Traffic Based on Data-driven Method. Master thesis, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Abdullahi Olakunle Fatola: On-demand Modeling and Forecasting Individual Upcoming Trips – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou , 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Alexandros Efthymiou: E-scooters vs Public Transport: How Built EnvironmentAffects People’s Choice. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Constanze Ruf: Investigation of machine learning processes for the identification of relevant driver influences and classification of the efficiency of the driving style – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, G. Cantelmo, 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Ekaterina Kopylova: Study of semantic segmentation applied to street scene data – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, R. Rothfeld, 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Kateryna Shavrova: Logistical process optimization for the handling of historical vehicles in relation to automated Track and Trace. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Michael Winsor: Influence of networked and cooperative vehicles on virtual right-of-way performance in mixed traffic. TUM, Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mirfarnam Tabandeh: Bike-sharing system demand prediction using machine learning algorithms. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Mohamed Abouelela: Why do we share our trips? Investigation of the factors that influence the acceptance, frequency of use and characteristics of organized pooled rides. The Jetty case study in Mexico – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: A. Tirachini, C. Antoniou, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mohd Shareef: Analysis and development of a car-following model with xFCD – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Qing-Long Lu: Developing dynamic pricing methods for ride-sharing services. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Rupanjan Chakraborty: A Study of various Response Styles and Attribute Processing Strategies and their Impacts in Stated Preference Experiments. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Salma Yosri Yousif Hamad: Analysis and Prediction of Bike Sharing Traffic Flow – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: T. Ma, 2020, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Santiago Guerrero Ramirez: Integrated Microscopic and Mesoscopic Traffic Modelling and Simulation for Detector Data Imputation and OD Matrix Estimation. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Sophia Saportas: Analysis of the influencing factors on the choice of the HOT lane and modeling of the prediction of the roadway requirement with an artificial neural network and linear regression – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, K. Yang, 2020, more… BibTeX
  • Thenuwan Rajapakshe Mudiyanselage: Route Choice Model Calibration for Multi-Modal Public Transport Network Using Visum's Headway- Based Assignment Procedures. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yousuf Dinar: Impact of Connected and/or Autonomous Vehicles in Mixed Traffic. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yunfei Zhang: Travel Time Prediction for Urban Road Networks Using Ride-hailing Data. Master thesis, 2020 more… BibTeX
  • Aitan Medeiros Militao: Total cost minimization models for common demand-oriented transport systems with human-guided and automated vehicles – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: A. Tirachini, C. Antoniou, 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Alexander Durner: Development of a smartphone application for optimizing the accessibility of Munich Airport – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Ariful Hoque Shaon: Identification of Dangerous Driving Behaviour Using Naturalistic Driving Data – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Katrakazas, 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Artem Kholodkov: Deep learning techniques for short-term traffic forecasts – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou , 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Bhagya Shrithi Grandhi: Predictive Modelling using Machine Learning Techniques for Railway incident based parametersDenmark Railways. Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou , 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • David Gackstetter: Anticipatory Fleet Redistribution Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Dimitrios Bisas: Simultaneous off-line demand supply calibration for simulation based dynamic traffic assignment models with PC-SPSA algorithm – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, T. Ma, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Ioannis Miaris: Combining VRP Routes to Reduce Costs with a Set Covering Linear Programming Approach for Own Fleet Operation – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Konstantinos Tsiamasiotis: Stated Preference Survey Design to identify factors for using dynamic vanpooling – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Santhanakrishnan Narayanan: Review and modelling of shared autonomous vehicle services – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Vishal Mahajan: Real-time Driving Intention Prediction and Crash Risk Estimation from Naturalistic Driving Data using Machine learning – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Katrakazas, C. Antoniou, 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Xiaolin Gong: Machine learning-based network-wide traffic dynamics Prediction of traffic dynamics – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou, 2019, more… BibTeX
  • Yijiong Zhu: Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Calibration Using Islands Genetic Algorithm – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: T. Ma, C. Antoniou , 2019, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Abdallah Abu-Aisha: Using Floating Car Data (FCD) to Infer Mobility Patterns – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou, R. Harfouche, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Christelle Al Haddad: Identifying the Factors Affecting the Use and Adoption of Urban Air Mobility – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Antoniou (TUM), E. Chaniotakis (TUM), Anna Straubinger (Bauhaus Luftfahrt), 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • David Bailey: Quantitative Cybersecurity Risk Management for Autonomous Vehicle Systems – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Fatemeh Fathisardehaee: Public Transport Users’ Satisfaction: Athens vs Munich. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Isaiah Olanrewaju Michael: A Robust Capacitated Vehicle Routing Model for Dangerous Goods Transportation in a Double Echelon Supply Chain Network; A case study of lead-acid auto battery transportation in Germany. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: C. Antoniou, E. Chaniotakis, 2018, more… BibTeX
  • Kunwar Muhammad: Factors Affecting the Shift to Autonomous Vehicles: A Safety Perspective Survey in Munich – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: C. Katrakazas, C. Antoniou, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Mengying Fu: Exploring Preferences for Transportation Modes in an Urban Air Mobility Environment: a Munich Case Study. Master thesis, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Moeid Qurashi: An Alternative Online Calibration Approach for Dynamic Traffic Assignment Systems. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: C. Antoniou, T. Ma, E. Chaniotakis, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Shahrom Hosseini Sohi: Data-driven time series demand forecasting of Car-Sharing services: The case study of DriveNow in Munich, Germany – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. Supervisors: Jeppe Rich (DTU), Tao Ma (TUM), C. Antoniou (TUM), 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Shun Su: An optimization model for reservation based autonomous car sharing routing problem. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc., Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Stanislav Timokhin: Predicting and measuring venue popularity using crowd-sourced and passive sensor data – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, 2018, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • David Durán Rodas: Identification of spatio-temporal factors affecting arrivals and departures of shared vehicles. – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: E. Chaniotakis, C. Antoniou, D. Eftymiou, 2017, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Muzaffar Khamraev: Validating data-driven models at the network level – TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, D. Efthymiou, 2017, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
  • Yiwei Zuo: Impact of Weather on Public Transport Users’ Satisfaction – TUM Civil Engineering MSc. TUM Supervisors: C. Antoniou, D. Efthymiou, E. Chaniotakis, 2017, more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)

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  • TUM Global & Alumni Office
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Exchange programs at TUM

A study stay at TUM offers you a unique and unforgettable experience! Exchange programs such as Erasmus+, SEMP, TUMexchange, and the departmental programs of the various faculties enable you to spend up to two semesters at TUM. Discover our wide range of international partnerships, get to know your contacts, and learn more about the application process.

How it works

  • Check with your home university whether there is an exchange agreement with TUM. Alternatively, you can use our database to determine whether your home university is one of TUM's partners and which departments are involved in the agreement.
  • Apply to your home university following the conditions and deadlines. In the first step, the respective home university is responsible for applications, selecting its students, and nominating them for TUM.
  • In the second step, TUM processes all nominations received, informs the home universities and the nominated students, and invites them to apply. Please make sure to follow TUM's conditions and deadlines.
  • The relevant departments will then check your application documents. If your subject-specific knowledge matches the departments of the TUM Schools, you will be accepted and granted admission.

Program overview

Studying at tum with erasmus+ or the swiss-european mobility program / writing a thesis.

Through the EU-funded Erasmus+ program and the Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP), students from European partner universities can study at TUM for one or two semesters. Applications are possible twice a year.

Thesis via Erasmus+/SEMP

Please get in touch with your TUM School directly to find out whether you can write your thesis with us as part of an exchange program. Writing a thesis at an external company or institution is impossible if you wish to be enrolled at TUM.

Study at TUM with TUMexchange­

The TUMexchange program enables students from selected non-European partner universities to study at TUM for one or two semesters. The TUMexchange program is an excellent opportunity for international students to continue their education at one of the world's most renowned technical universities and at the same time get to know the German language, culture and way of life.

Study at TUM via departmental partnerships­

In addition to the exchange programs coordinated by the TUM Global & Alumni Office, some TUM Schools offer residency opportunities through departmental partnerships. Stays via departmental partnerships can last up to two semesters.

Further opportunities for study stays at TUM­

Besides the Erasmus+, SEMP, and TUMexchange exchange programs coordinated by the TUM Global & Alumni Office, you can come to TUM for one or two semesters, depending on your home country, through other programs. These programs include the Parliamentary Partnership Program (PPP) and Fulbright. If you have any questions about these programs, please contact the central coordination office in advance, such as the DAAD.

Application process

1. apply to home university (or program office).

  • Find out about the process at your home university and apply for an exchange stay at TUM. The process is individual at each institution, so TUM cannot provide any information on this or the status of your application.
  • After the selection at your home university, you will be nominated by your coordinator at TUM.

2. Apply to TUM

Once you have been nominated for a place by your home university and have received all the application information from TUM by e-mail, you can apply to us within the specified application periods for the summer and winter semesters. Please proceed as follows:

  • First, register in the application portal Please note: The online application has been optimized for Firefox 5 or higher and Google Chrome. Please only use these browsers.
  • Fill out the Application for incoming students form completely and upload all required documents to the system.

Checklist: Required documents

✔ study plan.

  • A preliminary list of the courses or modules you would like to attend at TUM. Changes are still possible after your arrival in Munich.
  • TUM accepts any type of document as a study plan.
  • 60% of your courses must be taken in the nominated department. Please note the course codes listed below. Example: You are studying architecture. 60% of your courses must be taken in the fields of AR and ED12. The remaining 40% are freely selectable. Your course list could, therefore, look like this: - AR20036 - Architecture and its Representation - AR20115 - Urban and Regional Dynamics - ED120057 - Natural Building Materials - WI001119 - Business Law 1 - IN2406 - Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
Electrical & Computer Engineering










Aerospace & GeodesyED11






Civil and Environmental EngineeringED13
Engineering Science







Mechanical Engineering








Medicines. unter Medicine Incoming













Educational Sciences






Science, Technology, Society








Agricultural and Horticultural SciencesLS  
Brewing and Food TechnologyLS  
Nutritional Sciences LS  
Food ChemistryLS  
Forest Science and Resource ManagementLS  
Landscape Architecture and PlanningLS  



✔ Overview of all courses you have currently taken at your home university

  • Document listing the courses you are attending in the current semester. Please use the template under Downloads .

✔ Transcript of Records

  • List of all academic achievements from your previous studies. If you are enrolled in a Master's program, please also list your Bachelor's achievements.

✔ Proof of language skills

  • If you would like to attend the courses at TUM in English only : Proof of your English language skills
  • If you would like to attend the courses at TUM in German only : Proof of your German language skills
  • If you would like to attend the courses at TUM in German and English : Proof of your German and English language skills
  • Please check your department's website (see above) to see whether you need to provide proof of B1 or B2 level.
  • Your home university can sign the TUM template as proof of language proficiency for you or provide another document with an explicit reference to the language level (B1/B2, depending on the department)

In addition, the following tests and scores are accepted with a validity of two years:

English: B1 (CEFR)

TOEFL iBT minimum score: 65

TOEFL ITP minimum score: 500

TOEIC minimum score: 650

IELTS minimum score: 5

German: B1 (CEFR)

Telc German B1 minimum score: 180

Goethe Certificate B1 minimum score: 60

ÖSD Certificate B1 (ZB1) minimum score: 180

Students studying in their native language at TUM do not have to submit proof in this language. Self-assessment tests of language skills are not accepted.

✔ CV

  • One page, in tabular form, German or English: summary of school education and, if applicable, vocational training

✔ Motivation letter

  • Minimum one DIN A4 page, German or English, describing your academic and personal goals

✔ Copy of your passport / ID card

✔ information on impairments or chronic somatic illnesses.

  • You can provide information on impairments, chronic somatic illnesses, and learning disabilities in the application form. In the application process, you will receive information from us about the relevant services at TUM.

✔ Information on children

  • If you have children accompanying you while you are at TUM, you can let us know in the application form. We will inform you about support services during the application process. 

✔ Information on accommodation

  • In the 'Further information' section of the application form, you will find a section on accommodation where you can let us know whether you are interested in the service package offered by the Munich Student Union. This is the only way to apply for accommodation.

Submit application

Once you have filled out the online form and uploaded all the required documents, the system will create a PDF of your application documents. Complete your application and follow the instructions in the application portal for the next steps.

Please note

  • We can only process application documents that are both complete and submitted on time. If any documents are missing, you will be informed by e-mail. However, your application can only be processed further if you have completed the missing information within the application deadline. Application documents submitted too late cannot be processed.
  • Signatures from TUM are only available after acceptance or admission: from July for the winter semester / from December for the summer semester.

Downloads and safety information

Downloads and safety information.

Template for confirmation of language skills (PDF, 133 KB)

Template Study plan at TUM (DOC, 25 KB)  

Template Current course enrollment at the home university (DOC, 36 KB)   If available, please use your home university's study plan form

Safety information for your stay (PDF, 315 KB)


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  6. Part 5/15 The Fisk Jubilee Singers Conclusion; This is Our Story, This is Our Song #opera


  1. Master Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

    Bachelorabsolventen der TU München, die sich erfolgreich für den Master EI beworben haben, werden automatisch an das Immatrikulationsamt weitergemeldet und bei vorliegender Zulassung in den Master immatrikuliert. Die Weitermeldung geschieht in der Regel ab dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Noten aller Prüfungen vorliegen.

  2. Abschlussarbeit Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

    Zur Master's Thesis ist zugelassen, wer Prüfungsleistungen (Module der außerfachlichen Ergänzung und die Forschungspraxis zählen nicht dazu!) im Umfang von 60 Credits erreicht hat. ... Diese wird von Mitarbeitenden des Master EI des ASA Teams in TUM Online eingetragen. Die Übertragung aus TUM Online in das Abschlussprüfungssystem erfolgt ...

  3. Master Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

    The master's thesis is the last examination credit to be earned during a student's studies. The thesis is awarded 30 credits. ... E-Mail: master(at)ei.tum.de. Tel: +49 89 289 22242. Examination Board. Student Academic Advising. Study Guide. Academic and Examination Regulations. Module List. new modules from the SS2024.

  4. Theses

    Here, you will find information on the regulations governing the writing and submission of your thesis. Formalities. Please take note: These specifications apply for bachelor's and master's theses. You can find the regulations applying to the diploma thesis in the §§ of the ADPO (General Academic and Examination Regulations) and the FPSO ...

  5. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

    The program concludes with a master's thesis, which is devoted to the handling of a major scientific question. ... Minimum requirements to apply for a Master's program at TUM are a recognized undergraduate degree (e.g. a bachelor's) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. ... studienberatung @ei.tum.de +49 89 289 ...

  6. Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Since the period for working on the thesis significantly exceeds the time allowed for the master's thesis (24 weeks for full-time students), the deadline cannot be extended. In cases of hardship (delays not caused by the student him/herself, e.g., due to prolonged illness or hospitalization), please consult the Examination Board during the ...

  7. Formalities

    Master's Thesis For the preparation of the master's thesis, 30 credits will be awarded. ... For the period in which you are working on your thesis at the TUM, from registration to submission, (+ where applicable, any supplementary requirements in conjunction with your thesis, such as a final colloquium or oral exam) you must remain enrolled ...

  8. Research / Thesis

    Theses Research / Thesis . Before contacting us regarding your thesis or internship application, please carefully read the guidelines provided in the ESI Wiki. Then, reach out to a potential supervisor from our list of Ph.D. candidates via email and ensure that the address [email protected] is included in the CC field.. Topics

  9. Master Communications and Electronics Engineering

    Study the Master Program Communications and Electronics Engineering at the TUM: Find out more about the program here - from application to graduation! ... The program concludes with a Master's Thesis (6 month duration) during the fourth semester. ... ei.tum.de. Tel. + Degree Program Documentation Study-Handbook_MSCE_WS2324.pdf ...

  10. Communications and Electronics Engineering

    The fourth semester is devoted to the master's thesis, in which the accrued knowledge of the specialist area and methodology is applied in handling a major task. ... msce @ei.tum.de +49 89 289 22265 Theresienstr. 90 / II, Room N2147, 80333 München. Online Application Barrier-Free Education Technical ...

  11. PDF Thesis and Seminar Paper Guidelines

    Thesis and Seminar Paper Guidelines Page 5 10/2022 Timeline The processing time after the thesis registration is usually 3 months (Bachelor thesis) or 6 months (Master thesis). Please check the processing time of your degree program. The schedule for your final thesis consists of roughly six main steps (see Table 1).

  12. theses (BSc/MSc)

    terms and conditions -----External bachelor / master thesis. Before we set up an external thesis, a signed confirmation letter (with name, address, phone number & email) of the supervisor from the company (pdf-file sent to [email protected] by Email) that he will supervise and instruct you to the best possible extend and that he will adhere to the Academic and Examination Regulations of BSEI/MSEI ...

  13. PDF Bachelor / Master Thesis / IDP / Forschungs- EI LiDAR Data ...

    TUM - MST 80290 München Warensendung: TUM - MST Theresienstr. 90 / N5 80333 München Tel + Fax + [email protected] www.mst.ei.tum.deworks, ROS) ... Bachelor / Master Thesis / IDP / Forschungs-LiDAR Data Processing Your role: Our LiDAR Sensor is already one of the best in the world and produces great 3D data. But ...

  14. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

    Master's Degree Programs. Back Master's Degree Programs Application Master Teacher Training ... as well as complete individual specialized modules and a bachelor's thesis. Program structure & Overview of modules ... bachelor @ei.tum.de +49 89 289 23559 Theresienstr. 90, 80333 München . Online Application Barrier-Free Education ...

  15. Thesis Printing

    [email protected]. Submission form. Printing # We will gladly print your thesis on our colour printer. For that, you only need to send us the .pdf file of your thesis via the submission form. The price is calculated individually for every thesis and depends on the number of pages, among other things.

  16. PDF Bachelor/Master Thesis

    TUM - MST 80290 München Warensendung: TUM - MST Theresienstr. 90 / N5 ... include these algorithms and also enable the pos-Fax +49 89 289 -sibility to select on 23348 of the [email protected] www.mst.ei.tum.de I MST ... [email protected] 01.05.2022 Bachelor/Master Thesis Developing algorithms for studying development of real neuronal ...

  17. Students

    If you need a confirmation before the final grading of your Master Thesis that you have completed all the requirements and will finish the studies in a timely manner (e.g. for a future employer or to apply for a work visa), please ask your supervisor to send a statement to [email protected] confirming that the Master's thesis meets the ...

  18. Master Theses

    Description. Tracing events with hardware components is one powerful tool to monitor, debug, and improve existing designs. Through this approach, detailed insights can be acquired, and peak performance can be achieved, while being a challenging task to be integrated with good performance.

  19. Thesis Informatics

    Bachelor's thesis / Master´s thesis. From 15 January 2024, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal. Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your ...

  20. Thesis, Presentation & Templates

    Thesis, Presentation & Templates - Chair of Communication Networks. Home. Student Thesis. Thesis, Presentation & Templates. FAQ & Templates. On the following pages you can information about writing your thesis, giving a talk and important template files for download: Writing your thesis.

  21. Templates

    LaTeX Template for the Technical University of Munich, Technische Universität München, TUM, Exposé for Doctoral School, DocGS. This template should be similar enough to the Word template given by DocGS. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  22. Power Engineering

    The master's program in Power Engineering deepens students' previous knowledge of energy technologies. Students are able to understand innovative methods, technologies and structures in the area of centralized and decentralized power generation. The aim is to develop and apply strategies for ecological, inexpensive and sustainable energy systems.

  23. Theses

    Master thesis, 2020 more…. BibTeX. Constanze Ruf: Investigation of machine learning processes for the identification of relevant driver influences and classification of the efficiency of the driving style - TUM Transportation Systems MSc. TUM, Supervisors: C. Antoniou, G. Cantelmo, 2020, more…. BibTeX.

  24. Exchange programs at TUM

    A study stay at TUM offers you a unique and unforgettable experience! Exchange programs such as Erasmus+, SEMP, TUMexchange, and the departmental programs of the various faculties enable you to spend up to two semesters at TUM. ... Thesis via Erasmus+/SEMP. ... EI. CIT33. CIT34. iris.schachtner(at)tum.de: Electrical & Computer Engineering ...