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ENG 120 Rubric (LA) - Marking description
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National senior certificate examination, english home language, rubric for assessment of literary essays, assessment rubric: novels: literature essay(30 marks).
- Mind map may be used by candidate in planning but no marks are awarded for planning.
- Length of response: approximately 600- 650 words in length. This is a suggested length as the cohesiveness and development of the essay will take precedence over the length. There is no penalty for length other than the development of the argument in the essay itself.
- A word count at the end of the essay is NOT required.
- The rubric is not a check-list (tick-box) but should be considered as a guide when evaluating the Literary Essay.
- Half marks may be awarded. Level % 30 ASSESSMENT (Knowledge, Argument, Thinking, Structure)
7+ 90 – 100
(Extended Abstract Level)
An impressive and distinguished essay that is succinct and stands out above the rest.
- Analytical concepts developed with precision.
- All aspects of the topic have been addressed with confidence and distinction.
- Candidate displays a thorough and impressive, in-depth knowledge of the text, perhaps even drawing on moments of the text that distinguish the candidate’s superior, refined knowledge and understanding.
- Exceptional ability to select information to develop a succinct, carefully-crafted argument.
- Impressive/exceptional evidence of candidate’s original voice.
- Demonstrates impressive individual thought and understanding through analysing and developing an arresting argument.
- Impressively integrates and elaborates on specific textual references/evidence.
- Maintains consistent focus without deviating from the central concern(s) of the question.
- Candidate is able to construct exceptionally critical, relevant and consistent connections between topic question and argument, displaying a convincing, impressive line of logical progression.
- Exceptionally lucid and logical.
- Thorough development of literary essay structure; focused introduction and conclusion.
- Excellent transitions between paragraphs, which enhance the development of the argument.
- Writing reflects an impressive command of register, spelling, language and punctuation.
- Essay signposted throughout, indicating that the candidate has engaged with the question with a commendable degree of confidence.
- Transfers knowledge of the question in an elevated manner.
SOPHISTICATED/HIGHLY DEVELOPED A sophisticated and perceptive essay that is commendable and well-structured (which requires minor polish for a level 7+).
- Argument is thoroughly developed.
- All aspects of the topic have been addressed with sophistication.
- Candidate displays a thorough, accurate and confident knowledge of the text.
- Insightful understanding of the novel.
- Excellent ability to select information to develop a succinct argument, which is
clearly focused and perceptive.
- Commendable evidence of candidate’s original voice.
- Demonstrates sophisticated individual thought and understanding through analysing and developing a highly developed argument.
- Commendably integrates and elaborates on specific textual references/evidence, although at times these could have been used with greater effect.
- Candidate is able to construct critical, relevant and consistent connections between topic question and argument, displaying a convincing, sophisticated line of logical progression.
- Lucid and focused, although there may be a sense that further logical development could have enhanced this essay further.
- Commendable development of literary structure; focused introduction and conclusion.
- Excellent transitions between paragraphs.
- Writing reflects an impressive command of register, spelling, language and punctuation, although there may be minor stylistic flaws.
- Transfers knowledge of the question in a commendable manner.
SKILFUL/PROFICIENT A proficient and skilful essay that is competent and focused.
- Argument is developed competently and may have minor lapses.
- All aspects of the topic have been addressed with conviction OR part of the topic has been addressed with depth and sophistication (suggesting that if all aspects of the question had been tackled this essay could have been awarded a 7 or 7+).
- Candidate displays a competent, accurate knowledge of the text, although there may be minor gaps that do not impact on the strength of the argument.
- Proficient understanding of the novel.
- Skilful ability to select information to develop an argument, which is mostly focused and competent. The argument in instances could have been developed further.
- Skilful evidence of candidate’s original voice.
- Demonstrates competent individual thought and understanding through analysing and developing an argument with skill. There may be minor lapses, which could have been enhanced with further development.
- Integrates and elaborates on specific textual references/evidence skilfully/proficiently, although at times these could have been used with greater effect.
- Candidate is able to construct relevant and consistent connections between topic question and argument, displaying a convincing, proficient line of logical progression.
- Competent development of literary essay structure; focused introduction and conclusion.
- Skilful transition between paragraphs.
- Writing reflects a competent command of spelling, language and punctuation, although there may be minor stylistic flaws/An essay in this category may be one where the candidate displays an ability to develop an argument that is highly commendable and distinguished (which would result in a level 7 or 7+) but is hindered by major stylistic flaws.
- Transfers knowledge of the question in a skilful manner.
(Unistructural Level)
SKETCHY/BELOW AVERAGE/UNDEVELOPED A basic, somewhat flawed/undeveloped essay that attempts to engage with the question albeit limited and/or unsuccessfully in parts.
- An attempt to develop an argument, although it might be lacking relevance in parts/sweeping generalisations/narrow or inaccurate in parts.
- Simplistic interpretation/partly accurate understanding/narrow interpretation of the topic/vague reference to the topic.
- Candidate displays simplistic/flawed knowledge of the text and the argument is drawn simplistically. There may be glimmers of analysis and engagement.
- Broad, general understanding of the text – there must be a sense that the text has been understood in broad, general terms/comments show thought, but are not tied to the topic.
- An attempt to develop an argument, which may be successful in parts/ unconvincing argument, which lacks substantiation or development. There may be some substantiation used without flair.
- Slight evidence of candidate’s original voice.
- Demonstrates sporadic/inconsistent individual thought and understanding through analysing and developing simplistically. There may be lapses which could have been enhanced with further development/ the argument is not fully sustained/ developed.
- Essay is padded with intermittent narrative and occasional argument.
- Textual reference is unconvincing at times and may be either inaccurate or flawed.
- Candidate is able to make an inconsistent attempt to use some basic transition words or phrases, resulting in a superficial progression on the whole.
- Marginally focused with a sense that logical development could have enhanced this essay.
- Introduction and conclusion are simplistic and may not point to an arguable position.
- Writing is simple, unadorned/reflects an inconsistent and limited awareness of register/inconsistent grammar, spelling and paragraphing.
- Essay lacks signposting throughout/limited, superficial signposting.
- Transfers knowledge of the question in a simple, basic manner albeit unimpressively and with limited success.
UNSOPHISTICATED/ONE-DIMENSIONAL/LIMITED A simplistic, superficial/flawed essay that struggles to engage with the question; just meets pass mark.
- A weak response but still worthy of a pass.
- Inability to sustain a personal opinion.
- A flawed argument or no argument at all /provides a simple answer to the question.
- Essay lacks clear and logical development of ideas.
- Candidate displays a simplistic knowledge of the text and there are gaps in understanding and/or interpretation.
- There will be areas in the essay that are problematic or illogical.
- Not much evidence of candidate’s original voice – inability to sustain or develop an argument.
- Little or no substantiation or referencing/flawed substantiation or referencing.
- Critical thinking skills used superficially, if at all.
- Reliance on narrative.
- Absent or ineffective transitions between paragraphs.
- Essay not signposted/ signposted inadequately.
- Introduction and/or conclusion flawed, with further development and synthesis required.
- Writing is flawed.
- Weak command of spelling, language and punctuation.
- Does not transfers knowledge of the question and if it does, it will do so with lapses.
(Prestructural Level)
TENUOUS/UNFOCUSED/INACCURATE A tenuous, poor essay that is muddled and vague and/or inaccurate; not worthy of a pass.
- A weak, flawed response, which might be completely off topic.
- Essay lacks coherence
- Inability to state a personal opinion.
- Difficult to identify any distinct argument; unfocused.
- Candidate displays poor/incomplete/flawed knowledge of the text.
- The essay is vague, muddled and lacks focus.
- Little/ no/flawed substantiation.
- Paragraph links problematic.
- Essay not signposted.
- Introduction and/or conclusion flawed/missing, with further development and synthesis required.
- Writing is marred by errors, although these do not impede understanding.
- Multiple Choice
Course : English (ENG 120)
University : university of pretoria.
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