master's thesis vs project

  • October 15, 2023
  • Academic Advice

Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Programs: Which is Right for You?

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Continuing your educational journey within your chosen field is an experience that fosters personal and professional growth. The next milestone in your academic path often involves pursuing a Master’s degree , with options ranging from thesis-based programs to non-thesis alternatives.  Deciding between these two paths is significant as it shapes your academic and career paths.

But how can you decide which is right for you before getting decision fatigue?

Let’s explore the difference between thesis vs. non-thesis Master’s programs, their unique characteristics, and reasons for choosing one or the other. 

Do You Have to Write a Thesis for Your Master’s Program?

Whether you have to write a thesis for your Master’s program depends on the specific requirements of the program you’re enrolled in. It’s important to note that while not all Master’s programs require writing a thesis, a significant number of them do.

What is a Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Program?

A thesis Master’s program involves completing a large research project spanning over several semesters. Students are expected to conduct original research on a specific topic under a faculty advisor’s guidance, culminating in a thesis likely to be published. Completing and defending the thesis is a crucial part of the degree requirement.

A non-thesis Master’s program doesn’t involve a specific research focus but rather a more coursework and practical experience, allowing students to gain specific skills and knowledge applicable to their field of study. After completing their program’s core course requirements, students can choose any of the electives to meet their degree requirements. Depending on the institution, you may be required to do a Master’s Degree Capstone project, including reviewing previous courses, a comprehensive exam, or a summary project. 

Why Choose a Thesis Master’s Program?


Thesis Master’s programs offer several advantages, be that contributing to new findings in your field, close collaboration with professors and researchers, and standing out to potential employers with your abilities to work independently and analyze complex issues. However, the primary advantages are:

Research Experience

Thesis programs allow you to conduct extensive research on a specific topic that piques your interest.  This way, you’ll gain expertise and a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. 

Academic Growth 

Writing a thesis helps sharpen your critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills. It also challenges you to think independently, analyze a large amount of data, and draw meaningful conclusions. Furthermore, it prepares you for doctoral studies, familiarizing you with the rigor of independent research and equips you with the necessary skills to succeed.

Why Choose a Non-Thesis Master’s Program?

Non-thesis master’s programs also come with numerous advantages for students, including flexibility in scheduling, a range of career opportunities, shorter competition time, etc. Here are the main advantages: 

Non-thesis programs prioritize coursework, fostering the development of practical skills and their real-world application. This approach enables you to actively engage in hands-on learning experiences highly sought after in today’s job market. Critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and leadership abilities are some of those skills.

Suitability for Professionals

Another advantage to pursuing a non-thesis Master’s program is that it doesn’t take as much time as the thesis Master’s programs. That way you can enter the workforce faster. It’s also well-suited for professionals already established in their field who are seeking to further their education and advance in their careers. 

The Academic and Career Outcomes of Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Programs


The academic outcomes for the thesis Master’s program graduates involve preparation for Ph.D. programs , opening doors to advanced research and specialized roles in research institutions. This provides solid research skills and helps them publish their work. Common career paths for graduates include research positions in academia, government, or private sectors. Some also pursue teaching careers in colleges and universities. Degree programs that usually require a thesis include sciences, social sciences, engineering, and humanities (history, philosophy, and language studies).

Non-thesis Master’s program graduates typically achieve academic outcomes focused on mastering practical, directly applicable skills within their field. While these programs are more career-oriented, graduates can still pursue a Ph.D. They can benefit from diverse career options in different settings and find employment in managerial, administrative, or specialized roles in their field. Degree programs that don’t usually require a thesis are business, education, healthcare administration, IT management, etc.

Thesis vs. Non-Thesis Master’s Programs, That is the Question 

With their abundance of advantages, choosing between the two can be pretty tricky. So, let’s compare thesis vs. non-thesis Master’s programs and help you make an informed decision. 

Personal and Career Goals

A thesis Master’s program is ideal if you’re interested in furthering in academia and want to pursue a Ph.D ., as these programs can provide the necessary tools to enhance your credentials for research-based careers. Meanwhile, a non-thesis Master’s program will suit you better if you’re seeking to gain practical skills to integrate into the industry immediately, as they can include practical projects or internships according to industry demands. 

Time and Financial Considerations

Thesis Master’s programs can extend the duration of your studies, as researching, writing, and defending the thesis can take several semesters to complete and can cause financial strain due to additional costs like lab fees and materials. In contrast, non-thesis ones can help you enter the job market promptly as they are shorter, allowing you to save time and money.

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Field of Study and Program Requirements

When deciding between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program, a crucial element to take into account is the field of study and the program’s specific requirements. A thesis Master’s program is better suited for those pursuing research-oriented fields, while a non-thesis program is a more fitting choice for individuals with a strong focus on their career. Furthermore, program requirements for thesis programs require substantial research to culminate in a thesis, whereas non-thesis ones require capstone projects, internships, or comprehensive exams. 

Switching from a Non-Thesis to a Thesis Master’s Program, or Vice Versa

Switching from a non-thesis to a thesis Master’s program, or vice versa, is possible in many institutions, although the process and requirements may vary. Switching from a non-thesis to a thesis program generally requires getting approval from the academic advisor or department, completing additional research methodology classes, finding a thesis advisor, and applying to the thesis program. 

Switching from a thesis to a non-thesis Master’s program requires having at least a 3.0 GPA, getting approval from the academic advisor, transferring credits of research methodology classes, and formally applying to the thesis program.

Choosing between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program ultimately depends on your career goals, research interests, and personal preferences. Thesis programs provide a robust foundation for research-oriented careers and advanced studies, while non-thesis programs offer practical skills tailored for immediate industry integration. Regardless of your choice, both paths offer unique advantages, ensuring you gain the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in your chosen field. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is the difference between a thesis vs. non-thesis master’s program.

The key difference between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program is that thesis Master’s programs require original research and completion of a thesis, whereas non-thesis ones focus on coursework and practical experiences. 

Do I have to write a thesis for a Master’s program?

If you’re pursuing a research-oriented Master’s degree in sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, etc., you’ll probably have to write a thesis. Whereas, if you’re pursuing a Master’s degree in education, business healthcare administration, or IT management, you’re more likely not to have to complete a thesis. 

Is a thesis required for all Master’s degree programs?

Although a thesis isn’t required for all master’s degree programs, many programs require one.

What should I consider when deciding between a thesis and non-thesis program?

There are several factors to consider when choosing between a thesis and a non-thesis Master’s program, including your career goals, interest in research, duration of studies, personal strengths and preferences, cost, and program requirements.

Are there any financial and duration differences between thesis and non-thesis Master’s programs?

There can be financial and duration differences between thesis and non-thesis Master’s programs. Thesis programs can be more expensive as you’ll have to spend additional resources on materials, lab fees, and data collection. In contrast, the main cost for non-thesis programs is tuition fees, which can be slightly lower. Furthermore, thesis programs require additional time to conduct research, write, and defend the thesis. In contrast, non-thesis programs allow students to earn the degree in a shorter period. 

Why should I choose a thesis Master’s program?

You should choose a thesis Master’s program if you’re interested in a research-heavy discipline and want to showcase your knowledge and expertise in an evidence-based, thorough thesis. 

Why should I choose a non-thesis Master’s program?

You should choose a non-thesis Master’s program if you want to enter the workforce earlier, don’t want to spend several semesters collecting data, and want to focus more on application than research.

Can non-thesis Master’s graduates still pursue doctoral studies later?

Yes, non-thesis Master’s graduates can still get accepted into a doctoral program. However, thesis Master’s graduates can go through the process more efficiently, as admissions panels want to gain insight into your academic interests and ability to engage in nuanced thought.

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Choosing Between a Thesis or Non-thesis Master's Degree

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As of 2015, approximately 25.4 million Americans held advanced degrees , with more citizens joining these ranks each year. As studies continue to show the career advancement and salary benefits of completing a master's degree, more and more students elect to pursue advanced educations. When considering their options, many question whether to enroll in a master's requiring a thesis or not. The following guide examines some of the reasons degree seekers may want to write a thesis while also highlighting why they might not. Students on the fence about this important decision can find expert advice, actionable tips, and relevant guidance to help them make an informed choice in the guide that follows.

Understanding the Master's Thesis

What is the difference between a thesis & non-thesis master's program, the decision not to do a thesis.

As students research various master's programs in their chosen discipline, it's common to find that many degrees require a thesis – especially if they want to enter a research-heavy field. While this word gets thrown around a lot in academia, some learners may want more information regarding what it entails in order to make an informed decision.

What is a Master's Thesis?

The master's thesis is an original piece of scholarship allowing the student to dig into a topic and produce an expanded document that demonstrates how their knowledge has grown throughout the degree program. These documents require significant independent research of primary and secondary sources and, depending on the subject, may require interviews and/or surveys to support the overarching argument.

Individual schools and departments dictate the length of these documents, but they typically range between 60 and 100 pages – or approximately 20,000 to 40,000 words. While tackling a document of such heft may seem overwhelming at first, learners need not fret. Each master's candidate receives a faculty advisor early in their tenure to provide support, feedback, and guidance throughout the process. Because the final thesis is expected to be of a publishable quality, learners seeking the highest marks typically send their supervisor excerpts of the document as they write to ensure they are on the right track.

When picking a thesis topic, no magical formula exists. Students should consider their interests and read extensively on that topic to get a better sense of existing scholarship. They should also speak to other academics working in that sphere to familiarize themselves with ongoing projects. Only after they feel reasonably well-read should they begin looking for uncovered angles or interesting ways of using emerging methodologies to bring new light to the topic.

When considering formatting, degree seekers should check with their specific schools and departments, as they may have unique requirements. To get a general understanding of what to expect, learners can review Simon Fraser University's guidelines on thesis formatting. After completing the thesis, some programs require an oral defense before a committee while others read the document and provide a grade. Check with your prospective schools to get a better sense of procedure.

Format & Components of a Master's Thesis

While this guide attempts to provide helpful and actionable information about the process of deciding whether to follow a thesis or non-thesis track in a master's program, readers should remember that specific components and requirements of a thesis vary according to discipline, university, and department. That being said, some commonalities exist across all these – especially when it comes to what students must include in their final drafts.

As the first section a reader encounters after moving through the table of contents and other anterior text, the introductory allows the writer to firmly establish what they want to accomplish. Sometimes also called the "research question" section, the introductory must clearly state the goals of the paper and the overarching hypothesis guiding the argument. This should be written in a professional yet accessible tone that allows individuals without specializations in the field to understand the text.

This section allows learners to demonstrate their deep knowledge of the field by providing context to existing texts within their chosen discipline Learners review the main bodies of work, highlighting any issues they find within each. Constructive criticism often centers around shortcomings, blind spots, or outdated hypotheses.

Students use this section to explain how they went about their work. While scientists may point to a specific method used to reach conclusions, historians may reference the use of an emerging framework for understanding history to bring new light to a topic. The point of this section is to demonstrate the thought processes that led to your findings.

This section allows for learners to show what they learned during the research process in a non-biased way. Students should simply state what information they gathered by utilizing a specific framework or methodology and arrange those findings, without interpretation, in an easy-to-read fashion.

After providing readers with all the necessary information, the discussion section exists for candidates to interpret the raw data and demonstrate how their research led to a new understanding or contributed a unique perspective to the field. This section should directly connect to the introduction by reinforcing the hypothesis and showing how you answered the questions posed.

Even though the previous sections give prospective degree seekers a better sense of what to expect if they decide to write a thesis during their master's program, they don't necessarily help learners decide whether to pursue a thesis or non-thesis track. The following section highlights some of the reasons students frequently choose to complete a thesis or bypass the process altogether by providing a pros and cons list.

Why a Thesis Program

  • Especially when entering a research-heavy discipline, completing a thesis shows prospective schools and employers that you possess the skills needed for researching and writing long-form reports.
  • Students hoping to pursue a Ph.D. stand in better stead with admissions panels if they wrote a thesis during a master's program.
  • Individuals hoping to enter a field that values syntax and grammar often better their writing skills by completing a thesis.
  • Students who write a thesis can submit the final product to various academic journals, increasing their chances of getting published.
  • Theses expand students' understanding of what they're capable of, deepen their ability to carry out an argument, and develop their skills in making connections between ideas.

Why a Non-thesis Program

  • Because they don't require a significant written product, non-thesis master's tend to take less time to complete.
  • Often mirrors a bachelor's program in terms of structure, allowing learners to complete classes and take exams without a great deal of research or writing.
  • Students who excel in project-based assignments can continue building skills in this arena rather than focusing on skills they don't plan to use (e.g. research)
  • Provides learners the opportunity to work more closely and more frequently with faculty on real-world projects since they don't spend hundreds of hours researching/writing.
  • Allows learners to take more classes and gain hands-on skills to fill the time they would have spent researching and writing a thesis.

How to Choose a Master's Program: FAQs

Within some academic disciplines and professional fields, research and writing plays a key role in work done on a daily basis. Because of this, master's programs in these fields require learners to complete theses to compete against peers and be seen as competent in their work. Other disciplines, conversely, rely on other tools to accomplish work and progress ideas – making theses less important.

Yes. Master's programs focused more on application than research typically don't require a thesis – although they may still give students the option. Examples of common non-thesis master's programs include nursing, business, and education.

Even though non-thesis students won't be writing a 100-page paper, that doesn't mean they avoid completing a significant project. In place of a thesis, most applied master's programs require students to take part in at least one internship or complete a culminating project. These projects typically ask learners to take what they learned throughout coursework and create an expansive final project – examples include case studies, creative works, or portfolios.

While students who followed a non-thesis path routinely receive acceptance to Ph.D. programs, those with theses often find the process easier. Even if a learner pursues a Ph.D. in a discipline that isn't research-heavy, admissions panels still want to get a sense of your academic interests and ability to engage in independent, nuanced thought. Students with theses can provide solid proof of these skills, while those without may struggle to demonstrate preparedness as thoroughly.

The answer to this question depends on many factors, but typically it is okay not to do a thesis if you plan to enter a field that doesn't depend heavily on research or writing, or if you don't plan to complete a Ph.D.

Students wanting to work in academic, research, or writing should always opt for the thesis track. They should also follow this path if they have any doctoral degree aspirations.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to complete a thesis rests with the individual student. Figuring out how to proceed on this front requires lots of careful consideration, and learners should ensure they consider various aspects before coming to a final decision. The following section helps students consider how they should and should not come to a conclusion.

Dos and Don'ts of Choosing a Thesis or Non-thesis Program

  • Consider the longevity of your decision: will you feel the same in 5-10 years or are you making a decision based on current desires?
  • Talk to others who with experience in this area. Ask them questions about their decision-making process and if they regret their choice.
  • Research potential thesis topics before starting a program. Going in with a game plan can help you feel more confident and settled about the process than if you're scrambling for a topic while in school.
  • Reach out to prospective schools to speak with faculty and/or current students following both tracks. This will provide knowledge specific to the school while also expanding your network if you choose to attend there.
  • Research Ph.D. entrance requirements to ascertain if the majority expect learners to possess a thesis when applying. This will give you a sense of whether you may experience issues later on if you do not complete one.
  • Decide not to complete a thesis simply because you have never taken on such a task and feel overwhelmed or fearful that you will fail.
  • Complete a thesis simply because you think it will look good on your resume. Theses require intense devotion over an extended amount of time; learners who complete them without conviction often find the process miserable.
  • Forget to research alternatives to writing a thesis. Just because you don't complete a research paper doesn't mean a non-thesis track lacks rigor or challenging coursework.
  • Forget to read examples of theses by previous students. If you feel overwhelmed by the task, reading work other people have done can often make the task at hand feel less scary.
  • Let yourself off easy by taking the non-thesis path. If you find you have extra time in the program, talk to your advisor about taking more classes, develop meaningful projects for yourself, or see about presenting at an academic conference.

From the Expert

Sudiksha Joshi

Sudiksha Joshi, Ph.D. is a learning advocate. Her mission is to empower our youth to think bigger, bolder thoughts and forge a career path that will change the world. She taps into her natural curiosity and ability to identify strengths to help students and those in transition find their path from feeling lost in the traditional ways of achieving success to charting their own path. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Medium and LinkedIn.

Why might a student decide to follow a thesis track? Why might they follow a non-thesis track?

A student might decide to take a thesis track if she/he wants to pursue a Ph.D. Also, if the students want to focus on careers where research and writing have a strong focus, the students opt for the thesis option. Research assistantships at the graduate level are also more often available to students who opt for the thesis option.

A student who might feel that writing is not one of their strengths might choose to go the non-thesis track. Likewise, a student who has other work commitments may find a non-thesis option more convenient.

Do you have any tips for deciding on a program?

I chose a thesis option because being able to conduct independent research was a big reason to go to graduate school. Also, showing the ability that I could do research was what afforded me research assistantships which meant that my tuition was paid for and I got a stipend that paid for expenses while I was in graduate school. This also allowed me the opportunity to work closely with the faculty mentor that provided me with the support and the accountability I wanted.

I would not recommend taking a non-thesis option if all the degree requires is for you to take courses. You have little to show in terms of your learning other than your grades unless you are already working on something on the side that does that for you and all you need is a certificate.

Opt for a non-thesis option if you can still work closely with a professor or on a project and if you'd rather be involved in multiple projects rather than focus on a single project. If you already have a good (informed) reason for choosing one over the other, go for it.

What's the most important thing to consider when choosing a program?

The most important thing to consider when choosing a program is getting excited about the projects that at least one of the faculty members are involved in. Do some research and see why you are excited about a particular work that at least one of the faculty members have been involved in.

Who should students talk to when considering options?

Students should talk to other students and also reach out directly to the graduate coordinator and even individual faculty members. This means that students should have done prior homework and have some good questions ready. Asking good questions will get you at least halfway through to make the right decision.

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Master's Report vs. Thesis Project: What’s the Difference?

Alana Krafsur

January 10, 2020

CoMC Office of Graduate Studies

In the College of Media & Communication Graduate Program , master's students must complete a final research project in the form of a master's report or thesis project . Find out which of the two options is the best fit for your aspirations.

Master's Report

The master's report, MCOM 6050 , is the final course which all master's students on the professional track or sports media track must complete before attaining their degree. Completing an applied research project provides portfolio material and proves that students are masters of their crafts. Similar to an independent study, this course is completed with the help of a professor who serves as an adviser and helps oversee the research project. A “6050 project” takes one semester to complete.

There are three different forms of 6050 projects:

  • A project completed for an organization as an employee, intern or volunteer.
  • A project completed for an organization not as an employee, intern or volunteer.
  • A project in an area of student interest.

Required elements:

  • Secure an idea.
  • Choose a CoMC faculty adviser.
  • Complete an approved project proposal.
  • Collect original data.
  • Write a report.
  • Present work in an oral presentation.

Previous master's report projects have included:

  • Politics, Social Media & the 2020 Democratic Primary – Logan McDonald
  • An Analysis of Best Practices in Industry Application of Neuromarketing Research – Linh Nguyen
  • Reestablishing Trust in News Media – David Olshansky
  • Crisis Management in International Non-Profit Governmental Organizations – Simranjit Singh

Student Testimonials

Casey Montalvo, Sports Media Focus:

"My 6050 project focuses on comparing male and female sports fans based on how the media frames them, specifically Texas Tech fans. As a woman who wants to work in the sports communications industry after I graduate, this topic intrigued me. I am a communications intern for Texas Tech Athletics, and since my research is tailored to TTU specifically, I can give them my results."

Alana Krafsur, Professional Track:

"With a passion for the women's rights industry, I am focusing my 6050 project on a large-scale event I coordinated, “Female Genital Mutilation: A Survivor's Story.” My research seeks to find ways to market human rights issues to increase emotional engagement and generate action. What I like most about the CoMC graduate program is there are many directions you can take for a 6050 project. You can tailor your interests to align with your professional aspirations."

Thesis Project

Master's students on the thesis track must complete original research that increases our understanding of media and communication phenomena and theory. Completing a thesis prepares master's students for in-depth studies in theory and research, and provides the foundation for the pursuit of a Ph.D. degree . A thesis project takes at least two semesters to complete.

  • Choose an adviser and faculty committee.
  • Complete an approved thesis proposal.

Previous thesis projects have included:

  • Why do People Use Memes to Talk About Politics? Application of Uses & Gratifications Theory to Political Memes – Bingbing Zhang
  • Transporting, Identifying and Expanding: Superheroes in Series Television – Jeanette Moya
  • Creativity and Healing: How Creative Media Help Us Cope with Mental Illness – Bethany Pitchford

Bethany Pitchford, Thesis Track:

"While I started out on the 6050 track, I realized early on that I was probably going to want to pursue a Ph.D., so I switched to the thesis track. The overarching question of my thesis relates to how creativity helps people cope with, and communicate about, their mental illness to others. Ultimately, I enjoyed writing a thesis because it provided me the space to explore questions I was, and still am, highly curious about."

Camden Smith, Thesis Track:

"I believe a thesis is absolutely preparing me to go into academia and enroll in a doctoral program. I think if I was more eager to get back to the industry, I would be on the 6050 track; however, this track is really helping keep my eyes on the prize – which is a doctoral dissertation."

To learn more about the graduate program, email [email protected]

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Dissertation vs Thesis: Your 2024 Guide

Chriselle Sy

If you’ve been thinking about going to graduate school, you may be familiar with the application requirements, rigorous academic schedule, and thesis or dissertation you’ll be expected to complete. So, what exactly is the difference between a thesis and a dissertation? While there are similarities, there’s a clear difference between the two. In our guide, we compare dissertation vs thesis. Discover more about both – and what you can expect during your graduate program. Let’s get started!

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What Is a Thesis?

A thesis is an academic paper or project that’s completed towards the end of a master’s degree program . It is typically completed as the capstone project , meaning it’s the final project required for a student to graduate.

Students need to select a narrow, specific topic within – or relating to – their field of study. Once they’ve selected a topic, students must conduct an in-depth review of existing research on their chosen subjects. The next step is to formulate an academic argument, an assertion they’ll need to support or prove with said research.

Therefore, a thesis is akin to an in-depth research paper. It’s comprised of research that essentially proves what a student has learned during their program.

What Is a Typical Thesis Structure?

A thesis generally follows a rigid structure that’s decided by the program, department, or university. Here is an example of a thesis structure:

  • The Title Page
  • Summary of Thesis Abstract
  • Table of Maps and Figures
  • The Thesis Body (Sometimes divided into chapters)
  • The Results or Conclusion

Who Needs to Complete a Thesis?

Most master’s degree programs require students to complete a thesis. While some undergraduate programs may also require a thesis, these are generally shorter and narrower in scope.

Some programs will also require a master’s student to defend their thesis in front of a panel or committee.

What Is a Dissertation?

What is “the PhD paper” called? Some people refer to it as a PhD thesis, but it’s most commonly known as a dissertation in the US. Dissertations are the capstone project required at the tail end of a PhD program . It is almost always required, except for a select few one-year PhD programs .

Much like a thesis, dissertations are also academic papers that aim to prove a student’s expertise – while adding to the current body of knowledge – in their field. Thus, a student must look at existing research and conduct their own research .

master's thesis vs project

Basically, it’s the magnum opus of a doctoral journey in the United States. A dissertation isn’t just a long research paper; it’s a beast of a project. It demands extensive research, originality, and the ability to make a meaningful contribution to your chosen field. Think of it as a research odyssey guided by a seasoned mentor. Once you’ve conquered this scholarly quest and defended your findings, you’ll proudly emerge with your hard-earned doctoral degree, a testament to your dedication and scholarly prowess.

A dissertation typically comes after a PhD student completes their required courses and passes their qualifying exams. In some programs, the dissertation process is embedded into the coursework. In such cases, students receive a jump start on their work, allowing them to potentially finish their program earlier.

What Does a Dissertation Do?

PhD candidates must present a new theory or hypothesis. Alternatively, they must present their research to question (or disprove) the existing accepted theory on their chosen subject. Students may choose to tackle their topic from a new angle or take their research in a different direction.

Most programs will require students to defend their dissertations. During the defense, candidates must be able to justify the methodology of their research and the results and interpretation of their findings. Defenses are typically oral presentations in front of a dissertation committee , where the students are asked questions or presented with challenges.

Although the defense may seem daunting, PhD students work closely with their advisors to prepare for their dissertations. Students receive feedback and advice to guide their dissertations in their chosen direction.

What Is the Typical Dissertation Structure? 

Dissertations follow a rigid structure typically set by the program, department, or university. Here is an example format:

  • The Acknowledgments Page
  • The Abstract
  • Introduction
  • The Literature Review & Theoretical Framework
  • The Methodology
  • Findings/Results
  • Discussions of the Findings, including analysis, interpretation, and applications
  • The Conclusion
  • List of References
  • Any Appendices

What Is a Doctoral Thesis?

A doctoral thesis is a substantial piece of scholarly work that marks the pinnacle of a doctoral degree program, such as a PhD. Think of it as the academic grand finale. Its primary mission? To showcase the candidate’s mastery in their chosen field and their knack for delving deep into research.

master's thesis vs project

In a nutshell, a doctoral thesis is a mammoth project that calls for originality. You’ve got to dig, investigate, gather data, crunch numbers, and present real data-supported findings. All this hard work usually happens under the watchful eye of a knowledgeable mentor. Once you’ve conquered this scholarly mountain and defended your thesis successfully, you’ll be proudly awarded your well-deserved doctoral degree. It’s the hallmark of your expertise and contribution to your field.

And how does a doctoral thesis differ from a dissertation? That’s mainly a geographic explanation. While they’re largely similar in scope and purpose, when comparing a doctoral thesis vs. a dissertation:

  • A dissertation is the PhD capstone requirement in the US .
  • A doctoral thesis is the PhD capstone requirement in Europe .

Related Reading: The Easiest PhDs

Dissertation vs. Thesis: The Similarities

In the master’s thesis vs dissertation discussion, there are plenty of similarities. Both are lengthy academic papers that require intense research and original writing. They’re also capstone projects which are completed at the tail end of their respective programs.

Students must work closely with their respective committees (e.g., faculty members, advisors, professionals) who provide feedback and guidance on their research, writing, and academic arguments. Both thesis and dissertation committees have a committee chair with whom the students work closely.

In some ways, the requirements for theses and dissertations are quite similar. They require a skillful defense of a student’s academic arguments. What’s more, both papers require critical thinking and good analytical reasoning, as well as in-depth expertise in the chosen field of study.

Students must also invest a significant amount of time into both projects while also being able to accept and action feedback on their work.

Dissertation vs. Thesis: The Differences

What are the differences between a PhD dissertation vs. thesis? The first and most distinct difference is the degree program requiring a PhD dissertation or thesis. A dissertation is typically the capstone project for a doctorate, while a thesis is the capstone project for a master’s degree program (or undergraduate program).

Candidates will have to defend their dissertation during an oral presentation in front of their committee. Only some master’s theses require this.

During a thesis, students typically conduct research by reviewing existing literature and knowledge on their chosen subject. During a dissertation, students must do their own research and prove their theory, concept, or hypothesis. They should also expect to develop a unique concept and defend it based on the practical and theoretical results achieved from their rigorous research.

Theses are also typically shorter (around 40 to 80 pages). Dissertations, however, are much longer (between 100 and 300 pages). Of course, the actual length of the paper may depend on the topic, program, department, or university.

Related Reading : PhD Candidate vs Student: What’s the Difference? 

Dissertations and Theses: US vs. Europe

Whether you’re in the US or Europe, dissertations and theses are similar. However, European requirements and conventions differ slightly:

Doctoral Thesis

To ensure your PhD graduation, a dissertation is generally required. Doctoral theses in Europe are much like a PhD dissertation in the US : You must complete your own research and add to the existing body of knowledge in your field.

Master’s Dissertation

It may seem odd to require a dissertation for master’s degree programs, but in Europe, this is exactly what you’ll need. A master’s dissertation is a broader post-graduate program research project , though it’s most typically required for master’s programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the most common questions we hear about the meaning of thesis vs. dissertation.

Is a Thesis and a Dissertation the Same?

Yes and no. In some ways, a dissertation and a thesis are the same. For example, both require original writing, critical skills, analytical thinking, plenty of research, and lots of academic effort. However, a thesis is more commonly reserved for master’s – and some undergraduate – programs. Dissertations are generally required by PhD programs in the United States.

Additionally, a thesis typically calls for heavy research and compilation of existing knowledge and literature on a subject. A dissertation requires candidates to conduct their own research to prove their own theory, concept, or hypothesis – adding to the existing body of knowledge in their chosen field of study.

How Long Is a Thesis vs. a Dissertation?

One of the primary differences between thesis and dissertation papers is their length. While a thesis might be anywhere from 40 to 80 pages long, a dissertation can easily run from 100 to 300. It’s important to note that these numbers depend on the specific program and university.

Does a PhD Require a Thesis or a Dissertation?

It all depends on where you are! While a US-based PhD requires you to complete a dissertation, a thesis (or “doctoral thesis”) is more commonly required for PhD candidates in Europe. In the US, a thesis is more commonly reserved for master’s degree programs and occasionally undergraduate programs. In Europe, a “master’s dissertation” is typically required for the completion of a master’s degree.

So, there you have it: an in-depth comparison of the dissertation vs. thesis academic requirements. Now that you know the primary similarities and differences between the two, it might become easier to decide your academic path. Just remember, you may be able to find a master’s program without a thesis or a doctorate without a dissertation requirement if you prefer. Good luck!

Are you ready to jump into your doctorate? Find out if you need a master’s degree to get a PhD .

master's thesis vs project

Chriselle Sy

Chriselle has been a passionate professional content writer for over 10 years. She writes educational content for The Grad Cafe, Productivity Spot, The College Monk, and other digital publications.  When she isn't busy writing, she spends her time streaming video games and learning new skills.

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Difference between a Thesis and Project

A thesis is a research paper–a traditional master’s thesis. “Research” includes the use of interviews, surveys, online sources, and archival collections as well as traditional book-based work.

If you wish to engage in creative, alternative work, that’s a project. Examples of projects include writing a memoir or biography, composing original music, and filming a documentary. Internships and community service work can also lend themselves well to MALS projects. Projects must include a research component relevant to the nature of the endeavor.

Both projects and theses involve extensive research.  However, for the project the research is the background for, or supplementary to, the creative or alternative activity that forms the bulk of the project.

Expected length for theses and projects is at least 50 pages of text, excluding the signature pages, bibliography, etc. The number of sources used in research depends on the topic.  Both length and number of sources should be agreed upon with your advisor and second reader.

Your Advisor and Second Reader

Finding an Advisor

​If you know whom you’d like to ask to serve as your advisor, you’re welcome to talk with that person directly.  Otherwise, the MALS director will help you to identify appropriate faculty. 

Thesis advisors must be full-time UD faculty; UD regulations do not permit adjunct or retired faculty to serve as thesis advisors.  If you would like to work with an adjunct or retired faculty member, please ask the MALS director about the possibility of appointing co-advisors, one of whom must be a full-time UD faculty member. 

When you know who your advisor will be , please let the MALS office know so that the appropriate designations can be made in UDSIS. This is important so that you can be graded properly for your thesis/project work.

Finding a Second Reader

Once you know who your advisor will be, work with that person to identify a second reader. Ideally, the second reader should be able to fill in areas of expertise that differ from those of the advisor.  As an example, a student who is writing about the effect of Saturday morning cartoons on the behavior of children might want to work with someone who specializes in mass communication and someone else who knows about child psychology.

If you need suggestions for a person to serve as second reader, please contact the director, who will help you identify an appropriate person.

The Role of Your Advisor and Second Reader

Your advisor helps you to define your topic and to refine your proposal.  He or she also provides suggestions, guidance, and feedback as needed.  Although there is no single model for student-advisor interaction, it is a good idea to touch base with the advisor periodically rather than doing a whole semester’s work before discussing it with the advisor.

In your last semester, you should submit your finished work to the advisor at least a month, and preferably six weeks, before the due date.  The advisor may require revisions before approving the work.  There is no hard-and-fast rule about whether the work goes first to the advisor and then to the second reader, or to both at the same time.  The advisor is solely responsible for assigning a grade to the work.

The second reader should offer advice, suggest sources, and provide other help in the areas of the work that fall within his or her expertise.  Like the advisor, the second reader must approve both the proposal and the finished work.  There is no hard-and-fast rule about whether the work goes first to the advisor and then to the second reader, or to both at the same time.  The second reader may and should require any revisions he/she deems necessary.  If differences of opinion arise between the advisor and second reader, those should be resolved by the two faculty members, not by the student.

Getting a Topic Approved

​Once you have established a relationship with an advisor, you will write a thesis or project  proposal . After being approved by both the thesis/project advisor and the second reader, the proposal should be sent to the MALS director as an e-mail attachment with copies to the advisor and second reader.  No hard-copy signatures are necessary.  The MALS director will forward it to the Faculty Advisory Committee, which normally responds within a week.  As soon as the proposal is approved, you are ready to start your work.

Students are encouraged to submit a thesis/project proposal during or shortly after their final MALS course.  If you take time to write the proposal during MALS869 or 879, you decrease your chances of finishing your work in the projected graduation term.

At the very latest, you must submit a proposal by the end of the seventh week of the first semester in which you register for MALS 869 or 879.

Click here for detailed instructions on submitting your proposal:  Proposal Guidelines Revised 12-2020.pdf

Registering for Thesis/Project Credit

Please contact the MALS office ( [email protected] ; 302-831-4130) to register for thesis or project credit.  We will insure that your advisor is designated as the instructor so that you can be appropriately graded for your work.

You must take a total of six credits of MALS869 (thesis) or MALS879 (project). The number of credits you take each semester is up to you. You are required to be registered for credits each fall and spring semester until you graduate. You may sign up for MALS869 or 879 in winter or summer if you wish to do so. The decision about how many credits to take each semester should be based on the amount of time you propose to devote to the thesis or project that semester. You should also bear in mind that the semester in which you graduate is not a full semester of work on the thesis or project even if you are registered for MALS869 or 879 at that time. The completed work is due in mid-November in the fall semester and in mid-April in the spring semester, which means that the final draft has to reach the thesis/project advisor at least a month before that. Please see current deadlines at .

Ideally, you should pace the credits of MALS869 or 879 to finish the credits and the work in the same semester. If that does not work out, you must register for sustaining credit each semester until you graduate, including the graduation semester itself. Requests for sustaining status should be sent to the MALS director, who will forward them to the Graduate College. 

Structure and Formatting of Your Thesis/Project

Your advisor will help you to select a style guide that is appropriate for the kind of work you are doing.  The most commonly used are the Modern Language Association Style Manual, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, and the Chicago Manual of Style.  This style guide will help you structure such things as footnotes and the Works Cited page.

For both a thesis and a project, you must acquire and use the  UD Thesis / Dissertation Styles  to set up the format for your paper. These styles will ensure that your document meets the standard formatting requirements.

Regardless of whether you are doing a thesis or a project, you should consult the UD Graduate College’s Thesis and Dissertation Manual, available at .  

If you are doing a project rather than a thesis, check the sample title and signature pages. Your signature page should include lines for the signatures of the advisor and the MALS director only.​

For specific requirements for MALS  projects , please refer to  MALS Project Requirements.pdf

Grading Thesis or Project Credits

As you complete credits of MALS869 (thesis) or 879 (project), your advisor should assign a grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.  These are temporary grades, and when you complete the work, they will be replaced by the regular letter grade the advisor assigns to the completed project or thesis.  

Including Interviews and Surveys

​Any form of research, including interviews and surveys, is acceptable in both theses and projects. If you propose to use interviews or surveys, it is necessary to get approval from the UD Human Subjects Review Board. More information is available  here .

Submitting Your Project or Thesis


Please consult the Graduate College’s  Thesis and Dissertation Manual for details.

As that manual indicates, theses are submitted online as a pdf file.

For a project, the only signatures required are the advisor, second reader and MALS program director. A sample  signature page  is available. The project does not need to be submitted to the dean’s Office or Graduate College.

Projects are due to the MALS office on the same day as theses are due to the Graduate College in a given semester. Students must submit a pdf of the project to the MALS office, including signature pages (for mixed media projects, the written portion thereof). The abstract of the project will be placed on the MALS website.

If a project has a non-print component, such as music or film, a copy should be submitted on CD, DVD, or whatever other format is appropriate.

Your deadlines for submission of your project or thesis are available at .

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Choosing Between a Professional Project or a Master’s Thesis

Students have the option of culminating their program by completing either a professional master’s project or a master’s thesis.  This section reviews these options, which vary by nature of supervision, number of credits, and product outcome.  

Professional Master’s Project

The professional project report option simulates an exercise typical of professional planners in practice.  The exercise occurs in the final semester of a student’s program and is completed as part of a 3-credit semester-long course that provides practice and guidance under faculty direction.  The exercise yields a professional report of approximately 12-15 pages (not including cover and executive summary) that includes an introduction to an assigned planning issue or problem, background information sufficient to understand the issue or problem, application of appropriate analytic methods and data, and recommendation of appropriate approaches or solutions all of a professional quality sufficient to be submitted for public scrutiny.  Students pursuing a specialization within the program will also be expected to demonstrate mastery of material and skills in that area of concentration.

The instructor will present a planning issue, municipality or challenge on which the student must work.  The planning issue or challenge will be formulated to allow students sufficient breadth to individually synthesize material and apply skills and knowledge to competently address the situation, just as in a real-world planning context.

Master’s Thesis

The master’s thesis is an academic product prepared under the direction of a faculty committee with a minimum of two department faculty members, one of whom is designated the chair and the other the reader.  Additional academic or professionally qualified persons may also serve as readers. 

The thesis   is a scholarly work conforming to academic conventions and yielding a finished product typically including a clear research question, review of literature, hypotheses, appropriate research design/methodology, implementation of the research design, findings, and conclusions.  The format of the thesis product is an electronic version of a formal document consistent with stipulations of the UB Graduate School.  Theses may also take the form of an applied product emphasizing data collection, analysis, and interpretation, perhaps involving plan preparation or policy analysis. 

The thesis option carries 6 course credits, with a maximum of 3 credits taken in any single semester.  Students must take 3 credits of URP 698 Master’s Thesis Preparation in their next-to-last semester, with the remaining 3 credits in their final semester as URP 699 Master’s Thesis.  Students completing a thesis will be scheduled for a final oral public presentation of their work toward the end of their final semester.  The scheduling of the thesis presentation/defense should be arranged by the student and his/her thesis committee.

Students do not automatically qualify to pursue a thesis as their culminating option.  To follow this option, students must prepare a formal thesis proposal and must gain agreement from a two-person faculty committee willing to supervise the work.  This is then forwarded to our school’s Divisional Committee for approval.  If students are unable to form a thesis committee, they shall follow the professional project option as their culminating exercise. 

Which Path Should You Follow?

Students should select the option that most closely matches their professional and academic career path. Students pursuing professional planning practice may prefer the professional project report option. This option draws upon a student’s coursework and skills to demonstrate professional competency in the field.  As a 3-credit project, it frees the student to take an additional 3-credit course in the program. Most students select the professional project report option. 

Students who have a deep interest in a particular planning topic, have strong writing and analytic skills, have an interest in conducting independent research, and who anticipate additional academic degree work in the future (say, toward a Ph.D. degree) may wish to pursue the master’s thesis option.  The thesis is the more traditionally academic of the two options. 

Grad Coach

Dissertation vs Thesis vs Capstone Project What’s the difference?

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewed By: Dr. Eunice Rautenbach | October 2020

At Grad Coach, we receive questions about dissertation and thesis writing on a daily basis – everything from how to find a good research topic to which research methods to use  and how to analyse the data.

One of the most common questions we receive is “what’s the difference between a dissertation and thesis?” . If you look around online, you’ll find a lot of confusing and often contrasting answers. In this post we’ll clear it up, once and for all…

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master's thesis vs project

Dissertation vs Thesis: Showdown Time

Before comparing dissertations to theses, it’s useful to first understand what both of these are and what they have in common .

Dissertations and theses are both formal academic research projects . In other words, they’re academic projects that involve you undertaking research in a structured, systematic way. The research process typically involves the following steps :

  • Asking a well-articulated and meaningful research question (or questions).
  • Assessing what other researchers have said in relation to that question (this is usually called a literature review – you can learn more about that up here).
  • Undertaking your own research using a clearly justified methodology – this often involves some sort of fieldwork such as interviews or surveys – and lastly,
  • Deriving an answer to your research question based on your analysis.

In other words, theses and dissertations are both formal, structured research projects that involve using a clearly articulated methodology to draw out insights and answers to your research questions . So, in this respect, they are, for the most part, the same thing.

But, how are they different then?

Well, the key difference between a dissertation and a thesis is, for the most part, the level of study – in other words, undergrad, master or PhD. By extension, this also means that the complexity and rigorousness of the research differs between dissertations and theses.

Dissertations and theses are both academic research projects that involve undertaking research in a structured, systematic way.

So, which is which?

This is where it gets a bit confusing. The meaning of dissertation or thesis varies depending on the country or region of study. For example, in the UK, a dissertation is generally a research project that’s completed at the end of a Masters-level degree, whereas a thesis is completed for a Doctoral-level degree.

Conversely, the terminology is flipped around in the US (and some other countries). In other words, a thesis is completed for a Masters-level degree, while a dissertation is completed for PhD (or any other doctoral-level degree).

Simply put, a dissertation and a thesis are essentially the same thing, but at different levels of study . The exact terminology varies from country to country, and sometimes it even varies between universities in the same country. Some universities will also refer to this type of project as a capstone project . In addition, some universities will also require an oral exam or viva voce , especially for doctoral-level projects. 

Given that there are more than 25,000 universities scattered across the globe, all of this terminological complexity can cause some confusion. To be safe, make sure that you thoroughly read the brief provided by your university for your dissertation or thesis, and if possible, visit the university library to have a look at past students’ projects . This will help you get a feel for your institution’s norms and spot any nuances in terms of their specific requirements so that you can give them exactly what they want.

The key difference between a dissertation and a thesis is, for the most part, simply the level of study - i.e. undergrad vs postgrad.

Let’s recap

Dissertations and theses are both formal academic research projects . The main difference is the level of study – undergrad, Masters or PhD. Terminology tends to vary from country to country, and even within countries.

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Get in touch with a friendly Grad Coach to discuss how we can help you fast-track your dissertation or thesis today. Book a free, no-obligation consultation here.

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Psst... there’s more!

This post was based on one of our popular Research Bootcamps . If you're working on a research project, you'll definitely want to check this out ...

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"Master Thesis" vs. "Master’s Thesis"

Understanding “Master Thesis” vs. “Master’s Thesis”

When it comes to academic writing, every detail matters, including how we refer to the comprehensive paper required to complete a master’s degree. This brings us to a common point of confusion: should it be “Master Thesis” or “Master’s Thesis”?

In this guide, we will dive into the distinction between these terms, focusing on the correct usage and providing examples to clarify this for everyone.

“Master’s Thesis” (Singular Possessive)

The term “Master’s Thesis” is the correct form when referring to the final project submitted by a student to fulfill the requirements of a master’s degree. The apostrophe followed by an “s” (‘s) signifies possession, meaning the thesis of a master’s degree program.

  • (The deadline for submitting the thesis for a master’s degree)
  • (The set of rules for writing the thesis for a master’s degree)
  • (The act of presenting and defending the thesis for a master’s degree)

“Master Thesis” (Incorrect/Common Misuse)

“Master Thesis” might sometimes be used informally or in error, omitting the possessive apostrophe that indicates the thesis belongs to the master’s degree framework. However, the correct and widely accepted term in academic circles is “Master’s Thesis.”

Read More: Understanding Boy’s, Boys’, and Boys: A Simple Guide

“Masters’ Thesis” (Plural Possessive) – A Note

While “Masters’ Thesis” might seem like a logical construction if thinking about theses from multiple masters, it’s not a standard term. Each thesis is associated with one individual’s master’s degree, making the singular possessive “Master’s Thesis” the appropriate choice.

Understanding the Difference: A Table

To simplify, here’s a table that breaks down the correct usage:

Tips for Remembering the Correct Form

  • Think Possession: Remember that the thesis belongs to the master’s degree framework, hence “Master’s Thesis.”
  • Singular Form: Even if referring to theses from multiple students, each thesis is for a single degree. Therefore, “Master’s Thesis” remains singular possessive.
  • Academic Standards: Always follow the academic standard and use “Master’s Thesis” in formal writing, applications, and discussions.

Understanding the correct term to use can influence not only the precision of your academic writing but also how it is received by academic and professional audiences. “Master’s Thesis” is not just about grammar; it’s about acknowledging the effort and research that culminates in fulfilling the requirements of a master’s degree. Hopefully, this guide has made the usage clear and will help you in your academic endeavors.

Ethan Richards is currently an English instructor at a university. She has experience in teaching and assessing English tests including TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over a decade of teaching expertise, Ethan Richards  utilizes his knowledge to develop English lessons for her audience on English Overview.

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Ethan Richards is an English teacher at a university.

He has experience teaching and grading English tests like TOEFL, IELTS, BULATS, FCE, CAE, and PTEG . With over 10 years of teaching experience, Ethan Richards creates English lessons for readers on English Overview .

Ethan Richards

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Dissertation vs Thesis: The Differences that Matter

Updated: January 24, 2023

Published: April 26, 2020


As a graduate student, you will have many different types of challenging coursework and assignments. However, the biggest project that you’ll work on when earning your master’s or doctoral degree will be your thesis or dissertation . The differences between a dissertation vs thesis are plenty. That’s because each of these pieces of writing happen at different times in one’s educational journey.

Let’s break down what a dissertation and thesis are so that you have a strong handle on what’s expected. For both a thesis and a dissertation, there is an obvious fluency and understanding of the subject one studies.

Let’s take a look at their similarities and differences.

Photo by  Glenn Carstens-Peters  on  Unsplash

What is a dissertation.

When you enter a doctoral program to earn a PhD, you will learn a lot about how to conduct your own research. At the culmination of your degree program, you’ll produce a dissertation.

A dissertation is a lengthy piece of written work that includes original research or expanded research on a new or existing topic. As the doctoral student, you get to choose what you want to explore and write about within your field of study.

What is a Thesis?

A thesis is also a scholarly piece of writing, but it is for those who are graduating from a master’s program. A thesis allows students to showcase their knowledge and expertise within the subject matter they have been studying.

Main Differences Between a Thesis vs. Dissertation

The biggest difference between a thesis and a dissertation is that a thesis is based on existing research.

On the other hand, a dissertation will more than likely require the doctoral student to conduct their own research and then perform analysis. The other big difference is that a thesis is for master’s students and the dissertation is for PhD students.

Structural Differences Between a Thesis and a Dissertation

Structurally, the two pieces of written analysis have many differences.

  • A thesis is at least 100 pages in length
  • A dissertation is 2-3x that in length
  • A thesis expands upon and analyzes existing research
  • A dissertation’s content is mostly attributed to the student as the author

Research Content and Oral Presentation

Once completed, some programs require students to orally present their thesis and dissertation to a panel of faculty members.

Typically, a dissertation oral presentation can take several hours. On the other hand, a thesis only takes about an hour to present and answer questions.

Let’s look at how the two scholarly works are similar and different:


  • Each is considered a final project and required to graduate
  • Both require immense understanding of the material
  • Written skills are key to complete both
  • Neither can be plagiarized
  • Both are used to defend an argument
  • Both require analytical skills
  • You will have to draft, rewrite, and edit both pieces of writing
  • For both, it is useful to have another person look over before submission
  • Both papers are given deadlines


  • A dissertation is longer than a thesis
  • A dissertation requires new research
  • A dissertation requires a hypothesis that is then proven
  • A thesis chooses a stance on an existing idea and defends it with analysis
  • A dissertation has a longer oral presentation component

The Differences in Context: Location Matters

The united states.

In the US, everything that was previously listed is how schools differentiate between a thesis and a dissertation. A thesis is performed by master’s students, and a dissertation is written by PhD candidates.

In Europe, the distinction between a thesis and dissertation becomes a little more cloudy. That’s because PhD programs may require a doctoral thesis to graduate. Then, as a part of a broader post-graduate research project, students may complete a dissertation.

Photo by  Russ Ward  on  Unsplash

The purpose behind written research.

Each piece of writing is an opportunity for a student to demonstrate his or her ability to think critically, express their opinions in writing, and present their findings in front of their department.

Graduate degrees take a lot of time, energy, and hard work to complete. When it comes to writing such lengthy and informative pieces, there is a lot of time management that is involved. The purpose of both a thesis and a dissertation are written proof that you understand and have mastered the subject matter of your degree.

Degree Types

A doctoral degree, or PhD, is the highest degree that one can earn. In most cases, students follow the following path to achieve this level of education: Earn a bachelor’s degree, then a master’s, and then a PhD. While not every job title requires this deep educational knowledge, the salaries that come along with each level of higher education increase accordingly.

Earning Your Degree

Whether you are currently a prospective student considering earning your higher education degree or a student enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program, you know the benefits of education.

However, for some, earning a traditional degree on-campus doesn’t make sense. This could be because of the financial challenges, familial obligations, accessibility, or any other number of reasons.

For students who are seeking their higher education degrees but need a flexible, affordable, and quality alternative to traditional college, take a look at the programs that the University of the People has to offer.

University of the People is an entirely online, US accredited and tuition-free institution dedicated to higher education. You can earn your Master’s in Business Administration or your Master’s in Education . Not to mention, there are a handful of associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs to choose from as well.

If you want to learn more, get in touch with us !

The Bottom Line

Regardless of where and when you earn your master’s or doctoral degree, you will likely have to complete a thesis or dissertation. The main difference between a thesis and dissertation is the level at which you complete them. A thesis is for a master’s degree, and a dissertation is for a doctoral degree.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the prospect of having to research and write so much. Your educational journey has prepared you with the right time management skills and writing skills to make this feat achievable!

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Types of Theses

Three types of gallatin ma theses.

Each graduate student in the Gallatin School completes a final thesis as the culmination of their work toward a Master of Arts degree. The thesis may take one of three forms: a research thesis, an artistic thesis, or a project thesis. In each case, the thesis represents a synthesis of the student’s accumulated knowledge and skill and an opportunity to display the ideas, practices and skills learned through the program. While the master’s thesis, unlike a doctoral dissertation, does not have to create new knowledge or break new ground, it does display the student’s ability to go beyond the mere collection of information into synthesis, analysis, judgment and interpretation. Moreover, it should demonstrate the student’s familiarity with a substantial body of thought and literature and illustrate mastery of some self-chosen field of study.

Below you will find descriptions of the three types of theses: 

Research Thesis

Artistic thesis, project thesis.

Current MA students who are interested in seeing sample theses should consult the Gallatin Master's Thesis Archive , which is accessible with an NYU Net ID.

Students pursuing the research option produce and defend a substantial research essay, the thesis of which is demonstrably related to the student’s course of study and ongoing conversations with the primary adviser. The adviser and defense panelists are the ultimate arbiters of whether the thesis satisfies a reasonable understanding of a project worthy of the master’s degree. However, in general and at minimum, a successful Gallatin MA research thesis demonstrates sufficient mastery of relevant academic fields as well as a critical grasp of the scholarship and methods that currently define those fields. The thesis essay is a logically-constructed argument that presents its central points on the basis of research and critical interpretation. The sources and objects of study may cover the spectrum from archival materials to critical theory to statistical surveys and personal interviews, but the student should carefully choose sources in consultation with the primary adviser, and with reference to questions about what constitutes legitimate source within the student’s field(s). The research thesis essay must be more than a "review of the literature" but the demand for original findings is lower than that faced by doctoral candidates. Significantly original contributions are of course highly commendable, but the excellence of an MA research thesis essay may lie in its critical and creative synthesis, articulation of a fresh perspective on the work of others, or identification of new, research-based questions that themselves shed light on existing problems within fields. Generally speaking, the final research thesis essay should be at least 50 pages and not exceed 80 pages (not including appendices and bibliographic material). Students and advisers are encouraged to talk with the program's academic directors about these expectations whenever necessary.

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The artistic thesis is appropriate for those students who wish to display the creative process in the performing, visual or literary arts. A student might make a film or video; choreograph an evening of dance; act in a play; mount an exhibit of paintings; write a screenplay, novel, play or collection of short stories; or choose another artistic endeavor. The artistic thesis represents the culmination of a Gallatin arts concentration in which the student has studied the genre under consideration.

The artistic thesis comprises both the artistic project and three accompanying essays. Therefore, you should conceive of the artistic thesis as a unified piece composed of the creative work and the essays which enhance it. Members of the faculty committee will assess both the artistic work and the essays. The essays include:

  • an academic research paper related to the field of artistic work;
  • an essay on artistic aims and process;
  • a technical essay.

Please note: The technical essay does not apply to those students who are submitting a literary work.

Some General Advice

Be careful to keep records and a log of the artistic project as it evolves. This information can be used in the Technical Essay.

If a student is writing a work of fiction, poems, a play, etc., for the thesis, the student will submit this work to their adviser and other readers along with the essays. However, if the student is presenting a performance, they will need to arrange to have their adviser and other members of their committee see the performance. The student is responsible for coordinating schedules and for notifying committee members so that everyone can view the piece. The student should notify the thesis reviewer of the date of the performance at least one month in advance. In the event that one or more of the committee cannot attend the scheduled event, the student should arrange to have the performance videotaped so people can see it later. Except in unusual circumstances, the student must submit the first draft of the thesis to their adviser no more than three months after the performance.

Essays for the Artistic Thesis

Background Research Essay

As stated above, this essay follows the description for the standard research essay. It is a scholarly endeavor and differs from the standard essay in terms of length and focus. The length is approximately 25 to 40 pages. The focus of the essay is related to the artistic work and explores some aspect of that work that the student wishes to study and develop through outside research. The essay might take the form of an analysis of a performance or literary genre; a history of an art form or phenomenon; a philosophical study of an aesthetic concept; or a critical/biographical analysis of the work of an influential artistic figure.

Artistic Aims Essay

In this essay, the student is required to articulate their goals in mounting their particular artistic project. For example, what was the student trying to accomplish in writing short stories, a screenplay, a novel, presenting an evening of dances or songs, making a film or mounting an art exhibit? What were the aesthetic choices made and why?  The student should also explain their approach to the artistic work (their style, genre, or school), any relevant influences on the work, how the student's training influenced their artistic choices, and the student's intentions for particular elements of the creative work. After the student has carefully and clearly articulated these goals, they need to explain how their actual artistic work meets the stated goals. The student should use examples from their artistic project to illustrate these ideas. This essay should be approximately 10-15 pages in length.

Technical Essay

This essay is a description of the steps the student actually took to physically mount their production.  The student will need to include such technical details as arranging for rehearsal and performance space; choosing the performers; finding/creating, costumes, materials, lights; raising funds and getting institutional support. This essay should be approximately 10 pages in length.

Students may submit a portfolio, if appropriate. This would consist of any material, such as photos, slides, fliers, programs, videotapes, audiotapes etc. which might constitute an appendix and which might be helpful to a fuller understanding of the thesis.

The project thesis consists of two elements: (1) the project, a professional activity designed and executed primarily by the student as a way of solving a problem, and (2) an accompanying essay about the project. This thesis is especially appropriate for students in such fields as business, education, social work or public administration. The project thesis may appeal to those students who are active in their profession and who take responsibility for the creation of some kind of program or practice.

Students should understand that the project cannot simply propose a professional activity; the design for such an activity must actually be carried out (at least in a pilot version) and evaluated. Some examples of projects: a student in education may develop and apply a new strategy for teaching reading to recent immigrants; a person working in a corporation may construct new methods for managing financial information; or a community worker in a settlement house may organize a group of local residents to combat drug abuse.

At each step, the student should be careful to keep in touch with their adviser and with any other expert who can help them in their process. The student should keep careful records of the process by taking detailed notes of conversations, meetings, interviews, etc.  If at all possible, the student should arrange to have the members of their committee, especially their adviser, witness the project first-hand: Visit the site, talk with key actors, watch the program in operation. (This direct contact is highly recommended, but not required.)

Essays for the Project Thesis

The project thesis essay may take a number of forms and include a range of information. It ought to discuss at least the following elements:

Consider the institutional or social context within which the project takes place. Describe the organization, the potential clientele or participants, and the larger environment (social, economic and political conditions surrounding the problem and the project).

Describe the particular problem or need that you address in the project. What causes that problem? How extensive is it? Have other attempts to solve the problem been made; if so, what were their shortcomings, and why are you trying another approach? Place the problem in its professional and academic context by referring to the appropriate literature. Program

Describe the goals and objectives of the project and what the student hoped to accomplish. Describe how the program was designed and structured; for example, what kinds of activities did participants engage in, and in what sequence? What kinds of resources and techniques were used? Justify the strategies and tactics used by citing appropriate professional and academic literatures.


Describe how the plan was carried out. Use as much detail as needed to give the reader a sense of what actually happened, and to indicate the extent to which the reality matched the plan.

Describe the criteria for assessing the project and evaluation methods used. Justify the criteria and methods by referring to appropriate literatures. To what extent did the project accomplish the goals and objectives identified earlier?

Citing relevant literature and the practical contingencies of the project, explain why the project did or did not achieve its stated purposes. Describe the factors (political, social, organizational, financial, psychological, etc.) that contributed to the process and to the outcomes. What changes--either conceptual or practical--would the student make if they were to repeat or extend the project? What would the student leave in place? Describe what was learned from the project about the original problem and about the student's strategy and tactics. Also consider the professional and theoretical implications of the project.

If necessary, put relevant documentary materials (flyers, important correspondence, budgets, etc.) in appendices.

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Information For

Choosing Thesis, Comprehensive Exams or Graduate Project

Students can elect to complete a thesis, take comprehensive exams or conduct a graduate project. The following information is to help you decide which route works best for you.

Deciding between a Thesis, Comprehensive Exams or Graduate Project

Deciding between writing a thesis, taking the comprehensive exams or working on a graduate project is an important decision. While we hope this page provides you with useful information, it is important to consult with your advisor or the graduate program director about your decision. All students will complete 15 units of required courses. Thesis students will complete 15 units of electives and 6 units of thesis coursework. Non-thesis students will (a) complete 21 units of electives and take 3 comprehensive exams or (b) complete 15 units of electives and 6 units of graduate project. For both options, a minimum of 27 units must be earned at the 600-800 levels and no more than 9 units of 500-level courses can be taken.

When should students declare whether they will do the thesis option or the non-thesis option?

By the time they complete the 15 units of required classes, students should tell the graduate director which option they plan to pursue. Students should be aware that they cannot switch to the other option because they failed their comprehensive exams or failed their proposal or thesis defense.

What is the timeline for completing a thesis or comprehensive exams?

Visit the timeline page for more information.

Thesis Option

What does the thesis option entail.

A thesis allows students to conduct a sustained research project that will develop essential skills and abilities to evaluate professional communication activities or campaigns. A master’s thesis, in consultation with a thesis advisor, prepares a student for future academic research or doctoral programs and may involve any appropriate form of scholarly communication research.

Students should not begin their thesis until all other coursework has been completed. Prior to the completion of all required coursework, students may ask a member of the graduate faculty to serve as her or his principal faculty advisor; but, the advisor cannot sign an approval form until all coursework has been completed.

Under an advisor’s supervision, the student should prepare an appropriate proposal and, with the faculty advisor’s consent, identify at least two other graduate faculty members to serve on the thesis committee.

What does a thesis proposal consist of?

The proposal consists of the first three chapters of the thesis:

  • An introduction to the research topic and its significance
  • A literature review that concludes with a much more specific set of research questions
  • A complete description of the proposed methods, including research instruments

Once the proposal is complete, the proposal defense will take place, which is when the student presents the thesis proposal to the members of the committee. Once the committee approves the proposal, the student will complete the thesis, which will consist of getting Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval (if needed), conducting the study, writing the analysis and conclusion chapters.

Where can I find the Towson University Graduate Studies Thesis Guidelines?

The guidelines are available through the Office of Graduate Studies.

How do I know if I need IRB approval?

The use of human subjects requires approval by the appropriate university review committee. Students should anticipate for the IRB approval process to take up to two months and prepare their submission in advance. The IRB application requires you to submit all experiment details, quantitative and qualitative questions you will be asking subjects. IRB also requires students to complete an online ethics class called CITI training. You must have IRB approval before you can begin collecting any data for your project.

For more information, visit Towson University’s Institutional Review Board .

Non-Thesis Options: Comprehensive Exams or Graduate Project

Comprehensive exams option, what does the comprehensive exams option entail.

The students who choose the comprehensive exam option will take 6 credits of additional electives and pass three written, on-campus comprehensive exams. The examinations are in the following areas of the communications field — theory, one research method and a communication subject area from a 600-level communication course chosen by the student. The examination questions will be written by faculty who teach those courses. Only mass communication or communication studies graduate and associate graduate faculty can submit comprehensive exam questions. Students may take comprehensive exams after they have completed 30 units of coursework.

How are the exams graded?

Your exam will be written and graded by the professor who taught your class. If your professor is no longer at Towson, the current professor teaching the course will write your course question. It is suggested that you meet with the professors the semester before you take the exam to learn about specific content to study. Students must pass all three comprehensive exams with a Low Pass, Pass or Pass with excellence.

How many times can I take the exams?

 If students fail an exam, they can only retake it once. If students fail an exam a second time, they will be dismissed from the program.

What can I bring into my exam?

You may not bring any notes or study guides into the exam. No paper materials will be allowed into the exam. You will not be required to use any direct quotes. You will use a provided computer to type your responses. The exam will be proctored by a program faculty member.

How do I study for the comprehensive exams?

You should reread your textbooks and notes to prepare for the exam. Previous students have found this method of studying to be the most helpful. Try creating sample questions for yourself and answering them, as well as writing answers to sample questions from professors.

Graduate Project Option 

What does the graduate project option entail.

Students who plan to conduct a graduate project to complete the degree can choose to take 30 units of courses and 6 graduate project units. These students will complete a professional project to showcase their successful acquisition of knowledge from the courses in the graduate program under the guidance of a faculty adviser from the department. It is recommended that students sign up for 3 units of MCOM 881 Graduate Project in two consecutive semesters.  Or they can sign up for 6 units in one semester if they do not take any other classes.

What will the graduate project look like?

The students will choose a topic, develop the project with an appropriate method of investigation, and report the finding in writing. Therefore, to complete the project successfully, the student will: 

  • Formulate a topic and client/organization to investigate
  • Gather a bibliography and other relevant sources for the project
  • Develop an appropriate method of the project
  • Gather data
  • Analyze data and interpret findings from the investigation
  • Disseminate findings orally, in writing, visually and/or through other means in an organized manner consistent with the standards of the discipline

What are the steps to follow to pursue the graduate project option?

Students who plan to conduct a graduate project to complete the degree may register for graduate project units only after they have completed 24 units of course work in the program.

Students should prepare a proposal indicating the topic of interest, the organization that the student will work with, the problem that the project will investigate, the method of investigation, and the expected results. In the proposal, students should also indicate how they will apply the knowledge they learned from the graduate courses in the problem identified (a minimum of three courses are required). The proposal should be at least 1000 words. The proposal should be approved by the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Lingling Zhang, first before working on the project under the supervision of a faculty member. After the project is complete, the student should submit the final report in writing in addition to an oral presentation to their client, faculties and other graduate students.  

NOTE : If students fail MCOM 881 , they can retake it only once. If students fail it twice, they will be dismissed from the program.

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Mechanical Engineering

Thesis or Project?

ME students have the option to complete a total of six (6) units of graduate Thesis, Plan A (ME 299, 3 units each semester) or graduate Project, Plan B (ME 295A and ME 295B) towards their MSME degree. Students are expected to approach a full-time faculty (preferably related to their area of specialization) to solicit thesis or project ideas or discuss their own ideas (personal interest or work related). When the idea is approved as a possible thesis or project topic, the student is expected to prepare a comprehensive proposal.

Project Option (ME 295A and ME295B)

The project option typically involves a topic less theoretical and more directly applied in nature than that of the thesis option. Projects frequently involve design or improvement of existing hardware used in an experiment and/or software development. Completion of a project demonstrates the ability to apply theoretical concepts to a real-world problem. The project option may also be used for a research topic, leading to a conference presentation or published journal article. Schedules & Deadlines

Thesis Option (ME 299)

Pursuing the thesis option requires preparation of a formal thesis, which becomes a published document. The thesis option is well suited for analytical, numerical, and experimental research topics of a more original and fundamental nature. Completion of a thesis may also aid in successfully applying for admission to Ph.D. programs. Schedules & Deadlines

Specific format requirements must be followed for the thesis option.

In obtaining thesis approval from GAPE, the student must defend his/her thesis. This is accomplished by a successful oral presentation of the thesis work to the student’s official committee. The oral defense is scheduled by the department. Make sure that all the committee members have a copy of the final report in advance of the oral presentation. Note that a final copy of the thesis must be given to the advisor (the original must be turned into GAPE office) and the department (through the Graduate Coordinator). While not required, it is also customary to offer committee members copies as well.

See the GAPE web site for the Thesis Review deadlines .

See also the University Thesis Guidelines .

The final report for a project is generally like a thesis report. A final printed copy must be given to your committee chair, and if requested, to the committee members. Similar to the thesis option, the student is expected to make a formal oral presentation to his/her committee. A rough draft of the project report must also be provided to each committee member two weeks in advance of the presentation date. The final bound copies with approved signatures are due to the course instructor/coordinator and Committee Chair within one week after the semester ends.

Basic Requirements for Project and Thesis

Both, thesis and project are 6-unit courses: ME 295A/ME 295B and ME 299, respectively. These courses are designed to be completed in two separate semesters. The first semester project entails the design phase, followed by the design-verification phase during the second semester. The phases of the project require a final report and oral presentation.

Whether you select a thesis option or the project option, there are three basic requirements for the contents of a project: (a) The project should involve higher math and physics, (b) application of advanced mechanical engineering concepts, and (c) A comprehensive final report that satisfies the Culminating Experience requirement as stipulated by the GAPE.

The thesis is research-oriented work and requires completion of an original research on a mechanical engineering topic. The final report must satisfy the guidelines stipulated by the university, and must be submitted in a timely manner by the deadlines set by the university for review.

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Master's Project or Master's Thesis

Please read the information below to determine the options for the program completion that pertain to your program of studies.

For students in the PhD program, you will complete a Dissertation. Below is a list of PhD graduates and the titles of their dissertations.

The last day in each term to defend a project, thesis, or dissertation is provided below:

Responsibilities of the Student and the Supervising Committee

For more information on what you can expect from your Academic Supervisor and the supervising committee, please consult the Graduate Calendar - Graduate Examinations . An updated version of The School's graduate Supervision handbook, with sections pertinent to Master's and PhD programs, will be accessible soon. 

In addition, some faculty members have developed their own set of guidelines regarding what students should expect from them as supervisors and what they expect of students working with them.

Administrative Matters

It is the student's responsibility to be aware of all administrative deadlines. Contact your graduate secretary regarding School of Public Administration defence deadlines and procedures.

Policies and procedures for completing a thesis are outlined by the Faculty of Graduate Studies under Student Resources .

Please note that the School will require an electronic (PDF format) copy of your final thesis. Please submit this copy to the graduate secretary.

  • MPA On Campus
  • PhD dissertations

Students in the Master of Arts in Community Development (MACD) program may choose to complete either a group Master's Project (CD 596), an individual Master's Project (CD 598) or a Master's Thesis (CD 599) to conclude their program.

Group Master's Project The MACD Group Master's Project (CD 596) requires students to work in small groups. This project is a substantial analysis of a management, policy or program problem for a client in the community development sector. This major project is prepared, throughout the program, in consultation with the client and an academic supervisor from regular faculty from the university and qualified practitioners and must be both practical and academically rigorous.

Individual Master's Project The MACD Individual Master's Project (CD 598) is a substantial analysis of a management, policy or program problem for a client in the community development sector. This major project is prepared in consultation with the client and an academic supervisor from regular faculty from the university and qualified practitioners and must be both practical and academically rigorous.

Master's Thesis The Master's Thesis (CD599) demonstrates mastery of a substantive body of scholarly or empirical literature in Community Development, making use of appropriate and academically defensible methodologies to analyze research questions, undertake empirical research (qualitative or quantitative) or contribute new theoretical knowledge. Individual students work with an academic supervisor in the School of Public Administration.

Master's Project Guide The purpose of this guide is to provide a resource document for MACD students. It may be consulted at any time by individuals who are either considering applying for the Master's Program or are current students. The guide can be used as a companion document to your work in the MACD program and will assist you with the conceptualization of a research project, development of the project’s research design, execution of the research, and the production of a written report to be presented at the defence. View the MACD Master's Project Guide (under construction, please review project on the CourseSpaces website.)

Master's Project Resources

  • Review the School's Policy on Ethics Approvals for Research and the Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) process .
  • Past reports are available at the School of Public Administration office and are posted on UVic Space .
  • Complete the Master's Project Title and Supervisor form - Students must submit this form to the Graduate Administrative Assistant at [email protected] .

Responsibilities of the Student and the Supervising Committee For more information on what you can expect from your Academic Supervisor and the supervising committee, please consult the Faculty of Graduate Studies website or the Graduate Calendar .

It is the student's responsibility to be aware of all administrative deadlines.  Contact your graduate secretary regarding School of Public Administration defence deadlines and procedures. 

Policies and procedures for completing a major project are outlined by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Please note that the School will require an electronic (PDF format) copy of your final thesis. Please submit this copy to the graduate secretary.

To book a room for your oral defence, please contact the Graduate Administrative Assistant at [email protected] .

Students in the Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution (MADR) program may choose to complete either a Master's Project (DR 598) or a Master's Thesis (DR 599) to conclude their program. Completing a Master's Thesis requires the prior approval of the Director.

Master's Project (4.5 units): DR 598

The MADR Master's Project (DR 598) requires students to complete a major project for a client in consultation with an academic supervisor and Graduate Advisor. The project is expected to be a substantial analysis of a conflict situation or process, policy issue, or other relevant topic approved by the Graduate Advisor. The Project must provide evidence of independent research by the student and otherwise meet the regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. It will have a practical application and is generally prepared in consultation with a client, as well as the supervisor. A written report will be prepared and submitted to an oral examination committee.

Before starting the project, students must complete MADR core courses (DR 501, 502, 503, 505, 589, 506, 512, 515, 520 (or 511)) and any electives relevant to the DR 598 project. Students choosing this option will complete a program of 19.5 units.

  • Before you start your Master's Project, please contact Kim Speers to be granted access to the CourseSpaces site which has a complete list of Project requirements.
  • Review a list of past MADR reports and theses on the Master's Project Library .
  • MADR Letter to client .
  • Master's Project Title and Supervisor form - Students must submit this form to the Graduate Administrative Assistant, Judy Selina .

Master's Thesis (6.0 units): DR 599

Advanced approval of the School of Public Administration Director required.

A Master's Thesis (DR 599) is a substantial contribution to the knowledge in the field of Dispute Resolution. The thesis demonstrates a student's mastery of a substantive body of scholarly or practice literature as well as using appropriate and academically defensible methodologies to analyze research questions, test hypotheses or contribute new theoretical knowledge. The thesis is defended in an oral examination. The Master's Thesis requires original research on a topic chosen in consultation with the student's academic supervisor and the Graduate Advisor, and otherwise meet the regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the department. Before starting the thesis, students must complete MADR core courses (DR 501, 502, 503, 505, 506, 512, 515, 520 (or 511)) and any electives relevant to the DR 599 Thesis. All course requirements must be completed before proceeding to the oral examination.

Students undertaking the DR 599 thesis option will complete a program of 21 units.

Master's Thesis Resources

  • For a complete list of thesis requirements and procedures, please see the Faculty of Graduate Studies website .
  • Looking for a supervisor? View list of faculty and their research interests.
  • Past MADR theses are available to view at the Public Administration office and are posted on UVic Space .
  • Election to Proceed with Master's Thesis form - Students must submit this form to the Graduate Administrative Assistant, Judy Selina .

Master's Project (4.5 units): ADMN 598

The Master's Project (ADMN 598) is a substantial analysis of a management, policy or program problem for a client in the non-profit or public sector. The Master's Project is prepared in consultation with a client and an academic supervisor in the School of Public Administration and must be both practical and academically rigorous. The Master's Project is defended in an oral examination.

Students have the choice of working individually or with a partner. Team-based reports must be designed and written so that each team member's contributions are clearly indicated.

  • Before you start your Master's Project, please contact Kim Speers  to be granted access to the CourseSpaces site which has a complete list of Project requirements.
  • Access past reports from the Master's Project Library
  • Looking for a supervisor? View list of faculty and their research interests
  • Review the School's Policy on Ethics Approvals for Research and the Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) process
  • Information for potential clients

Upcoming Defense Deadlines

Last day for Master's Project Oral defence in Spring: final business day in March. Last day for Master's Project Oral defence in Summer: final business day in July. Last day for Master's Project Oral defence in Fall: final business day in November.

Master's Thesis (6.0 units): ADMN 599

A Master's Thesis (ADMN 599) is a substantial contribution to the knowledge in the field of Public Administration. The thesis demonstrates a student's mastery of a substantive body of scholarly or practice literature as well as using appropriate and academically defensible methodologies to analyze research questions, test hypotheses or contribute new theoretical knowledge. The thesis is defended in an oral examination. Completing a thesis rather than a Master's Project will increase the number of units assigned to an MPA program from 19.5 to 21.

Individual students will work with an academic supervisor in the School.

  • For a complete list of thesis requirements, please see the Faculty of Graduate Studies website

Students admitted to the Master of Public Administration Online program prior to and including Fall 2018 (September 2018 start) may opt to complete a Master’s Project or Master’s Thesis, but are not obligated to complete either. Please refer to the message that was sent to active MPA Online students ( available here ). If you are currently registered for the report and plan to complete this work, continue as before. If you are currently registered for the project or thesis and elect to be governed by the new program, please contact Judy Selina ( [email protected] ), as she will assist you with the next steps in the process.

Students admitted for Fall 2019 will not complete a Master's Project or Master's Thesis to complete their program.

Please note that students admitted to the MPA On Campus program are not governed by this program change; see the information available at

Boyd, Brendan "Learning to Address Climate Change: Collaboration, Policy Transfer, and Choosing Instruments in Canadian Provinces" Supervisor: E. Lindquist, 2016

Breen, Coralie "Beyond Petroleum: Strategic Workforce Planning and Climate Change Policies" Supervisor: E. Lindquist, 2015

Williams, Julie "Environmental Leadership: Policy Implications for Provincial Governments in Canada" Supervisor: C. Althaus, 2015

Dolan, Norman "Settling Differences: New Approaches to Conflict Resolution in High-Security Organizations" Supervisor: E. Lindquist, 2014

Rousseau, Jane "Empowered or Tokenized? The Experiences of Aboriginal Human Service Workers and Organizational Responses Within a Historically Oppressive Child Welfare System" Supervisor: E. Lindquist, 2014

Longo, Justin "Towards Policy Analysis 2.0" Supervisor: R. Dobell, 2013

Rachwalski, Maurice "Public Sector capacity to Plan and Deliver public/Private Infrastructure Partnerships: A Case Study of British Columbia’s Health Care Sector" Supervisor: J. Langford, 2013

McIntosh, Gordon "Defining situational leadership for the local government chief administrative officer" Supervisor: E. Lindquist, 2010

Walinga, Jennifer "The Power of Focus: Unlocking Creative Insight and Overcoming Performance Barriers" Supervisor: B. Cunningham, 2007

Harrison, Yvonne D. "Motivated to Adopt: Understanding the Digital Effectiveness Divide (DED) in Volunteerism" Supervisor: J. MacGregor, 2005

Chen, Guangyu "Greg Evaluation of the British Columbia Photo Radar Program" Supervisor: R. Warburton, 2003

Corbett, John Christopher "The value sieve: a decision system for complex environments" (Interdisciplinary PhD) Supervisor: J. Cutt, 2003

Cran, Gregory "The......" Supervisor: E. Lindquist, 2003

Penney, Christine "Getting clear on the concept: accountability in the Canadian health system" Supervisor: J. Cutt, 2002

Mitchell, Darcy Anne "Sustainable by design: how to build better institutions for fisheries management in British Columbia" Supervisor: R. Bish, R. Dobell, 1997

Brown, Leslie Allison "Administrative work in aboriginal governments" Supervisor: F. Cassidy, 1996

Muller-Clemm, Werner Johannes "Halting the 'Revolving Door' of serious mental illness: evaluating an assertive case management program" (Interdisciplinary PhD) Supervisor: J. McDavid, 1996

Anholt, Dennis Munroe "Friends of the government: an administrative history of the British Columbia government agents" (Interdisciplinary PhD) Supervisor: J. Cutt, 1992

Lam, Newman Ming Ki "Learning in the real world environment: a classification model based on sensitivity to within-dimension and between-category variation of feature frequencies" Supervisor: J. MacGregor, 1991

Kennedy, Bruce Richard "Intra-cohort redistribution using longitudinal microsimulation: the impact of potential changes to Canada's public pension system" Supervisor: R. Dobell, 1989

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master's thesis vs project

What Is a Capstone Project vs. Thesis

master's thesis vs project

As students near the end of their academic journey, they encounter a crucial project called the capstone – a culmination of all they've learned. But what exactly is a capstone project? 

This article aims to demystify capstone projects, explaining what they are, why they matter, and what you can expect when you embark on this final academic endeavor.

Capstone Project Meaning

A capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating academic endeavor undertaken by students typically in their final year of study. 

It synthesizes their learning experiences, requiring students to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained throughout their academic journey. A capstone project aims to address a real-world problem or explore a topic of interest in depth. 

As interdisciplinary papers, capstone projects encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. They allow students to showcase their mastery of their field of study and demonstrate their readiness for future academic or professional pursuits.

Now that we’ve defined what is a capstone project, let’s discuss its importance in the academic landscape. In case you have short-form compositions to handle, simply say, ‘ do my essay for me ,’ and our writers will take care of your workload.

Why Is a Capstone Project Important

A capstone project is crucial because it allows students to combine everything they've learned in school and apply it to real-life situations or big problems. 

It's like the ultimate test of what they know and can do. By working on these projects, students get hands-on experience, learn to think critically and figure out how to solve tough problems. 

Plus, it's a chance to show off their skills and prove they're ready for whatever comes next, whether that's starting a career or going on to more schooling.

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What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Here are three key purposes of a capstone project:

What Is the Purpose of a Capstone Project

Integration of Knowledge and Skills

Capstones often require students to draw upon the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their academic program. The importance of capstone project lies in helping students synthesize what they have learned and apply it to a real-world problem or project. 

This integration helps students demonstrate their proficiency and readiness for graduation or entry into their chosen profession.

Culmination of Learning

Capstone projects culminate a student's academic journey, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. 

tackling a significant project or problem, students demonstrate their understanding of concepts and their ability to translate them into practical solutions, reinforcing their learning journey.

Professional Development

Capstone projects allow students to develop skills relevant to their future careers. These projects can also be tangible examples of their capabilities to potential employers or graduate programs.

Whether it's conducting research, presenting findings, or collaborating with peers, students gain valuable experience that enhances their professional readiness. 

Types of Capstone Projects

Capstones vary widely depending on the academic discipline, institution, and specific program requirements. Here are some common types:

What Is the Difference Between a Thesis and a Capstone Project

Here's a breakdown of the key differences between a thesis and a capstone project:

How to Write a Capstone Project

Let's dive into the specifics with actionable and meaningful steps for writing a capstone project:

1. Select a Pertinent Topic

Identify a topic that aligns with your academic interests, program requirements, and real-world relevance. Consider issues or challenges within your field that merit further exploration or solution. 

Conduct thorough research to ensure the topic is both feasible and significant. Here are some brilliant capstone ideas for your inspiration.

2. Define Clear Objectives

Clearly articulate the objectives of your capstone project. What specific outcomes do you aim to achieve? 

Whether it's solving a problem, answering a research question, or developing a product, ensure your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

3. Conduct Comprehensive Research

Dive deep into existing literature, theories, and empirical evidence related to your chosen topic. Identify gaps, controversies, or areas for further investigation. 

Synthesize relevant findings and insights to inform the development of your project and provide a solid foundation for your analysis or implementation.

4. Develop a Structured Plan

What is a capstone project in college without a rigid structure? Outline a comprehensive plan for your capstone project, including key milestones, tasks, and deadlines. 

Break down the project into manageable phases, such as literature review, data collection, analysis, and presentation. Establish clear criteria for success and regularly monitor progress to stay on track.

5. Implement Methodological Rigor

If your project involves research, ensure methodological rigor by selecting appropriate research methods, tools, and techniques. 

Develop a detailed research design or project plan that addresses key methodological considerations, such as sampling, data collection, analysis, and validity. Adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices throughout the research process.

6. Analyze and Interpret Findings

Analyze your data or findings using appropriate analytical techniques and tools. Interpret the results in relation to your research questions or objectives, highlighting key patterns, trends, or insights. 

Critically evaluate the significance and implications of your findings within the broader context of your field or industry.

7. Communicate Effectively

Present your capstone project clearly, concisely, and compellingly. Whether it's a written report, presentation, or multimedia deliverable, tailor your communication style to your target audience. Clearly articulate your research questions, methodology, findings, and conclusions. 

Use visuals, examples, and real-world applications to enhance understanding and engagement. Be prepared to defend your project and answer questions from peers, faculty, or stakeholders.

In wrapping up, what is a capstone project? It’s like the grand finale of your academic journey, where all the knowledge and skills you've acquired come together in one big project. 

It's not just about passing a test or getting a grade – it's about proving you've got what it takes to make a real difference in the world. So, if you ever need capstone project help , our writers will gladly lend you a hand in no time.

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What Is a Capstone Project in College?

How to do a capstone project, how long does a capstone project take to complete.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

master's thesis vs project

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • T. (2023, June 16). What Is a Capstone Project? National University.
  • Lukins, S. (2024, May 12). What is a capstone project? And why is it important? Top Universities.
  • Capstone Project vs. Thesis: What’s the Difference? (2021, December 9). UAGC.

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The medical physics graduate program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs, Inc. ( CAMPEP ). The program, serving both MS and PhD degrees, ensures that the students receive adequate didactic and clinical training to continue in education and research, enter clinical physics residencies or begin working as medical physicists in radiation therapy and diagnostic radiology departments. MS students are trained with an emphasis on developing skills necessary for clinical medical physicists, 

In addition to the requirement of physics minor-equivalent undergraduate coursework, the qualifications and documentation required for admission to the MS program in Medical Physics are the same as for the College of Engineering.

In general, the following four types of students are typically admitted to the MS program in Medical Physics:

  • Students with undergraduate degrees in biomedical engineering and other engineering disciplines who seek advanced professional training or specialization in a particular area of medical physics
  • Professional engineers with degrees in other engineering disciplines who plan to enter the field of medical physics
  • Students with an undergraduate degree in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biology or other fields of natural or health science who seek to diversify their career opportunities by acquiring a medical physics degree
  • Students who are preparing for admission to advanced health-related or other professional programs such as medical school

Students may be given conditional admission and required to take additional undergraduate courses in engineering, physics, and/or mathematics depending on their previous course work, as specified in the admission letter. The requisite courses will be prescribed by the Department Chair or Graduate Program Director during the first advising session.

The objective of the Medical Physics program is to provide advanced knowledge in the field of medical physics with an emphasis on therapeutic medical physics, and to provide the training required for students to become licensed medical physicists. This program is coordinated by the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Radiation Oncology at the School of Medicine.

The program is opened to students enrolled in the regular MS program, as well as the dual degree (BS/MS) program. Candidates are required to have completed the physics minor equivalent coursework that must include Modern Physics ( PHY 360  or equivalent), before they start their coursework in the Medical Physics program. 

Students in the Medical Physics program must complete Human Physiology for Engineers ( BME 602 ) and one of the remaining two courses from the human physiology ( BME 601 or  BME 603 ) course series, and 23-credits in the core curriculum in the area of medical physics.

The topic of the non-thesis MS project  ( BME 707 / BME 708 ), or MS thesis must be related to medical physics. In general, the project is co-supervised by Faculty from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Radiation Oncology

Required Core Courses 

All students enrolled in the MS program are required to complete the following core graduate courses: 

  • Two human physiology courses ( BME 602 , and  BME 601  or  BME 603 )
  • 23 credits in medical physics

The Human Physiology Courses ( BME 601 / BME 602 / BME 603 , 3 credits each) are designed to provide a basic understanding of organ-level physiology and anatomy, neurophysiology, and cellular and molecular biology. Students with an MD from a medical school accredited by the World Health Organization are exempted from taking these courses. Students holding advanced degrees in the life sciences, or equivalent experience in the field, may also be exempt. Each such exception requires the approval of the Department Chairperson and Faculty member responsible for the course of concern. Students who receive an exemption, must replace the exempted course(s) with another 3-credit graduate course(s) that meets the degree requirements.

Curriculum Requirements

Ms in medical physics - nonthesis option.

The MS non-thesis option is intended for students with an undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering or related disciplines who seek advanced training or specialization in a specific area of biomedical engineering; for professional engineers with undergraduate degrees in other disciplines who want to enter the field of biomedical engineering; and for students who want to prepare for admission to advanced health-related or other professional programs.

Non-Thesis MS Project

General description.

All students enrolled in the MS non-thesis program must complete a two-semester 3 credit Master's project ( BME 707  and  BME 708 ), under the supervision of a project mentor and departmental project coordinator. The project must demonstrate the candidate’s ability to solve complex scientific or technical problems at the interface of engineering and medical physics.

The MS project can be a research or design project. The project must include a significant research or design component contributed by the M.S. student, including, but not limited to, the design of an experiment or process; the development of a device, instrument, or system; the development of a computer program; the analysis of experimental data. Projects cannot be limited solely to the review of literature, the development of research or design proposals, or the collection of experimental data.

At the completion of their project, students must submit a written project report and complete a public oral defense of their project.

Project Mentor

Students who select the MS non-thesis track must identify a project mentor and select a project before they register for their second semester of full-time study. The project mentor is generally a primary faculty member from the Medical Physics Graduate Program. The role of the project mentor is to help the student identify a suitable project, to monitor the progress of the student, to provide guidance and training in the relevant topics, and to review the final report and presentation.

Students may complete their project under the supervision of a faculty member from another Department at the University of Miami, or from the local biomedical industry, or from a local clinic, under the following conditions:

  • The student must receive the approval of the Department Chairman and Graduate Program Director.
  • The student must identify a co-mentor who must be a primary faculty member from the Medical Physics Graduate Program. The co-mentor must be familiar with the topic of the proposed project. The role of the co-mentor will be to monitor the student progress and ensure that the Master's project report and presentation satisfy all of the relevant requirements.

Project Coordinator

The project coordinator is a member of the primary faculty of the Department of Biomedical Engineering who is responsible for teaching the  BME 707 / BME 708  course. The role of the project coordinator is to:

  • Help students identify a project and mentor.
  • Ensure that the projects satisfy the program objectives.
  • Provide general guidance and graduate scholarship training.
  • Ensure that the students are making suitable progress towards the project goals.

Project Abstract

Non-Thesis MS students must submit a one-page project abstract to the Department Chairman or Graduate Program Director and to the MS Project Coordinator at the time when they register for  BME 707 / BME 708 . The abstract must include the name of the project mentor (and co-mentor, if any), the title of the proposed project, and a brief description of the goals of the project and proposed methods. The abstract must be approved by the mentor, MS Project Coordinator, and Department Chairman or Graduate Program Director before the student can start work on the project. ( Project Abstract Template )

Project Report

Non-thesis MS students must submit a detailed report describing the work completed during the project. The report must describe the objectives and significance of the work, and summarize the activities completed by the student as part of the MS project. The report must demonstrate that the work performed by the student satisfies the general project criteria. The typical length of non-thesis M.S. project reports is 20 to 30 pages. If the project resulted in the submission of a full-length peer-reviewed scientific article, the article can be submitted in lieu of a report, as long as the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The student must be the first author of the article.
  • The article must reflect the work performed by the student as part of the project.
  • The article must be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceedings volume.
  • A one to two page introduction must be submitted to summarize the project goals and main outcomes.

The report must be reviewed and approved by the project mentor (and co-mentor, if any). Once the report is approved by the mentor(s), one printed copy and one electronic version in PDF format must be submitted to the Project Coordinator by the specified deadline. The final report must be approved and signed by the Project Mentor(s), Project Coordinator and Graduate Program Director or Department Chairman. ( Signature Page Template )

Project presentation

Non-thesis MS students must give an oral presentation of their project. The oral presentation is generally scheduled during the scheduled final examination time of  BME 707 / BME 708  in the semester of graduation. 

Project grade

The final grade for the project is given by the Project Coordinator. The final grade is a combination of a grade submitted by the Project Mentor(s) assessing the overall performance of the student on the project, and a grade given by the Project Coordinator assessing the quality of the oral presentation and report.

Curriculum Requirements:

Ms in medical physics - thesis option.

The thesis option is typically selected by students who are oriented towards a career in academic or industrial research and development, or students who want to acquire an initial independent biomedical research experience before seeking admission to doctoral programs.

Thesis Option

General description.

The Master's thesis is a research monograph which describes the significance of the research and summarizes the research activities completed as part of the MS degree requirements. The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the candidate’s competence in the area of the MS research. The thesis must demonstrate that the research is original and that the candidate has the ability to solve complex scientific and/or technical problems at the interface of engineering and medicine or biology.

Thesis Mentor

Students who select the MS thesis track must identify a thesis mentor before they register for their second semester of full-time study. The thesis mentor must hold a primary or secondary faculty appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Exceptions can be made only with approval of the Graduate Program Director and Department Chairman.

The thesis mentor supervises the research work of the student and provides training and guidance in the relevant research topics, including design of experiments, experimental techniques, and scholarship activities. The mentor helps the student select a thesis topic and develop a plan, and chairs or co-chairs the thesis committee. The mentor works closely with the student to ensure that there is satisfactory progress towards the thesis goals.

Thesis Committee

The thesis must be approved by a thesis committee. The duties of the thesis committee are:

  • to consult with and to advise students on their research;
  •  to meet, at intervals, to review progress and expected results;
  • to read and comment upon the draft thesis;
  • to meet, when the thesis is completed, to conduct the final oral examination and to satisfy itself that the thesis work is original; that it demonstrates the candidate's ability to solve complex scientific and/or technical problems at the interface of engineering and medicine or biology; that it is written in lucid and correct English; and that it is submitted in approved format.

The thesis committee will consist of not less than three members, with the following requirements:

  • The committee chair shall be a Primary Faculty member of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, as well as a regular member of the Graduate Faculty. The Committee Chair is generally also the thesis mentor.
  • A thesis mentor who is not a member of the Primary Faculty of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, can serve as Co-Chair of the Thesis Committee, together with a second Co-Chair who shall be a member of the primary faculty of the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
  • It is an additional requirement of the Department of Biomedical Engineering that at least two committee members should be primary Faculty members from the Department.
  • One committee member must be from outside the Department. Outside members of the thesis committee can include part-time faculty that teach within the Department.
  • At least one committee member must be a regular member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Miami.

The committee is nominated by the Graduate Program Director. Usually, the student consults with his/her research mentor and with the Chairperson or Graduate Program Director to select the Committee members.

Thesis Format and Deadlines

It is the duty of the student to ensure that the thesis defense is scheduled and that a final version of the thesis approved by the Dissertation Editor is submitted to the Dissertation Editor by the required deadlines set by the Graduate School. All information pertaining to the formatting and electronic guidelines for electronic thesis submission can be found on the  Graduate School website . 

Each thesis must be accompanied by a  Certificate of Defense Approval for Master’s Thesis  signed by all members of the Committee. Forms can be downloaded from the Graduate School website.

Evaluation Forms

The student is responsible for distributing dissertation  evaluation forms  to the members of the Thesis Committee for the final oral examination. The evaluation forms are used to assess the overall quality of the graduate program at the Department, College, and University level. The evaluation forms are available on the Graduate School and Department of Biomedical Engineering websites. The completed forms must be collected by the Thesis Mentor and forwarded to the Office Manager at the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Transfer to MS Non-Thesis Program

Students enrolled in the MS thesis program who do not wish to complete their thesis can transfer to the MS non-thesis program and graduate from the MS program under the following conditions:

  • The transfer must be approved by the Department Chair or Graduate Program Director.
  • All requirements of the MS non-thesis option must be satisfied, including completion of a two-semester 3 credit Master's project  ( BME 707  and  BME 708 ), submission of a project report, and oral defense of project. Completed thesis credits may count towards the three credit MS project requirement.

Sample Plan of Study

Ms program in medical physics.

Typical curricula for each option of the MS program in Medical Physics are shown in the following tables. The course sequence and timeline can be adjusted based on individual needs. The minimum residence requirement for the MS degree is two semesters in full-time study or the equivalent in part-time work. Students can also complete the BS/MS program in Medical Physics.

MS without Thesis

Ms with thesis*.

*Students who are not able to complete their thesis during the 3rd semester and have completed all 30 required credits of graduate work, must enroll in 0 credits of Research in Residence ( BME 820 ) to maintain full-time student status.

The goal of the Medical Physics Graduate Program at the University of Miami is to train students to develop the necessary academic framework as well as a thorough practical understanding in medical physics, including areas of diagnostic radiologic physics, health physics, nuclear medicine, and a designated focus on radiation therapy.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to formulate and solve relevant medical physics problems.
  • Students will be able to communicate scientific and technical research effectively in writing and oral presentations.
  • Students will be able to work with physicians and technicians in conducting diagnostic radiology or radiation therapy.

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PhD vs Masters in Psychology

master's thesis vs project

Key Takeaways

  • A master’s degree in psychology takes about 2-4 years to complete, while a PhD takes 4-7 years to complete.
  • A master’s degree in psychology prepares graduates for careers in counseling, therapy, or organizational psychology.
  • A PhD in psychology can offer a deeper expertise and broader opportunities in research, academia, and specialized fields.

Are you stuck at a point in your career despite having a bachelor’s degree in psychology? Acquiring an advanced degree can help you progress and pursue rewarding career opportunities. This comprehensive guide on PhD vs master’s in psychology covers all that you’ll need to know to make an informed decision.

Woman sitting crosslegged on the sofa while writing down notes, with her laptop in front of her

Featured Programs

Phd vs master’s in psychology.

Individuals seeking an advanced degree in psychology have two options: A PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) in psychology and a master’s in psychology (either an MA, Master of Arts, or an MS, Master of Science).

Your choice will significantly influence your career trajectory. A PhD is typically research-focused and oriented towards academia, while a master’s program is often more practice-oriented and can lead to licensure for clinical work.

When choosing between a master’s in psychology and a PhD, it’s crucial to consider your career aspirations, academic interests, time availability, and financial resources to make the best decision for your future.

Overview of PhD in Psychology

PhD in psychology , also known as a doctorate in psychology or doctoral degree, is a graduate degree that emphasizes original research and is designed for those aiming to become professors or researchers in academia or clinical psychologists. The program dives deep into complex statistics and research methodologies. You’ll typically need a bachelor’s degree and sometimes a master’s as a prerequisite.

A PhD program will often include comprehensive examinations, a thesis based on original research, and a longer timeline for completion, usually between 4 to 7 years. Due to the rigorous research component, many PhD programs offer various forms of funding, including assistantships, which may cover tuition and offer stipends.

Graduates with a PhD may pursue careers in a range of fields including health services, law, business, and government. Additionally, obtaining a doctoral degree is necessary for those looking to achieve licensure as a practicing psychologist.

Overview of Master’s in Psychology

Master’s in psychology, which can be obtained as a Master of Arts (MA) or a Master of Science (MS), generally takes a shorter time to complete than a doctorate—around 2 to 4 years. A master’s degree  typically requires about 30 credits of graduate-level coursework and may include a capstone project or thesis.

The master’s curriculum focuses on giving you practical experience through fieldwork or internships, preparing you for careers in areas such as school psychology, family therapy, or counseling psychology. With a master’s degree, you can expect to work in varied settings like hospitals, private practice, educational institutions, or business corporations.

Although a master’s degree may provide various career opportunities, for certain positions, especially those in clinical settings where you’re looking to work with patients, further licensure might be necessary. Additionally, those with a master’s degree may also work as research assistants in larger research projects, under the guidance of PhD holders.

A Comparison Between PhD and Master’s in Psychology

Before deciding between a PhD and a master’s in psychology, it’s important to understand how these degrees prepare you for different career paths and involve different financial and time commitment levels.


  • Prerequisite : Master’s and PhD degrees equip you with a deeper understanding of psychology  and a completed bachelor’s degree  is required to enroll.
  • Research : In both programs, you will complete research projects to varying degrees and gain extensive knowledge of psychology.
  • Employment : Both programs prepare you for diverse career opportunities within the field of psychology, such as positions in academia, clinical settings, or business.

Master’s and PhD degrees equip you with a deeper understanding of psychology, and require you to have completed a bachelor’s degree . In both graduate programs, you’ll be involved in research projects to varying degrees and gain foundational knowledge that can contribute to diverse career opportunities within the field of psychology, such as positions in academia, clinical settings, or business.

Therapist showing a kid's drawing to her parents during a family therapy session


  • Education : A PhD is usually focused on preparing you for a career in academia or advanced research positions. You will spend a significant amount of time conducting original research and completing a dissertation. Whereas, a master’s degree typically takes less time and is often seen as a stepping stone to a doctoral degree or a terminal degree.
  • Licensure and career: If you’re aiming for roles that require licensure, like a licensed therapist or clinical psychologist, the path can differ. PhD programs usually include the required internships and practical experiences for licensure. Some master’s programs may also include them but most often require additional supervised clinical hours post-graduation.
  • Time required: Completing a PhD can take anywhere from 4 to 7 years, whereas a master’s program can be finished in 1 to 3 years.
  • Graduate school demand: Acceptance to PhD programs can be highly competitive due to funding opportunities like assistantships that cover tuition and offer stipends. For master’s programs, funding is less common, and they’re generally in higher demand.
  • Tuition and funding : PhD students often receive tuition waivers and stipends through teaching or research assistantships, while master’s students may need to rely on scholarships, loans, or out-of-pocket payments to fund their program.

Major Distinguishing Factor

The most prominent distinction lies in the focus of the degree: A PhD is research-intensive, aiming to produce scholars who contribute original research to the field and may continue to teach or lead advanced studies. On the other hand, a master’s degree is more about direct practical application, preparing you for immediate employment within various psychology-related roles .

Whether you pursue a PhD in psychology for an academic or high-level research career or opt for a master’s to begin work sooner in a practical setting, understanding these differences is vital for aligning your education with your career aspirations.

When to Consider a PhD in Psychology

Enrolling in a PhD in psychology program signifies a commitment to deepen your expertise in the field and is a step in the right direction if your career aspirations include academia or high-level research positions. If you’re driven by a passion for original research and have a strong desire to contribute to the body of knowledge in mental health, a doctoral program is what you should aim for.

  • Academic and teaching careers : With a PhD, you become qualified for faculty positions at universities where you can teach, mentor graduate students, and lead significant research projects.
  • Higher salary potential : Although it depends on several factors, a PhD graduate may earn a higher salary than a master’s graduate, especially in roles like university professor or specialty researcher.
  • Licensure and professional recognition : A PhD is often required for licensure as a clinical psychologist. This credential is important for practicing independently or holding senior clinical positions.

Here’s a quick breakdown of careers where a PhD is particularly beneficial:

With the demand for mental health professionals on the rise, job opportunities also expand. Your contribution to graduate studies could affect change and influence the direction of your chosen field. Additionally, funding for a doctoral program, though competitive, often covers tuition and provides a stipend, easing financial obstacles in your educational journey.

Remember, a PhD is a long-term investment in your education and career. It’s tailor-made for those who envision a future steeped in research, education, and advancing the psychological sciences.

Woman wearing graduation robes and holding her graduation cap

When to Consider a Master’s in Psychology

If you’re contemplating higher education in psychology or aiming to improve and increase your career prospects without the extensive commitment of a doctoral program, a master’s in psychology  could be the right fit for you.

  • Career and licensure:  If you desire to start practicing sooner, many roles in counseling, social work, and mental health require only a master’s degree for entry. This path can lead to licensure as a professional counselor or a marriage and family therapist, getting you into the field quicker.
  • Education and teaching:  For teaching at a high school or community college level, a master’s degree is often enough. Educational institutions value the focused expertise a master’s program provides.
  • Cost and duration:  Financial considerations are vital. Master’s programs generally take less time - typically 2 years - and psychology master’s programs present more affordable tuition options  compared to a PhD, meaning less potential student debt.
  • Job opportunities:  With a growing demand for mental health professionals, a master’s degree can open various career opportunities in both government and private practice. Employers appreciate the diversity of skills that graduates bring to a wide array of jobs in the field.
  • Funding:  While funding is more limited at the master’s level than for PhD programs, the general investment is often lower. This balances out, especially when considering the earlier salary earning potential due to a shorter education period.

Remember, you want to align your educational choices with your career aspirations. If your goal is to make an impact in the mental health sector without a focus on research or academia, a master’s degree could be your gateway to a rewarding professional journey.

PhD vs Master’s in Psychology: Which is Better?

When deciding between a PhD and a master’s in psychology, consider your career goals and the skills required. Each program equips you with a different set of credentials.

Master’s in psychology:

  • Education : Requires less time, typically 1-2 years
  • Career opportunities : Primarily suited for those seeking to enter the workforce quickly Job roles may include human resources, market research analysts, and social services managers
  • Licensure : A master’s may lead to licensure for clinical practice in some states
  • Tuition : Often less expensive due to the shorter duration of the program
  • Salary and earnings potential : Pays less than a PhD graduate

PhD in Psychology:

  • Education : A more extensive educational journey, often 4-7 years, including a dissertation
  • Career opportunities : Ideal if you are aiming for a career in academia, teaching at the university level, or high-level research positions
  • Licensure : Offers a pathway to becoming a licensed clinical psychologist
  • Tuition : Psychology doctoral programs  can be more expensive, they may also offer more funding opportunities, such as stipends and teaching assistantships
  • Salary and earnings potential : Generally higher due to the qualifications for specialized and senior roles

Industrial-organizational psychologists  and clinical psychologists  are examples of roles where a doctorate might significantly impact your earnings potential and job market competitiveness. A doctoral program prepares you for rigorous research and academic responsibilities, potentially in the field of mental health.

Deciding which is “better” between a PhD or a master’s degree heavily relies on your personal career trajectory and how you define success within the area of psychology. If your aim is to quickly join the workforce within a clinical setting or a corporate environment, a master’s could serve your needs. Should your aspirations include teaching at the university level or conducting advanced research, a PhD will offer you the necessary credentials.

Woman lying on a sofa couch while her therapist listens to her during their session

Related Questions

Is a master’s in psychology the same as a phd.

Master’s programs in psychology and related fields vary in their emphasis on research. While some may include research components, others may focus more on practical applications. It’s important to research individual programs to determine their research orientation and align them with your career goals.

How long is a PhD in psychology?

Pursuing a PhD in psychology is a rigorous journey , typically lasting between 4 to 7 years. This duration includes advanced coursework, extensive research endeavors, and the completion of a dissertation. The exact timeline can vary based on factors such as program structure, research focus, and individual progress.

Is it better to have a Master’s or PhD?

Both degrees are valuable. A PhD offers deeper expertise and broader opportunities in research, academia, and specialized fields. A master’s degree provides valuable skills for careers in counseling, therapy, or organizational psychology.

When choosing between a PhD and master’s degree, it’s important to reflect on your professional aims and the kind of educational experience you prefer. While a master’s program provides foundational knowledge and professional skills, a PhD will allow you to go deeper into research methodologies and advanced scholarly study.

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“When the Elder prayed, the buffalo appeared to listen in” – Janna Black organizes Indigenous youth camp as thesis project

Published May 03, 2024 By DeeDee DuPlessis, photos: London Bernier/GYC

Indigenous youth camp participants (photo: London Bernier/GYC)

In September 2023, the Indigenous Youth Culture and Climate Day camps started with a memorable moment: An elder was saying a prayer in Shoshone. She paused, looked up and said a buffalo had joined to listen and recognized the Shoshone language. Indeed, a buffalo was perched up on the hillside. When the prayer was finished the buffalo came down toward the camp and to the river. The 41 fifth graders from Wyoming Indian Elementary School, who had assembled for a day at the Shoshone Buffalo herd within the Wind River Indian Reservation, were impressed and couldn’t stop talking about it. Hearing this story from camp organizer Janna Black during her thesis defense is enough to give anyone goosebumps.

More Than One Way of Knowing

As part of her Master of Science in Environment, Natural Resources & Society degree on the Plan B track, Black planned and organized three-day camps at the Shoshone buffalo herd pasture for grades 5, 8 and 11-12, respectively. Plan B studies replace a traditional thesis with a more flexible project.

Black, who spent several years as an organic farmer and homeschooling mother in Washington state before she came to University of Wyoming in 2022, says her perspective is shaped by a holistic view of ecology where everything is interconnected. She seeks to combine, or as she expresses it, “braid together,” Indigenous, local, and scientific knowledge systems to generate new insights and innovations.

This approach of knowledge co-production is also at the heart of UWyo’s WyACT five-year project on the effects of the changing climate on Wyoming’s waters. Black’s graduate advisor Corinne Knapp, professor at the Haub School of ENR, is also a co-PI of WyACT. She feels that projects like this complement climate-change research seamlessly: “The Wind River that gave today’s Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho reservation its name, is one of the headwaters rivers of the project, and the Tribes of Wyoming will feel the effect of environmental changes intensely due to their close connection with the land.”

Youth camp planning team: Wes Martel, Janna Black, Colleen Friday, and Signa McAdams


The core planning team for the Indigenous Youth Camps (from left): Wes Martel, Janna Black, Colleen Friday, and Signa McAdams

Janna Black wanted to help strengthen sense of place rooted in culture through intergenerational land-based learning. Wes Martel, Senior Wind River Conservation Associate with the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, was a key member of her planning team. He agrees: “I always talk about strengthening our families and our communities, and this camp was a good start for that.”

A day in the outside classroom

So, how did the day camp go about achieving this? Near Kinnear, where the buffalo heard roams, a teepee and nine booths were set up. Student groups took turns attending the stations for 20-minute hands-on “lessons”. They learned new Arapaho and Shoshone words, got to see and touch many cultural objects, furs and bones, and learned Arapaho hand games. Plants like the landscape-defining sagebrush played a large role in the lessons, as did animals, first and foremost the buffalo, whose many uses and cultural significance was stressed at several stations. At the camp itself, the buffalo provided nourishment: In the form of buffalo burgers that the students helped prepare!

Not all activities were stationary – students walked around the landscape identifying plants and climbed a vantage point to spot signs of drought across the river. Immersed in the beauty and sacredness of the land, the next generation of leaders got some impulses to think about their future.

Youth camp participants were able to interact with a variety of animal furs, bones, and skulls

Boy with skull

There were only four months to plan the camps with a core team of four people. Black cooperated with the High Plains American Indian Research Institute (HPAIRI) at UWyo, which is working out a process for the University and the Northern Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone people to work together. Having a process is helpful, but: “Building relationships is very important” stresses Black. “It is important to have reciprocal relationships based on trust, sense of belonging, and accountability”.

Building relationships and trust takes time and effort. But the results were well worth it. Students expressed increased knowledge about the land and their culture and came up with many actions to conserve water and protect the environment.

Blueprint for Land-Based Learning

The success of the camp can also be measured by the fact that the second edition is slated for June. And the concept does not have to be confined to the Wind River Indian Reservation. Black: “While there were many elements specific to the location, the planning process could be a blueprint for other Tribes and regions.” She describes the steps for planning and holding the camp in great detail in an illustrated brochure available as PDF and a limited number of printed copies.

Now that she has graduated, what is next for Janna Black? “I am the new Tribal Climate Resilience Liaison working for the Great Plains Tribal Water Alliance and closely with the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center. She will be Working to connect resources to Tribal Nations in climate adaptation efforts in the north central region which consists of 32 federally recognized Tribes from Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. “I am looking forward to helping Tribal Nations build climate resiliency and sustainability for many years to come.”

Camps were funded through a Western Water Assessment (a NOAA-funded CAP RISA) small grants opportunity and Janna's time was funded through a Kemmerer Fellowship and the WyACT Project.

* High Plains American Indian Research Institute (HPAIRI)

* What is a Plan B thesis?

* To obtain a copy of the planning booklet, please contact Janna Black


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    The thesis is research-oriented work and requires completion of an original research on a mechanical engineering topic. The final report must satisfy the guidelines stipulated by the university, and must be submitted in a timely manner by the deadlines set by the university for review. MSME students can come here to help determine if they'd ...

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    This major project is prepared in consultation with the client and an academic supervisor from regular faculty from the university and qualified practitioners and must be both practical and academically rigorous. Master's Thesis. The Master's Thesis (CD599) demonstrates mastery of a substantive body of scholarly or empirical literature in ...

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    A capstone project is a comprehensive, culminating academic endeavor undertaken by students typically in their final year of study. It synthesizes their learning experiences, requiring students to apply the knowledge, skills, and competencies gained throughout their academic journey. A capstone project aims to address a real-world problem or ...

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    A master's degree typically requires about 30 credits of graduate-level coursework and may include a capstone project or thesis. The master's curriculum focuses on giving you practical experience through fieldwork or internships, preparing you for careers in areas such as school psychology, family therapy, or counseling psychology.

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    The research data in this thesis is drawn from four main sources: …. The study was conducted in the form of a survey, with data being gathered via …. Indicating significance This project provided an important opportunity to advance the understanding of ….. This study provides an exciting opportunity to advance our knowledge of ….

  28. "When the Elder prayed, the buffalo appeared to listen in"

    As part of her Master of Science in Environment, Natural Resources & Society degree on the Plan B track, Janna Black planned and organized three-day camps at the Shoshone buffalo herd pasture. ... Plan B studies replace a traditional thesis with a more flexible project. Black, who spent several years as an organic farmer and homeschooling ...


    Graduating with a Master of Architecture, Michael Arias in his final thesis project transformed the simple concept of the line into a storytelling narrative, exploring how lines function in architecture physically and metaphorically. During his time at USC, Michael helped host 250+ high school students from the ACE Mentor Program and studied abroad in Japan.