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We offer master's theses from the following areas:

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  • Entangled Photons: many-particle states for quantum communication, metrology and foundational questions
  • Atom-atom entanglement for efficient quantum communication and tests of Bell's theorem

If You are interested in doing Your master's thesis in our group, please contact  Harald Weinfurter . Tell us Your topic of interest and the time when You want to start.

[email protected] Phone: +49 89 2180-2044

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Experimental Flavor Physics

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  • Master Thesis Topics

Search for so far unmeasured decays at Belle II

Semileptonic B meson decays are decays of a B meson into a lepton, a neutrino, and most likely a charmed meson. Although these decays are known for decades there are still open questions concerning these decays. One of those questions is the so-called "gap-problem". The problem is a discrepancy between the inclusive measurement, where the charmed meson is not reconstructed, and exclusive measurements, where the charmed meson is fully reconstructed. The measured exclusive branching fractions do not sum up to the measured inclusive branching fraction. A possible solution to this problem is the existence of so far unmeasured decay channels of either the B meson or the involved charmed mesons. One candidate for those is the decay of a heavy charmed meson (here called D**) into an eta and either a D or D* meson (D** → D* eta). Those decays have not been measured so far. With Belle II data one can search for the decay B → D* eta l nu which may solve the gap-problem.

Measurement of the tau electric dipole moment

Electric dipole moments (EDMs) are a sensitive probe of CP violation. Tight constraints exist in particular for processes with first generation quark level transitions. The task of this topic is to measure the EDM of the tau lepton at Belle II. With a much larger dataset and an improved understanding of the detector we expect to significantly improve current constraints.

Measurement of the branching fraction of B 0 -> D (*)- K +

The theoretical calculation of decays like B 0 -> D (*)- K + requires a good understanding of hadronic effects. Recent calculations have achieved a high precision and show astonishing deviations from the measured values. In this project, a measurement of the branching fractions of B 0 -> D - K + and B 0 -> D *- K + should be performed for the first time with data of the Belle II experiment. An independent result is an important step towards a solution of the puzzle.

Measurement of energy dependence of strong isospin violation in Y(4S) decays

Measurements of branching fractions of B mesons are very important. On the one hand they can be compared with theoretical predictions and thus test the standard model of particle physics. On the other hand a precise knowledge of branching fractions is important for a good understanding of the composition of data for which often simulations are used. B factory experiments are well suited for the measurement of B meson branching fractions because the number of e + e - -> Y(4S) -> B anti-B events can be determined well. However, the probability of Y(4S) decays to pairs of neutral or charged B meson, called f 00 and f ± , has to be known. In case of strong isospin symmetry both rates would be equal. Recent theoretical suggest an isospin violation that depends on the center of mass energy. This should be checked with Belle II data.

Test of lepton universality with inclusive tagging

The world averages of R(D (*) ) = BR(B -> D (*) tau nu) / BR(B -> D (*) l nu) deviate significantly from the standard model prediction. To check if lepton universality is violated or not further measurements are needed. A new analysis method uses inclusive tagging. Here it is checked if after the reconstruction of the signal decay B -> D* l nu all remaining particles are compatible with originating from the second B meson in Y(4S) -> B anti-B events. This method has the advantage of a higher efficiency compared with an exclusive reconstruction of decays of the second B meson, but leads also to a higher background level.

Search for B decays with baryon number violation by two units

A precondition for the generation of a baryon asymmetry in our universe is baryon number violation. While the violation of baryon number by one unit (∆B = 1) involving quarks of the first or second generation is severely constrained by the non-observation of proton decay, limits on baryon number violating processes involving third generation quarks are considerably weaker. Processes violating baryon number by two units are even less studied. With Belle II data we can search for ∆B = 2 processes, such as B meson decays to a deuteron and light mesons or leptons.

Generic new physics search with machine learning

New physics can be established by measuring deviations from standard model predictions. Usually this approach is implemented for selected observables. New physics effects may be overlooked if they show up in observables that were not considered or only in correlations of observables. A detailed and more generic comparison of measurements and theoretical predictions may be achieved by machine learning algorithms. Besides the design of the machine learning model and challenge will be to decide if observed deviations should be attributed to new physics or imperfections in theory calculations or detector simulation. This topic is explorative and requires the combination of knowledge from multiple areas.

Broad search for matter antimatter asymmetries (topic not available any more)

How to explain the origin of this asymmetry between matter and anti-matter in our universe, which is an essential condition for forming galaxies, stars, planets, and finally life, is still an outstanding mystery. So far measurements of CP violation mainly focused on exclusive decays that are expected to show significant effects. In this explorative study we want to search for matter antimatter asymmetries in a broader and more inclusive way to be sensitive to effects that may have been overlooked so far. As a first step one has to understand intrinsic asymmetries in particle detection.

Development of a new B meson tagging method

A key feature of B factories is that they produce clean events of B meson pairs in reactions e + e - -> Y(4S) -> B anti-B. This feature is exploited by many analyses, e.g. for the reconstruction of B meson decays to invisible particles. In these analyses the second B meson is usually reconstructed in a hadronic or semileptonic decay, called tagging. The aim of this topic is the development of a new tagging algorithm that applies machine learning techniques to determine for each final state particle to which of the two B mesons it belongs. As a first step the general potential and applicability to selected analyses should be studied.

On-the-fly intelligent background simulation with distributed model training

Searches for rare decays require a good understanding of backgrounds. Often huge amounts of costly produced simulated data are used for this purpose. One aspect that makes this very inefficient is that events which are not selected as signal candidates still run through the full simulation chain because the selection quantities are only known afterwards.One approach to improve this at the Belle II experiment involves predicting with a machine learning model which events fulfill the selection criteria before the expensive detector simulation and event reconstruction are performed. However, to train such a model, a large enough labeled dataset has to be produced with the inefficient process beforehand which is especially problematic for cases with low selection efficiencies. It was shown that one can train the model on-the-fly while producing the data with increasing efficiency. To not be limited by the resources available on one machine a distributed model training should be investigated.

Track reconstruction at Belle II with ACTS

The codes for the reconstruction of trajectories of charged particles are usually developed specifically for each experiment. With A Common Tracking Software (ACTS) a library has become available that provides tracking algorithms that can be applied in multiple experiments. Besides the known advantages of shared code, ACTS may also help to address bottlenecks in the execution time of custom codes. The replacements of parts of the Belle II tracking code by ACTS should be studied.

Feasibility of an R(D*) measurement at FCC-ee

The particle physics community is currently discussing for future direction of the field. An electron positron Future Collider at CERN (FCC-ee) could produce a huge amount of Z bosons which offers many opportunities for flavor physics measurements. The feasibility of an R(D*) measurement at FCC-ee should be studied. This requires setting up the relevant software stacks.

Belle II chatbot

Large language models have a huge impact in many areas. In science they may provide a completely new access to domain specific knowledge. The aim of this project is to fine-tune a large language model on Belle II specific information. A main technical challenge will be to access and aggregate data from various systems.

Belle II detector with augmented reality

A 3D printed model of the Belle II detector was created to explain to the general public how it works. To further improve the user experience and help understanding the detector concept an augmented reality application for mobile devices should be developed that shows simulated events and provides additional explanations. Web programming skills are required, experience with WebAR would be beneficial.

Further topics not advertised here may be available. Feel free to contact us .

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Electronic publication  |  Print publication by a publishing house  | Reproduction as author-publisher | Habilitationsschriften  | Open Publishing LMU

The following options are available to you for the publication of your thesis:

  • electronic publication on the University Library's theses repository "Electronic Theses of LMU Munich", provided the official regulations of your faculty permit publication in electronic form
  • print reproduction as author-publisher (Copy/print)
  • print publication by a publishing house
  • parallel digital and print edition by a publisher (Open Publishing LMU)

The turning in of your thesis is required procedure as the submission of your thesis is part of your promotion process. The regulations for turning in theses vary from faculty to faculty. For each faculty, there is a leaflet with the most important pieces of information.

You can submit your copies either personally, by a third person or by postal mail. If you send your thesis from a non EU country please ask for customs regulations in advance. Parcles held at German customs will be returned to the sender! 

Postal mail Universitätsbibliothek der LMU, Publikationsdienste Dissertationen, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München

Submit personally Monday – Friday 9.00 am - noon, Leopoldstr. 13, Building section 1, room 1108

Leaflets with information on the submission of theses

Electronic publication on the University Library's theses repository

Uploading your file.

If you decide you want to publish your thesis as a new title on the University Library's theses repository "Electronic Theses of LMU Munich", you can upload your thesis to the repository yourself. You will find directions on uploading by clicking the blue button "Instructions".

Direct link to "Electronic Theses of LMU Munich"

Directions on uploading an electronic thesis

Submitting printed copies

We advise you to upload your dissertation first and print only when you have received confirmation by e-mail that the upload is OK. You will find details on the number of copies you must submit in the current promotion regulations for your subject. The copies must be durably bound. We cannot accept ring or spiral bindings.

Patent application

If your thesis is associated with a patent application, you can request the University Library to defer the publication of both the statutory printed copies and the electronic version of your thesis. Please check if your faculty makes provision for this.

Please upload the electronic version of your thesis anyhow to the University Library's theses repository. Submit the completed and signed "Form for the issue of a blocking note due to a patent application" together with the printed statutory copies.

Form for the issue of a blocking note due to a patent application (186 kB, pdf)

Form for the suspension of a blocking note due to a patent application (196 kB, pdf)

Journal publication

Should your faculty make provision for theses to be published after some time if published in a journal you can request the University Library to defer the publication of both the statutory printed copies and the electronic version of your thesis.

Please upload the electronic version of your thesis anyhow to the University Library's theses repository. Submit the completed and signed "Form for the issue of a blocking note due to publishing in a journal" together with the printed statutory copies.

Form for the issue of a blocking note due to publishing in a journal (63 kB, pdf)

Print publication by a publishing house as a new title

You will find details on the number of copies you must submit in the current promotion regulations for your subject if you publish your thesis as a book in a regular publishing house. In all printed copies available through bookstores an explicit statement must be found that the book is a thesis of the LMU in Munich. In addition the copies you submit must contain the so called "Fakultätstitelblatt" (faculty title page).

If you have published your thesis as a new title through a publishing house you will be welcome to re-publish it on the University Library's theses repository ”Electronic Theses of LMU Munich” once the exploitation rights have been clarified.

Faculty pages for thesis of the LMU Munich

How to paste the faculty title page into a publisher edition  (58 kB. pdf)

Reproduction as author-publisher

Some faculties allow fulfilling your obligation to publish your thesis by having your thesis printed and bound in a copyshop. In this case, please consult the promotion regulations applicable to your subject to find out how many copies you must submit to the University Library.

You are also welcome to ensure your thesis is available worldwide by publishing it in parallel on the free University Library's theses repository. top


Please check the regulations of your faculty if you have to submit your "Habilitationsschrift" at all. If a title page is compulsive you'll find it in the "Habilitationsordnung" of your faculty.

Open Publishing LMU: Publish with a publishing house and in digital form simultaneously

In cooperation with a publishing house, the University Library provides an inexpensive opportunity to publish theses with a publisher and simultaneously electronically: Open Publishing LMU. With Open Publishing LMU, you fulfil your obligation to publish with a printed publication through a professional publisher. Depending on the respective regulations between 2 and 5 books must be turned in to ”Publikationsdienste Dissertationen" (Publication Services Theses).

  • Doctoral candidates and post-docs of the LMU publish their theses with the author’s own fundings in the series "Dissertationen der LMU“ or „Habilitationsschriften der LMU“respectively.
  • Outstanding doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences can publish their dissertation in the funded series "Open Publishing in the Humanities" (OPH).

The electronic edition will appear on the platform Electronic Theses of the LMU Munich. The simultaneous publication on the platform is mandatory. The series OPH is additionally presented on its own website.

Website Open Publishing in the Humanities

With Open Publishing LMU the authors retain all usage rights, thus enabling them to publish elsewhere at any time.

  • Open Publishing LMU for doctoral candidates in the series „Dissertationen der LMU“
  • Open Publishing LMU for postdocs in the series „Habilitationsschriften der LMU“


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Experimental Quantum Physics

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Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich thesis template

A LaTeX template designed for Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) theses.

This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich thesis template

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Applications 2024

Applications 2024

We are currently seeking applications for the Elite-MSc course on "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics". The deadline is June 15th. more

Zoom Q&A for potential TMP applicants 2024

Zoom Q&A for potential TMP applicants 2024

Do you have questions regarding TMP? The student representatives Giulia and Üzeyir plan to offer a Q&A session on Friday, May 31st at 5pm (German time). Join them on Zoom via https://tum-conf.zoom-x.de/j/69051113109?pwd=V3FmblNndmVKb3BNRis5dnc1Ny9Cdz09 more

TMP Students from around the world

TMP Students from around the world

See in this video where TMP students come from more

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📔 A LaTeX template for LMU Master/Bachelor theses (paper+slides).


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Latex template for lmu munich theses.

📔 A LaTeX template for LMU Master/Bachelor Theis paper and beamer .

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Doctoral Study

Skip to content, your way to a doctorate, first steps, administrative, congratulations, theodor hänsch phd award.

Dear doctoral candidates and all those who want to become one, here you will find all information about doctoral studies at the Faculty of Physics. We will answer your questions and accompany you on the way to your doctorate!

' title=

Are you thinking about a doctorate? First of all, think about the field of research in which you would like to work! The choice of your doctoral topic is of central importance, because those who research with enthusiasm will reach their goal in the end! At the Faculty of Physics a PhD is possible in the subjects astronomy , meteorology and physics (only available in German). Afterwards, you should find a supervisor for your doctoral project who is authorized to conduct examinations. Looking specifically for PhD positions and finding out about structured PhD programs can also be very helpful. Contact one of our researchers directly. Information on subjects and research areas as well as an overview of professors can be found in the research section .

A 5-year Master's degree with at least the grade 'good' or a 3-year Bachelor's degree with the grade 'very good' is required for admission to the doctoral program.

We are glad to assist you with all administrative steps - from the admission and submission to the defense of your dissertation. You will find all important information below.

All legally binding regulations can be found in the current version of the examination regulations - these and possible amendment regulations are available for download here (PDF, 130 KB) .

Supervisor Search for and contact a university lecturer on your own. All professors and private lecturers at the university count as a university lecturer. Letter of admission It is mandatory to apply for admission at the dean's office. For this, please hand in all necessary documents: (certified copies can be made in the dean's office)

Confirmation of Supervision (PDF, 96 KB)

  • Application for Admission to Doctoral Studies (PDF, 146 KB)
  • Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)
  • Signed curriculum vitae
  • Identity card or passport as a certified copy
  • with a German master degree in physics: certified copy of Master's certificate and diploma
  • with a foreign/non-specialized university degree : certified copy of Bachelor's and Master's certificate, diploma and final transcript of records

Once your admission request has been checked and confirmed, you will receive an admission letter via post mail. With this you can apply for enrollment at the Office of the University Registrar or the International Office .

Admission to doctoral studies is open to students with an outstanding Bachelor’s degree.

  • an excellent bachelor's degree with a grade of "very good"
  • or a placement among the top 10% in the respective year,
  • a mentor who will advise you

Applicants with degrees earned outside the EU must submit GRE Subject Test scores in physics or mathematics.

  • In addition to the Application for Doctoral Admission (PDF, 146 KB) , please submit this form (PDF, 128 KB) (currently only available in German) to the Dean's Office along with the documents requested therein.
  • Ask your mentor to send the mentor commitment (PDF, 98 KB) to the Dean's Office.
  • You then have to enroll in the respective master's program and successfully complete 60 ECTS of Master courses in the following two semesters with an average grade of at least good ( grade ≤ 2.5 ). Course selection will take place in consultation with your mentor.
  • These required achievements have to be proven to the Dean's Office at the end of the two semesters . To do so, present the master's certificates to the examination office and obtain a statement of account.
  • Please submit the supervision commitment together with the account statement of the master's achievements to the Dean's Office.
  • You can then enroll in the doctoral program.

With the doctoral degree, you do not acquire a master's degree. This may have consequences later on, e.g. on the pay group in case of employment in the public service. A doctorate without a master's degree is therefore not advisable for people who want to stay in Germany. However, if you are pursuing a Master's degree, you should remain enrolled in the Master's program and complete the remaining required coursework.

Information on how to obtain a Master's degree can be found in the FAQs on this page.

The faculty member who gives you the mentoring commitment is not obligated to continue to mentor you and give you a mentoring commitment for the doctoral degree.

  • with a " First Degree Master " or
  • with a 3-year Bachelor's degree and a one-year Master's degree (" Integrated Master ")

Depending on where you are from and depending on where you obtained your Master degree, the International Office or the Office of the University Registrar is responsible for enrollment as a doctoral student. Please follow their instructions on the information page.

  • Doctoral studies are not subject to a standard period of study. As a rule, enrollment for the purpose of a doctorate is limited to a maximum of 8 semesters.
  • If you are seeking a doctorate via access with an excellent bachelor's degree, you must apply as a master's student. See the information page on application, admission and enrollment .

Please note the following for the submission of your thesis:

  • Please make an appointment to submit your dissertation in good time.
  • A time limit of at least six weeks should be granted between the submission of your thesis and your oral examination, so that all deadlines can be duly met. We therefore recommend that you consult with your reviewers in order to plan your oral examination.
  • Your committee will consist of 6 members (old regulations) or 5 members (new regulations). Please note that amongst them there must be one theoretician, one experimentalist and one person from another field in physics than your own. There can only be one external member.
  • You have to submit eight copies (old doctoral regulations) or seven copies (new doctoral regulations), hard bound in DIN A 4 format. Your doctoral thesis should be preceded by an abstract in German language , included in your thesis.
  • All documents that have to be submitted together with the hard copies can be found on the last page of the Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB) / Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB) Please read this form carefully in order to ensure that different documents can be issued in due time.
  • A list containing the suggested members of the Doctoral Examination Committee (PDF, 97 KB) can be submitted in advance for revision; it always has to be approved by the Dean.
  • We kindly ask you to send us an email to [email protected] on the day of your submission containing your abstract as well as your dissertation as two separate PDFs or as a download link.

Earning a doctorate with multiple publications? Cumulative dissertations usually require at least three published and refereed first author publications in renowned journals. Cumulative dissertations must be submitted to the dean by the supervisor prior to submission, indicating the relevant publications. Only when the application has been approved by the dean a cumulative dissertation is possible. Mixed forms between classical and cumulative dissertation are possible, but require a detailed justification and explanation, with sufficient time before the intended submission date. In all cases, care must be taken to ensure that the dissertation clearly presents and demonstrates independent scientific achievement.

As a rule, the examination should take place in person. The 20-minute-presentation takes place on the blackboard and is followed by questions. A remote examination is only an option if there is an external member outside Munich or in the event of illness of a member.

If a member of the doctoral committee participates remotely, the requirements of the remote examination apply:

  • The presentation will take place on an electronic whiteboard.
  • All parties involved in the examination must agree to the procedure described here.
  • The examinee and those examiner situated in Munich meet in person in a room.
  • Joining remotely is possible via a suitable video conferencing systems. Suitable and approved according to IT security standards are DFNconf, LRZmeet and in exceptional cases Zoom.
  • The examiner who takes the minutes signs them and sends the scan of the minutes by e-mail to the commission chair. The chair prints out the minutes, signs them as well, and sends them to the Dean's Office along with all other doctoral documents.
  • The committee chair is responsible for ensuring that these requirements are met, including proper record keeping and submission of these to the Dean's Office.
  • you set independently in consultation with all members, especially the chair, of the doctoral committee.
  • Please notify the Dean's Office of the date, location and time of the examination as soon as possible.
  • If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

After submitting your dissertation and passing the oral examination, you are almost there - the doctoral title is within reach.

Please note, that the preliminary notification you receive after the oral examination does not yet entitle you to use the doctoral title; designations such as Doctor designatus (Dr. des.) or similar are also not permitted. Only after receiving the certificate you may officially use the title Dr. rer. nat.

  • first submit six printed and possibly corrected copies of your dissertation to the University's Office of Publications and publish your dissertation electronically (further information can be found here ).
  • According to the doctoral regulations, this submission must take place within one year .
  • The certificate will be issued automatically after the dissertation has been uploaded electronically and submitted to the University Library.
  • As soon as the doctoral certificate is ready for collection at the Dean's Office (approx. 4-6 weeks after submission of your dissertation to the University Library), you will receive a message from the Dean's Office by e-mail and you can collect it from the Dean's Office during normal opening hours.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physics Ms. Merita Shabanaj [email protected]

Ms. Anna-Serena Melo Voigt [email protected]

The office hours can be found here:

Regular office hours for habilitations and doctorates

Postal address of the dean's office of the Faculty of Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Fakultät für Physik Dekanat Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Zentrale Poststelle der LMU (LMU central mail room) Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday: 07:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Central mail room's postal address: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Zentrale Poststelle der LMU, Zi.Nr. 003 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

  • How can I currently submit my dissertation?
  • What do I have to consider when submitting?
  • How much time must elapse between the submission of the dissertation and the date of the defense?
  • How do I know according to which doctoral examination regulations I will defend my examination?
  • What are the differences between the two doctoral regulations?
  • Is it possible to change to the new doctoral regulations?
  • Will I be employed at a chair directly after admission?
  • Where can I get certified copies?
  • How can I obtain a master's degree if I start a doctorate directly after completing my bachelor's degree?

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (starting from 01.01.2020) (PDF, 130 KB)

Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (superseeded 1993-2019) (PDF, 241 KB)

Application form for Admission to Doctoral Study (PDF, 146 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (new regulations) (PDF, 212 KB)

Application for Admission to the Doctoral Examination (old regulations) (PDF, 201 KB)

Examination commitee (PDF, 97 KB)

Mentorate confirmation (PDF, 105 KB)

Form Statement criminal investigation (PDF, 183 KB)

Congratulations on your doctorate! You have your doctorate in your pocket. We would like to celebrate this together with you and invite you to the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics , which once a year gives a festive farewell to all graduates of the previous academic year.

' title=

Joannis Koepsell, winner of the Theodor Hänsch PhD Award 2022 | © Christoph Hohmann

Joannis Koepsell is awarded the Theodor Hänsch PhD Prize from the LMU Faculty of Physics for his outstanding dissertation entitled “Quantum simulation of doped two-dimensional Mott insulators”. Read more...

The Theodor Hänsch PhD Award is donated by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation for the Faculty of Physics and is endowed with 4,000 euros. It is named after Professor Theodor W. Hänsch (Nobel Prize winner in 2005) and is intended to recognize particularly outstanding dissertations in the field of physics. The prize is awarded once a year during the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Physics .

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  1. Examination Office

    This period is divided into a half-year-long Practical Phase 1+2 and another half year that is used for the Master's thesis. Practical phases and master thesis are typically supervised by one and the same lecturer, who is a member of LMU's Faculty of Physics. The thesis has to be registered at the examination office before you start.

  2. Master Theses

    Master's Thesis, November 8, 2019 [PDF] Julian Thönniß. Multiloop Functional Renormalization Group Studies of Heisenberg Models on the Kagome Lattice. Master's Thesis, September 12, 2019 [PDF] Andreas Gleis. Cluster Dynamical Mean-Field + Numerical Renormalization Group Approach to Strongly Correlated Systems.

  3. MSc Physics

    MSc Physics. Curriculum (start of studies unitl summer semester 2023) The program can be started in the winter semester as well as in the summer semester. The language of instruction is English. The standard length of study is 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits). Study plan for the Master's degree programme in Physics (start of studies until summer ...

  4. Study Programs

    External Thesis. In the vicinity of munich you will find several research institutes which offer bachelor and master projects for physics students. If the thesis advisor is a member of the LMU Faculty of Physics you can clarify the projekct details directly with her, with him. Otherwise the thesis has to be approved by the examination committee.

  5. TMP Theses

    TMP Theses. Andrei Constantin: "Domain Wall Dynamics in the String Landscape" (advisor: Helling) Korbinian Paul: ""1D disordered systems with interaction" (advisor: Yevtushenko) Nitin Rughoonauth: "One-Loop Correction to the Potential in D3/D7-Inflation" (advisor: Haack) Sebastian Novak: "Defects in c = 1 conformal field theories" (advisor ...

  6. Master's Theses

    Master's Theses. E. Köster Measuring Beam Deflections Using Weak Value Amplification Mai 2023; S. Eppelt Optimization of an Atom-Atom Quantum Network Link using Machine Learning March 2021; C. Versmold Bohmian Trajectories in a Double Slit Experiment February 2021; M. Auer

  7. Master's Theses

    If You are interested in doing Your master's thesis in our group, please contact Harald Weinfurter. Tell us Your topic of interest and the time when You want to start. [email protected]. Phone: +49 89 2180-2044. print.

  8. Master Thesis Topics

    Measurements of branching fractions of B mesons are very important. On the one hand they can be compared with theoretical predictions and thus test the standard model of particle physics. On the other hand a precise knowledge of branching fractions is important for a good understanding of the composition of data for which often simulations are ...

  9. PDF Physics (Master)

    Advanced Statistical Physics. 9 ECTS / graded (summer semester only) Specialization. Physics seminar. 3 ECTS / graded. Practical phase I. 15 ECTS / not graded. Master's thesis.

  10. PDF Physics (Master of Science, M.Sc.)

    Physics (Master of Science, M.Sc.) Study plan for start of studies from winter semester 2023/24 onwards . 1. st. Semester 2. nd. Semester 3. rd. Semester 4. th. Semester . ... Master's Thesis ; Physics Seminar . 30 ECTS / graded . 3 ECTS / graded ; Research Project in Physics . Phase II . 15 ECTS / not graded .

  11. Application

    LMU Muenchen. Theresienstr. 39. 80333 Muenchen. Germany. In 2024 at this first stage of the application process, you can apply electronically by sending your application as a single PDF file by email to [email protected] . When compiling the PDF file, you can help us by concatening the files in the order as in the list above.

  12. Applying to a Master's program at the Faculty of Physics

    Applicants must register for the MSc Physics via the online application portal and upload the following application documents and answer the questionnaire provided there. The portal usually opens approx. 2-3 months before the application deadline: 1. a tabular curriculum vitae. 2. a copy of the degree certificate from the first degree (first ...

  13. Thesis submission

    Universitätsbibliothek der LMU, Publikationsdienste Dissertationen, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, 80539 München. Submit personally. Monday - Friday 9.00 am - noon, Leopoldstr. 13, Building section 1, room 1108. Leaflets with information on the submission of theses.

  14. Bachelor and Master Theses

    Bachelor and Master Theses. 20.12.2023 We can offer several topics for Bachelor and Master theses.. print; top

  15. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich thesis template

    Author. Uploaded from ShareLaTex. Last Updated. 5 years ago. License. Other (as stated in the work) Abstract. A LaTeX template designed for Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) theses. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019.

  16. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

    Applications 2024. We are currently seeking applications for the Elite-MSc course on "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics". The deadline is June 15th. more.

  17. PDF External master thesis project at Brainlab AG

    University Hospital, LMU Munich. Project logistics: The thesis will be carried out at the Brainlab AG in the RT Planning R&D department in close collaboration with the LMU Munich University Hospital, and will be supervised at the Physics Faculty of LMU Munich. What should the student bring:

  18. Physics, M.Sc.

    Physics, M.Sc. | Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) ...

  19. Home

    Your career at the Faculty of Physics. Our faculty considers the education of young scientists to be one of its most important tasks. Only excellently skilled and supported scientists can ensure the quality of research and teaching at the universities in the long run. Doctoral Study and Habilitation.

  20. Astrophysics, M.Sc.

    The masters thesis is completed in the last two semesters with accompanying colloquia, tutorials and seminars. The modular design of the Masters degree course in Astrophysics at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich allows the participants to study with emphasis in either experimental or theoretical topics.

  21. Study Programs

    The Faculty of Physics at LMU Munich offers a certificate in Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the the general four-semester program of the Master of Science degree in Physics. This is part of the LMU-wide initiative AIM@LMU. ... Practical phases and master thesis on a topic at the interface of AI and physics. Your supervisor has to decide ...

  22. GitHub

    ├── Makefile # build your thesis ├── images # place your figures ├── literatures │ ├── bib.tex # change for citing style │ └── list.bib # place your literature in bib format ├── src │ └── ch01-intro.tex # place your chapters here └── thesis.tex # fill metadata and import new chapters here

  23. Doctoral Study

    The research results in a master's thesis can serve as a starting point for the doctoral project. ... Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (starting from 01.01.2020) (PDF, 130 KB) Examination regulations of the faculty of physics at LMU Munich (superseeded 1993-2019) (PDF, 241 KB)